#Billy’s last name is never used to it’s full potential
chaoticallyfluffy · 29 days
Shazam identity reveal AU where the league knew Captain Marvel was a child named Billy since day one but he stubbornly refuses to transform or tell his full name for the whole 4 years he’s been on the team and everyone’s so confused because they know like. 95% of his identity already why is he hiding this specific part?
They start thinking he’s some kind of criminal or had a dark past he’s hiding from them. They know so much about him, though. They know he’s homeless, they know he’s had bad foster homes, they know his parents died tragically and his uncle stole his inheritance. he shares everything. Everything except the one thing that would show he truly trusts them. Why? What have they done to convince him they weren’t trustworthy?
Then. He accidentally transforms back during a battle. Batman instantly scans his face with the facial scanner that’s built into his mask because he’s paranoid as hell of course he has one of those. And he sees exactly why he hid it for so long.
The tension in the air is so palpable that the entire league feels it and they look back and forth between them waiting for the bomb to drop.
Cyborg is the one who blurts it out (he IS a facial scanner)
“Your last name is BAT SON??”
Billy groans into his hands in defeat and Batman sighs, finally understanding why the secret was kept so desperately.
From then on the league refuses to call Billy anything other than Big Red Robin or just Big Robin. Robin but big. they call Batman Captain Dad at every possible opportunity. Whenever Billy does something wrong someone threatens to tell his dad on him then call Batman. The robins last names may as well not exist because from then on they are only ever called Damian Bat-son or Red Hood Bat-son or Stephanie Bat-daughter, except for Red Robin who’s called Little Red Robin or, if they’re feeling brave, the Little Red Cheese. The bat children and Billy’s nicknames become so confusing and meshed together that conversations get very confusing and the names just become interchangeable. The press is convinced that Captain Marvel is Batman’s secret love child within a week.
It gets so chaotic so fast, no one knows how this happened but names mean nothing anymore and Batman is getting a DNA test. So much opportunity for chaos!
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Who is Peter Owens?
Okay so! Officially decided to separate Peter from the full saint post (in progress), though the theories merge together a little. If you’ve been keeping up with it, you probably already know a fair amount of this stuff!! This is just a deeper dive.
In short, Peter Owens is a theoretical character stemmed from wanting to understand the purpose behind ‘Peter’ being a name that’s repeated several times throughout S4. This will serve as both a theory and analysis, discussing why I think Peter exists and then analyzing his impact on the narrative!! I’m gonna use this post to discuss the 5 Peters, Peter’s role in the story, and his connections to Mike as his antithesis.
The 5 Peters
The kickstarter of this theory is the fact that Peter is a name repeated four times throughout the show. The repetition of names is something that never happens unless some important connection is meant to be made. For example, Billy and Will are both named William or how there are two other characters named Henry in earlier seasons. Repetitive names are a sign to pay attention!! For a name to be repeated four times in the same season with absolutely no allusion to who this could actually be?? That’s even more aggressive than the repetition of Henry’s name from earlier seasons. There is something very important about this Peter character and he could not be hinted at in previous seasons, but we NEED to be paying attention to him now.
Who are the four Peters mentioned by name in-show?
1. Lab Peter
2. Peter, Owens’ Son
3. Petey McHew
4. Peter Bingham
I did, however, say that there are five Peters! There is another Peter tied to the show by name, but he isn’t mentioned in the show itself. His name is;
5. Peter Ballard
The first step is to figure out what the connecting factor is between all these different characters! They’re all in very different settings with very different roles. Seemingly. Let’s get the facts down for each of these characters.
Lab Peter | 4x01, 6:19
The Peter in the lab isn’t given a last name, so we only know him as Peter. Brenner only refers to him as Peter. We never actually see who exactly it is that he’s talking to, we only know that a Peter is present in the lab at the time of Henry’s massacre. I could only find one potential subject to be Lab Peter, because of his lack of a last name compared to the other ones.
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The man on the right is the only one of the military men whose last name isn’t visible. Here we have Miller in the middle, the man on the left has a last name too short to be Ballard.
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My eyes aren’t the best, but I’m pretty sure these are Blackmen and Thatcher.
It’s possible that the man without a last name is meant to be Peter, but it seems unlikely because Brenner calls for two people, Peter and Alan. Our Peter traveled in a group of two, and these three traveled as a trio. There’s a chance this is Peter, but it doesn’t line up with information we’re given from the other Peters.
The two facts about Lab Peter; was at the lab at the time of the massacre and he was with someone named Alan.
Peter, Owens’ Son | 4x03, 3:11
When the government raids Owens’ house, they shuffle through old boxes and they take things, including a non-descript metal box and someone named Peter’s box of school projects. He’s most likely Owens’ son, considering he kept the school projects in his house and then being school projects indicate him having been younger with Owens and living with him long enough to gather a box full of projects. The fact that his wife is aware and she’s the one upset about the projects means she was attached to him as well, but she isn’t involved with anything in the lab as far as we know.
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^ the projects
The facts of this Peter? Owens’ wife attached enough to him to suggest he wasn’t just a lab kid, the projects indicate that he was involved with the Owens for a length of time, and he’s most likely their son.
Petey McHew | 4x04, 22:47
“But can I tell you a story? 1978, I was at summer camp. And my counselor Drew told me and everyone in Cabin C the true story of the Victor Creel massacre. And little Petey McHew… you know Petey, right, Ruth? Yeah. Little Petey McHew started sobbing right there on the spot. Full on hyperventilating.”
And here we have the story of Petey McHew! The most prominent thing about McHew is his fear of Victor and the fact that he was at summer camp. We also know that ‘Ruth’ and ‘Rose’ were familiar with Petey. Those names are relevant because they’re also repetitive in the story.
Ruth, Nevada is the neighborhood which Owens lives and where NINA lies.
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Rose is something relevant to the Creel home as well as a connection to Owens.
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The pillow is only visible when Owens stands during his argument with Sullivan (the military guy), hence the connection.
Peter Bingham | 13:37
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The boy that looks like Will? That’s Peter Bingham. He’s the Peter that we know the least about. He’s using salt, wearing orange and blue, and he has the same haircut as Will in S4.
In the background, on the pinboard, there’s another summer camp reference! The flyer for Camp Know-where, the summer camp Dustin and Suzie went to, is pinned. It’s the version for 1986, but you can see the computer logo in the middle of the top of the flyer! On the official site, they describe every day as being an adventure, which lines up with the phrase “Adventure is Calling!” plastered on the flyer.
Peter Ballard
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This is the tweet where they denounced the connection between Peter Ballard and Henry Creel. Of course, you should always take what the Stranger Writers say with a grain of salt, but the fact that they also addressed the difference between Enzo and Dmitri in the same tweet, which actually is true, does make me more inclined to believe them. They’re drawing a connection, and while one could be real and one could be fake, parallels are often used to reveal the truth.
Just like how Enzo was a fake name, an entirely different name for an entirely different thing. Enzo has been used before by Hopper, referring to the waiter as Enzo in S3 when he gets stood up by Joyce. Enzo is not the name of a character. Peter Ballard, in the same way isn’t the name of a character. It is, however, relevant to the story somehow.
The biggest thing about Ballard is that his only connection is to Henry. There’s nothing else about him, simply a name meant to hide the connection between Vecna, 001, and Henry. They could’ve chosen any name, but they chose Peter.
Peter’s Role in the Story
So we have all this information, but how does it come together? Who exactly is Peter, and what purpose does he serve in the narrative?
There are 3 major connections within the 5 Peters; Henry Creel, Sam Owens, and summer camps. Diving into those connections helps us build the story of Peter Owens (though i’m sure his name already gives you a bit of a hint).
Connecting the Dots
How does Henry play into the different stories of a few of the different Peters?
Lab Peter - The Peter mentioned is referenced right before Henry’s massacre, as well as being a worker for the lab. The lab was sort of built for Henry; to study him and his abilities, to control him, to recreate him. Anyone involved in the lab somehow has a direct tie to Henry Creel. In the lab, we don’t even have confirmation who Peter actually is, so it is a popular theory that Henry is called Peter in the lab!
Petey McHew - This is one of the more direct connections because of the mention of Victor Creel, specifically the story of Victor supposedly murdering people. The person actually behind those murders is Henry. Victor is also Henry’s father.
Peter Ballard - Quite honestly the most blatant tie to Henry, considering it was a cover name for his character. Peter Ballard has no other connections to any other character.
Now, this seems to be pointing in the direction of Peter being another version of Henry; someone to add on top of the ever growing list of characters that are secretly Henry. It heavily points to 001 actually being referred to as Peter in the lab, even.
The problem with that, however, is that it doesn’t explain why Peter is so heavily connected to Owens and not Brenner. We’ve never even seen Owens and Henry interact and Owens was strangely absent in the flashbacks to the lab.
I considered that Henry had been living as Peter and Owens’ son at some point, but that doesn’t make sense when paired with Brenner’s obsession with him and his need to control him. Brenner and Owens have a strained relationship, they barely trust each other in S4. If Brenner was going to leave Henry in someone’s hands, it wouldn’t have been Owens.
Alongside that, there are also things in these stories that directly connect to Henry that don’t align with what we know about Henry. Peter is scared of Victor — scared of the damage he can do. Henry states that he views his father as naive and pathetic, he never saw his father as someone to fear. Victor wasn’t a good father by any means, but he did love Henry. He never directly caused him harm and tried to protect him (though his thinking is flawed). There is zero reason for Henry to be scared of Victor, especially in relation to those murders.
As for Peter Ballard, it makes no sense for Henry to also be Peter when we look at the parallels drawn to Enzo’s false name in that tweet. If it were a statement on its own, it would be deserving of suspicion, but there’s an intentional inclusion of Dmitri. Parallels are something we use all the time to determine the reality of a situation, so that parallel is meant to be used to reveal the truth again.
Henry Creel is not Peter.
So who else could he be? Why does he still have such strong connections to Henry if he isn’t Henry himself?
Now, we turn to Owens’ son. Here’s the thing. Owens has incredibly strong ties to the Creel family for some reason despite not seeming to be involved at all.
When Owens is presented with the photo of Chrissy’s body, he claims not to know anything about it. His reaction says the opposite. When the military leaves, Owens immediately goes to check on NINA information. Later, when his agents have picked up El and they’re in the restaurant, he says, “A war is coming to Hawkins.”
How would he know that? Ever since November 1983, there has never been a body that looked like Chrissy’s. It’s a completely new style of killing. In fact, this is the only one that could’ve feasibly been done by a person. What the general points out doesn’t necessarily eliminate an ordinary person. Yet, somehow, Owens knows that this means a war is coming to Hawkins. The only way he’d know anything about what a body like that means is if he was aware of the true nature of the 1959 Creel murders. He doesn’t go searching for Victor. He was on the inside. He knew about Henry and his abilities. He knows about Henry’s anger, about his motivation and what these kills would lead to.
Arguably, Owens knows even more about Henry than Brenner. When talking to Will in S2 after his episode, he asks a series of typical questions until Will brings up his feeling that the Mind Flayer is evil. Owens’ response?
“What do you think the evil wanted?”
HOW would you make the jump from ‘big evil sky shadow this kid is seeing due to trauma’ to it wanting something? It’s never interacted with Will directly. Will has just been seeing it. It doesn’t even chase him till Halloween!! Owens had no reason to ask that question. Yet he did.
Owens questions things someone with no knowledge shouldn’t be questioning. I’m not saying that he knows Henry is behind the Mind Flayer. He’s asking the right questions though.
More so, I bring up the rose thing again. Owens is also tied to the rose of the Creel house.
Owens knows so much about Henry, and yet we know Henry can’t be Peter. It doesn’t make sense. Somehow, Owens has knowledge of the Creels, their history, and Henry’s endeavors without there ever being a direct connection made.
Here appears to be a roadblock. What other character could possibly be Peter? None of our current characters knew about Victor and had those same ties to both Henry and Owens. That’s when an anon suggested to me that Peter may be a character we haven’t met yet.
There’s something about Henry’s character that makes him feel somewhat… incomplete. Or rather, there’s room to expand upon the cause of his and his abusers actions. Henry is heavily queercoded and the same language that’s used to describe Will is used to describe Henry. They parallel each other in so many ways, through trauma and powers, and there are hints towards parallels of queerness, yet they’re never really expanded upon. We never see the blatant comparison for sexuality as we do for their artistic ability or being traumatized. They’re both “sensitive,” but as far as parallels go, that one is the only obvious one (broken seems to be more about trauma than queerness, though it’s applicable to both). Why have all these parallels and hints towards queerness only to stop with their toes on the line?
What I’d like to point out is that the lab seems to function as a sort of allegory for conversion therapy. Henry was sent away to Brenner because he needed to be fixed, because something about him made him different and whatever it was was the thing Virginia hated. She didn’t seem to know about his powers, and Henry appeared to be the idolized American child (white, blond, blue-eyed, able-bodied, skinny). If what she hates is what we can’t see, and Henry is already queercoded, it’s likely she hates him for his queerness and wanted to send him to Brenner so he could “fix it”.
How would Virginia know this about Henry? Sexuality is something that, if not told, has to be discovered. Henry was a young kid, only 12, there isn’t much he could’ve been doing alone that would out him.
Remember how I said Henry and Will’s parallels are a bit incomplete? Another question; do you think Lonnie’s hatred of Will stemmed entirely from the fact that he was a quiet kid who liked art? That Lonnie decided Will was queer based off that alone? It’s possible, but remember that Mike was part of Will’s life when Lonnie was still around. Lonnie may have hated Will for not being stereotypically masculine, may have made some assumptions, but with how affectionate Will and Mike were before S3 it’s safe to assume they’ve always been like that. Two boys being affectionate is a way more reasonable jump of logic (not that lonnie/homophobes are reasonable). Will’s queerness would probably remain under tight wraps if it weren’t for Mike. Hell, Will’s love for Mike is how Jonathan knows he’s gay. Sexuality on its own doesn’t have to be romantic to be true, but Will’s arc with his sexuality is heavily based on his feelings for Mike.
Taking those facts, let’s say something similar happened to Henry. Henry was somehow discovered, prompting the Creels to move and for Virginia to want to send him to Brenner (she also possibly sexually abused him in her own attempts to fix him). Who would Henry have been with at the time? Who would recommend Brenner to Virginia? Who has strong ties to the Creel family?
Peter is Owens’ son. The Creels lived in Ruth, Nevada near Owens. Henry and Peter most likely met at a summer camp, or at least went to one together (possibly another allegory for conversion therapy, but i’m not 100% sure they were sent to the camp for being gay) and grew close. Most likely, they were best friends and a little more, just like Mike and Will had been.
Peter was always scared of Victor, a very religious man who loved his family and wanted to protect them from demons. Victor had a gun he sat outside with at the Creel house, one he planned on using to shoot the demon tormenting his family. Victor is a religious man with a gun who loves his son. Peter is a gay kid, and Victor would most definitely had blamed Peter for “influencing” Henry. Peter had every reason to be scared of Victor.
