Most people in Genshin: *waiting for Scaramouche to come out, theorizing what stuff he’ll need, etc.*
Me, a crazy person: Nahida is my baby, I will collect the baby god. I have prepared five star artifacts with four pieces of Deepwood Memories and two weapons just for her. Also, I am collecting 168 of every possible Sumeru local specialty from the forest, plus Viparyas flowers, in order to ensure I am ready. All my resin until the update will go towards hero’s wit collection or collecting trash artifacts to enhance hers. The baby will come home. I will have all the gods... and team Daycare will at last have it’s fourth baby. Please hurry home baby momma is waiting for you-
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voxsmistress · 1 month
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo part FOUR!
lets see what else is in store for y/n ... you didn't think Velvette was just going to let her get away now did you?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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Seems Velvette had tagged your photo on her story with the hashtag #newmodel? Flicking your gaze back up to an amused Angel.
“Well toots … you might as well collect all three than just two. Here’s to you babe - you are so fucked”. He raised his glass. Raising your own you blink in shock.
Fucked was right.
It had been a few days since your exciting little adventure to the Vee Tower, coupled with the fact Velvette had not only shared your post on Sinstagram but followed you was helping you gain thousands and thousands of new followers and likes. But like your tequila, you took this with more than a pinch of salt. The Vee’s didn’t do anything for free. There was always a catch. You were waiting for this one to hook you sooner or later.
Unfortunately for you, it was sooner rather than later. You had finished your job for the night ready to head home, plus there was a bottle of whiskey and a hot bath with your name on it. Arm raised to wave a taxi you were distracted by your phone starting to buzz in your other hand. Unknown Number. Huh, weird. Deciding to answer it you lower your arm. What harm could it do?
“Is this Miss Y/n?” Frowning at the unfamiliar voice, hmm you were rather selective about who got your number. So … who was this?
“Ah Miss Y/n I am Velvette’s assistant, and she is insisting that you come in to meet her to discuss an opportunity that you really do not want to miss out on” huh. Okay. Was not expecting that.
“Uh huhh … and when is she wanting to meet?” Looking up at the darkening sky you had a horrible feeling you weren’t going to be going home anytime soon.
“Well, what are you doing now?” Ohhh nooo! Come on!
“I have just finished work and was actu-”
“Ah perfect so you are free. Come to the Vee tower now and we will sort everything. See you soon” your mouth opened and closed as they hung up on the phone. Right eye twitching you took a deep breath in before exhaling slowly. The bloody nerve! Grinding your teeth you raise your arm up again and wave at a taxi. Trying to calm your anger you shove yourself in the first one that appears, telling them to take you to the Vee Tower. Stewing in the backseat you think it must be nice to be an Overlord – just ordering small insignificant demons around. Shaking off the attitude you realise you need to tidy yourself up.
Looking down at your outfit, a sigh escapes you. Not exactly the outfit you’d want to meet the fashionista Overlord in – a leather bustier, leather pants and your customary neon pink accessories and heels matching of course with your favourite faux fur coat – but it was going to have to do. You didn’t exactly have time to prepare. Scurrying around in your purse to find your compact mirror, you quickly tidy up your eyeliner – snarling at the cabbie when he purposefully swerved nearly wrecking your makeup – and pop a new layer of dark pink lipstick on with a topping of gloss. A quick fluff to your blonde/pink hair and that was the best it was gonna get with such little time to prepare. Spying your perfume, you give a little spritz to your neck, wrists, and boobs. Noting that you’d need to get some more on your next outing as you were nearly out.
Thankfully you had just enough time to get all that done before the taxi pulled up at the tower, throwing the money at the demon you step out on the street. If possible the tower seemed even taller than before. Intimidating. Shaking your head you steel yourself for this meeting, how the last one went down with the other two is not what you want this time round. No unnecessary touching. No being cornered. And no flirting. Okay maybe a little bit of flirting, you were a demon after all. Wait – no! No! Bad thoughts!
Stepping in to the reception you check the board to see what floor Velvette was on, marching to the elevators you ignore the same receptionist who seemed surprised to see you again. Yeah, Bitch I’m back! In the elevator you press Velvette’s floor and breath deeply. It would all be okay. Perhaps they were just going to tell you how much they liked your post? Or they were wanting a thank you in person for all the followers? Or how surprised at how naïve and stupid you sounded. Shaking your head you groan softly. Of course it wasn’t doing to be okay, dealing with the Vee’s was never okay. Or safe.
At the soft ding you pulled your attention away from your depressing thoughts and instead to the scene in front of you. Velvette yelling at a load of models, other demons running around grabbing body parts off the floor and clothes being burned. Well. That was different. A twitch of your lips hid a smile – so the Vee’s weren’t as organised and poised as they’d like you to believe. Good to know.
Taking a step into what felt like the Thunderdome your movement must have caught Velvette’s attention, she suddenly was advancing on you and quite fast for someone so short. You thought you were small, but she only came up to your shoulder. Of course her attitude, energy and that amazing hairdo made up at least a foot, if not more. And living with the other two Vee’s she needed as much attitude and sass to keep up.
“Ah so you are Y/n, totally nice to meet you face to face. Saw your post girl and I am in love with them – that last photo dump was so gorgeous and hitting all the trends so good on you.” Linking her arm with yours like you two were old buddies she pulled you further into the room, her voice so quick you had to focus so intently to understand what she was saying.
“So … any who, guess you are wondering why I brought you here?” She gently shoved you down on the chaise lounge, a small ‘offt’ escapes your lips when you hit the seat. Steadying yourself you turn your body to face the Overlord who decided to take a seat right next to you. Your knees almost touching. Okay then.
“Yes, I was curious why…” a glass of champagne appeared in front of your nose – accepting it gingerly you carefully held it in your lap thanking the demon who passed her boss a glass.
“Look, your style is cute but I think with my influence your style can be out of this world – I am in the market for a new model” - a glance to the pile of body parts in the corner of the room made you gulp - “and with your figure and my style we could totally rock this Hell, making us a tonne of money and you a star so whatcha think – whatcha say I can sort the contract out asap no problem, no fuss”. Blinking in a bit of shock at the speed of what she spoke and what she was speaking about you had to hold your hand up to stop her for a second. Information overload.
“Uh – wow that’s real generous of you Miss Velvette-“
“Please call be Velvette, or Vel! None of this Miss business,” Her smirk was widening, her black lipstick was shining under the florescent lights above us.
“Well, Velvette, I am really touched that you think I could model for you as your fashion range is just fantastic and I love it – but if I am to sign that contract what am I giving you?” You pretend to take a sip from your glass. No liquid entered your lips. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d heard of someone being drugged and signing their soul away – you wouldn’t be one of those.
“Oh, nothing big really. Just something tiny. Teeny really. You wouldn’t even miss it.” She wafted one of her hands around as the other was typing away on her phone.
“Uh huh and what would that teeny tiny thing that I wouldn’t miss be?” You hedged her for the answer what you knew was coming.
“Just your soul babes – nothing big.” Yeah, to her maybe. To you it was a massive thing. And you’ll be honest, you didn’t have masses in this Hell but you did have your soul which was more than some have.
“Then the answer is going to be no, Velvette” you placed your glass down on the table. Her fingers stopped twitching across her screen, her red eyes focused solely on you. Now normally you were one to bow your head and not make eye contact, but you’d had enough of the bullying attitude of these Vee’s now – not one but two now have tried to contract you into losing your soul and you weren’t having it! Matching her glare with one of your own.
“No?” Keeping the eye contact you nodded.
“Not to say I am not grateful that you thought of me, or the fact you even took the time to speak to me. But my soul is non-negotiable. Plus, I have a job already. One which I love and want to continue. So, thank you. But my answer is and will always be - No.” You might have held your eye contact, but your hands were starting to tremble a little. Clenching them together in fists you keep your gaze on hers. A small sneer was pulling on her lips, and you were getting ready to be dismembered like the model before you. But it never came. Instead, she laughed. Laughed?!
Not like an evil MWAHAHA laugh. But a genuine laugh. Confused you wrung your hands together as she lightly slapped your knee and wiped a tear from her eye.
“You got guts girl; I’ll give you that.” A strained smile tugged at your lips, dead heart thumping in your chest. “Fine then. No soul contract – which is a shame we could have had so much fun” her expression darkened with mischief sparkling in her eyes pulling a little heat to your cheeks. “But instead let’s make a little deal? No souls just two businesswomen making a deal, whatcha say?”
Raising your eyebrows in interest you place your elbows on your knees leaning forwards: “what do you suggest?”
“Your socials are starting to take off, people are noticing you babes, and I am here for it! You are a rising star, don’t think I haven’t been paying attention and seeing that people are using your hashtags and your name when they’ve seen you at one of the clubs singing performing”, surprised she had even looked you could feel your blush deepen. “So, here’s the deal – you wear some of my designs, tag them in your socials, etc and you come and do a catwalk for me and sing?”
“You want me to promote your clothes and sing at one of your Cat Walks?” you clarify because this evening was not going the way you had planned or thought it would go.
“That’s it gorgeous – whatcha think?” You think this was probably the longest Velvette had been off her phone.
“And that’s it? No loopholes, no contracts, no soul-binding – just for me to wear your clothes, promote them on my social media and sing at one of your cat walks – that’s it?” You narrow your gaze at the Overlord, there’s got to be some sort of catch here. The way she was gazing at you like a cat that had caught the canary you were sure you were screwed in some way.
“That’s it honey. No catch, no loopholes, just good business”. Humming under your breath, you racked your brains to see if there was anything that could go wrong.
“Okay, how long do I have to promote your clothes for and when is the Catwalk show?” you ask, tapping on your own phone bringing up your notes and typing away.
“Shall we give it six months and see what happens from there? The next Catwalk is in a one month’s time” her smile only got bigger. You couldn’t think where or what could be a loophole, it seemed like too good of a deal. And your mama raised you to believe if a deal was too good to be true then it usually is. But then again. When did you ever listen to her?
“So far so good, but what do you get out of it?” Her smirk grew, well that can’t be good. She reached over and squeezed your leg softly, your eyes flitted from her hand to her smug expression.
“I get exactly what I want gorgeous, but honestly helping rising stars get their fame is mainly it” her charming smile didn’t win you over. She was a lying. But let her keep her lies for now. You knew how to play the game and so far, you hadn’t been burnt. What’s a little risk.
“Okay Velvette, you have a deal”. Raising your hand, she slapped hers into yours and gave it a strong shake – red and black smoke erupted from her making you jump back a little but was stopped from the grip she had. Her grin was terrifying. Her hair was waving around her head like it was full of static. But as soon as the smoke and lights appeared, they disappeared as if you had imagined it. Pulling your hand away, the tingle of electricity ran through your fingers, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. Not at all.
“Well then gorgeous now that’s all done – you can pop back tomorrow and we will get all your measurements and go through colour schemes, styles, etc so keep you day wide open yeah!” Finishing off her glass of champagne we leaned back against the chaise lounge – never once had she let her gaze off you.
Nodding in agreement you thank her while rising from your seat, it was time for you to go and drown yourself in that bottle of whiskey. “You can stay if you’d like?” A flush covered your cheeks at her racking her gaze up your body.
“Thank you, but I better get home. Big day tomorrow I want to be rested” you give her your best winning smile, slipping your purse under your arm. Rolling her red eyes at you she huffed a little, “fineee be boring babes”. Happily!
Before you could even think of taking a step towards the elevator the doors slid open. An unimpressed Vox stood in the middle tapping away on his own phone, not tearing his gaze away from it he steps into the room.
“So what unfortunate soul have you managed to convince to work with you now Vel?” His charismatic voice lacked his usual flare and instead sounded bored. Not something you usually would hear from the TV Demon.
Clearing your throat, you were frozen in place when his eyes connected with yours. Uh oh.
“That unfortunate soul would be me” you smile nervously at him, watching as his screen glitched slightly. That was weird. His bored expression disappeared with the glitch and in its place was his usual charming smile.
“Ah Miss Y/n what a pleasure to see you! What was that you just said?” Velvette appeared at your side, wrapping an arm through yours you watched his screen glitch a little again.
“She’s mine now Voxxie” she smirked at the glitching demon.
“She’s WHAT?!”  
Taglist: @tasha-1994 @azullynxx
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thechaoticdruid · 3 months
Hello! A scene rewrite for your consideration (no obligation of course!):
Astarion’s siblings’ reactions when they break into the party’s camp at the Elfsong Tavern and see Astarion and Winnie cuddling in bed. After the fight, Winnie asks him about not having empathy for the other spawn and Astarion says his line, “No one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me…you’re the only one.”
Thank you for your amazing writing! ❤️
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Pairing: Astarion x Named!Tav (Winnie)
Note: I hope you don't mind, but some of it is word for word from the game while some is changed a bit, but it's pretty much the same context. This is literally one of my favorite scenes in the game! Also please ignore that the photo is not set in the same place as this oneshot. The oneshot takes place in the Elfsong!
Content: Violence, Fluff, slight angst with comfort. Nothing too bad!
Winnie had never thought she'd feel safe enough to sleep peacefully, undisturbed. Not since before the attack on the Lost Grove, her childhood home, did she ever truly feel safe. Today had been particularly tiring since Winnie, Astarion, Jaheira and Karlach had been on the trail of Jaheira’s friend Minsc. Karlach seemed super excited to meet him, apparently he was some great hero or something. Winnie had never been too educated on Faerûn’s heros. They didn't tell stories of them in the Lost Grove. Now she was resting up in their room in the Elfsong, snuggled up in Astarion's arms as he played with her hair, face nuzzled into his chest. The two of them laid on the bed together hidden away from the view of the others as the drapes closed off the room they were in. 
Astarion was awake watching over the human druid as she dozed off in his arms. The sound of the Elfsong’s ghostly songstress lulling her to sleep. Astarion leans over and plants a chaste kiss on her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of lavender and cherry blossoms, the druid’s signature scent. 
For a while she was in a peaceful slumber, but the wicked don't sleep, someone was here to disturb her rest.
Astarion’s pointed ears detected the sound of footsteps and the scent of undeath hit him hard. 
His siblings had come for a visit, slipping in through the curtains that separated them from the rest of their sleeping companions. Glowing red eyes gazed over at the couple in curiosity.
“Astarion? Finally we've found you.” A tiefling female said as she stepped through the curtains. She was followed shortly by what appeared to be a shirtless human male. The two immediately noticed Astarion curled up around his sleeping human love. Astarion mentally cursed himself for allowing his siblings of all people to witness him in such a vulnerable moment. Cazador was the last person that needed to know of his relationship with Winnie.  
“Looks like he found himself a pet mortal.” The man murmured. Astarion slipped away from Winnie and stood in front of her. 
“Oh, her? She's more of a convenient blood bag, really.” Astarion bluffed, hoping his lie would make sure Cazador didn't see Winnie as a means of leverage to use against him. Winnie shifted, exposing the faded bite marks upon her neck.
“Nevermind that brother, you're coming with us.” The tiefling said before she and the male began to corner Astarion.
Winnie slowly shifted, unconsciously feeling around her bed for her lover. Her eyes blinked open as she suddenly heard the sound of shouting. 
“GET THE HELLS AWAY FROM ME!” Astarion snarled. Winnie leapt out of bed now wide awake as she noticed Astarion backing away from two unfamiliar intruders with his fangs barred. 
