#we shouldn’t have been left to take care of this random strangers high ass
noctem-ars · 2 years
Explain why I had a wet dream of you but with like such a weird build up to that and when we finally did make the move towards each other, my legs wrapped around your waist and you holding me with no intent of letting go we end up levitating off the bed and become these cool flying / fire and snow dragon type pokemon. Like it was so cool and I felt incredibly connected to you but also brain why do you do these things
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
So in your knw orv reader au, how does he survive kdj?
Haha, well, this is probably a kind of basic answer, but I imagine that it’s actually pretty easy.  It’s true my memory is canon is kind of hazy, but to me, it rather seems that he needed some kind of rationalization for attacking Kim Namwoon.  Like, yeah, he really doesn’t like Kim Namwoon, but at that point, I think he needed an excuse other than ‘I don’t like him’ – which, yeah, was the actual reason, but not really good enough to kill a random teenager.  Now, if the teenager was 1) attacking him first 2) attempting to kill an old lady… well, that’s just justified, isn’t it.  Clearly, this nineteen year old is a terrible person, and it would be a crime to let him live on, huh?
Now.  If our Kim Namwoon wasn’t doing any of that?  I imagine Kim Dokja would have a significantly harder time trying to rationalize it.
So. Have something taking pretty immediately after this snippet.
A thin, white-haired young man in a school uniform stands at the end of the carriage with a tight smile and a body at his feet.  “Don’t look at me like that,” he says. “Was I really supposed to wait to die?”
Kim Dokja doesn’t even need to read the nametag to know that this is Kim Namwoon.
[ Congratulations!  Due to your willingness to act, the remaining time has been extended by five more minutes.  Everyone, shouldn’t you be grateful for this young man’s actions?  You should follow his example! ]
“Haha,” says Kim Namwoon, tilting his head to the side.  “Hear that?  I saved your asses.  Look, now you have five more minutes to think about if you’re really going to kill someone before you explode.  Congratulations.  Have fun!” 
“Have fun?” Han Myungoh, of all people, says incredulously.  “You just murdered–”
“Shit, I just killed a guy, and you still want me to sit through a lecture?” Kim Namwoon says.  “You think I’m in the mood for that?  What lesson are you going to try to teach me, huh?  Don’t kill anyone?  You’re kind of late for that, aren’t you?  Also, isn’t that kind of hypocritical?  Aren’t you going to need to do the same thing in, like, fifteen minutes?  But hey, I could be wrong!  Maybe you’re the kind of person who wants to lie down and die, is that it?”
Silence.  Kim Dokja can practically hear everyone thinking: ah, this high school student hadn’t said anything wrong, exactly, had he?  He was only restating the reality of the scenario clock ticking down before them.  Did you really care more about a stranger’s life than your own?
The passengers back away from each other, eying each other suspiciously, assessingly.  Was it really that hard, just to kill the person next to you?
“Now,” Kim Namwoon continues.  “I’m going to sit in a corner and think about what I’ve done.  Carry on with whatever you’re doing, you don’t need my input.  You’ve got a good fifteen minutes, have a nice long think about it.”  He bows, his military knife catching the light and sending off a small arc of blood like a message: I have a weapon, find an easier target.
Next to Kim Dokja, Yoo Sangah presses her lips together.  “Is this really what we have to do?” she says, almost under her breath.  “We really need to kill another person?”
“...No,” Kim Dokja says.  “There’s another way.”
“Hey, what’s up, Ahjussi?” Kim Namwoon says, voice manic as Kim Dokja approaches him.  “You look like you want to kill me.  Are you going to try?  It’s just, I might fight back if you do?  I want to live, after all.”
“...You didn’t have to do that.”
“Do what?  You mean, kill that guy?” Kim Namwoon jerks his chin in the direction of the corpse he left only a meter or so away.  “Didn’t I, though?  Tell me, how many grasshoppers were in that butterfly net?  Was there one per passenger?”
Kim Namwoon laughs raggedly.  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.  You’re really giving a lot of people false hope, aren’t you, Ahjussi?  You think that’s fun to watch?  Wow, isn’t that kind of messed up of you?”
He’s smiling broadly, manically, but his body language is defensive, eyes narrowed and wary.  It’s as if he really thinks Kim Dokja is a threat – like he thinks Kim Dokja’s the one who’s going to snap and kill him at any second.  
Kim Dokja thought of the Kim Namwoon from the novel.  When Yoo Joonghyuk had found Kim Namwoon, it hadn’t been until the end of the scenario.  This part of the plot, then, was undocumented.  Had it always played out like this?
Kim Dokja always thought he would sound a little more… insane.  Was that a later development?
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
white winter hymnal - tom hardy smut
The one where you’re Tom’s PA and you two get snowed in.
Warnings: smut, boss/employee relationship, dirty talk, kind of sexist remarks?, that wasn’t my intention, but maybe that’s how you’ll see it, so I should warn you about it, reader is very sex positive in this fic, idiot in lust, PA!Reader, jealous!Tom, kinda possessive! or maybe asshole!Tom, again it wasn’t my intention, I just wanted to write some dirty talk, use of the term cockslut and another that I can’t remember, or maybe it was cockslut twice
A/N: I’m not really satisfied with this collage, but this will have to do 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, here’s another anon request I received a while back. Please take everything Tom says as nothing more than dirty talk. Also, I did that thing where I wrote a pre-POV intro, idk if it’s any good but when the inspiration hits, I just roll with it ✌
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Y/N wasn’t having a good week at work. It wasn’t that something wrong had happened - actually when you considered the cold facts about what had left her feeling so high strung that a simple touch almost made her moan, anyone would think she was crazy. Those were nice things, good situations that she’d found herself in.
But she’d disagree emphatically. There was nothing nice about the fuck-me eyes with which Tom, her boss, had regarded her when she arrived on set with the pencil skirt that she knew made her ass look great. There was nothing nice about the way he’d commented on how she was out to get him, making his life more difficult because of the way she was dressing. There was nothing nice about how he had kept on complimenting her, telling her how pretty she looked with her hair down, or how he joked about how it must have hurt when she fell from heaven.
And especially, there was absolutely nothing nice about the subtle, fleeting touches he’d decided to shower her with, leaving her burning and more aroused than she cared to admit, considering how innocent they actually were. Tom had been flirting with her ever since her job interview, it was nothing new and she should have gotten used to it by now.
But the truth was that she didn’t, she couldn’t. And who could really blame her, when every day it seemed like Tom stepped up a notch, making it harder and harder for her to ignore his advances and keep things professional between them?
Especially considering just how badly she needed to get off and just how attracted she was to him and his stupidly perfect body and damn hypnotizing smirk. She was only human, after all. A human woman with healthy desires that seemed to revolve exclusively about her boss.
God, she was pathetic. At least, she could always count on Saturday nights. That was the time she managed to escape the acting world and the craziness of the set where they had been filming for the last month to go to the bar and find someone who’d take her home and help her deal with her growing levels of horny.
If it weren’t for random strangers who knew what to do in bed, she wasn’t too sure she wouldn’t have succumbed to Tom’s spell and climbed him like a tree already. And that’s where she was headed, just after she stopped by his rental house and went over their schedule for the week ahead.
She’d get through this, she thought as she made sure her coat was tightly wrapped around her waist before exiting her car and running towards the front door, ignoring the snow that had been lightly falling since that morning. Just two more hours and she would be on her way to drowning her needs in another stranger’s body, just to pretend that she didn’t think about Tom during the entire act.
Yeah. She could totally do this.
Tom was screwed.
He had been since he first laid his eyes on her, some five months ago, just before they moved to this fucking freezing country to start filming for his next movie. He knew even back then, he should have thanked her with a smile, explained that she wasn’t right for the job, and asked her out. The fact that she was the best person for the job shouldn’t even have counted, because he was head over heels for her in that first meeting, how the fuck could he keep himself away when she was supposed to be working by his side every minute of every day?
In the end, the idea of having to wait until the end of filming to actually get to spend some time with her made him take the impulsive decision that led him to this situation. Having her so close, but nowhere near what he wished for.
It was hell on Earth. Especially since he knew she felt the same way, he could see it in her eyes, in the way she squeezed her thighs together every time he so much as looked her way. If only she wasn’t so unbelievably professional.
“Tom?” He heard her sweet voice calling out from downstairs and casted a glance at the window. The snow had been gradually building up since that morning, it was a surprise she had managed to reach his house in the first place. But of course, she would never let something as silly as the weather keep her away from her responsibilities.
With a low chuckle, he made his way to the living room, rubbing his hands together to create some warmth despite the heaters that were working overtime since he arrived at that house. It didn’t matter, it was still too fucking cold.
“Ready to go over your schedule?” He trailed his eyes over her body, taking notice of the dress she was wearing over the warm leggings. What day was it? Oh, right. Her day off started the minute she finished this one last task, and then she’d be off to…
He knew where she’d be off to. Thinking about it made him see red, especially since he didn’t have the opportunity to do the same where they were. He envied her, but he envied the lucky bastard that got to fuck her tonight even more.
“Of course,” was all he said, assuming a spot on the seat next to hers on the couch. She visibly tensed, but then threw him a small smile that seemed to try to ease her own nerves, to which he returned with a grin of his own.
“What are you all smiley about?” It was nice to see her more laidback, it was clear that the prospect of letting off some steam tonight was relaxing her. Tom could work with that. In fact, it just made his plans that much easier.
“I can’t imagine how someone could be near a woman as beautiful and not be happy, sweetheart.” Her smile immediately dropped, her eyes growing twice their size as he maintained his grin. “But let’s get on with it, shall we? I have a lot to plan out with you.”
She raised an eyebrow at his lack of interest in continuing to mess with her but shrugged it off before opening her planner. They did have a lot to talk about before she could finally leave to the nearest bar.
Tom chanced a glance out the window as she tried to locate their current week on her faithful notebook. This might just turn out the way he needed it to be.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Aaaand… I guess this finalizes your schedule for the next week,” I commented as I made sure to correct the time for a phone interview Tom would be having on the following Friday, before glancing up at him. He’d been mostly quiet for the last few minutes, a stark difference from how he had behaved during the entire meeting. Through all my time working for him, it had been the first time he was actually really present for the scheduling of his following week, making changes and trying to be sure that it would go as smoothly as he wanted it to be.
It wasn’t an unwelcome change, but it sure was peculiar. And by now, I knew him enough to get that there was definitely a hidden reason for him to be behaving this way. Still, I couldn’t yet grasp what it was that he had planned, so I resigned myself to getting through with what I intended to do for the day, and thankfully, that was now done.
“Well, if you won’t be needing me anymore, I’ll be getting out of your hair now.” I smiled softly down at him when I left the sofa, making quick work of my scattered papers and random pens before straightening out to say goodbye. “What?” I had to ask since he was looking at me like he was trying to contain his laughter.
“Well, first of all, sweetheart, I always need you. Perhaps not in the way you’re supposed to help with, according to your job description, but it’s the truth.” I had difficulty maintaining eye contact after that, opting to stare at the mountain of documents in my hands while I fidgeted from one foot to the other, feeling the arousal inside of me sparkle before starting to burn even more intensely. Why did he have to be so honest about wanting me?
“Second and perhaps most importantly… I think you’re stuck with me for the rest of the evening, love.” That made me look at him again, desperate to find any signs that he was only toying with my emotions, anything to show me that he was only playing. But all I got was a nod of his head, pointing towards the windows, and that’s when it hit me.
We were snowed in.
A lot of different feelings took over me at the realization. First, there was despair. What would I do now that I couldn’t go to the bar? Then, there was anxiety. How the fuck was I supposed to survive spending the night with my boss - to whom I was attracted to - in a house with a single room in it?
Finally, sheer panic set in, making me shake my head in frustration. I’d never be able to find enough control to resist him without the release that my weekly escapades granted me. And by the way he stared up at me, with those darkened eyes filled with lust, I could tell that he knew.
I watched with a trembling body as he slowly rose from the seat and made his way to me until we were chest to chest. His eyes ran up and down my body until they finally settled on mine again, and I had to bite down a whimper. 
That’s how weak I was for him. He could reduce me to a wanton mess with a fucking stare.
“You’re scared.” It wasn’t a question. Both he and I recognized it as a fact. Still, I whispered into the air between us, “Yes.” Immediately, he pressed on. “Of me?” I almost melted at the sight of such a burly, strong man, towering over me and devastated at the prospect of threatening me.
Tom’s P.O.V.
I waited for her answer with a heavy heart, but the hopeful expectation that she did actually feel just the same as I did: scared at the prospect of what could happen between us, but equally excited. 
“No.” I tilted my head at the word, curious as to what was her explanation, then.
“Then what?”
“Of what could happen if I let go of my control. Of what I would become.” Slowly, a smile took over my face, and I finally felt confident enough in her feelings to feel like I could touch her. So I raised my hands to hold her hips, rejoicing in just how small she was in comparison to me. It felt like I could very easily pick her up and take her - in whichever way I wanted. And there were a lot of them.
“Let go,” I whispered in her ear, having leaned down so I could compensate for our difference in height. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see you without that precious control of yours.”
Goosebumps had spread all over her skin at the difference in temperature of my breath and her skin. I watched in fascination, following their trail, rubbing my nose across her jaw before finally, her lips were inches from mine. And then they were mine.
I possessed her mouth just like I’d fantasized for so long, desperate to make up for the lost time, for all the nights I spent alone thinking about her while she was off with someone else. And she responded just in kind, her arms barely able to embrace my body, but her palms were spread over my back, pulling me closer, and that was more than enough for me. 
For now, at least. Now that I’d captured her on my web, there was no way I was letting her go before I fulfilled each and every one of the dirty, dirty dreams I had about the two of us. I was going to ravish her. I was going to ruin her.
She let out a tiny whimper when I pried her lips open with my tongue, before melting in my arms as I explored her mouth, basked on her taste. “You know there’s no way I’m letting you go now, right?”
By the way she looked at me with hazy eyes, it was clear that there would be no resistance from her whatsoever. She was pliant and soft in my hands, easily following when I picked her up and climbed up the stairs to my room with her in my arms. And then, when she was on the bed, there was just no way I could control myself anymore, not even long enough to take off our clothes properly. So I just flipped her skirt up, before ripping apart her leggings and finding her underwear absolutely drenched for me.
“Fuck,” I whispered, already reaching out to rub my thumb over her nub, making her gasp and cry out for me. “I can smell you dripping through the fabric, sweetheart.” To my pleasure, she didn’t seem coy about it at all. 
Oh, no. My little assistant, the picture-perfect of professionality was licking her lips, frantically nodding to my indication. “For you, I’m always dripping for you.” A smirk took over my face at her confession, my cock hardening even more at hearing that while I was suffering silently all that time, so was she.
So I ripped her underwear to shreds, spreading my hands over the inside of her thighs to get the perfect view of that pussy that had been haunting my dreams. “Shit, I can’t wait to eat that.”  And with only those words as warning, I dove right in, attracted by the sweet smell that made my mouth water.
She was just as sweet as I thought, but the sounds with which she filled my bedroom were what drove me crazy. I couldn’t close my eyes to fully appreciate her taste, too transfixed by her beauty, unable to believe that I finally had her, that it was her pussy I was currently lapping.
“Damn, look at you,” I hummed against her clit, making her jerk and try to pull away for a split second before I threw an arm over her hips to secure her position. “You fought so hard against your instincts, only to end up right here, spread open for me.”
With each word that left my lips, she seemed to get closer and closer to her release. “And to think you could have had my mouth on you all this time. Tell me, darling, do you think a stranger could make you feel better? Were any of the people you fucked, trying to ignore our connection, this great at making you cum?”
I could feel her muscles quiver under the soft skin of the inside of her thigh, and I doubled my efforts on her pussy, determined to see her cum at least once before I finally got my cock in her. It was throbbing now, begging for any sort of attention, but I was too transfixed by the sight of her reaching her high, the way her chest heaved as I quickly rubbed her clit with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth.
“Gimme your cum, baby. C’mon. Been waiting so long to get you in my bed…” She came as I hummed against her, the sensations obviously flipping her over that edge. “Fuck, you’re sweet.”
I kept on slowly cleaning her up, mindful of not hurting her, as she struggled to get her breathing in check. Despite her sensitivity, I couldn’t get myself to part with her taste just yet, even considering the possibility of eating her out some more, making her cum one or two more times before I fucked her properly.
But that was all before she fractured my control with two simple sentences. “Want some help with that? I’ve really been looking forward to getting your cock in my mouth.” I hadn’t even realized that I had been grinding against the mattress as I pleasured her, just to relieve my needy member at least a little bit.
What I knew was that I most definitely would not be able to hold back enough to feel her mouth around me. At least this first time. So all she got was a growl as I pounced on her, forcing her to taste her cum as I kissed those gorgeous lips and held her knees open to accept my weight between them.
“Right now, I’m gonna fuck this little pussy until you’re sobbing for me, okay, love? If you beg nicely, I might let you taste me later.” She whimpered in response, and a smirk took over my face. “Wow, you really are cockdrunk for me, aren’t you sweetheart?” The whine I got only made me laugh, giving me a little bit more control to tease her some more.
“You think you’re ready for me?” I asked, pressing the head of my cock against her clit, rubbing it with my member. “Are you sure you can handle my dick, darling?” Watching her thrash around the bed in an effort to get me to push into her was something I never thought I’d get to see. It made that moment of victory just that much sweeter.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I was trembling in anticipation to finally have him inside of me. To feel that fat cock stretching me open, filling me up like I’d always wanted it to. It was enough to drive me absolutely crazy with desire.
“Yes, yes, please, I can handle it. Please, stop teasing me,” I begged, my hands not able to choose what to hold as I struggled to keep myself from losing my mind over my boss’ cock. From the depths of my desire, I took notice of the way he smirked, one eyebrow raised up as he stared down at me, still slowly running the head of his cock between my pussy lips.
“Teasing? This isn’t teasing, love. Teasing is what you did to me, every single day since we met, parading everywhere with those fucking skintight skirts.” And with those words as preamble, he finally slid home, only stopping when he was completely inside of me, hitting my cervix and difficulting the now herculean task of remembering how to breathe again.
“Fuck, I knew you’d be this tight. I just fucking knew it.” Those were the last things I heard before he started pounding me against the mattress, barely having given me any time to get used to his thickness. 
If I thought I was losing my mind before, it became clear from the way he was bruising my insides that there was no possibility of me ever leaving this bed as a sane woman. Tom had managed to reduce me to a blubbering, stupid mess. He truly had turned me into his cockslut, I realized. I’d do anything just to keep being filled by him, over and over again.
“See? This is what you could have been having this entire time. Me and my cock. Instead, you just had to leave me for those random men. And while you were out, having your fun, all I had to keep me company was my own hand.” Tom never stopped the torturing pace with which he kept on fucking me as he slowly drove me crazy with his words. It was just unbelievable how great he was at dirty talk, I felt like I could cum already from the rhythmic attack on my sweet spot and the filth he was spilling. 
The mental image he elicited of him touching himself didn’t hurt, either.
“You’re so egoistic, sweetheart. Wasn’t it your job to serve me? Instead, I had to get off all by myself.” Despite the teasing nature of his remarks and the still brutal pace of his thrusts, his touch over my body was gentle, as he gathered my hair away from my face so he could bury his head in the crook of my neck.
“You… You could have had anyone you wanted,” I managed to remind him, starting to mirror his movements, fucking myself up on his cock. “You could have had anyone at all.” Abruptly, he stopped hiding his face against my skin, pushing away just enough to watch my expression - or maybe to show me his, in all of its seriousness.
“The only one I wanted was you. This was everything I wished for, since day one.” Tom raised himself slightly, changing the angle of his thrusts in a way that had me gasping in surprise, while also preventing me from being able to figure out what I could possibly say to that. So he continued, slowing the movements only a bit, but fucking me deeper, his eyes searching mine for something I couldn’t pinpoint. 
Tom’s P.O.V.
She gasped, finally giving up that last little bit of control and allowing herself to relax against the mattress as I did all of the work. “But now I have you, huh? And this is where you should be spending your days, with my cock deep inside of your pussy, keeping me warm, keeping me happy.” I kissed her before finishing, “Keeping me fulfilled.”
With a moan that electrified every single cell of my body, she came and prompted my own orgasm, and I spilled inside of her with a roar, momentarily losing my strength and falling on top of her body.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, darling. Let me get out of you.” But she stopped me from leaving her arms and her pussy, hugging me to her chest until I had no other choice but to cuddle her.
“It’s okay,” she said, fingers lightly running through my short hair. “I like it.”
I fell asleep that night happy because I understood that was her way of saying that she was satisfied with this development in our once strictly professional relationship. And I couldn’t wait to wake her up with another reason why she shouldn’t regret this.
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kjack89 · 4 years
My bestie’s latest quarantine hobby is trolling through AITA on reddit and sending me ones she thinks will make me mad, so. I got inspired.
E/R, modern AU.
The sun was bright and the mood, all things considered, was high, as the crowd gathered by the river in preparation for the march downtown to call for defunding the police. Black Lives Matter was leading the protest, and Enjolras had volunteered Les Amis to serve as support and allies in whatever way they could, which mostly meant making sure folks were wearing masks and that no one decided to try something stupid with the cops.
“Good crowd,” Courfeyrac remarked, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet as he glanced around before looking back at Enjolras. “As much as I’m sure it’s killing you that they’re only calling for defunding and not abolition.”
“Yeah, well, not even a year ago, no one was talking about defunding the police,” Enjolras pointed out, a little sourly, adjusting his mask, which was emblazoned with WHITE SILENCE IS VIOLENCE. “I’ll take what progress I can get.”
Courfeyrac smirked. “You sound practically moderate.”
Enjolras scowled. “Take that back, or—”
His threat was cut off by the arrival of Joly, Bossuet and Grantaire. It was hard to tell by the masks all three wore, but Enjolras was pretty sure that all three were grinning, and judging by the way Bossuet was swaying, just slightly, it wasn’t just because they were in a good mood.
“I’ll take it you three decided to hit up a brunch spot on your way here?” Enjolras asked, even more sourly than before.
“A man has to eat,” Joly said innocently, which would have gone over much more believably had he not giggled at the end.
“Besides, we only ordered one drink,” Bossuet assured him.
Enjolras pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let me guess,” he said dryly, “you each ordered a bottomless mimosa.” He didn’t wait for any of them to confirm it. “And how many refills of said drink did you also order?”
Joly and Bossuet looked at each other and laughed, and Grantaire pulled his mask down to grin lazily at Enjolras. “Let me put it this way,” he said, “more than one and less than ten.” He paused. “Probably. I did lose track after about seven.”
Snickering, Joly and Bossuet headed over to join the rest of Les Amis, but when Grantaire made to follow, Enjolras blocked him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “You’re drunk,” he said accusingly, and Grantaire’s grinned widened.
“Well, I’m sure as shit not sober.”
“Put your mask back on,” Enjolras ordered, less concerned for himself, as Grantaire was part of his quarantine bubble, and more for everyone else milling around before the march started. Especially any journalists who might love to get a shot of BLM protesters breaking the mask mandate. “And go home, Grantaire.”
Grantaire slowly pulled his mask back up over his mouth and nose, smoothing it into place before looking at Enjolras plaintively, all trace of humor vanishing from his expression. “Let me stay here,” he said, his voice soft, and not just from the cotton that covered his mouth.
Enjolras shook his head, well aware that even if Grantaire might suddenly sound sober, he wasn’t. “Go home,” he repeated. “The last thing we need is your drunk ass picking a fight with the cops or something worse and turning this whole thing into a riot instead of the peaceful protest its organizers intended.”
“What, you think I’m incapable of going two or three hours without starting a brawl?” Grantaire asked, incredulous.
Enjolras arched an eyebrow. “I think you’re incapable of a great many things.”
Grantaire’s lip curled. “Like believing, thinking, willing, living and dying?”
“Only you seem to think you’re incapable of dying,” Enjolras said quietly, before repeating, one more time, “Go home.”
But Grantaire shook his head, taking a step toward him. “If you’re so worried about it, then send Bahorel home, too!” he insisted. “Send home Joly and Bossuet who are just as drunk as I am. Or else let me stay.”
Enjolras said the word calmly, but Grantaire recoiled as if he had shorted. “And why not?”
“Because I trust them!” Enjolras burst, his temper getting the better of him, and he scrubbed a hand across his face before adding, what he hoped was a calmer way, “I trust them to actually listen to my instructions and keep themselves out of trouble.”
But something in Grantaire’s face clouded as soon as Enjolras had said that he trusted them, and Enjolras had a bad feeling that he hadn’t really listened to the last part. “Right,” Grantaire said, a little dully, already turning away. “Well. I’ll see you later, I guess.”
“Grantaire,” Enjolras sighed, reaching out to catch his arm, but Grantaire shrugged him off, wandering towards the river, the hunch of his shoulders the only indication that he had any care in the world. Enjolras stared after him for a long moment, his expression troubled.
Four days later, Grantaire rolled over in bed when his phone buzzed. He picked it up off his nightstand, saw that it was a text from Enjolras, and immediately tossed it down again, groaning.
He hadn’t talked to Enjolras since that morning of the BLM protest, and at this rate, he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to. Not when he knew that Enjolras didn’t trust him.
Joly would tell him he was being dramatic, and Bossuet would tell him to just text Enjolras and apologize and move on, and since Grantaire wanted to hear neither of those things, he also wasn’t talking to Joly or Bossuet.
Instead, he rolled over onto his stomach, grabbing his phone and stubbornly ignoring the text message from Enjolras still sitting, unread, in his messages. Instead, he clicked on twitter, figuring if he was going to sulk, he might as well sulk while reading about someone else’s misery.
A half hour later, Grantaire had scrolled through what felt like half of twitter before he stumbled upon a random tweet that linked to an ‘Am I the Asshole?’ post on the subreddit of the same name, and he glanced at the clock before deciding he had enough time to waste a couple of hours on a whole new level of misery.
He might’ve kept scrolling for hours, when he stumbled upon an AITA post that was surprisingly familiar.
Suspiciously familiar.
Like he had lived it.
He hesitated for only a moment before clicking on the post.
Posted by u/RadianceoftheFuture 8 hours ago AITA for kicking my friend out of a protest?
So I (25M) was attending a BLM protest the other day with the social justice organization I run. One of my friends, who we’ll call ‘R” (28M), showed up drunk and, IMO, looking to start a fight. This was the last thing I wanted, since we were there to be good allies, and starting fights or inciting a riot as white folks who will get away with it ain’t it. So naturally, I told him to go home.
Now here’s where I may be the asshole. R started arguing with me, and pointed out that some our other friends who were also there were also drunk, and one of our other friends who was there has a history of starting fights, so he asked me why I wasn’t making them leave. I told him it was because I trusted them.
Which is true, but not exactly how I wanted to word it, and I could tell that he was hurt by the implication that I didn’t trust him. And I do trust him, but I also didn’t want to spend the entire time worried about him. Anyway, he left, and he hasn’t talked to me since. If I’m the asshole, I want to apologize so that we can go back to being friends, and even if I wasn’t, I still want to figure out a way for us to talk again. I miss him. So tell me, AITA?
Grantaire stared at his phone, torn between something warm spreading in his chest at the fact that Enjolras cared enough to ask anonymous strangers on the internet about this, and freaking out because Enjolras had posted about their disagreement on the internet.
The man had only two speeds, it seemed, and somehow, Grantaire always ended up dealing with Enjolras on the highest speed.
Numbly, and mostly in an attempt to gather his thoughts, Grantaire scrolled through the comments on the post, unsurprised to see a decent mix of judgements from the redditors. More than expected YTAs (you’re the asshole), plus a number of NTAs (not the asshole), and, predominantly, a smattering of NAH (no assholes here).
Halfway down the page, he paused, realizing that the person who had written the post had responded to a question.
u/oldcoats_oldfriends - 7 hours ago INFO: why do you trust your other friends and not R?
u/RadianceoftheFuture - 6 hours ago Because R has a history of getting himself in trouble, whether by running his mouth off when he shouldn’t or picking fights with guys twice his side, and the trouble he gets into tends to happen after he’s been drinking. So when you put the two together, I was worried he’d do something stupid and get himself locked up or worse. And since keeping an eye on the rest of the protest was important, I knew I couldn’t afford to be distracted by also keeping an eye on him.
And for the record, I trust R with a lot. He’s not as ideological as a lot of us, doesn’t even have a lot of the same beliefs, but I know he would never do anything to hurt the cause, or me. Of course, he might not HELP the Cause, or me, but still. I’ve never once doubted that R would take a bullet for me, if it came to that. I would just never in a million years want him to.
Grantaire swallowed, hard. Of course he would take a bullet for Enjolras, or more, but it had never occurred to him that knowing that might make Enjolras worried. Worried that Grantaire would do something stupid.
If only the man knew that Grantaire worried about Enjolras in exactly the same way.
Hesitating for only a moment, he decided to leave a comment of his own.
u/MyFullGlass1832 - 1 minute ago NAH. Sure your friend shouldn’t have been drunk and you were right to kick him out, but drinking doesn’t make him an asshole (though not talking to you might). I am curious why you would have been worried about him. He’s a grown man and not your responsibility.
He quickly closed out of reddit, not wanting to do something stupid and refresh until Enjolras responded, but he only half-paid attention to the tweets he scrolled past, glancing at the clock to see if it was still pathetic for him to check for a response.
But to his shock, when he finally gave in and checked forty-five minutes later, Enjolras had answered, and something in Grantaire’s stomach twisted to know that he was still checking the thread, still seeking a resolution.
u/RadianceoftheFuture - 39 minutes ago Maybe ‘worried about’ is the wrong term, but he’s my friend. I didn’t want him to get hurt, or worse, because he was drunk. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s gotten hurt on my watch, and everytime it happens, it’s awful. And not just because he won’t shut up about it for the next six months - I always feel so guilty, like I should’ve been protecting him. I know that’s not realistic, so the very least I can do is send him home when I think he’s liable to hurt himself. That way I can sleep at night knowing I did what I could.
The breath caught in Grantaire’s throat, and his chest felt tight, especially as he read the follow up comments.
u/valiant.artisan - 34 minutes ago INFO: Are you and R gay?
u/tremble_b4apoppy - 26 minutes ago Dude you may be in love with R.
u/timidinrepose - 21 minutes ago OMG this is the sweetest thing I’ve read all day.
u/Lymantria_dispar - 12 minutes ago. Pretty sure this might go a little beyond just friendship. Either way, I’m glad you care about your friend, and even though you weren’t TA, you should call him and explain why you told him to go home. 
Grantaire couldn’t seem to stop his stupid smile as he stared at the computer, and this time, he didn’t hesitate, opening his text chain with Enjolras without reading any of Enjolras’s previous texts. He didn’t need to read them know.
He sent the text and held his breath, wondering if Enjolras would acknowledge it, immediately, or try to play it cool. His one word answer indicate the former: Sorry?
But Grantaire wasn’t nearly as willing to play it coy. Not anymore. Your AITA post. I’m giving you my judgment. NTA.
In his mind, he could see Enjolras blush, that same way he did when he was frustrated, two spots of color rising high in his cheek as he stared at Grantaire. You saw that?
Even in his mind, it was a beautiful sight. Yeah
Then you should know, I agree with the majority opinion.
The image of Enjolras blushing disappeared, leaving Grantaire blinking at his phone, his brow furrowed as he tried to think of what the majority option would have been. Oh?
Grantaire grinned, but before he could respond, Enjolras texted, Want to come over? I think I owe you an explanation in person.
I thought you’d never ask.
u/ RadianceoftheFuture - 45 minutes ago UPDATE: AITA for kicking my friend out of a protest?
