#and by the time I got home my eyes were very swollen
artyandink · 1 day
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to @cafekitsune)
A/N - Inspired by Take Me Home by @zepskies
nine - sweet girl
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Soft, plush lips. Strong hands. Low groans.
Paperwork. So much… paperwork.
My pen lay forgotten on the desk, the door to his office closed and blinds drawn while Beau’s lips took my own hostage, staking his claim over and over again until he was sure that they were swollen and his, and he definitely wasn’t stopping after that, not when I was sitting on his lap with the danger of someone walking in. His calloused hand twisted strands of my hair around his fingers, his wrist adorned with an array of hair ties that he’d pulled from my braids every time he saw my hair done up in one.
“Gotta respect the shampoo and conditioner, darlin’, they’ve done work to make you look this gorgeous.” He’d rumble before nuzzling his nose against mine and capturing my lips in a sweet yet burning kiss.
His other hand rucked up the soft material of my Henley, pulling me back to the present but high up into the clouds of nine and possibly ten as his knee found its way between my legs, nudging them apart as he let out a low groan of pleasure at my fingers tugging on his silky hair.
But it wasn’t to get a sound out of him. As much as I loved his lips and the things they could do and the sinful sounds that came out of them, we had work.
“Beau.” I murmured against his lips, which chased mine at every opportunity.
“Mnh-mnh.” He hummed back as the pads of his fingers pressed into my side, his tongue teasing my bottom lip in a way that made me shiver.
Stay strong, Joyner. You haven’t caved to bullets. Don’t cave to a pair of lips-
He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to my pulse point.
Damn, they’re a weapon of mass destruction.
I cleared my throat, biting back a sigh as I lifted his head, making him meet green eyes with mine. “Paperwork.”
The word made him grunt softly in protest, his head jerking slightly to the side. “C’mon, I just got your gorgeous ass alone.” As if to punctuate his point, he squeezed it playfully. “Liv’s with Denise, it’s just us. We can have some fun, a lil’ somethin’-somethin’.”
“Here.” I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. “In your office. With the risk of someone walking in on us?”
Beau let out an indignant snort, giving me some puppy eyes. “I’m the damn sheriff. What’re they gonna do, hm? Look, darlin’, I’m willing to get on with all this hooey, but only if you let me hit that later.”
“Oh, fine.” I rolled my eyes with a small giggle, before I handed back his pen and picked up mine, beginning to fill out the form. “Y’know, I was thinking… I think it’s time that we tell Carla, Em and Liv. About, well, us.”
“If you’re comfortable with it, sure, we can slam the gas on it.” He hummed in agreement, his free hand rubbing soothing circles on my stomach from underneath my Henley. “But if I’m bein’ honest? I think Em an’ Carla already know. Those two don’t miss a thing. Y’know, there was this one time, I was on my way to the bar to have a drink with my old team. Those two clocked me the moment they saw me. Told me I had my party hat on.”
“Your party hat’s pretty peacock-esque, hon.” I smiled, nudging his foot with my own.
“Peacock-eque?” He repeated with a low rumble of a laugh. “That one’s new. Very new. Anyway, Em, she loves you like anythin’. And Carla, she’s been giving me more cheery smiles, like a lil’ ray of sunshine.” He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to my cheek. “I’m presuming that she’s clocked us and she’s happy.”
“But, just to be safe-”
“I can break the news tonight, no problem.” Beau nodded, patting my stomach. He was full of these little assuring touches and kisses, almost if he was assuring himself that this was real.
I was still unsure of it myself.
“But I’m kinda thinking about what Liv will think.” He continued, his breath against my ear. “Her auntie, with a new guy, it’ll be a bit odd, dontcha think?”
“Liv’s a sweet girl.” I shrugged, looking back at him with a small smile. “And after that whole situation where you took care of her while my ass was getting beat? That earned some brownie points.”
“While I appreciated the boost in my XP, I still wanna kill those bastards for what they did to your pretty face.” He brushed some hair out of my eyes with a gentle look in his own. “Or at least give ‘em a lifer. I’m still a law-abiding sheriff, even if I wanna tear them apart, limb by limb, rip their hearts out, stomp on them and not give those guys a proper funeral beyond torching what’s left of them.”
“You sound like such a law abiding sheriff right now.” I drawled sarcastically, a small chuckle leaving my mouth.
Beau nodded, playing along with a throaty laugh. “Yeah, right? Totally innocent.”
“Totally.” I giggled, then leaned forward and kissed him. The purpose was for it to be short and sweet, but Beau couldn’t have that and held it for a bit longer, the pad of his thumb pressing into a spot on my neck in a way that he knew would make me let out a sound into his mouth, which he took in stride. But then my phone rang, which had him pulling away with a roll of his eyes.
“Awh, c’mon, damn phone.” He grumbled, but when I pecked his lips again, he seemed placated. I looked at who was calling me, finding that it was Cassie.
“Sorry, hon.” I sighed, picking up the call and not noticing that I sounded a little breathless. “Hey, Cass. What’s up?”
‘Hey, uh-’ I heard a pause on the other end, followed by a laugh, ‘am I interrupting something?’
“What?! No.” I scoffed, but she picked up on it immediately, snickering.
‘Oh, yeah, I did. Tell Beau I said hi, and no, I’m not telling Jenny.’
“Thanks, Cass.” I turned to Beau, putting Cassie on speaker. “Cassie says hi.”
“Hey, there, Boots.” Beau replied warmly, chuckling.
‘Hey. Anyway, you said that Liv told you she was with Denise.’ Cassie sounded concerned and slightly annoyed, which had Beau and I sharing a look.
“She did, yeah.” I nodded, pouting in thought. “Why?”
‘She’s… not.’ I perked up, my eyebrow raising. ‘She’s with Tom.’
I gasped, outrage filling me. How dare she? Do I even know my own niece anymore? “She’s what?!”
‘I’m as surprised as you are. Just wanted to let you know. They’re in that cafe Tom works at. And they’re pretty cozy.’
My face set, and I let out a huff of breath, rubbing a hand over my face. “Thanks, Cass. I’ll talk to her. Bye.”
‘No problem. Bye.’
I cut the call, and Beau’s hand squeezed my shoulder, sensing my irritation. “Can you be there?” I asked quietly. “I need something to stop me from yelling.”
“Course, darlin’.” He rumbled, kissing my temple. “I can be there.”
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Olivia had a big smile on her face as she came home, and it almost broke my heart to know that I had to ruin her fun. But she defied my direct order, and I wanted to know why my baby girl did it. I wasn’t mad, just disappointed.
“Hey, aunt Isa.” She smiled docilely, and it almost made me believe she was innocent. Then her eyes flitted to Beau, and she seemed sort of… I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Hey, Beau.”
“Sugar.” Beau replied curtly, then nodded to me. “Go ‘head, darlin’.”
“Olivia Barlowe, do you wanna tell me exactly why you were spotted today with Tom?” I frowned, folding my arms. “When I explicitly told you not to?”
The question stopped her in her tracks, and she swallowed heavily. “Aunt Isa-”
“Save it.” My fingers drummed on the table, my eyes boring into hers as I fought back the urge to yell, anger only quenched by Beau’s hand on my back rubbing soothing circles. Trying to keep me grounded and miserably failing, though I’d never say that to Beau. Not when he was trying so hard to be an uncle to Olivia and a boyfriend to me despite my growing distance from him due to the case. “Someone found you in a restaurant with Tom, I only wanna hear an explanation, no ‘aunt Isa’s and flat out excuses.”
“I’m not the only one who has to explain themselves.” Olivia scoffed lightly, which had me raising an eyebrow. “You’d rather make out with your boss than spend some time with me-”
“OLIVIA!” My fist came down on the slab, making a thudding sound and startling her. The first time I’d yelled at her; the first time I’d lost control, and it didn’t feel great, but I couldn’t stop shouting. I couldn’t stop taking all of my frustrations out in this moment. “Do you have a goddamn right to talk to me like that?! Do you? Huh? Cause the way I see it, I’ve taken care of you since you were nine, and not to be that caretaker, but I will be- is this how you repay me?”
Damn. Damn, what was I doing?
Olivia remained silent while I continued, words - vexated, irate words - spilled from my mouth. “You weren’t meant to step near Tom, not with a ten foot pole. Not after his adopted father tried to force himself on me. I don’t care whether he’s adopted or not, he’s still Harry’s son. His family, and I don’t want you near that. I can let you near Rhea, she understood the situation, but Tom I can’t control. I thought your father was meant to explain that to you.” I swept my hand over my mouth, clearing my throat and lowering my voice. “It’s for your benefit.”
Olivia looked pale, horrified and confused- as if she had no previous idea of what I’d told her before she ran to her room, but I made no move to stop her.
She needed that space.
Even if her confused expression irked my gut.
“That was the first time I’ve yelled at her.” I whispered, and Beau drew me into his arms, rocking me from side to side with comforting kisses to where he could reach.
“You’re doin’ what you can, Belle.” He murmured, tilting my face up to kiss my lips briefly. “And you can love who you wanna. You’ve had a rough go of it, and you deserve that luxury, eh?”
I nodded against his chest, hearing his heartbeat and somehow feeling at peace. A small smile stretched on my lips, finally home. Home in Beau’s arms, after so long of struggling, giving up and struggling again. At least something made me happy.
Something made all this worth it.
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“Alright, we’ve tried a lot of passcodes so far, and there was no incriminating non-witness-based evidence against Mark Leeds, so we had to let him go.” Mo announced, which had Jenny, Cassie, Beau and I groaning and rubbing our faces.
“At this point, it’ll take weeks before we crack the passcode.” Jenny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. I stared off into space, feeling like I’d failed Lucy. Otherwise I’d have put my brain into use and cracked this whole shebang. Yet I hadn’t, so I’d also failed my badge.
Tackling a gang member and having my wound split open was for nothing.
That hit and run six years ago was for nothing.
Sacrificing my relationship with Olivia was for nothing.
All of it… amounted to nothing.
I was having the worst kind of tears. The ones that burned your eyes and felt like they were there but weren’t. And you’d silently struggle, while the others around you didn’t feel half your pain. That was the kind I was having.
I let out a sharp breath, standing up and dusting off my hands. “Ah, well, I guess I’ll send Mark off. Offer an apology for being so damn rude in the interrogation room.”
“Sure you don’t want someone to come with you?” Beau asked, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles before kissing it.
“I’m fine.”
“Guys, you’re making me feel single.” Jenny giggled, giving us both an amused look that had me running the hand that Beau had held through my hair.
“Jesus, I have a boyfriend and even he’s not as affectionate.” Cassie snorted, referencing Cormac. I’d retaliate by referencing the office make out session, but then she’d expose mine and I didn’t want that, so I just responded with a bashful smile and an exiting of the room, briskly strolling over to where Mark’s handcuffs were being unlocked, what was once stubble now slightly beard-ish, but he couldn’t pull it off. Beau probably could. Then again, I might be biased.
“Markham.” I sighed, not knowing how to take this situation. With relief since it was most likely that he wasn’t Lucy’s killer as there was no evidence, or horrified that he was incredibly good at hiding evidence.
“Isabelle.” He replied with equally of an exhausted tone, but he did something that confused me immensely. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it with a smile. “You find her killer. I miss my Luce, and if anyone’s gonna find that bastard, it’s Elle Joyner.”
I nodded, swallowing thickly. “Y-Yeah. I’ll try.” Then Mark walked out, and even though he had faith in me, I didn’t.
Hell, how could I have faith in me when all I’ve drawn is blanks?
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I was working late hours at the station, putting in all the possible combinations of a six digit number one after one just to keep the work going and reach a conclusion faster because goddamn I needed a win. Olivia was with Dean in my house for the night, and I trusted her with him.
“134768,” I muttered, rattling off more numbers and crossing them off on the big-ass sheet.
“M’going home, Deputy Joyner.” One of the other deputies announced, which almost broke my resolve and had me up, leaving and never coming back cause I was going insane.
“Night, Deputy Yates.” I sighed, rubbing my eyes before continuing with the input of numbers.
On and on.
Never ending.
Goddamn, I hated this. Really hated this.
I had the fiftieth sip of coffee, letting the hot liquid rejuvenate my words and somehow my brain cells as I glanced at the time. 9:57pm.
Wait. I sat up in my seat. I’ve got it.
I remembered the tattoo Lucy had on her wrist. It was right there- how did I not see the connection before? I waited for the lock screen to stop telling me to ‘wait a minute’ because there were too many password tries and then entered the code.
