#the map of the nine realms
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The Map of the Nine Realms
By: kade32 [DeviantArt]
Originally posted:2018/12/12
Yggdrasil, commonly known as the "World Tree" which contains and holds the Nine Realms together.
Ásgarðr (Asgard), the homeworld of the Æsir gods and Ásynja goddesses and the Bifrost.
Valhöll (Valhalla), Odin's realm in Asgard and the heavenly home of the valkyries who decide which warriors die in battle and who lives.
Valaskjalf, Odin's palace.
Þrúðheimr (Thrudheim), the residence of Thor.
Breiðablik, the residence of Baldr.
Himinbjörg, the dwelling of Heimdallr.
Álfheimr (Alfheim), a beautiful, prosperous and bright realm free of the iron grip of war and famine and the homeworld of the álfar/ljósálfar (light elves).
Miðgarðr (Midgard), also known as Earth, the homeworld of the mortals.
Vanaheimr (Vanaheim), a peaceful realm of great nature and the homeworld of the Vanir, lesser gods opposite to the Æsir.
Jötunheimr (Jotenheim or Udgård), the frozen, snowy and mountainous realm of endless winters and the homeworld of the jötnar (frost giants).
Múspellsheimr (Muspelheim), a fiery, molten realm of fire and heat, the homeworld of the "sons of Muspel" (fire giants) and their ruler, Surtr.
Svartálfaheimr (Svartalfheim), a darkened realm parallel to that of Nidavellir and the homeworld of both the svartálfar (black elves) and the dökkálfar (dark elves). Niðavellir (Nidavellir), a section of Svartalfheim inhabited by of the dvergar (dwarves), blacksmiths and craftsmen of the Æsir gods.
Niflheimr (Niflheim), a cold and lifeless netherworld enshrouded in a misty cloud of fog where the souls of the dishonorable arrive upon death.
Helheimr (Hel), the dark, labyrinthine realm of Hel where the evil souls become trapped for eternity and the homeworld by Hel, daughter of Loki.
[Text was copied from original post.]
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pennyblossom-meta · 5 months
A short study on the origins of Gale Dekarios
Going through some game information and Forgotten Realms lore, I found some interesting tidbits about the possible origins of Gale and the Dekarios clan. So, what do we know?
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After finding Tara in Act 3, there's a dialogue tree (as of yet still bugged 08/12/2023) where Gale tells us that his surname comes from his mother, Morena Dekarios.
Gale: (...) Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it, sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios.
There isn't much to go on from this. Other than a brief mention that Gale's parents denied him a kitten, we don't know where his father is or what happened to him. Indeed, the surname Dekarios could be inherited from Gale's mother or even his father's side — and for the latter we can assume Morena took on the surname sometime after marrying Gale's father, thus becoming her son's main reference for the rest of the clan upon her husband's absence/death.
That being said, I can't find anything about the Dekarios surname within DnD lore. What we do know, is that Gale's clan is scattered far and wide, perhaps even beyond the Sword Coast.
We also know that Gale is of full human heritage, at least from his closest ancestry.
Now, let's dig in a little deeper.
There are several human ethnicities throughout Faerûn.
As of DnD 3.5, there are seven major ethnic groups widely recognised: the Calishites, Chondathans, Damarans, Iluskans, Mulan, Rashemis, and Tethyrians.
However, as of DnD 5E, the Player's Handbook adds that there are actually nine major ethnic groups in Faerûn, including the Shou from Kara-Tur and the Turami who are native to the southern shore of the Inner Sea. In 3.5E, these groups just receive a brief mention, while in 5E there's more of an attempt on expanding their lore.
Note: If you're interested in knowing more about the different ethnic groups in Faerûn, I would suggest reading the Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn (2003), the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn, the 5E Player's Handbook and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
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Here's a useful map of Faerûn from 3.5E.
It's actually the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn and Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn that gives us more in depth information about which communities have a major presence in different areas of the Sword Coast.
For example, while Gale and his mother live in Waterdeep, we don't know whether they moved to the city when Gale was a child or, perhaps, his parents always lived there. Perhaps generations of Dekarios lived in Waterdeep — including Gale's aunt Agnes.
Without further information, it's possible that the Dekarios clan even has their ancestral roots beyond the Sword Coast. Who knows?
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According to 3.5E, the recommended human subraces in The Sword Coast are the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
In Waterdeep, it's the Chondathan, the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
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Given what we know of Gale, lorewise, what would be the most accurate ethnicity for the Dekarios clan? Let's see what the handbooks say about the three major groups in Waterdeep.
The Chondathan
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Although Chondathans make skilled mercenaries and cunning rogues, Chondathan culture, has not encouraged study of the Art or great religious fervor. Notable exceptions exist, particularly in the study of the Art among the Netherese influenced Chondathan cultures that lie north and west of the Inner Sea.
(...) Those Chondathans who dwell north and west of the Sea of Fallen Stars (except in Sembia) are more likely to have blue eyes and have fairer complexions and darker hair than those born in the South, evidence of a Netherese heritage. In Chondath itself, particularly in the lands bordering Sespech, a significant Shaaran influx in recent centuries has given many natives of Chondath more of an olive skinned hue.
(...) Chondathan Society (...) As Chondathans place a high value on book learning, many receive some amount of schooling while growing up.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Chondathans favor small felines as pets and hunting companions (...). Tressyms are highly favored by those who can afford them, as are lynxes.
3.5E: Descended from the natives of the Vilhon Reach, these hardy folk have spread to settle most of the western and central Inner Sea region and much of the Western Heartlands. Chondathans form the primary racial stock of Altumbel, Córmyr, the southern Dalelands, the Dragon Coast, the Great Dale, Hlondeth and both shores of the Vilhon Reach, the Pirate Isles of the Inner Sea, Sembia, and Sespech. They are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal.
The Chondathan domination of central Faerún came about largely by virtue of extensive trade and settlement rather than by force of arms. Many Chondathans are merchants of one sort or another, and they are not afraid to take risks, travel, or settle new lands.
5E: Chondathans are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal. Humans of Chondathan descent dominate the central lands of Faerun. around the Inner Sea.
Chondathan Names: (Male) Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd; (female) Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele; (surnames) Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag
The Illuskans
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Wizards are rare in Illuskan society. They are widely feared and assumed to be in some way affiliated with the Arcane Brotherhood. Of those who do study wizardry, perhaps the most common specialization is the school of Evocation. Sorcerers and bards are more common among Illuskans, as many Illuskans have a trace of draconic ancestry in their heritage.
(...) Illuskans are not inclined to keep animals as pets, companions, or familiars, as relatively few species are native to Ruathym or nearby islands. Goats, sheep, and geese do better in the cold Illuskan lands than do cattle, swine, or chickens.
3.5E: : The seagoing, warlike people of the Sword Coast, North, the Trackless Sea, and the Desarin river valley, Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Among the islands of the Trackless Sea and Icewind Dale, their hair color tends toward blond, red, or light brown. On the mainland south of the Spine of the World, however, raven-black hair is most common. Iluskans are proud, particularly of their ability to survive in the harsh environment of their northern homelands, and they regard most southerners as weak and decadent. Illuskans make their livings as farmers, fishers, miners, sailors, raiders, skalds, and runecasters.
5E: Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have raven-black hair, but those who inhabit the extreme northwest have blond, red, or light brown hair.
Illuskan Names: (Male) Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Malcer, Stor, Taman, Urth; (female) Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra; (surnames) Brightwood, Helder, Hornraven, Lackman, Stormwind, Windrivver
The Tethyrian
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) In recent centuries, these disparate groups have gradually coalesced into a relatively new ethnic group known as Tethyrians, occupying a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. After centuries of enslavement and oppression by one group or another, Tethyrians are fiercely independent, protective of their freedoms and suspicious of threats posed by powerful kingdoms and empires. Given their disparate ancestry, Tethyrians have never developed a unique language of their own, instead adopting the language of the latest wave of conquerors or refugees. Today most Tethyrians speak Chondathan.
(...) Outside Calimshan, many Tethyrians are craftsmen or caravanners, while others find employment as mercenaries in the employ of other realms. Tethyrians make skilled fighters and rogues, reflecting the struggle to survive successive waves of conquest and generations of warfare. Tethyrian culture has a long tradition of bardcraft, reflecting the absence of a Tethyrian empire at any point ni history and the corresponding reliance on itinerant bards to preserve and spread Tethyrian oral history.
(...) Tethyrians view life as a struggle to be survived through ties to Family, clan, and tribe. To a Tethyrian, freedom is the most precious gift, and the enslavement of another is the greatest sin.
(...) The paths of the loremaster and archmage are both attractive to Tethyrian wizards.
(...) Aside from bards, Tethyrians have not traditionally had access to book learning, although those who do are much esteemed by their peers.
(...) Familial, clan and tribal bonds require that adults look out for one another, so the elderly and those who cannot earn their keep turn to relatives and friends for support.
(...) Tethyrians have strong arcane and divine spellcasting traditions: Bardcraft is revered, and many master bards are of Tethyrian stock. The varied mature of Tethyrian heritage has produced many sorcerers as well. Likewise, the strong influence of Calishite and Netherese cultural traditions has echoes in the large numbers of Tethyrian wizards, although most learn their craft through a traditional master-apprentice relationship, not by attending a formal school.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Tethyrians are partial to canines, particularly those bred for herding, hunting, or working. Falcons (treat as hawks) and swamp ferrets (treat as weasels) are commonly employed in hunting and often serve as familiars. Ravens are also favored as pets or familiars, particularly in the vicinity of the High Moor.
3.5E: The Tethyrian culture is a melting pot of Calishite, Chondathan, Illuskan, and Low Netherese elements. This unique background makes Tethyrians among the most tolerant, though fiercely independent, ethnic groups in Faerûn. They inhabit a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon, and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that grows fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eves are the most common. Tethyrians are proud of their diverse heritage and protective of their freedom, so they tend to distrust powerful kingdoms and empires.
5E: Widespread along the entire Sword Coast at the western edge of Faerun, Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that tends to grow fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eyes are the most common. Tethyrians primarily use Chondathan names.
After analysing these descriptions, I would say that it makes sense that Gale Dekarios can be of either a Chondathan or Tethyrian heritage — though I'd venture a guess that there's a fair mix of both.
Given that the Dekarios clan is "scattered far and wide", it could imply that they're of a mercantile affinity (Chondathan) and thus have settled in various cities along the the Sword Coast and beyond for trade purposes. Further migration patterns veering west, towards the Sword Coast, and an affinity for magic that can be related to Netherese ancestry (Chondathan and Tethyrian) are valid backgrounds for what we know of Gale.
Some things to consider:
The Tethyrians have more of a natural arcane leaning than the Chondathans (Gale was casting accidental fireballs at the age of 8, among other funny accidents).
The Tethyrians form strong familial and clan bonds (Gale has strong ties to his mother, is very family oriented).
Gale has more of an olive skinned hue, brown eyes and hair, as the combo is more common with the Chondathans ethnicity in contemporary Faerûn. It speaks of a Mediterranean background, if we were to compare it with Earth.
The Chondathans also have an affinity with felines, while the Tethyrian veer towards employing animals for hunting and favor birds of prey as familiars.
The Chondathans place a high value on book learning.
Both ethnicities have ties to the Netherese, which creates a compelling narrative device — especially after Gale's fallout with Mystra due to the Netherese orb incident. However, opportune irony aside, I think that what we see of Gale points to a mix of both heritages and that they reflect different sides of him that go beyond ethnicity, as they also affect his background from a socio-economical standpoint.
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lancermylove · 2 months
Pickup Lines (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: DB, Royals, Simeon, Solomon, Thirteen with gn!Reader
Warning: Corny? Lol. Minors don't look under the cut.
Prompt: Which pickup lines would he use for you?
"Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?"
“If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print."
"Are you a dictionary? Because you add meaning to my life."
"Hey, are you a bank loan? Because you've got my interest, and I can't help but want to invest in you."
"If beauty were money, you'd be the richest person alive."
"If looks could buy, you'd bankrupt me in an instant."
"Are you a rare drop? Because ever since I met you, I feel like I've found the ultimate loot."
"Are you a cheat code? Because meeting you feels like I've unlocked a special power-up."
"If love were a game, you'd be my final boss."
"If you were a cat, you'd be a purr-fect 10."
"Do you believe in love at first chapter? Because ever since I met you, I can't stop thinking about the next page of our story."
"If you were a cat, you'd definitely have nine lives because one lifetime wouldn't be enough to spend with someone as special as you."
"Are you made of diamonds? Because you shine brighter than any gem."
"Are you a mirror? Because when I look at you, I see the reflection of my dreams."
"If beauty were a crime, you'd be serving a life sentence."
"If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple."
"If you were a cookie, you'd be a fortune cookie, because meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Are you a campfire? Because you're hot, and I want s'more."
"Are you a dream? Because every time I'm with you, I never want to wake up."
"Are you a cozy blanket? Because being with you feels like a warm hug."
"If sleep were a journey, you'd be the sweetest dream I've ever had."
"Are you a rose? Because just like its petals, your beauty is timeless and enchanting."
"If you were a kingdom, I'd gladly pledge my allegiance to you."
"Are you a royal decree? Because you've commanded my attention since the moment I laid eyes on you."
"If you were a star in the sky, you'd be the most radiant one, outshining all the others."
"Do you have a map? Because I seem to have lost my way, and you're the only one guiding me towards the light."
"Are you a sunrise? Because every time I see you, you bring a new dawn to my day."
“I couldn't help noticing how captivating your smile is. It brightens up the entire room."
"Are you a puzzle? Because I'm intrigued by the challenge of figuring you out."
"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber."
"Do you believe in magic? Because ever since you walked into my life, it feels like you've cast a spell on me."
"Are you eternity? Because with you, every moment feels like it lasts forever."
"Are you a scientist? Because you've just discovered the formula to my heart."
"Are you a lost soul? Because you've wandered into the realm of my heart."
"If you were a dessert, you'd be the cherry on top of my day."
"Are you a cupcake? Because you're cute, sweet, and I can't get enough of you."
N.SFW/heavily suggestive under cut!
"Are you a teapot? Because I'd love to steep with you and pour out all my secrets."
"Are you a stock market? Because every time I think of you, my investments just keep rising."
"Are you a controller? Because I'd love to be in your hands."
"Are you a book? Because I can't seem to put you down, and I keep wanting to explore every page of you."
"Are you a work of art? Because I can't help but admire every curve and contour of your beauty, and I'd love to explore you like a masterpiece."
"Are you a marshmallow? Because I want to roast you over my fire."
"Are you a bed? Because I'd love to climb on top of you."
Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
Do you want to commit a sin for your next confessional?
"Are you a baker? Because you've got some buns that I'd love to knead."
I’m not feeling myself today. Can I feel you instead?
"Are you a rainstorm? Because you make me wet.”
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wings-of-flying · 4 months
the thing about chip is that he's a little too unassuming. an orphan kid with no name and no memory of anything beforehand, yet is old enough to beg to join the black rose pirates. sure, you can believe it, even if the other orphan aboard definitely has a name
that orphan kid then goes on to survive the hole in the sea, amongst few who lived and made swift recoveries, but unlike lizzie he had no protector, and unlike roofus he was a child, only nine. alone in the recently corrupted black sea and with no magic, he managed to make his way to land, which we've learnt is at least a few days travel when on a ship. he didn't drown, or freeze, and he doesn't seem to remember it. it's odd. almost impossible, you could say. but fine, we move on
with gillion and jay, he's so clearly the odd one out. standing between the chosen one and a descendent of the sun, he seems out of place (especially from a meta perspective). but even then, fine, it's probably just meant to be funny
but then there's all the other things. out of the three deals we've seen, he's the only one who's found niklaus rather than vice versa. he slipped through a dream into the realm of who we can only imagine to be one of the most powerful people in mana. and you have to remember he didn't possess any magic until after the feywild. the deal happened after joaldo
he's undead now. his heart was ripped out, his flesh is decaying, but he lives. sure, the other crew members of captain widow were technically undead too, but the fact remains true that this is unusual. the undead thing lead to him following the compass (which is something else i'll get into, because doesn't he seem oddly interested in it yet unaffected) into that sack where he met with niklaus for a second time, the only riptide pc we've seen met him more than once. and the wish doctor seemed more than happy to share some of his secrets with chip
now the compass. it's made by niklaus, linked to desire, and when ollie used it just a few times in joaldo it had instant effects. chip keeps looking at the compass, so much so that it's now magically increased his desire to find arlin, and yet he's had no other effects
when he made the deal with niklaus, his price seemed hardly anything. "don't interfere". it doesn't exactly align with gillion's favour or jay's name and a command she must obey. also it technically gave him two things: knowledge of arlin's whereabouts, and reverting the effects on ollie. and once again niklaus shared more of his plans with chip than any other captain. like he trusts him, almost
inexplicably, chip can speak celestial. a language which just so happens to be key to unlocking all these clues surrounding the hole in the sea (the map, the door in the place beneath the sea as well iirc). jay's understanding of primordial is explained by navy lessons (makes sense if they're dealing with the undersea), but chip's celestial never is
and now the place beneath the sea -- where the cumagoon (do i have to write that in a serious analysis post?), now unlocked by the compass, led -- a voice welcomed him home
i think chip's more deeply connected to the black sea than even he has ever considered. it runs much deeper than simply the loss of arlin and the black rose pirates. i think he, like niklaus, is intrinsically tied to the entity known as the nameless prince, and thereby the egg. he might be more significant magically than we previously thought
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smolvenger · 1 year
The King of Asgard (Loki x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Synopsis: As the wife of Prince Loki of Asgard, you suddenly discover that Odin and Thor are gone. You are made queen and your dear husband is king. But a king needs an heir...
