#October mini draw
October Reblog Draw
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As part of my reblog draw this month I will be doing a weekly mini-draw!!!!
@asylummint  @baubabygirl  @baybieruth  @bookloverfilmoholic  @buckybarneswhoreeeee  @cantwrite4shit-soireblog @chloespector @clockworksficstoread @courtneychachi069 @crlmlnalmlnds @currentaddiction @cxmslxt777 @dadisthatyou420 @dizzylizzyintx @fandomhoppers @fefa-la-printcessa @fishballet @floating-empty @f-me-reid @frannybear @givemeth @gublergooob @heartreid @ivorydragoness44 @jeidensucks @justmethingsstuff @juststufftoread @kjs-s @littlemisfortunes-world @megreblogsherfaves @night-time-anxi-tea @nomajdetective @nothankyousss @paperbackprettyboy @paprikaquinn @pastelbabygirl19 @perpetual-exhaustion21 @pottersfia @sinflowersugar @spenciesprincess @spnfangirl1990 @spvencersreid @stoneyggirl2 @sunflowerhood @sweetjedi @thedancingcostumeyoungadult @thegoldfishbowl @tonksb934 @toolonelyformyowngood @tvdstelenaforever @umbreonwolfy @ur-secret-is-save-with-me @vintagevalentinex @viridianvisions @zinnamonii
I am about to pop you onto the WHEEL OF NAMES to find out which of you is this weeks winner.
All of you will be going into the end of month draw too, some of you are in there a number of times already so thank you for your reblogs and comments.
If you would like to get in on this then feel free to go and reblog and comment on any and all of my fics. Sharing is caring, sweeties!
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martzx3 · 8 months
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Zimtober day 9, cold
OKAY FINALLY POSTED!!!!! sorry it's been like 2 days but I've just been struggling a bit with artblock AND school work I think..
Sorry for skipping day 7 & 8
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potteyplants · 8 months
I think I'm gonna try to make some Halloween based mini-series of this. Idk, we'll see. I hope you enjoy!
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star-director9 · 8 months
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Here have a comic based on three of my oc’s (technically four but it’s more of a self insert)
Anyway this mini comic features Train Conductor (man with a hat), voider(the child colored in with pencil), chibi Ballo or just Ballo for short (the character that looks like they are wearing a teddy onesie) and self insert of sorts (the one with glasses)
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Here’s a better look at all three.
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buttercupart · 4 months
Oh right yeah I forgot to say this but for anyone who remembers the days of yore when I’d post my OCs, Azlynn and Elijah would currently have a 3-month old infant in real time
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paranoicweirdo · 5 months
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No sé, esas cosas no hay en mi cerro
No entendí muy bien de qué iba este día
Day 7- Chestnut
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genericpuff · 4 months
Scamlords is at it again.
A few nights ago, there was a sudden blow-up in the /r/webtoons server showing a new announcement from Snailords -
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For anyone unaware, Death : Rescheduled has been on mid-season hiatus since October. And it's now, and only now, that Snailords has suddenly decided the comic is ending after it returns, but readers can get an extra 20 episodes... if they fork over $1k in merch sales.
Now, this could be a lot worse. They could be threatening not to return to the series at all unless their readers hand over money. But considering it's practically just one degree away from that, it's still pretty nasty. Not to mention, the further they divulged in their reasoning around this "idea", the more confusing it got.
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They also even revived their @snailordsrant account on IG which, for those of you who were there and can recall, was the same account they used to put one of their own fans on blast over some very mild criticism.
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None of this makes any actual sense, for several reasons:
1.) I literally fail to see how getting $1k in less than 24 hours is worth shoving in an extra mini arc of 10 episodes if you don't even have it planned out. Why do that to your audience or to yourself? Why drag things out just to scrounge up an emergency $1k? Why not just be honest with your audience and run a GoFundMe or just say , "Hey everyone, I've run into some financial troubles, I would really appreciate it if you could FastPass my newest episodes or donate to my Patreon or buy some merch so I can cover the costs". It's really telling that this shithead doesn't have enough confidence in themselves or their audience that practically worships them that they have to resort to this kind of underhanded shit to get the money they need. I wanna make it clear that this is NOT like a Kickstarter stretch goal or anything that incentivizes readers to support their work, they're instead holding the length and future of their series over their audiences' head (which they've done before) for money. That's not an incentive, it's an ultimatum.
