#...or finishing my run of the Sealed Palace...
game-boy-pocket · 1 year
No Tears of the Kingdom for me until USPS delivers the damn thing, but I beat my run of Breath of the Wild tonight.
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I kind of rushed through it, especially toward the end when I started looking up all the remaining shrines I had left to complete. It's not an ideal way to play unless you're a speed runner, but BOTW for me is a long con that takes well over a month to beat. I probably could have taken my time just a bit more since I knew my copy of TOTK would not be here today. But I also maybe should have started sooner...but Mario brain would not let me. I was too high off of the movie. Anyway... despite all that, I still had an amazing time.
It's not perfection but this is exactly what I needed the next Zelda game to be after I was severely disappointed with Skyward Sword. And it's what I hope Zelda continues to be, but more refined, and slowly re-integrating what worked from the old formula...
Frankly, I don't want to ever fully go back to the old formula. I don't see any reason to. I think they nailed it the very first time and have not improved on it in any meaningful way. All the 3D games that came after OOT, followed that blueprint, but they all essentially took a swing at the king and they all missed... the old formula can live on in the form of 2D Zelda, which I don't think is going anywhere. Besides Ocarina, my favorite Zelda game is the original game on the NES. And playing this game felt a lot like playing both of them for the fist time again. And being able to go where I want with an obvious intended path very much reminds me of Zelda 1.
When I first played this game, I had a gut feeling... that this would be my new favorite Zelda game for several years, but the instant they released another one that expands on the foundation of BOTW, it's going to plummet down my ranking, dethroned by it's successor. And I do hope that ends up being true... but I also hope there will still be a reason to come back to this one. If not... well I'm just glad I got to take one more adventure before Hyrule changed. Ah... on this play through, I did the main quest as soon as I could, and then the Champions Ballad as soon as I could, because my god the Master Cycle Zero is the best thing that has ever been in a Zelda. I don't use horses, but you can't get me off of Master Cycle zero for anything... it's still wild that this concept was born in Mario Kart 8 on Wii U and made it's way to canon Zelda games... did not do trial of the sword though. Fuck that. Once was enough. Got all 120 shrines because I did want to get that Wild Armor set... I don't dislike Link's new look, but to me, Link's color will always be green... and if the Tunic of the Wild is not in TOTK, I will be doing most of my adventuring in the Hylian Tunic dyed green, assuming the dye shop is still in business... if the wild set is in the game, I sure hope it's not an end game reward. I want to have stuff to do besides looking for Korok seeds in the iconic green outfit. Now what to do with myself while i'm still waiting for TOTK to arrive...
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brabblesblog · 5 months
Ch 13: Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm.
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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Astarion makes plans to rescue Ban.
Read on AO3.
“A bard!” Astarion thundered as he burst through the doors to the ballroom. The servant cleaning nearby jerked in surprise at the sight of his master; Astarion snapped his fingers irritably.
“They took her. Get me a bard. Now!”
He marched towards his throne, refusing to take a moment to breathe. He could not pause, could not panic. He could only act.
The ornate throne greeted him, as large and imposing and worthless as ever. He collapsed onto the cushioned seat, glowering at the ballroom as he waited, his composure hanging by a thread.
Don’t think about what they’re doing to her. Don’t worry. Just do.
He was unable to feel her mind, silence was all that met him whenever he attempted to reach her. But she was alive, he surmised, hoped, prayed - something he knew to be futile, given how much futile praying he had done when he was Cazador’s.
But he couldn’t help it.
Fingertips rapidly tapping on the armrest, the Ascendant’s head snapped towards the doors as a servant walked in with a jovial, rotund man.
“My good saer,” the man began, bowing to Astarion in a respectful, if overstated, manner. “Would you like to hear some-“
“Can you cast a Sending spell?”
Astarion’s eyes bored into the man. The bard noted the demeanor of the man, the way his hands gripped the armrest, the way he leaned forward, as if he was his only chance of salvation. The smile was wiped from the bard’s face.
“Yes, saer. I am able to,” he replied, standing a little straighter.
“Ever heard of a wizard named Gale of Waterdeep?”
The bard considered for a moment, then nodded in assent, “Yes, saer, he was one of the heroes-”
“Good.” With the bard familiar with Gale, the Sending spell would succeed. “Send this to him,” he snapped, not caring to let the man finish his sentence. The bard hurried to take out his journal and quill.
“Gale. This is from Astarion. Ban has been taken by the covens in Waterdeep. She needs your help.”
He paused to think. Eighteen words. What else should I include?
Pushing past his pride, he continued.
“I need your help. Please. For her.” Twenty-five.
Astarion watched, jaw clenching as the bard cast the Sending spell; his hands gripped the armrests of his throne tightly.
The reply came quickly.
“Hello. This is Gale of Waterdeep. If this is indeed you, Astarion, you will have to prove it-” the bard reported.
“It’s me!” He growled, the rising irritation in his voice unmistakable, “Tell Gale - tell that ass I sent it. Astarion sent it. Tell him- for gods’ sakes, tell him I know he tried to fuck my wife, how about that? He’ll know it’s me!”
“Saer-” The man hesitated. He counted on his fingers, carefully. “That’s… okay.” He cast the spell and transmitted the message in his mind, too afraid to alter the Ascendant’s words.
Astarion sent it. Tell him- for gods’ sakes, tell him I know he tried to fuck my wife, how about that? He’ll know it’s me!
That seemed to successfully capture Gale’s attention. The bard swallowed as the response came back. Gale wanted to know where Astarion was.
“He’s asking where you are, saer.”
Astarion wanted to snap both the bard’s and Gale’s necks.
“In my godsforsaken home, obviously!”
“Saer,” the bard gulped, “Gale says he will be here shortly.”
Astarion waved a hand; his chamberlain moved forward. “Pay him.” He dismissed the bard with another flick of his wrist, his mind already on far more important matters.
He would have to retrieve Woe. Rhapsody as well, he thought. Cazador’s old weapons, turned on him at the rite; Astarion had them stored in chests in one of the spare rooms. During the worst nights after the reunion with their former companions, when seeing Ban had been an impossibility, he would go to that room and look at both weapons. Cradle Rhapsody, the dagger he’d used to carve into Cazador’s back.
A reminder of what it had taken to acquire his current position. A reminder of the price he’d paid: seven thousand souls, those of his siblings included, along with what little had been left of his admittedly very limited integrity.
He knew he’d need them for the fight to come. They had worked in ending his master, in creating wounds that had stayed open and had not healed as was normal for his kind. They would suffice.
Astarion headed for the spare room where the weapons were kept while he waited for Gale’s arrival.
Woe, the staff, sat where he had left it, but Rhapsody was missing from its container.
He felt bile rise in his throat, a mixture of fear and outrage filling him. Who had taken it? Only he entered this room - even Ban had refrained from doing so, knowing exactly what was - had been - here. He picked up Woe with trembling fingers, absently testing its heft.
His thoughts swirled around this new problem, trying to discern who the culprit could be.
None of their guests could have done it. They had always been restricted to certain areas of the palace - namely, the ballroom and its surrounding rooms. This room was out of the way, kept from prying eyes by an illusory wall-
Undead. They were much less susceptible to illusion magic.
Astarion let out a low, frustrated groan. Vel. At the party.
After he had saved Ban from the vampire’s lecherous grasp, they had been so wrapped up in each other that they had failed to keep track of the other vampires. They had snuck out to make love and his summons had been released when he’d been consumed by his passion. It would have been painfully easy to slip into this area and…
Enraged, he stormed out, Woe in hand.
Astarion turned the corner, walking briskly, berating himself for never checking on his weapons after the party, and almost collided with his chamberlain. The man bowed, beginning to stutter an apology.
“My lord, I apologize, but-”
“Saer.” The chamberlain cleared his throat. “Gale of Waterdeep is here.”
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Gale sat in the dining room, his hands clasped around Markoheshkir. He fidgeted, a little nervous to be back here after all this time. Especially after what Astarion had said in the Sending spell. He hadn’t been all that surprised when Ban had written to him about reuniting with Astarion, but meeting the Vampire Ascendant again was definitely not something he had wanted, nor expected, to ever do.
He looked up as the doors flew open and Astarion marched in gripping Woe so tightly his knuckles were noticeably white. Gale had never seen fit to be afraid of Astarion before, but in that moment the Ascendant looked terrifying. Gale stiffened, defensively tightening his grasp on Markoheshkir.
“Astarion,” he said carefully, watching his former companion take a seat across from him, Woe placed on the table in front of him. “Before we discuss Ban’s plight, I would like to shed light on-”
The Ascendant scoffed, a short, pained sound.
“On your pathetic attempts to convince my wife to leave me and then seduce her?” He took a deep breath. There were so many things he would like to say. He felt betrayed by the wizard, felt betrayed by all of his companions. They’d abandoned him after the ascension, hadn’t even tried to help him. They’d helped Ban leave him; he knew she had wanted it and that it had all worked out in the end, he couldn’t help feeling resentful.
“You were my friend. You all were,” he spat out, then forced himself to stop there. He needed Gale’s help, even though he deplored the thought.
“She deserved better, Astarion,” Gale countered “She always has. You and I both know that.” His hold on Markoheshkir tightened even further; he braced himself for a possible attack.
Astarion sucked in a breath, gearing up for a tirade about wretched, two-faced so-called friends, but the words died in his throat.
Do you want his help or not? The voice in his head laughed a little. Besides. He’s right.
“Fine.” The statement was meant more for himself than for Gale. “Let’s let bygones be… bygones, I suppose.” He clicked his tongue, more to express his pique than anything else, then exhaled.
“To ease your concerns,” he finally said, “Ban and I have reconciled.” That was all he thought his former companion deserved to know - that she had chosen him again. That they were together, and no one would ever come between them again.
It was a far cry from the insecure, distraught person he had been just a few hours ago. He sat tall, hoping Gale saw him as the epitome of quiet, proud confidence.
But Gale perceived a man with frayed nerves, barely clinging on to his facade as his heart worried for his spouse. The clasped fingers shook a little, his eyes were frantic, his breathing too fast, brows pinched with stress. Gale felt a wave of empathy towards the Ascendant.
Gale sighed. “All I really desire is her happiness. If that is with you, then I am glad.” He thought for a moment, contemplating whether he should continue.
“Just don’t hurt her again, that's all.”
The Ascendant’s eyes flashed with fury, but only for the briefest moment. The second look that passed across his face was quickly concealed, but Gale caught a glimpse of it: guilt.
Astarion cleared his throat. He hadn’t summoned Gale here to be lectured on his relationship, but he knew that Gale and the rest of their former companions only mean Ban well. They weren’t entirely wrong for holding poor opinions of him. At his core, he wholeheartedly agreed with them.
“Acknowledged,” he replied tersely. He steepled his fingers beneath his chin and considered the man sitting before him.
“I… invited you here-” not summoned, yes, good, “-because Ban needs help.”
Of course Astarion needed his help too, but saying that was too much for his ego to manage.
Gale nodded sagely. “The Stedez coven, I presume? They’re an open secret in Waterdeep. Nine vampires, a few loyal mortals and various other lackeys. May I inquire as to why they have taken an interest in Ban?”
We don’t have time for this, you idiot!
Astarion’s hands left his chin to rest atop the table. As close as he was to losing his temper, he knew he needed Gale’s help.
“Ban went to Waterdeep, to your tower, in your company, and they noticed.” He wanted to blame Gale for being careless with Ban, for unintentionally allowing the Waterdhavian vampires to see her out and about in daylight. But if Astarion hadn’t been so cruel to her, she would never have left in the first place.
“They saw my gifts, heard about my ill-fated attempt to retrieve her, and realized she… that there were issues in our marriage.” He fixed his gaze on a point past Gale, and continued.
“I invited them here for a party, to establish the fact that she is mine and under my control.” Astarion was aware of how that sounded, and he winced internally. “Vel took a liking to her, and things may have escalated.”
He wasn’t sure if Vel had abducted Ban in an effort to actually acquire her for himself, or to lure Astarion out. Lust was a strong motivating factor, but wounding a vampire’s pride? That was unpardonable. And Astarion had grievously wounded Vel’s.
Gale watched Astarion intently, divining what the Ascendant refused to say. He protected her, he realized. Of course Astarion would hide under his guise of practiced indifference; he always had, since they’d first met. Gale was all too content to let him keep up the pretense, though, nodding at his words.
“I understand. And now Vel has abducted her, and likely taken her to his mansion in Waterdeep.”
A sharp nod from the Ascendant was the only reply, his eyes still firmly avoiding looking at Gale.
Gale let out a small chortle and Astarion’s head whipped around to glare at him.
“To think they kidnapped the hero of Baldur’s Gate out from under her husband, the Vampire Ascendant, and her best friend, the wizard of Waterdeep. Foolish, at best.” Gale smiled and Astarion scoffed in agreement, his face softening marginally.
“I’ll help you, Astarion. Not for you though, mind.” He added, wagging a finger at him playfully.
Astarion scowled at the gesture, irritated, and for a moment Gale was reminded of their adventuring days, bickering and competing for Ban’s affections.
“I know.” Astarion picked up Woe as he stood. “He also stole Rhapsody, the utter prick. They could kill her with that weapon.” Rage and fear warred in Astarion’s trembling voice.
Gale offered the only kindness the Ascendant was likely to accept from him. “But they will not. We will see to that.”
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The two men stood as they were teleported into Gale’s tower and Astarion grimaced at the memory of the last time he had been here. They walked out of the teleportation circle; Gale clapped his hands awkwardly.
“Welcome to my most humble abode,” he said with a small bow, “Feel free to wander about and make yourself at home.” He pointed to the guest room, the same one Ban stayed in. “That room is yours until we head out.”
Astarion gave a nod and wordlessly headed into the offered room. He and Gale had taken the carriage to Sorcerous Sundries, where Rolan had allowed them to use his teleportation circle. The two wizards had spent almost half an hour catching up; half an hour that to the Ascendant had felt like a century.
He leaned Woe against the door and sat in the chair by the window. He knew this room, had seen it in Ban’s mind the night the two of them had…
Gods. I can’t think about that right now.
Astarion fought back the tears that threatened to well up yet again, staring out the window at the sprawling city below, focusing on nothing. He’d been to Waterdeep before, to seek out Ban, but seeing it in the light of the setting sun made him wistful. He and Gale had decided to plan and rest tonight before heading out tomorrow. Confronting them in the daytime would ensure that they had the advantage over the Waterdhavian vampires.
We haven’t even been anywhere since the Netherbrain, he thought sadly.
He remembered Ban telling him she wanted to travel, the day after they had defeated the Absolute. He had sold her his empty promises, and then whisked her off into the bowels of the Crimson Palace. He had barely allowed her out.
