#12 astrological houses
kairologia · 2 months
Your 12th house gifts and areas you struggle with most, according to your rising sign.
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The 12th House is traditionally a desolate, dark, and isolating place. But what insights might you gain, were you to confront and explore that which you've been avoiding? Not unlike how every chart has a “natal promise”, every 12H has positive potential and negative burdens to show for itself. Here, we shall dive into that. Use Whole Sign Houses.
P.S: one configuration cannot explain everything about you as a person with a full-chart and a bunch of unique personal experiences, so if you do not relate to everything, that’s fine. ♥
— Aries Rising with Pisces in the 12H:
· Gift: Aries risings are profoundly intuitive & empathetic and this fact is oft understated. These people tend to be blessed with creativity & plenty of artistic gifts, and are incredibly inspirational to those around them. The teacher that inspires their students so profoundly they remain unforgotten even decades later, the hype man that supports their friend group’s endeavors most — these archetypes are found across the zodiac spectrum, but at an unusually high concentration among Aries risings.
· Struggle: they tend to feel overwhelmed by their unspoken emotions and have a hard time asserting personal boundaries. Aries rising natives tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, and have a hard time keeping things in. If they *feel* something, they will make it known.
— Taurus Rising with Aries in the 12H:
· Gift: Taurus risings are blessed with incredible resiliency, & can overcome anything if they so desire. They tend to enjoy most & even be skilled at artistic pursuits that revolve around the erotic &/or grotesque. They are rarely put off by things, and are the type of people that can listen to you vent about all sorts of topics, no matter how ‘gross’ or taboo.
· Struggle: ironically, Taurus rising natives tend to simultaneously be very impatient while also being inclined to repressing and internalizing all sorts of emotions, not unlike a dormant volcano, leading to inner and outer conflict. They tend to be hot-headed and struggle letting go of matters they found hurtful.
— Gemini Rising with Taurus in the 12H:
· Gift: These people are incredibly grounded intellectually and it shines through their mental clarity and ability to communicate with precision. Though they may appear scatterbrained to others, their mind palace is incredibly well-compartmentalized. They tend to be great at artistic pursuits that call upon multiple senses at once and provide strong sensorial experiences.
· Struggle: Gemini rising natives tend to overanalyze emotions, which hinders the spontaneity and adaptative quality associated with other Gemini placements. They also tend to repress their desire for relational pleasure and connection, and have a hard time accepting that even they desire to connect with others.
— Cancer Rising with Gemini in the 12H:
· Gift: Cancer risings are capable of understanding the perspective of others with incredible ease, which grants them a versatile penmanship & communication skillset. They tend to excel at communication, writing, teaching, getting things across, as no matter how complex the topic at hand they will manage to break it down to others in a manner that is simple enough to be understood by anyone — in part explaining why they tend to be so great with kids.
· Struggle: Cancer rising natives often have a hard time reconciling rational thought with emotional intuition, leading to indecision — growing up, possibly as a defense mechanism, most Cancer risings tend to pick one end of the emotion vs reason spectrum and sticking to it, leading to unavoidable inner tension in adulthood.
— Leo Rising with Cancer in the 12H:
· Gift: not unlike Aries risings, their intuitive senses & understanding of other people’s hidden emotions are widely underestimated. Their ability to foster deep emotional connections with others & nurture those around them is second to none. They also tend to have the very rich & versatile emotional inner world that is often associated with water moons – in part explaining why they’re known for their creativity & dramatic flair.
· Struggle: Leo risings have a tendency to retreat into isolation upon feeling vulnerable. They tend to repress their feelings from the outside world, and hardly feel comfortable enough to let anyone in. In more extreme cases, there might even be a propensity towards denying certain emotions and repressing them altogether. They have a very polished facade & a strong sense of self, and consequently will hardly appreciate breaking out of character.
— Virgo Rising with Leo in the 12H:
· Gift: Virgo risings are known for telling it like it is — their authentic manner of self-expression and courage to confront anything that gets in their way is their signature brand. Though many Virgo risings tend to prefer blending in and going unnoticed, they’re in actuality extremely creative, and will hardly let other people’s narrative steer them at will.
- Struggle: a Virgo rising’s biggest critic is themselves, and oftentimes they tend to forget that their own desire to be perfect may not be shared by others, as most people value authenticity over perfection — leading to Virgo rising natives feeling rejected by those around them, as their desire to advise and help is inextricably linked to their sense of self. They tend not to realize that said advice is often unwarranted and unsought for, consequently taking everything to heart, which may result in them struggling with self-acceptance and vulnerability.
— Libra Rising with Virgo in the 12H:
· Gift: Libra risings have mastered the art of knowing that multiple things can be true at once, & their analytical minds are loaded with insight into hidden dynamics & truths. They tend to favor a practical approach to resolving emotional conflicts, which makes them seem as though they fear & avoid conflict, when in truth they had already assessed the situation and figured out the best path to returning to center.
· Struggle: Libra risings repress thought & opinion to keep the peace, & consequently feel as though their opinions matter less or not at all to those around them — which, once brought up, might come across as a point of confusion to those around them who generally value their insights immensely. They also tend to overanalyze emotions, be it their own or those of others, and thus struggle with expressing deeper feelings, or believing others to begin with, leading to inner conflict.
— Scorpio Rising with Libra in the 12H:
· Gift: Scorpio risings posess the ability to understand subconscious patterns no matter how convoluted they may be. Even at times where they struggle with understanding themselves, their emotions, desires and behavioural patterns, those of others are hardly a secret to them.
· Struggle: the 12th house is a lesson on balance & compromise for Scorpio risings. Their desire for harmony in inner conflicts is often at odds with their own subjectivity & inclination towards taking extremes in their daily lives, so they tend to struggle immensely with balance. They simultaneously obsess over & repress their hidden desires & preferences, leading to power struggles within the self. They also tend to struggle with forming connections with others, whether it’s due to failed past connections or an inherent fear of commitment or merely an extreme sense of detachment.
— Sagittarius Rising with Scorpio in the 12H:
· Gift: Sagittarius risings are known for their fearlessness and inclination towards spiritual & occult pursuits. A Sagittarius rising is never one to say no to or back down from new experiences, and have a sense of freedom that is defining to their personhood. Everyday is a potential new lesson to these people.
· Struggle: the same sense of freedom may lead to their tendency towards escapism. They tend to struggle with confronting their less superficial, deeper emotions, & may repress their anger a lot in their youth — leading to their being a lot more explosive and thrill-seeking in adulthood. Sagittarius risings are the type to prefer trying anything – even things many would advise against, just to prove a point, whether to themselves or others – as they believe they have no teacher other than life itself.
— Capricorn Rising with Sagittarius in the 12H:
· Gift: Capricorn risings are known for their philosophical perspective & optimistic outlook on challenges, which often translates to an ability to grow wiser at a faster rate than their peers. Their beliefs & values play a crucial role in their selfhood, so they tend to invest a lot of time into spiritual pursuits.
· Struggle: the flip side of their beliefs and values shaping their inner world in a way that is hard to get across to others is that they may be the type to struggle with forming connections with people who do not share the same beliefs & philosophies. They also tend to fear failure more than anything, & struggle to surrender to their own place in the grander scheme of things — these two points are inextricably linked and in order to grow past either, you as a Capricorn rising ought to address both simultaneously.
— Aquarius Rising with Capricorn in the 12H :
· Gift: Incredibly disciplined and persevering in confronting their inner fears. Overtime, they tend to develop a sense of stability and self-mastery that is second to none. While not intuitive in the stereotypical sense, they tend to have inexplicable hunches about things that hardly ever turn out to be incorrect. They tend to live well with & within chaos, sometimes at the expense of their well-being.
· Struggle: they tend to repress emotions and have a strong fear of vulnerability, which hinders their ability to form intimate connections and grow emotionally — they feel as though they have a built-in indestructible wall blocking them out & holding them back from everyone else. They may struggle with becoming responsible, or feel as though they matured too soon. Sometimes, it’s a bit of both.
— Pisces Rising with Aquarius in the 12H:
· Gift: Pisces risings are infinitely more rational than they are believed to be. They have an uncanny approach to understanding subconscious patterns, & tend to reason their way through any situation before reaching a judgement. Very insightful people who tend to be incredibly inquisitive as well, and would prod answers out of anyone if they so desire.