2.) Maybe I'm misreading / being stupid (someone pls explain if I'm missing something here) but I literally don't see how their comment about working 50 hours a week explains why they're suddenly getting their fans to pay out $1k worth of merch in less than 24 hours. For anyone who doesn't know, $1k per episode is an example Webtoons uses in its post discussing how they pay out creators (this came after the platform got called out 2 years ago for paying creators too little, there are undoubtedly creators getting paid less). And yet for some reason $1k is apparently the difference between 10 episodes and 20? How does that add up? And is the bit about them wanting to buy boba supposed to be a joke? Where's the punchline here?
3.) They say they have writer's block and they want to use the money to "motivate them", but then just a few slides later they say 10-15 episodes is what would make them the "happiest" so which is it? Do they want to write 10 episodes or do they want people to pay them to write 20 episodes so they can draw the fluff scenes that they apparently want to draw? If you have an ending planned out, why rush it or drag it out depending on how this "fundraiser" goes? Why not just write the ending you want to write that will serve your story best? Why shove in an extra mini arc that you don't even have full confidence in writing and then try to compare it to a "super expensive cake"? What are you doing? Speaking as someone who's had trouble getting motivated in the past, suddenly getting a month's rent worth of money to do it doesn't necessarily solve that, it just turns up the pressure, and if you're not someone who deals with pressure well, then you're more likely to wind up just burning out entirely rather than fulfilling that goal.
4.) The fact that they did, in fact, hit their goal just makes it all the shittier to think about because their audience is mostly made up of teenagers who worship the ground that they walk on. It's horrifying that they keep pulling these stunts with their audience, and getting away with it to boot - and Webtoons, as a company, keeps enabling it by allowing it to happen by hosting and promoting people like this.
Anyways, there's already a lot going on here that's sketchy, but then... they went and deleted their posts. At the time of this happening (as I was there to witness it all play out in real time) I assumed this meant that they had hit their $1k goal - especially as they had been showing their progress on their IG and they were already at $900 after just a couple hours - but it gave me a sinking feeling seeing them delete it because they had also been called out by some brave readers telling them that it wasn't exactly a good look to essentially blackmail their audience through their own content into giving them money.
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Snailords deleting it gave me a stronger impression of "burying the evidence", especially now that they had the money. By all accounts, they could do whatever they wanted now.
So what did they decide to do?
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. . . Huh?
Okay, take a second to actually think about what Snailords has done here. Because I know some of you will go "oh, it was for charity all along! that was nice of them!" but . . . I don't know about the legalities of collecting donation funds under false pretenses, but morally speaking, it's a really shitty thing to do. They stripped away the choices - limiting them to three - of what their readers could donate to, and what I think their readers don't understand - due to being mostly teenagers - is that they're tax-exempt individuals and they just unknowingly gave Snailords an easy $1k tax write-off. You really, really shouldn't collect donation funds like this without being honest, it's just a shitty thing to do, especially after you've already collected the money. It mostly just comes across as damage control on Snailords' part to make it seem like they were always planning to donate to charity, when in reality, if they wanted to donate to charity, they would have been honest about that at the start. Again, even if they wanted to do that from the start, it goes to show how little confidence they have in themselves or their audience that they have to stoop to methods like these instead of just doing it honestly.
And do you really think Snailords will actually do those extra episodes? Or donate that money? This is the same asshole who has manipulated their readers for money not once but twice, and now seems intent on doing it a third time just for the charm. This is the same person who practically sabotaged their own comic, Freaking Romance, because they apparently didn't like the romance genre and may as well have only done it for clout / views / etc.
