#I’ve always hated going to the gym on my ones
wakeup01 · 1 day
Theft Of A Bro
Uffh. Yeah, that’s good. Just like I thought…tight. We’ll see how long that lasts. No need to talk bro, I know what you want to say. You’re sorry for reacting that way, that me being gay shouldn’t have changed anything. That you shouldn’t have used that slur, or called me a bitch.
Hindsight is 20/20 though, especially when you’re getting fucked by a bro who’s stealing your muscles. Dude, don’t look away. Look me in the eyes, I want you to watch your legs dangle hopelessly above you as I take your masculinity. Take the body you worked so hard for. And I want to see your expression when you begin to love it.
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I can already see your arms deflating down there, becoming dainty twigs. You won’t be able to lift a thing with those. That’s okay bro, you can give that bulk to me. I’ll put it to good use. Fuck. See them balloon, so fucking good man. Rrrrww! My biceps feel so much stronger, check out these guns. Check out YOUR guns on my body. Haha. What? Come on bro, you can forgive me for a bit of flexing. Okay maybe a lot of flexing, but I can’t help it. You were always such a egocentric showoff - puffing out your chest like a territorial beast. A textbook, self obsessed fuckboy, now I understand why.
And just look at my expanding pecs. So fucking thick and juicy. Bouncing in time with my th—thrusts! Those used to be yours. You always hated how guys used to eye them up, but now you’ll be the one salivating at them. No need to try and deny it my dude, soon enough your body will have new…needs. Wow bro, you’re already looking real flat down there. Those endless hours spent at the gym to boost your fragile ego, only for me to steal it within seconds. All that definition just fading into your tiny, slimming stomach. Those grab-able hips. Fuck, me on the other hand, I’ve never felt stronger. You could break rocks on here! I’ll take good care of these abs, they look better on me anyway.
Aww, your square jaw is rounding out to a cute little pouty face. Squirm all you want. You look so adorable when trying to seem angry bro. Hard to take you seriously when you’re blushing so intensely. You did always tease my boyish features and now my head is like chiselled marble. And you? That button nose and those freckles, guys are just gonna love you. Say goodbye to being a manly jock. Hello twinky boitoi! I think your waist is now thinner than your girlfriend… or is that ex girlfriend now? That’s a body designed to be fucked brah. So just let me fuck it. Take it like a BITCH! Like the BITCH you thought I was.
Uff. I can feel my cock expanding inside you. The veins pulsing, flowing with blood. Can you feel it too bitch? Yeah, by your expression I know you can. Stretching your hole wide, filling you to the limit. Feels good, doesn’t it. Don’t look now but your dick is shrinking. I’m stealing all that length, all that girth; pushing mine deeper and deeper inside you. Pounding that prostate. There you go. A tiny nub. My churning balls are dropping lower and swelling as yours shrivel up. Mmmff. Fuck that’s sick bro.
Yeah, it’s okay to moan. Your breathy voice getting higher and higher, as mine gets deeper. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s normal for slutty bitches in heat like you. It’s in your nature. Especially when in the presence of an alpha god like me. Whew, my pits are sweating like mad, just smell that intense musk. Smells just like you used to, bet that fact makes you real hard. Smelling your scent dripping from another man as it’s stolen from you.. Sniff and moan. Sniff, moan and give everything to me.
Holy shit, even your skinny legs are hairless now bro. Just like the rest of your smooth, svelte physique. How does it feel? How does it feel to be the ideal gay bottom slut, the very thing you abhorred.
Why so quiet broski? Oh that’s right, we’re trading that pigheaded ego for an eagerness to please. You had enough confidence to share, so I’m taking it. Taking all of it. Fuck. Yes. Your outspoken nature is draining into me, leaving a timid little mouse in it’s place. A stark difference from that rude, puffed-up dick you prided yourself on being. Even now I bet part of you wants to talk back, be a brat. Hm, but that shy smile betrays what you really are. A well behaved boy who knows his manners. Isn’t that fucking right? Heh, good boy.
Look at me and see what you used to be. Marvel at me, marvel at what you’ve lost. Starstruck at your own well deserved comeuppance. Feel your nub twitch at the sight of the perfect man fucking your jock-hood into nothingness. That strength being sapped away. It makes you feel so small and weak. But you can’t tear your eyes away.
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Your head? Sorry bro, I got bored of being the dumb one, so yeah, I’m taking your smarts too. Even if you did waste it and let your cock make most of the decisions. Maybe if you hadn’t held it over me, looked down at me. Well…who’s looking down now? Don’t worry, being air-headed has it’s benefits. That empty look in your eyes, the open drooling mouth. Blissful ignorance. The cute way you’ll get confused at the simplest of things. The ‘ummms’ and ‘huhs’ as you bite your lip and push out your rear. Talking like the complete basic bitch gay you once hated. The constant state of mind melting hornyiness. Dumb as a rock. A complete ditz. You’ll get by doing ‘favours’.
I’m not a jackass though. Not like you were. It’s only fair you get something of mine bro, you can have what’s left of my body fat. Unf. Straight to your rear. Let it plump up your butt to a perfect round bubble. A wobbly shelf. A big bouncy booty. Woof. Yeah just like that. The perfect entrance to your endlessly usable fuck hole. Damn, it’s tight. Let’s conquer it.
Bruh, your masculinity is truly delicious, surrender the rest up to me. To my new hulking, godlike form. Purge every trace of manliness from your puny effeminate body with abject glee. Lisp, smile and giggle like a silly little girl. Like the Femboy you were destined to become.
Like a BITCH.
Say again? Bthweed? Oh, you want me to BREED you. Way ahead of you bro. When I cum with my monster cock, your pretty little head will become stuffed with thick, cummy cotton candy. And bro, it’s never gonna clear up again. I have a new adorable outfit already picked out for you. Thigh high socks, booty shorts, a tiny thong and a nice thick collar with your name on the tag. BITCH.
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I’m gonna enjoy parading you out in front of all our fraternity bros. You’ll pretend to be all timid and ashamed but I’ll know you’re actually loving the sense of humiliation. Loving your new place as my emasculated gay fucktoy. If you beg enough I might even let the rest of the frat borrow you. I’ll be sure to let ‘your’ girl know that you were a good hole after being passed around. Maybe she’ll even give you tips, you’ll be besties in no time.
Hm? That’s ‘thank you sir’ to you. That’s better. Let’s be clear, we’re not ‘bros’ anymore. I’m a fuckmachine and you’re a glorified fleshlight. We need to make sure you don’t forget your role. A simple tag will suffice. I’ll even let you choose where your ‘BITCH’ tattoo goes. Forehead or rear, it’s up to you. Yeah boi, I think it’ll look good there too.
Now open wide BITCH and be ready to swallow. I’m about to fucking blow.
Whew! That was a good fuck. Clean up boy, the other bros will be here soon and I…woah. Damn, I feel lightheaded. It’s like my brain is overstuffed. With…stuff. And my cock, uughhh. It won’t soften. Maybe I took a bit too much from you, but fuck, I couldn’t help myself. You deserved it after all. But bruh, I need to lift! Huhuh! Oh shit. I don’t want to be exactly like you were! But dude. Like bruh! My head! Gotta lift! Gotta flex! Gotta get to the gym and be the blockheaded fuckboy muscle jock this body deserves!
Pass me your old jockstrap, yerhh, my huge cock gonna do the thinking for the both of us brooo!
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halloithmeagain · 2 years
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secretsofafangirll · 1 month
oral fixation - m.s.
summary: matts girlfriend loves to have things in her mouth. when she gets home after a day of minor inconveniences, she seeks comfort from her boyfriend, in a rather, unconventional way.
warnings: oral (male receiving), praising, pet names (baby, sweetheart, etc.), soft!dom matt, sub!fem, talk of anxiety,
a/n: couple of things; one, the girl doesn't have a name so you can imagine whomever you'd like, two, i've started planning my Matt series...anyways, hope you guys like it! :)))
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"A touch / From your real love / Is like heaven takin' the place of somethin' evil"
For my entire life, I’ve loved having things in my mouth. 
When I was younger, it was impossible for my parents to get my thumb or my pacifier out of my mouth. The comfort that came from having the object resting in my mouth was too intense for me to leave behind. Behaviors like that followed me into childhood with things like gum or lollipops. In high school, I chewed copious amounts of gum, always had a pen or pencil in my mouth and played with my lips all the time. 
Naturally, when I managed to find myself a boyfriend, he became aware of my oral fixation in many ways. He would always notice how often I had things in my mouth or if I was biting my lips, he would offer me something else so I didn’t tear up the delicate skin. It got to a point where, if he and I were laying down together and one of his hands was unoccupied, I would simply reach down and grab his hand, bringing it to my mouth and wrapping my lips around one of his fingers and playing with it in my mouth. Of course Matt enjoyed this himself, but there were other ...situations, where this oral fixation benefitted him much more than putting a finger in my mouth. 
Matt also understood why I do what I do. Him and I both struggle with anxiety, and we both have for years. In high school, I was medicated for it and had a hard time getting through the day. However, I hated the way that the meds made me feel and I swore to my parents that I wasn’t going to take them anymore and that I’d find another way to cope. Matt copes with alone time and silence but I get more overstimulated than he does and when I do, all I want is to have something in my mouth and someone to touch. 
Which is why on days like these, anxiety ridden and insane days, I need my boyfriend and one of his extremities to rest between my lips. 
After several cars cutting me off on the road and almost hitting me on the way to the gym this morning, I was already slightly shaken up and worried for my safety. When I got to the gym, there was a man somewhat following me around, conveniently using all of the machines next to me. After that, I went to the grocery store in hopes that they had some grapes and snacks for me to feel better, they were out of seedless grapes which sent me into a frenzy about the way that the seeds feel in my mouth, and the self-checkout lanes were under renovation and I had to talk to the cashier to check out. 
I took shallow and quick breaths as I walked swiftly out to my car. I tossed the bag into the back seat and swung open the driver door. The second that I was enclosed in my car, in my space, I was able to calm myself down. Once I had myself under control, I started the car and drove home. When I arrived, I grabbed my things from the car and headed inside. I used my house key to unlock the front door, using my foot to close it behind me. I tossed my keys in the dish and heard Matt typing on the couch. 
“Hi baby,” He said without looking up. I didn’t respond because I just wanted to put the groceries I picked up away and sit with him. “Alright,” He said and continued typing away. 
I put the cold stuff in the refrigerator and the dry stuff in the pantry and cabinets before heading to his room to slide out my dirty and uncomfortable gym clothes and into one of his shirts. Once I was comfortable and the smell of his cologne filled my nostrils, I was finally ready to lay down next to him on the couch. 
“Sorry,” I murmured quietly, gently taking a seat next to him and pulling a blanket over my legs, curling into his side and latching onto one of his arms, “I just wanted to put those away so that I could sit with you.” 
I sat there looking for something of his to grab onto but his hands were occupied and I don’t think he’d appreciate it if I put anything else, if you know what I mean, in my mouth at the moment. I sighed quietly to myself and began to bite on my lips. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” He said, leaning over to kiss the top of my head. 
I continued my assault on my lips and I felt the skin tear and the metallic taste of my own blood rested on my tongue. When it started to hurt too bad to bite my lips, one of my hands found my mouth and I started to bite and suck on that instead, the other arm wrapping impossibly tighter around his. His elbow nudged my side and he looked over at me. 
“You doin’ okay?” He asked without looking away from his computer where he was replying to emails and taking notes in a Google Doc. I only hummed, unwilling to take my fingers out of my mouth. My lack of a real response, which I know he hated, made him finally look up at me. My eyes blinked guiltily at him when his brows went from furrowed to concerned, “Sweetheart,” He sighed and reached up to pull my hand away from my mouth. I flexed all of my muscles to keep it in my mouth but he tilted his head at me and pulled harder, his strength easily overpowering mine. 
“I’m sorry,” I sighed, relaxing my muscles and looking down my hands with guilt and embarrassment written all over my face. 
“Hey,” He said softly, reaching out to grab my jaw and gently pull my head up to look at him, “You don’t have to say sorry. There’s nothing to apologize for.” He shook his head and looked into my eyes for an explanation, “D’you have a bad day?” He asked and closed his computer screen ¾ of the way down. 
“Kind of,” I said, questioning in my tone, “I don’t even know. It’s just been, like, too much.” I tried to spit it out but I struggled to pin-point how, exactly, I felt. It was just too much.
“That’s okay, baby,” He cooed, “You want my hand?” My eyes widened in excitement and I nodded before correcting myself with a ‘Yes, please’. 
He brought his left forearm up to my mouth and I played with his long fingers trying to pick which one I wanted. I decided on the pointer first, but planned to use every finger but the pinky. He used his other hand to scroll through emails and business inquiries, also scrolling through pinterest to find inspiration for future videos. 
I, on the other hand, swirled my tongue mindlessly around his fingers, taking them all the way into my mouth and then back out, my saliva coating his fingers down the knuckle. Every so often, he would shift his hips slightly or clear his throat and scratch his neck. I knew how this was affecting him, but he also respected my needs more than his and wouldn’t want to make me uncomfortable. After close to twenty minutes had passed of my sucking on his fingers, he looked at the time on his computer and closed it all the way. He leaned back against the couch, his hand still in my mouth and he turned his head as it laid against the top of the couch and he watched me mindlessly play with his fingers. When I fully pulled off his middle finger alone, I pushed his ring finger to meet it and took them both fully into my mouth. He groaned and I snapped my eyes to meet him and worked my mouth around his fingers. 
“God, don’t fuckin’ look at me like that when you’ve got my fingers down your throat, honey,” He instructed gently, understanding of my rather fragile nature. I pulled off his fingers, letting my tongue teasingly drag across the length of them. 
“Sorry,” I swallowed to clear my throat and scooted closer to him. He reached across himself and wrapped his dry hand around my thigh and under my knee to pull me onto his lap. I squealed at the sudden movement but settled and nuzzled into his lap. 
“How many times are you gonna apologize, hm?” He questioned with a smile, tucking my hair behind my ears. 
“You know how I am, Matt,” I laughed and grabbed his wrists and put them on top of my thighs, encouraging him to tickle them. 
“Yeah, I do,” He smiled, “But that means that I know you’re gonna keep saying sorry until you feel better.” He accused me and I smiled like I’d been caught stealing, “What else do you need, baby?”
I blushed and looked down at my hands, “I don’t wanna-,”
“Oh, you’re gonna.” He said sternly. 
“I want you.”
“You have me.” He said and nudged my chin with his knuckle, “What do you need?”
“Need your cock,” I said quietly. 
“What was that?” He turned his ear toward me. 
“I need your cock, Matthew.” I said louder. 
“There she is.” He said and gently moved my thighs to allow me to sink to my knees in front of him. “See? Wasn’t that hard, no?” 
When I was comfortable at his feet, I worked to remove his belt and unbuckle his pants. He did the work of actually pushing them down. His hard cock sprung out of his pants and he hissed as the cool air penetrated the sensitive and tacky skin. His tip was lathered in a small amount of pre-cum and he pulsed and twitched slightly. I pouted at the sight for two reasons; one being that it made me want him in my mouth even more, and two, I felt bad for the state I’d put him in. 
“Matty,” I whined, tracing circles with the fingernails on his knees, “I didn’t know it was this bad. I’m sorry.” 
“If you say sorry one more time, all you’re getting is my fingers,” He tutted. My eyes widened in fear. 
“Okay, I’ll stop.” I promised and he smiled down at me. 
“Good girl.” 
I got to quick work pumping his cock in my hand to get him ready. His cock looked so big compared to my smaller hand. It didn’t even fit around the entire thing. He groaned and hissed at the stimulation, his breathing getting heavier and slightly more labored. Soon, I leaned down and gently licked the tip before wrapping my lips around the tip. Pleasure and comfort washed over me and I continued to sink my head down onto his dick. His hands gathered my hair in a make-shift ponytail on my head and he held my hair out of my face. He didn’t push my head down, he just simply aided me in my quest for comfort, which I was most definitely finding. 
“There you go baby,” He praised, “So fuckin’ good,” He whispered, more to himself than anyone else. 
I took his cock down my throat slowly, suppressing the slight gag reflex I still have, though it’s not too bad. I whined around his dick with comfort and need. 
“What baby?” He asked breathlessly, pulling me off him, “Why’re you whinin’? You got what you wanted, no?” 
“No!,” I protested, pushing his hands away, “I’m fine! I just love having you, s’all.” I explained with a smile before going back down on him. As I continued to work his cock, my body visibly relaxed and the sighs of content that left my mouth. Matt simply closed his eyes above me, opening them periodically to watch me take him down my throat. 
Matt started to get close, his hips becoming restless under me and his hands that were in my hair started to guide me down his cock faster. He moaned and whimpered as he grew closer and closer to the edge. 
“Oh fuck-,” He whimpered, “God, so good, baby. So close.”
His stutters and whimpers encouraged me to work with him faster, yet take my time on all of his sensitive bits. I relied on the relief that accompanied the weight of his cock on my tongue. I worked him until hips stuttered and bucked off the couch and he moaned my name and praises into the air.  
“Gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cum.” He whispered, bucking his hips into my throat making me choke slightly but I didn’t care, “M Sorry. Fuck,” He whispered and then e shot his load down my throat. I felt the warm liquid hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it down. “Show me,” He demanded, once he caught his breath and he pulled me off him all the way. I stuck my tongue out to show him that I swallowed it and he smiled at me in response, lightly tapping my cheek with the hand that held my jaw. 
“Thank you,” I sighed, my throat somewhat sore. 
“No, thank you, my beautiful girl.” He leaned down and kissed me gently, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. When I pulled away, I bit the inside of my lip and looked into his eyes, silently yearning for more. His brows pinched together and his mouth opened slightly, “What, baby? Not enough?” I looked at him with a guilty smile and shook my head. 
“I just want more,” I said quietly. He opened his mouth to respond but as soon as he did, his laptop and phone dinged several times, he looked at his phone and saw what it was. 
“Look, sweetheart, I’ve got more work shit to do,” I groaned and sat back on my heels below him but he pressed a finger to my lips, “But, if you’d let me finish you impatient little baby,” he teased, “if you’re good and hold me without moving your tongue at all, you can stay where you are.” 
“Yes please. I promise I’ll be good,” I nodded my head and sat back up right. He nodded at me and grabbed everything he needed to continue working and I took him back into my mouth. I zoned out with him in my mouth but it was still exciting to be getting what I’d been craving all day and my tongue jerked against a few times. 
“Ah, ah,” He asked, “Settle, sweetheart. You promised me.” He directed and when I calmed down around his cock, his hand patted my head softly and he went back to typing away. 
a/n: i'd been working on this for about a week or so. hope you guys liked it!!
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occamstfs · 3 months
Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it’s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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babygorewhore · 8 days
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Frat!Rafe Cameron x sporty! fem reader!
As Kiara’s older sister, gifted athlete and now college student, you never had time for dating. Or time to acknowledge your secret crush on Rafe Cameron. But when your eighteen year old little sister visits, she pushes you to attend one of his parties.
W.C. 2.4k. I was requested by anon for inexperienced!reader! And size kink! I hope you enjoy!! I lowkey wanna burn this lol
Warnings! I am NOT an athlete by any means so this is very vague lol. Size kink! Inexperienced reader! Manhandling, slapping kink! (Rafe likes to be slapped) degrading, praise, oral! Fem receiving! Unprotected sex! Reader is sporty and frequently works out. Kiara is also OOC but it’s my fic lol. Dividers by @xxbimbobunnyxx
Getting a visit from your parents and little sister motivated you for the performance as you accepted flowers and praise after the competition. Your mother and father finally allowed Kiara to stay the weekend with you on campus, you managed to convince them that your eighteen year old baby sister would be completely safe with you.
You knew they were mostly attempting to keep her away from Pogues back home but with your down to earth nature she felt comfortable to get along with you.
“I don’t know why you’re wasting your time studying something else. Why don’t you go to a fancy art school or some shit? Follow your dreams!” Kiara flopped on your bed in your dorm and you sighed.
“Because. Sports aren’t a long lasting career choice for me. Besides, if you want to live with me, I need to have a good paying job, right?” You countered as you sipped a protein shake.
“You need to stop thinking about everyone else. Think of yourself. You don’t have a life. All you do is study, work and compete. You’ve got to be so bored.” She argues, folding her arms.
“I’m not bored, Kiara. I stay busy and I’m fine with that. And I do have a life! I have a few friends and I have you.” You mumble and she lifts herself up, walking over to you and lightly elbows you.
“You know how much I hate them, they’re a waste of money that could be used for donations but what about parties? Have you gone to any?” Rolling your eyes, you groan at her lecture.
You knew she was jealous of your freedom, considering her relationship with your parents and her full time job. But she also didn’t understand you. The pressure you’d always been under. At a young age, you were in gymnastics. Building your body like a machine while you spent everyday challenging yourself to meet your next goal. And you were good at it.
Your wall was covered in medals, your shelf had a few trophies and photographs of your proud moments.
Dancing was a natural evolution for you. Something you’d discovered when one of your gymnast friends opened their own studio after graduating high school a few years ago. The fluidity of movement, the tempo of the beat and music brought you to life. You were strong, frequently at the gym to keep up with having to flip yourself around in the air with your part time job that was physically demanding.
Your life was fast paced, a competitive streak in your blood motivated you to remain disciplined and focused. Your guilt for being so busy was one of the reasons you wanted Kiara to stay with you this weekend. But she did have a point.
You didn’t have time for dating. You’d never had a boyfriend, guys in the past weren’t exactly pleased that you could fairly put up a physical fight given your athletic lifestyle and razor sharp drive. Men found you…boring. You had an obsession with Halloween and darker things too. It was a nice change from the neon uniforms you were forced to wear.
Her question about parties reminded you of a instagram post you were tagged in yesterday and Kiara must have sensed your train of thought. “Don’t tell me you were invited to one and you’re not gonna go?”
“I’ve been too busy! Plus I wanted to hang out with you-“
“It’s tonight?” She shrieked and started shoving you to your bedroom. “What the hell are we doing? You need to get ready.”
“Kiara, I’m not going to some stupid party. I’m tired from dancing earlier and besides Rafe Cameron isn’t going to notice one person who doesn’t show up.”
“I fucking knew it. You’ve been crushing on that asshole for years. That’s why you were so happy you got into this school.” She accused and you defensively shook your head.
“No I haven’t-“
“Me and Sarah knew you liked him when you shoved him in the pool years ago when he was messing with us when you were life guarding. And that’s why you always offered to babysit during high school. You just wanted to be near him.” Kiara made your jaw drop and you turned away.
“That’s not true! He’s a dick! Why would I like someone like Rafe? That’s why I’m ignoring his invitation.” She extended her hand.
“Let me see the post.” You grumbled something about how your little sister was the one bossing you around and you slapped your phone in her palm.
She read the invite with her mouth parted. “It’s a fucking Halloween themed party? You can dress up and you’re not going? He’s obviously obsessed with you.” You yank your phone back.
“What are you talking about? He’s not!”
“He was there tonight. I saw him watching you dance in the crowd.” You gasped and you felt your cheeks burn. “And now, he’s doing something knowing you like it. Get out of those damn sweatpants and put on something cute. You’re going to that party.”
“No I’m not! I don’t like Rafe Cameron and listen here you little goblin,” Kiara ignored you as she dug through your drawers for another set of clothes.
She tossed you an oversized shirt with skulls on it, knee socks and your converse. “Here. This is good.”
“Why do you want me to go so badly? You hate Rafe!” You complained and she waved her hands.
“Yeah I do. But I want you to have fun. Let loose for one night. Show off what you worked for and finally put yourself first.” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really wanna talk to someone don’t you and you don’t want me hovering?” She was finally silent for a few seconds and you smirked triumphantly. “Fine. I’ll go to this damn party.” You walked away, preparing to change clothes but you gave her a light smack upside the head.
“Ow! The hell was that for?” She whined.
“For telling me what to do.”
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You felt your heart in your throat as you knocked on the door of the house where the party was held. You could hear the sound of music and chatter from behind the door as you shifted your weight from leg to leg.
Your face was covered in makeup and your jewelry dangled from your neck as you waited. The entrance opened and Topper ushered you in. “Hey! Look who it is! The girl of the hour!” His arm slung around your shoulders and the bustling crowd cheered. You awkwardly smiled and waved. Girl of the hour?