Thank you all very much for your feedback in the original post. There were a variety of perspectives on this, but some of the comments on the original post made me realize that I may in fact feel something more than friendship towards R, and it’s a good thing I figured it out, because he found the post, and even commented on it without me knowing! Anyway, we talked, I explained how I felt, and it turns out R’s had a thing for me pretty much since he’s known me. Anyway, we’re dating now, and while this isn’t exactly going to solve my problem of worrying about him, I also think he’ll be on somewhat better behavior now. For my sake at least.
We still have a lot to work on together, but we’re moving in the right direction. And to think, I probably never would’ve figured it out if it weren’t for reddit, of all the websites. 
u/MyFullGlass1832 - 3 minutes ago WIBTA for hijacking my boyfriend’s reddit post to tell him that I love him?
u/ RadianceoftheFuture - 2 minutes ago YTA for sitting literally two feet away from me and responding to a reddit post when we could be doing something far more exciting.
u/MyFullGlass1832 - 1 minute ago ...good point.
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1dffchallenges · 4 years
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Growing Pains
Written By: @rosegoldsweetpea​
Characters: (Daniella/Harry)
Summary: When a wish on a sixteenth birthday candle goes wrong, Daniella finds herself ten years into the future. Navigating a new boyfriend, her best friend who is no longer her best friend, and her crumbling relationship with her family, Daniella finds out that adulthood is not everything she ever imagined.
A “13 Going on 30″ AU
Warnings: Language
I had boobs.
I should preface this by saying that I’ve technically always had boobs. They existed before this moment. But they had always been tiny. They were what my mother affectionately called “mosquito bites.” As I held my new boobs in my hands, however, I could tell these were not mosquito bites. These were actual boobs that I saw on models in magazines. I wasn’t wearing a bra— which I hadn’t needed to wear anyway because the size of my boobs had always left something to be desired. Lifting my silk sleep shirt away from my boobs, I examined every inch of them. Sure enough, there was a small scar underneath, like someone had cut my boob open with a knife. 
“I got a boob job?” I whispered to myself.
“What did you say, babe?”
Along with suddenly having boobs, apparently there was someone in my house.
I screamed at the top of my lungs, the one thing my father taught me to do whenever there was a stranger around me. The man standing behind me had floppy brunette hair and tattoos covering his arms. Definitely not someone who would ever be allowed in my house, per my father’s rules. In fact, I think my father would have an aneurysm if I ever brought home a boy that had tattoos. This mystery boy’s eyes widened when I screamed in his face. “Babe, are you okay?” He moved like he was going to rush over to me and I took an immediate leap back.
“Who are you? Why are you in my house?” My voice screeched out, reaching an octave I knew was probably unpleasant to his ears. 
His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He moved again, but I was quick to mirror his movements, scooting backwards. I nearly fell on my ass because there was a couch in the way of my step, but I managed to right myself before I did any real damage. “Daniella, are you okay?”
“How do you know my name?” I asked, grabbing the nearest object to use as a weapon. It happened to be a pillow, so it wasn’t very effective, but it made me feel better. I could throw it at him and block his vision while I found the kitchen in this place and got a knife. “Who are you?” I asked again.
“Liam. Your boyfriend of three and a half years.”
“I don’t know a Liam!” I argued, throwing the pillow in his direction. I didn’t stick around to see if he caught it or not before I was tumbling through the house. I wasn’t familiar with the layout of this house, like I had been with the floorplan of my childhood home, which I was fairly certain I had fallen asleep in last night. This was some kind of apartment, decorated with too many neutrals for my taste. There was a giant mirror I passed by, decorated around its edge with swirling cream wood and gold accents. I managed only a glance in its reflection as I moved, but what I saw made me stop in my tracks. 
In the reflection was me, only it wasn’t me. Last I remembered, I did not have a boob job, my hair was short, and my eyebrows had looked horrendous because I had accidentally plucked them too much. This Daniella had long hair that fell to her lower back and her eyebrows looked like they had been recently waxed. And then there was, obviously, the boob job. “What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed, sure that this mirror was some fancy one that only Bill Gates owned. It showed you what you wanted to look like. Or, if it was a real mirror and not a billionaire one, it was obviously broken or something. 
“Daniella, sit down,” Liam said placatingly, his voice soft and soothing. He didn’t touch me, which I appreciated, but he kept his arms out in the likely case that I would fall to my knees as I dragged myself to the tan couch in the middle of the living room of the random apartment. “Do you need water? Did you have a bad dream?”
“I don’t know what’s happening,” I stuttered out, my breathing coming quickly. I hadn’t had a panic attack since I was thirteen, when I had thought my best friend Harry was going to move away. “Where am I?”
“You’re in your apartment.” Liam gently sat on the couch next to me. “I woke up and you were gone. Then I came out here and you’re just standing in the living room. Do you think you had a sleepwalking episode?”
I didn’t sleepwalk. At least, I didn’t think I did. But this Liam guy was insinuating that I did, in fact, sleepwalk often enough for him to be concerned about it. “You’re really my boyfriend?” I asked hesitantly, my breathing still shallow. “You didn’t try to drug me and kidnap me, right?”
“What?” The word left his mouth in such a surprised and offended tone that I knew it wasn’t true. “No.”
“Tell me facts about myself, so I know you aren’t just lying,” I demanded, trying to keep my tears at bay and my breath from coming in and out shallowly.
He didn’t even take a second to think. “Your name is Daniella Araceli Rodriguez. Your birthday is February first. Your mother’s name is Alejandra. You once threw up on a cast member at Disneyland. When you were younger, you wanted to be a veterinarian, but then found out that they were the ones who euthanized animals and you started crying. You broke your arm in the seventh grade because your old best friend Harry dared you to flip over some monkey bars and you fell.” 
Okay, so obviously this boy knew me. Either that, or he was a fantastic stalker. 
“Liam, I think I’m going crazy,” I whispered, assured at least a little that this Liam guy actually knew me. “The last thing I remember is my sixteenth birthday. My friend Harry was there, and some girls from my school. Gianna’s brother was bringing beer...” I trailed off.
“How about I call Gianna? I’m sure she’d be able to help you. I want you to stay on the couch until she gets here, okay? I don’t think it’s a good thing you can’t remember anything.”
“I’m still friends with Gianna?” I asked breathlessly.
Liam’s brows furrowed again. “Babe, Gianna is your best friend. I’m gonna go call her, okay? Maybe she can call into work for the two of you.”
I could do nothing but nod as Liam stood from the couch and made his way over to the kitchen counter. I could see his phone resting there and a little tiny key rack with two sets of keys in it. Obviously, this Liam guy and I were very close. Close enough, I noticed, for us to live together. Upon my survey of the apartment, I realized there were pictures of us plastered everywhere, as well as a pretty cocoa-skinned girl with wild curls. Her face was familiar to me, albeit a little bit older. So Liam hadn’t been lying. I was really still friends with Gianna.
Harry was nowhere in the pictures.
This was weird to me for two reasons. First of all, Harry loved being in photos. Though we had both been pretty nerdy in high school, he was the life of the party. So I found it hard to believe he would have stayed out of the pictures that were now decorating my living room. The second reason I found it weird was because Harry was my best friend in the entire world. 
The circumstances of my friendship with Harry went as follows: we met in kindergarten when a nasty first grader had stolen my lunch in the cafeteria and Harry had stood up to him. The first grader ended up punching him in the nose. I had felt so bad that I had burst into tears and held up the end of my shirt for Harry to use as a tissue to block the blood as we awkwardly stumbled to the nurse’s office. Our mothers had arrived there at the same time, Anne Styles freaking out because her son’s nose was bleeding and my own mother Alejandra freaking out because the bottom of my shirt was bloody.
The next day, I asked my mother to make another sandwich and pack extra oreos. I sat next to Harry at lunch and thanked him for being so nice. And thus, our friendship had begun. 
It only grew stronger when I realized that he lived down my street, just a short walk and even shorter bike ride away. There wasn’t a day that went by where I wasn’t begging my parents to ride down to Harry’s house. Their answer was usually different renditions of “if Anne is okay with it, then we are too” and since Anne Styles was an angel on Earth, she was usually okay with it. 
“Babe,” I heard Liam say from the kitchen. He seemed to be off the phone, if him holding it in his hand was anything to go by. “Gianna called the both of you out of work and is on her way here.”
“Okay,” I mumbled, “are you gonna be here too?”
A guilty look crossed his face. “I...can be if you need me.”
“What do you do?”
He looked concerned again. As he should be. If he was telling the truth and we had been dating for the past three and a half years, shouldn’t I know what he did for work? “I’m a foster care recruiter.”
My mouth fell open. I was sure I looked like a fish. I was apparently dating someone who was incredibly good-looking, seemed nice, and worked as a foster care recruiter? “That sounds like a pretty important job. You should go.”
“You’re pretty important to me, too,” he argued.
“I’ll be fine. Really. I...remember Gianna and I’ll probably be more comfortable with her around anyway.” He still looked hesitant, so I reached out and grabbed his hand in my own. His fingers dwarfed mine. “Go. I’m fine. Hopefully Gianna can help me sort this out.”
He looked like he wanted to kiss me, but thought better of it. Instead, he pressed a hesitant kiss to my knuckles. “Alright. I’ll be back around six, okay? If you need me at all, call me. I’m serious, babe. My boss will understand.”
“I will.” Releasing his hand, I gave him a wobbly smile. I wondered if he could tell I was about to burst into tears. “I promise.”
Liam seemed as if he’d rather be shot in the foot than leave my side when I was so obviously going through something neither of us knew how to deal with, but he nodded and stood from the couch. He grabbed one set of the keys on the little rack and put his phone in the pocket, grabbing a blazer from a fancy and antique looking coat rack near the front door. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” I whispered pathetically.
And then the door closed behind him.
I spent the next twenty minutes trying to think about the last thing I remembered. We were having a sixteenth birthday party for me in the basement of my childhood home, and I had invited Gianna and a couple of her friends over. Obviously, Harry was there. We were setting up beer pong because Gianna insisted her brother would get us actual beer to play with. Harry had given me a beautiful mini-model of the house he was working on for his theatre tech class. It was pretty much his dream to become a set designer for theatre and cinema. He had produced a small strawberry cupcake from the fridge we had in the basement, which was my absolute favorite flavor in the world. 
What the hell had I wished for when I had blown out the candle? I couldn’t remember.
A knock on the door cleared the fog of my memory, and it was like I couldn’t stand up fast enough. It also felt like my legs were like jelly. By the time I made it to the door, I wouldn’t have been surprised if two minutes had passed even though the walk was only about twenty feet. Yanking it open, I was met with the familiar face of my friend from high school, holding two iced coffees and a little bakery bag. The second she saw me, she smiled.
“Hi, sweetie. You remember me, right? Liam said you were fuzzy on some things.”
I didn’t answer. I just threw myself into her arms.
“Oh thank God,” she cried out, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me as tightly as she could manage. “I would have burst into tears if you said you didn’t remember me.” We stood there clinging to each other, forgetting that the iced coffee was melting and dripping condensation down my back. “I brought you an orange cranberry scone, your favorite. Hopefully this helps.”
I didn’t remember orange cranberry being my favorite. But this was Gianna, and I trusted her a hell of a lot more than I trusted myself right now.
“What is the last thing you remember?” she asked me when we settled onto my couch, the coffee and scone putting something in my empty stomach and making me feel a little better. “And don’t even worry about Nick being upset. I told him that you were having a family emergency.” I didn’t know exactly who Nick was, but using context clues, I was able to guess he was my boss.
“The last thing I remember is my sixteenth birthday party.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Funny. I would have thought you wouldn’t remember that. We got absolutely plastered.”
I didn’t even remember that. Harry gave me his mini-model house, I blew out the candle on my cupcake, my mother and I got into an argument about something…
“I wished my mom would start treating me like an adult,” I said to myself, the words finally clicking into my head. Harry’s fingers, wrapped around the bottom of the cupcake wrapper, grinning as I closed my eyes and blew out through my mouth. Harry complained because I spit on him, but had gotten his revenge when he smashed the cupcake into my face.
“What?” Gianna asked.
“Nothing. Sorry.” My head was spinning. “What do we do?”
“We’re designers for Nicholas Jennings. We’re currently working on some pieces for his summer showcase.”
“Nicholas Jennings?” I breathed out. Nicholas Jennings had just been starting out his career when I was sixteen, but he had already been predicted to be one of the top designers by the end of the decade. He was known for his avant-garde looks that were still wearable for the workplace. “We work for Nicholas Jennings?”
“Work for him? Sweetie, you’re basically his muse,” Gianna stated excitedly. “His entire winter collection was based on that movie you recommended to him. The Iron Giant?”
Another thing that was familiar. Harry and I would sit on the couch in my basement and watch Iron Giant at least twice a week. He always made fun of me for crying, but I knew it made him tear up too. I could only imagine what Nicholas Jennings had come up with if he were using the film as a concept for an entire clothing collection. However, I doubted Nicholas Jennings had fattened himself up with oversalted and greasy, buttered popcorn when watching the movie like Harry and I had.
“And…” I leaned forward, as if it were a secret, whispering even though it was only the two of us in the apartment. “And I got a boob job?”
“And they look fantastic. I know you’re insecure about the scarring it left, but Liam doesn’t mind and your tits look great.”
My hands went up to cup them again, sure I was still imagining this whole thing. Gianna just laughed. 
“Listen, we are going to take today and research what’s going on, yeah? I was reading something about Kleine Levin Syndrome last week, which could be it, but Liam said you weren’t sleepwalking…”
Gianna’s voice trailed off as a lightbulb went off in my head. Research. Research like contacting the only person who could talk me through what the hell was going on at this moment in time. I ignored Gianna’s surprise when I abruptly stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen counter, where my phone was resting. I had an iPhone when I was sixteen, but this was some fancy one that didn’t have a home button. It took me at least six tries to get it open, but when it finally did, I didn’t hesitate to click the phone button.
Gianna stared at me as the other line rang, the little intervals between obnoxious dial tones spent biting my thumb nail. 
“Hey, it’s Harry. Sorry I can’t get to the phone, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you later.”
“Harry!” I shouted, surprised that he still had the same phone number and excited that this meant I could talk to one person who knew me better than anyone else. “It’s Daniella. I really need to talk to you, so call me back when you can. I have the same number. Er, if you don’t remember the number, it’s 205-1340.” I awkwardly pressed the end call button and tossed my phone back onto the counter.
“Harry Styles? That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Gianna stared at me with sympathetic eyes. “Sweetie, we haven’t talked to Harry since high school.”
I think she was expecting me to gasp or something, but instead I snorted. Yeah, right. Harry and I not talking? There was a higher chance I would spontaneously combust. Maybe we weren’t as close as we used to be when I was sixteen, but even that was highly unlikely. Harry was the one person I told everything to. “Okay,” I said, just to placate her, but I was still chuckling a little bit in disbelief.
She gave me a look. “Okay, but...don’t be surprised if he doesn’t call back, okay?”
“He’ll call,” I promised, more certain about this fact than anything else in my life. The most serious fight Harry and I had ever gotten into was when I had accidentally killed his goldfish. He hadn’t spoken to me for three weeks, and the only reason he finally did was because I went to go apologize and burst into tears. Harry was awful when someone was crying. 
“Which reminds me,” Gianna said after several moments, pulling out her phone, “I need to call Nick and say that we’re not going to make it to the party tonight.”
“Party?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. We were invited to the launch of Christian Siriano’s new collection. But Nick will completely understand if you aren’t feeling well.”
I was invited to a collection launch party? I felt the smile on the face widen. At least in the midst of waking up ten years older, I had a pretty decent life. “We don’t have to cancel. As long as you stick by my side, it should be okay.”
“I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“I want to go,” I promised. “Maybe it’ll help me remember something.”
Gianna looked uncertain, but also was biting her lip like she was considering my idea. After a few moments of considering me, she groaned. “Fine. But Liam will want to come to make sure that you’re alright. I’ll call Nick and Rachael.”
“Your assistant.”
“Right.” I had an assistant. Sixteen-year-old Daniella was snorting at me right now. “I can call Rachael, if you want to call Nick. What time is the party?”
“Not until eight.” She looked at her watch and sighed. “I’ve got to head out. I’m meeting a potential new employee for lunch. You’ll be okay here by yourself, right?” She looked so worried that I sent her a small grin. 
“I’m doing better. Seeing a familiar face helped. And I know Harry will call back and he’ll help.”
Her face fell. “Right. Harry will call.” She didn’t sound convinced. “Well, if you’re sure you’ll be okay, then I’m off. Call me if you need anything, okay? Or Liam.”
“I will, Gianna. I promise.” I couldn’t stop myself from reaching forward and giving her a giant hug. I honestly didn’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t been here to calm me down. “Thank you.”
“I’m always here for you, sweetie,” she whispered, squeezing me back before releasing. “I’ll see you tonight. I’ll have my driver pick you up at around seven forty-five so you don’t have to worry about getting an Uber or anything.”
Gianna left, shutting the door behind her quietly. I could do nothing but stand in the middle of my apartment, staring at the home I’d somehow managed to create for myself, despite my not remembering it. I tried searching through the pictures on my wall to see if I had any with my mother and father, but before I could I remembered Gianna’s words about calling Rachael and took my phone out.
She answered on the second ring. “Hello Miss Rodriguez. How can I help you?”
It was then I realized I had absolutely nothing to say to her. “What are you doing tonight?” was the only thing that blurted out of my mouth.
“Um...staying here to work on that collection concept you asked me to?”
“Oh. Why aren’t you going to the party?” I questioned. If Rachael worked there as my assistant, then wouldn’t she have gotten an invite? Why would she willingly choose to stay and work when there was a freaking Christian Siriano launch party?
“I wasn’t invited, Miss Rodriguez.”
“Well that’s stupid,” I claimed. “I am officially inviting you.”
“You’re...you’re inviting me to a launch party?” She sounded confused, like I’d never interacted with her before. Which was insane. Had Gianna been wrong when she said Rachael was my assistant? “You’ve never done that before.”
“Sure I have!” I did not, in fact, know if I ever had. Then, I had the best idea ever. “Oh! Can you do me a huge favor please?”
“Yes ma’am. What do you need?”
“Could you find out where Harry Styles lives?” Surely Harry wouldn’t mind if I dropped by. I was getting a little anxious as the minutes ticked by without a reply, as Harry usually had his phone glued to him. Since we were both apparently twenty-six now, it was entirely possible he was at work, but I would still feel comfortable knowing I could see him in person rather than texting over the phone. 
“Of course. I’ll email you his address. Is there anything else you need, Miss Rodriguez?”
“Nope, that’s it, Rachael. Thank you! I’ll see you tonight!”
“Right…see you tonight, Miss Rodriguez.”
When I hung up the phone, I had no clue what to do. Being in a body I didn’t really know, in an apartment I wasn’t familiar with, was terrifying. So I decided to take the time to snoop around my own place, starting in the kitchen. I opened up cupboards and drawers, finding fancy chrome silverware and glass plates that were neatly stacked in the cupboard above my kitchen sink. The entire kitchen was decorated with black paint and dark wood, something I never thought my own kitchen would look like. It was sleek and modern and so far from my colorful blue-cabinet and white tile kitchen at my childhood home that it was almost shocking.
Opening up the fridge, I examined its contents. Inside was nothing but vegetables and almond milk. I was pretty sure I had never once had almond milk and there were purple vegetables in one of the drawers. Did purple vegetables even exist? I closed it, suddenly frightened of what Liam and I seemed to eat on a day-to-day basis. Moving out from my kitchen, I examined the living room with passing interest. The one thing I was really concerned about was my bedroom.
This room was nearly as dark as the kitchen, with canned lights dimmed when I flicked the light switch on. It was attached to a bathroom which had a heavenly looking tub. Deciding to start in the bathroom, I rummaged through some of the drawers, finding an expensive Tom Ford cologne that I assumed belonged to Liam. in my own drawers there was a variety of face creams and serums that I had only ever dreamed about purchasing when I was sixteen. 
Before I could examine my bedroom too closely, my phone chirped. I had honestly forgotten I was holding it, so the sound made me jump before I realized it was probably Rachael with Harry’s information. I tried to hurriedly unlock my phone again, still struggling a little with the technology, but managed to get Rachael’s new email opened.
Harry Styles, 515 W 52nd Street. Avalon Clinton apartment complex.
Grinning, I managed to quickly strip my silk sleepwear off and change into the first outfit I found, not bothering to even zip up my boots all the way as I exited my building.
Harry’s apartment complex was an incredible building. My jaw dropped when I saw it, figuring that to live somewhere like this, he must have been doing pretty well at whatever he was doing. 
I found the intercom well enough, pressing the button that had H. Styles written on it in cursive script. It crackled to life underneath my touch, and just like drinking a cool sip of water after being dehydrated for thirty days, hearing the deep baritone of Harry’s voice instantly soothed me. “Hello? Who is it?”
“It’s me!” I screamed, nearly sinking in the relief that this was the Harry that I was looking for. “Daniella!” 
“Shit, the fucking thing’s broken again. I can’t hear you, but ring twice if you’re from Amazon. I’ve been waiting on that package for days.”
I didn’t know what he had bought on Amazon and it was most likely important, but I didn’t care. I hit the button twice and the door immediately opened up. Once I checked to make sure I was headed towards the right floor, I scurried inside and into the lobby.
There was a front desk, and the concierge smiled at me when I walked in, but I was on a mission. I hastily made my way to the elevators, pressing the fifth floor button and willing the doors to close faster than they were. Sure I resembled a drunk cheetah with the rush in which I was moving, I almost crashed into Harry’s door when the elevator finally stopped and let me off on his floor.
“Harry!” I demanded, pounding on the door in a series of succinct knocks that portrayed my urgency.
The door swung open and I immediately took a step back. There, standing on the other side of the door, was my best friend in the entire world. Long gone were the shoulder-length strands of curly brown hair that I had grown up with, instead cut short. He had some glasses perched on his nose and something that looked like paint on his hand. He was wearing comfortable looking jogger pants and a white shirt, no shoes or socks on his feet.
In my pleasure to see him, it took me a couple of moments to realize that he did not look equally as pleased to see me.
“Daniella,” he said stiffly, opening the door a little wider and leaning on the threshold. “I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting this.”
I launched myself at him.
He let out a “oof” when our bodies collided, but I was holding onto Harry and suddenly everything seemed okay in the world. My arms wrapped around his neck in a vice-like grip, holding him to me like he might disappear if I loosened my hold even a little. He robotically moved his arms around my shoulders to hug me back, but his stiff posture turned soothing when he realized that on top of squeezing him with all my might, I was also sobbing. 
I prided myself on not being a weepy person, but this entire morning had warranted a good cry, in my personal opinion.
“C’mon inside,” he said softly, gently prying my hands off him. Once we were both inside his apartment, he shut the door and moved to his kitchen. I wondered if I should follow him. Just when I had mustered up enough nerve to take a step, however, he had returned with a tissue in his fingers. “Want to sit?”
I nodded and let him lead me to the colorful orange couch he had in the middle of his living room. Well...living room was a little bit of an overstatement. He lived in a studio apartment, so everything was an open floor plan, save for the small door I saw that led to a bathroom. His place had much more color than mine did, and I found myself jealous at the styling choices. This place was much more me.
“Feeling better?” Harry asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. This in itself was weird, considering sitting on a couch with Harry almost always ended up with us sitting as close as we physically could. This was because we were both blanket-hoggers and being close meant neither one of us was trying to jip the other out of their respective half of the blanket. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, H,” I told him, my voice cracking as the emotions of this morning hit me all at once. “I...I think I’ve got amnesia or something. I don’t remember anything past my sixteenth birthday. And then I’ve got Gianna telling me that you and I don’t talk anymore?” I looked over at him and let out a crazed laugh. “How crazy is that?”
“We don’t talk anymore, Daniella,” he replied. “We stopped being friends shortly after your sixteenth birthday.”
Tears gathered in my eyes again. “No, I refuse to believe that. We’re Harry and Daniella. You’re my best friend in the entire world.”
He looked genuinely sorry to be telling me this, but shook his head. “No, Daniella. Not anymore.”
This time, I let the tears fall. My fingers curled in on themselves, balling into fists as I tried to stop myself from biting them or ripping my hair out. We sat in silence for several moments, my heart racing in anxiety because here was Harry, the person I knew most in the world and who knew me in return, and he was saying that we weren’t friends anymore. The bike rides, the late nights watching movies, the careful and soothing hugs he gave me...they were all gone. This Harry didn’t know me, not like I knew him. And who was to say I even knew him anymore?
“Why?” It was the only question I could seem to let escape.
Harry sighed, rubbing his hands over the thighs of his jeans. “I don’t know, Daniella. We just grew apart.” 
“People like us don’t just grow apart, H.”
“We did.”
“There’s got to be a reason!” I exclaimed, and I could hear that my breathing was labored. My chest felt like it was constricting, like someone had taken hold of my lungs and was crushing them between their hands.
He sensed the anxious change in my breathing and his eyes widened. “Hey, hey, Daniella. Take deep breaths for me, okay?” His body shifted off the couch and suddenly he was on his knees in front of me, holding my arms in his hands. He was tall enough to nearly be at eye-level with me. “C’mon, Dani. Breathe. Can you tell me five things you see?”
I was sure I looked a mess, with tears streaming down my cheeks and on the verge of a mental breakdown. “What?” 
“Tell me five things you see, Dani. Count them for me.”
I still couldn’t breathe properly, so his words sounded muffled like we were underwater. But I managed to get the point of his demand. My eyes shifted from his impossibly green ones to find something to latch onto. “You’ve got yellow and red throw pillows on your bed.”
“Good. Count four more for me.”
It was impossible to ignore the soft cadence of his voice. “You’ve got granite countertops. You’ve got playbills on your bookshelf.” It made me wonder if his dreams of designing sets had really worked out. “You’ve got clay on the counter. And there are sculpting tools next to it.”
“There she is,” he said softly, a hand hesitantly raising to brush my hair back from my face, where it was sticking because of the tears. “Now count five things you can feel.”
“The couch. My nail polish. Your shirt.” I brushed my finger against the shoulder of it. “My hair. The paint on your hands.”
He looked down at them, as if remembering. “I scrubbed, but it wouldn’t come off.”
“Typical,” I choked out, giving him a tight smile. My breathing was beginning to even out and return to normal, but I still felt like someone had placed the weight of the world on my shoulders. “What happened, H? Tell me.” I had to know. I had to know why we suddenly weren’t friends, like we had been for our entire lives.
I heard a sigh escape him, but luckily his fingers didn’t retreat. I think if he pulled away, I might have started up on the attack again. “I don’t know, Daniella. We just grew apart. I guess it was you hanging out with Gianna in high school. You just stopped bothering with me. Or maybe it was the funeral—”
“What funeral?” I interrupted.
“C’mon Dani,” he whispered brokenly, “you know what funeral. Don’t make me say it.”
“I don’t remember anything, Harry. I swear to you. I woke up this morning and my...my boyfriend of three and a half years that I don’t remember at all was trying to get me to calm down because I didn’t know who I was. I look like me and feel like me, but at the same time...I don’t? For Christ’s sake, Harry, I’ve gone and gotten myself a boob job!”
He cleared his throat, his cheeks turning pink. “Obviously I hadn’t noticed, Dani. I’m not looking there.”
“It’s hard to miss them!” I was glad this seemed to get a laugh out of him, but he turned serious once again.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“Not a thing past the night of my sixteenth birthday. The last thing I remember is you giving me my cupcake and then blowing out the candle and you trying to smash it in my face and then...nothing.”
His thumbs on my shoulders began to rub across the fabric of my jacket. It was cold in his apartment, but it was a comfortable kind of cool. To be honest, I hadn’t felt as comfortable this morning as I was sitting here now, with my best friend looking at me like I was something fragile that was about to shatter. At this moment, I didn’t care if he thought I was weak. If it meant that he would explain what the hell was going on and tell me that we could be friends again, I would cry a thousand more tears.
“Dani,” he whispered in a tiny voice, “I’m so sorry.”
“What funeral?” I asked again.
He flinched, like he was avoiding the question. Then, his arms moved to caress my face, anticipating my reaction to his next words. He cradled my cheeks like I was going to fall apart. “Your dad’s.”
I couldn’t speak. I just stared at him, processing his words. That couldn’t be right. I had just spoken to my father less than twelve hours ago, when he had helped me set up a board game table in our basement as asked if we had a couple minutes for a quick round of Operation. My father was always a sore winner. He had purposely jostled the table so I would hit the metal and lose my turn. 
“No, you’re lying,” I mumbled, but I knew deep down that Harry would never lie to me. He was honest to a fault.
“You...you weren’t at the funeral. You and he were in an argument of some kind and you didn’t show up.”
I shook my head, his hands moving with me as he cupped my cheeks. He anticipated the tears, catching them with his thumb the second they started to fall. “No, H,” I groaned out, the feeling of panic twelve times worse with the new news. “No, no, no.” I was a blubbering mess. He didn’t move from his spot, slotted between my thighs and holding my face tightly in his hands. “No, there’s got to be some mistake. I would have gone. I would have.”
“Maybe you did,” he said in a soothing voice, brushing my tears away. “I left pretty early. Maybe you just showed up late.” But we both knew his words were empty. He didn’t truly mean them. “Let’s get you a glass of water, yeah?”
“No!” I clutched onto his fingers, gripping them tight enough to leave bruises. He didn’t pull away or wince in pain. 
“Alright,” he said soothingly, “I won’t go anywhere.”
He allowed me to sit on his couch, crying my eyes out until there were no more tears that could possibly come. Last night, I went to bed with everyone I ever loved in the world content and safe. Now, I had lost my friendship with Harry, I didn’t remember this insanely nice boyfriend I apparently had, and my father was dead. I hadn’t gone to his funeral because of some stupid argument. What argument could have been enough to keep me from attending his funeral?
“What have I done to ruin everything?” I questioned in a teary voice, shaking my head at myself. What the fuck had I done in my life to deserve this? There had to be a reason.
“Don’t think like that, Dani. It wasn’t your fault.”
But obviously it was. Obviously there was something I had done to piss off the universe so much that they took the most important people away from my life. I stood up quickly, suddenly feeling like Harry’s apartment was suffocating me. He let me go without question, but his eyes were trained on me like he was afraid I was going to have another panic attack. “I have to go,” I stuttered out, my body moving towards the door before the sentence fully left my mouth. 
“I think you should stay here until you feel better,” Harry said, kind enough to worry about me even though apparently we weren’t friends anymore.
“I’m sorry for showing up unexpectedly.” They were the only sentiments I managed to get out before I was out of his apartment, rushing towards the elevator. I didn’t know why I was running away from Harry. All I knew was that it was imperative that I get out of his apartment and away from the life I’d apparently fucked up.
The elevator doors were closing when I heard him call my name. 
I let the tears fall once again.
Since I was a little girl, I had dreamed of getting invited to a party as fancy as a Christian Siriano launch party. Now, here I was, waiting for Gianna to pick me up for said party, and I felt like shit.
I had reluctantly gotten ready for the party, pulling out a fancy dress and one of my many pairs of heels that I already wanted to rip off my feet. I was already missing the Vans my mother had gotten me for my birthday that I had been wearing when whatever this weird dream had happened to me. Due to my low mood, I hadn’t felt like doing much to my hair, so it was just up in a high ponytail that would have to do. This weird twenty-six-year-old skin of mine didn’t need foundation, but I made sure to coat my eyelashes in waterproof mascara in case I started sobbing again, which I had in spurts since leaving Harry’s apartment.
My father was dead. The only reason I was even going to this stupid party and not on the soonest train ride back to my mother was because maybe something at this party would shake my memory loose and I would remember something. In reality, I wanted to curl up in a corner and cry some more. Still, when Gianna’s limo pulled up in front of my building, I plastered a smile on my face and opened the door with mock enthusiasm.