“Peace brother, we've come to take you home.” The tiefling said. Winnie glared at them and moved over towards Astarion's side.
“The master needs all seven of us for the ceremony, come with us and be reborn. We'll live again.” The man said.
“You're not taking Astarion anywhere.” Winnie growled out, taking a step in front of him protectively.
“Our master needs him for the Rite. He must attend.” The tiefling woman said.
“Oh, I'm well aware of what the master needs. But don't we deserve better?” Astarion spoke up.
“Better? What do you mean?” The other male spawn questioned.
“After these centuries of torment, I know what you all want, more than power, more than to walk in the sun.” Astarion looked at the other two spawn before a devilish grin formed upon his lips. “You want to see him dead.” The other spawn looked at one another as Astarion continued. Winnie rose an eyebrow at Astarion, curious about what he had to say. “The Rite of Profane Ascension will be mine and he won't see a scrap of its glory. I am going to complete the ritual as the Ascendant and then I am going to kill him!” 
Winnie's eyes widened in surprise. He was really still trying to go through with this despite all of her warnings. Winnie wasn’t a stranger when it came to killing, but his siblings were under Cazador's control just as much as he'd been. Whatever their sins were, they weren't their own. At least that's how it was in Winnie's mind. 
“This is your chance. Name me your new master. We will get our revenge and you will live again.”  Winnie could see the lie in his smile, the hunger for power was clear as day. He'd throw them to the wolves for his own gain.  Normally Winnie would be sickened by such a rotten scheme, but being that it was her lover cooking it up she just felt disappointed. 
“Astarion, you can't be this cruel. You're asking them to die for you in that ritual.” Winnie looked at him, eyes saddened. Astarion tensed as he looked back at his lover's round puppy-like eyes, the soft pout of her lips nearly making him cave.
“Don't look at me like that. With the sweet little ‘disappointed I'm not getting cuddly Astarion’ pout. I can't take it.” He glared back at her slightly. “I can't be what you want to see in me.” 
“Die in the ritual? Whatever are you speaking of? We're going to cheat undeath.” The tiefling said, looking quite puzzled.
“Cazador is lying to you. He needs your souls to complete this ritual!” Winnie exclaimed, “why else do you think he wants Astarion back so badly?”
“The master doesn't need to lie to us. He controls us completely. Why go through the trouble of giving us hope?”
“Oh, I don't know…Maybe because he's a sadistic piece of shit?” Winnie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at their ignorance.
“Shit. She's right, we're doomed.” The male spawn said. “Alright, we'll help you. Just tell us what to do.” Just as he was about to speak further the tiefling woman began to cry out in pain, her body glowing red.
“The bond’s hold. He owns us. We have no choice, we must obey. Get out of here, Astarion!”  She shouted before the other male began to glow red as well.  Winnie tensed, the sound of the front doors to the connecting rooms slamming open sent her into survival mode. Almost immediately she dropped down, wild shaping into her direwolf form with a loud howl to alert the others. 
Astarion quickly grabbed his rapier from under the bed as his tiefling sister came at him with claws. Astarion's blocked her with the blade, slashing her across the chest and kicking her back. Winnie immediately jumped on Astarion's brother and sank her teeth into his shoulder. While the other members of their group fought with the other invading spawn, they were able to slip right past them and make their way towards the room where Astarion and Winnie were locked in combat. 
They lunged at the transformed druid, sinking their fangs into her flesh and draining her of her precious ichor. Winnie released the spawn, jerking back with a high pitched dog like whine as the other spawns mobbed her.
“Winnie!” Astarion pushed his sister out of the way and rushed over to the druid as she was forced out of her wild shape and into her human form. The arcane trickster kicked one of his siblings off her before casting scorching ray and hitting multiple of them with it. Winnie had to take a moment to regain her composure as her head was spinning from blood loss. 
This is bad….Fuck…If only the sun was….Wait a minute!
“Sol Invictus!” Winnie suddenly cast daylight on one of the nearby chairs, sending intense beams of light at all of the nearby vampire spawn. Their skin began to sizzle and scorch. Astarion's siblings immediately made a run for the exit, disappearing into mist before they could be turned to ashes. Winnie huffed a bit, eyes glancing around at the blood and damage caused by their uninvited guests. 
“What a mess. Well at least you've met my family now.” Astarion sighed, running a hand through his hair. Winnie crossed her arms and glared at Astarion.
“Oh come on, you're not still pouting over this!” Astarion whined.
“That was low Astarion. Lying to them like that.” Winnie huffed out.
“I don't know why you're so upset. They're only six vampire spawn!” 
“Can’t you at least be a little sympathetic to others who suffered the same as you?” 
“None of them would do the same for me! 200 years or torment and no one ever said a kind thing to me! You're the only one.” He said, gesturing towards the brunette haired druid.
“Astarion.” Winnie frowned, a saddened look in her eyes. 
“Other people don't have a heart like you….You're you….No one is like that.” Astarion said softly before suddenly feeling a soft hand on his cheek as Winnie looked into his eyes.
“Star, there are so many wonderful people in this world who will love you as much as I do. You just need to open your heart to them.” Astarion placed his larger hand over Winnie's. 
“Don't sell yourself so short. I'm doing this for you too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever.” Astarion smiled sweetly as he gazed lovingly back at his druid before adding a firm, “for good.” Winnie smiled at him, eyes growing soft.
“Your sweet words aren't gonna change my view on this I'm afraid.” Winnie smirked, “but I am rather happy to hear you want to protect me.” 
“Stubborn little thing.” Astarion murmured before leaning in to kiss Winnie's forehead. “I saw you get bitten quite a few times. Are you alright?” 
“I feel woozy I guess, tired.” Winnie admitted, before receiving another forehead kiss. 
“Wait here, I'll go get you something to eat.”Her vampiric love hummed.
“Ooh! Ooh! Cheese!” Winnie said giddily as her partner rolled his eyes with a smile before walking off to fetch her some food. 
Taglist for Winnie's during campaign oneshots:
@vixstarria , @paganwitchisis , @kerwin290710
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dragoneyes618 · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if a Rivera besides Imelda had died first.
I think it can be presumed that Imelda died first and was very not pleased to see Héctor, so after being rejected by her a few times he gave up and focused all his efforts on getting over the bridge to see Coco. (The miscommunication here gives me a headache every time I think of it.) This was all probably before the other Riveras died, since they show no sign of recognizing him when they see him make a run for it. (The twins would know who he is, but that’s a different story.)
But what if Imelda hadn’t died first? What If someone else had?
Suppose it was, say, Victoria.
We don’t know anything about how Victoria died; all we know is that it was not of old age like her mother and grandmother; she must have died decades before Coco did, given how much younger than Elena she looks.
So suppose, whatever she died of, she died a few years earlier, even before Imelda, and was the first Rivera to enter the Land of the Dead except Héctor. She’s at the Department of Family Reunions, and they ask her for the names of her family so they can reunite her with anyone who’s dead, and so that they’ll have her on file to greet her living family whenever they arrive.
As far as Victoria knows, she doesn’t have any dead family members (unless there’s people from Julio’s side of the family), but she lists everyone she’s related to anyway, because of course she wants to be able to meet her mother and father and sister when they arrive, so they won’t arrive alone, not like she is. And they take all the names she’s written down and see if any of those names, or her own name, have appeared on any other list.
And lo and behold, someone notices that Victoria listed Socorro “Coco” Rivera as her mother and Imelda Rivera as her grandmother, and that Héctor Rivera who tries to jump the bridge every year listed Imelda as his wife and Coco as his daughter. So they send some people over to find Héctor wherever he is (since Imelda and the twins are still alive, and Coco’s still healthy, he’s probably not forgotten enough to be in Shantytown yet, even though he’s never had an ofrenda) and tell him that his recently deceased granddaughter is waiting to meet him.
Héctor is, well, shocked. He’s excited to find out that he has a granddaughter, he’s grieving to have that granddaughter join him before her time, and he’s shocked to have a granddaughter in the first place.
Logically, Héctor knows that it makes sense that he has a granddaughter. But he still pictures Coco as three or four years old, and he hasn’t seen her since. It’s one thing to know, in theory, “Oh yeah Coco’s probably married with kids by now,” and quite another thing to meet one of his daughter’s daughters. Especially when that granddaughter is older than he is. Especially when that granddaughter is older than he remembers his daughter being.
Victoria doesn’t have a very good opinion of her grandfather, of course. All she knows about him is that he’s the man who left his family behind for some stupid musical fantasy, breaking his wife’s and daughter’s hearts.
But she didn’t know he was dead. Her grandmother is still alive and well; why should her grandfather be any different?
And if he had died, well…he’d never bothered to contact any of them in life, but shouldn’t someone have contacted his family upon his death? Or, if he’d never deigned to even speak of them, well…if he was a famous musician, shouldn’t his death have been announced in newspapers and on the radio? Victoria was barely more than a toddler when the famous Ernesto de la Cruz died, but she remembered people talking about it in the shoe shop, before her grandmother had snapped at them to buy a pair of shoes or leave.
And he’s so young. It’s not immediately obvious at first, but as she sees him move around, movements at once awkward and excited, she realizes it. He has a full head of dark hair; his movements are spry and agile, and his voice is the strong voice of a young singing man.
“So you’re my…my granddaughter?” Héctor asks, stumbling over the words.
“Apparently,” Victoria says, folding her arms and glaring at him.
Surprisingly, he laughs. “Ay, you look just like mi vida when you do that!”
She blinks.
“Imelda,” he explains. “She used to give me just that look - never mind. Tell me, how is she? How is Coco? Are they all right?”
“They’re…fine,” Victoria says slowly, disconcerted by the intensity of his questioning.
“I was so worried,” he says. “I never got to see them, you know, they never put my photo up. I was worried that something happened to them, but they never came here, so I knew they must be all right…Do you know if something happened to my photo? We took one as a family when Coco was a baby, you know, and we took extra good care of it. I remember the boys were upset because we didn’t let them be in it.”
“The who?” Victoria asks. However she imagined her grandfather, she definitely didn’t imagine this man who asks earnestly about the welfare of his family, saying his worries and fond memories in one breath.
“The twins,” he explains. “Oscar and Felipe, your…wow, I guess they’re your great-uncles now. Wow. I can’t believe it. It’s been so long…”
His face falls.
“So Coco’s your mother?” he asks. “I can’t believe that too. Do you have any siblings? Wait, who did she marry? Who’s your father?” Without giving Victoria a chance to answer he rushes and rambles on. “I want you to tell me everything, please. About you, and your family, and how Imelda is - she’s nearly seventy by now, isn’t she? - and about your father and mother. I can’t believe Coco’s married. I wish I could’ve been there. I used to dream about what her wedding would be like. I still do sometimes. I never got to see her all grown up and beautiful - I know she has to be beautiful if she looks even a drop like Imelda - being courted by some young man - I know Imelda would never have let anyone but the best even consider marrying Coco - ay, I wish I could have been there. I died when Coco was only four, I never got to see any of this.”
“You what,” Victoria says.
No, I haven’t spent all day thinking of this. I’ve spent all of last week thinking of this.
I also have a scenario in mind with the twins but I’m not typing it now because this is quite long enough.
…I have a new fic idea now.
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luvly-writer · 6 months
Ch. 7 Angel and Ivy
Autho's note: I am trying to post as long as I have a free space. I am genuinely excited for this story and it has me going. Hope you enjoy another chapter!
Warnings: None
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @grandstrangerphanthom @1lellykins
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"Tim...Tim...TIM! Are you listening to me?!" Snapped Y/n. She was currently taking a bubble bath with Tim on the phone as they discussed their next move. On the other hand, Tim tried his hardest to divide his attention between the girl and the case board in the apartment. He had his headpiece on as he observed the evidence in front of him. "Yes, angel face, I am listening"
"What did I just tell you then?" she quipped sounding exasperrated.
"If you must know, you just told me that I must make an appearance as your date for the winter debutant dinner because now that your parents are aware of my existence and that it is quote-on-quote serious, they want to meet me and that it is important that I make a good impression especially since Mr. Morris is going to be there."
"Hmm, good, you were listening. As I was saying. Ever since the picture of our kiss, every time we go out to dinner or lunch, or brunch, or just any time we have been pictured together these last few weeks, they throw remarks on how good of a man you could actually be for me when Morris is right there. They keep inviting him for dinner, Tim! They are still pushing! They still see this as a temporary thing and not something serious!" she said exasperated.
"It IS temporary" he adds hearing her groan.
"Timothy that is so not the point! You have to make the impression of the century so that they turn their attention to you or at least consider you a runner-up in the race. I can't keep on hearing about which opera Francis enjoys more and which book I should read next to have conversation topics with him and what play is playing so that Francis can take me with him to see if we give it a chance-"
"His name is Francis...Francis Moris?" asked Tim containing his laughter. He put on some gloves and began examining a new formula that was found by Jason at Avery Park. "His parents didn't love him I see, with a name like that?" He said as he began to laugh
"Are you sinking on the bubbles again?" he asked amusedly. In the last few weeks, they had actually started finding out that they enjoyed each other's company. Having to share many dinners, brunches, lunches, and even some breakfasts, they found some common interest reluctantly. "Yes but only because there is this stupid boy unwilling to focus on the important details. My life is on the line." she grumbled
"I can assure you it isn't" he quipped back and laughed once again as she let out a string of curses. "It might as well be, Tim!" she said.
"Since you won't take the downfall of my life seriously, what are you doing?" she asked boredly
"Inspecting some substances that were found in Avery Park for Batman," he said taking notes on what he was seeing.
"Substances on Avery Park? That sounds...messy. Please tell me that none of the rouges are planning to attack this weekend. We really do need to make that apperance." she said leaning back and closing her eyes.
"Well, we hope not. Poison Ivy has been extremely suspicious the last few weeks. We have no idea when or where or if she might strike." he said.
"Hmmm, probably at the Chefield's gala in three weeks. He is making a new investment in the small clearing in Avery Park intending to build a new power plant that will go directly to his hotel. It's close to a small river and all the construction will cause major damage to the already decreasing green areas of Gotham. It is a pity, that place is beautiful. Clara, Satine, and I would escape there every once in a while to have a picnic." Y/n expressed as she finally began getting out of the bath and drying herself. Tim's eyes opened, this was new information to him and it helped the case greatly.
"How do you know this?" He questioned
"Oh, through Satine. She has been trying to convince Senator Gomez to decline his contract. If that doesn't work, Clara has all the information ready to blackmail him into declining. She will tell his wife that Satine is not the first one of his lovers and that the real reason the kid's maid had to be sent away was because she was pregnant with his child. Plus, my mother and Mrs. Chefield have tea every second Saturday of the month, and because of so, I got early access to the invitation. This also means that if he doesn't believe Clara's threats to air him, she will tell me so that I let it slip to her during one of her meetings with my mother. Either way, the options are either he declines or his career and family life are over. I am sure that a cheating scandal and an unsupported child with the finishing touch of a divorce won't look good for the upcoming elections."she explains leaving Tim amazed.
"Who would have known you three were bitches for a good cause" he said making her laugh, a sound that was surely growing on him.
