#[ random thought to what we talked about before :) ]
pixiesfz · 2 days
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microphone drop j.f x reader
plot: In which Vanessa forgets to tell Jessie she is mic’d up and all she talks about is you
warning: just fluff
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Jessie was in the gym after training when Vanessa caught her.
“Jeff, Jflem, Jessatron, the Jessanator, the-“
“Hi” Jessie cut her friend off before she said random words with ‘jess’ in front of it.
“Whatchu up to?” Vanessa asked and Jessie motioned to the weights next to her “nice, hot your PB yet?”
Jessie crossed her head “no but y/n is helping me at home”
Vanessa smiled at the mention of you, she thought you were good for Jessie. You made her happy and Sinc always says she would never forget how giddy Jessie got after the first Australian friendly and you asked to swap shirts with her.
“How is y/n/n?”
Jessie blushed, “good, really good uhm did I tell you about my plan yet or-“
“No tell me, tell me now”
Even Vanessa forgot she was mic’d.
“Well after international break and before Olympics I was planning on proposing and-“ “what!” Vanessa jumped up in excitement
Jessie looked around nervously “yes?”
“This is huge Jessie” Vanessa smiled at her and she rubbed her already red cheeks “How are you going to do it?”
Jessie sat down next to Vanessa and pulled out her phone, excited to go into detail about this with someone.
“Okay so this is the ring, I saw her look at it before when we were buying a gift for her sister, it kinda gave me the whole idea in the first place but anyway” she rambled before going to her next photo of a FaceTime call with y/n’s parents as they gave a thumbs up.
“Then I got the permission from her parents but she likes to call them her rentals which I don’t get”
“Oh it’s like Australian slang there, parental figures without the ‘pa’” Vanessa explained and Jessie’s eyes widened as she finally got it “How do you know that?”
Jessie nodded before swiping to the next picture of confirmed plane tickets to Australia, your homeland “she thinks we’re going on a spontaneous trip to see her family, which we are but I’m also going to propose to her there” she explained and Vanessa swore she had never seen her captain so happy.
“And then I bought her this dress she always said she wanted but she said it was too cold to wear in London so I got it so she could wear it in Australia” Jessie said, swiping to the next picture as Vanessa realised Jessie had made an album dedicated to the planning of the big event.
“You going to do a speech”
“I want to try, I wrote one but I’m not that great at remembering lines” Jessie said, scratching behind her ear “that’s fine you’re good at thinking on the spot and also knowing y/n she will be saying yes even before your knee hits the ground”
Jessie smiled “I only plan on doing the ‘proposal’ thing once so I want it to be perfect for her”
Vanessa slapped her friend in the shoulder supportively “I’m sure y/n will think it’s perfect no matter what”.
It wasn’t until later when Jessie had finished spotting Vanessa on chest pressed and the social media came over asking for the mic was when her face paled over.
“You were mic’d the entire time?” She asked, her cheeks red as panic now evident on her face.
“Did I forget to tell you?” Vanessa asked as she thought back to their conversation.
“You know you cannot use any of that”.
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Hi guys!
You were waiting for this one for a long time but it's finally here! This is Luna's elopement fic.
As always, this is a fiction, so it's purely coming from my mind. Please enjoy this one and tell me what you thought about it!
TW : None, I think. Maybe a little of chaos.
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Lucy is tired, like bloody tired. Her and her team just won the cup of the Champions League yesterday and she’s still hungover from the party last night. She regretted bitterly her choice of drink this morning when the alarm went on, asking her to get up to get on the bus and then the plane. They had to be in Barcelona in the afternoon to present the cup at all the Cùlers and for some random talking with people in suit.
She’s not as hungover as Cata though, the woman practically snoring during the ceremony, much to her friends’ amusement.
To distract herself during the speeches that she finds rather annoying, Lucy is looking at her girlfriend. Standing right in front of her, Ona seems to be listening for the people who don’t know her, but Lucy knows better. Ona’s eyes are a little off, but Lucy can’t say if it’s because she’s bored or because she’s in pain.
The cuts she had because of her fall on their opponent’s boot is sharp, she needed three stitches on her cheek. The other one is way to close to her eyes to do anything. Lucy feels the bile running up her throat every time she remembers that her girlfriend could have lost an eye that night.
The English woman frowns when she sees Ona rubbing her injured eye, the scarring itching terribly. But the team’s doctors clearly specified that Ona should touch her eye as little as possible for a quick and optimal recovery.
“Ona” Lucy gently scolds her.
The younger pouts and crosses her arms on her breast, making Lucy smiles softly. She can’t wait to go home, find their dogs and sleep for the next three days before she has to go to national camp in England.
Thanks God they stop soon to talk, and Lucy is relieved to be able to go home. She even grabs Ona’s bags and push her in the direction of her car when they are released. Ona laughs slightly but let her do, looking for her keys in her pocket while Lucy puts their bag in the car.
“What do you think you're doing, Batlle?” Lucy tsk her when Ona sits behind the wheel.
“Going home?” Ona frowns.
“Get out of here. I’m the one driving, you almost lost an eye.”
“Lucia I can drive.”
Ona is sulking and Lucy rolls her eyes. The Catalan girl is the nicest and sweetest person in the world, but Lucy swears that she never met someone as suborn as her girlfriend. Which she likes very much, even if she sometimes seems to forget that she needs to take care of her.
“Sure Cyclops. Let’s sit on the passenger’s seat yeah?”
Ona frowns harder and try to make her girlfriend changes her mind, but she realizes soon that she doesn’t stand a chance. Lucy usually gets Ona what she wants, but not if she knows that it isn’t good for Ona.
The drive home is long, the journey who is usually thirty minutes is far from being finish and yet they only made several kilometers in one hour and an half.
“You can sleep if you want, Bonita” Lucy says softly at her girlfriend.
Ona was lost in the contemplation of the streets, but she turns her head in Lucy’s direction with a soft smile.
“I know. I prefer enjoying my time with you though. I three days we will be separated again.”
Lucy smiles softly, very carefully stroking Ona’s face. The wound looks better than yesterday but it still seems hurtful. But Ona isn’t the kind of girl to complain about anything.
“You’ll be careful with that beautiful face of yours, yeah?”
Ona hums only. She doesn’t want to have a big, awful and permanent scar on her face, but they don’t really let them be gentle during Spanish camp.
“I asked Alexia to keep an eye on you anyway.”
Ona whines, much to Lucy’s amusement. She knows what she was doing when she asked that to Alexia, their captain will be around Ona during all the camp, probably snapping her hand away every time Ona will want to scratch her face.
“How can you do that to me?” Ona groans.
“I did it because I love you” Lucy smiles, rolling her eyes.
“You definitively don’t love me as much as you say. If it was right, you would never betray me this way.”
“You are so dramatic” Lucy laughs softly.
“All that I’ll retain from this conversation is that I love you more than you love me.”
“That’s not true” Lucy frowns.
“It is. I’m the one who love you the most but that’s ok.”
With a satisfy smile, Ona shrugs before taping Lucy’s hand on her thigh. This discussion is going again and again between them, a childish and sweet fight that none of them want to give up.
“Ok” Lucy says after several seconds of silence. “If you love me so much, marry me.”
There is another moment of silence.
Ona is looking at her girlfriend with wide eyes, seriously asking herself if Lucy lost her mind. But Lucy is looking at her seriously.
“Are you still drunk?” Ona asks, arching an eyebrow.
“No. I am very serious, Ona. I love you. I know you are the love of my life. You are the one I want to finish my life with, I’ve never be so sure about anything in my whole life. I don’t have a ring, but I’ll change that as soon as possible. I want to marry you.”
This is unreal for Ona. Of course, she already thought about marrying Lucy one day, because she’s sure that Lucy is the love of her life too. Lucy flipped her life upside down, in the best way possible. The situation is unreal, but the answer she gives seems to be as much.
“Yes? Will you marry me?”
“Yes” Ona smiles softly.
Even if this isn’t the most convenient marriage proposal, there still is some tears in Lucy’s eyes. And the smile she gives to Ona makes Ona’s heart fluttered. But then, Lucy is suddenly turning on the road, taking the opposite street of their apartment.
“Lucy what are you doing?”
“We are going to the airport, taking the next plane for Las Vegas. I want to marry you right now.”
“What? But Lucy the dogs? Our parents are going to kill us!”
“Coco and Narla can stay a little longer to your parents. And we will make a ceremony with everyone in several days. I just don’t want to pass another day without you being called my wife.”
The tender smile Ona gives her talk for her. She wrote to her parents to ask them to keep the dogs a little bit longer, explaining that Lucy and her are taking surprised holidays. She doesn’t say why and where though.
While Lucy is looking for a place on the parking, Ona is looking at the first plane leaving for Las Vegas. She managed to find one leaving in five hours, choosing to be in business class, after all they are getting married, right? They let their suitcases from the game in the car, choosing to buy new clothes in the airport. And because they are in business class, they have the lounge and the possibility to take a shower before landing.
Their seats are next to each other on the plane, but when they are on the sky, Ona chooses to escalate the wall between them to sit next to Lucy. Well, on Lucy. In the darkness of the plane and night, they cannot be seen from anyone, not that their embrace has anything looking like Pegi 18 anyway. Lucy just had passed her hand under Ona’s shirt to stroke her back and they are under a cover.
“Lucy?” whispers Ona.
It’s dark and quiet, people around them are sleeping or watching a movie from the television in front of them.
“What is it, Bonita?” Lucy whispers in answer.
“Are you sure you want to do this? We still can enjoy our time in Las Vegas, we are not forced to get married if you want to change your mind.”
“Are you scared?” Lucy smiles.
“No” Ona answers, putting her head again on Lucy’s shoulder. “I’m only scared that you will regret it the next morning.”
To add power to her answer, Lucy squeezes her harder against her, making Ona smile. She then kisses her hair, even if the shampoo she used isn’t the same one she’s using daily. Her natural scent is still here though, Lucy loves to think that Ona smell like sun, sand, and holidays.
Lucy smiles when she sees Ona yawning, the last days were chaotic. They were great, but very tiring and they haven’t many times to rest. They sleep a lot during the long trip, catching their lake of sleep, before landing to Philadelphia to take another plane.
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“People are wondering where we are going” Ona smiles while looking at her messages during their stopover to Philadelphia.
“Tell them Lesbos Island” Lucy answer, looking at Ona’s phone above her shoulder.
Ona rolls her eyes and bite in the croissant she received during the journey. It’s not as good as the one she had in France, but still ok for an empty stomach.
“People are going to be wild when they’ll know” Lucy adds soon after. “How do you think we can say it to them?”
“If we want to keep the clichés, we can send them a picture of us next to a fake Elvis.”
They arrive at Las Vegas after several more hours, choosing one of the most expensive suites in the hotel Ona likes the most – The Venetian. Even if the younger one tried to protest, Lucy makes her shut with only one gaze.
“This is wild” Ona mumbles, looking at the view they have from it.
They are on the 36th floor and can see almost everything around. She lost herself in the contemplation of the streets and the lights, while Lucy is busy turning of the air conditioning who is always making her sick, after what she says.
She then takes several seconds to look at Ona, who turned her back at her. She’s smiling while looking at the smaller one. Even if it’s look like a whim, she knows what she’s doing. She was thinking about proposing to Ona for several weeks now, she wanted to do things right with a sweet proposal and everything. She still can make the surprise to Ona when she got the ring.
