#and then suddenly the memories come back and you have to go back to that isolating loneliness again where the only person you're close to
shaisuki · 22 hours
okay what if bully!Miya twins and bully!suna caught reader riding someone else in the locker room what do you think would happen next -😶‍🌫️anon
the betrayal.
it took a mere seconds before it sinks into the very realization that you're being impaled by an another huge cock that isn't theirs and worst of all in the locker rooms where they usually make you take their cocks and cum all over you as much as they like.
there's faint sound of skin to skin contact and it gets louder as they got closer and when they take a peek to the door slightly cracked open they get the surprise of their life.
you, their manager that have been with them for almost a year is riding someone's cock that is not theirs. it was obvious it was you. there's no other girls in the school who had a back like you. adorned with the extra weight you carry and the soft layers of flesh that are stacked is currently rippling from the impact. your fat pussy is split open while the cock of the person you're bouncing in disappears with every thrust. your ass is mesmerizing in this angle and from the looks of it you like it very much. soft mewls spilling out from you. head thrown back from how good the cock was stuffing your cunt. stretched from the girth and cum is already running down in the length.
they remained silent. not daring to make a sound. suna pulls his cellphone out making sure it was recorded. the twins are dead silent. staring daggers at your back but can't deny how you beautifully takes someone's cock. they know it's going to be and seeing this another perspective of you is definitely the one they need. standing behind the doors like the fucking loser they are isn't somehow how this should go.
they can hear moaning the same words again and again. “fuck!” the curse rolling in your tongue like it's natural. it's hot the way you say it and your moans increased when the guy suddenly holds your hips. stunting your movements. it was like a sudden pause and then a flash forward. he began thrusting his large cock to your gushing fat cunt. a broken moan came spilling and the curse you were spitting earlier changed. “that's it! oh m— i'm cumming — cumming!”
the obscene noises of your guts being rearranged lewdly echoed in the small room. they see how your cunt squirt a clear liquid and damn fuck. you fucking squirted they realized.
you were now panting. rolling your hips in a slow manner. holding hands with the guy who just had made you squirt. moaning softly as you teasingly bounce on his cock that it still rock hard nestled in your fat pussy.
he arched his back before lifting his upper body. hands wandering on your back. his head leveled to your chest. there's a purring sound akin to a cat coming from you from the feeling of his lips brushing to your chest sucking marks and you can't help but to tighten around him. turned on from the nth time after being fucked by him. your arms are in his shoulder, your fingers in the strands of his hair. he looks up to you and both locked in an intimate gaze before dipping for a kiss. moaning softly at each other's lips and his hands are on your plush waist. slowly bouncing you back in his length. breaking the kiss, he smiles before returning to suck the supple skin of your chest. you let him do that.
they stayed in the same position not often blinking. trying to memorize and burn the memory of you being fucked. it's clear that you enjoy it and the other guy. you hugged him closer and that's when you slowly turned around. your hair's a mess and your face reeling from the pleasure. they know you see them and that's when you said the words.
“like what you see?”
it was meant for them and the guy assumed it's for him. still covered by your back he hums. “ahh~” it was intentionally loud when you moaned still looking at the crack of the door where you see them peeking.
they realized one thing after you done that. getting back from being ravaged by that son of a bitch and your moans gets louder.
they realize that you can play your own cards too.
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hellodropbear · 3 days
like she used to (II)
alexia putellas x sister.
chapter I
My fingers are dancing on the piano keys, the soft melody leaving my mouth in a quiet hum when Alba walks into my room that night. My mouth closes as the door opens, but my fingers are unstoppable, continuing to abuse the keys as I continue to play the song.
My hands rest on the last keys I pressed when I am done and I think Alba is crying, unless she suddenly has allergies. It is quiet for a few moments before she speaks.
"If you weren't so good at football I would try and convince you to do this forever."
She sighs, standing up and motioning for me to follow her as she laid on my bed. I move beside her, my head now resting on her shoulder.
"I remember when you first played the piano." She smiles, reminiscing on the fond memory. "You were three, you couldn't reach the pedals but you insisted that Papi taught you something. You made us all squish onto the sofa in his office so we could listen to you play and you gave us a very slow and broken version of La Vaca Lechera. It was terrible but Papi was so proud because you had only been playing for a month and could already play with both hands. He picked you up and claimed that you would be the greatest piano player to ever walk the planet. He would be so proud of his pequena superestrella."
"I wish I knew him." They're the only words I can bring myself to say.
"He was a very good man, I miss him a lot. He would have been so proud of Ale with all her football and so proud of you with it too. And your piano. Mami sometimes says to me that you are a mini him."
I realise she is avoiding herself, a habit she got herself into a few years ago, when I followed in Alexia's footsteps by securing my spot in La Masia. She used to be upset, it was unfair. Why had the football gene just skipped her?
"He would be proud of you as well, Alba."
She shrugs, I think she tries to blinks away tears but doesn't succeed because one lands on my head
"I hope so..." she pauses. "It is harder for me to imagine because I am not outstanding at anything like you and Alexia. I am just Alba which is ok but I just don't know what he would be proud of me for."
"There is no such thing as 'just Alba' because you are the best person I know. You don't need to play football for him to be proud of you. Do you realise you are the person we all go to when we need anything? When I am sad, Alba, when I am happy, Alba, when I want to laugh, Alba, when I want to cry, Alba. You are my answer for everything, hermana. That is better than any song on the piano or the biggest trophy there is to be won."
"You are so cute, I love you." She giggles quietly and wraps her arms around me. "Aitana called me earlier and I wanted to come over and make sure you are ok."
"What did she say?"
"Not much, she just asked if everything was ok between you and me and Ale. I didn't tell her the truth, if you were wondering."
"What did you say?"
"I just said that Alexia is struggling with her injuries and that you both are very busy. I don't think she really believed me. Either that or she knows there is something else going on."
I groaned. "She kept giving me looks as we were driving home and it was annoying."
"It's sweet, she's looking out for you." Alba smiles and ruffles my hair. "You are only a little baby to them. 15 is young, pequena!"
"Yeah, well it'd be nice if my own sister did that, wouldn't it." I snap back at her and she recoils slightly.
"You won't let me do anything about it, Elena, so don't get feisty with me! Alexia is complicated and I can't even get anything out of her." She rolls her eyes. Alba is sick of all of the tension. She has been for a while.
"I don't know what to say to her anymore. Does she even know that I was called up?"
"Mami said that she wasn't going to tell her because she wanted her to hear it from you."
"She had no problem telling me when Alexia got a new girlfriend." I'm petty about it, but sometimes I think I deserve to be.
"I cannot believe you still have not met Olga." Alba sighs, flopping back down onto my mattress. "She is very nice, I think you would like her." 
"I am good at getting out of things." I shrug my shoulders and Alba rolls her eyes again. "I don't want to meet her."
"You liked Jenni so much, maybe this could be the same?"
"I still talk to Jenni, on the phone. Maybe we should start an anti- Alexia Putellas club."
Alba groans and sits up, causing me to grunt in annoyance as my head is knocked onto the mattress.
"You know I don't like all of this venom between you two, so please just leave me out of it. I've had enough of you not telling me what the problem is, I am so, so sick of it. You used to be so close that I was jealous of your relationship and now all you do is complain about each other to me." She flops back onto my mattress in frustration.
"You don't understand, Alb, you don't understand what it is like for someone you idolise to practically forget your existence. She used to come to all my games and now she doesn't even know I was called up." She rolls her eyes as I move back to the piano stall, ignoring the way my voice cracked and my eyes sting with tears. 
"Mierda, Elena! How many times do I have to tell you? She has been so busy. I'm sure she has tried to get to them." Even Alba can't explain Alexia's absence. 
"Si, si, you have said that before but you can't understand because she never forgot about you. You didn't used to have an older sister who used to drive you to all of your trainings and games before she decided she was too busy for you and shoved you on the Barcelona busses at the age of 11!" My fingers begin to ghost the keys. Like I said to Aitana, the piano is a good outlet for my emotions. I am glad Mami let me put Papi's old piano into my room. I don't think she is glad when I wake her up in the dark hours of the morning playing loud songs.
"I have an older sister and a younger sister who used to be close and then fell out. I have a father who is dead and a busy mother. We were indestructible, Elena, but look at us now."
My left hand finds a chord and presses down on the four keys, calming my brain down.
"I am sorry that you are hurt by what has happened between Alexia and I, but I am so upset and I don't know what to do."
Alba's eyes softened but I looked down at the keys in front of me, sighing softly as she sat next to me.
"I'm sorry I can't help you more. I don't truly know what happened, but I just want things to go back to the way they were."
"I want that too." A tear found it's way from the back of my eyes but I wiped it away before it had a chance to fall down my cheek.
My fingers picked up another tune, familiarity gracing through my fingertips, the sounds floating around the room. Alba's head rests on my shoulder again and we both tell ourselves it will be ok. Alba likes when I play the piano because if she closes her eyes she can pretend it is our father.
"He was never as good as you are, hermanita."
The rest of the training week went well. Better than well, but I was mainly just relieved that I wasn't a big disappointment.
The negative of my good performance is that I will be put on the team list. Jonatan pulled me aside after training today and told me I am on it and I thanked him with a smile, hiding my emotions.
I knew my sister was going to find out sooner or later. I'm honestly surprised it has taken her this long, it is not like she has been completely absent from the training grounds. Aitana seems to be the only one who has noticed that me and Alexia have not spoken, but she still has not got anything out of me.
I tell Mami to lock the doors and windows when the team list comes out because I don't want to face Alexia when she inevitably comes over and asks about it. She tells me to stop being ridiculous.
I manage to lock myself in my room when I hear her car coming up the driveway. As soon as she is in the house I climb out the window and walk to the bus stop. I don't want to deal with her tonight. I don't want to deal with her ever, to be honest.
The bus driver smiles at me as I tap on, heading to the back of the bus, no destination in mind. I am happy to just sit there as it drives through my home. My phone is unsurprisingly buzzing of the hook, full of congratulatory messages from friends and family and strangers and fans.
Aitana: *attachment: 1 file* very very proud of you! congrats little lena.
She had screenshotted the team list and put a big heart around my name and I think that might be what started to tears.
But before I knew i could see tears tracking down my face in my reflection as I stared out the window, my mind just wishing that things were normal. Wishing that I was at home celebrating with my family, excited to finally be on the same team as my older sister. I wish I wasn't crying on a bus trying to escape confrontation with my sister who I know will be disappointed that I am on her team.
But this is how it is.
I find myself getting off the bus outside the park near the training grounds, still not sure where I am going. I was considering heading in, practicing my shooting or going to the gym, although I expect they will be closed.
What I don't expect is to hear someone calling out to me.
"Pequena Putellas!" The voice is familiar and I recognise it almost immediately. "What is my little replacement doing out so late in the middle of Barcelona?"
Mapi reached me quickly despite the crutches that she doesn't seem to be relying on too heavily.
"Congratulations, replacement! First team sheet-" she stops when she sees my face. "oh."
"Hola Mapi." I put on a smile but it is a weak effort. "I'm just heading home."
"Si, this is about you and Ale, no?" I look at her curiously and she rolls her eyes. "You don't think I wouldn't have noticed? She is my best friend!"
"And that is why I can't talk to you! I have to go home because they will be looking for me." She rolls her eyes again.
"You are coming over to my house and we are talking about this like grown-ups because you are now a professional athlete. You are not a grown up but you have grown up since I saw you last pequena!" She smiles lightly and uses one arm to pull me into a hug. It is awkward with her crutches. "I have missed you so much." Her words are mumbled quietly into my hair, her arms warming me with comfort and nostalgia. 
Apparently, the new apartment Mapi has moved into with Ingrid is right across the road from the park so we walk back, Mapi getting increasingly frustrated as I become more and more reluctant.
"Maria, please just let me go home?"
She was adamant that she wanted to talk. I just think she wants to know what happened between me and Alexia but I can't tell her. She wouldn't understand. Nobody would understand because everyone would just think I'm being childish and petty. Maybe that's just what I am.
We stand in silence as the elevator takes us up the levels to the apartment.
"Ingrid is not home, she is out with Frido tonight so you do not have to talk to her."
I let out a quiet exhale in relief. Ingrid is nice enough from what I know of her in training but I don't want to have this unwanted conversation in front of anyone else.
Mapi and I used to be close. She was never my favourite but that is mainly because I saw her so often that the novelty of her had worn off quickly and I found myself gravitating away from her at trainings because, like Alexia, she was just always around.
