#They'll say something like “They're such a good couple I hope nothing bad happens to them!”
acrylicthegod · 5 months
My friend is already finishing up season 1 of Good Omens :D
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semisolidmind · 10 months
How does the Modern Reincarnation AU work in the Twice as Bad AU? Especially with MK and everything? I know it would probably be completely unlikely that Peaches would get the opportunity to die with her two monkey hubbies always around her, but what if her dying happened on the journey? Like her death was something that happened while the monkey demons were restrained and couldn't do anything about it, causing them to wait the couple hundred years until she pops up again?
(Also, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your creativity and art! You're awesome. Hope you have a great day! 💙)
oh man oh boy (also thank you skye, you're making my day :))
(so both monkeys have wrist and ankle cuffs in this au, and the cuffs work like a less harmful version of the circlets. anytime reader says a certain command, they throw the demon wearing them to the ground. i imagine that the moment reader dies, the cuffs fall off.)
it's utterly silent when they hit the ground.
the boys are distraught. they're inconsolable. theyre angry. whatever demon caused reader's death will be torn apart peice by peice, tortured until death. and then...
...nothing. the monkey demons shut down beyond an occasional terse word. they're still technically bound to the journey by the circlets and the bodhisattva's command, and so they continue on. they only speak to their companions when necessary. macaque spends most of his time in the shadows, and wukong walks behind the group. they take out their sadness and rage on the myriad demons that get in their way. the journey concludes with wukong and macaque denying their enlightenment and going home to flower fruit mountain.
their conquests become especially brutal for the next couple hundred years.
centuries later, mk comes into the world. wukong finds him wandering the mountain, and adopts him as his own. macaque is an uncle figure to the boy, helping in his training and teaching a different worldview. mk grows up knowing very little about humans beyond what his monkey family tells him. regardless, he's curious and wants to know more.
the two elder monkey demons are jaded, and their resentment for the celestial realm and humanity has only grown. though, they'll both slip into wistfulnesss occasionally, telling mk about reader and what she was like. he heard plenty of stories about her growing up, and he always finds himself wishing he could have met her. it's the only time mk will hear his caretakers speak positively about a human.
when mk asks to go into the city, wukong refuses. he doesn't want his son around any mortals, and were it not for his "infinite mercy," that wretched city would be dust by now. it's only when macaque agrees to go with mk that wukong relents. macaque, who's somewhat more knowledgeable about modern humans than his brother, tells mk what he knows about how the mortal world works. mk doesn't get the chance to make his friends until later in this au, when he's allowed to make short solo excursions into the city to buy groceries.
he's taking too long on a run when it happens.
mk has encountered mei, and thinking the dragon heir was trying to start a fight (given the monkey demons' history with dragons), mk battles her. while the two have their brawl that eventually ends in tentative friendship, macaque waits at a rendezvous point.
when mk doesn't show after twenty minutes, macaque lets out a long-suffering sigh and sets out across the roof tops and alleyways to search for him. the kid, for all his strengths, has never been good at time management. after a while, macaque is able to track him to a little noodle shop in the downtown area.
the dark-furred simian watches from a nearby rooftop as mk and...a disguised dragon? girl? go inside the shop. macaque melds into the shadows, following them in through the half-shuttered doorway. the shop isn't anything to write home about; simple decor, simple noodles, a suspiciously familiar pig demon manning the kitchen, a woman managing the register—
macaque stops cold.
it only takes a second for macaque to get a read on the woman's soul. and upon closer inspection, she looks familiar too.
heartbreakingly familiar. same hair, same eyes... same smile, aimed at mk as she welcomes him. this woman—she's their reader, reincarnated. she has to be. mk makes a joke, something about monkeying around, and the girl laughs; the same joyful sound he remembers from all those centuries ago. it's the same. she's the same.
a shadowy tear makes its way down his incorporeal face. she's here. alive.
he has to tell wukong.
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absolutebl · 8 months
So apparently GMMTV will be announcing their 2024 line up in October!
Which actors do you think will be paired together this time? I feel like Mix and Pond have hinted they will be studying more so maybe not their pairings…. GeminiFourth said they will have a series so definitely them…
I would love to see ThorFluke plus Pawin with anyone and Drake with anyone!
What are your predictions?
Ooooo, GMMTV 2024 Pure Speculation
(remember if it's not data driven I'm historically pretty bad at this, but sure, let's shoot the shizz)
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Most Likely
EarthMix - they're reading v burned out (in addition to Mix + school) but they are currently GMMTV's cash cow so I can't imagine GMMTV won't try to put them in something, no matter what Mix said... but it's possible they'll be let rest for most of 2024.
First & Khao - naturally, if GMMTV can find a script the boys like, these two are likely their the biggest pair earners (if EarthMix really are out).
GeminiFourth - of course, the new princes
ForceBook - honestly they are steady, reliable workhorses who visually suit many BL scripts, they seem easy to work with, fun, and game. Not the most charismatic pair and I'm shaky on their range and versatility, but GMMTV clearly doesn't feel that way. I think it's pretty likely they will get something... I just hope it is something interesting. Are they bankable enough for a historical? That's the real question.
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Not Sure
JoongDunk - I really don't know, I think they are slightly more likely than not but they keep getting lackluster scripts. GMMTV is more likely to blame the pair than the show. And it is possible they are just a lackluster pair... too.
JimmySea - what happen to (or will happen with) Last Twilight?
I'd like to see Jimmy paired with someone else. He's too charismatic for Sea. To really break us they should pair him with Gun and just burn down the world. GMMTV would never do this, tho.
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Least Likely
It's unlikely PondPhuwin will lead out a show. Pond def said something about going back to school. (Which is code for a long break, if nothing else). They're good but less $ than EarthMix so I think GMMTV will back off from them.
OffGun - I'm not saying it won't happen anymore, but...
TayNew - see above
Bright with... anyone but Win.
A queer can dream, tho.
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Some noodling
I do think First & Khao were successful enough, and Only Friends will be enough of a sensation, for GMMTV to consider more First Khao style stuff. AKA instead of just dropping a whole pair, GMMTV will try rearranging pairs. Especially for couples that had previously been mostly just sides.
So we can expect Neo, Mark, Marc, Puwin, Aou, possibly even the twins or the Flukes show up paired "experimentally" with different other actors. Some that may genuinely surprise us.
That said, I'd like some more role swapping too.
For example, with Pond away, and him getting older and being SO established in the genre, I would love to see Phuwin play a seme roll. Not sure he has the personality for it in terms of how he's bonded with some of the newer GMMTV talent since I don't watch any of the variety/BTS anymore, but he has the screen presence.
Remember originally Neo & Phuwin had a pairing... I wonder if that would ever happen again.
I would love love LOVE to see Tay paired with someone else. I thought he was a revelation in 3 Will Be Free showing range I'd no idea he had and he's such a big puppy and friendly with everyone. I bet he could get many partners to trust and relax.
Similarly New needs to play a seme. I think he once said he'd rather not do BL with anyone but Tay, but I still think he'd be fun to see.
So New is less likely, but I think we can safely assume Tay would be game. With TayNew it's whether their shipper/stalker fans would "allow" this.
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What GMMTV Wants/Needs
I said in the past they needed to onboard new talent and they went for free agents (Joong, Perth). I thought they'd go for whole pairs, and I still think they'd be wise to consider this.
Given they're likely shifting focus on expansion into darker, higher heat, and more gritty arenas (which I think they need to do given the paucity of scripts within their preferred BL style, the tenor of the market, and the aging of their existing stable) what they want is Zee++. Now they can't wrestle him/his pair free of Dormundi, so...
For solos they are looking for:
actors who have lost their pair, have range into dark territory, will do high heat, and can play harsher seme roles (tall a bonus.)
If they're smart they make a play for Bible, but I wouldn't rule out Lee Long Shi. Both actors have a style that fills a niche in the GMMTV stable and are pro enough to work well in a new pair that GMMTV sets for them.
You KNOW they want Bible. How could they not? Can you imagine?
If they go after a pair?
If they're smart as I think they are? They want NetJames. And they might be able to get them, depending on contracts. NetJames has been awful quiet recently, they either are actually finally filming Love Upon a Time or that's fallen through and they're in contract negotiations. YinWar and JaFirst are also tempting prospects, I would imagine. Especially Ja.
It's this "new pair to GMMTV" announcement I'm most interested in, come October.
I think I'm leaving a key high heat pair on the table, but GMMTV also has a specific appearance and acting style they tend to cast for, and not all of the current indy heat pairs have that. Plus their are high value pairs that clearly do not want to sign with or work with GMMTV (OhmFluke for example) so that's a factor.
Finally, you KNOW they want to recreate the magic of GeminiFourth with young talent so I would bet they are actively recruiting high school grade pink milk via auditions, so we can expect one set of totally fresh faces.
Also tumblr ate half this post so I might have missed a few pairs worth discussing, because I had them but it deleted them. Don't blame me, blame tumblr, and leave a comment.
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FYI my predictions for 2023 were as follows:
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2023 Predictions (and how I did)
(these are the ones I made last year before their announcements)
EarthMix (yes, 2x)
something with Joong but not paired with Dunk (nope, they tried the same thing again)
dito Jimmy (not sure what's going on there)
what the hell: Lee does a BL (still no, last man standing)
probably a new attempt at ForceBook (yep)
2 set in high school and fewer set in uni (yep/nope)
at least 1 set in an office of some kind and at least 2 set in the countryside (yep/sorta but mostly nope)
one experimental paranormal/alt reality/time slip (yep)
something Friend Zone messy featuring several LBGTQ+ characters and couples and higher heat (yep)
an attempt to resurrect big guns like TayNew (yep - if cherry magic happens) or even BrightWin (nope, they went for OffGun instead, who I had thought were out)
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So here's my...
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2024 Predictions
First & Khao lead out something non-school and complex (GMMTV BL grows up)
ForceBook & GeminiFourth get new shows
Phuwin paired with someone else
GMMTV starts experimenting more with busting up and rearranging pairs
What the hell, Tay does a BL with not New.
We see Joong and Perth star in something GMMTV but not BL
GMMTV pulls in at least one established outside talent who plays harsh seme roles and has a more aggressive tone
GMMTV recruits/onboards an established pair who can and is willing to do higher heat
They option something v complex: crime thriller, mystery, suspense, historical even, I wonder if they might be interested in adapting say... Trapped.
JoJo gets to helm another "off brand" show
What I want them to do?
Finally admit that they can take an established script and "make it gay" and just LEAN in. Descendants of the Sun, but gay. Business Proposal, but gay. Home Town Cha Cha Cha... but gay. Thailand has the latent pool and the screen time but they don't have the scripts/stories.
Time to look to Korea and just fill in the gap that Korea is already leaving on the table (by only doing short form BLs).
