#but the fact is that if you don't know the fancy word for the tail spikes is thagomizer you would be very confused
the-dragon-girl-27 · 20 days
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stupid man and his stupid dinosaur tail
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thegnomelord · 5 months
I love your monster au so much. It makes the monsterlover/fucker in me real happy. Sorry just wanted to share my appreciation.
I've been thinking too, how would you feel about writing a underwater sea creature reader? (No pressure but I hope this idea tickles your fancy so I'll infodump my ideas on you) They can live on land and stuff but drag their prospective mate into a deep underwater ravine when they want to mate. Idk how to describe it, like I have an idea in my head of what the creature's traits would be but I can't find a way to put it into words.
I'm going to give it a try though, (excuse the fact it won't make much sense, my thoughts jump around a lot. But I'll try and make it coherent.) Basically, my mind went to underwater dragons. So with most of the traits that you wrote for dragons, like the purring and the tails intertwining (and the sharing of scales). But I was thinking without wings, because you don't need them underwater. But we glow in the dark, because we are deepsea creatures we have adapted to become bioluminescent. Oh and also we have gills and stuff still when we are on land.
Idk if this is confusing or just something you don't want to write but I was hoping for you to include a more sfw part with the mating dance maybe and then then an actual nsfw part (dom top male reader??)
But at the end of the day this is just a suggestion and it's up to you if you want to write it or not. (If you do write it can it be with ghost or gaz?? gaz giving us shiny things but sea related, like shells? and/or ghost struggling through knowing how to court us. Both of them being confused of what to do because we are a new type of dragon that not many people knew existed and our courting traditions are mostly unknown??
Okay this is cool and it tickles my brain of having just this big fucking monster that's gigantic due to deep sea gigantism :D, I also picked Gaz cause I like the sea/sky duality.
CW:NSFW, subbot gaz, domtop Mreader, quick and rough
When you first joined the taskforce, Gaz didn't know what to expect. Your species had been newly discovered, barely any information about you, but something about you put some ancient part of his mind on edge, ants nipping on the sinew of his wings until his body begged to return to the safety of the sky.
First time he met you, you reminded him less of a dragon and more of a Leviathan — something that dwelled where the light didn't reach, far too big than anything should be allowed to be, bright bioluminescent markings shimmering against dark scales to lure prey into crushing jaws filled with sharp crooked teeth, horns like spears to pin down what couldn't fit in your maw, powerful legs built to swim and breach the surface of the water to catch unaware flyers like Gaz just to pull them down into the abyss to be devoured.
He would have been more. . . unsettled by you had you not been so nice.
You towered over him even in your mostly human form, but you were a gentle giant, happy to let him use you as a perch and humming along as he talks, joining in on his and Johnny's pranks and hiding them when Price eventually catches them.
And Gaz doesn't even notice when your presence no longer makes his feathers puff up, the shadow you cast over him now warm and welcoming after all the times you'd been a meat shield for him. He tils his head back to catch sight of your eyes as he leans back, soft feathers rubbing against your clothes, "Hey there big man." Gaz smiled.
You hum, your hand coming to loosely hold his hip, holding the pretty thing close to you. "Hi." You purr, the small biolights along your body flickering in seemingly random patterns, but nothing about them was random to you or your kin, your interest in him painfully obvious.
But to your dismay Gaz doesn't understand, just snorts at your colorful display. "What's got you in a good mood today?" He asks, eyes tracing the dancing lights, that instinctual bird part of his mind liking the sight, and the low rumble of your voice, and just. . . being near you.
You blink, "You," You say simply, your people aren't ones to mince words.
Gaz can feel his body heat up at your declaration, feathers puffing up, but strikes down any thoughts about you before they turn inappropriate and cause him to coo at you. "Fine, keep yer secrets." He huffs and gets out of your hold, wings stretching out to purposely show off his feathers as he walks away, tail feathers flickering.
He can feel your eyes follow after him, hummingbirds pecking at his spine and he doesn't know if he should feel that way. And all you can think of is how you could drag your pretty bird down into the abyss without clipping his wings.
. . .
Gaz watches you lazily swim around the lake near their current base in your real form, "Havin' a nice soak in there Nessie?" He asks as he walks the short pier and sits down, dipping his feet in the water as his wings spread out lazily behind him.
A low rumble leaves you like a distorted whale song, your large form pushing through the water like a submarine cutting through the ice. "Nessie?" You ask as swim over to him, "Who's that?"
"Never mind about that," Kyle grins, his eyes roaming along your large form as the biolights flicker once again in that specific pattern that means nothing to him but everything to you. "You look happy."
You shrug, "It's nice to be back in the water." Without a word you heave yourself out of the water and onto the pier, large hands clutching the wood on either side of him, a deep purr rumbling in your chest at how close he is to you now. "Did you need something?" You ask, biolights flickering seductively.
Kyle swallows drily, eyes going wide as he registers you loom over him, can smell the sea and salt still clinging to your scales, something other than fear buzzing down his spine from how close your dangerous teeth are to him. "Oh, right, uh," He clears his throat to clear the molasses clinging to it, wings spreading out in a way that got his feathers shining in the setting sun as he reached into his pocket.
"I, um. . . I got you this." He said, holding out the seashell he'd found for you. His breath caught in his throat as you looked at it, hoping you liked it; he'd spent hours polishing it until it was shining, the colors vibrant and every single scratch buffed out.
"Thank you," You rumbled and took the seashell into your hand. Your pupils dilated, a very pleased purr rumbling in your chest — oh, he was so thoughtful, such a good mate to bring a rare treat for you.
Kyle felt like a bloody peacock at the way his wings spread out, but he couldn't care less about his posturing when you accepted his gift, his heart fluttering like butterflies in a jar.
Then you ate it.
You ate his gift.
His heart shatters like the seashell between your fangs, wings dropping like a rock, never having expected to be rejected like that. "I- what- why did- if you-" He couldn't even form words to say what he wanted, pressing a hand to his face in an attempt to hide the way his eyes prickled with vestiges of tears.
Unfortunately for him, you notice. "Oh, little bird, what's wrong?" Your voice is soothing, biolights pulsing in a slow and calming way as you gently pry his hand from his face, looking into his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"
Kyle doesn't look you in the eyes, doesn't know what the hell to feel right now, the words spewing out of his mouth before he could control them. "Why would you do that!" He hisses.
You tilt your head. "You gifted it to me." You say like it's supposed to explain everything, reaching up to cup his cheek, your clawed hand cold and wet against his skin. "It was very good." You lean in closer, a deep purr rumbling in your throat, your long tail moving to curl around his leg.
Kyle sucks in a sharp breath as you push you loom over him your hands on either sides of him keeping him in place, feeling himself slowly lay back as you creep over him onto the pier, heart drumming in his chest. "Wh-what?"
You snort, eyes glowing like anglerfish lures, lowering your head down to lick a stripe up his neck, claws raking down his front. "Let me show you my appreciation, yes?"
Kyle shivers at the sensation of your teeth against his throat, body heating up, your scent — of sea and salt and something very very old — invading his nose, an involuntary chirp escaping his chest. "Ah, yeah, sure just-" Kyle yelps as your claws cut through his clothes, wings quivering as they're pressed against the wooden pier behind him.
"Relax little bird," You coo softly, licking around his lips in what counts as a kiss for you when your maw is filled with vicious teeth, tongue trailing down to lick up the drops of his salty sweat. "I'll be gentle."
And gentle you are; softly licking up the blood after your fangs had left marks on his skin, sharp claws holding his trembling hips tenderly as your rough tongue worms inside him, soft purrs and deep rumbles vibrating your tongue against his prostate until he's sobbing, his hands clutching your horns to hold your head closer as his cock leaks a puddle of pre onto his abdomen.
He whines when you continue stretching him with your tongue, "Please, mate, just-" Kyle sucks in a sharp breath as your tongue once again grazes his prostate, thighs clenching around your head. "-just please fuck me already! I can't- I'm not going to-"
Kyle sobs with joy and anguish when you pull your tongue out, the slimy appendage slithering back into your maw and leaving him painfully empty. "Alright, alright," You coo, moving up to drape your body over his, nuzzling your cheek against his as you line your hard cock with his stretched hole. "Relax,"
The tip of your cock breaching his puckered hole has Kyle sucking in a sharp breath, "Easier said than done mate," He chuckles, closing his eyes and just trying to focus on your scent and just you, groaning. Fuck, you're big in all aspects, his body clenching down like a vice before relaxing enough for you to slowly push further, spreading his walls wide until you're fully inside him, your hips resting against his.
"There you go," You purr, letting Kyle adjust as you nibble on his neck, biolights flickering happily when he rocks his hips into yours. "Taking me so well,"
Gaz can feel his body heat up at your words, throwing his head back when you rock your hips, cock hard and heavy inside him, dragging against his walls with every minute movement that has him panting and whining, his legs crossing behind your back to pull your hips closer every time you pull out.
The world escapes your notice, all your attention fully on him as you focus on mating him, pulling needy desperate sounds from Kyle's lips, your large hand gently stroking his leaking dick as your cock rubs against his prostate, your unhurried pace making him cum again and again and again until he's a moaning boneless mess by the time you cum inside him.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
a rather specific prompt for you :)
whumpee is/ was trained and used a a guard dog. during their time with their master they sustained an injury that causes them to not be able to fulfill their job properly anymore. still wounded, they get thrown out, chained in some allay. whumpee expects to die alone and cold, when caretaker comes along and accidentally stumbles across the abandoned whumpee. they (caretaker) think whumpee is just a regular pet and don’t realize they have a still dangerous guard dog at their feet and decide to rescue them and help them recover. whumpee has never experienced anything like this kindness, especially after becoming so useless, so (after having lost their old master) they immediately bond to caretaker as their new master, and would do anything to protect and please them
tw pet whump, amputation, abandonment, past trauma, broken bones, medical setting, caretaker new master, murder, gore, dehumanisation
"Oh, dear..." Caretaker crouched down by the shivering figure, putting the back of their hand against their forehead. They looked... half-dead, honestly, so the feverish warmth eminating from them was almost a relief. "Who did this to you...?"
The poor thing whined, and they reminded Caretaker of a wounded dog; but maybe that was just from how they were chained up. This was all so horrible.
"Okay, don't be scared. I'm gonna get you out of the alley and to a vet, alright? We'll get you all fixed up."
Another whine, and Caretaker suddenly realised there were other issues apart from the visible sickness. The pet's ankle... it was twisted in a way they'd never seen before. It was swollen, a mix of deep red and purple, bent in a way no healthy foot was supposed to.
"Oh... Oh, this is way worse than I thought, isn't it?" They immediately regretted the comment when the thing looked up at them with those wide, fearful eyes, probably expecting them to just give up now and leave them. "That's okay!" they added hastily. "It's okay. Nothing that can't be fixed! I... I hope... I'll call someone for help."
So they'd been wrong. Some things were in fact beyond saving, and Whumpee's foot turned out to be one of them. Amputation, prosthetics... Whumpee was handling it badly.
"I know," Caretaker soothed. "I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But it'll be better later on, I promise, the doctors know what they're doing."
Whumpee let out a soft whimper, a scared one, and Caretaker thought their heart was going to shatter even further. The pet hadn't uttered a single word yet, — maybe they couldn't? — but their face was expressive enough to make Caretaker tear up.
"I'll be here," they said gently. "Every step of the way, yeah? I'll be here for you. I'll help. We'll figure it out."
How? Caretaker didn't know. They weren't planning on adopting a pet, but... they couldn't just leave Whumpee alone after all this. They had an obligation, a responsibility.
If anything, Whumpee's awe-filled eyes just made them more determined.
"One foot in front of the other. Slowly. There you go."
Physical therapy was a lot, but Whumpee seemed dead set on achieving every goal weeks earlier than planned. The staff had said it would take four to eight weeks for Whumpee to be able to walk again... and many more before they fully got used to their artificial foot. They were out and about within two weeks, much to the dismay of said staff.
"They'll hurt themself," they'd said. "They should be resting."
"They're very eager to come home, I guess," Caretaker had replied awkwardly, but Whumpee had nodded along, completely serious.
So now they were walking along the corridors, Caretaker supporting Whumpee's weight less and less as they learned the ways and limits of their new life.
"I know it's not super fancy..." Caretaker opened the door and stood aside, motioning Whumpee inside. "But I guess it's... homey."
The pet surveyed their surroundings curiously, then turned back towards Caretaker with a bright smile. If they'd had a tail, Caretaker wagered they would've been wagging it.
It made them smile, too. "You like it?"
Whumpee nodded enthusiastically, walking over to the new pet bed Caretaker had bought just a week prior. They carefully set their belongings down next to it, — a shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, and a collar — then made themself comfortable. Testing it out.
"I think we'll get along nicely," Caretaker commented absently. "I mean, I like you a lot. And you seem to like me. I don't see how this could go wrong."
Caretaker couldn't believe their eyes.
This couldn't be real.
Was that blood? Was that blood on Whumpee's clothes, and hands, and... face?
When the pet spotted them they immediately fell to their knees, whimpering in terror. They tried to wipe their hands on their victim's shirt, to no avail.
"Whumpee, what– what's– what's going on...?"
Whumpee was crying now, getting more and more desperate about ridding themself of the blood, as though that was the only evidence as to what they'd done. As though they could erase it all, if only they managed to erase the stains.
Caretaker walked closer, eyes wide with shock and horror. So much blood. So much gore.
Their sweet pet had done this?
Whumpee scrambled to pick up some sort of equipment, struggling to hold it between bloody fingers. A lockpick, Caretaker noted distantly. They put it down on the floor in front of their feet, then quickly grabbed something else: a knife, this time. They put it next to the lockpick. Then they crawled back, flattening themself against the floor like a dog who knew it'd done something bad, whining as they waited for the verdict.
The stranger had been a burglar. Was it... self-defence? No, this had been a brutal murder.
"You're– you're a guard dog," Caretaker said softly, because they didn't think their voice could handle anything more. They got but a whimper in response. "This... Oh, dear. This is not... This is not good."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou @whump-kitty
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ninjadeathblade · 3 months
Shopping Trip (Lego Monkie Kid fanfic)
Summary: The majority of the gang goes shopping. Then Wukong and Macaque play video games.
Warnings: Brief threats, Wukong and Macaque have issues to work through (they're also very dumb about the fact they love each other), swearing
Word count: 6,072
Author's notes: This would NOT leave me alone so here fandom, take the gays residing in my brain for the last two days. Sandy isn't here because I had no idea what he'd be doing. This is 90% indulgent Shadowpeach content for myself but hey, that's something. This is set post Emperor's Wrath. Enjoy.
“Hey, Monkey King, why d'you always wear your fancy robes?” MK questioned after the three of them took a break from training.
Macaque stifled a laugh, looking over at Wukong and revelling in the confusion on his face.
“What do you mean?” Wukong asked around a mouthful of peach flavoured crisps, crunching noisily on them.
MK shrugged and gestured. “You and Macaque always wear your fancy clothes whenever you come and just hang out with us, you can't be comfortable in it.”
“Look, kid, I hate to break it to you but we don't actually own any other clothes,” Macaque replied.
“I can make some though!” Wukong exclaimed, one hand already reaching to yank hair out of his head.
MK and Macaque rushed to stop him, the former tackling his hand still holding the bag of crisps, while the latter reached through a shadow portal to grab his wrist.
“Quit it Wukong, you already eat enough of your hair as it is, no point in you wearing it as well,” Macaque said with an eye roll.
MK’s eyes went round as saucers. “Please tell me that those crisps aren't hair.”
Wukong averted his gaze with a nervous laugh. “Whaaaaat? No, pfft, I'm not that- er-”
“Monkey King! You promised to start eating proper food!” MK whined, poking him in the cheek.
Wukong sighed. “Yeah yeah, I am, kid, I promise, now can I have my arms back?”
Macaque glared at him over MK's head, getting a returning glare.
MK gasped and jumped up, waving his arms wildly. “Oh my gosh, I know just what we should do?”
“Yuh-huh and what's that?” Wukong asked.
“Mei keeps telling me about this super cool new shopping centre that opened up the other week!” MK explained. “What if we all had a day out there and you guys can pick out some comfy clothes for hanging out with us?!”
Macaque shook his head. “Look, kid, I appreciate it but-”
He went silent as something yanked his tail, head whipping around to catch another tail quickly retreating to Wukong's side.
Oh that little-
“It's an amazing idea!” Wukong replied with a grin. “Let us know when you want to do it and we'll be there.”
“Funny how you now speak for both of us,” Macaque muttered, opening up a shadow portal beside him and reaching through to yank Wukong's tail.