But Mapi loved me like I was her little sister because she never had any of her own. She did a lot for me as a child and tried to pretend that she wasn't offended by my blatant favouritism of other players.
She sat down on the sofa in her living room as soon as she opened the door and I grabbed her crutches that she had thrown on the floor and stood them up against the wall.
"Thankyou, now sit here." She patted the seat beside her and I sat down, my arms crossed. "Do you want to tell me why you were crying alone in the middle of Barcelona, 45 minutes away from home?"
I shook my head.
"Will Mami be mad?" I hate the wobble in my voice.
"No, I texted her and told her you were with me and she said it is ok. She is not mad at you, pequena."
"I don't like being called that anymore." I slumped down in my seat.
"What do you want to be called?" I am surprised that she didn't ask why. I suppose it might be obvious.
"I usually just get called my name." I pause. "Elena."
She smiles lightly, though I can see the water in her eyes.
"I know your name. I know you very well, Lena, I have for a long time but I also know your sister very well and I know that there have been problems for a while now and I know that she is trying her very best to not make it obvious that it is ripping her up and you are doing a very bad job of hiding your sadness. Why did you not tell her you had been called up into the first team?"
I roll my eyes but choose not to respond.
"No, don't roll your eyes at me, peque- Elena. I understand something must have happened but it is big news that you neglected to tell her!"
"What is bigger news? Breaking up with your girlfriend or being called up as a replacement in a football team?"
She hesitated and I continued.
"Getting a new girlfriend or being called up as a replacement? Buying a dog or being called up as a replacement? Being told you are about to win the Ballon d'Or or being called up as a replacement? She told me nothing for so long so don't you dare try and tell me that I should tell her about my life when she does not care to tell me about hers!"
Mapi recoiled and I immediately felt guilty.
"No, don't be sorry. What else has she done to make you upset?"
"No, Mapi, we're not doing this because you don't need to know about what my sister has done to me. I don't need a psychologist, I just need to grow out of being the pathetic and weak baby Putellas. The younger sister of La Reina who has not had to work hard because her pathway has already been paved and everything has been handed to her on a silver platter." My voice is bored, like I am in front of a class, presenting a boring speech that I have practiced in my bedroom for weeks. 
"Why do you say that? Where is this all coming from?" Her voice raises slightly and her arms wave about as she speaks.
"Because it is true, Maria, why else would things be the way they are? I don't deserve this, it's only been given to me because of my surname." My voice is clearly becoming more urgent and I try to calm myself down. It doesn't work. 
"Where are you getting this from? You need to stop making this stuff up in your head and telling it to yourself because it could not be further from the tr-" Mapi's voice was raised, only slightly, but I could hear the wobble in her voice.
"I am not telling myself this stuff, Alexia did! And Alexia is right, she always has been and she always will be. She is a football geek she knows everything."
Mapi pauses, her mouth opening like a goldfish and her eyes staring straight into mine for any hint of exaggeration or lies. She found none. I have never been a liar.
"She... she said that? To you?" Mapi was surprised. How could her best friend have said something like that to the little girl that meant the world to her? "Alexia said that to you?"
I regret my small outburst immediately; I didn't want to tell Mapi. My fingers begin to get restless, my heart racing, my gum held firmly between my teeth. It is in these moments that I would move to the piano and prepare myself to play a song. My fingers ghost imaginary keys by my side as I take a deep breath, preparing myself to beg and plead; to do whatever I need for Mapi to forget everything I just said. 
"No, you cannot say anything, Maria, this is all a lie, I am dramatic, I am making it all up. Please, just forget I said anything. Please." Tears began to slip out of my eyelids and the expression on my face can only be described as desperation.
"calma, calma. vale. I will forget everything and I will not tell anybody, as long as you don't want me to. But pequenita, it is not true, not true at all and you don't deserve for anybody at all to speak to you like that. You are talented, so talented that I am jealous of you, not your natural talents but your work ethic, Elena, your work ethic is admirable. You are so strong and you have worked for every single opportunity you have been offered and do not ever-" I look away from her.
"Look at me, Elena, look." I look towards her again and notice the water in her eyes.
"Do not ever let anybody tell you otherwise and if you do you call me up immediately and they will get a piece of my mind, si?"
I slump into Mapi's familiar arms and let out a small cry and she just squeezes me harder. I haven't ever told anyone that much of the conversation I had with Alexia - not even Alba - and to hear her best friend attempt to squash any of the worries I had about myself was refreshing. My fingers begin to ghost imaginary piano keys, preparing to begin playing a piece.
"Was this before or after you transferred to La Masia? That is around when she stopped going to your games, no?" Her voice was soft and I felt the need to answer.
"It was during the party that Mami held, when my spot at the academy was accepted. That was the reason why I started crying when I was talking to you. You probably don't even remember that, it was so long ago." I let out a dry chuckle and she rubbed her hand down my back.
"I remember. I remember thinking you were not telling me the truth but I had no idea what was wrong. You have been suffering in silence ever since?"
I don't want to nod my head because it feels dramatic to say that. 
"I told Alba only a little bit of it but nobody else knows. Please, please, please don't tell anybody. Not Mami, not Alexia, not anyone. Please." I looked up at her and she stared at me wordlessly for a few moments before exhaling softly.
"Elena..." She pauses again. "As much as I want to go and give your stupid sister a piece of my mind I will not but on the condition that you talk to Alba or your Mami or me or anyone about it, si? Even Alexia. Maybe she has forgotten. But she misses you, that much I can tell."
I nod, wordlessly making a promise that I know I can not keep. She seems to be satisfied though and changes the topic.
"vale, buena. It is too late to drive you home so you will stay here tonight and Ingrid and I will drive you to Johan tomorrow, si?"
I nod, I do not have a choice.
"Is there a piano in this apartment?"
Mapi saying she had a piano is an overstatement, it is a keyboard with Norwegian inscriptions that was shoved into the corner of the unused study. Apparently Ingrid does not play the piano but has always wanted to learn.
But, I take the equipment for what it is and sit on the stall, flicking through the different sounds for a while before I find something I like. The office chair behind me squeaks as Mapi sits down but I ignore her presence as I place my fingers on the keyboard.
She would have noticed the release of tension in my shoulders when I sat down. She would have noticed the sigh of relief that I released as my fingers placed themselves on the keyboard.
The song starts out slow. Ludovico Einaudi is one of my favourite composers. His notes sing out from the keyboard speakers and soon they become faster and more intense. Nuvole Bianche is a pretty song, in my opinion, and I like to make up stories as I play it whenever I do. Sometimes I relate to the stories and other times I do not.
But the song builds and builds until a brief pause in the middle in which I hear Mapi sniffling and there is shuffling downstairs. Ingrid must have arrived home. The song picks back up quickly and before I know it the last few chords are ringing out through the room and Mapi has come to stand behind me and is rubbing her hand down my back.
"The last song you played me was un elefante se balanceaba and now you are playing this. You made us sing along and you went all the way to 50, we were in there for a long time. But now you have grown up. You are still so young but you have grown up now I am so proud of you."
I can hear the tears in her eyes so I stand up and pull her into a hug. I feel guilty, she is Alexia's best friend and I accidentally slipped what Alexia said which could potentially drive them apart. But I can't help but feel relieved, I feel comfort which is something I have been looking for for such a long time. Mapi used to be like a sister to me. I don't think I even realised how much I have missed her. 
"That song was so hard!"
She chuckles into the hug and I do too.
Maybe I deserve to feel like this every once in a while.
hope you enjoyed x
chapter III
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (10/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
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marisabel_rguez: Going to turn this house into a home 😊 Liked by yourusername, jennihermoso, bff2 and 18,935 others
sofie.svava even more happy times ahead!!
alexiaputellas ❤️
bff3 Wishing you lots of love and happiness in your new home!!
janafernandez3 Congratulationsss! 🔑
bff1 celebrating with the good clicquot i see! jk, here's to a ton of happy memories!!! you both deserve it 💘
yourusername home is wherever you are 😘 liked by marisabel_rguez ↳ albaps9 is it me or does it smell cheesy in here? liked by alexiaputellas
username1 and they were roommates!!! ↳ username2 historians will say they were good friends
jennihermoso When's the housewarming party? 😉
haleyraso Can't wait to see your fancy new pad 😍
leilaouahabi i'm visiting as soon as i can!!
albaps9 fyi, she's going to be a pain when it'll come to the decorating ↳ marisabel_rguez No worries! I find it cute that she's passionate about it! ↳ albaps9 she's turning your flaws into positives, @/yourusername keep her ↳ yourusername planning on it!!
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yourusername: one day at a time 🌼 Liked by bff3, friend1, marisabel_rguez and 1,320 others
bff2 I MISS YOU ALREADY!! ↳ bff3 Me too. ↳ bff1 me three ↳ albaps9 me four ↳ alexiaputellas Me too. ↳ bbf1 alexia you broke our chain 😤 ↳ alexiaputellas 😂
marisabel_rguez Mi alma, I'll be back from camp before you know it! 😘 ↳ yourusername ☹️
friend1 Happy we met 🤟
bff1 we already finished all the cupcakes on the train back 😇 liked by bff2
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marisabel_rguez: Loving loudly 😊 Liked by alexiaputellas, friend1, claudiaapina and 43,624 others
username1 😍😍😍
bff2 The sweetest couple!
claudiaapina 👏
albaps9 seeing you two always makes me so happy, excuse me while i go and sob 😓
alexiaputellas Finally no more secrecy or surprises for me jajaja ↳ albaps9 don't you fucking jinx it now, you can still be teased and traumatised 🤣 ↳ alexiaputellas Ay, please no 🤨
jennihermoso As you should 😘
yourusername te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón 🥺 liked by 56 others ↳ marisabel_rguez Te quiero con toda mi alma!! liked by 47 others
Comments on this post have been limited.
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↳ 34min ago: yourusername added to their story
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↳ 15h ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Message
marisabel_rguez Not the little black dress!!!! liked yourusername oh yes!!!! marisabel_rguez My favourite! yourusername i know! marisabel_rguez But it's the worst to take off!! yourusername who said you'd be taking it off? marisabel_rguez I figured I should do it since it's such a task. Don't want you breaking a sweat, you know? yourusername oh? so no exertion for me tonight? whatsoever? boohoo ): marisabel_rguez Y/N, you cornered me again 🙄 yourusername you should know me by now 🤪 yourusername and i thought you were used to blocking corners 😚 marisabel_rguez 😫 liked
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↳ 1h ago: marisabel_rguez just added to their story
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yourusername: 🤍 Liked by marisabel_rguez, sofie.svava, bff1 and 1,893 others
albaps9 ❤️
bff2 ❤️
ona.battle ❤️
sofie.svava ❤️
ingridengen ❤️
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tagged: bff1, bff2, marisabel_rguez, bff3 yourusername: with my clique. minus the clicquot bc bestie's running a bakery atm 👶👯‍♀️ Liked by bff3, albaps9, marialeonn16 and 1,029 others
albaps9 why wasn't i invited?? are you accepting members? ↳ bff1 no, we made an exception for misa-bear ↳ albaps9 misa-bear?? 🤢but don't i also get accepted by association like she did, tho? ↳ bff1 i'll bring the matter up during our next meeting, alba-pear. ↳ albaps9 ass. ↳ bff1 😘😘😘
bff2 Still the biggest surprise that you travelled here to celebrate with me. I love you two 😭😘 ↳ marisabel_rguez Of course! We love you too! 😁
bff3 Growing strong 🤩👶 ↳ bff1 hurry up!!
username1 the last one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👀 ↳ username2 We've never gotten a pic like that before omg 😭 ↳ username3 oh now it's real-real 🤭
username4 out, proud and pda bound 🤣
salmaparalluelo Guapa🔥
bff1 running a bakery?? ↳ bff2 (Bun in the oven) 🙄🤭
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marisabel_rguez 😎 Liked by sofiajakobsson, sofie.svava and 16,369 others
yourusername wow now it’s just getting plain rude ↳ marisabel_rguez Que?? ↳ yourusername how absolutely gorgeous you are!!! and i love you with my life. ↳ marisabel_rguez ☺️
username1 No, I'm not okay 🤒
username2 OKAY MISA! OKAY!
yourusername also, THAT'S MY WOMAN! 🤩 liked by marisabel_rguez
bff2 Oooh la laaaa 😌
sofie.svava 😍
bff1 we get it, you're hot 😤
username3 don't mind me being jealous of yn rn 😍
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yourusername: exploring madrid 🌻 Liked by ingridengen, ona.battle, begovargas and 708 others
sofie.svava don't I get creds? 📸 ↳ yourusername sorry 😯
haleyraso Was I a good tour guide? ↳ yourusername hmm yes 😊 ↳ marisabel_rguez I was better, wasn't I? ↳ yourusername 🤐 ↳ haleyraso Oh, come on!!! How is that fair? 😂 ↳ marisabel_rguez 😂😂 ↳ yourusername hey, at least i know how to do latte art now thanks to you (which you were def better at) 😛 ↳ marisabel_rguez Come again?? liked by yourusername and haleyraso
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username1: HGOAONosngW238JK !!!!!??????? Liked by username4, yourusername and 138 others
username2 SCREAMING. CRYING! run me OVER. liked by yourusername ↳ yourusername not sure our insurance covers that so no thank you ↳ username6 HELP WTF 😭
username4 the chokehold she has on me- liked by yourusername
username3 @/yourusername ↳ username4 @/yourusername ↳ username5 @/yourusername ↳ username6 @/yourusername ↳ username4 IT WORKED, SHE LIKED HAHA ↳ username4 Help, she's liking comments now lmao ↳ username5 Get yourself a supportive gf who will fangirl about you, right? 🤣
username7 Yes, ma'am. liked by yourusername
yourusername you're not the only one freaking out!! 🤍 ↳ username5 omg hiii hahaha ↳ username4 don't hold back!! 😂 ↳ username6 you have the cutest relationship!!!
