#and i was just listening to music and my sweet lord came on and it like
dethbug · 1 year
ok everyones asleep i can gush in the tags
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distantdarlings · 6 months
HABITUAL // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader Insert (Requested)
+ SUMMARY - *Requested - based on this (changed slightly)* Annoyed that Theo won't seem to make a move, despite your growing feelings for each other, you ask a friend of the both of you to help make him jealous.
+ WARNINGS - Language, brief sensuality, kissing, two time skips, making Theo jealous, brief fake-dating
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Ribs - Lorde
Professor Trelawney’s voice droned on as your quill lazily scratched across your notebook. You were between listening to what she was saying and sleeping, and your brain slowly tilted toward the second. She was rambling on about the properties of a crystal ball above all other vectors for sight-seeing. Something about its curvature made the answers come to you clearer…
Your quill tip ran dry and made a slightly louder scratch against the parchment, sending a nasty shudder down your spine. Your eyes darted over to your inkwell and noticed that it was practically empty. A deep sigh ran through your body, depressing your shoulders. Why was it you always ran out of something when you needed it most? Maybe grabbing a replacement would wake you up a bit. You raised your hand and waited for the long-winded professor to catch sight of it.
“Oh, yes, what is it?” she stared at you through her hugely magnified glasses, tilting her head back slightly to catch that sweet spot in them. 
“I’ve run out of ink. I was just wondering if I could—” A tap on your shoulder interrupted your question. You turned towards the owner of the hand and spotted Theodore. A small smile spread across your lips as a small backup inkwell was displayed in his hand. You nodded your thanks and grabbed it from him, intending to let the professor continue her lecture.  
“Never mind that, Professor Trelawney!” you said, flashing a brief smile at the eccentric woman. She nodded and continued as if she’d never stopped. You wondered when she’d take her next breath.
“You’re welcome, gorgeous,” a small whisper said next to your ear. You smiled at Theo’s flirtatious nature, knowing he’d use this little favor to ask for something in return later. He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before backing up. You rolled your eyes, promising to get him back for that.
By the end of class, your stomach was growling, and your mind was exhausted. It was a good thing you didn’t have divinity again until Wednesday because you didn’t think you’d make it if you didn’t get a small break from her each week. And thank Merlin, your next class wasn’t until after lunch. 
You gathered your things and let them slide into your bag. The boys behind you had begun to do the same as you headed towards the door. They were always behind you for whatever reason. You weren’t sure. Maybe it was just a boy thing. 
“Hey!” Theo’s voice came from behind you. You turned to catch him jogging toward you with his hands tightened around his bag straps. You stopped and flashed a smile, watching as his eyes briefly flashed down to your lips. You withheld any physical reaction so as not to embarrass him. “Are you still eating with us?”
“Of course, I am,” you say, “I always do. It wouldn’t be a good day without having lunch with my favorite boy.” You gently touched your thumb and forefinger to his chin, teasing him just a bit. You saw his lips part as soon as your skin came into contact with his—just as it always did. 
“I’m your favorite boy?” he chuckled, letting a smirk fall over his lips. He readjusted his bag over his shoulders. Your fingers came up to separate your collar from your neck, allowing just a breath of skin to flash over his eyes. You watched as he glanced down at every inch of you that was revealed to him, and his throat slid up nervously. You could play him like a piano, and it was addicting. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Mattheo asked, coming up behind the two of you. His voice sliced the tension between the two of you in half. 
“Nope, we were just getting ready to head down to the Great Hall,” you replied. “Are you eating with us?”
“Duh, who else am I going to eat with?” Mattheo asked. You rolled your eyes at him and looped your arm through Theo’s, allowing him to lead the way to the dining hall. Enzo quickly jogged up beside the group, falling in step with the rest of them. Your big brother had a habit of always being the latest to the party. It was one of his many endearing qualities. 
Your group appeared before the vast doors of the Great Hall, allowing them to quickly swallow you all up as you realized that everyone else was just as starving as you were. You selected your usual seats at the far end of the long Slytherin table and dug in. Soon enough, yours and everyone else’s plates were piled high with the many options laid out before you.
“Merlin, help us all….if that wasn’t the most boring class yet,” Mattheo sighed into his food. The rest of you laughed at his confession, all nodding in agreement. Trelawney’s class was rarely exciting, but when it was boring, it was really boring. 
“The only bit of excitement was you asking for some new ink,” Theo nodded toward you, a bit of a roll pressed between his teeth. You smiled and shook your head.
“And, of course, you were there, right to the rescue,” you laughed. “I was hoping I could leave the class and grab a replacement from my dorm to wake myself up a little.”
“My bad, I thought I was helping.”
“You were…unfortunately,” you replied. The four of you laughed in response, knowing well enough that they all had done something to try and get out of the squirrely professor’s class. A comfortable silence ensued soon after as the group finished up their meals and let the large meal settle sweetly on their stomachs.
“I’m really tired now,” you groaned, laying your head down against the table. You felt a hand reach over and gently brush its fingers along your hair. You assumed it was Theo, as he habitually absentmindedly touched you somehow. You figured you were a sort of stress ball to him. A small laugh touched your chest at the thought. 
“Teddy, can I sit on your lap?” you asked, already knowing his answer.
“Of course, love, come here,” he responded. The three boys had begun to discuss some kind of new broom headed towards the Quidditch market, and, to be entirely honest, you couldn’t care less about it. All the more reason for you to doze off just a bit in Theo’s lap. You pulled yourself up and stepped over your side of the bench. You walked around the edge of the table, sleepily approaching Theo. Though his attention remained on his friends, his legs slid open and his arm pushed out, allowing you to be able to slip onto his lap. 
You gently grabbed his shoulder and stepped between his legs, settling yourself on his lap. Once you were seated, his arm slid firmly around your waist, sliding his fingers comfortably beneath the waistband of your skirt. You set your head on his shoulder, pressing your face close to his neck, letting your lips brush his skin every once in a while. If he could avoid any romantic feelings from this, he either genuinely disliked you or was utterly numb to all physical affection. 
Your goal for the last few weeks was to muster up every bit of courage the universe had blessed you with and completely take it out on Theo. The feelings and the tension sustained between the two of you were too obvious for it to mean nothing. He had feelings for you, you’d bet your final grade on it.
Just as your lips brushed his skin a third time, you noticed a trail of chills travel down the back of his neck. He shuddered slightly. You suppressed a smile. Just a little bit more…
“Teddy,” you whispered in his ear. He all but jumped and turned to look at you.
“What is it, darling?” he asked, sucking his bottom lip roughly between his teeth. Your eyes watched the motion for a few seconds before popping back up to his eyes.
“I was just wondering if you wanted me to rub your back a bit?” you asked, smiling innocently. “I know how sore it gets after Quidditch practice.” 
His eyes glanced between your lips and your eyes, savoring every detail of your face. The front of his pants tightened a bit, pushing a small adjustment out of him. He grabbed your waist, lifted you gently, slid his legs forward and farther apart, then set you back down. Heat pooled in your lower stomach at his ability to pick you up like it was nothing. Damn it, you had a raging crush on him.
“Uh, no, darling,” he breathed, eyes fully pulling away from you now. “I’m alright, maybe another time…and, actually, I think I’ll just…” he trails off, gently sliding you off his leg and onto the seat next to him. Disappointment and rejection swirl in your chest with every aching breath. He’d never done anything but be affectionate with you, but for some reason, he was acting off today. 
He got to his feet, completely avoiding all eye contact, and headed off from the table with another word. Your lips parted in surprise as you watched him walk off towards the exit. The boys behind you had stopped talking, and you turned to catch their attention.
“What is his problem?” Mattheo asked.
“I have no idea,” you respond slowly, glancing back toward the double doors as if he might walk in again. 
Later that evening, after all of your classes for the day had ended and dinner was revving up in the Great Hall, you sat on your bed, torn between a couple of things. For one, you were starved and wanted to grab some dinner; two, you were too scared you’d bump into Theo while you were down there and add a second painfully awkward interaction to the day; and three, your stomach was churning so violently with nerves and nausea, you were sure you’d puke if you ate anything or had one more thought about Theodore Nott. 
Every time lunch popped into your head again, you nearly hurled. That was easily one of the most embarrassing things that had ever happened to you, and you’d fallen off your broom during Quidditch while the whole school was watching. 
Maybe he’d lost feelings for you. That would explain the strange distance between the two of you today. But it didn’t make sense why it was so sudden. Had you upset him or made him uncomfortable today? You weren’t sure. Your brain ached from all of the contemplating and speed runs of scenarios you’d been doing the past hour. 
You could ask Enzo or Mattheo to see if they had any insight into their friend’s brain, but you figured that might be a little rude. You didn’t want Theo to think you were a coward or were trying to talk about him behind his back. Fuck.
Then, as if he was summoned by the force of your mind, Mattheo Riddle gave a brief knock and presented himself in the doorway. A smile pulled its way across your face at the appearance of the dark boy. You waved him over and gave a small pat to the space beside you.
“Hey,” he said, sliding himself beside you.  
“What’s up?” He kicks his shoes off and props his feet onto the bed, one resting comfortably over the other.
“Nothing much. I was just coming to see if you knew what was up with Theo today?” he asked, crossing his hands over his stomach.
“Actually, I was just thinking of coming to ask you or Enzo that,” you admit. “I have no idea what happened today. We didn’t talk the rest of the day.”
“Weird…” Mattheo trailed off. There were a few moments of empty silence as the two of you rested against your headboard, basking in each other’s company. After a while, his arm came up to slide around your shoulders. You slid closer to him and rested a head on his shoulder, the collar of his shirt gently tickling your nose. 
If you could remain like this for the rest of forever, you would. Mattheo had always been like another brother to you. Another overprotective Enzo to watch over you in everything you did, and, as annoying as that sounded (and sometimes was), you really did appreciate having them around you. You enjoyed Theo in that way, as well, though you admit that you wish something more would bloom between the two of you. A thought pops into your head.
“Matty,” you breathe, your eyes widening significantly. His eyes follow yours to see if he could catch what had shocked you so much.
“What?” He quirked an eyebrow.
“If I ask you for the hugest favor on earth, would you do it?”
“Well, that is kind of vague,” he points out, “what is the favor?” He watches you for a few moments as you struggle with what to say. A million details are running through your head, with possibilities and worst-case scenarios flashing around, making everything seem like one big, jumbled mess in your brain. But, despite the cacophony of opportunities flying around in your head, one thesis stood clear.
“Would you help me make Theo jealous?” you ask. Mattheo choked on his spit. The face he gives you makes you laugh out loud.
“I’m sorry?” he asks.
“I want you to help me make Theo jealous, like, you know, pretend to date me for a few days.” 
“Are you joking? Theo would kill me. I’m not risking that!” he exclaims, removing his arm from behind you to cross them. 
“Please, Matty, I’d never ask you for another favor again!”
“No! He already likes you. Why don’t you just ask him out?” he asks. You knew that Theo had feelings for you, just as he knew you had feelings for him, but hearing Mattheo confirm that aloud had you blushing. You supposed there was always the possibility you were wrong about Theo liking you and the two of you were just friends, but friends didn’t look at each other like the two of you did with eyes full of longing and hot lust. 
“Because I’m too nervous. I want him to make the first move,” you explain. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. A deep sigh pushed through his nose as he appeared to be contemplating. You waited in silence for a few moments, allowing him to weigh his options, though you knew what his answer would be. He never told you no.
“Yes! Oh, thank you, thank you! I promise I’ll make it up to you!” You threw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He groaned at the sudden weight flung over him and reluctantly held you back. You could practically hear him rolling his eyes but, no matter how close he got to Theo, he’d always had a soft spot for you. You smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Okay, okay, back up,” he sighed. “How do we do it?” 
“So, this was my plan…” 
You went over every detail of the well-thought-out plan you’d devised over the last few hours, making sure to leave nothing out. Every few moments, Mattheo’s eyebrows would raise, or he would start to protest, but he never backed out. And if he tried to, you’d just beg him some more.
