amber-tortoiseshell · 6 months
Look, i made something!
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This is an illustration of how the tortoiseshell pattern changes with the increasing amount of white spotting. You can see that while the overall colored area grows smaller, the individual patches are growing larger.
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800db-cloud · 1 year
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stanley was fat and ugly and really, really stupid. he probably only got the job because of a family connection; that’s how stupid he is. that, or with drug money. also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers
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The Hobie fandom has a lot of smut, and with a character so accepting on so many fronts, it means so much to me to see trans!readers being taken into consideration.
As a trans guy myself, I love seeking out ftm!smut. But often times, I often can't read them. Many times I'm left feeling unseen, reduced, or even feminized.
And I wanna talk about that a bit, if it's okay.
My take and feelings on FTM!smut - As a Trans Guy
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Ngl as a trans guy myself I do feel a bit alienated by a lot of FTM!reader.
I'm gonna be honest - I feel like most ftm smut is written exactly as it would be a cis woman, just with the pronouns changed. Which is understandable, but not really how it works.
Cis women and trans men don't have sex the exact same, just because they're AFAB.
And I feel most smut writers haven't gone out of their way to research the sexual experiences of trans men and how we navigate the world.
Hobie smut is pretty vulgar, and I won't complaining! As a character, he has a high volume of smut, and probably the most diverse range, with Black!reader, ftm!readers, and male!readers being more common than most fandoms.
Black!Reader focuses on the unique experience of black people when in a relationship together. This unique experience is at the basis of black!reader.
But when we approach Ftm!reader - very often, our unique experience isn't reflected.
It's just assumed that because we are AFAB - there's no need to look deeper at the closer unique sexual experience trans men have - or to read up about it.
Most ftm!reader fic does not attempt to use affirming sexual language for trans men at all.
T-dicks - ie, natural clitoris enlargement you get after taking T - is a thing a lot of transitioning Trans men have.
But they're never called T-dicks in fanfiction. Only clits. It's very rare that a ftm!reader is described as having a dick - because so often the only dicks cis people recognize are natal dicks, and surgery-constructed ones.
Many cis writers may never even considered referring to a trans man's clitoris as a dick - pre or post T. They may see it as confusing to the reader, when it's not.
T-Dicks are dicks. Bottom growth didn't give you a full 3-4 inches, but you absolutely have growth and there are trans men that can penetrate with T-dicks - without surgery - if with the right partner.
The words pussy and cunt are used liberally in nearly all ftm!smut, and while many trans men are okay with these terms, I think a lot of cis writers ignore or do not know that often, terms like those can cause heavy dysphoria in a lot of ftm readers.
I don't think cis writers ever question if they might be making readers dysphoric - or showing them in a non-affirming way.
I feel like some writers believe that changing pronouns and calling the reader 'handsome' is really all it takes. Just write usual fem smut, change the pronouns - and done!
In reality, a large part of the ftm community feels uncomfortable with the word 'pussy' - and would much rather stuff like 'front hole'.
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A poll on 'What do you call your downstairs?'
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And I'm not saying that you can't call a trans man's genitals a pussy. And I'm not saying that a trans man calling his genitals a pussy is wrong.
I just feel like cis writers do not consider the dysphoria of their trans readers, when writing trans smut.
I feel like most cis writers don't actually seek out accounts of trans men and their sexuality.
I don't think they ever consider that these terms, talking about wetness and penetration (which many men on T can have problems with because of vaginal atrophy and dryness), breast, clits, cunts, pussy -
I don't think cis writers ever question 'Is this accessible for ftm readers that might have dysphoria? How can I make this accessible or easier for trans men who have bottom dysphoria?'
'How can I make this more affirming of them as men?'
It's the assumption that, because we're all AFAB, because we have vaginas like cis women - then naturally we must all fuck the same regardless of gender, the only thing changing being the pronouns.
That's not true.
And also - Trans Men are never really written like gay men.
Trans men having sex with men is gay sex.
And even though most writers write trans men with male OCs - they hardly ever write their sex as if they are gay men.
99.9% of the time, it isn't written that way. Its always written as if it's 'straight sex'.
The experience of how gay men have sex is never really taken account into these fics, which makes me feel like a lot of writers don't see it as gay sex at all.
At most, the ftm reader may be described as a bottom - but never as an otter or twink or bear or cub or leather or anything.
They see it as AFAB sex.
Cause If I'm getting strictly candid - I feel like if a writer wrote mtf!smut and kept focusing on the girls 'hard throbbing cock and balls' - we'd all be like 'oh wow that's very intense centering on genitals that may alienate some trans women-'
But in ftm!smut focusing on 'wet tight juicy pussy and thriving clit' is standard. It's never really questioned.