Phone Unlocked.
I let out a breath of relief, running a hand through my hair as I went through Lucy’s camera roll first in case she’d gotten a video of the killer the night she died. But there was just one video, that wasn’t of the night she died. She was teaching Olivia a code.
‘It’s my favourite way to code messages. Simple and easy to decipher.’ Lucy smiled in the video, kissing Olivia’s hair, then turned to the camera. ‘I hope you’re getting this, Elle.’
‘I’m getting it!’ My indignant voice came from behind the camera and a piece of me melted. I was there that day.
‘Ok, so you write out the alphabet. Then you write down the numbers from one to twenty six under the alphabet, because that’s how many letters there are. So ‘a’ would be one and ‘z’ would be twenty six. Let’s spell out our names in this code. Y’know, I sometimes talk to your auntie in this code.’
There was an indignant scoff from behind the camera. ‘No you don’t-’
‘Shh, keep the magic.’ Lucy put a finger to her lips, but I instantly knew what she meant. This was a week before she died.
I wrote out the code 045114 on a piece of paper. Then I matched the letter to the number, and instantly my pen dropped, eyes widened and all the breath left my lungs.
Dean Barlowe.
I grabbed my keys and my jacket, putting it on and sprinting to my car, dialling Olivia with shaky fingers as I started the car and drove at the speed limit to my house, getting nothing but voicemail. I slammed the wheel, letting out a strangled cry before quickly shooting a voicemail to Beau, Jenny and Cassie.
“They brought my baby into this.” I whispered, feeling ready to break down. They brought Olivia into this. “This is my fight.” Why did they need to touch her? “Why’d they bring my baby girl in the middle of all this crap?” I quickly pulled up at my house, sprinting up the steps to find a wide open door, my blood running cold as I pulled out my gun.
Beau, Jenny and Cassie arrived, also armed with guns that they flicked the safety off of and put up just as Beau gestured for me to take the lead.
“Sheriff’s Department!” I yelled, stalking inside, but when I found a house that was empty with signs of a struggle, chairs overturned and the kitchen counter splattered with blood, my knees buckled, drums playing at fortissimo in my head as my gun clattered to the floor as well, my hands raising to grip my head right as Beau knelt beside me, drawing me into his chest as I drew rasping breaths.
Hot tears spilling down my cheeks.
“We’ll find her.” He assured, trying desperately to wipe away my tears, but they kept on coming.
“My baby.” I sobbed, the sound racking, gut-wrenching, making my throat hoarse but I didn’t give a damn.
Jenny and Cassie came from sweeping the house, the former giving me news I didn’t want to hear. “She’s not here.”
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@nancymcl @deans-spinster-witch @hobby27 @thej2report @winharry @carpenterswife @xxannyxx @nesnejwritings @deans-baby-momma
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sturnvaleria · 2 days
𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭? |𝐌.𝐒|
written by sturnvaleria
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 : you went on a two week vacation with your friends, and you decided to surprise matt early to come home. let’s say you walked into him enjoying your bikini pictures a little too much.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: hardcore smut, p=v, receiving head and giving, unprotected sex, making out, dirty talk, nicknames (sweetheart, slutty, good girl, princess) 𝟏𝟖+
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this story has your and matthew’s pov. hope you enjoy ;)
.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰’𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :
y/n’s been gone for 2 weeks because she insisted that she have time with her friends alone. and the way the bikini is shoved up in her ass in her instagram pictures makes me hard in an instance.
“fuck,” i groan having my hard, long cock in one hand, and my phone in the other. staring at her perfectly shaped ass.
𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭, i think to myself. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞?
“oh fuck y/n,” i whimper imagining her perfect mouth sucking on my tip.
she’s so good as sucking on my dick. i missed her perfect, little slutty mouth kissing my hard cock.
“mhm,” i continue to whimper.
i wish she was here.
“com-come?” i ask hoping for an answer. y/n never let me finish first. it was a rule we ALWAYS finished together.
i pre-cummed. it softly rolls down the side of my somewhat now soft dick.
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𝐲/𝐧’𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :
i finally was back in LA. i had been in cabo with my two best friends, abigail and dana.
i have missed matty so much. i missed the way he smelled, his touch, the way he spoke to me. i just missed him. all of him.
i wanted to surprise matt, due to the fact in our junior year he surprised me when he came back from florida. and i never got to repay him.
i slowly opened the front door, and placed my bags by it. i tip-toed into the small hallway where matt’s bedroom door was.
i open it, making no noise, until i hear a very familiar sound.
“oh fuck y/n,” i hear matthew whimpering.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞.. i think to myself. is he jerking off thinking about me? awww he’s thinking about me. not the typical way but i’ll take what i can get.
he continues to softly whimper, making my pussy soaked just at the thought of it.
and then he suddenly says, “com-come?” he ask the thin air, and i’m guessing imagining me.
we always finished together. our perfect juices mixing together.
hearing his whimpers and cries, makes me soaked.
after a few more minutes it goes silent, leaving me curious with my thoughts.
i push the door open, and it slowly opens fully. revealing me leaned against the side of the door frame with my arms crossed.
he drops the phone on the bed.
his eyes go to his hard cock to my eyes. his sweats were pulled right below his swollen ball sack.
“couldn’t wait?” i ask sarcastically smirking.
he blushes slightly before his words overcome him. “fuck baby the way the bikini lays in your ass is so hot. the way the bathing suit shows off your perfect curves. makes me so hard,” he says softly adding a whimper to his voice.
“oh really.. i’ve been touching myself thinking of you. rubbing my swollen clit in circles as i think about your cock thrusting into me,” i say softly bring my bottom lip and groaning.
i slowly crawl up to him on the bed, bringing my head right below his, now getting harder, dick.
“mm,” i say kitten licking the dripping pre-cum from the side of his dick. “still taste so yummy,” i moan softly leaving a vibration on his hard cock.
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𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰’𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 𝐩𝐭.𝟐 :
fuck. the way she looks at me makes my body want to explode with my salty cum.
“fuck baby,” she says picking up my dick as my head throws back.
she examines it for a second with lust in her eyes, before immediately shoving it in her mouth.
“oh, princess,” i whimper softly as i collect all of her hair holding it in a pony-like way.
i guide her mouth slowly helping her bob it up and down on my long cock.
“i’m about to-“ i say as she rises of of me.
she spits on it before climbing on top of me. her still in her thin biker shorts and t-shirt.
she raises her arms and i pull of her shirt. leaving her pink laced bra and perfectly covered up titties.
she dry humps my hard, exposed dick. leaving me there hopeless as she grinds on me.
“please fuck me, love. i need your perfect tight pussy,” he moans softly in my ear.
“patience, baby, patience,” she smirk against my skin. leaving a surprisingly shiver of pleasure throughout my body.
i couldn’t wait anymore i roll over, ripping down her biker shorts, and accidentally her soaked panties go with them.
i climb fully on top of her, wrapping my arms around her back and unbuckle her bra. pulling it off. her perfect titties bounce out leaving me speechless.
.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *
𝐲/𝐧’𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 𝐩𝐭𝟐 :
“fuck, baby,” i moan as matthew takes his warm perfectly textured tongue and slides it across my nipples.
immediately bringing me to whimpers of pleasure.
“i’m going to fuck you, hard,” he says smirking as he slowly goes down on me. leaving trails of his warm saliva down my stomach.
“mhm,” i moan nodding to his hot sentence.
he makes his way between my thighs. kissing them, slowly making his way to my warm, wet pussy.
“so fucking wet, for me. good girl,” he says kissing my swollen clit. making me moan loudly.
i throw my head back and take my fingers to his scalp. rubbing my fingers through his perfect hair.
he licks my entrance, slightly sticking his tongue inside of me.
he moves his tongue in circles around my clit. licking the inside of lips. making my body build up my cum.
“baby im- cum?” i ask whimpering softly, looking down at him.
“not without me!” he says stopping immediately and shoving himself inside of me.
“fuck!” i moan as it comes out of a surprise.
he thrust his hard cock in and out of my tight pussy. brings me to a sensation i’ve never felt.
“your so tight, princess,” he groans in pleasure.
he always compliments me during sex. he makes it a perfect experience.
i whimper, “baby!” i moan throwing my head back, before he takes the bottom of my jaw and re-guiding it to face him.
“look at me baby,” he says as his hot, sweaty body pumps into me like there’s no tomorrow.
“you’re taking it like such a good girl,” he says rising up to kiss me.
“matty! i’m about to cum,” i yell out, squinting my eyes.
“me too,” he says taking his last few pumps, before i feel his warm cum fill me up.
almost immediately after my creampie covers his now soft, twitching dick.
“fuck.. you’re always so good, love” he says practically laying on top of me.
“i love you,” he says softly out of breath.
“i love you..” i say back taking my hand and rubbing it though his tangled up hair.
.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *
i hope you enjoyed reading this. it took 2 hours !!!!!
love, val <3
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Yesterday I thought I was having alarming new health symptoms while running some errands, got home, and realized that I was just having an allergic reaction to something and apparently sitting in a car in the dark with a whole bunch of bright lights going by everywhere (headlights, street lamps, signs, etc) makes the light sensitive part of the migraine hit a lot harder and a lot faster lol I am pretty much okay now but idk if I will be making anything today 
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yandere bunny hybrid x reader
A/n: the Intro was rushed because I got too excited to write the smut. Not proofread 🌺
Tw: noncon turns to dubcon, androgynous breeding kink, little dirty talk, he's a horny bastard. Mommy kink but it can be applied to any gender. Slapping body parts, he has a minor lactation kink. Mdni please!
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★you met the little furball while you were out on a evening walk. It was the middle of winter and being cooped up inside the house all day was starting to get a little claustrophobic
★you didn't notice him at first since he blended in with the snow. Stopping mid-walk when you heard a weak little whine coming from behind you. Slowly turning around, you saw a pair of red eyes staring at you from beneath the snow
★approaching them slowly, you could finally see him more clearly. Milky white skin turning a light blue due to hypothermia. He didn't have the strength to run when you picked him up. Patting his head, you headed back home.
★giving him a warm bath and setting him next to the fireplace, you slowly nursed him back to health. He was very reluctant at first, but your touch was too comforting to pull away from. He hasn't felt this safe since he was just a baby bun! He stayed with you nearly the entire winter
★midway he starts to get himself familiar with your home, peeking under furniture and into rooms, he seemed to understand you when you'd ask him questions in English
"what's your name little fella?"
★eventually you had to let him go back into the wild, just a month before spring arrived. He was reluctant but with enough convincing he finally left. Looking back at you from the forest edge, watching you wave goodbye with that beautiful smile he loves
❣️cotton who goes into heat early because he can't stop thinking of you. Burrying himself in his burrow, humping the air. Nothing is as soft as you and your bed. Nothing can make him feel as safe as your touch does
❣️he shoos any females who wish to mate away. Claiming he already has a mate. Oh he wished you'd come into the forest looking for him, to take care of him again as he fills your tight little hole up with his cum
❣️he spends most of his time shamelessly masturbating to the thought of you. His entire heat cycle has been on loop since he left, so finally gathering the balls he heads back to your cottage. Watching you from a distance, lazily stroking his already sensitive cock.
★just minding your business, you don't notice the certain bunny hybrid approaching slowly. You don't have much time to react before a familiar mop of white hair tackles you to the ground. Desperately humping your clothed sex as he whines and grunts.
"cotton!? What the hell are you doing!?"
"hah- nhg need.. mate.. pretty mate.. need to breed! Ohh!"
★you tried pushing him off, but when did he get so strong!? Pining your arms down and ripping your clothes off, wasting no time in lapping at your genitals. Eating you out like a starved man, sucking and nipping your inner thighs until he's sure you're nice and lubed up
★he carefully pressed the tip in, but he doesn't last long as he slowly sinks deeper into your gummy walls. Letting go of your arms and roughly grabbing your hips, which were sure to bruise later, brutally fucking your brains out. Slapping your chest and privates as he grinds his cock deeper
★he keeps going even after he's ripped multiple orgasms out of you. The pleasure slowly chipping off your resistance. Leaving you a blubbering moaning mess under the bunny. A pool of his cum under where your sexes kept meeting.
★it doesn't matter what gender you are, he's determined to breed you until you're swelling with his children. He couldn't wait to suck and bite your chest once it was swollen with milk!
