#but it was kind of indirectly his fault
bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
One of the best Voyager scenes to indicate Tuvok & Neelix's dynamic and how I think Tuvok is just as if not more 'annoying'(positive) than Neelix is when Neelix pours Tuvok a fresh squeezed glass of a fruit juice blend and Tuvok's like (paraphrased) "I don't want to drink this." and Neelix is like "Can you please try it?" and Tuvok's like "I don't want to, you're really bad at this sort of thing. It's going to taste bad." and Neelix says that Ensign XYZ said she LOVED it, she even had a second glass! And Tuvok says Ensign XYZ could drink poison without a second thought and Neelix is like "Tuvok could you please just TRY it? Just try a little SIP of it PLEASE??" and Tuvok sighs and rolls his eyes and sniffs it before taking a sip and it turns out he loves it. Turns out it tasted good actually. And then after all that Neelix tries to talk to him over eggs (which he's again cooking fresh for him) and Tuvok tells him he doesn't wanna hear "the life history of his breakfast." Absolutely insufferable this man I would have burned his eggs on PURPOSE!!!!
#I love Neelix so much and I think he and Tuvok are very funny together - irritating4irritating#People say 'Neelix is so pushy with Tuvok!' and you know what? I think Tuvok can handle it. I think maybe he does need to be pushed -#down a flight of stairs. (he's my favorite character and he's so annoying...TUVOK!!!!!)#Tuvok: -kicking and screaming- I don't want to drink the juice!!! It's poison!!! You're trying to poison me!!!!!!!!!#Neelix: Can you please drink the juice. The fresh squeezed juice I made for you Mr. Vulcan??? Can you please???#Tuvok: Fine but if I die it's your fault. If I die from the poison you're FORCING me to drink it's on y- Oh this is delicious actually.#and don't tell me 'Neelix didn't make it SPECIFICALLY for Tuvok' bc I know he didn't but he says#'I'll start squeezing that second glass!' after Tuvok finishes his sip so he IS freshly squeezing it#Neelix: -makes Tuvok fresh squeezed juice-#Tuvok: Are you trying to poison me???#Neelix: -talks to Tuvok while making his eggs-#Tuvok: Can you be quiet???#<- TUVOK!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU EHHEHEHEH <3#Tuvok is the most annoying guy ever bc he doesn't care about what people think and is a snob with a lowkey superiority complex#vs Neelix is perceived as annoying (post his relationship with Kes) bc he cares a lot about being useful and helping the crew and sometimes#is too pushy because of that but listen...I think Neelix is sweet and genuinely trying his best - after the Kes plotline with him ends I#really don't find him objectionable. Just chatty & a bit overbearing maybe Meanwhile Tuvok !!!#Meanwhile Tuvok!!!!!!!!! HHEHEHHE#st voyager#star trek voyager#I think they should have done more with Neelix thinking the crew of Voyager were spoiled - specifically how Tuvok acts Like That sometimes#little lord Tuvok. oH SORRY...for DEIGNING to speak while preparing your eggs your HIGHNESS!!#I think people do a disservice to Tuvok by not talking more about how he's kind of a hardass and a snob v_v also a disservice to Janeway#indirectly bc her bestie is kind of a hardass and a snob and what does that say about her??#I also wish Neelix kept up a bit of that 'these people are crazy and also so soft oh my god shut up about the food being bad - we're trying#to SURVIVE!!! Eat the Leola Root!!' from the earlier seasons...I like when he shows he has a bit of bite#It's just funny and interesting that Janeway isn't friends with Tuvok bc he's 'not like other Vulcans' - she's friends with the most#Vulcany Vulcan ever and I love that for them.#CRIMINAL that we don't ever get any in-depth insight into their friendship#Tuvok
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luffyvace · 22 days
If Luffy accidentally made you cry
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Reader: gn
Headcanons of if Luffy made you cry on accident
A/N: I’m leaving how he made you cry completely up to you so your silly little head can envision whatever you came up with and not have to comply with what mine did and possibly dislike it because it’s cringe 👍
As soon as Luffy saw the tears begin to form in your eyes he frowned, backtracking immediately.
now he’s not the brightest guy on the seas so if he doesn’t realize he hurt you—cut him some slack- he’d say something like, ‘hey! What’s going on?! Why’re you crying?”
if you react more harshly because he didn’t register that it was his fault right away, and shout at him, smack, whatever- he’s gonna be confused and a bit hurt himself. The situation’ll probably escalate quickly if you do this and I’m talkin in a bad way. Worse if you walk away because now he can’t get context from you. ‘I don’t get it?! Why’re you so upset all the sudden?!’ Is likely his next response.
let’s say you finally get it through his head that it was through his actions and/or words that your crying. He’ll be in a quick moment of shock as in, ‘I did that? I did do that didn’t I?! Oh no, I did!’ But Luffy’s a man who owns up to his mistakes when he’s wrong, undoubtedly and honestly. So you get a bunch of apologies immediately after. ‘Sorry! I’m sorry! Sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean it! Sorry!’
this is where he’ll try to comfort you physically, if you’ll let him. He’ll start with an arm on your back in case you get defensive, but if you sink into his touch he brings you into a tight hug. He doesn’t stop apologizing throughout all of it. How could he have made you cry?! He loves you! How could he have hurt you?!
he promises to get you all your favorite things to try and cheer you up. He promises never to do/say what he did to make you cry ever again too! Definitely! In fact, he’ll never make you cry again! Not that either!! Do you want Sanji to bake you a cake to help you feel better? Food always makes him feel better! ❤️‍🩹
rewinding back in time a bit! 😅 let’s say you didn’t go the aggressive reaction route, and your still crying from whatever he did or said to make you. But he’s also still confused as to why you’re crying. It’s likely you’re still upset that he didn’t get it, but you have more patience. You tell him what he said or did to hurt you and to be honest from there it’s pretty much the same reaction!
something that would also change the scenario up a bit is if he realized it was him that hurt you from jump. But again, not a big change. He’d be really upset with himself that he hurt his lover, apologize like a man, then comfort you. <3
if you don’t cheer up right away he’ll keep trying and trying until he sees your visibly happy again. He won’t leave your side for an adventure or any kind of fun until he sees you’re alright. It just doesn’t sit right with him to leave you crying on your own. He’s a man who takes care of those he loves, why would he?!
If he indirectly made you to cry—example, he did something and his actions ended up hurting you, he would do whatever he can to fix it immediately. He was playing in your room and accidentally broke something precious to you?! Crap! Usopp! Franky! Can you fix it?! How about we glue it back together?? You were saving up that gold for something really important?? Uhh- he spent it all on meat by accident- SORRY! He’ll go steal a bunch more gold right now so don’t cry okay?! He’ll be back as soon as he can!
in case you really couldn’t think of a reason he’d make you cry I listed those :)
honestly these are real short because even when going into detail Luffy is a man about things and will always apologize in the end. These are headcanons of if he makes you cry and I really don’t write angst like that, meaning I could extend these and do a scenario where he disagrees that it’s his fault but I ain’t gon do allat. Goodnight.