· Struggle: Pisces risings tend to isolate often, whether as a way to recalibrate or just out of preference. Natives of this rising sign, especially those with Air moons, often struggle with detachment and may find it hard to relate to statements implying they are inclined towards emotionality. These people often have or had a “weird kid” reputation ascribed to them by their peers that often stuck well into adulthood.
If you’d like a reading, more details can be found here!
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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Hi everybody, I want to apologize that I haven't been so active lately. The "Energy Series" will drop this week, so stay tuned! Today is just a simple astro observations, since everybody loves them so much! Hope all is good, take care and let's get into the observations!
I find them more intimidating then the men, not going to lie. I've also seen this with girls/women who are Mars dominant aswell. They are so sure of themselves and you never know their next move. They are beautifully scary, always have the upper hand and can see sex as a healing tool.
They are the masters at sarcasm and irony, they can seem a bit mean to some because they are always ready to tease others. The cliche thing about them that I can confirm is that they do love to travel and get away. They are really witty and humorous.
Sorry if this is going to rub some people the wrong way, but I really don't like this placement. These individuals are too shallow in love for me. One day they'll be upset about a hookup and after a week they'll be sleeping with their ex and texting 10 other people. They are really good in the bedroom though and you need to be an intellectual individual to impress them. I've also noticed they get into a relationship quickly and they move quickly if they like you. Of course it helps if their is more water in the chart to balance it out. The only people I've met who married twice were Gemini Venuses.
They are really easy to offend if you comment on their looks, it's kinda funny in a way because they look really good? They can be the ones that work out because they "have to", not because they like it as much. They really crave and live off attention, but deny it to the grave. This attention seeking can come from saying outlandish shit, aggressive behavior or just acting like a fool. They have a huge ego that can crumble really easily.
Thes people can be either a really healing and quite person, who learned the hard parts in life at a young age and want to help others overcome their fears and insecurities or can be the most triggering people ever. If they don't balance out their energy and work on themselves their dark aura literally eats them up. They can become addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex if a major shift happens in their life. They are the one's to use everything to try and escape reality and try to forget, but will dig a deeper ditch for themselves. They truly need good people around them to influence them for the better.
This one is a tricky one. The 7th house is the  house of partnerships, where Libra rules. By ruling this house, the scale and judge archetype try to balance out energies. Libra also can be called "codependent" since it needs two sides to function, putting Mars here makes them a very dominant person in relationship and wants an active partner to do things with. They also find it hard to stay in relationships and crave independence. It can also bring marriage in a later time in life! I've also noticed that this placement can also breed stalkerish personas, even more if Saturn is in this house or the ruler of your ascendant.
I absolutely love taking about this placement, not going to lie. Moon in the 12th house native have a very intense relationship with their mom, they are really close with them. It's also a possibility that their mother also has a Moon in the 12th house also. This placement breeds a different type of person who is very cautious around others, is semi psychic and the only people that get them are others who have this placement. Feelings that these people get are very intense and they can sense when someone is acting out of order.
What I've found that the all have is this big heart and drive to love. I've never met  a fire Venus who is "scared" of falling in love, showing their romantic side and being sweet to their partner tbh. They will go to great lengths to let you know how they feel. The problem arises if they get bored, kinda like air Venuses. They don't want that "stable" relationship. It has to be full of life and energy, passion and pure emotion. They're not big on being heartbroken, because they know their worth and just move on with grace.
Yes they can be looked at being "cold" and emotionless, but they just really value their time. I mean, this sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of residence, restriction and TIME. They don't play around. Capricorn dominant people won't say it, but love being pampered by their significant other. They are such princesses in that manner. Even though they are big pleasers, they love to get it back.
I mean they love a motherly figure in love, someone who takes care of them, asks if they ate and such. Also they don't like to go out, just like any cancer. But what I've noticed they really enjoy people who have an Eros in an air sign. Ya, they maybe won't date them but are really fascinated and intrigued with them.
They can become really involved in getting their point across, being it in a philosophical, religious or just plain subjective way. This placement is known to have parents who are strict with their opinions or maybe grew up in a city with really closed off/radical people who's views can be considered "wrong". They were always left out for voicing their own opinion, which was different. This placement can be a placement which cult leaders have, since they have such strong opinions.  This paried with a Virgo North Node, Plutonian and/or Aqurian energy is scary as hell.
Yes, I do love them but it's so difficult to u understand what they're feeling, because even they don't know. My very close friend is a Pisces Moon and he never talks deep about how he feels unless he's a little drunk.
I wrote back on a comment to which men are really attracted to a Lilith Scopios, so I'll write it here. Men with heavy water placements, Lilith in the 1st/8th house and Pluto dominant men. I've heard many say having sex with them is an  unforgettable experience. Lilith in Scorpio women love a Cancer sun/moon, that's a fact!
Yep this can indicate a longer life than usual, but also having such a gloomy planet in a gloomier house has it's downs. They really need to work on letting things go. They can be very rigid and stressed most days.
Many Virgo risings I've met have naturally blonde or light hair, especially men.
xoxo N.K
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archersarrow-tarot · 2 months
| the D O M I N A N T S |
🏠 dominant astrology house
🪐 dominant planet
💫 dominant astrology sign
🌎 dominant element
The Four Dominants
Done for @glittergonedull
DOB: 10/20/1995 @ 1642 in (private location)
Dominant HOUSE
The Seventh House. The 7th house rules marriage, partnerships and other significant relationships. This house reflects what we seek in our potential life partners. Mercury in this house brings the qualities of intellectual openness; the Moon brings the feeling of home and nurturing. Chiron brings the strength of vulnerability. Partnerships are a very significant part of your life in many areas.
Dominant PLANET
Saturn is the most dominant. Neptune is second most dominant & Pluto is third.
Dominant SIGN
Pisces Signature. Pisces signatures have a intuition that is very powerful. Tens to extremely sensitive and overwhelm easily. Pisces are often escapists.
Dominant ELEMENT
WATER element. Water signs are sensitive, emotional, often creative-whether with art, music, etc. Sensitive, feeling everything deeply.
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lunarlianna · 8 months
Planets in the 12th house
The Twelfth House, often known as the House of the Unconscious, dives into the realm of the unseen. It's where our sorrows, hidden strengths, and shadows reside. This house prompts us to review our past, confront our hidden fears, and reckon with our successes and failures. It's a journey within to make sense of our lives, even when pain and secrets are involved. This house is like the final chapter of the zodiac wheel, focusing on endings, surrender, and the subconscious. It's ruled by Pisces and Neptune, which connect us to dreams and deeper understanding. Prominent placements in the 12th House indicate receptivity to shadow work and transformation.
The Sun: in the twelfth house, a sense of vitality and self-expression may feel diffused, stemming from a disconnect with the father during childhood. This could be due to absence or preoccupation. Overcoming self-pity, you emerge stronger and more independent, developing hidden talents. While seeking meaning in the universal and embracing solitude, be cautious not to lose boundaries or succumb to self-blame. Channel your dreamy nature into compassionate self-sufficiency, balancing solitude and connection.
The Moon: in the 12th House suggests roles behind the scenes, potentially in institutions or aiding the less fortunate. Guard against overwhelming sensitivities. Hidden burdens and secret challenges may arise, but through them, you find lessons in serving others. Seek a vocation with minimal public exposure to nurture your empathic nature. Embrace solitude and spiritual practices for emotional well-being.
Mercury: in the 12th House signifies an intuitive and perceptive mind, drawn to the metaphysical. You absorb knowledge intuitively, often grasping deeper meanings. Secretive and attuned to non-verbal cues, you may face hidden adversaries or self-doubt. Be cautious of fraying nerves; prioritize self-care. While learning might be a challenge, explore visual and alternative methods to enhance your unique learning style.
Venus: in the 12th House suggests a love for solitude and hidden pleasures, possibly leading to secretive or clandestine relationships. Compassion and service drive you, yet self-indulgence poses a risk. Inner feelings remain guarded, but your interest in the deeper meaning of life shines. Be cautious not to idealize relationships, staying grounded in reality while embracing your empathic nature.
Mars: in the 12th House signifies a preference for solitude and hidden joys, which can lead to secretive relationships. Balancing compassion and self-care are key, as you're prone to idealizing. Your deep interest in life's meaning shines, but guard against getting lost in imagination. Cultivate boundaries to boost confidence and channel your whimsy constructively.
