archangelmacaron · 1 year
NTMF College AU Chapter 30
Sorry it's been taking me a while! Hopefully you won't need a refresher, but if you do everything is up on AO3! Content warnings for describing abusive relationships
"Good morning!"
The ginger haired man slowly opened his eyes, blinking at his surroundings, then pulling at the ropes that bound him to a wooden chair. His clear blue eyes slid up to Fugo's. "This… won't be strong enough. Do you have handcuffs?"
The latter was directed towards Oscar, who frowned but nodded. Ribellio nodded as well, looking around the basement room again. "That pipe… should be strong enough."
"I can't believe another man is asking me to tie him up… or that I'm actually doing it," Fugo said with more than a little disgust in his voice as Oscar handed him the cuffs. He grabbed the back of the chair and dragged it over to the pipes, connecting one of Ribellio's wrists to them.
Ribellio pulled slightly at the metal and rope on his wrist, seeming more satisfied at the restraints. "I'll have to dislocate my thumb or maybe deglove my hand to get out of this… should give you enough time to escape."
Ew, that's a visual I didn't need…
"Don't worry. Knocked ya out once, and I can definitely do it again. Spica got away, though. Dunno where she headed, but it was definitely away from here." Fugo asked, crossing his arms in a position that unintentionally mirrored Oscar's and leaning against the farthest wall from Ribellio. "Noel said Spica was making you go berserk. How's that work?"
The other man sighed briefly, his eyes flicking to the side. "You're both demons, so I won't get the 'but that stuff doesn't exist!' reaction, right?"
"You're not originally from Lhaplus, right?" Oscar asked. Ribellio nodded. Oscar continued. "Belief in devils here is common. Most citizens accept that they're real. Many know someone who's been affected by one personally. We seem to attract more of them than most other towns, which is probably how the cleansing ceremony came to be."
"Right," Fugo agreed, pulling the subject back to Ribellio. "So you're a demon too? Is Spica a devil? Didn't know they could look so human… kinda hot too, if you're into the whole 'probably gonna stab me' thing…"
"Fugo." Oscar's quiet voice was a warning although Ribellio had barely flinched. Fugo grimaced. Whoops, guess that'd hit a bit close to home for him… she probably has stabbed him before.
Ribellio was shaking his head. "No, I'm not a demon. I've never made a contract. And Spica… I don't know what she is, or how she controls me. But she's not a devil."
Oscar & Fugo exchanged a look. "You seem pretty certain. Why?"
"Because I knew her as a kid… which was only five years ago."
Fugo found himself making a face. "Whoa, what? Just how hard did puberty hit her?"
Ribellio ignored the comment. He was staring at the floor, seeming haunted. "Devils aren't born like humans, and they don't age like humans, either. I know that much. Spica did age, but not like a human in the slightest. She seemed about seven years old when I met her."
Fugo frowned as he did a little mental math. "Back up a second here, she was seven five years ago, so you're dating a thirteen year old? Dude, what the fuck?" 
"I'm not in a relationship with her willingly," Ribellio snapped, finally showing emotion. "I really don't have a choice… I hate that the most." 
The last part was said quietly, clearly not meant for their ears. Oscar's eyes flicked to Fugo's again, then he looked back to Ribellio. "Start from the beginning. Fugo can hold his commentary."
The hell I can, a guy says something that creepy I gotta call him on it!
"How did you meet?" Oscar asked.
The man's voice was calm again. He didn't seem to be at all recalcitrant to tell them everything. "I pretty much grew up on the streets, picking fights, trying to get stronger. Even with that kind of bad personality, I still made friends… close ones. But Spica was never interested in them. Just me. That is, until she…" 
Ribellio shook his head. "Sorry, I'm getting off track. But I met Spica after a street fight. She'd been watching, clapped when I won. So I talked to her. She started following me around then."
"When I first met her, she seemed like an average kind of kid, maybe seven years old. She was curious, and eager to learn. I even taught her a little combat--well, more like how to find weak spots quickly, since she was too small to really attack, but I wanted her to know how to defend herself--back then. Looks like that was a mistake." 
Ribellio was staring at the floor, seeming lost in memory. "I thought she was seeing me as an older brother, or mentor, maybe. I guess I liked that she looked up to me… well, pretended to. None of it was real."
"Even that young, she was still that manipulative?" Oscar asked, shifting his weight.
Ribellio nodded. "She was… really sweet at first. But she couldn't keep it up. Things she'd say, the way she looked at other people… how she treated my friends… something was just off. I knew for sure when I caught her torturing another child."
Yikes… so she's been psycho from the start…
"I stopped her, of course, but that's when she… did whatever it is she does to me. I felt like I blacked out, and when I came to, I'd beaten the shit out of a complete stranger. He was a huge, beefy guy, too… not someone I'd normally mess with. Spica told me if I didn't do what she said, she'd make me kill my friends. That guy was proof that she could."
Ribellio was silent for a long moment. Finally Oscar gently prompted him, "What happened next?"
"She just… grew up, so fast. She went from the body of a little girl to an adult woman in three months. And then she forced me into a relationship. I was now the one following her around."
"Last summer, she made me join this college. Said Daddy Burrows was ready for her. I wasn’t averse to the idea, because it meant getting her farther away from my friends. I thought that might loosen her control a bit… I was wrong. Anyways, we moved here, but she didn't want to live with me. I didn't really understand why, but getting away from her, even for brief moments like class or sleeping… they reminded me life wasn't something to give up on, even though I felt trapped." A hard to read expression crossed his face. "That's probably why she did it. To give me enough hope to stop me from self-destructing."
"Back up a bit. Daddy Burrows?" Fugo asked. The nickname made him shudder. Ribellio also looked a little disgusted.
"Yeah. I used to think it was just another derisive nickname, but now I'm not so sure. Whatever she is, he had a hand in creating her. I'm sure of it."
"You've seen them together?" Oscar asked. Ribellio nodded.
"Yeah. It's pretty clear he doesn't want that connection publicized, so mostly they talk when she's scheduled for disciplinary hearings, or on burner phones. I'm not invited to those, and the time I tried looking at her phone when I thought she was sleeping… " He closed his eyes. "I woke up in Noel's bedroom."
"What?" Fugo's fists tightened. Ribellio looked to the side again. His jaw tensed.
"She was sleeping. She had no idea I was even there. She keeps her door locked, but that doesn't stop Spica… nothing does. When I stumbled out to the hallway, Spica was waiting.  She told me if I fucked with her stuff again, or didn't mind my own business… well, you can imagine what she was threatening, I don't have to say it, right?" He looked pale. It was clear he'd been badly shaken by the incident. "She said… it wouldn't just be Noel. She was threatening Jillian, too."
Fugo's fists tightened again as he thought of his friends in danger. What a sick bitch…
Oscar finally cut in. "I'm assuming you weren't aware, but I've been investigating her for some time now."
"Because you suspected she was abusing me." Ribellio met his eyes evenly.
Oscar nodded. "It's a little beyond the scope of campus police, but I can't ignore when someone is suffering. I've seen a few relationships like this and helped a few people get away. It's a hard cycle to break, usually because of trauma bonds, and perpetrators are rarely punished."
Ribellio looked away again. "I never thought I'd be in a relationship, let alone this kind of situation."
"Most men don't. We aren't really taught what behavior is unacceptable in a relationship, and many are shamed if they come forward as victims. We're told to solve problems through violence, but most men don't want to hurt someone smaller than them… often someone they care about, too." Oscar's voice was even more serious than usual, but held a strong note of compassion. "But being a victim is nothing to be ashamed of. No matter what the gender, the only guilty party is the abuser."
"Jillian actually tried to talk to me about that, once," Rinellio confessed with a small exhale. "She didn't pressure me, or judge me. Just told me that how Spica was treating me was not okay, and that she was there for me if I needed help."
Fugo felt oddly proud of his friend. "Yeah, Littner might seem like an anxious mess, but she's a hell of a brave lady when it comes to protecting the people she cares about."
"She… cares about me?" Ribellio looked surprised.
"Well, yeah. We maybe only really hung out when your psycho forced-girlfriend was present, but you're a decent guy, Ribellio. We gotta tackle your whole berserker shit first, cause a hard rule for me is 'your friends shouldn't try to kill you,' but I'd eventually like to consider you a friend, too."
Ribellio seemed lost for words for a moment, maybe even flushing a little with emotion, then went back to his story. His face darkened. "But somehow, Spica found out she talked to me. The only reason Jillian didn't get hurt then is that I convinced Spica it would be too obviously linked to her, and she'd face the kind of scrutiny that would infuriate Dean Burrows."
He paused. "It's kind of weird, but I think she's afraid of him."
"It sounds like he might be controlling her," Oscar said. "Or trying to. She seems like a wild card."
Ribellio nodded. "Yeah. Burrows, the few times I met him, didn't seem too pleased with my existence, but not annoyed enough to get rid of me. I got the impression he was hoping I’d keep her distracted while he did whatever he wants to do until he needed her.”
“You don’t know anything about that?”
He shook his head again. “No. I was really surprised when they switched my recording with Noel’s. I'm at an intermediate level at best when it comes to piano. So I know they have something planned for the ceremony, but I can’t imagine what. I was told it’s just for show, but if they specifically want someone who isn’t capable of playing the music perfectly… maybe it’s not.”
Oscar nodded. “Noel’s theory is that they want to mess it up on purpose. Caron seems to agree, although it’s hard to tell exactly what he was thinking from the short time I spent with him.”
“Do you know what it is he wants from Noel?” Fugo asked Ribellio. “I could tell they didn’t have a contract, so him protecting her… didn’t really make sense to me. But he’s still doin’ it, even though he got pretty fried upstairs.”
Ribellio shook his head once again. “No, I’m really not sure what his place in this is. I don’t… fully remember what happens when I’m blacked out, but I can tell he wants to protect her. When I was able to snap out of it briefly, I saw him crawling to cover her with his own body before Spica knocked me out again. So I think you can at least trust him that far, that he doesn’t want to hurt her or for her to get hurt.”
Fugo wrinkled his nose. “Yeah… I hate it, but you’re probably right.”
“I think he’s on our side,” Oscar said. “Or at least, not on our enemy’s. We’ll really need to pick his brain when we meet up again to try and figure out what his true motives are, and what else he might know about the ceremony.”
“The ceremony… I don’t like the idea, but if we’ve been thinking it was for show all these years, and it wasn’t… Lhaplus could be in real danger from whatever devils are here, if they can’t be forced out.” Fugo scowled, putting a hand on his chin as he thought.
Oscar was the one who shook his head now. “There’s something more going on than preventing a cleansing. Noel said that the results of the contest are often, but not always, manipulated--people who won the chance to play would disappear or die and a different pianist would take their place for the actual ceremony.”Fugo’s brow furrowed deeper. “It could be that they were just killing off people who would play it perfectly, but wouldn’t it be easier to threaten them, or cause an accident--wait a second. Shit. Oscar, Noel’s accident last year--you don’t think--”Oscar’s eyes widened. “No, Fugo… you’re probably right. They probably were trying to get rid of her since she was almost certain to win with her history and skill. And this year, they went further, and are trying to kill her. But why, if she’s already been replaced?”
“Yeah, I’m kind of stumped there, too. Any ideas, Ribby?”
“... don’t call me that. Spica does.”
Fugo grimaced. “Uh, sorry, Ribs.”
“She calls me that, too.”“‘bellio? Lio? Belly?”
“... I can kill you, you know that, right?”“Boys.” Oscar gave them both a warning look. His eyes narrowed. “If there’s nothing else you can tell us, Ribellio, we’re going to head back to meet up with Noel and Caron. You understand why we can’t take you with us, right?”
“Of course. You probably don’t have to worry… Spica doesn’t seem able to control me from a distance. But if she finds your hiding spot… I can’t make any promises.”
“So you uh, mind hangin out here?”“... don’t really feel I have a choice.” “We won’t forget about you,” Oscar said. “When we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll come back and free you.”
Ribellio nodded. “Let’s just hope Spica doesn’t find me first.”
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Y'all... there is more evidence that L is indeed my soul mate, my person, the only one who truly gets me. Let's see what has transpired.
Piece of Evidence #1: I was complaining about my hip messing up & making me 'useless'. He responded with, "Baby you are so efficient & so good at so many things, the gods had to nerf you for being OP somehow." in the most sincere tone.
Piece of Evidence #2: We were hanging out on the deck & I got up, saying I was off to do dishes (while limping because I tore something picking up Zel when she was hurt). He said, "Ok... WAIT! NO! I'll do them! Sit!" I reminded him that he'd said he'd do them for the past 3 days & hadn't. He said, "[Dr M] I command you to not do dishes!" I laughed & told him he was under leveled for the "Command [Dr M] spell" outside of specific circumstances in which my constitution is considerably lower. He got mildly offended & began going off about how his current Skyrim character can summon a ghost that's way above her level and that a 'debuff character build is valid'. I reminded him that this isn't Skyrim & he isn't a wood elf. A bit later I told him that if he ate in the next 15 mins, I'd relent (because he forgets to eat). Within 2 minutes he was in the kitchen making food while glaring at me & mumbling about blackmail.
Piece of Evidence #3: he knows I like to watch old episodes of Big Fat Quiz when I don't feel well & actually suggested we turn it on one night when I was clearly struggling but was doing an alright job faking it. For the last 4 nights in a row, that's all we've watched because he loves it... especially if Richard & Noel or Noel & Russell are a team.
Piece of Evidence #4: he walked in to me playing bass on my leg while painting cabinets & immediately asked if I was listening to Primus on loop again. He's also figured out how to gauge my pain/mood based on what I'm listening to (because some days I have to get real angry to make my body function, so I listen to shit like Slipknot/Tool/Nine Inch Nails/Manson/Kidney Theives).
Piece of Evidence #5: yesterday i went outside to talk to him & paused the music on my headphones as I sat down. He said, "Aw no more MSI? They do go hard." Apparently he could tell it was them just based on what he heard at a distance through my headphones. Genuinely never been with anyone who knows of them, much less likes or can ID them like that. (Before you come for me, yes I know Jimmy is a POS [anyone with half a brain could easily draw that conclusion] . I like the sound of their stuff and have never paid for any of it. It is called separating the art from the artist. You'd be horrified by my back tattoo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Grow up.)
So yeah... dude is absolutely the one for me. (This is all on top of how extremely understanding he is when my bod/hormones malfunction & all the things I've always adored about him throughout our friendship.)
He actually asked me the other day when I developed feels for him. I told him that I'd always really liked him but like... he had some deal breaker stuff & was with my (then) friend. But that in early August (before I moved in but was staying over to hang out for a couple days), there was a massive storm that broke a massive part of a tree off in the yard of the house across the creek out back. It was hanging on the electrical wires & without hesitation he ran over to help the homeowners. I sat and watched from the driveway as he helped them cut it down. (Note: til then he hadn't ever interacted with them.) Then as he was walking back across the creek afterwards, the elderly woman who lived there with her husband called across to me "You've got a good man!" & L turned and said "Aw she's my best friend, it's not like that." I found myself feeling really... sad? Then internally I went "Oh fuckstockings. I'm in love with him. Goddamn it. This... might be a fucking problem." Then a couple weeks later it wasn't a problem because I basically lived here. And nearly 5 months later we are still great. No fights because we both speak very frankly and clearly when stuff is going on. There's some communication stuff because he's been programmed to read into things, but we talk about it.
Shit is dope.
0 notes
Hey maybe it’s just me but in first season of mermaid melody Rina seemed openly against the idea of herself being in romantic relationship. I was rewatching and she really had aromantic person vibes. But then second season got her a boyfriend and like??? I don’t have anything against Masahiro as character but was it REALLY necessary to give Rina a love interest? I always thought that she provides an interesting foil for Lucia and Hanon who were obsessed with love. Again maybe she was intented to be read as alloromantic from the beginning but… anyway, what do you think about it?
i could literally type paragraphs on why i despise how rina ""developed"" (read: went backwards) in pure but ultimately it boils down to; i saw masahiro in the opening for episode 1 of pure, knew what was going to happen, and physically cringed as it all went down.
it's not that masahiro himself is a bad character. it's just that he solely exists to establish rina as hetero when she is very Much Not Heterosexually Coded in season 1. there's probably a name for this trope,,, don't really want to call it queerbaiting but it verges on that territory.
i personally hc her as a lesbian since i have a tendency to ignore canon. other people hc her as bi/pan/ace/aro & i can see why they would. i just. it's so hard for me to understand. rina went from a girl who wanted absolutely nothing to do with a human man (actively beating up dudes nearly twice her age for hitting on her too) to suddenly Oh Wow This Older Boy Likes Me? yeah you can make the argument that maybe she feels more free to mess around in the human world since noel isn't captured at the bottom of the ocean anymore but. there's still enemies to fight & rina was always the one to remind hanon & lucia that their duties come first.
also why tf did rina just seemingly forget about noel. why did they have ONE interaction in the entirety of the season when it's implied they've been friends since childhood. you're telling me rina spent 50 episodes missing her best friend only to speak with her ONCE over the course of the following year?
also i don't even think that interaction passes the bechdel test so
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sashibunbun · 3 years
So something I’ve noticed.