She is so in love with Ona.
She is so in love and is going to marry her.
It’s sometimes scary for Lucy to admit to herself how much her happiness depends of that wonderful and beautiful girl in front of her. She doesn’t understand how someone like Ona can be interested in her.
Sure, Lucy knows that a lot of people fancy her, she’s not stupid. But she’s older than Ona and she won’t be able to play football for as long as Ona would. But when she talked about it to Ona, the younger girl just smirk and answer that she would like this has a lot of time to choose her clothes for her wagging era.
Feeling a rush of love for the girl in front of her, Lucy breaks the distance between them in three big strides, before embracing Ona from behind.
“What if you’re the one regretting this tomorrow?” Lucy asks quietly, for once letting out some form of vulnerability.
“I won’t” Ona answers.
Her tone is so sure that there is no reason for Lucy to doubt about it. Ona turns around in Lucy’s arms, passing hers around Lucy’s neck.
“T'estimaré per tota la vida” she whispers, before kissing Lucy softly. (I’ll love you for all my life)
Lucy’s progresses in Catalan are prodigious, thanks to her personal teacher, which allows her to easily understand what Ona has just whispered against her lips. She doesn’t have time to answer though, carried away by the extent of Ona’s kiss.
“Is it a way not to leave this room and not to get married, miss Batlle?”
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“I can’t believe we’ve done it” Ona mumbles, looking at the pictures on her phone.
They are on their way back to Barcelona, after a stop at Dallas this time. They haven’t said anything to anyone about their marriage, like Lucy said, they will make a ceremony for their families and Lucy even planned a way to offer a magic proposal to Ona with the ring she will find in Barcelona.
She looked for jewelry in Barcelona when Ona fell asleep in her arms after having celebrated their wedding.
“Still no regret?” Lucy whispers, looking at Ona’s phone above the armrest between them.
A sweet smile is on Ona’s face when she looks at her girlfr… wife. Even if they have to make the contract acknowledged in Spain. They are travelling during the day this time and people are obviously more up than during the first fly. Lucy sulks when she realizes that Ona won’t be able to join her on her seat like before, but then Ona grabs her hand and never let it go since. She can live with that.
“I always thought that the big Elvis' was a myth to be honest” Lucy comments when she sees the photo where they are posing next to him. “It was like a movie.”
“Yeah. I liked that movie though; the first actress is hot” Ona smirks.
“The Spaniard with the scar? Yes. Hot and badass.”
When Lucy’s back from the England Camp, Ona had the time to make their marriage contract recognized. She went back home from the camp after deciding that it was better for her face that way. She was sad not to be able to play with Leila again, but it was safer that way. She went to training with Patri and Mapi and passed time with Narla and Coco.
She went to take Lucy from the airport and Lucy already started to look for the right ring. She looked for several days before making the choice to have it custom-made. Lucy wants it to be perfect.
They managed to keep the secret for now, the only difference is that Lucy calls Ona “Wifey” at home now and that they can’t keep their hands away of each other. They are not making out in public, but they are impossible to separate. And when they are on each side of one room, they keep look and smile at each other.
“Can you please stay focus and stop drooling on Ona for a second, Bronze?” Mariona asks, hitting Lucy behind her head.
“I’m not drooling” Lucy frowns, showing Mariona away.
“You are” Mariona laughs.
But then Mario’s laugh drags Ona’s attention – who was talking with Salma and Jana - and she smirks at Lucy who kind of forgot why she’s supposed to be mad at her friend. The calm of the room is suddenly broken by a roar coming from Alexia’s voice as soon as she enters it.
Lucy jumps and look at their captain like a teenager in trouble without knowing what she did bad. But the blonde came right in front of Lucy with a paper, the room suddenly quiet.
Lucy gets pale when she sees the sheet and Ona doesn't need longer explanations to understand what it is. However, Alexia doesn't hesitate to give more details.
“I was helping the administrative team to make the papers for our next trip, and they told me about this funny mistake, like they said. I did my research and it’s look like it isn’t actually a mistake. So will you please tell me why and how in the world it is written black on white that you are married to Ona Batlle Pascual?”
Ona makes a grimace when she feels almost all the eyes on the room going on her. It isn’t the way she wanted to tell people, but she can see Mapi from the corner of her eyes who seems to have the time of her life.
“You choose Lucy, Oni? What about us?” Jana jokes, but she is suddenly silent when she crosses Alexia’s eyes.
“Come on Ale’, what was I supposed to do? Ask you before asking her?” Lucy rolls her eyes.
“Well at least. Then I would have refused and took Ona on a secret island” Alexia groans.
“Your kids are growing up, Alexia, get over it” Irene says, patting Alexia shoulders. “Ask Pina about her love life, you’ll be stunned” she adds, before leaving the room.
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nagitosstolenhand · 23 hours
i don't like the growing opinion that people are being 'too hard' on deku for his failing to save shigaraki.
i've seen quite a few people complaining that a lot of the bnha-critical crowd are being too mean to deku for getting tomura killed, arguing that it isn't really his fault, and that hes a 16 year old child soldier who's been failed by almost every adult in his life, why should we be putting all of this on his shoulders? hes just a kid after all?
and the truth is, they're right. deku IS a 16 year old boy whos had the fate of the world thrust on his shoulders. but the story itself just plainly refuses to acknowledge this.
the narrative doesn't acknowledge how fucked up having a school that trains literal children how to be combo cop-celebrities is. it only tentatively acknowledges the fact that a universe having combo cop-celebrities is fucked up, and even then the only people who ever point this out are antagonists, who are portrayed and treated in-universe as untrustworthy. the narrative doesn't care how fucked up dekus circumstances are. the narrative treats deku like hes a fucking messiah here to touch the hearts of the evil depressed villains with his magical empathetic heart of gold before they get blown up or just sent to fucking superhell for daring to challenge the status quote.
deku isn't a person. he's barely even a fucking character at this point. he's a plot device, and a mouth piece for the objectively shitty themes bnha is trying to spout. the themes that tell you that if you're mistreated by society and want to do something about it, you're a villain. that disrupting the status quote and refusing to repent to some random teenage boy spouting empty platitudes at you means you deserve to get sent to fucking superhell. the themes that portray people fighting for civil change as mass murdering supervillains. the themes that look the audience dead in the eye and can call deku the greatest hero to ever live.
deku, who barely spared a second thought to lady nagant telling him the truth about the hero commission. who spouts meaningless platitudes about heroism and morality at nagant, and aoyama, and toga and shigaraki, when even the thought that he should question the world around him comes up. who's constantly talked about as this truly kind, empathetic person, but hasn't spared an empathetic thought to literally anyone who is classified as a villain. who listened to every authority figure around him except the ones who asked him to question his worldview. who saw la bravas tears, shigarakis various breakdowns, himikos plead for understanding, chisakis catatonic state, lady nagants truth, and barley batted a fucking eye. deku, who killed tomura shigaraki.
people don't criticize deku for failing shigaraki because they just hate deku. people criticize deku because of what he represents. because hes a mouthpiece for the atrocious morals and themes of this ideologically rotten manga. because any character he had was chopped up to bits in favor of the incomplete husk we have now. people criticize deku because hes the main character of my hero academia. theres nothing more damning then that.
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spence-whore · 2 days
I don’t want you like a best friend
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N not me doing another imagine based on a Taylor song whhhaaaatttt I love Taylor so so so much. I was listening to music in the shower and dress started playing I was like holy shit, I have to write a tension filled imagine with Spencer and this song??? Also, forewarning, I will be using gender neutral terms as usual but I will be using more feminine things and mentioning things like wearing dresses. one last thing, i just started my summer classes. so, i wont get to edit these as much as before. i apologize for any mistakes!
TRIGGER WARNING// some angst and tension:)
Our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you.
Parties and little get togethers are a common thing with the Smosh cast.
They always find some reason to rent out an air bnb to throw parties.
Chanse suggested throwing a little party before you all got to leave the office for a two week break.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it!” You hear Chanse screech whenever you walked into the front door with your suitcase. He come running up to you, to give you a quick hug.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss something like this. The parties you throw are always absolutely iconic.” You respond giving him a tight squeeze back.
“So, who all has made it?” You asked and looked around. A lot of the cast and crew had arrived, including Spencer. The house was absolutely packed but there was something about him having his eyes on you, that made you feel like you were on fire. The last time a party was thrown for the crew, the two of you had ended up in a bathroom, doing things you shouldn’t be doing to then turn around and call yourself only friends. The two of you played it off really well after though because no one knew who you had snuck off with.
There is an indentation in the shape of you. Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.
“I still want to know who you snuck off with last time we had a party.” You hear Erin say whenever she approaches you and Chanse. “Yeah!” Chanse agrees.
Whenever she mentions that night, you see it catches Spencer’s ears. He perks up in his seat and gets that infamous smirk on his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you show me to my room?” You mumbled and shook your head.
“I’ll show you but dude, that is such a lie.” Erin says and starts walking towards a hallway, where a bunch of bedrooms were located. “You had hickeys all over you. It was so obvious you tried hiding them too but you are not good at covering marks.” She said laughing loudly.
You just shook your head again and denied it.
“We’ll eventually pull it from you. Everyone’s going to be getting ready in a few minutes, if you want to go ahead and get dressed.” Erin suggests while opening your bedroom door. “You’re sharing with me and Angela, by the way.”
You nodded your head and let her know, you would go ahead and start getting ready.
Erin quickly nodded her head and pulled the door behind her, so you could get ready in private till her and Angela joined you.
You quickly pulled this dress on that Courtney had pointed out to you one day while at the mall with a bunch of the crew. They were recording a spend the day with us at the mall where they done random little challenges. You, Spencer, and Courtney had went into a store, trying to find goofy looking outfits for everyone to wear. The three of you walked around for a while before you just started looking at the clothes for things for you. You hear Courtney shout, “I genuinely just found something for you, Y/N! You would look so hot in this.” You turn around and see Courtney holding up a mid length black dress. There was a high slit in the thigh. It was a spaghetti strapped dress. It was simple but looked comfortable. You actually thought it was really cute. Courtney asked Spencer what he thought and his face flushed red very quickly and all he could do was nod his head yes.
You tried the dress on for fun and Spencer looked like his eyes were about to bulge out of his eyes. You didn’t end up buying the dress that day but you went back and bought it the next day. He wasn’t aware that you had gotten it, no one was.
You stood there for a minute, looking at yourself in the mirror, when you heard a knock come from the door beside you.
“You can come in!” You shout softly, flattening the dress against your body.
The door pushes open gently and you see Courtney and Angela standing there. Spencer was back behind them.
“Holy shit, is that the dress we seen in the mall?” Courtney asks, getting excited.
You just smiled and shook your head yes.
All of the silence and patience, pining and anticipation. My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting.
My hands are shaking from all this…
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer looked like he was about to pass out behind the two.
“Wow, you look… wow.” You hear Spencer whisper from the doorway while Courtney and Angela walk to sit on the bed behind you.
You acted like you didn’t hear Spencer, so you turned towards him. His eyes were just filled with desperation. It was like a mutual feeling between the two, you knew he wanted to reach out and to touch you. You knew that he wanted to kiss you, to hold you. You were dying for him to reach forward and to just put his hands on you, to kiss you as well.
“What’d you say, Spence?” You ask, trying to play off the little moment the two of you had.