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What was especially odd - and I found this out from folks who actually read Death : Rescheduled (I do not) - was finding out that it wouldn't make sense for D : R to end in as many as 25 episodes, because apparently, the plot has basically just gotten going.
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So it does seem like this is foreshadowing that D : R will wind up just like Freaking Romance, rushed into an ending that wasn't expected. And this, of course, has the people who read their work confused because D : R was supposed to be Snailords' passion project, their magnum opus, the project they wanted to do. So them holding the timing of an ending that shouldn't even be happening yet for ransom contradicts that original intention. Really, it just goes to show that Snailords has no passion, they're just in it purely for the money, to a degree that I can't even cheer them on for being a hustler because it's missing the honesty and integrity.
And of course, every single time Snailords finds a way to backpedal and take his audience for a ride, they hop right in without a single thought for themselves.
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And no, none of this is to hate on the readers directly, I hold Snailords entirely responsible for this - they have an audience of impressionable, naive, gullible teenagers, and they know it, and take advantage of it every chance they get. It's why they weren't just honest about wanting to collect money for charity from the start. It's why they resorted to basically holding their own comic's progression for ransom during its midseason hiatus. It's why the deadline was 24 hours and why the posts are now gone.
Thankfully the Internet does what it does - any evidence that Snailords was trying to bury is now all over reddit, and hey, just for good measure, here's a post on Tumblr that's been sitting in my drafts for days now, days after people have already seemingly stopped talking about it. Don't let anyone bury or forget about the stunts Snailords is pulling on their audience, with a platform that they've been consistently given by Webtoons, because that's what they want you to do.
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kamatha · 8 months
Piktober Day 3 New Friends
Out of all the games Pikmin 1 will forever be my favorite in pikmin introductions.
Something about Olimar having a different reaction to each onion he finds is so charming! He also gets a mini development learning to back away overtime. Louie's reaction in 2 is a very close second for how absolutely goofy it is, wished he got more moments like that during the game.
Ignore me using the P4 onion being used here, didn't feel like drawing the patterns-
<<Day 2
Piktober list by Pickls is under the cut!
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hwasdvlly · 7 months
Spooky Fun | p.seonghwa
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☆ summary: it's halloween and the family decides to do something extraordinary.
☆ pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader
☆ genres: romance, fluff, and family
☆ word count: 1k words
☆ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, idol!seonghwa, non-idol!reader, married couple, star wars cosplay, very soft moments
☆ a/n: happy halloween my beautiful readers!
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October 31st is the last day of the month and the time for a spooky celebration. 
For this year’s costume theme, Seonghwa chose no other than his favorite movie franchise, Star Wars. He had always wanted to be Anakin Skywalker. Now, he wanted to try it out with his three beloveds: you and the little stars Seonghan and Hyeseong. 
The oldest child is Park Seonghan. Atinys nicknames him as ‘mini-Seonghwa’ because he looks so identical to his father that it’s uncanny. Seonghan even has a gentle and bright personality with a hint of wittiness, like Seonghwa. 
The youngest child, Park Hyeseong, is more of a shy little girl. But underneath her shyness is a lovely angel who is a passionate dancer and enjoys drawing cute animals and nature. Like her mother, she inherited an elegant beauty. Hyeseong is more of a mommy’s girl, but she does consider her appa as her best friend and the hero of her life. 
“This is where the fun begins.” Seonghwa checks himself out through a full-length mirror and tries to act all mysterious and lethal. He has on his costume, which is handmade, and his toy lightsaber. Seonghwa will forever be a kid at heart, and he is happy that his dream of Halloween came true. 
“I think you’re having too much fun as Anakin.” You walked out of the bathroom. You are Padme Amidala. It’s very appropriate for you and Seonghwa. 
He turns and sees you in a pretty olive green dress with a hoodie over your soft curls. Seonghwa grins, “I can’t help it. I wonder what our little stars will look like.” He goes up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. Everything about you is beautiful. He is glad that you are down to do this idea of a celebration. You rest your hands on his chest. You lift your eyes to meet his gorgeous, deep brown orbs. “They’re going to look so cute! I think their uncles will die of cuteness.” You let out a giggle. 
