#we got killer teapots
nuwildcat · 2 months
Okay, so I noticed something in Man Suang that got me really excited. First and foremost here there be spoilers so if you haven't seen it you should not read under the cut.
Let's talk about how they managed to make Hong appear dead, cause it got my nerdy self excited.
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So we start with our ill fated dinner and we see Khem pouring tea for both Khun Wichiendej and Hong. On the first watch through this kinda gets lost in all the drama but I did note it going, wait he poured for both of them.
Weirdly, noticing that made my brain more convinced that Hong actually died for a smidge longer than I would like to admit, but I had hopes. And luckily enough I was mistaken.
Toward the end of the film we get an awesome stitching together of past events that steps us through the shenanigans that were pulled to make sure that Hong came out of that dinner alive.
But as much as I love the kitchen aunties uniting to save their young master, that's not the part that got me all excited, it was this moment:
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Khem pours the teapot and magically we get two teas. This is where on my rewatch I sat up and went:
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I KNOW WHAT THAT IS! It's an assassin's teapot!
What's that you ask? OH JUST THE COOLEST TEAPOT EVER. (I assume my Irish ancestors would have loved to pull this one out if they ever got their hands on one).
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Basically the teapot literally contains two teas, that with skill and precision you can pour one after the other, allowing you to poison someone and not another.
There's a youtube video on this if you would like to watch it here.
So what does that mean? Well, Khem had to train with the teapot, which we saw in the flashback explanations. (I cannot gif team, it's not a skill I have).
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BUT THIS MOMENT HERE, like there are wild amounts of trust happening between Hong and Khem here that make me feel all the things. These boys get thrown together by circumstances and Hong trusts Khem to not fuck this up in the moment.
These pots aren't easy to use and they take skill. If they had fucked up they would have imitated death for one of the most powerful men in the country at that moment.
WOW, just wow.
Anyway that's the Irish lady ranting about cool teapots in a Thai historical movie.
💜'Cat out
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Liveblogging Man Suang
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First things first - outrage at Not-Mile who dares put his hands on Apo. Who the fuck do you think you- oh good, he's dead. Though, this is obviously something Khem expects and is used to. The touching, not the murder.
Wan, leave that knife in. Wan, don't take that knife out. Okaaaay, he took the knife out. Khem, at least don't be holding the murder weapon when- *sigh* never mind. Jesus fuck, Khem and Wan are not the sharpest crayons in the box, are they?
"You were caught red handed next to my nephew's body!" Only literally! I mean, technically correct. And in this instance, not the best kind of correct. :(
I love the costuming
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Ohh hellooooo. Also, girrrl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?
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You met him thirty seconds ago and you're already showing him your pussy? Chatra, you slut.
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Hey. HEY! Lord Not-Chatra. Stop looking at him like that. I swear, Khem is to higher-social-standing men like Will Graham is to serial killers. Where's the Chesapeake Chatra when you need him?
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Montage time!
Khem. Sweetie. Honey. You need to be more subtle if you're going to be a spy....
Apo is so pretty when he cries. 😭
YEAH YOU TELL HIM KHEM! Calling out the double standards! Also, that dude is totes jealous he didn't catch Lord Not-Chatra's attention...
Chatra gives you one warning and then it's a FIST TO THE FACE.
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Are they on a date? They're totally on a date.
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This is a very important secret. So I'm telling you, a guy I've spoken to four times, on our first date, at a table at the corner of an intersection with open doors and people all around. Very important. Top Secret.
I love the sheer disappointment and disbelief in Khem's voice. Khem: A treasure trove? Really? That's what you're going with? Chatra: Why are you laughing?
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Khem, you're such a hothead. You got into a KITE FIGHT. But it is a great excuse for Chatra to grope your waist. Well done.
At least Khem tells his secret up a tree and not on a LITERAL STREET CORNER.
Can't rid yourself of being a lowborn? *looks at the camera like it's The Office*
Me: I'm laughing with Khem cause a treasure map is stupid. Me five minutes later: wait, you bought that??? Chatra: Wait, he bought that? Oh man, this pretty idiot desperately needs my help...
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Me (And Chatra definitely): My god, look at his face transform into a smile... do it again! again!
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Khem: I have something to tell you... .... ... I've invited Chatra to join our missionWAN:ARE YOUFUCKING CRAZY???
I love the reconstruction sequence. That's some good storytelling.
HAHAHAHAHA "If you don't believe me, feel free to search my rooms!" Wan: Oh...I don't think that's nec- Chatra: DON'T MIND IF I DO. "Maybe you need to search me. I'll undress" Khem: NO THANK YOU WE'RE GOOD.
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Ok... do you think that's enough food for three people? I think we might need to get another table of food in here...
What.... what are you doing Chatra. Like... my man has to have a good reason to point a gun at Khem... but there are no good reasons to point a gun at Khem.... but my man has to have a good reason to....KHEM LET HIM EXPLAIN
Ahhh Hong, I knew he wasn't dead. I knew it! I did! Oooh an assassin's teapot. Nice.
Yeah, old man! I agree!
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Goddamned Apo is so goddamned pretty.
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Oh damn. Risking your life to save your friend... and ending up having to kill him yourself. What a gut punch.
Aww Chatra. I'm not crying, you're crying!
Where's the series? I need the series now! Where is ittttttt???? 😭😭😭😭😭 You can't leave my boys like this!! 😭😭😭
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barcodeboyz · 2 months
Thinking about my time at the mental hospital tonight. Walking around the courtyard with the girl, who originally had to have someone stay with her because she was in a schizophrenic episode, while we talk about vintage toys and teapots and other things we collect. Watching Netflix and coloring pages, waiting for the breakfast counter to open and get a hot chocolate. The therapy poodle that came in who we got to pet, and my best friend in there who was 25 years older than me and was addicted to crack. I should call him. Being brought bagel bites and snapple by my parents during our 30 minute meetings a night, and the version of just the two of us with steel drums constantly playing by that one night nurse. The other trans man in there who was killer at coloring pages and the teen mom who wore a winnie the pooh onesie all day every day. She actually lives a town away from where I go to school, and we plan on getting lunch. It wasn't all great, I admit... a lot of crying because I missed my loved ones, the racist sjw who had to be physically restrained on multiple occasions, and the one nurse who looked like my r*pist that accidentally made me panic on my first real night there (which made me feel worse because he was really, really nice to me once he found out, and he's a great guy just unfortunately associated to that bad memory). I feel like I could write my own it's kind of a funny story type book about it.
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tjemegames · 11 days
Genshin: Serenitea Pot Decoration Diaries - Liyue, Part 1
I finally got around to messing with my teapot on pc! I ended up spending an embarrassing amount of time last night/earlier this morning (unintentionally pulled an all-nighter) to renovate and completely redo a couple sections of my Liyue themed pot.
Let’s get into the good stuff, shall we? Keqing will be our tour guide for today’s showing. Yapping about the process is under the cut!
Firstly, I wasn’t liking the empty space surrounding my estate courtyard so I crafted some more stone pathways and wall pieces to expand it outwards and give it a more defined layout. My planters and pavilion both have their own spaces now. Sadly, I ran out of load space in this area so it’s a bit more sparse in the rest of the courtyard than I would’ve liked it to be. I’m not too concerned about it though, the minimalistic nature seems more fitting than not.
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Then came the two giant time killers (and the onset of my sleep deprivation). So, the area that I gutted and redid used to be a small little town with a community market and performance stage. The main downside was the layout of everything; no matter how much finagling I did of the space, it didn’t feel cohesive and I ultimately decided it would be easier to start over with a new vision.
The vision was a mountainous village with a market located at the entrance and a separated performance area. My enemy, load space limitation, however, did not agree with this vision so the market had to be sacrificed. While this did put a damper on things, it also allowed me to put more detail into the mountains to make them feel a bit more natural/realistic.
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But that wasn’t all. While spending way too much time tediously adjusting rocks and landscape, I couldn’t help but make my life more difficult by adding a secret hideout. I’m pretty sure getting the cave to work took a solid 45 minutes of adjustments… Should I have spent that long trying to do that? Probably not but now I have a cave so that’s pretty cool.
If anyone on NA server wants the replica blueprint ID, just give me a shout. Happy to share these layouts and spare people to pain of trying to do it themselves. Just be warned that you’re going to have to buy a couple thousands worth of rocks/landscape and farm a ton of sand-bearer wood if you don’t already have everything on hand.
That’s it for today! Planning on finishing out the last plot of empty space I have sometime in the next few weeks so I’ll be sharing that when it’s all done. I’ll also be renovating the interior of my Liyue estate at some point in the future too so you can expect to see that eventually.
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z0ic3 · 5 months
i will NOT be watching The Girl Before series... here's why:
I did not enjoy the book enough so i cannot put myself through watching a whole reiteration of it. i thought the book would be about obsession- and in a sense it was but it wasn't like the Netflix series "You" kind of obsession.
my main points so i dont ramble
meaningless characters + unsolved details
Edward tells about his stalker, a man that follows him and has a sort of obsession with his buildings. looking back, this man could have been simon, explaining his immediate hostility towards him when they first met. unfortunately, there is nothing to back this up.
edward is also made out to be very mysterious, closed off, secretly aggressive, repititive, and overall sus. but at the end of the book, all of the sus attributes are shifted from edward to simon once we realize that simon was the villian afterall. it feels incomplete and wrong in my opinion because why is edward a perfectionist? why is he so secretive? why does he go after women that all resemble his dead wife? why did he repeat the same phrases and go through the same routines with them? were these all meaningless but creepy details to make us suspicious of him? if so, i think that is a stupid way (i know that sounds rude but i cant think of another word) to get readers to not easily predict the ending. i think that in a book, everything should have a true purpose- edward's characterisitics never had any true purpose. he broke the teapot simon gave to emma when he thought that emma wasn't looking and there was no explanation as to why. yes, to prove he was possessive, but placing that scene in the chapter made it seem like foreshadowing that he was capable of crazy things due to his overwhelming emotions-- but no.
insufferable character attributes
Emma, one of the 2 female leads, mentions multiple times how Edward is the kind of man she prefers- an ALPHA man. Me personally, it was cringey and almost made me want to stop continuing my reading. I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, and the author may have done this on purpose to prove a point- but i was simply bothered by it. as the book goes on, emma even becomes more insufferable and starts calling edward daddy. to the point where i feel ashamed reading the book next to my classmates in school because i don't want them to peep over and see what embarrassing things i am indulging in.
no foreshadowing + poorly thought-out twist ending
these bullet points are kind of out of order but im too lazy to fix them and im sure u on tumblr dont give much a fuck. maybe i didn't properly go back in the book to search for these details, but simon never gave away that he could have been obsessed. Yes, it was obvious that he was deeply in love and attached to emma, but there was no sense of foreshadowing period- nothing to make the readers go "oh my gosh it all makes sense now!" or "how did i not realize before?!" maybe lack of foreshadowing was the way the author got us to not easily guess the ending but i think that a plot twist should at least SLIGHTLY be hinted at. because the ending , to me, seemed like it wasn't thought through all the way. I would have loved the plot twist of simon being the true killer if it had made sense. if edward's weird behavior had an explanatation,, if simon showed a bit more obsession beforehand,, if all the details in the book had a meaning that built up towards this plot twist... i would have been in love with the book. unfortunately, i cannot bring myself to sit through the show due to these details. (mostly because of emma saying daddy too many times for comfort.)
i am thankful for the journey of the book (mostly) but i could have had a better destination. i will not dismay people from reading it, but if i had the choice, i'm not sure whether or not i would take back the time i took out of my life reading The Girl Before by JP Delaney.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 14, 2022)
23:55 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Lilac Lane 23:52 JAY ROWE - Auld Lang Syne 23:48 VANN BURCHFIELD - Freedom 23:45 PHIL DENNY - Feel Alright (Feat. David P. Stevens) 23:41 PAUL BROWN - One Way Back 23:38 JAEE LOGAN - The Great Sands 23:33 ERIC DARIUS - All I Want For Christmas Is You 23:29 STEVE OLIVER - Wings Of Spring 23:24 MARCUS JOHNSON - Me Myself & I 23:20 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Give Me Your Eyes 23:15 NILS - Catnap 23:09 KIM WATERS - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 23:04 RICHARD ELLIOT - Corner Pocket 23:00 PETER WHITE - Who's That Lady 22:59 SUNLOUNGER, CAP, STEPHANIE ASSCHER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 22:55 SMOMA - Secret 22:51 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 22:48 AMAZONICS - Lovin' You (Astrovoid Remix) 22:44 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 22:41 ERINYA MOON - On The Edge (Russian Vocal Mix) 22:36 ANDY MOOR, ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, GABRIELA - World To Turn 22:31 ROGER SHAH, SUNLOUNGER - Trademark White (Omega 3 Bossachill Remix) 22:25 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Found (Downtempo Version) 22:22 JES - Stronger 22:16 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 22:10 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 22:04 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 22:00 ABOVE & BEYOND - No One On Earth 21:54 MICHAEL E - That Night Last Summer 21:48 CHICANE - No Ordinary Morning (Original Mix) 21:44 EMMA HEWITT - Foolish Boy (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 21:40 PAROV STELAR - Milla's Dream 21:35 GLOBAL TRAFFIC, CQ PLAM - World Hold On (Acoustic Cover) 21:30 EMILY UNDERHILL - Fly 21:25 MY 7SKY - Time Moment Has Stopped (Original Mix) 21:21 TRACEY THORN - Night Time (Original Mix) 21:18 AMEJ, JOSIE - Strangers We've Become (Acoustic Mix) 21:13 FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE - Seven Devils 21:09 ROBERT NICKSON, RELOCATE, NEEV KENNEDY - Not Made To Break (Chill Out Mix) 21:04 BLANK & JONES - Counting Clouds 20:57 0& BEYOND, RICHARD BEDFORD - Sun & Moon (Paul Hills Sunset 2 Moonrise Mix) 20:52 SEBA - Painted Sky (Imagine Chill Out Remix) 20:48 CUE - Hello 20:45 NASH & PEPPER, ROGUE RAVEN - Am I Wrong (Acoustic Mix) 20:43 FENNA DAY - Skin & Bone (Original Mix) 20:37 JEAN MARE - Just Equality (Electro Downbeat Mix) 20:34 ANDY MOOR, CARRIE SKIPPER - So Much More (Ambient Mix) 20:29 KIM WAYMAN - We Are The People (Acoustic Mix) 20:25 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank You 20:20 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 20:15 ORKIDEA - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 20:06 RED BUDDHA, LINDA WONG ENSEMBLE - Stone Buddha 20:03 BELLATRAX FEAT. TINA COUSINS - Cant Hold Back (Acoustic Mix) 20:00 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 19:56 BERK & THE VIRTUAL BAND - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 19:52 RADIO KILLER - Lonely Heart (Kenny Hayes Nitelite Mix) 19:48 ROBERT NICKSON - Russell's Teapot (Original Mix) 19:44 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 19:41 PUBLIC SYMPHONY - Wings 19:34 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 19:29 DJ KODI - Love Will Tear Us Apart 19:21 KITARO - A passage of life 19:17 DAVID TORT, NORMAN DORAY - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 19:13 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 19:09 FRAINBREEZE, ANGEL FALLS - I'll Be There (Original Mix) 19:06 COSTA, EMMA HORAN - New Dawn Breaking (Original Mix) 19:02 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 18:54 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 