#and the second one was made in like 30 minutes because i just found out about maid day today lmao
lvl10gojocoper · 15 hours
Motion Sickness: Chapter 2
Synopsis. Tokyo is still the same way you've left it. Along with the parts of yourself you didn't think to see again. Note: Again, lots of plot building in the first parts :)
a/n: angsty.
Chp.1 Chp.2 Chp.3 (coming very soon)
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The air here is different from the air in Kyoto. It feels cramped , less crisp. Busy, is the word. Everyone here moved faster, always having somewhere to be. Even when I younger, I remember always feeling a rush of something every time I stepped out the confines of my home when I still used to live here. But still it feels too familiar to not relish.
My E.T.A. should be at 18:30 hours. With that in mind, I tug the sleeve over my watch to check the time and sure enough I was just over 10 minutes early. I tuck my watch back under my jacket, picking up the black duffle bag I brought with me. I haven't packed a lot, I don't plan on staying too long. I'm only here for two nights then I'll be back to Kyoto before I know it.
My bosses back there had assigned me to a mission, something they say should be worth investigating. I remember almost telling them no, that's when I get a call from the man himself, Principal Yaga. He made me say no out loud.
But he knew it wasn't hard to sway me. Money talks, and he says I would get a bonus if I went so here I am. Life in Kyoto is expensive, and I'm not exactly rich. Again, I'll be here 2 days maximum, so really it's not a big deal, is what I remind myself. So with the little information I was given, I got on the next train.
"Unnamed, we assumed it was a grade 3 curse, but 10 casualties in total in a span of a week is concerning."  I feel his eyes on me.  "The bodies, or remains, of 6 people were found in abandoned building.  The only thing found connecting these people is that they were all seen around Tokyo's Red Light district at some point around the week. What's worse is that people are noticing. This isn't only a problem with the safety of civilians who don't understand what happened, but the attention it's gathering from outsiders jeopardizes-"
"Us." I finish, half present and half spaced out. My eyes meet that of his, and I mildly shake my head to clear my thoughts out almost physically. "Sorry."
He huffed, leaning back. "It's fine, at least I know you were listening, for a second I thought you were somewhere else completely." The air is a bit tense, so quiet that the squeaking of his chair can be heard from each shift he makes in his seat.  He brings his hands together, "Any questions?"
My mouth opens and closes, trying to utter the words that won't come out until eventually, it does. "Just one." He nods his head, allowing me to continue. "Why me?"
There's a short pause on his end, almost forcing me to explain my question even further but he responds soon enough. "Well, it's because we needed a special grade sorcerer for this one." He replied, as if it were simply that.
I squint my eyes just enough for it to be mistaken as a twitch, "Yes, but...well I'm from Kyoto, it's quite a great distance to look for one special grade sorcerer for just one mission."
He nods as if he was expecting that from me. "Mostly because most of the teachers here are occupied. We're short staffed, especially on special grade sorcerers. We're lucky enough to have two but even he's occupied." Of course he is. "And I've already tried. If he was free, or well if he wanted to, I would've called on him."
I chuckled, "Glad to know I'm your second choice."
"Well, realistically, you're the one I can count on for this one—since you follow what I say a lot better," He smiles at me as if it's a good thing.
I smile back, "Glad to know I'm your first second choice."
He nods, "That's all then, yes?"
"I'll find it." I reply, my grin painfully fake.
It isn't surprising that a place like Tokyo's Red Light district becomes occupied with the likes of cursed spirits. A hotspot, you could call it. The things that happened here could be enough to supply a curse with as much energy it chooses to feed on. That was the first thing I thought about as soon as my shoes touch the path leading to the location I was given.
Neon lights reflect on puddles scattered on the road, and despite it being a Wednesday, the music from some clubs nearby all jumble up into an amalgamation of noise. Behind one of the clubs is the building. The abandoned one. It looked like it was once a parking, the following floors had openings and no windows. As I neared it, uneasiness creeps into my stomach but I push it back, instead certainty replaces the feeling. This was definitely the place.
It's as run down as one could imagine. I feel it's remnants in the air, it's stuffiness and the stench. Moldy and foul like rotten and burnt flesh mixed together. There isn't much until you get to the corner first floor near the entry to the basement. From where I stood there was police tape in one corner in particular, an area already searched.
I take it upon myself to go downstairs, the scent growing worse as I walk closer. Again, more police tape, but judging from how it's only at the entrance, I don't think they tried searching it. I pull it down and go inside. It's eerier, I understand why they wouldn't wanna search it and you barely see anything other than the light from spots where the ceiling's caved in.
"You're not supposed to be here." A voice, distorted and low stops me in my tracks. I dare myself not to turn when my shoulders tense up. "What? are you afraid?" I turn and my face twists at the smell.
"So that's where it was coming from." The documents never said anything about what the curse looked like. I thought it may be humanoid, but no human bodied creature could do that to 6 other bodies, discarding of their parts as just scraps from their dinner. Instead this curse was wretched and ugly, it definitely didn't look grade3 nor 2 even, but it also definitely wasn't impossible.
"Just in time too, a curse like me itching to get out after years, I get pretty bad cravings." The curse gurgled, "My victims never really walked straight into the lion's den. Today must be my lucky day!"
I smirk at its incessant noise, "Lucky? Hardly." I launch my cursed weapon at its wide open and toothy mouth, choking before spitting it out, it gurgles some more.  It looks at me in surprise before one of it's arms try to launch an attack of its own. I dodge its grotesque limb, quick but just barely.
Before I'm able to counter,  my body starts to feel heavy, like my arms feel like they're being dragged in order to move. Black spots appear in my vision, panic rises in my throat. Then I see nothing.
Until eventually, everything.
I heard before you die, your entire life quite literally flashes behind your eyes. Is this what it is then? Dying?
I feel it again. The same level of dread I once felt before. I used to say dying would be a lot worse than how I felt then.
Now I know what it's like, I'm not so sure anymore.
4 years ago
The blue in the sky was nearly black, consuming nearly what my peripheral vision could see. But I'd much rather look straight than there.
"You're impossible."  I hear him say, and I scowl back at him.
"I will, when I'm strong enough." He sits up at my words but he doesn't look back at me. Instead he ruffles his hair, clearly annoyed.
"You are so childish." I couldn't help but laugh at his words. He gets up, dusting himself and standing up, ready to walk away. He always does.
"Me? I'm the one being childish?" I quickly get up myself, running after him, he walks faster. "You have no right, look at you! You're the one walking away. You-I don't believe you!"
He abruptly turns back, standing tall in front of me. "Well believe it."
"I don't." I rebut.
"I don't love you anymore." He says, and it's starting to get annoying.
I take a step towards him, he steps back. "The more you say it, the less it means anything. You can't even explain-"
"You- you're not what I want, okay?" The moments that followed were a blur. Some though were too vivid to forget.
I'm quiet for what feels like the first time but a million thoughts circle in my mind, What did I do? How do I fix it? Fuck you. I hate you. What changed? I look down at my feet, my bruised fists and his ripped pant leg.  I have so much to say but nothing comes out other than, "Why?" It was quietly spoken, almost like I didn't want to ask. And maybe I didn't, knowing no answer would make me feel any better.
His tone is flat, unlike how I'm used to. "I can't keep...fucking around."
I pick up my head, "So we were just fucking around?"
He continues, "I'm graduating, and you'll still be here and after then what? You can pick any direction you want to because that's what you're used to. Your responsibilities aren't the same as mine. My clan relies on me and yours-"
"Abandoned me." I interrupt, "Right? Okay, I see."
He shakes his head, "It's not just-"
"And since when did you care so much about pleasing people?"
"Why can't you just accept it?!" He yelled, "I can't just throw away what I worked years for. You don't know what it's like to make the same kind of sacrifices as mine, so just—" his voice breaks for the shortest moment, "Please let me do this one thing."
I can make out the shape of his brows, how the line between them appears when he's concerned. It was the only string of vulnerability he showed that day.
"Satoru..." I try reaching for his hand, but I feel a strain, like I have to drag my arms in order to move them, until I realize I can't touch him at all.
I look back up at him and he's looking opposite to me. My eyes sting and my words are stuck in my throat as I'm pulling back my hand. Even if he didn't turn his infinity on, the wall between us had been put up regardless. I tuck both my hands in the pocket of my pants, feeling less of who I was just seconds ago.
Slowly, I step back, "I made sacrifices too you know." I could choose to fight it, but I'm just being desperate now. So I swallow my pride.
"Only difference between ours is that nothing good came out of mine. Stupid of me to think choosing you would be any different"
Note: In this story, you're 2 yrs. younger than Gojo :]
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mochiiniko · 29 days
maid day deploy the shitposts
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113 notes · View notes
chunksworld · 8 days
Role Model
NewJeans Hanni x Male Reader | (Tags: Smut)
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A/N: A sequel to Double Fantasy. Thank you Kaede for the beta read as always.
“Never have I ever…..” Danielle looks around the room with suspense, tapping her palms on her thighs as if to mimic the sound of a drum roll. You make your way back to the circle and sit down with the rest of your friend group, another can of beer in hand as you impatiently wait for the blonde to speak,  “…..made out with someone here!” You almost spit out the beer you were about to take a swig of but managed to keep your composure. You catch Minji staring at you for a split second before looking away immediately. It’s great that you’re both intoxicated already because there’s no other explanation for how your cheeks flare up. Jeers and whistles follow Danielle’s remark and you can only be thankful that some of your friends do raise their hands up, particularly some of the couples sitting with the rest of the group.
It’s only been a month since you and Minji have made it official—a decision you two contemplated even after you already took her out on a date (and despite having plenty of sex during that time). Sure, hooking up is one thing but committing to a relationship would be a venture much riskier than anything you have ever done especially since you are both graduating in a few months. How would everyone react when they find out that the two people that hate each other with their guts are fucking each other like wild animals at every given opportunity? Well, you two got your answer much quicker than expected when her best friend who also happens to be her next door neighbor, Hanni, caught you leaving Minji’s place way past midnight as you usually do—and this wouldn’t be that big of an issue as you were just about to put your cap and mask back on but she already saw your face as you two opened your doors at the exact same time.
It took everything in her power not to scream in shock as everyone else was already asleep at the time which is something you’ve always thought to be the case. It didn’t take her that long to put two and two together and everything was a blur and you soon found yourself sitting on Minji’s cum-stained bed having to be interrogated by an obviously flabbergasted Hanni Pham at 2:30 AM. Despite her modest stature, no one else looked as intimidating (and cute) as her in her pajamas. At least the scent of sex was quickly taken care of but she couldn’t hide her disgust at the sight of your combined juices on her best friend’s bed. She quickly looked past it though because her burning questions were more important and you two had no choice but to come clean, explaining everything that’s transpired over these past few months. With every revelation, her jaw seemed to be dropping lower and lower to the ground. 
Everything was a bombshell revelation for her; the fact that you two were having sex right next door and that she didn’t hear any of it, the fact that you two pretended to despise each other. But what seemed to shock her the most was that you two are actually dating. It took her a while to process everything—and by “a while” I mean she sat there opposite you two in silence like you’ve just been told off by a very disappointed parent for thirty excruciating minutes (in some ways, Hanni was indeed sort of the parent of the friend group). Thankfully, she agreed to keep her mouth shut about everything and very sternly told you to wear protection in the future because she “doesn’t want to have to babysit yet” to which you obliged. It was peaceful again after that but you knew you had to be more careful in the future because the rest of her friends will absolutely not keep something like this a secret.
“Wanna leave this party already? Can’t wait to ride that thick cock.”
A text, and it’s from the woman sitting directly in front of you—your girlfriend. She didn’t even need to send the text because you could already see in your eyes how badly she wants you. She’s been eye-fucking you for the past hour and it’s absolutely making you hot and bothered. She might as well pounce you in front of everyone if she could. It’s a side effect of her being drunk and with how she’s constantly readjusting her shorts, it’s obvious that Minji wants this night to end with her getting fucked into her bed again. A request that you’ll gladly oblige since this game is already starting to bore you anyways.
To avoid any suspicion, she leaves first after bidding farewell to everyone. Followed by you twenty minutes later after “accidentally” spilling beer all over yourself. It was a quick getaway like clockwork, having to excuse yourselves plenty of times already from group gatherings just to satisfy your intense libido. It’s a great thing that Danielle’s place is only a five minute drive from Minji’s dorm because you can’t wait to get out of your pants. You excitedly made your way up to her room, disguise and all. Knocking on the door, you expected her to pull you in by your neck and makeout with you but what greeted you was her and Hanni sitting on the bed instead. What the fuck? There was certainly tension in the atmosphere—and silence? This is peculiar; it’s always pandemonium whenever those two best friends hang out—whether it’s Minji teasing Hanni for butchering her Korean or Hanni begging her not to do anything stupid. “Oh, you’re finally here.” Speaking of which, your girlfriend walks over to you and grabs you by your hand.
“Remember when I told you that we have an open relationship?”
When you two were establishing the ground rules for your relationship, she made it clear that you were free to see other people. It definitely surprised you as you didn’t think Minji was that type of woman. But then again, you didn’t think she would be so willing to get dicked down by the person she hated the most and yet here you are. Of course you complied with her request. It’s the 21st century after all, so who cares about traditional dating norms? Plus, it’s not like she doesn’t have friends that you’d just like to get to know better and the freedom she gives is a welcome one. But that also meant she’s free to fuck around with other guys, something that bothered you for a while but eventually came to terms with. “Yeah, what about it?”
“Hanni wants you for the night. Sorry I couldn’t tell you through text earlier, didn’t wanna be rude or anything.” How can she be so casual about the entire thing? Especially when this is actually the first time the rule is being put to use. And for it to happen so early into your time together astounds you. Has she been dying to share you with her friends even when you were just casual fuckbuddies? Perhaps, but that’s a question you’ll continue to ask for another day. “You’re not actually about to turn her down are you? Don’t even lie and tell me that you haven’t thought about fucking her.” She’s not exactly wrong and as if she reads your mind, “She’s not a virgin if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Minji! I-I don’t want to force him. I just had a crappy first-time with my ex and you always talk about how good he is…..” Hanni’s face turns a darker shade of red with every word spoken and you would’ve almost called her “cute” if it wasn’t for the circumstance. Minji was right, she tends to babble whenever she’s nervous. “If he’s not okay with it I can just—“
“I accept.” You would have to be insane to refuse such an offer. It’s Hanni Pham out of all people. She probably has just as many admirers, maybe even more than Minji. To say that you haven’t let your thoughts run wild whenever she wears an outfit that exposes all of her prominent features would be a big lie. Just like the outfit she’s got on now; a white crop top and shorts, with the varsity jacket the only thing preventing her from exposing more skin. Fuck, she looks so tempting. You really have to get out of your pants sooner or later because the way Minji riled you up earlier isn’t calming your senses anytime soon.“Is there anything specific you want me to do? I’m pretty sure Minji’s already told you how wild we can be.”
“I want you to teach me how to have sex—well, I want you to teach me how to have sex. Properly.” There’s a glimmer of desperation and want in her eyes, her eyes telling you what she can not say directly. Hanni is, and forever will be, your girlfriend’s best friend. But with how tonight is shaping up to be, you might just want to keep coming back for more. “Let’s just take it slow, if that’s fine with you.”
“Don’t worry! He’ll take care of you, right?” Of course. You’ll have to ease her into your world—into you and Minji’s world. Your girlfriend always loved to lead the way every time you fucked her but a change in dynamic with Hanni’s got you even more riled up than you already are. Minji wraps an arm around your shoulder and the way she casually hands you off to her best friend as if you’re a puppy is extremely astounding. When she mentioned that she wants to keep things open between you two, you didn’t think it would include you taking on the task of teaching her friends such a sinful and dangerous act. But it’s not like you’re complaining, one glance over to the short but petite woman in front of you is enough to make you salivate. She takes your silence as an affirmative and is already dragging you two out of her room. “Great! I already placed a condom in your backpocket.” You immediately reach for the back of your pants and sure enough, the aluminum-wrapped piece of contraption is there.
“Have fun! And try not to make too much noise please, I’ve got an exam tomorrow I need to study for okay? Love you both!” A flying kiss is sent to your direction before slamming the door in your face. And despite the confidence you exceeded just mere minutes before, now you find yourself on your backfoot. It’s suffocating, it’s tense, and you don’t know whether you want to just drag her to her room and pin her against the wall or if you want to show some restraint like she told you to. Maybe it’s because you’ve never really known how to take it slow: in life and in bed. Everything is rushed, as if there’s a billion things that need to be done. Maybe things can change for one night only. But Hanni is already one-step ahead of you, gently dragging you by your sleeve towards her room. Her room smells nice, lights turned way down low to a dark shade of red, and her sheets folded up nicely. She notices you scanning her room and before you could get the chance to tease her about being so prepared you find yourself crashing on her bed with her on top.
Excitedly, you lean close to her face to capture her lips but a hand pushes you gently away from her. “S-Sorry, no kissing.” As if to not deflate your ego she quickly interjects, “But you can leave hickeys if you want instead.” That sounds good enough for you, kissing her would bring a whole host of new feelings that you definitely don’t want to explore any time soon so you opt for her irresistible neck instead. She strips away her varsity jacket, leaving her in just her crop top and shorts that are starting to feel warmer by the second. This exposes more skin for you to taste and you dive lower down to her clavicles and collarbones, making sure to leave red marks. Her hands aren’t idle, creeping slowly underneath your shirt as soft moans start to come out of her lips. You eventually take over, flipping your positions so that you’re now on top of her. You find both of her hands and intertwine them with yours, pushing them above her head as you devour her body and leave as much of it red as possible.
“I want to see more of you.” Hanni finally says something after a few minutes and you obey her commands. Your beer-soaked shirt comes off first and joins her varsity jacket on the carpeted floor, Hanni’s eyes immediately darting towards the expanse of your upper body and her wandering hands drag themselves towards your shoulders then down your chest. She’s eyeing you like a piece of meat to devour the same way you are doing to her. You don’t give her much time to ogle however as your lips find their way to her neck once again. Even biting her lips does very little to muffle her moans as you continue to leave mark after mark on her collarbones, drinking in the way she calls for you, yearns for you. A hand makes its way down to her toned tummy and you almost apologize with the way she hisses, “C-Cold….” She mutters, eyes closing and tongue sticking ever so slightly out. You really, desperately want to have a taste of her lips at this very moment and to have them slotted against yours but rules are rules. Even though the way they glisten under the warm, red lights of her room makes it extremely tempting to do so. You distract yourself, you have to. One hand is already fumbling with the straps of her undershirt while the other makes its way further down to her thighs, massaging and appreciating their softness and fullness. The motion causes her to jerk and slightly arch her back off of the bed and you immediately take a step back. Shit, were you being too hasty?
“Sorry, tell me if I’m moving too fast for your liking.” 
You take deep breaths when you pull away as you desperately try to keep your hormones in check and be a gentleman for once but still eyeing her almost naked body in front of you. Hanni shakes her head and wraps her arms around your neck to bring you closer to her again, burying your face on the crook of her neck as you inhale her floral scent. “It’s fine. It’s just—it’s just that it’s been a while since I’ve had a guy touch me down there. Her nails slowly drag their way down your back as you place soft pecks on her neck. “You can touch me wherever you want, I’m yours for tonight.” You hate the way a guttural groan escapes out of your mouth, having been given the green light to completely let loose. You don’t wait this time, yanking her undershirt to reveal a pair of soft and round breasts, perfect for her body size. The absence of a bra surprises you but it’s a welcome one at that. Meanwhile, you work on expertly unbuttoning her denim shorts and they’re thrown off somewhere in the room with hunger and you don’t miss the wet patch already forming on her panties. Interestingly, she doesn’t close her thighs out of embarrassment. In fact, there’s a smile. As if she knows she’s got you right where she wants you.
“Fuck, Hanni. I’m gonna treat you so good tonight. That I can assure you.” You carefully place a pillow behind her, instructing her to sit by the headboard as you remove the final obstruction. It’s at this moment that it truly hits you that Hanni Pham is in front of you, completely naked. Forget winning the lottery, the fact that your girlfriend is allowing you to fuck her friends is a price worth more than anything on this planet. For all the times you imagined how she’d look underneath her clothes, it still doesn’t beat the sight of the actual thing. The way she is curvy and thick at the same time in the most perfect combination possible; she may only be nineteen but she’s certainly grown into a full-fledged woman—one that’s made all of the guys crazy for her. You don’t even hesitate to spread her legs wide, her thighs already soaked when you make your way up to drink in as much of her essence as you possibly can. She’s already quivering under your touch but your strong arms keep her in her place as you continue to taste as much of Hanni Pham. But nothing compares when you finally stick your tongue out and take an experimental lick of her folds, a finger expertly playing with her clit to increase her pleasure.
Hanni is biting her lips so hard that you’re sure it’s bleeding already. You would’ve told her that it’s okay to moan freely because she’s not that loud to begin with but when you start to lick more hungrily and aggressively, plans quickly change. She grabs a pillow to cover her face and stifle her moans, and it’s fortunate that she did so because the sound she makes when you finally stick your tongue inside of her is loud enough for Minji to definitely hear. Knowing her, she will be proud of how well you are eating Hanni out like it’s your last meal. It’s truly heaven right now though, the way she tastes, the way she sounds, and the way her thighs are about to crush your head that you can’t help but reach down to your sweatpants and boxers and pull them down just enough to reveal your aching cock, slowly stroking yourself as precum slowly drips out onto her bed. But tonight is about her and you want to make sure that you’re doing a great job so you don’t even care that your face is drenched with her essence already. You begin to alternate between your finger and tongue, an act that causes her to take exasperated breaths and silent moans as her mouth opens wide. “Cum for me, Pham. I wanna hear you.”
It’s clear that she loves being told what to do because at your command, she starts getting tighter and tighter around your fingers and tongue—her pussy throbbing wildly. So much so that she’s writhing and clinging to the sheets so hard they’re surely going to be ripped off the bed soon. “Hmph! C-Cumming!” It’s all you hear from underneath her pillows when she grabs your hair by the fistful and pushes you closer into her, allowing you to drive your fingers deeper inside her. Thirty seconds. That is all it took for her to come completely undone, arching her sweaty body completely off of her bed and to moan your name shamelessly out loud. Now, you’re really hoping that everyone else is deep asleep because that wasn’t silent at all. Not that you’re going to complain, if everyone wants to know how good the popular girl on campus is being treated, let them. Your face is even more drenched at this point and you are just lapping up every single drop of her juices as she recovers from her mindblowing orgasm. You pull away, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand then proceed to lay down beside her. There’s a few fleeting minutes of silence and you’re more than happy to stop here for the night if it’s already too much for her but clearly Hanni is not done yet (which is honestly a great thing for you because you don’t want all of your cum to end up on the shower tiles instead).