The king turned to glare at the warrior, Macaque shooting him a shit-eating grin in return.
“Okay! I'm gonna go, I'm working this evening but I'll see you guys for training again tomorrow!” MK said before beginning to run back down the mountain. “Thanks again for the training!”
A beat went by before the two of them turned to each other.
“You know you could be more supportive of the kid,” Wukong snapped.
“Me? Really? Last I checked you were the one who abandoned his training!” Macaque argued, standing up. “Because that's what you always do isn't it? The great Sun-Wukong who always puts himself first.”
Wukong's jaw clenched, tail lashing behind him, and for a moment it seemed like they were going to fight again.
Then the king's shoulders heaved and his posture slouched. “Can we not do this right now?”
Macaque rolled his shoulders, the joints clicking slightly. “Running off again?”
“Can you stop?!” Wukong shouted. “I don't know what you want from me but you're not gonna get a rise. I'm done with this - with you always trying to bait me into another fight. I have people to look out for now.”
Macaque scoffed. “You can't tell me you actually care about the kid.”
“Bold words from someone who also cares about him,” Wukong retorted and Macaque's fur bristled. “Oh yeah, don't think I haven't noticed. While I was off doing very important things, you kept showing back up. Some part of you does actually care about MK, be honest.”
“Nope, doesn't sound like me,” Macaque stated, tail tapping against the ground twice as he opened up a shadow portal. “See you around, Monkey King.”
Wukong dashed forward, one arm outstretched. “No, wait, Macaque-”
The darkness surrounding him.
Well, it wasn't quite silent, it sounded like everything was muffled and underwater.
Macaque took a deep breath, artificial air expanding his lungs.
Wukong was still there although it was like seeing him through murky glass, thumping a fist against the shadows on the ground before giving up and walking away.
Macaque floated in the inky expanse, debating on whether or not to return to his dojo before deciding that he would just stay here for now.
It was peaceful.
It was everything that outside wasn't.
“Hey boi!” Mei cheered, tackling MK into a hug before waving at Wukong. “Heya Monkey King!”
“Hey,” Wukong waved, pulling his loaned hoodie further over his head. “Hey bud, you sure that no one's gonna recognise me in this?”
“I dunno honestly but if not you can transform, right?” MK argued.
“Fair point.”
“I still do not understand why I have to be here,” Red Son complained, foot tapping impatiently. “If we are all here then can we go already?”
“No, sorry, we're still waiting on someone else,” Tang answered.
“Who else are we waiting for?” Wukong questioned. “The pig guy?”
Tang adjusted his scarf. “Oh no, Pigsy is at that food stall over there shouting at the chef because he sold us half baked churros while we were waiting.” He paused. “Speaking of, I'm going to go stop Pigsy before he ends up in too much trouble.”
“Literally who else would MK invite?” Wukong's eyes narrowed in confusion. “I don't even understand why Red Son is here.”
“I swear if you invited Nezha then this is going to be the most boring shopping trip ever.”
“Ugh, I wish he'd invited Nezha, then I'd have someone else to make fun of you with.”
Wukong spun around with a curse, glaring at their final arrival, who hadn't even bothered with a disguise.
“Great, just great.”
Macaque shrugged. “Hey, I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be here. Only reason I'm tagging along is that I was planning to grab some food anyway.”
“But we're meant to be clothes shopping,” Mei interrupted, eyes watery as she stared up at the warrior.
“Yeah Macaque, you promised,” MK added, also staring up with large eyes.
“Look kid I didn't-” The warrior paused and sighed. “Fine, I'll buy some clothes. But I'm picking what I get, not you guys.”
The two of them let out a cheer and rushed back over to Red Son, beginning to drag him in the direction of a shop.
“I cannot believe that I'm gonna have to put up with you today,” Wukong groaned as the two of them set off after the trio.
“Hey, you're the one who volunteered me for this so if there's anyone to blame it's yourself,” Macaque responded.
Mei and MK had seemed to immediately start piling clothes into their arms, occasionally thrusting some pieces into Red Son's arms.
Wukong stumbled backwards slightly when MK seemed to just appear in front of him, holding up two pairs of pyjamas. “Hey Monkey King! Should we get these matching Monkey King™ pyjamas?”
“Hey kiddo, I'm wearing a disguise for a reason so maybe keep your voice down,” Wukong chuckled. “But yeah, absolutely.”
The king turned to glare at Macaque when the warrior snickered.
“Something funny?”
“No, it's nothing,” Macaque lied, one hand coming up to try and cover the smile on his face.
Wukong let out a loud, over-dramatic gasp. “Are you making fun of my bond with my apprentice? Are you making fun of our super duper cool friendship?”
“No,” Macaque sputtered, trying to get his laughter under control.
Wukong leaned in, poking him in the face. “You are! How could you?”
Macaque stopped trying to contain his laughter at the theatrics, golden eyes screwing up tight as he nearly doubled over.
Wukong's smile wavered as his gaze flitted across the warrior's face.
He knew realistically why Macaque would cover up his eye.
Seeing his unmarred face and having these moments made it almost seem like nothing had ever gone wrong between them.
When Macaque straightened up again he shot Wukong a quick glance, accompanied with a shy smile before returning his attention to the shop in front of them. “C'mon then, no point standing around all day. Gotta find you something to wear other than pyjamas.”
“Yeah and we've gotta find you anything to wear,” Wukong teased. “What do you even wear? Like, leather jacket and grunge aesthetic boots.”
“How the fuck do you know what an aesthetic is?” Macaque swore, turning back to face him.
The king shrugged nonchalantly and grinned. “What can I say, I guess I'm just cool like the kids are.”
The warrior snorted. “Yeah right, the day that you're cool is the day I haven't died before.”
A silence fell between them at that comment and something flickered over Macaque's features.
Wukong reached out to him before the shadow slipped away from him, walking over to a rack of darkly coloured clothes.
There was so much they still needed to talk about.
Macaque flicked through the different hanging articles before smirking. “So, what about the fact that Red Son has a crush on either MK or Mei?”
“Wait, what?” Wukong spluttered.
“When the three of them were together back there, Red Son was blushing and stuff. Can't tell which of them is making him fall for them but I'm not actually that surprised.”
Wukong stood stock still for a moment, doing a mental reboot while Macaque moved on.
“Wait, no, hold on you little shit, are you for real?” Wukong questioned.
Macaque nodded. “When we catch up to them, just watch. I wouldn't lie, would I?”
“I dunno, seems like you lie a lot.” Wukong narrowed his eyes dubiously.
“Well, I'm not lying about that.”
They wandered for a little longer before managing to catch up with the trio.
Okay, Wukong had to hand it to Macaque, Red Son did seem to be blushing.
“Hey, Monkey King, you made it! We lost you back there!” MK cheered before turning back to Mei. “Ooh, Mei, do you still have the thing we picked out for Macaque?”
“Kid I don't-”
“Found it!” Mei announced, holding up the black mesh shirt.
Macaque's gaze dragged over it before extending a hand. “Okay, I'll try it on.”
Wukong did a double take. “You like mesh?”
“Haven't tried it before but it looks cool enough. If I can get something to go over it then I'd probably like it.”
Red Son held up a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt from the pile in his arms. “Something like this?”
Macaque shifted the first shirt in his grip before reaching out for the other. “Sounds good.”
“Oh and there are some dark coloured jeans by the changing rooms, wanna grab a pair of those?” MK offered.
Wukong trailed behind the bunch of them, briefly wondering where Tang and Pigsy had gotten to.
Him and MK plopped down onto a bench just outside the changing rooms, MK's stack of clothes beside him.
“I'm gonna try them on after the others have tried theirs,” MK explained. “Wait a minute, why don't you have anything Monkey King?”
“Um, well, I just didn't see anything I liked all that much, bud,” Wukong lied.
“Oh okay.”
The boy got out his phone, playing some obnoxiously loud game while they waited for the others to get changed.
“Okay, we're done!” Mei called after a while.
“Come out then!” MK shouted back, shutting his phone off and putting it back in his pocket.
“Macaque, you coming?”
“Aw, come on, pretty please? You look great!”
Mei stepped out, practically dragging Red Son and Macaque with her.
And wow, Macaque actually looked kind of good.
The clothes actually suited him.
The warrior wrenched Mei's iron grip off his arm before grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.
“Woah, you guys look awesome!” MK gasped, clapping his hands together.
Macaque rolled his eyes and frowned when he looked over at Wukong. “Quit staring, Wukong, don't you know it's impolite?”
Wukong smirked. “Thought you said I was impolite.”
“Yeah, I know that you are. Doesn't mean you have to give me more reasons for it,” the warrior complained before looking over at Mei. “Hey, can we wrap this up and buy this stuff already?”
“Nu-uh, we've still got loads of outfits to try on! You and Monkey King can wait here while we finish checking all these sick clothes out,” Mei replied.
Macaque grumbled something under his breath before going back to the changing room.
Three pairs of eyes turned to Wukong. “He's just always kinda cranky, trust me.”
“I heard that!”
“Ugh, how much sugar did you even put in that thing?” Macaque asked, nose wrinkling with disgust at the sweet scent coming off of Wukong's drink.
Wukong moved the glass away from his face, a bit of cream smeared on his nose. “Um, I dunno. It has chocolate, ice cream, sprinkles, some more chocolate, some normal cream, some kinda sweet milk, caramel-”
Macaque reached out and grabbed the drink out of his hand while he was distracted listing ingredients, holding it out of his reach. “You are going to clog an artery if you have that much sugar.”
Wukong pouted. “Macaque! Gimme back my drink!”
Macaque opened up a shadow portal under his hand, hovering the drink just above it. “You aren't going to have all of it to yourself or you will die.”
“I'm immortal, I can't die,” Wukong retorted.
Oh yeah.
“You aren't going to have it all to yourself or I'll steal all the wine you're hiding at your place.”
Wukong's eyes went wide and he leaned across Macaque, desperately attempting to grab it. “No! No! Fine, I'll share! Just gimme the drink!”
Macaque dropped the drink through the shadow portal, watching as Wukong's face fell.
As the king turned back to the table the warrior opened a portal again, depositing the drink - now with two straws - back in front of him.
“Come on, if you're going to clog an artery then I might as well do it with you.”
Wukong shot him a quick glare but moved the glass so it was between them.
Red Son slid back into their booth. “They're still ordering but wanted me to say they'll be back soon.”
Macaque glanced over to the counter where Mei and MK seemed to be arguing over the menu of sweet treats.
“May I ask a question?” Red Son asked.
“You just did,” Wukong teased.
The boy rolled his eyes. “May I ask another question after the one I am asking at this moment?”
Macaque lowered his head to take a sip of the drink, throat burning at how sickly sweet it was.
He'd never understand how Wukong could stomach these things.
“Are you two in a relationship?”
Macaque choked on his drink and Wukong hit him on the back a few times while replying.
“No, never! Me? With him? Tch, as if! He's so- him! And I'm so me!” The king answered.
Macaque gulped in a lungful of air after recovering. “This is the one time we agree on something and it's that we are not a thing. I hate him, he makes me feel like my skin is on the outside and my fur is on the inside. I'd rather have my heart served up on a platter to the Lady Bone Demon than go out with him.”
“Ew, did you have to be so graphic?” Wukong complained. “You're gonna put me off my drink.”
“Good. It tastes like shit.”
“Because you have no tastes.”
“I do have tastes. Anyway, you seemed to conveniently leave out the fact that this drink is peach flavoured.”
Wukong shrugged and smiled. “It's my favourite.”
“You sure you didn't make this out of your hair?” Macaque questioned, lip curling in disgust.
Red Son huffed. “No, I paid for his drink. And there's no need for you two to be so defensive.”
“We're back!” MK announced, flopping down against Red Son's side. “What did we miss?”
“Ah, yes, you are back,” Red Son flustered.
Macaque and Wukong shared a look.
So that's who Red Son liked then.
“Duh, that's what I just said,” MK laughed.
“We ordered every dessert they had!” Mei announced.
“Oh no,” Macaque whispered.
“Oh yes,” Wukong purred, eyes lighting up. “Desserts for everyone!”
The warrior dropped his head to rest against the table, grimacing at how sticky it seemed to be. “Why did I ever let myself be dragged along here?”
“Because you're our friend!” MK said.
“Omg, these stationary sets are so naturecore, I have to have them for my aesthetics blog,” Mei gasped.
Wukong nudged Macaque to grab his attention before whispering. “Hey, d'you have any idea what that means?”
“No idea,” Macaque admitted. “As established earlier, I know aesthetic but that's about it.” The warrior smirked. “Aren't you the one who's ‘cool like the kids are’?”
“Shuddup,” Wukong laughed.
Macaque's tail flicked up to hit him in the back of the head before looking around. “So, we kinda lost Pigsy and Tang at the start.”
“Yeah, it'll be fine,” the king replied calmly, waving it off.
“Maybe for you. I for one would like to not be on kid sitting duty for the next decade.”
“It's only been two hours,” Wukong stated, snickering at the defeated groan Macaque let out. “What's wrong? Too old to keep up?”
“Wha- no,” Macaque denied sourly before continuing. “My feet hurt though. I'm not used to walking around this much. Usually I just use my shadows to get places.”
Wukong sighed before holding out his arms.
The warrior stared blankly at him.
“Climb on, I'll carry you,” the king offered.
Macaque immediately began to walk away from him. “Nope, nu-uh, never happening, find someone else prince fucking charming.”
“Come on Macaque, your pride won't be that wounded if you let yourself take a break,” Wukong whined, following him.
The shadow’s tail lashed behind him as he walked through the aisles of the shop, trying to catch up to wherever the other three had run off to. “I'll take a break when I get home later. Feet being sore isn't the worst thing I've had to deal with.”
Unspoken words hung between them and Wukong followed Macaque silently until they reached the trio, staring at row upon row of cards.
“Hey guys, whatcha looking at?” Wukong inquired, propping his head on MK's shoulder.
“We're helping Mei pick out a card for her dad's birthday,” MK explained.
“You could make one,” Red Son added. “Although didn't you say it's tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Mei groaned. “I was so busy helping MK train that I forgot.”
“You forgor,” MK said.
“I forgor,” Mei affirmed.
Wukong straightened back up, whispering. “What language is this?”
“No idea,” Macaque said.
“No idea what?” Mei asked.
Wukong smiled at Macaque.
The shadow returned it with a small quirk of his mouth.
It wasn't much but it was better than it had been.
“That's it, I am not being dragged into a spa, I'm calling Pigsy,” Macaque said, digging his phone out his pocket.
“You have Pigsy's number?” Wukong asked beside him before continuing. “You have a phone?”
“Yeah, and?” Macaque tapped onto his contacts. “Got Pigsy's number after the kid crashed out at my place one time. Also he makes good noodles.”
“I know right?” Wukong agreed, mouth practically watering.
“Hello! Pigsy's Noodles, how can I-”
“Cut the crap Pigsy, your kids are trying to drag me into a spa and I know that you and Tang are still somewhere in this shopping centre.”
“Oh fuc- okay, where are you guys, I'll come and get ‘em,” Pigsy sighed.
“Seventh floor, top right corner, next to the arcade place.”
“Wait, there's an arcade place next door and they chose to go to the spa instead?” Tang questioned.
“Red Son is trying to convince us all to get princess pamper sessions before we get wrecked and lose all our money to useless games,” Macaque explained.
“That'd do it. We'll be there in a few.”
Macaque hung up, quirking an eyebrow at Wukong's sad expression. “What do you want now?”
“You're gonna ruin their fun,” Wukong complained, gesturing at where the three others were currently crashed out on a bench.
“No, I'm just getting us the rest of the evening off,” Macaque argued.
When Wukong still looked upset he sighed.
“If I play your shitty game this evening will that make it up to you?”
Wukong brightened up. “Yes! Although it isn't shitty, take that back.”
“Maybe. Depends on how good your game is.”
Macaque looked over at the trio. “Hey, Red Son, a word.”
The boy seemed sheepish as he walked over, a sharp contrast to his usual confident demeanour. “Yes?”
“You break MK’s heart and I'll break all your bones,” Macaque snarled quietly.
“Okay so you're just coming out with it,” Wukong muttered.
“P-pardon?” Red Son stuttered, hair letting off embers.
“You aren't subtle. So you heard me. If you break his heart, I will break all your bones.”
Red Son swallowed thickly. “Y-yes sir.”
MK walked up beside them. “What're you guys talking about?”
“We were just saying goodbye,” Wukong supplied, somehow having come up with a good excuse for once in his long life.
“Oh cool. I'm sleeping around Red Son's tonight so won't be able to make it to training tomorrow, is that okay?” MK said.
Macaque subtly shot Red Son a glare while he replied to MK. “That's fine, see you in a few days kid.”
