#yggdrasil world tree art
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The Map of the Nine Realms
By: kade32 [DeviantArt]
Originally posted:2018/12/12
Yggdrasil, commonly known as the "World Tree" which contains and holds the Nine Realms together.
Ásgarðr (Asgard), the homeworld of the Æsir gods and Ásynja goddesses and the Bifrost.
Valhöll (Valhalla), Odin's realm in Asgard and the heavenly home of the valkyries who decide which warriors die in battle and who lives.
Valaskjalf, Odin's palace.
Þrúðheimr (Thrudheim), the residence of Thor.
Breiðablik, the residence of Baldr.
Himinbjörg, the dwelling of Heimdallr.
Álfheimr (Alfheim), a beautiful, prosperous and bright realm free of the iron grip of war and famine and the homeworld of the álfar/ljósálfar (light elves).
Miðgarðr (Midgard), also known as Earth, the homeworld of the mortals.
Vanaheimr (Vanaheim), a peaceful realm of great nature and the homeworld of the Vanir, lesser gods opposite to the Æsir.
Jötunheimr (Jotenheim or Udgård), the frozen, snowy and mountainous realm of endless winters and the homeworld of the jötnar (frost giants).
Múspellsheimr (Muspelheim), a fiery, molten realm of fire and heat, the homeworld of the "sons of Muspel" (fire giants) and their ruler, Surtr.
Svartálfaheimr (Svartalfheim), a darkened realm parallel to that of Nidavellir and the homeworld of both the svartálfar (black elves) and the dökkálfar (dark elves). Niðavellir (Nidavellir), a section of Svartalfheim inhabited by of the dvergar (dwarves), blacksmiths and craftsmen of the Æsir gods.
Niflheimr (Niflheim), a cold and lifeless netherworld enshrouded in a misty cloud of fog where the souls of the dishonorable arrive upon death.
Helheimr (Hel), the dark, labyrinthine realm of Hel where the evil souls become trapped for eternity and the homeworld by Hel, daughter of Loki.
[Text was copied from original post.]
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infinitymythos · 10 months
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Worlds Beginning🌳🪐♾️
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Celtic beliefs in trees (12)
N for Nion (Ash) - February 18th - March 17th
“The World Tree, Tree of Life - Third month of the Celtic tree calendar”
Colour: white; Stars: Sun, Neptune; Gems: turquoise; Gender: female; Elements: air, water; Patrons: Odin, Nemesis, Poseidon, Neptune; Symbols: balance + harmony, cosmic power, positive thinking, power of the sea
Ash is native to northern Europe and the British Isles, grows well on moist limestone soils and is one of the most common trees found in lowland forests. It is a graceful tree with thin, bird's-feather-like leaves and grey bark. The leaflets are usually odd-numbered, and finding a leaf with an even number of leaflets is said to bring good luck, the same as a four-leaf clover.
In the old days, wearing green ash bark as a garter would repel a wizard's curse, and eating ash buds on the night of the summer solstice would nullify a spell of witchcraft. The ash leaves were also believed to bring luck in love and building wealth. Sleeping with a young leaf under your pillow is said to bring psychic dreams.
Ash forms the centre of belief in a number of ancient cultures. In Greek and Norse mythology, the first humans were born from ash trees. Such ash trees were always cherished by the ancient Irish as trees with very magical powers. According to the lore of the ancient Irish olavs ( ollamh, ollam: one of the highest ranks of druids), these trees were cut down in 665 BCE. This would seem to indicate that Christianity uprooted paganism in ancient Ireland. 
For the Celts, the ash tree, symbolising the cosmic order, held the key to the truth of the universe. The Druids referred to the different phases of existence as the 'three rings of existence'. This eternal 'trinity' can be interpreted variously as 'past, present and future', 'body, mind and spirit' or 'chaos, harmony and creation'. Since the rings of existence cannot be unrelated to each other, what happens at one level will spill over to the other two levels. Every action causes a reaction and nothing is complete on its own, the Celts believed. We are part of the elements that make up the cosmic order, and in the endless cycle of life, we can never escape its flow. For the Celts, the ash was such a guardian of the universe.