“Cmon. Rafe is upstairs.” Just the mention of the males name made you swallow thickly and you followed him. A lot of people were wearing costumes, fake blood and merchandise from scary movies.
You recognized Rafe because of his clothing and body but his face was covered. He was wearing a Ghostface mask. Plain black shirt and jeans. Your eyes widened briefly when he turned, noticing you before you smoothed back your nerves and approached him. He met you half way and looked down at you, mask tilted.
“You did show up after all, princess.”
You give him a smile. “Yeah I did. I heard you were at the dance. Did you like what you saw?” You didn’t know where this confidence was coming from but he seemed to be enjoying it. Rafe stepped a little closer, “Oh I loved it, baby. That’s why I told everyone to dress up. Gotta celebrate my little champion, huh?”
“Champion?” You parrot and he chuckles.
“Of course, Angel. You think I’m stupid or something? I’ve been a big fan of yours for a while. I couldn’t wait to get you here so I could have you all to myself.” He trails off quietly and you feel his big hands settle on your hips, squeezing lightly.
“Well, we’re not alone,” You respond and he tugs you against him, as much as you love the mask, you wanna rip it off.
“Easy fix, baby girl. C‘mon.” Instead of walking, Rafe lifted you off the ground and you squeaked. Throwing you over his shoulder, he walked through a hallway before opening a door.
Rafe easily tossed you onto the bed, the plush covers and pillows bounced. You shakily sat up as he tore off the mask and looked down at you with a dark smolder.
“Oh, princess. You have no fuckin idea how long I’ve wanted you in my bed.” He leaned down and put both hands on either side of you as you looked up at him, doe eyes staring into his.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything? Why would you like me? I’ve never told you-“
“Like you? Baby, I don’t just like you. I think about you all the time. No one else has made me feel like this. You’ve always stood up to me and didn’t put up with my shit. You think it’s a coincidence that I liked to push your buttons when we were kids?”
You’re breathless as he tugs on the end of your shirt with a smirk.
“I like a girl who pushes back. You’re my strong girl, hmm? But not tonight. You’re not in control for once. I am.” He grips your waist, your bare skin from your top pulled up and your core pulses.
You reach up, lightly smacking him in the face. “You think you can earn my submission?” Rafe gives you a chuckle and flash of excitement crosses his eyes.
“Princess, by the time I’m done with you, you’re gonna be my little fuck toy. You just wanna push my buttons so I throw you around.” His words turned you on more and you shudder as goosebumps rise on your skin. “Slap me again. Get a good one in too.”
“You serious?” You whisper and he nods.
“What? You too scared?”
You slap him. Hard. Hard enough that his face turns but Rafe doesn’t look angry. “That was a good one, baby. But I’m gonna make you forget any other fucker. I’m sure all those other dudes are all over you at the studio or some shit.” He grunts and tugs off your shirt. Exposing your torso and bra.
You have the urge to cover yourself but you resist. “I don’t have time for dating.”
Rafe pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You’re telling me you haven’t dated? You a virgin?”
You bristle. “No but…it’s only happened once.”
Rafe cups underneath your arms and manhandles you higher on the bed. You don’t have time to breathe before you find yourself pinned with your arms above your head, his face inches above yours. “Bet you’re soaked right now. Underneath those panties you wear.”
He reaches in between your legs and cups your cunt. “God damn, princess. This what you needed? Me to take care of you? Shut off that overthinking head of yours?” He muses and you cup his face bringing him down to fuse your lips together in a messy kiss.
He moans against your mouth and shoves his tongue inside, you separate your legs and tug him closer.
“Gonna taste more than your mouth, baby girl.” He promises and kisses down your body, peeling off your underwear.
“I’m gonna worship this perfect pussy. I’m gonna take such good care of my girl,” He mutters against your pelvis. Rafe shoves your thighs apart and buried his head in, making you groan and dig your fingers onto the sheets.
His tongue laps hungrily at your clit, sucking in all your wetness as he moans and grinds on the bed. You whimper as he fucks you with his mouth.
“You like that, babydoll?”
“Mhm! I’m gonna cum,” You stammer and he lifts up, his massive body flexing as he rips off his shirt. Exposing his fit body.
“You’re gonna cream on my dick, then you’re gonna clean it up. Are you going to be a good little whore?” He breathes and you whine.
“Mhm, yes. Please, fuck me. I need it so badly. I want you to fill me up,” You beg and he shoves off his pants. His big, thick dick slapping against his thigh.
“How can I say no to such a pretty girl?” He gives your bare ass a slap before he pumps himself a couple of times, his cock in his fist before he presses into you.
You mewl and bury your head in his neck. He growls and thrusts, hard enough that you almost feel like you’re gonna burst from how big he is. But he quickly adds his fingers to rub your clit.
“This fuckin pussy is mine. It’s so tight, splitting you in two, baby girl. Gonna breed this perfect cunt.” He huffs and your eyes squeeze shut as your peak rises.
“That’s it, princess. Cream on my dick.” He praises and your climax overwhelms you.
You cry out and sink your teeth into his naked shoulder and he moans. He moves harder, bringing slight pain but it only adds to your pleasure. He spills in you, “Gonna stuff you so full of cum you’re gonna be a brainless little doll.”
Rafe pulls out, pumping himself again as cum drips onto the bed. “Give me that pretty mouth, princess. I wanna see your eyes roll back. You can fuckin take it. Like a little champion.”
Tagging @marchsfreakshow @xxbimbobunnyxx @drewstarkeyslut @redhead1180 @oceandriveab @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @gri959 @rafesthroatbaby @slvt4jamesmarch
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little-diable · 9 months
For you, always - Aaron Hotchner (smut)
I am currently rewatching CM, and boy, my Aaron crush is fully back (as if it was ever gone). Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader is best friends with Derek, a friendship Aaron can’t stop himself from being jealous of, unable to let go of the crush he has on the youngest team member.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, colleagues to lovers, age gap, mentions working out in a gym
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!BAU!reader (2.4k words)
picture credit to the original owner
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The weights room was crowded, sweaty bodies moving past one another, trying to find a spot where they could follow their workout routine. (Y/n)‘s eyes found Derek’s in the mirror, unable to bite down her laugh as he winked at her. He kept on doing bicep curls with his weights, huffing as he got to the end of his set. 
“Do you want me to spot you, doll?” His voice rang in her ears, forcing a groan out of her as she nodded. With a deep breath inhaled (y/n) picked up her weights, pushing them over her shoulders. Derek watched her with a proud smile, only stepping in as he watched her arms tremble, struggling to pull through her last rep. “C’mon, two more, you can do it.”
She hated Derek whenever he pushed her to her limits, and yet (y/n) kept on going, till he took the weights from her aching fingers. Before either one of them could speak a word, the sound of Derek’s phone going off echoed through the air, forcing both their eyes to snap to his screen. JJ - this could only mean one thing, a thought both shared as they gave into the groan ripping through them in unison.
“You okay?” Aaron Hotchner murmured his words as he watched (y/n) slowly walk back to her seat, placed right next to her boss. Her eyes snapped towards Derek who couldn’t stop his laugh from rumbling through him, very well knowing why her body ached with every step she took. 
“I am, Derek just put me through a lot this morning.” (Y/n) didn’t pick up on the way Aaron’s eyebrows began to furrow, didn’t pick up on the slight look of annoyance crossing his features. Even though the rest of the team was well aware of the workouts Derek pushed (y/n) through every week, Aaron couldn’t stop the waves of jealousy flushing through him.
(Y/n) had only joined the team a few weeks ago, pulled closer due to her friendship with Derek, and yet her and Aaron had instantly clicked. She had accepted her crush on him within the first days, unable to pull away from the man who was by far older than her, while Aaron still struggled with the way his heart skipped a few beats whenever she was close.
“Do you want some magnesium? I’ve got some on me.” A smile tugged on her lips at Aaron’s words, nodding her head. She watched him reach for his bag, gaze focused on the veins shining through his forearm skin, a sight that made her want to groan. (Y/n) was too focused on her boss to pick up on the smirk Emily and Derek shared, all aware of the woman’s crush on Aaron. It was pathetic really, and yet Aaron either didn’t seem to pick up on it, or he simply didn’t want to believe the feeling in his gut.
“Thank you, you’re my lifesaver.” Their hands brushed as Aaron pushed the magnesium pill into her direction, shooting heat through both their veins. (Y/n) had to redirect her attention, hoping that her boss wouldn’t pick up on the signals she couldn’t stop her body from sending out, caught on the ever growing feelings simmering deep inside of her. 
“For you, always.”
“C’mon, doll, you’re with me.” Derek pulled (y/n) with him before she could even try to protest, walking down the hallway to the room they’d share for the upcoming days. She didn’t dare turn around, didn’t dare look at Aaron, wondering if he was looking at her, if he would have tried to protest. But yet, even though she kept walking with her eyes set on the back of Derek’s head, she couldn’t help but ache to turn back towards Aaron, the one her heart was calling out to.
“You know,” Derek’s voice forced her back to reality, stepping into their room, “It’s cute how you and Hotch act like teenagers in love.”
Her eyes rolled the same time she slapped his side, forcing a breathy laugh out of him. (Y/n) kept her mouth quiet, well aware that protesting against her best friend’s teasing would get her nowhere, preferring to stay quiet instead of fully outing herself. 
“You may be able to hide it in front of him, but I’ve known you for too long, you know?” Derek plopped down on his bed, arms crossed behind his head as he watched (y/n) unpack her bag. Her teeth sank into her lower lip, trying to stay quiet, hoping that he wouldn’t pick up on the heat once again filling her system. 
“Just drop it, Derek, please.” His laugh forced her hands up to her face, momentarily covering her eyes as she finally gave in and started laughing herself. The sight only made Derek laugh even harder, awfully unaware of the annoyed groan leaving Aaron, who was sleeping in the room one down from (y/n) and Derek. Their boss picked up on the laughter, wondering what the two were laughing about, hating that he wasn’t the one to make (y/n) laugh like that. 
“It’s okay to like him, doll, I’d be happy for the both of you.” She sat down next to him with a sigh leaving her, trying to distract herself before her mind could pull her down the rabbit hole she had been trying to escape for weeks. 
“We both know this would be highly unprofessional. He and I could get into serious trouble for that. And I doubt he’d go for somebody with an age gap that big.” Derek’s hand found her chin, forcing his best friend to look at him. His thumb stroked her cheek, a motion so familiar (y/n) felt thrown back in time to her teenage years when she had first met him. 
“Stop talking like that, he’s clearly into you. He’d be a fool if he wasn’t.” With her head pressed against Derek’s chest, they both relished in the silence now engulfing them, a silence that was soon interrupted by the impatient knocking on their door, followed by Aaron’s call of “We’re leaving in five.”
“(Y/n)?” The whisper of her name ripped her out of her thoughts, eyes leaving the stars twinkling in the dark sky to look at Aaron. He was standing close to the bench she was sitting on, looking as sharp as he always did. 
“Hey, are you joining the others?” He sat down next to her with a small shake of his head. For a few seconds neither of them spoke up, looking at one another, picking up on the small details they wouldn’t ever comment on out loud. 
“No, thought I’d clear my head on a walk.” The others had found their way to a restaurant downtown, sharing a meal in hopes of distracting themselves from their current case for just an hour or two. “What about you? What are you doing out here?”
She tried to ignore the heat of his body, feeling him close to her. Goosebumps covered her body, forcing her eyes to focus back on the sky as she pressed her knees to her chest. Aaron kept watching her, smiling as he finally allowed himself to study her without needing to worry about what the others may think. 
“I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like socializing even more tonight.” She felt him freeze at her words, clearing his throat as he seemingly pondered over her words. 
“I am sorry if I -” her laugh interrupted him, hand finding Aaron’s before she could even think about the movement. But the second her hand met his, both their eyes shot down, watching as he slowly laced their fingers together.
“You could never, I like having you around.” Aaron squeezed her hand, pulling her even closer before another word could roll off her tongue. Both their eyes kept holding contact, breaths hitched in their chest as they felt the atmosphere around them begin to crackle, hoping to give them the push they needed. (Y/n) whispered his name, praying to whoever was listening that he’d cross the distance between them.
The first kiss was slow, light, barely there. A simple try, but with the fading by seconds, both their lips chased one another’s, needing more, set on satisfying the need they’d been clinging to for weeks. Her hands found the collar of his shirt, holding onto Aaron for dear life, scared that this would end with the snap of a finger. But neither the snap happened nor anything else to rip them apart, allowing them to adjust to one another.
It was clear to her that Aaron was trying to hold back, unsure if he could and should touch her. His hands didn’t dare move, not wanting to overstep a line neither of them could retreat from, one of many they were crossing just now. 
“Hotch, you’re allowed to touch me.” The breath of his name echoed through the night, leaving both to smile at one another.
“I want to take you back to my room more than anything right now, but I want to do this properly, let me take you on a date when we’re back home.” She pulled him in for another kiss with a smile tugging on her lips, hastily breaking apart the second the all too familiar mixture of laughter echoed through the air, warning the two of the approaching group of profilers. 
“A home cooked meal and even some dessert? Who are you, Agent Hotchner?” Her laughter echoed through Aaron’s kitchen, making him give in with his own laugh rumbling through him. He pulled her into his chest, lips meeting hers as he pressed (y/n) against the edge of the table. With her arms finding their way around his neck, she allowed him to pick her up, carrying her towards his bedroom.
Both were secretly grateful that Jack was with Jess, giving them the privacy they needed to explore their longing for one another. Both found comfort in the darkness filling Aaron’s bedroom, wrapping its arms around the two lovers that were finally finding their way together.
“Aaron,” he froze, wondering if she was asking him to stop, if she felt uncomfortable. But it was nothing more than a moan of his name, a sound clawing through her in a desperate need to pull the man even closer. “Fuck, I need you, don’t tease, don’t play around, just touch me. Please.”
“Of course, pretty girl, I’m right here.” The nickname made her swoon, heart swelling in her chest - something she’d have paid more attention to if the feeling of his lips wandering down her throat hadn’t distracted her. His slender fingers undid her blouse, not parting from her to push the fabric down her shoulders. (Y/n)’s fingers copied his actions, freeing his upper body from the black shirt he was wearing. 
Fuck, she had been aching for his body, had wanted to run her hands down his chest more times than she’d ever admit. And now he was right there, for her to hold, for her to love. Their lips connected once again before Aaron gave her a push back, helping her out of her trousers.
“Look at you, you’re so ready for me, what a pretty sight you are.” Her fingernails clawed at his shoulders, wordlessly begging Aaron to speed up his movements, watching him pull his trousers down his legs, boxers following moments later. She raised her hips for Aaron to rip her panties from her frame, unable to stop his eyes from ranking over her now naked form. 
“Aaron fuck me, please, just please.” His raspy chuckles made her whine, eyes fluttering close as she felt his cock brush through her folds, coating himself with her arousal. “I’m on the pill, let me feel all of you.” 
“I need you to be a hundred percent sure of this.” Their eyes met, her lips found his for a moment, murmuring a soft “I am” against them. With one hand finding her hip he pushed into her, making them both groan in unison. His cock twitched inside of her, trying to hold back as her walls clenched around him. “It’s okay, take your time, darling.”
Aaron kept his voice low, soft, like a breeze murmuring the morning's secrets to those allowing themselves to listen. Only as she choked on his name did Aaron begin to move, forcing his cock deeper and deeper inside of her with every thrust. 
“Feels so good, you’re so big.” Her groans made him pick up his pace, smirking down on her, watching the way her eyebrows twitched, how her eyes fluttered close, and how hands struggled to find something to hold onto. Neither of them seemed to care that her nails left marks down his shoulders and upper back, neither of them seemed to care that his lips working on her neck left hickies she’d struggle to hide. All they cared about was their fast approaching high, set on pulling them under. 
His thrusts were perfectly calculated, seemingly knowing how to touch (y/n) to make her moan and tremble like she currently was. It was a sight that left Aaron with pride simmering inside of him, a sight he’d forever cherish and remember, that much he was sure of.
“Aaron, ‘m so close.” (Y/n) arched her back, gasping his name as his thumb rubbed her clit, with a speed perfectly matching his thrusts. She came within a few moments, drawing blood from him with her nails clawed into his skin. He pushed his lips against hers as he chased his orgasm, pulling away seconds before he came. 
She watched him cum with a low groan leaving him, relieving himself on her lower stomach, painting her skin white. Both were heavily breathing, somewhat in shock that this had truly just happened, after all these weeks of imagining what being touched by the other must feel like. 
“How about a shower, huh?” With a small nod thrown his way, (y/n) allowed him to pull her to his feet, stealing a kiss from her before he guided her through the darkness. And with their hearts beating in sync, and their minds being unusually quiet, they cherished one another’s closeness for the rest of the night. 
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gretavanlace · 6 months
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Josh Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, language, dirty talk, discussion of poor self image/shaky mental health, praise, degradation, dumbification, impact play (spanking), etc
You’re standing in front of the floor length mirror when Josh’s voice finds you…turning this way and that with your t-shirt pulled tight around your belly and a frown furrowing your brow.
“The movie’s ready, baby.” There’s a smile in his tone, and a dramatic flare, as there so often is, as he leans against the door jamb. “And I made the popcorn on the stove like you like. None of that microwaved bullshit for my darling doll.”
You’d like to find your excitement in order to match his own - movie night is his favorite night of the week. Often, it turns into several nights a week, in keeping with his passion for film and curling up snug and warm with you on the couch.
And normally, you look forward to it as well, but tonight…
Well, tonight you’d just as soon crawl into bed alone and in the dark. How else will you ever manage to tune out all those poisonous thoughts hissing through your mind? Obsidian. Ominous. Hateful.
“What are you doing, babe?” There is concern in his query. He knows you far too well.
Dropping your shirt as if it’s white hot, you slip away from the mirror, praying he’ll let the matter drop. Though, you hope in vain. You know him far too well, too. “Nothing. C’mon, whatever masterpiece you’ve selected isn’t going to watch itself.”
He steps into the room and you suppress a sigh of defeat. “Waterloo Bridge.” He clarifies, studying you intently. “And you’re a shitty liar. What’s wrong?”
“I said it’s nothing, Josh,” there’s a touch too much venom in your tone, but sometimes you wish he didn’t see so damn much. Sometimes you wish you could skate around things with him.
“And that’s a lie,” he points out, sidling up behind you when you turn away. “Do we lie to one another?”
“No.” You concede quietly as his arms cradle you from behind.
“So, would you like to try again?” His embrace is soft, but it makes you feel safe and protected all the same. He has this way about him - he is love and light, sunshine and smiles, gentle poetry…but something lies hidden away behind it all, something only you get to see, and it makes for the most deliciously dark and menacing aura when it comes out to play.
“I just,” now you’re stammering like a child caught with a crayon in her hand and scribbles on the wall.
His lips move along the nape of your neck, brushing over your skin and the whispers of hair that have fallen from your bun, “You just, what?”
“I had lunch with my sister today.” You offer meekly. Can’t he ever just leave things alone? Can’t he ever just let you curl up with your self-loathing?
“Yes,” he nods, now pecking at the curve of your jaw, “And I adore you for not making me come along…she’s exhausting.”
“I know.” His palms are now running along beneath your shirt, circling your belly with tender possessiveness…it’s soothing and filled up full of love, but you wish his hands would land somewhere a little more flattering “But she’s also truthful. She thinks I should start going to the gym with her, and she’s right.”
He stills behind you instantly, and you can feel him shaking his head, though you’ve closed your eyes against the embarrassment of it all.
Eager to fill the room up with words rather than your own vulnerability, you rush on “She’s is, though. Right, I mean. I’ve put on weight, and the older I get, the harder it will be to take off. Obviously, I’ve never been small, but—“
He cuts you off with a loose palm around your throat and a snapped, “Stop.” Breathed in your ear.
“Josh,” Christ, you want to melt into the floor, “I love you for always being so sweet, but I,”
You haven’t the chance to finish your thought and his grip is tightening, “I said, stop.”
A joke will quench the fire burning in your cheeks, “C’mon, what if I got all adorable and tiny like your little hippy girls in the crowd? I—“
A sharp pinch to the curve of your hip shocks you into silence, which he promptly fills. “Don’t say things like that. You’re fucking beautiful. Soft and warm. I want to nestle my face right here,” his hand is splayed out wide across your belly again, “and right here,” his touch drops to find the dimples in your thighs, “for the rest of my life. If we get to choose our heaven, you will be mine. Gorgeous, perfect girl.”
Now you’re struggling to squirm out of his insistent embrace. You feel too seen. And though you know he is nothing if not sincere, always…those lovely words of his, they feel like untruths.
“Josh,” you snap, a little too harshly, “let’s just go watch the movie, okay?”
But it’s too late, he has spotted the quiver at your bottom lip.
“Hey,” he spins you around to face him and you know it’s useless to shut him out at this point. “What’s going on up here, hmm?” He taps your temple gently, “Is it getting loud?”
You know he means those intrusive thoughts that plague you when the love and admiration he beams in your direction isn’t enough. He knows the way they scream and yell at you no matter how badly he’d love to quiet them for good.
Ashamed, you stare down at his t-shirt, toying with the cotton between your fidgeting fingers, “Maybe a little,” you hush.
His fist tucks under your chin, tilting your face upward, but still, you refuse his gaze. “You need it, baby?”
Voice soft and leading, he lures you out of your bashfulness just enough for you to find the bravery to blink up at him with the tiniest of nods.
“Yeah?” He sounds so unlike himself - but also, exactly like himself. “You need me to make it go away? Wipe that wild mind until you’re as blank as you are pretty?”
Josh is small, and he has never shied away from that, but in these moments, he feels larger than life…looming like a God sent to bring you peace. “Can you, please?’
With a taunting flick of your nipple, he switches on. “Well, how could I ever say no to such a sweet girl? You sound like honey when you say please.”
The warmth of his body, so near to yours, is suddenly missing, but you’re feeling a little too meek to glance up to see where he’s gone…opting to stare at your thumbnail in earnest instead, resisting the urge to pick your cuticle.
“Come on, doll,” his voice comes hushed as a siren’s secret song floating through a cove “Miss you already.”
You feel unworthy of this. Of him. Of all the tiny ways he loves you just right. How he has memorized you in and out. The way he looks at you like he could happily stare forever. How he understands even when he doesn’t quite understand…how he took your heart and turned it round and round until he had mapped out every inch. How he dives inside your mind every day and does the same, no matter how tragic and treacherous it can be to wade through those waters.
When you had stumbled upon this, it had been by accident really. A harsh crack of his palm against the globe of your ass by way of quieting you when you’d argued with his stuttering praises as he pushed into you over and over from behind. Your brain had short circuited in the most welcomed and stunning way. That stinging impact, the shock of it, the tangible pain, had left no room for cruel thoughts…your mind was muffled up like lavender cotton with nothing but Josh and what he saw fit to give.
Most times, he loves you hard enough just by being himself. Golden, shimmering aura, grinning heart, sure and tender hands…but sometimes you need this from him - and he is always willing to oblige. You hold the key that turns all his locks, and he would sink into a bed of hot coals for a nap if you thought to ask it of him.
With a clipped call of your name, he’s got you hustling across the room to fold yourself shyly over his knee at the foot of the bed.
“That’s perfect, baby.” He coos down at you, palm stroking over the backs of your thighs before bunching your t-shirt up around your waist. “Gonna make it all go away, aren’t I? Is that what you need? You need me to take it all away?”
“Please.” You sound pathetic, but already it’s a sweeter sort of shame. One you can name. One you can love.
His fingers tuck under the cotton of your panties, hooking at the soft lace that adorns the edges, straightening them as though he’s adjusting the ribbon on a present he’s waited a very long time to receive.
“If I had to guess,” he hums, a little like the kindest bully you’ve ever known, “I’d wager your pretty pussy’s feeling lonely already. Maybe a little whiny. Maybe starting to swell…” his hands continue to pet at your ass, your thighs, your hips, “I love that, you know? Watching how puffy and swollen you get. It’s adorable…and fucking sexy. Your body begs without a sound.”
Your grip is twisting into the blanket beneath you now as your cheek nuzzles against the downy softness “Josh…”
“Quiet,” he bestows a single, much too delicate smack in the wrong place. It’s too far off to the side for your liking, and he knows it. “We’ll get there. You’re gonna listen first.”