So once you’d gone over everything successfully, you had Mattheo lead you downstairs with your fingers intertwined together. This had to work. 
The two of you stalked into the Great Hall, your stomach churning with anxiety and Mattheo’s preparing himself to run if needed. Your fingers squeezed his every so often, trying to wring the nerves out but failing miserably. Your eyes landed on the group sitting at your table and you made your way over.
“Hey, guys…” Enzo started and trailed off as his eyes traced the two of you, falling to where the two of you met in the middle. At Enzo’s sudden silence, Theo turned to look at the two of you. Your intertwined fingers clenched tightly, Mattheo’s thumb lightly tracing yours. 
“Hey,” you said, smiling sweetly. You avoided all eye contact as the two of you sat down beside Enzo, with you directly across from Theo. Mattheo’s arm wrapped around your shoulders and you leaned into him. Still, you refused to look at Theo, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see his eyes widened and lips slightly parted. 
“Friendly tonight, are we?” Enzo asked, stabbing a bit of potato with his fork. He seemed to be hiding a smile. You shot him a knowing glance.
“Shut up,” you joke. “We’ve just…”
“Gotten a bit closer?” Mattheo pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, and you giggled in response. Damn, this acting deserved an award. You glanced at Theo's fist tightening, joints cracking slightly.
“Since when?” he asked, his voice baring through gritted teeth. Your eyes found him finally and your smile dropped a bit.
“Since he asked me out earlier today,” you retorted, the attitude laid on just a bit. His lips snapped shut and his eyes glanced away. He seemed less confident now, because—you hoped—he’d figured out your irritation with his refusal to move forward with your relationship.
“So, are you guys a thing now?” Enzo asked, not bothered in the slightest.
“You could call us that,” you giggled, fake-teasing Mattheo. Nerves broiled in your stomach as you discreetly pinched his hip. That had been the code the two of you had come up with to signal when you were going to do your kiss. This was going to be the big sale and it had to be realistic.
He leaned down and gently cupped your bottom lip with his, sending a wave of butterflies to your stomach. Damn, he was a good kisser. You pressed your lips back into him, admiring the feel of him. In all reality, the kiss only lasted about five seconds, but under the heat of the eyes before you, it felt like hours. When he pulled away, you flashed him a small smile.
Theo rose quickly and headed to the door, never once looking back. This has been the second time in one day he’d stormed off and you felt a bit embarrassed, to be honest. Maybe this wasn’t going to have the desired effect. You groaned and set your head against the table.
“Not working out for you?” Enzo chuckled.
“Shut up!” you shouted into your arms, the sound muffled. 
“You know…” Mattheo was right at your ear. You glanced up at him, tilting your head to the side. “You’re a pretty good kisser.” A smirk spread across his lips. You blushed
“Ugh, stop, Matty…you’re a good kisser too.” The three of you burst out laughing, reveling in the appreciation of each other’s company, before remembering why you were here. You really didn’t want to continue with this, it made you feel guilty, and there was always the chance this wouldn’t work. You sighed. You would have to go big or go home, and you weren’t a quitter.
The next morning was a Saturday and Mattheo and you had planned a fake picnic date by the Whomping Willow. The plan was to enjoy a meal right within sight of where Theo was going to toss a Quaffle around with a couple of his friends. This had to work or you risked ruining your relationship with Theo. You prayed that this would give him the confidence to approach you. 
The two of you set the blanket and snacks out, settling in and beginning to eat. Enzo said that he had overheard that Theo was going to head out around eleven. It was currently fifteen ‘till, so you figured it wouldn’t be too long. Or you hoped that, anyway.
“So, what if this doesn’t work?” Mattheo breaks the silence, nursing a small bottle of pumpkin juice. 
“I was just thinking about that,” you laughed nervously, “I don’t actually know. I’m hoping he won’t hate me, but I’m more concerned he will hate you too.”
“I’m not too concerned about that. It’s alright. I’m just happy to help.” 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything in return?” you ask, peeling the crust off your sandwich. 
“I’ll just hang onto the favor for a rainy day,” he smirks. You roll your eyes and laugh gently. 
Above the two of you, a group of four players on brooms soar over you. You gasp and scoot closer to Mattheo, getting into position. He wrapped his arm around you and started to pretend to joke about something with you. You glanced Theo watching the two of you every so often. He would look for only a few seconds before turning his head away when his friends called his name. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to get hit in the head with the Quaffle (in which case, you’d laugh, but now wasn’t the time for that). 
“You know,” Mattheo started, “this is nice. We should do this more often.”
“What, have picnics?” you laugh, popping a grape into your mouth. 
“Sure, if you want,” he chuckled. “I just meant the hanging out part. I feel like I only see you whenever your brother’s around.”
“Yeah, it’s almost like he’s my brother and I love him,” you laughed. He shook his head in an attempt to hide his smile, but soon enough, the both of you were laughing. His head was thrown back as it racked his body, and your hand gripped his shirt sleeve to steady yourself.
“Hey, I need to talk to you—” The two of you snapped out of your moment of comedy at the sound of a voice. Your eyes squinted against the sun slightly before making contact with Theo. Mattheo glanced over at you and shrugged his shoulders, urging you on with his hand. Theo reached down and offered you his hand, which you took and allowed him to pull you to your feet. He marched the two of you over to the nearest courtyard, never letting go of your hand. Your stomach flushed.
“Theo, what is—?” He pulled you to a stop behind one of the courtyard’s stone pillars. Your eyes found his; the only sound was the slight breeze and the gurgle of the fountain behind him. He glanced down to your lips, his breaths exiting in heavy pants. Merlin, you wanted to kiss him.
“I have to ask you one question,” he said. You started to speak, but his thumb pressed gently against your bottom lip. “No, just wait one minute.”
His eyes fell to the ground between the two of you. It appeared that he was trying to figure out precisely what he wanted to say. His lips parted several times, the words of confession dancing along the edges of them. The frustration in his eyes set off an ache in your chest that you couldn’t suppress. You wanted to kiss him so bad, so bad, so bad. 
“One question…and then I’ll leave you alone,” he said. You nodded slowly. “Do you really like Mattheo? Is that why the two of you are together?”
Your eyes widened in surprise. That was definitely different from what you thought he was going to ask. You stuttered a few times before shutting your mouth. You didn’t know what to say. His eyes refused to leave yours, beckoning every inch of the truth out of you. He wanted to know if your feelings toward him were the same as his towards you. He fought the urge to reach out and press his lips against yours. Just one word, and he would. You sighed.
“No,” you confessed, “I don’t.” His stomach flipped. Yours did, too. You wanted to explain yourself, run through every detail of the plan devised between Mattheo and you but you were too ashamed. Luckily, he didn’t care why you were with Mattheo, other than you didn’t care for the boy as he previously thought you’d done. His hands slid easily along your cheeks, carefully tracing the soft skin there. He was testing the waters, wanting so badly to touch you and anticipating the possibility of a slap. 
“Can I ask one more question?” he whispered against your lips, the salty taste of his sweat dabbing against the tip of your tongue. You nodded breathlessly.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his eyes never leaving your parted lips. You didn’t answer. You pressed your lips roughly to his, hearing the sharp intake of breath he took as his hands tightened around your head. He held you in place, pressing you against the stone pillar behind you. Your hands came up to wrap around his waist, clenching the material of his shirt beneath your fingers. His hands dropped to the front of you, pushing you tightly against the pillar, fingers curving against your hipbones. Fuck. You were such a coward; you should have done this ages ago. 
When the two of you finally parted, reluctantly choosing air over each other, you did nothing but stare at the other. Heavy pants left the two of you; your hands clutched the other’s bodies, leaving little space between the two of you. Neither of you had words. All he could think to do was fold you into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around you with a hold like a vice. Your head turned and tucked itself into his shoulder where it had rested so many times before. And through your contentedly parted eyes, you could distantly see Mattheo, on the picnic blanket, smugly raising his pumpkin juice bottle to the two of you.
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sarahisslytherin · 3 months
summary: you’ve been receiving love letters from a secret admirer and you’re desperate to reveal his identity. contains: benedict being fucking adorable, fluff n’ angst! a/n: fourth and final part of this multi-chapter fic. PART I, PART II, PART III i've had such a blast writing this series, thank you all for your support and lovely words! now pull up the vitamin string quartet version of "love story" and enjoy!
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Your heel dug into the gravel of the Bridgertons’ drive as you exited the carriage with grace. You gently raised your gown just centimeters off the ground as you walked towards the house, your mother and father following a fair distance behind you. You hadn’t stepped inside yet but your heart was already in your throat. You admired the front garden as you stepped up the marble stairs. Roses clung to the fences and wrapped themselves around the banisters decoratively. You took a deep breath. No matter what happens tonight, you told yourself, you will be alright.
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The halls were lined with lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses of varying family names, old as the land itself. The sound of a string quartet wafted through the air, indiscernible over the chatter of civil conversation. You followed the dulcet tones, seamlessly weaving your way through the home you had come to know so well. You turned a corner and were met with an array of couples mid-dance, bodies moving with such effortless grace it was a pleasure to just stand by and watch from the sidelines. You surveyed the room, inspecting each man with almost analytical precision. One of them was your mystery man.
“There you are.” sighed Benedict as he appeared at your side. “I’ve been looking for you.”
You chanced a look at him, and you wished you hadn’t. He was gorgeous; his hair shone beneath the warm glow of the chandelier, his eyes shimmered like moonlight bouncing off water. Mostly it was his smile (that shy, boyish smile) that set off a chain of dominoes within you, resulting in a nervous pang in your stomach. 
“Have you?” you asked, keeping your response brief so as to mask the waver in your voice.
“Indeed I have.” he smirked, but his good humor quickly faded as his face took on a more solemn look. “I wish to apologize for the things I said when I saw you last. I was a fool, I still am.”
“Ben-” you began to protest, but were quickly cut off.
“No, really!” He went on, his cheeks taking on a rosy shade. “You were right in every respect. And marriage doesn’t have to be the way I described. You know I have an inclination for hyperbole. Anyway, please don’t hate me. I couldn’t bear-”
“Benedict.” you said sternly. “You’re rambling.” You took his now trembling gloved hands in your own and met his gaze. 
“I just wish you could forgive me.” he whispered for only you to hear.
“My dear Benedict.” you sighed, a sweet smile curling at the corner of your lips. “I forgave you the minute I left. I hate to admit this to you, but you should know I never have been able to stay cross with you for too long.” Now it was he who smiled, a beam so bright it alone could have lit up the ballroom. 
“Well, then.” Benedict began. “There’s no use of a lovely lady coming to a ball just to stand around in corners, is there?” And with that, he gently led you onto the dance floor.
You fell into a rhythm that came surprisingly easy to you, as if you were exactly where you were meant to be. The strings filled the room with jovial, romantic music, lifting the spirits of anyone who would listen. It was impossible not to dance, not to feel as if you were floating. Your hand fit in Benedict’s like they were made for the sole purpose of intertwining. And when your eyes met, sparks flew, visible to no one but the two of you. 
To anyone else, it might seem that the two of you were in love. What a silly thought. Though, you couldn’t help but feel that such an assumption might have some truth to it. You most definitely behaved in the childish, playful way lovers do. You confided in him without a shadow of a doubt. And he did always manage to send a certain prickle of excitement down your spine, not unlike the spark of an electric current. Good God! 
You were in love with Benedict Bridgerton.
The song came to an end, and you curtsied before Benedict, while he bowed. You were sure he was about to request another dance but you were left wondering when Daphne tugged on your sleeve. “Where have you been?” she squealed delightedly. “Come, mingle!” You laughed, mostly from the nerves, as you shot Benedict one last glance over the shoulder before being whisked away.
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You had made decent conversation and exchanged pleasantries with members of the ton for long enough. You were beginning to grow restless, your foot tapping mindlessly against the hard floor. You needed to find Benedict. You excused yourself sheepishly, but you had no time to give that any thought. You simply turned on your heel and began scouring through every room in search of Benedict.