The warrior opened up a shadow underneath himself and the king.
“No, no, no, no, no, not the shadow portal!”
“Ugh, I think I'm gonna throw up,” Wukong complained as he dropped out of the shadow portal.
“Too bad, you fly your cloud recklessly and the shadows are quicker,” Macaque replied, dropping down beside him before opening up their shared bag of shopping purchases and grabbing out a handful of clothes. “I'm gonna get changed then I'm ordering actual food for dinner.”
“But my way is cheaper!”
“Yeah, and it'll have you hacking up furballs until your eventual death, Wukong,” Macaque snorted, shutting himself into the bathroom.
Wukong rooted around in the bag and grabbed out one of the plain shirts he'd picked out, slipping off his robes and putting on the black t-shirt before grabbing a pair of loose blue jeans out of the bag.
The king settled down on the sofa, aimlessly flicking through channels on his TV until his tail brushed against someone else.
Wukong lifted his head up, staring at Macaque.
The warrior practically had a halo of light around his head from the setting sun behind him, a sliver of yellow fabric visible under his dark hoodie.
“Hey. You up for burning off some energy?” Macaque proposed and Wukong was in his feet within seconds.
“We haven't fought in ages,” Wukong sceptically tested.
Macaque shrugged. “Nothing serious. But I need to stretch out my limbs and test how flexible I am in these clothes.”
Wukong dragged his eyes up and down Macaque. “Mhm, because ripped jeans are gonna be sooo easy to move around in. Prepare to be beat.”
Macaque smirked, sweeping out one leg and knocking Wukong off balance.
“H-hey! No fair!” Wukong growled, reaching up and tugging Macaque down with the edge of his hoodie.
The warrior let out a squeak, collapsing down beside the king before going still.
“Oh shit. Macaque? You good, bud?” Wukong questioned, moving closer.
Macaque spun around, hands catching Wukong's and pinning them against the floor. “I cannot believe you just fell for that.”
“Yeah, well, it's been years since you played that card while we've fought,” Wukong argued, one leg kicking out and into Macaque's stomach.
The warrior's grip on his hands loosened, allowing the king to flip the two of them over as he hovered over him.
His hands closed around Macaque's, mimicking the move just used on him.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” Wukong challenged.
Macaque just laughed and rolled his eyes, opening up a shadow portal underneath himself.
Wukong pulled back, watching as the other sank into the floor and disappeared before a weight crashed down on his back.
“Fuck! Macaque!”
“Got you now,” Macaque taunted, the two of them rolling back and forth until Macaque pinned Wukong down.
The warrior was just shy of sitting on him, chest heaving as he breathed.
Wukong sighed. “Yeah, alright Mac, you win, now get off of me.”
The shadow paused, golden eyes staring at him.
“What?” Wukong inquired.
“You haven't called me Mac since- since before,” Macaque stated, his grip on Wukong's hands loosening.
Orange and pink hues of light shone off of his dark fur.
It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
“No, no I guess not,” Wukong murmured.
Macaque rolled onto the floor beside him, both of them staring up at the ceiling.
“So, if Red Son does break MK's heart we are absolutely going to ruin his life, right?” Macaque questioned.
Wukong rolled onto his side, staring at Macaque.
Tufts of dark hair stuck up in different directions, framing his face.
The king reached out with a hand before hesitating when the warrior flinched, eyes closing.
A long moment passed, before Macaque quickly got up, with a mumbled sentence. “I'm going to order dinner.”
“Yeah, okay,” Wukong responded, mentally kicking himself.
Of course Macaque still didn't trust him, why should he?
After everything Wukong had done, he had no reason to.
“Hey, Wukong, how many portions should I order you?” Macaque asked, one hand muffling the bottom of his phone.
“Three, if that's okay,” Wukong answered.
Macaque nodded before continuing to quietly speak to whoever was on the other end of the line.
Wukong walked back over to the sofa, sitting down and trying to avoid looking at his friend.
When had he started thinking of Macaque as a friend again?
The other side of the sofa dipped as weight settled down on it.
“I'm sorry for flinching,” Macaque whispered. “Really going against my therapy goals.”
Wukong blinked before looking over at him. “You go to therapy?”
Macaque's tail wrapped across his chest, curling over his opposite shoulder. “Well, I'm trying. Kind of hard though when most therapists are mortal and I have issues with opening up about things from my past.”
The shadow let out a deep breath before slowly relaxing against the king's side. “Is… is this okay?”
“Yeah, no, of course,” Wukong flustered a bit, shifting so that Macaque would be more comfortable.
Wukong turned so his back was resting against the arm of the sofa, one arm circling around Macaque's waist.
The warrior tensed under his touch slightly before relaxing back against him, pillowing his head on the king's chest. “You sure you're okay with this?”
“Geez Mac, I'm fine,” Wukong responded. “Are we gonna start playing my game now or d'you want to wait until after dinner?”
“After dinner. I want to get some rest in,” Macaque sighed, opening up a shadow portal over the top half of his head. “I'll wake up when the food gets delivered, I'll hear it. You should get some rest too.”
“Yeah alright. You get some rest.”
“Thanks Wukong.”
“No problem bud.”
Macaque's ear flicked inside the portal as footsteps ran up to the door of his dojo.
“Hold on,” he murmured to Wukong, unsure whether his friend was even awake before sitting up and slipping his upper body through the shadow portal.
“Knock knock!” The delivery boy shouted as Macaque reached over to open the door.
MK grinned and held up the couple of bags in his arms. “Hey Macaque! This is more than you usually order.”
“Yeah, well, I've got company,” Macaque said evasively.
“Is it Monkey King?”
“Nah, I have other friends,” Macaque lied, reaching out with one hand for the bags. “Aren’t you meant to be staying around Red Son's?”
“Yeah, I'm headed there after this,” MK explained.
“Have a good sleepover, kid.”
“You too Macaque!”
“No, kid, I'm not having a-”
“Bye Macaque!”
The shadow sighed, shutting and locking his door before slipping back through the portal to Wukong's house.
The king was still passed out on the sofa, snoring at an obnoxious volume.
Or perhaps it was actually quiet, and Macaque's sensitive hearing was getting to him more than usual.
“Hey, wake up.”
Wukong blinked awake, sitting up before his mouth watered at the sight of the takeaway bags. “Oh yes.”
Macaque rolled his eyes but passed over the three portions Wukong had asked for. “You know, if you keep eating that many portions then you're going to get fat.”
Wukong let out an offended gasp before shovelling some of the noodles into his open mouth. “No I'm not.”
“You are,” Macaque replied, teasingly poking him on the stomach. “See? Round.”
“It's cushioning. For when I may somehow end up on the floor,” Wukong explained.
“Because I beat you up,” Macaque snickered, opening up his own meal while Wukong began to dig into his second.
“Make me,” Macaque challenged, tail lashing behind him.
Wukong's golden gaze flitted across him before he went back to his meal.
“That's what I thought.”
After they'd finished their meal, Macaque let out a sigh. “Alright then, put on your crappy game.”
“It's not crappy!” Wukong protested, already digging through the piles of DVDs in front of his TV. “Alright, found it. Get ready for the best game you'll ever play.”
“I highly doubt it,” Macaque mumbled, nearly dropping the headset and controller thrown haphazardly in his general direction.
“What was that?”
“I said ‘I highly doubt it’,” Macaque deadpanned. “This won't be anywhere near as good as my game.”
“You have a game?” Wukong laughed, plopping back down on the sofa beside him. “Okay, that I have to play after you're done with this.”
Macaque let out a grumble but adjusted the headset before putting it on, slouching against Wukong's side as the game registered him in.
An avatar looking surprisingly like him loaded in on a dirt path, a chicken running out of a bush in front of him before glitching and dying.
“Wow. What a surprise, I was right, this game sucks,” Macaque huffed.
The king's tail flicked up to curl around the warrior's arm. “Aww, c'mon Mac, give it a chance at least.”
Macaque sighed but began to walk his character along the path, stopped only a second later as another character spawned in front of him.
“Welcome traveller, on your journey to the west!” The Monkey King greeted.
The background image switched so the character was pointing at himself. “As the Great Sage equal to Heaven, you couldn't ask for a better tutor.” The screen switched back to the first picture of him. “On your journey, you will learn to smite powerful enemies.”
God this was boring.
“After you complete the tutorials, you will learn how to access your hidden potential.”
Ugh, good, back to the overworld.
Now if he could just-
“Defeat each opponent to work your way up to the final boss, the Rhino King,” Monkey King said.
“Couldn't afford the rights for Demon Bull King?” Macaque joked, elbowing Wukong in the side.
“Nah, just seemed boring seeing as I already beat him.”
“Here are seventy two combos-”
“Pay attention-”
“Make many friends along the way,” Monkey King advised and Macaque tore off his headset.
“What the fuck is that background art?!” The shadow screamed.
The king grinned. “Flattering, right? You would not believe how quickly the game sold out.”
“That's atrocious!” Macaque shouted, hitting him on the head before putting the headset back on.
Yeah, no, he was skipping through all of this.
Eventually it let him go and unlock abilities.
“Hey, these are all passive,” Macaque pointed out.
“Just give it a moment,” Wukong instructed.
The monk on the screen sighed before it flicked to a different ability menu.
Macaque's eyes roved over the screen before he took off the headset.
“A fucking muscle bro version of yourself in just pants taking up half the screen?” Macaque growled because it was very obvious why he was pissed.
Wukong smirked. “What? I think it's a good view.”
“Self obsessed asshole,” Macaque grumbled, trying to just focus on buying a couple of different attacks before giving up and handing the game controller and headset over to Wukong. “No, I can't do this, this is just something for you to admire yourself.”
“Fiiiiine,” Wukong groaned. “But I want to play your game now.”
Macaque opened up a shadow portal, sticking his arm in and rooting around. “Seriously though Wukong, are you trying to seduce the player or something?”
Wukong grinned slyly at him. “Are you saying I'm hot?”
Macaque's face screwed up. “...No.”
“That's it, the Six-eared Macaque thinks I'm hot!” Wukong shouted before getting up and racing to the entrance of his house and cupping his hands around his mouth. “The Six-eared Macaque thinks that Sun-Wukong, Great Sage equal to Heaven, is hot!”
“Shut up,” Macaque said, withdrawing his hand and tossing the game case to Wukong as he walked back over.
“It looks like it was made by a five year old mortal,” Wukong giggled but put the disc in anyway.
When the king settled back down on the sofa, the warrior stretched out, laying his upper body across his friend's lap.
“And what do you think you're doing?” Wukong questioned before slipping the headset on.
“Making myself comfy.”
“Yeah yeah, I'm gonna beat this game in minutes.”
A moment passed as the game loaded.
“Why does everything look like a crappy anime?” Wukong inquired.
“Fuck you.”
“This is the fourth time I've done this encounter and I still haven't beaten it!” Wukong whined, throwing the controller across the room.
“Aww, too hard for you?” Macaque teased, not even cracking open an eye.
“Pfft, n-no!” Wukong floundered, taking off the headset and putting it on the floor. “I'm just going to take a break.”
“Sure you are,” Macaque snorted, opening his eyes a sliver.
Wukong stared, stock still, not sure if Macaque had realised that the glamour over his eye was down.
The scar over that side of his face was still hidden, but mismatching gold and milk coloured eyes fixed a tired gaze on him.
“Staring is rude,” Macaque murmured.
Wukong blinked, looking away. “Yeah, sorry.”
Macaque sat up, stretching with a yawn, hoodie riding up his sides slightly and exposing the yellow shirt he had on underneath.
It was surprisingly nice to see Macaque in bright colours.
Wukong reached out a hand to skim over the dark fur that stuck up on one side of his head, smiling softly when Macaque didn't flinch away.
“Hey, are your ears okay?” Wukong suddenly asked.
Macaque turned to face him, eyes back to their glamoured gold again. “Huh?”
“Well we were at a pretty busy place for most of today so I was wondering whether it was hard on your ears.”
Macaque seemed to blush. “Oh, no, they're all okay.”
The king's hand dropped to skim closer to where another two pairs of ears had to be hidden on the warrior. “Can I see them again?”
Macaque's eyes went wide and Wukong quickly withdrew his hand. “I'm sorry, you don't have to-”
The glamours dropped.
Wukong couldn't help but stare at the hues of colour on Macaque's ears, having nearly forgotten them over the centuries.
But there they were again, still with such resplendent glory.
Moonlight shone through the window, catching the back of Macaque's face with rays of light that made him shine.
“Rude to stare,” Macaque repeated, seeming to curl in on himself slightly.
“You're beautiful,” Wukong murmured, trying to ingrain this in his memory.
Maybe then he would have something to keep when they eventually fought again.
And just like that the glamours were back up, hiding Macaque's appearance behind a facade.
“I- I should go,” Macaque stammered, standing up and conjuring a portal in the floor.
“No, Mac, wait, I'm sorry-”
Too late.
His warrior was gone again, leaving him alone again.
Wukong sighed and dropped his head against the back of the sofa. “Idiot.”
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Sonic Characters At Parties
In the spirit of the fact it's my birthday, teehee -wanted to make a headcanon post about what the characters do/how they they act at parties (not necessarily birthday ones!)
Sonic: This man is the life of the party (Pt. 1) - in the wise words of Kesha, the party don't start until he walks in. He's loud, he breakdances, he belts in karaoke, and he shovels food in his face. Get him on the music because he's about to play the sickest beats. However, this comes at the cost of Sonic needing a total 'me' day to himself after. He fucks off and runs to spend time all day by himself in nature to recharge his social battery.
He's a professional troll when invited to fancy gatherings - and will find a way to play innapropriate music on the speakers.
Tails: A lot more muted compared to his friend, but he tries to get involved with the party in every way he can. He'll join Sonic on the dance floor and somehow can do a robot dance better than Omega can (everyone is still trying to figure out how that works). He won't sing karaoke unless he's singing in a group though, and in the case of birthday parties - this fox WILL find a way to sneak an extra slice of cake. Will also help Sonic in his music antics at fancy gatherings.
Knuckles: In most instances, he stands awkwardly by the snacks like an NPC in the corner not knowing what to do with himself until he's dragged to the dance floor by his more extroverted friends. Sonic drags Knuckles into a dance battle and they become the centre of the attention because these boys can DANCE. Somehow they end the night on the karaoke stage singing a duet of Breaking Free from High School Musical - screaming the lyrics to each other off-key, but pouring their souls into the performance.
Amy: She planned the party - without her - there isn't a party. She knows everyone's favourite snacks and everyone cheers when they see her reveal whatever cake she made for their birthday. She's a fellow life of the party (Pt. 2) - getting herself involved with the dancing and while not the greatest singer- gives her all in karaoke. She's also insanely good at party games and you know for a fact that she's going to find a way to incorporate truth or dare into the night.
Rouge: Girl has a mission, okay? And that's to stir up as much chaos as possible. She's life of the party (Pt. 3) - and uses the opportunity to get as much gossip as possible. She causes trouble and has so much fun doing it - last time, she managed to make a food fight break out and it was the time of everyone's lives. She basically wins almost any party game she joins but that's usually because she's shamelessly cheating. Either way, she also enjoys dancing and singing in the karaoke - and has got a pretty decent voice actually.
If she's ever invited out somewhere high class, girl is leaving that party several times richer.
Shadow: He warps in, takes a slice of cake, and leaves. Rouge signed his name in the happy birthday card, that's enough right?
He made one exception to this on Rouge's last birthday party where he actually joined in on things. He spent the first half brooding in the corner with a plastic cup of punch until the Sonic and Knuckles dance battle broke out. Sonic taunted Shadow to get involved - and get involved he did. No one could have been prepared for how fucking good Shadow was - putting Sonic and Knuckles to shame. Was that the end of the surprises? No, because he busted out broadway vocals during karaoke. Perks of being the Ultimate Life Form.
Silver: In complete contrast to the above hedgehog, Silver has a great time at parties - but he sucks ass at dancing. He's giving it his all but he's totally off time and his movements are just... very bizzarre, or they're just giving nothing. They're the equivelent of the "go white boy go" meme. But he's trying his best and he's having such a good time that no one can fault him. He also doesn't mind giving karaoke a try but isn't amazing at it either, but nothing can kill this man's vibes.
Blaze: She's a lot more reserved in parties compared to her friends and tends to stand off to the side a bit while everyone else is being loud and wacky. She CAN dance... but her dancing style is more ballet than anything else. She joins in a bit but usually goes off the dance floor after a couple of dances, happy to linger by the snacks. However, she has beautiful vocals in karaoke - and the party takes a moment to slow down as Blaze treats them to a soft ballad.