"Like the bitchy Charlie's Angels" she joked as a response
"Whose Charlie then?" he asked
"I don't know, sometimes morality and justice, sometimes revenge, sometimes self-gain, depends on the highest bidder," she responded, her tone full of humor.
"On a serious note, you really think that is when she will strike?"
"Oh absolutely, good thing it will probably be canceled so, people won't be harmed right?"
"You have no idea the advantage that you have granted to us," he said as he began typing a message relaying this entire information to Bruce.
"It's a good thing to always have connections, I guess," Y/n said as she finished her routine and got ready for bed. She placed her cell phone on the pillow next to her head as she got comfortable. She had to fight the yawn that was escaping her. Unfortunately, Tim heard it and stopped what he was doing.
"Before you go, what color is your dress for the debutante's dinner? I want to match my tie with it."
"It's light blue with a lot of sparkles," she said with a dreamy tone.
"You like your sparkle don't you?" he asked amused at her cute tired state.
"Who doesn't?! Sparkles are the highlight of Christmas. Snowflakes, ornaments, snow, everything sparkles! Plus, who doesn't love Christmas? It's the best time of the year!" she said, sleep-slurring her voice. "You don't have to match...thank you though" she said.
He smiled at his phone. "Good night, angel face. You can barely speak coherently." "Yeah, stay safe and warm tonight, Timmy. I need you there."
"Of course, angel. I will be there. Thank you for the information on Poison Ivy." he answered before hanging up. Every day he learned something new about Y/n. She had this facade of being a stone-cold bitch yet, once you work past that she really was just a girl. She was sentimental, always keeping every letter and small sweet thing given to her. She was sweet to the elderly and surprisingly never acted snobby with anyone who worked for her. The maid, butler, and drivers were always treated fairly and you could see that they cared for the girl. She tipped fairly in the restaurants and had a surprisingly good sense of humor. Given another circumstance, he had deduced he was sure they would have been friends...maybe even more.
fun facts:
tim started caller her angel face after the post. He originally said it sarcastically because of how much of a nightmare she can be, but stuck with it just cause he really thinks she looks and is an angel. That’s her contact name.
Y/n loves it.
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hellfire--cult · 1 year
Baring Teeth {Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader} - Ch. 3
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Picture for Banner: pitifulbaby
Chapters: Masterlist (Go here to see list of chapters.)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Non-Traditional Omegaverse, Slow burn, Modern!AU
Warnings: Ab*se, Violence, Mental Health, Cursing, Smut (mild), treat it as a normal Enemies 2 Lovers book, but the A/B/O dynamic will appear at some point.
Crossposted on: Wattpad & AO3
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Chapter 3
“So… Are we going to talk about it?”
Robin invaded your mind again as you tried to eat your lunch. It was a simple tuna sandwich you made in the morning, just throwing in canned tuna and some mayo. When you did so, you almost puked, because your stomach is still a jumbled mess of nerves, but you knew you couldn’t skip lunch.
“About what Robin?” You replied as you ate your food, trying to avoid this conversation as much as you could, but you knew there was no way around it.
“Oh, well, the fact that you were ready to kill Eddie? You literally tackled him! Then you left, without a word, got us all worried, and you don’t even care to explain to me what the fuck happened.” She replied to you, and there are very few times where Robin Buckley gets angry, and this was one of the two times a year she did. You winced, noticing the fury behind the blonde and you finally gave up on trying to eat the sandwich, putting it down.
“He is a fucking jerk to me. Has been since I met him, just because I made a simple mistake which I apologized for.” You explained, as if she didn’t know this already. She rolled her eyes at you and nodded.
“I understand just how angry you must feel, but seriously, for you to react that way…” Your heart was beating into your chest and you closed your eyes as you took a deep breath in for Robin’s following question. “Is there anything you’re not telling me?”
And again here it was. You had the chance to trust someone completely, to tell them your whole life, your secrets, your life story. You have the chance right now, to have a true friend, a best friend, someone who you can confide in completely. Robin is your best friend of course, but she is your best friend of this life, of this new you.
You don’t want her to meet your past self.
“Robin, do you want me to be honest?”
“More than anything.”
You took a deep breath in, bracing yourself for what you were going to say next.
“You and everyone else, including Munson were right. I had the worst fucking date ever yesterday with Carver, and I didn’t get to even orgasm, so I was already in a piss mood. Munson was just in my field of vision and he taunted me.” You opened your eyes to look at her, who was just staring at you wide eyed.
She was stunned for a moment, and looked down onto your sandwich. She’d always known you were hiding something from her, and she also knows it is about your past life before Indianapolis.
When you told her about your life before the big city, it all sounded too bland, too vague. You supposedly have one friend back in Atlanta, single child, went to college, one ex boyfriend from high school, and that’s it. No more. Nothing exciting, you didn’t participate in any clubs, you weren’t into any of those cliques, you have no hobbies really, you weren’t into any extra curricular activities…
You were just… bland. Too bland. And you didn’t look like it.
So of course Robin knows you’re hiding something. Robin knows that something is personal to you, and she also knows, thanks to yesterday, that it hurts you deeply.
So sweet Robin, amazing friend Robin, just nods at you, as if believing it was just that, and a smirk broke in her face.
“I fucking knew it! I really don’t wanna say it… But, told you so.” She smiled at you and you sighed, nodding. You knew she didn’t believe you at all, you could see the small sad glint in her eyes as she smiled at you, but you couldn’t tell her. You simply wouldn’t bare to open yourself up like that again, only to end up hurt. “Still… Going physical against him?”
“He drives me nuts Robin… He doesn’t treat you the way he treats me.”
“I mean, I see it, don’t get me wrong, but I mean, I don’t know if he really does hate you.” You scoffed in disbelief at that. You could drop dead tomorrow and Eddie Munson would actually dance on your grave and throw a party in celebration of you not stealing any more oxygen out of the earth.
“Yeah, right.” At that Robin shook her head, giving out a sigh.
“Need I remind you of the last time we went out clubbing? Two months ago?”
You winced at that.
You were dancing next to Robin and Steve. Bad Bunny was playing in the speakers of the club, and you laughed as Steve tried to move his hips like the latin american people do with this music.
“I don’t know how to dance this, but I love it!” Steve exclaims, the four glasses of rum and whiskey already making their entrance in Steve’s blood system. You were slightly tipsy, you weren’t going to lie, but you were having a great time after a week of deadlines at work and pressure from your boss. You can finally let go after many sleepless nights, thinking about the next morning at work.
“Not like that Steve!” Robin says with a laugh, taking a sip of her beer. You were the designated driver tonight, so you had stopped drinking a few minutes ago, but you still got that nice buzz going on.
“Ya think Jon is gonna like these moves?” He asks with a laugh as he swirls his hips again and Robin pretends to gag while you laugh loudly at his antics.
“I don’t need to know how you move your hips while you’re getting railed Steve!” She yells in disgust and Steve scoffs, as if offended.
“Who says I’m the one getting railed?” You stopped laughing, looking at Robin and then back at Steve.
“Steve, you literally made me go buy you some cream–”
“AH, AH.” He shut you up in a second which made you laugh once again, followed by Robin who almost spat her drink at the mention of the cream. “God, you two are menaces, I’m heading to the bathroom.” He states, walking off with a dismissal with his hand. You looked at Robin who was pouting at the can that fell on the floor.
“The laughter made me drop my drink…” She says with a sad tone, which made you giggle and squeeze her shoulder to lean over to her ear so she could hear.
“Go get another, I gotta stay put in case the others show up!” You explained to her, which she knew of, because Nancy had texted you they were outside of the club, ready to get inside and you told her your exact position. Robin nodded with a smile.
“I’ll be right back!” With that she moved away and you stood there in the middle of the dance floor, feeling a little weird being alone dancing, but you weren’t going to let your anxiety get the best of you now. So you kept swaying to the music while looking all around you to find the rest of the gang that was going to show up.
You felt two hands on your waist, and a shiver ran all the way through your spine, making you alert. You turned your head to find a man, tall, dark hair, and he really wasn’t in his best mentality. He looked completely inebriated. You pulled yourself away from him and turned to face him.
“You need anything?” You asked the man, knowing fairly well what he wanted, but you didn’t want to move from your spot. Nervousness was building up inside of you, wishing for anyone to simply show up right now as the man smiled down at you, a droopy tug on his lips.
“Your name, your number, everything baby.” You winced at his words. Fucking disgusting. You wanted to step away but someone was behind you dancing, so there wasn’t much mobility.
“Well, okay, that’s not really gonna happen, so move along to the next.” You spat out bitterly, trying to sound the bitchiest possible to make him go away. But you soon came to find out that this drunk man was stubborn to the core.
“I really like where I am now, c’mon, you’re alone, let me keep you some company.” He got closer, and your senses were on full alert now, deciding to simply go to the bar to look for Robin, or go to the restroom to escape him.
“Well, I don’t need it.” You moved to leave but your side was immediately grabbed onto, pulling you close to a broad body, and the scent of whiskey filled your nostrils instantly, your stomach turning in disgust, and fear. Your eyes looked at him with anger, a frown displayed in your features for him to not notice how scared you actually felt. “Let me go!”
“I do think you need it sweetheart.” His hands started rubbing onto your back, and you needed to run, you had to. You pressed your hands against his chest to pull him away from you, but he was stronger, pressing his hips against yours, almost making you gag. What is wrong with him? Where’s Robin? Where’s Steve?
“Fucking creep, let go!” You felt his fingers dig into your skin at your insult, and his eyes turned dark. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, noticing that this guy was indeed someone dangerous, be it because of alcohol or not. What if he injects something now? What if he does something and takes you away?
Your thoughts were interrupted when your shoulder was grabbed, pulling you away from the man that was holding you, as another hand, full of rings, an arm full of tattoos was pushing him away to make him lose his grip on you. You were pulled behind a broad back, and soft hands then rested on your shoulders to soothe you down.
“You okay?!” Nancy called out your name to inspect you, but you were just wide eyed at the interaction that was in front of you.
“Don’t you understand the word No?” You heard Eddie yell at the man that was in front of him. They were both the same size, staring each other down and one of Eddie’s hands was behind him, pressed against your chest to keep you behind him.
“Saw her first man, go away.” The other man said in a slur, and Eddie simply pushed him away, a frown formed of anger in his eyebrows as the guy stumbled backwards, your heart in your throat as you saw the scene unfold.
“She’s not an object to call dibs on. Fuck. Off. She doesn’t want to go with you.” The drunk man was already pissed off, and he straightened up, coming face to face with Eddie, taunting him, and your blood went cold as a shiver ran through your spine. You couldn’t see Eddie’s face, but the other man’s was of pure terror. He immediately backed away and without any more words, left the scene.
“What a fucking asshole!” Nancy yells as you snap out from your trance. You were staring at Eddie’s profile as he made sure the man left the scene. His eyes were sharp, firey even as he looked upon the retreating figure of the man. You were frozen in the spot, still staring at Eddie, until his gaze finally landed on you. His face slightly softened, his brown eyes coming back to their normal tint, his hair in a low man bun with a few hairs sticking down from the sides of his face.
Why did he help you?
“Do you want to go to the bouncer to throw him out?” He asked you, low, his breath on your ear, and you finally broke your trance, blinking. You were struck by his actions, because a week ago he had told you to, basically, go eat shit, and now he was saving you from a possible creep?
“I– Uh, no… It’s okay.” The words thank you were stuck in your throat, feeling embarrassed to even say them, feeling your heart go faster each second that passed. His eyes were fixed on your face as you were trying to gather up your courage to thank him, to say something, anything at all, anything that would actually show how grateful you were to him, for driving such a dangerous man away.
But Robin came back, catching Eddie’s attention. Nancy explained the situation to Robin and she was immediately infuriated, ready to go kill someone if needed. Eddie was calming her down, telling her he got it under control but you were still fixated on him, because your emotions went all over the place in the lapse of minutes. From excited, to pissed, to nervous, to scared, to relieved and to confused. It was too much.
The night went on afterwards, and when you went to bed, you realized something.
You never thanked him.
“Okay, anyone would save someone who is being creeped on like I was!” You say with a slight blush to your cheeks and Robin shook her head and side eyed you with judgment in her eyes.
“Yeah? Cause, noone who was dancing around you did. Only Eddie who appeared afterwards.” She explains and you winced at that because she was right. Robin was always right and you wanted to scream because of it. “Point is, the guy probably dislikes you, no doubt… Hate you? Don’t think so.”
You stared into nothing at that as your stomach flips all over, searching for an answer, any at all. It’s impossible to think of Eddie simply disliking you, because his words sometimes were a little too sharp, and they hit too close to home. You never know what his deal is many of the times you and your friends get together.
You once heard him talk about a guy, someone named Dustin, who Steve also knows. By the way both of them talk about him, he sounds pretty nice, but you do know he is much younger than your friends, like four years younger. Which reminds you…
“Hey, who’s Dustin?” At that Robin stiffened a little bit and moved on her seat.
“What about Dustybuns?” She asked and you frowned in confusion at that.
“It’s what his girlfriend calls him.” Robin said with a giggle and you nodded in understanding. “So, what about Dustin?”
“Well, Steve always talks about him, and all of you seem to engage in conversation when he is mentioned.” You say, trying to hide the fact that really the only two people you heard talking about Dustin, were Eddie and Steve.
“We've known Dustin since high school.” She says and you raised an eyebrow at that.
“High school? I at least know Dustin is younger than you guys, so, you just hang out with a younger student?” You asked, actually intrigued now and she nodded at you, taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah, well, we met Dustin through Eddie, because he–” And she cut off at that. Eddie? You know he is two years older than you, so your math doesn’t make sense. Did he know Dustin from middle school?
“Because what?” Your interest has peaked now, suddenly feeling like you are getting to know a person who doesn’t even want to share the time of day with you. She shook her head, taking a gulp down and looked at you with an apologetic smile.
“Just that.” Your shoulders went down at that. Why was it so bad for them to tell you his story? It’s not like he will ever say it to you, and there’s nothing you would do with the information you could get.
Maybe bother him a bit, but that’s it.
“Just that? Seriously?”
“I’m sorry… I cannot really– If you want to know about him, at least ask him, don’t get the information out of me.” She says, sounding slightly bitter, which made you frown again, but now anger was starting to fill your insides.
“Why would I want information about him? I was just trying to connect some dots here.” You say defensively and you knew it sounded weird, but it really was what you were trying to do…
“Yeah, well… Dustin is our friend who still lives in Hawkins.” And that was that. You were staring completely bewildered at Robin, because she got defensive all of a sudden. You get it, you introduced yourself into an already made up group of friends, that go back years and years. You get the fact that she would defend Eddie rather than you, but there’s no need to be this cold about it.
“Alright.” You clenched your jaw as you got up from your chair, and she followed suit, holding onto your shoulders.
“I– I am sorry, but he wouldn’t like me talking about his life without his permission, and I certainly don’t have it… I do the same with you. It’s not like he asks, but if something, a certain fact of a story includes you, I always avoid it.” She explains to you, and you felt warmth engulfing you from head to toe at the sincerity of her voice. She also protected you against him, and that definitely was enough. You smiled softly at her, giving her a nod.
“Yeah, sorry Robin… I appreciate that. I just found Dustin interesting and the fact that I still haven't met him yet.” You said with a soft giggle as you both started walking to the trash to throw away your bags of food.
