#young professor membrane
memdearltrash · 2 years
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Doodles of the Human AU
Over the span of a few months
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jellyfishfieldss · 1 month
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Awkward car ride
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delhe-dalim · 1 year
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He's afraid that his science project (attempt #3263) explodes 💀
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myimaginationplain · 20 days
imagine: professor utonium mentoring dexter vs professor membrane mentoring mandark
#dexter & mandark are the only two kids in their district to qualify for some young scholar program & arr bussed off to take classes from#their assigned mentor once or twice a week.#dexter is at odds with himself about it at first. on one hand he's glad that his intelligence is finally being appreciated & nurtured in#some official capacity. let alone by a mind as lauded as the creator of the powerpuff girls. but on the other hand he would prefer to just#move on up to taking college courses entirely rather than have to go through this half measure. & he also gets a little disillusioned with#utonium when he realizes 1) that pretty much everything utonium is famous for was invented by accident including the ppg#& 2) outside of the ppg utonium hasn't achieved much more than dexter himself already has#meanwhile mandark practically kisses the ground that membrane walks on because he's so glad someone in his life recognize's his potential#& membrane sort of sees mandark as the son he wishes dib could be. he's never very open or affectionate about it though because y'know.#it's membrane#he never talks about his kids & sees them so rarely that mandark didn't even realize he had children of his own until like 3½ months into it#whereas utonium cannot shut up about his girls. nor would dexter want him to since they seem to be the most interesting thing about the man#utonium realizes pretty quickly that dexter doesn't need academic guidance so much as he needs social interaction with 1) people who won't#bully or belittle him for being who he is & 2) children his own age. so he starts subtlety encouraging his daughters to meet & befriend him.#I imagine that they come to visit him during his office hours regularly anyways so this happens pretty naturally.#also I think that even though utonium & membrane would definitely respect one another & collaborate well in a professional sense they don't#really mesh personality wise. utonium finds membrane to be far too cold & callous.#membrane thinks that utonium is basically a baby man who doesn't hold himself the way an accomplished man of science should.#ppg#powerpuff girls#the powerpuff girls#dexter's laboratory#dexter's lab#invader zim#headcanon#au#professor utonium#professor membrane#dexter mcpherson#(why is that his fanon last name again? where did that come from)
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queewp · 2 years
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hehe, have some sneak peeks of smth I’m making- and will hopefully finish grhdfsknj
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inbarfink · 4 months
So the Japanese Dubs for Invader Zim the Show and Enter the Florpus (or perhaps I should say ‘Florpus Keikaku’*) are actually pretty consistent. Even if they couldn’t get every VA for a side-character back, they at least got the same VAs for the Main Four (and it’s not necessarily a bad thing that some VAs did get switched, ETF!Japanese!Membrane is much better than Show!Japanese! Membran tbh). There’s a few tiny inconsistencies but I think most of them can be explained with them either only using a few episodes as reference rather than the whole show or maybe relying on the VAs memories from all these years ago?
For example, in the Japanese dub of the show, GIR usually refers to Zim as ‘Boss’ both in Regular and Duty mode. This quirk of his was retained in ETF for Normal Mode, but in Duty mode he used ‘sir’ instead. The use of 'Boss' as the consistent specific term for how GIR addresses Zim tells me they were probably trying to be consistent with the show’s original dub, but like... maybe Wasabi Mizuta didn't remember what GIR used to say in Duty Mode, or they didn't rewatch any episode where GIR is in Duty Mode for a significant amount of dialogue time.
And both the show and the movie refer to the Tallest both as just ‘Tallest’ transliterated, or as 司令官 (shireikan, literally ‘commanders’). But the show heavily favors “shireikan” and the movie heavily favors ‘Tallest’ - to the point the discrepancy is noticeable. 
And in the show, Gaz and Dib generally address Professor Membrane as as とおさん (tō-san) - but in the movie they use パパ (papa) instead. Which isn’t technically an inconsistency between the movie and the show because there are a few episodes where they do use ‘papa’ as well, it’s just not as common in the grand scheme of the show. So maybe they just had those episodes where 'Papa' is used.... or since ‘papa’ is a lot cuter and more affectionate, that might’ve been a deliberate choice to go with ETF’s shift in the characterization of the Membranes.
So really, most 'inconsistencies' are not real inconsistencies at the end of the day and... actually, I can say....
That the most major actual change between the dub of Invader Zim the Show and ‘Enter the Florpus’ is that in the show, the Robo-Parents refer to Zim as ぼうや (‘bōya’, an affectionate but not necessarily familial term for a young boy). 
But in ETF, they call him ‘Zim-chan’.
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(*translator’s note: keikaku means plan)
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shadowphoenixrider · 19 days
Skin Deep (2/2)
(Continuation to this. I hope you like dialogue because, erm, there's a lot of it here! Also forgive me for my first attempt are writing...most of the X-Men here! I'm doing my best! Medical descriptions continue, but with less blood this time.)
"So, Hank, tell us what you've discovered of our new friend's mutant powers." Professor Xavier said, gesturing for the doctor to speak.
"Shadow's power are utterly fascinating!" Beast replied excitedly, glancing briefly to the young woman sitting on the medical cot, before addressing the others that had gathered in equal curiosity; Wolverine and Rogue stood either side of the professor, whilst Gambit leaned up against the wall, shuffling his cards to keep his hands busy.
"She has the gift of cellular communication and manipulation; not to the extent of being able to shapeshift, but it seems she is able to perform manipulations on the micro-level to command cells to move, divide and perform all their specialised functions as they have evolved to do. Indeed, she is so in tune with them, she can process information from them as if they were her own; sometimes even more efficiently than normal."