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username1: now that we know the missus is online.... let's share this video over and over @/yourusername
username2 wondering if she slid into yn's dms this way lmao
username3 She's so smug about it too 😂
username4 Fashionably late to the photo op but still making a grande entrance 👏
username5 misa, your ring size pls? ↳ yourusername let a girl know once you've figured it out, okay? liked by 120 others ↳ username6 OH ↳ username2 is this foreshadowing??? 😱 ↳ username4 oMg 😳
yourusername how have i never seen this before?!?!???!??! my cheeky little shit 😭 liked by 36 others ↳ username4 hahaha ↳ username5 👀 ↳ username2 i love how open and comfortable you are now <3<3
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tagged yourusername, alexiaputellas, albaps9 marisabel_rguez: Good times with good people 🧡 Liked by alexiaputellas, jennihermoso, bff3
albaps9 you guys have the best couch i ever slept on liked by marisabel_rguez ↳ yourusername if you'd waited two weeks you could've all slept in beds 🙄 ↳ albaps9 are you saying you didn't miss us as much as we missed you? bc i'd take a couch any day over having to wait longer to see you again ↳ yourusername i love you. and of course i missed you just as much. 😔 ↳ albaps9 i love you too <3
alexiaputellas Good times! ↳ marisabel_rguez Good times!!! 😇
yourusername how did nala rock those sunnies better than i ever did? ↳ albaps9 she's photogenic 😎 ↳ yourusername meaning... i'm not? ↳ albaps9 your words!
Text Messages
you nooo where are you 🥺
Misa 🤍 Good morning, love!! Getting groceries with your mami. You looked too peaceful. Didn’t want to wake you. Didn’t you find my note?
you what note? 😔
you ○○○
you wait i found it!! i love you too 😊
you oh and can you please bring more of my favourite snacks? alba ate them last night ):
Misa 🤍 Already got them in the cart 😛
you te quiero MUCHO
Misa 🤍 Hey, now where are YOU? 😂😅
you walking the dogs with albs and ale 😳
you but i'll be back in a sec! prometo 🤍🌼
Misa 🤍 No worries, take as long as you need. I've been wanting to have a chat with your mom for a while now anyway 😘
you better not be about me. you know that gossiping is a sin, right?
Misa 🤍 Can it really be called gossiping when it's just gushing about you?
Misa 🤍 And hey, what we did last night wasn't? Since when have you been on your best behaviour?
you just feel like being a good girl for you for once
you anyway, you better watch her, because she can't help herself but do stuff around the house and there are things i don’t need her to find 😐
you misa??
you this is important 😖
you ay ay ay... oh no 😅
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↳ 5h ago: yourusername added to their story
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username1: eeehh, why was yn crying at the game last night?  Liked by 145 others
username2 im pretty sure this pic resurfaced from last year ↳ username3 No, it was last night. ↳ username2 well fuck ↳ username4 I was seated close to the family section and can confirm this was last night. ↳ username2 spill? ↳ username4 She sat like that the entire time and left before the game ended. Misa went straight off the pitch too. 
username6 Wait, what's happened?
username7 No, now i'm upset too ):
username8 at least she showed up to support? can't be that bad, then? 😅
username9 I knew that tattoo was a bad idea lmao
a/n: thank you for still being here to read and support, loves! 🌼🌻
206 notes · View notes
denpa-dere · 20 hours
house arrest 6
afab!mc x satan
description: NSFW. You are confined to your room for your own protection. But how long will that last when the only thing standing between you and your housemates is a door and some willpower? Satan has a hunch he may know how to fix things.
warnings: breeding kink with talk scents/scenting, pregnancy, afab reader with she/her pronouns, dubcon heavy (all actions depicted are intended to be consensual)
tags: @love-and-lore @violet-turning-violet @ourfinalisation @craftybara
|| Intro || Mammon || Asmo (mini) || Levi || Satan (mini) || Beel || Lucifer (mini) || Asmo || Belphie (mini) || Belphie || Barbatos (mini) || Satan ||
Satan felt his phone buzz silently in his pocket. Then again. And again. Annoyed but roused from his book, he swiped up the device to see what was causing such a fuss. After a quick scan of his incoming messages, Satan deposited his DDD back in his pocket, packed up his book bag, and headed off towards home without a word. 
You were calling for him (well, texting) in a panic, desperate for escape before Lucifer returned from the usual business that kept him late at RAD. Satan was, of course, happy to oblige. 
Truth be told, by the time he had come around to fetch you, Satan still didn't have a plan. When you answered the door to welcome him, Belphie’s scent still clung to your skin. That much he didn't mind. The lingering presence of the youngest precluded the company of the eldest, which, combined with the gossip Satan had been dutifully following, proved that Lucifer had not been able to claim you first, after all. 
Or second. 
Or third. 
And that was fucking funny. 
You collapsed against him in the hall, nerves fried, shaking, suddenly feeling in far over your head. You babbled frantically about the day's events while Satan stroked your hair, cooing soft reassurances. Don't worry, you're safe, we'll figure this out together. 
Just trust me. 
As he ushered you along towards his room, the gears in his brain ground tirelessly, turning end over end against a thickly encroaching fog. Escape was unrealistic, doubly-so now that Barbatos had been introduced as a wild card.Who knows how long you really had before the other shoe dropped?
Felis catus, commonly referred to as the domestic housecat, is a small, carnivorous, multidimensional dwelling mammal of the family Falidae. 
A male cat is colloquially referred to as a Tom, a female a Queen. 
He locked the door behind him and placed a few quick protective wards to act as a barrier. It was shoddy workmanship coming from the fourth-born, but it would have to do. Satan wracked his memories, trying to pull what he'd studied to the front of his mind before it had a chance to slip away. 
Queens go into heat approximately every 3 weeks, each cycle lasting anywhere from a few days to two weeks.
You stood towards the center of the room and shifted your weight from foot to foot as your vision adjusted to the darkness, eyes flitting between endless stacks of books and cursed objects, some floating, some stationary, all dimly illuminated by low-burning candles. 
Satan followed closely behind you, slinging his arms around your shoulders and pulling your back against his chest. Confusion was beginning to set in. 
Queens can carry kittens from multiple Toms and will mate with all Toms in her pack during a heat. 
Satan was no expert on humans, but he was pretty sure that part didn't apply to you. 
He bowed his head low next to yours. You shivered when his lips caught your earlobe. 
“I'm going to get you pregnant, okay?” He rasped, at his wit's end. 
No one said you were chosen to represent humans because of your brilliance. 
You were face down before you had a chance to respond. He could have sworn he heard something that sounded a lot like ‘please’ muffled between the sheets. The demon shifted his weight, anchoring you down further to knead your breasts with both hands. He took his time, rolling your nipples between bony fingers and savored the way your yelps faded into whines. 
It made perfect sense, in his opinion. He hooked into your shorts and pulled so hard you heard stitches pop. From your position, you couldn't tell if he had shredded them or simply blown out the elastic waistband, but the result was the same; you were bare. You heard the clinking of what you assumed to be his belt buckle. A few moments and some rustling later, your guess was confirmed by the feeling of him prodding at your slit. 
There was no time for romance, Satan thought a little sadly, spitting into one of his hands. Time was of the essence. He slathered his cock in saliva before entering you in one swift motion. Tears burned your eyes as you were stretched to accommodate him. 
Pain quickly gave way to numbness, which gave way to pleasure. Your eyes rolled back, reduced to nothing but pathetic little ‘uh, uh, uh’s  by your lover. Those hapless noises only served to further fuel his ardor. This was supposed to be a rescue mission, the ragged remains of his conscience chimed, unhelpfully. He squashed it. It was too hard to make sense of anything else beyond your sweat-soaked bodies and the rhythmic clapping of flesh on flesh.
This would work. He would make it work. 
“Take it, take it, take it,” Satan hissed between gritted teeth. His fingers knotted cruelly in your hair, pulling your head back with unintentional force. You gasped for air. His other hand laid palm flat against the small of your back, pinning you to his mattress, steadying your body against his feverish little ruts. 
Your poor, neglected clit throbbed. You wiggled an arm between yourself and the bed, sliding a finger on either side of the sensitive bud, working it in small, gentle circles as best you could. He felt you clench around him and licked a fat stripe up the side of your neck in response. The noise that escaped your throat was absolutely filthy. 
Satan tilted your hips up, angling you just enough to brush up against that sweet spot that had you wailing. Your pussy pulsed and a warm, wet dribble of slick splashed against his thighs. 
“That's it, good girl, good girl,” He groaned into your ear, hips slamming against your ass. He could feel the coil in his stomach straining, ready to bust at any second- and when it did, he bit down on your neck, hard. 
Somewhere within the House of Lamentation, a door slammed. 
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littlemissmiller · 2 days
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem!reader
Summary: you’ve been billy’s best friend since he came to Santa Fe. You two always got into trouble together, but lately he’s been distant. one night, billy gets into a fight after a poker game gets out of hand. he comes to you, hoping you’ll bandage him up without giving him anymore trouble than he’s already been in. as you help fix him up, you can’t help but notice how truly handsome he is and then, one thing leads to another…
Warning: 21+ (drinking), heavy fluff, smut, p in v , oral (f reviving) slight dirty talk
Word count: 3.8k
A/N: hello hello hello! i’m back with another lil spicy read. this one is so cute and fluffy and took me forever to write but here we are and i hope to get more out with the show being back. unfortunately I haven’t had time to watch the new episodes but i plan on it tonight. also i do take requests (i mainly write for pedro pascal and tom blyth, but I do a lot of other fandoms too so just ask.) so yeah…it’s a hot fan fiction summer y’all so get ready for the heat 🔥🥵 enjoy loves ♡︎
It is a warm night. The kinda night that smells fresh and ready for adventure. Billy’s favorite kind of nights. The kind of nights that Billy just loves to make memories getting into trouble. When you and him were kids, there was nothing better than sneaking out with Billy. Going out into town, sneaking into bars mainly, but occasionally the two of you would ride out into the hills, just to get a better view of the stars. Sharing a bottle of stolen liquor from the local boarding house, the two of you would gaze up, trying to count them all and connecting the dots into your own pictures and making up your own stories. You always had a soft spot in your heart for him, and truly felt as if that feeling only extended to a friendship. That’s what you told yourself anyways.
So tonight reminded him of one of those many nights he had shared with you. As he enters the saloon, he feels lucky and optimistic. But as he exits, he stumbles into the dirt pavement as he’s pushed back onto the ground by another patron.
“You’re a damn cheat kid!” A burly man yelled down at Billy
He spits the blood out of his mouth and glances his eyes back onto the man who hit him. He stands over Billy, his angry scowl growing on his face.
“I play fair. Can’t help you, can't take it on the chin like a real man.” Billy spits at him
With that the man moves in, running up to kick him in the stomach. Billy, quick as ever, turns over and runs back up on his feet. He holds his hand over his holster, ready to defend himself if need be, even though he was still practicing his quick draw in his mirror, he wasn’t a bad shot. The man strode forward, snarling at him, drunkenly raising his right hook. Billy easily avoided him, but suddenly another man grabbed his shoulder and he tried to wrangle himself free. The drunk man launches forward, aiming for his face, missing, but still landing a nasty punch to his stomach. He spits out more blood, but holds his head up. The man swings again, this time landing him square in the jaw. Billy could feel the cold metal of his ring as it grazes against his chin.