Courtney and Angela were behind the two of you, looking at each other with complete confusion over what is going on.
“You look really beautiful, Y/N.” He says and clears his throat then gives you a tight lipped smile.
You just smiled back at him and shook your head. “Thank you, I really don’t though.” You say giggling. “I haven’t even done anything yet, besides put a dress on.”
Spencer walked around you to go sit in a chair beside the two beds but then realized that the tag of your dress was sticking out. He quickly walks up behind you and pushes your hair over your shoulder. You tensed up and froze because you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh, uh, sorry. Your-“ Spencer got quiet then pushed the tag softly under the neckline of the dress. “The tag was sticking out of the dress.” Spencer whispered and gave your shoulder a soft squeeze.
The two of you move apart quickly whenever you hear coughs. Courtney and Angela quickly stood up. “We’re gonna go grab a drink.” Angela says very quickly, pointing at the door with her thumb. “Uh, will be back in a few minutes!” Courtney practically shouts as Angela pulls her out of the room.
The two might as well have ran out of the room and slammed the door shut behind them.
You and Spencer look at each other with confusion, acting like you didn’t understand what was going on.
“When did you end up getting this dress?” Spencer asked sitting down on the chair near you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost cause I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
You had pulled another chair up in front of the full body mirror, to start curling your hair and to do your makeup.
“I just decided to go back the next day and buy it.” You respond, slightly shrugging your shoulders.
“Is there a reason you went back and bought it?” Spencer asked, trying to seem chill about the piece of fabric on your body, but he wasn’t playing it so calmly.
“I dunno.” You whispered while placing soft curls throughout your hair with a curling iron. “A certain someone’s reaction to me in it, just made me curious to how they would react to it if I wore it to something where we’ve made certain decisions in the past.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, he just stared at you with a shocked expression.
You started to do the pigtail trick with your hair, that makes it quicker to curl your hair. You parted your hair and put it into two pigtails then quickly curled the two pigtails. It only took two minutes to do then you pulled the two hair ties out of your hair. The soft curls had flooded down your back while you looked for your makeup bag. It hit you that it was still in your bag, on your bed, beside Spencer. You quickly sprayed hairspray throughout your hair and nodded back towards Spencer.
“Spencer?” He just nodded while staring at you. “Could you get in that bag and hand me my makeup bag?”
Spencer quickly stood up and grabbed your bag from the front of the bed. He unzipped it then retrieved your makeup bag, to hand it to you. He walked over and handed the makeup bag to you but the two of you practically grasped hands while he just stared holes into you. You felt like electricity was just shooting throughout your body while he quickly stepped back.
The two of you didn’t realize it but Courtney, Angela, and Erin were just staring at you two in shock from the doorway.
Spencer looked over at the door quickly then stepped back towards his seat to grab his drink that he carried in.
“I should probably go finish getting ready and help getting everything, uh, set up.” He whispers before quickly heading out of the room.
“Do you want to explain what that was?” Erin harshly whispered, looking at you with nothing but excitement in her eyes.
“What was what?” You asked nonchalantly, acting like you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh my god!” Angela practically screams. “You hooked up with Spencer last time, didn’t you?” She whispered excitedly, jumping up and down in her spot.
You, once again, tried playing the question off but the redness all over your face completely called you out.
“Oh my god! Spencer is the secret guy you hook up with every time! Are you two like a couple or something?” Courtney asks while quickly pulling one of the chairs over beside you while you finished up your makeup.
You shook your head no, “I’m not going to lie to you about that. I honestly wish we were.” You whispered while finishing your eyeliner with a soft laugh.
The three women were practically exploding with the information they had just found out tonight.
“What happened the last time?” Angela asked, pulling a chair alongside Erin.
Inescapable, I’m not even gonna try and if I get burned, at least we were electrified.
I’m spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we’re both drunk.
Everyone thinks that they know us but they know nothing about all of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation.
You kept working at your makeup and decided to just explain to the three women what had caused you two to end up in the guest bathroom, away from the New Year’s party.
“I have had the biggest crush on Spencer ever since I’ve joined the crew. I had convinced myself I would never tell him how I feel. The night of that party though, oh my god. It was like there was something in the air.” You paused for a minute to just laugh, remembering how you felt that night. “Every single time we would brush hands or something, it felt like electricity would fly throughout my body. I thought at first, I can’t do this. I ended up getting a little too drunk and so did Spencer. We were sat together in this hallway, just drinking and talking. I finally just told him how I felt. I panicked and jumped up, to run off but he grabbed my hand. He started to tell me how he felt then I, of course, happened to spill a little bit of my drink. He pulled me into the bathroom, to help me clean up. While we were in there, he was just wiping away at the alcohol with a wet rag. It literally felt like my body was on fire. I don’t know what made me do it but I just leaned forward and kissed him.”
The three women around you looked like they were about to explode with the biggest smiles on their face.
“Wait, so you two had sex in the bathroom?” Erin bluntly asked then got whacked on the arm by Courtney.
You just laughed and shook your head no. “Again, I won’t lie to you, we almost did. My dumbass stumbled and knocked over the rest of my drink into the shower. The glass shattered, so Spencer panicked and made me sit on the sink while he cleaned it up. We decided maybe the bathroom, during a party, wouldn’t be the best first time for something like that.”
“How did we not see something happening between you two?” Angela asked with genuine confusion on her face.
“Oh, there isn’t anything going on between the two of us. We’re only really friends, to be honest. I hate that we’re only friends but we never really approach the topic unless it’s in situations like us being plastered.” You admit, shaking your head in shame. “I think it’s because we’re both too scared to admit that we’re something more than friends.”
Erin laughed loudly, “Yeah, I’m sorry but the two of you are not just friends. You were, like, sucking each other’s faces off in the bathroom and being like little leeches.”
You just laughed and stood to face the three around you. “I’m done getting ready, so I’m gonna just head on out there.”
“You just wanna go see your little boyfrienddddddd.” Angela says in a singing tone.
You just laughed once again and shook your head at the woman before exiting the room.
You look around the entire room to see who all is here tonight. Not everyone is staying in the Air BNB, only a few of the crew are.
You spot Kiana, Spencer, and Shayne standing at a table in the kitchen, getting drinks.
You approached them and give Shayne a soft smile. “Hey guys!” You say with a smile on your face.
“Hi, you sweet angel! You look beautiful!” Kiana says with a big smile on her face.
“Oh, why thank you.” You take her compliment while grabbing a red solo cup from the counter and poured some kind of whiskey from the counter.
“There’s glass cups you can use, you know?” You hear Shayne say from beside you.
You look over and see Spence looking you up and down while Shayne is nodding towards the glass cups.
“Oh, that’s okay. I would probably end up accidentally breaking it again.” You say chuckling and sent Spencer a quick glance. He catches onto what you were talking about and heat flooded his face once again.
Spencer goes to take a sip of his drink, trying to act chill, whenever Kiana calls him out. “Spence, if you stare any harder, your eyes might get stuck.”
Spencer choked on his drink and shook his head. You were shockingly the only one to pick up on it but his hands started to tremor.
My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking from all of this.
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer quickly tries to shake the feeling he has and change the conversation but he can’t stop the feeling of heat flowing through his body due to you. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He was literally shaking from how nervous just your presence alone was making him. He couldn’t get over how beautiful you looked.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna step outside and get some fresh air. It’s getting kind of stuffy in here.” You say quickly to the group, feeling like you were starting to suffocate in the room. You didn’t want to admit it but the look Spencer was giving you was extremely intense. You couldn’t deal with it anymore because you were dying for him to just do something.
You walked away from the group and start to head out the door to walk outside. You didn’t know it but Spencer trailed behind you, wanting to get a moment alone with you.
You stepped outside, slightly agitated. You were getting so tired of having to hide everything. You were so tired of acting like you were just friends with the man whenever you both knew friends don’t sneak off to make out at parties with their other best friends present. You wanted him to hold you. You wanted him to kiss you, to touch you, to just show you that he wants you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off, take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
“You okay?” You hear Spencer ask from behind you as you sat down on the porch steps.
You just laughed. “You know, I bought this dress with the idea that the next time you saw me in it… You might actually make a move further and act like we aren’t just friends. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I don’t want you like a best friend, Spencer. I want to be able to kiss you everyday and call you mine.” You answered him in an aggravated tone.
“I don’t want you like a best friend either, Y/N. Are you that oblivious? The day I fell in love with you, I thought that you knew.” Spencer laughed and said while sitting down beside you.
You just stared at him with confusion on your face, “What do you mean the day you fell in love with me?”
Spencer sat in silence for a minute, just taking the cold air in. “I have been in love with you for so long. The first time I remember realizing that I had fallen so hard for you was whenever I had first bleached and buzzed my hair.”
Flashback when you met me, your buzz cut and my hair bleached.
Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me.
Flashbacks to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes.
Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me.
You chuckled remembering the first time you had seen him with his new haircut. “I remember you came around the corner and I became like a stuttering mess.”
You started to shiver and Spencer noticed it. “Would you want to head inside? We could chill upstairs in the movie room? We can finish talking about this whenever we get in there.”
You shook your head yes, freezing in the dress.
The two of you headed inside and walked up the steps to the movie room. Everyone was in the big living room, drinking and dancing.
You two headed into the movie room and sat down in the plush love seat.
“Wait, so are you saying my reaction is what made you fall in love with me?” You asked once you got inside and processed what Spencer had said. You folded your knees under you and pulled a blanket over your lap.
Spencer smiled and nodded his head at you.
“That was during the worst time of my life, though. I was severely depressed and going on dates left and right because I just wanted someone to love me.” You said silently laughing over how desperate you sounded.
“You’ve always had someone who has loved you in front of you. You’ve just never realized it.” Spencer says and reaches his hand out to rest it on your knee.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Spencer broke the silence. “I want to make a move or whatever it was you said outside. I want to call you mine. I just don’t want to do that while we’re tipsy. I want to talk about it while we’re sober.” Spencer says giving you a soft smile on his face.
You nodded your head at Spencer, “I agree. It is probably best that we do talk about it while we’re sober.”
The two of you sat and talked for almost three hours straight, while people would pass by and make comments here and there. No one ever stuck there though, they were just letting the two of you soak up each other’s presence.
Before you knew it, you had passed out and Spencer had fallen asleep as well.
I woke up just in time
Now, I wake up by your side, my one and only my lifeline.
I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side.
My hands shake, I can’t explain this.
You woke up and felt a pressure around your waist. You hear whispering and open your eyes to see Chanse and Erin peeking their heads around a corner.
“Holy shit, look at them.” You hear Chanse say while giggling.
“I’m awake asshole.” You whispered towards the two freaking out and they took off running.
You turn your head to the side and realized, you and Spencer had fallen asleep rambling over random stuff to each other. You know you had admitted your feelings to each other last night but you couldn’t help trembling due to excitement. You finally had the guy by your side that you had fallen so hard for.
The two of you were laid out across the couch. Spencer was laid on his side and had you in a tight hold around your waist. You were laid on your back. You reached your hand up and ran it softly through his hair.
Spencer scrunched his nose and pressed his face softly into your neck. His facial hair, tickling the side of your neck. You giggle trying to move your head away whenever you hear him slightly whisper, “Still don’t want me like a best friend?”
