#Wonder how many Charlie are cheering for their murderers friends
lordadmiralfarsight · 7 months
Revolution fetishism is a horrible political view, especially in this context
Okay, rant incoming, partially related to recent events, but also to earlier thinking on my part.
There are, on the Left, a fair few people that romanticize or outright fetishize the concept of Revolution, of violent popular uprising to wrest power out of the hands of a corrupt elite and give it to the people. Very romantic, very righteous (self-righteous pretty often), very good and nice and sexy. And by the grace of revolutionary fervor and ideological purity, everything will be better after.
Except no.
See, a lot of this romanticization of Revolution comes, to my knowledge, from my own country of France. We have romanticized our Revolution a fair bit, and honestly, looking at the first part, fair. A serious go at giving women rights, a no-cause divorce, abolition of slavery, privileges thrown out, equality between people proclaimed loud, enfranchisement given to minorities ... in 1789. A LOT of good and progress, especially for the time.
But then it got fucky, VERY fucky. The Reign of Terror, under the caring leadership of Maximilien Robespierre, was a fucking nightmare on Earth, caracterized by mass executions on political basis, and by this I mean anyone that opposed Robespierre got beheaded. Political plurality? You mean anti-revolutionary sentiment ! Unacceptable, kill everyone.
A rumor of the time said the Place de Grève was covered in a layer of blood that was ankle deep. Is that an exageration ? Yes, certainly. But the fact it got to that point should tell you something about how intense the murdering was. And that was just one square in Paris, there was the rest of the country to consider too.
But surely, after Robespierre fell victim to his own system and was executed, something better emerged, right?
No. Sweet mother of fuck, NO.
What followed was roughly 70 years of political instability and violence, warfare and civil war, several dictatorships, including attempts to restore absolute monarchy, that undid most of the good brought by the first part of the Revolution. And finally, France stumbled onto political stability in 1870 when the temporary 3rd Republic, that was supposed to wait until the presumptive heir to the throne (who wanted an absolute monarchy) croacked did what temporary things do best and became the permanent system (until its fall).
This was not thanks to the Revolution. It was pure randomness.
Did the French Revolution bring good things? Yes, it did. In its first part. The second part brought chaos and misery for multiple decades. And it took a lot of work and efforts to bring back what the Revolution, the peaceful part, had brought in.
And far too many people on the Left fetishize and romanticize the whole thing, as if we couldn't have had the first part without the second, as if the progress and hope and betterment somehow needed the chaos and murder that came after.
Yes, there would have been a period of conflict, European monarchies would not have accepted quietly a realm the size of France doing away with monarchs. But did we REALLY need the political purges ? Did we REALLY need the paranoia ? Did we REALLY need the massacres ?
But you will find people that answer yes, and say the spilled blood somehow made it pure, or good. And those same people are looking at what Hamas is doing and are cheering. These people don't celebrate the first part, the progress and hope. They claim to be, but they aren't. They celebrate the Terror. They yearn for the unjust "popular tribunal" AKA mob "justice". They dream of executing political opponents or anyone they think is "bad" on light or even absent charges.
And That's why they cheer for Hamas rockets and massacres. That's why they sing when Israeli children are murdered. That's why they attack Jews that don't live in Israel. Because they hope to vicariously live this period of unchecked violence.
Know who was celebrating the RIGHT part of the Revolution ? The Israeli working with Gazan to build understanding. The Gazan protesting against Hamas. The Israeli Arabs risking their lives to save the lives of fellow Israeli and of foreigners, regardless of skin or creed. The Gazan trying to improve things in their homes against the wishes and efforts of Hamas.
Know who IS celebrating the RIGHY part of the Revolution ? The Israeli protesting the way the IDF is bombing Gaza. The people decrying the hypocrisy of blood-thirsty leftists. The people calling for Peace and working to make the political change to allow it.
But the Robespierres of the time, drunk on their own self-assurance, condemn and insult them, claiming that blood must be spilt. But it doesn't have to be. The French Revolution started relatively bloodlessly. It didn't need some great orgy of violence. Oh it wasn't clean, but it was far cleaner than the armchair Robespierres would like it to be. Because it didn't need to be.
And that's my point, really. The people fantasizing about and fetishizing the Revolution always dream of torrents of blood washing away the injustices, of seas of corpses forming a fertile ground upon which progress can grow. But that horseshit. All you get with that is, like the Place de Grève, a sinister place that stinks of rot and death, and flocks of scavengers gorging on your crimes.
All you get is a chance for a Napoleon to arrive. Or Stalin's USSR that so casually carried on with the crimes of the Tsars. Or Polpot who murdered 25% of his population.
If you look at the French Revolution, the right lesson to learn is that you need to know when to stop, and that's before you get to indiscriminate killing. Because once you get to that point ... people that thrive in those settings get in power and perpetuate them.
And to apply that to the situation in I/P ... knowing when to stop means realizing that Israeli are still humans, that Gazan are still humans, that their lives have worth and should be protected, that supporting child killings when it's done by "brown people" is not anymore alright than supporting child killings when done by the IDF. And you people should very well consider the possibility that people inside the IDF are doing all they can to reduce Bibi's ability to order war crimes.
And you should recognize that there are efforts on the part of the IDF, sometimes token efforts, sometimes more than just that, to limit the number of dead civilians. Point me to a case where Hamas did the same. Point me to a case where they tried to get Israeli civilians out of the way instead of targeting them.
Hamas is not a Revolution you want to succeed. It's not about being free. It's about killing. This isn't a "glorious revolutionary action", it's a prelude to the wholesale slaughter and ethnic massacre they dream of. It's a tiny window into their ideal, blood soaked world.
Violent revolution should be a last resort, when there is no other option available, when the system is so utterly broken and shattered that nothing can move, and it should be stopped as soon as the system is unfucked enough to negociate. The I/P situation is not at that stage. Look at how much efforts the fascists of both sides have to invest in maintaining this. Look at how much time and money and efforts they have to invest to keep each other in place. And despite this, people of both sides reach for peace, argue and protest for it, even at the risk of their very lives (especially true in Gaza).
And if you refuse to consider all this, if you insist on following Robespierre, remember this : La Veuve came for him too, in the end.
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s1lly-billy · 7 months
Today (Nov 2) we got another lore stream
1. Juanaflippas reappearance.
The dead eggs came back just for today and we got lots of angst from ALL of the players
Lore wise, this was fucking big. It's now confirmed the "Juanaflippa" that has been hanging out with Charlie this entire time is indeed *not* our old Juanaflippa. This is confirmed because today, the juanaflippa that came back remembered everything.
Baby's first toy
The iron sword
The rap
The missclicks.
But none the less, she was extremely nice and loving to our codey Charlie. She was SUPER physically affectionate and hugged Charlie practically the entire time he was there. She was also super happy to see everyone! But nonetheless, there is some deep shit behind her appearance. She wants Charlie to get rid of the code all over him, wants him to heal, and still wants to hang out with him in the fucking rat king they made.
2. "Juanaflippa" (aka Codeflippa)
An update on what we got from (real)Juanaflippa is that she's completely and utterly not Juanaflippa. She's not at all apart of her and she's not connected to her. But she does know how to immitate her (to a limit ex. The "accent")
I personally don't think Codeflippa has any real intent against Charlie. She genuinely seems to love hanging out with him and meeting new people. She's never tried to hurt Charlie, and I doubt the infection is intentional.
In past streams Charlie has brought up the code to flippa and she said she doesn't know what that is.
She's also expressed fear to her dad about the man. You know, the man with the glasses in the picture.
(I wonder when we get a update on that.)
If she is trying to hurt Charlie and/or infect him she's being put up to it.
(In my opinion)
Possibly by the federation, as they've stated she's a released experiment, or... A failed one.
I'll let you think on that.
3. Slimecicle lore affects (aka Codecicle)
Slimecicle is still under the illusion that "Juanaflippa" is normal and was brought back to life as a gift for his birthday. On a positive note, he's a lot happier knowing for once in his life his egg is here. And she doesn't seem to be leaving. She's happy with him and hes happy with her!
On a negative note.
The code from Juanaflippa has been affecting his body so much and he's just deterioting more and more into code.
And he seriously doesn't have alot of body left before it's taken over completely.
Now while I'm all for a full slimecicle code skin I'm pretty damn sure things are going to go South soon. This arc will be over. And Codeflippa as much as I love her... Shes going to die.
4. Charlie lore but with Cellbit
(Slash lore 💀)
As many know Cellbit is going fucking crazy. He's sick and fucking TIRED of the federation. They're taking his kids and he wants them back. NOW. Cellbit may not like Codeflippa, but he's not above using someone who he believes is using his friend to his advantage. Thus, using Charlie and his absolute murderous will to tear anything apart living or dead for his daughter. Without hesitation.
"In a heartbeat."
Cellbits will to destroy the federation and get his eggs back and Charlies will to keep flippa with him, f0r3√3r. Make the perfect pair! They're going to commit attrocies together and no matter what they're going to protect their eggs at a moment's notice.
Charlies still in a delusion. Not able to see the glitches falling off of everything he has the capacity to feel.
(Also side note I've been trying to split these up better and organize them so they're easier to read and understand for people who struggle with reading, collecting points easily, and multilinguals cause idk any other (qsmp) languages rn so I can't exactly translate these without Google lol sorry for the lil rant)
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Derek Morgan x reader - Secrets
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Ok, muse. I'd like a crossover. The reader is a member of the pack. Who comes across the team while they're on a case in Washington somewhere. The reader imprints on Morgan. - Anon 💜
Pacing back and forth, you ran a hand through your hair as you listened to sam explain what was going on.
“So you’re telling us the FBI have come to investigate the disappearances?” Paul asked.
“The same ones which are related to the bloodsuckers and Bella?” You asked.
Sam sighed and nodded his head.
“Yeah, Edward told Bella that Charlie said they’re going into the woods tomorrow to find some clues.”
“Shit.” You whispered.
Everyone was tense, it was dangerous enough in the woods.
Let alone having outsiders wondering about when you had murderous vampires running around trying to get as many as they could turned.
“We’ll have to be cautious and follow them. The cullens will follow them on their land, and when the cross the line it’s up to us.”
Everyone nodded and you all went about your win business for the rest of the day.
When it was time to head to the treaty line, you all walked there to find Edward and Carlisle standing on their side.
“The agents are coming this way. They’re splitting up into groups.” Carlisle said.
“How many?” Sam asked.
“3 groups.”
Everyone nodded.
“Edward will let you know when they’re close enough for you to follow.”
You all huffed at the thought of working with them.
Sam handed you all your groups.
You were going to be with Jake, Paul and Leah. Leaving you guys he gave everyone spots and you guys were going to stay there and watch over whichever group your way.
Shifting, you all headed up to the top of the hill and laid down to wait.
“Ours is here.” Sam spoke.
“Ours too.” Embry said.
A moment later two people came through your clearly and you looked to the other three off your group.
“Ours just arrived.” Jacob replied.
You guys got up, and you started to trailed behind them, making sure to keep your distance from the pair of them.
“Derek there’s nothing.” One sighed.
“Yea, I know Reid.”
They stopped and you guys hang back, laying low behind some bushes you guys simply just watched them.
When the taller one turned around, you caught his eyes and you saw things flash in your head.
A coffee shop, the pair of you laughing. Smiling, a wedding, a kid.
Quickly too averted your gaze.
“Are you serious?” Paul growled.
“What’s happening?” Sam asked.
“(Y/N) just imprinted on one of the agents.” Leah sighed.
“I can’t help it!” You hissed.
You shook your head and looked at your friends.
“I’m going to head back, it’ll be too dangerous if I stay.”
With that, you slowly snuck away back to the reservation.
Shifting back, you headed to Sam and Emily’s place and padded over to the table.
“I thought you were on protection detail.”
“I was but… I imprinted…”
She sat down and you told her about the man, Derek. What you saw and what you felt.
While you guys were talking the others returned and you looked up at Sam.
“They’re coming here later.”
You nodded your head, you took a deep breath and headed outside.
You were going to meet your imprint in real life, and that was terrifying.
You spent a few hours out there, running about and messing around with the boys. You were currently sat in Embry cheering while Seth and Paul laughed at him.
“Hey!” Sam yelled.
You guys looked up, and you saw Derek again. This time with his whole team.
You were in awestruck but you quickly recovered and climbed off Embry, giving him a hand up.
The rest of the pack came over and surrounded you guys.
“We were told you could help us.”
They introduced themselves, and you guys did as well, taking the meeting inside.
You let the agents sit down while you sat on the counter, Paul stood next to you.
“You know the area right?”
“We all do.” You nodded.
“And the people who disappeared have you seen them?”
You shook your head.
“No.” Sam said, “no one has passed this way. We helped the locals track them east and that’s as far as we got.”
Hotch nodded his head, asked a few more questions before they stood up to leave.
“Thank you.”
Sam escorted them out and you felt lonely, but you knew it was for the best. You couldn’t bring Derek into this life. Not yet.
For the rest of their case you saw them a few more times, whether it was they came back to ask more questions.
On the last day, you were walking around the reservation with Derek while his team spoke to the rest of the pack.
“You guys like a gang or something?” He asked.
You flicked your eyes up to him and rose a brow.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“The tattoos, the guys walking around shirtless. Those are gang signs if I’ve ever seen any.”
You laughed a little and shook your head.
“No, not a gang. More off… a family. It’s a right of passage in a way.” You smiled, “protectors. Only a select few are chosen, we protect the reservation.”
He didn’t seemed convinced and you smirked.
“You know, I’d you’re that curious you should come visit.” You mused.
Derek chuckled, crossing his arms across his chest as he smirked at you.
“Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.”
“And you have my number I’d you do.” You winked.
Derek went to say something, but you guys were cut off by some of the guys shouting.
“Let’s go (Y/N)!” Sam yelled.
Giving Derek a sheepish smile, you shrugged a little and jogged around him.
“Gotta go. Sorry!”
With that, you ran away and he watched as you guys slipped into the forest out of sight.
He was curious, and they knew you guys were hiding something
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 3 years
I love you, mum
Remus Lupin x Reader
Requested - Noppe
Summary - Remus Lupin was the love of your life, right? You thought so, that was, until he came home from an order mission finding you pregnant and hating it with his entire being. Can you handle that?
Trigger Warning - cursing, mentions of abortion, mentions of pregnancy, rude as hell Remus.
This one is kinda lengthy, so, fairwarning. I'ma make it a series, so, Part 1!
There he stood, right before you, his bag packed as your eyes watered. "I know 'm love, but you know how the order is. I don't get to pick when I go." He took you into his arms, his hand immediately running through your hair.
You both were 24 now, honestly surprised with the way time had flown by even with the pending war surrounding you. He, James, and Sirius were going to investigate a lead, one that involved the fourth member of their family from Hogwarts, Peter.
The night Peter was trusted with James, Lily, and Harry's lives, Voldemort had shown up, prepared to murder them in cold blood. The only thing stopping him that night was that you, Remus, and Sirius paid a surprise visit to your favorite new family, wanting Harry to experience a Halloween as normal as you all could make it.
Harry had been zooming through on his broom in his Kinmare Kestrels costume, the five of you cheering him on as if he was in the middle of a quidditch game himself. Voldemort had made himself known quite quickly, assuming the three of them were on their own, but was met with a small army, prepared to protect your family.
Now, Remus was leaving to go find Peter, along with looking into how deep his dedicated now lied with the monster attempting to rule your world.
"I'm going to be back before you know it. I'll be nice and safe, and I'll be home after this months turn, so we won't even have to worry about that when I come home." You nodded, but teared up at that.
"But, who'll patch you up and kiss all your bruises?" You asked softly, pushing back some of his hair to gaze into his eyes. "'M sure James and Sirius will be more than happy to help me out like they used to, although I don't think either will kiss the bruises - not that I'd want them to." He grimaced at the thought of one of his two best friends kissing each healing wound on his skin after a horrible night of turning.
"Just, come back safe, okay? Don't do anything stupid, don't let Sirius talk you into doing something irrational, don't let James cry too much about Lily and Harry either, please. I can't even imagine how they're doing. Just come back safe to me." You kissed him softly, pulling him closer to your body, only wrapped in a robe, holding him as close to you as you could.
"Of course sweets. You be safe too, go see Lily and Harry, go see Molly and the kids, don't stay cooped up in here missing me. I'm sure Molly would love to bake with you and I'm sure Lily would be more than happy to eat at much as she can, especially now that we all know she's pregnant again." He laughed softly, kissing your forehead.
"Okay, okay, go, before I lock you in the house and break your wand so you can't leave." He chuckled, wiping a few stray tears from your face as he kissed you one last time before moving to leave the comfort of the home the two of you built together.
Five minutes without him had you sobbing and feeling empty.
Six days without him had you throwing up.
Two weeks without him had you taking a pregnancy test.
Two weeks and three minutes without him had you sobbing as the plus sign on the test.
Three weeks without him had you hiding it from your best friend.
Four weeks without him had you looking for the baggiest of his sweaters and wishing he would finally come home.
Five weeks without him had you shaking in fear, fear of your growing stomach and fear of the second turn he would be fulfilling away from home.
Six weeks without him had you going to the appointment without him, without anyone knowing.
Six weeks and two days without him had you sobbing.
Six weeks, two days, and thirty four minutes had you screaming in joy as you wrapped your arms and legs around his warm hold, clutching onto him with dear life.
"Remus John Lupin!" You yelled, tears falling harder as you felt the worries of him being dead in a hole left your shoulders.
"Oh my sweet love, I've got you, yeah? I've finally got you." He whispered. Your arms were tight on his frame, holding him like you were afraid this was a dream, for him to fade away and leave you once more.
He had walked you to your bed, sitting on it with you set in his arms, his nose sniffing your hair, letting your scent calm him and moony. "Oh my girl, I've missed you so much." He whispered, your tears finally slowing. "I've missed you, bubs." You whispered, your eyes meeting his to press your lips upon his, holding his face close to yours.
Silence filled the room, his hands wandering your skin, making sure each inch of it was the same as he remembered. He didn't falter, until his hands slipped under his sweater, feeling the bump under his hands.
"The fuck?" He whispered, pulling away from you. "What's going on?" He asked you, his eyes sharp on your own.
"Um." You said, your head falling and you stared at your hands. "'M pregnant, Moons." You whispered, moving off of his lap to lift up the warm fabric, showing him your bump. "Twins." You said softly, looking up into his eyes.
"You're joking." He said, his voice void of emotion, it staying the same pitch with each syllable.
"Does it look like I'm joking? You're staring at the bump. I haven't told anyone, waiting for you to get home." You were waiting for a smile to break out on his face, for his eyes to light up, for him to wrap you in his arms once more and spin you and gently as he could before bending down and kissing your belly once - twice - three times.
But, it didn't happen.
Two minutes after he knew had you silent.
Three minutes after he knew had you shuffling back from foot to foot.
Four minutes after he knew had your eyes welling up with tears.
Five minutes after he knew had you breaking the silence, your voice louder than expected.
"Say something, Rem!" You yelled, flinching at the sound of your own tone.
"I - uh." He said, one of his hands moving down his face to attempt to shake the shock from it. "No." He said after another moment, standing up and moving across the room.
"No, we aren't having a kid, let alone two! No!" He paced back and forth, shaking his head. "No way. We're gonna have to figure something else out." He spoke, stopping to think, his face pointing up at the sky. "I'm sure there's something we can do to fix this." He said, finally turning to look at you.
"Fix this? There is nothing to fix, you prick!" You yelled, tears falling once more, but for a much different reason. "I'm fucking pregnant, this isn't something you fix!"
His eyes grew angry, glaring at you like never before. "You know how I feel about having kids! No!" He shouted, his tone matching yours.
"Fuck you." You whispered, shaking your head. You picked your wand up from your bedside table, flicking it once before a suitcase appeared and clothes began filling into it.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice monotoned once more.
"Leaving." You spoke the word, shivering at the idea of it. But, once the bag was packed, your hand wrapped around it's handle, you quickly turned on your heel, unsure of apparating out of the flat while pregnant.
"Where are you going?" His voice was slightly softer now, the actions of the moment catching up to him.
Before exiting the place you called home, more so, leaving the person you called home, you whispered. "I dunno."
Your wand was held out, summoning the Knight Bus, letting you onto it and paying the fee before looking at the man before you.
"Where to?" He asked, his left eyebrow raised at you.
You didn't think you could go to Lily and James, not wanting to face Lily's wrath towards Remus along with her hurt for not knowing about your pregnancy. You couldn't turn to Sirius, knowing he would hate his best friend in a way you could never want for the man you loved.
"The burrow, please."
The bus took you there after dropping off the two people before you, assisting you with your bag to the front door before disappearing.
Your hand shook as you knocked, but heard the pitter patter of the feet of her many children before a yell from the woman herself. "I don't know who's at the door! Charlie can you please change Ginny!"
The door flung open, revealing the woman to you. "Oh! Y/n!" She spoke, her face breaking out into a warm, wonderful smile before letting you in. "I haven't seen you for a little while, I was about to send an owl your way." She said, leading you into the home and back into the kitchen where the smell of Mince Pies filled your nose.
"'M sorry, Molly. A lots happened."
With tears in your eyes, you stood before Molly, the woman you saw as your own mother. The woman who celebrated with you when Remus asked you out. The woman who held you when you cried after your first argument with the man. The woman you had planned to tell about your pregnancy, but feeling your heart break each day you waited to tell her.
You had it all planned out. You were going to show up with Remus, once he found out and the two of you celebrated, wearing a sweater that covered your bump - much like the one you still wore. You would be holding two bags, one for each of the parents you loved so much, with a shirt for them both with the words "first time grandparent" on it.
But now, you had to tell this woman that you had kept your pregnancy from her for this long, your spouse had practically told you to get rid of the babies, and that you had left him.
"Molly, I'm pregnant." You whispered, pulling his sweater up to show the adamant bump. "And Remus wants me to get rid of them, so I left him." Your voice was breaking, shaking, and terrified of what you were to do now.