"gonna be so pretty- mph! So pretty, all swollen 'n fat with my babies.. gonna be a good mate, right? G-gonna give me lots of 'em right? Oh ohhh! Cumming again! 'Yer squeezing all my cum out! Mommy!!"
★let's just say that you should get use to your new roommate husband, because now there's no way of getting rid of him. Ever.
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theflowerrooms · 1 year
i have request for perv!bestfriend!eddie x innocent!reader who has an oral fixation:
reader and eddie are hanging out as usual and reader’s oral fixation starts getting bad. eddie notices it and helps her out.
(sorry if this isn’t a lot to go off of, this idea came into my head and i had to request it immediately)💖💖
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to request • Eddies’ Masterlist • main masterlist • part two
Swollen Lips
perv!bestfriend!Eddie Munson x innocent!reader
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warnings: smut, pet names, some dark themes, oral fixation (explicit warnings below the cut)
chapter summary; you’re hanging out with your best friend Eddie and you’ve got an oral fixation, instead of letting you chew on your lip or nails, he takes matters into his own hands and helps you out <3
part two is out now :)
wordcount: 2.2k
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explicit warnings: oral (m receiving), finger sucking, coercion, ball sucking, cum play? Eddie’s such a pervert guys.
Thank you for requesting!! I love writing requests so much
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“Quit it.” Eddie’s voice was soft, faux annoyance as he slapped your hand away from your mouth, saving the nail of your thumb from being bitten until it bled.
Your hand dropped to your chest and found the pendant on your necklace that Eddie had gotten you for your birthday, you fiddled with that instead of chewing your nail.
Eddie watched you for a moment before returning his attention back to his notebook where he was messily writing out ideas for the next campaign. You sat next to him on his bed, legs thrown over his lap and a book in yours. His room was warm but not uncomfortable, stuffy from having his door closed, Wayne was home today.
You turned a page and read quietly, absentmindedly pulling your bottom lip into your mouth. You soaked the skin with your tongue for a while before you began actually sucking on it.
You let your soft lip drag over your teeth over and over, red and swollen your lip got, warm, only making it more satisfying to lick and bite. You weren’t even paying all that much attention to it until Eddie tsked and pulled your lip from between your teeth with his thumb on your chin.
“Gonna hurt yourself if you don’t knock it off babydoll.” He dragged his thumb over your lip and basked in the way you jutted it out further against his thumb.
“Sorry Eds.” You smiled sweetly and went back to your book. He wasn’t mad or anything, you knew. He was aware that you had a habit of sticking things in your mouth, it wasn’t ever deliberate and he thought it was beyond cute. He loved watching you suck your thumb or countless lollipops. He didn’t love watching you bite your nails raw or chew your lip till you bled, didn’t love watching you put choking hazards and breakable objects in your mouth. Although he thought it was terribly funny when you chewed your pen until blue ink exploded in your mouth.
You rested your head on his shoulder and he hummed softly, deep in his chest. It soothes you, and you didn’t notice yourself bringing the necklace’s charm to your lips. First just pressing the cool metal to your bottom lip, pouting against it.
Eddie hadn’t paid any mind to you yet this time, he’d pull it away from your mouth once he noticed, you knew. You tried staying like that, metal on the outside of your mouth rather than inside. But like it was against your will, your lips closed over the chain and your tongue rolled against the metal that was heating up from your spit.
You hummed, very content, the sound got Eddie’s attention. He looked at you with a raised brow and suddenly rolled his eyes. He hooked his left arm behind you, under your arm and pulled your necklace from your mouth, replacing it with his index and middle finger.
You were surprised a moment, looking up at him just to see he looked completely normal, so you decided it was normal and gently placed a hand on his wrist, holding him there steady and nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
His writing became even sloppier. His fingers were just resting in your mouth, heavy against your tongue. But it was enough. Warm and wet. And you had no idea that it was distracting him in the way it was, and that made it even hotter to him.
He adjusted to it after a bit, continued writing as normal. Then you had to go and shut his brain down again. Lips pressing against the bases of his fingers, tongue rolling slightly before it flattened against them. He watched your face now as your cheeks hollowed out and his breath got stuck in his throat.
He pulled his fingers back just slightly before returning them to your tongue. He pulled them back again, but this time you sucked them back, cheeks hollowing further and tongue holding him tight.
He exhaled shakily, notebook and the campaign being brought to life inside of it were forgotten beside him. He switched hands, pulling his left from your mouth and holding your neck with it instead, damp fingers dancing across the column of your throat. He watched the goosebumps cover your skin as the room’s air cooled your spit.
He didn’t waste time pressing the index and middle fingers of his right hand into your mouth, all the way until your pillow lips rested just above his knuckles. You didn’t mind, even as he could feel the slope of your tongue leading back and down your throat.
He let his hand get comfortable, thumb pressing into your jaw, pinky and marriage finger holding your face, you let him. This wasn’t just for you anymore he’d decided.
You couldn’t read your book anymore, his arm in the way and his hands taking control of how much your head could move or look around. He moved your book away for you, he was so sweet to you, so kind. He moved his legs so that yours would shift down, slide up until they were resting over his crotch. You didn’t notice the bulge in his jeans, you didn’t feel his hardened cock pressing against the backs of your thighs.
He was hot. What kind of idiot wears a black long sleeve shirt and baggy jeans in the middle of summer. What kind of idiot shoves his fingers in a mouth of which he’s jerked off to the thought of countless times. The mouth of a girl he’d been obsessed with for ages but swore to himself he’d never give into his perverse temptations.
He didn’t feel guilty. He knew what he was doing, and he knew that you didn’t know what he was doing. He probably should’ve felt some guilt, but he didn’t. He’d reflect on that later.
He slowly thrusted his fingers in and out of your mouth, watching the way you took it peacefully, head resting against his fingers holding you up. You sucked his fingers into your mouth and whined softly, contentedly, but the sound almost made him bust in his jeans.
He knew you’d like head. If you knew what head was, you’d love to give it. He’d figured that about you for ages. He thought about it a lot, you giving head. you giving him head.
Eddie, don’t. “Baby?” His voice almost shook. You hummed in question around his fingers and he felt the vibration in his wrist. He wanted it to be his cock. “How ‘bout you suck on somethin’ else, hm? Fingers are gonna get pruny real soon.” He laughed softly to cover up him almost moaning when you let his fingers go with a wet pop of your lips.
“Like what?” You looked up at him with your big wet eyes, pouty wet lips, face still resting against his hand.
He struggled to find the words, his hand fell to your thigh and squeezed. “Need you to move pretty girl, lay between my legs okay? On your tummy?” He spoke and you didn’t respond, not verbally. He almost groaned, watching you wordlessly comply, immediately moving to lay on your stomach between his thighs just like he asked. His girl, always so willing to please.
He palmed his bulge through his jeans, and you watched curiously. He loved the look on your face, wonder and curiosity, no timidness or arousal, this face he loved and molested himself to ritualistically.
He messed with his belt distractedly and unzipped his jeans, pushing them along with his boxers down past his balls. His stomach tensed when you tensed, flinching at the sight of his aching dick springing up to life.
His tip was pink and swollen, only a few inches away from your intrigued eyes. His long fingers curled around the base of his shaft, holding his cock steady. He hadn’t even gotten to say anything to you before you were wrapping your bitten lips around his head, tongue flitting against his slit.
You hummed at the taste and he groaned at both the sight and feeling. You gasped softly and pulled back wide eyes meeting his blown out ones. “Did I hurt you?” You asked with a tilt of your head, voice already filling with guilt.
He shook his head, “No, no baby.” His hand cupping your face gently, swiping a thumb over your cheek. “It just felt so good.” You watched him swallow nothing and he laced his hand in your hair, gently guiding you back. “You can keep going baby.”
Happily, you complied. Continuing on, taking his tip back into your mouth. It rested on your tongue heavier than his fingers had, you loved it. You loved the sweet, salty taste that graced your tongue as you sucker softly.
He avoided making too much noise or moving too much, he didn’t want to startle you again. But as you got more comfortable, so did he. Soft sighs falling from his mouth that made you feel a way you couldn’t understand. You hummed again around him and he couldn’t help himself, his hand tightened in your hair and his hips pushed up, forcing you to take more of his cock in your mouth.
Relaxing your throat, he pushed in a little further until you rested your hand on his thigh, a silent signal to slow down. He complied, petting your hair and whimpering softly under his breath.
Hollowing your cheeks around him, you got more used to the weight of him in your mouth, flicking your tongue over the underside of his head, having him push his hips lightly, slowly thrusting in and out of your mouth.
He was in heaven, your warm, wet, beautiful mouth around his cock, happily taking him almost all the way without a care in the world. He knew you didn’t understand the sexual nature of what you were doing, but that fact almost made it better for him. His stomach ached with flaming arousal and his toes curled behind you, hand twitching in your hair.
You swallowed around him and his hips bucked slightly, a loud gasp that broke into a whimper and he threw his head back against his pillows. He was about to cum in your mouth. “F-fuck.” He gasped as you pulled your mouth off of him, wet lips still pressed against the underside of his shaft, a loose kiss.
He took his dick in his hand, jerking it slowly. He couldn’t believe you edged him, of course you hadn’t meant to, but still it stole his breath and thoughts. “It feels good?” You asked and he nodded quickly. “This is my first time that I’ve ever seen one.” You blushed, watching him. He already knew that. He didn’t get to respond to you before you were asking another question. “Have you shown other people before?” You asked and his cock jumped in his hand. His sweet and innocent girl asking questions about the dirty things he’s done.
“Yeah, I have.” His voice was shaky, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. He didn’t miss the way you pouted, it made his stomach churn with heat. The pout wasn’t there long before you got distracted again. He’d expected another question from you.
Instead, you lowered your head and slotted your open wet mouth over his balls, sucking one of them gently into your mouth.
“Fuck! Feels good- shit, good girl.” He moaned loudly, reminding himself that Wayne was home and he had to shut up as he jerked his dick faster, an orgasm hurtling toward him.
He wasn’t sure when him helping you with your habit turned into you helping him cum, but he didn’t mind as he felt his cock throb between his fingers.
“Shit- s’good babydoll shit-” he groaned and his hips shook, you hummed in satisfaction, thrilled by the praise. It sent shocks of vibrations that he couldn’t handle and soon he was cumming in his own fist, thick and warm, dripping over his fingers.
His stifled moaning got your attention and you lifted your head in time to watch him cum just inches from your face. It was mesmerizing.
“What’s that?” You asked timidly and he laughed softly as he caught his breath. He made sure it was all on his hand before he fixed his jeans, grabbing your arm with his clean hand and pulling you up to him so you’d sit back in his lap like you had before.
“It’s cum baby, means you made me feel really, really good.” He kissed your temple. And you pulled his wrist up closer to you, looking at it closely.
He desperately wanted to go clean his hand, but more than that, he wanted to have his cum in your mouth. His heart beat heavily against his chest. “D’you wanna taste it?” He asked and you were nodding before he finished speaking.
He grinned crookedly and pressed two fingers wet with cum past your swollen lips. You hummed and sucked it off his fingers, head lolling against his shoulder.
He kissed the crown of your head. “See? ‘S all better now, huh.” He spoke, to himself as well as you, holding you adoringly against his chest. He didn’t understand what happened, how he got you with his cock down your throat, but in no way was he complaining.
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thank you for your support <3
part two here !!!!
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ruins-posts · 8 months
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Request — How would JJK men (Gojo, Nanami, Toji, & Sukuna) react to you buying Victoria Secret items and coming home to show them?!?! 😉☺️💕
Warnings — suggestive themes
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── This move you pulled has the strongest, Gojo Satoru, weak in his knees. You were merely rambling upon, showcasing your haul to him, but him — he was utterly and shamelessly trying to imagine how you'd look in each one of them.
The black piece caught his eye.
"Put this one on, baby..." he purrs, just the very thought of you in it is just.....Goodness—
"Right now?"
"Mhmm. Right now."
And so you did. And Gojo swore there could be nothing more beautiful he'd ever see in his life again. Pressing gentle kisses on your neck, sweet praises escaping his lips. He was so lucky to have an angel like you.
"How about we take this to bed, baby? Hm?"
── Nanami returns from home tired and overworked and heavily stressed, as usual. But it all washes away when he sees his pretty angel standing in the hallway.
Hugging your curves perfectly, showing just the right amount of the right parts, the red piece you bought from the place seemed to be meant for you— or so was Nanami convinced.
"Went shopping today, Kento," you greet him with a smile, twirling a bit to show off your figure. "Do you like it?"