"How so?" Xavier asked, steepling his fingers.
"Cells in our bodies communicate by the use of biochemical signalling." It was Shadow who spoke this time. "With the exception of nerve cells, which use the changes in their membrane potential - a form of electrical charge - to transmit electrical signals, usually by the use of voltage gated ion channels."
"Fucking hell, now there's two of them." Wolverine groaned, and Gambit had to suppress a smirk.
"I can control these signals myself, but I also seem to be able to...streamline them? I can make things happen much more quickly than what a human or mutant's body could do alone." Shadow nodded to Gambit. "A pneumothorax-"
"A pneumo-what?" Rogue frowned. "English please, sugah."
"Pneumothorax - 'air in chest'." Shadow explained. "It's when air becomes trapped in the pleural sac that wraps around the lungs to keep them lubricated, and avoid friction from rubbing against the ribs as they inflate and deflate. Usually those of the size I found in Gambit's require a drain, but I managed to eliminate it just by speeding the process of the reabsorption of air into the surrounding tissues."
"Not only that, but the wound you repaired." Beast gestured. "Gambit, if you'd be so kind to show the rest of us your right palm."
Gambit tugged his glove off, opening his hand up to the others as they leaned over.
"There's nothing there, sugah." Rogue raised an eyebrow. "Sure you're not jokin' with us?"
"Non, there definitely were something here, mon amie." Gambit said. "Made a mistake wit one of my cards durin' de scuffle, cut my hand open pretty bad. Couldn't move my fingers dat well after. Like they be caught on something."
"It was a deep laceration with an injury to a palmar digital vein and a seventy-five percent division of the extensor tendons." Shadow added. "A repair that would have certainly required surgery and several months of hand therapy to heal properly."
Wolverine uttered a low whistle. Gambit found himself flexing his fingers. No wonder she was so intent on healing me. That fils de putain nearly disabled me for months!
"And yet there's not a mark to be seen." Xavier commented, rubbing his chin. "How does it feel, Gambit?"
"Like before it were hurt." He replied, spinning a card expertly through his fingers to demonstrate. "Wouldn't have believed it myself if Gambit didn't see it happen wit his own eyes." He looked to Shadow, offering her a smile. She returned it with a shy one of her own, ducking her head.
"I've told you how the scene looked when Wolverine and I got there, Professor." Heads turned to see Cyclops walking into the medbay. "Yet Gambit was completely fine. Shadow's power seems to be like Wolverine's healing on tap."
"Glad you could join us, Cyclops." Xavier smiled. Gambit noticed movement out of the corner of his eye; Shadow had tilted her head in the very same motion she had when they'd first met. "Yes, I remember your description of the scene. It is very fortunate Gambit crossed paths with someone with such gifts."
"Petite?" The Cajun asked, shifting attention once again. Shadow's blue eyes flicked back and forth a moment, thinking.
"You've got a cut, Cyclops," she said. "I think it's...your left hand?"
Everyone's gaze swung back to said mutant, who looked taken aback.
"I...I do. I got a papercut a couple of minutes ago. How did you-"
"Ya hearin' something," Gambit's eyes fixed on Shadow, realization dawning, "aren't you?"
She blushed, looking away and scratching at the back of her neck.
"Yeah." Her gaze returned, although now she was looking at her feet dangling off the edge of the cot, her hand playing with her hair. "It's...a part of my power. When hurt or damaged, cells release a chemical signal to call for assistance. For some reason, I can hear it. The stronger the sound, the more the person is hurt."
"Extraordinary!" Beast breathed.
"Lotta people hurt in lotta differn' ways. Bein' able to hear all that, all the time? That sounds a pretty noisy life, sugah." Rogue said gently.
"Yes and no." Shadow admitted. "It seems to be just for recent traumatic injuries than anything chronic like cancer. But..." She wrapped her arms around herself. "You're right. I've had to learn to tune it out sometimes. Especially in crowded places, but also..." Her fingers curled into her hoodie. "People get weird sometimes when you offer to help. You know?"
No-one had to say anything, or even nod to understand. Even the mutants who could pass knew the tightrope you had to walk, not to hint or suggest you were something else, an 'other'. Regardless of the comfort in your own skin, the danger remained in the back of your head.
"I am sorry your gifts have brought you sorrow." Xavier spoke kindly.
"Thank you, but I'm one of the lucky ones." Shadow replied, smiling sadly. "It's easy enough to hide, and it doesn't give me too many problems."
"Now hold on a second." Wolverine spoke up. "If it's easy to hide, why'd you get attacked in the first place?"
"The sound I hear when someone's in pain is like tinnitus - a ringing tone." Shadow explained. "But I heard a completely different noise, like the signal was going in and out." She sighed, running a hand through her curly hair. "I got curious, followed it to the source, which was the guy with a gun welded to his arm." A wry smile. "I asked if he was doing ok, and he took offence. You know the rest."
"The cybernetics were extremely crude." Beast mused, scratching his chin. "You were likely hearing his body under stress, reacting to the foreign matter forcibly bonded to it."
"Den you were in the wrong place at the wrong time." Gambit shook his head, twirling a card over his fingers. "Lucky I were dere, petite."
"Yes." Cyclops folded his arms. "Though it sounds like he would have attacked anyone, mutant or otherwise. He just got 'lucky'."
"That's not exactly comforting, Slim." Was Wolverine's gruff response.
"At least this escalation appears restricted to a single person." Xavier spoke calmly. "A dangerous extremist that we managed to stop before he could cause any damage."