“You look amazing, sweetie!” Gianna said excitedly when I opened the door. She was wearing a bright yellow dress that set off the dark color of her skin perfectly, along with gold accessories. “Love that color on you!”
The first dress I had picked was a bright fire-engine red high-necked dress with tulle puffed sleeves. The shoes were a satin material in the same color as the dress. If I had been in a better headspace, I would have screamed because the label on the dress said Versace, but right now it didn’t matter who the hell had made the dress. I plastered on a smile. “Thanks. You look fantastic.”
“Get your ass in the car! Nick is so happy you decided to come tonight. Christian is looking forward to it, too!” She slid over in the seat as I situated myself inside the car. The second the door shut behind me, her driver was taking off to the destination of the launch party. “Liam is coming tonight, too. He texted me and said he wanted to surprise you, but I figured that with everything going on, a surprise is the last thing you needed.”
This was smart of her. If Liam showed up and started being as incredibly kind and sweet as he had been this morning, I might have thrown up. Did he know about my father? Had I talked to him about the mysterious argument that had estranged us? I felt the tears welling in my eyes again at the thought of it, so I choked them back and tried to focus on Gianna, who was talking a mile a minute about who would be at the launch.
“Rachael is coming too. She said that you invited her this morning,” Gianna said, looking at me to confirm. When I nodded, I was surprised to see a frown grace her features. “Sweetie, that’s fine and all, I’ve got no problem with Rachael. But she hasn’t exactly been to one of these before. And she’s a bit meek. They might eat her alive.”
I frowned. “Rachael is nice. I wanted to invite her.” I had no clue if Rachael was actually nice, but I knew she shouldn’t be excluded from the party even if she was meek and hadn’t been to one before. “Besides, she did a big favor for me this morning. She found Harry’s address.”
Gianna’s eyes widened. “No shit. Did you go and see him?”
“Yeah. You were right. We aren’t friends anymore.” The words hurt even saying them out loud. “When he answered the door and saw me...he looked annoyed, like I was something from his past he couldn’t shake off.” I guess that’s what I was, now. And even though he had been so sweet, trying to comfort me and holding me tightly, it didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t wanted to see me when I knocked at his door.
“Oh, sweetie. Things will work out, I’m sure of it.”
I wondered if Gianna calling me “sweetie” was a normal thing. I hated it.
We pulled up to the party, smiling fakely at photographers that were loitering outside as we walked into the building, clearing the security easily. The inside was decorated in bright avant garde styles, bleeding color into every corner of the venue. It was a beautiful setup that I would have been dying to explore if I hadn’t been so muddled emotionally. I was so wrapped up in the decorating that I jumped when arms wrapped around my waist from behind, pulling me close to a hard body.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, babe,” I heard Liam say in my ear. “You look absolutely beautiful.” I turned in his arms, immediately throwing them around his neck. I didn’t know anything about this man, but he had offered me kindness and hadn’t given up on me this morning, despite how hard I knew it must have been. He looked extremely pleased at my reception towards him, pressing a delicate kiss on the top of my head. “You need a drink?”
As soon as he had appeared, he was gone, Gianna headed over to the bar with him. And then I was alone, standing in the middle of the launch party twiddling my thumbs and feeling like I belonged anywhere but there at that moment. I saw someone moving towards me, a timid looking blonde with giant glasses taking up half her face. Still, she looked wonderful in her pale blue dress. 
“Hi, Miss Rodriguez. Thanks for inviting me,” she said softly when she made her way over towards me. Ah, so this was Rachael. She looked every bit as nice as her voice sounded, and I sent her a genuine smile.
“It’s nothing at all, Rachael. You look great.”
Her eyes lit up, and I wondered how terrible I had to usually be to have her look so terrified of me. “Oh, thank you Miss Rodriguez!”
“You can call me Daniella, Rachael. We’re co-workers, aren’t we?”
“Oh.” She looked surprised. “You told me to never call you Daniella.”
As if my night couldn’t get any worse. “Right. I wasn’t feeling myself that day. I apologize. Feel free to call me Daniella.” Suddenly uncomfortable with the revered way she was looking at me, like I was some kind of fashion god giving her access into the world I lived in, I gestured towards the bar. “Want a drink?”
“Sure!” she said quickly, smiling brightly. “Mind if I go with you? I don’t really know anyone here.”
Me neither, I wanted to say, but refrained. “Of course. C’mon.” Following in the direction Liam and Gianna had disappeared to, we made it to the bar with ease. “What do you want?”
“I’ll take a strawberry martini.”
I had no idea what cocktail I wanted. My alcohol experience consisted of sneaking shitty beer into my basement and champagne at my cousin’s wedding. “Make that two,” I told the bartender, smiling softly as he got to work. “Hey, Rachael, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Miss Ro—Daniella,” she corrected herself. The bartender handed our drinks over and she immediately took a sip. I didn’t bother with mine yet, on a mission.
“Do you know why I wasn’t talking to my father when he died?”
She flinched. “Ah...no. I just remember reminding you about the funeral and...um...you weren’t too happy.”
How selfish was I in this new life that the idea of my father’s funeral made me angry? “Right. If you’ll excuse me, I’m just...going to go powder my nose.”
I left Rachael nodding after me as I walked through the venue. I saw my boss (I still couldn’t believe I worked for Nicholas Jennings) and tried my best to stay out of his sight, lest he greet me and ask me questions I didn’t know the answer to. Walking into different hallways and still not able to find the bathroom, I decided to just lean up against a pillar on the second floor of the building, looking down at the launch with a sense of bittersweetness.
I had seemingly gotten everything I wanted. At what cost?
The second I heard whispers, I ducked behind the pillar, not willing to join in conversation with people. However, I recognized the voices almost immediately as Liam and Gianna.
“I still don’t know what happened to her, Gianna. It worries me.”
“I know. It worries me too. But...we’re still going to tell her, right?”
I peeked out from the pillar and saw them standing at the entrance of the hallway, Liam’s hands wrapped around Gianna’s wrists. The lights were reflecting brilliantly off her dress.
“You want to tell her that we’ve been having an affair for eleven months when just this morning she didn’t recognize either of us?” Liam asked incredulously.
“I know the timing is shit. I know it, Liam. But I can’t hold my feelings in any longer. Besides, you know she was seeing Rachael’s boyfriend for that little three-month period a couple years back.”
“And we discussed that. I forgave her. Sleeping with your assistant’s boyfriend twice isn’t really the same as sleeping with your best friend’s boyfriend of almost four years.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed off the pillar, walking in the opposite direction on my tiptoes so I didn’t draw attention to myself. The hallway swung back around in a circle to the staircase, so I quickly rushed down them when I was in the clear and made my way out of the building, letting the New York air cool my skin.
I hadn’t thought going to this party would make me feel worse, but I had been proven wrong.
Without thinking, I pulled out my phone and called Harry.
He picked up on the second ring. “Dani? Thank god. I was worried when you left earlier. That wasn’t exactly the best news to hear.”
“Do you want to get dinner with me?” I asked bluntly, ignoring his concerns. “I just...I need to get away from reality for a while.”
The other line was silent, and I was terrified he was going to reject me. He would remind me that we weren’t friends, that he hated me and thought I was selfish, and then tell me that he never wanted to see me again. The longer I heard nothing but his breathing, the more certain I was that these events were about to unfold. So I was surprised when I heard him say, “Sure. Meet me at Blue Elephant. It’s the Thai place a couple of blocks down from my apartment.”
For the first time that night, I felt a genuine smile spread across my features.
I tried not to laugh when the noodle from Harry’s pad thai dangled from his mouth, but the snort escaped me before I could stop it.
He had gotten to the restaurant much quicker than I had. He wasn’t lying when he had told me it was just down a couple blocks. He had raised a brow at my fancy attire, since he was just in jeans and a black shirt splattered with tiny little paint flecks. His fingernails had clay under them, which would have been gross if I hadn’t known it was because Harry spent nearly all his free time sculpting. The comfort of this sight nearly had me in tears again, but I shrugged it off in favor of ordering what Harry suggested from the menu. I had ended up with what the restaurant called “glass noodles,” which was their low-carb options that had lots of vegetables mixed in. Harry had gone for the classic pad thai, which if the way he was slurping was any indication, he enjoyed.
“How are you doing?” Harry asked hesitantly, like he was unsure how to ask the question.
I shrugged. “I woke up this morning not knowing anything about my life, not being friends with you, finding out my father is dead, and seeing Liam and Gianna discuss how they were going to tell me that they’re having an affair.”
“Shit. That’s terrible, Dani.”
The wry laugh left my lips before I could stop it. “The thing that kills me is that I deserve it. I let a stupid, petty argument that I can’t even remember keep me from the funeral. Apparently I slept with someone in a relationship. It was my assistant’s boyfriend, by the way. And I don’t know what I did to ruin our friendship, but obviously it was my fault.” I twirled some of my pasta around my fork. “I work for Nicholas Jennings as a designer. I just came from a Christian Siriano launch party. I managed to get everything I’ve ever wanted, but it feels terrible.”
“You didn’t ruin our friendship single handedly,” Harry assured. “It was the both of us.”
“I can’t even argue with you, because I don’t remember.”
He sighed, pushing his plate away from him. “It was your party. Everyone had left to go get beer with Gianna’s brother.” I sat up eagerly in my chair, ready to hear his version of events so I could decipher when it all went wrong. “I had just given you the mini-model for my theatre class and then I let you blow out the cupcake and smashed it in your face.”
“And?” I asked impatiently. “And then what? That’s the last thing I remember.”
His hand reached up to rub the back of his neck. “And then I kissed you.”
My mouth had been open, ready to comment on whatever he had said, but no sound came out. I stared at my best friend, who suddenly looked so embarrassed and small, and my heart ached in my chest. “You kissed me?” I whispered, food completely forgotten in front of me.
“I kissed you,” he repeated. “You had strawberry frosting on your face and you just...looked so beautiful. I’ve always thought you were. And there was a moment when you were trying to wipe it off that I thought I might have seen something in your eyes...but I was wrong. I kissed you and you pulled away. You looked so regretful, like you were running through a thousand ways to let me down easy in your head because you were always too kind to me. I tried to tell you to forget it, that it didn’t mean anything, but you were determined to talk about it.”
“Did we?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t let you. I knew the second I pulled away I had made a mistake. But you kept...pushing. And I got angry, said some things I didn’t mean. You got angry back, and said some other things. Then you shoved the mini-model in my hands and told me to leave. The glue was shit, so it crumbled a little. I’m sure it was an accident, but...after the rejection, it felt like it was on purpose.”
“Harry, I would have never—”
“I know,” he interrupted, giving me a hesitant smile. “I know, Dani. It was just me being pathetically in love with you.”
The words made me wish the ground would swallow me whole. “In love with me?” My voice was so quiet, I was surprised he heard it.
“Yeah, Dani. In love with you.”
The Harry from my memories suddenly shifted, as if with his confession I was seeing him in a new life. My quinceañera, when I had asked him to be my escort and he had to help me zip the back of my dress up. The first day of high school, when he had ridden his bike to my house and looked at me like he was seeing someone new. That moment he had just told me about, looking at him with strawberry frosting on his chin because I had managed to swipe some there.
Was there some other emotion hiding in those eyes every time he looked at me?
“I’m sorry,” I said, unable to say anything else.
“You don’t have to be sorry for not loving me, Dani. It wasn’t your responsibility.”
“But I should have fought harder for your forgiveness.” The tears did come then. I felt like that was all I had done today, just sob and sob. “I should have fought for us. I don’t want to be the person that doesn’t fight.”
I stood from my chair, slapping down a twenty dollar bill to cover the price of my meal. He watched me with clouded eyes, part-betrayed that I was leaving him once again and part-understanding that being in that restaurant was going to suffocate me with the weight of what had happened today. As I made my way towards the exit, he let me go.
I wondered if he would have before the night of my sixteenth birthday.
My lip wobbled as I hailed a cab, pulling out my phone to see all of the missed text messages from both Gianna and Liam. There was even one from Rachael, who had seen me leave in a hurry and asked if I was alright. My heart clenched in my chest when I saw her name across the screen. I wondered if she had any clue that I had apparently slept with her boyfriend. Assuming that she would have quit if she had known, I was going to guess she didn’t know. The texts from Liam were all variations of him asking me where I was. 
I couldn’t even be angry with him for cheating on me with Gianna. Who knew what kind of person I was now? What if I had pushed him away, like I had with Harry, like I had with my father? If he found comfort and love in Gianna, who was I to tell him he was wrong? 
My feet were carrying me somewhere I didn’t know, walking in the direction of my apartment that wasn’t home. When the first drop of rain splattered on my nose, I didn’t even feel it. 
I just felt numb.
The house before me was very non-threatening. It was a small thing, brick on the outside and a bright red door. When I was younger, the kids at school used to tease me and call it the “Three Little Pig” house, the one left standing at the end of the story that the wolf couldn’t blow down. I hated it when I was little, but I found it comforting now. Even with all that had changed in my life, this seemed to still be the same.
Knocking on the door shouldn’t have been terrifying, but it was suddenly the most scary thing I’d ever done. Before my fist could meet it for a third time, the red door swung open to reveal my mother, looking at me with a softness in her eyes that I was sure I didn’t deserve.
“Harry called me earlier. Said you might be coming here.” Her words were matter-of-fact, like there was no arguing. And there wasn’t. I wasn’t entirely sure how Harry had guessed that I was going to visit my mother, but I supposed he still knew me like the back of my hand. “Said you’ve got amnesia?”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that came from my throat. Amnesia was a weird way of putting it, but it was the only explanation I could give. I was sure “I’m really sixteen and just woke up in twenty-six-year-old Dani’s body” wouldn’t work with my mother. And then I was flinging myself into her arms and sobbing, like I constantly did now. “He said I didn’t come to Dad’s funeral,” I cried out.
“You didn’t,” she replied simply, but she held me in her arms and squeezed my shoulders like she had when I was younger. I hadn’t felt more like myself than in that moment, except maybe talking with Harry. 
“But why? That doesn’t make sense.” I clutched her to me, wanting nothing more than to melt into her skin and disappear forever. 
She sighed, rubbing my shoulders. “Come inside. We’ll talk.”
Minutes later I was sitting at the familiar circular dark wooden table from my childhood. My mother had poured us iced tea, a drink I had forgotten I loved until I took a cautious sip of it. We sat in silence for a few moments, just drinking as she stared at the wall across from me. Just as I was about to open my mouth and ask again what had happened, she began to speak.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“No,” I promised. “The last thing I remember is Harry shoving a cupcake into my face at my sixteenth birthday party after I made a wish.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “What’d you wish for?”
I smiled grimly. “For you to treat me like an adult.” Awkwardly picking at a loose thread on my sweater, I looked away from my mother. I didn’t want to see the disappointment or hurt on her face when my words registered. “I...I didn’t mean it.”
“Yeah, you did. And you were right. Maybe if I had treated you like an adult, you would have...you would have come to the funeral.” She took a long sip of the tea, steadying herself. “You’ve got to know that we always planned on telling you. But we just never did. And that was on us. And you’d always struggled so much with your identity. Remember when you used to come home from school and cry just because you felt like you didn’t know yourself?”
I remembered those days well. The last one I could remember had been two days before my birthday. Harry seemed to fit in so well with everyone he met, and I just didn’t have that skill. I had come home crying to my mom, asking why Harry could manage to fit in everywhere but I couldn’t. 
“Two Christmases ago you were looking in the attic to help find some tree topper I had bought. You came down from the attic with that piece of paper in your hand and my heart stopped. I knew right then and there that you’d never forgive us.”
“Mom, it can’t be that bad.”
“Believe me, it is.” There were tears in her eyes now as she set her glass down. Her hands shook. “You...found adoption papers and letters from your birth mother. She had written to you every year on your birthday. Your father and I never showed them to you. And obviously...we never told you about the adoption.”
If there was one thing I did not expect for my mother to say, it was that.
“What?” I managed to stutter out, blinking at her in disbelief.
Her tears fell now, streaking the mascara on her bottom lashes and leaving horrible black lines down her face. “We always meant to tell you, you...you have to believe that. And you got so, so angry with us. You said you never wanted to talk to us again. You marched out and went back to New York to stay with Liam. And then your father got sick and I...I just thought we would have so much more time to make things right with you before he died. I called you to tell you about the funeral and you just didn’t care. And the shitty part was that I couldn’t blame you.”
My tears had stopped, simply because I was trying hard to process what she had just told me. My mother, the one who braided my hair when I was younger and kissed my knee when I skinned it, wasn’t my actual mother. And my father, who read me bedtime stories with funny voices and made me pancakes when I was feeling sad, he wasn’t my actual father. I had never felt less like I knew myself.
I laughed.
It was a short, stark sound in the silence between us. My mother had been staring at the ground and she looked up at me in surprise when she heard it. I couldn’t help it. I laughed again. I laughed until there were angry and frustrated tears falling out of my eyes. 
“Do you know what kind of person I am?” I didn’t give her the chance to answer before I started speaking again. “I’ve spoken more to Harry in the past two days than I have in the last ten years. I let him feel like I hated him. I slept with my assistant’s boyfriend and apparently haven’t told her about it. But I did tell my boyfriend, who is currently having sex with my best friend because of something I did, I guess. And now I find out I didn’t go to my father’s funeral because I was being an absolute bitch?”
“You had every right to be upset—”
“No! I didn’t have the right to not go to the funeral!” My lower lip quivered. The reality of the words set in with me then. I had missed my father’s funeral because of something as stupid as me being adopted. That didn’t change the fact that he had gone to all the little father-daughter dances my school held when I was young. That he had taught me how to swim and clapped when I could jump into the pool with no problems. That he had held me when the boy I liked called me ugly. “I didn’t go to the funeral,” I whispered brokenly.
My mother’s arms were around me before I had time to blink. She flung herself across the table and wrapped me in her embrace. I felt her tears on my shoulder, the tears the both of us had apparently needed to cry since two Christmases ago. When the pain got too uncomfortable, I moved out of my chair so I could be closer to her, on my knees on the kitchen floor. She slid out of her own seat, grabbing onto my shoulders and kissing my head.
“I’m sorry,” she kept saying, over and over again. “I’m so sorry.”
“I missed the funeral,” I repeated, my fingers digging painfully into her shoulder blades. If she was in pain, she didn’t show it. She just held me harder as we both kneeled on the kitchen floor.
New York was having a good weather day. 
I was sitting outside a little cafe, munching on an ice cream cone. It had been only hours since I’d left my mother’s house. We had talked, cried, drank wine that she had stashed in a cupboard, and cried some more. Even before the freak accident in which I had aged ten years overnight, it was the most I’d really talked to her in a long while. There was a dull ache in my heart because I wanted my father to be there, but my mother had kissed my forehead in the way he used to when I was headed out the door. 
“I love you, Dani,” she had said, with so much conviction that it had nearly brought me to my knees.
“I love you too, Mom,” I had replied. She smiled that big grin of hers, the one I used to tell her could light up the world. 
Now I was waiting for Liam and Gianna to arrive. I had called them both the second I got into a taxi from my mom’s house and was waiting to meet them. The cafe was the first one I had found (though it wasn’t as if they were lacking in New York), so I didn’t know if it was any good or not. If the ice cream was any indicator, it was fantastic.
“Thank god you’re okay,” Liam said from somewhere behind me, and then I was forced out of my sesat and engulfed in a huge bear hug. Liam’s hugs were nice, I decided. Maybe if I had met him when this weird thing hadn’t happened, I would have loved him. “Why didn’t you return any of my calls?”
“I was visiting my mom. Sorry,” I mumbled into his shoulder.
He pulled away immediately. “Your mom? Is everything okay? You haven’t spoken in—”
“Two years,” I interrupted, nodding my head. “Everything’s fine, just needed to talk some stuff out with her.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay.” He pulled me back into another hug, rubbing his hand on my back. “Do you want to sit? Have you ordered anything?”
“Not yet. I was waiting for you and Gianna to get here.”
“You don’t have to wait much longer.” Gianna appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and gave me a small hug. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, sweetie. Did you ever figure out what the hell was going on yesterday? Memory all back?”
“Not at all.” And that was still the frustrating part. I gestured to the little bistro table and watched the two of them as they moved towards their seats. I had never really had to examine how two people moved together before, but they moved like they were magnets. Liam hesitantly reached out his hand for me to hold and I saw the quick glimpse of something akin to heartbreak on Gianna’s face.
At least I knew the two really loved each other.
“So, what did you and your mom talk about?” Liam asked, his thumb making circles on the back of my hand. 
“Life. How things didn’t really work out the way I wanted them to.”
Gianna’s brow raised. “What do you mean, sweetie? You work for Nicholas Jennings. That’s like your dream job.”
“Yeah.” And look where that dream had gotten me. “But I mean in my personal life, not really my professional life.”
It was quiet for a few seconds. Liam awkwardly smiled. “We don’t really know what you mean, babe.”
“I know.” I composed my thoughts for a moment before hesitantly reaching out my other hand to stretch it across the table. Gianna was quick to grab it, but I could tell she still looked a little confused. “I’m not a good person. I see that. I don’t know how you two put up with me. But I like to think I deserve better than my boyfriend and best friend lying to me.” The color drained out of Liam’s face and Gianna was gaping like a fish, opening and closing her mouth as if she’d find something to say. “And you deserve better than the way I’ve obviously treated you.”
“Dani,” Liam said brokenly, but I shook my head.
“It’s okay. We’ve all got things we need to work on, I guess.”
And that was the truth. If there was anything I’d learned from the last two days, it was that I had to work to not be the bitch I had so obviously become in the ten years I’d missed. I pat Liam’s hand comfortingly before standing from the little table, allowing Gianna and Liam to digest what I’d just sprung on them as I walked away. 
I was in a city I genuinely loved. The sky was pretty and blue and I felt a little bit of the ice cream cone in my hand dripping on my fingers. Things were okay with my mom and I. I would never get back the memories I’d lost with my father, but I’d use him as an example on how to be better. I wished for nothing more than to go back in time to my sixteen year-old self to tell her what she was missing when she wished on that stupid candle. 
But maybe it wasn’t all bad, I decided, when I stopped at a hot dog stand to ask for some napkins and saw Harry ordering on the other side.
“Dani,” he said, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Hey. What are you doing?”
“Walking,” I replied, gesturing to his hot dog. “Looks good.”
“I’d ask you if you wanted a bite, but I know you don’t like mustard.”
The fact that he’d remembered something so insignificant made me smile. “Right.”
He finished up his hot dog and took one of the napkins I offered. “What’re you doing today?”
“Nothing much. Why?”
“Mind if I join you on your walk?”
I pretended to think about it for a moment, but it truly was just pretending. My mind was made up the second the question had left his mouth. “Only if you tell me what you’re doing for work. Don’t think I missed all the clay and stuff in your apartment.”
He flushed, the apples of his cheeks turning a cute pink color. I wanted to poke them, like I used to when we were kids, but didn’t know if it would be welcome or not. “You don’t want to hear about my job,” he said, like he had already decided it was going to be a boring topic.
“Harry, I always want to hear about what you’re doing.”
It was a statement he must not have heard from me in ten years, because he gave me a soft and hesitant smile, the kind of smile I imagined he had given me as kids through the lens of someone in love with me. It made my stomach warm to see it.
“Really?” At my enthusiastic nod, his smile widened a little bit and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay. Well, shortly after high school I was just working for the theater department at the community college. It didn’t pay much, but it was a good experience for the resume. I worked there for about three years and then got into sculpting.”
“Which explains the clay,” I joked, reaching for his hand. I lifted it between us and gestured to the clay caked underneath his nails. He laughed, nodding his head at my observation.
His laughter came up short when he realized that we were skin-to-skin, my fingers dancing across his knuckles to get a view of the clay. It turned his skin a light gray color, somewhat matching the color of the shirt he wore. “Yeah,” he said, and his voice sounded a little breathless. “Yeah, that explains the clay.”
I was hesitant to release his fingers, but I did. He didn’t move his hand away, however, just stared at me with those impossibly green eyes of his. I had always been jealous of them when we were younger. “Harry?”
“If I were to hold your hand, would you hate me?”
His smile was quick and soft, and I realized there was a tiny little speck of mustard on his top lip. “If you had asked me at sixteen, I would have jumped at the opportunity. And maybe faint.”
I laughed. “I’m not asking sixteen year-old Harry, though. I’m asking twenty-six year-old Harry.”
“Right. Semantics. I suppose he’s fine with it too, if it means you’ll go out to dinner with him.”
Our fingers threaded together, still awkwardly hanging in front of us. His hand was warm and callused, and I could feel the texture of the clay. “I would love to go to dinner tonight. You can regale me with stories about how you fell in love with me when we were kids.”
He laughed, and our hands dropped to fit more comfortably between us. “It’s not very hard to fall in love with you, Dani.”
I was used to getting ready for a friend hang-out with Harry. For those, I knew what I would wear. It would be some variation of comfy jeans or leggings, a graphic tee of one of my favorite bands, and some Vans. I was familiar with that ensemble.
It was a little different getting ready for a date with Harry.
He had followed me back to my apartment, where I saw some of Liam’s stuff was already gone. It seems he wasted no time in seeking shelter with Gianna. I was honestly happy for him, if he was happier with Gianna. Harry sat on my couch and laughed while I tried on different outfits, seeing which one would fit his surprise restaurant better since he wouldn’t tell me where we were going. In each dress, he twirled his finger to signal he wanted me to turn in the dress before he disagreed and sent me back.
“Could you at least give me a hint on what to wear?”
“Do you have jeans at all?”
I poked my head out of the door to my bedroom, giving him a look. “I would never wear jeans on a date.”
“It’s a date with me. You know I don’t care what you look like.”
That made the butterflies in my stomach set off. Apparently, however, twenty-six year-old Daniella didn’t own a pair of jeans, so I settled on a casual sundress and slipped it on. It was a pretty orange color that looked good with my skin, and had little yellow flowers printed at the bottom. When I walked out into the living room, Harry grinned.
“Perfect,” he said, standing from my couch. “You look beautiful.”
If I were still sixteen and Harry was just a friend, the words wouldn’t have such an effect on me. But the truth of the matter was, my skin was warming, butterflies were flying, and my eyes were looking at Harry in a new light. “Thank you.”
“I have always wanted to say that to you and not have you punch me in the shoulder.”
“I wouldn’t have punched you in the shoulder!”
“Yeah...but you wouldn’t have looked at me like that, either.”
I wondered what expression was on my face to make his eyes go slightly dark and hazy. Letting out a short, breathless laugh, I grabbed his hand and led him out of my apartment. “Lead the way, since I have no idea where we’re going.”
The walk to the restaurant was spent talking about old memories from the past, Harry’s fingers intertwined with mine. There were several points where we had to stop walking so the two of us could laugh, bending over at the waist as we remembered when Gemma had put makeup on Harry or I had fallen into a puddle of mud at one of our family get-togethers. When we got to our destination, I stared at the theatre in front of us with a look of awe on my face.
“C’mon, I told the guys that I needed this place to myself tonight. I’ll give you a grand tour.”
He took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. The lights were automatic, turning on when they sensed movement. We were in the lobby of the theatre, with programs from all the productions hung on every inch of the walls. Harry laughed when I took in the colors of all of them as he opened the door to the main stage.
“You’re a giant softie,” I breathed out when I saw that there was a picnic set up on the stage. “I’m telling Gemma.”
“She’ll never let me live it down.”
“That’s the point, Harry.” But I squeezed his fingers even tighter in mine. “It’s perfect.”
The theatre itself was beautiful. Unlike the harsh white lights of the lobby, the stage was lit with warm stage lighting that gave the place a pretty yellow glow. I took the stairs up to the main stage and sat down on a pillow Harry had placed there beforehand, unwilling to let our grip break when he moved to sit down on his own pillow. It was only when he started moving towards the picnic basket that I relinquished my hold on his hand. 
“Okay, I’ve got some pasta, a little cucumber salad, and wine. Because we all need wine.” He made a plate for me and then himself before reaching back into the picnic basket. “And for dessert…”
I wanted to laugh at the little cupcake, nearly identical to the one he had given me on my sixteenth birthday. I could tell it was what he was expecting. But I just stared at it, my throat going dry. Eventually, the smile slipped off his face and he set the cupcake on the stage. “I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I just...you deserve so much better, Harry.”
“Maybe. But who are we to decide that?”
“You deserve someone who hasn’t treated you like shit. Which is what I treated you like. I shouldn’t have let our friendship go just because I was scared that loving you would ruin things for us.”
“Dani,” he said softly, reaching out to take my hand in his. “It’s all in the past.”
“But it’s not. Not for me. For me, it was two days ago. And I know that it sounds crazy and you don’t believe me, but I...I’ve obviously made some choices that have hurt a lot of people and I don’t remember making any of them. I hurt you.”
“Yeah, you did. Look at where we are now, though. Look at where you are.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up and regret this tomorrow because you’re holding onto a sixteen year-old version of me.”
And that was the point of all of this. I couldn’t just forget that this weird time blip had happened, and I couldn’t forget that apparently I had made shitty choices for the past ten years of my life. I wished more than anything that I could go back to the night of my sixteenth birthday and just tell Harry that while I didn’t love him at that exact moment, I would be willing to give us a shot because really, it was Harry. I knew that I could fall in love with him if I just had the time. Maybe I already had been, secretly, and was just scared.
“We’re just...we’re not sixteen anymore, Harry.”
He nodded, his mouth tight-lipped and his eyes sad. I think it was because he knew what I was saying was true. We couldn’t change the past. “I know,” he whispered. “I just...having you back in my life was like this out of reach dream.”
“I don’t want to go the next ten years not talking to you, Harry. But I think you’ll be so much happier with someone else. Someone who doesn’t run away when you tell them you love them.”
The wry smile on his face made my heart break. He gently slid towards the end of the stage and jumped off, his feet hitting the ground with a thudding sound that echoed in my ears. He made it to the back of the theatre before he turned around, tears in his eyes and a small smile on his face. “Maybe in a parallel universe, then. I’ll see you around, Dani.”
The tears were already on my cheeks when the door shut behind him.
I didn’t feel like eating anything after Harry’s departure, but I picked up the cupcake gently, willing it to bring me back to the night of my sixteenth birthday, before I had royally screwed myself over. Setting it down with a sigh, I started to pick up the food items so Harry wouldn’t get in trouble for leaving food on the stage. It was only then that I saw the candle and lighter in the basket.
I cried as I stuck the candle into the cupcake and lit it with the lighter.
“I wish I could go back and do this all over,” I mumbled to myself. Shutting my eyes, I softly blew out the flame of the candle.
I kept them shut as I leaned back and lay on the stage, letting myself fall asleep.
“Dani?” I heard, and I opened my eyes slowly. The theatre was gone, the soft yellow light something harsh and white again. I took in my surroundings, noting the Jonas Brothers poster on the wall and the ugly pink color of them. I sat up quickly, looking around the room before I gasped and looked down at my chest.
No boobs. 
“Dani, you awake?” I heard someone say from the other side of the door. Immediately I was up, shooting like a bottle rocket as I flung my door open. Harry stood there, sixteen year-old Harry with his head of floppy curls and the spot of acne on his chin. He was holding something wrapped in a pretty pink box.
His eyebrows furrowed as he stepped into my room, setting the pink box on my bed as I shut the door behind him. “You okay?” he asked. “You seem off.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I said, still looking around my room to reassure myself that I was actually here. “I...I think I had a really weird dream.”
“What was it about?”
“It was terrible, H. We weren’t friends anymore.” He sat on my bed and I moved to sit next to him, careful of the pink box that I somehow knew contained a little theatre set he had made me.