Jupiter: in the 12th House radiates philanthropy and faith in a brighter future. You're a compassionate helper, drawn to aiding the vulnerable. Potential for success arises quietly later in life. Guard against unrealistic notions, ensuring thorough consideration before action. Your faith-driven spirit has the power to achieve, but remember to balance it with practicality and self-care.
Saturn: in the 12th House nurtures inner discipline and sensitivity. Fears and doubts may cloud confidence, rooted in a sense of karma. Solitude appeals, yet serving humanity beckons. Unveil subconscious fears to avoid health issues. Embrace self-forgiveness and release guilt for a brighter path. Your strength can mend wounds, bringing light to the shadows.
Uranus: in the 12th House hushes its crusader spirit, causing a sense of restraint and parental influence. A yearning to disrupt norms remains, but doubts linger. Adulthood frees them, yet uncertainty persists. Navigating established channels for change suits them, as does artistic expression. Their gentle push for righteousness blends compassion with transformation. Embrace kindred spirits for a fulfilling journey.
Neptune: In the realm of a twelfth-house Neptune, daydreams blur with reality, sparking confusion but also profound empathy. These individuals possess a unique sensitivity that few comprehend. They embrace flexibility and compassion, often misunderstood as weakness. Yet, their strength lies in aiding those in crisis. Struggling with societal judgments, they may seek solace in solitude or artistry, where pain transforms into creative brilliance. Amid their inner journey, a call to higher purpose beckons, urging them to serve and forgive, finding solace in unity and compassion.
Pluto: in the twelfth house sparks a relentless quest for truth and transformation. Solitude aids introspection and drives compassionate service to the marginalized. Childhood powerlessness fuels your keen understanding of hidden power dynamics, enabling discreet influence. Channel this into positive change, guarding against unconscious resentment. Empathy guides your potential for impactful transformation.
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myun-saidthoughts · 1 year
Why 8H/12H/Plutonian Synastry Feels 'Karmic'
In most cases, when someone's inner planets fall in your 8th/12th houses or if someone's Pluto makes harsh aspects (conjunct, square, oppose) to your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars or Venus; the energy you'll feel from them is intoxicating, it'll be all-consuming, its energy you deep down crave, and energy you don't have within, but wish you'd possessed.
When someone enters your life and they touch these parts of you, any voids your inner self has, disappears. When you're with them; a part of you will feel complete and any upheaval you have within somehow vanishes. Suddenly, the part of you that you avoid, hide, ignore or suppress feels at ease, they are the cushion your soul wishes for.
(This kind of energy is profoundly different when this is dealing with family relations, e.g., your mother's or father's inner planets fall in your 8H/12H and vice versa.)
This is karmic energy because with them you feel your best, but without them, you'll feel your worst. Their presence becomes this necessity that you'll always desire for, once they enter your energy field you'll always need a quick fix, they become this pacifier for your pain and you'll develop a scarcity mindset without them. You'll grow a need for them because without them you can't feel this "high." Without them, you only feel the fear of what it means to be open and vulnerable, without them, you only feel the fear of what it truly means to express suppressed emotions and without them you only feel the fear of letting someone in.
You're terrified of giving a part of yourself to another but with them, that part of you feels healed.
The intensity of this synastry will vary, but for those who are are influenced heavy by Pluto or have natal Scorpio placements with 8H/12H placements with the Moon/Sun making harsh aspects to Neptune/Pluto who may have deep paternal/past partnership wounds (e.g, an absent or un-nurturing parent/s, a chaotic or recluse kind of mother, a bipolar abusive father/past partner; it all depends), will feel this heavy. The absence of the worth you wish you felt from your parents or past partner has now brought this person (who touches the darkest and deepest parts within you) to you.
The fact of the matter is the same. This person came into your life to highlight these neglected needs of yours as a catalyst for you to transform, heal and become a more secure and stable individual.
In some cases, they become this false home in your eyes, a look from them will make you feel warm, and finally for once, you'll start to feel complete. You will feel like it's safe enough to fall for them because they'll make you feel secure within yourself, (the same feeling you wish you could hold onto) their touch will feel like a bandaid from the kind of love you've received from previous relationships/parents, so you'll accept it; even to your own detriment. You'll suddenly feel the care you've always wished you felt and that's why the thought of them leaving or the thought of them choosing someone else feels gut wrenching. They become this savior you deeply wish you had.
The reason this type of energy is so easy to become attached to yet feels so hard to let go is because it's energy that you crave, it pacifies (for the time being) your pain. They are an outside manifestation of what you wish to feel on your own. They're just a reflection of what's 'broken' in you, and it's easier to give your power away, than to give it to yourself.
To look at someone with fear of them leaving will only create situations and scenarios where your self worth is tested over and over again, you'll start to feel the same terror you felt as a child, the same terror you say you try to run from.
You know you will feel this intense loss without them, yet when they're looking into your eyes; that 'feeling' feels okay. That's why this synastry is so transformative and can be life-changing.
Within, there's a desire for someone to erase the hurt that was created by circumstances you couldn't control. And because of this, the universe has planted this individual to enter your life. Naturally the pain you've endured is hard to overcome or accept, only until you have too will the healing really begin, and this person is a catalyst for just that.
You have to choose yourself instead of someone else, and because of constant disappointment, hurt or abandonment you've experienced, that's terrifying.
How can you choose yourself or let yourself receive unconditional love? You're not familiar with that energy so it's feels foreign to you, yet when someone's Pluto make significant aspects to your inner planets or when someone's planets fall in your 8/12 houses, their language and words will feel native and fluent to you.
These questions are the exact reasons why you are experiencing this karmic situation.
Your soul knew what kind of circumstances you were going to deal with, and it wants you to heal. It wants you to accept that pain. The universe does not want you to sit in this pain, it wants you to succeed, accept and overcome any and all challenges that you've dealt with.
You're not alone in this, and you didn't come to this Earth to only experience the same never ending cycles.
This experience is only a pit-stop for you, at the end of it all you will reach your final enlightenment destination.
This post is particularly for those who struggle with self-worth/self-love/confidence etc. 8th and 12th house synastry can be beautiful when both partners are healed and accepting of their harsh past. The depths of emotions you two can create together is unworldly and powerful. Therefore I do think 8H/12H can work but it would have to be with two profound open-minded and spiritual people. You both will have to want this in ways you've never could have imagined before. I'm also a Scorpio Moon and 12H native so this energy for me does feel more enticing, but to each their own and it really depends on the natal chart/individual itself.
Side Note: To balance the intensity these synastry aspects/overlays bring, taking on the opposite houses themes would bring more ease and create less intensity.
For example, dealing with 12H (Even Neptune) synastry, the opposite house is the 6H, the house of routine, daily life, mundane affairs, healthcare, helping others/giving etc etc. So if you take on new hobbies/activities by changing your daily routine with adding or taking away something, that will ease the fixation that 12H synastry brings. Often times with this synastry you will find yourself day dreaming or obsessing over someone you desire, you may have this innate need to be their savior or try and fix their wounds, so you will put yourself in situations where your priority is solely them. you could also fantasize and have an escapist attitude with them, (or the idea of them) they can be an escape for you or you might find yourself thinking about them a lot, repeating scenarios in your head or fantasizing about situations happening, or you might feel confused/hazy with where you stand with them so you constantly are thinking of them but keeping yourself busy is key with this synastry, and that will create more control within you.
For 8H/Pluto synastry, the opposite house is the 2H, the house of value, self esteem, possessions, finances and security etc. So to gain more control within, I would say find something that will bring value to you, something that enhances your self esteem. Something you can accomplish on your own or achieve/do that will bring you a higher sense of self. Because their eyes alone bring you that sense of value or sense of wholeness (you wish you felt on your own), focusing or harnessing your energy towards a deep creative project will ease that "need" for them (the planet person). Create something anything; writing, painting, or learn ways to make more income etc, this will bring you the sense of worthiness or value you crave for and these projects/creative outlets will ease the intensity. If you have many outlets that bring you the satisfaction that you yearn for (the sense of value that the 8H planet person brings you) there will be less of a need for them, and you won't develop a scarcity mindset because without them you still feel valuable, whole, and worthy.