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 3 months
Most fucked up thing about Asuka is that he really was trying to help. He really did love Frederick and Aria. Except instead of an awkward normal like "Oh man I fucked up on understanding normal favors and social cues and now things are weird!!" he committed real, seriously atrocious crimes against the humanity of the two people he loved the most and wiped out over half the earth's population (indirectly). He's so fucking funny. I love him so much. I hear that part of "The Gravity" that's like "As the universe turned black / did the sun ever defy fate / beyond hope do you recognize me" and like. That's about Sol. That's about how much he loves and values Sol. He fucking put himself in a synthetic body because he wanted Sol to be able to recognize him no matter what. I'm so crazy about this. He's so fucked up and sad he's like the saddest wettest cat and it's like, barely his fault he just keeps compounding fuck up onto fuck up until he finally is like "Maybe I will just go to the moon now." That's so. Fucking sad. And then in the arcade mode the clone kind of implies Asuka made him to be able to still carry on work if his abilities are needed for some future disaster, because he didn't want to neglect his responsibilities for his actions, but also wanted to kill himself for what he's done (this might be a stretch on my part but that's what I was getting from the weird arcade story he has). And above all those complex layers, he is literally just some silly little nerd. He acts like a fucking dork. I'm so ill about him.
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littlelightfish · 2 months
We alredy know what's Chilchuck's worst nightmare. What if I told you that it was canon?
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His daughters have alredy been eaten. His wife was eaten too. His family are all dead. His worst nightmare has come truth. And he for sure feels like it's partially his fault, because it's the Winged Lion doing, yes, but who helped Laios get here? Chilchuck. And who's daughters and wife are now dead because of it? Chilchuck's. The suggestion of recreating them tells us that they've alredy been eaten. The way he says it makes it feel like it's too late. They're dead. Because of him. Of his actions. Of his job. The irony of it all is actually quite cruel. He makes a union so he can prevent bad things to happen to his race, to his family, and then, and he works at the union. And now, because of his job, he got them all killed.
He doesn't even know how his daughters are until way later, I don't even know if in the manga they send letters to him during the feast, because I know they don't go to said feast. So Chilchuck doesn't know if his girls are alright until, again, way later. We know they don't die because, well, there's this comic of them going to meet Laios, the new king. But if not for that, who could tell us they didn't die on the monster appearances? I can imagine that after the feast Chil went stright to check on them. Because he loves his daughters, and he cares for his wife. He sucks at communicating it, yes, but he does.
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He doesn't want to risk his family's safety. But he, unknowingly, unwillingly, indirectly, did. He got them eaten by those demons because he helped his friends achieve his goal. Because he cared about Falin and wanted her to be human again. Because he cared about Laios and didn'twanted to see him loose his sister. Because he cared about Marcille, Senshi and Itsuzumi. He cares so much about everyone and wants to help everyone (in his own way), that he doesn't think that the result would, inevitably so, be the worst outcome for him. The one in wich work and private life get mixed together. His job as a member of Laios's party ended dragging his family in, despite his best efforts. His job ended up, not only endangering the whole word with demons, but his family. His four precious girls. It ended up almost killing them (probably it killed them for some time because getting eaten by those demons works wierd).
Worst part? He didn't have the time to be mourn over what he 100% sure thought was the complete loss of his family. He was in a hurry to survive himself, so he pushed those sad feelings and tried his best to help who he had left. Later on he finds out that the demons spitted out people. And he seems shocked with some kind of surprised relief.
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He looks how everyone that got eaten was alive. And he can't quite either believe it nor understand it. He is really confused. So they didn't die? Are my daughters ok? Is my wife ok? Did everybody survived? Are they alive? He dares to hope that they're all ok and pulls into a box his feelings again, saving it up for when he has the time to be overwhelmed about this all. He has a feast, trying not to worry, but worried sick. Then he goes home and checks on them.
Give this poor man a break and a beer...
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zarpasuave · 1 year
Jean is such a precious character to me in Genshin and I love her friendship with Kaeya. That’s why I just can’t handle her being belittled next to him for no reason.
They’re shown to be besties who trust each other wholeheartedly. Jean wouldn’t hesitate to put Kaeya in charge in her absence (like in the 1.6 event) and Kaeya is more than happy to go out of his way to do nice things for her (like organising a party for her in her story quest). This is lovely to see! Because it shows Kaeya is not alone in his misery. He may mostly keep to himself but its a fact that there’s people around him not actively nor indirectly trying to harm him.
They’re still very different ofc, with Jean being righteous and hardworking to a fault and Kaeya being the kind that takes his job a bit more easy with little qualms regarding the use of underhanded methods when necessary. They complement each other! Plus, these characteristics allow for very interesting explorations of their dynamic outside of rivalries. So I really don’t see why one needs to be painted better than the other.
Like, yeah, Kaeya is everyone’s favourite Mary Sue in this fandom and I’m not saying that should change. But making Jean, a character who is canonically his good friend and supporter, be yet another source for Kaeya’s misery in fanon is disheartening.
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strxwberry-milku · 4 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 @wrestlingprincess80 ✰ part1 of the Gif euphoria series
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Desperate!JeyUso x Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Kowing Jey could NEVER resist your pussy you use that to your advantage.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Daddy kink, Sl*t shaming and just full on nastiness
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You and Jey got invited to one of Jimmy’s “ get wrecked ” parties in which you get shit face drunk and do whatever the fuck you want because Naomi and the kids went on holiday too spain for two weeks, so that means PARTY TIME! ( shhh don’t tell her tho ). Before you guys left your house you could already tell that Jey was horny due to him tryna pull up your dress every five seconds but you reassured him that when you guys get back home , he can damage your pussy all night long but for now you have a party to get to.
Pulling up to Jimmy’s house you knocked at the door and patiently waited for him to come out “Hold on guys , lemme just open this beer real quick”he shouted from behind the door , rolling your eyes annoyed you huffed and gave Jey a side eye , almost indirectly saying for him to fix up his brother. Lifting his hands up in defence he said “ Hey don’t blame me, it ain’t my fault your impatient ” and gave your ass a quick slap, before you could do anything back the door opened up and you were engulfed in a bear hug. “Heyyy sisssss , how u beennnn ? i ain’t seen yo ass since the last party .Jey got you locked up in his basement or sumn ?” he goofly remarked, laughing you said “ Nahh i’ve just been busy and shit , tryna keep your LITTLE brother under control “ you mockingly emphasised the “little”cause you knew it would rile him up. Attitude spreaded across his face and he kissed his pearly whites at you and remarked “ quit playin wit me lil girl , cause i wasn’t little when i was deep in ya gu-” Slapping you hand over his mouth you send him a glare and drag him inside the house , with Jimmy laughing behind you guys.
Walking in inside the house ,the stench of alcohol and bounce that ass over filled your nostrils, it almost made you wanna turn back around and leave but it would be a shame because you actually wanted to enjoy yourself so you walked down to the kitchen, swivelling past the drunk , dancing bodies. Reaching the kitchen you closed the door and grabed a red solo cup and poured yourself some of the alcohol fruit punch. Taking a seat on the counter you take a sip of the drink and close your eyes relishing the burning sensation going down your throat.
“ Hey baby , you good ?” Your boyfriend’s voice rang throughout the desolate kitchen scaring the shit outta you , snapping your eyes open you place your hands on your chest “ Baby you scared the shit outta me.” laughing he walked in between your spreaded legs and placed small kisses along your neck “ my bad bae,i ain’t mean to”. Knowing what he was trynna do , you decided to give in and let him take control since you kind of wanted it to and plus , this would be a new experience for the both of you. Pulling you at the edge of the counter he hastily pulls down your red lace panties “ Ooooo kinky , i see you baby ” he says and kneels down to face your already dripping pussy.
You felt a little bad that you were about to fuck on Jimmys counter but all that went down the drain as soon as you felt Jey’s lips kiss and prob at your outer lips.