Korea has the romances. Hundreds of them. MANY of which are not gender dependent.
Can you fucking imagine if Boss & Babe had been that exact cast but GMMTV doing a gay Dali and the Cocky Prince instead? It would have been amazing.
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sageistrii · 3 days
These are some of my opinions on this whole thing after keeping up with it the past couple days
1) Tokkis like mhj just as much as armys like hybe. They love that woman and think new jeans is nothing without her but pretend they don't so they don't get called weirdos. They claim they're not picking sides and hate both parties, but if you look closely you will be able to pick out the few fans who are actually being neutral. Most Tokkis have picked a side and contrary to them tweeting "fuck mhj" they're on her side. Just like some armys are ignoring the posts implicating bang, Tokkis are ignoring the posts that makes her look like a complete weirdo while quoting the posts implicating bang. What they want is for mhj to leave with the girls because they genuinely believe that everything they got and achieved was never thanks to hybe. I honestly believe that some of them would unstan the group if this whole thing ends up with mhj leaving and new jeans staying at hybe.
2) As edgy as some of them like to act, tokkis are scared of armys and a lot of them are armys who just Stan new jeans because BTS haven't done anything for years, so they attack other hybe groups and fandom openly, but choose their words when it comes to BTS or armys And they have such a huge superiority complex, like they genuinely believe new jeans makes the best music in kpop or something. That's like saying pink pantheress makes the best music you've ever heard btw.
3) This whole thing proves just how adept hybe are with mediaplay, and it's pretty obvious that they were responsible for some of the negative media Jimin received during his debut.
4) I believe 100% that min heejin despises bts, and have always felt so even before now. This is just confirmation of something I already knew, so yes I do believe that she's egotistical enough to say "bang copied her to create BTS", as she said she was approached by hybe after she left sm and probably didn't want to have anything to do with hybe and BTS because she's always harbored resentment for them as she used to be in charge of exo, but she had to because she had no other option and saw them as a stepping stone. And she admitted herself that she spoke to a shaman about them.
5) while I do believe that she feels that way about BTS, hybe only released this to make her look bad and to get army's involved. And it's another indication of how skillfull they are at swaying public opinion.
6) I saw new jeans fans saying every fandom is dragging new jeans when that is not the truth. There'll always be a few trolls but everyone's dragging mhj and worrying about new jeans. They want a "us against the world" moment so bad. And some of them can't stop talking about how bad things could go for new jeans if they stayed with hybe because that's what they want to happen. Everyone wants their fave to leave a shitty label, but when you realize that it's not happening you should hope that the label finally does their job instead of saying nothing good's ever going to happen like you want it to be that way just to prove you're right. (Pjms are guilty of this. Instead of wishing that hybe wakes up and does something for him, they'll imply nothing's ever going to go great as long as he's there, almost like they want that to be the case so they can't continue talking about hybe all day long. Sometimes it's ok to wish for the best in certain situations, instead of acting like you're praying for the worst in order to justify your opinions)
7) fearnots are annoying as fuck , it's weird how they tried to prove to mhj disbanded GFriend because they want buddies off their back, when that would mean they will transfer their hatred from lsrfm onto njns, which is probably what some fearnots wanted anyways. But on the other hand tokkis trying to act like they defended le sserafim but now fearnots betrayed them is funny because most Tokkis openly hate and shade le sserafim all the time, because they think they're beneath new jeans while fearnots are usually calm and don't even talk about new jeans at all. Tokkis are made up of edgy stans and most of them were laughing during the whole hate train and they also try to shade their music because of the whole smart controversy. Le sserafim might genre opp but you can never call them boring and in my opinion they make way better music than new jeans, but new jeans has better vocals and an obvious identity.
With this discussion of music, none of these hybe groups make the best music in 4th gen anyways. Amongst the top 4th gen groups, Ive makes the best music hands down (if we forget their last comeback ever happened) and then you have lesser known groups like triple s and Billlie. Fifty fifty were also hit makers, (not even talking about cupid, although it is objectively a really great song)
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buckttommy · 1 year
Season 6B promo dropped and immediately reignited the most insane brainrot I've ever had so here's a couple hundred words of spec fic
Christopher hates hospitals. Always has. At this point, probably always will. Nothing good ever happens in them, at least, not to him. Somewhere on another floor, down the halls, pregnant ladies are giving birth, holding their babies in their arms, smiling down at them after all those long months of waiting. Husbands and wives and fathers and mothers and siblings are waking up, seeing their loved ones for the first time in days, weeks, months.
Hospitals are nice for them.
He wonders, sometimes, if it's hospitals that are cursed or just his family—if something bizarre and uncanny happens to them whenever they walk through the doors that makes it unlikely they'll ever come out. Christopher knows that's not logical, that curses and jinxes are all just make believe, but when he ends up on the wrong side of those doors so often, he can't help but wonder what he did to get on the universe's bad side. He's twelve for pete's sake, he hasn't even discovered weird stuff on the internet yet.
Hen sits down next to him, her knees creaking just like his dad's. She takes the empty paper cup from his hands, hot chocolate still clinging to the edges, and throws her arm around his shoulders.
"Hey kid."
"How are you holding up?"
Not great, but when is he ever great when something like this happens? Bad things happen in threes, that's what they say. First time, it was his dad kneeling down to tell him about his mom. Second time, it was Buck sitting on his bed to tell him about his dad. This time, it was Bobby pulling up in the truck in front of his school to tell him both Buck and Dad got hurt. That's three, isn't it? Three times his parents have gotten hurt. Three times he's had to prepare himself to say goodbye.
They're cursed. Definitely cursed.
He shrugs. "I'm fine."
Hen nods slowly, lips pursing like she doesn't believe him but doesn't know if she should press him about it. He hopes she doesn't. He's scared and angry, and he gets mean when he's feeling scared sometimes. He doesn't want to be mean to Hen, he just wants to sleep.
"You know they're going to be okay, right?"
Her voice is gentle, warm. It's her Mom Voice. He hears her use it on Denny sometimes and he always has to leave the room because it makes him think about his own mom. He definitely doesn't want to hear it right now, but he gets tired of adults tiptoeing around him all the time, treating him like he's a kid who doesn't know what it means to come this close to losing everything.
His voice is flat, monotone and bitter. "Dad's unconscious and Buck's in a coma."
"Yeah. I know. But their bodies just need to recuperate after what happened." Hen squeezes his hand, waits until he meets her eyes. "They're going to be okay."
Christopher shrugs, withdrawing his hand from her grip.
Hen doesn't reach for it again.
She sighs and gets up. Wanders over to where Chimney and Bobby are sitting, the three of them speaking in low tones as they shoot anxious glances at him and the doors his dad and Buck were whisked through. Someone has to come out eventually, either to tell him Dad's awake and asking for him or to tell him they're both dead, nothing they could do, with that clinically sad look on their faces that doctors always have. Nothing to do but wait and see which way the house of cards is going to fall.
Christopher takes a deep breath, draws his phone from his pocket, and pulls up Candy Crush. He hasn't played it since his dad got shot, his high score still immortalized from the last time he sat in these chairs. If nothing else, he has practice with this part — the waiting, the held-breath tension, the bite of the hospital armrests against his forearms, so he clicks on the next level, watches the candy drop onto the board, and sinks into the game, breath getting stuck in his throat every time those doors open.
He really does hate hospitals.
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
🖤 -because you still aren't well, Aunt Tenna! It's not right!
🖤 This is different! This is a whole kingdom of people-
🖤 …
🖤 You don't have to do anything anymore, Aunt Tenna. If you want to… you can just rest. It'll be okay. Even if everyone's worried about you, they'll manage. I mean, um, not seeing you at all is better than seeing you hurt, right? Haha.
🖤 But it's not the same as a normal injury! You're different from how you used to be. You could get hurt worse.
🖤 And, um, even if you're better… you still have a hard time, don't you? You're able to laugh and smile, but it's harder than it used to be. I know you're very strong! But that doesn't mean that it's not hard sometimes.
🖤 Of course you're my Aunt Tenna. It, um, makes sense that you still want to look after everyone. I just want-
🖤 Umm. It's just- it's scary when you push yourself harder than you should.
📺 …
🖤 …Yeah. Okay.
🖤 Even doing your best in the past… there were times when you couldn't even convincingly pretend to believe in anything. And, i-it… it hurt you terribly, didn't it? It hurt just to watch. You were always going to lose your purpose, but to not even be able to hide from everyone…
🖤 Um. You believe in something, now, even if it's not your purpose. And, um, it's good! You're doing a wonderful job! But your world is still full of darkness. If looking at it made you feel that way again - if I had to be useless to you again, I… well, it would be terrible.
🖤 You won't do that again, will you? You won't push yourself too far? Because I'd do anything to make sure you're okay, Aunt Tenna.
🖤 …Fine. You don't understand it by now, so I'll say it directly.
🖤 It isn't just about you. I meant it when I said you couldn't hide it from everyone. Everyone saw what happened, just up until the lights turned out. They're very frightened. Not just for you, but for themselves. I hear them talking when they don't notice I'm nearby. I would say it's something like…
🖤 "If the boss can lose her sense of purpose, what hope do any of us have?" That's what your people seem to be thinking.
🖤 The Darkners here… they're afraid the world is ending. Can you truly lie well enough to make them believe it isn't…?
📺 …
🖤 Not everyone is like you, Aunt Tenna. And not everyone has accepted their fate.
🖤 If someone understood… if they truly grasped that they've been abandoned and will disappear soon… if they had seen just enough of your broadcasts to understand what the Dark Worlds are… who's to say that they won't figure out a piece of the truth? What if they break like you did?
🖤 Wouldn't that hurt you, Aunt Tenna? You used to be okay with people being forgotten, so maybe not… but now, it seems like that would make you feel bad.
🖤 …
🖤 You're right. It would happen no matter what you did. If someone's fate is to break, it'll always happen, right? The only difference is who would feel responsible for it.
🖤 …Haha. How could I forget? In every world, every Tenna has broken and continued to rule alone. That's always been how it's meant to be. Of course you'll do it wonderfully. You never needed me at all.
🖤 …
🖤 …I should leave for now. There are things I need to do, haha.
🖤 Castle Town is my kingdom. I'm meant to be a ruler there, too. It's probably getting dusty, a-and I haven't finished the rooms for the heroes, and… I have my own show to put on, too.
🖤 But I won't be gone forever, okay? I'll still come to see you! I've learned that I can do that now, haha. I'll come back whenever I have the time, so… you don't have to worry about that.
🖤 You will. I'll always be there when you want to see me.
🖤 So make sure you're doing a good job, okay? I could always show up when you least expect me, haha!
