#I kinda don’t like how this turned out (the art) the interaction was funny
ohkelpart · 1 year
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normal guy meets a human waystone
(lmao I have no idea-)
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panoffrying · 1 month
My Dr. Sozonius LORE Headcanons
✨Warning this is a bit long✨
Sozo is a character that has lived for a very long time. Whatever that mushroom was on their head not only influenced Sozo but kept them immortal. We know really nothing bout Sozos past so I made some headcanons for silly fun and for me to visualize who Sozo was and what his life may have looked like. I want to do my best to keep this as game accurate as possible, so there will be quotes from the game. The quotes are not at all in order! I kinda just bring up random Sozo quotes as I go. Also I apologize if this doesn't make sense or if I ramble (I get excited about certain topics) 
thank you so much @7moonbird for going over and editing this for me, Love ya Pookie!
And so we start:
Sozonius was born in the days of the old faith. He was present the day the Bishops declared the genocide of the lambs and he actually played a big part in assisting the lambs survival. However, he almost got caught and had to stop helping the lambs to keep his family safe. He's never seen any of the bishops but his village was part of Darkwood and therefore under Bishop Leshy’s ruling.
Sozonius village was mostly a colony of Carpenter Ants, there were a few other species living there too but it was mostly Carpenter Ants. I imagine there are different races of ants depending on the region they’re in; so there could be fire ants, pharaoh ants, and more! Most ants get along nicely and work together but sometimes other races of ants can be more temperamental and cause conflict between colonies. Carpenter ants are a more calm type of ants, they aren't aggressive but they are incredibly strong. Carpenters ants are known to live in trees; they hollow out trees to make their homes and they like to stay off the ground as much as possible in case of floods and other dangers.
In the colony they had their ruler, the “Queen,” who looked over the village and did queenly business (not gonna go too deep into it). Everyone had many different jobs, ants are hard workers and very strong. They made marvelous structures, farmed a lot of crops, and knew how to work together when there was a threat. Sozo’s village was one that many others would try making deals/trades with. I would talk more about his village but that's not why y’all are here lol. 
Sozonius was a fellow damn near everyone in the village knew. He loved his work and he loved to talk about it to anyone that expressed that they wanted to listen. He was that guy that you could get stuck in a conversation with and struggle to end it. He liked to ramble about his work and kids. Other than that though he never really started conversations with others, he would keep to himself unless someone interacted with him.
And I could definitely see him having a science rival but nothing too bad lol.
“Where am I…? Where is… my family…?”  are the words Sozo says when he turns back into Dr. Sozonius. I like to think he had a wife and two children. They didn’t have the best marriage but they made it work out for their two sons. His wife was a bit stubborn and very honest. She would say things before thinking which did cause issues, but Sozonius let it slide because he loved her so much and wanted a happy family for his sons. 
Sozonius was a very funny dude. He made dad jokes all the damn time, his family would pretend to hate the jokes but in reality they did love them. 
Sozo Dialogue “Now all Sozo can think about is mushrooms, mushrooms, MUSHROOMS… They don’t leave mush-room for anything else! Ha!”
(Also, this next idea is inspired off of @kuphulwho headcanons for Sozo. I loved her ideas and I recommend y'all look at her headcanons too!) Aside from Sozonius being a mycologist he had a side hobby of art! He wasn't the best artist, but he was really talented with sketching plants/fungi, he liked to make art of anything that interested him. He most likely wrote an educational picture book about Fungi, there's probably an old copy of it somewhere.
This art hobby caught the interest of his two sons, and they also started to pursue art. Sozonius would take his free time teaching his sons how to draw plants and such. Sozonius would hang his kids' art everywhere in their house, it was like walking into an art museum haha.
Sozonius studied mycology which means he studied fungi. Sozonius knew fungi could benefit his society and he wanted to help educate others about the importance of fungi. Soon he learned enough of a new discovery of mushroom people, neither plant nor animal…Sozonius then made the decision to go on a solo mission to study the Mushroomo people.
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “My name is Dr. Sozonius. I was researching the Mushroomos that live in Spore Grotto… strange creatures, Neither animal nor plant…” 
Sozonius went to Spore Grotto and at first, he studied the Mushroomo people from a distance setting up a campsite near the Mushroomo Village. When the Mushroomo people discovered Sozonius they welcomed him into their home, cheerful happy little things. Sozonius was given the chance to learn more about these strange creatures up close! How could he say no? Sozonius was welcomed into Spore Grotto and was treated like a god. 
Sozonius asked the Mushroomos many questions, but getting any actual answers from them was difficult. The Mushroomos treated Sozonius like he was their most special guest, they danced and sang for Sozonius. They would mimic Sozonius and follow him around, making sure to do anything he asked of them. There would be many times when the Mushroomos would offer to feed Sozonius menticide mushrooms but Sozonius knew a lot about fungi and declined their offers. However, there seemed to be a special Ritual the Mushroomos took part in… 
Sozonius had been in Spore Grotto for many weeks now, it was time for him to leave, he had studied enough and was ready to return home but the Mushroomos were surprisingly sad when he announced this. They wanted to show Sozonius a sacred ritual to them before he left, he wasn't aware of the menticide mushrooms being part of it…
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “They gave me Menticide Mushrooms, and then… that’s the last thing I remember…”
After Sozonius was tricked into eating menticide mushrooms and also gave Sozonius a crown, a crown that would grow into Sozoniuss mind, he shall be the Mushroomos leader… And the new Sozo was made. (literally just think of Ice Age 2 when the lil sloths take Sid to be their fire king, however they don't sacrifice him)
The mushroom on Sozos head is very powerful, it makes me wonder what it is exactly, it gives the person wearing it immortality, but also causes the user to go insane (don't forget that Sozo is also being fed menticide mushrooms) the mushroom crown kinda reminds me of Chemachs crown. It seems to have a mind of its own and a face. I feel like the Mushroomos for days straight made sure to give Sozo a diet of only menticide mushrooms to make him forget everything and to possibly power the mushroom crown. They would constantly tell Sozo that his mind would be open and free, that it would make him feel better, and Sozo being under the influence of the mushroom listened to them.
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Once you taste the Menticide Mushroom your mind will be opened." 
As the years went by so did all the sanity Sozonius had left, but in some moments Sozonius seems to still be aware but not all there. 
Sozo Dialogue “Sozo had friends... Followers... family... now Sozo has mushrooms..."
Sozo over time seems to start to dislike his followers and call them liars. He even becomes quite cruel to his followers. Yet he also mentions that he trusts the lamb and wants the lamb to protect him from his followers which makes me believe that Sozonius is somehow a little aware and fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence. He is mad at the Mushroomos for lying to him, tricking him, making him into who he is now.
 Sozo Dialogue  “No need to thanks Sozo. Build it at your Cult then come back to me. Sozo shall grant you one last gift. Sozo is always fair. Always repays this debts. Not like those LIARS out there."
"You did it! Now I know I can trust you... not like those nasty liars outside. They are always watching, always listening! Here take this. You are Sozo's best friend, you are Sozo's only friend."
"Sozo can trust you now, Sozo will pledge himself to you! You will protect me from those liars outside and bring Sozo mushrooms!"
(Also a side note that my gf brought to my attention last second lol! Apparently parasitic mushrooms rely on insects to spread. That is probably why they tricked Sozonius into staying and eating menticide mushrooms. Maybe it's been that long since they've seen an insect)
So, this next little headcanon of mine is an interesting one and might be confusing to explain. Was Sozonius imprisoned within his own mind while under the control of the mushroom crown? If he was, I can see him being stuck in a sort of loop, imagining his family and friends. Think like Mabel's Bubble from ‘Gravity Falls’ weirdmageddon. Sozonius is trapped in a mental bubble, stuck in a false reality as the now mushroom-infected Sozo takes over his body and actions. 
In Sozonius’s mental bubble he is in a place where trees are big, tall mushrooms and flowers are mushrooms, everywhere he turns its mushrooms. He knows something is wrong, everything is too strange, everyone he loves is there with him but is it real? It feels like he's living in a dream. Sozonius proceeds to talk to his friends and family as if they are actually there in which I noticed that Sozo will talk to the menticide mushrooms as if they are actual people.
Sozo Dialogue “Precious, perfect little mushrooms, Sozo is here now, Sozo will always be here…”
”Sozo is busy now… Sozo must commune with the ‘shrooms.”
As time passes more mushrooms grow in his mind prison, and they keep growing and growing until they start to grow on the people he loves. He knows something is happening, he's going mad, and he starts to search for an exit, he needs to escape this false reality that the mushroom crown has created for him. 
He starts fighting the mushroom crown’s hold on him which causes him to regain some awareness. This is when a part of him realizes he’s been tricked, and he starts refusing everything the Mushroomos give him and becomes cruel to them. However, the lambs have never done him wrong before and the lamb (from the cult) begins to be the only person he can trust. At least until it becomes too much and well… we know Sozo’s fate.
So Sozo doesn't get resurrected until all the bishops become mortal (at least in my playthrough). So all the bishop siblings are in the cult and learning the ways of mortal stuff and Sozo appears around the same time, still the crazy Sozo we know and love. However, he’s still very addicted to the menticide mushrooms and both the Lamb and night workers have found Sozo digging through the mushroom crops like a lil racoon.
Based on the game, Sozo likes to run around the cult and do his own thing; he often looks very spaced out but the moment someone talks to him he starts spitting nonsense before yelling at them to go away. The only people Sozo will talk to are people that give Sozo what he wants, which is menticide mushrooms! If you do that for him he will talk your ear off with nonsense, in conversations with him he will often talk about his followers, them being liars and disgusting little creatures. One day though Sozo’s personality seems to change? He starts to tell the lamb,
 “Sozo was just here, all alone, thinking about mushrooms... Uh, Sozo means Sozo's little Mushroomo followers!”
”Yes,, they must be so lost without Sozo. They love Sozo! Everyone loves Sozo - especially Lamb!”
“Without their great and beloved Sozo, Mushroomos must be so scared... YOU! You must save them! Save them and bring them to Sozo.”