Seonghwa smirks, “Hell yeah, they will. Our kids are the best.” He is so prideful and supportive of his little ones that he does sound cocky at times. You snickered and shook your head. “I agree, but please, don’t embarrass them.” As much as you deeply love Seonghwa, he exaggerates almost everything.
“Since we are talking about our little stars, why not see them,” Seonghwa suggested. You beamed and nodded. 
The married couple intertwined their fingers to go to their children’s room. Seonghan and Hyeseong share a space because there aren’t a lot of rooms in the house, but they get along together. 
“Hannie, Hye. Are you guys ready for Halloween?” You asked the kids. 
“Yes, we are!” They answered in unison. 
Upon arriving in their room, you and Seonghwa gasped at the sight of Seonghan and Hyeseong. They look so cute!
Seonghan is The Mandalorian. He has artificial berserk armor and a helmet. Hyeseong is Grogu. She has those green protruding ears as a headband, the brown robe, and her hair in twin tails.
“You guys look awesome!” Seonghwa couldn’t help but squeeze the life out of his babies. He bends down and brings them into his comfy arms. You smiled by the door frame at the wholesome moment. Seeing Seonghwa happy with the kids makes you fall in love with him all over again. 
The father lets go and takes out his phone from his trousers. “Smile for grandpa, grandma, the uncles, and for us,” Seonghwa tells Seonghan and Hyeseong. The kids posed cutely for the camera, and their dad snapped hundreds of photos. 
“Okay, okay, Hwa, that’s enough. We don’t want to be late.” You stopped your husband because he was going overboard. Seonghwa looks through the gallery and squeals. “So cute!! Look, love.” He shows you the little stars. You smiled merrily at their cuteness. 
“This is the way.” Seonghan points to the exit of the front door. The Park Family are putting on their shoes and carrying their Halloween buckets. 
“Patu!” Hyeseong shouted. Her parents burst out laughing at her adorable imitation. 
“Yes, sir.” Seonghwa opened the door for his loved ones, and they began to march outside. 
Hyeseong holds your hand as she swings your arm back and forth. Their home isn’t far from the KQ Building, so it’s much easier for Seonghwa to go to work. As they walked on the streets, people noticed them in their Star Wars costumes. It caught everyone’s attention. 
Seonghwa also noticed a few Atinys saying ‘hi’ to them. Seonghan politely greeted them, and they happily squealed at the sweet boy. 
Once arriving at your husband’s workplace, the employees dress in costumes, and they kindly give the children candy. Hyeseong tries to ask for a sweet treat and not be shy. But for real, who can’t resist an angel? 
The party is on the rooftop of the KQ Building. It’s not something Seonghwa and the guys have done before, but since Seonghan and Hyeseong are joining, they want it to be special. 
As they reached the top of the level of the place, Seonghwa opened the door for his family. They were welcomed by fun and frightening decorations and the tasty aroma of food. Last but not least, ATEEZ in their costumes. 
“Hye, my love!”
The seven members approach the little stars for a big bear hug. They even gave them candy because they truly love them.
Hongjoong gathers Hyeseong into his arms and plants a kiss on her plush cheeks. He is her favorite uncle, and he does enjoy being one. Except he spoils the heck out of her. Seonghan doesn’t have a favorite uncle, but he does prefer to be with the 99 liners. Seonghwa doesn’t know if he should be concerned if his son will get influenced by their antics or end up being a little mischievous. 
“Nice Star Wars getup.” Jongho commented with a gleeful smile. He and the members are impressed by the family’s efforts to look like the characters. 
“Let me guess,” Yunho puts a finger on his lips. “It was Hyung’s idea.” He says without sounding clueless. 
You chuckled and nodded. “It was also Hwa’s turn to choose a theme. The kids liked the idea as well.” You look at your husband with love in your eyes. 
Seonghwa sees it and puts on a proud expression. His heart was filled with happiness.