Moaning in complete bliss , you lock your legs around his head to which he forcefully pries them back open and wraps his arms around your thighs, keeping you in place. “ That’s it baby , let daddy know how good he’s making you feel ” he said as his tongue skilfully glided against your swollen clit. Crying out you grip his hair “ Fuck, Fuck , Fucckkk ” was all you could chant out as you felt Jey’s fingers slowly slide inside your sloppy , wet hole . “You dirty slut , look at you . Imagine if someone was to walk in right now and see you all fucked out on the counter , i bet you would like that wouldn’t you ?” Gasping his filthy words you clutch your eyes closed and start to grip Jey’s hair even tighter , you felt your lower abdomen tense signifying your about to cum all over his face . Growling in response he fingers your pussy faster too the point all you could hear was squelching “ that’s it baby , let it all out , let the people outside hear much of a dirty slut you are”and on command you cum right then and there, eyes rolling back into your head as you squirt unto his freshly cut beard.
Just as Jey was about to say something, the door opens revealing a shocked Naomi and kids….
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𝐈𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬 , 𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐲𝐲𝐲𝐲 😭
Ps this ain’t proofread since i was in a rush to get this out so , sorry for the mistakes.
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rizsu · 5 months
wants can hurt and sometimes kill. gojo satoru ( insane version )
have you ever wanted something so badly you came to hate it when you got your hands on it?
+ extra. he's a stalker + gaslighter combo, you die, can u guess the reference for this lil drabble 🌚
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satoru has his needs. regardless of how important they may be, his wants will always overpower his needs. his needs are but a fraction of what he craves.
some say he's the attention seeker; his random outbursts immediately direct all kinds attention on him. the untold truth? satoru doesn't want attention — especially if it's yours. he wants to crave you, wants to remain daydreaming about "what ifs", wants to stalk from behind you like another shadow.
you shouldn't have returned his love. couldn't you do what they all do and ignore his advances? he didn't want to do what he did but you — you pushed him. the crippling love you two shared tumbled over like a stack of plastic cups in the wind: fragile, risky, yet determined to finish the piece.
you were ultimately satoru's perfect karma. his want for you destroyed him before he knew it. or maybe, just maybe, he already had his suspicions.
satoru wasn't an easy love, nor was he tough love. he lingered around you, manipulating reality so that your fate forever determined by his course of actions. he doesn't feel any guilt for his actions. instead, he blames you for this. "had you just," became his favourite sentence starter.
it's your fault for finding him attractive. your fault for giving into his love. your fault for ignoring the alarming danger signs sticking out from him like a sore thumb. your fault for calling him "insane", and "obsessive". why curse him when you knew what you were getting into?
he was content with stalking you. many times he shamelessly dropped hints that he's been illegally watching your every move. even his closest friends warned you indirectly.
"i think it'll be best to break it off with satoru," they'd say, following their concern with anything along the lines of "he's not right mentally."
"it's okay, i'm sure i can tolerate it," you'd always respond with a smile, foolishly overestimating yourself.
you loved a rose, he was a thorn.
on paper your relationship with satoru was perfect. he worshipped every cell on your body, inside and outside. he'd always be next to you, to some concern, or he'd be just a phone-call away. satoru never left your side.
you thought of him as your hero; every time you were nearing danger, satoru would jump out just in time. the sweet lie is more wanted than the bitter truth.
arguments never went overboard, he'd hate to have you mad at him. no matter what he did, satoru would always make sure his day revolved around you.
isn't he the perfect prince charming? he knew every detail about yourself. even some you had no knowledge of. you had no clue of your habit of pressing your lips into a thin line whenever things get awkward, but he did.
"have you ever loved someone so much that you begin to hate them?" a question satoru never understood, but he came to.
he loved you so much that he wanted to be in your skin. that love, when returned, transformed into a bubbling hatred.
somewhere down the line satoru found your every action disturbing. your smile he once adored became the reason he'd be annoyed. whenever something went wrong, he'd jokingly blame you but it's not a joke anymore.
the hate, combined with the love, drove him mad. there were times he became disgusted at his own hate for you, so he'd show you his love until dawn broke. but that's as much as it went.
it happened unplanned. it was another repetitive night of him blankly staring at the ceiling. the day itself was rough, nothing went right. you pitied him and sympathized when he came home. it made his goosebumps raise. you're so loving it disturbed him. couldn't you catch the hint and treat him like shit too?
he couldn't stand it. he had to get rid of it.
while you enjoyed your slumber, he sat up. satoru re-positioned himself so that he's hovering over you. his hands circled around your throat, squeezing down as tight as he can. he stayed like that for few minutes — until he told himself it was enough.
you had to go, don't blame him. don't haunt him. understand him. he had to — there was no other choice.
hopefully, if it's a fairytale, time can turn back to where he was your stalker and not lover. for now, he'll wallow until another "her" appears.
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writeshite · 7 months
How would Thor/Homelander/Soldier boy react to them accidently hurting (emotionally or physically) their bf?
Probably the only one here with some emotional intelligence, and yeah, he used to be arrogant, but he's a sweetheart, an absolute angel. Thor is most likely very in tune with how you convey emotions, I mean he worships the ground you walk on.
If he hurts you physically, and you end up scared of him, I can see two things that could happen, he either distances himself from you for a while to work through the mental breakdown that probably hits him. Second option is he hovers; I mean, the man can summon thunder and control lightning - regardless of what species you are (Kree, Human, Asgardian, Elf, Skrull, etc.) - he's gonna be concerned cause I mean, he could maybe indirectly stop your heart, or crush your internal organs, or just hurt you brutally and painfully in any other way.
If he hurts you emotionally, he's groveling; he's doing everything in his power to show how sorry he is and how much he loves you. He'll probably ask you what you want, if you want distance he'll give it to you, he'll stay away until you call back and hopes it doesn't lead to a breakup.
Like father like son, I guess. Sort of. I think with all the time he's spent around people and getting high of approval, he at least has some sort of knowledge on emotions, but not like in a healthy normal way, more in a 'I've been around people crying and whining before I know enough to be able to speedrun the crying stage and get to the forgiveness part' if that makes sense.
Also, I feel like it would also depend on how your relationship is; if you and Homelander have a genuine thing going on, then he'd probably put in effort cause he doesn't want to lose the only source of actual genuine affection in his life. So you'd probably get an apology, some gifts, anything Homelander thinks will get him back in your good graces. And then cuddles.
If your relationship is a fling of some kind or fake relationship to hype the masses with no romantic feelings of any kind involved on his end, then you ain't getting no apology honey 💀, because I mean, he likes to embarrass people who he perceives have wronged him, so even if he's the one at fault for hurting you physically or mentally, it'll somehow become your fault, so he'll probably bring the fight out into the public, use Vought to paint you as the one in the wrong, if you don't want that to happen then you should apologize, you're the one who's wrong here.
Soldier Boy:
I love Ben, I do, but I know this man has like the emotional bandwidth of a rock like he's probably still trying to process being attracted to not only women while also trying to unpack his goofy ass douchebaggery.
I don't think Ben would notice at first if he hurt you emotionally, or if he does, he'd probably think you'd get over it and then be shocked if/when you don't. He'd feel bad and experience the wonderful world of guilt.
If he hurt you physically, he'd notice a lot quicker, and probably feel worse, I feel like he's the kind of guy who takes physical injuries/pain more seriously than emotional and mental.
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viv-weylin · 2 months
Some thoughts about Shilo (and a lot of my thoughts about the aromantic reading of him)
Okay, so Shilo has been a character that's been spinning in my head pretty constantly. This isn't going to be organized but rather kind of just. Thoughts.
I see a lot of people interpret Shilo as a purely innocent person who has done no wrong wet cat, and yeah! He is! But the thing is, he's... done wrong. He's a vampire. There's something inherently evil in all vampires, and i believe this misconception stems from people not knowing the vtm lore. In VTM, all vampires have a beast inside of them, and this beast is inherently evil and cruel and animalistic, which is the part that forces vampires to feed. Shilo hasn't frenzied, he's never lost control of this beast but the fact he has one is enough to make him "not purely innocent", I'd argue he thinks he's innocent and hasn't done wrong but keep in mind he has zero hestitation throwing guards to die. He's indirectly killed several times, and that's not really something we can ignore when thinking about shilo.