"Gambit beg to differ." The Cajun grumbled.
"What've you gotta worry 'bout?" Rogue grinned at him, thumping him on the shoulder almost hard enough to knock him to the side. "She fixed you right up!"
"Dat don't mean it didn't hurt de whole time!" He retorted, shooting her a look. She just replied with a raised eyebrow, amused. "'Sides, dat fight be harder den Gambit expecting." He frowned, looking back to the professor. "If dey start figurin' out how to wire dose blasters up, we're gon' be in a lotta trouble."
"Indeed." Xavier nodded. "However, we are getting off subject." He turned back to Shadow and Beast. "You clearly have some control over your powers, but I am curious of the limits of your potential. I presume you've never used them in anger?"
"No." Shadow shook her head. Gambit raised an eyebrow, watching her carefully.
Lying...? He wondered.
"I can't manipulate cells beyond one or two in a pteri dish without having direct skin-to-skin contact with them, and it takes a while to establish the connection with another's body." Shadow continued. "And that's not easy to do when they are other things going on - people throwing hands at you tends to disrupt your concentration."
The Cajun's dark gaze flicked to Xavier, wondering if he sensed the same thing he had. The Professor may have the clarity of a telepath, but Gambit had read more than enough people to sense something was off. His gut told him there was something she wasn't telling them. But what, he had no idea.
"I get the impression that our friend has learned to control her mutation, yet little more." Beast suggested. "Do you practice your powers at all, Shadow?"
"On myself, yeah. I use them when no-one's looking, to heal bumps and scrapes." She folded her arms. "Hard to practice on others though, without revealing myself."
"I can imagine it's not an easy thing to ask someone." Cyclops said. Gambit traced the edge of the card he was holding, recalling the strange feeling of someone under his skin.
"No. Nor easy to explain." Shadow sighed, her hands fidgeting with her sleeves. "I was lucky I had an understanding partner for a while, who let me practice on him."
Gambit saw Rogue cross her arms from the corner of his eye, sadness flashing across her face for a moment.
"What happened to him?" She asked softly. Shadow's shoulders slumped.
"Things fell apart. He loved me for who I was...but he wanted that part of me to stay a neat party trick, something to put on the shelf that only the two of us could use as an asset." She scowled. "There were other problems, that of two high school sweethearts growing up and away from one another, but it was my powers that broke us in the end. Because they can be safely ignored, he wanted me to just put them aside and concentrate on marrying, settling down and having babies together. As if my powers aren't a part of me like my eyes or lungs or hair!"
Her lips curled into a furious snarl, eyes flashing with boiling resentment.
"I have a power that doctors could only dream of having, something that could help, and instead he just...wanted me to forget about it, pretend to be normal!" The anger soon broke however, and a thickness entered her voice. "I'll never be normal. And after everything we'd both been through, I thought he'd understand that better than anyone."
Shadow chuckled bitterly.
"Not that it really matters now, though. Even if they'd let me practice as a mutant, I never could pass the tests needed to qualify as a proper clinician." She glanced up at Beast, who offered her a sympathetic smile. "Had to go for a lab tech job instead. I figured maybe my ability could still help with diagnostics if I was careful and could back my reports up with evidence. Tilt the needle more in the patient's favour, you know?"
"I sense a 'but' coming." Cyclops said what Gambit was thinking. Shadow blew a sigh out of her nose.
"Everything was fine for a while. Then, I'm three days into my annual leave and I get a call saying they're tacking three months of administrative leave onto the end of it." She ran a hand through her hair. "One of the techs got his thumb up his ass about me 'potentially' being a mutant. Overheard me talking to myself and thought it was good grounds to start shit."
"I presume this had nothing to do with your ability, since you can communicate with cells silently." Beast spoke, a claw tapping his chin in thought.
"No, nothing to do with my power. Sometimes I just talk to myself to help me think through a problem. Or just inanimate objects in general. It's just a thing I've always done since I was a child, nothing to do with being a mutant." She lifted a shoulder. "Maybe something I said in my ramblings could have been suspicious? But at the same time, how do you prove that I'm actually speaking to something to communicate, over just plain eccentricity?"
"People like those see mutants in every corner." Wolverine grunted. "Woulda only been a matter of time."
"Yeah, I guess so." Shadow agreed, briefly pulling her lips into a thin line. "So, yeah. Signed off work 'cos of some asshole, and now I potentially have a hate group gunning for me too." She rested her elbows on her knees, her forehead on her knuckles. "Deep joy."
"You have my deepest sympathies, Miss Shadow." Beast spoke, resting a massive hand delicately onto her shoulder. "But, if we may return to the subject of your current power and limitations?" She looked back up, nodding. "Thank you. I have reason to believe that whilst you have a good grasp on your powers right now, their greater depths are as of yet untapped. You should be able to refine them in multiple ways; offensively, defensively and as a general utility, both for yourself and others."
"I figured as much myself." Shadow said. "I've been able to exceed my body's normal limits temporarily by some subtle manipulations, but it's difficult to maintain due to the damage it causes. Such as lifting the control limts on my muscles - I could use them to their full potential to lift a car, but it requires focus first to lift the limits and keep them off, and then to endure and heal the damage suffered from such an act."
"That could improve with time and training." Beast replied. "As you well know, you wouldn't be able to heal as you do without practice, or be able to tune the sounds of hurt from others out."
"I am curious as to your current limitations of your healing." Xavier spoke, and Gambit felt the telepath's gaze on him. "You said you can only use it with skin-to-skin contact?"