Just like what you did to her, she instructs you to sit by the headboard as she crawls her way towards you like a cat. “I wanna return the favor.” It’s no surprise that you are already leaking with precum, your cock swollen and throbbing the minute Hanni pulls your sweatpants and boxers together down. It’s been a while since you’ve had sex with Minji due to how busy you are and you could really use some relieving of tension down there. An audible gasp can be heard from her at the sight of your length, probably wondering how it manages to fit inside her best friend—your girlfriend. She grabs a hair tie off her wrist to turn her hair into a ponytail then uses a finger to swipe at the precum continuing to drip out of your cockhead. You don’t know if she’s teasing you but that look of satisfaction on her face as she brings that finger inside her mouth like she’s eating ice cream is downright erotic. “Need that mouth on my cock, Hanni. Please.” You may be the one in charge but she’s got you wrapped around her fingers much like Minji does at this very moment. Once done with her “snack”, she forms a fist around your cock, beginning to pump you at a leisurely pace and now you’re the one closing your eyes and groaning her name
Hanni scans your expressions to find the perfect pace and soon, she’s fondling your balls as well. Are you sure she doesn’t know how to have proper sex? Because the heavenly touch of her fingers and the way she’s cupping your heavy balls suggests that she wants you to explode all over her face even though you want to save it somewhere else. Now she’s dictating the pace and before you can tell her to slow it down a little, lowers her head down to your cock and slowly but surely behind to take you inside her mouth inch by inch. It looks like if there's one thing her ex taught her, it’s how to give a blowjob because her gag reflex is essentially nonexistent as she takes you all the way to the back of her throat. The feeling is electrifying and numbing both at once; her mouth is nice and warm and cozy—a toe-curling experience that can only be described as fucking amazing. 
“Your mouth takes cock so well, shit.” She hums with your cock still inside her mouth, forming a vacuum to increase your pleasure and another groan of her name leaves your mouth. You really want to facefuck her now and have her mouth overflowing with cum, the imagery causing you to throb continuously inside her and you will have to regretfully pull her away from you soon before it gets messy. It only takes a while before a burst of precum inside her is what finally leads you to leave the confines of her mouth before it’s all too late. As much as those lips of hers look great glazed with a load of yours, she deserves better. One last kiss of your tip before she gets up on her knees and you’re noticing her thighs glistening much more than before. “I have a feeling this won’t be the last time I’ll ask for your services.” That you have to agree with, though you find it interesting how she’s making it sound like you are her male escort. Again, not that you’re complaining. “Now, fuck me will you?”
You quickly search your sweatpants for the condom, hurriedly ripping the packaging and placing it on your drenched cock before walking back to the edge of the bed where Hanni is sitting. “Right, so how do you want me?” You stand proudly in front of her, your cock clearly showing where it wants to be: inside her. While she contemplates, you stroke your cock back to hardness which wasn’t difficult considering her naked sight in front of you. She doesn’t say anything else but instead makes you sit on the edge of the bed like her. She then walks over to straddle your lap, and you don’t even have the opportunity to ask her what she’s planning when her tight heat is already sinking down on your cock. That action is enough for her to drop her head onto your shoulder as she tries to get acclimated to the size and feeling of your cock inside her. “Fucking hell, are you sure you’re not a virgin?” It wouldn’t be surprising if she lied to you all this time because not even eating her out and fingering her is enough to loosen her up—or maybe you’re just too big for her small and petite body. Either way, you needed some time to recover as well. Think about something else because the way she’s grinding her hips on your cock is downright heavenly. It’s only fortunate that there’s a thin layer of rubber in between you two in case your orgasm comes without any warning because she’s clearly an expert at this too. Do you even need to teach her anything, really?
“Y-You’re bigger than my ex! Didn’t think—fuck—didn’t think dicks can get this large.” They do, especially when it’s her that’s being fucked but you’re so lost into your own pleasures that you forget to respond. You’re not one to accept and respond to compliments well, especially when a beautiful woman is bouncing on your cock and using you as her personal dildo so you keep your mouth shut. Despite your size, Hanni eventually does get used to it because she’s slowly transitioning from grinding into bouncing when she holds on to your shoulders for support. And you can’t help but stare at the way her tits jiggle mesmerizingly in rhythm every time she comes down hard on your cock. Since she’s already given you a green light to have your way on her body, you lean down to capture her left nipple on your mouth while fondling the other. That action causes her to clench tighter around your cock and it only encourages you to suck on her tits harder, tongue swirling around her nipple. You repeat this motion with her right nipple to make sure it receives the attention it deserves. You just can’t get enough of her because even when you’re done with her breasts you’re placing kisses and licking her everywhere, each acreage of porcelain skin is marked by your kisses and you’re going to make sure that she has a hard time covering it up tomorrow.
You didn’t know when exactly it happened but your thrusts now elicit a strong reaction from her, nails taking down your back and leaving scratches that will surely sting once you get in the shower later but you must’ve hit a spot that not even her ex or her dildos could reach because she’s downright screaming and having to bury herself on your neck to lower down the volume. Quickly taking advantage of this, you start thrusting upwards in response to her bounces and she’s basically cursing and moaning your name by this point as her sweaty body clings on to you. 
“Tell me if you’re gonna cum, Hanni. I’ll make sure to give you the best one you ever had.” A whisper to her contrasting loud moans as you leave kisses on the side of her head and eventually, her forehead. No verbal response but you can feel her nod against your shoulders and that’s when you knew it was time to bring it home. You wrap your arms around her waist tightly and try to hit that spot again and again. Cries of pleasure reverberates around her tiny room and she’s shivering against you as her orgasm overtakes her again. A much stronger orgasm that has her pussy squeezing tightly around your cock but you manage to hold on despite dying to cum inside her.
You hold on to her arms to prevent her from falling backwards, patting her back gently and fixing any disheveled hair caused by the mess. “D-Did you cum, too?” A shameful ‘no’ leaves your lips and you’re scared that she’ll think that she’s not a good fuck, that you were just forcing everything you were doing for the past thirty minutes when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Hanni pulls away from her neck to look at you in surprise, then it hits her. “You want to cum in my pussy, don’t you? Fine, I’ll just take a morning pill.” You’re glad Minji briefed her already, because the one place you don’t want your cum to end up in is a twenty dollar condom. If it was quick for you to put the condom on then it’s even quicker to take it off as you briefly get her off of you. Her slick has caused it to shrink around your cock but it doesn’t matter as you snap it off and throw it in the trash. Pull her down to your lap again, this time it is easy to sink her back down to your cock and you quickly get to fucking.
The lack of latex makes for an extreme sensation that has you moaning and groaning as you fuck her for the second time. But that’s not enough as you lift both of you from her bed and carry her in your arms, causing her to tightly wrap your limbs around you as gravity aids you in fucking her. It’s the perfect position because you get two handfuls of her ass while she bounces on your cock and because she’s somehow louder than before as you are basically splitting her in half. Every single thrust drives your tip into her cervix and you’re sure she’s seeing stars by the way she’s clinging on to you for dear life as you fold her up like a lawn chair in this position. It’s so easy to manhandle her, the way her light body just bends to your will and you’ll definitely give her a much bigger load now that you are fucking her raw. The loud slaps of skin fill the room as you continue to fuck up into her, not even waiting for her to come down before you thrust again. There’s no way you’re absolutely lasting longer than ten minutes this time because of how you prevented yourself from cumming twice already so you end up jackhammering into her, the tension in your balls increasing by the second as you are ready to unload. 
“Cum in me!“ is all you hear before the overwhelming sensation and tension finally snaps, the first rope of hot cum causes a smaller, second orgasm from Hanni. It’s fucking euphoric and blissful, the way each rope takes away all of your frustrations—filling every single space inside her womb, the way it coats your cock and drips back down to your balls and to her floor with how much you came inside her, the way it completely takes over your body, causing you to fall back down to her bed and bring her with you. “Cum for me again, can you do that for me?” A faint voice from Hanni as she gyrates her hips to match your thrusts. It’s not like you were planning on doing anything different. You can’t stop, won’t stop pumping into her despite both of you being oversensitive and sure enough, you find yourself unloading inside her for a second time five minutes later as if you didn’t already cum inside her. This fresh load replaces the previous one and soon, her sheets are soiled with cum as well. You haven’t cum this hard and this much in a while, the prospect of fucking your girlfriend’s best friend making you hornier than you have been before and it’s showing.
It’s a sticky mess once everything finally settles down, with her finding it difficult to get off of you with how much semen you’ve unloaded inside her that she’s definitely going to need that morning pill. A mess between her thighs is what you have to show for it once she does and you’re absolutely spent when she lays down beside you. “Fuck, that was hot.” Surprisingly, she still has the strength to get off her bed and collect both of your clothes while also cleaning herself up in the process. Right. This is not Minji’s room and it would be even more scandalous if other people find out you just had sex with your girlfriend’s best friend. She quickly throws you your clothes and you work on putting them back on. “You’re as good as advertised, I’ll definitely recommend you to Danielle.” Danielle? Her varsity jacket and shorts are worn in a hurry, along with her crop top and bra. “She hasn’t had good dick in a while, you see.” She grabs your phone and makes you unlock it, tapping furiously at the screen for a few seconds before handing it back to you. “I just saved her number so you won’t get spooked when she messages you for her dick appointment. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my mouth shut about you and Minji.” It’s a great thing that you’re already fully clothed because she’s dragging you by your arms and out of her dorm. “Ok, see you! I’ll keep in touch with you again.” You don’t dare to ask any questions at this point so you decide to walk back to Minji’s room again. 
“Wait!” But she stops you on your tracks, this time that shy and nervous expression making its appearance on her face once more. “And uh, I forgot something.” She grabs your phone again and taps on the screen furiously like she did earlier, and as you were about to take it back from her she grabs you forcefully and places a kiss on your lips.
“I also added my number. Maybe I’ll ask Minji if we can share you in more ways than one.” Then a wink, then you feel a gust of wind hitting your face after she closes the door.
What the fuck?  
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gyusrose · 2 months
➵ you’re so vain -> l.hs
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⚠︎ smut (mdni)
✎ jock!heeseung x reader, enemies to ?????, heeseung is rlly annoying, hate sex ;), hair pulling, dirty talk, unprotected sex, degradation, backshots lmao. i think that’s it?
summary: attending a new school was supposed to be a fresh start for you, trying to be nice to everyone and have new friends, yet coming across lee heeseung threw all of that out the window.
(heeseung x fem.reader)
wc: 3.2k
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your sweaty hands could not be gripping the steering wheel any harder. you wouldn’t call yourself “super shy” but when it comes to a whole new community of people, teenagers, hell yeah you are.
you had to move exactly at the middle of the year due to your mom’s work. they offered her double the salary at the other side of the city, who was she to say no to that? although you were going to miss your friends and the overall environment of your old home, you couldn’t just tell your mom ‘no’, either way her decisions are final.
you just got here two days ago, and to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. the worst thing so far is the fact that the nearest shopping center was 30 minutes away but you’ll live.
you didn’t except your first day of school to be so nerve-wracking. surely you’ll make some friends but who knows what people are like here. eventually, you saw the big navy blue sign with your school’s name on it. it was an averagely big school, bigger than your old one, which also meant more people.
the parking space alone was scary. it was huge yet already full even though it was still fairly early. you went around in circles around the parking lot, trying to find a vacant spot. fortunately you did at the second-to-last line.
as you tried to park, the limited space you had made it difficult to, having to back up and drive in constantly. as you reversed your car, you must have completely forgotten that you aren’t the only one there, feeling a small crash at the bumper of your car.
your eyes widened in panic. you looked back to see what you hit, and with your luck, it revealed at very nice black car, to which you’ve just hit. you tried to quickly get into your parking spot, hoping it was nothing serious, but then someone came walking up to you.
‘shit, that must be the owner’ you saw his red, rather handsome, fuming face.
you got out of your car to confront the first person interaction.
“hey look im so-“
oh he was an asshole. you almost scoffed in his face. who does he think he is.
“it was accident that’s all, it was barely a scratch calm down man.”
lord take me back. you were so close to just leaving him there arguing with himself. but you didn’t want to make him even angrier.
“look im sorry! i can pay for the fix up if that’s what you want, i dont know what else to do?”
the boy scoffed and rolled his eyes at your statement.
“you think i don’t have the money for it? please, it shows you’re a newbie around here.”
“i didn’t mean it like that-“
“yo heeseung!! come on bro!” another blonde boy called from afar, hopefully ending the argument y’all were having.
“ watch your back new girl.” with one last glare, he left to join his group of friends.
you rolled your eyes. shiver my fucking timbers, you thought.
you took a deep breath before grabbing your backpack and making your way into school , hoping to never see his face ever again.
you thought that was going to be the end of it all. but oh boy were you wrong. soon you found out that heeseung is the captain of the football team, and pretty much the most popular boy in school. as cliche as it sounds, every girl would drop their panties if he asked them to.
people know he’s not the nicest person ( an asshole) yet they still look up to him. that’s angered you. how are all these people so dumb? just because he’s kinda good-looking? seriously?
over the course of a few weeks, you’ve managed to make some friends, your closest taehyun and Isa. although you tried to block the negativity, heeseung made it really hard. always giving you snarky comments when he saw you around, ridiculing you in front of other people. somehow always finding a way to run into you despite not having any classes together. except gym.
“ bro open your eyes, catch the damn ball!” he yelled from across from you.
you hated sports. even less could you play one, but you gotta do it for the grade.
“the ball was too high up dummy!” you retorted, rolling your eyes for maybe the 100th time in the class period.
if you hated gym before, you definitely hated it more now.
as the period ended, you decided to take a quick shower in the locker rooms since you couldn’t handle being all sweaty and gross throughout the day.
heeseung finished changing and was outside the locker room with his friends, chatting, waiting for the bell to ring. that’s when he may have accidentally eavesdropped the conversation between your two friends, he could barely the names of.
“where’s _____?” taehyun asked isa, noticing how you weren’t with her.
“she’s taking a shower right now, she told us to not wait for her.” Isa shrugged before taehyun nodded.
a beautiful idea popped in heeseung’s brain. it was too good.
he excused himself and sneakily waited by the girl’s locker room, waiting for everyone to come out. once he only heard the shower you were using running, he quietly entered the room. the bell had rang about a minute ago, so the gym was empty, only you and him. the gym teacher god knows where.
he saw his target and rapidly grabbed the pile of clothes sitting on the bench, a smirk evident in his face.
suddenly the shower stopped running, making heeseung hurry and exit the locker room.
the shower felt too good, you think you spent more time that you anticipated to. as you exited the shower tiles, you looked around for your clothes, which you remember clearly leaving them in the bench closest to the shower. you looked around the whole locker room, hoping you were wrong and placed them elsewhere. unfortunately, you couldn’t even find your damn socks.
your biggest fear has come true. you’re now naked, nothing but a towel covering you, this was more than just humiliating. you felt sad, mad, angry, embarrassed all at once. they’ve been stolen for sure, and you were more than sure on who did it.
grabbing your phone you called Isa, to see if she could help you somehow. and she indeed did. bringing you some spare clothes she had. thankfully, you always bring extra underwear since situations like these could happen. you just had to wait for isa for the clothes, yet the five minutes she took felt like five hours. unfortunately, passing period is over, meaning some students are coming in the locker room to change.
many of them just straight up stared at you. giving you weird looks as to why you were pretty much naked in the middle of the locker room, but none had the guts to ask you.
you wished the ground would just swallow you whole. lee heeseung won’t hear the end of it.
“LEE HEESEUNG!” you yelled across the field. he and his friends were siting down eating lunch outside when you spotted him after trying to find him after the stunt he just pulled.
heeseung knew it was coming, giggling with his friends as they heard you yell his name once again. “ oh she’s about to scold me now .” heeseung scoffed but still got up and went over to you.
“yes ma’am?” he said with a smile, you wish you could slap off but you’re better than that.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about..” heeseung tried acting innocent but failed as he just burst out laughing. you groaned, how on earth is that funny?
“cute panties by the way” he continued to laugh, not sparing a glance at your mad expression on your face.
“you’re such an ass, i hate your guts.” you said leaving him alone, laughing to himself.
“yo bro i think she actually got mad this time.” his friend, jake came over.
heeseung shrugged. “she’s so sensitive, it wasn’t even that bad.”
“i can’t believe he did that…” taehyun said as you told them both what had happened. Isa knew a little bit but not who did it.
“that’s fucked up, what’s he got against you so much?”
you shrugged. “i guess because i gave his car a little scratch, but i guess he took it to heart since he hasn’t stopped bothering me since. he’s a jerk.”
“finally someone who thinks the same as me!” taehyun said making you chuckle.
“then get back at him! you know the one thing that makes him who he is is that damn football.” Isa said.
you tried to be the bigger person this whole time, not paying much mind to his little remarks or pranks he pulls, biting back a little wouldn’t hurt right?
“you know what, you’re right.”
“lee heeseung, mrs. park wants to speak to you.” mr.jung said calling heeseung.
heeseung who was barely paying attention heard his name. his frowned at this. what on earth could she want to talk about with him? either way, he went to her classroom.
he entered the empty classroom to find his coach and mrs.park, waiting for him. what the fuck? heeseung was more confused now. maybe they were going to congratulate him for the good work this semester? his coach’s face said otherwise though.
“there you are, you may be wondering why you’re here..” mrs.park started. heeseung nodded, feeling uneasy.
“a student came forward, showing how you copied word for word her whole assignment, the one i assigned a week ago. i didn’t notice it at first but it’s very clear now, you may know how cheating is unacceptable in my class, i’ve decided to fail you in this assignment, plus you’ll be serving detention this whole week..” she turned to the coach.
heeseung’s heart started beating at a rapid pace, he’s never been caught cheating, and being failed on the assignment that was a big part of his grade, it means he’s most likely failing the class now. the rules for football stated that all players should be passing all of their classes if not, they’ll be dropped….
no no no, the lee heeseung can’t be dropped. he’s the captain! the star player!
“since you’re failing this class heeseung, i think you know what’s about to happe-“
“please coach! don’t kick me out, i’m the captain! what would the team do without me? i’ll get my grade up as soon as possible im-“
“calm down calm down, i’m not going to kick you out, it’s the middle of the season, but unfortunately you won’t be playing the next three games. if your grade is not up by then, then i will drop you. understood?” his coach stated earning a sharp nod by heeseung.
he’s glad he’s still on the team but what’s the point if he can’t play? he’s going to become a joke. the captain that’s a bench warmer. how stupid.
he left the classroom enraged. he knows exactly who did this.
“bro what? what do you mean you ain’t gonna play ?” riki said in disbelief at what his captain just said.
“some snitch told mrs.park that i cheated on the last assignment and coach suspended me for the next three games, and i got detention all week!” sunghoon unknowingly chuckled. heeseung looked at him with a glare.
“what? she got you good, what did you expect hee?” sunghoon kept laughing, making some of the others also laugh silently.
heeseung had nothing to say back, he just rolled his eyes. “tch, whatever.”
nevertheless, you were overjoyed seeing heeseung slouching on the bench. you couldn’t miss this once in a lifetime scenario. obviously you were the cause for it. heeseung asks Isa almost all the time for her notes or to straight up copy her. she willingly let you rat him out after what he did to you.
he can sense how all eyes were on him, but he just tried to block everyone out a focus on the game. he had a poker face on, but deep inside he was irritated . he saw how you were smirking and laughing with your two little friends. you knew what you were doing.
“ahh look who it is, the benchwarmer! “ you said chuckling as you made your way to heeseung.
after the team (barely) won, jake threw an ‘after party’ at his house. even though you don’t normally go to these parties, especially from those boys, you felt like a party would do good with your marvellous mood. something about seeing heeseung’s frowny face made feel over the moon.
“seems like cat got your tongue now huh? dont have anything to say-“
in a blink of an eye you were pulled into a room, heeseung’s fingers wrapped around your neck, pulling your face closer to his.
“what the fuck? heeseung-“
“shut the fuck up.” his hoarse voice caught you off guard. he was actually really mad.
“you think what you did it’s fucking funny? huh? almost getting me kicked out ? “ you’ve never seen him this enraged before. making you almost scared, yet….kinda turned on? no, you hate him, snap out of it! you told yourself yet the wetness in between your legs became hard to ignore.
you didn’t respond. “fuck, you’re so annoying, i can’t fucking stand you. i hate you.” he saw lowly. fuck that was hot.
you spoke before thinking. “then show me.”
not needing to tell him twice, heeseung pulled you completely in. your lips met in a kiss that was anything but gentle, a fierce and consuming clash that spoke longing and raw need.
The kiss deepened, fueled by an unspoken urgency, their mouths exploring each other with a fervor that left y’all breathless. his grip on your neck becoming tighter.
“shit im gonna show you to fucking behave.” he said before pushing you into the bed forcefully. you may have discovered a new kink of yours. watching as he undressed himself and yourself rapidly. feeling his anger through every touch he gave you.
he rubbed through your folds before inserting two fingers aggressively. your body jolted at the sudden move.
“holy shit go softer dumbass.”
“aw you think i give a fuck? suck it up and take it since you think you’re all that.” his fingers pumped faster and faster making it hard for you to answer back to his stupid remarks.
“oh my god..” you tried to pull his hand away before you cum. not wanting to see you orgasm so easily yet.
“just fuck me already heeseung, or is your dick as tiny as your brain?”
heeseung looked darkly at you. that stupid mouth of yours can’t shut up will it?
he retracted his fingers put of you and took his boxers off. wanting nothing more than to prove you wrong.
shit. your eyes went wide at what stood in front of you. saying he was big was an understatement. it was like a zipper for your mouth. how was that thing going to fit inside of you?
“can’t say anything now, can you slut?” he pulled your legs down the mattress to have you at the perfect angle to ram into you.
heeseung ran his til over your folds, teasing his way in. making you aggrevated.
“just put it in for fucks sake!”
“tell me how bad you want it.” you shook your head, no way were you going to beg. no way.