Remorse filled him then, a sensation he’d been growing more and more acquainted with as each day passed. He’d merely wanted to protect her, cherish her, and he’d thought they would have all the time in the world to travel. Perhaps in the next century, he’d thought. The renovation and the scheming had needed to come first.
How wrong he’d been. How cruel, to keep her under lock and key under the pretense of ensuring her safety, when he’d simply feared her abandoning him at the first chance.
Oh, but the moment she was out of your grasp, she ran, didn’t she?
Yes. But he had deserved to be left. What he had done was contemptible.
The Ascendant tried again.
Well then, how about this? The moment she was allowed free rein around the city, she was taken. She was hurt!
He scoffed to himself. That one was valid, and for a moment he was tempted to let that thought win out. But, no. Vel had been drawn to Ban because Astarion’s behavior had made her run away, for one, and besides - she had been out on her own plenty of times before today.
He knew there was always danger to this kind of existence. Cazador had bleated on and on about this exact topic - the innate competition and envy amongst vampires, their covetousness, their endless scheming against one another. Ban had just been caught in the crossfire.
All this power, all the things he’d given up, all the grief he’d caused her, and for what? He had failed her. Again.
Undeserving. Unworthy. Never enough.
If he could be enough for only one thing, he hoped it would be saving her.
He cast his mind out, searching for hers once again. The now-familiar silence greeted him and was almost comforting. Better that than feeling something like her pain as Vel put his hands on her, or her dying thoughts-
No. She’ll be fine. She has to be.
He needed to keep telling himself that, if he was to keep functioning.
He made a promise to himself to take her everywhere, once this was over.
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Ban awakened when the stake was pulled from her chest. She watched in abject horror as it slowly retracted from her body, feeling every inch of it drag in her flesh. It took some time to fully regain consciousness, the wound taking its time to stitch closed. She was dumbfounded. How am I alive? They staked me! Her thoughts were interrupted by the laughter of her captors, and the clanking of chains. A large iron door creaked as it slammed shut.
She realized she was sitting on the floor, manacled to the walls of what seemed to be a dungeon. Her wrists sizzled within the metal bands and it dawned on her that they were pure silver. Biting back the scream of pain that threatened to erupt from her throat, Ban made an attempt to tug on the manacles. Her skin burned, red-hot and blistering, and she immediately stopped, adjusting her posture to ensure the silver no longer touched her skin.
Stuck, without any means of escape, her thoughts turn to Astarion. Does he think I left him again? That I smiled and lied and snuck away at first chance? No. Surely not. He’s looking for me. He must be insane with worry.
Her concern for him was so strong, it broke through the haze of her panic and fear and it finally occurred to her to expand her mind outwards, letting tendrils of thought reach out for him.
She touched his mind, softly, like a caress.
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He was about to turn away from the window when he felt her. The touch of her mind was tentative and she was in a great deal of pain. He rushed to envelop her mind with his, to shield her from the worst of it.
Ban? Are you alright?
For a moment, silence. And then, I was staked.
Astarion had thought as much. He’d presumed the extended silence meant she had been incapacitated somehow; a stake would do the trick.
I thought I was dead. But then they pulled it out, and I’m alive, but I can’t get out.
A stake can’t kill you, my love. It can only incapacitate you until it is removed.
Astarion shared his vision with her, showing her the city beneath him, attempting to supplant her feelings of pain with something, anything else.
Ban’s agony inevitably bled into him; he could feel the bite of the silver manacles against his own wrists. He ignored it. He had felt much worse, and he would gladly carry as much of her pain as possible.
Where are you?
Ban sent him an image of a dingy cell. He could smell the odiferous surroundings, could make out the dark, damp dungeon walls. She must be in Vel’s mansion, then.
She winced a little as her arms began to tire and she sagged against the manacles. He wrapped his mind more tightly around hers, hoping sharing the pain might somehow lessen her burden.
I’m coming, he vowed.
I know, love.
Her faith in him flooded their connection, unyielding, carrying no hint of uncertainty. The revelation made his heart swell with joy.
He didn’t sever the connection, holding her throughout the night.
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ilovewriting06 · 11 months
A/N: I was going to finish the fics in my drafts but I think I need to just take a break and do my own thing so I’ll be back to writing but I’ll not be writing requests. This idea however did come from @kati-1997 who’s a friend of mine and is kind enough to help me out on some things. The name for this was originally going to be ‘Heart Stealing Sniper’ but after writing it I felt that this title fit a little better.
Steve’s POV
I furrow my eyebrows as Kono checks her phone for the eighteenth time within the last half hour. “Kono, is everything okay?” She looks up with wide eyes and hums out a what as Chin laughs, “She is wishing away the day. Her friend is moving back to the island and Kono is counting down the minutes until the plane is scheduled to land.” Danny chuckles as Kono groans, “Twenty minutes and then I’m leaving!”
True to her word twenty minutes later she’s all but running out the door and yelling that she’ll be back as soon as she gets her friend.
I stumble backwards from the sudden weight change as I pull my last bag off the belt. Once I stabilize myself I strap my bag to the top of my smaller suitcase before spinning around as I hear someone yell my name. I smile as I’m crushed in a hug by my best friend. “Kono! It’s been so long!” She pulls back with a smile that matches mine as she nods, “I know! There are a few new people I want you to meet, both of which are single.” She wiggles her eyebrows as I roll my eyes, “Kono, I am perfectly happy as a single woman. Plus no one can handle my ‘adventurous and adrenaline seeking personality.’” I put air quotes along the last part as I sigh glancing down slightly. I feel Kono’s hand on my bicep, “Oh Y/N/N, come on. That dude was a dick plus he was salty that you broke up with him, he had no right to do that.”
I snort as I roll my eyes, “Yeah well apparently he couldn’t stand me anymore seeing as he fired me.” She shrugs, “Hey, it got you back to Oahu so I’m not complaining.” I shake my head with a laugh, “Of course you would see it that way.”
My eyes widen as Kono puts the car in park outside of a huge building that looks like a castle. “Holy shit! You work here! This place is like a fucking castle!” She laughs as she opens the door, “Well, it is called the Palace.” I follow Kono through the Palace with wide eyes taking in everything until we stop in a room with a blonde and brunette arguing over the correct way to pronounce Worcestershire sauce. I muffle a chuckle as they continue arguing before Chin comes rushing over yelling my name, “Y/N! It’s been awhile!” I chuckle as I hug him and nod, “Sure has Chin.”
As we part from the hug I notice that the two other men have finally realized there is a new presence in their ‘office.’ The first one to say anything is the blonde, “You must be Kono’s friend, I’m Danny.” I shake his outstretched hand and nod with a smile, “Sadly that’s me.” Kono goes to slap the back of my head but I spin around and grab her hand with a click of my tongue, “Shame on you Kono, you know better.” She rolls her eyes with a huff as I drop her arm, “I swear you’re like a ninja or something.” I snort out a laugh before turning back to Danny, “I apologize for that but it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
The brunette is seemingly analyzing me with a smirk before offering his hand, “I’m Steve. Where did you learn to move like that?” I shake his hand with a wider smile than before, “I’m an Army BRAT, I was surrounded by fast moving and highly skilled people my whole life and I guess they rubbed off.” He snorts out a chuckle, “Should’ve guessed you’d side with the Army.” I smirk as I finally realize why his stance seems familiar, “Well, I’ll be dammed. I’m in the presence of a Navy man aren’t I?” He nods, “You guessed right.”
I step back and narrow my eyes, “Don’t tell me let me guess.” I analyze his stature and build before humming, “SEAL? I’m gonna guess Commander.”
He laughs and nods, “I’m a SEAL but I’m only a Lieutenant Commander.” I laugh, “I’d ask what you specialized in but I’m gonna guess that’s classified.” Danny snorts unimpressed, “Yeah, his whole life is classified.” I shrug, “Not all of it, you just have to ask the right questions.” Kono steps up and throws her arm around my shoulders, “So boss, can we keep her?” I laugh as Steve raises an eyebrow, “What can she do?”
Kono smirks, “Sniper. She can hit anything you want her to, she’s the one that taught me how to shoot but I’m still not even close to her level.” I roll my eyes with a smile, “That’s a little dramatic but I do specialize in shooting. I was on a task force in San Diego but I was kicked off.” Steve’s eyebrows raise and Danny’s eyes widen as he asks, “Uhm, that’s a bit of a red flag there Y/N.”
Kono scoffs and crosses her arms obviously still ticked at my ex, “No it’s not, she stood up for what she believed and her dick of an ex, who was also her boss, kicked her off the team claiming she was a liability and too much of a risk taker but he didn’t have any issues with it when she was in his bed.”
Steve tilts his head with a face that tells me he’s thinking, “What did you stand up for?” I cross my arms and pop my hip out to the side, “I believe that if someone committed a crime they deserve to go down for it, no matter how rich or ‘important’ they are. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” Steve smirks and nods, “Well, I like you so consider yourself a temporary member of the team until I see what you can do. You prove yourself and we’ll see about making it a little more permanent.” I smile and hold back the urge to tackle him in a hug, “Thank you Steve, you don’t know how much this opportunity means.”
I growl out as my toast pops out of the toaster looking 50 shades of black, “Kono! Your toaster’s broken!” She walked into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from her eyes before groaning, “It is 5 in the morning, normal people are asleep instead of setting of smoke detectors.” I scoff, “How could someone sleep through this catastrophe. Did you not hear me? The toaster is broken. Do you know how important toast is to me?”
She groans again before shuffling back down the hall, “Well you’re out of luck because the toasters shot and you’ve been here for almost a month and just realized it broken so toast isn’t that important.” I pout looking at my charcoal bread before sighing, “Do you at least have some good coffee now?!”
I hum happily as Kono and I stroll into Five-O headquarters before taking a sip of my coffee. The boys spin around with wide eyes as they take in Kono’s appearance before Chin steps forward, “Kono you okay? You look exhausted.” Kono groans before dragging herself to her office, “Well someone, decided that it was a smart idea to get up at 5 am and set the smoke detector off.” I scoff, “It’s not my fault your toaster fucking sucks and so does your coffee!” She groans before disappearing into her office.
I lick my lips and turn to see all three men watching me curiously. “What?” Chin raises an eyebrow, “I think you broke Kono.” I shrug, “It’s not my fault she has no good butter in her fridge.” At this Danny cringes and asks, “Oh please please please tell me you don’t put that shit in your coffee too?” I scowl and purse my lips, “I’m sorry but did you just insult the way I drink my coffee? Danny let me remind you that I can kill you twenty different ways with a spork.” He holds his hands up before walking away, “I give up, I’m surrounded by weirdos.”
Chin follows Danny and I turn to Steve, “Was it something I said?” He chuckles and motions for me to follow him, “Come on Y/N, I’ve got some butter in my office.” I gasp as Steve pulls out my favorite brand of butter from his little fridge, “Steve, you just became my favorite person.”
“Well I’m honored.”
Danny’s POV
When I emerge from my office and can’t find Steve I peak into his office through the glass and smirk at the sight that greets me. In Steve’s office he and Y/N are throwing a paper ball back and forth while he leans back in his chair and Y/N has her feet propped up on the desk. I knock on Kono and Chin’s office doors and motioning them both out.
As we watch Steve and Y/N continue talking and laughing while throwing around the paper ball I look at Kono, “I think Steve may have a crush on your friend.” She nods with a smile, “She has it bad for him too. Ever since she was permanently added to the team she talks about him a lot, asks a lot of questions. I’ve honestly never seen her this interested in a guy since high school.” Chin crosses his arms and hums, “You know, they actually seem like they would be a good pairing. They’re both on the wild side but she’s talked him down from doing a few stupid things and he’s done the same.”
I look at Kono and smirk, “I’ll work on Steve tonight and you work on Y/N?” She matches my smirk and nods, “Oh trust me, I will.”
I throw my feet up on Steve’s coffee table as he sits next to me and hands me a beer. “So Steve?” He turns to look at me and hums to let me know he’s listening. I snort at his indifference, “When were you going to tell me you liked Y/N?” I choke back a laugh as he chokes on his beer, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I set my beer on the coffee table before turning to face Steve, “Come on Steve, I know you. You like her and she likes you. Ask her out, take her to dinner or buy her a coffee.” Steve sits up and sighs, “Danny I don’t know if I can.”
“It’s just, everything with Catherine blew up in my face and I don’t know if I can go through that again.”
I sit up straighter and lean forward, “Come on Steve. Y/N isn’t Catherine, s-she’s smarter and funnier and she likes you. I think you should ask her out. I’m not asking you to meet her family or move in with her I’m just asking you to take her out on a nice date and get to know her. One date, that’s it, and if it doesn’t go well or you don’t feel like it will work you don’t have to go out with her again.”
I see him think about it before he sighs, “Okay, okay, one date, that’s it.”
I smile and grab my beer knowing that one date is going to turn into many more and hopefully even forever.
I groan as Kono prods on, “Come on Y/N he’s your type! And he would never be upset about your adrenaline seeking and adventurous spirit as you like to put it.” I glance at the toaster on the counter and smirk, “Fine, if he asks me out I’ll take him up on it on one condition.” She leans forward with wide eyes and nods, “What? I’ll do anything you want. Well, within reason.”
“Buy me another toaster.”
I use my hip to close Steve’s mini fridge in his office as I stir my coffee to melt the butter. I look up as his office door closes and Steve stands there with his arms crossed, “So we are now intruding each others personal space huh?” I smirk as I recline in his office chair and throw my feet up on his desk, “Might as well. Anyways, did Danny have the same conversation with you that Kono had with me last night?” I chuckle as his cheeks flush and he nods, “If we’re talking about the whole ‘just one date’ conversion then yeah, I think we did.”
I nod as I put my feet back on the ground and stand, “Look Steve I’m sorry, Kono keeps trying to get me to go out again and I will but I don’t want you to feel pressured into asking me out. I mean it’s not that I wouldn’t go out with you.” My eyes widen and I set down my coffee as I continue rambling, “That came out wrong! I wouldn’t go out with you…wait no that’s worse. I think what I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t go out with but I wouldn’t not go out with you. Does that make sense?”
I gulp as my cheeks flush and notice that Steve has not only come to stand right in front of me but is also chuckling. I twirl my bracelet around my wrist as I think about what to say but before I have the chance Steve caresses my biceps, “Y/N/N, no that made absolutely no sense but at the same time it did. I don’t feel pressured to ask you out, I want to ask you out but I got out of a relationship a few months ago and I guess I’m worried it’ll blow up in my face all over again. She left with no warning just up and disappeared one day and called me a few days later telling me that she didn’t have a purpose to stay so she left to find her purpose.”