Her eyes filled with tears of her own, her arms wrapping around your frame and holding you to her. Molly Weasley: Best Hugs. She held you for a minute, letting your sobs fall from your body, holding your shaking frame. Once you calmed down as much as she thought you would, she sat you down on the kitchen chairs.
"Oh, sweet girl. I'm so sorry." Her wand flicked, bringing you a warm cup of tea before she settled in the seat beside you. "You're more than welcome to stay here. We can move Charlie in with Bill and you can take his room. You know you're more than welcome to." Her voice was soft and sincere, looking at you with the look you wished your fiance had looked at you with. Her hand reached to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear before moving it down to press softly against your growing stomach.
"Molly, you know I can't do that. I wouldn't want to put Charlie out of his room. Plus, I'm going to be getting bigger and eating more soon, I don't want to be in the way." You explained, watching as she shook her head. "In no way would you be in the way. Plus, I'd love to be here with you through this!" She exclaimed, taking your hand in hers.
"Honestly, Molly, I don't want him to find me." You admitted softly, your heart hurting at the truth. You hated how he had talked to you, how easily it was for him to suggest he "took care of it". It hurt you to your core. He was the man you thought would stand beside you through everything. Through the fears of financial trouble, through the happiness of your own home, through your pregnancy. But now, you were all alone. Your soul felt cold, the warmth he provided now long gone, leaving a feeling as cold as the harshest winter in it's place.
"Oh, honey, I understand." She said softly, nodding.
After another minute or two with the wonderful woman, you looked at her. "Molly, could I use some parchment and a quill? And your owl? I wanna write to Lily." You said softly, hating to intrude, but knowing that with one person told, that would soon turn into two, then 9, then everyone else you could imagine.
"Of course love! Of course! Bill, bring me some parchment and a quill please, y/n needs it!"
Bill soon came in, hanging you the items you requested before rushing back outside to play with his siblings. "You can go sit in the living room and write, okay?" She pushed back your hair, smiling at you before allowing you to walk off, going to write a letter for James and Lily, along with one for Sirius.
Your hand was shaking as you pondered what to write to your best friends. How do you explain that you're pregnant with their best friend's kids, that he doesn't want them, and that you've left him, all in the same day that they got home?
You set your fears aside and wrote to your best friends, letting everything out that you could.
Dear Lily and James
I'm so glad you're safe, James, I was so incredibly worried. I'm so happy you're back home with Lily and Harry.
You guys might be wondering why I'm not using our owl, that's actually what I was writing you about. I left Remus. Before you're freaking out and such, I'm also pregnant. He wanted me to "take care of it". His words, not mine.
It's twins. I don't know the genders yet, but I'm 6 weeks along. Absolutely huge though. That's a lie, I just feel huge. I can still wear one of his sweaters to cover the bump. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Lils. I wanted to wait until Rem got home and us be able to tell you both together. Don't worry, I'm writing Sirius about it too.
I don't know where I'm gonna stay, if I'm being honest with you. I'm at Molly's right now, but I'm not staying long. I'm not staying at yours either - especially not with you pregnant too Lily, and with Harry. I can't do that to you guys. Plus, like I told Molly, I don't want Remus to know where I am.
I know that might seem wrong, but he wants me to get rid of them. I can't ever do that. They are apart of me, apart of us both. I'm growing these two precious beings that are half of us and full of our love - well, my love. How am I supposed to look him in the eyes and see him hate me as I grow our kids.
I'll write you both after I'm settled somewhere, but this will be my only letter until then. I love you both so, so much. Give Harry a kiss from me.
You folded the letter up and wrote one quite similar to Sirius before tying them to Errol and sending him off to your three best friends.
You stood and waddled back to find Molly with Fred and George outside, scolding them for attempting to get Ron to fly on their broom and hit the Bludger before it hit him.
"This is what I have to look forward to, huh?" You asked, a light smile on your face.
"Oh yeah, they're twice the trouble." She laughed, smiling. Fred and George smiled at that, proud to have caused Mischief in their family. "But they give you twice the love." She spoke, watching as they ran off while their mother was distracted.
The two off you walked towards the house once more, talking. "Did you decide what you want to do?" She asked finally, looking at you.
"I'm going to the states. I have some family there that I want to go visit, one with a guest house that I can stay in. I owled to them when I sent Lily and James one." You stood before her, tears welling up.
"You better come see me all the time still, send me pictures of you growing. Send me the address so we can come see you, especially in America! Don't let me go without seeing you growing my grandbabies." You nodded, wrapping her up in your hold.
"I won't, I swear. I'll send you so many owls, you're gonna think I am living with you." She kissed your temple, holding your cheeks.
"Okay, I put your bag upstairs in Bill's room, just as a precaution. Do you want me to go get it or-" she was cut off with a frantic knock, the hits not stopping.
"I'll go get it, that sounds urgent." You both laughed softly, your swollen feet carrying you up the stairs and to Bill's room, grabbing your suitcase before heading down the stairs.
"Molly, where is she. I just want to see her." You heard Lily speak, her voice hurried.
"Sirius, let me go! She's in there, I know she is!" Remus yelled, his voice carrying up the stairs.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." You mumbled, looking around the stairs for some kind of hidden passage. It's a wizard and witch house, how is there not a hidden passage?" You reached for your wand, your eyes squeezing shut as you realized you set it down to write to your friends.
"Stop it! All four of you!" Molly yelled, her voice sharp. "There is a woman in my home who is pregnant and does not need this kind of stress. Now, I will ask her if and who she would like to see."
While she was speaking, you creeped down the rest of the stairs and slipped into the living room, grasping your wand.
"Worse than my own kids, I swear." You heard her mumble before walking towards the living room. "Y/n, dear? I'm sure you've heard them by now but the boys and Lily -" she cut herself off, her eyes finding you holding your wand and suitcase, your eyes welled up with tears and your lip between your teeth.
"I love you, Mum." You whispered, before clutching your belly in protection with your arm holding your suitcase, apparating from the warm home.
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angstyaches · 2 years
46,48 and 50 for your StW ocs. i know it’s a pretty rough topic, so don’t feel obligated to answer at all! 🍄
Ask Game
CW: death, killing, violence, and (below the cut) suicide mentions, depression, medication, death, grief.
Seriously. Dead Dove, Do Not Eat.
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?
Shayne - yes. He would kill Madelyn and Watson if they ever gave him good enough reason. (Not that he doesn’t already; he just doesn’t see his own suffering as good enough reason, it’d have to be because of someone else.)
Charlie - no. While it’s possible he could, in a demon-fueled, absent fit of rage, kill someone, Charlie One (the human) doesn’t have it in his nature to kill anyone. He’d, maybe, get close, but realise he wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt.
Rin - no. While it’s kind of fun to imagine Rin going on a crazed murdering spree (I’m thinking Mirai Nikki’s Yuno Gasai-esque), she wouldn’t have it in her to kill someone. She can find redeemable qualities in almost anyone.
Elliott - yes. Elliott would reasonably kill anyone who threatened his life or the lives of his loved ones. He has also killed for money, and for justice, but since meeting Felix and catching some of his morals, he probably wouldn’t be able to go back to that life now.
Felix - yes; maybe. For the first few years he was a vampire, he secretly fantasised about hunting down and killing his father. His father died of natural causes before he could ever find out if he’d actually go through with it.
Kazu - yes. I feel like Kazu is the kind of friend you could turn to, say, “I need your help killing someone.” And he’d already be pulling out a bat and heading out the door and asking where this guy lives.
Nancy - yes. Nancy has killed in the name of protecting secrets, both personal and those belonging to the users of magic in this world. 
Ryan - yes. Similarly to Elliott, she has developed a stronger moral compass since meeting Nancy and becoming a matriarch of sorts, but in the past, she would have killed someone without a second thought. She would kill because she was thirsty. She would kill because she needed specimens for research. She would kill because someone was standing in front of her and she couldn’t be bothered to tell them to move.
CW again for below the cut: suicide, death, grief.
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?
Shayne - yes. In the nine years he spent with the Devines, there was a period of time where he heavily fantasised about escaping that way. It was ultimately the sense of duty that Madelyn drilled into him that kept him from ever attempting it.
Charlie - yes. It crossed his mind during times when his depression was very bad, but he always knew he'd never attempt it and leave his family to grieve. The fact that he considered it at all was part of the reason he was put on antidepressants as a teenager.
Rin - yes. Growing up with undiagnosed autism, Rin often wondered as a kid/teenager if life was even worth living if it was always going to be so difficult and overwhelming. As she got older and gained more independence and found things that helped her cope, those thoughts began to fade.
Elliott - no. There have been times where he'd have been willing to give his life in place of someone else's, but he's never considered intentionally taking his own life. He's alive because of the kindness of too many people, and he wouldn't dream of throwing that away.
Felix - yes, and no. While he never thought of suicide as a means of escape (he ran away instead), he did briefly consider how bad it would look for his father if he killed himself. The prospect of ruining his father's life was tempting, but never tempting enough.
Kazu - no. Or at least, he internalised a lot of shame around the subject, and he always crushed thoughts like these before they could surface.
Nancy - yes. For someone who's so cheerful and has so much sunshine to spread around, Nancy carries around a lot of guilt. 
Ryan - never. She’s always had the mentality that she could run away and start again if she was unhappy with the life she was living. She’s good at processing her emotions and leaving the past in the past.
50. Create your own!
Hmm, okay. Let’s do "someone who used to be important to them, but isn’t in their life anymore”.
Shayne - his mother. He and Dahlia had a crazy-close relationship before she and his father died. He grieved for his dad too, of course, but losing her was a double-whammy of parental loss and loss of a best friend.
Charlie - luckily, he hasn’t experienced the death of anyone important to him, but he’s had to say goodbye to a lot of friends over the years as he was moved around the country. Many said they’d stay in touch, but never did. The most painful one was his first love, Mikey, with whom he had a messy break-up before the last move. He always feels both sad and icky when he thinks about Mikey.
Rin - her grandfather. He died when she was fourteen. He was the only parental kind of figure who ever encouraged her hobbies and interests outside of schoolwork and studying.
Elliott - Mei. She was a close friend he had while he was living on the streets in France. They were separated while Elliott went on the run, and he never managed to track her down again. He doesn’t know how or where, but he knows she must have died by now.
Felix - his mother. She’s not dead (and yes, they’ve technically been reunited), but she was mentally checked-out for the last few years he spent living at home. They had a good relationship up until the point where he started criticising his father’s behaviour. It was around the same time that her mental health started to decline.
Kazu - his best friend (and crush at the time), Yuzuha, who was transferred to a gifted programme when they were in junior high school. He found her online years later, but by then, she was completely different and he always felt too intimidated to reach out. 
Nancy - so many friends and mentors from her coven. She ended up being disgraced and banished, and went on the run knowing that none of them would ever want to see her again. She doesn’t think about her old life very often, but when she does, she ends up grieving all over again.
Ryan - her brother. He disappeared without a trace about ten years ago. They never had the closest relationship, but they were amiable, and it infuriates her - mildly, of course, this is Ryan we’re talking about - that he hasn’t reached out in such a long time. It occurs to her that, perhaps, he’s dead, at which point she’ll suppose that him being dead is the most reasonable excuse for his absence.
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nanoland · 3 years
title: Compass Rose 
series: Lucifer (TV) 
pairings: Mazikeen/Eve
summary: In which Mazikeen exercises her renowned patience. 
warnings: Lucifer is kind of a dick in this. Not intentionally; he’s just young and colossally self-centered. 
 Also on Ao3! 
“You. Demon. What’s your name?” asks the Morningstar, looking bored and depressed, as usual.
She straightens up, brimming with nerves and excitement, feeling her acidic blood bubble happily because he’s so handsome! And he’s talking to her! Her siblings will shriek with jealousy when they hear of this. “Mazikeen, my liege.”
“Mazikeen,” he repeats, mispronouncing it. “Great. Maze, do something about… all that, would you? It’s dreadfully grating.”
He gestures to the sea of damned, miserable human souls milling around the base of his throne, calling up to him for help or mercy.
“Yes, my liege,” she says, her bright mind already hard at work planning the next few millennia of punishment.
“Maze, is there a letter from Amenadiel?”
Mazikeen is now four hundred years old and in all that time, not a single letter has arrived in Hell, from Amenadiel or anyone else. Regardless, her handsome king asks every week.
It’s fine. She’s far too mature and cunning to feel even the slightest scrap of envy towards some pompous old angel she’s never even met, regardless of how obviously Lucifer loves him.
Regardless of how obvious it is that he loves no one in Hell half as much.
“No, my liege.”
“Hmm. Fine. Whatever. Fuck him, then. Brothers – who needs ‘em?”
She nods. She herself has many, many brothers, and sisters, and siblings who are neither or both, and she certainly doesn’t need them.
(Sometimes she longs for them, especially when she’s weary from the years and years dedicated to building and securing Lucifer’s kingdom, but she never needs. Needing is for the weak.)
It occurs to her that that king might be cheered by stories of Tradiusis, her most treasured and most useless brother, who is prone to chatting with the damned and asking them about all the silly human indulgences they enjoyed in life, like movies and theme parks and hot dogs. Fool that he is, the mere thought of him always brings a smile to her face.
But she decides against it, suspecting that if she were to begin telling Lucifer about her family, he’d get that same dull, faintly irritated expression she sees every time she reads him a report about the number of new arrivals and how various parts of Hell will need to be restructured to accommodate them all.
(She wonders what will happen when Hell is full – does he have a plan? Is she expected to have a plan?)
(How long, exactly, are they supposed to keep doing this?)
(Surely this can’t be all they were made for?)  
“Maze, get me a drink, would you?”
Mazikeen is Lucifer’s right hand, his bodyguard, the highest-ranked demon in Hell, named the Lady of Pain, the Whirlwind, and the Blood Dancer by her peers and underlings.
Pouring drinks is… new to her.
But this is what he wants; this club, this loud music, these inebriated humans constantly demanding attention and entertainment, constantly needing to be managed. And he’s her king.
She pours him his drink and listens to him play the piano, until some wretch attempts to grope her and loses two fingers.
Running a nightclub is, it turns out, complicated.
There are all sorts of rules and regulations regarding what can and cannot be done inside it.
At one point, Lucifer decides it would be fun to have white tigers roaming the dance floor. After a few days spent looking into that option, she has to explain that they may to have settle for waitresses dressed as tigers. He pouts like it’s her fault and goes back to the piano.
She’s also not allowed to kill anyone, which is, honestly, ridiculous. Mazikeen is an ancient being, a warrior nigh unparalleled, with centuries of experience contending with the worst the human race has to offer, and every single night she endures treatment from at least one of Lucifer’s guests that, even to her vast, reasonable, and patient mind, clearly warrants swift annihilation.
If murder is, indeed, illegal, how do all the mortal women in this city who serve drinks cope?
“You block it out, I guess,” says Suzy, a waitress with thick red hair and tired eyes, after Mazikeen has had to save her yet again from a patron with wandering hands (and now broken hands). “You know, just… don’t let it get to you. Grow a thick skin.”
Mazikeen considers the half of her body that has no skin whatsoever and snickers inappropriately. Then she gifts Suzy one of her knives.
Chloe gasps. “Maze! No! Absolutely not!”
“Why?” she asks, annoyed but also genuinely curious.
“I can’t just torture a suspect to get information, Maze. It’s wrong.”
Mazikeen considers saying: You already torture people. You lock them up in tiny boxes until their minds break and their lives are utterly ruined. How is that different? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: You let Lucifer violate peoples’ innermost selves to obtain information. How is that better? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: I don’t want to be good. I don’t care about being good. So why do I seem to put so much more thought into how to be good than you do? I don’t understand, I don’t, I don’t.
Instead, Mazikeen rolls her eyes and says nothing.
“Maze! No! What were you thinking?” cries Linda, rushing over to the cradle. “You can’t give that to a baby!”
She snatches away Mazikeen’s present; a blade, small and silver, just right for tiny hands, the same blade Mazikeen herself received from her favourite sister on her fourth birthday. It has tasted the blood of over a hundred enemies.
Charlie starts to cry and Linda puts the blade aside so she can pick him up and comfort him.
“Children need to be able to protect themselves,” Mazikeen insists.
“No, Maze. Children need to be protected.”
“No one protected me.”
Linda doesn’t say: Exactly. Why would I want my son to be anything like you?
Because Linda is kind.
But Mazikeen is perceptive and she sees it in her friend’s eyes all the same.
“So then, then it turns out that Jon Snow is actually Daenarys Targaryen’s cousin, right, which makes him – oh no! – a rival contender for the Iron Throne, and…”
“Ugh,” Mazikeen groans, cutting Ella off. “I thought this was a show about dragons! Why does it waste so much time on people either fucking or killing their relatives?”
She laughs at Mazikeen’s exaggerated annoyance. “It’s not just about dragons. There’s a lot of stuff about politics and war and, yeah, fucked-up family dynamics. Honestly, that’s one of the reasons it grips me so much. My own family’s always got a ton of drama going on, too. I mean – no incest. Not that I’m aware of. But you know all about my brothers.”
Mazikeen is about to ask what the dragons look like – whether the show’s version bears any resemblance to the beasts she’s ridden into battle – when Ella tilts her head sideways and squints at her. “Huh. Now that I think about it… I’ve told you all about my brothers but I’ve never asked anything about your family. That was shitty of me! Can I ask now? Or is it, like, one of those things you don’t talk about? Like where you’re from and how you met Lucifer?”
Fiddling with a lock of her hair – it’s straight and black today – Mazikeen says, “I don’t mind talking about it. Just… most people don’t care.”
Ella frowns, briefly (cutely, curse her). “Well, I wanna know! You got any brothers?”
“How many?”
“A lot. I’m not actually sure exactly how many there are now.”
“Oh, right. Gotcha. Are you close to any of them?”
“Not these days. But when we were young, we were pretty tight-knit. Didn’t really have anyone besides each other.”
Ella asks her more questions and though she has to keep her answers extremely vague, Mazikeen finds that she likes talking about her home and her childhood. Prolonged exposure to the human world has begun to make her feel insubstantial; a tool, a disguise, a thing without roots or history. Lucifer’s been no help with that, for he’s only ever known her as his servant (and, sometimes, when he’s in a good mood, his friend, by virtue of the fact that friendship with someone who works for you – who can do nothing but work for you – requires no tedious emotional labour whatsoever).
It’s nice to remember that she has, in fact, been other things. That she could, perhaps, be other things in the future.
“So,” Dan slurs, hunched over his beer. “You got whores… hordes… horns? Thought demons had horns.”
She’s busy applying a fresh coat of candy-pink lipstick to match her powder-blue bob. “Some do. I don’t.”
“Well, that sucks. That’s not fair! You deserve horns. You’re cool, Maze.”
Because that provokes a twinge of genuine affection, she says, “Wanna see what I have got?”
“Hell, yeah!”
He grins drunkenly.
“You need to promise not to scream.”
“Oh – oh, man, is it scary? Is it gross?”
She shows him her true face.
After a moment of owlish blinking, he shrugs and returns to his beer. “Eh. S’not that gross. Lucifer’s grosser. Wanna play pool?”
Amenadiel presents her with a beautiful black sheath. “I crafted it from my own feathers. It will keep the blade contained until he’s old enough to wield it safely.”
She slides Charlie’s knife into it. “Someone will need to teach him.”
“Who taught you?”
“Me? No one. They just threw us at one another and clapped for whoever survived. But… well. He’s not like me, is he?”
The angel places the sheathed blade down beside Charlie’s stuffed rabbit and plastic truck. “Maybe not now. With any luck, that will change.”
“Ma-aaze,” Lucifer groans, flopping back in his armchair with his long legs artfully folded and his hand over his eyes. “I’ve had such a tiresome morning. Pour me a drink, would you?”
“Pour it your damn self,” she suggests, standing on his penthouse’s balcony and admiring the view. His throne in Hell was about as tall as this building. From up here, all the little people down below look exactly the same.
He pouts and fetches a glass – and, to her surprise, one for her as well.
Mazikeen brings an abrupt, efficient end to the bar fight by slamming her palm into an assailant’s solar plexus.
He drops like a ton of bricks, joining the pile of groaning men, broken furniture, and smashed bottles. (Shit; it’s going to take ages to clean all this up. If Lucifer didn’t have infinite money, Lux would have gone bankrupt eight times by now.)
She turns to see Eve staring at her, beautiful mouth hanging open, and braces herself for the “Maze! No!”.
“That was so cool,” Eve breathes, and rushes over to leap into Mazikeen’s arms, only to draw back at the last second. “Oh no! You’re hurt!”
There is, indeed, a small cut on Mazikeen’s left hand.
“Don’t care, doesn’t matter,” says Mazikeen, reaching for her, wanting badly to be kissed.
But Eve drags her into a quiet back room where she applies disinfectant and bandaids with cartoon cats on them.
“I really wanna learn how you did that thing with your elbow,” she chatters, wiping away a few spots of blood with a white handkerchief. “The way his nose just went crunch! – man, it was fantastic.”
“I can teach you. If you like.”
Eve’s dark eyes are fond. “You’re always offering to do something for me – to teach me how to fight, or to carry something, or to protect me. It’s… like, I love it. But you know you don’t have to, right?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“I wanna do stuff for you sometimes. Oh! That reminds me. Lucifer was going to take Chloe to a wrestling match but then they had another fight and he’s back to being sad, sooo I stole the tickets out of his jacket. Wanna go?”
“I love you,” says Mazikeen, even though she’s said it five times today. She likes the way it sounds in her mouth. She likes the way it makes Eve’s whole face sparkle.
“I love you too, babe.”
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strangest-loser · 4 years
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Twilight Rewrite
Fire in my Blood ~ Jasper Hale x OC ~ Book One - Chapter One
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I had never given much thought as to how I would die, I expected it could be for some stupid accident or some kind of murder or something, I had hoped I would live to 102 and pass away in my sleep peacefully and without struggle, but if you told me I would die the week before my 18th birthday because I was being hunted by monsters that belong only in storybooks, I would have called you insane.
