#HEADCANOn. ( june moone. )
lady-murderess · 2 years
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June is the life of the party, of course. And Rick? Yeah, he’s not all that bothered... He would rather be asleep.
Not really being one for parties, Rick would very much prefer to stay in the house. He’s quite happy to hand out candy and leave it at that.
June is more than happy to stay at home, watch some movies with Rick and have a big night in cuddled up on the couch together, but a big part of her wants to be out celebrating with him and their friends.
Leading up to the day, June convinces her grump to help her put up the decorations. He secretly enjoys helping her out decorating the front yard because she makes sure to go all out each year with some sort of display and does a damn good job at it.
Turns out June's in some sort of competition with the neighbours to see who has the best displays. The neighbours ought to consider themselves lucky that Rick hasn't gotten involved in the competition... He's a whole lot more competitive than June.
Pumpkin carving? Definitely not for Colonel Flag. He can’t stand the smell of them, so there ain’t no way he’s going to carve any…
June likes to buy all the novelty Halloween stuff... So you can guarantee that she's bought Rick a good few pairs of underwear and socks with pumpkins, ghosts and other monsters on them.
“June, I’m not gonna dress up. I’m puttin’ my damn foot down.” He ends up dressed up anyway…
If he finds he has no choice, Rick will leave the costume choices up to June. it's just easier that way.
If they do go to any parties, Rick will complain like hell on the way there but once he's there, he's like a completely different person. With a beer bottle in hand, his friends and June by his side, he lets loose and allows himself to enjoy the night.
He tries to deny it, but he seems to end up enjoying himself a little more as each year goes by.
I know Halloween was a couple of days ago, but I've been a little too busy to upload this and I didn't fancy waiting until next year...
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
time to re-paste my tags and tag everything I’ve been getting lazy with  :))))))))
can’t wait for these to get deleted !!!!!!!!!!
#dear queen of hearts; let me grow you red roses so you can learn how to be kind | out of character#hard and fast shines the grin that we flash; but there's a vulnerable stripe or two on me | musings#you can learn a lot of things from the flowers; for especially in the month of June | inbox memes#let us together see how high we can fly before the sun melts the wax in our wings | dash commentary#pull the sword from the stone and start forging your own legendary stories | headcanons#I've found fame to be a fickle food; lying delicately across an ever shifting plate | aesthetics#all the parts combine to one with all of us around the sun; everything will fall away; make order from the disarray | worldbuilding#I can make it easy; I can take the lead. if you think they're looking at you; they're looking at me | answered ask#owo ??? what's this ????? *notices your post* | saved#there's no such thing as time to kill or time to throw away | dash games#every fight has its costs that we've had to pay; all won by the strength of the party we've made | muse relevant imagery#under a canopy of stars where thought and truth divorce; in that latticework of dreams we are guiltless | dani x leon#I think we deserve a soft epilogue my love; we are good people and we've both suffered enough | v: galar's golden boy#up where the mountains meet the heavens above; out where the lightning splits the sea | v: vientown ranger#through the rain and the storm and the flood I can feel their approach like a fire in my blood | v: treasure town trio#edge of glory; write your story; seize the moment with no regrets | v: my hero academia#and the cat's in the cradle with the silver spoon; little boy blue and the man in the moon | npcs: arthur brandt-muriell#and it feels like flying out of fool's paradise; I'll leave them in their cages and rise to shining heights | v: a new chapter#we can outshine the sun; we need only believe that two stars shine brighter than one | v: childhood
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
carmen 'carmy' berzatto masterlist
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Thee Carmy x Reader 'Make My Heart Surrender' Universe (In Chronological Order):
comfort & chaos (prequel to make my heart surrender)
a series of vignettes: the five times carmen berzatto fell in love with you a little and the one time he finally told you. (completed)
october 2019 | covid & carbonara | heat waves | 2/22/22** | called you again | home**
the phone call (blurb - the phone call that gets reader to chicago in the first place)
make my heart surrender
after quitting your job at the restaurant you both used to work at, carmy asks you to come in and work with his pastry chef at his new spot, the bear. only, the longer you stick around, it becomes clear that you have unfinished business. will one week in chicago change your life, and his, forever? (completed)
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday (**18+ for smut) | saturday/sunday | monday | tuesday, again | the playlist
home (final chapter from comfort & chaos - **smut)
try a little tenderness (fluff & angst blurb)
cigarettes & coffee (fluffy blurb)
strawberries & cigarettes (fluffy blurb)
j is for james beard... and for jealousy (**smut oneshot | 18+ only)
your past and mine are parallel lines (fluff oneshot)
pov: carmy makes people magazine's sexiest chef alive list (fluff blurb)
bad moon rising (what if/angst-shot -- guest starring mikey berzatto)
sister-in-law (fluff oneshot -- guest starring natalie berzatto)
still into you (sequel to make my heart surrender)
you, syd, marcus, and carmy return to where it all began: new york city, prompting you and carmy to think a lot about your past... and your future together. (completed)
thursday | **bonus smut scene | friday | saturday | sunday | it's perfect, chef (**bonus smut scene)
don't want to walk alone
the long awaited wedding fic for carmy x reader in the make my heart surrender universe. this six part series chronicles the wedding planning, your (not) bachelorette party, the wedding, and the honeymoon as you build a life with your husband-to-be. (completed)
june/july | august | september | the honeymoon pt 1 | the honeymoon pt 2 | epilogue: november
granola blurb
carmy as your baby daddy
a social media au & headcanon series detailing your first pregnancy with carmy. created for the make my heart surrender universe, but can be read as a standalone work. this has been created in collaboration with @carmensberzattos & @allthefandomstogether , the graphic goddess. (completed)
part one | part two | part three | part four | give you my wild, give you a child (**smut-shot) | part five | part six | part seven
the social media au
scenes from the relationship & this story depicted as social media posts. won't always align with my other social media/moodboards.