"Yeah." She nodded. "I need it to be able to commune with another person's cells and form the connection into their body. It's like I have to move my consciousness into the person, and that's what takes the time. Of course, if the injury is in just one area, like the arm, it's quicker for me to connect with that area than it is to fully 'move' into another's body."
Gambit paused his card shuffling, interest piqued fully.
"Interesting. From what Gambit told me of what happens, it seems as if your body enters a trance - still alive and functioning, but your mind elsewhere."
"Yeah. I kinda...'lose' connection with my own body temporarily, especially if I fully 'move' into another's. But it's more a case that I don't notice what my body's feeling - not that I've actually moved inside the person."
"So if your body was to be hurt or the connection broken..." Beast mused.
"I'd be ripped back into myself." Shadow said, winding one of the drawstrings of her hoodie around her finger. "Had it happen a couple of times by accident, and it's always unpleasant. It takes me a couple of seconds to adapt to a person's body when I enter and then readapt to my own when I return - you can imagine that a jarring re-entry doesn't exactly make me feel very good."
"No, it doesn't." Xavier agreed. Gambit lifted an eyebrow. Getting forced out of someone's head must feel the same way for the Professor and Jean.
"What's it like, bein' under someone's skin?" It was Rogue who spoke this time.
"Loud." Shadow chuckled. "Bodies are a riot of noise, both from cells talking to one another to just the general sounds like the heart beating, breathing, all that." Her eyes became far away, flicking back and forth in thought. "It...is hard to explain. It's like I become someone else, but I'm not them. I'm...I'm like a house guest. I can listen to their music, move their furniture around and stuff like that, but it's not my house."
"Sounds 'bout right." Gambit chimed in. "Feels like dere someone under your skin wit you."
"Brrr," Rogue shivered. "Don't like the sound of that, sugah."
"Yeah, it a weird feelin' at first. But after a while you get used to it. It don't hurt, it just...uncomfortable. Least to begin with."
"That's pretty much how my ex described it." Shadow nodded. "Uncomfortable and weird, but not painful. I can understand why people wouldn't enjoy the experience, nor the thought of having someone with near free reign over the most precious thing to them."
"Near free reign?" Xavier asked, his brows furrowing. "You don't have full control?"
"No." Shadow shook her head. "Like I said, I'm a guest. I've not yet been forcibly evicted by someone on purpose, but they still have full control of their body whilst I'm inside them. Anything I do, the person could fight back against me."
"Did dat when Gambit felt his fingers move without him." The Cajun added. "Her grip strong, but not complete."
"With enough strength and contrary directions, a person can overpower me." Shadow said. "I mean, all it would take is for someone to sock me in the jaw and I'm flung straight out." She turned her head slightly, looking thoughtful. "I also...have rules."
"Rules?" Gambit's eyes narrowed slightly.
"Technically I have control over every cell in the body. That includes brain cells." A sudden tension tightened the air. "I don't think you need me to tell you what that means, even over the fact I can already technically puppeteer a person if I wanted to." Shadow slowly raised her gaze to the others, meeting their eyes and holding them firmly.
"I don't know what I can do in that regard, I don't want to know, and I never will know." She spoke firmly, with conviction. "It is my one unwritten master rule I follow above all others - I will never touch or interfere with another's cognition or will or anything to do with the brain. Partially because it is wrong, and partially because I'm shit scared about how badly I could fuck someone up if I make a mistake. Help someone suffering a stroke, sure - that's just a blood vessels, I know how they work. But I will never, never touch the brain tissue itself."
Gambit considered her, impressed both with the heated force behind her words, and the fact she'd shown her hand in this way. It would have been easy to lie by omission, and yet here she was, highlighting how much trust he'd laid into her hands. He'd essentially given himself to her like a patient gave themselves to a surgeon, and like that surgeon, she'd repaid his trust only by taking care of him. No more, no less.
"An admirable code to live by." Beast said softly. "Your own Hippocratic Oath."
"I try to follow that too." Shadow said. "'Do no harm'."
The doctor gave her a wry smile.
"The Hippocratic Oath is a little more lengthy than that, but the colloquial version will be more than enough for your needs, I think."
"Words don't give me much comfort, sweetheart." Wolverine growled. "We just have to trust that you won't mess with our heads?"
"You wouldn't need Shadow's help anyway." Gambit countered. "You heal jus' fine on ya own."
"That may be Cajun, but what about the others who need her help? What about you?"
"She looked after me well enough."
"You don't have to trust me." Shadow retorted, pulling herself up to her full height. "Like I said, I wouldn't be able to heal you anyway if the contact wasn't fully consensual. Besides," she gestured broadly. "the fuck am I gonna do? I'm useless unless my hands are on someone's skin! I don't even know how to fight! I have nothing to gain except a grave."
"We are getting ahead of ourselves." Xavier spoke with steely firmness, fixing Wolverine with a glare. "You are assuming that Shadow will even stay with us."
Wolverine grunted, folding his arms but offering no further objection.
"But Professor, that is your preference, isn't it?" Cyclops piped up. "For Shadow to stay whilst we investigate the Friends of Humanity member that attacked her?"
"It is my recommendation, yes." Xavier agreed, turning to the young woman. "If you stay, you can train and refine your powers, and perhaps learn some techniques to help keep yourself safe when you leave us in the future. This will not be a permanent placement, unless you wish it to be." His ice blue eyes shot another glare at Wolverine. "Regardless of current opinion."
"Still don't like it." Said mutant grumbled.
"Why is her powers differen' to what the Professor an' Jean can do?" Rogue asked, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow. "They could do much worse, but we're fine with them! Ah, no offence, Professor."