Forks, Washington was one of the coldest, rainiest places in all of the world as Alessia knew it, but she loved it. It was her home and it was where her friends and father were. After her parent’s messy divorce her mother Renée moved south with Alessia’s little sister Isabella to Phoenix, Arizona while she stayed with her father Charlie. Alessia adored her father and spent her childhood years following him around like a puppy (to the point where family friend Billy Black had nicknamed her “The little shadow”). She had a happy childhood with her friends Jacob and his pack of boys down at the reserve and it was often that her father had to come wrangle her out of some form of trouble that she had no doubt instigated.
Alessia’s favorite time of year, however, was when her baby sister came to visit them for the summer holidays. Alessia would spend two weeks getting a sunburn in Arizona sitting in front of a tv while her mother bought them little cakes and treats from some bakery for desert every night and she never failed to stick herself with a cactus needle at least once every trip. And as soon as those two weeks were up the summer dresses and shorts were traded for sturdy boots and rain jackets as Alessia dragged Bella through the forest surrounding their home for the next month, expertly weaving through the trees to get to the fort she had built with her father out of branches and slats of wood.
Getting older was what separated the sisters, who as children were thick as thieves. Bella grew to resent the time spent in the rain and cold and longed to spend more time in Phoenix with their mom and her friends, and while Alessia was still extended the invitation to stay with her mother and sister every year she couldn’t help but begin to pull away from that part of her life, the closer she grew with her father the more she began to feel like a stranger with her mother. Funny stories about her and her father’s antics that were mentioned at the dinner table caused her mother to stiffen and made the air uncomfortable, and the longer that Alessia spent in Arizona the more desperately homesick she grew for Forks. It was mutually decided, however, that Alessia would not come to Phoenix as often when her mother got a new boyfriend. Phil was nice and all, but she did not feel the same sense of comfort around her mother and sister, and her status as a stranger was reinforced to a degree that by the age of 13 Alessia stopped going altogether.
But she was happy, anyone who met her could see that. She enjoyed watching football with her father, Billy, and Jacob. She loved having bonfires on the beach with her boys and sharing scary stories only to spend the evening hiding from each other and scaring each other. She was silly and goofy but she was serious where it mattered, like letting her friend Leah run with her pack of boys on the threat that she would ignore them until they stopped being mean and let her play. She was kind and loving, meeting her friend Jessica in middle school and being her number one supporter, punching anyone who dared make fun of her insecure friend because she was so intelligent.
As she grew up Alessia grew extremely beautiful, but not in a conventional way, she didn’t remind people of the models in all of the magazines that Jessica would show her. She was beautiful in the way the woods were at sunset with the light shooting through the trees. She was strong and smart and pretty and caring, but she was also loud, opinionated, funny, sassy and quite honestly, she was wild. She had inherited her father’s brown hair and brown eyes, but there was something so uniquely ‘Alessia’ about her appearance.
Her freshman year of high school went much smoother than the movies would have you believe for Alessia. Her grades were good, and they were well maintained by letting Jessica tutor her because “Being a tutor would make me look good on my college applications Alessia!”. And while Forks football team didn’t enter many leagues (and lost all the ones that they did enter) Alessia managed to convince the faculty to let the girls who didn’t want to be on the volleyball team organize their own cheer squad for both teams, her argument being that if there were people cheering the teams on they might actually start winning.
Sophomore year was infinitely more interesting with the addition of five more students to their tiny school.  The Cullen’s were extremely interesting additions to Alessia’s life. In her own year, the three elder students joined her classes, Emmet Cullen who was funny and nice was her partner for English class its it was a wonder they got anything done at all with their running jokes about Mr. Mason and their literary texts as a whole. Emmet’s girlfriend was Rosalie Hale who was extremely beautiful but smart as a whip, she was strangely cold towards Alessia at the beginning of the year but eventually began to warm up to her at the request of Emmet (“she really isn’t all that bad Rose”) and with two new friends in her classes Alessia couldn’t be happier. It was the third sibling who was in her history class that threw her for a loop.
Jasper Hale was Rosalie’s twin brother and he was the only one of the group of five who wasn’t very fond of Alessia, the other two, Alice and Edward were in the year below them and they were always welcoming towards Alessia, especially Alice who greeted her every morning with a friendly hug before launching into some random topic of conversation.  But Jasper seemed to avoid her like the plague which did bother Alessia at first being that she wasn’t very used to people not liking her (her friendly demeanor often meant that people found her friendly and likeable), but after a while she grew used to it, accepting that maybe he just didn’t like her, and that was ok.
The strangest thing about the whole scenario was that while Alessia thought herself to be friends with the Cullens, it seemed that she was the only one, because according to Jessica Alessia was the only one they would entertain the thought of speaking to, let alone hang out with.
The next year is the year that everything changed, for one she began to evenly split her time between the Cullens and her other friend group consisting of Jessica, Angela, Eric, Mike, and Tyler. She would spend lunches with the Cullens and she would hang out with the others every evening after school, she spent weekends on the reserve with Jacob and Leah and the guys and her nights were spent watching sports and playing board games with her father. She was content with how her Junior year was going until March rolled around and the cold wind swept her sister back into her life and caused the hurricane that completely rearranged her world.
Early morning was officially the worst time to be alive, the cold crept through all three blankets on the bed and the hoodie that Alessia was sleeping in that night, and while the cold was never normally something that Alessia minded, 6:30 am was not the ideal time to face it. After taking a shower that seemed way too short and wrestling with her printer to get her Spanish homework for the day ahead she emerged from her room in her usual winter cheer uniform in its navy and gold colours with leggings, trainers and a yellow cardigan over top because Forks in March didn’t mess around and Alessia knew her classrooms would be freezing. Before making her way down to the kitchen she let her eyes linger to the door opposing hers, a door to a room that she had spent the last week clearing out and organizing. It was weird that Bella was coming after all this time, Alessia missed her sister but they had been apart for so long that it was like they were strangers at this point. A car horn is what brought her out of her daze as she rushed down the stairs grabbing her keys, wallet and an apple for some form of breakfast (Alessia wasn’t a breakfast person because eating food so early in the morning made her feel sick, but she knew it would stress Charlie out if she didn’t eat something) before disappearing out the door of her empty house. Her dad’s cruiser wasn’t parked in the driveway which was expected, he always left earlier than Alessia did, what was there instead was a pristine red Mercedes at the end of the driveway with the lights on and inside it sat Rosalie and Alice waiting for her. Alessia’s voice broke through the morning fog as she jogged towards the car, “you know, I should hate you for making me drive to school in a convertible in this weather” the smile that spread across Rosalie’s face matched the one on Alessia’s own as she replied, “yeah well you don’t so get in before I make you walk”.
According to Jessica arriving to school with the Cullens still managed to cause people to stare at Alessia, which she never noticed as she had been doing it for over a year now while trying to save up for a new car, that was a fact she didn’t dare share with any of her friends since when her phone decided to explode one day and stop working she told Alice that she needed a new one and the very next day Rosalie handed her an iPhone that there was no way she could afford, she still had it and took more care of that thing than she did to her own life. No way that was ever happening again. Hopping out of the side of the car after it pulled into its usual spot, she grabbed her backpack and pulled out the notes she needed to give back to Emmet from English the night before. “one of these days I wont be around to save your life you know” he spoke out with his usual mischievous look on his face, “yeah, yeah” she bounced back as she made her way across the parking lot to Tyler’s van where everyone else sat. She was immediately bombarded with everyone asking her if she was coming to the movies that evening. “sorry to disappoint but I have to go to the airport, my sister gets here today” the collective groan at her absence make her laugh as she told them not to be such babies and that she would see them with Bella the next morning, “I don’t want any of you numbskulls giving her any shit tomorrow you hear me?” she said pointing her accusing finger at the three guys in front of her, all of whom faked offence at even the notion. Their goofing off continued until the first period bell rang and Jessica and the others being a grade below her headed off to their homeroom as she headed towards APUSH.
Alessia adored history and she was highest in her class apart from Jasper. Not that she minded (she definitely minded), her teacher Mr Finch was one of her favorite people. He was a kind man in his 40s who had a genuine passion for teaching. Her seat in the back, left corner of the room was right next to the rooms only radiator which was busted but the corner gave her enough cover to be left out of sight by the teacher, she wasn’t in the mood to pay too much attention that morning considering she didn’t grab a coffee before she left the house.
The chatter of her fellow classmates played like white noise as Alessia pulled the top of her chocolate coloured hair into a hair tie and began pulling her homework out of her backpack before giving up and laying her head on the desk in front of her and groaning softly. Her early morning seemed to finally catch up with her, so much so that she did not notice the figure take up the desk beside hers until she heard him speak.
“well, don’t you just look chipper this morning” a southern voice broke through her sleepy haze and caused her mind to stop working for a second. The fact that Jasper was willing speaking to her was definitely new but Alessia was many things and a smartass was one of them. “yeah? well you know your day is off to a great start when you wake up and your first thought is, ‘no’.” she fired back at him raising her head to send a lazy smile his way. The chuckle that left him would have probably made Alessia’s knees weak if she were awake enough to comprehend it “yeah, I know the feeling”.
A smirk broke out on the 18-year old's face as her spine straightened and she looked him dead in his topaz coloured eyes. “did you just… agree with me?” Jasper immediately turned away to face the front of the room, still without a teacher, “oh I wish I could take- “, “nope! You said it! no take-backs!”.
The exasperated look that met her then forced a giggle out of her as she stuck her tongue out at him. “What? I was a very irritating child”, this was met with another chuckle but before he could give another reply Mr Finch’s voice called out as he finally entered the room and commanded all their eyes to the front of the room once more. Alessia let an uncontrollable smile grace her lips as her mind processed what just happened.
Maybe he didn’t completely despise her after all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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A Momentary Lapse of Duty
A/N #1: Finally, the concert fic is out! So, this author’s note will mostly be links to things that will make the fic more enjoyable.
Luna Silver headcanons: Hat | Car | Watch 
Pink Floyd Concert: Set List | Concert recording | Playlist of the studio recording of the songs | Venice Concert broadcast (a shorter version of the same concert that was broadcasted)
Outfits: Alice | Luna (basically)
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Alice was standing in the entryway of her house, looking out the window of the door. She glanced at her watch, which had a black strap and a gold-coloured case, before looking out the window again, clearly waiting for something. She was wearing a black psychedelic Pink Floyd t-shirt with a design inspired by the cover of “Wish You Were Here” at the front and the dates and locations of the 1975 tour at the back. She had paired it with a relaxed boyfriend fit denim shorts that had some abrasions, and a blue flannel checked long-sleeve shirt that used to belong to her brother Jacob. Her black Dr. Martens, black handbag, and light grey striped socks peeking out of her boots completed her look. 
She was fiddling with the tip of her braid when she saw a car parking in front of her house. A blond girl emerged from the turquoise Ford Escort MK1 1973, but before she could open the front gate, Alice opened her front door, waving at her.
“Finally! I was about to think we were going to miss the concert!” exclaimed Alice as she made her way to her friend.
Luna Silver, one of Ravenclaw’s beaters, had gotten two tickets to the Pink Floyd concert and had invited Alice to join her as they had gotten along during the short time Alice had been part of the Quidditch team. Not to mention Luna’s best friend Rohan was not interested in going to a Pink Floyd concert. 
As her former teammate approached her, her eyes widened when she noticed what Alice was wearing. It was eerily similar to her outfit, which was a blue flannel checked long-sleeve shirt, a Pink Floyd tee inspired by their “Dark Side of the Moon” album, brown ankle grazer trousers, and tan Timberland boots. Luna’s surprise faded when she noticed that the resemblance stopped there, as Alice was bare-faced, and her only accessory was her watch. On the other hand, Luna had a full face of makeup, with gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner on the upper lash line, mascara, and dark purple lips. She was wearing a choker and multiple layers of necklaces around her neck, a few bracelets of various sizes and colours and a watch on her right arm and a black leather bracelet on her left, not to mention the rings she was wearing. Alice was sure she had seen one of the rings Luna was wearing on Barnaby’s fingers.
“Nice outfit,” said Luna as Alice passed in front of her to get in the car. “Was partly expecting you to turn up in a cute summer dress or something.”
“For a Pink Floyd concert? Sure, if I wanted to stick out like a sore thumb. Anyway, you’ve seen what I wear during Quidditch practice, so you know I don’t always wear girly clothes,” pointed out Alice as she opened the door of the car. “Anyway, do you think this car will last long enough to get us to the Docklands and back?” she added looking at the vehicle.
“Oliver is an excellent car! Did a road trip one summer with it a few years back, and had no problems whatsoever,” pointed out Luna, getting in the driver’s side of the car.
“Oliver? You named your car?” asked Alice, staring at her as Luna started the engine and pulled onto the street.
“Wouldn’t you?”
“No… Anyway, you said you got the car a few years back and went on a road trip, right?”
“Yeah,” replied Luna, wondering what she was getting at.
“You went on a road trip while illegally driving a car… That takes guts,” simply observed Alice. “Not surprising you dated Rath and Barnaby at the same time then. Rath seems like the jealous type…”
“We never actually dated… And how do you know about Rath, we kept our relationship a secret?” asked Luna, briefly glancing at her.
“You really think you can hide that kind of stuff from Penny and Andre?” replied Alice smirking.
“Well, I guess not,” said Luna, shaking her head with a small smile.
“You also dated Bill, right?”
“Again, we never actually dated…”
“Semantics. The point is… How is it to be romantically involved with a Weasley?”
“Which one?”
“Do you mean…? Well, hum, I guess in that case…” started saying Alice, flustered.
“I’m messin’ with you,” replied Luna, laughing.
“Oh! I was starting to think I had missed something…”
“Anyway, aren’t you going to tell me how I shouldn’t have broken Barnaby’s heart or something?” 
“Why? Love is a fickle thing. I’m actually more impressed that you broke up with Rath and survived to tell the tale.”
“She’s not that bad.”
“I’ve seen her wielding that bat. If she wanted, she could crack your skull open.”
“As much as imagining me being murdered by someone is fun, let’s return to the Weasley question. While being involved with Bill, he is different from Charlie, so I don’t think you can use my experience as a reference. Anyway, I wouldn’t be worried about your budding romance with Dragon Boy. That snog you shared in front of everyone…”
“It was just a kiss,” grumbled Alice, her face turning red.
“Sure. A kiss that lasted more than ten seconds,” replied Luna as she drove around looking for a parking spot. 
“Well, whatever it was, doesn’t mean anything for the future. While I do love him, I can’t predict the future. We are two in this relationship. He could lose interest in me now that he has me,” pondered Alice.
“Wow. You just started dating, and you already think like that? Cheer up, Alice. Dragon Boy has been gaga for you for some time now. Highly doubt he’s just going to drop you out of nowhere,” said Luna as she pulled on the hand brake.
Alice got out of the car and noticed a sign. “Luna, this says ‘Residents Only.’”
“Don’t worry. Jae hooked me up with this magical permit that’s good for everywhere,” said Luna as she placed a piece of paper on her windshield.
“How did…” started asking Alice.
“He didn’t tell, and I didn’t ask,” interrupted Luna, locking her car.
“Now, come on, we don’t want to be late for the concert,” said Luna as she grabbed Alice’s wrist and started walking.
They made their way to the Docklands Arena, where a line had already formed, full of people waiting to get in.
“You have the tickets?” asked Alice as they went to the back of the line.
“Yup,” said Luna, turning her back to the Muggles in front of them. She discreetly took out her wand and waved it over her watch, the case opening up to reveal a small compartment. She took the tickets from said compartment, resulting in Alice furtively looking around.
“Did you seriously take those tickets out of your tiny watch in front of Muggles?” whispered Alice. “This goes against the Statute of Secrecy!”
“First of all, the Muggles are in front of us, and I turned my back, so don’t think they saw anything. Second, what do you care about the Statute? You broke so many rules at Hogwarts; I thought you would be the last person to care,” pointed out Luna.
“A plan my rule-breaking to reduce the risk of being caught. Call it a calculated risk,” explained Alice, looking around to make sure no Ministry employees had suddenly appeared to arrest them and bring them to Azkaban.
“Calm down, Alice, the Ministry won’t send us to Azkaban over a watch with an ancient Extension Charm,” said Luna, laughing as she patted Alice’s back.
They finally entered the arena, their eyes adjusting to the bright lights. They quickly found their seats and settled in before the concert began. Alice looked around, out of curiosity, at the audience. Some were young, about 20 years old, probably some of Pink Floyd more recent fans, while others were old enough to remember Pink Floyd at the time of Syd Barrett. There were some teenagers, but not that many. She raised her eyes toward the arena’s lights, thinking they ruined the whole rock mood a concert like this should have.
“The lights are awfully bright,” Alice remarked out loud.
“They’ll probably turn them off when the concert starts,” replied Luna as she tried to tighten her loose high ponytail, her tongue sticking out between her lips.
Alice kept looking around, not sure what else to say. She mostly interacted with Luna during Quidditch practice, so conversations had never really been part of their interactions. They talked, but never had extremely long conversations like she had with some of her other friends. 
Lost in these thoughts, she didn’t notice when the lights dimmed a little, and the music started playing softly as the crowd cheered. The guitar playing, as well as the crowds erupting cheers that followed, caught her attention and she looked around, noticing the lights had barely dimmed.
“Ugh,” she heard Luna grunt. “Are you telling me they won’t turn off the lights?”
“Maybe later?” suggested Alice.
“David Gilmour has started playing. The ideal time to turn them off has passed,” explained Luna.
Alice looked around, noticing that while many were glaring at the lights above them, all were enjoying the music. When the other band members appeared on the stage and started playing, the audience erupted into cheers again. 
Alice bit her thumb, concentrating on the music, her brows furrowed. She wasn’t that familiar with Pink Floyd. She had read about them after Luna had invited her to the concert and had listened to some of their records, but she wasn’t a longtime fan like Luna seemed to be. 
“What song is this?” whispered Alice, a few minutes into the song.
“Don’t you recognize it? It’s ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond’!” replied Luna, just as Gilmour started to sing.
“Oh… right… The one written as a tribute to Syd Barrett…” said Alice, trying her best to hide that her knowledge of Pink Floyd was recent.
Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow, staring at her awkward smile before returning her attention to the concert. She had no idea Alice had accepted her invite partly because she was curious to see what a rock concert was like, partly because Luna was so cool, you can’t say no to someone who is at that level of cool. She couldn’t just admit she had no idea who Pink Floyd was. 
Alice was lost in these thoughts when the saxophone made a high pitch sound at the end of the first song, which made her wince while the crowd was cheering. The cheers quieted down as the second song started. It was very calm, somewhat extraterrestrial. A few minutes in, the tempo completely changed and Gilmour began to sing again. Alice thought that the song’s intro didn’t match with its current beat. 
A soul in tension that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try
Alice glanced at Luna, who was enthralled by the concert. She turned her gaze back to the stage. She figured the sound of Pink Floyd was something you got used to, as she was mostly feeling confused.
At the end of the song, the group stopped playing as people cheered. David Gilmour waved a bit at the crowd before starting to speak.
“Thank you very much, indeed!” he said before the crowd cheered. 
“We’re going to play songs from the Momentary Lapse of Reason album for the first half of tonight,” he managed to say over the crowd’s clamour. “Are you ready, Guy?”
Guy Pratt nodded and started playing the beginning of the next song. 
Alice enjoyed the repetitive beat of that song and the echoey sound of their voices and the instruments. While she still looked pensive, she was tapping her feet to the beat. She couldn’t help but smile when she heard Humphrey Bogart’s distinctive voice over the music.
“You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong,” she heard him say.
“Merlin! It’s a scene from Casablanca,” she whispered to herself.
“Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp,” said Humphrey Bogart.
“It’s the ‘We’ll always have Paris’ scene!” said Alice, beaming.
“You seem more excited about that than the concert,” pointed out Luna, staring at her friend, bemused.
“Ah, hum… Well, it is one of my favourite movies,” explained Alice, blushing.
“If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life,” said Bogart.
“But what about us,” said Alice, along with the voice of Ingrid Bergman, a line that the voice of the actress repeated a few times until only the music was playing.
“Wait... They didn’t include ‘We’ll always have Paris’ or ‘Here’s looking at you, kid’? What’s the point of including that scene if you won’t use the iconic lines from it?” complained Alice, to Luna’s amusement.
“Just enjoy the show. You can watch the movie tomorrow if you want, and you’ll get all the iconic lines,” teased Luna, patting her friend’s back.
Pink Floyd’s voice sounded robotic in the song after. She had a hard time understanding what they were saying or singing. Eventually, they started to play a calm song with a recurrent melody. As they weren’t singing, Alice closed her eyes, trying to envision something, to see what story the music was trying to tell, but the only thing that came to her mind was outer-space. She suddenly imagined herself wearing a Star Trek uniform and walking around the USS Enterprise. At least she thought it was the USS Enterprise. Her knowledge of Star Trek was limited to the two or three episodes she had seen on TV, which she had watched because the captain had a French name, yet spoke with a British accent. Alice was suddenly taken out of her reveries when the robotic voices returned. She thought this was a bizarre and very long song intro. 
The robotic voices stopped as suddenly as they started and were followed by the sound of a guitar and a bass. Alice had an expression of total confusion on her face. When the drums began to play, she couldn’t help but beat the rhythm by tapping her feet again. She was relieved when Gilmour started singing again. Pink Floyd songs seemed to have very disparate song intros. She didn’t remember them to be so all over the place when she listened to the records back home. Maybe she had listened to songs they had not played yet. As the song ended, at least, she thought it ended, as the instrumental parts were so heterogeneous, dogs or wolves appeared on a round screen behind the band, growling. 
“What the…?” mumbled Alice, staring at the screen.
“It’s because the song is Dogs Of War,” explained Luna.
“Why do we have visuals for that one song? Why couldn’t they show the Casablanca scene?”
“Still going on about that movie? They probably didn’t show the scene because of copyrights.”
Alice let out a sigh, tapping her fingers on her arm to the tempo of the music. The song was good, and the beat was catchy. She still would have rather seen Humphrey Bogarts’ face on that screen than a bunch of angry wolves. Those wolves reminded her too much of her encounter with Fenrir Greyback. A sense of relief washed over her when the song ended and the wolves disappeared.
