#Naga Story
ash-rigby · 14 days
Naga boyfriend with aphrodisiac venom going down on you and biting your thigh between every orgasm he works out of you so each time you're more and more sensitive; moaning, throbbing uncontrollably, unable to stop cumming for that greedy mouth of his.
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Naga boyfriend head cannons
Gender neutral reader
Warnings:light NSFW, brief mention of kink choking, biting, mentions of eating rodents, snakes
Minors Don't Interact!
You are his personal heater I'm sorry I don't make the rules. Your body is warm and he wants that warm. It's a bonus that it comes from you, he loves you.
Ha you have cold hands? So does he don't worry about it.
Oh you have warm hands? Let him hold them. Hold his face in your hands he will melt into them this poor touch starved man.
At the start of the relationship he couldn't stand you touching him. It wasn't that he hated when you touched him oh no no no he absolutely loves when you touch him. He's just scared he's not used to being touched so gently before and he's terrified that he'll hurt you with his large size and not realize it. It doesn't help that once he started to get sexual feelings for you everytime you touched hin turned him on. Your pinkie could have lightly grazed his shoulder and he would hve grown aroused.
Further into the relationship he knows how much you can handle you and will absolutely man handle you. You'll be walking past him and he'll use his tail to swoop you in so he can cuddle you. He still gets turned on real easy but it's more tame now. Doesn't mean he won't be tame when having sex though.
Home boy is kinky will choke you if your also into and biting is a must. If it's agreed too and he's not venomous he'd love to bite you, really sink his fangs in. There will be times you'll be completely wrapped up in his tail will he fucks you.
If you manage to top him he'll be leaning on his own tail draped out on it begging and panting. He didn't know he could be so sensitive before.
Times he's being a grumpy pants he'll snap right out of it if told you'd top him. Instant good mood.
Whenever it gets even slightly cold he's super clingy. Will do grabby hands at you until you set down whatever your working on and come cuddle him.
Owns 700 heating blanket, hope one or both of you have a good paying job cause the electric bill is oit if this world.
Don't insult him by offering to feed him mice or rats thats gross. Guinea pigs have more meat on them any way. Just give him a BLT you weirdo he eats normal foods.
Hates broccoli though. Introduce him to cheesy broccoli and it's a whole new ball park for him.
Will be so confused on why you have a pet reptile, doesn't see the appeal.
Pet snake you say? Your mistake that's your guys child. Will refer to as himself as dad when talking to the snake.
"Now Junior be a good boy for dad and let me change out your water. Junior? Junior please get out of your water... Yes I see you blowing bubbles it's very cute."
The snakes name isn't junior he just keeps calling him junior.
Will get himself a shirt saying number one dad and wear it any time he picks the snake up.
Loves soaking in the tub, join him he'll love it.
He'll wash your hair and die from bliss if you wash his it feels so good.
Shedding is a cranky embarrassing time for him please be patient he's feeling very uncomfortable. If it's early in the relationship he won't want you near him, it's not you it's him he's not comfortable enough to have anyone bear him during this vulnerable time. If it is further into the relationship he'll be more comfortable with you being around him but just don't get to close to him, just be there for emotional support. Now if the relationship is a good amount of years in he'll act all spoiled asking you to peal his shed off for him after he soaked for a few hours at the least. He'll get all whinny and clingy demanding cuddles and snacks.
Bundling in a ball with way to many heated blankets on, this man is a fire hazard. Fire men hate him.
Can't cook for shit. Will order every meal out if you let him. Hates doing the dishes but he's good at vacuuming and dusting. Likes tidying up, not a fan of messes. He'll make sure he does his fair share of the chores and if he sees your having a bad day he'll take on more chores. Will buy your your favorite foods and snacks in hopes of making you feel better.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
the whole feral scary naga thing is good👀 but do you know of a legend when a white snake was about to be killed but someone saved them, in return they became the snake’s bride? the delusional naga not only making things worst for the reader by forcing them to be their mate, but now the village has no choice but to sacrifice y/n if they dont want to starve to death (nagas in some cultures are higly respected and are important for livelihood and crops)
Oh my gosh... This is perfect... (I have heard of the legend but haven't researched it but even so it's perfect >:3)
You pet dogs and pspsps at cats when you see them, smile at the cows, and oink alongside pigs. All that and more, but you're not necessarily involved with animals as much as other people in your village. You like animals, and you tolerate them around you, but the thing that actually gets you excited is plants. No wonder you became the town's doctor as one of the few people who can differentiate between poisonous berries and digestible flowers. You are an integral part of the community. Nothing could threaten your position as a respected member and being needed by everyone.
Nothing but the damn naga you stumbled upon one day.
There were stories of these creatures, as with every belief, there are countless creatures to know of in your culture. You heard them, acknowledged them, but didn't actually believe in them. Most stories are scars for children anyway, and half-human, half-snake? Sounds impossible for you as a doctor.
For years you roamed the forests for plants for your medicine and studies. Years of never meeting anything scarier than a wild cat or a completely normal but still somewhat scary big snake. Years of walking in and out of the forest unscathed and unharmed. But you are immediately alerted when a human voice calls out to you from a pitfall. You don't recognize the voice from your village, but as a doctor, it's your duty to help.
You do everything you can, from telling them that you're there for them and will get them out of the trap and patch them up once they're out, to cutting vines to make a rope and throw it down into the dark. The possibilities of what could be down there don't unsettle you. All you see is your mission to help. When you tell them to try climbing your makeshift rope, you still expect a human to appear from the very deep, very large pitfall. Oh, how wrong you are.
Because while at first, you see the right things like hands, shoulders, a head, and hair, nothing from the waist down is normal about the suspected human clawing its way out of the trap. But it's too late now to cut the vines as its tail slowly drags itself out of the hole, the proportions becoming uncanny on a body much too big for a human and the tail much too white and standing out to be of a snake.
The real horror, though, is when you meet the creature's eyes, slits for pupils that fixate on you, dilating and narrowing as it musters its savior, its nose sniffing the air while you feel like you're going to throw up as you notice the claws, scales, fangs. The unnaturalness of this monster in front of you.
You made a mistake. A big one. The pitfall was not a dangerous creation for a human by a human. It was a last effort to save humans and keep a monster locked away in a prison it couldn't escape. You released it—enthusiastically even. The desperation you feel, knowing you might have doomed your village, is immeasurable. You can already hear their screams echoing in your ears as they are torn limb from limb by this monster, all while you'll probably die first, unable to help them as they call for you to heal them.
Both of you are staring at each other for what feels like a breathless eternity until the creature slithers—slithers!—towards you, its claws reaching out while you close your eyes, unable to watch it go for the kill. Its arms wrap around your body, and you gasp as it buries its face in the space between your neck and shoulder, your heartbeat racing as you listen to it sniff loudly, deeply inhaling and exhaling through its mouth. A mix of a purr and growl reaches your ears, vibrating in its chest and making you shiver in its grasp as the creature declares you as "Mate" before picking you up, feet dangling so far from the ground you might break a leg if you fall.
Luckily, that's not the creature's intention, and it seems delighted by you clawing at its shoulders, trying to hold on to it out of fear as it begins to carry you away. It's then that you realize that no way can you let it take you somewhere deeper into the forest. You are needed in your village! You are important! Too good to be eaten somewhere even your bones cannot be found anymore! It's a little scary, but as the creature has to lower itself to slip under tree branches and the like, you take the risk, kicking its stomach when it least expects it to create enough distance between arm and body to slip out.
You never ran as fast and breathless in your life as you did with the naga right behind you, crashing into tree trunks and hissing and growling, its claws always dangerously close to your body. You knew the forest well, but the only thing this monster seemed to care about was getting to you. It was foolish to lead it back to your village, but maybe... maybe! The warriors were skilled! The elders might know where to hit its weak spots! There was at least some hope that you could escape it!
The naga only caught up to you when you stumbled into the open clearing where your village was settled. Gasps and screams echoed around you while your face slammed into the ground involuntarily as you two collided, your body collapsing from the run. You heard the calls for the warriors, the terrified screams of the women and children, but all of a sudden, everything becomes very nauseatingly quiet.
Even with the hand of the naga pressing you down into the ground, keeping you from running from it anymore, you somehow manage to look up. What you see is almost more terrifying than all the possible scenarios you could have imagined. Everyone—the warriors, women, children, elders—knelt on the ground before you, bowing their heads, foreheads touching the dirty ground while you heard the unsettling sounds of the creature behind you, hissing and thumping its tail.
"My mate!" it declares loudly, possessively, and the people shudder in reverent fear. Finally, the oldest member of the tribe lifts their head, nodding before answering, "All yours. We will not interfere."
Their eyes fall on you, their lips silently mouthing, "I'm sorry."