18:49 DJ MILEWS - Children 18:45 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 18:41 HONEY - A Girl Called You (Feat Jean Honeymoon) 18:37 MOORYC - Communication Breakdown 18:33 SAMI COVER - Love You Like A Love Song (DjR Remix) 18:29 NADIA ALI - Is It Love 18:24 MO'JARDO - Dust 18:20 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 18:16 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 18:13 EMMA HEWITT - Carry Me Away (Live Acoustic Version) 18:09 POCHILL - Constanta 78 18:05 ADELE - Chasing Pavements 18:02 CONJURE ONE, LEIGH NASH - Under The Gun (Original Mix) 17:53 VINTAGE, MORELLI - Tree Of Life (Magnetik Remix) 17:49 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:45 SHARAM, DANIEL BEDINGFIELD - The One (Downtempo Mix) 17:40 BEN GOLD, SENADEE - Today (Chilled Datt Remix) 17:34 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - Nuvole Bianche 17:31 KENNY G, LOUIS ARMSTRONG - What A Wonderful World 17:26 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, LO-FI SUGAR - Never Fade Away 17:21 FRIENDLY BREAKS - Jazzy City Walk (Deep Lounge Mix) 17:15 SUNLOUNGER, KYLER ENGLAND - Change Your Mind (Chill Version) 17:10 JAMES BRIGHT, HELEN WALFORD - Time 17:06 GAELLE - Give It Back 17:00 AQUASCAPE - Sunrise 16:54 JAMES SAXSMO GATES - Sweetest Taboo 16:49 NICK COLIONNE - The Connection 16:43 ROBERT CHRISTA - Rise & Shine 16:41 HERB ALPERT - All I Want For Christmas 16:37 WARREN HILL - Mojo 16:32 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fifth Ward 16:28 DAVE KOZ - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Feat. Michael Lington) 16:24 DEAN JAMES - Can You Feel It 16:20 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Gonna Be All Right 16:16 OLI SILK - At Your Service (feat. Julian Vaughn) 16:12 DAVID GARFIELD - Ticket to Pittsburgh 16:08 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - The First Noel 16:04 RICHARD ELLIOT - Who 16:00 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 15:56 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Harveston Way (feat. Euge Groove) 15:52 PIECES OF A DREAM - Sway On 15:48 EDGARDO CINTRON - Nice Little Bar 15:44 TOM BRAXTON - Hope For Tomorrow (feat. Bob James) 15:39 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Joy To The World 15:35 PAUL BROWN - Angel 15:32 ZOLBERT - The Time Has Come 15:29 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Adeste Fidels 15:25 PHILIPPE SAISSE - If I Ever Lose This Heaven 15:20 PHIL DENNY - Crossover 15:16 DIRK K - Sticks and Sand 15:12 JAREZ - Got This Feelin' 15:08 DANA FIELDS - This Christmas 15:04 BRIAN SIMPSON - Just One Wish 15:00 UNDER THE LAKE - Whatever You Wish For 14:57 TONY SAUNDERS - Unlimited Access 14:53 NICK COLIONNE - The Closer I Get To You 14:48 SAM RUCKER - I Am with You 14:44 PETER WHITE - Glow 14:40 JOYCE COOLING - Expression 14:37 MICHAEL BUBLE - Winter Wonderland 14:33 NELSON RANGELL - Steppin' 14:29 DEE BROWN - Smooth Talk 14:26 NEAL DAVIS - Golden Bells 14:22 KAYLA WATERS - Full Bloom 14:17 WALTER BEASLEY - No No 14:14 NICK COLIONNE - Right Around The Corner 14:10 RON OTIS - Out of Pocket 14:08 GILBERTO GIACONI - Jingle Bell Rock 14:03 NAJEE - Stratosphere 14:00 BONEY JAMES - Sara Smile 13:56 DARREN RAHN - One Step Ahead 13:51 WILL DONATO - Everlasting 13:47 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Won't Let Go 13:43 DAVE KOZ - All I Want For Christmas 13:38 WARREN HILL - La Dolce Vita 13:34 KIM WATERS - On a Mission 13:30 DAVID GARFIELD - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 13:25 RICHARD ELLIOT - Moon Gazer 13:21 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 13:16 RAGAN WHITESIDE - 3am 13:12 JODY MAYFIELD - Where Would I Be (feat. Heidi McLaughlin) 13:08 MARION MEADOWS - The First Noel 13:04 DREW DAVIDSEN - Laid Back 13:00 JIM ADKINS - Come a Little Closer 12:56 ROB MALETICK - Backwards Talkin' 12:52 ZOLBERT - Above the Clouds 12:48 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Times Square 12:44 RONNY SMITH - Deck the Halls 12:40 ALTHEA RENE - Rock with You 12:36 DEAN JAMES - Planet Smooth 12:31 BRIAN LENAIR - O Come All Ye Faithful 12:27 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 12:23 PAUL DOZIER, JESSICA LANE - I Dream in Color 12:19 DANIEL DOMENGE - Nonchalance 12:14 PAUL TAYLOR - Straight to the Point 12:10 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 12:05 PETER WHITE - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow 12:00 TIM BOWMAN - Soul Dream 11:56 BLAKE AARON - Short, Sweet and Sexy 11:52 NATE HARASIM - Lost In You 11:49 GARY MEGGS - Autumn Leaves 11:45 KAYLA WATERS - Spirit Awakening 11:41 JOHN FLUKER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful (Instrumental) 11:37 KEN POWE - College Hills 11:34 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - The Wind Whispers 11:30 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Time 11:26 VINCENT IOIA - No Time Like Now (feat. Bill Heller) 11:23 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Take Me There 11:18 BLAKE AARON - Fall For You 11:13 JULIAN VAUGHN - Hotel Lover 11:10 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Breath of Heaven 11:05 EUGE GROOVE - Welcome To The Journey 11:00 DAVE KOZ - Just To Be Next To You 10:56 DARREN RAHN - I Can't Go For That 10:52 ANDRE DELANO - Full Circle 10:47 RICHARD ELLIOT - Coco 10:43 DANIEL D. - Let It Snow 10:38 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Night Crawler 10:34 FOURPLAY - Aniversario 10:31 JESSY J - What Child is This 10:26 DREW DAVIDSEN - Alexander's Dream 10:22 PAUL BROWN - Old Friends 10:18 PETER HEROLD - Soul Spa 10:13 OLI SILK - All Roads Lead to Home 10:09 BROOKE ALFORD, MARCUS ANDERSON - The First Noel (In the Sun) 10:05 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Your Move 10:00 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Call Me (vocal) 09:56 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 09:51 GARY HONOR - Island Pearl 09:47 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Used to Love You 09:42 JOHNNY JOHNSON - Silver Bells 09:37 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Babadoodaht! 09:33 RHYTHM LOGIC - Tuesdays Love 09:29 PETER WHITE - The Little Drummer Boy 09:25 K'JON - Live, Love & Laughter 09:21 BLAIR BRYANT - Girls in the Back 09:16 NATE HARASIM - Different Kind Of Love (feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 09:12 STEVE OLIVER - Slingshot 09:08 BERNIE MARTINI - Falling for You Like Snow 09:03 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Let's Wait Awhile 09:00 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - Soarin' 08:55 GERRY SMOOTH - So It Begins 08:52 ERIC DARIUS - Move To It 08:48 VINCENT IOIA - Get on It! 08:44 RICK HABANA - Set Sail 08:40 JONATHAN BUTLER - Love Is 08:36 TAKE B - Umbrella 08:32 DARRON COOKIE - Your Smile 08:28 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Christmas Is Here 08:24 DAVE KOZ - Together Again 08:20 MICHAEL BROENING - Let It Breathe 08:16 NICK COLIONNE - On the Move 08:12 RICHARD ELLIOT - Still Sweet On You 08:08 ARIEL B - Last Christmas 08:04 ALTHEA RENE - Tabula Rasa 08:00 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Nature Boy 07:56 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 07:52 MARC ANTOINE - Marco Polo 07:48 SPECIAL EFX - Never Ending Love 07:43 BILL MCGEE - Full Circle 07:39 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 07:36 WAYNE GUTSHALL - Spanish Love (feat. Steve Oliver) 07:32 JEFF KASHIWA - It's Up To You 07:28 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Come All Ye Faithful 07:23 wo Years On (feat. Jimmy Engher, Monte Mann, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 07:19 THE SAX PACK - When Morning Comes 07:16 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - On My Way 07:12 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Blue Light Special 07:08 ART FOUR SALE - Feliz Navidad 07:04 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Versace On The Floor 07:00 MARCUS JOHNSON - Just To Get By 06:56 BRIAN CULBERTSON - It's Time 06:52 PATRICK YANDALL - Sailing 06:49 HIROSHIMA - Groove Latino 06:45 MEKIEL REUBEN - Another Sunday 06:41 PABLO EMBON - Airborne 06:38 MIKE MACARTHUR - This Christmas 06:34 PAUL BROWN - Hello Again 06:30 KENNY PORE - Treasure Coast 06:27 SYLVIA BENNETT - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 06:23 ADAM HAWLEY - Old School Jam 06:19 BLUEY - Back Here Again 06:15 JACKIEM JOYNER - When The Time Is Right 06:11 NATE HARASIM - Both Sides Of The Coin (feat. Steve Oliver) 06:08 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Mary Did You Know 06:04 MICHAEL MANSON, BEN TANKARD - Right Turn Ahead 06:00 BALANCE9 - Sway 05:56 DEE LUCAS - To Be Continued 05:50 THE SAX PACK - All At Once 05:45 WAKANA - Let's Get Together (feat. Peter Peet Ferencz) 05:41 HANK BILAL - O Come All Ye Faithful 05:37 CHRIS GODBER - Vibin' 05:33 RICHARD ELLIOT - Q.T. 05:29 JULIAN VAUGHN - Silent Night 05:25 R.L. WALKER - Coming Big 05:20 AL GOMEZ - Closer to You 05:16 THREESTYLE - Reasons 2 Love 05:12 TONY SAUNDERS - Sea Cliff Drive 05:09 VINCENT INGALA - Merry Christmas All 05:05 ERIC DARIUS - Uptown Swagger 05:00 GARY MEGGS - Internal 05:00 NATE HARASIM - Rush (feat. Darren Rahn) 04:55 MEZZOFORTE - Nightfall 04:50 BRIAN BROMBERG - Choices 04:46 PEET PROJECT - I Don't Mind 04:41 RHYTHM JETS - Angels We Have Heard on High 04:37 WILL SUMNER - First Light 04:33 CHRIS GODBER - Momentum 04:29 LYNNE FIDDMONT - Spirit of Christmas 04:26 PETER WHITE - How Deep Is Your Love 04:22 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Enchantment 04:18 MARCUS ANDERSON - 2 Cream, 3 Sugars 04:15 PAUL BROWN - Say It Like It Is 04:10 DAVE KOZ - The Christmas 04:06 NICHOLAS COLE - Secrets (Remix) 04:01 NELSON RANGELL - The Gathering 03:57 KIM WATERS - I'm Not the Only One 03:53 PAUL DOZIER - Myrtle Beach 03:49 HANK BILAL - Hark the Harold Angels Sing (feat. Jonathan Knott) 03:44 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Flower Child 03:40 CHRIS STANDRING - Piece of Cake 03:36 CAROL NETHEN - O Holy Night 03:31 KEN NAVARRO - Stoned Soul Picnic 03:27 J. WHITE - 90's Kinda Love 03:21 GREGG KARUKAS - Healing Song 03:17 LEBRON - Feels Like '84 03:13 YUTAKA - This Christmas 03:08 EUGE GROOVE - Too Cool 03:03 TERENCE YOUNG - Yearning For Your Love 02:59 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 02:54 MICHAEL LEMMO - Nobody Knows 02:50 JESSY J - Sugar Fish (feat. Paul Brown) 02:46 JACKIEM JOYNER - The Space Between Us 02:41 SHAKATAK - Auld Lang Syne 02:36 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Smoothing 02:32 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 02:30 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - E' Nate Il Redentore (Piva Piva) 02:25 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 02:21 BROOK ALFORD - Empire State of Mind 02:17 NILS - Play It 02:14 VANN BURCHFIELD - Being With You 02:12 NICK DUKAS - Jingle Bell Rock 02:07 PATRICK BRADLEY - All In 02:01 U-NAM - Back in Style 01:57 CHRIS GODBER - West Coast Soul 01:55 JOYCE COOLING - Snow Is Falling 01:51 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 01:47 PETER WHITE - Life Story 01:42 ADAM HAWLEY - Joy Ride 01:37 JAY KING - Your Way 01:32 AVERY SUNSHINE - Sunshine for Christmas 01:28 NICHOLAS COLE - Snap (feat. Vincent Ingala) 01:23 R.L. WALKER - Just a Feeling 01:18 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 01:13 PAUL BROWN - Ol' Skoolin' 01:10 DREW DAVIDSEN - God Rest Ye 01:06 MARCUS JOHNSON - New Beginnings 01:01 CHRIS STANDRING - Through the Looking Glass 00:56 SPECIAL EFX - Endless Us 00:52 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 00:48 RONNY SMITH - The Holidays Are Here 00:44 JOEL THIBAULT - Daydream 00:40 LEBRON - Red Hook 00:36 ART RUPRECHT - A Love Sublime 00:32 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Stealing Hearts 00:29 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - O Come All Ye Faithful 00:25 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 00:21 STEVE OLIVER - Let it Go 00:18 JAEE LOGAN - Portrait of Patrice 00:13 AL GOMEZ - Catchin' a Vibe 00:10 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Dream 00:06 PATRICK YANDALL - The Beat Generation 00:02 BRANDON WILLIS - Next Friday
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your-dietician · 2 years
Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' star, dies at 96
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/angela-lansbury-murder-she-wrote-and-beauty-and-the-beast-star-dies-at-96/
Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' star, dies at 96
Angela Lansbury, a versatile actor who wowed generations of fans as a murderous baker, a singing teapot, a Soviet spy and a small-town sleuth among a host of memorable roles, died Tuesday, her family announced.
She was 96.
“The children of Dame Angela Lansbury are sad to announce that their mother died peacefully in her sleep at home in Los Angeles at 1:30 AM today, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, just five days shy of her 97th birthday,” her family said in a statement. 
The London-born actor took her life’s final bow as one of the most decorated players in stage history.
Lansbury won five Tony Awards, most recently in 2009 for best featured actress in a play for her work in Noel Coward’s “Blithe Spirit.”
Her best known work on the Great White Way was probably as ghoulish pie maker Nellie Lovett, in “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.” She cooked up a Tony for best musical actress in 1979 for that role.
Her other three Tony wins were for best actress in a musical for “Mame” in 1966, “Dear World” in 1969 and “Gypsy” in 1975.
Audra McDonald and Julie Harris are the only actors to win six Tonys; Harris’ sixth Tony was for lifetime achievement.
“We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Angela Lansbury,” according to statement by Actors’ Equity, the union representing live stage performers.
Lansbury earner her Actors’ Equity card in 1957 with her work in  “Hotel Paradiso.” 
“A star of stage, TV and movies, Lansbury was an Equity member for an astounding 65 years. She leaves behind a library of work to enjoy for many generations. We send our condolences to her friends and family.”
Actor Eric McCormack, best known for his work on the long-running NBC sitcom “Will & Grace,” fondly recalled his time with Lansbury on Gore Vidal’s “The Best Man” in 2012.
“So privileged I got to spend time with this incredible woman,” he said in statement. “No one like her.”
Lansbury took her singing skill from Broadway to the big screen, via an animator’s drawing board in the 1991 musical “Beauty and the Beast.”
She voiced the sentimental Mrs. Pott, which scored as one of the popular movie’s most beloved moments.
She took to the stage at Lincoln Center in New York in 2016 to celebrate the film’s 25th anniversary, and brought the house down with a rendition of the title’s lead tune.
Referencing the lyrics to the “Beauty and the Beast” theme, NASA paid tribute to Lansbury by posting a photo of a “cosmic rose.”
The actor had already enjoyed a long and successful career when she took on the small-screen role that many Americans will remember most — as mystery writer and amateur crime fighter Jessica Fletcher on the CBS Sunday night hit “Murder, She Wrote.”
“Murder” ran for 12 seasons, from 1984 to 1996, with Lansbury playing a widowed mystery writer whose keen observations always outwitted criminals and even the local police before the real killer would be unmasked within the hour.
The show was a staple of Sunday night TV at 8 p.m., and was one of CBS’ biggest hits in the 1980s.
It followed “60 Minutes” and, in the fall, the National Football Conference game. Lead CBS play-by-play man Pat Summerall would famously tell viewers to stay tuned for “Murder … She Wrote” with a dramatically elongated pause.
“We found our audience and they were loyal to the end,” Lansbury said in a 1998 interview with the television academy.
COZI TV, NBC’s national multicast network that airs classic shows, announced it’ll honor Lansbury with a “Murder, She Wrote” marathon from Wednesday through Saturday, 6 a.m. ET through 8 p.m. ET each day.
SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher said generations of thespians were lucky to have enjoyed watching Lansbury’s long and storied career.
“She was an inspiration both on and off stage, and I was personally a huge fan. Thank God she lived a good, long life as we were all blessed to bask in her light,” Drescher said in a statement. “I’m grateful that her body of work lives on to inspire generations to come.”
Shows like “Murder, She Wrote” ushered in a new era of television with more female players taking lead roles on America’s small screen. The TV academy nominated Lansbury for 12 Emmys for “Murder,” although she never took home the trophy.
Lansbury was inducted into the TV Hall of Fame in 1996.
“‘Murder, She Wrote’ has given me more worldwide attention than any other role I played in the movies or on the stage,” she said in 2013 while receiving an honorary Academy Award. “It’s a wonderful thing to be known in Spain, Portugal, in Paris, in France and Germany and everywhere.”
Lansbury became such an important TV figure that some fans might have forgotten what an important movie career she had in the era of black-and-white film, and the three best supporting actress Oscar nominations she received for three legendary works.
She played the maid in the 1944 classic “Gaslight,” about a woman, played by star Ingrid Bergman, who was being manipulated to question objective truth.
The term “gas lighting,” meaning to psychologically manipulate with lies and false narratives, became a popular term in the 21st century American vocabulary, particularly after Donald Trump was elected president.
That role scored Lansbury her first Oscar nomination before she picked up another for her brief but vital role in 1945’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”
Lansbury recalled that when working with director John Frankenheimer on the 1962 movie “All Fall Down,” the movie maestro slammed a book on the table in front of her and ordered her to read it.
The book was Richard Condon’s “The Manchurian Candidate.”
“I took it home and I read it and I called him up and said, ‘Wow,’” Lansbury told the TV academy in 1998.
She was cast as Mrs. Eleanor Iselin, a scheming, domineering mother — a role that brought Lansbury her third Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.
“We certainly didn’t envision the longevity” of the Cold War-era thriller, Lansbury said in 1998. “We felt because of the extraordinary subject matter and the way in which the plot was devised, it was so extraordinary that it was going to either sink or swim. And it swam and it’s still swimming.”