"None taken, Rogue."
Wolverine growled in frustration, scowling.
"Fine. But if she stays, I'm keeping an eye on her."
"That's fair." Shadow nodded. "So long as you'll at least grant me that chance for a scrap with you if I do screw up, and you don't just off me whilst I'm sleeping."
"Thought you said you couldn't fight?"
"I can't." She smiled, holding her hands out. "I just prefer to be stabbed in the front, not the back."
Despite himself, a smile tugged on the corner of Wolverine's mouth, and also on Gambit's.
"Does that mean you've made a decision, Shadow?" Xavier asked.
"Yeah." She nodded. "I'll stay for a little while. Least 'til the heat dies down from those guys, and my job lets me back in."
"A fair agreement." Xavier smiled slightly. "There are some spare dorms for you to stay in, and we can help make arrangements to move some of your personal belongings here, if you wish."
"I'll go and sort that, Professor." Cyclops spoke, taking his leave.
"I'll let the others know we got a new guest." Rogue added, offering a smile to Shadow. "Welcome to the family, sugah."
"Now, to more prudent matters," Xavier began, "whilst you are our guest here, you will be expected to pick up your side of the tasks here, as well as train. This is a school, not a hotel."
"Wasn't expecting a free hand-out." Shadow replied, looking to Beast. "I'm happy to help as best I can, and I'll try to keep out from under your feet otherwise."
"I am certainly grateful for another pair of hands." The doctor grinned at her.
"Good." Xavier said, becoming thoughtful. "Did you say you were expecting to be on leave for three months?"
"Round about, yeah. I have one week of annual leave, then the admin leave starts." Shadow snorted. "Least I should be grateful they let me keep the holiday..."
"Alright. Then we will make the necessary arrangements to accommodate you." Xavier turned. "Please come with me, Shadow. We'll sort out the details in my office."
The young woman nodded, hopping off the medical cot to follow closely behind. Gambit watched her go, sharing a quick smile with her before his gaze became a little more intent than he expected; whilst Shadow's hoodie was baggy and hid much of her form, her jeans absolutely did not. He found his gaze wandering down her back to her hips and legs, lingering to watch her thighs flex under the denim-
Wolverine elbowed him in the ribs.
"Put your tongue back in your mouth, Cajun." He grunted, a smirk playing on his gruff features. "She's not on the menu."
"Gambit can appreciate fine art without havin' to touch it, mon ami." He retorted, glaring. "'Sides, thought ya didn't like her."
"Hmph. Maybe she's not a threat. But still gonna keep an eye on her, just in case." Gambit folded his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Don't give me that look. You shouldn't be getting ideas either way; she'll be gone after those three months, anyway."
It turned out that Shadow would stay for much, much longer than that...
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ms-scarletwings · 5 months
I read one of your answers to a post where you mentioned that Skoodge is the ugly duckling who is being done dirty (I couldn't agree more). But what about Dib? Where does he stand? Is he one too?
Dib is literally just a post-March 15th Denzel Crocker that’s still a child.
He’s the larval form of this.
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(Or, you could say this is his final Pokémon evolution)
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And don’t tell me the warning signs aren’t already cracking through
That may paint a very tragic trajectory for Dib if he or his environment doesn’t fundamentally change in some way, but that was exactly what Denzel’s story was. This “creep” was the result of a genuine intellectual who fell deeper and deeper into a fixation towards a great secret that simply vexed his every attempt to possess and reveal. He’s a series antagonist whose days are spent like a frustrated cat twitching and chattering at birds beyond glass, made all the worse and more obsessive because of the actions (past and present) of the protagonist. The relationship between young Crocker and his mother is damn mirrored in lock step with that gaping, validation-shaped hole Dib is trying so hard to fill by proving something to Professor Membrane.
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It’s an observation so ready to be talked about I’m far from the first person to even say so. I literally plucked these insights alone up just from the comment sections of the various videos I had to skim through for the Crocker screenshots.
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Freaking seriously. Hats off to these accounts for saving me the time writing it myself.
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invadertem · 8 months
Status: Alive
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Personal Information:
- Gender/Sex: Male
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Age: 24
- Sexuality: Gay
- Hair: Black hair in a cowlick style
- Height: 6'2"
- Eyes: Brown eyes with flecks of amber and gold
- Eyewear: Glasses (farsighted)
- Complexion: Decently tan from 'hunting' activities but can appear pale in certain circumstances
- Race: White/Mexican
- Agility: Agile from years of 'cryptid' hunting
- Intelligence: Very smart, possessing an above-average human IQ
- Tech Proficiency: Extensive computer and tech knowledge
- Unexplained Ability: Can somehow control Model-1
- Profession: Young professor
Fun Facts:
- Clumsiness: Notably very clumsy.
- Unique Bond: Shares an unusual mutual protection bond with Zim.
Information is HIGHLY subject to change, not much information has been collected due to interference.
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Professor membrane smut pls
I beg
No topic needed
You kept kissing him, pulling him into your studio apartment.He was so inexperienced it wasn't even funny. The funny fact was he even asked you to have sex with him and guide him because apparently, he's never had sex. The one and only Professor membrane was a virgin. Surprising, right? The question that was floating in the back of your mind was, "You have children. How could you be a virgin?" But it didn't matter, right now.
Pushing Membrane down on your cheap squeaky mattress, you manage to take your shirt off, revealing an old used bra that was lacey. You could feel him staring through his dark goggles. Ogling at your breasts.
You put your hands on his head, getting ready to take his goggles off. But he stops you.
"The goggles stay on." He says strictly.