You are once again picked up, settled tightly against the naga's chest, enveloped like an inconsolable child in its arms before it turns. You have to watch the villagers slowly rise to their feet as the creature spares their life with your sacrifice. The eldest shakes their head, turning to a warrior before asking how the naga could possibly escape. "I don't know," sighs the warrior. "But that's one more doctor lost to these creatures. And we tried so hard to keep this one."
"Better them than us," the eldest comforts him, patting the warrior's shoulder. "We knew the trap wouldn't be able to keep the naga from what they want forever."
Tears brimming your eyes, you meet the disappointed gazes of the village you thought you were so important to. People who gave you away in a heartbeat to appease some monster, and the bitterness overwhelms you as you realize they knew it was coming. Coming for you of all people, never telling you to leave the village and run for your life. Instead, they used you for as long as they could.
Until you rescued your own death sentence.
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corruptedlynx · 7 months
Naga x Reader
"First Meets"
Asante Thorne [Naga Male - Blue Beauty Rat Snake]
Word Count: 6,118 SFW
Summary: You had been looking forward to this night all week, even with your nerves sitting wild in your stomach since the decision had been made – that you would finally get to meet “Vesper,” a guy you had befriended over the last year from a site that you been frequenting. Despite your excitement initially, your tune is changed at first when a coworker of yours finds you and becomes far too pushy, only for your knight in shining scales slithers in to save you. Thankfully Asante’s presence is a quick turn-around for your mood and you enjoy your night with him. 
Vesper, the screen name you had known him by for almost a year and a half now, had quickly become a staple in your life upon getting to know one another, having met over a digital tournament where he had consistently beat you by only a hair. Between both you and your opponent's competitive streak and cynical humor the chat had become a crackling trash fire in all the best ways. Fast enough it had led to a friend request, then to more 1-on-1 gaming sessions including voice calls instead of the prior text chats; leading itself to even more intense banter. 
Eventually the friendship jumped from the game to other messaging apps and blogging sites, continuing on a regular basis. Messages and phone calls going until one or both phone batteries finally died, and you were forced to stop, or your eyes betrayed you and fell shut. 
Either way, it became increasingly clear to all of your friends that you had certainly become enamored with “Vesper,” whose real name you still did not know – he had taken to joking that he would finally tell you the day that you two met in person. Something neither of you had spoken about, assuming the other lived too far away. After all, the chances you lived close enough to just visit one another were likely infinitesimal, or it felt as much, and neither of you seemed eager to get your hopes up. 
However, this did not stop the pair of you from talking most nights, with him even learning your name after a particular phone call had led to your slipping up in a half-awake state. You had forgotten about telling him until the next night when he called you by your name in another game and your heart seemed to stop for a moment. He had won that round, and you really could not bring yourself to be annoyed about it. 
You knew that you had feelings for Vesper, but you pushed them aside. Despite the teasing and borderline flirting that often transpired between the pair of you, you had never given any indications about your actual feelings. Too needy for physical affection and too scared that being honest could change your dynamic. There was just no need, at least as far as you disputed with your friends, who didn’t seem to believe your half-hearted defense. You had never even seen a picture of him, you had continued to argue, or had a video call – despite his offers, since you had always changed the subject, too nervous about actually seeing him. One of your best friends had only rolled their eyes and called you a coward before shoving you jokingly and acting as though they were counting down the days until something finally happened. 
You never say anything about this ongoing war with your friends to Vesper, but you tell him plenty else, just as he entrusts you with information about his life. Still, neither of you had given anything away that could lead to naming where one another lived, and were not pushing the other to divulge, content still to just be speaking together. 
And speak you were that night, listening to the coos of apology and snarky responses when you listed off something particularly egregious that had gone on that day or the way in which your managers had handled the situation. 
You worked in retail, and while usually your snappish comments or humorous recounting was the byproduct of a noteworthy customer and their absolute meltdown in the store, not this time. This was the effect that one of your coworkers tended to have on you when you were unable to avoid him. He had a nasty habit of overstepping boundaries and getting far too touchy in general. And despite the different ways that you had tried to get him to back off, you had been the one to be reprimanded while they had written his behaviors off as being harmless fun or accidents time and again. It was a side effect of being the owner's cousin, you had reasoned over the phone as you flung a pillow back against your headboard in agitation. 
“What did the manager say again when you told him?” 
“He just said that it was an accident and I needed to let it go!” you shouted, voice pitching, before face planting into your pillow next to you while your phone remained atop the nightstand on speaker. You didn’t need to lift your head to hear the snarl of anger from Vesper. 
“Flat out groping you for the third time this week alone, and everything else he does, doesn’t add up to an accident!” 
Vesper had a protective streak over all his friends, and that certainly included you, something you could appreciate. You could hear the drumming of his fingers against his desk – a regular habit of his when he got worked up - and the sound of almost a growl on the other end of the phone before you finally lifted your head back up. “If it’s anything, I at least had a pick me up on my way home.” 
Vesper had to take a moment to compose himself and you could hear the shift before he finally spoke again, tone changed to try and pry a laugh out of you. “My wonderful self?” he drawled out. 
You could only chuckle, easily imagining him stretched out with a self-satisfied smirk on his face and his feet kicked up. Not that you could really know, but you felt you had a well enough idea of him to imagine how he acted. “Not this time.” Your next words were cut off by the over-dramatized gasp from Vesper, leaving you to laugh, at least a little. “On my way home there’s this little pet shop, and they have these little cats along the bottom of the window like a parade – but somebody went in and drew little wizard outfits on every. Single. One.” you chimed, starting to crack another smile at the thought. “I mean, I feel a little bad because they’re all in marker and that has got to suck to clean up, but for some reason when I saw them, I just started breaking down laughing. They were so cute.” 
Vesper was quiet for a moment before he asked if you had taken a picture of any of the little kitties. 
More than elated at getting to share them you chimed yes, pulling your phone back over to you and sending a slew of photos of the wizard kitty parade – double checking that none of them had your face reflected in the shop window them before sending. You were still talking about your favorite ones as Vesper hummed in response, until you realized he was being suspiciously quiet. “Ves?” 
He seemed to stumble over his words before you heard a sharp intake of breath. “This is gonna sound a little weird, but is this,” he heaved a sigh once more, seeming to rethink his words, “okay, is this Katey’s Kitty Pet Shop? On 4th Ave.” 
You froze for a moment at hearing the name of the shop. Glancing at your phone for a moment you had to think; to answer truthfully or lie out your teeth. Even if Vesper knew you were lying, you trusted him not to pressure you any further about it. But he knew, he really did already know, and it didn’t feel worth it to try and deny as much. Besides, a small part of your brain was sending up fireworks that maybe he had been closer this last year and a half than you had ever let yourself think. 
Before you could finalize your thoughts, you were brought back by the voice on your phone, with Vesper now trying to change the subject, figuring you were uncomfortable with him mentioning it. 
“I’m sure it’s not, sorry” he chuckled, though you heard through the awkwardness of it immediately. 
After one more beat of silence you finally responded, getting your mouth to move the way that you wanted. “Yeah, that's the shop name. There’s that, uh, ya know, coffeeshop two doors down called New Beanland.” 
Vesper lost it laughing at the mention. “Yeah! Oh, so, I’ve never been inside myself, but it seems like they have enough business, so I guess it’s good?” 
“Hey,” you snark at him, “that happens to be my favorite coffeeshop, thank you very much.” 
“You always get a London fog; I feel like that’s a low bar to judge by” 
“It isn’t! Besides, it’s just funnier to get it there because of the name. Also they’re cheaper,” you reason, rolling over onto your back and moving the phone onto the pillow, right next to your head with a small smile on your face. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll give that one to you.” He relented, and once again it was easy to imagine him holding his arms up in defeat. 
For a moment everything fell silent before you hazarded asked another question. “So, I guess you go by the pet shop regularly?” 
“My sister loves that place, and she drags me out there as many times as she can.” he groans. 
You know it’s half-hearted, having heard him doting over his young sister plenty of times in the background of other calls or just talking about her accomplishments in general. 
A few more back and fourths were discussed about the pet shop and the very sad looking cat in the window – which Vesper had been forced to deny his sister adopting more than once due to their own cats. But from there the conversation moved on just as naturally as anything else until finally you were bent over on your side in the fetal position, tears pricking the corner of your eyes as you struggled to breathe through the intense waves laughter that wracked your body. It took another minute or two before you finally managed to calm down, eyes still closed as a few ripples of laughter occasionally broke the slowly calming atmosphere. 
As you had gone quieter you could hear the humming tone of Vesper on the other end, like he was trying to decide on his next words or was just a tad too unsure of himself to voice them. “What’s on your mind, Ves Man?” 
He snorted at the name. “I’m gonna ignore that.” He had to have sat forward because you could hear the creaking of the chair or his bed under his weight as he shifted. “I was wondering something, but I don’t want to push all this too far.” 