You checked the parlor, the staircase, even the room where Benedict could usually be found painting or writing. He was nowhere to be found. Just when you were on the verge of abandoning hope, you thought to look in one last place.
The intoxicating scent of roses and lilacs overcame your senses as you stepped out into the garden. The lights from within the house bled out onto the patio, casting everything and everyone in it in a golden hue. There he stood, hands clasping each other tightly behind his back, standing straight as a pencil. He seemed to be deep in thought, since he was startled at your timid call. “Benedict?” He turned, his brows furrowed. “Tell me, dear.”
“I need to tell you something.” you began. “I have a bit of confession to-
“So do I.” he said, his eyes lowering to the neatly kept grass. “And I think I should go first.”
“What would make you think th-”
“It’s me!” he blurted out, not able to contain himself a second longer. “It’s always been me! Those letters, your admirer. Surely you must have known, somewhere deep in your soul, that it has always been me. Never before have I felt this way for anyone, my dear. Every moment I spend in your presence, it gives me such immense joy that I cannot help but carry it with me wherever I go. If you would have me, Lord, if you would have me- I should be the happiest man who ever lived, I swear it. I love you! Even when you are cross with me and I with you I will always love you with an unrelenting passion. Even if you should reject me, I will never stop loving you, for I have no choice in the matter. Surely there must be worse fates and than to love one so unconditionally.”
You stood before him, mouth slightly agape, eyes wide as plates and welling with tears. You tried to speak but couldn’t. So many thoughts rushed to your mind, memories of your many years as friends, every occasion where you felt what he described. There were too many to count. So instead of speaking, you simply took a step forward, pulled him in by his tie and pressed your lips to his in a kiss so passionate you knew right then it would become the subject of many sonnets and paintings from Benedict’s part. You felt as if all the golden light which bathed the garden was now wrapped around your heart.
“I wish this moment could last forever.” you said, a joyful tear streaming down your cheek. 
Benedict laughed like a shy schoolboy as he wrapped his arms around you like a man starved and pulled you impossibly close. “Well, my love.” he beamed. “Forever has just begun.”
tagging: @velvetcloxds @oweninadaydream @holdthegirrrl @i-padfootblack-things @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @enchantedbytomandhenry @dd122004dd @marvel-r5 @marimarvelfan
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cartierre · 7 months
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU mick schumacher x fem!hamilton!reader
side note: tell a friend to tell a friend; she's baaaack side note pt2: "last day of summer" by summer walker side note pt3: this is pretty short, getting used to writing smaus again
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♡ liked by kaliuchis, lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 282,938 others
y/n_hamilton cigs n hella melodies
view all 1,637 comments
user1 mick and y/n are so hot together oh lord
user2 MICK?? THE ABS?? EXCUSE ME?? ⤷ user3 y/n is doing god's job by feeding us with this pic
lewishamilton i'm not even going to comment on this ⤷ y/n_hamilton too late ㋛
user4 she came, she slayed, she ate
mickschumacher ❤️❤️❤️ comment liked by y/n_hamilton
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, mickschumacher, sza and 291,998 others
y/n_hamilton finishing touches
view all 1,983 comments
user5 i'm so so so hyped for the new music ⤷ user6 girls need love was already such a good snippet of what's to come
user7 i just know she's gonna deliver and serve us cunt
mickschumacher so excited to see everyones reactions! ⤷ y/n_hamilton i'm literally shaking
user8 how is it possible that the hamilton family is literally that talented? lewis? nicolas? y/n?
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♡ liked by carmenmundt, lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 312,237 others
y/n_hamilton aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (last day of summer out now!)
view all 1,982 comments
user9 aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (it's so good!)
user10 aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (i can't stop listening to it)
user11 aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (ate ate ate)
mickschumacher aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (i'm so proud of you, i love you so much) ⤷ y/n_hamilton i love my (sometimes) annoying fans
lewishamilton even if it is very explicit, i'm so incredibly proud of my little baby sister ❤️ ⤷ y/n_hamilton i'll take it as a compliment
nicolashamilton so happy to see you achieve your dreams! i love you so much, sis ❤️❤️ ⤷ y/n_hamilton thank you so so much 🫶🏾
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♡ liked by landonorris, lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 278,038 others
y/n_hamilton last days of summer are over
view all 967 comments
user12 why does mick look like a middle aged mum in that one pic ⤷ user13 wow you really woke up today and chose violence (honestly, real tho)
mickschumacher netherlands are suddenly so much prettier with you by my side ⤷ y/n_hamilton continue the sweet talking and see what happenes next... ⤷ lewishamilton stop sexting in your comment section!
user14 ugh i know for a fact y/n is so fun to hang around with
user15 i want what y/n and mick have
606 notes · View notes
Rye Whiskey
♢ Summary: Celebrating Sean's return to camp includes a drunk Arthur, which allows you to discover this whole new side of him.
♢Words: 2057
♢Warnings: None except for the whole alcohol/drinking theme, basically it's just a one-shot of a fluff idea I had watching the video of drunk Arthur saying nonsense to Saddie.
♢a/n: I recommand reading it with the mindest that Arthur is in the same state as in "A quiet time" and listening to Rye Whiskey to put you in the mood!
♢Credits: These gorgeous dividers are from @cafekitsune!
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♪ "O Mollie O Mollie, it's for your sake alone,
That I leave my old parents, my house and my home !" ♪
Even if one didn't know Sean had returned to the gang, they could have noticed it right away hearing his cheerful singing, his thick Irish accent rolling the words even more musically. As the main entertainer of the gang, he was absolutely delighted to have a party thrown for him, and honestly, his big toothless smile made your heart feel warmer. Tonight, in the fresh air of New Hanover, it was only laughter, guitar notes, and drunken sounds that were echoing through the camp, everyone finally having a real good time since they had settled at Horseshoe Overlook after such a long period hidden in the ruthless cold of the Grizzlies.
You were sitting around one of the campfires, with Javier, Sean, Uncle, and John. Karen had also joined, gladly sitting on Sean's lap with a bottle in her hand; you were sure there was something between them, and the poor man probably deserved some sweet time after what he had been through. Talking about bottles, the floor was flooded with a large amount of them around your little singing group, almost like a big pond of green shining glass you all fed every few minutes when someone would empty one.
You had your fair share of drinks already, a slight blush burning your cheeks, the alcohol keeping you warm under the night's cold breeze and happy despite the gang's precarious situation. Funny, how whiskey would make everything easier and more entertaining, no matter who or where you were looking at.
Alright, you had to admit it, maybe you were a bit tipsy, but so were John, Javier, Sean, and Karen, their happy faces softly lit by the golden flames. But Arthur, -Oh Lord, Arthur was far beyond drunk, he was wrecked. Looking at him from where you were sitting and singing along, you could see just how much of a mess he was; at least three of his shirt's buttons were undone, said shirt opened messily; his hair scattered under his hat and looking a bit sticky, almost as if he had put his whole head into a barrel of beer; he had a constant smile on his face, and his body was swaying slightly as if he was an unstable bottle being tossed around by the waves of a tormented sea. You chuckled to yourself; he was quite a sight to see, and you wondered if you actually had ever seen him that drunk. A few weeks back, Lenny had told you about the wild night he and Arthur had at Valentine's saloon, but the man in question had slept in jail and came back to camp completely sober, which made you unable to see his incredibly drunken state and made you wonder what the hell he must have done to end up in said jail.
♪ "If the Oceans were whiskey, and I were a duck, -Quack quack !-
I'd dive to the bottom, and get one sweet sup !" ♫
You chuckled at how Arthur had added the quacking part, finding it quite endearing. It was almost as if it was a whole new side of him, and you couldn't stop watching. His deep voice sounded surprisingly good as he was singing with the others, and you caught yourself liking hearing it. After all, you always had a sweet spot for him, so you wouldn't complain about having the opportunity to look at him as much as you wanted without him noticing it (or at least, being too drunk to understand what exactly was happening). His bright blue eyes, sparkling with the orange ashes of the fire, along with his light brown hair and stubble, his black opened shirt, his thin lips curled into this big stupid smile... It was all making your heart melt more and more. You almost lost it when he started drinking again, roughly grabbing a nearby bottle, probably without even knowing what it was containing, and bringing it to his mouth, the golden liquid sliding in his throat, making his Adam's apple bob, some glistening drops of it flowing from the bottle all the way down his scarred chin, then his throat, ending up lost in the dark hairs of his chest.
You're suddenly pulled out of your starring trance by his loud voice cutting through the song's lyrics: "Lenny, mah boy! Come and sing with us."
"Arthur... You had too many drinks again..." Lenny answered with an amused giggle as he was passing behind him, catching his inebriated eldest as he had got up to greet him, but ended up stumbling on the way and almost tripped on him, it only made Arthur laugh at himself.
There was no need to specify that Lenny had trouble holding him upright, Arthur being under normal circumstances quite a weight to carry, and even more so when he was in such a state not making any effort to prevent his face from kissing the ground. Quickly, you got up yourself, and took a few steps towards the men, helping Lenny on his difficult task.
"Look who it is... Miss Y/L/N !" Arthur greeted you with foggy eyes and a wide grin as if you two hadn't seen each other for years when you had talked only a few hours ago. He instantly put one of his arms above your shoulders and the other around Lenny's. "C-come ooon, let's dance !"
Lenny sighed before laughing a bit, letting Arthur bring him into his drunken enthusiasm; you chuckled along with him, not complaining about being so close to the handsome cowboy you had your heart and eye on for a while, even if he was barely able to register what he was actually doing and with whom. As Javier started playing a lively song, Arthur, Lenny and you were throwing your legs up in the air; you laughed some more noticing how your favorite cowboy had a hard time actually following the rhythm. You couldn't believe just how euphoric he was tonight, almost as if the bottles had turned on a switch in his mind, making him go completely wild without any of his usual gruff restraints. Maybe that was what the alcohol did to everyone. Maybe that was what it was doing to you right now but you couldn't be sure if it was, precisely because you were happily drunk and carefree.
The night continued and you blushed realizing Arthur hadn't let you go, his arms always ended up around your shoulders or on it as he was sometimes leaning against you. His manly scent, a sweet mix of smoky tones brought by tobacco and gunpowder, and woody ones, supported by pine and leather traces. Your head was starting to feel dizzy just by smelling it, your mind even more intoxicated by it than the alcohol you had been drinking all night.
You brush away your thoughts, he was really drunk, and he could have been like that with anyone. You spent the rest of the night having fun, drinking some more, laughing, singing, the whole gang having more and more fun as everyone had loosened up thanks to the booze. However at some point, the main man of the party, Sean, disappeared with Karen, and people started going to bed. After all, it was almost morning already, the stars of the night not as bright anymore as they were around the middle of the night, subtle sun rays making their presence known behind the outlines of the mountains, but not appearing just yet.
It was now only you, John, and Arthur left around the campfire, the dark-haired man looking down at his brother at heart, an amused grin on his face. Arthur was half asleep at you and John's feet, bottle in one hand, his other arm curled up around your leg. With all the proximity and physical contact he had given you through the whole night, your heart and body had gotten warmer, and you had to make enormous efforts to keep your thoughts in line, not wanting to have any false hope about him and his behavior.
"He's so goddamn drunk... " John sighed.
"Come on, let's carry him to bed." John said to you, getting up with difficulty from the log you both were sitting on.
"Rah, you guys are no f-fun!" Arthur protested, his voice even hoarser than usual due to his intoxicated self. "Come on, one more drink!"
"Nope, you're going to bed." John's own croaky tone answered his partner. He then looked at you while bending down, expecting you to help him lift Arthur's poor body.
You leaned over, helping John. Arthur was barely able to walk, leaning heavily on you and John, one of his arms above John's shoulder just as earlier with Lenny, but his other one around your waist. Your cheeks burned. Even if it was just drunken attention... You liked it.