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October Reblog Draw
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As part of my reblog draw this month I will be doing a weekly mini-draw!!!!
@a-daydreamers-day @agentfrostbite @alexxavicry @anotherworldanotherday @coolweirdo11 @cracked-sidewalk98 @criminallyaddicted @criminal-reid-minds @eideticboywonder @fallen-angel-anne @grey-water-colors @iheartspence @izuoyarmin @kalliblast @keitoitall @kindofdreamcatcher @kjs-s @ladyofhellhounds @lokis-good-girl @maltamurdock @masterlists-andfics-ilike @minniefknmouse @mucroftholmes @readings-to-share @richietozier-bitch @salt-n-burn-em-all @spnfangirl1990 @sweetpeterparker @theficrendezvous @the-velvet-onion @witchygagirl @zinnamonii
I am about to pop you onto the WHEEL OF NAMES to find out which of you is this weeks winner.
All of you will be going into the end of month draw too, some of you are in there a number of times already so thank you for your reblogs and comments.
If you would like to get in on this then feel free to go and reblog and comment on any and all of my fics. Sharing is caring, sweeties!
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yyh4ever · 1 year
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Yu Yu Hakusho WEBKUJI 9~ to The Next Stage ~
The details and prizes have been unveiled!
■ Official site: webkuji
■ Lottery type: box type
■ Sales period: June 22 to August 8, 2023
■ Shipping: October 2023
■ Price: 710 yen/ticket (*Maximum of 79 tickets per order)
■ Prizes:
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Prize A: Life-size Tapestry (7 types)
* You can choose your favorite character from all 7 types*
Size: H1880mm x W700mm
Material: Polyester (suede)
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Prize B: A3 Visual Panels (8 types)
Size: Approximately 420mm x 297mm (A3)
Material: Cardboard (interleaving paper)
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Prize C: Acrylic Stand (7 types)
Size: up to 200mm (depending on the character)
Material: Acrylic (3mm thick)
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Prize D: Stick Keyholder (7 types)
Size: H60 x W15mm
Material: Acrylic (5mm thick)
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Price E: Wooden Mini Stands
Size: H70mm x W50mm + pedestal
Material: Wood (4mm thick MDF board)
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Prize F: Can Badges (7 types)
Size: φ57mm
Material: Tinplate
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LAST WIN: Oversized Acrylic Stands (7 types)
You get a super-large size acrylic stand when you finish drawing all the lotteries in the BOX. You can choose your favorite character from the 7 types!
Size: Height 250mm ~ 300mm (depending on the character)
Material: Acrylic (3mm thick)
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Purchase Privilege: Coaster (7 types)
For every 5 purchases per transaction, you will receive a random cardboard coaster! (If you purchase 10 tickets at once, you will receive 2 random coasters)
Size: H90mm x W90mm
Material: cardboard
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One More Chance: Acrylic Panel
10 people will be selected by lottery, from customers who purchased lottery tickets, to get an acrylic panel.
Size: H150mm × W300mm
Material: Acrylic (3mm thick), metal (foot parts)
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Side note: Kurama's outfit is amazing
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thatonetotaldramaguy · 5 months
Hi tumblr,
I found an old drawing I did of mini alenoah😎😎😎
I think it’s from October😎
Hope ya like it😄
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The 3rd Anniversary "Gratifying Gathering" Carnival Web Event Now Available!
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Follow Paimon and help your friends prepare for the carnival by participating in the "Gratifying Gathering" event! Complete mini-games at the stalls and collect Anniversary Stamps to obtain Primogems and more!
>>> Click Here to Participate <<<
Event Duration
September 27, 2023 – October 4, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8)
Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.
Event Description
1. There are 3 stall missions in the Fairgrounds. Head over to different stalls to complete the missions and help prepare the Fairgrounds. The first time you complete stall missions, you'll receive 2 Anniversary Stamps and other mission rewards. After this, you can complete the missions again, but you'll only receive 1 Anniversary Stamp each time.