Lansbury was among the last surviving star actors from Hollywood’s Golden Age.
The licensing arm of the late Frank Sinatra posted a picture of Old Blue Eyes and Lansbury from their time working on “The Manchurian Candidate.”
The future acting great was born Angela Brigid Lansbury on Oct. 16, 1925, in London, the daughter of actor Moyna Macgill and timber executive Edgar Lansbury.
Both her father and grandfather (George Lansbury) were active in liberal British politics. Edgar Lansbury was mayor of the London borough of Poplar, while George Lansbury served as Labour Party leader in 1932-34.
“My grandfather was a very large figure in my life as a child,” Lansbury told the TV academy. “He was an extraordinary individual who garnered the admiration and love of the British labor movement, which he led, and because he was the most charismatic figure, a very kind simple plain man. He never drank, he never smoked.”
Though born into a culturally elite family, Lansbury’s childhood was chaotic.
Lansbury was 9 when her father died in 1935. At the outbreak of World War II a few years later, Lansbury’s mother feared London would soon be bombed by Nazi Germany.
“My mother sold everything that she could and we got on a boat,” Lansbury said.
The RMS Duchess of Atholl carried Lansbury, her mother and two younger brothers to Canada in the summer of 1940, and they immediately boarded a train for New York.
Lansbury landed at the Lucy Fagan School in Rockefeller Center, where she had a bird’s-eye view of the skating rink and what seemed like a perfect snapshot of utopian American life.
“I’ll never forget that first Christmas,” Lansbury recalled fondly. “America was still not at war, the tree was up and everything was beautiful.”
She scored her first professional gig at the Samovar Club in Montreal. The 16-year-old lied about being 19 and performed characters from Coward’s “I Went to a Marvelous Party” for a whopping $60 a week — what Lansbury thought was a small fortune then.
After that three-week gig ended, Lansbury’s mother was in western Canada with the touring company of “Tonight at 8:30.”
Macgill had the bright idea of sending for her daughter and having them both go to Los Angeles, capital of the world’s young motion picture industry. 
The pair quickly became enveloped in the ex-pat British acting community in Hollywood, and those connections led Lansbury to her first screen tests for “Gaslight” and “Dorian Gray.”
She signed a seven-year deal with MGM, and at 17 she was making $500 a week. Under the old studio system, MGM controlled her work and cast the young actor in roles that Lansbury said she had no business playing.
But that turned out to be a boon and launched her extraordinarily versatile career
“It was like an intense training period, playing character roles, playing older than myself, learning a lot of skills I otherwise would never have learned,” Lansbury said.
And despite Lansbury’s long and decorated career in the states, she never lost touch with her roots, and the United Kingdom never forgot about her.
Queen Elizabeth II bestowed the DBE (Dame Commander of the British Empire) honor on Lansbury in 2014 during a ceremony at Windsor Castle.
“It is a very proud day for me to be recognized by the country of my birth, and to meet the queen under these circumstances is a rare and lovely occasion,” Lansbury said that day.
She is survived by her three children, Anthony, Deirdre and David, her three grandchildren, Peter, Katherine and Ian, plus five great grandchildren and her brother, producer Edgar Lansbury.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 53 years, Peter Shaw. A private family ceremony will be held at a date to be determined, her family said.
Read the full article here
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navstuffs · 2 years
Prince Adrian of Evergreen
kind part two of this
Pairing: Adrian Chase x gn!reader
Summary: After watching Brigderton, you notice Adrian looks like the Prince of Prussia. He surprises you with a date with the Prince.
Warnings: tiny mention of smut, nothing too bad.
Authors note: i kinda made this as part 2 of british accent but you dont have to read one to understand the other. i have tons of other projects going on, kinda having rough days but i plan on posting more after im done with my vacay.
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You arrived home after a stressful day at work. You never thought any office job and dealing with clients would be worse than dealing with aliens or serial killers. You missed being able to beat up something and you were this close to punching your boss in the nose. When you passed the front door of your house, announcing you were home, you heard classical music playing on the speakers.
He never listened to classical music, finding it hard to rock to it. Your hand looked for your gun in your hips, as you entered the living room. Everything looked normal so you walked to the kitchen, making no sound. Your dining table looked like it was prepared for the queen of England at five pm. It had a floral table cloth, a delicate teapot, and teacups, probably all part from the same tea set, fluffy cakes, spoons that probably your grandma had, a plate full of macaroni. Everything looked so floral, so fancy, proper for a noble.
"Do you like the table, my love?"
You jumped with the sudden British deep voice behind you, turning your gun in the direction of it. It was Adrian, dressed as the Prince Charming from Cinderella. If he wasn't wearing his glasses you wouldn't have recognized him. Especially he had blond hair now...wait, blonde hair?
"Adrian? Is that you?" you wondered, your voice barely a whisper. Even his position was different, standing like he had classes o how to behave like a prince. What the heck was going on?
"Well, darling, you told me I looked like a Prince. So here I am."
Ooh shit. This was all about Bridgerton. You watched the whole first season with Adrian sleeping in your lap and he found your crush on Prince Friedrich very amusing. Especially, because he looked so much like Adrian, minus the blonde hair and politeness.
"Did you dye your hair for this?" You couldn't believe your eyes as you got closer, touching his blonde curly hair. You noticed a pale tone of pink on his cheeks as you stared at him closely.
"Don't you like it?" Adrian sounded worried, looking at you. You could see his pouty lips starting to form.
"Oh God, no, no. I love it! I didn't expect you to dye your hair. My Prince Charming."
Adrian's expression lit up again with your approval. You got closer to kiss him but he put his hands in front of your mouth. Jesus, he was even wearing white gloves you only see in movies.
"No, no my love. We shall have tea first. I prepared this table only for you, my love."
You pouted, not wanting to let him go. He grabbed your chin with two fingers so you could look directly at his green eyes.
"I promise after this I am all yours."
"Okay? Lead the way, your highness."
Adrian pulled the chair for you, so you could sit. He opened a cloth napkin in your lap and started serving the tea and cake in such a proper way.
"Where did you find all of this? Grandma's shop?"
Adrian seemed to ponder for a bit before answering.
"Sorta. Duke Chris has a very big knowledge over this."
"Duke Chris?" You bit your lip to hide a smile. Your boyfriend was really going to roleplay the whole night. "Don't tell me he helped you with the cake and tea as well?"
The cake tasted delicious and the maraconi even better. You had to ask Adrian where he found all of this because you would want it again. Adrian was staring at you from his seat, a smile on his lips. He looked so proper, you still didn't believe that was your Adrian. He was happy you were enjoying it so much, although being very hard for him to be speaking into the accent. And he looked so sexy.
"You should dress more like this...my lord" You teased, watching his eyes go wide, breaking character just for a second before going back to being a prince.
"You flatter me talking like that, my love." You heard the British accent slipping meaning Adrian was definitely getting nervous.
"Oh, it is not always I get hit by a British prince. Especially a pretty one like you, Prince Adrian of Evergreen."
Adrian coughed, drinking the tea to calm his nerves. You got up from your chair slowly, Adrian holding tightly the chair's arms. You sit down on his lap, your arms passing around his neck.
"I hope you don't find bad my manners, your highness."
"N-no. No problem. I am the prince so I will allow it."
You smiled, locking your lips with his. Adrian seemed hesitant at first but the kiss got hungrier and he was soon moaning in your mouth, impatient for more. You broke the kiss, his hands rubbing your cheek. Adrian stared at you hungrily, asking:
"Shall I take you to bed and make you mine?"
You nodded frantically. Adrian got up from the chair, carrying you in his arms.
"This is the most Disney thing ever happened to me."
"Except we never see the prince fucking." Adrian answered with his American accent. You chuckled, happy to see your usual Adrian coming back "Damnit."
"It is okay, your highness. I will pretend I heard nada."
"You better not my love" Adrian recovered his British accent again "It will only benefit you if you respect your prince."
"Always, your highness."
Adrian seemed satisfied with your answer, his posture going back to being a prince as he got closer to the room. He was happy he could get you relaxed after all the stressful days at your normal job. Adrian was there to make you feel good, either as Vigilante, or Prince Vigilante, or simply Adrian. Whatever you needed, Adrian would always make sure he would get for you. He would do anything to see the smile on your face.
Taglist: @sunflowerfive @uwiuwi @deuxmi-lune @fapqueen
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kissesandcream · 3 years
a smol sibling.,
w/ xiao, kaeya, & venti
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— • request from anon : being the trio’s younger sibling! (separately)
xiao p1 || kaeya p1 || gn ! sibling ! reader || headcanon format || 1.5k words
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; masterlist.,
; a / n - i’ve done xiao and kaeya before, but i had some more ideas so i’m making some more! links above if you’d like to read the others <3
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xiao .,
• the other hcs i made for him where general, but here anon specified a younger sibling, so i’ll do that!
• he’s that sibling who’ll pretend ur the most annoying thing on the planet but would do anything for u so much as you ask
• “xiao when u come back could i have some glaze lilies” “get them yourself im the vigilant yaksha not a flower picker🙄” mhm then why did u literally wipe out qingce village’s flower population hm xiao 🤨
• teaches u how to fight!! but he’s not teaching he’s “helping you discover things yourself so you can be a functional person”
• it takes way too much effort to get this man to admit he loves you but you know it as much as he does so it’s okay <3
• cloud retainer has so much dirt on him it’s crazy. if you ever need some blackmail material head over to hers. also you can find some embarassing pictures she’s got a heckton
• verr goldet takes care of u a lot too, xiao’s a great brother and all but he lacks in this department called self care
• idk if you’re mortal or adeptus or half adeptus but if you need to eat and do basic body functions he does not got u covered
• mans would try to raise u on almond tofu until verr goldet bought out a food pyramid and explained about these things called nutrients 
• he also doesn’t understand how important sleep is so,,, “xiao i’m gonna stay up” “yeah sure whatever” passing out two days later “y/N WHAT’S WRONG-”
• yeah verr goldet and the innkeeper guy give him a guide to basic survival talk and all through it he’s glaring at you like why did you never tell me you needed human things to live >:( 
• now that he knows you need sleep, he makes u sleep at 8 pm every night like a grandpa!! good luck trying to get him to stop!!
• are these getting too guardian-like and less sibling-like??? 😭 but that’s the vibes he gives yk!! ur over protective adeptus parent-brother who has no clue how u work but wants to try to understand a little
• in the game u can tell how much more open he gets wit the traveller as friendship levels progress, and if you’ve maxed it out he’d basically do anything for you and would want you to trouble him than yourself
• and he’ll probably be closer with you than he’ll ever be with traveller since you’re siblings and whatnot, so it would make sense that he looks out for you more than your typical older brother yk
• plays the flute for you!! if he hears u humming a tune under your breath he’ll find it and learn it to play for u 
• he may not fully understand how relationships work but he’s trying his best for u <3
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 kaeya .,
• my other kaeya hcs were in relation to you being close / living with diluc, but these will be more general and central towards kaeya!
• kaeya fits literally every older brother trope that exists. the brother who’s always got ur back? you got it. the brother who keeps secrets you don’t know about from you? heck yeah. the annoying brother who makes u do his chores for him? maybe a little too much.
• pls he (lovingly) shoves all of his small tasks onto u it’s infuriating but you can’t even say no bc then he gets all dramatic 
• “y/n 😩 you’re abandonning your dear brother like this 😩 how could you 😩 i didn’t know you were so cruel 😩” sir shut up <3
• since he’s a people person everyone knows u very well too, heck all the senior citizens probably voted u as second best in law after him or smth idk man 
• hanging out with best boy bennett!! he canonically sees kaeya as an older brother too so y’all def go on little adventures together <3
• ur one of the only people who have ever looked under his eyepatch, diluc and crepus being the only other two
• sometimes he forgets to take it off when he goes to bed and it leaves a bruise bc it’s pretty tight, so he let’s you change it for him 
• “i can do this myself, you know” well he can but you both know he likes it better when you’re there
• does not allow your closet to be anything less than exquisite, you’ve got a bunch of scarfs like his whether you like it for not
• makes u buy his wine from diluc for him bc every time he goes to the tavern diluc raises the price tenfold just for him
• he’s that sibling who will rile you up on purpose just for the fun of it. i have a cousin who used to do that when he was younger and it was annoying but he still adores me sm so i don’t mind <3
• besides even if he does get on ur nerves amber’s got ur back- you can rant to her about him for hours on end and she’ll add with her experiences with kaeya’s bullying
• what are siblings if not for sibling rivalry, yes he picks on u constantly but he also picks u up when you’re feeling low <3
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venti .,
• oh my gods he would be sO FUN
• the two of you are the bane of diluc’s existence, venti loops u into his winery pilfering plans a lot 
• venti pulls the archon card if the two of you get caught by him idk what excuse you’ve got but it better be good 😭
• no way the god of wind and song’s sibling doesn’t love music- even if you’re tone deaf, or hard of hearing, music is about the pleasure it brings and he’ll bring it to you
• you guys go wind gliding a lot of the time too!! y’all don’t even need gliders you’ve got the power of anemo 😎
• he’s that cool brother who’s only rule is that you do whatever you want to do, life is too short for regrets so live in the moment and be spontaneous!
• even though he’s older he seems much younger than you at heart 😭 will wine if you don’t do something for him it’s hilarious
• you’ve got other things to do and he’s just “but hanging out!!!” and ur like “but work!!!” 
• it’s very hard to be productive with him around, he will distract u with something as mundane as an apple- it’s not his fault tho bb just has a poor attention span 😭 
• he’s very clingy, if you’re together he’ll link your elbows like everyone did in sixth grade, and in turn u can kick him in the kneecaps when he does stupid things
• he’s the ceo of stupid things so u get to kick him a lot, it’s a mutal symbiotic relationship we love to see it <33
• my brain is dead and i can’t english rn but. his vibes yk he’s so fun to be around, he gives out surprisingly killer advice too
• i have this man’s teapot lines plastered on my wall bc they help me deal with stuff, so if you’re ever down you can always, always, always go to him and he’ll have the exact things to say
• if it’s words, he has them, if it’s silence you need he’ll lend you his shoulder; but there was never an instance he doesn’t leave you better than before
• you haven’t seen his archon side a lot, since he doesn’t show it all that much, but it’s so far from venti it’s a little scary; but in a sort of admiring way yk
• you guys visit zhongli sometimes, and it’s a free real estate for blackmail material bc of how terrified venti is of him
• zhongli is like that long lost uncle who visits once a year, and you’re his favorite child so he gives you candy and picks on venti for not taking good enough care of you
• “i’m their sibling not their parent” “you’re older have some responsibility >:(”
• if you ever get drunk he will hear about it and will come all the way from liyue to i will have order venti’s head, regardless of whether he was the cause of you being drunk or not
• that about wraps it up! im sure i could think of more but my brain is sorta dead rn so this will have to suffice 😭 i can’t think of a closing statement sO i hope u enjoyed!! bye bye!! <3
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loveofafangirl · 3 years
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72 Hours
[Baron Zemo Masterlist] [Marvel Masterlist]
Pairing: Baron Zemo x Reader/You (no gender, race or body type described)
Synopsis: You are tasked with watching Zemo for the weekend while he assists you in providing tech support and intel to your teammates in the field.  *Sort of: Enemies to Lovers* *One-Shot: Not same “reader” as my other stories.
Word Count: 2.2K (sorry this is longer than I intended)
A/N: This is a request for @purebloodwitch, where y/n is part of the Avengers and used to taking care of everyone, but at Zemo’s safe house he starts taking care of her and she is uncomfortable at first. I hope this fits what you are looking for. I hope you enjoy it. 
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3 days.
72 hours.
That's how long you had to suffer his company. You stare out the window, taking in the country view. The car was taking the two of you to one of his safe houses. You had wanted to go on the mission with the rest of your team, but you were the most organized and could most easily relay intel to different groups as you uncovered it. Plus, it had been decided you were the least likely to bring physical harm to him. Though, you weren't so sure at the moment.
You had been against Bucky's plan to release Zemo. You remembered the bombing at the U.N. and the fallout that began that day. You blame him for the Snap and the loss of so many of your colleagues. If he hadn't turned the Avengers against one another, maybe Thanos never would have collected all six Infinity Stones. Maybe no one would have vanished, tearing the world apart—twice: once when they disappeared and again when they returned. As far as you were concerned, Zemo was the catalyst that led to Thanos, the need for the GRC, and the rise of the Flagsmashers. Everything began that day at the U.N. 
You look at your watch:
71 hours and 26 minutes.
When you arrive at his safe house, he insists you let him hold the door for you. You had always stood on your own, caring for those around you. You weren't used to gestures such as these, nor did you want them, least of all from him. 
Your fists clench when he refuses to go in first. Reluctantly, you proceed, allowing him to hold each door for you.
"Would you like a tour?" He gestures grandly around the lavish apartment.
"No," you state coldly, ignoring his coy smile that seemed to dip slightly at your tone. "Just tell me where to set up."
"Perhaps by the windows," he suggested. "The panels are one way. You can see out, but no one can see in. It should give us a good vantage point to keep watch without being noticed." 
You begin moving the bags of equipment you brought.
