#German writer
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Number 22 of the Golden Lane in Prague is the number of the house where Franz Kafka lived and wrote for about a year, between 1916 and 1917.
Now, it is a small museum and a bookstore.
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Maybe I should invest more time into writing again. .. I def should.
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I'm exited to release my original fantasy novella on Wednesday, the 20th.
Just as an EBook though, but it has humor, magic and a splash of m/m romance (just a little at the end). Hidden identities, cursed existence, a bit of enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers, power couple (well, what else😂). I'm afraid it's just in German. But If you can ready IT, I would be glad if you' d give it a chance. It should be available on most EBook platforms
Titel: Der Siegelvirtuose - Umbramacht und Erdengold, eine zauberhafte Novelle über Mut und Vertrauen
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persephonediary · 2 years
Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings — always darker, emptier and simpler.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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poemsliz · 8 months
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It happened.. I wrote some snippets for my non-ancient-magic-hogwarts-legacy-story.. it's just.. they're in German.. so I don't know what to do with them. I think my English is too bad to write them beautifully in English. It's just.. is there anybody who is interested in a German Hogwarts Legacy story?
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EVENT: Fanfic - einfach deutsch
Event-Einladung „Fanfic – einfach deutsch!“ Hallo liebe Freunde der deutschen Sprache. Einige haben es schon mitbekommen, dass wir eine Event-Woche für deutsche Fanfiction starten möchten. Wie wäre es, wenn wir unserer schönen Sprache wieder etwas mehr Raum verleihen?
Es ist ein Versuch und ganz einfach – na los, mach mit!
Post Zeitraum: 26. Juni – 02. Juli 2023 Themen: Sommer, Urlaub, Job-Wechsel, Liebe, Flirt, Abenteuer, Überraschung & was dir sonst noch zum Thema Sommer einfällt. Wir sind gespannt.
Länge: keine Vorgabe (von Drabble bis Roman ist alles erlaubt - auch Übersetzungen oder Podfics)
Rating: alles erlaubt (Wichtig: taggt eure Storys vernünftig)
Posting: bitte in Collection "Fanfic einfach deutsch" auf AO3 - selbstverständlich kann auch auf anderen Plattformen veröffentlicht werden! Achtung: Die Posts werden nicht moderiert d.h. nicht freigeschaltet. Was gepostet wird, geht direkt raus. Die Collection bleibt auch nach der Event-Woche noch offen. Also, kein Stress, falls dir diese Zeit zu knapp wird. Wir freuen uns auch über spätere Beiträge! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Fanfic_einfach_deutsch/profile
Jedes Level, Fandom, Thema, und sprachliches Können sind willkommen.
Wenn du Fragen hast, sende uns eine Nachricht – wir helfen gerne weiter! rahchan & annaofthenorthernlights
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only-when-i-write · 7 months
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This book just turned two. Two years since publishing. Still love it. Still think it’s a tiny masterpiece (measured by my own writing abilities and the fact that it turned out better than I thought possible). [german under the cut]
I miss writing it bc I did it before I went into publishing and started thinking about the market and readership, genre expectations, and how a (bad) cover choice can make or break you. It was also before I started being mad about all of this and cried about it every opportunity I get (like no). *insert eye roll
So true to this book about tragic, heartbreaking time travel and all I try to pretend I am back in 2016 and write like the last two years did not exist. But I’m doing this for a couple of months now and I still don’t feel free.
——— German ——-
Dieses Buch wird heute zwei Jahre alt. Zwei Jahre seit Veröffentlichung. Ich liebe es noch immer und bin überzeugt, es ist ein kleines Meisterwerk (gemessen an meinen Fähigkeiten als Schriftstellerin und der Tatsache, dass es so viel besser geworden ist, als ich es mir je hätte vorstellen können.) 
Ich vermisse das Schreiben daran, weil ich es getan habe, bevor ich ins Business eingestiegen bin und angefangen habe, über den Markt nachzudenken, die Leserschaft, Genre-Erwartung, und dass eine (schlechte) Entscheidung ein Buch crashen lassen kann oder eben nicht. Auch bevor ich angefangen habe, mich über all das zu ärgern und jede Gelegenheit zu nutzen, deswegen rumzuheulen. *einmal kurz Augenrollen dafür, dass ich so doof bin, dass immer noch zu tun
Ich versuche - ganz im Sinne dieses Buches und der tragischen Zeitreisestory, die darin steckt, wieder so zu schreiben wie 2016. Aber das versuche ich nun schon seit Monaten und bin noch immer nicht frei von all den Gedanken, die mich so einschränken.