An obedient nod tugs yet another delicious hum of approval from him and you squirm lightly under his hands, thrumming with pleasure at the sound of his validation.
“You’re alright, baby…” he’s being so gentle. Too gentle. But you would lie here beneath his hands and his gaze for all of eternity if that’s what would suit him. “My poor thing just needs it, doesn’t she? Busy little head needs to just leave…” a soft swat lands upon your cheek just below the waist, “her…” another, “alone,” and another.
“Harder, Josh…” it’s a piteous plea, one that pairs nicely with the honeyed, condescending melodies drifting off his tongue.
“Tell me what you’d like me to do to you.” He’s coaxing so kindly, but you know what lurks below that shiny surface. “Say the words, my darling doll. Say the words.”
With a deep, centering breath, you find the calm in your storm by way of his scent…eucalyptus and bergamot…woodsy hint of lemon soap lingering beneath. You find strength in his presence, and love there, too.
“Spank me.” It pants out of you like an urgent prayer. “Make it stop.”
As if in punctuation to your begging, he lands a harsh, loud, cracking strike against the fat of your ass. It comes quickly, shaking your equilibrium though this is exactly what you’ve been imploring him for.
“Fuck!” The curse pushes out of your lungs, long and grateful. Blindsided and aching.
Another blow lands in exactly the same place, setting the flesh there on fire. “Yeah? Fuck?” He taunts, “That’s a good fucking doll…you just take it.”
“More,” you’re rocking around, blissful at the pain and the twitching of his hard cock beneath you.
He begins laying into you without restraint, blow after blow raining down on you like merciful salvation. Your brain is numb now - quiet, hazy and clouded with his perfect wrath.
Tears are streaking like fire down your cheeks, a graven image of mother Mary sobbing blood in a candlelit room of worship come to life. He is your alter. He is your God.
“That’s my girl,” his accolades stutter out between smack after smack until he pauses to jerk your legs apart. “You’re dripping all over me. Baby needs it right here, too?” There is his touch, love and reverence woven into the very fingerprints nudging at your covered entrance. “Dirty little cunt needs a spanking, too, doesn’t she?”
Embarrassingly, a mumbled, indecipherable sound croaks out of you, and your entire body flushes hot with an indignity you happen to relish.
“What was that?” He sounds like sex…like he’s thinking with his throbbing cock - but if your mind’s eye could see straight, you would know better. He is careful and controlled in these moments. Never losing sight of himself, never risking a move too far. “Aw, poor doll is just a dumb little baby, now? Spanked all quiet and wet? I like that, beautiful. I like that very much. No thoughts, right? Shh, no thoughts.”
Again, you manage merely a sound, a murmuring of his name no one but yourself could ever transcribe.
A violent strike buries its way into your covered folds. You jolt and cry out, writhing against his thighs, fighting for more.
You want him inside in any capacity. Fingers, tongue, cock..it matters not, just inside. That’s the only word you seem to know in this moment - inside, inside, inside. But with another sound slap against your cunt, it explodes through your nerve endings like a wire kicking up sparks and skittering against desolate, lonely pavement. You’re climaxing hard and fast, releasing all over the fleece covering his thighs, thrusting against nothing, mourning the heat of his impact though it was there for but a breath.
“Yes!” It wails out of you, warbling and wild…teeth clenched and grinding, body wound so tightly your muscles will protest and complain later.
There will come a time tonight where you’ll long for a way to thank him. For a way to call his name and cradle his face and express your absolute gratitude for this blank slate he molds your mind into…for the way he takes all the ugly and chases it right out of your orbit…
But for now, you fall limp and spent against him. Breathing heavily and deeply. Drawing oxygen way down into your chest that no longer feels so tight. And for now he’ll hear no talk of reciprocation, for now he continues to cater to you with devotion in his touch and a worshipful cast in his gaze as he slips away to draw you a bath.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @poofyloofy @jakeslovehandles @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake
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one day x lando norris pt 3
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this is a part of my series following one day of every summer from 2016 onwards in y/n’s and landos lives, exploring their friendship and love for one another. ofc not a smooth ride with some angst and fights along the way. a friends to lovers, growing up together kind of thing. read first part here pairing: lando norris x fem!reader summary of this part: y/n having a hard time adjusting to life at uni so she turns to her friend lando for comfort warnings: none? a little sad wc: 1,1k a/n: sorry it has been a while since posting, i've been finishing my masters thesis and processing lando's first win!!! yayyy :) BUT i'm going to upload more frequently now x
late summer of 2018
y/n was on the verge of tears, breathing heavily to calm herself as the outgoing facetime call echoed in her university dorm room. she was sat on the floor of the dark room with her back uncomfortably leaning against her bed.
”please, please, pleease lando pick up” she whispered desperately, praying that he wasn’t too busy preparing for another upcoming f2 weekend. seconds felt like minutes when the only person she wanted to talk to didn’t pick up his phone. y/n sighed and was about to end the call when the  deafening silence suddenly was cut with a loud and excited ”hellooo my smart girl!!”. in about two nanoseconds y/n could see that lando was at the gym training with jon, immediately regretting that she called.
”oh i’m sorry i can call you later” y/n said trying to sound as happy as she could in the state that she was in. but lando knew her from inside and out so her act wasn’t very convincing.
”hey y/n, what’s going on? are you okay?” lando said after processing the sight.
”yeah no it’s nothing.. i can call you when you’re done training” y/n said as she faked another smile. 
”y/n seriously you have a nice smile but you can’t convince anyone with that, i can see from miles away that something’s wrong. and however i’m done with training so i’m all yours” lando said with a concerned voice as he walked over to a private part of the gym. 
”thanks lan.. I, I just-” y/n whispered, looking away from the boy up to the ceiling to prevent any tears from developing. ”I just don’t fit in here lan.. it’s not at all what i thought it would be”
”oh darling.. i’m sorry to hear that”
”i just don’t know what to do, i haven’t even got any friends lando! how pathetic is that?? i’m surrounded with geeks and people with zero social skills who all have found friends but not me? ugh i just hate this place, i hate all these people..” 
the girl in his phone who had tried her best to keep it together bursted out into tears. ”you know how much i wanted this! i’ve always imagined that the university would be my thing, where i would find my place and blossom. but tell me how can i do that when all i manage to do is sit alone in classes, sit alone and eat and then go to my dorm to - surprise - sit alone on my bed being depressed.”
”i’m so sorry y/n..”
”…AND as the icing of the cake, not a single on of my friends are even close to fucking edinburgh - couldn’t somebody have prevented me from coming here? why didn’t i just stay in london where everybody else is? nooo, i just had to be special.” y/n sobbed as tears streamed down her face. 
”i ju-, just miss everyone so much lando. i miss my friends. i miss my family. i miss you. i miss you for not being five minutes from my home. i miss our drives and talks and laughs lando. it feels like i haven’t seen you in forever”
”i know y/n i miss you too, it has been too long since i saw you in any other place than my phone”
y/n wiped away her tears ”yeah.. i’m sorry i know you’re busy with everything in f2, i don’t mean to blame you for this.. i just miss your stupid hugs so damn much sometimes” she said as a small smile cracked upon her lips. 
”heey i didn’t know my hugs were that badly ranked” lando giggled receiving a laugh from y/n too. 
”and y/n?”
”hm?” ”why haven’t you told me that edinburgh is in a different timezone than london?” he asked.
”what? it isn’t? who tricked you into that?” y/n answered confused.
lando laughed, ”y/n look around you, it’s so pitch black in that room i can barely see you! the only thing my screen is picking up is your bleached teeth”
”lol lando it’s called depression” y/n laughed ”i’m always in depression-timezone, always hauntingly black surroundings, nothing for cheerful and life-enjoying boys like you” she joked.
”no, no, no let’s not go back to you being sad again, i just managed to make you happy again!!” lando proclaimed. 
”whoops sorry” she smiled ”no but seriously thank you lando, i really needed this. someone to vent to. but now i really have to go, i’m getting late to my class, even though i’m pretty sure no one’s missing me”
”stop it y/n, you’re missed, if not by your lame classmates then by me and all your friends and family”
”thanks lando, that’s very sweet of you. bye now” y/n smiled, this time genuinely. 
”bye darling”
hours later that night y/n was, like every other night, sat on her bed watching friends for the millionth time. her newly made tea was way too hot to drink so she put the mug on her bedside table. as she was on her way to snuggle back under her sheets watching her series she heard a knock from her door. y/n froze. without moving too much and making any noise she looked at the clock on her wrist. 23:38. after watching way too many documentaries she automatically drew the conclusion that it with most certainty was a killer of some sort. with this in mind she quietly picked up the nearest item to defend herself with, a hot cup of tea. 
it knocked on the door again. but it wouldn’t be possible for anyone to enter the building without anybody noticing, right? y/n calmed down a little bit, taking her phone with her to be able to call for help if it was needed. slowly she walked to her door and opened it. the sight in front of her was beyond what she had imagined. it was lando. there he was standing in her corridor in the middle of the night with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and 12-pack of pepsi max in the other. the sight made her revisit the memory of them meeting two years ago when he, with the same smirk on his face and a similar bouquet of flowers in his hand, won a bet against her leading to their first kiss. y/n smiled when she noticed the pepsi in his other hand, as he since that day in 2016 always provided her with the drink as some sort of consolation prize for the lost bet.
”i heard you were in need of a stupid hug” lando smiled
@amberpanda99 @phantomxoxo @landossainz @chezmardybum @lan4cha16
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imtryingbuck · 3 months
Unchained Melody
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: yns a ghost and Bucky falls in love
Word count: 5,257
Warnings: in this the blip never happened why? because I said so. swearing. ghost reader. death by fire. tiny mention of cheating, not reader or bucky. tiny mention of drugs, not reader or bucky. tiny mention of domestic abuse and child abuse. Me just making shit up, enjoy.
A/N: posting this in celebration of hitting 1k followers, I love you all🤍
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You first saw him three years ago, shiny silver arm with a red star on the bicep shoulder length wavy hair - that you knew just had to be soft - you had watched as the team greeted him with smiles and his response? To look at them like they had just kicked his puppy. Walking at the side of Steve as you both showed him to his room, it was basic and dull not like the others your favourite belonging to Wanda, you was telling him all the things he could do with it - picking out a colour theme, that if he moved the desk over to the sid-
“I like it”
You looked at him like he had three heads on his shoulders. The room was bare and empty how could he have liked it?
As the days turned to weeks you stayed close to him, at first you told yourself it was just to help him settle in but the more times you spent with the man you grew a teeny tiny connection with him, even if he did ignore you all the time.
“So Bucky I was thinking maybe we could go to the gym and then get someth-hey where are you going? Rude.”
In a very non creepy way you liked to watch him sleep, his frown lines faded, the little twitches in his nose always made you smile, his soft snores filling your senses. Again it was done in a very non creepy way! But watching Bucky sleep brought you peace knowing he was oka-
“Bucky Bucky it’s just a nightmare it’s okay, shit, Steve! Goddamn Bucky please wake up! Steve Sam anyone!” You screamed in absolute panic the first time he had a nightmare.
“It’s okay Buck it’s just a bad dream”
“Yeah no shit Steve I’ve been shouting you for the last five minutes-hey don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to yo-you know Bucky I absolutely hate it when people shut doors on me when I’m talki-oh you’re asleep, oh okay night night I guess”
Over time the nightmares faded, he became more comfortable around everyone. Happier even.
The first time you saw him naked you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You had walked into his bedroom - he was fresh out of the shower his hair dropping little droplets onto his broad soft back, he took his towel away from his hips in one swift motion causing your brain to fry up.
“I’m huh sor-Jesus Bucky you’re hu-shit I shouldn’t be seeing this, sor-I’m gonna go”
Leaving once again but not before taking one more cheeky look.
That went on for six months until one day you went to his room to check up on him noticing he wasn’t there you went to the gym, not there. Kitchen, not there. Briefing room, not there. You saw Tony walking past so you asked him but he didn’t tell you. You asked Sam, no reply. You asked Nat but she just carried on texting on her phone. So you went to find Steve but just like with Bucky you was coming up empty.
“He’s probably ventured outside finally” you told yourself as you waited for him in his room.
And you kept on waiting, and waiting and waiting.
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It had been two and a half years since you last saw him. Nobody around you even talked about him despite you always asking them where he had gone or if he was okay.
It was like he was never there in the first place.
Steve ran past you as you was taking your daily stroll through the corridors, normally you would have followed him but since you had fell out with him you continued you stroll.
You did your first lap and were walking back towards the kitchen when you heard a familiar voice.
“-I’m okay, they got rid of my trigger words”
“I’m glad pal, you seem a lot happier. How was Wakanda?”
“It was good had my own little hut and had some goats” he chuckles, Steve joining in.
You did have to agree with Steve, Bucky looked happier. Healthier.
“Bucky” you whispered. 
Bucky’s eyes flicked away from Steve to over to where you were standing.
The two of you stare at each other, you not daring to move and him just looking at you that was until Steve broke the spell between you two.
“Buck? You alright?”
“I-um yeah” his eyes go to Steve and then back to the woman who was standing there. His eyebrows burrow in confusion as she wasn’t there anymore. “Hey Steve is there another person now a part of the team?”
“No why?”
“So who was that woman then?”
“What woman?” Steve asks as he turns around to look what Bucky was staring at.
Bucky then describes you and waits for Steve to answer.
“Buck there’s no one here fitting that description…” 
“Are you alright pal?”
“Yeah, no I’m fine” He forces a smile.
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For the first time in 15 years someone’s finally seen and heard you, going through all these years with no communication with anyone or having someone look at you and not through you had gotten easier as time went on. The first two years were extremely difficult and painful. You couldn’t understand why the construction crew was ignoring you and not listening to your pleading.
A year into the development of the huge building that was Stark Tower and now better known as Avengers Tower the building came to a halt when one of the workers screamed ‘we’ve found a body’, like everyone else you ran over to investigate. The burnt skeleton remains were taken away and two weeks later you heard the crew talking about the body-
“Apparently her name was Y/n L/n, died in the fire last year” Bobby the foreman said.
You laughed “that’s wrong because I’m right here guys” waving your hands around.
But nobody batted an eye or flinched when you jumped in front of them.
That’s when it dawned on you that you were dead.
You remember the day that you got your memories back from your death and it was all thanks to the bad guys who had attacked the tower.
*5 years ago*
The alarms were going off, bright red lights flashing, people were screaming and you was trying to calm them down. Helping Bruce and Nat lead people to safety, away from the destruction. The three of you and those that you was rescuing go down the stairs and Nat opened the door to the ground floor before she slammed it shut again.
“Nat we need to go” Bruce says with panic.
“We-we can’t go that way” she explains.
You knew why, you saw it as she opened the door.
The burning flames were pounding on the door that was stopping it from getting to any of you.
“Bruce we’ve got to go back up!”
Nobody batted an eye as you stumbled back and slid down the wall. Nobody batted an eye as you pulled on your hair muttering something that even you didn’t know under your breath.
They left you behind as you was transported back to 10 years prior.
*10 years before that*
You was sitting in your apartment, knees to your chest, trying to concentrate on what the couple on the screen was saying.
The raised voices coming from your fathers room we’re getting louder and louder as he argued with his girlfriend Lyra, her accusing him of cheating on her which made you laugh since you caught her having sex in the laundry room with the drug dealer that lived two floors up. Since she had no money for his supplies she had to pay in other ways.
Flinching when you heard the sound of skin hitting skin and closing your eyes tightly when you heard Lyra scream out. Your father always had a temper especially when he was drinking and since he had been laid off from the factory, drinking was all he did. A small vile part of you was happy that Lyra was around as it meant he no longer hit you, the abuse you suffered from the hands of your father started a week after your mother left him for another man, leaving you behind. 
Lyra came running out of the bedroom with tears streaming down her cheeks as the welt was already forming, your father soon following holding two lit candles in his hands he threw the first one and the next.
The next thing you knew was that the apartment you had grown up in was in flames. You was rooted in fear at not only the fire but as Lyra screaming at you to leave despite her being attacked by your father.
The fire had spread quickly throughout the apartment complex, screams and chaos all around you. You kept going down the stairs until you found yourself in the basement, with no idea of why you was down there, you tried to turn back but the flames pushed you further and further into the normally cold room.
*back to the present*
It scared you that now after 15 years you’ve been a ghost for that someone can now finally see you, it made you smile that it was Bucky that could but the question of why? Why now played on your mind.
Not even the medium who Tony brought in after heard “ghostly noises” couldn’t see or hear you, the “ghostly noises” that Tony heard was just Natasha and Bruce having sex in his lab, you promised the pair you wouldn’t say anything so you didn’t.
So you did the most rational thing. Avoided him.
Which lasted for two weeks until Bucky came onto your territory.
Minding your own business your eyes squinting at the sound of the door opening, hearing Steve’s voice you didn’t think anything of it.
“I’m telling you Buck this is the best place to hide presents, no one ever comes down here” it was true, the last time someone came down here was two agents who was trying to have sex and you wasn’t going to have that. People coming into your home and trying to do the nasty, absolutely not! So you started messing with the pipes and banging objects, causing them to stop and the woman getting scared, she ended up running away leaving the man who started calling her nasty names. He became your enemy. Not like you could actually do anything to him but the statement still stood. 
“If you say so punk”.
“I do say so.”
“Here grab these so I can get the rest”
With Steve leaving it was just you and Bucky in the basement now.
“Oh, hi I didn’t see you there” Bucky says.
“Yo-you can actually see me?”
“Yes…why aren’t I suppose to?”
“Because I’m a ghost”
Both of his eyebrows shoot up and he starts laughing “of course you are”
“No I actually am.”
“Yeah yeah, is this a prank that the spider kid has put you up to?”
“His name is Peter and no it’s not a pra-“
“Hey Buck who are you talking to?” Steve asks as he comes back in with more gift bags.
“Her” Bucky points over to where you stand.
“Bucky there’s no one there…”
“See I told you!” You say with your arms crossed.
“Look he can’t see me, even if I do this” You moved away from the wall and jumped in front of Steve who of course looks straight through you. “You’re the only one for some reason”.
Bucky pales, “but how?”
“I-I need to go”
Both you and Steve watch him run up the steps and away from you.
“You know Steve, I didn’t expect him to have that kind of reac-oh yeah no its fine to leave it wasn’t like I was finished talking.”
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For three weeks you kept you kept yourself isolated in the basement not knowing what it meant now that someone could see and hear you even if it was just Bucky.
Over the past 12 or 13 years you kept yourself to a routine but since Bucky had ruined that for you, you kept yourself occupied - okay you was going slightly insane.
Not realising that the door had come open you was completely unaware that Bucky was standing there watching you-
“Okay so the first order of business is that we need to take out the bad men who call themselves “The trash” in order to succeed we need strong men and women who will lay down their lif-“
You’re cut off by a laugh; you turn and see Bucky who winces at your screams.
“Sorry, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you”
“W-what are you doing here?”
“Were you talking to the mops and buckets?” He asks ignoring your question.
“That’s completely unrelated. What are you doing here?”
“You was weren’t you, hey don’t stop on my account you’ve got to finish your speech or they’ll leave”
“Yo-you’re making fun of me. Stop it” you mumble
“No I’m not, I’m just saying carry on with talking to the mops-oh is that a broom?”
“L-leave now please”
“Aw come on I’m only joking”
“I don’t find it funny, now leave”
He watches as you turn your back to him as you bring your hand up to your face, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Hey doll I’m sorry, I-I was trying to joke with you but it wasn’t funny I’m sorry”
“Whatever just leave”
Bucky listens and complies but as he reaches the top step he turns round and walks back down to you.
“D-doll I really am sorry. I just wanted to talk to you, I’ve been looking around for you and I figured I’d find you here”
“Y-you’ve been looking for me? Why?”
“Well I wanted to ask you some questions” he rubs the back of his neck with his left hand.
“Your arm…”
“Huh? Oh yeah it was a gift from Shuri, do you like it?”
“It’s very pretty” you say with a slight blush.
“Thank you” he too blushes.
“You said you had some questions?”
“Yeah, is it okay if I sit?” Pointing to an old couch that Tony had brought down many years ago.
“Of course”
Watching him sit on the dusty old thing brought a slight smile to your face.
“Are you going to sit?”
“Yep” taking the seat on the end and on the edge.
“So, you’re a ghost?”
“So, you’re dead?”
“15 years ago”
“My apartment complex was here before the tower was”
A semi uncomfortable silence fell between you two. He shifted and rubbed his hands on his thighs whilst you twiddled your thumbs.
Bucky broke the silence “how long have you been around us all?”
“Since more and more people came to the tower”
Silence fell once again but this time lasted a good 20 minutes. 20 slow and painful minutes.
“H-how come you’re not in like heaven or hell?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Isn’t there any other ghosts you could ask?”
“There’s been a few over the years but none of them ever had any answers for me”
“May-maybe you need to do something or have something done to move you on?” Bucky shrugs.
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure. How did the fire start do you know?”
“My father” when he gave you a questioning yet shocked look you explained everything that you remembered that day.
“I’m so sorry ghosty”
“Ghosty?” You burst out laughing. 
“Yeah well I don’t know your name so…ghosty”
Watching as his lips form your name sent imaginary chills down your spine.
“Y/n, I like it, did your dad go prison?”
“No why?”
“Maybe that’s why you’re still stuck here. I can help y-“
“But I don’t want to move on.” Cutting him off.
“Because then that means I’ll be dead”
“But doll, you are”
Standing up so you can pace around the small area “I know that but if I move on it will mean I’m dead dead you know?”
“But why? You’ve spent that past 15 years with no one seeing or hearing you. You really want to do another 15?”
“And another 15 after that if it means I get to be around people and I don’t have to be alone, I don’t want to be just gone and Bucky I’m not hurting anyone I swear!” You shouted at him, your last words more quieter, more like a whimper.
Finally admitting it to someone else hurt, admitting that you would rather keep being ignored and never seen by anyone ever again was better than being alone and dead. And yes whilst you was technically alone it wasn’t the same, you got to be around people, listened to their jokes or stories, listened to their complaints or worries. You was happy to continue to be a shoulder for them to cry on even if they didn’t know you was there or couldn’t hear you words of encouragement and advice.
And it was true what you had said to him, you wasn’t hurting anyone. You couldn’t even imagine of causing another person any form of pain, even when you was alive.
“Dol-no Y/n come back!”
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Bucky was angry with himself. The first time he got to speak to her properly, he ruined it. The pain in her voice when she told him she didn’t want to be alone tugged on his heart.
He went to the basement at least eight times a day to apologise but she was never there. He knew that if anyone was walking down the corridor leading to the basement they’d be able to hear him talking to himself.
He walked with purpose down the corridor to Sam’s room, knocking on the door he grew impatient at how long it was taking Sam to answer, it had only been 5 seconds.
“What’s up Buck?”
“One I told you not to call me that. Two I need the computer thing”
“It’s called a laptop Buck”
“Don’t call me that. And can I have it”
“Sure you can Buck let me go and grab it for you Buck”
“I’m going to kill you in a minute”
“Of course you are Buck, here” Sam laughs giving him the laptop before shutting the door in his face.
Going back into his bedroom he goes on the internet just like Peter had showed him, he first typed in ‘Stark Tower fire’ coming up with all different things. Then he typed in ‘before Stark Tower fire’ which had only confused him more. Trying one more time he typed ‘Stark Tower apartment fire’ bingo!
Clicking on the first link showed him the apartment before the fire, during and after. He learned that the complex housed lower income families, that the fire was deemed as an accident due to faulty electrical systems.
Scrolling down further he stopped. The photo of you that he assumed was from school was there, the girl in the photo smiling back to him and next to it read ‘Y/n L/n died in apartment fire one week away from her 21st birthday. Her body has yet to be found’ and just a little bit further down was another link that read ‘Y/n L/n was found 1 year after the tragedy of the fire’ clicking on it he read more, how the construction crew had found her and how scientists confirmed that it was the body of Y/n’s. A photo was underneath the headline that showed the crew, Bucky had to do a double take when he saw you. Sitting on the floor looking out of frame with what Bucky thought was tears on your face.
Taking the laptop with him he ran to Steve’s room, rapidly knocking until the blonde answered.
“Buck? What’s wrong?” Steve says whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Walking straight past his friend he goes to sit on the bed “come here and look”
Listening Steve sits next to him “when was this?”
“14 years ago but look, there’s that girl I described to you” pointing and looking up at Steve who scrunched up his eyebrows.