I can tell a lot of people haven’t gotten some things about Deltarune, don’t know whether it’s too subtle for them, or if they’re unknowingly just falling back to some now entrenched ideas. The Snowgrave/Wierd/Pepis/Genocide/Mindbreak the Nice Reindeer Girl Route, as well as Jevil-Spamtom-Whoever the bonuses on the later chapters will be also do it, as well as an even bigger problem, that seems to come from not getting that it’s not Undertale 2. More below the cut
it’s not Kris doing these things, in fact Kris seems to obviously not like it. You get back after the Berdley battle and winner winner frozen chicken dinner, and Susie and Ralsei notic that Chris is, excuse the language, fucking horrified at what YOU did, and when he wants to act on his own, he rips out your connection to him, his SOUL. Hell so far the bonus bosses have even pointed this out hard, with Spamtom NEO being so incredibly on the nose that even somebody blind could see it, he’s not the only one in the fight with strings holding him up. 
And hoo boy the whole route to getting Spamtom Neo as the final boss, where you, not Kris, but you the player, decide to break the mind of Noelle. It’s subtle, but if you actually pay attention, it becomes a better, “dude, what the fuck” moment than the full Genocide rout of Undertale, because there’s literally no getting around that it’s you the player doing it, it’s you the player using Kris for a bit, just to get into Noelle’s head, she thinks it’s Kris, but who merely whispers their new plaything’s name to snowgrave the Snowgrave Route’s Spamtom Neo after Kris calls for his two friends, and they don’t come? You, You whisper Noelle’s name and like the good, now broken, girl she is, she comes running and kills an enemy. And see above, Kris is likely fucking horrified both because of what Noelle’s become and what YOU have done.
And speaking of Undertale, dear lord, how has it been nearly three years and people are still acting like this is Undertale 2? Toby might be known for reusing some things (Megalovania, certain other melodies, characters), but he’s from the RPG era I’m from, where even if you reuse models and names, the characters, sounds or even themes can be the same and have it be totally different. Like this is the ear when the Lunar, Mother, and Breath of Fire series were the odd ones out. Where the Mana series/style led to literally YEARS of Secret of Evermore being considered someplace in there even though it’s a totally separate game with no ties. It’s not Undertale 2 so, and I’m going out on limb here, you’re not going to have a lot of the same things that were explained or put in in Undertale (monsters turn to dust, W.D. Gaster being a meta joke about dummied out characters, a simple genocide run, Humans being the special species with DETERMINATION). Hell the Hometown of Chapter 1 kinda points this out with how incredibky weird things are compared to Undertale. Undyne has both eyes, and doesn’t know who Alphys is, Bratty and Catty aren’t friends, hell they’re not your basic queen bee types, Mettaton never got his body, Asgore and Toriel aren’t together, but not because Asgore (intentionally, see the theory on December Holiday) killed kids, but because of something else.
In short on this portion, You are an edlritch entity controlling a troubled kid, who has the power to make his life better or fuck with everybody else in horrifying ways in a world that might have familiar faces, but is vastly different.
Now the second part. The December Holiday incident.
So Chapter 2 (and parts of Chapter 1′s Hometown section) brought to light something that might have really screwed up Kris, Toriel and Asgore’s marriage, The Holidays, and hell might even be the whole reason Kris is absolutely 100% able to be used by you (remember, you are an eldritch being who’s making these puppets, especially Kris, dance on your strings). It’s what I call the December Holiday Incident.
So we know that Noel has an older sister named Dess, and given some context, it’s probably short for December because of the Calendar in Noelle’s, “Algorythmically Generated” Room and the fact that she froze up on an easy word like December at the spelling bee, and her family’s theme naming (Rudolph, Noel-le). We also know that Kris, Noelle, Dess, and Azzy used to play together, and something happened.
My theory is that the Dreemur and Holiday kids were playing around that bunker or whatever it is down south, during the winter (becomes important with Noelle), and Dess went missing, like out of the blue missing. Asgore and everybody starts searching, because the cops really have nothing better to do, Winter turns to Spring (all the while Noelle is searching up to see if she’s turned up somewhere, because she searched December Holiday enough that Queen caught it), and it comes around, and Asgore gives up, either because he found Dess and there was evidence of Kris being involved, or He figured out where she went and likely had Noelle’s mom on his back to hide whatever it was, either way, he looks incompetent, and like he or somebody he knows may have just killed her, leading to his stepping down, Toriel can’t forgive this and divorces him and because it’s because of what happened for him to step down, she gets both Azzy and Kris. Any way it goes, there’s something about December Holiday, winter, her missing, that bunker thing and all of Asgore’s problem, as evidenced by Noelle and certain breadcrumbs about what happened. So no, Asgore probably didn’t kill a kid, but he may have, through intentional or unintentional negligence killed a kid and that’s why he’s where he is, why he’s treatin Rudy (his best friend) like a romantic partner, why Kris (before you et your little fingers in him) is probably a troubled kid, and why Noelle is so big on ice and has her moments of trauma.
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squidlyskeet · 3 years
Joy Ride -.003
Tumblr media
Pairing: StreetRacer!Bakugou x Fem!reader
Genre: TokyoDrift!au, Noquirks!au
Status: Ongoing
TW: violence, blood, firearms, eventual nsfw, 18+, mentions of anxiety and OCD disorders, grand theft auto, gang activity.
It started with a simple question, “what do you say Y/n? You coming?”
After the sudden death of her mother, Y/n is sent to live with her estranged aunt halfway across the world in Tokyo, Japan. Weary of what this new adventure might hold for her, she decides to let loose the first night she was there, but how was Y/n supposed to know it would lead to a car chase? A car chase in the the passenger seat of a very angry, very hot, street racer’s super car?
A/n: I have not a clue what’s going on with my text seperator, and these are taking for E V E R TO POST. Don’t mind me, this is just a fic dump at this point. Also I just want to point out that BOLD ITALICS are meant to be words spoken in Japanese. I didn’t realize it wasn’t keeping the font when moving the chapters from my word doc’s to here, so I’ll go back through and edit them so they make more sense. ✌🏻-squidlyskeet.
 “Oi. What the hell is this.” A stern voice gritted out from behind us.
  I didn’t understand a word but I knew it probably couldn’t be good. For some reason I felt like this was the infamous Bakugou.
 “Oi Bakubro, where were you man. The race is about to start.” The red head, Kiri I think, blasted back in Japanese.
  My confusion was spiraling as they continued their conversation. I still hadn’t turned around, and was debating how fast I could turn to leave and walk off without anybody questioning me.
   Ochakos attention was taken when Deku signaled her to come over to help with something he was fiddling with, and now I was stuck between two very heated men as they rambled back and forth in Japanese.
   In a split decision, I turned my heel and attempted to side step the man behind me. Figuring retreat was my best way out of this.
     I made it a few steps before I let myself breathe again but I was halted when I felt a firm grip on my arm and a menacing aura behind me.
 “Who the fuck are you?” The voice said, I still hadn’t looked in his direction, and if it were up to me I never would.
“Dude ease up, she doesn’t speak Japanese.” Kiri spoke, before anyone else could get a word in. I look at him in silent thanks, not understanding but would recognize the defensive tone anywhere.
“Tch. Look at me,” The voice, Bakugou, demanded.
   I gulped fruitlessly trying to wet my dry mouth, and decided to give in and just look at him. If I dwelled too hard on his blatant hatred, I was afraid a flip would switch and I’d be thrown into a debilitating anxiety attack.
    When I finally turned my body around to face him, that same slow motion effect kicked in as I traced his features with my eyes. His full lips were tight and slightly open, showing off his perfectly white teeth clenched underneath. Some of his pale blonde hair fell in his ruby red eyes, which were focused and narrowed on me. He was stunningly handsome, the kind of man you’d do a double take at to make sure he looked as good as the first time you glanced. Only to find out he was better looking.
     His body was lean and muscular, the tight fit of his tank top showing off his biceps and forearms. He was bent down, probably trying to intimidate me, and like the other two massive guys he was towering over me too.
 In conclusion, Bakugou looked like he was made of all hard angles. From his personality to his body, nothing but ice cold stone.
 I didn’t realize I was staring until his gravelly broken English spoke up again.
  “The hell are you staring at. Who are you?” His voice came out just as terrifying as before, but he relaxed his grip when I jumped back at his tone.
 Heat spread through my cheeks, I was ashamed I was showing such weakness in front of him. I wanted to be confident, especially with a man who looked like him.
I tried to sound confident.
 “I’m Y/n L/n, I’m Noel and Mirios niece.” I said, feigning any semblance of a steady voice.
“That’s funny cause last time I checked, Mirio didn’t have a niece.” He deadpanned.
  Damnit, I was hoping maybe throwing around titles would get him to get off my case a little. I just wanted to stand with Ochako and wait for the race to start, maybe have her tell me a little bit more about how all this works.
 “Well technically, no. I’m actually just Noel's niece but Mirio did tell me to call him uncle, so I’d assume he would be okay with me telling you that. Although this is my first race, so I’m not really sure how or what to..,” I trailed off when one of the guys in a lawn chair whipped around and stared directly at me, obviously overhearing my statement about this being my first race. “Oh no, I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
 Bakugou was standing in front of me, brows furrowed in annoyance and confusion. He was looking at me like I had sprouted a second head, and it was making me uncomfortable.
 “What?” I directed at him.
“For someone so damn shy, you ramble like an idiot.” He said flatly. At least he was no longer arguing about my identity.
  He turned his body slowly, completely losing interest in me and walking back to his car I somehow missed noticing at the front of the lined up cars.
“Oi. Who brought this Nav hoe over here? Someone get her away from the cars.” He yelled over his shoulder.
“Kaachan!” My head whipped to Deku, who stood from the ground, “Don’t talk to her like that, what if she’s actually Mirio’s niece? And you heard what she said. This is her first race.” He yelled back, the deep baritone intimidating, but leaving Bakugou unphased as he kept walking.
“Shut up you damn nerd.”
“Thank you Deku, but I can handle this.” I planted my hands on my hips. There were a lot of things I’d take from people, but degradation wasn’t one of them. My mom taught me that at least.
 “You can stomp around having a hissy fit like a child all you’d like Bakugou, but I was invited over here by Ochako and you don’t even know me. So don’t stand there and call me names like you do.” I was huffing in anger when I finished, but quickly calmed down. Immediately embarrassed by my outburst as I noticed every single one of the West side Riders were staring at me, jaws unhinged.
I was a little shaken when I noticed Bakugou had stopped walking midstep, hands clenched tightly at his sides.
Oh my, I think I’m in trouble.
 “Hey hey hey, everyone just calm down now. Y/n was it? Hi sweetie,” The yellow haired man from the lawn chair did an awkward walk run to place himself next to me. “I’m Denki Kaminari, hope this isn’t a bad time or anything, hah, but did hear you say…this is your first race?” He threw his arm over my shoulder, with a wicked smirk on his face.
Shit, I thought we were past that and that no one noticed.
“DAMMIT YOU DUNCE FACE.” Bakugou's loud yell brought me back to reality as the third degree was taken from me and placed on Denki.
    The other guy in the lawn chair let out a loud laugh, assuming this was the Shinsou Ochako was talking about, I pushed down a smirk when I put together that Denki must catch a lot of crap from Bakugou.
“What? Why does that matter?” I asked the man still leaning on me.
“Shut the hell up Denki, I swear to god.” Bakugou said, and Denki’s wicked smirk turned into a shit eating grin.
 Shinsou was full on laughing now, doubled over in fits of laughter at Bakugou’s expense.
“Because little flower, if you are who you say you are, that means you’ll be Bakugou’s Navigator tonight.” Denki’s eyes weren’t on me when he said it, they were on Bakugou. I was happy for it, because while the details didn’t make sense, the statement did. There was no way I wanted to be trapped in the car with an angry porcupine for however long it took to finish a race.
 “No she’s not.” Bakuhou’s gravelly voice strained out through his gritted teeth. He was facing us now, sharp features twisted up in anger and looking like he wanted to hit Denki.
  I looked at the others, Kiri was openly laughing now, Shinsou has been a mess of laughter since before the spat started, and Ochako and Deku had their faces turned away, mouths covered by hands, and chest heaving in silent giggles.
  “Yes she is, you’re the only available squad leader,” Denki stated, before sucking his teeth loudly and checking his nails. His eyes shot back to Bakugou. “That is, unless you want me to get Tenya on the phone and tell him he needs to come fulfill the duty as a squad leader. That’ll do just fine won’t it? Leave this adorable, defenseless flower in the hands of Tenya?”
  I didn’t know what Denki said in the second half of his rant, but it seemed serious enough that everyone, even Shinsou, stopped laughing. All eyes were turned to Bakugou.
   I thought for a second I saw his cold exterior drop and a look of panic flash across his widened eyes. But it was gone so fast I thought I imagined it.
  Everyone stood in tense silence for a second, while I wondered what was going on. It was starting to grate on my nerves how much I was actually left out of simply because I didn’t understand most of their language. It was my own fault, and I’d remember to pester Noel about it until she taught me a few words and phrases.
Bakugou’s shoulders visibly slumped out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at him, his head still held high but the look of reluctant defeat across painted his features.
 “Fine. She can come,” he paused, pointing a finger at me and holding my eyes. “I want you and your gear ready before this race is even finished. When the winner is announced go back to East wall and stay there until I come get you. I’m going to prep until the second round. Don’t bother me.” With his final annoyed statement, Bakugou opened the door of his sleek orange car, shooting me one last look of disdain, got in and left.
   Bending down to put my hands on my knees I finally let myself breath normally. Relieved I could have a moment away from Bakugou’s heavy personality.
 I felt a hand rub circles on my back before looking up at Ochako.
 “I’m sorry, I really should have warned you before I brought you over here. I didn’t think he’d be happy, but I really didn’t think he’d call you names.” She said, apologizing genuinely.
 “I honestly can’t believe he caved, I guess all you really gotta do is throw around the boss’s name and he backs off that attitude of his.” Denki piped up from behind Ochako, retreating back to his lawn chair.
 “I really wouldn’t push him too far next time Denki. Sure he relents for the boss, but he has limits. You know he doesn’t like having a Navigator.” Kirishima said, injecting himself. His tone sounded scolding and disappointed. I’d be lying if I said it almost made me want to try to cheer him up.
 “That’s enough.” Deku commanded.
 “Hey, it’s not my fault that bitch left him for-.”
 “DENKI. I said that’s enough,” Deku’s firm voice cut over Denki’s antagonizing one. “Kirishima, go check on him and make sure he's okay. Denki shut the hell up from now on.”
  Without a word Kirishima pocketed his phone and in one smooth motion got in his car. Within a second he was gone too, all that was left was Ochako and I, Deku and the two bumble heads in the lawn chair.
   I felt really bad. That could have gone way better than what it did, and now I have to try and Navigate for Bakugou. Jesus, how am I supposed to tell Noel and Mirio.
  “Izu, I’m gonna go help get Y/n ready and then we are going to go watch the start of the race. I have my phone if you need me.” She yelled in Deku’s general direction to which he replied with a flick of his wrist practically dismissing her. I caught the look of surprise on her face, and watched it melt into anger.
Lord have mercy on that man's soul for later.
  “Alright Y/n, lets go get your equipment, and I’ll give you a few pointers.” She smiled back at me, warming my soul and easing some of my anxiety.
 Maybe this wouldn’t be that bad.
  It definitely was that bad.
  Round one just ended and Mirio won, I guess people bet on these things, earning Mirio a lot of money. I remembered leaning over the edge of the hip high wall of the parking deck, looking down over the road trying to spot the obnoxious yellow vehicle through the maze of buildings and sidewalks.
    My breath caught as the previously mentioned car shot around the corner in a wide arc and straightened out only to move so fast I could hardly see them. The next thing I knew a yellow flare was being shot into the sky and Mirio was being announced the winner.
Which lead me to right now.
 Mirio had just backed into his parking spot, and Noel was cheering about how fast he went in the straight shot.
  The thought brought me back to Ochakos mini lesson, ‘A straight shot is a part of the track where there are no turns, not even any curves. Drivers can make up the time they lost trying to drift around curves because they can’t go as fast. Now I’m going to show you a little secret...’.
   I was trying to memorize it in my head when Noel caught my attention.
 “What’s that stuff for honey, we were only racing once tonight. I don’t need another set.” She said, her brow furrowed in confusion.
 “Well you see, I uhh- ImetagirlnamedOchakoandshewantedmetomeethersquadsoIdidandthenImetBakugouandIaccidentlyspilledaboutthisbeingmyfirstraceandnowIhavetoNavigatrforhim.” I was breathing heavy when I was done, and Noel planted her hands on her hips.
    “I can’t fucking believe this, I’m sorry you what?” She demanded.
 “All I’m saying is I see why you wanted me to say this wasn’t my first race. Now I have navigate for the angriest man at this stupid meet. Is there any way out of this?” I said while pleading with my eyes.
 “Mirio.” She shot over her shoulder.
  Said man, turned to look around and abruptly left the conversation he was having next to his car.
 “Yes baby?”
 “Tell him what you just told me.”