part one | part two: first year of dating | part three
your life as a pastry chef in chicago while dating carmy (moodboard & headcanon)
meeting mikey in another lifetime (headcanon)
pov: you're marrying carmen berzatto (moodboard)
honeymoon lingerie moodboard
christmas with carmy moodboard & blurb
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The Bear: Unrelated to Make My Heart Surrender:
(nothing here YET but working on it)
so my darling | sydney adamu x male!chef oc
jealous!carmy & jealous!luca headcanon
stargazing with marcus brooks (blurb)
sneaking around with carmy (blurb)
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nobleriver · 1 year
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Favorite DW Showrunners' Headcanon
Moffat scripted Doctor Moon to be the Doctor's 45th and final incarnation. (x)
I've never forgotten that Doctor Moon thing, it's so clever. Every time I watch that story, I think, it's him, it's the Doctor, and no one knows!
- Russell T Davies, June 2020, DWM 551
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superconductivebean · 22 days
#994: Hogwarts Inquires - 117
Did you know? - 18
The text on the Boards from the Undercroft:
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appears before the In the Shadow of the Estate quest.
Few attempts on text legibility were made here and in the reblogs of that post. And no, these notes do not belong to Sebastian -- it is a headcanon.
We do not know the author. Howevor, Isidora is the most probable candidate for the authorship due to the name 'Percival' appearing but the what is likely a timestamp, 1632, veils on that probability, if to assume it is a timestamp, of course. It might be not. We don't know.
Interestingly, the artist tasked to fill up the boards wrote the spellings of the Middle English words: weter, strem, ston, chaungeable.
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Diacritical marks were not widely used in the writings done in this language, if at all. You can read about it in more detail here.
These symbols are the triskelion and the valknut:
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The latter although predates the Viking era, may not be as old as the former; the former is common in many of ancient art, going as far deep into the ancient history as Helladic and Mycenaean eras of the Ancient Greece and the neolithic mound in Meath, Ireland. Weirdly, the stone objects MC can throw with magic have blue-ish carved symbols on their surface; the carvings look somewhat distinctly Pictish, the choose for colour therefore sounds… like it's Let's Throw Everything Ancient To The Region To The Greater Mix Of Things.
This knot:
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is the doire / dara knot; symbolises the oak tree, perhaps the most sacred among Celtic people.
This bit could be important to remember: according to this website, Oak's astrological period starts at June 10 and ends at July 7.
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are half Alchemy symbols for basic elements (tin, lead, silver, gold, mercury, etc), half transfiguration alphabet as seen from this image:
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This little fella is Saturn/lead:
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The congregation of the points at the lower left eludes me but the number of points is 7 and the number 7 appears on the end point of the dimensional door aka the wall MC and Sebastian appear at after they are teleported back to the Undercroft from the Isidora's estate:
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Perhaps it tells us Isidora had 7 hideouts and not 3? Besides, the number 7 is the number of the planets corresponding to the 7 metals:
Sun - Gold - ☉
Moon - Silver - ☽
Mercury - Quicksilver - ☿
Venus - Copper - ♀
Mars - Iron - ♂
Jupiter - Tin - ♃
Saturn - Lead - ♄
Uranus, Nepture, and Pluto aren't a part of Alchemy due to a very simple reason: by the time Uranus was officially discovered in the 1781, Robert Boyle had already published the book The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, in 1661. He'd effectively removed the word 'Alchemy' from the use and replaced it with the word 'Chemistry', thus also avoiding the confusion between branches of Alchemy that did research on various materials (that includes spagyric teachings; Paracelsian physicians were the people turning poisons into cures and remedy) -- and what people inspired by Hermes Trismegistus developed smooshing many different things together, such as philosophy, alchemy, astrology, etc, creating a wtf.
I'd say it gives geodesy but may also be a weird depiction of the sal commune err common salt:
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What to say about these I can't decide, but they look like ~compound names for various alchemical substances, from left to right: Spiritus Fumans (Stannic Chloride), Aqua Tofana (the infamous tasteless belladonna poison), and Verdigris (Carbonate of Copper, once used as a green pigment; was mildly toxic):
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What it's supposed to mean eludes me, besides, it is an assumption.
What I suppose it should mean: something Isidora, if that belongs to her, found; all things besides Verdigris were discovered after her death in the late 1400s, however, there is a person who could've been trying to decipher… these things.
In the In the Shadow of the Undercroft quest Sebastian mentions:
No, someone in his family knew about it [the Undercroft]. The Gaunts are full of secrets.
That Gaunt should've been alive in 1632, assuming it is a timestamp. They also needed to be at school at the time, so could be a professor, a member of the staff (a gamekeeper, for example), a Headmaster; unlikely it was Corvinus Gaunt, who was a student by the time the castle would receive plumbing update (late 17th--early 18th century).