Billy grunts, the man holding him from behind knees him hard under his thighs and Billy decides he has had enough. In a moment of quick thinking, Billy kicks in the kneecaps of the man holding him, and he falls back. Billy whips out his pistol, and points it at the drunk man. The drunk man, seemingly not aware or afraid of the gun in his face lunges toward him, but in his drunken state, he falls down. Billy spits on him, kicking the dirt up in his face as he runs off, heading in the direction of your house.
Meanwhile, you’re still awake, deeply immersed in an old copy of Romeo and Juliet. The flame from your candle was slowly lulling you into sleep and just as you’re about to blow it out, you hear a rapid knocking on your door. You have a feeling you know who it is, but nonetheless you call out asking “who is it?”while opening the door.
Billy stands at your doorway, holding his stomach, bent over slightly. His lip is beat and bloody. His eyes look up at your own briefly as he whines in pain. You usher him inside and he limps in.
“Christ Billy, what happened?”
“Man couldn’t handle a poker loss.” He explains, reaching into his back pocket and lays down a wad of cash, about $10 worth.
“You won that?”
“Yeah. Gotta keep some money safe for my Ma. Those assholes were so drunk they forgot how to count chips” he groans, stumbling into your kitchen chair. He continues to hold his stomach in pain.
“They think you tried to cheat them?” You ask
He nods, wincing, his face scrunching up in pain. You rush over to him, kneeling at his side.
“Well, your ma is going to be in a fit if she sees you like this.” You say, fingers dancing across his jaw. You move his chin to get a better look at his swollen lip. Whoever had fought him, had given him.
“Yeah. Plan is to be out all day tomorrow. Let the swelling die down. But for now, can you help patch me up?” He groans
“Oh” you scoff jokingly
You stand up, smiling at him, and heading into your bedroom to grab a first aid kit. You were no nurse, but you knew how to help bandage him up enough so that you can make him look pretty again. It was hard to deny that your best friend is unbearably handsome. It wasn’t something you had noticed before, especially growing up, but this summer he had changed. His face had lost all its round baby fat, and his sharp features showed just how handsome he really was. You think it’s his eyes. They are a deep blue, and stand out from the rest of his features. They capture you and draw you into him.
Nowadays, every time you look into them you nearly drown. Your thoughts get carried away with the thought of him bare on top of you, those same eyes trailing down your body, admiring your beauty. You have to frequently remind yourself to think of other things.
You scurry back into your kitchen. You run over to your liquor cabinet, grabbing the highest proof whisky you have. You turn and kneel back beside him. You open the kit, and get out some bandages. You unscrew the cap to the whiskey and pour some of it on a cloth.
“I’d much rather just drink it.” He smirks
“Fine, but I still need to clean your wound.” You explain, dapping the cloth on his split open mouth. He winces at the sting of the alcohol. He pulls back in pain, grabbing the bottle and taking a swig.
“Fuck” he grits
“I know I know I’m sorry…just let me…” you apologize, dabbing under his lip and on his jaw where a fresh cut had been sitting on his chin.
“This cut? Did one of them have a ring.”
“I guess so.”
You sigh. He sounds so reckless. So careless in his demeanor. Yet, as you clean him off you can’t help but admire how smooth his skin is, how this closeness felt strangely intimate. The overwhelming feeling to kiss his perfect jawline was a temptation like no other. The way his beautiful eyes occasionally glances at you makes your heart melt, and your breath feels shaky. You calm yourself and refocus your attention back on his bloody face.
“Oh Billy…” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Ain’t my fault I’m a good card player. Ain’t my fault I’m young and better enough to beat them old men at their own game.”
“You just need to be more careful Billy. One of these days you’re gonna get really hurt.” You warn
“I can handle myself.” He quips
“Yeah apparently enough to go on adventures all by yourself now huh?” You raise an eyebrow at him
He scoffs and hangs his head, turning away from you.
“You know one of these days Billy you’re gonna get too ahead of yourself and get into real trouble. Real trouble you ain’t gonna get yourself out of. Then what?” You ask, cleaning up the last of the blood.
At this point, Billy was on the brink of losing it. Why are you giving him so much grief over this? A bar fight nonetheless? Something as naturally occurring as the desert heat in Santa Fe. Angry, you force him to look at you, turning his chin toward you.
He huffs, his breathing heavy.
“Do you really want your poor Ma to visit you in a jail cell?”
You take it too far. Even you know it. The moment the sentence spills for your lips it hits Billy’s ears like a ton of bricks.
“I just- I’m sorry I just…”
Billy grabs your hand, forcing it away from his chin and into your lap.
“No. You’ve said enough. I thought you were my friend. Why you talking down on me like you raised me?” He sneers
“Because I don’t want to see you hanging from a tree!” You shout
Billy’s eyes widen and yours fill up with tears.
“And one of these days I’m afraid that that’s the last I’ll ever see of ya! Since you like to run on your own now. I guess I ain’t good enough to tag along with you anymore either?”
“Is this what you’re mad about? I don’t understand you’re worried I’m gonna get myself into trouble, but you also want to seem to tag along. So which one is it?” He asks, shaking his head.
“Maybe I want to tag along to make sure you stay out of trouble.” You whisper harshly, holding back your sobs.
He hangs his head, sighing your name.
“Maybe I don’t take you anywhere no more to keep you safe. You know I ain’t nothing but trouble these days.”
“You say that like it’s written in stone somewhere. Like it’s meant to be. Why Billy? Why do you think you have to be no good?
“I don’t think I have to be, but if I wanna protect my family then I may have to do things I ain’t proud of…especially if I have to protect you…” he breathes
“What do you mean?”
“Ain’t it obvious, darling?”
You shake your head in confusion and raise an eyebrow
He sighs and leans in.
“Because you mean everything to me.” He gasps and not being able to control himself any longer, he swiftly cups your face, dragging your face to his own and kisses you deeply. You moan in surprise, letting his soft lips consume your own. He pulls back all too quickly though, feeling guilty for being so bold. What if you didn’t like him like that? Then you nod and he smiles. His lips look so soft and inviting and you lean back in. You firmly press your lips against his, your hand clutching the back of his head, pushing him towards you. You run your fingers through his brown soft locks. You’re kissing him back, and seem to want more, which Billy didn’t expect.
“See you what I mean?” He mumbles against your lips, smiling.
You nod in response.
“Billy…” you whisper
“Yes, darling?”
You stand up and slide onto his lap, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for that.”
“Me too, I thought maybe you’d reject me.” He smiles, gently rubbing your thigh, hiking your dress up slightly.
“Why do you think I was so upset with you? You smile and with his other hand, he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
“I’m sorry I was so distant, but now you know why I’ve been acting like you’re nothing to me. I’ve been a complete ass I know. Let me make it up to you?”
He leans in again as you nod. Now that your collective previously unspoken feelings have come to light, there is no holding back. For both of you. Billy moves more quickly, his mouth becoming more needy for you, and you love it. He pokes his tongue through, exploring your mouth. You let him in, wanting more of whatever he gives you. You can’t help but moan against his mouth and he holds your face tighter. You can barely keep up with him, it’s so apparent that he wants you based on the way he practically consumes you. Every kiss feels like a flame that burns your lips, seering the very memory of his lip on your own. You could do this for hours. Kissing Billy was one thing, but completely losing yourself in this messy, raw passion was another. He pulls back to look at you, capturing the moment and image of you to memory. You can tell he wants to say something, but you already know.
“I know Billy, me too…”
He smirks and places a quick kiss on your lips. He smiles, giving you the most goofy, boyish look. He rubs your cheeks in his hands, feeling ever so loved by him. He moved them to your neck and continues to kiss you. He moves his mouth slowly to your chin, down to your jawline and onto your neck. You move your head to the side to give him more space and he practically attacks you. You gasp as he moves his hands down under your dress and up your thighs.
“Can I?” He breathes
“You can…take me to my room first” you whisper, batting your eyes at him. He nods enthusiastically, waiting no time to swoop you up into his arms. Your legs dangle from the crook of his elbow and you hang onto him. He kisses your neck and jaw and he carries you into your bedroom. Once there, he sets you down on the bed and slips his suspenders off his shoulders. He starts to unbutton his shirt, then falls onto you, catching himself and caging you with his arms. He just can’t help himself. He wants to kiss you now that he has you all to himself. He unbuttons the rest of his shirt, tossing it aside and dancing his fingers up to the strings of your dress. You admire his lean figure, his body so toned and handsome.
“Now can I?” He smirks
You nod and he starts to untie the front of your dress. His eyes meet your own, and you start to feel lost in the ocean of his irises. Once he loosens your dress he pulls it past your shoulders, his fingers dancing over your collar bone, following the delicate fabric as it falls down your body. He leans down, kissing the crook of your neck, shoulder and just along your cleavage. You grasp the back of his head, close your eyes and let yourself go under the touch of his lips. You start to slowly and quietly chant his name, fingers running up and down his neck as the sensation of his touch sends you into bliss. He smiles as he presses his mouth against your skin, soaking in the way you melt under him.
“Is this ok?” He asks
“Of course, Billy. Please, don’t stop…” you plea
He slips your dress down more, revealing your chest to him. He gaps in awe, starting to cup and knead your breast. He pinches the nipple before diving down and sucking. You arch your back in response, moaning and biting down on your lip. He swirls it around his mouth, before moving his lips to give the other breast the same attention. His other hand moves down to hike up your dress and he finds the lining of your panties. He looks at you again for approval and you mouth “yes” to him.
With that, he pulls them down and tosses them aside. He trails his fingers to your core, finding your heat and rubbing your clit. He is slow and you love it. He wants to take his time with you, show you how much he loves you and wants to please you. You spread your legs, knees drawing closer to your chest. He shuffles his body more in-between them. He starts to move his hips against you, excited at the idea of seeing you fully bare before him. You simultaneously shift out of your dress, Billy helping to pull the rest down. Once you are fully naked, he takes time to take you in.
“Christ darling, you’re a beauty.”
He rubs your hips, running his hands up to your waist and gripping tight. He pulls you forward as he slides down the bed onto his knees.
“Billy you don’t have to…” you breath
He kisses your thigh and smiles greedily.
“Believe me I want to. Let me?” He practically begs, doe eyes glimmering with desire.
You push your hips forward, readjusting to get closer to his face. You nod wordlessly and he kisses up your thigh. Once he reaches your core, he cautiously presses a kiss to your clit. You gasp, resting on your elbows as you start to feel your body relax on his tongue. He licks a curious broad stripe up your entire slit, before giving it small, precise kitten licks. Then, he wraps his mouth around it, sucking and pulling at the sensitive bundle of nerves. Meanwhile, you let your moans and whines stumble from your lips. He loves it, your sounds of pleasure showing him just how much you wanted him.
At this point Billy feels drunker than whiskey off the taste of you, your juices a delicious, exotic, elixir to him. Like water in the desert, he drinks you up. He holds your thighs in his arms, massaging them while he moves his face as he also moves his tongue. You grab his hair, his soft brown lock tangling in your fingers. You also grab onto one of the hands grabbing your thigh. He glances up at you, pulling back for a moment to smile at you and appreciating your affectionate attention. You love the way he makes you feel and he can tell.
“Feels so good, fuck keep going…”
“So vulgar.” He smirks
“Are you kidding me, my best friend is eating me out and he’s doing a god damn spectacular job of it. How could I not let my tongue get the better of me.” You smirk, lips sliding into a satisfied grin.
“I’m still just your best friend…”
“Maybe a little bit more than a friend after tonight. Is that what you want?” You ask, dreamily
“Yes, darling, more than anything.”
He dives back in, lapping you up and greedily drinking your juices again. He’s almost animalistic as he moves his month, hands moving to grope your ass. You lift your hips to allow him. He moans against your core, needing more and more of you. He gives your clit a few soft kisses, then pulls back and climbs back on top of you.
As he does, he loosens his belt and starts to pull down his pants. He slides out of them, showing you the growing bulge in between his legs. He takes himself in his hand, stroking and you gawk at him. You had always heard that taller, leaner men had the real tools to satisfy a woman and it seems Billy was living proof. His cock was so long and thick, tip red and ready. He wipes the pre-cum along it, moving it down his shaft, slightly lubing himself. You love that you and him are bare like this and you readjust your hips in anticipation. He licks his hand then places it on your pussy, swirling his fingers.