”They will be trapped in Anura. They are always getting captured when they don't have their great Sozo to protect them. Rescue them and bring them to me.”
But when you bring the followers to Sozo he ends up eating them. At first glance you can assume it's just his addiction, in which it most certainly could be! He sees a big mushroom and he's like oooo~ delicious but there's also a possibility of this being Dr. Sozonius’s anger coming out. The whole fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence and realization that he’s been tricked. Maybe a mix of his addiction and anger for what they did to him? I’m not too sure if Sozo eating the Mushroomos was a problem before he joined the cult.
Of course, this addiction must be stopped so the lamb decides enough is enough and refuses to get more Mushroomos. This causes Sozo to dissent and, with little choice, the Lamb has to put him in rehab. I imagine it would’ve been a struggle getting Sozo to the prison without the Red Crown’s help. With the power of an ant that is Sozo’s size it's a miracle he didnt break that pillory while he was in it. Sozo just stayed silent and didn't fight; the person he had put his trust and hope in has imprisoned him. Sozo is a bit depressed at that moment. 
After Sozo has been re-educated, released, and cured of his addiction the mushroom crown finally falls off his head. Which, like I said before, makes me wonder, was it being powered by the menticide mushrooms Sozo has been eating or is it something else?
But Dr. Sozonius talks about some stuff before saying,
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “I can’t help but feel that I have you to thank for… something. You have my loyalty, I will remain here and serve you. Please, take this!”
Sozonius was ready to live his life rather than reunite with his family in the afterlife. He wasn't expecting to be resurrected after dying in the cult from old age. But Sozonius gave the lamb their loyalty and promised to stay in the cult and serve them. The Lamb had been so kind as to give Sozonius an immortality necklace, the Lamb didn’t want Sozonius to go yet… and Sozo’s heart was too kind and soft. He will have to wait a bit longer to return home to his family, but maybe some good things will come out of staying longer~
Also! Who do we think Sozo was talking to? 
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Who is Sozo talking to when he whispers in the dark...?"
Is he talking to himself? The mushrooms? Or the Fox?
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glitchyk · 1 month
what would you do if you met your mutuals in real life?
Off the top of my head ->
I’d thank them, thank them for everything, thank them for making me feel confident enough to start doing art again, even if it wasn’t directly, just seeing them doing what they do, inspired me. I want to tell them how much they mean to me, like an older sibling, I want to thank them for being so understanding even when I feel like I don’t deserve it.i
Any to give them a hug, I want to tell her how awesome her art is, tell her how happy I am to be included in her little AU, and tell her how happy I am that I can interact with her, and even with my little teasing flirts that she actually socialized with me. I wanna hug them and give them a kiss on the head and say how amazing and pretty she is.
I wanna tell them how cool they are, I want to tell them how fun they are. I wanna tell them how creative and fun they are, even if their awkward sometimes, it’s relatable, and the fact that they use ibis paint as well kinda makes me feel more confident in using it, even if I know it’s gonna turn out like shit.
Wanna hug him and tell him that I care about him, since he’s a great older brother and it makes me happy whenever I see his silly little reactions. I love talking with them. They’re a little silly but also amazing at art, like everyone on this list.
I wanna hug her and never let go- geez she’s so nice to me, I genuinely love her and Ace, but it’s probably the fact that just now Rabid gave me so much reassurance that I’m leaning a bit more towards them. I wanna hug them and never let go since they were one of my biggest inspirations, since they and ace have so much talent and are around my age.
Their an amazing sibling and have such cool art and their SO DAMN FUN even if other people don’t seem to see it, I would give them a high-five if they were comfy with it, if not, I’d just talk with them if I could since their so fun.
Hug, he’s getting hugged, I’m giving my brother a hug, and I’m telling him how amazing he is, I’m telling him how great his traditional art is, I wanna tell him how great he is and how funny and awesome he is.
Just like… off the top of my head.
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snailvibes · 5 months
How about some angst. After seeing how skilled Agent 4 is in defeating him, DJ Octavio has Maya kidnapped and uses his hypnoshades(he makes them harder to take/shoot off) to turn her into his perfect soldier. How would the squidbeak splatoon react.
Very funny fact I actually had a plot line like this in a splatoon fic I had YEARRSS ago like in my wattpad days😭 (it’s deleted on there now tho lol). I’ve also kinda made art for this idea with that one bad end agents piece I did ages ago but I never put more thought into it aside from drawing it.
Obviously this would be pre splat3 considering Octavio wouldn’t do this splat3 - post splat 3 cus busy in the desert and then redemption arc, so tldr this won’t include neo 3 or deep cut.
Most prominently Marie would fucking FREAK out. Since you word it as it’s after he sees how skilled she is at defeating him and we can see he’s obviously capable of getting out again, this would probably not be long after the end of splat2’s storymode and Marie who is still coping with losing Callie and just now getting her back would NOT handle this well, like even just realizing Maya is missing and Octavio’s out would completely set her off. Callie would be panicking almost as much as she’s also very much still recovering and now has to deal with facing Octavio all over again because there’s no way she’d let Marie get her back alone. Add Craig Eight and Three into the mix with them coming back from octo expansion; Ashley is essentially just like “oh wow cool new agent- anddd already a new member of the brainwashed club got it.” Lucky I think would choose not to get involved and leave it to the others and Craig is essentially just “WTF happened while I was gone.”
Going into a scenario where it’s farther in the future though so everyone’s already built connections: Ashley is PISSED more than anything because of her already strained and broken relationship with Octavio and this would make it a million times worse, along with being angry that their girlfriend has to go through another thing in her life. Seeing her actually brainwashed and being that perfect soldier would be what gets that anger to turn into just fear, because it’s a similar reflection of herself under Tartar’s control.
Lucky knows Maya can handle herself, but she’s more scared for her than she’s willing to admit, considering she has no memories of her former leader and only has the stories everyone else has shared of what he’s done, and she’s never gone out of her way to interact with him. Similar to Ashley, seeing her brainwashed from the glasses just reminds her of her fight with three in the elevator, but similar to then she’s more willing than the others to fight her to try and yank those glasses off her face.
I don’t think Marie would be able to even properly fight her. I think she’d still feel guilty about shooting Callie in the face even though it needed to be done, so having to actually go outright fight her daughter would be way too much to the point that I don’t think she could even bring herself to do it. Her focus would be more on trying to snipe down Octavio in the background of the fight if he’s there, and if not, letting the others handle Maya so she can go hunt him down while his “perfect soldier” is distracted, mostly because she can’t even stand to stay there and see her like that and she’d want to still be useful. Callie I think would be in a similar situation with Marie, but staying behind anyways. She knows how disorienting it is to come down from being brainwashed and I think she’d focus on that and staying behind at the fight to be there for Maya when they get the glasses off to keep herself distracted from how horrible she feels about this even happening to her.
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shirefantasies · 1 month
Am I too late to join in on matchups? If so please just ignore this ask and know that I'm sorry
I'd like a male ship please. I'm an autistic girl with adhd and a couple chronic illnesses like joint pain especially in my hands and dyspraxia so I'm super clumsy. I'm 4' 10" tall with long wavy auburn hair, glasses, pale skin that's covered in freckles and moles and a petite figure. I'm very friendly and bubbly but I can also be kinda asocial and don't actively seek out interaction much. I enjoy writing, drawing (recently I've been getting really into MS Paint art), video games, reading, hiking and researching things that interest me. I'm very intelligent and also witty, I'm actually pretty good at making people laugh! I work as a librarian and am hoping to become a linguist someday too. Thanks!
"Hey sweetie, here's my additions for my matchup description! Thanks so much for taking the time to do all these ships, you're a true saint. I hope these don't conflict with the draft you have set up already
🪆 I’m both very level-headed and very stubborn, and I can also be quite fierce and even argumentative but that’s fairly rare. I just don’t tend to back down easily, and I’m a very resilient person
🪆 I can be a bit of a homebody, especially since I’m disabled, and I get very attached to wherever I happen to be living. I like having a garden whenever possible too, even if it's an indoor one.
🪆 I’m very friendly and sweet, but I also like messing with people a little. This is especially fun because I have unusual interests like botanical poisons or the science of decomposition. I can tend to be pretty morbid without even realizing it. That being said, my friendly side is no facade and I genuinely love taking care of people.
🪆 I especially love cooking for people and trying to recipes for others
🪆 I enjoy working out but am still very skinny. It’s actually funny how my large arms contrast with my Disney Princess-esque waist
🪆 I like to take relationships very very slowly and develop a solid friendship before considering dating someone, so I really don't want someone who takes things too fast. I'm also not a fan of overly flirty people, even if they're completely loyal to me I just get turned off by over the top displays of affection. 
🪆 I have legendary pain tolerance and tend to laugh off injuries more than anything
🪆 I’m addicted to buying new books, particularly on witchcraft and botany
🪆 I know a LOT about different types of spirits and deities, especially as a witch. I could go on and on about spirit lore for hours
Thanks, have a great day!"
Not too late at all! & I was really early on in it so this is fine! I can kind of work to combine them in fact 😁 They just take a long time lmao 😅 hope it’s ok I went LoTR because your man is…
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You aren't used to being approached while you work; quite the contrary, in fact, many passersby almost seem to treat you like you don't exist at all when you appear in the peripheries of their vision hunched over your books and scrolls. Which, admittedly, is suitable to you as your work is quite consuming. Quenya translations do not come without focus, after all. So when a voice sounds at your back, your clumsy side emerges as you startle, almost overturning your ink pot before a small, pale hand darts out to catch and right it. “My apologies,” you hear from behind you, “I was just curious what form of Elvish that was.”
Turning around, you see a hobbit, dark-haired and blue-eyed and shyly smiling at you. He is clad in a white shirt and brown pants and something about the navy vest he wears gives him a studious air. You smile. “Quenya, very old. In fact this book,” you motion over the tome you’ve been comparing against the ancient scroll, “is a chronicle of the witches of old. Quick different from anything we see these days.” A mixture of teasing and apprehension crossed the hobbit’s visage. “And what are you doing with a book like that?” “Looking for a way to raise my undead army,” you tease back, leaning forward toward him in your chair. At that, both of you laugh and exchange introductions. His name is Frodo and it would seem his uncle is quite a student of languages as well, teaching Frodo newer, more practical forms of Elvish and studying some Khuzdul himself. In fact, he is only there outside the Shire to have an old book of his uncle’s appraised.