I feel my heart clench thinking about the pain he went through before I cup his cheek, “Oh Steve, I would never. That’s wrong in so many ways, if I want to break up I’ll be honest and straight up about it, I could never justify doing that to somebody, especially you.” I watch his lips twitch ever so slightly in a smile and I drop my hand to his shoulder, “You know, I could really use some target practice, I just need some coordinates.” He throws his head back in a laugh and I smile at the twinkle in his eyes.
When he stops laughing he looks at me with a wide smile before finally asking, “So, if I were to hypothetically ask you out for dinner tonight what would say? Hypothetically that is.” I chuckle and tap my chin as if in deep thought, “Well hypothetically I would say yes but wouldn’t it ruin your good standing with the Navy to link yourself with an Army girl?” He shrugs, “Again hypothetically it wouldn’t really count since you were never in the Army.”
I smirk and nod, “So could I hypothetically expect to be picked up around 6 tonight?” He smiles and nods, “I could hypothetically make that work.” I nod, “It’s a hypothetical date then?” He chokes back a laugh as he nods, “Yup.”
I raise an eyebrow and notice the three faces that are not so subtly watching us, “So since this was all hypothetical I vote we dodge any questions they have and if they ask a question we have to answer we tell them that we talked about it, but only hypothetically.”
He smirks and nods, “See this is why you are a prime candidate for my hypothetical girlfriend.” I smile as I grab my coffee and head towards the door, “And if you asked I would love to be your hypothetical girlfriend.”
Tag List: @kati-1997 @djs8891
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Guilty Pleasures
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Summary: You are a maid living in the palace on Asgard. When you hear of a plot to kill Prince Loki you know something must be done. After saving his life he offers you a wish in return. After struggling with your decision, you come to Loki with an interesting proposal.
Warnings: some violence, some blood.
Word Count: 5,012
A/N: I do not know much about actual Asgardian traditions and folklore based in Norwegian mythology. I'm kind of just making this up as I go along lol. So please don't study technicalities too closely.
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Dear Ingrid,
I'm at my wits end, dear one. I am plagued by worries. Now that my brother has sealed the marriage license, Ragnar and I have only three months until our wedding. Not only did I not agree to this marriage but now I am being driven mad with anxieties about the match.
He is a palace guard. Surely he knows much about love. However I find myself defenseless at the thought of romance. Perhaps he will make a fine husband and will one day make me happy. However, I know this can only be if I please him in turn. How can I ever hope to do that when I don't know the first thing about lovemaking.
I need a tutor. One who can guide me through the delicate act of intercourse. If only such a thing were real. I would spend every coin I had to know the things which I do not. Perhaps I might find a book in the palace archives about such carnal acts. That may be a good place to start. I only wish you were still here with me in the palace my friend. I'm happy to see you working so closely to animals in the stables. But I do miss you dearly. Especially in times such as--
Heavy footfalls caught your attention as you picked up your pen, looking down the long corridor. Just as you were about to set about finishing your letter, two burly men appeared from around the corner up ahead. You were currently stationed at a small writing desk which was just around the corner from the back tunnels which led to the kitchen. It was a quiet place where you could write to your friend in peace. In fact, before today you had never seen anyone use these passages. Despite there being plenty of walking room, the two men marched in the middle of the hallway where they would surely cross paths with you. Before you could think to move, the man closest to you caught the back of your chair in a large fist and set it off balance. You wobbled for a moment before finding your footing again.
"Watch it, scullery maid." He spat gruffly over his shoulder before the two men vanished around a corner. Something about them was odd to you. Asgardian soldiers, while tough, were often kind. The clear act of disrespect did not ring true for a man of Asgardian honor. The urge to stay seated was strong but you found your curiosity was stronger. Shutting your journal, you crept off in the direction the two men had gone. It didn't take long to find them since they lumbered quite slowly under the weight of their armor. You kept around corners and in shadow as you followed their silent march to who knew where.
They were running out of places to go, you thought as you noticed where you had ended up. It was a crude escape route which let out into the throne room. It was hidden behind the King's throne, which was impressively large. What business would these men have there?
They stopped before the exit, fidgeting with their armor. You stood behind, around a dark corner. With their backs turned you were able to try and get a better look. They wore classic Asgardian armor like the rest of the palace soldiers. That's when you saw it. Their capes were fastened incorrectly. As if by clumsy hands that didn't know the proper uniform etiquette. These men weren't Asgardians. That's when you knew your bad feeling had turned into something dangerous. They talked quietly but you were close enough to hear.
"Alright, you remember the plan?"
"Do I-- Bloody hell, yes I remember the plan. I sneak in and subdue the prince, then I spear him through the neck. It's not fucking hard."
At this you threw a hand over your mouth. Assassins.
"It's about time someone showed that cocky little raven headed prick that a Jotunn does not belong on the throne of Asgard."
They were plotting against Prince Loki. You couldn't wait to hear anymore. If you, a maid, had any chance of saving your Prince you had to act fast. You knew a passage that would lead out into the throne room so you beelined there. At this point you had absolutely no plan. You just knew you had to get the prince away from his throne before those bloodthirsty men got to him first. Soon enough you found yourself at the grand doors which would lead you into the throne room. With a steadying breath, you pushed them open.
You had expected the room to be filled wall to wall with politicians and nobility, allowing you to slip in unnoticed. However you were offered no such grace. It was empty, save for the royal family on their thrones. All eyes were suddenly on you. To burst into the throne room unannounced certainly would mean death for you. But if it meant your life for the Prince's then you'd happily make the sacrifice.
His was the first form you assessed. His chin had been propped in the palm of his hand until you'd come into the room. At the disturbance he perked up, a smile gracing his lips as if he was thrilled by the disruption. His eyes didn't leave you for a moment, studying you hungrily. Who was this delightful mischief maker, come to relieve his endless boredom? Your eyes however darted nervously to the side of his throne, keeping an eye out for his unwelcome guests.
Running down the center aisle until you were standing before the throne, you fell to your knees in humility. "What brings a young maid before me with no summons?" Boomed the Allfather.
"Husband, lower your tone. Look at the poor thing. She's frightened. Hear what she has to say." He seemed reluctant but eventually spoke.
"If Frigga commands it, so do I. Tell us, girl, what your business is here. Pray that it pleases me." You took a calming breath.
"Forgive me, O Great King, for this unacceptable breach of tradition. I sit humbly at your feet today because--" Before you could continue, you could almost swear you heard the latch on the secret entrance clicking behind the King's throne. You were running out of time.
"Because what, child? My patience is growing thin."
"Because ... I have come to seek Loki's blessing."
This made all of them perk up in curiosity. It must have been a long time since Loki was asked for a blessing with the way they all peered back at you incredulously. Then the Allfather shifted in his seat, adjusting his robes as if he had made a decision.
"Trickery, which I'm sure has been plotted by the Trickster himself. I suggest you go, girl. Before I find myself in an unforgiving mood."
"No, please--"
"I didn't plan this father." Loki interrupted you, speaking up for the first time. His voice was like warm honey to your ears. "Frankly, I'm quite curious what else the little mouse has to say." The two stared each other down for a moment before the Prince once again took the lead. "Why do you seek my blessing child?" He leaned forward on his elbows, as if he were on the edge of his seat awaiting your response.
"If it pleases you, My Prince, this is one request which I should wish to remain private. Thus I wish to share it with you privately." Everyone in the room focused their attention on Loki, whose expression gave no indication of what he might be thinking. The moment felt eternal before he finally stood and strode across the room until he was standing just in front of you, only inches away. As he leaned down to whisper in your ear you caught a glimpse of his throne. Just beside it you saw one of the men from earlier with a compact crossbow aimed at the Prince's back. This was the moment. Just as the arrow was unleashed from the bow, you pushed the Prince aside just in time for it to find its home in your shoulder rather than his back. It stung like Hel but you knew Loki was safe. You had done your duty.
Everything around you began to happen rapidly, plunging your mind into a dizzying frenzy. Guards emerged from the hall, the royals were off their thrones and rushing to Loki's side, the assassins were being whisked away to what would surely be a painful death. And all the while Loki stayed by your side, keeping you still and looking deeply into your eyes. Whatever happened now, it was worth it.
Time had passed. Of that you were sure. How much time had passed, however, remained a mystery. The room around you was empty. And quite large, you noted. This recovery room was easily three times the size of your personal quarters. You were awestruck by the ornate gold fixtures on the walls and the plush deep comforter which laid atop you. This was much grander treatment than you'd ever been given.
As if on cue, a healer came rushing in from the double doors. "You're awake. I hope you slept well. How are you feeling?"
"Confused. How long have I been sleeping?"
"Don't worry. You've only been asleep a day. With an arrow in your shoulder, I'm surprised you didn't sleep longer." You looked to where the arrow had been and saw nothing but a bandage stained red. It didn't hurt at the moment though you were sure it would soon enough. While you would have gladly given your life, you were still grateful for the miracles of Asgardian medicine.
"You seem to have done a good job of repairing me."
"Of course. Each healer is highly skilled and trained in their craft. Of course Prince Loki made sure that you received extra special care."
"He did?" You gaped. Royalty had never treated you special before.
"Absolutely. No expense spared for the girl that saved the Crown Prince's life." You nodded, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the praise. You had only done what any Asgardian would. There was no reason why you should receive better treatment because you were simply following your sense of duty. "Speaking of the Crown Prince, he wished to be the first to know if you woke up. I've already sent a messenger to his rooms. Expect to see him shortly." With that nerve wracking news, the healer saw herself out. You wished she had at least closed the door on her way out. Now every noise in the hallway set your nerves alight. You decided it was best to just shut your eyes and try to rest a bit more before the Prince was to arrive.
Those ideas were quickly squandered as the sound of very precise heeled boots entered your chamber. Cracking one eye open you saw the silhouette of the Trickster God in the doorway. My, he moved fast. You opened both eyes fully and let yourself take him in. He was dressed quite simply now though he still had a cape flowing behind him in a dark emerald billow. He took slow calculated steps as he approached your side, eyes never once leaving yours. Your breath left your chest as, for the first time, you realized that you were in the ever closer presence of royalty. Your entire life you'd never been in the same room as royalty despite working in the palace. Now the Crown Prince was at your bedside, hand tenderly retrieving yours.
"I am elated that you are awake. I was afraid things might turn for the worse. Yet you are strong. You fought well my little mouse. You should feel proud. You've done your ancestors well." You could do nothing more than nod, transfixed by his deep gaze. "How are you faring?"
"I've only just woken up but I feel no pain as of yet."
"Good. I can make sure the healers help keep it that way." You winced. You were about to do yet another stupid thing. Refuse the Prince.
"Please don't do that, my Prince. There are many others more deserving of the healers' help. You truly honor me by treating me so nobly but I will be fine on my own. I assure you, I am no hero."
"But you are, sweetling. You saved my life today. You, a humble maid, saved the life of a god. If you think you dishonor me by treating it as a proud accomplishment I assure you that will not be the case. In fact, I would like to show you just how truly grateful I am."
"All of this has been more than enough. Really."
"I'm afraid that while I fully intended to reward you regardless, tradition dictates you must receive the proper honor for your actions. Each royal family member must designate to you, a gift. One they feel is worthy of the act of saving my life." You couldn't help the groan that escaped your throat. This whole thing had started out of service to the royal family. Now they wished to serve you? You couldn't let this be. "That is why I've come here. To designate to you mine, the most important gift." You squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze, unsure of what he was about to bequeath you. "To you I give ... a wish. Anything your heart desires, you may wish for it and I will make it so. Absolutely anything you desire. If you take my hand, the deal will be sealed with magic and I must concede to any wish you make."
"No. No, I'm sorry my Prince but this is far too much. I could never accept something like this. It wouldn't be right."
"Your humility in the throne room made me feel as though you'd say that. So I discussed things with my father. He is willing to forgo the proper tradition. Under one condition. You cannot refuse his gift ... or my gift. But that's only half of the gifts you were meant to receive. Can you accept this compromise? I can assure you that my Mother's gift would be sickeningly extravagant." He teased with a smile.
You hesitated. This level of kindness was unlike anything you'd ever received. Why was a god pouring so much into you, a simple girl? After a moment, you knew you had no choice. So you nodded.
"I need your words and your hand, or else this magic means nothing." You lifted your hand to meet his, taking his grip firmly.
"Yes. I accept the wish." With this, a brilliant green light snaked between your arms as if binding you before disappearing as quickly as it had come. You blinked for a moment, unsure of what to say now. "The Allfather ... has he decided upon a gift yet?"
"He has and he bade me tell you. He would like to promote you to a higher paying rank with a better set of living quarters. He feels that one who is such a true asset to the royal family should live as grandly as she wishes." You nod in resignation. For a moment, you look around the room and imagine that they were your own personal living quarters. It didn't seem so terrible when you looked at it that way.
"Now, little mouse. What is it you wish?"
"You want me to name it right now?" You asked frantically.
"Calm down," He laughed. "If you need time to decide, of course I would be happy to grant you that. However, I should warn you ... as much high respect as I hold you in, I am still a prince and a god. I will not be made to wait forever." You nodded your understanding.
"Of course, My Prince. If I may, I have a journal which got misplaced before this endeavor. I had started a letter to a friend in it. If this notebook were able to be retrieved so that I may finish my letter, I will make a decision as soon as I've heard from her. I'm afraid I'm sorely in need of advice on this matter. It isn't often I'm given a wish like this."
"Consider it done. Just tell me its location and I'll have it brought to you as quickly as possible. This friend, where does she live?"
"The palace, My Prince. We used to work together as maids before she was promoted to stable hand. Her quarters are by the stables."
"Excellent. I'll be expecting a speedy response then." With that, he stood and began to make his exit. However before he could completely disappear, he turned back to you. "If I may give my own advice ... I know a 'royal wish' seems frightfully intimidating. If I were you, I'd just think of what is most important to you. Then think of how you can accomplish this goal. That way you can make your wish as effective and meaningful as possible. Just make sure it's something that you want. You more than deserve it." Then he was gone.
Sweat beaded at your forehead as the adrenaline of having a candid conversation with the dark prince coursed through you. However the cool air calmed you down soon enough. With a heavy mind you began to contemplate what you might wish for. If better pay and living quarters was already taken care of, you were unsure of what else you might wish for. There wasn't much you truly desired.
Just as you were about to run yourself rampant an attendant arrived at your door with the journal and a fountain pen. "Thank you." You bid him well before hurriedly cracking open the page you had left off on.