"Allow me." Without waiting, he takes the bags from you and carries them to the area he had previously pointed out. 
You follow wordlessly.
"There you go."
You nod your gratitude, unable to bring yourself to say thank you to him.
"Is there anything else?"
"No. When I'm done setting up, you'll need to tell me everything you know about Project Typhon and get me the decrypted files you insisted that only you could access."
"Of course, I am at your service."
You keep an eye on him while working. You still couldn't believe you got stuck babysitting. Now your focus was split between the work and making sure he didn't get into any trouble. 
He moves about the kitchen, grabbing this and that. He returns with a tray in his hands containing a teapot, two cups and saucers, small sandwiches, and a tin of cookies. "I had the pantry stocked before our arrival."
You give him a curious expression.
"I did not want you believing they had been sitting for the years." 
"I'm good."
He pours two cups of tea, offering one to you. "You haven't eaten since early morning. Please, help yourself."
You breathe deeply, trying not to give in. You had packed some rations, but you hadn't eaten any yet. You hate how appealing everything looked. You begin reaching for it, but pull back, now convincing yourself it could be poisoned. You turn your attention back to your work after a quick glance at your watch. 
65 hours. 
The evening passes slowly. You juggle your Zemo-sitting duty with decoding his cryptic replies into useable intel to relay to the two teams you were monitoring while also keeping an eye out for any digital chatter that may hinder your mission.
"Why me?" You sigh to yourself, thinking back to how you had asked Sam that same question when he first told you this was your assignment.
"You're good with people, Y/N."
"So you're sticking me with him?" You pointed an accusatory finger over your shoulder to Zemo.
His head shifted to the side, "No offense taken. I understand the difficulties. If you allow me a moment to explain."
"You understand nothing," you chided. Your gaze narrowed to a glower. 
"Easy, Y/N," Bucky interjected. 
"You of all people—" Your head shook in disbelief. "I was there. I saw what he did."
"We need him. He's the lesser of two evils right now."
You crossed your arms, not sure that was true. 
Your thoughts drift back to the present. You check the time again:
63 hours.
Zemo lounges beside you, nursing a drink in his hand. "I surmised you would decline a drink like my own, so I brought you a coffee instead. I noticed you had a few over the past days." He gestures to the warm mug on the table beside you. 
The rich aroma captivated you as you breathe in its bold notes. You really needed it. Begrudgingly, you took your first sip. It is better than you expected. A hum of delight slips from your lips. 
Noting his growing smirk, you muster the strength, uttering, "Thank you." You surprise yourself at the sound of your tone. It was much more cordial than you had intended it to be. 
"It was my pleasure, Y/N."
The two of you remain in silence, except for the occasional exchange needed for the mission. You were so focused on the job you hadn't even noticed him refill your coffee cup until you picked it up, expecting to savor the last drops but found a full cup met you instead. 
He kept working, seemingly not looking for any credit. You didn't offer any, but you had to bite your lips back to stop a smile threatening to erupt. 
57 hours. 
You rub your eyes and stretch your arms. "I'm going to try to get some sleep. Don't even think about trying anything."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He stood as you made your departure. "Gute Nacht. Sleep well."
You walk away without looking back. You knew there were agents strategically placed along the perimeter so he wouldn't get far, but you still worried.
Warm sunlight streams in the window of the large bedroom, gently caressing your face. The mattress is so soft and amazing; it sucked you into its depths immediately, and you fell quickly. You nuzzle in the soft fabric of the bedding, not wanting to move. It was your best sleep in months, even though it was only for a few hours. You think to yourself that you could get used to this.
Your body tenses at the thought as you remember where you are. You jump out of bed and quickly get dressed. Your team is counting on you. You swipe your phone checking the time.
52 hours.
You head straight to your setup; your fingers float nimbly across the keyboard as you attempt to focus solely on your work. Your stomach growls, pulling your focus. The scent of bacon frying greets you. You turn toward the kitchen, and for the first time, notice Zemo.
He catches your eye. "Would you like to join me for breakfast? I've set the two places." Sensing your hesitation. "I can bring it for you as well."
You glance at your phone. No new communications from the team. No alerts from any of the traces you had set up. Nothing to keep you there. Before you know it, you're walking in his direction.
He moves around the counter, pulling out one of the high bar chairs for you. 
You sit, even allowing him to push it in for you, a warmth spreading over you. 
"Please." He gestures to the plate in front of you and takes the seat opposite you. "Enjoy." 
You nibble on a piece of bacon and let the taste linger on your tongue. It was just the way you liked it. He sips his black coffee, watching you enjoy the first bites. You cover your mouth, feeling self-conscious suddenly. You shake your head, trying to brush away the feeling as you question why you care what he thinks. 
Your phone lights up, but it's nothing important. You glance at the time 7:11. You try to remember why you cared. Your attention shifts once more to the man across from you; that was why. 
51 hours. 
The two of you go about the day. Zemo is more useful than you expected. He quickly decodes and unscrambles messages and relays them to the team. Like you, he thrives on analytics and strategic thinking. There were moments where you actually enjoyed the conversation that developed. 
A few times, your fingers brush against his while reaching for the same thing. He always offered his apologies with that smile that made you forget what he'd done that day.
Before you know it, he's bringing you dinner.
"Is it really that late already?" You question, glancing at the time. You accept the plate. "Thank you." 
You enjoy a pleasant evening together, sharing the meal he prepared for you. He was a great cook to your surprise. This was better than anything you had eaten at the Avengers compound lately. 
As the night lingers and you wait for your team to send you new intel, he tells you stories about Sokovia. Once, he mentions his son before pausing and quickly changing the topic. 
In your rush to label him as a terrorist because of that fateful day, you never listened to his reasonings. They didn't excuse his actions, but he wasn't the cold-hearted killer you had expected based on his military profile. He was just a man who lost his entire world. 
When you part for the evening, you gaze back, lifting your hand. "Good night, Zemo."
The next morning, you wake softly, breathing in the comfort of the bed. You reach for your phone; his file is still open from where you fell asleep reading it. You wanted to understand him. There was so much more than you gave him credit for. 
You realize you were wrong. He wasn't the cause of everything that happened. You were. Everything began not the day at the U.N., but that day in Sokovia, with Ultron, and with the Avengers. They had created Zemo; he was merely a product of their haste. They were the catalyst to their own undoing. He had just shone a light on it. 
You lie back thinking over the past two days—the conversations that you'd shared, the kindness he had insisted upon, even when you tried to care for yourself, and those small touches that elicited a feeling you couldn't understand. 
Your last day together followed much of the same patterns: sharing meals, breaking down and relaying intel, keeping watch.
You notice how at ease you are. Your body is calm with no tensions or worries. You hadn't checked the time since—well, you weren't really sure. A look of horror flashes on your face as you realize you were enjoying this—enjoying him. 
"What did I miss?" He questions, strolling in from his bath, still in his robe.
Your body flushes, and your eyes cascade over his form. Realizing what you had done, you turn away and clear your throat. "Can you please put some clothes on?" 
He shrugs and walks off. As soon as he turns away, you find yourself chewing your cheek as you watch him leave. "Snap out of it! The only thing that matters is the job," you scold yourself. 
For the rest of the day, you keep your distance, averting your gaze, and avoiding him as much as possible. When he wishes you good night, you don't reply, hurrying off as quickly as possible.
You hope to find reprieve in the quiet of your room in the comfort of the softest mattress you had ever known. However, you toss and turn all night, your mind restless with growing thoughts of him.
You skip breakfast, or so you had planned. When you didn't come out, he left it outside your door.
You pack up in silence, catching glimpses of his curious look. You know he is probably wondering what changed, but he doesn't pressure you.
As you leave, you take one glance back at the beautiful apartment.
He waits at the door, holding it open for you.
This time, you don't protest and even offer your thanks. A smile fills your face as he opens the car door too. 
Your eyes close, remembering all the good moments from the past 72 hours. Without thinking, you turn into him, brushing a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." 
Your gaze lingers on his soft brown eyes longer than you intend. You feel trapped, unable to break away, but you don't want to either. You lick your lips, wanting more, but worrying what it would mean. You decide to go for it, but as you move to him, he's already there, meeting you halfway until he pulls you entirely into his embrace. His lips are warm and inviting. You feel the world around you melt away under his tenderness.
Your heart flutters when you finally pull away. "That's a one-time thing."
His head tilts to the side, considering your words, and then nods in agreement.
You get in the car, your gaze still focused on him, a devilish smirk forming on your lips. "Unless I decide it's not." 
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Marvel Perma(til the end of the line): @the-soot-sprite​​​; @fandomxreaders ;  @moonstuffsteve​
Zemo tags: @montypythonsholysnail​​​ ; @killsandthrills​​​ ; @noavengers​​​ ; ​@nalabarnes1031 ; @trelaney​ ; @willowtheewisp​ ; @marchingicenotes7 ; @valquiria3000​
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phdmama · 3 years
Something Different
Written for @drarrymicrofic and the prompt “What If He Wants Ken Not Barbie”.  Full confession, I did not actually listen to the song because this scene came to mind.
972 words, G
Harry sits at the table, watching as Molly bustles about the kitchen. Flick, a sponge starts scrubbing the counter. Flick, the sink starts filling with steaming, soapy water. Flick, the spoon in what looks like a bowl of cake batter stops its stirring. 
She pours the kettle by hand, saying as she always does, “Let’s do this properly, shall we?” 
It’s rare to find her without family at home. Even though all of her brood have moved out, there’s almost always someone hanging around, but Harry had hoped that on a Tuesday morning, they could talk. Alone. 
“Now, Harry,” Molly says, setting the teapot and a mug in front of him. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat? I’ve got scones, fresh this morning, or I could do you some eggs.” She gives him a once over. “You’re looking a bit thin.”
Harry shakes his head with a smile. “No, just tea.”
“Well, if you’re sure,” she says, turning away to pull the cream from the refrigerator. “It’s no trouble at all.”
Harry watches as she settles in the chair across from him, stirs a dollop of cream into her tea, and passes him the sugar bowl.
“So,” she says finally, lifting the mug to her mouth, “Not that I don’t always love to see you, dear, but I’m wondering why you’re here when you ought to be at work?”
Harry shrugs, blows on his own tea and drinks. “I wanted to see you,” he says finally, and Molly’s face softens, the fine lines about her eyes crinkling as she smiles.
“I saw those photos of you in the Prophet,” she says lightly, sipping her tea. “Out with that woman. From America, isn’t she?”
Harry’s stomach drops. “Err, yeah,” he says finally. “Charlene, she’s from California.”
“She’s lovely,” Molly says, “Like one of those Barbie dolls, isn’t she? Or a movie star.”
Harry swallows. “She’s nice,” he says, meaning it. 
Charlene is nice. She’s gorgeous, of course, but also brilliant, and more than a little terrifying with her offensive spells. She’s on-loan to the DMLE, following a particularly nasty serial killer who appears to have relocated to London from Santa Barbara, and it’s been great fun to work with her.
“Will you be seeing her again?” Molly asks. “You know you’re welcome to bring her round for Sunday dinner, if you want.”
Harry shakes his head and can’t meet her eyes. It hits him that this is as hard as anything he’s ever done. It feels like as soon as he opens his mouth, he’s risking almost everything that matters to him.
“Harry?” Molly asks, concern clear in her voice. “What is it, darling? Are you okay?”
“What if,” Harry asks, and then to his horror, his voice breaks and his eyes fill. He can’t look at Molly, can only stare into the cup of tea in front of him. “What if I want something different?”
Molly freezes, mug halfway to her lips, and then sets it down. “Harry, love. What is it? What do you mean?”
“What if I don’t want Barbie,” Harry whispers past the lump in his throat. “What if… What if what I want is Ken?”
There’s a moment of silence, and then Molly jumps to her feet, rushes around the table to pull Harry out of his chair to standing, and wraps her arms around him. He’s enough taller that he could rest his chin on her head, but it’s so clear, in this moment, just who is holding whom.
Harry can’t help the shudder that rocks through him as he leans in. He can feel her fierce love soaking in, and lets himself exhale. 
“Harry James Potter,” Molly says when he finally eases back, wiping his eyes with both hands. She reaches up, places her hands on his cheeks to make sure he’s looking at her. “There is nothing, not one thing that could ever change how much we love you. This is your home, and we are your family.” 
She grabs his shoulders and gives him a quick, affectionate shake and Harry can’t help the sob that escapes him. Her own eyes full, Molly wraps him in another of those tight, protective hugs, murmuring reassurance to him as he clings to her.
“Oh, Harry,” Molly whispers, “How long have you known?”
Harry takes a long, deep, cleansing breath and steps back, but reaches out to grab Molly’s hand. “I don’t know. A while? Ron knows, and Hermione.”
Molly nods, squeezes his hand and gently pushes him back to his chair. “Scones, and more tea,” she says firmly. As she rummages in the fridge, sending butter and scones to the table, she says, her voice studiously casual, “The Malfoy boy came to visit us, after the war.”
Harry stares at her in surprise. “He did? I, err, I didn’t know that.”
Molly glances at him and smiles. “He asked us not to say. Apologized. Told us how wrong he was, how much he regretted everything.”
“What did you say?” Harry asks after a pause. 
“He was a child,” Molly says firmly, sitting down again. “Just a child, and the way he was raised, well. You can only imagine.” She breaks open a scone, slathers it with butter and jam and places it on the plate in front of Harry. “He’s grown into a good man, and the work he does with his foundation. He helps people. And,” her eyes twinkle a bit, “He’s not bad looking either, eh?”
Harry covers his face with his hands, quite sure he’s as red as the strawberry jam on his scone. “How did you know?”
Molly just smiles, picks up her mug again. “I wasn’t sure, but I wondered. Call it a mother’s intuition. Bring him to dinner on Sunday, Harry. He needs to meet your family properly.”
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part five - atla smau
TRANSFERRED - zuko x fem!reader 
masterlist | part four | part six 
summary:  trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
warning(s): cursing, toxic relationships, mentions of alcohol 
a/n: wow the plot actually going somewhere? who woulda thought?? also ignore how much i’ve fucked up the time tags i always forget to change them. this is all happening in the morning
taglist:  @ourbestfriend-mishacollins @lil-lex1 @xxshad0wxb1rdxx @zuko-is-the-sun @akiris @irohs-teapot @thatarthistorynerd​
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He laughed at your reaction and you cracked a small smile as well. Zuko gestured towards your car with his head and then held up his phone. “Having car troubles?” 
“Yeah. It’s a piece of shit so I’m not really surprised. It’s more of a shock that I managed to get all the way here without anything going wrong, but I guess it had to happen sometime. And of course it would happen right before I have to get going!” You hit your hand against the side of your car again, hoping that maybe it would somehow jumpstart it, before shaking your head with a sigh. 
Zuko tried to stifle another laugh but it got out, and you shot him a glare. “Do you think my pain is funny?” 
“No! No, of course not. It’s just you’re ignoring the solution standing right in front of you.” 
It took a few seconds for it to click, but then you immediately started rambling. “Oh! Oh no, I don’t want to impose. I don’t wanna be a burden or make you waste gas money or be annoying or-” 
He raised his hands up and you immediately stopped. Zuko couldn’t keep the smile off of his face — not that you minded, it was cute — as he interrupted. 
“Y/N, you’re not a burden if I’m offering to give you a ride. I have class soon too so I need to get over anyways.” You opened your mouth once again to protest, but once again he stopped you. “Just please let me do this, okay? I wanted to get to know you better anyways.” 
You sighed and finally conceded, giving your car one final kick in the hopes that it would magically come back to life. “If you’re sure, then we need to get going.” You checked your phone and nearly had a heart attack. “I hope your car can go fast, because we REALLY need to get going!” 
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A few minutes later you were settled in the passenger seat of Zuko’s car, trying to marvel as inconspicuously as you could at how nice it was. He wasn’t very show-offy with his money from what you could tell, but he certainly had some really nice things. 
“So, you said you wanted to know more about me? Shoot, I’m an open book.” 
“Well, for starters.. I guess I wanna know about Kyoshi. How was it?” 
You laughed and settled into your seat. “Kyoshi was amazing. It was a smaller college so I knew almost everyone and everyone knew me; it’s also where I met Suki. We ended up in the same dorm, and she’s probably the best person I’ve ever roomed with. Uh, no offense.” You glanced at Zuko and he chuckled, nodding with his head for you to go on.
“I took some really fun classes, interned for a couple places, and went to some killer parties. Let me just say that I’m probably the sappiest drunk you’ll ever see.” 
“Really? I wouldn’t peg you as the type to go that way,” Zuko remarked as he went through a turn. 
“Oh? And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing! You just seem a bit closed off, at least in comparison to your siblings.” 
“Yeah, I get that a lot..” Your sentence trailed off as your phone buzzed and you got yet another text message from a number you couldn’t bring yourself to block for some reason. You frowned as you unlocked your phone and stared at the message for a few seconds.
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“Y/N? You okay?” You didn’t realize it but Zuko had pulled into a spot so his full attention was now on you. 
You were already unbuckling your seatbelt and getting your bag and gave him a weak smile at his question. “Yeah! I’m fine, just— Kyoshi was great, but.. it has some bad memories I’m trying to get away from. This-” you held your phone up before shoving it back into your pocket. “-is one of them.” 