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sonoyoung · 3 days
— so lets go see the stars
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non idol!woozi x gn!reader | first encounter, fluff | 0.9k | so let’s go see the stars - boynextdoor + late night calls - p1harmony
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For the first few hours each room of the house was filled with noise of chattering, giggling, obnoxiously loud singing but now it was all quiet. It amazed you that they had so much energy to spare working full time day jobs but then you’d notice how quickly it would die out.
It was your second time spending time with the entirety of the friend group and you had the time of your life, it was like being at an amusement park where each room had different activities to partake in with a new set of people, you had to formally thank Soonyoung for inviting you. Even though the alcohol had collectively hit their tired nerves, and they were all passed out in the most random spaces of the house at 1 am, you could say you enjoyed your night.
Slumber however hadn’t hit you yet so you tiptoed out, through the crevices between Soonyoung and Seokmin who laid flat on the floor. Quietly creeping to the balcony where you could let the midnight breeze rock you to sleep.
Stepping out you immediately notice him, resting on a lounge chair legs crossed with a book placed right on his face, your first instinct was to sneak back inside but you got caught too early. He lifted up the book to peek at you, sitting up in his seat so you could feel at ease roaming around, you gave him an apologetic smile before stepping back out closing the door behind you.
“I thought everyone was asleep inside” you tell him with a soft smile still standing by the doorway, the balcony was lightly lit up with stringed lights but you could tell it was Jihoon.
“Yeah I just came out for some fresh air, its a bit stuffy in there”
It felt awkward for some reason, as you walked over to the edge of the balcony leaning against the barrier you realized you had never actually talked to him prior to this moment. It was a funny coincidence that you happened to be the only ones awake at this hour, maybe it was a calling.
“You’re y/n right?” your lips were parted open ready to speak just as he asked, you turned around to face him still sat on the chair, a breathy “yeah” escaped your lips in response.
“So you’re everyone’s favorite?” you smile your eyebrows lifted in a confused manner, wondering where he got that idea from.
“Am I?”
“Absolutely, though I can’t speak for myself but tonight’s the perfect opportunity to fix that.” He gestures for you to join him by the chairs, bouncing his gaze from the seat beside him back to you.
You felt like you already knew so much about him just from hanging out with his friends but it wasn’t comparable to actually being with him. He had such a fascinating way of thinking that made you want to prompt him to continue his talking just so you could hear more.
“You guys look best when you’re all together, truly. Like a bunch of happy kids.”
Sitting under the dark night sky, the conversation flows in so many different ways, never dying, talking about how they met, staying friends for such a long precious time, some things you envied, some things you admired. The words came out of nowhere but they felt fitting, you wished you could also keep your childish heart and be happily surrounded with love.
For a moment you sat in the silence of the night, you glanced at him, right there looking at you with a small smile on his lips, the look in eyes so pure you couldn’t help the way your heart clenched at the sight.
“What?” you ask softly trying to laugh of the feeling, only making his smile for you grow as he spoke up.
“I just like how you said that, i guess we think alike” he turns his gaze away up to the starry night, your eyes stayed focused on him unconsciously, watching him take in the beautiful twinkling spread across the canvas.
“Has the sky always been this beautiful?” the question made you look up, the feeling of being caught in your fantasy crawling up to paint your cheeks rosey, just as you looked up he brought his eyes back to you, like it was a game to catch the other.
The sky did in fact look more beautiful than it had when you first stepped onto the balcony, it was an odd difference, you didn’t quite understand why but you soaked in it. His occasional glances back and forth between you and the moon finally came to a stop, right where they began, watching the tiredness take over your body.
A couple weak blinks and you were gone, he wasn’t sure if to leave you there to rest or carry you inside but seeing how you slept so soundly, he just grabbed a blanket placing it carefully over your body, loving how you instantly snuggled into the warmth of it. He felt you would become his favorite too.
He stayed there by your side for the rest of the night, for no other reason than being by your side. Morning came you parted ways, exchanging contacts with everyone finally, anticipating the next time you would have fun together.
The name on the screen caught you off guard, you had been in bed for the past hour hoping for slumber to reach you. It had been over a week since you saw each other, and you had been thinking about that night constantly but you never thought you’d get a call.
You answered the phone with his name the confusion apparent in your intonation.
“Is it weird that I missed your voice? I’m standing on a balcony right now and I miss you”
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campfam4lyfe · 21 hours
I get that Brooklynn is your favorite, she used to be mine too, but what are your thoughts on her in chaos theory? Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it. I don't like her much anymore.
time to do my job as a brooklynn defender lol, alright here goes:
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
So. Thinking about Brooklynn. About her death. You mention how she faked it. except, I don’t think saying she faked it is really an accurate or fair description.
Brooklynn didn’t fake anything—here is what we know, and here is what I mean. The facts that we are presented with through season 1. limited as they are, are that Brooklynn was at a Dino Drop, the allosaurus escaped, and that it "killed her." Except it didn't really kill her. It is framed as an accident--a random Dino attack. But Ben shows up and suddenly it's clear that maybe it wasn't an accident.
So let's run through the facts one more time. Brooklynn's 'death' at the hands of the allosaurus wasn't an accident. It was premeditated. The attack was an honest to goodness attempt on Brooklynn's life. One the camp fam--and the people who targeted Brooklynn in the first place--believed worked. You're going to want to keep this in mind, because now I am going to address the other part of your ask.
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
Brooklynn's character has not, to me, been destroyed.
We see little of Brooklynn and what she was doing throughout Chaos Theory, because we are learning about her again through the eyes and memories of the people who loved and mourned her--we are gathering bits and pieces, parts of the narrative that we, as the viewers, can piece together more efficiently than the actual players, because the knowledge the Camp Fam has is disjointed in that they are not all privy to the same information or how it connects--and it's not their fault at all! They are not working under the same information we have--that Brooklynn is alive--and so, don't know why certain things are more important. Even we don't have the full picture, although what we have is a little clearer.
But from what we see of Brooklynn throughout Chaos Theory, there is something there that you believe is not true to her previously established character. I disagree. I think what you are talking about, when you say that she is not herself anymore, is that Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them.
But I think, that when it comes to Brooklynn, being obsessed with a conspiracy or mystery is in fact a major core part of her character. We saw it all throughout Camp Cretaceous. She sneaks away when they visit Wu's lab that first time to snoop--and yes, maybe it was for her followers, trying to find something juicy before everything went to shit, but what she saw clearly stood out to her. She was hooked, she reviewed that footage, and it stayed with her so much so that when she saw the label E750 again at a later date while on the security cameras, she lingered over the shot before having to move on to help the others. And even then, it was clear that it stayed with her--whatever Wu did, whatever E750 was, it was a mystery and Brooklynn wanted to solve it.
And we see the others are aware of this! Sammy recruits Brooklynn to help out in her quest to find information, and the mystery consumes Brooklynn so much that initially, she was steamrolling right over Sammy's input. We also see Brooklynn's thirst for mystery solving when she becomes so focused on the frozen flowers, something she mentioned so much so that the other campers could quote her on it. We see it with her suspicions regarding Mitch and Tiff, and even Mae. We see it again in the final episode, when we catch a glimpse of the campers as teenagers. Brooklynn mentions the Lockwood Estate, which, for those who don't know or remember, is where the later events of JW:Fallen Kingdom (timeline wise, this is three years after the first Jurassic World, so three years after the kids first got left behind in the Park.) The events at the Lockwood Estate and what was supposed to be happening there wasn't public knowledge. That was Brooklynn following a lead, as at that point in time when she brings it up, the dinosaurs hadn't been set loose yet.
The reason I mention all this is because I really don't think Brooklynn's obsessiveness or drive is new. She loves investigative work, and she's good at putting together pieces too. She's also been shown to have a love for mysteries, loving Esther Stone and having her videos following the pattern of being named "Brooklynn unboxes x." She likes knowing the whys, whens, wheres, and whats. She literally says that she is trying to make the transition from influencer/vlogger to investigative journalist. Which is why I am not at all surprised with her being so focused on this Dino smuggling rings, and why I believe it was in character.
Tying It All Together
Now I know what you may be thinking. "But she neglected Kenji! That's not good girlfriend behavior. She faked her death! That's horrible." Valid, but also, not fundamentally true.
I said earlier, that by "not herself" you might mean that "Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them." I don't think she has though, and if it has ended up that way, it was never her intention.
Take in all the Brooklynn scenes from Chaos Theory. Each member of the Camp Fam has an interaction with her that is shown through flashback or hinted at. So let's put together a timeline.
Brooklynn is dead at the start of the show, but for how long, I don't actually remember. I will put it at 6 months to a year, but if anyone else knows for sure, just let me know and I'll fix it. Anyways. She is dead for six months to a year. And in the months leading up to her death, she was investigating something, but they don't know what. We know that it had something to do with Dark Jurassic, Kenji's father, and Dino Smuggling. We know Ben introduced her to Dark Jurassic. We know Brooklynn stayed with Darius, left her jacket at Sammy's, and visited Yaz.
So here goes a tentative undertaking:
Ben introduces Brooklynn to Dark Jurassic and she visits him at his college. He hasn't dropped out/left yet. She is mentioning conspiracy theories, some as a joke, but its clear something there has caught her attention.
Brooklynn gets deeper into Dark Jurassic, and at some point reads about Dino Immersive therapy, which she recommends to Yaz. She visits her at some point, but when, is unclear.
Brooklynn visits Sammy. She is on Dark Jurassic so often that when Sammy has a flashback of her, Brooklynn is visibly on the site.
Brooklynn is with Kenji, but has been so absorbed in her mystery that she has started to neglect Kenji, but doesn't realize it. This goes on for a while. He breaks up with her and they are both devastated.
Brooklynn stays with Darius. Is still embroiled in her mystery. Asks Darius to meet up with her. "Dies."
Now, at some point before 4 and 5, Brooklynn visits Daniel Kon, gets a secret apartment, and is undercover within the Dino Smuggling ring.
We know that she did not tell her friends, or her boyfriend, any of this. Why? Especially Kenji! He was her boyfriend, one of her biggest supporter's, and his father was the guy Brooklynn went to so she could get her in to the smuggling world. Kenji has always heard her out, like when he was the one who stayed behind with her when she accidentally hurt Darius with the 'cool dad' comment. Kenji is the one who agreed to snoop with her regardless of his feelings because it was important to her. So why would she not go to her biggest supporter?
I believe that Chaos Theory tackled the kids growing up and their respective trauma very well. Not all of them are dealing very well. Yaz is the only one who seems to have gone to therapy, while Ben, Darius, and Kenji are all isolating. Sammy is dealing with repression and toxic positivity. It's very possible that Brooklynn was also dealing, and not very well at that. It's possible that her trauma manifested in another way. Maybe she needed to push herself into a project so she could ignore what happened--or maybe she needed to push herself into a project so if something happened, she could be prepared? We don't know! And it's because we don't know that I am going to, for the time being, ignore this, and focus on the possible reasons as to why she didn't tell them from what we do know.
Yaz has PTSD, and struggled a lot with the hopelessness of having to put the dinosaurs first and it costing them their way home in the later seasons of CC. So maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because she didn't want to halter Yaz's progress. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Sammy is worried about Yaz, and so maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because involving Sammy might mean involving Yaz, or maybe she didn't want to put stress on their relationship by having Sammy lie to her. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Ben had college. What, was she just going to disrupt that? Still, she let on that she was investigating something and talked with him about Dark Jurassic, which he introduced her to.