By the Norns, what a day this has been! Before I could even finish my penstroke a couple of men crossed my path. Men with plans to assassinate the Crown Prince Loki. Through what I can only describe as equal parts bravery and stupidity, I tracked them down and saved the Prince's life while injuring myself in the process!
I now write this from the grand recovery room. I do so wish to indulge you in every detail but I've been put on a dreadful timeline. For saving his life the Prince has granted me a wish. He said that anything I desire will be mine. He expects a response quickly but I could not decide without your wisdom. Please ... I have nothing to wish for. Help me on this matter my dear friend. I will eagerly await your reply.
Signed, Y/N
Folding the paper haphazardly, you called out for a healer who would deliver the message to the right people. Once it was out of your hands you nearly collapsed from exhaustion. You had been through a wave of every intense emotion one could possibly feel in just a few short hours. You needed rest now more than ever. Knowing that it was out of your hands until receiving her reply, you decided to get some rest while the medicine made it easy for you to fall asleep.
"By all the gods, please. Show me the right path." You called into the night before tucking yourself in and falling into a dreamless sleep.
A few days later you received a knock on your door. You had fully recovered by now but they had left you in the recovery room until a new chamber could be found for you. In only a few short days you had already become more accustomed to a grander lifestyle. However you felt yourself shrink into that tiny maid again upon hearing the knock. There were only two things it could be. A messenger with news from Ingrid. Or Prince Loki, having grown impatient and ready to hear your final answer. With a shaky hand you opened the door. It was a messenger. Joyous day, you thought.
He handed you the letter. You thanked him wholly and closed the door, tearing the letter open as you sat on the edge of the bed.
Dearest Y/N,
Such excitement! Of course I miss the biggest event of the year while brushing manes. You ask for my advice on this but if you read your last letter in it's entirety, you've already answered your own question.
The thing which plagues your mind above all else; your impending wedding night. You've just earned a royal wish from the god most well known for his sexual prowess. Ask him to tutor you! While he may find you brazen, that's the worst result that could come of the request! If he must fulfill the wish, then I say this is your opportunity to know that which you do not. Please keep me appraised of the situation. I will look expectantly and impatiently for your next letter.
Signed, Ingrid
As soon as your eyes finished scanning the words you were utterly dumbfounded. What exactly was she suggesting? No, it was quite clear what she was suggesting. There was no way in Hel you could ask for sexual lessons from the God of Mischief himself. He was a god. He would not lay with such a low creature as yourself. In fact, you were sure he would laugh at the idea. But then again, he had said he would honor the request no matter what it was. And Ingrid was right. Loki's ... skills weren't exactly a well hidden secret. You had heard he actually quite enjoyed corrupting an innocent thing like yourself in the ways of desire. Maybe it was the best thing you could wish for. You fought with yourself endlessly as you tried to think of something, anything else. The thought alone made your cheeks heat.
So many wishes in all the nine realms, and this is what you had come to? You felt as though something better waited out there for you. However, Ingrid's little idea stuck far more than you had hoped. With a deep sigh, you opened the door to your room. There was a guard stationed there at all times, per Loki's request. "Please tell the Crown Prince Loki that I've decided on my wish." You told him to which he nodded and immediately marched in the opposite direction towards the Prince's chambers. Every second you spent waiting was like agony. You paced and read and slammed your head into a pillow but still you waited. After an hour and a half a guard finally knocked at your door, telling you that Loki was ready to see you now.
With a deep breath and a brush of your skirt, you followed the tall man across the palace to the threshold of the Prince's chambers. The walk was much quicker than you'd expected which hadn't allowed you much time to breathe. Thus with a head of scrambled thoughts you entered, ready to acquire your wish from the Prince.
"Nice to see you again, mouse. I apologize for the delay. I was stuck in a fruitless debate with my father. However, I'm delighted to see you've come to a decision. Sit." He gestured to the sofa beside him which looked deep and lush. You obliged, taking in the sight of his royal chambers as you did so. Corner to corner, the room was exquisite. Gold plating and fixtures, surrounded by velvety green curtains and furniture. If you had thought the recovery room was large, it was nothing in comparison. The room you stood in now was only the front room of many. The walk seemed miles long. Once you were sat snugly beside him, you finally took a much needed breath.
"Still nervous, I see. Perhaps it would make you feel better to make your wish now, without hesitation. Get this weight off your shoulders and the hard part will be over. What is it you wish, pet?"
"I can't believe I'm going to ask this," You mumbled under your breath. "You see, my Prince, I am to be wed in three months' time. Yet I know nothing of what it means to be a proper wife. How to properly please my husband. I'm sure you know that your reputation exceeds you when it comes to certain ... skills. I'd like for you to show me what you know so that I may collect my own knowledge to please my husband with." You were absolutely certain that the god's lip would be turned up into a disgusted sneer. However the expression you found upon looking at him was quite different. Rather than repulsion you saw genuine delight and curiosity, a playful fire lighting his eyes.
"My, my. Such sweet proper words for such a ... filthy request."
"I'm sorry, My Prince. You're right. I don't know what made me so bold. I never should have asked for something so clearly inappropriate. Not that I wouldn't like to-- you know what I-- you're very handsome is all I mean. I'm afraid I've made such a mess of this. Perhaps I shouldn't have made the wish at all. I'll see myself ou--"
"Enough!" Loki's thundering voice filled the chamber, giving you your first real glimpse of fear by his hand. You sat back down and held your gaze on your lap. However he was quick to stop you, drawing your chin up to look back into his eyes. "I'm sorry to raise my voice, sweetling, but you've become frantic. Are you afraid that I am displeased? I can assure you it is quite the opposite. As you've so boldly pointed out, I'm quite well known for my talents. How do you think I acquired such talents in the first place? With the help of bold little morsels such as yourself. It would be an honor to pass on my legacy of pleasure to one less experienced in its ways. Besides ... you yourself are not by any means an undesirable prize. If I might be so bold myself, you are one of the fairest I've laid eyes on in several moons. It will be a treat to unravel you bit by bit before dressing you back up all nice and sending you off to pleasure your husband."
"Really, My Prince? This doesn't upset you?"
"Far from it. I consider myself quite up to the challenge." Seeing the enjoyment in his eyes made a small smile creep to your own lips. You weren't sure if you were happy this was happening or if you were just grateful to have the answers. Was some part of this because he was so handsome? Was it because he was the prince? Right now, you couldn't make out what you were feeling. All you could do was breathe.
"I must say, I expected this conversation to turn out quite differently. Forgive me if I seem shocked or lost for words. Only a few days ago was my first time sharing the same air as one of royal blood. Now, the Crown Prince himself says he'd be delighted to give me such intimate lessons. I hardly know what to think. My thoughts are a mess."
"My first piece of advice; stop thinking. You're so caught up in thinking about the future and the past that you can't see the moment right in front of you. It's passing you by. Just breathe and stay here with me, in this moment." You did as he instructed and took a cleansing breath. This time your breathing somehow made you feel ... lighter. After a moment, Loki continued. "That very much applies to your sexual encounters as well. If you are invested in each moment as it comes, everything will feel new and exciting. If you can show your husband how engaged you are with him, you'll have him wrapped around your finger. Then he'll be willing to invest in you as well. Like a well fitted puzzle. And with my help, you'll do so with ease mouse."
"I certainly don't doubt you. Your words alone-- I can tell you know of what you speak. I just hope that I am up for the challenge myself."
"Whether you see it or not, you've got a fire inside you dear. Just waiting to burst forth. I have a feeling you'll see it too. Soon enough." The man began to lean forward slowly before placing a small peck on your cheek. The intimate display of affection made you blush deeply. "What a pretty sight. Already blushing for me. I can't wait until the lessons start. Perhaps you should see yourself out now. I feel as though I may forget to be a gentleman if you linger."
"Oh." You blurted, confused by this. You were sure that he had already begun his lesson and yet he was asking you to leave. You blushed harder but it wasn't pleasant as before. It burned like shame.
"Don't seem so downcast, little mouse. You asked me to teach you and I do have a scholarly way about me. I'd like to formulate a curriculum and a plan for making this work successfully. I'll send for you once I'm ready to begin properly. Until then, think dirty thoughts for me pet." He gave you a dashing wink which was your clear cue to hustle back to the recovery room. Every step made your body feel more and more like lead. By the time you were in your room you had just enough strength to collapse on top of the comforter. You didn't even bother moving as you shut your eyes and let sleep take you.
The past several days had seemed like a blur. You never would have imagined in your wildest dreams that you'd be awaiting luxurious quarters in the comfiest bed you'd ever slept in after striking a magic sex deal with the God of Mischief. If you ever said it aloud you would burst into laughter. It was all so fantastical. So far beyond belief. You were sure the next time you awoke it would all prove to be a dream.
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writingloki · 9 months
Heart Sealed Away (in more ways than one)
Chapter 1
2K words
Summary: Loki x reader, enemies to friends to lovers. Reader enters the palace dungeons, on the search for a prisoner she must talk to, but she accidentally runs into the kingdom's mischievous prince on the way. After a rather unsavory conversation with him, she swears that she'll never see his face again...well, until she does. and this time, she's not sure she can keep away.
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My footsteps echoed loudly through the stone-covered halls, though they were barely heard over the sound of yelling, banging, and dreadful screaming that filled the labyrinth that was the asgardian dungeons. The sounds twisted my stomach into intricate knots that surely wouldn’t be undone until well after I've returned to the surface and was on my way back home. I was only from an outlying village, way outside of the main kingdom’s reach. A beautiful village, but it was small, and sometimes it felt suffocating to even be there. For my entire life, I could have only dreamed of the extravagance that the kingdom held. But this…this was something else entirely. It wasn’t just extravagant, it was jaw-dropping in its enormity. Even the dungeons were vast. Being under the palace itself, it's almost as if it went on infinitely. Maybe that's why I was so desperately lost.
 Hallway after hallway, cell after cell, prisoner after prisoner, it was seemingly impossible for me to get to my destination, and I wondered if I'd even be able to find my way out after I'd finished with my task. The glimmering, golden magic that sealed the criminals away in their cells lit the halls with a luminous, yellow glow. It was haunting. eerie. but somehow, beautiful. well, if you ignored the raging, maniacal prisoners behind it. It felt  like I’d been searching for an eternity. Every hall I passed, I'd glance down hopefully, wishing to see his body, his hair, his face, something that I recognized that would say to me ‘yes, that’s him!’. But every time, I would be faced with disappointment. But looking down a particular hallway, I wasn't faced with fulfilling hope, nor crushing disappointment. but rather…curiosity. I had passed many cells in my journey through the dungeon, but a particular cell with a particular prisoner had caught my eye. It was very unlike the others. The rest of the cells were barren of any basic amenities. Not only that, but they were filled to the brim with people, kicking at the empty walls and floors. This one…simply wasn’t. There was a single man inside, completely on his own. But his cell wasn’t empty, no no, it seemed to be filled with finely crafted asgardian decor. there was a small table in the corner (with only one chair, of course). There were books strewn about the place, even on the floor due to the sheer amount of them. The man in question, though, was sitting on the bed (another luxury not provided to the other prisoners, it seems) with a book in his hand, reading it intently. Well…at least he was when I first arrived… When I looked back at him, his gaze was trained on me. I let out a barely audible gasp in surprise and I took a small step back, even though he was sealed away and couldn’t possibly touch me. He had this… look on his face. one that absolutely oozed confidence. one that said ‘i’m sealed behind magic. I'm locked away in the dungeons. and yet I'm still superior to you’. I wanted to leave, to continue on with what I was supposed to be doing, but it was as if his gaze was a magnet, helplessly freezing me in place. “What could you possibly want?” he said when he saw me looking back at him, talking with that same air of confidence that his face held. His voice rumbled deep as the thunder that often rolled through the kingdom every summer. This man was obviously dangerous in some kind of way, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. I didn't want to talk with him, but running would make me look cowardly. I tried my best to bury my nerves by standing up straighter and taking a deep breath. “I…apologize, sir. I was simply curious. I'm sorry if I’ve bothered you, and I’ll leave you back to your reading.” I said politely, only with a slight tremble in my voice. I was hoping that would be all, to make a quick escape after that, but as I began to walk away, he stood up and strolled over to the barrier. He was tall, unfortunately adding to his intimidating nature. His thin lips were curled in a playful smirk and he absentmindedly ran his hands through his exceedingly dark hair, tucking it behind his ears because of its length. “Leaving? Where could you be going all the way down here? What business could you possibly have in these dungeons?” He asked. His eyes were narrow, almost accusing. Of what? I wasn’t sure. I nervously glanced at my surroundings. The other prisoners were staring on at the ordeal as if it was entertainment. And for them, it probably was. They weren’t lucky enough to somehow have books in their possession like he was (which was something I was definitely curious about). This was probably the most interesting thing that had happened to them in…what, weeks? months? years? I turned my attention back to the man. “I don’t see why that’s any of your business.” I say, trying to mirror his confidence. He smirked and let out a humorless laugh. He quirked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.
“Humor me” he says while shrugging. “Somebody like me deserves a bit of stimulation after being locked away in a place so…mundane.”
Somebody like him. I scoff at his words.
“You seem to think quite highly of yourself, don’t you?” My confidence rises the longer we speak. I fold my arms behind my back, clasped together.
He gestures down at himself arrogantly with that smirk on his face growing into a smile.
“Shouldn’t I?” He says, so confidently that I almost feel dumb by not knowing what he means.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, trying to figure out what he’s implying.
 It was barely there. For only a fraction of a second, his confidence thinned. He realized that I didn't recognize him and his mask slipped, but he recovered quickly. It happened so fast you could barely catch it…but I did. He looked at me doubtingly, as if I were tricking him.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know who I am.” He says, laughing breathily as he speaks, as if he’s simply exasperated.
I tilt my head, my confusion growing even more. He steps closer, as close as he can without touching the barrier. From there, I could see the vibrant shade of green his eyes were, and they pierced directly into mine. I avert my gaze, but not before noticing the nearly untraceable flecks of gold that swam within the green.
“Who are you?” he asks accusingly, as if I were there for some kind of nefarious reason (if anyone in here was nefarious it would definitely be the one in the cell).
“No, who are you? You’re the one who seems all…high and mighty as if I should know who the hell you are.” My voice rings out with a hint of frustration.
He scoffs, looking away from me to the wall on his left, seemingly thinking. He puts a stiff smile on his face before turning back to me, folding his arms behind his back.
“Fine then, I suppose we’re due for some introductions…my name is Loki”. He speaks his name sharply and proudly.
My face falls, and my confidence shatters. I knew that name. Everyone knew that name. How could anyone not? Being from an outlying village, I had never actually seen the two princes of Asgard. But the names…the names I knew.