'Aura? Ancient Magik' has to become my favourite kind of explaining things to meself because I, too, have no idea what this means:
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I can only tell some text is in Greek. An attempt to type after this bit yielded some results:
Ιαεω is probably Ιασω, recovering&recuperation;
ΒαθρεμονΝΟΝΙΛα is probably βαθμολογία, a degree of smth or a grade;
ρπδ is a greek numerical for 184;
φ, a golden ration mention?;
πδ has to do with the Ptolemy's table of chords?
May not be linked to the much speculated Ancient Magic's capability of healing anything but more so of a celestial body's movement, tied, anyhow, to the Magic's power. Probably.
Speaking of which, Is this the constellation of Lacerta? The number of stars doesn't match, however. Lacerta has 9, this one appears to have 10 or 11; likely 11 + it has a satellite constellation of just 3 stars. I summon astronomy nerds to solve this one + the text and the table below is likely have something to do with Astronomy. I might also suggest: weirdly drawn Draco.
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smallestflowtree · 2 months
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Join us for a week celebrating Palia! All are welcome to join in, you don’t need to sign up, just make something (following the prompts, or not - up to you, they’re just for inspiration!) and post it during the week 24 - 28 June.
24/6: Song & Dance
25/6: Dawn & Dusk
26/6: Sand & Sea
27/6: Moon & Stars
28/6: Free Day
NSFW Prompts, in association with the Kilima Unhinged discord (18+):
24/6: Toys
25/6: Praise/Worship
26/6: Orgy/Threesome
27/6: BDSM
28/6: Free Day
Please use hashtag #PaliaFandomWeek0624 for SFW posts and #PaliaFandomWeek0624Unhinged for NSFW posts so everyone can choose which posts they want to see!
So please share this post, and then join us and make some art, fic, edits, headcanons, playlists, gifs, rec lists, cosplay, or anything else you can think of! Let’s have fun and show everyone how much love we have for Palia and everyone who lives there.
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ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏ
╰┈➤ ❝ blessings are given on occasions of great joy and celebration in the valley of thorns where the fae dwell. one such occasion is, of course, the celebration of everlasting love and all that may follow. ❞
Event Duration: 1st of May — 14th of June
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1. One More Happy Ending • [Azul x Fem!Reader]
In which your sick husband, Jade, asks you to remarry as his final wish.
by @moonlit-midnight
2. Time has brought your heart to me • [Floyd x Reader]
In which you finally reunite with the love of your life at his brother’s wedding.
by @moonlit-midnight
3. Until death do us part • [Lilia x Reader]
wedding vows are one of the most important parts of the initial ceremony, besides the kiss and exchange of rings. of course, this ceremony can be done anywhere and the most well known words that the officiator speaks “until death do you part”
by @crow-stars
4. A happy beginning now is ours [Multiple x Reader]
wedding headcanons with leona, azul, vil and malleus
by @pyroxeene
5. Portent • [Lilia, Malleus's parents, Baul Zigvolt]
A Queen's shotgun wedding at a military camp is observed by her apprehensive friend/general by @chernabogs
6. The Great Union that defies all Odds • [Leona x Reader]
As wedding bells chime in June for the Fairy Gala’s Fairy Queen and her fiancé the Fairy Lord of Winter, Leona and you join hands in coming up with a wedding dress design for the Fairy Queen.
by @thebettybook
7. Happily Ever After...soon enough anyways • [Malleus x Reader]
In which Malleus and you are in the midst of planning your wedding. Shenanigans arise.
by @vera-deville
8. Underneath this Moon • [Lilia x Reader]
Lilia and you recite your vows and get married.
by @animusicnerd
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azuphere · 3 months
Glitch theory???? 😱 hit me!
(x) sjfds putting on my conspiracy theory brain for this, my rambles are under the cut !
no cause like it’s the way that most songs on the ‘all or nothing’ album are a direct reference to dnp (ie moon chair) or to video games in general (ie options menu), but one of the songs that are hard to immediately pin a reference to is ‘static’. and unless it’s a reference to dnp being all *head empty* or like the type of static in some video games (esp during spooky week), there’s also the ALTERNATIVE clown theory which is that static = similar to glitches = glitch theory
and like another song that seems out-of-place is ‘cosmic window’ cause unless i’m just forgetting something, or unless they used that as a general space-themed name (bc they like space or cause of dalien), or unless the producer titled some songs too, my personal headcanon about glitch theory was always that it includes some sort of rift in time between the future and the past, as inspired by phil’s ‘spring 2121’ merch. so cosmic window = glitches in time = glitch theory
and i always believed that the spring 2121 merch is connected to glitch somehow, so phil wearing a death and milk shirt in a tiktok last year is also. connecting the dots.
and as mentioned in my original tags, the way that track 1 appeared as ‘cheeky banter’ on some websites, but it was either an error or a glitch(!!), and the real title is supposed to be ‘project x’ which WAS the original codename for dapg, but also project x = secret projects. and that song being the one to glitch out is furthering the glitch-spiracy
AND based on this recent dapg community post, funny how ‘static’ or ‘cosmic window’ or ‘project x / cheeky banter’ aren’t mentioned at all 🧐
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and THEN last year in june 2023 when the amazingphilshop had a huge sale that included some merch that was originally thought to be gone (like the glitch hoodie!!), phil tweeted this video saying that there was a glitch(!!) on the website that caused a mistake for the poster weight. and at that time i also said smth along the lines of:
phil saying the word glitch -> the glitch hoodie being part of the sale -> that tv static/glitch effect in his vid when he talked about the sale -> ppl saying his hair is brown* in this vid and his hair was brown in 2019 when the glitch hoodie was created -> here’s how glitch theory is alive and real 
*and now in hindsight, phil’s hair wasn’t fully brown in june 2023 but now it IS brown like how it was when he announced the glitch hoodie so that point is relevant again
so in conclusion: all signs point to glitch and im like this
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lady-murderess · 1 year
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Writer's notes: I had way too much fun writing these headcanons. I mean waaaay too much fun, I had to stop myself at 20 before I wrote a whole lot more.
requested by: @vintagegirl1970
Since it's already obvious who's the jolly one and who's not, you just know that as soon as Christmas things start appearing in stores in the some month stupid like May, Rick is instantly letting out a loud scoff because let's face it, May is waaaaay too early to put that shit out. How about at least the 1st of December? you know, the actual month the holiday is on...