Owens has a relationship with Brenner and works with him. We don’t know much about Owens’ view on gay people, but considering it was the 1950’s and he’s got a close relationship with Brenner, I wouldn’t be surprised if Owens had worked with him on a conversion therapy project. Of course he’s never been okay with hurting kids, but he’s also always been dedicated to saving them. Owens and Brenner are men of science, and science at the time was flooded with propaganda that stated homosexuality was a curable disease. Owens wanted to help cure these children, hence his grid shirts and role as the web of the spider, but he’d never do so through the extremes Brenner would.
If the Owens and the Creels discovered their children were gay, gay together, Owens could very well have recommended Brenner to Virginia for when they moved away. Brenner ran a location in Hawkins, Indiana, posed as a hospital with electrocution materials at the ready (Terry Ives was shocked till her brain was scrambled). Electro-shock therapy was a very common treatment.
Of course, after Henry’s powers were discovered, Brenner was no longer interested in fixing him but became obsessed with understanding his abilities.
Basically, Peter is Owens’ son and Henry’s childhood lover just like how Will is the son of a homophobic man and has his own childhood lover.
How Peter Influenced Henry
How did Peter actually impact the plot, beyond just being the one Henry got caught with? It does in fact go further beyond, and this is where we bring in one more Peter that I haven’t mentioned yet. He’s never said by name, but he is in the show.
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This painting on the left from the Russian church is a painting of Saint Peter. He’s most known for two things; holding the keys to the kingdom of heaven and his written vision of the Second Coming of Christ, called the Apocalypse of Peter.
The Apocalypse of Peter, when you look into the visions listed (punishments for sinners) they tell a very similar story to what we’ve been seeing in S4 and hint at what’s likely to come in S5. Not every prediction will be used, but a lot of them will. These are written in order of the actual listed punishments in the apocalythe, but only some of them have happened; others are predictions for future character events.
“Blasphemers are hanged by the tongue.”
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Blasphemy; the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk:
This is an unfulfilled but predicted event for Mike. This will likely play into effect during his trance in S5, but you never really know with this series.
“Women who adorn themselves for the purpose of adultery are hung by their hair over a bubbling mire.”
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Unfulfilled, but not surprising. She’s been emphasized for a reason, we’re just yet to learn why. It seems she may end up partaking in Henry’s punishments, which makes sense given his attitude towards her through Billy.
“Murderers and their allies are tormented by venomous creatures and numberless worms.”
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Is now a good time to mention that there’s a pretty good chance Peter died?
“Liars whose lies caused the death of martyrs have their lips cut off, with fire in their body and entrails.”
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The victims were all martyrs and Jason’s lies led to their deaths, as if not for the conflict they may have been able to come up with a real solution quicker. It seems like he has fire in his ‘body and entrails’ to me! Get fucked.
“Men who take on the role of women in a sexual way, and lesbians, fall from the precipice of a great cliff repeatedly.”
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Isn’t it wild how gay men and women are said to fall from the great cliff repeatedly? How Mike has yet to do this action under Henry’s influence, and yet there are signs of him not only going back to the cliff but doing so during his trance? Where no one can save him?
“Those who do not heed the counsel of their elders are attacked by flesh-devouring birds.”
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Kinda what he gets for not listening.
“Women who had premarital sex have their flesh torn to pieces.”
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Are you starting to see the pattern between all the people who’re predicted targets? 
“Sorcerers are hung on a wheel of fire.”
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So, it seems the Peter may have had an influence on Henry’s future goals considering how many similarities there are between Peter’s Apocalypse and Henry’s plan of action.
I doubt Peter quoted these types of punishments as an exact plan, but it very much so seems like he’d been angry at those who oppressed people like him and Henry, which makes perfect sense if he had a conversion therapist for a father. If Peter had been enduring homophobic rhetoric his whole life, only to find out he was the very type of person his father sought to fix, of course he could learn to hate people like Owens; people who were at the top ranks of society, who got to live their lives how they pleased and control everyone they’d decided was below them.
Peter’s beliefs could’ve been a motive behind Henry’s actions. Obviously, Peter alone wasn’t a motive, but I think he played an important part as to why Henry started killing in Hawkins —why he was even in Hawkins in the first place. Peter spoke of a world where the people who hurt them were finally brought down, a world where they could be saved. Henry could make that happen. Henry understood what Peter was talking about on a deep, deep level. He felt it too. Losing Peter, the one person who showed him kindness, probably played a role in Henry’s chosen path of salvation and revenge, though he’s twisted things to fit into his own moral/ethical code.
Now, what’s really interesting is that Henry and Will are parallels and antitheses. In the same way, I think Peter is meant to be Mike’s antithesis.
Mike’s Antithesis
This last part shouldn’t be too long! Basically, when we look at the narrative, Peter is being built as Mike’s antithesis in a similar way to how Henry is built as Will’s antithesis. Without having Peter as a canonical character, and therefore having no guaranteed understanding of his personality and moral code, this will mostly be based off of everything I’ve talked about this far in the theory.
Where are they similar? Both of them grew up in peaceful, suburban class homes with passive fathers who were pretty openly homophobic. Ted isn’t to the extreme that Owens may have been, but he’s made more than his fair share of snide remarks and there’s a Reagan sign in front of the house. There’s also the way that the boy they’re both in love with had a scary, homophobic dad with a gun.
On a deeper level, they both play very similar roles in the narrative. Henry and Will both fight for a lot of reasons, but just like how Will finds his courage and strength in Mike, Henry may possibly doing the same from the memory of Peter. This is also where they start to diverge a little bit, becoming antitheses to each other.
Where Peter finds sanctuary in hating those above him, Mike finds sanctuary in the people on his level. Peter only looks up at he could’ve had, but Mike doesn’t even bother being jealous of the people above them. He looks left and right and finds the beauty in the people around him. They’re his best friends! Peter and Mike both want to be able to be themselves, but their approaches to that are different. They share their views with the people around them, taking leadership roles (Saint Peter was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which serve as leadership and faith encouraging tools over the people) and guiding people to follow their beliefs too. Peter encouraged revenge and an us vs them attitude. Mike encouraged community, always tells his friends how amazing they are and serves as a beacon of hope for the people around him more often than not.
Where Henry is dark and Will is light, Peter is despair and Mike is hope. Where Henry is rejection and Will is acceptance, Peter is hatred and Mike is love.
Mike and Will are a version of Peter and Henry. They’re the ones who end up together. Peter and Henry lacked so much love, it was what drove Henry to become the monster he is. Will has been surrounded by love, it sets him on the path of goodness Henry never had. Where Henry lost his childhood love and was left alone, Will and Mike pulled through. It’s sort of perfect that Peter would be introduced as Henry’s old love interest in the same season Mike and Will finally get together. Showing Peter too early as a parallel to Mike and Henry’s crush may have given too much insight into byler.
Another fun little thing; Mike has a lot of imagery regarding crosses this season for reasons unknown. Saint Peter died via crucification, but he was crucified upside down. Makes me wonder what that could mean for Mike, seeing as how Henry is the “upside down” version of Will, in a sense. Definitely nothing good, but interesting nonetheless.
I think that’s everything! At least, the important stuff. Any other small details I find about Peter will go under ‘#petergate’ and general posting about Peter will just be tagged with his name, ‘#peter owens’. He’s a little fucked up but he’s also just a little guy. You ever met a 12 year old? He’s pretty normal tbh
Thank you for reading!!!
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saradika-graphics · 3 months
thank you so much for answering my previous ask! i’ve thought it over and asked some friends, and we gathered some ideas. sorry if it’s a lot!!
for some of these, i removed will’s name from the quotes. i figured it’d look/flow better that way
- will’s clock (i attached an image as an example at the end)
- “this is all i ever wanted for you. for both of us.”
- “if i saw you forever, i would remember this day.”
- “this is my design.”
- “i’m not fortune’s fool. i’m yours.”
- “this poet wrote you a poem. are you going to let his love go to waste?”
- “i’ve never known myself as well as i know myself when i’m with him.”
- “killing must feel good to god.”
- here’s the full quote: “killing must feel good to god, too. he does it all the time, and are we not created in his image?”
- could maybe make cool matching dividers?
- “it’s nice to have an old friend for dinner.”
- “i am who i’ve always been. the scales have just fallen from my eyes. i can see you now.”
- “No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them.”
- full quote: “No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved's potential comes true.”
i also am a huge fan of the movie “the silence of the lambs,” and, if you don’t mind, i compiled some quotes from the movie you could maybe use?
- “a census taker tried to test me once. i ate his liver with some fava beans a nice chianti.”
- “i do wish we could chat longer, but i’m having an old friend for dinner.”
- “well, clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?”
- “you fly back to school now, little starling. fly, fly, fly.”
- “quid pro quo”
- full quote: “quid pro quo. i tell you things, you tell me things.”
- i think maybe this one could make a good divider too? or naybe like a matching set?
- “Caterpillar into chrysalis, or pupa, and from thence into beauty.”
- here’s the full quote: “The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into chrysalis, or pupa, and from thence into beauty. Our Billy wants to change, too.”
- "Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?”
- full quote: “First principles, Clarice: simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius, "Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?””
- “his pulse never got above 85, even when he ate her tongue.”
- maybe as two dividers, split where the comma is?
- “memory, agent starling, is what i have instead of a view.”
i’ve looked over this list and it’s WAY longer than i initially thought it was, i’m sorry 😭 i don’t mean to flood you or anything, genuinely — i’m just a big enjoyer of the show & movie 😭🙏🙏 thank you for entertaining my ask!
and last but not least, will’s clock:
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Thank you so much for these suggestions! I had thought of Will’s clock initially - the dividers are just so narrow, that I worried the detail would be lost. I have some ideas for it, though!
I’ll also pick some quotes from this list, and have a set queued for later this week (right now I am thinking about 12 or so dividers total, including the clock!) 💕
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kiwiwinjindouche · 11 months
hiiii show your dh ocs!! (if you want to ofc)
YES YES YES!!!!! (thank youuuuu)
They're on ToyHouse too (just Octave is hidden and Nelly you have to be logged or idk cuz I have some things to change)
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i'm about to kill myself I was almost done with the post and then lost everything
Aldina's story contains spoilers from the last book, The Veiled Terror!
(also this is set in the AU where Jindosh lives because the denial is real, and they almost all met him at some point too omg my love for this man is showing a lot)
I have a lot to say about some of them, so left to right =>
Sybill Howlet (SH)
I'm obsessed with Sherlock Holmes too and this was a way for me to combined two things I like, even her name is a ref to Sherlock!
She's from Dunwall, she was living in the streets with her sister but they lost each other a long time ago. The Bottle Street Gang was her family (Slackjaw went to father figure to friend over time). Then, one day, Archibald (Vinz's dad (see later)) found her and got impressed by her thinking and mind, and decided to take her out of the streets and help her use her full potential. Soon enough, the Outsider took great interest into her, and started to visit her dreams and help her find little secrets about everyone. He never gave her his mark.
When the Coup occurred, she left Dunwall a few weeks, only to come back and finish her current cases then leave once again but for Karnaca this time. That's when she heard about Billie's actions and omg what a queen. The Bank Job? such a masterpiece, outstanding, amazing. She loved following her trail around the city, trying to understand what she was looking for. She met Jindosh because of this, cuz she wanted to talk to him about the break-in. She enjoys quite a lot to annoys him (and just to roast people).
Her parents were nobles/friends with Luca, but she always despised him a lot actually. She prefers women company, and that's how she found out she was lesbian. The only man she never really hated was Jindosh, because she likes the Clockwork Soldiers. Her biggest inspiration was the witches, tho. She loved going to the Conservatory and spend time with Breanna, she wanted SO MUCH to meet Delilah, to be part of the Coven, to join them!!!! it was her biggest dream. But then, what?? Corvo comes and the witches are now gone.
Old men are so BORING.
Later, when the Outsider was no more, her parents died because of the nightmares. Then, she wondered alone on the streets, and kind of managed to fix a Clockwork Sentinel because the main program and such were still in good condition. That is how and when Jindosh met her for the first time. He took her to his mansion, thinking she could be of some use, and taught her some things too. Al' likes to creep behind the walls and scares the staff by singing lullabies and sea shanties.
Everything was fine, until Corvo came back. She wanted SO BADLY to kill him, to rip off his skin, to boil him alive, for what he's done to her, to the witches, to Delilah, to her first found family, to her broken dreams. She wanted so badly to do it, then found out Jindosh cared about him. She's making a very lot of efforts to accept the fact that the man who destroyed her hopes and dreams is now part of her new family, and eventually she'll come to terms with it... many years later.
Thanks to the Void stones in her arm, she can use a little magic, but it's very complicated. Jindosh likes to call her "little mouse", and she's friend with rats. Also she steals Jindosh's stuff a lot and likes to spend time with Alex'.
Vincent/Vinz MacIntosh
Archibald MacIntosh is a private detective from Morley, after a failed attempt at the Academy. He married a tailor, who died cuz of the plague, and likes to paint too. He worked with the City Watch for some time.
As for Vinz, he got inspired by his father, but decided to become a journalist instead (not like it was less dangerous, moreover he's working with one if not the most dangerous gang in Karnaca, needless to say it worries his father a lot). Anyway, Vinz came to Karnaca a few years before the Coup, and he's more than happy to be part of this major history event. Because of his father's past and everything he was taught, he recognized Corvo quite easily, and tried his best to convince him NOT TO KILL JINDOSH. Because, yeah, Vinz is a HUGE fan of Jindosh's works.
The silvergraph? omg THIS IS SO COOL to illustrate the news or just have portraits of people! The audiograph? perfect to record things and testimonies! The Clockwork Soldiers? They're not really worse than the Tallboys back then, and they could be useful too!! for, like, THE FUCKING BLOODFLIES??? people of Karnaca have more chances to get killed by the bloodflies than the Clockwork Soldiers. It's not like Jindosh was kidnapping children to torture them and eat their organs??? He's killing INTRUDERS in his very OWN HOUSE. How are thieves treated at Dunwall Tower, I wonder?????
Anyway, Vinz likes to draw and to listen to Jindosh ranting about his inventions, trying his best to understand.
(Archibald doesn't have a clean ref but he's not really important anyway)
And then, I don't have much about them.
She's a maid at the Clockwork Mansion, and quickly became friend with Aldina. The two of them like to prank the others and going out. I think, at some point, Nelly will leave the place and do something else. It's not like she has a bad treatment - Jindosh barely knows about her, mostly thanks to Aldina (also she's the maid I make appear when I need someone in the mansion) - it's just she wants to do something else. Going on a trip maybe. I have to think about it. Btw, she's from Serkonos, and knows many things about Corvo because he's such a legend there, everyone knows about him. She probably likes to cook.
He's a grumpy old man from Tyvia, but he lived most of his younger years in Baleton. He went to prison, but soon entered the navy when the choice's been given to him. They weren't expecting him to last this long. Now, he's pretty strong, and would like to have a fight with the Royal Protector to test his limits. Caleb likes poetry and the sea.
Octave Hearly
He's also from Morley. Octave is into cartoon and cinema, mostly. When he heard about Jindosh's work on the silvergraph and the "moving images", his heart skipped a beat and he decided to join him and work with him on all this.
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zot3-flopped · 10 months
For the love of God, stop talking about Harry Styles’ sexuality
Is the pop star's private life really any of our business?