The three of you started to walk to Arthur's tent, as fast as you could considering his feet were more brushing the ground than actually stepping on it. You just weren't capable of having any coherent thoughts at this point, your whole being living for the warm sensation of his big palm on your waist, feeling how his fingers were gently rubbing against your clothes.
"You two... Are the b-best..." Arthur slurred out in a rough voice when you had reached his tent. As gently as you both could, John and you were trying to lay him in his cot.
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, Arthur." John answered with an amused chuckle, placing one of his legs in its rightful place on his bed.
"Y/N, you're beautiful..." Arthur added in an almost unintelligible rumble, as you were pulling back from him. "I l-love you."
Your jaw dropped. What did he say? Did you hear that right? You froze, eyes glued to the outlaw, who was already turning around to sleep on his stomach, lips parted, a light snore emerging from his noose; he had instantly fallen asleep as if he had permission to now that he was in his cot.
John looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't take it seriously, Y/N." He advised you. "He already told that to Abigail and Karen before, even Saddie if I reckon right."
"Oh, erm... Alright, I won't." You answered your friend. Honestly, you probably would have slept better not knowing that; a sharp little sliver of disappointment subtly piercing through your heart. "Goodnight then, John."
"Goodnight, Y/N, thanks for the help." The scarred man greeted you before heading to his own tent. It was so late, you were sure Abigail would reprimand him for that tomorrow morning.
But that was John's problem, and you already had one yourself.
You took a last look at your sleepy cowboy before walking off to your own tent. He looked cute like this, hair messy, clothes completely disheveled; even his snoring was pretty endearing to you. You reluctantly turned your back to him, resisting the urge to actually lay with him in his cot. After all, he wouldn't have complained, wouldn't he? He probably wouldn't even have noticed... These thoughts got stuck in your brain as you lay in your own cot, pretty tired yourself after partying all night, your spirit slowly drifting away in the realm of dreams, sleep troubled by blurry visions of what had happened during the night, a beautiful, charming, stupid smile keeping on reappearing from time to time in your slumber.
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Arthur opened his eyes. "It hurts"; were the first words that came to his mind. His back, his neck, his goddamn head, everything was hurting him. Getting old was definitely not a piece of cake. He rubbed his eyes, which felt dry and burnt, just like his thorny throat, even if a slight string of saliva had slid from his mouth. Getting that drunk was definitely too frequent for him lately, the other night with Lenny still engraved in his memory and his tired body, fed up with his poor drinking decisions. He slowly got up, rubbing his face, carefully avoiding his gaze from looking at the sun, its light way too powerful for him in this hungover state.
Looking around the camp, he smiled internally seeing Karen emerging from Sean's tent. Little bastard had gotten himself a good time last night. While thinking back about what happened, he had a hard time remembering all of it, as often when he was that drunk. Maybe it was better that way, considering his impressive capacity to get in trouble and make a fool of himself in those kinds of situations. However this time, something was lingering in the back of his mind.
Your delicate smell, how the soft fabric of your clothes felt under his fingers, how your voice sounded into his ears, how smooth and mellow your leg was. How the hell did he knew about all that? He focused, frowning, trying so hard to remember what had happened, but all he had was these sensations, those pleasant, haunting sensations. He couldn't help but feel flustered all by himself, sat on his bed, cheeks getting slightly flushed, just imagining the reasons why he suddenly knew so much about the grain of your skin and the warmth of your body against his;
He prayed deeply he didn't do anything stupid with you; Lord knows how important you were to him. Hell, he had thought about you a lot already, thought about offering you flowers or maybe a nice jewel, something that would be as pretty as you even if to him, no physical object could ever compete with your astonishing beauty and your adorable, sweet, sunny personality.
But before all that, he needed to have a few words about last night with you. Probably would stumble on his words, look like an idiot again, but at least he would be able to be close to you, just like in those sweet lingering memories in his head.
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a/n : Alright so... Here it is! My first one-shot ever. Please, if you notice anything, any mistakes, or a weird-sounding sentence: let me know! English isn't my first language and I'm actually anxious as hell to publish this! Anyway, thanks for reading this until the end and take care <3
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
welp, this one has gotten out of hand (over 3k... yikes) but here we are! part 3 of the secret-dolly-parton-fan eddie munson saga (only 2 more parts after this!) 
[part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6 + complete on ao3]
part 3: coat of many colors
Only a few weeks later, Eddie starts to slip up.
Any other day he’d wake up to the sweet, sweet sounds of his favorite Dio album, but one morning he grabs an old Johnny Cash album that Wayne sometimes listens to and puts that one on instead. 
It’s nice, and even though it’s apparently recorded at an actual prison, it still feels like home (Eddie tries not to think about that too much).
On a late night when Wayne’s still at work, he fishes his old acoustic guitar from underneath his bed and starts strumming away random chords that sound like the country songs his momma played when he was little. Sometimes he still remembers the lyrics, softly mumbling them even though there’s no one around to hear them. 
It’s nice, it doesn’t sound as sweet as when his momma played it for him, but it still feels like home (Eddie actually thinks about it a lot this time).
And it’s not like he’s abandoned his usual music or anything. He still has his Judas Priest tapes in the van because his driving would probably even more reckless if he drove without any music (and isn’t that saying something). And he still loves his sweetheart more than anything, she just has to deal with sharing him for a bit.
Not a lot of many people notice it, at first. Mostly because he still keeps that part of himself hidden, safely tucked away in the comfort of his own bedroom. 
But Wayne notices, because of course does.
“Whatcha wearin’ there, son?” Wayne asks, never looking up from where his eyes are glued to the morning newspaper. 
Eddie’s halfway out the door already, car keys jingling against his rings when his uncle speaks up, turns around in the doorway. “Uh…” 
He looks down at his clothes - what is he wearing anyway? Ripped jeans - all fine, nothing new. White t-shirt - okay, not his usual color but not that strange. Forest green plaid button down and beat-up leather boots that both actually belonged to Wayne at one point - yeah, that must be it. 
“Yeah, I mean I know they’re yours… You want them back or somethin’?”
Wayne chuckles and closes the newspaper, leaning back in his chair. “No, no. Not at all. Just surprised you’re wearing it. Ain’t you meetin’ the kids?”
“Uh, yeah?” Eddie frowns. “Should I… not be wearing this?”
“Wear whatever you want.” Wayne shrugs. “It’s just nice.”
“Yeah, nice. Nice to see you bein’ comfortable wearing that sorta thing again.” Wayne says. “Lord knows you wouldn’t be caught dead in it years ago.”
Eddie thinks back to when he first came to Hawkins, with an almost empty suitcase and ratty old teddy-bear in his hand. He didn’t have any clothes that were fit for the cold Novembers in Hawkins, more used to the mild Tennessee winters, so Wayne did the best he could and dressed him up in the warmest thing he had on hand at the time. A warm, blue flannel that Eddie’s small frame almost drowned in.
Not that he cared about it at that point. He only cared about how warm and soft it felt.
Which was fine up until the point that the other kids at school started caring about their clothes and how they looked and they started laughing at Eddie’s clothes. Making fun of how poor he was that he couldn’t even afford a decent sized shirt. Teasing him in the locker room about the holes in his socks. 
He decided then and there to swear off all the clothes Wayne picked out for him and changed his style up completely. His classmates were gonna bully him anyway, but he’d be damned if they insulted Wayne in the process. 
“Well, yeah. Guess I’m goin’ back to my roots.” Eddie shrugs.
“Noticed that as well.” Wayne is smirking now, way too pleased about the whole situation and gestures to his mouth. “Your accent, Ed. Any minute now and you’ll be talkin’ like Miss Parton herself.”
Eddie’s face heats up - if only Wayne knew what he’s been up to in his spare time “Shut up, old man. You’re gonna make me late.”
He drives a little faster than normal to the Wheeler’s house, because Wayne really did keep him a few minutes too long, but he still ends up relatively on time for Mike’s birthday party. Everyone’s already in the decorated basement (balloons and garlands and all) and Mrs. Wheeler is snapping pictures left and right, much to Mike’s obvious dismay.
Mike’s face does light up when Eddie comes stumbling down the basement, present in hand.
“Happy Birthday, mini Wheeler.” Eddie says, ruffling his hair.
“Hey, not fair! We were friends way before you befriended my sister.” Mike sighs.
“Eddie’s just got good taste.” Nancy smirks before turning back to her conversation with Max and El.
“She said it, not me.” Eddie laughs. “Now open your present.”
He’d bought Mike this older copy of a D&D manual. It’s a first edition that Eddie randomly found one day in a thrift store and considering the grin on Mike’s face, Eddie knows he made the right decision. 
Behind them on the table there’s a bunch of already-opened presents but one sticks out to Eddie - a beautifully depiction of the Party members, including El and Max, painted onto a notebook.
“Nice notebook.”
“Isn’t it the coolest? Will made it for me.” Mike gushes. “He always knows what kind of present to get me. He’s such a good friend.”
Eddie bites back a laugh. Poor Mike, so tragically oblivious to what’s staring right in front of him, bowl-cut and heart-eyes and all. But since he can’t actually laugh Mike in the face, he just smirks and pats Mike on the shoulder.
“Oh Michael… Bless your tiny lil’ heart.” 
Mike just beams at him, once again blissfully unaware of the little back-handed compliment that just escaped Eddie’s Tennessee mouth and runs off again to join the party. Not noticing a thing.
But apparently someone does.
“What was that?” Steve asks from where he’s standing behind Eddie.
“What was what?” Eddie replies automatically. He doesn’t turn around just yet, slightly terrified to find out Steve’s reaction. Not there’s any malice to be heard in his voice, but Eddie’s learned to be careful even when everything seems to be safe.
“That… the whole bless your heart thing.”
“That’s a just saying.” Eddie shrugs.
“But the accent… where did that come from?” Steve stammers.
That comment finally makes Eddie turn around only to find Steve staring at him, jaw slacked and cheeks tickled pink. And well, isn’t that interesting. 
Eddie grins as he takes a step closer to Steve, head cocked to the side. “Didn’t you know? I ain’t from around here.” He’s really laying the accent on thick this time, just to see how Steve will react. 
It pays off beautifully because Steve just stares at him again, his face turning an even deeper shade of pink that contrast with the tight yellow t-shirt he’s wearing. Eddie’s stomach bubbles with giddiness at the sudden power he’s holding over Steve, making him all flustered like this.
God, he really shouldn’t be flirting with his very-much-straight crush but it just feels so good.
“Where- where are you from then?” Steve clears his throat, running a hand through his hair.
“Tennessee, baby. Born ’n raised.” 
Steve opens his mouth and closes it again, does it a couple of times actually, like he’s a goddamn guppy. It’s, frankly, adorable and Eddie’s never wanted to kiss him more. He lowers his gaze, his hands moving through the air like he’s unsure what to do with that.
“I’m just… I’m just gonna talk to Robin for a sec. Be right back, okay?”
Eddie watches as Steve disappears in between the kids, sees how he frantically talks to Robin before dragging her upstairs, clearly in need some alone time.
Huh. Weird. 
Eddie comes clean about his roots to the rest of his friends a couple days later and to his surprise, no one really seems to bat an eye. Sure, there are few laughs here and there but it’s never bad. A couple of questions (mostly from El) about where he grew up and that’s that.
Or so he thinks.
Because he also told Steve, Robin and Nancy about the fact that there’s a country bar just a couple miles from Hawkins and that he’s being going there almost every week just to feel a little at home again. And now, they obviously want to come with. 
Eddie’s feeling slightly nervous about it - this is still on a whole other level than just wearing one of Wayne’s flannels and bringing out his drawl every once in a while. This is about who he is, how he was raised, and he’s not really sure how things’ll go down if his friends react weirdly about it.
Pat is surprised to say the least when Eddie strolls into the Off-Road next Wednesday with Robin, Nancy and Steve in tow. Robin swore up and down that they should dress the part even though Eddie told her it wasn’t necessary, but there they are anyway, plaid shirts and all. 