“Uhg. I accidentally may have let slip that this is my first race to the west side team. Now I have to Navigate for Bakugou.” I was getting tired of repeating myself, I wanted answers.
 “Well I suppose it could be worse. It could be Teny-.”
“Mirio!” Noel slapped his arm.
He sighed before starting.  “I’m sorry little chick, there isn’t anything I can do. You technically are a part of the East side Riders now as long as Noel and I are together. Even if you don’t race, all family members are a part of it. It’s tradition. New members are initiated by Navigating for a different side's squad leader. It’s meant to be that way so a third person party can tell if the person is worthy of joining.
     This may seem like fun and games, and most of these people are irrelevant. But every person here who is on a squad has to either be ready to drive or navigate at a moment's notice. Usually under more stressful circumstances, but we won’t get into that. The reason you have to ride with Bakugou is because he is the only squad leader available without a permanent Navigator. I have Noel, and Monoma has Kendo. The south side is out of the question.” He shrugged as he finished.
That was a lot to process. Does that mean I’ll be a part of a gang or something? Jesus. What did I get myself into. All I wanted to do was have a few drinks and go fast in a car and now look.
  My god I’m a train wreck, and my stomach was clenching with every passing second.
  The gong sounded, and the announcer's voice sounded off through the speakers again.
 “Gear up, round two starts in ten minutes!” It sounded like he was screaming, but I couldn’t really tell with blood rushing in my ears.
  Noel has the bridge of her nose pinched between her fingers, her foot tapping on the floor. When she finally huffed and looked at me, I made it a point to look at anything that wasn’t directly back into her piercing cat like eyes.
  “Look at me,” I finally relented, and snapped my sight directly back at hers. “If you get hurt in any way, psychically, emotionally, shit even if he hurts your feelings. I’ll kill him.”
 As if on cue, the rumble of a motor popped over the bump in the entrance and maneuvered it’s way around the sea of cars. I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to know it was a burnt orange sports car with a fuming blonde in the drivers seat as the tires came to a screeching halt behind me.
  “Get in.” Bakugou’s deep raspy English left no room for argument.
  Noel nodded after me before reaching out to wrap me in a hug. I returned it thankfully.
  “You’ll do great.” She whispered in my ear before releasing me.
   I counted to ten before turning around taking a few steps to Bakugou’s passenger door. I looked through the windshield at the headrest only to find it bare, and sighed in relief. I was putting things together in my head, and as far as I could tell, some stitching on the headrest indicated a person belongs there. Permanently. And if it’s not your name, it’s not you.
  Man this is the worst walk of shame I’ve ever taken, and it didn’t help that Bakugou kept his eyes on me the entire time.
   I finally pulled open the door, standing back when I remembered the car doors opened up and not out. I slid in, taking in the interior of the car. It was leather, like real leather. It felt warm and nice on the exposed skin of my back between my crop top and jeans. I could feel there was no cushion though, probably just leather stretched over hard plastic meant to keep the bucket seat stable at high speeds. The color scheme was hunter green and orange with neons under his dash, lighting up the floorboards.
   I didn’t know much about cars but I knew enough to know that this car probably cost a lot of money. Whether he built it or bought it I had no idea, but either way it was a fortune. The dash displayed a screen bigger than a computer, and when I looked behind me there was no back seat, just six nondescript silver tanks. All neatly stacked in racks with hoses coming out of the tops and disappearing into the floorboard.
  “Shut the damn door.” Bakugou snapped at me, pulling me out of my inspection.
  I jumped when he spoke but quickly regained composure and reached for the door handle.
  “Tch. Not like that.” He reached across me brushing his arm against my collarbone and pressed a button on the side of the dash. I turned my face to the side to try and hide the glowing red that creeped up my neck while the door started closing automatically. When the door finally closed my blush burned hotter as I got a face full of what the inside of his car smelled like.
Heavenly. A perfect mix of sweet and spicy. Sandalwood, and gasoline. And something sweet. Was that..
Burnt sugar?
   Whatever it was, the smell mixed together in my nose fogging my brain.
     Without moving out of the way for other people in case they needed to get through, he pressed his foot down on the third pedal beneath the dash and shook the shifter in the middle before reaching behind my seat, obviously trying to find something.
   I stifled a giggle unsuccessfully when I caught sight of his shift knob. It was short, sunk down further into the center console compared to Mirio’s which sat higher. I was giggling though, because the shift knob was a grenade.
 “Something funny?” Another short jab.
“No no, I was just admiring the shifter.”
“What, you don’t like it?”  
“No I do, I was just thinking that’s a very Bakugou thing to have.” I replied.
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean? I can’t fucking do this.” He growled out the last part in Japanese, thoroughly confusing me and shutting me up.
     Something for the second time tonight landed in my lap, the familiar straps indicating it was a seatbelt. Or, more accurately, a harness.
  “You have two minutes to attach that to the seat and put it on, after that we are going and you don’t want to be out of a seat belt for the exit.” The last part sounded more like a threat than anything else and it sparked my limbs into moving.
  He didn’t think I could do it, well I’d show him.
 But after a minute I realized the slots were different than the ones Mirio had, and instead of five points there were eight points of attachment. I fumbled to try and get them into the slots when I finally figured out how they went in. It wasn’t the most comfortable sitting arrangement known to man, sitting practically backwards and trying to fanangle the small silver pieces into their designated holes but I refused to ask the hotheaded blonde for help.
   Thinking about him caused my eyes to unconsciously shoot in his direction, he had a look of annoyance on his face and if you squinted hard enough you could almost see amusement.
 A sadist through and through. Gaining amusement out of my struggling.
     Finally I had the damn thing in place, and when I went to sit down back in the seat I heard a thump from the inside of the car on Bakugou’s side.
   Pulling the harness in place, and finally clicking the last buckle together I looked up to find Mirio leaning against the door and looking into Bakugou’s car.
  Bakugou kept his face and eyes straight, almost like he refused to make eye contact.
 “Are you all strapped in little chick?” Mirio had his signature smile while he addressed me with his new nickname. I actually like it, cute but at the same time platonic.
  “Yup.” I replied with a smile of my own, trying to ease his tension and my own with the false pretense.
  “Got all your equipment?” He asked, but this time his face was pointed in Bakugou’s direction. His eyes held a glare, but he kept his voice light as he spoke to me.
 “Yup look!” I reached down to the floor showing Mirio all my stuff. I was pretending at first, but this time around it was genuine.
 “Good. Have fun little chick. Don’t get hurt okay, your aunt will kill me.” He waved, and Bakugou revved his engine clearly ready to go.
  Bakugou was about to take off when just as he was about to put it in first gear to leave Mirio grabbed the steering wheel and leaned down, invading Bakugou’s personal space.
“If anything, and I really mean anything happens to her, I’ll string you to the side of the building and count the seconds till you stop breathing. You hear me?” Mirio’s voice changed when he changed languages, his tone was dark and menacing as he spat the words out.
   Bakugou revved the engine again, visibly clenching the grenade shifter harder.
“Loud and clear.” The Japanese words his only reply before he slammed the car in first gear and took off towards the exit.
-.003 💥MASTERLIST💥 -.004
Tag list: @thatonegeekchick​  ☺️☺️
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umbrellasource · 4 years
my thoughts on season 2
or rather, a list of things i didn’t like about it and a few things i did. spoiler warning, of course :~)
hello friends, thank you for joining me on my journey to convince the world to hate season 2 - I’M KIDDING LOL i liked season 2, but there are quite a few things i wasn’t that happy with and i’m going to cry about them like a baby now.
1. my second biggest disappoint with this season... NO HAZEL!!! i’m devastated!!!! i absolutely love hazel’s character and the depth cameron britton brought to the role.. i can’t believe they killed him so quickly :( maybe cameron had other work commitments but man i’m so sad. i seriously felt the lack of his presence this season and it was a dynamic that was sorely missed imo. the swedes could never.
2. the plot moved slower than i’d like. season 1 was very well paced, it felt non-stop, and like they were always working towards a goal, moving somewhere. some parts of season 2 felt slow or like things had come to a standstill and we were just watching them live rather than seeing them work towards something. which is fine if that’s what you’re into, but for me i think TUA works best when it’s GOGOGO like in season 1, and when it wasn’t, we had really intimate character moments, which i felt season 2 lacked.
3. the music didn’t hit as hard :( when i think of season 1 i can immediatley name a multitude of iconic scenes with the soundtrack - five murdering everyone in the doughnut shop, the bowling alley fight, i think we’re alone now OF COURSE, the slowmo montage to all die young, hazel and chacha burning the prosthetics building, gerard’s cover of happy together, five walking through the apocalypse to noel gallagher, run boy run, etcetcetc. those all just came off the top of my head. when thinking about season 2 i can only name two scenes off the top of my head (frank sinatra and backstreet boys). which is pretty sad.
4. the characterisation felt weaker overall. it didn’t feel as complex or deep whereas i felt season 1 really delved into each character and explored them a lot more. they all felt slightly watered down, especially luther, oh my god!! they turned him into a characeture whose only purpose is to eat a lot of food and pull silly faces. that was really disappointing. i’d hoped we’d get some scenes with him where he’d discuss all the pressure put on him by their dad, the guilt he feels for screwing up, insecurity etc. the scene with him and five in the club only scratched the surface. plus, allison only mentioned her daughter two times? it was really bizarre to me, it literally seemed like she’d forgotten about her. and speaking of forgetting family members... 
5. why does nobody give a shit about ben. i’m fuMING. they all saw ben in the season 1 finale and then they didn’t even care to mention him other than five asking if ben was there once, only once the family were all back together mind you, and when klaus said no, none of them even questioned it. despite the fact that klaus very clearly is talking/bickering with a spirit in front of them several times. none of the are like ‘uuhh klaus are you talking to ben or like...’ and that is really goddamn sad. ben deserved so much better.
6. ben’s arc in general! this is my biggest disappointment with this season. personally i’d really hoped they’d go the route that klaus would learn to control his powers and manifest ben in the real world for limited periods of time, like when ben punched him in the face or when ben pulled klaus and diego out from under the falling roof of the academy. and then eventually, when the show ended, ben could ~move on~ and go to the afterlife after being able to spend time with his family. but nooo. he’s back to being invisible, uncared about, forgotten and miserable. i like that they let him possess klaus for a bit and experience the world again, that was nice. though when it turned out klaus had already slept with his crush and she called him d*ddy i did my bigget sigh ever. and he’s just gone now. he doesn’t even get to go to heaven. he’s just. nothing. and vanya is the only one who even acknowledged it (other than klaus obviously). i swear to god, if season 3 doesn’t do a scene where klaus ~dies~ for a bit and goes to the afterlife again and sees ben there, i will RIOT. 
7. didn’t much like klaus’ storyline this season either. the cult thing was a bit weird and wasn’t done in the way i’d expected them to do it at all. i thought klaus would be a lot more sombre and serious this season too without the drugs to distract him, but he still acted high and Quirky the whole time, which is a shame, i’d love to have seen some more depth added to his character. plus, i thought he took the drugs because the ghosts were always bothering him.. we literally didn’t see any other than ben. also the stuff with dave was... Not Good. the kid they cast as dave had zero chemistry with klaus/robert, and he looked super young so it was.. kind of weird to see klaus be all like I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. and i don’t think it even went anywhere. it just seemed pointless to me.
8. i felt like the fallout from the previous season was really glossed over. like vanya just forgot everything and everyone else is kinda like *shrugs* ah well. idk man i feel like there would’ve been a much bigger emotional cost and internal turmoil than there was. 
9. i hated the ending. sorry. it felt really ~generic superhero story~, as did the siblings vs commission thing in the last episode, which TUA isn’t supposed to be. and emo ‘ben’ made me cringe gfhjskkdfj. plus the oopsy we did a timeline fucky thing is getting a lil old now but whatever. plus the sparrow academy means a bunch of new characters which means screentime will get even more split from the main siblings, which i don’t want. 
so yeah.. i have some gripes with season 2. that said....
i did like some things!! i loved vanya having a female love interest, hell yeah. i loved five meeting old five, their dynamic was really fun and the dude who played old five was great, i feel like he really delivered his lines the same way aidan does. lila was cool too, i really liked the actress, she did great. seeing the siblings get closer was really nice too. 
overall, i’d give the season a 6.5/10, so yeah, i did still enjoy it!!! i just don’t think it was as good as season 1, by quite a long way, and i have some things i didn’t like. feel free to disagree with me tho, i’m just a big dumb idiot. and thanks for reading :~)
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
you very much Should Keep going (if you’d like) I’m reading your tags like 👀👀👀 I wanna know More!!!
dude believe me i only just thought up 90% 9f this while doing my math homework last night so yea this is very barebones and this is very very new have very little to offer but um imma try to explain a bit more fjdjdc SO ANYWAYS GRADE 11
Warning: this is very long and I am very sorry aaAAAA also i only just thought of this last night and a while ago while attending class so um yea it's chaotic.
the songs i've mentioned so far in the tag ramble aren't um consecutive so yeah there are a lot of blank spaces in between fjsjsj and yea I haven't figured out the other leads and their arcs yet (probably 5-6 leads). for now um the planned songs feature 3 of the leads:
Kate - basically answers the question of What If Eva Sanchez Was The Protagonist and What If Eva Sanchez Saw The Hell That Is Don't Even (in this show, this song is called "Anakpota?" or "The Fuck?"); she's a transferee and is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the new school environment; her reasons for transferring run a bit deeper than just "humanities is a lot more interesting than stem or business shits"; i guess her main character themes are burnout, the want for childlike wonder again and overcoming the fear that comes with chasing what you really want and no i am definitely not self projecting what are you guys talking about smh rhhdhs /hj (altho i admit that this is loosely based on my own experience with deciding to transfer schools) and yea she's a very closeted lesbian that slowly starts to comes out to others and to herself more throughout the course of the show. and also she gets a girlfriend YAY
Noel - rn i don't have that much planned out for him cause u know barebones plot but so far um i guess he's the chill dude, overall good guy, rantaro amami from danganronpa v3 vibes, and he's initially framed as the "love interest" for Kate esp in the song "Ikaw Ba Ay..." or "Are You..." (i wanted that to be a play on the typical Filipino Teen Hetero Romance CAUSE THAT SHIT IS IN EVERYWHERE JFJSJD I AM GONNA MAKE A WHOLEASS RANT ON THAT SOON AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME) but surprise motherfucker BOTH OF THEM ARE GAY AND BOTH BOND OVER IT AND BECOME BEST FRIENDS YAY WOOOO i kinda want him to be like the typical "Filipino Teen Heartthrob" star student with the twist being that he's gay and not make that a throwaway joke cause um yea that's a throwaway joke here that someone who is real catch for the heteros but is actually gay is "sayang" or "worthless" here.
Ella - ngl she is probably gonna end up as the main lead here fjdjd i'd say she has riley+chess vibes aka The School's Hotshot Achiever and Student Leader That Is Very Intimidating But Is Actually Really Freaking Kind and i guess with a dash of Kate Dalton-ish snark. Like i said the plot is barebones rn so i dunno anything but i do imagine them being the one that drives the plot forward due to her outspokenness. I also imagine her to be the one (along with Noel) that makes Kate a lil bit more comfortable with her sexuality and yup you guessed it Ella is gay too (bi to be specific oh and she uses she/they pronouns) and altho still a bit closeted, they're a bit more comfy with it. also they become Kate's gf yay!
those are the leads that i have kinda planned out so far but yea i still gotta expound kna lot of atuff and make up more leads for this but then again i just started conceptualizing this last night so ANYWAYS HERE ARE THE OTHERS SONGS THAT I LITERALLY JUST THOUGHT UP LAST NIGHT (aside from the ones already mentioned)
+ "Nakakapanibago" or "Well This Is New" - Ella and Kate work together on a school project aaand gay panic ensues. both of them take turns in addressing the audience and panicking over each other in um er an "Oh My God She's Very Fucking Cute What The Fuck" way. it kinda has What Is This Feeling from Wicked vibes if you remove the aggression and antagonization jdjsd and i kinda emphasize on how overwhelmed they are cause for Kate, everything - from the school to the subjects to the people - is new and her attraction to Ella is like a cherry bomb on top of a chaos cake while for Ella, who has studied in the school since kindergarten which is why nothing about the school fazes her anymore, Kate is a literal breath of fresh air and the spontaneity scares them and excites them at the same time. The number is comedic (and is chance for me to add a shit ton of wordplay cause yAY WORDPLAY) but i guess also hints at their fears which will definitely come into play later.