“Well, that’ll never happen,” he snorted. “But, let’s focus on something happy. Open up.” He handed me the box. I pulled apart the purple ribbon and opened it up. It was in an Amazon box, but sure enough, it was a beautiful stage designing set. “It’s Wicked, since I know that’s your favorite musical.”
“Harry,” I whispered, “it’s gorgeous.”
“You like it?” When I nodded enthusiastically, he relaxed. “Oh good. I was worried. Also, I got you something else.”
From behind his back he produced a pretty pink strawberry cupcake, complete with a candle. He took a lighter out of his pocket and held it up to me. “Make a wish, Dani.”
When the flame was lit, I closed my eyes. I didn’t bother to make one. There wasn’t anything more that I needed.
I was expecting the smash, and the cool feeling that followed. I was expecting Harry to double over in laughter as pink goop fell from my face. I was even expecting my own laugh as I wiped it from my eyes so it wouldn’t burn them. What I wasn’t expecting was for Harry to suddenly take my face in his hands and kiss me, the minty taste of his breath mingling with the strawberry of the frosting coating my mouth. The kiss was over before it had begun, and Harry stared at me in fear, like I was going to reject him.
Instead, I smiled.
“Harry,” I said softly, reaching out my hand to him. His own hands shook when he placed his fingers in mine. “Do you want to go on a date?”
When his shoulders sagged in relief and he nodded, I knew.
“Oh, and I really need to go talk to my dad.”
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fallowdoe · 4 years
All roads lead to hell
MC gets kidnapped and has to make their way through Hell to reunite with everyone.
GN!reader x everyone (can be treated as platonic/romantic)
Trigger warnings for this chapter: touchy religious themes, death
I apologise for the quality of writing however this is a translated version of my fic.
If anyone is interested in that I was listening to Dr. Fletcher and the World, the whole Split soundtrack is my big inspiration for this story. I’d advise onto playing it in the background while reading.
Tags: @kashasenpai​ @lamemexicant​ @lana0937
⇐  Chapter 3 - The Door  ⇒
”Limbo?” They stuttered.
The man in front of them had a soothing look on his face. Something about being in his presence felt incredibly calming. A warm, gentle light was radiating from behind him.
”Limbo is the first circle of Hell. We’re in the castle which houses the seven gates.” His silvery voice echoed through the building.
”Circle… You mean Dante?” Something about the stranger felt almost familiar. 
MC couldn’t exactly tell why but their gut was telling them that he was trustworthy. It was almost like he radiated all of that calmness.
”Something like this.” He smiled.
”But I don’t understand. Why am I here? What happened?” They rambled. ”And… and who are you?”
Only now they noticed that the way he was dressed resembled how Luke and Simeon did. The stranger had light-brown braided hair and was quite tall. His silhouette seemed to be entailed with light. White and golden robes were sprawled around his feet.
”My name is Micheal. I hope I did not startle you.” He gave them a kind smile.
”I don’t think I could be anymore scared.”
”I am terribly sorry that we meet in these circumstances.” He spoke softly while gazing at them. ”And even more – I am sorry that you are here.” He gestured around the hall.
They took a quick glance across the room but it was empty. On the other hand, the conversations didn’t stop filling their ears. All the words flowing through the room were a little distracting but now the knowledge of their origin lifted their spirit up a bit. Every single information about this place seemed to ease their mind and slowly all the puzzles were coming together.
”I… I keep hearing voices. Who are they?” The fright filling their voice made the man scrunch his eyebrows. This shouldn’t be happening and he couldn’t fix it which filled him up with frustration.
”You can hear souls who reside here. They for a change only can see you. I imagine it must be confusing for you, however, I need you to focus now. This is the castle of seven gates, each one of them represents one of the seven heavenly virtues.” He explained. ”I have no idea who or why brought you here but I will do everything I can to help you get out.”
”How do I return to Devildom? To them?” They spoke quietly. Their throat was sore from all the previous sobbing.
MC was to occupied to think about it previously but now they realized that everyone must’ve already noticed that they’re gone. Mammon and Beel probably searched for them after they didn’t come back. They weren’t sure how much time had passed but it must’ve been at least a few hours. Were they looking for them? Would they save them? Mammon was probably blaming himself…
”You will have to go through all nine circles of Hell to reach Devildom.” He said after a second.
”Me? Alone? But that’s impossible! Isn’t there another way? Maybe Lord Diavolo can help me? Or Lucifer? Or anyone?” They pleaded with a shaky voice.
”If it was an option I would’ve notified them immediately. Despite our… personal conflicts, your safety remains an important matter to me as an angel.”
Having a random human sent to limbo was… unusual and definitely not in his favour. Wherever they would go after their death, their presence here was concerning. No human had a key to the first circle, therefore the perpetrator must’ve been a powerful demon. But why send a living human here? Unless it wasn’t a random pick…
”But… How am I even supposed to do that?!” MC’s question brought him back from his thoughts.
”Follow me. I’ll show you.” He stepped further into the chamber with MC following, the orbs peacefully floated behind them. ”You see if there existed a possibility of having anyone help you I promise you’d be back to Devildom already. But there isn’t. I can only go as far as the first circle since this is the heavenly castle. But next levels… Nobody but souls are capable of going there. I can’t take you to purgatory or any other realm, so you are trapped in Hell. The only way seems to be going down, through all nine circles. Then you’d be able to reach Devildom.” Fear filled them again as he spoke. ”I don’t want to be dishonest with you MC…” Micheal hesitated. ”Crossing the nine circles is no easy task. It’s almost impossible.” He watched their face darken. ”I will provide some aid, but I can’t do much.” He trailed off. In all of his angelic glory and power, now, in front of a terrified human, he had to admit that he couldn’t help them. It wasn’t fair for them to be here.
”What am I supposed to do?” They took a deep breath trying to steady themselves.
In front of them rose a giant glass door.
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”Nothing. Like it has never happened.” Solomon concluded. He and Satan just arrived at Diavolo’s castle after checking RAD multiple times. They cast countless spells to help them find at least a single trace, but all for nothing.
”That’s impossible. Surely, no one is capable of magic this powerful that it leaves no trace.” Lucifer was quick to argue. He sighed and scrunched his face, a headache was troubling him for a few hours now.
”If you want to you can go see yourself. I’d rather not waste any more time on what we already know. RAD was empty. There are no traces or trails of anything. We better start searching for a solution rather than the cause.” Satan’s temper was getting better of him. He couldn’t believe how easily Lucifer was taking the whole situation. His worry seemed to only go as far as the exchange programme did, when everyone else, including Diavolo, was genuinely concerned for heir friends wellbeing.
”How are you expecting to find a one if we have no idea what is going on?” Lucifer was beginning to gro irritated as well as if Satan’s attitude towards him was any help.
”Have you found that spellbook?” Solomon interrupted them.
”Not yet, we already checked most of the library.”
”I could cast a searching spell.” He offered. ”That could speed up the search.”
”In here? Absolutely not.”
”Then you do it, Lucifer. Stop wasting time.” Satan hissed.
”What is your problem?”
”The problem is that you don’t give a shit about this whole situation! You don’t care about anything besides your work! You don’t care about MC or anyone else!”
”And what exactly is giving you such an impression?!”
”You have done absolutely nothing to help! Even Mammon’s worrying is more helpful than your prideful ass telling everyone to calm down! Now excuse me, I’m going to actually do something which will hopefully bring them back! It appears so that no one else will!” With that Satan stormed out of the room and left the castle.
”Shall we help with the search?” Solomon didn’t comment on their argument.
”Come.” Lucifer turned around and lead the way.
The library was settled underneath the castle. An enormous, round chamber was filled with many levels of bookshelves serving as its walls. Ladders and stairs were connecting the floors. Thousands of colourful volumes were lit up by candlelight generated by a spell. A crystal chandelier shone high up from the ceiling. Underneath there was a big, round table filled with tons of volumes and papers.
Solomon whistled at the sight. ”Impressive.”
”Indeed.” Diavolo agreed. He was standing next to the table and browsing through books laid on it. Every each one of them seemed to be a higher grimoire. Some must’ve been older than the demon himself. ”Spellbooks, grimoires, magic volumes from all across the three realms.”
”A few. Why do you think we’re underground?” He answered not lifting his eyes from the book he was currently holding.
”Have you found anything?” Lucifer sighed.
”We have our suspicions.” Barbatos approached them carrying more books. Some floated behind him. ”Were any traces found at RAD?”
”No. It’s completely empty. If not for Mammon and Beel witnessing the charge we wouldn’t even know anything happened.” The sorcerer spoke while studying the items on the table. He noticed a few familiar covers. Single sheets of paper with magic circles on them took most of his attention.
Lucifer listened to them but the growing pain was too much of a distraction. He took a glance at Diavolo who put down the book he was holding. His gaze fell empty on the table as the Demon Lord must’ve been lost in his thoughts. He wondered who was this even possible that of all people, he, the future ruler of this realm didn’t know what went down at his own academy. Hell, it wasn’t that MC wasn’t already endangered just by being in the Devildom, but someone actually daring to do something like this and not being afraid of facing wraith of all of them… That, someone, was confident enough to do this…
”Lucifer?” The sound of Solomon’s voice brought him back. Everyone was looking at him, he must’ve got lost in his thoughts.
”We were just discussing the possibility of reaching MC through the pacts they have with you and your brothers.”
”That would require a lot of preparations.” Barbatos mentioned. ”MC isn’t familiar enough with magic, they might not pick up the contact at all.”
”Either way I don’t think we have much choice here. Unless we find out more about the spellcaster or MC’s location we can’t do anything more. All we know is that they never left our realm and that they are alive.” Diavolo exclaimed. It wasn’t as obvious but his hands were tied there. He genuinely had no clue what could have happened to his exchange student. It was almost as if he was reminding himself that they have at least some information about them and their wellbeing.
”I’ll begin the preparations immediately.” Solomon confirmed.
”We have most of the ingredients and items needed for it here.” Barbatos mentioned. ”Should we go and get them?”
”Yes, once we’re ready we’ll fetch everyone and try our shot on it.” Diavolo decided.
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Mammon was laying on his bed and gazing at the ceiling for an hour now. His empty eyes were trying to memorise every single curve, colour or shadow on it. He couldn’t stop thinking about them anyway, about how he failed everyone and how it was his fault. He was the one to protect them, and he was the one to lose them. What was he even thinking? It was so obvious that they weren’t safe by themselves! That’s the reason why he was meant to be there! To prevent such things from happening! His fists balled and his breathing was getting quicker as all these thoughts were spilling from him, the sadness and sorrow were marking the white sheets.
After Lucifer, Solomon and Satan left he couldn’t figure out what to do. The guilt overflowing him with every second was making him choke. He wanted to help. He wanted to help but he had no idea what to do. He wanted to help so badly. So he took their textbook and said he’ll put it in their room. He wanted to do something.
He didn’t even notice that he went to his room instead. So now the textbook was somewhere on his bed. He just tossed it onto it, angry that he couldn’t focus enough to do something so small.
The bed creaked softly when he moved to get it. He turned around and there they were. Laying next to him and scrolling through their D.D.D. Smiling at something they saw. He stopped and just looked at them with his eyes wide open. His hand slowly reached towards them.
”Mammon, check this out.” Their voice sounded so soothing. They handed him the device.
But when he looked down it was the textbook that they were holding. When he looked up they were gone. A plain sheet of paper slipped from between the pages and feel onto the sheets.
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”This is the gate to the next circle. Lust – the second one out of nine.”
”What is it like?” They breathed out.
”Souls of those who reside there are… not peaceful at all. They’re serving a sentence I’m not sure what will you have to do to cross it but I know it’s possible.” His words echoed. ”I have no knowledge of what they actually look like, you’ll have to be prepared for the worst. Staying alert is crucial here, don’t let anything distract you.” His expression was pained.
”I want you to be honest with me. How hard is it actually? What chances do I have?” They were too numb to cry more.
”I don’t have enough knowledge to tell you this MC. It’s behind this door where the real hell is. I can only wish you luck.”
”Okay.” They whispered and tried to steady their breathing. ”I’ll go in.”
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Mammon put down the textbook and instead lifted up the paper.
”It’ll be hard, no doubt. But it’s not impossible.” He reminded them as the door opened. Behind them was pitch black void. ”I’m sorry MC. I’m sorry that it happened to you.”
His words faded behind them as they stepped into the abyss.
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”Lucifer! Where’s Lucifer!” Mammon screamed barging into the living room.
”Why are you screaming? He’s still at Lord Diavolo’s castle.” Asmo glared at him.
Him, Beel and Belphie were doing their own research while waiting for others to return. Leviathan left earlier mumbling something about marine. Sprawled across the floor were random books that they found in Satan’s room and the library.
”Solomon was wrong!” He almost cried out. ”That paper ain’t empty! Look at it!”
He carefully passed the sheet to his brother. It was now covered in different glowing patterns.
”Fuck…” Belphegor mumbled. ”Those are pretty complicated spells and summoning phrases.”
”We should go to meet others immediately.” Beel spoke.
Asmo scrunched his eyebrows. Something was oddly familiar about the patterns, but he couldn’t decipher them. ”Let’s go then.” He said and marched out of the room.
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This Is Bad || Levi Ackerman X Reader || AU AOT Fanfiction
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Summary: Student (F/n) (L/n)'s sense of admiration soon becomes infatuation for the seemingly cold-hearted Sir Levi Ackerman. And it should have stayed that way until he starts going to her part-time job every night to see the person he assumes her to be. With her entire life in jeopardy, can she keep up these unrequited feelings?
Genre: Eventual Romance, mentions of bullying, traumatic pasts
Warning: This is not a one shot.
(F/n) (L/n) - First name Last name
(U/n) - Undercover name
(e/c) - eye color
(h/c) - hair color
The day was as uneventfully thick and bright. He used to long for such light, but seeing it over and over just felt irritating now. He sighed. A deep, long, and heavy exhale lightened the ache in his back. He leaned against his chair and looked over the scene before him.
It was nearly four in the afternoon- a few minutes left before he was free to rest. For half an hour. Then he was going to check on the brats‘ essays, which he hoped was given at least two shits about. Another heavy sigh slipped past his lips at the thought of checking shitty essays. Again.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing full well that it was going to happen. Especially with students that knows only how to talk and not write. It was their senior year- you would think that they’d actually pull their heads out of their asses.
“Sir Ackerman, are you alright?” His tired, silver eyes shot up from his desk and met the piercing, kind (e/c) eyes. (F/n) (L/n). She wasn’t a well-known student- rather the opposite.
He remained quiet and stretched out his hand for the paper in her hand. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but then she reluctantly passed the test to him. Just then the bell rang and one after another, students stood up.
“I can…” Levi paused from his movement to stand up to look at (F/n). His brow raised at the jittering girl. “…take the papers, if you don’t mind, Sir?”
He paused for a brief moment. But he saw the genuine glow in her eyes. “Be my guest.” He waved her off and took a relaxing seat back. He watched her bounce from one empty desk to another, picking up the papers that were left behind.
(F/n) was one of the students he could actually stand. Aside from some others- she just looked true and real to him. He had just transferred last year and knew that he was one of the teachers that students would bet on be the worst, yet she kept trying to get on his good side.
Which luckily for her was working. Her company felt soothing and eased up his stress. He’d rather relax in his seat than go over the same rows of desks for the fifth time of the day.
“(L/n), don’t you prefer being with other students at this time of day? Or resting at your home?”
These were the words that were still stuck in his throat for the past three weeks since the first semester started. He felt the rush of heat spread across his cheeks and he was damned to let a student know that he was affected a bit too much.
So, instead, he prepared a snack for her. He had seen her eat it a few times at the cafeteria- the cursed, germ-filled cafeteria. He pulled the snack out from his bag. It was a (favorite snack). It wasn’t one he loathed, but it wasn’t one he loved either.
Now, if only he can give it to her discretely-
“Sir, what’s that you have over there?” Levi slammed the snack back into his bag and snapped his neck at her. The stack of test papers was laid neatly on his desk and (F/n) was standing just across him.
Why was he acting like an adolescent? It was just a small gift. He gave gifts to people he found likeable.
“I just brought this for you.” He finally caved after five grueling minutes. He placed the snack just beside the papers and watched as the sparkles gleamed in her eyes. A joyful glee branched out from within him at her warm grin.
“Thank you so much, Sir!” She bowed at him. He noticed that she had looked down at her watch. It was 4:30 now. “I better get going. Thank you again, Sir! You should get going too!” She sprinted out before he even said anything.
He should have been irritated, but a chuckle slipped past his lips. He shook his head. (F/n) reminded him of Isabel during his high school days. It would be nice to be 18 again and not 23.
The night was dark and damp. The neon lights provided enough glow for her (e/c) eyes to see the building. It wasn’t as run down as she expected it to be and looked decent and clean enough. In actuality, she shouldn’t even be there but it was her last year anyway- so it shouldn’t be a problem. Right?
She swallowed nervously while she glanced around the building. Round wooden tables were scattered about filled with huge burly strangers or press cleaned suited workers. Waltzing around were women who were either showing a lot of their skin or not at all. A single black apron with the name ‘Night Club’ covered their front, mostly enough to show some cleavage.
Standing on the only stage was a man dressed extravagantly who was singing an 80s song she wasn’t really familiar with. Dancing along with him were similar dressed men and women boldly dancing and showing lots and lots of skin.
And there she was, 5”0 and in her pajamas (a random t-shirt that hung over her small body, grey sweat pants, and sandals), standing in the midst of it all. Her fingers nervously tugged the tips of her (h/c) hair as her anxious eyes searched around the room. No one paved way to acknowledge her having their attention focused on the bright colored stage.
“Is that my adorable niece, (F/n) (L/n)?” Hearing her uncle’s nasally drunk voice sent the heaviness on her chest and nervous critters in her stomach away.
“Uncle Oluo, what took you so long?” She asked, placing a strand behind her ear. “And stop saying my name out loud. How would it make you feel if I called you Oluo Bazado with a room filled with strangers?” Her anxious eyes still surveyed the area where she noticed that some began to stare at her after her uncle’s rather loud introduction.
He waved his hand and slurped a beer. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my ever-adorable niece! I had to take care of a drunk customer and kick him out the back after assaulting one of my workers.” (F/n) pursed her lips as her uncle’s arm made its way around her neck and began dragging her to the back room of the building.
Why couldn’t she have some of his height huh? 
“Huh. No wonder you’re drinking. He got you pretty hard?” She chuckled at his poor excuse of a glare and rolled her eyes. “Am I going to be up front and be taking care of the big guys?” She straightened her back and punched her right palm in a lame attempt of looking tough. Of course, she knew didn’t look at all scary. She was 5”0 with a thin figure and puffy cheeks. She looked far too ‘frail’ and adorable (no quotation marks there because she is adorable. Period.).
Oluo laughed and shook his head. “Oh no, no, no. They’re just going to become more louder with you up front! You’re just going to be working behind the bar with Gunther. He’ll teach you everything you need to know about handing out drinks.”
(F/n) looked over where her uncle was pointing. There was a man handing out drinks from behind the counter. He had a weird tip at the back of his head, which must be his hair, though it looked sort of great on him. He was in a white formal shirt under a black vest from where she could see.
Can she even reach the counter????
“I already placed an extra flooring for you.” Her uncle said right before she could ask.
She scoffed, a light smile spreading across her face. “Of course, you did. If you hadn’t, I’d have no choice but be up front.”
Oluo laughed and patted her head. “I’m sure you can hold your own but I don’t want any more rough- housing than we already have here.”
(F/n) hummed. She knew that. Because of her small figure and all.
The man behind the counter noticed their approach and waved at them. “Good evening, Boss! And this must be my new co-worker.” His voice was thick and deep- much to be expected from his size. He grinned down at her and offered a hand. “My name is Gunther. You are?”
She stretched out her hand and shook his, offering a smile. “(F/n), but I’ll be going with (U/n). ‘Boss’ filled you in about that right?” She tilted her head to her uncle and Gunther nodded.
“Yep, to the brim too. He doesn’t stop chatting about you and your cousin.”
She looked up at her uncle and rolled her eyes to look back at Gunther. “Of course. That’s him. He doesn’t shut up about this place too.” She resisted the urge to glower at Oluo. “No matter how many times I told him to stop.”
Gunther laughed and patted Oluo on the shoulder. “How is she even related to you, Boss?”
Oluo’s face squinted, quite offended at the question and shoved him. “Get back to work and teach this shrimp how things work here.” He shoved (F/n) as well after his statement and stalked off, gulping down his beer.
After a few minutes of staring at the drunken mess of a Boss, her new co-worker coughed. “Right, well. I think it’s time for you to get started. Observe how I do things first and then I’ll let you try.”
Author: Thank you so much for reading. If you like the story- you can find this in Quotev, Wattpad, and Webnovel. Search the title- if not the title, you can simply search TKHoshi in all sites and my username will come up.
The art is mine ^^
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sidetongue · 5 years
oh that vet sounds like an ass. they shouldn’t have taken the as away without knowing their history. you’ve done such a good job with them and always do with all the fosters.
It made me so, so mad. I have raised countless neonatal kittens and puppies (throwback to anyone who remembers sidra and how we almost lost her when she got deathly sick. And need I mention Dylan?? The sickest puppy that ever lived??) and some brand new vet tells the rescue that these puppies are in danger so they completely disregard what a confident and dedicated carer I am with YEARS experience in shelter and vet nursing, and they took them without even discussing it with me? And they lied to me. They said the vet needed to take them for close observation but in reality they gave them to a random carer and told her she would be looking after them until further notice.
I worked in an environment where I euthanised dogs daily. I have fostered over 100, and am always happy to see them go home or even forward them onto another carer if needed, I’ve even lost fosters who passed away - I am no stranger to the high turnover rate of dogs in my life. I thrive on fostering. I adore it. But I fucking cried and cried and cried when I found out what they’d done. I cried for my babies who I never got to say goodbye to, and I cried because I was so embarrassed that they had zero trust in me to care for my fosters that I dedicated my time and resources to, 24/7, since they were two weeks old.
And what makes it worse is I’m not just a foster carer. I am a coordinator for their organisation; I manage over a dozen foster carers, their fosters, their needs and their queries, all as volunteer work. I pick up dogs, drop them off, health check them, liase with new owners, and I spend hours and hours photographing animals for added adoptability. I have been an avid supporter of this rescue and dedicate so much of my time. And for what? To be undermined? To not be given a voice? To be given the implication that I have neglected these puppies, done the wrong thing, and therefore am not suited to care for them?
I am confident if ANYONE else had them, they would have died. My vets at my clinic donated vet checks and treatment to keep them alive when the rescue refused to pay for anything. They were regularly seen by my vets. My vet saw them the NIGHT BEFORE they were labeled as “deathly ill” and said they were happy, healthy puppies.
This vet is delusional. I am infuriated and hurt. I left the coordinators group and told them I’m done. I have no time to be treated like this by people I give so much to.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Before I could even take the picture of Cartier he toppled over onto his side “shall we try again?” reaching over to him “face planting on the bed like that” lifting Cartier back up “there you are!” I spat and Cartier gave me that gummy smile as he does, he is gradually getting there with sitting up straight, I mean he leans onto his side but he is getting there “Cartier! Hey!” clicking my fingers with my free hand and took the picture, my baby looking handsome “thank you for not leaning over” and he did it again, getting up from the bed “come here” picking him and placing him on my hip “I think it’s your feeding time now ain’t it” tapping on the caption on Instagram ‘My big baby sitting up on his own (just barely) my little twin’ posting the picture, locking my phone. Side eyeing Cartier blowing raspberries “boy, you getting saliva all over yourself” walking down the steps, I can actually feel a bit of saliva hitting my cheek as he does this nonsense in my face “are you done?” looking over at him, Cartier just did the goofiest smile “stop it, let me be angry at you” smiling at him, Cartier is just growing so quickly. He is now six months and I honestly feel he is growing up too quickly for me, I miss when my son was small. But he is wanting to touch things, he interacts with everything and I love it but also he is growing up. I mean the most horrible thing is weaning him off milk, I am slowly trying it with him, but he makes such a mess. This is the second day of me trying this weaning thing, I really don’t know what I be doing with my life, it’s hard to do this on my own when I don’t know what I’m doing. When Cartier had his check up, I asked for advice and so they said start trying to wean him off.
Cartier pulled a face at me, he does not like being strapped into a high chair “play with your toy, don’t be giving me those looks” placing it on his tray, Cartier screamed at me “don’t be giving me that noise” my phone pinged on the kitchen counter “I am just getting your food” picking my phone up from the counter, seeing a comment from my cousin in Barbados. Tapping on instagram and waited for it to load up, looking over at Cartier and he is content with playing with his toy now. Reading out the comment “he has Barbados blood all in him cousin! I want to meet him soon” I read out, I laughed because I mean that won’t happen so she hopes, liking the comment. I realised something, niggas don’t care if you got a child they still thirsty, talking about let’s play step daddy my ass. Cartier yelped out, looking over at him and he just smiled “what? I am doing it, stop being impatient” hearing the buzzer go off “now you really need to wait” locking my phone, walking off to see who that is “be back” walking around the high chair, it’s weird being back in Atlanta with nobody. I have had random niggas outside, but I am like they must have something to do with Cassius but Kyle said they are known. It’s Amira, I have missed her so much. She has been gone for so long, she came back for one day and had to go back. Buzzing her in, I have missed her so much. Dragging open the door “I am back!” Amira ran at me “I have missed you so much” hugging her “I am so sorry, I wish I could be here but I am not. I came here as soon as” I really did need someone “it’s ok, come in. It feels like months you know” walking off back towards the kitchen before Cartier gets all worked up “it really has, I have been so busy Sofia. To set up a club in Miami, is not fucking easy at all” I can imagine.
Pulling the highchair closer to me “we are going to try this again, let’s see if you don’t spit that back out” the midwife said I need to continue, they will do that “I hate doing it, it’s like a messy job” I said to Amira “he is growing though, what you feed him? He is big” side eyeing Amira “don’t be calling him fat, she is calling you fat” placing some of the puree on my little finger “try it again” I don’t want to be giving him loads for him to spit it back out, placing my little finger in his mouth. He pulled a face at me, gradually tasting it “it’s ok, it won’t bite you” smiling at him “mmmmm” I guess he likes it “I think we good, I got burnt last time. Like I tried it with a whole ass baby spoon, boy did he make a mess so I switched it up. Let him taste before I give it on a spoon” Amira laughed “I can imagine the mess he made, you going in too quick for him” I am learning slowly “are you here for good now? Girl, I needed you so much. I am grateful you came back for one day but you here for a while now?” looking over at her, she nodded her head “I am, I missed Cartier the most though. He doesn’t remember me, looking at me like a stranger bitch now” I cooed out “he will remember you, won’t you baby boy” he is thinking who is this.
Placing Cartier in his rocker, he can go to sleep now. I mean he will eventually just fall asleep with it slowly rocking him instead of me doing it, saves me time “you didn’t have to make me a drink, you remembered my green tea” I chuckled “well seeing as you drink it, I got it” Amira took the drink from me “thank you, sit down, he is just falling asleep now” I am glad he is, his sleeping patterns are slowly changing. I have noticed it a lot “how have you been? That is what I want to know” putting my legs up “let’s start off with you, tell me. How are things, how the hell did you end up staying there for so damn long too” I think my life story is too long so I will leave that till the end “well, truthfully. I was going to Miami and Cassius was supposed to go to Miami also, that was the issue there and then it ended up being just me. I had to go anyways but then I was like shit, so it ended up being Ethan he came. And we just had so many issues, then Raphael came, I had to deal with him alone. Obviously it’s his name on it, but all is well. Cassius was supposed to deal with that so because me, I am dumb, I didn’t know what I was doing, and then Kyle was busy doing other things. Let’s just say it ended up being weeks, the club needed doing it up and all of that. But all is well, it’s done now. Then I came back for you, I honestly was so heartbroken for you” I sighed out, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry but I won’t be crying, I’ve done that.
I just laughed, it was more of a just my luck laugh “well” leaning over and placing my phone on the table “least he is asleep” I did think Cartier would have played up and not let me talk, he is just changing on me “I am sorry when I came, I came and then I saw Kyle and my home a mess, I came here and didn’t really have time. But I am here for you, right now” smiling at Amira “it’s fine, I think for the most part. And I think it’s the best thing, he is getting help. That is it” Amira smiled at me “it is but like, how it went down. You really went through it all” nodding my head “I forgive him for it, that is the honest truth. I do not hold any of it against him, it happened” Amira pulled a sad face at me “I was so angry with Kyle, he came home and I was like what? You left Sofia there, are you stupid. Sofia, I was so angry, I didn’t like the though of you being alone here with him. Did he do anything or did he actually sleep?” shaking my head “we did have sex, it was so bad. I mean on my end he was very rough, like there was no speaking to him when I was like calm down, even when I was trying to stop him, nope. He continued, he was awful and I just took it. Then he wanted more, he did it again. I was so sore, I bled but he stayed. I think it was the worst performance I have had with him, I mean he has been rough but not intentionally, he knew what he was doing but here he didn’t. So yeah, that happened” Amira looks so mortified “I told him, I said it to him that he shouldn’t have left you” shaking my head “don’t be, he would have never stayed in this house. I needed him to stay Amira, if he left this house I wouldn’t have seen him. He wouldn’t come back, he fucking overdosed on my bedroom floor on cocaine, it was everywhere. You tell me that I didn’t do the right thing” Amira looked away from me “you did, just that I feel bad” Amira mumbled.
I understand she does but I rather have done that then he left “so he actually did that? Overdosed on it?” nodding my head, he just fell to the ground and Kyle knew it. I didn’t get it” Amira pointed at me “actually, I do remember now a few years ago. Kyle came home and he said they fucked him up, he could have died. I did question him but he goes stay out of it. I think he was on about Cassius” that correlates with what Kyle said “he has done it before, I didn’t know Cassius was this depressive, like in the sense of him wanting to die, him not wanting to be here. I didn’t think it was that bad, he is hiding behind the drugs. I think he uses drugs to deal with the shit, it’s been awful. Do not get me wrong, I was scared. He kicked off in the place, he chased me. He threatened people, I spoke to him. I said to him that I will be here for him, but when I left the rehab place. The next day I thought he left, I thought he walked out because I got a call. He can walk out, nothing to stop him legally. But they called and said he stayed and he is sleeping. I think they gave him something to get him down, I just know it. But it was something I should have known, I failed him a lot and I did leave him that time and he needed me. I love him a lot, I just want to see him do well” I miss him so much, I just want him back with me.
“He is in the best place, I suppose he does go through a lot and really has. I mean people go to war zones and they never come back normal, how do we expect someone like Cassius to be normal. Kyle is a side kick, I don’t believe he does the amount Cassius does. I am sorry, like I am really sad for you” Amira said “it’s been a few weeks now, do you know how he is?” shaking my head “he doesn’t call and he doesn’t want anyone to visit him, I only know through the place, they tell me. He refuses anyone to see him, they have asked and he said no. He won’t speak to anyone, and then I was like he is lying to me. He calling someone so I asked Kyle, he said he isn’t speaking to him and then I get a parcel. I open it, it’s his phones. Both of his phones, he sent me his phones. Henry, the guy working with him said I can only wait, so I will wait but I have his phones. He has cut off any communication. They said he is struggling and I hate that. Kyle said he does that, when he went in last time he didn’t want to come back out. So yeah I can only wait but I miss him so much but I feel him and he is hurting, a lot” Amira leaned over “you are so strong, oh girl. You deserve so much happiness” hugging Amira back “thank you, I am not crying anymore because he is alive and well. But I miss him a lot. I appreciate you and Kyle so much” squeezing Amira a little more.