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: SMUT Y'ALL!!! 18+ Breeding Kink and Vanilla P in V sex and dirty talk. Some angst in the beginning but lots of hurt/comfort regarding his discovery about being a Frost Giant. Some married fluff. I use the canon events in Thor 1 but stretch out the timeline because it's my fic and I can do what I want. References to fairy tales because I'm a slut for literary references.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
A/N: Since seeing Thor 1 in its completion this has been in my head. I don't usually write for the big man Loki himself too often- but it's a treat to do so! Maybe I will do more of this stuff if I get more ideas! REBLOGS, COMMENTS, DMS, AND ASKS ABOUT MY WORK ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED! Also, I don't know if Frigga is also Freya the goddess of love and sex in this universe when I wrote this but her character is clearly more FRIGGA than Freya...so yeah...mea culpa
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @infinitystoner @littlespaceyelf @superficialdomina (since all the way back you asked to be tagged! Ta da! Here it is!!)
You had many regrets in your life. But marrying Prince Loki was not one of them.  When he asked you, you threw your arms around him and kissed him repeating one word- “Yes!”
You never regretted the day you wore a jeweled veil and walked down that aisle. You never regretted vowing before all the gods that you were his and he was yours. You never regretted becoming Princess of Asgard. Not if it meant the love of your life could become your husband.
Some whispered that your choice was unusual. That it was the wrong prince. That you should have married Thor. After all, it seemed obvious he was going to be the heir. But things did not happen in your heart the way they did. Thor was jovial and friendly to you. But before your betrothal, he liked you as a sister. No more, no less. Even if Odin commanded it, Thor would object to the match. If Thor learned to reign in his arrogance someday, you thought, he would make a fine lover to some lucky person!
Other than being the most beautiful man you had ever beheld, Loki was intelligent. Full of elegance as well as guile. Well-read, polite, patient, and charming, but could hold his own in any battle. It seemed you were one of the few people who recognized that. That was one of many reasons why he loved you.
You both attended feasts side by side. He would flirt with you even though you were still about a year into marriage.
“Why, it is too bad that such loveliness is sitting by herself tonight! May I have the seat next to her?” Loki would croon as he sat in the chair next to you.
 You danced every dance together at balls. You especially loved spending free hours exploring the Asgardian library together. Reading works from all Nine Realms. Sometimes until you both fell asleep by the fireplace. Not to mention his finesse in the bedroom.
Loki confessed of his wedding day nerves to you in private. He feared…displeasing you on your wedding night. But your mutual passion and reverence for each other won over all else. Every time you coupled, you brought each other to Valhalla and back again. You learned about each other’s bodies like studying maps. Each minute of lovemaking was both exploration and worship of each other.
Lately, the two of you were careful. You had your own special tea to drink before or after it happened. At most, he would spill his seed somewhere that wasn’t between your legs. You knew so much was happening. Becoming a parent would put more stress on both of you. Especially considering Odin was about to name his heir.
 Though you both did hope someday to have a child. You knew Loki would be a wonderful father and you wanted to be a mother. You wanted a family. You wanted to have a sweet baby (or two) of your own to cuddle and kiss. To hear it laugh when you tickled it. To welcome their first steps with open arms. To watch it grow. To leave your own mark- a person who was both Loki and you.
Now wasn’t the right time, both of you knew it. When you would sigh about it, he would hug you.
“We will wait, my love…time is our friend…” he’d assure you.
 There were worse things in life. And you might as well enjoy what you had now before it was too late. You were lucky to have him. Many couples lived happy, long lives together without children. You were fortunate to have a man who you could confide anything to. And he in turn confided all his worries to you.
The ceremony arrived. And it was not Loki who was named heir as he hoped. It was Thor.
As you stood next to Loki, you felt him stiffen. Thor smiled and held up Mjonir as the kingdom cheered for him. Looking at your husband, you took his hand. You heard him take in a deep sigh through his nose.
“I know you wanted it…I’m so sorry…” you whispered to him, rubbing a thumb over his palm.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 One evening when you walked about the garden. The sun was setting and while there was some light, you wanted to admire the roses Frigga grew. Dressed in your golden dress, you knelt to sniff a few red ones. Admiring her work and the peace of the place. You jumped when a guard ran over to you.
“The Prince Loki requests your presence immediately in the castle vaults,” he reported.
Picking up your skirts, you hurried there.
“Loki, where are you? Are you hurt?” you asked as you entered.
He was standing on the steps before the Tesseract’s section. He looked up at the sound of your voice. There were tears in his eyes.
“I…I just spoke with father…” he said.
“What did he say this time?” you asked.
He took a step towards you. More tears fell down his cheeks.
“Y/N…I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have married you, shouldn’t have made you my prisoner…” he said.
Pain curled up in your chest at the words. Their grip tightened your throat and your eyes watered as well as his.
“Prisoner!?! What are you talking about, Loki? You cannot believe every word Odin says! I will talk to him myself right away! How dare he say such cruel things to you! You do deserve me! You do!” you cried.
You reached over to grab his hands and he jerked them back.
“No Asgardian maiden deserves to be sold and made wife to a Frost Giant!” He blurted.
You paused.
“Frost Giant?” you repeated.
All your life you heard whispers of the land of the Frost Giants, or Jotenheim. And they were always violent tales of terror. The large, ice creatures were longtime enemies of your kingdom. It was typical for Thor to boast about how much he would slay if given the chance.
“Stay here…and watch…” Loki instructed.
He put his hand on the Tesseract. Upon contact, his skin turned blue and his eyes red. A frost giant if you ever saw one.
Your eyes widened and you gasped in response, a hand flew over your mouth. Shock made your body lock in place. But you did not turn your eyes from him.
“Oh, Loki!” you cried.
You did not flee. No, you would not. Instead, you ran up and embraced him. He felt cold to the touch. As his hands released the Tesseract you felt him warm up in your arms as his skin turned back to ivory. They curled around your back, and he buried himself in your touch. You felt him shaking. Despite your own surprise, you would not abandon him. Never.
“It’s alright…it’s alright, I’m right here…this is a lot, I know…” you consoled as he cried.
He explained to you that years ago, Odin found an abandoned Frost Giant baby in Jotenheim. He took in the infant to be raised as one of his own. But never telling that young prince the truth about his parentage. Not until an accidental discovery. In a recent battle a Frost Gant touched your husband’s arm, changing your prince’s skin to blue beneath his grip. And blue skin could not lie.
“Do you know what I am, Y/N? I am a monster! That’s who you are married to! A monster!” Loki mourned.
You glanced at the door, then back to him. An idea from a recent library read growing in your head.
“Are you familiar with Midgard Fairy Tales? The ones for children?” you asked.
“No,” he answered.
“You don’t?” you asked.
“Midgard never interested me before…”
Taking him by the hand, you led him back to the library. You found a collection of Midgard Fairy Tales left on your favorite chair. You brought it to him and opened it up, flipping the pages. You then pointed to one story. The first page was illustrated with a ship on the ocean, then a rose, and a grand castle.
“You should read this one right here. It was written years ago by a lady. It is a Midgard Fairy Story called La Belle et La Bete or Beauty and The Beast…” you explained.
Loki took the book. He then flipped the page to see a picture of the eponymous beast.
“I know enough of fairy tales. They’re all the same. There’s some giant or creature who’s always the villain. Kidnapping unwilling maidens and hoarding gold. That is until a prince skewers them. Then there’s great celebration over the killing,” he dismissed.
You placed a hand on the page before he could close it.
“You’re right about one thing. There is a beast in this one…” you continued.
“Oh, and he’s there to do those things so babes will grow up learning to hate me,” Loki complained.
“No! Not in this one he’s not!” you objected.
You turned the page. It showed the Beast smiling with a lady in a rose garden.
“Yes, he is a beast. But do you know what he also is? He is the prince in the story! He might look frightening to some, but beneath it, he is kind and generous! He falls in love and marries a woman who sees that in the end! She doesn’t focus on what makes him monstrous and different- she accepts who he is!”
You set the book down and cupped his face.
 “Because she loves him!”
His jaw dropped, speaking nothing. He leaned into your hand.
“A Frost Giant? Yes. I will learn to adjust to the blue skin…but you are my husband. I could not ask for a better one. And I love you. No matter what…” you said.
He embraced you again and you both cried. Tears of happiness and of sorrow. Blue skin or white. Yellow eyes or blue ones. He was Loki. He was your husband, and you would always stay with him. Besides, it’s what he would have done for you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you went to bed that night, you expected tomorrow to be a day like any other. But instead, you were shaken out of sleep.
“Loki, what is it? It’s too early…” you murmured, half-awake.
You felt your bedside but did not feel the lump of his body.
Wakefulness creeping on you, you saw the guards and a few servants in your bedchambers. You jumped to sit up. You held onto the blankets, your knuckles popping in your grip.
“Where is my husband? Is he alright? What’s going on?” you questioned.
Their eyes were all wide. One servant stepped forward and spoke with gravity.
“The prince Thor is banished. And Odin has fallen into his Odinsleep. Loki is now King of Asgard. And you are it’s Queen.”
It was only four sentences. But it felt like something from a dream. You jolted out of bed to stand. You barely opened your mouth to respond when the servant knelt before you. He took your hand and kissed it in reverence.
“Your highness! Queen of Asgard!” he announced.
All bowed before you in your room.
 You expected many things when you married the god of mischief. Just not this! It felt like one of those Midgard Fairytales happening to you.
When you dressed and hurried to your husband in the throne room. You forgot your new role and froze your steps. He sat on a throne, legs deliciously apart. He took up space now. The throne was entirely his and he was going to use every inch of it. He was decked in the robe of a ruler, not a prince destined to wait in the wings all his life. He had power in him, and you had to confess the aura of it was…. doing something for you. Your legs were buckling beneath your dress. There was that infamous, mischievous smile on him. It made you shiver. Already morning and desire swirled inside you. When his head turned to see you, he lit up. He got up from his throne and walked down. Per habit, you curtsied low. Then, placing a finger beneath your chin, he led you to standing. Your sex beneath your legs clenched at the gesture.
He then grabbed you and lifted you up in a hug where your feet didn’t touch the ground.
“Y/N…darling!” he greeted.
He put you down and placed a kiss on your lips.
“But…are you ready to rule? It won’t be easy…” you worried.
“It will not. But at last, think of everything I could do…lead armies…unite kingdoms…”
Even Jotenheim and Asgard if he decreed it so, you noted. You then smiled at him. He was glowing from pride and joy. He took your hand and kissed it.
“If we’re together through this…we can handle it…” he said.
They placed you to stand by his side on the throne.
 Frigga entered. She bowed to you. Your own knees bucked a little out of habit. Usually you were the one bowing to her! You walked down to her, taking her shoulders.
“Queen mother…I…I’m speechless! …I don’t know how I could ever be a queen as well as you!” you confessed to her.
She kissed your cheek and gave you a patient smile.
“Don’t worry, I will help you. Day by day, step by step, you will learn how.”
“Thank you…what do I do now?”
“You will be crowned this afternoon. The kingdom will be watching. Look at them, your people. And show them you care…” she advised.
The hour arrived for them all. Swarms of people broke in like a flood to the throne room. You felt every eye as a golden crown was placed on your head and as his familiar helmet was placed on Loki.
Remembering Frigga’s advice, you looked down on them. You allowed a smile to grow on you. You smiled as you heard your name being chanted along with your husband's name.
They cheered and bowed to you. Flags were waved and confetti fell like snow across the palace.  Loki got took your hand and lifted it up before them. They began to cry out.
“Hail the King Loki! Hail the Queen Y/N!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When the sun began to set, a familiar servant ran up to you.
“The King sends his regrets that duties require his immediate attention. He asked for the cooks to go ahead and serve you dinner in his absence,” she announced.
“Thank you,” you replied. An attempt at a regal tone of voice new to you.
The servant bowed and left. She didn’t do that as reverently when you were a mere princess. You ate your dinner alone and then took a rosewater bath right after. You noticed several stray petals floating around in the tub.
Once you finished, you returned to your chambers. It seemed they would stay the same for now. The King’s room was for the Odinsleep. Drying yourself you picked a nightgown. Tonight, it was a white one with a silvery tone to it. It had long sleeves that draped down and had beautiful beading around the bodice. The neckline dipped down to the clasp that secured it. Some might consider it immodest, but it was too beautiful for your resistance. It gave you some very sensual cleavage that you loved (and so would your husband). The skirt then dipped down to the floor, making it feel like a robe, but the material was not so thick that it felt too hot.
If you dressed more like a queen, even at night, you would feel more apt to the role.
What a day it had been. Part of your body ached after such excitement. You sat by your vanity on a cushion. Flowers (including the roses you liked) from the gardens in vases bedecked it. By the candlelight you checked your hair. Sighing in, you relaxed on the seat, admiring the glimpse of the kingdom at night from your curtains. Enjoying a moment of peace.
You then heard his voice outside the door.
“I am now going to bed. Do not disturb us unless there is an emergency,” Loki ordered the servants and guards. Already he was speaking more like a king.
The doors creaked as he opened it and walked inside. Though he was in his own green bedrobes, there was a bounce and urgency to his step. Then he approached you as you sat on the cushion before the vanity. Though his blue eyes did wander hungrily to your low neckline. They then returned up to your face in the mirror’s reflection.
“How is my pretty queen tonight?” he asked.
“I’m good…” you answered.
“Are you tired?” he asked with a tone of concern.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, fingers drumming in anticipation. Was there some old prank he was going to pull that he wanted you to see? What was he going to say?
“Only a little…I’m still taking it in…” you replied.
He embraced you from behind, nuzzling into your neck. You smiled at the contact of feeling his nose against your skin. He smiled as he looked at you in the mirror.
“You always were a queen to me, my dear….” He said.
He kissed your cheek and then lowered his lips to your neck. You smiled, enjoying the increasingly amorous gesture. You felt the tickle of his breath. His soft lips made another kiss in between your neck and clavicle. You melted into it.
“My, Freya has gotten someone enchanted…” you teased.
“It’s not Freya who enchants me…” he husked.
He then turned you around and led you to stand. And laid a desperate kiss on your lips. You wrapped your arms around him. He slid in his tongue. A hand of his crept to hold your back to him. You groaned into it. Already, arousal began its long, sinful climb with its wet signal between your legs. You released lips with a satisfying smack.
“If you continue this, I’ll ring for that tea…” you said.
“No…” he voiced.
He held your hands down.
“You won’t need that tea tonight. Or for a while…” he said.
You blinked.
“How come?”
He gave you a smile, looking in your eyes.
“I must tell you…the council has given me much advice. To secure myself as king, there are a few things I can do. Enact laws. Silence any rebellions or refusals. And, since I’m already married...”
He paused.
“Sire an heir.”
You felt your breath stop in your throat. Your eyes widened. His smile went down to a smirk. A glint in his eye as he went to you. His eyes roaming down your exposed chest. His hands wandered down, staring to hike a little of your skirt.
“So, you’re saying…” you stuttered.
“Y/N, I…I need you tonight…tonight…I’ll give you a child, an heir, someone to carry on my reign, and keep me as king…Would you like that?” he asked.
He leaned closer. Wanting to kiss you, then pausing. You could feel his breath just on your lips, making you dizzy. He placed his hips against yours. You felt a moan shudder out of you. Your answer was an easy one.
“Yes, yes I would.”
He swept you up in his arms, strong despite his lean frame.  Your heart raced so hard you felt it would burst out of you. He laid you on the bed then crawled over you. You felt yourself trembling like it was the first time. He cupped your cheek and leaned over to kiss you.
“My queen, my darling…”
You wrapped your arms around him.
“And my Prince made King,” you said back.
Intuitively, he ground his hips on yours. A small shudder went through you, coming out as a sigh. You reached a hand to run it through his hair as he kissed you again. Combing through those dark curls you loved so much. Because they were a part of him. His crown that never left him. You gave him another, harder kiss. He then looked down at your robe. He slid a hand over the beading, over your chest.
“A lady beautiful as you could doesn’t need such …embellishments…” he growled.
He removed his hand to lift it in the air. He flicked it and a green light began at the tips of your toes and then worked its way up your legs and through your body. Your evening robes for sleeping vanished and instead was your skin. He wetted his lips at the sight of your nakedness.
“I’ve longed to see this, to touch you for hours…”
He went up to your bare breasts. You gulped as he began to kiss it. Your back arched on impulse, tensing already. As he worked his way to the center, you felt yourself tensing already. Smiling at the pleasure as he used his tongue, swirling your nipple. Chills ran over you. He released his mouth to whisper.
“I’ve missed your breasts. The shape. The softness. Feeling you…”
He replaced it with his large hand. He gently squeezed and groped both around. You exhaled out another sound coming out of you. Not a polite one.
“Perfection-perfect for my hands. And perfect to nurse my heir…”
He then lowered himself down, kissing your stomach. Tracing your hips. He then kissed your bellybutton, dipping his tongue into the hole of it. Only a symbol of what was next. A delicious forewarning. Preparation. You grew wetter with the feeling of something soft and wet inside a hole of yours.
“Loki…Loki, my dear…husband…” you whimpered.
He held your hips down, tracing it and feeling them again. How they curved up to where they made your waist. His fingers sprawled possessively over your flesh. Then back down to your hips. Looking down, there was a bulge getting bigger against his green robe.
“And these…perfect. Perfect for what I put between them. For my mouth, my fingers, my cock, and my child…”
He pulled his head up, then you put your finger to his lips. Giggling lightly, as did he.
“You talk so much. But you’ve yet to bare yourself too, my love,” you teased.
With a cocky half-smile, all he did was tilt his head. The seidr ran down from the forehead to the toes, and the smooth robe was replaced with his warm skin. He was so beautiful. Every time he took off his clothes, it was everything in you not to stare. He had a broad, ivory chest so large and enveloping. It was like a blanket when you rested your head on them or when he thrust on top of you. You put a hand to explore the crevices, going through the patch of hairs on him. His muscular shoulders, perfect for digging your nails in. His abdominals-both soft and strong. For he was both at the center of his heart as well. Thighs made thick from running, jumping, and everything a warrior did.
He ground against you. His cock, already hard, teased your stomach. He leaned up to kiss your neck in its small soft spot. A hand returning to your breast.