There's an even louder groan from him come November when they start playing Christmas songs on the radio...
Rick prefers this holiday over any other, it gives him an excuse to be as lazy as he wants, not do much, and just eat whatever he wants without a care in the world.
This is one of June's favourite holidays because it's all about bringing people together.
June's Christmas card list is fucking long... Rick doesn't get how she knows so many people...
Rick and June do the visiting instead of letting others come over to see them, Rick prefers it that way because then he can come and go as he pleases.
Throughout the holiday, June nicknames him "The Grinch" for obvious reasons. And he absolutely hates it... Which is why she does it even more.
Whenever Christmas Wrapping comes on in the car radio, June's instantly in carpool karaoke mode whilst Rick is just sat there with a straight face, tapping a foot or if he's the one driving, tapping the side of his thumb against the steering wheel.
Christmas music is the only music that June will play in the house a couple of days before the big day. She'll put it on loud, only for it to be turned down whilst she's not looking.
If you thought June was as competitive as you could possibly get with decorating during Halloween, then well... You haven't seen nothing yet.
Rick can bitch and complain how much he wants, but when he and June go out to a Christmas party and he's had one too many beers, he's stood there with an arm wrapped around June's shoulder, beer bottle in the other belting out the lyrics to Fairytale of New York. He's loving life and singing his heart out as he holds the one person he loves most close.
June started this little thing with Rick where they buy fluffy pjs and wear them the on Christmas Eve.
June is definitely a candle person, so there's always a strong scent of gingerbread wafting through the house.
June never runs out of ideas on what to get Rick, she likes to spoil him.
Rick never really knows what to get June, he sort of struggles with gift buying... So throughout the year, he watches her when they're out, seeing what she'll take a liking to.
Surprisingly, Rick is the one to jump on June when Christmas Day comes around. He's up early and will happily drag her out of bed. You would have thought with how grumpy he is, it would be June being the one to get up early and do the waking up when the morning of the big day comes around. But I guess he likes to keep us all on our toes. It's probably just payback from the amount of times he gets jumped on throughout the year.
Since they visit June's family, neither of them drink until they get home that night.
Given how well Rick gets on with June's family, he feels right at home when he's over at the Moone's, surrounded by her parents, her brothers and their partners. It's nice. He feels like he's got a family of his own.
June has thrown around the idea of going away for Christmas a few times, thinking that maybe seeing so many people would get a bit annoying for him, but Rick is just happy staying put and doing what they usually do every year.
Once Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are over and they've seen everyone, they can finally have time to themselves to just drink, eat and just do literally nothing but relax.
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c-ralique · 17 days
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yay !! thanks for 60+ followers everynyan! i decided to do an event, but don't expect me to work on the winners' request quickly, i'm sure i'll be busy with school once june starts. here's all the info under the cut ~
so ... the event will start at may 30 &&. will end at around june 7, i came up with the prompts myself. there will be 3 winners, 1st place = 3 graphics, 4 icons and 2 NPTs. (and an additional tumblr layout if i have the motivation) 2nd = 2 graphics, 2 npts and 3 icons. 3rd = 1 npt, a few icons and 2 graphics. please bear with me here.. i'm trying not to burn myself out.
here are the prompts you've all been waiting for !
day O1ㅤ┈ㅤyour favourite color edited with one of your ids⠀OR⠀your least favourite character edited with a song that DOES NOT fit them
day O2ㅤ┈⠀a chara that would get along with your oc⠀OR⠀someone you share the same zodiac with ♡
day O3ㅤ┈⠀edit(s) of any Sanrio X PJSK card⠀OR⠀a pjsk event you especially like ( allowed to skip if you don't edit pjsk .. )
day O4ㅤ┈⠀a ship you DON'T understand⠀OR⠀your very first anime
day O5ㅤ┈⠀anyone from an object show⠀OR⠀free day
day O6ㅤ┈⠀a character you headcanon has 99 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries /hj /silly⠀OR⠀two characters that fit the ' sun and moon ' dynamic
day O7ㅤ┈⠀free day !! do whatever
with that aside ..... tags / can i get a small boost? ^_^ @mikolotte ( hello lottery ♥️ ) @herrscherofmemories @whisfer @necroangelz @lavendergalactic
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Adding this for people who don't use twitter. The event runs from May 27th to June 2nd!
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[Start ID: first image is the guidelines for FEMC Week 2024. It reads "We accept fanfiction, fanart, fan edits, fan playlists, headcanons, etc. All centered around our beloved Persona protagonist FEMC/Kotone/Hamuko/Minako! No NSFW. No depictions of abuse, gore, excessive violence. No age gap pairings or adult/minor relationships. Keep the rating in line with that of Persona 3 Portable and add tags when necessary. Let's fill the tag #femcweek2024 with all the love for our best girl! Please and thank you!