According to Norse legend, the ash tree is the world tree, the Yggdrasil that occupies the centre of the universe. All events take place around the ash tree. And its roots and branches travel around the world, symbolising the universality that connects the world of God, this world and the underworld.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (11)
NはNion (トリネコ) - 2月18日~3月17日『世界樹、生命の木〜ケルトの木の暦の第3月』
色: 白; 星: 太陽、海王星; 宝石: トルコ石; 性: 女性; 要素: 空気、水; 守護神: オーディン、ネメシス、ポセイドン、ネプチューン; シンボル: バランス+調和、宇宙の力、ポジティブ思考、海の力
トリネコは古代の数多くの文化の中で、信仰の中心を成している。ギリシャ神話や北欧神話では、最初の人類はトネリコの木から生まれたとされている。そんなトネリコの木を古代アイルランド人は非常に不思議な力を持つ木としていつも大切にしていた。古代アイルランドのオラヴ (ドルイドの最高位のひとつ)たちの言い伝えでは、これらの木は紀元前665年に切り倒されたとなっている。これはキリスト教が古代アイルランドの異教を根こそぎにしたことを物語っていると思われる。
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illustratus · 2 years
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The Titan's Goblet by Thomas Cole
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Some beautiful concept art of Yggdrasil. I think the last one is my favorite.
Generated in Midjourney V4
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circle-of-wolves · 2 years
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Yggdrasil by Pete Amachree
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the-path-inside · 2 years
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World Tree
Image generated by the-path-inside using Stable Diffusion. View my other creations here. “Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.”    - Herman Hesse
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sketchyorsomething · 9 months
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I wanted to introduce one of my OCs: Asker Quang! He's a peregryn and came to the palace of dawn court at 26 to become a soldier even though the reason he started training the traditional peregryn fighting style was, that he wanted to learn more about wounds and the body in general to become a better healer. But because Thesan's father was a bit more conservative he had a hard time to get acknowledged as a healer. He's really good at it though, a damn nerd. Besides healing, he spends his free time drawing (anatomical sketches) and training, which he still likes nonetheless. After he finished his studies he took it on himself to write a book about wings and how to heal them (with additional illustrations if course). Regarding that he's the healer with the best grades in the last couple of years, his skills and knowledge comparable only to Thesan himself, they're good friends. The two of them bonded especially over their common learning of the old language (which Thesan had to learn since he is the heir/High Lord and which Asker just wanted to learn because why not (nerd (affectionately but shh don't tell him that))) Anyway, he's also an Enfp, if anyone wants to know
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paranormal-666 · 2 years
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هي محاولة حديثة لإعادة تشكيل شجرة العالم النوردية والتي تربط ما بين الجنان والعالم والعالم السفلي.
إغدراسيل، وتتم تهجئتها Yggdrasil أو Yggdrasill، هي شجرة أسطورية عملاقة تربط العوالم التسعة في علم الكونيات .
ذكرت شجرة إغدراسيل في قصائد إيدا الشعرية التي جمعت في القرن الثالث عشر من مصادر تراثية قديمة، وقصائد إيدا النثرية التي كتبت في القرن الثالث عشر بقلم سنوري سترلسون. توصف إغدراسيل في كلا المصدرين بأنها شجرة دردار هائلة وتشكل مركز الكون وتعتبر مقدسة. تذهب الآلهة إلى إغدراسيل يوميا لتجتمع في أمورها الخاصة. تمتد فروع إغدراسيل بعيدا في السماء، وتستند الشجرة على ثلاثة جذور تمتد بعيدا في مواقع أخرى؛ أحدها إلى بئر أورداربرون في السماوات، والآخر إلى ينبوع هفيرغيلمير، والآخر إلى بئر ميميسبرون. تعيش عدة مخلوقات حية داخل إغدراسيل، بما في ذلك التنين نيدهوغ، ونسر لا يعرف اسمه، والأيائل داين ودفالين ودونير ودوراثرور.
وضعت عدة نظريات علمية متضاربة لتفسير أصل اسم إغدراسيل، واحتمال ما إذا كانت الشجرة من فصيلة أخرى غير الدردار، وعلاقتها بعديد الأشجار والبساتين المقدسة في الأساطير الوثنية الجرمانية، ومصير إغدراسيل خلال أحداث راكناروك.