2. Complete 3 stall missions to collect 5 stamps and obtain Primogems ×40.
3. Once you've collected all 5 stamps, you can share your Stamp Collection on social media to obtain Sweet Madame ×3 and get the chance to participate in the prize draw to win a random Character Figure.
4. By default, you'll obtain Anniversary Stamps that you haven't received yet. Once you've collected all 5, subsequent stamps that you receive will be random.
Event Rewards
Primogems ×40
Hero's Wit ×3
Mora ×20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore ×5
Sweet Madame ×3
*** Take part in the Fairgrounds event and complete specified missions to obtain the above rewards ***
Random Exquisite Character Figure (30 Winners)
*** Winners of the above prize will be randomly drawn from among those who have successfully shared their Stamp Collection on any of the participating platforms ***
How to Share the Stamp Collection
Share on one of the social networks below in accordance with the rules to enter the draw.
X (Twitter)/VK: Click the share button or copy the event link and include your stamp collection serial number and the hashtag #GenshinImpactCarnival in the text. After sharing successfully, you will be able to enter the draw.
Facebook: Click the share button or copy the event link and include your stamp collection serial number and the hashtag #GenshinImpactCarnival the text, before posting it to your profile (don't forget to make your profile public). After sharing successfully, you will be able to enter the draw.
About the Figure Raffle:
Each Traveler's Stamp Collection has an exclusive serial number. The serial number corresponds to the email address linked to the HoYoverse Account you use to participate in the event. It will be used to send a survey to gather winners' information to the email address corresponding to the HoYoverse Account you use to participate, for the purpose of delivering figures.
Reward Issuance
1. The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days. Those who fail to claim their rewards in time will be deemed to have voluntarily forfeited them, so don't forget to do so.
2. The list of physical prize winners will be announced on social media within 7 business days after the event ends. After this, a survey will be sent to the email address linked to the HoYoverse accounts used by the winning participants within 3 business days. Please tap the survey and fill out your delivery information and personal contact details by October 25, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8). Failure to fill in the required information in time will be deemed to be a forfeiture of the rewards.
3. You can only provide your delivery address once. After you submit it, you will be unable to edit it by yourself. If incorrect details are submitted due to factors beyond your control, please contact Customer Service before October 29, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8) to confirm before amending your details. To do this, please send an email to [email protected] with the following subject line: Gratifying Gathering 3rd Anniversary Fairgrounds Event - Amend Address.
4. The estimated time for physical prize delivery will be within 90 business days after the event has ended. The event organizer will contact the winners and notify them of the relevant shipment information in a timely manner after dispatching the prizes. The actual arrival time is dependent on the actual logistics situation.
5. The event organizer will bear the logistics delivery costs of the physical prizes. If tariffs, personal taxes, and other related taxes are incurred due to local policies, winners should declare and bear the relevant tax obligations according to the policies of their country or region. Please refer to the laws and regulations and tax policies of your country or region.
1. In order to provide third-party logistics services for the shipment of your prizes, we will be collecting and using personal information such as your address and contact information. The aforementioned personal information will only be used by us and the third-party shipment service provider. We will not disclose any personal information to other third parties without your prior consent.
2. You can visit the game's official website for more information on our Privacy Policy. All personal data will be collected and used in strict accordance with our Privacy Policy.
3. If you are a minor under the laws and regulations of your country or region, you will need prior consent from your legal guardian before participating in this event and providing your corresponding personal information.
4. If you have any questions about this web event, please contact us via email at [email protected].
5. This event is hosted by HoYoverse. References to third-party organizations are for informational and identification purposes only, and are not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation with HoYoverse or the event.