You opened the door and hopped out, already starting to back away from the car. “Thank you so much for the ride Zuko, I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I’ll see you later, okay?” You gave him a half-hearted wave then ran off in the direction of your lecture hall, silently cursing yourself for how you acted. 
Zuko slowly waved back then settled against his seat, wondering if he had somehow done something wrong. He thought the conversation had been nice — he had a good time talking with her — but maybe his social skills hadn’t improved as much as he imagined. He took out his phone and shot a few texts off, then locked his car and set off for his own class. 
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noaltbruh · 3 years
Il mio fato
Chapter two: Benvenuta nella squadra!
Feeling her arms and legs shaking, the newbie desperately hoped for someone to open their mouth to speak, or just... Acknowledge her presence. She didn't dare to look past her feet, her hands glued together like those of a servant. The others exchanged some confused looks, they were used to Bucciarati bringing a new member by now, and it wasn't much of surprise that Giorno would do the same, but this? They were mafiosi, what was a little girl that could barely articulate a phrase without panicking doing among these people? She looked like she couldn't have kept up a fight with a butterfly (Which wasn't false).
While he knew that it was what Eleonora wanted, Giorno refused to interfere immediately. He trusted her, and he was sure that she could keep the situation under control, there was no need to push her any further.
The uncanny silence that seemed to be lasting for an eternity, was finally interrupted by the sound of some of the chairs moving, but she couldn't make out whose they were, exactly. "Fine, if you all are just going to be jerks and not even say hi, I'll handle this" "Trish, what the heck are you doing?!" "What? Can't you see she's terrified? She's one of us now, we gotta make sure she feels at home here!" "You shouldn't trust her in the moment y-" "Ya know what's up? I'm with Trish on this. Come on guys, we were all super awkward when we first met the others, let's give her a little help" Narancia added, as he stood up, and approached the the young girl together with his friend.
"Heya, it's nice to meet you too! My name's Trish Una, even though you've probably already figured it out by now, haven't you?" She began, putting both of her hands on her hips, like she was striking a pose...She always found a way to be 'extra', somehow.
"Sup girl? The name's Narancia Ghirga, but you can call me Narancia, everyone calls me by my first name here" The boy smirked, and accidentally dropped the pencil in his pocket. While he was genuinely curious about meeting her, it was no secret that it was partially an excuse to get distracted a bit from his homework. "Now that I think about it, though...Why do you keep on calling me like this?! I'm almost eighteen! You should bring me more respect"
The girl with pink hair let out a small laugh. "Pffft...Please, I could NEVER call you Ghirga, it sounds too weird!" "Said the person whose surname is Una, is that why you're wearing a skirt with Maths on it?" "Well...I don't tell you to call me by my surname!" "But I'm older than-" "I-I'm sorry to interrupt you b-but...Could you slow down a-a little bit? I...Can't keep up"
Their sudden approach had caused the other to instinctively take a step back, they had gotten so invested in their argument, to almost forget who they were introducing themselves to in the first place.
Trish's smile disappeared for a brief moment, then she continued. "Oh Gosh! No no dear, we should be the ones apologizing, this isn't about us" Narancia crossed his arms, his smug grin had no intention to leave. "Even though...If you're gonna stick around, you better get used to all this noise!"
A similar amount of energy was not something the brunette was used to, she was not prepared to see them getting so close to her out of nowhere; despite this, a little smile formed on her face. While she wasn't good at showing it...Having them so eager to get to know her filled her with joy. With a bit of reluctance, she extended her arm in their direction, fixing her glasses with her other hand. "Thank you for your welcome...I really appreciate your kindness"
Narancia energetically took her hand with both of his, and shook it so hard to make her entire body shake. "It's no big deal! Sorry if I scared ya" "But...Uh...Can I ask you a little favor?" "Mh?" "Can you...Well...Show your face a little more? I can't even see your eyes, besides, I think I'm prettier than the floor!"
As her cheeks turned red for the embarrassment, she raised her head, allowing them to take a better look at her. She didn't like the feeling of their green and purple eyes staring at every centimeter of her body, but she wouldn't even think about letting it show.
"Come on! No need to be all tense and dense, we don't bite" "Narancia's right, how about you sit next to us?" Before even receiving a response, the latter had already picked up a chair from a nearby table, holding it proudly in the air like it was an heavy boulder. The girl timidly approached him, volunteering to carry it, but he declined her help, insisting that he was perfectly fine. "Please...Give it to me, there's no need for you to-" "Nah, I got this, don't cha worry about me" "Are you sure about this? There's barely enough space for you guys already, maybe I-" "Oh please, don't make us beg you! I'm sure we can find a place for you with no big troubles"
Suddenly, Fugo, who wasn't bothering paying attention to "Whatever those two dumbasses were doing", felt Narancia touching his head from behind with the chair. "What the hell do you want now?!" "Move your butt a little, or I can't make this thing fit here" "So what? That's not my problem, put it somewhere el-"
Before he could finish his sentence, something else pushed him aside, almost making him fall from his chair: it was Trish's Spice Girl, who gave a thumbs up to her master before disappearing. "ARE YOU HIGH OR SOMETHING? Why are you so damn excited about this whole thing?!" He said, nervously picking up a wrinkled piece of paper from the table, and scrapping it to smaller pieces, as a way to calm himself. "Why?! Oh...Excuse me, but being surrounded by SIX BOYS gets lame after a while. Thank you, by the way~" Narancia giggled, trying not to let Fugo notice, hearing someone talking back to the blonde like that was satisfying. He put the chair down, and sat once again.
"Cut her some slack, the little girl just wants someone to talk with about all that cheesy stuff" "I'm talking to you as well, Narancia" "Oh? Sorry, I can't hear ya, I'm WAYYYYY too invested in this homework that you've given me" He took the pencil that had rolled under the table after falling from his pocket, then went back to stare at his own piece of paper, having no clue of what to do next with the operations in front of him. Seeing him struggle, Eleonora felt the need to step in, she couldn't stand watching someone having troubles with school work, it was one of the few things she considered herself actually good at. However, her attempt didn't go as she hoped it would have had.
"Uhm...Please, forgive me for interfering, but maybe I could-" "Narancia is ok, he doesn't need your help for something as basic as this, he's not a child"
Fugo brutally cut her off, impeding her from even pointing out a single wrong calculus. She immediately looked away, feeling bad for the older boy, but knowing well that if she insisted, she would have put him in troubles as well. "O-ok...I'm sorry"
Trish, who was sitting on her right, whispered to her ear, making sure that the boy in green couldn't hear her. "Hey, don't let Fugo intimidate you, just let them do their things, don't worry about them for now" "But...Narancia was being so nice to me...I wanted to pay him back" "You'll do it another time, it's better like this, trust me" She sighed, feeling disappointed for not being able to do more. She tried to put that thought aside and focus on the other, eventually managing to distract herself a little.
Giorno sat at the table as well, observing the scene like it was a theatrical spectacle. He couldn't help but smile seeing her already bonding with someone, and in reality, he had already imagined that something similar would have happened, he was very familiar with Trish's discontent about being the only female member of the group. Similar to him, Bucciarati also saw it as an opportunity to analyse the newcomer, seeing her interactions with the others was fundamental in his eyes, he would have had other opportunities to talk to her directly.
Abbacchio was silently sipping some tea, all that noise was hurting his head, and he couldn't stand the thought of 'having to look after another one of those things'.
That damn brat...It was bad enough when Bruno brought here random children from the streets, but this is simply ridiculous. I swear if he wasn't the Boss, I'd-
"Abbacchio, you alright? What are you thinking about?" Mista said, swinging an hand in front of his face, making him snap out of those spiteful thoughts and bringing him back to reality. "None of your business" He simply answered, staring at his half-empty teapot. "Nice as always, I see" "What do you want?" "Are you...Uh...Planning on giving her the 'Giorno treatment'?" "...No, not this time"
At first sight, one would think that the man was the kind of person that wouldn't let nothing nor no one intimidate him, and while that was mostly true, it couldn't always be like this. He knew his limits, his place, and most importantly, he knew better than to directly mess with someone under Giorno's protection. While everyone treated him like a normal member of the team, Abbacchio thought that it was better to play it safe.
"But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit here and watch" "Uh? What do you mean?" He put his earphones down, turning in her direction with a killer look.
"Kid, let me ask you something"
His deep voice caught everyone off guard, nobody expected him to speak up out of the blue. Everyone knew the drill about Abbacchio and his behavior towards the 'newest member', but sadly, it was something that you had to endure if you wanted to become a part of them.
The brunette knew about this too, and most importantly, she knew about the way he treated Giorno when he first joined the squad. With a neutral expression, she stared back at him.
"...Yes?" "Why did you come here? What did you expect to find? Are you planning on fighting? Putting your life on the line?"
She hesitated for a brief moment, unsure of how to answer. Was this a test? She had already thought beforehand that he would have tried to put her under pressure, but she assumed that it would have been something a bit more...Explicit. On the other hand, due to her...Ahem...Introduction, perhaps it made more sense like this, he wanted to see if she could talk back to him, she couldn't let them walk all over her.
"That is...Something that I'm willing to do" She replied. The Albino let out a small laugh, shaking his head slightly. " 'Willing to do'? I don't think you understood how things work around here, brat. It's not something 'optional', this is our normality, people respect us, because we make them respect us, because we scare them. But you? You couldn't even scare a child with that baby face. I really hope that you're going to change this behavior of yours, or else...Your little heart might break, both literally and figuratively"
"Abbacchio, I think that's enou-" Bruno tried to interfere, but he was stopped by Giorno, who put an hand on his shoulder. "Bucciarati wait, let's see what happens first, give her the chance to defend herself" He concluded, with a stoic expression.
"My...Little heart?" Eleonora began, moving her bang to the side. "I'm n-not nearly as strong as any of you...Do you think I don't know that? But if Giorno recognised me as a worthy member of the team, it means that I've earned my place here, I think. I'm...D-Disposable, but I want to change, is that good enough for you? She put her right elbow on the table, clenched her hand into a fist and rested her cheek on it. "Sorry if I'm not scary enough to wear dark makeup and clothes at any hour of the day"
The whole table went silent for an entire minute, as the girl with the chemise felt everyone's eyes on her. She hadn't even realized she's talked so much, and that she probably shouldn't have added that last comment. It was a bad habit of her, when she got carried away, she'd end up forgetting to pay attention to what she was saying, without thinking about the words that came out of her mouth.
A small "oof" could be heard coming from Narancia's direction, as Mista and Trish tried to contain their laughter. Bruno's face looked like one of a worried mother after hearing her child swear for the first time, while Fugo just sat there with an expression of slight shock. Giorno was smiling in a smug way, the scene reminded him of how everyone reacted after "his own test".
The most surprising one, however, was Abbacchio's reaction. He didn't look pissed, not in the slightest; he was wearing a provocative smirk, and his arms were crossed.
"Oh yeah? Is the kitty trying to get his claws out? How terrifying...Buona fortuna ragazzina, ne avrai bisogno" He put his earphones back on, acting like nothing had happened.
Narancia patted her on the shoulder, smiling satisfied.
"Dude, what in the world was that?!" "I'm s-sorry...I kinda lost track of my words...A-and-" "Girl, chill a little! We're not mad at ya, he always acts like an a**hole with the newcomers" Trish added, pointing one of her finger in his direction, before winking at her. "And let me say something, you've got some guts talking back to a dude like him in that way" "B-but I..."
Their conversation was cut off by the waiter, obviously looking distressed for having to serve such group of people. "F-Forgive me for interrupting, but would you like me to bring you the bill?" "Yes, thank you" Bruno replied.
After they were done paying for everything, they quickly left the place with the intention of heading back home. Bucciarati loved that restaurant, he had lunch there with his companions almost everyday, but he hated to remain there after he was done eating. He didn't think it was respectful to occupy a sit that he didn't need anymore, while somebody else actually did. What he didn't know, was that no one ever sat at their table, even when they weren't there. It was a silent agreement that it was their place, nobody would even consider "taking it away from them".
"Well...I'd say that this new arrival went surprisingly well. Things are usually a bit more...Lively around here, wouldn't you guys agree?" He commented, opening the front door, as the rest rapidly followed him outside. "I must say that you're right, Bruno, but that doesn't surprise me. Eleonora has always been a calm person, ever since I've known her, her introduction to all of you couldn't have been much different" Giorno responded, when he noticed that the girl was shyly walking at the end of the group, quite far away from him, who was leading the way. "Would you mind walking next to me? I'd prefer to keep you under my watch" He said to her, turning his head a little. "Ah, uhm...Of course! I'm sorry...I thought it was fair for me to stay here behind, since... Well..."
She interrupted the sentence there, realizing that it was probably for the best not to finish it, she didn't want to bring herself down too much in front of the others. She quietly walked up to him, luckily the sidewalk was wide enough for her to move without accidentally bumping into anyone else.
"I'm sorry if I'm stating the obvious but...We're heading to your house, right?" "Precisely, it's not far away from here, we should reach it in a couple of minutes" "I...I see. Uhm...Would it be okay if I went to my hotel after all of you arrive home? I'd like to pick up some of my...Well...Properties" "Of course, but perhaps I should accompany you" "T-there's no need to! I remember the way...I hope"
One could see from miles away that she had no idea of how to go back to that building, but that wasn't the only reason why Giorno didn't want her to go alone. He didn't feel safe letting her wander on her own in a city like this, she still had a lot to learn, and she might have gotten into troubles, people around there...Weren't always honest as they may have seemed at first.
In no time, they reached their destination. The villa that erected in front of her was even more majestic than how she had imagined it in her mind. It was a two-storey house, with white walls and a roof made of glass and wood. It was surrounded by an immense backyard; while it couldn't be seen clearly, the young one could already spot some fruit trees, small flower beds and bushes. A multitude of windows revealed certain areas of the house, but it was almost impossible to see through them, as they were too high for one to reach them. The front door was decorated with some golden and green ornaments, it seemed wide enough to allow two people to pass through it at the same time. Its boundary was defined by a white railing, with some colourful stains of...Something... scattered here and there, they were probably someone's doing.
"Well, here we are" The boy with green eyes commented, tilting his head to look at Eleonora's face. Her expression exuded an aura of wonder and incredulity, her eyes shined brightly with excitement, and a smile was printed on her lips.
"Look at your face, I've never seen you look like this before" His words didn't reach her for how amazed she was, she felt like time had stopped flowing for a few seconds. "So, what do you think?" He put an hand on her shoulder, remembering her of the world around. "I...D-Don't know what to say...It's just...It's so...Breathtaking" "It's alright to be nervous, we all were when we first arrived here. Take your time, I know that a new territory can be threatening"
The girl took a step forward the mansion. "Do you think...I could really belong here?" "You can, and you already do, you don't need to doubt it even for a second"
Seeing such genuine and pure happiness on her face was not something to take for granted, he wanted to cherish it as much as he could.
"Benvenuta nella squadra"
22 notes · View notes
bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Case of the Unbreakable Speckled Band (Part 2b)
Last Time: It turned out that my man Hosonaga hadn’t been kidding when he said he’d lay his life on the line for us, and was beaten up by the killer captain for letting us have a look around first class. As if that wasn’t enough, he then stood before us looking like the Knights of Ni, and gave us Kazuma’s autopsy report, revealing that Kazuma died of a broken neck. Now I (Ryunosuke) get ready to inveterate, and I (Eleanor) get ready to take the captain out!
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So it shall be.
Susato’s pointing out that it might be a while before we’re all back in Japan, to which I say: It will happen, I can wait
Now on with the actual investigation.
Out in the corridor Biff Strogenov the 1 ton sailor has finally left his post, meaning that we’re free to look for cute animals investigate my beloved Kazuma’s death in cabin number 2!
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Wait, that voice? Could it be? Has he returned to us?
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Yeah boy!
Oh... he’s not in our immediate vicinity and we actually do have to go in cabin number 2, so I guess we’ll see him again later!
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Ok game, I get it! I have to remember why we’re really here and not get immediately sidetracked by the faintest wiff of an animal.
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Wait...... does she finally believe in us?
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Right we’ve got a saucer on the floor, meaning that whatever Nikolina keeps as a pet eats off of it. This seems to make my snake theory less likely, but it does back up the idea that the ‘speckled band’ Kazuma saw could have been the tail of something like a tabby cat.
The books in the bookshelf have toppled over, just like they had in Kazuma’s cabin. I wonder if the ship made an emergency stop to let Nikolina onboard and that’s why they were all thrown to the left?
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Again Susato, I’m pretty sure Strogenov realised Nikolina had a pet with her the second he helped her on the ship and saw her suitcase wiggling.
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Everybody comes for Ryunosuke...
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Hang about... the bolt pulls to the left, the same direction the books fell in!
If someone new Nikolina was coming on board (*cough*The Captain*cough*) they could have killed Kazuma and left the door unbolted, safe in the knowledge that when the ship stopped the bolt would slide into place!
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(This is how I felt when Kazuma bought up Curare in the last trial.)
Ok, due to my being a bad influence on Susato, she gave the cabin bell pull a good tug, but fortunately it seems that none of them work (which is very odd).
Finaly both the teapot and bin are empty, which could mean anything or nothing at all, you never can tell with Ace Attorney.