And this is not to say 'oh trans women have it better they get better smut-' No. They really don't. I'm just bringing this up to highlight the fact that we should be making sure that trans!smut is accessible and affirming to the trans people they're about.
Seeing a fic in which a gay trans man prefers to use his asshole, like most gay men fuck, is VERY VERY rare.
I feel like most cis writers never consider the fact that gay trans men may want to perform sex in an affirming, clearly coded, masculine gay way.
It's always assumed we use our front hole, are okay with it being called a pussy, have no problems getting wet, or that we don't have dicks (T-dick is a dick).
And because of that - the lack of affirming language and the lack of affirming transmasc experiences makes it very hard for me as a FTM person to read smut about ftm!readers.
I feel like most of them don't actually take our comfort - or our experiences in mind.
I feel like most don't attempt to actually read accounts of trans guys having gay sex, and what that's often like.
If you're a writer who feels guilty of any of this - you're not a bad person or a bad writer. And I genuinely thank you for including us in your work - from the bottom of my heart.
But I want to highlight this -
Trans men having sex is not a 1:1 of cis women having sex. The same way trans women having sex is not a 1:1 of cis men having sex.
Or experiences are unique - and our dysphoria does affect our sex lives, and how we navigate them.
Please, do not let this put you off writing trans men. But please keep in mind that our experience is unique.
So often I read ftm!reader and feel reduced down to my pussy. Without breasts in the equation, so much ftm!smut focuses solely on the pussy.
If you write ftm!reader please please do not let this put you off, but here's some tips I can give as a trans guy
Please do slight research of ftm anatomy, read an article about gay trans men, or go on r/ftm (subreddit) and read some posts about trans men, read some nsfw posts where trans men tell hookup tales.
Advocate has an great article called '16 things I learned from having sex with Trans Men' - which details and dispels 16 myths about trans men in bed. It's written from the POV of gay men who have been with trans men in affirming ways.
This post is in no way meant to be an attack or subliminal at any one writer. If it was one writer, I wouldn't care.
But this is something I've experienced and seen across fandoms and across writers in this fandom too. I feel the urge to write this because searching for affirming ftm!fics - I often come away feeling even more dysphoric.
Not because of the word pussy or cunt or anything -
But because of the erasure of my experience, the idea that my gender doesn't influence my experience of sex - only my AFAB genitals do.
If you write ftm!smut, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly.
But I feel like I had to say this.
If you read this far, thank you! This is one of my more personal venting posts but I'm also trying to raise a point and start a discussion. And you reading through this and giving me your time and understanding is already helpful enough, so thanks!
Here's Hobie.
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automatonwithautonomy · 6 months
I have decided it is physically impossible to be a detective and not aspec. Oh you solve crime? You like mystery?? BAM! Aspec.
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v4mpiredoctor · 1 year
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if you want i'll keep on crying. futaba sakura (P5) layouts
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ghostyart87 · 21 days
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Uh... Redesign for my main OC vial.. uh.. she's now blood vial... And this is unfinished:
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robygoonn · 14 days
Do yall sometimes feel like you were more mature when you were younger than you are now
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leonardoeatscarrots · 6 months
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Little Felix Yusupov drawing I did✨️
(Deranged 👆)
If folks don't make a good Lost Splendor adaptation THEN SO HELP ME I WILL DO IT MYSELF
.. right after all my other projects
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estervanzie · 1 month
a thing i made for fun ( it was not drawing with a mouse ALSO ADOBE ANIMATE CAN BURN N CRASH )
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crystalmagpie447 · 8 months
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ooouyghufenj @junyxper EXPLODES
💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥
(Video of me singing the first 52 seconds of "fragile" by laufey"
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jeritten · 1 year
HTTYD Hiccup x Male!Reader: Chapter 2.
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[Previous Chapter: 1]
yo!! :D i'm rlly excited to bring another chapter of this fic!! it's so fun to write in the httyd universe oh my godd as always this will be crossposted on my Ao3 acc (@/No1RatedSalesman1997) if you'd prefer to read it there!! :] anyways,, story begins under the cut!! - Jeri <333
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“This is Toothless.” The boy that you now know as Hiccup states, gesturing to the dragon that is now peering at him with caution from the other side of the clearing. “As you can see, he’s also a Nightfury- er, that’s the name that we on Berk gave this type of dragon.”
Toothless eyes you curiously, large pupils hollowed into slits and set on you, unmoving. 
Despite your countless years of dragon research, you find yourself sheepishly admitting that you don’t know very much at all about this type of dragon: Ulfur is the only ‘Nightfury’ you’d ever seen, so you’d just come to assume that they were naturally illusive, or simply extremely uncommon. 