“You will look wonderful engorged with a babe…a child…a part of you that will always be there, a trace of us together.”
“Loki…my dear husband…I love you…” you voiced.
He smiled, inching close.
“And I love you when you’re screaming beneath me…”
With one long, beautiful hand, he took the outside of your legs. He traced his fingers down from thigh to knee. Ghosting against the upper flesh of your skin. As tenderly as if you were the brightest, most precious jewel kept in his treasury. In seas of coins, rubies, and diamonds…it was you, you out of everything else, that mattered to him.
He took his large, beautiful hands and then moved them to the inside of your knees. You bit back a moan, leaning your head into the pillow as you felt it.
Using both his hands, he then spread you apart, wide open. He looked down at you and grinned. He had seen, felt, penetrated, and tasted your pussy like an addict. Always hungry for more. Even if you were poison, he would consider it the sweetest way to die. He placed himself back up. The tip just teasing your entrance. Every nerve inside you screamed. It brushed against you, never plunging in.
“You’re a banquet all for me, my dear…now…are you ready?” he whispered.
“Oh, please…. stop tormenting me… I want a child…and I want you…give me…give me one, Loki…” you begged.
“Let me…let me feel your sweet warmth and take your king’s shaft…” Loki husked.
He plunged into you slowly. Part of you panted through your nose. You felt him climb inside, inch by agonizing inch. This was a ceremony, sacred as any other rite in a royal bedroom. As if everything had to be right. Yet there was beauty-there was divinity. An ecstasy of reaching something otherworldly in between each other’s legs. You let out a loud gasp when he placed all of you inside him. You grabbed onto him.
He then retracted his hips, and he began to thrust into you. Grinding you right into the bed. Writhing as you accepted his largeness like it was new. Each gasp from his breath, each pant from each thrust. You could feel one muscular arm of your husbands touched the headboard, keeping him steady against you. You felt your back and ass slide against the silk sheets. He was slow, but eager.
“Yes…I promised you… when we married…I’d give you-nrgh-I’d give-give you everything-fuck-everything you’d ever want-gods…yes, gods, yes!” he whimpered as he thrusted.
You let out a moan with each thrust, your own breasts bouncing slowly with the movement. He looked down, releasing the hand on the headboard to slap them.
You let out a gasp- “L-Loki-you-you-you beast!”
“I thought you figured that out already, darling…” he whispered with a chuckle.
You felt his other hand wander to touch your back. You writhed under him.  He then slid his hand under his hips guide you up. His strength held you steady. He hit a different angle and you let out a cry-it was deeper, and his cock had found it’s way to your bud. Already sensitive and shaking.
“L-Loki! There! Please! There!”  you begged as he kept thrusting.
“As my queen commands…”
You saw the veins in his neck tightening as he kept on. His black curls messed around him- wild and free. A creature claiming his prize for the night. How beautiful he looked. You returned a hand back up and pulled him down. You kissed him with such fervor as he thrust that he stayed for only a second inside you, pausing, catching a breath. What breath there was, anyway.
Then he picked up the pace slightly. You were starting to see stars. That sweet angle where he got your clit. You felt pleasure rise  in you. Yes, it was arriving. You moved your hands down from his shoulders, down his triangular back. Once you found his soft, perfect ass you pushed him in again.
“Loki I’m…I’m…I’m close…oh norns- I’m…I’m going to cum!” you pleaded.
“So…am I-nrg-Call me king, call me king again and…and…I’ll-I’ll drive you there with me …”
He lowered his voice. Guttural and demanding.
“Call- me- your- king.”
He even got his free hand inside, speeding you up as he too sped up. You felt it-the breaking point.
“Yes-please-my- my king! My king!” you cried.
He let out a shout and you felt his hot seed spurt inside you. Your own climax then broke upon you. Thw words repeated out of you in a whisper.
“My king…my…my…”
It was the climax where it spun inside you. You felt your whole-body lock. Your quim felt as if it was spinning, sputtering with the pleasure. As well as his seed.  You groaned as it washed you down and you felt it. Your eyes teared up. His stayed inside, spurting like mad. Free and plentiful after starvation. A broken dam. He stayed inside. Not wasting one drip of him. You accepted it, every bit of it. Not one drop would go to waste. You felt your body buzz. Vibrating on the inside though you were still. Still except for your own breasts heaving with the breath you caught. You felt him catch his breath on top of you too.
He then cupped your cheek. His curls fell before his face. But his smile and blue eyes glowing from them.
“I couldn’t have asked for better. A better broodmare. A better wife. A better queen by my side…” he said.
Playfully, you went up and kissed the tip of his nose. He grinned at it and then embraced you. Arms flinging around each other. His own sweaty, earthy scent mixed with the rosewater bath you had earlier.
His cock still twitched inside you. Then you felt a final hot release of him and there was no more. He pulled out. Once it left you, you felt a cold space in your quim. Like it was an empty niche, something that needed filling. So much was he a part of you. You reached up your hand to brush his curls back. Seeing his face. Seeing him.
He then went down to your stomach, kissing it.
“I think if it’s a boy…we should call him Tuck…and if it’s a girl...Idona…” you then told him.
He rolled over to lay his head on the pillow. Then he turned over. You hummed at the sight of him- oh Hela, his beautiful profile was art itself!
“And what if we have twins?” he asked.
“I’ll figure it out, later!” you replied with a small laugh.
You placed your head on his chest and looked up and he down.
“I hope you’ve forgiven me for missing dinner…we’ll eat together tomorrow night; I’ll make it up to you…” he said.
“Of course, I forgive you. You had duties of your own…” you whispered.
He then gave a smile with the familiar, delicious darkness in his eyes.
“It might take more than once. We will try for an heir no matter how many times it takes. I’d like to have you on that very table like a meal of my own to devour. And I’ll have you on the library walls. On each rug. On each column. So, rest well…you have several duties of your own tomorrow.”
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arbiterlexultionis · 7 months
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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quillusquillus · 9 months
Just realising now that the ending to HTTYD: The Hidden World that I despise SO much (where they put all the dragons away in a hole because "humanity isn't ready" whatever the fuck that means, despite humanity NOW FINALLY starting to build bridges of inter-species cooperation after centuries of war and murder) actually makes sense as an ending if its purpose wasn't to be a conclusion to the two-series three-movie storyline of Hiccup and co., but rather as a clumsy lead-in to their stupid "dragons reemerge 1300 years later and it's our modern world for real now" Nine Realms tv show.
With this in mind, I feel much more justified in pretending the last 5 minutes of HTTYD 3 don't exist. In my mind, HTTYD continues to perpetuate in a world that is completely different to ours (WHICH ALL EVIDENCE POINTS TO THEY EVEN HAVE MAPS THAT LOOK NOTHING LIKE ANYWHERE ON EARTH AA) and they never packed the dragons away in their dragon box because the naughty human children aren't allowed to play with them any more for unspecified reasons.
In my mind the next 1300 years follow a tumultuous but fascinating growth of cooperation and industry between dragons and humans, spreading from "viking" culture (who are also obviously not actual vikings come on dreamworks are you seriously going to pretend these are historical depictions please) to all over the globe, with conflicts and nuance of course but eventually growing into a fascinating parallel of our modern world but with dragons existing amongst all that Dinotopia style. Dragon island-to-island public transport! Symbolic dragon representatives in governmental bodies! Dragon long-range "riding" with headsets into areas that would be dangerous to humans! Dragon abilities allowing construction of materials and devices unknown to us! Dragons using touch tablets to communicate simple phrases! Absolutely wasted potential.
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chimcess · 3 months
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→ Chapter Nine: Landscapes Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 10.2k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: ANGST, strong language, PTSD, flashbacks, self-hate, self-depreciation, talks of death, nosey birds, Moland is a lot of fun to write about, (sorta) theft, home sickness, magic, very tame A/N: Don't know how I feel about this chapter. It was a bit difficult to write. I think you'll understand why in a moment. Thanks for reading!
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Namjoon pov
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I stood inside of a small boat house, Bridd’s scent faint, but I knew it was fresh. At least I could give Jimin that. Hoseok said to take a look around outside and try to follow it. I sighed. I had already done that. I had done it yesterday as well, but Jimin demanded I go back to double check. Today’s assessment was much better than yesterday's so I was able to pick up the subtle nuances within it. She had been standing where my feet were planted no more than 48 hours earlier. 
“She’s long gone,” Hoseok’s voice was clear in my head despite him being five miles away. “Wonder where she went.”
“Taehyung said something about Viridi Gramine,” Hyuna chimed in. She had been relatively quiet, her thoughts only focused on catching any sign of Bridd. “Do you think she’s headed that way?”
“Doubtful,” I followed the trail from the small cot on the floor to the fridge. “I don’t believe she was ever going to see our cousins.”
Hyuna contemplated this. Hoseok felt guilty. Both of us scolded him for this. He had been hard on himself over the entire ordeal. He thought if he had been able to speak to Bridd and Jimin that this situation would have never happened. Apologizing, the younger wolf went back to wondering where she could have gone.
“Not far,” Hyuna mused.
“She could be out of Moland by now,” I added. “I don’t know which way she would have gone. She might be lost out there.”
That worried all of us. Hoseok knew her better than I did and kept thinking about how little she knew of the outside world. She would have no idea where she was without a map. Hyuna had more faith in her ability to survive out there, and I leaned more towards her thought process. If she needed to fight, she could, and her shifting would lend itself useful regardless. She had probably flown over the swamps and into Clarcton. That would be the easiest and most efficient use of her time.
“That makes the most sense,” Hoseok thought.
Following her scent outside, it stopped on the small deck just outside of the home. She had to have shifted from here. We would not be able to find her. Hoseok huffed in annoyance, Hyuna tried to soothe him, and I could finally pick up my sister’s thoughts. She was worried about everyone, not that it surprised me, Yeong-Mi was always giving herself migraines and panic attacks. 
“Shut up,” She snapped at me, her tone biting. I could still hear the stress underneath it. “He’s right, oppa,” Yeong-Mi was talking to Hoseok now. “You can’t blame yourself. We all know who’s to blame for this.”
Sol’s face came to her mind. It was distorted, the Luna’s features not quite right. My sister saw Sol as often as the rest of the village did, and her memories did not do the older girl justice. Mini told me she did not care how wrong she remembered Sol’s face; she had no thoughts of facing the stupid woman anytime soon. Hyuna agreed with a delighted giggle. Hoseok mumbled something about her only trying to help but none of us paid it any attention.
“Sol can’t bear all the responsibility,” I gently chastised my little sister. “Bridd still made the choice to run off.”
“If she had minded her own business,” Mini barked, her stress and frustration boiling over, “-Bridd wouldn’t have run away! God, the nerve. Who would say something like that to Jimin Oppa when we all know just how stressed he’s been?”
“An idiot,” Hyuna bit, her anger surfacing once more. She had always had an issue with Sol. “Between Bo, his brother, and the copiae the man hasn’t had a break.”
I had tried to stay neutral, but I could not help agreeing with Hyuna. Sol had been out of line and overstepped. I found solace in Taehyung’s own reaction to her wrongdoing. The boy had yet to touch his mate since Jimin went into a frantic panic in the middle of the night once he found his girl’s bed empty, and rumors of their constant arguing since the morning Bridd went missing were spreading throughout Bangtan.
“Eun-Jin told me Jimin said she was going to the Ozryn mountains alone,” My sister supplied. “I haven’t been around him since she left, so I don’t know what really happened, but he’s devastated about this.”
Hoseok growled when Jimin’s name came up. Mini took up for her favorite alpha while I reminded him of the situation at large. What Sol told Jimin was a very harsh, unrealistic, misrepresentation of Bridd’s plans. He was reacting on what he knew, or lack thereof, and lashed out. Hoseok vehemently disagreed until Hyuna asked him how he would have reacted if he was convinced she was going off to kill herself after she just recovered from a previous injury.
“She’s alone out there,” Hoseok grunted, his fire burnt out in the face of his wife. “He should have never let that happen.”
“It’s not his fault,” I was pleasantly surprised to hear Jungkook’s older brother, Jong-Hyun. He had been searching the east for a scent but came back around once he realized my sister had left him behind. “They’re both stubborn and I don’t think little miss witch would have allowed him to go. Ji-Hyun said the two of them got into an argument the afternoon she left, and he feels partially responsible for whatever happened between them.”
I growled, “That boy’s attitude is going to get him hurt. Is that why Callisto’s been even more irate than normal?”
Mini laughed, “I think that’s just how she is around you.”
All of us shared a laugh, the tense moment going by. Hyuna and Hoseok had finally found one another, and my sister was their next stop. She was almost to Syrena, and the couple wanted to go for a swim. The rest of us turned down their offer. I did not want to be a magindara’s next meal. Yeong-Mi decided to wait for them so she could keep an eye out for any elves. 
Drowning out their voices, I continued sniffing. I knew finding a trail would be next to impossible unless I went deeper into the swamps, but elves could be anywhere. My fear for Bridd came back. I hoped to God that she was safe and watching her back out there. I knew she could handle her own, but she was not infallible. 
I sat there, staring out at the brown water, willing it to tell me where to go next, until Hyuna let me know Taehyung was looking for me. My father was concerned about a party of elves spotted in the northwestern corner of Moland and wanted me out of the forest. Jimin was refusing to come home so Taehyung needed me to help him plan strategies. Hyuna had rounded back to meet up with me near Bridd’s cottage.
“We’re leaving him out here alone?” I asked her.
“Of course not,” The small, red wolf replied. “Jong-Hyun and Hoseok are scouting him out. He’s somewhere deep in the forest.”
She was disappointed that their beach trip was postponed but chose not to comment on it. I tried to comfort her in my own way, picturing the two of them swimming and laughing together another day, but she waved me off. She was grateful but did not want to talk about it knowing it would bother Hoseok.
“And he hasn’t found anything?”
Stepping into Bridd’s clearing, I admired the wildflowers. She had to have the most beautiful oasis in all of Lustra. Her cottage was surrounded by a beautiful garden filled with vegetables, fruits, and herbs. A large, porcelain bird bath at the very front of the house that, for some reason, never ran out of water. It was odd how perfectly made and curated the meadow was. The Gods must have made it this way so the Bridd would not grow depressed inside. Hyuna was laying in the grass close to the destroyed house. Taehyung said an elf was the one who did all of the damage. Bridd’s scent stuck to the wood, but it was starting to fade.
“I wanted to go inside,” Hyuna looked at the large hole in the front of the house, her mind revealing just how sad she felt. As much as she scolded Hoseok for harboring guilt, she had her own. “I don’t think Jimin would appreciate it. This is the only place that still smells like her.”
“He’s been here,” My friend’s scent was heavy in the air. Fresh. “Is he sleeping in there?”
She nodded, “I think he’s trying to fix the place up. Jungkook was talking about it with Cadoc. Jimin’s obsessed with having everything fixed before she comes home.”
 We shared a look. Neither one of us were very hopeful that our little bird would be back anytime soon. I had more faith in her survival abilities than Hyuna did, but neither one of us had any way of knowing when she could realistically get back. 
Hyuna remembered her trips to Bangtan back when she still lived in Viridi Gramine. The mountains were harsh, unforgiving, and absolutely lethal. She was a princess, royal and proud in her bloodline, and traveled with the most experienced and strong guides in the land, and still there was always a chance she could never return. After she became of age and found Hoseok, the thought of going through those mountains had never passed her mind before her mother grew ill.
I had never crossed Ozryn myself, but I knew it was a harsh place to be. Hyuna’s memories alone left a chill in my bones. Bridd could very well die out there and no one would be able to stop it from happening. I entertained the thought of Jimin and I leaving Foxglove behind to find her, but one look from Hyuna wiped it clean from my mind. We could not leave the village until we knew more. 
Bridd’s death would destroy Jimin, and I was certain Taehyung and Sol’s marriage would fall apart for a time. More than it already had. The Park family would never be the same. For that I desperately hoped she would come to her senses and come home but knew she would not. The little flicker of fire I had seen in those eyes when I showed up to her cottage after Sol’s birthday had told me more about her than the years, we had orbited one another’s atmosphere. She had more in her than Hyuna realized.
“She’s never seen so much of the world before,” Hyuna whispered like we were breaking some unspoken law. “How can she know where to go if she doesn’t know what to look for?”
“She has maps-”
“Maps that predate the industrial revolution,” Hyuna was quick to cut me off. “That girl is blind, and you and I both know it.”
I did not have to speak- we both knew we were on the same page. Still, I told her how fierce Bridd could be when she felt threatened. Showing her our fight outside of the cottage, Hyuna chuckled. 
“She’s a fighter, that’s for sure. Still, I worry. When she was in the infirmary all of the witches said that they were used to her fainting spells. How can we know she won’t do that out there?”
I shook my head. “We don’t. We just have to have faith. For Jimin’s sake. For her friends’ sake.”
“And Bridd’s,” Hyuna added.
“And Bridd’s,” I agreed.
A howl echoed through the forest, and I knew I had to get going. Taehyung rarely shifts these days so it must be urgent. Hyuna decided to tag along and wait for her husband at the Temple. She daydreamed of taking a few swings at Sol if given the chance while we ran. I chose to ignore it.
As we got closer to the village, I began to hear the voices of the other copiae that joined the search party. The loudest was Ji-Hyun who complained of his sister-in-law’s melodramatics. Hyuna fought back a snarl, her thoughts murderous. The younger wolf had the decency to drop the subject, but my distaste for him did not change. Taehyung shared my sentiments and told the Park boy to go home for the day. He was able to keep his thoughts to himself long enough to change and our connection severed.
“Irrumator,” Hyuna grunted, her thoughts of Sol swirling into Ji-Hyun. 
I chuckled, “He’s young. Cut him some slack.”
“He’s older than Taehyung!” Hyuna barked. “That boy knows better, and what he said to Bridd was so out of line. How dare you defend him?”