By Patrick Sproull
God, I envy Luca Guadagnino. The concept of queerbaiting was put to the Bones & All director last year and his response was to ask, “what is that?” The idea of floating above the 2020s’ most tedious discourse sounds roughly on parallel with Lionel Hutz imagining a world without lawyers. I’m exhausted by it. We’ve read so much about it, heard so much about it, yet somehow people like Billy Porter pop out of the woodwork every 6 months to accuse Harry Styles of exploiting queer people. Aside from being so utterly boring, these bad faith criticisms have lately taken on a malicious edge.
Over the weekend Porter aired his criticisms of Harry Styles, not for the first time, in an interview with The Telegraph. He said that Styles becoming the first man to feature on the cover of American Vogue “doesn’t feel good to me” and accused Styles, whom he identified as straight despite Styles never having confirmed this, of exploiting “my community.”
It’s hard not to consider the historical precedent for the obsession over who Styles sleeps with. At the height of his career, David Bowie was regularly quizzed about his sexuality. In 1972 he said he was gay. Then, in 1976, he said he was bisexual. Finally, in 1983, he claimed he was actually a “closet heterosexual.” Clearly, attempting to fit his sexuality into a precise box and be defined by it did not serve Bowie well. He later called his coming out “the biggest mistake I ever made” and that by being reduced to his sexuality, “it stood in the way of so much I wanted to do.” To me, it’s clear that Harry Styles, who is often discussed in the same breath as Bowie, is simply treading more carefully. He says he doesn’t label himself, he loves who he loves at his own discretion, and his fashion is extraneous to this. For some people Styles’ firm refuting of labels isn’t enough, which takes this discourse onto the slipperiest of slopes.
Putting pressure on a celebrity to address their sexuality in terms more suited to their fan base and the industry is depressingly familiar. Kit Connor of Heartstopper fame came out last Halloween, tweeting, “back for a minute. i’m bi. congrats for forcing an 18-year-old to out himself. i think some of you missed the point of the show. bye.”
It was a full-throated indictment of the toxic side of the Heartstopper fandom, who interpreted the show’s warm message of inclusivity as the green light to go on a merry witch hunt for any potentially straight cast members. The entire affair hurt Connor, as would any induced coming out, and it’s an example of what happens when the Internet insists upon knowing who’s shagging who.
Porter’s recent comments are not the first time he’s criticised Styles and they espouse exclusivity in the name of inclusivity. He refers to Styles “using my community”, as if queerness or gender nonconformity is a members’ club Styles is gatecrashing.
His point about Styles’ whiteness and beauty playing a prime part in his position as the first man to cover American Vogue is obviously correct, but it is not for Porter to proclaim who is in the ‘community’.
There is no hierarchy within queerness or gender nonconformity and Porter is wrong to claim there are “leaders of this de-gendering of fashion movement” because the de-gendering of fashion is something that has existed since fashion began. It has no leaders because it’s literally just clothes.
Accusing Harry Styles of queerbaiting in 2023 is like taking part in the ALS ice bucket challenge. It feels like the product of another time and doesn’t exactly hold water in such sexually fluid times. Most of us have moved on from viewing others’ sexuality with such suspicion and the idea that there currently exists a large portion of celebrities in Hollywood who desire to be seen as gay whilst secretly being heterosexual is pure tinfoil hat territory.
We are so culturally beyond queerbaiting as a concept. Styles, the tallest, shiniest lightning rod for this alleged crime, has never marshalled a Pride march or appeared in a Pride magazine shoot. He isn’t directly profiting from queerness, he simply wears the clothes he wears.
This desire to demarcate queerness serves absolutely no one because at this point ostracising a potentially queer person for their perceived straightness would do more harm than welcoming in a straight person in gay clothing. We saw what happened to Kit Connor and the harm it caused. It’s time to move on.
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yikesharringrove · 2 years
Possible AU: Billy is a writer for underground queer magazine, using a pen name. It’s actually one of Robin’s favorites which she introduces to Steve who falls a little in love with Billy’s column. Meet Cute, Meet Ugly, Accidental Identity Reveal potentials?
It started as a little something to do while he was stuck in Indiana.
Billy had been reading the magazine for the past three years. His subscription was sent to his friend's house so Neil didn't find something like that in the mailbox.
And when he was dragged across country, Billy found himself in the city, at the shitty little office building within four days of setting up their new house.
He brought old assignments, shitty things he'd written, all kinds of samples of writing and they set him up with a goddamn column.
At first, he was doing a monthly column. Reviewing albums, writing about books, talking about being queer and closeted in a small town.
And then he got a letter.
It was sent to the magazine, but addressed to Billy. To his pen name, actually. D. Cotton.
It was an anonymous letter. No return address.
It was from a girl. A girl who was in love with a girl in her high school and she couldn't do anything about it.
And she asked him if it was even worth it. To love a girl this much without being able to actually show her or tell her.
Billy had read the letter over and over again before the magazine decided to publish a copy of it.
He told her that one day she won't be in high school anymore. That one day, if she's lucky, she'll be somewhere where a girl is going to feel like screaming into her own damn pillow because of her. That one day, she'll get to tell a girl, and show a girl, and truly love a girl.
And Billy's weekly advice column was somehow born.
He was at the mall when he first noticed someone he knew reading the magazine.
Some girl he'd seen around the school, sitting on the counter behind the cash register at Scoops Ahoy, reading the magazine like no one would clock her.
Or maybe she just didn't give a shit.
Or maybe people in this stupid fucking town really didn't know what it was about.
But he found himself in front of her and he found himself speaking.
"You ever read the Cotton Column?"
And her fucking eyes lit up, and she looked at him like she'd never seen him in her life before.
"You're-" she held up the magazine, not actually wanting to voice the question.
"Yeah. I'm one a' those types."
And she smiled at him so big and bright.
"Cotton is kinda my saving grace. I've written to him a few times, if I'm being honest. And he made my friend really think about some things when I started making him read the column."
"So, you convert your friend?"
"Nah. He just didn't realize that all boys don't fantasize about dating and fucking other guys."
And Billy snorted.
Because he doesn't know how many letters he gets about people that didn't even realize they were gay or whatever.
They just thought everyone felt like they did.
He envies that a little bit.
Not thinking oneself a disgusting freak the first time a queer thought floats into their brain.
"There's a really good article in this issue about a drag bar in Indianapolis that got raided last week. Cops were trying to shut them down for serving minors and breaking noise ordinances."
The girl raised her eyebrow at him.
"Were they?"
"'Course not. Cops just didn't like that the place was full of queers. The writer was actually there when it happened. It's a good read."
And it was. Billy had read it before it had gone to print two days ago.
The girl riffled further into the magazine.
And then the door on her right swung open, and a very harrassed-looking Steve Harrington came slouching out into view, stupid little Ahoy! sailor hat sat crooked on his head.
He took one wild look at Billy, and then looked back to the girl, and slapped the magazine out of her hands.
"Steve, what the fuck?"
Steve's face was red, and he kept looking at Billy as though trying to gauge his reaction.
And Billy realized he was trying to see whether or not he had clocked the magazine.
Whether or not he was giving this girl a hard time for reading it.
"Dude, don't fuck with her copy. That shit only came out today."
Steve gawked at him.
"Wait, you read it?"
"Have for years."
The girl was making a show of moaning and groaning while she picked up her magazine from the floor.
"Y'know, Billy here and I were talking about D. Cotton's column," the girl said.
And then Billy almost pissed his fucking pants because Steve's eyes lit up like the fucking sun, and he got this goofy smile on his face and he looked like a little kid that had just been he could have ice cream for dinner.
"I love that column. You know I wrote to him once? H actually responded. I have the issue still. It was so fucking cool."
And Steve was acting like he was some kinda celebrity. Like Madonna had answered his letter in an advice column, and not the same teenager that was standing in front of him."
And then Billy's brain almost exploded because, because if Steve reads the magazine, and has written in for advice, then he's-
"What'd you ask? I probably read it."
And Steve's cheeks went a precious shade of pink and he looked down at the toe of his dark blue sneaker.
"Uh, well, Robin kinda encouraged me. I was just kinda confused. It was really short, and like, I just asked him if, you now, it's normal to, you know, like both." He whispered the last two words. "And he, like, was super nice. Gave me a word for it."
Billy remembers.
He remembers the neat handwriting of the letter.
I know I like girls and I know I like boys. Do you think I'm faking?
And Billy had replied
Dear Faking It,
What you are is bisexual.
And then Billy had listed a bunch of bisexual musicians and actors and artists and that was for Steve.
"That's. Pretty cool." Billy tried to seem like this wasn't shattering everything he had ever known.
"Steve is totally in love with this guy. He once made me sit in the fucking car with him and drive out to their offices in the city, and then he was too chicken shit to get out of the car."
Steve glared at the girl-Robin- and she grinned back at him.
"Whatever. He's probably, like, some guy that's too old for me, or something."
And Billy couldn't help but notice that Steve seemed almost disappointed about the idea that D. Cotton was too old for Steve to. To date.
"Nah. If anything, you're too old for me."
Billy felt his eyes go wide when he realized what the fuck he had just said.
The magazine slid out of Robin's hands and flopped pathetically onto the floor.
"Wait, Billy. Are you-" Robin began to ask him.
"No," he cut her off.
And then her eyes were going bright, and she was pointing at him.
"Yes, you are! I can't believe I didn't realize! I saw that notebook. The one you had last year. You were writing all these notes about Giovanni's Room, and I thought how weird it was that they would let you do a gay book for a report, and then, and then! A month later Cotton publishes a piece about the book, and I didn't even realize!"
Billy's stomach made a valiant attempt to launch itself straight through his spine when Robin smacked Steve's arm, and Billy realize that Steve had been staring at him all this time.
"I don't-" Steve trailed off.
"Wait, so then, what does the name mean?" Robin kept going.
"You ever seen Pink Flamingos?" Robin nodded. Steve shook his head. "D stands for Divine. And then Cotton like the blonde chick in the movie."
Robin laughed at him.
"I should've known. You are the filthiest person alive."
"Wait, I'm still stuck on this."
Billy looked back at Steve who had his eyebrows all furrowed and his nose all scrunched up.
"Stuck on what?"
"How did you even get a job there?"
Billy shrugged.
"Been a reader for a few years and I just applied on a whim. Don't think they expected much of me."
"But they pay you?"
Billy shrugged.
"Not much, to be honest. But it's cool. I get a lot of mail from queers telling me how much I've impacted their lives. And I don't get how it happened, because I'm usually shit with helping people. But I always think about what I need to hear and just write that. Like the first letter I got for advice was this chick who was in love with this girl at her high school, and she was so desperate to hear that she wasn't some gross freak, and that being queer doesn't, like, condemn you to a life of misery."
Just like he said, it's what Bily had needed to hear.
And then Robin's face went red.
"Billy. I wrote that letter. I remember it so well. I wrote it in the middle of the night and sent it on a whim. I didn't think anything would happen, but you answered it in the column and it meant so much to me." Her eyes were shining like maybe she had some tears in them and Billy hopes to all that is holy that she doesn't start crying. "It was exactly what I needed to hear."
"I know something about feeling fucking desperate," Billy mumbled to her left knee.
"And you told me I'm bisexual," Steve whispered the word bisexual like he'd whispered earlier. "And you said that James Dean was probably, you know, too."
"Yeah. He never said if he was or not, but he couldn't exactly be out and proud, could he?"
The way Billy and Robin were staring at him made his face feel hot and made him feel like his intestines were squirming around like snakes.
Nobody spoke for a moment that felt as though it dragged on forever and Billy was starting to get the urge to turn tail and sprint away without saying anything else.
"I can't believe this guy that effectively gave me hope for a happy lesbian future is the fucking King King of Hawkins High."
Billy laughed, and he was pleased to see Steve laughing too.
"We're everywhere, you know. The queers have invaded."
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softboywriting · 3 years
Little Moments | Billy Russo
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Summary: Tension in familiarity leads to confessions after a terrifying event. [Billy Russo x Reader] [Violence] [Blood] [Gunshots] [Assistant!Reader] [Alternate Timeline - Castle family not mentioned/never happened] [Fluff] 
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: This is my first Billy Russo fic, we’ll see where this goes yeah?
Just over a year ago you took a position as an assistant with Anvil. The job wasn't too bad, basically you took care of paying the bills for the facility, keeping inventory of supplies and equipment, scheduling appointments and keeping track of who was deployed where and why while keeping tabs on them and their duties while on deployment from Anvil. You had done work like this before, managing in a grocery store in your early twenties. It wasn't all that different, just instead of managing products you managed people. No the job was not difficult but your boss. Well. He was something else. 
William "Billy" Russo was a force to be reckoned with. Intelligent, handsome, cunning. His smile could kill. His eyes...they were something all their own. To say Billy was attractive was an understatement. But attraction was only part of the problem. The other part is his sharp tongue, quick wit and dry sarcasm. A year of sharing an office with him had put you on edge. You never know what he would do next, what he would say next. Some days you wish you could fuck him right there in that expensive leather rolling chair behind his desk. Other's you want to rip his leg off and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. The two of you got close, going back and forth with playful banter almost daily. It's like you’re always on the edge of being something more, if one of you would just make the first move.
Things finally come to a head one day when you've got a particularly large workload on your plate and Billy has decided to go on one of his little rants about who knows what, you tune him out. He is always coming into the office and talking to himself. Maybe he is talking to you, but you rarely participate in the conversation. At first you thought he was on a call, using a headset or something, but no. He just talks, and he talks a lot.
"Can you shut up for five fucking minutes?" You snap, head pounding from eye strain. You've been at the computer for six hours now, and you're trying to transcribe a call from one of his units over in Turkey about a job. Billy's mindless chatter has gotten on your last nerve today. 
Billy stops, falling silent somewhere near his desk. The room becomes thick, heavy with tension as you both remain silent. You've never snapped at him, not seriously. You've told him to go fuck himself but in a playful way. This was too real. Too loaded. He's your boss. Fuck.
You're not one to apologize when you're not actually sorry though. You remain silent, knowing he expects you to say something. He wants you to take back your words but you won't. 
"How much work do you have left?" 
Your eyes flick from the screen to him. He looks flushed. Angry? No. His eyes hold no malice. He looks aroused. No way. A cold sweat runs down your back. He must be livid. "I'm transcribing a call right now then I have to make copies of some invoices, order new foam guards for the weight benches and-"
"Finish the call. Then go home."
"Yes, sir."
Billy pushes off his desk and exits the room, leaving the door open behind him. You know that he isn't happy with your little outburst. You just don't know why he won't say as much. He looks turned on if you didn't know better. Or do you? 
The rest of the call goes smoothly now you don't have to pause every few seconds to rewind and listen to it to make out exactly what the unit leader was saying over Billy's chatter. You wrap up and head out as you were told. On the way out you pass Billy with a few of his higher up employees.
"Good night, Mr. Russo." You say softly with a hand raised in a wave. You always call him by his last name around other people. It's not much of a gesture but you want to keep things calm and civil. He nods, face unreadable, and gives a little raise of his hand as well. More than you expected, and it puts you at ease that you might keep your job. 
"I'll have my assistant arrange the payment from you after the contract is finalized." 