He's also incredibly manipulative. He has no worries dominating or manipulating people for his own gain, and again, this comes from his sheltered life. This comes from him simply not knowing any better, but even then, this is a major flaw that i feel some people dont think about.
Shilo isn't rapunzel, Rapunzel isn't a killer, and she isn't manipulative with a disregard for people's lives. That is to say Shilo isn't pure evil, but rather, he's a morally grey character. He's killed, and he's manipulated, but you could argue that it came from a place of not knowing any better, but even then, he's still killed and manipulated. Do you see where the interesting moral dichotomy lies? Is he at fault for the evil he does if he doesn't know any better. I just dont like the "purely good" Shilo takes I've seen some people have.
The aromantic stuff:
I think it's rather well known I'm an aroace shilo truther (if im being honest, i have a distaste for armored pheasant to an extent, but that is not what this is about). I feel as if that's a rather crucial part of his character, and it's not unsubstantiated. He quite literally says he's incapable of having romantic feelings, and in the newest episode (i am not caught up, forgive me), I've heard there's more he says that hints towards this aromantic reading. He's had zero interest in romance, and the fact he was bloodbonded to Edward without his consent can have rather interesting implications that I believe could be expanded on. A lot of aromantics know that feeling of being told "I can fix you" or whatever and Shilo parallels it quite well with the experience he has had with Edward. Below is the quote where he says he's incapable of romantic love.
(This is my own personal opinion but I believe his character is also sort of dumbed down once someone ships him with Grefgore. A lot of people did from the get go, and I get and see the appeal but I also think they're better as friends but again, personal opinion and I don't care if you ship them but his character falls into the "only interesting for the shipping to the fandom" pit quite easily.)
There's something incredibly validating to have a character like Shilo, who's kind and silly and aromantic if that makes sense. Aromantic representation has been lackluster, and most representation is god awful (coughLovelesscough) so having Shilo would be really nice. He's not canon representation, yes. Unless Bizly straight up confirms it, it's just implied representation but come on. It's right there guys. Give us an aro win.
His character has a lot of interesting bits: a character who's only experience with the world is through media & book (hashtag autism), a character who's incredibly cruel yet kind, a character blind to his own flaws, an aromantic character who loves despite. Give me more morally grey Shilo, more guilty Shilo and most of all. More Aromantic Shilo.
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vasquez-rocks · 2 months
in the spirit of "o'brien doesn't actually suffer the most, it's just that all his suffering takes place in special Suffering Episodes": a complete ranking of ds9 characters by how much they suffer
(including recurring guest stars but not villains. i don't care how much gul dukat suffers. he could get hit by a fucking bus for all i care!!) 1. kira nerys. undefeated galactic suffering champion. literally goes back in time to find out if her mom died in a concentration camp when she was a small child like she thought and somehow the answer she gets is, to her, EVEN WORSE THAN THAT. o'brien could never.
2. odo. lab experiment childhood, spends 5 seasons pining tragically for the station’s most eligible terrorist, seeks his family only to find out they're genocidal maniacs, every small innocent being he tries to parent either dies or runs away, he has to return to said family to end a war! odo suffers so much actually??
3. benjamin sisko. loses his wife, becomes an unwilling messiah, forced to leave his family (the most important thing), etc.
4. miles o'brien. ok fine sure he does suffer a lot. not like kira does tho!!
5. garak. most of his suffering is pre-show but that suffering is BAROQUE. and then daddy never tells him he loves him and he indirectly causes his mother’s death
6. nog. after 6 seasons of minimal suffering, our baby boy suffers a LOT
7. jake sisko. not counting "the visitor" (it was a different timeline!). if the show put Jake through any additional suffering, i would wail and cry. His primary sufferings are pre-show (mom's death) and end-of-show (dad is gone and can't say when he'll return), but they are significant. at least he has, and loves, a wonderful stepmom!
8. kassidy yates. SPEAKING OF. her primary suffering is going to jail for the standard federation prison sentence (6 months, which is also what garak got for attempted genocide!!!!!), but then also losing her beloved husband to the celestial temple like almost immediately after, which is kind of a lot
9. keiko o'brien. a lot of miles’ suffering is hers also, and also she gets possessed by a demon after spending the first few seasons trying to find a new fulfilling job despite her husband moving her, a botanist, to a barren space station on which all life withers
10. jadzia dax. happy-go-lucky sex worm who has never experienced a "problem" until gul dukat throws a death basketball at her at age 35, so idk it evens out
11. julian bashir. gets kidnapped a lot and has a backstory so angsty that it's hard to tell whether he's even technically the same person he once was. HOWEVER, he's a goofy lil sexual harasser which makes it very easy to overlook his suffering!
12. worf. virtually all of his suffering is his own fault and he universally responds to it by creating more suffering for his own perverse ends. however, he does get disgraced from his people (his fault), lose his wife (not his fault but also why was she the only person left on the station when she literally FLIES THE SHIP most of the time??), and refuses to ever have fun (his fault)
13. leeta. perky and happy. in a great marriage. loves her stepson! unionized her workplace! however she is not at the bottom of this list because she is (a) a child of the occupation and (b) has to put up with fuckin quark
14. ezri dax. contrary to her frequently expressed beliefs, many things are easy for ezri
15. quark. when he suffers it's hijinks
16. rom. rom's character development is entirely positive. he goes from being the put upon idiot brother to the self-actualized leader of his people who has a son who loves him and a beautiful wife. the worst thing that happens to him specifically is probably when he masturbates so hard he almost dies and even then the result is he becomes a hero to labor in both his world and ours. things go ludicrously well for him at every turn. he is the winner of ds9
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balanceoflightanddark · 2 months
The fire nation's defeat was technically Azula's fault.
Zuko and Iroh were branded traitors and failures. Azula was given specific instructions to capture them, dead or alive. Azula had them both red-handed in Ba Sing Se. Instead of doing what she was told, she asks for Zuko's help and she clears his name in return.
Now, it could be argued that without Zuko's help, she would've been pummeled into submission by Aang and Azula. Well, then after his usefulness was used up, she had a chance to pull yet another fast one and apprehend him without having to lie to Ozai.
Zuko acted suspiciously. He made Azula doubt that Aang really died and she began to think that Zuko may have had something to do with his survival. Instead of searching for proof of Aang's survival and informing her suspicions to Ozai, she puts unnecessary risk on herself and sets up a gambit that was ultimately pointless in more ways than one.
If Azula did what she was supposed to do, Zuko and Iroh would be dead or put in prison which leads to Zuko never finding out about the plans with the comet, Aang never finds a firebending sifu, the FN gains victory unopposed, and Azula can reign as Fire Lord.
In short, by choosing to lend Zuko a hand more than once, she indirectly did Team Avatar a huge favor.
Boom: Butterfly Effect.
The FN's MVP was also Team Avatar's MVP. I do enjoy the irony.
I wonder though, what would the Gaang's, Azula's Zuko's, Iroh's, Ozai's, and all of FN's reactions when realizing this epiphany?
It would break Azula.
...no seriously. It would break her.
While I think it would be a bit of a stretch to say that the defeat of the Fire Nation was her fault (cause there's no way in hell she could've seen bringing Zuko home would end up with his betrayal of Ozai), I do think she was hurting already with Zuko betraying her. If she was torn up about Mai and Ty Lee turning on her, I have no doubt she'd feel the same about Zuko regardless of what her relationship with him is right now. Add on to the fact that this is a girl that is hoisted with way too much responsibility than she is able to handle (being driven to become perfect at any cost), a revelation like this would destroy her.