Your interest piqued you sat back up, head propped up on your hand. “You know you can’t tease me like that,” you chirped, prodding him into spilling. 
“I was wondering if I’ve ever seen you before while I was at the pet shop or something. Like if we were just right next to each other and I didn’t even know it.” He stopped for a moment more, fingers back to tapping out a made-up tune against the desk. “I was also thinking about us maybe getting to meet up finally. But I get figure that you’d be hesitant about doing that.” 
“Aren’t you nervous about the idea of meeting up?” 
“I mean sure, but it’s been more than a year and a half, and I’d like to put a face with the name – more than just your profile pic,” he mused. 
You bit your bottom lip, chewing at it while you mulled the thought over. You wanted to say that you needed more time to think about it, but you had been considering the same thing, and had for some time. “I’d like to finally meet up.” Your voice was quiet as you spoke, but thankfully Vesper had picked up on it, you knew because you could hear the excited smile in his tone as he next excitedly spoke. And then you realized it, you could no longer make out his words, a lulling slur to everything he said, prompting you to finally check the time. Your surprised laugh was what stopped his rambling on about what you could only assume were meeting ideas. “Vessie, Ves, my main man, my soulmate,” you teased, enjoying the quiet sound of laughing from your phone, “look at the time.” 
“Oh, woah – it is way later than I thought.” 
“And you’re more tired than I think you realize,” you asserted, prompting him towards the idea that it was time for him to sleep. 
He sighed, but did not argue it any further, “yeah, you’re right, you’re right. But you need sleep too. Don’t you have an opening shift tomorrow?” 
You winced at the thought before groaning, knowing that he was right. “Talk about it more tomorrow?” 
There was that same excited smile in his voice as he answered, having obviously leaned even further to the phone. “Absolutely. G’night.” 
“And good morning,” you chimed, finishing a sentence you both often threw at each other due to your different sleep schedules – tending to miss the other when either one of you would wake up. 
That conversation had been a month ago by this point, and you were more than excited that this evening was when you were supposed to meet with Vesper, who you had jokingly reminded was finally going to have to tell you his real name. He had offered to tell you beforehand, but you had instead decided the pair of you could take a selfie when you got there, and you would send that and his real name along to one of your best friends (who was more than excited for you as well, be demanding to know you were, well, not getting murdered). You were a bit more comfortable with the idea of meeting up alone given you knew all the cameras in front of the theaters and how well lit the area was, along with the regular foot traffic. And the two of you had planned to meet right in front of one of the best placed cameras that you knew of. As excited as you were, and as much as you wanted to draw out the mystery, you also wanted to be a bit smart about it, something Vesper still inclined you to be on a regular basis, even with this. 
And while he knew your first name, he still did not know what you looked like; you had at least shown him the majority of the outfit that you had planned to wear for your first meeting, so that he would be able to recognize you in the crowd. 
Now you were practically flying past the other people who dotted the streets, wind rushing past and bright colors flashing in your peripheral from all the lights and decorations that lined the late autumn streets and stores. Some at least had the decency to string out a few pieces of Thanksgiving décor given the holiday had yet to pass, but most stores were already sporting Christmas looks, not that any of that mattered as you hurried on your way. 
Your nerves were going haywire in your stomach, and you almost worried that if you stopped moving you might be sick – though that sounded much worse than it was. So focused on your nerves and on making it to your designated meeting spot, which you could finally see, you failed to hear someone calling your name. It wasn’t until that person had wrapped a tight hand around your arm and ripped you from your course that you were broken from your tunnel vision mission. Dizzy at the rough behavior you finally managed to look up at whomever had stopped you, your stomach dropping the moment that you realized it was your coworker. 
Of all the days that you wanted to see him, which was never, this was the worst of all times. 
The grin on his face was unnerving, and just added to the discomfort you felt as he spoke. “I was trying to get your attention.” 
You froze for a moment before managing to straighten yourself up, but found you were unable to pry your arm away. Instead, you flashed a quick smile, trying to be as nice as you could thanks to the creeping anxiety stopping you from being as rude as you would really prefer to be. “Yeah, I’m meeting someone actually, so I’m kind of distracted.” You tried pulling away once more but your words seemed to have just annoyed your coworker instead, who used his vice grip to pull you even closer to him. 
The stench of his breath was too close, and you could not help the way that your face skewed up in disgust before you noticed he was watching you and it prompted you to shift your expression to something passing as neutral. “Look, I really need to look out for who I’m meeting with, he should be here soon, so I’ve gotta get a move on.” 
“Just trying to get away from me?” he sneered, glancing around to see nobody paying any attention to the pair of you. “Because I don’t see anyone headed over here for you.” 
“He -” 
“I got reamed out because of you,” he cut you off, glowering from the side of his eye, his head still turned away while he looked around. 
A lie, you knew, as he had gotten less than a slap on the wrist. 
Finally, his attention shifted back to you fully. 
“Well then maybe you should have kept your hands off of her,” a deeper voice growled from behind you. You recognized it immediately, but before you could turn around and see him, or even speak, you coworker had gotten a single look at the man before shoving you away like you had burned him, sending you crashing roughly into the chest of who you knew must be Vesper. 
Unable to catch your balance on your own, you worried you might slip past and fall, until you were steadied by a solid arm wrapped securely around your shoulders. This kept you firmly planted with your back against his chest. And as much as you wanted to finally look up at Vesper, the way that your coworker was watching the both of you left you on edge enough that you did not feel safe taking your eyes away from him. 
Finally, your coworker looked up at Vesper and seemed to try and calm himself down, to make himself seem far more respectable than the rat he was. “It was just an accident.” 
Vesper didn’t even dignify your coworker’s blatant lie with a response, only giving a guttural warning noise. 
Your coworker, never the wisest man, opened his mouth to speak; but you could feel the way that Vesper straightened up, only able to imagine the look on his face as you watched your coworker shrink back and shut up. Apparently feeling as though it was no longer worth his time – and knowing this was a fight he was unlikely to win if it came to it – your coworker only waved you both off with a muffled cuss and turned tail, scurrying off the way that he had originally been headed. 
Still, you both waited, not allowing yourself to break your gaze until you finally watched him turn the corner, seeing him shoot you one more dirty look before vanishing. 
“He really is a greasy little bastard, isn’t he?” Vesper finally spoke. 
At the sound of his voice you finally allowed yourself to relax, shoulders dropping and head falling back against his chest where you could finally see his face. Despite the prior confrontation, when you finally made eye contact with Vesper, looking at you with the softest smile you could imagine, it was hard not to return the look immediately.  
You stayed silent for a moment, just taking in the man in front of you, from the crinkle of his eyes to the little patch of blue skin on the outer corner of each, which caught your attention before you were finally pulling away to get a proper look at him. 
It was then that you cracked up laughing until you were doubled over once again in a fit, as he often left you on calls. 
Utterly confused, he could only cock his head at you like a puppy, leaving one arm out for you to keep your balance. 
And finally, finally, you looked up at him with a cheshire grin. “He’s terrified of snakes,” you mused. The man in front of you, who you had automatically assumed to be human without meaning to, followed suit and began laughing as well. The naga man in front of you. 
The two of you shuffled against the wall between fits of laughter, realizing the odd looks that other passersby were shooting you and trying to stop anyone from stepping on or tripping over any part of Vesper’s long tail. Instead, he curled it around the both of you as you brushed aside the looks of others and tried to calm yourselves, only for the laughing to continue when one of you would risk looking at the other and crack all over again. 
After what felt like an eternity, but had only been about 15 minutes, the two of you finally caught your breath and calmed. 
Vesper was the first to speak. “Still need to send that picture to your friend, right?” 
You made a surprised noise, remembering the promise you had made to your friend before this night had begun. With little effort you pulled your phone out before handing it over to Vesper instead, who seemed to smugly understand that you wanted the taller of you two to take the photo. This led to him using his tail to push himself further upward until he could rest his arm on your head. Quickly enough though, he returned to his prior position, letting himself drape over you, before you moved one of his arms back around your shoulders and kept your hands there, smiling up at the camera along with him. 
Happy with the photo you made a ‘gimmie’ motion with your hands and he happily complied, relinquishing the device back to you. Appeasing himself instead by propping his head onto your shoulder and watching as you typed up your message. He said nothing until you started typing Vesper, causing you to jump when his voice rumbled out right next to your ear. 
You hummed in confusion, tilting your head to look over at him in question. 
“You’re using my screenname again, but my name is Asante.” 
You made a small noise to acknowledge what he said, looking back to your phone as you flustered from the way he had made himself comfortable, cheek to your shoulder as he looked up at you and spoke, his eyes never seeming to leave your face after he stopped. Quickly you sent off the text and slipped your phone away once more, knowing that you would be getting a barrage of messages as soon as it was seen. And for the moment you preferred to be focused on Asante. 