You can’t help the wave of distraction that overtakes you after you offer your own skills, though; adjusting your spectacles and pushing your chair back, you cannot resist asking Frodo about his Shire. He pulls back a chair of his own, taking up a spot at your side with a smile you can only describe as lovestruck. Stubborn as you can be, you give no fight to the derailment of your work as Frodo speaks of rolling green hills, warm hearths and sunny gardens and flowers hung upon fences. You understand his expression completely, a sigh escaping your own lips at his vividly gorgeous words. "We may know little of your witchcraft or translations in the Shire, but it's home. The greatest home I could ask for." He had you at sunny gardens. "I would love to see it," you reply, setting your quill down. "He isn't always fond of guests," Frodo chuckles, folding his arms on the table, "but I think someone with your knowledge and spirit would quite amuse him. Come and visit us. I will have Uncle Bilbo convinced by the time you get there." "Oh, he needs convincing, does he?" "Perhaps you could put a spell of some sort on him."
The older hobbit you quickly learn is Frodo’s uncle Bilbo still looks surprised by your presence at his nephew’s side, but he gets a glitter in his eyes you expect to be quite characteristic once you bring up your meeting with Frodo. You end up talking to Bilbo as much as his nephew at dinner, in fact, sharing many glances with the proudly smiling Frodo as you hear the most amazing tales of dwarf-song and dragon fire and even time spent alongside Lord Elrond himself in the great homely house. Bilbo chuckles at the way your eyes light up, your questions about the magic woven around Rivendell and how different it is from the small spells you’ve attempted. That certainly gets the old hobbit’s eyebrows shooting up! At the end of it, you agree with Frodo’s assessment of the Shire’s warm hearths and have continued invitations to see your friends.
And that is definitely how you see it for quite some time, after all you work with Bilbo as much as you run around the Shire woods with Frodo, dodging his cousins plucking up mushrooms and trading botany facts and tips with Samwise, Bag End’s gardener, while Frodo looks on with the smile you’ve grown to love. Suspicion that he is just teasing you rises one day when he looks at you fondly, half-asking, half making a statement to you. "You really have fallen for the Shire, haven't you?" Of course you have. The hobbits admire your strength, at least for the most part- those that poke at you about big folk disturbing the peace or the Bagginses stirring things up again risk your comebacks, after all, the bite of your wit tearing perfectly back against the bore of their lives and personalities. Every time you swivel from such interactions, there is Frodo and that fond smile that suddenly you aren't so sure how to respond to. You don't know what to do when he takes your hand to show you something or catches you when your feet slip out from under you, hands about your waist. You don't mind, especially given Frodo's knowledge that your hands get achy and cold and somehow his find them right as it sets in, and beside that he was nothing but a gentleman to you. That in and of itself seems to be the sudden source of your hysteria right up to the moment Frodo rises onto his tiptoes and presses his lips ever so gently to yours. He's told you again and again over your compared translation notes, over twisting little charms and flower crowns together, over even blood and bandages and your laughter over the way your dear hobbit frets while you feel next to nothing.
You are lucky in the gift of Frodo as you frequently tell him, as you make known when you take his arm on a hike and share in that fond smile he gives you. Frodo is a gentle soul, affectionate but not so overt in his advance as to deter you. To put it bluntly, Frodo is not a sexual person, so the nature of your relationship as it is and the love you share in your spent time are plenty to satisfy him. Forever you have someone to bring you tea and a kiss to the crown of your auburn head as you pore over documents, someone to bake for and an uncle who laughs heartily at every insistence of yours that he needs to take you to Rivendell to study their wards, throwing in the Lonely Mountain for good measure. Between the three of you, Bag End fills with books in no time, but you certainly cannot complain when some of them are quite ancient indeed, teasing challenges by your favorite hobbits, one of whom sees himself in you and the other who simply sees the beauty in you while you work. Even if sometimes you work a little too hard and he has to help you back into your now-shared hobbit hole to rest your back after a little too long sketching, weeding, and planting in the garden you are beautiful, shining with sweat and dabbed with proof of your connection to the earth. You certainly are the best thing Frodo has brought home on an errand.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
It's super cool to hear you talk about romance manga! If you don't mind me asking- what are your favorites and why? (also, if you haven't read it, try You Got me,Senpai. It's like.... WEIRDLY GOOD.)
I got a tag for m/m recs and f/f recs and m/f recs but I dunno about favorites bc it tends to change depending on my mood and what I’ve read lately. also there’s a bunch of what I’d consider my favorite that I wouldn’t necessarily rec to others. well I’ll rehash a couple of them. the rec posts have the caveats and warnings and if it doesn’t have a rec post you’re on your own I don’t feel like writing it all out. Also I’m including webtoons.
A couple m/m faves:
My Bias Is Showing—it seems pretty standard at first glance but the charming art and the charm points of each respective character makes it really stand out. I absolutely love how you need a chart to track everyone’s respective understanding of the situation and how nobody actually has any idea what’s going on. I love how the character that could easily fall into stereotypes of the “weaker” role is very solidly just some guy and is very active in terms of both expression of desire and trajectory of the relationship. I love that siyeol is simultaneously cunning + manipulative and also the biggest idiot alive who essentially tricks himself into falling in love with just some guy because of the dog-blooded drama that only exists in his head. I love the scene where Siyeol bursts into tears and Aejoon just wraps him in a curtain burrito and walks away.
The Honest Life of a Game Studio—I really like how it ends up being this genre mashup of slice of life office romance and… well, I guess quick transmigration kind of? you get to see the characters interact in both extremely normal office settings and also extremely high stakes life or death scenarios. I also like just how detailed the video game studio segments are, like wow the artist definitely gives the impression of having either direct experience or observation of the office side of things. Also the main characters are essentially THE most Just Some Guy energy possible. Like they have their quirks, and Nobu is a big name in the video game world, but it’s kind of in the same way of ‘oh, shu takimi exists.’ he’s not as out there as, say, uchikoshi or kojima. and Anan is just a mega-fan who works in the industry. it’s a good contrast of ‘extremely normal’ and also ‘these guys are now trapped in time prison’
a couple of f/f faves:
Hana to Hoshi—this series stays in my heart. I’ve mostly moved away from high school romance because I like reading stories about characters in my age bracket (but preferably older) but these are my forever gals. I think it’s kind rare to find f/f with my preferred dynamic of ‘stoic weirdo’ and ‘kinda desperate dumbass’ especially with the fun chaotic energy I’m drawn to and this matches it exactly. also has MULTIPLE layers of one-sided familiarity which I absolutely LOVE. you get TWO WHOLE INSTANCES of the whole ‘oh… who are you?’ which is really funny. I also really like hanai’s character arc in terms of being burnt out on what she used to love and rediscovering that joy again, especially since for the most part it happens independently of hoshino.
After the Curtain Call—this series turns me stupid I turn into those awful rec post writers that only lists tropes and archetypes because a lot of them appeal to me. there’s an OFFICE LADY there’s an ACTRESS they’re ADULTS. Jaeyi is sooo cool and Soyung is sooo charming. they’re also very Just Some Guys energy. I also like how they tend to be on completely different pages about their relationship but somehow it never comes up and just works out??? lol??? like I’m sure it’s frustrating to some but I think it’s hysterical that jaeyi is like ‘man I gotta get a role so soyoung doesn’t dump me for being a loser’ and soyoung is like ‘I Am Going To Support Jaein And Her Career No Matter What’ like girls. somehow this is working.
A couple of m/f faves
For Better or for Worse—dylan is sooo charming dylan is soooooo charming I love her. also I really like the barriers to this relationship because it’s nothing that can be explained or resolved easily. on cedric’s side, he’s like ‘oh, she’s still hung up over her ex-fiance and considers him the love of her life…’ and on dylan’s end it’s ‘I know the story and the character you’re supposed to end up with and I care about you and her and I know I’m a placeholder so I can’t get too comfortable and I have to prepare myself to send them off with no hard feelings’ and I *really* like how the trajectory isn’t about the heroine being Actually The Worst Blah Blah Blah but with how the narrative seems to be going and what little I’ve read on spoiler threads it’s more of ‘well different things happened and people have different relationships now so of course they’ll respond differently, people aren’t going to Snap Into Place.’ equipotentiality yknow
I’m the villainous daughter and I’ve decided to keep the last boss as a pet—I actually have no idea if I got the title right I have five minutes anyway I love this one aileen gets to actually have villainous traits without being framed as needing to develop out of them, she’s ambitious and cunning and that’s her strength! also it’s fun seeing claude get yanked around by her whims and guile. There’s also an interesting conflict of villainess transmigrating and having the perspective of ‘this is my life that I’m living in this world’ and the protagonist having the perspective of ‘this world was made for me’
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if you say something stupid, people should let you know
oh man you ever read a review and think to yourself “haha oh shit that was fucked up that’s a fucked up thing to say”
or even just “shit dude i don’t think you picked up at all what the artist was trying to put down and while your god awful experience is, like, so valid it doesn’t seem like you even tried to understand what happened or why …
and i don’t think it’s constructive to call an actor’s performance annoying … also ur writing just kinda sucks”
but the thing is you can’t stop them, you know? and there’s nothing i can say about how to be a better critic that hasn’t already been said, so i think if you say something stupid, people should let you know.
anyone. fellow critics, artists, you, dear reader.
i mean sure, critics have a responsibility to respect the artists we’re talking about while staying honest but we also have a responsibility to the way they’re being talked about by each other, right? think about it– the relationships critics have with artists– should they not extend past the interactions we have with them? should we not publicly address and comment on what our peers have publicly said about a public piece of art in our own reviews?