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I have an eBook, and with it has more precise definitions regarding the placements of the IC, Moon aspects, and the potential manifestations of each inner planet in the 8th or 12th house for individuals. As well as it provides information if the person you're connected to is a karmic connection, it has advice, insights and exact transits/synastry overlays to further understand the connection. You can find more information about it pinned on my page.
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soberpluto · 9 months
Explaining Dignities: Exaltation
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The reason why I want to talk about them is because I've actually seen dignities play a big role in readings, as they do describe how well or adverse certain matters can play out for the querent...so here's a little analogy to understand them better!
Context: In Hellenistic (traditional) astrology, exalted planets are said to be like the favorite guests of a given sign (host), so the resources they have at their disposal are equal or even greater than the host's. In other words, imagine a queen or king being invited to a neighboring kingdom, they will be treated with the greatest of honors and commodities! In a practical aspect, this means that the qualities of that planet (the guest) will be able to shine at their maximum, making that particular area of life (house) easier or more fortunate for the owner of the birth chart.
*Mind that below I’m speaking metaphorically of “house” as the SIGN the planet is exalted, and not the astrological house as such (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). *
Sun in Aries: Sun is a friend of Mars, as both rule fire signs and are leaders by nature. Mars is delighted to receive his royal friend, as he’s anxious to show him how noble, honorable, brave, and pioneer he is, and just how much he has achieved on his own. His job is to win wars for the kingdom after all! He’s thrilled to share his best tactics and borrow his friend his most treasured weaponry. The Sun feels comfortable because he has all he needs to command freely in this household, as his creativity, charisma, leadership and authenticity are praised by his friend. Together, they come up with solutions and strategies to conquer whatever they want! They are not afraid of competition or enemies, as both are equally ambitious and powerful in their own ways. Mars trusts the Sun, as he believes nobody is as visionary and talented enough to lead as he does. The Sun, in return, feels even more driven and powerful to accomplish his goals, as he has access to an incredible arsenal and his mission is thoroughly supported by his friend’s energy and fiery ability to execute his plans.  
Personality keywords: high self-esteem, passionate, entrepreneurial, courageous, independent, self-reliant, proactive, resourceful, inspiring, competent, combative, non-stoppable.
Moon in Taurus: The Moon feels really welcomed in one of Venus’ places, as both value beauty, security, domestic life and emotional closeness. They speak the same language, as both love to connect and celebrate relationships. They allure through tact and sweetness instead of brute force as their counterparts (the Sun and Mars) do. The Moon loves Taurus’ palace since she’s fascinated by beautiful art, exquisite food, overgrowing nature, dreamy romance, and abundant wealth… she’s just so inspired and fulfilled with this kind of luxury and magnificence! In here she has firm and solid grounds to step on, so her moods and emotional needs are stable as well. The Moon is able to relax and enjoy life effortlessly as she becomes more in tune with her physical senses and the things that bring her genuine pleasure. With Taurus’ gentle and grounded approach, the Moon lets her love flow naturally in all directions without the fear of being judged, ridiculed, or getting hurt. Like her friend, she is moved to become the glue between the people she’s fond of and attracts what she desires through her feminine and gentle nature. The Moon is so pampered and taken good care of that she’s able to channel her emotional depth and excellent organizational skills towards the growth and embellishment of her relationships and surroundings in a lasting way.  
Personality keywords: soothing, calming, relaxed, adorable, loyal, possessive, down-to-earth, practical, trustworthy, maternal, cozy, warm, gentle, nourishing, wealthy.
Mercury in Virgo: Mercury is always eager to pay a visit to Virgo´s realm, as he feels productive and useful here. As the guest, Mercury has all the mental and practical resources to give his thoughts structure and build all the great things he imagines into reality. Virgo gladly grants her friend access inside her huge library so he can explore his wide range of interests and gives him the key into her laboratory and workshop, places where he can experiment and practice all his learnings and become an expert on what he chooses to. She knows how anxious and critical he can get when he doesn’t rest or when things don’t go his way, so she also allows him to use her gym and provides him the best doctors and nutritionists to ease his stress. Virgo is pleased to see that Mercury quickly understands the importance of wellness and health, as she knows he cannot get his job done without proper self-care. Once relaxed and restored, he feels inspired to be of service, as he believes his quick wit and knowledge are put to good use. Mercury, thus, is motivated to grow, upgrade himself, achieve mastery and share his gifts with the world to make it a better place thanks to the wisdom, tools and care her friend borrows.
Personality traits: methodical, skilled, expert, wise, smart, discerning, perfectionist, high-standards, inventive, detail-oriented, practical, productive, industrious, quick wit, self-made.
Mars in Capricorn: In this sober and ancient residence, Mars is forced to cool down a bit and think before he acts. He understands that there is no one to conquer or outdo but himself. As guest in other households, Mars, as explosive, impatient and ambitious as he is, sometimes can get lost in the way, initiating projects and strategies that he later on drops because he gets bored quickly or doesn’t get the immediate results he wants; he also throws tantrums and whims when this happens, and his anger makes him do reckless and foolish things at times, something other hosts find puzzling or repulsive, where they either encage him or make him submissive, something that irritates and demotivates him even more. Capricorn, his patient and wise host, on the other hand, knows just how impulsive and enthusiastic his friend gets, so he kindly but firmly teaches him the art of discipline to achieve his goals, explaining him that violence is of no use here, but instead, self-control and resilience. After many trials and tests, Mars sees how his dedication pays off, and finds out that with constancy and practicality, his immense passion and drive can get him to unimaginable heights! Capricorn teaches him the required organizational and leadership skills to leave a renowned legacy well beyond his years. With his inborn initiative and fiery spirit channeled into the material realm, Mars is ready to raise an empire if he wanted to!    
Personality traits: ambitious, self-made, responsible, go-getter, director, powerful, resilient, pragmatic, dedicated, strategist, organized, efficient, problem-solver, relentless, strong.
Venus in Pisces: When Venus enters the sacred and watery temple of Pisces, she is mesmerized by the enthralling type of beauty she finds in here. His generous and candid host takes her for a walk throughout the entire temple and reveals to her the mysteries of the universe. He grants her access to his secret chamber, where he teaches her the art of magic and spiritual healing, and lectures her about ancient and mystical knowledge, long forgotten to humankind, but very present and real nonetheless … these are wonders she didn’t knew existed before! Pisces knows how to inspire her soul in the most delicate and virtuous ways by reminding her of her true nature, that of divine precedence. Venus cannot help to spill what’s in her heat, so she asks her friend the tools to create beautiful music, paintings, and poems so she can share them with the world. Magnanimous and wise as he is, Pisces grants all her wishes, but also shows her the secret suffering that people are burdened with, and how cold the hearts of men have become before this pain. Awed and deeply touched, Venus’ empathy and understanding grows, and she starts to see the veil between the material and spiritual realms dissolve before her. She’s never felt such calling before! She knows her mission is to spread beauty, compassion and kindness, and she does this with unconditional love and devotion.    
Personality keywords: romantic, good-natured, fair, balanced, connected, spiritual, creative, artistic, imaginative, warm, gentle, generous, understanding, devotional, forgiving, tolerant.  
Jupiter in Cancer: When Jupiter enters the sanctuary of Cancer, he becomes even more lucky and faithful in life. He radiates joy and candor! This is because Cancer teaches him that without love, good-will alone is not enough to make himself and others truly happy. Jupiter is aware of this, but he sometimes can lose himself in fantasies and utopic scenarios, where he wishes things could be different instead of trying to build them into reality. He dreams and preaches, but he can sacrifice practicality in the process. When Cancer has him over, she shows him how to extend the bridge between good intentions and actions, as she’s amazing at ordering her surroundings and making a heart-felt home wherever she goes because of her innate gift for nurturing. She also helps his friend to tap into his intuition and use his common sense to tame his emotions, which can be boundless at times. She does this by treating him with praise, understanding and acceptance, so he can practice them with himself and others. Jupiter finally feels a sense of belonging, as his good intentions are not abused, misunderstood, or minimized... they are used to make good things happen. Through accessing his more feminine side, Jupiter is compelled to give selflessly more of himself to others, and since he’s in a house that governs creation and karma, what goes around comes around multiplied. By practicing morality, ethics, charity and unconditional love without expecting nothing in return, as Cancer does, he finds out that he attracts the best of fortunes.