But it couldn’t be…the Prince of Asgard, a God…locked away in his own palace’s dungeons? I was baffled.
“Loki? Loki, as in…” I trail off, even more confused than when I had first stumbled upon him.
News within the kingdom never reached outlying villages fast, sometimes not even at all, so no wonder I didn’t know. What could he have possibly done to get himself down here? It must have been horrible if it had him locked away in the furthest reaches of the dungeon, almost as far from the surface as you can get.
He tilts his head to the side as if to say ‘yes, that Loki’. I shake my head slowly in disbelief. Suddenly all the ‘special treatment’ starts to make sense. The beautiful decor, the books to keep him entertained, and him being kept away from the other prisoners. I look back up at him.
“But…why are you-” I begin to speak, but he cuts me off by sticking his hand up and shaking his head.
“No no, we were doing introductions, dear. Go on…” he says gesturing to me, putting that signature smirk back on his face.
I clear my throat and step closer to the cell, not wanting the other prisoners to overhear any personal details. I tell him my name quietly, but I avoid saying anything else and leave it at that. He repeats the name, testing it on his tongue for a moment before he smiles down at me and chuckles.
“Now, what might you be doing down here?” He asks, his voice smooth.
I was already expecting that question, but that didn't mean that I wanted to answer it. I clear my throat and take a deep breath before I sigh and push away my hesitation.
“Im…im looking for my father…” I mumble, looking down at my feet. One of his eyebrows arches and he lets out a hum of curiosity.
“Your father? Interesting…tell me, what did your father do to get himself down here?” His voice is almost taunting, and though I didn’t realize it, something in him desperately wanted to know the answer. 
I was the most interesting thing that had happened to him since he had gotten locked up, and he wanted to keep me down here as long as possible before I decided to leave. I was obviously down here for a reason, so I couldn’t stay forever, but he wanted to try and stall me for as long as he could. He found me intriguing, and he wasn’t about to just let me walk away. I shake my head at his question.
“Nuh uh, I already answered a question, now it's your turn.” I say, crossing my arms stubbornly.
He scoffs, and shakes his head.
“I never said anything about taking turns” He says teasingly.
I narrow my eyes at him, and I get embarrassed knowing that he had successfully swindled information out of me. It wasn’t a lot, but it was more than enough for my liking. Right then, I make a vow not to reveal another thing about myself until he does.
From what I could see, he truly was as insufferable as all the rumors said he was. He was arrogant, petty, and acted as if he was some sort of God… oh. Well…I would suppose that last part was warranted…but there was nothing to excuse all the stuff before it.
“You know what…why the hell am I even entertaining this? I came down here for a reason, and it definitely wasn’t for you, and if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be doing what I was planning to do ages ago and leave you to your reading”. I say the last word with bite, letting him know that no matter what he did or said, I was done with this conversation.
He stood there for a moment, simply looking me over before letting out a hum of acknowledgement and nodding once. He dramatically gestured over to the hallway I had come from.
“By all means…” He speaks with that smirk that by now, I’m absolutely positive is tattooed onto his face. 
I let out a huff before walking away as quickly as possible without being too obvious that I just wanted so badly to get out of there. I’m nearly out of his sight before he shouts one last thing, the sound echoing off the walls.
“Say hi to daddy for me” he taunts, and by the sound of his voice I could tell he was smiling.
The words make me stop, but only for a moment before I take a deep breath and continue on my way. When I get out of there, I was absolutely sure that I would never see that man again…
…Surely not…
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Manó in Sud Siccana WIP
WIP in which my Tolkien OC Manó (Maia of Mandos and one of the Blue Istari) has arrived in the city of Sud Siccana and meets the son of Sauron and god emperor Vanimórë (owned by @spiced-wine-fic who graciously has given me permission to write about their wonderful OC ❤️). This is still in WIP form so I’m working at writing this still so it will probably be changed a little bit before it is finished.
As the Servant of Námo was marched down the bright, torchlit corridor, hands roughly forced down to his sides by the armed soldiers, Manó did not even attempt to struggle. It was evident that these Men were well-trained, and the Maia knew that even if he did try to get away, he would easily be tackled. And he could not risk showing his true powers in front of these Men. Especially when he had no idea who it was that acted as lord over them.
It would give away far too much too early. Too risky.
And he did have plans.
And where in the name of the Lord Námo are you, Aratacáno? Why have you left me to this imprisonment?
Though he searched and searched for his fellow Namodur, Manó could not locate him in the sea of consciousness that was the citizenry.
If the rumors from the caravanserai were to be believed, this city called Sud Siccana was home to the god emperor, and from here, he did rule the South with an army that rivaled any in Middle Earth.
The palace was sumptuously decorated, showing off the obvious wealth that this lord held. Secretly, Manó was in awe at it, but he kept that impression to himself. Saying nothing, the Maia could only hope that the disguise of an older man that he enshrouded himself in would be enough to keep him safe from this…this…
As they went, the group passed many a magnificent space; the Maia caught a quick glimpse of a large bathing pool with aquamarine water with white curtains hanging for privacy where one might repose in the steam. Even to Manó it was quite tempting. To have the chance to wash off the dust of the road. Another held a dining room, brilliantly colored pillows scattered around on the floor for sitting and discussing crucial matters.
An elaborately carved door was thrown open, and Manó was quickly hustled through.
Gathering as much dignity as he could muster, the Maia held his head high.
“Wait here.” One of the guards told him, and Manó was left on his own to take in his new surroundings. Fixing his dark robes, he stared around with interest. He had expected to be brought to some throne room and forced to grovel and beg for his very existence. But no, that was not the case.
This was a room with a massive table at the center, shelves of books lining the walls. Scrolls sat unopened, along with other scraps of parchment. A library of sorts, Manó told himself. When he felt it safe to move, the Namodur reached out, carefully examining one of these documents.
A letter from some important king of a Southron land that Manó did not know of. And he did feel his curiosity rise.
With a cautious finger, he broke the seal.
Inside was written a meticulously detailed manuscript that had to do with a battle off to the east, and begging for troops to come to their aid.
Lord Vanimórë.
Was this the name of the lord of these peoples?
Manó spoke the name silently to himself, felt a chill run up his spine at it, skin crawling.
“And what do you think you are doing, hm?”
The Maia jumped at the sudden voice, turning away from the table, his robes swirling about him. His green eyes widened then, as he beheld the one who had addressed him.
A tall man (no, an Elf more likely) stood in the doorway, watching him with keen violet eyes. Manó had never seen such a gaze in all of his long years, one so piercing and sharp, and it seemed to him like falling into pools of purple light. Long dark hair fell around his shoulders and down to his waist, tied back away from the elegant elegant Noldorin features. Clothed in all black with swords strapped across his back, the Elf crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned nonchalantly against the doorframe, the posture hinting at seduction. A little smile played across the Elf’s face.
Overwhelmed by the presence, as if this Elf was staring straight into his ëala and seeing all that was hidden there, Manó felt the breath catch in his throat.
Steadying himself and at once feeling small before the purple gaze, the Maia bowed, placing a hand to his chest in apology.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to pry.” Manó finally managed to say. “I was merely curious.”
The Maia knew that he had to play his cards right with this one. A game of words and intrigue that he was not at all skilled at. Or else, he might find a far worse fate than the short imprisonment back in Tûl Harar. Manó was but a humble servant of the Lord of Mandos. What did he know of plotting and scheming?
How dare he make a Maia, an Ainu of Námo, feel so insignificant!
Anger flared then in Manó’s chest, but was quickly stamped out when the Elf locked eyes, staring him down.
Vanimórë chuckled then, closing the distance between them in a few long graceful strides, swept across the room like a dangerously prideful lion inspecting his realm.
And this indeed was his realm. No one would dare touch this king without the loss of their head and maybe a few other appendages.
Without hesitation, Lord Vanimórë spoke, the voice melodic and commanding all at once:
“I saw you and the other ride through the gates. Have the Valar sent one of their lackeys to come and spy on me? Maybe they’ve come to their senses.”
Head in a storm of thoughts, Manó felt a blush creep over his cheeks as Vanimórë came closer.
A scent of sandlewood.
The Maia a step backward, bumping against the table, sent a few of the scrolls toppling to the floor. Cornered and with nowhere to run, Manó stared straight into the eyes that watched him.
Eru’s name, did this demon have eyes everywhere?
“You…You must have seen wrong, good lord.” Manó replied, scrambling desperately for a convincing lie. “I came here alone.”
The calm smile remained, a dark eyebrow arched, as if completely unafraid and sure of himself in the face of the Namodur. The sight of it irked the Maia, but he kept his words to himself. It wouldn’t do to provoke him.
”Wrong?” Vanimórë said. “I don’t believe so. Especially when you made your arrival so obvious.”
“Sauron’s dark spawn.” Máno muttered, standing his ground.”The Valar speak of you, and not with kindness.”
The lord smirked then, fearsome as any warrior:
”Oh, I am sure that they do. Especially your Master. Isn’t that right?”
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splendentmoon · 6 months
IDo you know that one scene in Rapunzel where Rapunzel promises Gothel to stay with her if she lets Eugen go ? I just had to think about the Jade Prince in this situation (because I live this au 🥹!) and here is the result :
Macaque and Wukong find themselves surrounded by celestial warriors, dozens of spears pointing at them. The emperor has created a binding seal, trapping the two monkeys in place. Even the great sage is powerless against the might of the man who holds the very fabric of the realm together. Emperor be damned. 
MK struggles against the guards, their iron grip preventing him from escaping and helping the monkey demons – his  parents.
Jade emperor: Now look what you've done, Yu. Oh don't worry dear. We will find a nice mountain for those two insufferable demons to trap them under. Permanently. And as for you? You are going where no one will ever find you, again. 
In a desperate struggle, MK fights even more against the guards hold. His blindfold slips off, unveiling the burned upper half of his face – the unsightly, imperfect side. His shame. The part his grandfather wishes to hide. 
MK: NO! I won't stop. 
Looking directly the emperor in the eyes, his golden eyes shine against the red, burned scars surrounding them.
MK: For every minute of the rest of my life I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you….But, if you spear them.. I will go with you.
Macaque: No. No, Xiaotian...
MK: I'll never run, I'll hide my imperfections and never try to escape. 
He lifts the blindfold from the ground,  showing his choice to hide the scars and everything they stand for. He turns off his  gold vision. He will never show his monkey features or abilities ever again. Everything that could link him to his loving and kind parents must be erased and hidden. 
He puts the blindfold over his eyes to show his resolve to distance himself from his monkey origin. Giving the emperor what he wants. 
MK: Just let them go. And I will stay in the palace. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just let them go. 
Jade emperor:  I know you always keep your promises. Fine, I shall grant you your wish. The monkeys will be taken to earth and all gateways to heaven will remain shut, to forbid them from ever causing havoc in the celestial real ever again. 
Wukong: No, Xiaotian! Don’t do that. We will find another way! We can still save you and take you away from this prison ! Don’t throw away your life. Please! 
Rapunzel: Everything is going to be fine. I promise, you have to trust me.
MK forced a calming smile on his face and looked at the direction his father was speaking from. He was glad to not being able to see in that moment. Hearing the desperation in Monkey Kings voice was already tearing his heart apart. The look on his face would surely break him and he can’t do that. Not now. Not when his grandfather is willing to let them go. It doesn’t matter what Yu wants. It never has. He need to be perfect for everyone. He can’t show any cracks in front of the emperor as long as the two monkeys are still in danger. So he smiles. Standing perfectly straight. Standing still…like a doll. Perfect little Yu, the Jade prince, the delight of heaven, the emperors most precious treasure. Not MK, or Xiaotian or himself. Endure, don’t crack, don’t crack don’t crack don’t crack.
Wukong: No...I can't let you do this.
MK (wispers): But I can't let you die.
Wukong: But if you do this...
He couldn’t bring himself to finish. 
Macaque answered in his place. 
"Then you...will die.“
Tears rolling down his cheeks.
Yu's shock slowly faded as the gravity of the words sank in. They still confused him. He wasn’t going to die. His grandfather loves him. He would never kill him, he would just  forbid him from leaving the palace. Yes he would be cut off from Mei and the friends he found on earth and…never taste piggy’s food again or hear Mr. Tangs funny stories and wrong legends about the celestials. Bai He, Sandy, Red Son, EVERYONE. They would be separated from him. Forever. Suddenly Yu understood. This choice he was about to make would in fact kill him. But not like a death sentence. Even worse, a  life sentence in this prison of the celestial realm. Is this truly living, he wondered, trapped, alone and without the people he loved ? No. No this can’t be living. His father was right. He was choosing death. Yet he didn’t fear it. Knowing that his family and friends are save is enough. He would suffer an eternal life for them. 
MK: Hey. It's gonna be all right.
Wukong:  Xiaotian, wait...
Macaque: Please, my baby, don’t…
MK: I am the Jade Emperor and you will address me as such. Farewell monkeys. Forever
Would you believe me if I told you that while I was reading this, I was listening to the song "Mother Knows Best" in my head?
That result was, it was amazing!!!
I read it at least 15 times!
Bravo! Bravo! That would be a story I would read!
God, you gave me ideas for future chapters! Thank you!
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golvio · 11 months
I finished the Lotus-Shaped Sky Island sidequest last night.
So, a few interesting things:
Ganondorf himself is never mentioned, but he was apparently taking his creepy Zelda clone on test drives in the palace in the indeterminate time period leading up to the assassination.
The Chamberlain describes the apparition as “like something dead,” and Wortsworth translates that as “corpse-like.”
This makes me curious as to what “Shadow” actually is in the realm of TotK and how it’s different from Shadow in OOT. Gloom is energy associated with “the dead,” but it’s also associated with vitality in certain types of living things. Is “undeath” a sort of flipside of vitality?
Also, what is the Phantom here? An “artificial” ghost of its creator that thinks and acts like him? A soulless puppet-body made of Gloom that Ganon controls remotely?
Monster resurrection, or at least the possibility of resurrection, existed well before Ganondorf’s ascension. Rauru and Sonia explicitly created the Shrines of Light and the Lightroots to “seal them away” and prevent their resurrection, which I interpreted as meaning they’d naturally refresh their numbers through spontaneous resurrection no matter how many times they were killed. Baby’s First Blood Moon in the tear memories was the first time someone invoked this process on purpose since the current kingdom’s founding, but it’s not clear if it was specifically tied to Blood Moons before Ganon made it so, or if Blood Moons even existed before Sonia and Rauru built the shrines.
