#but sometimes this type of stuff is at the very least distracting
The narrative didn't doom me, it just ditched me
Warning: There will be mentions of upsetting content like sexual abuse, bullying, xenophobia and manipulation. It won't get graphic and it won't be discussed in-depth but it will be mentioned.
I've been thinking a lot about my attachment to Jeyne Poole and I think I cracked the code or at least I’m cracking the code.
So, requirements to become a "The narrative didn't doom me, it just ditched me" character:
Involve some sort of metanarrative irony, can be intentional or accidental
Being archetypal to a secondary or tertiary character, but written with depth or relevance to the story
Becoming obsolete. Be it by an adaptation, the narrative, or the fandom's perception. This person doesn't matter.
I listed four examples under the readmore
Wakaba Shinohara
(look at me, a non-practicing pseudo-intellectual talking about RGU)
Mother of all mothers! She is the blueprint!
She is the only secondary character who doesn’t appear on the opening of the show. She is average looking to the point you could pass her as a background character compared to all the other prominent characters in the story, as a student she is average, she has no special abilities or talents and the nicest and most personal compliment she gets is Utena (Wakaba's best friend, but not a feeling that is reciprocated) telling her she'd make a good housewife.
She has an entire episode dedicated to the Angst of being a satellite character and even after that episode which shows the tragedy of her story being a sideline, she remains in that sideline.
Wakaba's only sense of self value comes from her being close to the people the narrative deems as more special and since Utena has been distancing herself a little from her because she is growing closer to Anthy, being suddenly able to keep bad boy renegade (actually cringe fail loser) Saionji dependant on her transforms her into a protagonist. Suddenly she is the one being called pretty by Utena, she is getting better grades, she is being above average. She has something that makes her special!
The saddest thing is that she had already been pivotal to Utena's narrative development. During episode 12 she is the one who triggers Utena into reclaiming her Princehood and duelling Touga, but she is not capable of seeing that as something she can call her own.
And then during the masterpiece that is "Wakaba Flourishing" we see her confronting those insecurities and feelings of inferiority once she realises Saionji will leave her too and discard her!
She duels Utena, intends to kill Anthy, who se believes is the one behind her losing Utena and Saionji's attentions, loses to the protagonist who loves her, but not enough to make her become special too...and then....
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Wakaba goes back to her dorm room, now empty of Saionji who no longer needs to live at her place, and we viewers are destroyed.
She returns to her cheery, poppy, apparently happy-go-lucky self, but we know what lurks inside her.
It's funny because the narrative likes playing with her. On the one hand she is special! She is the one who gets Utena out of her depression in episode 12 and she is the one who saves Utena & Anthy at their escape in the movie. But then again, there is only one episode centred on her, right? And that episode ends once Saionji leaves her. She loses the spotlight as soon as a more relevant character distances themselves from her.
The fact she hasn't appeared in any of the post-show/movie mangas, while other show-only characters have, is heartbreaking and hilarious.
Sorry Wakaba, you are lovely but you don't make the cut, go listen to some Penelope Scott, her lyrics are a bit curt, but still, it couldn't hurt.
Heather Matarazzo in her iconic role as Dawn Wiener
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Dawn Wiener is the main character of Todd Solondz “Welcome to the Dollhouse”, although if compared to most coming-of-age protagonists, she is quite depressing.
At school she is bullied, at home she is neglected, she has no friends, talents, or self esteem and the few times she stands up for herself things backfire. She is not always loveable either. Dawn feels dangerously envious to her little sister Missy, who is everything Dawn is not; beloved and beautiful.
As we see her grow up in the movie, we come to the realisation that, it doesn’t matter how much she tries, things won’t get better for her.
Dawn Wiener ends her introduction movie as a perpetual loser who has somewhat decided to conform to her place as an underdog who will never find acceptance among her family or peers, partially because of her looks, which are seen by most as ugly. It's more one of the first scenes in the movie has a young girl bullying Dawn in the bathroom and when Dawns asks her why, the girls responds "Because you are ugly."
In the spin off movie "Palindromes" it is revealed that her adulthood wasn't much more different. She went to college, gained weight and acne and killed herself after becoming pregnant by date rape.
The entire motif of Solondz cinema can be explained within the lines spoken by one of his characters at the end of the movie:
"No one ever changes. They think that they do, but they don't. If you are the depressed type now, that's the way you'll always be. If you're the mindless happy type now, that's the way you'll be when you grow up."
Surprisingly in another spin-off of "Welcome to the Dollhouse", "Wiener Dog", Dawn finds a happy ending. She has a stable and enjoyable job as a veterinary and is rekindling a relationship with her love interest from "Welcome to the Dollhouse", Brandon. Their last scene shows them happily talking about their future while holding hands.
So it probably sounds weird whenever I say this is a much sadder and depressing ending than the one where she commits suicide.
And I stand by that, because there is a fundamental change in "Wiener Dog".
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Dawn's actress, Heather Matarazzo, has been recast by a more conventional-looking actress who is much more fitting into the female ideas of beauty Dawn was told she could never become. If anything, her new actress looks more similar to Dawn's little sister.
The fact that Matarazzo wasn't informed of this, and only came to find out that her most iconic character was now being portrayed by conventionally attractive and successful Greta Gerwig through Twitter, while she was struggling to find roles that actually allowed her to act instead of just being cast as a insulting comedic archetype, like the abhorrent admirer, is the final gut punch. She felt deeply hurt.
Also, just wanna add, the entire movie (Welcome to the Dollhouse) is on YouTube for free but it’s a VERY upsetting movie. It’s hyperbolic in its dark comedy without being edgy, and it is uncomfortable because somehow it still manages to be cruelly realistic in its themes of bullying and abuse. I’ve only watched it two times and, now that my depression has gotten stronger than ever, I sure won’t watch it again.
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Jeyne Poole
♪ A terrible mistaaaaaaake was made... ♫ I love that song for her because it fits her in and outside the story.
On a meta-level, I think she is the most tragic because it's accidental. The two former examples were written and portrayed with the intention of making us feel their tragedy. This is not poor Jeyne Poole's case. I genuinely get anxious when thinking about her or how she is treated by fandom because her case is real. She is one of those things that make me worry Solondz might be right in his cynical views of the world.
She is a book character so I can't put pictures of her without stealing art but also this entire thing is about characters being treated like shit by the narrative in order to drive a point, so hahah Jeyne! You don't get a picture! (But you get links because I love some people's art (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and I'd feel too bad about being mean to her)
The show played a lot with my hopes involving her. She appears in one episode only and has no lines. Later on she is mentioned by name by Sansa Stark, a main/POV character who is a friend of hers and who she considers to be more beautiful. After that we never hear of her again.
This could have worked, had the show stayed loyal to the source material.
In the fifth book of the series, it is revealed to the readers that she is being passed off as the daughter of an important House, Arya Stark, so she can marry the future lord Paramount who is a sadistic monster. Her new husband abuses her terribly and while there are a few political factions opposing her husband, who intend on liberating her, this is only because they think she is Arya Stark, since no one would care for her misfortune if they knew who she truly is.
Jeyne Poole, a character who is deemed as "not important of risking your life for" gets someone to risk his life and, more importantly, his skin in order to save her! Not Arya, Jeyne! Theon, former childhood co-habitant now turned into co-victim co-perpetrator, saves her. The show adaptation decided she was not important enough to appear in the story, and replaced her with Sansa Stark, a main character the audience already felt attached to, who was from a nobler house and considered to be more beautiful. Jeyne's plot was given to the girl she sees herself as inferior to in the books. Her plot was deemed important, her impact was deemed important, but Jeyne herself was not.
She is tragic, there is a reason she is here too, but at least in the story she still has a chance at happiness. In the fandom though...yeah, she lost the war, even worst there wasn't a war. Look at the number of fanworks tagged as ASOIAF involving the Sansa-Theon-Ramsay constellation, compare it to the number of fanworks tagged as ASOIAF involving the Jeyne-Theon-Ramsay constellation and you'll find evidence to that. It gets even funnier when the show constellation and plot line stays intact in fanfics, but she is still added in order to transform her back into Sansa's token best friend with no political relevance and no connection to Theon or Ramsay.
The books' author, GRRM, spoke about being upset by the change done on the show, but in truth I don't have many hopes for Jeyne Poole and considering how he is a slow writer and I am very ill person, I doubt I'll get to witness Jeyne P managing to escape this list.
Sorry Jeyne, you weren't doomed, just ditched. Sucks to be you I guess.
The least tragic in story and development, but still someone who (sadly) deserves to be here.
She is a book character and given how this book doesn't have much of a fandom there isn't any official art of her, but I like these: (1) (2)
Similarly to Jeyne, she suffered in the adaptation, but then again, who doesn't?
Her book counterpart was given a more in depth characterisation. She was an immigrant, came from a poor background, spoke with a strong accent and was described in a manner resembling someone of African ancestry (dark skin, box braids). In the movie it is implied she might be from another country or ethnia, she is played by an Indian actress, but her accent is gone, her hair is straight and we don't get any characterisation or background on her. Her friendship with Ella is downplayed and Ella only starts her quest after being forced to tell her she can't be friends with her anymore and making a xenophobic comment. In the book, Ella parts on her quest so as not to have to obey and break their friendship and that conversation doesn't take place. In the books, Areida's pain matters and it is Ella's unwillingness to hurt her that sends her to search for Lucinda, the fairy who gave her the gift of obedience, so she can remove the curse and won't be forced to ruin her friendship with Areida and cause her more distress. She runs away from finishing school before she can break Areida's heart. And even after their separation, Ella still thinks of Areida with an endearing fondness and tells her future love interest, Prince Char, about her.
In the movie, there is an emphasis in showing Ella's pain and their reconciliation isn't shown, but we are supposed to assume they did have a reconciliation because Areida is seen at Ella and Char's wedding. Areida is reduced to become an unconditional sidekick whose feelings aren't important in the grand scheme of things. We don't see her break down crying after hearing her supposed best friend make a xenophobic comment about her, not how lonely she must have felt afterwards, nor how their conversation once reunited went. She is only Ella's friend, not her own character.
The irony, Ella's quest being triggered by Areida's feelings is turned into Ella's quest being triggered by Ella's feelings because neither the audience, nor the narrative, nor the people making the movie care about Areida's feelings, something the novel has been trying to portray as wrong multiple times.
The adaptation of Ella Enchanted (which I only watched two days ago because of curiosity and oh god why did they whitewash Char??? WHY IS LUCINDA A RACIAL STEREOTYPE???? No wonder my parents didn't let me watch Disney movies! they suck!) was so different from the book that talking about them as one almost feels wrong. Had they gone to claim the book was the inspiration behind this movie, that would have been alright, but as an adaptation, it's quite horrendous. I can understand why they made the changes they made, but given how the movie has overshadowed the book in popular culture, and thus it is Movie!Areida who people might remember, I still have to let her stay here.
So, yeah...I think this is it. It's the irony and the pain behind the irony. Yeah...
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Daily Log 2
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Much less than yesterday, felt sick and sleepy so barely got anything done. It was also warmer inside today.. Very much dreading summer. I still feel like the people who ~~ love warm weather sooo much~~ must also have central heating and air and are able to escape the warmth, or at least have cool airy houses where they can get cross breezes or something.. I just fail to see how ANYONE could enjoy sweating all day because it's like 75F indoors, etc. grrbb,,, the headaches, sleepless sweaty nights, constant physical discomfort, etc. The next few days look cloudy and rainy though so.. yEs.. haha HA
Got a new charger for my old 2004 nokia phone so it actually turns on now, and recorded myself going through the ringtones and games. I might add the footage to a currently not fully edited video of me also looking through other electronics (old phones, turbo twist math, etc.). I love old ringtones actually and if I were rich, I would love to collect old phones specifically just to have a catalogue of what they're like and all of the sounds they contain.
Managed to have a tiny burst of energy and take photos of 3 outfits before my arms and shoulder started hurting and I got too warm.
Sent email to one doctor.
Translated like 3 words for the Avirrekava poem thing I mentioned yesterday. My language document is not organized very well at all so I've kind of lost my flow of working on it. I've heard about people making searchable dictionary type things for their conlangs, so I'd like to look more into that maybe. As well as making a custom font, though I don't know if that's more difficult for syllabaries (so wouldn't be directly linkable to a plain english alphabet keyboard?? eh?). Anyway, I need to finish the tapestry/painting thing/etc. soon though since I have no good place to put it. The canvas is warping a little just laying haphazardly on my closet floor lol.
Made one quick mspaint background image for the next batch of song snippet things for my jokey music youtube.
Edited like 10 minutes of the Giant Worldbuilding Slideshow Project.. couldn't focus on that either since being at the computer today irritated my shoulders and arms.