this is not about disagreement or taste because i hate most of what i see but clarity I think maybe also (for lack of better words) community? which is such a bleh word to use these days but i kinda like the idea of reviews becoming referential of a review interacting with ideas in other reviews of the same something different people experienced.
instead, we hide behind third person and we hide behind formality and authority and we think artistic dialogue only starts when we initiate it so we HAVE to have the answers, right? otherwise why the fuck would anyone want to hear from us? bc we’re smart cool sexy funny and kind? NO. bc we know what the FUCK we’re talking about (i have a BAH, mf)!
but sometimes we don’t know what the fuck we’re talking about, which is chill because you can’t always know what the fuck you’re talking about, and we should be ok with people letting us know especially if they can tell us why.
it would be, like, so hot If i saw a review that was like, “yo i saw this show and i loved the way they did this thing and this is what it made me think of, but that wasn’t this person’s experience [hyperlinked post], no they had the complete opposite time and hated it, but i see how that influenced their interpretation of the rest of the show. however, they didn’t pick up on some crucial elements (for whatever reason) that would’ve provided the necessary context for them to continue engaging meaningfully which may speak to a lapse in communication (which is a valid critique) and not an absolute failure of the artist as they’re saying.” or–
–idk i just think it’ll get really boring if we only ever do our critic thing individually bc we’re all kind of screaming into the void hoping our opinions get more attention than the next and right now, that overwhelming sense of competition and legitimacy is turning people off from collaborative, critical engagement.
could be kind of fun if we collectively decided to extend post-show lobby chats and talkbacks and conversations over drinks to somewhere like twitter or reddit a place where people can casually share their interpretations and cultural references like we do with television and books and movies, you know?
critics need ~community~ too.
or maybe we don’t maybe i’m talking out of my ass and if i am maybe you should let me know why :)
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
The Love Of My Life, Video Games
Good morning Alex, I’ve talked about 2 of the things I’m most passionate about already, so today I’m gonna delve into the biggest one of them all, video games. Video games are my favourite form of art. It’s the perfect culmination of art, story, music and interactivity. You know what they say, “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but is oftentimes better than a master of one.” I live by this quote tbh. 
My earliest memory of video games is when I was 7 or so, playing Plants Vs Zombies with my best friend. It sparked a lifelong obsession with video games. Now, the name is kinda silly, but this game revolutionised the Tower Defense genre. It’s extremely fun and addicting and has spawned several other sequels. Then I went on to discover Flash games. What are Flash games? Well, there used to be a thing made by Adobe, the Flash Player, which helped in displaying multimedia on a web browser. It was the standard for video games back then. It has been deprecated in favour of modern web technologies, but it has a special place in the hearts of internet kids.
Android Games
Back in the early 2010s, when mobile game developers had passion, business was booming. Classics like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, Clash of Clans, Temple Run were all made in this era.
I’m sure everyone and their grandparents and their great-grandparents know these games. All of them have sadly fallen into the microtransaction trap or died out (microtransactions, if you don’t know, is the practice of letting players buy in-game currencies or cosmetics, modern games have become more cash grabs than actual games with passion behind them). Nevertheless, they defined my childhood and were the gateway for me to actual games.
The premise of Pokemon is simple. Catch Pokemon (short for Pocket Monsters), make them fight other Pokemon (swear this is not slavery or dogfighting), make relationships, maybe save the world (as a 10 yo might I add, while surrounded by capable adults.) Funny story, I remember crying when I accidentally released my Grovyle thinking release meant releasing it as in having it walk alongside you like Pikachu, not as in bye bye release.
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This is Grovyle. You can see why I cried.
Pokemon Red, Gold, and Emerald (yes, I know, ancient games, I’m not a grandma, I just didn’t have a console or know how to emulate consoles back then) were some of the first games I played on PC, because they were available online. Since then, I’ve played pretty much every Pokemon game released with a few exceptions because Pokemon releases two versions of the same game with minor differences (yes, emulated, I’m not buying a 10 year old end of life console that is resold with a huge markup and the original creators are making no money out of it, sue me (Okay, if you’re a Nintendo employee, I know you love suing people, so please don’t take me seriously. Please)). I think Pokemon was the beginning of my obsession with knowing literally everything about a franchise.
The first game I ever bought is Minecraft. I’ve loved watching Minecraft videos on YouTube and playing minecraft knockoffs for a long time before I bought it. My dad bought it for me as a reward for winning 4/8 chess games in the State Championship lol. It’s a sandbox game created by Hatsune Miku (actually, by Markus Persson, or Notch, but he turned out to be a transphobe so we just collectively retconned his existence). It’s a pretty simple game, it’s all about creativity. You can build pretty much everything, people have made actual computers in Minecraft, or, if you like Survival, there’s also a survival mode where the technical endpoint being killing the dragon in the aptly named The End dimension. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the endpoint as you can do whatever you want.
Ah, my favourite game ever. This is the game that inspired me to become a game developer. Undertale is an RPG game created in its entirety by Toby Fox, you can see why that inspired 10 yo me. Also, I hate my 10 yo self, she watched HECKING YOUTUBE VIDEOS OF GAMEPLAY. I’ll never forgive her for not letting me experience the game by myself, I swore after this (and one other game I’ll talk about) to never even touch anything pertaining to any media I might potentially interact with ever in my life with a 10 foot pole. I don’t even watch trailers for DC movies, like what, what could the trailer possibly spoil that I haven’t read before in a comic??? I won’t talk much about Undertale as I want you to experience what I couldn’t, but it has a very emotional story that’s made grown adults cry, fun gameplay mechanics, easter eggs literally everywhere, leitmotifs in the music, awesome lore, a lesbian couple who are goals and 6 dogs.
Subnautica is the first PC game I bought. This is the other game I spoke about that made me avoid spoilers like the plague. I regret not being able to experience the terror that this game inflicts, although, it was still plenty scary, would have been scarier had I not known everything about every creature. Subnautica is an underwater exploration game set on a crater on planet 4546B. As someone who loves speculative biology, I was impressed by the thought put into every creature's biology.
The rest of my favourite games
I went on to buy, uh, um, exactly 3 other games, being um, the three Batman: Arkham games. These are very well made games with an awesome story and, pardon the cliche, make you feel like the Batman, addicting gameplay, (believe me, I have a collective 200 hours, and I’ve owned them for a year. Most of the other games I’ve played I’ve gotten on Epic Games for free, yes I’m such a cheapskate I get every game that goes free on Epic Games.
The Tomb Raider series is one famous for creating Lara Croft, probably the most influential female character in video games. I’ve only played the first two games of the Survivor Rebooted trilogy sadly, I wish sometime in the future I’ll get to play the Windows 95 era games.
Alien: Isolation is a game set between the first two movies in the Alien franchise. I watched the movies just so I could play the game, then because I’m a scaredy cat I only played until the alien appeared 💀. The game seems fun tho.
Surviving Mars is a “city” building simulation game. It’s set on Mars, obviously. It’s a very fun game, managing resources, keeping colonizers colonists alive. I suck tho so my colonists keep dying :P
Okay, Alex, that’s it from me this week, sorry it was a little rushed, I forgor 💀, I’ll see you on Thursday
0 notes
The chicken boy saga continues.
-honestly thinking of developing a tag list for this or not idfk-
Some important things to note that become relevant later on, I promise:
1. I have on mascara. Which I don't often do since I don't like my eyes and it brings attention to them. Plus because of societal norms it lessens my gender ambiguity and people assume the wrong pronouns. Which I don't care because it was an honest mistake. But whatever. Mascara, got it?
2. I got Starbucks this morning. An iced drink. It's like 20 degrees Fahrenheit out at that point.
3. I'm wearing mesh sleeves.
4. I'm using wired headphones.
Got all that? Good.
So as always, we gotta start our morning with Abby's live. I'm in art class, heavily struggling with blending some oil pastels. It usually works but today ain't it. I still have no way of contacting chicken boy. (His name is Aiden, brief recap. But I'm still gonna call him chicken boy)
And suddenly he crashes my art class. Casually walks in with Rix just chilling in his bag. Honestly don't understand how this chicken is so chill but aight.
Of course I alert the chat of his presence as he's approaching me with my oil pastels covered fingers because I'm a messy artist. And he recognizes Abby because he crashed the live yesterday. So he pulls out his airpods and (quote by quote):
"Hey (name, but we'll put in Messenger for sake of convenience) Messenger, that's your friend from yesterday's live, right?"
My dumbass: "Yeah. I was just talking about your chicken."
Of course he smiles. He has dimples, yall know that? Fucker has the audacity to have dimples. And he just grabs my hand and places an airpod in and goes;
"Connect it please? They're pretty chill, and I wanna listen too. Can't disturb the class either."
So I gotta turn on my Bluetooth (I have it off because a friend of mine liked connecting my phone to their speakers, which auto connects to recognized devices.) And switch how I'm listening so he can listen too. So he's just vibing and commenting while I'm interacting here and there (mainly complaining) and trying to finish the background of this art piece.
And then a meme song comes on (which Abby originally skipped but I made them go back to it by being persistently unhelpful >:P) and he starts doing a little dance along to it. Abby had to mute it so they could answer a fake work asmr phone call, so he just starts humming it.
The class comes to an end and I need to take a picture of the still unfinished art to show Abby because I promised and he just pushes my Starbucks drink into the shot because "it adds a certain something" Okay photography major calm down. And I gotta go to the library to search for a book I need for math and he just follows along (holding onto my drink btw) and my ass is cold because I need to go out in 20 degree weather with mesh sleeves, which do nothing to keep me warm.
So he gives me his hoodie. I might be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb. I know what that means. But whatever, I'm cold (why does this read like a novel wtf)
As soon as we're inside, I give it back and he takes it. So off we go to search for this book. I'm still in Abby's live and interacting. And it's all gucci. But he has to go to his class so he gives me my drink, pauses, and says "oh, by the way, your makeup enhances your eyes. It'd be cool to do a photo shoot like this."