“Thank you very much, indeed,” said David Gilmour as the crowd cheered. “We’ll do one more song, and then we’ll do the shit. This is On The Turning Way.”
The crowd clapped and whistled as Gilmour started to sing again. Alice was mostly surprised there wasn’t a long song intro. It was a smooth song, even when the music got more intense, it maintained its relative serene vibe. Alice closed her eyes, trying to absorb the music, to visualize it. It felt dramatic and self-assured. Luna and other people around her started to get up to dance to the music, but they were quickly told by security to sit down. At the end of the song, everyone got up to applaud them.
The lights got a bit brighter, indicating the beginning of the intermission. 
“Want anything?” asked Luna, as she got up.
“Hum, bottled water, if it’s not too much to ask,” replied Alice.
“Coming right up,” said Luna with a smile as she walked towards the exit.
Alice got up to stretch a bit, looking at her watch as she did so. The concert had started about an hour ago. She still had about an hour and a half to go, at least based on the review she had read in the paper. Another hour and thirty minutes of confusion with some moments of enjoyment… 
“Here you go!” said Luna with a grin, holding the bottle of water in front of Alice’s face.
“Oh, thanks,” replied Alice, blinking as she was coming out of her thoughts. She looked at Luna who was sipping a glass full of a golden liquid. “Is that… beer?” 
“Hmmm? Oh! Yeah, they didn’t have anything stronger. If there weren’t so many Muggles around, I’d take some from my watch… Want any?” offered Luna.
“Hum, no, I don’t drink.”
“Suit yourself.”
“But… the legal age of drinking in the UK is 18. You’re 17,” pointed out Alice.
“Technically, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol. You can drink beer and wine when you’re 16. Anyway, what are you? Some junior copper or something?”
“No, but what if they had asked for your ID? They might have thrown you out and you would have missed the rest of the concert.”
“They didn ask for it, and I had my fake ID with me, just in case,” replied Luna, taking it out of her pocket. “Honestly, Beaumont, you need to learn to relax. No wonder you always looked so tense every time I saw you. You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders: the cursed vaults, Rakepick’s betrayal, your brother’s disappearance, getting good grades, playing Quidditch, solving your friends’ problems, being a Prefect… Honestly Alice, you need to let go. You don’t have to worry about everything and everyone,” said Luna, squeezing Alice’s shoulder with her free hand.
“Easier said than done… Every time a new vault releases its curse, everyone looks at me to solve it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy solving the mystery of the vaults, and I’ve learned so much in the process, but it’s just so much pressure when everyone waits for you to deal with the vaults. Sure, Dumbledore is all about me leaving it to the professors, but I’m the one who’s seen as the ‘Curse-Breaker,’ and everyone expects me to end the curse. And with the whole Rakepick betrayal…” said Alice, holding her head, her fingers entangled in her hair. “Ugh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you with all this.”
“Hey, don’t worry. You clearly need to talk, and whenever you’re ready, I’m right here,” said Luna, smiling at Alice as she ruffled her hair. 
“Thanks,” said Alice with a small smile, briefly looking up as the lights dimmed a little. “Oh, looks like the concert is about to resume.”
“Better sit down then,” said Luna as they both sat in their seats.
The crowd cheered and whistled loudly as David Gilmour started to play the guitar. People were clapping to the beat of the music. Alice was tapping her heel to the ground as she began to once again wonder when they would start to sing. It eventually dawned on her, as she was pensively staring in front of her, that maybe some of Pink Floyd’s “songs” were actually instrumental tracks. It would make sense that some of the instrumental bits she thought were freakishly long song intros were actually stand-alone instrumental songs. But with multiple instrumental songs following one another, it was hard to tell them apart. Just as she was thinking that, the group started to sing. She slightly nodded her head to the music’s rhythm, her arms crossed, staring blankly in front of her.
Luna glanced at her briefly, before staring at her as she realized Alice looked more like someone who was there to write a dissertation on rock music or on Pink Floyd than someone who was there to simply enjoy themselves. Her slight bobbing of the head might have been a sign she was enjoying herself, but her blank expression worried Luna.
“Hey, are you ok?” she asked her fellow Ravenclaw when Pink Floyd had started another of their instrumental songs.
“Yeah, why?” said Alice, raising her eyebrows.
“You just don’t look like you are enjoying yourself,” pointed out Luna.
“I am. Admittedly, it’s not what I usually listen to, and I did think their song intros were odd until I realized they probably were instrumental ‘songs,’ and it made much more sense.”
“Wait, weren’t you familiar with Pink Floyd before coming?”
“Honestly… I might have done a quick research before coming to the concert to be a bit more familiar with them, but that’s pretty much it,” admitted Alice, looking away.
“But why did you accept when I invited you?”
“Well, part of me was curious to see what a real rock concert was like, though based on your reaction, bright lights and not being allowed to stand are not the norm. And I knew Pink Floyd by name… And what am I supposed to say to one of the coolest girls at school? That I only know the name but couldn’t name you one of their songs?”
“Coolest? Not sure about that,” said Luna, remembering her beloved hat from her 3rd year. She then shook her head with a smile. “And I thought you were a Pink Floyd fan because of that t-shirt you once wore at Quidditch practice.”
“T-shirt? What t-shirt?”
“The one with the Dark Side of the Moon album cover… Basically like the one I’m wearing right now.”
Alice looked at Luna’s t-shirt. “I thought it was a science t-shirt.”
“Yes, the dispersion of light by prisms because of refraction and Snell's law, first observed by Sir Isaac Newton.”
“A science lesson at a Pink Floyd concert? You are full of surprises, Alice,” said Luna with a side smile.
“Thanks, I guess,” replied Alice, furrowing her brows.
“What about the Pink Floyd tee you’re wearing now?”
“Bought it in Camden for the occasion.”
“You planned your outfit? I think Andre has an influence on you,” said Luna, laughing as she patted Alice’s head.
“Don’t tell him. I’ll never hear the end of it. Anyway, he’d probably say I needed more accessories,” said Alice, looking at Luna’s outfit.
“That style takes years to develop,” said Luna proudly. 
“Yup… Though I’ll admit the septum ring does a lot to create the right vibe. Oh! Maybe…”
“Don’t even think about it! I’m still overcoming the trauma of getting my ears pierced, and it was, like, 10 years ago.”
“Oof! You are such an angel!” exclaimed Luna, pinching her friend’s cheek.
“Ouch!” winced Alice as they heard a woman singing. “Wait? Why is a woman singing?”
“Oh, that’s The Great Gig In The Sky. It’s a song without any lyrics, the woman will just sing sounds,” explained Luna.
“That’s... original?” said Alice, raising her eyebrows as she looked at the stage.
Alice stared at the scene as she heard the woman singing. She clearly was vocally gifted, but it sometimes felt more like screaming than singing to Alice’s ears. Alice did think that using the human voice like that was clever, even if it wasn’t to her taste. It was as if the voice was like the other instruments, just producing notes. The crowd around her seemed to enjoy it as they loudly clapped as the song ended. 
The clapping turned into cheers as Pink Floyd started to play the next song, which Alice remembered hearing on the record she had bought: Wish You Were Here. She clapped along with the audience to the beat. When David Gilmour started singing, everyone sang along with him. Alice wasn’t familiar enough with the song to actually sing along, only swaying along to the rhythm. Still, she did think it gave the concert a pleasant atmosphere to hear the crowd singing a song they clearly loved.
The next song started off with a strange instrumental bit, making Alice wonder if it was another instrumental song until the bass started playing and everyone started clapping to the beat. Alice nodded her head to the tempo of the song. The clapping faded when the group began to sing, but the song and the beat enthralled everyone. Alice noticed Luna tapping her foot to the rhythm, and many around her were either nodding or swaying their body to the beat. She saw some people trying to get up before security quickly told them to sit.
The song ended, some people showing their appreciation by whistling before the cheering started again when the next song started. The beginning was very soft, which Alice found pleasant. As she could clearly hear the drums, she couldn’t help herself to air drum along with the beat. The saxophone gave the song a completely different vibe from the other songs. It felt more like jazz than rock, which was probably why Alice liked it and had a smile on her face. 
Her smile didn’t fade away during the next songs, the beat being very catchy. She even caught herself tapping her heel to the rhythm of the songs. The crowd started to sing again during “Another Brick In The Wall” and cheered as the music started to fade. David Gilmour approached the microphone to talk to the crowd.
“Yeah!” he shouted to the crowd’s cheer. “One more song before we go,” he said, making the crowd boo him. He laughed before adding, “We’re gonna do one last song for tonight. Thank you all very much for coming tonight. This is Comfortably Numb.”
The crowd once again cheered as he announced the song, while Alice thought the song’s name was appropriate to the way she was starting to feel. It was getting late, and her eyelid felt heavy. She sat back as they started playing, her elbow resting on the armrest and her cheek resting on her fist. It was a song with a slow pace that made Alice comfortably numb, to the point where she closed her eyes. She listened to the music, letting herself drift away. People cheering at the end took Alice out of her sleepy trance, and she clapped along with everyone else. The band bowed and waved as they left the stage, but the crowd kept on cheering, clearly wanting an encore. 
After about a minute or so of clapping, shouting, and cheering, the band reappeared on the stage, resulting in the cheers becoming louder. The songs of the encore were catchy with a fast beat, making Alice anything but sleepy. Luna even got up at some point to dance, but even if it was the encore, security quickly told her to sit down, or she would be kicked out. So everyone was limited to dance in their seats while clapping. Luna couldn’t help but smile when she noticed Alice moving her body and snapping her fingers to the music. At the end of the encore’s second song, the crowd got up to cheer and clap, showing their appreciation to the band. David Gilmour thanked the crowd before leaving the stage.
“So, did you enjoy the show?” asked Luna as they made their way toward the exit.
“Well, once I figured out that some songs were instrumental pieces, I did enjoy it more. Before that, I was a bit… befuddled.”
“Why didn’t you ask me about it sooner?”
“Well, I didn’t really want to admit I wasn’t familiar with Pink Floyd…”
“Am I really that intimidating?”
“I wouldn’t say intimidating… Just like one of the cool kids no one wants to disappoint.”
“How sweet of you,” said Luna, pinching Alice’s cheek. “Honestly though, I’m really not that cool. My roommates don’t think all the animals that hang out with me are so cool.”
“So that’s the smell that comes from your floor…” said Alice, rubbing her cheek.
“Hey! They do not smell!” replied Luna, lightly punching Alice’s shoulder.
“Joking! Bill mentioned how talented you are with animals, so for someone who has a hard time just petting some creatures in Care of Magical Creatures, that’s cool.”
“Meh, I’ll take it. Now get in the car,” said Luna shaking her head and smiling as she unlocked it.
They got into the car, and Luna turned on the radio as she drove. The late hour and the slight movements of the vehicle caused Alice to fall asleep. Noticing Alice had dozed off, Luna turned off the radio, a light smile on her lips. Parking in front of Alice’s house, she gently tapped her friend’s shoulder.
“Angel… Angel…” she softly said while tapping her shoulder.
“Jacob… No… Niffler…” mumbled Alice.
“Mmm?” muttered Alice as she opened her eyes.
“You’re home,” said Luna, nodding toward the terraced house.
“Oh… Thanks. Wait, did I fall asleep?”
“It’s ok. It is pretty late.”
“Well, thanks again for tonight. I really enjoyed it,” said Alice as she left the car.
“Glad to hear. Goodnight,” said Luna, waving as she started to drive away.
Alice waved back, “‘Night!”
Alice kept waving until the car turned a corner.
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A/N #2: I hope you enjoyed this fic! I would like to thank @lunasilvermorny​ for allowing me to write a fic with her precious MC (and for reading and commenting my fic to make sure I didn’t screw up her character). Here’s one additional link: London Arena atmosphere. If you are wondering why I wrote this concert with an atmosphere which is very far from the average rock concert, it’s because of the comments in that article of people who actually went to the Pink Floyd concert. Let me know what you thought in the comments! (Oh, and I kinda answer the question associated with the letter A in the 30 Day Alphabet OTP challenge.)
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor Playlist and Soundtrack
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So many people have wondered what Alastor’s human life could’ve been like. There have been fan art, stories and several animations of Alastor when he was a radio host and serial killer. But surely there could be more clues as to what also occurred.
In fact there are, and they could very well be right in front of your eyes…or should I say, your ears.
 Behold an official Alastor playlist.
 Yes, Vivziepop herself made a playlist for Alastor a while back.
 AlBirdVampPrince on YouTube thankfully provided it before it was lost to the web. When I listened to the cheery old time jazz intermingled with the catchy beats, I was instantly teleported into another time. For several moments, I was immersed in Alastor’s world, watching him dance with flapper ladies, exploring the woods, playing a variety of instruments, and yes, his radio show and murders as well. I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear listening to the songs.
 These songs shed a brand new light on a beloved popular character in Hazbin Hotel. Music is a central theme for the show and the personalities of the characters. Just look at Charlie and Alastor. Sometimes, all it takes is music and a song to delve into a character’s head.
 Here is a list of sixteen songs that were shown on the list.
  1     “Annie: You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
 Ah yes, the all-too familiar song from the classic Annie musical in 1982. The song is by Peter Marshall. The song was played during the Iodent toothpaste commercial scene. Mr. Warbucks goes on the radio and offers 50,000 dollars to anyone who claimed to be Annie’s parents. The orphan girls later sing it as they listen to the radio. The meaning of the song: no matter how you dress or what social class you come from, happiness is what makes people stand out. The song has been used in many remakes of Annie such as the 1999 and 2014 versions.
 This song would be Alastor’s favorite. He even quoted it in the show, saying to Vaggie, “Smile my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one!” It is evident that Vivziepop enjoys Annie and many other musicals, hence all the references in the show and her art.
 Ever since then, lyrics and music have been used in dozens of fan art and projects. Gabriel C. Brown, the singing voice of Alastor, even did a cover of the song on YouTube. Often times, the lyrics are displayed whenever Alastor’s mother is drawn. A popular theory suggests that Alastor’s mother told him that he was never fully dressed without a smile, as a way of cheering him up during tough times.
  In Kathy Prior 42’s Human Alastor backstory, this song would be played as the intro song as fans immediately associate this song with Alastor. Alastor plays this song after every broadcast, the song that keeps him going every day. It would also appear in the ending credits. Alastor’s Creole mother Antoinette Moreau encourages a young Alastor to smile and stand tall when she sings this to him. For Alastor, it’s not just a fun song…it’s something that helps remind him of his mother and what his purpose is.
(spoken) This is Bert Healy saying…
 Hey, Hobo Man
Hey Dapper Dan
You’ve both got your style
But brother
You’re never fully dressed
Without a smile
 Your clothes may be Beau Brummelly
They stand out a mile
But brother
You’re never fully dressed
Without a smile
 Who cares what they’re wearing
On Main Street
Or Saville Row
It’s what you wear from ear to ear
And not from head to toe
That matters
 So, Senator
So, Janitor
So long for a while
You’re never fully dressed
Without a smile
 (Boylan sister)
Ready or not, here he goes
Listen to Bert
Tap his smilin’ toes
(spoken) Ah the lovely Boylan Sisters
 (Boylan Sisters)
Doo doodle-oo doo
Doo doodle-oo doo
Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo
Your clothes may be Beau Brummelly
They stand out a mile
But brother
You’re never fully dressed without an
 (Connie): S
(Bonnie): M
(Ronnie): I
(Connie): L
(All three): E. Smile darn ya smile.
  2 “Smile”
 Here we have another song about smiling, but this one has a different tone than the previous one. This song was originally sung by Nat King Cole, charted in 1954, composed by Charlie Chaplin. “Smile’ was used as a soundtrack in the 1936 movie “Modern Times.”
 Lyrics of this song are shown on old Alastor Zoophobia art by Vivziepop. The art shows an old version of Alastor wearing a black suit doing a magic trick and singing the first few lines of the song.
 In Kathy Prior 42’s Human Alastor backstory, Alastor’s mother sings this song to him after he deals with both bullying from his classmates and the constant abuse from his father. It is a song to remind him that smiling is a sign of strength to get through the hard times. Alastor is stunned to find that his mother smiles through the hits and bruises that his father gives her. Even daily discrimination at work doesn’t stop her from doing it. Alastor takes this lesson to heart and makes it into a life-long habit...even after death. Though he smiles all the time, the burden of hiding his feelings inside is only evident to him. In addition, Alastor sings a lament of this song after his mother’s death via the Spanish Flu and Mimzy’s accidental death by poisoning. The song gives out mixed messages: for while it helped Alastor remain confident throughout his life and afterlife, it also conforms to the masculinity message of “boys and men don’t cry.” Sadness is a natural human emotion and there are times when it cannot be repressed.
Smile, through your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You’ll get by…
 If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you
 Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may ever be so near
 That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is worthwhile
If you just smile
 That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is worthwhile
If you just smile
      3 “Let’s Misbehave”
 Anyone else notice the title on one of the Hazbin Hotel thumbnails of Alastor in static? Yes, it is an actual song. The song was written by Cole Porter in 1927. It was a 1928 hit for Irving Aaronson and his Commanders and has been used in several films.
 In “Smiling Man” by MuseValentine, a human Alastor says “Let’s misbehave” to a human Charlie before they make love behind Lucifer’s back.
 In Kathy Prior 42’s Alastor Human backstory, Alastor was born in 1896, thus in 1928, he is in his early thirties. Alastor and Mimzy get into trouble, they cuddle in a hotel room and almost have sex. Alastor holds back because he doesn’t want to get intimate with anyone, much to her disbelief and sadness. This was before her death. Alastor berates himself for being so careless and begins to question his own sexuality, (which is perceived as abnormal by society and everyone else).
We’re all alone
No chaperone
Can get our number
The world’s in slumber
Let’s misbehave
 There’s something wild
About you, child
That’s so contagious
Let’s be outrageous
Let’s misbehave
 When Adam won Eve’s hand
He wouldn’t stand
For teasin’
He didn’t care about
Those apples out of season
 They say the spring
Means just one thing
To little lovebirds
We’re not above birds
Let’s misbehave
 Let’s misbehave
Let’s misbehave
 If you’d be just so sweet
And only meet
Your fate, dear
‘Twould be the great
Event of nineteen twenty eight
Let’s misbehave
Let’s misbehave!
   4 “You Rascal You”
 This song was sung by Cab Calloway in 1931, published in 1929. The lyrics take the form of threats leveled against a man who runs off with the singer’s wife, after the singer was kind to him.
 Alastor’s Human backstory has a couple scenes for this song. The first scene is when Alastor finds out that his father had been sleeping with other women behind his mother’s back. Alastor had tried to reason with his father, but he eventually snapped. Alastor has angry thoughts about killing his father, which he eventually does.
 The second scene is less prominent. Although Alastor was not in love with Mimzy, he got possessive when other men tried to flirt with her. One racist horny man goes off with Mimzy leaving Alastor by himself. His good friend had been taken from him, after Alastor had been kind to both of them. So what does he do? Hunts down the man and kills him, of course.
You sure is a rascal
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
When you dead in your grave
No more women will you crave
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 I trust you in my home, you rascal you
I trust you in my home, you rascal you
I trust you in my home
You wouldn’t leave my wife alone
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 I fed you since last fall, you rascal you
I fed you since last fall, you rascal you
I fed you since last fall
Then you got your ashes hauled
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 You asked my wife to wash your clothes, you rascal you
You asked my wife to wash your clothes, you rascal you
You asked my wife to wash your clothes
And something else I suppose
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 You know you done me wrong, you rascal you
 You know you done me wrong, you rascal you
You know you done me wrong
You done stole my wife and gone
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 You asked my wife for a meal, you rascal you
You asked my wife for a meal, you rascal you
You asked my wife for a meal
And something else you tried to steal
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 Please don’t let me find you, rascal you
Please don’t let me find you, rascal you
Please don’t let me find you
‘Cause you’ll leave this world behind you
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 Ain’t no use to run, you rascal you
 Ain’t no use to run, you rascal you
Aint no use to run
I done bought a Gatling gun
And you’re still having your fun, you rascal you!
 I’m gonna kill you just for fun, you rascal you!
I’m gonna kill you just for fun, you rascal you!
I’m gonna kill you just for fun
The buzzards gonna have you when I’m done
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 You done messed with my wife, you rascal you
You done messed with my wife, you rascal you
You done messed with my wife
And I’m gonna take your life
I’ll be glad when you dead, you rascal you!
 5 “I ain’t gonna tell nobody”
 This song was made in 1923 by Richard M. Jones. King Oliver and his Creole Jazz band recorded it in 1923…it was likely one of the many songs that Alastor heard and enjoyed. One of the songs that inspired him to be a jazz band leader.
  6 “The Charleston”
 Ah the Charleston, the popular dance style from the 1920s. The dance used in so many fanfictions and art with Alastor and Charlie in it. And the inspiration for the “Charlastor” shipping name for Alastor and Charlie in the fandom. “The Charleston” was by James P. Johnson and it was in the 1923 Broadway show Runnin’ Wild. A melody of it was made by Arthur Gibbs.
 In Alastor’s human backstory, Alastor dances the Charleston with Mimzy in 1923 during the Roaring 20s at the peak of his life and career. He later dances with Charlie at the Hazbin Hotel in Hell.
 Carolina, Carolina, at last they’ve got you on the map,
With a new tune, funny blue tune, with a peculiar snap!
You may not be able to buck or wing
Foxtrot, two-step, or even sing
If you’ve not got religion in your feet
You can do this prance and do it neat
 Charleston! Charleston! Made in Carolina!
Some dance, some prance,
I’ll say there’s nothing finer than the
 Charleston, Charleston, gee how you can shuffle
Every step you do leads to something new
Man, I’m telling you, it’s a lapazoo!
 Buck dance, wing dance will be a back number,
But the Charleston, the new Charleston,
That dance is surely a corner
 Sometime, you’ll dance it one time,
That dance called Charleston,
Made in South Caroline!
 7 “Runnin’ Wild”
The song is by Duke Ellington, and was made in 1922.