“Oh, he might visit soon! He has college and stuff, he is a super nerd so he is just way too into studying and going to classes.” She explains and you were thankful for that little fact about their friend. You stepped out of the lunch room, crashing into someone, making you stumble slightly.
“Oh– I’m so sorry!” You start to apologize as you hold onto the denim arm that passed by you. You looked up to see a bright smile looking at you, blue irises sending a shock down your body in just an instant.
“No, I’m sorry darling. I got lost trying to find Mrs. Liana’s office.”
Holy shit. It’s the model, Billy Hargrove.
“Oh, uh, she is actually on the floor above!” You explain to him, trying to not sound nervous in the least. He was actually gorgeous, too gorgeous for his own benefit. Can someone be this good looking? He gives you a nod with a wink, and you felt like dying right then and there.
“Noted. Thank you, beautiful.” He gives you one small smile as he walks back towards the hallway that leads to the elevators. You immediately looked at Robin with a wide smile on your face.
“That is the closest I will ever be of a god.” You sigh out dreamily and she rolls her eyes at you, a soft smile escaping the corners of her lips.
“I’m gay, but honestly… Yeah, the guy is hot, not even me, a queer, can deny that.” She says as you both start walking to the hallway so that you could return to your offices to continue working.
“What is he doing here?” You asked her as you passed by the elevators, as she explained that Billy was going to be hired to model specific clothing from Dolce & Gabanna that will be exclusively shown in our magazine only. You were listening to her, nodding in understanding and too awestruck that you didn’t even notice it.
You didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes that were looking at you as the elevator’s doors closed.
End of chapter 3
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lykaios2 · 11 months
Hello :D can you do a Rise Leo x fem reader where Leo has a crush on the reader but is scared to confess because he is a mutant but then realize that most of readers fictional crushes are not human? (For example: sidon, venom, jack skeleton)
this was very fun to write but for some reason I was really struggling to incorporate all of my initial ideas and have a story that flowed well :/ so I do hope this is okay, I worked very hard to try and make this work. I also tried something different and kinda wrote it from leo's perspective, I thought it might be interesting
Human or Not
rise leo x fem reader, friends to lovers
cw: fluff
word count: 2397
One night, Mikey came into Leo’s room to ask him a question.
“Hey Leo, I invited y/n to our Hidden City outing later tonight. Is that okay?” Leo looked up from his phone.
“Yeah, that’s fine, it would be cool if she could join us.”
“Well…she said yes! So expect her to be there.”
Leo started to get ready for the outing. Leo was happy to hear from Mikey that you were coming on the trip. He truly enjoyed spending time with you. He had had a crush on you for a while now, and this was just another chance to show off how amazing he was. He knew he shouldn’t come in a suit and tie because it was just supposed to be a fun night out to the Hidden City, but he took a considerable amount of time making sure he would look very nice for you. Mikey even stopped by to check on Leo and see if he was ready and said he looked good, so he must have done a good job.
“Come on Leo, we gotta leave soon if we want to pick up y/n.”
“Coming! Be there in a second.” Leo looked in the mirror to make sure everything was good and then he was off.
Leo followed Mikey out of the lair and to the spot where they were supposed to meet you. After a couple minutes, Leo spotted you around the corner. You were looking stunning on this particular night.
“Hi y/n! I’m so glad you could join us tonight!”
“Yeah! I’m excited, I haven’t been to the Hidden City before.”
“Well luckily for you, you have the best, most handsome tour guide to help you navigate.”
“I'm so lucky to have you. But we can’t forget about Michelangelo, our favorite tour guide assistant.”
“Aw, you’re too kind. Come on, let’s go! There’s so much to show you!”
Mikey led you through the portal, with Leo following close behind. As you stepped through the portal, Leo watched as you marveled at the wonders in front of you. It appeared to be an incredibly large underground city, but with towers that reached to the sky. The crowd was bustling, but before you could take everything in, Leo grabbed your hand and tugged you along.
“Vamanos, amiga!���
Leo and Mikey took you around to see all of their favorite spots. Their favorite stores, sightseeing spots, and all of the cool shortcuts and secrets they had discovered during their trips here before. The final spot Leo and Mikey took you to was one of Mikey’s favorite restaurants in the Hidden City. You showed some concern considering it was youkai food, but Mikey reassured you that it was perfectly fine to eat.
“You know, since our esteemed guest has never been here before, I only think it’s fair that someone should pay for them. Food is on me tonight.”
“Oh Leo, you really don’t have to, I brought money-”
“Please, allow me. You’re our guest, it would be rude of me to not pay for you after you’ve had such a great time tonight. Hopefully. Have you been having fun?”
“Yes, Leo, I’ve had an amazing time with you and Mikey tonight.”
“That’s good, or else your best, most handsome tour guide would have failed to do his job.”
“Huh, as if I would ever fail to give only my best.”
“Oh, come on guys, we gotta order food.”
After ordering and eating, you complemented Mikey on his choice of food and started to leave. Leo walked behind you and Mikey and you laughed and chatted the whole way home. It was enough for him to see you happy. You turned around to look at him, and he just smiled.
“You okay, Leo? You look a little red in the face there.” Leo regained his composure, not realizing he had started blushing.
“Oh, me? Yeah, I’m just a little warm from all this walking. I’ll be fine.”
You seemed to buy it and turned back to Mikey and kept walking. Leo took a breath of relief and tried to distract himself for the rest of the way home.
After saying your goodbyes, Leo and Mikey headed back to the lair. Leo and Mikey went to their rooms.
“Come on, Leo, just stop. She doesn’t like you like that. You don’t have a chance with her.”
While Leo was talking to himself, Donnie happened to walk by his room.
“Oh, hey Leo. How was your- uh, Leo? You’re talking to yourself, are you alright?”
“Donnie? What- what are you doing? You didn’t hear any of that, did you?”
“Something about “her”, which I assume might refer to y/n. May I ask what?”
“You promise not to tell anyone if I tell you?”
“I’ll determine that after I hear what it is.”
“You- you’re so- whatever. I’ll tell you anyway. So you know y/n? Well, I kinda have a…crush on them. But…I never told anyone, because, well, I’m a mutant and y/n is just a human. So I kinda figured that it wouldn’t work out.”
“You know, that actually makes a lot of sense now. Well, I can’t exactly help you with all of the feelings stuff, but I can tell you that I happen to know that youkai and humans have been together in the past, so it’s not completely unreasonable.”
“Wait…so you mean I might actually have a chance with y/n?!”
“I’m just saying that it wouldn’t be illogical if you two were to get together.”
“Oh, thank you so much Donnie! You have no idea how happy that makes me!” Leo ran over to give his brother a hug.
“Hey, watch it. I just said I’m not good with feelings, weren’t you listening?”
However, Leo still had his doubts. Sure, he now knew that a mutant and human could be together, but did you even like him? He could love you all he wanted, but that didn’t guarantee any feelings in return. And would you even like a mutant? I mean, you hung out with him and his brothers so you probably didn’t hate mutants, but would you ever consider getting together with one? The thoughts clouded his mind and wouldn’t allow him to sleep, but he would just have to figure it out at some point.
Leo woke up the next morning, feeling tired from lack of sleep. He was very sluggish, and took a while to get out of bed. At breakfast, everyone noticed that Leo hadn’t joined them.
“Hey, where’s Leo?”
“Uhm, I haven’t seen him since you guys left last night.”
“I talked to him last night after you guys came back. I don’t think he left his room.”
“I’m going to go check on him, you guys keep eating. I’ll be right back.”
Raph walked up to Leo’s room to see him lying in bed, eyes half closed.
“Who goes there?”
“It’s Raph. You okay? You look tired. I know you have trouble sleeping, but it’s not normally this bad.”
“Yeah, just a…particularly bad night. I’ll be fine.”
“Well, breakfast is ready. Want me to help you down there?”
“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll be down in a second.”
Raph headed back to the kitchen, and Leo followed behind shortly after. Leo slowly made himself some breakfast. He sat down and began to eat.
“Mikey, you never told me about your trip last night. Donnie, you said you talked to Leo last night, right?”
“Oh yeah, but it wasn’t exactly about the trip.”
“What was it then? Now I’m kinda curious.”
“He said he’d rather not talk about it. Unless, Leo, you wouldn’t mind me sharing?” Leo looked up from his food.
“Uhm…what was it again?”
“About a certain someone…”
“Oh, right. Uh…I guess.”
Donnie proceeded to explain what Leo had said the night before about y/n, and why Leo hadn’t told anyone. Raph and Mikey waited until he was done explaining before they said anything.
“Oh Leo, that’s so sweet! I think you and y/n would be so cute together.”
“Mikey’s right. You and y/n are like peas in a pod.”
“Heh, thanks. But…I don’t know if she’ll even want to be with me. I guess I’ll just have to find out the hard way.”
“Don’t think like that, it’ll only make it worse. Besides, we can help you. Don’t sweat it.”
“You guys are so nice.”
“It’s our pleasure to help a brother out. And it would be so adorable to see you guys get together.”
Now the only one that didn’t know about Leo’s crush was you, but Leo planned to keep it that way, for a little while at least. He would have to tell you at some point, or you might figure it out on your own. That would make it worse. But Leo didn’t want to think about that right now. All he wanted to focus on was making a good enough impression on you.
A few days later, Raph texted you unexpectedly. It wasn’t often you got a text from him.
-Hey, has Leo ever been over to your apartment?
-uh, no? why do you ask
-Okay, that’s what I thought. He said he’d never been, even though he’s known you for so long. You should invite him over, I think he’d enjoy it.
-that sounds fun! totally, I’ll shoot him a text
You texted Leo, inviting him over. He responded almost immediately, saying that we would very much love to come over, and that he was free tomorrow. You texted back saying that it worked for you as well, and you two finalized a plan for him to visit tomorrow. Leo was surprised. You had invited him over? He didn’t even ask. But he dare not question it anymore. He had to prepare for this incredible opportunity. To be alone with you was something he could not miss.
“Guys! y/n invited me over! Did she invite anyone else?”
“Wow, really?” Raph turned to Mikey and winked. Mikey got the hint. “She didn’t invite me over.”
“Me neither. Guess it was just you.”
“Aw, what? Now I kinda feel bad for making it a big thing.”
“Nah, man. You should take this opportunity, spend a little alone time y/n. You know, since you have a crush on her or whatever.”
“Yeah, when’s the last time you spent time alone with y/n?” Leo thought for a moment.
“I don’t know, but are you guys sure you wouldn’t mind?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Well, if you guys say so.” Leo went to his room to get ready, but before he could get far Mikey stopped by his room.
“You know, I wouldn’t sweat it if I were you. You don’t have to make a grand entrance or anything, just be yourself. I know it sounds cliché, but it really does work. It helps the relationship not feel forced.”
“You’re right. I’m just…really stressed out. I don’t know if this would be a good time to ask her, or if I should wait…I mean, we’ve known each other for a while now. But…yeah, I don’t know.”
“Well, if you’re unsure, you can always text me and ask. But I suggest you go with your gut.”
“Thank you so much. This is causing me a lot more stress than I think it should. I’ll be fine though, I just need to relax and be myself.”
Eventually, tomorrow rolled around and Leo left for your apartment.
“Good luck out there.”
“Like I need it.” Mikey chimed in.
“Have that attitude and you certainly won’t.”
Leo left the lair and made his way to your apartment. He was looking at the directions on his phone most of the way to your apartment, so he didn’t notice you standing outside waiting for him.
“Hey Leo! Over here!”
“Oh, hi y/n! Didn’t see you there. So, this is where you live? Nice place.”
“Come on inside, it’s a little chilly out here.”
Leo followed you inside and looked all around. The main thing he noticed were all your posters all over the walls. So many different characters.
“Come sit down, you don’t have to stand. You want something to eat?”
You and Leo hung out for the next couple hours. Sharing stories, watching movies, playing video games. Leo was having a great time, completely forgetting about any stresses he had before coming. However, while playing one game, you ran into a side quest that involved passing letters between two secret admirers.
“So weird that I have to do this, if they love each other so much, shouldn’t they be able to talk to themselves?”
“Yeah, right? Imagine if you had to do this in real life.”
“Not like I’d have anyone to do it with.”
“Oh? Is there anyone that you do like?”
“Well, kinda. I mean, no one real, heh.”
“So like fictional characters? I got you. Who would you date if you could, any character from any video game or show?”
“Ooh, I know this one. Monty Gator from Security Breach, Shadow from Sonic, just to name a few.”
“Wait, so you like…don’t care if they’re human or whatever?”
“I mean, not like animals, but yeah, I could care less.”
“So like, mutant animal-human hybrids wouldn’t be off the table?”
“Yeah, no, not really.”
Leo knew this was it. Everything had fallen into place, everything was perfect, he just had to say it.
“Uhm, then…can I tell you something?”
“Sure, what did you wanna tell me?”
“Well, you know we’ve been friends for a while, and we’re pretty good friends but…I-I like you. Like, more than a friend. And I’ve only been keeping it to myself because I wasn’t sure if you would even like me back, what with me being a mutant and all. You don’t have to like me back, but I just figured-”
“Oh Leo, come here! You know, I wouldn’t mind being with you. You’re such a good friend to me, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
“R-really? You mean it?”
“Yes, silly, I do mean it. Now come here, because if I have a boyfriend, I’m going to want to cuddle with him. And if you pick out something to watch, we can turn this hangout into a movie cuddle date.”
“I think I’d like that.”
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astarlow · 2 years
How they greet you in the new Overwatch
Characters: Brigitte, D.Va, Echo, Mercy, Pharah, Tracer, Zarya
Word count: 811
Form: Headcanons
Warning: None
Synopsis: Overwatch is back again! And so are the agents
A/n: Hope everyone is having fun with Overwatch 2
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🐈it's exciting, a tingling sensation all through your body
🐈she’s pumped to finally join Overwatch, with Reinhardt and all too familiar faces
🐈As well as new faces too, after all, this is a situation that calls for meeting people!
🐈She mostly stays with Reinhardt and people she has known all her life
🐈Slowly, she gets out of her comfort zone and goes to talk to other agents, including you
🐈Tells you funny anecdotes about her family! As well as her cats
🐈Also invites you to a sleepover with agents she knows well
🐰she's new to this just as much as you
🐰though she has been in a similar environment with MEKA, to be in  Overwatch for her is a dream coming live to her
🐰Still, she's D.Va and knows better than to make her nervousness show
🐰she's going to greet you warmly, making you feel right at home
🐰she has a way with her words and around her, you feel confident
"You're new here? No worries, I joined Overwatch a few weeks ago too. Let's explore this together player 2!"
🐰if you reside in a room not far from her, she asks if you want to play some games with her. Streaming or not, she's happy if you accept her request. After all, a friendly face around those parts wouldn't hurt
🐰playing pranks on agents are a great way for you two to grow closer together. A good laugh is always appreciated!
🤖It'll be overwhelming with her. For as much as she wishes to understand, so many things have changed during her absence
🤖it is hard to come back after many years of sleep. Fortunately, you're here with her!
🤖you teach her about today's world while she teaches you all you need to know while you stay at Overwatch
🤖There are many changes but Winston and Athena keep her updated about the situation and she relays you the information
🤖she tells you facts about her creator and some anecdotes about Overwatch's golden age
🤖she appreciates it if you stay with her during her repairs
🕊️it's rewarding as much as it is terrifying
🕊️in her words "Overwatch was shut down for a reason" She witnessed it firsthand and for many years, she believed "it's best it stays that way."