The second image is the prompt list: white text on a hot pink background that reads "FEMC Week Prompts: Day 1: Other Self/Moon Phases/Wildcard. Day 2: Cooking/Festival/Leader. Day 3: Fashion/Wounds/Anger. Day 4: Childhood/Graduation/Memories. Day 5: Female Friendship/Sleepover/Tarot. Day 6: Bonds/Club Activities/Fake Smile. Day 7: FEMC Lives AU/The Seal/Spring. End ID]
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p0pcorn-hearts · 1 month
Aphmau headcanons yay!!
(Except its just four main characters and a handful of miscellaneous headcanons because writing more than that is too much effort and also painful)
She has ADHD that's usually inattentive but sometimes is hyperactive
Both a cat and a dog person
Had a bit of an anger problem in high school but is much better at anger management as an adult
Because of her half-werewolf blood her teeth are slightly more pointy
Listens to dubstep and 2000-2010s pop music
Has chronic insomnia but can and will sleep the entire day away
Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Would do anything to make sure you don't hate her
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's sorry
Super competitive though
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's right/better
"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" "Yes"
It gets really cold where he lived so he used to draw stick figures in the frost on his bedroom window
Has a few tattoos, nothing serious, just a moon on his back and a full sleeve inspired by his favorite band (okay so a bit serious)
Listens to exclusively rock but is fine with Aphmau’s pop music. He doesn't get it, but he loves her too much
He got the tattoos like right when he was free from his dad and now he kinda regrets them, but he has to admit, the full sleeve is fuckin awesome
Writes songs for his guitar, although he doesn't show anyone because they range from love songs about Aphmau to full blown vent songs about his PTSD from his dad
Speaking of his PTSD, he gets frequent nightmares and even when he doesn't or when he can't remember his nightmare, he'll still jolt awake in a cold sweat
Used to have a pet rock that he'd throw at kids who bothered him
His dad made sure to take care of that one
Still draws stick figures on frosted glasses, but while as a kid he'd draw his family, he now draws his friends and Aph
Actually decently friends with Garroth and Travis. They shit talk people together
There was once one time Aaron hung out with Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Travis, and they ordered pizza but they couldn't pay so they played rock paper scissors to see who would negotiate and Dante lost, so he attempted to sway the pizza guy into lowering the price while fucking 6'5 Aaron stood ominously over Dante, piercing into the guy's soul
It actually worked
It never worked again though
Hanami (Kawaii~Chan for the uninitiated)
Is the token straight friend although she acts super gay, like she doesn't like girls but she *will* kiss the homies goodnight
Bakes even though meif'wa literally cannot have sugar
She has perfected her own recipes for sugar-free, sugar, and sweetened cupcakes
When she's angry her whole body scrunches up. Like she tenses, her ears lay flat on her head, her arms are pressed tightly to her sides, and her face scrunches up
Has almost sent Lucinda to the hospital because they'd get in play fights and meifwa claws are sharp
Best girl scout in the business. Literally created her own cookie because of her love of experimenting with baked good
Would eat plain rice. Just a ball of plain white rice
When startled, she jumps like three feet horizontally
Always lands on her feet. Except for when she doesn't
Knows how to sew and often modifies her clothing to add more ruffles and bows. When Katelyn wanted to put on a play her and Cadenza worked on the costumes together
Super competitive also
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract-
Highly empathetic. It's to the point that people being upset around her can get very overwhelming very fast
Ran a meif'wa colony in high school. She was often underestimated by the other colonies but she ended up being front and center a lot of conflicts and her colony remained standing after The Jury
She only has like three people in it though. Aimi (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), Xin (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), and June
Also has asthma, ASPD, depression and PTSD
Like pick a struggle ����
Was in a gang in high school but luckily has a rich daddy who can afford a lawyer to get Zane out of the legal trouble
Greatly regrets it now as like his only options for work are minimum wage and Aphmau and Aaron’s business
Lacks a lot of empathy but still good at comfort. He just somehow knows the right things to say even if he doesn't really get what they're upset about
Not actually emo, he's goth. He was emo back in high school because Gene is emo but only knew My Chemical Romance. He realized that he actually much preferred goth music and had a trad goth phase in college before settling on just more casual outfits during a massive depressive episode
How much Zane dresses up is a legitimate indicator of his mental health
Is he just wearing sweatpants and hoodies? Depressive episode
Is he wearing jeans and jewelry? He's fine
Also genderfluid (he/him or she/her, depends what gender hes presenting as)
Didn't really explore that side of himself until he was friends with Aphmau
Trauma :(
Likes vocaloid (Hanami's fault)
Miscellaneous that might get their own posts
Dottie, Daniel, and Blaze were in an open relationship until, yknow, Blaze kinda died
After that, Dottie and Daniel continued dating but decided to close their relationship until they properly got over Blaze dying right in front of them
The Shadow Knights are also dating, but they specifically date after high school after they went through their character arcs and became better people
Sasha dated Michi once
You can imagine how bad it was
Canontypical first Sapphic relationship
Melissa likes Twilight but hides it
Travis is essentially one of the girls. He mightve flirted with every one of them but Aph swears on him being cool. They invited him over for a sleepover once and they had so much Travis is just automatically invited to the sleepovers and girl nights out. He is very happy
Imagine getting invited to every outing with the girls but you cannot get a single chick. Even Zane, who is an honorary girl like Travis some days and an actual girl other days, has a girlfriend
It's okay, he has Dante
Dante is like "bro I just cannot pick up chicks" and Travis is like "me neither :(" they turn to each other. "I would date you if you were a girl" Dante said. "Me too" Travis said. There's a pause. They begin making out
Dante did have Nicole but they broke up on good terms because Nicole pursued a master's in engineering and it required too much attention. They're still besties though and hang out whenever Nicole is in town
Nicole is steampunk goals
Okay that's it. You may exit the theater carefully on your right
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https-furina · 1 year
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perse’s fave reads of june 2023
we’re halfway through the year and another month is over! here is the second edition of my monthly reads and as expected it’s a lot longer than last month - this month contains fics that are mature 18+ content. they are marked using 🔞, minors do not interact! as usual, these are not ranked nor do i favour any specifically; in fact i think they’re in order of me discovering them lmao.