Personality traits: kind, compassionate, loving, caring, sympathetic, cheerful, charisma, altruistic, supported, rooted, lucky, fortunate, cozy, happy, benevolent, comprehensive, soft, guided, protective.
Saturn in Libra: When Saturn is in Libra, his sobriety and coldness start to wash off and trade for diplomacy, elegance and a profound pursuit of justice and fairness. In the friendly home of Libra, Saturn feels the need to connect, as her host reminds him the importance of friends, allies, and partnerships. After all, he cannot get ahead in life alone! Saturn’s industriousness and wisdom are channeled into building loyal and lasting relationships, where all parties get what they need equally. Libra knows his reputation well, and although she recognizes that his friend can be a bit stubborn, stern and gloomy at times, she loves to lighten him up and remind him of his noble character, and how it can create enduring and strong bonds. She gives him the mission of justice and impartiality, as she knows nobody is better suited than him for his seriousness and sense of responsibility. Saturn protects and respects Libra and feels empowered because she realigns him with balance and high ideals. He does not feel rejected or lonely anymore. Libra teaches him to relax a bit and to seek pleasure from the warmth of social interactions, and in consequence, Saturn learns to apply his maturity and discipline to persuade others into creating a kinder, fairer and wiser world.   
Personality traits: noble, just, dignified, committed, loyal, elegant, eloquent, responsible, diplomatic, mature, moral, impartial.
That's all! Thanks everyone for reading!😘
Book personal readings here: https://starintuitivehealing.etsy.com
Written by @soberpluto
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
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🌑I’ve seen that people who have 18 degrees in their personal planets have a tendency to not take responsability for their actions, It's as if the stress of taking that responsibility fills them with guilt so they evade it, but this is not in all cases of course. 🌑Venus conjunct Uranus: These people are super creative and have genius energy, they are blessed with a good social life and magnetism, their love life is weird/erratic, they are very perverted in s*xuality but is just because they get bored very rapidly in that area of life so they need to get mentally stimulated constantly, they fantasize about romantic life but they have an escapist tendency too, they are all about excitement and taboo because they can’t stand being bored, these are the people who ghost and gaslight their partners, they have difficulty with affective responsibility but they don't realize it because they talk to a lot of people and they confuse stimulation with health, they have ego wisdom but no soul wisdom, they are prone to cheating because if they have a relationship with you but they feel an intense attraction from the guts for someone else they will most likely throw the relationship with you out of the window by going in search of the new, because remember Venus also rules superficiality and yes, it's harsh but you have to see that Uranus aspecting personal planets (especially conjunctions) are not all roses and rainbows, it can make someone quite ego driven/erratic and irresponsible. 🌑If you have Mars and Uranus as Dominant planets, or in conjunction: You have a very electrifying personality, with a strong Libido and you like to be very shocking, maybe you have nervous tics from all this erratic/electric energy, You have a rather acid, dark and full of taboo sense of humor, You have to control your impulses because they can be very strong and you have a scary temper, you could be very eccentric and you have a fairly large humanitarian / altruistic sense, literally warriors of the well-being of humanity/future. 🌑If you have 14 degrees in personal planets: You are going to be humble, because this degree is all about humbleness and ambition, It gives you a lot of sensuality and power, but to earn it you have to go through some humbling experiences and after those experiences you will become a high caliber human being. 🌑Yes, Chiron is very similar to North Node, they are expressed almost the same, so do not underestimate someone who has Chiron conjunct personal planets (or planets in general), because they come to develop the power/potential of that planet in this life to the maximum, for example: Mercury conjunct Chiron: They come to develop the power of their minds, so their minds can become very very powerful, literally have x-rays in their eyes that can see everything that is hidden and can develop a very sharp intuition with a very powerful intellect that can understand and master any knowledge. Pluto conjunct Chiron: These people came to reclaim all the power they have ever been disconnected from / lost due to external abuse, the life journey of these individuals is to take back their power and recognize what real power is, Plutonians have competition here (lol) but this is only if the individual is dedicated to their healing process, otherwise they will only be disconnected from their power and in a lot of pain. 🌑Uranus in 8th house is the most and real freakiest of all, freakiest to the heart (this is heightened when is in Fixed Signs), but they could be very possessive / jealous people, in life or death situations (extreme situations) they have a very calm/detached attitude/approach to that situation, they will go through a very powerful process of detachment, they have the power of the phoenix, and they usually have information that is not from these times (future), they can literally see the future of humanity especially if Neptune is in the 8th house too, and the degree of Uranus will say which part of the body they have a fetish with. 🌑Ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house or viceversa (Vedic): They grow when they are alone, their intelligence expands when they are in solitude, groups overwhelm them, they have a very powerful intuition, they can see everything that is hidden and they are talented to manage/understand/integrate everything spiritual, social events only serve to lighten their load, but they already know very well how society work, so there is nothing there that will help them grow more than being more light-hearted/street smarted. 🌑People with Mars in the 7th house tend to have misshapen bodies, or asymmetrical bodies. 🌑If you have placements in the 6th house and/or 12th house: It is difficult to own this placements because they are a gift/service to the world, so whatever planets you have here are going to have a strong impact on the world and in the karma of the world. One of the biggest needs with these placements are the need of “Contribution”. For example: Mercury in 6th/12th house: their intelligence serves a lot to the world and they have to put their intelligence to service otherwise they feel very empty or depressed. 🌑If you have the ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house please workout, do martial arts, or whatever to discipline your body, otherwise your body could suffer a lot from chronic pains. You come off as a warrior/intelligent/analytical person, and i’ve also notice that these people want/like to fight their battles alone. 🌑Ruler of the 1st house in 0 degrees: You come off as a complex person, often oscillates between being intimidating or naive. 🌑Ruler of the 1st house in Aries degrees (1, 13, 25): You come off as impulsive, high temperament, sometimes people think you're angry and that's why they don't approach you, although you are quite sexy, people know you have strong leadership skills, and you have a very rich/confrontal personality. 🌑If the Ruler of the 1st house is conjunct Chiron: Maybe you are unaware of how people perceive you and you could think that you have to work harder the traits of the degree of the ruler, for example: Ruler of the 1st house in Scorpio degrees(8, 20) conjunct Chiron: You could think that you need to work very hard to be more secretive, reserved and mysterious although you are that already. 🌑Plutonians hates when someone corrects them, they take it quite personally, although they are intelligent enough to be able to discern even if they don't want to. 🌑If you have Sun square Saturn in your Solar Return chart: You could see how authority figures abuse a lot of their power that year, whether they are adults, family members or people with high social status, you might tend to get into a lot of arguments because of this and when you're right they might try to shut you up, It can be a difficult time/period with authority figures, but the best way to alleviate this tension is diplomacy and honesty. 🌑Saturn square NN/SN: These people have a lot of discipline but are very pessimistic, They were probably abused by authority figures in past lives and have to heal from those traumas before they can be successful in this life, all the superficial attempts to get recognition in this life are going to be quite in vain or achieve very little, because the real recognition they have to gain in this life is from their own emotions/themselves, In this way they can become more "integrous"/realistic and could achieve great things in life but that will not be very recognized by the public eye, what I mean by this is that their life path is probably not to be famous like actors/artists but rather as Masters such as Yoga Teachers, Great psychologists or even great entrepreneurs. At first looking, this aspect could be very dense/sad because the native have to face a lot of obstacles, and they have to work really hard to attain things that people normally attain/have easily, It can feel like life is not on the native's side, but remember that squares are a lot of energy, so if the native embraces their Saturnian energy, they can become beasts or people with lot of internal power, but their path is to heal their touch with reality & life, and they are going to be stoics whether they like it or not. 🌑NN/SN in Scorpio degrees(8, 20): You came into this life to be more reserved, to set boundaries, to experience sexuality and earn lot of money (it can be inheritance money or from your own work), you came into this life to manage your libido, which can be exceptionally high or low, you came to learn what power is (creative/sexual energy) and take charge of your power, because there can be a complex relationship with it and you may even hate it, because you come from a life of many abuses and transformations, so "power" can tire you or it may be a topic that does not call your attention so much. 🌑Chiron Trine MC: These people have a very healing aura, people could get addicted to them because they have a very special and healing energy when you are with them, people could see their problems but they have a very regenerative nature that helps their reputation being recognized for being quite strong/healing and transformative people, their reputation could have a very impactful energy onto the world, they can easily be Spiritual Masters, Sometimes they give off deity-like vibes, especially if Neptune is also aspecting MC, even if they are arrogant, rebellious, immature, people will still see the best potential in them. 🌑Sun in 1st house: These people are blessed with good health, have prominent/sharp jaws, main character vibes, have very magnetic and radiant personalities that grab anyone's attention quickly, are quite up front and have a lot of masculine energy, they have quite remarkable eyes, and they have a lot of energy, in fact if they don't do something with that energy they can be fatigued or even go into depressive states. 🌑People with Mars and Sun aspecting Saturn could be like this / could give off this serious energy when adults: Women: https://tenor.com/es-419/view/makima-chainsaw-man-gif-23020557 Men: https://tenor.com/es-419/view/nanami-nanamin-jujutsu-kaisen-jujutsu-anime-gif-18620728 🌑The degree of the Rising in the Ascendant Persona Chart could give you a hint of how you look physically, for example: Pisces degrees (12, 24) could give you a very ethereal look, like a fiction character, alluring and with a soft but spiritual presence.