It’s slightly embarrassing to be honest, but Robin seems to enjoy making him suffer (well, that was until Nancy took off her plaid shirt and tied it around her waist to show off her tight black dress underneath and Robin almost had an aneurysm. Ha, how’s that for payback?). And besides, Steve’s looking unfairly hot in that light blue flannel so who’s Eddie to complain?
“Well, well, well. Looks like you got some friends after all, Ed.” Pat grins. “Welcome y’all.”
After Eddie introduces everyone, Robin starts talking Pat’s ear off, overjoyed with the fact that she’s finally meeting another queer woman, asking her all kinds of questions about growing up queer and how she met Tish. Eddie smiles, feeling happy for his friend. 
On the other side of the bar, Steve and Nancy are hunched over the jukebox, arguing about the next song to play.
“Is that him?” Tish asks as she puts down his beer - Eddie figures he might as well take advantage of the fact that Nancy’s driving tonight. She nods to where Steve is clearly losing the argument with Nancy. The way he’s bending over the jukebox in those tight Levi’s is making his ass look insane and Eddie lets out a strangled sound.
“Yeah, that’s him alright.”
Tish lets out a low whistle. “Damn, Eddie. You’re screwed.”
“Why, geez. Thanks for that boost of confidence, Tish.”
Tish just winks at him and disappears back into the kitchen. Eddie just sits and sulks for a bit, head rocking along to the song that Nancy picked out until Robin suddenly slides into view, eyes filled with mischief that Eddie doesn’t care for one bit.
“So… A little birdie told me you’ve been singing Dolly Parton songs here on the regular.” Robin says in a sing-song voice.
Damn Pat and her blabber mouth.
Eddie narrows his eyes at her. “And what about it, Buckley?”
“Nothing! Just wondering if you might wanna play a song for us tonight?” Robin asks. She clasps her hands together and pouts when Eddie rolls his eyes at her. “Please? I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
“And how exactly do you propose to do that?”
“Well… I can’t really say. Not yet anyway.” Robin smiles awkwardly. “But I promise you’ll be happy about it once it works out. Please?”
Eddie sighs - he’s never really been able to resist someone begging and he’s not gonna start now. He finishes his beer in one swig and makes his way over to the stage, taking the now-familiar acoustic guitar from the wall.
His friends sit down at a table close to the stage, staring at him with eager excitement as Eddie tries to think of a song to play. He feels strangely nervous. They had seen him play before, been to a few of Corroded Coffin gigs and he even sang the Beatles’ Blackbird for Nancy’s birthday but this still feels scarier, more intimate. 
And the thing is, he can’t really go with one of the songs he played her before because one wrong look in Steve’s direction and he’d be fucked for life. Or even worse, a love song - that’d make for a real awkward evening. So, he finally settles on a song that’s neither of those, but still a song that’s very close to his heart.
“Back through the years, I go wonderin’ once again. Back to the seasons of my youth…” Eddie sings softly, though his drawl rolls out of him with full force. 
He can’t help it, it’s the only way he knows how to sing this song because it’s the way his momma sang it to him every night before going to bed. Tucking him in tightly underneath the duvet, covering his face with kisses until he couldn’t stop giggling. Her voice soft and warm as she sang him to sleep.
“There were rags of many colors, every piece was small. And I didn’t have a coat and it was way down in the fall. Mama sewed the rags together, sewin’ every piece with love. She made my coat of many colors, that I was so proud of.”
He thinks of Wayne. Thinks of the clothes Wayne gave him while growing up. How he wore them to school with pride, excited to have clothes to call his own. To have a home and someone taking care of him, not because Wayne had to but because he wanted to. 
“So with patches on my britches and in holes in both my shoes, in my coat of many colors, I hurried off to school. Just to find the others laughing and are making of fun of me, in my coat of many colors my mama made for me.”
Thinks of his classmates laughing at his accent, at the way he dressed, at his amazement of seeing snow for the very first time. Remembers going home to Wayne with tears in his eyes, stuffing his plaid shirts into the deepest corner of his closet and trading it for plain black tees instead. Remembers staying up late when Wayne was at work to practice his speech pattern by watching old tv-shows and repeating the lines. 
Looks up at his friends. Realizes how he’s showcasing all those parts he hid away for years and is for once, rewarded for it. They’re listening intently, proud smiles on their faces. Nancy and Robin are leaning against each other, their fingers finding their way to one another.
Glances over at Steve, whose hands are folded underneath his chin as he looks at Eddie with a gentle smile, his eyes soft and almost like honey underneath the warm ceiling lights of the bar. He barely blinks, eyes glued to Eddie and Eddie only. It’s a bit distracting, if Eddie’s being honest. He feels his cheeks heat up and he almost misses a chord at one point, realizing then and there why he didn’t pick a love song in the first place. 
He needs to sing, not melt into a puddle of goo underneath Steve’s gaze, goddammit.
“Now I know we had no money, but I was rich as I could be. In my coat of many colors, my mama made for me. Made just for me…”
The song softly fades away and Eddie mumbles a quick thanks into the microphone as his friends and the rest of the the bar burst out into applause. He shuffles over to the table  where he’s met with Robin and Nancy beaming at him and pulling him into a tight hug.
“That was so good.” Nancy gushes.
“Yeah, it was amazing! You should switch music genres, if I’m honest.” Robin nods. “Change Corroded Coffin’s name into Corroded Cowboy or something.”
Eddie chuckles. “Not sure if the guys are gonna like that. But thanks, girls. Means a lot.”
Steve stays strangely quiet in between Robin and Nancy’s stream of compliments, just fiddling with the coaster in between his fingers. It’s not until Nancy drags Robin to the dance floor when an upbeat song starts playing and Eddie slides into one of the empty seats they left behind, that Steve speaks up.
“You have a really nice voice, you know that?” 
He says it so softly that Eddie can barely hear him over the bluegrass music on the speakers. Still, it’s enough for Eddie’s cheeks to flush pink.
“Thanks.” Eddie replies, ducking his head to prevent Steve from seeing his flushed face. 
“Seriously, man.” Steve says. “Think about Robin said. I mean, I love hearing you sing and scream about the world’s injustices with Corroded Coffin as much as the next person but…”
Eddie’s heart starts beating out of his chest because holy fuck, Steve loves hearing him sing, Steve loves hearing him sing, Steve loves hearing him sing.
“But these songs seem to come so natural to you, y’know?” Steve glances up to meet Eddie’s eyes, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. “You make it seem so…”
“Easy?” Eddie supplies.
Steve smiles and there’s something in his eyes that Eddie can’t quite decipher. A secret that only Steve seems to know. “Yeah, exactly. Easy.”
Eddie feels the flush on his face deepen underneath Steve’s gaze and he needs a way out before he starts doing something incredibly stupid like drag him to the bathroom just to see what happens when he calls Steve darlin’. 
“You want a refill?” Eddie says quickly, gesturing towards the empty beer bottle on the table. “My treat.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks, Eddie.”
The sound of his own name rolling off Steve’s tongue almost makes Eddie  stumbles as he stands up  makes his way towards the bar. Smooth, Munson, real fuckin’ smooth.
“Two beers please.” Eddie tells Pat, drumming his ring-adorned hands on the faded wood of the bar.
“Here ya go.” Pat says, handing him the drinks. Eddie’s about to turn back, when she stops him. “Ed, I don’t mean to mess with your head or anythin’… But are ya sure that boy’s straight?”
Eddie snorts. “What’d you mean? ‘Course he is.”
“Well, I won’t be so sure about that, kiddo.” Pat says with a knowing smile. “I’ve been seein’ the way he looks at you tonight and well… let’s just say it’s the same way I look at Tish every morning I wake up next to her.”
Eddie looks up to where Steve’s chatting with Jack, one of the older regulars who’s an actually banjo player in his spare time. He just watches them for a minute, a soft smile playing around his lips, the one he always gets when he’s looking at Steve. 
Steve looks up and their eyes meet, a bright smile appearing on his face as he wiggles his hands in the air to wave at Eddie. He seems so happy and he’s never looked more beautiful. 
Christ, Eddie’s so in love with him.
“That. That look right there. No one looks at their platonic friend like that. Not when there are other feelings involved.” Pat says firmly. “You might wanna start re-thinkin’ this whole situation, Ed.” She adds cryptically and returns to where she’s drying off another glass.
A tingly feeling spreads all over Eddie’s body, a shiver running up his spine. It should feel nice, it does feel nice, but at the same time Eddie knows it’s actually the worst feeling in the world.
tag list: 
@solosnail @gothbat99 @unclewaynemunson @legitcookie @henderdads @goblin-eddie @trikigirl271 @alienace @stevethehairington @blank1eboi @fruitandbubbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @stereoteleversion @wrenisflying @spectrum-spectre @hotluncheddie @punkharringtxn @remislupinisthevoiceofgod @panicatthediaz @thegingervulcan @sharkruption @goodolefashionedloverboi @thelastwalkingsoul @undreamingscatworld @magpiemuseum @mightbeasleep @maya-custodios-dionach @theokatz @this-earlobe-is-naked
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taleweaver-ramblings · 8 months
I was tagged by @cat-dragoness, but the reblog chain was getting long, so new post!
Last song: I haven't actually listened to anything yet today. Last thing I listened to last night was Andrew Peterson's Light for the Lost Boy album, which is my current going-to-sleep music.
Favorite color: Blue or purple, depending on the day.
Currently watching: I've been on-and-off watching FMA Brotherhood, Leverage, Critical Role Campaign 2, Phineas and Ferb, and a Fairy Tail rewatch for a while now.
Last movie: North by Northwest, but that was back in July. Whoops.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet, mostly? But also savory depending on my mood. Never spicy.
Relationship status: Happily single, but also crushing on my own characters and a little bit on Quincy Morris.
Current obsession: There's this book called Song of the Selkies that came out a couple weeks ago, and I read it pre-release, and I only just this week managed to think about anything else.
Last thing googled: How to make a circle cape. Hobby Lobby has fleece on sale, and I've been thinking for a while about making the cape equivalent of my favorite fleece jackets, and I am So Tempted.
Tagging @as-dreamers-do, @invisiblewashboard, and @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord (and whoever else wants to do this).
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celaenaeiln · 21 days
been listening to a good amount of hozier lately and i’m just fixated on these lines from “Almost (Sweet Music)”
I'm almost me again. She's almost you
I got some colour back, she thinks so, too
I laugh like me again, she laughs like you
and i can’t help but associate it with robin!dick and batman. what do you think. i can’t stop thinking.
oh my god.
Also this part! -
"I came in from the outside Burned out from a joy ride She likes to roll here in my Ashes anyway"
This is literally Batman!! Coming back from breaking down after 3 years of fighting crime only to come face to face with Dick Grayson who grins brightly at him, tells him everything is okay, and cheers him up as if he wasn't covered in the blood of his enemies and hatred of himself. Bruce could be in the worst state ever and Dick would still love him for who he is because Dick's love for him is unconditional.
"I wouldn't know where to start Sweet music playing in the dark Be still, my foolish heart Don't ruin this on me"
Bruce fighting with himself that this isn't just a passing thing but he can't resist the happiness but he's also scared and loves Dick. It's about him opening up his windows and slowly breaking down his defenses in the face of Dick's continued persistence and pure positivity and warmth.
"Let's get lost and let the good times roll Let smoke rings from this paper doll Blow sweet and thick 'til every thought of it Don't mean a thing"
THIS IS CLASSIC GOLDEN AGE BRUCE AND DICK. During Golden Age, Bruce and Robin Dick literally were just living life for the thrill of it. They fought dinosaurs, met Leonardo Divinci, gasped at famous actresses, played pirates with Blackbeard - it was The Golden Age. The first line of the stanza is a callback to that. Of Bruce simply enjoying himself. Out with the bad, in with the good was their motto. Even the second line - "Let smoke rings from this paper doll" - could be Bruce reminscing about that time because bruce used to smoke cigars. Which he contemplates those times about through "Blow sweet and thick 'til every thought of it". It's all enjoyment - none of the bad that happened means anything. All forgotten.