Omega: Doesn't even wanna be here, but hey - Rouge drug him to it, what's a robot to do? He doesn't care if it's someone else's birthday, HE'S the one who gets to destroy the pinata. He might join in a dance or two with enough coaxing and his hidden bluetooth speaker function often comes in handy. But overall, would much rather stay at home with Shadow.
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yourlocalartsonist · 2 months
ROTTMNT Moths Fly In Packs - Chapter Nine
HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT I'M ALIVE AND I AM SO SORRY! It's been way too long and I'm genuinely sorry this chapter took several fucking months to make but IT'S FINALLY DONE! It ended up way longer than I intended man, I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE SHORT. It's my longest chapter yet fun fact. I don't even regret it really, it benefited so much from the extra effort. Hopefully the next few chapters won't take this long but I will refrain from jinxing myself again so🧍‍♀️Anyway enough blabbering, hope y'all enjoy this one ;w;
CREDIT To the MFIP Team: Thank you to @yosajaeofficial, @urlocalmj, misfortun3_ismyname (on TikTok), @chaoticspeedrun, @ramblehour and @goldanrabbit for being my lovely editors! MAN did they give this chapter a lot of polish-
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Chapter One
Disclaimer: Chapter involves verbal abuse/manipulation, harassment, gaslighting, depressive thoughts, violence, blood, mentions of a wounded limb, brief mentions of nausea, displayed anxiety, and curse words. If you're sensitive to that, scroll past and stay safe!
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I rushed around my room throwing shit on as fast as I could. Not fast enough apparently, since my phone’s vibrating like it’s gonna explode.
It’s late as hell right now, but Zane insisted on meeting up. Pretty randomly at, like, 11pm on a school night. I was initially planning to reject the idea or ghost with the excuse of sleeping, but it’s been a good while since I actually did hang out with him. I know insomnia’s gonna keep me up for a bit anyway, so why the hell not? We might even have fun! Just wish he’d stop flooding my notifs like I didn't already say I was actively getting ready.
I looked in the mirror, checking to see if I was presentable enough for the outside realm. My reflection’s the same as always; for better or worse. Still the same pink dress, same green skirt, same  boots. Can’t forget the gold earrings; the only emergency asset I held onto. I don’t know what I expected. I don’t have much to work with. Guess the gloves from Donnie are new, at least. But I’m still getting… bored? A change in appearance—even a small one—might be able to fill that hole for a while. Keep me distracted.
Maybe I could do something with my hair tonight? I still have Mi’s ribbon lying here somewhere.
I ignored Zane’s digital pestering and spent a few extra minutes shuffling through drawers and boxes, eventually finding her long, white ribbon—handmade from moth silk. She wore it all the time. I barely remember her hair being fully down unless she was sleeping or about to shower. Except for that one night, of course. The night she left and was never found again. She almost did take the ribbon with her. Had her hair done up in a bun and everything, even a little fancier than usual. But she took it off once she saw me behind her, barely reflected in the mirror. She crouched down, placed it in my tiny palms, and gave me her wonderfully warm smile. It’s the last thing she left me with. The last gift she could ever give me. 
After that, the ribbon’s survived years of storage and then more years of… unconventional bullshit use. I know moth silk ain’t the weakest thing on Earth but I’ve deadass used this ribbon as a make-shift pulley system to sneak stuff into my room through the window before, some of which weighed more than me! Its got the endurance of a Nokia at this point. 
I’ve barely used the ribbon for its intended purpose, though. I mean, how could I? I’m not my mom no matter how similar we look. Maybe this is a me-thing, but I always felt wearing the ribbon would be like replacing her with myself. 
Although, I’m sure Mi would’ve loved it if I wore it. 
Using the ribbon, I tied my hair into a ponytail and styled it as a loose bow, just to see how it would look. The white tails gently draped over my back down to my hips. I never quite realized how long the ribbon was before now. I don’t look as fancy or pretty as mom did, but it’s the best I’ve got. It… it doesn’t look bad, though, I think. It actually looks kinda nice! Maybe I’ll use it a bit more often. 
My phone’s repeated buzzing snapped me out from my trance. “Alright, alright, shut up already.” I groaned. Zane’s growing impatient.
You: hey sorry I jsut finished getting ready
You: heading out the door now! :3 
Fuck doors. Sneaking out became a whole lot easier ever since I did it from my window, but he doesn’t have to know that. I can already imagine him scolding me about the dangers of dropping down from high places, even with the fire escape there. He wouldn’t be wrong, per se, but at this point I’ve handled worse. Would probably send him into cardiac arrest if he knew what I’d actually been up to these few months.
I sprinted to the spot we agreed to meet up at. Zane was already there, leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets like always. 
“Salena! Hey!” He lit up like a star when he saw me, beckoning me over.
God, for a sour person, he has such a sweet smile. He’s usually so good at being intimidating and frightening. Yet the second he brings out his smile, all that built-up fear washes away like it was never there to begin with. 
“I almost thought you wouldn’t come.”
“Well, I figured I could use some fresh air.” I tilted my head to the side, eyeing his fit. “You left your sweater at home?”
“Hm?” He followed my gaze to his pitch black tank top in place of the usual outfit. “Oh, right! Yeah, the weather’s too hot for a sweater tonight. Forgot I changed it, really.”
Now that I’m looking closer, his choker’s missing too. It probably didn’t match with the top. Seems like it got swapped with a black watch on his left wrist that complimented the look way more. Doesn’t matter what he pretends to be though, I know Zane pays very close attention to his appearance. He’s gotta maintain the rep of our grade’s “Pretty Boy” after all. When it comes to him, every little detail matters.
Wait a sec…
“What happened to your arm?”
I couldn’t see ‘till he turned towards me but his left arm had a deep bluish-purple bruise spread across it. It looked like it was from something long like a pipe or a bat. Either way, it was gnarly enough to worry me. 
“Oh that. It’s nothing too bad.” He shrugged.
“You kiddin’ me? It looks awful! What happened?” I carefully grabbed his arm and took a closer look at the mark. I wish Leo was here, but thankfully I’ve picked up a little medic knowledge from him so I can at least tell if a bone is broken or not.
“Hey, don’t get your feathers all fluffed! I got a little hurt rough-housing with the guys, that’s all. You know how they are.”
“Rough-housing? Or a secret murder attempt?” I was only being half sarcastic. It wouldn’t be out of character for them.
“Don’t worry! It’s really sweet of you to care, but they’d never dare hurt me on purpose! Now, on another note…“ He paused for a moment, taking a proper look at me. For a little bit, I couldn’t tell why he smirked. “Looks like someone wanted to look cute tonight, ey? You wore your hair up.”
“Huh?” I touched my hair, forgetting I changed it earlier. “Oh, um, yeah! I-I did! I thought I’d give it a try. Does it… um, you know, look too bad or weird or?…”
“No! No, it… it looks really pretty.” Oh god, that’s a relief to hear! I was so paranoid it wouldn’t suit— “I gotta ask, though.”
I caught him inching closer. I tried creating space, but quickly realized I was up against the wall again. Should’ve been more careful about that. His hand reached out, bringing back all sorts of cringe-inducing memories. He didn’t technically pin me like last time, but he tucked my bangs back behind my ear. Feeling his fingers come into contact with my skin almost feels just as nauseating, though. 
“How’d you know I had a thing for girls in ponytails?”
And fuck, he made it weird again.
“Yeah?…” WHY ISN’T HE GETTING THE HINT!? “You know, you always look so soft when you dress up. You just bloom.”
“…So! What are we doing tonight?” 
His smile slightly dropped, likely upset I ruined whatever moment he was trying to have. Honestly, didn’t matter to me, as shitty as that sounds. I just wanted to change the topic so he’d step back a bit. We go through this every time; this stupid ass, awkward aura. I wish it would stop happening. 
On the bright side, he did step back and redirect his focus to answering my question. On the not so bright side, his answer was a pathetic shrug.
“I don’t know.”
“Y-you… What do you mean you don’t know? I snuck out here in the middle of the night, you told me it’d be something special! You’ve gotta have something planned.”
“Honest, I don’t! I thought it was beautiful outside and it reminded me of you. Wanted to see where such a lovely night could take us. I think that’s special enough, don’t you?”
“W-Well, I mean—“
He chuckled “What’s wrong? You’re not backing out now, are you?” 
I may have praised his smile earlier, but right now it’s making my eye twitch. I’m a little peeved knowing he brought me out here for shits and giggles when I could’ve at least been resting in bed, replenishing some of my energy. I know I don’t have the best sleeping habits, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get tired from the constant action going on! I don’t even know how long he’s gonna keep me hostage for! But… he’s also right that it’d be kinda shitty to bail now. Besides, I’m already out here so…
I guess all that’s left to do is suck it up and try to make the best of it. 
“Well, do you wanna… go for a walk or something?”
“Sounds perfect to me! Come on, hold my hand, Dove.”
For someone who supposedly didn’t have a plan, he sure took an awful lot of charge during that walk. He suggested we go to Central Park and practically dragged me there despite my common sense screaming to never go to that hellspawn at night. Although, I can’t complain too much. The park’s definitely the best place to see the stars, and tonight had clear skies! He made sure to keep a tight grip on me in case we ran into any classic New York weirdos anyway, so I should probably be less tense. I guess I got used to the guaranteed safety of having literal ninjas around me, I forgot what it was like hanging out with a regular person.��
On top of that, Zane seemed really happy! Happier than I’ve seen him in a while, actually. He was giddily pointing out any interesting greenery we saw and rambling random facts he knew about them. 
Even later, when we went and dined inside a relatively fancy restaurant, all he could focus on was the different plants they chose as decor. He’s such a huge nature geek, but he’d never let anyone know. Zane’s the type of guy to get 100% on a biology test and shamefully shove it in his backpack to avoid being labeled as a nerd. Being a nerd myself, I think it’s pretty cool, so I never understood it. But either way, I’m glad he feels safe around me. I’m glad he doesn’t hide around me.
I forgot about this side of him, I really did. The side that is my friend.
We were walking back to my place, taking in the bliss of the quiet night. Even if a part of me prefers the busier, noisy parts of the city, it’s really soothing to experience the calmer sides of it too. Everything about tonight feels nearly perfect. I’m surprised nothing ruined it. I’m debating if I could ruin it…
I really want to talk to him. I wanna bring up those photos, get some answers, put my strange emotions to rest once and for all. I wanna hear it from him that neither of them meant to hurt me. That this was just my mind screwing me over again. I need to know. I really need to know. 
You know, friends are supposed to lend a shoulder when you need it.
I don’t want to ruin the night. But friendship takes risks sometimes. That’s what shows its strength, right?
I take a deep breath and go for the leap of faith.
“So, I was wondering—” “Salena, I wanted to ask—” 
I really gotta work on my timing for these things.
“S-Sorry! You go first.”
He shook his head with a delicate smile. “Nah, it’s okay. You can go.”
“Are you sure? I-I mean it’s kinda complicated…”
“Yeah, I’m sure! I always love hearing you talk, anyway.” 
“O-okay then, well…” My hands balled up into determined fists and I looked him right in the eyes. I have to put an end to this or I’ll never be able to move on. “I’ll be real, it might be a weird question.But you’re my friend and I really trust you a lot. I… I have to know this, so please don’t get mad.”
“Yeah…?” Why did he have to lean in closer…
I came this far, I’m not letting my tongue shut me up again. 
“What’s going on with you and Jaiden?”
Immediately his demeanor changed. His posture slouched, the disappointment clear as day on his face. “Jaiden? You’re—you’re really thinking about… about them, now?” 
“Yes, b-but I want to stop! That’s why I need to ask you this, so please bear with me, Zane.”
He leaned back with a hand on his hip, the other covering his face as he exhaled. “And here I was getting my hopes up for nothing.”
He would never think that I heard him; Zane’s a good whisperer. Unfortunately, my hearing rivals it.
He looked at me again; his eyes didn’t feel the same. “Okay, fine. What is it?”
I felt my stomach twist into itself. My chest began to ache. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was about to hurl.
It’s okay. Friends get a little upset at each other all the time. Doesn’t mean they’ll break apart. Don’t be a coward, Salena. 
I told him about everything. The canceled plans, Jaiden’s distant behavior, the increase in their pics together on his Instagram. I vented about how frustrated I felt with seeing them spend so much time together and then completely ignore me. And then vented some more about how frustrated I felt from that frustration, how I knew it was wrong yet couldn’t help it seeping into my everyday life! I let out a lot of steam tonight, even things I didn’t plan on telling him. The only things I left out, honestly, were anything related to the turtles to hide their identity. And to avoid any irrelevant questions.
He seemed strangely chipper hearing all of this, a curiously amused smirk plastered on his face. Not the reaction I expected, but I guess it’s better than him flipping out like I thought he would. 
“So, if I’m getting this right, you see me and Jaiden hanging out more often and it actually bothers you?”
“I don’t want it to but yeah, it bothers me a whole fucking lot. It’s taken over my life and I hate it! I hate being jealous! It’s so—“ 
“You’re jealous!? You’re jealous! Oh man, I can’t believe I am living in the same timeline where the Salena Moni is experiencing jealousy like every. Average. Lowlife. Person!” 
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead and rub it in, why dontcha? That helps me so much.” I pouted.
He laughed, enjoying my misery. “I know, I’m sorry. Just, damn! Somewhere, pigs are flying aren’t they?” If Meat Sweats could fly, I’d be his murderous Cupid.
“Har har. I get it though. I mean, you know me! I’ve felt envious before, but jealous? How does anyone even deal with this…?” I held myself a little tighter.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Dove. It happens! Everyone gets a little jealous. It’s a normal thing to go through, Salena.”
“Yeah, I sure did want a normal life, so I guess I got what I wished for.” I can’t help feeling salty over all this. 
He only laughed and patted my hair, fluffing up the ponytail a little. 
“Hey, Zane? For the sake of my psyche, you sure I’m not a bad person for this?”
A tender sigh rang through my ears. “I’m sure. You could never be a bad person, Salena.” 
…I never realized a husky voice like his could feel so honeyed.
But he’s right. I’m not a bad person, I’m just human. If both him and Raph said the same thing, it’s more likely to be true.
“And for the record, Jaiden and I are just friends right now. There’s nothing going on between us, so you don’t have to worry.”
“Uh… Cool? I… might be a little lost here. Why are you telling me that?”
“Reassurance, obviously.”
I blinked, not really getting it or knowing how to respond. He thought for a moment, then had a face of realization while he giggled.
“Oh my god, don’t tell me you’re actually that innocent! You’re so cute, I swear!” He booped my nose and leaned in again with a huge smile. He lowered his voice almost to a whisper. “You’re jealous because you have a crush.” 
A crush?
“But why would I have a crush on Jaiden?” 
“I’m just saying—Wait, rewind. A crush on Jaiden?” He physically paused for a bit before awkwardly laughing. “No, sweetie, you don’t get jealous of your crush, you get jealous of the people they’re with!”
“That’s why I’m asking. Why would I have a crush on Jaiden?”
…Why does the air feel colder all of a sudden? 
The night was warm just a minute ago, but now it’s dead like the core of winter. His smile is long gone. His eyes, they’re slicing me in half. Is my breathing a little faster? He’s coming closer. I’m suddenly aware of just how alone we really are here in this silent little street. 
“To be clear. Who are you jealous of.”
My throat clogged up. I blinked and lowered my eyes so he wouldn’t see the tears being fought back. I forgot this side of him, too. The side that made my heart close in on itself.
“Salena, don’t make me ask twice.”
“Of you.” I managed to let out. “J-jealous of you.”
He wouldn’t speak for a while. Only felt him staring me down like a predator stalking its prey, making me swallow to keep my throat from drying up. My hands felt so clammy, begging me to wipe them on my skirt. But I didn’t dare move. I couldn’t even look at him right now.
“Of fucking course you are.”
I knew it was coming, but I still flinched when he cursed with no shame, tugging his hair and punching the wall next to me. It’s stupid, isn’t it? I can handle giant mutants and a literal cult of evil, but Zane’s temper was not something to be messed with, and my unlucky ass did exactly that.
“Why did I ever expect anything different! Of course it’s me you’re jealous of! Why the fuck would you phrase it like that if you meant something else, god dammit!”
You’re gonna bleed if you keep doing that…
“Z-Zane, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t think it’d come off as me being jealous of Jaiden—“
“OBVIOUSLY, IT FUCKING WOULD!!!” He grabbed my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. I don’t know if it’d be an exaggeration to say I nearly got a panic attack from the action alone. 
“When you say things like how you’re jealous of how much time Jaiden and I spend together, of course I think you’re jealous of them, not me! Why would I ever assume it was me! That never happens with anyone else! God, you’re such a fucking moron sometimes, I swear!” 