♡ fake it till we make it by @kazumist — fem!reader
i told you it’d be back in june! this was in my may reads - it’s a scaramouche college!au socmed!au that was just started when i added it last month but now it’s almost over! mayhaps i’m a little pained that it’s finally ending, how will i cope going forward in life <3
♡ the art of desire by @dustofthedailylife — gn!reader
this fic is sfw but a little suggestive! this is a fluff fic for alhaitham where the reader is in need of a model for their anatomy class and surprisingly their crush of all people volunteers for the job.
♡ honeyed kisses by @solarisfortuneia — gn!reader
the only non-genshin fic on this whole list belongs to one of my own mutuals! this is a jing yuan fluff that i just adore. i’m really down bad for any man that alejandro saab voices (staring at you too, cyno.)
♡ stress reliever by @aeferfckr — 🔞 gn!reader
stress reliever is an overworked aether x reader smut that just… hits right - like chef’s kiss lmao. there’s not much for me to give other than all legal adults must appreciate this beauty at least one time in their life.
♡ the moon is beautiful, isn’t it? by @mondaymelon — gn!reader
fluff headcanons involving xiao, kazuha & scaramouche - it also involves lil snippets of mandarin chinese and japanese! these are focused around the concept of the title since saying "the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" is more or less a poetic way of saying i love you in japanese. something i heavily appreciate since the japanese language is a shared connection between my father and i.
♡ grocery lessons by @solarisfortuneia — gn!reader
mika again!! this is a modern!au strangers to lovers (sorta) fic with diluc where diluc is kinda useless at grocery shopping and reader is a helpful bean.
♡ your attention by @hanilessa — fem!reader
parent!au fluff headcanons for diluc, kaeya, ayato & thoma where they're a little jealous that all your attention goes on your newborn baby. i love the concept of genshin characters as parents, i need more of this content aaaah!
♡ caught in the act by @iheartganyu — gn!reader
this is sfw but it is a little suggestive! getting caught making out headcanons for venti, zhongli, raiden, albedo, yelan, xiao, dehya, alhaitham & kaveh! extensive list of options there which is great because i'm panromantic and i need to inhale genshin women content like it's oxygen at least twice monthly in order to survive.
♡ meet cutes by @kazumist — gn!reader
first meeting headcanons in a modern!au setting for kazuha, diluc, kaeya & zhongli. with the amount of modern!au on the list, it's a little hard to believe that i'm not a huge fan of it? but some things (like these headcanons) just hit right.
♡ insufferable by @lovevivi444 — gn!reader
another mutual written fic! this is a modern!au fic written by my lovely vivi for alhaitham where reader and alhaitham are class rivals - it's fluff and it's funny to bicker with alhaitham. vivi coming through with another one of my rare exceptions of liking a modern!au hehe.
♡ it’s a symbol of our friendship by @hollythius-rising — gn!reader
these are secret relationship headcanons (fluffy!) for alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari & childe. perhaps i ugly sobbed, no i will not be elaborating but i loved these - we need more secret relationship content in this fandom or am i just not finding it?
♡ alhaitham’s the type of guy to… by @cosmicisms — gn!reader
the title gives it away but this is some alhaitham fluff that made me a little delulu but only because i headcanon him this exact same way (definitely not because it's alhaitham...)
♡ being the genshin men’s first priority by @shanieveh — gn!reader
these are a series of fluff headcanons for alhaitham, kaeya, cyno, kaveh, scaramouche & ayato when it comes to them prioritising you above all else (including work!), very good at making you feel wanted and appreciated hehe.
♡ night-time mayhem by @kavehssuitcase — gn!reader
a shikanoin heizou fluff written by none other than my mutual bell!! this was after i requested heizou fluff on my blog because i'd had a really bad day and the reaction pic i used when i reblogged it was honestly my true emotions - i still go back and reread this bell i hope you know that <3
♡ be mine by @zephestia — fem!reader
be mine is a university!au socmed!au for shikanoin heizou! it's currently ongoing and it's fluff + crack of heizou basically becoming a simp and 6reeze is involved and it's like a culmination of my favourite things of course.
♡ kiss me under the spotlight by @papiliotao — gn!reader
these are a series of actor!au headcanons for scaramouche, kazuha & xiao separately. all fluff and had me giggling and wishing i was an actress suddenly?? i'm a sucker for aus like these even though i'm not a big fan of modern!au.
♡ the language of a book by @lumiestique — fem!reader
this is a fluff confession involving alhaitham! just has me giggling because alhaitham isn't good with emotions & feelings and that's exactly how i headcanon that man.