I sorta lost my mind over the information about monster resurrection because I was just sitting there imagining how monsterkind felt about the guy who finally gave them flesh again after years of wandering as aimless spirits unable to return to physical form. Like, everyone assumes he rose to power because he’s this big brutish warlord who proved himself to be The Strongest, when actually he made himself absolutely indispensable to the collective team comp the Rose Quartz way, so the monsters see him like this:
Are monsters spontaneously generated from Shadow? Like, in its natural unbound state, Shadow coalesces to form monster bodies or resurrects dead monsters?
This also makes the shrines needing to have a root extending into the Depths to “dispel the darkness” very interesting. It seems to suggest the Depths was the primordial birthplace of monsterkind, that they “came from the earth” and their souls are connected to the land. They may have even been one of Hyrule’s original inhabitants, existing alongside humans until the latter started expanding and encroaching upon their territories.
It’s also a neat little explanation as to why monsters are everywhere in the Zelda world, even outside of Hyrule. They’re a product of some primordial energy current running beneath the earth, and so they’re everywhere the surface of the earth exists.
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Your Majesty: If I Ain't Got You
"You should get out there."
Attuma could always say such words but putting them into action was ten times harder. This reigned true while they lay bare against her satin sheets again.
The church bells had rung and the announcements and invitations for the queen's birthday ball had reached the entire nation. Now that everything was in place, it was time to get out of bed.
Okoye couldn't think about her birthday ball or all the people that would be bustling through her palace like mad men to get ready for it. Her senses were all crowded with him. His heart beat thumping against her ear as she laid her head to his chest.
The tickle of his fingers around her arms, tracing down her spine. His lips soft against her head as he mumbled sweet nothings.
The birds had chirps and the roosters had crowed, but nothing could draw her away from this man. Her man. In private, anyway.
"It pains me to leave this bed." She groans into his chest, her hands running down his abdomen.
"Finally, you see how I feel."
"Yes..If only things were a bit different."
They thought of it often. A different life where they could live happy and free to love each other. Where Okoye's crown was nothing but a piece of jewelry.
"Mmm." She hummed, lifting her head to look at him. "It is my birthday."
"Happy birthday, my love." His finger hooked under her chin, lifting it to meet his lips in a tender kiss.
Her lips parted naturally as she started to melt in his touch and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. The gently finger turned into a firm grasp on her cheeks to keep her in place.
The kiss grew hot and messy as Okoye struggled to keep up with his dominance over her. She pulled away with a gasp as her eyelids fluttered with dizziness.
"I will return later to decorate your foyer." He sealed the promise with a peck to her cheek and a sly smirk as he left her quite bothered on the bed sheets. "Would you like purple or blue?"
"I would like you to get back into this bed and finish what you started!"
"I don't have time, your majesty." He pulled up his pants and buckled them as slowly as he could, turning to face her as she watched the scene.
"You dare leave me unsatisfied?" The question came out whinier than she wanted it to but as she ached for the relief only he could give her, her tone of voice was the last thing she worried about. "Do not play games with me, Attuma. Be nice."
"Where is the fun in that?" He buttoned his shirt and shrugged on his jacket, shooting her a wink.
Within a mere hour after Attuma had made his departure, the palace became bumbling with workers of all different trades, all putting i. their greatest efforts to please their queen.
Okoye had insisted on over seeing things in the palace, promptly giving Nakia a night off.
“Could we make it a little higher?” She shouted to the men installing her crystal chandelier, dead center of the ballroom.
They lifted the structure slightly and upon seeing the smile on her face, they secured it.
“Oh this is all so beautiful.” She ogled around the area, doing a bit of a spin and making the workers giggle. “Where are the tables?”
“Down the hall, your majesty.”
Okoye turned on her heels, making her way down the hallway and into the dining parlor. Tables had covered the room and there was surely a seat for every guest.
“Good..Is Attuma around?” She asked the ladies maid following her as she made her inspections.
“I’m not sure, your majesty.”
“Well, he did show up. Yes?” She peered over her shoulder at the woman.
“Yes, he was accounted for.” She confirmed, fidgeting with nervousness
Okoye huffed, placing a hand to her hip in irritation. “So where is he? Never mind, I’ll find him myself. Do not follow me!”
The queen tuned the rest of her words out as her feet started to carry her through the palace, down to the kitchen and up into the foyer.
She even checked the garden and pool for him but she hd no luck. Surely, he hadn’t left. He wouldn’t of without seeing her first at least.
Her irritation grew with every second that she did not find him and her palace was much too big to search for him forever.
“Where is Attuma!?” Her foot met the ground in a frustrated stomp.
“No reason to shout, your majesty. I am here and I would like to introduce you to my assistant, Vanessa.”
The woman linked to his arm bowed with a beaming smile on her features. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, your majesty.”
Oh he knew what he was doing. Her arm secured around his and his smug smirk as Okoye’s face twisted into a form of distaste.
“I didn’t authorize her.” She spat, unable to address the girl without losing her mind.
“Your majesty, I could truly use the help.”
“Attuma, a private word.” She didn’t check to make sure he was following before she made a beeline for the stairs and they disappeared down one of the many hallways.
Once they were clear, Okoye let him have it.
“If you wanted to have a mistress-“ She slapped his arm.
“Wow. That’s low, Okoye. I am not screwing her.”
“Oh please! I am not in the mood for games!”
“Do you really think me a fool? To step out on you would be absurd.”
“You are right because I would have your fucking head!”
“Okoye.” He stepped forward only for her to step further back. “Come here.”
“Do not touch me!”
“She is only a ploy to rile you up. I had a stupid idea that if you saw me with someone else, you would claim me publicly.”
“You know that is impossible.” Okoye scoffed, finding his trick childish and turning to go back to the foyer.
Attuma rolled his eyes, finding her claim ridiculous.
“Is it? Really? Because it doesn’t seem that far fetched. Stop walking away from me, woman!”
He caught the fabric of her gown just as she was ready to turn the corner, using the material to yank her back flush against his chest.
Carefully, and against her protests, her lifted her up by her waist and carried her to her bedroom, softly plopping her down on the bed.
“You will listen to me.”
“I am in no mood for you!” She stood with a huff as he blocked the door off. “Move!”
“Say you love me and I will let you leave.”
“There is no point! We will never have a life together!”
“Say you love me, Okoye! I don’t care what we have together! As long as you can tell me honestly that you love me, I could die a happy man.”
“Attuma..” Her eyes brimmed with burning tears.
“Okoye, I love you. I have always loved you and I always will. Whether you are queen or not, I love you. There are no conditions to my love and I need to know honestly if you love me because I can not stand it anymore.”
“I love you.”
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dropout-ninja · 11 months
The Hollow Knight, Bretta, Nightmare King Grimm
One of these is solely because I want to see you admit your favorite ship on main, I cannot stop myself
I think I need to not attempt ask games because I am too talkative and make long ass posts help
The Hollow Knight: What was the saddest part of the game for you? Which ending is the most sad to you?
All of it
But seriously, so many moments. I’ll throw the Nosk Den out as one, alongside the Abyss. A lot of the settings give feels, like the empty basin. The White Palace’s everything always makes me feel Emotions. A lot of the ghosts make me sad. MARMU. Agh. 
Which ending isn’t sad? That said, I am going to go with Sealed Siblings as the worst feeling ending. It feels like the one that has the most damage caused and the least hope. Dream No More is a ‘good’ ending, though, but it gives many sad feelings (just of a different nature than the long scream of SS/THK ending)
Bretta: Favorite Hollow Knight ship? Favorite fanfic?
Why you do this
I have so many ships, because I’m the type of person to read what looks like a crackship and if it’s written with crunch then now I’m shipping it (hi grimmnet). It doesn’t take much and I don’t tend to have notps, my personality is a continuous shrug (me out here sometimes reading pale nightmare and causing you unknowing psychic indigestion) 
Grollow was my first HK ship and I’d probably call it my favorite. I also really like Pale King/White Lady. Some of the more cursed ships I favor are Pale King/Radiance (or PK/Radi/WL) and Radiance/The Hollow Knight, exceptionally messy and toxic. There you go, Ashe, get me on main saying it all. 
All of yours are the answer XD (I mean it). From Eyes to W&G/Red Sky to Butterfly, sorry not sorry. Other favorites are Soul of God, Form of Moth by @basilbellona, which has been my favorite HK fic since April 2022, and In Defiance of Time (and associated oneshots) by @ganondorf--apologist. 
Now for a list of absolutely random things I’ve got in my bookmarks, which are excluding the multiple HK fics I have open but am still reading. I’m going to make too long a post just because I always want fics to get more love. Some of my other non-Ashyr favorites from bookmarks (no specific order and genre) are: Captivated, Until Dawn Shall Break, Not Too Late for Second Chances, Hold The Future With Silver Hands, Camouflage of Great Renown, It’s All Well Above Wonder Anyway, The Clock Stopped Ticking Forever Ago, Pale Revival, A Tribe Betrayed, Void Given Focus, Workshop Safety, To Reclaim A Dream, To Love A Lamprey, Moving Onward, Will Terribly, If You Will At All, I Swore I’d Have No More Knights In Shining Armor, We’re So Close But So Distant
Someday I’ll have even more to recommend when I finish reading the fics open in my tags (hi Tori fics, hello)
Nightmare King Grimm: Which boss battle was the most intense for you? The most satisfying to defeat?
What if I said Nightmare King Grimm
Each one I came across the first time I played faskfsdaf. I’m going to go with Absolute Radiance just because I remember the noises I was making on stream when I accidentally beat her in P5 the first time. But in terms of my favorite boss fight/the one I’m most satisfied about my skills in, I’ll go with the cliche of the NKG fight XD My one skill in this game is being able to absolutely bully the man and kill him hitless before the best part of his song plays. I put all my irl XP points into getting good at him. Other favorite fights are Sisters of Battle, and probably Pure Vessel even though they are gatekeeping me so hard in my all bindings P4 run and so I cry.
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game-boy-pocket · 5 months
Happy New Year.
It was a pretty good year for my gaming hobby and being a Nintendo fan. As usual, I did spend a majority of the year just replaying games I loved, but there were a few new, and new-to-me games that I played this year.
Around this time last the year I was on a Rare kick, playing through all the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker. and Mark Kurko's Snowglow Village remake, and this spilled into January.
The Rare stuff also lead to a N64 kick in general, as I found a few decent Mario 64 hacks that worked on real hardware, and I also finished a run of Kirby 64 I started a few years ago and abandoned close to the end.
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I managed to make it through a short and easy but very charming Fievel Goes West platformer on SNES. I've got a lot of nostalgia for Fievel so, no regrets there.
I started going back and fourth between The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Banjo Kazooie - the Jiggies of Time, and it was interesting to visit areas of the game as Link only to come back to them as Banjo, this also marked the first time I ever replayed a full length romhack from start to finish.
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I picked up several Super Mario World romhacks. Some of them worked out, others didn't, either because of romhack difficulty or hardware incompatibility, but it really was kind of a Mario year for me.
Smash Remix got some amazing updates adding Marina, King Dedede, and Goemon, among other things. I can't wait to see where else that game goes. But speaking of Smash Bros, I also discovered the Akenia build for Super Smash Bros Melee, and I was thrilled to play that game with some characters that came later in the series like Lucas, Diddy Kong, Charizard, Sonic, and Wolf.
And I cleared two Gameboy games for the first time, Donkey Kong Land, and Final Fantasy Adventure, hopefully I can get to their sequels in 2024.
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From there I marathonned a ton of Mario games... the SNES version of Super Mario RPG ( little did I know a Switch remake would get announced later this year ), New Super Mario Bros U, Mario Kart 8, which I managed to get 3 stars on every cup and every difficulty rating, Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros DS, and Super Mario Odyssey, all in preperation to hype myself up for the Super Mario Movie which, against all odds, was fun as hell and filled my little Mario fanboy heart with joy.
Also found mods for Wario Land and Donkey Kong Country returns that made both games far more enjoyable to me. Wario's default walking speed was increased, and Donkey Kong Country's motion controls were mapped to buttons.
Revisited Sonic Riders again, and sadly kind of realized it was not as good as I remembered, having only two grand prix that are largely copy pastes of each other with different lighting. Still prefer the concept of those games than sticking Sonic in a car though.
I discovered a pretty amazing Ocarina of Time hack called the Sealed Palace, which is a it obtuse, but still very good, and I really need to get back to it, I had nearly finished it but went on a hiatus when other things caught my attention. Will finish it in 2024 hopefully.
And one of the big highlights, I finally became the proud owner of an NES. My family had one as a child but it was more for my parents than for me. I mostly played NES games via Nintendo's re-releases or emulation.
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Among the games I played for NES, the whole Mario trilogy, Zelda, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Quest 1, Metroid MOTHER, Kid Icarus, Super Mario Bros 3+, Mega Man 2, Kid Icarus, Duck Hunt, and I started up Final Fantasy 2, but have yet to finish it.
And in April I went to Super Nintendo Land. The experience was slightly soured for me but I had fun and got some cool merchandise. The actual ride was a little underwhelming though, and I didn't even get to go to the Toad Cafe.
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In anticipation for the Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, I replayed Link's Awakening, and Breath of the Wild, had a great time with both of them.
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And then Tears of the Kingdom came along and completely absorbed my life for two months. I still miss playing it. Maybe i'll replay it sometime in 2024? It'll be interesting to see if my opinion changes at all, but so far, this one is in my top 3 Zelda games. It's not perfect, but honestly, mention any Zelda game to me and I can give you a laundry list of flaws for each of them, so a Zelda game not being perfect is old news. But it doesn't make them any less great. I think this one is just contentious because 1. it took 6 years, 2. purists of the old Ocarina Cone style of Zelda games are worried that they'll never enjoy Zelda again. They have my sympathies but honestly I don't ever want to go back to the old style of Zelda unless it's for a 2D game.
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I actually tried to give Skyward Sword another try, I bought the Switch version, but like with every attempt to replay that game since it's launch, I just find myself really irritated by all the exposition that I just quit playing early on.
Against my better judgement I bought Sonic Origins Plus on Steam, and it has some performance issues. I really didn't need it, I love that Amy is playable but I kind of prefer her Sonic Advance move set, which fans had already modded into the genesis games. I think i'd rather just get an actual Sega Genesis to play these games on someday.
I finished raising every single digimon on my Digimon Version 20th v-pet, which is essentially like completing the "pokedex" but for digimon. Sadly not every virtual pet tracks that information, so I won't get to attempt that again.
There was a double dose of Ninja Turtles with TMNT II the Arcade game for NES and Shredder's Revenge on the Switch, I think a certain movie came out around this time of year that put me into a Turtle frenzy because I also started watching the cartoon around that time of year.