🌑The Anti-vertex could also give you a hint about how people perceive you but to be more precise look at the rising sign/1st house of the Anti-vertex Persona chart, that could tell you more about how people interacting with you may perceive you, your first impression and how could be your physical presence as well. 🌑In the Juno Persona chart: The rising sign and the 1st house in general can show you how is your reputation after people have been in a relationship with you (or gotten to know you a little bit more). 🌑If you have North Node in 1st house or in the 1st house of your AC Persona chart: You come into this life to be self sufficient, you need to be egoistical, prioritize your path/ your needs and your dreams over other people, you’re gonna learn to be more self-reliant/independent, Life will remind you of how strong you are always, and you need to work on your self confidence too. People may perceive you like to know you is fated and also you have special aura and presence. 🌑Sun in 5th house: You guys need to find your Golden heart, you don't need to do anything to be seductive, you already are, you come to free yourself from all family burdens/karmas/limitations/unconscious patterns, you came to be independent, literally stars on earth, you just have to embrace yourself as who you are at the core, making attempts to seek attention/validation will only result on the contrary “emptiness”, You're the brightest when you’re just "being". 🌑Scorpio Suns with Fire Mercuries are like Hades from “Hercules”, dark clowns with very expressive even extroverted/histrionic expressions/personalities, also this combination makes them a bit Short temper but very intelligent people: https://tenor.com/es-419/view/hercules-hades-thumbs-up-good-great-gif-5148075 🌑Pisces and Sagittarius Moons: These people do not like conflict, they avoid it and can be quite passive aggressive, they are generous but they tend to have problems of overindulgence, they can be very good with white lies and they can get away with it and they have problems saying no, I don't know why but it is as if their emotions were protected by divinity, lucky mfs haha. 🌑Libra Moons: Actually these guys get into conflicts a lot because they are like mediators, they will balance anyone who is very arrogant or very depressed and will bring them to a state of equanimity or reality, and believe it or not they can be more aggressive than Aries Moons because they see all the imbalances in the world and they will fight for equanimity, but sometimes they can have trouble feeling their emotions clearly like all Air Moon because emotions run very fast like their minds. 🌑When you live your second Jupiter Return you start to live more from your outer planets, you start gaining a lot of wisdom. 🌑The Moon and The IC are your core. 🌑Eros (433) conjunct IC or conjunct Moon: These individuals are very s*xual persons at the core, they need to have s*x and make love on a daily basis otherwise they start to enter in depressive states because is one of the most important needs here, very seductives and the relationship with women is charged with a lot of s*xual tension/energy whether they like it or not. 🌑”This is a very specific observation” / people who have asteroid Utopia(1282) conjunct SN and Olympus(22754) conjunct NN: These probably are really old souls that came from a perfect world like Lemuria, Sirius or Atlantis, so they could have a hard time with reality, and they probably feel a lot of problems with being “human”, but in this lifetime they came to make a big change, they literally came to build the foundations of the new Era (aquarius) and become what they once were (gods/enlightened beings), maybe they will take a place in the place of the ascended masters or they could be remembered like a deity that was on earth, quite powerful and special individuals, probably when they follow their life path (NN) they will embody characteristics of one of the gods of Olympus. 🌑Mercury conjunct Pluto/Lilith: They have special and very seductive/sexy voices, usually have feminine energy in their speech and they can also curse people, if they hate you they can manifest horrible things around you but their obsessive thoughts destroys them first, so they have to be careful with this and take care of their mental-health because they have minds that carry a lot of power and they can keep a lot of trauma in their minds/thoughts patterns. 🌑It’s easy to notice if a Scorpio Mars, Pluto conjunct Mars, Lilith conjunct Pluto, Randi conjunct Pluto or any person with S*xual asteroids conjuncts Pluto had s*x or not, their bodies literally glow up after s*x, it doesn’t matter if the experience is good or bad, they glow with s*x. 🌑Sometimes the degree of your Venus can show you at what age you fell in love for the first time, your first love and maybe at what age did you know what true love was (it's a vague theory). 🌑Do you know why a lot of Scorpio Suns have s*xual problems?...Because from a very young age they were forced to see/deal with the bullshit of the opposite sex that makes/made them lose trust in people, and since is a water sign deep bonding and loyalty is super important in intimacy, but they don’t trust too many people and that’s why they could have s*xual issues (because once they were hurted they close their hearts) and they could have a fuck boy/hoe phase or even being celibate for long periods of time because of this. And one of the lessons they have to learn is to love with the soul not with the neediness or fear, and that can be a very strong step for a Scorpio, this also applies to Scorpio Moons/Venus. 🌑To all my friends with Lilith Opposite Ascendant or Conjunct Descendant: people can exaggerate a lot if you hurt them, and many times people will think that you are hurting them when in reality you are not doing anything, people can project all their shit on you, In love affairs, your partners can fluctuate quite quickly between loving and hating you and they can be quite intolerant of your mistakes, so let me tell you that it is not all your fault, all that suffering that the other person is feeling is not your fault, it is the other person's problem/trauma that they are projecting on you and it’s triggered by your presence. 🌑This is a personal observation: but when you have Venus Conjunct Mercury in your Solar Return chart you could be a lot more intellectual and rational in love matters, actually less attentive and less inclined to emotional people, you would love someone with a strong intellect or very intelligent, i say personal because i have this in my Solar Return chart of this year and I have had problems with people for being less emotionally attentive and to the needs of others, In fact, I am not very interested in emotional people now and I am much colder for love relationships, but very affectionate for friendships. 🌑Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are very powerful placements for Mars to be, and to strangers Mars express the energy of the opposite sign until you meet them more closely for example: If you have Cap Mars to strangers you appear more sensitive, shy and emotional (Cancer influence) until they know you more and they start to see your grounded, ambitious, mature and very disciplined nature. 🌑I’m going to release some criticism: I find it crazy that I generally find many posts with too many likes of super superficial astrological observations, only about sex/sex appeal... but it's also reasonable, because most people who like those posts are not over 25. But I also admire When there are posts from people who really know about astrology, it shows in their writing and observations, they do have the largest number of likes and they are well deserved.
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🌑Another thing guys, if you feel me so harsh or even pessimistic/bluntly is because maybe you are feeling my Saturn in 11th house and MC in Aries!
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botanicalsword · 11 months
Claircognizance • Astro placement
Claircognizance is a perception that allows one to intuitively know information without any external cues. It's also called "psychic knowing". People with claircognizance often receive sudden insights or answers to questions that they didn't consciously think about. They may have a strong sense of conviction about certain things, even if they can't explain how they know.
Photo credit : @le.sinex
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Keywords: Gut feeling; intuitive; instinct; knowing
❥ Astro placement
Personal Planet in 12th House
Sun conjunct Mercury
Water moon - especially Pisces
Moon conjunct Mercury
MC conjunct Neptune
❥ Personal Planet in 12th House
They tend to be silent observers who enjoy seeking out quiet environments. They have the ability to concentrate their awareness on a single area with ease, which allows them to notice details that others may miss.
This intense focus can sometimes cause them to become absorbed in their own thoughts, they can easily get unnoticed.