+ "Mabuting Laban" or "Good Fight" - a group number led by Ella, this is the first song in the musical that isn't mostly comedic. like um the musical so far (before this song) is mostly somewhat of a parody-just-for-laughs-don't-take-this-seriously piece but with this, the show finally hints to something a lot more serious and insightful. so basically ella tells kate (this scene comes right after the Nakakapanibago sequence) that they have noticed that the latter is um very very shocked at the blatant show of LGBTQ+ stuff. Kate mentions that altho many students have since then spoke up for LGBTQ+ acceptance, things were a lot more conservative back in her former school (once again wooo definitely not self projection /hj) so like seeing all this is very new to her. Ella then mentions that things weren't always like that - a lot of fighting had to be done in order to get to that point. and because most of the students already were branded with a rebellious reputation (for a lot of delinquent behavior), they really didn't give a fuck anymore if they were being controversial or not. What mattered was that they would make the school environment a lot more welcoming for themselves and for others. That sentiment is also shared by other leads singing along as they go out of their way to ensure a much better environment for everyone (in terms of lgbtq+ rights, undoing the stigmatization of mental health matters, student activism yadda yadda)
(oh and also this kinda serves as something that bridges the prejudices between the two schools since Ella's school is famous for a lot of student delinquency while Kate's former school is famous for being known as the "Best School In The Region With The Best Students" (which is why Ella understands why the students in Kate's school are a bit more hesitant to speak up because Kate's former schoolmates got way too much to lose) and the rivalry those schools have with each other cause students from ella's school think those from kate's school are pompous little shits while those from kate's school think that ella's schoolmates are delinquents and yes this is commentary on the dynamic my former school'scstudents and my current school's students share) (i should probably give this its own song)
+ "Ayoko" or " I Don't Want It" - (this does not come right after Mabuting Laban fjsjd i honestly dunno where to put this) this comes right after a conversation regarding her reputation in her former school and yea this is Kate poking fun at the "I Want" song musical trope. Like um she addresses the audience saying something along the lines of "oooohh wow complicated backstory exposition! you are probably expecting a song rn ala "How Far I'll Go" from Moana but guess what bitches fuck you all cause i'm gonna sing a song about the things I don't want just to fucking annoy you." it starts off as incredibly satirical and um Kate Dalton-vibes all throughout the scene with lots of pettiness which will then gradually transition to her singing about how she threw all the opportunities presented to her by the former school just because she really didn't want to do them and was tired of saying "yes" just to be enough for them. She then starts singing about her taking control of her own narrative by finally leaving the school. She still laments about those lost opportunities and admits that she still kinda wants to pursue those, but if she has to sacrifice rest for greatness, then she doesn't want it. The song ends with a verse akin to most I Want songs as she finally admits what she really wants the most: rest and wonder.
also here's a verse i made up just a while ago
Diyos ko, sabihin mo, ano pa ang kailangan kong gawin/upang mabawi ang mga ninakaw sa akin/upang maibalik ang pag-asang nawala/upang sa wakas ako'y makakapagpahinga/sapagkat hindi na ako nagnanais ng kadakilaan/ang hinihingi ko lamang ay ang aking kabataan
translation (i'll try my best to make it rhyme): My God, tell me, what else do i have to do/so I can take back all that they have taken from me/so that I can bring back the hope I've long so been deprived of/so that for once in my life, I'll be able to breathe/ cause I no longer want all the greatness that you say I could've had/ I only want to wonder, I only want my childhood back
+ "Halos Lagi Nalang"or "Almost Always The Same" - if this sounds familiar yes i rambled about this before gjdjdjd I started conceptualizing this song even before i even started conceptualizing the musical. So yea this is in Act 2 the song starts with mentioning the exhaustion that comes with being an LGBTQ+ teen in the philippines cause yup same old conservative religious bullshit same old same old shit and despite many a lot of people advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, nothing ever changes around here because well conservative religious bullshit. so yea this is kind of an extension of "Good Fight" but make it more about the burnout felt by a lot of teens that want something better than whatever we have right now. Then it will also apply to the other causes that the leads fight for (activism,destigmatization of mental health stuffs, etc). I'd say it's a combination of Before the Breakdown + Move On musically speaking (yea PMA has influenced me by a LOT). eventually this becomes one of the star numbers fo the show cause yea all the leads will do a shit ton of singing and harmonizing (but for here i'd say Noel and Kate have a tiny bit more of the spotlight since for now they are the ones with the very LGBTQ+ based plotlines). I really REEAAALLY want this song to work aaaa i've been playing around with the melody a lot recently and if i can't write the whole musical, then i'll be content with at the very least writing this song
+ "Try Lang Natin" or "Let's Try It Out" - this is a very barebones sequence atm but basically it's a scene where both Kate and Ella come to terms with their fears related to uncertainty and go "fuck it we don't know jackshit about the future anyway so why not ondulge a bit and ejoy what we have today" and decide to start going out with each other YAYYYYY and also this is like one of the few scenes here were Ella is much more visibly nervous compared to everyone else in the scene so yay for helping each other come to terms with their own vulnerabilities WOOOOO (also paige i remember you saying once that kate and eva could've had a Forever reprise duet right? And correct me if i'm wrong but i think u said it could be about eva assuring kate that she won't go anywhere? WELP I'M STEALING THAT JFJSJJDF /lh /hj AND YUP KATE AND ELLA ARE BASICALLY UM KINDA KATEVA IF YOU SQUINT SO THANK YOU PAIGE FOR THAT IDEAAAA)
AND THAT'S IT SO FAR WOO THIS TOOK ME 5 HOURS TO TYPE IT ALL OUT FJDJSJFF i'm kinda impressed with this ngl considering that i literally started making this up last night and i hope that i can make something out of it woo
And if you guys somehow reached the end of the post and have read every single thing, I'm sending you a lot of hugs and a lot of milkshakes
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Hey! I saw your blog today and I love it very much!! I see you're an open person so, I also have a question: HOW does one survive studying japanese at uni?? I'm in my first year and only my second (online haha) semester and we started out with Minna no nihongo 1 but we're supposed to finish Minna 2 by the end of this semester, same with Basic Kanji book 1 in the first sem and now Basic Kanji Book 2, all while also learning mostly of Japan's history and others in this semester. Exams will kill me
Hello! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog! I am open to a fault lol. Let me recount my meandering journey through uni, illustrating my feelings through gifs of Noel Fielding because he is my celebrity crush.
Uni is such a difficult time for so many people, trying to figure out who you are now and who you want to be later. It wasn’t until my senior year that I realized what I wanted to do. I started writing out my university experience and it got super long, so allow me to just summarize my “Lessons Learned” here and you can read the rest if you want to know all the dirty deets lol. I double-majored in Japanese and English, so I think that my experience can perhaps be useful to people who are majoring in things other than Japanese as well. 
Hard-Learned Lessons from Uni
Do not choose a course of study because it is “practical.” Choose it because it is something you love. Seriously. Nothing is more important than this point. Do not choose a major because “I’ll make a lot of money” or “My parents are telling me this is good for me.” 
If you are learning multiple languages at once, you must give your brain time to organize what you learned from one language lesson before moving on to the next. You can do this by waiting a couple hours between lessons, getting up and walking around, studying one language in different space from the other, etc. Otherwise, it all becomes a terrible mess in your head.
It’s okay not to know what you want your career to be. It’s okay not to have a specific plan. Life works out one way or the other.
I know how expensive uni can be. (It’s been six years since I graduated and I’m still making hefty loan payments.) But don’t feel like you have to take a full courseload every single semester and graduated asap, particularly if the classes are hard and/or you are working. I took the maximum credit hours allowed every semester on top of working RIDICULOUS hours and it nearly killed me at one point. I’m not kidding. 
It is not unusual to have an identity crisis and/or mental breakdown. Take care of yourself. Know when you are nearing breaking point. Seek out the help of professionals. Most universities have psychiatrists and therapists that will see you very cheaply. 
Surround yourself with good people and look out for each other. 
Do not rely on substances to ease your suffering because sometimes the remedy becomes the malady. Not saying you should avoid all parties or anything square like that, but just don’t be one of those people that parties every night and gets in over their head. 
Let me preface this by stating that I’m an American, and our universities are stupid because they force us to take a ton of “general education” courses that are irrelevant to our majors, and many students spend their first couple years taking only a couple courses related to their majors and minors, and try to focus on getting those stupid gen eds out of the way. 
Year 1: Oh Shit, This Is Harder Than I Thought It Would Be
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I come from a town of less than 2600 people. Our high school prepared its students for the following career paths:
joining the military (boys only)
becoming a farmer (boys only)
welding, carpentry, or other practical jobs (boys only)
becoming a housewife (girls only)
So basically I coasted through high school never having to study anything because it was one great big joke, only I thought I was like super duper smart because I was in the top five of my graduating class of 48. LOLLLLLLLLL
I entered university as a German major, Japanese minor. (Japanese was not offered as a major at my uni). I had never studied German previously, but I studied Spanish and French in high school and I just had this feeling that German and Japanese were the languages for me. 
The first semester, I had Japanese 101 and German 101 back to back, in the EXACT SAME CLASSROOM. I can’t stress enough how much of a mindfuck it was to go from thinking about Japanese for 50 minutes, having a 10 minute break, and then trying to switch your brain to German. IN THE SAME ROOM. It actually gave me headaches to try and make that mental jump. Managed to pull through the year with A’s in both, but German was much more of a challenge to me than Japanese. Which was really unexpected. 
I also flunked several gen eds because I didn’t give a shit about them and skipped them and got placed on academic probation and was nearly kicked out of uni because of my poor grades
Basically, I was such a weeb that I had watched enough anime with subtitles and sung along to enough anime songs that I had absorbed about 90% of the first year’s worth of Japanese vocab and grammar through osmosis. I really did have the power of God and anime on my side.
Year 2: The Year of the Mid-Midlife Crisis and Mental Breakdown
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There really is no gif that will encapsulate the level of turmoil I went through that year. I looked really hard for one, trust me.
It became apparent very quickly that I could not keep up with German. I ended up dropping it early in the first semester, which meant I had to choose a new major. Thinking of what would be practical to pair with a Japanese minor, I went for International Business for a semester, took Accounting, and realized that I HATE The Man, corporate bullshit, and also numbers as a concept.
All I knew at this point was that I liked Japanese but couldn’t make it a major. I also knew I didn’t want to transfer universities. So I kept taking gen eds, just barely passing them because to this day I cannot bring myself to put effort into something I do not care about, and also taking more classes related to my Japanese minor. It was the Japanese classes that saved my GPA and kept me from getting kicked out of uni.
At the same time, I took a creative writing course because that’s been a hobby of mine since elementary school, and I kinda thought about an English major, but then was like, “Eww I don’t wanna be forced to read books I don’t give a shit about. And also, what will I do with that degree?”
Also, at the same time, I was working full time, and often getting stuck working from 2 pm to 7 am (Yes, 15-hour shifts, because the overnight dude would call in sick last minute and I’d be begged to cover his shift), and then dragging myself to classes and drooling on the desks because I’d fall asleep.
Also also, I started to have possible hallucinations? To this day I don’t know what was going on, but either I was legitimately going crazy, or there was a demon following me around and being quite rude to me, making light fixtures fall and shatter inches from my head, throwing papers around my room, opening and closing doors, turning lights off and on, coming to me in dreams and doing some really, really traumatic things to me in them, and just standing in corners staring at me at all hours of the night. Had me so scared that towards the end of the school year I was waiting to sleep until sunrise, when it would go away. And no, I was not using any mind-altering substances of any sort. Not even going out and getting drunk. 
So, yeah. Year Two was a hard one that I can’t believe I pushed through. Probably the darkest year of my life, I’d say. What got me through it? An unhealthy amount of energy drinks, friends, and my love of Japanese. Also Aerosmith.
Do I still see that demon? No. He vanished when the school year ended and I moved out of the dorms. Do I believe in the supernatural? Yes, to an extent. Do I think that what I was seeing was actually a demon? I honestly don’t know. I have had actual supernatural experiences verified by multiple witnesses, and a few years before Year 2, several friends and myself had seen an entity similar to what was following me around. But this one in Year 2 only did things when I was alone. So it could have all been in my head, and I will never know. 
Since then, I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and also a form of insomnia that keeps me from sleeping through the night, and I know that my anxiety manifests itself in psychosomatic ways. In other words, my mind will take my anxiety and turn it into a physical symptom that feels real in every way, but is actually not occurring. So far it’s manifested as: sensitivity to sunlight, the symptoms of a stroke or heart attack, half of my face going numb, and headaches in my left eye. Once I realize that the symptom is just my anxiety, I can force myself to ignore and overcome it. But then my anxiety finds a new form to manifest, and the cycle repeats a few months later. It could be that my stress caused me to see this demon for a while.
Should I have consulted a psychiatrist and gotten help? YEP. If you find yourself struggling like that, seek help please. 💕
Year 3: Adrift But Afloat
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I moved out of the dorms and into an apartment with my best friend, a Japanese girl I met in the dorms freshman year. I will call her Setsuko. Setsuko is basically the reason I graduated uni. She memorized my class schedules and took copies of exam dates, woke me up, forced me to go classes instead of skipping, forced me to go to the library and study with her, and cooked me dinner most days since she didn’t have to work like I did. I can’t express enough how much she did to improve my life outside of school and work, and how much that improved my mental health. She also acclimated me to lots of subtle things about Japanese culture just by living with her, and this helped me later when I moved to Japan. Thank you, Setsuko. 一生の恩人。
I was still doing those bullshit 15-hour overnight shifts way more than I should have, and also had the maximum courseload.
The Japanese classes got a lot more difficult in Year 3. But I loved them. They were the only classes I never skipped. I took more classes towards the minor like Buddhist Philosophy and Japanese History, which I really enjoyed. While polishing off more gen eds, I thought over what to do with my major. 
My family and friends all told me that I should become an English teacher. I had always been good at words and at explaining things. But I didn’t really like the idea of being a high school teacher. I became an English major, though, because I knew that I didn’t hate English. Took grammar classes and HOLY SHIT did I hit my stride.
I realized that I didn’t like English lit. I liked linguistics. So I focused heavily on all grammar and linguistics courses, taking the bare minimum of literature courses required for the major. My GPA improved substantially. 
Yet I still was consumed with this nagging fear. It was Year 3 and I still had no fucking idea what I wanted to do when I graduated.
Year 4: Clarity At The 11th Hour
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Urged on by my “Don’t you dare get one of those stupid arts degrees that won’t get you a paycheck” parents, I decided that the most “practical” degree would not be “English,” but “English Education.” I began taking the English Ed classes with linguistics, grammar, and second language acquisition classes. The goal was to become a qualified English high school teacher who could also do ESL (since I had Spanish and Japanese under my belt more or less). 
At the same time, I entered into Independent Study for Japanese with two other students. We were tasked with reading Izu no Odoriko, a classic short story. Independent study was its own beast. It required a lot more concentration and work on my part, obviously. But because Japanese was my first and foremost passion, I centered my efforts on those courses, and then on the others.
The process of getting certified to be an English teacher was lengthy and expensive in my state. This meant my graduation would be further prolonged, and I was worried about money, because I was already about $50,000 in debt at the time, despite working those fucking overnight shifts all the time that were eating me alive.
Then, during the summer vacation when my 4th year ended, I got a scholarship and went to Japan to study abroad. Education majors had the option to study abroad in several countries, and as luck would have it, one of them was Japan, and it was Setsuko’s HOMETOWN! The study abroad program itself was the first month of summer vacation, and Setsuko said, “Okay, just come stay at my house for the rest of summer vacation!”
Never have I said “yes” quicker in my entire life.
On the train headed from Sapporo to the town where I would be actually staying during my studies, I looked at the lush rice paddies and mountains in the distance and my entire heart just hummed with this “This is where you’re meant to be.” I knew then and there that I would move to Japan upon graduation.
What would I do there? Well, teach English, obviously.
My three months in Japan effectively aligned my entire life. My path had materialized before me. It was a roughly hacked, hard-to-see path through thick underbrush, but I could see it nonetheless. 
Year 5: Let’s Hurry It Up, I’m Ready To Live
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Come Year 5, all of my Japanese classmates that had been with me since freshman year were gone and I was alone. My professor taught me Classical Japanese through independent study, and it was the must grueling course I took my entire five years there. But I found it invaluable and am eternally grateful to him for teaching me, because you see Classical Japanese a lot more than you’d think you would in everyday life. Particularly in formal settings. 
I still wanted to get certified to teach English in American high schools, because while I knew I wanted to go to Japan for now, I didn’t know if I wanted to spend my entire life there and I wanted a solid job opportunity when I came back to the states at some point.
However, the more education courses I took, the more I saw that the American education system was just as full of red-tape and The Man’s bullshit as corporate America, something else I rebuke with every fiber of my being. I also realized I’d need to take a 6th year of university, and that just wasn’t financially feasible for me. So I switched to a plain old English major with a heavy focus on linguistics and second language acquisition, and continued classical Japanese. 
I took the remaining 3 gen eds online in the summer, graduated, popped up to Chicago to do a month-long intensive course to get the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages issued by Cambridge.) It’s the most widely accepted and revered certification for teaching English as a foreign language.
So in the span of five years, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a focus in linguistics and SLA, and what is technically a major in Japanese Studies. 40 credit hours were required for a major, and I completed 42 credit hours tied to my minor, so while it isn’t listed on my diploma as a major, I did the coursework. I also got a CELTA Pass B, which only 20% of applicants achieve and never expires. The grand total for all of this was roughly $100,000 USD in loans.
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The week I came back to my hometown from Chicago with my CELTA in hand, I packed my suitcases, threw a going-away party, and then flew to Sapporo, where I began my first job after uni, teaching English to children aged 0-18 at a private English conversation school. I did that for three years before changing careers and becoming a Japanese-English translator/interpreter for a global company. 