Now sure, it's possible he's flirting because he's interested. But he's seen my interactions with my friends, which is flirty in its own right. Mainly because I fluster easily and my extroverted friends are like "haha funny blushing introvert" so they continue it until my spite meter gets filled up and I flirt back. So he could also see that as my comfortable way of interacting with friends. Which it kinda is (also leads me to crush on all my friends at least once because I'm affection starved but that's a separate problem.) So he could be copying that. Or he has the same reaction to my flustering as my other friends because I get kinda quiet before bursting with righteous fury that isn't that scary because my voice fluctuates a lot when I'm flustered.
I got to hold Rix though so I'm the winner.
Still don't have his number. I gotta fix that. And now you're caught up on the chicken boy saga.
0 notes
Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 01x19
“Uh oh. There’s no recap.”
“Right about now. Funk soul brother” “It’s the killer painting shit.” 🎶you’re about to get fucked but not in the way you think🎶
“She’s going to start without him. She should though” “Juicy”
���I think she’s dead” “That was a very loud slice noise. I think they implied that he died” “Does Dean only date the ones with an I? I don’t think he gives a shit.” Making fun of the way Dean says “k” “It means that you’re lame, Sam.” “How many times are we going to talk about Dad in the first fkn 5 minutes?” “If Sam is the producer is Dean the re-producer?” “Don’t they stop the pranks eventually?” “That’s a weird license plate” Explaining Eric Kripke
Idk why in Sam episodes they make Dean look like a ding-dong. “He’s a good ding-dong” “Who is she?” “Baby is a dusty fkn bucket. They had to park that next to the Rolls Royce” “oh my god this room” “I feel like this episode could be the one they could turn Sam back into a main character. They could turn the dynamic back around and move the focus away from Dean” “He’s going to randomly go with THAT ONE” “Why the fuck would you have a beer at a joint like this?” “Also not sure why she would go out on a date with the guy who got kicked out of her father’s art auction house. I think she’s just looking for a little bit of fun, because these kids are just blown’ through. It’s one helluva date for a random hookup; it’s kinda weird” “Killin’ monsters, bitch” “He’s so bad at talking that she did it for him” “Why did they show Dean clopping the thing in front of Dean’s crotch? CROTCH CLOP!” Then we watched it three times
“Gotta do that high shutter action shot of jumping over the gate” “They are really not good at watching their 6” “Let’s do the classic cut-it-out-of-the frame; you couldn’t just turn it around and undo the staples.” “I don’t think I could have survived this with commercial breaks. Commercials suck ass” Laughed at Jared’s acting
“This is also the first thing they’ve dealt with that’s immune to burning” “How did that also make the same front page as the Titanic sinking?” “No man, tell me about that day and age.” “He’s looking straight ahead and not to the side or any other direction for that matter” “I’ll agree with the dude - for that kind of money, why not? It’s a private sale” “Colombian neckties? Idk if you can say that anymore. I”m pretty certain that it’s a cartel reference” Laughing at Dean telling Sam to hook up with girls “that’s actually funny” “Hi Sarah. It’s Sam! Let’s fuck!” “Why is there no blood on the floor yet?” “Look at Dean’s stupid face. Look at all this facial interaction. LOOK AT THIS FKN STUPID FACE” we watched it like 3x “Air cheeks! Like a chipmunk!” “As if the bottom of that glass of the ash tray would be optimal quality” “Yeah, we dress alike and walk around and we don’t get paid.” “That’s how you pick up the girls - you tell them you don’t get paid.” “This is a super awkward exchange” 🎶cuz I go batshit crazy and kill them🎶
Since Sam doesn’t have good luck with women, maybe he should try men
“How would you know? You just met the guy?” “How is that cheaper than cremating the dude?” “Would a pine box have decomposed by now? I could be wrong and maybe that’s the point of 6 feet down, but I just feel like it would be decomposed by now.” “dean just had that ready to go? Wow. That was a lot of effort to get that all ready on the tape deck” “I totally forgot about that twist” LOW SODIUM FREAKS
“How is she with it enough to say “that is so wrong?” That was a dick thing to say, Sam
“What a douche. He could have literally say anything else.” “I love how he holds it like a bat. I would do a twirl dance with the poker so it’s always swinging in the air. Or an iron hula hoop but that would be really heavy. What about plate armor?” “You know better! Use your gun! Just shoot the thing” “I would not have just shielded my face with my hand; that’s a massive ricochet hazard” “That’s gotta be real stinky. Holy shit” “She didn’t go up in flames instantly. Oh there she goes” “Imagine being the groundskeeper for the cemetery and the mausoleum door is open with the glass is shot with a burnt doll but nothing actually taken. That alone would have made local papers” “You can sell it now; it’s not haunted anymore” “I guess they burned the dude’s spirit so his spirit was released, but the painting isn’t haunted anymore” “Cheekbones.” Spouse thinks Sarah is pretty
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figgy-bug · 2 years
Embroidery 101
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Word count: 1067
Characters: ler!bruno and Lee!Mirabel
Warnings: this is a tickle fic, so if you don’t rock with that, feel free to scroll on by!
All interactions are strictly familial and sfw!
A/N: I’m not usually a fic writer and I’m just kinda getting into it, so hopefully this isn’t too bad!
~ Requests are still open! ~
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Bruno was happy to finally be a part of the family again. He was happy to be a part of his nieces’ and nephews’ lives, which he had missed so much of. 
Part of his bonding was taking days and dedicating them to one of the kids - letting them show him their favorite hobbies, music, food, games, you name it, Bruno was up for it!
On the day he spent withLuisa she taught him how to use some of the gym equipment in her room, which proved to be pretty funny, considering Bruno doesn’t have a fraction of the upper body strength of Luisa. Though he was able to do a lot of the leg exercises, thanks to the hundreds of stairs he had to climb every day in his tower
On Isabela’s day, the two spent the hours planting and harvesting from her veggie garden and helping Julieta turn the vegetables into meals. Bruno didnt have much of a green thumb, which was no problem for Isa, who could easily fix his mistakes with a flick of her wrist.
The day before today was Dolores’s day, which was spent in her room meditating, drinking tea, and just having quiet conversations.
And today, it was Mirabel’s day!
Bruno stepped out of his room and headed down the balcony hall, greeting family members as they passed by.
With a sudden thud, he collided with someone who was moving quite swiftly, going in the opposite direction. 
“Oof- Oh! Good morning Mirabel!” Bruno smiled, helping his niece stand back up straight.
“Oh! Good morning tio!! I’ve been looking all around casita for you!”
“Have you?? A-am I really that late..?” Bruno swerved his head around to a nearby clock, noticing he was in fact, 15 minutes late.
“O-oh gosh! I didn't realize it was so behind schedule!! Go on, go on, lead the way! I don’t wanna waste any more of your time!!” He spun Mirabel around and patted her shoulder, signaling her to start moving.
— — —
“Ok tio, come pick what fabric you want to use-” Mirabel gestured to the corner of her room, where a large basket stood carrying rolls of multicolored fabrics neatly wound and standing straight. 
“Pick some fabric..?” Bruno asked, hesitantly walking over to the basket, still unsure of what they would be doing for the day. “Yeah!! Pick some fabric! I’m gonna teach you how to embroider today!” Mirabel swiveled around in her chair, offering her uncle a pleasant smile.
Bruno wasn’t really one for finer arts like embroidery, but he was absolutely willing to give it a go, especially if it was something his niece enjoyed. He returned Mirabel’s smile, then turned back to the basket of fabric. 
Something immediately to his left caught his eye, however, and he smiled, picking up the blue fabric laid over a dresser.
“How about this one-?” Bruno walked over to the table Mirabel sat at and placed the material down in front of her.
“ My… skirt..? You want to embroider something  on my skirt?” Mira couldn’t help but smile- 
She had something to represent every member of the family on her skirt… all except Bruno… so why not let him make a symbol for himself?
“I-if its okay with you of course- I- uh- sorry- I can just pick a fabric scrap- I wouldnt want to ruin your skir-” Mirabel raised a hand “I’d be more than happy to let you make a pattern on my skirt!”
She took the garment from her uncle and laid it out on the table. 
“Ok, come here and watch close, I’m gonna teach you how to thread the machine.” She directed as she grabbed a spool of green thread from a small box off to the side.
Bruno shuffled right up behind where Mirabel was sitting, leaning down over her shoulder to get a good look at exactly what she was going to do, and lazily resting his chin on her shoulder,
“Ok, so fihIHIRST-” Mirabel suddenly shouted, tensing up- Bruno’s eyes widened, but he stayed in place, almost frozen.
“A-are you okay?! What was that?!” he asked with a twinge of concern in his voice
The vibrations of his words made Mirabel snort and scrunch up her shoulders, dropping the thread onto the table. “Tihihihio!! yohou’re tihickling mehe!”
Bruno stood up with a puzzled look. “I- I was..?” he touched his face with his fingers, brushing over his chin. Then it clicked ‘oh- my,,, my beard-’ he thought, a smile growing on his face.
“I’m sorry Mira, I didn’t mean to! I was just trying to get a better view! See?!” Bruno resumed his position leaning on Mirabel’s shoulder. “Now go on! Go on! What’s step one?” he asked innocently. 
Mirabel’s laughter restarted as every vibration of Bruno’s speech sent a ticklish wave through her body. 
“I cahahan’t! Ihihi cahahan’t fohOHOCUS!!” Her laughter pitched up at the feeling of something against her side. 
“Oh, my bad! There was some scrap thread on your shirt-” Bruno lied, poking at the girl’s ribs “Stop moving! I cahan’t grab ihit!”
“THEHEHERE ISN’T AHANYTHING THEHEHERE! AHAHA!” Mirabel doubled over on herself and kicked her legs under the table. 
“There is! I’m sure of it! But I just can’t grab it while you’re moving!” Bruno laughed along with his niece, pretending to pick something off her shirt.
“TIHIHIO PLEHEHEASE!” Mirabel threw her head back, bubbly laughter spilling out as Bruno switched to scribbling along his niece’s sides, dropping the act, and just having fun. 
It had been a long time since he was able to see Mirabel- any of his nieces and nephews- laugh like this. He felt a little closer to them every time they felt safe enough to just let go.