And the fallout wouldn't be pretty. At all. It would probably rival her breakdown at Sozin's Comet, if not be worse. Hell, I think Zuko and Iroh would be a bit concerned for her. Zuko did seem somewhat regretful at her state after the Last Agni Kai and Iroh (while not Azula's biggest fan) probably wouldn't be that callous to brush her off.
Ozai would hate her though. Hate hate HATE her though. He puts on so much pressure for her to be perfect. What do you think the abusive piece of shit is going to do when he puts two and two together. Might even disown her on the spot, which will cause her to spiral even more. And she'd probably lose a lot of support in the Fire Nation for indirectly letting an unpopular successor on the throne, which would cause her to spiral even further.
...kind of why I don't really want to put the blame on the Fire Nation's defeat on her since the poor kid doesn't need that on top of her failures already. Besides, I think the defeat of the Fire Nation can better be laid on Ozai's feet. I mean, he was the one who banished Zuko and mistreated both him and Azula. If we want to go indirect, he set up a domino effect. And directly, he wasn't able to consolidate the Fire Nation's gains at the end of the war which led to a huge rebellion movement. And he certainly didn't seem to want to get involved with fighting Aang during the Day of the Black Sun which could've stacked the odds further against him when the firebending was turned back on. Mind you, this was before Zuko showed up. Like he was sipping tea while Azula was holding the Gaang off.
That being said, I could see him pass the buck off on Azula for the Fire Nation's defeat. Which would lead into the scenario I just outlined above.
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12am incoherent Spider rant incoming:
The fact that a huge portion of Spider fans sympathise with him because they had similar family experiences in life is low-key making me feel kinda weird about people who hate him. Like let us recap the events real quick-
Like why do you hate a kid who did more to keep the Na’vi safe than Jake through the entire movie? “They’re after us” ok? This is not just about you dumbass it’s a whole-ass war, the RDA will still want to find the rest of your tribe because they want to ERADICATE your people 😐 the fact that it took him MONTHS to realise that running will not save anyone is 😬 (though I can get behind it bc family and all)
How is it that a goddamn 16 year old was the one who carried the good guy team??? 😐😐😐 he saved tribes from getting murdered, like literally, Tonowari said that no one had died, WONDER WHY???? DO Y’ALL THINK QUARITCH WAS NICE OUTTA NOWHERE???
And then he sunk a ship. HE SUNK A SHIP BY HIMSELF????
“He backstabbed them” I know you’re not blaming him for it when Neytiri exists 🧍 bestie outright REFUSED to help a literal child and didn’t bat an eye when he got captured. I can get behind her putting a knife to his throat in a rush of emotion but to very clearly ABANDON him? Fuck off. If her active decision to leave him behind didn’t turn into the reef Na’vi’s literal saving grace I’d be hating on her so actively.
“He saved his homocidal dad after he promised to murder his family” first of all the Sullys NEVER adopted him and it’s made abundantly clear. You sound like a gaslighter when you use that rhetoric. 😐📸
And secondly — HELL YEAH HE DID???? I would too if I was him and so would you and so would we all because Miles is the first grown up who GAVE A SHIT. MILES GENUINELY CARED. “It’s morally wrong” NO CAP 😀😀😀 NO ONE SAYS IT WAS RIGHT BUT THE KID HAD A SPLIT SECOND TO MAKE A DECISION AND HE CHOSE NOT TO BE A MURDERER.
You know what else is morally wrong tbw? Neglecting a child for 16 years.
“B-but they had no obligation to take care of a human kid—” cry me a fucking river 😐 what they want or not doesn’t fucking matter when we are talking about the mental health of an actual living breathing being. They ALL (the scientists, the Sullys and even the mf McKoskers or whatever the hell their last name is) were morally obligated to give that kid the best they could to ensure that he wouldn’t turn out like his father BECAUSE THEY’RE ADULTS.
The fact that their collective neglect DIDN’T blow up in their face is a pure miracle. Thant kid had every right to turn evil and burn the village that rejected him to feel it’s warmth but he DID NOT. In fact he is so goddamn kind and compassionate that he sees good even in a piece of shit monster like Quaritch.
It’s mind-blowing when we consider the lack of parental love and guidance throughout his life.
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☝️ THIS is the kid you’re hating on???? Bc it’s starting to look suspiciously toxic 👀💅
Pay my boy some respect. He was a literal hero and y’all act like the Omatekaya, ignoring whatever good he might do and then point fingers at him when he does something morally questionable LIKE ITS NOT JAKES FAULT??? LIKE THE REST OF THE ADULTS ARE NOT AT FAULT TOO??
Neglect makes people vulnerable. Vulnerable enough for an asshole to swoop in and manipulate them and it is only thanks to Spider’s unyielding loyalty and heart that neither Ardmore, nor Miles had pulled anything out of him in MONTHS of captivity. They had NO idea where Jake or Omatekaya were until Norm fucked it all up with his trackable ship.
Listen I love all the blorbos, but the parents dug their own grave so to speak. You fumble the bag repeatedly and then get surprised when it flies into your face? 🤨
Anyway, I’m out. Might delete this later idk.
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beybuniki · 2 months
erm i was the one asking about lore and i did NOT ask for your irl lore 🗣‼️ THAT WAS NOT ME YOUR HONORRRR 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅 sowwy my context is that i was asking for inko and mitsuki and masaru lore 🤑🤓☝️
inko has a short-lived fling with a man
she finds out she's pregnant and he's nowhere to be found
she moves to bnha town into that apartment for a fresh start
she sets up her new life
mitsuki notices the young, pregnant woman always running errands by herself
chats her up and they become friends :)
subtly starts helping inko indirectly whereever she can
eventualls tells masaru & they both becom a pillar in inko's life
mitsuki is in the delivery room with inko when deku is born
do a lot of 1st time mom stuff together (finding a pediatrician, buying clothes, surviving their boys' colics & teething together literally traumatic phase tbh)
[dark ages of bakugo's bullying phase]
they're still in touch but less (life is in the way
find to each other again because their sons get in trouble together and are always on the brink of death (masaru & inko doing grounding techniques together help...)
inko & the bakugos sharing an apartment during & after the war because everything is destroyed
[oomf's comic about deku seeing his mom and mrs. bakugo kiss and them explaining their situation]
bakugo yelling at deku because how dare deku steals his family (t/n not deku's fault)
kind of family but tbh the boys kinda ignore it because they already moved out and focus on themselves also they think it's #cringe
the sketch of inko & mitsuki knowing each other from high school is another, nana-type of psychosexual "we did not date we dated men but you are my special person" situation :)
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Hi! I just have to say, I love your blog so much!!! And the monster au idea is genius! I started reading what you posted out and loved it! I saw people doing questions on it so here's my own, what would happen if Yuu broke a bone in some kind of accident? Wether it was indirectly their friends fault because they were fooling around or something else entirely and they just "weren't there to prevent it" (I can imagine the researchers would be quite In a frantic panic if they see the only human in their world getting hurt) how would the others react?
Oh goodness, that would cause quite the stir at NRC for sure! I’ve never broken a bone before, but there was one time I got punched in the face by a tree branch that got caught on the bag of the tall person I was hiking behind a few years ago. My nose was okay, but I still experience phantom pain whenever I think about that day! 😂
As a human in a world full of monsters, it’s not hard to imagine that the physical differences are more than cosmetic. Some monsters are more fragile than others, while some are so sturdy that they’re like a moose getting hit by a car—meaning that it’ll take a lot to hurt them. It’s also possible for them to heal quickly if they do get injured, though I like to imagine that they do get assistance when they need it!