“Buck I can’t see anything…”
“Pretty girl on the ground looks like she’s crying”
“Bucky are you alright? You’ve not been the same since you came back from Wakanda. I can ask King T’Challa if you can go ba-“
“Steve listen okay this girl she’s dead. She died 15 years ago and I can see her, I’m the only one that can and I don’t know why bu-but I never saw her before until I came back-“
“Buck slow dow-“
“-but I ruined it between us and now I can’t see her anywhere I keep looking I do Stevie but she won’t appear no matter how much I beg her too an-and I think she hates me”
“Bucky please slow down! Tell me everything but slowly”
So he does.
Steve sits there dumbfounded by what his best friend is telling him, and the craziest part of it was is that he believes every word coming out of his mouth.
“Okay, let’s try and think of a plan together”
And they do.
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The next day Bucky makes his way back to the basement when he hears your voice softly seeping underneath the door his heart skips.
“-I’m not sure” silence “maybe I should let him help me so I can move on” more silence “I’m just scared though”
“Hi um who are you talking to?”
“Just myself, so I came to a conclusion that I want you to help me move on. I’m ready and it’s time”
Bucky notices that there’s a slight hesitation in your words and he spots the way you gulp at the end of your sentence. “Well I have a better idea, I did a lot of research last night and I found out that you don’t have a headstone so I tho-“
“I don’t have a headstone?” You whisper.
It’s now his turn to gulp “No doll, it’s an unmarked grave but I know exactly where it is, where you are” He rephrases.
“Why? Why don’t I have one?”
Oh he hates it. He hates how small you sound; he doesn’t like how you’re twisting your fingers together. “I-I’m not sure doll” That was a lie.
Neither of your parents wanted to spend money on a funeral or a proper burial for you, so it was up to the county to do it.
“Is-is that why am not dead-dead?”
“I’m not sure, it might be… but listen I’m going to get you a headstone - a real nice one, and if-if you want you’ll always be able to go there and Y/n please don’t think I want you to leave because I don’t okay, I really don’t I just want you to find peace”
“I-you don’t have to do that Bucky, it’s a lot of money and I’m not worth a single penny”
Now his heart cracks. “Don’t say that, you’re worth it don’t worry” he smiles which doesn’t reach his eyes.
“It’s okay honestly I think there’s more of an easier, less expensive way to get rid of me. All we have to do is think”
“Come on we need to think”
“Doll there’s no need to think about anything, I’ve already gone through with my plan.”
“The headstones being made as we speak and Steve’s getting everyone on board.”
The way your eyes bulge out would have made him laugh but he wills himself not to.
“Wh-what’s going on?”
“Sit and I’ll tell you” he smiles as both of you sit on the couch. 
On the other side of the compound the rest of the team sit with amusement written over their faces as Steve tell them about Bucky and his ghost friend.
“You two have lost the plot” Sam laughs.
“Would you two be able to be put into an old people’s home?” Nat wonders out loud.
“Probably as they’re both over 100” Tony retorts to Nat.
“Guys I’m being serious” Steve says with his hands on his hips.
“Wait when did you say the fire was?” Tony asks him.
“15 years ago”
“I remember that, there was only one person that died - many were injured weren’t there?”
“Yeah. Y/n was the unfortunate one”
“And she’s been here ever since?”
“So she knows us?”
“Yes. Look let me ring Bucky and get him to bring her up here and we’ll ask questions that no one else would know apart from her and see if she was around at that time”
The team nods so that’s exactly what he does.
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“Doll we’re needed upstairs, the team don’t exactly believe me or Steve so they’re going to ask questions and see if you was there or not, is that okay with you?”
The both of you head upstairs and for some reason you’re nervous, something that you’ve never been when around any of them.
“So Barnes, Rogers here tells us that you can see ghosts?” Tony starts.
“Ghost. Just one” he answers. “Okay ask your questions”
“Where exactly are we looking?” Sam now asks.
Bucky gestures to where you stand and obviously all they see is nothing.
“Okay, I’ll play along. Little ghost was you there when I created my iron man suit?”
“She said no”
“Was it you who made ghostly noises?”
Bucky struggles not to laugh “she said no”
“Wait why are you laughing?”
“Because she told me who it was and umm Tony they weren’t ghostly noises”
“What were they then?”
“Sounds of pleasure” Bucky says as he winks at Bruce.
The team start laughing at Bruce’s bright red cheeks and when they notice Nat sinking further into her chair their laughs becomes louder.
“Okay okay I want to ask the ghost something next” Sam laughs.
“Her name is Y/n”
“Okay Y/n what’s my nightly routine?”
“I’m not saying that!” - “No Y/n” - “please don’t make me say it!” - “godsake fine! Sam your nightly routine is you have a shower, brush your teeth, you do 50 push ups whilst na-naked and then -I think I’m going to be sick- you wank off before going to sleep”
“Ah yes! I believe them, Hi Y/n”
“She says hi”
The questions continued for well over an hour, the team finally believing that she was-
“Holy fucking shit!” Tony shouts.
“What? Oh”
Bucky looked at Y/n who was staring at him with a confused expression which he just shrugs his shoulders. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure, guys what’s up?”
“W-we can fucking see her!” Sam shouts.
“We can see her Barnes!”
It was true. They could all see you.
“H-how?” You stumble out, after all these years of being invisible and being unheard from everyone around you and all its took is for everyone to believe that you actually exist.
“I-we don’t know. This is crazy even for me” Tony says.
“You can hear me?”
“Yes sweetheart”
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Months went by, you was now able to leave the compound by visiting the cemetery. You was there alongside the Avengers when your headstone was placed, each member placed a rose on the grave all giving you a small smile.
It took you some time to get use to being seen and heard, no more conversations with yourself as someone was always around to answer.
Yours and Bucky’s friendship grew, it would be a lie if you said you didn’t have a crush on him. And unknown to you he had a crush on you too. It hurt both of you because you knew it wouldn’t be able to work for the two of you with the main reason being that you were dead.
It was the anniversary of your death Bucky and Steve were on a mission which Bucky wasn’t happy about. You was walking down the corridor when Wanda ran out of her room shouting your name.
“Jesus Christ Wanda don’t do that again!” You scolded, still not use to the whole they could see you now thing.
“Sorry” she chuckled.
“It’s fine what’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong, its just-its better if I show you”
Frowning you followed her back to her room. “Wanda what’s going on?”
“So I’ve been working on something, for you-“
“For me?”
“Yes and I think I’ve managed to figure out a way to bring you back to life”
Blinking once, twice, you burst out laughing.
“Wanda that’s impossible”
“Not really…just come over here and let’s see if it works and if it doesn’t I’ll try again okay”
Doing as she says you stand in the middle of her room eyebrows raising as her fingers start to glow.
Nothing happens.
“H-how do you feel?” She asks hopefully.
“The same way I’ve felt for the past 15 years Wand, dead.”
Sighing in defeat “I’m so sorry Y/n I’ll keep try-“. Her words are cut off by a deep growl.
“W-what was that?” You stutter out.
“FRIDAY how many heartbeats are in my room?”
“Two Miss Maximoff”
“Yours and Miss Y/n’s”
“Catch” Wanda says as a book comes flying at you.
Wanda and you stand there facing each other with wide eyes. You caught the book.
“Oh my god. Wan-Wanda it worked”
After both screaming and crying your taken down to Bruce’s lab where your examined and blood, yes blood, was drawn.
Nobody could believe it and neither could you either but somehow Wanda brought you back to the land of the living.
Everyone promised not to say anything to Bucky as you wanted to surprise him.
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A week later on your birthday Bucky and Steve came back from a successful mission. In that week Nat and Sam had to go and do three food shops as you kept eating everything. What can I say you’d been dead for 15 years.
You and the team was waiting on the hanger for them to exit the quinjet. Steve was out first shortly followed by a very tired Bucky but as soon as his eyes found yours he smiled hugely.
“Hey Y/n I’ve miss-“
You cut him off by throwing your arms around his neck. Bucky stiffened at first not believing it was really happening then he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling your further in.
After Tony coughed making the pair of you pull apart you - mainly Wanda - explained everything to the two super soldiers. Bucky refusing to let go of you completely. Steve smiled and gave you a small hug.
Much later that night you and Bucky was sitting on his bed with his arm around you when he abruptly stood up.
“Where are you going?”
“There’s ten minutes left of your birthday so we’re going to dance”
You watched with an amused smile as he turned the stereo on.
“I got Peter to do this when we was watching the telly earlier” he smiled.
Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers started playing through the speakers.
“Y-you remembered?”
“Of course I did doll, it’s your favourite song how would I forget”
Slow dancing in the middle of Bucky’s room with your favourite song playing in the background on your birthday made this the best birthday you ever had.
“I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me”
Bucky sings just as his lips touch yours.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama
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slut4satoru-blog · 11 months
Husband Head Canons—Toji Fushiguro minors DNI +18 content (NSFW)
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚
i’ve been having so much fun writing these days! thank you all for the immense support. you push me to keep writing filthy stuff for us all!! hope you enjoy and remember my requests are open. please remember that i have not proof read this, sorry if anything’s misspelled haha. 🩷
content warnings: f!reader, AFAB, established relationship, p ➜v inter course, mentions of nipple/breast play, cream pies, unprotected sex, toji is uncut i dare you to fight me, squirting, public sex, oral (f!receiving), cock warming, sex toys, fingering (f!receiving), biting, markings, sweaty gym sex, clit play, g-spot abuse, this man needs all of the content warnings this world may carry lol & anything else i might have missed
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loved the way you treated megumi and tsumiki. he always looked up to eating breakfast with all of you, seeing how well you guys got along made him melt every single time.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loves it when you make dinner. he’s a better cook for sure, but whenever he comes from home and he sees you in your zone whipping up some food, wearing your cute custom made apron with your name on it. in his eyes, it’s one of the best sights ever.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loves doing laundry! he hates doing dishes and you hate doing laundry, so it’s a match made in heaven when you love doing dishes and he is a wizard in the laundry room. you’ve never seen anyone be so detailed about laundry detergent and clothes before you got married with him.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that is a pro at budgeting and making groceries. you decided to leave it to him the first time you saw his little “budget” binder along with his coupon cabinet and it’s been for the better. you’re still amazed at how $400 worth of groceries ended up costing $120. since then, no one goes grocery shopping but him.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that is horridly bad at video games. you laugh-cry every time the kids dare him to play on their games and he looses every single time. he’s a sore looser too, so you have to prepare yourself every time for the little pouting mess he becomes when megumi and tsumiki are “too hard on him”.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that offers you the best after care you’ve ever seen. after he fucks you senseless and leaves you almost immobile, you see him get up quickly and set up the bath with your favorite bath salts and scents. brings you your favorite hot/cold beverage and gets in the bath with you as he rubs your back, and ends up fucking you again there because he for sure can’t hold himself when you’re a moaning mess.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loves public play. you can’t think about the last time you guys have gone out that he hasn’t asked you to wear a bluetooth vibrator, or when he tries to finger you under the table when you’re eating out. there was this one time the man literally got on his knees under the table at this really niche restaurant just to eat you out. he stood up 5 minutes later with the most shit eating grin, glistening with your cum like he had some expensive lip gloss on. he’s always been one to live for the thrill and being married wasn’t going to stop him.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loves fucking you right after the gym. he loves to see you al sweaty and tired. makes him want to impale you on his cock. so every time you come home from the gym; heck, sometimes in the gym lockers he’ll show you how hot you are to him as he slides his big, uncut shaft into you. marking your tits up as if they’re his trophies as you cry out his name.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that is obsessed with your tits. he loves nipple play, biting and sucking on your tits after a long day at work is just what he needs. it extends to him loving it when you play with his too, sucking and biting his nipples is the 100% sure way of sending him off the edge too.
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that loves cock warming. yes, he’s the king of aftercare. but sometimes both of you are too tired to move after some fun, nasty time. so he’ll just slip inside one more time to feel you around him without him moving. sure is, until you start clenching too much on purpose and he proceeds to fuck you one more time. a cute little ring of creamy fluids and cum decorating the end of his shaft.
and here’s an extra one since we’re all sluts for this man-whore 🩷
★ ➜ 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰 that absolutely goes insane when you squirt. he makes it his mission to always see that little stream of fluids spurt out of your sweet cunt. he’ll abuse your g-spot, massage your clit until it becomes hot and unbearable just to see his favorite part of it all. when that stream hits him, body or face, he goes wild and just turns completely feral. swearing to always take all of since he sees it as a reward for all of his hard work.
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byyourside28 · 3 months
Hit Me
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Boxer!Matty x Reader
WC: 13.7k
Warnings: Matty is annoying/confusing asf, Toxic, Smut (m receiving oral, fingering, choking? Degrading, unprotected sex, begging, one or two smacks, very much dom Matty) Extremely long for no reason
Summary: The one person who you hate most on this fucking planet agrees to teach you boxing/self-defense.
A/n: I’m only reuploading fics I wanna do part 2 of <333 Maybe more idk
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“Why don’t you just let Matty train you?” George voices just as Matty strides back into the living room, nursing a cold beer. His jaw is clenched, and his expression is one of pure annoyance I’ve ever seen him wear. Charli looks more hesitant than ever, George’s face is impassive as ever.
“G…” I trail off, stepping forward in front of him, “I can’t even be in the same room with him without wanting to gouge my eyes out, why would I subject myself to that torture voluntarily?” I cross my arms and glare at Matty, who seems unfazed by my hostility.
I’ve been wanting to get into boxing for a while now, not just to get in shape, but also to channel my anger and frustration into something productive. You know, to release the pent-up emotions that have been eating away at me for years. Instead of getting shit faced at the pub or smashing my fist into a wall, I figured learning to box might be a healthier outlet.
But Matty being the one to teach me? I rather eat glass.
The asshat and I always had a tumultuous history, to say the least. From childhood squabbles to teenage rivalries. We were always competing, whether it was for grades, attention, or even breathing the same air as each other. We just don’t click and never will.
“And I resist the urge to puke every time I see your face.�� Matty answers instead, his gaze flicking briefly to mine before looking back to George. “What’re you on about?”
“Oh please, you're one to talk with that train wreck of a face. I'd rather stare down the barrel of a loaded gun,” I shoot back, my words dripping with sarcasm.
“Fine, but can I at least hold the gun?” Matty retorts, rolling his eyes. “Leave the clever comebacks to the adults.”
With furrowed brows, I look away from the stormy eyes to George, “Still think it’s a good idea?" He isn’t answering me though. His eyes are downcast, completely ignoring anything I’m saying. “George, are you even listening to me?" I snap, frustration simmering beneath my words.
“Stop with the screeching,” Matty answers for him again. “You're clearly giving him a headache.” He takes a sip of his beer, seemingly unbothered by the tension brewing in the room.
I huff in exasperation, my arms dropping to my sides. “This is ridiculous. I don't need him to train me. I can find someone else who won't make me want to tear my hair out.”
George finally looks up from his thoughts, his gaze shifting between me and Matty. “Both of you, stop it,” he says firmly. “He literally owns his own gym and has been training fighters for years. Who’s better to teach you?”
Charli clears her throat and speaks up for the first time since Matty re-entered the room. “Babe, he has a point.”
My frustration boils over as I throw my hands up in the air. “I don't care if he's trained the entire world, Charli! There has to be someone else out there who can teach me without making me want to strangle myself!”
“Feelings mutual, sweetheart.” Matty smirks, taking another leisurely sip of his beer. “And don't worry, I'm an expert at pulling sticks out of asses. And judging by how jittery you are, you could use some of my expertise.”
“I’m not jittery.” I argue, and Matty smirks slightly before dropping his gaze down to my body. My own eyes follow, huffing out with annoyance. Just like he had said—I’m fidgeting. Balling my hands into fists repeatedly, so tightly that my nails are definitely going to leave crescent moons into my palms, only to release them for a second before digging them back together.
“Whatev—shut up. I’m fine. I wouldn’t be all ‘jittery’ if you weren’t here, constantly pushing my buttons,” I retort, my voice dripping with irritation.
A silent question etched on his face as Matty's eyebrow arched upwards as he raked a hand through his gelled hair, “Oh, is that what this is about? Little ol' me driving you crazy? Well, I must say, it's quite entertaining.”
He sinks into the cushions of the oversized armchair next to mine, spreading his legs wide and settling into a comfortable position. His cold beer sits on his lower thigh, condensation dripping down the bottle and creating a small puddle on his black jeans.
Matty sighs like I’m genuinely an inconvenience, “Just let me train yo–”
“Shut up!” I cut him off, crossing my arms over my chest. “You know what? Fine. If that’s what it takes to shut you up, then you can train me. But just know, I’m doing this purely out of spite and not because I actually want to learn from you.”
I can tell he’s trying to control himself, which to be honest I’m actually surprised to see. I had expected him to lash out or at least tell me to watch how I spoke to him, but he didn’t. He just clenched his jaw and closed his eyes briefly, nodding after standing completely still for two heartbeats. “Thank you.”
I swear to god you could’ve heard a pin drop. “Wha...?” Charli and George’s expression matches mine: wide eyes, furrowed brows, lips slightly parted. “Did you just—could you repeat that? Let me record it.”
“Piss off,” Matty rolls his eyes, but I can’t help notice how his lips are threatening to turn up in the slightest at the corners of his mouth before he’s rolling his tongue inside his cheek to suppress it.
“Right, okay...” I nod, clearing my throat. “So when do you wanna do this?”
“What about tomorrow morning?” Charli suggests, leaning back into George, crossing her ankles.
"So soon?”
I watch as Matty’s adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows roughly, the line between his brows deepening with each inhale. “ Fuck ,” he hisses, finally opening his eyes to find mine, “okay, okay. But I swear to God. You better liste—”
“I’ll listen,” I reiterate, rolling my eyes.
“Tomorrow.” Matty says lowly, and I open my mouth to argue again but per usual, he’s cutting me off, “Tomorrow you meet me at the gym. We will go over everything; the basics, the techniques, and most importantly, your attitude. And trust me, princess,” He says with a smirk, “your attitude is going to need a lot of work.”
It’s my turn to close my eyes. It had to be tomorrow? The first day at my new job? Seriously? “Is that a problem, princess? ‘Cause if it is, don’t think I’m agreeing to this a second time.”
“No, no. It’s fine.” I rush out, leaning from the arm chair I’m sitting in. The second my hand is reaching for his bicep, his eyes glancing down, I’m dropping it back to my side. No touching , okay. “I... I’ll figure it out. I’ll call my boss tomorrow morning, and just tell him I have a family emergency—”
And like a rubber band being snapped back, George is jumping from the couch and rushing towards me. “Boss? No fuckin’ way! You got the job?” A wide smile graces his face, completely ignoring Matty next to me me as he knocks his long legs into Matty’s knees and wraps his arms around my neck in a tight hug. “Why didn’t you tell us? Oh my god, we have to celebrate!”
“George…” Matty drones, rolling his eyes as George ignores him and only squeezes me tighter. “George. There is more important shit to party over. Celebrate later, yeah?”
I pat George’s back, giving him one last squeeze before pulling away. “He’s right for once. The job is just a shit position as a therapist’s receptionist anyways.”
“Shut the hell up,” George frowns, “that’s a step in the door. Any success is one to celebrate! I’m going to get you so fuckin’ wasted...” The mischdvious glint in his eye and the smirk on his lips nearly has me grateful when Matty shoves him away, muttering something under his breath but I can’t catch it.
It almost doesn’t sound like English.
“Come on,” Matty juts his chin towards the front door as he sets his beer on the sidetable and stands up, “say your goodbyes. I’ll drive you back to your place since it’s on the way to mine.”
He doesn’t wait for any argument as he pushes past George, his footsteps fading until I hear the door open and then close. I huff out a breath, standing and turning to my friends with a slight frown, “So much for a fun night, huh? Pray we crash and the car hits his side.”
“There’s always next weekend,” Charli hums, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug that’s tighter than I thought physically possible from her. She is obviously fit, but there’s definitely some muscle hiding in there. “Don’t let him ruin your mood,” she offered as a way to lift the frown on my lips, “knock him in the balls or somethin’. That always works.”
George hisses, sitting back down onto the couch and I peek over her shoulder, holding back a laugh when he subconsciously lowers his hand to cover his crotch. “Definitely works.” He mutters, shuddering his shoulders like he’s remembering the exact thing happening to him.
“Hasn’t said that kind of thing since,” Charli purrs into my ear, giggling as she pulls back and skips away from me and to George. “Oh stop whining, I barely tapped you then.” She chastises with a playful smile, sinking down onto his lap to wrap an arm around his shoulders.
I can hear George mumbling that ‘ it didn’t feel like that ’ as I shake my head and make my way back into the foyer.
“Haven't got all night, princess.” I hear Matty complain, opening the front door to pop his head through. “Let’s fucking go—I’ve got shit to do.”
If my eyes could roll all of the way back into my skull, they would have.
His hand is gripping my wrist and pulling me away from the house. He only smiles when I huff out in annoyance, rolling my eyes. The wind nipped at my skin as we stepped out onto the porch and down the small set of stairs onto the sidewalk.
As soon as my feet touch the solid ground, Matty’s hand is snatched away like I had burned him and he’s stalking off towards the blacked out SUV. Chrome letters spell out ‘Range Rover’ and I can’t stop the incredulous scoff that falls from my lips. Just another thing to add to the list of why he’s arrogant in my mind. Who needs such a flashy car? Only people who need to prove somethin-
“Are you comin’ or just going to stand there like an idiot all night?” Matty barks the question, snapping me out of the trance I was in. He plops down into the driver's seat as I follow suit and hop into the passenger side.
The car hums to life as he turns the switch, bright headlights illuminating the street in front of us as he speeds down the asphalt in silence. I take the opportunity to peek over at him as the darkness of the night envelopes us, He’s angry or worried about something though, that's obvious.
Not that it’s surprising, he seldom doesn’t look like this; his jaw is always tense, knuckles flexed as he grips tightly onto whatever he’s holding- this time being the steering wheel as he rounds the corner of a street.
“Stop staring at me,” he rasps, his voice gravel through the silence. His accent is thicker than I’ve heard before, and it sends a shiver down my spine. I make a pretend effort to look away, but can’t help sneaking a glance back at him.
I subconsciously wonder if he tries to hide it when he’s around others. As he pulls to a stop light, his eyes find mine, lips pressed tightly together with a brow raised in my direction. “What is it? Do I have somethin’ on me?”
My cheeks tint, and I shake my head, quickly looking forward. His gaze stays trained on me, even if I couldn’t see him out of my peripheral, I could feel it. Tidal waves crashing over me causing goosebumps to rise on every inch of exposed skin. Or maybe I’m just delusional and it’s the air nipping at me from the window that Matty has almost completely rolled down.
“Quit staring at me ,” I shoot back, wrapping my arms around myself, “and could you roll the damn window up? It’s freezing.”
With the switch of the red light to green, Matty is taking back off and turning to face the road. The entire ride that’s left is spent in silence, save for the rumble of tires and Matty’s sliver rings that he subconsciously knocks against the hard leather of the steering wheel every other minute or so.
He never rolled the window up, either.
I had never been more relieved pulling into my place. As soon as the car was shoved into park, I was jumping from the passenger seat and racing towards the front door as I fumbled in my purse for my set of keys. I didn’t even know I was being followed until Matty’s low, raspy chuckle catches my attention. He is leant against one of the railings, his elbow propped onto the metal as he hides his smile with the knuckles of his fist.
“God, what are you doing? I’m more than capable of getting into my own apartment. Just fucking leave already.”
“You sure,” he taunts, eyes dropping down to where I’m still digging for my keys, “seems like you’re having some trouble.”
“Alright,” I huff, finally pulling them out and shoving them into the deadbolt before pushing the door open, “there. I’m in-”
My words are cut off as he hurries past me as if he owns the fucking place. “What,” I stutter, looking out to the empty street back into my living room. “Matty, what the hell are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer me, just continues looking around the room a bit crazed. “Matty.” I say again, my voice finding more confidence rather than the anxiety I usually feel around him.
“Where is the bathroom? I’ve got to fuckin’ piss.” Matty groans, not even waiting for me to answer before walking down my hall and making his way right to my bedroom. I rush behind him, stuttering to a stop when he pushes the door open and freezes himself.