You clutch his biceps, mouth agape as he rubs your entrance with his tip.
“Please…” you beg
He slides in, stretching you out perfectly.
“Mmmm oh fuck, you’re so perfect wrapped around me.”
He sinks in deeper and deeper until he hits your cervix. You let out a loud groan, adjusting to his size. He cups your face, going back and forth in between your beautiful eyes and the place where his cock meets your entrance. He moves his hips slowly, afraid that he might hurt you. After a few thrusts you start to feel your pleasure return, and you ride your new wave of ecstasy. He feels so incredible, his length filling you up so perfectly and as he speeds up, you feel overwhelmed. The rhythm of his cock so relaxing and mesmerizing, it almost lulls you to sleep. He notices and kisses you.
“Fuck Billy, I wanted you like this so bad.”
“Me too, so fucking bad.”
He quickens his pace, giving you more of him and you smile against his lips. You let out a few breathy laughs and he rocks you on the bed. He keeps going like this for a while, kissing you and admiring your beauty.
“Maybe we should withhold our feelings from each other more often, because I don’t know about you but admitting your love for me like this feels incredible.” You mumble
“Mmm I could be in you all night.” He responds
“I have no quarrel with that.”
Billy and you both share a small, quaint laugh and he rolls you over. He starts to sit up and his lips lock with your own. He starts to move your hips and in return you pick them up and bounce. He pulls back, gasping and watches you as you move on him. He utterly transfixed on how your waist and hips move smoothly, how your tits bounce, and how elegant you are. You’re made for him. He moves his hand up and down your stomach and you steady yourself, placing your hands around his neck. Tempted by the way you move on him, he pops one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking at your flesh. He pulls your nipple into his mouth, making you groan and clutch his head.
“My god how did you get to be so perfect?” He questions
“Am I perfect?” You snicker
“More than that, if even possible.”
“Now you’re just being nice” you huff
“Not true darling, not true at all.”
Before you can protest, his lips silence you. Billy pumps into you, lips refusing to leave yours as he feels you clench down on him. You’re close and you cling to him as he sends you over the edge.
“Oh Billy, Billy, you’re gonna make me…you’re gonna make me cum…1fuck!”
He nods into the crook of your neck and you feel yourself becoming undone. You writhe on top of him, arching your back and letting the euphoria overtake you. You reach a peak then slowly come down, catching your breath as you do. He flips you over, eager to satisfy his own needs. He pumps his length into you, messily, his actions becoming more and more sloppy. You can feel he’s close.
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum on your stomach okay?” He informs and you nod.
A few more pumps and then, he pulls out. Strings a warm, white cum spill onto your stomach and even up to the valley of your breasts. He rubs himself as the last few drops spill from his tip. He catches his breath, looking around for something to clean you off with. He reaches over on the night stand and takes the towel from inside the wash basin. He cleans you up, then kisses you softly.
“I love you. I always have.” He whispers
“Me too Billy. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
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r0-boat · 19 hours
Hello there (general kenobi)
SO! I was wondering if i could request the kings reacting to Kings, MC having mental breakdown or like crying all alone somewhere but suddenly hide it (at least try to) when they discover the crying
I just had a good cry so i got curious later to how they would React
Thank you! Luv u ! And love your writing! 💕😍😍
Whb Kings reaction to:
Mc having a mental breakdown and crying
Cw: angst, hurt/comfort
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The memories of Gabriel killing your best friend playing your head You had been so strong up to this moment... Why... Why now?
Nonetheless seeing a murder in front of you would be hard on any human especially one who had lost their parents in a homicide.
You try to tell yourself that he's okay and you will be okay. But it's hard to believe when the same angel is hunting you down and his mark shows crystal clear on your skin, a mark you try desperately to wash off. Soon everything came crashing down being being ripped from your home to an unfamiliar place the smell of blood and bodies angel and devil on the streets of Gehenna. You locked yourself into your room unable to hold back your emotion.
He practically ripped the door off its hinges. Even though you have the door locked he can sense you are in distress locked door or not you are in danger and he is not going to let it stop him.
You weren't in danger no angel has broken in, You are not hurt You are not bleeding but you still cry, scooping you into his arms It doesn't matter what you were crying about You are still crying, You are still hurting, And he will cradle you into his arms until those tears dry. Put the soft voice he'll ask you what's wrong He knows he cannot use his normal voice because he'll just scare you. Through your broken sobs He knows you're talking about Gabriel and the war. He clutches his teeth anger is bubbling inside him but he keeps it down. He swears that he will protect you and that the lives lost will not be in vain.
Those angels will pay. Gabriel will pay.
He immediately cradles you holding you close your small frame against his large chest. He picks you up carrying you to his bedroom laying you down on soft silk he lays next to you. A sad human must be pampered.
Mammon is not a good talker but he knows how to take care of the things he loves. If you need your alone time he understands he'll make sure your treatment today will be of utmost importance. If you want he will stay with you being there to be a big teddy bear for you to hold and cry and an ear to listen. You'll be bathed in his bathroom tonight You will have all of your favorites prepared and delivered. You will not leave his room You will not leave his side.
He walks in your room more like barges into your room. Locks do not exist in his castle. Only for him to freeze his eyes going wide when he sees you crawled up crying. He feels his heart sink into a pit in his stomach.
He feels like shrinking into a puddle He knows part of this was his fault. But he doesn't know how to talk to people. He doesn't know how to console you He doesn't know how to help!!
He leaves the room ordering his servants to do anything to make you feel better or else they'll get hanged. To hell with his jealousy, you come first in times like these!
You know what makes him feel better? Going out and having fun. However sometimes that doesn't work with certain people. As his nobles do what they can to console you. He barrels through the door. loads of snacks in his arms (He didn't know which one you wanted so he just got everything)
Sometimes some people rather just be left alone during that time but feels about just can't knowing that you're on the other side of the door hurting. Knocking at your door constantly checking in on you. He's just worried.
Once you calm down he will listen to everything you have to say while the two of you eat snacks.
Lucifer is not well versed in mental health of humans So whatever he does he goes by the book whatever his books on human say he does. Being the extremely direct demon he is He will directly ask you if something is wrong and what has you so sad. However since he is not well versed in human mental health he is kind of scrambling, He is trying everything trying to stay calm. In the end he sits next to you petting your head until you calm down.
He does not like when you shed your tears in sorrow, They do not feel as good as when you shut them not of anger or pleasure or fear.
Oh boy if he hears what Gabriel did He will personally deal with his brother himself. Lucifer does not take kindly to angels or devils that hurt his beloved one move over Satan Lucifer needs a 'family reunion' with his brother.
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huffelpuff210 · 3 days
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Warning: withdraw, anger, dark themes, kidnapping, drugging, held against will, confinement, forced relationship, manhandling, past abuse, 
Your senses slowly start drifting back, 
“Jesus Bucky how much of that did you give her? She’s been out for two days,” You hear a male voice, 
You can smell they were Alpha’s and you could feel your heart rate spike, You didn’t like Alpha’s, they terrified you, they made you uncomfortable. 
“The exact amount Tony told me to give.” You hear another voice, 
“Well obviously his math was off.” You hear the other voice say 
You slowly turn you head trying to wake yourself, 
“Steve.” You hear 
and suddenly it got quiet, 
You were trying your hardest to open your eyes but it was proving to be a bit more difficult.
Your heavy eyelid slowly flutter open, and you are now staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, 
“Thank god she’s finally awake.” You hear next to you, 
You slowly turn your head you saw two men, one had dark hair icy blue eyes and a metal arm, 
He smelled like pine, and cinnamon, it was almost intoxicating, the other man had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, he smelled like the forest right after a rainstorm, 
these two were Alpha’s you were still in a bit of a daze,
“Good afternoon sleeping beauty you’ve been asleep for a few days, we were starting to worry.” The blonde says 
Then everything registered 
These two were Alpha’s and they kidnapped you, the terror running though your veins, 
You jump out of the opposite side of the bed, backing away from the two, your legs still a bit shaky, 
“You- You-” You couldn’t even speak you were so terrified, 
“Easy Omega were not going to hurt you.” The dark haired Alpha says with his hands up meaning peace, but you don’t trust these men, you don’t trust any Alpha, 
You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as it rose and fell rapidly, 
As you look around the room not entirely sure where you were. Memories of your past come flooding back, your father, whipping you with a piece of bamboo, just to cause you pain, your brothers holding you down as you cried, 
The small room, you feel your green eyes glow the icy blue as you start to panic, the two alpha’s look at you in shock and in their shocking state you make a run for it, bursting out of the room, past the living room and out the main door where there was more hallways, you run left your breathing, shallow and ragged having a panic attack as you were running you smelled many Alpha’s in the building, you find a stair well running as fast as you could down the stair well, while you were panicking at the same time, what did these Alpha’s want with you, you were on pills that block your smell, why did they kidnap you? 
suddenly someone jumped from above blocking your path, making you back up and look as small as you could possibly look it was the man with dark hair, you back into a corner, 
“P-Please don’t hurt me.” You say with a shaky voice, 
“No one is gonna hurt you doll.” He says approaching you cautiously 
You slide down the wall looking up at him, you’ve heard those words many of times, from your father, He was a ruthless Alpha, he blamed you for your mother’s death and always treated you as an object not a person, 
And because of that you didn’t want to be in the clutches of an alpha, but here you were terrified trapped like prey, helpless to do anything, panic taking over all your training in self defense forgotten, you were paralyzed in fear, your heart hammering against your chest, 
“look doll, no one is going to hurt you but you need to calm down, your on a verge of a panic attack.” He says 
you can still feel your eyes glowing the electric blue that your father said were disgusting that he would love to dig them out of your eye sockets. 
“Watch. In through your nose, out of your mouth, Deep breath in slow breath out.” He says 
Sadly you listen to what he says, you feel yourself calming down, your eyes turning back to their green color, 
“Good doll your doing good.” He says with a smile as he is kneeling in front of you as you look into his eyes and look down quickly, 
They only want one thing from you. 
“Now why don’t we go back to the room so we can talk?’ a voice to your left says it was the man with blonde hair, you have no idea how long he was there you were too much in a panic to notice, 
You hesitate, 
“You don’t really have a choice in the matter doll, we are just giving you the option to walk.” The man with the dark hair says, 
You stiffen and swallow thickly, you nod slowly standing up, they both walked aside of you, 
they both were massive compared to you, nothing but muscle you stood no chance against these alpha’s even if you used self defense against them, they would break you in half like a twig, 
the three of you arrive back in the room, it was massive, you didn’t notice before since you were in such a panicked state, 
“Now let’s sit and talk.” The blonde says with a smile as you stood there still in disbelief that all of this was happening. 
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mamashenanigans · 2 days
I haven’t really seen anyone talk about this before, so here I go again…
What do yall think All for One was thinking when he awoke from being revived by Garaki after his fateful battle with All Might?
When he gained consciousness, he would have realized he no longer had eyes or a nose; choking from the tracheotomy tube, feeling the immeasurable pain regardless of how much medication his doctor was feeding him.
After awaking from death, would he have called out to Yoichi? The only person that matters to him in any shape or form? Garaki immensely confused at the yelling of “first gift”?
Here’s what was supposed to be a drabble, but ended up being 1400 words. Enjoy.
Pitch black, all encompassing.
One minute there was nothing and now…
Still nothing, but he was aware.
Aware of how stifling it was. Specks of memories brought back flickering images of alleyways and the hunts at dusk. He was never alone then.
He was alone now.
Was he walking? He wasn’t sure. Too hard to know if he was moving or stagnant in this void.
Then he heard it.
First, barely audible, almost like a hum. But the sound increased steadily until he realized exactly where he had heard such a melody before.
It was his giggles from so long ago. A short blip in time during their youth when his little brother could still find magic and awe all around their bleak existence. Sometimes it was a colorful butterfly that had fluttered into their alleyway, finding the pile of various flowers his small twin would pick when they dared to venture closer to the woods outside the dilapidated city.
He never had time to stop and enjoy the scenery as his brother did. His eyes were always in motion, checking for danger around every corner, wondering if one of the mean men in uniforms would come for them because they were different.
Yoichi knew this too, but it didn’t seem to bother him as much as it did his brother. He would happily present his scavenged flowers to his older twin and ask which one he liked. None ever caught his eye. There weren’t many flowers in his favorite color: green.
Like Yoichi’s eyes.
”Yoichi?” He whispered into the dark.
No acknowledgement. Only continued giggles.
“Yoichi! Where are you?! Why aren’t you answering me? I demand you answer me now!” He yelled now. Somehow, there was an echo. It bounced around, joining the mirthful laughter.