"The very thought of you, and am I blue? A love supreme, seems far removed I get along without you very well Some other nights
Lord, the radio newsreader chimes Reporting Russian lullabies She'll turn to me, awake and ask "Is everything alright?" And, Lord"
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Batman (1940) Issue #1
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runesandramblings · 1 year
Dance With Me
Word Count: 2300
Pairings: Kili x reader
Warnings: None
Description: A company of thirteen dwarves interrupts a peaceful afternoon for the niece of Lord Elrond.
Requested by @dreaming-doodle 🩷 Took a few liberties but I hope you enjoy!
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“Lady (Y/N), do you require anything more?”
You lounged back in the crystal tub as the warm water washed soothingly over your body. The flower petals and oils in the water mingled together beautifully, making the air smell sweet. A goblet of your favorite elven berry wine rested on the edge of the tub, and through the open window you could hear light strains of string music drifting in.
“No, thank you. That will be all.” You smiled kindly at the elf handmaiden as she bowed her head and disappeared from the room.
“I could get used to this.” You mumbled, slipping down further into the perfectly drawn bath and closing your eyes.
Your uncle, Elrond, was the Lord of Rivendell. It was typical for you to come on an extended vacation to visit him and your cousin, Arwen, during the spring months. You lived a simpler life with your family in another elven kingdom. The luxuries of Rivendell were never lost on you. Every time you came to visit, your uncle tried to persuade you to stay. Although it was tempting, given the exquisite treatment you were always given during your stay, you never did. You had family back home, and it didn’t feel right to leave permanently.
You lost track of the time as you lounged in the tub, sipping the wine and listening to the faint music you could hear coming from below. As you went to take another drink from your goblet, you jumped at the sound of clanging and crashing coming from the courtyard below your window. Your eyes flew open. What could that have possibly been? You paused for a moment, straining your ears to hear the source of the commotion. Just as you moved to lean back against the tub again, you heard another loud clash and clank.
“What is going on?” You muttered, annoyed that your peaceful bath had been disturbed. You stepped out of the tub and threw your silk robe around your body, not even bothering to dry off first. As you stormed out of your private bathroom and out into the hall, you were greeted by your uncle standing apologetically by your door.
“Uncle Elrond, what is that insufferable noise?” You asked, gesturing backward toward the balcony that ran from your bedroom to the bathroom. “It’s coming from the courtyard. Is everything alright?”
Your uncle looked unbothered, as he usually did.
“Everything is fine. We have some unexpected dinner guests.” He said simply.
You felt an eyebrow raise curiously.
“Dinner guests?” You questioned.
“Yes.” He continued. “A company of dwarves traveling through. Will you join us?”
An hour later you were dressed for dinner and heading down the stairs. Your bathrobe had been replaced by more appropriate dinner attire, a light green velvet dress that hung off of your shoulders and flowed out into a short train behind you. The handmaiden Elrond had left to attend you had styled your hair and placed a delicate silver headpiece, very similar to the one your uncle and cousin wore, atop your head.
As you rounded the corner into the dining space you could hear the ruckus of several voices speaking over one another. It drowned out the pleasant strains of the harp and flute players that often accompanied dinner. You’d never met any dwarves in person, but they certainly seemed like a rowdy bunch.
You felt all the eyes of the room turn to you as you entered. Without giving any of the guests a second glance you made your way to the table Elrond sat at, along with a shorter, bearded man you took to be the dwarves’ leader. And…
“Gandalf.” You said, smiling widely at the wizard. “Uncle Elrond didn’t tell me you were here!”
Gandalf stood, smiling in return as he took your hand and planted a delicate kiss on it.
“My dear, you look as lovely as ever. Elrond did not tell me you were here either.”
Your uncle and the dwarf both stood as well, and as you turned your attention to the much smaller man he nodded tightly, not bothering to reach out and take your hand.
“(Y/N), this is Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin, this is my niece.”
Thorin nodded once again as Elrond made your introduction, still not bothering to so much as shake your hand. Something told you that dwarves were not ones for pleasantries.
You nodded politely in return as Elrond gestured for one of the servants to bring an extra chair. You quickly lifted your hand as well, indicating that it would not be necessary.
“It’s no trouble, uncle. There is a free seat over there. I’ll make some new friends.”
You could feel several pairs of eyes following you as you moved to sit at the last remaining empty seat at the longer table. It was between two younger of the dwarves, one blonde with beaded braids woven into his hair and mustache, and the other a brunette with a strange hat and twisted pigtails. You smiled kindly at the two as you approached.
“Is this seat taken?”
Both stared at you momentarily before they each shook their heads, indicating that you were welcome to sit.
“I’m (Y/N).” You said, offering an introduction as you settled into your seat.
“Bofur.” Said the one on the right with the braided pigtails.
The one on the left offered a cheeky grin as he took your hand in his.
“Fili, my lady. It’s an honor to meet you.”
You looked across the table at the dwarf who sat before you. He appeared to be young as well, with long dark hair and stubble in place of a full beard. He was looking at you uncertainly, with a shy smile across his face.
“And you?”
“M-me?” He stuttered out.
You giggled.
“Your name, sir.”
“Oh. Uh, Kili.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kili.”
The table remained deathly quiet as everyone ate. You were well aware of the tensions that existed between elves and dwarves; mostly due to the distant Mirkwood elves, who were known to be quite unwelcoming. You hoped their experience in Rivendell might be a good one. Hopefully they’d leave with a better opinion of the elves.
“So…” You finally started “What brings you this way?”
The confidence of your question finally opened the floodgates from the others. They began speaking, mostly over the top of each other, as they clamored to tell you of their quest. As they spoke you caught a glimpse of Thorin over Kili’s shoulder, glaring at the table. You weren’t sure they were supposed to be telling you the full details of their journey, but they certainly didn’t shy away.
The youngest dwarf sitting across from you had particularly piqued your interest. As you spoke with the others he watched you, joining in the conversation occasionally, but mostly watching as you spoke. He had soft, gentle eyes and a kind smile.
Before you knew what was happening you saw Bofur jump up from his seat beside you. You’d partially overheard some of the dwarves complaining about the music.
“Alright lads, there’s only one thing for it.” He said, running around the table. He jumped up on top of a smaller table and began to sing, stomping his foot along to the music.
The others joined in immediately, clapping in time or banging the table along with the beat. You found yourself jumping in as well, clapping along and laughing as several of the dwarves began hurling food at Bofur’s head. You enjoyed their merriment, their carefree attitude. Many elves were high strung, often too concerned with proper etiquette and manners. The dwarves did not seem to care what anyone around them thought.
As Bofur launched into a second song a few members of the company began to stand up and dance. You beamed at the opportunity, as you also got to your feet. You grew up dancing in your homeland. It was one of your favorite things to do. Although the beat Bofur was stomping out was a little more fast paced than you were used to, you were sure you could keep up.
You saw Kili watching you shyly as you stood, and you felt a small flutter in your stomach at the young dwarf’s longing stare. You circled the table to stand beside him and extended your hand.
“Dance with me?”
He beamed in return as he took your outstretched hand in his.
“I’d be honored, my lady.”
As he stood you remembered the small height difference between elves and dwarves; the top of his head came to rest just at the tip of your chin. Neither of you seemed to mind, as Kili’s beaming smile never faltered. He tugged on your hand and led you away from the table, to a clear space on the floor where you would have room to move. He placed one hand on your waist as you rested yours on his shoulder, and with your free hands you held each other’s. Kili quickly walked you through the steps to a dance the dwarves seemed familiar with. You were a quick learner, and within moments you were expertly moving back and forth with Kiil, your footwork matching his exactly.
You danced together through many more of Bofur’s upbeat songs. The pure joy radiating from Kili’s smile made your knees feel weak, and you couldn’t help but wish to know the dwarf better. There was a pull you felt toward him, and you were saddened by the fact that he was to leave in the morning.
As the dishes began to clear away and Bofur stepped down from the table, Thorin came back around to stand in front of his company.
“Everybody, get some rest. We set off early tomorrow morning.”
You felt a pang of sadness as you realized the evening was over. Thorin seemed like a strict leader, and you were certain he would not allow Kili to remain in your company while the others went off to their rooms.
Or, would he…
You caught a glimpse of your uncle from over Kili’s shoulder. He had a knowing smile on his face, as if he’d noticed the budding friendship between you and the young dwarf you danced with. He gave you a subtle nod before turning to Thorin and catching his attention. As soon as he turned his back to the company, who had slowly begun to filter out of the room, you turned back to face Kili.
He gave you a wistful smile as he turned to walk away as well. Without thinking you tightened your grip on his hand, and he turned around to look at you curiously.
“How do you feel about a walk?” You asked quietly.
He grinned mischievously in response. He glanced over his shoulder, checking to make sure Thorin was not watching, before turning back to you.
“Lead the way, my lady.”
While Thorin’s back was still turned you quickly slipped Kili down the stairs and in the direction of one of Rivendell’s many gardens. It was your favorite, and always had been. This garden in particular held Elrond’s collection of rare plants and flowers, items he’d picked up from all over Middle Earth and replanted. Most did not have the skill to care for foreign plants, but the elves had their ways.
You led him down the paths of exotic blooms, showing him your favorites and explaining where each one had come from. You felt his eyes mostly on you as you spoke, and not the plants. As you walked together the conversation drifted from the garden to yourselves. He spoke of his family, it turned out the angry elder dwarf was his uncle, and his purpose in joining the quest. You told him of your home and your reasons for visiting your own uncle. You exchanged stories for what felt like an eternity and no time at all. It wasn’t until you realized it was too dark to see the flowers around you that you remembered the time. Kili had been gone for a while, and you were certain Thorin would not appreciate your kidnapping of his nephew.
“I should probably get back.” He said, a tinge of sadness in his voice. “Thorin has enough reason to distrust the elves without my disappearance adding to them.”
You nodded in agreement as you began to steer the two of you back in the direction of the rooms in which the dwarves were housed. Kili insisted on walking you to your chambers first, and as you neared your bedroom door you felt your steps begin to slow. You had only just met, but already you hated the thought of him leaving.
As you turned around to say goodnight you saw Kili holding a flower in his outstretched hand. A delicate, pink and white bloom with spiky petals. You recognized it as a favorite of yours from Elrond’s garden.
“For you, my lady.” He said as he placed it gently behind your ear.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to pick those.” You giggled, accepting the flower nonetheless. You reached up and tucked your hair around it to keep it in place.
He took your hand in his and brought it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss against your skin. His touch sent goosebumps across your arm, and despite having just met him you felt yourself longing for more.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). Should our quest end successfully, I might be inclined to pay a visit.” He smiled and gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he stepped back, walking backward for several steps in order to keep his eyes on you a little longer.
You felt another flutter as you leaned against the doorframe, watching him as he slowly disappeared from sight.
“Please do.”
Maybe you’d stay in Rivendell a while after all.
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whoisshel · 5 months
Stuck on You
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Honey was given the nickname for a reason; she’s sweet and sticky like honey. Memories of her will stick with you forever, and after meeting her, you’ll want to stick by her side. Most people know her by Honey more than they do her own name. The whole town of Hawkins was surprised when they learned who she allowed to stick by her at all times.
If there was ever a person to be considered an opposite of Honey, it was Eddie “The Freak” Munson. Eddie wore black and leather while Honey wore white and soft cotton. Eddie lived in a one-bedroom trailer with his Uncle, Honey grew up with both her parents and was surrounded by siblings in the house neighboring the Harrington’s. Eddie couldn't care less about the number of eyes that fell on him for being loud and different than everyone else in town, and Honey tried to shield herself from the eyes that peered at her being the town's sweetheart.
Yet, besides those differences, and more, the two found each other and haven’t left that feeling behind. Eddie and Honey started dating during Eddie’s second senior year and Honey’s first. They both knew of each other, of course, from being Hawkins’ freak and sweetheart. They officially met in their English class when Honey noticed Eddie looking confused while reading Catcher in the Rye, so she went over to see if she could be of any help.