النظرية المقبولة عموما لمعنى اسم إغدراسيل هو أن الاسم أتى من الكلمة النورسية القديمة التي تعني "حصان أودين"، بمعنى "المشنقة". أتى هذا التفسير من كلمة drasill وتعني "الحصان" وكلمة Ygg أو Yggr وهو واحد من أسماء أودين. تصف قصيدة هافامال Hávamál من قصائد إيدا الشعرية كيف ضحى أودين بنفسه شنقا من فرع شجرة، لتكون هذه الشجرة مشنقة أودين. قد تكون هذه الشجرة هي إغدراسيل. يمكن أن يطلق على المشنقة لقب "حصان المشنوق"، وبالتالي فإن مشنقة أودين قد وضعت في عبارة "حصان أودين"، ثم ما أصبحت اسم الشجرة. 
ومع ذلك، تختلف آراء الباحثين فيما يتعلق بالمعنى المحدد لاسم إغدراسيل، وبخاصة فيما يتعلق بمسألة ما إذا كان اسم إغدراسيل هو اسم الشجرة نفسها أو أن الاسم الكامل هو أشر إغدراسيل askr Yggdrasil (حيث تعني كلمة askr بالنورسية القديمة "شجرة الدردار"). ووفقا لهذا التفسير، فإن أشر إغدراسيل تعني "شجرة العالم التي يربط عليها "حصان [الحصان أودين] الإله الأعلى [أودين]". وكلا هاتين النظريتين تعتمدان على معنى مفترض وغير مؤكد. 
هناك تفسير ثالث قدمه الباحث فرديناند ديتر، وهو أن اسم إغدراسيل يشير إلى كلمة Yggr ("الرعب")، وليس إشارة لاسم أودين، وبهذا فإن إغدراسيل تعني "شجرة الرعب، أو المشنقة". كما اقترح فرانز رولف شرودر نظرية رابعة وهي أن الاسم يعني "عمود الطقسوس"، حيث اشتقت كلمة yggia من igwja (وتعني "شجرة الطقسوس")، وdrasill من dher (بمعنى "يدعم").
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lealu · 6 months
As a nerd of northern mythology…I was so excited seeing this in the finale of Loki:
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We are talking about Yggdrasil, the World Tree. This connects the nine worlds, including Asgard and Migdard aka our Earth. In Norse mythology, the universe consists of nine worlds. Yggdrasil carries these nine worlds and connects heaven, earth and the underworld. I think it also represents all the characters.
In historical myths it basically goes like this. First is obviously Asgard, then Vanaheim which it’s place and the 'Wanen' stands for nature, art and fertility, then Alfheim, home of light-elves and beauty, healing and magic, then Midgard, which is our earth, then there’s Jötunheim, home of the frost and rock giants and complete chaos, then Muspelheim home of fire giants (a giant from there destroyed the world during Ragnarök), then Svartalfheim, a very dark world, home of dwarves and gnomes who’re blacksmiths, then Nilfheim, the realm of ice, fog and darkness (Hel, daughter of Loki, lives there) and then at last Helheim. Helheim is the subterranean realm of the dead. This is where the dead who did not die in battle but from illness or old age went, those who don’t go to Walhalla come here. You can’t come back from this place.
In some ways they also represent the characters (if we look past canon of these places and only take this into account) but I am not sure if I am satisfied with my arrangement yet...
Loki - Asgard
Mobius - Midgard
Sylvie - Muspelheim or Alfheim
Hunter B 15 - Alfheim or Vanaheim
Ravona Renslayer - Nilfheim
Ouroboros - Svartalfheim
He Who Remains - Helheim
Miss Minutes - Jötunheim
The concept of Yggdrasil was already established in Thor; however, Loki puts the crown on the whole thing, as Yggdrasil now also represents the entire multiverse. So it could also just be a nod to the whole thing and I just interpret things for fun. I would love to hear more interpretations though.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 4 months
Deep dives into folklore: Norse mythology
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Norse mythology is a rich and complex tapestry of tales, gods, and creatures that originated from the pre-Christian belief systems of the Norse people, who lived in what is now Scandinavia. These myths have been preserved primarily in two major sources: the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, and the Poetic Edda, a collection of anonymous poems from earlier centuries. Together, they provide a fascinating glimpse into the worldview, cosmology, and cultural values of the ancient Norse people.