"Oh~ the big famous scientist scared of me seeing his eyes?" You teased.
"You could say that..." Membrane answered reluctantly.
You ignored him and moved down to his crotch and began rubbing his erection.
You pulled his white signature lab coat aside and saw he was wearing blue "SCIENCE!" Boxers. You smirked at him. And he was turning red.
You heard a faint voice above you say.
"They were on sale...."
You put your hand down his underwear and through the bushy black pubic hairs and grabbed his cock. His girthy veiny cock.
You pulled it out, inspecting it.
It wasn't that big but it was bigger than average. Though you had to give him that it was wide and girthy. Veiny and hard standing for your eyes to see. Heavy hairy balls hanged below him.
It caught him off guard when you grabbed a hold of his member and began rubbing the top of his cock. The tip spurting beads of pre-cum. Rubbing them all over his member to create a heavenly feeling for his dick.
"You ready the famous professor membrane?" You asked, smirking widly up at him.
He looked down at you with his mouth open slightly in awe. He nodded slowly.
Then you looked down and began to suck on his tip. Making him jerk in his spot. And whimper. Is this what it felt like to get head? It felt amazing. He should have done this sooner and not have paid you to do this. He felt guilty. But he didn't want to die a virgin. But he didn't want to have actually sex the first time. He just wanted to feel headed for the first night. So, he found you. A young girl who was in her early 20s and had tons of experience with sexual stuff. She worked at one of the cheap stupid bars as a bartender. He found her when he was passing by in a car and saw her walking from the bar to her home. He felt something in his heart sparkling at seeing you. He just needed you to do it. Take his virginity away from him.
So now here he was sweating and shaking as you take him whole and swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock.
When he finally came. It was thick and a lot. Salty and white as eggnog. He was gripping your head so hard. And it loosened when he finally came down from his high and pulled his cock out of your mouth and watch you swallow his big load. Also made him feel something deep in his heart.
Maybe after this you could actually take his virginity away and maybe be something more than just a fuck buddy.....
But, we will have to wait and see.
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blazing--comet · 7 months
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BASICALLY in February I came up with this concept for another au ,, NOT MY MAIN AU and it's not connected to my main one either , other than the concept of Units (which if anybody is ever curious about here I'd LOVE to chat about it) BUT MOSTLY FOR FUNSIES !!! decided to actually pick up this au and work on it for a fun sillyyy cause I've been thinking about all the concepts and ideas for it the past many months ‼️‼️
ITS CALLED , disguised AU , for now at least... IF I COME UP WITH A BETTER TITLE (I probably will but I suck balls at naming things) ILL UPDATE UT BUT YEAHHH
SUMMARY : In the past 100 plus years , Earth and the human species gained incredible technology and advancement due to alien contact , but with that , the planet was tied into the many years war of Irkens vs . Vortians and the Meekrob . The were NOT on the side of the Irkens , and didn't play a huge role in the war until Professor Membrane , an unexpected hero came along . There was no information where he came from , but his help in the war was gladly welcome .
As the Irkens were beginning to lose the war , very slowly , they turned to desperate measures , committing atrocities and such , and eventually came up with the idea to INFILTRATE the three species they were fighting . There were several Irkens sent to each planet , with no other instructions other than to " Gain information and report back to the Empire on it ." Zim and Tak were the two Irkens assigned to "invade" the Membrane Labs , which was one of the most important aspects of the invasion . They each had different ways and plans to find more information , but reported to the Tallest their findings equally .
Zim had decided to be an Intern at the Labs for a bit , and was eventually hired . He is soon assigned to work in the "Design Department" , specifically to work on weapons and spacecrafts . In his work , he meets Dib Membrane , the son of Professor Membrane , a young adult(they're *both* like 18-19ish in this AU) with the same interests and ideas of him , and his key to succeeding in his mission . Zim pretends to "befriend" Dib at first , and ends up genuinely becoming close friends with him , and has some realizations about the Empire and some things about himself . Eventually , Dib stumbles across Zim out of disguise , which comes across as a betrayal to Dib because he believed Zim was all along just using him for information , and ends up ignoring and avoiding him for a while before Zim confronts him .
After the two work through the problem and communicate about it (this doesn't go without a lot of tension and angst though , I will say that) , Zim decides he really does need to leave the Empire .
I also wanted to quick clarify that Dib didn't know Zim was an Irken beforehand because of his disguise . Hence the name of the AU . It's not a shitty ass one like he has in the show , it's very similar to the one TAK had in "Tak; the hideous new girl" . It's a hologram in a way , but it works even better than the disguise that she had , since the technology in disguises would have been needed to be EXTRA advanced for the Irkens infiltrating the planets . Example of his disguise is in the last drawing !!! Dib was also sort of suspecting it , not that he was exactly IRKEN , but that he was some sort of alien species , but he could never be sure because of how good the disguise was .
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stardust-selfships · 2 years
Welcome to my SELF SHIPPING blog!
I'm mod 🏁 and I write imagines and self shipping stuff! Please read this entire post to know what's up, and what I can and cannot do!
This blog is space, arcade, and nostalgia themed!
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DNI / Don'ts:
Pretty basic, the normal DNI criteria
No pr*shipping please
Do not ask for ships of two characters from the same source, this blog is for self shipping/self inserts only!
No NSFT, I am still a minor (17)! This may update in the future if I feel comfortable doing it
Please ask if I write for a character that isn't on the list, do not assume I will write for them
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Imagines, small write ups/fan fictions, x readers
AFAB/AMAB readers (Please specify!)
