#this came out while they were in japan so they immediately got to use it while running through an airport to make their flight home bless
soysville · 4 months
It's a real shame Universal pulled its music from TikTok when it did because imagine the Alastor edits that could've been made with the official electroswing remix of this song that got age-restricted on YouTube, so I can't properly embed it:
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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaxXbiviuM4
Especially given how underutilized it was when it was available on TikTok. The original became popular there, so they pretty much made the remix so that folks could use it without having to work around the references to Petter Northug's drunken car crash scandal.
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arminsumi · 6 months
I Want to Kiss You (4)
You and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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★ Synopsis : struggling to communicate on an aquarium date.
★ Pairings : fem reader / Gojo さとる / Geto すぐる
★ Content : fluff, lighthearted love triangle
↺ Ch.3 | M.List | arminsumi | Library
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すぐるのアパート 9:15 AM
A soft redness dusted Satoru’s face as he vigorously washed his face with a foaming cleanser in the bathroom. Early morning. Very hot. Peak summer heat. And on this stark-bright day he had plucked the courage (thanks to Suguru’s motherly encouragement) to ask you out on a date. You’d agreed with a smile – and the image of your smiling response lingered in Satoru’s head while he got ready for the date.
Satoru looked in the mirror at his reflection and noticed that the corners of his lips were naturally upturned; he was at a genuinely happy point in his life. Ever since you came to visit Japan, Satoru felt like an invisible weight lifted from his shoulders. One he wasn’t aware of before it lifted.
He blinked at his reflection, white lashes quivering.
Do I look okay?
He checked himself out in the mirror, observing how his white t-shirt draped over his shoulders.
Am I dressing too casually?
He dabbed cologne on his neck and sprayed it under his shirt to trap the minty-vanilla scent.
When he entered the living room, Suguru took one inhale of Satoru and his nose immediately scrunched up at the minty scent that hit his nose.
「ミント?」 he fake-belched, "Better vacate the area." he said dramatically and went to the kitchen, which was not divided by a wall but just a ceiling-tall shelf panel that you could peer through.
You and Satoru laughed at Suguru's overreaction.
Mint hopped on one of the shelves near Suguru, and then he extended the joke by freaking out.
「私はミント地獄にいる。」 he said. "I'm in mint hell."
Satoru giggled and tormented Suguru with his cologne by trying to trap him in a hug — Suguru was having none of it. Their banter settled down after a few minutes.
Mint was just observing and swishing her tail peacefully the whole time.
"Satoru should put that cologne on you, Mint, then I'll hate you even more!" he cooed condescendingly at the Turkish Angora.
You laughed, "Suguru, it's no wonder Mint hates you, if you speak like that to her."
"Hey now listen — this cat is the reincarnation of a murderer that tried to kill me in a past life." Suguru said dramatically, "See that evilness in her eyes? She's out for my blood."
電車 / Train / 10:00 AM
Satoru used the translator to talk with you during the train ride to the aquarium.
At some point, a translation of one of your replies made him laugh so hard that tears formed in his eyes.
Google translate felt emotionless, so Satoru brought out his phrasebook and tried to speak with it. It looked personalized with his notes. You could tell that he’d consulted the book many times already in the past.
You wanted to look at it closer, so you asked, “Can I?”
“Mhm.” He handed it to you.
You flipped through the phrasebook and read the section names. Basics. Practical. Social – there was a big red circle drawn around a particular phrase on page 140. The romance section.
Satoru’s cheeks burned. He felt a bit caught. He gave you an awkward but cute smile.
What he had circled in the phrasebook was;
The train stopped at the station you had to get off at. The lady over the speaker sounded so sweet that your attention was drawn away from the phrasebook. Satoru surreptitiously took it from your hands and packed it into his backpack.
The two of you boarded off the train, bumping shoulders at the doors and laughing about it.
Satoru squinted because of the sun, and you distinctly remember looking at him and thinking about how attractive he was when he squinted.
Because the sun was blazing so bright, Satoru hovered his hand over the back of your head to make sure you didn't heat up too much while you and him walked to the aquarium.
水族館 / 11:00 AM
Satoru felt a self-conscious feeling kick in when the two of you bumbled through the aquarium together.
Hand gestures flew between the two of you. You shared confused faces which were followed by laughter. It felt like you were playing charades at some point.
Sometimes Satoru would say "uhh" for so long after saying one English word that he'd start smiling and laughing at himself.
He'd end his incomplete thought with "You know?" and you'd shake your head and start laughing, "I have no idea." you'd reply.
Then Satoru would use google translate, practicing each word under his breath.
While waiting for you by the aquarium bathrooms, Satoru practiced asking "Can I kiss you?" over and over. He paced around and muttered under his breath.
It's not that he couldn't pronounce it, it's just that he wanted it to sound less stiff and more emotional.
I want to kiss you with desperation, not I want to kiss you with dullness.
An old man who looked about ninety blinked at Satoru and wondered why this young man was pacing back and forth while practicing romantic English phrases.
("What are you doing?") he asked Satoru.
("Learning to speak English.") Satoru replied.
("Why?") the old man asked.
("Because the girl I like speaks English. I'm waiting for her right now.") Satoru replied.
("Well, I teach English. I don't think you should ask to kiss her, that’s too direct. If the universe wills it, you two will fall into a kiss and it will just happen.") he advised.
("I don't really believe in the stars bringing people together. I want to kiss her whether or not the universe wills it.") Satoru said.
("You've got it all wrong. The stars really do bring people together. I'm sure the same stars that brought her to Japan will also bring her to your lips.") the old man said.
("... are you a poet, too?")
You came out of the bathroom. The ethereal aquarium light lit your face beautifully.
("Oh... is that girl the one you are in love with?") the old man noticed you.
Satoru looked at you. His cheeks warmed up.
("Yes, that's the girl I'm in love with...") he replied dreamily.
("It's no wonder. Well then, good luck.") the old man said.
It felt like the aquarium was a whole other world, like a paradise in a bottle corked shut, one which only you and Satoru could exist within.
He watched the spin of aquatic life with you in silence. You seemed captivated.
The back of his hand brushed against your arm.
Satoru's hand trembled a little.
I'm too tall.
Satoru had to be tactful about it.
How can I hold her hand?
He awkwardly bent his knees a little to shorten himself.
Then he poked the back of your hand softly to get your attention, blatantly hinting to you that he wanted to hold your hand.
So you offered him your hand and then he seized it like a treasure being presented to him. His lips grew into a smug smile.
You saw him go red in the face, even in the dimness and blueness of the aquarium light.
You and him gently held hands and stood in front of the tall glass of the jellyfish enclosure.
So this is love?
The room was dark blue, but the enclosure lights lit up the see-through sea creatures with a magenta color.
It felt like a sight you could stare at forever and ever and always be at peace; magenta jellyfish pulsing then drifting then pulsing again, their bell-shaped bodies and tentacles behaving like a chiffon dress in water.
I want to float in your love like a jellyfish.
You and Satoru held hands as if your hands were glued to each other.
While exploring the map in the afternoon, he stayed at your side like a magnet. If he lost your hand, he immediately searched for it and held it again.
The summer heat got intense. He sweated more than you did, but even still looked attractive and fresh. To cool off, you and him searched for cold things to eat.
"Uhhh — do you want to eat shave ice?" he asked.
"Mhm, sounds good." you nodded.
So the two of you went on a long, long search for someone selling shaved ice and eventually found one. You zoned out a bit while enjoying his voice.
Satoru mentally kicked himself because even though he thought he was prepared for this date with you, he forgot to bring extra money. He could only get one cup of shaved ice.
"What flavour?" he asked you.
You told him cherry, so he got cherry.
The two of you shared it. It made his lips go red and cold.
I wish I could kiss you with red, cold lips. It would be like a winter kiss.
The train shuddered.
You'd noticed that Satoru always kept his knees together when sitting next to you — to give you space. But now after holding hands, closeness was being chased and chased; the both of you scooted closer together and tried to translate your thoughts to each other with the phone.
Satoru typed in:
JPN : 私たちはくっついています。
ENG : We are stuck together.
You chuckled softly in response. His eyes always lit up and he really relished in making you laugh, even if it was just a soft chuckle.
You replied to him:
ENG : you are warm.
JPN : あなたは暖かいです。
He replied to you:
JPN : そう、あなたのせいで。
ENG : yes, because of you.
You replied to him:
ENG : are you flirting?
JPN : イチャイチャしてるの?
Satoru gave you a cheeky smile.
JPN : 私はいちゃいちゃしてます、はい。
ENG : I'm flirting, yes.
You smiled as he continued typing. His thumbs hesitated, like he was nervous about what he was about to type next.
Satoru's heart was beating harder and harder in his chest.
JPN : 頬にキスしてもいいですか?
You both groaned.
The connection kept failing from then on, so the two of you laughingly attempted to communicate by using the outdated pocket phrasebook for the rest of the train ride home.
"Kiss...?" he tapped his finger on his cheek.
You thought he meant he wanted you to kiss him on his cheek, but he meant to ask if he could kiss your cheek.
So he malfunctioned when you leaned in and gave him a small but firm kiss on his left cheek. His ears and cheeks burned.
When you two stepped off the train, Satoru lingered behind you for a moment and grazed his fingertips over the place where you kissed and smiled to himself.
Such soft lips...
すぐるのアパート 9:00 PM
The boys were talking about you at home while you were in the bathroom freshening up after the long, hot day out.
("Satoru, you're glowing. Did something good happen on the date?") Suguru smirked.
("She kissed me.") Satoru told him dreamily.
Suguru widened his eyes.
("She kissed you?!")
("Just on the cheek.") Satoru sighed, ("Her lips were so soft...")
("Were they now? I think you're exaggerating.") Suguru teased.
("I'm not exaggerating! Ask her for a kiss on the cheek, and you'll see; she has the softest lips ever.")
Suguru went quiet and pink in the face after Satoru suggested that he should ask you for a cheek kiss.
("Alright. I'll see for myself...") he mumbled.
Come the evening, the three of you piled up like cats on the couch in the living room and watched an old movie together.
"Seems like someone's comfy." Suguru commented.
You smiled and looked at Satoru; he curled up against you with his noodle-like limbs and fell asleep mid-way through the movie. Your warmth had made him too drowsy and dreamy to keep his eyes open.
"You know, I was worried that we wouldn't have the same chemistry in real life as we've had through the screen." you said.
Suguru let out a breathy laugh and replied.
"Yeah, I thought it would be like that too. When I hugged you at the airport, though, I felt the same spark I felt when we first video-called." he said.
You felt your cheeks warm up the more he talked.
"Huh?" he raised his brows.
"You said you felt a spark between us?"
Suguru's heart throbbed. He didn't seem to know how to respond, but then he decided to act a fool.
"Oh, did I say spark?"
"Yes, you did! You said spark, I heard you." you playfully smacked his shoulder.
He started grinning so he hid his mouth with his hand.
"Well, I think you heard wrong." he teased.
You looked at each other in silence.
"... hey, Suguru?"
"Yeah?" he replied breathlessly.
He withdrew his hand from covering his mouth and his face became serious.
"What were you two talking about earlier? I heard my name being tossed around a lot. You can't keep gossiping behind my back like this!"
"Oh... earlier? We weren't gossiping. Satoru was boasting to me about how soft your lips felt on his cheek." Suguru said.
"Boasting? You seem jealous." you said.
"Don't prod at me now just because you think I'm jealous."
"I will absolutely prod at you." you teased.
"I'd rather you kiss me." he said.
You looked at each other for a moment.
"Not like... on the lips." he backtracked.
"Satoru said I should ask you for a cheek kiss because I claimed he was exaggerating how soft your lips are."
"Well... he's not exaggerating." you teased.
"Oh yeah? I need proof."
"What kind of proof, Suguru?"
"Kiss me."
So you kissed his cheek very slowly.
He felt the press of your lips, and how damn soft they were, and thought to himself;
Shit. Her lips really are as soft as Satoru said they were.
When you pulled away, you asked "So? Are they as soft as Satoru claimed?"
"Soft enough." he teased.
"Soft "enough"?! What does that mean?"
"Soft enough to make me feel that "spark" again." he said.
You looked at each other with wide eyes.
Satoru made a wakeful noise.
「うるさい。」 he mumbled, then snuggled into you like you were his pillow.
"Oh. We woke the cat." Suguru joked. 「おい、バカ。あなたは映画全体を通して寝ていました。」
「残念な。」 Satoru replied and let out a sleepy sigh.
"Okay, let's get to bed... it's late."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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★ Tags
@miwanilla / @sukunasdirtylaugh / @coco-cat / @babydiamondblog / @mp3playerblog / @froufrousnowman / @lovesickramblingsofmine / @arminswifee / @instantmusico / @kaechannn / @sabo-has-my-heart / @yoonjinhusbands / @honey-i-will-come-back / @thirtykiwis / @satoruiloveu / @iamthedetective / @melaaaara / @xakilicious / @i-am-the-geek-overlord / @starrylibras / @beanluvsmilo / @kittytoru / @reese-is-right / @rains-mae / @c0pkiller / @baepsays / @hueanhdang / @fuck-imstillhere / @yourimaginaryfriiendd / @alwaysminhyuk / @andromidagalaxie / @vianna99 / @akumakitsune21 / @ducksdoughnuts / @itsnotmelo / @animechick555 / @hypernovaxx
Thank you for enjoying the story 💗
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queenofallimagines · 2 months
Blue Lock boys and having a S/O who has a sex toy collection
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A/N: This is extremely self indulgent and came to me while browsing the internet. Part one of 2 and These are also all real toys so if you know exactly what I’m talking about lmao kudos to you✌🏿
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- lmao oh boy
- Brand new to this world
- Only has the blue flesh light you got him as a joke for Christmas
- He uses it more often than he’d like to admit…
- So when he comes to your place and he’s in the mood to get nasty
- You gotta hold his hand bc he’s gunna be a little nervous
- You ask him if he’s cool with toys and he’s like ofc
- Very excited to see what you use to make yourself feel good
- Then he is taken aback to see a box of sex toys ORGANIZED BY COLOR
- “We in for a more rough mood today or like a quick thing?”
- Let him take a look through your treasure chest(pun intended)
- And he’s like 🙂 bc how does he use that
- “So whats this?? It’s like flat but it has silicone flowers on the top??”
- “Oh that’s a grinder you strap it to a pillow”
- “….and it’s supposed to be green and blue?”
- “The colors on this one were pretty 😤 aesthetic matters too!”
- Best way is to just dive in and let him test out each one
- His favorite so far is this pretty little one called CLAUDETTE and he likes grinding on it while he kisses you and fucking into it
- Likes how the colors look all funky and fun
- “Is that-“
- “A football colored one yes it is.”
- “…..you didn’t have this before you met me did you?”
- “Listen it’s not MY fault that you be away on games a lot and this just so happened to be in your girth!”
- He will indulge you and do those dick mold cast things and will demand to see videos of you fucking yourself with it when he’s away
- Nothing would make him rush home faster than seeing a video of you moaning all pretty in nothing but a spare jersey of his bounding up and down on an exact replica of his cock begging him to hurry home
- Fuck the game he’s on the first fight back to Japan IMMEDIATELY
- LOVES to use them in punishments!
- When you’re acting all bratty he’ll pretend he’s not on his very last nerve
- Not super good at controlling his true emotions but when he’s calling you pet names making you feel all flustered can you really tell he’s upset?
- So when he flips a switch and tells you to “hold fucking still or I’ll tie your hands to the headboard” and he’s in between your legs holding you down it’s definitely a surprise
- Has one of the vibes that are controlled by phone
- He’s not so cruel as take you for a stroll in public
- (Also he really doesn’t want to get slammed with a public indecency charge because you can’t keep quiet)
- He’ll make you wear it as he goes about his business in the house
- Ignoring you without a care in the world as he’s relaxing on the couch and you’re begging him to bend you over anything
- “Hm? I didn’t hear a ‘I’m sorry for being a brat Yoichi’ so all that crying ain’t doing nothing”
- He has really good control when he’s pissed
- Usually that glassy eyed look while begging him to ruin you would be enough to have him on you like a dog in heat
- Buuuuuy unfortunate for you upset yoichi is some cold
- He’s literally not even flinching as you grind in his thigh making a mess all over his pants
- Rolling his eyes before shooting you the most annoyed look
- “You gunna keep making a mess on my pants or you going to fucking apologize already?”
- “I-I’m sorry Yoichi… please I need you so bad.”
- “Fucking finally.”
- Throws your legs over his shoulders but he’s still mad so he’s gunna edge and then overstimulate you before he even pulls his cock out
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- oh he’s so silly
- Like he’s definitely like??
- Probably accidentally finds your stash before YOU show him
- “Oi, what’s this thing over here?”
- And you walk in and he’s messing w a silicone octopus cockring
- Boy if you don’t stay out my mf closet-
- Wants you to show him all the cool weird stuff you have
- “How do you even use this?”
- “Like any other toy???”
- “This tentacle is NOT like a regular sex toy.”
- Does it again by laying down on some of your stuffies and sees one w a obvious zipper
- Opens it to see a dildo inside
- “Why is this IN here?”
- “So nosey mfs like YOU don’t just come in my room and find my shit.”
- “…..that’s fair.”