 In Alastor’s human backstory, this song that Alastor sings describes the fun care-free moments that Alastor had in his youth. The events included feeding alligators in the bayou, exploring the woods, seeing animals and being outside.
 The second scene with this song is in 1922 when Alastor gets tired of Mimzy being clingy. Alastor doesn’t love anyone in a romantic way…he had lost the one person he loved many years ago. Due to past trauma, he puts on a persona but doesn’t trust people enough to let them in fully into his life. Not wanting to meet her expectations of being a perfect man, Alastor longs to be himself and be free again. Alastor and Mimzy try to reconcile at a bar, only for her to die later on. Alastor kills people to vent his frustrations. The song is a reflection of Alastor becoming a villain.
My gal and I, we had a fight
And I’m all by myself
I guess she thinks now that she’s gone
I’ll lay right on the shelf
I’m gonna show her she’s all wrong
No lonesome stuff for me
I won’t sit home, all alone
She’ll soon find that I’m
 Runnin’ wild, lost control
Runnin’ wild, mighty bold
Feelin’ gay, reckless too
Care free mind all the time, never blue
Always goin’ don’t know where
Always showin’ I don’t care
Don’t love nobody, it’s not worth while
All alone, runnin’ wild. Runnin’ wild.
 When I first met that gal of mine
It seemed just like a dream
But when she thought she had me right
She started acting mean
Like Mary led her little lamb
She led me all the time
Until the worm had to turn
That’s the reason I’m
 Runnin’ wild, lost control
Runnin’ wild, mighty bold
Feelin’ gay, reckless too
Care free mind all the time, never blue
Always goin’ don’t know where
Always showin’ I don’t care
Don’t love nobody, it’s not worth while
All alone, runnin’ wild. Runnin’ wild.
 No gal will ever make a fool of me
No gal! I mean just what I say
I ain’t the simpleton I used to be
Wonder how I got that way
 Once I was full of sentiment, it’s true
But now I got a cruel heart
With all that other foolishness, I’m through
Gonna play the villain part
  Runnin’ wild, lost control
Runnin’ wild, mighty bold
Feelin’ gay, reckless too
Care free mind all the time, never blue
Always goin’ don’t know where
Always showin’ I don’t care
Don’t love nobody, it’s not worth while
All alone, runnin’ wild. Runnin’ wild.
  8 “I’m Sitting on Top of the World”
A song by Al Jonson in 1928. Alastor would sing this song as he talks about his new rich life as a radio host. He likes the money but he also likes Mimzy and other women.
I'm sitting on top of the world, I'm rolling along, I'm rolling along. I'm quitting the blues of the world, Just singing a song, Just singing a song. Glory hallelujah, i just phoned the parson, Hey, par, get ready to call.' Just like humpty dumpty, I'm going to fall. I'm sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along, Just rolling along.' Some people have diamonds And beautiful pearls, While others have children, Just kiddies with curls. Keep all of your fortunes, Keep all of your fame, I just found a sweetie Who's changing her name. : I'm sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along, Just rolling along. I'm quitting the blues of the world, Just singing a song, Just singing a song. Glory hallelujah, i just phoned the parson, Hey, par, get ready to call.' Just like humpty dumpty, I'm going to fall. I'm sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along, Just rolling along.' Don't want any millions, I'm getting my share. I've only got one suit, That's all i can wear. A bundle of money won't make you feel gay. A sweet little honey is making me say: I'm sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along, Just rolling along. I'm quitting the blues of the world, Just singing a song, Just singing a song. Glory hallelujah, i just phoned the parson, Hey, par, get ready to call.' Just like humpty dumpty, I'm going to fall. I'm sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along, Just rolling along.
   9 “Criminal” (American Horror Story)
This song might reference Alastor’s general life as a criminal...or perhaps Mimzy’s dark thoughts regarding her feelings for Alastor.
I've been a bad, bad girl I've been careless with a delicate man And its a sad, sad world When a girl will break a boy Just because she can Oh, help me But don't tell me to deny it I've got to cleanse myself of all these lies 'Till I'm good enough for him I got a lot to lose, and I'm bettin' high So I'm beggin' you: Before it ends, just tell me where to begin Ooh, What I need is a good defense 'Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal And I need to redeemed To the one I've sinned against Because he's all I ever knew of love Yeah, What I need is a good defense 'Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal And I need to redeemed To the one I've sinned against Because he's all I ever knew of love
10 “Blood” (My Chemical Romance)
 Yes. Vivziepop adores My Chemical Romance. It is obvious from the many MCR songs that she provides to her characters. (“Sing” for Charlie, “Na Na Na” for Cherri Bomb, “Mama” for Angel Dust, etc.) This one called “Blood” undeniably relates to Alastor’s murder and cannibalism activities. (Let’s face it, Vivzie loves musicals so much, Hazbin Hotel is one giant musical, with nearly every character knowing how to sing and play a variety of instruments! Hazbin Logic.)
Well they encourage your complete cooperation Send you roses when they think you need to smile I can't control myself because I don't know how, And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while
So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough So give them blood, blood, blood Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood
A celebrated man amongst the gurneys They can fix me proper with a bit of luck The doctors and the nurses they adore me so, But it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful fuck (oh thank you)
I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff, I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough I gave you blood, blood, blood, I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love
  11 “Doctor Jazz”
 “Doctor Jazz” was made written by Joe King Oliver in 1926 and recorded by Jelly Roll Morton.
 This is one of many songs that Alastor sings in his backstory. This song plays when Alastor loses himself in the blissful moments playing trumpets, saxophones and singing onstage. Music and jazz helped Alastor out during hard times of discrimination and him witnessing police brutality against African Americans and disadvantaged individuals. In music, Alastor felt safe, confident, invincible.
Everybody gets the blues now and then, and don’t know what to do
I’ve had it happen many times to me before and so have you
But those days have gone and past, I found out what to do at last
When I feel down and out, you will hear me shout:
  Hello central, give me Doctor Jazz
He’s got what I need, I’ll say he has
When the world goes wrong and I’ve got the blues
He’s the guy who makes me put on both my dancin’ shoes
The more I get, the more I want it soon
I see Doctor Jazz in all my dreams
When I’m in trouble, bounds are mixed
He’s the guy who gets me fixed
Hello central, give me Doctor Jazz
  12 “Main Title and Anatomy of a Murder”
 The song comes from a 1959 courtroom drama film by Duke Ellington. This song gives off a “sneaky, spy” like vibe, a tension of “who done it,” in the music. This track would play during the mention of the mysterious “Louisiana Lunatic” in the newspapers, plus Alastor’s broadcasts of all the deaths he caused.
 13 “God Moves On The Water”
 This song is by Billie Willie Johnson in 1929. This song describes the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 (the year of Baxter’s death). It was an event that Alastor wasn’t involved in, but presumably found entertaining like the 1929 Stock Market Crash.
 This song could relate to the many hurricane disasters that went on in Alastor’s life in Louisiana but was lucky enough to survive in. The song could also reference the distress and helplessness that people of color, women and other minority groups felt in the clutches of a dominant white society.
 Ah, Lord, ah, Lord Year of nineteen hundred and twelve, April the fourteenth day Great Titanic struck an iceberg, people had to run and pray God moves, moves, God moves, ah, and the people had to run and pray The guards who had been a-watching, asleep 'cause they were tired When they heard the great excitement, then a gunshot was fired God moves, moves, God moves, ah, and the people had to run and pray
 Captain Smith gave orders, women and children first Many of the lifeboats piled right up, many were liable to crush God moves on, God moves, God moves, ah, and the people had to run and pray
 So many had to leave their happy home, all that they possess Lord Jesus, will you hear us now, help us in our distress God moves, God moves, God moves, ah, people had to run and pray Women had to leave their loving ones, see 'bout their safety When they heard the liner was doomed, hearts did almost break God moves, God moves, God moves, ah, and the people had to run and pray A.G. Smith, mighty man, built a boat that he couldn't understand Named it a name of God in a tin, without a "c", Lord, he pulled it in God moves, ah, God moves, God moves, ah, and the people had to run and pray Well Ah, ah, Lord
  14 “Minnie the Moocher”
“Minnie the Moocher” by Cao Calloway is a vocalizing catchy song about a beautiful woman named Minnie. This song could possibly relate to rumors about Mimzy and her famous wealthy life.
 Folks, here's a story 'bout Minnie the Moocher She was a red-hot hoochie-coocher She was the roughest, toughest frail But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale
Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi) Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah) Hee-dee-hee-dee-hee-dee-hee (hee-dee-hee-dee-hee-dee-hee) He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y)
She messed around with a bloke named Smokey She loved him though was cokey He took her down to Chinatown And he showed her how to kick the gong around
Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi) Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah) He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y) Oh-oh-oh-oh (oh-oh-oh-oh)
She had a dream about the King of Sweden He gave her things that she was needin' He gave her a home built of gold and steel A diamond car with a p-la-ti-num wheel
Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi) Ho-dee-ho-dee-ho-dee ho (ho-dee-ho-dee-ho-dee ho) Skip-de-diddly-skip-de-diddly-diddly-oh (skip-de-diddly-skip-de-diddly-diddly-oh) Bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-oh (bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-oh)
He gave her his townhouse and his racing horses Each meal she ate was a dozen courses She had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes She sat around and counted them all a million times
Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi) Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah) He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y) Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah)
Poor Min, poor Min, poor Min
   15 “Crazy Rhythm”
This song was made by Whispering Jack Smith in 1928.
 Perhaps this song is a reference to Alastor having to put aside his free music playing time at the cost of being a famous radio host. Although, Alastor had risen to fame, his former innocence had been lost.
 I feel like the Emperor Nero when Rome was a very hot town
Father Knickerbocker, forgive me, I play while your city burns down
Through all its night I fiddle away
It’s not the right life but think of the pay
Someday I will bid it goodbye, I’ll put my fiddle away and I’ll say
 Crazy rhythm here’s the doorway
I’ll go my way, you’ll go your way
Crazy rhythm from now on we’re through
Here is where we have a showdown
I’m too high-hat, you’re too low-down
Crazy rhythm here’s goodbye to you
 They say that when a high-brow meets a low-brow walking along Broadway
Soon the high-brow has no brow
Ain’t it a shame, and you’re to blame
What’s the use of Prohibition (banning alcohol)
You produce the same condition
Crazy rhythm I’ve gone crazy too
 Every Greek and each Latin, the Russians and Prussians as well
When they seek the lure of
Manhattan, are sure to come under your spell
Their native folksongs they soon throw away
Those harlem smoke songs they soon learn to play
Can’t you fall for Carnegie Hall
Oh Danny, call it a day and we’ll say
 Crazy rhythm here’s the doorway
I’ll go my way, you’ll go your way
Crazy rhythm from now on we’re through
Here is where we have a showdown
I’m too high-hat, you’re too low-down
Crazy rhythm here’s goodbye to you
 They say that when a high-brow meets a low-brow walking along Broadway
Soon the high-brow has no brow
Ain’t it a shame, and you’re to blame
What’s the use of Prohibition (banning alcohol)
You produce the same condition
Crazy rhythm I’ve gone crazy too
  16 “My Shiny Teeth and Me”
 Another smile song, by Nate Wants To Battle, this one about how a guy admires his shiny teeth. A reference to Alastor’s self-centered ego. In sheer irony, Alastor has yellow teeth in Hell. Deer man needs to brush his teeth!
When I'm feelin' lonely - sad as I can be.. All by my self in an uncharted island in an endless sea.. What makes me happy, fills me up with glee: Those bones in my jaw that don't have a flaw. My shiny teeth and me. My shiny teeth that twinkle just like the stars in space, My shiny teeth that sparkle addin' beauty to my face, My shiny teeth that glisten just like a Christmas tree. You know they'll walk a mile just to see me smile... Woo! My shiny teeth and me! Yes they're all so perfect; so white and pearly. Brush, gargle, rinse - A couple breath mints... My shiny teeth and me! My shiny teeth so awesome, just like your favorite song. My shiny teeth I floss em' so they grow to be real strong. My shiny teeth I love them and they all love me, Why should I talk to you when I got 32! Woo! My shiny teeth and me, My shiny teeth and me! My shiny teeth that twinkle just like the stars in space, My shiny teeth that sparkle addin' beauty to my face, My shiny teeth that glisten just like a Christmas tree. You know they'll walk a mile just to see me smile... Woo! My shiny teeth and me. My shiny teeth and me. My shiny teeth and me!
  17 “The Radio Demon”
 An official soundtrack in the pilot episode. The circus music that turns dark with organs playing. It plays when Vaggie tells of how Alastor got into power. This song plays after Alastor’s death and during the ending credits in the backstory. It serves as a transition to Alastor arriving in Hell, the next act in the character arc.
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Title: Wife?!
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Reader
Fandom: The Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Fluff, Humor, SMUT
Warnings: Mentions of Substance Abuse, Sex, and Murder
Notes: I do know that these characters are amazing themselves but! I will give credit to the amazing Creators that have Created the Hazbin Hotel!!
And Yes I am aware that Alastor is asexual but! For those fangirls! Out there that like this deer demon I write and you shall receive!
Summary: During a conversation with Alastor The subject of love then comes up to which he replies. "Married" to which The members of the Hazbin Hotel Begin to wonder who this mysterious partner is.
"Okay Okay So Let me get this right.. Princess is running a hotel to purify the demons here? And all she has for help is her best friend, Radio Demon, P0rnstar over there, Happy one eye demon, And Me?" Husk Cackled. Husk's Comment caused Charlie to sigh, Vaggie to roll her eyes, Alastor to smile, Angel Dust to nod, and Niffty to giggle. Husk groaned and slammed his face onto the table.
"While were all here have any of you been in love?" Charlie asked. This caused everyone to stop what they were doing. Even Alastor which caught the interest of Vaggie.
"Yeah When have any of you been in love or liked someone?" Vaggie Continued. The cat like demon had then laughed.
"I had lost the ability to love years ago so that's a no" He rolled his eyes and drank from the bottle labeled cheap booze.
"That would be never unless you count helping!" Niffty beamed.
The two nodded then it was now Alastor's turn to be pestered. The team of Co-Workers had now turned to the red deer demon.
"What is it not my turn to answer the qiestion?" Alastor Chuckled. The demons had nodded. "Married" he stated simply and walked away to find a popsicle. The demons mouths hung open in shock.
"Well who is it?" Charlie had gushed. Alastor turned towards the demon princess and grinned. "That is for me to know and for you all not to know .. now who wants some Jambalaya!" Alastor had replied suddenly changing topics.
The day had ended at the hazbin hotel and it was time for everyone to head home.
By everyone I meant Alastor. He had waved goodbye to everyone and made his way home. He opened the door to be greeted by his cheerful wife.
"Welcome back Alastor!" She chirped as he walked through the door while she had gotten up from the floor from washing it. He smiled and closed the door behind him. He grinned at his adorable wife and showered her with kisses. She giggled and returned the kisses. He smiled at her.
"So how was helping the hotel?" She asked with a smile on her face. He laughed and pecked her cheek.
"Why it was wonderful! Why I hadn't had that much fun since we had gotten together!" He laughed. She smiled at him.
"Honey?" "Yes Sweetheart?" "Can I take a bath together if that's Alright with you.." she smiled sheepishly twidling her fingers. He grinned picking her up off the ground setting his cane somewhere else nodding.
"Of course!" He exclaimed. She blushed and pecked his cheek.
"Thank you Alastor!" She giggled.
He set her down on her feet as she ran a bath.
I began to slip off my clothes. I blushed feeling the gaze of my husband. I covered myself. "Alastor!" I blushed. He tilted his head in confusion.
"Its not like I haven't seen you like this before!" He smirked. I blushed turning away from him. He chuckled.
I stopped the water before it had overflowed the bathtub. I then had stepped in. I whimpered feeling the warm water touch my body. I looked at my husband who was not smiling but in shock at the sound I had made because of the water.
I blushed and looked away.
"Sweetheart maybe I need to show you how good I can make you feel" he whispered. I blsuhed again. He then had stepped in behind me. I blushed feeling his chest against my back. His hands on my shoulders pulling me back against his chest. I turned my head to look at him as he grinned. His head leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Wow Alastor has sure been happier this week hasn't he?" Charlie smiled at the red deer demon. Vaggie rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.
"So who do you think it could be?" Angel sat next to the ladies. The trio had began their many theories of who it could be.
"Hm.. Hey Charlie?" "Yea?" "Remember a girl named Y/n?" Vaggie asked. Charlie nodding still not catching onto what she was trying to imply. Vaggie sighed as in saying 'Nevermind'.
"Oh Alastor!! Yes!!" I had cried out. Alastor grinned above me.
"Couldn't hear you sweetheart~" he teased. My hands gripping the sheets below me. My back was currently being massaged by my husband after I had cleaned all day.
"Feeling better?" He whispered. I nodded frantically. His hands kneading out the knots in my back. My quick breaths confirming the pleasure.
"Honey.. Thank you for kneading them out" I smiled at him. He grinned his mischievous grin and peppered my bare back with kisses. I blushed at the contact of his lips on my skin.
"Could it really be her?" Charlie mumbled in a daze hoping her friend that had gone missing in the demon world wouldn't. Vaggie shrugged her shoulders.
"Now what are my favorite ladies yamming on about?~" Angel smiled eating a popsicle from the fridge. His sudden appearance caused the two females to turn to the pornstar.
"Perfect timing! Angel! You've been here longer than me.. Do you know anything about a demon named Y/n?" Charlie asked with puppy dog eyes hoping to get any information on her missing friend.
The spider had shaken his head no. The two females sighed and groaned in disappointment. This had caused the two to catch Angel's attention.
"Why do you two wanna know anyways?"
"Because we believe that she might be HIS wife"- "theoretically speaking"
"Ah!~ then maybe we can conduct an experiment!" Angel gave a grin that had almost rivaled Alastor's.
"Honey where are you?" Alastor had called out. I jumped from the bed and grabbed a pillow covering my body that was only covered by my under garments with it. The door to the bedroom had opened and there stood Alastor. His mouth hanging open in shock at my state.
"Sweetheart~if that's what you needed then you could've just called~" he chuckled loosening his bowtie. I gulped in nervousness. He then was left in his undergarments. He crawled over to me and kisses my nose with a soft smile. He took the pillow tossing it somewhere else. I blushed as he lied me down on our bed.
I instantly knew where this was headed.
The trio had groaned books scattered everywhere on the ground.
Leaving not a single page unturned or looked at.
"F*cling Sh!t! We've been at this for hours! How much longer!" Angel groaned in despair.
Charlie simply giggled at the spiders action.
"As long as we have to to leave Alastor in shock!" Vaggie seethed gripping a book.
"Well what forms of contact or things have you noticed about Alastor?" Nifty spoke.
The trio jumped and looked at the small one eyed creature.
Suddenly the three had gained a lightbulb.
"Say.. Nifty!" Charlie called for the small one.
Nifty peeled up being called to and rushed over to Charlie.
"Yes Ms.Charlie?" She chirped.
"Do you have any idea who Alastor's wife is?" Vaggie had asked curiosity glinting in her eyes.
The small female nodding with delight.
"The Miss?! Oh she's so kind.. wonderful.. and very tidy! As well as good to Alastor!" She gushed.
This had confirmed the suspicions of the trio but more so of the original duo.
"Oh dont stop please!!" I moaned. Alastor smirked at my form. My upper half against the mattress while my lower half was up in the air. I was a moaning mess.
"I dont plan to~" he purred. His his rocked back and forth into mine. His hands on my hips. My legs were now taking a life of it's own and were in sync with Alastor's. My hands gripped the sheets below me.
Suddenly the phone rang. We both jumped in suprise. I looked at Alastor in confusion as I shrugged and grabbed the phone answering the call.
"Oh hello Charlie! I havent spoken to you in awhile!" I exclaimed with joy. His hips had began rocking against mine again. I looked at him in alarm. He only winked witha devious grin. I continued my conversation with the princess as Alastor continued with our scandalous lovemaking
"Well then if that's all then goodbye!" I chirped hanging up the phone call. I let out soft pants.
"You did very well sweetheart~! Now let's give you a reward!" He exclaimed. I tilted my head in confusion. I was then above him as he sat up. He then guided my hips up and down. I moaned at the new feeling. My hands on his shoulders, head thrown back. His hips snapping upwards. My soft moans now bouncing off the walls.
His arms wrapped around my waist holding me down on his lap as his thrusts were continuously violent.
My soft moans were now screams.
The door had opened to the Hazbin Hotel in the cold of the morning.
The bells had jingled.
The red deer demon had walked his way into the hotel humming happily.
The tune that he had always hummed
Suddenly the trio that had now turned into a quartet that jumped out at him with an accusing finger.
"YOU!" They all Yelled their fingers still pointed at the red head.
He tilted his head with s confused smile.
"Me?" "Yes you!"
Then a lightbulb had gone off in Alastor's head. He simply gave his signature grin and headed towards the kitchen and to prep the meal for the clients that would hopefully come into the hotel.
The doors had opened and in walked the demon of the hour.
"H-Hello?" She had meekly called out into the dark hallway of the hotel.
"Heya sweetcheeks Looking for something?" Angel had grinned at her from behind the counter.
The female looked up at him with a sweet smile and nodded.
This simple action caused the spider demon to blush but shook his head.
"Ask away!"
"Is the Radio Demon Alastor Here by chance?" Her voice as sweet as honey had echoed throughout the hotel.
This caused the not-so-busy hotel to stop their actions and, turn to the female.
The spider had nodded and lead her towards the kitchen.
The female had grinned and thanked the spider.
"Thank you- "Angel..AngelDust"
"Thank you AngelDust!"
"No problem Sweetcheeks"
The female then took a few steps into the kitchen to be met with Alastor.
"Sweetheart what are you doing here?"
"I came to bring you lunch.."
"I KNEW IT!!!!" Vaggie yelled out in excitement.
The couple had jumped and turned towards the door. There stood the entire staff of the Hazbin Hotel.
A/n: I feel like this was also Rushed as Well!
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
the deadliest game // charlotte&lola
Summary: Motley Crue, Lola, Charlotte, Peach, and Eileen play Knife Monopoly. It goes about as well as you could expect.