Amira and I both sighed out “I did think at one point he was calling Celine but he gave me the phones” I did think it “Kyle was saying, Fabian goes she is boss. And Kyle goes who? And he said wife, Cassius wife. And Kyle was like the hell she is” I busted out laughing “I said it to him at the centre, I didn’t want Cassius getting to him about getting him out, but those guys are sweet. Every day they ask me do I need anything. They go with me shopping, I can’t refuse but all is well. Gio called and was like work? I said I can’t, I need a break. But yeah, I am just waiting for him to say come and see me” I can’t wait to see him, I miss his face “you have lost weight” Amira pointed out, letting out an oh laughing “funny you should say that” I said through my laugh “I am actually pregnant” Amira’ face dropped “fuck off” Amira said, I shrugged “I feel the same way” Amira placed her hands over her mouth “you’re pregnant?” she said, nodding my head “yeah” I sighed out “I did a test, just yesterday and there we have it. I am pregnant, so it was when Cassius was out of it he caught me then. What it is I usually have tablets but I have been so stuck on this that I didn’t so yeah, I am not happy but what can I say” Amira cooed out “that is so cute, I am happy for you but I understand it’s not something you want now” nodding my head “would it be bad if I got rid of it?” Amira paused not sure what to say “I would…” she dragged out “I would think about that, I know it’s not the right time but also it’s a blessing” and Amira said I lost weight “it’s not something I want, I don’t know but yeah. Added stress” I laughed.
Amira really makes me get up to no good “you know what I was thinking it, at first when they came I goes let me not but I did think it” unlocking his burner phone “I think you should, totally, you got his phone. I think you need to lay down the law on this, show her who is boss” this is Cassius dealer phone and I am here with it “do it, I think you should. You was right in thinking on doing because you should” biting on my bottom lip smiling wide “ok” I mumbled, least he named her Celine and not under some undercover name “she is about to be shook, watch” tapping on Celine’ name and then pressing the speaker phone, for her to be my cousin, I would get her killed if I could. She is with child now anyways “Cassius! Oh my god, please tell you didn’t do anything stupid. Kyle was blaming me, I said for you to not do it too much. And then your phones have been off!? I was worried” this bitch, I swear to god “but it is your fault” I said down the phone, Amira kissed her teeth. The phone line is ever so quiet “Sofia?” she said “you right, it is” she isn’t all shouting on the phone now thinking it is Cassius “he wouldn’t let you have his phone, he is asleep and you took it or you made him give it you” pressing my lips in to a hard thin line “I think you underestimate the influence I have on Cassius, it’s fine because I don’t care. So dear cousin you have been playing on Cassius, got in his mind did you?” Amira keeps on rolling her eyes “he is boss, he does what he wants” she said “no, you wrong. I am boss, there is no way in hell you will speak on my husbands name again Celine” Celine laughed “ok little girl, give his phone back. He rules you” Amira gasped “don’t back down” she said in a whisper “bet” I said “bet” Celine said “you know what bitch, I really felt for you. You want to see who boss is, watch yourself” disconnecting the call “get Ethan on the phone” I said to Amira “oooo chile, you calling in people now” Amira said laughing “I am serious now, I want it” Amira pointed at the phone “it will be in there, you do you” that is true, I got his phone.
This whole calling favours is really cool, I shouldn’t like it but I do “Cassius?” Ethan said down the phone “no, it’s Sofia” Amira giggled “oh ok, you have his phone?” he asked “I do, and I need you to do something for me” this is terrible but she needs to know I am boss too “oh erm, what is that? Is Cassius there?” why ask about him “he is taking a break, but I need you to go to Celine’ home. Do what you need to do and tell her that Sofia sent you” Amira moved away from me as she laughed “ooohhhhh erm Sofia, I mean like Cassius needs to tell me that. I mean even Kyle? Is he there?” pulling a face “if I get Cassius and you don’t listen to me he will be really angry, when he ain’t here it’s me. Get it right so do it Ethan! I expect an update too” Ethan is quiet on the phone “hurry up” disconnecting the call “oh my god! Bitch!!” Amira spat as we laughed.
I needed this, I needed Amira here “your mac and cheese be hitting differently, you need to write me what you do differently. You know what I was thinking, I might just stay here. Kyle is busy and shit” Amira said as I turned around “oh please stay, I love having you here” I need the company “Sofia, what have you done” Kyle said down the hall, Amira near choked on her food “Sofia?” Kyle shouted “I am in the kitchen!” I shouted “yo, what the hell is happening?” Kyle said, Amira is licking her fingers while laughing “I knew you would be here, Amira what the hell. Ethan called me, I was on the other side of Atlanta, you giving out orders now? I mean I said for him to do it but what the hell?” I feel like a naughty school girl “but like, let me have this one please. Just this” Kyle held his hand out “give me his phones, y’all ain’t shit together. Stop doing boss movement shit ok? Celine called my phone crying. She got Bryce there, he saw it. Them niggas fucked her up, and then said your name. I said to her look it ain’t me. You heard her, stay away. You got this now, and also for that. I want some food, please” Kyle isn’t angry, I guess she will know who boss is “you can Kyle, thank you” I really thought he was going to be so angry “she said where is Cassius, I goes to her he needs a break and left Sofia in charge of things. She is a little shook about it, I think Celine gets it. I said he went away for a while, he did it for himself and his family” that has actually made me happy “good, fuck the bitch. So guys, when is the wedding with you two? At this rate you both will be married before me, I am being serious about this” only god knows when I will “once my boy gets married, whenever it comes” Kyle shrugged smiling “so never?” I laughed, Cassius will be dragging this out until I am thirty myself “I mean soon” Kyle said, I am happy for these two.
I am happy to have a normal adult conversation, it’s been a while “have you seen him sit up, he’s like the leaning tower” I said to Kyle, he playing with Cartier on the floor “no I ain’t, he is growing up so quickly. Little light skinned ain’t you” they are so cute together “Cassius not asked for you yet?” Kyle asked “nope, yourself?” he shook his head “he is really not bothering, I just want something from him. I know he is upset and hating the life, and hating things. We love him” Kyle is so sweet “also Sofia is pregnant, he needs to know that” Amira stated, I wish she didn’t “oh shit? Seriously?” I sighed out “look, I am not sure I want to keep it because it seems like bad memories, something that I don’t want to tell Cassius about. He may feel bad about it, you know him Kyle. You know he will remember what he did, you know it” Kyle put his head down “I just need to know where his mind is at, I am not sure” I am not sure about keeping this.
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Kennedy is a fucking party animal
“I mean I probably need massive amounts of therapy.” I smiled at my dad.
“I didn’t know it was this bad. I didn’t know you did this.” Brian grabbed his face. “I’ll call this week. Meanwhile, I’m sorry to do this but monny will be checking your legs after every shower.”
Her and her daughter did. They moved in with us and they REALLY watched me. Monny’s daughter did it to, well she used to. We talked about it from time to time.
My junior year came. I shaved my head and my hair was finally growing back. I started dating this dude named Jerm, after Gabe dumped me because dating his best friend’s ex was, “to weird.” I didn’t care. I knew he used me for sex. I have such a weird concept of sex. I like pleasing people I guess, but I really just gave it up for anyone. Jerm commented on a Facebook status of mine and when I liked his comment he slid into my messages. It turns out, Jerm had another variation of the autoimmune disease I had. His came into tumors versus literally every white blood cell in his body attacking your shit. So we bonded on that level. He smoked a lot of weed and played a lot of video games. So that’s pretty much our entire relationship. Jerm had a car, and it was nice going into my junior year with a boyfriend.
During my junior year, I got better physically. You could hardly tell I had some weird ass illness last year. I hung out with my friends and started learning what hood rat shit was. Jerm would go absent for hours at a time(you’ll see later). So I hung out with my girl friends, Jac and Tori.
I met Jac through Gabe and Shawn, she was weird just like me and her parents let me stay at their house. My best friend Mac stayed there a lot to. We were texting guys we shouldn’t have been and were being rebels. One night jaclyns parents sacked out after a good wine night and a guy friend had texted us asking if we wanted to go to a party. I was so in. I asked Jaclyn how we were going to go to this party.
“Hop out the back window, duh.” She laughed.
We got dressed in our slutty outfits. I think this night I was wearing jeans and a checkered crop top. I wore black eyeliner and red lipstick. The guy friend that texted us was 19 and we were 16, so now that I think about that’s a little weird lmao. We hopped out the window laughing and ran to the end of the road. The guy picked us up and brought us on our merry way. He handed us a bottle of vodka and a monster can while he was driving. I drank on the way there and threw up as soon as I hit the yard. But this was fun to us.
At about 3 AM that night, I remember Jac and I puking side by side off some random bitch’s porchside just laughing our asses off.
The best night though was when my friend tori and Chelsea came to stay the night with me. Chelsea and I made up and Tori was a girl I met at some random party a few months back. Tori stated that her friend Joseph wanted to pick her up to go to a party and that it was cool if me and Chelsea tagged along.
I usually went to parties while I wasn’t home, so my dad was here and that would be super tricky.
“Hey dad, I wanna go see this new movie. It starts at 11, so it will be super late. Is it cool if I go?” I asked.
“Sure bring me back a movie ticket and I’ll believe you.” He smiled.
“Dad that’s really fucking unfair. Just trust me. I’ll be back by 2.” I looked at him. “Chelsea’s sister is gonna come pick us up.”
“As long as you bring me a movie ticket back home, cause I don’t believe you.” He smiled at me again.
Clearly I was a bad liar. But sure. I knew I was going to get grounded so I went anyway. As soon as Joseph texted tori he was almost there, we all ran to the road, I couldn’t have my dad see a guy pick us up.
That night we went to some weird ass party in a shed. But there was cigarettes, alcohol, and weed. I started doing shots with all my friends that I saw there, and drank a few beers. I don’t remember much but I do remember I was wasted. My dad kept texting me but I didn’t respond. Suddenly it was 4 AM, and I was puking my guts up on the ride home. As soon as I walked into the door my dad opened his bedroom door just to stare at me and slam it.
I threw up into the toilet some more and then passed out next to tori. Chelsea slept on the couch. By the time I woke up Chelsea was gone, but tori was still sleeping. My dad immediately said that tori needed to “get the fuck out.” He took my phone and laptop. It was a pretty cool party though, so I think it was worth it.
After I got my phone back, Jerm broke up with me, and said he had been cheating on me. I listened to Marina and the Diamonds and cried. I really liked him. And he dead ass waited until I got my phone back so instead of facing me at school, he could text a break up with me. Classic 17 year old dudes.
Joseph started messaging me on Instagram as soon as he saw that I said I was single. We exchanged numbers and started texting. So let’s talk about Joseph.
I learned that Joseph was 21, an alcoholic, used to have a problem with heroin, had no parents, lived with a friend, and had a speech impediment. But at 16, a 22 year old guy texting me was “super cool.”
So let’s talk about the hook up. One night at Jac’s, our friends invited us to a party. It was supposed to be a fucking fire party. Jac and I got slutty and jumped out the window. Our over age guy friends picked us up. One of them had a crush on me but I was not feeling it. At the party, I met a ton of new friends and it was the best party. I puked a few times and smoked a few cigarettes. Joseph was there to. At one point, the guy friend who brought me got upset that I wouldn’t kiss him. He got extremely angry on the porch and started punching the door frame of this house. He was escorted out by a bunch of gentleman.
After he left, everyone knew it was because I rejected him. He was very loud while we were having a discussion on the porch. One guy named Jared introduced himself to me, he was in the army and was here on leave. “I rented a fast ass sports car while I’m here. Come ride?”
I grabbed Mac’s hand and we got into the car with this stranger, he started hitting 90 on this back ass highway. Me and Mac hung our heads out the sunroof and even flashed our tits to passing cars. When we got back, Joseph was in the kitchen eating a snack.
I walked in and started talking to him, we were totally wasted and he didn’t have a shirt on. Joseph and I started kissing. I don’t know how it happened but he put up against the wall and put his tongue down my throat. He started grabbing my ass.
A few friends of angry boy came in, “wow slut.”
“It’s okay if y’all do this but not a female. Joseph is there a private place we could go.” I looked at him with crazy sexual tension.
“You can go in my room!” The owner of the house said really enthusiastically, which now that I think about it... gross.
Me and Joseph ran to his room and locked the door. Joseph started taking my pants off and was eating me out. I moaned and was ready to have him fuck me.
Of course the assholes broke into the room though to inform me I was a slut and literally laid in bed with us. I put my pants on underneath the covers then got up. I didn’t say a word to anyone. I found Jac in the living room making out with a douche bag and told her the story.
Suddenly some stoner from the front yard runs inside, “COPS!”
Oh my GOD. A party I was at, getting busted? My dad was going to fucking murder me. Me and Jac followed the crowd to this back bedroom of the house, people were literally jumping out the window. So even though it was a good 10 feet, I followed. I was very drunk and high so I thought I had super powers. I could see the flashing of multiple cop cars the front yard.
When me and Jac got onto the next street a random man that was also running stopped us. “Hey my house is down the road, got some weed and no cops. How old are y’all?”
“16.” We both said in unison, which is hilarious cause Jaclyn was 14 at the time of this incident.
“FUCK NO IM ON PROBATION!” The guy left us in the dark and hopped a fence. We saw a few people from the party run to a fence. So me and Jaclyn followed. We pressed our bodies against the dark fence when all of the sudden the police stopped on the road we were on. They started talking to a couple that was taking a walk. The couple was from the party but clearly they were more sober than us and better liars.
“Have you seen some teenagers running in the streets?” This stern voice asked.
“No sir, we live down the road.” The guy pointed to a random ass road. “We were walking to the gas station for some cigarettes.”
The cop shined his flashlight in their faces. “Call the police department if you see anything fishy.” He slammed his door to the cruiser and sped off, his flashlight shining out the window looking for us.
My phone rang and it was a friend at the party,”hey cops are gone man... they said they got 5 noise complaints and that’s why they had to come down here. Everyone is pretty much leaving the party now anyway.”
Me and Jac walked the block back to the party.
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thatonecurlygirl · 6 years
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Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Christmas came and went along with New Years and now you and the boys are fighting the cold South Dakota snow as you are fighting a cherub gone rogue. The cherub had been using his abilities to make anyone fall in love to also get them to kill each other. Sam, Cas and Dean walk into the apartment they believe houses the cherub and orders me to stay in the vehicle and they will be back once they take care of things. Once you know the guys are inside you get out and slowly sneak into the building and up the stairs. you peek into a room where you see the cherub but all three guys fighting each other as the cherub chuckles.
you position the Angel Blade in my hand as you sneak in, plunging the blade through his back and watching the tip peek through his chest, pulling the knife back out as he falls to the floor. None of you thought that maybe your one rogue cherub could be two, so you were surprised when a bullet flies, ripping through the skin of your arm, lodging itself there. The guys fight around you as the cherub and you stand there staring at each other. She lifts the gun and before the can pull the trigger you throw the knife with precision as it sticks into her chest. you walk over to her body laying on the ground as you pull the blade from her chest, the guys stop fighting.
“What the hell (y/n)!” Dean growls, ripping a piece of his shirt and walking up to you. “You could have gotten yourself killed!” he yells
“Are you fucking serious?!” you yell back, paying no mind to the blood dripping down your fingers, “I just saved your asses and this is the thanks I get?!”
Dean wraps the torn piece of the shirt around your arm, trying it tight to stop the bleeding. you reach up to scratch the side of my neck, but blood coats your fingers as you curse under my breath realizing that she pulls the trigger and the bullet grazed your neck. you turn and walk away, down the stairs and to the Impala. you slide into the backseat and pull some gauze out of the first aid kit you just stocked in my purse and you place it on my neck applying pressure.
“Are you okay?” Cas asks as they get into the vehicle.
you smile and nod, thankful that he isn’t pissed at you right now. you look up in the front and see both Sam and Dean, jaws clenched and staring straight ahead. The five-minute drive back to the motel felt more like an hour and the tension was building. Dean killing the engine burst that tension bubble exploded and so did Dean. He whips around staring you dead in the eyes.
“That was a stupid move, charging in there nearly getting yourself killed! I told you to wait in the car, but your impatient ass can’t get anything right!” He roars, anger filling his eyes.
“Thank you (y/n) for saving our asses, we almost killed each other and I appreciate your help!” you say under my breath. “You know fuck you!” you yell, beyond pissed. “If my impatient ass is screwing up the hunts, why don’t you just leave me at the bunker!” you suggest.
“Next time we will!” He retorts and you climb out of the Impala, slamming the door closed behind you.
You walk up to my room, directly beside the one that the guys are sharing. you unlock the door and walk in, slamming it shut behind you and locking it. you go to the fridge and pull out the whiskey Dean left taking a swig, before plunging a pair of tweezers into my arm to dig out the bullet.
“Fuuckk.” you groan as you wiggle the bullet out, dropping it to the table and sewing my arm up.
you walk to the bathroom, looking at your neck in the mirror. It’s not that bad, looks more like a cut than anything. you put two butterfly stitches on in and jump in the shower. The hot water burns, but relaxes you as you wash my face and body. When the water starts to turn cold you get out, wrapping myself up in a towel and walk out. The angered yelling next door is now replaced by a female moaning and Dean’s loud voice and moans. you look out the window to see the Impala gone. Dean must’ve kicked Sam and Cas out so he could fuck some bimbo.
you were hurt by the fact that Sam and Dean couldn’t even be appreciative of the fact that you saved their lives. you were hurt that he yelled and said you couldn’t get anything right. you were hurt by the fact that you am in love with him and he is having sex with some random stranger next door. you were hurt enough to pack up my bags and call an Uber. you went to the motel lobby and checked out, handing in my key and paying for the nights you stayed in there.
You decided to catch the first flight to Kansas and took a taxi from the airport and as close to the bunker as possible, getting out and walking the rest of the way. By the time you made it inside you were extremely tired and just ready to get some sleep. You plop down onto your mattress, kicking your pants off but not bothering to even tuck yourself under the blankets, you just fell asleep.
you were exhausted and sleep longer than you intended, waking up to the sound of the bunker doors slamming shut. Knowing it was the guys and that you were going to be in for an ear full you locked the door and turned the television on. you hear Dean’s heavy feet padding toward my door and you turn the volume up as loud as you can. The twelve o’clock news. You slept in later than intended. Dean bangs on the door, but it is barely audible over the sound of the television. After about twenty minutes Dean gives up and you turn the television down. you look at my phone to see twenty-one missed calls and thirteen texts from a combination of both Sam and Dean.
“(y/n).” you look up to see Dean standing in the doorway.
Of course, he would pick the lock. “What do you want?” you ask, grabbing my shorts and slipping them back on, standing up to look Dean in the eye.
“I’m sorry.” He sighs.
“No need to be sorry. You were right.” you turn walking back toward my bed, slipping on some socks and shoes, “I shouldn’t of went in there. If you would have died you would have come back somehow, some way anyways. No point risking my life for someone who doesn’t know how to stay dead anyway.”
“(y/n) stop,” he says, the look of guilt on his face.
“I can’t do anything right, I may as well stay here at the bunker. I’d make a good maid though, what do you think?” you continue.
“(y/n), I’m trying to fucking apologize here!” He says raising his voice.
“No Dean, you are trying to force you to accept your apology. That’s your problem, you think you are all high and mighty on your fucking pedestal and that you can rule over everyone’s lives.” you say, pointing your finger into his chest “The sad part is, you don’t even realize it.” you soften my voice, “Everyone has to play by your rules and when you don’t get your way, you get mad. Everyone said you would grow up to be trouble, I guess I was too blinded by how great I thought you were to realize that they were right.” you say pushing past Dean.
you walk down the hall and up the stairs, grabbing my coat and walking outside. you were so distracted by my emotions that you just walk, forgetting that you’re wearing shorts outside with the snow falling around you, but you don’t feel like going back inside just yet. you walk around through the trees and pass the bunker doors a few times before deciding to come back inside. you walk down the stairs seeing Dean sitting at the table, head down and fingers in his hair.
He looks up at you, “Is all you said true?” He asks, he looks so sad that it kind of hurts my heart.
“I may have been a little angry and exaggerated things a little. I know you care and you are doing what you think is best and trying to protect me but I can take care of myself. You are so fucking stubborn though and it's annoying but you’re my best friend and we all put up with it because we love you, but you have to realize how hard headed you can be sometimes.”
“I really am sorry. I just get so worried sometimes and when I saw you were hurt I just flipped my lid I guess. When Sam and I realized you left I was pissed at myself for yelling at you-” He explains but you cut him off with laughter.
“I did not leave because you were yelling. I left both because you pissed me off and she was yelling.” When he looks at you confused you begin to imitate the sounds the girl was making with you, “Oh- oh-oh  yessss Dean yassss. Harder harder.”
Dean sits there wide-eyed as you stand up laughing, walking back to my room. you pull some clothes out of the closet and pulling them on. you look at yourself in the mirror approving of the knit sweater dress and knee-high boots. you pull my purse over my shoulder, careful not to let it rest on my wounds. you walk out of my door and right into Dean.
“Where are you going?” He asks, eyebrows knit in confusion.
“As you may know, tonight is Valentine's day and I have a date. So if you’ll excuse me.” you push past Dean.
“You have a date?” Dean asks, turning around and following you.
“Don’t act so surprised Dean.” you scoff. “I met him on the plane ride here, he seems nice and he asked me out tonight. I’m a big girl Dean, trust me,” you say before walking up the bunker stairs, leaving him behind.
You and he meet for dinner and decide to go out for a drink at the bar afterward to let loose. you weren’t expecting to walk in and see Dean at the back of the bar, drinking by himself.  His eyes meet mine and then look over at Miles and my arm hooked in his.
“I’ll take a Dos Equis, and whatever she wants.” He tells the bartender, you break my eyes from Dean.
“I’ll take the same also.” you smile, refusing to turn back and look at Dean. “thank you,” you tell the bartender as he hands you my beer.
“You play pool?” Miles asks with a smile almost as beautiful as Deans.
“No, I suck at it.” you laugh trying to push back the thought of Dean staring down Miles and you while you are playing pool.
“I’ll help you.” He smiles, running his hadn’t through his short black hair.
The two of you began a game of pool and when it would come to my turn he would stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you and leaning into my back. It was really cliche, but you’d be lying if it didn’t get you hot. He leans into my ear, his soft breaths tickling my ear. you turn my head slightly toward him and he places his lips on mine. you kiss him back, heart nearly pounding out of my chest when you remember that Dean is sitting across the bar, but by that time it’s too late.
you feel a pull on my hand as Dean pulls you away from Miles, your lips now feeling empty as you open your eyes seeing the look on Miles’ face. you yank my hand from Dean’s as he looks at Miles with those angry eyes.
“Can I help you with something?” He asks Dean, reaching his hand out to you.
“You can keep your fucking hands off of her,” Dean says stepping between Miles and you. “(y/n), we’re going home,” Dean demands not taking his eyes off Miles.
“Whoa, (y/n). I thought you said you were single?” Miles states it more as a question than a statement.
“I am single,” you say moving from behind Dean. “Dean is just my friend, who happens to be an asshole.”
“You know, I think it’s time for you to go home anyway.” He looks down at you with a smile, “I had a great time.” He says and with that, he walks out.
“There you go again Dean.” you sigh in defeat as you walk up to the bar, Dean following closely behind. “Leave me alone, please.”
you didn’t really expect that to work, but when you look back over my shoulder he had returned to his seat in the back. you sigh and lay my head down on the bar and look up and back in Dean’s direction when you hear an over the top giggle. Sure enough, there sits some girl in Dean’s lap and he is nibbling on her neck looking down her shirt as she looks dead at you. you stand up and walk out and to my car, driving the ten minutes out to the bunker.
“Hey (y/n), how was your date?” Sam asks as you walk down the stairs.
“It was going great until Dean ruined it.” you groan, plopping down in the chair across from him.
“Dean ruined it?” He questions and you nod my head.
“Yep,” you look up at Sam, “We went to dinner then the bar. We were playing pool and Dean damn near ripped me away from him. Then he went over and started sucking some random chicks neck.”
“I’m sorry about that (y/n), Dean can get kind of… jealous sometimes.” Sam tries to make up something to say, but you see through that.
“I’m just going to go to bed if Dean comes home tonight tell him to leave me alone.” you stand up walking out of the room.
you walk to my bedroom softly closing the door behind you and kicking off my clothes. you slide underneath my plush covers and turn off the light on the bedside table. What is Dean’s problem? you just wanted to have a good night and enjoy myself for once. you sigh and pick up my phone, with the intention of apologizing to miles.
you (to Miles): I'm so sorry.
Surprisingly it didn’t take long for Miles to text back and you definitely were not expecting his response.
MILES: Don't worry about it. If I was him I'd be jealous too.
you just wanted to tell him that it wasn’t Dean being jealous and that is just how he acts, but what’s the use in doing that? It doesn’t matter because you probably won’t even see Miles again thanks to Dean’s stupidity. you place my phone back on the changer and set it by my lamp.
“(y/n)?” Dean’s voice breaks the silence of the room. “Can we talk?” He asks light from the other side of the door pooling in as he opens the door.
“About what Dean?” you ask, turning on the lamp on my nightstand. “What do you possibly want to talk about?” you ask sitting up and fighting back the tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“I am sorry, I couldn’t stand watching him all over you like that. I couldn’t watch it any longer.” He explains walking in and closing the door behind him.
“Then you should have left.” you say honestly and maybe a little too harsh, “I was having fun and I was happy. Why don’t you want me to be happy?”
“(y/n), I do want you to be happy, just not with him.” He sits on the edge of your bed gently grabbing your hand.
you snatch your hand away from him “With who then Dean, who?” A tear of frustration slips from my eye.
“With me (y/n). I don’t want you to be happy with anyone but me. I know I sound selfish right now, but I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take seeing how guys look at you, knowing that you are so oblivious to it.” He wipes the tear from your cheek.
“What are you talking about?” you ask confused as he leans away from you.
“God, (y/n). I am trying to tell you that I’m in love with you, okay?” He throws his hands up in the air, letting them fall back into his lap. “I am in love with you and can’t stand watching other guys drool all over you.” He says and your jaw falls open at his confession. “I know you don’t feel the same and I’ve been trying to distract myself with all these other girls, but it’s just not working. I’m sorry.”
you just still there still shocked by what he had to say. Dean looks away from you, burying his head in his hands. He looks back up at you nervousness in his eyes, searching yours for something. He must not have found what he was looking for, because he stood up with a sigh prepared to walk out.
“Dean” you stand up, following him towards the door as he shakes his head. “Dean, I love you too.”
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins/Female Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirsty crew! This is some self-indulgent, romance-novel levels of hurt/comfort, touchy-feely shenanigans. I hope you like it! Tagging @toxiicpop, @oraclegazes and of course, @hardcorewwetrash! Enjoy!
(Also apologies on this being a little late, the wifi was not cooperating)
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains rampant, wanton parental neglect.]
Since you had been very, very young, you’d been informed of your parents love for you. Numerous caretaker figures had reassured you of this, and there always seemed to be a package waiting when you got home from school with far-off places on the label, brimming with odds and ends to enrich your mind or new toys for you to play with.
But they were rarely home in person. You grew accustomed to hearing their voices through speakers or seeing their faces lit with tired, blueish light from whatever screen they had in front of them.
Loneliness wasn’t so much a feeling as it was a constant drone in the background. You thought you were used to it but it would flare brighter at random intervals, softly whispering about your solitude.
Maybe my parents don’t like me.
As you grew older family movies made your heart ache and you began to change the channel before the melancholy could ruin your day. Sixteen came and went, eighteen came and went.
Your last caretaker departed sometime during your nineteenth year and left you well and truly alone in the large house, aside from the individuals who came in to clean. You decided to take some rudimentary classes at the local college. It wasn't exactly like you had much to do now that high school was done with, and you did love reading almost everything you could get your hands on.
Twenty-one came and went, and with it went the end of proverbial 'milestone' birthdays. The years continued to file by in a neat, orderly fashion.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
On the rare occasions where your parents came home, it was so brief and predictable that the instances began to blur together in your mind. The stiff hugs, the oh you’ve gotten so big!, the kiss on your cheek. You weren’t sure as you got older whether you were the idiot for rushing to the door every time they arrived, or whether they were the idiots for coming back.
But this might be different. A spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. Your mother had come breezing by entirely unannounced (which was unheard of), and she was thrilled.
“There’s a gala,” Your mother said with what sounded like real excitement in her voice, “And you’ve been invited too! You’re an adult now, sweetheart. You need a dress!”
You wanted to point out that seeing as you were well into your twenties, you’d been an adult for a while. But you kept your mouth shut.
You had never spent any real length of time with your mother. It was odd, wandering through a bridal shop with (essentially) a stranger who somehow had intimate knowledge of your goings-on. Occasionally though, you would catch a glimpse of a black suit and your shoulders would relax again at the implication of your safety.
Dean, Roman and Seth had been assigned as your personal security after an incident almost a year ago; someone had broken into your parent’s house while you slept peacefully and you had woken up to a loud bang when the door to your bedroom flew open. You had screamed and the intruder had fled rapidly, but the damage was done. For the weeks afterward you were escorted to and from your college classes by numerous severely-dressed women or men at all times, “until I figure out a permanent solution,” your father had said over the phone.
You amused yourself in classes thinking about them sitting outside the door like a group of bored puppies.
When at home it was like living with three to four interchangeable ghosts. The roster and names varied over the days but the personalities stayed the same. Cool, calm, the definition of organized. Not a hair out of place. You thought about The Matrix and mused on whether you were Neo or Mr. Smith. Most of the time though, you just felt like the woman in the red dress.
Sometimes you wondered what on Earth other people must think as they watched your veritable battalion of suits sit with you in the library. Maybe they think I’m in a witness protection program! That would be kind of cool. Or that I work for the CIA. Anything really, to distract or downplay the fact that you sat at an empty table.
You had come home from classes one Saturday, looking forward to a day off from schooling as you waved goodbye to the group that had escorted you to your front gate. “I can take it from here guys, drive safe!” You tried your best to always be decent to the people watching out for you, figuring that this glorified babysitting was way more embarrassing for them than it was for you. After all, these were individuals with actual training! They hadn’t grown up in a plush house with someone to take care of their needs and parents that loved them, you were fairly sure.
You punched in the code, unlocked the front door and stepped in, hanging up your coat and quickly taking off your shoes. There were house rules, after all. You made your way to the kitchen for your after-school snack once you did your usual check to make sure that the security system was armed, then froze in the doorway when you realized you weren’t alone. And not in the usual, the foursome shifts overlapped kind of way!
A young man with a prominent blond streak in his brown hair was hanging upside-down by his knees from one of the stylistically-exposed rafters in the kitchen, absently swinging himself back and forth like it was the most normal thing in the world. You stared for what felt like forever, utterly confused.
“Um…excuse me?” Your voice made his head turn in your direction and he dropped gracefully to the island below him, somehow managing to land with hardly any noise. “W-Who are you?” Brown eyes focused on your face as he quickly stalked on all fours over the counter, heading for you. You went to back up, suddenly terrified for your life, and you ended up backing into someone. Instinctively beginning to apologize, you half-turned to bolt and a set of arms wrapped around your waist, immobilizing you.
“Easy, you’re safe.” Said a voice that was so gravelly it sent a shiver through your body. “Rollins, knock it off. They’re shakin’ like a leaf.” The man who had spoken was tall with fierce blue eyes and messy blond hair, his jaw coated with a day's worth of growth. He looked at you curiously. “You okay, kid?”
“Aw, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Rollins apologized as he got down from the counter. “Was just having some fun.”
“W-Why are you in my house? Who are you people?!” You began struggling frantically in the other man’s grip. “Let me go! Don’t touch me!”