“alright then, i guess im gonna go.” he said letting go of your waist, acting as if he was going to leave.
“okay okay! please fuck me, i want it so bad, i want your big cock so bad heeseung.” heeseung moaned at your words. he didn’t wait any longer and thrusted all of him in you.
you both moaned yet it was more painful for you. you’ve never had something so big inside you before.
“fuck yeah..” he said then grabbing your neck, slightly choking you. your hands went to his biceps, trying to find something to hold on to as the speed he was thrusting in became more hostile.
“fuck me harder, like the asshole you are.” you said in between breaths. heeseung took the challenge and thrusted violently. the skin slapping and wetness of your core could probably be heard in the party outside.
“of course a whore like you would like to be fucked like this.”
before you could respond he pulled out of you earning a desperate groan from you, but then your were flipped, now on all fours and before you knew it he was back in you again. gripping your hip with one hand while he pulled your hair on the other.
“such a tight pussy, you probably fantasized about this am i right?” he said in your ear. you shook your head through your moan.
“in your dreams lee, in your fucking dreams. fuck you.”
“i’m quite literally doing that.” chuckling, he let go of your hair and instead gripped your other hip, going in deeper, nudging your cervix literally driving you to an edge.
“fuck i’m cumming.” you cried out. never has an orgasm felt like this. heeseung was on edge as well, feeling you clench around his dick did it for him.
your climax rose over you, making you fall into the pillow while heeseung kept thrusting until his own organs came over him, pulling out and releasing his white ropes all over your back.
tiredly, he laid besides you in the strangers bed, not knowing what to say now.
you turned to him, smirking. “i think i may hate you even more now.”
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neil-gaiman · 5 months
Hello Mr. Gaiman,
I had a recent experience that (kind of) revolved around your character Death and I thought you might enjoy the story!
So, to begin, it is important to mention that my mom has been a long time fan of yours, notably of your Sandman series, and even more notably of the character Death. As a young goth in the late 80s/early 90s she connected heavily with the character both because of your marvelous writing but also because she happened to look a lot like that character. During that time she also happened to be close friends with the comic artist David Hahn.
Cut to the present, a few weeks back, my mom and I were visiting Albuquerque where we are both from. During a lovely green chili filled lunch with my uncle he asked what we planned to do during our visit and we mentioned a few comic book stores we'd like to check out while in town. He proceeded to tell us about a store that they used to go to as teenagers (named Comic Warehouse) and mentioned that there was a drawing of my mom, as death, drawn by David Hahn, above the entrance to this place. My mom was skeptical at first, thinking perhaps he meant it was an illustration of death that just happened to look like her. Regardless, curiosity got the best of all of us as we went to investigate.
Upon arriving at the shop we were disappointed to find that no such picture of Death could be found above the door, or anywhere for that matter. After a few minutes of peaking behind shelves and double checking dusty corners, my mom built up the courage to ask the nice man working the desk if he happened to know about this particular illustration. After stating he knew not only David Hahn but even remembered some of her other friends that used to haunt the place, he then disappeared behind a wall of boxes. After a few anxious seconds he reappeared with the illusive drawing in hand! Not only were we all shocked to find that it still existed, but as it turns out my uncle was right! It was in fact a picture of my mom, as death, and it even contains a short note addressed to her, thanking her for a lift!
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It was a wonderful and surreal experience to find a 30 year old illustration of my mom, drawn as what has also become one of my favorite characters, and I thought you might appreciate knowing what a long lasting and wonderfully strange impact your work has had on a couple weirdos from Albuquerque.
That made my day completely. Thank you!
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hoshigray · 1 year
Having thoughts about Toji crushing on a cutie little cinnamon roll. Maybe they go on a few dates before he finally gets her home with him, and just as things are heating up he realizes oh, she’s a virgin. That doesn’t mean he’s not interested, but it changes how he wants to go about it.
Noonie, yeeeeeeeeessss!!! I had the dumbest grin while reading this in my inbox teheheee~ Longer than I intended but what the hell lol hope you like it!!
Cw: dom! Toji x fem!reader - age gap (the reader is at least in their 20s and in college; Toji is around mid-30s) -missionary position - unprotected sex (PSA: wrap it up, or get the fuck up) - ass grabbing - pussy eating - biting (Toji bites your ears) - edging (fem! receiving) - pet names (angel, baby, cutie, sweetheart, mama, princess) - clitoral play - light comedy bc I do[n't] think I'm funny. Wc: 2k
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"Ready, baby?"
Your body goes rigid, fingers playing with the hem of your shirred frilled cami romper. A shaky sigh seethes from a wary smile. "Yes." The man in front of you grins before opening the door to his place, and you enter to your doom.
Toji has been courting you for quite some time. It started with small greetings when he visited the café where you work for his usual order of black coffee. Then those greetings slowly evolved into casual chit-chat, prompting Toji to ask you out because he couldn't resist your kindhearted aura.
How could he when his day instantly brightens when you flash your gorgeous smile every time you see him? Or when you always give him a call or text anytime you return to your dorm after hanging outside campus grounds. And when you're done with work, you let him drive and drop you off at your dorm. But that's because he always stays at the café until you get off: watching you welcome customers who enter the space, offering free treats to kids, or giving him a tiny smile from the other side of the shop whenever you catch him staring. Makes him snicker like an idiot.
But his favorite moment with you was the first time you two kissed on your third date. Oh, Toji could replay the scene all fucking day. With your eyes lidded, lips quivering and gripping onto his leather jacket as the man peppered you in kisses, he adored your display of pleasure. And it was even more adorable when you nervously bid him goodnight before entering your dorm room.
It was entertaining how he was the only one that made you — his cute little darling — so shy whenever he came too close. So much so that it turned him on, his desire to have you under him waxing inside him day by day. Except he doesn't, choosing to wait for the perfect time.
And now, when he finally has you where he's been dying to have you, Toji's allowed to indulge in your charm personally. There are shudders of anticipation around him as he kisses you on the couch, his big hands roaming over your form. A deep chortle vibrates his throat when he bites your bottom lip, resulting in a shivering whimper from your swollen lips. Oh, he's going to enjoy every second of this.
But as someone on the other side of the makeout session, you found yourself in an unpleasant position. Not because you didn't want to be here smacking lips with Toji, oh no. He was a great kisser, taking your breath away simply by his lips. No, the real problem was more personal.
Something so personal that it has your brows trench as Toji's hands snake down to your butt, kneading it like putty. Wait a minute...
"Mmmm, Toji, please wa—"
"Shhhh," he hushes you with kisses down your neck. "Taste so good, angel."
Something very personal that your eyes are towed shut when he creeps a hand inside through the bottom of your romper, a warm palm groping the soft flesh of your ass. Wait, wait, wait!
Something extremely personal that you gasp sharply when you feel two fingers sneak past your panties. WAIT!!!
You push Toji off you in haste, and the older man stops with his hands up defensively. He looks at you with confusion, tilting his head to examine what's wrong. You squeak and throw apologies his way. "I'm so so sorry! I'm-I'm just...umm...."
It takes a few seconds for Toji to piece everything together, with the way you're talking in quiet mumbles, your hands fidgeting with your romper again, and your eyes downward to avoid his gaze. His head straightens with eyes slightly wide. Is...Is she a—
"Are you a virgin, sweetheart?" Another muffled squeak confirms his suspicions, and you nod with hesitance.
What were you thinking pushing him off!? If you're gonna have your first time with anyone, why not be the man you're attracted to? But then again, it is YOUR first time!! In humiliation, you cover your face with your hands, the phone call you had with your best friend earlier replaying in your head ("Get it, girl! You either die a virgin or live long enough to get some good dick in your life." "That's the worst way to reference that movie!" "What-the-fuck-ever, go get that dick!!")
You can hear a chuckle from the man, and your eyes shut as you descend further into embarrassment. Oh God, I should've taken my dumbass home so I didn't have to deal with this later and cry myself to—
Your train of thought grinds to a halt when Toji pulls you into his chest. "Oh c'mere, ya cutie." He rubs circles on your back. "Did my lil' angel save herself up fr' me to deflower?"
"No, you perv!" He barks out a laugh above you, not helping this situation. "I just...I-" You try to retort, but the way he looks at you with a sly look and playful grin has your stomach flip. Why's he so goddamn handsome!? "I was just....never ready."
He hums pensively, still rubbing your back. He stays quiet for a while, and you don't bother fixing that while resting on his chest. He doesn't say anything until a minute later. "Think yr' ready now?"
"I don't know? Kinda scared..." You're honest. "But I...I really wanna do it with you, Toji."
"Then, do ya trust me?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Well, in that case," Toji carefully pushes you off him before he hoists you up bridal style. The swift motion catching by surprise as you hurriedly wrap your arms around his neck before he starts walking. Amused, he kisses your cheek. "Don't worry a thing, princess. Gonna take care of ya real good."
You gulp as your face goes hot. Oh, I definitely should've stayed my ass home...
Yeah, you definitely should've.
Fifteen minutes in, your senses are already clouded by the lapping motions of Toji's tongue on your vulva. You're lying on his bed, your figure writhing and back arching from the commotion between your legs. You tried to contain yourself by concealing your moans, yet your lips let the pornographic noises fly.
The last fifteen minutes have been spent preparing you for the big event. Toji started by fingering your hole, making you adjust to having a foreign limb within you. When you were wet enough, one digit became two, and you grabbed ahold of his shirt as he did his expert work on your soaking chasm.
Now in your nude, you let the man continue to prep you, his hands holding onto your legs with your pussy out for him to see, for him to toy with his wet muscle between your folds and drinking your essence.
"Ahhhh-Haaaah! T-Tojiii," you look so out of it, your head squirming around the pillow beneath you and your words slurred. You've already come two times; what more does this man need for you to be ready? "Oh God, it's too much fer mee, 's too muuch!"
A sharp cry exits your mouth when the man licks your clitoris, his deep forest green eyes peer up to look at you. He snickers, "C'mon, mama, you know I gotta have my girl ready to take in all of me." He flicks his tongue on your bud, and another yelp escapes your lips. "Lemme finish up here, 'kay?"
And he goes back to finishing you up, his hands grabbing you by the hips to bring you closer to his ravenous mouth. You clutch tufts of his raven hair, and his name comes out in incoherent babbles.
Your eyes start to water as your head gets dizzy with the raunchy noises from down south. Your cold sweat contrasts with your hot bare form, and the throbbing sensation between your legs festers under your skin.
Beads of sweat scroll down your forehead. You're close to release. "Hngg! Toji, I'm gonna cu-cummm!"
Suddenly, Toji removes from your legs, leaving you and your pulsing slits to the substituted cold air. You whine for your neglected orgasm that withers away, propping yourself up to beg him to give you what you want. But your breath hitches before you can make a complaint.
Toji is off his bed, withdrawing his shirt and jeans, freeing his cock from his boxer briefs. You can't help but stare at the member before you. Following the trail of hair from his lower abdomen, his erection sprung up with precum oozing out. Compared to your fingers or toys, his dick is way beyond your comprehension in length and girth.
Oh, to die from the first dick you've ever taken. How poetic.
Toji notices you ogle at his shaft, sneering as he returns to the bed. "Like what ya see, cutie?" You chew on your lip when Toji props your legs around his waist, a hand used to position his shaft to your leaky entrance. "Gonna start real slow, so take some deep breaths fr' me, 'kay baby?" You nod, internally bracing yourself for what's about happen.
The head of his cock touches your slit, and you jolt. "Relax, baby. It's gonna hurt if you're tense like that." He coaxes, your breathing securing you from the intrusion. He watches you; with each exhale, he pushes himself. The unfamiliar limb prying in your vagina and the pain you're experiencing is like no other. But you bite down on your lip to push through.
When the tip makes it in, you gasp. Gradually, Toji pushes his member further into you, stretching your tight hole to accommodate his girth. You try to compose yourself with even breaths, but you shriek when you feel his length brush against your G-spot. When the base kisses your cunt, Toji gives you a few minutes to adapt to him. "How ya feelin'?"
"So full..." You look at him with brows scrunched, eyes hooded, and tears streaming down your pretty face.
"Hmm, I bet." He wipes your tears with the rough pads of his fingers before slowly thrusting into you. You grip his shoulders for support, your pussy tightening around his length while your legs cage him. "Oooooh, Christ, you're so tight, mama. Drivin' me fuckin' crazy."
And you're about to be driven crazier when his hips pick up the pace, his dick hitting your sweet spots with precision. It's so surreal finally experiencing your first time, especially with Toji. Maybe it's because he's older and more experienced, but whatever expectations you had up until this point have been blown out of the water. The slap of his pelvis on your slick-coated folds fills his room, his throaty groans sound way too good to the ears, and his hot kisses on your lips make you melt. It all feels so electrifying.
Just when you thought you were undergoing it all, Toji slithers a hand down to your clitoris and swipes up and down on the pearl with his thumb. A choked sob leaves puffy lips, "T-Toji, I'm so close. Please, please, please, let me—Oh God."
"Hnnmph, oh shit—" He's close, too. He bends down to nibble on your ear yet licks the pain away. "I know, sweetheart. Come on me." His thrusts then go faster, a merciless tempo you were unprepared for. Shrieks go higher as your orgasm climbs up, and it hits you hard when Toji's fingers play with your clit again. Your climax sends shivers up your spine, your tender walls pulsating on Toji's cock.
And the older man pulls his dick out of your sensitive cunt, letting his come spill onto your stomach. It looked so lewd yet deliciously attractive, especially with him heaving on top of you with his black bangs sticking to his forehead.
When you two calm down, Toji scans your disheveled appearance and chuckles. "Damn, yr' gonna have me addicted to ya, princess." Your stomach was wiped off with a towel that Toji had on hand as you giggled aimlessly.
"Wanna go again?"
"......yes?" You avoid eye contact and turn away bashfully. He chortles and kisses your cheek once more.
"So fuckin' cute."
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Dinner Time
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Summary: Reader makes Spencer his first homemade dinner after getting out of prison, and they both realize he's got some adjusting to do.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Content warnings: Eating, mentions of weight loss, hurt Spencer, ambiguous ending
Word count: 1k
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Spencer sat at the small table in your kitchen. You set it up with funky-patterned napkins, an extra big spoon, and a used candle lit in the middle; the whole shebang. You prepared his serving of your vegetable soup, the meal he requested to celebrate his arrival home. “Are you comfortable?” You ask as you hover over the stove.
He nods and picks up his napkin, observing the pattern and weight. “Where did you get these?”
“Your mom found them when we were shopping. She said they reminded her of your socks. Isn’t that sweet?”
He blew air through his nose before saying “Wow.” He rubbed his thumb along it, following the vivid stripes. You didn’t want to tell him how she teared up when she spotted them. How she held the set close to her chest made you feel sorry that she remembered without help.
“She took it as a sign you were coming home.” Half true. More like you convinced her it was. She asked you to buy them for that reason, to celebrate. “And now here we are.” You beamed as you say the words.
“That’s wonderful.” He looked up at you and smiled. You saw it in your peripheral as you opened a pack of oyster crackers. You knew he wanted to thank you for making time for her. He wanted to, but you insisted the thank yous were enough after he said it the fifth time in 24 hours. You flashed him a brief grin as a muted response, and he appreciated it.
“Alright,” You held the bowl carefully, mistakenly filling it to the brim. Due to the sheer joy of having him home, safe, and innocent (in the eyes of the law), you almost didn’t notice he had lost weight. The first time you saw his spine after getting out of the shower, you didn't even think it was possible for him. “Extra potatoes, per your request, mon amour.” You emphasize your terrible French accent which makes him chuckle.
“Merci, mon amour.” His flawless accent almost ruined the joke.
“Okay, show off, so happy you're home.” You sneered, and his smile was even wider. You grab your own bowl and sit by his side. His elbows somehow naturally find their way to the table, boxing in his soup like he was cornering prey. Spoon in hand, he dipped in the hefty bowl. Then he shoveled in some of those extra potato chunks with some tomato-y broth. Hungry, you thought, as he leaned over the bowl, steam gliding over his rough stubble. He took a second and third bite, despite his mouth being nearly stuffed.
You didn’t say anything at first. You didn’t want to imagine the food he had to eat or meals he might have skipped because of poor quality (or other reasons). As he chewed hastily, for a moment, it gave you hope he'd gain weight quickly.
But then he reached out for his water to drink like he needed to soothe something too spicy.
Or something too hot.
Bite four, five, and six. He chewed.
“Hm?” Bite seven, eight —
You put a hand on his arm and Spencer’s head immediately turned to you. It made you pull back, not touch him. His face was red and his mouth hung open, similar to a dog sticking its tongue out to cool off. “Spencer. You can let it cool.”
He swallowed, not chewing enough, and it pained him. “I can’t. I want to finish before bed.” His tongue barely touched the roof of his mouth as he spoke.
“Are you that tired?”
“No.” His eyebrows furrowed at the question, looking just as confused as you. “We only have 30 minutes for dinn—” And somehow his face of realization was even more upsetting to witness. There's a silence, brief but heavy as his whole face fell and he covered his eyes with one hand. “I’m sorry.” He sniffles.
“It’s not your fault.”
"I'll… take my time." He leans on his elbow and looks down at his meal, staring, waiting for the steam to stop. It was seconds later that his eyes were lined with tears again.
You were afraid to ask the question. “How’s your mouth?”
“It hurts.” He bites his lip as tears trickle.
You drop your spoon and scoot your chair closer to his. You ask him to sit up straight and drink water. Once he’s done that, drinking as much (or as little) as he can tolerate, you gently press his face into your shoulder. Tears collect on your skin, but you keep him close and encourage him to let it out.
And he does. His chest caves with every sob he's locked away for two months. His arms wrap around your waist, the first time he's touched you since he’s been home, apart from the delightfully suffocating hug you trapped each other in when he was released. And for a moment, you’re hit with the reality that the Spencer you’re holding has changed. His survival instincts are still active, you're just now noticing it.
You still hold him as he heaves. You rub his back to let him know you’re still here, but you stare at the blank wall in front of you. Your head is spinning, running through therapists to call and books to read that could help you. To help Spencer. Because that’s what he needs.
Spencer pulls away for a minute to look over his soup.
“It’s still there.” You say, and wipe his tears with your thumbs. “No one’s taking it, I promise.”
“It’s going to get cold.”
“I’ll heat it up again, don’t worry.”
Spencer looks down at you as you hold his face. The dark circles around his reddened eyes were prominent, and you brushed the mess of curls off his forehead. Tiredness isn’t enough. He’s scared. From what he’s seen or become, you don’t know. But his stubble pokes your skin and you realize that you don’t know what to do. As you look at the man you love, you wonder how much you can do to help. You hope you can help.
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faith369 · 5 months
ghost x sweet!reader. shes prices daughter and come to the base to visit her father with fresh baked goods for all his military friends too of course ! She catches his eye and might end up in his bed.
I really hope you like this and thank you sharing this cause its making me think unholy things
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
Warning: mdni, nsfw, p in v, orale (fem receiving)
Ghost knew the Captain had a daughter, what he didn't expect was for you to be such a sweet girl, way too pretty for your own good. He watched you laugh at one of Soap's jokes, shifting in his seat, trying to ignore the confined feeling in his pants. The sound of your laugh sent a shiver down his spine. He originally didn't mean to stay, as he wasn't in the mood to engage in conversation. But when he saw you in the break room motioning for him to come in with a sweet smile on your face, he couldn't resist, especially not after you shook his hand the polite girl you are, and he couldn't stop thinking about how soft they are and how they would feel around his cock. You had even managed to convince him to try one of the cupcakes you had baked, and as much as he liked them, they were the last thing on his mind. The dress you had on made your thighs more delicious than a cupcake could ever be. The Captain, who was the whole reason you came here, had left about 30 minutes ago after Laswell had called him about some meeting and because Simon knew how long these could last, he offered him to take you home, something that Price couldn't turn down.
Simon was more than aware that looking at his captain's daughter the way he did wasn't exactly okay, but he couldn‘t stop himself. And it wasn't like you didn't look at him just a tad bit too long for it to be appropriate, to your luck, however, Gaz and Soap were way too occupied with the backed goods to notice it. You found yourself unable to concentrate on the conversation, too busy thinking about your father's Lieutenant. His face was bare, no skull mask in sight. Something inside you made you want to reach out to feel the light stubble that grazed his cheek under your fingers. You were only able to shift your focus when Soap and Gaz started arguing about the last cupcake. Simon kept his eyes on you while you convinced them to share. You were so eager to make everyone happy, he started wondering whether you'd be such a good girl trying to please him.
Simon had a tight grip on your hips, keeping you still while he sucked your swollen clit. Your slick spread around his mouth, as he ate you out like a man starved. Your mewls only spurred him on, making him stick two of his thick digits into your aching cunny. "So wet just for me huh" he dragged his fingers along your walls, painfully slow but still hitting the spot inside you that made you feel dizzy, sweet pleasure just an inch away, but before you were able to grab it, Ghost had pulled out his fingers. You glared at him through half lidded eyes as he licked them clean. Your anger made him chuckle. “I know you wanted to cum, but I also  know that you're a good girl, so you've got to be patient for me”
You wanted to kick or scratch him, but you had a hard time getting your brain to do something other than watching him pull his length out of his boxers, its tip red glistening with precum. He ignored your whines about him being too big and just slipped his cock inside you, trying to keep himself from cumming on the spot at the heat of your tight walls. It felt like he was filling out every inch of you, leaving you no room to breathe as he settled inside you, his tip almost kissing your cervix, before starting to move at a pace that made you dig your nails in his back. "Fuck, we shouldn‘t be doing this.“ Ghost's hips were snapping against yours, the pace he had set turned any coherent thought that you had left into thin air. It didn‘t really matter anyway you had lost the ability to properly act the second simon pressed you against the door and kissed you when you just wanted to ask whether he was ready to bring you home. He was merciless in the way he fucked you, probably out of anger at himself for giving into the temptation of taking you. The growls that left his lips were animalistic, covering the whimpers and mewls that left yours, and still he told you to be quiet.  "Don't want your Dad to hear what you're doing, huh? Seducing his lieutenant to make him stuff you" his hand snaked its way between your hot bodies to play with your swollen almost abused clit. His movements were less controlled than before, he wouldn't admit it, but he was way to deep in pleasure to form a lot of thoughts himself. His skilled hands made your eyes roll back into your head. „Didn‘t sed… y..I“ It felt like he consumed every one of your senses, his big body over you blocking your view , his faint smell of cigarette smoke and sweat in your nose, his cock burried inside you. It was getting too much the knot that had started to form in your stomach a while ago felt constricted.