All body types, nationalities, disabilities, etc. Everyone is welcome here!
Slightly suggestive imagines (NOT NSFT, just slight suggestive content)
Interracial/species ships (mobian x human, etc) (you guys are super valid!!!)
Poly ships involving more than one character
Sexuality/gender headcanons
Hurt/comfort, horror, romantic, any love trope (enemies to lovers, etc)
Vent/heavy topic write-ups (like SH comfort head canons and things like that)
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Sonic the hedgehog
Sonic the hedgehog (all versions!) (This includes movie sonic and ugly sonic as well! Love those guys)
Shadow the hedgehog
Silver the hedgehog
Amy rose
Dr. Eggman (movie, boomverse, games canon)
Scourge (anti sonic or scourge)
Knuckles the echidna
Boom!tails (no NSFT)
Miles "tails" prower (platonic only)
Fleetway super sonic
Toy story
Sheriff Woody pride
Buzz Lightyear (toy version only, sorry!)
Andy Davis (teen/adult only)
Child's play
Chucky/Charles Lee ray (human, doll, or Nica!Chucky)
Tiffany Valentine (human or doll)
Glen/da (doll only, and platonic only!)
Andy Barclay (adult only)
Steven Universe
Steven Universe (teen/young adult Steven ONLY)
Spinel (reset or normal)
Pearl (pink, CG pearl)
Pink diamond
White diamond
Rose quartz
Rainbow quartz (1.0/2.0)
Lapis lazuli
Invader ZIM
Invader ZIM
Dib membrane
Professor membrane
(TAK is a huge maybe, idk if I'll write for her or not)
Super mario
Super "jump man" Mario (main games version)
Bowser (main games version)
My little pony
Pinkie pie
Twilight sparkle
King sombra
Queen chrysalis
Trixie lulamoon
Sunset shimmer
Starlight glimmer
Rainbow dash
Sonic.exe (2011)
Lord X
Tails doll (platonic)
Needlem0use VHS
Sarah Henderson (human, spirit, or sonic body)
Luther artwright (human (young adult or adult), spirit, or tails body)
Friday night funkin' and alike fandoms
Lemon monster
Selever (no NSFT)
Skid and pump (spacefatcat's adult versions, the kid versions are platonic ONLY!)
Roy (from spooky month, no NSFT)
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I will probably add more to the list but yeah!
Have fun!
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abhartach · 2 years
Some of my head canons/ opinions
1. Zim has a good grasp on earth fashion-
It makes sense to me that for his first few years on earth he would completely disregard any style conventions and rules. His disguises look wack. But fashion on the surface can be broken down into rules that I think he would find easy to follow ie. Matching body types to necklines, sleeve lengths, finding complimentary colors for skin tones, eye colors, ect. I can definitely see Zim and Gaz clothes shopping together. Dib is hopeless
2. Dib is trans-
This seems to be fairly common in a lot of fics I’ve found. I can’t remember where I first saw it but when I think of him I unconsciously think of him as trans. I’m going to do a gender/ sexuality headcannon post later for all the characters I’ll be using on the regular where I’ll go a little more in depth.
3. The Membrane siblings don’t have a mother-
Going to put it in the previously mentioned gender/sexuality headcannon post but Professor Membrane is Aro/Ace. He definitely made those babies in a test tube with half his own DNA and half randomized DNA that he made himself in a lab and screened for any potential diseases and genetic conditions to make sure Dib and Gaz were as healthy as possible. The only reason Dib needs glasses is because the Professor does and that was just the luck of the draw wether he inherited it or not. Both kids were told when they were quite young
4. Zim gets tall-
I love the idea of Dib growing to be like 6”2’ and Zim staying short and only reaching his knees. I love to see fanart where the height difference is just ridiculous. But I also love the idea of Zim being tall. It’s a direct result from being on earth and it’s strange and difficult for him. It has its upsides and it’s downsides but it’s something unique, even more unique than a defective pak
5. Zim is defective-
Not really a headcannon. He cannot function in the way an irken soldier is meant to function and is therefore defective. This usually seems to be a given in most fics I’ve read but enough have said it outright as if the reader wouldn’t know that I’ve decided to include it in this list. I’ll add that being defective is the only reason he can feel affection for Dib. The pak acts like a second brain and the way I see it the pak is half the irken and the body/ organic brain makes up the other half. Neither are complete without the other, they are one fused being. But the pak controls emotional regulation. Zim has always felt his emotions a little stronger than normal for an irken because he is defective.
Feel free to ask any questions/ clarifications. I’ll do my best to answer them and I will probably be back with more of these
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whatareuevensaying · 1 year
38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father?
In my personal opinion, Membrane is a neglectful father. You puts work above his kids and has one day out of you year, if even that, to spend with his kids. Even when he does have time he doesn't make enough of an effort for it to be meaningful. As well as setting his kids interests aside to push science on them. Membrane didn't even recognize dib, and brushed him of as a young fan when dib was trying to get him to sign something. So I see Membrane as relatively cold and uncaring.
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abyssalaus · 1 year
Danganronpa Talentswap: CiDR Edition!