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anxxes · 1 year
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Zaiir & Anxes
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faschismatix · 8 months
Sun faintly dapples the valley As we set our picnic rolls around 10:30 in the Tiergarten. Distant laughter swings with the light breeze and Somewhere in the distance nests a lark. Though you don't often indulge in sweets,
we savor the bits of this rosy cake, and sip our orange juice. Sugar rests on our lips. And no humans, no clouds, no animals mind the queers in the thicket. Falling from the heavens, pants down – Sweat glimmers on my trembling knees, distant chatter in the air Couples row their boats on the shimmering lake Beyond the water's edge Verdant green. Nudists bask in April's heat.
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marahmoon · 10 months
Progress #1
An einem verregnetem Septemberabend sitzt Hypathia mal wieder vor ihrem Schreibtisch und wälzt in ihrer Familienchronik. Der Kerzenschein spiegelt sich in ihren smaragdgrünen Augen während sie fast zu den entspannenden Klängen des fallenden Regens einnickt. Auf dem Einband der Chronik befindet sich das Wappen ihrer Familie, eine Schlange, das auch in Form eines Tattoos ihren linken Handrücken ziert. Nach all den Jahren fragte sie sich immer noch, wer ihrer Familie so etwas antun konnte. Als einzige Überlebende ihrer Familie fühlte sie sich seit langem einsam. Plötzlich schießt ihr ein Schmerz durch den rechten Arm, von den Fingerspitzen bis zur Schulter, aber er erinnert sie daran, ihren Arm zu behandeln. Hypathia steht voller Schmerzen auf und schleppt sich schwerfällig in ihr Badezimmer. Gerade als sie dabei ist, ihre Bandagen zu entfernen, klopft es an der Tür und ein kalter Schauer läuft ihr über den Rücken. 'Wer könnte das um diese Uhrzeit noch sein?', murmelte sie fast schon ängstlich.
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I finished another may prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting fantastic may prompt list! So proud of myself :)
Now, buckle up, it's getting hot with our beloved dorks! <3
2. Adventure
“Let's… go on an adventure.” 
Magna’s husky voice filled the gap between them. Which was mighty small at this point.
“If you haven’t noticed yet... Our whole fucking life is an adventure.” Yumiko hummed back to her, as she placed one hand on Magna’s knee. 
The group of six had found themselves an old house to spend the night in. The first half of the night was Bernie’s and Kelly’s shift. The two of them, as well as Magna and Yumiko, were sitting on the floor, circling the few candles they had left. 
On the other side of the room, Connie and Luke were already trying to get some rest.
“Oh yeah? Tell me about our adventures.” 
The grin on Magna's face got wider while she was talking in a low voice. As soon as her gaze caught Yumiko’s, she winked at her. Her slinky intentions were absolutely visible to all of them. 
Even though Bernie shot them with amused looks, he and Kelly didn’t seem to care. They were preoccupied with themselves, or at least they made it seem that way.  
Miko leaned into Magna as she was whispering the words teasingly into her ear. 
“Sickos coming from all directions to rip us apart... A constant need for supplies and food, not to mention clean water...” 
“Oh shut up.” 
Magna slipped a few inches away from Yumiko, who laughed in amusement. 
“You’re really letting me down when I am trying to flirt with you?” Magna’s arms were shooting up to be crossed in front of her chest. And Yumiko grinned even more.
“Stop pouting, it doesn't suit you, gorgeous.” She tried to soothe Magna, but the tease didn’t leave her voice at all.
Yumiko’s hands were trailing up Magna’s thigh now. Featherlight movements which Magna only barely felt underneath her pants. It wasn’t enough to wipe the pout out of her face, but her eyes lit up. She stared at Yumiko’s lips and a deep feeling crept through her whole body. Magna would have loved to kiss Yumiko. Better said, she needed to kiss her.