Initially you had thought it might take you much longer to warm up and be touchy with the man you were meeting, but it felt just as comfortable to be right on top of one another, as though you had both been doing it for far longer. 
Instead, you just closed your eyes and hummed, letting your head knock against his and stifling a laugh at his short whine in retaliation, not that he even bothered trying to move away from you. “You know how I was supposed to come up with something to do after we met up?” 
Asante groaned with a silent laugh as his arms dropped away and he pulled back just far enough to raise a brow at you with an exasperated expression. “You didn’t come up with anything?” 
“I was so nervous I thought I was gonna be sick, or like, chicken out,” you whined, bringing your hands up to cover your eyes. 
Asante only rolled his eyes affectionately before prying one of your hands away and nudging you to look at him. “But” he drawled out teasingly, “you’re here.” 
You smiled back, unable to stop yourself from preening under his fond expression. “Yeah, I’m here.” 
“Any ideas then?” 
“How about you pick this time?” 
Asante broke into a wide grin, and you noticed once again the way that the corner of his eyes crinkled and seemed to light up the moment he did. “So, there’s gonna be a next time?” 
“I mean, I hope so, after talking for as long as we have.” 
Asante nodded his head, motioning further down the street. “There’s a sandwich shop on the corner, they just have a window to pick it up from – we can order there or online. And there’s a park just a bit further down. We could go and eat at the park and just talk for a bit.” 
You swayed in place for a moment before agreeing, nudging him forward as you stepped over the coils of his tail around you. Asante said nothing as he watched you to ensure your balance, moving his tail out of the way before taking his place beside you, allowing the two of you to make your way in the direction of the sandwich shop. 
Conversation flowed easily between the two of you and things turned quickly to banter and playful jabbing. You even managed to find a soft spot on his side that had him coiling away and laughing, mentally noting the fact that he was apparently ticklish for a later. It was something he must have realized judging on the warning look he seems to give you, not that it does anything to deter you and you both know as much. 
He’ll find something of note about you eventually, if he had not already, but you find that you don’t mind as much. 
It takes a bit longer to get to the burger joint due to your fooling around, but you do manage it and get your food before making off to the park, still joking the entire way (and stealing more than a few fries from his tray – though you know he’s freely allowing you to do so). 
The spot that the two of you pick is a bit more secluded, but you can still see a few couples and families wandering about the park in the fading autumn light. The nip in the air is only growing more noticeable in the later hour, but it isn’t too bad for you yet. Carefully you glance up at Asante, who you notice is shivering despite his hoodie. So, you slip off your jacket and hold it out to him silently as he munches away at his fries. 
Asante raises a brow as he looks at you, and you only shove the jacket further to him. 
“You’re shivering,” you comment, shaking the jacket in your hands. 
“I’m wearing a hoodie,” he defends. 
“Does it count when it has a titty window, slut?!” you exclaim, laughing as Asante almost immediately bends over, nearly choking while he tries to stop himself from laughing. 
“It counts,” he growls, though his smile is a dead giveaway as he sneaks an arm around you instead to pull you near him, tail curling around the pair of you securely where you both sit on the cold ground. 
You try wiggling out half-heartedly, but Asante keeps his hold on you, humming as he props his head on your shoulder once more, food abandoned by the both of you for the moment. 
“I think this works pretty good for keeping me warm,” he murmurs, going slack and making himself comfortable. Admittedly enjoying the warmth that is radiating off of you. 
“Asante are you just going to fall asleep on me?” 
“You can have my fries if I do,” he assures, voice steadily lulling out, though he tries to fight the overtake of sleep – just unwilling to pull away from you at the moment. 
You could only shake your head, placing your hand on his shoulder and nudging him back awake, though you could do little to convince him to move. “You can’t fall asleep on me in the middle of a park, especially if it starts getting colder.” Knowing he was a Naga certainly meant you had more concerns about being out so late in the autumn, but he seemed far less worried about any risks. 
Asante groaned, reluctantly pulling away before he really did fall asleep. Though that did not stop him from pouting, which he could see from the corner of his eyes was at the least causing you to smile and roll your own. 
“You big baby,” you chide, handing over your own fries to try and get him to drop the act. 
It works well enough, and he reaches over to accept the offering from you. “Is it my fault if you’re just the perfect heated pillow,” he asked, gesturing towards you in your entirety. 
The comment is enough to fluster you, causing you to look away before shaking your head and dismissing it for a moment; but Asante had caught your reaction and was left grinning, fully ready to abuse this information. 
He would hold off for now, not wanting to push boundaries too far in your first real meeting, but it was fun all the same to know. Still, having heard your expressed concerns he knew he likely had that same soft look on his face that he probably had prior in the evening (and as his sister had said earlier in the day upon seeing, made him look like a love-struck puppy and a bit dumb, which he had happily agreed to before hanging up). “You’re still worried about me being cold?” 
“Well yeah,” you chime, shoving another fry in your mouth, sandwich having been well and finished off by this point. 
Asante motioned you closer, and when you complied, he pulled you flush against his side. 
You let him, making sure that he wasn’t about to fall asleep eating, before relaxing against him and dumping the last few of your fries into his own container; Asante took your to-go box and set it under his own before the wind could blow it away. You closed your eyes and moved his arm, blocking out the cold from attacking your nose by burying it in the crook of his elbow. This thankfully didn’t impede Asante’s ability to hear you. 
The conversations that the two of you found yourselves having jumped around from topic to topic, falling into familiarity. And after Asante finishes his food, he realizes how quiet you had gone, instead opting to absently trailing a finger over his tail and looking over his pattern. He almost wants to tease and ask you what you’re doing but decides against it. 
You, for your own part, don’t realize how long you have been quiet, admiring the pattern of his tail. While you can’t see how the scales fade or taper off on his torso because of the black hoodie and fishnet, along with the wrapped fabric just under that – not that you mind – there is plenty else to keep your attention. A beautiful blue-gray color broken up by black spots decorates the upper portion of his tail, but as your eyesight trails down you see the splattering pattern of white stripes that take over, stark against the lowest portion of his tail as it sits over almost black scales. You have an idea of what to expect snakeskin to feel like, so it doesn’t catch you off guard. But because Asante is still wiggling in place, not that the fact really registers with you for the moment, you catch sight of the muscle rippling right under the surface. You’re still brushing a hand against his tail gently, completely enraptured with it before he finally places one hand over your own, silently amused at the way you jump and look up to him with wide eyes. 
“Having fun?” 
You shrink for a moment in embarrassment, but Asante does not seem keen to let you do that, intertwining his fingers with yours while his hand continues to rest atop your own. “I don’t mind it,” he assures, tail tightening around the two of you. “Well, I don’t mind you touching my tail at least.” 
The significance of his comment it not lost on you, but you say nothing, just curling further into him and getting comfortable, unwilling to remove your hand from his and still thumbing circles against the side of his tail as the two of you continue talking, despite the darkness finally starting to settle in overhead like an inky blanket. 
Unfortunately, this means the chill of the air only grows colder, and it can no longer be ignored by either of you when another passes. So reluctantly you both begin packing up, with you stealthily snatching away the trash and running it over to throw it away before he can try and stop you, insisting that you he can be a gentleman at least. He has that small pout once more on his face, but it drops just as fast when you knock your shoulder against his own, fingers brushing just slightly against the skin of his tail. 
Admittedly you both seem to be dragging your feet, even though you can just as easily call one another when you have to split ways for the night. But it isn’t the same, and after a year and a half of thinking this would not be possible, you were milking this time for everything you could. 
You can wholeheartedly admit that time is now your enemy, and if it could be bothered to stand still for a little while you might be willing to forgive it. Just to buy a little more time here in this moment with Asante. 
Seemingly having noticed you lost in thought he tilts your face toward him for a moment. “Are you okay?” 
“Is it too much to say I wish we could stick around a bit longer?” 
Asante shrugs. “Is it too much to say I wish I didn’t have to go home alone tonight,” he quips, mimicking your words. His comment works and you flush once more, shaking your head before he allows you to pull him into a hug. 
“We’ll have to figure something out to spend some more time together next time.” 
Asante, more than comfortable sapping your heat away and curling into you, hums in response before pulling back to look you in the eye. “Maybe next time could be a date?” 
The way your face lights up is mirrored in his own and you more than happily agree. “I think we could make that work.” 
A weight seemed to drop from his chest as he lets out a relieved sigh. “Good, because I've wanted to take you on a date for a while now, and tonight really cemented that” he admits. 
“How long?” you asked, genuinely curious. 
“Tell you next time,” he promises, placing a chaste kiss on your lip before pulling away and nudging you forward to the exit of the park. He notices the way you freeze for a moment but go soft at the action “But at least let me walk you back to where we met earlier, I want to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I can call you after we split, if you want. I wouldn’t mind talking still.” 