- His fav for you to use on him is this gold and grey silicone stroker that has skin like texture
- When he’s too lazy to move he likes you being on top of him kissing and biting his neck while you slowly move the toy on his cock
- Will have him squirming and moaning loud as hell like you’ve never seen before
- Nagi isn’t the most vocal but he’s moaning like a pornstar
- “Ohhhh fuuuck pretty keep stroking me like that.”
- No better way to get him to fuck you like you want then to slow stroke him with a fleshlight or stroker
- Asks you to make a cast of your pussy
- When you actually make him one it’s like never brought up again until one night you get a text around 2am a few hours before nagi is set to touchdown back in Japan
- Of him fucking it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
- Not sure who the fuck recorded that for him🤨 bc it’s too good and so are the angles to be a shaky one handed quick video
- Moans about how he can’t wait to feel you cream on his cock
- As the most obscene noises play from your speakers with the image of seishiro fucking into a fleshlight of your likeness all messy with lube and cum
- From the way the video starts off he had to have been at it for a while already
- You catch a glimpse of his hazy eyes as he’s mercilessly pounding into the toy
- When the video ends you get another text from him
- ‘Just got out the airport be home in 25’
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- you’d think he’d be like weirded out
- Or confused
- Nah
- He’s seen all the gamer porn there is to see
- Monster and fantasy themed sex toys are a walk in the park
- “Woah, they like make dragon dicks that you can actually ride?”
- Favorites are Ophiuchus the Forgotten, Spyro Slim, and the twilight Moon
- He likes textures so anything with more ridges and bumps the better!
- Likes ones that seem normal. He’s a sneaky fucker so hidden in plain sight is great
- Like oh you thought this was a regular lipstick? Nope! A bullet vibe
- Has like 6 of these in your purse at all times
- Annoying as will pull a “hey can I talk to ya for a sec?”
- And then lead you into a secluded area and shove a toy in you while having his mouth do the heavy lifting
- “Mmm~ taste better when you’re this scared.”
- Someone get his ass 🙄😒
- Let’s you fuck him but like you’re a service top at most
- Not very try willing to give up power because that means he looses the game
- Will tie you up and ride you
- Puts on his most slutty performance and really lets himself get whiny
- As soon as he unties you it’s a chance to get him
- Like oh so anyway we’re not done🥰 now you can’t touch
- Will send you links to stores asking you what you think
- “Check out this dark souls one”
- “Yo, baby who the FUCK is that going to fit inside”
- “:((( but it glows in the dark”
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
i’ve been very quiet so srry - my week started with my annual performance review (which went well) and ended with an emergency surgery (also went well) so…a lot going on to say the least
this is a deleted scene from the first chapter of plant a seed
When Robin called, Steve and Eddie were in the phase of newborn parenthood where they froze every single time the phone rang (because said newborn was napping more often than not and when she was, there was a 50% chance minimum the phone would wake her up).
So when Robin called and the ringing of the phone broke the otherwise peaceful silence, Steve froze and he waited. When the baby didn't wake up, Steve exhaled a sigh of relief and answered the call.
"This is Steve."
"Hey Steve-o!"
Steve immediately recognized the voice as Robin's – of course he did, even if he hadn't heard it since she and Nancy left for a work trip in Japan a little over a month ago.
“Oh shit,” Steve said, because this means that Robin and Nancy are finally home, finally back in their Boston apartment fifteen minutes away from his and Eddie's in Cambridge instead of the opposite side of the entire world, “You’re home!”
“Yep,” Robin replied, popping the P, “That plane was a million degrees, I’m pretty sure. No more August flights if I have any say in it. Anyways – wanted to let you know we made it back unscathed. What’s new with you guys?”
“Uh…” Steve began, not totally sure where to start, because Robin didn't know about the baby he and Eddie had been placed with two weeks ago and she certainly didn't know that they're going to adopt her (because they'd landed on that decision that very day – about two hours ago, to be specific), “Well–”
“Hey, do you still have those placements?" Robin interrupted, "The kids who like to read the Goosebumps books?”
“Oh,” Steve blinked, “No. They went back with their mom a couple days after you left.”
“Damn. Been a while. Forgot this trip was longer than usual – wait, so are you between placements now, then? Hey, we should finally make that trip to P-Town!”
"Might need a raincheck on that," Steve said with a laugh, because at the moment a trip to the goddamn grocery store required at least a day's worth of planning, "We've got another placement right now – a newborn. We've had her for, uh, for just under two weeks, pretty sure."
“Shit, a newborn?" Robin repeated.
Steve faintly heard Nancy's voice, though he couldn't make out exactly what she was saying. He listened as Robin recounted to her what he'd just said, then started to laugh.
"Nancy just said that if she misses out on a chance to hold a new baby, she'll kill you," Robin told him, "Any idea when she might move on?”
Steve paused for a second. He and Eddie had decided earlier that they wouldn’t be telling anyone about the baby until the adoption was finalized, but…it’s Robin. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever kept a secret from Robin before, certainly not something this big and certainly not for very long.
He has to tell her.
“We’re, uh, we’re actually adopting her.”
Robin was silent.
Then –
“Holy shit – Steve.”
And then –
“I’m coming over right now. Immediately. Wait–” Robin stopped, “Damn, I can’t be a dick and come over unannounced anymore, can I? Because you guys have a baby. A baby. And she’s gonna be yours? What the fuck? Wait, let me start over.”
Robin paused long enough to take a deep breath.
“Steve Harrington – my best friend who’s finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dad – when will you allow us to come and be formally introduced to our niece?”
Truth be told, Steve wouldn’t say no to a visit from Robin and Nancy that day (especially after the our niece comment), but their case worker had just started faxing over all the paperwork to get the ball rolling on the adoption process and Steve has a feeling that he might catch Eddie trying to fill that shit out as it came out of the machine so tonight they might be a little occupied.
"Tomorrow?" he suggested.
"Morning?" Robin added.
Steve laughed, "Sure. Tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, dad. Holy fuck, I can't believe you're a dad."
"You can't?"
"No, I totally can."
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junosmindpalace · 11 months
may i request a gojo x reader one shot where y/n is gojo's former student, after she graduated she went out of the country then after 5 yrs she comes back to work at tokyo jujutsu high as a teacher like gojo. y/n used to have a crush on gojo back then (maybe she still does 😋) and now that y/n's back after a long time gojo kinda missed her so they often spend time together. y/n keeps convincing herself it's just some kind of friendly reunion, nothing more but one day during the sister school goodwill event she gets jealous when she sees gojo teasing utahime and interacting with her. gojo wonders what got y/n into a pissy mood and y/n is like "why do you even care? just go back to your flirting session" then that's where gojo finds out she's just jealous. he'll tease her and idk maybe a confession between them will follow? i'm rlly sorry i suck at explaining things but i hope you get most of it and this gets accepted 😭 thanks! 💓
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hi anon! thank you for your request and patience! i changed a couple of details in this request and it turned out soo weirdly angst but the main idea is still there! i hope that’s alright!
3.2k words. a little all over the place.
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“call me every single day, you hear me? you can’t leave me all alone with this guy.” 
shoko doesn’t even look over her shoulder as she jabs her thumb toward the white haired teen standing behind her shoulder, who drops his mouth open in disbelief at her insulting tone. the tension in your chest eased up as you laughed.
“of course.” 
leaving your friends so soon after graduating was hard to wrap your head around, even with a car waiting to take you to the airport outside the gates of the jujutsu tech building and the occasion bump into your suitcase as you shifted your weight between your legs. 
with the assassination of the star plasma vessel and the suguru incident that made your worlds turn upside down, it seemed reasonable that you’d want to stay; immerse yourself in something familiar. but staying at jujutsu tech--in japan all together--was overwhelming. you needed time to figure and sort yourself out; cope without having to relive painful memories every time you passed where the incidents took place. 
leaving the two people who helped you cope during the ordeal with suguru was difficult, but though they too were pained to part from their friend, they also understood the importance of your leave. they weren’t too stressed, though. you’d stay in touch. you promised. 
shoko stepped forward to give you one final departing gift, wrapping her arms around your neck as you immediately reciprocated, and in shoko’s arms did you mull over whether this was the right choice for you for the nth time. 
a couple moments pass before the two of you pull apart, with shoko whispering a threatening “you better call.” one final time, jabbing an accusing finger at you as if you had already broken your promise, before stepping off to the side to allow satoru to get his own affairs in order. he stepped toward you with a roll of his eyes. 
satoru gojo has been an insufferable ass ever since you met him in your first year. to you, he once came off inconsiderate and ill-mannered, and to satoru, you once came off stuck up and uptight. yet somehow the mutual distaste you two had for each other upon first meeting turned into a friendship filled with teasing.
it felt weird leaving satoru behind especially, because somehow along the bumpy road the two of you took to get to where you were now, something yet again shifted in the way you viewed him, a shift you were still unfamiliar with. it felt strange leaving without it figured out. but you’d get a chance to, you hoped. like with everything else in your bizarre life. 
your usual banter insued as satoru took hold of the handle on your suitcase, swinging it back and forth before loading it into the open trunk. you threatened satoru to look out for himself and not be too much of a nuisance while you were away as he did so. he clicked his tongue as he brought the trunk down with a thud! and waved off your false threats. 
”don't miss me too much, y/n.” he smirked over his shoulder, tinted glasses sliding down the slope of his nose as he stepped back up on the sidewalk. cerulean eyes shone under the morning sunlight, fixed on you with an intense gaze in contrast to his easy smile. you looked over your shoulder as you opened the rear car door, mimicking his expression. 
”won't be a problem.”
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the first couple of months went strong. you upheld your promise of calling shoko frequently, and satoru would often squeeze himself into the frame of shoko’s camera to tease or hurl an insult toward you. she’d shoo him off or laugh along, because she too missed the playful banter you all once immersed yourselves in. and though you were far from the paths you once trekked with your friends, only ghosts of those moments lingering on them now, at least there was no trace of your dying friendship.
more time passed and contact became less frequent. life went on, and keeping in touch as regularly as you once did became increasingly difficult. only on occasion were you able to organize a chat, so much yet so little to be said. each new life event shared left you to ponder over even hours after you had hung up the phone. 
and soon enough, a decade had passed. ten years you thought you’d spend in agony over being away from the people and places you considered home flew by considerably fast, and the thought nauseated you slightly as you reminisced on memories from your youth. 
the nostalgia of your teenage years lingered like a light fog in your mind, always finding some way to trace even the most mundane of things back to your old friends, especially satoru gojo. even after ten long, busy years, you still found that annoying white haired friend of yours lingering in the back of your mind. 
though so much time had passed, you hadn’t gone cold turkey with your communication from your friends; only infrequent. you knew of the important things: the promising new students at jujutsu tech, satoru becoming a teacher, the curse that was rika, the night parade of a hundred demons, toji’s son that satoru was now looking over—suguru’s death. all things recollected to you from your texts with shoko and gojo. though neither of them were quite big on details.  
ten years has definitely granted you time to think, to organize, to consider and try new things. you worked through complicated feelings, you met new people, you saw and experienced new things, and certainly had all those things teach you a couple of important lessons. 
and ultimately, after over a decade, you made the decision to return to japan as a teacher at jujutsu tech. 
around this time, you felt a consistent nagging as if there was still a missing, unsorted piece of your life. you believed that perhaps the decision to return home was spurred by the growing intensity of it. it built up slowly over your less frequent phone calls and text conversations with your old friends and the ever growing amount of changing of their lives back home. though perhaps suguru’s death compelled you to return as well. 
you returned the following year after the night parade of a hundred demons. you convinced yourself it would just be a friendly reunion like with the rest of your old friends, but the second you were standing face to face with satoru, your heart said otherwise. 
it wasn’t unusual to feel anxious when reuniting with someone, but the painstakingly long pause that followed upon being reunited after so many years made you suppress a shudder. It was hard to believe the man in front of you was the troublemaker you used to go to school with. It was hard to believe he was even real. 
you used the silence to get a good look at him, just to make sure it was truly him (and you think satoru was doing the same, regardless of his six eyes.) he had gotten even taller, and he now wore his messy locks of snow white hair up. his uniform was still fitted as it used to be, always just a bit baggier than his tall frame. 
but the most prominent difference was his new defining feature, and so you decided to comment on it first. satoru was still in a sort of trance (of shock you guessed; your only indicator were his slightly parted lips) when you broke the ice with a smirk and the words he had parted with you over a decade ago.
"hope you didn’t miss me too much, satoru. what's with the tacky blindfold?” 
and the grin that followed on his lips stretched from ear to ear.
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satoru your coworker wasn't all that different from satoru your classmate. he was still as childish as ever, irritated by the higher ups and an irritation to all those around him. you found that out rather quickly when reuniting with yaga and nanami. you made a dramatic fuss over how much they both had changed, nanami shyly looking down with a slight frown reminiscent of the signature one he wore when he was younger. you didn’t feel it was appropriate to bring up haibara or suguru at any point. 
but your relationship with satoru your coworker was off from your relationship with satoru your classmate. It had been years, and you’ve fallen into your normal rhythm with satoru pretty quickly and easily on the surface. but the passage of time was still evident in your conversations as it was with the changes in your appearances. time matured him (or most likely his ordeals with suguru). even his manner of speaking was so serious sometimes that it caught you off guard. it felt even worse than having him hate you, treating you as if you were a stranger hurting that much more.
so much yet so little had changed. you were taken aback by the amount of maturity in his reasoning for wanting to become a teacher, even if it was so out of place for him, over a catch up brunch. it almost made you feel as if he were a stranger, with a new sense of maturity coupled with his new, more distant look and behaviour.
he’d tease you like he always did, but it didn't have as much bite. he'd show you around tokyo, treating you to desserts and jokingly gifting you funny souvenirs; but because satoru had become so unfamiliar, it didn’t feel as comforting as you thought it would. 
and that nagging feeling that you couldn’t quite put your finger on arose again.
you reunited with mei mei and utahime during the sister school goodwill event, with the latter enveloping you in a large hug reminiscent of the ones you received when you left them over a decade ago. they had all stayed relatively close, with utahime becoming a teacher like satoru at the sister school in kyoto. 
you were good friends with her, always defending her from satoru’s insults and indulging in her (in your case, faux) hatred toward satoru. you two had also stayed in close contact, appreciating all the emotional support she provided and her updates on the events in her life and the jujutsu world (with complaints about satoru tossed in here and there). 
which is why your jealousy was irrational, you thought to yourself as you watched satoru and utahime in the monitoring room. you knew satoru and utahime being the last two people in the world wouldn’t make them fall in love. even if they were, your jealousy was still out of place. if anything, you should feel happy for your two old friends.
but perhaps it had more to do with the distance and familiarity satoru and utahime were able to maintain, even if it was their regular quarreling and distaste for one another. perhaps the way they were able to slip into the routine they’ve kept up for so many years, no matter how ruthless it was, ate at you, reminded you of how different things were between you and satoru. you weren’t two teenagers who’d sometimes catch each other’s stares from across a room. you weren’t attending school together and going on missions. 
and the distance was bound to strain your relationship. but you figured that if there was anyone you’d be able to break back into routine with, it was the troublemaker you had known since the two of you were fresh faced students like the ones he now mentors. 
it was all those little things stacked atop each other, that casual and distant demeanor satoru treated you with as if you were a stranger, time staring back at you in the mature way he, shoko and utahime carried themselves, and satoru slipping into a routine that you were sure you and him would be able to maintain with someone else, made that whole tower of unease fall apart with that final crack. 
he had walked off after you after you had excused yourself from the room, feeling sick the more you thought about the large gap in memories, in time, in knowledge, between you and the others. 
“jealous?” he smirked, clearly amused by your sudden outburst (and deeply curious, since it was so out of character for you). 
“not a chance.”
not in the way he was suggesting, at least. you waved him off. “go back to your flirting session.” 
and Satoru stopped in his tracks, recoiling in disgust over the mere implication. because even he knew that you would never think such a thing of his relationship with utahime, even if he were to one day tell you that something was going on. 
perhaps it was the distance, satoru thought to himself sadly. because while to you satoru didn’t seem to be all that affected by your return, he still saw in you that old classmate of his that made his face burn with simply the strength they exhibited, with only a short meeting of gazes from across a room as a teenager, and his heart ached at emotional distance. there was no way that classmate that knew which treats to bribe him with and what games were his favorite would ever assume such a thing about him. 
getting through to one another was never easy, both of you equally stubborn in your resolve. and when you throw this terrible distance, these horrible feelings of insecurity and confusion, it made the miscommunication between the two of you that much worse. 
but satoru remembers the day you left as if no time had passed at all. he remembers the rising lump in his throat as he watched you say your goodbyes with shoko. he remembers the wave of fear that washed over him as he watched you turn your back from him, reminiscent of the event that took place when his best friend left him for good. he remembers the confession on the tip of his tongue as he looked down at you and into your sharp gleaming eyes, words he’s debated with himself for years over whether or not he was a coward or a hero in not saying.
and right now, as he stares at your confused and hurt expression, your back turned to him yet again, all those feelings wash over him and he feels as if it may be the former, because now he’s let his insecurity hurt you. but he also knows that whether he was a coward or hero then doesn’t matter now. he wouldn’t allow a repeat of what happened all those years ago. he wouldn't let himself hesitate.
he reached to grab your wrist, and you harshly recoiled, shooting him an angry glare from across your shoulder. “what the- hell, satoru? would you just-”
“i wasn’t flirting.” 