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crushedsweets · 8 months
anon... yes i like this. general disclaimer this is tailored to my au !! stuff under cut
toby likes it, thinks its fun and stuff. he's not the type to dress up beyond like, maybe a jacket and a mask or whatever, but he'll go and buy(steal) stupid ass halloween decorations from spirit or the dollar store. there r several mini skeletons sitting around his cabin. he treats it like elf on the shelf, but. . . skeletons... def will sit around and watch scary movies with a bag of halloween candy . totally carves pumpkins with whoever will do it with him
tim wouldnt really want to do much cuz he's just tired, but he probably would put out a small little pumpkin and bowl of candy outside his door. he's in an apartment so he doesnt really get trick or treaters. will prob buy some candy after halloween so its on sale
brians so annoying omfg(lovingly) he'd buy a fake arm, blood, and wig and stick it in his trunk so it looks like an arm is sticking out. yall know what im talking about. him and tim share an apartment so he'd prob try to actually put something simple around it, like some plastic pumpkins, but nothing really big. he is also a grown man with no kids, so he doesnt find himself going all out for these things
natalie. ok i recently made it where she's either already a tattoo artist, or learning to be a tattoo artist or whatever, but i could see her and some coworkers setting up the shop all halloweeny. she's so fucking tall that they'd just call her over for all the spider web stuff. she thinks its fun and she likes halloween a lot so it's cool. she'd get a huge kick out of doing halloween tattoos during october too. goes and hangs out with toby/nina for it
nina goes to parties . she HAS to get a whole new costume for every party. its super wasteful but she doesnt care all that matters is shes sexy. every year without fail she is a sexy gothic vampire for one of the parties. she works at hot topic, BUT she'd absofuckinglutely get a second job at spirit halloween for october. she's a creepy galll... def sets her apartment up super cutely, brings toby and nat over so they can carve pumpkins with her, tries to dress them up, etc. tons of halloween posts on her social medias too LOL shes so cute
jeff would prob also go to more like... weirder ( ?) parties with creeps and scary people roaming around just doing crazy shit. warehouse shit. prob finds someone to bring home and kill. he thinks its fun, its easier to just go about his days looking the way he does, he loves scaring the fucking shit out of people. doesnt decorate or wear costumes though, says its cringe LMFAO. hates how hyped nina is about it
jane and mary would totally decorate, but in a much more.. ? elegant ? way. like those tall skinny candles, swap out their doormat for something halloween themed, really nicely done pumpkins for some reason. jane would want to host a cute little halloween dinner for uni friends. probably just gets simple costumes, like she'd put on a witch hat and black dress and thats all, but its cute. takes sally (and ben, if sally asks him to come) trick or treating.
sally draws tons of drawings, loves disney halloween marathons, paints on pumpkins(doesnt like the smell of gutting them), etc. she'd decorate with jane cuz she lives w her. she loves it so much but she still gets scared of the animatronic things at stores and stuff LOL. begs ben to trick or treat w her. really embarrassing for ben
ben wouldnt do much besides like. he'd get worse w his internet trolling (scaring the fucking shit out of teens on the internet), start doing more actual hauntings bc nobody will believe his victims during october which means slender wont find out he's doing it. he would not want to go trick or treating..but he'd go with sally with a pillow case and he'd try to awkwardly stand further back but the ppl at the door would always b like 'aw dont be shy come here!' LOL
jack doesnt celebrate it, his family didnt really celebrate it much when he was human so he doesnt do it now. he does get kinda sad during holiday season though, cuz of obvious reasons, but halloween isnt the strongest Pain for him
liu is so fucking miserable theres no way. jk he'd set out like, some pumpkins and maybe get one of those lights that project ghosts onto his garage, but he wouldnt want to go all out or do anything to the inside of his house. jeff really liked halloween when he was younger so its kinda like ouch but he's getting overit. i guess. . .
kate doesnt..celebrate anything........ but when she does occasionally visit the cabin, maybe for food or a shower, and she sees toby decorated, she'd be happy to see it. she's kinda unsettling to be around, but she'd sit down and watch a movie with him in silence. then bring a massive bag of candy to the mine w her w/o telling toby. he just had to cope
ann and lulu dont do anything in the hospital. they dont really have any concept of time........... or the resources to decorate... and they dont get any trick or treaters... cuz theyre...stuck in an abandoned hospital in the woods . . . yeah..