I whined, bowed my head, and looked down. Submitting was not something I did often, but I respected Hyuna enough to do so. A fight was the last thing I wanted. Besides, if I had an issue with Hyuna that would mean I had an issue with Hoseok, and that was not something we could not afford right now. Not with this war starting.
“It’s not defending him,” I tried to keep any annoyance for her out of my tone. “I just think this is a time for unity. Arguing and fighting about something we cannot change is pointless.”
She huffed but dropped it. I knew I had won our little exchange and held my head up high. Now, more than ever, we needed to let things go. Taehyung’s thoughts showed his conflicting feelings. While he agreed we needed to come together to fight, to deal with this threat together, he was hurt and angered by his friend’s disappearance. I could see underneath it all, however, he felt betrayal from the one person he held dearest.
Sol brought up mixed emotions of my own. I had wanted her for so long, my longing to be the leader of my people blinding me. When Taehyung was chosen, I was disappointed, but any romantic feelings I may have harbored for the young Luna vanished. Even if my actions after did not reflect it, I was happy for my little cousin.
His wife was never someone I had been particularly close with. She was obsessed with Jimin for years. I could not recall the number of times I could hear her daydreaming about him when we went on walks together. Ahn had asked for me to be her escort when she shifted, and the ramblings of a teenage girl were the last thing I needed to hear. Especially when I found myself wanting to be at her side, to rule and lead, and her thoughts of me only commenting on how ugly I was.
To say she was distraught over Jimin’s lack of interest was an understatement. The poor girl was begging the other alpha to have his way with her- mates be damned. Sol was lucky he was nothing short of a good man. Anyone else might have been tempted, but not Park Jimin. He was kind, cordial, and played with her often, but any sexual advances were immediately shut down. I know why now, and through that lens it was easier to wrap my head around. He was already deeply enamored with another.
Sol’s entire life was flipped upside down once she found herself in Taehyung’s arms. Confusion and disbelief were very prominent at first, but that quickly melted away into adoration. It was as if she had always loved him. For Taehyung the feeling was mutual. Before Sol, he had his eyes set on a local girl called Minji. 
Still, I could only guess Sol could not stop herself. It was almost a reflex for her to dote on Jimin at this point. They were closer in age than the rest of us (save Taehyung), though Jimin was a good 7 years older than her, and he was always kind and thoughtful. When she heard that he might be harmed she ran to his side. What she told him, things I only knew because Jimin would not stop thinking about that night, were only meant to help him. She pushed her friendship with Bridd aside to go to him, put her trust with Taehyung under the guillotine, and even risked ruining her bond with Jimin himself in order to protect his heart. It would be admirable if she had thought it over for a few minutes instead of rushing to his house like a bat out of hell, spewing out the most over dramatic and, frankly, not truthful, versions of events.
The argument he had with Bridd was based on what Sol had said. He was already agitated enough as it was. His pack of fifteen had been reduced to seven and the newer recruits were too young. Stress and frustration bubbled over the moment the Luna’s mouth opened. She said Bridd was planning on dying, that the witch was lying to everyone about where she was going, that she was hellbent on making up for her past mistakes. Ridiculous, and while partially true, it was spoken by a teenage girl who did not listen to a word the messenger had said. At that moment all Jimin could hear was his mate marching to her death so she could make up for keeping her mouth shut.
It was still strange to think about what Bridd did. I was annoyed she had kept her visions to herself but that faded once I realized that she was terrified and could do nothing. We were not on good terms. Foxglove had removed themselves completely and Ahn had not been quiet about his plans to go to her cottage. I could not blame her for feeling hesitant to say something when she was not sure what the threat could be. Ahn could have had the witch killed.
“He would have been a fool,” Hyuna mumbled. 
“When wasn’t he?” I asked rhetorically.
The others all shared my sentiment. Bridd was the last person to blame for what happened, and her actions the minute she realized what was happening showed how much she cared. Cadoc helped those who were on the fence come back on our side. The way he described waking up and seeing the little witch girl who fumbled and fought by his side, broken and bleeding, was enough to make the toughest cry. When he said the second her eyes opened all she could think about was getting to Foxglove as quickly as possible any whispers of her being ill-intentioned were dashed away. Only a select few still felt weary of her, Ji-Hyun being one of them, but they were at least attempting to be decent for the pack’s sake.
We were at the village’s edge now and I parted ways with Hyuna. She gave me a brief goodbye before leaving me to shift. I was more private than the others, especially Hoseok and Hyuna, and they were used to giving me the space I desperately craved during the shift. It was my most vulnerable moment and I hated feeling seen. 
We had various items of clothing hidden within Bangtan. None of it was meant to fit well or be personable, but it was practical. My mother was in charge of keeping the copiae clothed and taken care of a job that she took very seriously, and it was one of the only things my father felt proud of. He would often put her down and tell her she needed to do better, be better, and all of the other strange demeaning slogans the older men in town harped on about. I had never been able to see the fault of any of the women, my mother even more so, but she never commented on it and neither did I. 
I found a pair of large, baggy pants and shifted. Putting on the cotton garments, I decided to forgo a shirt and made my way to the Temple. Taehyung was waiting for me, and I would not cause him undo stress. He was dealing with so much already and I did not want to add to my cousin’s weight. I think I have done enough of that already.
Walking through the town, I caught sight of Jimin’s mother. She was helping Jungkook’s father cut wood for his roof. The Parks were a strange family. Mi-Jeong was outspoken, loud, and fierce. She did not bow down to men the way the others did, and her stubborn streak was only rivaled by her youngest child. My own family often spoke of her ‘atrocious’ behavior, but I was only ever endeared by Mi-Jeong. 
Ji-Hyun had been a quiet kid, favoring his mother more with his sharp features and moss-brown eyes. He followed his brother around for years and Jimin never complained. That lonely quietness followed him into his teenage years, but when he fell in love with a human girl that forced a fierce, possessiveness to form. He fought for her, both verbally and physically, and that changed him. His attitude was horrible, always defensive and quick to judge, but he had a love and devotion for his family unlike anything I have ever seen. Somehow, even more than his older brother.
Jimin, for all his faults, was someone who had always fascinated me. From the time he was born he had the village at his feet. His father had been a strong, powerful man who was every bit the wolf our people expected. His choice of bride was bizarre, but everyone was sure if anyone could handle Mi-Jeong it was Ji-Won. Jimin, like his father, bore all the hallmarks of a Park. Charming, witty, and courageous. What set him apart, however, was the sweetness he kept hidden away from the others. I saw it. I had always seen it.
The first time was when I watched him chase after butterflies in his backyard. He was no older than four, but at that age boys were expected to show signs of maturity. In public, Jimin was the picture-perfect child. However, as I watched him blow bubbles, giggling a sound so sweet it made my teeth hurt, before taking off after a monarch, I knew whatever he was doing was an act. 
I frowned. His sweetness was showing once more, now very publicly, and I was not sure how he was handling it. He was not allowing anyone to speak with him, shunned his closest friends, and was hiding away waiting for the other piece of his heart to return. Such a strange sight, Park Jimin weak and in pain.
Mi-Jeong caught my eyes just then and I could see it in her as well. She was so sad, so worried. I hoped her family would come together but doubted that would happen. At least, not until Bridd came back. If she came back. I shuddered to think about the fate of the Park family if she did not return home. 
I did not stop to speak to anyone like I normally did. My mind was too scattered and, frankly, I was done with conversation. Having a constant cycle of thoughts and voices in your head would do that. Luckily, no one seemed bothered by my silence. We were all living in uncertainty since losing one of our strongest fighters.
“Anything new, dog?”
I grit my teeth. I knew that voice. It was grating in its smoothness. Taking a deep breath, I turned to look across the way.
Of course, he would be here.
Seokjin had become my own personal hell over the last few days. The man could hold a grudge and had still not forgiven me for lunging at his friend. Now he was standing there, a stern look on his face, his eyes filled with disdain. Beside him was a face I did not see as frequently. Yoongi looked worse than ever. He was thin and frail, much frailer than he had been before he was blinded, and his hair messy. His eyes were even bluer today than they were when I had last seen him. His pupil was nearly gone.
“Unfortunately, not,” I deadpanned, trying to get out of this as quickly as possible. “There’s still a few out searching, but I was called away.”
“Hmft,” Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes darkening even further. “Figures.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded, not liking the tone in his voice.
I did not like much about him.
“You don’t care if you find her or not,” He replied, his voice dripping with anger. “None of you do.”
I was exasperated, “You know that is not true-”
“It’s that bitch’s fault she’s gone,” Seokjin shouted over me.
“Stop yelling,” I was attempting to keep myself calm. We were causing a scene. My father was going to be furious. “I’m aware of what Sol has done. Neither one of us are happy about it, but I’m not God. I can’t turn back time just like I can’t bring her back. What’s done is done.”
“Yet you still follow her orders like some lap dog.”
“I follow Taehyung,” I corrected. “By extension, that means I follow his wife. We are at war, Seokjin. I’m sorry about Bridd, truly I am, and I hope she is alive and well, but my life does not revolve around her. I have a village to protect, a village she is not in, and I will not leave it to burn to go on some wild goose chase.”
Seokjin’s face was red now, his eyes moist from unshed tears. I could not help but pity the fool. Bridd was a close friend of his and she abandoned them. It was a harsh word to use, but that was the only one that truly captured the anguish the witches felt. I could not say how the others were doing. They made their disgust for our governing bodies known the night she went missing. Sol banned them from returning to the Temple after the woman who was always hanging off of Seokjin’s arm shouted at her. None of us had seen their little group leave the Park house since.
“You’re going to let her die,” He finally spoke, the accusation a punch in the gut.
Yes, I would let the witch girl die if it meant saving my own. She was nothing to me. We were hardly friends, and while I respected her, that did not mean I would choose her over my sister. Being here was far more important to me than that woman’s life. If the stakes were not so high then I would gladly hunt her down, but that was not the life we were living. I had to trust that she knew what she was doing and be okay with it. 
“Jin,” Yoongi stepped in. I had forgotten he was there. “Let it be. Namjoon has done what he can. Let’s go back to Mi-Jeong’s.”
I was glad he seemed to be more reasonable than Seokjin. Stealing another look at him, I was pleased to see his hair was growing. That meant he was eating well enough. It was a shame no one knew how to help his condition. I could not imagine losing my vision within a blink of an eye. Then I remembered that he did not just lose it. Yoongi had been in agony, his head felt like it had been slammed through the thick cement of the castle walls, and his fear sent him into panic attacks. Samanya told me she had only ever seen it happen once. The spell should have killed him, and he was lucky to have survived with only his eyesight lost. I doubted he felt that way.
“Drop it,” The raven-haired man stopped Seokjin before he could get another word in. Without looking, he addressed me. “I apologize for his callousness. We are all worried. I hope you understand.”
This was the most I had ever heard him speak, even counting the time all of us had been at Bridd’s cottage in the Spring. “It’s not an issue. I hope you are better.”
It was unnerving to talk to someone who did not look at my face. Yoongi stared out towards the south end of the village, his eyes untrained and unresponsive, and he showed no signs that he was having a discussion with anyone. Even his voice remained monotone and unwavering. Gruff and smokey while the intention was flat.
“I am fine,” He replied, “We are here because my mother was interested in how far you believe she could be. I will let her know that she must have shifted, and her scent was lost.”
“Thank you,” I replied, impressed he was able to keep Seokjin quiet for this long. “She was inside of a houseboat for a few hours before leaving. Any ideas?”
“Thelma,” Seokjin grunted. “Must have slept and then taken off. Was anything missing?”
I shrugged, “I couldn’t say. I’m sorry.”
Seokjin shook his head angrily.
“No need to apologize,” Yoongi raised a hand and dropped it immediately. I had no idea what he was trying to do but decided it did not matter. “We’ll leave you alone now.”
Seokjin seemed to open his mouth to argue but decided against it. I smirked triumphantly. I should keep the blind witch around more often. He had the perfect effect on the annoying one. Scowling, Seokjin wrapped an arm around Yoongi and turned back toward the direction of the residential district. 
Taehyung was pacing when I finally found him in the Temple library. Books were scattered about the tables, a few pages torn out stacked messily on the edge of the large oak table he had been sitting at. His blonde hair was shaggy now, the back of it just past the nape of his neck while the rest hung just below his ears. My little cousin kept thick wavy bangs that fell over his eyebrows which were now so long they had to be held from his eyes back with a headband. 
I was worried for him. He was frightened and slowly losing his composure. He was able to hold it together long enough to make it through meetings with the elders. He refused to show them any weakness. He did not want to prove Ahn right. However, anyone could see how much the pressure was starting to affect the young boy. Jimin was trying to keep him sane through this, but he was dealing with his own problems.
I had taken it upon myself to pick up where he slacked. I owed it to the both of them after my part in their exile. Taehyung was better at forgiveness than Jimin, but the both of them had given me grace I did not deserve. I was lucky. Other men might have taken my head after the show of disrespect. Jimin very well might have if he was not so concerned with upsetting his mate. 
I needed to stop thinking of them. Taehyung had called me for a reason, and I had to be there for my cousin. His pacing did not slow or stop when I came in, so I was sure he was not about to talk war with me. He seemed to calm down when we talked about strategy.
“Sorry for taking so long, Tae,” I kept my voice low and calm. 
He paused his pacing to look over at me. His eyes were red-rimmed and wet, his cheeks swollen and flushed, and his lower lip could not hide its tremble no matter how much effort he put into it. Taehyung’s emotional vulnerability had always confounded me. He was so sweet and kind, gentle and warm, and had never made any real efforts to change himself. He laughed at his clumsiness, skipped when he was happy, and played with his younger siblings like the giant child he was. 
Likewise, he was never afraid to cry. When Jimin’s father died neither he nor Ji-Hyun shed a single tear when around others. I knew better than to foolishly think the boys did not sob into their mother’s shoulders during the night, especially Jimin, but the town was thrilled by their show of “bravery.” Taehyung did not know how to put on that mask as perfectly as Jimin had.
Taehyung’s father did not die as honorably as Jimin’s had, no final acts of courage protecting his wife from a stray pack of wolves. Just sickness. Ahn called him a weak man for allowing something as insignificant as an infected wound kill him. No one really thought the same way he had but made no effort to disagree with him. Not to his face, anyway. My own mother had said Ahn was cruel for putting down an already grieving family, and she was one of his loyalists.
“I hadn’t noticed it had been that long,” He mumbled before going back to pacing.
He had never looked more like his father. Dong-Min was respectable, wise and honest, but never a man others flocked to. He had been an artist from Viridi Gramine, and while his paintings and scrolls were the most beautiful in Nantgarth, he was not seen as someone important. When he met Hana, he had found his muse, and she adored his soft-spoken demeanor. She came from an abusive home, and her father had beaten her black and blue the night she ran to Dong-Min. The two ran away from Withertusk hand in hand, his sister’s house the only place he knew he could go, and their troubles ended soon after arriving in Foxglove.
“You’re upset,” I broached the subject bluntly. Taehyung preferred it that way. “What’s the matter?”
“Have I done something wrong?” He asked me, his voice cracking. He must have started crying again. “I want your honesty, Namjoon. Please. Tell me if I have done anything horrible to her.”
“To who?”
I went to comfort the boy. His shoulders moved with his cries, but he was surprisingly quiet. It had never crossed my mind that he was desperately trying to cover up his pain from the others, his discomfort so noticeable I had assumed he had forgotten the act. I was always getting things wrong with Taehyung. The only thing he could do was shake his head, close his eyes, and let a fresh wave of tears overtake him.
I embraced him then, his crying making me uncomfortable. The last time he shed tears on my shoulder had been his father’s funeral. It was after Ahn had told him tears would not bring his father back. He tripped running out of the building, unable to breathe in the presence of the chief, and scraped his knee. Blood flowing down his leg, pants ripped, and black clothes covered in dust, Taehyung begged me to hold him when I found him. My father came to check on us sometime later, and in a rare act of kindness, took the younger boy to our house to clean up. 
“You could never wrong her,” I was not a good comforter, but I hoped words of encouragement would help. “Whatever happened between you two to have you like this is only a wrinkle in time. Sol is angry with herself. She loves you and knows how dearly you love her.”
Tae sniffled; his cries muffled against my shoulder. 
“Not Sol,” He cried. “Y/N.”
That seemed worse to me. I could easily give him meaningless fluff about his mate. Their love was a given. He had been very angry with her about speaking to Jimin behind his back, but I knew they would work through it in time. Trust had been broken but their bond would conquer that. His friendship with the witch was a different story. I had never seen it with my own eyes, but I knew it was strong. He looked at her like the older sister he never had, his thoughts said as much, but I did not feel equipped enough to help him through his grief. 
“You did nothing to her, Tae,” I reasoned. I could do logic. “She made a choice to leave and held no ill will toward you. She even left you a note with your necklace. Doesn’t that say enough?”
The red gem was pressed against my skin. Bridd had been so sweet to Taehyung and smiled after everything he said. The gift was a kind gesture he had not truly earned after such a botched introduction. Still, she had given it to him just as she gave me that journal. Ironic that she had given it to me to write about adventures and it had instead become my poetry book. He had refused to take the necklace off since reading the letter.
“I told Sol,” He whimpered. “I told her after she asked me to keep quiet. It’s all my fault-”
“I’m tired of the blame game,” I sighed, gently pushing Taehyung. Now an arm’s length away, I took a hold of my cousin's shoulders. “Everyone has been doing nothing but feeling sorry for themselves. Y/N chose to leave this place to find help. No one is forcing her to do that. 
“You and I both know how capable she is, right? Stop acting like she’s dead, Tae. The girl knows what she’s doing, and if she doesn’t, I’m sure she’s smart enough to figure something out. Stop allowing guilt and fear to distract you from what’s important. She left to find some ancient being to help us survive this fight with the elves.”
“What if she…” His voice trailed off, unable to put death in the universe. 
“Then we make sure it’s not in vain,” I let go of him. “We plan, strategize, and prepare to fight tooth and nail against those things. For Bridd.”