So how useful have my choices during university proven to be?
I’m sure I don’t have to explain that studying Japanese helps me tons with translating Japanese to English or living in Japan lol
Studying English grammar, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition has allowed me to recognize minute nuances that can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful business negotiation when interpretation is necessary.
My background in education also means that I know how to present information clearly, concisely, and in a way that engages the audience. I am known as “The PowerPoint Pro” at work lol. 
I also have a keen eye for performance evaluation, behavior analysis, and improvement action plans. 
I offered English conversation lessons to coworkers for over a year, and now that is being done in other branches across the company! (Well, they were before COVID haha.) 
I DO NOT RECOMMEND WORKING THE HOURS I WORKED WHILE IN SCHOOL. My grades suffered and I wish I had worked less and focused more on classes. However, by working 15-hour shifts and doing full days of classes, I developed a very good tolerance for overtime, which comes in handy in the Japanese workplace. Just last month I had three 15 hour days in the same week. Sweet, sweet overtime pay. 
All of these facets have culminated in me earning a pretty nice promotion to 正社員 seishain back in February, which means I get nice benefits and basically my job is guaranteed until I die or the company goes under.
Should I decide to return to America someday, I will probably not go into the education field. Too much red tape. I will likely continue translation/interpretation for companies, because it isn’t too difficult and pays well. Though ideally I’d love to just make a living sharing cool information about Japanese and stuff, and maybe writing those stories that are bouncing around in my head when I should be working haha.
Do I think the debt is worth it?
Well, I don’t think I had any other option than to take out those loans. I didn’t have the means to learn the things I wanted to learn unless I went to university. 
Unless Japanese work visa requirements have changed, you are required to have a bachelor’s degree in order to obtain my sub-type of work-visa, so I needed a degree of some kind no matter what. 
Frankly, if I hadn’t gone to that university and met my best friend Setsuko, I don’t think I’d be where I am right now, living the life I am now. So just having met her is worth any price to me. 
Paying off all the loans is daunting, especially when yen is weak to the dollar. There were months I had to ask my parents for help, especially early on. But now I’ve got multiple loans paid off, my salary has increased, and the “omg i have money and no supervision so I can buy whatever I want” idiocy has mostly gone away. But I did get a super sweet pair of blindingly silver Converses a couple days ago that I definitely didn’t need
Do I have any regrets regarding my time at university?
I still regret dropping Old English for a stupid English Ed class. Seriously, how cool would that have been? But I still have the textbook, workbook, and I contacted the professor last week and she was kind enough to send me a syllabus. God bless her. So now I’m working on that bit by bit, which is fun.
I wish I hadn’t been such a cocky, naive idiot my first year. Thinking I could just “show up for tests” was the stupidest thing. It messed up my GPA, and my parents forbade me from retaking classes so I couldn’t go back and fix my mistakes. I think I graduated with a 3.4 overall GPA out of 4, but my English major GPA was 3.9 and my Japanese GPA was 4.0. So it’s pretty frustrating to have those gen eds and my dumbfuckery mar my transcript like that.
I really didn’t party at all. Most all of my friends were straight-laced Japanese exchange students, and I was also working ridiculous hours so I just didn’t really have the time. A part of me feels like I missed out on that part of the college experience.
Recently I’ve been putting more effort into improving my creative writing by reading a lot of books on the subject. Not a small part of me wishes that I had gone with a Creative Writing major instead of English major, because I still would have studied all the grammar and linguistics. Then again, I do believe that creative writing can be self-taught.
I wish I hadn’t worked as much as I did. There were a lot of times I couldn’t complete assignments or I missed lectures because I was just so drained. It wasn’t even good money.
Well...I did not intend for this post to become as long as it has. I’ve been cooped up in my apartment with nothing but two goldfish for company for over a month now and I think I’m a bit stir-crazy. Thank you to anyone and everyone who bothered to read all of this and become my therapist for a bit haha. Love you all. Stay safe and well. 💖
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Secret Voight (Jay Halstead) S2 Part 2
Summary: The team finally knows that Y/N is Voight's daughter. One secret is out but theres still one secret that's not out. Y/N and Jay's relationship. Will that stay a secret or not? I mean Voight always finds out about things, right?
Words: 2841
Requested: yes/no
Warning or A/N: I changed Nadia's name to Jane as I already written her off this story.
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       When you got to the house, the rest of the team was already there and ready.  Antonio looked at us and showed us a picture of the suspect. "House belongs to a Dean Masters. His file was red-flagged to notify intelligence, but he must have been before my time,"
     Voight looked at him while you and him were getting the vest on. "Oh, yeah, him. That robbery at the art institute last year. We liked him as the fence,"
    One of the uniformed cop walked up to us. "The neighbors heard a woman scream. We knocked, he yelled out that he had a gun and to leave him alone,"
    You nodded as the team walked up to the door as Voight called out. "Masters, this is Sergeant Voight with the Chicago Police. Open up, make this easy on all of us,"
     He didnt do anything but the woman screamed out that he was gonna kill her. Voight nodded. "Take it,"
    Jay kicked the door open and we all filled into the house with our guns raised and saw that Masters was holding the girl at gun point. "Drop it!"
    He didnt listen to us, just grabbed the girl tighter. "I told 'em I would kill her!"
     "Drop it, Masters!"
     He pointed the gun at us for a second then back on the girl. "All we're trying to do is have a good time. Isn't that right, huh?"
     You could tell this was just getting him more antsy so you lowered your gun and raised your hand in the air. "Easy, easy. Everybody take a breath,"
     He looked at you. "She set me up. She's trying to get me killed,"
    You nodded and tried to talk some sense into him. "Fine, you're right. We can handle that,"
      "I got info. I got info on a deal that's going down, and that's why she's setting me up,"
     "I don't know what he what he's talking about. I swear to God,"
     You took a deep breath. "All right, we will help you. We will help you, but you've gotta let her go first. You don't need her. Come on, give her to me. Come on.
Give her to me,"
     He pushed her to you but then placed the gun towards himself. "I'm dead anyway,"
    We shouted no as he shot himself in the face.
    It had been about ten minutes after Masters shot himself. Voight was in the living room talking to the girl while Jay and you were on the stairs taking a moment. Antonio walked up to us and leaned on the staircase. "You guys okay?"
     You and Jay both nodded. "My sister and her partner went through this. Guy blew his brains out in front of them on a routine call. Gabby was fine, but it hit Shay pretty hard. Don't be afraid to talk to somebody, anybody. Me, if it sneaks up on you,"
     You both nodded again and said thanks.
    You guys were back in Intelligence the next day, waiting on Voight to come in with information. Voight walked out of his office and pinned a photo on the board. "Dean Masters was a hotshot artist in his 20s. Work dried up, picked up a drug habit. He's suspected of not only being a fence but also forging paintings,"
     Dawson was the first one to speak. "What was that thing intelligence had him on?"
     Kevin looked up from a file. "Stolen Klimt. Never resurfaced,"
      Ruzek looked at Kevin, confused. "What the hell is a Klimt?"
     You looked over at Ruzek. "An artist,"  
     Ruzek chuckled. "Named Klimt?"
     You looked at Ruzek stupid. "Yeah,"    
     "That's a funny name, right? Or am I alone on this? Klimt. Say it out loud,"
     You rolled your eyes at Ruzek as Jay answered. "It's kinda funny, yeah,"
     You looked over at Jay like he was being ridiculous. Voight looked at Jay and then to the entire team. "So this whole 'they're gonna kill me' thing that Masters was going on about was either about the stolen painting or something else,"
     Jay sat up in the seat. "Or he was just tripping and talking nonsense. I mean, did you see his pupils? He was gakked out of his mind,"
       Voight just looked at him for a minute before replying. "We got a known suspect, took his own life rather than face something heavy-duty. We pursue the case,"
       You saw Al bring in the girl from last night. Voight looked at her and then back at you. "Will you take this?"
     You nodded and helped her into the break room. "How well did you know Dean Masters?"
     You handed her a cup of coffee and sat down across from her. "I just met him last night. It was only the third time I've ever done that. I'm a licensed esthetician. I worked at a salon up till about a week ago. I wasn't making rent,"
     You looked at her sympathetic. "Maybe this is a sign that that life's not for you, huh? Do you know why Dean thought you were trying to set him up?"
     She shook her head no. "I don't know. I swear to God, I got there, and and he was pissed because I wasn't the girl he asked for and-"
       You sat up in your seat and looked at her with interest. "Who was he expecting?"
      She looked like she was racking her brains for the name. "Jane,"
     You told Voight and the rest of the team what the girl told you and they went and tried to get Jane but Ruzek let his guard down and she managed to get away from her due to her kicking him in the balls but she got picked up by some patrol. You were about to go upstairs to go integrate her when you saw Ruzek holding ice to his area in the locker room. "You're an idiot,"
    Ruzek looked over at you and then back to whatever he was looking at. "Shut up,"
    You chuckled. "Never let your guard down for anyone. You never know what they're playing at and you just learned that lesson, didnt you?"
     With that, you left Ruzek to ice his area and walked to the integration room. "So what can you tell me about Dean Masters?"
     She looked you with the 'I'm not telling you shit' look. "Didn't really know him. I went on one date with the guy," 
     You gave her 'i know you're lying look' back at her. "I heard you were his favorite,"
       "Yeah, I get that a lot,"
      You were getting annoyed with her short answers, but you kept your calm. "Seriously, how old are you?"
      She looked away from you and you rolled your eyes. "Come on, you know I can find out in two minutes,"
      She hesitated to look at you but did anyways. "17 almost 18 but I used a fake I. D, so don't hassle 'em. I need the work,"
      You looked at her for a minute before answering. "So Dean mention having any problems with anybody?"
     You were beyond fed up with her so you thought of making her a deal. "What were you trying to score, heroin? Look I can get you a fix. You have my word on that,"
     She looked at you immediately with eyes glistening. "But I need some information first. Why would Dean eat a bullet? He had enemies?"
      She shook her head. "No. The opposite. Dean was the sharing type,"
     You nodded. "Give me a name,"
    You looked at her werid. "Guy named Santa?"
     "No, no. That's how I remembered it. 'No-El' Noel. Noel Harris. Yeah, he brought the skag. He owns some sort of card shop or some deal over on polk. I don't know. He was rambling,"
    Intellegance went and busted into Master's house and found counterfeit money. We were now back in Intellegence looking at the money. Ruzek was looking at the money and chuckled. "See, I mean, that is some serious talent, man.This guy's a failed artist?"
     You nodded. "Yep. It's funny the things people end up doing when they can't do what they really want, huh?"
     You heard footsteps coming into Intelligence and you look over and saw Voight walking in with some fancy looking dude. "This is Agent Joe Hill. Secret Service, Chicago field office. We go back a ways,"
     Ruzek being Ruzek asked a smartass question as he shook his hand. "Where's your earpiece and your sunglasses?"
       "That's only when Obama's in town,"   
      You didnt put your hand out yet. "Does this mean we're handing over the case?"
     "No. Technically I can't get involved unless there's actual counterfeit currency found, but Hank just thought I could help,"
     You nodded as you shook his hand finally. Jay looked at you and then back at Agent Hill. "Oh. I thought counterfeiters were using high-end printers nowadays,"
      Agent Hill shook his hand while replying. "There's digital tech that'll print a pretty good 5 or 10, then you pass it off at Walgreens buying dollar items. That's what we call "baby laundering. " Using plates this is old-school. Takes some real work,"
      Voight looked at all of us. "There's three steps. The plates, the paper, and the printer. Guess who we're looking for now,"
     Jay looked at Voight. "The hooker that kicked Ruzek in the nuts. How'd she characterize her interaction with Dean Masters?"
        "Went to his place once over,"
       The IT guy came up to us with his laptop and showed us that over the last two weeks, there was over forty five texts sent back and forth.
       You slapped the table and walked back to integration where Jane said she was about to get sick, so you walked her down to the locker room and helpped her while she got sick. She looked at you after. "You said you'd hook me up,"
      "I will. You gotta help me. Why'd you lie to me?"
      She looked at you and yelled. "I gave you Noel! Isn't that enough?"
       You didnt let this phase you as you answered her. "I'll tell you when it's enough. Do you want to get well? Huh? I can get you the fix that you need, but I need you to tell me what's going on,"
       Jane calmed down and looked at you. "They said they'd kill me,"
      "I was at Dean's a few nights ago. It was the last time I saw him. He went out to score for us. I went out front to have a smoke 'cause he didn't like it in the house. A group of guys with guns walked up. One of 'em took out his cell phone and took a picture of me, said if I said anything he'd find me and kill me. Okay,"
      You nodded and helped her sit down. "What did he look like? Young. Jeans, hoodies. I was so scared I just left. But I saw them get into this delivery van with a Jesus fish painted on it,"
      You stood up. "What? Hey! Is this you tripping?"
       "No. I swear to God. There was a big Jesus fish painted on the back of the truck,"
       You nodded. "You did good,"
       Jane looked at you with pleading eyes. "Now can we go score?"
      Jane stood up on her feet as fast as she could. "If you're lying to me, I'm gonna-"
     You got in her face and barked back. As you had enough of this attitude of hers. "You're gonna what? I have so many charges I could drop on you right now. So I need you to take it down a notch, wait and I'll help you,"
        After talking to Jane, you went back into Intelligence and told them what she had said about the van. The IT guy was in charge of finding it if he could and he did. He found out that the van belongs to a church that uses it as a delivery van. Dawson nodded at the name like he knew it. "That's Pastor Mike's place. An ex-GD.
Supposedly underwent a jailhouse conversion a few years back,"
      Ruzek while looking the van spoke. "Guess it didn't take,"
     You nodded. "All right. I'll show Nadia a lineup of this guy and his associates. If she picks anybody out, I'll get a warrant,"
    Jane had picked out who it was and the team did a raid and picked up Pastor Mike and his friends who had a stack of money on the table. You were all at your desks while Antonio was giving out details. "Pastor Mike was contracted by this man Glen Ward. Now, Ward has done federal time in Leavenworth for counterfeiting. But how Ward and his printing crew hooked up with Dean Masters and Noel Harris is anybody's guess, and why the two of them are both dead now, who knows?"
      You looked up at Dawson after he was done talking. "Pastor Mike didn't say why Ward wanted them dead?"
      Ruzek pursued his lips together and shook his head. "He didn't ask,"
     Antonio nodded. "It could be any reason. Somebody wanted a bigger cut, threatened to snitch, banged somebody's girlfriend. Any one of those scenarios. One of Ward's aliases is Denis Diderot. A counterfeiter and a fan of French literature,"
        Kevin walked into Intellegnce with a piece of paper. "Hey, Sarge, the it guy just did a name check against new leases on commercial property rentals.He got a hit. Foreclosed chemical building on Cicero. All right, unless anyone's opposed to overtime, let's go find our printer,"
       You and Jay walked towards the front of the building. Jay called to Voight saying it was clear and after he talked to the other team memebers, he gave you the all clear to go in. As soon as you go in, there was a shootout and thankful you nor your teammates got shot. You pulled out your walkie and got ahold of dispatch. "George 5021 emergency. Shots fired by the police and at the police. Roll an ambo to 1356 South 13th Street. Notify crime lab. Plainclothes officers at the scene,"
       After everything was said and done, you saw a big stockpile of counterfeit money. Ruzek quickly laid on it and handed his phone to Atwater. "Too bad it ain't real. Kevin, get a picture of me for my album cover,"
      You rolled your eyes and laughed. "You're still an idiot,"
    You were over at Jay's because all day you could sense Jay wasn't having a good day or something was up but you havent had a chance to ask him what was wrong since it was nonstop today. You had your legs laying on on his thighs while sitting on his couch. You reached over to him and made him look at you. "You seem upset all day long, what's wrong?"
     He looked at you for a few minutes without saying anything, then he sighed. "Did you ever hear about the murder of Ben Corson?"
     You racked your brain for a minute then you remember. You had just gotten out of the police academy over where you lived but you remember hearing about it. "Yeah?"
      Then that when it hit you... Jay knew the family. You knew the family?"
      Jay nodded his head and looked down towards the ground. "He's the younger brother of a girl I dated in high school and his parents, Danny and Gail, they came to my graduation from academy. I still see 'em on what would be Ben's birthday. Me and my partner were first on the scene and I see a shoe, and then I push the reeds back and there he is. I can still see his face,"
     You nodded as you remember the details of the case. "I remember his dad alibied him out. But they never had anything on Lonnie, nothing?
      "No, they caught him jerking it outside an elementary school a week prior to finding Ben. They found kiddie porn on his computer and secret pictures that he'd taken of Ben,"
    "You gotta be kidding me,"
    "Uh-uh. We all knew Lonnie did it but, you know, his dad lied, and they got a good lawyer,"
     His voice broke while saying that, you reached over to him and made him looked at you again and he was crying. You scotted over to where you were on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. He  buried his head into the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Its not your fault. You did everything you could've done,"
     He didnt answer you, he just tightened his grip on you. You sighed as you knew what was going through his mind. "I know what you are thinking and I know I cant stop you but promise me you wont do anything stupid and you'll be careful,"
      He didnt say anything. You leaned back far enough to where he was looking at you. "Promise me,"
     "I promise,"
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khiphop-discussions · 3 years
To me it feels like he was assaulted. Or am I crazy? I'm not a fan of Noel, but you can see that even if he was drunk he wanted to pay and leave. And that woman annoyed me..