They blend into the background can also be an advantage, as it allows them to observe their surroundings and the people in it closely. They are able to take in more information and details silently, without drawing attention to themselves or disrupting the flow.
They are not intentionally sneaky, but they are not bothered by it either.
❥ Sun conjunct Mercury
People who express what they think are usually confident in their beliefs and are often deep thinkers. However, they also believe that taking action is more important than just thinking. They pay close attention to people's behavior because they believe it reflects their thoughts. They observe how people act and behave because they believe that actions can reveal the truth more than words. Therefore, they cannot be easily deceived because they can read people's true intentions through their actions. In summary, these individuals value both thoughts and actions and use both to gain a deeper understanding of people and situations.
❥ Water moon - especially Pisces
They have the ability to recognize patterns in various situations. They can see similarities and connections between events and situations, and use their observations to summarize patterns and make predictions about the future. Their ability to recognize patterns extends to observations from a long time ago as well.
They also have a heightened sense of empathy, allowing them to intuitively understand the emotions of those around them - where others may be hesitant to express their true feelings.
They can draw on their experiences and knowledge to make sense of complex situations and offer unique insights.
❥ Moon conjunct Mercury
They possess a clear and focused mind that allows them to think with precision and attention to detail. They have a knack for noticing things that others might miss, but they may not share their insights immediately. Despite their abilities, they may sometimes doubt themselves. Their observations are often proven correct, especially when their emotional intelligence is stable.
❥ MC conjunct Neptune
They have a deep understanding of their purpose in life, or their "calling." While they may not have a clear idea of what their future holds, they trust their instincts and are not afraid to try new things to figure out what is best for them.
Their creative side is influenced by Neptune, which is associated with artistic expression. They use various forms of art to extend their knowledge and express themselves. It's as if they are creating their own dream world where they can fully explore their innermost thoughts and feelings. Through their art, they can communicate their unique perspective and share their vision with others.
They possess self-awareness and take risks to chase their passions, drawing upon their creativity and artistic expression to discover and fulfill their life's purpose.
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. ♡
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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n3xii · 1 year
Astro observations (random)
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People seemed to like my last post so here's some random astro observations I've had. This is based on western astrology. Hope this is fun, take some and leave the points that u don't agree with
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《☆》 Scorpio Venus people tend to enjoy art or music that expresses anything taboo, especially creative works that explore trauma, sex, anything considered taboo in religion. On another note, Scorpio Venus people do have the potential to be very committed or devout members of a religion because of their sense of commitment. They may struggle to find what belief system that resonates enough with them to the point of actual lifelong commitment however
《☆》 Mars virgo placements may take their anger out on themselves.
《☆》 cancer suns tend to be very funny people and use humor to comfort or heal others.
《☆》 people who have chiron in the 5th house have the potiental to heal others with their art or creative expression. For example, if planets in this house have aspects or positive relationships with planets in the third house, they would heal people with their voice OR with their writing..
They may also have issues with unnecesary drama in their life's
《☆》 if you have a daychart (meaning you were born during the day) watch out if you have saturn in the 8th house, that may indicate issues with taxes or financial ties with a spouse
《☆》 people with saturn in the 8th house may have sex later in life. Could also indicate the presence of sexual trauma or fear of sex
《☆》 juipter in the 3rd house can make a person really aware of boundaries and limits to the point where they know how to test those limits. They can expand and go beyond those boundaries because of their awareness of them
《☆》 Aries Venus people tend to pioneer in style and art especially if it has a purpose. They get a rise out of people and tend to be the "first" to do something. Lady gaga is an example of this placement. People with this placement appreciate when art or music rocks the boat and destabilizes people's preconcived ideas
《☆》 neptune in the third house OR 9th can indicate a person who constantly day dreams about traveling to other places
《☆》 saturn in 12 house people may struggle to visualize or use their imagination.
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sandman2412 · 4 months
12th House
Imagination, Intuition, Resonance, Pervasion
Loss, Distance, Done onto you, No control
Feeling distant from a topic allows you to be separate, outside of it. See the reality outside of involvement. So many people have ascribed and accepted a life that was never of their design. I exist outside of that conditioning. This perspective as both part and charter, the gift of the 12th knowing everything is one. I started from the outside looking in, adapting, it’s time to show everyone the beautiful nature of the divine, both separate yet undeniably connected.
~ Slade
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theascendedpath · 11 months
We are radiant glimmers of divine light. We radiate abundance. We radiate love. We do that because our very essence and aura is made of God, of the Infinite Creator.
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eliseobmr · 1 year
What 12th house synastry feels like:
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12th house synstry can indicate an on and off relationship. No matter how much you want it - your pisces connection will never make you hate each other. You keep trying to make it work, but something is always holding you back. High ups and low downs. But at some point you have to understand that it's just the end, no matter how much you want it.
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suniverseastro · 2 years
-🤩😘 🎥Libra Placement ( esc Jupiter position) is very interested in art forms: cinema, singing, poetry,...
- 💋👣👁Venus- Pluto corner of Trine will have at least one person who really cares and loves them. They also attract loyal relationships because they themselves don't like being betrayed
- 👩‍✈️🤤🌞The Plutos are very understanding and easily recognize envy, the dark spot of life, so they can sometimes look a bit alone in the world but are very cool. Pluto's communication style tends to be "jumpy" and profound, so it can be a bit confusing for some people.
-🙁 People who have Neptune Scorpio don't feel scared by the gore scene in the movie
- 👍Gemini is very good at avoiding things that annoy them both, making them both feel awkward in social situations.
- 🥹 Women with prominent Lilith are often hated by men when they try to give opinions or actions to protect women's rights, of course Lilith also has its negative points but really for me when I read about Lilith's legend about why she left Adam, really sympathize with that and also feel that women have the strength to protect other women is amazing 🫶
-😈 Man Sun Scorpio/Cancer just need to add 1 Virgo position in Moon/Mars/Venus can have nasty thoughts with the person they secretly like a lot and continuously. even others can feel @@
- 🥰😊With Chiron 5th, you may have encountered situations in your childhood that prevented your creativity, self-expression,... making you feel unbelievably confident in yourself, afraid to express your great creativity. her own when she grows up, but trust me, that child will still be there, still wanting to see the energy bursting, being comfortable, and confident in being who she is and expressing herself. Let's connect with that baby👼
- 🤣 Leo/5th and Scorpio/8th energies in Sun/Moon/Mecury/Venus/Mars/MC/Node can range from writing children's stories to horror genres
- 🍀🐚🌻🪺The 8th Moon can cause them to encounter and experience toxic feminine energy from others as children
And that can be a very painful memory. The 8th House Moon tends to keep their emotions secret, sometimes causing blockages, fear, and defenses when they don't share those feelings. Advice: write down all your feelings and meet with psychologists, mental heath groups for help, don't be afraid to share and people from other countries will be very suitable to understand and empathize with you if you have this position
-😔🤱👱‍♀️👩👧 Moon Conjunct NNode really makes them affected and receive negative reactions such as: anger, little attention and care, feminine energy and way of life from their mother into their liv, btw both still love each other. What they need to do is to examine their mother's actions with an open mind and find a way to separate the feelings between them and their mother. When they have children, they may inadvertently apply that to their children (sometimes).
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myun-saidthoughts · 10 months
Karma's Love Web
Hi everyone, I am writing a PDF Booklet Guide about 8th and 12th house synastry, if anyone would be interested in purchasing this booklet please let me know!
Book Description: "Karma’s Love Web" reveals how each person we encounter is purposefully intertwined with our existence, triggering the deepest aspects of our being. This book will describe how transformative each connection can be, while shedding light on personal trauma and how that can trigger unwanted patterns when it comes to love. This book will illuminate the essence of karmic relationships and the evolution of the human spirit as we progress through these karmic lessons that keep repeating. 
This book explores the psychology and importance of 8th and 12th house synastry, Angles/Vertex synastry, South Node/North Node/Saturn synastry, and karmic/soulmate relationships. It is also an interactive guide for you to use for your natal chart, and you can apply it to yourself and others. This book offers guidance when dealing with intense karmic synastry and provides an immense amount of information on how to find if the person you’re involved with share a karmic connection.
Would anyone be interested?