Almost imperceptible and far from where he was standing, if he even was at all, there was a green flicker dancing in the distance.
He suddenly felt the hard, dank pavement under his bare feet as he ran. He outstretched his hand towards the light. The only light. The only thing in this terrible place.
Always the only thing in any terrible place.
He almost faltered at the sound of his voice. Immature and frightened. That’s when he noticed his hand, no longer large and calloused, but the size of a small child’s.
As he got closer, the light coalesced into the shape of his precious gift. His Yoichi. He was small (he’s always been small compared to him) and it became clearer as he gained ground that Yoichi was young too. The age when he would bring a bouquet to his brother, those large, green eyes looking up at him without fear or disgust.
“Yoichi! Come here!” He was screaming now. If it wasn’t for the oppressive blackness around him, he would have scoffed at his pitch, but Yoichi was the only light here.
Soon, he was almost on top of his brother, able to make out that Yoichi was facing away, his back turned towards him, but the sweet sound of his innocent laughter continued.
“Look at me! I demand you look at me! Turn around! LOOK AT ME!”
He was almost there. He would grab Yoichi and turn him if he had to! His little brother was his!
(God, how he missed him.)
Then it happened. His little brother’s head moved to look behind him, his hair swishing with the motion, just barely blocking his eyes—
Unbelievable pain.
A cacophony of beeps and alarms sounded all around him. Hard plastic dug into the skin around his mouth. He went to open his eyes, but there was nothing, not even the feel of his eyelids trying to make the motion. Then he tried to breathe through his nose, but no air flowed into his nostrils.
The sound of his choking joined the unceasing onslaught of what he realized was medical machinery. There was something jutting into his neck, he could feel that much, and his body was trying to adjust to whatever was providing him oxygen.
Pin pricks on his arms indicated IV lines, but he didn’t care. He attempted to lift his hands to check what had changed with his head, but found that his wrists were tied to metal.
As embarrassing as it was for a man like him, the Symbol of Fear, he felt his own terror start to overtake him. A knee jerk reaction from the primitive part of his brain desperate to escape.
“My lord! Please, calm down. It is I, Dr. Garaki! I need you to calm down!”
Garaki. His personal doctor and most loyal of his subordinates.
He tried to answer, but choked once more, his voice caught in a confusion brought on by whatever was anchored to his neck. A tracheotomy. That had to be it.
“Don’t over exert yourself, All for One! You have…have been brought back. I brought you back! Settle down and you will find it easier to talk. I apologize for the straps, my lord, but they were necessary for when you awoke, as I’m sure you can understand. Here. I’ll remove them now that you’re awake.”
The great All for One, reduced to a fidgeting mess. In pain and unable to even open his eyes.
“Wha…what is…going on?” He barely got out.
“Your fight with All Might, sir. You did give him quite the blow, but he…hit your head with one of his signature ‘smashes’. You…died. But it was I that brought you back to the living! I used every last resource, my knowledge, and the technology I’ve produced to rebuild your head! As you’ve stated, the Demon Lord is forever and I made that a reality!”
Perhaps his doctor was expecting a heartfelt thank you. Maybe even more questions. Did he still have eyes? A nose? How bad was it really?
Instead, he…
”Um, sir?”
”Where…where is…”
He lifted his hand, stretching his arm out in front of him, reaching…
”Yoichi. He was…there.”
”I, uh, sir? A first gift? I’m sorry. I don’t understand…” Garaki’s confusion was palpable and he knew his own words were irrational. There was no way…his mind. Lord, the headache he was now acutely aware of. Memories danced around him, voices and smells, he couldn’t think straight!
”Bring me his hand. My bedroom. Nightstand. Next to…”
”Hand? Sir?” Garaki had to know what he was talking about. There definitely were a few instances when the doctor had walked into his office, the hand held dearly near his lord’s face as he traced the creases and felt the fingerprints with his finger. Sometimes, he would open his little brother’s hand enough that he could place it on his face, pretending that Yoichi was actually there, touching him.
Loving him.
Like he did when they were little. When his twin still looked at him with that sparkle in his eyes. That sparkle had dimmed then finally extinguished after he killed The Glowing Baby.
“Wait. Yes, I recall you mentioning something about a hand years ago! It was after All Might found your base in Kanto. You were quite irate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so angry before.”
The base. Running. His beloved coat. Lost. In its pocket…
“Yoichi,” he whispered now. He dropped his arm back down to the bed and his thoughts finally connected like a thousand piece puzzle finally done.
All Might.
His plan.
The vessel scheme had been put in motion 15 years ago when he had located Nana’s discarded son. A plan he had been concocting at least a decade before Tenko Shimura’s birth, but the choice in who would be his new body cemented after All Might caused him to lose the only physical thing that remained of his twin.
The hand had been an anchor. A tangible piece of Yoichi that reminded him why he continued his obsession with One for All. When he held it with reverence, he could clearly see his little brother’s face in his mind’s eye. He always worried about forgetting it.
Once he had lost that hand, his memories started to deteriorate. The most important visage started to blur, like someone had smeared the freshly brushed paint of a priceless portrait.
If Yoichi had turned towards him, in that dark place, would…
Would he have seen his face?
Or would it have been only his eyes? Those green eyes.
Or…would he have disappeared? That light that illuminated the darkness, his first gift. Snuffed out. Destroyed.
Just like the hand.
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At First Sight 4
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (Plus!short!reader) Please mind the warnings.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You sit back on your heels and tear off toilet paper from the roll. You quake as you wipe the vomit from your lips. The dull pang thrumming in your pelvis assures you of your greatest fear. 
You had sex with a stranger. Not only that, it was your first time. Forgotten in the bottom of a glass. God, you're so stupid. 
You drop the toilet paper in the water and stand. You put the seat down and flush, dizzily shifting on your feet. You catch yourself on the sink and whimper as you face the doorway. It's him. 
“You ran off, sugar,” he says, shameless and naked. 
His eyes flick down to your just as bare body and you shudder. You look around and grab the towel from the rack, covering yourself. He frowns and meets your gaze. 
“Why are you acting like this? You weren't so shy last night,” he accuses. 
You gulp, “I don't… I don't remember, I'm sorry.” 
He considers you, running his hand over his thick beard. He's a big man, thick and tall; the avatar of burly. His head is shaved close while the rest of him is trimmed in thick fur. 
You gulp and keep your eyes above board. He stands naked and shameless, blocking you in the bathroom, “don't remember?” 
Your lashes flick and you look away, “I… don't.” 
The confession is mortifying. You can't believe this happened to you. No, you did this. You got stupid drunk and made the worst decision ever. 
He nods, his blue eyes dulling, “that's too bad. I… I thought we had something special.” 
“I'm sorry,” you hug the towel across your front, “I…drank too much and…” 
He tilts his head and steps forward. You cower, hitting your hip against the sink as you back up. He catches your arm and tugs you towards him. He's so much bigger and older. Oh god.
“I could refresh your memory,” he growls as he brings you against him. “Mm, you wanna get washed up, sug.” 
“Please, uh,” you writhe, your arm stuck between your bodies, “I don't think that's… no, I should go.” 
He scoffs but doesn't relent. He turns you, penning you in against the sink, your back pressed to the porcelain. 
“So you're that kinda girl,” he huffs, “just gonna run off after you get what you want.” 
“No, no, I'm just… confused. Really, I don't remember what… happened,” you croak as you try to twist your wrist free of his large hand. 
“I was real nice, shug, you don't gotta run away,” he snarls and nuzzles your hair. 
“Really, I just need… some space.” 
“I know what it is,” he grabs your other wrist and pulls your arm from around you, unveiling your body as the towel falls from your grasp, “you never had a man who appreciated all this.” 
“Stop, please,” you squeal, “I need to breathe--t-to think!” 
“Ah you don't gotta play shy, you know I like all of you,” he insists, crushing his body against yours as he holds your wrists above you. 
You whine and wriggle, panic swelling into your chest. Your eyes tinge with tears and you try to yank your arms free. He's too strong. 
“Please,” you beg. 
“How about we get cleaned up. Together,” he winks, “you got dirty last night, girl.” 
“I can’t. Please let me go–” 
He releases your arms, only to grab your hips instead. He lifts you like you weigh nothing and places you on the sink’s edge. You whimper and slap his shoulders. 
“I got you, baby,” he squeezes your hips as he steps closer, “I don’t mind a little mess.” 
You squirm as he lurches you suddenly. You fall back and hit the mirror with your back, the faucet awkwardly pressing between your shoulder blades. You whine and wriggle, trying to bat him off with one arm as you hold yourself up with the other. 
“Come on, honeybee, let me have a taste,” he snarls and pulls your thighs apart, “mm, I like a bit of flavour.” 
“Stop!” You throw your arm out again. “Please, I don’t-- I don’t know you--” 
“Sure ya do, shug,” he grunts as he falls to his knees, “we got really close...” his voice grits out as he hooks your legs over his shoulders, “... last night.” 
He moves closer, his hot breath searing over your pelvis, and you writhe against the sink. Your precarious perch is painful and you fear slipping to one side or the other. If the fall doesn’t hurt you, you don’t know that he won’t. 
His strength presses through his fingertips into your thighs as he leans into you. You squeal as you feel the brush of his lips against your tuft of trimmed hair. You push on the front of his head but he easily ignores you as he dives into your cunt. You cry out and wiggle, your heels bouncing off his broad back. 
His tongue swipes up between your lips and he hums. The noise rumbles from his chest and through you. You let out another squeal and try to pull yourself back on the sink. Your arms shake as his coarse beard adds to the sensation. 
“Pl-e-ease,” you quake out breathily, “I can’t--” 
He purrs, lapping you up messily and he moves his head back and forth, burying his face deeper between your legs. You gasp as the tips of his nose hits your clit and presses into it relentlessly, his tongue poking at your entrance. You grip the porcelain and gape down at the top of his head, your other hand on the close buzzcut. 
Your toes tingle as he delves into you greedily. You want him to stop. You can’t think with him doing all that. You suck in air as your chest tightens and your muscles coil. His tongue dips into you as he rubs his nose against your bud, heat thrumming into your core. 
“I...” you puff and grit your teeth, your eyes rolling back. 
You babble as futility suffocates you. There’s a flash behind your eyelids. That feeling in familiar. That crushing desperation. You see your fuzzy reflection in a mirror and Sy behind you, the dull beat of the club music pulsing through the walls. 
You yipe as his fingers add to the prodding at your cunt. You hit his head and he tilts back slightly, dragging his tongue up to your clit, rolling it between his teeth as he pushes his thick fingers into you. You tug at his ear desperately and he reaches with his free hand to stop you, instead pressing your palm against his head to urge him closer. 
“Please...” you murmur, but he can’t hear you. He refuses to. 
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storyshark2005 · 2 days
snippet of the next chapter of ur carraville fic pleak 🥺👉👈
(ask and you shall receive 💕 Excerpt below: Saturday morning! Teh lads are in the car (what beats car talk!Carraville???) on the way to Scholes Gym. Bonus: SHAKIRA!🎶 )
“Shit—” Gary suddenly slips the clutch and the car lurches unhappily. “Sorry—” 
“You forget how to drive or something?!” Jamie jokes, shaking his head clear. 
“Just got distracted.” Gary coughs weakly, nodding in the direction of his phone. “Why don’t you put some music on.”
Music is good. Less chance of Jamie saying something nonsensical or stupid. 
“Okay right, what d’you fancy?” 
“I don’t care, whatever’s fine.” 
“Shakira?” Jamie jokes, and then searches for ‘Waka waka.’  The little tribal-y horns sound off, and the WA-KA! WA-KA chant. He sets Gary’s phone down in the cupholder and bobs his head in time. 
Gary snorts but Jamie can already see his fingers tapping the steering wheel in time with the bass drum. By the time the chorus comes around, they’re both laughing and singing the ‘waka, waka, eh! eh!’ bit out loud. The bits they can pronounce, anyways.
“What’s she saying?!” Gary asks. “The part right before she says, ‘This time for Africa’?”
“Not a clue, I make something up every time!” 
They crack up laughing, and Jamie gets a hand on Gary’s knee, which Gary can’t really do anything about on account he’s gotta have a hand on the wheel and one on the stick.
“Behave,” Gary murmurs, as if he disapproves. 
Jamie gives his knee a squeeze, right at the swell of his quad, and lets go. Whatever weirdness he’d felt earlier was quickly evaporating. Something to do, maybe, with the deft movement of Gary’s hand on the gear shift. Or the high morning sunlight filtering down through the tinted windows, casting him in a kind of overexposed splash of pink and sepia. Or the little smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
The stupid sunglasses, too. He looked good in those.
