the-vanir-queen · 1 month
I swear I posted this but it's gone, sooo...
Yesterday marked my 3 year transiversary!
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Top left (with my kitty Link)- 1.5 years Pre-transition, top right- 20 days pre- transition
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Middle left- 3 months (1 month pre hrt), middle right- 1 year
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Bottom left- 2 years 1 month, bottom right today 💚
Three of the best years of my life! I've only ever looked back and smiled at how far I've come. Transitioning saved my life. I was the kid who was certain they'd be dead by 25.
If you needed a sign, this is it.
Im so thankful and happy to be able to share this moment with y'all.
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voydhund · 6 months
Christmas Miwi/Little Byler headcanons for you <3
-Around Christmas, Mike would always go over to Will's house and they would watch Christmas movies like Roudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (1964), How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966), and Frosty The Snowman (1969) in the living room until they fell asleep on the couch. -Will's favorite character in Roudolph is- surprise, you guessed it -Roudolph. Mike's is Hermie. -Mike would always put way too many marshmallows in his hot chocolate, and Will would only put one or two in his. Mike thought Will was weird for that. -Mike and Will ended up under a mistletoe once or twice with little understanding of what it meant- all Mike knew was 'You gotta kiss whoever is under it with ya no matter what. It's da rules.' after seeing it in movies, so Mike kissed Will on the cheek. Will was confused because 'hey, what? That can't be right.' and Mike shrugged it of as 'just the rules. Come on lets go read some comics.' -Mike was always so confused about how Santa got in his (and Will's) house on Christmas when they didn't have a chimney. -Mike convinced Will to stay up and watch for Santa once or twice. They set up- what was in their minds -a perfect trap with a tripwire and a can attached. Will fell asleep halfway through both, and Mike would too. He'd always blame SOMEONE for letting them fall asleep, even though it was their 'secret mission.' -One time, Chester set off the tripwire trap and it scared both of them awake. They both ran out to find a confused Chester trying to squeeze under the wire instead of stepping over it. -Will heard a squirrel on the roof one night and was convinced that it was Santa's reindeer. He'd ran outside to see them, and was very disappointed when he didn't even see them flying off. -Will saw a dead buck in the woods once and cried because he thought it was Donner. -Will always made his gifts for people himself, and put extra effort into the ones he made for Mike. -Mike usually only got Will gifts and was very picky about what he got for him. 'Well, why not get him a comic?' 'No. He already has all of them.' -Mike was the one to give Will that tiger stuffed animal after he mentioned he liked tigers one time. Will treasured the tiger and made sure it was with him all the time. (Might do more later <3 stay tuned)
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fastbreakpoints · 1 month
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gracie-jordan-670 · 3 months
So I got this a while ago (October 26, 2023) and when I say Misha Collins saved my life that day, I mean it. I'm sure he's sent other name videos over the years, but this one got sent to me via Misha's Community phone number at the most incredibly perfect time. So thank you Misha.
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p1325 · 9 months
Miley Cyrus AI - Saved My Life (Sia Cover)
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staystrong2396 · 3 months
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The albums that saved my life multiple times 😍 thank you bring me the horizon!!
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klutzyghost13 · 1 month
Kit & Joe Edit
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Jonathan Bailey
Heartstopper - Jack Maddox
Bridgerton - Lord Anthony Bridgeton
Fellow Travelers - Tim Laughlin
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Joseph Quinn
Stranger Things - Eddie Munson
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yellowmanula · 1 month
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ohno-the-sun · 10 months
Hello Hello just popping in to day those two animatics are AMAZING. Love the animation/drawings and the somg choices, and don't think I'm gonna get eigher out of my head for a long time yet ^^
Oh I'm so glad you enjoy them!!
I cast brain rot onto you
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
thinking about that one interview where the duffer bros said they spent so so much time and put so so much thought into deciding just what they wanted will’s painting to be oh it shows it SHOWS 
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fastbreakpoints · 28 days
derrick white!!!
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postsecretsalone · 6 months
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raekensarcher · 1 year
ex who traumatized me so bad being big in the spn fandom and having met the entire cast after i was w them for years and they know what that show and those characters/actors mean to me like. i tried to get u to watch it and u said no so many times. now ur on twt acting like one of ur friends got u into it and it means so so much to u. like…..be fuckin serious for a minute. like actually . i was watching that shit since i was in diapers, u have seen me cry over what dean/jack/cas mean to me, be fr
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under-same-sky · 8 months
3years ago... in ICU, alone because of covid restrictions, I had the most terrifying test of my life done fully awake, in an ICU room, not an OR or procedure room.. because they didn't know what was wrong with my airway, it was clearly compromised, the hospital was overbooked and they didn't wanna sedate me and put me at more risk.
that bronchi scope camera was bigger than my air way it blocked in and out air flow that was a traumatic feeling i still remember clear as day... as that scope was pulled out I could feel the vacuum like pressure on my lungs... the dr bolted out the room to get me a OR table ASAP. I had 2 nurses who held me through that. I blew my IVs from my heart rate and my fight to breathe. One told me that fight kept me from coding.. she is the one whom took her lunch break to walk me out the day of discharge.
Oct 1st 2020 was my first airway dilation and without a doubt saved my life, which was slipping away for 3years before we got answers.
5 airway dilations in 1095 days and this last one is holding so far 250days post OP and my airway is still at 450 or higher on peakflow measurements.
The emotions and feeling from that week long hospital stay, in the middle of a pandemic, fighting for answers and to save my life will be with me forever.
In the last few months I have been in "normal" situations where my breathing is silent like a "normal" person's and I take a few deep breaths in litteral silence knowing what a beautiful thing unrestricted airflow is.
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divkazkdovikde · 11 months
it’s so funny that five/six/seven years ago (idk how long i have this blog), when i was new on tumbrl and then the few years after, my posts were so dramatic and this blog was basically my diary and then look at my blog now
and honestly, me back then? i was as if from that tiktok sound, yk the one “you don’t have to. i can fucking feel it” yeah, that was me until like three or so years ago, and then me nowadays, looking at those old posts is like “oh she needs a fucking exorcism”
and it’s absolutely hillarious to me, because even tho i’m still as depressed and miserable as i was back then, if not more, now my blog turned mainly into fangirling over marauders
but i have to hand down to my teenage self, that some of the posts were really deep and i can’t believe i was able to put words together like that, when i was like fucking fifteen years old. because looking at it now, drowning in all this shit i’m not-so-dealing with, it really wasn’t that deep back then for the posts to be on that level.
i sometimes feel like i was more mature back then. or maybe maturing is realising it’s easier to just give up crying and being pathetic about it, cuz that’s not gonna help. (lol i still cry and am pathetic but like in a different way yk, in more mature way.)also i’m not gonna lie, marauders fandom really saved my life, so i’m glad i’m where i am. because even though, it’s really shit sometimes, now i’m enjoying the good days and moments as much as i hate those bad ones, and i’m not wallowing in self pity that much now, and i’m learning how to ask for help. it’s as much better now as it’s worse. does that make sense? it does to me.
anyway live love laugh dead gay wizzards.
and let’s leave my old self burried in history, i like this older version of myself better.
(also i kinda pity my old followers, those who started to follow me because of those deep posts, because i bet now when you see some of my fanart and stuff reblogs you sure as fuck are like “where the hell did that came from” yeah, from me, girl grew up a little, she found out that happiness from fictional characters is better than to be that much dramatic. don’t worry, i still can be dramatic, but i use it for freaking out over fanfictions and fanarts now, i think that has to be at least a little bit more healthy, no?)
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henbased · 11 months
i love stella soooooooo much oh my god. oh my god.
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