The blond chuckled and released you, your sudden freedom making you stumble forward. “Your parents hired us full-time. Said you needed some protection. You ought to have a notification about it.”
“I…” You whipped out your phone, moving to check your normally-barren text messages. Sure enough, there was a new one from your father. You could see Rollins shifting back and forth as you read. Their names are Dean, Seth, and Roman. “I just…please don’t touch me.” You said nervously.
“Yeah, I scared them?” Rollins huffed indignantly. “Good going Ambrose.”
“Reigns ought to be done by now, where the-” Whatever the blond man was about to say was halted by a loud thud from upstairs. “Oh Christ.” He groaned. Rollins beckoned for you to follow as Ambrose headed off towards the grand staircase. “Fuck me Roman, if you broke something...”
“I tripped! All I did was trip. It’s just really empty in here.” Protested a third man from the top of the stairs. “Echoes. Oh! They’re home. Hey.” He offered a nonchalant wave and you waved back dumbly, taking in the smooth black ponytail hanging over his shoulder. And that tattoo! It covered the majority of his right arm and spilled onto his chest beneath his loose tank top. “Oh God, did you see Rollins in the…whoops, you did. I told him he shouldn’t-”
“Don’t start, Reigns.” Rollins growled. “You encouraged my ass.”
“I said within reason!” Reigns corrected.
“If we could focus for five seconds here, gentlemen.” Ambrose whipped back around to face you. “My name is Dean Ambrose. That’s Seth Rollins.” He gestured towards the young man with the blond streak. “And that’s Roman Reigns.” There was a finger aimed at the large man at the top of the staircase. “We’ve been hired to apparently lurk on your every move.” Dean raised an eyebrow. “Your parents didn’t tell us why, but I guess that’s need-to-know information and we don't need.”
“S-Somebody broke into our house.” You said shakily. “I’m kind of alone up here, since my last caretaker left. They don't want me walking to my classes by myself either.”
“So pretty standard stuff. A sheltered young person with overprotective parents.” The looks Dean kept giving you made you even more nervous. “Do you keep a copy of your schedule somewhere?”
“I found it already, top of the fridge.” Seth produced your folded-up class schedule from his pocket and Ambrose pored over it while you stood there awkwardly. “Not really any points that need attention, honestly.”
“I can see that. Reigns, why are you still up there?” Ambrose scolded. “Get down here man.”
“Ambrose you’re being kinda’ rude.” Roman pointed out. “We need to explain. They’re obviously confused.”
“No no!” You said quickly, determined to not seem like an idiot. “I totally understand.”
“See? They’re fine. C’mon.” Ambrose grunted.
“Are you sure?” Rollins asked, his brow furrowed as he gave you a worried look. “We don't mind explaining, if you need it.”
“Absolutely. My dad keeps me in the loop.” That was an outright lie. “I guess I just forgot today was the day you guys were showing up, is all.”
“You're really isolated here, y'know.” Dean commented absently after they had huddled up for a minute or two. “Kid like you must have a lot of buddies. We figured you'd come back with your friends or something. ”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“S-Sometimes I do.” You wanted to be indignant about being called kid, but you were too snagged on the idea of friends. The word hurt a little, chipping at parts of you that you'd thought had smoothed over ages ago. “My parents said I should keep most people at arm's length.” Seth looked like he was about to say something so you quickly offered, “Would you guys like a snack? I...usually once I get out of school I make myself some apple slices with peanut butter.”
“Culinary wonders abound with you, huh kid?” Ambrose asked sarcastically.
“Dean.” Roman chided. “We've already had lunch. Thank you, though.” He continued to you.
“I'm sorry, I don't mean to...I'm not used to dealin' with someone your age.” Dean apologized awkwardly.
“If you try to pat me on the head, I will hit you.” You warned and Rollins exploded into laughter. Roman looked shocked and Ambrose's crooked grin caught you off-guard. “'Someone my age', please. Someone who's an adult? You've never dealt with an adult before?”
“So there is a personality in there!” Ambrose chuckled. “Was beginning to worry. Nah, we're just used to dealin' with old, scared businessmen. Y'know, more wrinkles than skin, pickled in brandy and reeking like cigars. Not used to interactin' with a person under the age of seventy, except for these fine gentlemen.”
“I'll take you up on your offer. Kinda' hungry still.” Seth admitted. “Didn't want to take anything out of the fridge without asking.”
“Help yourself, please. My parents have weekly deliveries. It's a bit much considering it's just me here.” You ushered him back into the kitchen.
Their names are Dean, Seth, and Roman...
The three men took some adjusting to.
That’s an understatement, you thought ruefully as Dean carried on an increasingly-loud conversation with Rollins about Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped. The book in question was open on the table in front of them. You had been hoping to study during your lunch in the library, but instead you were being subjected to what felt like the world’s slowest battle of wits while Rollins asked what Jacobites were for the hundredth time.
Maybe it was because you knew the source material of their discussion so well, or maybe it was because you were actually trying to study, but you found your knuckles whitening on the book you currently held. You'd stumbled across the decks and highlands a thousand times in the shoes of 'young Davie', seeking an escape from the echoing silence of the house around you.
Roman was a saving grace in this situation, standing behind both men and pulling strange faces at you over their heads in an effort to get you to laugh. You finally caved in and started to snicker, startling both Seth and Dean into looking up at you. “Sorry, I just…” You floundered for a minute and then buried your flushed face back in the book you’d been trying to read.
“Oh shit, we're in a library.” Dean hissed like he'd forgotten. Sometimes the way the three men behaved made you think that they'd never had an official detail in their lives. Your rotating phalanx before they had showed up were men and women who either took themselves seriously or took themselves too seriously.
For example, the other day you had awoken to shrill yelling and maniacal laughter. When you stumbled from your room to find out what on earth was going on, you ended up running smack into a fleeing Ambrose with Reigns hot on his heels. Dean practically giggled into your neck as you laid there underneath him, still half-asleep and confused while his arms wrapped around you and gripped tightly.
Roman picked the both of you up as he grabbed Dean by the back of his pants, grunting when Ambrose refused to release you. Seth came whipping around the corner with a towel draped over his hips, looking excessively put-out. In his hand was a cartoonishly-large toy spider. “Ambrose!” He was caterwauling and you got the feeling that this arachnid-related torment was nothing new. “How many times do I have to...tell...” Rollins quickly lost steam as his eyes fell to you. A blush began to tint his face and he opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally making an indignant sound and throwing the spider at Ambrose's back with all his strength.
It bounced off harmlessly and landed on the rug, limbs moving feebly back and forth. It was a simple wind-up toy, and you supposed in this instance it literally wound Seth up. A little giggle issued from you when you pointed that out and Roman looked like he had the barest handle on his laughter. Ambrose didn't even try, just dissolving back into hysterics and burying his face in your shoulder as Seth stormed off angrily.
They made it extremely difficult for you to hold them at arm's length.
Each man was endearing in their own way. Roman got you into the habit of finding two exits from every room you were in. “Whether you gotta' make one of 'em yourself is up to you.” He had said, glancing pointedly up at the ceiling tiles of the library.
Seth showed you a few of his workout routines for when you had extra energy to burn. You had yet to swing from any rafters, of course, but he kept promising that was the next step. “You'll be Keaton-ing before you know it!”
Ambrose was rough around the edges and the quietest of the three, though he always had a random tidbit of useful knowledge to share (always at the strangest times). “Eight pounds of pressure per square inch will break a jaw real easy.” He'd stated out of the blue during one study period, making you nearly choke on your soda. “Punch or pinch the throat if you really wanna' stop a guy, though.”
The funniest part was the way that Roman and Seth always nodded after he spoke, like they were also absorbing the sage advice from their counterpart.
“What's Dean's story?” You asked Roman curiously one day.
“Not one for you to worry about.” Reigns answered, his voice oddly curt. That of course only added fuel to your fire and you resolved to suss out the mysterious tale of Dean's life.
By grilling Seth.
“Listen, he's had a hard time of it. I mean, we all have in our own ways. Dean just deals with it differently.” Rollins said finally after you refused to let up. “It's been a long road to get to the relatively-cushy setups. We've always stuck together though, even when shit got hard or dangerous. There's been a lot of times things fell through. To have this job now...shit, it's like a dream for us.” He mumbled the last bit, glancing up at you through his hair.
He carried on fiddling with a sticky lock on one of the windows in the guest bedroom. It kept giving the security system false readings, usually after two in the morning, which had resulted in more than a few sleepless nights.
Roman had very little patience when it came to you waking up during alerts; the large man always gave a two-second warning and if you weren't upright by then he scooped you into his arms like you were a child, carrying you easily down the stairs to the foyer with Rollins and Ambrose flanking him.
One night you weren't so sure it was a false reading. The window had actually been open, according to a tense Dean. “I don't like this shit one bit. It's like someone is fucking with us or feeling us out.” He had growled once Roman left to do a thorough sweep of the upstairs. You sat on the kitchen table, knowing without looking that Rollins was perched on one of the rafters overhead.
“Maybe we're just being paranoid.” Seth suggested. “What if one of the cleaners left it open?”
“I feel like we would have noticed, man. I dunno'. We'll see.” Dean hopped up onto the table beside you, pressing his thigh against your own. “Catch some 'Z's.” He ordered, like you would instantly pass out upon hearing the command. You shook your head and he grumbled under his breath, pulling you tight to his side after a momentary hesitation. “Look, you don't have to worry if we're around.” Ambrose said gruffly. “We got it covered.” His fingers dug into your hair for a second and he began to slowly rub the back of your neck. “We got it covered. Sleep.”
“Can't.” You protested, looking up at him warily. The firm pressure of his hand was so foreign, the casual presence of his thigh against yours an alien sensation. When was the last time you had been touched like this, treated like you were someone to be comforted? Your eyes half-lidded and Ambrose made a satisfied noise.
“There, that's it. Shh.” He murmured. “You're safe here with us.”
You had lingered there between asleep and awake for what seemed like hours (Roman's sweeps were very thorough), just allowing Dean to rub your neck and shoulders. When it was finally time to return to bed, you barely remembered Roman's arms around you.
You woke up a little later and drowsily realized you were sandwiched in between the three men, your face snuggled into Roman's chest and Seth pressed tightly to your back. Ambrose's arm was flung over Roman's side, his hand resting on your shoulder.
You're safe here with us.
Which was how you’d ended up in this mess, crammed into a dressing room with Seth’s large body protectively shielding your own half-clothed one. You had been in the middle of getting undressed when Seth vaulted over the top of the wall and quickly put a hand on your mouth.
“Be very quiet.” He whispered, and you nodded. “There’s a guy out there and he may be looking for you.”
You were already scared stiff, it wasn’t much of a stretch to be silent. Why would he look for me?
“Nothing is gonna’ happen to you while we’re here. Ambrose spotted him following you and your mom. Have to see if we can get their security to chase him off without a fuss.” Seth turned to face the door, squaring his shoulders like he was trying to make himself look bigger.
His words didn’t do much to alleviate the terror you felt. This was the break-in all over again. Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, tight enough to ache. Seth seemed to notice, because he reached back to take your hand. Hesitated. Then kept going, his fingers loosely wrapping around your wrist. He pulled you closer when you didn’t protest, your cheek resting on his shoulder blade. You could feel his back rise and fall with his breathing, the thudding of his heart nearly drowning out everything else.
There was a noise from outside the door and Seth tensed, his hold tightening on you. You wished you could disappear into the floor, just curl up into yourself and vanish. Seth flinched when the door handle gave a sudden click! as the lock disengaged. You couldn’t see over his shoulder so you grabbed his hand, squeezing it as tight as you could. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-
“It’s us, man. They got him.” Roman said quietly.
Seth turned and exhaled a long breath of relief as Roman’s arm slung over one shoulder and Dean’s draped over the other. Like they had planned it, the three men drew you into a hug. You didn’t realize you were crying until Dean smeared a tear off your cheek, looking more worried than you’d ever seen him. “You don’t need to be scared when we’re around.” He grumbled. “How many times we gotta’ tell you that?”
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“Shh, keep trying stuff on.” Rollins interrupted softly. “I’m sure your mom will be over any second now and the last thing we want is her thinking something is up.”
Ambrose stepped back, his eyes narrowed to bright blue slits. “What do you mean, somethin’?”
“You know exactly what he means man, knock it off.” Roman bumped Dean with his shoulder. “We’re in a dressing room with them and they’re half-naked. Because Lord knows none of us have any sort of restraint, we just go straight primal.” He huffed.
Ambrose grabbed a dress off the wall at random and quickly unzipped the back of it for you. “Here.”
“I-I don’t even like th-that one.” You protested tremulously, making Roman snort.
“It’s irrelevant, she’s gonna’ put you into something you hate and you know it. All you are is a goddamn doll to her.” Dean snapped, the words hitting you hard. “Besides, what’s wrong with it? S’ that princess cut. Everyone likes a princess cut.”
“Why do you-!” Now you wanted to argue, how dare he say something like that about your mother? The woman I barely know. What an audacious assumption!
“Not important. Color is godawful, but nothing we can do about that.” Dean shook the bunch of fabric at you impatiently. “C’mon.”
“I feel stupid.” You complained even as you stepped into the skirt.
“Trust me, no matter how you feel, you look even dumber.” Dean promised, making Seth slap him on the arm. “What Rollins, s'just a joke, we all know they look fine no matter what they’re wear…” Dean’s sentence trailed off as he zipped the back of the dress up and his eyes met yours in the mirror for the longest second of your life. “…ing.”
A knock on the dressing room door made all of you jump. “Honey, you doing okay in there? I have a bunch more for you to try!” Seth started mouthing swears, all but windmilling his arms.
I need to be a diversion, you realized suddenly.
You put your finger to your lips and reached for the door handle. “Actually Mom,” You began slowly, opening the dressing room door just enough to slip out. “I was wondering if there was something in this style, but a different color?” You circled your mother so she turned her back to the dressing room, swirling the skirt of the dress around your legs. “I like this one, it’s just the color.” You grimaced, trying not to watch Seth and Dean slink out of the dressing room and flee down the hallway back to the store. Roman winked at you before following the other two men and you felt yourself start to blush, your fingers twisting the skirt nervously.
Your mother clapped her hands together, seeming weirdly excited. All she wants is a doll to dress up, all you are is a doll to her. Dean’s words sat in your stomach like a brick. Not her kid, just a toy. “Of course honey! What color did you have in mind?”
The gala was shaping up to be a royal pain. Every time you turned around there was another person you needed to be introduced to, another person who got to react strangely to your parents announcing that they had a fully-grown child. Had you been aware that you were such a closely-guarded secret, you would have opted to stay that way. As such, you were stuck clumsily trekking through unfamiliar posturing and niceties. Your face already ached from smiling.
The worst part was that your father had given your security trio the night off. “You boys go have fun, alright? Our treat. You’ve worked hard enough. Hope our little one wasn’t too much trouble.” Your father had said grandly, like you weren’t standing right there.
“We’ll report back by eight o’ clock tomorrow morning, sir.” Was all Roman had said in reply.
Dean and Seth both remained silent while your father blustered “that’s too early,” and “I want you boys to enjoy yourselves!” You had never noticed how much your father stank of cigar smoke until you saw Seth's nostrils flare and Ambrose seemed downright twitchy while dealing with the older man, his whole body tense.
“Eight o’ clock. Sir.” Roman repeated sternly.
You longed for the comfort their company brought you, the safety you felt when you caught sight of a suit out of the corner of your eye. You were nervous, so nervous, still confused about the man in the shop the other day. Why would he have been looking for me? The evidence you’d gathered tonight alone seemed to indicate that no one even knew you existed. What if he was a hitman, sent to kill me? What if I’m in danger right this second? You glanced around furtively. Everyone looked suspicious to you, well-dressed men and women clustered in their little groups. Maybe you read too many murder mysteries. What if my parents are secretly not my parents at all, but robots?!
“Ah, have you met our child? Honey, come here.” Your mother's sweet tone interrupted your frantic thought process and you whipped around, tacking your smile back on quickly so you could interact with more people you would (hopefully) never see again.
“They are remarkably plain for being your child, my dear.” The older woman standing by your mother sniffed. “I would have thought the two of you could muster up someone a bit more...striking.”
“Hey easy, they take after me!” Your father chuckled, a heavy hand landing on your shoulder. You felt like the room was too small. “What did you expect? We sure as heck weren't keeping some beauty cooped up in that place after all!” His laugh was a sharp guffaw that made you flinch. “Nope, brainiac through and through, this one! But I think they clean up pretty good.” He cupped your chin and turned your head to the side, displaying your perfectly-applied makeup. “The wife works miracles, am I right?”
That was it. That was it. You jerked your face out of his hand and if looks could kill, he would have been on the eleven o' clock news. Your father shifted back, seeming concerned. “Don't.” Was all you said through your clenched teeth before you made your daring escape.
Slowly, tripping over the skirt of your dress as you fought your way through the groups of people and tried your hardest not to cry.
While your mother had been doing your makeup and prattling away with your father you'd felt like a princess, like they might actually love you and care about you, like their absence had been a misunderstanding. You stayed quiet and let the conversation wash over you, just listening to your parents talk to one another.
Like I wasn't even there.
Your lower lip quivered as you stumbled out into one of the many hallways that branched out from the main room like a rabbit warren. Everything was so unfamiliar. More than anything you wished you were home right now, curled up in your bed with a good book.
Someone grabbed your arm as you passed a shadowy alcove in the hallway and you lashed out for the person’s throat like Ambrose had taught you, savagely gratified when you heard a muffled grunt after your hand connected. A set of black-framed glasses tumbled to the floor, knocked loose by your enthusiastic movement.
“Christ.” Seth gasped, rubbing his neck as he stepped forward into the light. “Go easy on a guy, will you?”
You were unable to keep from lunging at him, wrapping your arms around his waist and clinging to him silently. Your tears started to soak the fabric of his shirt as he paused, then hugged you back.
“Easy, easy, it’s okay. We’re getting you out of here.” He murmured once you let him go, patting around on the carpet for his glasses. “Didn't mean to scare you.” The frames settled back onto his nose. You had never seen him with his glasses on. And in his street clothes for the first time since the day you'd met, his painted on skinny jeans! It was strange, like there was a part of him you didn't know. Logically that was true, you didn't exactly ask what he did in his free time. “Reigns and Ambrose are around the block. You ready?” Seth held out his hand and you took it without a second of hesitation, making him give you a happy, boyish grin.
“Look at that! Somehow you managed to spirit Cinderella away from the ball before the clock struck twelve, right out from under the noses of their evil parents!” Dean praised Rollins, “Back to your princes where you belong, eh gorgeous?” His teasing tone differed so much from your father's; you rolled your eyes when he called you 'gorgeous'.
“Alright, everyone in the car.” Roman ordered. They were all wearing their street clothes and you took the opportunity to appraise the three, enjoying what you saw. Seth, of course, filled out his skinny jeans to perfection, but Roman and Dean weren't far behind. Roman wore a simple zip-up sweatshirt with a loose pair of jeans, his long hair tucked up into a baseball cap. Ambrose had on a leather jacket and a set of jeans that somehow made his waist look even trimmer than usual. They looked good. Relaxed.
“How did you guys know I was in trouble?” You asked from your spot between Dean and Seth in the backseat.
Roman snorted loudly as he shifted gears. “You’ve barely been socialized your entire life and now all of a sudden you’re expected to deal with a whole damn party of people? I’m impressed you survived as long as you did.”
“Where are we going?”
“Surprise!” Seth said quickly as Dean opened his mouth. “It's a surprise. You'll see.”
The surprise was apparently a bowling alley. You hung back behind the wall of Roman at the front counter, clinging to his hand as you felt shy and awkward. You must look so ridiculous, dressed up in this silly gown while the three men with you were in normal clothes.
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist and then Dean rested his cheek on the top of your head, swaying you back and forth as he waited for Roman to finish paying for their lane and shoes. Seth was bouncing up and down beside you like a small child, accepting his shoes from Roman with an excited whoop and bolting for the lane. “He's such a kid sometimes.” Dean grumbled, his words laced with fondness.
Roman nodded in agreement, the side of his mouth tugging up in a smile. His hand slid to the small of your back and he guided you over to the chairs by the lane. Seth was already busily tapping names into the display board while you tried to get your dress out of the way to put on your shoes. “I don't know if I'll...” You trailed off as Dean knelt in front of you and helped you escape your elaborate party shoes, the blond man chuckling when he saw your Batman-patterned no-show socks. “What?” You asked defensively, “My mom said I had to put on nylons, she didn't say I couldn't wear anything over them.”
“How many other workarounds you got, gorgeous?” Ambrose asked with a grin. “I feel like we could all learn somethin' tonight.”
“I'm not allowed to wear tank tops, but they never mentioned sleeveless shirts.”
Roman laughed incredulously. “What do they have against tank tops? Those are ninety-five percent of my wardrobe.”
“The skin that they show.” You shrugged and Dean looked up at you, his large hand cupping under your calf so he could wiggle one of the bowling shoes on. “I can't have ice cream after eleven. Frozen yogurt isn't ice cream.”
“Alright, we're all set. Prepare to be crushed, Roman!” Seth announced as the board overhead went live.
You were delivered safely to your parent’s house some time between one and two in the morning. The house was dark and silent, like always, and Roman set you down in the foyer while Dean fumbled for the light switch. It didn't appear that your parents were back yet. Seth urged you up the stairs to your room while you yawned and rubbed your eyes, those terrible heels abandoned by the door so you could actually manage the stairs in the first place.
“Bathroom first, we need to get your war paint off.” Roman said softly once you entered your room. Obediently you kept moving to the smaller room, faintly entertained when all three men followed into the tight space.
Seth took the washcloth from you and you just sat there propped up against the sink, letting him carefully rid you of the layers of smooth foundation and bright eyeshadow. “There, that's better.” He said with a gentle smile. “You're so beautiful.”
“Pretty with, pretty without.” Ambrose agreed, scooping you up off the sink counter. You were certain you were dreaming at this point and so you let yourself be carried back into the bedroom, resting your cheek on his shoulder. Dean laid you down on your bed and rolled you onto your stomach, slowly unzipping the dress you wore. “Shh, it's alright.” He murmured when you shivered, his fingers trailing down the bare skin of your back. “You're safe.”
A bearded mouth pressed a kiss to your shoulder blade, whether it was Roman or Seth you couldn't tell. You hummed, arching your back and snuggling down into the bedspread as more kisses landed. “Sleep good.” Roman's voice rumbling was the last thing you could remember before you drifted off.
It became a ritual of sorts between the four of you. At least twice a month they would take a 'day off' and essentially loose you upon the unsuspecting populace. You attempted rollerblading and played laser tag, one time you even danced with Ambrose at some weird exercise class Rollins had signed all of you up for. There was always a competition between Roman and Seth, both men striving to one-up and improve each other. It led to some entertaining moments, like the both of them grappling at the top of a rock-climbing wall while Dean hollered just kiss already!
You learned slowly along the way how to interact with other people. You were pretty sure your professor jumped out of his skin when you started raising your hand in class, and your classmates looked at you like you had fourteen heads. It was incredibly satisfying to find out that you could engage with other people the way Dean, Seth and Roman engaged with you. Of course, this also led to much more awkwardness than you would prefer. You hadn’t realized that speaking up in class would put you on the proverbial map.
“Can I sit here?” The young man asking didn't wait for your stammered reply before making himself comfortable at your table in the library. “Now, I've seen you around and I never really caught your name. You're kinda' cute, so I'd appreciate it if you rectified that.”
You shook your head, confused at how rude he was being.
He grunted, seeming a bit startled. “Well, my name is-”
“Irrelevant.” Came the growl from Dean behind you. “Your name is irrelevant.”
“Hey, what's with the posse? Everyone's dying to know.” The young man changed tactics, unwisely glossing over Ambrose's interruption. “I mean, we all figured you must be mute or some shit and that these clowns were-”
Seth hoisted him up by the back of his hoodie and unceremoniously dumped him out of the chair, settling into the seat with his coffee still intact. “Heya' gorgeous, miss me?” He asked, winking at you while you flushed bright red. “Reigns is coming, he had to find the good Subway. The one that doesn't skimp on their meat, y'know.” Rollins was the picture of insolence. Sometimes you wondered if he cultivated the image or if it came naturally to him. “For our date tonight, the boys and I were thinking a movie? Although this super cool trampoline place just opened up across town, so if you're up for it..”
Rollins words faded into background static to you.
Our date tonight.
Oh my God.
“Hey, you in there?” Dean's hand waved in front of your eyes and you snapped back into focus.
“Yes! Sorry, I just...sorry.” You mumbled.
“If that guy upset you we can go get him to apologize.” Ambrose’s tone had darkened and you quickly took his hand.
“No no! C’mon, you guys are professionals. You can’t just go around strong-arming random people.” You reasoned, “Might look a little weird, you know?”
“Fine. He gets off with a warning this time.” Seth grumbled, reaching across the table to fist bump Dean. “Next time though. Oh, next time.”
A movie was voted on once Roman returned from getting his lunch, the three of them chatting in hushed tones while you toyed with the book in front of you.
Our date. Is that what had been happening this whole time? You were so confused. Weren’t you just their detail? Why would they bring me along on their off time though?
Our date.
The movie had been enjoyable. You couldn’t actually remember what it was about for the life of you, though.
Seth’s hand had stayed on your thigh for most of it, his leg tucked up against your own. As if that wasn’t distracting enough, Roman had wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Then, Ambrose (who had camped out in the row behind you) put his hand on the back of your neck over Roman’s arm and massaged the area absently.
Some part of you wondered whether this was appropriate behavior but a much louder part of you clamored for the attention. You were more than flustered by the time the credits rolled, bolting to your feet. “I…bathroom!” You stammered, quickly stepping over Roman’s legs and almost falling down the steps to the exit of the theater.
“Wait!” Seth called, but you didn’t bother stopping to see whether they were following you. Checking the signs to look for a bathroom, you hurried along as fast as you could.
Upon reaching the relative quiet of the restroom, you tried to collect yourself. Your face was all red, your body shaking a little while you patted at your flushed skin with a damp paper towel. What’s wrong with me? You stared at your reflection critically in the mirror, holding the edge of the sink tightly. Deep breaths surged in and our of your lungs as you did your best to calm your racing pulse, tried to get your knees to stop trembling.
Understanding suddenly hit you like a bolt of lightning, your eyes widening. You could barely believe your own thoughts. The three of them?! Your heart leaped in your chest. The three of them. You stood stock-still for a minute and then nodded at yourself, scowling fiercely. The three of them.
You tossed the paper towel away, tried your damnedest to straighten your clothes out a bit and then opened the door to confront your security. Your friends. Your--
The young man from the library earlier was leaned against the opposite wall, his expression decidedly smug. “I thought I saw you. Where’s your groupies?” He asked, glancing around. You cursed your own stupidity as he pushed himself off the wall and loped towards you.
“They’re…they’re going to be here any second.” But you couldn’t even convince yourself, never mind this oversized creep.
The young man nodded, pursing his lips. “Guess that means I’ve got a time limit. S’okay.” His fists pressed to the wall on either side of your head, his large form looming over yours. You wanted to punch him in the jaw (eight pounds of pressure per square inch) but fear snapped like an iron band around your chest, squeezing off your breath. “What, you too stuck up to talk to me? All I wanna’ know is your name.” He complained, sounding irritated. His hands shifted to your shoulders and you flinched without meaning to, hating the way he smiled at your obvious terror.
This is why people need to be kept at arm’s length.
You weren’t exactly sure what happened next. One second the guy was towering over you, smirking. You dimly heard the thunder of footsteps that he didn’t seem to notice. You wanted to close your eyes as the guy leaned in but then there was this blur of motion that launched shoulder-first into the young man’s side and flattened him.
“You do not touch them!” Roman shouted once he got back to his feet, his chest heaving. “Only we can touch them!” His words were laden with an irrational fury, a blinding outrage that you wished you could borrow to keep your body from shaking.
Only we can touch them.
Yes, your traitorous mind begged, a thousand times yes!
“Gorgeous, you with us?” Dean asked, seeming frantic as he pressed his forehead to your own. “Sorry we’re late.” He apologized. Rollins wrapped you in a tight hug and you shivered against his chest, overwhelmed. “There’s restrooms left and right, guess we picked the wrong direction first.”
“What did he do?” Rollins questioned, his voice level.
“I just…I didn’t want to be touched.” You whispered. “That’s all. I didn’t want to be touched. I’m okay.” The words didn’t seem to be able to keep from repeating and you mumbled them under your breath. Didn’t want to be touched. Didn’t want to be touched.
“Are you sure?” Ambrose’s hands smoothed over your shoulders and you made a little sound of distress. “Roman, get over here.” He ordered, making Roman look up from his staring contest with the young man on the ground. “We need to leave.”
“But I was-”
“No, Reigns. We need to go home.” Dean was demanding at this point. “Now.”
Roman frowned, but slowly returned to your side. “Can you move?” The question caught you off guard and you nodded. “Okay. Can you walk?” That one was a bit harder to answer. You tried taking a step and your foot instantly dragged on the rug. You fumbled to grab Seth’s shoulder again.
“What’s wrong with me?” You asked, your own voice sounding distant and tinny to your ears. A hand gently caught your chin and tilted it back up. You had been drifting downward without realizing it. Everything was so heavy all of a sudden. Didn’t want to be touched. Didn’t want to be touched.
“He’s not gonna’ touch you ever again.” Roman snarled. You must have said it out loud again instead of thinking it.
“Just us.” It was Rollins this time who easily picked you up in his arms, obviously hell-bent on ignoring the looks from the other patrons that you were sure you were getting. “Only us.” He kissed your forehead. “Only us.”
You hid your face in his neck, closing your eyes and trying to even out your breathing. I’m safe. Didn’t want to be touched. I’m safe now. It’s okay. Only them. It’s okay if it’s them. Your fingers twisted desperately into Seth’s shirt and he cleared his throat when you mouthed clumsily over the skin of his neck.
“Hey, whatcha’ doing?” Seth’s voice had a strange rasp to it that made hope surge in your belly. “I uh…oh.” He paused. “Oh.”
“Only us.” Ambrose seemed to understand what was going on, detaching your fingers from Seth’s shirt so he could kiss your hand. “Only us.”
“Yes.” You whimpered.
There was a breathless noise from Roman, a short mutter of, “Fuck, us?”
“Keep you safe no matter what.” Seth gasped as you crooned into his neck. “With or without this, you know that.”
“I know.” You breathed. “Thank you.”
Ambrose unlocked the car and Seth carefully sat you in the middle of the backseat, waiting until you had your seat belt on before getting in beside you. His mouth was on yours abruptly, facial hair rubbing your skin in a way that you had never experienced before. Roman got in on the other side, beginning to press kisses to your neck and jaw. You keened softly, stroking your fingers through Seth’s hair as Roman’s mouth laced a hot trail down your throat to your shoulder.
“Seatbelts.” Ambrose sounded a little dazed. “Damn, that is a pretty sight.”
You blushed and Seth groaned into your mouth. “Jesus Christ you are so fucking cute when you do that.”
“It’s sexy as hell. You’ve got no right.” Roman agreed, tugging the neck of your shirt a little further out of his way. “The way you get all flustered over Seth, the way you nudge your nose into my chest when you want some attention, the way you beg Ambrose to rub your neck. You’re…fuck, you’re adorable.”
“I do not beg!” You protested.
Dean’s chuckle was low, like a rumble of satisfaction. “You might not notice it. You might not purposely do it. Maybe.” He allowed, smirking at you in the rearview mirror. “But you definitely do it.”
“Hey, I don’t blame you. He’s got great hands.” Roman winked at Dean. “Big asset in our trio.”