I did not really want to swear on her name this way, but I knew it would be something Taehyung latched onto. She was not really my friend, but I could live with fighting in her honor. I respected her enough. It worked and Taehyung’s eyes held more heat than they ever had. 
“For Bridd,” He said it like a prayer.
Internally, I prayed she would come back soon. I was not sure if this fire would last, and I was afraid of what might happen if it was left to grow out of control. As long as I knew Taehyung, he was obsessive. When he was a boy, he painted like his father. When he got a little older, he sculpted like our grandmother. Early teen years Taehyung was dead set on learning how to garden. That soon shifted into learning about all of the plants in Bangtan. Now, I worry it will become this war. Taehyung was not ready for what was coming, but I had to believe in him.
“You should go and see your mom,” I told him earnestly. “I’m sure Jong and Jin miss you.”
I did not add my worries over him being locked away in the Temple since he got back. 
He nodded, “I will. Let one of the maids know I’ve left. I don’t want Sol to worry if I’m gone.”
“You’re not telling her you’re leaving?” 
He frowned, “We aren’t on speaking terms at the moment.”
Oh, Bridd why did you have to leave? Why did Sol have to run her mouth? I could not bear to see Taehyung look so defeated. The flames that I sparked in him did not ease my worries. He was still lost at sea, and I fear I had done more harm than good. I should have let him cry and whine. That was easier than trying to navigate if I had said or done the right thing or not. 
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The rest of the day flew by. After my conversation with Taehyung, he left to see his siblings and I stayed behind to get some work done. Despite our war plans we still had obligations to our cousins on the east coast. After writing for a few hours, warnings and heeds against traveling included, I went back to our maps. The library was filled with them, and I hoped a fresh start would help us get a breakthrough. 
All talks of war had gotten loud and angry quickly with my father and Jimin at odds more often than not. I loved my dad, but I couldn't help but doubt his methods. He wanted to march to Northorn and meet our enemy there. Jimin saw this as idiotic. The elves would have an easier time fighting our kind on an unknown field. No one knew the forest like our pack did and we could use that to our advantage. If we were lucky, the elves might find a way to disturb the other creatures that lived here. Even luckier if it happened to be the fae. 
Unfortunately, I was not as well versed as either one of them. I knew how to fight and was very good at it, but my skills in a tactical situation were severely lacking. Whenever Jungkook joined the conversation the two of us were on the same side of the debate. We did not want to die but would do so if asked. He, like myself, favored Jimin’s plans. Staying in Bangtan was the most logical step for now. 
The rest of the witches from Syrena arrived late in the afternoon. They were loud and angry women, their rage burning bright enough to scare the most well-trained fighter. I felt sorry for them. They lost their leader during the attack and were now relying on the swamp woman to guide them. Thinking of them made me think of Yoongi again.
He had seemed to be adjusting well enough, but fighting would be pointless. He could not see a target. He was dead weight. I frowned. Such a pity. He was a great fighter and I had been impressed with him during the attack. The only way they were able to stop him was that spell and it only took him out temporarily. I had a feeling he would be back on the battlefield even if he was told to stay away. His death would be a respectable one.
Seokjin was another one that surprised me. As much as I disliked the witch, I could not deny the man knew how to fight. He took down elf after elf, defended his girlfriend, and saved his father’s life. I trusted him enough to know he would defend my pack with the same veracity and hoped we could place our differences aside to train together. It would be helpful to all of us if we could find a way to fight as a cohesive unit. I would speak with Jimin about it later.
I smelled her before I heard her. Her feet were normally bare and freezing cold, but I doubted she cared. Rose stuck to her honey-sweetness, and I had to hold back a gag. Sol always tried so hard to cover up her natural scent, but I knew it was not her fault for being so self conscious about it. Ahn had destroyed most of her individuality, made her second guess herself constantly, and called her ugly on numerous occasions. Jimin and I heard it all through the years, Hoseok as well but to a lesser extent, and we tried our best to keep her company.
Jungkook was the most vital member of her circle, but he was hardly around anymore. He was trying to give the couple space, and Sol had been happy with that until a Bridd left. Now Jungkook stayed away to avoid getting caught in the middle of their tug of war. I could not blame the boy. He was too young to be of any real emotional support, and he wanted to stay in Jimin’s good graces hoping the older man would allow him to join the copiae now that Ahn was not around to stop him.
She knew I was in here. She was coming to find me. Her little feet pitter pattered against the marble floors. The west wing was the most luxurious part of the Temple and the place Sol and Taehyung slept. The library here was huge, painted in white and gold, with thousands of books. Spiral staircases led to the second floor where more bookcases were lined up. That was considered the “ancient section” where one could find scrolls and books from our time in Korika. That was Sol’s favorite place in the entire Temple.
She stood in front of me, her hands clasped in front of her little body, and her toes wiggling. Her hair was not covered, something that made me feel deeply uncomfortable, and cascaded down her back. It was beautiful, thick and black with natural waves. Averting my gaze, I stared at her toes. They were small and cute.
“Luna,” I greeted. “Your hair.”
She sighed as if expecting me to say something. She was almost annoyed. I could not figure out why. Modesty had always meant something to Ahn and Sol, and her hair was called “impoper.” Ahn made it seem like it was inherently sexual simply for being beautiful. Not many of the other women in Foxglove would wear a head covering, but I always respected Sol’s choice. She was upset right now and not thinking straight, and I worried she would regret walking around me so exposed. 
“Does it matter?” She murmured. “We all know I am no longer virtuous.”
I frowned, “Your virtue is not tied with your virginity, Sol.”
I was more aware of my bare chest than normal. It was improper for the two of us to be alone like this. Family or not, it was wrong. Taehyung would be hurt if he caught us in such a compromising position. I stood and put some distance between us, taking extra care not to look at Sol. 
“What’s bothering you?” I asked. “Aside from the obvious.”
Walking over the library entrance, I leaned against the doorframe and stared out into the hall. At least I could say I was far away from the luna. I could hear her sit down in the chair I had left, and I waited.
“You must think I’m pathetic,” Sol spoke softly.
“Why would I think that?” I countered.
She laughed humorlessly, “We know you’re more in tune with my thoughts than most, Joon. You were there before Taehyung. You were always there. You and I were practically betrothed for a while. At least, that’s what my father said.”
I hated when she called Ahn father. He was nothing to her. Everyone knew Cho Haneul and Bong Ha-Yun were her parents. They suddenly disappeared from the village when Sol was less than six months old, leaving her behind and in Ahn’s care. Whispers spread about what had happened to them, but I always believed what my mother said. Ahn banished the couple from the village and took their child. No one had seen or heard from them in 18 years, so it was hard to say, but I did not trust Ahn. Not at all. 
“I was never fair to you,” She continued. “I was mean and rude. Cold. I wanted Jimin so badly, probably because he did not want me, and I treated you like a problem. Maybe it was my own way of rebelling. Either way, I’m sorry.
“I think you understand me more than anyone else. You were always there with me. You never complained. It’s one of the things I always appreciated about you, your ability to stay calm. Taehyung is similar, though not as stoic. I love that about him.”
I did not have to see her to know her eyebrows were pulled down, her teeth nibbling her lower lip, and her leg shaking. Sol was very obvious in her discomfort. Her voice gave her away. 
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, not unkindly.
“You knew me before Taehyung did. I know you did not really like me very much, but I trust your opinion more than the others. I know I don’t deserve your kindness, but I’m asking for it anyway.”
Her voice was tired and worn, and I was not sure what to do about it. Not for the first time I found myself bored of the Luna. I reminded myself of her age, her youth, and her innocence, but it did not change how I felt. She made a mistake, overstepped boundaries and lied while doing so, and caused a mess of things. The fact that I knew her only made it worse, because I knew she did not consider a single person outside of herself. I doubt she thought anyone would be angry with her. In fact, she was probably hoping for praise and attention.
“Am I a bad person?” She asked, her voice weak and frail. 
“No,” She was not a bad person for what happened, “But I won’t lie to make you feel better. You should not be trusted by anybody after the stunt you pulled.”
I heard her sniffle, “It’s not my fault he said the things he said. He chose to be cruel and mean to Y/N. She decided to leave! How is anything my fault?”
I rolled my eyes. Typical. Not even her gentle cries stopped my genuine annoyance with her from shining through. I had not been there for the argument between Jimin and Bridd, nor his conversation with Sol, but his thoughts had been enough to get me up to speed. She had done nothing but stir the pot between them, well intentioned or not, and made all of this far more dramatic than it needed to be.
“It’s your fault your relationship is suffering. It’s your fault that the pack is angry with you. You did that. No one else. Actions have consequences, Sol. You and I both know that,” Sparing her a brief look over my shoulder, I refused to let her tears soften my resolve. “If you were hoping I was going to lie to save your feelings, you were mistaken. Go to one of your maids and cry to them. They’re trained to dry your eyes, but I’m not.”
She did not speak and so I decided to leave. I had been here most of the day now and needed to find somewhere to sleep for the night. The Temple was the last place I wanted to spend time in right now, but my options were limited. Maybe if I could find Sam, she would not mind making space for me in her bed.
I fought back a smile. She was an amazing woman, her beauty striking and confidence refreshing. We had found ourselves alone a handful of times since her people came to our aid and our flirtatious relationship was amusing. I had come to know that quietus was not monogamous and rarely took on a full-time lover. She only knew of her king and queen, but they had another woman who joined them after the Century War. Sam and I shared a laugh about how scandalous that would be in the village, not just a threesome but same-sex relations, but I had not truly entertained her advances. She was not someone I imagined myself with.
I did not want to go to my family home either. Being around my parents for too long would drive me insane. I was always putting on a front with my father and my mother refused to stand up to him. Most of my childhood was spent getting beaten while my mother watched, relieved that her own punishment was over. By the time Mini came along those days were in the past. When my dad stopped drinking our relationship got better, a little less violent, but I never got rid of the resentment I held. Sometimes I truly believed I hated both of them.
I had been sleeping at Hoseok’s the last few nights, but he had asked for some privacy, and I got too caught up with work to ask someone else if they had any space for me. It was a far cry from the lavish room I had within the Temple, but I could not stand being there most of the time. I would have joined Jimin and the rest of the copiae, but my job was important enough to give me pause. If I stepped down as head council that would mean that my father or Bo would be placed in charge of public relations. I would eat my own shoes before letting that happen. Taehyung would go insane if those two were the only ones left in charge. 
I thought about other friends I could visit. The Parks would open their door for me, but they were housing such a large group I felt awful going there. Yoongi and swamp witch’s families were still there. Jin’s little group was with Taehyung’s family, and the Syrena witches were spread out between a few wolf families and the humans. They were originally planning on staying at the Temple, but Sol made a mess of that. I sighed. Everything went south so quickly.
“You look lost.”
I stopped walking. I did not realize I had walked into the copiae grounds. Jimin was sitting on his porch, a large glass in his hand and a dark look in his eye. I could smell the alcohol on him from across the street. Going to him, I tried not to think about my dad.
“You’re drunk,” I took the glass from him and sniffed. Mead. If I had to guess, from Jungkook’s house. “This isn’t going to make you feel better.”
He shrugged, “I know. Just wanted a distraction.”
For the third time today, I was being asked to support someone. Even if Jimin had not asked for help directly, I knew I was going to drag his ass inside and make him go to sleep. At least I knew I could stay here afterwards. In the morning, I would make sure he ate and then try to convince him to come to the Temple and look over documents. He was the battle guy.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I stated bluntly. “I’ve already had to deal with two crybabies today and my emotional battery is drained. So, you’re just going to do me a favor and then we can talk in the morning.”
He scoffed, leaning back against his house. A faint sheen of sweat covered his body, and his hair was tangled. Jimin never looked so unkempt before. Showing no signs of moving, I rubbed my face roughly. 
“Fine,” I sighed. “Look, how about I cut you a deal?”
He did not reply, but I decided to keep going anyway. 
“I need somewhere to sleep. I can’t stand being around Taehyung and Sol right now. And you-” I gestured at his body, face tight, “-look like shit. Obviously, you’re upset but the pack needs you to pull it together so we can get through this.”
He was like a statue. “I’m going to stay the night, and tomorrow we’ll talk about feelings or whatever. Then, you and I are going to come up with a plan to get you back in the game. How does that sound?”
Jimin rolled his eyes, laughing humorlessly, “What’s the point?” His face crumbled and again I felt lost at sea. I could not deal with him crying. Thankfully, he gathered his composure. “What’s the point of anything? Without her… it just doesn’t matter.”
I sighed and sat down beside him. The wood was cold and rough, but it was easy to put that out of my mind. I had to think about this as two friends talking. Jimin had never asked me for anything, and when Taehyung was chosen, he had been the first person to tell me I needed to stand my ground against Ahn. I had been foolish at the time and ignored his advice. Now he needed me to stand my ground against himself, and I had no other option.
We could not go on like this. Jimin was not in the right state of mind right now, and I knew the only way to get him out of it was Bridd. My brain was already devising a plan, one that I had thought foolish and improbable this morning, and I wanted to laugh. There was no way we would be able to do it, but maybe bringing it up would make him feel better? Maybe knowing that someone would help him find her if we got the chance would motivate him to get work done. Feeling guilty, I decided to go for the jugular and deal with the consequences later. 
“I know you're hurting right now,” I tried to soften my tone, but could not hear if it had worked or not. "I can't imagine how you feel. I know when you and Taehyung were gone how the guilt ate me alive. It must be worse for you."
"You don't have to say anything," He tried to interject, but I brushed off the comment like he had not said anything.
"I think I do. No one else is, apparently. We're in deep shit right now Park," I put my hand on his shoulder. "We need you, man."
He shook his head, "I wouldn't be much help right now, Joon."
"I don't believe that," I replied. "In fact, anything you do would be more helpful than whatever the hell you got going on. Your girl is on my side, by the way. She'd be on your ass if she found out how much you've been slacking."
That made him laugh quietly.
"That's fair," He was smiling, dazed and flushed from the alcohol. "She's such a little firecracker, isn't she?"
I nodded, "She tried to set me on fire once."
We shared a laugh at the memory. Truth is she terrified me. If she wanted to kill me that day she could have. If she did not have to worry about the sun, there was a real chance I left her house with more than a few scratches and bruises. Jimin beat my ass when she got hurt, but I had the added benefit of a lifetime worth of memories stopping him from taking my head off. I did not have that with Bridd.
"What if I wagered you something?" I asked.
That got his attention, “What?”
"If we get through this next wave of violence on top, I'll help you find her out there."
He looked at me, eyes more alert than they had been in days.
The guilt made my stomach twist painfully. I did not truly believe we would ever get to that point. Elves were everywhere, the fight in Northorn growing in their favor as the days went by, and we were nowhere near ready. We had lost so many in this fight not to mention talks of traitors.
The alliance with the quietus was shaky at best without the proper bonds being formed. I was the only person in a position of power even attempting to reach out. Then there was the witch problem, and the only person I could see mending that fence was Jimin. It could be weeks, maybe even months, before we could go after Bridd. Still, I had to use her as leverage. We needed strong leadership right now and the witch was the best source of motivation one could come by.
“I’ll go with you,” I doubled down. “We can have a small party. I’ve made friends with a quietus who knows her way around so finding her could be fairly simple.”
“You’d do that for me?” I could tell he was genuinely surprised.
I nodded, “If we're in the position to do it, why not?"
I could see him thinking about it. The faraway look in his eyes was gone giving way to a refreshed, almost serene look. He was going to go for it. Hope blossomed in my chest. If I had Jimin on my side, Taehyung would be a piece of cake. He desperately wanted to make amends with the older alpha. Seeing the two of them back in action would bring Hoseok back into the fold as well.
Already our odds were turning. Soon the elementals and witches would be joining in on our meetings, the elder council getting pushed out for a new crowd of leaders, and the war would finally seem less daunting. I might even be able to convince a new wave of warriors to join the copiae once the village saw Jimin's new resolve.
"Stay here as long as you need" Jimin finally said, and I was cheering internally. "You can take the couch."
I stood up, ready to go to bed, and pushed his head playfully. He chuckled, swatting my hand away. We used to mess around like this all the time as kids. Jimin always ended up winning our wrestling matches. He was too slippery.
"Let's go, kid," I stretched my arms above my head. "We have to get up early. Council meeting."
He nodded, asking me to help him stand. He must have drunk more than I thought. It takes a lot for alcohol to affect us this much.
"Hopefully Taehyung will get rid of the two dinosaurs in the Temple," He slurred, walking inside grumbling about his bed feeling too big.
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A/N: So Joon pov??? How do we like? He's not the only pov switch we're going to have, but we will be seeing a lot of our favorite (to hate) alpha joining our main squad. I thought he would be a good outside mind to get inside of since he's not as emotionally connected to Bridd as the others. Any guesses as to who our other switches might be?
p.s. These pov chapters will be a bit shorter than our normal, reader pov ones, but not by much.
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Taglist: @greezenini@adventures-in-bookland@kthstrawberryshortcake-main@zae007live@jimin-neverout@nikkiordonez12@canarystwin@yamekomz @chimthicc@michiiedreamer@amorieus@mima795@yunki-yunki-yunki
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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lanitalay · 5 months
Before I Say Goodnight Chapter 18
a/n: 2 chapters in two days. I couldn't stop writing I love where this is going!!!!!!
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2.8k
Other Chapters
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Eight days. 
It had been eight days since his brother had left. Nine since they last saw each other. Rhysand was ashamed of his treatment of Azriel and regretted sending him ever since. He knew it was unnecessary. That they had enough information to strategize a sound plan. But without the protection of the Spymaster it would be easier to ensnare y/n. It would be easier to catch her off guard and see her true colors. It would be easier to put a stop to her and whatever it was that she was planning. He hadn’t told Feyre. He was ashamed of that too. But she was too enthralled by the girl from another realm to think clearly. She wouldn’t understand the threat living within their wards, in his townhouse, with his brother. His brother had it the worst. He had fallen for her charms, always trying to be the savior for any damsel that fell on his path. She was no different, or maybe she was, and that’s what made her dangerous. He just needed proof that she had powers, that she was a danger. Then he could lock her in the House of Wind. Perhaps contain her in the library. 