"You look so beautiful, darling..." he replies, walking over to you, calloused hands reaching to rest upon the curves of your hips.
"Is this all for me, my love?" he asks, eyes taking their time to admire your entire being. You smile.
"Of course, Kento."
"Let's not waste any more time then, yes?"
── A grin plays upon Toji's lips as he sees you in the piece you brought from the store. The white piece of lingerie— his favourite one so far, it made you look so, so good.
"How is it, Toji?" you ask the older man sweetly.
He chuckles in response, getting up from the sofa to admire you closely, hands upon your waist, pulling you closer to him. One of his hands sneak underneath your thigh to get a reaction out of you. He rubs circles against the soft skin, making your cheeks turn a shade of soft pink.
"How 'bout I show you instead, princess?" he coos in your ear, nibbling the lobe slightly.
Yeah, you look gorgeous. But you'd look better squirming underneath him in bed.
── "Sukuna?"
He grunts in response as you call him, not bothering to look at you.
"Uh....'Kuna?" you try again.
"What is it, woman—" he stops suddenly. So this is what it is.
"Does it look alright?" you ask him a bit nervously, tugging at the ends of your piece. The pretty pink lingerie piece you got hugged your body so perfectly- you looked so godly, he swears this is the most incredible sight he's seen in a thousand years.
Regaining his composure, he calls, "Come here."
You nervously head over to him, hoping to see a reaction. His expression is one of a lustful gaze. And you squeal when he roughly pulls you into his lap.
"So stupid..." he says, kissing you till your lips are swollen. "Teasing me like that..."
"Kuna, I wasn't—"
"Not a single word, brat. Be a good girl now."
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donatellawritings · 2 months
thoughts on best friends dad!rafe!
introducing bfd!rafe & dolly!reader
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there was pathetically sick part of rafe that got off on knowing that he still had it — especially with such a young girl like you who was an absolute knockout, absolutely eager and willing to bend to his every whim. he had watched you bloom into the young woman you were today, but the moment you turned eighteen, you became a bit more forward with your intentions. from wearing skimpy bikinis whenever you joined his sweet son on family trips, to the thin satin dresses that tented with your hard nipples on thursday dinners — you made sure to always look your best for mr. cameron.
but what made rafe melt was the way you were so immersed in him, you completely dismissed how his son was head over heels in love with you — and you can call rafe a sick man, but he always craved being the center of attention, no matter the costs. his little boy would just have to move on, not that he ever stood a chance against his overpowering and domineering father.
so, when rafe’s son asked if you could spend the summer at tannyhill, rafe was eager to oblige, masking his reasoning with ‘wanting his next of kin to be happy at home’, despite his true intentions of having you surrender all of yourself to him, now running rampant is his tainted and somewhat deranged mind.
on the first night of your extended stay, you found yourself sat beside your best friend’s father, your tooth-achingly sweet and doting best friend seated directly across from you, completely oblivious to the way his father stared at you with that same sense of longing and desire.
you liked mr. cameron — he was always so sweet to you, he bought you the finest birthday presents, complimented your girly, but borderline inappropriate outfits, and he always seemed to know exactly what you needed at any given time.
and maybe, just maybe there was a part of you that knew he felt the same way about you too.
carelessly leaning over the dining table, you fought back a knowing smirk as your swollen tits bulged against the hem of your sleeveless romper, the ribbed fabric clinging to your warm frame as you reached for a piece of bread, “thank you for having me, mr. cameron,” you sang, your sweet voice all light and airy as you glanced at the older man, your heart jumping as you caught his eyes stuck on the fat of your plush ass cheeks that managed to swallow the romper.
masking his faux pas with a forced clearing of his throat, mr. cameron licks over his lips with a smile, “well — ahem, f’course, my wife and i really appreciate how good of a friend you’ve been to our boy, isn’t that right, honey?”
rafe knew exactly what he was doing, his trained blue eyes carefully taking in the way your plump smile faltered into a brief frown and how the sparkle in your eyes dimmed. your bubble of security had been popped in that very moment as you tugged on the top hem of your romper, your nailed fingers lightly grazing over the baby pink bow that had been sewn between the valley of your breasts.
your oh so pretty and fake smile only intensified as mrs. cameron sauntered into the dining room. you absolutely hated how your shared likeness towards mr. cameron had soured your perception of the clueless woman who still viewed you to be the daughter she always wanted.
placing a manicured hand atop of mr. cameron’s shoulder, you watch as the woman leans down to capture rafe’s lips in a quick kiss, “mhm. you know that we love having you over, sweetie. you keep us on our toes, dolly” she laughs, gently nudging the apple of your cheek as she makes her way to her seat, directly across from mr. cameron.
dolly — the dear nickname that you’d been given by mr. cameron, you’d always been so wet behind the ears, dainty, and entirely too vulnerable. but, it didn’t feel right coming from her.
answering with a short nod, you are a bit too eager to change the topic of discussion, a silent huff of stress leaving your faded plum stained lips as your best friend furrows his brows at your standoffish behavior, “y’okay?” he mouths, softly nudging your shin with the tip of his converse.
“i’m okay,” you mouth back, a soft smile on your pillowy lips as you steal a quick glance at mr. cameron who catches your sneaky gaze, sending you a quick wink as he takes a sip from his glass of chilled red wine.
licking over your dry lips, you swallow thickly, popping a warm and fluffy piece of bread into your needy mouth as mr. cameron’s long and slender leg brushes against yours. fighting back a smile, you remain silent as mrs. cameron enlightens the table about her new endeavors at cameron development, your eyes glazed over as you quietly hook your leg over his firm thigh.
honing your focus into chewing the piece of bread in your mouth, you watch from the corner of your bambi eyes as rafe inconspicuously slides a large hand over the smooth skin of your waxed leg.
now lost in the sensation of mr. cameron’s hand gently kneading soothing circles around your ankle, your eyes widen as rafe’s voice cuts into your dazed state, “y’seem pretty sleepy over there, dolly — everything a’ight?” he questions knowingly, his buzzed head tilted to the side as his pink lips part in anticipation of your next words.
feverishly nodding, you send rafe a forced courteous smile, “yes, mr. cameron — just sleepy,” you answer politely.
returning his attention to his son and wife, rafe keeps a tight hold on your small ankle, the cold bite of his wedding band digging into your warmed and bronze skin. you always loved to prance around tannyhill barefoot, you’re pretty pink toes on full display, ever since your younger days.
and rafe was painfully reminded of that, a feigned smile of interest on his handsomely structured face as he gave your cute little toes a gentle squeeze, every now and again.
all while his poor son and unsuspecting wife sat and ate their overly priced steak dinner.
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bigwishes · 19 days
"I wish it was bigger" (vote story)
Joey was one of the biggest guys in the gym, perfect chest, perfect abs, perfect arms. Almost every part of him was perfect apart from one aspect. Every bodybuilding show he did he got the same feedback "his glutes were underdeveloped" he had been training for years and no matter what he did he couldn't force them to grow. He even started to have a dedicated glute day but it did nothing, he was cursed with terrible genes that just left him with a flat ass.
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Despite the rest of him being perfection Joey still couldn't help but dream of a nice big bubble but. He loved the idea of having to wiggle to fit his jeans on in the morning. He longed to feel a guys hand grab a handful of his meaty ass and his desperation to find a solution to grow his ass lead him to strange corners of the internet.
Whilst scrolling on his phone between sets he found a website "MAGICKSPELLSFORYOU.WISHNOW" he opened it up and saw a pixelated night sky background with a chat box in the middle. A message appeared with the sound of a slight ping.
Joey laughed and wrote back "hey is this where I make a wish?"
Joey chuckled, clearly whoever was running the site was desperate for engagement and he decided to play along.
"okay, I wish for a bigger ass"
"yep thats right buddy, I wish for a bigger ass, give me a big fat juicy ass"
A little ding noise played as a pixelated animation of a shooting start played on Joey's screen before his search engine crashed and returned to him home screen. But Joey didn't have time to play any more silly games, it was time for his next set.
Joey stepped up to the squat rack and began to move the weight up and down, with each movement something felt strange, it felt like the muscles in his glutes were being worked but, something else, something more. A few reps went by a Joey placed the weight back, as he turned to the side he saw something sticking out from behind.
Joey had extra mass in the back, a big bubble but stuck out from him. He was stunned and his jaw almost hit the floor as he rubbed it. He put both his hands behind him holding his cheeks and making his new ass bounce. Joey turned around facing his back to the mirror looking over his shoulder with a smile as he rocked from his toes to his heels watching his new big bubble but bounce.
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He was so caught up in the excitement of finally having his glutes fill out his frame that he didn't realise he was starting to look puffy.
The sides of his waist began to creep over his gym shorts as the definition in his thighs began to merge together into one slab of mean, same with his arms, but nothing could get his attention, that was until he turned his front back to the mirror and in an instant.
Joey's eyes widened as he watched his perfect abs suddenly bulk forward into a large swollen muscle gut.
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"WHAT THE FUCK" Joey yelled out
"Im...f...FAT" Joey's face turned bright red as people around the gym began to look at him, nobody seemed to notice what was happening. He quickly waddled his way to the changing room feeling his stomach grumble and all the muscles and mass across his body jiggle.
Joey stood in the mirror of the empty changing room, shocked and horrified, his perfect body was now big bulky and bloated out, he was starting to panic as he rubbed his new fat muscle gut.
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"Oh god....how am I gonna be ready for my show in a week....oh fuck...I....I look like a fucking muscled up pig"
As Joey finished his sentence another pulse hit his body, increasing the size of his muscles and bulk all over, but he noticed it was extra concentrated in once area, as he felt his new massive fat ass split through his shorts making the fabric start to sag, only just holding on around the waist band,
cementing his transformation as a big muscle pig, with a huge fat ass.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
kinktober : oct 12th
anakin skywalker x sex pollen
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he thought maybe you were drunk, from the way you were rambling at him, slurring at him, pawing at him. his eyes moved faster than his ears, taking in the way your smaller hands grasped his wrists, your eyes pink and hazy with barely anything but pupil on display. you were tearful, warm to the touch, bottom lip wet and swollen. his eyes linger a moment too long.
his ears catch up, and you’re begging in a tone he hasn’t heard leave you before. your voice is whining, broken, pathetic almost.
“please it—t’was an accident ani b-but I need you, need your help n’need to just— need to feel better!” you’re practically crying, attempting to drag him further into the apartment where he stands rooted in the hallway, having flown over to your home when you’d called him. he places a warm hand on your cheek hoping to soothe you, but it seems that any touch from him only made you more frantic.
“shh, hey — listen. you’re gonna have to slow down. tell me what’s going on?” his brows are furrowed, expression serious and protective and it nearly makes your knees buckle. you swallow, trying hard to concentrate and breathe to get your thoughts in order.
“was at the market on the lower levels, n’i know you told me not to go there ani b-but—” you whimper and he nods, urging you to go on. “but they were selling these plants, and the pollen was just blowing everywhere and — and it made me feel funny — and now i’m home and i— i need you, i need you to fuck me.” the last part is punctuated by you grabbing at the collar of his robes, staring up at him with so much desperation it was hard to say anything but yes.
he sighs, oddly calm as he runs a hand over his face, nodding in understanding. every little mannerism he performed was painfully more attractive than usual, leaving you standing before him shivering and whimpering over nothing, clenching your thighs together.
“told you to be careful baby, look at the state you’re in.” he sighs, guiding you by your lower back into the bedroom. he has you sit on the edge of your bed, his touch so gentle in comparison to what he really wanted to do to you. “lay back, show me the problem sweetheart.”
he’d helped push your dress up to your stomach and peeled your underwear off, in disbelief at the mess before him. you’re crying now, clenching around nothing as you spread your legs, snitching on the copious amounts of slick coating your lips and inner thighs. your hands grip your own thighs holding them apart as you tremble, sniffling sadly. he settles down on the bed beside you, trying to stay calm to not work you up. “alright baby, there you go.” he sedates you quietly with rubbing your clit with his thumb, the sensitivity making you mewl and tremor like you were already seconds away from cumming.
“got it bad, don’t you sweet girl? i’m sorry i wasn’t there.” he scoffs, but not in a mocking way— moreso in a kind and slightly guilty way, his tone apologetic yet lighthearted in a way that only anakin could pull off. “oh, i know.” he pouts when you cry.
he stuffs two long fingers into your hole, curling them up against your soft spot exactly when you need him. he’s skipping all the teasing today, knowing his girl needs him to give her what she wants. he usually works you open with one finger and then adds the other, but it appears the plant induced frenzy you were in had inspired your very own pollen between your legs, making it easy for his thick fingers to slip right in.