I am a big fan of ThatCheesyBastard’s Cartoons in Danganronoa series. Despite only being on the first case, it brims with personality, love and a great understanding of the shows it uses and of Danganronpa in general. So I thought, why not throw into my insane talentswap thing? Though I am gonna throw in one interesting caveat: by the nature of swapping their talents, they effectively change the whole show, frequently having the artstyle of the duo they swapped with. There are the obvious exceptions: The IZ characters keep their artstyle because Membrane would murder me if I tried and the three solo chars swap their artstyles instead(going Jenny with Star’s, Morty’s with Jenny’s & Star’s with Morty’s) Anyway here we goooo! Mason “Dipper” Pines, Ultimate Fiend Maker & Mabel Pines, Ultimate Motivator Show: How to Make F”r”iends: During their summer vacation to Gravity Falls, the Pines Twins discover a book called How to Make Fiends, that teaches them how to make beings called Fiends. They plan to use them to have the best goshdarn summer in a backwater town ever! Dib Membrane, Ultimate Magician, Gaz Membrane, Ultimate Assistant & Z.I.M, Ultimate Fighting Machine. Show: Membrane the Magnificent. Dib Membrane’s father, Professor Membrane is truly one of the world’s greatest scientists. Dib however merely seeks his father’s approval and to become a great stage magician to which he...disapproves to put it mildly. So with the (often times forced) help of his sister and the robot his dad built to keep them safe, he will show the world how magnificent his magic is! Morty Smith, Ultimate Extraterrestrial Scientist Show: Distance is Relatives. Morty’s seemingly dead grandfather Rick has come back into his family’s life to teach Morty how to become a scientist! However, Rick is a sussy imposter, an alien from the planet C-137(short for Cloner 137) who is seeking to make Earth into C-138 and is only teaching Morty so he can build what’s needed to do that! Jenny Wakeman, Ultimate Paranormal Investigator Show: Old Haunts. Jenny Wakeman decides to make her own future and with the help of her mother creating special ghost hunting equipment(really just a way to enact her own plans for her daughter’s future, being a superhero), hunts down ghosts in her area. It’s...a little difficult considering it seems a lot of people like pretending to be ghosts for one reasons or another. “Star Butterfly”, Ultimate Gamer Show: Vs Mode! Star Butterfly is a relatively famous video gamer and influencer. What she doesn’t know is the people she plays against online on her TV are actually magical spirits and other such dimensional bru-haha! But hey makes good content whenever her on again, off again boyfriend and camera operator Marco Diaz can bother to help! Eddy, Ultimate Team Leader & Ed, Ultimate Animal Whisperer Show: Do Good-ed. One day a young scientific prodigy named Sarah was lonely and wanted little brothers to tease and dote on. So she made some with snips, snails and puppy dog tails...only to unwittingly mix in some Chemical X, causing her three siblings to come out...a little odd and with superpowers! Maybe she shouldn’t have rushed to give them names, since all she had was Ed... Bertha Utonium, Ultimate Jew & Beatrice Utonium, Ultimate Snack Enthuatist Show: Whoopass Show. In the city of Townsville(who named this town) lives the triplets Bertha, Beatrice and Betty alongside their father, who is a middle aged physicist of some renown...quite frankly he spoils the three and you can tell. But eh life is weird in Townsville from the demon that no one can tell if he’s gay or just flamboyant as hell, talking monkeys and that bitch Princess Morbucks, it’s one hell of a time! Vendetta, Ultimate Scam Artist & Charlotte, Ultimate Muscle Show: Making Much Moolah. In the dreary town of Clamburg, three girls make their own fun by causing chaos and scamming the general populace. Charlotte, despite being dimmer than a broken lightbulb, is insanely strong for a girl her age. Marian, despite being very shy(and putting up with these two, who can blame her) is surprisingly intelligent and a master of getting out of dodge and Vendetta runs every shebang to get enough money for three bottles of grape soda! Eric Cartman, Ultimate Detective & Kyle Broflovski, Ultimate Sweater Designer Show: Quiet Little Mountain Town. The town of South Park, cold and quiet holds many a mystery...and it seems like the only one capable of finding and solving them is racist fat bastard Eric Cartman and his friends, Stan Marsh the new kid, Kyle Broflovski his frequent bullying victim and Kenny, an enigma in and of himself.
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andyfire122 · 8 months
Fictober23 day 8: "Give me that, before anything happens."
(Fandom: Invader Zim. Ask blog au with bad end Ves)
“Give me that, before anything happens.”
Ves just deadpanned at the older membranes. They understood what happened when the Pak on Gaz finally woke up. Well, when she woke up and saved them from an Irken voot. It still felt odd for either of them in this body.
Deal with it. My grandparents want to talk to you. I want to go back to sleep.
Grandma Membrane just waved it off. "It's just a pile of your stuff dear. May not be your body anymore but it's your things."
“You're very quick to accept this...predicament..” Ves...or what was the part that was still Zes just crossed their arms. It’s still an assessment to see what was up with this body when she was in her Pak coma.
I still don’t get why that was even a thing. We were both dying. Hey, I was the only one doing the dying. You straight-up died. Depends on the definition.
The older membrane just smiled and gave the girl a pat on her head. "Despite everything. You're a good kid. Just hurting, like most of us."
That connected more than any of them would realize. Neither of them knows if they count as a good kid or not. Gaz still explores hell and makes deals with demons. While Zes had her entire existence thrown as the reason the galaxy decided to fight itself.
Ves sighed. “I still say give me the box.”
“I’m sure whatever you have is gonna be fine dear.” The older human didn’t get it before she had the box taken.
She just looked at her with the most neutral expression. “These are high-powered explosives...I made them myself. Also, where is my jacket.”
Most humans would be a little shocked to find a box of bombs but this woman just gave an exhausted look. They seem sad. She did help raise the professor. He probably did a lot of things himself as a child.
"Then label the highly explosive material. That is rule number one young lady. Also, your jacket is being washed. I know it's important."
Why do I feel more intimidated now than fighting an Irken patrol? The power of Abuela Membrane.
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