But Azriel had not returned yet. He had not sent word. Rhysand could not reach him mind to mind. He was surely caught up in something that slowed him down, he’d be back soon. In the meantime, Cassian was redying the troops for battle. “It's better to keep them on your side,” Amren said, whirling liquor in her glass. “Who’s them?” She sipped “the Shadowsinger and the so-called Queen of Chaos”. 
“What makes you think Azriel would not be on my side?” 
“You sent him into the lion's den for no real reason”. 
“He was following orders”.
“He’s been gone too long”. 
“I didn’t know you cared so much about him”. A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. 
The week had gone by too fast. The seven day mark felt like it was hurling towards you, knocking the wind from your lungs in a crushing blow. You had to leave. North. He had told you to head North. You silently thanked Jolly for making you go to the docks as frequently as she did because you had become friendly with a few sailors. North. No map that you had seen had land North of Prythian. It was a shot in the dark. But you trusted Azriel with your life and he said North. Oh god. It felt wrong. It felt so incredibly wrong to leave them all behind and not even try to help Azriel, knowing he was in trouble. You could feel it in your bones that he was not okay, that he needs help. You couldn't do anything about it. At least, not by yourself. So you swallow hard, take a breath and knock three times on the High Lord’s door. 
“Yes?” You hear from the other side and you slowly open the door. For a fraction of a second Rhysand and Amren seem surprised to see you but they put on their masks of indifference quickly. “Hello” you try to sound strong but these two beings scare the life out of you and you have to focus on keeping your cool. No matter how this goes you cannot falter in your composure. “I don’t believe we had a meeting, y/n”. He really doesn’t like me. “I apologize High Lord, but I’m worried about Azriel” you take extra care to look down. The picture of docility. “He is on an assignment” you nod and look up through your lashes. “He is but before he left he said he would be back in a week and it’s been eight days” he also told me to flee but you didn’t tell them that last bit. “He said that?” Again you nod “yes, I think something happened to him. He has never come home late”. He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. You raise your head and see him with his head in his hands, his eyes on his desk. You look at Amren but her gaze is focused on the window. 
Had they heard you? Did they not care? 
“He is highly skilled. I’m sure he is on his way home as we speak” you shake your head and insist “I think he’s in trouble and needs help”. He stands from where he is seated and you will yourself to not cower before him “you are new here, y/n. Sometimes missions take longer than expected. There is no need to worry”. The spite in his voice felt like a dagger to your spine. The constant pulse of energy suddenly thrumming. Before you could stop you hear yourself say “don’t you care that you sent your brother into your enemy’s territory and he hasn’t returned?” He growls at you. North, Azriel had said North and that he’d find you. If Rhysand snapped your neck right now Azriel would come back to an empty house and a sad pile of ash. “Remember you are a guest and guests don’t have the right to question my decisions. If they know what’s good for them”.
“I understand” you manage to say before turning around and leaving his study. 
When you reach the townhouse you run up the stairs and grab your already packed bag. It only had a change of clothes, some food, water, first aid equipment and your phone. Even if you had not thought of your family or Mathew or your world since Azriel had gone away. There was a boat headed North that left in an hour. You are about to head down the stairs but enter Azriel’s bedroom instead. Shuffling through several drawers until you find a blade small enough to fit in your boot and another one to sheath on your thigh. With that you go down the stairs, put on a nondescript cloak and step into the misty afternoon. 
The smell of the docks had grown to be familiar to you. The fishy, sulfury scent made you gag the first few times but now felt like a breath of fresh air. The vastness of the Northern Sea dwarfed you. It was never ending and deadly by the fishermen’s accounts and it would have to be your safe haven. You spot who you were looking for walking down the ramp to a bridge. Lower your hood and hasten your pace to reach them. “Riley” you half whisper half yell. He stops his stride and turns to face you “y/n?” You widen your eyes and put a finger on your lips and “shh!! Be discrete” he looks around and then asks “what are you doing here?” You look at his shoes so less people know you’re here “I need to get on the boat heading North, can you help me? It’s important” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other “the boat that’s going on the exploring expedition?” You nod. He’s uncomfortable. It is a lot to ask of someone you’ve only bought fish skeletons from, you suppose. But desperate times. “Please” you add a pleading undertone trying to persuade him. He sighs loudly and says “follow me”. He weaves through carts of fish and people carrying ropes and bags of provisions until reaching a shiny new boat called The Rare Beast. “This is it, here” he hands you a bag from an abandoned cart “pretend you are helping load and stay hidden until you are too far to turn around”. You pick up the heavy bag and give Riley a few coins for his help. He leaves with a tip of his hat. 
You walk through the ship and try to find a spot to hide. Down below there are a number of bedrooms. Each one has bags strewn on the floor, claiming them. You return to the main deck and decide that one of the lifeboats will have to do. Scan your surroundings and certify that the coast is clear, rip the cover back and throw in your alibi bag and then jump in, quickly putting the cover back on. Your heart is racing. But you remind yourself that you made it, you're getting away and in a few weeks Azriel will come to find you.
It’s been well over twelve hours.
The ship is in deep, dark open water. The night sky is crystal clear and through a small corner you manage to stare in awe. The Night Court truly came alive in the absence of the sun. Infinite stars glittered above and the New Moon allowed them to dominate the horizon. It had been hours of drifting in and out of sleep. Gusts of wind would rattle the boat and wake you up. Every sound had you on edge of getting caught. The longer you stayed undiscovered the more difficult it would be to return to the docks and kick you off. You did not want to consider the possibility of being thrown overboard. 
Daylight slipped through the cover of the little boat and onto your face. Almost groan but remember that stealth is key. You pull out something from your bag to munch on for breakfast. That day passed the same as the first. Drifting in and out of sleep and thinking about Azriel.
About how Rhysand was so careless towards his so-called brother. About how Rhysand did not look well.
You know you should not dwell on that fact. It was pointless now. 
The skies were clear until clouds began rolling in from the North. You heard commotion from the sailors. Batting down hatches and taking cover for what was to be the first of many storms. You groan audibly this time and stretch your limbs and crack your bones, thunder covering up any sounds you made. The last thing you want is to get wet and have to spend however long in soggy clothes. If you were still human you’d certainly contract pneumonia. So you practice your breathing techniques. This is as good of a time as any. Rain, thunder and lightning getting closer every second. You’d need to learn to manage your powers under uncomfortable circumstances. Breathe in. Breathe out. You hear the rain before you feel the first drops on your forehead. This is going to be hell. Breathe in. Breathe out. 
It was strange. The murmur had been there all along and you assumed that lightning was within you, remnants of being struck and turned at the same time. But in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by a storm you felt the energy within you replenish and overflow. It was a sensation akin to open floodgates or fuel to a fire. It overwhelmed you. You did not know what to do with the surge of pure, undiluted power bursting, wanting to explode. Your body a mere vessel. It wasn’t just the lightning. It was the rain, the thunder, the static, the wind. You couldn't see, eyes misty.  In that moment you are not in your body but in the clouds. You were every single drop of rain. Every bolt of lightning. You were the wind, the waves and the current.
All of it was you.
Breathe. You felt your vessel take a breath. If you let yourself go, you could very easily drift into the storm. Ebbing and flowing for all of eternity amongst the breeze. You could forget yourself, your world, your life, Rhysand, the portal, Koschei, all of your trauma if you stayed in this state. Nothing would tie you down. Nothing would chain or bind or capture you. You’d be as free as the wind, as explosive as lightning. Unpredictable like a tornado.
It would all be you. Yours. 
Life has been so scary in your body. A fragile thing. Meat and bones and endless ways to suffer. This was better than any high, than any dream you’d ever had. It was eternal. It was light, weightless. Immune to the laws of physics. Neither here nor there. You were at the bottom of the ocean and at the top of a mountain. You were everything in between. 
Azriel. A voice, your voice reminded you. Azriel needs help. Like the snap of an elastic you were back in your body. Eyes foggy. Breathe. Now the rain soaked through every layer of clothing. Breathe. You understand that you are the storm and the clear skies and the wind that controls it all. One more breath in. Breathe out through your mouth. Your breath becomes a feral gust, an impenetrable wall of wind that redirects the storm in the opposite direction. The stars appear again. Glittering as they have always been. 
You had been discovered 32 hours into the voyage as two sailors tried to find some privacy in the lifeboats for a romantic rendezvous. They immediately took you to the captain. A stern female sat on a desk across from you. You were trying to justify your action without giving away precious information. You showed her the food and water you had brought and argued that you haven't stolen anything. “I needed to leave Prythian for my safety” you try your best to evoke pity. As you were in no position to demand anything. “Please, I’ll earn my keep”. She doesn't budge. “You’ll be escorted off at the next port” your heart sinks “where is that?” She stopped looking at you, now focused on her maps.
Eris was in his bedroom. Sitting on his desk. This was the one he used for matters unrelated to his role as High Lord. These days he rarely uses it. But he received a letter from her. He had not expected to hear from her so soon. He did not expect her script to be so sloppy. She had terrible penmanship or was in a hurry when she wrote it.
 He wished she had not written at all. 
In one page she dismantled everything. 
She had told him to gather troops, evacuate the coastal and border villages. 
She had told him to prepare for war. 
She had told him that by the time he read the letter she would be gone. 
He read and reread it. 
Again and again. 
When he winnowed to the Manor of Exiles it was past midnight. He knocked on the door and nearly knocked it down before his brother opened it.  “What is it?” Eris did not have the patience for pleasantries “did you know that Koschei is planning an invasion?” 
“What are you talking about?”
“Koschei is planning an invasion, is Rhysand doing something about it?” 
His brother’s skin paled. His stillness an answer. “No, I don’t know anything about that”.
Eris curses loudly and shoves an envelope in Lucien’s hands.  He reads it and says “you have to burn this”.  Eris pinches the bridge of his nose “I’ll burn it now but Lucien, she’s gone. Rhysand abandoned his Spymaster. He knows a war is looming and he has not told any of the High Lords”. 
“It’s not good,” Lucien’s mechanical eye whirls. He’s thinking. He’s trying to contextualize the information. He had seen y/n three days ago. She was flighty but that was not unusual considering that she had been running around Velaris trying to gather ingredients for the apothecary. Azriel was away on a mission and she missed him. But she had not said anything about an invasion, about a war. And now she’s gone? The letter did not say where. She had specifically asked that they don’t look for her. With war preparations they wouldn’t be able to anyways. What was Rhysand thinking? Why did he send Azriel to the Continent if they already had the information? Why did y/n need to disappear? 
He snaps out of his thoughts as Eris lights the envelope and its contents in flames. 
Vallahan was in the Continent. The very Continent where Azriel was being held. He would hate if you risked your life for his… but what if this was a sign? Rhysand gave no indication that he cared to get him out and, from what you know, if Koschei got him it would be impossible for him to escape on his own. Vallahan… Mor was emissary there. She had been away most of the time visiting the Court there to persuade them to sign the peace treaty. If she was there now you could stand a chance. A real chance of getting him out. You couldn’t do much about the war… only hope that Eris did what Rhysand wouldn’t. 
But you would get Azriel out or go down trying. 
taglist: @luvmoo @leeknows-wife@nocasdatsgay@mybestfriendmademe
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yaeggravate · 3 months
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Unraveling Princess Fischl
So I recently finished studying Princess Fischl in a lab and the results I got were kinda crazy.
As a disclaimer, I do this just for fun. I like connecting dots and solving puzzles. But I'd rather you draw your own conclusions. In this post I will try to dissect the mysteries surrounding the Prinzessin. And you really can't talk about Fischl without including Kaeya. I've even got a surprise guest star for you.
WARNING: this post is VERY long, click on that Read More at your own risk, otherwise you'll be stuck scrolling forever.
For simplicity's sake Princess Fischl will be referred to as Fischl while playable Fischl will be demoted to F.
Most of this will use the books Legend of the Shattered Halberd and Flowers for Princess Fischl as a source. These books are authored by someone named Mr. Nine. The books are published by Yae Publishing House. So keep in mind there's a non-zero percent chance Mr. Nine is actually just a certain Nine-Tailed Fox.
F's alternate outfit is called Immernachtstraum. This is a reference to Shakespeare's play Midsummer Night's Dream. In German the play is called Ein Sommernachtstraum. So you can see the similarities (Immernachtstraum means Eternal Night's Dream.)
Kaeya is in part based on the Indian changeling prince from the same play. The character Oberon, the Fairy King, is the french derivative of Alberich. The play itself is basically about people getting into Shenanigans so absurd it might as well be a dream. Oberon and his wife Titania are actually key players in quite a bit of different media… But as much as I want to delve into that, this isn't a Kaeya post.
Just remember for now that Titania is the Fairy Queen.
In the book Flowers for Princess Fischl, there is a mention of a Sommernachtgarten. It is described as a Domain possessed by someone highly skilled in the magical arts. Sommernachtgarten seems to have existed in Teyvat. The domain Midsummer Courtyard, which has the Thundering Fury set, tells us the Sommernachtgarten was buried underground.
The domain is located in Starfell Valley. It's nearby Starfell Lake and Starsnatch Cliff. Starfell Lake is said to have been formed by a fallen star.
Fischl is also equated to a star that fell down. Notably, in F's birthday letters, and in Legend of the Shattered Halberd.
Birthday Letter: Day of Destiny… On the day of a sacred star's descent from the depths of the night sky into this realm, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have asked Oz to cross the ocean and bring, me exotic treasure.
LotSH Vol. 1 The story was that an iron meteorite had fallen from the sky five or six years ago, and convention dictated that as nature's treasure it belonged to the imperial family.
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Starsnatch Cliff is the only place where Cecilia flowers grow. These flowers have a triquetra shape, which is similar to Kaeya's passive talent Glacial Heart. Kaeya has been featured with these flowers in his birthday arts, and even invites the Traveler to go see the flowers with him.
Alice: With enough bombs placed in proper positions, even huge cliffs like Starsnatch would crumble into dust in a second. With flatter terrain, Mondstadt would surely look much nicer. But that unctuous Cavalry Captain rejected my proposal instantly. He even asked me to stay away from Starsnatch Cliff.
Furthermore, when Alice proposed to blow Starsnatch Cliff up, Kaeya denied her request and warned her to never go near there again… Starsnatch Cliff also overlooks the Nameless Island which is shrouded in mist and invisible on the map.
菲谢尔 = Fischer = Fischl
Fischl's name might be a reference to the Fisher King from Arthurian legends. One name of the Fisher King is Amfortas. In the game Anfortas is the name of the Knight Marshal of the Schwanenritter; he's thee Alberich who stepped up as Regent King when Irmin was indisposed.
Perhaps Fischl was the original "Fisher King" and the kings who came after her, like Irmin and Anfortas, fulfilled her role. …But this would imply Fischl was once the ruler of Khaenri'ah. That would be crazy, right? Right, guys?
When I was analyzing the 8-pointed star, I discovered these 8 points could actually correspond to the Guardians of the Eight Directions in Hinduism.
For some reason, ascension gem stones are named after Hindu gods (with the exception of Electro). This isn't the case in the original Chinese naming however.
Still, I tried to mix and match the gemstones to a direction.
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North: Kubera, The God of Fortune -> GEO
South: Yama, The God of Justice and Death -> ???
East: Indra, The Lord of Heaven and God of the Weather, Sky, Rain, and Storms -> ELECTRO
West: Varuna, God of the Seas, Oceans, and Rain -> HYDRO
Northeast: Ishana, God of Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Time -> DENDRO
Southeast: Agni, God of Fire -> PYRO
Northwest: Vayu, God of the Winds and Air -> ANEMO
Southwest: Nirṛta, God of Death, Sorrow, and Decay -> CRYO
Hydro (Varunada), Pyro (Agnidus) and Anemo (Vayuda) gems already have the same names as the Hindu gods so that was easy. The Electro gemstone Vajrada is named after a sword but it belongs to Indra, God of Weather, Rain and Storms.
That just left me with Cryo (Shivada), Geo (Prithiva) and Dendro (Nagadus). Ishana is the God of Birth, so I'll assign him Dendro. Kubera is the God of Fortune which is Geo because Mora.
Now Cryo is a bit puzzling, because it's named after Shiva, who in Java and Bali Hinduism is actually the direction in the center. Some crazy implications here for our buddy the Tsaritsa because Shiva is the God of Destruction within the Trimurti, a trinity of deities. The other two are Brahma, God of Creation and Vishnu, God of Preservation.
In Java Hinduism, Brahma and Vishnu would correspond to the directions Zenith (South) and Nadir (North). Whether this is hinting at something about the nature of the Tsaritsa is unclear. When you see Three Deities you think Moon Sisters, right? However, we can't rule out the possibility that Genshin decided to mix these deities up. Let's just spare ourselves the headache for now and forget about this. This is a Fischl analysis after all.
So instead, let's have a look at the Cryo gemstone's original name in Chinese. The stone is simply called Grieving Ice.
哀叙冰玉: Grieving Ice
Since Nirriti is the God of Sorrow, I decided to assign them Cryo. Now we are left with one deity, Yama: The God of Justice and Death. Well, it can't be Hydro, because we already assigned them to a God. So it has to be someone else.
Fischl's title is the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Which translates into Princess of Judgement. According to Legend of the Shattered Halberd and F's voicelines, Fischl's role was to act as a judge.
More About Fischl: I To condemn the guilty, to sanctify the just, and to draw all castaway dreams into the embrace of the infinite Immernachtreich. This is the birthright of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and her burden. None may gainsay it.
What's interesting is that Fischl uses magical arrows to shoot down the "enemies of fate".
About Us: Shooting Down the World Beast Should this world, like a beast prowling in the night, covet your dreams, then I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, shall fell it with my ensorcelled arrows of judgment!