"Can't even talk anymore, huh?" You clenched down at his words, reaching your breaking point as the orgasm shook through your whole body. You arched your back, somewhere in the back of your mind, you hoped no one heard the way you moaned Simon's name like you were drowning, desperate for air. Simon couldn‘t keep himself from cumming at the way you constricted around him, grunting your name as he filled you up with his hot seed.
-Requests are open loves <333
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elliemontana · 4 months
Ruin the friendship.
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Ellie Williams x Female reader
Summary: Ellie and you are best friends since you were teenagers. You never kept a single secret from her, and you have “helped” each other out to get the girls you’ve been interested in… but she has been lying to you. So, one day, you guys get stoned, and she blackmails you to fuck her. Could you ruin the friendship?
WARNINGS: dom¡ reader x sub¡ Ellie, strap mention, weed usage, oral, dirty talk, fingering, begging, degrading (slut, whore), edging, pet names (good girl, princess).
Ellie and you are best friends since you guys were 13 years old. You met in school and immediately clicked once you found out you were both into soccer and started practicing together.
It has never been a secret that you like girls, you told Ellie about your first kiss story the second day you met. And she also confessed you that she has always been into girls. Being queer is one of your favorite topics to talk about.
Ellie has always had game, and also you. You usually help each other out to get girls. If a cutie catches your eye, you immediately tell Ellie about it, you can’t keep your mouth shut around her, and she’s always happy to help you grab the courage to talk to them, and viceversa.
Today is gonna be a good day. It’s Saturday, and both of you were invited to the quarterback’s birthday party at 9 pm.
You check the hour in your phone. It’s 7:30. “Fuck. I’m gonna be late.” - you mutter. You’re wearing pijamas, because you’ve been laying in bed all day, watching tiktoks, and wasting your time.
But you have to pick Ellie up. You’re late.
You quickly dress up, putting on your black worn out jeans, black converse, black T- shirt and a Leather jacket. Full black is never a crime.
You pick up your keys and rush out of home, not saying goodbye to your parents.
You get inside your car and speed up to get to Ellie’s house, so you decide to call her.
“Waddup els? You ready? I’m on my way.” - you say as soon as she picks up.
“You have to be kidding me. I forgot.” - She mutters through the phone, with a low tone and a sleepy voice.
You frown.
“What the fuck Ellie. Are you sleeping or something? Get the fuck up. I’m literally 4 blocks away.”
“Shit. Wait.” - She says, and like that, she hangs up. She always does that.
You throw your phone in your backseat, and arrive to her place.
You get out of the car, and knock on her door, loudly.
“Ellie!!!!” - You yell.
“I’m coming!” - She yells back from her window.
So you wait, until she’s ready, right outside her door.
And just like that, after waiting for 15 fucking minutes, she opens the door.
“Hello there.” - She says, smirking. She’s wearing a green flannel, blue jeans and a black beanie.
“You made me wait too much, I thought we’d agree you’d be ready by 8 pm. But let’s go.” - You say and she nods, following you as you hop in the car.
You start driving and look at her again. She never fails to look amazing. She has this weird ass smile and look in her face. But she looks pretty cute.
“You look good.” - You compliment your friend.
“And you look like shit.” - She says back and laugh.
“Can you stop messing with me for one second, Ellie?” - You say, as you roll your eyes.
“No. How could I even do that? Besides…admit that I look better than you right now. I’m gonna get all the bitches for sure.” - She says, with a cocky smile on her face.
“Bye.” - You reply. “Bet I’ll get more girls than you but okay…”
She rolls her eyes. “We’ll see.” - She says and keeps looking at you.
She has always thought you were pretty attractive though. She has always liked the way your lips form a smile, and your glances, and your style, and your beautiful eyes, and your hands…even more when you guys are playing video-games…and the way you’re all focused, and get pissed when you lose. She loves that.
She’s a total tease, and loves to mess up with your mood, just for fun…because she’s your best friend.
She looks at you while your eyes are focused on the road. Her eyes travel to your hands, and how they squeeze the wheel. She bites her lip. She can’t help but squeeze her thighs. She imagines the things those hands do to other girls.
And suddenly she’s frowning.
Damn…why is she thinking about her best friend like this?
“You good? You’re too quiet.” - You say and that makes her flinch out of her thoughts.
“Yeah yeah. Are we almost there?” - She asks, as she clears her throat.
“Mhmm.” - You say.
You see all these random people getting inside of the birthday boy’s big house and you park somewhere near the house.
“C’mon els.” - You tell her and she walks with you.
The place is too crowded. There’s too many people, and they’re already drinking like there’s no tomorrow. The whole place smells like smoke and weed.
“God…I hope I can smoke some weed today.” - She says loudly, but you can still her through the music.
“Yeah? You brought some?” - I ask her.
“No. But I might know someone that has that.” - She says and winks.
This is gonna be fun.
The party keeps on going. You don’t know what time it is, but you’ve had a few drinks and you don’t care.
You and Ellie have been dancing together the whole night, jumping around, and laughing.
“Fuckkkkkkkkk….” - She says. “I’m having so much fun right now.” - She confesses, laughing.
“Me too!!” -You say smiling. “We haven’t even been on the pretty girls around.” - I joke.
She stops smiling.
“Yeah. Right.” - She says.
Suddenly, I see a pretty girl, looking at me. She’s drinking, and dancing with her friends, but she’s smirking at me. She’s wearing a tiny little black dress that reveals a little, and leaves a lot to the imagination.
Ellie makes me come back to reality.
“What are you looking at?” - She says, standing in-front of me with her arms crossed.
“That girl is cute, ain’t she?” - I say, pointing at her and she waved at us.
Ellie rolls her eyes.
“No, she’s not.” - She blurts out. She’s drunk.
“Oh c’mon Ellie! She’s so our type.” -You tell her, expecting a smile or a laugh from her but she just stays serious.
“Not my type.” - She says, grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the kitchen.
“Um…since when are you not into hot fems…” - You say, weirded out.
She ignores your comment, and takes a little bag out of her pocket.
“Holy fuck. When did you get that?” - I ask her in surprise. You were next to her the entire time….Maybe she bought them when she went to the bathroom.
“Don’t ask. Want some?” - She says, and takes a puff out, as she puts the little bag in her pocket.
“Yeah.” - I say and try to grab the joint out of her hand, but she grabs my wrist tightly.
“No. Not here.” - She says, too serious. Her eye contact is too fucking intense.
“Well…where then?” - I ask. “We’re literally in somebody else’s house right now.”
She doesn’t say a word and grabs your wrist to drag you somewhere again.
“What the-“
“Shut up.” - She says, and takes me to somebody’s dorm room in the house.
“Um…” - You say, and she lets you go to close the door behind you.
“Wanna smoke with you. But not in-front of everyone.” - She says as she sits on the bed and you sit on a chair, that is close by the bed.
“Come closer.” - She says, and takes the lighter out of her pocket to light the cigarette.
You get up and walk towards her to sit next to her as she takes the first hit. She looks like she’s really enjoying it, inhaling the substance and looking directly in your eyes while she exhales it.
“May I?” - You say, putting your hand on her hand, to take the joint.
“Mhm.” - She says, and you take it out of her mouth, and inhale. She’s looking at how you take your time smoking it.
“Why are you so serious Ellie?” - You ask her. “You mad or something?”
You feel certain tension between you two. Something you haven’t felt. Ever.
-“No. ‘m not.” - She says as she looks at your hand, offering the joint back to her. “Why would I be mad?” - She says, and inhales.
“Um…I don’t know. You tell me. Have I done something wrong?” - You ask, concerned. You care about her. “Was it because I rushed you to be ready when I picked you up?”
“No.” - Is all she says.
You look down. She’s definitely acting fucking weird.
“Tell me Ellie.”
“No. I’m good.” - She hums.
“Was it…because I had more game than you today?” - You smirk, remembering the cute girl that was looking at you and expecting her to react somehow. But she doesn’t.
“Don’t bring that shit up.” - she says.
“Oh so it’s that…” - You say, and take a hit.
She stays quiet.
“Talk Ellie. Fucking talk.” - You say, now getting a little bit annoyed.
“Yeah. It’s about her.” - She says, making eye contact with you the entire time.
“Fuck…you like her or something? Ellie, I would never get in between you an-
“I don’t want her looking at you.” -She cuts you off.
“Um.” That caught you off guard. “I mean…is she mean? Or is she a bad person? You’ve never been worried about who I mess around with…” - You say and she chuckles.
But that little laugh sounds sassy as fuck.
“I just don’t want her around you.” - She confesses.
Deep inside she feels like she’s saying too much, but she doesn’t really care anymore. She admits to herself that she has been swallowing her jealousy when you bring a girl into the conversations. She’s been trying to “help” you, while she threatens the girls you like, only for them not to call you back, or show up in the dates.
She’s been trying to fucking cockblock you, and you have no fucking idea why every girl you flirt with has been ignoring you after having sex.
“She might just be like all the girls you know?” She says, smirking. “And leave you waiting.”
That hurts your ego.
“Shut the fuck up.” - You say, a little pissed.
“You should listen to me, and stop fucking with all these girls, if they’re gonna keep leaving.” - She says, hiding her true intentions with you.
“You’re a fucking bitch for bringing this up. They like me!” - You reply.
“Do they?…” - She pauses. “Maybe you just don’t fuck them good enough.”
“The fuck did you just say?” - You say. You’re mad and that has her smirking like crazy. She’s playing with you, and you have no fucking idea.
“You heard me angel.”
That makes your head ring.
“Maybe you just don’t fuck them good enough. Your stroke game is weak? Maybe you don’t have them squirming beneath you like you should, and that’s why they go…” - She teases.
You cross your arms.
“Fuck you. I fuck them real good.” - You say and that makes her clench her fists.
She doesn’t like the thought of you fucking another girl. Making them squirt all over your strap, making them scream your name in pleasure. She swallows her feelings and says:
“Talk your talk. But I’ve heard them talk.” She lies. “Poor you, thinking you actually made them cum.”
“Fucking shut up.” - You say.
“Or what?” - She replies, and smirks.
Oh my god. She’s insane.
If she wasn’t your best friend, you’d probably be fucking her dumb like a slut right now, and proving her wrong. But she doesn’t mean it like that…Does she?
I mean, She’s fucking hot, but she’s not really your type….
Masc lesbian? Dominant in bed? A fucking tease?
Nah…you like pretty, bratty, submissive girls.
You flinch when you feel her hand on your thigh, and you look at her tattooed arm, and how she starts tracing circles with her thumb on it.
Why did that make your fucking pussy throb?
How could you fuck her? You could never ruin such a beautiful friendship like this, could you?
“What are you doing?” - you blurt out. You can’t think straight. Your best friend is literally touching your leg right now.
“I don’t know. What am I doing?” - She teases, with her hand still on your thigh.
“Ellie…” You start saying but she cuts you off.
“You know what? Maybe you should just..,get your reputation back, you know?” - She says and you raise your eyebrow.
“What?” - You say, truly confused.
“Yeah…you know…maybe I could tell them you can actually fuck.” - She says looking at her own hand on your thigh now, as she brings it closer to your crotch.
The way she’s touching you has your pussy clenching. And you hate it.
Or do you?
“Yeah…you should tell them that…” - You hiss.
“Mhm..” - She says. “But what will I get in return?”
“Uh…what? What do you mean by that Ellie?” - You say, when I’m the back of your head, and by the way she’s touching you, you know what she wants.
“Fuck me.” That’s it for you. “Fuck me good, and I’ll tell everyone that talks shit about you that you’re a god in bed.”
She’s fucking lying. Everyone says you’re good in bed, but she just needs you so bad. And she knows your ego is easy to hurt. She’s gonna get what she wants.
“You’re…you’re out of your fucking mind Ellie.” - You say, but then you feel her hand on your crotch. Touching you the way you’ve never thought you’d be touched by her.
And it has you fucking aching.
“Yeah? Am I? I’m just saying…If you wanna get your stupid reputation back…you’re gonna have to fuck me.” - She says, confident.
You look at her green eyes, the way her lips form a devilish smile and you wanna throw yourself at her.
What’s wrong with you?
“Fuck it.��� - You finally say, as you grab her face and kiss her.
She moans into the kiss, and hums as she puts her hands on your waist.
You deepen the kiss, forcing your tongue inside of her mouth and she gladly takes it. Making out with you.
This feels good. Too fucking good, you’re a soaking wet mess, and you just wanna know if she is too.
You move your hand to her jeans, and quickly unbutton them, with one hand. Sliding your fingers inside of her boxers.
She’s soaked.
“Fuck.” You mutter on her lips. “Fucking wet already? Huh? Wanted me to fuck you so bad?” - You say and she nods in response.
“Don’t pretend like you aren’t fucking drenching for me too, bitch.” - She talks back.
“Oh yeah? You wanna talk back huh?” -You say, as you slide a finger inside of her with no warning, and you start plumping them in and out of her.
She moans in response and throws her head back.
“Cat got your fucking tongue huh? Gonna make you shut the fuck up.” - You say.
You enjoy being rough with her, and by the way she’s clenching your fingers, you can tell she likes it too.
You throw her on the bed and take her jeans off, leaving her with her boxers on.
You get on top of her kiss her neck, and all of her body.
You trail little kisses on her cleavage, down to her stomach and she’s a whimpering mess.
“Want me to taste you?” - I say.
“Lick my fucking pussy already.” - She replied boldly.
You lick her perfect belly, and position yourself in between her legs, and you decide to keep teasing her. She deserves it.
You pull her boxers down a little bit, revealing her little clit, and smirking at how wet she is.
“Fucking whore. You just wanted me to fuck you dumb didn’t you?” - You say, and before she can say anything, you put your tongue on her clit, and start tracing little circles with it, you flick your tongue all over it, and suck on it like a pro.
She feels like she’s in heaven, with your mouth pleasing her, and her only. But the thought of you with other women, with their legs spread open for you hits her again.
The thought of that fucking pisses her off, so she grabs your hair, and presses your head against her center, forcing you to suck rougher on her pussy.
she’s using your mouth like a fucking toy, and groaning in pleasure.
“Suck on it bitch, c’mon. Fuck.” - She cussed out, smirking as she thrusts her hips onto your mouth.
That catches you by surprise, but you make sure to tongue fuck her, just to hear how loud her moans are getting.
“Oh fuck yeah…just like that.” - You look up at her, and she’s a moaning mess, her grip on your hair is now weak, and she’s shaking.
You grab her thighs roughly, and slap them.
She immediately flinches.
“You think you can just use my mouth like that, huh?” - You slap her clit and she moans, hands gripping the sheets. “Trying to make yourself fucking cum? Oh no, princess…you’re gonna have to beg for it.” - You say, as you slide a finger inside of her.
She’s a fucking mess. She wanted this for so fucking long, and now she’s getting it. Her best friend is fucking her pussy so good, she feels like she’s about to cry.
“Holy fuck!” - She says.
“Yeah? You like it don’t you?” - You say, and you can’t handle the ache between your legs. It’s even painful. The way your finger goes in and out of her so easily from her soakness blows your mind, and has you creaming in your boxers.
“Fuck yeah. Please…” - She says, not giving a fuck about begging, even though she doesn’t even know what she’s begging for at the moment.
You add another finger, and slide them in and out roughly, feeling her clenching on them like crazy.
She’s about to cum.
“Fuck yes yes yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me just like that.” - She begs.
“Don’t you dare fucking cum yet, you filthy slut.” - You command, and she rolls her eyes in pleasure.
She definitely likes when you call her like that. She never imagined she would like getting dominated and degraded by another woman, but everytime she was alone, she fucked herself thinking about how good you’d take her from behind.
As much as she wanted to do the same to you, you’re too much for her too handle. She’s so close to cumming all over your fingers right now.
“Oh my fuck- fucking god!” - Your fingers keep going in and out of her pussy, and you lick her puffy clit while you finger-fuck her.
You lick it up and down, flick it slowly with your tongue, leave little kisses on it, own it like a fucking pro.
“Who fucking owns this pussy? Huh?” - You ask and she can barely talk. She’s too drunk in the feeling of your sweet licks.
“You. You do.” - She confesses as she starts clenching your fingers, she’s close again.
“You’ll cum when I tell you to fucking cum okay?” - You say and she nods. “Good girl.” - You compliment her.
“If you can take my fingers this fucking well, like such a fucking whore…imagine how good you’d take my cock.” - I say and she puts her hand on her mouth, to cover her moans and i quickly slap her thigh clit again.
“Don’t fucking cover your mouth. I wanna hear you.” - She nods and puts her hand on my head, now caressing it. “You like that don’t you? The thought of cumming all over my cock, milking me fucking dry.”
“Holy fuck. Let me cum…please let me cum, I’ll do anything, please.”- She says…And I feel her walls biting my fingers…
“So desperate.” - I smirk. “Fucking cum baby, cum like you’d cum on my dick.” - I tell her and she cums so fucking hard, i even hurts my fingers. But I like it so much, I’m edging myself so good to this.
“That’s it baby, good, good fucking girl.” - I praise her and press little kisses on her clit, with my fingers still inside of her.
“Fuck…oh my god.” - She bites her lip and runs her hands through her hair.
I pull my fingers out of her and get on top of her to kiss her lips softly.
“You did so good.” - I praise her, and lay next to her. She looks at me and smiles. “You fucked me so good, just like I thought you would.”
I chuckle.
“Yeah? You gonna tell them girls I’m good in bed now?” - I tease her.
“No. You’re mine.” - She says. Suddenly serious again.
“I actually lied to you, they never said you suck in bed. They always say you’re too good at eating pussy.” - She confesses and rolls her eyes. “They brag about it all the time. But the truth is…that I’m jealous.”
“They don’t talk to you after the first link because…I threaten them not to get near you…I tell them I’ll put drugs in their backpacks and get them expelled.” - she confesses.
Holy shit. She’s fucking Evil.
All this fucking time? She has been ruining your dates?
Why? Does she like you? She just said she’s jealous. But jealous as a friend or…
“What the fuck. And you lied to me right now?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted you so bad. I’m…I like you. A lot.” - She says, looking straight into your eyes and you’re suddenly weak.
Your best friend, the girl that was screaming your name beneath you a few minutes ago, likes you.
Oh my god…
I’ve been so stupid.
You remember all those times she has frowned when you have mentioned those girls to her, that one time when she almost kissed you when she was drunk…that other time when you found her diary, and your name was written all over it.
You thought she just really cared about you as a friend…but after this?
What could happen?
Could you ruin the friendship?
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hyuckmov · 1 year
haechan — gold-skinned, eager baby   read part 2 here <3
'cause he's so pretty when he goes down on me gold-skinned, eager baby 
haechan x fem!reader 7.2k, smut, minors dni, a bit of fluff, basically haechan loves your boobs. not proofread i was too excited. content: chest/boobs/nipples fixation if i ever seen one, consensual somnophilia but not really because one of them is awake, a little bit of teasing and manipulating i guess, unprotected sex, masturbating with a bra (m), shower sex, titty fucking, a little mention of dumbification, dom-ish haechan turned desperate needy (and dare i say, a little bit subby...?) haechan...ngl reader doesn't get to cum a lot this is mostly about haechan a/n: thank you all for waiting i really hope this lives up to your expectations or it's at least a little hot until the call with mark, you hadn’t really noticed at all. 
“dude he’s like…fucking obsessed with your boobs.” mark insists. over video-call, there’s a slight lag between his voice and his actions, but there’s no mistaking the sincerity on his face. 
“are you sure?” you ask, skeptically. “he’s never mentioned it to me at all.” 
mark laughs. “he said he doesn’t want to seem like a perv, so he never brings it up with you.” tilting his head to the side, “i guess that’s why he keeps telling me about it. you should do something about it for your anniversary or something.” 
haechan was a careful boyfriend. you appreciated the way his hands never lingered excessively on your waist even as he was a touchy person. you appreciated how, even if you had just come out from your shower in your towel — hair dripping wet, the material barely skimming the tops of your thighs, he kept his voice as steady as possible while handing you a robe. you appreciated the effort it took for him to keep his palms planted firmly on the bed above your head even as he made love to you. even as you grabbed at him incessantly, his fingers would go white, twisting in the sheets as he held himself back. 
and yet, something in you wanted to see him lose control completely. 
“yeah,” you breathe out, slowly. “i should.” 
happy anniversary, haechan. 
you start out small. you just need to see if mark might be onto something. 
“haechan, what should i wear to dinner?” 
haechan had been hyping up this date night for weeks and weeks. you know he researched the restaurant extensively, reading guides and blog posts about which wine to pair with each course. and for the past 30 minutes while you got ready, he sat patiently in the living room on his phone, sitting carefully so his button down shirt and slacks didn’t wrinkle. it was one of the things you found most endearing about him — how much he wanted things to be perfect even as the two of you got close to your second year of being a couple. you just wanted things to be perfect for him too. 
now, at your question, he wanders into your room, an easy smile on his face already. crossing over to where you stand in front of your mirror, he kisses your cheek and wraps his arms around your waist, swaying from side to side. 
“that looks good, baby,” he says, sincerely. “you wanna head out now?”
“wait,” you untangle yourself from him and he steps away politely. “i’ll give you another option.” 
grabbing at the hem of your black turtleneck, a purposefully high collared choice, you tug it off you as quick as you could. you take a quick glance at the mirror, and sure enough haechan has averted his eyes at the prospect of seeing you topless. staring resolutely at the floor, you think you can almost see a red begin to tint his cheeks. 
“tell me when you’re done,” he mumbles, and you want to tilt his head up and make him look at you in the nice lacy bra you’d picked out, but you hold back. you promised you were going to start with something more subtle. 
and so you pull on a tight cropped cardigan with a low dipping neckline — one that hugs and accentuates your chest really nicely. doing up the buttons as quickly as you could, making sure it was just the right tightness, you tap him on the shoulder. 
observing him closely through the mirror, you see how his eyes jump instinctively to your chest, and then to your face, before they gravitate downwards again and settle into what is certainly a stare. almost as if he couldn’t resist. 
and were you imagining things, or was he breathing a little harder than before?
“haechan?” you prompt, and you bite back a smile when you see him jolt a little out of his daze, blinking rapidly. “thoughts?” 