“I'm sorry… P-please stop…”
“After everything we’ve fucking been through, everything I did for you! All you can ever do is somehow relate me back to Jaiden! There’s always someone else! I mean nothing to you, Salena! Don’t I!? I! Mean! Nothing!”
“I-I didn’t mean to, I promise—”
He let go and pushed me back. Sometimes I overlook how much bigger Zane is compared to me. This is not one of those times. 
“You know what? You know what’s funny, Salena? That night you’re so fucking fixated on, the one that’s consumed your ability to even think like a normal person? Yeah, I’ve got some news about that night.” 
I just want to disappear…
“I asked Jaiden to go with me to that shitty party on purpose!”
“I asked them on purpose, I posted those pictures on purpose! I did everything ‘cause I knew you’d see it! I thought maybe then, for once, you’d finally, finally feel a single ounce of longing for me! That was all I wanted!”
“…You better be lying, Zane.”
“I’m not. And you deserve this.”
I glared at him the entire time while he was too focused on his own bullshit words to even notice. My arms burned with the sensation of my nails digging deeper and deeper. I hope they'll draw blood.
“You don’t understand, Salena! You keep saying all these… all these stupid fucking things that no one else says to me! Do you know what it does to me? If I had my way, I’d hold you forever and never let you go. No one’s shown me kindness like you.”  I was so numb I couldn’t even react to him caressing my cheek. Only kept glaring. 
“But then you barely ever give me the time of day! You’re barely ever with me! Fuck, honestly, you’re never with me anymore! I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s not like you to say one thing and do another! You’re not that type of two-faced asshole! So why are you fucking acting like one!? Ever since that day you went to ‘hang out’ with that stupid drugged-out bitch you called a friend, you’ve never been the fucking same! With the way you act, I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if you got addicted and stay on the high 24/7!”
He’s… Is he talking about Mikey? That’s what this is about? Is he fucking serious right now.
“Who are you!? Where is my Salena?” 
“Did you know Jaiden and I had plans that day?”
“No, I didn’t. I’m not stupid, I wasn’t gonna go that far. I wanted you to get a taste of what it felt to not be chosen, that’s it! Obviously, it was dumb to think it would work!” The dumb bitch sighed, exasperated. As if he had any right to be. “Seems you don’t have room for me in that big heart of yours after all, huh? Maybe I’m a dick for saying this, but it’s honestly karma that I happened to choose the one day you two were gonna hang out. That’s gotta be a sign, Salena.”
You never get the fucking hint, do you Zane Evans?
“I need to go.”
I couldn’t even get two steps in before he gripped my wrist to stop me.
“Wait, what do you mean go? Go where?”
“I meant exactly what I said! I’ve had enough. Now let go of me.”
I yanked my arm back and stormed off, Zane following close behind. At least, judging from the sound he was. I didn’t bother looking back. 
“Hey! Your place is in the opposite direction!”
“Stop following me, I can go wherever I want!”
“Salena, seriously!? It’s already late, you’re gonna get lost! Come on, are you really that pissed off—”
I turned my heel and faced him.
“How are you even unsure of that!? You got upset I hung out with someone else for one day—a person I made plans with in advance, might I add—and you decided to take revenge on me!? Do you have any clue how fucked up that is!?”
“I got a little mad! So what? You’ve known me for two years! Stop overreacting about a harmless dig!”
“Harmless!? You have no idea what I’ve gone through this past month because of your little ‘harmless’ stunt! I’ve suffered so much because of you! I can’t even sleep because of you! God, sometimes you’re so—Ugh!”
I began counting down from ten to one, just like Raph taught. I shouldn’t say something I’ll regret later. Honestly, I shouldn’t have said anything at all.
He looked like a sad puppy. It’s clear he wasn’t expecting this. But somehow, my sympathy won’t halt my anger tonight.
“Salena, I… Look, I didn’t know you’d be so sensitive over this—“
“Zane, I really need to leave. I’m sorry I exploded like that, but it’s gonna happen again if I stay here any longer. So please, just stop following me. Hurting you would add more shit to my plate and I really don’t need that right now, okay?” 
“N-no! Stay! I can make it up to you!”
“Another day, any day, but not now! Not now.”
I walked away and this time he didn’t follow. 
I heard his footsteps stomp in the other direction, slowly fading away.
My own legs went faster till the wind consumed me. 
The anger returned almost instantly after I knew he left. I’m happy I kept my cool during the end back there but holy fucking shit! What was he thinking!? I wanted answers tonight but I didn’t expect this! I thought I was overthinking again! I thought my brain made up the possibility that they ditched me intentionally! But no, turns out it wasn’t just Jaiden but Zane, too! What the fuck did I do to them? What did he mean I “deserved it”!? 
I don’t get it, what is he expecting me to do? I know he… feels a certain way about me. But even then! I can’t just shit romantic feelings for him out my ass! 
Ugh, so fucking stupid. I’m gonna lose my head if I keep thinking about this.
I wandered around the city some more and got back to the main road where a good handful of cars were passing again. It’s past 1am now and I’ve gotta get ready for school in less than five hours. But I know damn well I won’t sleep, not after this. I don’t wanna go home. Take me anywhere but home. I don’t feel like facing any of this right now, I…
I want somewhere I can feel safe for a while, just so the day won’t end on such a horrible note.
I pulled out my phone and opened the contacts. I wish I was one of those folks who didn’t have to think of someone before they dialed but alas, here I am. 
I can’t talk to Jaiden. 
I obviously can’t talk to Zane.
I don’t know if I can tell Casey any of this yet.
I’d love to talk to April but she’s probably asleep by now. But… but the guys might not be! They’re usually up at these sort of freakish hours of the night. I could try giving the group chat a call and hope for the best. I feel bad for bothering them so often but who else do I have right now?
It took three rings before the line went through.
“You are conversing with Donatell—Why is your screen so dark?” 
Oh fucking lovely.
“H-hey, Donnie. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was a video call.”
As my luck would have it, Donnie was the one to pick up. No offense to him; he never did anything wrong. I’m just not entirely sure how he feels about me yet. So, having him answer when I’m already high on nerves isn’t what I pictured hoping for the best would result in. But he’s much, much better than being alone right now.
“Uh, what… Whatcha up to?”
“Oh, simply being my usual genius self to aid with our nightly hero duties! Sure, no regular teenager could detect a break-in on sensitive confidential info before the actual government could, but I, Othello Von Ryan, have proven to be no regular teen!” 
“Yep, definitely the usual for you.” 
Donnie’s def no less than Leo when it comes to being allergic to humility. Though, they both earned their egos. Donnie’s not wrong; not just any person could be nearly as smart as him.
“So, did you need anything fixed? You’re calling at a rather unusual hour for a school night.” 
“Oh, no, not really. I mean, I was kinda out with a friend, but things… ended abruptly. I don’t really feel like sleeping right now. I wanted some company?” 
He opened his mouth to respond but got interrupted by a familiar accent asking who was on the phone. The instant my name left his voice, three others repeated it with joy. My screen suddenly overflowed with four green goofballs all trying to fit in the camera’s scope at once.
“SALENA! How are you? How come you’re not asleep? Don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“Mikey, it’s Salena, it’s way too early for them to sleep.”
“Wow, Leo, anyone ever tell you how funny you are?” My words didn’t match my tone. I wonder why.
“Leo, let ‘er breathe!” The camera shook as a red bandana came into frame. “Hey, but for real. Why you up so late, Salena? Somethin’ up?”
“Nah, just couldn’t sleep! I thought I’d call you guys for a bit, but from the sounds of it, y’all seem kinda busy.” 
The camera moved again as the device got transferred to the next turtle. “Give me my—Ugh, there we go. And yes, you’re correct. We are actually busy with a mission tonight.” 
I tried keeping my smile intact as I understandingly nodded my head. Is he mad at me for assuming they were free the exact moment I needed them to be? I mean, I’d be mad at me, so it’d make sense.
“Hey, but you know what?” Leo leaned next to Donnie, trying to see the screen. “You should totally join us! Tag along, have some fun, we’d all love that!”
You would?
“What? Nardo, what are you—“
“OMIGOSH, YEAH!” Mikey jumped in, knocking Donnie out of frame entirely. “If you’re not gonna sleep, we should totally hang out! I really miss you, Salena!” 
“Uh, am I really the only one thinking it would be a bad idea to let the person who barely leaves their house join us on a mission to a highly-secured and regulated government facility?”
“Chillax, Don, she’ll be fine! You’ll be fine, right Salena?”
“I mean, uh—” 
“See? What’d I tell ya, totally fine!” 
“Raph agrees! Salena can handle herself.” 
“Oh sure, I’m absolutely positive nothing could go wrong! He said without a trace of doubt.”
…I can’t tell if he’s trying to protect me or just doesn’t want me there. Neither option feels good right now, to be honest.
“C’mon, Dee, we’ve all seen her fight before! Including you, remember? When they helped us stop Meat Sweats?”
 Mikey’s got a point. That was before I had any real battle experience, too! I don’t know why Donnie seems so hesitant about this. Or why it’s making me so pissy, actually.
Another car passed by and I lowered the volume a bit, remembering the time. Now that I’m actually near some apartments, I don’t wanna accidentally wake someone up. I really gotta save up for some new earbuds; my last ones broke like, a month ago and I can only make do for so long.
“Three to one, hermano. You’re outnumbered.”
“But—Sigh, forget it! Salena, I—“
“‘NOUGH SMALL TALK!” At this point, they’re just playing hot potato with Donnie’s phone. “Salena, hurry up! We’re boutta start the mission so don’t want ya missin’ out!”
“Ha! Almost made a pun!”
“Shut up, Leo. Anyways, we’re at uh… Uh… Hey, Donnie, where we at?” 
I could hear him struggling for his phone in the distance. “You could just send our coordinates!”
“I could send her our coordinates! …How does Raph do that, again?”
The audio muffled as the phone shuffled back to its rightful owner. “God, I’m so gonna install security on this thing. Anyway, I’m sending our location to you right now. And as I was GOING TO SAY BEFORE! Salena, I look forward to seeing you again.”
He flashed a smile and part of my worries vanished. I’m still not sure how to read him but if he’s being nice, it can’t be all bad, right?
“OH, AND IF YA CAN, COULD YOU BRING ME A SNACK—“ Donnie hung up before the teddy bear could finish.
Luckily for him, his face beamed when I finally arrived around twenty minutes later and did, in fact, bring him a snack. 
“Hey guys! Hope I didn’t take—“
I couldn’t even finish speaking before finding myself laughing on the floor with four giant turtles hounding me in hugs. 
“It has been way too long since we’ve hugged!” Poor Mikey, I haven’t been able to see him in a hot minute. “Nice ponytail, by the way. Really makes your eyes pop.”
“Aww, thanks! I missed you guys too. Ugh, I really wish scheduling was easier! I’d hang out more often.” 
“Dude, why waste time on schedules when you could just come over?”
“‘Xactly! Ain’t like you’re not welcome!”
“Oh. I-I mean, sure! If you guys really don’t have a problem with it…” I wonder if this is what it’s like to feel wanted.
“I just wanted you to get a taste of what it felt to not be chosen!”
…T-then again, they’re probably just being polite.
“And fits perfectly, just as the estimations foretold!” The fuck? 
I looked down and saw a shiny black belt matching the arm wraps now resting above my hips. It’s actually fairly loose around my waist but I’m guessing that was the intention. There’s a giant pink button on the left with the same M-shaped logo as all of theirs. It looked super cool, honestly! Even seemed to match with my outfit!
“Woaaah, what is this thing?”
“Donnie. Really?” Leo didn’t sound impressed and neither did the others but, like, who cares! The belt’s dope as hell!
He ignored them and continued addressing me. “It basically functions both as your very own panic button and is a carrier for your sickles thanks to a highly specific magnetic attraction! Plus, it obviously helps tie in your outfit better ‘cause Great Galileo did you need some accessories.”
“Damn, I didn’t know my sickles were magnetic!”
“Oh, they weren’t before, I installed magnets in them last night.” With that, he pulled my fucking weapons seemingly out of his ass. Judging by everyone else’s groans though, I’m the only one who’s surprised and confused.
“Donald! What did we say about breaking into strangers’ homes!” 
“Hey, I didn’t break in!… to a stranger’s home! I broke into Salena’s, Salena is not a stranger—OW, HEY!” Raph slapped the back of his head. One quick yet dramatic recovery later, we all began our route of sneaking into the building. 
Security wasn’t monitoring the higher floors, so we only had to ninja our way up ‘till there and the rest was easy peasy. I tried focusing on the quick briefing I was receiving on the way up but my mind was admittedly elsewhere. Back to the weird situation I thought I dreamt up last night.
I don’t remember much. I was too tired to really register anything, and Donnie being a ninja probably enhanced that. But I do remember still hearing faint footsteps in my room; drawers being opened, the closet getting browsed. I was so out of it I figured I probably hallucinated everything. Either way, I was way too paralyzed to do anything; I couldn’t even put my phone back earlier. Kept passing in and out of consciousness. But it seemed like someone put it back for me. They helped my sloppy body into a position that wouldn’t leave me aching the next morning and pulled the covers up to tuck me in. What really sealed the whole dream theory to me was the metallic-textured “hand” that patted my head before they left and let the world return to tranquility.
I seriously did figure it was all a weird fever dream or some shit. Personally, I still feel like that’s more believable than it being Donnie all along. But staring down at my sickles, I guess I can’t really argue against the proof right in front of me. 
“Gentlemen, here we are! The Techno Cosmic Research Institute! Otherwise known as”—the door opened as I returned back to present time—“The TCRI.”
The moon illuminated the flat, revealing that we were in a main lobby of some sorts. Huge and spacious, decorated with different plants I’m sure Zane would’ve gone crazy over. 
…I shouldn’t think about him right now.
It was a huge and spacious lobby full of plants. The windows that were tinted from the outside now presented a full view of the city skyline. Doors were carved into the walls, transitioning to the other rooms. Some, like the several meeting rooms, were made with glass so I could vaguely make out the interior from here. Others were blocked by heavy, solid, metal doors, holding whatever secrets the government had behind them.
I felt strange setting foot in this place, like I wasn’t supposed to be here. Well, I guess we are breaking and entering, but it’s not that. It’s something else, something I can’t quite explain. Unrelated to the guys but personal to me. I feel I’m not wanted for a reason I’m not yet aware of. It’s freaking me out a little. 
“So, what do the Purple Dragons want with this place again?”
“Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. I only caught a break-in to the system in general and tracked it back to Kendra, I don’t have info on what they’re trying to gain access to. Whatever it is, though, it has an impressively tight security system that’s nearly impossible to break! At least, not through their simple B-tier remote hacking.”
“If the Purple Dragons want it, then it’s gotta be something major.” I’ve known about them for a while thanks to April. 
It kinda shocked me at first, not because a group of teens created a tech-smart gang but because April O’Neil was a loser to someone. Call me a little biased—and you’d be right—but I still think Kendra’s got rocks for brains if she ignores someone like April. 
But that’s a mental essay for another day. Right now, Leo’s smirking. And if Leo’s smirking, things will either go amazingly well or horrifically wrong. 
“So… If we’re already here, why don’t we just figure out what they want ourselves?”
Mikey propped his chin up on Leo’s shoulder. “You mean like, go and explore? Sounds rad to me!”
“Yeah! Sneak around, let Donnie do his nerdy smart people stuff and see what’s so great about this place, yeah?” 
“Invade the privacy of our nation’s government and scavenge for confidential data!? Nardo, I love you!”
“Raph? Your call, buddy.”
He was shockingly quick to shrug. “Sure! Raph don’t see a problem with it. Sounds hella fun to me!”
“Uh, guys?” I raised my hand. “Isn’t this, like, highly illegal?” 
“And?” They all said in unison. To be fair, legal doesn’t sound like them anyway. 
“What are they gonna do? Arrest us?” His hand circled in front of his blue bandana.
“And don’t worry, you won’t get in trouble for anything that happens! Donnie can get rid of the evidence and no one will know you were here, right Dee?” Mikey shot a wink at Donnie.
Dang, Mikey’s made a lot of good points tonight. 
“Eh, you’re right. To hell with laws!” Passing up an opportunity to explore a space institution would be laughably unlike me, anyway! 
We decided to split up and meet back at the main lobby in fifteen, assuming the Purple Dragons hadn't arrived by then. It’s kind of scary wandering on my own in this place. It still feels off to me, but at the same time, I’ve always wanted so desperately to walk through a facility like this. Fascinating space research, meeting after meeting to discuss whatever new breakthrough was made, access to a shit ton of databases and technologies I’ll never have the chance to use at home!? Everything about this place is perfect! It’s all I dreamed it to be. 