He seems to think about it for a moment but inevitably agrees. “Deal, but you have to sleep as soon as you’re safe in the door, you still have work tomorrow. "Which, if that coworker gives you any more trouble, I have no issues showing up and making him uncomfortable,” he assures. 
“You know, it still surprises me how protective you can get. You seem so shy sometimes.” 
“I was when I was younger, like hide behind my mom or run-away levels of shy. And then I made friends with people even shier than me and I just kind of stepped into the role. Also, my sister. Also her. She just gets into so much trouble,” he says, completely exasperated. 
It has you laughing once more but you say little else, “I’ll let you know if he’s an ass anymore.” You appreciate his promises of security all the same and you’re more than happy to enjoy the comfort of the silence that settles into place around the two of you as you make your way back to where you had originally met those few hours earlier.
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ivoryghostyy · 8 months
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「 image, not mine. sourced from Pinterest. 」
「 tw: possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, implications of being bitten — this isn't very heavy. read with caution, i suppose. 」
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"let you go?" he mocked, eyeing your stubborn form.
"why would i do that? you are mine now," he hissed softly, his muscles tensing in light annoyance. surely, you didn't plan on leaving him? no, that simply wouldn't do.
"i could easily subdue you. do not test me, little mouse."
his pupils shifted to slits. his threat sent a chill up your spine. you knew of his capabilities; of his proficiency as a hunter. after all, he was an apex predator. one who spent half—if not the entirety—of his life in the wild, stalking his prey.
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he is a silent and very lethal killer. his fangs are often bathed in blood; red staining his hands. the colour dripped from his glittering scales, casting a beautiful sheen beneath the moon's ethereal glow.
"for the rest of your mortal days, you shall stay here," he stated. finality coated his tone, leaving no room for further arguments.
"here, where you will be safe; where i can protect and care for you."
his eyes glow dangerously beneath the shadows.
"here, in my arms, where you will eternally be mine. it is time for you to accept that."
he nuzzled into your neck, his tail slowly uncoiling from around your waist and allowing you to stand on your own. to remind you of who's really in control.
with a hum, he continued.
"you are my mate," he declared. his lips brush against your neck; his fangs are dangerously close to your skin.
the naga snickered; a low rumble in his chest.
"are you scared, little mouse?"
his voice was deep; a pleasant sound to hear.
a sharp pair of fangs press against your pulse. 'how would you taste?' he wonders.
without another word from you, and with one last kiss to your neck, you felt a painful sting.
"that's too bad,"
a cold sensation enveloped you. your vision turned hazy. the den's walls suddenly became unclear and blurry.
"because i will never let you go."
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pharawee · 5 months
I've been seeing some confusion about what it is that Phaya and Tharn have done in their past lives to deserve punishment now - or in what possible way they have wronged others and are now "reaping bad karma".
I've also seen the theory that the venerable Luang Por might be the reincarnation of the naga that wanted to be a monk... which is actually a really touching possibilty because the story about the naga monk does exist. You can find in in the Vinaya (Mv.I.63.1) but here is a condensed version:
... Once a Naga, a powerful serpent who can take the form of a human being, was mistakenly ordained as a monk. Shortly after, when asleep in his hut, the naga returned to the shape of a huge snake. The monk who shared the hut was somewhat alarmed when he woke up to see a great snake sleeping next to him! The Lord Buddha summoned the naga and told him he may not remain as a monk, at which the utterly disconsolate snake began to weep. The snake was given the Five Precepts as the means to attaining a human existence in his next life when he can then be a monk. Then out of compassion for the sad snake, the Lord Buddha said that from then on all candidates for the monkhood be called 'Naga' as a consolation. They are still called 'Naga' to this day.
*by Ajahn Brahm
So if the naga by following the Five Precepts is reborn as a human being he can then be a monk. 🥺🙏
As for Phaya and Tharn's karma - it's not so much that they've done something morally wrong. It's more that by their intentional actions they have wronged Chalothorn and this is what leads to the consequences we've seen. It makes more sense if you don't view karma as a direct result or as punishment/judgement, but rather as a cause and effect that's not really for us to understand.
I also think it's more important here that Chalothorn's continuous intentional actions are the cause of his own downfall (and that of Phaya and Tharn), while the venerable Luang Por states: "Remember, your [Phaya and Tharn's] good deeds and merits will always protect you."
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negrowhat · 5 months
So who else thinks that the Abbot is the Naga disguised as a monk that Wansarut was telling Sakuna about in the flashback??
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aerknight · 4 months
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my snek sun. he is one of those puppies who act all innocent like he didn't just destroy the couch.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere Male Naga x GN! Reader
3k words. Warning for light gore.
(An: Please don’t apologize for sending asks. You aren’t invading my inbox, I love each and every message I get no matter how many one person sends. Take care and I hope you enjoy it. ) 
Ever since you were young, you had a love for the slithery inhabitants of earth. Frogs to newts; the more you learned about reptiles and their amphibian family, the more fascinated you became. Now onto the later years of young adulthood, you were studying to become a herpetologist and live out childhood dreams. Unfortunately, outside of school there weren’t many people to talk to about your love of said animals and you had barely any friends outside that department on top of that. With very few choices of ways to make new ones, you opted for the easiest route of searching online.
You browsed various pet forums; most of your interactions being answering questions the curios folk had and commenting on pictures of cute pets. It was a nice way to past the time and you managed to make a couple acquaintances in the process. As much as you enjoyed each individually, none were quite like your longest chat partner.
With on a hike on a natural trail not far from your apartment, you spotted a snake slithering through a nearby creek. It was the beginning of the warmer months of the year, and at the point where they were starting to get more active. Keeping your distance, you snap a quick photo of it before continuing on you way. You honestly forgot about it, until you found it while scrolling through your camera roll the next day. You decide to post it online, just for the hell of it. A few replies thrown your way and you were content. You thought it’d even there – till you received a message in your inbox later that day.
“What a cute little guy. Is his friend as cute as he?~”
Another message comes your way the second you read the first.
“Ha, that was in poor taste of me. Please don’t block me.. I’ve seen you around this site and thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to send you a message.”
Though a bit of a flirt, you and the stranger got along quite well. You talked about reptiles and the like; most of your conversations ending on snakes, and your studies as well. Overtime, other aspects of life began to blend into your texts. Other interests, how living in your respective areas was, and just life in general. His name is Morgan, from what he claimed; your first real friend in a long while. 
Eventually, you both work up the courage to exchange pictures of each other. It was slightly difficult to see his face clearly, but you could make out the general shadow and his lips quirked in a mischievous grin. “If you think I’m a fake I’ll gladly send more.” He joked. He had deep brown eyes, hints of yellow bordering like off gems in the darkness of his room. Must be some kind of filter – you concluded. You send one back after, met with instant praise. 
“Ah, I knew you’d be stunning. You’re so cute I could just eat you up!” 
Time continues further and you continue speaking. You give him your number; his changing ever so often, buy you never went a day without a response. One night, as you getting ready for bed; you received a frantic message from him.
“Y/n! Are you awake?”
“Yea, I’m still up. Is everything ok?”
“Something attacked one of my cameras just now, but I was able to get the footage from it. Check it out.”
As told, he sends you a clip from a surveillance camera. It was pointed downwards towards a grass covered trail; footage grayscale. Morgan told you he lived near a forest, but this was far beyond than that. It was closer to a jungle; vegetation covered every area and trees dominating the landscape. He put cameras throughout it to capture footage of the wildlife within, and the instances like the one now on your screen.
In the distance, the camera recorded the end of something  slithering off the man-made path and into the trees; just barely catching its shadow. From the lack how far it was, it was hard to make anything out other than it was big. Just the corner of what you saw was nearly the width of a cow. You could vaguely detail a lighter shade of color on its underside, not much else to be seen.
Silence lingers as the footage remains still – then a crack. The tree holding camera topples over, somehow leaving it in tact and pointed at the sky. You hear the sound of something shuffling through the grass, a large shadow looming over view. It’s hard to tell what the thing is as its body coils around itself, you leaning in to try and determine what it is. It suddenly lungs at the camera, the last thing you see before it shuts off being what looks like a pair of fangs longer than any you’d ever seen. 
“What… was that?.”
“I know! I’ve wanted to tell you about it for so long, but I feared you wouldn’t believe me.”
“There’s a legend in my town about a beast in the forest. Larger than any man or animal; ten times stronger than the toughest of either species. Some say it’s even a hybrid of both. I think this is proof it exists!”
You start to believe it’s a prank. “Are you sure?”
“Positive! I wouldn’t bother you with this if I didn’t have more proof to show.”