“I don’t remember you ever being this ticklish! Not when you were little at least-” He commented, slowing down enough to give Mirabel a chance to breathe. “I wahahasn’t! I don’t know what happened! I guess I’ve just never been tickled much since then.” She said with a slight flush on her face.
“Well I think it adds to your…whimsical-ness! Is that even a word-?” Bruno stood up and adjusted Mirabel’s glasses on her nose, to which she offered a shrug an a giggle.
“Nevermind! Let’s get this sewing lesson going!” The prophet rolled a nearby stool over to the table and sat down, hands in his lap, ready to listen.
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Please enjoy!! I might make a non tk fic about them actually embroidering the skirt bc i think its cute- 
ANYWHO!! I have some hcs on the horizon for y’all, then after that, I’m pretty much all caught up on asks! So do feel free to drop some if you have anything you’d like to see/say!!
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids ideal types - series .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
lee know version ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
based on their birth charts! s2
✧*:.。. t/n: i’ll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one. it’s also important to say that when we talk about romance in astrology we have to fully analyse the couple’s birth charts individualy at first and only then apply compatibility analysis so we’re able to check out the synastry overlays.
✧*:.。. t/n: kinda proofread.
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firts of all, i'll be taking a different approach to minho's birth chart as his' way different from chris'. with him we're gonna look at other placements.
let's use Lacan (1985) as a method to examine the relationship he has between the "i" and the "others". when we look at a Möbius strip it's possible to see that if we turn one side of the two surfaces of the band, we find ourselves outside, while the other finds itself inside the circle. which leads us into thinking about how much of "i" is in the "other" and how much of the "other" is in "i". even if we look at houses of the self, it's percepcion will only be seen on others. our notion of individuality is created trough the mirror offered by the other (the mirror stage).
the basics:
someone who has the sun in gemini, libra or aquarius;
moon in cancer, scorpio or pisces. leo and aquarius moons are a NO;
venus in aries, aquarius or sagittarius;
jupiter in gemini.
obviously there’s way more aspects to look into to see if a relationship would work but i’d rather not go too deep into it right now.
a person who above all things is his friend first. he wants to make friends with the person he likes because he's not the most romantic.
someone full of surprises, who excites him in differents ways everyday. boi wants an adventurous and unique love. he loves the drama and the unexpected.
a person who has knowledge about unusal things/likes to read about all types of things. interesting personality is a MUST for him. he loves being around strange people because he doesn't want to be bored. when it's about fun he likes to engage in all sorts of not-usual activities, what seems the strangest is also what’s best.
not-into-fairy-tales-romance type of person. he wants to be around someone who's interesting and makes him curious, so their meetings are most of the time unusual. i don't think you should expect the whole wine and dine type of thing from him, specially because he can give you way more. <3
someone who likes being around groups and is good at socializing. i know this can trigger some people but hear me out, he's happy when collaborating with others and functioning in groups. when he's having fun he wants to be part of the noisiest events, so it’s normal to see him at concerts or big art related events.
a non-judgmental person. it's not that he's scared of you "not accepting" him or whatever, believe me he does not care about this. he has to live to the fullest and to be unusual. he expresses his creativity in his own way. he wants to feel excitement when it comes to a relationships, so if you're too worried about what other people will think it won't work.
a person who wouldn't be a strict parent, if it's a long-term relationship we're talking about. his kids are very likely going to have strong aquarius/uranus energy on their birth charts, meaning his chiquitos would be as accentric as he is. he wants his children to express their individuality and be themselves. he's really good with children as well, having a great way of communicating with his kids, making them mentally strong and independent. yet he may tend to stress his kids with education stuff related cus he feels they should pursue their interests. cool dad™. will be good friends with his kids (the children will be as funny as he is).
someone who's not traditional. a rebel when it comes to love and don’t prefer to date the traditional way. he wants to fall in love with your mind. his dating ways can be unusual, maybe online since he has a kick for technological advancements. he can be strange when it comes to sex as well.
but is still a 100% monogamy. the king needs to rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. he wants to be the center of attention, he can be a bit domineering even. he may be a bit possessive or jealous, but tries to hide it. expects absolute loyalty from you. his kinks? a lot of love, affection, and admiration.
a person who's not scared of experimenting. he wants to try everything at least once.
a "modern" person. minho has always been interested in technology. he gives me big nerdy energy. he's quick to respond to his creativity urges.
someone who has a longing for learning. he enjoys traveling and learning about technology, psychology, philosophy etc. deep and philosophic conversations are a must (but don't get it twisted he enjoys humor more than anything). he's unhappy with what he's being given, he's always looking to improve things and his thoughts.
a person who's comfortable with silence as well. even tho he loves having fun with other people he's still kinda a loner who doesn't need to interact with other humans or to talk very much.
someone passive. would like it better if the person's willing to give him the spotlight. wants to be paided attention to, wants you to worship him. his fantasies probably revolve around devotion. ofc he enjoys giving his effort to you as long as he receive the same back, too. disobeying is a no.
a feminine and elegant person. rude or harsh behavior and crudeness about sex are a no. you must have a sparkling physical appearance as well.
easy conversationalist. def not into monosyllabic communicators. he's prideful, he won’t back off from a conflict that involves his own principles so it's essential for you to be good with words, too. fights can be commom in the relationship.
someone who enjoys praising him. don't forget to show your appreciation for all that he’s doing. wants you to see him as the confident man that he is and the man that will fulfill all your dreams.
a 100% honest person. you deceive him, he will just leave and not turn back. he finds it hard to forgive. again, he wants his partner to worship him. he works hard to make sure you leave idolizing him, so his feelings will get very hurt if he finds out later on that you were “faking” things. he will feel inadequate and insecure.
patiente. he can be easy to offend or to be hurt quite easily. you may need to walk on eggshells sometimes. when you first meet him, he might come off as a bit unattainable but don't be discouraged.
a person who doesn't get scared by his feelings. when he's actually in love, he will fall head over heels. if he thinks you're a match he wants to make sure nobody else will ever get you. he can easily get caught up in the moment and be impulsive. he wants to attract your attention as soon as possible after he realises he loves you, and it will be in an obvious and eccentric way. he wants you to remember him for a lifetime. his placements makes him one of the most emotional individuals, he feels love, anger, disappointment, happiness and so on, at a much greater level.
someone who stands out. he has always attracted a lot of attention since he has a gravitational energy, so it won't be just anyone who's going to catch his eyes. as a child, he felt very different from the people he was surrounded by. he loved and still love anything that is labeled as odd by others and he likes to feel like he's strange.
someone who's interested in humanitarian work.
a person who's flexible. he needs someone who's willing to take risks with him. someone who's in to enjoy the ride.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Popularity is overrated anyways | Rory Keaner x gn!popular!reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Hello! Your writing is so amazing, truly! Could you write Rory x Gn!Popular!Reader in which the reader falls hard and so they try flirting and try to impress him? I think that would be an interesting dynamic to explore cause I usually see things going the other way around. No need to take this request if you don't want to write it of course! Have a great day/night<33 “
Pronouns: none specified
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
The first time you saw Rory was in art class. It was your first day and you were somewhat nervous, but he walked in as if he owned the place. He yelled "Good morning gays, gals and pals" with this kind hearted smile and you couldn't help but laugh at how comfortable he was around here. How he seemed to be at home. 
At the end of class, you decided to walk up to him, say hello. At the very least learn his name, except by the time you were done packing your things, he was gone. You felt a little lost looking at the empty seat he sat in just a moment ago but you were already dead set on getting to know the blonde kid better.
Since then, you've made lots of friends, partly due to you joining the photography club, which was pretty well known around the school. You were also best friends with the star of the football team which sure gave you a big boost on the popularity chart, not that you cared. Even with your newfound attention, you still felt like you were a little behind Rory. You'd see him every week in art class, always cracking a joke, making you and everyone else around him laugh. You often saw him hanging out with the same 2 brown haired boys and you couldn't help the jealousy you were feeling, so eventually you decided you've had enough. You were going to get closer to Rory!
The perfect opportunity snuck up on you one Friday, when you saw Rory eating lunch in the cafeteria alone. You excused yourself from your friends, making your way instead towards the blonde
"Is this seat open?" you said motioning to the seat right in front of him
"Yeah!" he replied with a bright smile, as if he was more than excited that you wanted to sit with him "I'm Rory!"
You sat down and gave him your name in return. From where you were sitting, you could see your friends.They were sitting around their usual table, glaring at you as if they couldn't understand what you could possibly be doing there, instead of by them. In fact, mostly everyone in the cafeteria was now watching you and Rory with judging looks. You knew Rory wasn't the most popular person in school, but you also didn't care. For what it's worth, he seemed to be a lot cooler than any other "popular" kid you knew.
"Is that a V for Vendetta pin on your shirt?" he asked, reaching over to touch the little handmade pin you had. You felt his fingertips press into your collarbone and sucked in a deep breath, suddenly shy at the unexpected contact
"Yeah! I made it myself out of an old coin a while back!"
"That's so cool! I used to make pins out of beer bottle caps when I was little! I didn't actually drink the beer, I would sneak the caps from my parents at family events!"  you giggled. You barely knew the boy and yet this seemed like such a ‘him’ thing to do
"And how did you make them?"
For the entire lunch break, you sat next to Rory, listening to him talk about his pins and his favorite comic books, which just so happened to match a lot of your favorites. You were more than excited by finding out that you had a lot in common. You liked the same bands and the same movies. He was full of stories about the supernatural and you have always been passionate about that kind of stuff.  
You always knew you kinda fancied the blonde boy and you weren’t ashamed of that, but now, actually being with him, talking to him, connecting with him, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach was almost insufferable.His mere presence was making you dizzy. He was so cute and his smile was worth millions. You loved listening to him talk and seeing his bright eyes sparkle with joy, but than the bell rang and you had to leave for your next class
"I had fun talking to you Rory!”