So why won’t that damn feeling go away?
Whatever, it’s probably just tonight in general. I really, really, need to get over it and move on already or else I’m guaranteed to fuck up the whole mission.
I sighed and glanced down at my arm wraps, raising them to get a better look. Despite my flip-floppy mood, I couldn’t help but smile. It’s dorky but they do comfort me every now and then. They felt nice to wear and even looking at them made me all fuzzy and nostalgic. They feel like an older me even though I got them recently. 
“I take it you liked them, then.” 
His voice startled me, I thought everyone went their own ways but I guess Donnie was nearby. 
“Yeah, I do! The belt, too, they’re really cool gifts! Thank you.” He lit up when he heard those magic words. Man, I can’t believe I forgot to thank him sooner. Poor guy was probably aching for some feedback.
“I-I actually always wondered how you made them. They feel really sturdy but like, it’s not heavy to wear, either, if that makes sense.”
“Oh yeah, totally!” He typed on the screen on his arm, booting up the scanning feature to make sure we didn’t miss anything. “It’s an intentional design choice. They are supposed to act as armor, so.”
“Woah, cool! Do they count as tactical gear? As in military grade and all that jazz?”
“What? No, that’s not even good quality, that’s just a buzzword. Military grade simply means they met the minimum stated requirements at the lowest unit price.”
“…Low budget, few money, lead to mid product, good enough for gullible minds and general public consumption.” 
Ohhhh. “So they lied.”
“As per usual. It’s shit engineering in actuality.”
I pushed open one of the meeting rooms’ glass doors as Donnie’s shell held up a bright torch. We began scouting the area for anything interesting while continuing our talk. All this investigative work’s reminding me of April and the way she’d gush about doing the same. Completely understanding the appeal now; it feels so thrilling snooping around somewhere you’re not supposed to be! Especially when the law’s involved.
The room wasn’t anything unordinary. It looked like any other corporate meeting room. The long table leading to the small TV on the wall, decorative paintings and plants, the usual. Man, we probably should’ve gone into a more interesting—“OW!”
“…Watch your step.” He said after I already fell to my knees.
“Thanks for the very useful warning. What even was that?”
He shined the light closer to a… metal? No, definitely not entirely metal. A robot arm sloppily plopped on the floor. We couldn’t see what the arm was attached to, if it was attached to anything at all. It’s too long to trace back with the torch light from where we are. One thing’s for sure, though: It’s giant. The claw I tripped over is practically the same size as my head. 
“Hmm…” He crouched closer to the arm, slowly inspecting it. “Weird. It looks like it’s made of some cheap plastic. Perhaps a prototype of some sorts.”
“I don’t think they’d make it this big if it was a prototype.” Maybe we could do a test to see what type of plastic it is. “You got any fire?”
“While I see your angle and would love to carry through that experiment, it’s probably not wise to burn something we don’t know the purpose of. Or, you know, alert the security of our presence from the alarms.”
“Yeah, fair…” Man, would’ve been hella fun, though. 
We both stayed on the floor, a little stumped on what the hell this thing was. My eyes got bored after a while and wandered around the room again. The only interesting thing in here was this weird ass plastic arm, it’s pretty much useless looking around the room but it did keep me entertained. There were five plants in this room which explains the fresh smell, all of them were basic enough for me to recognize. Two zebra plants, a ponytail palm, and…
I ignored the plant on the table when I spotted something thin underneath it, hidden by the shadows. I think it’s a slip of paper?
Donnie’s sigh brought my attention back. “You know what, I’m gonna go to their computer lab to see if one of their databases has anything about this thing.”
“Aight, I’ll stay back and keep exploring. Good luck!”
Right as he left, I sped over to the mysterious paper, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. The table was tall enough for me to comfortably sit under, leaning over the paper on the floor to read it. It’s, coincidentally enough, about that puzzling arm. The incomplete text made it clear it was probably part of a stack of paper or a file and fell out. Sadly, it didn’t reveal much but what I could get out of it was that it’s an automated arm controlled by an AI system, mostly covered with polypropylene plastic. Heh, PP plastic. Oh, it was created for the purpose of security. Well that’s just fantastic. I should go warn the boys about it.
I quickly snapped a pic of the loose sheet, almost getting out from under the table.
…But I’m glad as hell I didn’t.
I heard it. A soft, mechanical hum as something slithered off the ground. I grabbed my sickles from their belt, trying to minimize my shaking. It took a few blinks and tries but I managed to turn invisible, watching the machine move through the darkness. How was it suddenly on?
Its movements were smooth and natural. Too natural for something meant to be robotic. It’s so eerily graceful, slithering through the air. The arm swiveled its claw around like an animal head checking its surroundings. It… It’s looking where I am. It’s looking at me. It shouldn’t be able to see me, I’m not supposed to be visible! But it won’t stop staring.
”FUCK!” I shrieked when it lunged at me, quickly slicing it before it could grab me. Thank god it’s just plastic… Why the fuck is it hollow? 
That doesn’t make any sense! Shouldn’t there be wiring or something? Even if not to connect the AI, how the hell can it move like that without anything to mimic muscle!? 
I gasped, turning my head to the side. I can hear something else. It’s gooey and mushy and… 
It’s looping around the room.
It’s getting louder.
”W-what the hell?”
…I think I can see it now. Something solid but stretchy, resembling thick vines climbing up the plastic arm. I backed up, watching as it crawled over to the newly severed claw. It pulled the claw back to its other half and tightened around them. It glowed? A sickeningly blinding green color. Before I realized what was going on, the claw suddenly reattached as the vines slinked back into the darkness. 
It saw me again and the chase resumed. 
It’s so damn fast, I can barely outrun it! Dodging is saving my ass but it keeps knocking over any furniture I used against it! 
I jumped when I heard Donnie from the comms. Wait, he installed comms on my arm wraps? 
“What’s making all that racket? Everything okay over there?”
”You can hear that!?”
”Yeah, I’m literally right next door?”
”Well—SHIT!” Too fucking close, too fucking close! It almost fucking grabbed me! Fuck, my knees hurt from that! “SON OF A—Don’t worry, I can handle it! I’ll explain soon!”
I tried getting off the floor as quickly as possible but the claw pulled me back down. The four sharp grippers opened up like a mouth and a fucking chainsaw came out. It went straight for my head, life flashing before my eyes as my sickles blocked it by pure reflex, holding it back. It won’t back off! I can’t keep pushing forever! How the hell do I get out of this!?
A spinning titanium blur whacked the arm back, grabbing its attention to the maniacally smiling turtle now dashing through the room. His arm reached out, grabbing his staff from mid-air, and chopped off the robot arm with a giant drill. I curled in on myself right before a bright, violet shield spread over me and kept the arm’s falling metal parts from landing on me.
“You know, that did not seem like ‘handling it’.” 
My vision cleared to his hand offering to help me up. I’m suddenly getting deja vu from the other countless times my helpless damsel-wannabe ass needed a rescue. Panicked and guilt-ridden, I waved it off and got up on my own. 
“We gotta get outta here right now!”
“What? Why? I already—”
The vines returned and began repeating their process of fixing the arm. Though this time, it seems to be going faster.
“Oh my banana pancakes! What is that!?”
“I don’t know but that’s why we’re leaving! Come on!”
I grabbed his hand and we ran out the room, running into the others in the main lobby.
”Leo! There’s—”
“Crazy killer robot arms, we know. Was just in the middle of talking about that, actually.” He gave a glance of disapproval to the pouting red giant next to Mikey. Who also looks hella annoyed. It would appear we’ve walked in on a teensy squabble. 
I heard Donnie sigh beside me “Raph, please tell me you didn’t.” He left my clueless ass standing there to join in on their talk.
Wait—Oh god, not again!
Turning around, I grabbed my sickles. I heard it again. Managed to dodge just in time for its jab to my right. It seems the guys are too busy to notice and I really don’t wanna burden them again. I’ll solo this one!
“When I said we should go explore, I didn’t mean go ‘round pushing things! We’re in a government building, why would you touch anything!?”
I heard another hit coming and blocked it with the blade. 
Yeah, I-I can totally take this! I should let them finish their conversation—Holy fuck, there’s more than one, fucking end my suffering already. 
”I didn’t mean to! You guys know I got a weak spot, what was I supposed to do? If they didn’t want Raph to push the big, red button, maybe they shouldn’t make it big ‘n red!” 
“Buddy, that’s not how that works and you know that.”
There’s three of them now and they’re so unreasonably fast! It’s so hard to keep up! Ugh, it almost feels like I am being punished after all. 
My accidental yelp luckily got drowned by Mikey’s groan. “Man, just let it go! We can smell your ‘I know I fucked up but don’t wanna admit it ‘cause I’m the big brother’ stench!”
I really didn’t mean to blurt that out but the claw dug into my leg and yanked me off the ground! Guilt aside, it’s probably a good thing I caught their attention, especially since I dropped my sickles like a fucking moron!
“SALENA!” His sword slashed through the air but got promptly blocked and thrown back by another metal claw. A scary amount of them are showing up now! The guys are completely surrounded and I’m stuck useless, dangling in the air!
One of the arms came closer and opened its grippers, a scanner popping out this time, its red beam blinding my eyes. My breathing grew shallow, the commotion from below fading away. I’m getting lightheaded from being suspended upside down. I need to get out of this situation. But there’s nothing I can do. Just squint past the light and anxiously wait for its next move. 
My ears burned from the claw’s monstrous shriek. It sounds like a fucking animalistic version of nails on a chalkboard! Why did it react to me like this? Why me? Aren’t we all intruders? Why is it just me!?
“You deserve this.”
Was he right?
I didn’t process getting swung in the air until I was let go with enough momentum to cause a crash through the decor. My arms shook as I tried lifting my body up. Everything hurts, everything fucking hurts! My ears, my arms, my legs! My head! I just wanted a little distraction tonight! Why is this happening?
Is this really my karma?
…Wait a sec.
When I managed to lift my head, I came face to face with a crack in the wall where the robot arms were emerging from. The vines I saw earlier turned out to be permanently merged with the arms at the roots and lead to… something behind the wall. The crack was too small to properly make much out but it looked like it was breathing?
Whatever, I don’t have time to be surprised. “Guys! The arms! They’re coming from over here!” 
The crack’s small but just big enough for something slim! Like—
The claw dug into my leg once again and began dragging me away. “Leo! Donnie! One of your weapons can fit through!” 
“Got it!”
“I’ll cover!”
Flashes of blue scattered around the lobby. Each portal and throw of his sword brought Leo closer and closer to the wall. I couldn’t watch for too long, though, as I found myself back in the air again. It froze my skin getting thrown across the room faster than before. This time, towards the glass windows. 
Chains grabbed at my ankle and yanked me back to the ground away from my disastrous fate. I looked up to see the tangerine flashing a confident yet relieved smile at me. “Hey!”
Mystic metal clinked as Mikey pulled back some of the robot arms chasing after Leo to buy him more time. Raph and Donnie quickly shifted gears and guarded me to make sure the plastic freaks couldn’t grab me again. Mikey continued to aid Leo, bouncing all over the room, keeping the arms distracted with his flow and somehow, still bringing them back to where he originally stood: Away from Leo. 
Finally, a sword was heard stabbing through the air and splashing through a soft, squishy substance. The arms dropped to the floor as the thing in the wall hissed in pain, slowly leading to the dreadfully awaited silence at last.
Mikey reached his hand out for me and pulled me up. “You good?”
“Not dead, yeah.” 
“Guess that’s a start.”
I glanced to the side at Donnie staring blankly at me, confused until he walked over and held one of my arms to examine my wrap. 
“Hmm, I wonder if there’s some modification I can do to your gloves that prevents your sickles from getting so easily lost.” I guess that’s why he was staring a minute ago. 
“Honestly, that’d be great. I keep losing them, so…”
“Yeah, I was thinking—“ 
“Nerd-talk later! Do a med scan!” Leo shoved him out the way and accidentally knocked Mikey back. Didn’t seem like he noticed since he immediately started checking me for injuries. I don’t even know when he got here?
Donnie sighed but went through with it anyway, tapping on his wrist as he checked my vitals. “No broken bones, no internal bleeding, nothing too concerning to report thankfully. Salena, do you feel alright?” 
“Mhm! Just some scratches here and there but I’ll live.” 
“Just some scratches, hm? You forgettin’ something?” Leo pointed down to my horrifically bruised and bloody leg. Whoops.
“…I-I’ll still live.”
While Leo took care of bandaging my leg, the rest of us spent the next few minutes catching our breaths. Mikey laid on the floor, limbs starfished out, while Donnie was texting April and catching her up to speed. I can only imagine how devastated she’d be in the morning, finding out she missed all this action. It’d have been nice having her here, honestly. 
Raph wasn’t near us, though. He stood by the wall where the once-breathing specimen was at. He kept peeking through the crack, rubbing his arm and looking hesitant about something.
“Raph?” My voice prompted the others to turn their attention to him.
“…Nobody else wonderin’ what the hell this thing could be? I know we’re only here to stop the Purple Dinos—“
“That’s Purple Dragons, Raphala.”
“—Whatever! But really, guys! After all that, we just gonna head home and forget about it?” 
He’s not wrong.
Come to think of it, this place is government funded. There should be no reason why some foreign entity exists in a place like the TCRI. They’re supposed to do space research and nothing else. That’s what they’re paid for.
“You know what?” Donnie turned his phone off. “I could work on hacking through their system myself. I don’t know if it’ll prove successful, but I can try.”
I felt Mikey’s head drop on my shoulder. He sure loves doing that. “What do we do about the vine thingies?” 
“Well, we can’t just—“ Leo paused, making eye contact with Raph. They shared a smirk and nodded.
“You thinkin’ what thinkin’ big bro?”
He chuckled, punching his fists together. “You bet!”
A bright red aura surrounded his figure as his arm reeled back and locked the sais in his hands.
My body staggered as the ground shook upon impact, the dust clearing to reveal the tiny gap in the wall is suddenly a giant ass hole now.
“Man, y’all really don’t give a shit about government property, do ya?” 
“Nope. But hey! It was def the right choice!” Raph’s snaggletooth gleamed through his mischievous smile.
The five of us stared through the hole, trying to comprehend the oversized specimen in front of us. It was a pulsing, yellow-green thing in the shape of a tall tube, wider on the top than the bottom. There were reddish lines on it zigzagging up and down almost like veins. It was punctured at its middle, caused by the blade of the katana that shot right through it a few moments ago. 
“Ya know, it kind of resembles a plant. Which would explain the mystery vines, actually.”
“What plant, then? Ain’t no plant Raph knows of that throbs.”
He shook his head with a light shrug. “Sadly, I am not sure. It looks a little like a pitcher plant but also not really? They shouldn’t be luminescent or have vines emerging out like that. And also the throbbing, of course.” 
Pitcher plant, ay? I’ve heard of that. They’re my favorite out of all the carnivorous jungle plants Zane rambled about once. Plants were actually one of the first things we had a genuine bond over, even if I’m pretty clueless about them. The way his eyes lit up when talking about them with so much love and adoration just melted me.
His eyes…
His godforsaken eyes…
“Huh?” How long have I been spaced out?
“You sure you’re good? You seemed kinda out of it just now.” I forgot how close Mikey was to me, I should be more careful.
“Yeah, it’s nothing.”
“Really? ‘Cause lowkey, you’ve been off all night. I didn’t wanna say anything but…”
“Oh, no, no, I’m—“
“Actually, you did mention something happened between you and your friend earlier, remember? Before you called me.” This violet ass motherfucker did not just erm actually me at the worst time ever.
“That what this about, big man? Had another fight with your friend?” Why is everyone suddenly focused on me!?
“N-Not the same one! This is someone different, I promise! T-that’s not to say I have a problem with everyone! I just… Um…” Great going, Salena! Now they’ll think you’re just insufferable and incapable of friendship! “I-I don’t think we should be—Well, we kinda have worse issues to worry about, don’t we?”
“Kendra and her yes-men ain’t here yet. What I wanna know is why you’re so spacey tonight! Dr. Feelings can’t help if he can’t know!”
“It’s nothing! N-nothing too bad, at least. He just—A-actually, it was really mostly me so um… It’s hard to explain exactly…”
Geez, my palms are annoyingly sweaty. I really don’t wanna give them the wrong idea, it was just one fight! It’s not a representation of our entire relationship! But I know from experience any time I try talking about Zane to someone, they end up hating him and I don’t want that! Fuck, I should’ve been more careful. My stupid tongue-tied gibberish ain’t helping the situation, either!