Kenji. Kenji was her boyfriend, her rock, THE Brooklynn enabler. who has always heard her out. The only time he didn't hear her out immediately was when his father was interfering. The same father she would need to go to for a door into the smuggling world. The same father who Kenji lived close to but never visited. In the last season of CC, Brooklynn, when investigating Daniel Kim, says that she won't break Kenji's heart without a good reason. Maybe, she did not feel like going to him about his father was a good reason--Kenji was in a good place, how could she hurt him like that? Maybe she thought she was protecting him. So she doesn't tell him. Still, she let on that she was investigating something.
Darius. Darius is my biggest "Brooklynn's Fake Death Can't Be Classified As Willfully Malicious On Her Part" card. Because he is the one that proves that Brooklynn did not in fact get sucked in so deep in her mystery that she tossed away all bonds and relationships. Did her death fuck him up? Definitely. But guys! She called him there that night, they had plans, she was "going to show him something!!!" Guys. She went to Darius. She was going to show Darius. Do you get that. In Chaos Theory, they say "Brooklynn was there to buy the Allosaurus that night." They are heartbroken. Yaz and Sammy say no way, and Darius says it is true, that she had a secret apartment, cash, and a note from Mr.Kim. But guys. She was going to show Darius.
Every time Brooklynn is called out on her behavior and shown how her obsessiveness hurts her friends—the way Sammy called her out when they were investigating E750, or her feeling regret over the “cool dad” comment when investigating Mitch and Tiff—she takes a step back and reassesses. She starts to investigate again but with changed behavior. That’s growth. Kenji breaking up with her may have really been the catalyst to her trying to show Darius what she was up to. As Darius says, Brooklynn was really torn up about the breakup and it is so visible on her face that she is devastated—she loved Kenji. She loved her friends.
So Brooklynn’s behavior, it was not Brooklynn cutting out her friends. Was she 100% honest with all of them? No. And unfortunately, the one person who she was going to show what was going on, didn't get to make it, and Brooklynn was killed.
Except she lived. So why not tell them? Why let them stew in grief? Why abandon them? Look, I think a lot of you are forgetting that the kids are very very good at improv. Are we forgetting Darius and Kash?An attempt on Brooklynn's life was made, and she somehow miraculously survived. She adapted, and made a plan on the go, lying low, somehow creating a trusted network, while being unable to reach out to her friends--it would blow her cover, and also possibly put them in danger. Who knows? Besides. Let's not forget, Ben was not the one who called Darius in that first episode. I don't know, but I do think it could have been Brooklynn, or someone on behalf of her, like Ronnie. (Or it could have been raptor lady to make sure Darius was home but who knows!)
Look, ultimately, you don't have to like her, and I'm not forcing anyone to! I do love her though, and her choices are ones I will defend. Besides, I know we are talking about camp fam trauma reactions to Brooklynn's death, but guys, flip side? We have a character who was going to tell her friend what she was up to, only to have an assassination attempt on her life causing her to lose a limb and go into hiding, not being able to contact her loved ones. I cannot even begin to think of the trauma Brooklynn has.
I hope this answers your ask anon, I feel I rambled too much lol!
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respectthepetty · 2 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 1
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. I had planned to space them out more, but due to wacky weather over here (tornadoes, thunderstorms, softball-sized hail, and flash flooding), I had plenty of time to binge watch the first show, Love in the Air, which perfectly aligns with my real life theme of stormy weather, so I'm posting my random thoughts in five parts, two for each couple and the special episode.
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I'm seated, I'm watching, and I'm being petty.
It starts at "2:00 AM" - Oh no. Nothing could happens at 2 in the morning, and the time just keeps going. This event isn't even going to begin until 3 AM?! Take me home, NOW! I don't care how fine these men are. I'm stopping for mini churros at Jack in the Box on the way home and going to bed. I'M OUT!
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I've seen plenty of pictures of Boss in the past two years, but I still lost my breath a bit when he took off his mask because he was looking delicious in the rain.
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Out of everything I saw about this show, NOBODY mentioned that Rain was trying to get a girl. I'm shook. That's a huge part of the plot I never saw mentioned. There were rumors of the actor (Noeul) being with Milk (of MilkLove), and I saw more of THAT in connection to this show than about him liking a girl within it. Where are y'alls priorities?! *looks at Tonnam and breathes deeply*
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Payu's room is IN the garage? But what about the fumes? What about the noise? What about a good work/life balance?!
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I don't care if this boy is snuggling in his sleep, Payu is on my shit list! Instead of being like "oh, I misunderstood the signals," he pushed harder then got upset. Even if Rain secretly does want him, I need a verbalization. This is the end of the first episode, and I'm mad as hell at a bisexual on the first day of Pride. Damn.
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Start of episode two and I know Rain's voiceovers are there to make me not be upset at Payu, but . . . I'm pissed at this man! He did all of that work, said it was free, but now there is "another" charge, then he shows up at this boy's school when he could've just talked to him at the shop, and feels him up in the bathroom stall. I am BIG mad!
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I will admit, this is hot. Still very mad at my fellow bisexual for him saying he wasn't trying to force himself on Rain (even though he was about to mark a map on that boy's neck), but they got chemistry.
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My fellow Slut for Christ, only God can judge you, but know that I am too.
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All racetracks look the same so Pit Babe and Cutie Pie could have been filmed here for all I know, but I have this at 1.5 speed, unmuted, so I hear this is a legit hype rap song. WEARETHEGOOD's "Threat" with these colors?! Energy? Matched.
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I don't kink shame but both people should be willing participants in this endeavor. Then just to drop him on the floor like that?! That does not inspire trust! This is not Blue Boy behavior, sir! But this lecture after is. That is what I need from you. Remind him that this isn't some petty school shit but actual gangstas he is messing with. Remind him that he can't be reckless. THAT'S HOW BLUE BOYS GET KISSED!
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Now it's a competition? Payu wants to fuck Rain so badly he looks stupid, yet Rain is over here saying he is going to make Payu want to fuck him, what? harder? What is this all about?!
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What do you mean you didn't want to show Rain your bad side? Has all this been your good side up until this point?! Cause, dead ass, this side ain't looking that great either with you being upset you weren't sleeping with him on the first night and stalking him. So you're going to get worse?
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Y'all can't sucker me in with red and blue colors. I Told Sunset About You tried that, and I'm still being petty about it. But whose house are we at now?! This is a different room than before. Payu got multiple places?! In this economy?
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Prapai strolling in all happy because he had a good night . . . Sir, I'll get to your ass soon because I know how you got that happiness, and you are on the same shit list as your fellow bisexual bestie.
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I am Sky and our judgement cannot be measured.
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All this blue between these two yet they are straight up lyin' every two seconds. The fuckery.
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I would've let him turn it in, but I appreciate that he looks so good while looking so sad with that warm glow.
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Payu gets one positive point for leaving his arms open for Rain to come to him, but now that warm glow feels sus like maybe I should be paying more attention to Rain's yellow/orange backpack.
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And now for a negative point because even though I keep seeing black x white, Payu stays morally grey by playing with this boy's emotions and hiding from him in his own shop! These after scenes are not doing Payu any favors.
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Payu, do I like you? Do I hate you? Do I wanna fuck you? Do I wanna kick you in the balls? All of the above?
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Guess I'll find out in the next three episodes.
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Wolfstar microfic
896 words of projecting onto Sirius. Today we will be examining my love language of gift giving [cue me handing my friends the fifty millionth leaf I picked on impulse on our walk because it looked cool]
Remus raised an eyebrow suspiciously at Sirius.
“What are these for?”
His friend towed at the ground awkwardly.
“I just-“
He trailed off, a light blush dusting his face as he furrowed his brows, as if trying to figure it out himself.
“I thought they were pretty and figured you would like them?”
Sirius shrugged.
“James would end up accidentally killing them and well I don’t think pretty flowers are really Peter’s kind of thing so that leaves you because you’re, er, perfect. I MEAN- for this kind of thing you know-“
“Yeah but why not a girl?”
Remus cut Sirius off mid ramble.
“I just…I haven’t got my eye on any girls at the moment.”
Remus said weakly. And then because he couldn’t think of anything to say he grabbed the flowers from Sirius’ still outstretched hand.
“Thank you. They really are beautiful. It was very thoughtful.”
Sirius blushed again and glanced up a Remus wide eyed. Then he broke into a big grin. The wonky, truly happy kind that tugged on Remus’ heart strings when Sirius displayed it. 
Ever since then Sirius had start giving Remus more gifts. Leaves he thought were nice, more flowers, snacks. They’d be walking through the grounds when Sirius would suddenly go bounding into the bushes with no warning, leaving Remus stranded and slightly confused for a moment before emerging with a smile and a cool new rock he’d seen.
Needless to say Remus kept every one of the gifts. He put the flowers in a vase till they looked like they were going to wilt and then he pressed them and placed them carefully in the box he’d dedicated to Sirius’ gifts. He’d go through it often, whenever he thought about his friend …which was quite often actually. He’d known for a long while how he felt about Sirius, since second year honestly. But it was just a crush. Right? 
The thought hit him like a million bricks one Monday morning. They were sat at the table and he’d been watching Sirius’ head loll to the side, almost touching his shoulder as James chattered on to Peter, oblivious to how Sirius was fighting off sleep with big yawns and gentle head nods. That was until he wasn’t and Remus felt the soft flop of Sirius limp against his body. He let out a surprised laugh because honestly it was so cute. Sirius blinked awake groggily. He looked around gently in confusion for a moment before his eyes widened in realisation.
“Shit sorry Moons!”
Remus laughed again, more softly this time.
“It’s fine.”
It was cute.
“I didn’t mind.”
I love you.
Oh fuck I love you. 
Matters progressed.
Matters did not, in fact, progress. Not least because Sirius, unaware of the monumental realisation Remus had made around two months ago, continued to act the same. Until Remus absentmindedly entered the dorm one  random Saturday evening.
“Hey Pads have you seen my-“
Remus looked up sharply at the sound of a broken sob. He shut the door and quickly rushed over to find Sirius sat, kneeling on the floor surrounded by a little circle of stuff. Remus realised with a start it was the context of his ‘Sirius box’ he moved the belongings aside carefully and shuffled forward to face Sirius. He gently cupped Sirius’ face and lifted it to find tear stained cheeks and big watering eyes that made his heart ache.
He wanted to ask ‘whats wrong?’ Or ‘are you ok?’
Instead he just pulled his friend into in a big hug. Sirius gladly followed and buried his head against Remus’ shoulder. Once the the sobbing had died down a little Remus whispered gently to Sirius.
“Talk to me.”
He said, while carefully running his hands though Sirius’ hair.
Sirius mumbled something Remus couldn’t hear.
“Sorry I missed that love.”
Sirius peaked his head up, slowly at first and then meeting his eyes.
“Why do you still have all this…this garbage!”
Sirius exclaimed.
“I’m so stupid, so stupid.”
He whispered before erupting into tears again, wiping furiously at his face 
“Hey no you’re not stupid? Why would you think that?”
“Because !”
Sirius gestured all around him.
“It’s all useless and it’s weird and- I’m weird. It’s so…it’s just one big waste of space. And you keep it because you’re nice but you shouldn’t. Because it’s dumb.”
“It’s not a waste of space- hey look at me.”
Sirius hesitantly met Remus’ steady gaze.
“Nothing you give me is a waste of space because you gave it to me. And I keep it all because I want to, not because I’m nice.”