I hadn’t been expecting anyone, and the place definitely looked like it. Clothes strewn across the floor, a few dirty mugs with half-drank tea on my nightstand, my vinyls stacked next to my record player unsteadily. “I, uh...”
He trails into the room, going directly to the vinyls that are staggering a bit with his heavy footsteps. For some strange reason, my heart sputters as his finger traces over the letters of the top of my Eagles vinyl. It was a cheap one, the cover and slip fucked up to the point it was barely eligible, but the actual vinyl worked perfectly. He turns the knob on the record player, the music casting over the silence in the room.
With each beat of the drum and strum of the guitar, my heartbeat increases. Music is how I hide, it’s the only thing that’s ever truly been mine . My father, mother... they never understood my attachment to it. They never understood I used it as a gateway into another life. One where their judgment wasn’t thrown in my face 24/7.
Music is my escape... and it just makes my skin itch to have someone else listening to it. Judging it.
‘Raven hair and ruby lips ,’ Don Henley’s voice rips right through my body, and it’s like it does Matty’s too. He turns to face me, his hand lingering on the knob with an unreadable expression on his face. ‘Sparks fly from her fingertips, echoed voices in the night, she’s a restless spirit on an endless flight. ’
Just as the band's voice melts into one another, breaking into the bridge before the chorus, the knob is twisted back and the record player clicks off. “That’s nothing-”
“It’s a great song.” He whispers, his brows furrowing like he’s confused about everything happening. “The uh- the bathroom?”
“It’s across the hall.” I rush out, moving aside as he shoves past me and disappears into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
As soon as the door closes behind him, I’m rushing out just as quickly as he did. My hands are shaking again. With the silence around me, my thoughts have ample opportunity to start screaming inside my mind. Preparing me for whatever insults Matty will throw my way when he steps back out.
“Whatever he says doesn’t matter. He’s a fucking idiot.” I whisper to myself, rushing to grab a mug from the cabinet above my sink and the container of tea bags that sit perfectly beside them. “He’s an asshole.”
Just as my tea kettle starts to whistle, I hear the sink in the bathroom turn on. Fuck, fuck .
With shaking hands, I pour the boiling water into my mug, looking over my shoulder as Matty makes his way back into the kitchen. His footing is slower, more hesitant than when he first arrived and shoved inside like it was his home. Brown eyes meet mine, and it makes me shiver. It’s like he’s looking right through me, like he can see everything I’m thinking- feeling.
I blame him for the curse that falls from my lips in a hiss, turning back to the counter as I over pour the water in my mug. “ Fuck , shit-“ I mutter, dropping the kettle back into my sink and turning the cool water on with my other hand.
“Christ, Y/n.” Matty huffs, quickly making his way behind me. Chest to back, my shaking only increases as he leans over my shoulder to inspect the red area.
“I leave you alone for five fuckin’ minutes. Let me see it,” in a blink he’s stepping out from behind me and flanking my side, pulling my hand out from under the water. He turns my hand palm up a few times underneath my stove's overhead light before humming out a teasing, “you’ll live. Sadly .”
Matty looks up through his lashes, holding my gaze for a few heartbeats before I’m able to gather myself and step away. He clears his throat, letting our hands fall back to our sides, “tell me you’re smart enough to have a simple first aid kit.”
“Under the bathroom sink.” I answer, cursing how fazed my voice sounds from his touch and gaze. Hopefully he won’t question it, chalk it up to getting hurt instead.
He disappears again, letting me catch my first breath since he walked out of the bathroom. What is with this man? I can’t stand him- that’s it. That’s why my breath hitches when he’s around, that’s why my heart beats quicker when he nears me. It’s all out of anger. Definitely.
Chills run down my spine as I put my hand back under the water, trying my best to ignore the want to turn around and watch for him to come back. I don’t really have a chance to think anything through before he’s emerging from my hallway with the plastic container in his hands. He glances over to me, holding the gaze a second longer than needed before opening the container and digging through the various medical supplies inside.
Needles, alcohol, bandages, thread for the needles in case someone needed impromptu stitches, a multitude of different kinds of antibiotic and numbing ointments, medical tape, a small ace bandage rolled up... it had it all. Maybe I lied when I said it was small. But who knows when something might happen? At least I’m prepared.
Matty cocks his head to the side, furrowing his brows when he looks back to me. “Plannin’ for a fuckin’ war or something?”
“You never know.” I mutter, turning away from his gaze to turn the water off, rolling my eyes at myself for being embarrassed. “I’m fine, Matty. Go home or wherever you go whenever I don’t see you. I’m good.”
“Don’t be stupid,” he scoffs, tapping the island to get my attention, “Come on. Hop up here.”
I close my eyes, inhaling deeply through my nose. Control your tongue, Y/n. 
There’s no need to start something else.
Pressing my lips tightly together, I turn back to face him after patting my hands dry with a dish towel and ignore his gaze as I make my way to him. He steps back to give me room as I hop onto the counter, making sure to leave my burnt hand out in front of me. I didn’t think I was going to make it at first, but Matty was sure to catch my outstretched wrist, helping me up with ease without actually touching where it was stinging.
“Thanks.” I mutter, swallowing down the nervous lump in my throat.
“S’nothin’,” he shrugs, stepping closer to reach the contents he’s laid out beside my right thigh. “How did you even manage this? It’s fuckin’ tea, for fucks sake.”
He chuckles, shaking his head as he unscrews the lid to my bottle of aloe vera. Matty squeezes some of the ointment onto his finger, gently running it over my palm and around the curve of my thumb. With a hiss, I jerk back, but he’s quick to hold me still by stepping between my legs and holding my hip with his free hand. “Stop bein’ a baby.”
“Stop being an ass.” I shoot back, quickly looking down as he starts massaging it into my skin a bit more. My hand is the least of my worries right now; the way my hip is burning where he’s gripping it, my body suddenly hyper aware of my calves clinging to the outside of his thighs subconsciously.
“How does that feel?” He says in almost a whisper, looking up to me through his lashes, ceasing any movement of his fingertips and I’m confused when I wish he hadn’t stopped.
What the actual hell am I thinking?
“It’s good–feels good. Better.” I say after a moment of silence, holding his eyes.
As I looked into his eyes, a wave of surprise washed over me. His irises weren't just the ordinary shitty brown I had always thought them to be. Instead, a ring of dark, rich brown surrounded his pupils like a halo, fading into a warm sunset hue around his pupils. It was as if I was gazing into pools of liquid caramel.
They’re actually really beautif—
“Good,” he breaks my daze with a slight nod, “hand me the wrap.”
With the hand not held in his, I reach for one of the rolled gauzes, sucking in a breath when my shirt rides up a bit and his fingertip touches my bare skin. “No, not that one.” He huffs as I hold out a pink one to him. “Not unless you want the shit to stick to the ointment and have to rip it off later.” Instead of removing the hand from my hip, he jerks his chin, “that one–the white one, yeah.”
Whether it’s intentional or not, his thumb rubs against my bare skin one last time before he pulls it away completely. “There’s no blisters or anythin’,” he mumbles quietly, turning my hand to inspect it thoroughly, “should heal just fine. Still feel okay? Not burning more than it was?” He looks up for an answer, but there’s no way I can verbally respond.
Not with how close he is, the way his cologne is overtaking any reminisce of my candle I had burned all day, how his eyes seem to bore directly into me. I shook my head no, and I was waiting for him to complain but he didn't. He nods back at me wordlessly as well and starts to unroll the gauze, only stopping once there’s plenty to start wrapping my hand.
Another chill runs down my spine as he takes my hand in his silently, starting at my wrist as he slowly starts to close the white wrap down my hand. He’s focused; head bent down closer to make sure he’s doing it well enough, not muttering a word. I can’t even be fucked about the burn or worry about how it’s going to feel in the morning. All I can focus on is how close he’s gotten, somehow closer than before and our bodies nearly touching now.
With a final turn of the wrap, he straightens his back. Only an inch or so away, I can feel his breath feather against my cheek. His eyes flit between mine, not dropping my hand or stepping away. “Does that feel good? Is it too tight?”
“No.” I whisper, too afraid to raise my voice and break whatever the fuck is going on between us right now.
And for whatever reason, I lean closer into him. My calves tighten on his thighs, one of his hands comes back to rest on my hip. My mouth is slightly parted, taking shallow breaths as his eyes search every inch of my face and dropping to my lips every other second. “Matty…” I can’t help but whisper, a bit confused and too wound up to hold it in.
He watches the way my lips and tongue move to say his name, fluttering his eyes closed briefly before nodding softly at me like he is just as torn and confused as I am. He doesn’t say anything, but tightens the grasp he has on me.
My free hand comes up to the back of his neck, the tips of my fingers brushing through the hair at the nape of his neck before tangling my fingers into it. His head tilts as I pull on the hair, the stubble of his jaw grazing against mine as our lips just brush against one anothers.
And then my phone rings.
It’s a familiar ringtone, one I had set for Charli. “Shit, shit, shit...” I curse, dropping my hand and hopping down from the counter as Matty quickly steps away from me. “God, what the hell does she want? I was just there.”
I rush over to my couch, digging through my purse to find the phone and stop the incessant ringing. Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, my fingers grasp around the cell and I pull it out. “Not right now,” I mutter to myself, hitting the decline button to effectively hang up on her and stop the annoying ass tone I had set.
“Sorry,” I huff, turning back to face Matty but I’m met with his back. He doesn’t give me another look or a word before he’s rushing out of my apartment and slamming the door closed and I’m left standing utterly fucking confused as ever.
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Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Time is a disconcerting thing. To me, at least. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours and all you can do is watch the time pass. Or distract yourself with mundane tasks, maybe sleep it away. I can’t ever sleep though. I don’t have that luxury.
I tried distracting myself, but there wasn’t anything to do. I had nothing to clean after tidying up my room, there were no stupid reality tv shows to get sucked into. So, I watched the clock hands tick by and felt my chest grow heavier with each passing second.
My mind wandered to Matty more than I care to admit. How he sounded, the way his eyes naturally caught the lights that he passed, every curve and sharp jut of his body. How his fingers felt on me. How I wished I had felt his lips, to know if they were as soft as they looked.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Madness.
I’m gonna go crazy and I’m not being cheeky or dramatic. I truly think if I don’t sleep, if I can’t get him out of my fucking head, I’m gonna start hallucinating.
The only good thing about staying up all night and well into the morning is getting ahead of things. My boss didn’t question me further when I lied and said it was a family emergency and why I couldn’t make my shift. He actually seemed concerned and it made my stomach sick with guilt... but it had to be done.
I had downed about three cups of coffee and threw a fit like a five year old when I realized I’d have to go grocery shopping soon because I was out of creamer. Black it was.
Definitely woke me up, though.
Remembering the brighter sides of things. A lot easier said than done, but I was trying.
Charli and George had both texted me last night to question me on why I never answered. I don’t know if Matty had gone back to George and Charli’s place or if he had said anything, but they seemed worried regardless. I was so confused when Matty left like he had, I had forgotten to answer them until this morning around six or seven.
I was in the shower, washing the suds out of my hair when my phone rang. It wasn’t any of the ringtones I had set, just one of the preprogrammed ones that come with the phone. Making sure to wash the soap from the crown of my head so it doesn’t travel down into my eyes, I step out of my shower and rush to my phone that’s facedown on my sink countertop.
“Hello?” I breathe out, the steam and air around me making it a bit hard to take a proper breath.
“Y/n,” his voice breaks through the water still pouring from my shower head, making my heart stutter even more than it already was, “what’re you doin’ in there? Let me in.”
My brows furrow, about to ask what he’s talking about until I hear the resounding echo of a knock on my front door. “Matty, tell me you aren’t at my house at eight in the morning. You said to meet you there!”
“Sorry, princess.” He replies cooly. I don’t have to be looking at him to know he’s smirking. “Now open up before I break this stupid fuckin’ door down.”
Another knock, harder this time, has me wrapping a towel around my body and racing out of the bathroom. My neighbors already give me a hard time and have complained to the landlord whenever I’d accidentally play my music too loud. I cannot get another complaint about some belligerent man on my door stepping yelling at eight in the morning.
Slipping on the hardwood as I round the couch, I nearly slam into the door as I reach to unlock it. “Just stop, Jesus, I’m opening it,” I hiss through the door. All I get back is a chuckle from the other side.
Arrogant asshole.
When I peel the door open, his fist is hung between us, like he was going to deliberately knock on it again. “What is wrong with you?” I huff, moving to the side to wave him in.
“Me?” He scoffs, sliding past me casually. “Who the fuck spends thirty minutes in a shower?” I roll my eyes, locking the deadbolt before turning back to face him.
I’m suddenly aware that I’m nude save the towel that’s tied around my chest and falling down to the middle of my thighs, “what were you doin’ in there, princess?” Brown eyes trace down my body, sending shivers down my spine and goosebumps on my legs.
Why the fuck does that keep happening?!
I probably look like a fish as my mouth opens and closes repeatedly, failing to voice any of the words my brain is throwing at me. “I’m not even going to entertain that question,” I quip, tightening my hold on the towel as I walk away from his wandering eyes, the soap threatening to spill into my eyes as it stops it’s trail at my eyebrows, “give me ten minutes and I’ll be back out.”
Pausing by the encasing of the hallway, I glance over my shoulder with one of my more serious expressions, “Do not touch anything. Just sit there and be quiet.”
Matty holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender, plopping down on the couch I had spent all night rolling around on with a cheeky grin.
Not giving him another glance, I hurry to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The room is hazy, the steam covering every inch of the surface and clouding the mirror. So much for preserving water.
I wash the soap and conditioner from my hair quicker than I ever have, coating my skin in my body wash and washing it off just as rapidly and before I know it I’m stepping out of the shower stall again. This time, the towel goes on my hair and the clothes I had laid out on my sink counter are pulled over my body.
The fabric stretches across my damp skin, and if I had been alone I would’ve air-dried. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than clothes clinging to your body when they aren’t meant to.
Inching to the end of the hall, stepping on the tips of my toes to try and be as quiet as possible, I strain my eyes to find Matty. The couch is empty, the room dead silent.
Oh shit, don’t tell me the hallucinating started from my lack of sleep?
“No, no, no...” I mutter, walking deeper into the living room. There’s nothing to even hint he had been here; no lingering scent of his cologne, no footprints in my area rug from his shoes. “No. It’s not possible.” I shake my head, racing to the door before peeling it open in one swift movement. “He was here.”
But the street outside of my flat is empty. There’s no SUV, he isn’t standing outside by the railing like I had thought. Hoped.
My hands are shaking when I close the door back, and I rest my forehead on it for a few seconds to stabilize my heaving chest. “I swear you were here.”
“I’m right here.”
I whip around, a hand to my chest as the voice looms through the air. There, standing in front of me is Matty, a furrow on his brows as he watches me. “Why are you talking to yourself? You look like you saw a ghost-”
For whatever reason, my feet are racing forward and I’m throwing my arms around his shoulders. He stands completely still, arms at his sides, but it doesn’t stop me from squeezing even tighter.
It takes a full moment of me standing there, molding our bodies to one another before he clears his throat and I pull back just as quickly as I had gone in. “Oh my god.” I breathe, taking another step back. “Sorry, um—my mind is just playing tricks. M’just tired.”
“I was just checking out your vinyl collection...” he mumbles off, swallowing down roughly. “I didn’t leave.”
“No, no.” I shake my head, pulling the towel from my hair and rubbing my fingers through it. “Just drop it, okay? Don’t bring it up.”
He looks torn, like he can’t decide to drop the entire thing or question me fully, but after a couple of heartbeats, he’s nodding at me. “Yeah, let’s go. You ready?”
I don’t miss the way his eyes rake up and down my body.
“Just have to grab some sneakers,” I mutter, not meeting his eyes as he continues staring directly at me. Into me. “I’ll be right back.”
Matty stays silent as he nods me on, shoving his hands deep into his pockets and for some reason, it makes my stomach fall. I shouldn’t have touched him.
Last night was a moment of weakness. One that will not happen again.
I take a moment to myself when I step into my room, breathing deeply and evenly. I can’t stand how Matty makes me feel. Confused, angry and pent up all at once.
The thought of him just standing there waiting on me makes me hurry though, one last breath before pulling the closest pair of black sneakers on as I hop back out into the hallway on one foot, effectively pulling the other on as I do.
His eyes meet mine as soon as I’m on level ground, an expression I can’t quite read. “I’m ready.” I break the silence, his body barely tensing further at the sound of my voice. Matty clears his throat and gestures with a flick of his chin for me to follow him as he steps towards my front door, hands still in his pockets.
I remain silent as I grab my purse, slinging it over my shoulder and locking the door to my place behind us. I remain silent as I climb into the passenger seat of a car I hadn’t seen before, one more sleek and obscure than his Range Rover. It’s why I hadn’t realized he was actually here when I checked. I didn’t bother asking if it was his.
I couldn’t articulate a single word, let alone an entire sentence.
Matty didn’t try to speak to me either. I think he was just as confused as I was at my actions. Why I thought it was okay to touch him, to hug him?
Or he just didn’t care. I don’t know. 
The only reason I could breathe properly, calming my heaving chest, was the driver's side window he had down again to smoke a cigarette. The air outside was warm, and comforting. I wasn’t going to ask him to roll it up this time- even though he’d most likely ignore me again if I did.
We had been driving for almost twenty minutes when I finally picked my head up from its gaze on my lap and took in our surroundings. We were at his gym already. The gravel crunches under his tires as he throws the car in park and that’s when I finally turn my head with furrowed brows as I realized the parking lot is completely empty.
“Why is no one he—”
“Get out.” He grunts in response, killing the engine and not waiting for me before peeling himself from the driver's side.
My curiosity is what has me moving, following suit and half jogging to match his long strides. He made sure not to hold the door open for me as he walked through the lobby, walking behind the front desk to flick multiple light switches on. My eyes squint as the bright lights blinded me.
As he rounded the front desk, Matty glanced quickly over his shoulder at me to make sure I was paying attention enough to follow him. I was though—that’s for certain. Any and every previous thought was buried deep into my subconscious, now solely focused on the man in front of me.
My mind is only filled with him, how great he looked in blue track pants and the black tank top that was almost like a second skin clinging to his chest. His shoulder blades flexed with each slight movement he made, his inked biceps on complete display.
He had my utmost attention whether he knew it or not.
I nearly ran into the back of him when he came to an abrupt halt, too busy picturing what he looked like out of the shirt rather than really paying attention to where we were going.
A door, grey metal door, stood in front of us.
“Watch where you’re goin’,” he mutters roughly, pushing the door open and ushering me to step in first. His body stays planted where he stands though, so I bend slightly and walk underneath his arm, “lights on the left.”
Blindly reaching for the switch, my hand travels up exposed brick until finally finding it, flicking it up so the room is cast in a soft glow. The floors are concrete, save for a few mats on the far wall that look like yoga mats to a point. It’s a fairly small room, especially with the huge boxing ring in the middle.
“So…” I trail off, flicking my eyes on everything around me, “How is this gonna go?”
The door shuts behind me, all of the light cut off casting from outside the door and making this room even dimmer than before. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I don’t turn when I feel his chest press lightly against my back, my body still standing in the doorway and leaving little to no space for him to maneuver around me. “You’ll see soon enough.”
His breath fans across my neck, and I’m shot back to last night. How close we were, the same ragged breath on my skin. This time though, before anything transpires, he’s pulling away and clearing his throat. “Let’s just focus on getting this day done and over with, yeah?” He croaks, turning his back to me as he walks further into the room.
“Sound good to you?” he huffs, finally turning around to face me completely.
I’m nodding before my mind can contemplate what he’s even saying, “okay.”
Matty stares at me for a beat, like he’s trying to decide if I’m bullshitting him or not, before finally dropping his head in relief and nodding more to himself than me. “Alright,” he mumbles, my skin tingling as he looks back up to me, “come over here.”
My feet are moving forward, the gentle demand sending my body into autopilot, but Matty is quick to shake his head and I stop mid-step. “No. Try again. Hold your head up, don’t look so... frail.”
“M’ not fucking frail.” I mouth, my voice coming out more harsh than intended.
I hadn’t even taken a full step when he’s holding up a hand to stop me again, “Do better. Again.”
Matty looked me up and down, a brow slightly arched and his lips curving up into a smirk that I recently wanted to smack off of his face. It was the same expression he'd given me every time he made me stop and retry.
“I’m not doing it again for the 50th fucking time,” I huffed, slightly surprised that I was winded from just walking , “The fuck does walking have to do with anything?”
“That was it.” Matty cuts me off, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s how you show your power. Like you own the fucking place. Like everyone, there should be worshipping at your feet.” My breath catches as he steps forward, dropping his lips down to the curve of my ear, “Understand, princess?”
My heartbeat was suddenly beating erratically for an entire reason rather than the exertion.
“I guess?” I whisper, freezing as he reaches up to my neck, pushing the hair over my shoulder. Closing my eyes, my head is tilting on its own accord towards the ceiling, waiting for the feeling of his lips pressing against my pulse point.
It doesn’t come, though.
He steps away just as I feel the scruff of his cheek brush against mine, the same sly smirk on his lips. “Now that we know you can walk ,” he taunts, “can you fight? At all? Defend yourself in the slightest?”
“I don’t know,” I hum, fighting back the slightest curve of my lips, “let’s test it out to see. Are we getting in the ring or what?” I ask, motioning to the huge boxing ring a few feet behind him.
“No,” he answers immediately, eyeing the ring before turning back to me and letting his arms uncross, “Need to loosen you up first. Go pick a mat and let me change real quick.”
My eyes follow him as he trails off from the middle of the room, heading towards a door I hadn’t even noticed to my left. It must be a small bathroom or a locker room of sorts. I caught the sight of a single shower stall when the door opened before it closed behind him. I stood there, just staring at the chipped paint of the door for a full minute before having to mentally kick myself to get moving. There’s no telling what Matty would say or do if he walked back out and I was just staring at him like a creep.
Pulling the hair tie from around my wrist, I pull my hair into a pony and walk towards the mats that are placed directly in front of the mirrors. One looks used more than the other, the vinyl almost ripped and faded from the amount of wear. Choosing the one beside it on the off chance that the worn one was Matty’s choice, I settled down and faced the mirror.
Looking at my reflection, making sure the outfit I rushed to put on looked decent. A pair of black athletic leggings and a simple t-shirt overtop one of my sports bras. As I straighten my legs out in front of me, rubbing the muscles in my thighs, the door where Matty had disappeared behind opens, and he walks out with his eyes instantly finding mine in the mirror.
He’s not wearing the tanktop anymore, his bare tattooed chest is on display now and the blue track pants were replaced with a pair of black athletic shorts. As I drag my eyes back up to his face in the mirror, he has stopped a few feet behind me, a single brow raised at me in question.
Without a word, he starts forward again, only looking away from my reflection when he sits down on the mat across from me. “Look at me.” He says hoarsely, and I find myself spinning in his direction in a split second. “Your legs sore?”
“A bit.” The word came out low, ashamed from being tight from just walking, but to my surprise, Matty just nodded and sat up on his knees, a look of focus on his face as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Lay back.” He instructs, scooting around my body until he’s at my side and looking down at me. “Being sore isn’t bad, just lets us know what we’ve got to work on, yeah? It’s my fault. I should’ve made you stretch before working out. But let's be fair, I didn’t think walking would wind ya so much.”
I roll my eyes and start to sit up, “If you’re just going to insult me then I’m leaving.”
“No,” he shuts me down, pushing down onto my shoulder and making me lay back flat onto my back, “You aren’t.”
“I’m starting to think you know fuck all.” I trail off, and Matty finds my eyes once more but doesn’t retort with anything witty or sharp. He just keeps his mouth closed and shakes his head tightly, angling his head away from me. Which might be worse than anything else. “Okay,” I swallow down any of the insults threatening to tumble past my lips, “what’s next?”
Brown eyes look at me again, and I have to remind myself how to breathe. His hand reaches down to my shin, just hovering over the exposed skin where the leggings end before glancing back to mine, “Can I touch you here?”
That’s what my mind was dying for my mouth to echo, but instead, I nod once at him. He sits in the same position, holding my gaze until I realize what he wants. “Yes. You can touch me.”
Matty braces one hand on my shin, causing electricity to spark throughout my body while the other comes to my thigh, right above my knee. “You’ve got to stretch these muscles, so they don’t get all coiled and you end up limping tomorrow from the pain.” His words are quiet as he guides my leg up towards my chest, keeping my knee bent while he does. “It helps strengthen the muscles here. Got it?”