♡ beneath the milky twilight by @lovevivi444 — gn!reader
a very recent series of headcanons from vivi to celebrate her reaching 100 followers (go show her some love!) modern!au with kaeya, albedo, cyno, dainsleif & alhaitham where you ditch prom with them!
♡ ring sizes by @sea-lanterns — gn!reader
a nblw series of fluff headcanons for eula, yelan, miko & ningguang where the women are trying to find your ring size! it's only mildly suggestive for miko and they're all established relationships. man, i love women <3
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junkissed · 2 months
junhui masterlist.
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☆ please read my guidelines before making a request! ☆ genre key: [🤍] = requested; [🐈] = requested for 1k event; [💒] = posted on @junekissed; [ M ] = smut; [ F ] = fluff; [ H ] = humor; [ A ] = angst
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[📮] — jun hard thots tag
• bf!jun headcanons 💒🤍 [ F ] 0.35k words - est. relationship
• vampire!jun headcanons 💒🤍 [ F, H ] 0.95k words - shy reader, est. relationship
• showering with jun NSFW headcanons [ M ] 0.5k words - soft dom!jun, est. relationship
• showering with jun SFW headcanons 💒 [ F ] 0.5k words - est. relationship
• bedtime kisses 💒[ F ] 0.65k words - est. relationship
• 19:06pm 💒 [ F ] 0.3k words - est. relationship
• tummy veins [ M, F ] 0.8k words - domestic, gn reader
• jun + reader wearing a skirt 🤍 [ M ] 0.8k words - est. relationship
• balloons & handmade cards 💒 [ F ] 0.7k words - est. relationship, dad!jun x mom!reader, mother's day
• bf!jun x short reader 💒 [ F, H ] 0.5k words - headcanons
• jun waiting for round 2 🤍 [ M ] 0.55k words - dom!jun
• jun + biting his pecs 🤍 [ M ] 0.85k words - idol!au, est. relationship
• gentle [ F ] 0.9k words - domestic, est. relationship, suggestive
• moments with jun 🤍 [ F ] 1.9k words - headcanons, est. relationship
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• toasted pumpkin seeds 💒 [ F ] 1k words - halloween, est. relationship
• hui's moving castle 💒 [ F, H ] 1.1k words - halloween, est. relationship
• coffee shop confessions 💒🤍 [ F ] 1.3k words - best friend!jun, f2l, idiots to lovers
• search for clues [ M, H ] 1.7k words - halloween, shaggy!jun x velma!reader, high sex, marijuana consumption, soft dom!jun
• bite me [ M ] 1.5k words - halloween, roleplay, vampire!jun x vampire hunter!reader, switch!jun
• sounds of the season (carat radio series #1) 💒 [ F ] 1.7k words - winter, radio host!jun, college au, s2l, blind date
• match of the season (carat radio series #2) [ M, F, H ] 7.3k words - winter, virgin!jun
• sweet treat [ M, F ] 1.9k words - valentine's day, food play, est. relationship
• goodnight moon 💒🤍 [ F ] 1.1k words - est. relationship
• jun wearing makeup 🤍 [ M, F ] 2.5k words - est. relationship, dom!jun
• sunkissed 💒 [ F ] 2.8k words - est. relationship, husband!jun
• after dark 🤍 [ M ] 2k words - est. relationship, somnophilia
• something spicy, something sweet 🤍 [ M, F ] 2.1k words - comfort, est. relationship
• show me what you do 🐈 [ M ] 1.2k words - sadist!jun, mean dom!jun
• happy ending 💒 [ A, F ] 6.6k words - planned pregnancy, hurt/comfort, est. relationship
• bedroom exclusive 🤍 [ M, F ] 3.9k words - actor!jun, est. relationship
• better than breakfast 🤍 [ M , F ] 1.1k words - soft dom!jun
• amateur hour [ M , F ] 8.6k words - camboy!jun, f2l, idiots to lovers, fluffy ending
• healing hands 🤍 [ M , F ] 2.3k words - soft dom!jun, f2l, breastplay
• study buddies 🤍 [ M ] 1.6k words - college au, slightly sub!jun, choking/marking
• drenched 🐈 [ M ] 2.4k words - est. relationship, squirting
• do not disturb 🤍 [ M, H ] 2.6k words - college au, dom!jun, semi-public sex (in the library)
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© junkissed. last updated 06 june 2024.
all rights reserved. written works are protected under copyright law. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost my works.
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ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Donald and Daffy Duck with their wives and children in China - Happy New Chinese Year - Year of the Dragon - Crossover Duckverse and Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons
Happy Chinese New Year or Happy Lunar New Year!
Sorry for the delay, but certainly these days are celebrating the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival according to them. And it's not the same date every year, but it's usually between January 21 and February 20, when the new moon comes after the lunar eclipse, but it's usually on a Saturday. By the way, the custom usually starts when people wear a "Nian" (monstrous Chinese dragon) costume on certain sticks above them as a sign that there was a terrible dragon in China that ate people until once they chased it away with fireworks and the dragon escaped and so according to the legend began the celebration of the Chinese New Year, that is, the spring festival that is celebrated to this day. However, the ancient celebration of the Chinese New Year began only during the reign of the Han Dynasty, while they used to celebrate in autumn, not at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. And that celebration of the Chinese New Year later influenced the entire Far East, as well as almost all of Southeast Asia, with people celebrating the New Year in their own ways, like the Koreans who celebrate Seollal and the Japanese who celebrate Ryukyu. In traditional Chinese, New Year is written 春節, while in Simplified Chinese it is written 春女.