I am not mentioning every little NES game or hack I play but I want to higlight two excellent Zelda hacks called the Legend of Banjo and the Legend of Super Mario, which are exaclty what they sound like, Zelda 1 but with a Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario makeover respectively, both are very well designed and arguably a lot more friendly to players that aren't experts at Zelda 1, and do a great job at selling the illusion that they're intended to be Mario and Banjo games.
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One of my big regrets for the year was Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3, Slime Speedway, which I bought because 1. I was done with the Mario Kart DLC and wanted more racing game, and 2, I was on a nickelodeon kick and was hyped up from the pre-release of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.
Slime Speedway is just not very well made. I am generally accepting of low FPS but two genres of games that shouldn't have them are racing games and fighting games. And it's very sad because I feel like NKR3 could be one of the better Mario Kart clones if it was better optimized and had less annoying sound clips... Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 was a good game but my hype deflated when I learned it would be cutting ELEVEN characters. Also the Switch version performs like ass but I really wanted to be able to take it to a friends house, so I didn't do the smart thing and buy it on Steam.
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October is usually when I do my month long Halloween celebration of only consuming spooky media. But Nintendo and Sega had the nerve to plan big Mario and Sonic releases that month, interrupting my plans. But I did manage to slip in some spooky gaming, with Luigi's Mansion, an Evil Dead hack of Wanpakku Grafitti: Splatterhouse, and a Super Mario World Halloween hack, as well as a Kirby Halloween romhack. There was also the promising Super Mario 64 hack - Super Mario and the Monstrous Manor, but it seemed to lose it's spooky flavoring half way through, so I put it on pause for now and will come back to it in 2024.
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I don't need to say much about Super Mario Wonder. It was wonderful. Easily the best 2D Mario in decades. It can definitely stand toe-to-toe with the original NES trilogy and Super Mario World. But Sonic Super Stars on the other hand? It's fine, but the bosses suck ass, especially the final boss, who isn't even interesting since it's just the Sonic 3 and Knuckles final boss again but without the Doomsday Zone sequence.
Super Mario RPG came out in November and it was a delight. My second time playing the game that year, I never would have seen it coming in a million years, but i'm so happy that it did. I already want to replay it.
I was put into the mood for Square RPGs, something I always felt like I missed out on growing up. So I started up Final Fantasy IV, which I played before, but never finished. I need to get back to it but I am officially at the point where I stopped playing last time, about to storm some tower in the underworld while the red wings are being distracted by tanks.
In December I started feeling Donkey Kong again and played the first two DKC games, and a few levels of Tropical Freeze, I thought i'd finally try out that new Funky Mode. I then realized that I was playing the exact same games around this time of year last year. Pure coincidence, but I do kind of want to play the rest of the Rare platformers...
I bought my first ever Mario sports game in Mario Tennis Aces, and I had a blast with it, though the adventure mode was surprisingly difficult, I have also bought Kirby and the Forgotten Land but have not really dug into it much. I guess my appetite for Kirby isn't what it used to be, that and my mood lately has been mostly on Mario. Maybe I should finish Yoshi's Crafted World, I got that in 2022 and have not played it at all this year...
Mark Kurko did his annual Christmas Romhack for Banjo Kazooie. I played it on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, I replayed all his past romhacks. I think I might make that a new tradition, to replay all the christmas BK hacks, and whatever else I have. I found a decent Mario 64 Christmas hack as well, though it's only a single level.
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And to cap off the new year, I started up a run of Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. I've been at it for a week and a half now. I am curious to see how long I can keep it up. But I have already found two NES games, and I kind of want to see if I can get the whole set and build an NES arcade in my basement, just like old times.
There's not much for me to look forward to in 2024 as far as I know, just the Mario vs Donkey Kong and Paper Mario TTYD remakes really, as I'm not too interested in the Peach game. But I hope we get some exciting announcements. I just am not ready for that announcement to be a Switch 2, I'm so tired of buying new machines.
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killmongerskeeper · 1 year
you are the holy in my day (get it cause its the holidays, hah1!) with this prompt list. Anyways.
can I have Shuri with angst #1 and fluff #14? basically angst to fluff where reader doesn’t wanna bother shuri cause she keeps pushing reader away but then reader gets hurt/into an accident?
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Angst #1: “You’re hurt.”
Fluff #14: “I’m not giving up on you.”
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"Shuri please just hear me out." You sighed as the woman moved from table to table. She was once again glued to her work in the lab, not trying to listen to anything you're saying. "You need a break. You can't keep burying yourself in your work."
"Y/N I told you I'm fine. Please go back to bed, I'm losing my train of thought." She said not turning around to look at you. 
"You know people are saying our relationship won't last because no one sees us together anymore? You're hurting. I understand that. But please come find me if you need to talk. I'm more than willing to listen." You mumbled softly before leaving the lab. "I'm not giving up on you." You didn't notice how she turned to look at you as you left. You spent most of your day helping around the village. You noticed a woman walking with a heavy basket and went over to help her. 
"Thank you child." She smiled as you carried the basket of tools into her home. 
"What are you using these tools for anyway?" You asked and she motioned to the hole in her ceiling by the door. 
"Whenever it rains, water leaks through to the floor. Was just gonna see if my son could fix it, but he's out running errands." She told you and you nodded. The hole wasn't that big and you've done handy work before. 
"I can fix it. Just need a ladder." You told her and she shook her head. "I couldn't ask that of you. You've done so much already."
"It's alright." You pulled her ladder to the living room and climbed up to the hole with a couple tools. You started working as quickly as possible. After a couple of minutes you managed to rig the hole until the woman's son returned. She went to thank you before the door swung open hitting the bottom of the ladder. You lost your footing and fell to the floor on your back.
"Are you okay child?! I apologize for my son's intrusion!" She exclaimed, bending down to help you. Her son had horror painted on his face before he leaned down to help you up. 
"I'm okay. Just a couple of bumps and bruises. The hole is sealed for now. Might want to finish it before rain comes in tonight." You winced as you stood from the floor. 
"Let me take you to the palace. The princess can help you." Her son stated and you held up your hand with a smile. "It's okay. I'll make it." 
"Thank you for your help and time." The woman bowed and you nodded, making your way back to the palace. You avoided everyone as you slipped to your shared quarters holding your side. You got out your sleeping clothes and went to take off your shirt. The cool air was heaven on your back which you were sure had turned a nice shade of purple. You stood facing the balcony when the door opened quickly. 
"I tried calling you on your- Usana. You're hurt." Shuri muttered as you slipped a shirt on. 
"It's nothing." You mumbled and you felt her presence get closer. You let her fingers touch you arm and you sighed.
"It doesn't look like nothing. Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?"
"I'm fine. Just took a tumble is all. Besides, you were busy. I didn't want to bother you." You said softly and she held your waist while lifting your shirt to get a better look. 
"It's not fine. I should've been paying more attention. It has just been so hard. And I took it out on you. It's inexcusable." She whispered and you bit your lip. Her finger grazed the bruise and you winced until she kissed your shoulder. 
"It's…it's alright. I know things haven't been exactly easy for you." 
"But yet, you've been by my side through all of it." She muttered as she grabbed a solvent to put on your bruise. "At least let me repay the favor. Ten times over." You couldn't help but lean into her as she held you.
"It's not like you're the one who hurt me. Was a ladder." You giggled and she nodded.
"Yes your clumsiness got you a nasty bruise." She joked as she grabbed your bathrobe.
"It was an accident!" You shouted as she pulled you to the shower. "I believe you my love."
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wh3nturtlesfly · 1 year
Set Him Free (Chapter 1)
Relationships: Eventual prinxiety and logicality
Word Count: 1937
Summary: Elden is a decently normal Kingdom. Proud monarchs govern the land, making sure those who break the rules face the correct consequences. There is no such thing as secrets, and normal people happily live their normal lives. Though what happens when everything is no longer ‘normal’?
It seems more secrets lived beneath the surface than anyone liked to think…
Notes: If you’d like to listen to the narrated version of this story, the whole thing is up on my YouTube (When Turtles Fly), and I will slowly be working to update the chapters on this platform. I hope you all enjoy :)
Black boots pounding across the cobblestone streets, Virgil Rayne sprinted away from the head of the royal guard and future king of Elden. He could feel the piercing stares of several townsfolk watching him flee, though all that mattered to him now was evading capture.
His jet black cloak whipped behind him as he rounded corner after corner. Baskets and crates blocked his path, and with each leap and twist Virgil knew the prince was nearing closer.
Virgil cursed himself for being so careless. If he had just been more patient, he would have been able to slip into the shadows without a hitch. Of course he just had to round the corner right as Prince Roman Averille was surveying the streets. Sure, criticizing himself wasn’t going to help him get out of this, though neither was the sound of footsteps behind him.
Virgil took a moment to sneak a look behind his shoulder and instantly regretted it.
Roman was gaining on him fast. Usually avoiding such things would be easier as fleeing from the law was now second nature for Virgil, but the amount of people crowding the streets made running difficult.
He pushed his way through citizens and market vendors. It still wasn’t enough, the streets were too crowded.
With each step, Virgil could feel himself tiring more and more, his aching side protesting the continuous movement. He pressed on, careful not to trip over several gutters that jutted out into the street.
Glancing ahead, Virgil exhaled with relief as he spotted the branch of cobblestone that led to the alleyway. If he could just reach the shadows, he could finally shake Roman off his tail.
Just before he could reach the safety of the alley, a shout rang out clear from behind him.
“Virgil Rayne, in accordance with the kingdom of Elden I order you to stop!”
Somehow, Roman had managed to catch up. How had he navigated through the crowds that easily?
Virgil swiftly ducked into the alleyway, making a break towards the gap within the fence posts lining the back of the space. The gap was sealed off with newly finished wooden boards.
That was not good.
Virgil searched for another way out, though with the absence of the hole in the fence, there were none.
A pounding of footsteps caused him to flinch, and he turned to come face to face with the prince. He slowly backed away, placing a smirk on his face and gathering as much confidence as he could muster.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the prissy Prince Roman himself. Come to spoil my perfect day with yet another collection of chivalrous monologue?”
The prince narrowed his eyes, “Oh please, you know why I’m here. Though, I’m still oblivious to what you’ve stolen this time.”
“You’re oblivious to a lot more things than that,” Virgil taunted, delighting in the way Roman’s eyes narrowed, “Though in all honesty, I’m not exactly sure what’s in this bag either. I’m simply following the orders I was given.” .
“I suppose you wouldn’t have any trouble handing it over then. What’s the point in stealing when you don’t even know what you’ve stolen?”
Virgil lifted the sack, examining its woven texture, “Nice try, but you won’t get this back that easily. Might as well skip along home to your palace, I wouldn’t want my daily chores to interrupt your afternoon tea party, and I’m sure you wouldn’t either.”
“Must you always be this way? I’m beginning to feel that you don’t actually enjoy our lovely little conversations.”
“Yeah, obviously.”
“You are intolerable,” Roman huffed.
“And you are standing in the way of my escape route, so if you could kindly step just a bit to the right, it would be much appreciated.” Virgil grinned, strolling forward only to be stopped just before he reached the street.
“That’s not going to happen stressing in disguise. You’ve committed one too many acts of thievery, and you’re going to have to pay the price this time.”
“You’re right,” Virgil stepped closer to the prince, playfully holding out his wrists, “Poor me, adopting a life of crime when I could be doing much better things with my life. I shall truly regret my past decisions.”
“You won’t mock me when I see your face behind cold iron bars.”
“Sure,” he lowered his hands with a smirk, “too bad that’ll never happen,” Virgil dropped to the ground, sweeping his leg to the side and knocking the prince’s feet out from under him. He quickly sprinted out of the alleyway, securing the small bag within a loophole upon his belt.
With the hole in the fence no longer presenting itself as an escape option, Virgil needed to find another way out and fast.
His eyes drifted up past the wooden stands and bustling townsfolk until…there. A gray brick building.
He swiftly made his way to the structure, pushing past anyone that came in his way. Several shouts of protest rang in his ears as he passed by, and he tried his best not to care. Roman would soon gather his bearings, and Virgil wanted to be long gone when that moment came.
The heels of his boots splashed through puddles of tainted rainwater, and he caught himself continuously looking back as the building came into view. Virgil reached what appeared to be a candle shop, and soon caught sight of a gutter that ran the height of the building.
He rushed over to the metal pipe, grasping it tightly and beginning to scale the outer wall. The woven bag hung precariously from his belt with each inch he climbed. One wrong move, and it would be sent tumbling to the ground.
Deciding not to take any chances, Virgil carefully untied the twine cords, preparing to toss the stolen goods onto the safety of the shop’s roof.
The gutter had other plans. With a jarring rattle, it tore loose from its brick base, and Virgil’s fingers slipped from where they had grasped the pipe.
He fell towards the cobblestone streets, desperately flailing through the air before his hands found purchase on a cobblestone ledge lining the upper half of the building. He was jerked upwards as he gained a firm grasp of the ledge, his leg grazing the edge of the gutter that now jutted out from the building.
Virgil inhaled sharply through his teeth. A scrape now covered his leg, already throbbing. He tried his best to ignore the hot sting that had begun to flow through his veins, focusing all his strength into gripping the ledge. Despite his current state, Virgil was happy to have only gained a scratch when he could have easily ended up a pancake on the street.
The burlap sack was not as lucky, and it collided with the ground, a metallic clank sounding as it hit hard rock. Looking to see where it had landed, Virgil’s heart sank when he located it in the hands of the very person he had been trying to avoid. The universe really had it out for him today.
Sighing, he shifted along the ledge, allowing himself to face Roman who now appeared more triumphant than ever. “Would you take a look at that!” he beamed, “It seems I have something of yours.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” Virgil grumbled, gripping tighter onto the ledge.
“You know, I believe you would be much more comfortable down on solid ground rather than hanging for dear life.”
“Anything is better than spending a lifetime in the dungeons around you princey. I think I’ll take my chances with the ledge.”
“Well I am truly appalled,” Roman dramatically placed a hand upon his heart and Virgil simply rolled his eyes. Leave it to him to create a scene out of anything.
“If you don’t mind, I would like my bag back. I would do it myself, but I’m slightly preoccupied at the moment.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You and I both know that you are far past warnings. It’s about time you pay dues to your actions!”
“Yeah, no. Sorry princey, but I really don’t feel like being arrested today,” Virgil grit his teeth, hissing at the ache that came with holding on for dear life, “Instead, how about I simply retrieve what is rightfully mine and get out of your hair.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?”
Smirking, Virgil lifted a portion of a brick that had broken off the ledge and let go. The brick fell towards the ground, landing with a thunk upon a wooden board which teetered upwards like a seesaw. All to collide with Roman’s outstretched hand.