“Hi,” Hones shyly said standing over the desk he sat at, “I saw that you seemed confused by the book, and was wondering if you’d like some help. Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books, I’ve read it like a million times.”
Eddie just stared at Honey as she rambled on. He took in her shy appearance as she swayed nervously with her hands linked behind her back. Eddie was mostly surprised that a girl who was dressed in a white sweater and short plaid skirt would willingly want to help him, not to mention this girl was loved by everyone in town.
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie finally sputtered out, “I would love your help.”
Not long after that, the two began to date, and the town erupted. Everyone talked about how surprised they were about the two teens dating. No one’s opinion was split though, it was probably the first the town could agree on something, Honey was too good for that “Freak.”
The town didn’t care to get to know Honey, because if they did they’d see that she’s not that different from Eddie.
Honey loves Rock music, what else is going to tune her parents’ shouting. She also enjoyed reading The Hobbit, she and Eddie loved reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series over and over again together. While Honey didn’t know anything about Dungeons and Dragons before Eddie, she loved to listen to him talk about it and watch him play. Maybe she loved it because he loved it and would enthusiastically talk about it, or maybe because the game was actually fun.
The Dungeons and Dragons club members were very surprised when Honey showed up to one of the meetings. They heard the rumors but didn't believe them until the day they showed up to what was supposed to be a regular meeting but there Honey was all smiles and sitting comfortably on Eddie’s lap. The members were also surprised by how much patience Eddie had when teaching Honey the game. Usually, Eddie hated newbies that knew nothing, trying to play but when it came to Honey he was calm and collected, helping her every step of the way.
“Hey Eddie,” Honey unknowingly interrupted Eddie in the middle of telling another member his damage.
While everyone else froze, Eddie turned to Honey with the gentle list smile, “Yeah, babe?”
“Can you explain her powers to me again?”
Everyone assumed Eddie and Honey wouldn’t last longer than two months, but they were so wrong.
They’ve been together for three years now, Honey has graduated and is now a Junior in college while Eddie took another year to graduate High School where he met all their new friends. Eddie now works as a mechanic at a shop near Honey’s school. The two had even saved up enough money to move into an apartment and seemed like they weren’t going to be breaking up any time soon.
Honey and Eddie were happy that their place would give them space from the talk in their town but not too much that they couldn’t see friends or family. They would make the trip to visit Wayne and Honey’s siblings when they had time and would occasionally visit friends but most of the time they prioritized family. Their friends would visit them so much that they never needed to worry; especially when it came to Dustin, Steve, and Robin. Dustin practically lived with them from how often he would visit, and now that it’s his Junior year of High School all he can talk about is that once he graduated, he wants to go to the same college as Honey so they always be together.
“And then, I can get an apartment in the same building as yours so we can visit each other every day!” Dustin enthusiastically ranted.
Eddie looked over at Honey with wide eyes, while she just continued smiling. Eddie turned back to give Dustin a strained smile along with a nod, “That sounds great.”
The sarcasm was dripping off of Eddie’s extended “great” but that just went past Dustin as he continued with his plan.
“Oh, oh, even better idea. We should all move in together.”
It actually wasn’t too long after this conversation that three familiar faces became their neighbor six doors down.
Robin did attend the same college as Honey, and at first, she was just commuting but she wanted to live a shorter distance away. Robin and Vickie started looking for close apartments when Honey told her about a place that opened up in her building. One problem was that the place was a bit out of their price range and a two-bedroom. The place was really nice though and in walking distance to school so they wouldn’t have to pay for the parking pass. That’s when the third familiar face named Steve Harrington joined and now Honey and Eddie lived next to their friends.
Maybe living next to Dustin wouldn’t be so bad. Wrong!
In the morning, everyone stayed in their own apartments, giving Eddie and Honey time to enjoy each other's company. Every morning was pretty much the same for them. Honey was a big morning person, she loved to sit on the couch, placed perfectly near a window so she could watch the sun change from dark blue to orange to pink while she sipped on her Earl Grey Tea in her favorite Golden Girls mug. This gave Eddie time to sleep in because once the sun was shining Honey had nothing else to do but get Eddie up.
Eddie was not a morning person like his girlfriend but he couldn’t afford staying in bed; literally. Eddie had to be at work by nine a.m. which was luckier than the opener. Getting up at seven was made easier by the beautiful sight he saw every morning and the coffee that came with it.
Eddie stirred at the light caress he felt on his cheek, and what sounded to be an angel calling his name, “Eddie, it’s time to get up.”
When he realized what he was hearing, he scrunched his face in protest keeping his eyes shut tight trying to bring his sleep back.
“Come on, Eddie,” Honey chuckled at the cute face he made, “I’ve already let you sleep in. You’ve got to get ready for work.”
Eddie ended his protest, opening his eyes. As soon as he saw his beautiful girlfriend, a soft smile made its way on his face and to his eyes, “Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, handsome.” Honey still had a hand on his cheek, stroking a thumb across his cheekbone, “I brought your coffee.”
Eddie sat up, leaning against the wall their bed was against. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the mug filled with coffee, taking a small sip, His face filled with disgust, pushing the mug towards Honey, “Bleh, not sweet enough.”
Honey just rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smile creeping its way onto her face. Eddie made this joke every morning; and yet, Honey never grew tired of it. Neither did Eddie, seeing the same reluctant smile turn into one of joy. So Honey did what she does every morning, and stuck her finger into his coffee.
Taking the mug back, Eddie took another sip, “That’s better.”
The two have heard everything there could be said about how they would never make it and they were too different from each other. Even though Honey continued to dress in white sweaters and Eddie in his black leather vest, the two could never be more alike or in love.
Eddie knew that, and so did the small felt box he kept stashed away.
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inlovewithregencyera · 4 months
Elmsworth House, July 4th, 1818
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After the proposal was made and the friends and family wished their congratulations to the new couple, the party migrated to the drawing room for some entertainment before the evening was concluded. Helena asked Aurelia to enchant their guests with her refined singing and musical talents. She was reluctant at first, mainly because she hadn't sung in front of Frederick in almost two years, but she did it anyway. As Aurelia's fingers gracefully danced on the harpsichord keys, the notes that escaped her lips left Frederick enchanted by the beauty of her angelic voice. It was like a melody had echoed through the chambers of his heart. All he could do was think of was their last summer spent together, as he tried to hold back tears from the bittersweet memories they shared.
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♪That now lie sleeping, softly, softly, now softly, softly lies sleeping♪
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♪Sleep is a reconciling, a rest that peace begets♪
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♪Doth not the sun rise smiling, when fair at evening he sets♪
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♪Rest you then, rest, sad eyes♪
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♪Melt not in weeping, while she lies sleeping♪
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♪softly, softly, now softly, softly lies sleeping♪
*Loud applause*
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Ashley: Lord Worthington?
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Frederick: What, Mr. Ramsbury?
Ashley: I asked if you were alright-
Frederick: *sniffling* Why wouldn't I be?
Ashley: Well m'lord, it's just that your eyes are wateri-
Frederick: *wipes eyes* I have no idea what you were referring to Mr. Ramsbury.
Ashley: ....
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Laurence: *whispering to himself* Dearest, sweetest angel, how come you've graced this earth with your talents along with my heart. For I know I can never have you-
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As you belong to him.
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Peregrine: Oh she's done excellent.
Helena: I know! Our dear niece has a voice that would make the angels in heaven weep.
Peregrine: And Lord Worthington...
Helena: *trying not to laugh* Oh hush old man!
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Emma: Oh mama! How I wish I could sing like Lady Aurelia.
Elizabeth: You have other talents to make up for that my dear, do not fret. I'm sure your harp skills will have you married off by the end of May!
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John: Don't say that.
Elizabeth: Oh John!
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William: You should delight us next with your singing, my sweet Martha.
Martha: But I want to sit here and gaze at you and imagine our future together.
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William: We'll have a nice little townhouse in the heart of Willowfax. But during the Summer, we shall move to a country house in Henford where our children can go and visit their grandparents every day.
Martha: Oh, how grand!
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Patience: Grand indeed! *finishes wine glass in one gulp*
Ashley: My dear, that is your fifth glass! Shouldn't you retire the wine-
Patience: Only after I play my song!
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Peregrine: Patience I'm not sure that is a good idea considering the state you're in. You can barely stand up straight.
Helena: Oh dear, please do listen to Mr. Ramsbury and your husband!
Patience: Oh but ma'am, my song will ease my nerves.
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Ashley: Oh dear!
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*Frederick starts rising from his seat*
Ashley: Oh dear cousin, please, take my seat. I believe I need to be up waiting for my poor wife in case she needs my assistance!
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Frederick: *whispering* You sounded lovely.
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Aurelia: *whispering* T-thank you.
Frederick: May I speak with you later tonight?
Aurelia: Yes, yes certainly.
Frederick: Meet me in the woods, behind the house once everyone is asleep. Bring Sarah, just in case someone sees us.
Aurelia: Alright.
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This made Aurelia more anxious than usual as recurring memories came to her head once more. She and Frederick used to sneak out late during the Summer of 1816 when he was staying with their family at their summer home in Brindleton. They used to enjoy each other's company and stroll along the beach whilst holding hands. They of course could never be intimate or physical in public, as it was considered scandalous, so when they had time to themselves they would hold, and hug each other as long as they could. She had been craving his touch and embrace for the past two years, and truth be told, she still loved him. She never stopped loving him, and now that he was in her presence again she felt her love for him grow stronger than it had been once he was away.
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♪Did you not hear my lady, go down the garden singing♪
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♪Blackbird and thrush were silent to hear the alleys ringing, oh saw YOU, not my lady, out in the garden there♪
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♪Shaming the rose and lily, for she is twice as fair♪
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William: Well she's slightly drunk, but this song is quite heartfelt! Her voice is exquisite, but nothing compared to your cousins.
Martha: Yes..indeed.
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imagininghim · 10 months
A very broken Hallelujah
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A/N: I've recently been listening to the song Hallelujah and I can't get this imagine out of my head, I hope you enjoy!
There is not enough Lucifer imagines and smut out there so please request away, or write some because your girl is in desperate need!
Blurb: You're on a hunt for a demon with the Winchesters, Castiel and a certain little devil at a lounge. The boys ask you to pose as a lounge singer to attract the attention of the demon but little do you know, that's not the only attention you catch.
Pairing: Lucifer x Female!Reader
Trigger warnings: not a one, just some sweet and fluffy devil loving.
"You want me to do what?" I questioned as I stared blankly at the two boys from the backseat of the impala.
"You know, just sing a song or two while Sam and I hunt for the black eyed bastard." Dean said with a smile. "It won't be that bad, I've heard you sing in the shower before. You're great!" Before I could argue Sam spoke up.
"What Dean is trying to say is, we just need you to distract the crowd while we search for him, as soon as we find him, we'll signal for you and we can leave." Sam said with hope in his voice.
"Why can't we just send Lucifer to find the demon, I'm sure he already knows where he is." I said sending a glance across the seat at the former archangel.
"We can't trust him enough to actually help, which is why Cas is going to sit in the crowd with him and keep an eye on you and him while we hunt." Sam responded simply, I let out a sigh knowing there was no way I was gonna win this argument.
"Fine, but you both owe me." I said with a huff.
We drove the rest of the way to the lounge in silence, every now and then I could feel a set of eyes trailing over me, I looked over at Cas who was sitting next to me, focusing on the road ahead and then at Lucifer who was simply staring out the window. I shrugged it off, thinking it was a coincidence and turned back to the window.
Once we arrived, we all shuffled out of the car. Sam and Dean, came prepared already dressed in suits while Cas and Lucifer wore their normal attire.
"(Y/N), I packed you a bag with a dress and some heels." Sam began, handing me over the duffel bag. "They have a dressing room you can get ready in, you'll be on in fifteen minutes, so you better get going." I nodded before sending a glare at Dean and making my way into the lounge.