You stop by the door to the meeting room to listen in. The men in the room with Billy are potential clients, men who want private security for multiple locations. You had greeted them when they arrived and showed them to the meeting room. They rubbed you the wrong way. You met a lot of men and women in your year at Anvil, a lot of different people from different walks of life. None of them made you as uncomfortable as these men had. You step away from the door and go to the office. If Billy wants to get in bed with them then let him. That's not your call.
"Let me grab the paperwork from my assistant." You hear through the closed door and Billy steps in, closing it behind him. "Can you give me a new client contract?" 
"Sure." You pull open the file drawer on your right and thumb through the papers. "They must be very promising work."
Billy leans on the side of the desk, quirking an eyebrow up at you. "What's got you so mouthy lately?" 
You cut him a glare and he chuckles. 
"You don't like them?"
"I'm not fond." 
"They feel wrong." You extract a thick booklet of paper and hand it to Billy. "But let's not pretend you care what I think, Mr. Russo."
Billy rolls his eyes at the formalities. "You know damn well I value your input just like I do from any other person who works for me. Talk to me."
You sit up and lean back in your chair, eyes on his, your heart pounding. He's looking at you so attentively it's hard to focus. Those eyes, so soft and warm staring back at you. Fuck. He could make you spill the truth about everything without trying. "They give me a bad feeling. The second I greeted them they just...felt bad? I can't explain it."
"We work with a lot of morally gray people in our line of business, sweetheart." Billy leans back, hands spreading out on the desk. His hands, fuck they're nice. "But I will never ignore a gut instinct."
"So you won't sign the contract with them?" 
"I'll do some more investigation before I do. Talk to a few friends in high places."
You nod and slide forward to sit at the computer, closer to him. What a mistake. You can smell his cologne, his heat is pouring into your knee beside his. It takes everything in you to keep your eyes forward on the computer. He reaches over and lays a hand on your shoulder, making your body flush with heat. Why did he have to touch you? 
"Yes?" You ask, sparing a quick glance up at him. Mistake. He's staring down at you with those beautiful obsidian eyes. God they're so big and he's such a-
"Thank you."
"For what?" 
"For telling me. You've never come to me like this before about a client. I like it."
"Oh. Well it's your business so-" 
Billy leans in close to your ear and you feel that cold sweat return from when you told him to shut up. This time it's not fear or panic, it's arousal? The closeness is getting to you, your head is swimming. "You're just as important to me as this company. Remember that." 
You nod.
"Couldn't hear you."
"Y-yeah. Yes. I will."
He pushes off the desk and slides the papers he had been leaning against closer to you before he picks up the contract and smacks it against his hand a few times. "Will you set up a meeting with the Rodgers Estate for later?"
You grab a pen and scribble it in your planner. "Got it Mr. Russo."
"One more thing." He says and you look up. His hand is on the door handle. "Have a drink and relax? You're a little wound up lately. And drop the Mr. Russo shit, call me Billy when we're alone. You know that." He smiles and gives you a wink before slipping out the door to meet the clients in the hall.  
A drink? You need a week off, a spa getaway and a new career. Billy Russo is driving you up a wall and he doesn't even see it. Or maybe he does. Shit. 
A week later. Just before eight in the morning you're settled into your desk, ready to start going through some new shipment invoices when you hear a commotion downstairs. It isn't unusual for the trainees to get out of hand from time to time, fights break out, things get heated. You dismiss it and go about your work. 
"Six new treadmills? What the hell are these people doing to them?" You sigh and type the invoice number for Sports Equipmentz LTD into your system. "Billy is gonna get an ear full for this one."
There is more comotion and you look at the closed door. Another fight? Billy doesn't stand for that kind of stuff on the training floor. He would have stopped it by now. Actually, no one should be in the facility except you and Billy this early. What the hell is that noise.
You push up from the desk and go to the window beside the door, peeking through the blinds. From what you can see nothing looks out of balance. Then you hear gunshots and your stomach churns, cold and sick. There is no live fire allowed in the facility. All firearm training is done off site. 
"Fuck." You flip the lock on the door and look around for something to barricade the floor to ceiling window beside the door. There is nothing you can move alone. You flip off the light and head to your desk, grab your phone and dial Billy's number. 
No answer. You sink down under the desk and pull the chair in close. Maybe if someone does get in they will think the office is empty and move on since the desk looks unused. You reach over and shut down the computer tower, then reach up and pull down all your paperwork to clear the desk. 
Thumping from the bathroom on the other side of the office makes your heart pound. Someone is on the upper floor with you. A gunshot. Tears well up in your eyes. Why didn't you let Billy get you a conceal and carry? Why didn't you do that gun training six months ago? Because you're afraid of guns and you couldn't trust yourself not to hurt someone on accident. Fuck. Fuck! 
The door handle jiggles. You cover your mouth and try dialing Billy again. The phone disconnects as soon as it rings once. Goes straight to a voicemail. You can't remember if he is with a client today. There are voices outside the door, then a gunshot so loud you know it's just on the other side. You close your eyes, press your face into your knees and try to imagine you are invisible. 
The door opens, not with a kick, but unlocked and you can't breathe. You can't move. They're moving around the room. Billy's desk first. Papers are rustled, then the footsteps grow closer. You shrink yourself smaller, arms in pain from holding your knees so tight. 
"If they took you, I swear to God I will-...there you are." 
You look up and Billy is knelt down, arm on the desk as he looks at you. He's a fucking mess of what you can only assume is blood and God knows what. "Billy, oh god for fucks sake." You cry and he shoves the chair away to pull you out onto his lap. 
Never have you clung to someone so hard in your entire life. You press your face into his neck, hand digging into his back harshly as you cry in relief. 
His hand slides up your back and cradles your ribs on the left. "Hey, hey." He murmurs softly and you stop crying so hard. " What did I promise you when I hired you?" 
"That I would be safe. That no matter what I would be safe and a-all I had to do was paperw-work." 
"That's right." Billy pulls you back gently, tugging your shirt to guide you. He looks horrible, but none of it seems to be from his own injuries. "Aw, fuck. You're a mess now." 
You look down at your shirt and it's got blood on it. "Oh god. Oh god wh-who..."
Billy shakes his head. "Don't think about it too much." He presses a kiss to your temple, hand on the back of your head. "Close your eyes, don't look at it."
"What happened?" 
"I'll tell you later."
"I didn't know what to do."
"Hey, no, no shh. You were a good girl. You stayed quiet, stayed down and locked the door." He rubs your back and pats your side. "We're going to get out of here and I'll handle the situation from the apartment."
You nod and peek your eyes open for a second. "It's bad out there isn't it?" 
"It's not pretty. I'll get you outside and we'll get out of here, don't worry." 
You had never been to Billy's place. Never had a reason to go. It's more industrial than you expected, modern industrial chic. Posh. Very expensive obviously, but that was Billy. Well dressed, well spoken. He looked the part to play the part. 
He set you up in a large bathroom and gave you clothes, a shirt and a pair of pajama pants. They might fit alright, Billy is quite a bit slimmer than you are in the hips and thighs. 
You look in the mirror and clench your jaw. Your peachy colored blouse is ruined, your sweater is fucked. Your face. God your face has someone else's blood on it. Across your cheek and nose where you had pressed your face into Billy's neck. 
There is a pile of washcloths and you grab a few, soaking them and scrubbing at your skin. You pull your clothes off fervently, desperate to be clean of strange blood. The shower is large, open and ready to be used. So you do. You get in and turn the water on and sit on the floor, processing. It was all a blur. Everything happened so fast. Was it even real?
Some time passes and you see the door open. The water is getting lukewarm as it cascades over your skin. You don't even care if he sees you naked you're so out of your own head. 
"I'm going to head to Anvil. The police have arrived to investigate the break in."
"Okay." You croak, not looking away from the wall opposite you.
"You can stay." Billy walks into the room and leans over the shower to turn the water off. He squats down beside you and offers you a towel from the warmer by the toilet. "Mind getting out of there for me?"
"Billy, what happened?" You look over at him and he looks...normal. He's in a blue sweater, dark jeans, boots. It's the most casual you've ever seen him. He's always been a suit man to you. Here he looks like a guy you'd meet at a bar and share a few beers with. The guy you'd take home and laugh about jokes with from stupid comedian on TV. It's strange, but warming. 
He helps you up and wraps you in the fluffy gray towel. "Your feeling? About the clients I met with?" 
"You were right." He slicks your hair back off of your face. "They got wind that I was looking further into why they wanted my employees. It was for a human trafficking operation. I don't do human trafficking, and I was going to decline the offer. Some snitch at the Rodgers Estate let it out that I was asking questions. I guess they thought they could clear their tracks by killing me."
"Mmm. I didn't think they would do something in broad daylight but here we are. Amatures." Billy steps back and runs a hand over his hair. "I called the police, said that I got a notification that the building had been beached through an unauthorized entrance. It's not a lie. Technically they did. Thankfully I wasn't there."
You step out of the shower and grab the clothes he gave you from the counter. "But you were. You...you killed those men." 
"No, I incapacitated them." He crosses his arms and pulls his lower lip between his teeth. "It was me and you or them. We were the only ones in that facility. I wasn't going to let them hurt you."
"H-how do you explain that?" You sit on the toilet and Billy leans on the doorframe. "What if-" 
"That's my job sweetheart. You worry about yourself, here. I gotta go meet the cops." He pats the wood a few times and looks out into the hall. "Call me if you need anything. I promise I'll answer no matter what."
You nod. 
"I'll be back later."
Hours pass and you become familiar with the apartment. It's huge, the penthouse of a very expensive building downtown. It has two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen and dining area, a living room, a balcony that wraps around and has a fire pit and a small private pool. It's more luxury than you could ever afford. Not that Anvil doesn't pay well, because it does. This is just far more than you could ever make. 
In Billy's room there aren't any personal touches. It's clean, picture perfect even. Like at any moment someone could come and take photos to sell the place. There is a picture on his bedside table, the only thing that isn't straight from a design catalog. It's you and Billy with a few investors. Your first meeting he ever brought you to. How could you forget? He bought you the dress literally an hour before the meeting because yours ripped in the back. It was possibly the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of a boss. He didn't make you feel bad or anything, he simply asked your size, stopped at a shop on the way to the dinner and got you a dress. It was just that easy, that normal. 
You set the photo down and lay back. Your eyes close and you imagine what Billy is like outside of work. Of course you've gotten a taste of that, all the banter and shared stories. Nothing too deep but enough to keep conversation going. You probably shared more than him, way more. It was like when you started talking to someone you couldn't stop. You just, information overload the poor person. Usually people get spooked away, or they tell you that they don't care or don't need to know. Not Billy. He just listened, gaze fixed on you while you talked. Maybe that's why you like him so much. He listened. He cared. 
You roll over and open your eyes to find Billy in the doorway to his room. "You're back. I didn't hear you come in?" 
"There is a bed in the other room y'know?" He chuckles as he goes to sit at the end of the bed and pull his boots off. "Or do you just like mine because it's bigger?" 
"Oh yeah, yours is much bigger. Comfier too." 
He hums. "Go through all my shit?" 
"You know it." 
"There's my girl." He looks back and he's smiling. "I was getting worried about you. You seemed pretty shaken up."
You sigh and shake your head. Of course Billy doesn't think about how you've never been in a dangerous situation short of falling from a tree when you were ten. To him gunfire and blood were in a day's work as an ex marine special operations. "I think I'd be more worried about you."
Billy turns and crawls up the bed, leaning with his head on his hand, elbow propping him up. "Why's that?" 
"Been a while since you saw live action hasn't it? You're not worried about PTSD?"
"I've seen plenty of action since I got out. I know the risk I take running the company I do. It hasn't happened before now but it was bound to eventually."
"Right, yeah."
"Do I scare you?" 
You shake your head. "No, not really. I know you've done things, seen things that I couldn't even imagine. It's part of who you are, who you were." 
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It was them or us. You know that right?" 
"Y-yeah. I know." You pick at the bedspread and he bumps his hand against your knee. 
"You alright? I tried to keep you...away from it. I know you aren't like everyone else."
"I'm not ex military you mean." You feel your chest tighten. "I'm a civilian. I can't defend myself." 
Billy sits up and lays a hand on your back. "Hey, hey."
"I shouldn't stay at Anvil. I should just go somewhere else. I can't do this, Billy, I'm scared what if this happened again?" Tears spill over and down your face. "I-I can't." 
"I will never let anything happen to you." He turns your face to look at him. He's warm, his lips plush, eyes on yours. "You can work from home if you want. I'll stop by and bother you and make you tell me to shut up." He smiles a little as your lips turn up at the telling him to shut up part. "You like that?"
"I don't know, but I think you do." 
Billy laughs softly, his smile wide. "Maybe I do. You noticed that?" 
"Maybe." You wipe your eyes and he brushes a stray tear away with his thumb. "Why do you care so much? I'm just your assistant." 
"Because I love you."
"W-what?" You hiccup as your breathing stops for a moment. 
"You're like family. I trust you with everything, I tell you everything, you're my girl." Billy runs a hand through your hair. "I can't lose you." 
"I don't-...I'm just-" 
His lips press against yours and your eyes fall closed. It's an innocent kiss, soft and loving. "If I read this wrong all this time, you gotta tell me." He murmurs, head pressed to yours. 
"No, you didn't. I just, you just caught me off guard." 
"Yeah?" He smiles, nose scrunching up against yours. He places his fingers under your chin and tilts your head up to kiss you again briefly. "You're sure it's okay?" 
You nod and he pulls back to kiss your temple, holding his nose to your hair and cradling the back of your head. 
"Get some rest, I've got some calls to make." He climbs off the bed and heads for the door. 
"Are you leaving?" 
He walks back quickly and kisses your cheek. "I mean it. Get some rest."
"I would if you'd just go already."
"Oh. You think you can just get rid of me?" He crawls back on the bed and you fall back as he straddles your hips. "You think you can boss me around huh?" He starts tickling your sides and you squeal, thrashing under his surprisingly strong hold. 
"Stop! Stop! I yield!" 
Billy stops and bends over, bracketing your head with his arms. "I knew you'd be fun to torment outside of that stuffy office." 
"I hate tickling." 
"Oh that's very obvious. I've made a mental note, highlighted it in yellow and everything." He bumps his nose against yours. "I'm gonna find everything that makes you tick." 
You reach up and run a hand over his hair that's flopping forward from lack of product. "Expect to get as much as you give." 
"Oh I do." His lips ghost over yours as he speaks. "I look forward to it." 
You shove his head to the side and he flops over. "Don't you have calls to make?" 
"Go make your calls. I'm going to stink up your bed and rifle through your drawers more." 
"I expect no less." He says, getting up and going to the door once more. "Let me know if you find anything you like, yeah?" 
"Get out!" 
He just cackles and you close your eyes. This is really happening. Funny how the world works in mysterious ways. You never thought you'd be the one to snatch Billy Russo off the market but here you are, and you're pretty damn proud of it. 
The end 
Header image by delicate-venus
Thank you so much for reading, please reblog to support content creators. -A
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beepboop358 · 3 years
Victor Creel Theories
(also includes ST movie DNA series: Star Wars)
Victor Creel is described as "a disturbed and intimidating man who is imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital for a gruesome murder in the 1950s." We know he will be institutionalized at Penthurst mental hospital, where Peter Ballard works, based on leaked on set pics.