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simnostalgia · 2 years
I'll admit I haven't done that much research into this so sorry if this is a stupid question but how would an EA controlled modding platform be different than a Sims Store or more Add-Ons? I'm sure the mods will be free to start but in a couple years? :/
It would be pretty different, but it really depends on which way they take it. Let me explain.
So on one hand, the way that it's getting introduced makes it seem optional and for The Sims 4 it's likely going to stay that way. Think of it as a soft launch. They likely know that telling us about the concept wouldn't go over well so they'll make it as painless as possible.
The truth is, it's likely a way to get us used to the concept so that when TS5 comes out and it's required many players will go "Oh we're required to use it but we've already known about this, what's the big deal"
... or at least, that's what they're hoping for. I doubt that's going to happen because not enough people are going to use the platform of their own accord for it to seem like a seamless transition and not an overreach of corporate desire to clamp down on the modding community.
The truth is I'm guessing that it'll be a lot like many online gaming stores. I'd say "think SecondLife" but maybe the more common digital store front would be something like Roblox.
You'll get things for free. Probably a lot of things will be free. However, they'll allow people to charge which will legitimize the practice. While these may seem good to many Patreon creators. I bet this will come with EA skimming some off the top.
More than that, however, the entire modding community will be at the whims of TOU of Overwolf. That means anything they don't like gets taken down. That means only "trusted" creators GET to create. Who knows what trusted means in this context.
It's pretty much a slap in the face to the entire community but it makes sense they would do this. I've been saying for a while that while they tend to use us whenever they're trying to make the game's community look good
"Our AMAZING, TALENTED creators create AMAZING creations."
They've made in clear that they don't want us doing certain things. When one of the TS2 devs went on Twitter and explained that they didn't give us certain tools to mod TS2 because they didn't want us creating "anything to rival Maxis made content" I pretty much got the answer to my suspicion that I've been holding for a while.
The modding community to them is good but only if we're doing what they want, and we rarely are, they need us to sell the game but the minute they're done they'll delete everything we've made without a second thought.
Take the TS2 exchange. I know it was shit but that's not the point. Will Wright made a whole GDC discussion about the heartfelt stories people wrote using TS1.
Specifically he loved to bring up this one real life story about a girl who used the sims to tell the real life story about her sister experiencing domestic abuse.
But the minute they didn't need that shit to sell TS1 copies? Deleted. All the AMAZING CONTENT from our AMAZING CREATORS?? Gone. Of course, since Sims games were tied to one service we kept creating elsewhere, which is a problem.
Our content is bad for them if we aren't being used to sell game copies.
This way, when The Sims 5 is all said and done. They can delete the exchange (or whatever it will be called) and make us move to the next thing. And in the meantime, they can make sure we don't make anything that isn't "good for the brand." It also helps that they'll use the official modding platform to likely try and make pirates pay. No registration? Sorry, no mods for you.
People can call me cynical, but we've already seen this happen on smaller scales since the earliest games. This is just a way to make sure that we make enough AMAZING content to sell their game. But just nothing TOO amazing and they don't want us to have control over the content we make.
If this goes down how I suspect it will, it's going to be pretty much one of the most evil things they've done. Hopefully I'm wrong but I'm not holding my breath.
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rustonyourfingers · 2 years
About S5 (time jump and what needs to be addressed)
Sooo, since I watched vol. 2 I feel so conflicted, I'm not even sure what to think. The amount of questions and unresolved threads that we got in the finale is actually terrifying, especially considering they plan a time jump between seasons 4 and 5.
Now, it was probably said a lot of times, but if the rumors that the action of s5 will take place in autumn 1988 are true, then we need to get at least some episodes still taking place in 1986. WE NEED TO.
I can understand that they want the cast to resemble the ages of the characters more, but it should never happen at the cost of the plot and the characters themselves. With the way they left things in s4, it is impossible for them to start s5 from the time jump and not completely mess up the characters.
Mike and El's relationship needs to be addressed. We got that half assed love confession (that we never got to see El's reaction to) and we were told by Mike himself that El and he don't really talk. Everything points to M!leven break up and El's independence arc, but it's all contextual. They need to address that on screen, before they jump two years. Especially if they plan for Mike and El to still be a couple/develop their relationship anew (which I hope is not the case).
Same goes for Byler. Stuff that Mike did and said this season needs to be addressed on screen, before we skip to "two years later". They can't not address the "I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods", no matter if Mike's speech was genuine or something he said that he thought El needed to hear, bc it was still an awful thing to say. We got to know that Will already feels like a mistake, they can't leave him with those words from Mike of all people without truly clearing the air between them. This love triangle is already messy enough. Will needs some answers, El needs some answers, Mike needs to at least start facing the reality of what he feels and actually apologize and do better. If they decide to drag it during the time skip, it will be just unnecessarily cruel (especially to El and Will) and will make it incredibly hard to preserve any sort of healthy relationships between the three of them.
And Jonathan and Nancy. They need to address their lies and how they grow apart more and more. They need to start communicating once again or take a break. Two years is too long to make them still be a believable couple, without addressing that first. If it was a shorter time skip then maybe, maybe, I could understand that. But two years? No. Not possible. They would either break up or fix their issues.
This is why I absolutely hate the articles that say how much the time skip makes sense, because they could tie the loose ends during that time. NO. This is literally the definition of bad writing. Nothing as major should ever happen behind the scenes, it is the absolute worst decision any writer can make. If they're so set on making a time jump that big, I hope they'll at least give the characters time to solve their problems/come to some sort of understanding, before the time jump happens. Otherwise we'll end up with half of the main cast making important decisions off screen and feeling completely off due to that.
Just, I swear to God, if these three couples are not addressed right after s4 ends, I will riot, I will scream, I will personally go and find the Duffers and give them such a bad time they'll regret ever being born.
I've never been active in a fandom before, but this show ruined me and not necessarily in a good way.
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xerxeswitch · 9 months
Watch out for these signs of Scammer Readers and Psychics!
Please take what I say with a grain of salt as usual. -- Finding a good reader is hard at times. You don't know if they're legitimate, if they're really "woo-woo" in an off way, or egotistical committing to spiritual bypassing. I also fell into these traps of bad readers before when I started to get back into my spiritual, witchcraft life again. I tested many readers too on what is consistent and what is not on information, etc. I was very, very skeptical and un-trusting of my own intuition at a time. I am getting better but I still have those moments myself. My intended goal in this is to assist baby witches or just curious beginners to what to look out for. While it can be just harmless with some gullible-ness on the side, there are underside aspects of enabling toxic behaviors depending on the situation. Or worse, profiting off of bad mental health. And here are the lists of the classics: .... 1. The Love-Bombers This is a more sinister predator than you think, and it's by far one of the most common ones you'll find. This is how they get more usuals/clients to come back. They don't see you as this "queen who slays" as they said. Chances are, these people only see you as their personal, consistent piggybank. They KNOW most of their clients want to only hear positive affirmations at times. I once witnessed a time a woman sitting down with a reader, and the woman was talking about how she kept losing friends to the point she has no support at all. The reader perked up and said, "It's not your fault. It's never your fault. It's always their fault and you are just ascending to new heights! You are a goddess! You are a queen! Just slaayyyyy!" --- While that can be true, it's not always the case. I've seen plenty of energy and situations where all parties were toxic and it was gas fire waiting to happen, or the person was actually the toxic one who caused their friends to drift away and advance without the person. In this case, I saw the reader was just giving her things that she wants to hear regardless if she really knew it or read the cards at all. (I looked at the cards myself and saw that it was hinting the client being the emotionally deceptive one...and to be honest, the person's energy smelled like smoke and gunk) They just want you to associate this reader with happiness and trust, and to have you keep coming back, and they foster dependency only on them. They will never fault you or tell you what shadows you need to work on, or what you can do better. They will tell you really fluffy crap that your spirit team members just love you just because you're you despite any negativity. They'll even sometimes deny you have anything to work on and you are just...perfect the way you are. They'll only tell you what you want to hear! - 2. Prophecy Bombers
This is close to the Love Bomber but it's just as bad. Same concept, they tell you fantastical things you want to hear and hope you come back again, and to spread their reputation to obtain more clients. While there are extraordinary or distinctive individuals out there, and I've seen them in my own experiences for readings -- it's a big red flag if a reader just tells you nothing but "you're better than everyone else" types of stories. "You are the direct descendent of a goddess and you are here to govern the people!" or "You're a dragon master high priestess somewhere in your lifetime! You control the dragons and you can go to the 5th dimension more than most people on this planet!"
I know personally a couple of people who really think they're gods themselves, or who think they're special over others because of what this one "really good" reader has announced. They say these things as they needlessly suffer through their lives thinking something is going to just drop in on them like a protagonist in a grand story. But that's their goal. Make you, the client, feel special and happy and you'll keep coming back for more affirmations and what makes you supposedly special...not you as the person in general...which I find disgusting. Chances are, they will tell similar tales to others in line and get more bank. Even worse, the client can be suffering from some sort of mental health pertaining some hyper-fixations that needs to be laser-pointed. It's disgusting to use They don't need a psychic reader at that point, they need a really good therapist. - 3. The Fear-Mongerer
These scammers will sit down with you and say that you have terrible karmic ties with a parasitic thing that has been causing you bad luck, terrible illness, mental deteriorations, etc. It'll take a lot of energy and a lot of healing to fix you....So, you surely MUST make multiple appointments with them! (which draw more money from your bank with each one) They're the only ones who can fix you! So do it! The money is worth it! (Sarcasm if you haven't caught it. Laugh dammit.) Listen, if you REALLY have such a thing on you, go to your almighty entity of worship to help you. Or, you can research to find ways to do a very effective deep cleansing that feels right for you intuitively. If you are really unsure, make sure you do a lot of research on what healer practitioner can help you...but I'm moreso with repeated cleansing and shadow work personally. But yes, topic wise, they may be the opposite of the Love Bomber, but the technique is still the same. - 4. The Classic Fortune Teller
"You'll see your twinflame in the next 8 months in this particular looking town." "Your boss will be an Asian woman with blonde streaks. Turn down every single job interview and opportunity until you meet this person." "You'll be the happiest you've ever been next spring!"