“whatever. I don’t-”
suguru knew him better than anyone. shoko knows him better than anyone. you know him better than anyone.
“utahime? really? i would think that you know me better than that.” 
the pout on his face seeped into his voice, and you further struggled in his grip. “things change with time, satoru. you can’t expect me-”
the distance was fine. satoru could do distance. but it was this misunderstanding that made his stomach churn uncomfortably. it was the fact that he seemed so unknown to you. that you seemed so unknown to him. who knew that such a minor misunderstanding would carry so much emotional baggage, invoke such strong reactions from the two of you? 
“can’t use that excuse if i’ve always been in love with you.”
you immediately stopped fidgeting, staring at satoru’s serious expression with wide eyes. his pout settled into a deep frown, and you’re absolutely despising the fact that you can’t see his eyes with that stupid new blindfold. stupid time. stupid change. 
“i’m in love with you,” he said again with a shrug. “and that never changed.”
silence. all you could do is continue to stare at him as he held your wrist. but then you inhaled sharply and satoru released his grip. you took another deep breath, and then…
“how the hell am I supposed to know something like that? it’s been over ten years, satoru gojo. everything feels different- you look different!- and you expect me to know you’ve been in love with me for how long?”
you ranted all your anger toward him as you jabbed a finger into his chest, while he continued to stare down at you with a frown and his hands now buried in his pockets. his lack of a reaction only added to your frustration, and you still felt as if you were staring at a stranger. 
“take off that damn blindfold.” 
his mouth drops into a small o for a moment, before he brings a hand to his face. it feels as if an agonizing amount of time passes as satoru slips the blindfold down from his eyes to hang over his neck. his hair falls into that familiar disheveled heap, and you’re immediately met with a familiar rush of anxiety rushing through your veins as you make eye contact with his blue ones. 
big and bright, and staring down at you with so much longing. his hand stays on his blindfold, and the frown stays etched into his face, but you can finally see those eyes. the ones that sent a wave of warmth over you when they connected with yours. the ones you found yourself gazing at as you leaned your head against a desk, admiring them from a sideways angle as they glistened in a ray of sunlight. one’s you knew you could rely on, not because they belonged to the strongest or because of the power they held, but because they belonged to your best friend, to the boy that made your heart stutter. 
and you’re too emotional finally seeing your satoru gojo to care about the fact that you were now sobbing into satoru’s chest in relief over something familiar, and you cried even harder when his arms wrapped around your frame, head resting sideways into your hair. and you felt stupid for breaking down over something so childish, so minor.
but maybe some things didn’t change and maybe some change was for the better. because you’ve had over ten years to figure yourself out and so did satoru, and with your decision to return home was your decision to return to satoru synonymous with it. 
and you felt satoru finally smile a genuine and childish and familiar sort of smile, into your hair, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about how stupid you felt in that moment. 
and that final unsorted piece of your life finally stopped nagging at you, as if satoru had exorcised a curse that lingered on your back these past ten years. those confusing and unidentifiable feelings you felt for satoru way back when. together, you’d be able to rebuild your relationship with satoru into the way it used to be all those years ago, not a single detail unknown, so you could put all those insecurities and fear to rest. 
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi! it's me again, can I request a scenario where the manager is on a day off and visits a cafe and meets Sae's mother with him? and after getting along with each other Sae's mom told Sae to drive her home, and the paparazzi saw Sae with her hand on her waist and manager is wearing a sundress and started a new issue with her being pregnant and accepted into the family? I really loved how you wrote the misunderstandings and more rumors part. Thank you if you'd write this!
Author: At this point I might make a chapter where they are dating for real with how much of these rumors we made😭😭 thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Marc! Come back here!" (Y/n) scolded as she held the redhead's hand tightly, glaring sternly at him.
"But aunty, it's so boring." The boy pouted as his free hand pulled on the girl's (f/c) dress. (Y/n) glare softened and she patted the boy's head.
"You just know I can't be mad at you, huh?"
"Yep! Because I am your favorite!" The boy nodded his head as he giggled when the man at the counter called their name.
"Our food is ready~" Marc cheered as he pulled (Y/n) along to get the food.
'He really is my favorite person.' (Y/n) agreed in her head.
"And then Itoshi scored the goal! Aunty, you really should have seem it. Nobody on PXG was ready for it! Even Itoshi #2 was left speechless." Marc talked about the last game Real Madrid and PXG had as he ate his fries, (Y/n) nodding along as she added a quick word here and there. She did watch some parts, but due to the hectic schedule in Bastard München she had, she wasn't able to watch all of it.
'It's kind of funny that he keeps calling Rin Itoshi #2."
"Really? And what was your favorite part?"
"Hmm... probably the part where Itoshi Sae scored the winning point! It was so fun-"
"Oh? Marc, (Y/n) I knew I heard someone familiar." The girl and Marc looked up, only to find Sae and a unfamiliar woman with dark green hair looking down at them.
"Ah Sae-san, you are back in Japan?" (Y/n) smiled as she got up from her seat to greet him while Marc immediately hugged the football player.
"You must be (Y/n)! I am so glad to finally meet you." The woman smiled as she moved past Sae and (Y/n) bowed.
"Yes, (L/n) (Y/n) it's nice to meet you ma'am."
"Same here, I am Sae and Rin's mom, Itoshi Minako. I heard a lot about you from my sons. Sae, she is much prettier in person, you were right." The woman smiled and looked at Sae, who had an embarrassed look while hugging Marc back.
"T-thank you, ma'am. Do you want to join us, the restaurant is pretty packed today?" (Y/n) offered, trying to get over the embarrassment while pointing at the two empty seats next to her and Marc.
"You don't have to-"
"That's a nice idea, thank you." Sae's mom nudged him and then looked down at Marc.
"And you must be Marc...we heard a lot about you." The woman chuckled nervously as the other two blushed, remembering the article that came out a while ago.
"Mhm! I am a huge fan of Itoshi! He is the best!" The boy grinned as the older woman started gushing over the cuteness.
They sat at the restaurant for the next hour or so and talked about random things. Sae gave Marc some tips and tricks as a beginner and the boy in return would ask him about his job. (Y/n) and Minako would look at them from time to time, finding the interaction adorable. Minako would then move to ask (Y/n) some questions about her job and her opinions about her sons, which (Y/n) found odd, but answered them regardless.
Minako's eyes had a strange look to them, Sae noted, and he could feel like something weird would happen soon.
"Well, Marc and I need to go now."
"Do you have anyone to pick you up? It's pretty late." Sae raised an eyebrow as (Y/n) put on Marc's jacket.
"Don't worry, Sae-san. I will call a taxi, my home isn't far away-"
"No, no. Sae will drive you two home." Minako interjected, causing Sae to look at his mom oddly, but flinched as he noticed her glare at him.
"There is really no need, Itoshi-san. Besides, you need to go home too-"
"I need to finish some shopping anyways, don't worry about me. Sae, doesn't mind it either." The said boy looked at (Y/n) and gulped, nodding his head in agreement.
"A-ah thank you so much... alright then, I will just go and call my brother to inform him, come on Marc."
(Y/n) smiled as she pulled the boy away. The two Itoshis watched them keenly before Sae turned to look at his mom.
"Why did you offer me, mom?"
"Didn't you tell me you liked (Y/n)?"
"Well yes, but-"
"No but, Sae. This is your chance to spend some extra time with her! Plus I love this girl already, I can't wait till I start picking wedding dresses with her~" the woman giggled as Sae's face turned red and shook his head.
"(Y/n) doesn't like me that way-"
"But you do, now try and make her to like you back. Ahhh~ I can't wait for the possible grandchildren."
"Grandchildren?!" Sae blushed even more, but didn't protest the idea much.
Once the two said goodbye to the older Itoshi woman, Sae escorted (Y/n) and Marc to his car and drew off. (Y/n) gave him the directions to her house, the two would talk about some random things, mainly about their jobs, with the occasional interjection from Marc. Soon tho the boy fell quiet and (Y/n) looked at the backseat, smiling softly.
"Ah~ he fell asleep. I guess all that walking and eating tired him out." The girl commented as Sae nodded his head.
"So your family is in Japan?"
"Yeah! Big brother wanted to visit his mom and for her to see Marc again, and my sister-in-law always liked summers here more than in Portugal." Sae nodded his head.
"So you two share the same father?"
"Mhm! He married my mom 5 years after his divorce to bug brother's." Sae noticed a sad look on the girl's face as she mentioned her mom, but decided to say nothing and switch the topic.
"Sorry if my mom jumped this idea onto you."
"Oh no! Not at all, I am just sorry that you had to bother yourself driving us here-"
"It's not a bother. I don't mind helping you. Besides, Marc is adorable when he talks about football, he seems passionate about it, more than I was at his age at least."
"He really is. He looks up to you and Isagi a lot, actually. It's always fun when he talks about a game of yours." (Y/n) smiled as Sae nodded his head.
"You sure you don't want me to carry him?" Sae asked as he held (Y/n)'s bags while she carried the sleeping boy out of the car.
"No Sae-san, you did honestly too much by now. Thank you so much again." (Y/n) smiled as the redhead stood silently for a moment, admiring her smile. Sae was about to speak up again, but someone clearing his throat behind them interrupted him.
"Anyways Itoshi, thank you for bringing my sister and son back, have a nice evening."
The two looked at a man, a few centimeters taller than Sae as he was glaring at him.
"Big brother! You are here already, I thought you were still at your mom's house." (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as Sae glared back at him.
"We had to cut the visit short since she wanted to visit you and dad as well. Come on now, she made your favorite cake." The (h/c)-haired man said as her took the bags out of Sae's hands and waited for (Y/n) to join him.
"Thanks again, Sae-san. Have a great evening!" (Y/n) smiled and the taller nodded his head. He watched the two walk towards the house and Sae couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Great, now I have to deal with an overprotective brother..." Sae sighed as he smiled and got into his car.
"(Y/n), he is perfect for you!" The red-haired woman, Isabella said as she took her son from her.
"You two were spying?!" She asked in disbelief while looking at her dad and the woman.
"A little..."
"Sis!" (Y/n) and her sister-in-law looked at the father and brother, who were fuming.
"He is too old for you." The father said.
"Isn't he like 2 months or so older than (Y/n)?" The Portuguese woman questioned.
"Too old, and he looks like a punk." The brother butted in and the two females looked at each other in disbelief.
"Aahhhh!!" The next morning screams were heard through the (L/n) household as (Y/n) and her brother ran to the kitchen.
"What is it?!"
"Is someone hurt?!" They looked around frantically around the room, only to find their father pale as a ghost and Isabella.
"(Y/n), you never told me Sae proposed to you! Look! It also says you are pregnant! I will become an aunt, oh my God!" Isabella said as she showed the two this morning's newspapers, crying as (Y/n) gulped at the rage her brother was radiating.
"He touched you!"
"He didn't, I swear we are just friends!!"
"Come on honey, (Y/n) is an adult now." Isabella protested as her brother shook his head.
"She is still a baby!"
"I hate my life..." (Y/n) groaned as she saw the picture of her and Sae leaving the restaurant yesterday.
"SAE ITOSHI!" Rin and the said boy flinched as they heard their mom's yells while their father stayed silent, eating his breakfast.
"Yes mom?" The redhead asked as his mom stormed into the kitchen, holding her phone.
"I am offended, happy, hurt and excited, all because of you." His mom cried as Rin and the father looked at each other.
"What happened? I didn't do anything, I swear." Sae defended himself.
"Clealry you did. Look at this, my own son. My own flesh and blood won't tell me got engaged. And that I will be a grandma soon! Is that why you wanted me to meet (Y/n) yesterday?!" Rin spat out his drink while their father looked at Sae in disbelief. The redhead took his mom's phone and read the article she was showing him.
"Mom... (Y/n) and I aren't engaged, I swear and that meet up was an accident-"
"Really? Because you look all cozy holding her waist, Sae you fucking backstabbing brother!" Rin yelled, enraged at the picture. Sae started shouting back as their father tried to shut them up. Meanwhile their mom took her phone back and dialed a number while sobbing.
"Hello? Mom? Did you read this morning's newspaper?"
The arguments became louder as Minako continued sobbing.
"Yes, my poor baby seems to be embarrassed to admit it, but the girl is such an angel. I met her yesterday, finally we can pass the heirloom onto a girl. Oh! I already know some places where I can take her wedding dress shopping!" The woman cheered as Rin chucked a glass at Sae, who dodged it.
"Are you out of your mind, Rin?!" Their father yelled.
"Ahh~ no, Rinnie is just excited to be getting a sister-in-law AND a nephew or niece, he just doesn't know how to express it."
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atinystraynstay · 7 months
When Are You Coming Home - Choi Seungcheol
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Inspired by: Home - Catie Turner
Synopsis: You met Seungcheol while you were studying abroad in Seoul. It was a meeting by fate. Now, he was watching you live your life on the other side of the world. Would he ever get to see you again? Would he ever get to confess how he feels?
Pairing: Idol! Choi Seungcheol x reader
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
Word Count: 2.6k
It was 8:44pm Seungcheol sighed as he watched his members Weverse posts. It's been killing him that he hasn't been able to join the group, as he was still recovering from ACL surgery a few months ago. He was starting to regain his strength which was making him feel more like himself. The problem was that the company wasn't fully confident he was ready to give it his all, so they were proceeding on the side of caution.
The boys had just wrapped up their dome concerts in Japan. Truly, those concerts were some of Cheol's favorites. He loved them not just for the carats that always showed up in massive numbers for them. Those concerts were more a testament to how far they've come as a group. He was proud of not only himself but his 12 members, his brothers, who have overcome doubt from the industry. They truly were the biggest name in K-pop at the moment.
That's why it pained him not to be there with him, not being a part of the schedules and activities. He was able to attend some events in person, like Inkigayo or Music Bank. He was able to attend backstage, but his true place was right on that stage beside everyone.
He pushed himself hard through his recovery, hoping to bounce back sooner rather than later. His doctors urged him to take it easy and to consider his long-term health rather than getting immediate results.
Truly, the toughest part of this whole recovery period was not having you beside him. You were attending graduate school in the United States, working towards your masters degree in education. He thought that maybe if he got healthier and stronger sooner, not only could he rejoin his group but he could actually come out to visit you in the States.
You were his best friend. You met at the same bar in Seoul when you were visiting during your study abroad trip. He was out with friends, celebrating the end of a hectic schedule. You were with friends from the program, eager to experience what nightlife was like in Korea after seeing one too many TikToks. Seungcheol never knew that someone could mean that much to him in such a short amount of time.
You were only going to be in Seoul from January until early May. He made it his mission to see you as much as possible. You two used to spend every day together, at least until comeback season came around for FML. Leading up to the anticipated album release, you would wait for him, excited, with a bottle of water to keep him hydrated. His favorite memory was when you got to watch him during Caratland, when he got to have the time of his life with his fans and his members. The reason why he kept grinning as hard as he did was because he knew you were waiting for him backstage.
Unfortunately, time seemed to slip away too quickly for Seungcheol's liking. During your last week in Seoul, he was asked to be at every meeting, every promotion, and everywhere but with you. He was lucky he got to see you the night before your flight, but it still tore him up inside that he couldn't even take you to the airport because he had to be at a dress rehearsal.
In that short amount of time, Seungcheol fell hard for you. You intrigued him in ways he never thought someone could. You brought a level of normalcy into his life that he didn't know he was missing. You were there to help him calm down after a tough dance practice. You often would cook dishes from your hometown, to give him an insight into where you come from. He wanted to know more about your world.
Why did he wait so long to confess to you? Now, seeing as you are more than 6,600 miles away from him, he regretted it every day. Sure, he could easily tell you over the phone or slide in your DMs, but you deserved better than that in his eyes.
Before his injury, he had hoped to come visit you right before the school year started. He got to experience the United States last summer with his members when they were on the Be The Sun tour. This time though, he wanted to experience what America was like with you. He wanted to do all the cliche romantic things like drive-ins, going to diners, and baseball games. He wanted to create memories with you, to be with you. He wanted you to be his.
The two of you still maintained contact. You would have FaceTime calls when you got the chance, would send postcards and little gifts to one another, and would cheer each other one from afar. Whether it was you waking up at 4:30am to catch a live concert or if he was reading one of your research papers - you were a united force.
He was hoping he would have been able to called you tonight, but you had told him that you had gotten busy with final assignments. While he hasn't been in school for a while, he knows how important school is for you. He didn't want to come across as overbearing, so he just waited patiently. He would watch your stories on Instagram and Snapchat, seeing you at a coffee shop or out with friends. He wanted so badly to be there with you.
He was scrolling through social media. It brought a smile to his face to see you had gone home for Thanksgiving, a holiday he was able to recognize easily as it was similar to Chuseok. There was a photo of you in a white turtle neck. Your hair was down in natural curls with light makeup on. He could see the mole that is planted on the right side of your face, close to your jawline. You were breathtaking. You were sitting beside your mom, someone who almost was an exact copy of you. There is no denying you two are related.
He knew family was important to you, so getting to spend time with your parents meant the world to you. He wondered if he was of the same importance to you, or if he could eventually get to that spot.