People make a bigg issue of him not wearing a mask while a bigger problem is happening. They clearly did'nt want to solve this, but rather make momey out of this all 3 of them
She didn’t annoy me. She keeping them away from each other. and it seems like she was right to do so cause now you have TWO people claiming assault. Now you can see that nobody really assaulted each other. At least not during the video. Someone can claim assault before or after. 
Also, the video shows No:el damn near falling down cause he’s drunk. So nobody can really claim he did any damage. No:el is a small guy and that girl is even smaller. At one point he almost fell cause she was touching him. He’s in NO way a threat. Also the guy claiming he was scared, then why’d you and your friends stay in his face cursing at him and provoking him more when trying to solve it.
The friend is dumb as fuck for leaking this video. It literally makes their side look weird as fuck. Like you’re arguing and fighting with a drunk guy who clearly accidentally bumped into your car? And you guys are pissed at him for damaging it when CLEARLY he’s so drunk he bumped into it? The he tries to fix it but y’all keep yelling even with a chick trying to break it up AND him trying to pay y’all to fix it if it’s damaged? (Somehow I doubt its damaged. Like someone bumped it the side mirror. It probably doesn’t even look like it’s been touched. I wish they would have showed the “damage” on camera so we could see if they really bumped into it hard enough to break it). Even if he took a BAT to it, like...he’s giving you the money to fix it. Yeah, it’s annoying to have you car damaged but its MORE annoying for me to sit there arguing with you all night and dealing with the police. What can the police even do? Give you his info for the money to sue him...even though...he already offered the money?
If they had not leaked that video, people probably would have assumed that No:el is the asshole. While he MAY have made that “Do you know who I am” comment. That still wouldn’t have been deep enough to keep it going AND call the police. Like take the money (which is probably more than the damage if there IS any at all) and go. Why keep arguing with a drunk guy, called AND wait for the police, and then file the report and go through all of this? Like it’s so overboard over a mirror. 
EDIT: watched the video again, they even ADMIT it’s not damaged. They said they are mad because he didn’t apologize. OK, well. Say that and then walk away? They stayed there arguing for like another MINUTE and called the police? Like dude, just leave? 
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miafic · 4 years
can you write something about one of the boys saying their safety level is 0?? maybe luke or shane :(
“Okay, gentlemen,” Lucas said as the boys ran down the stairs. “Safety levels?”
“Ten!” came three shouts, but embedded in them was a voice cheerfully saying, “One!”
Lucas froze. “What?” 
The kids piled onto the couches. 
“Morgan, what did you say?” Lucas asked, staring directly at him.
“What?” Morgan muttered, looking guilty. “Nothing?”
“Up, please. Now. Into the office.” Lucas raised his voice but didn’t break eye contact. “Brandon! Zakk!”
“Lucas, I’m fine-” Morgan protested weakly
“Zakk!” Lucas called again. His voice was even, but it was taking all of his focus not to let it tremble. 
Zakk popped into the room with Bran right behind him. 
Lucas tossed the clipboard onto the couch cushion beside himself and stood, just barely glancing away from Morgan. “You remember that there’s laundry in the wash?” he intoned. A code.
“Uh - y-yeah. I’m gonna get it later.” Zakk looked from Lucas to Morgan and back.
“Okay. Keep your ears open.” 
Zakk nodded. 
“Morgan, come on. Office.” 
“I said I’m fine,” Morgan said.
The other kids were staring, but Morgan sighed dramatically and obeyed. He threw himself onto the couch as Lucas quickly shut the door. 
“What’s going on?”
“No.” Lucas focused hard on keeping his cool. “A safety level of one is very, very serious.”
“I was just kidding,” Morgan tried, but Lucas could see right through him. 
He shook his head slowly. “Tell me what’s going on.” 
“I can’t help you unless I know. And you said it out loud, which means you want help. Some part of you does. So let me help you.” Lucas sat down in the desk chair. He softened his voice. “Morgan, let me help you. Nobody has to know anything.” 
The gentleness was working. Morgan’s expression was already changing from false defiance and carelessness to one of vulnerability. 
“I’m not gonna tell anybody. Not even Zakk if you don’t want.”
“I don’t,” Morgan whispered.
“You don’t want me to tell Zakk?”
Morgan shook his head.
“Okay. I won’t. What you say is just for me to know.” 
Morgan bit his thumbnail and let his eyes go unfocused on the carpet. 
“Do you want to talk freely, or do you want to answer some questions?”
“Questions,” Morgan whispered. 
Lucas nodded. “Okay. If I start going in a direction you don’t like or want, just tell me.” 
Morgan nodded, too.
“A safety level of one means that you have a plan to hurt yourself or somebody else and that you’re not going to tell me before you carry it out,” he stated, his chest tight. “Is that an accurate reflection of how you feel?” 
Morgan was still for a long moment, but he finally muttered, “Yeah.”
“Okay. Thank you for being honest with me. Are you wanting to hurt yourself?”
Another nod. And then came the tears. 
Lucas passed Morgan a box of tissues but otherwise sat still in his chair, watching for the slightest hint of trouble. 
“I don’t want to be here,” Morgan said with a sob. “I want to go home. I want my parents to love me, and they don’t, and it’s not fair. I didn’t even get a goddamn chance to try to live on my own before the cops picked me up.” 
Lucas just listened. 
“I miss my friends. I miss school. I hate saying grace and going to church. I hate having a roommate.” Angrily, he shoved the tissue box onto the floor. “I want to go home!” 
“Our goal is to get you home,” Lucas told him. “But we can’t send you there until we know that it’s safe for you, and right now, we don’t know that.”
“Cause my dad’s a fucking homophobe,” he spat. 
“What about your mom?” 
“She agrees with whatever my dad says.” Morgan wiped at his eyes with his fingers, but the tears were still falling quickly, so there wasn’t really much of a point. 
Lucas sighed sadly. “I’m sorry, Morgan.” 
“I wanna see Chandler and TJ,” he said through his tears. “Forest and Lexi and Paige and Tom…” He turned sideways on the couch and kicked his legs out in front of him. 
“How are you planning to hurt yourself?” 
“I took a knife from the kitchen,” he muttered. 
“Is it on your person?” Lucas asked.
Morgan shook his head. “No. It’s in my room.” 
“Under my bed.”
“Thank you,” Lucas said again. Toward the door, Lucas evenly called, “Zakk!” Back to Morgan, he asked, “And do you want to do with it?” 
Breathlessly, Zakk flung the door open. He took in the scene in front of him, relaxed a bit, and then said, “What’s up?” 
“Come in. Close the door.” 
Morgan was clenching his teeth and staring hard at the wall, but Zakk saw the tears on his face and gave his typical, sad, “Oh, dude…” and went over to give him a hug. Morgan leaned into him and started to cry all over again. 
“Okay, you stay here. I’ll be right back,” Lucas muttered. “Hey,” he said when Zakk didn’t look over. “He just gave me a one on his safety level, so.” 
Zakk nodded, his eyes worried. “Morgan,” he murmured, hugging Morgan tighter.
“I’m sorry,” Morgan sobbed. 
“No, heyyy, it’s okay… What happened, huh?”
Lucas slipped through the door. 
“Is Morgan okay?” Noel asked worriedly. 
“Focus on the meeting, please,” Lucas said, and he crossed the space and walked up the steps, ignoring the feeling of all of their eyes on him.
“Uh, Jordan, did you go yet?” Bran asked awkwardly.
Lucas went into the bedroom to the right of the staircase and crouched down beside Morgan’s bed. Teddy’s bed, Beau’s bed, Luke’s bed… He swallowed thickly. Awsten’s bed, he forced himself to continue. Calum’s bed. He thought of Teddy’s green coat, of Beau’s big boots, of Awsten’s light purple hair, of Calum’s signature smirk. With a shaky breath, Lucas knelt down mere feet away from where he’d found Luke sprawled on the floor. He lifted the edge of the quilt and looked beneath it - and there was the cheap silverware. It was too dull to do much of anything, but with the right intent, it could do some serious damage. Not as swiftly as Luke’s pocketknife, but-
“Lucas?” Bran called. “Zakk has a question. He says it’s not urgent.” 
“Alright, just a second!” Lucas called back. He grabbed the knife, stood up, and lifted his shirt. He tucked the cold metal into the waistband of his underwear, right against his hip, where he kept it hidden until he could cross the landing and put it inside his own bedroom. Afterward, he jogged downstairs and went back into the office. Morgan was sitting up, sniffling but no longer crying, and Zakk was going through the file cabinet. 
“Other side,” Lucas said shortly. “Third drawer down.” He paused while Zakk muttered his thanks and moved the chair to face the other side of the desk. Lucas kept an eye on Morgan while Zakk’s back was turned. “You’re looking for a safety contract, right?”
“Yeah. Third drawer.”
“You’re the best,” Zakk told him with a grateful smile. 
Lucas just shrugged. “Morgan, how are you doing now?” 
“A little better,” he mumbled.
“Good. Zakk, are you gonna take it from here?” 
“Yeah, if that’s okay with Morgan.” 
“It’s fine.” 
“Okay. I’ll be upstairs then,” Lucas said. He inhaled quietly and then said softly, “I kind of want to go swimming.” 
Zakk nodded. “Of course,” he said, and Lucas nodded back, acknowledging that his code had been understood. He didn’t want to swim; he wanted a break. He was going to lie down. 
“Yell if you need me,” Lucas instructed, and he left without another word. “Bran, can you get them in bed when you’re done?” he asked, not bothering to look at them as he passed. “Gentlemen, behave for Bran. There will be consequences if you don’t.” 
There was a murmur of “okay”s, and then Lucas was up the stairs and in his bedroom, closing the door and sitting shakily down on his bed without bothering to turn on the light. The knife was still sitting on his dresser, so he got up and moved it into the top drawer so it was out of sight before going back to sit on his bed.
He couldn’t stop picturing Luke’s massive gash, and he let out a soft moan of pain. He curled up on his side and shut his eyes, hoping that later, Zakk would come check on him. And after about forty-five minutes, he did.
“Morgan’s asleep,” Zakk reported once he’d let himself in and sat down on the side of Lucas’ bed. “I’m not gonna take him to the emergency room tonight. I think he’ll be okay. It sounds like he was just crying for help.” He sighed. “Which is good. But I can tell that he freaked you the hell out.” 
Lucas didn’t move, didn’t speak. 
Zakk leaned down and hugged him. “How are you doing?” 
“Not good,” Lucas whispered. He rolled onto his back so he could see Zakk. “He took a knife from the kitchen and hid it under his bed.” 
“I know. He told me.”
Lucas gulped. “I haven’t been on the floor in there since…” 
“You hardly even go in anymore,” Zakk agreed in sympathy. 
Lucas turned back onto his side. 
“Go ahead and get some sleep,” Zakk told him. “I’ll take care of the paperwork.” 
“Are you sure?” Lucas asked halfheartedly, but he already knew he wasn’t getting back up. “There’s a lot more now tonight.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” 
He nodded tiredly. 
Zakk leaned back down to embrace him again. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Zakk nodded. “Okay.” But he didn’t move.
Lucas was quiet for ten seconds before he asked, “What are you doing?” 
“Making sure you get to sleep.” His tone softened. “I know you really wanted to go swimming.” 
Normally, Lucas would have smiled, but Zakk was right. And honestly, he was glad that Zakk was staying. He closed his eyes. As Zakk started rubbing his arm, Lucas’ heart rate began to slow. 
For a long time, the room was silent. The house was silent. 
It had been silent when Luke had-
Lucas bolted up, sending Zakk tumbling. “What if Morgan-”
“Bran’s sitting right outside the doorway,” Zakk soothed. He took hold of Lucas’ upper arms and gently pressed him back into the pillows. “Everything is taken care of. Go to sleep.” 
“Zakk,” Lucas pleaded.
“Shh…” Zakk draped himself over Lucas yet again. 
It took almost half an hour, but Lucas finally fell into uneasy dreams. 
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ofcnoel · 4 years
                                       𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔... 𝕟𝕠𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 
                  ―   chance perdomo. he/him. cismale.  /  noel laurent  just pulled up blasting a boy is a gun by tyler, the creator  — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-two year old rapper, i’ve heard they’re really reckless, but that they make up for it by being so altruistic. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say rolled up sleeves on an oversized sweater, missed 2am calls, messy notebooks filled with lyrics. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble !
Tumblr media
tw: uh , homophobia? yeah yikes.  
              hi  it’s  me,  dumb  bitch  machine,  raq.  annnd  this  is  my  lil  cherub  noel.  lit  rally  love  this  rp  more  than  life  itself  and  i’m  SO  happy  that  it’s  come  back.  it  was  a  crazy  special  place  a  year  ago  and  it’ll  be  another  crazy  special  place  now  too. noel’s  brand  new  so  excuse  the  awkward  phase  i  tend  to  go  through  while  i  feel  out  a  new  muse.  i’m  also  playin  with  new   aesthetics  for   threads  and  what  not   so  like  just  be  patient  with  me  skjags.  i ...  already  have  a  second  muse  in  the  works   because  yes  i’m  extra!  cannot  wait  to  write  with  you  all !! 
         [ 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤  ―  ❝ BETTER  DAYS  FOLLOW  ME  LIKE  THE  SADDEST  SONG ❞  ] 
full  name:  noel  amari  laurent  
age:  twenty-two years old
date  of  birth:  may  12th 
star  sign:  taurus 
place  of  birth:   san  marcos  ,  texas 
currently  living  in:  los angeles , california  
voiceclaim:  brockhampton /  kevin  abstract
sexual orientation:  bisexual 
spoken languages:  fluent  in  english  and  very  limited  in  spanish thanks to his dad  *more  on  that   later 
TL;DR :  noel  laurent  is  a  twenty-something  rapper/boyband  member  who  is….  honestly  trying  his  best  and  failing  lmao.  he  lost  alot  of  connection  to  his  family  really  young  and  recently.  because  of  this,  he  has  a  tendency  to  cling  hard  to  people  and  make  himself  his  own  makeshift  family  in  people  who  don’t  always  have  his  best  interest  in  mind.  which  always  lowkey  just  hurts  him  in  the  end  cause  his  expectations  are  too  high!  he’s    ambitious  and  loving  but  hella  reckless.  
         [ 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕  ― ❝  I  WISH  YOU'D  LOVE  ME  FOR  LIFE  ❞  ]  
alright   here   we   go
noel    was    born    in    san    marcos    texas    to    eva    laurent    on    may    12th    1997.    For    all    of    his    life,    it    was    just    him,    his    mother    and    his    younger    sister.    They    didn’t    have    a    ton    but    eva    did    everything    she    could    to    make    sure    they    had    everything    they    needed.    she’s    an    incredible    hard    worker    and    that    work    ethic    trickled    down    to    noel    from    a    very    young    age.    
alright  so  #daddyissues  much?  noel’s  dad  was  in  his  life  when  he  was  really  young.  from  three  to  like  eight,  because  his  parents  got  back  together  for  a  couple  years  .  once  they  broke  up  again  his  dad  vanished  again  !  he  has  very  few  memories  of  him  but  some  of  them  are  still  they’re  prettyyyyy  fuzzy.  tbh  ,  his  dad’s  a  really  touchy  subject  so  he  tends  to  just  pretend  the  guy  doesn’t  exist  !
he   kinda   always   wanted   to   help   out   his   mom   (   spoiler   alert,   he’s   a   mommas   boy   but   more   on   that   later   )   so,   pretty   much   from   the   age   he   was   legally   able   to,   noel   his   been   #grinding.   like,   imagine   that   one   kid   that   fell   asleep   in   english   because   they   work   late   the   night   before.   that   was   him   throughout   highschool.   he   was   working   odd   jobs   constantly   on   the   side   of   his   main   job.   mowing   lawns,   dog   walking,   you   name   it   he   probably   dabbled.   he’s   smart   so   he’d   do   other   kid’s   homework   for   pay   but   wouldn’t   do   his   own   homework   cause…   fuck   his   grades   ig   lmao
 he’s   always   had   an   affinity   for   music   but   rarely   found   the   time   to   actually   play   an   instrument   or   write   anything   for   that   matter.   it’d   take   one   really   stubborn   choir   teacher   junior   year   who’d   nudge   him   to   start   turning   the   handful   of   short   poems   he’d   turned   in   for   their   songwriting   project   into   songs.   
you  could  say  mid  highschool  was  really  formative  years  for  the  boy  …  along  with  falling  in  love  with  making  music  he  literally  fell  in  love  FOR  REAL  with  someone  for  the  first  time  !!  soft,  yes.  If  you’re  lucky  he’ll  talk  about  dylan  quite  fondly  buuuuuuuuut  that’s  another  touchy  subject  cause  had  to  keep  it  secret  til  it  all  essentially  fell  apart.  His  mom  had  met  a  handful  of  noel’s  girlfriends  prior  to  dylan  …  and  he  hadn’t  gained  the  bravery  to  tell  her  about  him.  It’s  sad  i’m  sad.  