Table of Contents would include:
“Shadows of Obsession”  
Part I: The Impact of Your Natal Chart: Synastry Intensity
Part II: Exploring the Effects of Synastry on Your Relationship
Part III: The Influence of Parental Relationships in Synastry
Part IV: Decoding the Distinctions: 8th and 12th House Synastry
Part V: Unveiling the Secrets: Understanding 12th House Synastry
Part VI: Small Excerpt 8H Synastry, How The House Person Feels When They're Plutonian
Part VII: Delving into the Depths: 8th House Synastry
Part VIII: A Deeper Understanding of 8th House or Harsh Pluto Synastry, and Why You Can’t Let Go
Part IX: “I Still Miss Them,” Advice For You
"Specific Destiny”
Part I: Unveiling the Vertex: Exploring Its Significance in Birth Charts and Relationships
Part II: Seeking Fated Encounters: Utilizing the Vertex for Destined Connections
Part III: Vertex Synastry: Unveiling its Unique Impact on the Four Angles
Part IV: Unraveling the Rarity and Emotional Essence of Vertex Synastry
“Whispers of Past Lives"
Part I: Saturn and Nodal Synastry: Exploring Karmic Connections from Past Lives 
Part II:  The Karmic Tapestry of Love: Insights into Romantic Synastry
Part III: Asteroid Insights: Chiron, Juno, and the Nodes of Destiny in Synastry
Part IV: Manifestations of Saturn and Nodal Synastry in Individual Lives
Part V: The Relationship Journey: Embracing Growth and Transformation by Resolving Karmic Ties
“The Different Lovers”
Part I: Unraveling the Depths: Understanding Karmic Relationships and the Intensity Within
Part II: Soulmate Connections Unveiled: Experiencing Instant Recognition and Deep Connection with a Single Glance
"Journey's End: Embracing the Wisdom of Karmic Astrology"
Part I: The Astrologer's Secret and Embracing Change
Total Pages: 113 Full Written Pages DM IF INTERESTED eBOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE:
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soberpluto · 11 months
Chart Ruler in the 12 Houses, Pt. 2
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2nd part of my first post on chart rulers! Hope you enjoy. 7th house: This is a very interesting placement, because you may tend to project your own qualities unto others under a subconscious belief that you do not possess them. You are very pleasing with others, though, and may be worried with building long-term and equal relationships with those you care about. For you, having really close friends or a life-partner will be felt as a need, a deep desire. You are a great negotiator and like to be a mediator when you sense conflict. You will tend to be relationship-oriented and will see close contacts as beautiful, something that brings ease and pleasure each and every time. The downside is that you can be overly pleasing or devoted to those you care about without receiving the same amount of love and affection in return. You can also experience indecision when it comes to important life decisions because you will tend to see everyone’s point of view and will not like to stir conflict even if keeping quite is at your own expense. Malefic planets may cause more harm than good however, so it’s important that you are very conscious of the types of relationships you are attracted to and be very mindful of your own integrity, needs and wants when your build intimacy in them.
8th house: Your life events will continuously trigger deep transformations in you. You will be appealed to the unknown and have a keen talent for uncovering truths and revealing secrets, from others but also from life itself. Yours will be a constant pursuit of authenticity and because of this, superficial interactions or endeavors won’t seem attractive. Your own experiences will propel you into your own destruction or healing, depending on age and how well integrated your personality is. You may stumble upon near-death experiences, illness, crisis, debt, secrets and the forbidden as ways to connect you back to yourself, something that makes this placement a bit dark but very praising once you’ve learned your lessons, once you’ve learned to harness all your emotional and mental powers for the good. Turbulent events will create a new version of you each and every time, and this is why your life purpose consists of overcoming “tests”, of getting in touch with the highest version of yourself as you annihilate your ego. Before healing takes place, the most difficult facets of having your Chart ruler in the 8th will be the tendency towards excessive control, manipulation, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, lower passions, compulsive/repressed sexuality and/or even dwelling dangerously on the occult. You may be the one who provokes all these but may also fall prey to them if you don’t place the right boundaries in your relationships! You may need to work on karmic issues related to Scorpio’s realm.
9th house: Truth and expansion is your ultimate goal. Your purpose consists of building your own meaning of life, to discover what you are meant to do in this Earth and to understand your existence from a higher perspective. Your soul is meant to evolve through exhilaration, spirituality, and righteousness in this lifetime. Your pursuit is more intellectual and divine than material. You want to become boundless and experience everything firsthand. You will not be satisfied with theory alone and instead, will seek to live your passions through your own perspectives and circumstances. Expressing and sharing what you’ve learned so far is one of your biggest motivators. Constructing your own philosophy gives you direction and purpose in life. You see life as an adventure but may be reckless or ungrounded as you go through this journey. As much as your vision is grandiose and inspiring, sometimes you can suffer from blind optimism or from holding your standards to utopic heights. Your need from freedom may make you go far in life, just don’t forget that others can’t run as fast or high as you! And you don’t need to convince others to see things your way. The purest form of inspiration comes from own example and not from preaching!
10th house: Your soul purpose has to do with creating your own merits, similar to having your chart ruler in your 2nd house, but with the difference that wealth and success will be actively pursued upon and will be achieved through career, most likely. With this placement, you want to be in control of your own life and will strive to be independent. You don’t like to rely on others to do as you please, especially regarding finances. It’s highly likely you had a huge influence from one of your parents, and no matter if it’s positive or negative, it instigates in you ambition and drive to be someone in the world. You can be a bit detached, cold or stern, or even fear intimacy and vulnerability because of how you perceive the world. Your image and overall health may help or undermine your professional progress. You are likely to become successful because of your resilience, determination and stamina, just be careful of not falling into the illusion that materialism and economic abundance are the most important goals in life! In brief, you are meant to organize your life according to your desires, learn how to reap the fruits of your own labor and escalate social and economic status by your own devices as part of your soul’s mission.
11th house: Your focus is placed on achieving your dreams and to leave something transcendent for humanity. Your heart’s calling will be hard to ignore, and you will engage life from this perspective, wanting to find your own emancipation from other’s expectations and views so you can shine from a place of altruism and brilliant thinking. You may be individualistic and will want to live by your own terms, which makes it a bit hard to find common ground in close relationships. However, your visionary and idealistic approach is certainly meant to inspire others so they aim high and achieve their dreams and passions, just as you do. You are meant to help others with your mind and altruistic nature. The sign in which your Chart Ruler sits will tell you how it will happen. Having a circle of like-minded acquaintances or a community where you feel you belong is very important, not only because this creates security in yourself and gives you a sense of purpose, but because accomplishing your desires is more likely to happen through these networks. Just try not to be so arbitrary with how you move through life, and use your charitable nature to attract good luck!
12th house: When your Chart Ruler sits in the last karmic house, your personality is not so open or expressive. You may be shy or introverted, and this is because you may feel overwhelmed by the world. Since the 12th house speaks of mystical and unknown things, your life may deliver several paranormal or spiritual experiences that are meant to teach you how to navigate the unseen realms. Depending on the planet, you can be very psychic and intuitive, and able to hear, see or feel things that are otherworldly. You may have problems with addictions, boundaries, and deception, but your soul incarnated this way for you to learn how to overcome these so you can guide less awakened people and help others who are misfortunate or outcast. You yourself may feel like an alien, and may need a lot of privacy and alone time to charge up. You have the capacity to become a healer and a spiritual guru if you wanted to as long as you manage to navigate your rich, ultra-sensitive and profound inner world so it doesn´t control you! Your nature is complex and deep, but your healing capacity is immense, just like the other water signs.
Thanks for reading! 🥰
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cupidastrology · 2 years
the 12 houses, short terms 
the 1st house - the beginning, the cover, the makeup look
the 2nd house - the feelings, the values, the worth, inner strength
the 3rd house - the thoughts, ideas, online journey, the internet
the 4th house - the home, the roots, where to go from here
the 5th house - the aspirations, personal achievements, inner group drama
the 6th house - the home health, therapy, medicine, injections
the 7th house - the engagement, marriage, lawsuits and lawyer pursuits
the 8th house - scams, long term money offers and contracts
the 9th house - the new adventure, new belief systems, professors and teachers
the 10th house - the social world, the presentation, representation, bullying, gossip, reputation
the 11th house - the friends, the traveler on the train, the progression and evolution
the 12th house - under the bus, the monster in the closet, held at will, dreams, sleep, and brimming under the surface
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