Cosmology: The Nine Worlds
Norse mythology describes a cosmology that is divided into nine interconnected worlds, held together by the World Tree, Yggdrasil. These worlds are:
Asgard: The realm of the Aesir gods, including Odin, Thor, and Frigg. Asgard is often associated with the sky and serves as the dwelling place of the divine.
Midgard: The realm of humans, representing the Earth. Midgard is connected to Asgard by the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge.
Vanaheim: Home to the Vanir gods, a group of deities associated with fertility, prosperity, and nature. The Aesir and Vanir fought a war in the past but eventually established a truce.
Jotunheim: Inhabited by the Jotnar, or giants, who are often portrayed as antagonists to the Aesir. Not all giants are malevolent, and some even form alliances with the gods.
Alfheim: The realm of the Light Elves, benevolent and ethereal beings associated with light and beauty.
Svartalfheim: Home to the Dwarves, skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths who create powerful artifacts for the gods.
Nidavellir: Another realm associated with Dwarves, specifically known for its connection to the creation of the legendary hammer Mjolnir, wielded by Thor.
Helheim: The realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. It is a realm for those who did not die in battle and is often described as a cold and dreary place.
Muspelheim: A realm of fire and heat, inhabited by fire giants and ruled by the fire giant Surtr. Muspelheim is associated with chaos and destruction.
The Pantheon of Gods
The Norse pantheon is composed of a diverse array of deities, each with distinct personalities, domains, and roles. Some of the key gods include:
Odin: The Allfather and chief of the Aesir. Odin is associated with wisdom, war, poetry, and magic. He sacrificed an eye at Mímir's well to gain knowledge.
Thor: The thunder god, known for his incredible strength and his powerful hammer, Mjolnir. Thor is a defender of Asgard and Midgard.
Frigg: Odin's wife and queen of the Aesir. She is associated with fertility, motherhood, and wisdom.
Loki: A trickster god and shape-shifter, often causing mischief among the gods. Despite being a Jotunn, he forms complicated alliances with the Aesir.
Balder: The god of beauty, light, and joy. Balder's death becomes a significant event in Norse mythology, leading to Ragnarok.
Freya: A goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility. She is also skilled in magic and has a connection to the Valkyries.
Ragnarok: The End of the World
Norse mythology predicts a cataclysmic event known as Ragnarok, signaling the end of the world and the rebirth of a new cycle. During Ragnarok, a series of events unfold, leading to the downfall of many gods, the destruction of Yggdrasil, and the submersion of the world in water. The surviving gods and two human survivors will then emerge to repopulate the world and begin a new era.
Norse mythology provides a rich and multifaceted view of the world, blending elements of creation, destruction, fate, and free will. The stories and characters within this mythology continue to captivate readers and have left a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing literature, art, and entertainment for centuries. The intricate web of relationships among gods, giants, elves, and humans creates a narrative tapestry that reflects the complexities of the human experience and the forces that shape the world.
Taglist (reply/reblog to be added): @axl-ul @crow-flower @thoughts-fromthevoid @alderwoodbooks @harleyacoincidence @tuberosumtater @sonic-spade @theonlygardenia @holymzogynybatman @nulliel-tres @w0rkah0licz @sylvanthorn @tigertaurus22 @profiterole-reads @mathias-musings
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Staves Upon The World Tree
An animation that was created 2021 for an app trial but thereafter slightly forgotten in a smartphone download folder.
The original was shared on Instagram February 2021.
Gifts of Heimdall Runes
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xlckilaufeysonx · 6 months
Did I make you proud?
Those words echoed in Loki's ears when he was sitting inside the tree of life. If he couldn't be something great, Loki created the most powerful connection between the worlds. Between cosmos and multiverses, his powers fueled through the threads of time.
Did I make you proud? I could have done if father, for you, for all of us.
There is a time for everything and for all things.
Through the threads of time and space, he could see the destruction of Asgard. He closed his eyes going right there, to that moment and rebuilding the city with golden towers, Asgard. His home. How much he hated that place, despite that he missed it,the emotions he felt in that realm where he was born and he rebuilt it with his mind. He returned to that moment just to see his his mother. Frigga the mother of all, the Queen of Asgard. He returned back to that time when she used to teach him mystical arts, his magic. If he knew everything he knows today, he should thank her.