“what would you do without me coming to look after you like this, hm? taking time out of my busy jedi schedule to finger fuck my girl when she gets herself wound up. goooood girl.” he praises when you go limp for a while, brain seeming to be on another planet as you let the pleasure possess you, being able to think of nothing but his fingers.
but soon, it wasn’t enough — and when you reach out to paw at his crotch, muttering “s’not enough, need more.” like a crazy person, you’re not surprised to find him already fully hard beneath your palm, ready to give you what you need.
“you’re lucky us jedi have such good stamina,” he smirks after pulling out his thick cock and sitting on his feet on the bed, suddenly manhandling your ass to rest on his thighs, prodding your entrance with his fat pink mushroom tip. “i have a feeling i might need it tonight.” he’s grinning now in that classic charming anakin skywalker way, sinking his length into you completely.
requested tag ! : @hanasnx @jellydodger
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fumekara · 2 months
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SatoSugu x Gn reader 
Plot: Your relationship with the strongest sorcerers in Japan was falling apart after they yelled at you and broke your heart. 
n/a: English is not my first language, there will be a final part of this writing experiment, I am not very satisfied with how it came out. I know this is probably not the ending you were expecting. 
Tw: A lot of angst, fluff, comfort, mention of sex, polyamorous relationship, mention of the death of one's pet, the reader has a cat, in this version Geto is a sorcerer. 
If you are sensitive to mourning for your pets, do not interact with this fic. 
WC: 2K
Click here for part 1 part2
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You woke up blinded by the sunlight filtering through your bedroom window. Your eyes were swollen and sore from crying the night before. You felt a lack at the side of your bed and realized that Satoru and Suguru were not with you. Still groggy from waking up, you sat up and turned your attention to the bedside table to your left to check what time it was. You noticed, however, a glass of water, a muffin and a note with a message written on it that you were sure were not there the night before. You take the note in your hand and immediately recognise Suguru's handwriting. 
We went out on an errand, we'll be back soon'.
Sighing, you brought the note to your face, as if trying to get something from it, like the warmth of the people who had cradled you and held you in their arms yesterday. 
You didn't know where they might have gone, but you wanted to be with them, wanting to understand at all costs what would become of you from now on. 
You had met the boys through Shoko, who was a close friend of yours in university days and had introduced you to her friends when you had all gone out together to celebrate your graduation. Although you were a bit shy at first and talked only to Shoko when you were sitting at a karaoke table, you managed to have a rather pleasant conversation with the two boys. 
As time went by, you became more and more friendly with each other and went out more and more often with Gojo and Geto, even when Shoko wasn't with you, you enjoyed their company, you liked the fact that Gojo and Geto were so different, but still managed to find their stability in being together. They soon grew fond of you and began to be more open with you, their trust in you had strengthened and they showed genuine happiness in being with you. As a result, you could not help but have feelings for them, which gradually grew as your friendship continued. 
You had become friends and remained friends even when Gojo and Geto got together. You knew it would happen sooner or later from the way they treated each other, plus you knew their history, since they had confided in you, during one of the evenings spent together watching movies, that they had been through a lot of bad times together. You were happy for them, really, but a part of you was unhappy that you could not be part of that unbreakable bond. 
At the time you were living together, after graduation you had decided to look for a flat in Tokyo to start your career, and since they had a spare room at home, they offered to put you up. 
You were sure you would only inconvenience the couple and didn't know what your life would be like knowing you were living under the same roof as them. You hadn't told anyone about your feelings for them, not even Shoko. They assured you that they would be happier to have you as a roommate and that you could never be a nuisance, since you were a close friend of theirs, and that they would never allow you to live in a dingy cheap flat until you finally settled down with your job. 
And so you did, you went to live with them and were relieved that they both agreed to let you take Nuko with you. Moreover, living with them was great from day one. When you got up in the morning, you would find Suguru in the kitchen preparing breakfast and greeting you with a 'Good morning love', showing you his beautiful smile as always. Gojo, who to tease you would put some items on the shelves and top shelves and then laugh when you got nervous with him because you couldn't reach them, and every time he would muss your hair with his hand when he returned it to you doing his usual cheeky grin. Sometimes you would fall asleep on the sofa with your legs tangled during movie nights, sometimes both of you and sometimes you would spend evenings sitting on the sofa late into the night talking about silly things, deep thoughts about the most existential questions or the doubts and fears that tormented you. 
Even when you managed to settle down in Tokyo and in your job you stayed living with them and they were fine with that.
Everything changed the day they asked you to become part of their relationship. They had both grown fond of you and, although at first you thought they had asked you in order to offer you a friendship with benefits, you realized that the more time passed, the more your triangular relationship turned into something absolutely wonderful. The months spent with them made you feel happy and fulfilled and you felt complete. 
But now what was left, what would become of you from now on?.
At noon it began to rain and meanwhile you were preparing lunch while waiting for Satoru and Suguru to return. As you boiled the rice, you turned your head towards the bowl still full from the day before yesterday that lay in the corner of the kitchen floor and once belonged to Nuko. You sighed sadly and went back to work, deciding to chop some vegetables. 
Suddenly you heard the sound of keys turning the lock of the front door: they were back. 
"Hey, Y/N, where are you?" you heard Satoru call out to you. "I'm in the kitchen," you replied, continuing to cut. 
Hearing their footsteps heading towards the kitchen, you decided to turn around and not look back. "I'm making saffron rice for lunch," you said not knowing what to do in that situation. 
You turned your head slightly for a moment and then returned to what you were doing. You saw them on the threshold of the kitchen door, both slightly wet and Satoru was holding something in his hand, although you saw it in passing without realizing what it was. 
You could feel their gazes on you and you were sure they wanted to talk about what had happened in the last two days and that perhaps it would lead to you breaking up. 
"Y/N can you come here for a moment?" asked Satoru in an extremely quiet and gentle way. "I'm cutting Toru here," you replied, hoping that would be enough to avoid talking to them until you heard them approaching further. "Y/N, please look," Suguru added in the same tone.
You heaved a sigh surrendering to what now seemed inevitable and turned toward them. 
What you saw left you speechless. 
Satoru was holding what appeared to be a kitten only a few months old lying in the sorcerer's arms. Both men looked at you with an expression of regret. 
You stood for a moment confused by the scene before you. You tried with all your might to say something, but nothing sensible came out of your mouth except a series of quivering babble. "Come here," Suguru told you softly, extending his hand for you to come closer. 
You slowly approached them to get a better look, and Satoru gave you the kitten so you could hold it. You heard him meowing and that seemed to awaken you from your trance-like state, and staring at him better you saw that he had Nuko's gray fur. You were so astonished that you did not notice that both men's eyes had glazed over with tears at your reaction to their gift.
"I don't understand...," you said in a trembling voice, "why you...I...I don't...." Unable to finish the sentence, you looked up at them feeling the tears flow down your cheeks. 
At this point they hugged you and exactly like you let the tears flow.
"Y/N we are so sorry, for everything, I mean it, forgive us," Gojo said rubbing his forehead with yours as he sobbed undaunted like you had never seen from him. "We didn't mean to say those things to you, you didn't deserve it and we were so stupid to let us talk to you like that, sorry, please forgive us, sorry." You looked into his eyes before he planted a series of kisses on your face wet with your tears. 
Suguru took your face in his large hands so that you could see him face to face, and you saw him completely destroyed by the situation you had put yourselves in. "We love you Y/N," he said, "We really love you and we are sorry to have made you feel so long." . Before you could say anything, he softly kissed your lips, letting you both drift away from the intensity of the emotions you were feeling at that moment. He pulled away from you as if to get some air, before returning to kiss your face as Satoru had done. 
"We don't want to lose you Y/N, you are the most precious thing we have."
Satoru turned your head and kissed you at the corners of your lips as he wiped away your tears in an attempt to comfort you and then went back to talking. "I know this won't be enough to make us forgive each other, but know that we have talked about it and we both agree that we are both in love with you and don't want to lose you and that we will do everything to get your forgiveness and make you feel loved as you deserve. Even if it takes a lifetime, we will make sure that neither of us will come back to make you feel as bad as we do these days. We want to love you as we love you right now." 
"Don't feel obligated after this Y/N, but..." both of them left you some space "please forgive us for everything. Give us a chance to let you know how sorry we are."
You continued to cry as Suguru rubbed a hand on your back to make you calm down and Satoru took the kitten from your hands and then placed it on the ground so as not to overwhelm you. 
"You... that's why you went out this morning," you sniffed, "but how?" and leaned down to pet the kitten who purred at your attention.
"Mrs. Momaru had mentioned to us some time ago that her cat had had kittens, and we went to her to ask if there were any left," Satoru told you as they both snuggled with you. You knew Mrs. Momaru; she was your neighbor, an elderly lady with a heart of gold. 
"We're sorry about what happened to Nuko, we were hoping she could lift your spirits," Suguru told you uncertainly, "I know she won't be able to replace him, but...." 
"I love her," you interrupted him and turned toward them. Now that you had calmed down, you were ready to say how you felt, "I love you guys and I want to be with you, but it will take time before I can forgive you completely," you said and they took your hands gently. 
"We understand Y/N," Suguru whispered, kissing your hand. 
"We will make sure you never feel this way again, we promise," Satoru said, as they wrapped you again in a loving, desperate embrace and for the first time in a long time you felt at peace. 
It might have taken time to forgive them, but there was still hope between you. 
Taglist: @qualitygiantshoepsychic @dark1paradise @mel1mak @tatahungry @aish777
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
At the Stitches
Pairing: Jason Todd x black widow reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, and getting stitches
Summary: Jason comes home acting strange and while stitching him up, you figure out why. (angstish/ fluff)
Word Count: 1633
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Your bathroom echoed as you hummed a Russian lullaby while twisting small pieces your hair into tiny braids. You had pulled it back to keep it out of your face during patrol but following a traditional instilled in you at a young age in the Red Room, you had the impulse to add little braids throughout it. Jason was due to be back home soon, and you would take over patrol. Every few months, Bruce made sure to have someone patrolling the entire night due to possible crime spikes. Keeping everyone fresh and awake on these nights was vital to avoiding injuries. The melody continued to echo through the bathroom as you remembered the lullaby of the older Widow that took care of you while you were being studied for your powers in the Red Room, “Bayu-bay, all people should sleep at night. Bayu-bay, tomorrow is a new day. We got very tired today, let’s say to everyone “good night”, go to sleep Bayu-bay.” You took the last clear elastic band and tied off the last braid in your hair. When you were satisfied with the stablility of the elastics, you picked up your mask that was sitting next to the sink after being cleaned. In case Jason needed some help after patrol, you waited for him to climb through the window. When you heard the swing of the window and the thud that was his boots landing on the floor, you knew he was back. 
                  Jason was putting his helmet on the counter when you came inside the living room ready for patrol. He seemed heavy, like he was exhausted tonight from galivanting through the city. There was a large red gash on his side, pushing little streams of blood over his shirt. He looked at you with tired eyes and you knew he needed rest.
                  “How’d you get that, Jaybird?” You quipped, examining the wound before helping him pull his shirt over his head. He groaned as you did, wincing when his arms came back down. There were a few bruises painted over his body, and a swollen spot over his eye, despite him supposedly having his helmet on all night. 
                  “Wasn’t paying enough attention.” He huffed, “Patch me up?”
                  “Yea, I just need to make sure I’m not late.” You answered.
                  You walked towards the master bathroom again, where you made sure to keep the more extensive first aid kit. Jason was following slowly, dragging his feet, and making the time tick by. It took him longer than usual to get to the sink and sit himself up on the counter, next to where you had prepared to stitch up his wounds. He signed heavily and rested his chin on your head, burying you in his chest. Instead of pulling away immediately, you waited a bit, giving into his neediness for the moment before trying to pull back and grab the rubbing alcohol. Jason seemed to have a vice grip on you once you tried to pull back, forcing you to stay where you were.
                  “Jay, I have to clean your cuts, babe.” You lifted your hands onto his arms and started pulling them from you until he sat back up, “You should go to sleep instead of waiting up tonight, you seem exhausted.” 
                  “I’m fine, I’ll wait up.” He said.            