There a few possibilities regarding his character:
He could be a former test subject with some kind of powers and a connection to the upside down (which would also follow the even/odd season pattern of a main character being directly involved with the upside down creatures) I think it's highly likely that Victor Creel will be involved with the mystery/danger in Hawkins in some way, and have a connection to the upside down. He could also be disturbed on top of this, and he could be involved in Eleven's storyline this season.
That he is not a test subject and is ONLY mentally disturbed.
He may be related to one of the already established characters. Most likely Joyce, and maybe Terry but it's a stretch.
Before I go any further into that last possibility, I just want to preface that this idea of an "evil father/grandfather with powers" could be a purposeful Star Wars parallel. The Duffer brothers have already paralleled and used Star Wars references a few times in the show:
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In Star Wars, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, and Palpatine is Rey's grandfather (aka the literal worst guy in the universe). A common theme in ST is abusive/bad fathers - that post here. Interesting...
Palpatine is also Anakin Skywalker's father, so Luke and Leia are both the grandkids of Palpatine as well as Rey is, but it's unclear if they are just force midichlorian related or actually dna related as well but I won't get into that here!
Luke and Rey are both force sensitive (have powers), so are Darth Vader and Palpatine; their descendants (kid/grandkid) have powers, and so do they (father/grandfather) The descendants use their powers for good, while the ancestors use their power for evil. Who has powers in ST? Eleven and Will - and they both already have this idea of abusive/bad/evil fathers: Will has an abusive father Lonnie, and Eleven has an abusive father figure Dr. Brenner "Papa".
So... Victor Creel being the evil/bad grandfather to either Eleven or Will and the evil/bad father to Joyce or Terry, would make a FULL Star Wars parallel to people who are morally good and have powers (Will and El - Luke and Rey), discovering they are the descendant of an evil male figure who also has powers (Victor Creel - Darth Vader and Palpatine)
If Victor Creel turns out to be the father of anyone in the show my bets are it's either Joyce Byers or maybeee Terry Ives.
If he was a test subject, its likely he went "crazy" with some of his powers and the government couldn't cover it up so they declare him mentally insane to get him committed, and he probably goes insane being locked away as well. Personally, I think he may be 001 or an early test subject, when they were still working out the kinks of the program, and I think he does have a big connection to the upside down.
The Duffer Brother's on s4: "In Hawkins a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything"....
Now let's get into the possibilities for Creel's storyline/who he could be related to (split into 3 parts).
Part 1: Creel could be Joyce's father
Based on Victor Creel's description as "disturbed" and that he is "in a psychiatric hospital", it could connect him to Joyce's bloodline.
There are several comments in the show hinting to this idea of mental instability in Joyce's family:
s1 ep.5: When Lonnie comes to visit in s1 after Will goes missing, Joyce says to Lonnie "No, don't look at me like that, like how everyone is looking at me, like I'm out of my damn mind" He responds saying "I think you need to consider the possibility that this is all in your head. Remember your Aunt Darlene?" Joyce quickly replies, "No, this is not that."
That conversation, although quick, is very telling. Lonnie is implying that Joyce had an aunt who was mentally unstable - and Joyce clearly knows about her aunt being unstable because she responds to his comment by saying what's she's experiencing is not that (the mental instability of her aunt)
s2 ep.2: Joyce says to Bob, "this is not a normal family", when he suggest moving out of Hawkins.
I used to think Joyce was always was referring to the whole 'my son got stuck in an alternate dimension with supernatural monsters and is now traumatized, and we were sworn to secrecy by the government' thing but maybe she is also referring to her biological family.
s1 ep.2: When they are searching for Will, one of the other police officers, says "Joyce is one step from the edge" and the other officer responds "She has been several steps for quite a while now".
If Joyce is related to Victor Creel biologically, and he did also happen to be a test subject, has powers, or has some other relation to the upside down, this could possibly have contributed to whatever kind of abilities Will has, because he would be a descendant of Creel. But Joyce does not seem to have any powers and neither does Jonathan. If they were related to Creel, it's odd that they both didn't get powers, but Will did. I've always thought Will was born with his powers, like El.
We know almost nothing about Joyce's past, it's never discussed in the slightest in the show, which I feel like is purposeful. We don't know Joyce's maiden name; she doesn't change it back after she and Lonnie divorce. Maybe the Duffers are saving Joyce's backstory for s4 (and possibly s5), like I think they are doing with Will and El's connection. Will, El, Hopper, and Joyce were pictured in a series of 4 tweets posted by the stranger writers, hinting to the main 4 storylines for season 4. My analyzation of this tweet here.
I think it's possible that Joyce's storyline this season could also have to do with her past- not just her searching for Hopper- but also more personal information about her. Perhaps we will see flashbacks of younger Joyce and maybe learn about her biological relatives.
Noah also said this would be the darkest season for Will, so this idea of being the grandkid of someone evil or disturbed could fit into that.
Part 2: Creel could be Terry's father/Eleven's grandfather
The only other person I could see potentially having a biological; relation to Victor Creel could be Terry Ives and Eleven, (because it would complete the Star Wars parallel mentioned earlier) but it's a stretch for several reasons, the main one being that Terry and Becky's father Bill Ives, died in a car crash (year unknown).
So for Victor Creel to be Terry's father that either has to be:
Her adoptive father OR
Her mother cheated and led Mr. Ives to believe Terry was his kid but her father is really Victor Creel, and Becky is actually Bill Ives son (which would explain why Becky has no powers)
Right of the bat it's interesting Terry's father's name is Bill. Bill is a nickname for William (Will Byers full name is William), and Billy's a nickname also for William... Hmmm....
Immediately after El is born, Terry is adamant that Brenner stole her child to use as a weapon to fight the commies BECAUSE SHE HAD SPECIAL ABILITIES - and she's completely right about everything. How does Terry know El had powers immediately after she was born? Because she knows she has developed some kind of special abilities from the experiments as well. When El goes to visit her mother in s2, THE LIGHTS FLICKER, just like they do when the upside down is near, but it's not Eleven controlling it. Her Aunt Becky says it's just the wiring, and Eleven responds: "IT'S MAMA. She wants to talk." And then we see Terry's NOSE BLEED, just like El's does when she uses her powers.
Quick side note about El's biological father is Andrew Rich: (It's revealed in the canon novel Suspicious Minds that Andrew Rich is El's father) He was a college student who got expelled from school due to protesting the Nixon address, making him eligible to be drafted in the Vietnam war, and he died in battle. Terry was involved in the Project MKUltra experiments at Hawkins National Laboratory in College, under the direction of Dr. Martin Brenner, but didn't know she was pregnant at the time. Andrew never even knew Terry was pregnant, meaning she was extremely early on in her pregancy at the time he was sent away, not even Terry was aware yet. It's also stated in this book that BRENNER HAD A HAND IN GETTING ANDREW EXPELLED SO HE COULD SEND ANDREW AWAY. The novel states that Brenner has Andrew drafted because he wants to SCARE Terry, to show her how much power he has over her life. There's definitely some history between Terry and Brenner that we don't know about yet.
If Victor Creel is in fact Joyce's father it's interesting that the powers seem to have skipped a generation with Joyce, and also one kid with the Byers, but if Victor Creel is Terry's father, no generations were skipped in passing down powers. ANYWAYS, this is all just theories and speculation since we have no actual concrete reasons to believe he will be related to Joyce or Terry.
Part 3: The possibility that Creel could be involved in Eleven's storyline this season does not rely on them being biologically related.
**One of the filming locations for this season is the Claremont House, which is RUMORED to be Creel's house and also "Vecna's lair" the new monster for s4 (unconfirmed) This is the house the Hawkins group goes into in the ST4 sneak peek, where they see the grandfather clock striking midnight. If that's true, there's a connection between Creel and the upside down and having powers, which could connect Creel to Eleven. The Duffers: "In Hawkins a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything". This thing "that connects everything", could be Creel's storyline (his possible connection to the lab/upside down/person in the show), because Creel's storyline also spans all the way back to the 1950's and before that, so there's our "long buried" part most likely.
Robert Englund recently revealed in *an interview* that his character Victor Creel gouges his eyes out, making him unable to see. Englund also mentions what it's like working with Millie Bobby Brown and talks about the first time her met her, he doesn't mention any other cast members in detail like he does Millie.
He's clearly working closely with Millie's character Eleven.
But why? I think Creel could be involved with Eleven getting her powers back, and her reliving her past. Once the government baddies realize El has no powers, they're gonna want them back. If Creel was in fact a test subject, maybe there is some kind of connection between them, Such as Eleven revisiting what happened to her in her past and how that could relate to her getting her powers back.
Another thought I had was that perhaps the gruesome murder he committed is somehow related to something that ends up impacting in Eleven's life.
Whatever Victor Creel's storyline is, it will be an important one, and it will carry somewhat into s5, since he will be a returning character. He is not signed as a series regular, but as a recurring character, which means we don't really know to what capacity he will be in s5. It could be flashbacks mostly, or he could have just as big or small of a role.
Source: indie wire
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That detail about eyes being gouged out reminds me of fear street 1666 when the townsmen who was sacrificed to the devil becomes possessed and gouges the kids eyes out. Leigh Janick, director of fear street, is married to Ross Duffer. They both direct and make horror/sci-fi themed series about kids in a small town set in the 80's, who fight supernatural evil with a heavy undertone of queer themes, that are even filmed in a lot of the same locations (the mall, the town streets, etc.) I'm not saying it's the same thing, it definitely won't be. But there's so many similarities between ST and Fear Street, I thought I would mention this as another.
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scorphargrove · 3 years
IF NO ONE ELSE WANTS TO SAY IT I WILL - Billy Hargrove was an abused, traumatized VICTIM who felt he had no control in his life and acted out in aggression towards others to feel some form of control but also to protect himself (and Max possibly) from his father. He was obviously full of anger, but also insecurity that he hid behind a well developed mask. The scenes of him in his room looking in the mirror, and the scene in the car when he’s on his way to meet Karen (ugh - nausea) clearly show that he has to practice to keep this mask in place. The Duffer Brothers provided us with so many scenes that cannot be explained away - the Halloween party, when Billy makes a beeline for Steve across the room just to look at him - the sweaty basketball shots where Billy is touching Steve way too much for it to be considered normal (Joe Keery even said he was “grinding” on Dacre) - the scenes in the shower where Billy is staring right at Steve (isn’t it a universal rule to not stare at their naked body while one of your teammates shower, or uh, is that just me) - his obsession with discovering “King Steve” and the aggression and fury he lays into Steve AFTER being called a f****t by his father. Then, season three rolls around and they literally NEVER mentioned one another, or had Steve name Billy when talking about his fights... not even ONCE, the obsession just completely gone? NO. The Duffer Brothers kept them as far away from one another as possible this season, knowing they’d set up a homoerotic vibe from day one. Instead, they decided to waste Dacre AND Billy’s potential on making him the villain when it easily could’ve been Neil, someone full of more fury than Billy, or literally anyone else who would’ve made an even more terrifying antagonist. THEN TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE they bring in a sarcastic, blonde headed character (don’t get me wrong I love Robin but COME ON) to pull the gay storyline away from Steve and Billy. If they’d wanted to use Dacre and Joe’s full acting potential they would’ve given Billy the character growth he deserved, after being abused and abandoned his whole life, instead of letting him die alone.... abused and abandoned. Until the last moment of his life. They would’ve let him grow, fight with the rest of them (he would’ve made one hell of a monster fighter) and become a part of a group who loves him. Let’s stop acting like they “gave him the character growth he deserved” they literally gave him a season of absolute misery and agony that ended with one single moment of him trying to redeem himself before he died. I AM STILL PISSED AT YOU, D BROTHERS, AND SO HURT. end of rant.
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guacam011y · 3 years
“Do you want me to take that again?” “Take it from the top?”
Agnes knows ! Tiger - Ralph
“Dark liquor” Vision being concerned
Billy and Tommy aged up?!
SIS REALLY ENDGAME - ENDGAME ENDED WITH TONY’S FUNERAL AND WANDA PROBS WENT STRAIGHT FROM THERE AND STOLE HER DEAD BF’S CORPSE (can’t really blame her, it looked like they were trying to experiment on Vis and could it be Hayward behind it?)
Auntie Agnes and Agnes saying she has a few tricks up her sleeve - we should definitely take note of that seeing as Agnes definitely has something to do with the whole situation
Wanda and Vision’s house changed again, being inspired by Family Ties, possibly Full House and Growing Pains
“Do you want me to take it from the top?” It seems as though when someone, this time Vision, steers away from the script, things either reset themselves or people become aware to some capacity, although Agnes probably already knows
Speaking of Growing Pains - It had a spin off called “Just the 10 of Us” in which the director for Wandavision, Matt Shakman, was apart of the cast - and seemingly also inspired the theme song for this week
We should definitely keep an eye on Monica and her potential for powers. With Maria last episode revealed to have gone by the name ‘Photon’ (which is a name that Monica uses as one of her aliases in the comics) and could inspire Monica’s name as she develops her powers - those scans didn’t look 100% normal. Monica has also used the Captain Marvel monicker in the comics
Wanda’s energy field and such being referred to as “Hex” short for Hexagon, could be a little nod to the comics where Wanda’s powers are sometimes called Hex powers
She’s never been referred to as the Scarlet Witch on the big screen - and it seems as though she soon may earn that code name
So we now know that Wanda stole Vision’s corpse from S.W.O.R.D, but did she actually re animate him fully? He’s still got the gem in the centre of his forehead, but the last time he had it was in Infinity War where it promptly got ripped out by Thanos - so has Wanda found her own way of reanimating him and he’s alive or is he dead and just a trick of the mind - though from other trailers/previews, Vis is seen trying to and looks successful at leaving Wanda’s barrier
They had a little call back to Captain America: Civil War with the Sokovia Accords, which were targeting the Avengers in general but were created when Wanda lost control of her powers and killed civilians
A little joke towards Vis as playing “Father Knows Best” in their little suburbia - Which was a sitcom that ran for 200 episodes in the 50’s
Sparky ! A little nod to the little green dog from the Walta and King comics run for Vision and unfortunately soon meets the same fate 💔
A little nod to Endgame when we hear from Monica that Wanda definitely could’ve taken down Thanos by herself had Thanos not rained fire - and Jimmy arguing that Captain Marvel could’ve just as easily done it - which leaves Monica with an angry look on her face
Good ol’ dial up internet
Can Vis “save” the residents of Westview? He can still seemingly interact with people’s minds, with or without the mind stone - Norm soon comes out of his trance as Vis snaps him out of it and asks to call his sister and that he has to save them all from “her” - now this “her” could be Wanda...but it could also be Agnes and then Vis shuts him down soon enough again and Norm goes back to his sit com self
Billy and Tommy are fully aware, or at least suspect Wanda’s abilities - after asking her to bring back Sparky from the dead and speaking of Billy and Tommy - could they be semi permanent fixtures in the MCU, it would help to introduce the Young Avengers eventually. They'll do Young Avengers at some point since Kang is supposed to be a thing in the third Ant-Man.