He looked through the other photos you posted. Some were with friends who still lived in your hometown. He tried his best to remember their names without looking at their Instagram handles. He remembers you mentioned them quite a few times. You were an only child, so you had a tendency to consider your friends part of your family too. He saw other photos of your hometown, wondering if he would ever get the opportunity to visit it up close.
What he took away the most from your post was how happy you looked. In all the photos, you were smiling wide to the point your eyes were hidden. Seungcheol remembers the few times you guys took photos together. You hated the way you looked, but he was obsessed with you. He never met someone who just naturally glowed. You were his own little disco ball, full of energy and wonder. He couldn't help but claim responsibility for making you that happy in those moments.
Seungcheol often wondered if you were happy back home. When he wasn't able to be there physically, he often wondered if you were happy. At least when you were here in Seoul, living in the same city, he could better fix whatever may be troubling you. He hated feeling helpless when you were upset. Especially now, it was more difficult than ever for him to just jump on a plane to you.
A knock at the door interrupted his deep thought. He raised an eyebrow, trying to go through who it could possibly be. All the boys were just now flying back from Tokyo. Could it be someone from the company? Why didn't they just call?
Thankfully, Seungcheol had reached the point of his recovery where he wasn't dependent on crutches. He could move freely. It might've been slow movements at times, but it was still moving at his own regard without the dependency of other people.
He made his way over carefully, not wanting to accidentally trip or bump into something. He was not about to jeopardize a setback when he was so close to getting back to where he was a few months ago.
Once he got to the door, he twisted the silver lock and undid the bolt. Making sure he had enough room, he stepped back to allow the door to swing open without it hitting his knee. He was just a more cautious guy until he got the green light to get back on stage. Seungcheol had his gaze to the door, watching it open so if he had to move, he could do so without straining himself.
"Are you crazy?" A voice shouted at him.
His eyes widened at the abrupt voice before looking up. There was no way.
There you stood. You had a pink backpack on your shoulders. Your hair was pulled into a loose ponytail held back by a silk white scrunchie. You had on a red hoodie with black leggings, and tennis shoes hugging your feet. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" "Would you like to tell me why Jeonghan called me saying you were overworking yourself? Do I need to remind you that you just had knee surgery about two months ago?"
You slipped the straps of your backpack off your shoulders. Seungcheol watched as you stepped towards his apartment, setting your backpack down by the threshold of the door. Your arms soon wrapped around Seungcheol, gently hugging him. His arms wrapped around you slowly, being in a bit of a shock of you actually being here in front of him.
"You have to take care of yourself, Cheol. Especially when I'm not here to help you," you whispered. You had tucked your head into his neck. He was able to get a smell of your shampoo, instantly settling his racing heart. God, he missed your scent. He squeezed you gently, almost as if he needed confirmation that this was reality and not some false, cruel illusion.
"I didn't mean to scare you, sweetheart. There was no need for you to fly all the way out here. What about your family? Your final assignments?" "You are a part of my life, Cheol. I had to be here. And my assignments can wait. Now, come on, old man. Let's get you back to the couch."
Coming from the guys, if they teased about his age, he would have been annoyed. Coming from you though was a sense of endearment.
Seungcheol followed your lead back to his couch. He got himself situated where he could rest with his leg up on the couch, alleviating some of the discomfort he felt from walking. He had his moments of weakness, but he wasn't sure if it was weakness from still recovering or from being in front of you for the first time in over 6 months.
Once he was situated on the couch, he saw you sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Your eyes were on him though. It was a sight that brought a smile to his face, a genuine smile for the first time probably since the surgery.
"So are you really just here because Jeonghan called?" "Well yes and no. Yes because I wanted to make sure you were ok. I know we FaceTime and you keep me updated as much as possible, but I just had to see for myself that you were ok."
He took note of the light blush on her cheeks. So she has been thinking of me? She's been worried about me? Cute. His ego was rising just at the sheer idea of you being into him, even in the slightest.
"No because I was planing to come visit you for the holidays. I get a month off of my studies, and realized that if I was spending Thanksgiving with my family, I want to spend it with you."
Well damn. He never would have predicted this.
"So you like me or something?" Seungcheol teased you.
This time, your cheeks turned a deeper red. It was then his eyes widened again. "Oh," he said silently. There was no need to further interrogate you on the matter.
Seungcheol eaned forward to gently grasp your wrist. You looked at him, an eyebrow raised. He gently tugged you towards him. You looked hesitant as if you were going to be hurting him. He offered you a reassuring smile. You began guiding herself closer to him until he situated you in between his left side and the back of the couch. He wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you close to him.
"Something tells me Jeonghan just didn't call because of my recovery," Cheol chuckled lightly under his breath.
Man, was Seungcheol lucky to have a best friend like Jeonghan. He owed him. Big time. You looked up at Seungcheol, a gentle smile on your lips but your eyebrow raised. Do she even know how cute she is?
"Since you left, y/n, I've been miserable. The few months you were here were just magical. It was like I was getting a chance to star in my own romance movie. Life hasn't been the same without you here." "And it doesn't help that we haven't really been able to visit each other, right?"
His smile grew slightly. He lowered his head so his face was hovering just above yours. If only he had gotten the courage to do this a few months ago then the last couple of months wouldn't have been full of torment.
"Because I didn't tell you how I felt about you before you left. Y/n, I really like you. I wanted to tell you so badly, but I held back. I need you in my life not just as a friend."
Hearing him, you could have thought you weren't actually in his apartment or in Seoul, for that matter. You were convinced you were asleep in your own apartment, having the best dream but about to wake up to a cruel reality. You moved your left arm over his torso, left hand extended to cup his face. Touching his skin, feeling the light stubble underneath your fingertips confirmed that this was reality.
"Jeonghan called because you liked me? And that you've been struggling since I've been gone?" You whispered. "Seems like Jeonghan took it upon himself to play cupid," Seungcheol laughed lightly, biting his lip though to try not to speak too loudly.
It was as if he spoke too loudly, he himself would wake up. But much like you had to, he needed a confirmation that this wasn't just a dream.
He guided his lips down towards yours but hovered over them. He was afraid of moving too quickly. It was a common thee in his life at the present moment. "Say the word, y/n, and I'll make both of our dreams come true."
All you could bring yourself to do was nod. However, Seungcheol needed more. He needed to know that you fully wanted this to happen as much as you did. The words were just trapped in your throat because you couldn't believe that you had flown all the way to Korea for the man of your dreams for him not just to be in your dreams. He was real. He was laying beside you, staring and waiting for your own greenlight.
"Yes, Cheol. Please. It's all I've been waiting for."
There it is. The green light. "Me too, princess," he whispered. He soon leaned I all the way, allowing his lips to press against yours without hesitation or worry. It was a kiss that sealed our destiny, your fate to be together without further interruptions or obstacles.
You were all his, and he was all yours. Officially.
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mio-actuallywrites · 8 months
The World You Once Loved 2
Apparently being in your world is still surprising for you.  PREVIOUS NEXT
//Reader lives in Japan.  not proofread
Fyi through out all these parts NO book 7 spoilers.  also I assure you next part I will try to make it longer!!
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Apparently 8 months in Twisted Wonderland means 16 on Earth. And those 16 you have spent in a coma. Apparently your Roommate Oboko said you had got ran over by a car and have been in a coma ever since. 
She had also told you the night before you woke up, items had appeared in your room, apparently in your suitcase. (Haha I wonder why)
After the doctor came in, checked on your vitals and health you were told you needed to stay a day or more in the hospital. So after getting to eat earth food again, thinking about what you missed in that last year, thinking about all those memories and how they are doing right now you were ready to go back. 
After getting Oboko to drive you to your place, you finally entered the house you thought you would never return too. 
After entering the front door, your eyes immediately trailed to all around the house, all the furniture was the same, but it was werid to see new and not old furniture, I guess living in Ramshackle caused you to get used to the sometimes uncomfortable and dusty furniture. 
“All are you going to enter?” Obokos voice rang in your mind as she suddenly lightly pushed you in, bringing you out of your shock. 
“Sorry Oboko-Chan I’m just still in… shock you know??” You replied hoping she would just shrug it off. 
“It’s fine, however I have your phone with me if you wanted it, I was gonna give it to you in the car. But I wanted you to get adjusted.” She replies as she hands you the phone. “I’ll be in my room if you need me!” She yelled as she left. 
You stood there for a second as you grabbed your phone and went to sit on the couch. 
You put in the password you would never forget, no matter how many worlds you been in you will always remember. *insert password* seeing as you logged in, you had million of notifications, filled with texts, updates and snaps that were left unseen for the months you were gone. 
You opened up Magi- no Instagram and viewed every news peice you missed. The new Taylor Swift album, the new update to Genshin, the upcoming movies, new trends etc. It seems like it will take AWHILE to catch up on all of those events. 
After looking through the app you decided to go into your room, and see the place you thought you would never see again. 
However right when you entered the first thing you noticed was the luggage you clearly packed a few days ago. You went over to the luggage and opened it, once you opened it the first thing you saw was the picture of you and the first years + Grim. You guys were all at Ramshackle probably at a sleepover. 
Under the photo you found your diary you kept that you bought at Sam’s shop. It was filled to the brim with the 8 months you spent there, going from your first unbirthday party to (Something that happend in chapter 7)
After picking up the diary and putting it on your desk, you grabbed your school uniform, and hung it up. Once you hanged up your school uniform in your closet you then grabbed the photo and hung it up next to your desk. 
Thinking about what to do with your life now that you finally returned after it being your goal for so long. But wasn’t completing a goal make you happy?
Today marks the 1st anniversary since you left. If you were right it had been six months since you left in Twisted Wonderland. Your friends were now 2nd years and some were about ready to graduate. And again, If you were right, they were in the middle of finals, since you left during that period. 
Yes although you did have the period of tears, and overwhelming sadness of leaving all of those memories behind, right now you were living your BEST life right now. 
While you were in your 3rd year of Highschool. Like Night Raven, you stayed at the High School with your Childhood friends, Oboko and Saki. Yes you did have your fun with them, but what about those past memories that you dearly loved and held at your heart?
“Reader? Are you there? We still have work to attend to and close shop, not zone out.” Your co-worker snapped at you. 
“Sorry Keiko, I tend to a lot.” You responded, although it was a little bit of a lie, you would still cling onto those memories from time to time. 
“Anyways, I’ll finish the dishes you start locking up.” She responded, completely ignoring your response. 
You nodded in response and left the Cafe’s kitchen to go lock up all the windows, doors, blah blah whatever this job paid good that’s all you cared about. 
After quickly finishing it up, you walked to the back door walking past Keiko who was still washing dishes, you were always fortunate when you didn’t have to. (Who even likes washing dishes???)
“Bye Keiko! See you tomorrow!” 
She had mumbled a response as you left the door and entered your car. 
While jamming out to the new album of your favorite artist, the drive home was relatively short. Basically 5 minutes.
You pulled into the driveway and couldn’t wait to get into your home. All that felt nice was a nice warm shower and watching your favorite episodes of your favorite show/anime. With a cup of hot chocolate on the side. 
As soon as you entered the dorm avoice hit you. 
“Hey, reader, just like 5 minutes ago there were some people saying they knew you and kept assisting them. I don’t know if you know them but the acted like they knew you for a while or so. They are in the kitchen currently because they acted like they haven’t eaten in awhile. Uh please be safe?”
/ENDING WAS RUSHED, once I have time I’ll go back and edit. 
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS アニメ公式ノベライズ Official Novelization ☽ Chapter 1 Translation
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[…] ☽ [Next chapter]
Hello everyone! It's been a while. I went back to Japan for the first time in ages last month and immediately fell back down the Diabolik Lovers rabbit hole when I went to the Rejet shop...
I recently found this so-called 'anime novelization' on eBay, and thought it might be fun to use it to get back into translating. This book was released as a novel counterpart to the first season of the Diabolik Lovers anime, thus following the storyline of the anime rather than the visual novels (almost to a T).
Please let me know if you like reading these and want me to translate more of it! I'm not exactly sure how active the fandom is anymore, so I think I'll just test the waters with a couple of chapters and see if it'll be fun to translate the entire book. Who knows!
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Originally written by Yukuzuki Hiroha 結来月ひろは Translated from the Japanese by @otomehonyaku
STORY Following her father’s job transfer, Komori Yui is sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers. However, these six brothers turn out to be sadistic, ill-tempered vampires. The men are after Yui’s sweet and incredibly rare blood, and go to great lengths toying with her body and soul to get it. Before long, Yui finds herself trapped in an alluringly dangerous love game(1)...
1. 吸血愛戯 (ラブゲーム): Stylised as ‘love game’ but written with the characters for bloodsucking (吸血), love (愛), and play (戯). The latter character also has a connotation of playfulness/mischief.
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DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial translation intended for those interested in reading the story of the Diabolik Lovers game/season in a slightly more literary format in English. I have no affiliation with Rejet or Frontier Works whatsoever. All rights belong to them, but PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS TRANSLATION ELSEWHERE OR TRANSLATE TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
Now that that’s out of the way—have fun reading! ❤️
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Episode 1
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That day, like any other day, the sky was aglow with twilight. In the quiet forest, which was dimly lit by the evening sun, the sound of a car engine pierced the air. It was a taxi, driving alone on the narrow forest path.
What a pretty sky… Komori Yui thought as she gazed at the sky from the backseat of the taxi.
Yui was an ordinary second-year high school student. She lived with her father, who was a priest, before he had to relocate for work. Yui was sent to live with the Sakamaki family, who were acquaintances of her father's, and so she was currently on her way to her new home.
A lake came into view from the taxi window. The setting sun glittered off the surface of the lake. The wind, carrying the scent of the forest, rustled Yui’s hair when she opened the car window. She spotted a large mansion nestled between the trees through the window on the opposite side.
So that’s where I’ll be living from now on… 
The closer the taxi got to the mansion, the wider the girl’s eyes became. Aside from what looked to be the main building, which was built around a courtyard, there were even several auxiliary buildings and a gazebo on the property.
I’ve never even seen a mansion this big before.
Before long, the taxi stopped before a gate that was large enough for two cars to easily pass through at the same time.
“Thank you,” Yui said to the driver and stepped out of the car. The taxi returned into the direction from which they had come.
Yui took her suitcase and looked up at the large, Western-style building beyond the gate. It was a three-storey brick building that might as well have belonged to a family of European aristocrats. Briefly taken aback by the view in front of her, Yui opened the gate and went into the courtyard.
“Wow… I never thought it would be such an elegant house.”
Pulling her suitcase behind her and eying her surroundings with astonishment, Yui made her way to the front door. The entrance was still quite a ways away from where she was, and Yui couldn't quite make it there as she kept falling from one surprise into another.
There’s even a fountain!
The stone statue of a gargoyle was perched on top of the fountain and looked down at her. Yui wondered briefly whether this was the personal taste of the mansion’s owner. As she passed by the fountain, the shadows of raindrops started to appear on the stone tiles underneath her feet.
“Rain?!” Caught off-guard, Yui looked up. 
The sky that had been so clear earlier was now black with rain clouds. Just as Yui thought she'd seen a flash of lightning pierce the dark sky, a loud clap of thunder rumbled through the air. Startled by the thunder, she let out a small cry.
“Oh no, even thunder…” Yui clumsily hurried in the direction of the front door. The rain began pouring down the moment she reached it.
Thank God I didn't end up soaked. It wouldn't be appropriate to show up at your new host family’s doorstep drenched to the skin with rain, after all.
Yui faced the door. It was huge and covered in decorative engraving, and she used the ancient-looking door knocker to announce her arrival. The sound of the cold, iron knocker reverberated through the mansion once, twice, but nobody came to answer.
“Excuse me!” Yui called, and extended a hand towards the door.
Before she could reach it, the door inched open by itself with a loud creaking sound.
Yui flinched backward in surprise. Out of curiosity, she gingerly peeked through the gap in the door. Nobody was there. Did that mean she was welcome to go inside?
As if she'd been invited in, Yui stepped inside, and the door immediately slammed shut behind her.
Once inside, the first thing that greeted her was a lavish entrance hall lit by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Still, the entrance hall somehow looked quite gloomy, stretching out far into the shadows on either side of her.
“Um… Is anybody there?” Yui ventured once more, her voice echoing off the high ceiling. 
“How strange. I wonder if they didn't know I would be coming today,” Yui muttered to herself as she paced through the hall. When she stepped onto the red carpet spread out on the floor, a large staircase came into view. She paused before the stairs, only barely visible under the dim light of the chandelier as she called out again, “Excuse me!”
Once more, her voice rang through the air to no avail. Nobody came.
What should I do?
She might have been looking for the master of the house, but that didn't mean she should feel free to snoop around in someone else's home. Yui was at a loss. She stood stock-still, trailing her eyes over her surroundings, and then she noticed something.
For a brief moment, a bolt of lightning outside cast a sliver of light on a sofa by the window. 
Wait, what was…
She only saw it for an instant, but Yui made her way over to the sofa. She saw a figure not unlike the shape of a boy laying on top of it. He seemed about the same age as her, and wore what looked to be a school uniform, but it was completely dishevelled. Under his head was a cushion, which he used as a pillow as he slept.
  What an odd place to sleep in… But I’m glad I managed to find someone.
The boy looked to be sleeping soundly when the lightning illuminated his face again. Even though Yui knew it would be rude to wake him up, she called out to him.
”Um… Excuse me.”
She reached out and touched the boy’s hand, but withdrew immediately.