Prosthetic arms, legs, tails, or wings? Yes!
Wheelchairs even for those with more than two legs? Yes! (Was I thinking of those videos of paralyzed puppies and kittens in makeshift wheelchairs scootering around? Yes. Yes I was)
Crutches and those scooter things you see where the person has their leg propped up and they’re moving around like they’re on a kid’s scooter (I think they’re called “knee scooters”?)? Absolutely!
All this is to say that—while not as fragile as a human—monsters know how to set and heal broken bones!
Dealing with the fact that their human friend has a broken bone, however, is a whole different kettle of fish depending on the type of fracture.
WARNING: Mention of bodily injury and blood. No major details, but proceed with caution! Under a read more just in case, but please let me know if I need to add any other tags so I can also tag things properly in the future!
Hairline fracture on their foot caused by hooves stepping on them? It’s manageable, though it may take a day or two for Yuu to notice they have an injury unless it’s run day at PE. Once it’s wrapped up in a cast to heal on its own, Yuu notices how any student with hooves (especially Deuce) will be more cautious about how close they stand to them or where their legs are when around the small human.
Dislocated arm from a friendly wrestling match and/or someone fell on top of their arm? Horrified screams all around upon seeing Yuu’s arm hanging limp by their side and their face contorted in pain. Once it’s popped back into place by the medical staff and put into a sling to speed up the recovery, it’s somewhat amusing seeing how their friends look like kicked puppies as they try and help Yuu with things around the dorm or in class. “It’s our fault you got hurt in the first place” is what they’d say if Yuu asked them why they were fussing. It’s sweet, but it’s up to Yuu to tell them to ease up and that they will ask for help when they need it.
Broken arm or leg? I can see this going one of two ways for both cases. If the arm or leg has a closed fracture where they can see part of the bone under the skin but the skin itself hasn’t broken? You can bet that there’s going to be a lot of concern about it. Depending on what the x-rays show, the boys and staff will be even more concerned if the incident resulted in Yuu needing surgery to repair the damage. A compound fracture though? Well…
Let’s just say that the moment the monsters smell the blood, they’ll immediately realize that something was wrong before they even see the bone jutting out from the large wound. This is a worst-case-scenario that—despite their best efforts—the medical teams may not feel they’ve prepared enough for as they search for blood that can safely be used to replenish what Yuu lost during the accident and in the surgery to try and repair the damage…or amputate to save their life.
It’s a highly stressful time for all, to the point many of Yuu’s friends can’t even focus on their work—not that the staff can blame them. They’re just as worried that Yuu might lose their life or limb...
When Yuu does manage to pull through sporting a new cast (if a little worse for wear), Yuu had better be prepared to have quite a few clingy monsters sticking to them like velcro! And gifts. Lots and lots of gifts!
I’d like to take a moment to point out that humans can be hurt by the most ridiculous things and yet in life-or-death situations. They’re able to crawl through snow with a broken leg for several miles, yet the moment they stub their toe on a coffee table leg? Down for the count.
Table: 1, Human: 0. U.U
So can you imagine just how horrified the guys would be to hear that Yuu/one of their relatives/a friend of theirs once broke their leg and crawled to safety in a major weather storm, yet just two minutes later they stub their toe and now they’re on the ground whimpering in pain. X’DDD
Also, to further prove that animals (and therefore the monsters) can have compassion for those who are disabled, just remember that there is a crow couple that’s been together for 12+ years and even though she has a broken beak, he and the rest of their flock protect her. ;;v;;
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sheloveshp · 11 months
Words of Affirmation and Praise - Harry x fem!Reader
summary: While you and Harry are making love he started degrading you. You didn’t enjoy this at all so after you told him he went a diffrent route with you.
warnings: smut, degrading, fluff afterwards
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Hard moans and heavy breathing filled your dorm. You were never one to enjoy hardcore kinky sex and Harry knew.
When you first started dating and having sex both of you layer out boundaries and safe words.
But this was honestly the first time Harry, not you, was going hard at it. Really hard. You enjoyed it ofcourse yet there was something that was quite uncomfortable in this situation.
“Faster? You want it faster, you slut?” Harry said harshly while he was on top of you.
Okay. This of kind of…
You weren’t really sure what to think of that word for starters. Harry must be mad today so he probably just let that slip.
“You like that don’t you? Only sluts like you would.”
it isn’t his fault right? Something must’ve happened today that made him act this harsh.
Also you never really said that you don’t like to be degraded but…shouldn’t that already obvious?
“Why are you so quiet huh? Whores like you should be screaming my name throughout the night.”
Now it’s really getting out of hand. You need to say something but you don’t want to ruin the vibe and stop. You loved harry and he loved you as well. The same mouth that made your heart flutter every time it muttered your mere name is also the same mouth that is now calling you a slut and whore.
You love for Harry is so strong that even him not saying a goodbye to you after class stings so this degradation had even worse of an effect on you.
“Stop Harry.” You whispered taking your hands off of his shoulders and putting them on his chest.
Harry wanted to continue, thinking that you’re roleplaying or so since you didn’t say your safeword. But the tear prickling down your cheek and pleading look said otherwise.
He quickly got off of you and started panicking.
“Y/n did I do something wrong???” He stressed. His only ever fear was hurting you, wether by choice or without knowing.
He knew he did something wrong and waited for you to say something. He was even scared of touching you, fearing you might push him away. Nevertheless, he touched your arm to make you feel safe hoping you’d accept his touch.
You finally caught your breath and explained.
“I just- just- don’t like these harsh words, Harry.” You knew he would’ve never hurt you without knowing and that’s why you weren’t mad when explaining.
Harry felt so utterly disgusted with himself that at first he barely even knew what to tell you.
“I am so so so sorry. I should’ve known you don’t like this. I promise you to never get carried away ever again when being with you to the point where I hurt you.”
Harrys heart bled. He enjoyed having sex with you only because he always loved to make you feel good. And now he ruined it.
You could feel that his apology was sincere. What you also noticed is that he was holding back from touching you.
You took him in your arms and felt a tear rolling down your shoulder.
“Harry I forgive you. You couldn’t have known my love. What’s important is that I told you now. Alright, baby?”
He nodded into your shoulder and you knew that he wasn’t a 100% sure if you’re telling the truth.
So you took matters into your own hands.
“Do you know how to make it up to me?” You said in a rather seductive voice.
He returned to look you into your eyes
“Yes- Yes! please, anything, Y/n.”
you wiped that tear stain away from his face and whispered into his ear.
“Let me ride you.”
You could say that he was rather taken a back and confused.
“I- I- you don’t have to do this to make me feel better Y/n.” He stressed because he didn’t want to indirectly force you to do anything right he now.
You shut him up with a kiss and the way that kiss felt he knew that you’re being serious about this and that you forgave him.
“Okay, i want you to ride me too. My love.” Butterflies in your stomach and vagina when he said that.
You quickly straddled him and put his cock into your pussy. Slowly starting to move Harry was already a whining mess.
Now that Harry knew that degrading wasn’t to your liking. He wanted to try something different.
“You look so beautiful up there.” He moaned while you went faster
“Harry!” You moaned and both of you should be thankful that Harry hexed the room with a noise canceling spell so that no one would hear you.
“Faster, my love, you’re doing so well.” Honestly, forget that spell. Even if the whole castle could hear you, you wouldn’t stop now.
You loved his words. You loved the way he made you feel. You loved him.
Since your thighs started to tingle a bit you put your hands on his shoulders making direct eye contact while fucking him and moaning his name.
“I am so- close.” You barely could get that sentence out.
“Me too, baby. The way you’re fucking me so well.” Harry was a moaning mess as well now. He was never one to quiet down.