Other than that, I think that’s it for the cabin. I was expecting to be interrupted or something, but I’m pretty sure I’ve looked at everything. Now let’s go into the corridor and see if there are any Himbo Detectives knocking about out there!
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Hell yeah!
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I agree Ryunosuke, the man’s a glorious Jack in the Box!
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Go an tap his back Ryousuke, I want to see if he jumps!
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Come on everybody, clap along!
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So tell me Susato, hows that image of the Great Detective holding up?
Because mine’s doing great!
Looks like Herlock’s been looking at the Ships log, and he’s picked up on the fact that it’s practically blank from 2am onwards, which interestingly is just after the time Kazuma’s diary says he was killed. I’d also imagine this is when Nikolina arrived onboard.
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Also Ryunosuk actually payed Herlock a complement!
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Something’s happening? What’s happening???
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(Though I don’t know why I’m surprised. I already guessed the rest of the ship was drugged so they wouldn’t see Nikolina while she was being smuggled onboard)
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Has Susato realised too?
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And off he goes! Singing all the way!
What a wonderous man you are Herlock
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I think she’s worked it out!
As expected of the daughter of the Professor of Pathology!
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You know I don’t know if I’ve ever really taken the time to appreciate the level of detail Ace Attorney has sometimes. Like this is exactly how I’d describe the sort of headache you get after being knocked out by drugs.
Susato’s left it for now, and I can’t work out if she’s already worked it out, or if she’s still puzzling it out. Either way, I think she’s got this.
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(Ok, I’ve clearly missed something here...)
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Or no, I haven’t!
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The alarm’s going off!!!
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(Clinging to each other Susato and I (Ryunosuke) managed to not die when the ship crashed to a halt.)
Now’s the time to see if the bolts slide closed though!
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(I’m talking about me, not Batman)
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Shit! We’ve been rumbled!
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Hosonaga cares for us so much
I care for you to Hosonaga!
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(Honestly I’m surprised the sound of me lowering a crown onto my own head didn’t somehow reach the game world.)
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Yeah Naruhodo-san, let Hosonaga in so I can show him my unbearably smug face!
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That’s not a very nice way to talk about Hosonaga Ryousuke!
(Sorry I couldn’t resist that joke)
So we have indeed been rumbled lads, and with at least one more part of this case to go it’s not going to be plain sailing
(I’ll see myself out...)
16 notes · View notes
themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
Time of Realisation
Happy New Year, everyone! May 2021 be everything you ever wanted. Since I just finished writing for part 8 of this series, I wanted to post this one a bit earlier than the usual Fridays as a New Year’s Treat. So here we go! Part 7 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is here. 
(My Premium Grammarly account disappeared all of the sudden so please excuse any stupid grammatical or spelling errors you might find. I’ve edited this chapter thrice now and it should be ok??) 
Before we start, we must do our ritual and give thanks to the ever amazing @tri3tri for letting us all expand on her Draconia Family series. Hope you’ll have a great year as well, Tri-senpai! 
“To be honest with you Ren, I don’t remember much about Sebek. Just his voice. I still remember how loud his shouts were.” 
“Eh, don’t sweat it too much. Take it as a blessing.” 
Renata and Sherrie are in her room. The underwater aesthetic of Octavinelle is so beautiful to take in from the inside. It almost makes Renata wish that she’s a mermaid. Or a killer whale type of mermaid. Now that is a badass merfolk. 
Just like Renata, Sherrie was given a room all to herself instead of sharing it with a dorm member due to her gender. 
And her little sister did not waste time transforming her room just like her old one back at their home. Already her gaming computer has been set up on her study table, cosmetic sets of well-known brands - Nyx, My Pretty Zombie, and Fenty Beauty - are organised neatly on her shelves beside the standard textbooks and stationeries. One of the open drawers beside her cupboard full of her school uniforms as well as her Pastel Goth clothes display tins of green teas and stacks of instant foods. 
Clearly, Sherrie has made herself right at home in Octavinelle. And less than a week too! 
Actually, how much luggage did Sherrie brought from their home? 
After the Entrance Ceremony, Renata waited two days for Sherrie to acclimate herself to Night Raven College, letting her talk to some of her dorm members, get a feel on the teachers before slipping into her bedroom to catch up. It was a mild surprise to see the state of her room after her little sister told her to plant her ass on the bed while she prepared a pot of hot green tea for them. 
While she’s busy with the kettle, Renata wasted no time to explain what Ace told her during Winter’s Break when she inquired about Sebek. It was good to know that due to the dense magic in the Country of Thorns, technology is almost non-existent in the land due to magical interference. It also helps that despite being in the First-Year Forever group chat, Sebek barely checks his phone at all. Over time, Ace and the rest of their group forgot that Sebek is even in the group chat! 
“Still, it’s good to know that Mama’s friends drifted away from Sebek over the years. That’ll help us a lot in the long run.” Sherrie commented after Renata wraps up her report. She handed a cup of tea to Renata and lean against her study table, facing the bed where her older sister is cooling her hot tea by channeling ice magic onto her fingertips. “What about the student body here? What are they like?” 
“Everyone walks around as if they got a twelve-inch dick.” Renata’s sarcasm is as thick as the kelp forest outside of Sherrie’s bedroom window. 
Sherrie couldn’t help but laugh at her deadpan tone; she had to put her cup of tea on the table before it spilled everywhere. “That bad, huh?” She giggles helplessly, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes. 
Renata was about to roll her eyes but stop herself and ponders. Despite their flaws, Hoyle and Rex are good friends. Hell, even Bakari vibes with her. Not quite friendly, but he hasn’t yet turned her away when she scurries over to intrude herself in whatever he’s currently doing. That, and she secretly enjoys finding little treats and snacks in her backpack after hanging out with him. “Ok, some of them aren’t so bad once you can get past their ego. Remind me to introduce Hoyle and Rex to you soon.” 
Sherrie raises an eyebrow. “And what about that one guy who keeps giving you food?”  
“You’ll see him around.” 
“...Right.” Sherrie eyed her older sister with a knowing look when Renata nonchalantly shrugs. She’ll get back to that little topic later. “Have you prepare the little surprise for Mama?” 
“Yup.” Renata affirmed and took a sip of her tea. She lets out a happy, little sigh when warmth travels across her body. “We’ll do it this weekend. That’s the only time that they’re free.” 
The two talk a little more until Renata had to leave when curfew looms. The passing Octavinelle students gave her a side-eye for a few seconds but otherwise, no one batted an eye at seeing a Diasomnia student walking about their dorms. The whole school is aware that Renata and Sherrie are siblings by now. Renata wonders if her sister will receive the same cold politeness because of their horns. 
Meanwhile, as Renata made her way to her own dorm, Sherrie is scrutinising the lock on her door with a frown. The previous used cups and teapot are all washed up and the lights are dim slightly since she’s planning to hit the bed right after she figures out how to secure her room thoroughly. There are just too many sensitive and important information about their family and plans against their father kept here. She straightens her back and tosses a glance at the computer and tablet lying on the table beside it. Sherrie had made sure to cultivate a habit of not storing the complete set of important materials in a single device - one can never be too careful after all. Especially when there’s a dorm here dedicate to Technomages. Hmm... perhaps she should befriend one of the students of Ignihyde to help her with the security of her electronic devices? 
Though there’s still an issue with the simple lock of her door. Anyone can just force it open with a pick. Sherrie made a mental note to consult with her sister for some sort of spell that can solve this problem. 
And with that, she quickly changes into a simple loose shirt and a pair of shorts before slipping under the duvet and turns in for the night. 
Life as a halfling and an Octavinelle student quickly proves to be unlike anything Sherrie has ever experience. 
Renata offhandedly advises her to shrug it off when her dorm members stare at her horns a little too long; they’ll get used to her soon enough. Sherrie cursed under her breath when her sister left and wondered if she could attend her classes virtually instead, but when she brought that up to her Dorm Leader, the shark merman raised an eyebrow and simply asked her if she’s an Octavinelle student or Ignihyde’s. Needless to say, Sherrie set on digging any dirt she can find on her Dorm Leader ASAP. 
Other than the uncomfortable stares and shady Dorm Leader - Sherrie quite enjoys the scarf that comes with her uniform - as well as her dorm leader, tend to keep it to themselves. Underneath the polite offers of tutelage in classes and tours around Mostro Lounge, Sherrie can blatantly pick up the insinuation underneath those favours. 
A favour for a favour - that’s how life in Octavinelle works. Information is worth more than Madols and dealings under the table is practically the norm. 
Sherrie adapts in Night Raven College faster than Renata ever could. 
Speaking of Madols, Sherrie needed to do something about their financial situations in Twisted Wonderland. Currency exchange is not a thing here so their dollars are practically worthless. Fortunately, Octavinelle expects its dorm members to pull their weights in Mostro Lounge. By the second week she’s in Night Raven College, her Dorm Leader already distributed the First Year’s schedule of their shifts around the café. The pay might not be much but it’s a good start. 
There’s got to be a Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Youtube. She made mad revenue as a Youtuber and game streamer back home. 
Today, Sherrie is working at Mostro Lounge with several other First Year students from other dorms. Customers flooded in during lunchtime and kept her busy manning behind the bar, preparing drinks and desserts. 
“Presentation my ass...” Sherrie mumbled under her breath as she struggles to beautify the ice-cream sundae. She had to redo the whole thing when one of the staff - her Third Year senior - saw how plain her work was and taught her to make an art out of the dessert. 
She was in the midst of deciding how many cherries would be enough to make the sundae look prettier when a rich, baritone voice broke her concentration. “Has the ice-cream offend you in some way, MC/S-san?” 
Sherrie moves her face away from the towering glass to see a fellow dorm member smiling at her. How curious, his eyes are like hot, molten gold. 
“No. I was just adding some finishing touches.” Sherrie reply, her voice remained neutral. She hasn’t seen this one around before. 
Her dorm member continues to smile. It comes across as calculative instead of genuine. Renata would’ve spat fire at him already. “My, it looks wonderful. I’ll be sure to inform the customer that his sundae is prepared by your meticulous hand. I’m sure he’ll forgive you for the time he had to wait.” 
Sherrie promptly turns around to store back the cherries into the fridge to hide her smirk. This nobody came forward trying to pick a fight with her? This could be fun. “I’m more than happy to receive our customer if he has any complaint with his sundae.” 
“I’ll be sure to inform him.” He nods once and place the sundae on a tray and left the bar. Sherrie made sure to keep an eye on him after that. 
He’s tall, taller than her, and play the perfect part of a waiter with ease. As if he grew up in this sort of environment. The way how he balances two heavy laden trays of food and drinks on his palms while weaving in between tables, greeting the customers with an impeccable smile is telling. This guy mastered the art of customer service for sure. 
“Who’s the hotshot?” Sherrie asked her partner as she carefully wipes the clean glasses. Her shift partner - a Second Year manta ray merman, who was kind enough to introduce herself to her without any subtle jeer - glances at Sherrie’s line of sight, and his mouth made a small ‘o’. 
“That’s Amber Leech. He’s one of the promising First Year students we got, according to the Vice Dorm Leader. You’re more of a wild card, though. Dorm Leader still doesn’t know what to think of you.” 
Sherrie ignores that titbit about herself; she just hums. Didn’t Mama mention that she knows a Leech? “He’s good at handling the customers, I’ll give him that.” Sherrie admits, stacking the last dry glass onto the rack before her attention is capture by a server with a list of orders. Sherrie was too preoccupied with her job to scrutinised Amber any further after that.  
Later when a Scarabia student relieved her of her shift with a quick exchange of pleasantries, instead of leaving, Sherrie decided to stick around and enjoy some free food in the kitchen. As long as she stayed out of the way, no one really minded her presence. 
“Good job today, Leech-san. You can join MC/S-san in the kitchen if you’re hungry.” 
“Thank you very much. I’ll be taking up on your kind offer then.”
Sherrie paused, tilting her head up from her small tub of ice-cream to see none other but Amber Leech step into the kitchen. Their eyes met and his calculative smile greeted her. 
“Is this seat taken?” He politely asks her, gesturing to the vacant chair opposite her. The round table at the back of the kitchen is a bit small, barely enough to fit more than three people but it was far enough away from the kitchen staff so that they won’t be a bother. 
“Knock yourself out.” 
“Very well then.” 
By the time he took out a red bento from the fridge, heat it up and takes a seat near the table, Sherrie has already polished the tub of ice-cream. When Amber noticed the empty tub, he frowns. It was so sudden that Sherrie couldn’t help but defensively blurted out, “What?” 
“Is that all you having for lunch?” There’s a disapproving tone in his voice and Sherrie doesn’t know what to make of it. 
“That? It was a snack. I had my lunch before my shift.” 
For some reason, her dorm mate nodded, strangely pleased at her answer before he tucks into his lunch. By the looks of it, his bento is artfully made with a variety of colourful foods. 
The two said nothing, simply enjoying the clatter of cooking utensils, sizzling fire on the stoves and the cooks hum under their breath. Here in the back of the kitchen, the chatter of customers outside is almost muted. 
It was peaceful. So peaceful in fact, Amber Leech feels like it’s his sworn duty to shatter it. 
“I suggest consulting either Aeacus Shroud or the other students in Ignihyde’s Basic Magical Technology group as your solution. Shroud-san is the only First Year student in that group but I heard he’s the most approachable of the lot.” 
Sherrie’s heart froze. “What?”
Amber took his time to put away his now empty bento, dab the corner of his lip with a folded napkin that was on the table before replying, “For security of course.” 
His answer is vague. Purposely so as he levels a stare at Sherrie. 
“...How do you know that?” Sherrie all but demanded under her faux, indifferent voice. 
Amber dared to smile and point his eyes, no word escape his lips. 
A Unique Magic then. It has to be. Are his similar to Renata’s? 
Sherrie’s mind races, for once, trying to decipher this strange student beside her. 
And suddenly, Sherrie realises who this boy really is. The eyes were a give away.  
“Amber Leech. Jade Leech’s son, I presume?” 
“Mama, I’m home!”
“Welcome back, sweetie. How was cheer practice today?”
“It went really well, Mama. We nailed down the new routine without anyone falling off.” Lucien shuts the door close with his feet. He’s sweaty and still in his cheerleading uniform with a duffel bag sling over his shoulder. Seeing that his Mama is nowhere in the living room, Lucien padded into the kitchen. 
The house is, unfortunately, a lot quieter now that his sisters are off at Night Raven College. Before Sherrie left, she and he talk about how their Mama would feel lonely now. Even more so when it’s his turn. 
Lucien assured her that he’ll keep an eye on their Mama closely. 
His friends would playfully tease him that he’s such a Mama’s boy; constantly texting her of his whereabouts, what she and his sisters want from the convenience stores and Mama always make his favourite desserts more often compare to Renata’s apple pies and Sherrie’s matcha cupcakes. 
And Lucien has no shame in being spoiled by their Mama. 
However, when he steps into the kitchen to witness their Mama re-arranging the dishes in the cupboard for the second time this week, it’s time for Mama to be spoiled in return. 
Lucien can’t wait to see her reaction when they spring the surprise tonight. 
“Mama? Do you need some help with the plates?” Lucien asked instead of pointing out the fact that Mama has been restless lately. Without waiting for a reply, Lucien has already dropped his duffel bag to walk around the island counter towards her. 
“It’s alright, Lucy. I’m nearly done here anyway.” MC wave Lucien’s waiting hands away as she pushes the last stack of plates into the lower cabinet and got up. She shot him a smile but it’s wobbly. “Are you hungry, sweetheart? We still have some leftover dinner from last night that I can heat up real quick. Hang on, just give Mama a second to take it out - ”
“Mama, it’s alright. I know. It doesn’t feel the same without Ren and Cherry.” 
MC froze before she got up and smile sadly. The sight made Lucien’s heart clench painfully. “The three of you have always been close to me ever since you were born. Your Father was... many things,” MC grimace but she soldiers on. “But he would never separate your sisters away from me. I’m not sure what to do with myself now that Ren and Cherry are away...” 
Sherrie’s voice suddenly pops in Lucien’s head like how Renata enjoys busting through his door without knocking: “Mama needs a distraction. ASAP! Go, go, go!” 
Renata interjects after her: “Psst! Try something calming yet engaging. That’ll do.” 
Distraction. Right. Lucien can do that for Mama. At least until the surprise tonight. 
“Would Mama help me with my origami? I could use some help with filling up my new empty glass jar.” Lucien suggests. 
MC blink; didn’t expect Lucien to suddenly ask for an extra pair of hands with his hobby, but she took it in stride. “Uh, sure thing, honey.” 
Lucien beams like a blooming sunflower. “I’ll go shower first then. Be right back, Mama!” 
“Don’t run in the house, Lucy!” MC reminded him but lets him went upstairs with a small smile. She needs to get out of this funk. While Lucien is freshening up, might as well finish up her chores for the day. 
By the time Lucien came back down carrying an empty glass jar and a stack of colourful scented papers and they didn’t waste time to clear the dining table of the bowl of fruits and their cups so they could get to it. 