You wondered about that for a second, especially when Dean’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin. “I mean, I don’t wanna’ brag or nothin’.”
Seth was enthusiasm personified, while Roman was more methodical. Between the two of them you were an absolute mess by the time Ambrose pulled into the driveway, your body quivering with a need you had never put a name to.
Your bed always seemed so huge when it was just you. But with three other men on it, suddenly there was barely enough room. You arched up against Seth, whining into his mouth when he slipped a hand beneath your skirt. “Fucking Christ, your noises, I just-” He stopped dead and you were scared you’d done something wrong. Maybe being this eager was a mistake? “Fuck.” Seth said finally. “Ambrose?”
“Fingers. You’re better at this. They’re…” Seth trailed off, inhaling and dragging a hand through his hair.
“Oh.” Dean tugged Seth’s belt, moving him to one side.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, concerned now. “What is it?” You asked, wishing you could keep the tremor out of your voice.
“Nothin’, gorgeous, absolutely nothin’. It’s just a preference.” Dean explained, “Rollins has a hard time with keepin’ himself under control if it’s delicate work and…I mean I’m making a bold assumption here, but I’m guessing you haven’t exactly had a lot of stuff happen in your pants. He can be a little…gangbusters.”
You felt like your face must be neon red. Roman laughed at your expression, humming into your mouth as you kissed him. “Ambrose will be good to you.” He assured when you pulled away for breath. “He knows what he’s doing.”
“Christ, that barely matters, they’re fuckin’ soaked through their panties.” Ambrose clapped a hand to the side of your thigh, pushing your skirt up out of his way. “You are just dripping, Jesus. Can I taste? Wanna’ taste.” He asked, his smile dimpling his cheeks. “Wanna’ lick you, touch you. Make you come.”
“B-But I'm...what if you don't like how I taste?” You fretted.
Roman fairly roared with laughter, like you had just told the funniest joke in the world. “Ambrose-” He wheezed, smacking the other man on the shoulder.
Dean snickered into the skin of your thigh, dragging your panties down and slingshotting them absently across the room. “Not a chance in hell.” He said firmly.
Rollins moaned at Dean’s words, his jeans doing nothing to hide his arousal. Bravely you reached out to Seth, your fingers sliding his shirt up so you could touch his side. “When you held my thigh,” You began carefully. “Did you want to do something more than that?”
Seth jerked his head down to look at you. “I…” He licked his lips nervously. “I um. If you wanted it, y-yeah.” He admitted. “I like touching you.”
“And when you put your arm around me?” You looked up at Roman.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to not kiss you? We're professionals but you sure as hell didn't make anything easy for us.” Roman reached over you to boldly fondle Seth through his jeans, making the other man squirm and bite his lip. “Any idea how many times we all had to have a good long talk with one another about you? About the fact that we are human, yeah, but we're not assholes.” Reigns shrugged, taking your hand and bringing it to cup Seth's prominent bulge. “Your safety is the number one priority here.” He continued, like Seth wasn't panting breathy little sobs while Roman guided your hand back and forth.
Ambrose's tongue on your clit was like a jolt of electricity, no one had ever-! You cried out, startled at the intensity of the sensation. Ambrose hummed against you, the sound rolling through your body. One finger gently teased over your entrance, almost like how you would do it yourself when you were alone.
“Gorgeous.” Seth murmured.
“You're tight as fuck.” Ambrose pulled back to say, his finger slipping into you. His chin was glistening with your arousal and you didn't know how you managed it but you flushed redder than before. “Oh, and you taste fine.” He added nonchalantly before adding a second finger.
Roman ran his hand through Dean's hair and started urging you on. “You fuck his fingers, got it gorgeous? Fuck his fingers and soak his tongue, that's what he loves.” Dean moaned against you and you gasped, rolling your hips up. “That's it, look at you fucking tremble, God. Move those hips, fuck him good.” Dean curled his fingers up inside of you, nudging your clit with his nose and that was all it took for you to come. You cried out again and writhed underneath Dean's attentive ministrations, feeling more than hearing Seth's groan of approval as you panted for breath.
“You want Seth, yeah?” Roman was asking you a question, waiting until you nodded dazedly before smiling down at you. “God, you're perfect. We don't hand him off to just anyone, y'know.”
“Very picky.” Dean mumbled, settling back on his haunches and almost falling off the bed when Roman kissed him hard. “Tastes great, yeah?” He managed to get out in between Roman enthusiastically delving his tongue into his mouth. “M' rock hard just from that, fuck, Reigns.” He sighed.
“Can I? I know Roman already asked, but I want to make sure.” Seth kissed your forehead before you could say anything and you felt your insides melt to pool in your stomach.
“Yes, please, please.” You begged, shifting your hips eagerly.
Ambrose reached over without looking and easily pulled Seth's zipper down, snickering at the noise that escaped Rollins. “You gonna' fuck that cock, like you fucked my fingers? He's a little thicker than my fingers.” Dean teased, “Probably gonna' have a hard time getting that cock out of those tight pants of his. He still wears 'em though. He likes tormenting us.”
“And fuck, is it torment.” Roman groaned as Dean slid a hand into his basketball shorts. “Fucking Ambrose, Jesus.”
Rollins shoved his jeans down as far as he could before they bunched up and then hooked your knees over his shoulders. “I'm gonna' go slow. Not going to hurt you, okay? You're safe with us.” He promised, pressing his forehead to yours and staring into your eyes. “Safe.”
“Okay.” You murmured, looping your arms around his neck. Somehow, somehow, you knew none of them would lie to you. When Seth's pelvis shifted forward Roman was suddenly there, his mouth on yours and his hands tangled in your hair.
“Shh, go slow Seth.” The large man breathed, like he was calming a skittish animal. “Gentle.”
Seth nodded and you dug your fingers into his back, feeling the tense muscle ripple under your touch. “Won't hurt you.” He said through clenched teeth.
“I know.” You gasped and Seth dropped his head to rest on your shoulder. “Always keeping me safe.” You stroked his hair and Rollins began to thrust in earnest, causing your slick to dribble out down your thighs. “So good to me.” You sighed.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.” Seth grunted. “Can't say that.”
“He likes being good.” Dean supplied helpfully, dragging Seth's head back up so he could lap at the younger man's neck.
“You like that? When you're good to me?” You asked, keening when Seth sped up even further. Something about him pounding into you while Ambrose mouthed and toyed with him coiled in your belly, Roman helping you along by whispering things in your ear. Things like so good, things like come for me. You weren't sure whether he meant them for you or for Seth but either way you could feel a second orgasm threatening to crest. “Seth-!”
“I know, I can feel you.” Seth choked out as you came, his body going so still over you. “Fuck, yes, Christ.” He gasped, closing his eyes and hanging his head.
“I got it from here, gorgeous.” Dean grinned, essentially passing you off to Roman after Seth pulled out of you with a low groan. Roman cradled you to his chest, soothing your body back down to a gentle hum after the exertion of moments earlier. You were vaguely aware that Dean was jerking Seth off to finish him, that gravelly voice saying absolutely filthy things that got Seth to beg so nicely for more.
“You did so good.” Reigns praised, smiling fondly when you ducked your face shyly into his shirt. “Incredible.”
“So tired.” You mumbled, your insides tensing at random as aftershocks raced through your core.
“You're all set for the night, gorgeous. You rest now.” Roman kissed your forehead. “You're safe. Nothing can happen to you while we're here.” You snuggled into his large form, exhaustion lulling you to sleep.
You're safe here with us.
You're ours. Only ours.
Safe with us.
A bearded set of lips pressed to your ear. Seth's voice sounded thrashed in the best way possible. “Sleep good, gorgeous.”
Part Two
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
Like Deja Vu
I can’t believe I’m doing this. 
Warning, this features a lot of random backstory for the Bell family
War had never been something that had sat particularly well with Cordelia. Anything involving violence scared her, especially after having seen the violence some people had committed during the Depression. When Sammy had been drafted, along with Norman and Wally, her heart sank. Roy wasn’t drafted himself because, as he’d said, ‘No one wants a freak in the army’, which was only half true. But that didn’t give her much comfort. Because the people who had been drafted, they were practically her family. Joey Drew Studios was her home away from home. It terrified her, the idea of some of them leaving and never coming back. Especially Sammy. She’d cried the day he’d been drafted. Susie too. The two of them had held one another, crying in Sammy’s office.
“I’ll be fine.” He’d told them. “Don’t get all upset.” But still, the second he left, she and Susie had devolved into quiet sobs. They knew there was nothing they could do to stop this. And so the three men had shipped off. Joey was forced to hire replacements to fill the positions, but it wasn’t the same. The music director was perfectly nice, nothing to complain about, even if he was rather less competent than Sammy. Susie pretty much took over running the music department, being the most senior employee still there. No one protested this. Susie knew what she was doing after all. Then she found out she was pregnant. Cordelia had first been ecstatic upon finding this out. Susie and Sammy were going to be parents! Then the excitement faded. What if Sammy didn’t come back? What if their child had to grow up without a father?
“He’s going to come back,” Susie said when Cordelia expressed her fears. “If he dies on me, I will personally go to Hell and drag his ass back to the land of the living. He’s not skipping out on me that easily.” Still, Cordelia could see the fear in the other woman’s eyes.
“You’re worrying too much,” Roy told her.
“I have every right to be worried.” She said, collapsing into a chair at the kitchen table. “It’s war! People die every day on the battlefield!”
“That’s not what you should be worried about.” Her brother paused in making dinner, studying his own face in the polished mirror in the corner. The burn scar had faded in the years since it had been inflicted, but the mottled white scar tissue still took up half his face, making sure no one ever forgot what had happened.
“He’ll come back.” Roy continued, turning his gaze back to the pot of pasta on the stove. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“There’s a but, isn’t there?”
“He won’t be the same.”
Cordelia hadn’t even been born when their father had fought in, and returned from, the Great War. Roy had been a child, barely out of diapers, but he clearly remembered the day George Bell had walked back into the house. There had been a look in his eyes that hadn’t been there the last time Roy had seen his father. George Bell had been a loud and boisterous man prior to the war. He’d signed up out of some youthful bravado, leaving behind his wife and young son to play hero. He hadn’t been like that after he’d come back. He’d been quiet, practical, subdued. He’d taken a quiet government job and that had been that. George had died about a year back due to a respiratory infection developed from mustard gas. Their mother had followed shortly after.
“How...How different do you think he’ll be?” Cordelia asked.
“It depends,” Roy said. “But you’ll have to be ready for that.” Cordelia went quiet. Roy sighed to himself. He knew he shouldn’t have said that, but he wanted her to be prepared. He didn’t want her to be shocked when Sammy came back a changed man. But...He supposed they’d cross that bridge when they came to it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” He turned back to his sister.
“No, it’s okay.” Cordelia shook her head, running a hand through her hair. “I need to be ready.”
When the war was over, they got word that Wally, Norman, and Sammy were all coming home. Wally and Norman were the first two to arrive back at the studio. When Sammy wasn’t there, Cordelia felt her stomach twist in fear. They’d thrown a party and everything. Why wasn’t he there?
“Where’s Sammy?” Susie asked, trying to keep a smile on her face.
“Hospital,” Wally mumbled, handing Susie a letter. Susie scanned it before passing it to Cordelia.
Dear Susiebell,
You’re probably worried because I didn’t show up to the big party. I know Joey’s throwing one for our return, don’t try to correct me. I’m fine, I promise. The doctors are just keeping me for observation at the hospital. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. But I have to follow what the doctors say and all that. I’ll be home soon. I promise.
P.S. Tell Bell I’m not dead. She’ll probably panic too.
“He’s okay,” Cordelia whispered.
“What did the letter say?” Joey asked, sidling closer. He had a cup full of the god-awful punch they’d managed to make from a store punch mix. He was probably the only one who’d be drinking it.
“He’s at the hospital for observation. He said he’ll be home soon.” Susie’s smile still looked a tad forced.
“He said he wasn’t missing the birth of his kids for the world,” Norman assured her. “Come hell or high water he told me he was getting back here.”
“Mm.” Wally made a vague noise of agreement. There were dark circles under his eyes.
“Are you alright?” Cordelia asked, alleviating her own worry by worrying about someone else. “You look tired.”
“‘M fine, lil lady.” Wally smiled tiredly. “Just...haven’t been sleeping well. That’s all.”
“Ah, I see.” Cordelia nodded.
The rest of the welcome back party was very quiet. Most everyone remained worried about Sammy, and the other two were so unbelievably tired. Still, everyone was happy to have Norman and Wally back. They were glad their coworkers were back safe and sound. About a week later was when Sammy returned to the studio. Susie had been absent at that week, taking care of Sammy at home, but she reappeared at the party. Sammy and Norman were with her, with Norman pushed...a wheelchair. In that wheelchair was none other than Sammy Lawrence, one pant leg tied off at the knee.
“Welcome back, Sammy!” Her coworkers chorused. Sammy wouldn’t even look at them, his eyes trained on the floor. There was nothing in those eyes. No fire, no life. They were like the eyes of a doll. When she saw him, despondent in that wheelchair, she was back in that hospital room watching the nurse cut the bandages off Roy’s face. She could barely hear the voices of her coworkers as she went white and ran from the room. She tried to contain her sobs until she got to the bathroom, but ended up slumping against a wall bawling. She sat there for what felt like hours, crying until she couldn’t cry anymore.
“You alright?” She looked up to see Susie leaning against the wall beside her.
“You ran off the second you saw him,” Susie said, looking rather concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry.” Cordelia tried to get herself together. “I...It just gave me flashbacks to when Roy first got his scars.”
“Ah.” Susie sighed, a sympathetic smile crossing her face.
“I didn’t get to see him the day he got hurt. I was in school. I came home and both my parents were crying.” Cordelia stared at her feet, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “When we went to see him at the hospital his face was all bandaged up. Everything was bandaged up. He...He was so quiet. Things were different after that. Especially after the bandages came off.” Susie let her talk. She figured the girl needed to get some things off her chest.
“I like to call it the day my brother died.” Cordelia wiped away the remains of her tears. “It’s not too far off from the truth, actually. He’s never been the same after that. I mean, it’s not like his personality took a complete 180 or anything. He just got....subdued. He’s a lot quieter now.” She glanced back towards the room where they were holding the party. “Do you think that’ll happen to Sammy?” One of the reasons Roy had ‘died’ was because he couldn’t act or do stunt work anymore. The burn was the most prominent injury, the one everyone saw, so Cordelia always talked about that, but it hadn’t been the only injury Roy had sustained. His right leg had been crushed by a studio light as he’d flailed back from iron hitting him and the injury had never quite healed properly. He still walked with a limp. Cordelia didn’t know what had happened to Sammy, but she feared he would no longer be able to make music. Music was life. If he couldn’t do that...she didn’t know what would happen.
Susie pursed her lips, leaning against the wall beside her young coworker. “If I’m being honest,” she admitted. “I don’t know what’s going to happen now. He’s not the same person he was before, that’s for sure. I...I don’t know if anything will ever be the same.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.” Cordelia hugged her knees. She’d never done too terribly well with change. It was a fault of hers, one she knew she had to work on.
“This whole thing is pretty scary,” Susie said, leveraging herself down to the floor so that she was sitting beside Cordelia. “When he came home...It felt like I was looking at a stranger. He’s so thin I thought the wind might blow him over.” She could feel tears beginning to prick her eyes. “And his eyes...They always used to have some kind of fire in them.”
“But they look dead now.” Cordelia finished. “Like he’s lost hope in the world.”
“Something like that.” Susie nodded. Her hands rested on her belly, rubbing the outline of it. “He...They say he can’t form words either. Some kind of brain injury. He can’t do too much on his own, actually. Turns out Norman and Wally wrote the letter.”
“I guess they didn’t want us to worry.” Part of Cordelia wanted to be angry at Norman and Wally, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel that.
“They knew.” Susie set her lips in a thin line. “They knew when they came to the party and they didn’t tell me. I yelled at Norman about that.” She wiped away a few stray tears. “That was something I would have liked to know beforehand. Not when Norman wheeled him up to the house.” She took a few shaking breaths but was unable to stem the flow of tears. “I just don’t understand why no one told me.”
“Bureaucracy,” Cordelia replied almost on instinct. Susie looked at her in surprise, then started to giggle. The giggles quickly turned into full-blown laughter.
“Yes, bureaucracy.” Susie laughed. “Where did you learn to be so cynical?”
“Roy. And Sammy.” Cordelia couldn’t help but smile. “The bitterness is strong in my societal influences.”
“Come on, let’s get back.” Susie started trying to heave herself to her feet. “I’m sure Sammy’ll be glad to see you. He missed all of us.”
Cordelia started gnawing at her lip. “I don’t want to break down again.” Her voice was soft, unsure.
“It will be alright.” Susie patted Cordelia’s head. “We’re just going to have to adjust to this. It’ll be different, and it’ll be strange, but we can get through it. We’ll do it together.”
“Okay.” Cordelia got to her feet, dusting her skirt off. “Um, do you need some help getting back to the break room?”
“Psh, I’m fine.” Susie waved her hand dismissively. “I’m pregnant, not invalid.” She stopped at that, realizing what she’d said. “I...I’m fine. Let’s get back.” Cordelia nodded, following Susie tentatively back to the break room. Sammy was surrounded by their coworkers, with Wally and Norman sort of off to the side, talking to each other. Susie walked over, kissing Sammy on the head, before heading for the bathrooms. Cordelia waited a few moments before approaching Sammy.
“Um....Hi.” She waved nervously. “It’s...Uh...It’s been awhile, right?”
Sammy nodded curtly, his previously unfocused gaze sharpening as he took her in.  
“I know you’ve probably been hearing this a lot today, but...I missed  you.” She said, smiling softly. “The replacement music director was just awful. I mean, he was nice enough, but he had no idea what he was doing.” Sammy rolled his eyes, glancing pointedly at Joey. Cordelia couldn’t help but laugh a bit at this.
“Bastard.” He muttered. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised that was one of the few words he was still able to say.
“He was perfectly nice, though.”
Sammy gave her a look that indicated he didn’t care. Anything less than perfection in his music department wasn’t tolerated. Cordelia’s smile widened. It was almost as if things were normal again. But then someone pulled out one of those champagne poppers and everything changed. One of the other interns had bought some, despite Joey saying it was a bad idea. As soon as the popper was set off, Sammy, Norman, and Wally were hitting the deck, all of them with terrified looks in their eyes. Sammy literally threw himself out of his wheelchair. Susie returned just in time to see this happen, quickly rushing to Sammy’s side.
“What on Earth were you thinking?!” Joey stormed toward the poor intern.
“I- I didn’t know.” The intern stammered. “I was just trying to be festive. I’m sorry!” Henry went to go help Norman and Wally while Susie and Cordelia helped Sammy back into his chair. Cordelia was barely able to hold back tears. It was like Roy all over again. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She’d gotten through it once, she’d do it again. Steadying her trembling hands, she touched both Susie and Sammy’s hands.
“Are either of you thirsty?” She asked as if nothing had happened. She wasn’t going to treat Sammy like he was broken. That would only make things worse.
“I could go for a drink.” Susie nodded, smiling tiredly. Sammy nodded as well, holding Susie’s hand as though it were the only thing that could save him. Cordelia walked to the punch bowl, managing to keep herself calm and collected. Things wouldn’t be the same, but she’d be damned if she was going to let anyone suffer because of this. Things would be alright.
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oblivion-time · 7 years
Because my computer keeps on crashing on me so I did some exploring in my doc full with stories and I found this story I wrote over a year ago. Thought it was time for it to come out and play. This takes place within the Death Child AU and it's how Maka and Soul met. You don't need to have read Death Child to understand this. Enjoy!
Finally. The darkness had fallen and the moon shone and the stars were out as glimmering dots in the night sky. Only the sound of the clock ticking sounded filled the empty hamburger restaurant.
Soul swept the floor from the fries the customers dropped and paper cups teenagers had thrown to the ground and just left. The violin wept in his ear as he kept on sweeping.
The violin came to a soft end and Wes asked. "How did that sound?"
Soul could only roll his eyes. Even though he was trapped in his phone, he managed to get his hands on a violin and played on it whenever he had the chance. He still kept on creating violin pieces even though nobody but him would ever hear them.
"'s like your other pieces. Mom and dad would like it as always."
"But do you like it?" Wes empathised and Soul picked up his phone, seeing Wes excitingly looking at him as if he was a child eagerly waiting to open Christmas presents.
"It's cool. It's excellent like all your other pieces." He was a real musician and a true businessman. He knew what the people wanted and he knew how to deliver it. Every piece he made touched people's hearts just the right way and was appreciated world around by the music community.
"Yeah, but do you think it was too much?"
"You're the one with superior music knowledge. You know these things better than I do."
"But you're my brother. Your opinion matters to me. Especially now when you're the only one who can hear it."
Soul snorted and put the phone back into his pocket, continuing on his sweeping. "It's good. It's a masterpiece as usual."
"But do you really think so and aren't saying it just to get me off your ass―"
The doors slid open and Soul kept on sweeping. "We're closing in a couple of minutes."
"Don't worry. I won't stay too long."
He lifted his eyes from his pile of trash at the young woman entering. Hair in pigtails and her tiny frame drowning in a red knitted sweater. What was a kid doing out this late? Shouldn't she be home doing homework or something?
"A customer is a costumer," he murmured and he swept the trash into a pile when she took a seat by a cleaned table instead of ordering something. From the corner of his eyes, he caught the sight of her burying her face in her hands, running her fingers through her blonde bangs. He collected the trash and threw it into the garbage bag.
Her hands slammed on the table, startling him. "Do you ever just hate your friends?"
Soul cocked his eyebrow at the girl now turned toward him in her seat, clearly expecting some sort of an answer.
He had run with a bad crowd. A crowd he thought cared about him but in fact just used him. Of course he knew.
"Yeah," he confessed as he pulled up the black plastic bag from the can and tied a knot around the top.
"Like, if you tell them no you don't want to go on some random blind date, they should respect that, right?"
"I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Come on, Soul," Wes said from his phone in the pocket. "Talk to her. Seems like she's a young lady in need for someone to talk to and clear her head."
Why him then? Couldn't she just go to her school's counsellor or her parents? He couldn't handle sad girls. Fuck. This was the reason he always hung out with his brother.
Soul turned his back toward the girl as he fished up his phone and raised his eyebrow at his brother's gleeful face. "Ah come on, don't look at me like that. You don't really have any friends and you could have a very positive impact on this girl's life. You've nothing to lose."
Soul rolled his eyes. He had to help this girl out, huh? He wasn't much of a talker and he had no clue how he could make a positive impact on this girl. Heck, if there was something he knew like the back of his hand, it was to mess things up. Throughout his life he had always ruined things for his family and been a huge burden to them. Now he was supposed to help this girl.
How could he even help a young woman like her? He didn't know how to listen and give good advice and all of that jazz. He didn't even know what he would do. He had no clue!
"Like, I don't even want to go on a date with a guy I have never met before. It would be too weird being stuck in a restaurant with someone I'm supposed to get to know and be in a romantic setting with a stranger."
He hadn't ever been on a blind date before, so he couldn't relate. Girls had never been interested in him and he hadn't been interested in them either. It had always been easier just to avoid the whole dating thing. How was he even supposed to give advice to her on something he had no clue about?
That's when it struck him.
He went over to the milkshake machine and quickly whipped up a strawberry milkshake and returned to the girl. Nobody disliked milkshakes, right?
"Sounds like you've a rough time." He placed the milkshake in front of her.
"But I don't have any money with me," she immediately defended.
"It's on me."
Her emerald green eyes widened as she stared at him. Big bright green eyes looked at him astonished. "Thank you." She pulled the milkshake toward her and grabbed the straw, taking a sip of the milkshake.
"Ask her if you should call her parents to get her," Wes said.
"Um, do your parents know you're here?" He returned to the register to start counting the cash. He doubted a teenage girl could beat him down and steal the money. Why not let the girl warm up in here. It was chilly outside and he bet even with the huge sweater, she must've been cold.
"If he did, he would probably be here dragging me back to the dorm."
"Dorm?" The question was thrown out before he had a chance to stop it.
"I live in a college dorm." She sipped on her milkshake, this time turning more toward him so they could talk properly.
"I see."
"Don't just say I see. She's obviously interested in talking to you and she's in college and that can only mean she's of age! Ask her what she's studying." Wes pitched in. "Oh! And while you're at it, place the phone on the counter. I want to see all of this."
Soul mentally rolled his eyes. Of course his brother's mind would go over there. It's not like he wanted his first time to be with some random girl who was nice to him. It… it had to be special.
But he did as his brother said and fished up the phone from his pocket and casually placed it on the counter. Who knew his brother would guide him through the world of talking to girls. Soul never saw it coming for sure.
The task of closing down the restaurant and counting the cash was completely forgotten in favour of talking to this strange girl. It was… it really was a while ago since he talked to someone who wasn't Wes.
"So what's your major?"
"I'm studying law. I'm on my second year."
"Law major," Wes cued. "That's impressive. And she's pretty cute."
She was pretty cute. Her eyes were a rich green reminding him of freshly cut grass and the avocado on the sushi he enjoyed to eat so much. Sandy natural blonde hair and not the bleached damaged hair he saw a lot of girls rock. Her lips a rich pink from the milkshake. She was indeed a beautiful sight.
"How about you?"
His eyes fluttered before he shook his head. "I'm not going to college." He hadn't even finished high school.
"So you haven't decided yet?"
Yeah he wasn't going to college. He didn't have the energy to pick up his studies and pass high school just to continue hell by going to college. He wasn't nearly as ambitious as the young woman in front of him. He could only imagine all the hard work she had to put in in order to go to college as a law major. "Something along those lines."
"How old are you?"
"22. You?"
"You don't ask for a woman's age―"
"21." Wes's hiss was quickly cut off by Maka's straight up answer. Wes let out a quick sigh. "You didn't go to Shibusen High, did you?"
Soul could only chuckle. "That obvious?"
"No, it's just my friends are older so I think I should've seen you before. You're… memorable."
He leaned on the counter and chuckled. "Yeah, I stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd."
"But it's not bad." She placed her now empty milkshake on the table. "I mean, it is unusual, I've never met someone with white hair and red eyes, but it looks good on you."
"Ohhhh! Did you hear that, bro?! She's attracted to you!" Wes whooped loudly in his ear, celebrating it as if him and the woman had announced a pregnancy or something just as extravagant. "You totally got to ask her out."
Hell no he wasn't. There was a huge difference between finding someone attractive and a polite way of saying you don't look like a freak, her way was definitely like the later. A successful and beautiful woman like her would under no circumstances be into someone with his looks and flips burger. There had to be so many good guys in her law class hitting on her and all. Who knew, she might even have a boyfriend or she might not be guy orientated at all.
"I bet you haven't met someone with my teeth either." He flashed his teeth, expecting some kind of horrified expression but instead, her eyes widened with curiosity.
"Wow." She shot up from her seat and crossed the space up to the register. She took a closer look at his teeth, and she didn't look at them with fear or disgust, just amazement. "Did you get them filled in?"
"No. They're natural."
"No way! That's really cool." Her eyes seemingly twinkled as she admired his mouth from every angle. "They look so sharp."
"Because they are."
"Look at you conversing so effortlessly with a girl. Ask if she wants a ride back to the dorms. Maybe she will even reward you with a date." He could just hear the flirtation in his voice as if he could transmit his thirst to Soul. This chick wasn't interested in him like that. She didn't do the winking or fluttered her eyes excessively as if she had dust in her eyes. She was just… curious.
But he couldn't deny the fact she was attractive and maybe he was a little interested in her. But just a little! He wasn't even sure, he had never had a girl admire his features like she dis. It was… heart-warming. He felt special and he liked it.
A soft melody played and the girl fished up her phone from her black jeans and unlocked it. Her eyes almost rolled into her head as she seemingly read a text. "I got to get going back to the dorms before my friends start turning the city upside down looking for me." She put the phone back into her pocket. "It was nice meeting you and thanks for the milkshake. It really did lift my spirit."
"You're welcome." He waved it away.
"Come on bro, ask if she needs a ride back to the dorms. It's dark and a young lady shouldn't be walking alone."
Yeah right. The girl had managed to get here and he was sure she could manage get back in one piece.
A smile played on her lips as she waved goodbye and exited the restaurant.
He was sure he wouldn't see the girl ever again. Sure this was all just a nice conversation to her, but his next shift his colleague told him a girl wearing pigtails had asked when his next shift would be.
It had stunned and flustered him to the point he had to go to the bathroom to calm down his racing heart. He must've left a good impression on her or else she wouldn't want to see him, right? If she just wanted a burger, she wouldn't have asked about him. He didn't dare to get his hopes up because she really was a sweet girl and he enjoyed their chat, it was surely just small talk with the cashier, right?
He couldn't get the blonde girl out of his head. Her cute twinkling eyes as she examined his teeth and the vague freckles on her nose. Just thinking of her sweet and warming smile made his heart racing.
For such a long time, he had just had his brother, before and after the accident, now, he had suddenly connected with this strange girl, and they connected well. He… he kind of regretted not asking for her name. He bet it was beautiful.
His brother didn't help him with his developing crush on the pigtailed girl. Wes was always notorious for his teasing and now when he liked a girl, it was like tossing gas on a flame. Every sentence was about her. He encouraged him to take detours passed the collage so he could possibly run into her. He didn't exactly enjoy going to crowded places and have children unknowingly screaming out their curiosity about him toward their parent and either receive a just stay away from him or some are unfortunate with hideous looks. It was a situation he would like to avoid. That was why he worked night shifts and was in the kitchen instead at the cash register.
It was night once again and he swept the floor once again from the trash the customers had dropped. The night was calm and he kept on cleaning to the pleasant sound of Wes's violin in his ear.
The automatic double doors slid open.
"We're closing soon."
"I promise I won't stay for too long."
He stiffened. It was like déjà vu as his gaze slowly went to the strange woman standing in the entrance in a black trench coat and cute red scarf. She smiled gently toward him and she raised her hand where a bill was.
"I bought money this time."
"She's back! She's totally into you! You gotta ask her out or at least give her a ride home this time!" Wes hooted in his ear.
He was left speechless. He could barely believe it. She was here! He really didn't expect her to return here, sure, his colleague had said she asked about his next shift― but he still didn't think she would return! Let alone now.
Silently he went over to the cash register and she went up to it and placed the bill on the desk. "Two strawberry milkshakes, please." He couldn't help but notice heat rising from her neck to her cheeks.
He took the money and grabbed the first cup, went over to the milkshake machine.
"And, um," the blonde gulped as she fiddled with the hem of her purple turtleneck. "Maybe… you would want to go, well, I read about this good movie on the web and it had gotten quite good reviews and maybe… you would want to go and watch it. With me."
He accidentally spilled the milkshake and turned toward her.
What had she just said?
"I can't believe you got asked out?!" Wes gushed with joy in his ear and broke out playing a happily melody on his violin. "You got to accept!"
"It's just…" she kept on fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously. "… you seem like you're a nice person and well, it would be cool to hang out with you."
Was this really happening to him? He couldn't quite wrap his mind around the idea that she wanted to hang out with him. It made him… happy. Really, really happy. He had never really had anyone willingly hang out with him except for his brother.
He awakened from his shock and he wiped the milkshake mess on his pant and grabbed a new cup. "Sure." He made two new milkshakes and placed them on the counter.
"Really? That's great!" She beamed with joy and she pulled out a pen from her jacket. She started scribbling down digits on one of the milkshakes and she pushed it toward him. "Here's my number."
"Wait, but it's yours." He pushed the milkshake toward her.
"You paid for mine a couple days ago. It's yours."
His heart fluttered pleasantly and he could only gaze at her phone number on his cup. He did have a phone, but it was taken by his brother and didn't work. How the fuck would he manage to call her?