🕊️it appears her view changed since she stood in  Overwatch's headquarters
🕊️she rewards your interventions as much as she reprimands your mistakes
🕊️she wants you to learn in this environment, without repeating the mistakes of your predecessor.
🕊️that is one of the reasons she's here, among countless others including but not limited to patch you up.
🐦it's going to be demanding as much as challenging
🐦another kid who dreamt about joining Overwatch but never could.
🐦she grew up with them though, and she's going to set the bar high
🐦she knows what it was like to be with them, the atmosphere and their training (to Ana's dismay)
🐦she trains you and gives you tips here and there
🐦she knows training is important but having a good teacher also is and she aspires to be one as well as an excellent agent
🌈She's so happy to see new recruits coming in even if Overwatch is still deemed illegal
🌈there's some hope at last!
🌈she's going to hug you to welcome you then give you a tour of their base while telling bits of story here and there
"Here is Angela's office! Or Mercy if you prefer. Sometimes you can also find Genji here to keep company to Angela. Though most of the time, you should just be here if you have wounds or a check-up"
"Does it mean I'll often find you here too?"
"I mean sometimes- hey! What are you implying love?"
🌈Sleepovers with other agents are a must and she includes you too. There's nothing better to strengthen a bond. And she can't keep her excitement to herself so she needs to share it with others
🌈she invites you to her morning jogging and would be over the moon if you accept.  If you can't, she understands and will invite you to do something else. There are so many things out there, for sure at least one of them will please you!
💪It's going to be slow and even intimidating at first
💪Though you're quick to notice she's gentle and kind
💪she welcomes you steadily, explaining to you what you might have not understood through other agents
💪She's new to this too and she doesn't hesitate to tell you that. There's no shame in it, and you're here to save the world too isn't it? Then you have nothing to worry about
💪if you make mistakes, she's going to reassure you. As long as it didn't cost anyone's life, you're fine.
💪shares breakfast with you if you're a morning bird.
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darklinsblog · 2 years
Hypnosis | Sandman imagine
Summary: Dream of the Endless meets Y/N goddess daughter of Hypnos, he feels intrigued by her and starts developing feelings towards her.
Pairing: Morpheus x Goddess! Reader.
Part II
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Being the daughter of Hypnos, the ancient God of Sleep you had always been captivating by nature, your presence bringing a sense of peace to those before you.
Your powers were partly inherited by your mother Parsithea but also were capable of materializing human feelings as of their memories. Whenever humans were overwhelmed by an specific feeling you came and eased their mind. For example, you worked closely with people’s grieving as their loved ones were taken by death to Heaven, bringing them comfort and helping them find peace within their pain and memories.
Morpheus knew about you from Death’s stories, he could tell her sister had an enormous appreciation for you. So much so that she insisted in introducing the two of you.
“I think you two would get along” Death said smiling cheekily, making her brother arch a brow
“You’re not trying to set us up, are you?”
“That’s your ideas, not mine”
As every other god and goddess to exist you didn’t have a specific appearance, and you could change it as many times as you wished. Dream could not put it into words, or well he could, but they wouldn’t do you any justice.
The way you talked, moved, even laughed, something about you evoked comfort in him, he had the feeling of being able to be who he was, like you brought out the most raw and honest parts of the Endless he thought were long gone. Something about you made him feel tremendously welcome and appreciated for just being who he was.
After having met them, you invited them on a day of work, since Dream seemed curious about your powers. Besides, you were so excited to see your old friend, Death that you didn’t want to say goodbye just yet.
Morpheus walked behind you and Death for a while, almost like he was guarding you both, which you found amusing since you could feel his eyes lingering on you.
Finally, you arrived to the place, a large home that seemed to be abandoned, but you followed the soft cries and whimpers of the only inhabitant of the residence.
You were found with the sight of a middle-age man crying in a closet filled with woman’s clothes, while holding on for dear life to a frame of him and his wife, you kneeled before him graciously and quietly, his tired eyes fixed on you, having no other emotion than sadness, you sweetly wiped away his tears.
The scene before them was devastating, Morpheus could feel his pain but for now he could only observe.
“I came for his wife over a week ago, while he wasn’t here. She told me he was just around the corner, the poor woman was so distressed to leave him” Death explained to her brother, both of them never taking his eyes off you.
You rested your forehead against his, cupping face in your cold hands and closing your eyes.
“You’re safe… you may rest now” you murmured, but your words echoed through the residency. The man’s eyes were fixed on you. Almost waiting for your next command.
“Breathe in” you instructed the man as you took a deep breath touching his forehead light, making a golden shimmer emanate from his head. The man followed your instructions quietly with a shaky breathe. “And out”.
Then you moved your hand softly the golden shimmer started expanding and spinning, slowly forming a tiny porcelain doll that was very much alive. You placed the doll on the widower’s shoulder, the doll bowed before you and your guests, the man seemed more calm and in awe of the living creation you made to comfort him.
You parted ways with The Endless after that, but Morpheus kept in touch, extending you numerous invites to the Dreaming. So much so, that you became somewhat of a guest of honor in the realm. Everyone would greet you as you passed by; this opportunity would always allow you form a bond with The King of Dreams.
“Y/N, I have something I must confess to you” you turned your eyes away from the book you were holding, staring into the cosmos kept within his eyes.
“A confession, you say?” He stepped closer to you, God… he was aching to touch you, to kiss you, he felt nervous as words were never his forte.
“Yes, I uh, well… Over the course of time and having the opportunity to know you in depth I would be lying if I said I haven’t grown a particular affection towards you” you were puzzled at his statement.
Was he really saying what you were thinking?
“What are you saying, Morpheus?” You asked, staring deeply into his eyes, he knew you were asking for clarification.
“I’m saying I have fallen in love with you”
The words slipped out of his mouth softly and so slowly, Morpheus felt lightheaded, wondering why such words seemed to be so difficult to pronounce before this. When you took a long pause to respond he worried, he could see the hope in your eyes, that your feelings were reciprocated but why were you doubting?
“I must say I too, share your feelings. But I am betrothed to another”
“Betrothed?” He wondered quietly.
“To Asopus, yes… If I’m honest I have been trying to undo that arrangement far too long” you huffed, it was obvious that you were doing this as an obligation, and not out of love. “My heart will always belong to you, dear Morpheus… but my duty lies with another” that was all he needed to hear. He wanted you to be free, free to love, to be who you were.
“What if you couldn’t go through with the arrangement?” you frowned, not knowing what he meant.
“I’m afraid I’m not following” you spoke sincerely. Morpheus licked his lips taking a deep breath, fully aware that the next words that were coming out of his mouth was one-if not the- most outrageous thing he would allow himself to suggest in millenniums.
“What if you’re already married?”
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lady-october · 13 days
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : Available on Ao3
Story Content : Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Rough sex, Sadism/Masochism, Dom/Sub, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Orgasm denial, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 21: Did my back hurt your knife?
Chapter title is lyrics from "R.i.p"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Her smile
Filled with sharp teeth, ready to bite
Nails digging into my scalp, pushing me down
Keeping me beneath the surface as I gasp, as I drown
The last of my breath leaving my lungs
Dancing and weaving through the water above
The surface; it twists and it bends
Warping the monster that fucks with my head
I thrash and I fight, but it’s never enough; I am but a pawn in her story
My monarch, my goddess, my puppet master in all of her glory
Should I let her win, should I simply give in – let the peace of death consume me?
Hair red as flame, eyes black as tar
In hell, we shall meet again my dear friend
I awoke with a gasp, momentarily confused.
It didn’t take long for my mind to catch up with reality; for me to realise it had only been another nightmare. My heart on the other hand still hadn’t gotten the messaging – thumping with the heavy beat of fear, of survival.
Letting out a long breath, I relaxed back into my pillow.
Same old, same old.
Tensing, my brows furrowed.
Actually, no, not same old; this particular dream had been about Fay – someone I hadn’t dreamt about since I met Alice. In fact, the nightmares about Fay had come to a screeching halt the very same day Alice joined the tour. For about a week after, my dreams had been quite palatable – pleasant even. All about Alice, of course, but it didn’t take long until they descended back into madness; until Alice was haunting me – hunting me – every night, coming up with new and exciting ways to impale, shred, or incinerate me.
Looking over at the beautiful woman beside me I felt quite sad she was no longer in my arms. At some point she must have rolled over in her sleep, rolled away from me.
I sighed.
No, my mind had never been kind to me, and it was hard to tell if it was crueller at night or during the waking hours. Because while the nightmares were gruesome and violent, at least they didn’t play tricks on me – feed my insecurities, or expect me to stay sober while my thoughts eat me alive.
Or expect me to not act on all my impulses. 
Like punching Mat square in his fucking face for putting his lips on my Alice.
Yet, I would never actually do that, knowing full well it’s my own fault they’re dating.
Reaching over to the bedside table, I grabbed my phone; it was only around midnight, meaning I couldn't have slept for very long after we drifted off – after telling Alice about mine and Mat’s history, and about me and Fay. Which would explain her sudden and unwelcome appearance in my dreams.
My mind began racing, feeling torn. I wanted to wrap my arms around Alice and simply enjoy her company for the remainder of the night, but I was all too aware of the fact that Mat would still be awake at this hour – knowing I really do need to talk to him.
Before I knew it my legs were moving, pushing themselves into some sweatpants. 
After slipping a random shirt over my head I was out the door, staring at the polished brass numbers on Mat’s door, feeling suddenly nervous. 15 they read – a completely arbitrary number, but I could see my eyes in the reflection of them, staring back at me, causing disgust to build in my chest; disgust over the reasons I needed to talk to Mat at all; disgust over proudly flaunting that I’d fucked the girl first this time.
But mainly I felt disgust over how poorly I was handling my emotions, particularly in regards to how jealous I was – how selfish I was – when it came to Alice. 
Yes, I know she’s not mine, still I can’t seem to help myself – can’t seem to stop acting like some feral animal, pissing all over their territory.
Shaking myself mentally, I let my fist connect with the rich wood of the door.
It didn’t take long before it swung open with a robed Mat appearing behind it, the scent of alcohol thick in the air.
He squinted at me, clearly confused. Or maybe even unhappy to see me.
“Can I come in?”
Wordlessly, he stepped to the side, gesturing for me to join him in the dimly lit room.
Shutting the door, he stalked over and sat down on the floor next to the bed, leaning against the mattress in order to stare out into the night through the floor to ceiling windows in front of him. 
He also had a view of the lake, his room only a couple of doors over from mine.
I decided to join him on the floor, noticing the half empty whiskey bottle next to him along with a couple of snack containers.
To my surprise he spoke as soon as I’d gotten comfortable, before I had a chance to.
“I should’ve been more apprehensive about asking her out, or even cancelled earlier today as soon as you told me you were going out with her. But the truth is I think I got a crush on her a while back, and now I hate how much I want to spend more time with her.”
A heavy feeling settled in me, weighing me down. Faint whispers of self hatred brushing against my ear, trying to convince me everyone’s better off without me.
His gaze flickered to mine, “Don’t worry, I won’t. Not now, not after you’ve slept with her.”
I felt myself start to chuckle at his statement, “Since when has that stopped you?”
“You know when.” He muttered, before taking a swig off of the bottle that was now in his hand.
“Since Fay.” I said, feeling my pulse speed up as I pried open the box we’d thoroughly nailed and welded shut a long time ago.
Surprised eyes shot back to me, “Yeah, since… Fay.” He frowned, watching me closely to see what I would do after uttering the previously forbidden word in front of me for the first time in almost a year, “I’m happy you’re not reacting like last time I said her name, would get expensive in an establishment like this.”
I laughed, feeling both amusement and shame over having smashed one of his windows while I was recovering at his place – as well as his TV. Thankfully Mat just smiled at me, obviously feeling some type of relief over the fact that I was ready to say her name again. That – while slow – I was actually healing.
Well… in some ways anyway.
Mat's smile quickly turned sour, his thoughts returning to the current situation, “I can’t do it again Oli, she’s all yours. I’m just gonna stay away, lick my wounds and move on.”
I watched him take another swig, clearly upset, and I caught myself wondering if I only wanted him to pursue Alice for my sake, for my peace of mind – to test Alice, see what she would do.
To see if she’d fail me, just like Fay did.
“Hate to say it but has that ever worked for us, the staying away bit?”
I truly am scum.
“Not like there’s other options.” He mumbled distantly, his eyes remaining on the view.
“We can let her pick.”
I felt like the daftest person alive for continuing this. I could simply tell him now how much I feel for Alice, how tangled up my emotions and thoughts are about her – that yes, he should stay away so I can continue working on Alice’s commitment issues and hopefully come out on top.
He scoffed, “Yeah cause that went so great with Fay– also hasn’t Alice already picked, let me guess; she’s in your room right now, no?”
“Alice isn’t Fay.” I said, realising I meant it – realising that I actually did have some faith in Alice, that maybe I was building some trust in her after all, “Besides, she likes you.”
That was unnecessary.
One of his eyebrows raised, “She told you that?”
“Not in so many words, but yeah.”
He huffed out a breath, “She’s an odd one.”
“No arguments there.”
He leaned further into the mattress behind him, “So, to summarize, we’re already fucked; it’s already morphed into yet another love triangle?”
I swallowed, “Seems that way.”
“Record speed that.” Shaking his head, he eyed me up, “Will you be alright?”
“Yeah I’ll be fine.” Somewhere along the way the lies came easier.
It crossed my mind that this was eerily similar to how my last two relapses began; with the small untruths growing larger, snowballing into massive, monstrous lies.
I should be worried, I should want to break the pattern before I spiral further.
But instead I found comfort in it, wanting to spiral out of control, knowing where that leads.
Knowing the relief it will bring.
More self loathing filled me like foul sludge, settling in my gut as I felt a sense of acceptance wash over me; this is who I am as a person, and I can never escape it.
So why even bother fighting it?
“Can I have some of that?” I heard myself say as I reached for Mat’s bottle, taking it out of his hand to down several large gulps, attempting to ward off my intrusive thoughts.
Mat was frowning at me as I drank, coming to his own conclusions about what was going through my head, “You caught some feelings for the bird too then?”
You can say that.
“Yeah.” I breathed as the amber liquid warmed my throat.
The laugh that came from Mat was borderline hysteric, “We go on one bloody date with her, and here we are – right back to square one… Absolutely fucking ridiculous.” He took the bottle back off of me in order to also down a questionable amount – and suddenly the bottle was done for. 
Sure, it was one date, but we’d both been around her for a month now, watching her, wanting her, being enthralled by whatever spell she’d put on us.
At least I’d had the privilege of fucking her brains out the past week.
After Mat tossed the empty bottle to the side, we sat in silence for a long moment.
He’s got a crush on her.
My heart was tearing in half, sharp talons of fear scraping all along my back.
She’s interested in him, attracted to him.
Yet numbness was wrapping around me like a warm and cosy blanket on a cold winter's night.
I was also confused, not quite sure how my intentions had turned so selfish, so manipulative.
I fucking hate myself.
“You’ve been acting differently lately, and I can’t tell if that’s good or bad, but bring me back into the loop when you can, yeah?”