Notable sights: Saw 6 baby ducks and their parents swimming in a nearby pond!! It's interesting how their colors seem to change so much, and the young ones have the little spots on their back. Not much else, I was not very active lol..
Goals moving forward: Still working on consistent sleep schedule. Focus on social activities, finding new friends in the places I want to move, communicating with ones I have. Physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, edit pictures, post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks (I thought I would get it done today, but alas.. I don't even have to do much, just proofread and post it, I just keep having no energy/being preoccupied with other things/hurts to be on computer.. grrr.. I want to continue the story lol >:T).
Notable foods: HAD ASPARAGUS YEaaaaaghhhHHHH!!!!!!!!! Asparagus SQUAD!!!!!!!!!! ... Also a few pieces of smoked gouda with lunch, one of my favorite cheeses.
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#just posting these publicly since it feels more like I'm doing something or easier to hold yourself accountable if you make public#declarations of goals and progress or etc. .. perhaps.. for now..#I'm just curious to see if it helps. I know some poeple do diary style stuff or etc. on social media to help with productivity so#worth trying for like a week at least lol#tired and sleepy of being tired and sleepy though. Every day that stuff like chronic health problems or weather or etc.#interfere with me getting stuff done and it's all stuff that I've also had on my todo list for like.. weeks at this point it's like.. oughh#insurmountable tasks ever looming piling upon my shoulderes...#I've been 'supposed to call a lab to shedule blood work' for like a week and a half now and everyday I get the number#out and look at it and just go 'hmm.... sooon...' and then suddenly it's 10pm and I didn't#You Know How It Is Folks. I'm going to write myself a script of exactly what to say and also tape it to my computer screen#Sometimes that helps. lol#I dont' feel like I need a full on caretaker or something at this point but someitmes I do think like.. in a few years with my various#physical and mental issues it would be nice to have a Person Who Functions Normally Socially come visit me like once#every two weeks to help me plan things and make phone calls. Same with creative stuff too though. I bet I'd be doing something creative as#a career by now if I had like. an Assigned Neurotypical Extrovert to network for me and help me navigate things like that bjhbhj#hashtag hermit problems. etc. etc. (not just like 'a little weird and asocial' but like.. 'near complete inability to function in society'#type hermit problems lol..#ANYWAY.. ..#Also fighting the urge to have another personality typing phase. I can feel it creeping up. My 'once every 3 months when I get very#interested in the enneagram and other stuff again' type of thing. distracting myself with worldbuilding paintings instead ghgj#why don't you do a phone call for your blood work first maybe then you can spend 3 hours reading about tritypes or whatever#I have so many interests and hobbies but a handful of Main Ones and they never go away I just seem to take turns with them#Except worldbuilding I think that's always there. Genuinely again.. wish I could find some way to work that into a career. that is the only#thing I could to 1000 hours straight at any time of day under any circumstance. Kidnap me and lock me in a basement and I will be passing#my time thinking about what type of cheese elves make and all the things I'm going to write once I escape captivity ghjhj#EVEYRHTING else though lol.. kind of comes and goes. but can be annoying when it's suddenly the only thing my mind#wants to focus on. BUT yeagh.. ANYWAY... rambling again#daily log
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maniculum · 7 months
Medieval Scorpions Effortpost
So yesterday I reblogged this post featuring an 11th-century depiction of the Apocalypse Locusts from Revelations, noting the following incongruity as another medieval scorpion issue:
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The artist, as you can see, has interpreted "tails like scorpions" as meaning "glue cheerful-looking snakes to their butts".
Anyway, it occurred to me that the medieval scorpion thing might not be as widely known as I think it is, and that Tumblr would probably enjoy knowing about it if it isn't known already. So, finding myself unable to focus on the research I'm supposed to be doing, I decided to write about this instead. I'll just go ahead and put a cut here.
As we can see in the image above, at least one artist out there thought a "scorpion" was a type of snake. Which makes it difficult to draw "tails like scorpions", because a snake's tail is not that distinctive or menacing (maybe rattlesnakes, but they don't have those outside the Americas). So they interpreted "tails like scorpions" as "the tail looks like a whole snake complete with head".
Let me tell you. This is not a problem unique to this illustration.
See, people throughout medieval Europe were aware of scorpions. As just alluded to, they are mentioned in the Bible, and if the people producing manuscripts in medieval Europe knew one thing, it was Stuff In Bible. They're also in the Zodiac, which medieval Europe had inherited through classical sources. However, let's take a look at this map:
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That's Wikipedia's map of the native range of the Scorpiones order, i.e., all scorpion species. You may notice something -- the range just stops at a certain northern latitude. Pretty much all of northern Europe is scorpion-free. If you lived in the north half of Europe, odds were good you had never seen a scorpion in your life. But if you were literate or educated at all, or you knew they were a thing, because you'd almost certainly run across them being mentioned in texts from farther south. And those texts wouldn't bother to explain what a scorpion was, of course -- everyone knows scorpions, right? When was the last time you stopped to explain What Is Spiders?
So medieval writers and artists in northern Europe were kind of stuck. There was all this scorpion imagery and metaphor in the texts they liked to work from, but they didn't really know what a scorpion was. Writers could kind of work around it (there's a lot of "oh, it's a venomous creature, moving on"), but sometimes they felt the need to break it down better. For this, of course, they'd have to refer to a bestiary -- but due to Bestiary Telephone and the persistent need of bestiary authors to turn animals into allegories, one of the only visual details you got on scorpions was that they... had a beautiful face, which they used to distract people in order to sting them.
And look. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum, but I would say that a scorpion's face has significant aesthetic appeal only for a fairly small segment of the population. I'm sure you could get an entomologist to rhapsodize about it a bit, but your average person on the street will not be entranced by the face of a scorpion. So this did not help the medieval Europeans in figuring out how to depict scorpions. There was also some semantic confusion -- see, in some languages (such as Old and Middle English), "worm" could be a general term for very small animals of any kind. But it also could mean "serpent".* So there were some, like our artist at the top of the post, who were pretty sure a scorpion was a snake. This was probably helped along by the fact that "venomous" was one of the only things everyone knew about them, and hey, snakes are venomous. Also, Pliny the Elder had floated the idea that there were scorpions in Africa that could fly, and at least one author (13th-century monk Bartholomaeus Anglicus) therefore suggested that they had feathers. I don't see that last one coming up much, I just share it because it's funny to me.
*English eventually resolved this by borrowing the Latin vermin for very small animals, using the specialized spelling wyrm for big impressive mythical-type serpents, and sticking with the more specific snake for normal serpents.
Some authors, like the anonymous author of the Ancrene Wisse, therefore suggested that a scorpion was a snake with a woman's face and a stinging tail. (Everyone seemed to be on the same page with regards to the fact that the sting was in the tail, which is in fact probably the most recognizable aspect of scorpions, so good job there.) However, while authors could avoid this problem, visual artists could not. And if you were illustrating a bestiary or a calendar, including a scorpion was not optional. So they had to take a shot at what this thing looked like.
And so, after this way-too-long explanation, the thing you're probably here for: inaccurate medieval drawings of scorpions. (There are of course accurate medieval drawings of scorpions, from artists who lived in the southern part of Europe and/or visited places where scorpions lived; I'm just not showing you those.) And if you find yourself wondering, "how sure are you that that's meant to be a scorpion?" -- all of these are either from bestiaries or from calendars that include zodiac illustrations.
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11th-century England, MS Arundel 60. (Be honest, without the rest of this post, if I had asked you to guess what animal this was supposed to be, would you have ever guessed “scorpion”?)
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12th-century Germany, "Psalter of Henry the Lion". (Looks a bit undercooked. Kind of fetal.)
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12th-century France, Peter Lombard's Sententiae. (Very colorful, itsy bitsy claws, what is happening with that tail?)
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12th-century England, "The Shaftesbury Psalter". (So a scorpion is some sort of wyvern with a face like a duck, correct?)
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13th-century France, Thomas de Cantimpré's Liber de natura rerum. (I’d give them credit for the silhouette not being that far off, but there’s a certain bestiary style where all the animals kind of look like that. Also note how few of these have claws.)
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13th-century England, "The Bodley Bestiary". (Mischievous flying squirrel impales local man’s hand, local man fails to notice.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (A scorpion is definitely either a mouse or a fish. Either way it has six legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Wait, no, it’s a baby theropod, and it has two legs. (Yes, this is the same manuscript, that’s not an error, this artist did four scorpions and no two are the same.))
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Actually it’s a lizard with tiny ears and it has four legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Now that we’re at the big fancy illustration, I think I’ve got it — it’s like that last one, but two legs, longer ears, and a less goofy face. Also I’ve decided it’s not pink anymore, I think that was the main problem.)
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13th-century England, MS Kk.4.25. (A scorpion is a flat crocodile with a bear’s head.)
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13th-century England, "The Huth Psalter". (Wyvern but baby! Does not seem to be enjoying biting its own tail.)
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13th-century England, MS Royal 1 D X. (This triangular-headed gentlecreature gets the award for “closest guess at correct limb configuration”. If two of those were claws, I might actually believe this artist had seen a scorpion before, or at least a picture of one.)
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13th-century England, "The Westminster Psalter". (A scorpion is the offspring of a wyvern and a fawn.)
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13th-century England, "The Rutland Psalter". (Too many legs! Pull back! Pull back!)
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13th or 14th-century France, Bestiaire d'amour rimé. (This is very similar to the fawn-wyvern, but putting it in an actual Scene makes it even more obvious that you’re just guessing.)
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14th-century Netherlands, Jacob van Maerlant's Der Naturen Bloeme. (More top-down six-legged guys that look too furry to be arthropods.)
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14th-century Germany, MS Additional 22413. (That is clearly a turtle.)
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14th-century France, Matfres Eymengau de Beziers's Breviari d'amor. (Who came up with that head shape and what was their deal?)
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15th-century England, "Bestiary of Ann Walsh". (Screw it, a scorpion is a big lizard that glares at you for trying to make me draw things I don’t know about.)
I've spent way too much time on this now. End of post, thank you to anyone who got all the way down here.
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satoruwiki · 3 months
Aah!! As the strange anon who requested Naoya. I gotta say I totally agree with these headcanons! You got him perfect lol basically a d**k..unless your super hot, don't speak and magically anticipate exactly what he wants when he wants it...in which case he's slightly less of a d**k. Ooh please do gojo headcanons now I'm addicted haha
lmfao strange anon 😭😭 but fr you’re right tho, naoya would usually be the type to say “you look prettier with your mouth shut, keep it that way”.
♡.°₊Satoru is the type of man to…ˎˊ˗
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content: jjk headcanons; half sfw/half nsfw; afab!reader; i love my cutie patootie boo boo bear pookie blue eyed king gojo >.<!!
n/a: i love this man sm, I already kinda did hcs of him before, but they were mostly nsfw, so i really scratched my head to not repeat them as best as i could.
these are my hcs! feel free to agree or disagree :b any request/interaction supporting this post is very much appreciated <3
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sfw ver! ୨ৎ
Satoru is the type of man to… have gifting as his love language. Aside from being extra clingy, he’s the type to gift you stuff at least twice a week. They’re mostly things that reminds him of you or that he thinks you’d like (even though he might fail sometimes when it comes to treats, since he has a sweet tooth it may or may not be too sweet for you).
Satoru is the type of man to… act sassy/petty when jealous. Satoru isn’t the type to make a scene (at least not directed to you) or generally be ill-tempered/insecure. However, whenever he sees someone who looks at you in a different way than the others or tries to engage in a conversation with you that seems too intimate to be friendly, Satoru is the type of man to walk up to you and hug you from behind, giving you neck kisses. While you may think him being overly cuddly with you is normal due to his clingy character, Satoru is doing all that on purpose to let whoever is ‘bothering’ you that you already have someone else, with a damn smug smile plastered on his face (and maintaining direct eye contact with the stranger).
giggled and kicked my feet while writing this.
Satoru is the type of man to… try new things for you. So it is more than obvious that Satoru is old money rich. Like this dude was RICH RICH and spoiled rotten since he was child, not to mention that he’s a special grade sorcerer (he basically gets bank as a salary), therefore he’s accustomed to getting the finest things, either for you or for himself. What may seem expensive to you is probably normal for him. That doesn’t mean he’s some type of snob or is condescending about middle and working class. Satoru would be the type of be slightly skeptical when you take him to a ‘not so high-end’ restaurant, but since it was a “spot you knew”, it must be good, right? Satoru would be surprised to know that the food in the less wealthy places is sometimes even better than his common luxurious michelin-starred restaurant.
sounds like a cute trope imo
Satoru is the type of man to… taking pictures of you without you realizing it. It’s a hidden hobby of his, he thinks you look prettier when you’re distracted. Satoru has certain photo albums in his phone gallery that require a password, that is because you’d probably be embarrassed if you ever found out, but he really likes them, in the least creepy way.