                  “Honey, I don’t want to seem argumentative, but you look like you’re seeing stars.” “Are you sure you’re okay?”
                  “I told you I’m fine Y/N.” There was a combative tone in his voice, causing you to drop the point of contention. Obviously, there was something he wasn’t telling you.       
                  “Dick says that Grundy is out again.” You said, plopping a cotton pad on the open top of the alcohol bottle, “Apparently there’s some new magic aspect that Bruce wants me to look at considering my magic. I’d say if it’s Grundy it’s dark.” “Hey, stay still for me.”                   Jason was moving around enough that you couldn’t properly clean and bandage his wounds without him reinfecting the area before it was sealed. You began the process again, realizing that you were probably going to be a few minutes late. Cleaning where the cut was, he flinched a bit. When you tried to make eye contact to see if he was okay, he saw that he was already staring intensely at you. You both looked away as you grabbed the needle to stitch him back up.
                  “I’ll probably ask Zatanna what she thinks about it. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal and I can take care of it tonight since there’s so many of us out patrolling. I might go check it out later to see-” 
                  “Shit Y/N!” Jason’s fist hit the counter causing a loud bang, your hand to flinch back thinking you hurt him, and you look at him with confusion. You hadn’t done anything wrong, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t gotten stitches before.
                  “Sorry, sorry.” You held up your hands, showing up that you weren’t doing anything that would hurt him, “Sorry Jay I didn’t think I was hurting you.” “Are you okay? I mean you need to be stitched but maybe I can-” Your voice wavered off as you started grabbing one of the white bandages that you could wrap around his entire torso before Jason grabbed your hands gently, making you drop the roll of bandages. 
                  “Fuck, sorry, Y/N/N. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” He said, speaking like a puppy with a broken tail, “Please don’t leave.” 
                  “Babe, the others will be out there alone, I have to be there, especially if there’s some sort of dark magic involved.” You said, a worried look settling over your face.
                  “No, you don’t. They’ll be fine, Bruce is out there now.” “You can’t go out there.”
                  “Jason what’s wrong?” You asked, your hands still trapped in his, “What’s out there?” 
                  “I just- you can’t go.” Jason was trying to plead an argument with you, but it seemed he couldn’t find the words. 
                  “Jason, what happened?” You asked, worry and concern lacing your voice and your hands, still in Jason’s dropped into his lap.
                  “It’s a warzone tonight.” “I mean, it’s been worse, it’s been so much worse, but you can’t be out there without me. Please don’t leave Y/N/N, you can’t, please just stay here. I can’t make sure that you’re okay, I can’t follow you around tonight, can’t keep up with you. You can’t leave.” Tears started welling up in his eyes and you tugged your hands out of his to wipe them away.
                  “Hey, it’s okay, Jason, I’m right here.” Your movements caused him to look deeply into your eyes.
                  “I know you can take care of yourself. You could put Bruce in an early grave, but I can’t let you go out there without me.” He said, his voice breaking a few times.
                  “It’s okay Jay, I’ll stay with you.” “Are the others, okay?” 
                  “They’re fine.” He said honestly, “Bruce is calling in Diana for extra help.” “I told him you had the flu.” A sheepish look came over him as you realized what he had just admitted to.
                  “I would laugh at that, but I’m still worried about you.” You said, smiling just a bit in humor, “Okay, I’ll stay with you, but I’ve still got to take care of these cuts.” 
                  “You’re still in your suit.” He quipped suspiciously. 
                  “Well yea, I mean I thought you were about to implode on yourself a second ago.” You laughed, a small light admitting from your body and making your uniform disintegrate into a pair of sweatpants and one of Jason’s old shirts. The uniform would be put back away in its case for tomorrow night, but you’d be sure not to touch it tonight unless it was necessary. 
                  “Are you okay if I start again?” you asked.
                  “Yeah, you’re good.” He replied in almost a whisper.          
                  You began cleaning back up the larger wound now that blood had ran down his torso. Intentionally being extra gentle, you were being sure that there was no way you were hurting Jason. It was quiet in the bathroom now, only the sound of you two breathing could be heard. A few moments of silence had passed before he spoke up again.
                  “Hey Y/N/N?”                   “What’s up?” 
                  “Will you take your hair down? I need your hair.” He had been trying to run his fingers through the strands of hair but was being impaired by the little braids you had strung throughout the loose pieces.
                  You chuckled a bit before another little glow emitted from your hair and a small plopping noise sounded from the countertop as little clear bands dropped down to where they had been stacked together. Jason’s fingers immediately started running through the strands again, relaxing his breathing and slowing his heart rate. You started humming a new lullaby again, “The night has come, and she has brought darkness with her. Mommy went out, closed the shutters, sleep, sleep. Fall asleep.”
                  “All of your Russian lullabies are terrifying.” Jason said.
                  “Knocked me out like a light when I was little.” You replied laughing, “At least it’s not the one about Baba Yaga.” 
                  “Yea, at least.” He chuckled.
                  After a few moments, Jason’s wounds were patched up and he was showered. You had already gotten into bed and was waiting for him when Jason came and plopped on top of you, holding you tightly to him and not letting you go.
                  “Thanks for staying.” He said softly. 
                  “I’ll always stay with you Jay. Just tell me when there’s something wrong the next time.” You replied, running your fingers through his hair, “I was worried about you, love.”
                  “I’m sorry.” He assured, “I’ll tell you next time.” 
                  “I love you Jaybird.” 
                  “I love you” 
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ferrstappen · 1 year
the first one l Charles Leclerc imagine
a/n: so, I just KNOW Charles is a girl dad. I know three is his sweet spot, but idk if the boy would be the middle child or the youngest. what do you think? also, I'm working on requests and the collection pls trust me, but I'm a law student trying to hold my life together and not having a nervous breakdown every day &lt;3
this first piece of dad!Charles is from this request &lt;3
pairing: Charles Leclerc x female reader.
genre: dad!Charles, fluff.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, not proofread bc I don't have time for that shit.
summary: Charles tries to prepare to be the best dad for his daughter, even if she's just two days old.
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It wasn't fun being heavily pregnant.
Yes, the illusion and excitement of a baby coming to complete your family was an emotion neither you nor Charles had the proper words to explain. Friends and even strangers affirmed it was going to be the most magical moment of your life, that you wouldn't even be able to imagine life before your daughter.
But that wasn't relevant now, it was the furthest thing on your mind, sleep being the only thing remotely important at the moment, and it didn't seem to come as a faint light was coming from the opposite side of the bed.
Charles was shirtless, probably cold while slightly propped on some pillows, reading something on his Kindle, a small frown noticeable between his brows. He clearly was very concentrated on whatever he was reading, the only thing that made his attention shift was the light groan you let out. Of course Charles' instantly put his attention on you, the muscles on his neck showing with the fast movement.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked you, his eyes fixed on your figure, very carefully placing his hand on your swollen belly.
"No, I'm not okay because I can't sleep and I have to sleep since your daughter is sucking every bit of energy and space left on my body, and to make matters worse, the light of your kindle makes it impossible to sleep," You said with a pettish tone, but Charles wasn't fazed, after almost nine months he was used to the mood swings. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm being such a bitch I'm sorry," and before you could stop, tears started streaming down your face, and that gained a reaction from Charles.
"No no no no, chérie. It's okay, it's just the hormones, it's fine," He carefully rubbed your swollen belly, feeling how the baby moved relentlessly. "Why do you move when mama is trying to sleep, mignonne?" Charles asked his unborn daughter, knowing with certainty she was listening to him.
"Because she's your daughter, why else?" You answered and he laughed, playfully rolling his eyes. "What are you reading in there, anyways?" This time you placed your hand on his hair, knowing Charles loved the little touches of affection.
He sheepishly smiled, "It's this book I found about pregnancy and the first weeks of the baby," he answered with a quiet tone, likely waiting for you to mock him.
Instead, fresh tears started streaming down your face, again. Sending Charles into a panic, again. "No no no no, chérie!"
The apartment looked like a mess, the baby had arrived just two days earlier and didn't have time to even think about cleaning the extremely spacious penthouse overlooking the ocean, only focused on the little lilac bundle sleeping on her crib.
Since you left the hospital in the morning, where you asked for privacy and to not have any visitors, friends were constantly texting if now was a good time to visit you and the adorable newborn. You could've sworn every person in Monaco had made their way inside your family home.
First it was Carmen and George, with Alex and Lily, with a gorgeous bouquet of lilies for you, and carrying a large Zara kids bag with multiple cashmere onesies and clothes that would probably last a couple of weeks since, as Charles read on his book, babies grow up "very fast". Charles got a pat on the back.
Then followed Fred, with a huge basquet for both you and Charles, courtesy of the entire Ferrari team, and lots of small Ferrari merchandise.
Fred wasn't even out the door when Carlos and Isa quietly made their way inside, now with a bouquet of pink roses and a gorgeous and timeless Louis Vuitton baby blanket. Again, Charles received a pat on the back from Carlos as you carefully placed your daughter on Isa’s arms.
Charles had the biggest dark circles you’d ever seen under his eyes, and you probably looked worse, dealing with the recovery of your own body after giving birth. Right when you thought you could take a nap, Max, Lando, Kelly and Penelope arrived.
Of course they tried to make a statement, with multiple balloons, Gucci and Burberry bags for the baby. Of course Max was a natural holding her, cautiously kneeling for Penelope to see her. Lando nervously laughed and the only thing he was able to say was "she's so tiny", telling you he'd hold her when she was a little bigger.
It was almost 3 PM when Charles forced you to lay down, reminding you of the stages of healing after giving birth as he read in the book. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, waking up every ten minutes because, apparently, mother instincts didn't take very long to kick in. That's why you immediately woke up when you heard low voices, quickly recognizing the voices of your in-laws. Carefully getting up and trying to look presentable, you walked towards the nursery.
No one noticed you, both Arthur and Lorenzo enthralled by their niece while Pascale held her, whispering sweet nothings in French as her granddaughter placed her tiny hand around Pascale's thumb.
Then, Charles demeanor changed.
You could see it as soon as Pascale placed the baby in Arthur's arms. His back tensed and he stood straighter, instantly moving closer towards his younger brother.
"Arthur, you have to hold her head," Charles told off his brother, carefully placing Arthur's hand on the baby's head.
He still was standing closely and worried, hand on his chin while staring at his brother. "No, Arthur don't move your arm like that," Again, he fixed his brother's arm. "No, Arthur fix your stance, you need to hold her still," His breathing was getting faster and then he couldn't take it anymore.
Arthur was perfectly holding her, but Charles simply couldn't bare with the fact of his brother making a microscopic wrong move and something happening to his daughter, his mignonne, é carina.
"No, give her to me, you're doing everything wrong." Charles carefully took his daughter off Arthur's arms.
Ignoring Arthur's shocked face and Pascale's amused expression, everyone noticed how the baby nuzzled in her papa's arms, instantly yawning and moving her hands as if she was trying to reach him; Charles instantly relaxed, feeling her against his chest and knowing she was okay because she was with him.
"I'm sorry, Arthur. I think he's kind of overprotective," You said entering the room. Pascale immediately approached you, asking how you were feeling and how much pain you were in.
"Poor her, honestly. She's doomed to have Charles as her shadow forever, she won't be able to go to school or anything!" Lorenzo chimed in, making everyone laugh, except for Charles of course.
"You haven't told us her name! We've been calling her mini (Y/N)," Arthur asked, admiring his niece from afar.
The only reason Charles lifted his gaze was to find your eyes, which you took as the cue to take your place next to your family, resting your head on Charles' shoulder.
"Josephine. We are still thinking about the second, we're seeing if Jules fits," You announced, Charles giving a bright smile to his family.
"I'm thinking of Josephine Sofia Jules Gia Leclerc," Charles said. Everyone in the room looked at each other with curiosity.
"She is not having four names, Charles!" The answer came quickly from you, the tone revealing this wasn't the first time it was discussed.
"Okay then, three?"
Josephine, that's what's clear.
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berryhobii · 11 months
Late For Work (jjk x reader)
Pairing: Husband!Jeon Jungkook x black!female!reader
Word Count: 2,223
Warnings: established relationship(they’re married!), fluff, domestic vibes, Jungkook’s a house husband, tattooed!Jungkook, smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), morning sex, somnophilia I guess? He wakes reader up with head. Kitchen sex, oral(m and f receiving), deepthroating, throat fucking, lots of spit, reader’s a whiny and needy sl*t, Jungkook is obsessed with reader(in a sweet way), begging, overstimulation, interrupting phone cliche
A/N: Hi! I’m back! I know I said this would be a Gamer!Jungkook but I kind of went off script a little, heh. There will definitely be a part 2 of this though and there will be actual Gamer JK in that. I didn’t really describe the reader in this so imagine them as you like. Criticism is always welcomed and I hope you enjoy!