him  and  his  bois  would  later  collaborate  and  realize  “  hey  we’ve  got  something  good  here !  “ soooo  they  planned  to  move  out  to  la  pursue  the  #bandlife . 
now,  telling  his  mom  about  this  move  led  to  an  EXPLOSIVE  fight  cause,,,  noel  was  basically  helping  support  her  and  he  wouldn’t  be  able  to  do  that  if  the  band  stuff  fell  through.  The  mess  of  the  fight  resulted  in  a  bunch  of  stuff  that  probably  should  have  been  said  and…  noel  coming  out.  great  timing  son.  So  yea,  he  left  the  house  at  the  ripe  age  of  18  and  has  been  hanging  with  his  bros  ever  since.  honestly  pls  protect  him    
         [ 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 ― ❝  LUCKY STRIKE, FILTERTLESS, DON'T PUSH ME.  ❞ ]   
kay  so  if  you  can’t  tell  the  boy  is…  ambitious  !  he’s  the  type  to  believe  in  something  and  throw  his  fully  self  into  it  because  he’s  just  that  dedicated  to  chasing  dreams  .  killer  work  ethic  ,  but  he’s  gotten  a  better  handle  on  balancing  work  and  fun  thanks  to  his  bois.  he  is  insanely  lucky  which  one  pushes  him  to  take  more  risks  
kinda  goes  with  the  last  one  but  he’s  SUCH  an  open  hearted  dude .  that  guy  after  a  break  up  no  matter  how  messy  will  probably  wanna  be  friends  (  but  also  messy  enough  to  turn  exes  into  friends  with  benefits  and  then  catch  feelings  again..  Issa  nasty  cycle  pls  pray  )  
loves  a  party  ,  is  probably  skinny  dipping    and  calling  his  ex  while  drunk  i-  WATCH  HIM  OK?  afskajd
he’s  honestly  so  sweet  and  humble  buuuuut  don’t  think  that  means  self  deprecating  cause  my  son  knows  hes  pretty  .  he’s  got  enough  self  esteem  to  share  and  prioritizes  #selflove  skagja  will  accept  a  compliment  with  a  cheeky  smile  and  a  simple  thank  you.  so,  not  arrogant  but  like  he’s  not  gonna  deny  the  obvious  truth?  lmaooo  
swear  to  god,  he’s  bad  at  keeping  secrets  and  will  let  u  know  how  he  feels.  even  with  crushes  so  unless  he’s  feelin  nervous  for  some  reason  most  likely  he’ll  make  the  first  move.  he’s  a  romantic.  he’s  just  all  around  really  honest
one  direction  STAN :) skfjadk 
 [ 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ― ❝ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ᴍɪɴᴅ , ᴄᴏᴜᴘʟᴇ ʜᴜɴɴɪᴅꜱ ᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ❞ ] 
Exes  are  always  great  ,  maybe  a  best  friend  who  isnt’  apart  of  the  band,  general  friends,  bad  influences  who  take  him  to  parties  where  he’ll  inevitably  skinny  dip,  good  influences,  new  crushes,  unrequited  crush  cause  we  love  heart  break,  neighbors,  enemies  (  i  ??  don’t  put  it  past  him  to  have  ended  up  in  a  fight  while  drunk  or  something  cause..  reckless  )  people  he  might’ve  met  in  texas?  His  band  mates  (  if  you’re  lookin  to  bring  a  second  ;)  )  sibling  like  friendships,  anything  sis
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mystech-master · 4 years
Alright, I feel like I am jumping the gun.
Me and everyone else who make BBTAG crossover shit always IMMEDIATLY to everyone world hoppign and hanging out without giving regards to how it starts.
So let’s look at the situations they are in at the time of BBTAG’s first story mode (like I said No AH, SK or AB)
Going off of the endings of their Episodes, in Blazblue we see Ragna leaving Noel to be found by Makoto, Ragna chewing out Rachel, and Hazama having System’s Crystal. All of these could be wrapped together.
Small retcons could be made to explain Noel’s outfit, Azrael being there we could just explain as the BB crew knowing his reputation, but I have NO excuse for Es being present.
I should really make a novelization of BBTAG that actually gives a more serious twist onto this.
Persona and Under Night are more gag endings, with Persona ending in a high school AU, and Under Night just resulting in the battle royale in Kanzakai.
RWBY just ends with the team back in the dorm with their system crystal.
Now for my idea, assuming that everyone keeps a Keystone, 1. Not too sure if Hazama will end up with it (he will eventually for some special bullshit) so either Rachel or Kokonoe. 2. Assuming that Yu will telport back to Inaba with his friends, then Aigis would go along too and Yu would hand the System crystal over to Aigis to give to Mitsuru back at Shadow Ops HQ. 3. Not too sure on Under Night, There’s no real Big Good in Under Night and we haven’t seen too much of Licht Kreis’ top brass to get a feel for them, so Under Night is up in the air. and 4. Ruby keeping System in her pocket and then tyring to hide it only for her to be discovered by Ozpin and all the shit that follows because seriously RWBY should be the LEASt prepared to deal wit comsic other worldly bullshit.
That is where the peices lie, but the next big question is......why?
WHY do all the charactrs start coming over? Who is the first one to try and reach across dimensions and have an interdimensional skype call or something? Rachel would want System locked up so she doesn’t cause any more damage plus she doesn’t want other worlds to get dragged into their cosmic game with Terumi and/or cause distractions, and I doubt the Blazblue bag guys want to add MORE variables to their complex plan of manipulation. I don’t see any other reason for the other keystone holders to connect. I could only see the more friendly main characters wanting to see their interdimensional buddies again but goign to all that trouble seems like much.
BUT, if soem heroes start coming over to Blazblue world and making friends and helping them out, THEN the BB baddies might start getting nervous and just call on the bad guys of the other worlds just to get some man power to keep these new guys off their tails so they can keep their o.g. plan on track. With IDK the promise of ultimate power or something, destroying their worlds and the  gving them the power of Observation to make them the gods of their world
And then there is a HUGE division in the characters with factions and such:
With Blazblue you have the main Coup with Kokonoe Tager, Makoto and Noel (this is before CP but after CS) with Kagura and Hibiki helping on the inside and Celica most likely still being made, Jubei is training Jin, Platinum is with Bang, Ragna is with Tao, and Carl are all on their way to Ikaruga for various reasons. Litchi joins the NOL and Tsubaki is brainwashed.
You have Litchi joining the NOL because she wants to cure Roy no matter the cost and Kokonoe is being a callous bitch
Bang would speak of Kagura being a traitor to the NOL and how Jin killed his master Tenjo
Then if any of them run into Bullet wanting to find the truth about what happened to her captain from Kokonoe only for Koko to sick Tager on Bullet to kill her.
Tager not being able to disobey Kokonoe due to his programming and Kokonoe doing a LOT of shady things
These things do not seem liek they’d make the other good guys think that the main “good guys” of Blazblue are trustworthy.
For Persona, you have the Investigation Team and the Shadow Operatives. To keep thign ssimple let’s just have the og. Arena Shadow Ops here since having Yukari and Junpei (how have their own jobs and lives) and Ken (who quit so he can have a normal school life) would be a bit much.
Mitsuru would be professional and treat this like the serious mission that it is, but the I.T. mgiht still want to help out their new friends. Adachi is arrested, and SHo is off doing whatever, and Igor and the Velvet Room dudes only show up for the Wild Cards and don’t exactly seem like they’ll join in on big meetings
Then you got Under Night In-Birth, You’ve got Hyde, Linne and Waldsteina as the main crew, with Vatista also being there. Orie is with Lex, Kaguya and Mika as the local Licht Kreis squad, with Wagner and her two attendants there o probabtion. Carmine just runs around and beats people up. You’ve got Amnesia with Hilda, Chaos and Enkidu, with Gordeau being hired as a Mercenary (not a full member) due to his depression. Merkava is also running around doing his own thing, so are Seth and Yuzu, and no one gives a shit what Byakyua, Phonon and Nanase are doing. I’ll have to wait for cl-r to come out to see how Londrekia will fare in all this, but then we’ve gotside guys like Kuon, Azel, and tons of other side characters.
Under Night is hard because everything story wise we’ve seen has technically been a prologue in Chronicles Mode, and Arcade Mode is a mish mash of events that don’t know which is canon, and all of them make Hilda look like the biggest chump in the universe.
For RWBY, in Volumes 2-3 they are in a time of peace, not feelinjg too good after the Breach, and I doubt they would want to stick their noses in an interdimesnional conflict if it’ll come to bite their world in the ass. Cinder and company are trying to lay low since they are undercover, Roman is arrested on Ironwood’s ship, Adam is off preparing the WF for the Fall, and Salem and co. are doing.......whatever they were doing for the first 3 volumes.
Honestly I’d have to all go something like this
Blazblue character with Keystone: new Stone who dis?
someone from the other worlds: hey this is X, I’m a friend of Y, could we come over and hang?
Blazblue character: No
other person: PLEEEEEEASE!
BB person: fine
other BB character: Whassup we’ve got a world government to overthrow
other characters: Oh shit that seems bad, want some help new BFFS
other Bb characters: Sure *Brofist*
Hazama and the others: “Oh shit this is not according to keikaku” *calls other bad guys* “Hey, if you help us take care of your enemies we’ll give you free candy...I mean world omination...or......I DON’T know just get these kids off my lawn!”
and then go from there.
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years
25 Days of Adrien (+6 of Marinette)
A snowman building competition between schoolmates.
Part of the MLHolidays2k19 prompts.
Chapter 22 – Snowman
The cold front that moved in brought in a heap of snow with it. When Marinette woke up that morning snuggled up in her bed, she could feel the coldness in her bones. A quick glance at her skylight only confirmed what she thought.  
“Snow.” She mumbled. “At least I’m not needed at the bakery today.” Surprisingly enough, with it being Christmas Eve, Marinette was not needed to hand out any of the Buche de Noel this year. She will later, of course; it was one of the traditions their family did together each year. Her papa made plenty to hand out as long as a donation was made for the charity of their choice. It’s something that they have done over many years, longer than Marinette could remember.  
Since the superheroes came along, Marinette’s family decided that they would also donate to whatever charity Ladybug and Chat Noir chose to donate their time to. It helped show their support for the superheroes who risked their lives for Paris, while also donating to charities that mean the most to them all. It really made Marinette proud of her parents for their support, even if they had no idea who the kids under the masks were.
Marinette shifted in her bed, palming around mindlessly for her phone. 10:32 “I guess I should get up Tikki.” She looked to her kwami who was nuzzled in her bed.  
As Marinette sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from her eye, a ping from a contact brightened the screen. Marinette grabbed the device to see that Alya was calling her.
“Marinette! Girl, please tell me you aren’t still sleeping?”
“No. I’m awake, now...” Laughter could be heard in the background.
“Listen. Nino, Ivan, Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and I are all down at the park. The snow came in loads last night and it’s perfect for a snowman building competition. Come down here and show off your design skills, girl. You could probably beat us all.”
Ugh the cold... “I’m surprised Alix and Kim aren’t part of this. You know they wouldn’t back down from a competition when they get the chance to compete against each other.”
“Ha-ha you’re right! And don’t worry. Nino already called them down and they are headed here soon. Why don’t you call lover boy to see if he can come too and you guys can team up?”
Marinette smiled. “Alright, alright. Give me 20 minutes and I’ll be there.”
Marinette fumbled through her contacts to find Adrien’s number and called it as she was searching her closet for warm clothes.
“Hey Bug!” Adrien could be heard with a smile on his face.
“Hey, kitty. Are you busy this morning? Alya called about a snowman making competition with some of our friends. Want to go and beat their butts?”
“Luckily for you, your partner is available until this afternoon when this certain kitty needs to be at a bakery handing out Buche de Noels with his princess’s family.”
Marinette pursed her lips then smirked at his teasing. “Oh, really? That’s good, because this bug needs to do the same with her kitty.” They chuckled in unison. “I’ll see you in 20? I still need to grab my gloves and a croissant before heading over there. It’s at the park across from my house.”
“I’ll be there in 20! See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too!”
Marinette quickly dressed and grabbed a snack before heading out the door. Her pink kwami followed her along, dressing up in warm layers to fight off the cold that seeps through the purse. A couple of cookies for good measure and they trudged over to where her fellow classmates were hanging out.
“Hey guys!” Marinette waved as she met the group.
“Hey Marinette.” The greeting said in unison.  
“Is my bro coming?” Nino asked.
“Yep, he should be here soon.” Her eyes darted around the park to the different entrances. In the far corner, she could see a blue blob with a black hat coming towards the group. “Actually, there he is!”  
Alix and Kim had been there for a few minutes before their usual fighting banter began. Rules were given and everyone agreed to the terms. Everyone took their spots, all in teams besides Alix and Kim (who decided that they needed to compete alone in their brutal face off) and got to work. Alya recorded in between rolling and scrounging for supplies while Nino took the brunt of the labor.  
Marinette and Adrien worked together to make the bodies, Adrien taking the bigger bottom ball as Marinette took the smaller part. When she finished her section, she ran through the park looking for rocks and sticks to decorate their snowman.
Alix had completed a good portion of her snowman before Kim loudly announced his was better than everyone’s. Alya turned to Kim’s spot to see a large heaping pile of a snow mound that couldn’t be mistaken for a snowman. Alix only snorted at the lack of “man” before turning back to her masterpiece.
Thirty minutes passed before Marinette and Adrien yelped in happiness. “Done!” Everyone grumbled as they turned to the couple, seeing how amazing their snowman turned out. It was the only one dressed up; he had rock buttons going from his neck to his belly, sticks for arms, a happy rock smile, nose, and eyes. Adrien brought a secret weapon with him: a spare cap and scarf. Knowing that they were competing against each other, he brought them along. No one else had planned to meet up at the park; they all met by accident and the competition happened by chance. No one had the advantage of bringing extra items besides Alix, Kim, Marinette, and Adrien.
Alix and Kim crossed their arms and smirked at the snowman. Alix spoke up. “Alright, fine, you with this one Agreste.” She points a finger at him. She then turns to Kim. “But I definitely won between the two of us.”
“No way!” Kim exclaimed. “My snowman is better than yours, short stuff.”
Everyone turned to the two bantering friends.  
“I have to admit, Kim, your snow mound is hard to beat. But I agree with Alix. Hers is actually a snowman.”  
Kim crossed his arms and he squinted at Alya. He turned to Adrien, Nino, and Ivan to see what their opinions were.
“Sorry Kim. Alix has the better snowman.” Ivan said as he rubbed his neck.
Nino added. “Dude, I agree.”
Adrien shrugged. “Same. Sorry Kim.”
Kim sighed in defeat. “Fine. You win Alix. No dares for a week.” Everyone cheered at that.  
“I’m glad your usual bantering includes no dares as a bet. Man, his dares were getting a little too much.” Alya said as she placed her hands on her hips. “Alright everyone, hang around your snowman. I want pictures of all this!”
Alya took photos of everyone’s creations and had a passerby take a group photo. They all bid each other farewell and a Merry Christmas as Adrien and Marinette walked towards the bakery.
“Are you ready for a fun Christmas eve?” Marinette said as she gripped Adrien’s hand.
“What’s the plan for tonight, bug? I know we are handing out goods, but is there anything else?”
“You’ll see.” She said with a smirk.
Adrien smirked back. He couldn’t wait to spend this holiday with some of his favorite people.
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ahotpeaceofshit · 5 years
DARK THINGS (Chapter 1 Draft 1)
(also super unedited)
“Awwwww!!! Fucking shit, did we actually have to do that??” I fell back on my chair and let out a hasty sigh. “For real?”
“Yeah…. It's called homework.” Peter frowned before a smile crossed his face. “Well on the bright side, you'd make a decent stripper.”
“He doesn't really have the body for it though.” Steff eyed me from the other side of the desk sceptically. “Not enough ass.”
“Nah.. he hath not the skill to be a stripper, nor the charm.” Ellie, the girl who sat next to Steff, pondered for a moment. “A prostitute perhaps?”
“He's not pretty enough for that either.” My friend flicked their long hair back only to lean over the table and ruffled mine up with the sweetest smile. “But if we sell his organs on the black market, we're sure to make a fortune!”
“HEY!!! Fuck all of you!” I pulled away, playing a grumpy face while fixing up my now messy hair. “For the record, why do you always mess up my hair? It takes Peter forever to get it look this damn good.”
“That's very true, it takes a lot of effort to make Noel look presentable to society.” My friends snickered at Peter's words. “A shit load of effort.”
“AND, as I was saying,” I gave my best-friend a playful push for his word. “I would make an amazing stripper, sex worker or organ donor on the black market but that's not the point here!”
“Huh, sex worker?” Ellie mumbled under her breath. “More new words to learn.. great!”
She rolled her eyes and yawned as gray light broke through the window, softly landing on all of us. The classroom was illuminated with only the silver glow as the day slowly began, classmates stumbling in, the rings under their eyes darker then the world around them.