Satoru is the type of man to… pretend not to know certain things as long as he has something to approach you with. Despite being good at pretty much everything, Satoru will lie and pretend to be terrible at something you are specifically passionate about so that you can teach him because he loves to see you get excited about sharing your hobbies and likes with others. His subtle way of knowing about you and collecting information he needs for when he wants to ask you out.
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nsfw ver! ୨ৎ
Satoru is the type of man to… have public sex. Whether it’s at home or at some expensive restaurant’s washroom, nothing will stop him from pounding his cock balls deep inside you, though the thought of getting caught being freaky in public always gets his adrenaline rushing and his cock throbbing.
Satoru is the type of man to… have you modeling the lingerie he buys for you. He loves to see how excited you are to show him the little lingerie you bought with his card. But he loves it more when you thank him bouncing on his dick.
Satoru is the type of man to… have phone sex with you when he’s away. Due to his work, he has to sometimes to fly across Japan and this can take a few days before he comes back home. Satoru will call you late at night to ask how your day was then ask you to play with yourself, maybe even do a video call so he can see your pretty ‘o’ face.
Satoru is the type of man to… cover you in hickeys. He takes pride in letting everyone know he fucked you real good last night as well as to mark you as his. It also helps to keep other men from you, so he does this pretty often.
Satoru is the type of man to… fuck you in front of a mirror. Satoru likes to fuck you in doggy as well as to see your fucked out face, so he came up with the solution of placing a mirror in front of his bed so he can plunge his cock deep inside your walls just the way he likes and get to see you roll your eyes to the back of your head as he rearranges your guts. He also gets to look at himself and brag a little. (a little narcissistic from him if you ask me lmao)
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satuguro · 1 year
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chad meeks martin x ethan landry x reader
#SYNOPSIS— nsfw/sfw head canons about dating ethan and chad <3
#CONTAINS— (sfw) domesticity!!, slight angst, comfort, overall fluff ; (nsfw) daddy/mommy kink, degradation, praise, and a lot more but those are the mains!
#AUTHORSNOTE— there isn’t enough domestic chad/ethan/reader stuff so i wrote this xx
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— you guys pined for each other for a while until any of you made a move. lots of longing looks and deep talk nights and sleepovers that felt more intimate than ‘just friend’ activities.
— but surprisingly, it was ethan who confessed first. the three of you were sharing a blunt around a pool during a party, and he suddenly started rambling about how much he liked you both romatically.
“it’s just like,” ethan breathes, leaning his head on your shoulder and absentmindedly fidgeting with chad’s fingers. “i talk a lot, right? i ramble and i talk and can’t ever seem to shut up— at least i’m self aware, y/n! —but when i look at the two of you.. it’s like my words just can’t come out. and i become quiet because i don’t know how you two exist.”
— ever since that night, you guys began dating!
— now this is not gonna be one of those head-cannons about how everything went smoothly because trust me it didn’t for a while.
— it was really up and down for the first year. chad has a bad habit of being jealous, which is nice if he wasn’t so in denial when you or ethan point it out.
— ethan has a tendency to space out/disassociate when things get too stressful (a result of his history with his family), which takes a lot of work and patience to work through. thankfully, you and chad have all the patience in the world for him.
— and you wouldn’t open up to them for a while, oftentimes running how you really felt and the bad parts of your past through a filter to make it seem not as bad (even though chad and ethan could read you like a book).
— there’s a lot more, but i will say that i don’t think ethan or chad is the type to really raise their voice during an argument. disagreements are resolved through firm talking between the three of you, and even when someone wants to scream or yell at the other person, they know that you all hate the sound of angry yelling, so you find others ways to cool off.
— anyways! you guys moved in together a year and a half into your relationship.
— chad’s the clean one and ethan’s the messy one (mainly bc he gets distracted by other stuff and forgets ro clean up after himself).
— both boys love sitting/joining you when you’re doing your hobbies. sometimes they even wanna learn from you! chad is a very quick learner while ethan is very eager to learn
— movie nights, video game nights, study nights, etc. are a very common thing bc all of you procrastinate college shit (except for chad, who is somehow more on top of it than you and ethan).
— chad can cook, ethan can bake, and you can do both! so meals are usually made by you and chad while ethan makes dessert.
— ethan also stress bakes.
the lack of a third body in your bed made you sit up groggily from your bed. “chad? chad,” you mumbled, shaking chad’s shoulder next to you, making him grumble a weak response. “where’s ethan?”
and as the two of you walked out, you still wrapped in your comforter, you were shocked to find your boyfriend making his third batch of cake pops over the counter. his hair was tousled and eye bags hung under his brown eyes, but ethan looked more awake than ever. his spider-man shirt was stained with flour and his pajama pants hung loosely around his waist. “ethan,” chad said with a sigh, “babes, it’s 3 am.”
“yeah but,” ethan began, whisking from frosting. “i have an exam in like two days and i needed to relax so i’m baking!”
“ethan, baby, come back to bed.”
— chad and ethan are sore losers!! every time the three of you play video games and you win they both sulk for like 10 minutes. but if you lose and one of them wins, they’re so cocky and they’re teasing you about it (assholes).
"guys, please talk to me," you said, watching as ethan stubbornly sat next to chad on the other side of the couch, pulling the blanket tight over the both of them and not around you."
"no," chad stated, putting an arm over ethan's shoulders and pulling him close. "this is what happens when you cheat at mario kart."
you huffed in annoyance before standing up, grabbing the blanket and forcing yourself in with them, ignoring their protests.
"y/n, you already won!" ethan groaned, still making room for you regardless of how much of a sore loser he was.
— you guys sleep on a king bed in a shared room and take turns being in the middle. usually chad likes being in the middle because that means he gets to feel both you and ethan sleeping on his chest.
— chad sleeps earlier than the both of you so sometimes he has to listen to you and ethan talk about basically nothing 30 minutes before going to bed.
“yeah, sex is great, but have you ever yawned so hard you felt tears?” ethan said, his face turned to yours as the three of you laid in bed.
chad heard you chuckle softly before saying, “it’s kind of like stretching so hard you cough. wait— does that mean you’d rather yawn with tears over having sex with us?”
“what? no!”
— sometimes when one of you is coming home late, you have nights with only one of them.
— when ethan is coming home late, you and chad both prepare a meal together. light music is playing in the background while you both prepare three plates (another for ethan when he gets home). chad has a habit of wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder while you cook. then after dinner you both watch a horror movie with popcorn (chad knows all the best horror movies thanks to mindy.) and take a shower together.
— when chad is coming home late, ethan helps you make dinner (he just chops vegetables and sometimes meat. poor boy can’t cook) and is constantly snacking on the food before it’s even prepared. you both save chad a plate before having a little ‘spa day.’ you both take a bath and put on face masks and (mildly) catch each other up on gossip.
— when you’re coming home late, either chad makes dinner and ethan helps or he does the work and ethan sits on the counter and tells him about all the drama (chad likes to say he doesn’t like listening, but you and ethan know he does). sometimes ethan makes him do a face mask with him and then they go play video games for the rest of the night until you come home.
— your apartment has a loveseat on the side that you all like to cuddle on while your friends are over.
— folding clothes together in the living room while watching shows like bob’s burgers.
— you guys definitely have a cat that’s named ‘kelp’ or something weird like that. when you first got the cat chad was def a little disappointed (he wanted a dog) but now he’s your cat’s favorite (much to you and ethan’s chagrin).
— whenever you say ‘i love you,’ there’s always two responses of ‘i love you more,’ back. and that phrase is something really important to the three of you.
— you like to say it during the times when you really mean it. you always love them, but there’s random times where you’re just watching them talk to each other at the dinner table and you’ll just say ‘i love you,’ because how nice is it that you can always have dinner with them?
— ethan incorporates it into his daily phrases, stuff like, “i’m gonna go now, i love you!” and “good night, i love you.” he also says it a lot while he’s drunk (he’s a sucker for you and chad, what can he say).
— chad says it during random times. sometimes he’ll just walk by you or ethan in the kitchen, pressing brief kisses to your shoulders and murmuring, “i love you.” or he’ll taste something you or ethan made and say, “oh my god, i love you. this is incredible.”
— ethan talks a lot and you and chad listen.
— sometimes chad and ethan both ramble to you about something that you know nothing about but do you care? no, because you do the exact same thing and they are always so interested
— chad and ethan go on gym dates and chad always makes ethan his pre workout for him in the morning before they leave <3
— you guys also have a shared groupchat! ethan uses it to send photos throughout his day of random things with cute little comments like ‘look at this dog i saw ◡̈’ or ‘i ordered what y/n usually gets at starbucks! i think it’s actually pretty good!’
—you use it to send photos of when you see him or chad across campus. honestly you do it cause you think it’s funny how most of the photos you take look like they’re from a stalker.
— chad uses it to send photos of the sky whenever he thinks it’s pretty (because it reminds him of the both of you). he also uses it to get yours or ethan’s opinion on something, whether it’s clothes, what he’s buying from the store, etc.
— whenever one of you is stressed/sad you have two people giving you comfort immediately. of course chad is always the one who asks, “do you want comfort or advice?” just because he wants to make sure he’s doing the right thing. but regardless the three of you have learned how to take care of each other.
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— there was definitely a moment before you all began dating where ethan said, “wait, does that mean i’m gonna die a virgin?” and you and chad caught each other staring at ethan as though you were willing to change that for him.
chad noticed you stare at ethan, eyes set on him as though you were weighing the consequences of fucking your best friend in your head (not that chad could say anything; he was doing the same thing). your eyes noticed chad’s look, making you raise a brow at him.
“what’re you looking at, chad?”
“what’re you looking at, y/n?”
— ethan has the biggest sex drive out of the three of you. he was really inexperienced when you all started dating but after you and chad taught him the ropes he’s literally always horny.
— chad definitely prefers to be in charge in the bedroom (daddy kink for the win) but he’s actually a switch. you and ethan are only people he’s ever been submissive for.
— you’re a switch for the most part, but you do enjoy domming both chad and ethan (because who wouldn’t?) especially when they both start teasing you out in public/throughout the day (which happens a lot).
— ethan’s definitely a switch but he does prefer to be submissive to you and chad because he has a raging daddy/mommy kink oops
— you and ethan are pretty vocal in bed, but chad isn’t. a lot of the noises he makes is groans and dirty talk (which is literally filthy).
— but one time you and ethan were teasing him and chad let out a whine. when i tell you the tables changed so quickly..
— chad also does this lazy smile/smirk when one of you is riding him/sucking him off that makes him look so cocky and he knows it.
— chad’s cockiness also def shows through in his degradation/praise.
“that’s it, suck my cock,” chad murmured, one of his arms behind his head as ethan took his cock into his mouth. you were right next to him, licking at chad’s balls as ethan began bobbing his head. the poor boy was a mess of saliva and tears dripping down his chin, his head of curls gripped tightly by chad as his hips thrusted his fat cock deeper into ethan’s mouth.
a needy whine left your lips as ethan pulled off of chad’s cock, gasping in a breath before continuing to stroke it in his hands. then you both leaned in, eyes set on chad and the lazy smile on his face, before your tongues met at chad’s tip. with his tip in between your mouths, you and ethan made out with each other, whimpers and low moans falling from your mouths. licking into ethan’s mouth and tonguing at chad’s fat tip, you moaned at the sloppiness of it all, feeling yours and ethan’s saliva drip down your chins.
the lewd sight alone made chad moan, head falling back briefly. “god, you’re both so needy. you love sucking my dick that much that you both wanna share?”
“mm.. yes daddy.”
— sex is serious for the most part but sleepy sex/morning sex is always so giggly for you guys. especially when ethan and chad want to eat you out together.
“chad— dude, you gotta move to the side,” ethan groaned, trying to move himself next to the taller man. your legs were spread wide, both of them held open by chad’s hand and ethan’s, and feeling their two eyes on you, you suddenly felt exposed.
“how do we—” chad began leaning his head in at the same time as ethan’s and bumping their heads, making them both laugh. carding your hands through their hair, you couldn’t help but giggle before it turned into a moan.
chad and ethan’s tongue met in the middle as they spread your legs wider. leaning over, chad went to suck on your clit while ethan leaned down to fuck your sopping hole with his tongue, making your back arch. “there you go,” chad murmured, breath fanning over your cunt as he massages the inside of your thighs.
“mm, you taste so good, y/n,” ethan said, eyes hazy as he slipped a finger into you.
— sometimes ethan wakes the both of you up by giving you both head. he gets really needy! and if you wake up before him that’s how you wake chad up
— you love teasing them. sometimes you grind your ass against them a little too much while passing by them in the kitchen or you wear shorts around the apartment that you know chad loves, along with a tank top without a bra (so ethan’s practically drooling at your breasts)
— it usually ends with them being in charge that night. especially if your little teasing game goes on for the entire day and you pretend you know nothing about it; both of them want to punish you <3
“fuck— daddy, ‘m close,” ethan whined, throwing his head back as his cock slipped into your lips again. you peered up at him through heavy lashes, his length stifling your whimpers as chad’s cock sank deeper inside of you.