Feelings About Ascension: Intro My magic arrow cries out my holy name as it streaks through the night, praying that the violet lightning of retribution shall strike the enemies of fate down from the skies!
On the 8-pointed star, there's an arrow pointing upwards. Kaeya, Clothar and Halfdan's stars on their outfits and even F herself have the arrow pointing downwards.
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The achievement you get when you find this door is called "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here". Which is a reference to the entrance to Hell in Dante's Inferno.
The Immernachtreich is described as a place where all things will eventually flow into. Immernachtreich literally translates into Eternal Night Realm…
Flowers for Princess Fischl: Phantasmagoria Every good, bright and noble thing must eventually fall to inexorable entropic destruction, and the final destination of the universe is the realm-in-waiting of the Prinzessin, Immernachtreich. This is the fate of all worlds, of the universe, and all who live in it.
In the Immernachtreich Apokalypse, Leon calls Fischl the Soteria.
Soteria means salvation, preservation. It's used as an epithet for Persephone and Hecate. Persephone was forcibly made Queen of the Underworld, and Hecate is also known as the Goddess of the Underworld and Witchcraft…
Look, I don't want to claim Fischl was the secret 8th Archon or anything, because lest we forget Khaenri'ah was a godless nation who would've been Fischl's enemies. But why then would Khaenri'ah have this giant star referencing the 8 deities as their emblem in the first place? Seems a bit counterintuitive. I don't have the answers for now, and perhaps the 8th "archon" was simply Irmin. Or maybe it's not even representing a god but an element or a direction.
Regarding Oz, he is a not so subtle reference to Odin/Irmin but is also a reference to the Wizard of Oz. In the first book, it was revealed this wizard was literally just some guy pretending to be powerful. Eventually Oz starts working as an advisor for the true ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma, who is the inspiration behind Fischl. We'll get back to that later.
This Oz's full name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. OZ is actually short for Oscar Zoroaster. Zoroaster is referenced in Flowers for Princess Fischl.
In a distant causality, if the philosopher Zarathustra was not chosen, then the opera writer would have gained victory in the contest over the will of the world.
This does make you wonder if Irmin really was the true ruler of Khaenri'ah and if he even existed the way we believe he did. Perhaps Fischl got Irminsnapped and now everyone believes Irmin was always the One-Eyed King.
Of course this is all my personal speculation and I could be way off here.
Wait, before we move on to next section, I want to point out something that always gets ignored:
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Kaeya and Mona, when they cast their bursts, summon the same 8-pointed star. This is unique to them alone. Could there be a connection between Khaenri'ah and witchcraft? Or is either Kaeya or Mona an outlier?
In the trailer Mage's Teaparty, there are eight witches shown. However, we only know the names of six witches, and there is a chair missing at the table.
There is a slideshow where the figures of the eight witches are shown, minus Andersdottir who is represented by the book The Boar Princess.
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Observe the witch on the broom and the little witch. The design of the little witch is similar to the design of a famous fictional character who got pulled into another world: Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz books.
Dorothy is illustrated as having twin tails and wearing a farm girl dress. Dorothy's character was influenced by the character Alice, from the Wonderland books.
Originally I assumed Alice Genshin might be based on book Alice. However, it's the Narzissenkreuz quest that's based on the Wonderland books and Mary-Ann who takes the role of Alice.
With that in mind, could Alice Genshin actually be more of a Dorothy inspired character instead?
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Now, Dorothy had a very good friend, called Princess Ozma. Ozma seems to be the inspiration behind Fischl.
So who is Ozma? I only have the Wiki to go on because I'm not about to read 40 books, but by the sound of it, Ozma is the current ruler of the realm of Oz. She is the daughter of a human king and a Fairy Queen. Her mother Lurline was the one who created Oz and turned it into a Fairy country.
Ozma took it one step further and separated Oz entirely from the outer realms making it invisible to outsiders. Everyone who enters Oz never ages.
If you're an F main I'm sure you know by now Fischl created another universe and founded paradise.
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Now I want you to take a look at the witches portrayed in these circles. There are two witches holding a sphere. In F's cutscene from the Summertime Odyssey event, she is also holding a sphere which contains the Immernachtreich which you can see in the header image of this post and below.
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You might think a glowing sphere represents a crystal ball to scry in, but that poses a problem since known prophet Barbeloth is probably represented by the witch holding a waterdrop, which is Hydromancy. So the glowing sphere might not necessarily mean a prophetess.
As for the identity of the other witch with the globe, I believe this could be Alice, since she was the one who created the domain/dreamscape of the Veluriyam Mirage. It could also be Rhinedottir who is creating something in a flask.
So Orb = Domain/Realm/Creation
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Furthermore F's specialty food is Die Heilige Sinfonie, which has a Magic Hexagram painted on top… (Die Heilige Sinfonie translates into The Holy Symphony.) As mentioned before, the Sommernachtgarten could only be created by someone with great magical powers…
Magic Circles is Ceremonial or Arcane Magic, and according to a note left by Master Ruggiero in Bravais' study, Arcane Arts originated from a pre-Remurian civilization.
So someone must have taught humans magic. Might sound obvious, but it begs the question of WHO?
To answer this question we need to dip our toes into Norse mythology. As you know, Odin is Irmin.
There was a war between two groups of gods: the Aesir and the Vanir.
Eventually they had enough and decided to exchange hostages as a peace offering. The goddess Freyja, originally part of the Vanir, joined the Aesir which would be Odin's group. As a sacrificial priestess, she was the one who taught the Aesir dark magic, which included seeing into the future. The implication here then is that Odin was taught black magic by Freyja.
This magic is known as seiðr. Seiðr is derived from *soi-to- which means rope/string. The distaff, a tool used for spinning wool, is associated with dark magic. There are images of women riding distaffs as a broom, similar to a witch riding a broomstick. To quote the Wiki: "In any case, the string relates to the "threads of fate", that the Nornir spin, measure, and cut. " Wait, that sounds familiar:
F, joining the party voice line: The threads of your fate lie in my hands!
Scholars suspect Freyja is the same person as Gullveig who was involved in the Aesir-Vanir war. Gullveig was attacked by the Aesir with spears; she died and was reborn three times. When Fischl tried to visit the Kingdom of Eternal Twilight she was also attacked by its people and "shed her blood on the sacred emblem" whatever that means. It was Oz who saved her, pledging his loyalty to her.
Freyja sometimes is conflated with another goddess named Frigg. There has been much debate whether or not these two goddesses stem from the same deity. Frigg is part of the Aesir and usually Odin's wife.
I mention this because in the book Hex and Hound, one of the characters is named after Frigg: Nottfrigga. This book is about two twin witches sharing the same body. In the book we find out that they were the daughters of a powerful witch, but witches are unable to keep more than one offspring of the same generation. This led to Nottfrigga's twin sister Magdalene eventually dying, and her using magic to sustain her sister inside a magic bracelet.
In Norse mythology, Nott is the personification of night. Nott's father is named Narfi. This really got my attention, because Fischl's full name is Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort. (Fischl of the Castle in the Sky Narfidort.)
In the Hexenzirkel teaser, every witch is represented by a teacup (or in the case of Andersdottir, an inkbottle) but the saucer next to Nicole's teacup is empty. Since this saucer belongs to the same teaset this could mean one of the missing witches is Nicole's twin sister or a relative.
So what could Fischl's role be in all this? Perhaps she's one of the twin sisters, or their mother. Perhaps she's even an ancestor. ...Or completely unrelated to them and I'm full of shit.
F's theme shares a leitmotief with the Fatui Harbingers theme.
F's theme: Sieh an, mein Sommernachtgarten! Signora's theme: Saltatio Favillae
Obviously this means Fischl is Capitano.
Composers don't do these things by accident. This is hinting at something. Either Fischl is connected to the Harbingers, was/is one of the Harbingers, or she is indeed the Tsaritsa.
Which is not as crazy as it sounds.
In Legend of the Shattered Halberd, Fischl possessed someone else's body. And if she is Freyja's equivalent, who died three times, then it's possible she could've been reborn as someone else. In the book, it was Mir who summoned Fischl into Weiyang's body and sacrificed his eye to appease her. Pierro is working for the Tsaritsa and has his right eye covered for reasons unknown. Having been a royal mage who would have had access to Khaenri'ah's restricted library, perhaps it was Pierro who summoned Fischl into the Tsaritsa's body.
The Tsaritsa is collecting the seven Gnoses, Fischl had to collect seven of the nine Ominous Swords to repair the Divine Halberd, which would be herself. She already had two of them in her possession… Could also be that the Tsaritsa is trying to revive her. This would imply Fischl is the Third Descender. Since she came from another world, this is not impossible.
The Fisher King, Fischl's possible namesake, was struck with a wound that could only be healed by a "pure fool" who would ask him the right question. ...Fatui is Latin for fools. If the Tsaritsa really is/is possessed by Fischl, then creating an organization of fools starts to make sense: the fools are her saviors.
This could also connect to the empty 10th seat within the Harbingers. The vacant spot could be a reference to the Siege Perilous, which was an empty seat reserved for the one successful in obtaining the Holy Grail by way of saving the Fisher King.
Usually this is accomplished by Percival, who later finds out his mother is the sister of the Fisher King. In the story, Percival keeps failing to return to the kingdom of the Holy Grail since it is an otherworldly place. Does that not remind you of Kaeya trying to find Khaenri'ah but failing halfway through?
Going back to Princess Ozma, an evil witch cast a spell on her that turned her into a little boy named Tippetarius. This was done to prevent Ozma from ascending to the throne. Tip was unaware of his true identity until he was transformed back into Ozma.
tippet /tĭp′ĭt/ noun A covering for the shoulders, as of fur, with long ends that hang in front.
As noted in The Marvelous Land of Oz, Chapter 23, Tip has brown colored skin.
…Kaeya, blink twice if you need help.
As a staunch hater of things that don't make sense, I highly doubt this means Kaeya is Fischl; the game would never go there. Perhaps being "Fischl" is simply hinting towards the fact that he will become one of the Fisher Kings.
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That would certainly explain this random hangout ending.
Now, here's where things get really crazy.
Remember Anfortas? The Knight Marshal of the Schwanenritter who took over as regent after Irmin became indisposed? At the time of writing, Anfortas's fate remains unknown.
As said before, Anfortas is the name of the Fisher King in Arthurian legends. Fischl's name might've been a nod to that.
But it gets weirder.
T.S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land combines Arthurian legends with the legend of the Fisher King. In it, he associates the Fisher King with the tarot card Three of Staves.
The Man with Three Staves (an authentic member of the Tarot pack) I associate, quite arbitrarily, with the Fisher King himself.
…We have seen this symbol somewhere before. On the constellation wheel of the Fatui Harbingers. By process of elimination this constellation belongs to Il Capitano.
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Kidding of course, but I doubt this is a coincidence. This doesn't necessarily mean they are the same person, maybe Capitano simply mindmelded with Anfortas. It's a fantasy game, everything is possible at this point.
Wait a minute… three nails, three deaths… Uhhh maybe Fischl really did turn into Capitano.
Alright, for this section I want us to keep in mind the following things:
Fischl is a fallen star
Fischl may have been a mage
Fischl could be connected to Irmin and thus Khaenri'ah
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The play of the Veluriyam Mirage is written by Zosimos. This play stars Kaeya as a Thief, Klee as a Mage and Idyia as a last minute heroine added to the story.
You see, Zosimos originally wanted to write a story based on rumors he'd heard about a thief and a mage. This means the play might not be entirely fictional. The problem is that Zosimos combined Idyia's backstory with the story of the Thief and the Mage, making it hard to tell which bits belong to Thief's story.
We know at least that Alice was the mage who helped Idyia. But what about the Mage who helped the Thief? Who was she? Could it have been Alice or someone else?
For that we need to consider the character Kaeya was playing. It's unknown who he is, but if Klee was playing her mom then it stands to reason Kaeya must've been playing someone connected to him. Before you get excited, this does not necessarily mean someone related to him by blood. Could also just be someone from Khaenri'ah. Heck, we don't even know the gender of the mage, for all we know they could've been a man.
Now, the soundtrack that plays during Kaeya's part is called Towers of Afrasiab. This name has come up before. In the play of Kaeya's hangout, the character he plays opposite of is called Frasiyav. The location of the Khaenri'ahn door is called Hangeh Afrasiyab.
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I personally suspect Afrasiyab is either Irmin or the founder of Khaenri'ah.
Afrasiyab is a character from the Persian epic, the Shahnameh. Afrasiyab lived in an underground iron palace held up by hundreds of columns. (If you look at the architecture in Hangeh Afrasiyab, you'll see little reliefs of men holding up a ceiling above them.) Afrasiyab lacked the divine royal glory known as Khvarena and was obsessed with obtaining it. In the play they say Frasiyav lost because he lacked the blessing of god…
I mean it can't get any more obvious than that. So this could mean the dude from Kaeya's hangout was Irmin. Which does raise a bunch of questions, such as who is the identity of the Prince in this play? And why were they at war?
Should be noted in the hangout's play, Frasiyav offered hostages as a peace offering. Kind of reminds me of the war between the Aesir and Vanir… Also, Kaeya's character Prince Qubad is based on Siyavash who eventually married into Afrasiyab's family…
Towers of Afrasiyab then could refer to Khaenri'ah. In the Veluriyam play, the Thief is also from a dark realm. I hesitate making the assumption that this guy is Irmin or Kaeya's pirate grandpa so I will refer to him as simply the Thief.
In the play, the Thief witnesses a shooting star falling from the sky and follows it. However, what he finds is not a star but a young woman. Well, we know Fischl was also a star that fell down. And we know Fischl visited the Kingdom of Eternal Twilight and got bodied for her efforts. Oz took her under his wings and saved her life.
If the Thief encountered the Mage this way it would explain why the Mage helped him as a way to repay him. Perhaps the Mage taught him Arcane arts or helped him protect the "Dark Realm", who knows?
If this Mage really was Fischl and the Thief someone connected or related to Kaeya it would explain why Fischl and Kaeya seem to be connected.
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About Kaeya F: His nature is obscure, his fate a mystery, and his speech a vexing tapestry woven of both fact and fiction… Perhaps he and I share the burden of mystical sight…
About Fischl  Kaeya: Hmm? You think Fischl having one eye covered is very fitting given her title of Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Hahaha, if that's the case, that must also make me a descendant of some kind of former royal lineage, no?
Furthermore, in Legend of the Shattered Halberd, Fischl's partner in crime, the man who summoned her, is named Mir. This is a reference to Mimir, the severed head from Norse mythology who acted as an advisor to Odin.
Mr. Nine states Fischl was attracted to Mir… and that Oz was more of a familiar of Fischl.
In Wagner's opera Der Ring des Nibelungen, Mimir is known as Mime, the brother of Alberich.
Well, I have to say, even after all of that, I am completely stumped. If anyone knows what's going on, let me know, because I for one would love to know WHAT'S GOING ON FOR ONCE. GIVE IT UP FOR KNOWING WHAT'S GOING ON
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cloaksandcapes · 2 months
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A very powerful item, but at the level you should be getting this, enemies will have more than enough ways to come back to thank you for the impromptu vacation!
Bow of Banishment
Weapon (bow), legendary (requires attunement)
“This legendary bow was created using various materials gathered from around the inner and outer planes. Infernal iron from the Hells, magical pearls from Elysium, a Kraken’s tooth, plumes of an Ember Roc, the breath of a cloud serpent, and flawless gems from the Plane of Earth. ”
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Planar Banishment. When you deal damage to a creature with this magic weapon, you can choose to attempt to banish it to another plane. You can roll 1d6 to determine the plane at random or choose between Elysium, the Nine Hells, or the Plane of Fire, Water, Air, or Earth. If you choose a plane at random, the target takes an additional 2d6 damage each time they fail their saving throw. At the end of the target's next turn, it must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, they resist the banishment. If the target fails the saving throw five times, they are banished. The banishment effect ends if you are reduced to 0 hit points, or you can choose to end it as a free action. Once you use this property you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
1d6 - Realm - Damage Type
1 - Elysium - Radiant
2 - Nine Hells - Necrotic
3 - Plane of Fire - Fire
4 - Plane of Water - Cold
5 - Plane of Air - Thunder
6 - Plane of Earth - Force Join us on Twitch every Mon\Wed\Fri to create new Homebrews and check out our Patreon for 482+ magic items, tokens, maps, and more.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Tempting Touch (18+)
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Loki are on a family vacation in Norway, together with Thor and Jane, sharing a cosy, little hut. Alcohol gets involved, causing you to become much more bold and loosening up your boundaries. The problem? The walls are very thin and Ella sleeps right next to the bed...
Warnings: this is veeeery spicy and suggestive - like... really! (Light) smut alert!
Minors DNI. This story is rated 18+!
Word Count: 1,3k
a/n: Well... Here comes the Loki 'smut'! This oneshot ended up really hot guys, ngl... 👀 I have absolutely no idea how this happened... 👀 Had the feeling I should put an 18+ warning on it... That happens not often... 👀 Enjoy!
Tagging: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @simping-for-marvel @lovingchoices14 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @vanilla-daydreaming
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"Darling, what are you doing?" Loki asked with his deep, scratchy voice; still laced with sleep. The rough touch of your fingertips had managed to wake him up, as your hand was mapping out his bare upper body; nails scratching over his sensitive skin. It wasn't enough to hurt him, but certainly enough to leave red marks behind.
Normally, Loki loved when you literally jumped him like a starved wolf pounced a sheep, but not this time. Not tonight. Not in the situation you both were in... On a family vacation with Thor, Jane and the two little girls, in Norway, living together in a small, cosy hut. Not when his brother and sister-in-law were sleeping in the next room; only separated by thin walls. Or with your three-year-old daughter sleeping straight beside the bed.