Straightforward. While there are rare psychics who are this good, it's important to know what is realistic while also adding the factors of free will, different times and layers a person is going through changes that'll altar the future, and there's so many outcomes... Listen, if the job is good and if you got a good intuitively feeling about your boss, I'd take it. Don't abandon practicality and pragmatisms and just hopefully wait for an Asian woman with blonde streaks to magically pop up on your feed offering you your dream job...while you are broke with little food on the table. I don't see these "psychics" anymore to be honest...and it's for a reason. It rarely works and people are finding out about this outrageous scam. -
5. The Fisher
These "psychics" will just ask you many many questions. Those questions including YOUR personal information. They ask you for your birthday, your FULL name (so they don't totally look you up and use that if they're online readers) your mother's maiden name, your sexual preferences... A real psychic would usually be on a roll with some personal information to begin with by reading you...right? Chances are, if you do have to give a lot of information to a reader, then they are probably fake. Watch your body language too in response to what they say -- don't give away too much because they'll also read into that as information to keep hankering on than psychic-ness. -- Signs to look out for if you are choosing or experiencing a fake/scammer reader: -If they have a god complex, AVOID! -If they're way too over the top trying to come off as extremely mystical and "love and light." -They never admit they make mistakes. -They ask too many questions involving your personal information. -Vague information. -Over the top profiles trying to sell too hard that they're a psychic, or poorly written profile. (For example, their avatar shows them posing exaggeratedly wearing a witch hat, glitter animation all over it, badly cropped photo-shopped faerie on their shoulder, and tons of filters filters filters!) -Gives you a bleak, pessimistic future reading, or an extremely positive one so you can keep coming back for more advice. -Playing off your insecurities. -Glorifying your crippling mental health and using it as a "holier than thou" information, instead of giving helpful, appropriate advice. -Feeding the inflated ego -Damning your ancestors and claiming you must pay a fee so they can help you remove the so-called curse. (Now, this can be iffy on what is true or not, but please use critical thinking) -Asking you to keep the reading a secret along with certain information they gave you, because chances are, they said similar things to others. -If they just give you a nervous, bad feeling -- pay attention to that! Trust your gut. Most likely, it's telling you something.
-- I really hope this helps. I'll be editing this here and there if I learn anything else.
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griefpersevering · 1 year
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the ripples they cause
Read on AO3 🕷 Playlist 🕷 Buy me a cup of tea ☕
Chapter Nineteen: You Know Where to Find Me
Hii everyone!! I hope you're having a lovely tuesday <33 This chapter includes the brilliant Jen from She-Hulk! There's very minor spoilers for the series if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet (you absolutely should, it's so good!) but I mostly wanted to say that we're sticking to all the canon of the show, except for her and Matt being a couple. They're cute, but unfortunately for canon, Matt and Foggy are cuter :D
Sneak peek:
Peter has only been sitting in a cell for twenty-two hours and he already regrets his decision.
He's made the right choice — he would sacrifice himself a thousand times to save his friends — but he didn't realise how boring prison would be. All the movies make it look dangerous and exciting, but when you're the only superhero in a block of cells designed for enhanced people, there isn't anyone to chat to.
If there wasn't a power dampening collar around his neck, he would literally be climbing the walls by now.
Peter will be the first to admit that he's never been the best at sitting with his thoughts for extended periods of time. But after explaining the plot and production history of all twelve Star Wars films to a brick wall, he's losing his mind.
When the metal door at the end of the corridor screeches open and Matt steps through, relief courses through him.
"Mr. Murdock!" he exclaims, walking up to the reinforced glass at the front of his cell. "I'm so happy you're here. I'm so bored."
Matt chuckles, but his expression quickly turns serious. "Are you alright?"
Peter sits down on the edge of his metal bunk. "I'm fine. They took the suit, but only a handful of people know my identity. The food's kinda gross."
"They've announced a trial date for you," Matt says, dragging a plastic chair over and taking a seat. "Monday."
Time has lost all meaning for him, but... "That's less than a week away!"
Matt folds up his cane. "I know. I imagine it's not the only thing they'll rig against you, but Foggy and Karen and I are doing everything we can to help."
"I know," Peter says. Foggy must be somewhere important if he isn't here with Matt, because the two are attached at the hip.
"Your friends are helping as well," Matt adds. "MJ has set up a campaign, and she has someone else your age financing the whole thing. He even offered to pay us."
"Ned?" Peter guesses. He has no idea how much a lawyer costs, but he's pretty sure Ned doesn't have that kind of money. The only thing he saves for is buying new LEGO sets.
"I believe his name was something ridiculous, like Flash," Matt says.
Peter groans. Of course Flash is inserting himself in this whole catastrophe. After finding out that his hero and the nerd he bullied were one and the same, he'd been insufferable. How on Earth he'd published his book so quickly is beyond him.
"I don't have much time," Matt says. "I need you to tell me every detail of what happened with Mysterio, if that's okay."
"I've been thinking about it, but I can't figure out the hole in his plan," Peter says. "The guy was clever. Even though he lost, he still managed to get his revenge."
"We're smarter. All we need is one piece of evidence, and the entire case starts to unravel." Matt rifles through his bag, pulling out a sheaf of papers covered in braille and a small recording device. "Remember, this is confidential. You need to tell me everything, even if it paints you in a bad light."
Matt insists on talking him through the entire school trip twice, including all the embarrassing moments. Peter lies a few times to omit MJ and Ned from the story, but tells Matt every other detail that he can remember.
"One more time," Matt says, pressing the button on his recording device again.
"Do we have to?" Peter groans. "There's nothing new to say." And he'd rather not keep relieving one of the worst few weeks of his life.
Matt lowers his voice. "Peter, I can tell when you're lying."
"So either tell me what really happened, or we can sit here in silence until someone throws me out."
Peter swallows. He trusts Matt, and he understands why he's frustrated that he isn't telling him the whole truth. But how does he begin to explain what really happened? 'Oh, sorry for lying to you, but you see, Mysterio revealed my identity and then I nearly broke the multiverse. By the way, we've met before.'
Matt folds his arms and Peter sighs.
Continue reading on AO3!
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nevalizona · 2 years
5, 8, 14 & 18 for Marshall, sorry these are kinda a lot, hope these won't be too hard for him lol
Finally!!!! Sorry these took SO long to write lol. I just love Marshall so much. I wanted to put a lot of thought into them!!!! Hope they're good. Don't know if I answered the questions right but I had a lot of fun doing it lol.
5). Guilty Pleasures:
-Alcohol. He's terrible about it. He drinks throughout the day, but he has no plans on stopping. As you can see in his office he has bottles everywhere from crates to beer, along with several bottles of whiskey strung about.
-He's a big fan of p*rn mags. Loves them. Tells people he reads them for the "articles". But just enjoys looking at naked women. If you were to snoop around his stuff you could probably find a couple stashed away .-.
-Long car rides. I know this stands out from the rest BUT Marshall drives *incredibly* slow. It's calming to him. So when he's having a bad day he likes to climb into his car and drive as far as he can. He doesn't worry about going quick. He takes his time, rolls the windows down and turns his radio up, just enjoying the feeling of being free.
8). Bad Memories/Experiences:
-He was a shitty older brother at times. His sister that's only 2 years younger than him had to pull all of her weight and all of his. His mother let him get away with *everything*. She let him sit and do nothing as his sister cleaned and cooked. They got into a pretty big argument about this when Marshall was about 18 and she was about 16. Sometimes he remembers this argument and feels like pure shit. Usually if he's sitting around thinking about it, he'll give her a call, just to check in on her. He will never forgive himself for making her cry like that.
-He and a girlfriend had a massive breakup. They just weren't compatible so he broke it off, which he hated having to do, and she took it really hard. She assumed that meant that he never loved her which couldn't have been further from the truth. It's just that having a family is incredibly important to Marshall and she didn't want that. Her career was far more important to her. It took him a long time to bounce back from that breakup.
14). Forces of Habit:
-Marshall has a tendency to say the most out of pocket things. Mostly just because he likes getting a reaction out of people. He flirts with women in kind of icky ways lol. He just says whatever comes to mind. He just assumes that if people can't handle him being a little odd than they probably won't like him when he's not.
-Marshall sometimes is bad about judging people's emotions. If he thinks something isn't that important, he doesn't get how someone can be so worked up about it. He's experienced some pretty awful things due to work and forgets that not everyone is used to that crazy of shit.
-He cracks his knuckles like a lot. Loud and annoying. He does it without even realizing he is. If you're working at the office with him you'll just randomly hear the snap of him cracking his knuckles. Don't know how he does it so much.
18). Things They'll Never Admit:
-He'll never fully admit how much the company fucked him up. That's something he'll take to the grave. Maybe it's also because he can't fully wrap his head around everything that happened while there, he's just glad to be away from it.
-He was afraid he'd end up alone for a big chunk of his life. He was even more upset at himself because sometimes he didn't mind the idea of being alone. It's easier to deal with his feelings when no one else is there to be affected by it. Now though he wishes more than ever that he had someone to go home to.
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11: What do you like best about this fic? (Royal ranger)
Okay the only way I'm gonna be able to answer this coherently is if I focus on one particular scene (because no joke TRR is such a delight to write I could talk about this all day dissecting it and having people come to me with their impressions of it). So I'm gonna focus on the scene I had the most fun writing: the end of Chapter 8, Crowley and Halt Come to an Understanding.
So for the first couple of chapters, Crowley and Halt aren't exactly seeing eye to eye (heh). At first, Crowley is a bit suspicious of Halt, because he notices Halt not making eye contact with him, and because of a couple of things Halt said that came off rudely, so at first he avoids him. When Crowley learns the truth about Halt and puts his behaviour into context, realising there was nothing malicious in it, he feels bad, but isn't sure how to remedy the situation. After avoiding Halt a bit more, Crowley hopes they can get on with things without actually acknowledging that there was any awkwardness between them, at least on Crowley's end.
So chapter 8 happens, and at first it looks like they'll be able to get on well. Halt gives Crowley some book recommendations, things are going well...and then it comes out, purely by accident, that Crowley was doing research into people who are fae-kissed (which is how autism is referred to in the fic), and Halt puts together that Crowley had heard about his condition. As far as Halt's concerned, this is not a good thing. Almost everyone else treats him negatively for it, after all. So he's angry.
And Crowley apologises for treating him badly. That was something I knew I wanted from the start. I really wanted a scene where someone judges Halt too harshly and apologises for it. I also wanted to make clear that the bare minimum isn't enough - when Crowley tries to start off saying he doesn't think badly of Halt for being autistic, Halt isn't exactly impressed with this and cuts back at him for it. Crowley apologises for that too and owns up to judging Halt too harshly and that's when they can move on and be friends.
There are a LOT of autistic-coded characters in fiction, you can't pick up any book series or look at any TV show without finding one. Halt is seriously some of the most blatant autistic-coding I've ever encountered, he's even got traits like disliking noise and emoting in unusual ways. But in almost all of these media, when the autistic-coded character does something socially unacceptable, then depending on the severity of it they're either made the butt of the joke or cast as the bad guy in the situation and have to apologise. But it was hardly Halt's fault that Crowley misread him early on, so it was really important for me to get in a scene of Halt standing up for himself and Crowley taking the blame for the problems there were between them. So yeah, that's my favourite scene in the entire fic, I loved writing it and I loved building up to it, and I've had so much fun writing Halt and Crowley interacting since then ❤
Link to the ask game if you want to play!