His words startled me, coming out of nowhere in our deep silence.
“This tour’s just a bit longer than usual, I’m knackered.” 
More lies.
Pushing myself back to my feet, some of the numbness momentarily released, letting guilt and worry crawl back under my skin.
“Will you be alright?” I asked the sprawled, defeated looking man on the floor in front of me.
The smile he gave me wasn’t convincing, “Yeah of course, I always bounce back.”
I sucked on my teeth, wanting to scream – wanting so badly to do better than this, but not knowing how right now.
Not while I was falling apart myself.
“Alright. See you tomorrow then.” Is all I said, like the fucking prick I am, before I stalked off.
“Turn off the light, will you?”
“Sure.” I flicked the lightswitch next to the exit.
“Ta, mate.”
The moment the door latched shut behind me, my hands started to shake from the bone deep disappointment I felt in myself.
I looked towards my room, where my dear, sweet Alice was sleeping, willing my feet to move in its direction. I wanted so badly to just disappear in her comfort, but I couldn’t do it, couldn’t allow myself that peace, that joy.
Instead I walked the opposite direction, through the fire exit, ascending the steps to the rooftop that I had so lovingly planned out for us. Laying down, I covered myself in several blankets, the night's chill having crept in during the several hours we haven’t been here. My eyes quickly settled on the smiley in the sky that Alice had pointed out right before our date derailed, and I wanted to cry, to mourn the hopes and dreams I had for us.
It was as if we were destined to fail, the universe working against us at every turn, like I couldn’t seem to make a single good decision when it came to her.
Or maybe we were just too broken, like chipped teacups; our sharp edges cutting each other as we drank.
Whatever the reason for everything turning to shit, I couldn’t stand it.
Images from my dream began to flicker in my mind's eye, of Fay’s face hovering over mine as she tried to drown me, which led me to do something I hadn’t allowed myself to do in a very long time.
Fishing the phone out of my pocket, I started scrolling down my list of messages. I scrolled and I scrolled, for quite some time, as the chat I was searching for had been pushed far down the list by now, until the name of the devil herself appeared on my screen.
I paused, knowing how hard it had been for me to stop reading our chat log several times a day, not wanting to fall back into old habits.
I’m already knee deep in old habits, I might as well dive right in.
As soon as I opened the chat my emotions from months ago came bubbling up. They weren’t sharp and all-consuming like they were back then, but I still felt a duller version of them, the cousin of their pure form.
Most of them were negative, but somewhere in there I could defect positive emotions as well. Not love by any means, but some part of me still cared about her, still didn’t want her dead, and still – for some unknown reason – wished things could have turned out differently for us.
“Fay: Please pick up”
“Fay: I’ve never loved anyone like I love you”
“Fay: I’m so fucking sorry please”
“Fay: Please answer”
There were so many messages like this – 43 to be exact, pleading, begging me to hear her out, to forgive her. I would stare at them, feeling the full range of emotions they elicited – be pushed to get high from them – but I never responded.
The messages kept coming for months, and when I thought they’d finally stopped, another one came through, breaking my heart all over again.
“Fay: How am I supposed to live my life without my best friend?”
And then the final one, a week later, which is where they came to an end.
“Fay: I will always love you with my entire being, and I will always be just a phone call away, so never hesitate to reach out. Remember that soulmates are eternal.”
The last sentence still felt like shackles around my ankles, despite having given up on the concept of soulmates by now. I almost bled out from the wounds she left me with, and now my heart is made entirely of scar tissue.
For the millionth time I considered deleting the chat history, to finally rid myself of this catalogued museum of pain, but as I stared at the delete button the unthinkable happened.
“Ah, fuck.” I muttered as the phone connected with my face, having dropped it right on my nose while using it laying down. Fumbling to get a proper hold on it, I was struck with the sensation of falling backwards as I looked at the screen.
“Oli: Hi”
My heartbeat was pounding in my ears as realisation settled in.
Somewhere between dropping it and getting it back into my hands I must have accidentally pressed one of the auto response options.
I bolted upright into a sitting position.
My loud outburst caused a flock of birds to flee a nearby tree.
Instantly I began trying to unsend the message, hoping it would let me, but my phone started buzzing as I clutched it.
‘Incoming call: Fay’ It read
Instinctively I swiped it away, hating myself for never having been able to block her, but she was already typing.
“Fay: Oli, hi dear”
“Fay: I saw you in Vegas, you were incredible but you always are”
It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that she was still going to my shows – and why was she talking to me like we’re friends, like she never destroyed me?
She’s still obsessed with me.
I should be repulsed, I should feel unease at the fact that my ex was essentially still stalking me. Yet, for some inexplicable reason the thought brought me joy, made me feel special.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
I heard the sound of the door opening behind me, and in my panicked state I shoved the phone under one of the pillows, hoping my shameful thoughts would be shoved away with it.
“Can I join you?”
Craning my neck, I saw Alice standing by the door, looking dishevelled and sleepy, rubbing her arms to stay warm.
My heart melted at the sight of her, easing me away from the mountain of unresolved issues hiding under the plush pillow next to me.
“Of course.” I responded under my breath, hoping I could force my pulse to settle before she nestled into me – hoping she wouldn’t notice the fucked up state I’m in.
The warmth of her against my body felt beyond incredible, reminding me further of what a piece of shit I am.
“Are you okay?” She whispered.
For a split second I considered being honest, not wanting to break the emotional and mental bond we’ve managed to establish so far. Wanting desperately to be open and honest with her around every corner, around every bend.
“Yeah, just another nightmare. Thought I’d come up here and enjoy the night some more.”
I felt myself being pulled further into the void, down the spiral that leads to all the wrong places and dead ends.
After a beat she asked a question she’d asked me before, one I wished I could have answered the first time, but we’d been interrupted.
“Want to tell me about them?”
She wanted to know more about the tender parts of me, to gently touch on my sore spots. I should be overjoyed, knowing that’s the path to the type of relationship I want with her, yet I couldn’t bring myself to go there right now.
“Can we talk about it another time? I just want to rest if that’s alright.”
The already deep disappointment I harboured within myself dug its nails in deeper still.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” 
She sounded so worried, clearly sensing my disconnect.
But there was nothing I could do tonight besides hold her close, and hope the comfort I was stealing from her would help me see tomorrow with more clarity.
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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Azul, Jamil: By One’s Grace
dnsjbsuebxkzn One of my friends noticed that Platinum Jacket Jade and Azul have the same two portraits, with the placements swapped. This is not true for other dorm leader-vice dorm leader pairs we’ve already seen, like Malleus and Lilia. Just an interesting little detail?
MORE JAMIL AND AZUL PETTY DRAMA… Been craving it since early book 4, one of my favorite treats 😋
A Tale as Old as Time.
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He flinched at his name and turned away from the caller. When the footsteps still came, Jamil retreated further into the exhibition. Famous faces stared down from their picture frames at the fleeing boy.
"Jamil-san, please wait for me," Azul tried again. He picked up his pace, in hot pursuit of his peer. "Jamil-san!!"
Deeper and deeper they delved, spiraling into the museum’s depths. The light slowly fading, the air stretching thin and gauzy. Neither relented from the chase--not until Azul ran his prey into a corner, an arm outstretched to contain him in a quiet corner. Jamil silently cursed.
Caged in with an octopus. Great.
A facetious laugh rose from Azul's throat. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were purposefully trying to avoid me."
Jamil deadpanned. “You don't say. No, I was just trying to learn about the history of the Coral Sea in peace."
"If that's what you're interested in, I believe you'll find no better wellspring of knowledge than myself." Azul offered with a coy grin. "I would be more than happy to share stories straight from my hometown. Anything for a dearly beloved companion. such as you."
"No thank you," Jamil quickly retorted. I think I'd rather eat poisoned curry again. "I would be ill-advised to accept free 'help' from you. You'll come knocking and calling in for a favor a few days later."
"Who's asking for favors?" Azul gasped, feigning ignorance. "I simply wish to aid a classmate. As dorm leader of Octavinelle, I pride myself on keeping the Sea Witch's spirit of benevolence alive and well."
Jamil scoffed and folded his arms. "Coming from you, that sounds extremely insincere."
"Me, insincere? Far from it!" He insisted, waving a hand dismissively. From the corner of his eye, Azul caught a flash of fiery red. He tilted his head, and his brows raised. "Hmm? Oh, this painting is..."
"The painting?" Jamil followed his gaze.
There was a young mermaid mounted upon a rock, a massive wave crashing into her from behind. Though the skies were dark and stormy, her face was full of light and sunshine. A great mane of fire whipped around her, the mermaid's chest thrust out and mouth open in joyful song.
"One of my favorite works of art."
"Somehow I doubt that..." Jamil sighed. "What exactly do you like about it?"
"Many things! For one, there is her gullible... er, excitable expression. You can see just how much wonder she has for the world. She's full of hope for her future prospects.
"In fact, this is the very same mermaid appears in some legends about the Sea Witch." Azul chuckled softly--though his growing smirk was anything but. "A mermaid so lovesick, she failed to meet the conditions set forth in her deal. Because of that, she incurred the Sea Witch's fury. It's a cautionary tale to always pay one's dues, fufufu."
"... No wonder why you like it," his peer grumbled. "For her to make a promise to the Sea Witch and then not follow through with her end of the bargain... How foolish. Her punishment is well-earned."
"Punishment? Perhaps one could use that word, but I see it as a form of the Sea Witch's compassion."
"There's nothing compassionate about debtor being raked across the coals."
"Compassion is not just kindness, Jamil-san. Compassion is also the sternness that comes from a place of caring. The Sea Witch surely must have also been heartbroken to turn her anger on a client whom she placed her trust in. Were she to leave the mermaid to be, the mermaid would likely run amok and commit the same acts of betrayal unto others. Her lesson would not be learned."
Azul shrugged. "You see? The Sea Witch is truly benevolent and merciful, even when she lets loose her rage."
"What a twisted mind you have. I can't say I disagree with the course of action though.”
“Poor, unfortunate little mermaid,” Azul cooed. “She longed to change herself for true love, risking the life she knew for the uncertainty of new opportunities.”
“Hmph, a person who desperately wants to change themselves?” Jamil’s mouth cocked into a smirk. “Now who does that remind us of, hmm?”
He was met with a bitter laugh.
“The world can be a harsh place,” Azul said, his response evasive. “I wonder if the mermaid was able to finally face it.”
What would she have done if her optimism had been crushed under the weight of a cruel reality? What if her new self was rejected after all her struggles and sacrifices? What if her efforts were all for naught?
What if, what if, what if.
What if he was the same as her?
The inept octopus. Not smart, not particularly good at swimming, too bulky. Sobbing in his private little pot, the inky tear trails a dead giveaway to his location.
Nice clothes, good grades, and lifestyle changes couldn’t bury that past in the sand. It was not enough—would never be enough.
Once, he would have desired to kick her down. To see a sand castle fall apart at his own hand, to relish in the destruction. Wipe away proof of his old incompetence.
Be rid of it forever.
Now, he knelt and encircled it with his arms, Hugged that piece of him against himself, reassured it with compassionate words.
You’re here.
You’re a part of me.
I will never reject you again.
“… Change is as natural and as common as the coming and going of the tides. Why fear the tides—why fear change?”
Why deny what I was then, and who I am now?
Then, donning his brightest—and perhaps most genuine—smile, Azul faced Jamil head-on.
“It is by the grace of the Sea Witch that we were able to learn such a valuable life lesson at no cost to ourselves! Isn’t that wonderful?”
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sofasoap · 6 months
Christmas love
Summary: it's Christmas time. You and Gaz are expecting a baby, and your husband think this will be a great time to gather everyone for an early Christmas gathering, also for you to meet the ladies of 141 for first time.
Pairing: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Reader
Part of the Miss Sunshine Universe.
Warning: mature rating. Talk of pregnancy.
Note: a very self-indulgent fic that has absolutely no plot to it. And a presents to my lovely moots. 😘
The OCs belongs to:
Myléne 'Petra' Scholten de Ridder, @eenochian
Olga 'Zhar' Samiolova, @nrdmssgs
Christine 'Riot' Vega, @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
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You clutch the plate of freshly baked chocolate biscuit in your hand as you stare up at the three women standing in front of you in awe.
“Christmas gathering?”
“I thought it might be a good idea to get everyone together before the baby comes.” Kyle said as he assembled the baby cot. “I talked to your mum and dad. They are happy to host the early Christmas party at their farm before everyone breaks off. Ah there. Done.” Gaz dusts his hand as he finishes putting the last screw in, and holds out his hand to help you stand up, pulling you into his embrace.
“And there are new people I want you to meet as well. Our lovely new Dutch Medic, she’s quite excited to meet you since I told her about the baby news.” he kisses you in the temple as both of you look around, surveying the newly set up nursery. “And Nikolai has been bugging me about wanting to bring his new partner along. He's eager to show her off.”
Your eyes brighten up. “Is Simon bringing his new girlfriend too?” you asked excitedly.
Ever since your Ma heard “the poor man has no family left to celebrate the holiday with” she made sure Johnny always brought Simon back to the farm to join in on all the family holidays.
First time he arrives at the farm, Simon grumbles about how he wants to be alone for holidays,but as soon as your Ma greets him, his demeanour changes immediately.
“Ah, you must be Simon that my two little bampot kids talked about so much!! Welcome home!! ” she exclaimed, pulling Simon down to give him a big welcoming hug.
“”Ma!!”” Johnny and you groaned at the affectionate name calling from your own mother but stopped when the two of you saw Simon returning the hug, with tears streaming down his face, with Ma giving Simon a soft pat on his back.
“Sounds like it. Soap and I were pressuring him to introduce her to the family. Your Mum said she needs to approve his future daughter in law.” Gaz laughed.
So here you are, not quite sure how to start the conversation with the three elite soldiers, while the others have scattered off to mingle after all the initial greetings and quick catch up.
“Um….. Chocolate biscuits? Freshly out of the oven?” you offered timidly.
Petra.. Or she introduced herself as Mylène, took a step forward and grabbed a piece of biscuit off the plate.
“ Oh gosh …you don’t know how much I’ve been craving for these biscuits since Soap shared some with us last time..” She moaned as she took a big bite of it. “Oh these are even better, fresh....come on girls, grab one!”
Christine, who’s been very quiet, her eyes lit up and hesitantly reached for one. Her eyes fluttered close as she sighed.
“Good right? I told you.”
“I thought you were exaggerating. Olga. Come on. Try some.” Christine picked up another two, passed one more towards Olga. She hummed as a small smile appeared on her face, nibbling on the biscuit without saying a word.
You let out a small sigh, you were glad they liked the biscuits. You would be lying if you say you weren’t intimidated by three of them. You heard so much story about these amazing women from Kyle leading up to the party, with all the achievements on and off fields, you felt so… ordinary compared to them.
“Um, Coffee? Tea? Simon brewed the tea… so it should be good.” You offered, trying hard to come up with topics to break the ice. You huffled as you moved around the kitchen table trying to serve them the drinks with difficulty with your very pregnant stomach. The ladies all stood up immediately to help.
“Oh thank you.. sorry, it’s getting harder and harder for me to move around as this little pea pod grows..” you puffed out as you sat down on the chair that Olga had pulled out, insisted you to sit down while they help themselves with the refreshments.