Before the prince could even process what was happening, the woven sack was knocked into the air, landing right in Virgil’s palm. Several ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’ came from the developing crowd below, while Roman watched in disbelief, his expression radiating annoyance.
Virgil gave a smug wave in response and began ascending to the top of the building. He pulled himself onto the cobblestone overhang that lined the very top of the candle shop, happily dangling his feet over the edge. “Now,” he said, “If you don’t mind, I should be going. I would say it's been fun, but apparently lying is morally wrong, and I wouldn’t want to add another wrongdoing to my list, would I?”
“There is no way I’m letting you get away that easily,” Roman shouted, then bolted for the edge of the building.
He leapt off the ground, his hands catching the wooden sign that hung in front of the candle shop. Swiftly propelling himself upward, the prince grabbed the bottom ledge, pulling himself up to meet Virgil’s eye level.
With wide eyes, Virgil backed away, already moving to make a run for it. Roman thrust his hand forward before the thief could get far, wrapping his fingers around the sleek black fabric of Virgil’s cloak.
Virgil yelped as he was yanked backwards, landing hard on the stone roof. He turned to glare at the prince who only beamed in return. “Your days of thievery are over Virgil.”
“It sure seems that way, doesn’t it?” Virgil’s glare shifted into a feline smile. He raised his hands to the golden clasp holding the two ends of his cloak together, unclasping the garment.
Roman had no time to react before the thief whirled around, placing his boot upon the prince's shoulder. Virgil pushed him backwards then, disturbing the precarious balance he had formed on the ledge.
Roman fell towards the streets, cloak still grasped tightly in his fingers. Arm outstretched, his other hand seized the wooden sign just before he hit the ground. A laugh sounded from the top of the candle shop, and Roman looked upwards to meet the cunning expression of Elden’s most notorious thief. “So long princey,” he said, giving a final mock salute before disappearing along the town skyline.
Gone. For now.
It would be pitiful to say a prince was sulking, though that was exactly what Roman did as he returned to the castle. His day had started so promising, so full of potential. Of course, that criminal had to sprint by, which brought on the perfect opportunity to satisfy an ongoing chase.
If only that chase had been like the others.
Other thieves would have only relied on strength, ultimately lacking speed and wit. They would have been caught easily, backing themselves into corners or simply giving up. Virgil wasn't anything like that.
Virgil was cunning. Virgil was attentive. Virgil was not like other thieves. And if Roman truly wanted to catch him, he would have to remember this.
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pipperoni32-blog · 1 year
The Queen Of Nothing
By Holly Black
Alright, forget actual book review, this is just going to be me fangirling and talking about my favorite parts of this book. If you haven't read it yet, don't go any further! Finish reading first, then come squeal about how good it was!
There's so much that goes on in this book. Jude starting off in her exile, brooding and trying not to think about a certain High King. Finding herself dueling once again with a redcap who used to be a general, this time Grima Mog. Who yet again underestimates Jude, and finds herself claiming defeat. Though she offers to battle Jude again anytime.
When Taryn appears, I'm not ready to forgive her. I'm even less inclined for Jude to accept Taryn's proposal to pose as her in her upcoming trial for Locke's death. Not that I'm against Jude returning to Faerie (and Cardan) but coming to Taryn's rescue seems like the wrong reason. Jude agrees though, and her reunion with Cardan is worth is, even if it is short lived.
The picture of Cardan patting the couch next to him, and asking Jude is she ever got his letters, is one of my many favorites in the book. I'm so irritated by Madoc's rescue, for keeping them from being able to explain right away.
Being in Madoc's camp, Jude is back to thinking on her feet and trying her best to plot out a victory. Or at least, an escape that leaves her alive and with a strategic advantage over Madoc's coming attack. Being Taryn is more complicated that she thought, especially with the change in how she's treated by Orianna. Orianna giving Jude a hug was touching, but also filled me with deep sorrow and anger. How could she have kept up that wall for so long against Jude, to make that choice when she was so easily capable of caring for her instead. Maybe that's never been what Jude needed, but the lack of it is startling.
Cardan coming to Jude's rescue is one of the sweetest things. I had actually forgotten about that part when I started this re-read, and I was so giddy when I saw him there, in his cloak made by Mother Marrow with the Roach at his side. Of course, Jude's only thought is on getting him out of there safely. It's odd that I feel the Ghost deserves Jude's forgiveness more than Taryn at this point, but I was so relieved to find him alive, and wanted him back in the Court of Shadows where he belongs.
I've talked at work so many times about the chills that run through you when Madoc screams for Jude not to run from him. The shock as he runs her down and slices her open. The horror from both of them, Jude as she lays bleeding, and Madoc that he didn't stay his hand. Madoc offers to kill her quickly, to not leave her like this, but he's stopped by Vivi, Taryn, and Grima Mog.
I'd forgotten that Taryn was the one to sew Jude up. To pack her with leaves in an effort to heal the fatal wound. That Jude wasn't aware of what was happening, the wound sealing and the flowers blooming where her blood spilled. I thought she'd seen some of it herself, though she does get that one dizzying glimpse before they return to the palace.
Is there a moment better than Jude falling from the beam onto the table, and Cardan telling everyone to stop. To not touch her. That she's his wife and the High Queen? Well, yes, there might be several. But at the time, there isn't! My heart shatters when Cardan stands over her and calls her a dirty liar, for letting herself get hurt. For almost not coming back to him.
The way Jude handles Lady Asha is well done, but I would have been happy if she'd lost her temper and been a little more heavy handed. I forgot how easily the girls fall in together at the palace. The way they work together. There are still things in the past between them, but now, without the obstacle of pleasing or opposing Madoc, they can just be sisters. Be a family that supports each other, not constantly in a game of power and crowns. My animosity towards Taryn failed here, and I could only appreciate how she comes to Jude's aid when asked, that she can use her own talents to help Jude dress and have rooms that support her as High Queen.
The throne breaking, and then the crown, are such powerful moments. Cardan's speech just before too. Jude is so ready to come to his defense, but she doubts him too. She things that what Madoc's offering is too much of a trap, and that she's going to be helpless as she watches Cardan step into it. But Jude isn't the only one who can surprise us, who's been underestimated. I truly loved that. It's always so easy to think of Jude as the powerful, murderous queen, and Cardan holding up his wine glass and acting as her cheerleader. But here, he proves to everyone that he is worth following. That he is High King, and nothing can stop that. He makes the doubters want to pledge their loyalty to him, to not deny him. And Jude gets to see him in a new light. Until the crown breaks, and chaos descends.
I haven't found an artwork of it yet, but Jude sitting with Cardan as the snake, having drawn closer to him unknowingly until she's sitting almost right next to him, ugh. I can't. Even the Bomb hesitates to call out to Jude, to risk the snake's wrath. And Jude, needing to get back to her duties, but not wanting to leave. Saying that she's just been telling him that he can't hold her to all her promises - her promise to kill him if he ever became worse than Balekin.
Heather, Vivi, Taryn, Tatterfell, Fand, Grima Mog, the Bomb, all the people that support Jude. That have been with her all along, been lost and found their way back, or just recently been added to her circle. A circle willing to protect their queen, and make her believe she has every right to be called one along the way.
Jude, finding a way to save the Roach and getting kicked in the stomach in the process. The Roach's confession to the Bomb, though she tries to tell him he's not dying. Them being able to say everything they've kept inside for so long.
The bridle, the fresh scars on Suren's face from having it removed. The way they try to trick her, telling her to wrap her hairs around it so that she'd be under their control along with Cardan. Luckily, Jude isn't afraid to get a second opinion. She meets with Severin, the new alderking, and Mother Marrow, and learns how the Court of Teeth intended to trick her, and how to actually work the bridle. She doesn't find the answer she was looking for though, another option. Something other than killing Cardan, or leaving him chained to follow her, a mindless pet to keep around.
She doesn't want that though. She doesn't want Cardan dead, and she doesn't want him trapped. The idea is no longer appealing, to have him in her thrall, under her control and powerless to refuse any of her commands. Now, she just wants him. She just wants him back.
Just excuse me a minute while I sob at the heart, and depth of feeling welling up.
Jude makes her own choices, not falling into line like Madoc requests. Not giving into the appeal of the bridle and power. Just loving Cardan, not wanting him to live as a trapped thing any longer. There's something so powerful but refreshing about Cardan making a joke out of things, refusing to put on a cloak and just sauntering over to his carriage, surrounded by armies. With Jude by his side.
Poor Jude, and poor Cardan. Exhausted, wanting to just hold each other, but having to lead a revel instead, to entertain their guests and former enemies. They find each other before too long though, and Jude gets doesn't let her chance pass to say she loves him.
The coronation, Cardan supporting Jude's decisions on how to deal with and punish the traitors. Jude turning those who remained loyal to Madoc into Falcons, able to go out and live their lives the way the want, but unable to be welcomed back until they haven't harmed anyone for a year and a day. Granting Suren real power over Lady Nore, making Lady Nore give her obedience and loyalty to the puppet queen she'd thought to appoint. Oak being the one to ask Jude to help her. Then Madoc, who finally is willing to ask for mercy. The small heartbreak as Jude sentences him to live in the mortal world, and not pick up a weapon again. The way she says good-bye to him.
The sadness, but small gleam of hope, in the way Heather and Vivi's story turns. The way she forgets, but one day may remember again. The mundane way they end with a pizza party, with some of the weirdest toppings Oak could come up with.
I love this book. I love so many parts of it, I've put off reading it because I didn't want it to end, but ached being away from it. Holly Black with forever been the Queen of Faerie to me, and I'm so glad to have these stories, and more, from her.
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Dear Princess: A Bucky Whump Royalty Fic
Grand Duke !Bucky x Princess !reader, Fem !Reader
bucky x reader royalty AU
A/N: I'm very sorry this is unedited and very rough but! serotonin is literally running rampant through my veins right now because of this, also there will be comfort to follow
warnings: Allusion to very hurt bucky, panic attack
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The arrival was nerve wracking, and you had smoothed down your blue and gold ruffle dress many more times than you could count. It was a nervous habit that you had picked up in court. The ladies did it every time they announced another delay, another storm gotten in the way of the Grand Duke’s envoy on the way back home. The habit had worn off on you after all the announcements. It had almost been a year since you saw him.
Bucky was coming back home.
The ship had finally been seen at the royal port a couple hours ago, announced during a foreign trade meeting with princes and queens from countries who have long overstayed their welcome, also anticipating a glimpse of the goods traded with the sealed countries only Grand Duke Barns had a way of swindling into trade.
It was near impossible to keep your composure as you dismissed the meeting, telling the staff to ready his rooms and collect the gown you had picked out months ago for his original return. It would be awhile before the ship was unloaded and Bucky made it to the palace, but they needed the time to set up the arrival.
“Miss Y/N?” Peter said from his post, gently knocking on your door.
You took a deep breath, composed yourself to meet the envoy, and your love. “Yes Peter?” you opened your bedroom door, revealing the scurrying nobles as they attempted to collect themselves. They all took a second to steal a glance of their princess, especially in the gown you let no one see before he returned.
“Oh, uh sorry, but this dress looks gorgeous on you”
“Thank you,” you stepped over the threshold “is there news?”
He squirmed uncomfortably at the reminder of his call. “Yes, right”
Peter pulled out a small piece of parchment and handed it to you, delivering the message formally. “Captain said for your eyes only, but I'm allowed to tell you that there were uh, complications with some raiders and Grand Duke Barnes is headed to the palace medical wing at the moment.”
His words sounded distant and hazy as you broke the seal and unfolded the letter. The words were scrawled haphazardly across the page, in stark contrast to Bucky's elegant scripture. It must be the captain's handwriting.  
Dear princess,
I'm sorry I had to arrive like this. I'm making the captain write for me. We just called land ho, and the pain is unbearable. They did as much as they could on the ship, but they’re not saying anything good about me. They can only say that they Hope. 
I've never said this in front of anyone, but if I don't make it, I love you. I love you so much. I cannot bear the grief my death will cause you. 
I love you, James
As you finished reading, your surroundings came back into focus. The tears clouding your vision. Your hand firmly placed against the doorframe keeping you upright. The wrinkled paper in your hand. The concern in Peter’s voice.
“-Y/N? Are you alright?”
A lump welled up in your throat, making it almost impossible to speak, but you were able to shake your head
“Where’s Nat and Yelena?” you asked hoarsely.
“Yelena is, um, already in the medical wing, and Nat is in her room. Shall I fetch her?”
“Nat, yes. Don't bother Yelena, I’m going to go see Bucky.”
His tone was almost pleading, “Majesty, I must warn you-”
He gulped as you turned a little too forcefully.
He softened his tone as he spoke to the floor, “James, Dr. Bruce, Dr. Cho, and your mother Majesty Queen gave direct orders not to let you see him”
He must be gravely hurt then.
You stared at him in disbelief as more tears spilt over, and a sob broke loose from your throat. You had kept the excitement at bay well enough this morning, but everything collapsed. You sank down to the floor, bracing your back against the wall, senses dead to the world once again.
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Part 2
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ideklolwat · 2 years
Third and final year, spirits, it almost felt like yesterday when he stepped into Alfea's gates just mastering earth bending and finishing his bending training. Wan was just happy to have the good old Stella back. The princess ball a few weeks ago was something else. First, Stella had the classic wicked stepmother Countess Cassandra and her daughter Chimera, who was a Sorceress. Somehow, Stella's father, King Radius, forgot who she was. What surprised Wan more was that Stella turned into a green toad-like monster. They had to run around to get her back to normal.
Some vacation. 
However, Korra seemed worried, as if she felt a presence. A man said a name while she was going down the stairs of the Solarian Palace. It's been on her mind for a while. Korra noticed Aisha's worried expression all day. Later, Korra sat on the bed next to her, "So what's up? You seem pretty down in the dumps."
"I'm fine, Korra," Aisha flipped a page before closing her eyes, "You're not going to quit, are you?"
Aisha sat up, meeting the Avatar, "My planet Andros was attacked by someone who calls himself Valtor."
Korra's eyes snapped open. Her past life was calling her but she quickly shut it down. Not right now.
"He escaped from the Omega dimension. He is destroying my world, the mermaids are corrupted, and the waters are beyond not livable or drinkable. Omega is supposed to be inescapable." Aisha got up and paced around. "The only way out is at a rock stone like a portal. It was sealed shut until Valtor broke free."
"I see." Korra glanced over, fidgeting her fingers nervously. "We have to tell the others-" The door opened by a younger professor, "All third-year students to the Amphitheater."  
Ao3- Idklolwat
Catch up to The Avatar's Wings before Book III, so you are ready for the crazy ride!
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