“Fuck!!!!!!!” You hiss as you came onto of harry. You continued riding out your high when harry came into you too.
You got off of him and engulfed him in a hug.
“I love you, Princess.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart.”
The whole night the room was full with whispers of words of affection and affirmation while the love of your life kissed you all over your body and praised you in the best of ways.
Thank you for this beautiful request dear reader. I can’t believe someone actually said they loved my writing 🥲. I love smut but I am so unsure when I write it. Not cuz i don’t enjoy it but rather cuz i always feel like its so cringy :(
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lainiespicewrites · 5 months
I Just want to feel safe Part 2
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Okay this took me literal weeks! And I’m sorry! But I’m happy with how this turned out I think. Here is part 2 of my Walter Fic! Again this has kind of become an SVU crossover and I’m not sorry 😂
Let me know what you think ❤️
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, cursing
Also there’s a POV switch because I wanted to try something new.
I own all of my mistakes here! I’m sure it’s not perfect but it’s mine.❤️❤️
Part 1:
When I woke up in the morning the detective was back in his office. He looked up from his computer when he heard me stop in the doorway.
“Good morning,” He spoke softly, offering me a warm smile as continued sifting through some case notes.
“Hi,” I said shyly, a little unsure about this situation now that I was of sound mind. Still he was warm and welcoming in his demeanor. Despite all that had happened.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, taking a moment to think about how to answer. It shouldn’t be a difficult question. But the last few weeks, everything seemed to feel that way. It all felt heavy and difficult to navigate. Although I wasn’t looking for more pity from this man I gave him an honest answer.
“I slept, which is more than I can say for the last few nights.” His lips quivered into a sad smile and he nodded.
“I thought about something this morning,” He said as he pulled open one of his desk drawers and started rummaging through it. “I’m not sure if you’ve considered it or if it’s something you’re already doing..” He said as he continued to search through the drawer. Finally he found what he was looking for, a business card of some kind. He took it out of the drawer and held it out for me to take. I entered his office and took the card hesitantly. I waited for him to speak again before I looked at it. “We’re given a lot of resources in the police department. And although I didn’t have much luck with her, it was mainly my own fault. I’m terribly stubborn I suppose,” He chuckled awkwardly trying to reign in his rambling. “I hear she’s an excellent therapist. She’s very kind.” I nodded. I examined the card. It gave the therapist's name and hours. The address and the phone number. I bit my lip contemplating again. He just shared something personal with me. Indirectly, albeit, but still. He didn’t have to tell me he’d been to therapy himself. But at the same time, I had tried it too. But I never felt comfortable opening up. It never worked. He wanted to help. And I had to face the fact that tonight I had to go home. And be alone again. I couldn’t keep staying with him. This was strange enough as it was.
“Thank you,” I said finally. It was the only thing I could say. “I’ll keep this in mind. I appreciate all you’ve done and all you’re doing for me. Detective Marshall.”
“It’s my job,” He said softly. But that was it. I mean, was taking a distressed victim home with him part of his job? Or was there something about me that made him want to help? Or am I losing my mind and catching feelings for the first person who made me feel better. I shook my head. I was losing it. I was sleep deprived and overwhelmed and we were truthfully just getting started. I needed to get a grip.
“Yeah,” was all I said in response. He let out a short breath and stood up.
“We should get to the station. Get things rolling,” He said. I nodded and followed him as we exited his house and got into his truck.
The ride to the station was mostly quiet. But there was one burning question I couldn’t keep to myself. “Once I give you my statement, will you … will you have enough to arrest him?” I asked. Walter was quiet for a moment but his grip on the steering wheel got tighter. There was a tick in his Jaw as he thought about what to say. I suppose that was all the answer I really needed.
“It could be,” He said plainly. “However,” he added, his voice a little more pained. “With as long as it’s been and with the lack of evidence, we’ll likely have to do a more thorough investigation before we can send your case to the prosecutor, in order for them to send us the okay for the arrest.” My heart dropped.
“So you’re saying there’s a chance you won’t even be allowed to charge him?” I couldn’t help the urgency in my voice. That’s not what he said. “You said you put people away on less!” I cried. “I change my mind, I don't.. I don’t wanna do this!” I was panicking. I wasn’t worth it. I knew it wasn’t. Reliving telling this. And how many more times would I have to do it. And what if it’s for nothing. Walter stopped the truck pulling over on the side of the road. He sighed. Leaning his head back against the headrest and then turning to me.
“Alayna, this isn’t hopeless, I need you to trust me. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I wasn’t sure I could help you. I have put men like him away with just a witness statement. It’s just not easy to convince the court to let us move off of something so…” he paused trying to find the right word.
“Weak?” I spoke.
“That’s not what I was going to say.” He said softly, he reached for my hand gently putting his hand over mine before tentatively lacing our fingers together. He sighed again. He was frustrated, not so much at me, just that he was also stuck. Bound by the system to do things by the book. He ran his other hand through his hair and let it fall to his lap. “My job is to keep you safe. Beyond that, I want to keep you safe. I want to help you. I’m not going to let them sweep you under the rug. I’ve seen how this affected you. How it still affects you. I can’t force you to report this. But I can tell you that if you ask me to take you home right now. I’m going to lose even more sleep tonight worrying about you than I would if I were working your case.”
“What happens if they refuse the charges?” I asked meekly, staring at the floor. I felt him squeeze my hand.
“I promise you, he’ll never touch you again. I’ll keep you safe.” He said. I looked up at him. Meeting his eyes. They were darker. Something fierce. I was going to ask another question. I was going to ask how he could possibly know that. How he could be so sure. Why would he promise something like that? But looking in his eyes. I knew. He wasn’t going to let the prosecutor deny the charges. He was going to fight for me.
“I’ll go.” I said finally. His face softened and I felt his thumb brush over the back of my hand before he pulled away from me and veered the truck back onto the road. The rest of the drive was quiet. But there was less tension now then there had been.
At the station, Walter took me into a room where they interviewed the witnesses. This was nothing like what I was used to on TV. It wasn’t a dark, dingy interrogation. It was warm, comfortable, and bright. There was a couch along the wall. I sat there and watched him as he sat across from me in a chair and explained the process.
I probably should’ve paid better attention to what he was saying. But I couldn’t. It’s why I was confused when he set a tape recorder on the coffee table. He must’ve read the look on my face because he gave me a gentle smile and said.
“To record your statement for the prosecutor's office I may have to ask you a few questions as well. And then you’ll write it.” He explained. Likely repeating himself. I nodded.
“And then I’m done?” I asked desperately. He nodded.
“Then you’re done. If it were recent we’d collect any evidence and take you to the hospital for an exam, but we don’t really have a reason to do that here. Just your statement is good enough.” I nodded and Walter pressed record, starting the interview.
The whole process took about 2 hours. Going over everything, carefully recalling each detail. Of course he had to ask questions. “If there were others in the house why didn’t you call for help?” It was like my brain was paralyzed. I was just going through muscle memory, going through the motions. I couldn’t do anything. “Why did it take you so long to report your assault?” At first I wasn’t sure it was assault. I didn’t want to believe that he would do that to me. But the more I replayed it in my head and when I finally told someone what happened. I came to terms with it. But by that point I was scared. I had nothing. It wouldn’t matter. I convinced myself it wouldn’t matter.
I thought it would be hard to write it all down. To see it all on paper. But even when he asked me to read through it and confirm that it was all true, it didn’t hurt like I expected. Maybe doing this, finally giving myself a sense of justice was the peace that I needed. Maybe, I just needed to speak it outloud to someone who could really listen. So I wasn’t the only one carrying it. Or maybe it was him. Maybe it was how soft his voice was. The way he was looking at me. What he had said in the truck. Was this what it felt like to actually trust someone? But he was a police officer. He was just doing his job. I had heard of this before. Women falling in love with their therapists, or the firemen who pulled them out of a burning building. Whatever I believed was here couldn’t be real.