For thousands of years, China has had its culture completely different from the European one, so it is also related to the Chinese signs, each year being someone's symbol, so this year is also the year of the dragon.
Yes, and as a sign of that, as well as the celebration of the Spring Festival, I drew a special drawing where the best ducks, Donald and Daffy Duck with their girlfriends Daisy and Melissa Duck and their children celebrate Chinese New Year in China, in Beijing, in front of the Forbidden Palace, and in traditional Chinese clothing. Donald and Daisy as well as Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, and Daisy's nieces April, May and June Duck (comic Dutch design) wear Hanfu clothes to match the colors of the clothes they wear. Donald's nephews wear the Asian conical hat, a traditional hat commonly worn by Asian peoples in East Asia. Daffy Duck and Plucky Duck wear Tang clothing with a traditional Chinese cap with artificial tails (as the Chinese used to wear during the Qing Dynasty), and Melissa Duck and Shirley the Loon wear similar Hanfu clothing with a traditional Chinese hairstyle worn by ladies a few years ago centuries. Yes, Plucky Duck and Shirley the Loon are from Tiny Toons, where they are Daffy Duck's students, but in my headcanon, Plucky is Daffy's nephew and Shirley is Melissa's niece. There is also the Forbidden Palace in Beijing behind them, and above there is a Chinese yellow dragon, as a sign of the year of the dragon (drawn after the Chinese dragon from Ducktales 2017), with all the fireworks to mark the beginning of the New Year. I drew all of them in a classic style, in my own way.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and this duck crossover and feel free to like and reblog this! Just don't use my same ideas without mentioning me! Thank you! Happy Chinese New Year once again as well as Happy Lunar New Year and Spring Festival which is celebrated for a week!
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anneangel · 3 months
Because I imagine this scenes of The Hobbit book with Elrohir and Elladan, you know, Elrond's twin sons. And it looks like this:
Elrohir: What brings Mister Baggins. Elladan: And Balin and Dwalin. O! tra-la-la-lally Elrohir: down into the valley. O! Tril-lil-lil-lolly. Elladan: in June, ha! Ha!
So they laughed and sang in the trees; and pretty fair nonsense.
“Well, well!” said Elrohir.
“Just look! Bilbo the hobbit on a pony, my dear! Isn’t it delicious!” said Elladan.
Elrohir: “Most astonishing wonderful!”
“Don’t dip your beard in the foam, father!” they cried to Thorin, who was bent almost on to his hands and knees. “It is long enough without watering it.”
“Mind Bilbo doesn’t eat all the cakes!” they called. “He is too fat to get through key-holes yet!”
“Hush, hush! Good People! and good night!” said Gandalf, who came last. “Valleys have ears, and some elves have over merry tongues. Good night!” And so at last they all came to the Last Homely House, and found its doors flung wide.
Bilbo would have liked to have a few private words with these people that seemed to know his names and all about him, although he had never seen them before. He thought their opinion of his adventure might be interesting. Elves know a lot and are wondrous folk for news, and know what is going on among the peoples of the land.
-The Hobbit Book - Chapter III, A Short Rest ⤴️
P.s: They are silly, but are intelligent enough to know the visitors' names and that Bilbo is with them on a mission where he will have to enter through a lock, and they still don't know about the map, and the secret door. Which only proves that Elrond's sons are so much intelligent.
...And then, I imagine it's them singing this, in that scene on Bilbo's journey home, when he and Gandalf stop again in Rivendell:
"Sing all ye joyful, now sing all together!The wind’s in the tree-top, the wind’s in the heather; The stars are in blossom, the moon is in flower, And bright are the windows of Night in her tower. Dance all ye joyful, now dance all together!" (...) [Elrohir and Elladan sing the song].
“Well, Merry People!” said Bilbo looking out. “What time by the moon is this? Your lullaby would waken a drunken goblin! Yet I thank you.”
“And your snores would waken a stone dragon—yet we thank you,” they answered with laughter. “It is drawing towards dawn, and you have slept now since the night’s beginning. Tomorrow, perhaps, you will be cured of weariness.”
“A little sleep does a great cure in the house of Elrond,” said Bilbo; “but I will take all the cure I can get. A second good night, fair friends!” And with that he went back to bed and slept till late morning.
-The Hobbit Book -Chapter XIX, The Last Stage ⤴️
And so, in me headcanon, Bilbo kindly chose not to mention in his accounts when Elrond apologized to him about his children, with a certain guilty pleasure, because after all he loves his children and likes to see them happy. And Bilbo understands perfectly, because he also loves Elrohir and Elladan.
And somehow Bilbo thinks they look like Kili and Fili, and it brings tears to his eyes, and Elrond feels like he should be offended that his children are compared to dwarves, but in fact he is smiling kindly.
After Bilbo left Rivendell, Elrohir and Elladan fully told little Estel/Aragorn about him, who was eager to meet him ever since.
Years later, Elrond reads Bilbo's drafts about his adventure, and wonders if Bilbo left so much of his relationships out, just narrating and telling the basics, because it still hurt him to talk or write about it in more detail.
And anyway, everyone in Rivendell loves Bilbo, for reasons we will never know because Bilbo left out of his writings most of the lovelly dialogue and cute and greatest interactions he had with the elves (and also with Thorin's company).
Because it hurt him to put it on paper, or even talk about it, and that's why it took him years to write the most succinct and summarized book about his adventure.
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