I nod at his question and the hand above my knee only moves once my knee touches my stomach, opting to reach across my waist and hold my left leg that tries to raise with the other. “Is that too much?” he asks, eyes glancing over to me to gauge my reaction.
“No.” I huff out, not from the actual stretch, but from how his hands felt on me. “It’s fine, I’m good.”
“Breathe.” He comments, and with the realization that I had been holding my breath, I let out a prolonged exhale slowly. “That’s it. Feel the burn still, is it easing any?” He releases the hold on my shin, straightening my leg and subconsciously squeezing my thigh as he runs it up the curve of my leg.
I have to look away from his face to steady my breathing, closing my eyes briefly. “It’s better, yeah.”
He moved to my other side then, doing the same stretch on my left leg, but making sure to watch my breathing and if I was tensing at all. I wasn’t going to tell him I was flexible enough for this. It was selfish, but I didn’t want to lose the feeling of sparks his hands erupted on me.
Too soon, he moves away and sits back down on the mat across from me, facing me. For another twenty minutes, he walks me through various stretches. Ones that I knew, and some that I didn’t. My arms, shoulders, legs, my core... they felt free and tight all at once. I don’t know if that’s from what Matty had me doing, or if it was just Matty in general.
He rose to his feet after he seemed satisfied that I was loose enough, and I followed suit.
I stood next to the ring as he jogged off to the side, swiping a bottle of water from a case that was tossed carelessly against one of the walls. He brings it to his lips, swallowing nearly all of it in a few big gulps and letting out a huff when he catches me watching.
“Thirsty?” He asks, extending the bottle towards me. I nod my head, waiting for him to bend down and grab my own, but he just walks towards me and places the bottle he had just drank from in my hands. “What? Water is good for you–don’t tell me you’re one of those people who never drinks it. For fucks sake... we should’ve started with that-”
“Shut up.” I groan, putting the lip of the bottle to my mouth and swallowing down the last few drinks of the warm water. I would’ve much rather have had a cold bottle, but I wasn’t going to complain in front of him and have him chastise me like a fucking child again. “Better?” I ground out when it’s empty, holding it back out to him.
I also wasn’t going to aid in his ego and tell him how great the water felt on my utterly dry throat.
“Have you ever been taught defense?” He asks again, his earlier question still mulling around in my mind. I could lie to him, act as frail as he thinks I am, or I could be straight up with him and tell him that I knew a little.
I opted with the element of surprise for him, “No.”
He nodded at me and flung the empty water bottle behind him, “That’s okay. We’ve got time to teach you properly.” Time. a finicky little thing, isn't it? “We can start with the basics, how does that sound?”
“Easy enough.” I conclude, but dropping any hint of confidence when he fucking smirks at me as we step into the ring and he places gloves on my hands before doing the same.
He begins circling me, a shark to its prey, looking for where to strike. My breath catches when he stops behind me, and if it wasn’t for the mirror on the wall showing me what he was doing, I may have been the one caught off guard. The second he started towards me, I ducked to the side and avoided his arms that were coming out to wrap around my body.
Matty lets out a breathy laugh, one that sounds more mocking than genuine. “You won’t have a reflection in the real world, Y/n. Don’t use that fuckin’ mirror. Use what’s inside your head. I need you to think, understand? I know you’re smart-ish use that to your advantage.”
The small smile I was wearing is swiped from my lips at being caught and I nod, “Whatever, Matthew. Give me your best.”
“You wouldn’t last a second with my best, princess.” He taunts, sizing me up once again as he stalks towards me. “If it were just you and me, an alleyway or a hallway, one that’s dark and you couldn’t see, what would you do?”
I glance around me, about to turn away and sprint away from him but he is shaking his head. “High chances they will chase you. What do you do?”
“I fight back.” I answer, and he nods again, stopping when he’s a foot in front of me. “But they’re bigger than me.”
“But you’re smarter ,” he counters, his gloved hand coming out to poke me in the chin, “and you’ve got a mouth on you, yeah? One that never shuts the fuck up? Use that if you have to. They won’t want a scene, so give them one. Scream, yell. Get someone’s attention if that’s what it takes.”
His glove lingers on my chin, “Use my mouth. I’ve got it.” The words are low, the familiar electricity crackling around us with him this close to me.
In the blink of an eye, his hand is off my chin and wrapping an arm around my shoulder to spin me, the bend of his arm pressing against my windpipe. “Rule number one of defense,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear, “don’t panic.” Matty’s arm tightens a fraction, “Am I hurting you?”
“No,” I manage to croak out, attempting to shake my head before remembering I’m quite literally being held stationary. He wasn’t, not to the point of hurting me, just a slight discomfort that I haven’t felt in a while.
A feeling that had my heart racing with adrenaline.
With my left hand, I reach up to his forearm, already anticipating the soft shake of his head at that being the wrong thing to do. Before the words can leave his mouth though, I throw my right elbow back into the exposed area of his side and twist out of his grasp.
“Surprise,” I hum with a smirk, eyes glinting as Matty instantly reaches to the area I know has to be stinging.
His lips curve up, a soft scoff followed by a breathy chuckle leaving them, “Okay... so you know some defense, hmm? Why didn’t you just fucking say that?”
“This was more fun,” I tease, shaking out my hands. “Did it hurt?”
“Like a bitch,” he praises, twisting his hips to alleviate some of the pain, “You’ve got boney ass elbows– christ .” The smirk I’m still wearing is falling as he suddenly hardens, the playfulness gone from his expression and eyes almost instantly. “Hit me. C'mon.”
I take a half step back hesitantly as he stalks towards me, “What–hit you? Like... really hit you?”
“Did I fuckin’ stutter?” Matty questions, an innocent tilt to his head. “Hit me–unless you’re too worried about ruining your–”
You don’t have to tell me twice.
His words were knocked from his mouth. Literally .
A sinister grin spreads across my face as I watch the crimson liquid gush from his mouth. Fuck that felt good. Matty never knows when to stop running his mouth, constantly spewing nonsense and infuriating everyone around him. His once smug expression is now one of shock and disbelief as he jerks his head, trying to snap out of whatever thoughts are racing through his mind.
“Is that all you got, princess?” With a forceful spit, he releases the bloody mess onto the pristine white mat beneath him. “Again.”
“Again?” I choke out, rushing to stand in front of him at the sight of the shit ton of blood he spat out, abandoning the gloves. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it that hard. Fuck, oh hell... does it hurt? Of fucking course it hurts.”
Matty also abandons his gloves and then rubs at his cheek, chuckling a bit when his head comes up and his eyes meet mine. Void is the serene brown that’s normally glaring at me, replaced with blown pupils that look lethal. “Matty… I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” He barks at me, suddenly standing tall and towering over me. Our movements are synced, him stepping forward, me back. And that continues until my back the ropes, ending any chance of distance I have to put between us.
The dark eyes glance down at my extended palms, the ones inches away from touching his abdomen, “What? Think I’m going to hit you?”
“I don’t know...” I trail off, my heart lurching against my rib cage as he steps further, my hands flat against his stomach now, “you look like you’re considering it.”
The lips I’ve been trying my best to avoid staring at lift, “This isn’t me angry, princess.” He hums, pressing forward so our chests are touching. “I’d be a hell of a lot less composed. I’m... surprised, impressed even. Didn’t think these arms had any hope.”
I fucking hate how my mouth parts and eyes close as his knuckle runs up the expanse of my arm. “I guess you don’t know me as well as you thought.” I manage to whisper, choking on my breath as the tips of his fingers brush the hair of my ponytail from my shoulder.
“Hmm?” He questions, the scruff of his jaw following the curve of my neck as he leans in, his whisper fanning over the heated skin, “Maybe I don’t. What else are you hiding, Y/n?”
“It wouldn’t be a secret then, would it?” I breathe out, my fingertips grazing his abs. I can feel the smirk as he glides his lips from the bottom of my jaw, only pausing when he reaches the corner of my mouth.
I angle my head up as he does, heavy breaths shared between the two of us. “I guess you’re right,” he whispers, his lips peppering onto my mouth teasingly with each syllable. “It’s more fun to find out this way anyways, yeah?”
“Yes.” God, yes. “Matty—”
“Hmm?” He questions, his hands finding this resting spot on either side of my head. “What is it? What do you want, baby ? Use your mouth, remember? Words.”
My eyes open as he fully encases me in, eyes blown and wild. Adrenaline. “Kiss me.”
That was all it took. The two simple words fell from my lips for Matty to let out a low huff of breath, his left hand pushing off the ropes to cup around my cheek. He angles my head up, holding my gaze as his thumb runs across the curve of my jaw.
All breath is expelled from my lungs, happily swallowed by Matty who is inching closer with each breath.
My name drips from his tongue like honey, smooth and thick with his accent. I don’t think I’ve ever liked my name as much as I have when it’s coming from him. “Say it again.”
“Kiss me.”
His hips twitch forward the moment the words leave my mouth, his lips crash onto mine. It's both a gentle and a demanding kiss, like he's trying to taste every inch of me and reestablish his dominance at the same time. One hand still cradles my cheek, and the other wraps around the back of my neck, holding me in place as we breathe each other in.
His taste is addictive.
My mind couldn’t keep up. The way he was pulling my hair, the beautiful soft moans leaving his lips, the way he was consuming every inch of me. I was going feral and the adrenaline coursing through my veins was fighting for dominance over my want to be closer to him.
To feel him.
Matty’s fingers tighten around my throat as I let out a prolonged moan, my own noise sending chills throughout my whole body. It was a battle of who could get who undressed quicker, our hands fumbling around blindly trying to free one another of the material separating us.
“I’m gonna fuck you.” He begs breathless as my lips attach to his neck and a whimper fights its way past my lips. Matty’s hands cup under my ass, lifting me into the air as I wrap my legs around his waist.
Both of our chests heaving, hardly able to breathe, I feel the cool floor of the boxing ring beneath my back as Matty pins me down with his body weight. His lips find mine again, consuming my every thought. I let out a hiss when his hand bites into my hip, only to be followed by a pleasured whine as Matty runs his thumb over the sensitive area as his lips leave mine once again.
Every inch of me is on fire.
“Be a good girl for me,” He whispers against my ear, “Can you fuckin' do that for me? For fuckin’ once?” I can’t help but tighten my grip on him, and without really thinking about it, my legs come around his waist, inviting him in, letting his hands explore the curves of my body.
My body responds instinctively as his lips begin to wander across my skin, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses in their wake. Every inch of me tingles with anticipation as he travels from my throat to my jaw, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Matty's kisses turn rough as he bites down on the sensitive skin of my neck, igniting a mixture of pleasure and pain that I can't resist.
“Fuck.” I groan as my back arches and his chest presses against mine, “we shouldn’t be doin’ this.”
There are a hundred reasons as to why we shouldn’t. The most obvious being that Matty is a dick and we hate each other. I know I shouldn’t be wanting him this way and let’s not forget this is crossing a line that I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to come back from. Expect I’m not stopping, and he isn’t pushing me away either.
“You’re right.” Matty does, however, manage to say in no more than a whisper. “We shouldn’t. It doesn’t make sense, you and I.”
I can barely focus on what he’s saying considering how he’s rolling his hips into me. The bulge in his boxers is evident and a low growl escapes my lips as I buck my hips back towards him, needing more contact. “This is stupid, and you hate me-”
The second those words leave my mouth, Matty is hovering over me, both hands on either side of my head. My body is suddenly cold without him pressed against me. “What did you just say?” Those milky brown eyes are forced onto mine when he holds my jaw firmly, fire burning the skin where he’s holding me.
“It’s dangerous?” I question in between breaths, and Matty instantly shakes his head. My brows furrow, seemingly genuinely confused, until my eyes widen in the slightest and I can feel the fire spreading across my cheeks. “I didn’t mean... it’s just—look, you hate me and I hate you. We both know it. Jesus, everyone can see that.”
“Y/n.” Matty voices coldly and it has me almost flinching away from him. But I don’t pull out of his grasp though, just close my eyes, waiting for him to agree. “Believe me when I say that I don’t hate you. Not in the slightest. You just get under my skin and piss me off.” A devilish smirk pulls at his lips when I open my eyes, “Don’t try and pretend that you don’t do it on purpose either, my little minx.”
His eyes dart to my mouth when I run my tongue along my bottom lip. The pulse in my neck is beating roughly as his lips attach to me once more, and just like that I’m melting into his hands.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I moan out, my hand coming to the nape of his neck and pulling on his hair. “I just say what I’m thinking, and you can’t stand it.” Another moan, breathless. “That’s not my problem.”
The hand Matty had on my hip dances to the top of my thigh, and he lets it rest there for a moment before squeezing a bit roughly.
“I can make it your problem.” He rumbles against my collarbone. “Is that what you want, sweet girl? Want me to show you how pissed off you make me? Treat you like the fuckin’ brat that you are ?”
My legs tighten again, hips rolling against his with a desperate urgency. Every fiber of my being craves friction, any kind of sensation to alleviate the intense desire building inside me. I can feel the heat and hardness of him pressed against my cloth-covered, soaked core. I mutter a whiny, “Please.”
In the passing of a heart beat, Matty rips my underwear from my body—literally tears through the flimsy material. The sound of the ripping fabric fills the air, and my body flinches in anticipation as he pulls away from my neck. I'm left gasping for air, my heart thumping erratically against my rib cage.
Matty's eyes trail from my now exposed soppy cunt to my parted lips, his pupils blown as if he's seeing me for the first time.
“Need to see these fucking tits.” He groans out, roughly yanking the sports bra to my collarbones. My nipples pebble at the cool air of the room causing me to let out a whimper.
The moment Matty's rough hands cup my breasts, my eyes roll back into my head. He groans and licks his lips, and my hips jerk up as he pinches both my nipples and I can't help but moan loudly. “Oh fuck,” I whisper, feeling so turned on by the roughness.
“I’ve barely even touched you. Fuckin’ pathetic.” Matty huffs before swiftly smacking my breast with a hard swipe, my eyes fly open and I gasp, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Fuckin’ moaning and groaning, and I haven’t even put my cock in you yet,” He growls, leaning down to connect his lips to my nipple, his stubble scraping against my delicate skin, leaving me gasping.
“I could just keep going, play with your tits, suck on your nipples til they're so sore that tears fill those pretty eyes, and it would all be so easy. But that wouldn’t be fair to you, would it?” Matt’s chuckles against my skin. “I’d be teasing you, and you’d be begging for me to either stop or fuck you already.”
My gaze locks with his as he bites down on my nipple, causing a sharp pain that blends with pleasure. I groan loudly, feeling the pleasure and pain coalesce into a heady sensation that has my toes curling. “Matty...” I whimper his name like a prayer, arching my back, and pushing my chest further into his lips.
His tongue flicks over the sensitive nub, sending shockwaves of excitement throughout my entire body. The wet sounds of his mouth are making the already-charged atmosphere even more intense, the taste of him on my skin driving me wild.
“That's it,” he mumbles against my skin, his teeth grazing softly before his mouth suctions around my nipple, tugging gently. I let out a strangled cry, feeling the sting and the arousal simultaneously. My hands grab onto his hair roughly before falling to his neck and tugging him closer still. The sound of our harsh breaths fills the small space around us, punctuated by Matty's lips smacking against my breastbone as he moves lower.
He growls against me, clearly enjoying the power he holds at this moment. “You're so fuckin’ responsive,” he murmurs, his rough hands skating down my stomach and between my legs.
“Matty, please!” I plead out, my hands fisting against the cool mat.
“But I love hearing you beg for me like the needy little whore you are.” His fingers find my soppy folds, slowly lapping them around me at a tortuous speed. My head falls against the mat, my lewd moans echo around us. He teasingly circles his middle finger around my opening and I can’t help but rotate my hips against it.
His finger dips inside me like he’s searching for something and I cry out again at the touch. Matty plunges two fingers deep inside me, stretching me further than I ever thought possible with one swift thrust. “Oh,” he drags out hoarsely against my pulse point, his hips rolling against my thigh. “So fuckin’ tight. I can see why you’re a raging bitch, no one has properly fucked you, have they?” Matty teases, curling his fingers up, hitting the spongy spot hidden inside me.
“Please,” I beg again, needing him to stop teasing and just fuck me already. He groans once more, a mix of pleasure and roughness that has me on edge even more. Matty's teeth graze my neck, making me shiver as I feel his fingers slide deeper into me, stretching me to accommodate him more. The slick heat of his fingers fills me up, and I arch into him, begging him to continue.
He growls lowly against my skin, knowing exactly what he's doing to me. He presses in deeper, finding my G-spot once more as he thrusts his fingers in and out. “Fuck,” I moan, unable to control the word that slips past my lips. “Don't stop.”
His thumb finds my clit and starts circling it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my entire body. I buck my hips towards him, needing more friction but he suddenly withdraws his fingers from my pussy with a wet pop.
I whimper in protest, my eyes fluttering open to find him still smirking at me, but this time sitting up on his knees, pulling his boxers down. Matty’s cock loudly smacks against his lower stomach and the red tip glistening with precum has my mouth watering.
I knew I shouldn't have said it, but the sight of him there, fully hard and ready for me, was just too much temptation. With a voice that was barely audible, I whispered, “Please... please just fuck me.”
“Not yet, babes,” he warns, just barely holding himself back as he lifts off his knees to completely rid himself of the boxers. “Wanna feel that mouth on my cock.”
And just like that Matty's thick, pale muscular thighs are straddling my head. “You’re gonna be a good little slut and open your fuckin’ mouth.” He demands, reaching back down to wrap my ponytail around his fist, pulling my head forward.
He shoves his cock into my mouth roughly. My fingernails latch onto his bare thighs as I gag around him, Matty’s head falling back in pleasure at the sound.
“Fuck yeah... that’s it...” He moans out as my cheeks hollow around him, sucking around his cock like a greedy slut. Which I am, especially with the way he looks down at me.
His hair started to curl from the sweat earlier but now it’s matted and tousled sticking to his forehead in sticky tendrils, his lids are heavy and half closed and to top it off his lips are cherry red and saliva-coated. “You wanna choke on this cock, princess?”
Humming in response, the vibration against his cock sends a visible chill down his spine. “God fuckin’ damnit,” Matty groans, tightening my hair around his fist. “You deserve to be fucked until you can’t walk, don’t you baby?”
My moan of agreement is cut off as he shoves his cock back into my mouth roughly, my throat constricting around him as I gag. Matty relentlessly thrust into my mouth, moaning as the head of his dick slides down my throat. My fingers tighten around his thighs, looking up at Matty through my lashes as a few tears roll down my cheeks.
“You’re taking me so well, baby.” Matty praises, slowing his hips to wipe the tears off of my face. I can’t stop but smile with his cock still in my mouth before using my grasp on his thighs to guide Matty’s cock back down my throat. “So fuckin’ good,” He moans as my nose meets his pelvis, gagging around him once more.
“Yeah, fuckin' gag on my cock you stupid little slut." Matty grunts as he slams his cock back into my throat. Tears now streaming down my face as I struggle to breathe around him.
Matty’s heavy thighs press against my head and the grip in my hair holds me to him like his personal plaything.
“Oh yeah, that's good girl.” Matty's gruff voice fills the air, thrusting deep into the back of my throat making me gag and cough, but that just makes Matty tighten his grip on my hair.
He's using my mouth, treating it like a cunt. My throat and mouth are being used to get him off. This thought alone makes my cunt clench around nothing. I can feel my pussy start to drip down on the mat and my clit is throbbing painfully just begging to be touched again. My hand slid between his parted thighs, down my trembling stomach, and finally to my drenched core in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the pain. I let out a moan as I touched the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Did I fuckin’ say you could touch your pathetic little pussy?” Matty snarls from above as he pulls away abruptly and slaps my cheek. The blow stings and leaves my cheek reddened. A whimper falls from my lips at his words.
“Don't think I don't notice what you're doing.” His growl rumbles, resonating in the chilled air. His fingers clench, gathering a fistful of my hair, yanking my head, forcing me to meet his gaze.
“You do not get to touch, Understand me?” Matty hisses. Nodding dumbly, tears still streaming down my face. “That's my good girl.” His fist is still wrapped in my hair, and his other hand slowly travels down my torso, pinching my nipples before teasingly circling my clit with two fingers. My entire body shudders from the sensation.
“Do you want this?” He whispers, his breath hot and close to my ear.
“Please,” I murmur before moaning loudly as Matty's finger slips inside my dripping hole roughly. “Yes!” His finger starts thrusting hard and fast. Matty laughs at my answer as he withdraws slightly, only long enough for me to suck in a lungful of air, then he plunges back in, hitting the spot where I hopelessly crave.
“Desperate whore.” Matty taunts as he continues pumping his finger in and out, over and over again. “So fuckin’ needy. Like your fuckin’ pussy was made for me alone. God, you are so wet. Fuck, so pretty.” He praises.
Not even a second later, Matty is hovering over me again, slowly pumping his fingers and his thumb circles my clit. “Should I give you what you want?” He purrs as he leans in, breathing deeply in the shell of my ear, his warm breath fanning the skin. “Hmm, give you my cock?”
My eyes shoot open, wide and curious, as I stare up at him. The weight of his cock presses firmly against my thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. My mind is completely transfixed on him—his chiseled jawline, his piercing gaze, the way his tousled hair falls across his forehead. In this moment, I cannot form a single coherent thought in my head.
“Yeah, you look like you need it.” Matty growls before sinking back into my cunt. A soft whimper escapes, “Such a slut,” he whispers into my ear, moving between my parted thighs. His free hand grips one side of my hips as he starts to violently shoves his cock into me, “Such a fuckin’ whore.”
There's no way I can hide my body's response to his words. Every word he says makes my heart race, my stomach flutter, and my clit throb even more. I'm helpless under him, taking everything he gives me. My body betraying me, almost as if it's addicted to the pleasure I find in this misery. His cock filling me up, stretching me open so perfectly.
Matty continues to thrust into me, his fingertips digging into my hips hard enough to leave bruises that will linger for weeks but also holding on as if he never wants to let go of this possession he has over me in this moment.
Then both of his hands are on my chest, holding my breasts as they jiggle with each rough movement. He growls and grunts with each powerful thrust, pumping himself deep inside of me until my walls begin to clench around him.
“Are you fuckin’ gonna cum already?” Matty moves his lips down to the side of my neck. “You let me treat you like shit for years and here you are about to cum around my cock.”
I shudder, feeling my orgasm build up, my walls clamping down on his cock, my pussy greedily drinking him deep. “Mmnnngh,” I moan, nodding frantically. My eyes roll back in bliss as he thrusts harder and faster, my hips bucking up to meet him. The burn in my chest as he paws at my breasts sends a wave of pleasure through me, “I’m gonna cum, Matt—fuck!” I cry out, my nails gripping his forearm as he presses his mouth harder against the curve of my neck.
“Tell me how good it feels, Y/n.” Matty orders, my legs trembling around his waist. “Wanna see you fall apart for me.”
“Matty— fuck ! I can’t, I’m cumming,” I moan, my body falling limp against the floor. He released my neck, his hands gripping onto my hips that were for sure going to marks left from how hard Matty was digging his fingers into my skin but the moans of pleasure I gave him seemed to only egged him on.
“Who knew you'd be such a perfect fuck, princess?” Matty grunts, his voice hoarse as he thrusts harder, deeper. “I knew you'd be good, but fuck, you're killing me.”
He slams into me one more time, and I let out a cry, my body trembling as a wave of pleasure washes over me. Matty's eyes hold a mix of lust and admiration as I ride my orgasm. His thumb rubs against my clit, and another wave crashes over me, leaving me breathless and weak. “You better remember, princess” Matty growls, his voice ragged. “I'm the reason you just cummed so hard.”
I wanna roll my eyes at his stupid statement but this is beyond anything I've ever experienced before, but even with a gun to my head would I ever admit it.
“Shit. Oh god, ” Matty moans, his hips bucking into me at an uneven pace now. He lowers over top of me, lips pressed in between my shoulder blades as Matty empties his cock into my pussy and fills me to the brim with his sticky, hot cum.
“Jesus... goddamn.” Matty mutters, collapsing entirely on top of me. Neither of us moves or says anything, the only sound being our labored breaths and thumping heartbeats. Matty's cock, now soft, still buried deep inside me, his hot cum seeping out between my legs and dripping down onto the mat.