“Did I make you proud?” He said. Loki recalled that back at that time he said it in a bitter way, but now he sounded more like he was seeking approval.
“You have always made me proud, my son. I knew there was a heart inside of you.” Frigga said hugging his son. Loki hugged her back, holding her close, crying in that hug. He didn't want to lose her again, he had missed her.
“Mother, there are a lot of things I need to tell you.” He whispered, between lo sobs.
“You don't need to tell me anything, my son. I know. I already know everything.”
He remembered when he had so much rage and in that moment, Loki told Frigga that she wasn't his mother, that Odin wasn't his father. There was an overwhelming feeling blooming inside of him. You'll lose her, you'll lose her.
Not this time, not this time. Because there was a glorious purpose for him to fulfill. For him. You are always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.
When he released Frigga from the embrace all Asgard was as it remembered.
Sometimes you just choose your burden. Sometimes the best you can so is to choose what is the best choice, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. Road will be full of obstacles but even from the hardest of the choices, even thorns can give birth to life, something amazing can be born that gives life to everything.
Loki opened his eyes again, watching the flow of time before his eyes even going to his old friend Mobius. Let time pass...Maybe some day, they will meet again.
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corpium · 3 months
trying to find yggdrasil/world tree art here on Tumblr and getting the entire Loki tv show spoiled AND NOTHING ELSE ffs
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
Thinking about flags, and my own SiFi Setting.
Ideas for flags for the Alliance Members. Their Symbols.
The Cosmic Federation: 2 infinity symbols ♾️ , intersecting at their centres, with a circle at the centre. Representing the cycles of life, of science, and the Great Will of Humanity.
The Cosmic Federation was once the Terran Federation, founded by humans. They changed the name when humanity joined the Alliance and moved the capital from Sol to a different star system.
Most systems add additional symbols to the base, and add their own colours.
The Flag of the Sol system has Earth at the centre of the Circle. The Yggdrasil System (a system dedicated to Terraforming a pair of potential life worlds) adds The World Tree. The Capital System adds 13 Stars, to represent the 13 core systems (star systems serve as nodes for a sector's Rift Gate Network).
The Sanctuary Republics: A Ten-pointed Star, with 2 Hands surrounding/protecting it. Representing the desire to protect the stars and their occupants.
Systems will add their worlds and stations to it.
The Commonwealth: The Pen, The Sword, The Hammer, surrounded by Stars
The Pen, tool of creation, preservation, art and intellect.
The Sword, tool of destruction, defence, and a warrior's disciple.
The Hammer, tool of transformation, labour, and power.
The Stars are the home of the Nyat, after the loss of their home-world.
The Grand Unity: 2 hands meeting between 2 circles, representing the founder's home-worlds
The Unity prides itself on the diverse array of sentient it plays host too. Love and Peace, for all sentient life.
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twilekchiss · 10 months
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Part 1: Thrawn
In this series, I am using Tarot as a tool to analyze Thrawn and other Chiss characters from Thrawn: Ascendancy. For the uninitiated, Tarot is traditionally a deck of 78 cards, consisting of twenty-two Major Arcana and fifty-six Minor Arcana (or pip cards). Famously, Tarot is often used in cartomancy, or the use of cards in fortune-telling. However, Tarot is rooted in card games developed in 15th Century Italy, and is still used that way today; beyond that, it can be used as a tool for self-exploration. The cards are read via the heavy symbolism in the card art, drawing from occult traditions (depending on the deck in question).
I am basing my analysis off of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which is usually the deck you see in movies and TV shows. I have assigned every major character I could think of to a Major Arcana card (two of them have two!); this analysis is not including the Minor Arcana.
Today, we discuss Thrawn as The Hanged Man.
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The Hanged Man
Let’s look at the art. (I know, I know. Art analysis. How very Thrawn of me.)
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A person is suspended from a cross made of living wood. His clothes are a blue tunic and red tights, a slim brown belt and beige slippers. He hangs by his right ankle, while his other leg is folded, crossed behind his right one. His arms are likewise folded, hands unseen behind his back. Around his head is a golden halo. The card itself is labeled as number twelve.
As you see, I have bolded a few points in the description above. These I believe are the key symbols behind this card. Let’s go through them one by one.