“go ahead, baby boy. cum all over y/n’s face,” chad said with a groan, watching shamelessly as your cunt took every inch of his thick cock. “fuck, you really love taking dick, huh?” he said with a breathless laugh, thrusting his hips into you harshly and reveling in the cry you let out. “too bad you won’t get to cum just yet. not until we’re finished.”
ethan let out a whine as he came all over your face, eyes set on how your tongue stuck out for him and the way it caught only some of his cum. the rest painted your face so beautifully that ethan couldn’t help but grab some with his thumb and put it into your mouth. obediently, your lips wrapped around his thumb and sucked off the rest of the cum.
— sorry not sorry ethan loves his ass ate idc. he becomes such a slit the second he feels you or chad’s tongue on his hole, arching his back and babbling, “mommy/daddy, more. please— oh fuck me.”
— chad also has an obsession with eating you out. when i tell you that man knows how to eat pussy i mean it. sit on his face, suffocate him— he wants it all as long as he’s between your thighs.
— that being said he also loves eating ethan out. primarily because ethan ends up crying and he’s just so pretty when he cries.
— chad’s sadistic/masochistic (he’s def a service top) and ethan’s the same way. but ethan’s sadism and masochism can go extreme; he loves denying you and chad of your orgasms over and over, but if you were to deny him of his over and over he’d love it more.
— chad sometimes just leans back and lets you and ethan do whatever you want to him. you could use his dick like a toy and ethan could ride his face and chad could die a happy man right there, knowing that he’s pleasuring the both of you.
— ethan has an oral fixation to the max. he always needs something in his mouth, whether it’s your tits, yours or chad’s fingers, chad’s cock, or your pussy, he just loves having his mouth full.
— whenever you’re domming, ethan is always so good while chad is nothing but a brat. but there are some rare occasions when ethan is being bratty and you and chad have to punish him.
“daddy— daddy slow down—!” ethan cried out, his hips automatically snapping against you as a result of chad’s pounding. he was crying at this point, fat tears streaming down his cheeks as he was stuck between chad’s thick cock and your tight pussy. his own cock was so hard, but the cock ring around it made it impossible for him to fuck a load into you. not that you or chad seemed to care.
“you wanted to act like such a brat earlier, ethan,” you said with faux pity, teeth digging into your bottom lip as ethan’s cock thrusted inside of you repeatedly.
“which means,” chad said, slapping ethan’s ass and making the boy moan, “you can’t give us fucking orders.” he thrusted deeper into his boyfriend, listening to the ‘uh, uh, uhs’ ethan let out as his cock fucked him harder.
“i wanna cum,” ethan sniffled, ignoring your scolding as he took your hips and thrusted into you, making your head fall back as you moaned deliciously. “daddy, p—please— mm, mm— let me cum, mommy.”
chad only chuckled darkly at that, letting out a low moan as he came inside ethan’s ass, filling him with cum— his first load of the night. “brats don’t get to cum.”
— i will say this rn; the aftercare is soso good.
— chad basically has all of your needs memorized by heart. bath? he already had it ready. food? there’s snacks on the bedside table. alone time? the guest room has its bed made and the t.v on. cuddles? of course, just let him clean you up and get you some water. don’t wanna get up? good, chad would rather you lay there while he gets everything ready.
— it kind of goes for all of you as well. you and chad are usually giving the aftercare while ethan’s receiving. but ethan knows the aftercare you both need too!
— especially after pretty hard scenes, ethan knows to reassure you both that he’s okay. it doesn’t happen often, but when you and chad feel horrible for talking to ethan in such a way, he goes out of his way to take care of you just like you both take care of him <3
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mouschiwrites · 6 months
Creepypasta/MH - Doing Halloween Stuff With Them :)
(Characters: Tim/Masky, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Ticci Toby)
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Hear me out... corn maze
I believe that Tim enjoys a good puzzle every now and again
He loves trying to figure things out (specifically when there's nothing at risk)
Getting to show off his navigational skills is also a major plus
He just likes to impress you, even if it comes off as annoying sometimes
"See? What'd I tell you? The exit's right there."
Though he does like the satisfaction of completing the maze, what he really treasures is that time you spend together figuring it out
Once you finally find the exit, you'll celebrate with hot cocoa :D
Eyeless Jack
This man LOVES carving pumpkins
He goes all out; definitely one of those people who makes the crazy intricate designs that look like they take hours
He'll love it if you help him!
If you have a steady hand, he'll let you do the details
If you don't, he'll task you with gutting the pumpkin/handing him tools
You guys collaborate on multiple pumpkins throughout the month, setting them in random locations for everyone to see
If there's a design you want to do, just show it to him, there's no question he'll be down
If it's too simplistic, he'll try to add more details
"Ooh, Jack, look at this one. Can we try to re-create it?"
"Of course! Though I do have some ideas on how it can be improved..."
Jeff the Killer
Another pumpkin carving enjoyer
But for a different reason... a very different reason
He loves the goriness of gutting the pumpkins
He couldn't care less about making actual designs, he just wants to get messy stabbing the pumpkin and gouging out its insides
That being said, he'll 100% gut your pumpkin if you ask him (he'll probably end up doing it even if you don't ask)
It's honestly a little disturbing watching him work
He just gets this look in his eye...
"You, uh... you doing okay there, Jeff?"
"Hm? Yup! Never better!! Say, can you grab the big knife from the kitchen for me?"
Nina the Killer
You best bet she's the costume queen
Spends the whole year planning matching horror-themed costumes
She'll settle for no less than creativity and perfection
High-quality props and articles only!! She'll even make them herself if she has to!
You can expect to spend at least an hour in front of the mirror while she does your makeup/adjusts your clothes
She's an SFX makeup legend, loves incorporating as much gore into your costume as possible
Don't ask why it's so realistic (it's not like she knows how the wound would look if it was real or anything)
"Wow, Nina... It's almost like I can feel it! It's so real!"
"No, no. If you were feeling it, you would be screaming pretty loud right now."
You can also expect to attend multiple parties where you show off your costumes
You guys dominate costume competitions
Jane the Killer
Horror movies!!
Specifically, making fun of them
You both pick apart the plot, the characters, the dialogue, the special effects, everything
No horror film is safe from your scrutiny
If you're the type to get scared during horror movies, her snide comments will help distract you
"Ooh, I can't look!"
"Oh, come on. Look—I bet they used corn syrup for that fake blood. It's way too thick."
When the movie ends, you're both feeling more amused than scared
She doesn't like to see horror films in theaters because she doesn't get to make commentary, plus she doesn't want to "waste" money on a "stupid tryhard-horror flick"
She'd much rather dig up some old indie DVD/VCR and have a home movie night with you
Ticci Toby
Halloween sweets are his bread and butter
Candy apples, fun-sized candy bars, candy corn, pumpkin bread...
He would perish if you made anything homemade for him
Spends the whole month gorging on sweets almost as fast as he can get his hands on them
He will not share with anyone but you
And even you only get a small portion of his goodies
Robs at least one child on Halloween night, mostly for the candy but also because he likes scaring little kids
"Where did you get all that candy?"
"Got it from a little birdy. By that I mean a kid in Falcon cosplay."
"Toby! ... save me the (favorite candy)."
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Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night my spooky pookies <33
(divider by saradika)
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melonmilkshake · 1 month
WE ARE SO BACK IM GLAD UR TAKING REQ AGAIN!! Ima js request the same thing before it sadly got deleted T^T
To make it short… puppy Randal and (fem) kitty reader (I think this concept is hybrids?) the point is they’re both in heat but like Randal is going through it like 10x worse and does not hold back at all. They don’t have to have tails if u don’t want to js at least the ears obv :3 but sum extras I’d like to see is maybe breeding kink, belly bulge (yk like when we see the outline when it’s inside us..:3) and manhandling ^^
Anything else is up to u honestly js no gore pls
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Randal Ivory x reader
She/her | Female
(Randal does have a tail in this and dog ears so does reader!!)
TW: doggy style, nibbling, nipple play, breeding, and belly bulge
Randal is your loving boyfriend and when it comes to being a couple you should help each other out! Even if by helping means Randal wants to fuck you.
Last oneshot for tonight and yes I will re upload a oneshot from my wattpad. A new oneshot for tomorrow probably.
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Your boyfriend can be restless sometimes. Despite your calm cat like demeanor he still likes to play with you. He likes pouncing, nipping, and licking you any chance he gets.
Even if you both were different types of hybrids it didn't matter. You both loved each other so much to the point where no one could tell you, you both couldn't be together.
Everything that you do is mostly wholesome and loving and today was nothing different... or so you thought. You could hear slight whimpering and moaning sounds coming from your room. It sounded like Randal..
You knew he was very horny and touchy nowadays always stealing your stuff and masturbating because he wants to mate. You slowly opened the door and your jaw dropped.
Randal was humping your pillow completely naked. His tail was wagging fastly while he humped it on your bed. You could tell he had already came a few times by the wet spots on your sheets, blankets, and a few on your plushies.
The second he heard the door creak he completely stopped. His puppy ears went down and he stopped wagging his tail. A confused purr came out of your mouth seeing him so disappointed and upset over the fact he was caught.
You stood in the middle of your room staring at him. He quickly got on his knees infront of you and looked at the ground. He whimpered and sniffled hoping you'd forgive him. You snapped your fingers making him look up at you.
The whole time you spoke his eyes kept on lingering to your breasts they just looked so good in that tight shirt you wore. He wagged his tail staring at them of course not paying attention to your words.
If it wasn't for this stupid mating season you both go through he wouldn't be like this... no he still would be but less distracted. You gave a sharp whistle and Randal's puppy ears perked up as he stared at you flustered.
"My eyes are up here." You spoke and flicked his forehead. He sniffled and gave you a puppy eyed plead but you never gave into it. You purred softly while your tail moved side to side.
"Whats wrong? You knew you were being a bad boy." You said with a small sigh as you turned around to leave but you couldn't even take one step before Randal stood behind you and squeezed your boobs. You were taken aback by the sudden grab and didn't know what to do.
His dick was pressed up against your ass, slightly rubbing up against it. His fingers pinched your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt making you jolt.
He twisted them eagerly while small whimpers came out of your mouth. You could feel your panties already becoming wet from his touch. "I love you and I want you. Please gimme what I want." He whimpered and nuzzled his head up against your cheek. You nodded hesitatiantly and he wagged his tail.
"Sit. I need to take off my clothes." You ordered him and started getting undressed but when you were finished he admittedly pounced on you taking one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked on it and wagged his tail while playing with your other nipple.
You moaned at his sudden assult on your breasts but didn't stop him. He nipped at your breasts and neck pulling and licking at your skin before you knew it he made you lay on the ground ass up while pounding into you. His hand was gripping a fistful of your hair while he thrusted fast. He was moaning and whimpering both of yours sounds mixed together while his balls hit up against you.
With a shaky moan he came in you, your whole body was trembling from him fucking you but oh he wasn't finished yet. He flipped you over onto your back and forced your legs open. He stared at the large amount of cum leaking out of your tight hole. He suddenly pushed his cock back in you making you squirm under him.
He kept on mumbling things in your ear like "m'gonna get you pregnant", "you're gonna have my babies", "You're gonna give birth to my puppies." He was obviously very into the mood and you could tell by bulge in your stomach from his cock. It was big and a obvious sign of his of his arousal. You were gonna be here for a long time and you knew it.
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salmon-bagel · 3 days
Tf2 mercenaries x Seductress! Class! Reader
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Warning: nsfw content, female reader, sexism
When Scout heard that there's a woman who's a professional at seduction, he had already started plotting.
"Hello, name is Y/n L/n, but you can call me the Seductress. It's nice to meet you."
"Heya, nice to meet cha' mommy- Oh, i mean mommy i mean mommy i mean mommy i mean mommy-"
Constantly hits on you. Scout believes that you're the type of girl that's 'easy', someone who will let anyone bang them regardless of who they are.
That boy isn't going to leave you alone until you let him into your pants.
Even when he's not busy trying to get in between your legs, Scout is asking you for advice on how to woo the ladies. Considering you're a professional at flirting with people.
You go back and forth on giving him good advice and bad advice. Sometimes you feel bad that he can't get a girlfriend. Then again, you think to yourself that no woman should be within three feet of Scout because of how much of a horny asshole he is.
After some time, you did grow to have a soft spot for him. Since he's bullied a lot by the other mercenaries. He can be kinda cute when he's not being a complete jerk.
Soldier treats you like the other mercenaries. Ruthlessly bleating in your ear when you're doing something wrong.