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine Alice coming back to you after being away for a long time
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As soon as you are home, you don't notice the shadow standing in your living room as you put your groceries on the table. You still have your earphones on and Alice doesn't want to disturb you. Finally, you look up and freeze on the spot as you see the woman of your dreams, standing there, as beautiful and surreal as you remembered her. You stand there for a few seconds, wondering if you are dreaming ? However, when you see her smile at you and open her arms wide, you don't waste any time before running towards her to embrace her.
" You're here ?! You're really here ?!"
You don't let her answer before kissing her passionately. Oh..How you've missed her tender lips and lovely golden eyes..She reciprocates before taking a step back to look at you with a small smile.
" Yes. I'm here. And I'm never living your side again."
You gently cup her face and she smiles tenderly at you.
" I missed you, my flower.."
You smile happily and nod before guiding her towards the couch so she can tell you everything that happened to her during her absence. You never met the Cullens, but you knew Bella and she usually came to you for advice, as she was the only one who knew about your relationship..
" So, did Edward succeed in staying away from Bella ? I saw her at school today, she looked so sick. She was in an even worse state than me. Are you going to stay ?"
Alice smiles through your questions without interrupting you and leans towards you, as if she is going to tell you a secret.
" Edward was in a very bad state too..He still thinks he can control love. But, he doesn't have the gift to see what is ahead, and I know that it is inevitable. We don't control who we fall in love with. We can just accept it. Those last few months have been a torture for me, and I'm so happy to be back.."
However, you nervously twitch your fingers together and she senses your uneasiness. She sneaks her arms around your neck and whispers.
" What is it ?"
You sigh, of course she would notice..
" I..I know you said it wasn't the time but..I still want to you to give me the bite, and meet your family. We could spend more time together, and I wouldn't be forced to stay hidden."
She frowns and takes a few steps away from you before looking at you with seriousness.
" We already talked about this. It is not time yet.."
You run your hand through your hair frustratingly and ask impatiently.
" Then when ?! I'm tired of waiting, Alice. It's great when you visit and all, but..I want to meet your family and follow you wherever you go. I love you."
Her eyes soften at your last words and she takes your hands in hers gently.
" I love you too. But..it's too soon. You know that Edward and Bella are already a big deal. Do you imagine the shock for my family if they knew that not one, but two Cullens are in love with a human ?"
You know that of course..but it doesn't mean the pain in your chest leaves whenever Alice is away. You take her in your arms and she snuggles against you like a cat.
" If only I wasn't so afraid of what the Volturis would do to us if they knew..I'm not afraid of dying, not really. But, I'm afraid they'll take the person that I care about the most away from me.."
She tenderly strokes your chin and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips before leaning back down.
" There is nothing I cherish more on this earth than you."
You close your eyes and gently run your fingers through her hair, something you came to get used to as it always seem to calm you both. She suddenly stands up and looks at you with a bright smile.
" But, we could go shopping together ?!"
You groan and bury your face in your pillow. You knew she would ask..Goodbye hoodies and normal pants..
" Noooo..You always end up buying me things that I never wear.."
She giggles excitedly before taking you by the arm to make you stand up as well.
" Oh, come on ! The cowboy-hat was cute !"
You roll your eyes playfully before answering her sarcastically.
" Yeah..I especially liked the part with the two very glittery sparkly antennas.."
Alice can't help but laugh at the memory, your shoulders had been covered for a long week afterwards. She still had the hat actually. However, she stares at you with big puppy eyes and you can't help but agree.
" You're a little demon..You know that ?"
She only smiles mischievously before winking at you and dragging you to the car waiting outside.
"~I know."
She replies in a sing-song voice before you both enter the car.
When arrived, you can't hold Alice back as she drags in every single shop she wants. She squeals nearly at each article while showing it to you with stars in her eyes.
" This ! It would look so good on you !"
Don't misunderstand, Alice has incredible taste. She is a fashion queen. But, for some reason, when it concerns you, she can't help but find everything good on you. Absolutely everything..
" Get out!"
" No!"
" Why not?!"
" Because I look ridiculous!"
" Oh come on! I'm sure it's not that b..!"
You suddenly open the door and get out with the t-shirt saying "Sorry can't. My girlfriend said no". She has to stop herself from bursting out laughing while you roll your eyes dramatically.
" See ?! Ridiculous."
You repeat, but she only grabs a t-shirt and goes in a nearby dressing room to get changed as well. When she gets out, she does a superman pose with her fists on her hips and a large proud smile on her face while you read what's written on the t-shirt.
" My boyfriend is a badass.."
She smiles even wider before taking you by the hand to the cashier. This is how you end up wearing those shirts all day, walking hand in hand in the mall. However, suddenly, Alice freezes and you quickly notice that it's because a group of teenagers that are staring straight at you both with frowns on their faces. You quickly understand that they must be in Alice's class. You try to reassure her by squeezing her hand slightly, they would probably ignore you and get on their way..However, you hadn't planned on one of them to actually approach you. A pretty fair-haired girl with very pale skin. She smiles and says hi to Alice that is obviously embarrassed.
" Hi Alice. Who's this ?"
She asks before turning towards you.
" Hi Nina..This is Y/N. A friend."
Okay. That stung. But, you force yourself to swallow your pride and shake the hand of Nina. However, you quickly see the girl's eyes do the math when she notices the t-shirts and your hands, still intertwined.
" So, little Alice found herself a friend then ? How nice.."
The way she tells it makes you think that she doesn't think any of it the things she said. You glare at her, but do not let go of Alice's hand. You even take a brave step forward and look down at the woman.
" Yeah. I'm her friend. And you are ?"
She only chuckles before looking up and down at you with obvious disdain.
" Just a girl that doesn't like the two of you together. Can't you see that she's a freak ?! Come on. Hang out with us instead.."
You ark an eyebrow and almost laugh at the proposition.
" Can't you read ?"
You show the t-shirt with a small smirk.
" My g..friend said no. Now, could you just back off ?"
But the girl stays put and only crosses her arms. You then see her gang circling you and one particularly muscular teen stepping forward to put his hand on her shoulder defensively.
" Everything' alright, babe ?"
He looks at you intentively and decide to hold his gaze. You couldn't fight vampires, but you could still beat a human..or you hoped. You take Alice's hand again and she squeezes yours lightly. She couldn't fight, you knew that. This is why you had to protect her. However, after a few seconds of stare-contest, Nina only smiles, as if satisfied, and only shakes her head negatively.
" Yes, everything's fine. I'll leave you two be."
To your surprise, she smiles genuinely at Alice before saying.
" He's a good guy."
Alice quickly comes back to her usual joyful self once the girl says those words and she then drags you towards the car before you can ask what that was all about. As soon as you're in, you want to ask her if she's okay, but she only jumps in your arms and buries her face in your chest. You are surprised for a moment, but finally wrap your arms around her with a worried frown.
" Hey..Are you okay ?"
She only nods before looking up at you with her bright golden eyes sparkling and a huge excited smile.
" I had a vision..They're going to love you ! I'm ready !"
You let out a sigh of relief before tightening your hold her and letting out a small laugh at the sudden news before asking.
" So..should I wear this shirt for the meeting day ?"
She seems horrified by the proposition and shakes her head vividly.
" Oh no ! In the Cullen family, everyone is fashionably styled ! We'll just have to find you a suit or something and..!"
You kiss her sweetly to stop her from getting too fat in her thoughts and she chuckles before melting into the kiss.
"..Or we can just do that.."
You laugh and kiss her even more until you need air. Suddenly, someone's voice makes itself heard just outside the car.
" Friends, huh ?"
You both look outside and see Nina standing there with a big smile on her face and her phone in hand. Alice gets out of the car and you want to get out as well, but Alice smiles reassuringly at you, assuring you that there is no problem. You can feel the tension. However, you are taken aback when they start smiling at each other. Suddenly, Nina looks straight at you with an eyebrow raised and asks with a certain apprehension.
" So, it's him ? He's the one ?"
You don't understand until Alice nods and turns towards you with a big smile.
" Yeah. He's the one, Rosalie.."
Rosalie ? You don't understand right away, but you manage to connect the dots pretty quickly. Pale face. Golden eyes. Rosalie Cullen..This meant that..You open your eyes wide at the realization and get out to see the rest of the group she was with a couple of feet away.
" Wait..You're the Cullens ?!"
They all seem to be amused by your reaction as you awkwardly try to tame your disheveled hair and hide the t-shirt by zipping your hoodie.
" Nice to meet you all..I thought I would be a bit more prepared but, like that's fine too."
You say politely, trying to hide your embarrassment and some of the members laugh while others only smile understandingly. They each present themselves and you finish by whispering to Alice.
" You could have told me..I thought there were some bad people from your school..You didn't even have any vision, did you ?"
You ask knowingly and she only smiles widely before kiss you on the cheek.
" Nope. I just thought it was the moment..You're right, I've kept you in the dark for too long. I also wanted the reaction of my sisters and brothers before presenting you to my parents.."
You sigh loudly, understanding now why Alice had dragged you away so quickly, before looking at the group and asking with a hopeful smile.
" So, did I pass the test ?"
It's the muscular man that steps forwards and answers you with a wide smile.
" With flying colors, man. You're very cool. I especially liked the part when you stared at me dead in the eyes. I could totally snap your neck but, I admire the courage. I knew at that moment that you would protect Alice with everything you got. We needed to know that you would be willing to protect our baby sister, as human or vampire. So, you pass. It's a yes for us."
You smile when he extends his hand towards you and you chuckle while shaking your head at the mad theatrics.
" Me who thought Alice was exaggerating when she told me that you were pretty intense.."
" Well, better get used to it. Once the Cullen clan approves, you are family."
Rosalie says with a small smile and they all nod in agreement.
" Do you love her ?"
A guy who you think is named Jasper asks while eyeing you suspiciously. You look back at Alice and smile widely, knowing the answer and confidently replying.
" With all my heart."
They all smile and Alice suddenly yells with a fist raised in the air.
" Well, what are we waiting for ?! Carlisle and Esme are waiting for us."
You open your eyes wide as the whole gang seem to kidnap you in their family van.
" W..Wait! I thought I would change first !"
You scream while trying to get out of their grip, but they don't listen to you and Emmett even laughs.
" And miss Carlisle's face when he sees you ?! Ah ! Not a chance !"
Emmett says while pushing you inside. Alice tries to reassure you by giving you a quick chaste kiss on the lips.
" Don't worry..They'll love you. I know it."
Welp, looks like the Cullen family adopted you..Congrats. You passed the test. After such a long wait, it is finally time for your great adventure.
This was a request from @werewolf-himbo. Hope you like it !
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fairydxll · 3 years
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐨𝐲
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
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𝐚/𝐧 ~ sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. But I'm back now!