My shoulders flinched when I saw Leo stand in front of me, hand on his hip as he faced towards his brothers. “Okay, hermanos, give her some space! Stop smothering! I know we’re all worried, I’m worried too, but if Salena doesn’t wanna talk, they shouldn’t be forced to.”
The others finally piped down. None of them looked happy about it—understandably so—but it seemed Leo was able to convince them to drop it, anyway. I really owe him one. 
He peeked over his shoulder to glance back at me. “If you do wanna talk about something, though, we’re here for you.” 
…It’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t see how it’d help anything— 
“Good going, Jase. Real quiet of you.”
All of us, equally tense and gripping our weapons to stand guard, took a solid minute to process that the loud crash wasn’t another dumbass robot-plant-arm thing, but instead was Kendra and the other two stumbling through the main door they hacked open. Speak of the dragons and they arrive, I suppose.
She looked over at us and her sharp eyes drooped lower. “Of course.” 
I only ever knew Kendra before tonight, none of the other members. Hate her guts since she’s forever engraved as April’s bully in my mind and doesn’t seem to have changed. Her movements and mannerisms still match the coy, conniving person I remember her to be, walking over in such a smug, superior way that screams “greater than thou”. Once, back when they were still in high school, April had a mini breakdown due to college applications kicking her ass. She was struggling and stressing over not getting accepted into a good amount of her options and believed she’d have to rely solely on her safeties at that point. Kendra really rubbed it in. Wouldn’t shut up about it, demeaning her for being a failure. 
April knows damn well to never take Kendra seriously. However, it’s not a surprise those words still stung considering how stupidly frightening the whole college process is. Joke’s on Kendra, though. One of April’s main choices that had her wait-listed ended up accepting her in! As for Kendra? All hypocritical bark, no bite it seems. 
“Hello, Von Ryan. How’s life?”
“Good, good. How about you, enjoying your—what’d you call it? ‘Intellectual freedom’?” 
“Low blow even for you. You guys couldn’t fuck around here with your little toys another night?” She scoffed and rolled her eyes, her arms crossed over her chest. Her gaze drifted towards me as her brows furrowed more. 
“Who’s that—Hold up. You… Yeah, I remember you!” She’s doing that annoying fake-nice tone she uses sometimes, the one that makes me wanna punch her in the face. “You’re that idiot kid April wouldn’t shut up about tutoring last year! What’s a teacher’s pet like you doing here?”
Mikey gasped and covered my ears like a parent to a toddler witnessing sailor-speak. “Hey! Don’t you dare talk about our friend like that!” 
I honestly couldn’t care less what Kendra says about me. Personally, I’m more focused on the other two, right now. It’s my first time ever seeing them, I think Donnie said their names were Jason and Jeremy? They’ve been pretty quiet so far, standing at her side and smirking like Saturday-morning cartoon lackeys. One of them had a large, blocky figure, dark skin, and dyed green hair. His gold visor looked pretty cool, I’ll admit. The other—I could guess from his hunched demeanor alone—was definitely their token punching bag. He’s got these awkward gloves that are way too big for his hands. Dark eyes, short, black hair, and round… glasses…
“YOU—HIM! OH MY GOD! NOOOO, NO-NO-NO-NO! NO! NO!” Ain’t no motherfucking way this bitch is who I think he is, this has to be a prank! It has to! For the sake of my sanity! Oh, but it isn't! It’s fucking real!
“...Salena? You doin’ okay?” The others looked concerned at my sudden and dramatic outlash. Fucking of course, Donnie and Mikey wouldn’t know! Jason still had the bag over his head when he was around them! Fuck, why didn’t I just take it off right there!?
“Jason! That asshole was who we saved from Meatsweats a few months ago!”
Raph and Leo looked just as lost as before. Mikey and Donnie, on the other hand, went pale with shock.
“That was you!?” Donnie’s staff pointed directly at the fucker. “Why didn’t you say anything!? I know you recognized my voice!” 
“I can’t believe Salena and I interrupted a perfectly nice day to save you of all folks! You ruined our lovely little ice cream date, dawg!”
“I was being kidnapped by a pig monster? Why would I reveal I’m a rival when you were the only help I had?”
“And yet, here you are, the very reason we’re stuck in this creepy facility, preventing you three from illegally accessing information and doing who knows what with it even though you now owe us one, YOU UNGRATEFUL MENACE!”
Before I could fix my brain enough to join in on justifiably shaming the idiot, I noticed Leo and Raph exchanging confused glances at each other.
“...What the hell is going on?”
“Raph don’t know.” They both looked at me for answers because the universe hates me.
I tearfully and shamefully explained the bullshit scenario we are now stuck in due to my impulsivity. “Donnie, Mikey, and I saved a guy from Meatsweats I think back in April? H-he had a bag over his head so they didn’t know what he looked like and I-I was the only one who saw him without it b-but I didn’t know he was part of the fucking Purple Dragons and—Fuck my life! My first ever save and it was a villain!?” The one time I actually did something useful…
God, there’s so much noise everywhere! Everyone’s arguing with each other or trying to get it to stop or whatever else is going on! My head hurts. Why did I even come here? I should’ve just went home. I should’ve stayed with Zane. I keep getting in the way, I keep making mistakes, I keep ruining things!
I have to keep my composure, though. I don’t wanna cry in a situation like this, not when I’ve already done enough harm.
“Wait a sec, where’s Jeremy?” 
We all paused, the realization clearing up as we heard a cheer from another room. “Yes! I got in! I got past the system!”
“Holy shit, he’s in the computer lab! Quick, we—” 
A bat hit Donnie straight on his stomach and knocked him back, Raph catching him so he wouldn’t fall to the floor. 
Kendra clicked her tongue as she laughed. “I gotta hand it to ya, you morons somehow turned off these stupid security systems. Definitely the most annoying part I’d have had to figure out; I guess that’s why I wanted ‘em, anyway. I don’t know how you did it but congrats! You’re not completely useless.” It looked more like she was addressing Donnie over any of us.
“But now?” She and Jason blocked the door. Her bat stood by her side. “Stay out of my fucking way.”
Obviously, that’s not happening, so chaos erupted instead. One would think a Two VS. Five would be pretty easy to handle… until they saw how well Kendra used her bat, that is. She’s faster than I expected, able to zip around before anyone could properly react. Definitely has a strong arm, too. Then, of course, there’s the traitor. Jason pushed his glasses up his nose bridge and took out his own set of weapons. Or should I say, whipped them out. ‘Cause they’re actually fucking whips. 
They were almost impossible to get by. Glowing in the dark room, buzzing from the static friction they made against each other. 
He targeted them towards Leo who barely managed to dodge just in time. Mikey, not being as lucky, got smacked right in the face.
“OW! Hey! Since when did he even have those!?” 
“Oh! Since last week, actually. I made them using—”
Either the bitch has good hearing or I was too loud when my sickle swung at his head. “Are ya dense!? How are you still tryna maintain small-talk after literally betraying us!? You know what I looked like, you wouldn’t have even said anything if I didn’t call you out! You lied to me! I saved you and you lied!”
“AH! The hell, man!? You’re gonna kill me for that!?”
“No!” The sickles weren’t sharp, only a little solid. I know I gotta resist. Unfortunately. “Just knock you out for a bit, you scheming piece of shit!” 
I wish I could say I was making up for my several blunders tonight by at least being able to handle the living embodiment of a toothpick. My leg’s not super mangled up but, surprise-surprise, it’s hard to move at my fastest and dodge with it still being injured. He’s a little impressively good with those whips, too. It’s hard keeping track of where they both are at all times, the difficulty only increased by how quick he’s able to use them considering he’s only trained for a week. I’m trying my damn best with what I can.
“Oh my god, give it up with the guilt-tripping! I’m not gonna turn on my sister just ‘cause you saved me once!”
“Hell no! I risked turning into mutant-munchies for you—Hol’ up a sec.” The pure blasphemy that came out of his mouth shocked me so bad, I actually had to pause. “Kendra’s your sister? Ew, what’s that like?”
Yet another mistake on my part. One of the whips wrapped around my sickle to fling it and I—determined to not lose them again—got shot through the air along with it. 
At this rate, I’ll be free-bird flying and crashing to the floor every five minutes. I don’t even feel like getting up anymore. Fuck, I don’t usually feel pain so easily.
The battle ground’s a little chaotic so it’s hard to follow when in the middle of it. But, now that I’m seeing it from a distance, everyone’s intentions are suddenly ten times clearer. Kendra’s hovering towards a specific direction, dancing around the door to where Jeremy is. Jason’s distracting everyone and keeping them from paying attention to her. I have a feeling that’s very much so on purpose.
She’s starting to go in. I guess it doesn’t matter whether or not I want to, I gotta get up now. I closed my eyes and with whatever strength I had, used my sickles to turn invisible and go after her. 
I snuck by Kendra and entered the lab. Jeremy was glued to the computer, staring at a loading screen. On the side of the PC was a USB stuck to the port. Of course, accidentally saving the villain wasn’t enough! They had to use the same shitty USB we went back for, too.
“Jeremy, status report!”
“It’s almost done downloading the files! Just a few more seconds and… We got it!”
“Nice work! Quick! Toss ‘em over!”
Oh boy, if Kendra’s able to gain the instructions for those freaky arms, who knows what she’ll make with it! I can’t let them get access to anything here!
 Thus, following my usual rule of acting-without-thinking, I threw a sickle at the USB. I don’t know if it was my panic or my rage that caused it to be so sharp but it cut the USB in half mid-air and smashed straight into one of the PCs. My punishment for resorting to such destructively impulsive solutions was being greeted by the lovely melody of security sirens going off for breaking their important tech.
“No! My USB! There was so much stuff in that! Fuck!” She is so seriously distraught over the wrong thing. 
Upon retrieving my sickle, I hadn’t realized I was flickering in and out of visibility till Kendra’s bat nearly made contact with my head. “You little skeeze! Do you have any idea how much of my progress you destroyed!” 
“But that’s mine and Jason’s progress—“
“SHUT UP!” She snapped her head back to bark at him and I took my moment of escape, knocking her down out of my way. Still, she kept up by yanking at my leg and pulling me down with her, severely getting on my nerves by now.
So, I kicked her in the face.
She stayed there, groaning in pain, while her sidekick buddy checked on her. Sure, I could’ve kicked a little softer but I think a bloody nose is merciful enough for her. 
I returned to the lobby, greeted by chaos more hectic than before. The alarms and sirens were still blaring, red lights flashing on and off the entire facility. Our oh so beloved security arm friends returned in even greater numbers now! If I believed in superstition, I’d believe this night was cursed.
Jason’s looking a little overwhelmed now having to solo both the Teenage Mutant Mad Dogz and the newly emerged robot claws, yet he’s still not giving in and letting the guys go in peace. Speaking of them, they’re scattered all over the place, trying to keep themselves and each other from getting yoinked and flung like I was earlier. 
Donnie was the only one who managed to maneuver over to me.
“Donnie! What’s going on!? Where’d the stupid arms come from!?”
“Well, I suppose it’d be impractical if they only had one source of their weird mystic high-tech robots, so there’s that.” He spun his tech-bō and whacked away the claw that was following him. “What happened in there? You disappeared and then we heard a loud crash from that room and suddenly everything got dialed up to eleven!”
“Uh, yeah, my fault, I uh—Eek!” Thank god for reflexes, the only thing that let me slice at a robot arm before it sliced me. “Good news is, I destroyed the USB they were using so Kendra can’t access the government’s whatever-the-fuck anymore! Bad news, I also accidentally destroyed one of their computers in the process, set off the security alarms, and now we’re here. Sorry, haha…” 
“You what!?”
“It was an accident, I swear! I really didn’t mean—”
“You annoying little twinkle-toes!” Kendra charged at us from behind and her bat swung directly at me. Thankfully, Donnie blocked it from knocking me dead and sent Kendra back a few steps. 
“You know what? If you got Kendra this mad, then you’re forgiven for everything on my terms! Let’s go!” He grabbed my wrist and dragged us away from the bat-wielding maniac.
Though, I’m not sure whether a metal bat or metal claws are worse. A bunch of them charged towards me now that I got back within their sight. 
“Move!” He shoved me out of the way of the monster claws.
I slid on the ground, actually keeping my balance this time, and swung at another claw coming from my right. Without having a moment to breathe, I ducked and slashed at one right above me. I would’ve missed the one coming from behind me, had Raph not been there and created a mystic shield. There’s so many all around the flat and it seems I’m still their favorite toy. 
“Salena, try hidin’ somewhere!” He punched one of the claws straight on, the impact causing a loud clunk. “They keep coming after you!” 
“I can’t! They saw me even when I turned invisible, they probably have a different type of vision or something!” 
“Infrared vision, genius!” Kendra’s bat got caught by my sickle. She aimed for my torso this time, I’m surprised it wasn’t back at my head. “They were built with thermal sensors! Which I would’ve been able to shut off if somebody didn’t break the computers!”
“God, were you built to get on people’s nerves!?” 
I’ve just about had it with her bullshit, reflected in my blades turning sharp enough to slice her bat in half. I elbowed her in the stomach and took the chance to roll over to a new spot. The closest I can get to hiding is continuously moving, staying in one place meant getting hoarded.
Mikey grumbled nearby, his nunchucks spinning in his hands. “Man, they’re too much! We gotta go! Leo?”
“A bit busy!” Busy was right, he’s cutting down a good number of the plastic pains with his katanas. There’s no good opportunity to use them as an escape portal, let alone any safe ones.
Beep! Beep!
Donnie raised his gauntlet up and flashed what I assume to be the building’s security cameras he hacked into. “Oh, no, no, no, guys! They’re sending actual human officers up now! What do we do!?”
Everyone’s panicked, shit’s fucked to the brim, and the constant beeps and shrieks are only making it harder to think! Kendra’s yelling about her bat, Mikey’s chosen to deal with the Purple Disasters while they’re bickering away, Raph’s boxing the claws and shielding Donnie, who’s frantically typing at his wristwatch to hack the security, and Leo’s… Screaming and getting flung. Sweet, we’ve matched now.
I ran over to Leo, guarding him from the arms trying to take advantage of the situation. “So, how’d you like your first flight?”
“I’d prefer it more if I was actually expecting it.” He got up almost as fast as he crashed down, not wasting a single second to getting back in the fight. “Ugh, I gotta get us out of here, but I need an opening!”
“Want me to try clearing something out?”
“You got any plans on how—Shit, get back!” His arm pushed me back behind him to avoid getting hit. 
The white tails of my ribbon flew forward, slightly blocking my vision. I looked straight ahead, past the death machines and battle-ground chaos, and saw the glass windows showcasing the brightly-lit city night.
The ribbon…
“I actually might.” I tugged at the silk tails and felt my hair flow down as it got undone. “Just trust me and get everyone out at the first opportunity you get!”
“Wait, what are you—”
I dashed past him before he could ask any questions, no real time for them now. My multitasking skills were given the ultimate test as I focused on darting across the room, intentionally getting the arms to gather and chase after me, while tying the ribbon to the handles of my sickles and connecting them together. 
In the corner of my eye, I saw Mikey had managed to take out Kendra and her sidekicks. Don’t even gotta worry about them now, it’s going better than I thought! There was pounding at the door. Seems Donnie locked the officers out for now, but I doubt it’ll be long till they find a way to break in by force. Gotta move fast. This plan could fail horrifically, but it’s the best shot we’ve got!
With all the security arms focused on me now, the boys had a clear opening to leave. I sprinted to the windows, wound back my sickles, and broke the glass with a single throw. 
Now or never!
“HOT SOUP!!!” 
And out the window I went.
The air felt amazing, rushing by my skin as I let gravity take over the fall. I turned myself over, now looking up at the sky. The arms were shooting out the windows, unable to reach down any further to get me. A flash of blue from the inside indicated everyone was out safely. That’s my cue to prevent myself from dying now!
I held onto one of my sickles and swung the other one up. My spine tingled as a pink aura washed over my hand and over the sickle that I grabbed, trailing its way up the white silk ribbon…
Transforming it to chains!?
The pure white mystic chain clanked as it stretched out. The sickle I threw up now broke through the glass side of the building and continued shattering through it straight down. A few broken shards chipped at me as I snapped back to reality and remembered the original plan. I closed my eyes and refocused on the sickles. No thoughts, no distractions, no room for any of them. I have to breathe. I have to focus. 
The blades morphed them into a stiff rubber. Too soft to break the glass, too strong to break itself in half, effectively yanking me to a stop. 
I did it.
I actually fucking did it!
“Holy truffle mac and cheese, that was awesome!”
“I know!” I excitedly greeted Donnie who had flown over using his jet pack. “I can’t believe it went so well! You saw it all?”