He sends his proof; all rather damming – or the work of someone who knew their way around scene design.  A closer picture of trail the creature left showed just how massive it was; plowed through the earth like a bulldozer with a girth of around twelve yards. There were pieces of what looked like a snakes shedding shattered through the broken land, big enough for you to wrap yourself in twice over. The most chilling photo was that of the tree, a handprint wedged into the wood topped with thin claw marks. Upon a second look at the video, you swear the jaws holding the fangs seem too human like to be anything but. Hollow and cheeks stretched far beyond possible, but human nonetheless.
“This is crazy! Have you told anyone else about it?”
“I don’t trust a soul but you, my dear. Someone might alert the presses before its time. I need more proof if I want the world to believe me.”
“Is what you have already not enough?”
“The world is full of skeptics, Y/n. You can never have enough evidence! Plus someone might get better stuff than what I have if I wait. I plan on to taking a close up photo of it, but even I know it’s not wise to go alone.”
“Who will you go with?”
“That’s where you come in, love.”
“Me?.. What do you mean?”
“I want you to come! Think about it. You’ll be one of the first people to document a never before seen creature. That’s must mean something in your field.  Regardless of that, the thought alone must be exciting, no?”
You think over his offer, unsure as to what you should say. He did have a point on both accounts. Before you can reply, he sends yet another message.
“Plus… we can finally meet in person. It’s rather embarrassing, but I’ve wanted that for a while now”
“Alright. Alright. I’ll help you.”
“Yay! I look forward to it, my little mouse.” 
“Are you calling that because you plan to use me as bait?”
After discussing things further, you get the location of his town and make plans to meet  A quiet place with few towns folk keen on speaking with you..  Unfortunately, Morgan is unable to meet on the night you get in, but he promises to see you soon. As apology, - and because you spoke of it before, he gives you directions to where you’d stay for your visit. An RV on the outskirts of town; key tucked under the welcome mat just for you. A gift from a relative moving out of state – as he told. 
The interior was spacious; kept tidy and sectioned off between bedding and other activities. You knew Morgan had turned the van into a mini research lab, but you hasn’t expected all this much. Tables stacked with notebooks and books on animal behavior; a computer opened with various camera views of the forest beyond. A map was pinned to a board on the wall, thread connects to tacks spread across a makeshift drawing of the woods – detailing the creature’s travel patterns. 
Setting your belongings aside, you suppose he wouldn’t mind if you looked through what he had down. You pick up one of the journals, getting comfortable on the bed before you read. Opening the book at random, you note that some pages had been torn from the spine. 
“Day 1,
It’s my first night out here. The quietness of the forest is pretty relaxing. I tried asking around town to see of anyone could inform me about the stories more with no luck. I’ll head out first thing tomorrow.”
“Day 2,
No luck with my search. When I got back, I noticed tire tracks in the dirt. Not like the van had moved itself, but as if it were pushed to the side. There were strands of black hair by one of the tires. None of us have dark hair.”
“Day 13, 
I finally saw it. At least its tail. From appearance, it seems to be a speckled king snake, but the species isn’t native to the area, nor are they that huge. If I had to guess, it was longer than the van. 
I found it’s cave. It was sleeping, so I was able to put a tracker on it, but it woke up. It saw me-"
You close the book, chills running through you. You understood the dangers of coming out here, but this was something else entirely. Who was this “us” he mentioned anyway? You place the book where it came from, focusing the rest of your energy on getting comfortable within the sheets. The trip so far had you pretty tired and you needed your rest. You send Morgan a final message before you shut your eyes  - the distance sound of a photos chime unheard by your ears.
You’re awoken by a powerful force slamming against the side of the RV, rattling its walls with you along with it. Startled by the distance, you sit up, looking around for the source. The night still hung high in the sky; the shadow of the moon raining over the window. Upon second glance, the shadow is not that of a celestial being but of a indescribable form pressed against the glass. It drags thin nails along the pale, webbing between its fingers translucent from the light of the moon. You stare in silent terror, mind blank except for trying to process what you just witnessed. It eventually remembers it has a body; you rushing for the door – safety the last thought in your head. 
The monster vanished as quickly as it arrived, leaving you dumbfounded in the doorway. The cold air slaps you in the face, waking you from your trance the creature had over you. You sit at the steps, body trembling from the encounter. Against the voice in your head's demands, you stay put. As terrified as you were, you just had to know more, but you’d have to wait.
You climb back in bed, unable to sleep for the rest of the night. By the time morning had crept in, you still hadn’t gotten a response from Morgan. You were starting to get antsy. Leaving without him was the only thing you didn’t want to do, but your patience was run thin. The mystery of the unknown had you completely entangled; a grip that refused to let go.
By the time noon rolled around, you finally gave in and decided to go without him. You carefully unlinked the map from the wall, tracing the thread's lines with a pen. As you gathered things for the journey, oddities began appearing. Some of the journals were written in a different handwriting. Clothes of various sizes tucked in corners. Had your brain not been hopped up on adrenaline, you would have taken the clears signs of warning and ran. Instead, you ignore and hike towards the groove of trees.
The trees block out the sun in an instance, the holes of which it’s ray poke through just barely enough for you to see. Map in hand, you navigate through the thick forest with relative easy. According to the map; marked with bold marker, the beast’s home was directly in the heart of the woods – damn near a straight path from where you were. You come across the tree from in the video, trunk split clean in half. The ration part of your brain makes you dig your heels into the dirt, but the determined part keeps you going.
Time treks on, and so do you – eventually finding the cave where the beast lie. Any warmth in the air was snuffed; dragged in by the abyss of its entrance. Water dampened the earth below like a miniature moat, your foot falling almost ankle deep as you step by. You pull out a flashlight from the bag you had taken; light reflecting on the shine of the cave's walls. Your footsteps echo no matter how quietly you attempt to walk, dread hitting like a hammer with each step.
As you reach the end of the cave, you somehow almost miss the sleeping mass in the corner. Gigantic; wide – blackish-brown scales blending with background of the cave. Yellow scales mixed and hid under the darker ones; leaving it identifiable as a king snake as the journal had foretold. A snake known for its deadly constriction. From the way it was collided around itself, you couldn’t see its face and that was probably for the better. If it woke up now, it had the capabilities to swallow you whole if it didn’t crush you to death first. 
You pull out your phone, snapping a few pictures of the creature while you could. The flashlight helps you get a clearer shot of it, but your phone was too small to catch its full size. You take a couple steps back for a better angle, tripping over an unseen force. It cracks under your heel, causing you to freeze. You had come very little debris in the cave, so you hadn’t bothered to check the further you went. You look down to see what it was, almost dropping your phone and light in the process. 
A human skull rests at your feet; completely stripped of muscle and skin. Its broken jaw lies under your shoe, panic rising up your leg. Looking around the cave, there’s more remains littered about; most by or crushed by the snake’s tail. As you become more aware of your surroundings your other senses kick in; a faint coppery scent masked by the smell of murky water. You needed to get out of here. Fast. You turn your flashlight back on the snake, heart squeezing in your chest as you do so. It was moving.
It had been from the start.
Small, twitching movements that now delved into the unraveling of its body as it stirred. Its upper torso begins to rise, scales declining into human skin the further it rose on its spine. Yellow freckles lined its shoulders, skin ashened. Clawed fingers wipe gore from its mouth as it turns to face you; forked tongue clearing blood from it extended fangs. It’s other arm cradles a broken corpse, bites of flesh torn from its neck and limbs bent an unnatural way. Familiar eyes smile warmly as you, the body collapsing to the floor unharmoniously as it spreads its arms towards you. The irises were thinner now; piercing. 
As if matters could get more terror inducing, it opens its mouth once more. Not to lash out at you, but it greet you with warmth; tongue fluent in human language.
“Y/n! What a surprise to see you, my love~ Had I known you were coming I would’ve cleaned up more.”
It laughs. A deep rumbling cackle that mocks the shocked look on your face. You can’t process it. You had seen the videos and pictures. You felt its presence last night. You had heard his voice before.
His face melts into a soft expression. “Yes, my beloved? I know this must all be a shock to you, but I assure you I am he.”
He pulls out a phone, the device looking like a child’s tool in his hands.
“The internet is a fantastic place, don’t you agree? I’ve never gotten this much food so quickly in all my years! As wonderful as that is, never did I think that I’d find my mate there as well.”
You shiver as he licks his lips. “Mate?”
“Yes darling.” He’s on you before you even blink, wrapping his tail around you only to keep you still. It’s only when you struggle that his hold tightens; not enough to hurt, but to render you motionless. An act of tough love. His hands snake around your upper body, face pressing against your neck. The slender muscle of his tongue kisses your skin; a cavernous purr leaving his lips as he takes in your scent.
“As you may know, snakes don’t mate for life, but I tend to stick our from the crowd. I’ve longed for another to hold for ages, and you’ve been the only perfect candidate. Such an adorable passion you have for your field of work, and a cute face on top of that. Oh, your scent alone soothes me greatly, my precious mouse.”