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After a couple of days, Rory kinda got used to her new "home." Since Tony didn't know how long it would be before they went back to California, and with Pepper gone, they decided it was best if Rory just took a break from school.
Rory did eventually grow to like her new room. She was not allowed to leave the current floor, so she basically just spent all of her time there. Tony was gone all day and didn't get home until very late at night, meaning Rory had to have food delivered. She didn't mind, though. She figured that if they end up staying, she'll be able to tell Tony what all the good restaurants are.
Tony never told her anything about why they were here with the exception of, "Daddy has business."
So in order to pass the time, Rory would read or watch movies. She even took up drawing which turned out to be something she isn't too bad at.
This morning, Tony was already gone by the time Rory got up, so she got dressed and migrated to the living area. She sat on one of the couches near the large window and began sketching the tall buildings surrounding her.
As she finished the shading on one of the skyscrapers, she peered back up to see a tall man with long, black hair dressed in what looked like a Halloween costume standing on the terrace. Rory put down her sketchbook and looked closer. He was very tall and had large, golden horns that decorated the top of his head. She had no clue as to why this man was standing outside of her window on her father's building.
Rory looked to her right and noticed her father, in the Iron Man suit, land on the landing pad. The man just stood there, watching as machines swiftly removed the armor from Tony's body.
The strange man made his way into the room from the balcony. The room she was in. Rory didn't know what to do. She was frozen, scared. Instead of running away as any sane person would, Rory remained in her chair.
The large man entered the room. He studied his surroundings, his eyes eventually landing on Rory. "Who might you be?" He asked with disdain.
Rory could do nothing but blink at him, too afraid to speak. He opened his mouth to say more, only to be interrupted by the presence of Tony. "Rory, come here," Tony said blankly.
Rory immediately dropped her things and ran to her father's side. Tony wrapped his arm around her protectively, hoping to shield her with his body.
The man watched this all happen before finally speaking, "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." He spoke as if she weren't there.
"Actually I'm planning to threaten you," Tony responded. Rory couldn't sense any different emotions other than his natural sarcastic tone.
"You should have left your armor on for that," the man bantered, walking closer to Tony and Rory.
"Yeah," Tony pushed Rory behind the bar. "It's seen a bit of mileage, and you've got the glow stick of destiny." Rory crouched down below the bar and pulled her knees into her chest. She couldn't help but let tears stain her cheeks, afraid of what was happening. "Would you like a drink?" Tony asked the man as he walked behind the bar, actively trying to ignore you in hopes you wouldn't become a target.
Rory heard the other man laugh. "Stalling me won't change anything," he said. If Rory knew what it meant, she would describe their conversation as passive-aggressive.
"No, no. threatening." Tony began making himself a drink. "No drink? You sure? I'm having one.
"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that." His words sounded like gibberish to Rory. "What have I to fear?"
Rory watched her father casually make a drink as if nothing was wrong. "The Avengers. That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team." Rory had no idea what he was going on about. ""Earth's mightiest heroes"-type thing."
"Yes, I've met them."
"Yea," Tony's smile helped calm Rory down. He had to have the situation under control, right? "It takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a headcount, here. Your brother, the demi-god," demi-god? "A super-soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend." He secretly slipped a metal-looking band on each wrist.
"A man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella," none of his words were making any sense. "You've managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan."
"Not a great plan," Tony walked past you and out from the bar. "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."
"I have an army."
"We have a hulk."
Rory finally gathered enough courage and stood up carefully. She peeked her head over the bar to watch the men while also trying to stay out of the way. Tony was approaching the man as they spoke; the man keeping his ground.
"I thought the beast had wandered off," the man said.
"You're missing the point. There's no throne," Tony's voice rose slightly. "There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."
Tony took a sip of his drink while the man took a few steps closer, a scowl spreading across his features. "How will your friends have time for me when they're so busy fighting you?"
For the first time since this scene began, Tony looked scared. The man brought his scepter-looking thing up and tapped it against Tony's chest with a clang noise. The man's face dropped for a second before he tried a second time, and then a third. "This usually works."
Tony didn't look scared anymore. "Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. One out of five--" his sentence was cut short when the man forcefully grabbed Tony's throat and threw him onto the floor. Rory squealed and then immediately covered her mouth.
The man turned his head in Rory's direction with a puzzled look. He turned away from her as soon as Tony stood up and went for his neck again. "You will all fall before me," he said.
"Deploy!" Tony called before the man threw him out the window, shattering the glass. Rory screamed with all her might. Did she just watch her Dad be murdered? What was he going to do to her?
Rory hid behind the bar once more, watching and listening closely to her surroundings. A loud sound rippled through the room causing Rory to throw her hands over her ears to block out the noise. She peeked over the bar and saw nothing but more shards of glass and broken furniture.
The man stared Rory down. "Who are you?"
Rory gulped, "who are you?"
He chuckled. "I am Loki, of Asgard. I'm surprised you have not yet heard of me." His tone was a lot softer with her than it was with her father. "What is your name, little one?"
"Rory," she nervously answered his question. "My name is Rory."
"Let me guess; Stark's child?" She didn't say anything. Rory simply nodded. "Ah I see," he gave you an almost heartwarming smile. "Come here, Rory."
Fearing she had no other choice, Rory walked over to Loki and he crouched down to meet her gaze. He smiled at her. Rory watched her father fly up behind him. She was more than thrilled to see her father alive and more tears fell from her eyes.
"And one more thing," Loki's face dropped and he spun around to face Tony. "Get away from my daughter!" Tony shot at Loki, sending him flying backward. Rory jumped out of the way, too stunned to do anything else. With Loki knocked out, Tony looked towards his daughter, "Rory go hide, now!" He flew away into the sky, and Rory wasted no time in running to her bedroom.
She slammed the door shut and locked it. She looked around her room for anything that she could put in front of the door to make it harder to reach her. Rory tried to move the couch, but it was no use. It was too heavy for a ten-year-old to manage. She tugged on her roots as she spotted her desk chair. Once it was securely tucked under the knob, Rory ran over to her window to watch what was unfolding.
Rory couldn't help herself as she began to sob. She was afraid and she was alone. There was nothing she could do to help. Tons of thousands of aliens flooded the skies and streets of New York as Rory sat up in her bedroom, watching. She was sobbing uncontrollably as she pressed her face and hands into the large window.
More loud noises were flowing from the living area into Rory's bedroom and Rory could do nothing to stop them. She hoped that the man who called himself Loki was gone and that her Dad was alright.
At this moment, Rory really felt like a child. She felt small and helpless. Lonely and afraid. There was nothing else she could do except watch. She had no clue as to what she was watching either, which was not making her feel any better.
At long last, the aliens seemed to dissipate and things seemed to calm down. It looked to Rory like the fight was over. But who won?
Rory was drawn away from her thoughts by the sound of her father's voice calling her name. She nearly sprinted out. She ran up to Tony and engulfed him in the tightest bear hug she could manage. He was still in his suit and covered in dirt, but neither seemed to mind.
"I was afraid," Rory murmured into his neck.
"I know, bubs." They pulled away from the hug and Rory got the chance to really see the other people in the room.
There was a giant-sized man with green skin, a man with a shield, a man with a bow and arrow, a man with a red cape and long hair, and what looked like Natalie, only with shorter hair. They looked odd. As if they were straight out of a movie. She noticed Loki in handcuffs. He looked angry and sad at the same time. Rory didn't really know what he did, but she knew he lost and her dad won.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tony held a silver case in one hand and Rory's in the other as he walked alongside the other Avengers waiting to send Loki away. Tony had made it very clear that from now on, Rory would not be leaving his side.
Rory let go of her Dad's hand to let him deal with the case. Thor, as he had told Rory to call him, led Loki a few feet away from everyone else. He waited for Loki to grab hold of the glass container for the Tesseract. Before she knew it, the pair had disappeared in a storm of blue.
Once everything else was settled, Tony reached for Rory's hand again and walked her over to the rest of the Avengers. "Rory there's some people I'd like you to meet," he motioned to the team. "That's Capsicle, Legolas, Jolly Green, and the Triple Imposter. This is Rory." The others shook their heads at Tony's nicknames.
"Steve," the tall, blonde man smiled and Rory shook his hand.
"Bruce," the shorter man with grey hair politely smiled and waved.
"Yea," Nat showed you a friendly smile to which you returned. "Nice to finally meet you, officially."
"And I'm Clint," the last man with spiky hair and sunglasses introduced himself.
"Hi," you said, shyly and waved at them all.
"Bubs, you go wait in the car I'll be there in a sec," said Tony.
"Okay. It was nice meeting you all!" You said as you walked to the car.
"You ready to go, kiddo?" Tony asked as he got in the car and fastened his seatbelt.
"Are we going home? Like, back to Malibu?" you asked as he started the car and pulled out.
"Yea," he smiled. "I think we deserve a break."
"What about the tower?"
"We're working on it. It'll be fixed in no time."
"Good," you sighed
"I don't mind it anymore. I don't think it would be so bad if we moved here."
"Really?" He raised his eyebrows.
Next chapter ->
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 13 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
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Next part (14) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The funfair is everything you thought it would be, and even more. The colorful lights, the music, the games, the kids running around. It's inebriating, beautiful, mesmerizing... You only wish you could forget what you saw on the road... What you saw a while ago and what James told you he saw. Four beasts so far, if you assume those were all different animals. It probably means there are more, right? Nobody was attacked yet, or else you'd know. News travel fast through Hawkins. But even so, the cops need to know, and whatever it is, it has to be controlled. But what you really need is to know what that is. You think you'll feel better once you know the species, so you can do some research and have some peace of mind.
“(Y/N)? Are you there?” Monica shakes your shoulder lightly, dragging you out of your thoughts. “You look a little pale. Are you feeling alright?”
“Yup. I was just thinking.” You all give a few steps forward when the line for the ferris wheel move.
“I know who you were thinking about,” Christopher says, his arm around Monica's shoulders. “He's coming, by the way.” He tilts his head towards something behind you, and you immediately turn on your heels, and the familiar burning on your stomach hits.
You can't help but smile to see him, walking among the sea of people, eyes fixed on you. It's ok to look now, right? You're dating, you're living together. And Billy looks so... Gorgeous. Hot. Awesome. He's wearing his black leather jacket and a dark blue shirt underneath, which is unbuttoned.
“Hey, princess.” His smile makes your legs weak as he pulls you into a kiss.
“Hey, handsome,” you mutter when you pull away, a hand on the exposed part of his chest. “Haven't you ever heard of buttons, Hargrove?”
“Yeah, but I don't think they're necessary.” He winks and you bite your lip.
“I think I agree,” you whisper before finally turning back to your friends. And, of course, they're all staring with wide eyes. Monica is the only one who knows you're dating. “So, guys... Billy and I.” You mutter, blushing lightly and moving again. You're next in line.