“Oh talk about baby… Since Gaz mentioned the two of you were expecting, we all brought some gifts for you and the baby. ” Mylène clapped her hand, and waved to the other ladies to bring in the gifts from the living room.
Your eyes widen at the amount of gifts the ladies started to pile onto the table.
“That… this…” you gaped.
“All for your new family. Come on, open it up!” Mylène urged as she pointed towards the bags and boxes.
You reach for the four different colour bags first, all filled to the brim with different assortments clothes.
“ Each of the bags are clothe from age zero to two years old.” Mylène explained.
“Till two years old?!” you gasped as you took a peek into each of them. “That’s… that’s too much!”
“Nonsense. I know how fast the baby grows and the amount of clothes and stuff they go through. If you need any more things, don’t hesitate to contact me. Gaz got my number.” She reaches forward to give you a hug, reassuring you.
“And if you need anyone to babysit or a bodyguard for the baby, I can lend you my brother. Emiel will make sure no harm come to your baby if he were to look after them with his scary look.” She offered her brother’s service proudly.
“Uh, thank you??” You thanked her for her offer, trying to imagine the tall assassin with a baby carrier as you reached for the next lot of presents.
You open the second parcel, presents from Olga and Nikolai, and a very intricate Matryoshka doll and……helicopter and aeroplane plushie?
“Nik insisted on getting those.”Olga sighed. “ Saying something about.. The baby should know how her Dad and her Russian uncle’s friendship was strengthened.”
“It’s very important for them to know the story!!” Nikolai shouted from the other side of the room. Olga just rolled her eyes. You chuckled as you put it aside. “Thank you for your beautiful gifts. I was actually thinking what to put on the shelves in the nursery, these will be very fitting. Thank you. Oh! There's another little box..”as soon as you open the wooden box, a little ballerina pops up with a lullaby playing.
It’s a custom made musical box, you realised.
“Nikolai had it specially made for your little one. He originally wanted some rendition of heavy metal band music, I had to intervene and choose something more appropriate.” Olga covered her face with all the wild ideas her husband coming up with, embarrassed.
“Thank heaven you did. I think the lullaby might settle the baby down more than.. “ you laughed as you closed the lid again and leaned forward to give Olga a hug.
Finally you turned towards the blonde lady. Christine hands you two big square parcels, and wrangles her hand as you open up the wrapping paper.
You pulled out a few knitted baby clothes, hand knitted, simple but made with care. And a few warm knitted blankets too.
“You made these?” You inspect each of the clothes and design, noticing each of the onsies pairs with a blanket. A SET!. “Oh these teddy bear patterns on the blanket and the onsies.. ah! The sunflower pattern on these ones… and Stars… so cute!” You cooed.
Christine nodded her head hesitantly, “Soap mention you were going to spend the first few months after birth with the baby in Scotland, Considering how long the winter goes on for up here,I thought might be a good idea … “ she trailed off. Your smile widened and pulled her in for a hug, “ it’s a very thoughtful gift… Thank you. And to all of you as well.” You turned towards the other two, thanking them again.
“Soap couldn’t shut up about how much he is looking forward to his future niece and how much he is going to spoil her, while that husband of yours, every spare moment he’s got, he’s writing down plans for the nursery, ideas for future outings, and way of organising routines to give YOU the optimal resting time.” Mylène chuckled.
“Simon has been giving out ideas of how the team can help with babysitting duties to give you two new parents a bit of breather.” Christine added. “I don’t think he likes to admit it, but he really cares about you as a little sister.” She smiled.
“ You should see Nik.. he is already pressing me to design some sort of self defence lessons for the baby. “Olga shakes her head, exasperated at her husband’s antics.
“Three of us agree, we felt like we know you already, from all the stories we hear from the boys, the love they have for you, how well you treat them, you deserve all the kindness in the world.” Petra said.
You blinked your eyes few times, trying not to tear up from the touching words and gestures. You were still in awe how generous the ladies are with all their gifts, and you never met them before. “I just want you all to know… all of you are always welcome here, anytime. The men are always like an extended family to us, and in term, all of you are welcome to the family too. “
And after this, it became a tradition for everyone to gather at the MacTavish farm at least once a year.
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azure-wolf-227 · 1 year
Luz is a Titan AU
I've seen several 'Luz is a Titan/Half Titan/Luz turns into a Titan/Half Titan' AU concepts, and I wanted to do my own take on the idea.
Luz is biologically a Titan and King's older sister. When the Archivists attacked, the Titan couldn't place Luz in the tower with King's egg, so they used their power to send her through time and space to somewhere safe. That somewhere ended up being the Human Realm. Shortly after, Camila and Manny Noceda found the little Titan.
The Titan gives Luz a protective amulet that hides her from the Archivists (it has the same sigil King found in the tower and carved into his tag), allowing Luz to change her form between Titan and Human. Since Manny and Camila were the first beings to find Luz, the magic amulet used their appearance as a template for Luz's disguise.
Luz’s Titan powers start developing at the age of 8-9; around the same age King started developing his powers in canon. Her first power is, of course, the Sonic Shout (WEH!).
When the Nocedas moved to Gravesfield, Luz began having weird dreams - actually the Titan trying to communicate with her - because the portals to the Demon Realm (Eda’s, and the one used in ‘Thanks to Them’) are linked to the town. These dreams help Luz develop her Glyph language, so by the time she is 14, she already has the basic Glyphs and has begun developing the combos.
Luz’s Glyphs are not the same as in canon cause these are her own rather than the Titan’s. And while she can draw them, Luz mainly makes the Glyphs/Glyph Combos appear on her hands or the air.
Titan Luz is mostly similar to Canon Luz in personality, but she also has some self-esteem issues about not being human. Add to how, after Manny’s death, Camila began to insist that Luz act more normal/be more human in fear that her oddities would lead to people discovering her secret.
This AUs version of ‘A Lying Witch and a Warden’ starts out the same with Luz being sent to camp, her chasing Owlbert through Eda’s portal, and meeting Eda; things begin diverging once they arrive to The Owl House and King appears. Luz is shocked to see a being that looks exactly like her (true form); she doesn’t reveal her true form, though, because she is so used to hiding it. Eda and King learn that Luz is not human when she can’t pass through the barrier at the Comformatorium, though it isn’t until after the fight with Warden Wrath, the prison break, and the return to the Owl House that Luz reveals her true form. Safe to say that Eda is stunned at meeting another of whatever King’s species is while King is excited; after hearing Luz’s story, he convinces himself that Luz must have been “shrunk” as well, then banished to Earth.
Anyway, Luz’s decides to stay in the Demon Realm to learn how to be a witch and maybe find some answers about herself. Besides her Titan powers/Glyphs, this Luz can also create spell circles like witches, though she’d still default to Glyphs. Luz would also teach King about his own powers, though he likely won’t awaken them before he did in canon, except maybe he starts to develop his own Glyphs.
Luz wouldn’t go walking around the Boiling Isles in her true form even if it wouldn’t be strange there. The Doylist reason is that I  want the reveal that Luz is the same species as King to happen much later, maybe during Luz’s first confrontation with Belos in the Season 1 finale, or sometime in Season 2. As for the Watsonian/in-universe reason, maybe Luz is used to disguising her true form, or Eda tells her to keep it hidden for some reason.
Set up from the previous idea, Luz figures out how to alter her disguise to look like a witch, instead of a human. Because Eda was her template, Luz’s witch disguise has fluffy auburn hair, and golden eyes. Basically, she looks like a Raeda kid and results in people coming up with secret love child theories.
Edit: @princess-of-the-corner suggested a different idea for why Luz’s disguise changes. The illusionary disguise works by taking traits from the people Luz sees as parental figures. She original looked like Manny and Camila’s biological daughter because they were the ones who raised her; her disguise began to take some traits from Eda, and later Raine, as she began to subconsciously see them as second parents. The change was gradual, so Luz didn’t notice the difference until she first saw Vee disguised as her and found her appearance unfamiliar.
Does Luz has memories of before she was sent to Earth since King could remember things before he was hatched?
Yes, but Luz thinks those memories are just dreams and stuff her mind made up rather than memories, so she never told anyone about them. Or she did as a young child, but her parents just thought they were children dreams.
Let’s end this with what Luz looks like as a Titan. She is mostly a taller version of King, maybe a few inches taller than Canon Luz; her horns are the same as Canon Titan Luz’s; her fur has a more purplish tint than King’s but they have the same eyes; unlike King, Luz wears clothes, the same clothes canon Luz wears; her protective/disguise amulet looks like the medal King wears in the series’ epilogue with a purple ribbon and it has the anti-Collector/Archivist sigil engraved into it. Sometime in Season 2, Luz goes through a growth spurt and grows wings.
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soleilceirinen · 9 months
Renaissance | teacher!Cillian Murphy x fem!Reader - Part 5
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Summary: you are an Art History student in your last year at university. Cillian is your teacher. A/N: in this story Cillian is about 20 years older than the reader. Everything happens in an alternative universe where he is not an actor or famous, he doesn't have a wife or kids like in real life. Also, English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistake! Part 4 - Cillian Murphy Masterlist - Part 6
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The next week passed by in what seemed to be the blink of an eye. You kept yourself busy in order to avoid Brad, which wasn’t very hard to do since you had lectures in the mornings and then you had to go to the gallery for the final preparations before Friday.  
You didn’t say anything about Cillian to your friends. Probably, Olivia would encourage you to have fun but Valerie would freak out, not only due to the age gap but also due to the fact that he was your teacher and someone in a position of power over you. 
So you kept him as your little secret. 
Moreover, he had invited you to have dinner at his place twice during the week. Instead of meeting in the coffee shop or his office to review your project, he suggested doing it at his house. After all, he had a huge collection of books related to the topic of your research that he insisted you could borrow if you needed. You couldn’t be more grateful. 
And finally, Friday night came. You were at the gallery with Maureen and Laura, the exhibition was a great success, eight of the paintings were already sold so you could feel satisfied. 
You were standing in front of the painting which was inspired by Olivia, looking at it and taking small sips from your glass of wine. You loved opening a new exhibition at the gallery, it made you feel mature and elegant just by talking to potential buyers while drinking wine. 
Someone stopped by your side and imitated the way you were standing in front of the painting, he was holding a bottle of beer.
You smiled, without needing to look at him to know that he had the most beautiful pair of blue eyes you had ever seen. He pointed at the painting with the hand that held the beer. 
“It’s interesting how human beings have been painting and sculpting this type of motif since Prehistory. It represents the depth of our desire and the origin of life, is just fascinating. Like a door that we must cross for the world to welcome us ” he spoke nonchalantly. 
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“This was inspired by my friend Olivia, you know?” you said, looking directly at him. 
Cillian sighed and took a sip of beer. “I didn’t need that information, Y/N. Honestly, I hope I never have to meet your friend.”
“Why not?” you hit him in the arm playfully. “She’s nice. Also, I think she’s over there with the artist.” 
“It’s a pussy,” he said, keeping his voice low.
“Yes, it is. Olivia’s, to be more precise” you corrected him, ready to tell him how excited was Olivia after being an artist's muse.
Suddenly, Maureen appeared from nowhere and hugged Cillian. You looked at them a bit confused but remained silent. 
“Cillian! It’s been ages since I saw you last time, you’ve been hiding in the basement or what?” she joked. He rolled his eyes and smiled. 
“Just busy with work, lots of essays to mark, you know how it is. Some of them make me want to tear my eyes out.” 
“Mines too?” you asked, staring at him over your now empty glass of wine. 
“Yours are a breath of fresh air, Y/N. Impeccable writing is appreciated from time to time” he said, pointing at you before turning to Maureen. “She’s my favourite student, very hard working.”
Maureen snorted. 
“I know she’s hard working, Cill. “ She put her arm around your waist and turned to you. “Did you know that me and Cillian studied together when we were at the university?” 
You looked between them with wide eyes. “I had no idea, no.” 
“Yes, back then in the Paleolithic” murmured Cillian, earning a pinch in the arm from Maureen.
You frowned and shook your head. “You’re not that old.”
“Thank you, dear” Maureen gave you a little squeeze. “Have fun tonight, both of you. I’d like to stay and talk about those wonderful years with this dork but I have work to do.” 
After that, you gave Cillian a little tour around the gallery, helping Laura and Maureen from time to time until the last visitor left, way after dark. Both of you watched as Maureen closed the door and then kissed Laura, it made you blush just thinking of the affection and delicacy with which both touched each other. 
You sighed, wishing Cillian to show that kind of tenderness to you, to be touched that way by his wide hands and maybe, if you were lucky enough, to be kissed by him. 
He put a hand on your back, snapping you out of your reverie. 
“What are you thinking about? You seemed to be far away from here.” 
You shook your head, thinking of something to say. 
“It’s nothing, just… tonight was a good day at work, we even sold Olivia’s painting” you joked. It was hard to concentrate on saying something coherent with Cillian’s fingertips tracing circles on your back. 
You started walking towards Cillian’s house after saying goodbye to your bosses. His house was close to the art gallery so you didn’t mind the little walk despite your outfit choice. He noticed you shivering a bit due to the autumn wind so before you could refuse, he took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders. 
It seems so cliché, you thought. Still, you couldn't suppress the urge to bury your nose in the soft fabric and inhale. As expected, it smelled like him. 
“Do you mind if I tell you something?” he asked quietly.
“Not at all. What is it?” you looked at him somewhat worried. He kept walking with his hands in his pockets. 
“That dress is nice,” he said, making a pause. "You look beautiful tonight.”
You stopped walking and stared at him, not believing his words. “What?”
“I mean, you always look good but tonight you look like you had been taken out of a painting, so ethereal” he added, caressing your hair. 
“Stop lying…” you muttered. 
He had his eyes fixed on your face, not letting any of your features go unnoticed. To be seen by those eyes was incomparable to anything else, its intensity was quite overwhelming.  
“I don’t need to lie to you, I’m just being honest. It’s okay if…?” Cillian hesitated, still searching your face for any signs of discomfort or rejection. The last thing he wanted after the incident with your roommate was to scare you. 
“If… what?” you whispered with your heart pounding like a wild bird. 
“May I kiss you, Y/N?”
After taking a look at the street and seeing that it was empty except for the two of you, you closed the distance that separated your bodies with a kiss. 
It was slow and delicate, barely a caress from your lips, both of you taking your time while adjusting to each other's rhythm. You had your arms wrapped around his neck with his hair tangled between your fingers as he put his hands on your hips, moving them up and down and making you shiver. 
Once your lips parted away, you looked at each other with parsimony, without letting go. Cillian opened the mouth to say something but nothing came out of it. For the first time, he seemed to have run out of words. 
It made you giggle slightly, although what you really wanted to do was laugh out loud, feeling as light as a feather, as if you had found the place where you belonged right there, in his arms. 
“You know, the first time I saw you, I thought you looked like you'd been taken out of a painting, too” you said, letting your hands slide from his neck to his shoulders and down his arms until resting them in his hands. 
“Oh, really?” he laughed and intertwined his fingers with yours. 
You nodded, smiling. “Like a renaissance prince or a mythological god, something like that.”