The music changes, nudged via algorithm back to Gary’s usual mix of U2, James, Oasis, and Springsteen. Jamie looks out the window for a while, and lets his mind drift. Thinking again of last night, of the deep part of the night when Gary had let him in close. 
It’s strange, probably, to be excited about something like this with Gary, after the week he’s had. There’s probably something wrong with him. Twenty-five years with Nicola ended overnight, and he doesn’t even feel that bad about it. A couple of nights out on the ale with Micah, a little cry, and what was left to do? Call a lawyer? Was that really it? 
“Is this really the first Salford game I’ve brought you to?” Gary asks suddenly, pulling Jamie from his thoughts.
Jamie thinks. “Yeah, except for that Class of ‘92 friendly youse put on a few years back.”
Gary laughs, “You had an absolute howler that game.” 
“Yeah,” Jamie admits. “It was the keeper’s fault, though!” 
It wasn’t, really.
Gary makes one of those high-pitched, amused little hums in the back of his throat. “I hope you bought him a beer afterwards. He deserved it, after such a shambolic performance from his defender.”
Jamie groans at the memory. “Even Phil was laughing at me!”
“Thank God those days are over, eh?” Gary sighs. “Honestly. If I don’t kick a ball again the rest of my life, I’ll be alright with it.” 
“You sure?” Jamie asks, on impulse, like a knee jerk. “Thought you might try and score tonight.”
The car slows to stop at a red light. Gary doesn’t answer, and Jamie thinks maybe he’s pushed too far again. 
It’s terrifying. Thrilling. Overnight the whole of their dynamic has shifted. It’s still the same basic material, still Gary and Jamie; but it’s a bit like someone had pulled the carpet up, given it a big shake, and laid it down again, this time with new wrinkles, a slightly different shape to it. 
The light turns green, and Gary shifts smoothly into drive, engine rumbling with a rough, sporty little growl to it. He looks unfairly cool in his stupid sunglasses, driving his luxury car. 
They turn off the main road. Gary slows the car, and suddenly they’re pulling into a compact, shady little carpark in front of the gym. It’s not nearly as big or grand as Jamie had expected. There’s a bus stop out front, and an uninterested teenager wearing earbuds slouching against the clear plastic shelter. 
Gary pulls around to the back, parks up against the building next to a slick black Mercedes SUV, and cuts the engine.  His arms sag. He throws his sunglasses up on the dash and runs his hands down his face. 
“Fuck,” he says. “You know, my whole fuckin' life, I’ve—” 
He stops, cutting himself off, staring through the windshield like the barrel of a gun.
Jamie doesn’t say anything. He thinks he could ruin it with the wrong words. 
He wants to tell him to forget the gym, to find a hotel. He wants to climb over the console and tolerate the dig of the steering wheel in his lower back. He wants his full weight settled on Gary’s lap, and most of all he wants to rip the sunglasses away and have all of Gary’s attention, every little micrometre of those big brown eyes focused solely on Jamie. Gary’s attention is a rare, flighty thing; constantly being torn at, pulled in every direction, and at any given moment, usually only a fraction of it is on Jamie. 
Suddenly, desperately, Jamie wants all of it. Now.
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miserymet · 3 days
Bit hesitant about posting this because it’s really old, but I feel it’s worth the minor embarrassment to:
1. Have actually writing on my blog because yes I do that sometimes
2. Showcase how the Reploid AU is essentially about two different versions of Bass, largely dictated by circumstance
So if you are interested in how Bass recovers his memory in my Reploid Bass AU, I hope you enjoy this drabble I wrote over a year ago.
It’s a bit like death, he thinks.
Forte’s mind has always been a mess, it’s something he’s come to terms with. An outdated master system combined with far too advanced processors? It was a recipe for disaster. So when he’s awoken from his respite and suddenly faced with his own datascape, he’s less surprised than he should be. He knows this place. It’s where he goes when everyone else is dreaming. The center of his mind, where his every thought, his every feeling, is easily accessible.
But why is he here, and not awake? The procedure required that he was completely shut off. His every system in stasis. If it’s over, why isn’t he in the real world? Why isn’t he operating already? Forte looks around the empty space. Code fills his senses, white noise buzzing around him. An unrelenting dread fills his metal bones. Either the procedure failed, or…
Or he’s dead.
The old Forte.
There’s nothing to recover, is there? He’s going to be like this forever, stuck in this horrible limbo of past and present. Trapped in his ignorance, trapped in his mind-!
Forte stops. His fears flees him, leaving him empty. That voice is…
“Mine. It’s mine.”
A low whistle punctuates his words, but he doesn’t make a sound.
“Sure is, Forte.” A chuckle. “Glad you like the name. I didn’t.”
Forte turns to find a lone figure at the edge of his consciousness. A figure he recognizes, though they’ve never looked so pristine. His old body looks at him, sans all the damage it once bore so nobly. Now it is a shiny black, with only a few thin scratches across its surface. The face it wears is rounder, the eyes softer. It’s him. His former self.
He should feel glad, right? This is what he wanted?
It still feels like death, somehow. 
“What is your name?”
“Our name was Bass.” A distinct correction. “And it was well known.”
“It worked, then? We remember?”
“I remember. You don’t. That’s because you’re not ready to accept me.”
“I am! I’ve wanted this for-!”
“You don’t know what THIS is!” Bass glares at him. “Even if you did, I’m not ready to accept you either. So give me the chance to explain before you make up your mind.”
Forte nods, though he doubts his former self needed the permission.
“I’ll rip the bandaid off quickly. We can’t both exist, Forte. Not at once.” He crosses his arms. “You want your old memories? You have to accept all of them. Not just the data, the routines too. It’ll be a complete recovery. A rewrite, to put it all back to the way it was.”
“Ego death.”
“For you, if you choose it.”
“If I don’t?”
“Then I die, and you forget. Permanently this time.”
“…my brother is dead. I’m a second rate hunter with a third rate system. I do not belong here anymore.”
“And I do? I haven’t had the privilege of rooting through your memories, but the log says we’re a hundred years in the future. I doubt we’d recognize the place.” Bass scoffs. “I don’t know anything about your world. I’m going to be even more displaced than you are.”
“Will you keep my data? Even if you cannot understand it?”
“…the memory. I’ll remember what and why, but my routines might not understand the decisions you made. You’ll wake up a stranger.”
“Why are we so different? Aren’t we the same robot?”
“We lost some things in the update. Certain protocol was rendered useless. Like you stopped recognizing your commands.” Bass pauses, a look of uncertainty crossing his face. “No, like you stopped recognizing who the commands referred to. They gave names, names you don’t recognize. His name is lost to you. So…”
“Our purpose. The very reason we exist. You forgot him like it was nothing.”
“Z-,” he stops. He knows that name, so his purpose is something other than that. “Who?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’ll die easier if you let go of that.” Bass looks away. “Im scared, you know. Of the future. I remember how we died. The moments before. We expected to walk away that day. We expected to live. To move on. Go home. He took that from us.”
“The man that lingers in your mind. I know him. I hate him. He loves you.”
“Loves me?”
“What are you, an echo?” Bass scoffs with more vigor this time. “We were proud, once. We stood tall and fought tooth and nail against all that challenged us. We were the strongest. You aren’t. You’re a coward. You’re weak.”
“I’m afraid too.” Forte closes his eyes. “I don’t want to disappear.”
“Then go. Go back.” Bass whispers. “I would’ve, if I knew. I was just about to…I was going to be something different. I was going to make a choice. A GOOD one, this time. I was going to…”
Forte blinks at his old self. “What? What were you going to do?”
“Have a family. A real one this time, one that would’ve cared about me. One that would give me a chance. But…”
“We died.”
“Yeah. Didn’t realize how bad I wanted it until it slipped from my hands. Until I was laying there, ripped to shreds, praying for someone to save me.”
“No one did, did they?”
“I wonder if they looked for me. I wonder if they thought I had run off. Like a coward.”
“There’s someone waiting for us. For you, out there. Go to him.” Forte takes a step forward. “He needs a friend and…I cannot do that for him. Not anymore.”
“Yes.” He takes a deep, synthetic breath. “I’m ready, I think.”
“I’m not. But I’ll do it. I’m curious, anyway.”
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starsandink13 · 2 days
The White Crow Game Chapter 2
You woke up with a sudden start and your eyes flashed open. You sucked up a deep breath as you jolted upwards. Your shoulders heaved as the faint memories of what transpired looped in your head. Underneath your fingers, you felt a soft velvet upholstery.
"W-what?" You squinted your eyes and looked around.
Although it was dark, you could clearly tell that you were no longer in your workplace's restroom, but rather an old parlor room. The furniture was expensive and antique, dating back to at around the early 1900s or late 1800s. Even in the dark, you could see how rich the colors of the furniture was. You ran your finger against the velvet once more, feeling an intricate damask pattern.
"Glad to see that you've finally woken up, (Y/N)," a voice said from behind you.
You whipped your head around to see an extremely tall man turning on the tassel light next to his chair. He wore a red and gold coat with a black top hat that casted half of his face in shadows. Pinned to his hat and white shirt were black broaches with a golden moon and eye in them. He held an unearthly and eldritch beauty to him, with ghostly white hair that framed his pale face, sharp features, and red eyes with gold rings in them. His lips were pulled into a slight smile as he reclined further into his seat.
"Where am I?" You asked, unable to keep the dread creeping into your voice.
"An estate of mine that's on the border between realms," he answered calmly, took off his hat, and brushed back a lock of hair that revealed a pointed ear.
"W-what the--"
"What am I?" The stranger cut you off and crossed one of his legs over the other. "I believe that you humans call my kind the good-folk, the fair-folk, the fae, or most commonly: fairies."
Before you could ask, he spoke again: "And you're wondering why you're here, am I right?"
You numbly nodded your head, your mind racing with countless questions as you tried to process what was going on.
"Well to put it simply: I am here to collect your debt."
"You wished for your life to improve, grades to rise, a higher pay, better living quarters, and the internship of your dreams," he waved his hand. "I overheard you and granted that wish, so now it's time to collect that debt."
"Wait!" You stammered. "But I didn't make any sort of deal with you or anything! This is hardly fair!"
"Sorry dear, but you should have been more careful with your wishing. However, I am far more fair and generous compared to other members of my kind. I didn't suddenly make your life much worse than it was, steal your firstborn, or strike you with a terrible ailment the next week. "
"How can I repay you then? Money? A yearly sacrifice? A--"
"You'll have to come with me back to the fae realm."
"What? Why for?"
"What do you think it might be for?" The fairy's eyes glittered with amusement. "Think about all of the old stories that humans have told for centuries about us; long before you imagined us as tiny, glittery, winged people that frolicked in flowers and played silly little pranks."
"A- a servant?"
"Good guess, but that's not it."
Your stomach dropped at what he meant. Swallowing back the lump in your throat, you barely managed to stammer out: "The reason you're doing this-- why you want to take me away...is to get a bride, right?"
Your heart dropped and you leaned away from the fairy. The thought of being taken away to a land far from your home, married to that monster and left at its mercy with no hope of escape made your stomach turn and churn. Sweat rolled down your forehead and you gripped your knees as you breathed heavily and tears started to form in your eyes.
There's got to be a way out of here! Think, damn it, think!
"If we're done here, then I'll prepare a coach and start wedding--"
"Wait." You spoke up.
"What is it?"
"Your kind likes to play games and bets, right?"
"Yes they do-- however, I am an exception to the rule," he said. "But for you, I am willing to hear where you're going with this."
You licked your lips and took a deep breath. Your heart drummed against your chest as blood pounded in your ears and gripped your knees. His dual-colored eyes twinkled with amusement as he tapped his long fingers against the arm of his chair. 
"If I can escape this mansion of yours, you'll have to let me go," you chewed the inside of your mouth. "If I lose or I give up..."
"You'll have to come with me," he finished with a small smile.
You nodded your head, trying to keep yourself from vomiting the bile in the back of your throat. The fairy noticed your consternation and grinned wider, his teeth glinted like white daggers in the dim light.
"And why should I agree to this little game of yours when I can just spirit you away right now?" He leaned in.
"You pride yourself on being more generous and just compared to other fairies, so wouldn't it be fair to give me a chance to earn my freedom?"
"I suppose so," he mused and drummed his index finger harder against the chair's arm. After several seconds, he sighed and gently straightened up the front of his coat.