“But why?”
“Because I care about you!”
Sirius faltered.
“No don’t say that.”
He whispered.
“What? Why?”
“Because I- it’s just not the same Moons. You care about me.”
Sirius’ voice was dangerously trembling now as he continued on.
“I love you.”
Remus froze, eyes wide and lips parted in shock.
“Remus? P-please say something. I’m sorry I-“
“I love you too.”
Remus wasted no more time in pulling Sirius in for a searingly warm kiss. The flavour of the chocolate Remus had just eaten mingling with the soft salt of Sirius’ tears as Remus pulled him ever closer. They broke apart softly and leaned their foreheads together.
“Be mine?”
Sirius whispered against the warm breath escaping from Remus’ lips.
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w0rmdahl · 3 days
the ring girl — MM
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gif ©: magnusedom, mkayoung, ayoedebiris
film: monkey man (2024)
synopsis: tiger's temple never had a ring girl, nor one as straightforward as their first would turn out to be. however, unbeknownst to anyone who'd interacted with her in the workplace, she was no mere ring girl — at least she wouldn't be by the end.
word count: 3.7k
featuring: kid, (oc) ishani, tiger
warnings: (it's monkey man be fr) strong language, misogynistic themes
a/n: pssst! this was originally just an outline for me (similar to 'the beginning' for ilyily) but i wanted to provide backstory b4 i posted anything else for MM! hope you enjoy :)
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he remembered the first time he saw her; the black sheep with her head down as she entered the locker room of the arena, a meager woman compared to the grimy crowd of men housed inside. like a lamb in the lions' den — or tiger's temple, perhaps — eyes would begin to collect on the anomaly in the room and people started to further notice the oddities of the situation, including himself as he peeled off the signature monkey mask. without the latex obstructing his view kid could now see the substantial gashes and bruises along her skin, the determination in her eyes as she walked herself right up to his boss, jaw clenching once he'd noticed her.
"what the fuck are you doing here?"
"you're tiger, is that right?"
the greasy-haired man sneered. "and who the fuck are you?"
kid would slam his locker shut from his place across the room and, though he was all ready to go and rest for the night, he'd linger around to keep an eye on tiger whilst he spoke with the willful woman peering up at him through narrowed eyes.
"you need a ring girl." she said simply — matter-of-fact. "i need a job. maybe we could work something out."
tiger's face would screw up into a look of disbelief as he glanced around the audience surrounding to see the commotion, a mixed reaction from the crowd bringing his attention back to her. he'd mirror her folded arms and cocked brow before responding half as professional and twice as patronizing, utterly unsuspecting of the girls' smile that would follow.
"we don't need a ring girl."
the dark-haired woman almost chuckled. "course you do; why do you think ring girls exist?"
tiger now actually took a moment to ponder her query — the first, not the second. the second was obvious. but that was exactly why he paused; this random girl off the street was opting to be ogled at in a bad part of town just for a job. who knows, maybe it could even bring in new audience members — but his wildest ideas more focused on the limitations of her willingness. how far would she be willing to go for money?
a cagy smile would curl the boss's bitten lips before he laughed and swiped a misplaced hair behind his ear. "you..." he trailed off and shook the deceit from his thoughts, "you've got yourself a deal, there. come back tomorrow at 4 and we'll talk details."
she'd offer a mere nod before beginning to turn, halted by tiger's voice booming off the tile flooring once more. "wait! what the fuck is your name?" the woman casted her sharp gaze over her shoulder when the pseudonym left her mouth.
tiger would then be abandoned to stew in his suspicion about her as she exited the same way she came, leaving the room to erupt in conversations left utterly unheard by kid who'd exited out the back door as soon as ishani was out of sight. by the time he laid down with his eyes on the ceiling fan, the occurrences of the day wholly left his mind, replaced with the abrasive memories that kept his eyes open until the sun rose. and then, just like every day, he would return to the ring once more to be beaten until the crowd was happy — the only difference being the new ring girl wearing half as many clothes as when he'd last seen her and a smile that didn't convince the monkey man one bit.
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the months that followed ishani's arrival took some adjusting to get used to. matches changed, payment changed, tiger changed. at first it was just getting used to a woman being in the building — especially one dressed the way ring girls did. the other men were like starved dogs in overheard conversations that had him keeping a closer eye on them — to the point that he began noticing each and every snide comment that accused of 'not belonging' and weird notes left from a 'secret admirer' on her mirror. it was all tough to stomach even for him so he couldn't begin to imagine how she felt walking home at night.
but then it was the audience that changed. sure, she was booed here and there at the beginning in favor of the actual fighting they'd come to bet on, but after a while she started gaining traction. there were men who'd come only to cheer when she stepped into the ring with that stupid sign, eagerly waiting by the back door until her shift was over to ask for her number or who to bet on next. there was even an incident where a sold-out show for two unpopular fighters was terminated early due to the absence of life in the crowd when ishani wasn't visible, but the important detail to tiger hadn't been the lack of enthusiasm for the actual fight, it was the attention and money he made without the fight.
the locker room became a slaughterhouse by the time tiger started favoring ishani. talks of how 'desirable' she was turned into how pesky she was, perverted smooches turned into arrogant scoffs, and all the while ishani remained totally uninterested in it all. she kept her head down and did what she had to do, which often entailed skimpier outfits than typical or (objectively worse) humoring the sweaty patrons for 900 rupees an hour. either way, she continuously endured the bitter tasks put forth day by day without ever making a fuss until finally, on an evening as regular as any other, she seemed to snap.
it came after an apparently tough day when she walked into the building with her hair tied in a rat's nest at the top of her head and dark circles under her eyes to emphasize the frown creased besides her nostrils. tiger had begun calling out to her as she swung open the door to her personal storage closet and, without uttering a word, slammed the door shut behind her. the peeved man would then look around to see if anyone else had witnessed this variation in her demeanor, naive to the eyes behind the monkey mask watching his every move under a microscope.
she was sour from that point on, the perpetual scornful knitting of her brows evident to anyone who cared to look from the beginning of her shift until the very end. she'd kept her mouth sewn shut the entire day even when tiger called her over before she could change and grab her stuff to leave the vile workplace — even when he'd asked her to 'have a drink' with a customer for another hour — even when said customer spilt his drink down her front. only when kid noticed the grubby hand on her thigh creeping inward did ishani finally release whatever had been caught on her tongue all day, her own drink now being thrown in his face.
"fuck off you worthless pig! keep your dirty dick in your pants and leave me the fuck alone!"
any and all conversations from lingering individuals in the vicinity would cease entirely upon hearing the howl released from the formerly well-mannered ring girl. caught in the sights of her boss and coworker for two entirely different reasons, ishani shot up from her seat to storm off from the man at the table, called after only by tiger as she made her way toward the locker rooms.
she didn't even glance back at him, continuing her way out of the central arena to leave the bewildered audience behind as she disappeared into the employee-only section of the building. kid would catch himself rushing through any leftover tasks before he could go home with ishani in the forefront of his mind, holding on to the hope that he could run into her before she'd left and offer some sympathy for her day — only to find the locker room entirely empty when he grabbed his bag. with the release of a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, he'd opt instead to simply keep an eye on her tomorrow and make sure she was alright, stepping out the back door with slumped, aching shoulders.
— and then, as he took in a deep breath of the fresh air on the second step, his eyes would be quicker than his mind to notice the figure in his peripheral. by the time he recognized her, ishani's attention was already on him, sitting slumped against the brick wall with a quirked brow at the lanky man on the eroding staircase.
finally, after months of mutual intrigue and accidental eye contact with the other who seemed to be watching when they weren't looking, kid and ishani would interact for the first time with a comfortable breeze between them and hushed voices under the twinkling stars.
"are you okay?" he'd asked sincerely. the wind brushed her hair from her cheeks as she replied, "yeah. all good." and yet, he could've sworn he'd noticed a glum cadence in her words.
"do you want me to call a taxi?"
"it's alright, but thank you." she produced a small smile identical to the other sad grins presented throughout the day. "just waiting for him to go home before i leave."
him — the man at the bar. kid was already leaning on his heel to turn back inside. "i can tell him to leave." he could almost see the rain clouds looming over her head begin to part as her downturned smile grew brighter, unalloyed while her shoulders straightened out.
"i'd appreciate that."
she spoke with the gratitude obvious in her sparkling eyes, and so, with the simple nod of his head, kid would then head back inside to oblige. he'd even go as far as to exit out the front door for his walk home just to make sure the perverse man didn't turn back around, all the while contemplating his limited interactions with the ring girl. unbeknownst to him, this decision would finally grace ishani with the first real smile she'd experienced in a long while, one that remained imprinted all the way home as if to remind herself how to do it.
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the days following this incident would proceed as normal if not for the instances when their eyes caught from across the room once more, a different kind of smile on her lips than the one he’d grown used to. it caught him totally off guard the first time and left him utterly unsure of how to react or respond before she was whisked away by tiger to fulfill another duty in the day. however, by the second honest smile kid had become certain this wasn't just a fluke, mustering the courage and the will to push through the throbbing in his jaw as he replicated her grin. it wasn't nearly as genuine or convincing as ishani's, but it was there, and that's all that really mattered in her eyes.
day by day, little by little, kid and ishani's smile-laced glances would grow friendlier and friendlier despite their lack of communication — even getting to the point where others had begun to notice.
"making after work plans, there, kong?" cobra would snicker as he took a step closer to the beast on the other side of the ring.
"stop talking and hit me."
it wasn't until a little over two weeks after they'd spoken that ishani and the monkey man would be in contact with one another again, finding themselves interacting once more due to a complex work situation;
he was waiting against the wall of tiger’s perpetually locked office door when he’d noticed her enter the locker room — practically barging through the greasy guys with hands balled into fists as she walked right past him and up to tiger's office. she'd knock with heavy knuckles against the chipped oil paint and, after a brief pause, the door would swing open to reveal their hasty-looking employer with an astounded and somewhat irritated expression on his face.
"ishani," tiger hummed with condescension weaved in his tone "i don't suppose this could wait."
she stood her ground with a simple "no," replicating his low octave but without the distain present in her vocal cords. kid swore he could still sense it.
“alright,” their boss sighed and pulled the door open further to let her in. “grab a seat.”
before entering ishani would promptly glance over at the bloody man leaned into the wall beside her, a look of what he could only describe as sympathy creasing her features. this puzzling gesture urged him now to respond the only way he could — the only way they did — and earned her a comforting smile as she started to head inside. the minuscule flash of her grin appeared on her lips for only a second before she then disappeared from his view, completely failing to close the door behind her.
the monkey man wasted only a moment on internal debate before deciding to inch closer to the doorway and listen in, back pressed flat to the wall and eyes forward while he overheard their conversation. she must've left the door open for a reason, right?
"it's like i've told you before,” tiger spoke in an annoyed grumble “that isn't how business works, and that isn't how this is going to work — if it did work like that i'd be the richest person in the world tomorrow, but unfortunately company comes before personnel."
"all i'm asking is for you to stick to your word. i don't expect any favors. just respect."
"respect?" he asks with an exasperated thinness, a scoff caught in his throat. "respect you?"
ishani, on the other hand, is surprisingly calm despite her previous demeanor. “would you break a promise with someone you respect?” tiger finally scoffs.