“I knew it!” Jason exclaims, high-fiving Monica. “I knew it, from the beginning.”
“I didn't. I mean... Billy is... Or was...” Christopher struggles with the words, gesturing at Billy and you. “Well it doesn't matter, does it? Congratulations.”
“Careful, Chris. Remember what happened to David last time.” Monica warns him, a smirk on her face.
“Next.” The old man calls and you move.
“Couples first,” Monica says, pulling you and Billy ahead of the others. The car only fits two, so you and Billy go alone.
As you move up, you look down, taking in the amazing view the ferris wheel provides. Billy has an arm around your shoulders, and you lay your head on his shoulder.
“You're quiet. What happened? You sounded very excited about the fair.” Billy asks, placing a kiss on your hair.
You don't want to tell him why you're restless, not today. “I was. I am.” You stutter a little, clearing your throat.
“Are you afraid of heights?”
“No.” You breathe out, cursing yourself for worrying him. “I'm happy, I truly am and this is... This is beautiful and being here with you just makes everything better.” Looking up, you pull him into a kiss, taking in his amazing scent, from the cologne you love so much. “I'm alright, trust me,” you reassure him when we break the kiss.
“(Y/N), you were very, very loud earlier. You literally threw water on me. You can't possibly think I wouldn't notice you acting weird.” Billy keeps his index finger on your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.
You really wish he could let it go because you don't want to ruin the night, but don't want to lie either. “I just saw something in the woods, but I'm sure it's nothing.” You try hard to keep the fear away from your voice, to keep it casual.
“Was it the same thing you saw the other time?” He asks, the expression on his face changing. It seems that you don't need to ask Billy to believe on what you saw. He does. You have no idea why or how, but it looks like he does. “The same thing James said he saw?”
“Yeah... Two of them. Running, keeping up with the car.” Your voice cracks by the end, as the image comes back to your mind. It's almost surreal that you're so scared of what's probably just some kind of animal. “It's stupid. I'm a big city girl, I'm not used to living this close to the woods.”
“It's not stupid.” He assures you, pecking your lips. “We'll check it out tomorrow, ok?”
“We should tell the police. What if it starts attacking people in the daylight?”
“It won't,” Billy states, not a single hint of doubt in his voice.
“What do you mean it won't? Do you know what it is? Is it nocturnal?” The words come out fast. If he knows what it is, why didn't he tell you on the first time? Billy looks away, taking a deep breath. “Billy?”
“I'll need you to trust me in this, (Y/N).” His voice is different, urgent, deep. Of course you trust him, how could you not?
“I do,” you say in a low voice. “You know I do. Is something going on that I don't know about?” As you speak, your time is over and you're back on the ground. Billy takes your hand and start walking away from the ferris wheel.
“I promise I'll tell you everything. But not here, and not today.” You both stop, and Billy cups your face. “For now, let's us just... Enjoy the moment. How does that sound?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod. It was the plan from the beginning, so you might as well stick to it. “Alright.”
“Come, I'll introduce you to my friends.”
Billy guides you through the fair, holding your hand. His friends are on the Northside, where parking is exclusive for the employees. But you don't think they care. You only know Tommy and Carol, the other two guys and the girl you only know from afar. When they recognize Billy, Tommy raises his hand and waves.
“You'll hate them.” Billy warns.
“Let me be the judge of that,” you whisper as you approach the guys.
“What's up, Billy,” Tommy says, smiling. “...And who's that?”
Of cours they're staring at you. Why would you even hope otherwise? You're not only the new girl, but now you're also the one who actually got Billy Hargrove. People won't just look. They'll stare. “This is (Y/N), my girlfriend,” Billy says and you wave at them. “(Y/N), these are Tommy, Carol, Ryan, Buck, and Emily.”
“Hi. It's nice to meet you, guys.” You simply say, involuntary moving closer to Billy when you notice Ryan's eyes lingering on you.
“Girlfriend? Are you kidding me?” Carol asks, giggling. “I knew you two were hanging out but dating? I must admit I didn't see that coming.”
“Why didn't you introduce her to us earlier, Billy?” Ryan mutters, taking a sip from his can. “Is she too... Pure to hang out with us?”
“Actually, yes,”
“And have you started corrupting her already?" Ryan flashes a smile, and it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can see when his eyes move through your body, up and down, his smile only widening. “Why don't you give me your number, sweetie? I can call when Billy boy here is done with you.”
“Don't you–”
“Do you happen to have Billy's number?” You ask, raising your voice and placing a hand on Billy's chest to stop him from moving. Ryan raises an eyebrow and nods, a big interrogation on his face. “Good. Then you already have my number.”
He bursts into a laugh, furrowing his eyebrows. “Nice one. You could just say no, though.”
“It's not a joke.” Smiling, you feel Billy's arms encircling your waist.
“Wait. Are you two living together or something?” Emily gestures at you and then at Billy, and you feel when he nods. “Shit, it's true then. You're pregnant.” She stands up straight, wide eyes.
“I knew it.” Tommy states.
“That again.” Rolling your eyes, you shake your head lightly. “I'm not pregnant. We're just–”
“Living together,” Billy states, his voice making it clear there will be no further explanation.
Everyone, basically at the same time, gasps, giggles, and Ryan spits out his drink. “Holy shit, Billy. Can't believe you're keeping this one. But this whole innocent act she has going on is very alluring, I must admit.”
“Want me to beat him up a little?” Billy whispers in your ear, and you can hear the anger building up. And you didn't like what Ryan said anyway.
“I did say I wouldn't stop you on the next time so be my guest,” you whisper back, shrugging your shoulders. Who are you to intervene if Billy wants to use his friend as a punching bag?
You give a step back when Billy moves, straight towards Ryan who has the decency of raising both his hands in defeat. “C'mon, Billy. You wouldn't hurt me because of one of your cows, would you? She's just–” Ryan is cut short by a hard punch on his stomach, which makes him bend over and forces the air out of his lungs.
“I would just–” Billy pulls him up again by the collar of his shirt, his fist then connecting to his jaw. “–warn you but–” A kick this time, on the ribs. “–you just can't keep your damn mouth shut, can you?” Billy pushes him violently, and Ryan stumbles down, blood all over his nose and mouth. “I believe my point is made.” He turns to look at the others and you do the same, just now noticing your eyes were fixed on the fight. If you can even call this a fight.
“No screwing with your girl,” Tommy states, exchanging a wide-eyed glance with Carol. “Got it.”
“Let's go, (Y/N).” Billy fixes his jacket and takes your hand. “Want some cotton candy?”
He is acting as if he didn't just leave a bleeding Ryan lying on the ground. “Yeah,” you mumble, raising an eyebrow at his smirk. Billy starts walking, not bothering to wave goodbye at his friends. “Just because I didn't like them it doesn't mean you can't hang out with them. I want to make this very clear.” You have to say it. In a relationship, a person shouldn't try to control who the other hangs out with.
“You're an angel, you know that? The other girls had me for one night and already wanted to control what I–” He stops talking suddenly, shaking his head slightly.
“What? You can say it, I made peace with whatever you did before.” As you speak, you start pulling him on a different direction. This parking lot is outside of the fair, so you're near the back of the attractions. A place gets your attention. It's a bit dark, but there's this blue and purple light, enough to illuminate it just a little bit.
“I know, but I shouldn't compare you to–. Where are you going?”
Not bothering to answer, you just start pulling him harder. “There.”
“I might like where this is going.”
“Jerk,” you mumble, smiling to find that whatever attraction this is, the back is shaped like an L, which gives you a perfect corner to hide. So you move to the very back of it. “Thank you again,” you say, turning around and walking backwards until your back hits the metal wall.
“For what?”
“For defending my honor. It's the second time and now I can thank you better than I did on the first time.” Of course, he already has that smirk on his face. The one you used to hate, that you used to be scared of because it made you feel... Weird. “I–”
The words get caught in your throat when Billy picks you up suddenly, both his hands grabbing your legs and placing them around his waist. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself, giggling. “For the height issue.”
“The height is not an issue,” you tell him, the blue and purple lights illuminating his face enough for you to take in his features. They're already memorized, burned in your brain, but you still like to look. “It's good to be on the same level though.”
“Mhm.” He mumbles and you close your eyes when you feel his lips brushing on yours.
You're used to the burning sensation, the sweet butterflies on your stomach as the anticipation kicks in.
On the moment his lips connect with yours, the amazing, breathtaking sensation is clouded by a groan. A... Growl. Billy pulls away immediately, letting you down. “What was that?” you ask, suddenly aware of the woods across the parking lot.
“Stay here, I–” Another snarl, low and guttural, and then you see it.
The thing comes from behind a large truck, some feet away. You're frozen at the sight. Now you can see it, clearly. And it's not an animal.
It has no fur, just blue, wet skin... And no face. You were right. James was right...
“(Y/N),” Billy calls, but you don't move. “(Y/N), c'mon.”
The thing moves slowly, and you have no idea how, but it knows you're here. It's looking straight at you and Billy, despite having no eyes. You're trying to make your body move, to send any signals to your legs, but it's useless.
Its face starts moving, all of it. You feel Billy grabbing your hand, a distant, numb feeling. Then, the animal's head opens up, and an unnatural growl emerges from its throat at the same moment you're pulled. You don't know how but your legs start working, and you're suddenly running, as fast as you can, back inside the fair. But you feel hunted, pursued. You're among the people again, but Billy keeps running, you don't know where. You can't think. Maybe you're going crazy, but you're pretty sure Billy saw it too. He wouldn't be running if he didn't, right?
“(Y/N),” Billy cups your face, and only then you notice you stopped. The sea of people move around you, but you can't really see it. “Listen. I need you to help me find Maxine. Or any of her friends. Ok?”
You simply nod, taking a deep breath and trying to get yourself back together. “Maxine,” you repeat, clenching your fists. “Or the boys. Alright. But n-no separating to look.” You burst out the last part, holding the collar of his jacket.
“No, we'll stay together. I just need you to–”
“Billy!” A low yell almost lost among the noises reaches you. You both turn your heads at the same time to find Max running, pushing people out of her way. She's with the boys, and someone older. “We gotta go. Now.” She says once she's close.
“The Demodogs are back.” Dustin cuts Billy off, his voice getting all funny again. But you don't laugh this time. You're too scared to laugh.
“(Y/N)? Are you ok?” Max asks, and you don't know what to say.
You're feeling sick. There are too many people here, and that thing is out there... What if it starts attacking? There are kids here, toddlers... You feel your body failing, and a strong arm encircles your waist.
“My place. Everyone. Now.” Billy commands as you struggle to stand up, hiding your face on his chest.
Is there any possibility you're having a nightmare?