When you woke up, it was to him between your legs, slurping up all of your wetness and flicking his tongue against your swollen clit. He managed to wrench 3 orgasms out of you before your alarm rang, that stupid job calling for your attention. Thank goodness you were close to going on vacation. After that, you could spend some much needed quality time with your husband.
He helped you to the bathroom, your legs feeling weak from your orgasms that were still vibrating through your body. Once you showered, did your skincare, and refreshed your hair, you found him in the kitchen, back turned to you as he sliced something on a cutting board.
Bringing your bottom lip between your teeth, your hungry eyes greedily took in the expanse of his bare, muscled back. Each movement caused his muscles to flex, the dark and brightly colored tattoos that stretched across his back shifting. He had recently finished the healing process for his brand new back tattoos—a large dragon spread across his shoulder blades, multiple flowers of different colors wrapped around his ribs, and your favorites were the abundance of clouds with butterflies resting on them. He had lots of little others like that cute smiley face on the back of his neck and that Minnie mouse bow on the back of his right arm he got on a dare after losing to Taehyung. You remember when he came home with it. You had laughed for close to 10 minutes, much to Jungkook’s chargin, his pout never leaving until he got annoyed and bent you over the couch. You still giggled but his cock taught you manners.
He heard you place your purse down on the kitchen island, turning his head to look at you.
“Breakfast is almost ready.”
You came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning in to inhale his shampoo. Your cheek rubbed against his soft skin, humming when he relaxed in your embrace.
“Morning head and breakfast? Are you married?”
He chuckled, reaching for another strawberry to slice. “I am. Very happily for 3 years. They’re the love of my life.”
“Sounds like a very lucky person.”
While you couldn’t see his face, you knew he was smiling extra big.
“Eh. They hog all the blankets and can’t sleep unless it’s freezing cold but I guess they’re lucky to have me.”
You rolled your eyes, biting his shoulder blade. He was such a dork.
“They bite me a lot too. I wonder if I’m tasty.”
Your hands began to wander, scratching down his chest and abs until you reached the band of his low sweats. You dipped into the article of clothing, a noise of surprise vibrating your throat when you found he wasn’t wearing underwear.
Your hand grabbed at his half hard cock, beginning to pump him slowly. He inhaled a sharp breath, dropping the knife he held in the sink. Safety first and all that.
His hands gripped at the counter, head dipping low as you stroked him to hardness. When his sweats began to get uncomfortable, he moaned.
You hummed, pulling away from him to let him turn around. Now that he was facing you, you could appreciate him fully—from his broad chest to his smooth expanse of his defined stomach. Your eyes trailed up to meet his, dark irises staring at you. His gaze made you feel warm all over, those earlier orgasms feeling far away. You wanted more.
Dropping to your knees before him, you grabbed at his sweats before pulling them down. His cock sprang up, the tip leaking precum. You licked your lips, gaze greedy and your throat itching to have him nestled in it.
You gripped him once again, feeling him throb in your hold. Locking eyes with him, you leaned forward to lick at his tip.
“You’re delicious.”
Your stare never broke as you licked him from base to tip. Eye contact was the quickest way to get him to cum. You too. It just made your sex feel more intimate and connected. It also fueled his ego a little to watch your sultry eyes stare up at him as he was down your throat.
After you had slicked him up enough, your hand pumped at him as your mouth sucked at his balls—his most sensitive spot. He tossed his head back, leaning against the counter, a loud moan coming from him.
Gathering saliva in your mouth, you bubbled spit all over his balls. He loved it wet and messy, something you learned after your first few times together. He was always a gentleman during your first times but that quickly changed when you started getting more and more comfortable with him. Your pussy would get so wet and sticky that he couldn’t hold back.
Coming back to his cock, you kissed along his shaft, trailing spit with you, cheeks and chin wet. You took him into your mouth, sucking him halfway in, your hand pumping what you hadn’t gotten to…..yet.
Your tongue licked all around him, cheeks hollowing as you sucked him. His hand grabbed at your hand, hips bucking into your throat. You removed your hand from his cock, instead gripping his thighs, giving him the okay to go hard.
Using his other hand to grab the back of your neck, he began moving his hips in and out of your mouth. You relaxed your throat, allowing him to slip in and out with ease.
“You like that cock in your throat, baby?” His raspy voice talked down at you. You moaned around his cock because fuck yes you did. You could feel your panties sticking to you, the fabric probably ruined beyond rescue.
He pushed your head all the way down, holding you there, nose buried in the hair at the base of his cock. Tears sprang in your eyes, throat constricting around him. Your nails dug into his thighs, leaving red marks in your wake.
When you began to sputter and gag on him, he let you go. You inhaled a deep breath, coughing and trying to pull air back into your lungs. Your bleary eyes looked back up at him, your hand coming to pump at his slick cock again. Sweat dripped down his chest and stuck his hair to his forehead. He looked good enough to eat.
“Give me more, baby.” Tongue hanging out of your mouth, you were ready to take everything he gave you.
A few more pumps of your hand and harsh suck to his tip and he was cumming in your mouth, filling your cheeks. He shivered as his orgasm racked him, mouth dropping open in a silent moan.
You didn’t immediately swallow, letting him regain his breath. You patiently sat back on your heels, bright eyes staring up at him.
His hand reached out to grab your chin, tilting your head up. “Open.”
You obliged, dropping your jaw to show him his release in your mouth. He felt his cock jump at the sight. He couldn’t get enough of you.
And you did, opening your mouth again to show him you had obeyed.
He helped you up from the ground, grabbing under your thighs to lift you and place you on the kitchen island. His lips hungrily moved against yours, his hands pushing your pencil skirt up until he could access your thong. His warm hands grabbed both sides of the thin string, giving it one harsh pull and it snapped. He worked at the buttons of your blouse next, careful not to pop any of them in his haste but truthfully, he could care less. Once it was open, he pulled down the cups of your bra, letting your breasts spill out.
You moaned as his hands pinched at your nipples, little sparks going up your back. He pulled away from your mouth, a whine coming from you but it was quickly covered when his mouth sucked in your left nipple. Your hands buried in his hair, humming as he worked both of your nipples to stiff peaks. He bit at the skin of your breasts, further darkening the hickies he placed there just last night. Once he was satisfied with his work, he pulled away to kiss you again.
“Fuck me, baby. Please. I can’t wait anymore.” You were starting to grow more and more desperate. Those orgasms from earlier just weren’t enough. You needed his cock right now.
He smirked at your whiny tone. His cock was hard again, throbbing to be nestled in your warm and tight walls but he had more pressing matters to tend to.
Pecking your lips once more, he bent down slightly until he was level with your pussy. His hands gripped your thighs, pushing them apart to get more access to your dripping heat. You barely had time to balance yourself on your hands before he was diving in, eating you out like a man starved. His tongue licked and sucked at your clit, abusing the swollen bud until your legs were shaking.
His eyes looked at you from between your legs and goodness were you a sight to see. The way your mouth dropped open, your breasts all marked up, and your watery eyes threatening to spill. He could eat you out for hours, not even stopping when you were crying and begging for him to let you rest.
You didn’t even realize how desperate and close you were until that band was snapping and you were cumming all over his face. One of your hands buried in hair, pulling him closer as your head fell back. Your toes dug into his shoulders, almost pushing him away but he remained firm, delivering licks to your clit.
Once you were shaking in overstimulation, he pulled away, licking his lips of your sweet juices.
He stood back to his full height, pulling you closer until your hips hung off the edge of the counter. You felt his cock rub against your sensitive pussy, flinching away a little at the almost painful feeling. But you were so desperate for him that you didn’t care. You just wanted his cock inside you. Now.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him to you again. Tears fell down your cheeks, bottom lip wobbling. “P-please….no more teasing…”
He could hold himself back anymore either. He pecked your temple, hands digging into the nest of your thighs. “Okay, princess.”
The head of his cock rubbed against your slick folds, bumping your clit a few times making you shiver.
Just as he was about to push in, the loud blaring of your phone broke you apart. Realization struck you, your eyes widening.
“Oh shit! My meeting! I’m late!” You hastily reached for your purse, digging in it until you found your phone. You quickly answered it, apologies falling from your lips.
After you hung up, Jungkook helped you from the island, your legs buckling but he held you up.
You sighed, leaning against his sweaty chest. “Ugh, darn you and your magnetic dick. Why did you distract me?”
He snorted, rolling his eyes. “You stuck your hand down my pants. You started this.”
You growled, biting his pec lightly. “You woke me up. You started this.”
He harshly gripped both of your ass cheeks in his hands. “Do you want me to finish it?” His suggestive tone matched his eyes, his stare sending shocks straight to your pussy. Was that meeting really important? You could just quit your job and live your days with Jungkook’s cock down your throat. You’d clock in faithfully every day.
You whined, pushing him away. “I’m already late. Stop tempting me.”
He gave you that cheeky smile again but let you go, making sure to deliver a slap to your ass as you walked away.
Once you had brushed your teeth again and fixed your makeup and hair, you rushed to the door. Jungkook was already waiting for you with a bagel and your lunch bag. Your heart warmed at the sight of him. He took such good care of you. An idea of a surprise date swirled in your head.
You smiled when your eyes met.
“Here. I packed your lunch and since breakfast got cold, I made you a bagel. Eat the whole thing.”
You walked into his arms, hugging him tightly, his warmth sinking into your skin. “I love you.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you more.”
After embracing for a moment longer, you reluctantly pulled away, not wanting to leave him but you knew you had to work.
He kissed away your pout. “I’ll be here when you come back. I promise.”
You sighed but nodded, expecting a final kiss before you finally walked out of the door but instead, his hand grabbed your throat to pull you closer. You gasped at the sudden movement, eyes widening as they locked with his. His smile had dropped, only a mischievous smirk left in its wake.
“And when you come back, I’ll fuck you on every surface in this apartment.”
Your thighs rubbed against each other, excitement bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You were about to say something but you were silenced when he shoved the bagel in your mouth
“Have a good day at work.”
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ifangirlalot · 8 months
AHH I luv Rich w a shy reader 🤭 Could u maybe do him taking shy!readers virginity ahahhsjdhebskfj
˗ˏˋ 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐘!𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 ˎˊ˗ | starring richie tozier ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
~smut!~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] mentions of prep fingering, oral (fem receiving) p in v, praising, just soft smut in general, sorry guys no filthy kinky stuff here this time <3
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⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ I think Richie actually would have took time to think out how he'd have sex with you for the first time, which is a first because Richie barely ever puts thought into anything. But really, that's only because joking about having sex is one thing, but actually doing it is like a different thing entirely.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ Truth be told, Richie was nervous as fuck.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ You're a virgin, he's a virgin, neither of you have ever done anything remotely sexual, so how the hell is he supposed to do this? He'd been talking a big game about how big his cock was for weeks now, what if his dick isn't actually as big as he thought it was?
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ Ultimately, he decided the best course of action was to do something romantic to make you feel comfortable. He invited you over when his parents weren't home, and right away you notice that he actually cleaned his room and had done a half decent job at combing his hair (which like, that's fucking pointless cuz like it's gonna end up messy anyways-) ⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ Richie started off slow, putting his hands on your shoulders while he gave you an oddly sensual kiss. Usually he just kissed you kind of roughly, which usually lead to a French kiss. But not this time. ⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ When he finally got down to knitty gritty, he was very careful, because he knew how shy and easily anxious you were. He was sure to ask you if certain things were okay before he actually did them, and asked for your preferences beforehand.
"Hey doll, can you touch here?" "Is it okay if I put my hand there?" "Do you want the lights off? It's totally fine if you do, but just so you know you're perfect and I'd love to see if you if you'll let me."