Morgan nozzles your cheek, sapping your warmth against his rough skin. Now that he had you, he’d never let go. You manage to wiggle one arm free, attempting to distance yourself much to his disappointment. 
“I’m… flattered, but there’s no way I can stay here. I have a life outside and there’s things I need to-"
He squeezes you to his chest, cutting off your sentence.
“Don’t worry about a thing, Y/n. I’ve done my research, I’ll take such good care of you you’ll never think of another again. I had that van fixed really well for you, did you not like it? Those researchers were so messy, but I made sure they did a good job before they expired.” 
You gulp, not enjoying his choice of words. You’re forced to look up at him; persistence and obsession swirling in his eyes.
“Do you need more? I can get rid of someone in town and you can have a nice home – the whole town if you so wish. Anything for you, so long as you be a good mate and stay by my side.” 
His fingers course up the end of your spine; voice dropping to a whisper. “I’ve even studied human pleasure, if intimacy is what you truly crave.”
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ariellewm · 4 months
Czar Agskaga - A Random Snippet Story
Warning: Slightly on a steamy side (nothing too crazy, it's on the light side), naga (half human, half snake beings)
The story I wrote was inspired by a question from @wyyvernn . She asked: If my original character played an instrument, what would it be?
I imagine him playing the dudek flute or any sort of flute. Remember the Narnia Lullaby that Mr. Tumnus plays? That's the exact song that came to mind that Czar would play. The dudek flute is also what was used for the recording of the song.
Enjoy the story down below!
**Play the Narnia Lullaby in the link above for added ambience to the story if you wish!**
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It was a quiet evening within the Amber Palace. Waves crashing along the shore, the smell of incenses of rose and lavender filling the naga prince's chamber. 
"Your Highness," the maiden called out behind the silken drapes, "I have the fruits you've asked for."
"You may enter." The prince said, inviting her into the chamber.
Walking in, she carried a woven tray. It was filled with all sorts of freshly picked fruit. Apples of jade, violet ripe berries. She made her way to Czar, careful not to step on his glossy onyx, red and gold pattern coils. The tray was placed upon a table beside the prince.
She stepped back, lowering her head, "Is there anything else you need, your highness?" 
His upper tanned body slightly turned. Crimson eyes fell upon the maiden. He notice her shouched shoulders, unbalanced posture. Czar emitted a soft hiss as the end of his black tail reached toward her. Delicately, his tail tilted her head upward to face the handsome prince.
"S-sire?" Shyly she gasped from the cold touch. Her freckled cheeks blushed a delicate shade of plum. 
Oh yes, indeed, her eyes lacked of sparkle. Dark circles beneath those beautiful, soft eyes.
The cool touch of his tail moved away.
Czar's hand reached toward one of the apples on the tray. "I noticcced your a bit exhausssted. Here," he tossed the apple to her, "you dessserve a break."
"But...but your--" 
"Pleassse dear, call me Czar." 
"Czar, what of my duties?" Confusion appeared on her face.
He slithered toward the cozy floor cushions, "Relaxxx my lovely girl. You've been hard at work all day, ssserving me and my uncle." His coils twisted and wrapped around the pillows and low table. He gestured a spot across from the table, "Pleassse, won't you join me?"
I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit for a while, she thought to herself. With a small smile she eased herself onto the large floor pillow. The maiden savored the crisp apple offered by the prince. She relished the taste with every bite. 
"Ssshall I play sssomething for you darling?" His faded inked arm reaches over behind him. A beautifully carved wooden flute appeared. 
"I found thisss the other day. Perhapsss you'd like to hear a sssong or two?"
The maiden swallowed before answering, "I would very much like to hear."
The naga smiled, placing his lips around the mouthpiece. Eyes closed, he began to play.
It was ethereal. Soothing to the ears. His fingers delicately danced upon the holes as he played. Otherworldly, almost as if she was transported back to the ancient city of Draca Isla, the once home of naga's and dragon's. She could smell the earthy damp rock, the sweet fragrance of amber lilies growing in the wild. 
The pillow underneath the maiden began to sink. Or was it just her imagination?
Czar's ruby eyes opened to only darken as he took notice of the maiden's dreamy eyes. The half eaten apple dropped to her side. He smiled as he played, continuing his enchanting melody.
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Want to learn more about His Illustrious Eminence?
Here are some links:
Information + Concept Artwork on Czar Agskaga
"Coils of the Naga" & "Coiled by the Naga" Written by Arielle W.M. ( @ariellewm ) & Produced/Voiced by Ycey Narrates
SFW Hypnosis Headcanon Story
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December Christmas Monster stories
Day 16.) stalkerish naga neighbor x gn reader.
Gosh sorry everyone it's been too long sense my pause on the December stories I apologize. I'll try posting the rest twice a week to prevent burn out again.
warnings: stalker behavior, pillow sniffing, manipulative behavior, snail tail wrapping around someone, possessiveness
The whole apartment complex had lost power the other day, a few people left to go stay elsewhere but not everyone had somewhere else they could go. You were one of these people, you didn’t have anywhere else to crash so you stayed. Staying mostly in your room you were constantly bundled up in all the blankets you owned with probably too many candles lit in one room for light and warmth. 
Wearing a couple layers of clothes you were doing your best to stay warm. At least now the power was out and it forced you to read some of the many books you have been ignoring for who knows how long. About half way into the current book you were invested in, the knock at the door causing you to jump, bringing you out of the book with a startle. Putting the bookmark in it you stood up wrapping a blanket around yourself before shuffling to your door. Opening it you took a peek outside before fully opening it when you saw your neighbor. He was a naga and from the looks of it he was in rough shape.
“Toooo cold…. Can I cooommme innn?” He slurred with heavy eyes, hardly even able to keep himself up. “Shit yeah come inside.” You mumbled stepping to the side to let him slither in. He shivered, feeling your apartment wasn’t much warmer than his own. “My room is warmer, come on, it’ll be too hard warming up the living room for you.” You explained leading him to your room. Once he felt it was warmer there he made his way to your bed and flopped his upper half onto his, his snake body wrapping around himself for warmth. He was out like a light, way too exhausted to do anything else. Frowning you stared at him for a moment before using all your blankets to cover him only leaving yourself with the one you had wrapped around your shoulder before you opened the door for him.
Sitting down you shivered as you went back to reading. After a few hours he woke up from his nap and looked around confused feeling a bit fuzzy. Eyes landing on you he smiled softly as he quietly watched you read. His smile turned to a frown seeing you shiver. Looking down at himself he realized he had pretty much all of your blankets and felt bad. “Come here.” He whispered no longer slurring his speech. “It’s cold, we should be sharing heat for safety.” he explained lifting up some of the blankets. Scooting closer to him you leaned against him as he wrapped his snake half around you. You didn’t really know him so this was making you nervous for a number of reasons. He was attractive but pretty much a stranger. You didn't have many interactions with him other than passing each other in the hallways or asking for a missing ingredient for a meal. It was hard to relax wrapped up in his body. The temperature difference was nice. You had been so cold before but it was just so warm cuddled against him. His arms were wrapped around your waist as his chin was rested on your shoulder looking down at the book you were reading. The words were blurry to him; he was more focused on staring at your hands every time you turned the page. He liked the way they moved. The way your hand flexed lightly as you lifted the page, it was entertaining enough for him. 
He gently nuzzled his face against your neck. The few fleeting moments the two of you shared passing each other in the hallway were always the highlights of his day. He loved catching glimpses of his cute neighbor. Always too nervous to say more than a few polite words to you at a time. But when the power went out Thalisz saw his chance to get closer to you. Being here with you was a Christmas miracle to him. He didn’t want this moment to end any time soon but his luck had finally ran out as his stomachs started to rumble from hunger. He had in such a daze due to the cold he hadn’t been able to feed himself, too weak to do such. “Oh? Your hungry? I should still have some food in the pantry. I haven't made the journey outside yet.” You said wiggling out of his grasp much to his dismay. He wanted to follow but your room was oh so warm and smelled so strongly of you. Your kitchen was cold, he didn't want to go there. Instead he slithered further onto your bed and snuggled against your pillow holding it close. The scent was strong there and he liked it. He didn’t want to leave your home any time soon, he felt he belonged here. Making it his new den wouldn’t be an issue for him not at all but he knew he shouldn’t not yet. Can’t just move into a human's home without talking about it first. He hadn’t realized his eyes had closed until he heard you open the door to your room and step in closing the door quickly so as to not let out all the warm air. “I would have made a pb&j but I can’t open the fridge so it’s peanut butter, honey, and banana. Is that alright?” You asked him holding out the sandwiches. “Yess that sounds delicious.” Thalisz said, sitting up, taking the plate from you and began to eat. 