Because these... These things don't just happen. It doesn't exist, not in real life. It belongs only to sci-fi or horror movies.
Billy has a hand on your knee as you ride shotgun in his car, not listening to whatever Max, Lucas, and Dustin are talking about on the backseat. You're waiting to wake up, you think. Trying to shake the image of that thing's head opening up like it's been sliced apart. You feel how your hands are shaking when you touch your face, trying hard no cry out of desperation.
“Hey,” Billy says in a low voice. “Remember when I told you to trust me?”
Nodding, you dry off the stubborn tears before looking at him. “We'll fix this. I promise you.”
“How? How do we–”
“We'll tell you everything,” Lucas says, cutting in. “I mean, she saw it. She has to know, right?”
“Right. But your brain may explode, so be prepared.” Max touches your shoulder, but you can't understand why they seem so... Calm about this. They're worried, but not deadly, ultimately scared. How in the hell is that possible that you're the only one here on the verge of losing your damn mind?
“Let's get inside,” Billy says when we stop by his place. “And wait for the others.”
You can barely feel your body as you walk to the house. Billy remains by your side on the couch as the boys stay in the kitchen. The low chattering is unlistenable.
“How are you feeling, princess?”
“I don't know how to answer that. I just say a very weird dog cracking its head open.” Running a hand through your hair, you close your eyes shut. “It's about that lab, isn't it? This whole thing smells like some screwed up experiment that went wrong.”
“The truth is actually a lot worse than that.” As he speaks, the door opens and you jump back to your feet, breathing out relieved when you see it's just the rest of the guys. And three more people, about your age.
Everyone gathers around in the living room and you go back to your place beside Billy. It's creepy the way they all keep staring at you, exchanging glances.
“(Y/N), these are Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan. They're part of our party when it comes to... This.” Max starts, and the three of them nod and give you a little wave. “There are also Robin, Hopper, the chief of police and Joy, Will's mom, but they won't get here in time so... Let's just do this.”
Maxine takes the deepest breath, but when you think she'll start speaking, she doesn't.
“I swear to God I'll lose my freaking mind if one of you don't start explaining to me what the hell is going on here because I just saw some–some sick, zombie, dead dog with no face and the head just opened up like one of those carnivorous plants and I'm sure something is very, very wrong and–”
“Alright, I'll do it.” Eleven speaks up, stepping forward and gesturing for Billy to stand up. She takes his place, looking down at her hands before looking at you. “Ready for the strangest story you'll ever hear?”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina
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Asmo x chubby!MC
Trigger warning: verbal abuse, specifically targeting weight, along with not eating, insecurity
(F/S) = favorite show
"Human!" A voice like nails on a chalkboard barked, hoping to gain the attention of (Y/N), walking up quickly behind them in the hallway. "Hey, fatass, I'm talking to you," they snapped again, grabbing their shoulder and forcing them to turn around.
(Y/N) shrunk away from them, averting their eyes, hoping that the demon would leave if they didn't argue back. "What is it?" They asked softly, arms going to cover their stomach, knowing the demon would point it out.
"I just wanted to make sure that you knew what you place was," he snapped, a sneer on his lips. "Just because you have a couple pacts doesn't mean that you're anything more then a lowly, pathetic human. The only thing that you're good for is food, just look at all that meat on you." A couple other demons laughed at the comment, standing nearby. "Don't get too comfortable having the 7 brothers on your side, sooner or later, they'll realize that you're only good for that one thing."
(Y/N) flinched at the harsh words, though they had come to accept them, hearing them more often then they would like to admit. "I know. I didn't forget what you told me yesterday. And the day before," they murmured in response, barely holding back tears, the words hurting more and more every day.
The demon snarled and raised and hand. "The fuck you just say to me?" He snapped, looking at if he was going to murder the exchange student. They quickly back off though, seeing a certain Avatar of Lust walking up with a cold look on his face.
"(Y/N), darling, are they bothering you?" Asmodeus said, softly, glaring at the demons. He stood close to them, his aura deadly.
"N-no, they just wanted to get the notes from yesterday's lesson in my potions class," (Y/N) rushed to say, feeling the eyes of the demon on them, warning them not to say a word.
Asmo turned to look at the human, frowning softly. "Are you sure, dear?" He asked quietly, shifting to stand between them, still giving the demon an icy glare.
(Y/N) nodded, rushing to pull some random notes out of their bag as a cover. They didn't know why they constantly covered for their bully. Maybe they just didn't want to look weak or vulnerable in front of any of the brothers, much less Asmo.
The demon murmured a harsh thanks before leaving, motioning for the other couple demons to follow them, leaving Asmo and (Y/N) alone. (Y/N) forced a smile, keeping their arms crossed in front of their stomach. "Can we go home?" They asked, looking over at the sin.
Asmo relaxed and nodded, his typical sweet aura back. "Of course! It's almost dinnertime anyways, darling, if we hurry, we'll get there before Beel eats it all," he teased lightly, lacing his arm through theirs.
The walk back to the House of Lamentations was rather peaceful, filled with occasional smalltalk. (Y/N) continued to go back to what the demon had said, replaying it over and over again in their head, making sure to keep a smile on their face for appearances. They didn't want Asmo to know that they were upset, especially since it was just a few harsh words. It would just upset them more if the demon had to worry about them because they couldn't handle a few insults.
Asmo glanced over at them, his expression softening. He knew that the demon from earlier wasn't asking for notes from a class, that much he was certain of. The pain in (Y/N)'s eyes was enough to prove that. He was contemplating how he would go about asking them what happened when they pulled him to an abrupt stop. "(Y/N)? Are you alright, sweetheart?" He asked, his brow furrowed in worry.
They nodded, giving him another fake smile. "I'm okay, I promise. I just... I don't really feel hungry, so I'm just going to go back to my room, okay?" They said, uncrossing their arms, not quite as self conscious with Asmo as with others.
He opted not to push the issue for now, simply giving them a small nod. "Of course, honey," he replied, opening the door to head inside. "If you need to talk or anything, just let me know."
They nodded a bit, holding back tears. "Thank you, Asmo," they spoke quietly, before walking away to head back to their room, tears falling as soon as they turned away from the concerned beauty.
Asmo watched them walk away, his heart hurting for them, the frown on his lips deepening. Whatever that demon had said, he could tell that it seriously hurt his sweet human. He couldn't comprehend how someone could so willingly degrade and harm someone so sweet and loving, especially knowing who that person was. He continued to ponder on theses thoughts as he made his way to the dining room, fidgting with his hands the entire time.
"Asmo, are you alright?" He finally heard from one of his brothers as he walked through the dining room, so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear them the first 2 times. He looked up and saw Satan looking at him with a questioning look.
"Oh, my apologies! Just lost in my head. (Y/N) shared some words with a demon earlier and they looked rather upset afterwards," he said, taking a seat across from his brother. "They looked very hurt and even decided to skip dinner. I don't know what the demon said to have hurt them so bad."
Satan frowned softly, seeing the lines of worry on his brothers face. "It's not the first time that words have been said to them, though, they've never skipped dinner because of it. Did you ask them?"
"I didn't think it was appropriate. They looked like they wanted to be left alone. I swear I heard them crying as they walked away from me," Asmo murmured, visibly distraught at the thought of his love hurting. "I think I'm going to go see if they're alright. If Lucifer asks where I am, just tell him I'm out shopping, I don't want (Y/N) to get pestered by him tonight." The Avatar of Lust then stood up, not waiting for another reply as he left the room quickly.
(Y/N) laid on their bed, curling into a ball, soft sobs shaking them. They had tried desperately to hold it in until they got back to the room, just barely having closed the door before breaking down. The words felt like arrows through their heart, and even though they knew better, they couldn't help but let intrusive thoughts invade their mind. 'Maybe he was right, the brothers don't really care. I'm just a human, I'm not on their level. It was stupid to think otherwise,' they thought, the sobs becoming harsher as they continued to let the thoughts run wild.
"(Y/N)?" Asmo called softly, knocking on the bedroom door, hearing little sobs and cries from inside the room. He waited a moment for a response before slowly opening the door, seeing his human curled on the bed, pain radiating off of them. "Oh, baby..." He made his way over, making sure to close the door behind him. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he leaned over, brushing hair away from their eyes.
(Y/N) couldn't find it in themselves to try and turn him away, not saying a word as the demon slipped in the room. They tried to quickly stop their sobbing, rubbing at their eyes furiously. "Hi, Asmo, " they started, voice shaking, "I-I'm sorry I didn't go to dinner, I just felt really bad and-"
Asmo cut them off, shushing them softly. "Shh, it's okay, baby, you don't have to go to dinner and you don't have to apologize for having feelings," he said softly, caressing their cheek, hoping to comfort them. "Do you want to talk about it?" He stayed close to their side, looking down at them, a sad smile on his lips.
(Y/N) hesitated before shaking their head, sitting up slowly, still wiping tears away. They looked flushed and tired, as if all the words had taken a huge toll on them, and the dam had finally broken loose.
Asmo nodded and kissed their forehead softly. "Alright, we won't talk about it. Instead, let's get you changed into something more comfortable and we can cuddle instead. I don't want you to be alone with your thoughts," he said softly, meeting their eyes.
"You don't have to stay with me, Asmo, it's was just some stupid words. I just got too emotional, it's nothing serious," they reassured, not wanting to feel like a bother to him.
Asmo tsked and stood up, going to get some clean and comfy clothes for (Y/N). "Yes, I do, (Y/N). You're hurting. They weren't just stupid words if it was enough to make you skip dinner," he pointed out, making his way back over with the clothes. "You deserve to be happy. I'm here for you whether you want me here or not. I adore you, and it hurts me to see you in pain. We don't have to talk about it, but I'm still going to try to make you feel better." He knelt by the bed, setting the clothes next to (Y/N). He cupped their cheeks and kissed them softly, putting as much love as he could in the kiss. "I love you, my beautiful darling, don't ever forget that."
(Y/N)'s lip quivered and their eyes filled with tears again, hands folded in their lap. "Really?" They asked, not believing the words.
"Really. I'll spend every single day with you if that's what it takes to prove that I do," Asmo said, smiling up at them. "You're my world, and even if you may not believe it, it's true."
"T-thank you, Asmodeus," they choked out, tears falling again. They quickly tried to wipe the tears away before slipping their arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a much needed hug, feeling much better just hearing his words of reassurance. They pulled back after a moment, sniffling softly. "After I change, can we watch (f/s)? I'm behind on a couple episodes."
Asmo nodded, resting his arms against the bed, looking up at them with adoration written on his expression. He was glad that he could make them feel a little bit better. He would definitely make it a point to share some words with the demon the next day, but for now, the only thing that matter was (Y/N). "Of course, we'll watch whatever you want. But only if I can be the big spoon."
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