"Thank you, you're really cool, we should hang out more!" he said, making you blush
From that point on, you and Rory were much closer. You would hang out during school hours usually, which bummed you out, since you really saw Rory as more than a ‘convenience’ friend that you got along with simply because you saw each other almost everyday. You wished you could get closer to him, get to know him more intimately, but you didn’t want to push him into anything. The week after your first real interaction, Rory came to sit next to you in art. You were too engulfed in the video you were watching on your phone to notice when he walked in, but he made sure to make his presence known by wrapping his arms around you from behind
"Hi friend!" he said in a sing-song voice that made you giggle. He dragged his chair as close to you as he could, so you 2 could whisper to each other during class. Now, being so close to him, you could hear each of his sarcastic jokes and clueless questions better, each one making you laugh and smile. At times, he would lean into you to whisper something in your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin, sending shivers through your entire body.
One thing you learned about Rory during art class was just how competitive he was. Each class turned into a game of seeing who was the better artist. You weren't a huge fan of drawing, but you gave it your everything knowing that Rory was going to study your picture. He never said anything bad about it, he was too nice for that, but with each drawing you tried to impress him more and more.
Eventually, one day, you noticed Rory heading out of the school and decided to quickly followed him out
"Hey Rors! Wait up!!"
"Hey Y/N, wazzap?" he said in the funny voice he always made, making you smile
"All is good. I just had a question for you"
"Ok, shoot!"
"Are you free Saturday?" the boy looked at you with a confused smile
"I think so, yes. Why?"
"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"
"Yeah! That sounds awesome!! Who's coming?" his eyes were bright with excitement, only making you more nervous
"I mean...I was thinking it could be just the 2 of us..."
"Just us?"
"Yeah, you know. Like a date..."
"A date?"
"With me?"
"I mean if you want to, I'm not..."
"I would love to!" he smiled
"You-You would?"
"Yeah, sounds awesome!"
"Ok, um, great! Can I get your number so I can text you the details?"
On your way home, you held the little piece of paper with Rory's number in your closed fist, your face hot from excitement and happiness. God, you could barely wait for Saturday!
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Hi! Could I get HC from the guys? 👀 How they would always react to catching the reader seeing them "badly", in addition to the fact that he usually avoids them, but with his brothers it is incredible and they feel bad because they think they do not like him.  But she actually likes them and she looks at them like that because she "studies" them to draw them and she is too clumsy and shy to talk to them, that's why she ends up avoiding them. Until finally he catches her drawing them with lots of hearts or maybe they'll find her notebook with lots of portraits of them.
It's kind of funny because when I study people to draw them, they think that I look at them with hatred xd maybe I should increase my glasses prescription
God, glasses are such a pain in the ass but I have to wear them. If I don't anyone within my near vicinity doesn't have a face. But why they gotta get dirty so easily???? Makes me wanna explode or something
TMNT Headcanons
The boys w/ a quiet reader who is fine with his brothers but acts cold around him and stares a lot
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mikey couldn't describe his disappointment upon realizing that you didn't want to be friends with him
well, you never actually said that to him
but he was pretty sure it was the case
you'd never made an effort to be friends with him
stared at him an awful lot though, but there was always something off about your gaze when you looked at him
like you were sizing him up, scrutinizing him, like he was an opponent
it kinda worried him
to add to that, you didn't even attempt to look embarrassed when he caught you staring
you'd just stare harder
on your end it was quite the opposite
you always found the brothers fascinating and you LOVED studying their anatomy, you'd confessed this to Donnie early on and he happily indulged in your questions
and you loved how easily you got along with the boys
well, except for Mikey
but it wasn't for a lack of trying
whenever the orange sporting turtle came around your normally flamboyant personality crept back into its little corner and hid
any words of excitement that had previously been with you died in your throat
for the longest time you didn't understand it
and you hated not understanding things, so you turned to your only outlet
that's how you ended up with an entire sketchbook full of the youngest brother in vastly different styles and poses
you had a separate book for the others, none of them as detailed as this
and when you stared to analyze you'd fallen into a habit of not looking away when caught
by your logic, if you stared back hard enough he'd look away first or just assume you'd zoned out
he didn't
and on one hectic day you'd left your sketchbook open on the kitchen table in your rush to get to work
you hadn't even noticed the slip up until Leo texted you to let you know during your shift
instant panic
in truth, Mikey was the one who discovered the book upon waking up from his nap and he'd spent the next three hours analyzing every drawing
when you finally dropped in after work to grab your book the turtle was waiting for you with it in hand
he'd asked you if you hated him
you told him no and accepted your sketchbook from him
he was relieved and screaming excitedly, just in his head
"Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?"
You sighed in relief and nodded
"If you're cool with it- you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"I mean- you are talking to a turtle..."
you lightly shoved his chest and smiled, although it faded within a second
"Oh hush, 10 o'clock tomorrow? I'll bring snacks."
he was so stunned he could only shoot you finger guns in approval
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Donnie genuinely couldn't understand your unease around him
he'd followed all the proper expectations of holding a conversation
he was polite and engaging
so why wouldn't you talk to him?
this boy has read so many social blogs to try and figure out what he was doing wrong and he just couldn't put his finger on it
you were fine with the rest of his brothers, you'd stay up for hours laughing and gaming with them
you'd even sat still long enough to listen to Leo explain some old Japanese myth that he'd read about in a book
but with him it was always a quick, cordial greetings and farewells with bland small talk in between
Donnie had picked up pretty quickly that you weren't interested in any sort of interaction with him
and he convinced himself that that was okay
but that didn't explain the staring
he'd caught you in the act several times, eyes narrowed and locked on him
especially when you were alone with him in a room or just in the lair
the poor turtle just couldn't put his finger on it
then he caught you drawing, he noticed early on that you always carried a small sketchbook on your person but he didn't think much of it
and it wasn't so much that he caught you drawing, in fact, he wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't snapped at him while he was trying to do a sudoku puzzle
"Damn it Donnie! Stop moving! If I fuck this arm up one more time I'm gonna decompose!"
he'd quickly moved back into the position he was in prior
but you'd gone silent again, occasionally glancing up from your work and running your eyes along his frame before looking down again
nearly twenty minutes later Donnie had finished the puzzle and it seemed as though you had finished your drawing
"Uh- can I ask what are you-"
"I'm drawing you but you kept moving your arm and making me mess up. You always do that when I draw you so every damn picture I have of you stays a sketch because you always come out looking like a fucking octopus."
He just stared
"Sorry, I uh- I didn't mean to explode on you like that. I'm just- I'm really bad at talking to you okay? It's so easy with everyone else but you've just gotta be so damn smart all the time and I worry that you'll think I'm boring so I just... don't talk to you?"
Donnie is stunned™
You refuse to show him the drawing until you can complete the line art and color it
But at least he knows that you don't hate him
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To be completely honest Leo didn't mind that you were distant from him
You created an aura of calm when you were around and you always managed to distract his brothers while you were present
And he enjoyed the alone time
But after a few months that calm acceptance turned into jealousy
Not that he would ever admit it
He would just push it off and ignore it, that usually seemed to work
So why wasn't it?
And your obvious staring problem didn't help at all
Leo didn't spend much time considering his appearance but something about your gaze made him self conscious
And he hated that with a passion
Why was it that you could hold entire debates with his siblings? Even his dad for gods sake. You'd have hour long conversations on almost everything but whenever he tried to say hello you'd make up some lame ass excuse and scamper away
He just wanted an explanation
It appeared that the answer resided in your sketchbook
You'd left it open on the couch when Raph had called you away to spar with him
Leo very delicately flipped through the pages, careful not to disturb some of the polaroid pictures of his brothers
He was admittedly surprised to find pictures of himself among the pages
One of him in a handstand, another of him meditating, there was even one of him mid sneeze that you'd recreated with pencil and paper
The image of his eyes was the most startling, but the book held no polaroid of his eyes
You drew them from memory
And he was shocked when you returned to the room and didn't immediately panic
But that might have been because he didn't try to withhold your book from you
"It took me three months to color them, your eyes. I could never get the shade of blue just right."
"I'm gonna be honest with you y/n, I really thought you didn't like me."
You had the nerve to roll your eyes and follow it with a laugh
"I don't. I mean- I do but no, you just remind me a lot of myself and I haven't exactly figured out why yet. I thought that maybe if I drew you it'd be easier to figure you out..."
"Well did it help?"
You grinned
"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"
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If there was one thing Raph hated it was not understanding something that was right in front of him
which is ironic, as a much younger version of himself probably couldn't care less
and a part of him wishes he didn't care about it so much
he wishes that your blatant avoidance of him didn't upset him
but shit, it got under his skin better than any needle ever could
was it too much to ask for you to just tell him what he said or did wrong?
was he asking too much of you?
but on the same scale you'd never shown obvious dislike towards him, you were never rude and you sure as hell didn't talk shit about him to his brothers
you got along great with them
in fact it was getting more difficult to remember a time before you became a part of his family
he'd become so used to your presence that it no longer put him off when he found you hanging around the lair
but in another sense he was certain that you hadn't spoken more than three sentences to him in your time knowing him or his family
so what was the reason
several months in he finally caught onto the staring, your narrow, glassy gaze locked onto his body and refusing to look away
he stared right back at you
this annoyed you for several reasons
because within five seconds your very peaceful drawing session had turned into a staring contest and your eyes were getting VERY dry
then you exhaled in a half-sigh and looked back down at your paper
"Huh, I guess your head is more of an oblong shape..."
he took offense to this
"What tha' hell is that supposed t'mean?"
now your eyes held more of an amused silent judgement, you begrudgingly held up your sketchbook
"I'm drawing you, you fucking walnut."
now you rolled you eyes and tossed the book to him, he nearly dropped it and fumbled with the pages
your annoyance was quickly growing
"Careful with that."
He flipped through the pages at a snails pace, assumingly because he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing
you had some real talent
when he looked back up at you he was wearing that crooked smile
"and here I was thinkin' that my eyes were just green."
Hope I was able to get this down pretty well! I really enjoyed writing this one! Thanks for the patience!