He wants the best from you. Regardless of your gender, he'll push you to the limit until he's proud enough to call you a warrior.
Soldier tests that you're a good seductress by making you flirt with him. It's an ego boost on his part, but he's genuinely trying to make sure you're hot enough for the enemy.
Buys you clothing that he believes would work well when you're seducing the enemies. It's always american themed swimwear or lingerie. You began to believe he's just buying that for himself for you to try.
Whenever the team successfully wins for the day, Soldier immediately rushes towards and smacks your ass as hard as he can.
Sniper believes your work is very unprofessional. Considering he believes you have to whore yourself out to the enemy team. Instead of using your actual skills.
He says he has nothing against prostitution or sex work in general. Sniper just thinks that stuff you do should be kept behind doors and not on the battlefield. He says it causes too much of a distraction. However, you claim that 'distraction' is the point. Sniper doesn't seem to get it.
You honestly could care less what he thinks. Snipers throws jars of piss for a living, and he really thinks he has the right to judge other people?
The truth is you're good at seducing people. Too good. That it distracts him from doing his own job. Sniper has a tendency to watch you through the scope of his gun.
The way your body gets all hot and sweaty from the terrible heat, oh it does something to him. Sniper has imagined licking your sweat off your tits while you degrade him for being such a filthy fuck.
You are his go-to jerk off material. The women in his porno magazines don't get him off like they used. The only way he can relieve himself now is by imagining your fat ass bouncing on his cock.
When he noticed a pair of your panties in the laundry basket, Sniper couldn't help himself to inhale the sweet scent of your panties before putting them back.
Sniper knows he's a damn hypocrite.
He slut shames you for what you do, only to get off to you afterwards. The post nut clarity consumes him with guilt and shame.
Sniper still hasn't built up the courage to apologize to you.
Heavy is one of the very few people who treat you like an actual human being. He was raised by a single mother alongside three sisters. Heavy knows to treat a woman right. Less he wishes to face their fury.
Heavy doesn't understand why you seduce the enemy. You're supposed to shoot at the enemy, not bat your eyelashes and wink! However, after watching your work on the battlefield, he gets to more of an understanding.
"Oh, I see. You lie to enemy and lure them in like fish? HA! Very clever!"
Absolutely loves gunning down the enemy that is distracted by you.
Is one of the few men who genuinely falls for you for your personality. Heavy knows you're drop-dead gorgeous, but he knows that beneath all that beauty is a truly intelligent woman. You earned your place on the team by impressing Mann Co., with your skills instead of batting your eyelashes and begging to be a part of the team. You make his heart swoon like no other woman has.
He likes to write you poetry. It helps convey how he feels for you because he's too bashful to put it into simple words.
Heavy is not afraid of anything. Nothing, not even death itself. However, it took him a lot of courage and constant rehearsal to ask you out on a date.
He hopes to start a genuine relationship with you. Heavy doesn't want a one-night stand or be friends-with-benefits with you. He wants you to be his girlfriend and maybe possibly his wife later down the line.
"Well, I'll be! Aren't you the prettiest thing I've ever seen."
Engineer is taken aback by your good looks and sauve personality. He genuinely questions why you wanted to be a mercenary. A beautiful lady like yourself is too of high risk to get hurt!
Will always be there to help you if it gets too much for you to handle.
However, he can be very overprotective over you on the battlefield. Engineer thinks it would be safer for you to stay on the rancho relaxo than getting shot at by the enemy. As much as you'd like to not do anything on the job, Mann Co. isn't paying you to be lazy. They see everything and will tell you to get off your ass and start fighting.
You have to beg Engineer that you can do it on your own. He understands your point of view and begrudgingly lets you fight with the others. Even if it means going against his code of defending and protecting a lady when she needs it.
While putting up dispensers and sentries, he can't help to admire you from afar. Engie believes that a guy like him has no chance with a girl like you. What woman would be interested in a bald man who has a robotic hand and locks himself away in his work? No gal that's who.
Engie fantasizes about working up the courage to flirt with you and ask you out, which would eventually lead to a rather sensual night spent together. He did try to ask you out once but miserably failed. Engie kept stuttering and mispronouncing words out of nervousness while attempting to seduce you. You couldn't make out what he was trying to say. Thankfully, Demo had the heart to pull Engie out of that mess of a conversation and save him from further embarrassing himself.
So now, he just admires you from afar. Dreaming that one day he'll get to win your heart.
Surprisingly, he wants to get to know you as soon as possible. It's not every day you get to meet a lovely lady.
When he learns of your class type, oh boy, this man will make you question if you're even meant to be the Seductress.
"Mademoiselle, you are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on."
"Do you know why they call Paris the city of love? Why don't I take you there and show you?"
"If the verb ‘to love’ didn’t exist, I would have invented it upon seeing you."
Spy leaves your entire face red and completely frozen after he's done talking to you. He's so flattering and charismatic. In comparison to the other men, he makes it seem like they're not trying at all. It isn't their fault, though, Spy is a natural at wooing the ladies.
You're surprised when Spy gifts you things that you really like. You never shared these intimate details with him before or with the other mercenaries. When you asked him how he knew what you specifically liked, Spy merely winks at you and grins. He has a way of receiving information without anyone knowing.
He has a tendency to kiss the back of your hand whenever you two are greeting each other. Spy is a gentleman and can't help himself to be sweet to a beautiful woman.
When Spy asks you out on a date, you agree to it because you have been meaning to go out. You felt like you'd go insane if you stayed in the base any longer. You put on your best dress and left with Spy into town.
After having a nice meal and a few glasses of wine, both of you give into temptation. Spy could hardly keep his hands off you when he drove you both back to the base. All your clothes came off the moment you reached his bedroom. You found it a little strange he refused to take off his mask. Oh, what the hell. He's hot and treated you to a nice date.
In the morning, you receive uncomfortable stares from the other mercenaries. Let's just say you and Spy weren't exactly quiet during your lovemaking. Unfortunately for the others, you decided Spy would become your fuck buddy.
He's been meaning to include a female subject in his experiments- I mean, he's glad to meet you!
You try your best to steer clear of him. However, on the front lines, it isn't so easy. When you're constantly getting shot at and stabbed by enemies, you'll need the Medic's help to get better.
When he sees you in action, Medic feels a new emotion that he's never felt before. Is this.. love? Maybe it is. Or maybe it's just lust.
Medic has never been infatuated with any woman. Except you. The way you lure in these pathetic men with your good looks and false promises, only to kill them afterwards- oh God, it makes him giddy. He feels like a schoolboy all over again!
Medic does routine check-ups on you. To make sure all your lady parts are in working order. In reality, this perverted fuck wants to have an excuse to grope you. Always gaslights you into believing he's not being a degenerate.
"Is this really necessary?"
"Why, of course! Breast cancer isn't something to take lightly!" He'd respond. You would understand, but after thirty minutes of him fondling your breasts, you knew what his true intentions were.
Medic writes you love letters and his dove, Archimedes, deliver them to you.
The letters start off relatively sweet. Medic writes that he views you as a Goddess, a truly ethereal being that is too perfect for this world filled with lesser mortals. And how he's the only man truly worthy for you.
Then, the letters take a complete turn the more you read it. He writes how he wishes to fulfill every filthy fantasy he's ever had with you. Oh boy, the list is long. For one, Medic wants to tie you down, gag you, and breed you like the filthy whore you are. Another consited of how he wants to fuck you on the battlefield while you're bleeding out and fingering your open wound as if it was your pussy.
You've stopped reading his letters and tend to light them on fire.
"So, how much do you regularly charge for a quick shag?" He'd ask you before laughing his ass off.
Demo will never take you or your work seriously. Even if you politely ask him to.
He doesn't see what's so hard about showing off your tits and saying how much you love to suck cock. Demo believes you should've been a stripper if you wanted to tease men so desperately.
You frequently explain to him in detail how you help and provide for the team. You honestly can't tell if Demo deliberately forgets or because he gets drunk so often, he hardly pays attention to you while you talk.
Don't worry, though. After you've instilled the fear of women into him, he'll be gladly reminded that he shouldn't judge or ridicule a woman. If his mother were here, she'd knock some sense into him.
Demo apologizes to you, drinks, gets drunk, and apologies some more
"I'm sorry, lassie! It's just that I just get so lonely sometimes! What woman would give me, a one-eyed freak, a chance!"
He bawls on the floor, crying in front of you. You attempt to cheer him up by comforting him. Instead, you end up getting drunk with him.
Did you shag him in the heat of the moment? That's all up to you ;)
Has no idea what you're doing to the enemy. Anything sexual you do is translated as innocent in their vision. Will never know what real seduction or sex.
Luckily, they think everything you do is nice and polite!
Regularly gives you grotesque gifts, which are usually human hearts and bones. You begrudgingly take the gifts because you know they mean well and don't wish to be disrespectful.
Pyro has a tendency to go through your closet when you leave your room. Or while you're sleeping. Either why, they steal your clothing and belongings. They pick out outfits and wigs they like along with makeup supplies. You wonder where you placed your dress and immediately begin searching for it. Maybe you left it in the laundry room. As soon as you exit your room, you see Pyro wearing your clothing over their suit. Fake eyelashes have been glued onto their eyes, and lipstick smeared all over the breathing hole.
You can't even be upset with Pyro. They're doing their best.
You let Pyro keep the dress they're wearing, considering it most likely wouldn't fit you anymore.
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silentcryracha · 9 months
Late night/driving/boyfie Hyune headcanons based on this pretty please 😭 I love so much the way you write him!!
Ugh he looks the coziest person ever, crying brb 😭
btw I searched up if he can actually drive and apparently he can't or it hasn't been confirmed before, so let's just pretend that he can in this scenario lol.
warnings: none, one (1) mention of sex and that's it
word count: idk but it's short lol
Okay imagine being Hyunjin's passenger princess. He'd be the type to constantly touch you, whether it was his hand resting on your thigh, his fingers absentmindedly tapping along the rhythm of a song on your leg. Or if he managed, to rest his arm on the top part of the passenger seat, and using this position to play with your hair or caress your cheek with his knuckles.
He's kind of an insomniac at times, or in general he can't sleep if his mind is too full of thoughts, so I think late night drives are a real option. This also means that the atmosphere it's gonna be chill, very comfortable.
I see him as the type that would enjoy a wild sing along session, as well as casual convo and even comfortable silence. He'd drive you to grab a late night snack and go park somewhere you could have a nice view and enjoy it. He'd definitely take you to those open air cinemas sometime.
He would let you use his car if you wanted. He just would, I think. Unless he thinks you're not well enough/have some other higher reason for you to not drive, he would. In these cases I feel like he'd LOVE to be the passenger princess lol. Feeding you food, stealing kisses, touching you and cuddling you (safely) as you drive.
Hyunjin does have his hyper-active moments and it would be your job to calm him down and focus on the road lol. Not because he's irresponsible or necessarily careless but, especially when he's excited for something, he may be getting a little distracted.
He does not seem the type to lash out or get extremely annoyed in traffic situations, I feel like he'd find a way to chill, kinda a 'whatever' type of attitude. If he was worried about being late to wherever he was going, he'd probably silently stress about it but just call up whoever he had to meet and tell them, without much fuss.
But he would get quite dramatic and rant if he came close to an accident or someone acted like a jerk, putting him and other people at risk. Which is what would bother him most.
Now, to the serious stuff: Car sex. yes or no? I'd say maybe. He does seem like the person who'd get fussy over not being comfortable/being able to take care of you properly. But on the other hand he's also a very passionate person and I feel like, at the very least, an improvised make out session did take place at some point.
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camels-pen · 4 months
the difference between zosopp and sanuso (romantic OR platonic) is that Usopp is Zoro's specialest little guy and Zoro is someone Usopp hangs out with and looks up to and hides behind when things get scary, but Sanji and Usopp are best friends. They horse around, they beat each other up, they confide their worst fears trying to one up each other. Usopp hides behind Sanji sometimes, sure, but idk, Sanji's weaknesses are more obvious (bugs, fighting women, etc) so there are times when Usopp has to stand in front of Sanji too, yknow?
Like, how do I say this, all the crewmates are equal- Usopp and Zoro are equals- but with Sanji it feels like more... comradery? Zoro's a rock in a terrible storm- even rocks tend to get weathered and chipped and worn down, but they overall stay strong and steady. He has trouble being vulnerable and there are times when the burden he's placed on himself to keep the crew safe is crushing his chest. Usopp would help with that and be very understanding, but the point I'm trying to get with that is that those moments are few and far between. So I feel like Usopp, especially after Water 7, would take Zoro's lead on something like that, and keep most of his worries to himself or only talk about them sparingly unless they're really bad and/or he can't hide them.