Teddy, unfortunately, I don't think will be here for a bit (I really hope he is though!). I think the guy they hired that everyone is rumoring to be Teddy might just be an episode about Billy coming to terms with his sexuality and Wanda and Vis learning to accept it in the way that era of tv they're in would go about with that kind of episode and the dude is just a dude - but again, I really hope it’s Teddy 😭
Wanda leaves the hex after a mini missile/plane tries to shoot at her - and she’s in her Scarlet Witch costume and is seemingly mostly back to her “normal self”, which includes her accent !
Lagos brand paper towels - “For when you make a mess you didn’t mean to” - a nod to Civil War again in which Wanda accidentally blew up a building in Lagos and caused the Sokovian accords to come to fruition
The mail man again - I also think he was in the commercial but anywho - “Your mom won’t let him go far” similar to “Much like she won’t let anyone leave” a potential nod to Wanda or Agnes not letting anyone leave?
“We can’t reverse death” and yet she brought Vision back - keeping in mind that he’s an android but still a little foreshadow to what happened at the end of the ep? Better yet, could Pietro coming back be a distraction for Wanda? Agnes or whoever introducing someone that Wanda lives in hopes that she won’t go full on breakdown superpowers or just to give her an attachment to Westview even more and make her not want to leave at all
“She recasted Pietro” EVAN ! I’m so pumped for this - it seems this could turn into the X-Men making their debut earlier than expected possibly? In any case, it’s a nice little Easter Egg to the previous Fox franchise of X-Men movies where Evan played Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” alongside James McAvoy as Prof X, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and so many others - and with Deadpool being confirmed as Disney’s first R rated film, it seems Mutants are definitely on their way to the MCU
Agnes is definitely Agatha or a gender bent Nightmare
The way Billy shed himself and Tommy up was scary - definitely a little nod to his powers coming in
Multiple different perspectives of Wanda saying that Monica left
Red Hex dialled up to around light sources (computer, window, etc.)
Vision mentions reading Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man - which could refer to Mutants entering the MCU, Mutants being superior to humans
Agnes calls herself Auntie Agnes - in episode 2 during the title sequence in the grocery store there’s a product called ‘Auntie A’s Kitty Litter’
Agnes refers to herself as a Tiger and in the episode, there’s a Tiger on the dining table in the kitchen - could that be a listening device, her eyes and ears?
There are no other children in Westview - Billy and Tommy are immune because they have no prior trauma
Elizabeth Olsen’s photos are real and slightly altered with Sokovian flags in the background
In the birthday shot of Billy and Tommy, they have ‘1,2,3,4,5’ candles all on one cake
In the holiday photos, Vision goes from Turkey to Easter Bunny, to Santa and progressively gets more unhappy - realising he no longer wants to play along in Wanda’s Hex
During Monica’s callbacks to seeing Wanda’s pain inside her head, we see a new shot of Wanda crying - it looks like it’s around the time she stole Vision’s corpse, as the outfit she’s wearing is very similar, if not the same - could this be an after shot of when she’s trying to bring Vision back?
During the scene where we see the footage of Wanda stealing Vision’s corpse, the S.W.O.R.D logo that appears on the table has 8 stars around the rim of the logo but then has a 9th one in the middle - could this be a little Easter Egg to the nine realms of the Cosmos? And there’s also a map showing Cape Canaveral, could that be where S.W.O.R.D’s headquarters are?
Wanda and Pietro were born in 1989 to Irina and Oleg Maximoff - who were killed in an air raid when the twins were 10. In the comics, Wanda and Pietro were raised by Django and Maria Maximoff, before their true parentage was revealed as being the children of Magneto, however, in the comics this has been retconned so that Wanda and Pietro are no longer Mutants and the High Evolutionary had just disguised them as Mutants (something I think they should undo tbh - MARVEL, PLEASE MAKE WANDA AND PIETRO MUTANTS AGAIN!!!)
Speaking of the air raid, that was also referenced in Age of Ultron by Pietro and Wanda - “We were 10 years old, having dinner the four of us. And the first shell hits 2 floors below, makes a hole in the floor” - was the beeping Stark toaster be what that was referring to?
WHIH reappears for a brief cameo as the news service in the MCU - and Hayward cuts off Jimmy as he was trying to defend Wanda’s reputation, in which Jimmy then turns to Darcy and says “I try not to speak ill of people” Darcy then follows up with “Then allow me, Hayward’s a-“ and then she’s cut off by a shot back to Hayward saying the word “Terrorist” which would make sense as it seems with Vision’s corpse, he may have been trying to make sentient weapons and by subverting Vision’s will and blaming Wanda of doing the same. In the footage shown of Wanda stealing Vision’s remains, we see Vision broken up into parts and S.W.O.R.D seems to be experimenting on him and this seems to be the robotics/nanotech project that Hayward was referring to. Monica asks Hayward about the footage saying “When was this?” to which Hayward replies saying “9 days ago. Maximoff stormed our facility, stole Vision’s body and resurrected him” - this would mean that Wanda took Vision 2 weeks after the events of Endgame, about a week before Monica returned to S.W.O.R.D and Hayward didn’t tell her any of this and when he sent her in there, he knew exactly what he was doing - with her reputation after Civil War, this makes it easier for Hayward to paint her as the villain.
Back in Westview, Tommy wears red and Billy wears green - which are the colours that Wiccan and Speed wear in the comics, respectively. And it’s also the colours that Wanda and Vision are known for and appears quite a lot in their wardrobes
More in regards to Sparky, he was the synthezoid dog in Tom King’s run of Vision - the story being that he was originally a dog named Zeke who unfortunately passed away after digging up the Grim Reaper’s corpse and getting zapped. The Grim Reaper’s helmet appears during the title sequence of Episode 2 in the floorboards. Could Sparky have been trying to dig up a similar thing when he was caught by Agnes and consequently killed?
Monica mentions that she knows this aerospace engineer, they’re never shown but she is seen texting them. Could it be Reed Richards a.k.a Mr Fantastic? Hayward did mention that some astronauts used to work for S.W.O.R.D before a mission went haywire - though it seems a bit lacklustre to introduce such highly anticipated characters this way. Could it instead be the Skrull daughter of Talos that Monica befriended at the end of Captain Marvel? She mentioned that they had extraterrestrial allies in episode 4 working with her and Fury as apart of S.W.O.R.D - in the Spanish subtitles they use the feminine articles for this engineer - so I think it’s more likely to be Talos’s daughter
The board that we saw in Episode 4 now includes the mailman, drivers license and all - could he be Jimmy’s missing witness?
The tension in the room after Jimmy references Carol is similarly seen when in Spider-Man: Far From Home, where Peter asks Skrull Fury/Talos “How about Captain Marvel?” To which Talos replies “Don’t involve her name”. Fury, Monica and Talos were all on the side of the Skrulls by then end of Captain Marvel and the space station that Fury was on maybe apart of S.W.O.R.D. So did Carol betray them?
A slight reference to Captain America: The First Avenger is made when Monica pulls a Peggy Carter and shoots at something to see if it’s bulletproof, in Peggy’s case it was the iconic Captain America shield and in the case of Monica, it was her clothes that she was wearing after Wanda threw her out of the Hex
Abilash (Norm) never states that Wanda is the one that Vision has to save them from, it’s just “her” - could this instead be Agnes?
When Billy is training Sparky to sit, he puts the treat by his ear up to his temple - a future reference that Billy will one day share the same powers as his mum?
During the scene in which Wanda leaves the Hex briefly, she turns the guns onto Hayward but none are trained on Monica - she may still trust Monica slightly, whereas with Hayward, she slightly more pissed off because of what he was doing to Vision’s remains. And turning a bunch of guns on the people you don’t trust? Like father, like daughter as Magneto pulls a similar move in one of the X-Men films - Hopefully, the big cameo they keep teasing will be Ian McKellan as Magneto or the Magnus of this House of M adaptation
During when Agnes “found” Sparky, she says he died from eating too many leaves from her plants - in the Tom King Vision run, one of Vision’s kids ends up killing Sparky and sees inside his stomach that there’s a plant that Agatha Harkness grows in her garden
All the names that appear during the credits that Wanda tries to run to end the show and to stop Vision from talking are names of people who work on the actual Wandavision show itself
When Evan Peter’s version of Quicksilver shows up, he says “Does a long lost bro get to squeeze his sister to death or what?” I DO NOT TRUST THIS PIETRO - Similar to Wandavision, the Fox X-Men movies moved up decade by decade - First Class was in the 1960s, Days of Future Past was in the 1970s, Apocalypse was in the 1980s and Dark Phoenix was in the 1990’s - which would make even more sense as MCU! Pietro wasn’t born until 1989, whereas Peter was active during the 1980s. I reckon that this Pietro is Jimmy’s missing witness, Agnes’s husband Ralph and is disguising itself as a comforting presence to Wanda as Vision no longer brings comfort and is trying to bring Wanda back to reality - and when he shows up, the mirror in the background behind Wanda is slightly distorted but his hand looks red and in the shot as well, there seems to be a grey arm reaching towards Pietro - in the shot itself behind and in front of Wanda, there’s nothing there but in the mirror, there is! Either way, I do not trust this Pietro and it’s just an entity trying to give Wanda the last thing that could make her happy - but it won’t last, as everything is already breaking down around her.
I seriously seriously love this show so much 💙
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reveriefm · 2 years
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Introducing ──˳·˖₊‧✶˚♡ 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 .
{ mun: syd, she/her, EST, sydney#3869 } * indicates plot potential ! BIOGRAPHY COMING SOON ♥︎
𝐼𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 ♥︎
Full Name: Wilhelmina Simone Baker Nicknames: ♥︎ to her face, it's Billie, and only Billie; ♥︎ ... but she's heard Wilhelm, Will, Willie, Bill, Billy-Boo, Mina, Mimi ... eventually she had to put her foot down and undergo a single nickname re-branding ♥︎ "my beauty" from her mother; ♥︎ "the Bitch" or "the Brat" can be used intermittently for ~flair~ Label: The American Beauty Age: 22 Birthday: October 19th, 2000 Pronouns: she/her/hers Sexual Orientation: bicurious, closeted * Relationship Status: newly single Religion: Atheist, Catholic presenting Occupation: waitress of L'Abattoir, bartender at the Astoria *
𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 ♥︎
Place of Birth: Buckeye, West Virginia Hometown: Gravewood, West Virginia Current Location: Gravewood, West Virginia Education: (expelled from...) Bachelors in Fine Arts (Dance) from the Tisch School at NYU *
𝒫𝒽𝓎𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 ♥︎
Height: 5′8″ Eye Color: dark brown Hair Color: black Marks: absolutely none; she lotions / sun screens religiously Piercings: ears, belly button Tattoos: none
𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♥︎
Positive Traits: Spontaneous, Rational, Creative, Intuitive, Competitive Neutral Traits: Observant, Unpredictable, Aloof, Carefree, Stylish Negative Traits: Manipulative, Judgemental, Non-committal, Stubborn, Melodramatic Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral Astrology: sun in Libra, moon in Cancer, rising in Scorpio Myers Briggs: ISTP, The Virtuoso
𝐸𝓉 𝒞𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶 ♥︎
Hobbies: Dancing / Choreography, Figure-skating, Singing, Piano, Photo-editing, Painting, Reading Pets: none; wasn't raised with any, so a needless waste of money at this point Habits: ♥︎ yoga/stretching every morning right after she wakes up; ♥︎ makes her bed everyday; ♥︎ hour long skincare routine in the evening; ♥︎ makes time everyday to maintain a social media presence; but wouldn't be caught dead calling herself an "influencer" because it's gauche Favorite Books: whatever the last one was that she read ♥︎ Billie reads for show - she consumes for the sake of consumption & moves on immediately; she often uses books as a meet-cute or to fake an air of intellectual superiority Favorite Movies: early 2000's girl power movies & campy horror, where the gore is limited to bright red corn syrup and the killer is a typical slasher ♥︎ includes: Scream series, Mean Girls, Bring It On anthology, Evil Dead series, Clueless, Bride of Chucky, Legally Blonde, etc. Favorite Food: strawberry malt milkshakes Favorite Color: every freaking shade of red/pink she can find!!!! Favorite Flower: if it's in a bouquet for her, it's her favorite :) she would never say it, but she lowkey despises roses because it's a generic (therefore, lazy) choice; however, this can hacked by getting her pink roses, which makes them acceptable Music Preferences: Beyoncé stan, general pop / party music, classical, lo-fi hiphop ♥︎ truly, anything she can dance to, she's going to like
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
is there any more info on jonny before he was mechanized? i feel like i remember something implying he was nicer before he was mechanized
first off, i want to apologize for taking so long on this ask! i have several pending in my inbox that i have not gotten to, and i’m very sorry for that! i haven’t even been that busy, just procrastinating- that said, i do have a lot going on, so this may be a constant until my workload decreases, which will probably be around winter break; unless i find myself another project to have to do). (timestamp for future reference: this post made november 25, 2020)
but now, let’s get into the analysis! i touch on what you’re asking here, but i have also taken the opportunity to do a full analysis of jonny’s backstory for future reference! (content warning for discussed transphobia, rest under cut)
addressing jonny having a good heart, he says in his crew bio ‘I’m told I had a good heart, but the Doc dealt with that after the whole patricide thing.‘ maki has talked about this more on the mechscord, implying that it referred to him being a good person (rather than a more literal take) and that mechanization directly corrupts morals (more on this in a potential upcoming meta). however, we do not know specifics on how his personality was different. that addressed, let’s continue with trying to figure out what exactly happened in jonny’s backstory.
jonny’s backstory is presented to us in one eyed jacks, however, in his crew bio linked above, he says he made it up. this is with the exception of him killing his father. in death to the mechanisms, there’s the ‘you’re projecting’ exchange, which is a fairly well known joke, but for people who haven’t seen death to the mechanisms-
[JONNY] I mean, in Oedipus’s defense, it’s harder than it looks not to end up in a, emotionally-charged narrative climax where you murder your father. It’s…
[ASHES] No it’s not.
[JONNY] Everyone thinks it’s so easy, “Oh, I’d never kill my father.” But sometimes, life happens.
[ASHES] Most people don’t kill their fathers.
[TIM] You’re projecting.