-Mars 🌠
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margarethx · 3 years
Sambucky writing prompts
Because I have a lot of ideas and no ability to focus on writing any of them right now... so I might as well share. Feel free to use any of these. You can tag me or send a link if you want to. (Unless it's ”a story about poor, sad Bucky... and Sam is kinda there to help” type of fanfiction, bacause I love Sam too much to read something like that.)
Let's go!
1. Both Sam and Bucky are trained to be Winter Soldiers at the same time. On one of the shared missions they accidentally form a connection which helps them with slowly getting their memories back, so they can escape together.
2. The Winter Soldier is sent to kill one Samuel Thomas Wilson, but for some reason he just cannot do it. (Or he almost did and regrets it immediately.)
3. Bucky's a mechanic that Sam called to help with repairing the boat and he works very slowly on purpose to have an excuse to see Sam more often.
4. Sam can actually talk to birds (as he should!) and they start to be annoying always asking about his dating life.
5. Sam is a literal angel. That's the prompt. (And canon.)
6. Sam and Bucky go on long, separate vacation. But they somehow end up in the same country, the same town, and the same hotel. Probably the same room too. What a surprise...
7. Bucky knows a lot of things about Sam and Sam is sure he never told him about any of that. Turns out Bucky migh have done some research between 2014 and 2016 when Sam was looking for him.
8. Sam discovers that Bucky had something to do with picking the designs for his new superhero suit.
9. Bucky finally tries to bond with Redwing and Sam does a very bad job at pretending he’s not amused.
10. Bucky has to deal with a painful realisation that Sam is not a supersoldier and that no matter how strong he is he'll always be more likely to get seriously hurt on their missions.
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11. When they are frustrated Bucky starts to speak Russian and Sam responds to him in Arabic which doesn't solve the initial problem, but at least it's funny. (Bonus points if one of them - or both - pretends to not now the language the other one's speaking.)
12. Bucky has a terrible reputation and looks dangerous, so everyone prefers to avoid him, but then he meets Sam who just makes fun of his edgy persona all the time... and Bucky for some gay reason lets him. Everyone else is just very confused and worried about Sam’s safety. (Probably some University/High School AU.)
13. [It’s more like an art prompt, but whatever.] They both have long hair now. No plot. Just both of them being in love and appreciating how handsome the other one looks.
14. Since both Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan exist in the MCU canon I’d love to see Sam and Bucky’s reactions to their actors being on screen when they watch movies together.
15. Bucky didn’t have much experience with dating since 1940s and he thought he’d be the awkward one once he and Sam get together, but it turns out Sam was never in any relationship, because he was too busy and neglected that part of his life.
16. They both have the canon skills/powers, but only one of them is a superhero. The other is “their” villain. So still enemies to lovers, but a different flavour.
17. Sam always had the ability to talk to birds. He just... forgot to mention it before to other people, including Bucky. So the power-reveal is quite unexpected.
18. Sam and Bucky literally hate each other – it’s not just their canon-like amused annoyance. But then they start to learn what happened to the other one in the past and the feelings slowly shift from hatered into something else. (Might be a No Powers AU)
19. Sam thinks that Bucky misses the 40s. Well, he’s wrong.
20. Sam is a regular civilian (who never met Steve). He finds Bucky right after he escaped HYDRA and helps him go back to normal life. (He might know who he’s helping or not.)
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21. Bucky learns about Riley, but he doesn’t learn it directly from Sam.
22. Sam and Bucky come back after the Blip, see each other, and try to deal with the situation together, no knowing what has just happened.
23. Bucky explains to Steve why he won’t go back to the past with him. It’s  mostly because of Sam, obviously.
24. A story about Sam and Bucky growing apart between Endgame and tfatws and how they dealt with feeling like they’re losing yet another person so soon. (And about them coming bact to each other again.)
25. Sam and Bucky learn how other people around them see their relationship. It doesn’t really mirror how they see this partnership themselves.
26. A classic role-swap. Sam is the Winter Soldier. Bucky’s the Falcon. Their personalities stay exactly the same.
27. Sam and Bucky try to tell someone who knows almost nothing about them how they met. (They lie or they don’t.)
28. Bucky deals with people who are openly against Sam as the new Captain. Sam deals with people who think Bucky should be locked up for being “with” HYDRA in the past.
29. Sam is still The Falcon and later Captain America, but Bucky’s a regular person who also happens to be Sam’s huge fan.
30. Dr. Raynor said she heard a lot about Sam (presumably from Bucky). But what exactly did Bucky tell her?
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31. Only one of them died after the Snap. The other one has to live for five years, hoping they’ll be able to reverse it.
32. The first time Sam and Bucky saw each other: scared, feeling exhausted, really happy, genuinely laughing, truly angry, crying, completely resigned, flustered, shy.
33. After being frozen in Wakanda Bucky lost all memories related to Sam. Sam has to decide whether he should use the opportunity to start the relationship over or let Bucky know about their less-than-ideal beginnings.
34. Sam accidentally gets super-serum. Bucky helps him with adjusting.
35. Bucky accidentally loses super-serum. Sam helps him with adjusting.
36. Sam used to visit Wakanda when Bucky was frozen and talked to him a lot, even when Bucky couldn’t hear him. (Well, couldn’t he?)
37. They have a conversation about Steve, but it’s Sam telling Bucky stories from their friendship (how they met, what they did as fugatives, how Sam feels about Steve leaving without saying goodbye).
38. Sam and Bucky use time travel (because they survived the Snap or for other reasons) and they see the past versions of themselves alone or interacting with each other.
39. Sam and Bucky are stuck in Soul Stone together. The problem is that they cannot really hide their emotions or memories as well as they would be able to as real people.
40. After disappearing in the Snap Sam gets a chance to talk to Riley. They know Sam will eventually come back to life, but they still can spend time together and get some closure that will help with moving Sam’s relationship with Bucky forward.
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myaimistrue · 3 years
del myaimistrue’s underrated destiel fic recs part 2!
as with part 1, these are all fics i’m a big fan of that aren’t as popular or well known. they all have less than 10k hits on ao3 OR were published pre-2015 OR both. hope you like them!!! leave a comment for the author if you did :)
list under the cut, organized by word count!
in earth, and sky, and sea by charcoalcas
1.6k. on easter morning, cas tells dean he had a crush on jesus. very funny and very sweet and very domestic. featuring some jesus/dean comparisons!
Meant to Be Near Me by Sass_Master
1.9k proposal/marriage fic. sweet and wildly in-character. this is a fic i read sometimes when i’m bummed out because it always makes me smile. 
absolvere by microcomets
2k that takes place after the attack dog spell and dean’s refusal to be healed in 11x03. so tender and so wonderfully written. yes perhaps i did tear up at the image of cas washing dean’s feet. don’t worry you will too.
walking on a string by swordfishtrombones
2.7k set during season 6. cas goes to see dean to help with a hunt in the midst of the civil war. they’re in a kinda sorta relationship and it’s soooooooo interesting. i’ve decided the author is a certified cas-understander because this is his pov and i think they totally nail it. beautifully written and absolutely worth the read.
Scenes with a Shark (Or: Hello, Blåhaj) by aeli_kindara
3.3k established relationship fic. dean and cas have an stuffed shark and visit ikea! super cute and offers up an alternate look at the way cas might handle the empty deal. if you can’t tell i love an established relationship fic, and this is a great one.
Ain’t Ever Gonna Part by ellispark
MIXTAPE FIC!!! 4k retrospective looking at previous people dean’s loved with sprinkling of moments from season 12 and 13. great dean character study with such a perfect final scene.
Things that were, things that are by dreamline
6.8k. very dean-centric. sam finds out that dean engaged in sex work when they were both children, which brings up a lot of old trauma for them both. it’s a super heavy topic and the author handles it with respect and no exploitation or glorification. the dean and sam conversation is amazing and the scene with dean and cas at the end is so tender. dean studies fic for sure.
Deprived of Every Planet by KelpietheThundergod
9k words. a case fic that features extremely touch-starved dean and cas being very gentle with him. such an intimate look at their relationship, all cozy and a little sad and very very sweet. 
all my goodness is gone with you now [15x09 coda] by emmbrancsxx0
fics that make you a shell of your former self. like i’m going to be honest i had to go sit outside in the sunshine after reading this because it absolutely DEVASTATED me. it’s 9.9k of the universe we see in 15x09 the trap in which cas has the mark of cain. featuring incredible character work and dialogue that was so painfully in-character. you will probably cry but it will definitely be worth it.
The Art of Giving by cenotaphy
i truly love a fic in which dean is a bit of an asshole because he has no idea how to be in a relationship--this 9.9k story definitely fits within that category. you’re going to be frustrated with him, but you’re also going to love all of the interactions with him and cas because they are super well-written and in-character. and don’t worry, it has a very sweet ending!
Good Hands by aileenrose
13.2k. first of all, i highly recommend everything by this author--they write my favorite aus EVER. this specifically is one of my favorites. cas owns a b&b and dean is a drifter/handyman who stops in and ends up staying to help make repairs. the atmosphere is so good, and the story is trope-y in the best way.
We Both Kinda Liked It by elizajane
one of my new all-time faves. 13.5k that dives into rhonda hurley and dean’s thing for panties with a lot of cas being lovely and supportive. there’s a lot of ideas out there about who rhonda was and how dean knew her and the version of her in this fic is now my personal headcanon. if you love dean being loved, then you will adore this fic.
Death Rattles by emmbrancsxx0
i normally don’t read horror fic much but this one is soooo good and honestly frightening. 30.1k established relationship deancas with a side of casefic--especially recommended for my cas fans. you’re going to think you know what’s going on like six times and each time you’ll be wrong. and that ending...hoo boy!
Light in the Dark by nurfherder
110k. this is SUCH a story. i read it kind of slowly over a couple weeks so i don’t know how it feels if you binge it, but i really enjoyed it! it’s an au in which dean inherits the family apple orchard after john dies and cas is a businessman who buys it from him. they work together to make a profit and turn the place around but it is…. SO MUCH more than that. it gets pretty heavy so heed the tags but god it’s a great read. the emotion is so realistic and so well done. highly recommended if you’re looking for something longer.
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