Sanji is like a tree in a storm; he can be strong, yes, but it feels like he bends and sways with the storm, and has more obvious breaking points. He can relate more to Usopp's struggles rather than resorting to blunt honesty that might border on callous like Zoro. And while, with Zosopp, I tend to think of scenarios with Zoro being blunt like that as a good thing- because sometimes when you're spiraling, it's nice to have someone say exactly what's great about you and shoot down all your worries with straight facts that you can't argue with- I can also see this as being a bad thing. Anxiety can really twist up your brain sometimes, you know? And despite the words, the tone could still mess someone up if they're already feeling like a burden on others in some way.
With Sanuso it's a lot more understanding and thoughtful words. It's distractions and comfort food and patience- the kind reserved for Usopp- until Usopp talks about whatever's troubling him. Compared to Zosopp, it doesn't take as long for Usopp to open up, since he's done the same thing to Sanji at times and it's more familiar to him to talk and commiserate with Sanji about his worries and doubts and such. However, there are times stuff like this has absolutely no effect and Sanji will end up at a loss, no idea what to do or how to help over the course of several days with Usopp being quiet and keeping his distance, and he'll end up working himself up about it which will only serve to make Usopp feel worse and. yeah. bit of a vicious cycle with them.
So it's like. Usopp can be weak with both of them, but since I see Sanji as the type of guy who'd be more open with his worries (at least compared to Zoro), there's less of a need to 'perform' and be his best self around him. He's comfortable around Zoro, yes, but he is constantly wanting to show that he won't be a problem to him. On the other hand, while he's more open with Sanji, and Sanji with him, they tend to relate a bit too much with each other and they both have issues with causing trouble for others and being 'deserving of love' so failed attempts at consoling one hurts the other and creates an unpleasant cycle of misery and avoidance before some other crewmate (Zoro) tells them to quit being stupid and just fucking talk to each other.
#one piece#sanuso#zosopp#long post#nemotime#does this make sense or is this the ramblings of a person who's only got 3 hrs sleep#bc thats me. 3 hrs sleep. ugh#listen okay its like. zosopp has their own growing pains to get through yknow? zoro will eventually get the whole#'oh usopp isnt as open with me bc he wants to seem tough and is also kind of doing the same thing i do. thats bad for him'#and it'll be a whole thing about making a promise between the two of them to try and be more honest with their fears and seeking help#when they need it#the sanuso thing is like. i hope i didnt mean to make it seem like sanuso is 'better' or w/e bc its just a different thing#sanuso got their own problems to sort out. 1. Sanji's everything 2. boundaries on special treatment-#i'm not gonna go seriously into this but both relationships start out not the best and get better over time yknow#also i know usopp's afraid and freaking out a lot but for this post i meant his deeper fears and insecurities#not 'i've got can't-go-on-this-island disease' lmao#the tl;dr of this post is: Usopp is more closed off with Zosopp. Usopp and Sanji have similar issues that cause problems with Sanuso.#also the way i see these ships will probably change at some point. who knows#there was a post i saw recently that was like 'hey sanuso bc romance trio were already chill with each other so sanuso became chill with#each other in an 'alone together' type of way and also they have the same issues' and i thought 'wow so true bestie' and here we are#also. man. usopp taking on / copying the behaviours of his loved ones regardless of his age is just. my jam. in a positive or negative way#maybe i'll make a post about that explaining it more. maybe
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jvnluvr · 9 months
author’s note: sooo, long time no see haha. i haven’t been able to write blue lock stuff lately n i’m sorry about that. hsr has kinda been in my mind lately, especially dan heng/imbibitor lunae for those of you who know. idk if many of my followers even know abt hsr but those who followed the tags, i hope u enjoy. mostly self indulgent btw, it’s very short and i wrote it on a whim at 2am.
ft. dan heng x f!reader
ever since you joined the express, you were able to see a side of dan heng nobody else was really able to crack. he was able to feel atleast somewhat vulnerable with you, and you both cherished your moments together when it came to trailblazing.
of course, you all sleep in separate rooms. but you both have shared with each other that sometimes you get nightmares. the type to where you can’t find yourself falling back asleep once you’ve been through the experience. usually when this happens for you, you tend to catch up on other things in the middle of the night.
but this particular night, you woke up in a cold sweat, a pang of fear hitting your stomach, and it continued to linger. trying to distract yourself was futile, so your body moved on it’s own. you slowly opened your door, walking a mere couple of steps as you found yourself slowly opening dan heng’s door, as knocking would have made too much noise.
he’s awake, to your surprise, casual clothing and in bed, reading a book with a tiny light source near him. however, his head strikes up as he hears his door open, but his tension is relieved when he sees it’s you. you’re rubbing your eyes as you close the door behind you, and you never really planned out what you were going to say to him, as you’ve never done this before.
“um.. ah..” you whisper out in the dimly lit room. “i can leave if you want but— just uh.. ‘had a nightmare and i don’t know why but i got up and here i was—” you let out a breath, exasperated just thinking about your nightmare from before. you look back at him and his eyes urge you to come closer and so you do.
you continue to walk until your sitting in front of him, and you explain properly what happened. he intently listens to you, secretly admiring you in the process though. his fingers slightly graze over yours, like a request, to which you invite him in, intertwining your fingers together as you unexpectedly wrap your arms around him, bringing him in for a hug.
at first, you don’t feel him reciprocate your action, to which you get scared. maybe you did step too far? you try and pull back quickly, but his arms instinctively wrap around your waist, keeping you in his lap as you breathe the same air.
“you can sleep here tonight, i don’t mind.” he whispers in your ear, not only rubbing small circles on your back, but also pressing a very delicate kiss against your cheek. you’re shocked to say the least, but maybe your sleepy mind is completely out of energy to even question why dan heng was acting like this. maybe he knew you wouldn’t ask.
it comes almost naturally to the two of you as he closes the light he was once using to read. he lies you both down, keeping his arms around you as your legs start to tangle together. you feel dizzy with love as you quickly drift off to sleep, feeling safe in his arms. however, dan heng stays awake a little longer, to look at you and quickly say a small “i love you.” before falling asleep beside you.
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overleftdown · 4 months
farleigh start thoughts
this is going to be a very random, very eclectic post. i just wanted to share some stuff that i can't figure out how to post independently. some headcanons, some commentary, some references... who knows. probably just a lot of yabbering.
"keep the rain" by searows. dude. just listen to the lyrics, i swear.
i was wondering about what the cattons really give farleigh. there's kind of... endless possibilities. his family in america is emotionally neglectful, but how do the cattons differ? i can imagine that having felix and venetia, two people of similar ages that he can glue himself to, is important to him. i also think that frederica start is an overlooked aspect of farleigh's character. e.i. he needs to have some semblance of closeness with the cattons if he has a chance at convincing them to financially support his mom. i think his ultimate mistake when confronting felix was perhaps centering himself, when the conversation was originally about frederica. although farleigh needed to finally say what he knew all along; he's different, and he's being treated differently because of it. i digress; farleigh wants companionship, a loud and distracting lifestyle, the security that only wealth can give you, and the possibility of helping his mom. that's how i sum it up, at least.
although farleigh is prone to escapism (into his wealth, into drugs, into his social life, into the games he plays), he doesn't seem as committed to cognitive dissociation as the rest of the cattons. i don't think farleigh is deluded by the wealth and power he has access to; i actually think it's the opposite. he is so hyper-vigilant of what he can lose that he's entirely aware that he doesn't know how to exist without wealth. the rest of the cattons have convinced themselves that wealth isn't an inherent part of them (elspeth with her odd anecdotes that imply she's a worldly woman, felix with his down-to-earth "i'm beyond classism" attitude, venetia with her general boredom of wealth and everything attached to wealth). farleigh never has that attitude. he knows exactly who he is with wealth, and he's terrified of what he will face without wealth. how would he cope with his sometimes-debilitating otherness? how would he have any power, any control, if not wealth and status? (this is a warped perception of reality, but i believe that's the perspective that comes with omnipresent wealth since you were born).
i think that farleigh would smother his room in pictures. i mean all kinds of media. films he likes, artists he likes (beyonce, justin timberlake, gwen stefani, aaliyah, madonna), pictures of new york, polaroids, photo booth strips, favorite travel locations (greece, italy, LA, germany, whatever), chad from hsm because that's his hair inspo, vogue magazine clippings- jesus, dare i say... postcards? i'm picturing anything and everything. but let's say that farleigh is a very private person. i mean, he's a professional hider, secret keeper, "inside thoughts" kind of person. i'm imagining anything just slightly too personal would be kept in a box. maybe that same box he keeps his cocaine! family pictures, baby pictures, personal photography (would it be bold to imagine farleigh as a notorious street photographer?), old knick knacks like his first friendship bracelets or seashells he found on the beach. i'm getting carried away. farleigh seems like the type to consume, linger, consider. i feel like anyone who wears gucci loafers also has an immense amount of sentimental material.
farleigh doesn't like english food that much.
farleigh is clearly able to apply himself in an academic setting, if the tutoring session is anything to go by. he takes a gamble on whether spending time with people is more beneficial than actually doing his work, and maybe he's just a little bit bored by school. but at the same time, he listened to oliver's entire essay and counted each individual time that oliver said "thus." where the tutor wasn't even listening, farleigh made the choice to specifically comment on oliver's rhetorical content because he understands how to apply yourself academically, even if you've yet to get around to the actual assignment. so.
i think farleigh likes to read. clearly felix, vee, and farleigh all made an agreement to read harry potter together. but i'm also imagining farleigh as a sort of classic literature, historical drama, and romance type of reader. i just think he'd get a kick out of it. i imagine his myspace page genuinely contained moments where he shared book plot like it was school drama.
based on archie's information about how he was asked to audition for farleigh, i think that farleigh speaks to his mom less often and very casually. in a few of archie's interviews, he said he was asked to mimic a phone call with the character's mom while he talked about guys he slept with recently. i think farleigh learned to avoid attempting any substantial conversation with frederica from a fairly young age (also from what archie has said about farleigh's dynamic with his mom). there's a level of both maturity and immaturity to farleigh's relationship with frederica. frederica clings to youth and avoids traditional aspects of motherhood. farleigh had to meet her in this odd middle ground, speaking to her like a friend that's similar in age to him. i can imagine that very few people have had any genuine, serious, emotional conversations with farleigh. like archie has said, farleigh and felix's heated confrontation has never happened before. farleigh doesn't say shit about what he's feeling or thinking.
farleigh and the cattons is so GAH. familial but transactional, familial but not quite. the cattons resolutely ignore the massive elephant in the room that is their inability to let go of how they view farleigh. "dad felt so guilty that he agreed to pay for all of farleigh's education," which also implies that farleigh is only living with the cattons because james has roped himself into this odd situation where farleigh is being shipped to england for school. now that he kinda has to stay with them based on that one agreement, it would also be weird if the cattons didn't treat farleigh the same as felix and venetia. i'm getting carried away. supporting a family member isn't supposed to be on the basis of guilt or pity. there is supposed to be... love? like, c'mon. this makes farleigh's relationship with his cousins odd. venetia believes farleigh is spoiled ("talk about biting the hand"), felix agrees that farleigh is there for entertainment. both comments didn't sit very well with me. the normal family dynamic is shrouded in this strange obligatory and transactional attitude. odd. odd odd odd.
nothing, just farleigh's relationship with sex and how abysmally unhealthy it is, actually. and also the fact that oliver coerced him sexually GAH. i see this character and he makes me insane to be so honest.
he had to mourn both his cousins ALONE??
i hope farleigh eventually does something incredibly sinister and conniving and mean to oliver.
okay i'm done. hope you enjoyed... all of that.
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dragonhybrid456 · 4 months
I went with the dating headcannons, hope you like them :)
Warning!! I have not finished Voltron completely yet, but I do know bits and pieces so this might be a bit ooc
Voltron dating headcannons (GN reader)
* I like to think that his love language is acts of service
* He’s very new to the whole “dating” thing and isn’t really good with his words so he relies on doing things for you
* Need help training? He’s got you. Stressed out? He’s not the best at it, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try and help his lover
* I don’t see Keith as the type of guy to use a lot of pet names
* Like dont get me wrong, I love pet names, but I personally can’t see Keith using them
* As tough and mean he is to others, you see a softer side of him
* Not in a “he’s really a big baby on the inside” crap
* More of a “he feels more calm and relaxed around you”
* After a stressful mission, he will definitely enter your room without a word and just flop either next to you or on top of you
* No words would be expressed, all he needs is some quiet and you to decompress
* In no way would he EVER let you get hurt
* This man will protect you with his life
* He can’t stand the thought of losing you, it kills him just thinking about the “what if” situations
* Not a big social person, but if you are then I think he will at least tag along for the ride
* Keith definitely worries that he’s not the “best” or “ideal” boyfriend for you
* He’s part Galra, he’s mean, he’s abrasive, he’s stubborn, what could you possibly see in him?????