[IVY] Again.
this piece of banter could definitely be considered evidence towards him actually doing so. in addition, maki has said on the mechscord regarding his backstory ‘the best lies always contain a grain of truth‘ and implied that a lot of it wasn’t a lie, including jonny’s original last name (vangelis).
he did make some of it up, though, and that opens up an interesting pathway of analysis. a very common theory i’ve seen is that one of his lies is about the existence of jack. jack and carmilla fill potentially very similar roles in the narrative, and there are some subtle echoes of each other, like the fact they both only have one eye. the theory proposes that carmilla was the one actually filling the role of jack, and convincing jonny to commit patricide.
there is a song other than one eyed jacks that is likely to have more truth to it. the dr carmilla song homesick is likely a retelling of both jonny and carmilla’s backstories. in fact, it was originally played as a duet between jonny and carmilla. i have no direct source on this, but keep in mind exhumed and {un}plugged, which has the album recording of homesick, is a solo album, with only carmilla on both voice and instrumentals, and there’s actually an echoing voice effect to make it sound more like the recorded duet between carmilla and jonny (which can be found here). the other live gig where carmilla performs it on her own, lashings, jonny is absent, and the toy soldier performs rose red solo as well. as discussed, jonny killing his father is the part of his backstory that i believe can be trusted, and well, homesick has the lyric ‘dear father, i’ve come to kill you’. it also feels more like the truth than one eyed jacks, which is trope-y and sanitized in a way that feels like jonny d’ville wrote it.
from there, further analysis can be done of the lyrics in the context of them referring to jonny. an interesting aspect is that the duet has slightly differently lyrics, and dialogue in character after the song. quoting directly, jonny, likely taking the role of carmilla’s father, says “Get out of my house, never darken my doorway again. I have no daughter. Do what you’re gonna do, son. You’re a disgrace.” the easiest way to interpret this is carmilla being kicked out for being transgender, which has further support in that maki herself is a trans woman and that this iteration of homesick was performed at transpose london. there has actually been a very interesting book about trans culture published that discusses doctor carmilla and the themes thereof.
but i digress- from the perspective of analyzing jonny’s backstory, ‘do what you’re gonna do, son’ echoes the portion of one eyed jacks to the tune of ‘house of the rising sun’, where jonny kills his father. locke’s opinion on this is that billy vangelis is attempting to convince jonny out of killing him, flipping between approaches. (this also implies that jonny is a trans man!) the other change in this duet is that there’s an additional verse about their mothers (again, likely being a line that could apply to both jonny’s mother and carmilla’s), but not very much analysis has been done on this.
viewing the rest of homesick in this lens, it implies that everything in that song also applies to jonny. carmilla’s mother, siblings, and ‘lover’ (loreli) are all mentioned and discussed, and those could also be similar figures in jonny’s life. locke has suggested that ‘dear brother’ and ‘dear lover’ could be referring to the same person for jonny; a very close friend/boyfriend. xe has also conducted further analysis on what the song could mean, and formed headcanons based on that; for the sake of objectivity, and the sake of not making this meta stretch longer than it already is, i won’t go into them, but if you’re on the mechscord and you search ‘homesick from:jenn-locke#4349 in:sad-mechs-hours′ her thoughts are fairly easy to find, and xe is considering writing something up eventually, which i will link if it’s completed.
in conclusion, one eyed jacks has some truth to it, but homesick by dr carmilla is likely the most accurate picture of jonny’s backstory.
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kichimiangra · 3 years
So who else thinks that Billy Hatcher from Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg should have a 2 or 3 volume manga series where he has an edgy Shadow the Hedgehog rival who is the bird themed Magical Boy Warrior for the Crow baddies?
Like, I already figured out his backstory.
Him and Billy where friends but he moved away but they promised to stay friends. This incel friend though refused to make new friends cuz y'know, even apart he's still got Billy as his BFFFF Forever so he's fine with his self imposed loneliness but not really. Especially because him and Billy agreed to hang out once summer vacation starts and he can Visit his old home town and see Billy.
It's the first day of summer vacation and Billy and his canon friends made plans to spend it doing this tour thing where they're going to visit dynamic places (based around the levels in the game like circus park, or the frozen mountain etc) and he wakes up late completely forgetting that his Incel friend would be visiting and was suppossed to pick him up from the train station but is also going to be late to meet up with his friends to hop on the tour bus with them so he runs off to meet his canon friends. Luckily nothing's wrong with this because the readers don't know about incel friend yet!
So it's like the opening FMV cutscene. He goes to his friends, they chide him for being late, he saves a chicken and gets usekai'd to chicken world to became a chicken based magical girl and rescue the 6 Chicken Elders and find the wish granting Giant Egg and stop Dark Raven.
So plot line 1 is the Forest Village level where Billy doesn't have the chicken suit but has to find it and maybe there's some chicks who are like "why would our chicken God Menie-Fudie have an outsider don the legendary suit? Screw you outsider we'll find it first and save out own village!" And Billy has to go after them and prove he's brave protecting then from the boss and this is how he gets his first emblem of bravery, the suit, and saves the first Elder. Boom. Adapted for comic. Incel friend is not in this part of the story. If he is it's vaguely hinted at.
Next is Dino Mountain and we have Billy meeting up with Rolly in the story now who already got her suit to be the magical girl chicken guardian of the level. She's not doing a super good job combating the local Crows in the area because she's still the pure bubbly character who needs to get a quick arc where she learns sometimes you gotta FIGHT for peace and not just ask for it. She DOES defeat the area boss by being compassionate to the resurrected dinosaur who is being forced to fight for the crows and through said compassion turns on the crow boss and Rolly gets her emblem of courage for having the courage to determine when to fight and when to care, even if it seems more difficult. Unlike the game Rolly stays behind to guard Dino Mountain so the immediate cast doesn't get too big. Before facing the boss though there's the "Rolly kidnapped by the crows" plot which all the "Friends kidnapped" plots are orchestrated by Incel friend who was also brought to chicken land. Depending on how open vs hiding in the shadows he is Billy just thinks he's been kidnapped by the crows or some shit.
(Yes I am aware that Rolly's level is Pirate Isle but I really wanted her to use the power of love and friendship on the giant dinosaur skeleton and really it doesn't make much difference where his friends get picked up honestly...)
The next place is Pirate isle and I haven't decided what happens here but second verse same as the first. He meets up with Chick Poacher, Chick's gotta learn a thing. There's kidnapping involved. Incel friend shows up to cause some trouble making the readers go "Who is this Original character Donut steal??" Bull crap. Same goes for Bantam.
Billy finally gets to confront Incel friend (Who I just now decided is going to be named Rook, or Jackdaw, which are types of crows) in circus park. Maybe a Circus was important to their friendship or some shit? I dunno and this is when we finally get the rest of the OC's backstory which, yes, he is acting like a jealous girlfriend. Billy overslept for picking him up at the train so he was butthurt but going to tolerate it, only to almost be at his house when Billy goes running off. He follows him only to find him talking with his friends about all the stuff they're going to spend all summer doing and gets full dose of unreasonable butthurt and misunderstanding. Because like... How dare my friend have more friends other than myself? /I/ didn't friend cheat on HIM! I literally made ZERO friends! How DARE he not only NOT BE AS LONELY AS I WAS but now he has REPLACED ME TO THE POINT WERE HE'S DITCHING ME ON OUR PROMISED HANG OUT FOR SUMMER?! WELL FUG U TOO BILLY! And the crow from the opening brought him to Chicken Land. Maybe there was a legendary chicken suit for circus park as well and Rook would potentially be the 5th member of the chicken team, but he uses Billy to get it and corrupt it into a crow themed suit instead. He's the dark magical girl!
Billy saves the elder but doesn't get through to Rook. He gets a second emblem of courage for being brave enough to stand up to a friend when they're doing a wrong but it doesn't make Billy feel better because previously it would be his friends who did the brave and got the emblem, but this time it was his friend who was the bad. Billy vaguely insinuates to himself that he hadn't forgotten Rook but this is third person limited so we won't learn the truth until someone says it.
This moves on to sand ruins where Billy purses Rook who is also hunting down the elder to find the last peice of info about the Giant Egg or floating castle or some shit. This does result in some required team work forcing the two ex friends to stop being little bitches for like 5 minutes where Billy asks Rook why he would help the crows gain ultimate power. Rook tells him "I'm not stupid. I have no intention of actually letting the crows have the giant egg's power." And is planning to betray them and take the egg for himself. When Billy asks what he would even do with a wish granting egg we later learn it's as simple and personal as "to wish Billy's friends away" or "Wish that they can't return to Chicken land but Billy and he stay there" or "Wish that I never moved". Prolly all the above in consideration because he feels/ is acting like a betrayed jealous girlfriend.
Also let's refit the "Two chickens facing eachother" puzzle into something about these two working together and making up. Billy get's to reveal he never forgot or replaced his friend but when he slept in late he wanted to catch up to his canon friends before the tour thing started because he had wanted to bring his canon friends to the train station to meet his bffff and bring him on the fun summer tour too. Haha misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions is A+ writing! This friendship reunion doesn't last long because boss monster or main villain kidnaps Rook once the path to the giant egg is open and shit and now Billy has to go save ANOTHER friend.
Shounen power of friendship everyone shows up in the ending-ending. They get sent back to their world and miss the bus, but decide they already had their adventure and will have just as much fun chilling together and getting to know Billy's friend. Now Rook has FWENDS. Da end.
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since0202 · 3 years
Chapter 9: Recognition
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It took all of Grace’s strength not to drive down to the rez once she and Bella got back to the truck. 
“What the hell was that?” Bella said surprised. Grace focused her eyes on the road. “Hey are you okay?” Bella was softer this time. 
“Are you and Jake dating?” 
“What?” Bella said, taken aback. 
Grace didn’t say anything and just kept her eyes focused on the road. That wasn’t the question she had meant to ask. She just couldn’t stop thinking about how hot Jacob’s skin was and how quickly she needed to get home to call Sam. Jerking the wheel, she pulled them off on the side of the road. Bella lurched forward to steady herself with the dashboard. 
“I need to borrow your phone.” Grace turned to Bella and held her hand out. 
“Okay.” Bella said, her voice drew up at the end in question, “Grace what is going on?” 
Bella handed her phone over and Grace punched in Sam’s number. 
It rang twice before he answered. “Hello?” 
“Sam. It’s Jake.” 
“Is he-” 
“Yes, he’s on his way back now. You might want to intercept.” 
“Was he hot to the touch?”
“Sam.” Grace pleaded. She was losing her composure a little bit. 
“Okay. We’ll get him, don’t worry.” He hung up. 
She handed the phone back to Bella and put a hand over her eyes to try and stop the tears. But it wasn’t any use, something in her collapsed and she curled her body over the steering wheel and let out an immense rush of sobs. Her back heaved as she gasped for breath and felt a breaking in her like one she’d only ever experienced once before. Bella hurriedly scooted over the bench seat of the truck and wrapped her arms around Grace. Bewildered, she stroked her cousin’s hair and tried to calm her down. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay Grace. He’ll come back.” Bella whispered into her hair. 
Grace knew he would come back, he would just come back different, changed. In her time spent training with Sam, Paul, and Jared she saw and heard the turmoil, pain, and confusion they put their bodies and minds through. While it ran through their blood, Sam had made it clear: this wasn’t a choice, it was a necessity. 
Paul had been less forthcoming about it. He had finally found a useful outlet for his anger, pushing it in the ground and howling it out around him in a chase of scrap. But in his quieter moments, when Grace would sit next to him after a particularly grueling day, he would wrap his arm around her shoulder and give her a small sad smile and say, “At least we’ve got us.” 
Jared was a light, joking and keeping Grace up on her feet. But some days when he showed up at Emily’s or they went to pick him up from home, he would look disappointed, his face would look redder than usual and he’d pull Grace or Emily into a tight, wordless hug before Sam commanded him to follow. To which he’d swallow hard and follow suit. 
And when Quil had recently phased, Sam did him the kindness of letting him choose when he could make it to trainings and when he could not. Mostly he could not--still focusing on school, figuring out his new form, and coming to grips with the fact that he was a protector of his family and tribe in ways he never knew before. Sam would pull him in for light rounds, not wanting to dip him in too far too fast like he had with Jared and Paul in his immense loneliness. 
But for all that pain came the joy of binding to one another. Grace could see how at home they felt together and around her. How safe and loved that their brotherhood kept them. She would protect that at all costs. 
But now that Jacob was a part of this, Grace knew something would fundamentally change, not just in him but in everyone. A part of her wished for the short time she had spent with him laughing and studying for school, and the moment he kissed her head on the doorstep like he’d done it his whole life. 
“Let me drive.” Bella said calmly, shifting Grace out of the way. The whole ride home, Grace rested her head on the cool glass of the window and resolved to go to the rez first thing tomorrow morning. 
When Grace woke early right as the first light was creeping over the horizon. She shimmied into some dark wash jeans, a black tank top and a large, loose green cable knit sweater. She shoved her socked feet into her boots and pulled her wavey tangled hair up into a loose ponytail. At the  bottom of the stairs, she layered her blue raincoat under her puffy black winter jacket. The fog was not yet clearing as she dashed out the door and into the truck with only one thought in her mind. 
The 15 minute drive to the reservation was excruciating. She vowed to buy a cell phone this weekend so she could stay in contact with the pack. As she crossed the line into the reservation, a shiver ran down her. She felt warmth flood into her feet and a tingling sensation started to bloom in the back of her head, signaling a change had happened. 
She pulled into the familiar drive of Emily and Sam’s place as the fog started to burn off. She jogged to the front door and knocked a handful of times before pressing it open and hurtling in. Emily was stumbling down the steps of her and Sam’s bedroom, clearly woken from sleep. 
“Is Sam here?” Grace, wired, asked. 
“No, he hasn’t been home yet, come sit, I’ll make us some coffee,” she yawned. 
“It’s Jacob,” Grace said again, echoing her sentiment from last night. Emily nodded nonchalant. 
“Sam said he might be phasing soon. He could feel it,” Emily was clattering in the kitchen like it was any other morning. 
“What? He knew?!” She had told Sam how rocked she had felt about the potential of him phasing and he could feel her tension when it came to conversations of Jake. The pack seemed invested in him for some reason. But he had never alluded to any feeling he had had about Jacob phasing soon in their recent trainings. Emily looked at Grace confused, and then realized she had spilled something that maybe she wasn’t at liberty to share. 
“I’m sure they’ll be back soon Grace, come sit.” Emily pleaded. But Grace was already out the door and down into the truck. She gunned it toward Jacob’s house knowing full well he probably wouldn’t be there. 
When she pulled up, her mind took her back to when a long-haired Jacob came jogging around the side of the house, happy to see her. But now, the yard was quiet and the area surrounding it seemed void of those memories. 
When she knocked on the door, trying to wait patiently for Billy to open the door, she couldn’t help her eyes from scanning the tree line. 
By now, Sam must have sensed she was here. If they were still in their wolf forms, which she suspected they were by the familiar pull in her belly, she knew that Sam would have felt her as soon as she crossed onto the reservation.
Billy swung open the door and wheeled over the threshold with a smile on his face. 
“Wasn’t expecting you to be here.” he said, pleased. 
“Did Jake come home last night?” Grace forgoed with the pleasantries. Her mind was a one-track record at the moment playing the same name over in her head: Jacob, Jacob, where is Jacob? 
“Nooooo,” Billy replied, still pleased. It irked Grace. Of course he’d be pleased. Jake was fulfilling a destiny that Billy hadn’t or ever needed to. She could see the pride swelling in him. 
“Okay.” Grace gave a curt nod and turned back to her truck, then thought better of it and turned toward the tree line. She should have done this first thing, but a small part in her was hoping against hope that he had returned, safe and sound, without phasing. 
“I’m sure he’s alright, Grace! Sam’s got him.” Billy called after her. She gave a terse wave and pushed into the embrace of the trees. When she walked deep enough that she couldn’t see the clearing of Jacob’s home behind her, she stopped and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. 
The earth beneath her feet felt mangled and overturned. She tried to tune into her higher sense, focused her breath on locating the familiar padding of Sam, Jared, or Paul through the forest floor. The forest intensified in sound around her as she went searching, eyes closed, feet planted. Directly in front of her, she could clearly see the outline, almost glow of Sam’s prints. Flanking close behind were Jared and Paul’s, less pronounced but definitely there. 