After I got dressed and freshened up, the makeup I had already been wearing, I heard the stage manger call my name. Taking in a deep breath, I made my up the stairs and onto the stage.
As I over looked the crowd, I locked eyes with a pair of light blue ones. For a moment, it looked like they flashed red but I just shrugged it off as being nothing.
Walking to the mic, silence fell amongst the crowd as a piano began with a familiar tune. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, beginning to sing.
"Now I've heard there was a secret chord, that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor falls, the major lifts, the baffled king composing Hallelujah" I reopened my eyes to only find them staring back into Lucifer's. I continued to stare as I sung, feeling as if it was just the two of us in the room.
"Your faith was strong but you needed proof, you saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you, she tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, and she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah." As the song continued, Lucifer and I never once broke eye contact, he began leaning forward and placing his elbows as I sang. Looking as if he was locked into some sort of trance.
"Maybe I have been here before, I know this room I, I've walked this floor, I used to live alone before I knew you, I've seen your flag on the marble arch, love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah." I closed my eyes as the song went on as an image appeared in my thoughts.
It was all pitch black but the faint sound of the piano played on, I looked around as I heard footsteps approaching.
"Care to dance." I turned around to see Lucifer standing in an all black suit, with his hand held out to me. I glanced his hand and then back at his eyes, which were now illuminating a bright red. I placed my hand in his and nodded. Taking ahold of me, he slid his hand around my waist and pulled me close.
"There was a time you let me know, what's real and going on below, but now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in you? The holy dark was moving, too, and every breath we drew was Hallelujah"
We continued to dance, holding on to one another while staring deeply into each other's eyes. It wasn't until I heard what sounded like the flapping of wings, that I took notice. Outstretched behind Lucifer was his wings, they were black and battered but they were still breathtaking.
"Can I touch them?" I questioned as I stopped dancing, and continued to stare in awe of his wings.
"You can see them?" Lucifer questioned in slight shock.
"Yes and they're beautiful." I reached out my hand before glancing at him, he nodded in response and ran my fingers through the soft silkiness of his feathers, he let out a soft moan as I continued.
"You know, they say only your soulmate can see your wings. The person you're destined to be with." Lucifer said softly as I turned to look at him.
"Maybe there's a god above, and all I ever learned from love, was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you, and it's not a cry you can hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah." The song finished up, and I reopened my eyes as the crowd erupted in clapping and cheering. Breaking the eye contact from Lucifer, I noticed Sam signalling me that they had finished the hunt. I took a small bow and made my way off the stage.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in once I reached the dressing room, I glanced up in the mirror to see Lucifer standing behind me.
"You sang beautifully." He said simply. I turned around to only take in notice of his wings in person.
"Yo-your wings." I stuttered dumbfounded that I could actually see them.
"It's you, (Y/N)." He began coming towards me, cupping my cheek in his hand.
"It's always been you."
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kristeristerin · 1 year
hii i was thinking that maybe azriel with the song Labyrinth would be great??
AN- Hello there! I hope you enjoy what I came up with for your prompt! This is honestly a Taylor song I hadn't listened to much, but it's so good! Thank you for your prompt!
As always asks are open for prompts!
Song: Labyrinth
Pairing: Reader X Azriel
Content Warning: None
Words: 714
“It’s ok if you aren’t up to going. No one will hold it against you.” 
My eyes shifted to Azriel’s reflection in the mirror. He was in the doorway to my bedroom, leaning up against the frame. His cool mask did little to hide the evident concern in his eyes as he watched me fidgeting with my jewelry. 
“They may not hold it against me, Az,” I sighed, “ but they’re all confused about my refusal to attend up to this point. It’s been nearly a year since we ended whatever relationship we had, and I’m not still hung up on Eris. Before I was just nervous that if I was left alone with him he’d sweet talk me into giving in to him again.” 
Azriel nodded and hummed in understanding before pushing off the doorframe and coming further into the room. “And you’re not afraid you’ll fall back into his bed anymore?” 
I averted my eyes as I shook my head.”No, there is no chance of that happening now. Not with Eris at least.” 
He was now standing close enough that I could lean back into him. Through the mirror, his eyes bore into mine with a dark intensity. Azriel smiled softly and raised an eyebrow. 
“If not with him, then with who?” He watched my reaction as he leaned down. I shuddered as his lips ghosted over my skin. “Is there another male that has caught your attention?” 
I smirked as I moved away from him and across the room. “You’re the Spymaster. Perhaps you’ll be able to work that out.” I winked at him as I breezed out of my bedroom. His answering chuckle caused my heart to soar. 
“What’s a gorgeous female like you doing on the wall all alone?” Eris made a show of looking me up and down. “You are looking absolutely delicious. How would you like to ditch this party and go somewhere more, private?” 
I gulped down the remaining wine in my glass before turning to glare at the Autumn Court High Lord. “Alway the sweet talker, Eris. What do you want?” 
He shrugged, “Maybe I just wanted to reconnect with an old friend?” 
“Her company is spoken for this evening, and every evening to follow for that matter.” 
The deadly calm voice behind him caused Eris to stiffen before he forced a smile and turned to look at Azriel. “By you? Hmmm. I guess you always did tend to be attracted to my cast-offs. It’s good to see some things never change.” 
I had barely had time to process the insult before Azriel’s fist came into contact with Eris’ jaw. I could hardly hear the High Lord’s groan over the sound of his bones crunching. Azriel snarled and pulled his fist back to hit him again, but I was a split second faster. I wrapped a hand around his wrist and winnowed us back Velaris. As soon as our feet hit the bridge Azriel was stomping away from me.
”Az?” When I called out he stopped abruptly. I bit my lip thinking over what to say next. In the distance, I could hear the sound of music coming from the Rainbow. “Will you dance with me?” 
He turned then and raised a brow at me. “I just made a scene in the middle of a party, and you want to dance with me?” 
I couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled out of me, “No, you just defended me against a prick without considering that it could cause inter-court conflicts. I assure you, Shadowsinger, I want to do much more than dance with you.” 
His eyes widened as my words registered. Then in an instant, he masked his surprise with a smirk. “If I had known that all I had to do to win your affection was punch Eris, I’d have done that years ago.” 
Throughout the conversation, we had drifted closer together, and now we were mere inches apart. “You’ve had much more than merely my affection for a long time, Azriel. I’m not certain when I started falling in love with you, but here we are, and I couldn’t stop loving you if I tried.” 
His voice was thick with emotion when he looked into my eyes and said, “Please never try to stop.”
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slasher-male-wife · 9 months
Phillip Graves x gn goth s/o head cannons
Today is Warren Kole's birthday so I thought why not write some silly head cannons for my sweet southern baby girl. I've been listening to more goth bands lately too so this is probably where the idea came from.
Warnings: Mentions of reader wearing makeup, brief mention of a goth kink
I'm assuming he met you when he was outside of work. You're probably all gothed up and he just couldn't get his eyes off you. He's from the south so he's not really used to seeing goth people out and about.
He'll be respectful going up and talking to you. His entire job is dealing with a bunch of different people so he'll be respectful for the most part. "I'm sorry I just noticed ya and I have to say I love the look."
He's a country music buff so when he first hears something like 'Siouxsie and the Banshees' or 'Bauhaus' he'll keep an open mind but he probably won't like it.
He does like how unique your fashion is when you get all gothed up. He thinks it's nice being able to see you when you're both in full goth outfit and makeup if you wear it and when you're just wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.
He's also fascinated by your makeup if you wear it. He knew a couple goths when he was growing up but seeing you put on all your makeup and transforming yourself is so interesting to him. He'll joke about letting you put makeup on him but lord knows that would never happen.
When he introduces you to the shadows he'll be ok with you getting dressed up because it's 'an important event'. He won't tolerate anyone making fun of you for being goth. This is also probably where he learns some people have a goth kink. He shuts that down too.
He's either not religious or just barely religious in my opinion based on I know about him canonically. But he's totally supportive of you wearing rosaries or crosses in your outfits. He's a little disappointed if you're not actually religious but it's alright.
He might try and learn more about the goth subculture to impress you and show he's interested in your music taste and fashion. "Ya know honey, I found out recently that the goth subculture came from the punk subculture."
If you dye your hair he'll want to watch you do it, or go to the salon with you to watch it happen.
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powerofelvis · 2 years
Can you please write something for Elvis x quiet!reader? like she’s just generally really quiet and sometimes accidentally scared him and his family by just walking up behind them and saying something cause they don’t hear her walking.
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I really hope this is good! I’m not used to writing about quiet readers and such, but I enjoyed writing about this!
Pairing: Elvis x quiet!reader, Austin!Elvis x quiet!reader
Word count: 756
Warning(s): Fluff, Reader almost getting hit with Glady’s purse, Elvis being sweet
You were naturally quiet, that’s just how you are. There was nothing wrong with you, you just were the type of woman who had few words to share. Elvis thought something was amiss at first when he had met you, he thought you were mute. However, when you would speak, he never wanted you to stop. You had a beautiful voice that matched your overall beauty. When you met his family for the first time, they thought something was wrong with you, just as Elvis did. You had to admit, you felt defeated that people were so quick to judge you because you were naturally a quiet person. As time passed, his family realized that you were a quiet person who did not have much to say. You would stay in the background when Elvis was in front of the press, because you wouldn’t answer any of the questions that the reporters would ask. All of the questions were answered by Elvis as he continually told them that ‘his girl was a woman of few words.’
Another thing about you was that you were so quiet that they wouldn’t hear you when you would come up from behind. One time, you were visiting Elvis and his family at Graceland. Gladys had just returned home from a day out on the town. You were sitting on the loveseat, waiting for Elvis to come down from his room because he was taking you with him to record some music at RCA. You had never been with him, so he had promised you that he would take you with him. You were happy to see Gladys, having not been at Graceland for a couple of weeks. She didn’t see you sitting on the loveseat as she stood in the kitchen, getting things together so she could begin dinner. You stood up from the seat that you were sitting, walking into the kitchen. Gladys didn’t hear you come in, jumping as she swung around with her purse—almost hitting you in the face. “Lord ‘lmighty, Y/N! You nearly made me jump outta my skin, baby!” She laughed, holding her hand over her heart.
You jumped back, apologizing profusely to Gladys. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Presley!” You spoke softly. “I just wanted to see if you needed help, ‘is all.”
“Oh baby, I’m fine. I heard you and Elvis were heading off to RCA. Well, when you two get back, dinner should be ready.” She shooed you off, leading you to go off to see what was keeping Elvis.
You climbed the stairs, heading towards Elvis’s room, walking into his room. Elvis was going through his dresser, back towards you. You giggled softly, seeing Elvis jump as he realized you were in the room with him. “Y/N! You’ve got to stop doing this!” He laughed, holding his hand over his chest. “I just came from scaring Gladys too, what is with you all being frightened by me?” You pouted sitting on the bed.
Elvis frowned, walking over to you as he pulled you into his arms. “Oh darlin’, we ain’t frightened by you. We are a loud bunch so having someone in our lives who is as quiet as a mouse, we ain’t used to it.” He chuckled, trying to reassure you that nothing was wrong. He didn’t mind how quiet you were. In fact, that’s what he liked most about you. You were of few words, but when you did speak, he could listen to you speak for hours. When you were speaking about things that interested you, it also interested him. It was as if he was learning new things about you the more that you spoke. Elvis didn’t need a woman in his life that would nag and get on his case and that’s not who you were. You were his bestest girl, after his mother.
He stood up, putting on his shirt. As he was buttoning it up, he smiled at you as you sat there quietly. “There’s nothing wrong with being quiet, my darlin’.” He grabbed your hand, pressing a longing kiss on your knuckles. “Let’s get ready to go, baby.” He pulled you up again into his arms, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. You melted into his arms, holding on to his shoulders. You could call yourself lucky that you had Elvis in your life. And as Elvis pulled you out of his room and out of his house, you would like to believe that there is a positive of being quiet.
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