“this one,” he blurts out. almost comically with how he can’t take his eyes off you, he darts out his tongue to wet his lips before repeating himself. “this one…it’s…you…” he swallows. “you should wear this one to dinner.” 
“it’s not too tight?” frowning exaggeratedly, you adjust your bra such that your boobs shift around a little under the top, squeezing them together. 
haechan hesitates. “actually…”, fuck he thinks to himself. because if you wear this to the restaurant, everyone will be able to see you. and he’ll be forced to pretend not to notice all throughout the meal. how the fuck, he thinks, as he watches you adjust your top again, am i supposed to think about wine pairings now?
“yes?” you revel in the way his eyes have glazed over entirely. 
“the first top.” he nods, almost as if convincing himself. “the turtleneck’s good.”
pause. “black looks better on you.” he slots his hands into his pockets, bouncing on his toes. “if you’re ready i’ll get the door.” 
“okay, you go on first.” you think you see relief on his face as he speedwalks out the door. 
twirling on the spot, thanking your lucky stars for mark’s tip-off, you swap out your black cardigan in exchange for the turtleneck, and head out to join your boyfriend at the doorway. 
it was exciting — thinking of ways to test haechan, little by little. it wasn’t that he wasn’t a passionate boyfriend, or that he was too shy. he had quite the dirty mouth if the atmosphere ever called for it, and he never attempted to hide his sounds of pleasure if you felt particularly good wrapped around him. but there was no denying that some part of him was always in control. 
because there was one version of haechan, who was something like this: 
he made a soft sound, turning to look at you from where you were seated on the other end of the couch. nights like these — with the television light illuminating your faces, haechan cozy and warm in an hoodie and sweatpants, you in one of his old shirts, with just enough of your bodies touching to give each other space and affection, — these were the nights you always felt a little more touch-starved than usual. and your boyfriend was just an arm’s length away, ready to love you in any way you ask.  
you extend your arms out, reaching for him. “kisses please.” 
smiling, he reaches out and gently pulls you into his lap. your face turned towards him, the two of you beam at each other as haechan cups your face tenderly. dipping his head down so your noses touch, he goes a little cross-eyed as he basks in the feeling of your skin against his, his gaze shining with adoration. 
“okay,” he whispers, as he captures your lips in a sweet, patient, kiss. and another. and another, eyes fluttering shut to focus on the feeling, his hands never moving from the way he holds your face. afterwards, he wraps you in your arms so you can rest your head against his chest, and each time you raise your head up he kisses you indulgently. 
and when, as this progresses, your hands begin to wander purposefully to the strings of his sweatpants, he swats them away softly – the tiniest bit of flush on his cheeks as his heartbeat quickens, flustered.
“just kissing, baby,” he presses his lips on your forehead to emphasise his point. “just want to be close to you.” 
and then there was -
“haechan,” you whine. 
his head thrown back, he at least makes the effort to focus his eyes on you. but his body doesn’t stop moving, his grip on your waist bruising as he fucks up into you with more fervor. 
“yeah?” he mumbles. 
“kiss me?” 
his head snaps to you, and the side of his mouth quirks up. “hold that thought.” 
and then he’s flipping the two of you over. still inside you, he hikes your legs up and wraps them around his waist. your arms go to his shoulders instinctively, while his move upwards to cage you in. and then he goes still. 
“beg for it.” looking way too pleased with himself, he swivels his hips in slow motions, watching your face carefully to find your sweet spot, the angle that will drive you insane. he knows when he’s found it: your body shudders, your nails dig into his back and he hisses with pain. 
“haechan, please…” you whine, as he starts to pull out of you, only to slam right into that one spot inside you that makes you see stars. surrendering yourself to him, you ramble on, “fuck, please, touch me, please…” 
“what did you say, princess?” he buries his face in your neck, the way you squeeze around him and the obscene sounds of how wet you are beginning to get to him, as he begins to chase his own high. 
his hot breath on your neck, his lips brushing against skin but never sucking, his hands hovering beside you but not touching. 
control. boundaries. lines which you would like to see blurred, and crossed. 
you knew he would be having a long day at work. he had told you the exact timings of his most important meetings, his lunch break, consults with clients, and then the time and duration of his less important meetings. 
so nothing was a mistake when you sent him the photo of you at 3.45pm sharp, right at the last 15 minutes of his least important meeting of the day. 
because you were nothing if not considerate. 
haechan had been bored, sitting in his swivel chair, trying to maintain eye contact with the zoom conference but also scrolling on his phone when the investors rambled on for just a little too long. 
y/n: image
thinking little of it, maybe you needed an opinion on an outfit, he glanced at his laptop one more time before unlocking his phone and opening his chat with you. 
and he freezes. 
because on the screen, is a photo of you. specifically, from the waist up, wearing one of his dress shirts, unbuttoned almost all the way and pushed open so he could see the very pretty, very lacy, barely-there bra you were wearing. one that was practically transparent with its mesh and lace, your nipples in stiff peaks poking out through the material. the sizing of the flimsy bra making your breasts look even fuller, even softer, than usual. 
he stares at your photo, lips slightly parted. he swallows. he swallows again. embarrassingly, his slacks begin to feel a little tight. fingers uncoordinated and slow, he types out the only response he can think of. 
haechan: hi 
haechan: did you send this to the wrong person? 
while he waits for your response, he clicks back to the photo. he can’t help it, what if you decide to unsend it? the thought flits through his mind, and hurriedly, he goes to save it just in case it didn’t download to his phone. 
y/n: babe you’re my boyfriend who else would i send this too? 
haechan: oh 
haechan: right
he can’t help it. the meeting gone straight from his mind, and your conversation with him slowly making less and less sense, the only thing he can think of doing is zooming in on the photo. deep down, he’s always been obsessed with your chest, but he always felt that it was a weird thing to bring up. you’ve never expressed a fixation with any particular body part of his, and he feels wrong for all the times he sneaks glances at you: be it from over your top, or when you’re midway through changing. he would never dream of asking to touch, but god he wants to. he doesn’t even know what he wants to do with your boobs other than to see, and to touch. and here you are, handing him his first opportunity to act on the former. 
so he stares, and he stares. wildly he considers setting this photo as his homescreen. when the meeting ends, he slams his laptop quickly shut. 
he was going to have to think of a way to pretend this didn’t affect him the way it did. 
“needed you all day, baby,” he groaned. haechan had just gotten home, spent about 5 minutes upholding the facade that he could spend a quiet evening just chatting with you after the events of the day, before he’d finally had enough and tugged you into his lap to suck on your tongue. gasping, his body shivering with need, he separated from you just long enough to make out the words “need you. right now”.
indulging him, you kissed him back just as fiercely. “hold on,” you say, as you clamber up from the couch and cross over to the dining table. teasingly, you place a hand on the tabletop, leaning on it as you smile. 
“bend me over?” 
still slumped into his seat, haechan pokes his tongue into his cheek in thought. “why don’t you show me how you want it first?” he challenges.
diligently, you bend yourself over the edge of the table, propping yourself up on your elbows. wiggling your ass a few times in the air, and trying to ignore the fear that he’ll laugh at you, you look over at him expectantly, doing everything but batting your lashes. 
haechan does laugh at you, but not in literal amusement. the dark sound of derision he lets out shoots straight to your core, as he gets up almost lazily, strolling over to you. 
“baby wants it from the back?” 
standing behind you, he runs his fingertips down your spine, stroking your back. it would almost be a tender action if not for the fact that he takes his hand away only to place it between your spread legs. 
sliding your pants together with your panties down your legs, he continues to kiss your shoulders as he begins running his fingers up and down your slit, eliciting a whine from you. 
“haechan…please don’t tease,” you plead, as he places a gentle pressure at your clit. “need you so bad too.” 
“shhh…” he coos, continuing to make soft clicking noises as he circles his digits around your entrance. “i’ll take care of you. just need to stretch you out first, okay?” 
slowly, he scissors his fingers inside of you, pushing them against your walls. wet sounds fill the still air in the kitchen, mixed with your whispers and his continued efforts to comfort you the best he knew how. losing yourself in pleasure, the ache in your belly begins to build, your legs shaking as your hips begin to buck against him subconsciously. 
“getting excited?” he teases, removing his hands from your core. you whine, a high and embarrassing sound, but you can’t bring yourself to care beyond the disappointment at how empty it feels without his warmth. 
“wait for me, princess.” you hear the sound of haechan fumbling with his belt, the clink of it hitting the floor. and then, you feel something thick and heavy press between your legs, stroking up and down your soaked slit. “first time trying this for me too,” he mumbles, and in the cloudy haze of your mind you register that this truly was the first time haechan was fucking you from the back. 
pulling your hips towards him with a slight roughness, he eases into you. the stretch is delicious, the new angle seemingly allowing him to go deeper, and he lets out a low groan at how your walls seem to suck him in. he thrusts a few times experimentally, making you gasp. which in turn makes him still.
‘everything okay, baby?” 
“yes,” you breathe. when he still doesn’t move, you wiggle your hips again, trying to squeeze around him. “please, please haechan i need you to move-” 
“i got you.” rolling his hips with a slow and steady pace, haechan holds your sides gently. but something about it feels off to even you: there’s something not quite right with the way he’s almost quiet, the desperation that started out this entire night seemingly evaporated. 
haechan continues for only a minute more before he pulls out. 
“i’m sorry, but fuck this,” he all but spits. grabbing your hips roughly, which makes you yelp in surprise, he flips you over and pushes you further up the tabletop. you look up at him — his hair mussed up, his chest heaving, a new aggression to him as he pushes your shirt up to expose your chest. 
hiking your legs up so they hook around his waist, he rams back into you. your back arches with how full you feel, the blunt head of his cock dragging against your walls as he fucks into you. hard. unable to control himself, his mouth practically hangs open as he pants, moans spilling from his mouth easily. 
“need,-” he starts, before quickening his pace even further. “needed to see,-” a hand drops one of your legs, and moves to your back to unclasp your bra. shoving it up so it no longer covers your breasts, a high whine tears from the back of his throat as he sees how each thrust makes your breasts bounce.
something clicks in your head. some mixture of the adrenaline, and how sexy haechan always made you feel judging by how desperate he could get around you, boosted your confidence tenfold. 
bringing your hands to your chest, you cup your breasts with your palms and give them a firm squeeze. the lewdness of it coupled with the stimulation making you arch your back, pushing you into him. 
and haechan cums.  
later, with his arms draped around you sleepily, you shift a little in his hold so he opens his eyes to look at you. “about just now…” haechan nods, letting you know you can continue. “so you don’t like it when you can’t see me?” you whisper, not wanting to break the silence and the tenderness that always filled the room on late nights like these. 
he hesitates. “i love everything i do with you” he says, quietly and sincerely. a hand comes up to brush your hair out of your eyes. “you know you’re already perfect to me, right?” 
the comment makes you warm up inside. love was so easy for haechan, and he never failed to remind you of how much he loved you all the time. 
“i know.” you snuggle closer to him. “but i just want to know when it feels just as good for you as it feels for me.” 
he hums in agreement. “maybe…” he bites his lip as he picks out the words in his head. “i think i just like to face you as we’re doing it. i like it when you…” suddenly shy, he nuzzles his face into the pillow a little so the rest of his sentence comes out muffled. “when you ride me, or when i’m on top of you.”
deciding to tease him a little, you add, “and the thing i did with my boobs…?” 
nervously, he blinks at you. “what?” 
“haechan, you came when i started playing with my chest.” 
“i j-just liked seeing you make yourself feel good,” he sits up, flustered. “i don’t-that’s not why i…” 
“okay, okay.” you get up too, leaning against the headboard. reaching out to pat him on the cheek, you feel warmth on your fingertips and decide not to push things further.  
“i just want you to know that if you wanted to try anything, you can just bring it up.” 
“i don’t want…i don’t want to try anything…” he mumbles. in the moonlight, you can see how he’s turned away from you, staring at the clock on your bedside table. 
and suddenly, you know exactly what you want to do. 
“or you can try it when i’m asleep.” 
confusedly, he turns around and blinks at you. “what?” 
“i trust you. i give you full permission to touch me in my sleep. whatever you want.” 
he gapes at you, speechless. you wonder if he’s going to protest again, you wonder if you pushed things too far. 
but something in your proposition must have stirred something in him, because eventually, he settles on asking…
“are you sure?” 
you reach over and take his hand to soothe him. “i’m sure.”
“has haechan mentioned anything?” 
you’re videocalling mark again. it had been a full week since you invited haechan to basically do whatever he wanted to you — a full week of staying up late and feeling him slide into bed behind you, waiting for what felt like hours. the most he did was maybe pull you towards him to cuddle, but he always did that. 
but it was also a myriad of little things you began to notice in that week. the way he would kiss you a little harder on days you walked around the house without a bra on. how he liked to hug you with his arms pressed against your upper back, pushing you into him. 
and the little things you began to do instead: wearing lower cut tops around the house, bending over so he could catch an eyeful of your cleavage. but every night, your boyfriend still lay still behind you, and you were beginning to think you had truly pushed things too far.
marks hums in thought. “not really.” he pauses. “actually, he doesn’t even talk about your boobs anymore.” 
“he doesn’t?” you can’t believe what you’re hearing. 
“nope.” mark sighs in relief. “i didn’t think the day would ever come. did you finally let him act on it or something?” 
“not really,” you grumble. 
“maybe he’s just marvelling at the freedom he has on which to love on your boobs now,” mark assures you. “i’m sure he’ll figure out what to do soon.” a pause. “sorry, is it just me or is it absurd that i’m comforting you about the fact that surely haechan will be obsessed with your boobs again?” 
“it’s a little absurd,” you concede. “am i setting feminism back by 100 years with my attempts to seduce him?”
“a little bit,” he nods, leaning back in his desk chair. “maybe just 50 years, though.”  
you’re in bed, listening to the sounds of haechan busying himself putting away cutlery in the kitchen drawers. the sound of the tap running when he brushes his teeth and washes his face, the light sounds of his bottles of moisturizer and cream being capped and put away. the low hum of his voice, raspy but sweet as honey, as he mumbles a tune to himself. the click of the light switch as the room is bathed in moonlight. 
your eyes firmly closed, you feel yourself begin to doze off — if he hadn’t made a move, he wasn’t likely going to all of a sudden, right? vaguely, you hear him pad over to the bed in his slippers. 
and then he stops. 
unlike all the other nights before, he doesn’t get in immediately. even with your eyes closed, you can feel him standing there, breathing, taking in the look of you in the moonlight. 
“baby?” haechan calls, softly. 
you stay silent.
“are you still awake?” 
he reaches out a hand, and shakes you gently. you make your body go as limp as possible, keeping your breathing steady. 
“y/n?” he tries again. still nothing. 
after another pause, the bed dips as his weight settles in behind you. minutes pass, before you feel his hands come to your waist. they remain there for a while, and you can almost imagine him in the dark — pupils blown out, biting his lip. just wondering. after what feels like years, the sheets rustle as his arms wrap around you, and he pulls you into his chest. 
slowly, incrementally, you feel his hands begin to slide under your shirt. his fingertips are cool against your hot skin, fluttering with a slight nervousness, and you know it’s because he’s afraid to wake you with heavier touches. higher and higher up, his palms snake their way past your stomach, until they reach the underside of your breasts. 
another pause. 
and then, his hands slide up, the drag of it heavier this time, until he has a boob held carefully in each palm. 
you wonder if he can feel your heartbeat thundering in your chest. there’s something about all of this occurring in the dark, and in complete silence, which makes you hyper-attuned to him: the slight twitch of his fingers from his nervousness, his erratic breathing on the back of your neck. 
you feel him tense his fingers a few times, if anything, getting a feel of the soft flesh. and then, he carefully tightens his hold, squeezing each breast cupped in his palm — lightly, almost guiltily at first. as if he can’t believe he’s really doing this. you can hardly believe he’s really doing this. 
“fuck”, you hear him breathe. he squeezes harder.
his movements gentle, and barely noticeable with how slow they are, he begins to roll each 
breast in his palm. “so soft…” he breathes, and bounces them experimentally, feeling them move under his touch.
trailing his fingers inwards, he touches your nipples lightly, before rolling them between index finger and thumb, letting out a groan when he finds them grow stiff and hard. feeling around your areolae, he pinches at the skin. 
when he shifts behind you, you can feel his hard cock pressed against your lower back. 
his soft mutters and swears make you want to flip over and force his head into your chest, where you know he’ll only do better with his lips and teeth and tongue. but something about his warm palms, his fingers pushing and kneading and rolling, swiping in your cleavage, are so calming and loving that it starts to lull you to sleep. 
the last thing you register is his one of his hands leaving your chest, and the wet sounds of haechan fucking into his fist. 
haechan thinks he’s lost his mind. 
he used to be able to hide it. he used to be fine with glancing at you, habitually flickering his eyes to your chest when you would walk into the room or snuggling up to him. but now he’s totally fucked, because he thinks he’s developed some sort of addiction. 
he can’t remember the last time he had fallen asleep without reaching over to touch your breasts, and thumb at your nipples. his mind keeps trailing back to thoughts of going further, of kissing your chest, of sucking on your pretty tits and watching your nipples stiffen and harden because of him. 
and he thinks he’s beyond help when he finds himself standing over your open drawer, feeling himself grow hard as he bends down to run his fingers over your collection of bras, brassiere, and lingerie. 
because admittedly, ever since mark tipped you off, you had been stocking up on the pretty fabrics, testing out padded and non-padded ones, choosing colors you know haechan liked to see you in, materials like mesh and lace and cotton. 
his fingers rub against a soft, satin-y material, and he pulls it out. it’s light blue and flimsy, opening in the front, and from the way he’s memorized you through touch alone he knows it will barely cover your chest. it was a piece that would tease him more than anything, and he imagines the satin rubbing against his face, you pushing your chest into him as he unclasps it, watching the fabric fall away from your pretty breasts as you expose yourself to him. 
he can’t help himself, as he falls backwards onto the bed, scrambling so he can sit against the headboard. tugging his pants down with a movement that is too practiced, feeling his hard cock slap up against his stomach. too hurried to get any lube or lotion, scared you’ll come back from grocery shopping to find him like this, he spits into his hand and immediately starts fisting his length, the other still clinging onto your bra. he lets out a sigh of relief, his pants slowing down as he strokes himself. 
spreading the satin out on the bed, he lets his eyes fall to it as his hand speeds up. he wonders how he can request for you to wear it, and send him a picture. maybe he could put it at the very top of your pile of underwear, so you would see it. the color of it would look so pretty against your skin, would look so pretty in your mouth, would look so pretty if he… 
and then he’s grabbing the material, still soft and silky to touch, and now he’s stroking his cock with it, and the feeling makes him gasp, his hips fucking up into his fist, legs planted on the bed so he can thrust his hips up harder. the light blue, delicate material, looks obscene against the pink of his cock. 
he teases a finger over his slit and he whines, higher than he had ever heard himself. his chest heaving, he imagines you finding him, sitting on the bed, fucking himself into your bra, practically cumming at the thought of nuzzling his face into your boobs. he thinks of what you would say. 
or maybe you would get on top of him like you do, splitting yourself open on his cock as your tits bounce with each of your movements. 
he finishes to the thought of that, cumming straight into the material of your bra. the shame doesn’t hit him until after, when he’s trying to wash the stains out of it, a bright red that starts in his stomach and burns through his neck, cheeks, and ears. he’s silent all through dinner, faces away from you at night. 
but he can’t deny the thought that he wanted to do it again. and maybe all the other things he fantasized about. but how would he ever be able to tell you now?
the morning of your anniversary was when you decided this had to stop. all the teasing had begun to backfire, because having haechan’s hands on you every night — especially on the nights you had trouble sleeping, were making you need him badly. and he didn’t have a clue. 
haechan had woken up, kissed you on the cheek and wished you a happy anniversary, before heading to the kitchen. sitting on the edge of your bed, you thought hard about what exactly you should tell him — whether you should bring up the fact that mark was the reason all of this even happened, if you should tell him you had been teasing him, or that you had been awake on all those nights. 
suddenly, it seemed to add up to quite a lot of manipulation and lying. you felt a bit nervous. 
walking to the kitchen, you enter just in time to see him finish preparing the ingredients for the romantic breakfast he had planned. sweeping them into bowls lined up neatly on the countertop, he turns and smiles at the sight of you, standing there timidly in the entryway. 
“what’s wrong, love?” he comes over to you, draping his arms over your hips. “is everything okay?” 
swaying slightly, you look into his eyes, so full of love, and know that you can’t keep anything from him. and also that you weren’t brave enough to do it right then and there. “haechan?” 
you hesitate. “i’m… i’m going to take a shower.” 
laughing slightly, he tilts his head to the side. “o…kay?” 
“do you want to join me?” you say in a breath.
you watch as the words hit him. slowly, he blinks at you, before he swallows, his throat bobbing. “really? that won’t make you uncomfortable?” 
“yes,” you breathe. “i want to.” 
it takes a few more assurances from you before haechan agrees, holding on to your hand as the two of you step into the bathroom. he waits for you to undress first, looking away politely as you get in the shower, before he undresses and steps in after you. as the hot water cascades over you, the steam beginning to make the air heavy, he kisses your shoulder gently before turning you around so your back is facing him. 
“i’ll wash your back for you,” he says, kindly. you hear him uncap the shower gel, and slowly start to scrub at your back lightly with the loofah. sometime between turning around and him washing your back, he’s turned off the water, and there aren’t any sounds except for foam and soap moving against skin. 
you turn around. haechan lifts the loofah away from your skin and looks at you, curiously. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“wash my front for me.” 
he bites his lip, before nodding. 
he starts at your shoulders, down to your collarbones, working small circles into your skin. when he reaches the top of your chest, where the swell of your breasts begins, he hesitates again, lifting the loofah from your skin so his hand hovers between the two of you. you decide that now was a good a time as ever. 
“haechan…” you reach out and take his hand. and he looks so nervous, his breaths coming in quicker, his eyes darting between yours and your interlocked hands, that it makes you want to delay for just a little bit longer. 
“haechan, you do know that it feels good when you touch my chest, don’t you?” 
“what?” he stares at you. he seemed like he was hardly breathing. 
“i may have been awake a few of the nights in these past two weeks,” you say, slowly, before looking him in the face again. “you left me feeling really needy, you know that?” 