A/N: BIG WARNING THERE’S SO MANY KNIVES. KNIVES, INJURY, MENTIONS OF BLOOD, CUTTING AND STABBING BUT NOT IN A SERIOUS WAY, JUST LIKE A FUN LITTLE STAB, BUT STILL THERE’S SERIOUS KNIFE PLAY. it’s not sexual but i still don’t think its sfw. @lemonadexmouth and @misscharlottelee i hope i did your girls at least a little bit proud haha. MC might be a bit oc, sorry!
When Charlotte hears the words Knife Monopoly leave Tommy’s mouth one unassuming Friday afternoon in the Motley House, she’s instantly sent back a whole five years, to the Bass family garage, and Athena, all of thirteen years old, screeching in triumph while Tommy, barely fifteen, swore a blue streak, amid begging Charlotte not to tell his dad. They’d ignored her warnings, her jousting with steak knives is not a better alternative to regular auctions, and as such, Tommy had underestimated his vicious and competitive little sister, and ended up with a knife half an inch deep in the heel of his palm. 
“You’re so fucking stupid,” Charlotte, sixteen, tells him.
“Get fucked!” Athena had crowed, knife still a little bloody as she raised it in triumph. 
“Language, ‘Thena,” Charlotte reminded her, searching amid Tommy’s various musical supplies for any sort of cloth to stem the bleeding.
“I just won Knife Monopoly I can do whatever I want!” Athena responded, looking a little bit crazy, brandishing her knife at Charlotte, who just regarded her with flat unamusement. 
“Go get me bandages,” she instructed the younger girl, cutting her off before she can even begin to protest, “or I’ll tell your mom it was your idea.”
“She won’t -”
“You stabbed Tommy!”
“It was his suggestion! It’s his fault he got stabbed!” But she complies anyways, and sulks the whole time. Tommy doesn’t play Knife Monopoly with his little sister after that, or around Charlotte either, though according to some of his friends at school, he hasn’t exactly quit the game cold turkey.
“Absolutely fucking not,” Charlotte calls from the bathroom where she’s helping dye the ends of Lola’s hair bright red, the moment the memory passes. It’s all over her hands, it already looks like blood; this all feels too familiar.
“Char-lee,” Tommy practically whines, and Charlotte steps out of the bathroom to scowl at him, even as Lola protests. 
“Okay but what is Knife Monopoly?” Nikki is far too intrigued for his own good -
“No.” Charlotte says, firmer this time, “it’s dumb as hell. And it always ends with Tommy getting stabbed.”
“Not always!” Tommy protests, “I’ve stabbed Vince a few times,” like that makes it any better.
“Sign me up!” Nikki’s eyes are always alight with some terrible and dangerous enthusiasm, and Charlotte regrets ever meeting him, and proceeds to, in great and embarrassing detail, retell the story of the first ever game of Knife Monopoly. Tommy looks like he’s bitten a lemon by the time she’s finished. Nikki is clearly not swayed.
“I got better at it,” Tommy actually pouts.
“I’d hope so; your sister was thirteen,” Nikki points out. Tommy’s expression, defying all expectations, gets even more bitter.
“She’s vicious,” he says in his own defense, “go get Vince, he’ll tell you I’m good at it.”
“What does being good at Knife Monopoly mean?” Lola finally steps into the conversation, hands also dyed a bright, eye-catching red to match the ends of her hair currently in a messy bun atop her head. Unfortunately, she seems onboard with the whole idea.
“It means Vince got stabbed a lot,” Charlotte fills in, and Tommy’s back to grinning and nodding.
“How about it, Lo?” He’s all enthusiasm, and Lola shrugs, which he takes as a yes. He then proceeds to ask each of them if they’re in, without waiting for an answer, and practically bolts into the spare room where Vince was desperately trying to sleep off a hangover. 
“Knife Monopoly!” He announces at the top of his lungs, hanging off the doorframe. It’s like he’s fifteen again. Charlotte, whole body heavy with resignation, makes her way to the phone to call up Peach and Eileen. From the other room, the other three all hear Vince groan loudly.
“No rib stabbing,” is his only groggy stipulation, and Tommy literally cheers. 
Peach and Eileen show up within the hour, with a bemused Mick in tow, both women wearing near-identical disapproving scowls.
“We don’t have enough knives,” Nikki muses, looking at them, but Tommy’s acting as if their arrival means the end of the world.
“Charlie -” he tries again.
“Moral support, Thomas.” She doesn’t leave any room for argument, and then apologizes to both redheads. After a beat, the anger cracks away to resignation from Eileen, who Eileen opens her bag to reveal a swathe of gauze tape and a bottle of vodka, “just be glad I didn’t call your sister.” Charlotte adds for good measure, but Tommy just flips her off. 
Peach, on the other hand, realizing that the game hadn’t even started, turns from disapproving to excited.
“Wait, so I get to actually play this time?”
“Peach!” Eileen groans, but Tommy’s offering her a place in the game. She’d always had to help clean up the aftermath; it’s easy to be disapproving when bandaging your not-boyfriend’s sliced up bicep, it’s another to be able to get drunk and play for yourself.
Lola gets out of the shower drying her freshly dyed hair, only for the body count in the apartment to have almost doubled; she takes it in stride, and actually parrots Nikki’s concern about a lack of knives almost word for word. 
“If someone can drive me to my motel I can borrow some steak knives from the kitchen,” she offers, much to Charlotte and Eileen’s growing horror. Someone suggests making a night of it, of ordering pizza, getting booze, and collecting more knives before they start, and it seems almost everyone else is in agreement, even Mick, who, as Lola points out, would take any opportunity to stab the rest of the band, even a little bit.
“I hate them,” Eileen mutters to Charlotte, the two of them sharing vodka with Mick in the kitchen. Charlotte hums in agreement, watching as Nikki and Lola went to collect knives, while Vince and Peach went to pick up pizza and booze, which left Tommy to find the Monopoly board. 
“Fuckin’ teenagers, the lot of them,” Mick chimes in, but there’s something amused in his gaze, and Charlotte sighs deeply and tells him not to indulge them. He shrugs, as if he can’t help himself, as if the damage is already done, and it is.
There’s actual knife wounds in the board, holes of considerable size.
Charlotte doesn’t know why now, of all the time she’s known them, that she’s finally hit with the realization that her closest friends might be the absolute dumbest people she knows.
The premise of Knife Monopoly is simple; any and all disagreements are settled with a knife fight. Disagreements can range from establishing rules - yes, that early on; there’s been several times where he’s never even made a roll and the game is over - to disputes about rent, about whose turn it is, and most famously, substituting auctions for knife fights. Usually Tommy’s only played it with one opponent, so it’s elated to maybe not get stabbed for a few rounds. The knife fights aren’t serious, no-one’s allowed to go in for the kill or anything dramatic, and if someone quits, you have to respect that and stop going after them, but once they’re out, they’re not allowed to rejoin.
Peach and Vince get back first, loaded up with food for the whole pack, and Charlotte watches through narrowed eyes as Tommy pulls Vince to the side after he’s set down all the pizzas. They’re plotting something, judging by the conspiratorial whispering, and their suddenly shifty gazes.
“Charlie,” this time her name is a question when Tommy asks it, and Charlotte turns her full attention to him and the blonde crowded together in the corner of the room, “do you think Nikki and Lola...” he hesitated, “what do you think their pain tolerance is?” He decides on, none too subtly. Charlotte, when she considers his question, can’t help the way her lips twitch in amusement, understanding exactly what was happening.
“You’re both going to lose.”
“Ye of little faith,” Vince clicks his tongue, nose in the air, and Charlotte suppresses the sudden murderous intent that surges forth in her. Probably not the best situation to be feeling murderous in.
“You’re knife fighting Nikki and Lola,” Charlotte smirks instead, “you’re going to lose.”
Neither of them like that she kind of has a point.
The two in question finally get back, a canvas bag full of steak knives in tow, which are quickly passed out, and dinner and drinks are distributed and eaten as the rules are explain. Mick’s balancing the tip of his knife against his knee where he’s sitting in the armchair, a single finger keeping the utensil aloft, regarding them all like he’s wondering who he should go for first. In contrast, Tommy and Lola are already being absolute idiots, and trying to balance their knives on their noses, thankfully handle first.
Charlotte picks up her knife.
“I want it noted that this is a absolutely terrible idea,” she’s points the knife at Tommy, and he cheerily tells her ‘then quit’. She stays in the game to prove a point to him, and takes another shot.
They roll the little plastic dice to see who goes first, and when Nikki and Vince both roll a ten, instead of rolling again, they’re both already down to fight. Except that Nikki’s got this gleam in his eyes that can mean nothing good, and is holding his knife like he knows exactly what to do with it.
There’s a moment of jousting, of metal against metal, then plastic, then Nikki’s blade slips past too quick for Vince to catch, and there’s a cut on his bicep. Tommy calls out that the fight is over, and Nikki boos him, but Lola pulls him back.
“Calm down, Jason Voorhees,” she rolled her eyes, and pokes him with her own knife. Nikki, obligingly sat back, and devoured another slice of pizza as he rolled his first turn.
The first turn goes smoothly, probably too smoothly, though Charlotte wouldn’t lie that her heart was in her throat the whole time she was moving her piece. Any objection would be met with someone’s injury, as says the rules.
When Lola takes her second roll, these rules are exploited.
“No.” Nikki tells her as soon as she totals the numbers on the dice. Lola checks her math. Eight. Two fours.
“Yes? Eight.” She answers slowly, with a frown. Tommy can already see where this is leading, and watches with wide eyes and baited breath. Nikki flips his knife, and points it at Lola.
“How high are you?” Lola does not yet realise, it seems, and Nikki raises his eyebrows, claiming that that’s not the issue, “are you starting a fight because you’re bored?” Lola snickers, finally, and the way Nikki’s lips twitch at the corners betrays his intentions. There’s no way he would have started this over something so ridiculous with anyone else.
“I like this game,” Nikki turns to Tommy, and the moment his attention is pulled away, Lola lashes out with her knife, tearing his pants and leaving a thankfully shallow wound against his thigh. Nikki, surprised by the altercation, goes wide-eyed with shock, clutching his leg, mouth agape as he watches Lola smugly move her piece eight places forward.
“Yes, eight,” she says simply.
It was a dirty move, but Nikki’s expression turns to a disbelieving grin. Eileen hands over a roll of tissue paper. Everyone else is quiet, can’t quite believe what they’d just witnessed.
“Fucking knew you guys would be killer at this,” Tommy exclaims with a breathless grin, picking up the dice. Lola leans over and presses a sweet kiss to Nikki’s shoulder, and he, in turn, pets her head with the hand that’s not holding tissues to his fresh wound. 
Alcohol goes a long way to dulling the pain, but everyone now seems to be playing strategically; Eileen’s not playing, just watching with amusement, while her little sister uses Vince’s fondness against him. Peach gives him a doe-eyed pleading look, and when he starts to lower his weapon, she gives him a considerable cut by his collar. It’s not his first of the night, and after both the cut, and her underhanded tactics, he’s the first to bail out. Eileen takes him to the bathroom to be properly cleaned and bandaged, while Peach wears a smile so oddly reminiscent of thirteen-year-old Athena, triumphant. 
Mick appears to be biding his time, not challenging anyone, and no-one appears to want to challenge him, considering how unnerving he’s been acting for most of the game. Tommy and Charlotte end up challenging each other surprisingly often, and though he goes easy on her when he gets the upper hand, Charlotte still ends up with a collection of little wounds littering her skin; she can’t deny the adrenaline rush the arsenene game grants it’s players, maybe it’s why she hasn’t quit yet. 
Tommy’s holding his own against Lola and Nikki surprisingly well, and there’s no denying that the three of them are the worst off of the lot; Nikki and Lola challenge each other like it’s not a game involving knives, like it’s just a normal Friday, and Charlotte quietly thinks that there’s something deeply wrong with both of them. At least they go much easier on everyone else. 
“Alright, pay up, geezer, that’s four hundred you owe me,” Lola’s grin is all teeth when she turns to Mick, marking up the price for rent on her hotels, expecting him not to fight back. She’s been extorting him all game, and somehow he’s still playing. 
“I think you owe me four hundred,” Mick answers with a sharp little smile, sitting forward in the chair, finally holding his knife like a weapon. 
“Is that a challenge?” Lola should not be this excited at the prospect. Mick raises his eyebrows at her, holding out his hand.
“Unless you’re willing to just hand over that four hundred without a fight.” 
Lola’s on her feet in a flash, bouncing on the balls of her feet, ready and waiting for Mick to stand and face her. She’s passing her knife from hand to hand, far too eager, but Mick simply takes in her stance, and throws his knife at her, aiming for her arm, as to not hit anything too vital. There’s not enough force behind the throw to leave the knife actually in her, but it leaves a considerable gash in her shoulder.
“I quit,” Mick announces, while Lola marvels at the wound with what seems to border on excitement, “I already know I can’t win,” he shrugged easily. Lola and Tommy both boo at him.
“Drummer, you’re not gonna win when two of the five remaining players get off on shit like this,” Mick says bluntly, “and it’s not you or your cousin.” Vince crows with laughter, but doesn’t disagree. 
When Tommy looks to Lola, she’s glaring at Mick while Nikki dresses her wound. 
“I can try,” Tommy musters all his strength, only for Charlotte to cut him down.
“No you can’t,” she practically orders, “yes that’s a challenge,” and she reaches over and cuts his palm before he can even react. It’s a dirty, underhanded move, but technically it’s not against the rules. “This game is stupid and dangerous.”
“No fair!” Tommy frowns, plucking tissues out of the quickly depleting box.
“Is that a challenge?” Charlotte raises her eyebrows at him, and Tommy sulks, but finally quits, cradling his hand to his chest, and concedes defeat.
It’s a stalemate; Peach is relatively unscathed, Charlotte has collected a handful of scrapes, while Nikki and Lola look like they’ve rolled through broken glass and loved it. 
“You know what?” Peach announces, looking between Nikki and Lola, and Charlotte, like she’s interrupted a standoff, before anyone else rolls, “I don’t need to be stabbed anymore today, ‘specially not by you guys.” And she puts her knife down, raising her hands in surrender. 
And then there was three. 
Charlotte looks to the other two, leaning into each other and smiling in a way that was more than a little sinister, looking a little like a pair of serial killers sizing up their next victim. If it were anyone else looking at her like that, she’s pretty sure she’d be overwhelmingly intimidated, but the only thing Nikki and Lola do better than give off a ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe to everyone else, is self destruct together. Which Charlotte is far too aware of to let it go unmentioned. 
“If I quit, will you two promise not to kill each other, and to never play this game again?” Charlotte asks, leveling her knife at the two of them. They share a look; Nikki shrugs.
“We do this shit for fun anyways,” Lola admitted, finally looking back at Charlotte, conceding, “we don’t need a game.” Vince groans like he’s just now realising the game was rigged from the start. Charlotte doesn’t really want to think about that too hard, instead focusing on the first half of her initial question.
“But if I quit -”
“We both win, we’re a team,” Lola snorted.
“You stabbed each other more than anyone else!” Eileen looks like she wants to hurl them both through the window, but is kind of afraid they’d enjoy it.
“I hate you both so much,” Charlotte sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose with her free hand. She deliberately sets down her knife, “I quit. Knife Monopoly is officially banned.”
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syntaxeme · 4 years
One Good Turn ch. 3
[Read on AO3] | [First Chapter] | [Next Chapter] Rating: T Story summary: Angel’s clean streak is broken when Val forcibly calls him back to the studio. On principle (and not at all out of concern for Angel's wellbeing), Alastor takes it upon himself to free Angel from Valentino's control. But what started as a simple favor becomes something much more complicated, all because of an innocent thank-you kiss.
— — – 
Some part of Alastor knew it wasn’t entirely fair to judge a person—or a demon, as the case may be—by the company he keeps. That is, the fact that Valentino chose to associate with that tasteless hack Vox did not necessarily mean that he too was uncultured vermin. It was damning, certainly, but not definitive. This was a moot point, however, as there was already sufficient evidence to prove Valentino was trash, his friendship with Vox notwithstanding.
“It looks like after several months supposedly on the straight and narrow, adult film star and well-known coke whore Angel Dust has finally fallen completely off the wagon!” Katie Killjoy’s aggressively cheerful voice blared from the television set up in the hotel’s lobby, where all the hotel’s residents had gathered for news of their missing compatriot. Alastor could just imagine that vicious smile plastered on her face as she commentated over a video of Angel in a darkened club drinking himself to sickness, Angel doing lines and laughing coldly as a demon at his side passed out, Angel knelt in the darkened interior of a limousine and flipping off paparazzi while Valentino held him close with a ubiquitous grin.
Valentino was a common factor in all these scenarios, in fact, whether pouring liquor down Angel’s throat, handing him off to a…client, or simply watching in amusement while he drowned himself in sin. It had been three weeks, nearly four, since that limo had arrived and whisked Angel back to his old life of leisure and pleasure, and it seemed clear that Valentino was intent on keeping him there. Perhaps all the drugs and alcohol were meant to keep him compliant. And it seemed to be working a treat.
“It just goes to show that every soul here in Hell is here for a reason,” the reporter went on, “and that no misguided attempts at redeeming them will ever bear fruit. Looking at you, Princess Charlotte!”
Charlie’s eyes were locked on the TV, both hands covering her mouth, and Alastor could see tears starting to well in her eyes. Vaggie tried to console her, but she simply shut her eyes tight and dropped her head, withdrawing into herself rather than showing all the pain she must be feeling. That was a smart move, strategic, but not at all aligned with her personality.
“Damn it, Angel was here longer than any of us,” one of the other patrons complained loudly. “If he couldn’t hack it, what chance do the rest of us have?”
“Oh, come now, my good fellow, that’s hardly the spirit of self-improvement we strive for here at the Hazbin,” Alastor crowed, waltzing over to drape his arm over the pessimistic demon’s shoulders. “Have some confidence! Have some fortitude! Why, I assure you no one is more distraught over our dear friend Angel’s defection than I, but I refuse to allow my melancholy to keep me from progressing toward—”
“Alastor, will you just…save it?” Charlie barked, surprising everyone in the room into silence (other than the television, unfortunately). She looked up at him with a tearful snarl, fingers curling into helpless claws. “I know you don’t care about any of this, I know you think of it as a joke, but losing Angel isn’t something to laugh about. He was doing so well. I really thought he…” She took a deep, shuddering breath and shut her eyes. “I feel stupid enough already. You don’t have to rub it in.” She left the room with her head down, and as usual, the others followed her lead, dispersing to their respective rooms and leaving Alastor alone with 666 News’s mocking jingle.
Well. That certainly hadn’t gone to plan. If Charlie thought he was intentionally digging at her for Angel’s unfortunate regression, she was sorely mistaken. Much to his own surprise, he truly was quite bothered by Angel’s absence, either because he disliked the hotel’s naysayers having any further ammunition against them or because none of their other patrons had such a defined and entertaining personality. He also didn’t much care for the knowledge that the very independent and unfettered Angel Dust was evidently being toted about like a marionette, with Valentino holding the strings.
With some reluctance, Vaggie had shared with him the stories Angel had told of his relationship with Val. There was no secret in the fact that Valentino used him for sex and money, no pretense of fair play or equality between them. It was with far more trepidation that Angel admitted exactly how imbalanced in power they were, how insistent Valentino could be on controlling his every move. And if he disobeyed, if he rebelled, if he refused any order, the Overlord wouldn’t hesitate to ‘lay down the law.’ Alastor could only guess, based on how frightened Angel had seemed when they’d last seen each other, exactly what that implied.
He had since done some further research on exactly who Valentino was and what function he served in Hell. How many associates he had. Who might seek revenge if some unfortunate accident were to befall him. That was, of course, how his association with Vox had become clear, which complicated matters a bit more. Slaughtering one Overlord for the sake of bringing Angel back into the fold and restoring his autonomy was one thing; Alastor had killed people for less. Murdering an Overlord to whom Vox had some ostensible connection was another entirely. Was Alastor willing to risk a genuine threat for the sake of this farce, this naïve, hellish sitcom Charlie was staging?
Difficult to say.
Later in the evening, while Alastor sat awake in bed contemplating his options, a faint scratching from downstairs caught his ear. It was unlikely any of the others would hear it, but being so attuned to the sounds of his surroundings as he was, it didn’t escape his notice. He sat a few moments longer, wondering if it might be another drunken imp crawling home after a few shots too many. But the sound persisted, a scratch scratch scratch, as if of claws scraping the front door’s flawless enamel.
With a sigh, he slipped through the shadows and down the stairs to open the door, shocked to find a disheveled Angel Dust collapsed on the doorstep. Or maybe ‘disheveled’ was too mild a word. His face was bruised and smudged with blood, his torn clothing even more revealing than usual, his breathing shallow as if every inhale caused him further pain. To be plain, he looked rather like shit. And his condition was utterly fascinating.
“Angel?” Alastor knelt to observe him more closely: his hazy eyes, the blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, the way his hand still absently scrabbled toward the door. He almost seemed unaware that he was no longer alone. When Alastor rested a hand on his shoulder, he flinched away.
“No!” he said weakly. “No, I’ll be…I’ll…” He blinked quickly, trying to clear his vision, and the fear on his face faded into confusion. “Alastor?”
“That is my name; don’t wear it out,” Alastor chuckled, unsure of how to approach this situation with anything other than his usual nonchalance. “Are you all right? I’ll be honest: you aren’t looking your best.”
“Yeah, thanks, jackass,” Angel grumbled, struggling to push himself up, all four arms shaking under his slight weight.
“May I ask what happened?” He was terribly curious. It must have something to do with Valentino, but what? It was clear Angel had been beaten, but by whom?
“Doesn’t matter. Just help me get to my room, will ya?”
Alastor remained exactly where he was, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, are you back to stay? Is this a pattern you’re developing, spending some time ‘clean’ before relapsing and leaving us without a word for months or longer? A classic cycle for addicts, I’m told.” If Valentino had truly been holding him against his will, these accusations would hardly be fair, but Alastor got the feeling that wasn’t exactly what had happened.