The fog starts to finally clear from my brain and I realize what just happened. My body is slick with sweat and my chest heaves with each ragged breath. I can't believe I just let him do that to me.
Fucking hell, if the guys and Charli find out about this, I'll never live it down. I wonder if it’s possible to wipe away the trace of his cum from my cunt and keep this a secret for the rest of my life.
Take this shit to my grave if I have to.
Pushing up on his shoulders, “Get out of me.” Matty's breath hitches as he slowly lifts himself from me, his heavy body disappearing from atop me. He rolls off to the side, still panting heavily. His eyes dart around the room as if trying to make sense of what just happened.
"What the fuck was that?" He asks, raking his fingers through his hair and angling his head towards me. And of course, that stupid fucking smug ass smirk is on his lips.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing happened.”
"Nothing happened?" Matty scoffs, "Then why is my cum leaking out of you, huh?” He smirks, leaning in closer as if trying to read my thoughts.
I glare at him, my hand pushing his sweaty face from me. “Can’t believe I called out of work for this and you didn’t even train me.”
“Train you?” Matty chuckles, reaching out to grab hold of my hips, pulling me close again. "Are you kidding me, princess? I just gave you the best orgasm of your fucking life and you wanna bitch about training?” He reaches down and flicks his finger against my clit, making me gasp and arch my back. “So, you're telling me that you've never felt this good before? Never had an orgasm like that?”
I forcefully push away his hand, my expression twisted into a scowl. “Whatever, Matty. M’not fucking you again.”
He smirks, his grip still firm on my hips. “Oh, but you will,” he declares confidently, his intense gaze locked onto mine. “And next time, I'll make sure to properly train you.”
“I highly doubt it.”
“Care to bet on that?” His words are barely a whisper as he leans in for a kiss, but I quickly dodge his lips. In response, his hand swiftly wraps around my throat, tightening its hold as he presses closer.
“We'll see, princess,” he growls, his warm breath tickling my ear. “We will see.”
“I fucking hate you.” I blurt out angrily, meeting his challenging gaze.
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
So girl, I’ve seen Beyonce is your favourite singer and she’s my favourite singer so could you please write Reader where she is a huge fan and she’s part of the judgment day and more like Rhea and Damian, she reacts to the album with them and they can’t understand like the hype or something like that because they are not into that genre and like reader has some crazy reaction.
Please it would be so fun! Thank you so my queen 🐝❤️
please, i always imagined what would their reactions be to beyonce or singers they don’t listen to lol, i’m so happy to make this request!
notes : i love rock music and metal too! i just needed to make reader a beyhive and make her hating metal music (please forgive me), also listen to this masterpiece thank you!
damian priest x reader x rhea ripley (PLATONIC)
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you always loved sharing car rides and hotel rooms with your teammates, especially damian and rhea. they were the first people to ask you to join them in the judgment day, seeing your potential in nxt and being barely twenty one, they wanted to give you a bigger opportunity and so they took you under their protective wing.
finn and dom were nice too, they helped you growing in your skills in the past year and they all took a liking in you but you had a bigger connection with rhea and damian.
they always pushed you, making you reach goals you thought were impossible and you couldn’t thank them enough.
there was one thing you didn’t like about them.
their favourite type of music.
rock. metal. punk. whatever they were listening to. you just couldn’t handle it. there was just one rock song you liked and it was beyoncé’s “don’t hurt yourself” rock song.
so long car rides with them were always a torture. you tried to make conversation most of the time but when it was a 7 hour ride, eventually you would finish topics and so you had to listen to them singing or more - screaming - to their songs.
they usually let you choose one or two songs, but that was it. and everytime you would choose rihanna or beyonce they would take over it.
finn once told you that metal heads only cared about their favourite music. the rest was trash for them. you didn’t believe him at first, thinking he was only overreacting but in this year you realised how right he was.
it’s like they were allergic to beyonce.
but tonight, oh, tonight it was going to be your night.
you were currently in the same hotel room as they were as rhea wanted to share a room with you all. you knew what was coming at midnight and so you asked multiple times to have a separate room from them, you didn’t give them explanations but rhea wasn’t having it.
so, a huge bedroom with two kings sized bed - one for damian and the other one for rhea and you - and a huge tv with all the apps you needed, spotify included was what you got.
the shock came when the track list dropped a day prior, letting you know that there were going to be 27 songs.
they can barely handle one song, how were they going to react to 27 songs?
you still didn’t ask them, as whatever band rhea was playing on spotify - probably motionless in white - were blasting in the room and you were currently fidgeting with your fingers.
the best guess was probably that they would leave you alone for two hours or so. maybe going at the gym or somewhere else. the worst guess was that they probably would laugh at you and telling you no. that would be the worst because you had been waiting for this album since the announcement day and you were already excited at the thought of a new beyonce album.
fifteen minutes to the album drop and you were already imagining yourself leaving the room to go somewhere else to listen to the album.
“guys!” you called for their attention. you were sitting on the bed next to rhea and damian, who were playing some cards game.
“you okay?” rhea asked and you nodded.
“i have something to ask you…”
“go on” rhea’s curios faced looked at you. rhea always liked the way you got shy around them, even if you had been with them for the past year. she kinda knew what you were going to ask, as you had been fangirling about the album with bianca belair for the past two weeks but still, she wanted to hear you asking them. deep down she knew she couldn’t say no to you.
damian, on the other hand, had no idea and he probably was going to have a heart attack at your request.
“so…i have a request…and for once i would like - uhm…i would like that you would consider my feelings” you struggled at first making rhea slightly chuckle.
“did we do something?” damian’s worried expression looked at you.
“no no no, you didn’t do anything to me…uhm…it came out wrong” you said “so, uhm…i don’t know if you know, probably not, but beyoncé’s new album drops in like ten minutes now and - uhm…since we’ve been listening to metal music all day long and i haven’t complained once - i would like to ask you if you could let me listen the album here? like, i know it’s not your type of music but i would really love to listen it here and not going like in the gym or somewhere else…since we have spotify and stuff…” you asked.
rhea was smirking and damian was very much confused.
“that’s it?” rhea asked and you nodded.
“why were you so scared to ask us that?” damian asked you this time.
“i wasn’t scared…”
“yes you were” he pointed out. he kinda felt bad that you had to ask them such a simple thing. yes, he knew beyonce wasn’t his music but he couldn’t see why it was a thing to ask.
“so?” rhea asked “you kinda looked scared”
“it’s not that. it’s just i know it’s not your type of music and you always act dramatic when finn or i ask if we can listen to something else so i thought it was going to be a problem for you”
“we always let you put your songs on” damian said.
“yes, and then you and rhea talk over it”
“oh” he said “i didn’t mean to do that i promise”
“okay…” you smiled “so you really are going to listen beyonce with me?”
“yeah, i mean, i don’t think 13 or 14 songs could hurt us” rhea joked and damian laughed too.
“actually…it’s 27 songs”
“what!?” the both screamed, making you chuckle.
“you still have five minutes to back up because the album is about to drop” you said as you were searching beyonce on spotify.
you observed the way rhea and damian looked at each others. definitely not ready for the outcome. but rhea couldn’t help but notice how excited you were about the album, and how you were happy with it. just a small thing that made you the happiest she ever saw you.
“here we go!” you almost screamed jumping back on the bed, sat between rhea and damian as you were about to press play when you saw the album popping up on her spotify home “are you ready?”
“wait…is it a country album?” damian asked and you nodded.
“you should have gave us a little more of infos about what kind of death we have to die…” rhea added a little dramatic, making you laugh.
“oh shut up! it’s gonna be great!” you said pressing play.
you were in tears after the first minute of ameriican requiem and now damian and rhea thought you were the dramatic one.
it got worse when beyoncé’s cover of jolene started as you always loved that song growing up.
“so she stealing songs?” damian murmured, earning a side look from rhea and punch in his stomach from you “okay i apologise”
the death of you was when daughter started, you knew beyonce was capable of anything but opera? the italian part? you were a crying mess, and even though neither of them were understanding the hype around beyonce, they couldn’t deny she was a great artist.
they were a little shocked when they saw you crying over her songs and they didn’t know what to do. if they should console you or letting you cry in peace.
“oh she’s doing it again!” you screamed when spaghetti started.
“doing what?” rhea whispered never getting a reply back.
you were crying and then you were not.
they felt like they were babysitting a baby.
damian was trying to stay awake just for you and rhea was kinda amused by the reactions you were having to her songs.
ya ya made you start jumping on the bed, tyrant made you feel like you were a porn star and ii hand ii heaven made you cry all over again.
one hour and a half later the album was over and you couldn’t believe the masterpiece beyonce just dropped.
“so?” you asked them, noticing their confused looks “did you like it?”
they knew they couldn’t say no because you looked too happy and they didn’t want to ruin your mood but they couldn’t say yes because - country? - definitely not their genre.
“i gave up after the jolene cover” damian joked, earning another side look from rhea “joking joking…it was interesting”
“rhea?” you turned to her and now she was speechless.
“uhm…yeah, it was an experience” she smiled at you, making you smile too.
you were happy with their reactions so you went all to bed.
two days later
another car ride. another show. another hotel room to be shared with damian and rhea.
you hit the shower first, tired of the trip you just had, you wanted to relax a bit before going to bed.
“your body laid out on these filthy floors
your bloodstains on my custom coutures
bathroom attendant let me right in
she was a big fan”
came from the bedroom. except it wasn’t spotify.
“they keep saying that i ain’t nothing like my father
but i’m the furthest thing from choir boys and altars
if you cross me i’m just like my father
i am colder than titanic water”
you heard damian singing.
he was singing beyonce. the opera song. they really thought you couldn’t hear them so they kept singing or more like, whispering, but you would catch a someone singing a beyonce song even in the loudest crowd.
rhea joining him too was something else.
you really couldn’t believe that but you pretended nothing happened because you knew you would have ruined their egos.
damian and rhea singing beyonce?
no one would believe that.
but you did.
and that was enough for you.
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wosowrites · 11 months
Against All Odds (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: none
prompt: in which reader is a super buff boxer but gets all soft around Jessie, making Jessie’s teammates tease her.
a/n: for @woso-scotland
Growing up with 5 older brothers meant one thing. Chaos. The only time you all got along was when you were watching boxing on the TV. However, when you were 11, the middle child, Jacob, died. You had never heard the house so quiet, it haunted you to this day. He had only been 15.
But, 11 year old you wanted to make your family feel better, she wanted to give her family back the five boxers for children they had before the accident.
That’s why when you told your father you wanted to take up boxing, he didn’t say no. Your dad was your biggest fan. He came to every game, gave you tips until you were too good for them, and supported you through everything including your coming out. You were the only person in the family that had continued boxing, your brothers turning into architects, police officers and family men while you stayed nose deep in the world of boxing.
By the time you were 20, you were incredibly well known in the boxing world, and at the same time, a certain 20 year old was growing a name for herself too. Only in the football industry. However you would only meet Jessie Fleming years later at a gym…
You were ripped, to say the least. But not the kind of ripped that would go noticed to everyone. You wore hoodies and sweatpants and it made your build discreet, but the second you were in a sports bra and shorts it was undeniable you could take anybody in a fight.
Jessie met you at the supermarket in London. It was the middle of COVID and your boxing season has been cut short. You were wearing light blue Columbia sweatpants and a matching crewneck with a black mask. Your sneakers were white, but just barely as you only left your house for essentials.
You had always lived in LA which made the sudden move to London, England shocked to your family. But you knew you needed to get away from the world during this virus thing.
You turned the corner, holding a basket in your hand which was filled with vegetables, milk, fruit and some protein bars. As you did, you felt a cart come crashing into your legs and sending you flying backwards, landing on the ground.
"Oh my god! I’m so sorry," the young woman squealed, quickly leaving her spot behind the cart and rushing to your side. "It’s okay, i’m fine," you laughed, rubbing you knees and standing up. "I’m- Im so sorry I was just lost in my own mind and I didn’t see you," she apologized again. "What are you, Canadian? Enough apologies. I’m okay," you teased. "How did you know?" she asked, helping you place your own groceries back into your basket. "Know what?" you questioned, only realizing now how beautiful the girl in front of you was, or at least what you could see of her was. "That i’m canadian?" she said.
"Oh. I didnt. I was just kidding, but that makes sense now, and the accent," you laughed. "Okay American," she clapped back, rolling her eyes teasingly. "I feel like i’ve seen you somewhere," you said to her, narrowing your eyes. "Uh- no. Probably not. I’m your average girl," she said.
"So am I," you said.
The next week, you saw her again. This time, you had just come from the gym so you had on shorts and a tank top, showing off your features. Jessie was there too. "Hey!" she said to you as you met her in. the dairy alley. "Hi. How are you?" you asked her. "I’m good. And you’re jacked," she said, not so discreetly passing her eyes over your body. Usually, someone staring at you like that would make you self conscious, but the way Jessie did it made you feel good.
"Uh, yeah," you laughed. "Oh my god. When I left here last week I thought i recognized you too. That’s because you… box, right? On TV! A few of my teammates have a crush on you. They hate boxing but they love watching you," she laughed. "Oh really now? Well I don’t really care what they think but I care what you do. Because I recognize you too. Jessie Fleming, olympic athlete, two times world cup attender, and Chelsea player," you said, listing her honours.
"Stalker," she accused. "Yeah," you smiled. "Okay well how about I get to know you through another mechanism than google," you suggested. "You mean a date?" she asked, clearly blushing. "I do,"
But then the whole world went into lockdown again and your dates were more like king calls till midnight and face time dates.
Everything worked out though, because on this day of April 14th 2023, you were dating and more in love than ever.
Jessie’s Canadian teammates found out first. You had travelled to Ottawa with her for the celebration tour of winning the Olympics. Jessie had a video of you screaming your guts out by yourself in your apparement when they won the games. You were yelling, crying, and got a noise complaint the next day. But you didn’t care. All you wanted to do with your life was support your girlfriend, and that’s all she wanted to do with hers.
So, that’s how you found yourself front row in tiny little place TD stadium, sitting on a chair that was a little tight on your quads. Jessie scored a penalty, mimicking the one she did at the Olympics and you yelled for that too. You were probably the only American that loved the Canadian team more than anything.
After the game, the team walked around clapping to the fans and when Jessie got to you she stopped and hugged you over the barrier. "Come down, the security here is light," she said to you. So you climbed over the railing and hopped onto the turf. "Janine!" Jessie called, ushering over a blonde who had been talking to a man who looked like her brother. Janine jogged over and looked at you with wide eyes. You were pretty menacing to people who didn’t know you. "This is… y/n, my girlfriend," Jessie said. "You’re- your what?!! How long have you been together?" Janine asked. "Um, well we’ve been taking it slow a year but we made it official like six months ago," Jessie said. "Six. Months?!" Janine whisper yelled. "Hi, I’m y/n," you said, sticking your hand out.
Janine had clearly forgotten you were there as her her snapped towards you in confusion. "Oh, sorry. Hi, I’m Janine Beckie," she said. "Y/n Y/l/n," you smiled, shaking it. "Like the boxer?" she asked. "Uh, yeah," you laughed.
The introductions were then made in the Canada locker room which was even scarier as what felt like hundreds of pairs of eyes were on you.
"Okay. So I don’t do this… it’s not my thing but I thought after keeping our… relationship… secret for months you guys deserved to know. This is my girlfriend, y/n. And yeah she’s the boxer," Jessie said.
You blushed furiously and smiled at the girls who started asking questions all at once. "How did you meet?"
"She hit me." you said. "Okay woah! You need to add context there," Jessie laughed. "She hit me with her shopping cart," you added.
"Okay and what are your intentions. Because this is Baby Canada right here and she can’t play with a broke heart," Chappy said, summoning her motherly side. "My intentions are to never let her go a day without feeling loved and supported. My intentions are to… watch her play with a smile on my face and make sure she knows that she is the most wonderful person I have ever met. My intentions are to go broke because I buy all of her jerseys," you said, ranting a little bit.
"Okay softie," Stephanie said, winking over at Jessie and giving her a thumbs up. "Sorry to do this y/n but the post game talk is just for players. Gotta kick you out," Bev said, heading towards the door. "Oh right. Okay well it was nice meeting you all," you said. You turned to Jessie and gave her a quick kiss on the lips which she responded by placing her hand against your abs and kissing back before you left the room.
The second you closed the door chatter erupted in the room. "Okay Fleming I see your type now," Vanessa teased.
Teasing and more teasing echoed in the room, Even Bev chipped in.
But eventually calm settled over TD place and Bev started the post game talk.
The Chelsea girls found out about Jessie’s relationship at the start of the season… by accident.
You had called her after practice to let her know that your car had broken down on the side of this little street in the middle of suburb London and you were lost. She answered your call in the changing room.
"Hey Jess, can you come get me? My car broke down and the car repair people came and got it but they couldn’t give me a ride. I’m literally standing in this random street that looks like it’s in the middle of a forest," you groaned down the phone. "What? Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah. Im fine, just… it’s gonna rain soon Jess. I was coming home from visiting a friend and-"
"Babe, I’ll be there as soon as possible. Send me your location," Jessie said and then hung up.
"Babe?" Magda asked, the whole room silent. "Yeah. I have a girlfriend by the way and her car broke down so I gotta go get her," Jessie said, quickly putting on a matching adidas hoodie and shorts and stuffing her belongings into her gym bag. "Jessie! You’re giving four people a ride home. It’s your carpool day. Which means…" Niahm started saying.
"You are not coming with me." Jessie said sternly.
"Road trip!" Niahm, Lauren, Sam, Zecira and Emily said at once. "Wait. We want to come too, meet the girl," Pernille said, pointing between her and Magda.
"Please no," Jessie groaned. "Wait, who doesn’t want to come," she asked.
No one raised their hand.
"Everyone get in a car and follow mine," the Canadian exhaled.
Turns out you were thirty full minutes away, but that didn’t discourage anyone within the four cars trailing behind Jessie’s honda.
There was music blasting in every vehicle and when rain started pouring, Jessie knew you would be in a bad mood.
"Someone grab my phone and text y/n telling her i’m almost there," Jessie said, fumbling with her device and tossing it to Emily in the backseat.
Jessie saw you the second she turned the curve in the road. You had your hood up, your arms crossed and you looked ready to kill. She knew that you were just pissed off and would never hurt a soul, but to the other girls, you seemed positively menacing.
Jessie jumped out of her car and ran towards you, hugging you tightly. "I’m so sorry, everyone wanted to come and-"
That’s when you saw the four other cars behind your girlfriends, but you didn’t care, you just kept hugging her and let the tears of frustration mix with the raindrops on your face. "It’s okay baby, they were bound to meet me one day," you said, brushing her now wet curls out of her face.
You had excepted everyone to stay in their cars due to the insane amount of rain, but before you knew it, the entire Chelsea Women’s roster was in front of you in the street. Magda and Pernille hugged you gently, giving each other a wide eyed look as they both felt your muscle mass. "Holy shit. You’re the boxer. I watch you on TV like all the time," Guro said, eyes wide.
"Well so do I- I watch you, I mean. Not myself. I watch all of you guys," you laughed.
"Your Guro’s celebrity crush is what she’s saying," Jessie teased. "Well not anymore!" The Norwegian laughed.
You spent dozens of minute talking in the rain, the cold downpour not seeming so bad when you had Jessie’s hand in yours.
Eventually, you got into the front seat and banished Sam to Magda and Pernilles car to make room for you.
You talked to the girls in the car and answered questions that the Canadian team had already asked. But you didn’t mind because those questions just meant you were lucky enough to have Jessie Fleming sitting beside you.
"She gets super focused when she drives," Emily said. "I know, I think it’s because she’s a bad driver," you teased. "I’m not! It’s just the whole reverse thing is confusing. The cars go the opposite way then they do in Canada," she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the road.
You kept on looking at her, your eyes full of love. Jessie knew you were staring, but she just let the blush creep onto her cheeks and gave you a quick smile, returning the lovey dovey eyes.
Zecira snapped a picture from the backseat. The forest was clear through the windshield, and so were the droplets of rain. You could see Jessie’s blushing grin but not who it was directed too. She posted it to her story and closed her phone, enjoying the sound of the rain… and the one of Emily and Niahms arguing.
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amoebagrl · 1 year
“i wanna be the one you think about at night”
college au!abby anderson x hyper fem!reader
abby keeps seeing this cute girl all over campus, and when she goes to the first lecture in her new class she finally gets to talk to you!! ♡
warnings: none except for abby being whipped for 30 minutes straight
wc: 735
part one of two
an: my first fic on a new blog!! how exciting ♡ so sorry this is so bad, i’m a little nervous to write 😭 also this is alittle loser!abby oops! song is flaming hot cheetos by clairo!!
not proofread!
(basketball!abby created by the lovely @elsweetheart)
grunting, as she sets down her heavy backpack, she sees you standing in the doorway
you’re the mystery girl. her mystery girl.
you’re just walking into the class, anxiously searching for a familiar face when you lock eyes with her. you’d seen abby anderson before, i mean, she’s the captain of your university’s basketball team.
you quickly scanned the room, looking for anyone else you knew, but ultimately decided on taking a seat next to her.
“hi!” you quickly smile and wave, setting down your pink tote bag at the seat right next to hers.
“oh, um hey” she says, freaking out internally “you’re y/n right? i’m abby” she asks, smiling. “yeah, i am” you laugh “you play basketball here, right?” you question
“yeah- um i do. i’m the captain actually” she clears her throat. what. the hell. she knows me?!?? stay calm abby.
“cool! i’ve always wanted to see you guys play but just haven’t really gotten a chance” you admit, sheepishly, toying with the trim of your baby pink sweater
“i mean, we have a game tomorrow night… that’s if you want to come, of course” “really? i’d love to come!” you chirp
“if you’d want to go earlier i could- i could pick you up, like when i’m on my way… like you could watch us warm up and everything. it sounds boring so if you wouldn’t wanna-“ “yes! omg of course that sounds fun!” she freezes for a second, almost shocked at the fact that you’d even want to see her play
“really?” “yeah” you grin. she’s kind of cute you think to yourself
she stands there for a second, and then fumbles for her phone “can i have your number? so i could text you all the times and… stuff” “sure!” you pull out your phone, which has a baby blue case with little bunnies on it, “here” you take her phone, typing in your number and adding your name, with a little ‘♡’ after it
she hands you your phone back, with her contact now saved “so i’ll text you tomorrow, yeah?” “yeah!” you blush, and turn to take out your laptop
that whole afternoon, she stares at your contact in her phone, drafting about 101 texts she doesn’t dare send.
unbeknownst to her, you’re doing the exact same thing.
the next day your phone ‘dings’
abby: hey, is 4:30 alright? i have to get there earlier and stuff
you: yeah that’s perfect! :) this is my dorm btw
*1 attachment*
abby: i’ll see u then
you: see u!! ♡
a heart???? does that mean anything?? she thinks, mind racing.
you panic, checking the time. “ITS ALREADY NOON?? I NEED MORE TIME TO GET READY” you squeal, alerting your roommate, dina, who was in the middle of doing some homework
“oooo getting ready for who??” “you’ll never guess. not in a million years?” “who?!” ellie, dina’s girlfriend, asks sitting up from dina’s bed “um how long have you been here?” you ask the auburn haired girl, startled. “ummm too long. anyways who is it??” “abby anderson.” you say, quietly, almost in a whisper.
“abby… anderson?” she asks, brows furrowed. “yes… sorry els i know you hate her or whatever” you wince “hate is an understatement. did you know what she said to me in freshman gym??” “ellie, please” dina warns, clearly having heard this story plenty of times
“yeah fine” she shrugs, pulling the duvet back over her head.
“okay so where is she taking you??” dina asks, turning to face you. “well… to her game tonight. it’s not a date or anything!” you say, ignoring the brunettes eye roll “that’s very boring. anyways you should wear that new jean skirt you got last week” “i was thinking of wearing that! with what top though? the pink one? “that’s really flowy?” “yeah!” “and then the white sweater over it!”
“dina. you are literally my fairy godmother” she shrugs off your compliment, “i’m just that good” she brags.
you nervously sit on the edge of your bed in the shared dorm, as ellie and dina already made their way to some party
two sharp knocks on your door echo through the room and you quickly sit up and make your way over to the door, adjusting your purse on your shoulder and you turn the knob.
the door swings open, revealing the muscular blonde in front of you.