The god blinked his eyes open. The snug, small room was still dipped in complete darkness; yet Loki could make out the full moon, which hung high in the Norwegian sky from his spot in the bed, telling him that it must be very late. His attention got immediately redirected to the sudden touch of your hand, skimming his bulging abdominals now. He quickly lowered his gaze, looking straight into your face. "Finally..." You literally purred, biting your lip. Loki blinked. What in all the nine realms was going on here? He asked himself. Was this... a dream? You were laying on your stomach, bathing in the moonlight. Your legs were high in the air, criss-crossed; swaying gently back and forth. With one elbow propped up on the bed, you steadied your head. That wouldn't have been an abnormal thing or position - if you weren't laying in between his spread legs! Loki swallowed hard, only noticing now that the duvet, which was once wrapped around his body was nowhere to be seen anymore. "Darling... What are you doing?" He asked again. You smiled seductively, tugging at the waistband of his black trunks. "What do you think I'm doing?" You asked in a hushed tone, tickling the inside of his right muscular, thick thigh with your fingertips, sending a jolt through his body. Heat crawled up within him, shooting straight to the place between his legs.
And suddenly it dawned on him; realisation hitting him like a Hulk smash. His sleep clouded brain finally caught up; indicating that your moves were anything but innocent.
Not that Loki didn't like to indulge in secret and forbidden... adventures, but this? This was supposed to be a 'family bonding trip'... Not a repeating of yours and his honeymoon... Alright. Admittedly, he would've liked that very much, but- "Uhhh..." Loki hissed quietly, as your touch ripped him once again out of his thoughts. This time though, your hand slipped inside his trunks; cool palm meeting piping hot skin. "D-Darling, s-stop, please," Loki whined silently, fighting against his own lust. "Why, baby?" Your quiet, oh so innocent voice urged to his ears. "B-Because we are not alone, a-and our daughter is sleeping right beside u-us." A soft giggle slipped past your lips. "So? Jane and Thor are sleeping in the next room and Ella is out like a light - just like Eisa." You whispered, smirking up at him. "As long as you stay quiet and keep your pretty mouth shut..." Loki's blue eyes widened at your rather bold suggestion. Usually, you were the responsible-minded and kept him grounded in situations like that. What by the Norns caused you to be this bold? Acting so... reckless and taking such a big ri- Oh... It fell like scales from his eyes. Perhaps the original Norwegian Aquavit was a tad bit too strong for you, resulting in you, getting quite tipsy. You sometimes behaved like that when you had consumed a certain amount of alcohol. Loki guessed tonight was such a night... Shit. He swallowed hard, trying desperately to keep his cool.
"I-I know, darling, but no," Loki started, placing his hand on top of yours (The one which was still buried inside his pants.) to keep you from going further. "You told me the day we went to the airport, that I am not allowed to seduce you on this trip and - I quote 'Keep those big, strong, magical hands off you', and now you're trying to seduce me? That's not quite fair." A pout crawled immediately up your face. "But Looookes... Baby... I know you want this, too..." You started, seemingly ignoring all his words completely. Though, your pout quickly turned back into that cheeky smirk within seconds. "I can feel it." You stated, waggling your eyebrows. His eyes travelled quickly from your face, to his crotch and back to you. Oh hel, Loki cursed internally, feeling his upcoming issue as well, of course. "I do. There's no way in denying it, but we can't, love. We simply can't. I'm trying to be the responsible-minded. We both know we shouldn't do th- Ohhh…" Loki's words faded into a low moan as you quickly shook off his hand, which had loosened its grip on top of yours and began to move your hand within his black trunks, increasing his arousal even more. Exactly the thing Loki wanted to prevent - and failed. "Y-Y/N, l-love, please..." He desperately tried to stop you again, but felt as well how you slowly but surely teared down his resistance. Why does it have to feel so good? You giggled once again; loving it when he was begging you – whenever to stop or to continue. "See? You just... need to give in, baby." The god shook his head; the still rational thinking part of his brain trying desperately to hold on, before his own neediness was going to swallow it whole. He hadn't had you in almost two weeks now... "N-No, darling, I shouldn't, I..." His words died in his throat for the third time, muscly chest heaving and abdominals clenching with every shaky breath he took, as he watched you seductively pull off the last item of clothing which provided him from being entirely nude - with your teeth. How in all the nine realms was he able to resist you? This?
Seconds later he laid to your feet in all his naked glory, completely at your mercy and ready for you to take all your pleasure from him. His brain visibly needed a moment to catch up; too overwhelmed by your sudden movements. Your mind may have been a bit fogged up by the alcohol, but you still had the control over your actions. So, you used Loki's moment of surprise, and decided to tempt him even further and send him on a sweet, erotic pathway without a chance to turn back. Your lips curved into another smirk, as you dipped your head and licked a stripe from the base of his manhood, up to his navel, feeling the fine silk hairs of his happy trail tickling your tongue. Loki responded with a breathy moan; "Y-Y/N..." muscles spasm underneath your sinful touch. You almost had him - and you knew it.
The god wanted to start a last, desperate attempt to stop you, but as soon as your oversized sleep shirt hit the bedroom floor, alongside your panties, he was a lost cause; trapped in the spell you put on him. You smiled a small, victorious smile, before you bit your lip and started to climb slowly on top of your husband.
The rational thinking voice inside Loki's head died down; drowned in pure lust. A frown adorned his face, air leaving his mouth, causing his cheeks to puff while his eyes watched you lowering yourself down on him. Your face contorted in sheer pleasure, as your hips met his. Loki's mouth formed the perfect 'o'; hands shooting up to grip your waist firmly and probably leaving a bruise, frantically keeping you locked to him. Coming home… It felt like coming home…
Words were unable to leave Loki's lips. He had lost his voice already a long time ago. Everything his vocal cords were able to produce were muffled, silent cries and moans, while you slowly and silently catapulted him into the deepest abysses of pleasure.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Long Live The King
Pairing: Jotun Loki x Asgardian F!reader
Warnings: assassination attempt, not much this time, mild fight near end...
Summary: you are an assassin sent by Odin to kill the King of Jotunhiem, nothing could have prepared your for what happened......
Part one-
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You sat in your chamber sharpening your dagger when a knock came at your door. "Come." You called out continuing your work. "Lady y/n, the king requests your presence." You heard, looking up seeing an Einherjar standing attention in your doorway. "What does he require?" You asked sheathing your dagger. "He requires your presence." He said again making you roll your eyes "very well, lead the way." You said getting up. Following him down the abandoned halls you came upon the large golden doors of the throne room. "Lady y/n to see the king." He said to the other guards as they opened the door.
You walked in seeing Odin sat on the throne gripping gungnir. "My king." You said placing your fist on your chest going down on one knee. "Lady y/n, glad you could join me." He bellowed through the room. "If I may be so bold, what is it you require of me?" You asked bowing your head. You heard him bang the spear on the floor "leave us." He called out, looking around you saw all the guards filter out. "Y/n, what do you know of the frost giants?" Odin asked making his way down the steps. "That they are cruel, evil beats, monsters your highness that the realms would be better off without." You gritted "very good, I have a task for you." Odin said. You looked up at him furrowing your eyebrows "come, I will show you." He said turning on his heel, his cloak billowing behind him.
"Why not send Thor? Does he not posess mjolnir?" You asked looking at him. "He is too brash, I need someone trained in stealth to sneak in under cover of dark and end him while he sleeps." Odin said "and that's me?" You asked raising an eyebrow "yes y/n, I have seen you train. You are quiet, agile. I believe you best suited for the task." He said. "Very well my king." You said placing your fist on your chest. "Very good, pack only what you can carry, speak of this to no one and meet me at the bifrost within the hour." He said "yes my king." You said bowing leaving the room. You went to your chambers layering your clothing, grabbing your thickest cloak with fur trimming fastening it to your shoulders you grabbed your daggers strapping the holsters to your thighs, slipping another into your boot you grabbed your gloves heading towards the bifrost.
You followed him into a small room behind the throne, walking in you saw a desk heaped with papers and maps. "Y/n, I do not give you this task lightly, but I trust you can handle it." Odin said rounding the desk "and what task is that?" You asked "the King of Jotunhiem has been attacking our allies on Vanahiem and Alfhiem, cutting off trading to the realms." He said shifting through some of the papers. "And there are talks amongst the people that they will try here next. Here, in case you are discovered." He said handing you a scroll. "Their king is ruthless, blood thirsty. He will not stop until he rules the nine realms." He said.
You walked in seeing Odin and Heimdall "my king... gatekeeper." You said bowing. "Y/n, we will have to send you by other means, the bifrost will alert too many." Odin said talking to Heimdall. "Here, take this." He said holding out a small bottle "if something happens and you cannot return you will freeze to death in Jotunhiem's frozen wasteland, This will make it more....bearable." He said as you nodded slipping it into your pocket. "Good luck y/n, may the God's favor you." Odin said "my king." You said bowing. You felt Odin place a hand on your head reciting some sort of spell, closing your eyes your body felt light as his words began to fade to the back of your mind. You felt a cold wind hit you face, opening your eyes seeing the barren landscape of Jotunhiem.
The cold wind blew through you as you squinted in the dark. You pulled your cloak tighter around you, shielding you from the snow while you looked around trying to get your bearings. You looked into the distance seeing Utgard shooting up to the sky "there you are." You said to yourself smiling beginning to walk towards the large structure thinking of a plan. The further you walked the worse the storm became, forcing you to take shelter in a near by cave until it broke. You huddled into a corner pulling your cloak up when you heard footsteps at the mouth of the cave. You got to your feet pulling your dagger out ready for a fight "h..Hello? Is anyone here?" You heard making you freeze. "Please..i...I n...need help!" They called out. You slowly stood looking around the rock seeing a man hunched over rubbing his arms.
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"P..please....I don't know where I am!" He called out again. You sheathed your dagger slowly walking out "who are you?" You called out getting the man's attention. "My name is Magnus, who are you?" The man asked. You walked closer taking him in, his long black hair was stiff from the cold, his lithe frame only covered by a green tunic and black leather pants "how did you get here....Magnus?" You asked circling the man "I don't know! One minute I'm walking down the street the next I'm here." He said sitting down leaning against the rock wall. "And how have you not froze to death?" You asked watching him. "I..I j...just got here." He said, his teeth chattering. "Where are you from?" You asked keeping your distance. "I...I'm f..from V..vanahiem." be stuttered pulling his knees up to his chest.
You unclasped your cloak walking over to him draping it over his shoulders. "W..where are y..you from?" He asked looking up at you, his bright green eyes catching your attention "Asgard." You said plainly stepping away from him. "S..so you c..can call t..the bifrost?" He asked pulling the cloak around him. "Yes. But I have to do something first, stay here, remain hidden." You said walking to the mouth of the cave. "W..wait...don't l..leave me." He said getting up. "W..what if t..those monsters show u..up." he said looking at you. You sighed "fine, come on but stay out of my way." You said walking out.
You jogged to the capital, hoping that if you kept your blood pumping you wouldn't freeze, ducking behind a large block of ice you looked at the gates. "W..where is e..eveyone?" You heard Magnus ask next to you. "I don't know, just..stay here I will return shortly." You said pulling a dagger from your holster. "B..but..." he started "I said stay here!" You growled glaring at him as he sunk back down. You crouched down slowly making your way to the gates, noticing the only sound was the wind howling. Your gut was screaming something was off but you would not fail the king. Steadying yourself you continued, crouching down in front of the gated seeing them slightly opened. You looked back seeing magnus's black hair blowing in the wind waving for him to get down you slipped through the gate.
You stayed to the shadows, slowly looking for where the kings chambers may be when you came upon two large ornately decorated doors. "Well, this is probably it." You whispered to yourself. grasping the handle you slowly pushed it open slipping inside. You ducked behind a chair looking around, other then the fire the room was dark, the wall was lined with bookshelves, a desk sat in the corner with papers strewn across it. Seeing another set of doors across the room you slowly made your way to it, gripping your dagger you slowly pushed it open seeing a large four poster bed as someone shifted under the furs. You crouched down, slowly making your way to the side of the bed, standing up you held your dagger up ready to pounce.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You heard making you freeze. Looking over you saw Magnus leaning on the doorframe admiring his nails. "What are you doing you idiot, I said wait for me." You whisper yelled. You watched as he unclasped your cloak tossing it aside "you aesir....so naive." He laughed stepping into the room. "Wha.." you trailed off, seeing his skin begin to turn blue, his red eyes boring into you. You stepped back looking at the now empty bed "h..how did..." you stuttered hearing him laugh. "A simple illusion, although I don't expect your tiny brain could comprehend it." He snarked walking closer.
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @holdmytesseract @el-zef @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @123forgottherest @lovebyloki @javagirl328 @loopsisloops @high-functioning-lokipath @immersed-in-mischief @chantsdemarins @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @midnights-ramblings @slpnbty2001 @angelaf1978 @sinsandguilt @usagishira @xorpsbane @lokifriggadottir365 @your-taste-on-my-lips @asgardianprincess1050 @cakesandtom @agentandreastark @sekaishell @dukes2581 @aniar4wniak @spork-fighter @stupidthoughtsinwriting @d1a2n389 @hypergamer7744 @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lokiprompts @daggers-and-mischief @kats72 @mochie85 @commanding-officer @lokis-coffee221 @huntress-artemiss @limiworld @lulubelle814 @idfkgabby @glitterylokislut @highkeysimpingforloki @myworldgoesboomz @lonadane @budugu @cloud-of-daisies @all-envy-suyu
You gripped your dagger "so, who are you really then?" You gritted watching him slink closer "oh, where are my manners, i am Loki Laufeyson King of Jotunhiem." He said smiling holding his arms out. Taking in his height he was much taller then you but much smaller then a frost giant. "I did not know the jotuns had a runt leading them?" You snarked. "You will take care how you speak to me asgardian." He growled "well, we won't be speaking long." You said lunging at him but he was much quicker, grabbing your arm he flipped you over his shoulder, your back hitting the floor hard. Gasping for air he straddled your hips, his knees pinning your arms down as he smiled down at you. "Oh, I disagree, we have much to discuss, but that can wait." He smiled placing his hand on your forehead he said something you didn't understand as you were pulled into darkness......
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razangy · 6 months
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Astrid joined Hiccup in his explorations and helped him complete the map.
Tom helps Jun with the research of the Nine Realms and the translation of the book of dragons.
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Astrid and Tom had no love for reading or drawing, but spending time with "certain" people and their love of dragons and discoveries made them both enjoy doing that.
I love the facets that these couples acquire after knowing each other years ago and starting to date.
Tom and Jun are still young but I think they can easily pick up skills from each other 💞
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jadethest0ne · 1 year
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The Nine Realms and the Guardians
Here is a rough approximation of the layout of the yokai realm in TMNT: Once Human (featuring my terrible handwriting and map-making skills!)
The Nine Realms is made up of nine main areas, each headed by a "Guardian". Most Guardian yokai are named for their species - so for example there are many kappa, but only one Guardian Kappa (with a capital "K"). But some have their own names and titles. Guardians are very powerful, functionally immortal yokai; but their position and power can be passed down and transferred (willfully) to another individual, who will then take up said Guardian's role and name. The next Guardian inherits the past Guardian's powers and some of their memories. Their main job is to protect their given realm, and maintain peace within their own realm and between other realms. In times of need, they may come together in a council, held in Realm 1.
The main mode of transport between the realms is train and portal, but there are roads and walking paths for other forms of transportation.
Many of these locations and characters may not be featured in the story itself, and some are just fun easter eggs from either past TMNT incarnations, or from Japanese folklore; but they exist just in case I decide I want to do something with them, haha!
Hope you enjoy this little look into the TMNT: Once Human world!
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assortedvillainvault · 3 months
could you do a Hades and a trans male f/o with ocd and how he would help them/react to things? Only of you are comfy with it!
Hey there! Thanks for the ask and apologies for the snail trail it's taken to get these out.
I tried my best with these - I don't suffer from OCD/am not trans so if there's any inaccuracies please let me know!!
Hades x Trans+OCD!Reader Headcannons
Babe he has dealt, and will deal with, every single soul who has ever lived. Which is over 5 billion or so by now. This ain’t his first trans rodeo, just let him know and you’re good.
As a god he’s kinda beyond the whole 'gender' concept anyway, he just double checks his pronouns and moves on, busy guy whole realm to run and all that. But if someone disrespects you? You?? His S/O?? BOOM straight to Tartarus – he’s got your back babe just say the word.
While he might not be familiar with OCD through personal experience, or know the term, he’s not exactly unobservant.
If you’re particular about keeping your hands clean -and yeesh he can relate the soul stuff goop sticks – he just asks that you please please please don’t use the river water for washing. The Underworld's nine rivers ALL cause magic bullshit on contact, from accelerated ageing to memory loss, and neither of you need the stress ok. He can provide perfectly normal sterilised water on hand just ask the servants that’s what they're for.
You like everything just so, huh? Like down to the right angle and the minute? While he’s also gonna bring up practical issues of micromanaging (lack of time, fate, rampant minion idiocy and his family’s mere existence), he relates because he also runs a tight ship and hates his systems being disrupted – something simple being thrown off whack is a red flame rage trigger. You can be each-others chill pills. Hopefully.
If he spots you counting- shit babe want a job? There are reams of records in his office that need an organised eye and if you feel the need then who is he to stop you honestly. He’ll even pay you. Please help him.
Its almost soothing, in a used salesman board meeting type way, how he can talk you through the worst of the paranoia. Like. Ok, so what’s the worst that could happen babe? You could die? You are dating the Lord of The Dead. You’ve visited the underworld so often you’ve basically mapped the place! You know exactly what happens once ye old mortal coil is shuffled off! Who else can say that, huh? Course he’s gonna resurrect you, Olympus isn't exactly gonna notice.
And if you’re worried that through some kind of colossal, fates dammed fuckup, you’ll somehow harm him or the underworld? Babe. Sweetheart. Is your name Zeus? Or Hercules?? No?? You’re not knocking down walls or attempting to yoink a soul back upstairs? No?? You’re good. The place ain’t exactly made of tissue paper and neither is he.
Now c’mere, ok? He needs some snuggles and so you you. Lap time.
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