Suspended - The main feature, as it were, of the Hanged Man is that he is hanging. More than that, he hangs upside down, giving him a completely different view than the viewer. He is not struggling, but seemingly at peace with this, indicating his consent.
A Cross - Crosses, obviously, are highly associated with the crucifixion of Jesus in Christianity, but also the practice of Roman crucifixion in general, both criminals, and in Christian mythology, saints.
Living Wood - The cross being made of living wood brings to mind the myth of Odin hanging himself from Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connected the Nine Realms. Not only that, but throughout Tarot living wood indicates growth and change (and life in general).
Blue and Red Clothing - Blue symbolizes wisdom, freedom, intuition, and serenity, as well as sometimes loyalty and reliability. Red is the color of blood, of life, of passion, but also danger, sacrifice, and courage. Note that for the card, red is on top and blue is on bottom, but if the Hanged Man was not hanging upside down, they would be reversed.
Hanging by right ankle / Left leg folded and crossed - The right foot is bound, the thing that he is suspended by. But not the left foot. That is curled, but choice, behind the right. Right and left are often associated with *right* and *wrong* – mostly due to archaic thoughts of right handedness vs left handedness. Consider the positions of the legs – the right being at the forefront, and perfectly straight. The left behind, crooked and angled away, leading a different path than the right leg. When a person stands, legs are parallel, ending at the feet both firmly on the ground. Here, the legs end in different places, the right pointing towards the heavens, the left points away from the heavens.
Hands unseen - Are his hands bound, or does he keep them there of his own free will? We cannot tell. Regardless, they are still and idle, the ability to *do* taken away by circumstance or by choice.
Golden Halo - A crown or disc of light, a halo is used to represent holiness on religious figures, but also kings and heroes. Aside from holiness, it can also mean glory and enlightenment.
Number Twelve - This is the twelfth card in the Fool’s Journey, after Justice but before Death. It is the time between, rather a liminal card, where one surrenders to the end that Justice has brought. 
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Thrawn is The Hanged Man
So how does this apply to Thrawn? 
I think it's most evident in Lesser Evil. Of course, one thinks of the ending of Lesser Evil, most especially Chapter Twenty-Eight, and Thrawn’s purposeful sacrifice of exile for his actions at Sunrise (and to some extent, through the whole Ascendancy trilogy and arguably the events of Outbound Flight). The exile was willing; he did not fight it, but saw the tactical implications of it. He surrendered to it (point #8), and through that surrender, he found a new way. Through his exile and subsequent service to the Empire, he found a new perspective (point #1). He found freedom, as he was no longer bound to the No Preemptive Strikes law of the Ascendancy. He was labeled a criminal, but also hailed as a hero by others (point #2). Like Odin on the World Tree, he hung himself to gain further knowledge and wisdom (point #3)
This exile, thus surrendering to the Justice of the Syndicure that lead to the Death of his career in the Ascendancy, was all by his consent (point #9) to Ba'kif's idea of it. 
The epilogue, narrated by Thrawn (the only time his POV turns up during the Ascendancy trilogy, even if it's a rehashing of the Prologue of Thrawn 2017), he has this line: "Among these aspirations is the desire that there will be a straight path to those goals." Just as Thrawn muses on paths, the Hanged Man depicts two via the position of his legs, the legs themselves a symbol of movement (point #5). You could ascribe the Straight leg pointing towards the heavens as doing what the Syndicure ruled, and thus Thrawn turned away from that, going along a crooked path instead, his fate sealed through martyrdom.
There's also the fact that Thrawn used a fake surrender to Jixus to ensnare him into a trap (point #6).
But even as we see The Hanged Man in Senior Captain Thrawn's Last Stand, there are other symbols that apply to Thrawn. His incredible patience (a type of surrender), for example, with those willing to learn and grow (like the Living Wood of the cross, point #3). The way he guides Thalias and Samakro to find the answers on their own, giving them information but passively allowing them to form their own conclusions instead of telling them the answer. There's his desire to learn and collect data to find enlightenment (points #4 and #7). Thrawn is more than happy to go with the flow of things to gain insight into his opponents, instead of stubbornly battering it head on, most especially if he can learn from it.
Next up: Samakro as The Emperor
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