Lucien is remarkably patient. More so than MC or his older sisters - he made sure to slowly show how to fold the paper into stars to his Mama and when she’s confused, he would show her some videos online to help her. As the mother and son gradually fill up the glass jar, Lucien talks about anything and everything under the sun. How everyone in his team at school is helping him ease to the role as the captain of the cheerleading squad, how he’s getting a hang on the new subject material taught in Math class and who’s dating who in his circle of friends. 
MC hums and would give an appropriate reply in-between Lucien’s story. Typical teenage shenanigans, albeit, a lot tamer than what she went through but she’ll never get tired of listening to her children’s school life. Yes, even when Renata and Sherrie tried their best to hide whatever blunder they did at times. 
It was when Lucien threw a purple star origami into the jar that he suddenly changes the subject. “Oh yeah! By the way Mama, Ren and Cherry said that she has a surprise for you tonight!” 
“Oooh, a surprise? I wonder what your sisters are planning.” MC murmurs a bit absentmindedly, too focus on folding the papers. Her eyebrows scrunch in concentration and she would beam proudly when one star came out perfect before tossing it into the jar with a happy hum. 
Lucien is relieved. Looks like the distraction works. 
They had a simple dinner once the glass jar is filled and once the dishes are done, Lucien hurriedly ushers his Mama into the living room. On the sofa, MC watches Lucien draws the rune on the mirror, bemused at the grin on his face. 
When the rune vanishes, MC opens her mouth to greet her daughters. Her open mouth gapes and she could feel the corner of her eyes are suddenly wet when she saw the people on the other side of the mirror. 
“Ow! Deuce, you idiot! I told you not to shove me with your elbow!” 
“Who are you calling an idiot!? And quit hogging the mirror already!”
“I’m not hogging the mirror! You’re the one who keeps pushing me!” 
MC couldn’t help it. She laughs, tears now freely running down her cheeks. Lucien quietly excuses himself to fetch a box of tissue for her. 
Her laugh shuts both Ace and Deuce up. “Oh geez, what are you crying for, hah? It’s just us.” Ace said, supporting a bittersweet smile. At that moment, seeing his best friend releases the tension festering inside of him all these years. 
“We miss you, Prefect!” Deuce shouted with a sniffle, his eyes are teary as well. He hurries to wipe off the tears with his knuckle. “Miss you so, so much! I’m so glad you’re OK!” 
“Are you really though?” Ace interject, he doesn’t even bother to conceal his blatant check on MC’s body. Looking for any sign of injuries or illness. 
MC guessed that one of her daughters have told them what happened to her... 
But she refused to let thoughts regarding Malleus damper her happy mood. Not when she could finally see her best friends again. 
“I’m ok now. We’re... we’re ok.” MC honestly reply with a lightened heart. 
The three of them have grown; each of them has their own children now, at this moment, it feels as if they have been transported back to their teenage years all those years ago. 
MC realises that she’s truly no longer alone now. 
And we’ve reached the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! MC finally meet Adeuce once more, even if it’s just through a mirror. With the three of them together again, there’s nothing they can’t do. 
Here are some titbits about Amber Leech’s background:
1. His Unique Magic is called ‘Witness of the Past’
2. His Mum is a beautiful mer Sea Lamprey (if you don’t know what a Sea Lamprey looks like, uh, prepare yourself before you google search them.) 
Speaking of Unique Magic, I’ve compiled a list of all the kids with their UMs already. Haven’t decided yet when I’ll post it, but I’m thinking of posting the names as a sort of teaser? Meh, we’ll see how that goes. 
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Divining Rod
spencer reid x reader
Best years part ten | part nine | part eight | part seven | part six | part five | part four | part three |part two |part one
Summary: The death of a serial killer rises another and the team must stop it.
warnings: normal criminal minds things,
A/N: based on season 7 episode 21
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 “A row house in Demount Circle wow,” Penelope said, astonished at the news Emily just gave. 
 “I can’t believe I’m doing it.” Emily shook her head in disbelief at the news also. “I mean, it’s probably not gonna work out anyway, right?” 
 “That’s what I said before I found out I got my apartment so, you probably will,” Y/N said, laughing at the end of her sentence. 
 “Well, there are five other sealed bids, and I offered way below what the owners are asking,” Emily spoke, standing up from her chair and began walking. JJ, Y/N, Penelope, and Spencer stood up and followed her. 
 “Uh-huh, sounds to me like someone’s hoping they don’t get it.” JJ’s voice was filled with sass as she side-eyed Emily. 
 “Orthophobia, fear of owning personal property,” Spencer said from in front of the four women. He was intently looking over the case file in his hands as they walked to the round table room. 
 “No- I don’t have a fear of owning stuff, turn me loose in a shoe store, I’ll prove that,” Emily defended herself. “My fear is owning personal property that weighs three hundred tons.”
 “Actually, depending on materials used, square footage, and horizontal versus vertical construction, the average house only weighs sixty tons,” Spencer retorted, spewing off his knowledge without even a second thought. 
 “Well, thanks for that Reid, I feel light as a bird,” Emily said sarcastically. 
 “It’s okay Em, it took me months before I could even settle into my apartment because I couldn’t feel at home, it just takes time.” Truly Y/N felt uncomfortable because the last place she lived in by herself all her friends were tormented in, but Emily didn’t need to know or worry about that.
 “What‘ve we got, baby girl?” Derek asked, breaking up the conversation to bring it to the case at hand.
 “We have a killing in Enid, Oklahoma, and not the capital punishment one you are thinking of right now.” Penelope walked over to her chair and took a seat before she continued. “I’m talking about a woman named Cara Smith, who was murdered in her apartment minutes after the execution of Rodney Garret.” 
 “Neighbors saw her front door open and discovered the body,” Hotch added.  
 “Look Familiar?” Rossi asked directing everyone’s attention to the victim on the screen. Her appearance is the same as all of Garret’s victims. 
 “Young, pretty, short blonde hair,” JJ said, examining the photo.
 “And stabbed directly through the heart.” Y/N brought her pen up in the air, showing that she realized what Rossi was saying. 
 “That’s exactly the way Garret killed his victims,” Spencer said as he remembered back to the Garret murders. 
 “So are we looking at a copycat?” Derek asked looking at those around the table. 
 “Or someone creating doubt the right person was executed,” JJ countered, looking at Derek next to her. 
 “In Garret’s case there was no doubt,” Rossi corrected. “His guilt was the slam dunk of all slam dunks. Prints, DNA, a confession…”
 “He even led the police to where he buried two of his victims,” Spencer added to the list Rossi was creating. 
 “Garret killed 25 women before he was caught. If this new unsub is a copycat, the body count’s just getting started,” Emily said. 
 “Which is why we can’t waste time, wheels up in thirty.” 
 “Firing squad? That’s new,” Y/N said after hearing Garret’s choice of execution. 
 “It’s definitely not something you see every day,” JJ agreed.
 “Well, Garret had the option of lethal injection, but he chose this instead,” Derek responded. 
 “Flair for the dramatic,” Rossi stated. 
 “No kidding.” Y/N let out a breathy laugh with her words. 
 “Initial reports indicate no forensic evidence at the crime scene,” Hotch said looking at the file in his hand. 
 “What about the ice pick?” JJ asked. 
 “It was generic, no serial number or unique metallurgy,” Derek answered looking at the paper that gave more detail on the pick. 
 “Well, now, it says here-” Emily pointed to a page in her file- “that there were water droplets and a half-filled flower vase on top of the chest drawers, but no flowers. Not in the vase, not in the garbage, nowhere.” 
 “Maybe the unsub took them,” Y/N posed, looking up from her folder. 
 A pinging sound came from the laptop as Penelope popped up on the screen. 
 “Hey, say it like you mean it, baby,” Derek greeted her. 
 “You know I’m gonna,” she replied before giving what she found. “So if you look in the dictionary, the word ‘normal’-” she held her hands up to show quotation marks- “you will see Cara Smith. College student, well-liked, straight A’s, English lit major- oh speaking of which I just got a transcript of Rodney Garret’s last words, hot off the press and a gold star to the first person who can identify the source of this: ‘She comes like fullest moon on a happy night, taper of waist-” 
 “‘With shape of magic might,’ it’s from the Thousand and One Nights, not the exact translation I would have used, but it’s got its own merits,” Spencer finished the last of the poem. 
 “And in a shocking non-upset, we have a winner,” Emily said, hopefully stopping Spencer before he would go on a spew of insight of the story. 
 “Garret was a sixth-grade dropout, an unlikely guy to be quoting from a Harvard classic,” Rossi said. 
 “The choice of material does make sense though,” Spencer began. “The book is all about how a Scheherazade forestalled her own death at the hands of the king by regaling him night after night with stories.” 
 “In the end, he won him over right?” JJ asked. 
 “Yes, the king found a love for her and decided not to execute her,” Y/N answered, looking at JJ. “Although I wouldn’t say that would be a strategy that would work with the Oklahoma Department of corrections.”
 “Another body’s been found half a mile from the first victim, same M.O.” Hotch had stepped away to answer the phone and was now relaying the information he was just given to the team. 
 “That's six hours later, this guy’s not wasting a lot of time,” Derek said.
 “We land in twenty minutes, Reid, you and Y/N go to the latest crime scene, Rossi, you JJ and Prentiss go talk to Garret’s widow. Morgan and I will go to the prison.” Y/N saluted Hotch at his order. “If Garret’s got a disciple, we need to find out who he is and fast.” 
 “Such a beautiful day for such a terrible thing to happen.” Y/N’s eyes looked up to the sky, observing the blue of it and the bright sun. She wasn’t really thinking about the case until she walked up the steps, always trying to fit the last of the good in before she saw the bad.
 “I don’t think serial killers stop because of the weather, sweets,” Spencer said, raising an eyebrow at the thought. 
 “Hey, what did I say about nicknames at crime scenes,” Y/N said turning to Spencer who was slightly behind her.
 He laughed lightly. “Not to use them, because you’re afraid they’ll be ruined,” he answered her remark. 
 “Exactly.” She pulled her credentials out of her back pocket to show the officer at the door. Walking into the house, a tall man turned around to greet the two.
 “Hey, I’m detective Childers,” the tall man said walking up to Y/N to shake her hand. “You must be with the FBI.” 
 “Yes, I’m Agent Y/L/N, and this is Dr.Reid.” Y/N pointed to her right to the lanky brunette. 
 “Hi,” Childers said, holding his hand out for Spencer to shake. Spencer offered the man a small wave, as usual, opting out of the handshake. 
 Y/N offered a smile to the detective in hopes of trying to make the awkward moment go away. “How about you show us the scene.” Y/N changed the subject. 
 “Yeah, why don’t y’all follow me back here,” Childers said as he led the two over to the bedroom. “It’s unbelievable this is happening all over again.”  
 “Who is she?” Spencer asked as they entered the bedroom. 
 “Jodie Armstrong, single, works a cosmetic counter at a department store downtown,” Childers answered. 
 The body laid in the exact position it was found. Duct tape still on the mouth and wrists, and the ice pick stabbed into her heart.
 “Young, pretty, short blond hair,” Y/N said as she looked at the victim’s appearance. “That’s the same victimology as the others.” She turned her head to look at Spencer, who’s eyes had been wandering the room around them.
 “Who discovered the body?” Spencer asked. 
 “Apartment manager. A neighbor called to complain that a teapot in the kitchen kept on whistling,” Childers explained.
 “So he surprised her.” Y/N said, turning as she watched the struggle play out around her. She pictured the unsub pushing her down and tying her onto the bed. 
 The three separated as Childers went to go handle something out front and Spencer and Y/N stayed to look around the scene more. Y/N gloved her hands and squatted down next to the bed, looking closely at the victim’s head. Pushing her head to the side, she moved her hair to and fro as she examined the hair cut. She noticed it’s unevenness and well, basically, it was a shitty hair cut for such a pretty young girl to have.
 “Hey, Spence, come look at this.” Spencer looked over at Y/N who was across the room from him. 
 “What is it?” He asked, setting down the CD he had been looking at to walk over. 
 “This girl is young and she obviously cares about her appearance, she’s fit, her nails are done,” she said, laying one finger on top of the other as the listed off the things she’s noticed. “But her hair, look at it, it’s uneven.” She picked up the phone that had headphones plugged into the jack and turned it on. 
 “Could it maybe be a fashion statement, you know, look bad on purpose?” Spencer asked looking next to him at Y/N.
 She shook her head, looking through the phone in her hand. She began to look through some things in her photos before she found a selfie of Jodie and some of her friends. “Look at this,” she leaned over to show Spencer the photo. 
 With two of her fingers on the screen, she zoomed in on Jodie, who in the photo had very long blonde hair. “It was taken last night,” she said after pointing to the timestamp at the bottom corner of the photo. “The unsub cut her hair.”
 In the station, the mood was serious. Two bulletin boards stood side by side with large maps placed on the. Spencer, Hotch, Y/N, and Derek sat in swivel chairs from desks in the area they were in. Behind them sat JJ, Emily, and Rossi, who were looking through letters that were sent to Rodney Garret’s home. 
 “This new guy’s hunting in a different neighborhood,” Childer’s spoke after looking at the map. 
 “He must be comfortable in the area, he knew the victims’ routines,” Derek stated.
 “His method of ingress and egress is quiet and unnoticeable,” JJ said, leaning back in her chair. 
 “Get a load of this one,” Emily began as she turned in her chair with a letter. “Dear Mr. Garret: It took a lot of courage to do what you did. Most people are cowards and don’t do what they feel inside them. You are an inspiration, and I applaud you.” 
 When Emily had finished the letter, Y/N barked out a laugh. “I’m sorry for laughing but ‘I applaud you’?” She just shook her head, the letter being very funny to her in a weird way. 
 “These are supposed to be the non-wacko letters,” Rossi said. 
 Everyone raised their brows in question. A computer beeping signaling the arrival of Penelope’s on a screen got everyone’s attention. 
 “Hey guess what, Y/N’s genius has struck again,” Penelope began as she popped up on the screen. “The hunch about the hair was right, I’m sending you an ATM image of Cara Smith. She’s the first victim, this was taken ten hours before her murder check it out.” 
 At that, everyone’s attention was brought to a screen. The video showing Cara walking up to the machine with very long hair compared to what was left on her body. 
 “The unsub cut her hair too,” Childers said as he looked at the video. 
 “You know, there could be a sexual element involved. Trichophilia is a fetish where one becomes aroused by the removal of hair,” Spencer said. 
 “Yeah, but, either way, this is starting to look less like a copycat,” Y/N said looking next to her at Spencer. 
 “The unsub’s deviating too much from Garret’s M.O., Garret never took trophies,” Derek said in agreement. 
 “He’s also choosing low-risk victims, Garret’s stayed with high-risk target- prostitutes, runaways--” Spencer said but was cut off by JJ. 
 “Garret also got sloppy and left clues that eventually nailed him, this guy’s careful and meticulous,” JJ said.
 “He’s not that careful,” Childers corrected. “He leaves doors open, teapots boiling.” 
 “I think it’s intentional. He wants the bodies found so we know when and where he’s killing,” Hotch said.     
 The room fell silent again, everyone getting back to their work. Little conversation was made, Emily or Rossi reading off an obscure letter or Y/N saying something about the geographical profile to Spencer. All conversation halted due to Childers getting a call that there was another body. 
 “Reid and Y/N, come with me to the scene.” Hotch stood up, Y/N and Spencer following his request out of the room and to the scene. 
 Walking into the house, Y/N took note of how it was kept and lived in by the victim. She did so in hopes of gathering something for victimology. After noticing she fell behind Hotch and Spencer, she quickly caught up to them as they entered the bedroom. 
 The blonde woman laid on her back, her arms duct-taped to the foot of the bed. Her eyes were closed, and she almost looked peaceful, but the ice pick in her heart told them otherwise.
 Hotch squatted down to the bedside and examined the side of her head that was exposed. 
 “He shaved her head,” Hotch commented. Y/N and Spencer stood on either side of him, looking over the body from behind their unit chief. 
 “That’s even more humiliation and disrespect,” Y/N said. She turned her head sideways as she looked at the poor and almost frantic shaved spot. 
 “He didn’t do it to the other victims.” Hotch stood up as he spoke, looking at Childers who was on the other side of the bed. 
 “Detective when was the body discovered?” Y/N asked. 
 “Half hour ago, the killer left the front and back doors open,” Childers responded. “And there’s no indication of any contact on the wine glasses swabbed for DNA.” He gestured to the CSI unit that was brushing the wine glass behind him. 
 “Not even the victims?” Spencer asked. His face doing its normal twist as he thought.
 “The unsub probably wiped it clean,” Y/N said. The upper half of her body turned to her left to look at Hotch and Spencer.
 “Has anyone found an open or empty wine bottle in the house?” Hotch asked, turning back to the detective after looking at Y/N. 
 “We haven’t found one yet.” Childers shook his head. 
 “He probably took it with him, like the flowers of his first victim,” Spencer commented. 
 “He’s killed at six A.M., noon, and now six P.M.,” Hotch said, looking between Y/N and Spencer. 
 “That’s not a long cooling-off period.” Y/N spook with a sigh as she stuffed her hands in her pockets. 
 “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not feeling so good about the stroke of midnight.” Spencer’s eyes bounced between the three in front of him. All of them nodding their heads in agreement at the comment. 