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Hard Day’s Night
Summary: After a long and grueling day from working, you are excited to get home to your girlfriend but not before getting a pretty funny text from her friend about how her day seemed to be going. 
word count: 2k
a/n: the gif is my favorite thing ever and this was so fun to write too enjoys besties because i know i did. that episode was fun ask
warnings: fluff and Jen throwing it back, mention of Dennis ( for like a bit it’s fine ), cute jen.
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You knew that ever since Jen got turned into a hulk, like her cousin, she’s always come home with interesting stories involving her new job, hero duties, and so on. Way before she even turned into the hulk, both of you made it a tradition to make each other dinner/order food depending on who gets there first. A nice hot meal with your favorite person while she gets to hear about how your day went at work and you get to hear about her whatever the fuck Dennis said at work again that made her want to punch her. 
So after a couple of weeks where both of your schedules never seemed to match due to her new job with GLK/H while you had to turn in many presentations, both of you were excited to get to talk about how the day went for each of you, Jen most of all. 
Jen ❤️❤️❤️: Getting home @ 8 pm babe, can’t wait to tell you about my day. 
While you had been preparing a simple dinner for your girlfriend, Jen never knew that Nicki had sent you a video of her and what seemed to be Megan thee stallion dancing in her office. Not like simple dancing but throwing her ass back. 
The caption only read “ MEGAN “ from Nicki and nothing else. No explanation to it either and you have to know what the fuck happened there, compared to your day of getting a free coffee. If you think about it kind of flex. 
The lovely y/n: okay babe 🥺🥰🥰 can’t wait to hear what happened during your day. 
30 minutes pass by and after completing your nightly skin routine, you hear the front door open and are met with Jen who looks super tired but also very excited at the same time. She immediately runs up to you to hug you, Jen was always a sucker for a good hug that’s for sure. 
“ you ready for dinner Jen? I found a good recipe online and decided to try it,” you tell her and she nods with enthusiasm, waiting for the right time to tell you how her day went. 
It’s no secret to anyone ( even her bartender knows) that she’s a big Megan Thee Stallion fan. The number of times you’d walk into her office at the da’s office to see her laser-focused on some papers with some of her songs in the background for motivation, Drunk Jen attempting to throw it back to some of her songs
And failing ( not to you though cause girlie could get it) or even her motivation playlist she’ll blast when she gets ready for work. She is the biggest Stan and you honestly find it funny. 
You decided to let her tell you first how her day went while the both of you ate dinner. Of course, Jen let you talk about your day, how you got the free coffee, your coworker talking about her cat having babies, and even the orange stray cat by your apartment which you named cheddar cheese of course making an appearance when you got home from work. 
“ out of all the things you name the cat and you choose cheddar cheese babe ?” She says trying to best to not laugh and you try to slap her lightly but she moves away in time for you to miss. 
You’ll get her next time. 
“ meanie,” 
“ says the one who made fun of my name choices,” you say back to the brunette.
“ cheddar cheese for a cat? I beg to differ “ 
“ lame, but let’s move on past that babe, I would like to hear about your day,” you say as you put your attention on her and after a couple of seconds she realizes Nikki must have sent you the video from the office that she thought would be funny to film. 
“ y/n did Nikki send you the video ??? “ she says with a pout on her face, a bit sad that she didn’t get to break the news about meeting one of her idols herself. 
“ I need more explanation to that video because I don’t know what the fuck is going on with just Megan with full caps as the caption,” you tell her and she spills everything about her day. 
How she went into the office trying to deal with all of Blonsky's stuff, Wong being late to the hearing and almost thinking of fighting him herself because he literally portal why the fuck would he be late? You never hear about traffic in portals. 
“ Like the man portals???? I’m no scientist but does he not have an assistant to help him or someone to remind him of stuff to do,” she says as the both of you sit on the couch, watching whatever tv show rerun is on. Thank fuck for the dishwashers because neither of you was in the mood to clean dishes. 
She continues about the rest of her day, going to testify for Dennis as to whether he believed he could pull off a woman like Megan thee Stallion, then finding out that she was in the courtroom as the hearing was going on!!!!!!! 
“I understand her being there since it has to do with someone impersonating her but she got to hear me talk and must have been interested in my job as a lawyer,” she continues to speak about the goddess that is Megan Thee Stallion, her words not yours.
She continues about how Megan had asked for her specifically because it would help her with the current problem she had been having, which you aren’t allowed to know of for legal reasons of course. She even had a game plan of how to win the case for Megan.
Either way, you can’t help but look at your girl with love and affection at how excited she was for this.
“ and then I told her that I’d ‘ kill for you Megan thee stallion’ which now that I hear now is a bit weird and OH MY GOD BABE WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING, “ she says as she covers her face in embarrassment, shocked that it took her til she got home to realize why the woman had told her to dial back but then again, if anyone else was in her shoes they’d just be focused on her and now think before the spoke. 
“ Jen,” you say as you remove her hands from her face,” she’s probably heard weirder things so I doubt that she’d remember it and just your sick-ass dance moves,”. Jen then covers her face again in embarrassment that Nikki filmed her dancing to Body and not caring who watches. Something that she’s only been told happens when she’s super drunk. 
“ Can we talk more about Megan y/n? I have so much to talk about like the fact that Pink is very much her- 
“ Jen,” you start which shuts her up,” I promise not to laugh if you tell me how you ended up dancing and how you very much failed to notice that your best friend was filming you” 
‘ Will she make fun of me? like I know that she’s seen me do some stupid asf stuff but even Nikki tried her best not to laugh. Shit even if I heard the story I’d laugh too’, Jen thinks to herself and you poke her side to get her attention, wondering what’s taking her too long to tell the story. 
“ Jen Honey, I promise not to laugh,” as she sees you cross your heart, even though something tells her not to say how it even happened.
“ so she wanted to see some of my sick-ass dance moves, as you say and I just gave her what she wanted in my opinion,” she said. 
“ there’s more to this story I need to know Jen” you beg. 
 “I’m not lying “
“Bullshit, Jen! please tell me I won’t laugh I pinky promise,” you say trying your very best to put puppy eyes, something that she can’t say no to. She gives you one of her many savage Jennifer Walters looks to counter you and again, you pucker your lips. 
Jen knows she’s close to winning this match against you, no way in hell that she’s gonna lose this one. 
“ Pookie,” you tell your girlfriend as you pout your lips for added effect. That last move made the brunette immediately give up, sad again that you’ve somehow beat her again. 
“ Why is it that you know the right time when to use that nickname on me y/n?” she asks. She really needs to work on that when she has the time. 
“ Just me being a silly goose is all Jen,” you saw with an innocent smile.
Damm you and calling me that nickname,’ she thinks to herself as you laugh in defeat that she’s gonna be able to tell you the story in full. 
And she does as she tells you how she came back from the courthouse to Holloway asking for her in his office to see the woman in an amazing pink suit, serving as always, asking for her, so she sends Megan to her office while they discuss detail. Jen goes to her office to see Megan looking amazing, they sign some papers then Megan says that she wants to see some of Jen's dance moves and after not even half a second of seeing the tall green woman dance along to her song, she had to interject. Jen failed to see you hold in a giggle because her moves when she’s happy or in a good mood never seem to be the best but you don’t ever want to hurt your feelings. Being that she’s probably on a high, best to tell her another time. 
“ so that’s the complete story of how my day went,” she says with a smile, again very much on a high and excited for what’s to come.
“ How about you show me some of the dance moves she taught you, babe? because that video that Nikki sent me earlier does not do justice,” you say to her. 
After a bit Jen gets off the couch, ready to show you some of the moves that she got taught. Lucky for you, Jen had her Megan playlist pinned to her Spotify so that she’d easily find it so she immediately went to that and played Body, which was the first song on the playlist. 
Not even 30 seconds into the song, Jen’s easily throwing it back, as if she’s been doing this for years and you start to laugh right because you couldn't not do it.
“ You know if you find this shit so funny y/n how about YOU come over here and show me some of your dance moves too?” she asks you. 
Oh? Is Jennifer trying to challenge you to a dance off ? 
Looks like she’s chosen the wrong opponent to go against meaning this should be very fun for the both of you. Jen’s smile as she looks at you proves to be true. 
“ Show you how the pros do it out here babe,” you tell her. 
“ Sure” 
“ i was fine watching you comfy on the couch tho Jen” 
“ that’s just you can spend all day staring at my ass and you know it, babe” 
“..... shut up and watch me dance Jen,” you say back to her who only stands quietly as she watches you dance in her opinion so much better than her. Looking at you with such amazement and adoration that makes you a bit more confident for the night. 
“ You ready to come and join me, Walters?,” you ask her and she comes right away. 
For the rest of the night til both of you had to sleep( work of course) you dance along to all of Megan Thee Stallions' music, enjoying the company of each other, and are just happy to be there with Jennifer Walter, your favorite person, and the best girlfriend.
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sparklingmusicofstars · 9 months
Hamefura Bonus Short Story : Second prince and his fiancé
(This story takes place after the kidnapping incident in Volume 3)
I, Selena Berg, took a deep breath to calm my nervousness.
Today, Prince Ian, my fiancé, will come to my house and we are planning to have tea.
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And soon Prince Ian will arrive.
Although Ian is a busy member of the royal family, he regularly makes time to visit me. A while ago, I thought it was inevitable because of his fiancé's obligation, but now I know that's not the case, so I'm really happy.
As I prepared and waited in the sunny garden, the person I had been waiting for appeared.
Prince Ian approached me, his eyes sparkling, and I remembered the first time we met.
It was almost ten years ago. My parents told me that I had been chosen to be the prince's fiancé.
I was a quiet person, so even at children's tea parties, I often stayed quiet in the corner and didn't stand in the front, so I never really met the prince. So when I heard the story, I was very nervous. I wonder if I'll be okay.
But I couldn't say anything to my parents, who were so happy, and before I knew it, the day of our meet-and-greet arrived. I was just so nervous. If I let my guard down, my hands would start shaking.
Then, the most beautiful boy I've ever seen appeared in front of me. The boy with blond hair and blue eyes was exactly like the prince I had read about in books――my nervousness became even worse.
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"N-nice to meet you. I-I'm Selena Berg and I'm going to..."
I took a moment to say my greeting. The adults around me laughed at that funny greeting.
I feel embarrassed and my face heats up. I must be blushing.
Thinking about this, I felt even more embarrassed and almost looked down.
"Nice to meet you, Selena. My name is Ian Stuart. I look forward to spend time with you from now on."
Prince Ian said and extended his hand.
The prince looked straight at me without laughing at my unseemly greeting.
It was impossible not to fall in love with him, and I fell in love with Prince Ian in the blink of an eye.
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Also, he is serious and hard working, and is a little clumsy but kind. As I saw various things, my feelings gradually grew.
Before I knew it, I started to want to support Prince Ian who was trying so hard, and I tried so hard... but my magical powers were still weak, and I wasn't able to achieve that much academic results, so instead of supporting Prince Ian, I felt like I was a burden to him. I started to wonder if there was.
When I started having these thoughts, Prince Ian became more aloof than before, and I thought that I was disliked by Prince Ian because of my poor performance.
And because of those feelings, I was manipulated into causing a terrible incident.
However, after that incident, Prince Ian began to take good care of me. I was able to know that he loved me.
When I heard those words , ``I, Ian Stuart, love Selena Berg,'' I burst into tears of joy.
From that day on, I began to move with renewed determination to support Prince Ian. I frequently show up in social circles that I don't really like, and deepens my learning about foreign cultures. I wanted to be of some help to my beloved Prince Ian.
"Selena, what's wrong ?"
When I was a little lost in thought, Prince Ian asked me this in a worried voice.
"I'm sorry. I was remembering something from a long time ago and got distracted.''
"From a long time go ?"
"Yes. It was when I met you, Prince Ian. You have been wonderful ever since then.''
After saying that, Prince Ian paused for a while,
"...Selena has always been adorable since then," he whispered.
I felt heat rise to my face.
After being told that we had arrived at our destination, I, Ian Stuart, got off the carriage while suppressing my excitement.
Today I came to my fiancée Selena's house for tea.
It's been a while since I've had time with Serena as she is busy with her official duties.
Since it's sunny today, we're going to have tea in the garden, so I was guided by a servant and head to the prepared area.
I found her in a beautiful garden under a clear sky.
I call out to her as I approache, and a dazzling smile appears on her adorable face.
My cute fiancée hasn't changed since we met.
It's been almost ten years since I met Selena.
I was told by a servant that my fiancée has been decided. When I heard her name, "Selena Berg,'' I couldn't remember her face. I have attended quite a few tea parties, but I may have never met her properly.
Engagement is a normal thing for the royal family, and I fully understand that I cannot choose my own partner. That's why I never thought that such a girl would be good, and I just wanted to cherish the girl who became my fiancée. I believed that a fiancée was a partner for the rest of my life, and that romantic feelings were unnecessary.
However, when we met for the first time, I was captivated by how cute Selena was.
I've always liked small and cute things, and I also really liked small animals.
However, I have never thought that the girls who gather around me at tea parties are especially cute, so I think that I don't feel that way about girls. That's what I thought...
I noticed it . Those kids just weren't my type. I liked girls who were cute, like small animals, and aroused my desire to protect them. Then, a girl appeared in front of me who seemed to make my preferences a reality. Moreover, she will become my fiancé.
"N-nice to meet you. I-I'm Selena Berg and I'm going to..."
Selena greeted me. She also has a very cute voice that sounds like a bell.
"Nice to meet you, Selena. My name is Ian Stuart. I look forward to spend time with you from now on."
Inwardly, I was agitated by Selena's cuteness, but thanks to the results of my daily training on how to behave like a member of the royal family, and the fact that I don't show any emotion on my face, I was able to return the greeting without any problems.
I was even more nervous because her hand was small and soft when I took it, but I managed to get over it.
In this way, I was incredibly lucky and became engaged to a very type and cute girl.
Also, she has a gentle kindness and is a hard worker. After seeing Selena in many different ways, I was not only attracted to her appearance, but also to her inner self.
Selena had a perfect sense of distance, watching over me from a distance when I wanted to be alone, and quietly staying by my side when times were tough. I don't know how many times she saved me. Before I knew it, Selena Berg had become my most important woman.
However, as I got older, I started to find myself unable to stand Selena's loveliness. When I saw her cute smile, I felt the urge to lock her in my arms.
Even though we are not married, such a thing is unacceptable. In order to suppress the urge to get stronger, I distanced myself a little from Selena.
As a result, I misleads Selena and she ends up getting involved in a dangerous incident. I regretted it deeply and told Selena my thoughts.
Eventually, the misunderstanding was resolved, and we are spending our days together again.
"Selena, what's wrong ?"
Selena looked somewhat dazed. When I said that out of concern,
"I'm sorry. I was remembering something from a long time ago and got distracted," was her answer.
"From a long time ago ?"
"Yes. It was when I met you, Prince Ian. You have been wonderful ever since then."
Selena said that with a slight blush on her cheeks, and she was so adorable that I was speechless.
However, I learned the importance of clearly conveying my feelings through the recent incident, so I managed to open my mouth.
"... Selena has always been adorable since then."
Selena's face turned bright red at my words, and it was so cute that I clenched my fists to hold back.
Ian !!! You're barely better than Geordo ! What's the problem with the Stuart family ?! It's clearly obsession you know !!? You hentai ! Sigh... I guess I can say it's...cute ? In a way.
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