“So cold!” 
The boy’s skin had been much colder than she’d expected. Regardless of how long he’d been sleeping on that couch, his body temperature shouldn’t have dropped that much.
He doesn’t even have a temperature to begin with…
“Are you okay?” 
Yui started panicking and held an ear to the boy’s chest, but the heartbeat she should have heard never came.
“His heart isn’t beating… Oh no, I have to call an ambulance!”
Yui pulled her phone out of the bag slung over her shoulder, and hurried to call the emergency number, but a hand shot out from beside her and swiftly took the phone right out of her hands.
“…Shut the fuck up. Who do you think you are, walking into someone’s house yapping like that?”
The boy Yui had assumed had been dead suddenly stood up from the sofa, her phone in his hand, and shot her an irritated glare with his emerald eyes.
“Y-you’re alive?!” 
The words had escaped Yui’s lips in an involuntary whisper, but the boy didn’t bother hiding his annoyance when he responded.
“Obviously. Who’d you think Yours Truly is?”
The boy responded like this was the most normal situation in the world, but it didn’t make sense to Yui at all.
What’s going on…?
Without realising it, Yui slowly started backing away from him. “But… Your heart wasn’t beating…” She was absolutely positive that she hadn’t heard a heartbeat.
And yet… Why did the boy in front of her look so calm and composed? 
A flash of blind panic urged Yui to make a run for it, but the boy caught her in his arms and pushed her onto her back on the sofa.
“Ah! What are you doing?!”
“What, isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna eat you up.” The boy’s face dipped in close, but bent down further to lick the nape of Yui’s neck.
What on Earth…
Yui’s mind reeled at the boy’s unexpected behaviour, and she yelped, but that only made her assailant’s face twist into an amused grin. He bent down again in an attempt to bite into her neck. 
“Ayato! What is this? Tone it down.”
The boy—Ayato, apparently—clicked his tongue and glared at the person standing next to the sofa. “Reiji.” 
The person Ayato referred to as Reiji was a highly strung-looking boy with glasses perched on his narrow nose. With his calm and polite demeanour and white gloves, he almost looked like a butler, but when Yui looked closely, he was wearing the same uniform as Ayato.
Reiji looked at Ayato over the rim of his glasses with an exasperated expression. “This is the entrance hall. A place where we welcome guests. Please take these sorts of activities to your own room.”
“Ugh, boring.” Ayato reluctantly sat up.
Did this boy just come to save me?
Yui flung herself off of the sofa and scurried to Reiji’s side. “P-please help me!”
He gave her a puzzled look when she called for help. “And you are?”
“Komori Yui. My father arranged for me to stay here.”
“I don’t recall hearing about that.”
After listening to Yui’s explanation, Reiji returned his attention to Ayato. “Ayato, will you explain what’s going on here?”
“What? Like hell I know,” Ayato answered gruffly, and swung a leg up onto the sofa. He looked directly at Yui. “Y’know, Pancake, you could’ve told me all of that earlier.”
“That’s because you attacked me all of a sudden.”
Somewhat unsurprised that she wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with the person who had just plainly assaulted her. Ayato turned away from her as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.
What’s wrong with him? He’s been nothing but rude… Yui thought, and suddenly something occurred to her.
“Wait, you said Pancake… Did you mean me?”
“Of course, you idiot. You really that dense, Pancake?” Ayato cast her an amused sideways glance, clearly making fun of her. 
Next to Yui, who was still fuming at the rude nickname, Reiji crossed his arms in thought.
“Strange indeed. Nobody has reported this to me, either.” 
Then Yui must have come to the wrong mansion. But still, there aren’t any other houses around here.
“Ah, um, so you are…”
“Let’s not discuss this here. Please follow me. Your luggage will be taken care of.” Before Reiji had even finished talking, Yui noticed that a butler had appeared beside her suitcase. 
“Oh!” When did he get here?
The butler acknowledged Yui with a little nod and disappeared with her suitcase. What on Earth is going on in this mansion? A front door that opens by itself, and a butler that appears out of thin air, without a sound. And then there’s…
When Yui cast a glance toward Ayato, who was still sitting on the sofa, his eyes met hers with a disgruntled expression. Remembering what he had done to her earlier, Yui quickly looked away and followed Reiji instead.
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Reiji led Yui into a spacious living room. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling gave off a dazzling light, and firewood was burning in the hearth.
“Please, have a seat.”
“Thank you.”
Yui did as he said and took a seat on the sofa.
“You too, Ayato. We cannot have a proper conversation if you do not.”
“Ugh. Fine.” 
She watched as Ayato took a seat next to her, and Reiji started to speak.
“Firstly, please do us the courtesy of explaining why you barged into our home without permission.”
“Ah, yes.” 
I didn’t really barge in here, though… However, to Reiji and the others, that’s what it must seem like. I should apologise and clear up the misunderstanding.
“Um…” Yui straightened her spine but was interrupted before she could speak.
“Oh, oh, oh! What’s this?” a voice laughed from above. When Yui looked up, she saw a boy peering down at her from the mezzanine. “To think such a cute girl would show up here!” He looked about the same age as Ayato, but wore a black hat on his head. His bright green eyes bore into Yui’s, making her a little nervous.
Has he been there the entire time? I couldn’t even tell. Just as she took in the strange circumstances, a tongue trailed over Yui’s left cheek.
Did someone just lick me? 
Touching her cheek in surprise, Yui looked to the side and was met with the boy who had just been on the mezzanine. What? How did he get over here so fast? Feeling as though she’d been pinched, she cast him an accusatory look.
“Hm… She smells so sweet.” 
When Yui pressed her back against the sofa to get away from the boy, another voice suddenly sounded from right behind her.
“Please let me have a taste, too.”
Someone licked her ear this time. Yui spun around and saw a purple-haired boy of small stature there. She cringed at the moist sound of his tongue, pressing a hand to her ear. 
“She tastes sweet, too.”
What on Earth is going on? The two boys looked entertained by Yui’s confusion. 
Reiji seemed unable to look on, and broke the silence. “You two. That is no way to treat a lady whom you have only just met.”
The boy with the hat whined in protest at Reiji’s reprimanding tone.
“Do you have anything to say, Laito?”
“Well, if something so delicious-looking is put in front of me, I just have to taste it. Right, Kanato?”
“Yeah,” the purple-haired boy replied with a nod.
“Fuck off, all of you!” Ayato wedged his way into the two boys’ conversation.
 “Yours Truly found this one, so I’ll be the one to take all of her firsts.”
Ayato frowned at the source of yet another voice filled the living room.
“With your ‘Yours Truly, Yours Truly,’ just shut the fuck up already.”
“The fuck did you just say?” Ayato flung himself off the couch with unnecessary force, and looked around the room. “That’s Subaru, isn’t it? Show yourself, coward!” 
“I’m right here.” The sullen voice came from a boy leaning against the wall, presumably Subaru. The white shock of his hair, which covered his right eye, was a stark contrast with his red eyes, which leered at Yui. “I was just thinking it reeked of humans in here. So it’s you. How are you going to compensate for my lack of precious sleep?”
“W-where did you come from?”
“I asked first!” Subaru yelled in annoyance, and slammed a fist against the wall behind him. Cracks began to form in the wall from his fist outwards, sending plaster crumbling to the floor. He fixed his gaze on Yui, who was at a loss for words.
Seeing the dilapidated state of the wall, Reiji sighed heavily as he repositioned his glasses. He turned toward his brothers gathered in the living room.
“Are any of you listening? The lady will be living here from now on.” 
There was no response.
“Um, I think there’s been some kind of mistake. I’m sorry for troubling you. I’ll be on my way now.” Yui resolutely rose from the couch.
“Please wait.” Reiji’s voice made her freeze in place when she attempted to flee the living room, her eyes trained on the floor. “I am still confirming the facts. Do you not think it would be rude to leave now?”
Reiji certainly had a point, but considering the mansion’s other inhabitants certainly weren’t intent on following his orders, Yui could not bear to be there much longer. They’re scaring me…
A new, listless voice came from the direction of the window.
“Are you the woman he told me about?” 
When Yui turned to look, she spotted another new face. The boy was spread out lazily on the sofa by the window. He wore the same school uniform as the others, but instead of a jacket, he wore a beige-coloured cardigan over his shirt. He appeared to be listening to music, as a pair of earphones plugged his ears.
There’s one more brother?
“Shuu, what do you know about her?”
“...Nothing much.” Shuu replied dismissively, his eyes closed. Could he hear Ayato even though he was wearing earphones? 
“Nonsense. Please elaborate,” Kanato urged.
Shuu reluctantly began speaking. “He… contacted me the other day. He told me we’d be receiving a guest from the church, and to ‘treat her kindly,’ ‘make her feel most welcome,’ all that.”
“The hell? You mean Pancake’s the Chosen Bride?” 
An involuntary noise slipped from Yui’s lips at Ayato’s remark. What does that even mean, the Chosen Bride? At the very least, she knew that her father, who had to move away for his job as a priest, had arranged for her to live here, but this was the first time she heard of this whole ordeal. However, contrary to Yui’s astonishment, the brothers listened to Shuu’s explanation rather calmly.
“Ah, I see.”
“A bride? Well, more like a living sacrifice, right?”
…Living sacrifice?
Yui was taken aback by Kanato and Laito’s exchange. 
Then, Shuu opened his eyes and spoke as if to deal the final blow. “Right, he also ordered us not to kill her, so…”
Not kill me? What the…?
“Huh… Well, then we’ll be enjoying her company for a long time.”
Meanwhile, Yui had frozen in place. 
Reiji ignored her shock as he called her to attention. “Wonderful. It appears that the issue has been cleared up. Then, let us properly introduce ourselves.” He first turned to Shuu. “That is the eldest brother, Sakamaki Shuu. I am the second son, Reiji.” He paused briefly before turning to Ayato and the others. “Those are the triplets. Ayato–”
“I won’t let you get away next time.”
“Please let me taste you again. Exciting, isn’t it, Teddy?” Teddy must be the name of the one-eyed bear Kanato was cradling in his arms. The boy tilted his head and giggled.
“And Laito–”
“Let’s have fun together, Bitchlet.” For such a crude name to call a woman, Laito was laughing as he said it.
“Lastly, that’s Subaru, the youngest brother.”
“Ugh, this shit sucks.” Subaru looked displeased at Yui’s presence, and turned away immediately.
Reiji had properly introduced all of the brothers to her, but still, she did not know how to make sense of everything they had said to her. “There must still be some kind of mistake. I haven’t heard anything about a bride…”
Something suddenly occurred to Yui, a peculiar thought poking at the back of her mind. Many strange things had happened to her since she’d arrived here, but the most unsettling thing of all…
“S-something’s… off about all of you…” Yui asked, her gaze gingerly shifting from brother to brother. All of their eyes were trained on her.
What on Earth…
Their cold, piercing gazes radiated danger, and Yui’s fight-or-flight instinct kicked in. I have to get out of here.
“I-I have to contact my father…”
Yui reached for the cell phone in her pocket, but, somehow it had ended up in Ayato’s hands again.
“Ah!” How did that happen? Never mind, this is not the time to think about that. “My phone! Give it back!”
“I dunno about that.” Ayato toyed with her phone, a sadistic smile forming on his face.
I won’t have any means to contact my father if I don’t have my cell phone…
“Give it back, please!” Yui tried to take the phone from him, but every time it seemed just within reach, Ayato dodged her. He seemed to be enjoying the look of despair on her face. He then tossed the phone to Subaru.
Just as she thought he would return it to her, Subaru’s expression changed to a look of disgust, and Yui knew immediately that he wasn’t going to.
“W-what are you doing?”
With one swift movement, Subaru snapped the phone in two. 
There went Yui’s lifeline to her father. Why are they doing this? 
“This is cruel…”
“Shut up.”
Watching the tears forming in Yui’s eyes at the sight of her broken cell phone, Subaru shot her an irritated glare.
“Oh, Bitchlet, don’t be sad!” Laito said cheerfully and patted her shoulder as if to console her. “We’re going to get along great, so you won’t need your cell phone anyway. Okay?”
Before she had time to think about it, she had been sandwiched between Laito and Kanato.
“I’ve been so hungry.” 
Kanato edged closer to a now distraught Yui as he spoke, and Laito simultaneously leaned in to whisper in her ear. 
“Ah… You smell so good, Bitchlet.”
Huh? I’m not even wearing perfume.
Just as she pondered his remark, the light reflected off something in the corner of her eye. She tilted her head to look, and it turned out to be the canine teeth poking out from Laito’s mouth when he bent down to her neck as if he was going to bite her.
The thunder rumbling in the distance coincided with a fearful scream from Yui, both reverberating through the room. 
I have to get out of here. Now.
She dashed for the door, but in her haste, her foot caught on something and she fell flat on her face. Yui scrambled back up, but a flash of pain ran through her leg. Looking down, she saw blood welling up from a cut in the skin of her knee.
Suddenly feeling the brothers’ attention on her again, Yui raised her face. She was met with their ominously glistening eyes. Their unusually sharp canine teeth were now plainly visible. It’s… like they’re…
Yui reached for something in her pocket and held it up in front of her face.
“Eat this!”
It was the rosary that she’d gotten from her father. 
Vampires should be weak to crucifixes! However, much to her disappointment, the brothers didn’t cower in fear. From the sofa by the window where Shuu lay, Yui even heard a low, mocking laugh.
Why didn’t it do anything?
“Good grief…” Reiji said, exasperated. “The theories that vampires are weak to garlic, crucifixes, the sun, and that sort of thing… are all myths invented by humans. Did you earnestly expect that to work on us? That only proves how foolish you humans really are. This is most displeasing.”
Yui made a dash for the door.
“You really haven’t an ounce of discipline, have you?” she heard Reiji say irritatedly from behind her as she ran.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The sound of Yui’s desperate, careless footsteps echoed through the entrance hall as she ran. The thought that they were not just no ordinary humans, but actual vampires, was incomprehensible. 
I have to get out of here as fast as I can!
Having run blindly focused on getting away, Yui came to a halt. Wait, which way should I even go? She wasn’t sure if it was because the mansion was so big, but there were so many hallways that looked so similar to one another that she quickly lost track of where she was. However, she had no time to hesitate. I have to run, or they’ll catch up to me…
Yui sped off again at the memory of the threatening look in their eyes.
Shortly after that, she spotted a table loaded with different kinds of sweets at the end of the hall. What is this doing here? As she eyed the sweets in suspicion, Kanato suddenly appeared from the shadow under the table. 
“I’ll break you.”
The way Kanato smiled at her made her quickly continue her path. What was he doing there?
A small desk with a landline phone on it caught Yui’s attention when she turned the corner into another hallway. 
Good, I can use it to contact my father… If I can, I could make it out of here somehow… Yui picked up the receiver, but the cord that she thought had been connected to the phone before had now been cut. 
Oh no… Briefly stunned, she lost hope. 
From somewhere in the distance, Laito’s voice called out to her. “Hehe… I told you you wouldn’t need a phone anymore living here.”
Yui frantically looked around to see where he was. Laito was nowhere in sight. 
“Come and find me, Bitchlet…”
He probably enjoyed the sight of her frightened. Laito’s voice made her shrink away in fear. While scrambling backwards, she bumped into someone, and Yui held her breath as she felt hands closing around her shoulders.
Please, no…
“Guess who?”
Yui yelped. 
Terrified by Laito whispering so close to her ear, she quickly shook off his hands and ran. 
When she somehow finally reached a door, it wouldn’t budge. No way! Why won’t it open?
“Please, please open!” She pounded her fists on the door, but it didn’t help at all. I’m going to have to look for a different way out…
Before she could move away, two hands reached out on either side of her and pushed Yui’s body against the door. It was Ayato.
“Where are you going? This is the part where you scream for my amusement. Let me hear you cry out, at the top of your lungs.”
Yui was trapped in his arms.
“You can’t run away, you know.”
The girl was somehow able to shake Ayato off as well, and ran in the opposite direction, deeper into the mansion. I’m better off finding a place to hide…
Upstairs, Yui found a room that looked suitable for hiding, but the door didn’t open when she turned the knob. As she ran down the dimly-lit hallway on the second floor, she heard the sound of something unlocking. 
Yui spotted a spiral staircase further down the hall. Did it come from up there? 
She followed the stairs and came to a stop in front of yet another door. Padlocks and chains were scattered on the floor before it. 
It’s unlocked. I should hide in there.
Yui went in and shut the door behind her.
The dim moonlight gave the room a gloomy atmosphere. Yui looked around. There were many pieces of furniture and paintings with sheets draped over them, as well as different kinds of tools. Everything was covered in a layer of dust, making it seem like nobody ever came in here. It might be a storage room, Yui thought as she padded through the room to a dresser. Her eyes fell onto the accessories spread out on top of it, which were adorned with gemstones and glittered in the moonlight. But if they’re laid out like this, this must be someone’s room after all? 
Yui’s gaze unintentionally shifted to the window.
A woman was standing on the balcony.
The woman’s back was turned to Yui, so she couldn’t see her face, but her long purple hair shone in the moonlight. She gave off an elegant aura in her long dress, which was almost as purple as her hair.
The purple-haired woman noticed Yui’s presence. Just as she turned to look at her, an intense pain spread through Yui’s torso.
Yui choked on air.
What’s happening? 