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ If you wanted the lights off, he'd respect your wishes immediately and flick them off. His breath would hitch as you slowly allowed him to take your clothes off, one piece at a time. His mouth would greedily yet slowly trail kisses along your stomach and breasts while his hands stroked and rubbed at your thighs. ⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ He'd make sure to meet your eyes for consent as his hands ran up your thighs and thumbed at the button of your shorts. As soon as you nodded, Richie would eagerly unbutton and unzip them, tugging them down your legs in a slow, yet clearly excited gesture.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ He would place a kiss over your panties before pulling them down as well and gently lapping his tongue over your clit, eliciting a moan from you. He wasn't entirely sure what he was doing? But based on the noises you were making, he assumed that was a good thing and continued with it for a few more minutes before slowly pulling his mouth away, his lips swollen and wet from your juices, before slowly inserting a digit or two between your folds to prepare you.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ Richie would carefully watch your face, see the redness on your cheeks as you anxiously glanced at his bedroom door as though you were afraid someone would hear the lewd sounds and suspect what you and Richie were up to.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ He was quick to assure you.
"Hey, babydoll, just focus on me, okay? My parents are out, no one will hear you I promise. Just me, baby. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. All good, I swear."
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ When he was finished prepping you with his fingers, he slowly undressed himself and removed his glasses with shaky hands. He took his time rolling a condom onto his length. He told himself it was so you had time to prepare, but really it was because he was nervous as all hell.
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ Soft, gentle strokes the whole time. His eyes are crinkled in pleasure while he breathes heavily and moans shakily. He's barely able to think straight, but he manages to ask how you're doing.
"Are you.. fuck, oh God oh fuck yeah.. you okay, baby?"
⋆ ˚。୨୧˚ When you're both finished, expect Richie to be all over you, in the cuddly, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, kinda way. After your first time, he'd be more protective over you, mostly because he feels more connected to you than he's ever felt.
[A Note From Zee] So, I'mma take a bit of a break on taking requests (since my inbox has like five more I have to answer, which I will get to I promise), but I have some ideas I wanna do first, thank you. My next post is probably going to be a Yandere Alphabet post since I saw someone else do it and decided I wanted to do it so. Look forward to that.
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donatellawritings · 1 month
I jus wanna shut my baby brain off and let big bad daddy rafey take care of me :(
oh this is sooo muñeca & sugar daddy!rafe coded …
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
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you were entirely too emotional and high-strung — but who could blame you? with your skyrocketing hormones and mere hours that stood between your sweet papi rafe going back home to kildare, while you remained in culebra was becoming way too much for you to handle. and rafe couldn’t find it in himself to reprimand you, you’d been doing so well when it came to putting your big girl panties on and fighting back the impending waterworks that welled at your waterline, whenever it came time for rafe to go back home — you practiced!
but, unfortunately you’d lost every ounce of your resolve when your doe eyes fell on the two suitcases that sat at the edge of rafe’s bed.
sat in the middle of the plush firmness of the california king bed, your small body hiccuping with incessant cries, you curled your knees into your chest, “on-one — more — day,” you squeaked out, your jumbled words cut into choppy huffs of air as rafe pursed his lips into a tight line.
stood firmly beside the bed with his hands planted on his waist, rafe pinched the bridge of his nose with a knowing sigh, “c’mon, kid — y’been through this many times already, yeah?” met with a sharp cry from you, rafe is quick to switch into complete father-figure mode, letting out a piercing whistle, “hey! cut it out, y’gonna knock y’self out, cryin’ like that,” he scolds, his voice firm as you raise your puffy-tear stained face from your knees with a sniffle.
“quédate conmigo, please papi,” you squeak out, stretching both of your arms out in a reach towards rafe, your bottom lip all wobbly.
taking a seat at the edge of the bed, rafe opens an arm, beckoning you into his lap with a flick of his two signet-ringed fingers as you immediately and obediently crawl into his lap with a whimper, “a’ight, no more cryin’ — don’t need y’passin out on me before i go, hm?” rafe soothes, bringing his hand seamlessly clasp around the back of your neck.
nodding the side of your cherub cheek against rafe’s collarbone, you let out a breath of relief, “when d-do you come back,” you question softly, your doe eyes all sore and heavy from your earlier sobs as you quickly knuckle away the wetness at the tip of your nose.
“no … do not start that, you hear me?” rafe scolds, his free hand lightly tapping the side of your soft thigh, earning a frustrated mewl from you. squeezing your neck, rafe urges a verbal answer from you.
much to rafe’s very dismay, his corrective tone only set you off even further — you didn’t want your papi to be mad at you before he left. so, your bambi eyes were quick to well with warm tears, a warning sniffle itching at your nose as you shook your head, before heaving into rafe’s neck.
“fuck — okay, princess. hey, need y’to look at your papi now, yeah? can y’look at me — can’t look at me if y’cryin, pretty girl,” rafe coos, gently pulling your leg to straddle his hips as he pushes your face up to meet his, with a slight nudge of his shoulder. met with red and glassy eyes and flushed cheeks, rafe brings both of his hands to cradle each side of your face.
“a’ight, need y’to a good girl while m’gone, okay? y’gonna be a good girl for daddy?” rafe questions, slightly mushing your cheeks together as you huff out a wobbly breath, before licking over your swollen lips.
softly nodding in rafe’s grasp, you sniffle, “yes.”
allowing a satisfied smirk to play on his lips, rafe pulls your face down, leaning forehead against his, “good. now, i need y’to go to sleep, kid. i won’t be here when you wake up, but —”
fat tears are quick to brim your lower lash line as you whine in rafe’s grasp, “no—”
shushing you with a corrective tut, rafe pecks your lips in a silencing kiss, “shh … i always come back for you, don’t i? always call you, send you pretty presents — got you that laptop s’you can see me when y’get sad, yeah?”
with an appreciative nod, your lips brush against rafe — your papi always kept his promises, “g-going to mi-miss you,” you shudder, your voice all cracked and uneven as you stare directly into rafe’s bright baby blues, silently wishing you’d be able to make him stay just one more night.
“i know, kid,” rafe sighs, gently easing the both of you to fall back on the bed, one arm secured around your waist as he slides a free hand to the back of your head, lightly scratching at your scalp, “promise, m’gonna come back and take good care of you, yeah? s’my job to make sure m’little girl is happy,” he coos, leaving you to nod against his neck as you slowly, but surely begin to doze off.
whispering sweet nothing into your sleepy ear, rafe remains awake, until he’s one hundred percent sure that your asleep, your parted lips blowing warm air against his neck. once your breathing calmed into a steady rhythm, rafe was careful about maneuvering your drowsy body, carefully removing the small hand that rested on his face and placing it on his chest.
it was never easy for rafe to leave his girl in an island that was so far from him. he liked being in control and in the know of all moving parts in your day to day, so leaving you to fend for yourself — despite being waited in hand and foot by the hired help of the villa — rafe fought the urge to fly you to kildare altogether. you were still so wet behind the ears, so fragile and sentimental, such a transition would be way too much for your little heart to handle.
placing the pillow that sat under his head to rest in the tight hold of your arms, rafe reaches for the powder pink iphone that sits on the nightstand, placing it beside the pillow, ready for your use, the moment you woke up.
you just hoped that your papi rafe would be proud that you were awake the entire time and didn’t cry … because you practiced!
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natsaffection · 7 months
Oh, Baby.. | N.R.
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MINORS DNI!! (18+)!
Summary: Natasha catches you breaking her most important rule..
warnings: Mommy Kink, heavy edging (r receiving), vibrator use, begging, crying, overstimulation
Word count: 1K
A/N: Thank you @enthusiasticolderdaddy for the inspiration. <3
You knew you were fucked as soon as your bedroom door opened and you saw Natasha, who came in with a soft look on her face at first, but it quickly darkened.
Now you look at each other, you with your legs spread wide apart and a vibrator in your hand. You look in shock at Natasha, who smiles and takes off her jacket, "Here I come home and see this..Oh, Y/n.." You sit up jerkily and feel your heart rate shoot up, "N-Natasha! I'm s-sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I couldn't-"
"Wait? Was that not enough for you this morning?, little girl?" You can see her throwing her jacket on a chair and rolling up her sleeves, "O-Of course! I had to think about it the whole time! about you..“
Natasha had to laugh again..How much she has you under control is very sweet, "Are you blaming me now?" She came closer, climbed over you and took the vibrator out of your hand. Meanwhile, you look at her, fleeing. You know what's about to happen, "T-That's not what I meant..."
"Oh, I know. Don't worry. Now..what do you think is making Mommy so angry right now?"
You had to strain to keep your grip on your shoulders. Natasha is so damn close, you could feel her breath on your lips, "I..touched myself.."
Natasha's eyes remained steadfast, "And..?" You felt like a little kid who has to justify herself now, "Without asking you.." You see Natasha's eyebrow twitch a little, "That's right, so, you know what happens now?"
Oh, and how you know. Only that was okay with you. You were able to get an orgasm out of it after all, and getting spanked for it is okay..So you just nodded at her and were ready to turn around, however Natasha had other plans and kept you in line, "Nuh, uh, no spanking..you know your word, princess?“
You were scared and curious at the same time what she had in mind, "Yes, Mommy, it's spider.." Natasha just smiles and suddenly you hear her turn the vibrator back on and she doesn't keep you waiting and puts it back on where you left off. Your reaction was to thrust right against the vibrator and Natasha chuckled, "Such a little slut for pleasure..“
Thanks to your private session earlier, it went relatively quickly and you can feel the knot building up. Natasha noticed this too and withdrew the vibrator again, "N-No!"
"What do you want sweetie, hm? Tell Mommy." She lies down in a comfortable position and now strokes a finger through your hair, "Let me come, please...I'll be good..."
You're surprised again that Natasha put the vibrator back, and you knew something was wrong, but you couldn't think about it as the pulsing vibration settled between your legs again. You arched your back, tensing your body, hoping that this would be the moment..but again your agony continued as Natasha stopped short again. "M-Mommy..!"
Natasha, saw your heart beat against your lowering chest and loved it. "I don't suppose you thought I'd let you come that easily, did you little girl? You broke my rule and this is now the outcome of your behavior."
Your moans echoed throughout the room as the vibrator hit your used pussy for the third time. You squirm even more now, and Natasha clenches all her strength in her arm to hold you tight, "This is what you got yourself into, Y/n.." You realize how close you were again, "I'm sorry, please!!! Please let me come, please!!!" Natasha was now squeezing even harder on your swollen pussy and you thought that was it, but just before, she stopped again, "NOO!!"
It went on like this the whole time. No matter how many promises were made or how loudly you screamed for it to stop, Natasha continued to thrust into you over and over again. The pillow you were lying on was already soaked with your tears of despair after an orgasm.
Your pussy was on fire. Every inch of your body seemed to be jumping up to embrace the ecstasy. Natasha knew exactly what you were feeling. That's why she wanted it to last much longer. All you could do was helplessly pray for mercy. Your pussy tightened incessantly as your thighs tried to contract to protect your swollen, dripping wet sex from so much torment. You could no longer speak. Not even thinking was an option anymore.
"Oh, you look so beautiful, Y/n... "Natasha looked down at you and smiled as you writhed. You rocked your waist, bucking your hips, hoping to get Natasha to push you over the edge, but the desperation was back. "P-Please! It h-hurts, i can’t..."
You trembled with sheer frustration as the burning need in you’re womanhood remained unfulfilled and your climax kept waiting. "Did you learn your lesson?"
Natasha pushed down on your hips to fix you even more, wanting to intensify the agony as best she could. "YES! PLEASE, Yes is did!"
"What have you learned, Princess?" Your body was covered in sweat, you were breathing hard and fast, "Don't touch yourself! Only Mommy is a-allowed!"
"That's right, only Mommy is allowed to touch this pussy, do you understand?"
Once again the vibrations drilled into your insides and penetrated every tissue of pleasure. Like an internal inferno, it built up in seconds, as it always does when so much denial becomes an orgasmic time bomb. You could only give a faint "yes", you were so ready.
And suddenly it was there, faster than ever expected. It grabbed hold of your throbbing pussy. Natasha pushed between those legs with purpose and drove you over that cliff. You exploded. Your body arched, every muscle tensed, an eruption of pleasure filled your being. The only thing that mattered was the bubbling intensity between your legs. The sensations that felt like they would never come had engulfed you so quickly.
But the feeling didn't last long as you realize how the vibrator stayed on...It didn't stop for a moment. What had so suddenly become a wonderful release so quickly became a new prison. "W-Wait...!"
You began to strain as it became too much, a new kind of torture. Your body spasmed and shook uncontrollably, unable to resist the feelings being forced upon it; if only you had a choice. If only you could close your legs to stop or at least control the sensations. Natasha wouldn't even grant you that one mercy.
"Oh baby...That was your punishment for touching yourself...Now comes the one for not asking for permission ."
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