“I think life with you is an adventure on its own.” Yumiko stated and took Magna’s hand in hers. 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Magna whispered confidently. She noticed how Yumiko’s thumb drew an uneven pattern over her skin.
They locked their eyes together. Magna pulled Yumiko in, slightly touching her cheek with her free hand. Her face was directly in front of Miko’s.
Something between them shifted. 
“Well Mag, then show me how much of an adventure you can be.” Yumiko quirked one eyebrow. Her grin was getting dirtier in seconds.
“Nothing sexual intended huh?”
“Absolutely nothing.”
The air prickled between them.
In a flash, Magna pulled Yumiko to her feet. They didn’t even notice how Kelly and Bernie gave each other knowing looks. Or how Kelly shushed Bernie in sign language.
They stumbled into the hallway. Thank god, they had cleared the whole thing hours ago. As soon as they closed the door to the living room, Magna pressed Yumiko against the nearest wall. Lips only inches apart from each other. Eyes locked together. The desire was showing in both of their gazes. Magna was definitely teasing.
“What kind of adventure do you want?” She enquired with that dirty smile on her face.
“Just… kiss me already…” Yumiko hummed a little out of breath. Her hands were playing with the hem of Magna’s shirt. Sliding her fingers over her skin just barely. She could feel Magna’s hot breath on her face, as the woman started talking again.
“Well, I think you need to beg for it.” Magna’s eyebrows quivered. The words sent a shiver down Yumiko’s spine. She loved when Magna requested things like that. She would not give her the beg that easy, though. Because Yumiko also knew how to mess with Magna.
Miko started pressing kisses down Magna’s neck. All the way to her collarbone. As soon as the fabric of her unbuttoned plaid shirt got in between her lips and Magna’s skin, she gently pushed it over her shoulder. Only to kiss the newfound bare skin passionately.
Magna’s breathing got heavier. Her head had fallen back as if by itself, eyes gleefully closed. She let out little sighs eventually and dug her fingers into the other woman's back. Slowly, her hands went lower and came to rest on Miko’s ass. 
Yumiko’s hands were going wild on Magna’s body. Wandering up and down her sides, then off toward her chest. One hand kept the woman steady near her, the other cupped one of her breasts. It took every bit of her composure, not to dig under her tank top to feel all of that solemnly soft skin. Slowly her lips explored Magna’s decollete and shortly after that she trailed back up her neck again.
It felt like Magna melted inside of her arms. A little smirk flickered over Yumiko’s face.
She grabbed Magna by her hips and guided her toward the opposite side of the hallway. Now Magna was the one being pressed against a wall. Being kissed on her cheeks, jawline, and neck over and over again, she let out little moans. Which only cheered Yumiko on to continue her journey.
“Miko…” Magna sighed. “P-Please beg for it…” Her tone did not match her needs. Her big eyes were so desperate that Yumiko almost couldn’t keep it together herself.
“You think you are in a position to make demands?” Yumiko chuckled lightly as she pushed her leg between Magna's thighs. The touch was immediately acknowledged with a rough groan. 
Teasingly Yumiko was strengthening her pressure against the other woman. With one hand, she caught one of Magna’s wrists and pinned it over her head.
“But maybe… I will do you the favor, babe.” Her other hand was stroking through Magna’s big curls now. 
“Do you want me to do that?” Voice all soft and loving. But also teasing. 
Yumiko loved to tease Magna. They both loved to tease each other and fight for the lead. Fighting for who was going to be top. 
“Ugh, god. Yes, please. Please, Miko.” Magna whimpered. Pleasure definitely had taken over.
Miko cupped Magna's face with her free hand. 
“Oh, Mag. Would you please… please kiss me?”
“Damn, I thought you’d never get that out.” Magna moaned softly, whilst a wave of goosebumps hit her. 
And with that said, she finally crushed their lips together and got lost in their desire.
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the-softest-bruise · 2 years
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he had to be wild
God is a creature of flesh and blood
(part 22/?, source material: wuthering heights by emily brontë)
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persephonediary · 2 years
One must give value to their existence by behaving as if ones very existence were a work of art.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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Cane e padrone, T. Mann, 1918-1919
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theaskew · 2 months
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The Tin Drum, a novel by Günter Grass. (Pantheon, New York, 1959)
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