“Fine, don’t help me then.” Angel managed to force himself to his feet—which were bare—and clung to the door to take one shaking step inside. As he tried to take another, he wavered and collapsed. By reflex, Alastor moved to support him. But Angel surprised him by shoving away, so roughly that he threw himself to the ground.
“Keep your fuckin’ hands off me!” he shouted, leaving the lobby in charged silence thereafter. Despite the unexpected reaction, or maybe because of it, Alastor’s smile widened slightly at the edges. He did enjoy a good surprise, if he was honest, and it was interesting to imagine what might have happened to make Angel of all people averse to being touched. After a moment of stillness, the tension melted from Angel’s body, and he lowered his head slowly. “Sorry. I ain’t had the best luck with men lately.”
Oh, do I fall under that category? “Think nothing of it. Though it’ll be harder to help you upstairs if you don’t want me touching you.”
“It’s fine. Just don’t get fuckin’ handsy,” Angel muttered, holding out one hand and allowing Alastor to take it to help him up.
“I’m sure you know already that I wouldn’t dream of it.” Again, he laughed, helping Angel slowly and cumbersomely across the lobby to enter the elevator.
“Ya know, for once, I appreciate that about you.” Angel had chosen a room at the very top of the hotel on his initial arrival, determined to be as far from the others as possible, citing ‘beauty rest’ and ‘mind your business’ as his reasoning. Regardless of his absence, Niffty had still included the room in her usual cleaning schedule, possibly in the hopes that he would be back. When they reached room 723 and he managed to locate his key, he swung the door open to a room decorated in shades of pink rather like Angel himself. While he stumbled inside to seat himself on the bed and let out a sigh of relief, Alastor lingered in the doorway, his curiosity unsatisfied.
“Where have you been?” he asked, making a conscious effort at sincerity in his tone.
“Ain’t you been watchin’ the news?” Angel scoffed. “I been everywhere. Didn’t even fuckin’ know half the time, Val kept me so—” He stopped himself, wrapping his arms around his lengthy body and staring down at his lap. “I bet Charlie’s pissed.”
“Now, I’m sure you know her better than that.”
“Yeah. But ‘disappointed’ is even worse. I didn’t want…” He shook his head in frustration. “It’s Val. I can’t think straight when he’s around. He gets in your head, y’know?”
“In your head, maybe,” Alastor agreed. “Yes, that’s how it seems.”
“You wanna talk about ‘cycles’? You wanna talk about ‘patterns’? It’s him. It’s always fuckin’ him.” Even with his mouth set in a furious sneer, a tear streaked down his face, and he quickly brushed it away. “He’s been real careful about keepin’ his eye on me this time. Keepin’ me happy or strung-out or shitfaced enough that I can’t argue with him. Guess he slipped up tonight.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Alastor stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind him, then went to lean against the wall opposite Angel and watch him closely. It almost sounded as if he wanted to talk about what he’d just gone through at Valentino’s hands, and if that was the case, Alastor was happy to listen. “What happened tonight?” he prompted. “If Valentino has made such an effort to keep you under control, how did you come to be back here at the hotel?”
“Luck, maybe? I mean, if you can call it lucky to get the shit kicked outta you,” Angel said with a mirthless laugh. His eyes lingered on Alastor, studying him as if trying to guess what ulterior motives he might have for staying in the room. “I dunno. Val had some business to take care of tonight. The kinda business he doesn’t like me gettin’ involved in. So he…loaned me out to a buddy of his. Vox. He—”
Angel’s tale cut off with a cringe as the usual ambient buzzing about Alastor’s person jumped into a harsh screech of static. His sharp smile stayed fixed as firmly as ever, his eyes wide as he tried to process this new information. He hadn’t realized that Vox was personally involved in all this, but the knowledge muddied his feelings on the entire subject somewhat. Where was all this anger coming from, he wondered? Was it the idea of Vox enjoying anything that he so resented? Was it the concept of Angel Dust being passed around between Overlords without any say in the matter? Maybe it was the thought that he was somehow enabling Vox to take advantage of Angel by not confronting Valentino sooner.
Very difficult to say.
After several seconds of tension, he managed to subdue the scratch and static back to its typical lingering presence. “I’m sorry, please continue,” he said pleasantly. “You’ve been…involved with Vox, then?”
“Sorta.” Angel was still watching him warily, like he expected another sudden outburst at any moment. “You know him?”
“We’re acquainted.” Another brief crackle of static. “We’re of different minds on a few issues. I didn’t know he was a part of Valentino’s business.”
“He’s not exactly. Doesn’t like gettin’ his hands dirty; he just likes to watch,” Angel explained. Yes, that fit the understanding of Vox’s character that Alastor had developed over the years. Always watching, observing, storing information for later use. Parasite. “It’s not like anything was different this time. It’s how he always is. Him and his guys. Usually four or five of ‘em. But I guess he didn’t like Val’s plan to keep me drugged and drunk all the time. What’s the point if I don’t scream, right?” His voice had turned hard, cold, and his clawed fingers dug into the bedspread beneath him.
Realizing that this topic had become an unpleasant one for both of them, Alastor began, “Angel, if you’d rather not—”
“Oh no, you started this,” Angel snapped back, shooting him a glare. “You wanted to know. The least you can do is let me finish.” He was right, of course. Alastor inclined his head and gestured for Angel to go on. “Anyway, those demons that work for him ain’t really the gentle type. And I was comin’ down from like, three different highs at once, so I already felt like garbage before they got their hands on me. Guess I complained one time too many.” He absently reached up to touch the bruise on his cheekbone, wincing slightly at the pressure.
“Once they were done with me, once Vox looked the other way, I snuck out. I got a cab, but I didn’t have any cash on me, so…” He shrugged, leaving it up to Alastor’s imagination as to how he paid for the ride. This may have been the first time he’d seen Angel so blasé toward—even uncomfortable with—the subject of sex. “I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. Don’t worry, Val’s probably gonna send one of his guys to pick me up once he realizes I’m gone, so I won’t be here causin’ trouble for long.”
Alastor pushed off the wall and strode over to the bed to stand in front of Angel. Recalling how badly he had responded to being touched earlier, he made sure to move slowly and carefully as he trailed his fingertips up the edge of Angel’s chin to make him look up. “Is that what you want? To go back to Valentino?”
“Wh-what?” Angel was apparently having difficulty following the turn this conversation had just taken, his face flushed as he stared up at the Radio Demon with wide eyes.
“Do you want to go back to him?” Alastor repeated, absently licking the pad of his thumb to wipe the dried blood away from the corner of Angel’s mouth. Such a waste. Angel started to lean into the touch, but it ended before he could do so. “If and when he sends an escort to retrieve you, do you plan to cooperate?”
“What else am I gonna do?” Shaking his head, leaning back slightly, Angel pointed out, “You don’t know what he’s like, Al. He doesn’t like bein’ told ‘no,’ and he doesn’t like lettin’ go of shit that belongs to him. I ain’t got much choice.”
“Just humor me for a moment and suppose that you do,” Alastor insisted, gesturing airily as he spoke. “Suppose you had the option to either go back to his studio and live a relatively comfortable and indulgent life with few personal freedoms or stay here, focus on your rehabilitation, and work with us to support the hotel’s efforts. Which would you prefer?”
The answer was almost immediate. “If there was a way for me to not be Val’s little fuckin’ boy toy anymore, sure, I’d take it in a heartbeat.”
Alastor’s smile widened considerably. “That is exactly what I was hoping to hear. And as co-manager of the hotel, it’s my duty to eliminate any and all obstacles to our patrons’ recovery, is it not? Consider your account with Valentino settled, my friend, and try to get some rest. We’ll be expecting you back in sessions tomorrow.”
“Wait. Wait a minute!” Angel grabbed his wrist as he started to leave, and although he wrenched away from the touch, he did pause. “What’re you sayin’? You’re not gonna go after him, are ya?”
“I plan to have a conversation with him,” Alastor said honestly. “I’m hoping he’s a reasonable fellow and will understand the situation without the need for things to get messy. If he doesn’t, however…” The room darkened slightly, highlighting the glow of his eyes. “I̶ ̢w̸i̷l͡l m͞ak̸e ͘h͜i͏m ͝uǹd҉e̶rst҉an͠d.”
“Don’t.” Angel was visibly unnerved by seeing his cheerful demeanor slip, but it didn’t stop him from protesting. “Seriously. I know you’re supposed to be this big powerful Overlord and all, but Val is no joke. Whatever you think you’re gonna get out of threatening him—”
“Are you trying to protect him?”
“No. I’m tryin’ to protect—” He ran a hand through his hair with an irritated groan. “It’s not worth it. I’m sayin’ if he’s pissed at me, I should be the one dealing with it. I don’t want you or Charlie or anybody here to get hurt cuz of my personal bullshit.” As the words were coming out of his mouth, he seemed to slowly realize what he was saying, just as Alastor did the same.
“Why Angel Dust,” the Radio Demon purred, surprised but delighted. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounded very much like the virtue of Kindness. Maybe even Humility. You might be closer to redemption than I thought.” What an interesting development!
“Oh, shut the hell up!” Angel hissed, flushing even darker now and grabbing a heart-shaped throw pillow from the bed to toss it at Alastor. “Get outta my room, you dick.”
“Hmm, and just when we were starting to get along.” He dodged another pillow and swept out of the room, stealing one last glance at the blush on Angel’s cheeks before pulling the door shut behind him. As much as he appreciated the sentiment, he planned to ignore the advice not to approach Valentino.
It’s not worth it, Angel had said. I’m not worth it, was what he meant. That was likely another lingering effect of Valentino’s influence, one he would be better off without. Beyond that, Alastor had already said that he would take care of the problem, and he had a firm policy against the breaking of promises.
17 notes · View notes
Harry Potter: Percy Weasley
Percy Weasley is my favorite Harry Potter character. He’s intriguing, his plot is compelling, and really, he deserves more attention.
NOTE: This post is not in any way intended to disparage the rest of the Weasley family. I think that all of them are great people, yes, even Ron.
A lot of people, when looking for redemption arcs in Harry Potter, like to point to Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy. But why does almost no one look at Percy Weasley? There are legitimately more fanfictions, headcanons, and so forth about how Voldemort is secretly a great dude who just wants to help the Wizarding World than there are about Percy Weasley. Can we just... talk about him for a minute?
Percy Weasley grows up in a very much Gryffiindor family, “it doesn’t matter how much money we have as long as we have love” type of home. But Percy Weasley is ambitious. He’s not particularly brave. Any House would fit him better than Gryffindor. He’s ambitious, studious, hard-working, but not brave. And growing up in this Gryffindor household, his best attributes, the things he wants to be, are being constantly put down by his family. Certainly none of the other Weasleys value ambition, a consummate Slytherin trait. Arthur Weasley is content with his low-paying position at the Ministry. Percy Weasley is constantly teased and mocked for studying, for wanting to get somewhere in life. His family’s values are not Percy Weasley’s values and it shows. Fred and George Weasley continually mock him for being a Prefect and striving for academic achievement. While Molly Weasley doesn’t do anything to encourage this, she’s not discouraging it very effectively, either.
So Percy Weasley goes to Hogwarts, and it is a fantasy to him. His parents and older brothers have told him stories and built up its image until Hogwarts isn’t just a place, it’s a dream. So Percy Weasley goes, and he puts the Sorting Hat on his head. And the Sorting Hat says to him, Slytherin. Or, Ravenclaw. Or, Hufflepuff.
And Percy Weasley thinks back to the Sorting Hat, Please, no. Gryffindor, Gryffindor, what will make you give me Gryffindor?
And in response, the Sorting Hat tells him, Are you sure? Gryffindor will not bring you happiness. Gryffindor will not advance your dreams. Gryffindor will not encourage your search for knowledge.
Yes, Percy Weasley thinks.
“Gryffindor!” it yells, and Percy Weasley joins the red-and-gold-clad table amidst cheers.
But his year-mates laugh when Percy Weasley asks them to go to the library with him and mock him for writing out essays three days in advance. When he gets an O on a paper, people look down at him and ask why he invested so much time into a random assignment.
Maybe Oliver Wood is his mortal enemy, obsessed with Quidditch and constantly ignoring homework in favor of flipping through Quidditch magazines. Maybe he ignores Percy Weasley, the quiet studious bookworm hiding in the corner, and in return, he ignores Oliver Wood, the bright laughing kid constantly pestering the Quidditch team. Maybe the duo becomes friends, bonding when Oliver spends hours reading books on Quidditch strategies. But in the end, it doesn’t matter.
In his fifth year, Percy Weasley makes Prefect. Some part of him expects his family to be proud, and his mother is. But the twins mock him about it, and the rest of his family simply don’t care. And seeing his mother chastise the twins, Percy Weasley wonders if his mother only cares about his achievements in that they can be used to pressure his (better, the vicious, nasty part of him whispers) siblings.
When Bill and Charlie made Prefect, he thinks with a touch (more than) of bitterness, the rest of the family cared. But I’m not the brave Gryffindor, I’m just good old studious Percy, and therefore it’s expected.
He starts dating Penelope Clearwater, and the rest of the year passes by in a blur of prefect duties and watching out for Ron Weasley.
Percy Weasley’s sixth year starts with a clandestine kiss in a secluded corner from Penelope Clearwater but quickly devolves. His younger sister, Ginny Weasley, is deteriorating, and his other siblings are doing nothing. So he offers her a Pepper-Up Potion, stays up late nights to assist her with homework, and reassuring her that Ron Weasley won’t get expelled. He thinks about taking her to Madam Pomfrey more than once, but Ginny Weasley insists that she’s fine and Percy Weasley does nothing.
He’s on the brink of just reporting her to the school nurse anyway when suddenly Penelope Clearwater is petrified, and his days devolve into a frantic mass of fear and chaos.
Suddenly, his little sister is taken (dead, his mind supplies), and Percy Weasley is writing a letter to his parents. telling them that the youngest Weasley has been taken by the Heir of Slytherin. And then, just as suddenly, Harry Potter rescues her and rescues Ginny Weasley from the Chamber of Secrets; Percy Weasley is left reeling in the wake.
The seventh year, there’s a mass murderer on the loose, and Percy Weasley is paranoid. His parents asked him to watch out for both Ron Weasley and Harry Potter because really, a Prefect and the eldest Weasley remaining at Hogwarts? They ask him to keep an eye on the two. And, well, maybe they don’t outright ask him to watch Ron Weasley, but it’s implied, isn’t it? His younger brother is close to the Boy-Who-Lived and therefore a target. Percy Weasley is certain his parents know this and assumed he knew it as well. After all, Sirius Black didn’t discriminate between the Potters, Peter Pettigrew, and the innocent Muggle bystanders, did he?
When he makes his rounds of the Great Hall after Sirius Black tries to break in, he doubles back a few times to subtly check on his siblings. All of them, even the twins. Percy Weasley is terrified, and he hopes to Merlin that Sirius Black is caught soon. Normally, he hates the Dementors with a burning passion, but tonight, he’s grateful for their presence.
He decides that he needs to put more effort into ensuring Harry Potter and Ron Weasley’s safety. Harry Potter, he follows around obviously, trying to discourage Sirius Black from attacking when an older, well-trained student is in the vicinity. For his brother, he focuses on keeping a subtle eye on him, and ensuring that Ron Weasley isn’t following Harry Potter around. For all that Percy Weasley likes the Boy-Who-Lived, he knows that Harry Potter is a magnet for trouble and danger. He tries to watch them, he really does, but then Sirius Black breaks into Gryffindor Tower, almost killing Ron Weasley, and all Percy can think is, I failed.
When the news comes that Sirius Black is caught, Percy Weasley breathes easier. They’re safe. He feels this for all of two hours, right up until Sirius Black escapes. Harry Potter is raving about the mass murderer’s innocence, the innocence of the man who killed his parents, and Percy Weasley wonders a tiny bit about the boy’s stability. But not for too long.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Percy Weasley has his dream job. He’s overjoyed. Not only that, he’s working under Bartemius Crouch. For Merlin’s sake, the man is a legend! So Percy Weasley ignores it when Crouch calls him “Weatherby,” and the sneers of other Ministry workers who look down and say, “Just like your father.” He knows it’s not a compliment, and a tiny part of him burns with anger at his father. But it’s not very large, and he ignores it.
At the Quidditch World Cup, everything goes wrong so quickly. Percy Weasley stands back to back with his father and fires off Stunners towards the mob. He gets a bloody nose for his trouble, but in the end, his family is safe, and that’s all that matters.
As the year progresses, he slowly finds that he’s taking on more and more responsibilities for his boss. But this is a good thing! It just means that his idol trusts Percy Weasley more and more. And then Percy Weasley is judging at the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, and all he can think is this: Merlin, Ron? So he runs down to the lake and drags his younger brother to safety. And he knows it’s foolish and stupid, but he thinks, just to himself, that if Ron Weasley had stayed away from Harry Potter, this never would have happened. And it’s true, isn’t it?
But everything is going fine for him, right up until Harry Potter finds Bartemius Crouch wandering the Forbidden Forest in a daze. And then all of Percy Weasley’s dreams are spiraling down a drain, disappearing into the fog. Sometimes, he can barely breathe, barely think, and he’s been demoted so many times that he might never even reach up to his father’s rank at the Ministry.
The Boy-Who-Lived stumbles away from the Portkey holding the corpse of Cedric Diggory. Percy Weasley doesn’t know what to think, what to believe, but then Cornelius Fudge is right there, telling him that Harry Potter is insane. And, well, Percy Weasley doesn’t want to believe it, but there are tiny little things that have been adding up over the years. And Cornelius Fudge is the Minister. Shouldn’t he be right, then? So Percy Weasley believes the Minister for Magic. 
In the wake of the debacle, he gets a promotion. He exhales, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. It’s fine. He can still accomplish his dream. So he returns home, ready to tell his family the joyous news. But when he does, they don’t care. And then his father tells him that it’s all a trick, that Percy Weasley could never achieve something like this on his own merits, no, the Minister is manipulating him.
His throat tightens, and suddenly, he can’t breathe again. Percy Weasley screams at his father instead and storms out of the house. If his father doesn’t think that he could accomplish this on his own merits, then his father is a fool. And Dumbledore is going down, because that’s what the Minister said, and if the Minister is wrong, then his father is right and Percy Weasley didn’t get anywhere because of him, no it’s all because of his father, everything for the Ministry, for his dream, comes back to Arthur Weasley-
When Percy Weasley finds out that his youngest brother is consorting with Harry Potter, he writes Ron Weasley a cautionary letter. Because family is still family, and he doesn’t want his siblings to be hurt. And perhaps no one truly knows what went down in Harry Potter’s first year, not besides Harry Potter himself and Albus Dumbledore, but what they do know is that Harry Potter was involved in an incident with Quirinius Quirrell, and then Quirinius Quirrell was dead. And in his second year, Harry Potter made his way to the Chamber of Secrets, where Percy Weasley’s sister almost died and his younger brother was trapped in a rockfall with an amnesiac idiot. In his third year, Ron Weasley was kidnapped by Sirius Black because he was standing next to Harry Potter and had his leg broken. And then a werewolf attacked him (not that Percy Weasley blames poor Professor Lupin, it’s not as if he could control it, but he would hope that at least Dumbledore would have had better containment measures than simply releasing a werewolf into the Forbidden Forest each full moon) and Ron Weasley could have died or been inflicted with lycanthropy. Then, in the fourth year, Percy Weasley’s brother was pulled into the Black Lake and attacked by the merpeople because he was Harry Potter’s friend. And then Harry Potter disappeared with Cedric Diggory and Cedric Diggory came back dead. So, no, Percy Weasley does not want Ron Weasley associating with the Boy-Who-Lived, because their continued association will get him killed. He writes a letter. It goes unanswered.
Down in the depths of the Ministry of Magic, Percy Weasley can’t deny the fact that Voldemort is back. But if Voldemort is back, then his father was right. And if his father was right, then Percy is useless. His entire career amounts to being manipulated by a man who couldn’t remember Percy’s name and then as a convenient pathway to try to spy on his family.
So Percy Weasley runs, and runs, and runs, and doesn’t go back to the Burrow. Not until Christmas, when the new Minister for Magic drags him there. And upon arrival, he knows that Rufus Scrimgeour only wanted to go to talk to Harry Potter. Percy Weasley is a tool, a way for the Ministry to try to reach Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. That’s the only reason anyone keeps him around anymore, as a stepping stone to get somewhere else, to someone more important.
He’s standing uncomfortably inside the Burrow, watching his family like strangers. Molly Weasley embraces him, but, well, his mother has always been the most accepting of his dreams out of all his family. Even if he still wonders if it was for the standard that she could hold his siblings up to. But either way, the rest of his family are staring at him, and then Percy Weasley is being driven out of his former home with mashed parsnips. Outside the house, he stares at his polished black shoes and waits for the Minister to come out.
The Minister is unhappy, and Percy Weasley knows that his negotiations with the Boy-Who-Lived did not go well. Some part of him is viciously happy at this, but the rest is worried because while he might only be a tool, Percy Weasley is still a higher-up of the Ministry and very much aware of the situation. The war is turning in the Death Eaters’ favor, or it always was, and it doesn’t matter because if the Ministry can’t regain the public’s favor, the Death Eaters can start swaying it to their sides. So he returns to the Ministry with piles of paperwork and a wand holster up his sleeve.
He attends Dumbledore’s funeral. Even if he didn’t approve of many of Dumbledore’s actions, he was still a great man. Percy Weasley can recognize that now, at least. None of his family approaches him. The feeling is mutual, and he ignores them as well.