 “We believe we’re looking for a white male between the ages of thirty and forty who is strong enough to subdue physically fit young women with minimum resistance,” Hotch said. The team stood in front of a crowd of local officers as they told the profile. Rossi and Emily had found out that the same man that wrote the letter Emily had read to them were some of Garret’s favorites. Taking that, they presumed that the man who wrote the letters was more than likely the unsub.
 “He’s forensically sophisticated and evidence-conscious,” Derek added. 
 “He targets his victims in advance and leaves no trail.” Y/N stepped forward as she spoke, coming into line with Derek. 
 “This person is also confident.” Emily paused, then continued. “He’s been taunting us by revealing his crime scene quickly.”
 “Because of his ability to plan and flawlessly execute his crimes, we’re looking for someone capable of holding down a job. Even though it’s probably menial and unfulfilling,” Rossi said. His hands stuffed into his pockets as his shoulder shrugged when he spoke.
 “The victims have all been young, blonde, and pretty. As such, they reflect a certain societal standard of perfection that may actually represent the type of women that are unattainable to this unsub,” Spencer explained. 
 “He cuts his victims’ hair, and then he takes it with him, this could be another way for him to possess a part of them,” Y/N said, bouncing off of Spencer’s statement.
 “Or to degrade these unattainable women, make them uglier,” JJ added on to Y/N’s words. 
 “The killer has been murdering in six-hour increments. He is, in effect, time-stamping his victims, there’s no reason to believe he will deviate from that now,” Rossi said. 
 “Which means the next kill will be at midnight.” Y/N emphasized her words as she spoke. 
 “The public needs to be alerted to stay off the streets for all non-essential activities,” JJ said. “Single women should not be in their homes alone,” she continued, her warning to the people relaying its importance.
 “Every available officer will be out in full force tonight, we need to blanket this city,” Emily commanded. The officer’s around the room nodding that they understood.   
 “We do have one advantage,” Hotch began. “A killer who uses this kind of precise timing and specificity is easy to disrupt. We can use his own M.O. against him,” he explained. The officer’s around the room were then dismissed and went to get ready for the night out.
 As the sunset fell over the city of Enid, the officers suited up and began to canvas the town. Emily and Derek joined them while the others stayed back and helped run point. While they waited, they had Penelope do some more digging into Garret to find out who the unsub might be.    
 “What you got, Garcia?” JJ asked as she answered the call from Penelope. 
 “I have found a thing of interest regarding these shanking attempts made on Garret in prison,” Penelope began. 
 “What is it?” Hotch asked, curious as to what she found. 
 “The timing, see, the first time Garret was attacked was May 25, 2008, the day before that, May 24, for those of you keeping score, Garret’s imminent execution date was postponed, right?” Penelope’s question was rhetorical so everyone stayed quiet as she continued. 
 “So then if you flash forward to the second shanking attempt of stabby-ness, that would be November 15, 2010. The day before that, his next execution date, also postponed.” When Penelope had finished her explanation everyone was basically one the same page of what was happening. 
 “Okay, so I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say someone decided to take matters into their own hands,” Y/N said. She crossed her arms across her chest and popped her hip to the side, the resting position she stood in when she thought. 
 “Thanks, Garcia,” JJ said, her finger hovering over the hang-up button on the computer. 
 “Ever welcome, my comrades.” JJ hung up the call and turned back to those behind her. 
 “Well, that sounds like what you would think of somebody on the outside wanting a little revenge,” Childers said, his head turning to Rossi and Hotch beside him.        
 “They wouldn’t wait five years, give it two tires, and then toss in the towel,” Rossi stated, his head shaking as he didn’t believe that theory. 
 “It sounds to me like someone just needed Rod Garret out of the way,” JJ said, adding in her own theory. 
 “But Garret was on death row, confined to his cell 23 hours a day. How was he in anybody’s way?” Hotch questioned, both theories not making sense now. 
 “Since we’re on the subject of things that don’t make sense, the unsub left the doors open after the murders,” Y/N said, bringing in a new topic in hopes of coming up with something new. 
 “Okay, that’s directed at law enforcement-- catch me if you can,” Rossi responded to Y/N’s thought. 
 “But the cutting of the hair,” Y/N said her voice trailing off in question. 
 “That’s for Garret,” Hotch finished, knowing what Y/N was thinking now. 
 Rossi nodded agreeing with Y/N. 
 “Well, what makes you think that?” Childers asked her. 
 “Well, Garret chose victims who were easy prey-- drug addicts and prostitutes. But this unsub has chosen more difficult targets but gone to the trouble of making them look like Garret’s victims,” Hotch answered, turning to Childers. 
 “That’s his way of telling Garret, ‘I can do better than you’,” Rossi elaborated. 
 “Okay, but why wait until after the execution to start killing? If the unsub really wanted to thumb his nose at Garret, wouldn’t he want him to be alive to see it?” JJ asked, not fully understanding this theory. 
 “Exactly, that’s the part that doesn’t make sense.” Y/N pointed as she spoke. 
 “Them we’re missing something,” Hotch said. 
 When the sun rose, the team had been at the station all night. In the early morning hours, another victim was found with a different M.O., stab wounds. Since the unsub could not kill his victim properly, this led them to believe that the killer could go on a spree. The unsub also removed her scalp this time, taking away most of her hair. 
 The clock on the table flipped to 9:44 A.M., and Y/N’s eyes were heavy. She laid on a bench, her head resting on Spencer’s thigh. His hand rested on his arm that was propped on the railing of the bench. The two sat peacefully, Y/N was not totally asleep, but her mind was in and out of full consciousness from the long night. She wasn’t totally sure if Spencer was asleep either, his body not moving which she was grateful for. His warmth was what kept her so at peace, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay like that for long. 
 “I never could do that,” Rossi stated as he looked at Y/N and Spencer who had their eyes closed. 
 “Do what?” Emily asked, her eyes following Rossi’s over to the sleepy couple. She let out a small ‘awe’ as she noticed the two.   
 “Take a nap, it never felt natural,” Rossi answered, not appreciating the cute moment.
 “I’m actually wide awake,” Spencer said, sitting up from his position. His movement stirred Y/N as she moved to get comfortable again, but never opening her eyes. 
 “But for future reference, polyphasic sleep is completely natural. Quite common in the animal world, and highly beneficial.” His eyes panned to Y/N who was still, he believed, asleep on his lap. “However, I believe Y/N is very much taking a real nap.” 
 “Shhhh.” Y/N reached one of her hands to her lips sleepily, placing her index finger on her lips. She sighed after a second and sat up, realizing she was now fully awake and there was no going back to whatever state of sleep she was in before. “Okay, I give I’m awake.” 
 “All right, six o’clock’s way come and gone, if our guys killed again, he’s not leaving the front door open,” JJ said after looking at the clock. 
 “Or he could just be taking a breather,” Derek posed the counter. “I mean, even the unsub has to realize he can’t keep up this pace indefinitely.” 
 “Maybe the last murder completed some sort of cycle,” Rossi said, saying his thoughts aloud. 
 “What do you mean?” Y/N asked, leaning her forearms on her thighs. 
 “A day and a night have passed, the sun rises for the first time in a world without Rod Garret,” Rossi answered, his hands moving as he spoke. 
 “There could also be a more mundane reason, our guys got a job, and yesterday was his day off,” Emily said. 
 “He killed his first three victims in their homes-” Hotch pointed to the markers on the map where the homes were- “But the last victims, Emily Sisk, he tried to but he couldn’t. SO he abducted her, took her somewhere else, and then brought her all the way back to dump her body in front of her apartment building.” Hotch’s voice got slightly aggressive as he spoke, irritated as to why he didn’t know how that happened. 
 “That’s incredibly risky considering all the increased police presence,” Y/N said, agreeing with Hotch.  
 “There’s gotta be a geographic component to the unsub’s design,” Hotch said turning back to the map on the board. 
 “Let’s connect the dots, literally.” Spencer stood up from his seat next to Y/N and walked to the board. He pulled a red marker out of his pocket and drew lines to connect all four homes. 
 The lines formed an upside-down arrow almost.
 “A tip of a spear,” Emily guessed, turning this into a game of Pictionary. 
 Y/N walked up to the board to get a closer look at the design. Her head cocked to the side as she thought. 
 “Maybe it’s an arrow pointing south? Could he be steering us to his next victim?” Derek asked as he pointed to the bottom of the arrow. 
 “It’s a quadrilateral, but there’s nothing particularly symbolic about a four-sided concave polygon,” Spencer said, pointing out the math of the shape.
 “Spence, can I?” Y/N said reaching for the marker in his hand. Spencer nodded, handing her the red marker. “Look what happens when you curve the lines.” She drew curves over the lines the Spencer drew, forming something in the shape of a heart. 
 “A heart,” Emily said, eyes trained on the drawing. 
 “Well, Garret and the unsub both killed their victims using stab wounds through the heart,” Derek said. 
 “And Garret was executed by a shot through the heart,” Rossi continued the theory. 
 Hotch then moved the clear map of all the roads and homes over the heart drawing on the board. In the center of the heart sat the home of Rod Garret’s wife, Helen Garret. 
 “Helen Garret,” Emily realized as Hotch put the map on top of the other.  
 “It’s all about her,” Hotch said, confirming the speculation Emily made. 
 After JJ, Rossi, and Hotch established that Helen was probably at the prison since she was not home, the rest of the team made their way there. When the others met up with them, all of them in their kevlar’s ready to take action, they met outside the gates of the prison to talk. 
 “So nobody saw what happened, but Helen’s car is still in the parking lot,” JJ said walking up to the group with Rossi and the warden. 
 “He’s got her,” Hotch said. 
 “The driver’s name is Dylan Kohler, he lives at 4488 Harmony Court,” the Warden said identifying the unsub. 
 “Did he work yesterday, Warden?” Y/N asked. 
 “No, he arranged for someone else to take his shift,” the Warden answered.
 “I’ll have Garcia check into Kohler, but now that he’s tipped his hand, I doubt if he’s going back home,” Rossi stated, pulling out his phone to call Penelope.
 “All right, Morgan, take Reid, Y/N, and Prentiss to the house of Kohler, see if they’re there just in case.” Derek nodded, then gestured for the three to follow him to a car to go to the home. 
 When they arrived at the home of Dylan Kohler, there was no sign of him or Helen. They headed out of the house to go back to the prison. 
 “Yeah, Hotch, they’re not here,” Derek said to Hotch when he answered the phone.
 “Where the hell could they be?” Y/N asked looking to Spencer next to her as she holstered her gun. He shrugged his shoulders, opening the door for Y/N. She climbed in hoping to the seat on the left and Spencer sitting on the one on the right.  
 After finding Garret’s secret hideout, the team wrapped up the case, saving Helen Garret and were now on their way home. Y/N sat in the seat across from Spencer, eyes glancing at him every once and a while as he read. His finger trailing down the page, his steady breathing, and the curve of his nose entranced her as she looked at him. 
 She was sleepy, there was no doubt about it. Yet, her eyes couldn’t close as she looked at him, too caught up in his domestic feel to let it be intruded on by sleep that she desperately needed. 
 Tell him, the voice in her head whispered. Tell him how much you love him.   
 She couldn’t, at least not yet. Not until she knew that Caroline was out of sight, or if he said it first. But something in her told her that he knew she loved him. Simple acts like saying you need sleep or hold my hand was ways she was able to say she loved and cared for him without having to voice it. 
 Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted though by the beeping of a computer from behind her in.
 “Oh, hey, guys, hey,” Penelope said with a sleepy voice. Y/N turned in her chair to listen to the conversation. “I just wanted to see what was going on.” 
 “This better be important, Garcia,” Emily said irritated as she was woken from her slumber. 
 “Oh, it’s nothing.” Penelope was playing it off, the excitement in her voice giving it away. “It’s just that a messenger came by the office today with some papers from Escrow!” Her voice was sing-song at the end. 
 Emily’s face became very surprised. “No!” She said, astonished and not believing the blonde on the screen. 
 “Oh, yes, the house in Dupont Circle-- you got it! Whoo!” Penelope was throwing confetti at the screen in excitement. 
 “Oh my God, Em, that’s so exciting!” Y/N said happily as she sat on her knees in her chair to face Emily. 
 “Congratulations,” Hotch said with a smile.
 Then, Emily’s face fell and she looked like she was going to be sick. Y/N and Spencer stood up to sit on the couch so they could be closer to the conversation. 
 “Six seconds, fastest case of buyers remorse ever,” Rossi said, looking down at his watch then at Emily.
 “Well, I say the moment we land, we all head over to Ziggy’s and clear out the champaign inventory,” Derek said sitting next to JJ. 
 “And talk Prentiss down off the ledge,” JJ chuckled as she looked at Emily’s horrified face. 
 “Oh, my stomach doesn’t feel so hot.” Emily clutched her stomach. 
 They all let out a small laugh at Emily’s reaction. 
 “I was in the middle of the best dream,” JJ said changing the topic. “I dreamt that I was at this exclusive salon getting my hair done.” 
 The toll from the event of the last two days pressing themselves on her dreams. The thought of having a wig made of human scalp and hair placed on her head made Y/N shudder at the thought when she was told.   
 “Ah, the psychotherapeutic benefits of dreams-- purging unpleasant images and replacing them with good ones,” Spencer said, giving insight on to why we dream things like that. 
 “Yeah, ‘unpleasant’ is putting it mildly, bub,” Y/N said looking at Spencer next to her.
 “If someone put a bloody wig on my head, I would have ripped that thing off and kept it off.” JJ thought back to how Helen let the wig sit on her head when they found her.
 “Well, you’d think instinct would take over,” Derek said agreeing with JJ. 
 “Oh, hey, Rossi, I meant to ask you, what did Helen mean at the end when she said ‘daddy was right’?” JJ asked turning to look at Rossi across from her. 
 Rossi let out an annoyed sigh. “He once told her that she was a divining rod for the evil in men. That she could sniff it out when nobody else could.”  
 “There was definitely something a little strange about her,” Emily said as she recalled the time she and Rossi had to speak with her. 
 “It’s curious, one woman at the center of two serial killers.” Hotch’s voice was low as he voiced his thought. 
 “Yeah, what are the odds of that?” Y/N said, her question being rhetorical but she knew Spencer would answer.
 Ah, there’s the answer, Y/N thought. 
 “Removing from the calculations serial killer groupies--” Spencer was cut off by Hotch lightly hitting her arm to have him stop. 
 “Y/N, why’d you ask?” JJ laughed. Y/N just shrugged, knowing she’d get the answer she kinda wanted to hear later. 
 “You know, whether she knew it or not, maybe Helen Garret did give Dylan something,” Derek said as he thought more into it. “I mean someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they won’t grow unless they get water from someplace.” 
 That night, after going out to celebrate Emily’s new house, Y/N walked into her home. Stumbling as her lips were connected to Spencer's. The impromptu makeout session starting at the door when Spencer started to say goodnight, but Y/N had a little too much champaign and really wanted a good ‘ole fashion junior-high makeout session. 
 She pushed him back to her couch, the two giggling like thirteen-year-olds as they kissed. She straddled his lap as they continued to kiss. It was childish and full of smiles and teeth as they giggled. Still, the kiss was full of love and tenderness as Spencer would caress the side of her face with his large hands. Or when she would grab the front of his sweater to pull him closer to her.
 “I really need to go home,” Spencer said. His lips brushing against Y/N’s as he spoke. 
 She didn’t listen and kept placing pecks on his lips before she let their lips mold together in bliss. 
 “No,” she protested quietly as she pulled away, then went back to his lips. 
 He chuckled, trying to pull back again to speak, but her lips chased his. “I’m not taking advantage of you, sweets,” he said gentlemanly. 
 She sighed, knowing that she was slightly drunk and he wasn’t going to keep going since she was. “Fine, but you owe me.” She poked his chest with every word. “Always a gentleman, even when I’m horny, but it’s fine.” Her words were a slur of mutters under her breath, but he heard her and laughed. 
 “Always.” He pecked her lips one more time as she stood up and led him to the door.     
 Once Spencer had given her one more kiss goodnight, promising her a coffee in the morning at work, she closed the door and turned to the inside of her apartment. A sigh of relief leaving her as she stepped further into her safe environment. She took her boots off and placed them by the door and moved her keys she dropped on the floor in the bowl on the table. She began to walk to her kitchen but stopped when her eyes caught glimpse of a letter. 
 She hastily pulled the wax seal back to open it, but became confused as she looked at the note. 
 Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. 
 She laughed, it was a pathetic line to spook her that wouldn’t work. She put the note back in the envelope and placed it with others. 
 She thought nothing of it. She didn’t think she would need too, but everything Caroline did had meaning. This too would show it’s meaning soon.
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@throughparisallthroughrome​ @word-scribbless​ @nintendumbfuck​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @justine-en​ @andiebeaword​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @abitofeverythinggg​ @nanocoool​ @marceline-is-my-spirit-animal​ @fancyfaucet​ @im-a-raging-gay​ @atletino @mo-whore @peterparkersdestiny​ @bandsandjill​ @mbowles23-blog​ @sarcasm-n-insomnia​ @citrussirus​ @nerual222 @april-14-blog​ @reidloversisforever @heavenlyholland​ 
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