ty for ask anoni like this one. very simple but very sweet
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boydepartment · 9 months
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description- 4 weeks 4 different games & 4 different boys! mini horror stories based off different horror games!
happy upcoming october everyone!
taglist- open: comment, dm, or send an ask to be added ❤️
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week 1… choi yeonjun + the closing shift - chilla’s art
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-> everyday you seemingly mess up with your manager, no matter what- he always had something negative to say to you... about you. it made you start hating work, until he assigned a cute guy to help train you better. you and yeonjun work pretty late nights… everything was great until things kept going missing, yeonjun kept having unfortunate things happen to him, and you both start feeling like you’re not alone even if the cafe is presumably empty…
warnings- the reader gets stalked, horror, suspense
wc- not decided
will be posted by october 7th
week 2… nishimura riki + five nights at freddy’s - scott cawthon
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-> summer job this, summer job that, blah blah blah. you and riki have been friends since you were kids, both your parents wanted you to have a summer job. you finally got one at an old pizzeria you and riki used to frequent. he noticed as you worked there, the more tired you looked. riki hated watching you slowly lose yourself, so on your third day, riki decides to prank you and break in… imagine how much that’ll backfire on both of you as the night goes on.
warnings- crack(kinda), horror, suspense
wc- not decided
will be posted by october 14th
week 3… han jisung + doki doki literature club - dan salvato
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-> you trick your boyfriend into playing a horror game on felix’s pc. at first you’re giggling evilly as you watched han start getting really attached to the characters. as the hours go on you watch as your boyfriend slowly as he starts losing his mind over the seemingly cutesy game turning into a traumatic gameplay experience, but what happens when your friend’s computer actually starts glitching? and what happens if you become a target to the game?
warnings- the basic doki doki literature club warnings (MENTIONS ((not graphic details)) of suicide + sh), horror, suspense
wc- not decided
will be posted by october 21st
week 4… jake sim + slenderman - blue isle studios
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-> jake knew you were not the camping type. spending the night in a tent does not sound ideal to you, especially in the middle of the woods. however, your boyfriend means the world to you. to humor him, you decide to go camping with him. jake is ecstatic to spend time with you, as you both make it to the campsite, you start to notice weird drawings on the trees. and as night approaches you start to feel watched, your boyfriend fails to notice the tall figure in the trees.
warnings- horror, suspense, this one won’t really be as intense as the others.
wc- not decided
will be posted by october 28th
+ special treat: bangchan + halloween headcanons
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will be posted on halloween :)
warnings- none
wc- 300-500
taglist: @yourmomscuntis2tighy @ikeumi @mikuzakii @leetaste
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sanssheriff13 · 9 months
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Hellooooooo tumblr! October is just around the corner, so I made a dimension 20 prompt list! Draw, write, cosplay, I would love if you could tag it with #dimensiontwentober :] happy creating!
For writers, day 2: minis can be replaced with “very minor character” or “battle”, and for day 30: dimension 20-sona, that’s “self insert.”
[image ID: a square photo of Brennan Lee Mulligan looking at the camera with his hands clasped. In front of him is bright blue text, saying “dimension twentober” in all caps, with the prompts in two rows below. The prompts are 1. Fantasy High 2. Minis 3. Crossover 4. Zac Oyama 5. Favorite PC 6. Side Quest 7. The Unsleeping City 8. Ally Beardsley 9. Animal Companion 10. Class Swap 11. Favorite NPC 12. Siobhan Thompson 13. A Crown Of Candy 14. Favorite Ship 15. 2 Side 2 Quest 16. Lou Wilson 17. Non-fantasy 18. Favorite Scene 19. Sequel 20. A Starstruck Odyssey 21. Emily Axford 22. Lyrics 23. 3 Side 3 Quest 24. Best Buddies 25. Brian “Murph” Murphy 26. AU 27. 4 Side 4 Quest 28. Neverafter 29. Brennan Lee Mulligan 30. Campaign Crossover 31. D20-sona. End ID]
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