The two of you started to talk, it was much more than the few words the two of you had spoken in the past and Thalisz was living for it. He was clinging to each word you said focusing on the way you said things, how your lips moved, how your eyes crinkled when you laughed. Thalisz wished he could take a photo of each different face you made but settled for just remembering them for now. When you had started getting sleepy Thalisz grew more giddy at the thought of cuddling you while you slept. “It makes sense for us to sleep in the same bed, for warmth after all.” He reasoned and you nodded your head in agreement. Thalisz was too big to fit his whole body on your bed but that didn’t stop him from trying. It was a struggle not to wrap all of his lower half around you in a corkscrew hold but he knew that would be way too frightening for you to hold you like that, he needed to gain more of your trust first, if he pushed your boundaries too hard so soon he might scare you away. As much as he loved the idea of hunting you down he couldn’t bear the image of your terrified face looking at him in horror. Settling for wrapping only his arms around you he was satisfied with that and closed his eyes pretending to fall asleep. Once he knew for certain you were asleep he opened them back up and watched you sleeping soundly in your arms. Oh how it made his heart race seeing you so relaxed and vulnerable in his arms. So trusting of him. He knew you were the perfect mate for him, he just knew it. He didn’t dare move a musical content on just stare at your sleeping form for hours until he had fallen asleep without his permission. Thalisz wanted to stay up longer and keep watching you but the sound of your soft breathing had lulled him into his own deep slumber.
Once he finally woke up his eyes immediately looked to you seeing you still in his arms but awake not idly scrolling through your phone. His heart skipped a beat, he had only dreamed of waking to you being in his arms, was he disappointed you were already up meaning he couldn’t stare at your sleeping form longer? Yes absolutely he wanted to see how you looked waking up but this was better than waking up alone. “Powers back on.” You told him when you finally noticed he was awake. “Would have gotten up and made us something warm to eat but I kinda can’t get up.” You gestured down, making him look down too to see that your legs were completely covered by his lower half. He must have curled up on top of you when he was sleeping trapping you there for who knows how long. Thalisz was half tempted not to get up and keep you there in bed with him all day, maybe even all week. Sighing he said a soft sorry and moved his tail off of you releasing you from his hold. 
Laying in your bed still the words you had greeted him with finally clicked in his tired brain. The power was back on. Eyes widening he scrambled to think of an excuse to why he shouldn’t leave right away. He didn’t want to leave, how could you when you were here and not in his own apartment. This was so unfair, how dare the world give him this and then rip it all away from him too soon. Thalisz felt like crying but he knew he was being a baby, now that he had spent the night that meant he was closer to you, he had reasons to stop by. Maybe bring you things as a thanks for your help, that would give him more chances. He could ask to get coffee with you, that could lead into doing more with you. Thalisz kept thinking about more and more ways he could do to get more time with you, his tail was in the door now he had taken a chance and you hadn’t closed it on him he had hope. “The apartments are still pretty cold, maybe you should stay here a little longer till the building warms back up?” You called from the kitchen. A cheshire grin formed on his lips, it seemed you were opening that door wider for him letting him in. Thalisz was so delighted you felt the same about him, his oh so perfect mate. You loved him too even if you didn’t know it yet. 
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inouvasplace · 2 months
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The best thing about this game can often be to share old things, with friends who have just started playing. Like doing coils for the story they have, and of course the really cool fights. Yes.. we did die on a certain woman, because she can still kick your ass, and we played nice with Bahamuth so he showed off some of all his tricks. We did it unsynced, so we basically lightly poked Bahamut for a while 😎
Now soon, we have the Crystal Tower Raids, and I am looking forwards to it!
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inks-books · 4 months
When Princess Allonwë loses a weapon of mass destruction in a bet she has to go on a quest to get it back before her parents find out and ground her for a millennia.
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trash----panda · 9 months
idea go brrrrrr
Just a general idea of a seperate but equal(but not really) society of humans and mythics. Human gets kidnapped by a naga to be prey but the naga has so much guilt they have to keep trying to hype themself to eat it. The human attempts to talk it out to escape death, a little "do you like movies" was all it took really to get the snake talking "i really like movies" he mumbled
The human took this chance "maybe we could go see one, i-i wont tell the cops come on"
The snake stares for a moment "i would like that... But i gotta eat you! Im hungry a-and normal food isnt cutting it anymore" he whined and attempted to grab the human's feet in his mouth, just getting a kick to the cheek. It took a moment to react, the human was afraid it'd be anger but the reptile just flopped over sobbing. It was akward seeing your captor crying over a kick so he just had to wait it out. Almost as soon as the crying quieted the snake tried again, this time holding the humans feet so he couldnt kick. Apologizing in between sobs before finally getting a good grip. Even with all the struggling the human couldnt do anything, getting squeezed down into the naga's tail. He didnt fight after being deposited into the stomach, what could he do? He was trapped. The snake on the other hand just starred at the lump, sure it felt good but.... It was a bad idea, but he was prone to those, hesitantly going to the movies.
He could only hope the small lump wasnt visable. He picked something most people would like, getting a ticket and headed inside. He'd made sure it was something that'd been out awhile so it wouldnt be busy. As soon as the lights dimmed and he knew he was alone he hacked the human up, dropping the slobbery mess on his tail so he wouldnt soil the chair. Small apologies escaping as he started to quietly cry again. The dazed human simply trying to figure out where he was, hesitating before telling his assailant "it's fine" those words set it off, the snake had to bite his arm to muffle the sobs, immediatly blaming himself. He could smell the blood, he'd hurt it, it was gonna hurt him he was gonna-
The human pat his head, he hadnt even noticed them getting close, watching as it slowly moved into a hug. Shifting slightly to hug back, going dead silent as he held the tiny figure whod been trapped inside just moments ago.
"do you like this movie?" His voice rang with fear, making the snake flinch
"no.... i thought you might?"
"....i do" he chuckled softly, holding back tears, he was trying his best to pretend he wasnt scared "it's stupid- i-i meant to watch it when it came out and now im seeing it cause not even a snake wants me"
He could hear the tiny heart beat against his, the dude was cute enough, maybe... "n-not as food, maybe something else?" Smooth, really smooth, he just felt dumb now.
The human blushed, the naga didnt even notice "like friends?" Great now he was wrecking it too, he heard the snake's heart rate jump, maybe that meant something.
He swallowed hard, he had to just spit it out, just maybe "if you want" crap, save it, save it "o-or this could be a first date?" Now you seem even more stupid-
The human nodded, pretending to consider it "y-yah... but only if you get popcorn"
The joke got a chuckle out of the snake, putting the other at ease, he didnt even remember his scrapes at this point.
That's all i got, suffer, good bye
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yearningaces · 4 months
For the Valentines special: naga and the word is “smooth”
It was a trap. Of course it was a trap.
Specifically, you'd been walking along the path you always took when strolling through the deep forest outside of the town. So why then, did the once solid earth give way to sticks and leaves covering a deep hole you were now falling down?
It wasn't until a flash of iridescent hues caught your attention that you even registered the heavy scaled tail you'd landed across. The appendage holding you up from falling deeper into the cave system, yourself perfectly hooked with your upper toreso hanging from one side, and your legs hanging from the other.
And there he was, the naga who's long hair had an almost purple sheen, as did his scales. He lowered himself from where his upper portion had been lounging, his tail shifting under you, simultaneously drawing you closer to his form as his grin grew wide. "Well we'll we'll, what a lovely little surprise you are, my dear." Jormund's voice was soft, the slight hiss to his words only adding to that fact.
"Is it really a surprise?" Comes your begrudgingly amused response as you shift positions along the heavy snake tail, moving to straddle the appendage, legs dangling from either side as you sit more comfortably.
Jormund tuts slightly, his toreso moving to circle around you, leaving his coils curling around your back as he rest on his own tail where you are as well. "Is it wrong of me to be so delightfully surprised when my favorite human returns for a visit? It's the sweetest part of my days, after all" He questions with a smile, leaning down to rest his cheek against yours, his hands slowly moving to grasp onto yours.
"Alright, I'll give it to you, that was smoothe." Your remark only makes him grin victoriously with a flick of his tongue and a quiet 'fuck yesssss'
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
“Eight years ago, he amassed our wealth on three ships to sail to Bharat for invaluable spices and cloth.” The naga were sprung from a nightmare. Covered in dark scales and nothing more, they were a horrendous combination of serpentine features and male humanoid bodies whose powerful arms ended in polished black, flesh-shredding talons.
People like pointing out stuff by SJM which was inspired by other stories so here's mine: Bharat is another name for India, and India is the king of spices and cloth, so that's obviously the inspiration here. Two, the naga are inspired by creatures in Hindu-lore. In the story of the Mahabharata, the Naga are snake people who live beneath the human world. One of the main characters in that story, Bheema, encounters the Naga who nearly kill him but then end up gifting him with the strength of thousands of elephants (long story). Clearly not original either, Sarah.
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