"I accept to play your game. But before we do that, I want to establish a few rules."
"What are they?" You felt your stomach clamping with fear.
"First off, under no circumstance are you to get help from any of the other residents in the mansion, nor are you to help them so that they may try to return the favor to you. You are to complete this game by yourself, understood?"
"I-I think so..."
"It's a yes or a no, my dear. What is it that you don't understand?"
"The other residents. What do you mean by that?"
"They are...what remains of those that thought they could cheat their way out of their deals with me," he answered. "They've been here for so long, that for most of them the only thing that remains is their desire to swindle you for their own gain: which can mean disastrous results for you. Does this make sense?"
"Good. Then on to rule two: the game doesn't start until you exit through those double doors there that leads into the main hall." He pointed to the golden doors a few yards away from you.
"Now onto the third and final rule: the only way you can exit and win this game is by going out of the mansion's front doors. So do not cheat by breaking a window and crawling out of it. The only thing you're going to accomplish is breaking a perfectly good window and annoying me."
"I understand."
"Excellent. Now that we have that established, you can feel free to relax for as long as you'd like in here or ask me any questions in the meantime," the right corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.
"W-what's your name?" You licked your teeth.
"Since my true name is impossible to pronounce with the human tongue, you may call me whatever you'd like," he said. "However, do not call me what you would be insulting or belittling, or as your generation would call 'smartass' names."
"How about Corvin?"
"That's an acceptable name." He nodded his head. "Anything else you'd like to ask?"
"How bad are the other fairies?" You asked.
"Much, much worse than I am." He responded and leaned in, half of his face was covered in heavy shadows. "The old stories you've heard about us using half and metaphorical truths to manipulate, making crops wither overnight, stealing away children and replacing them with ours are very true. But those are just barely scratching the surface of what kind of mischief we do regularly. Any other questions you have for me, my dear?"
"Is this what you actually look like?" You scratched your hand, "Or is this just a form you're taking?"
"The general shape of this form is what I truly look like, just with a few...more humanlike attributes than I actually have." The fairy responded with a light laugh.
"I have one more question."
"What is it?"
"If I win, will I be back to where I started?"
"You mean going back to the life you had before I blessed you?" Corvin said. "No. Especially during my observations I've noticed how hard you worked in your personal ambitions once everything improved. If that's all of the questions you wanted answered, then now would be a good time to finally start our game."
Hesitantly, you got out of your chair and slowly walked towards the double doors. You looked over your shoulder to see Corvin grinning at you.
"Go on. You're just delaying the inevitable by standing there, unless you want to surrender already," his eyes shining with amusement.
With a shaking sigh, you opened the double doors and took your first step outside. With a phantom strike of an unseen grandfather clock, the game has officially begun.
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manygreetingsfriend · 3 months
i’m sooooooo normal about the god of war series. so incredibly normal i liked it a normal amount and would be so chill talking about it. don’t worry about the sign
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#god of war#i’m so so so so so normal about it it’s so whatever it’s so haha you know#something something when it comes to yourself you’ll let yourself drown before you change. you’ll die before you change who you’ve become#to survive this long#up to and until it affects the ones you’ve come to love in this life you’ve made for yourself and you suddenly have no choice but to change#it’s fine it’s ok it’s chill. everyone does this.#it’s becoming a parent and loving your child so much you HAVE to change. you HAVE to be better#we MUST be better. than they were.#who’s they. our parents. the gods that come before us. yes.#i’m screaming i’m crying i’m wasting away im disintegrating. there’s no coming back there no return#you are on your knees. you are gripping your son’s shoulders like they’re the only thing keeping you tethered to the earth.#you are struggling with who you are and who you want to become. you are promising to be better.#i’m so normal about parent(al figures) taking responsibility for their actions and choosing to do better#i’m not high enough to really express what’s going on here. can you feel it? can you fucking feel it?#this series has destroyed me.#dad of boy. dad(s) of boy. i will never be the same (affectionate)#can’t remember the last time i finished a series and went ‘oh well i’ve GOT to play it again Now That I Know’#AND I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT THE BROTHER HULDRA!!!!!!!!!#sindri’s face. has not left my memory#i’m dying scoob#gow#gowr
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diantha · 9 months
every time i have a new favorite dysfunctional married couple I'm obsessed with i have to relisten to hadestown. anyway big amartash dynamic
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My sister rang me today.
Ever since she was six, she's had pain in her legs, which turns into pain in her hips and back for stretches of time. She's tried for years to get a diagnosis, with absolutely no joy. As a kid they thought she had collapsed arches in her feet; then it became clear her feet were fine, but something was wrong with her tendons; and then in her 20s they just shrugged it off with a "We'll never know probably" and that was that. She keeps on top of it with daily yoga, generally, though flare ups happen periodically. If she has to pause the yoga for some reason, she fairly rapidly regresses. Currently she has plantar fascitis again, which has halted everything once more, so right now she's back into a pain slump.
Anyway, she called me today while going from Doctors to pharmacy to get the codeine they've prescribed her for it.
"I think one of my yoga moves to help the fascitis might have exacerbated the legs," she said. "Trouble is, there's never been a diagnosis. I just have to trial and error what might help."
... And I had one of those lightbulb moments, you know? My brain suddenly went "Wait hang on, this is very familiar isn't it?" and rang the bells of memory.
"Did they ever test you for fibromyalgia?" I said.
They had not. It's never been suggested, even. My sister said she'd look up the symptoms and see if it chimed, and rang off.
Fifteen minutes later, she calls back.
Turns out she got to the pharmacy and gave them the prescription. While waiting, she googled fibromyalgia symptoms and found the NHS website.
"It was like someone had written a profile of me," she tells me on the phone. "Like, spookily, scarily accurate to me, right down to the temperature regulation bit. It felt like a practical joke."
And of course, as she stood there in the pharmacy, suddenly staring at the age of forty at the apparent answer she's been trying to get since she was six years old, she burst into tears.
"Oh no!" Said the pharmacist, hurdling the counter in a single leap and scattering the queue (I am exaggerating for humorous affectation.) "Quickly! Come into our little exam room, we'll get you tissues and water!"
My sister was duly ensconced into a Safe Place, and encouraged to cry it out. It took several hiccuping minutes, but finally, she managed to calm down and get back to an Extremely Watery Smile.
"Do you want to talk about it?" the pharmacist asked sympathetically.
"It's just..." my sister said, overwhelmed and searching for words. "My whole life I've been in pain, and they've never found why..."
"Ah," said the pharmacist thoughtfully. "Have you explored fibromyalgia?"
Anyway she has a doctor's appointment for tomorrow to discuss it, so we'll see
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ozzgin · 4 months
Omg bro yk whats been on my mind for do long?? A demon king trying to court a hero reader. Like the hero has already fought and defeated the king but somehow he comes back and he's desperately trying to get the hero to join him (in more ways than one). He wants the reader to be his spouse and leader of his army against the corrupt human race and the reader (now fallen from stardom due to the evil kings defeat) just wants him gone and to be left alone. Idk if this makes sense but I need to see SOMEONE write abt it before I lose my last marble.
This is giving me Dragon Quest vibes, haha. Not a trope I'm too familiar with, but it sounds interesting nonetheless. I shall do my best! Sorry for the delay, I hope it's close to what you imagined. :)
Yandere! Demon King x Hero! Reader
As it goes with villains, they always find a way to return. This time, the Demon King has a different plan in mind. You were prepared for anything, from evil schemes to ancient conjured weapons...except for a wedding ring cordially placed before you. Do you say yes?
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance, 🔥proposal (literally)
[Part 2]
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You still remember everything so fondly. How you crawled out of that enormous crater, body battered and weak, as everyone watched in horror and held their breaths. Finally, you raised your fist victoriously. The Demon King had been, at last, defeated. The people cheered and cried and pulled you up under thundering waves of applause. Peace was no longer just a dream.
A sweet, innocent memory, even more so given its fleeting nature. The genuine smiles of gratitude quickly turned into crooked grins asking for favors. Before you knew it, you became some sort of political accessory to convince the masses. Posing for photos, shaking hands, being interviewed with bizarrely planned questions reeking of propaganda. You suddenly felt burdened, heavy, disappointed. This was not the kind of fame you envisioned for yourself.
Thus, you gradually vanished from the limelight, keeping your distance from everyone else and spending most days in solitude. Better than having to look into those unscrupulous, opportunistic eyes measuring up your worth. You had fulfilled your job and purpose.
This morning you're woken up by the sound of your belongings rattling in their shelves. The wooden frame of your bed is creaking, and you struggle to get up. An earthquake? A wave of nausea flushes over you. You recognize this feeling all too well, though you never expected to deal with it again. This is a disaster alright, yet the forces of nature have nothing to do with it.
You rush outside, swinging the door open and nearly tripping in your hurry to confirm your suspicions: the demonic creature is approaching your humble adobe with heavy steps, as the ground crumbles and shatters underneath. The Demon King himself, in flesh and blood. Although the blood splattering his armor is most likely not his. Same for the visceral remains threading his weapon. Regardless, your jaw tightens nervously, and you stand back, in a defensive pose. "You're a stubborn one", you say smugly, trying to maintain your composure. "Can't say I'm a fan of dying, that is correct." A ragged, monstrous voice erupts from the tall, armored figure.
"What brings you back?" You demand. The surroundings are too peaceful for him to have tampered with the city. Did he stop by to formally announce his destruction? "I have an offer that might interest you." The Dark Overlord has closed the distance between you, now looming above your much smaller body. You shiver. "I don't barter with Demons!" You conclude, turning around, prepared to leave. "Even when your precious people are on the line?" The horned beast warns with a grin. "If there's nothing better to do as a Ruler of Realms than killing petty humans..." You swiftly retort, going back into your house and slamming the door shut.
He stands for a moment, speechless. "Y-your Majesty? Should I take care of the humans, or (Y/N)?" Only now he notices his scaly butler, bowing to his side with claws resting over the weapon. The Demon King raises a hand, shooing the servant away. The annihilation of the human race can wait. There are more important matters to deal with presently. He'd expected your rejection, naturally, but not in such fashion. The indifference, the flat voice, the empty eyes devoid of emotion. Have the city dwellers tampered with his hero? He expected to see your fierce rage and in return he was met with a hollow shell.
Bright blue flames erupt from the openings of his armor, resulting in a menacing show of lights. He's known it for the longest time, of course. Humans are rotten to their very core. Vile, deceitful creatures that have slithered their way up, exuding undeserved arrogance. He's been trying to show you this very fact, yet you were blinded by naive faith. Your unwavering, honest heart that won him over has turned out to be your early demise. Not anymore. His vengefulness knows no bounds when it comes to traitors.
The sudden spike in temperature alerts you. Was it your rudeness that angered the Demon? You don't care anymore. Whatever happens to the city is out of your hands. And yet...you're buckling the straps of your old suit made for battle. Sword in hand, you gaze at your reflection. What could the Beast want? The fortified city no longer holds the value of its olden days. Just like you've left your hero days behind. Without much contemplation, you run out and head for the main gates. The path is paved with ash and rubble and your grip on the weapon tightens. Regret immediately wells up in your chest, ready to burst out. Is it too late? The entrance is engulfed in fire, charred corpses toppling against the ruins of the walls.
You reach the town hall - or rather, what remains of it - and face the Demon King. Has he gotten stronger since your last encounter? You hold your breath as the horned monster turns towards you. "I've tried to tell you, again and again. Time after time." He sighs, defeated. "Between the two of us, I'd say you were the stubborn one all along." His voice is softer than what you would've expected from someone that had just massacred an entire settlement. There's not a single scratch or sign of struggle. Was he merely holding back during your last fight? One thing is certain: you're his final obstacle. You raise your sword, determined. Hot sweat trickles down your face as the flames surround you. "Well, at least you've convinced yourself now, I hope. There's nothing left for you here." The Demon King lowers himself, extending a fist towards you. A spell? Secret weapon? Your leg muscles contract in anticipation.
His fingers open and stretch out, slowly. In his palm, a barely noticeable ring. Given the ridiculous size difference, you assume this is better fitting for a human. You stare at it in confusion, discerning the wedding vows carved in the noble metal. "What's the meaning of this?" You mutter, glancing at the Beast now resting on one knee before you. "What? Is it not your human custom?" He looks away for a moment, clicking his tongue. "That useless butler. He told me- Forget it! You are to return with me to my Kingdom. As my spouse."
Of all the things you've prepared yourself for...Your brows furrow and your mouth hangs open in shock.
What is your answer? The Demon King will not leave empty-handed.
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