“sorry,” he apologises reflexively, before stopping as the words register in his head. “so, it…doesn’t make you…uncomfortable?” 
slowly, he nods, and then he adds, “you’re not weirded out?” 
“no,” you shake your head patiently. “it’s the opposite of all that. i love it when you touch me there.” 
“yeah?” he breathes, and you watch as his eyes darken just slightly, his chest falling and rising at a slightly quicker rate. and then he’s dropping the loofah, his hands going to your waist as he kisses you, hard. backing you up against the shower wall, he continues to kiss you feverishly as his hands go to the slope of your shoulders, trailing down your front until they cup your breasts, the movement so practiced and fluid that you don’t have the time to catch your breath. 
“always,” he gasps, “wanted to do this,” he moans into your mouth as he plays with your nipples, stroking them, his hands still slippery with soap. 
his movements jerky and disjointed, he turns the water back on so that it runs over the two of you, dousing your chest with warm water so that it’s slippery to touch, and if possible they feel even squishier and softer in his hold. groaning, he pushes his head into your neck as he squeezes them in his firm grip. 
“haechan,” you whine, his hands on you, and the desperation in his rough actions making you need him even more. 
he doesn’t bother to respond, shoving his knee between your legs to knock them apart and letting you grind on his thigh. its the way the movement is meant to placate you, as if he was too busy with your breasts to even pay attention to you, that makes it even more satisfying to grind down on him. 
“can i,” he gasps, breaking away from you. somehow already fucked out even though all he’s done is touch you, he pleads with you with his eyes. unable to catch his breath, he stutters out, “c-can i please, please, suck them?” 
you curse, but he seems to take it negatively. gulping, he begins to move away from you, his hands trembling, but your desperation overtakes you. 
grabbing his head by his hair, you pull his face towards your chest. and now it’s your turn to beg. 
“please,” you rasp, and that’s all you have to say because immediately his lips latch onto your right nipple, a whine sounding from him high and drawn out. swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud, his other hand goes to your neglected breast, rolling the other nipple with his thumb and forefinger. all the while, his hips grind mindlessly, his hard cock rubbing against your upper thigh, spilling precum all over your skin that’s washed away just as quickly. 
haechan is in seventh heaven. he thinks he could spend forever like this, suckling on your tits, fucking into your thighs, listening to your pretty gasps and sighs. all the embarrassment from before has melted away, and all that’s left is his desire to touch and to taste, knowing that it brought you as much pleasure as it did for him. 
“eager baby,” you coo affectionately, trying to keep your voice level. with a feeling of elation, watching him grind against your skin and suckle at you as if he was a baby, you realise that you’ve done it: he’s lost all semblance of control. “do you think you could cum like this?” 
haechan moans, and the sound is beautifully crude as it echoes against the bathroom tiles. open-mouthed and panting, he whines again as he switches to another breast, both hands leaving your chest in favor of tugging at his neglected cock. 
and suddenly, you know just what he needs. 
“stop,” you tell him, but it’s not convincing enough — the sight of him, and stimulation from your chest, affecting you way too much. he ignores you, continuing to slobber over you, licking at the crevice between your boobs. 
“stop,” you insist, pushing him away this time. even as he breaks apart from you, his movements halting, his eyes are still trained on your breasts, watching the streams of water slide down them, dripping off of you, as if in a trance. 
reaching behind him to turn off the water, you open the shower door. haechan blinks a few times, the dissipating steam slowly clearing the air of the tension, and clearing the fog in his head too. 
“y/n,” he swallows. “i need you, please-” 
“you’ll have me,” you assure him, grabbing a towel as you lead him out of the en-suite bathroom, and over to your bed. “i just know you’ll really like this, so trust me, okay?” 
“okay,” he breathes, coming to stand between your legs as you sit on the edge of the bed. 
“and-” you point at him. “you need to calm down, okay?” 
looking wounded, haechan practically whimpers, reaching for your chest. 
“it’s not that i don’t like you eager,” you say, hurriedly. “i just want you to enjoy this for longer, okay?” 
he nods. 
a smile tugs at your lips. is this how he usually felt like? watching you dumb and desperate for him? 
“words,” you tease. 
“okay,” he says softly. “i’ll try.” 
“good job, baby,” you reach up to pat him on the cheek, before turning to grab a bottle of lotion that always stood on your bedside table. lying on your back, you motion for him to come over to you. he hovers obediently, sitting on his heels. 
uncapping the lotion, you take one of his hands and squeeze out a generous amount onto his palm. 
“spread it out over my chest,” you tell him, patiently. his lips part, and he’s about to surge towards you, so you place a hand on his arm. “slowly.” 
he swallows. he takes a breath. and then he’s spreading the lotion onto his palms, and as he promised, he slowly places them on your chest and begins to apply it onto your skin. his eyes glaze over as he swipes them under your boobs, rubbing into your cleavage, smearing it in circular motions closer to your nipples. even though you enjoy his touch, and you know he’s enjoying himself too, you motion for him to stop. 
slowly, carefully, you place both hands on the sides of your boobs. haechan’s eyes widen almost comically, and you look at him sternly, reminding him to keep it together. you squeeze them together, creating a tight passage between them where your cleavage is. 
“okay,” you breathe. “now fuck them.” 
haechan’s eyes, which have been fixating on your chest the whole time, flicker up to yours in confusion. 
“baby,” you try again, “here. in between my boobs.” 
haechan had never seemed to hear of the concept. finding the words, he splutters out, “what? how? do i really-” he stares at you, again, before the arousal seems to wind him over and he shuffles up to straddle your stomach. you see his thighs trembling as his large hands cover yours, squeezing your breasts together with more force. the blunt head of his cock makes contact your boobs, and he whimpers, before slotting it in the valley of your breasts, and thrusting forwards. 
you remove your hands, seeming to give him total control, when really he’s lost it all completely. 
his mouth hangs open as he lets out moan after moan, thrusting harder and harder into the tight passage. “fuck,” he gasps, going to stroke your nipples as he raises himself slightly, the need to fuck your tits harder and faster driving his hips forward and making him almost lose balance. strings of curses and nonsensical rambles fall from his puffy lips as he chases his high, wanting to enjoy it for longer but also wanting to cum. 
the sight of him, flushed and panting, holding onto your chest as if for dear life, is enough to satiate you for a little while, but soon the wetness between your thighs and throbbing of your clit feels too much to handle on your own.
“baby,” you breathe, “do you want to-” 
but at the petname, haechan lets out one high whine, and cums — all over your chest, up to your neck and chin and some even dribbling onto your face. all the while, he continues to fuck into your chest, until the stimulation is too much for him and he falls back on his heels, needing to get away. 
there’s a pause. 
his heaves and pants filling the room, he sits on the bed resting on his elbows. you’re a little winded too, but you don’t know what from. it takes him a while to calm down, even after you clean yourself up and pull him towards you to cuddle, him laying a hand on your boob the entire time. 
finally, his head seems to clear and he comes back to himself. looking at you carefully, he furrows his brow. 
“so that day with the turtleneck…” 
“yeah,” you say, feeling a little shy. you can’t believe he remembered something so far back. 
“and the photo of you in the bra…” 
“i thought you’d like it,” you offer, and he laughs at that. before he pauses, and really looks at you. 
“and you haven’t cum at all today, haven’t you sweetheart?” 
“not yet,” you breathe. 
happy fucking anniversary.
taglist: @matchahyuck , @kpopwh0r3 read part 2 here <3
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
sleepless nights - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you and eddie have always been close, and sleepovers were practically routine. on this particular night, you were having trouble going to bed due to some sexual frustation. luckily your best friend is there to help you fall asleep.
warnings: smut (minors get out), masturbation, fingering, piv sex, pet names: sweetheart, baby, princess; multiple orgasms, creampie (a little breeding), squirting, to clear up confusion the reader is 18!!
author’s note: i got this idea randomly and it’s 1 am. enjoy.
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You and Eddie Munson were inseparable. The second you guys met your freshman year, you two instantly clicked. Sure, you guys had zero things in common; you were the top of your class and practically lived at the library. Meanwhile Eddie couldn’t even point out the library on a map of your school and was at the bottom of every single class, even the ones he repeated. It didn’t matter, though, because you two found each other to be a long-needed comfort in each others’ lives.
The sound of various crickets and birds outside filled the comfortable silence in Eddie’s room as you two got ready to go to sleep. It’s normal for you two to share the same bed given how close you two are, and tonight was no different. You slipped into an oversized t-shirt you found on Eddie’s floor, and Eddie’s back was turned to you to give you some privacy. You turned back around and made your way to his bed, crawling under the covers. He followed you and got into bed on the other side of you before turning the light on his nightstand off.
“Sleep tight, Y/N,” he said sleepily.
“Night, Eds,” you replied, turning your back to him.
You gave up on trying to go to bed after about 30 minutes. You had been tossing and turning to try and find a comfortable position, but the covers were just too hot for you to actually fall asleep. You finally laid on your back and stared at the dark ceiling, wondering how you were going to fix your insomnia. You wracked your brain for ideas on how to make yourself tired, and one finally came to mind.
Absolutely not.
Even though it worked like a charm, you were not about to masturbate next to your best friend.
Your incredibly attractive best friend.
You weren’t going to lie, you had given it some thought. The idea of hooking up with Eddie had played in your mind more often than you would’ve like to admit. You never vocalized your fantasies; it would cause too much awkward tension. But you couldn’t deny the fact that Eddie was objectively hot. Sometimes you would see girls come to his shows at The Hideout and watch them drool over the guitarist, but it was rare that Eddie would even pay attention to them. His eyes always found you, and it gave you a boost of confidence knowing that you meant more to him than some groupies. However, you found yourself longing for him to see you in a different light than just his best friend.
Thinking about him playing the guitar, his fingers moving fast up and down the neck of the instrument had your hand involuntarily moving down to your underwear. This is so wrong, you thought. But the more vivid the memories became, the less you could stop yourself. You slowly moved your panties to the side and let your fingers run through your folds. You stopped at your clit and began to rub slow circles around it. You closed your eyes as you let yourself be engulfed in the feeling, images of your best friend flashing in your mind. You thought about his curly hair and how good it would feel to pull on it while his head was in between your thighs. His stupid smirk that would appear on his face whenever he saw you in the school hallways. His little touches here and there.
You couldn’t even feel your squirming around, and you definitely didn’t feel the boy next to you slowly wake up. You were too lost in your own fantasy, eyes still closed and fingers still moving.
“Sweetheart,” you heard his voice and froze. You refused to move, even when he flipped his body to face yours. “Whatcha doin down there?”
“Just trying to get comfortable,” you squeaked, completely embarrassed but still hoping he was unaware of what you were doing.
“So you thought your hand down your pants was the best way to do that?” You mentally facepalmed.
“I thought you were asleep,” you said, still refusing to make eye contact. He laughed to himself and moved closer to you, causing you to tense up.
“Does that make it any better?” he asked, and you could hear the smirk on his face. You stayed silent, but he kept going. “Since you opened up the topic, care to tell me who you were thinking about?”
“No one,” you said quickly, but Eddie was buying nothing that you were trying so desperately to sell.
“I’ll ask again,” he said. “Who made you touch yourself only a foot away from me?”
“No one,” you repeated. He sighed before continuing.
“Really,” he dragged out. “Well whoever it was clearly wasn’t doing the job.” You finally turned your head to look at him in the dark.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked.
“You were being so quiet. If it was actually working, you’d be a little louder. That or you’re not doing it right,” he said.
“I think I know how to masturbate, Munson,” you fought back. The embarrassment was starting to fade, but a touch of it was still there.
“I didn’t say you didn’t, all I’m saying is that you should probably have some help if you actually want to get anywhere,” he said. Your eyebrows raised as you finally understood what his end goal was.
“What, are you going to teach me?” you said, nervous about his response.
“If you’ll let me,” he said slowly. You felt his hand trace down your arm before it met with yours, which was still centered on your clit. Your breath hitched as he slowly began to move it away and replaced it with his own. “Tell me this is okay,” he breathed. You nodded your head, and his fingers slowly started to make the same motion yours were just minutes before. You let out a soft moan as he picked up speed, and you finally let yourself move. You twitched as he pressed into your clit, hitting the bundle of nerves perfectly with each circle.
“Fuck, Eddie, just like that,” you said. He turned over some more so he could have more access to you, and his hand became relentless. He lost contact with your heat only for a moment before inserting one of his ringed fingers into your pussy, causing you to arch your back. He pumped in and out, faster with each one. He added a second, and his thumb found its way back to your sensitive bud.
He worked you with a single hand, and you were loving every second. Your back physically couldn’t arch any more, and you grinded your hips down to help his fingers reach even deeper. He was hitting your sweet spot, and you began seeing stars. You’d always imagined it would feel this good, but now that you were experiencing it in real time your expectations were exceeded.
“Feel good, baby?” he said, his voice low and in your ear. You could barely form the word ‘yes’ as wrangled moans came from your mouth. “Louder, princess, wanna hear you.” Your moans grew louder as you felt yourself nearing release.
“F-fuck, please, faster,” you got out, and Eddie complied. You were hurtling towards the edge, and you knew Eddie could tell.
“Wanna feel you cum all over my fingers,” he said in a low voice, and it sent you over a cliff. Your body spasmed as you yelled out his name, and he finger-fucked you through one of the most intense orgasms you ever had. Your chest heaved as you came down, and you felt him remove his fingers slowly from you. You looked over at him, and with your eyes having now adjusted to the darkness you saw that he wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“Feel better, doll?” he said with a sly tone. You did in fact feel better, but you craved that same high that he had given you.
“More,” you said. He raised his brows, then smiled when you kept speaking. “I want you to fuck me to sleep, Munson.”
“You’re asking for it,” he said, and he climbed on top of you. You hadn’t kissed at all, but it didn’t even matter as you felt his clothed bulge press into your pussy. You groaned at the friction, and Eddie laughed to himself. “So easy,” he said, but his cockiness turned to shit when he looked at you open your eyes to reveal your pupils taking them over completely. He got off of you only to rid himself of his underwear, and you laid back and watched him kick them off the bed. He recentered himself, moving your panties back to the side after giving his already-hard cock a couple long strokes. “So hard already, baby. Been thinking ‘bout this for a long time.”
He finally put his tip against your re-wet pussy, running it up and down and hitting your clit over and over. “Please, E-Eddie. Need you inside,” you said, and you were instantly satisfied. He pushed into you slowly, and your head fell back as he bottomed out. He set a slow pace at first, but as he sped up you lost all sense. Your legs wrapped around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer, and he took your hands to pin them above your head.
“Fuck, princess, so fuckin’ tight. Squeezing me so good,” he said, panting. You moaned so loudly the neighbors probably heard, but it felt so good that you couldn’t even think about that. He was absolutely railing you now, his hips snapping into yours. Your vision was about go black before he took one of your legs and put it on his shoulder. He was able to reach that perfect spot, his cock hitting just below your cervix with each thrust. “Tell me how good it feels, wanna hear you tell this whole trailer park who’s fucking you this good.”
“Sh-Shit, Eddie!” you screamed. “F-fuck me harder!” You didn’t even think it was possible, but he proved you wrong by pounding himself into you even deeper and faster than he was before. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes as your own rolled back into your head, but his focus was on his dick ramming in and out of your pussy. He squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling of you clenching around him, trying not to cum as your walls sucked him in. His hand let go of your wrists to move down to press on your stomach, and the feeling engulfed you both.
“Fuck, baby, you feel that?” he panted, and with each thrust he could feel himself. “So fucking deep inside of you I can feel it with my own hand.”
You were in euphoria, and you both could see the finish line coming closer and closer. “Gonna fill you up nice and good with my cum, you want that, hm?” he cooed, but all you could respond with was more screaming. “Tell me you want it, princess. Tell me you want me to cum in your tight little hole.”
“Y-yes, fuck!” you managed, and that was all you both needed. The tightness in your stomach finally snapped, and you were drowned in ecstasy, Your pussy clenched him tighter than it had ever before, and you felt yourself drench Eddie’s bare chest in your squirt. He too was pushed over his own edge, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you as it filled you up with his load.
You both were out of breath as he stayed inside you for a while, and he finally pulled out slowly. He rolled off of you to go get a towel, then came back to clean the cum that was dripping from your freshly-fucked hole. He wiped himself clean after then threw the towel on the floor, still standing up.
“Tired yet?” he said, and you choked out a laugh.
“Shut the hell up, Munson,” you said. He smiled down at you before reaching under your back and legs. He picked you up effortlessly, and your arms hung loosely around his neck.
“I would love to sleep in my bed tonight, but you made quite the mess, princess,” he said. Your face turned red as you buried it into his neck, but he just chuckled and carried you to the couch in his living room. He set you down gently, then got you a blanket and draped it over you.
“Where are you going?” you asked as he walked away.
“Just to the other couch, sweetheart,” he said.
“Wait-” you called after him, and he turned back around to you. “Is this going to be awkward in the morning?”
“Um,” he started, scratching the back of his neck. “I mean, we can just act like it never happened if you’re uncomfortable or something.”
You tried getting up, but as soon as you stood your legs gave out and you almost fell to the floor before Eddie rushed over and grabbed you. “What if I want it to keep happening?” you asked, your voice hoarse from all of the yelling before.
“I’d like that,” he said smiling. He leaned down and kissed you gently, your lips fitting perfectly together. He pulled away before breathing out a small laugh. “I probably should have done that before all that other stuff.” You smiled back before pulling him in again, your lips connecting as perfectly as they did before. He pulled away again before saying,
“How about we make another mess on this couch?”
pt. 2 here!
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astraariel · 9 months
eternal snow
pairing: sanji x fem!reader
summary: your love for sanji was unconditional, unfortunately, he didn’t feel the same seeing as there were petals coming out of your mouth.
word count: 3.6K
warnings: spoilers (?) just the name of a character from the whole cake island arc, it’s a modern!au so I don't mention anything about the actual arc!
tags: loosely based on “eternal snow” from fullmoon wo sagashite; angst; hanahaki disease; implied cheating; modern!au; hurt no comfort; lovesick; requited unrequited love
author's note: I think along with everyone opla is taking over my life so it encouraged me to finish this fic I started months ago lol. once again I like angst and this is soooo ooc of sanji he would never cheat I love him so much I’m sorry. on another note, I really like AmaLee’s cover of this song so you can give it a listen if you want to feel the vibe. 
also, ignore the fact that Pudding is sixteen, she’s older than that in this. I couldn’t really think of anyone else to have/didn't want to think of a different character. just know, she’s of age. other than that, ignore grammar mistakes and enjoy♡
──★ ˙ ̟read pt2 here!
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You weren’t entirely sure how you had gotten to this point. You were certain that you two would be together forever. How you had unknowingly lost the one you love so dearly, you would never know.
Sanji was a flirt and you loved it, he could simply say that you looked beautiful today and you’d melt. Hell, that’s how you too met, Nami had introduced you two and Sanji wooed his way into your heart. You knew that he had you in the palm of his hand, but you weren’t sure you could say the same for him.
Sanji was an attentive lover. When he loved, he showered you with his attention. You could always tell that his presence was there whenever you spoke. He’d care and cater to every request you asked of him, not allowing you to lift a single finger. It’s who he was.
You were blinded by your love for Sanji that you never noticed him slipping away from your grasp.
The two of you were currently sitting together on your living room couch. Sanji mentioned there was a new show he wanted to watch, so here the two of you were. Your attention was focused on the TV in front of you while his was on his phone.
You glance at him, “Who’s that?” 
He hadn’t looked away from it for more than 30 seconds throughout the last episode. You watch him out of the corner of your eye as he looks at you. 
“Oh, it's the new dessert chef at the restaurant,” he shuts his phone off, “I've been assigned to help her around and show her the ropes,” he smiles, “It’s nothing, you want popcorn?” 
You turn to him, “Of course I do.” He gets up to walk to your kitchen, “Hey, I love you.”
He walks up behind you and bends down, kissing your head, “And I love you more.” He stands up and you hear him rummaging through the pantry for a popcorn packet. 
You cough slightly, “Could you grab me some water, Sanji?” He shouts back a response but you don’t make it out because you’re too busy pulling a petal out of your mouth.
After that lone petal had made its introduction, it planted itself as a constant. Every so often for the following weeks, you’d feel something weird in your mouth, only to pull out a single flower petal.
You weren’t sure what was going on, but you couldn’t bring yourself to think too much about it. On top of the weird cough you were having, Sanji was also acting off. 
It was small at first, just tiny, little white lies that he’d tell you. 
Like when he’d say he was tired, that he was going to bed, but you could hear him on his phone laughing at something from the room. Or when he claimed that his phone had died and that’s why he hadn’t texted you back even though you were hanging with Nami at the time and he had replied to a video she had sent him a minute after you texted him. 
That was just the first few weeks.
You weren’t sure when the white lies became real lies but it had only spiraled more. You had found that he wasn’t even bothering with lying anymore, simply stating that he was too busy to come over or that he didn’t even want to hang out with you that day.
Sanji would claim to be too tired and not bother to see you for an entire week, but then he’d call you complaining that he missed you and question why the two of you hadn’t gone on a date recently and then insist that he was going to cook dinner for the two of you. Those times were always the best. It made you feel like nothing was wrong. 
It was pure whiplash. 
You were never sure which Sanji you were gonna get that day. Maybe it’d be the Sanji that you loved or this new person who had taken over and wouldn’t even text you back for days on end. 
Recently, he was your loving, doting boyfriend. Which caused you to completely forget about the flower petals you were currently collecting from your mouth when you were being distracted by Sanji’s full attention. 
You were lying on Sanji’s chest recounting your day to him when suddenly the sound of his phone pinging cut you off. 
A quiet chuckle made you peek up at Sanji, his eyes were looking at his phone intently, whatever was on his screen, clearly captivated him more than what was coming out of your mouth.
You sit up, his blatant disinterest in your day annoying you. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Your voice cuts through the room.
He looked up at your now sitting form, it looked like he was just acknowledging your presence.
He lets out a noise of confusion, “What?”
“Are you angry at me? Did I say or do something that pissed you off? Because, please, just tell me, I can't take it anymore.” you pleaded.
You notice Sanji’s body tensing, his brow scrunching in even more confusion. He laughs awkwardly, “Baby, what are you talking about? I’m not angry.” he looks away, “I love you, you know that right?”
And suddenly, you weren’t angry anymore. 
You smiled, “I love you too.”
He glances at his phone again.