Grace took a tentative, physical step forward and when she looked down, she could see sprinkles of light spilling out around her feet. That’s new. 
She opened her eyes and travelled further into the forest, keeping her ears tuned in for any sign of them. As she got deeper, the brush and fern growing thick under foot, she stopped again to make sure she was headed in the right direction. This time when she closed her eyes, a bright path skirted forward from unfamiliar pads. However, though they were new to her, they were brighter than either Sam, Jared, or Paul’s. The track was illuminated as if by bright glowing light underneath and shimmered in a deep gold. She knew who this was without having to feel it. 
And then, a familiar sensation, a breaking apart and coming together that she had not initiated. It was a call. She recast and without even knowing where she was going, she appeared in a small clearing. When she opened her eyes, the human forms of Sam, Jared, Paul, and Quil stood off to the right and somewhat behind her. Her eyes locked on Sam, breathless for a moment and then she felt a gaze pulling her forward. 
When she looked ahead, standing clear and tall in the patch of moss and dirt was Jacob. His chest exposed, she saw every line of his skin and his sinewy muscles heaved with exhaustion. His hair was sheared short to match the rest of the pack, but his warmth and presence radiated out from him. He stood firmly on the ground, fists clenched, but though he was obviously new to this and had had a rough night, Grace felt nothing but pure resolute power, confidence, and surety pulsing from him. 
When their eyes locked, Grace couldn’t breathe for a moment. That rising rumbling that she had felt when she first encountered Edward crescendoed around her. Waves crashing against each other, pushing and pulling out to sea. 
A huge ripple puddled out from her feet and pulsed quickly out across the forest floor like a radar signal. Her return to Jake’s call. Behind her, she heard Jared exclaim “What the hell was that?!” 
Jacob was looking at her so fiercely with such wanton recognition. The pull in her belly intensified in a way she had never felt before. The world was around her but ended with Jacob. And she made a choice. She sprinted toward him and crashed into his arms. 
He let out a groaning “Oh,” as he wrapped his arms tightly around her as if something in him was satiated when she was pressed against him. Her head only came up to his shoulder and he bowed his head to bury his face in her hair. 
All too quickly, a realization swept through the both of them—I know this person and this person knows me, now and before and beyond. Two kindred spirits that had always been intertwined by destiny but had recently come back together. Grace had never felt such pleasure and sureness rippling through her entire being than she did right now. And as a welcomed confirmation, Jake whispered in her ear between heavy labored breaths: 
“It’s you.” 
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thequeendesi · 4 years
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Title: Legends
Alt Title: The Spirits Say
Warnings: readers almost 17, teen pregnancy, alluding to extremely toxic relationships.
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the twilight saga franchise. I do own the writing
Rating: PG
A/N: potentially looking at a part two
“Who is she?” Embry asked Sam, watching the girl laugh and chatter with Emily, while helping the woman cook. “(Y/N) (L/N). She’s one of Emily’s friends.”
Embry nodded, crossing his arms. “How does she know Emily?”
“They used to work at the same grocery shop. (Y/N)’s parents owned it.” Sam watched Emily. “What’s she doing here?”
“She’s staying with us. Boyfriend left her after finding out about the baby.” Sam crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.
“She’s about 6 months through.”
“How was she able to keep it from him for so long?” Embry scoffed, crossing his arms. “He wasn’t a good man.” Sam said shortly, giving Embry a look that means ‘no further questions’.
“Hey! Dinner’s done!” Emily smiled, turning around to look at Sam and Embry. “Go tell everyone else, yea?” She made a small go motion with her hand to Embry.
“I’ll make the table.” (Y/N) said.
Embry narrowed his eyebrows at the new woman, before turning to retrieve the pack.
“So, do you still work at your parents store?” Emily asked, while (Y/N) set the table. “I plan on working until the last possible second.” (Y/N) stated.
“Well you’re free to stay here as long as you need.” Sam said, walking over, his arm wrapping itself around Emily's waist. “I appreciate that Sam.” (Y/N) smiled.
“That smells good!” The pack all chimed, walking in, sitting at their places.
“You guys can thank (Y/N) for that. She pretty much cooked the whole thing. Barely let me help.” Emily nudged her friend, making the girl shy away. “Don’t thank me. It’s just my way of trying to help out. You refuse to let me clean.”
“The chemicals can mess up Bean’s brain.”
“Who’s Bean?” Brady asked, mouth full of food, what can you expect from a 13 year old boy?
“It’s just the filler name for the baby.” Emily patted (Y/N)’s stomach.
“Oh. A baby.”
“A baby?!” Jake coughed, looking at her. “You look the same age as me!”
“How old are you?” (Y/N) asked, leaning back against the wall.
“He’ll be 18, next Friday.” Sam answered for Jake. “Even though with his big age, he still needs to understand manners.” Emily chastised, a small smile still finding a way on her face.
“I’ll be 17 in a few weeks.” (Y/N) informed.
Rather young for a baby Paul thought to the boys.
“Hurry up and eat. We will patrol in a few hours.” Sam said, putting his bowl in the sink, rinsing it off.
(Y/N) watched as the boys scarfed down their food, and then one by one rinse the bowl and go outside.
“I’ll get the dishes.” Emily stopped (Y/N) as she tried going into the kitchen.
“She’s a little younger than you Embry.” Jake said, walking next to Embry. “A year younger.”
“That’s not much. Look at Quil, he’s imprinted on a 3 year old,” Jake teased. “You think she might be your imprint?”
“Wouldn’t know. Haven’t looked at her much.”
“Hi! Boys, sorry, men?” (Y/N) shook her head, catching up with the two in the woods.
Embry continued to look straight. “Um, one of you left your phone? I’m not sure if you meant to, or if it was an accident?”
“That’s Quil’s.” Jake smiled at you, elbowing Embry in the ribs. “Oh. Can I give it to him?”
“He’s a little farther ahead in the group. We’ll be out until late tonight.” Jake put his hands in his pockets. “Hold onto it.” Embry suggested.
(Y/N) looked at Embry. “Hey, you’re Embry right? Emily told me how you’re like Sam’s left hand man.” She laughed a little. “I thought the term was right hand man?”
Embry asked, then made eye contact with the girl.
It’s like the world stood still and Embry couldn’t catch his breath. “Hello?” (Y/N) waved her hand in front of his face.
“Ok! Let’s go. We’ll meet you back at the house, yea?” Jake nodded, then grabbed Embry’s hand, leading him towards the rest of the pack.
(Y/N) hummed to herself as she folded the laundry. “You’re starting to get uncomfortable in there, huh?” She groaned softly, rubbing the bottom part of her back.
“You’re still up?” Emily asked, walking out with a cup of tea.
“How late is it?” (Y/N) asked, putting down the final towel. “11 p.m.” Sam said, walking into the house.
“Do you have a moment?” Sam asked (Y/N), crossing his arms over his chest. “Did I not fold the laundry the way you like it?” She asked, standing up, picking at some scabs she’s gotten on her hands.
“No. No, it’s not that.” Sam looked at Emily.
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her round stomach. “Alright..” she bit her lip, turning to face Sam.
“We’re we heading?” (Y/N) asked, walking behind Sam and Emily. “Our tribe is talking about the legends we have. We want you to be there. Tonight is about the imprinting.”
“Wow…” (Y/N) said softly, as Billy finished speaking. Embry stared intently at her. Examining every aspect of the female.
Emily had (Y/N) sit next to her.
“Only the lucky ones are able to find their imprints.” Billy nodded.
“(Y/N)!” Embry jogged up to her. “Uh…” He gulped, when she looked up at him, turning around to face the male.
“Oh. Embry.”
“Sorry for being so weird lately.” Embry rubbed the back of his neck. “Wolf thing.” He chuckled.
“Being stand off-ish is a weird thing? I thought it was only a Paul thing.” She joked.
“Do you have a moment?” He asked. “All I have are moments right now.”
“So you imprinted on me? Like how Sam did with Emily?” (Y/N) asked, walking alongside Embry, her hands folded over her belly.
Embry nodded. “Are you ok with that?” He bit his tongue.
“Curious as to why you’d be ok with it.”
“I mean… look at the situation. You’re about to be 18. Are you sure you even want to deal with a girl and a kid?” (Y/N) laughed nervously. “Let’s not even get into the emotional baggage.” She shook her head.
“If the spirits say we’re meant to be together. We’re meant to be together.”
She looked up at him. “Bean’s father will not be happy with this.”
“Forget him.” Embry coughed. “Sorry. I know I’ll never be Bean’s dad. But I want to be there for you. I want to get to know you the way the Spirits say I should.” Embry crossed his arms.
(Y/N) nodded.
“Tomorrow, at 3. I’m gonna take you out.” Embry smiled at her, then turned, running off to his house.
“Oh.” She laughed a little.
“Tomorrow at 3…” she muttered to herself.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Spiral: From the Book of Saw Ending Explained
This article contains Spiral spoilers.
After all these years on the force, Chris Rock’s seasoned Det. Zeke Banks still hasn’t figured out that when you play a Jigsaw game, the unwritten rule is you have to lose. Sure, his one-time partner, Det. “William Schenk” (Max Minghella), isn’t actually Jigsaw, nor even a true-blue disciple of John Kramer. However, Will learned the master’s trade, and he learned it well. Which is why at the end of Spiral: From the Book of Saw, Will’s on an elevator that’ll apparently lead him to safety out of this warehouse, and the SWAT team just murdered an innocent Black man.
… Well, as innocent as a man like former Police Chief Marcus Banks (Samuel L. Jackson) can be. It’s interesting though that Will let Marcus’ son, Zeke, live, isn’t it? We’ll get to that later.
For those who want a refresher about how this Saw movie all played out, let’s go back to the moment which set this all in motion. Twelve years ago, Zeke Banks was a beat cop with a crooked partner named Pete. While investigating a crime in an apartment building that apparently involved a cop murdering someone, Pete is taking a witness statement from a man who says he’ll go on the record: yes, he saw a corrupt police officer commit a crime. So Pete pulls out a gun and shoots the witness in the heart.
By the time a younger Zeke gets on the scene, Pete has placed a gun in his victim’s hand and claims he shot him in self-defense. Zeke of course knows it’s a lie, as does the child who watches from a bedroom doorway in the corner. That child grows up to be Minghella’s character.
The twist is actually pretty heavily hinted at throughout the movie. When Zeke and Will go to a church to talk with Pete—who ended up serving nine years of hard time after Zeke turned him in—the former partner even admits what they did was wrong, saying “it was crazy back then” and that the guy he murdered “had a family.”
Throughout Spiral, we are told that these Jigsaw murder games are “too personal” to be another Jigsaw disciple. This copycat is out for revenge. And at least for this viewer, I immediately began suspecting Will, who always talked about his wife and son but never introduced them to his new partner. When Zeke calls Will at home, we hear a baby crying off-screen but never see it.
So when Will then also dies, apparently off-screen, in a murder that wasn’t even apparently a game—it seemed like he was skinned alive in a butcher’s shop—it becomes pretty obvious that Will is actually the son of the man Pete murdered. Seriously, we have a whole scene about Zeke consoling the widow of a buddy on the force who died, but no one thinks to call Will’s supposed wife about the young detective’s death?
But you’re not supposed to think about that plot hole. The point is that as a child, Will only got nominal justice thanks to Zeke turning his partner in. But Zeke is the anomaly: the one good cop who will not tolerate the “code of silence” in cases of blatant corruption.
That corruption in the police force stems from the system itself. While we’re never told exactly what Article VIII is, the citywide law is apparently the PATRIOT Act on steroids, or just Giuliani Time redux, allowing police to deal with perceived criminals at their “own discretion.” One of the apparent architects of it was Zeke’s father, then-Police Chief Banks. Played by a cocky Jackson, we learn in flashbacks how systemic the coverup culture is on his watch.
Hence Marcus dreads Zeke will be killed by other cops because his son did the right thing and turned in a rotten apple. Indeed, one of Will’s future victims, Det. Fitch (Richard Zeppieri), even lets Zeke take a bullet, refusing to answer Zeke’s calls for backup.
Zeke is protected, to an extent, by his father and his otherwise reasonable seeming, if complicit, captain (Marisol Nichols). But Zeke turning in Pete failed to bring any tangible change to corruption among the department’s ranks. Even Zeke’s best friend on the force winds up being the new Jigsaw’s first victim because he lied constantly on the witness stand, getting potentially innocent people sent to prison in order to bolster the DA’s conviction rate. It’s why Jigsaw takes his tongue.
This is Will’s grand idea: take the teachings of John Kramer and apply them to the entire Metropolitan Police Department.
“[The spiral] is a symbol of change, evolution, progress,” Will says. “But why limit that to an individual when you can apply it to a whole system? You got shot for doing the right thing. Let’s face it, these cops aren’t going to clean up on their own. We take a tongue here, a few bones there, they’ll come around. We’re going to fix a broken department. You and me.”
So the boy who saw his father murdered by a dirty cop changed his name to Will Shank, became the top of his class in the police academy, and situated himself as the partner of the one honest cop who’s spent 12 years looking over his shoulder. He also created a fake home life, so no one wondered what he was doing after hours.
Strangely, he isn’t above a little murder himself. A drug addict named Billy Riots is who Will pays to bump into his first victim. Will later kills Benny, skinning him so that it’ll look like Zeke’s new partner died screaming.
In any event, the movie ends exactly how Will wants it to. He sets up a trap where Zeke can try to save the old crooked partner he sent to prison (Zeke fails twice in Will’s eyes, first by attempting to actually save the man and then by not succeeding). Next he gives Zeke the choice to join his crusade by standing by and watching his daddy die.
I’m not sure why Will thinks the best way to win over an accomplice in Zeke is by killing his father in front of him since the murder of a father is what inspired this whole mess. Nevertheless, Zeke winds up in another no-win scenario. He has one bullet he can use to kill Will, if he so chooses, or use it to disarm the elaborate trap bleeding Marcus to death, drip by drip from tubes into mason jars.
Zeke tries to save his father, which fails another test in Will’s eyes. At this point though, he’s already implemented his “full-proof” escape plan: Zeke still can’t win.
When the SWAT team busts down the door, they hit a wire which triggers another fail-safe in Marcus’ trap. Like a puppet on strings, Samuel L. Jackson is pulled back into the air, with the blood draining out. A string also pulls his hand up with a shotgun in it, making Marcus seem like a threatening Black man. The chief is brutally gunned down by his own police force.
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The political subtext in all of this is thick. With a story idea originated by Rock—notably before the murder of George Floyd last year—the Saw franchise has returned in the Black Lives Matter era with a potent (if heavy handed) allegory about racism in law enforcement and the institutional menace of authority valuing the protection of their own over the safety of the public.
One imagines the real reason, then, Will lets Zeke live—even after he still tried to save his corrupt daddy from being gunned down like so many other fathers and sons—is so Rock can go head-to-head with Will again in another sequel. It certainly feels like we’re all still on the same spiral downward. So why not a Saw sequel with a recurring protagonist?
The post Spiral: From the Book of Saw Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
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