“So can I copy your homework, my dear mooooooooonlight?” I bated my eyes at him. “Pretty please…?”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. how about, no! You need to learn your lesson.” He laughingly barked. “Come do it yourself, it's not that hard.”
“As if?” I groaned, tossing myself on the table like an angry toddler. “Why have you betrayed me like this?? I thought you loved me!!”
“You can copy mine.” Ellie said, her odd accent spilling all over her words as she pulled out her math supplies, her blond hair seemed to glow in the absence of light. “I'm not positive it is correct though..”
“Don't encourage him!” Peter exclaimed. “This way he'll never pass the class.”
“I was only fishing for Peter's sympathy but I guess my powers are too strong!!” I carefully took her notebook. “I could become the best super villain the world has ever seen!! Nahahaha!!!”
“No, it really isn't.” She shook her head at me kindly. “But dream big, kiddo.”
“Ellie, you sparkle fucking joy and I would willingly carry your children!” I gave her a big smile and began copying. Normally being called kiddo from a girl I had a slight crush on would have been frustrating but this early in the morning I didn't really mind.
“Noel...” Peter spoke my name with such care, I had to look at him. “You're a full blown idiot and you are aware that is anatomically incorrect right?”
“Who are you to control his body?!” Steff laughed while they pulled out their math notebook and slammed it on the desk next to mine. “Make space Noel, I don't have the homework either!”
Ellie gave them a gentle smile before pulling out her Nokia phone, a device that looked older then I was. She poked around on it while Peter arranged his books to look perfectly synchronized and they and I scribbled away. A tired humming began to fill the room as more classmates came in.
“By the way, where is your sister? Or Bryan for that matter?” I asked, barely glancing up from my work.
“You know Maria, she will stay in bed until the last moment even if God himself tried to wake her up.” Peter let out a small laugh. “And Bryan.. who knows?”
“He's probably dressed too masculine again.” Steff snickered. “His mom is probably making him change right at we speak so that she can impress Mr. You-were-born-a-girl-so-why don't-you-dress-like-one.”
“Speaking of Mr. Hofmann, why the fuck do neither of you two ever do your math homework?” My best friend looked over at us writing away. “Seriously, he's like the only teacher who always checks if we did it or not.”
I looked up into his deep brown eyes. They were the same as that of his twin sister and of his mother but I liked his the most. A soft brown that matched with his dark hair and skin… and his beautiful kissable lips. Not in a “I'm secretly in love with my best friend” kinda way, more in a “I would make out with my best friend at any given moment, in a platonic way of course.” There is a difference trust me, a huge one!
“Because Mr. Hofmann.” Steff groaned. “I live to spite him. My hate for him gets me out my goblin hole every morning.”
“True words that inspired people across the nation.” I nodded before turning my attention back to Peter, as if it ever truly left his gorgeous face. “Hey do you have number 5? 'Cause our dear Ellie just put a bunch of question marks there.”
“The spoken and written word has changed too much since my birth, keeping up bringeth with it many hardships.” She didn't even look up from her device. “And such calculations were seen as witchcraft, as they should.”
“Yeah…. So Ellie is being cryptic again.” I leaned my head on his shoulder and snuggled closer. “Please moonlight, do us this favor..”
“FINE!!” He sighed, passing me his notebook. “Why do I always give in so easily to you?”
“Because you love me!” I gave him a smooch on his cheek before focusing my concentration on the math problem. “I love you too...”
“Where would you get the idea that I… wait, did I just hear that correctly?” His tanned cheeks gave off a slight reddish tone, making it clear that he was blushing. “You like..love me?”
“Yeah.” I threw him a slight smile. “As a friend.”
“OOOOOOOh friendzoned!” Steff looked up from their writing to laugh. “But like seriously Noel, don't even try and deny you're totally in love with Peter.”
“I'm straight, so unless Peter is actually a trans girl,” I continued copying out the calculations. “We're just friends.”
“Can you just admit your bisexuality before before wrinkles cover your fleshy skin and the long fingers of death cuts the thread of your mortality?” Steff groaned. “Please!”
“Aye.” Ellie agreed, still not looking up from her phone. “We're begging ya.”
“Oh man… look I know you guys are the ultimate shitlords and our future rulers and all that but for fucks sake, can you talk like modern humans?” I scribbled in panic, jumping over stupid calculations to get the homework finished before the bell rang. “Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish this.”
“Finish what?” A voice stated as footsteps wandered through the door, Maria's soft giggle by his side.
“Awww Bryan, you sweet pumpkin!” I looked up from my writing for just a second to face my friend. “Get your ass over here and your notebooks out, we've got math homework to do!”
“oooh.. uhm you see..” Bryan stalled as he pulled up a chair towards where we sat. “well I.. uhm.. I.”
“We just did the stupid homework.” Maria plopped herself down on Ellie's lap and gave both her and Steff a kiss on the cheek. Ellie simply shifted her phone and let her girlfriend sit down comfortably. “Plus Bryan managed to get me out of bed so we're here a bit early.”
“BRYAN, You Motherfucker!! What happened to us dying together?” I frowned. “You truly disappoint me!”
“Yo dude!” Peter leaned over to the wide eyed teen. “How did you get Maria up? What kind of magic do you possess? Can you teach me??”
“She wrote me yesterday that she wanted to copy the homework so I did it quickly and..” He nervously looked back at Peter. “an..and so I came by this morning to pick her up. And she was already awake..”
“Stop using your fear to hid thy wizardry! Damn Skippy, I see through you.” Ellie ruffled up his hair without her blue eyes leaving the device she held in her hand. “Thy anxiety is so tough that I could spear it down with my bow and skin it to make a lovely rabbit soup.”
“What?” We all stared at her.
“She means you're so super nervous, like a rabbit.” Maria pipped up. “And that you shouldn't be scared, we're not gonna hurt you.”
“I WILL BE SCARED AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME… not scared? Stop being scared? If anything you're making me more scared!” Bryan pounded his fist on the table before his words drowned into a whisper. “And I have anxiety so yes, I will be terrified. Thank you very much.”
“I said no such thing.” Ellie looked up with a concern and yet gleeful look on her face. “You should be very terrified, thou areth friends with us. Ey!”
“I just shit myself, great!” He smiled and turned to Steff and I. “So what's taking you too so long?”
“What do you mean?” We both asked, looking up from our writing before I continued. “We're dumb, ok? It takes us a little longer do things.”
“Oh, we know that.” Peter laughed.
“Speak for yourself.” Steff punched my arm.
“No but why are you doing the whole page?” Bryan asked. “We only had to do five and six.”
“What??!” I glared at Peter while Steff glared at their girlfriend. “Then why are we doing all of these?”
“Who truly knows?” Ellie shrugged. “You should be asking yourselves that question. Thou has been jacked! Get reketh”
“Yeah, you guys just blindly copied out our homework, with no thought of what we actually had as homework.” Peter stated, his arms crossed. “It your damn own fault.”
The bell rang behind us, a soft ding dong but I didn't notice much. Instead, I was too busy imagining how I was gonna strangle Peter. Kinky, I know but I was thinking about doing it in a nonsexual way. More of a pure rage way.
“Fuck you!” I mumbled angrily. Ok, maybe I was thinking about choking him in a slightly sexual way but not in a gay way. Because I am heterosexual who is only into females! Super straight in every way, I thought as I watched his lips move as he countered my words and imagined kissing them.
“Fuck me yourself, coward.” He joked, pulling his notebook away from me.
“Gladly… wait no!” I whispered without thinking before shouting. “That's not what I meant.. I meant that you wish I would fuck you! Because.. I'm cute and you're cute and we'd be super cute together and.. no wait, what am I even saying?”
“Is he still pretending that he's straight?” Maria rolled her eyes when Steff nodded. “Noel, we all know you're in love with Peter.”
“Not even your mama loves Peter and she fucked him!” I shouted. “And you two are twins!!”
“Dude, that's.. that was uncalled for.” Bryan whimpered, in his hand a cubic cub that he turn endlessly without trying to solve the colorful square. “You can't accuse someone of incest, even as a defense.”
“I'm not accusing him of anything.” I spoke quietly before a smile danced across my face. “I'm just saying he's a motherfucker.”
Our group went silence as I glowed with pride at my, may I say, amazing delivery. The rest of them seemed to have a different opinion to mine, with Steff covering their face with their hands and Maria just giving me the death stare. Only Bryan, kinda muffled a slight smile. At least one of these savages understood my genius!
“Hey babe.” Peter placed his hand on my thigh. “I know you're in denial about our love so I would murder you where you sit.”
“NO!” My voice cracked as he stared at me with his deep brown eyes. “I'm fucking not! Cause.. uhm. Fuck you. Maria, make your brother bother stop bullying me!”
“Peter stop hurting the poor bean.” She smirked, her hand running through her hair. “Don't you see he's suffering enough from his undying love towards you, why would you inflict even more pain on him??”
“I hate all of you.” I shook my head at Bryan and he let out a sigh of relief. “But especially you Peter. You're stupid.”
“HEY!” Peter unleashed the full force of his math book against my head. “And I helped you after you totally forgot to your homework”
“I choose not to do it.” I said proudly. “Albert Einstein failed school and look what he did.”
“That's actually a total myth you know.” Ellie added. “He got really good grades but only Germany with our 1-6 notes so when he moved to another country with 6-1 notes they thought he had failed the grade.”
“Thanks for destroying all my hopes and dreams.”
Ellie blushed and began stuttering. “Oh no... I didn't mean it.. I'm so sorry.”
“Ellie, my precious bean, that was once again sarcasm.” Steff whispered to her and then turned on me. “And how could you not know that? Everyone knows that. Also side note, you kinda did forget your homework so don't lie to yourself.”
“I'm sorry, I don't spend my life reading up and learning random facts about famous people.” I tilted my chair a bit more. “Also how do you know that before wasn't a lie and this is me finally telling the truth.”
“No, you prefer playing video games over and over again.” Steff frown. “Doesn't shooting people get boring after some time?”
“I love you darling but no hating on video games.” Maria smirked. “Either way, wasn't Albert Einstein born with a smaller brain and that made him so smart?”
“It was only a tiny bit smaller then the average brain but with the same amount of brain cells which caused his brain to work far better then ours.” Peter added to the conversation. “And talking about hopes and dreams, Albert Einstein was working a boring desk job as an adult when he worked out his theories.”
“Hmmm... brains. I hear those things are tasty.” I licked my lips. “I'm actually getting pretty hungry, who wants to volunteer as tribute to my belly? Smart people only.”
“I think it's more about the spices and the way you cook it.” Maria stroked her imaginary beard “Raw brains sounds just gross.”
“Well that's just your opinion.” Ellie seemed to have gotten over her embarrassment and rejoined the conversation. “I think raw brains are delicious.”
“Eww.” Peter barked.
“Wow, we're really just going to kink shame poor Ellie here. She likes raw brains, you like dudes.” I put my arm around Peter. “There's no difference.”
“Wait, I'm not kinky. Not in that way at least.” Ellie spoke, startled. “I just enjoy a good meal. Vore is not a thing I like, nor will it ever be.”
“So being gay and being a cannibal is the same thing?” Peter glared. “You've truly sunken far, dear friend.”
“Seriously.” Steff joined in. “That's low even for you.”
“I'm sorry!” I attempted to defend myself but they seemed to have already hardened their hearts to my woo. “I was kidding..”
“There are some stuff you just can't joke about, that was one of them.” Maria joined into the fight. “And I thought you were cool.”
“How did we get from Noel not doing his homework to cannibalism?” Bryan asked into the group. “And how do we always move over to these kinds of conversations?”
“We were talking about Albert Einstein's brain then we came to brain food and then Noel had to compare cannibalism to being lgbt+.” Peter crossed his arms. “What does the defendant have to say in his defence?”
“I-..” “Guilty!” Steff broke into the conversation, interrupting my speech, one I had already thought about before I opened my mouth. “I say we execute him on the spot.”
“I second that!” Peter was quick to second it even though Noel looked at him with innocent eyes.
“How are we going to execute him then?” Maria rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Burning to the stake sounds like fun.”
“How 'bout no.” Ellie seemed visually shaken by even the thought. “What about beheading?”
“Too painless.” Peter countered. “He deserves to suffer.”
“Guys...” I tried to change the conversation but they continued to ignore me. I glanced at Bryan who seemed to have dissociated himself entirely and was inspecting a piece of lead that lay before him. I whispered his name several times before he shot back up into reality and looked at me puzzled.
“Shhh prisoner, the judges are deciding your fate.” Steff shushed him. “Mortals who hath' committed such a horrid crime does not deserve to speak.”
“Guys maybe we should leave Noel alone.” Bryan began his defense of my case but Steff cut him off, refusing to let him speak. “Shush human, spare us the sounds that escape your pretty lips. We know where your loyalties lie.”
“Don't take it to heart.” Maria spoke softly to Bryan. “We're just joking around and foreshadowing stuff, no need to worry.”
“My word, how about we cook him alive.” Peter rubbed his hands together “You know, with boiling water and all that good stuff.”
“I say we eat him.” Ellie grinned. “Tis the best way to depose of a corpse.”
“Yeah.. how about no.” Peter growled. “But a bloodsucker like yourself probably doesn't understand what no means.”
“Why wouldn't I know what no means?” Ellie countered, her eyes seemed to flash red for split second. “No means no, simple as that.”
“That is simply untrue.” We all spun around to see our dear math teacher, Mr Hofmann standing there, his body leaning on the doorway. The other students had noticed him standing there and had gone to their respectable seats. We had not. Who knew how long he had been standing there. How much he had heard.
“Sorry.” I said as I hurried to my proper place and pulled out my school books. The others did the same, some slower then others. Bryan rushed to his seat and practically threw his stuff on the table in terror while Steff stared him dead in the eye as they very slowly moved their chair to face the front.
“No. Definition: a negative used to express dissent, denial or refusal, as in response to a question or request. Also used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement.” He seemed to float into the room and found his way to his desk, his face unchanging before a slight smile crossed over his lips. “But It's math now so everyone pull out your homework. Everyone should have it, No excuses.”
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thctsace · 5 years
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kang younghyun (young k). cismale. he/him. ‖ no family. no home. no love. ‖ have you seen lim ‘ace’ jaewon at the beach recently? i remember them being so gregarious, but they seemed a little short-tempered today. it must be tough going through such hard times at only twenty six. even then, they still remind me of cereal with whiskey, philosophical talks about the universe, make-outs against shelves, and phone numbers on napkins.
tw: brief mentions of death, homophobia, abuse, violence, sexual harassment, drugs.
born in daegu, south korea. his mother died during childbirth. moved out to france at the age of three with his father and his new wife, who was previously his mistress.
he never had a good relationship with his father and they fought often. the only family member he got along with was his little half-sister, who was born two years after him.
he was sent to a catholic all-boys boarding school and he was basically the school’s top delinquent. he loved being a burden to the teachers and causing trouble, but other than that, he was a nice and funny dude that everyone wanted to be friends with.
at the age of fifteen, he started sleeping around with a lot of people and was soon granted another title: the casanova.
his father came close to cutting off all ties with him every time he got a call about his son in trouble at school or in the police station, but he’d be somehow persuaded to forgive him.
however, when he found out from one of the teachers that he’d been caught in an inappropriate act with another boy in the school’s library, he kicked him out of the house and told him to never come back.
he was also a very hot-tempered child. it all started when kids were sexually harassing his sister and he didn’t shy away from a few good blows to their faces. after that, he only knew how to solve issues with his fists.
(he’d get the taste of his own medicine back home, with a belt in his father’s hand).
basically, he was too big of a burden to his father. he was penniless and homeless at the age of sixteen. none of his friends could give him a permanent place and most parents didn’t want a child like him in their home anyway.
he lived on the streets for a good year, even dealt drugs briefly to earn some cash, until he met an older man that instantly became his best friend. he took him in, took care of him, and let him stay with him until he got back on his feet. the man even gave him a spot in his mechanic shop and offered personal training.
as years went by, ace eventually fell in love with him. unfortunately, he was straight and engaged by then, and he got married when ace was twenty-three.
he took it as his cue to leave as they wanted to start a life together and that’s how he came to palm beach, got a job as a mechanic, and he tried to move on here, so, it’s been about three years since his arrival.
about him: (drugs tw)
honestly, he’s stupid. almost like jason mendoza stupid, but not that bad. he’s still super hilarious and fun, although he’s far too childish for his age.
not as violent now as he used to be. he only fights when he’s being protective over someone.
this song is his anthem.
super flirty. he’s that post that is like (nsfw) “i’ll suck your dick if you take your meds”.
people assume that he doesn’t want to settle down. he does, badly, but hasn’t met the person (that isn’t his old best friend) yet.
doesn’t take anything seriously tbh.
has the biggest fattest crush on noel miller.
has a tattoo machine and likes to tattoo himself in his free time. is actually really talented at drawing and graphic design. he also likes to dabble in programming every now and then.
is currently in a band with vinny as a bassist. he also knows how to play drums and he writes songs.
does drugs (weed, lsd, shrooms, all that shit), but definitely not on a daily basis, just when he’s partying.
since the boarding school was international and full of british people, he developed a british and slight french accent there.
no one knows his real name. he only goes by ace.
here are his stats and wanted plots.
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