"Do you have one?"
Soul cocked his eyebrow with confusion.
"A phone number?"
"Oh." Soul massaged his neck.
"Just tell her the truth," Wes said in his ear.
"My phone's broken. I haven't bought a new one yet." Soul fished up the phone and waved the broken screen at her.
"Oh, okay, but you better call me!" She pouted and she looked beyond adorable.
"Don't worry. When you see a creepy phone number from a pay phone, you'll know it's me."
She raised her milkshake. "Cheers to pay phones and milkshakes."
Soul chuckled and raised his cup, gently bumped his cup with hers. "Cheers to…?"
"Maka. Maka Albarn."
"Cheers to you, Maka Albarn."
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rparchiveblogxoxo · 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like bp!kurt, mpreg!sebastian, bp!sebastian, kurtbastian, and mpreg!kurt.
Stranger: Sebastian sat on the counter, fingers slowly dipping inside himself as he watched his roommates play in the living room. He grinned, hearing the door open. "Guys, Kurt's home! Pants on or relocate." He shifted on the counter where he'd decided to perch for the day snacking on chips, his shirt falling to his thighs. "How was work?" He asked, licking his fingers casually.
You: Kurt chuckled softly and rolled his eyes at Sebastian's words as he came through the door, shutting it behind himself as he made his way over to greet him. "Hey. Work was good as ever," he said. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly as he watched Sebastian licking his fingers. "You're a little ridiculous, you know that?"
Stranger: "And yet, you haven't kicked me out." Sebastian shrugged. "So work sucked?" He grinned, picking up his bowl of chips once more and slipped one past his lips, chewing quietly as he watched the male.
You: "Yeah, I can't seem to make sense of that decision. I guess I'm a little fond of you," Kurt said, shaking his head to himself. He moved to lean against the counter, looking at Sebastian. "Yeah. It definitely could've been better."
Stranger: Sebastian leaned over, kissing the top of Kurt's head. "Then quit, and do what we do instead!" Sebastian said, smiling. He'd been telling Kurt for years to quit his job and go into their field of 'science'. Technically Kurt's roommates were all in a research trial for a new drug that kicked up sex drives for an extended period of time but they had to record long term effects. "I mean, it's good money and you don't have to leave the house. You'd just constantly be jacking off."
You: Kurt let out a soft laugh at Sebastian's words, shaking his head. "Yeah, see, I just don't know about that, Bas," he said. "As fun as that sounds, I actually like being able to be a productive human being."
Stranger: "Hey, I'm productive. I do a lot during the day. Hunter ate me out while I did the dishes, I even got dinner started in the crock pot. Hunter cleaned, however he had to clean the vacuum after... It was an interesting day actually. But we all got stuff done! And it's for the good of humanity, even if it means I'm constantly dripping." He said, shrugging. "And you already know and like your coworkers. It's a great job." He laughed. "This trial is better than the last one by leaps and bounds at least. No more midnight puking. I hear it's going into production though... that's a scary thought."
You: "Yeah, see, that's technically productive, but at the same time... That's pretty low level productive. But I guess it's alright. It's clean around here, aside from the various bodily fluids," Kurt said with a soft laugh, rolling his eyes at him. "And see, you're not doing a great job of inspiring confidence in me. If part of your pitch is a reminder of the awful side effects of a past run, that's not good."
Stranger: "Hey, I'm not a salesman. I'm a horny drug tester. Don't blame me if I'm just trying to make your life easier." He laughed softly then nudged him with his knee. "I need to go finish myself off though. I'll be back down to finish cooking in a bit. Go relax, take a hot bath. You still look stressed."
You: "Sure, sure. Careful you're not letting those drugs melt your brain, though," Kurt said with a soft laugh, shaking his head. He sighed softly and nodded, stepping back. "Actually, a bath does sound absolutely amazing. So I'll go do that, you enjoy yourself."
Stranger: "I'm taking it better than those two are. Cara can't go an hour without something inside her and Hunter has come so many times in the past 24 hours he passed out while cleaning. We already called it in, I promise." He said as they climbed the stairs. "Enjoy your bath." He called out, going into his own room and falling on his bed, happy to see his vibrator was fully charged again.
You: "See, there it is again. The idea of the drugs might sound appealing if it wasn't for the fact that I see the toll it takes on all of you up close every day," Kurt said, shaking his head slightly. "Alright, I will," he said. He went into his bathroom, sighing softly as he started the tub filling and got undressed.
Stranger: Sebastian worked himself through another two orgasms and laid in bed panting. His body ached in an unfulfilled way, jealous that Hunter was with Cara and really shouldn't be pulling any extra work on top of that. He sighed, checking the time. It flew by quicker when turned on, he would swear to it. Sebastian slid off the bed, tugging his shirt back down after wiping himself up. He'd forgone underwear on day two of the trial, realizing they were pointless when they just got ruined constantly. He slipped down to the kitchen, washing his hands and finishing dinner, his legs tight together as he gave himself constant needy friction.
You: Kurt relaxed in the bath for a while, washing himself up and listening to some music until the water started to go lukewarm. He got up out of the bath and toweled himself off, slipping on some comfortable clothing before padding back out to the kitchen to find Sebastian again. "Hey," he said. "So, how was getting yourself off for the millionth time today?"
Stranger: "Unfulfilling as usual." He said, turning the crock pot off and grabbing plates for everyone. He started plating the veggies and roast for himself and Kurt, handing him his plate. "I've never backed down from a trial though and I've only got a week left on this one. I'll be fine." He smiled, nudging Kurt. "What do you want to drink?"
You: Kurt nodded slightly. He took the plate, smiling softly and thanking Sebastian. "You really do need to find yourself a guy to get on this trial thing too, just so that you can actually be somewhat sated," he said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "Eh, just water, I think."
Stranger: "Don't you think I tried? Literally an hour ago." He grinned, grabbing glasses. "Hunter would help but he's worn out just with Cara and sadly I find it hard to fancy a female." He filled them both with ice water and sat them down at the table.
You: "Okay, true. Some other guy, though, probably. I'm sure there's someone out there that would be easy to convince," Kurt said with a soft chuckle, shrugging. He sat down at the table, leaning back in his seat as he started to eat.
Stranger: "Not exactly looking for anyone." Sebastian said and stuck a bite in his mouth, rubbing his thighs together. "I mean, it's definitely going to get better in a week, it would be easier to just hire a prostitute at this point. Oooh, where's that Sam guy you hung out with in high school? He had nice washboard abs I'd grind against!" He teased, winking at Kurt.
You: Kurt let out a laugh and shook his head, rolling his eyes. "That's where I have to draw the line, Bas. I will not permit prostitutes in this home," he said, chuckling. "Sam wasn't a prostitute, anyways. And I'm pretty sure he'd be too boring to entertain you for long, anyway."
Stranger: "I only need a week and a cock. A warm, fleshy cock filling me up a few times a day." Sebastian shrugged, the thought of it making him leak, dripping down his thighs. "Damn it." He whispered, reaching to the middle of the table for napkins.
You: Kurt raised an eyebrow at Sebastian, letting out a soft laugh. "God, I can't believe that this is just the sort of thing that happens around my apartment now. This is just my life," he said. "I can't remember the last time I saw your with pants on."
Stranger: "Honestly don't miss the pants. Or panties, at that point." Sebastian grinned and stuck another veggie in his mouth as his free hand used the napkin to clean himself.
You: "Yeah, I mean... in all honesty, I don't miss you wearing them, either," Kurt said with a soft laugh, shaking his head slightly. "I get a pretty good view from time to time."
Stranger: "Don't turn me on anymore than I already am. I do need this protein... you'll make me forget about the food." He whispered and closed his eyes, trying to focus.
You: "Okay, okay, my bad. In fairness, though, I'm pretty sure nothing /doesn't/ turn you on anymore," Kurt said, looking over to watch him.
Stranger: "I can still think of a few things, but they used to be turn offs and now they do nothing to me at all. Nothing can stop this." He said and took a drink of water.
You: Kurt nodded slightly, chuckling. "Yeah, it's almost a superpower, really. The worst superpower, but a superpower nonetheless," he said.
Stranger: "Not the worst, I think it's literally impossible to be a rape victim now." He whispered before shifting in his seat. He leaned forward over the table, taking large bites to try and finish his meal.
You: "Is that supposed to be a good thing? I'm pretty sure it's not," Kurt said, shaking his head slightly, a small frown on his lips as he watched him.
Stranger: Cara came down the steps weakly, plopping down on her chair at the table. "Remind me how much we make again?" She whispered and Sebastian smiled. "200 a day." Cara nodded, whimpering. "He got the wrong hole and now my ass burns." She whined and covered her head with her hands. "Kurt? Get her a plate?" Sebastian asked, unwilling to move just yet.
You: Kurt nodded slightly, getting up from the table. He looked over to watch Cara as he fixed her a plate, letting out a soft sigh. He knew that his roommates made good money doing this and they had volunteered for it, but seeing them in various states because of the drugs still made him feel bad. "Eat up," he told her as he set her plate down in front of her.
Stranger: Cara nodded as Hunter came down stairs. He made himself a plate and sat down. "Sorry, Care." He whispered and she nodded, eating vegetables slowly. Sebastian reached over and pet her hair sadly. He then glanced at Kurt and shook his head. "She'll be okay." He mouthed, spreading his legs and closing them quickly before finishing his food. "Who's turn is it to do dishes?" Cara sighed and Hunter nodded. "I'll do them, don't worry." He said from the table and Sebastian nodded. "I'm going to bed then, night guys." He said, tossing the drenched napkin away.
You: Kurt nodded slightly, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he watched them, his eyes flicking between the three of them. "Okay, goodnight, Bas," he said, picking up his plate and bringing it over to leave it in the sink.
Stranger: Sebastian waited at the top of the stairs, hating himself for his own minds wants. He leaned against the wall in the hallway, pulling his shirt up so he had access to his pussy, rubbing it over and over, eyes closed as he listened for Kurt's footsteps.
You: Kurt headed up to go into his bedroom, stopping short in the hallway as he caught sight of Sebastian touching himself. He just stood there for a moment, looking down to watch him. "Ah, hey."
Stranger: Sebastian frowned, reaching out to grab Kurt's hand, pulling the male towards him. "Once... I promise I won't ask again. Please? Just this once?" He begged, pressing his hand up against the liquids seeping out of him. "Please?" He whispered again.
You: Kurt let out a soft groan as he felt Sebastian's wetness, nodding slightly. "I... Yeah. Okay. Whatever you need," he said. "I've thought about offering before. This is... yeah."
Stranger: Sebastian panted, lifting his shirt up and off, sweating through it anyway and he reached behind him to open the door to his bedroom, pulling Kurt inside. "Please?" He repeated, despite knowing Kurt consented. He turned, falling onto his bed, legs spread. "God I need you. Fuck..." He panted, chest rising and falling. "Just until I pass out, just this once..."
You: Kurt groaned softly as he followed Sebastian into his room, watching him. He made quick work of ridding himself of his pants and underwear, getting onto the bed. "Okay, Bas," he said softly, settling between Sebastian's legs as he took his cock in his hand and stroked himself to full hardness.
Stranger: Sebastian moaned, watching him, his own hand going back down to sate the fire between his thighs, plunging two fingers into his hole, letting liquids seep out around him as he waited. "Kurt... Fuck." He panted, turning his head to the side and gasping. "W-Why other guy?" He barely got the broken sentence out. "Just you. No other." He moaned, slowly fucking himself.
You: Kurt looked down at Sebastian, watching him as he moved to get on top of him. "Just... just relax, Bastian, I'll take care of you," he said, taking Sebastian's wrist to pull his hand away so that he could replace it with his cock, easing into him.
Stranger: Sebastian moaned, fingers reaching above his head to grab the bed spindles in the head board. "So open for you, please!" He gasped, his eyes shut as his hips pushed up against the warm cock. "Yes... Fuck yes. Need you!"
You: Kurt moaned as he slid into Sebastian, closing his eyes for a moment and taking in a breath. "Fuck," he breathed out at he bottomed out inside of him, starting to move and immediately setting a quick pace in his thrusts.
Stranger: Sebastian cried out in pleasure, his body clenching desperately around the male, legs wrapping around his hips, fingers over his shoulders as he pulled the male deep into him with each thrust. "Kurt!" He gasped reaching his first peak, squirting up against him but unabashed by it. The actual feeling of being filled sating him like no masturbation had yet done. "Oh God yes. Just like that! Don't stop!"
You: Kurt let out a groan as he felt Sebastian clenching around him, his hips stuttering at the feeling of Sebastian coming around his cock. "Jesus fuck, Bas," he breathed out, his hands landing on Sebastian's hips as he continued to fuck into him.
Stranger: "Roll over. I'll ride you." He said, hips halting to let him turn to his back. "I need you deep... Fuck." He gasped, reaching down to frantically rub his his clit as he waited for Kurt to pull out.
You: Kurt nodded slightly, groaning as he pulled out of Sebastian and turned over to lay back against the bed. "C'mon, do what you need," he said, watching him.
Stranger: Sebastian grinned, getting up as soon as the male laid down. He slipped his thighs over him, using his hand to guide his cock inside himself again, bottoming out and moaning explicitly. He leaned down as his hips rolled over him, getting Kurt deep in him while hitting his gspot every time. He cried out as he came on top of him, each high only a few seconds after each other, his body drenching Kurt beneath him as he completely used the mans cock for his own pleasure.
You: Kurt closed his eyes for a moment as Sebastian slid down onto his cock again, moaning at the sensation. He rocked his hips up in time with Sebastian's movements, one hand sliding over Sebastian's skin as their bodies moved together. "Fucking... Bas..." he breathed out.
Stranger: Sebastian bit his lip, working himself up and down the male's shaft. "So good. Fill me up. Fill me up Kurt!" He begged, fingers digging into the man's chest. "Please!"
You: Kurt groaned, his fingers digging lightly into Sebastian's side. He'd wanted to hold off for as long as he could, but eventually, hearing Sebastian's begging, he came hard inside of him, moaning his name.
Stranger: Sebastian moaned, the feel of his cum shooting inside reaching the end of him felt like a full dinner to Sebastian. He was sated, for the time being, in the best way possible. He leaned down, kissing the male softly as all the other body needs started to come to him, sleep taking priority. He slipped off the male slowly, inching to the side as he rested down on Kurt's shoulder, one leg still draped over the male. "Love you." He whispered before his body finally shut down from being overworked for days and he passed out, half sprawled over his best friend.
You: Kurt caught his breath, looking over at Sebastian as he pulled off of him. "Mhm, goodnight, Bas, love you too," he mumbled. He slipped his arms around Sebastian's waist, closing his eyes, not feeling like bothering to get up and move to his own bed.
Stranger: Sebastian slept nearly seven hours, the longest he'd slept since week one of the trial. He slipped up to do his business in the bathroom and take a shower, not bothering to masturbate during it since he was still slightly sore and stiff from the previous night. He smiled, seeing Kurt still in his bed and he sat down, admiring his body. His fingers traced soft lines up and down his thighs as he waited for him to wake up.
You: Kurt grumbled softly as he woke up, yawning and rubbing his hand over his face. He opened his eyes, slowly looking over at Sebastian and remembering where he was and what they'd done the night before. "Mm. Morning."
Stranger: "Morning." He smiled and squeezed his thigh. "Thank you for last night. I actually slept... didn't mean to trap you beneath me though." He whispered. "Sorry."
You: Kurt shook his head slightly. "No, it's okay. I mean, that was the most exciting sex I've had in a while, so," he said, chuckling. "And I prefer to cuddle after anyways, so."
Stranger: Sebastian nodded. "I need to change the sheets but I'm happy to lay back down and cuddle after?" He grinned. "I'm too sore and... I'm oddly sated right now. Like I have a tiny need but nothing like last night. If that's what real sex does... I don't understand how Cara is worse off than I am." He shrugged.
You: Kurt chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah, okay, we can do that," he said, sitting up and stretching his arms out over his head. "Well... that's good, at least. I guess it's just affecting you differently, and at least you're feeling better."
Stranger: "Well, I mean... I'm a male and she isn't... we just have all the same working bits down there." He shrugged as he started peeling up the sheets. "I'm so happy I can think now and all I want to do is curl up and nap more." He laughed softly.
You: "Yeah, exactly. So it makes sense that you're having different effects. Unlucky for her," Kurt said with a small shrug. He chuckled softly and nodded, giving him a small smile. "Well, curling up and napping can definitely happen."
Stranger: "I need to go out today later though, at least by tonight, to pick up the plan b pill." He said and started putting the clean sheets on the bed. "Because someone was just as distracted as I was last night." He grinned.
You: "Oh. Ha, shit, yeah, you're right," Kurt said with a small nod, chuckling softly. "Not my fault, though. You were very... distracting."
Stranger: "I bet I was, acting like a begging pup at the top of the stairs, waiting for you." Sebastian said, resting his head on the male's chest when he was done and pulling out his phone to email his report to the case study designer. When he was done he set his phone down right before it binged with a reply. Sebastian frowned, lifting the phone back up to his face and sighing. "No other drugs while on the drug. Fuck."
You: "Yeah, it was... interesting, to say the least," Kurt said with a soft laugh, wrapping his arms around him. He watched Sebastian, furrowing his brow when he heard what he'd read off of his phone. "What? No, that's ridiculous. They've got to make an exception in a case like this."
Stranger: "Yeah, if I want to drop out of the program and risk never getting another trial." He sighed. "It's fine, it's highly unlikely you got me pregnant. No one else has... one time won't be the end all." He said, nuzzling into his chest.
You: "Yeah. I know it's not likely, but still. That's kind of bullshit," Kurt said, letting out a quiet huff of air, He let his hand run over Sebastian's side slowly, saying, "But yeah, you're right. Nothing to worry get worked up about."
Stranger: Sebastian hummed, closing his eyes. "You know how you said you got a nice view occasionally?" He asked with a grin. "You were wrong... This is a wonderful view." He hummed, trailing a finger down Kurt's toned stomach then over his thigh. "You're gorgeous. If you decide to stop wearing pants, I'd be on the hype train, hell I'd be the conductor."
You: Kurt let out a soft laugh at Sebastian's words, rolling his eyes. "Mhm, okay, whatever you say," he said, shaking his head slightly. He let out a soft breath as he felt Sebastian's touch moving over his skin. "Mm... I'll definitely keep that in mind."
Stranger: "Let's just be a house of nudists. It would save on clothing." He grinned and closed his eyes, cuddling closer to the male. "Hey Kurt?" He whispered as his arm wrapped around the male.
You: "That'd certainly be an interesting option," Kurt said with a soft laugh, shaking his head slightly. He looked down at him, raising an eyebrow at him. "Yeah?"
Stranger: "We had sex." He grinned. "You fucked a pussy so well it aches." He hummed. "Good job."
You: Kurt chuckled softly, rolling his eyes at him fondly. "Yeah, we did," he said. "In fairness, I think you ended up doing most of the work."
Stranger: "You got it rolling though. I couldn't have done it without you, I have weeks of failure to prove it." He smiled, licking his lips. "I always wanted to sneak into your bedroom at night and suck you off until you begged to fuck me, I would have even let you take my ass, I just... we've been friends for so long I didn't want to fuck it up..."
You: Kurt shook his head slightly, shrugging. "I don't think that you've messed anything up, Bastian," he said, rubbing his hand over his side. "And I don't think that us having sex ever would've. We maybe should've done this before."
Stranger: "Well we're good at teasing what we want, not actually committing to it." He whispered. "I wanted you to fuck me, so of course it took eight years to get it done." He laughed.
You: Kurt chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah.. So, that begs the question, was it worth waiting eight years for?"
Stranger: "If that's the only time? I wish I was less drugged up for it. If it's not the only time... then yeah. I already know and love you and we have that base beneath us for any added extracurricular fun to stand on."
You: Kurt chuckled softly and nodded, looking at Sebastian with a small smile. "Well, if you want, I think we can definitely have that not be the only time."
Stranger: "I promised not to ask again, so if you wanna fuck me you're gonna have to come to me this time." Sebastian grinned. "And condoms are in that drawer for future reference." He pointed.
You: "I don't think that I'd mind if you broke that promise, though," Kurt said with a soft laugh, shaking his head. "Mm, good. Duly noted for next time."
Stranger: Sebastian nodded. "Well okay then. You know for the next week your cock is going to be begged for constantly, then, right?" He whispered softly.
You: Kurt chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah, I can live with that," he said. "I'll be right here for you, whenever I don't have to be at work."
Stranger: "I bet you can." He grinned and leaned up, kissing the male's cheek. "Thank you."
Stranger: (Brb)
You: Kurt chuckled softly, looking at Sebastian with a smile and giving his cheek a kiss in return. "You don't have to thank me."
Stranger: "I do. It wasn't until you said you got occasional delicious glances at me under the shirt that I realized you may say yes to fucking me... So it's really because of you this happened at all." He whispered.
You: Kurt nodded slightly, letting his hand slide up to run his fingers through Sebastian's hair. "You would've ended up asking me eventually, either way," he said.
Stranger: "I'm not sure about that." He whispered. "I was really scared you'd run at the idea."
You: "You know me better than that. Any doubt you had was just nerves," Kurt said, shaking his head.
Stranger: "We kept a line between flirting and fucking and neither of us crossed it. Are you saying you were nervous, Kurt?" He asked quietly.
You: Kurt let out a soft sigh, shrugging. "I mean, I guess so, yeah," he said.
Stranger: "What were you nervous about?" He asked, his fingers tracing circles on the male's chest slowly.
You: "I don't know. Just that... whatever I feel for you, that you'd want none of it," he said.
Stranger: Sebastian was quiet as he thought, eyes staring at his finger dancing over Kurt's skin before he moved his hand up, taking the male's chin and he tilted his own head, pressing their lips together fully.
You: Kurt looked at him in surprise as he felt him taking his chin in his hand, letting his eyes flutter shut as he kissed him back.
Stranger: Sebastian cautiously slipped his hand around the male's head, holding him close as his lips traced over the males. He kissed a little harder before his tongue darted out to taste.
You: Kurt kissed him back slowly, letting his mouth open slightly for him as he felt his tongue, shifting into a slightly more comfortable position against him.
Stranger: Sebastian moved with him, sliding over just slightly so Kurt could adjust. His hands slipped down over his shoulders and around his neck, his tongue pressing in to explore the cavern of his mouth, tasting him and moaning against his lips.
You: Kurt let out a soft moan into the kiss, holding onto Sebastian close against his body. Eventually he made himself pull back, asking softly, "What is this?"
Stranger: Sebastian let out short, soft pants as he looked at him. "Me telling you I've wanted you to kiss me like that since I met you?" He whispered. "To kiss me and touch me and... everything?" He added.
You: Kurt chuckled softly, looking at Sebastian with a smile and running his fingers through his hair. "And this isn't just, like, the drugs fucking with your brain since I actually had sex with you?"
Stranger: "No, honestly... ask Hunter." He whispered. "I've wanted you for ages, Kurt. I just didn't want it to hurt our friendship."
You: Kurt nodded slightly, pulling Sebastian into another soft kiss. "Okay... Okay, good."
Stranger: Sebastian laughed softly against his lips. "I promise, I love you way more than a friend should love another friend." He grinned and kissed him again, slowly.
You: Kurt kissed him back contently, letting out a soft hum into it. "I love you too," he murmured.
Stranger: "Good. Now less kissing, I'm enjoying my solace of new serious leaking and I'm terrified this will bring it back. Especially since it's time for another pill." He whispered.
You: Kurt let out a soft breath and nodded. "Alright, alright, no more kissing for now," he said, his hand running over Sebastian's side.
Stranger: Sebastian grabbed the pill bottle and shook one out before taking it and then laid back down with a smile. "Are you skipping work today? It's already eight am."
You: "Yeah, I think I am," Kurt said with a soft laugh, nodding and wrapping his arms back around Sebastian. "I'll call in sick, later."
Stranger: "Mmmn, good, I want you here right now either way." He whispered and closed his eyes. "I want someone to keep me safe and warm as I catch up on much needed sleep." He whispered.
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
Are you ellana-san on fan fiction net? I have a prompt 👑😛 Effie shaved for Haymitch and Haymitch got sexually excited 😂 (smut smut smut) thank you
I still suck at writing smut sorry! [X]
Coconut & Red Shorts
The novel had Haymitch riveted. He read as fastas he could, eager to turn the next page, letting out a non-committal gruntevery time Effie’s voice rose in question. She had been soaking in the bathtubsince before he had hauled his ass upto bed – and that had been more than half an hour earlier – and ever since shehad heard him settling down in the bedroom – asking if it was him, as if randomstrangers were in the habit of sleeping in their bed – she had been chattingabout everything and nothing.
It didn’t really disturb his reading. He hadlong developed the gift of tuning her voice out if he needed to. He simply letout a grunt when it looked like she was expecting an answer. He didn’t think hehad her fooled into thinking he was following whatever conversation she washaving but he also didn’t think she minded too much – if she had, she would have ranted about it andmade sure he was aware of it.
The rumble of the bathtub emptying itself madehim glance at the half-opened bathroom’s door but she didn’t appear just yet sohe went back to his book. It was a thriller and, for once, he had no clue whothe murderer was. And he wanted toknow. There was nothing he didn’t like more than a good puzzle.
He had swallowed two more chapters when shefinally walked into the bedroom, hair pinned high on the top of her head in aneat bun. She was wearing her red silky shorts and one of his flannel shirts.The view was good but not enough to distract him from the fictive murders.
“I knew you were not listening.” she accused,more amused than angry, as she disappeared in the corridor.
He had already locked the doors and made sureall the windows were secured everywhere – it wasn’t really cold for late fallin Twelve but the wind tended to pick up violently now and then, other houseshad suffered damages, plus they both tended to be a little paranoid aboutpossible intruders – but he let her go anyway, engrossed in his novel.
She came back eventually, struggling to switchthe lights off in the corridor with the two steaming mugs in her hands, forcedto push the bedroom’s door closed with her hip because he didn’t get up tohelp. He saw her briefly pursing her lips in the corner of his eyes but itdidn’t quite register, it was gone by the time she placed one of the mugs onhis nightstand.
“It must be verygood.” she hummed.
He let out another distracted grunt, catching adrift of coconut. He wasn’t certain at first. It wasn’t until she crawled overhim to get to her side of the bed that he was really sure.
“You shaved.” he commented, grabbing her anklebefore she could get away from him. He ran his palm up her calf and to the backof her thigh… The smell of coconut was almost overwhelming and he tossed thebook on the floor without even bothering to mark the page.
She stretched to place her own mug on hernightstand without spilling any and then looked at him over her shoulder.
It reallywasn’t a bad view from where he was standing. He loved her ass. And in thosered shimmering shorts…
“How can you possibly know that?” she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.
He grabbed her thighs and tugged, kicking thecovers and blankets off with his foot, maneuvering to get her on her back. Shelaughed when he pulled the shorts off.
“You put coconut cream.” he answered, lickinghis lips. “That’s for when you shave.”
Truth be told, he didn’t really care about theshaving part. He had told her times and times again he didn’t care. She tendedto obsess over it since the war and her capture. She kept herself groomed withsomething that bordered on fixation. Hairs, no hairs… He didn’t mind.
But he lovedit when she smelt and tasted like coconut.
He nudged her legs apart and she let him dowhat he wanted willingly, tossing her head back when he started dropping kissesfrom her ankle to her inner thigh. He took his sweet time… He kissed, he lickedand he nipped at the tender skin…
She was already panting when he finally buriedhis head between her legs. He loved the combined taste of coconut and of her even more. He also loved it when sheclimaxed on his tongue.
“I just took an hour long bath…” she lamentedwhen she came down from her high. “I was all clean and ready for bed,Haymitch…”
“Shouldn’t take the coconut stuff out if youdon’t want me to fuck you, sweetheart.”he snorted, crawling up the bed to cover her body, seeking her lips for aburning kiss.
Tasting herself was always a turn-on to her andshe moaned in his mouth. Her kissing turned aggressive. She propped herself onher elbow when he drew back for air, refusing to let him go. They ended up withhim kneeling between her spread legs, she sit up to chase after him. Herteeth bit down on his bottom lip and tugged. He groaned and she chuckled,sneaking a hand in his sweatpants. Between her deft fingers and the dirtykissing, it didn’t take her long to coax him into full hardness.
He shoved his sweatpants down to free himselfand she flashed him one of her sassiest grins before turning around, on allfour.
The sight drove him mad with lust.
It always did.
Particularly when she was wearing his shirt.
He kneaded her ass just because he could,dropping a few kisses on the small of her back…
“Enough foreplay, Haymitch.” she growled,jutting her hips back in an explicit demand.  
He bit down on her right cheek as a rebuke butthat plan backfired because it made her moan. And that made him awfully horny.
He grabbed her hip with his left hand, usinghis free one to guide himself to her entrance… He slammed home in one powerfulthrust. She arched her back and whimpered in bliss, which only urged him on. Itwas wild and rough and it didn’t really take long for her to climax again orfor him to follow right after.
They laid on their back afterwards, trying tocatch their breath. He entwined their fingers and brought her hand to his lips.It made her chuckle and she turned her head to press a kiss of her own on hisshoulder.
“I had no idea you loved coconut that much.”she hummed. “I shall remember.”
“Coconut and red shorts are a sure way for youto get laid, Princess.” he snorted, wriggling out of his sweatpants. He likedsleeping naked better anyway. He only humored her with pants because sheclaimed he would catch a cold in that weather – she also forced him to wear a shirt to bed in winter, which he hated,and he felt it was unfair because she could never be convinced to sleep inpants, it was either a nightgown orshorts but never clothes with actual legs. He pulled the covers and blankets back up because there was a chill inthe air. The bed was utterly destroyed but he wasn’t going to make it again so they would have to make do.
She patted her pillow and settled down beforereaching for the mug of tea that wasn’t steaming anymore.
“It is not even cold.” she chuckled.
“You’re complaining it was too quick?” hechallenged, eyebrows lifted as he grabbed his own mug. A sip revealed it waslukewarm and not spiked, two things he didn’t like with tea, but it was greenwhen hers was strawberries and the fact that she had made an effort to bringhim his favorite prompted him to drink it anyway.
“Perhaps.” she teased. He knew she was joking,her eyes were sparkling and she nudged him with her foot to soften the blow. “Ithink you should try again later and see if you can make it last longer.”
“Oh, sweetheart… I can make it last the night.” he bragged.
The entire night was ambitious but he couldgive her a few more orgasms. Their record was five in a row but the fifth onehad really been pushing it and she had been on the verge of sobbing by thattime. She had loved it – or so she had claimed – but it had been too much and definitely not somethingshe wanted on an everyday basis.
“I thought your book was mesmerizing.” sheobserved, taking a sip of her tea. “Don’t you want to go back to your reading?”
“You’re chickening out?” he mocked, suspectingshe had known all along coconut cream and red shorts would catch his attention.He was ready to bet everything he owned that she had simply wanted to checkthat he was more attracted to her than to his novel. The satisfied grin on herlips was clue enough.
“Finish your book.” she granted, magnanimous.“If I am not asleep by then, we will see.”
She hooked her leg over his, once he hadsettled back with his novel, propping a fashion magazine against her otherthigh to read while sipping her tea.
She switched off the lamp on her nightstand andsnuggled against his side long before he was done. He automatically wrapped anarm around her, coiling his hand around her nape in a possessive manner he hadnever outgrown.
“’Night, sweetheart.” he mumbled.
“Goodnight, darling.” she whispered back,dropping a light kiss against his skin.
It made him smirk.
He used to hategoing to bed so much before she movedin…
But now…
Now it might just be the best part of hisday.  
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