The Ministry is overthrown, and everyone knows it. Perhaps Percy Weasley keeps his head tucked low and recites the pureblood lines, this sham of a government. Perhaps he forges Muggleborn paperwork that proclaims them to be halfbloods. Perhaps he smuggles Muggleborns and their families out of the country. Perhaps he throws himself into work for the Death Eaters, secretly sabotaging them the entire time.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Instead, what matters is that he makes his way to Aberforth Dumbledore and joins the Battle of Hogwarts. Percy Weasley joins the Order of Phoenix and fights side by side with his siblings. When he makes a joke, Fred Weasley laughs, and he wonders if maybe the twins aren’t so bad after all- his younger brother is dead, and Percy Weasley can’t help but wonder if there was something he could have done. If he had seen the explosion faster and pushed Fred Weasley out of the way. If he hadn’t distracted his brother with the stupid joke. If he had traded his own life for Fred Weasley’s, because, well, Fred Weasley is loved. George Weasley needs his twin. They have a joke shop. Countless people would be (are) devastated if (because) Fred Weasley died (dies). And Percy Weasley is not.
After the battle, he returns to the Ministry. He rejoins under Kingsley Shacklebolt’s administration in the Department of Magical Transportation. But, well, Percy Weasley will always wonder if he could have saved his brother.
This turned into more of a character study than a list of reasons. Percy is my favorite character because he betrays his family. In the series, he had this extremely compelling storyline and background that was never fully explored. And not enough fanfiction writers explored that either, so I wrote this about why he is honestly one of the most interesting characters in Harry Potter.
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bookishable · 5 years
goblet of fire book moments
‘the riddles all appeared to be in perfect health—apart from the fact that they were all dead.’
ron, hermione, hagrid and sirius sending harry food and birthday cakes over the summer so he would have enough to eat
“she did put enough stamps on, then”
“we’ve been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought they were actually making things, we thought they just liked the noise.”
percy: we’re trying to sTAnDaRdiSe cAuLdRoN tHiCkNeSs ron: that’ll change the world, that will
arthur trying to light a fire at the world cup and ron being like but we’ve got an oven
the guy named archie wearing a dress because he thought it was regular muggle clothing
ludo bagman existing
crouch calling percy “weatherby”
“oh, shut up, weatherby”
the quidditch world cup actually happening and being amazing
“you can speak english! and you’ve been letting me mime everything all day!” “vell, it vos very funny”
fred and george predicting the quidditch match score and earning all the money they bet back
“if the hogwarts express crashed tomorrow, and george and i died, how would you feel knowing that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?”
harry ‘would willingly have split all the money in his gringotts vault with the weasleys’ <3 my boy is precious
the visual of mrs weasley giving amos diggory a piece of toast through the fire where his head was
“it would’ve been so easy to push malfoy off a glacier and make it look like an accident… shame his mother likes him…”
hermione not eating at the first feast in aid of house elves and ron waving puddings at her: “hermione gave him a look so reminiscent of professor mcgonagall that he gave up.”
dumbledore: the triwizard tournament will be taking place at hogwarts this year fred: you’re JOKING dumbledore: i am not joking, but i did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who all go into a bar— mcgonagall: *clears throat loudly*
blast-ended skrewts
harry: why have i got two neptunes ron: *imitating trelawney* when two neptunes appear in the sky, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born, harry
“has your mother always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?”
‘telling neville what professor sprout had said, harry thought, had been a very tactful way of cheering neville up, for neville very rarely heard that he was good at anything. it was the sort of thing professor lupin would have done.’
harry and ron’s made-up divination predictions that foreshadow the rest of the book
“excuse me, i don’t like people just because they’re handsome!” ron gave a false cough which sounded oddly like ‘lockhart’
ron: that’s not a normal girl, they don’t make them like that at hogwarts harry: *looking at cho* they make them ok at hogwarts hermione: wHeN yOu’Ve bOtH pUt yOuR EyeS bAcK iN
“we all know professor moody considers the morning wasted if he hasn’t discovered six plots to murder him before lunchtime”
hermione bringing harry some toast and taking him on a walk at breakfast so he wouldn’t have to face ron and the rest of the gryffindors
“ah, this is nice and cosy.” it was a broom cupboard. harry stared at her.
rita: i hope you saw my piece over the summer? dumbledore: i particularly enjoyed your description of me as an obsolete dingbat
charlie weasley existing
“there are switching spells… but what’s the point of switching it? unless you swapped its fangs for wine gums or something”
moody: play to your strengths harry: i haven’t got any moody: excuse me
trelawney telling harry that he was in danger of a sudden, violent death: “well that’s good, just as long as it’s not drawn out, i don’t want to suffer”
“no, i’m fine,” said harry, wondering why he kept telling people this, and wondering whether he had ever been less fine.
‘he wouldn’t have cared if karkaroff had given him zero; ron’s indignation on his behalf was worth about a hundred points to him.’
“yeah, you can have a word, goodbye.”
“i thought it sounded a bit like percy singing… maybe you’ve got to attack him while he’s in the shower”
ron giving dobby his christmas jumper
harry and ron having a sword fight with the fake wands
harry: i don’t dance mcgonagall: oh yes you do
harry: why do girls have to move in packs? how do you get one on their own? ron: lasso one
“ron, can we borrow pigwidgeon?” “why?” “because george wants to invite him to the ball”
“harry—we’ve just got to grit our teeth and do it,” said ron, in a tone that suggested they were planning the storming of an impregnable fortress.
ordering food at the yule ball feast by telling the plate what they want to eat
“when i went back to investigate, i discovered that the room had vanished. possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning—or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder.”
“nice socks, potter”
snape: what are you doing? ron: we’re walking. not against the law, is it?
“i wouldn’t come near you with a ten-foot broomstick”
harry calling rita skeeta a cow and dumbledore being like “i have gone temporarily deaf and haven’t any idea what you said”
aberforth dumbledore being mentioned to have been prosecuted for practising inappropriate charms on a goat
“never be ashamed,” my dad used ter say, “there’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth botherin’ with.” someone hold me i’m crying
“just go down to the lake tomorrow, stick your head in, yell at the merpeople to give back whatever they’ve nicked and see if they chuck it out. best you can do, mate.”
‘hermione seemed to be taking the library’s lack of useful information as a personal insult; it had never failed her before.’
“your wheezy, sir! the thing harry potter will miss most!”
dumbledore speaking mermish
‘ron and hermione both gave harry half-exasperated, half-commiserating looks.’ honestly if this isn’t a summary of the series idk what is
ron: i could’ve taken those mer-idiots any time hermione: what were you going to do, snore at them?
sirius “fulfilling his duty as godfather” by sleeping in a cave and living off rats to be near harry
“if you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
referring to sirius as ‘snuffles’
winky: you is nosing dobby: harrypotterisbraveandnobleandharrypotterisnotnosy!!!
“aren’t you two ever going to read hogwarts: a history?” “what’s the point? you know it off by heart, we can just ask you.”
harry and cedric uniting in their indignance at the hedges for the third task growing all over the quidditch pitch
bagman: shall i wait for you harry? harry: no it’s ok, i think i can find the castle on my own, thanks
trelawney: if you leave you may lose the opportunity to see further than you have ever— harry: i don’t want to see anything except a headache cure
dumbledore saying madame maxime is “a very able headmistress—and an excellent dancer”
“i didn’t see madame maxime anywhere, though, and she’d have a job hiding, wouldn’t she?”
“curiosity is not a sin, but we should exercise caution with our curiosity…”
harry: but the task’s not until tonight! *spills scrambled eggs* mcgonagall: i’m aware of that, potter
harry expecting the dursleys to turn up for the third task and it turns out to be mrs weasley and bill and they spend the day wandering around the castle
harry working out the sphinx’s riddle and being ‘amazed at his own brilliance’
“you fail to recognise that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!”
‘he had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a mother.’
“what’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
“cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities which distinguish hufflepuff house: he was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. his death has affected you all, whether you knew him well or not.”
“we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
“we can fight only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”
hermione keeping rita skeeta in a jar and blackmailing her to not write any more stories after she found out rita was an unregistered animagus
harry giving fred and george all his triwizard winnings because he’s the kind boy he is
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23 for Sky and Atton??
ngl I’m embarrassed about how long this has been sitting in my inbox. thank you, Charlie!! :’)
23. “I’m right here in flesh and blood and self hate.” from this prompt list
When they had first touched down on Korriban, all that Sky could think was how dead the planet felt. The mustiness in the air reminded her of a tomb, and the dead littering the ground that Kreia had warned her away from only added to the feeling.
But as she walked through the academy, she realized that dead was the wrong word. And how could she mistake it for such? She, of all people, should know what a dead planet felt like.
Korriban wasn’t dead - it was starving. It longed for the fresh life traversing it to nourish its emaciated form, and the thick rot of darkness that permeated the planet was certainly pulling out every trick it could think of to drag her deeper into it.
Murderer. You thought that healing a few sickly refugees would wash away the blood? That drinking in the night and falling into bed with a stranger would fill the void in you? You’re delusional, Exile. Come home.
The training she received from the Jedi, combined with a near decade of poor coping mechanisms, were all that kept Sky’s smile in place, grinning so hard that her cheeks hurt. Perhaps if she smiled enough, her cheer would become real, real enough to ignore how Korriban whispered in her voice.
It didn’t take a master of the Force to know that her companions were feeling similarly.
Seeing HK stalk ahead with his blaster rifle drawn, she mentally corrected herself. Two of three, anyway.
Visas was quiet, as usual. Normally Sky found it relieving, meditating with her a welcome balm from the chaos of her life. But there was no serenity to be found from her friend, only a tension as cutting as static, and she felt a sharp pang of regret for bringing Visas to Korriban with her. Whatever her previous allegiances, Sky felt the natural leaning to the Light within her… but to bring her to a place of darkness so soon after leaving Nihilus?
If she falls, it’s your fault.
Smile in place, she carried on.
Atton had been here before, as he’d told her shortly before they touched down on the planet. A part of his training, and part of why she had asked him to go with her. If anybody in their party would have an inkling of what to expect, it would be him, Kreia, and Mandalore - and the latter two had opted for staying on the ship instead. When Sky had asked him, Atton had simply nodded. Yeah, of course.
She wondered if this was anything like what he remembered. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
Afraid to judge him? You should be. Jaq Rand has nothing on General Starbrac. Did you forgive him because you hoped you could be forgiven, too?
“There’s too many of them, General! What do we do?”
Murderer. Do you remember what came next?
“Keep going. We mustn’t give them an inch.”
Do you remember how many died from that order alone?
Do you remember?
Do we remember?
Closing her eyes against the sudden influx of thoughts, Sky exhaled sharply, her hand shooting out to brace the stone wall.
“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity.” She whispered to herself, willing her breathing to steady as best she could. “There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.”
Caught in her mantra as she were, Sky was caught off-guard when she felt a sudden warmth on her shoulder. Jumping and taking a step back, her eyes opened to see Atton standing beside her, his brow lifted and an inquisitive look on his face.
“That’s me,” he replied, removing his hand and stepping in front of her. “You there?”
A question with more meaning than just one, and she nodded. “Yes. I just needed a moment.” Sky said, trying to smile once more and unsure if she was succeeding. “Are you?”
Atton rubbed his forehead. “Yeah. I’m right here, in flesh and blood and self-hate.” She suspected that the expression he wore was meant to be a smirk, but instead it came out as a grimace. A few seconds after speaking, the grimace deepened and he clicked his tongue. “That was funnier in my head.”
Sky shook her head, feeling her lips quirk up properly before they lowered again. “Is this…” She trailed off, looking to the ground for a moment before looking back at him. “Are you hearing it too?”
“You mean this place telling me all the banthra druk I’ve been telling myself for years on repeat?” More wry, self-deprecating amusement. “I don’t remember this place being so chatty last time.”
A small laugh escaped her, and Sky brought her hand up to cover her lips. For a moment, it was as if they were on the Hawk again; a poor joke, ensuing laughs, and everything feeling natural between them. But then the cold sunk into her skin again, and she remembered where they were.
“I’m… I’m sorry for bringing you back here, Atton,” She confessed, folding her hands together. “I didn’t… I can’t imagine what this place is saying to you.”
Atton shook his head. “Don’t. Like krif I’m leaving you to listen to some whiny academy all by yourself. And this place isn’t saying anything I haven’t heard before.” She smiled, and he set his hand on his shoulder again.
He hesitated before he did so, and it was almost funny how sharp a contrast it was to the smuggler she’d found in a force cage on Peragus, the one who hadn’t waited even a moment before making his attraction to her known. He was built of sharp contrasts, she noticed.
Without thinking, Sky reached her hand up to rest on his, entwining their fingers together. “I’m glad it’s you here, Atton,” she admitted. “It’s nice to hear a voice that isn’t this planet’s.”
Squeezing her hand, Atton’s free one moved to brush a strand of hair out of her face, the smuggler stepping closer to the Exile. “I know what you mean.”
Jokes that failed to land, and a smile that was glued into place. What a pair they made.
Regardless, Sky wouldn’t have anyone else.
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dotzilaa · 5 years
The Star Player
Writer’s Month Day Seven! Today’s prompt is Sports.
Summary: Supernatural High School AU where Castiel is the yearbook photographer along with Charlie and he needs to get pictures of the soccer team for the final game of the season, and he might have a major crush on the star player, Dean. 
Word Count: 1951 (this is a long one)
   Castiel carefully grips his camera around his neck as he jogs towards the soccer field. The game starts in twenty minutes and he needs to get a picture before the sun goes down. It’s the last game of the season, everyone is hyped, and the team has the homefield advantage. Charlie wants to get a before and after shot of them, so Castiel needs to get there now.
   The team is thankfully on the field already and he makes his way over to the coach. Bobby looks up from his clipboard as he approaches, and he holds up his camera in response. He’s already told Bobby what he needed so all he does is blow his whistle and Castiel flinches.
   “Boys! Get over here!” It takes a minute or two before all of them are gathered around the pair. He catches Dean’s eye and he gives Castiel a blinding smile. Castiel looks away, face flushing a bit. “Castiel here needs to get your picture so line up. You know what to do.” As he waits, he spots Charlie over with the cheerleaders and he refrains from rolling his eyes. She’s supposed to be doing the same thing as him, but he knows she’s just flirting. He looks back to the team and gestures for Bobby to join them. He rolls his eyes but does so.
   He takes a couple steps away and starts snapping pictures, he promises them that if he gets a couple serious ones, they can do goofy ones. Once he gives the go ahead one person immediately jumps on another’s back, another has one in a faux choke hold and many have sprouted bunny ears. He shakes his head but snaps the pictures. Most of them change poses and when he’s done, they crowd around him to see. Dean all but pushes right up against him, throwing an arm over his shoulders and heat seeps into his shoulders.
   “These are great Cas!” Dean smiles that smile again and Castiel can’t stop himself from smiling back.
   “Thank you, Dean.”
   “You’re gonna be a famous photographer one of these days. Just you wait.” Castiel chuckles and looks away from him to make sure that no one will drop his camera.
   “That’s very kind of you.” He replies.
   “Take the compliment Cas. You’re fantastic.” He ruffles Castiel’s hair and then he’s off, calling the rest of the team to get back to warming up.
   Castiel walks over to the benches where the team sits, dropping his bag next to one end and going through the pictures again. He’s already choosing which ones he should use and how to edit them a bit. The lighting and cropping could be better. He rechecks his memory once again, just to make sure that he has enough room for the rest of the game.
   He walks over to Charlie who he knows for sure is flirting because he can hear the giggles from the cheerleaders. She barely spares him a glance as he comes to stand right next to her.
   “So, they’re doing a marathon of the Star Wars movies at the theatre, you only have to pay a little bit more but going will be totally cool. I’m friends with one of the ushers and he said that refills on popcorn and drinks will be free. You want to join me?” The cheerleader she’s talking to looks totally enamored and Castiel holds back a snort.
   “Totally! Sounds really fun. Is it this weekend?”
   “Hold on.” She quickly runs to her bag and Charlie sends a smile to Castiel and Castiel only shakes his head. She comes back holding a pen and Charlie diligently holds her arm out for her. The cheerleader writes her number and parts with a text me. Castiel leads Charlie back to where he’s set his stuff.
   “What’s her name?”
   “Anna. And she’s only doing cheerleading because of her mom and she’s totally awesome. She like Star Wars and Star Trek and it a total art nerd. I think I’m in love.”
   “You always think that.”
   “It’s just…” Charlie sighs dramatically. “Girls are so easy to love. Besides, enough about my love life.”
   “You mean we’re not gonna talk about your love life? Oh, the horror!” Charlie playfully shoves him.
   “I’m talking about your love life.”
   “What? Like how nonexistent it is?” Charlie scoffs.
    “Its not nonexistent! You definitely have something going on with Dean.” Castiel huffs.
   “Will you drop this already?”
   “Never.” Castiel sighs, running a hand through his hair. “He’s completely over the moon for you. I don’t think there’s a thing he wouldn’t do for you. All you’d have to do is bat your lashes and pout and he’ll do it without question.”
   “He would not!” Charlie gives him a look.
   “Mmhm.” They settle onto the bench and Castiel hands her his camera so she can look at the pictures. “These are good. I’m thinking we can even use one of the goofy ones in the back of the book.” They devolve into talking about the yearbook and how it’s going to be organized.
   Castiel settles down when the game starts, and Charlie runs off to see if she can get decent pictures of the players as they play for the first half. Castiel brings out his phone, content to just scroll through social media until halftime. He cheers when everyone else does though and does look up from time to time to watch.
   He shuts his phone off when he sees a post talking about fucking pennywise erotica and watches the game hoping that it’ll cleanse his mind. He’s already sent a link to Charlie anyways. His eyes almost immediately pick Dean out and he thinks back to what Charlie said.
   Dean and he met when Dean needed tutoring in his English class because he needed to keep his grades up. Ever since then, they’ve practically been inseparable. Hanging out at each other’s houses, hanging out after games, playing videogames. Its been fun, being with Dean. But he’s not over the moon with him. Definitely not.
   At that moment Dean runs by. He winks at Castiel and gives him a little wave before running back off again. Castiel thinks back to every time Dean did something like this. Every time the team won a game they went to get pie if they could, he almost always waved when Castiel was watching the games, he let him win in video games sometimes, he fixed his bike for him, drove for two hours just to get doughnuts from Castiel’s favorite place on his birthday, let him cry his heart out when Castiel’s parents got into yet another fight which had his mother storming out, giving him these looks like he’s Dean’s whole world. Okay, he might be over the moon with him. And Castiel might be over the moon for him too. He doesn’t know what to do with this information.
   Two minutes till halftime Charlie sits back down. Her hair is now in a ponytail and she gives him a look as she drinks from her water bottle
   “Why do you look like you just discovered the secret to the universe but then wished immediately for ignorance?”
   “How do you even come up with this stuff?”  Charlie shrugs and takes another drink. “Besides the point, you’re right oh my god.”
   “I’m always right. But what am I right about now?”
   “Dean likes me.” Charlie gives him a deadpan look.
   “Congratulations! You’re officially the last to know. You just now figuring this out?”
   “I am having a crisis here Charlie!”
   “So, ask him out at half time.”
   “Absolutely not!”
   “Okay, okay,” Charlie holds her hands up in a placating gesture. “You’re right, he’ll probably be in such a dazed state he’ll throw the second half.”
   “Charlie!” The stands erupt into cheers and they both look back to the game. Adam just scored a goal. Charlie claps and lets out a whoop that has Castiel cringing.
   “Cas, listen. Gather every last drop of courage you have in you and ask Dean out on a date. For the love of god, one of you do it soon or I’m going to just lock you both in a closet, you hear me?” Castiel nods, fully believing she will. The horn goes off and they both jump and turn back to the game once again. The teams run off the field over to their benches.
   Dean comes over minutes later, a towel around his shoulders and water bottle in hand.
   “Hey Cas.”
   “Hello Dean.” Charlie looks between them, gives Castiel a pointed look and walks off. Dean takes her place, leaning his shoulder against Castiel’s.
   Dean takes a sip from his water bottle. “You okay?”
   “Why wouldn’t I be?”
   “Its just when I looked over a couple minutes ago you looked like you were about to throw up. Like you realized you completely forgot you had a test tomorrow and didn’t study at all.” Dean chuckles.
   “You should really be watching the game not me.” He turns and hopes he’s giving Dean his best stern look.
   “Well I apologize that I just can’t keep my eyes off of you.” Castiel sucks in a breath.
   “Dean, I was wondering if-”
   “Dean! Coach needs us!” One of the players, James, comes running up and Dean gives Castiel an apologetic look. Castiel doesn’t know whether to be relived or annoyed.
   “Sorry Cas, later alright? I gotta jet!”
   “No one says that anymore!” He calls out to Dean’s retreating back. He looks over to where Charlie is, easily spotting her with her vibrant red hair. She looks like she’s about to murder someone.
   There’s a minute left on the clock and they’re tied. Both him and Charlie, and like everyone else, they’re on the edge of their seats. Charlie is actually biting her nails, glancing from the clock to the players. Saying the time every now and then.
   Their team has the ball. It gets passed from player to player. Five seconds are left on the clock and when Cas looks back, the ball is getting kicked and then Dean doing a fucking jump kick or something like that and it- it goes in the goal! The stands erupt into cheers and the horn goes off. Charlie and Castiel are out of their seats, screaming and clapping with everyone else.
   The team swarms Dean, they’re jumping around, hugging him, and shouting. He’s lifted up and he fist pumps the air while grinning. Charlie is already snapping shots and Castiel and Dean make eye contact. Dean’s grinning and so is Castiel. He feels so happy and proud that his legs are moving before he can process it. Castiel sees his mouth move but doesn’t here him but he’s being put down moments later. Castiel doesn’t stop, breaking into a jog and Dean pushes past his teammates.
   Castiel all but tackles him, jumping up and wrapping himself around Dean and he easily catches him.
   “You fucking won!” Castiel shouts.
   “We won!” Dean shouts back. He adjusts his grip so both hands are holding Castiel’s thighs. Castiel leans back so he can look at Dean’s face. He’s sweaty and flushes, dirt on the side of his face and he fucking reeks- but Castiel doesn’t care. Dean’s face is split into a grin, eyes crinkling and practically sparkling. He doesn’t hesitate and smashes his mouth against Dean’s. Dean’s still for a moment before eagerly responding. Castiel is the first to break away.
   A wide smile is on his face as he takes in Dean surprised and breathless face. “Go out with me. Please?” Dean huffs out a laugh and kisses him again.
   “Hell yes.” He says against Castiel’s lips.
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