But you don’t care, because he loves you. 
Satisfied with his response, you settle back down but are interrupted when you begin to cough. Quickly, you stand up to fetch your handkerchief from your pocket, wiping your mouth swiftly. 
You look back at Sanji, “I’m gonna-” but before you can finish, you feel the familiar flowers clawing their way up your throat. You walk out of the room coughing. 
Sanji doesn’t look up from his phone.
He was late.
You were exhausted. The constant lies that you fooled yourself into believing for the sake of your heart were beginning to wear on you. 
The old hoodie you were wearing enveloped you in an attempt to provide yourself some level of comfort that no one could really give you anymore. 
It’s late, around midnight, last you checked. The spaghetti dinner left on the table you had cooked had long gone cold. The Baratie had closed hours ago and Sanji still wasn’t home. 
You sit in complete darkness, the TV is currently rattling off an old rerun of some show you didn’t watch. You’re too tired to get up and find the remote to change the channel so you settle on watching the old comedic sitcom. You’re holding your trusty handkerchief that’s become your best friend in the past months; ready to close around your mouth in an attempt to catch the petals of flowers that’d come up your throat every so often. 
Your eyes glaze over the screen when you hear the door creak open. Footsteps were heard as a soft clatter sounded throughout the room from Sanji setting his keys down on the counter. 
You sit up slowly, in an effort to prohibit any intense coughing. 
Your eyes meet Sanji’s surprised ones, “You’re still awake? It’s late, you should go to bed.” he looks away. 
“You missed dinner.” You look over at Sanji’s form, he’s stiff, you note.
“I stayed late to help close, sorry we can reschedule.” He brushes you off swiftly.
“Was she there?” The argument had already begun, why not fuel it some more?
Sanji whips his head at you, an incredulous look gracing his features. “Who are you talking about?” Acting dumb was never a good look on him. 
Your tired eyes stare at him, “I know you’re spending time with her.” The venom in your tone was palpable.
You were over the lies. You were over the constant tiptoeing between each other, you’re honestly surprised he still even decided to come over. It would have been better for him to stay at his place and just call you in the morning to tell his lie. 
He has balls, you’ll give him that.
“Do you even love me anymore?”  
The silence that surrounded the room was upsetting. Of course, he didn’t, who were you fooling? You had all the proof you needed in all of the trashcans around your house, discarded tissues soaked in blood, and petals filled the bins.
Sanji scoffs, “I don’t know what you want from me.” He doesn't answer the question, “Why are you asking if I love you, you're being needy.” He stares at you before continuing, “If you don’t trust me,” he looks away, “Then maybe we should break up.” With a tone of finality, he turns around and walks toward the door, the sound of it shutting echoing throughout the house.
You’re left alone in the silence, the ticking of the clock on the wall muffling your coughs that were accompanied by flowers and blood. 
With the new development of the blooms coming out of your throat, you felt defeated. You’re not sure what you did in a past life to deserve this. You didn’t wish this on anyone, it was a lonely and awful feeling, physically and emotionally. 
You’ve gotten used to your condition. It had been a month since you’d seen Sanji after he had broken things off and in that month, you would constantly find yourself leaning over the toilet bowl, hacking up blood and flower blooms. 
You finally had the courage to look up what you assumed was hanahaki disease. It was a rare condition, but you were certain that was what was causing you pain. The only cure was to have surgery that resulted in the patient forgetting about whomever they had loved. That you’d act as if nothing had happened, that you’d live in ignorance bliss afterward. 
Sacrificing your heart for your life. 
After that month, you had decided to go to a coffee shop forcing yourself to get out of the house and do something. 
So you went to Sanji’s favorite coffee shop. 
Why you had put yourself through that? You weren't sure.
You remember wrapping your hand around the door handle, ready to walk in when a wisp of light auburn hair had caught your attention inside the cafe. 
There she was. Pudding. The girl who had replaced you. The one who had captivated Sanji’s attention in a way you could only dream of.
Sanji stood beside her, you were certain he couldn't see you from inside, his attention was fully on Pudding’s face, absorbing whatever story she had been telling him. 
He had never looked at you like that.
Did he ever love you? Were you that stupid to even see the truth? Had it been there all along and you were simply too blind to notice?
An “excuse me” had brought you back to reality and had you rushing back to your apartment in hopes of not bumping into Sanji or Pudding. You weren't sure your heart could take it if you were forced to talk to them.
After that defeat you noticed that you were no longer hacking up petals, but fully blossomed flowers, you couldn’t walk for a long distance without wheezing, the flowers constricting your airways preventing you from wanting to do anything. You knew you were nearing the final stage, soon roots were going to begin to show up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go to a doctor. You had read that the longer you kept this from being treated, you’d enter the point of no return. 
So, you simply waited.
Your mind was reeling. You never wanted to stop loving Sanji. You didn’t care about the pain that it brought you. 
You don’t care that you still long to have Sanji tell you that he loves you. To tell you and for you not to immediately have to turn away and cough up blood and flowers. 
You missed him. You yearned for him.
After Nami had found out why you and Sanji broke up, she went on a rant about how she was going to kill him, on how he could have done this to you. You weren't sure if you had ever seen her get so angry before. 
But even after that, you confessed that you still loved him. 
She proceeded to call you insane, but she simply didn’t understand. She didn’t know about how his eyes would sparkle when he would go on about a new recipe that he developed and how he was certain that it was going to be the new hit at the Baratie. She didn’t know how bashful he got when you complimented him on his food. How he’d kiss you like how it was the first time you were kissing each other.
You loved him. And you would forever love him.
But he haunted your life. Leaving you lying at night, not even allowing you to find comfort in your dreams since he haunted those too. When you’d close your eyes you could only mourn for the love that once was. To mourn for him even though he was alive and well, but could you say the same for yourself?
You had long accepted that you were going to die. If anything, you willed it. Never did you want to forget your love for Sanji. The idea that you would never be able to recall how he made your heart pound every time he’d look at you, would be a nightmare.
But you were tired. 
In the months after the cafe incident you would go through phases where the pain would turn to anger, cursing Sanji, wishing you two had never met, wishing that Nami had never introduced you too. 
But the anger would never stay directed towards Sanji. It would always circle back to you. And anger would turn to pity and pity would turn to sadness. 
You wanted to cry and scream at the sky, to yell at the world, to question why love felt this way. Why couldn't he just love you back, why were you being punished for simply loving him unconditionally?
You suffocate yourself in the love that you have for Sanji. Sacrificing your every breath to simply feel the true and fierce love you felt for him. You’d cry until you were gasping for air, til you were choking up flowers that were clogging your lungs. You wished, begged, for it to go away. Wishing that you had never fallen for him. 
But even with all the pain he caused you. You could never hate him.
You could never hate Sanji.
You can’t even bring yourself to hate Pudding, it wasn't her fault that Sanji was infatuated with her rather than you.
And you could never truly hate him for that.
The sterile white walls and the smell of disinfectant wafting through the air brought you back to reality. 
Recalling how hours before Nami had found you on the ground of your bathroom, post-hacking your brains out from the various blooms of flowers that rose from your throat at what seemed like at every hour of the day as of recently. You hadn’t heard her call for you when she entered your apartment so you weren’t able to hide anything from her. 
“Are you insane?” Her voice ricocheted in the bathroom after you had explained to her what had been happening to you for the last couple of months.
You were numb the entire car ride to the hospital as Nami yelled at you for being so careless. 
“Why are you letting that boy kill you?” 
Why were you? 
Why were you putting yourself through this pain, knowing he would never love you again?
The recent memory reminded you of Nami’s presence on the side chair that was placed beside the crunchy bed you were currently sitting on. Her brown eyes met yours and smiled softly at you. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” Nami’s attempt at reassurance was comforting to you for 5 seconds before the door swung open revealing the doctor. 
“Hello,” she said your name, “you’re the one with hanahaki disease, correct?” You glance over at Nami before replying to the doctor in confirmation. “Well, unfortunately, it has been developing for a while and if you had come just a little bit later it would have been untreatable, so I highly suggest proceeding with the procedure as soon as possible.”
Your hands grew clammy. This was it. You were going to be relieved from this grueling life you had found yourself in. You would finally be able to go back to normal. 
Would it truly be normal if you didn’t love Sanji anymore? Could you truly live with yourself knowing that you gave up the one thing that has been keeping you going? You guess you wouldn’t actually remember your love for him if you did the surgery but your heart would know. Your soul would know. 
You wished that all of this pain would go away. Longing to run back to Sanji, for him to stop the anguish that you felt. To have him whisper that he loved you and for you to not cough up flowers anymore. To know that he truly meant the words that he was saying.
You wondered how your life would have gone if you had never fallen for Sanji. Would your life still lead you to this very moment of hell that you’re living currently? You would think that hell would be hot, blazing with heat, but all you felt was the coldness of lies that you believed that spewed from Sanji’s lips when he spoke to you. 
You would like to think that you wished you had never fallen into this trap. That your heart never fell for him, but you knew better. You knew that he had your heart from the beginning. You were doomed from the first interaction.
Wasn’t it a true act of love if you could let the person go? Wouldn’t it be the final seal of approval of your love if you went through with the surgery? The love that you felt for Sanji would be proven by this simple act. 
You felt Nami’s hand grab yours. Her eyes were filled with remorse, a sadness that you could distinguish as the same sadness that you saw in your eyes ever since that first petal came to be.
Anticipatory grief.
She was grieving your love for him already, grieving for your heart, how you would never love again, how you would never love him again.
You sigh. 
You wake up to the soft murmurs of the television in the corner of the room. 
Your mind was hazy, from what, you weren't entirely sure yet. It felt as if you had lost something like it was on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn’t think of exactly what it was.
Guess it wasn’t important.
Your eyes wander over to your surroundings, the hospital room is bare except for the basic, usual furniture. Your eye caught movement out of the corner of your eye, turning your face to examine what it was.
A balloon with the words “Get well soon!” fills your vision, and your gaze scans over the hearts that surround the bubble letters in bright yellow hues. You reach over the side table to grab the card that sat under the balloon. 
Hope you feel better - Nami.
Sad that you had missed your friend, you made a mental note to pay her a visit after you were discharged from the hospital to thank her.
A soft knock echoed throughout the room, your attention to the door opening revealing the doctor. “Hi, glad you’re awake. The procedure was a success. You should be good to go soon, but take it easy for the next two weeks.”
The procedure.
You quickly scour your brain for answers of who it was you loved but came up short. 
Guess that was the point, wasn’t it? 
Before you could thank the doctor, rushed footsteps were heard outside the room, hasty knocks piercing the air along with the clamor of the door opening quickly. 
Sanji’s blond hair comes into view, and he stands, wide-eyed, near the doorframe. He was panting slightly, a sign that he possibly had been running before he got here. 
He says your name quietly, the doctor gives you a nod before excusing herself from the room to give you guys privacy. 
“Sanji,” you smile brightly at him, “Did you get off of work? Why are you here?”
His eyes shift over to the balloon on the stand beside the bed. “Nami told me about the…procedure.”
“Really?” you roll your eyes teasingly, “It’s not that big of a deal honestly, that Nami. Always the worrier, thank you for visiting me though, you’re a good friend, Sanji.” You look away before you can notice Sanji’s face falling. 
You look back at him, “Oh, could you take me home? I probably shouldn’t be driving right now.” you laugh quietly and scan Sanji’s face. His mind seemed to be somewhere else, perhaps he was really busy at the restaurant. “If you can, if not I’ll just call Nami.” 
“No,” he clears his throat, “Yeah I can take you home.” 
You offer him a smile, “Thanks, hey I think I may have to fill out some paperwork. Could you grab it while I go change?” You begin to stand up slowly before he rushes over to help you up.
You look up at him to thank him again when you realize his eyes are watering. 
Your eyebrows knit in worry, “Hey, are you okay?”
He blinks rapidly while looking away from you. His hand lets go from his grasp on your arm and runs it through his blonde hair while turning away from you. “Yeah, I’m fine.” he coughs, “Uh, I’m gonna go look for those papers.”
He walks out of the room before you can respond, leaving you slightly confused but you shake it off before you begin to look for your clothes. 
You don’t see Sanji standing outside the doorway, coughing up a flower petal. 
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barcalover86 · 4 months
I'm not allowed to love you
Part 1 here
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Summary: You are too young for Gavi, but he can't help but fall in love.
"It's just weird to be taken care of.. my fan, you know?
"You nodded your head, understanding him completely.
"Then I'll pretend I'm not your fan." you say it seriously and he smiles lovely.
"Thank you."
Then he leaves the room with his crutches, leaving you alone.
This is going to be hard.
It's been 2 hours since you were standing in the living room alone. You thought plenty of times to go upstairs to Gavi, but first you didn't know where exactly he was, and second, you were really shy.
All of this caught you by surprise and it was hard to take.
But as well you couldn't stay there all night long, doing nothing. You didn't even know where you were placed to sleep.
So, just when you found the courage, you walked upstairs, looking for the boy. After all, you were his maid.
You knocked on some doors until one finally opened, revealing Gavi.
"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you, but can you help me with some things, please?"
He looked at you and nodded before walking you to a different room.
"This is going to be your room, you can leave everything here. Feel free to feel like home." he smiles.
"Thank you so much. And um.. what do you want to eat?"
He thinks for some seconds before answering you.
"Do you know how to cook pasta?"
"Yes, yes, no problem."
He smiles.
"Tell me when you're ready then so that i can help you. It's a different recipe since I have to look out for a diet."
Then he closes the door before you could reply.
He seemed really nice.
Maybe it wasn't going to be that hard.
After some minutes, you went downstairs, letting Gavi know that you are ready.
He was being really nice to you the whole time, and it felt like the love you got for him was growing every minute. But you couldn't allow it. You really needed this job and he surely didn't want you.
You glanced at him for some seconds, admiring his features while he was putting the pasta to boil.
After you were done, you cleaned the mess you two made, and when you returned to the table, you were surprised to see him waiting for you.
He saw your face and decided to answer your question.
"Don't expect me to be rude. I still have manners, whether I like you or not."
You nodded, embarrassed, sitting down right in front of him.
For some reason, you couldn't eat. You were too shy to do it in front of him, so the whole time you were only playing with your food, looking down.
He was looking at you, not understanding what the problem was, but he let you be, leaving you alone.
After you were sure he was in his room, you started to eat, starving.
There're going to be some hard months for you.
Waking up every day at 3:30 to make Gavi breakfast, then hurring to not miss the train, because after all, you still had school.
Then hurring again to not miss the other train after school.
All that just to be back to Gavi's home at 19, ready to make dinner for the boy.
You didn't have much time to eat because you still had to clean the house and learn your mind out for school.
And after some weeks, you felt so, but so tired.
You couldn't even rest on weekends, because you had to take care of Gavi.
You two weren't talking much, just the important things. What do you want to eat? You have to take your pills.
And all those stuffs.
You knew it wasn't going to be easy, but you really needed the money.
Now it was another day when your train was late so you decided to buy some food for you and Gavi. You already told him that you'll be late and he announced you that Pedri will stop by at his house.
You didn't have a problem with it because it wasn't your home, but that meant that you had to give your food to Pedri because you only had two portions.
Somehow, you arrived earlier than expected, and just when you entered the house, you heard your name.
"So how is living with y/n?" Pedri asked.
"It's not like I see her much."
"Poor girl, for what you told me, she is working so much. I bet she's tired. Waking up at 3 to go to school just so that she could arrive back at 19 to do house stuff and to learn for school. I don't understand why someone would want to do that."
Gavi chuckles.
"Well i think she'll do anything to see me."
"What do you mean?"
"She is my fan, Pedri. She is doing all these things just so that she can see me. Sad that she thinks she might have a chance. I could never look at someone this young."
"How old is she?"
"She just turned 17. She's 3 years younger than me."
"It's not that big of a different, Gavi. And she looks really beautiful."
"I would never date my fan. Especially her."
And that hurt you.
"She is literally someone so obsessed with me. Now, who would actually do all those things just so that they could see me 10 minutes??"
You couldn't bare it anymore, so you walked in the room with tears in your eyes.
"You are so full of yourself, Pablo Gavi."
The boys turn to look at you with a panic face.
"Do you really think that I would sacrifice my time just to see you? Yes, a tone of girls would want to fuck you because they are so, but so obsessed with you, but just know that maybe some people just have to work hard so that they could accomplish their dream. And when I say dream, I don't mean the 'I want to fuck Gavi dream' , but 'I need to work hard because I need money to pay for my college', you idiot! Not everyone is a hoe or a psychopath! Yes, I am a fan of you because you I really appreciate what you're doing. You are the type of person that never gives up for what they wish and I thought that you might understand me as well. I DON'T want to do all this, even if it means to see you, because after all my health is in danger. I barely sleep, I work a lot JUST so that I could pay for may college bills because not everyone here is RICH!"
Gavi looks down, shame all over his face.
But you don't say anything else, you walk to your room to get your things. You are leaving for good.
Your eyes were red from crying.
"Pedri, you can have my food. It's on the kitchen table." you say it with a soft and sweet voice.
"Where are you going?" you heard Gavi's panic voice.
"No, y/n, please.." he stands up, hurting his knee bad.
"Sit down!" Pedri tells him.
"No, no, y/n please let's just talk-"
"We have nothing to talk about. I quit. You can always find another may. Maybe now someone who is older and prettier and-"
"STOP IT!" he shouted standing once again, walking towards you.
"Gavi, you are hurting your fucking knee!!" Pedri yells at him, but the boy doesn't care.
When he was about to reach you, he starts to cry. You look at him shocked.
Pedri comes right behind him and hugs him.
Gavi grabs your hand, afraid that you might dissappear.
"Does it hurt?" you asked.
He doesn't reply. Pedri looks at you and whispered. " Don't go."
"I have to.."
He shakes his head. "Please, don't."
You turn around, getting your hand off Gavi.
Pedri comes to you.
"He loves you.."
"Trust me.. he really does. Just look at him-"
You then turn to see Gavi looking at you with tears in his eyes.
He almost seemed like he was in love with you. Almost.
"He cannot, Pedri. I heard what he said about me-"
"He lied. He lied, y/n."
"And why would he lie?"
"Because his mother told him to not even dare to fall in love with you, because you need to concentrate on your studies."
"I don't believe you."
Pedri looks at you sad.
"I'm sorry then. But that's the truth."
Looking for the last time at Gavi, you turn around and leave the house.
Pedri then looks at his friend who wa starting to tear up.
"It's all my fault.. "
You arrived at the train station, having to wait 3 hours for the next ride.
Your eyes were still full of tears when you heard someone calling your name.
You roll your eyes, but somehow happy to see him.
"What do you want?"
"Just hear this."
He opened his phone, putting it next to your ear.
"What did she say?"
"She's leaving.. I'm sorry, I really tried to-"
"No, Pedri, no! She won't ever forgive me. I hurt her and it's all my fault, all my fault. I should've said nothing. Pedri, please help me. I cannot lose her, Pedri please." he sobs desperately. " I love her!"
"You for real recorded him?"
"He tried to come here, but his knee hurts him like hell now. So I came for him because I'm his friend and I know that he is suffering and I know that you are suffering as well-"
"Pedri, I must leave. I can't live like that anymore. It's just too hard to bare. I'm going home-"
"But he needs you-"
"I need myself more! I can't risk my health again. I sacrificed a lot for money. Time, days without eating, sleepless nights. But right now, all of this is more important. I'm sorry, but I won't go back."
He looks down.
"I'm sorry. It's so selfish of me to ask you to stay." He looks into your eyes with a sad smile. "Thank you for everything you've done for him."
Then he leaves just like you left Gavi.
You opened your phone just to see a message from him.
So that you won't have to worry about work anymore. Thank you for everything.
You look into your bank account to see a big amount of money from him.
Gavi was waiting for Pedri to come back and when he saw his face, he knew that he didn't make it. He looks down, trying not to cry.
Pedri went to hug him. (GIF) It was hard to see his friend suffer this much. First, because of his knee and second because of love.
Pedri was also surprised to hear Gavi's confess. After all, he also spent some few weeks with you and falling in love wasn't happening that easy.
But maybe this was faith. Or just a lesson.
And that scared him the most.
Gavi didn't want you to be just a lesson.
Ah, will you choose to stay with Gavi (love) or will you decide to go back home back to your studies (school)?
Write in the comments if you want part 3 and if you choose love or school!
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slut4sugu · 11 months
𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 ! — (E!42 Miles x Fem!Black Reader)
❀ including: miles being a bit of a simp, reader being a sweetheart & innocent, mutual pining, use of the names: airhead, chica and princesa. miles being whipped for reader, cursing, use of the n word. ❀ Genre: fluff ❀ Summary: reader is having some trouble stuck on a question and bsf miles comes to her aid! Despite you two saying your just ‘good friends’ an outsider looking at you two would say something different.
Back to masterlist . ♬ : her way- partynextdoor
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MILES HAD ALWAYS BEEN SCARY BUT HELPFUL TO YOU; Despite people saying that he was in a gang or that he carries knifes you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was an A+ student and minded his business, so when he silently gave you one of his pencils when he saw you lost your pink one, you gave him a small smile and mouthed a ‘thank you.’ Ever since then he’d always help you silently, holding the back of your chair when he saw your clumsy ass was about to fall. “Stop rockin in the chair airhead.” You’d always roll your eyes before saying, “M not an airhead lil nigga.” Which in turn he would snicker at, knowing that you were smiling despite your words. Miles didn’t know why he had become so fond of you, your music would be almost blasting out of your AirPods at 8am in the morning, you always smelt like candy and vanilla so when you would hug him your smell would rub off on his clothes, your laugh was loud and weird, you’d always check your mirror every 30 minutes despite the fact that you looked pretty as hell every second of every day- shit.
Once he found out the root of his fondness of you he didn’t know what to do, he’s never liked anyone in that sense before. So the question of what to do about it lingered on his mind for the longest time, “Miles? Hellloooo?” You snapped him back into reality with a wave of your hand across his face, “Shit- sorry chica, what’s up.” You sighed, dropping your head onto the library table. Your arms folded over each other as you mumbled beneath your breath, “Even your ass is bored, ughhh im never gonna past this stupid ass test!” You groaned, he smirked at your childlike manner. “Your never gonna pass if you don’t stop whining.” You looked at him from the corner of your eye, the knowing look he gave you made your heart skip. ‘Stupid ass fine ass nigga.’ You thought to yourself before sitting up, avoiding his gaze as you tied your braids in a ponytail before looking at him with a, ‘im tired as hell so please don’t use no big words right now dude’ face. A small smile tugged at his lips, seeing your lips in a slight pout and your tired eyes made him wanna kiss you right there on the spot. “Ya know what, its already late. I’ll let you copy my notes this time chica.” As soon as you heard this it was like all the energy that had once left your body came back, “wait really? Oh my god- thank you milesss.” You let out a sigh of relief, a hand over your heart as you looked at the ceiling. Seeing you so happy over notes made miles wanna let you copy off of him more often, fuck it. Seeing you smile like that for him made him want to make you his.