You fix your eyes back on the dark mass at the other end of the clearing. It more or less looks visually like Ulfur, body low to the ground and sleek, black scales obscuring powerful muscles working beneath. Maybe a little younger, you supposed, noting the size difference in both the extruding spines trailing its back and body mass in general. 
The reptile creeps slightly closer to the pair of you, lashing its tail to the side, perhaps as a sort of warning.
“... He’s missing a tail fin?” You turn your attention to Hiccup as you speak, now noticing the obvious absence. 
“... Yes.” Hiccup replies to you after thinking for a moment, looking to his feet. “I’d like to tell you that it was all a massive accident, but I was the one who shot him down and ripped his tail fin. On purpose. Um, but it wasn’t on purpose, you know? I mean, my Dad had all these expectations of me and I thought that-” 
“Don’t worry.” You chuckle, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as you cut him off. “I know what Vikings are like: I grew up in a family of them, so…”
He turns his attention to you, obviously startled.
“What- really..?” You can practically see the thoughts whirring around his head, and it brings a smile to your face. “There are Viking settlements outside of Berk..? Uh, I mean, you don’t look like a Viking-” 
You chuckle, his sudden inability to piece together a sentence reminding you a little of yourself in a somewhat weird, reassuring way. 
“Yeah, I have been told that before. I sort of abandoned the lifestyle after Ulfur and I started travelling.”
You turn your attention back to the wary dragon ahead of you once again, finding that he’d inched his way to about ten or so feet in front of the two of you. He was visible in the light now: the sun's beams bounced off his scales in the most familiar way, forest green eyes still set on you- although now seemingly more of curiosity than of caution. 
“Ah, he’s friendly.” Hiccup blurts out beside you, and you let out a poorly stifled laugh. “... Not that I need to tell you that, but I have spent the last half a month with him building up trust.” 
He ambles towards you, pupils dilating slightly as he moves to greet Hiccup with a friendly mewl. Circling around the boy, he sniffs him up and down, occasionally looking up to him expectantly. 
“Oh, sorry.” He begins, placing a steady hand on the eager reptile's muzzle to steady him. “I didn’t bring you any food today, it completely slipped my mind.”
You took the moment to study the creature as he stared up at you, head tilted slightly to the side. Upon closer inspection, his head was slightly narrower than Ulfurs, facial features and overall appearance being more dainty and nimble. His wings are unfurled and splayed out slightly at his sides, a subconscious reflex that you’d noticed previously in Ulfur when he wasn’t quite comfortable in a situation. He chirps and coos as Hiccup pets him to your side, a noise that you’d grown accustomed to as a welcome constant over the course of your chaotic, exciting life. Now that you thought of it, it did bring you a sense of ease to know that Ulfur at least wasn’t the last one of his kind as you had been beginning to believe. Toothless carefully moves his attention to you, flat nostrils flaring outwards as he treats you to a cautious sniff. He’s beautiful, you conclude. One of the dragons that Nature really chose to outdo herself on. 
“... I wonder if Nightfuries are territorial..?” You zone back into what Hiccup is rambling about as he absent- mindedly pets Toothless beside you. “I mean, just think! There’s just… so much we don’t know about them. Like, do you think they're solitary dragons..?” 
A realisation hits you hard as you register his question. Something that you probably should have taken into account before placing yourself in front of a massive, extremely dangerous reptile. 
You look down at the dark-scaled dragon in front of you with newfound fear. He ruthlessly searches your cloth shirt for your scent, and for a minute you’re left completely unsure of what to do. 
You take a deep breath. 
“... I think we’re about to find out.” You reply to Hiccup’s open-ended question, looking to his somewhat confused expression with one of fresh panic. 
Just as you catch the boy’s expression turn quick from questioning to realisation to horror, your back hits the ground and all breath leaves your lungs. Dust clouds plume around your face, a substantial force pinning you down to the dirt by your shoulders.
As you blink open your eyes, blazing green irises bore into your own.
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so,, welcome to the end!!
thanks to all the people who have liked my posts so far,, it really means a lot <333
ooo also,, i'm gonna start doing a thing where i put the next chapter (if it has one) in the bottom author's note,, and the previous at the top!!
anyways,, bye for now!!
-Mod Jericho :PP
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gmlk · 1 year
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hello uhmm *scratches head*
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mizkie · 6 months
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 . ˚ 🩵 * . ♫ ˚ ✧ .
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. ˚ ✧ 。 ♪ * 🌊 ˚ .
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witchkittymeow · 8 months
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dinolixe · 1 year
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she-went-that-way · 11 months
okay maybe not so funny but, like, imagine if you will:
The first words someone says to you are:
“you’re so not my type”
I would love this with ships that have very conflicting personalities, or are literally just enemies to lovers.
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