“what promise, ishani? i never promise anything to anyone — especially not the ring girl with a fake name who prances around for money.”
kid can almost hear the smirk in her voice. “the ring girl whose made you an extra few thousand rupees every night? s’that the one you’re talking about? — because if so, that’s even more of a reason to keep your word.”
there is a beat before tigers response that left the eavesdropping man outside to ponder his own theories of what he was doing during this time. maybe he was pushing his tongue in his cheek to keep his big mouth from saying something he shouldn’t. maybe he was brushing his hair behind his ears as the thought of a cool and collected response. maybe —
“i don’t give hand-outs, ishani.”
on the contrary to his mulling, her answer was immediate. “that is such bullshit, man! you rig every match! how am i asking too much when you make me to stay late every night just to laugh at some sweaty guys' jokes? not to mention the other things you beg me to do. and yet i never complain and i never whine — which is why i asked you last week for my pay today. i need that money today, tiger.”
kids brows would furrow upon hearing this new information. he knew tiger did things under the table, of course, everyone did! most matches were rigged and he did ask ishani to sit with some overzealous customer just about every night, however her emphasis on other things caught his full attention, the implications nearly baring his teeth.
"i can't give you your pay tonight. best i can do is friday."
"friday?" ishani repeats, her volume raised higher than before "it's tuesday, tiger — how am i going to eat tonight? how will i wash my clothes tomorrow? what am i supposed to do until friday?"
"honestly, i don't know, but i believe you'll figure it out. now, i have somewhere to be, so i will see you tomorrow." tiger's annoyance is now outwardly apparent in his voice.
"that's it? i should just go fuck myself then?"
"if that's what you wish to call it, sure; go fuck yourself — now get out of my office."
from around the corner kid can hear a chair screeching as its legs skid against the ground before landing with a thud. then, ishani's swift but heavy footsteps, her face beet red as she exited the office in the same manner as she had arrived. and before kid even has the chance to do or say anything, tiger is peeking his head out to see who else had been looming around to speak with him.
"you come to make demands, too?"
make demands. he noted tiger's verbiage before shaking his head.
"all right, let's get this over with."
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kid would almost hobble out the back door for a cigarette after his match when he’d noticed ishani already two steps ahead, mid-drag as she looked over to see who'd stumbled into her alone time. of course it was the monkey man — who else? she exhaled the smoke before speaking.
"i always feel sorry for kong. looks painful."
her voice seemed so much softer when directed at him, though maybe that was just the foreignness of them actually speaking to one another. kid took a moment to respond while restraining a wince from the shift in weight as he worked down the second step. “don't feel sorry, kong's 'the beast.'" ishani shifted to face him when he arrived at the third.
"is he, though? or is that just how he's made out to be?"
kid would have to pause once more in order to work through what she was saying — what the true meaning was hidden in the ambiguity — and more importantly what he was going to say back. he’d watch her take another drag with her eyes fixed on him, finally making it down to the final step before deciding to mirror her intentional vagueness. “does it matter by this point?”
the warm twinkle in her eyes ran cold upon hearing this response, now more of a troubled glint as she pulled her gaze from his silhouette trudging to lean against the brick. from her peripheral she could see him fishing for something in his pockets and her own free hand would subconsciously slip into hers, the other bringing the menthol back to her lips. “i think so…” she’d trail off, and for a moment, that was that.
and then he was the one to suddenly speak, his tone barely over a whisper after a long exhale of billowing smoke. “can i ask you something?”
“why’d you leave the door open?”
a deceitful smirk graced her lips as she took another drag in what he assumed was an act to postpone her answer. “because.” ishani hummed lowly, “i didn’t want you to think i was soft.”
this took him aback entirely. of all hypotheses he had conjured up over the last two hours to explain her varying demeanor, this was not one of them, didn't even make the list. kid's adams apple bobbed while he swallowed the hesitance in his vocal cords, her gaze returning to his just in time to catch this quirk.
"i don't."
the warmth in her eyes would return again after these words left his mouth, and though she would only smile in that sincere manner she had revealed all those days ago, it felt as though she wanted to say something; the corners of her lips twitching as her eyes flicked between his. how awfully he wished to hear it — her thoughts on his rare transparency — but ishani would remain utterly silent with the grin on her face fighting to show teeth. kid would grow timid quickly under the pressure of her gaze and silence, unintentionally prodding him to abruptly blurt out what he'd been poring over since the moment he'd left tiger's office.
“do you know ‘kings?’ the elite club in uptown mumbai?”
ishani’s brows furrowed as she shook her head. “no, i don’t think so.”
“well…” he took a breath in an attempt to navigate how to go about this, each explanation coming off worse and worse. he looked off to the skyline. “all the wealthy businessmen go there to pay for girls to laugh at their shitty jokes. if anyone could do it..."
there was a beat before her response that left kid out in the cold for the few milliseconds it took her to find what to say, the anxiety in his chest rising until an entirely unfamiliar sound eased his swirling worries, light and harmonious in the night chirping with crickets. he'd glance back over at ishani to find her restraining the giggles emitting from her throat with her pointer on her lips, eyes now looking back up at him as she smiled.
"you trying to pimp me out?"
her apparent delight would grow along with her grin as she watched his face flush with the unsure and somewhat nervous chuckles falling from his split lips. "that is what it sounds like, huh?" he'd look away to ash the dwindling cigarette between his trembling fingers "just wanna help, is all. promise."
ishani turned towards him even more now, inadvertently catching his full and undivided attention, though she simply pressed the butt of her dead cigarette into the brick. "see?" she spoke sweetly — knowingly as she took half a step toward the back door with a vivid twinkle in her eye, "kong's not as bad as people make him out to be."
and with that, she turned, filter in hand as she monitored him all the way to the back door. with her fingertips grazing the rusted handle ishani would offer one last salute towards the monkey man before finally heading back inside, leaving him alone against the brick to ponder their interactions once more. the absence of her response had his suspicion snowballing on how she'd taken the offer and, with another puff of tobacco, kid found himself accepting her subtle rejection.
— so imagine his shock the next day when he'd exited the kings' kitchen for a breath of fresh air only to find ishani doing the same.
"hey," she'd smile, a familiar glow in her gaze on the dumbfounded man "funny seeing you here."
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nottapossum · 2 days
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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ethruia · 1 day
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it felt like it was going to bust out of your skull. after you sat there trying to get over the pain of your head, you decided to look around and figure out where you were.
that was your first mistake. it didn’t take long to figure out that you were in your ex best friend’s room with the various different polaroids laid out on his desk. you backed up in horror, how did this happen? WHY did this happen?
your second mistake was piecing together the context clues of what happened in this room the night prior. you didn’t want to believe it, you COULDN’T believe it.
you couldn’t stand in shock for much longer because the door opened to reveal the only person you did not want to see in this moment. donghyuck.
“what the fuck happened last night?” you asked him. “the last thing i remember was being in the kitchen with giselle”
“you seriously don’t remember? i ran into you a few hours after the after party started. you looked upset” he waved his hand to single you to sit down on the bed.
“why in the world was i upset.. i don’t remember anything happening that important..” you trailed off trying to put the pieces together in your head.
“you got into a fight with your boyfriend i think, he was chasing after you but you seemed a little drunk you were stumbling” of course it had something to do with jake. “i didn’t want anything to escalate so i stepped in and said that you had business with me, that’s how i lead you away but then we ended up here — that part’s a little fuzzy for me”
it was all coming back to you. jake had found you as you were trying to make your way through the crowd. you were initially trying to find one of donghyuck’s bandmates — jisung. there was something about him and you wanted to try and talk to him. although you didn’t necessarily want a rebound, what jake did made you feel like you were less than and you needed to bounce back.
jake was hunting you down and you were trying to get away to the nest of your ability. you could hear your name being called but you kept going anyway. you felt a hand grab your wrist with an unknown voice telling jake that you had business with him and that he should go away. suddenly you were getting pulled into a random room where you could finally see the face behind the voice.
“donghyuck? what are you doing?” you spoke up.
“i’m saving your ass that’s what i’m doing” he looked at you and sighed. “i can leave if i’m making you uncomfortable. i know our last talk was not a good one”
“no it’s okay.. it was in the past after all” you gave him a faint smile as the situation started to turn awkward. you started fidgeting with your fingers when he decided to speak up.
“do you want to talk about it?”
“not really, i would prefer to get my mind off of it”
“then let’s get out of here”
donghyuck took your hand again and softly held it as he led you outside of the party and walked with you back to his apartment. you had no idea what was happening but you didn’t want to stop it — there was still so much you had to clear up with him now that he’s here.
the air was cold and there was a slight breeze that brought out the calmness of the night. it was still awkward but with the current alcohol in your system you didn’t care. when you got to donghyuck’s shared apartment you decided to speak up.
you spent about 20 minutes talking to him about what happened in high school and the feelings you had towards him. as your drunken confession hit his ears something in donghyuck shifted — like he was waiting for that one sentence his whole life. he said something along the lines of ‘you don’t know how long i’ve waited to hear those words’ and then pounced on you.
that’s the last of what you could remember before your memory got hazy. you were in deep shit. you had to make sure to keep this a secret, especially for giselle’s sake. you thought those subtle feelings for him were long gone, but the night before was proof that they are still there deep down. you were absolutely fucked.
“we can’t tell anyone.” you blurted out. he looked shocked, not knowing that would be the first thing you would say. you had to be straight to the point — especially since your head was killing you.
“what if i don’t want to? i missed you, you know” he grasped your hands.
“absolutely not.” you pulled back your hands and got up to leave. as you were leaving you heard a faint ‘i’ll change your mind.’
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ONLY ONE NIGHT — 5. city girls up
synopsis — three years since your falling out with lee donghyuck he has suddenly transfered to your college in hopes to make it big with his friends in his band. unfortunately for you, your unresolved friendship started causing problems between you and the people around you, especially since your best friend is his ex. so — why have you found yourself in his room with a raging hangover?
note; i’m SO SORRY for writing back to back it goes back to normal smau next chapter ;(
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TAGS @odxrilove @haechansbbg @amrqxz @manooffline
@nosungluv @bugcattie @j2upiters
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aurasplanet · 23 hours
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warnings :: nothing, besides my terrible endings and a mention of reader having bangs
ron anderson x reader
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aaron found you three months ago. hiding in a run-down house near the walls of alexandria. far enough to not notice the place, or maybe you didn’t want to. maybe you didn’t want to go to the safe-seeming community awaiting you mere yards away.
you were frail, dirty, stricken with fear in constant survival mode. when you were brought back, ron thought you were like a cat. they can lash out when frightened, or close off. you do both.
your added adorableness only proved this theory.
you fascinated him. any time he would try and reach out, be friendly; he’d get shut down. but the lack of cruelness in your voice and abundance of fright left him undiscouraged.
he would use his mom to his advantage. she was sweet to everyone, and while you didn’t become buddy buddy with her, you tolerated her enough to cut your severely grown out bangs. this meant you had to sit in the anderson’s kitchen while she worked. right next to the island where ron sat, talking your ear off.
you would huff and give clear signs of disinterest, merely there for a trim. but he wouldn’t let up. and eventually his annoying, broken record voice turned melodic. when you started realizing how hard he had been trying, it made you feel odd.
no one had cared for you since your mother died, your father long gone before the apocalypse ever even broke out. ron’s restless attempts at befriending you made your socially unaware brain go haywire.
so, you did the logical thing any emotionally stunted teen girl with a tiny crush would do. cut random chunks of hair off to have the excuse of going back to their house as much as you could.
it took the fourth time before ron’s twenty questions paused, and then he was looking over you quizzically. you side glance at him, not wanting to butcher your hair further. you catch a glimpse of his smile and feel your cheeks heat up.