* He needs a reminder now and then that he’s enough for you and that you love him
* You’ll sometimes find him late at night in the training room if he’s had a tough day
* You’ll have to physically drag him into bed and hold him down for him to sleep
* Oh boy, he’s not called “lover boy” for no reason
* Absolutely loves to compliment you every single day
* Calls you stuff like, “mi amor” and “my girl/boy/partner”
* He likes to show you off and talks about you a lot
* Honestly the rest of the team is a little sick of it but they are also happy that he found someone like you
* Takes you on joy ride in his lion when he has some downtime
* He gets an earful from Allura
* His love language is definitely physical affection
* He loves holding your hands, your hugs, kissing you any chance he gets, and cuddling you
* Thinks he’s the big spoon but is really the little spoon most of the time
* When he gets homesick, he likes to be around you and talk to you to distract himself
* But some nights he’s crying in your arms, missing home, missing his family, and not knowing if or when he gets to see them again
* He likes to tell you stories from when he was little, what his family is like, and stories from his time at the garrison
* Will complain to you about how Keith annoyed him this time
* Overall, definitely a great lover
* Shiro is definitely more experienced with love than the other two
* He calls you stuff like “darling” “sweetheart” and other cute older pet names
* His love languages are quality time and acts of service
* I like to think that with all the excitement and craziness that comes with being apart of Voltron that he likes to just spend time with his lover and relax
* You two don’t even have to be doing something together
* He could be reading while your in the same room doing something completely different and he wouldn’t mind, just as long as he’s around you after such a stressful day
* Has severe PTSD and get nightmares almost every night
* He’s used to dealing with it alone but once you enter the picture he’s gonna have to get used to you waking up with him to comfort him
* Always tells you to go back to sleep and that “it’s nothing” but you know better than that
* He also has some self esteem issues about his metal arm, being disgusted by it some days and wanting nothing more than for it to disappear
* Please comfort him, space dad needs some love 🥺
* Likes to listen to you talk, your voice grounding him to reality and comforting him in times of need
* Like Keith, he is also protective of you
* After Adams death, he can’t help but have nightmares of you meeting the same fate
* Sometimes he becomes so paranoid about it that you have fights about missions you are sent on
* He knows you can take care of yourself, he trained you after all, but that won’t ease his nerves and memories about Adam
* He’s so sweet to you, you don’t understand!
* He likes to call you “baby” “baking partner” or just a shorten version of your name if you have one
* His love languages is definitely gift giving and physical affection
* He loves cooking and baking new recipes for you to try and give him feedback
* With physical affection, he’s gonna be a bit nervous in the beginning about it, having never been in a relationship before, but he slowly starts to get more into it
* Hand holding, cuddling, hugging, there all his favorite ways to say he loves you
* He definitely one of the more nervous one when it comes to you fighting along side Voltron
* Hunk himself is more of a pacifist and is therefore already a little uneasy about even HIMSELF fighting
* So for you, his lover, to be put in the front lines with them has him very uneasy and nervous
* He just loves you so much he would never forgive himself if something happened to you 🥺
* He is always there if you have something on your mind that’s bothering you
* Whether it’s something small or large, he will always listen to you
* And vice versa, if he has something on his mind, be there for him cause he sometimes feels like he’s not listened to by the others
* Definitely the least experienced out of the group (her and Keith are like neck and neck)
* I don’t see her using pet names, much like Keith
* Idk it just strikes me as odd for her to use pet names
* She definitely has stupid nicknames for you, but not stuff like baby or sweetheart
* If you don’t like that, sue me
* Her love language is definitely quality time
* She likes when you come around while she’s working on a new project so she can geek out about it
* You don’t even have to understand anything she says, she just likes when you’re around her when she’s working
* Also has you test some of the safer projects, she would never let you NEAR the more outrageous ones
* Unlike the others, she’s actually really open to you fighting along side her
* Don’t get me wrong, she would murder everyone if you got hurt, but she likes working with you and strategizing
* Will make you a weapon and enhanced suit if you asked
* Even if you don’t, she probably already has them in the works
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gaonsguitarpicks · 11 months
♬ all members ♬ gender neutral reader ♬ fluff
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He’s more than happy to be your knight in shining armor.
He would do anything and everything in his power to make your fears go away and make this day pass more comfortably for you.
This definitely includes cuddling! He wants you to know that no matter what happens, he’s got you.
The type to distract you with stories but since he kind of talks about whatever pops into his mind and there’s a storm going on outside, his stories go into the direction of “everything that can possibly go wrong during a thunderstorm”, so that just worsens the situation….
Watching a movie or listening to music might be a better idea :’)
He holds your hand, no questions asked.
His hand is your lifeline now, you can clutch it as hard as you need to if that makes you feel even a bit more comforted.
His thumb is rubbing small circles on the back of your hand and he carefully observes if you’re okay.
Whenever a lightning flashes and a thunder strikes, he gives you a kiss to soothe you.
This will unwittingly condition you so you end up kind of looking forward to it, and turns the gloomy weather to an in-door date with kissing and cuddling sessions.
He’s immediately beside you with an insane amount of snacks like you’re not going to be able to go out for the next 2 weeks.
Uses the storm as an excuse to pull an all-nighter pajama party!!
He tries to convince you that thunderstorms aren’t a big deal and there’s absolutely no reason for you to be afraid of them.
Then jumps mid-sentence at a particularly loud thunder…
He clears his throat and stuffs a piece of chicken in his mouth, complaining about how you should turn on some music (totally not to cover the sound of the thunder).
He goes into Mom Mode and first of all, makes sure that you are safe and okay, just afraid.
He explains to you that you have nothing to worry about and even if something were to happen, he’s right here to help you with anything.
When that’s done, he suggests cooking something because it distracts you and eating a proper meal will make you feel better.
He bundles you up in blankets, puts on a movie and hands you a mug of hot tea that comforts and warms you up from the inside.
Sometimes he flinches at the lightning but tries to hide it and will deny it if you mention a word about it.
He’s not very sure how to help you or comfort you.
Still, he doesn’t like to see you uncomfortable so he decides to at least be there with you.
The problem comes when he notices that you’re too distracted to hold a conversation and the air is starting to feel suffocating, the sound of the pattering of the rain deafening.
That’s when he remembers that he could tune it all out with his guitar.
He immediately brings it out and plays for you whatever he can think of, whatever you ask of him, all the way until either the rain stops or the two of you fall asleep.
He is 100% the type to sing for you!!
Or even better, he sings with you. 
Honestly, he doesn’t really know how he could help you but the first thing that pops into his head is to distract you with something, and he’s the master of being distracting.
He starts with humming (or imitating bass sounds), then this evolves into singing and by the time you realize it, you’re both singing a variety of songs from the top of your lungs, rain and thunder long forgotten.
Except that he slightly sings out of tune most of the time when the thunder strikes…
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goldustwomun · 2 years
false god (e.m.)
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pairing: eddie munson x best friend! fwb! reader
summary: sleeping with your best friend was never a good idea, and though he’s confessed his feelings to you, they were feelings he felt for an entirely different girl. 
warnings: some smut-type-spicey stuff! angst!! a whole lotta swearing because i just loved dropping the f-bombs; some l-bombs again because reader is entirely infatuated with our boy eddie; mentions of drugs and smoking and drinking xx err also possibly ooc eddie because it’s my first time writing him (second time writing so be kind)
wc: 3.2k+
note: this wrote itself, i have no regrets :) entirely inspired by the t swizzle song & it’s unedited for now because I just want it out in the world and my brain hurts too much to read it over xx but likes & reblogs are much appreciated <3 love u alllll 
read part two - part three
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The two of you were never a done deal. There was no handshake, no whispered promise, no exchange of blood under a full moon. It’d only ever been stolen moments that were brushed aside as slip-ups. Blame placed on the drink, the drugs, the look in each other’s eyes. 
How was he meant to resist when you walked into his trailer in that tiny skirt, lips pouting and talking a mile a minute? He was a patient man, sure, had to be when just about everyone treated him like some kind of satanic ‘freak’. But you’d talk, and talk, and talk, and as much as he loved to hear you talk, sometimes (most of the time), he’d lean over and shut you up with his mouth instead of hearing just how much you hated whatever misogynistic prick you’d seen on TV that day.
It was the same with you. How were you meant to keep your hands, your lips off of him and his skin when he smiled at you in that crazed way he always did? With his constantly-flourishing hands and his ability to look at you for not even a minute before he’d deciphered what it was that had been bugging you since you’d woken up. 
To everyone else, Eddie Munson was the guy who was probably in a cult, listened to the devil’s music, smelled of pot (always), and was exactly the kind of guy mother’s warned their daughters about. He wore leather and chains and had tattoos you loved to trace when you were in bed together.
Eddie Munson was all of these things, and more, to most of Hawkins. 
Yet to you – you were certain he’d be the only man you’ll ever love. 
Now you know you’re young, somewhat naive to the world, and definitely haven't lived enough of life to make such profoundly passionate claims. 
But somewhere deep down in your heart, in your soul, in your very being – you knew it to be true. That it would always be Eddie. 
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. 
And the worst part of it all, the real irony of it, was that you’d yet to find the courage to say just that to him, and though he’d said it to you, he’d been talking about someone else. 
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“It’s Chrissy, babe. I’m telling you – she’s the one!” 
He’d been gushing non-stop since he’d fallen into step beside you, arms swinging with such dramatic ease that you had to duck occasionally just to avoid getting hit. “I don’t know why now. It’s not like we’ve ever talked, not since middle school, at least. And yes, yes, I know what you’re going to say– she’d never be into me. But I’m telling you, she is, she has to be – I just know it.”
He stopped, finally, hands landing on your shoulders to turn you towards him. Eddie Munson smiled down at you, waiting, panting, expectantly, to hear just how happy you were that your best friend had found the one. 
You could only offer him a tight smile and an encouraging squeeze of his bicep before you shrugged him off of you, stepping past him. The ground looked oddly enchanting, what with all of the dirt, and twigs, and stomped-on bugs. You couldn’t get enough of it, really. Well, you couldn’t get enough of anything that’d distract you from the frown that had replaced Eddie’s previous grin. 
He didn’t say anything, only walked beside you, having understood that if he pried, you’d only lash out. And while those fights and arguments usually ended with him inside of you and you screaming his name to oblivion, he had a feeling this time wasn’t like the rest. 
It wasn’t until you made it to his Uncle’s trailer that he finally spoke again. Shoving himself between you and his bedroom door so that you couldn’t avoid the conversation – the catastrophic explosion, more like – any longer. 
“What’d I do?” he asked, confident it was the right route to take. If it was anyone else you were upset with, it was Eddie you’d go to, to rant and complain and curse out. So he knew, if it wasn’t anyone else, it had to be him who’d fucked up. He just didn’t know where he’d gone wrong. 
“It’s nothing, Ed,” you brushed off, trying, failing, to push past him. When he didn’t budge, you sighed, glaring up at him and his stupidly endearing curly head of hair. “I’m serious. It’s nothing, just move out of the way.”
“Why?” Eddie wasn’t usually this pushy, but this time around, he stood defiantly at the door frame. 
“Why? Because I want a fucking smoke, Ed. What’s wrong with you?” The anger was building, he could see it buzzing under your skin as your nostrils flared at him in annoyance. That was good, though. Some emotion, even the bad kind, was better than whatever apathetic bullshit you were currently trying to feed him. 
“You’re not gonna get a smoke until you tell me what’s wrong!”
“I told you– nothing! For fuck’s sake–”
“It’s obviously not nothing if you’re fucking shouting at me, now is it!”
“Whatever Munson. Keep your drugs.” You shook your head, fists clenched like you were readying yourself to punch him right in his face (the face you hated to adore), but instead you spun your heel, snatched your bag off of the pathetic excuse of a kitchen table, and hauled ass out of the door. 
“Hey, hey hey!” He rushed at you from behind, slamming the trailer door shut before you’d even had a chance to think about how irrational you were acting. You think it might be your body’s way of getting you to confess, to just tell him. “God! Stop acting like such a brat. Just tell me, I’m not here to judge you, you know that’s not me!”
You knew you were being unreasonable, you knew he’d know something was wrong, and you knew Eddie was just the person to pry it out of you. You were just afraid of what it’d do to the two of you. 
You were glaring holes into the dented metal of the door, knowing the only way out was the truth. 
“It’s Chrissy,” you said, though your voice was barely above a whisper.
“What?” he asked, still confused by your outburst.
“Babe, I can’t hear you if you mumble you words like tha–”
“It’s fucking Chrissy, Munson, you fucking moron! Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy!” you shouted, finally, right in his face. 
And you laughed at how dumbstruck he looked, because you could tell he knew where this conversation was headed. It was a road you’d both avoided for months now, ever since the lines of friends and more had started to blur. 