He saw the looks that other guys gave you and heard how they would talk about you in such a degrading manner and always would put them in their place with a icy glare, but he knew that he couldn’t keep trying to ward off guys when you weren’t his to begin with. The last thing he wanted was for you to be mad at him because he’s scaring off possible boyfriends, though in his defense none of them could treat you as good as him. So when he saw you in the dim lighting of the library, your cute pink and white outfit complimenting your brown skin and braids he knew that he couldn’t wait anymore. He would protect your heart and pretty smile from any assholes that try and take advantage of you.
“I like you chica.”
Bonus <33
+ you literally were in shock at his confession that you sat for almost a minute trying to figure out what to say.
+ ended up telling him you felt the same and that you were glad he told you because ‘he was too fine to be walking around without no girl.’ (He said the same to you <3)
+ walked you home, hugged you anddd gave you a lil kiss before he left.
+ that next morning he surprised you with flowers at your doorstep, putting one in your hair before kissing your cheek. “Mornin princesa.”
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kelppsstuff · 2 months
Okaay so I saw that you accepting requests again sooooo can ask for some smut au Incubus!Adam x fem! Virgin Reader? I bet my ass if he was a demon he would 100% be a incubus who would has a virginity and breeding kink. You can't convince me otherwise 😆
For I Have Sinned
Summary: Adam was very self aware in the sexual department. He loved fucking virgins, so when you show up wearing your purity ring in hell of all places his interest grows heavily in you. He didn’t expect to fall but when he did he vowed to take that ring.
A/N: so I ended up making this were Adam went to hell as an incubus when he died because that fitted more with the way I went with this, if you’d like I can redo this where he originally went to hell, it would just be a different plot.
Warnings: breading, Virgin, jealously, blow job, pretty long.
A/N: this is the song.
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You didn’t deserve to be in hell. Everyone could see it, and when they asked why you were you’d always brush it off. They just really could understand why, so you were the perfect example of a redeemable sinner.
You had arrived in hell just a little bit before the whole extermination battle. So you didn’t know too much about this whole place.
It was Alastor who found you and offered you a try at a second chance. Key word; try.
When you joined the hotels guest list, it had just been a few days till after Adam came to hell. So you two relatively had taken a room right around the same time.
Due to the closeness Charlie made the two of you always partners for activities. At first Adam was annoyed by your sweet personality, but maybe that wasn’t entirely true.
A knock on your door made you groan awake.
You opened the door, your hair spread everywhere and on the other side was the owner of the Hotel herself. Charlie.
“Hey Char Char. What can I do for you?” Charlie was beaming at you, like she had stars in her eyes. “We’re starting trust falls in thirty and going to go on from there!”
You gave her a polite smile and confirming nod just before she left. When you were ready, you walked out exactly 30 minutes later, and you did a woman from the room beside you.
That woman came from Adams room. You can’t say you really too surprised, he had a new girl in there every week.
The girl was embarrassed being caught, though not too embarrassed considering this was hell. You had recognized her however, she was the bookstore lady.
“Really?” You asked Adam as he too walked out his room and down the stairs with you. “What?”
“We’re supposed to not do sin.” You explained as you noticed he was walking next to you on the way down, and not the lady he was just spending his time with. “Yeah well a man has needs.”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the lobby couch, while Adam showed the bookstore lady the door.
“Welcome! I hope everyone is having a good morning! We are going to do some trust falls first, then you and your partner will cook one another breakfast together.” The princess beamed at the sinners. You beamed right back while the others were to tired to show motivation.
Charlie walked to the platform she set up, and as always she went first. “I’m really proud of you guys!” She jumped and everyone was quick to catch — besides Adam and Alastor.
“Why don’t you go next Vaggie?” You could see the hesitation on her face, but ultimately decided Charlie was worth being a bit uncomfortable for a moment. “I know karate.”
While everyone continues to catch her, Adam rolled his eyes. He already knew that, he made sure his girls were well trained before going on the line.
As far as Adam was concerned he believed this was pointless. “Y/N, you next.” Vaggie picked you and you hurried on stage.
When you opened your mouth to speak you couldn’t find words. A trust fall was where you were supposed to share something, and despite you kind nature you were still a pretty private person.
You twisted the ring on your finger, thinking of something. You looked down and the pretty stone. “I have a purity ring.” You spoke softly and low but everyone heard.
Adam heard, and he didn’t know what happened but suddenly you were a lot more colorful.
When you jumped off the stage Adam was one of the first to catch you, appearing in the middle of the crowd out of no where — Alastor still kept to the side.
Each member, besides Alastor and Adam, had gone up and said something. So the activity moved on.
Everyone was awake now and so Charlie had set up stations and partners. Her and Vaggie, Angel, and Husk, Alastor and her dad along with Niffty, and then you and Adam.
Charlie handed everyone an apron and then said y’all could start.
There was so many things you could make you didn’t know which. You grabbed butter first and the some bread. Just as you were about to reach the eggs a tap to you side distracted you.
The king himself smiled at you, “want some batter?” Truth is, with your good nature Lucifer had became good friends with you.
You had shown Lucifer that maybe his gift of free will wasn’t a total flaw. “What kind?” You grabbed a plastic spoon and grabbed a little scoop.
“Pancakes!” Just as he spoke you at the batter and wow. That was good! “Make me a few too yeah?” Lucifer let out a little laugh with a nod that was interrupted by your partner.
Adam pushed himself in between the two of you, “sorry to intrude.” He wasn’t. “But I think you should start cooking now Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed three eggs. “Grab me a bowl then will ya?” Adam did that while Lucifer went back to his station. You cracked the three eggs perfectly and started to whip them.
You also put the butter in the pan and started the oven, then dipped the bread in the eggs, placing it in the hot pan.
You grabbed some cinnamon and started to place it onto the frying bread.
Out of no where some flour flew at you. The culprit started to laugh at your white hair, all while you tried to remain calm.
Adam wasn’t going to make YOU food. No way! So what better way to pass the time than to annoy you?
You grabbed a handful of the flour and chucked it at Adam, his laughing stopped and you felt satisfied.
Then began your food fight. Alastor had put a stop to it after your French toast caught on fire and before the kitchen could become more of a mess.
You started to wash your hand and groan at the flour stuck in your ring. “Are you kidding me?!”
Adam looked over your shoulder. Getting an actual view of the ring. It was pretty, it was rare one would have such a pretty ring in hell — the place filled with muggers.
“So a virgin huh?” You gave Adam a weary glance, “yeah? So what?” You spoke to him in that little defensive tone of yours.
“Nothing nothing. Just wouldn’t think someone like you would be one.” His condescending tone caused your blood to boil, something that appeared only he could do.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You wiped your hands off and placed one on your hip, twisting to look at him.
“Well we’re in hell, pretty much every one here is a slut.” You eyes widened at his vulgarity, not to mention the nerve of this man. “Your one to talk. Everyday there’s a new girl in your room.”
“As if.”
You had peeked Adam’s interest indeed.
Adam would always insult you for being a sinner. For doing some “kinky shit” for being in hell. No matter how sweet you were, Adam had always called bullshit. Though after he found out about your purity ring that changed.
Instead of calling you Sinner bitch it changed into good girl.
You were supposed to be delighted that was the case but you weren’t. Adam was the only person who treated you like everyone else. People would often always put on their fake kindness for you, just because you were kind to them.
You hadn’t realized you craved sin until Adam. If you were in hell it was for the sin of gluttony. You wanted more, not the same bullshit.
Charlie would always say you were sure to get to heaven, but now you didn’t know if you wanted to be there.
Thus came the annual Masquerade ball, hosted by the sin of pride himself on every Halloween.
Usually you and everyone in the hotel besides Alastor and Charlie wouldn’t be able to attend but this year you had all gotten invited, even Adam. So you helped Angel dust pick and outfit all the while looking for an outfit of your own.
Everyone was dressed in suit, and dresses, you had told the group you felt unwell and wouldn’t be attending. It was a lie but you just wanted to see how different it could be if you gave into all your desires.
So when everyone left you threw on your mask and your long dress with your styled hair, and popped off to the party.
When you entered no one knew who you were and you loved it. They would talk about their latest hookup, a conversation you hadn’t even heard since you were alive. They would talk about the latest sin they had done. It was quite fun to just splash in.
“May I have this dance?”
You turned around to the voice and you knew who it was, though you were under the impression he didn’t know you.
You didn’t want him to hear your voice so you only nodded and took his hand.
The two of you joined many other on the dance floor and started to sway to the slow song. Almost as if everyone was in sync.
Adam twirled you and hurried to bring you back to his chest. “I will say I’m disturbed that you haven’t said a word to me Y/N.”
Your heart stopped for a moment. “How’d you know.” He twirled you again and this time your back landed against his chest.
He brought his face to the crook of you neck and whispered almost desperate. “You mean besides your scent that I wish was on my sheets?.” You breath hitch as he pressed a gentle kiss against the curve of your neck. “It was your ring that gave it away.”
You silently cursed yourself for forgetting about that. You and Adam swayed in silence. Your back still against his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist while your held his. His breath fanning your neck causing a burning sensation that just consumed you.
“Why you lie?” You should have known someone would know, you just didn’t think it was Adam. “I’m not a child, I was tired of people treating me like one just because I’m a ‘sweetheart.’”
He hummed in your ear and dipped you. “You wish to be apart of adult conversations?”
“Is that such a surprise?” He brought out back to your feet and gave you a grin that caused a heat to spread.
“Do you know what I want?” You could say your answer before he started to continue. “I want you to drag you back to my room and ripped that dress off of you while you beg me to show you all the way to embrace pleasure.”
He wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped his around your waist pushing your breast against his wide chest. “I ruin you in all the ways imaginable, then I want to create new ways just so you can never leave me.”
“And then when morning comes?” You asked.
“That’s when the fun begins.” His eyes was playful but in that moment something flickered in them. Something that drew your lips to his as you desperately tried to chase that feeling.
He pushed open the door and stumbled into the room with you, lips never leaving you besides for pleasurable sighs. He kicked the door shut and pushed you onto the bed.
He kicked off his shoes while bending down to take your own heels off.
You grabbed his tie and started yank it off. While he unzipped you. He kissed down your neck while pushing your dress down.
You started to unbutton his dress shirt but quickly grew annoyed and ripped it open, the buttons flying everywhere. You pushed his shirt off and looked up at him with desperate eyes.
He pulled away from your neck when he was satisfied with his art work and pulled back to get a better look at you. In panties, looking up at him with begging, no pleading eyes.
His chest went up and down, breathing heavily. His hair was a mess and you noticed he had a cowlick.
“I want you.” Adam knew you did and while he didn’t say it back you knew he did too. You knew from the way he quickly discarded the rest of y’all clothing. You knew from the way he spit over your pussy to make sure you had extra lubricant.
You knew from the way he pushed passed your folds. You knew when you cried out when he bottomed out inside you. You knew from when you saw the flicker in his eyes again.
And in that moment you knew that you would never be getting rid of him, for he would follow you to the end of the earth.
He started to thrust up into you, whines and moans leaving your mouth. While deep breaths and groans left his.
He then angles his hips and thrusts up once again, hitting the right spot inside you.
“Oh god, right there.”
“That’s right baby, I’m your god.”
Your hand were gripping the sheets above you and he brung his hand over your own. Spreading it out, his fingers linking with yours. The cold band on your finger the only the cold between the the two of you.
He continued his fast and relentless pace and soon the coil in your stomach was going to snap. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Adam I’m going to cum.”
“That’s right babe, cum on my cock, only my cock can make you feel like this.”
Just like that the coil snapped and Adam fucked you through your own orgasam, searching for his own.
“Fuck babe I’m gonna cum you keep clenching around me like that.”
The idea of Adam cumming in you was one you couldn’t get out of your head.
“Do it, cum in me. Make me yours.”
His hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed while he picked up the pace. “Fuck you want me to fill you up? Fill the cunt until your belly is swollen?”
That did him in. He came, hard, painting your walls white.
When the two of you came down from your highs the two of you fell asleep. When you awoke the neck morning you panicked, you were in Adam’s bed, you slept with him, and you didn’t regret it. Most of all, you couldn’t find your ring.
You went back to your room and grabbed some clothes and went to look in the lobby, wondering if it dropped.
Though when you entered it there Adam was, talking to husk and while he was handsome his face wasn’t what brought your attention.
It was the dangling necklace that had your ring on the chain. The message was clear, you were his, and he was yours.
Done! Sorry I haven’t updated in a bit, I’ve been working on my other blogs, but I promise I haven’t forgotten all of you people. How could I? Everyone in Hazbin is practically hot.
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xileonaaaa · 1 month
Thinking of a wealthy Nanami who is absolutely smitten for you
Nanami x reader au
*He isn’t some uptight goody two shoes.
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
!NanamiKento who met you through a mutual friend at a work gathering.
!NanamiKento who found himself entranced at the way you weren’t afraid to speak your mind at any given chance. Not to mention, just how much you seemed to shine in the midst of his drunk coworkers.
!NanamiKento who took to silently admiring your drunken mannerisms as the night progressed.
!NanamiKento who was quick to follow you when you went to the bathroom just to make sure that you’d be okay.
!NanamiKento who paitiently waited for you to reemerge from the ladies room, ignoring the groups of drunken women who tried their best to throw themselves at him.
!NanamiKento who ended up getting distracted trying to free himself from one of them who had somehow wrapped herself around his waist.
!NanamiKento who nearly panicked when he happened to look up, and see you getting cornered by a very drunk man.
!NanamiKento who nearly shoved the woman -who was literally grinding on him- off in one move as he made his way over to you to try and help you.
!NanamiKento who found himself frozen in his tracks when he saw you reel back and kick the man straight in the balls, before prying off your pretty heels and clunking the hunched over man on the head a few times.
!NanamiKento who didn’t realize his mouth was agape until he saw you hop over the guy who was groaning in pain on the floor, and grab his wrist, swiftly making a beeline for the exit before you could face any repercussions.
!NanamiKento who found himself actually going along with your very ridiculous act.
!NanamiKento who let you guide him outside, and felt a little cold when you let his wrist go.
!NanamiKento who was about to speak up and ask if you were okay, before his breath was stolen once more when he saw you converting your dress into a bodysuit.
!NanamiKento who quickly looked away to maintain some sort of decency, and only looked back when he heard you bid him a soft goodnight.
!NanamiKento who felt his heart actually stall for a second when you placed a finger to your lips and winked at him, saying “No witnesses.”
!NanamiKento who could only nod and try his best to swallow with his strangely dry throat.
!NanamiKento who went back in that restaurant feeling like he’d never felt before. For the first time, in a long time, he was actually holding back a smile.
!NanamiKento who wanted nothing more than to see you again, and maybe even get to know you.
!NanamiKento who thought about your very brief but strange interaction all week long.
!NanamiKento who actually ended up asking his mutual friend (in a very subtle way) how you were doing, and deep down, he wondered if he’d ever get to see you again.
!NanamiKento who learned that you might be getting let go from the company due to your overly smart mouth.
!NanamiKento who had to keep himself from outright laughing at the thought of your tiny self trying to go toe to toe with your boss.
!NanamiKento who went about his days trying his best to work up the confidence to ask you to dinner.
!NanamiKento who let a whole three weeks pass, before he finally approached you.
!NanamiKento who almost deviated from his usual laid back attire he usually wore out to first dates, simply because he genuinely wanted to impress you.
!NanamiKento who pulled up to your little apartment 30 minutes early, and was surprised when he saw you already waiting by your doorstep.
!NanamiKento who took notice on how you didn’t seem repulsed by his rustbucket of a car. (He’s the type to use the most mundane things for the first date. It’s an easy way to see if you actually want him, or want what you think he’s worth.)
!NanamiKento who sat across from you, listening as you talked about a little bit of everything. If you were just trying to patch up the awkward silence, or if you just loved to talk, he couldn’t tell. He loved it either way.
!NanamiKento who found himself genuinely interested in the things you had to say. Even going so far as to finish his food so that he could give you his full, undivided attention.
!NanamiKento who offered to cut your steak for you, but was taken aback when you politely declined, and dramatically stabbed your knife into the meat, cutting it with force, before popping it in your mouth, and grinning at him.
!NanamiKento who couldn’t help but smile back at you, genuinely feeling convinced that you had to be the most strangest woman he’d ever met. (In a good way of course.)
!NanamiKento who spent the most time in that restaurant just conversing with you, than he’d ever spent anywhere else besides his home.
!NanamiKento who felt a bit sad when he had to take you home, and was quick to ask for a second date before you could turn in for the night.
!NanamiKento who felt just a little let down when you told him that you’d think about it, but immediately perked up when you offered to stay in touch.
!NanamiKento who cursed himself all the way home for not trying just a little bit harder. Maybe he shouldn’t have went with his usual method.
!NanamiKento who made it a point to stop by your cubicle every morning just to say hi, and sometimes bring you coffee.
!NanamiKento who started to notice your very apparent eye bags, and the piles upon piles of work that began littering your desk.
!NanamiKento who felt like something wasn’t exactly right, and took it upon himself to do a little bit of digging through corporate files to see just who oversaw your work.
!NanamiKento who took his time gathering evidence to bring up to the big boss to prove you were being targeted by your own boss.
!NanamiKento who would pass by your cubicle to check on you, and take a chunk off of your enormous pile of paperwork for himself to do.
!NanamiKento who would often see you hurriedly rushing out of the office without your stuff, going who knows where.
!NanamiKento who caught you trying to take the bus one evening, but ended up missing it, and hurriedly stopped you, and asked you if you noticed that you’d left your stuff behind.
!NanamiKento who listened as you explained that you needed to get home to feed your two cats their dinner, and come back before the security guard locked up the office for the night.
!NanamiKento who offered to drive you to your apartment, and was beside himself when he heard your genuine thanks.
!NanamiKento who hesitated when he dropped you back at the office. Feeling a bit concerned at just how dark it was, he asked if you needed him to stay and help you, but his help was of course refused, and a part of him understood why. You were a very independent woman, and he respected that, so he let you go, but not before asking you to stay safe, and bidding you a goodnight.
!NanamiKento who found that through all of his research, he was too late in helping you keep your job.
!NanamiKento who happened to walk in early the next morning to a you tearing your boss a new one. You didn’t use a single swear word, and you didn’t even raise your voice. You gave it to him plain and simple, before storming back to your cubicle and collecting your things.
!NanamiKento who was beyond stunned, tried to stop you, and have you reconsider your decision, but the minute you looked up at him, he was able to see just how much your overtime was having an effect on you. Dark circles were under both of your eyes, you looked a little under the weather too.
!NanamiKento who let you walk out of that office, and made it a point to stop by your place to make sure you were okay.
!NanamiKento who was correct on his assumption that you were sick when you opened up your apartment door to let him in.
!NanamiKento who was glad he chose soup for his takeout option, and did his best to help you around your tiny apartment.
!NanamiKento who returned home that night thinking about something he would’ve never in a million years thought about, had it not been you.
!NanamiKento spent the next coming weeks visiting you, thinking about your predicament, and what he could do to possibly help you out. He knew well enough by now that you were the last person to ever except handouts, no matter how low you were.
!NanamiKento who considered asking you to be his girlfriend, and moving you and your two cats in with him.
!NanamiKento who thought about that possibility for days, weeks, hell a whole month went by, and he started to notice the bills piling up on your kitchen counter.
!NanamiKento who finally broke, and ended up asking you to be his on Valentine’s Day. He was so happy when you accepted, he even smiled!
!NanamiKento who immediately proposed that you move in with him, maybe until you got back on your feet. Hell, if you wanted, you could just stay and not bother getting another job. He didn’t want to ever see you with eye bags again. (You agreed to move in with him, but of course declined his offer of not getting another job.)
!NanamiKento who took note of your reaction when you saw his house for the first time.
!NanamiKento who yet again was surprised that your first thought was at how cold and barren his home seemed when he gave you a tour of it.
!NanamiKento who offered for you to decorate it for him. He didn’t particularly care for stuff like that, but if if made you happy, then he was all for it.
!NanamiKento who came home from work the next night to the smell of a delicious aroma filling his home.
!NanamiKento who was beside himself when he found out that you’d cooked dinner for him, and was waiting on him to get home so the two of you could eat together.
!NanamiKento who’s favorite part of the day was coming home to you, with dinner on the stove, and you diligently applying for more jobs on his sofa.
!NanamiKento who enjoys sitting down for dinner, and telling you about what’s been going on in the office.
!NanamiKento who is always eager to be the taste tester whenever you decide to try out a new dish.
!NanamiKento who doesn’t mind staying in the kitchen and helping you with the dishes after the both of you finish eating.
!NanamiKento who loves winding down, with you perched up on one side of the sofa doing some online shopping for things to decorate his house with, and him laying right next to you reading a new novel he’d checked out from the library. (He was not comprehending anything he was reading because he was too busy thanking his lucky stars that he got to meet someone as wonderful as you.)
!NanamiKento who usually waits for you to get up and start on another task because you can’t sleep, before he goes ahead and orders whatever it is that you have in your cart.
!NanamiKento who is more of a lover boy than you could have ever imagined. He would sometimes show up from work with a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers, claiming that he saw them on his way home, and they reminded him of your smile, so he stopped and got them for you.
!NanamiKento who lets himself relax around you, and lets you in on his more secret, vulnerable side.
!NanamiKento who laughs the most when he’s around you. You’re always making him chuckle, whether you mean to or not.
!NanamiKento who shows his appreciation for you by taking you out almost every weekend, and letting you pick out whatever it is you desire from the mall.
!NanamiKento who’s only reason to continue going to work is to be able to make you the happiest, and most comfortable woman alive.
!NanamiKento who loves you with every fiber of his being, and never knows what expect from you, and to be honest, he loves that the most about you.
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