She had never experienced such pain in her chest before. 
I can’t breathe… Her heart started beating erratically, her vision slowly becoming blurry. The pain was so severe that she lost her footing and collided with the bookcase along the wall, sending books tumbling to the floor. Yui could only focus on bearing the agony. 
After a little while, the pain subsided. 
What on Earth was that?
Yui snuck another glance towards the window, but saw nothing but the new moon in the night sky outside. Did I just imagine all of that? The pain in her chest and the illusion of that woman might not even be so strange in the line of things that had already happened today.
The books that had fallen from the bookcase caught Yui’s attention. Alongside a number of books was a leatherbound notebook. Her eyes stopped on a picture that had slipped out from between the pages when she had bumped into the bookcase.
“This is… Dad?!”
The picture depicted a priest holding a small, sleeping baby. So that baby is…
But how did this picture get here?
When Yui looked at the notebook from which the picture had slipped out, the writer summarised their day’s events and achievements in a familiar handwriting.
“So this is my father’s diary. But why?” 
Why would it be here of all places? I might understand if I look inside.
She opened the diary and began reading.
Yui brings me so much joy. The fact that she is not my own child bears no meaning at all. She is truly a blessing, and I am nothing but grateful for every day I get to spend with her…
Yui could not believe her eyes.
“What does he mean, I’m not my father’s child? What is this diary even doing here?” 
Am I not his biological child? It couldn’t be so…
“To think you went into this room, of all places.”
The sudden sound of Reiji’s voice made Yui look up, and she saw that the Sakamaki brothers had somehow all gathered in the room in the blink of an eye.
“This is a forbidden room. Nobody is allowed inside.” Reiji glanced at the door and let out a heavy sigh. “I will have to put new locks on it.”
“Really, though. How did you even get in, Bitchlet?” Laito asked and crouched down before her, but even Yui did not know why the room had been unlocked. 
I didn’t even unlock it myself…
Yui tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t quite come out.
Kanato stood before her as well, leering down at her. “You’re nothing but food, so please stay still so I can eat.”
“I-I’m not food…”
“Quit complaining already.”
Yui shrieked when Subaru slammed a fist into the wall like he had before, sending more books falling from the bookcase to the floor.
“Oh, not again, Subaru.”
“Fuck off.”
While Laito and Subaru bickered with one another, Yui looked on, frightened beyond her wits. What should I do? I’m surrounded. There’s no way I can run now. 
What are they going to do with me?
“That face…”
Someone grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. There was Ayato, his face splitting into a satisfied grin.
“It’s so tempting.”
“Let me have a bite, too!”
“I want to lick her.”
The triplets started towards Yui.
“You have no right to refuse. The only thing you need to know is this: you can most definitely not run from us,” Reiji stated plainly.
“Beating around the bush, as always. What he means to say is that we’ll kill you if you try to get away.”
Yui had no choice. She was surrounded by the triplets as she quietly took in Reiji’s and Subaru’s words. On either side of her, Ayato and Laito took turns turning her neck this way and that, and when Kanato stretched out a hand towards her, Yui let out a fearful scream.
“Please stop!”
Yui screamed, and the sound of glass breaking pierced the air. The triplets, who had been swarming around her in an attempt to steal her blood, snapped their heads in the direction of the sound.
A few landscape paintings had fallen over by Shuu’s feet, and glass was scattered all across the floor. 
“My bad,” Shuu said, and turned his back toward her. Yui’s eyes must not have conveyed her desperate need to be saved from the triplets.
While she was rooted in place, terrified, the realisation dawned over Yui.
Even if I run, I have nowhere to go.
“Hey, Pancake.”
Yui, still startled at the nickname, turned around. Her mind could barely keep up when Ayato grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down onto the floor.
“Are you ready to accept your fate?”
His eyes had a dangerous twinkle in them as he hovered over her. Yui could no longer find the resolve to move away. Ayato pinned her to the floor and held her gaze, his sharp fangs glistening in the light of the new moon peeking through the window. 
Please, save me…
“Oh, God!”
However, Yui’s voice never reached Him.
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Hii idk if your request are open and if you write polly but could you write a sugawara x daichi x asahi x reader
Where the reader moves from their home country and to Japan and it’s how they meet the three their are a first and it’s how they end up together idk if that makes sense sorry :)
AHHHH YES! There is not nearly enough daisugasahi x reader fics and its a crime against humanity. I will gladly fix that though so I hope you enjoy!
Poly! Daichi, Asahi, and Suga with a foreign reader
Warnings: none
Gn! reader
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(The country reader comes from is not named so anyone can read this)
-Moving from your home country to Japan was certainly a nerve wracking experience, especially since you’d be attending your last year of grade school amongst new people in an unfamiliar place, in a language you aren’t proficient in. After a few weeks of loneliness you decide that you won’t sit still and be a loner the whole school year.
-You thought that getting involved in something, a club, and team, anything with other people might help you make a couple friends might be good for you, and you heard a pretty cute guy in your bio class talk about how the men’s volleyball team could use a second manager, so you decide to apply for the position
-When you go into the gym to meet the team for the first time, you’re immediately bombarded by two very eager second years and and a short red headed first year who were very curious as to who you were (the school doesn’t get students from other countries often so they were curious about you)
-Suga takes pity on you and puts the team to practice while you, Daichi, Kiyoko, Ukai and Takeda go over your new duties as a manager with you, and you eventually start your time as Karasunos manager
-The first few weeks are pretty eventful for you, you’re just getting to know the ropes of the job and also getting to know everybody on the team. It doesn’t help that there was some drama between some of the team members and the former team ace (or the fact that after it was all said and done he joined the team again), and it certainly didn’t help that you had to train another new manger when your still new yourself (you don’t blame Yachi though, it’s not her fault, and besides, she’s a very sweet kid).
-It was hard adjusting to the club environment at first, but Kiyoko made sure to introduce you properly to everyone, which is how you ended up talking to the 3rd years more. As much as you both love the 1st and 2nd year students, you need to make friends in your own grade
-Kiyoko begins a habit of starting hangouts for just the 3rd years, nothing big, just a few hours hanging out at a cafe or someone’s house. That’s primarily how you got to know the three third year boys, through these hangouts. It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other better in a relaxed setting
- I imagine the three were already together before they met you, so they’re all used to a polyamorous relationship by the time you came along. They never really thought that they would want to add another to their group, but then again, they didn’t know they would meet you
-Asahi probably fell first, the poor guy wears his heart on his sleeve so it’s pretty easy for him to fall for you. Suga and Daichi could see how enamored by you Asahi was, and after a little time you captured their hearts too.
-They all want to know more about your home country and culture, but no one asks more questions than Suga. He wants to know everything there is to know about your culture, your home, what living in your native country was like, what customs you have, what holidays you celebrate, everything! He’s a naturally curious guy and the other two are either too scared that they’ll bother you or worried they’ll ask something offensive
-Asahi does muster up the courage to ask you about any cultural clothing you might have, and if you’d say it’s ok to, he’d be more than happy to try and see if he can sew it himself. I can imagine him gifting you a handmade outfit if he manages to get the hang of making it for your birthday or some other holiday
-After awhile it’s painfully obvious to anyone with eyes that the trio is hardcore pining after you, it’s a wonder you don’t see it yourself! Sugar’s always trying to get your attention (much to the embarrassment of his boyfriends) Asahi’s stutter has magically appeared once again, and Daichi goes red any time you’re in close proximity to him. Honestly the whole teams just begging for them to ask you out at this point, it’s getting painful to watch
-The three have no idea how to ask you out, or if you’re even into poly relationships, so they settle for asking you to meet them at one of their houses so they can speak to you privately
-Daichi takes the lead, explaining to you how they’ve been in love with you for awhile and that they would really love to date you, but they all understand if you don’t like them or if you aren’t comfortable being in a poly relationship. They all kind of expect you to say no, simply because their relationship is very much outside the norm, but there’s still a little hope inside each of them that you’ll say yes
-When you do say yes, everyone is over the moon. Asahi nearly starts sobbing from joy and relief (he totally thought you were going to reject them), Suga practically tackles you in a hug, and Daichi let’s put a huge sigh of relief before prying Suga off of you. Prepare for a long night of cuddles because now that the boys have you, they’re determined to spend as much time with you as possible
174 notes · View notes
midnightfantasiez · 2 months
Twisted Love | 넷 (chp.4)
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SUMMARY: you were certain that you would never find love nor ever lose your virginity throughout university, that is until a man named Lee Sangyeon came into the picture and offered to become your tutor; in exchange for keeping your grades up, and most importantly, teaching you everything you needed to know about sex. it was all just for fun & games, that is until one of you started to develop feelings for the other.
PAIRING: tutor!Sangyeon x afab!reader
GENRE: smut (18+ MDNI!!)
WARNINGS: we taking a look back on Sangyeon's past 👀, as well as a peak into reader's feelings, petnames (princess), talks about Sangyeon having fwb behaviour, unprotected sex (pls don't do that irl), dirty talk, creampie, rough sex, p in v sex, doggy style, pussy rubbing, lots of teasing from your best friend Haknyeon, sex jokes (nothing too vulgar dw), alcohol consumption, Sangyeon is now just cold 🥺
A/N: apologies for the late update on this one it's been a while!! 😭 but we're back and hohoho. yall are not ready for this one 😮‍💨✨
send me an ask/comment to join the series taglist! those in my permanent taglist will automatically be added!
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Sangyeon’s POV
“Sangyeon? Sangyeon-ah!” 
That loud voice startled the young teacher assistant as he was scrolling through his computer, grading all of the pop quizzes that were handed in by the students over the school holidays, making him turn his back almost immediately towards the direction of the owner of the voice. 
Professor Kim clearly noticed the vast and heavy under eye bags that he had gotten recently, and it was very concerning to him, especially when he used to be his favourite and top student several years back. 
“Sangyeon-ah, you clearly have something going on in your mind, don’t you?” 
He knew that his professor read him like a book, and there was nothing he could do to hide his emotions and struggles from him ever—at least, he had never succeeded once. Sangyeon was basically like the professor’s own son, taking him in and tutoring him for hours after lectures each day back then so that he could obtain the title of one of the best alumni the university has ever seen for the past decade. 
After graduation, Sangyeon traveled to Tokyo for a couple of years and gained some experience there before returning to Seoul, where he met the love of his life. 
Meeting his ex was truly one of the best things he had ever experienced, especially abroad, since he had accepted the fact that he would be completely stuck working remotely in his apartment, with little to no contact from the outside world. 
But it was thanks to his roommate, who convinced him to attend their monthly company events, that he met the love of his life. She was half Korean and half Japanese, and she was truly one of the sweetest human beings he had ever seen. 
Within less than a year, they got so close that he decided to move in with her, spending almost 24 hours with her at all times and treating her the best that he possibly could. It went pretty smoothly for two years—travelling all across Japan during the weekends and their paid holidays while making precious memories together. 
Sangyeon was convinced that he had found the love of his life, and he was ready to propose to her. He even reserved a specially made ring from Tiffany & Co. in Ginza, Tokyo—turquoise was her favourite colour, after all. 
But his dreams came shattering down when his ex confronted him in the comforts of their apartment one night, telling him that she had found someone better and that it was time to end their relationship. Tears were shed, and his heart was shattered into pieces when he found out the exact reason why she saw no future between them.
You don’t pleasure me enough. 
Through that heartbreak, he decided that he needed to go through a healing journey, and to really figure out what he was lacking that made his ex end things abruptly with him during the peak of their relationship. Hence, he started meeting different types of girls—goody-two shoe ones or girls who were often wild and found at the clubs, all to figure out and work on his sex skills. 
He has definitely learnt a lot more through those experiences, even if some of them turned out pretty messy and unpleasant—he just needed to refine himself to make sure that he would be loved once again. 
However, when he finally got back to Seoul a couple of years prior, he decided that it was time to put his fuckboy life behind in order to live a proper life with a stable job and to mix around with people who weren’t just craving for his dick. 
After a few different jobs, he finally landed on his current one, and he was surprised yet grateful that Mr Kim actually thought and remembered about him after all those years, and he immediately accepted the offer without much dilemma, thinking that working in the education field would divert his attention back to reality for a bit. 
That was until he met you. 
He only had one job at the sorority party: to make sure that the students avoided making outrageous decisions and that everyone went back home safe and sound. But somehow, he laid his eyes upon you, and you reminded him so much of his ex. Be it the looks you had or your demeanour, or how it was the way you reacted that was the exact same with his ex back when he first crossed paths with her during a company event where she had a little too much to drink. 
Instantly, the lust within him grew, and he knew that it was hard for him to refuse the kiss that you gave. One thing led to another, and then you actually trusted him to take your virginity away. Sangyeon was definitely beyond grateful about that, knowing that he was actually validated and loved in some way, even if you were absolutely lost in this whole messed up contract you both had made with one another. 
But there was something different about you: you never refused his touch and that you actually enjoyed his company, even if his tutoring sessions were definitely something completely different to what you had in mind. 
Sangyeon never thought much about it, until Haknyeon came into the picture. 
He never really knew why that was exactly the case. Haknyeon had been your best friend since you were kids, and he had little to no room for messing up with your personal life. It was not his place to have a say in this, after all. Who was he to judge nor control the timing of when your best friend would actually return from abroad and reunite with you this quickly? 
It shouldn’t have affected him in the slightest—Haknyeon was just being himself and hanging out with his best friend after being separated for quite a while.
But why did he have this uncomfortable feeling deep down in his gut that was slowly eating him away? 
To the point he even had a spicy dream about you making out with your best friend. 
It has been a week since he last saw you, and this time, Sangyeon himself was the one to turn down all of the tutoring sessions that were supposed to be going on, coming up with any possible excuses to tell you that he wasn’t able to see you for a while.
Or rather, he wasn’t ready to reunite with you. 
However, he knew that he could no longer avoid this, as he clearly had to meet with you to discuss the possible topics or chapters that your professors would highlight in the upcoming quiz that was going to take place next week. 
With that, he kindly excused himself from the lecture hall where he was with Professor Kim. He slowly made his way out to the nearest rooftop garden, located right outside the campus. He reluctantly took out his phone and dialled the familiar number. 
“Hey, I’m coming over at eight tonight. Don’t be late.”
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Your walls are slowly ripping apart with every single thrust that Sangyeon makes within you, not caring about your pleas and cries as he continues to push his cock further and as deep as he can. 
You were panting while lying flat down on the bed with your ass sticking up to his abdomen, both your arms bound by one of his veiny hands, while the other was gripping a clump of your hair as his groans filled the entire room. 
Sure, you both have had rough sex like this before, but deep down, you knew that something wasn’t right, especially with the way he treated you firsthand when he stepped right into your apartment. The both of you would usually start with your actual work, having an hour or two to work on your grades before going in with the sex, but that wasn’t the case today.
Immediately, he quickly pinned you straight to your front door the moment you let him in, and he began kissing you feverishly, not giving you any room for rejecting his advances. Frankly, you couldn’t even do much because, well, you did kind of miss his presence. 
You missed his scent so badly and how his fingers would comb through your hair whenever you made out. You missed the way his lips felt against yours, that sweet mango-flavoured lip balm that he would often apply on a daily basis, one that you have grown accustomed to. 
Most importantly, you craved the way he would treat you in bed. He knew exactly what you needed and was feeling for the day. It was as if he had some sort of telepathy when it came to reading your mind, and he would meet every single one of your needs for the day. 
Sangyeon always made you feel good about yourself; it made you feel as if you were loved by someone, given that you had concluded that romance would never be a thing for you in university. But ever since Sangyeon came into the picture, that all changed. 
You knew this was all part of the gimmick and the so-called “contract.” None of this is accurate, and you two will not be guaranteed to end up as a couple.
However, you have always kept your hopes up that perhaps one day, Sangyeon would change his mind and that you actually meant a lot more to him, given that he would agree with this whole ordeal in the first place. 
It has been about 3 minutes of Sangyeon constantly picking up his pace as he thrusts into you, but this time, you could tell that he was getting impatient. He tugged you up aggressively to pull you upright, with you now kneeling on the bed while his other hand was still holding both of yours in place. 
“Y/N— Tell me—How much you missed this?” He panted while he leaned close to whisper into your ear, desperate for your answer.
“A lot— I missed this so much—” 
“Come on, Y/N. You can do better than that— Show me how much you missed this—” Sangyeon growled before letting go of your hair and moving down to rub your dripping wet clit.
“I— I missed you, Sangyeon! I want you so badly!” You were now shaking from the mess that Sangyeon had placed you in, and it made it even worse when he began sucking on your earlobe. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” 
“Cum all over my cock, princess. Do it for me,” Sangyeon commanded before giving one final thrust as you two finally came, then taking a few seconds to come down from your high before letting you go as you fell straight down onto the bed. 
You expected Sangyeon to do the same because that was what you had grown accustomed to—cuddling in bed until you regained strength and sometimes sharing a few sensual and slow kisses before he would carry you right into your bathtub and give you a warm bath. 
However, your tutor immediately got up and put on his pants, pushing his sweaty hair back with his hands before draping his shirt over his bare shoulders and walking straight into the living room. 
“Call me when you’re ready. I’ll get you ready for a bath, and then we’ll work on the lectures.”
Those were the very last words he said without even turning his head back to look at you before closing your bedroom door shut. 