“Chrissy? I– What? Why Chrissy? What’d she do to you?” You flinched at the concern in his voice, hated that he cared so damn much for you. But you had to remind yourself that care and concern didn’t equate love, and you loved Eddie Munson but he’d never love you back. 
“She didn’t do anything. It’s– She’s– Fuck! Eddie, I don’t want to talk about this!” you cried indignantly, hands flying to hide the emotions so blatantly apparent on your face. He could read you like his favourite book and you needed to rip some pages out before he got too far. 
“Then what do you want to do?” His voice was raw, rough and achingly soft. Eddie’s hands moved to pull your own away from your face, pinching your chin harshly between his fingers so you looked him in the eye. “What do you want to do, babe?” 
Sure, you were looking at him and he was looking at you, but Eddie’s gaze was blatantly trained on your mouth as you gaped up at him, now dumbstruck yourself. 
“You,” you breathed into the slowly shrinking space between your bodies. “I want to do you.”
It was all he needed to hear before he’d crashed right into you. Eddie wasn’t the most useful member of society. He hadn’t yet graduated high school, didn’t have a job, and spent most of his time with fourteen year olds that could probably pass for twelve. But sex, and even more so, sex with you – he knew how to do that, was really good at doing it, as well. 
“That’s it sweetheart, melt right into me,” he urged into your ear, hands shifting from your face, to squeezing your hips, to the heated back of your thighs before he pulled you closer, forcing you to jump into his hold, lock your legs tightly around his waist. 
He walked blindly to his room, one of his hands stretched out to steady the both of you because he couldn’t quite convince himself to tear his lips from your neck long enough to see where he was going. 
“Fucking– fuck!” he cursed when he bashed his hip into the door handle, only for the same offender to jab into your side. You whined into his mouth, brows furrowing in pain, but his fingers rubbed circles into your skin to soothe the ache. 
“I’m sorry, baby, I know– I know, it hurts. But I’m going to make you feel better, yeah?” His voice had dropped into that register that always had your thighs squeezing shut. You could feel his words right down to the pit of your stomach.
 “That’s it. That’s my girl. Isn’t this so much better than fighting?” he asked sweetly, lifting your little dress off of your body before running his warm lips across the top of your breasts. 
“Eddie, please,” you managed to whimper out between gasps and moans. You couldn’t wait, not this time. You need him now, hard and fast, before the spell breaks. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he hushed, then giggled quietly to himself in the midst of stripping his clothes off. “That’s what you’re going to be saying very soon.”
You tugged at his hair for his cockiness, manoeuvring around him to push him back on the bed. “I want to be on top,” you stated firmly, unhooking your bra and slipping your panties down your legs. They were shaking with anticipation but your movements were practised; confident enough that he didn’t notice.
It was only when you picked his discarded band tee from off of the floor that his smile dropped, watching you with pinpointed fascination. He leaned up on his arms to get a better look at you, standing, naked, in his shirt that barely reached midway of your thighs. “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, hand snaking down his own body to palm at his growing prick. “You’re killing me here.”
“That’s the hope, Munson.”
Climbing onto the bed, knees resting on either side of his hips, you gave into the urge. Your fingertips traced the ink, stark against his flushed skin, across his chest, admiring how it puffed out towards you with every deep pant of his. “Sweetheart, please,” he begged, words barely forming at his lips. 
You were sat, bare, right on top of where he needed you, and as much as you wanted to get on with it, you relished in the feeling. In the feeling of him needing you, wanting you, for just a few more minutes.
Eddie, of course, wasn’t as patient. Not when you were in his shirt, in his bed, skin on display. You were entirely his, in that moment, and he was going to make you remember it. With an easy back of his hips, he had the two of you flipped as your back collided hard with his mattress. He grinned down at you, teeth flashing that deadly smile that told you, you were in for it. 
“I thought I was the one in charge here?” he mocked, caging you in with his arms. Eddie leaned down until his face was barely inches away from your own, hot breath mingling with your own. You leaned up, trying to capture his lips but he moved back in time to avoid the fated collision. 
“Sweetheart,” he mumbled, staring so deeply into you, you were worried you’d combust right then and there. Spill all your secrets and beg for mercy later, after he’d fucked you. “Do you want me?” 
It was the stupidest question you’d ever heard. He knew it. You knew it. But you answered anyway, your words wreaking desperation. “Yes, Eddie, please. I want you, so fucking bad.” 
“Why are you upset with Chrissy?”
You didn’t think you’d heard him right. It was like a needle scratching against a record player as the spinning stopped, and suddenly, all you wanted was out of his arms. “Fuck you, Eddie Munson,” you whispered curelly, shoving him off of you as you scrambled across the ground to shove your underwear up your legs, your dress over your arms. 
He didn’t stop you this time, only watched you clutch your things in your shaking hands as you sprinted out of his room, out of the trailer, and most worryingly, out of his life. 
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You avoided the man known as Eddie Munson like a plague you weren’t too eager to catch. You hid in the girl’s bathroom during lunch, took the long way home or begged Nancy for a ride, even skipped out on work for a week, feigning illness. 
The problem, of course, was Eddie knew your routine, and your plan B for these exact situations, so it didn’t take long for him to catch-up with you after you slipped-up and returned to your usual walk home. 
He stood under a tree, looking entirely calm, cool, and collected. Of course, you could tell he was shitting bricks. That it was a facade he had put up because there were other people on the suburban street you lived on, and he wasn’t looking to draw unwanted attention. 
“Can we talk?” he asked, grabbing your elbow as you walked by him so you turned to face him. He pulled the pair of you deeper into the grove of trees when you refused to answer him, instead staring blankly at a spot on his chest. 
“I fucked up. I know I did. I shouldn’t have brought Chrissy up and–”
“Don’t say her name,” you insisted, cutting him off. “In front of me, at least, just don’t say her name. It makes me want to rip my skin off my bones every time I hear it come from your mouth. So don’t.” There was venom in your voice he hadn’t ever heard before, and he worried he’d slipped you the vial. 
“Baby, please, I need you to tell me. I’m worried about you, about us.” He was entirely earnest when he spoke. Eddie had a knack of being the most genuine person you’d met.
“There’s no ‘us’, Eddie. There never was, and there sure as hell isn’t one now.”
“What are you talking about? Things were fine! They were good! I thought you were enjoying yourself because I sure was!”
“I wasn’t just enjoying it, Eddie. I loved it!” you fired back. “I loved you! Fuck– I love you.” The admission hurt even more as your voice cracked. Eddie’s lips moved around words that weren’t quite making it out of his mouth as he stared at you, slack jawed. You relished in the satisfaction of doing the unexpected, leaving people so completely shocked and surprised by your every move.
But in that moment – a moment you had dreamed tirelessly of, when you’d admit your feelings to one Eddie Munson and the two of you would be forever – the confusion on Eddie’s face wasn’t something you took pride in then. 
“I didn’t know,” he confessed himself, reaching out for your hand that lay limp at your side. You pulled back immediately, not trusting yourself. 
“I know you didn’t. You’re too kind of a person to go on and on about another girl you think is the one, in front of the girl who actually loves you.” You hated saying it, but it was true. Eddie, despite the town’s best efforts to disprove, didn’t have a mean bone in his body. He was annoyingly good, even when he was being an oblivious prick. 
“It doesn’t matter, Eddie. Not anymore. I’m tired, really fucking tired, actually. And I know you don’t love and trust easily, so I know, as your friend, best friend, fuck buddy – whatever we were, that she’s good for you.” The tears were falling freely now and you were sure the place in your chest reserved for your heart was nothing but a decaying pit of black. It hurt, but you knew he was too selfless to let you go himself. 
Wiping aggressively at your tears, you continued, having rehearsed the speech in your head, over and over again, the past week. 
“If Chrissy is what you want– who you want, I mean. I’m not going to stop you. I can’t. Not when I’ll be second to her on your list when you’ve always been the whole damn universe to me. It’ll be hard, because I know you need help with Spanish and fixing the lightbulb in your room – but I can find you another tutor and write down the instructions, so don’t worry about it, yeah? 
It’ll be hard for me, too, but I have Nancy, and Steve, and Robin, and I know they’re your friends as well but we’ll make it work– schedule times to see them separately, or whatever and–”
“Stop talking,” he interrupted abruptly, hands flying to fist his hair as he paced in front of you. “Fuck! Why does it sound like you’re breaking up with me? You’re acting like we’ll never see each other!”
“I don’t think you heard me right, Ed. I love you. Like fucking fireworks and cupcakes and ‘I do’s’. I can’t just be friends with you anymore.”
“Why not? We’ll make it work, like you said, but I can’t not see you, I mean you’re my best friend and what if I lose the instructions for the lightbulb or something, then what? I’m not the smartest, you know that, I’d definitely write my grocery list on that same paper and toss it in the trash or something–”
“Because it hurts, Eddie, it fucking hurts,” you breathed out. You grabbed his hand, resting it against your chest, right above where your heart was currently pounding, threatening to burst free from the confines of your body. “It hurts when I look at you because I know you don’t love me like that. Not now, not ever. We fooled around with each other, and maybe it was a mistake, but we did it anyway, and now I’m in too deep, Ed.” 
For the first time in your friendship, Eddie Munson looked afraid. Eyes wide, nostrils flaring, fingertips gripping the soft material of your shirt. He was afraid because he didn’t know how to fix the mess laid out before him, and his usual methods were moot. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” he repeated again, finally, letting go of you as he stumbled back.
“I know you didn’t, Ed, I know it. You did your best– you were the best friend a person could ever ask for, and I don’t regret a thing.”
It was all you could say before you left him in the clearing, surrounded by dirt, twigs, crushed-up bugs and the pieces of your breaking heart. 
You weren’t one to pray, never having believed in a God of any kind, but even if it was some false God with minimal powers and few believers – you prayed he took care of your Eddie Munson. You prayed Eddie Munson made it out. 
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Likes & Reblogs are much appreciated! Hope you enjoyed x
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dilucsfav · 2 years
tighnari hcs and scenarios !!
help its been so long since i posted aHhhahshhs i’m sorry my dears :( please give me requests i need them for motivation idk what to write 😭 anyways here’s tighnari to somewhat make up for it :) bc i love the sumeru update too much to not write about my baby. we all need a little tighnari in our lives!
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warning(s): fluff. lots…. and some nsfw too.
please he would be so gentle with you if/when you got sick. his tone would be softened and his fingertips would graze your skin with such loving care. would constantly check on you, give you plenty of medicine, and watch you like a hawk to make sure you’re resting enough
i can see him rolling his eyes to a lot of things you say. sometimes mean, but a lot of the times he would simply flick your forehead if you said something dumb to him. and then apologize for getting annoyed immediately afterwards because he loves you too much :(
often times when he’s working, he likes for you to sit near him in the room. whether that’d be on his lap, across from him, wherever. he just wants you close by!! he enjoys when you rub his ears to calm him down during his work !
he would go flower picking with you. enough said.
you want a flower crown made by yours truly? don’t worry, tighnari has you covered !!!
cuddling with this man during the cold? absolutely immaculate. he has those huge ears and that tail to wrap around you. along with his body heat and soft forehead kisses? all for his partner? yes, free therapy please
this man is so overly dramatic about everything. always whining and complaining about the silliest and dumbest of things. even as he lectures others about “acting like an adult,” he acts like a child sometimes when something doesn’t go his way
tighnari is very pro health. on days where you aren’t feeling the best mentally, he’ll try to cheer you up the best he can! he likes taking you near flower garden or waterfalls for the view— and ofc a little picnic for you two with all your favorite goodies and snacks!
omg the way his eyes light up when you allow him to speak about nature. this man would go on a full rant about all sorts of stuff. his anger and concern over withering zones, types of flowers, etc!
he would also be a really good listener. he doesn’t have a way with words but his presence and tender touch is enough to make you melt !
honestly i’m getting very vanilla sex vibes from tighnari… but when he’s in heat rip that pussy ayyyy
aftercare is nice with him, but a little strange. i feel like he’d talk about random shit with you while cleaning you off, such as work or something of that nature
he would kiss you sm during the deed omg. this meal of a man asks for CONSENT CONSTANTLY 😩
“does this hurt? i’m so sorry, please tell me if i need to stop, okay, (y/n)?” or “is this okay? does it feel okay?” AHHHHSHSHSHSH
this man would be so obsessed with giving oral. he would do it for hours if he could
if you’re needy and horny while he’s working, don’t worry darling, tighnari won’t make you wait for at least a little release. he would let you sit on his cock. as long as you’re quiet and don’t distract him too much, he’ll help you after he’s not as busy :(
he could pick up on weak spots and sweet spots pretty easily. and he’d remember them, too
as i said, pretty vanilla, but if you want to try something new, he would love to! he’s all about trying new things and experimenting! we love a learner xoxo
we must protect tighnari forever. tighnari c6 come home.
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