“i’m just saying…” he taps his fingers against the countertop as he speaks. “you don’t have to get a haircut to come here.” your brows furrow in confusion, honestly you hadn’t a clue on how to go about seeing ron often. you just knew that your hair getting cut was a way.
ron watches you sit in silence for a few minutes before the towel over your shoulders is lifted. with a sweet smile jessie tells you she’s done, but you remain sat in the chair.
he notices your lack of comprehension and comes over to stand in front of you, holding his hand out for you to grab. “we can go play video games, i have comics, or we could talk more. whatever you want.” he smiles softly, and you feel your face becoming hotter. at the kind gesture, and the fact he still wants to talk. despite the lack of response on your part.
you nod and grab his hand, muttering a tiny thank you towards his mom. oh how you loathe seeming like some dumb kid who can’t handle herself, what wonders trauma can do. but you could get used to ron’s gentle behavior.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 7 months
rereading the worst scene I have ever written in my entire life and why did harrison have to drag lonan so hard here:
The sound of Lonan’s voice is like crashing into a concrete wall.
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
my brother called me for christmas and i didn't recognize him because he has a deep voice now very much felt like killing myself when he said "this is [his name and my little sister's name] btw" at the end of the voicemail
#i was like is this a wrong number is this a prank because it's not particularly funny it's most likely a wrong number because i literally#don't know any random man who would be calling me for christmas#this is crazy#he's 12 and a half. 12 and 3/4 actually. so ig that tracks (yeah) but like#crazy#i haven't seen him or my little sister or my stepmother who isn't my stepmother anymore in 4 years because i HATED going to my dad's it was#the bane of my existence from 2009 to 2019 and i loved my brother and my little sister i loved seeing them but i don't regret the fact that#i stopped going even if it means i no longer have a relationship with them and only talk on our birthdays or i guess on christmas#like it does make me sad and when i considered not going anymore before i actually stopped i always thought about them and about how much i#loved them and i do miss them and hate the fact that idk we were only close for the first 8 years of my brother's life and 6 years of my#little sister's life but at the end of the day...it's like with my dad not having that substantial of a relationship with him (i see him a#few times a year for like a couple hours tops and like we talk but we don't TALK but we're not on bad terms we talk more now than we did#when i went to his house semi-regularly for the weekend) makes me sad but i can just. not think about it. and then i'm not sad lmao. like#yeah i'll have dreams about it (not as much as i used to) because it is a thing that is always going on with me but it's NOTHING compared#to what going there was like like i thought about it SO MUCH it made me SO MISERABLE and like actively miserable this is easier to deal#with. passively miserable. but not recognizing my brother's voice was crazy#i always call my little sister my little sister and i don't say that with my brother because i have another sister and she's ALSO my little#sister but not as little😭 like my sister: my sister who's 18 my little sister: my sister who's 10. my dad forbid us from saying half-#sibling����#and like i say: brf slt
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If I had a nickel for every "I bought some obvious scam product so YOU don't have to!" video that I've seen on YouTube, I'd have enough to buy all of the obvious scam products myself so that YOU don't have to!
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randomnameless · 2 years
I'm very dragonpilled right now and 3 Houses/Hopes refuses to scratch the itch despite arguably having one of the best takes on manaketes in series history(used loosely here ofc since not all dragons are made equal in FE). God, the Nabateans are right up my alley and yet we get crumbs. It got me thinking about Laguz vs Nabateans, seeing the dragon fam drama in Tellius be touched on, TONS more than Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, Macuil, Indech, the Relics siblings, and even Sothis.
I know this is about to sound like I'm asking "lol what's the difference between night and day" here, but I genuinely would like to know just how much better IntSys did with the dragon shifters in Tellius from a person more knowledgeable about it, and how they could've done the Nabateans much better in hindsight, especially since both games do a very interesting twist on dragons for the series. I'm thinking of watching a playthrough of Tellius to literally just FINALLY get my dragon fam/race fill instead of asking the Fodlan series to give me anything (I'M STARVING DAMMIT), and would like to hear your thoughts on what you think of the Laguz overall and how their race enhances the plot. Spoilers welcome btw.
(ugh i forgot this in my drafts i’m so sorry!)
Let's say Tellius starts and breathes with the racial angle/card - we have two kinds of humans, beorcs who are random humans and laguz, humans who can shapeshift.
Through the course of the saga, we see Laguz. Not just here as mere place holder and infodumps, but we see the various leaders of the different tribes, we go to Castle Gallia, Ike talks and learns from all kind of Laguz around.
For the dragon Laguz living in Goldoa, their first appearance, iirc, is when Ike's boat crashes on their shores, dragons are isolationists and ask him to get the fuck out, we can't because no boat, and the situation is dire until the dragon prince, Kurthnaga, pops up and defuses the situation.
Afterwards we see Deghinsea talk to the other Laguz Kings about the plot.
But for the dragon laguz? The most important about them isn’t their scale or anything, but the familial drama associated to Goldoa’s royal line. They are not only dragons and here to give a backstory to someone - nope, they are characters with arcs.
It ultimately touches the greater plot and one of Tellius’s most destestable themes - but such is their verse, and they are fundamentally a family screwed by their world.
Sister goes to hold the hand of the worst human alive, worst human alive use the kid they got as a barganing chip, older brother goes to rescue her and ends up as a drugged and tortured being, younger brother is sheltered but lost about what is happening, and their father is enduring the loss of his two children and also the fate of the world on his moustache, until he cannot anymore. Older brother’s wife sides with worst human alive just to get a chance to see her beloved, and her own grandpa has to betray his country for her sake and her unborn kid.
Meanwhile? Rhea is a lizard in hiding because her siblings became toothpicks, but Seteth ? Doesn’t have anything to do and or reaction when the truth is revealed, or when people are trying to turn them in toothpicks again. He won’t talk to Nemesis, and player pandering forces him not to give more fucks than needed about his sister.
Like, gosh, Rajaion only appears in a cutscene (bar his, uh, alternate form) and I get more about his relationship with his siblings, dad and lover from Tellius than Seteth’s 10 supports and 2 games where he could be interacting with his siblings, but, uh, never does in a meaningful way.
And that’s not to say Seteth BaD or anything like this, really !
Just to say the lizard family from Fodlan didn’t receive even a tenth of what the Goldoan royals received, even if they have much more screentime.
Quality > Quantity.
What they could have done with Fodlan to make the dragon family act more like a family rather than the clusterfuck we had?
Well, for starters, the Nabatean AG paralogue is a step in the right direction, because they interact without using Billy as the “center of universe” prop everything must tend to.
Maybe Fodlan could have started by at least naming one (maybe not all 12) dragon who was turned in a relic.
Maybe we could have had a confirmation about Flayn’s status, as a pure blooded Nabatean or as a hybrid.
They could have given us more breadcrumbs about what it means to share “blood” with humans, and if it was something that is supposed to be common, or reserved to “very special humans”. They could have developped more about what Nabateans felt seeing their current “allies” use relics, or even their enemies engineer fake “hearts” to turn humans in grotesque abominations supposed to mirror them.
I’m not saying we should had playable Indech’n’Macuil, but at least see and interact with them more, or give more info about them, why did they escape after the WoH, did they even meet Rhea once in 1k years, etc etc. Do we know if Nabateans are still surviving outside of Fodlan (it’s implied by Petra iirc) ?
That’s why I would have wanted more War of Heroes content, I know the Nabatean civilisation is already razed but we could have had the content I wanted and expected since day 1, about Nabateans, their place in the world and how they are supposed to work/live/coexist in peace with humans (and agarthans?) - we could have had some Nabateans who thought they were superiors to humans and were tyrants, and Nabateans who wanted and worked with them on an “equal” basis or some who were just consulted as oracles or seers...
Can they still live with humans ? Did they disagree on what to do next, after the Red Canyon, did some wanted to hide until the end of the times, or some wanted to rule over humans, or some only wanted to guide them?
All those things, and we will never know.
Bear in mind, we don’t know Deghinsea’s tax policy (still his country is isolationist to an extreme degree so...), but we know he loved all of his children, we know Almedha feels like dirt because she feels like she is the catalyst for the destruction of her family and expects Ena, her sister in law, to despise her, we know Nasir’s love for his granddaughter is stronger than in loyalty to his King and his own morals...
And we see Kurthnaga trying to do the “right thing”, only to realise the “right thing” isn’t the thing we always want to do, and how he ultimately has to walk in his father’s shoes.
It’s a tight group, take one of them, and you would find bonds and links to another member of the group.
In Fodlan, if I look at Rhea’s bonds (even if I take Nopes because remember, player pandering means “alone b4 u since zanado”) I still don’t know how she feels about Indech, how he feels about her, or what is going on in the state of the world.
Fodlan really tries to sell us a story where the Nabateans aren’t that close to each other, where Indech will not give a fuck about his sister being turned in a pair of daggers and where Cichol doesn’t think it is important to warn his brothers that Supreme Leader and her friends want to erase every Nabatean from Fodlan -
Hell, again with Fodlan’s main issue (or one of its main issues) - the Nabateans cannot collectively react to an event like a second attempt at ousting them from Fodlan, or in Supreme Leader’s words, create a “Nabatean blood-less world!” because Hresvelg Tea needs to be sold.
Almedha might have hold Ashnard’s hand, Kurthnaga, Deghinsea, Nasir and Ena are quick and fast to call him an asshole. I’m sure Rajaion did too. And there’s no need to have some “maybe we could have walked with him” or some “maybe he had his reasons??” when a member of their family is/was being tortured under his care.
Compare this to Seteth’s “well i know you don’t want to kill Supreme Leader but we have to put an end to the war!” when Rhea has been in her dungeons for 5 years, when he knows she’s in Enbarr and when he knows what happened to Flayn in the span of 1 month.
Fodlan cannot develop Nabateans without making Supreme Leader look like a fool, and Supreme Leader is Fodlan’s cash cow.
That’s, I think, the main difference between Fodlan’s Nabateans and Tellius’s dragon laguz.
#androblob#i'm so sorry i sometimes start to type a reply but then I put it on hold#because i have something else to do and here we are 3 months later#laguz in general were characters not nods or background exposition#never to be touched upon as to not make someone look bad#or just nods and being around because hey look we brought back beasts you loved them before right?#That's what they did in FE13 and I hated it#The FE14 beasts were apparently living in villages and no thought or care is given about a race of shapeshifters leaving in a world with hum#humans damn#they're just like people from a random village who just happen to have fur that's all#after coming from Tellius it's a bit light#but the game didn't want to shed light on them so at least that's that#to make nabateans better in hindsight talk about them#make them interact with each other#give them that familly or close group vibe the dragons from Tellius had#i think shifters and manaketes are used to lampshade an existing situation to depict racism or the struggle to live with people who are#different#if it's just to have a unit with fur then bar the gameplay what's the point?#at least that's what bamco does and it often works#Fodlan is an exception because the one who is arguing against coexistence is the cashcow of the saga#so she can't be wrong nor be right else the game wouldn't be released#so we're left with that milquetoast piece of jelly#'tell me is it bad that i do not want to die because my ears are pointy?'
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