Something was definitely not right.
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“What’s with that gloomy face that would actually cause a thunderstorm to happen sooner than later, miss Y/N?” 
You were brought back to reality when your best friend flicked you on your forehead, earning a yelp from you while giving him an immense glare as if you were going to murder him right here and then. 
“Nothing. Just been having some issues with some assignments,” you commented before returning to meddle with your boba straw instead of drinking from it. 
“Nah, I’m not convinced. Y/N, I’ve known you for decades now, and that look is giving me an I'm-depressed-please-get-me-to-talk-about-it look,” Haknyeon insisted as he pulled your boba drink away from you.
“Hey! Give it back!” You raised your voice before your best friend began taking a sip of your beverage. “Oh, Ju Haknyeon, you’re so dead—”
“Then spill. I’m going to finish up your favourite Oolong Milk Tea if you don’t,” he stuck out his tongue right at you before taking a few more sips of your beverage. You could clearly see that he was already halfway through and would inhale the entire thing if you were not going to speak anytime soon.
“Okay okay, stop! Don’t finish it! That’s my very last boba that I’ll be able to afford for the month.”
“Not my problem that you’re not earning as much with your current part-time job.”
“Look, I’m doing it all for charity, okay?”
“Don’t care; spill the tea now.”
“You’re so–”
“Tick tock, tick tock! I’m going to finish it!” Haknyeon teased before taking another big sip, and he was close to finishing up your boba pearls. 
“Fine! I’ll talk! Now take your mouth out of that straw,” you snarled. 
Haknyeon’s eyes now glowed as if he was going to listen to his favourite bedtime story from when he was a kid, and he quickly pushed the drink aside and rested his face on both of his palms as he leaned forward to look straight at you. 
“I hate how something tells me that you’re planning to use whatever I’m going to say up against me.” 
“It depends, knowing you it’s probably about your “side assignment” instead of your actual ones.” 
Dang it. 
“I absolutely despise how you just know too well about me,” you sulked. 
“Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me forever as best friends, so suck it up,” he smiled, giving you his signature puppy eyes which just made you roll your eyes back. “Now that’s just rude. You’re ignoring my cuteness.” 
“It makes me wanna puke every time I see you do that straight to my face,” you fought back. 
“Okay so, what exactly happened between you and Sangyeon?” Haknyeon immediately jumped into the topic, not giving you a little breath of air to mentally prepare yourself on how you would address it to your best friend. 
On the bright side, it definitely saves you from taking your usual 10 minutes to muster up the courage before you would touch on topics like this. 
“I wished I knew, Haknyeon,” you lowered your head, and your voice was now getting softer than before. Truthfully, you never really knew how you felt about all of this. 
You were definitely concerned about Sangyeon’s change of demeanour; it was not like him to give you fairly little attention or care. After all, the Sangyeon you knew always made sure the people around him were being taken care of, and he would always put up this genuine and soft smile that seemed to make even the worst possible scenario seem bearable. 
However, another part of you was also feeling certain emotions that you weren’t sure if you could pinpoint them correctly. Sadness? Loneliness? Upset? You really didn’t know at all. 
But it seemed your friend immediately picked up on the situation and flat-out shoved his observations right at your face. 
“So you’re sad that he did not give you any aftercare after your last sex,” Haknyeon flatly blurted out right there and then.
“What the fuck? Of course not! It was definitely nice if he did…but that’s not the main point,” you were now blushing as you commented on that. 
“Hmm…you’re sad he walked out on you after sex,” he continued.
“Haknyeon. He was just different. Even during our tutoring sessions, he wouldn’t even look right at me in the eyes, and his vision was constantly on the lecture notes for the 2 hours we were doing it.”
“And then he left right away after that.”
“And yes, he left immediately after that, with only a single goodbye.” 
You slowly waited for your friend to process all that information before his concerned look turned into a sinister smile, knowing he was up to no good. 
“You wanted more sex after that.” 
Immediately, you slapped his arms, earning a yelp from him and sending you daggers through his eyes. “Can you not hurt me like that!”
“Then be serious with me, will you?” You snapped, crossing both of your arms while giving him a little huff. 
“Okay fine, he’s different than usual. And what about it? You do know that Sangyeon has his own life and matters to deal with; he’s also an adult and not just a tutor and a sex buddy, okay?”
“I’m aware of that…but it’s affecting me too…” 
“How so?” 
Haknyeon now scoots closer to you, and he is now resting his hand on his arms that are draped on the table so that he can peer up and look straight at your face from below. 
“Oh, hell no. You caught feelings for the guy, Y/N.” 
Cat’s out of the bag. 
Suddenly, all the alarms went off in your mind, and all the puzzle pieces came together immediately. You knew that from the back of your mind, part of the reason you didn’t want to agree with this whole contract to begin with was that you were afraid that you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between “business” and “romance”. 
However, you were desperate to find love, and you were certainly not going to graduate university being labelled as a virgin. Hence, you decided that it wouldn’t harm to actually try it out. 
Only if you knew that your worst nightmare was slowly beginning to form down the road. 
You didn’t really know when you started falling for your tutor, but who could’ve blamed you? Especially when he was one of the university’s top alumni and had such good looks that made every female swoon over him whenever he bypassed down the halls. 
Sangyeon was truly a blessing and a curse for you. You were now stuck in a situation where you actually developed feelings for the man himself, even when you promised yourself that you would never fall deep into this whole situationship that was going on between you two. 
It seemed as if you had failed. Horribly. 
If it wasn’t for Haknyeon, who was now cupping both of your cheeks with his hands, you could’ve gone on and on overthinking this whole situationship between you and Sangyeon. Thankfully, you were now brought back to reality and managed to break that unpleasant train of thought for a little while. 
“Look, Y/N. I don’t know why you’re overthinking about all of this. If you fall for him, then why not? Confess to him. If you’re worried about him, then ask him face-to-face. It can’t be that hard, especially when you both are a lot closer than just normal friends.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why I’m making such a big deal out of all this,” you chuckled before choking on the tears bound to drip down your face. 
But Haknyeon wouldn’t let that happen and immediately embraced you, soothing you by rubbing your back while his other hand patted your head. “Here’s an idea: you’re good at baking. Why not make him some sweet treats to thank him for all the hard work he has put in for you and also to make him happier?” 
“You’re right. Maybe I could whip up that mango sago recipe my mother used to make for me all the time, and I’ll give it to him after the quiz tomorrow morning.” 
With that, Haknyeon smiled and ruffled your hair before rubbing his nose against yours. “Now that’s more like the Y/N I know.”
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You tried so hard to juggle between studying for your quiz and making the dessert the night prior. To be fair, making the dessert would’ve taken about half an hour, and it was a fairly simple recipe—that is if Haknyeon hadn’t decided to take you out to a newly opened bar and treat you to some drinks before you finally came to realise that you have a quiz the following day. 
You scurried your way back home at 1 in the morning, and you quickly tried your best to sober up by chugging down glasses of water and splashing your face with some cold water in an attempt to pull an all-nighter. 
Without wasting time, you immediately set your phone on silent mode and try your best to focus on studying for the quiz while taking necessary breaks to work on the dessert. It took about a couple of hours before you realised the sun was about to rise as the sunlight shone through your blinds. You knew there was no point in trying to take a little shut-eye now, for you wouldn’t want to risk being late for the quiz.
Instead, you caked on as much makeup as you could to try to cover the under-eye bags and to make it seem that you weren’t drunk in the slightest as you packed away everything, including the dessert, as you made your way to campus.
Besides feeling groggy and not your best self due to the lack of sleep and alcohol in your system, everything else went smoothly as you arrived on time and did some last-minute studying before your professor was about to walk in with the papers in hand. 
Sure enough, Sangyeon trailed behind Professor Kim at 8 a.m. sharp and helped your professor to pass out the papers for each student, even coming close to placing one right on your desk personally. Obviously, you looked up to see him right in the eye, but the male didn’t return the favour, and he quickly made his way towards the other students.
You were slightly upset, that’s for sure. However, you figured he was just doing his job and not making any unnecessary interaction since it was during campus hours. Once all of the students had gotten their papers, the professor started the timer before everyone began answering the questions frantically. 
On the other hand, you were doing fairly well and with ease, all thanks to Sangyeon highlighting the specific chapters to focus more on during your last tutoring session with him. You could answer all of them easily before you realised you had finished a little earlier than the other students. 
With that, you gently placed your pen on one side before turning your eyes to look straight at the male himself. Unfortunately, he was staring right at the students on the lower ground, not even once tilting his head up to glance at the floor you were on. Once again, you had to remind yourself that he was just doing his job as a teacher’s assistant, nothing else. 
After what seemed like 10 minutes had passed, the timer that your professor set had gone off, and all of the students were to hand in their papers before they were permitted to leave the hall, and then it was the start of midterm break. 
You followed the other students, gently placing your paper on your professor’s desk before bowing to him and wishing each other a blessed midterm break until you reached the front door where Sangyeon leaned against the wall, grabbing onto your wrist and not letting it go in the slightest. Instead, his grip tightened slightly before he gently pulled you back into the hall, addressing a few things with your professor before he took the papers with him and left. 
“H-Hey, Sangyeon! Thanks for helping me during the last tutoring session. The quiz was fairly easy, and I was able to answer the whole thing fairly quickly!” You tried your best to show Sangyeon your excitement, but the male only furrowed his brows and stared at you blankly. 
Now, that was awkward. 
Trying your best to break the tension between you two, you quickly fished through your backpack to pull out the dessert that you have been dying to give to him. “Oh! I made you a little something last night to show you my token of appreciation! I think you’ll love it—”
“Y/N. Stop it.” 
That alone was enough to freeze you in place, and your hand immediately fell off from your backpack. “S-Sangyeon? Is something the matter?” 
Instead of answering your question, Sangyeon takes in a deep breath and tucks his hands away into his pockets before closing in his distance between you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But this whole tutoring session between us is over.”
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A/N: one more chapter to go folks 🥹
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The Fang Hashira
Name: Saigo Masashi
Age: 25
Height: 179cm (5’11)
Father: Hideyoshi Mazashi
Age: 49
Mother: Torihime Mazashi (Surname Igarashi)
Age: 44
Second Cousin: Isane Kuratesu (@iron-embers)
 Tengen: Associate/ Eventual Friend
Kyojuro: Friend
Gyomei: Friendly
Giyu: Awkward Associate 
Shinobu: Distant Acquaintances 
Mitsuri: Friendly
Obanai: Associate 
Muichiro: Tentative Associate
Sanemi: Friend
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: Respects him due to his understanding of Saigo's personal mission.
Personality/ Traits
Honest (A little too much)
Smart aleck
Night Owl
Strong Willed
-Running Speed: Can keep up with Gyomei
-Strength: He’s below Sanemi in strength but he does have a lot of stamina so he can go for a while, in other words “I can do this all day.”
-Openness: He’s a hard 70% Saigo can keep good company/ conversation but he lets people come to him, he’s not one to seek out friendships however, if you get him to open up, it’s more of a 76%
Born into a wealthy household, Saigo was raised and trained by his father, Hideyoshi, who is Daimyo for a village alongside a forest/ mountain range. A mercantile town, pretty affluent and a middle between trade routes from the sea ports and further inland.
His father trained him on all accounts. Reading, writing, and handling a blade, Saigo learned from him. Due to his father’s previous experiences with combat, Saigo was a quick learner when it came to the ways of bushido. To help understand the trade routes, on his 17th and 18th year, he was privileged to sail across the ocean in his father’s stead to China and Korea. In doing so he was able to see how the products were distributed as well as properly reading and understanding manuscripts within that category. He also experienced the different trade routes within Japan as well and he met with other traders his father did business with. Saigo knew nothing about sailing or navigation and he was usually escorted, but he enjoyed the trips and he got to at least experience the culture of it all.
As he grew older, Saigo began to notice a change in his father’s behavior. A melancholy
On the eve of his nineteenth birthday, Saigo approached his father and has a long heart to heart with him. It ends with a hug and a promise to always be there for one another.
However this was only enough to appease the growing depression in Hideyoshi’s heart for a small while. As Saigo assumed some of the duties his father was originally in charge of, a growing rift between father and son was beginning to form.
One night Hideyoshi is tempted by Muzan. 
He’s more or less given the chance to be “useful” but he has to forfeit most of his control of trade
Muzan wanted to spread influence and reach out further to discover the blue spider lily perhaps in another continent 
The exchange, strength and immunity from mortality for influence, and recourses.
The desire to have a purpose was overwhelming and Hideyoshi gave in, and accepted Muzan’s offer.
Upon his return, Saigo almost immediately knew something was wrong. His father was lively yes, but he seemed bigger almost. Stronger in stature and the smell of iron (blood) was palpable on his person. Not to mention the limp from an injury so long ago was almost nonexistent as he watched his father walk.
Saigo’s suspicions only grew as his father seemed incredibly active during the night just as he was during the day. 
He approached his father and asked if he was alright and the response was a full teethed smile and a rather aggressive squeeze on his shoulder.
It did not take long for Saigo to notice that certain servants had disappeared from their household and upon further investigation, he found a very shaken maid, Hanako Nakamura, who supposedly witnessed his father devouring one of her acquaintances. 
Without any thought he tells Hanako to leave the manor at once, take all her belongings, and don’t look back.
He is awoken later that night by an audible thud and the sound of something being dragged across the floor. So he carefully slides open the door to see his father dragging a lifeless body into his study. With his heart raging in his ears, he makes his way to his father’s chamber and through the cracked door he watches in horror as his father rip the flesh from what seems to be a homeless man. 
This single interaction scared Saigo so much, that he did not sleep the rest of the night, the sounds of tearing flesh and cracking bones echoing in his ears.
The next day, Saigo flees from his home
He packs up his horse, and all he brings is his sword, food rations, and a small bag of money to start off.
He travels a while, searching for a group known as the Demon Slayers. Throughout his journey he comes to the conclusion that he must be the one to kill his father not a random slayer.
Thus begins his journey of developing his own breathing style, joining the Demon Slayer Co., killing his father, and becoming the Fang Hashira.
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tunamayojazz · 4 months
all of your inuokko art is so lovely it’s hard to pick just one!! i loved the ex-idol concept that was so perfect for inumaki, and the baseball and college aus are adorable too! we love mutual pining in this house 🥰
i just looked a the date in which this was sent and shrieked out loud 😭 i am so sorry and also happy new year!
thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ i'm so happy to hear you liked the ex-idol toge and baseball player yuta au hehe that was so much fun to do. now that you mention college aus (which i also LIVEEE for), would it not be cute if they used to crush on each other when they were college students!! music major toge was part of the dance club and spent a lot of time on campus for practice, same for yuta who had been a prodigy baseball player his whole life. from his club's practice spot, toge had a convenient view of watching yuta practice (as did many other students haha, man always had an audience). from observation and also through word of mouth, he knew that yuta was a very sweet person, friend and teammate. he took care of his team well and everyone looked up to him. toge was inspired by his drive and it motivated him to try his best too.
for yuta it was a much more private experience. while toge would sometimes just join the crowd watching yuta or sit somewhere alone on a day with less people, yuta was intensely shy. he came across his school's dance club profile on social media one fine day and that's when he first saw toge. 30 minutes of doom scrolling later on their page and it was over for him...let's just say toge was a really good dancer with lots of charm and personality in his style (and also has a little fanclub of his own!).
despite them mutually pining for one another from afar, they unfortunately only ever interacted once. they happened to both be on their way out of school, and it was the day before yuta and his team went off to the all japan university baseball championship. toge's got a good luck charm for him but is way too nervous to actually approach him. luckily for toge, yuta accidentally drops his student ID. and the little opportunist within toge comes alive and dives to grab it before yuta can even do it himself (he still cringes about this moment years later). yuta's brain is also doing an internal system crash but somehow doesn't combust when toge very calmly hands him his ID back with the charm underneath. he then walks off in what seems to be the fastest speed yuta has ever witnessed. after the moment is over, yuta uncovers the good luck charm tucked under his ID and then, he combusts.
it doesn't get better yet, they don't meet again for a long time. yuta and his team go on to win the championship, but when he returns to campus with all the glory and confidence in the world (to finally speak to toge), he can't find him anywhere. tldr: toge got scouted by a really good music label and got whisked away to trainee life at 19 in the period of time yuta was away for championships; it all happened very quickly bc toge was quite naive and dropped out of school for a shot at his dream career) (why do i feel like im writing a such a cliche romance plot !! haha)
we'll get to the bad parts immediately. toge knew trainee life would be hard, but he was willing to give it his all to debut. except things didn't really improve after debut. before he could even notice all the red flags, it all came crashing down at 23 when toge had been overworked to the point of damaging his vocal cords. he left the group shortly after, and eventually left the label all together. as for yuta, he was scouted to play for a foreign team and left japan. his career was a success overseas and he'd attained the status as japan's pride. all the things he'd dreamt of as a kid playing baseball with his dad had come true. but in true yuta nature, he was like, yknow what, i think i've done it all and i really miss my friends and family. so i'm gonna move my life back to japan! bye bye! (not gonna give him the successful athlete sustains career damaging injury plot no yuta closed the curtains with his own hands simply bc he missed his friends) i think at this point (age 25) he's only thought of toge from time to time as this sweet boy from his college days that was out of his league, he hasn't heard or seen him in forever either. that is until he returns to japan, gets like a million brand deals, collaboration offers and of course, invites to events and parties for the elites and celebs of japan.
a few weeks after he returned to tokyo, he's invited to a private party to celebrate team japan's success at the winter olympics, with his best friend rika as his plus one. he meets a lot of big name athletes there and quickly becomes friends with maki zenin, one of japan's best speed skaters, and yuji itadori, one of players of the national ice hockey team. (geez i wonder who maki's plus one is)
when he feels himself go past tipsy and approaching drunk, he excuses himself to the balcony for a breather. he's known to be extremely talkative after too much alcohol and he doesn't really feel like pissing off his new friends. when he steps out, he sees a single person smoking by themselves outside and cringes internally (he hates the smell!). but he finds that he won't be stepping back inside so soon, because somehow, he's met with the very beautiful face of inumaki toge.
yuta covers his mouth with his hands at the same time toge drops his cigarette.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Could I request ROR humans of how they react when Fem!reader had 4 weapons that are ancient and elements and defeat the god opponent easily.