I avoided his eyes as I put the pen down. I had signed the statement making it all official. He reached across the table taking the paper and tucking it away into my casefile.
“I’ll get this scanned and submitted to the courts right away, unfortunately this is the part where we hurry up and wait.” I nodded.
“So, what do I do now?” I was exhausted, my voice was weak and tired. Walter sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder.
“Now, I’m going to take you home, and try to get some rest, and leave the hard part to me, as soon as I know anything I’ll contact you.” He said. I nodded. Out of all the things I had to do today. This was the part I dreaded most. Being alone again. But it was inevitable.
When we arrived at my building Detective Marshall offered to walk me inside. But I just shook my head and gave him a weak smile. I didn’t want to bother him any longer. I had to learn how to survive again. Hopefully this will all be over soon.
I waited until I watched her walk into the building. If I’m honest, I sat in that parking lot for another 20 minutes, watching the door and checking the perimeter of the building. I promised I’d keep her safe. I intended to keep that promise.
When I finally headed back to the station I checked I.T. to make sure her paperwork had been faxed to the prosecutor. I hate this part. I’ve worked cases where people try to take the law into their own hands. And while I still continue to follow through with direct orders and let the system put people to justice. I could see why others take matters into their own hands. I sat in my office, loading her file on my computer. Reading through it all. I see this everyday. I track down killers, rapists, abusers, every single day. But she’s stuck in my head. The knock on my door takes my focus from the screen. I lifted my eyes to see who was at my office. Rachel.
“Hi,” she spoke softly. She had that sympathetic smile on her face like she was reading my mind before I even spoke.
“Did you need something?” I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.
“I just wanted to check in with you, and see how everything went with the girl that came in to report last night?” she asked, her eyes big and hopeful. Rachel is an incredibly kind person. But she is also incredibly curious and stubborn.
“Just finished up this morning.” I said blankly. Hoping she would take it and leave. I know better.
“You got her to talk to you, good. I was worried about her. I noticed, uhm that, she came in with you today,” she raised an eyebrow accusingly. I let out a sigh running a hand over my beard. I locked eyes with her. I’d already beat myself up for taking this girl home with me last night. I’d gone against the code of conduct to help her feel safe. What did she want me to say?
“You seem to know everything already, why don’t you tell me what’s going on then. Since you’ve got me all figured out here.” I nodded to her, pursing my lips into a tight scowl. I didn’t need her psychoanalysis to tell me I’d fucked up. I knew that.
Her arms were crossed now as she leaned against the door frame looking me over carefully.
“Did you drive her home last night?” I let out a sharp laugh.
“It was freezing outside, she walked here. Yes. I took her home.” I replied. Not fully a lie. We did stop there. “Are you done?” I asked her “I have a lot to get done today and I’m waiting to hear from the prosecutor,”
“Walter,” She sighed, stepping into my office and sitting in front of me. The same place Alayna had sat last night. “Did she go home with you? It’s typical for victims to make…” she paused trying to find the right word. “Advances, toward men they see as protectors.” My brow creased my eyes zeroing in on her as I stopped her.
“You think I had sex with her?” I snap “That girl is afraid of her own shadow, you saw her. How long had you been talking to her? Trying to get her to open up before I came in? Yes, I finally got her to talk. And she was extremely shaken up. I took her home, but she looked so scared. Afraid to be alone. I don’t know why I did it. I could’ve … I should have sent her into her building and called an officer to sit and keep watch for the night.”
“But you didn’t, you let her go back to your house. Why?” She pressed. I groaned, frustrated.
“I don’t know,” I sighed.
“Nothing happened?” She asked.
“I didn’t sleep with her,” I growled. Her eyes went wide and she held up her hands in defense.
“Okay, just be more careful, something like this could have the head of the department on your ass and I can’t cover for you,” she said. I rolled my eyes, looking back at the screen.
“I didn’t ask you to,” I mumbled. She sighed and her shoulders slump, defeated. She stood to exit the office. Before she was completely out of ear shot she added.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” When I knew she was gone I leaned back in my chair letting my head fall back and let out a frustrated groan. Of all people she should understand I was just trying to help this girl.
I’m distracted by my office phone ringing. I picked it up immediately.
“SVU this is Captain Marshall,” I answered
“Marshall, this is Casey Novack, I just reviewed your case.” I gripped the phone tighter.
“And?” I encouraged her.
“You have no evidence here, what do you want me to do?” she explained.
“Let me arrest this guy, there’s enough detail in the statement to pull a confession, Casey. This victim’s been holding on to this for 2 year’s,” I argued.
“If I do that and he doesn’t confess this judge will have my ass Walt you know that, If this girl would’ve confessed sooner…”
“Casey, this isn’t a gamble. This happened. He’s guilty. I will get you that confession.” I barked, interrupting her.
“Legally?” I couldn’t see her face but I knew she had an eyebrow raised. “You’re a good cop Marshall, I’ll give you that. I don’t know what’s changed in you, I’ve never seen you fight so hard for the victim. It’s always about brute force with you. …Pick him up. Don’t make me regret this.” She said.
“You won’t,” I assured her.
It took me less than 2 hours to track him down. He wasn’t home. He wasn’t at work. Ironically, he was back in their hometown, with an old college buddy. Before I walked into the bar I stopped to call her. I told her I’d let her know when anything happened.
“Hello?” Her voice came through the phone soft and sleepy. I must’ve woken her up.
“Alayna, This is Detective Marshall.” I heard something shift in the background and her voice was more clear when she spoke.
“Detective, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon,” she said, I smiled softly.
“Yeah, well, the prosecutor is an old friend. I’m arresting him. He’ll be in custody soon. I thought you’d like to know.”
“Thank you,” Her voice was weak but I understood the sentiment. “I appreciate you calling. I guess. I’ll see you when I’m needed.” She added.
“You did an amazing job today, leave the rest up to me,” I soothed. I heard her sigh softly.
“Goodbye walter.” I could tell she was smiling.
“Goodbye Alayna.” I hung up the phone and walked into the bar. This piece of shit had no idea what was coming. His friend saw me first. He offered me a shot. When I turned him down, that's when he turned. I knew it was him. I recognized the pictures we’d found online for reference. But apart from that. She had described him so vividly. I would be able to recognize him anywhere. “Justin Veach?” I asked blankly, clearly unimpressed by their little charade.
“Yup,” He replied. “Since ‘89! How can I help you?” He asked smuggly, I didn’t give him a response. I pulled the cuffs from my belt.
“You’re under arrest for the rape and assault of Alayna Doyle.” I dragged him up by his arm slapping the cuff on one wrist. “You have the right to an attorney. Anything you say or do can be held against you in a court of law.” I continued reading him his rights as his friend followed us out of the building shouting not to say anything. And informing me that he went to law school. The officer that had followed me led Justin to the back of his car. His friend continued to shout but I ignored him. I nodded to the other officer, getting back in my truck and leading him back to the station. Now it was time for the fun part. Keeping my promise to Alayna. And to Casey. I had to get his confession. It was the only way to convince a judge to take the case. And now that he’s been accused. It was the only way I could assure Alayna I could protect her. Everything’s riding on this. Casey told me I was a good cop. I’d like to think that. But men like him… Will never get to see that side of me. It’s showtime.
Thank you all for your support on this! I intend for part 3 to have a much quicker update! Thanks for you patience and love y’all ❤️🥰
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