“wow.” she breaths out
reblog to help support your fav writers! 🫧
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jjunieworld · 5 months
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key: fluff (☁️), angst (🌪️), smut (🥛), smau (📲), written series (📖), one shot (📓), drabble (📄), other (💬), ongoing (🎬), completed (📨), hiatus (📪), discontinued (🗑️)
note: for my works, i consider drabbles to be under 2k words.
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𓊆ྀི OT5/MULTI 𓊇ྀི
꩜ jjunieworld’s 2024 valentine’s day event
꩜ having another member’s pc in your phone (💬,☁️)
꩜ you called your pet “baby” and not them (💬,☁️)
꩜ txt as mitski lyrics (💬,🌪️,☁️)
𓊆ྀི YEONJUN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ romeo & juliet (📲,☁️,📪)
the hybe theatre club has an unspoken belief, whoever plays romeo and juliet in the annual play each year will end up falling in love with each other. this year, you and the person you hate the most get casted together.
꩜ lip gloss! (📄,🥛,☁️)
while getting ready for your date, yeonjun notices how you kept licking your lips after applying your lip gloss. let’s just say you don’t make it to your date as planned…
𓊆ྀི SOOBIN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ all for a bet (📲,🌪️,📨)
choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. you... not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can't get you to date him in a month. unfortunately for you, you're a hopeless romantic.
꩜ the great bake off! (📓,☁️)
after getting fired from your job as a pizza delivery driver, you’re in desperate need to find a new job before you get kicked out of your apartment. that’s when you hear about the local bakery looking for employees. thinking, “why not? i’ve worked with dough before!”, you apply and actually get the job. that’s when you and the son of the bakery’s owner decide that it would be fun to compete to see who can make the most baked goods for a prize.
↳ ꩜ spilt milk (📓,🥛)
after a particularly messy competition week in the shop, you and soobin are told to stay after hours to clean the bakery up. with soobin winning the title of the best baker who ever lived, you have an idea of what his prize should be.
꩜ from the start (📓,☁️,🌪️)
you never really understood the saying “you’ll always remember your first love,” but that was before you fell in love with your bestfriend soobin. now all of it makes sense. you notice everything about him, from his dimpled smile to the way he could go on and on about the things he loves. and that just makes you fall for him more. cupid has shot an arrow through your heart and you can’t take keeping your feelings for him inside anymore.
𓊆ྀི BEOMGYU 𓊇ྀི
꩜ “i dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room” (📓,☁️)
you and your bestfriend beomgyu decide on going to a new year’s eve party so you’re not bored at the start of the new year. the party goers suggest that you all should play truth or dare. one of beomgyu’s friends decides to dare him to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, knowing you have a crush on him.
꩜ don’t delete the kisses (📓,🌪️,🥛)
two years ago, you admitted to yourself that you were in love with your bestfriend beomgyu. two years ago, you and your bestfriend beomgyu stopped being bestfriends. now he’s an up and coming musician and you see his face and hear his music almost everywhere in your local town; not knowing that the songs he writes are about you.
꩜ more than this? (📓,🥛)
when beomgyu asked you to be fuck buddies, you thought it was risky considering your already growing feelings for him. but, you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be close to him in any way that you could. now you’re wondering if the two of you will ever be anything more than this.
𓊆ྀི TAEHYUN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ february 14th (📓,🌪️,☁️)
this has to be the worst day of your life. and just your luck, the day keeps repeating. over and over again. and you don’t know why. you get to relive the same day where you finally garner the courage to ask your crush, kang taehyun, out and get to relive the part where he rejects you each time.
꩜ 6:41 a.m. (📄,☁️)
you’re awoken early in the morning from taehyun’s alarm to go to the gym and decide to go with him. you end up distracting him from his routine with your staring and decide to encourage him with kisses to help him.
꩜ meet cute (📄,☁️)
you had a thought and a dream, you were going to be a magician. so you did what one who wants to be a magician does next, you went to a magic store. and what did you do? accidentally knock over a shelf of bang snaps and came face to face with an actual magician.
꩜ stupid cupid! (📓,☁️)
hueningkai, better known as cupid, is known for his art in helping people fall in love. shooting his arrows here and there, getting those who are meant to be together. what happens when after he shoots one of his love arrows at you, the other one somehow ends up hitting him?
꩜ spin the bottle (📄,☁️)
you’re what people like to call a “wallflower.” your more extroverted friends have been doing everything in their power to try and break you out of that. so they dragged you along to a party and somehow you’re stuck playing spin the bottle with people you barely know.
꩜ a bed in your shape (📄,🌪️)
for as long as you could remember, you’ve been in love with your bestfriend kai. the only problem is, he never loved you back. yet, you can’t stop imagining your life with him.
↳ ꩜ a life in your eyes (📓,🌪️,🥛)
it’s been almost two years since your childhood bestfriend kai left you in your sacred shared field alone and your friendship ended. now the girl your friendship ended over is out of the picture and you saw him again for the first time since that field. try as you must, you just can’t stop the undeniable pull you’ve always felt towards each other.
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𓊆ྀི THOUGHTS 𓊇ྀི
꩜ academic rival!taehyun (💬,📄,🥛)
꩜ your cat vs. beomgyu (💬,☁️)
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310 notes · View notes
cxsmicbaby · 1 year
something nice - 1
pairing : miguel o’hara x fem!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings : smut at the end! cursing throughout. enjoy :)
you and hobie play a prank. miguel doesn’t like it, but he can never stay mad at you. 
“And then... my uncle died.” 
“Mmhm.” The smell of hot coffee grows stronger. It’s mere inches away.. I just have to suffer through this for a moment longer. 
“And I realized. I’m not even real! I’m just a clone of the real Peter. And that totally destroyed me.”
“Oh wow,” I say, nodding. Ben, or Scarlet Spider, continues to go on about his tragic backstory, somehow still managing to flex his biceps as he begins to well up in tears. 
Finally, the spider in front of me finishes filling their mug and it’s my turn. God, if I had to stand in line with this melodramatic asshole for a second longer I think I would’ve tried to cut my own ears off. He’s still talking as I fill my cup with coffee, but this time I’m not listening. It’s probably some variation of the same things I’ve been through, anyhow. I wonder how Miguel is able to sit through thousands and thousands of these things whenever he recruits a new spider. He’s not a very patient guy. 
Miguel. He walks through the lobby at 5:30am, every morning. I woke up early today so that I would run into him. Not like I said anything to him; I walked past him, smiling, and he just grunted. Just about what I expected. But I still woke up early to see him. I feel a little stupid thinking about it. I’ll probably do it again tomorrow. 
“Yeah, Ben, that really sucks. Maybe you should see a therapist.” I turn and give him a pat on the shoulder, smiling as genuinely as I can. He nods, and wipes his teary eyes. This guy cries way too easily. 
I swing off into the main lobby. Thank god, I can be free. I don’t know what the plan is today, but I’m always up for an adventure. 
“Oi!” I hear, and behind me Hobie is swinging forward, his mask already on. That must mean there’s something happening. Regardless, I’m always happy to see him. He’s probably the only person I really talk to here; other than Miguel. 
“Hey! Got anything for me?” I ask, as we land on a free platform. Hobie pauses for a moment before he starts digging around in his pockets, and pulls out a bag of my favorite snack from his universe; unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anywhere else, so I depend on this not-so-dependable guy to bring them for me. 5/10 times he actually remembers it. 
“What’s with the drink? I thought you hated coffee,” he asks, plopping himself down on the edge of the platform. I do the same, and we watch as the spiders swing and climb all over the place, like a jungle gym. Every time I take a step back from this whole thing like this, it always amazes me. Just a few weeks ago, I was stuck in a universe where I was the only one, and now I’m in a place where everyone is just as corny as me. It’s lovely. 
“I do,” I start, taking a sip of it. I fight the way my lips threaten to purse in disgust. “I needed a pick me up.”
“Ah.” Hobie pulls at a loose thread of his shirt and smiles deviously. “Up all night thinking about Miguel, huh?” 
Hobie is far too observant for my liking. There’s nothing that gets past him, which is great for combat, but not great for me. 
I swallow hard, and shake my head. “No. And you should stop saying shit like that! What if someone overhears? They’ll think something weird is going on.”
“Like?” Here we go. 
“Like. They’ll think I’m in love with him or something. We’re just friends. He’s cool. I’m cool. Everything’s cool.” I sound like an idiot, and I know Hobie thinks the same when I hear him laugh. It’s like I’m a fucking teenager again, gossiping about my crush in the locker-room. I hated high school. 
“Cool, cool. Everything’s cool,” he teases, mocking me. 
We’re both quiet, basking for a moment in the odd sort of peace that comes out of this chaotic place. 
Hobie snickers softly, shaking his head at something that he’s thought of. “Heard some of the others talking bout how Miguel’s pickin’ favorites. Guess who’s the favorite?”
I sigh, and down the rest of the disgusting black liquid. “Whatever. I’m not his, uh. His favorite. He talks down to me like all the rest.” 
Hobie is quiet. That’s rare. When I look over at him he’s just staring down, a weird sort of smile still on his face. His fingers are drumming against the platform. 
“Hey, what’re we gonna do today? Please say you’ve got something fun.” 
That seems to get him, because his head perks up and that teasing expression is replaced by one of excitement. Thank god. If I had to talk about Miguel for another second it would not have ended well—I tend to get a little loose with the things I say the longer I’m forced to talk about them. 
“Something fun, eh? I’ve got something fun. But only if you’re up for it.” 
I smile. “You know I am.” 
Compared to a lot of the others, I’ve been here for a very short time. Still, I’ve learned the ins and outs, the dos and the don’ts. Like, do listen to what the higher ups (and Lyla) say. Don’t make fun of Miguel’s tediously slow entrance on that weird platform thing. Do make friends. Don’t be an ass. And for god’s sake, do not pull any pranks. 
The thing about spider people; we tend not to really listen to rules. 
Hobie and I are perched on a bar above the lobby. We’re trying to figure out the best way to go about things. Me, I think he should take charge, but he seems to think nobody really likes him, so they won’t listen. He thinks they’ll all fall in line with my beguiling feminine charms and do whatever I say. I think that sounds like bullshit, but I don’t really wanna do the other thing, so I agree to it. 
I drop down smack in the middle of a group of spider-people in a conversation. Immediately, I put on the most panicked expression I can muster and start running around frantically. 
“Jessica’s gone into labor! I repeat, Jessica is giving birth at this moment! Help her get back home so she can go to a hospital... or something!” I shout, trying to get as much attention as I possibly can. Of course, everyone loves Jessica, so everyone starts rushing to her aid. None of them actually know where she is, but they just launch into help-mode, as Spiderman does. Soon, the lobby is basically empty. Sometimes, I think about how gullible I must be if I’m really just a variation of this same person. 
“Coast’s clear,” Hobie calls, dropping down from above. “We don’t have a lotta time, gotta make this quick.” 
I frown. “We? But you said all I had to do was get them out!” 
“Yeah, that was a lie.” Hobie shrugs and tosses me a spray can. “Now, you gonna help or not?” 
The idea of getting caught spraying painting the building Miguel has built specifically for us makes me queasy. The idea of being caught doing anything that would make him upset makes me queasy. But if I back out now, then I just made a fool of myself for no reason. I don’t mind looking stupid, but it’s gotta be for a reason. 
I sigh, and reach up to tug my mask over my face in case someone realizes that Jessica is not even here right now, and decides to come back. I mean, not like I would really be hiding much, considering everyone knows what my suit looks like, but there’s no harm in it. 
The moment I pull it down, the room is doused in red light and an alarm starts blaring. Fuck. 
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me, mate,” Hobie groans, tossing his head back in frustration. “That old man did not just sound the alarm ‘cause we’re pulling a goddamn prank. Might as well do as much as we can before the rest of ‘em come back.” 
That does not sound like a good idea. If Miguel is angry enough to turn on the alarm that signifies intruders, he will definitely not like us continuing in spite of his obvious warning. But Hobie’s already swinging up, spraying bright purple in a strangely elegant ribbon across the walls. I start to hear footsteps, but they’re far enough away that I think I have some time. So, despite my better judgement, I follow Hobie, tagging wherever he’s painted with a green design of my own. Gotta admit, it looks pretty dope. That assuages my fears somewhat and I find myself letting go a little, whooping in excitement as I swing around the lobby. 
Then, I hear it again. Footsteps, but I know these very specific footsteps. Heavy, fast, angry. My stomach drops and I land, turning to Hobie to see he’s still painting away. He probably hears it too, he just doesn’t care. I wish I could be as carefree as him. Especially when it came to this sort of thing. 
But I can’t. In fact, once Miguel actually appears in the room, hair slightly disheveled, face twisted up in an almost scary amount of anger, I freeze in place. God, he’s fucking fuming. His eyes sweep the room like we just painted Miguel Sux! in somebody’s blood. And then his gaze lands on me, and I feel myself shiver; in fear, in anticipation, in... something else. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Miguel bellows, and that catches Hobie’s attention. Before he can say anything else, the flake is gone. Typical Hobie. Saving his own ass. I can’t even really be mad at him, because if it weren’t for the annoying way my feet were sticking to the ground I would’ve done the same. 
The alarm shuts off, and the room goes deadly quiet. I’m still staring at him as he approaches me, his chest heaving as he takes deep breaths, probably trying to calm himself down. He needs to see a therapist, I think, but don’t have time to even smile at my own quip before he’s looming right above me. 
“Do you get joy out of causing this type of shit? Out of wasting everyone’s time?” Miguel spits, and I know I’m supposed to be hurt by what he’s saying, but god if I don’t wanna just pounce at him right here, right now. 
So I keep my mouth shut. He doesn’t seem to like that. His fists are clenched tight at his sides as he studies me. 
“You know, if I knew you were gonna be such a fucking nuisance, I would never have brought you here.”
Ouch. That one sort of hurts, so I take off my mask and I look up at him, trying to keep my composure. I frown. “It was just some harmless fun, Miguel. No need to get so mean about it.” 
That was not the right thing to say, apparently, because his eyebrows furrow even deeper. Before he can open his mouth to say something that will probably make me cry, I force a smile and swing up to the wall. 
“And it looks great! Don’t you think this place is too... I don’t know. Sterile? Everyone’s gonna love it.” I hope he can’t hear the way my voice is trembling. When I hear my words echo back to me, I’m relieved to find that I sound quite confident. I’ve always been good at that, faking like I know what I’m doing. I think that’s a Spider-man thing. 
Miguel doesn’t speak. He crosses his arms over his chest and inhales deeply, hanging his head. 
“You are going to clean this shit up. Understood? And when I find that little shit Hobie, I’m gonna tell him the same thing.” 
I think that’s the closest I’ll get to him saying he isn’t really that mad about it, and that’s good enough for me. I swing back down to stand in front of him, and this time when I smile, it’s real. 
“Are you sure? I’m telling you, it looks super—”
Miguel’s eyes narrow and I feel my stomach twist. “Don’t test me.” 
I straighten up and salute him, fighting the urge to run as Miguel’s eyes burn into mine. “Yes, sir!” 
I swear to god, he almost smiles, before he just shakes his head. 
“Don’t do shit like this again. I won’t go so easy on you next time.” 
“You don’t let yourself have anything, do you?” 
Miguel pauses. He finds himself looking up at you, despite the desire to remain stoic and focused and uninterested. It’s always hard to do that, with you. 
“What?” he says, his voice slightly biting. He means it to be. He wants to scare you away so you will leave him alone, finally. It’s been mere weeks since you joined them, and in those weeks, you have made it your mission to annoy him more than anyone ever has in his life. It’s like you live to bother him. He should hate it more than he does. 
He should hate your stupid fucking pranks and your dumb, unfunny jokes. But he doesn’t. He knew it was you today, even before he got to the lobby, but for some reason he wasn’t that mad. And then the fact that he wasn’t mad about it made him mad about it, and he was mean to you. He wants to apologize, but that’s not like him. Everything he does or feels when it comes to you is a contradiction to the person he has built himself up as. The whole thing is just so muddled up he’d rather ignore it. 
You sit on a metal box to his left, swinging your legs back and forth as you scrutinize him. Miguel doesn’t like how you always have this knowing look on your face, like you’re waiting for him to discover something you’ve already found out. Frankly, all the Spider-people have that sort of glint in their eyes, but with you it’s different. He bites the inside of his cheek and forces himself not to look away. 
“I mean, you don’t let yourself have anything nice, or fun. The closest you get to letting yourself feel happiness is those empanadas you make me bring you.” 
You smile at him, and he thinks to himself that he wishes you would do it more, but the moment the thought passes he stamps it out with a frown. 
“And even then, you always scowl when you eat them.” You cancel out his grimace with a little laugh that makes Miguel fucking furious.
“You know, it’s not in your best interest to keep talking about this. If causing a useless ruckus is fun to you, then yeah, I don’t fucking do that.” He practically spits it, and swivels his head to focus again on his work. He doesn’t know if he wants you to apologize or if he wants you to just go. Apologize? He’s kidding himself. You would never. 
He can’t help but listen carefully for your movements, wanting to hear if you’ll leave or not. But he hears nothing, and he turns again to see you just sitting there, swinging your feet. Still smiling. 
“What are you still doing here? Don’t you have shit to do?” Miguel asks, narrowing his eyes at you. He notices that his tone lacks the sting he meant it to deliver and chooses to ignore it. 
You boost yourself up from the box and stand. “Not really. Can’t I just stay? I won’t make any noise, promise.” 
Miguel frowns deeply. “That’s impossible.” But he doesn’t tell you to leave. 
You sigh, your body swaying side to side. Miguel thinks its a subconscious thing you do when you’re standing; most people would just be still, but he’s noticed that you cannot possibly remain perfectly in place for more than a few seconds. 
“Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna get some sleep. You should too.” You send him a small wink and turn, walking off toward the exit. You stop briefly, turning to face him with an expression he can’t quite read.
“And, uh. Sorry about today,” you call, and he says nothing. You turn again and he watches you leave. 
Everything has changed since you showed up, and if anything can be taken from his obsession with anomalies, it’s that Miguel hates change. Especially when it seems like there isn’t much changing for anyone but himself. 
It was him that found you. He went on a mission to a universe he had not yet traveled; a rare occasion, because it wasn’t to destroy an anomaly, but because something was telling him to go. It wasn’t like a voice, or even a sense. More like a feeling. There was something there for him to discover and so he went without saying anything, hoping he’d be back before anyone noticed. 
Miguel found you on the roof of a museum. You were sitting on the edge, swinging your feet back and forth, just staring into the streets. You had your mask off, which he remembered thinking was incredibly stupid, seeing as it was still light out. Your suit was nothing to gawk at, nothing too different than the hundreds of others he had seen, but for some reason he knew it was you he was supposed to find. You, he had been called to. For what, he didn’t know.  
You noticed him before he intended you to. When you saw him, you didn’t look shocked, or scared; you looked happy. No one had been happy to see him in a long time. 
“How long you been standing there?” you asked, turning your body to face him. You crossed your legs and watched him approach, staring up at him like he was someone you knew, someone you had been waiting for. 
Miguel was quiet. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say. 
“You know, one of us is gonna have to change.” And you laughed hard at your own dumb joke. Your laugh made him uncomfortable, how truly happy it sounded, how real it felt. You seemed like you hadn’t yet experienced the tragic things that came with being a Spiderman. You seemed innocent. Like you needed to be protected. 
And by god, you were beautiful. The suit didn’t leave much to the imagination. 
The thought startled him and he stayed quiet.  
“Your suit is super cool. Kinda cyberpunk.” You stood and you watched him carefully, walking slowly around him in a circle. Miguel’s eyes followed you, his body on guard as if you were going to suddenly lunge at him. 
“Why aren’t you... surprised?” Miguel finally said, his tone accusatory. But you didn’t seem to notice, and if you did you didn’t mind. You stopped in front of him and stuck your hand out, inviting him to shake it. 
“Welcome to Earth-72, Miguel. I’ve been waiting for you.” 
And that’s how he found out about a Dr. Strange, and how you knew about Miguel already; in fact, you were expecting him. The idea made him irrationally angry. Someone like you, obviously flippant and probably reckless, with knowledge about something as dangerous as the multiverse? You were most likely new to your abilities, to the mask. You were too naive and carefree not to be. 
But Miguel was wrong. You had long been bitten, lost your uncle, your sister, your best friend. You just seemed to lack that bitterness that he saw in the others, in himself. You were happy. 
Like most things, that also made Miguel angry. 
You begged him to let you join the Spider Society. You said you had known about it for a while, and you dreamed of being apart of it, of something bigger than yourself. Your words exactly. He was slightly impressed by that, but didn’t show it. In fact, Miguel wanted deeply to say no. But he didn’t, for reasons he’s not quite sure of himself, and that’s how he ended up with a permanent, relentless distraction. He was starting to wish he never brought you back in the first place. 
If you were more like him, he thinks, he probably wouldn’t have this problem. But you’re not. You’re almost the exact opposite. It drives him fucking crazy.
Miguel shook his head, grunting in frustration at his own inability to focus. It seemed even when you weren’t there, he was plagued by the thought of you. 
And think about you he did, for hours on end, sometimes. When he would lie awake in bed, his body aching from the strains of the day. He wouldn’t be able to close his eyes, because the image of you was always waiting for him. Smiling, laughing. Looking up at him with those eyes of yours. He would find himself imagining what it felt like to be close to you. Your skin would be soft, he knew. Your lips would be softer. Your hands, calloused by years of fighting, swinging, winning, losing. How they’d touch him. How they’d hold him. 
How he would touch you. Make you feel good. Make you think about him, just like he thought about you. Make you want him. 
Miguel always lost himself in thoughts like that, and he was usually able to bring himself back to reality. When he got back to his room that night, though, he felt as though he couldn’t push it down. He didn’t let himself have anything nice. And god, did he want something nice. 
The water ran over his taut back, soaking his hair and running down his cheekbones. One hand, splayed against the tile wall, and the other by his side, just inches away from an itch he is fighting not to scratch. His cock is aching. He swears he can see it pulse with every second that passes, every drop of water that lands on his shaft, veins prominent and throbbing. 
Miguel imagines that you’re there with him. That you stand in front of him, and that instead of the wall it’s you he’s touching, your skin slick with water and sweat. That your hands are on his chest, your nails scratching him just the slightest bit, and god, those eyes, staring into his like he’s the only thing that has or ever will matter to you. 
When he finally wraps his hand around his cock, it takes his breath away. 
“Jesus,” he whispers, slowly stroking himself, gripping so tight he’s sure his fingertips are white. It’s not enough. 
Miguel closes his eyes, and immediately he pictures you. He feels almost guilty to think of you this way, on your knees, with your lips wrapped around his dick. But he can’t stop. His breathing grows heavier as he imagines you taking him deep into your throat, gagging on him, your nose brushing against his pelvis. He thinks about what he’d say to you. How he’d tell you how good you were doing, how perfect you were. He grips himself impossibly harder and is unable to stop himself from relentlessly jerking his cock, his hand pushing so hard against the wall he’s afraid it’ll crack. 
“Fuck,” he groans, his voice breathy and deep. More water drips onto his shaft and immediately he thrusts desperately into his own grip, envisioning that it’s you, spitting on him before you take him in your hand, running your tongue over his tip, looking up at him. 
He thinks about what you’d say to him. He knows he would be too big for you. But you’d try to take him all, because that’s what you do. He’s sure your hand wouldn’t even wrap around his entire length. And you would tell him how big he was, how beautiful you thought he was. You’d probably tease him too, about how quickly he’d been reduced to a mess, how eager he was. He’s surprised at how close that thought brings him, and he has to bite his lip to keep from letting out a shameful moan. 
When Miguel comes, he says your name. It’s not loud; it’s more like a plea, a prayer. His body caves in on itself and he shudders with the force of it, his legs trembling ever so slightly as he tries to bring himself back to reality. He stands there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, feeling a little ashamed at how quickly he finished. He hasn’t had the time to do anything like that in so, so long. He hasn’t let himself. 
He washes himself off and gets out of the shower. 
When Miguel lies in bed, he’s haunted by the thought of having to see you tomorrow, knowing what he’s done. And then he grows angry. You did this to him. And you’re not even trying; you’re just there. What a nuisance you are. 
He tries to close his eyes, but he finds himself plagued by you still. 
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