Katana of ice
Metal claw gloves of fire
Twin daggers of wind
Scythe of Lighting
-You were a bit unassuming compared to some of the other warriors for humanity, you didn’t look much like a warrior, despite the weapons you were carrying.
-A katana that as in an ice blue scabbard was on your right hip.
-A pair of clawed gloves that looked to be made of molten rock were attached to thigh straps, easily able to slip on and fight with.
-A twin pair of daggers that looked unassuming, they looked like a normal pair of daggers, that were tucked in the top of each of your boots.
-A large scythe across your back, the metal of the blade looked to be pure white of shining metal.
-You were a cheerful and polite person, not serious and cold like many of the warriors you had come across, but you had quickly become a ray of sunshine around the other human fighters who found you enjoyable to talk to.
-Kojiro was the one to notice your katana first, seeing the ice blue scabbard and hilt, a hum leaving him as he cupped his chin in his hand, “Hmmm, if I’m not mistaken Y/N-san, is that the fabeled Katana no Hyou?”
-You beamed, holding it up so he could hold it, trusting him and he was in awe, feeling the coldness of the blade as Jack spoke, “Is there an English version of the name for this blade?”
-You beamed brightly over at him, as he had given you some yummy tea, “The Katana of Ice! It’s a legendary weapon.”
-Raiden took the sword next, pulling the blade out just a bit, feeling the rush of cold air, “Amazing! How did you find it, Y/N?”
-You looked away, a bit embarrassed, scratching your cheek, “I actually… I fell down a hole and found it there while backpacking in Japan, around Kyoto.” They all looked amazed, hearing that you just found it.
-When it came to you fighting, your opponent was a master of weapons himself, taunting you until you pulled out your ice blade and slashed, sending a wave of icicles that nearly hit him.
-The gods were instantly in an uproar over the fact you held a legendary ancient weapon, and the fact that you could use it was proof that it saw you as it’s master.
-The gauntlets sent out waves of fire as you punched your fists together, chasing after your opponent, flames erupting with each hit, “HOW DID YOU GET THOSE?!”
-You dodged a swipe of his own sword, “I was roasting marshmallows by a volcano in Iceland and tripped over them!”
-You wind daggers nearly made your opponent become unglued as you sent sharp slices of wind, “The Twin Daggers of Wind?! Those were stolen from Valhalla back in the time of Ancient Greece!! How did you find those?”
-You gave a shrug, like it was no big deal, “Got them at a pawn shop in New York City, buy one get one free.”
-The gods were not amused, in an uproar over these lost treasures being in such a place.
-Your opponent brought out his bisento, twirling it easily before pointing the blade at you, “I will defeat you, human, and take back those weapons!!”
-You pulled out your scythe, spinning it around you neck, electricity crackling brightly and he immediately face palmed, exasperated that you had four legendary weapons, “How did you get that one?”
-You just grinned, leaping up with the scythe aimed to hit, “I won it in a poker match against some bikers in Australia!”
-Your swipe missed physically hitting him, but the stretch of your lightning instantly electrocuted your opponent and you were named the winner.
-You saw the other human fighters and you gave them peace signs, proving that you didn’t need to look like or even be a warrior to win a fight against the gods.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
I hope you don’t mind if i add my two cents. I read this ask and realized that we as human beings really have a problem seeing these idols as actual human beings who have layers and complicated feelings.
This non shipper anon mentioned that Jikook stopped being as close around 2021 but that is definitely not true. First of all, many shippers especially taekookers feel like there was a sudden uptick in jikook moments around a certain time (2017) but that is not true at all. Go back and watch content from the very beginning and pay attention to the boys talk on Lives, during festas and other moments and you discover that Jk and Jimin had always been very close. Jimin was the one who Jk spoke to when he got back from the US and contemplated abandoning his dream to become an idol and go for dancing instead.
In a log they did in 2013, we had Jimin and Jungkook telling us that the two of them were in the habit of putting blankets and sleeping together on the floor outside their rooms. The very first bangtan bomb that was ever posted was a of Jk taking videos of Jimin back in 2013. During Festa 2014, we heard from the members that Jk usually piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed and even back then, when Jk was asked which hyung comforted him the most, he said it was Jimin. Fast forward to 2015 when Tae did a Live from Japan in the hotel room that he shared with Jimin and mentioned that Jimin and Jk were together even though the 3 of them had planned to do a Live together or in 2016 where Jimin was the first member Jk ever gave a birthday gift to. I am listing some of these moments chronologically just to show u that Jimin and Jungkook had always been close, very close infact it’s just that jikook as a ship gained excess popularity in 2017 after Jungkook posted GCF in Tokyo. So it’s not really that there became an uptick in Jikook moments from there, it is that people started paying more attention to Jikook after Jungkook’s GCF. The best way to see some if these things is to watch Vlives and bangtan bombs from pre 2017 era and you will see what i am saying.
As i mentioned before, non shipper anon said Jikook used to be close till like 2021 and mentioned that their last sighting outside of work was around march 2022 but that’s not true at all. Remember that in PTD Vegas Jikook were joined at the hip, they left the concert venue together on all 4 days of the concert and one of those days, they went out to eat with Yoongi and staff and some non shipper Armys visited the restaurant they went to in Vegas and said they were told that Jikook sat together on one table and yoongi sat on another with staff. Plus Jimin and Jk still boxed together with Tommy Saem (Jk’s boxing coach) and based on that April 2022 Live with Vminkookkhope, jikook were even on a diet together. So many times people forget to facture in the point that Jimin started working on his album in May. Immediately after PTD in Vegas Jimin moved in with Pdogg to work on his album because he literally had nothing prepared so i can imagine that during that period, Jk and Jimin didn’t spend as much time together because Jimin was busy and i also noticed that Taekook seemed to get really closer during that period. Infact we all saw taekook hang out outside of work more frequently by the end of 2022 and part of 2023 than we had seen in all their 10 years of being BTS. Like anon said, jikook were the ones always together everywhere both in and outside of work. Even in 2021 while they were in LA, we found out that Jikook worked out together everyday, came back from concerts together, ate together and untop of that, Jk spent alot of time in Jimin’s room hanging out with him. So i feel like the distance we sensed between jikook starting 2022 was mainly because of how busy Jimin got. It tracks.
I am not someone who really believes that any of the members are dating each other but i know that Jimin and Jungkook have and have always had an extremely close bond since debut. It wasn’t always very visible because of their somewhat complicated dynamic and because of the fact that other pairings like taekook, yoonmin and Vmin overshadowed jikook but that bond had always been there and if you pay attention, you see it.
I believe that taekook too have always been close but i also believe that there was a period where they grew a little distant. I know that, that is not something taekookers will ever agree about but it is clear to me because i have been in this fandom since the end of 2015 and have watched alot of things unfold. I agree that jikook were paired up alot at some point but i think that was because of their chemistry and closeness and not because BH had some agenda to push. How does pairing pple in subunits potray them as closest or a couple? Jikook as a ship gained recognition and popularity not because of the company but because of Jungkook and his GCF and yes seeing them together alot on content enforces certain beliefs but did yoh ever think of how you saw them? What are they doing when you see them on content? Most times you see them together in the back even when they are not the main focus of the camera or you see them coming and going together or you see them staying back to rehearse or practice together, or you see them staying back to watch and support each other during their solo practices, or you hear members talking about them as a unit. Hobi saying Jk and Jimin always stay up late together, or Joon saying after watching Jimin and Jk run around/ get along so well he got inspired or Tae mentioning on more than one occasion that Jk and Jimin were spending time together late at night, or Hobi saying that he ate with Jikook who ordered food together. It’s not one thing and certainly not company content that gives people the impression that jikook are extremely close.
Even in chapter two where it was clear that those two probably didn’t see each other as much, anyone could still feel how much they love and missed each other, especially Jungkook with his Jimin centric Lives and constantly inviting Jimin to come over for chicken, boxing, lives etc. Those two are really good friends who are very important to each other and it is normal that sometimes, when life happens and people get busy, some distance creeps in. I feel like that is what happened with Jikook after 2022. They started doing different things, Jimin working on two albums at once, Jk not working on anything and was bored outta his mind up to the extent that at some point, my man was visiting almost all the meat restaurants in korea all alone lol and then he started hanging out with Tae alot after that and then later got busy again. That is life.
I'm not going to assume this is your intent but tangentially, I'm feeling real tired of "JK hung out with Tae cos Jimin wasn't available."
Tae is only valuable when someone else isn't available? That's dehumanising.
But I'm sure that's not what you're saying because you at least recognise Taekook are close and aren't total strangers who got invited seperately to the Dreamiere and just happened to bump into each other.
Jimin was recording an album, he wasn't in solitary confinement?! Tae and JK recorded albums last year too? They all found time to go to Jeju together when JK was undoubtedly busy with album stuff.
Oh I don't know. It's ok if Jikook didn't see each other cos they didn't want to and made time for other people during their schedules, man. TKKrs accept there are times when it looks like JK and Tae might have been beefing. That is also life.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hiii good morning i was reading ur manager series and am totally in love with it specially the scenes where rin and reo decide to use their captain and rich-boy powers (the plushie one is my absolute fav) and i was wondering if i could request shidou and sae/kaiser/ness reaction to yns plushie or keychain? More than anyone else i wanna know shidous reaction🤭
Author : I didn't expect that story to be so popular since I came up with it at like 3 am☠️ but I hope you like this and thank you for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Blue Lock is really that big now?" Loki commented as him and a few of his teammates were in the changing room of PXG, looking at a phone.
"Yeah! My sister wanted to buy one of the plushies and the site crashed like 3 times."
"Geez. Blue Lock 11 have boy group level fame." One chuckled as Shidou walked in, confused with the commotion.
"What are you guys looking at?" The blonde asked as he walked up closer, with the teammate showing him his screen.
"The guys who beat you, Blue Lock have now merch. Every girl or guy I know won't stop talking about them. My sister ordered like a collection of these plush toys."
"Haha my brother ordered all the keychains." Shidou was amused at the revelation, taking a mental note to tease Rin about it later.
"My sister has been complaining how hard it was to get the (Y/n) plush toy version. Every time there was a restock it got like sold out in a matter of minutes."
Now that was something Shidou had great interest in. The manager of Blue Lock has plushies? Shidou wanted to laugh.
'Hah! This is gold! But why would anyone buy that? A smaller version of (Y/n)? The whole replica? Small and soft...' Shidou's thoughts wandered off and he felt giddiness the more he imagined the item.
"Shidou, where are you going? We still need to train?" Loki called out as the taller walked out.
"I need to make fun of Rin for that plush toy of his!"
"Not again." Loki sighed and facepalmed.
The same night Shidou went on the Blue Lock website, where he found the said plush toy of the girl, and with absolutely no 2nd thought bought it.
'So adorable~' The boy grinned.
'I think 10 of these are a reasonable number.'
Once in a while Sae would travel back to Japan to visit Blue Lock and his brother. Although he spent most of the time around (Y/n), trying to get her to join Madrid as their manager. The idea itself would be shut down by not only (Y/n), but also by Rin, who by now wouldn't leave the girl's side if he was around. This visit was a little bit different though. Since it was holiday season, Ego and Anri has sent everyone home and Sae was bummed a little. His brother wouldn't tell him anything relating to (Y/n).
'Brat.' Sae would roll his eyes at Rin's glares and him telling the older how his manager was none of Sae's business. The two weeks in Japan went by pretty quickly and it was Sae's time to go back. His mom, dad and Rin would drive him to the airport.
"It's in Rin's room?" Sae asked as his mom nodded her head.
"Yeah, I left your scarf there on accident, can you please get it? We need to hurry up to the airport and Rin is already outside."
Sae sighed and nodded his head, walking to the familiar door.
Opening it, Sae immediately spotted his red scarf and went to take it, only to freeze up when he noticed something on Rin's bed. On it was a smaller and softer version of (Y/n) staring up at him. Sae stood there for a moment and then quickly walked to the bed, picking the item up.
Sae stared at the soft toy in awe, astonished with how detailed it was.
'She looks adorable... nearly as adorable as the real (Y/n)? Where did Rin even find this? And why us he so reckless with it...' Sae sighed, patting (Y/n)'s head over and over.
"Sae! Hurry up!"
He turned to the door as his mother called for him. Sae shook his head and put the plush toy in his backpack and then took his scarf.
"Since you refused to tell me anything, I am taking (Y/n) with me. She is too adorable for Rin, anyways."
The next day, Sae was in his room and hugging the plush toy, enjoying the softness.
'So cute... so soft... I wonder if the real (Y/n) is even better to hug.' Sae's moment of peace was interrupted by his phone ringing.
"Hello." He said, already knowing who it is. He has been ignoring Rin's calls ever since he landed in Madrid.
"You thief! Did you take her?!" Rin yelled, obviously upset that his plushie was missing.
"Yes. She is really soft." Sae taunted.
"You bastard! I will come to Madrid and beat your ass!" Rin threatened.
"Do it and I will tell (Y/n) you had this thing to begin with. Imagine how much easier it will be to get her on my club then." Sae smirked as he got no answer in return and ended the call.
'Mine.' He thought as he hugged the plushie closer to himself.
"What are you even looking at, Ness?" Kaiser raised his eyebrow as he saw his teammate and close friend smiling down at his phone.
'He looks like a child in a candy store.' Kaiser thought as Ness looked up at him in surprise, before showing him his phone.
"My package arrived today! I can't wait till I pick it up." The boy admitted as Kaiser went over the tracking history.
"From Japan? What did you even get there?"
"Huh? You didn't see it?" Ness wondered, making Kaiser even more confused.
"See what? Stop talking in circles."
"Blue Lock just released new merch and restocks-"
"Ness... please don't tell me you bought merch from THEM?"Kaiser asked in disbelief. As far as he knew, the only person in Blue Lock Ness liked was (Y/n).
'But there is no way they made merch of her. It's always about the players, not managers.' Kaiser thought.
"There was a cute plushie of (Y/n) and her figurine as well as a keychain... I had to get it!" Ness defended with an embarrassed look.
"Hold up... there is merch of her?" Kaiser wondered as Ness nodded his head.
"Yes! The plushie looks so adorable, I can't wait till I hold it." Ness cheered while Kaiser went to look at the item.
A few weeks later...
It was late at night in Japan as (Y/n)'s phone rang. Panicked and still dizzy from her sleep, she took her phone and answered it.
"Helloo?" She slurred out, wondering who it could be.
"What a day to be alive, you never told me you had merch!" Kaiser laughed from the other side.
"Kaiser? Do you even know how late it is here? And what about the merch?" (Y/n) asked, a little annoyed but she was too tired to argue.
"It's kinda cute that my little Liebling is a star now. Don't forget about me when your merch sells out." Kaiser laughed.
"Shut up! I want to sleep!" She yelled but Kaiser kept on going and (Y/n) was forced to listen to his talk for another 10 minutes.
Kaiser on the other hand was sitting in his living room as the (Y/n) plushie sat on his lap, getting headpats from time to time.
Ness was honestly not expecting to fin anything interesting the evening after a training. It was honestly normal, he showered, ate his dinner and went on his phone, to see what Blue Lock were up to. In all honesty he just wanted to see if there were any pictures or video clips with (Y/n) in them. But instead of that, he found an announcement on new merch.
"Huh? Plushies, keychains and figurines?" Ness mumbled and opened the link, boredly scrolling down the site as all of them were from players.
"Boring-" Ness stopped himself as he saw a familiar shade of (h/c) hair and stopped. Blinking at the items that were displayed, Ness took in the plushie, keychain and figurine that was displayed of (Y/n), all tiny and adorable.
"I need this. I don't even know what I entered this site for again." Ness mumbled as she put the items into the cart.
"You bought it?!" (Y/n) yelled from the other side of the phone. Ness giggled and hugged the plushie of the girl.
"Yeah! You have no idea how soft it is! I have been hugging it ever since it came hours ago." Ness said as the line went quiet for a moment.
"...and what do you think? How is the merch of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously as Ness looked down lovingly at her plushie replica.
"It's cute! Very soft and I love how well detailed it is. It's nearly as cute as you."
"A-ah?! You think so?! I... I need to go now and talk with Ego-san over something! See you, Ness!"
"See ya~" Ness said and ended the call, then looked down at the plushie again.
"So cute..." He smiled, giving a small kiss to the toy's forehead.
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