“And recorded!” He turned his back towards me and pointed at his shell. “Need a ride?” 
We cruised across the sky onto the roof of a nearby building where the rest of the guys were. The instant I hopped off Donnie’s shell, Leo jumped me with a hug, followed by several frantic checks to make sure all limbs were intact.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you dizzy? What’s wrong with you? You’re crazy! You’re crazy, you know that!?”
“Now who’s smothering them?” Mikey snickered at Leo, who looked relieved and on the verge of tears at the same time. 
“Everyone shut up and look at this video first! You’ll probably forget whatever meaningless chitchat you were having, anyway!” Donnie hissed from glee, using his extra mechanical limbs to huddle us all around his phone that was playing the video of me from a few moments ago. 
Looking at the footage now, it seemed the pink aura actually came from my whole body. It spread throughout my arms and circled past my hands, flowing to the white ribbon and replacing them with shimmering, white chains. 
Mikey screamed from excitement, holding onto my hands. “MYSTIC CHAINS! Omigosh, we match now! We’re like twins!” 
“I know! Isn’t it great!? We can be chain buddies—Eh, nevermind, that doesn’t sound right.” 
We sat around for a while so Leo could help with all the cuts and microscopic bits of glass stuck to me. In the meantime, they were all curious how the chains even came to be, which I sadly didn’t have a clear answer for. I went ahead and reassured them my plan would’ve still worked with the ribbon itself, though. Speaking of, I can’t really get my ribbon back now. Sorry, Mi. However, I did figure out how to make the chains vanish and re-materialize, so at least I don’t have to learn a different fighting style! 
Donnie was paying attention, I think. Just multitasking with a few holographic monitors up. He sighed and put ‘em away after a while.
“Yeah, no, sorry guys. Maybe my brain’s too fuzzy but I can’t hack into the actual database tonight.”
“No big deal, Don. Ya done enough.” Raph gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. “Hey, you guys wanna go grab some pizza? Raph could use a break.”
“Yeah, I think we all could.” Hopeful, green eyes faced towards me. “Salena? It’s late but… You wanna join us for a bit?”
It’s around 3am now. If I went home now, I’d only get three hours of sleep and that’s assuming I’ll conk out immediately. It’s not impossible, though, I can feel the energy crash creeping up from all the adrenaline. But, I don’t know. I don’t wanna go yet. 
“I’m already out, aren’t I? Might as well!” 
Turns out, for once tonight, I made the right choice. It was fun getting to be with them in a more casual manner. Just chilling at a park, enjoying some pizza, and re-energizing myself as I watched them goof around. I checked through my phone while I enjoyed the delicious cheesy glory.
Everything seemed normal.
Except for one tiny issue.
I was putting it off but Zane sent a voice note to me a few hours ago. I don’t have earbuds but everyone’s pretty distracted right now, anyway. I could listen to it. Maybe it’s… Maybe it’s better than I think it is. 
I lowered the volume just to have it barely audible and clicked play.
“Hey. Um… I hope you’re home and safe now. I…” He sighed and went silent for a while. 
“This wasn’t how I intended tonight to be. It was such a gorgeous night. The weather was perfect. Everything was perfect. It was all going so well. What happened? Why do we always end up like this?”
I wish I knew. Or that he knew. Maybe we could’ve helped each other if just one of us knew what was the problem.
“Everything in my life always goes so wrong. I’m so tired of it, Salena. You’re the only thing I haven’t messed up. I don’t want to mess this up. I just—” I could hear a creek from the door opening as someone came in the room. “Yeah, it’s on the floor, clean it up. I don’t know how, just go clean it!”
Sounds of glass being swept up filled the background atmosphere. Zane sighed again. “Sorry. One of my vases broke tonight. The cherry on top, right? Anyway, uh… I’ll just end it here. I hope you’re okay. I hope you’re dreaming of something nice. And I’m… I’m sorry.”
The voice note ended. It wasn’t that bad, I guess. I feel a little bad about earlier but I’m glad he apologized. I guess things are fine now. I should probably leave a text, it’d be wrong to hold a grudge if the situation’s already resolved. 
You: hey i’m safe yea. I just wanna say i’m sorry too for lashing out like that earlier. I hope you’re sleeping well, sweet dreams and see ya tomorrow <3
There we go. Nothing to worry about now. Nothing to stress over.
A hand tapped at my shoulder. I raised my head to meet Mikey smiling down at me. “Mind if I sit? They’re bein’ a little loco even for my taste right now.”
I looked straight and saw Leo and Donnie arguing over whether pineapple belongs on pizza and Raph taking the opportunity to sneakily eat their slices. Pretty tame behavior from them, but Mikey’s tone was too lighthearted to be serious, anyway. 
I shifted over on the bench and patted the empty space next to me. He sat down and brought his knees to his chest, his back leaning against my side. He shuffled with his phone for a bit before offering me one of his earbuds. “Wanna listen to Fall Out Boy with me?”
I could use some music after tonight.
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Next Chapter
This chapter was nearly 15K words btw-
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chunkymamatam · 1 month
oh wow from what i have seen your stories sound cool 🤩 what are your relationships w the main cast? my fav character is prolly leona and rook so do you have any stories w them? 😊
So it's a college DR. I'm gonna start everything I'm about to say with that. Like there's probably nothing in these specific stories that I need to say that for but like I'm gonna say that every time.
Some people are weird. I'm an adult and I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of high school age teenagers. I'm also not willing to age myself down and relive the worst years of my life lmfao. We're all in the adult age bracket in my DR. Nothing wrong with being a teenager but it would feel weird for me to have a whole friend group full of them and I'm not about to be perpetually lonely.
Also I tend to not define my relationships with labels. I'm bad at labels so it's easier to define them with my experiences with each person.
Now on to my experience with these men.
THIS MF- Lmfao I first met this man in the botanical garden like in the game, tripped over and stepped on his tail accidentally. Man threatened to knock my lights out. Now, I'm genderfluid and it was a more masc day but I certainly didn't tell him that. IDK HOW TF HE KNEW. Referred to me as the correct pronouns and shit too.
He sniffed me and I was like "Hey, could you not sniff me...? Do I stink??"
He looked me up and down and proceeded to be like "Not yet but you will when I'm done beating your ass"
Ruggie stopped the fight but still.
2. During The whole Spell drive situation, first of all I didn't even want to be there but Crowely has a habit of threatening me and my housing. I was at Savanaclaw, being harassed by this mf named Blaze, and Leona comes out wanting to be a bitch. I explained why I was there and this man brushed it off and says
"How about we settle this over a game of Spell Drive. You win and I'll answer any questions you have but if you lose. Well I'll think of something." with that stupid smirk of his /pos
I lost and this man tackled me to the ground with his final move. He had me pinned down smirking down at me and I was internally complaining he was taking too long to gtf off me. So me, being a dastardly bastard, smirked up at him and said
"You like something you see that you're taking so long to get up" and I blew him a kiss.
There's more during book 2 but honestly their overblots in general were kind of traumatizing and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. For now just know they tried to end my life and said some really cruel shit.
3. After the over blot tho. I got knocked the fuck out despite my best efforts and we ended up in the infirmary together with everyone. Cheka jumped on him and started treating him like a pony. I was doing my best not to laugh at him. He looked at me, told me not to laugh and I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it! It was just too cute! He was forced to take me home back to ramshackle by everyone there cuz I didn't look too good but there was nothing else the nurse could do. They essentially told him that it's his fault I was hurt the least he could do is take me home.
4. So during the Octavinelle situation we had to stay with him for a while. Now I didn't mind cleaning up after him and sharing a room with him for a few days. In fact I was giggling at him and making fun of him a little for having Ruggie straighten his hair all the time. He actually has 2B curls in my DR lol
I was like "Damn.. Gentrified." and he was fighting for his life lmfao I was like "Nah but in all seriousness are you not scared to ruin your curls?"
Turns out he uses some fancy heat protection product in his hair. I don't straighten my hair anymore so like I genuinely don't know how well those work but I think that was a funny interaction.
back to the original story tho. Floyd ended up giving me the squeeze and I went into a seizure. My brain was fried I told him this too. I was like "Hey Leona, I just had a seizure earlier so I'm gonna be a little slower and ditsier while cleaning you room. Just a fair warning before you think I'm acting like a little weirdo."
This man fr looked at me and was like "why are you slurring your words" Sir I just fucking told you my brain misfired. I ignore it and he just kept going bro.
"Why are you moving like that."
"You're taking too long, this is just excessive."
"I bet you're just faking it so you don't have to do your part. You probably lied and didn't even have a seizure."
At that point I was fucking done. I looked at him and said "You know what? I don't have to take this. I'm sleeping outside of Ramshackle." I stole HIS PILLOWS and HIS BLANKETS and fumbled my ass out back to Ramshackle.
A little while later he comes up to me and apologizes. I was so weirded out I was like "So who's holding a gun to your head?"
He huffed and made a frustrated face and was like "can't I just say sorry, Herbivore?"
"You personally? No. Someone is making you do this."
I was right, Jack and Grim chewed him tf out for that shit. Grim bragged about it to me that's how I found out lol. But anyway he grumbled and was like "Just come back to Savanaclaw with me"
I said "No. I'm gonna stay right here like I said I would."
This mf decides to pick me up and drag me back by force. I told the mf to put me down which resulted in and argument. Eventually I was like "Fuck you!"
This mfer responds with "You'd like that." with a smirk.
I scoffed and was like "I would NEVER want to do that with a son of a bitch who can't even tie his own shoes properly. I have a medical issue that fucks with my motor skills, what's your excuse???"
Man stfu after that.
It's funny cuz genuinely we were chill after that pfffff
Our first interaction was literally him looking at Vil sideways for the way that mfer was acting towards me and honestly I think that's so funny.
I don't necessarily have very many stories about him just little experiences. Like when I called him out for watching me before I turned around to look at him and idk what that expression was but it scares me LMFAO
He calls me Monsieur Souris
He woke me up every morning gently but when I went back to sleep got Vil. Like bruh I can sleep a little the school is RIGHT THERE. Overall he truly is mysterious. He's really not as creepy as everyone says. Until he starts hunting you anyway. I am not game monsieur Hunt. Please back off 😭
I think he's still trying to figure some stuff out with me? Idk a lot of people do that to me so maybe that's it.
Sorry if there's spelling/grammar errors. My brain is melting from this heat. Thank you for the ask ❤
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smokeys-house · 1 year
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Puukko's Pirate Tales 5
Painters, Authors, and Purses
(Art by @mumrikpaws ❤️, alternate version below the cut!)
" 'ave I e'er told ye I'm in books?" The old moomin woman notices you eyeing the shelves with curiosity. "Mind ye, I'm not in all those. I don't just keep the ones with me in 'em." She sets down the hoop she was idly embroidering on and meanders over to the shelf nearest you.
"O'course there's plenty of truth and legend alike, and varying qualities 'tween the lot. One's I'm most fond of is the dime novels an' penny dreadfuls! Way I see it, only I can tell my stories with the right amount of oomph." She struck her chest with her paw, before noticing the familiar look in your eye. 
"Don't be givin' me that face, just on account of ye know I'm fixin' t' tell ye another tale. Have a seat, it'll be a quick'un." She motions dismissively to the nearby seating, and sets a few small, quite old books down on the low coffee table. 
"My reason for liking the cheaper shorter ones ain't fer the fact I'm a slow reader. It's mostly fer the art on the cover. I'm either painted as the fearsome scourge of the seas or I'm the housewife's romantic fancy. Nothin' like ye see on any wanted poster." She rummaged through some cupboards and began to set up for some coffee. She had a tendency to task while storytelling. It was as if she could never sit and look you in the eye while aggrandizing herself, true or not. 
"I reckon a lot of them's the reason fer most folks thinkin' I met my end by now. Usually they don't start romanticizing criminals til… well til after they're not around to read 'em. I suppose my rapid slip into obscurity helps support that rumor." She set two mugs upon the table, the one in front of you is a rich blue and gold. More of a nice tea cup than a mug, and it's much finer than the one she'd chosen for herself. 
"Iffin' I have met me end, a cozy house in the mountains seems pretty enough an idea fer eternity. Anyway the writers were a pretty mixed bag. 'Avin a stranger at yer heels while at sea is a bit of a nuisance. They don't help out much with the ship and they watch yer every move and ask ye all kinds of funny questions. Me crew and I almost ate one once! Boiled shoes and pouches and chewed the leather first. Lucky for 'im, on account o' we made landfall afore appetites got too… unseemly." The kettle began to whistle from the kitchen, her ears stood full and flicked themselves in its direction. She prepped a cloth over an empty glass jar, and filled it with ground coffee. 
"Sometimes they was rather fun. Adventure seekers and story tellers, not unlike myself." She eyed you, noting your surprise at the casual delivery of a brutal story. 
"We uh. We weren't really gonna eat him. Just made like we were fer some mean-spirited fun... But I did eat two coinpurses and at least some of a shoe." She cleared her throat awkwardly before returning to her task.
"Anyway, the painters was where the real fun were. Aside from the actual painting part o' course. Sittin' in the same pose fer hours is a real pain in the tail. I'm supposin' it weren't so much the artists that I liked as much as the art, and the publicity what came after. Though there was one I loved dear, she used to paint on account of her well-to-do parents. She were workin' on a painting of the two of us. Not sure what happened to it, though. It weren't never finished I should think." 
For a moment she stared off into nothing, her paws hanging idly in front of her. You ask what she's doing and she shakes her head a bit, seemingly having been lost in thought. The fireplace's gentle crackling fills the air. The lack of words for the moment, while comfortable, fills you with an understanding as to why she's so eager to tell stories. 
"Coffee's almost ready." You can hear an air of nostalgia in her voice, it's laced with a somber note. It's not as though she's hiding something, but you can tell she's choosing not to elaborate. Puukko's cabin home is lovely and spacious, but you can't help but wonder what secrets she does have, if any. 
"Folks always think about the pirate days as always bein' aboard and abroad. Though that were most of it, I spent a lot of time ashore as well, spendin' me haul. Blunderin' me plunderin' as it were. Drink and comp'ny are the bane of a full coffer, as any sailor'd tell ye. Some time after I'd been handed mine by a royal pardon, I had a lot of coin to spend and nothin' but time." She let out a frustrated sigh.
 "I'd been a tale throughout many a place fer some time and some folks wanted in on that tale. Trouble were gettin' art fer a cover fer their books so it'd sell, and the wanted posters were very intentionally unflattering." She pours coffee into both of the mugs at the table, spilling a bit here and there before wiping it up with a handkerchief. 
"Strangest bounty I ever had put on me. An accomplished author was offering quite a price t' anyone what could capture my likeness in a way that best suited their work." She fanned through one of the books that was sitting on the table, and nudged the other one toward you. 
"Weren't but a few days after that I was suddenly meetin' all manner of 'friendly' strangers. After word got out I wasn't posing fer free, well, that's when things got odd. I'd be at the market doin' some shopping and some clever fellow tells me to hold a lemon up a certain way, says it's the only way to tell the good'uns from the bad. Then he says to me 'Great! Now turn yer head that-a-way!' an' that's when I realize he's got a pencil behind his ear and a sketchbook under his arm. Lots o' folks after that asking me fer strange things trying t' get me in a silly pose, look heroic or flattering." She's suddenly very animated, gesturing along with her story and making faces at no one in particular. 
She pauses a moment, and lifts her mug to her snout with both paws wrapped around it. She savors the aroma, then takes a long, and very slow sip. Her features seem to soften a bit as she sinks back into her chair, eyes closed. 
"Where was I, again? Oh, yes!" She sits upright once more. It's difficult to tell whether she genuinely lost her train of thought or if she was simply messing with you. 
"There were this one gal. Real tall critter. She broke into where I were stayin' and posed me while I was asleep! In me pajamas fer Booble's sake! That's about where the nonsense stopped. One way or another she ended up out the window an' I got me a nice new sketchbook." She guffaws loudly, slapping her knee. 
"Met a feller in a bar that night, seein' as I couldn't sleep right. After that intrusion y'know. Anyway, i thought he were another loon, but he turned to be the sensible type. A real no nonsense kind of hemulen. Strong, too. Challenged me to a fight, and iffin I won I were to be left alone, but if he won, he got to draw me fer the book and he'd give me a cut o' that author's bounty." 
Perhaps it's the warm coffee, or maybe the gentle fire and soft blankets, but somehow you feel as though even stories like these with all their unpleasantness have a way of building a comfortable atmosphere. You wonder if they make her feel that way, too. 
"Anyhow I was feeling a mite skittish about crossing the law now that I was on the other side of it. Explained as much to him. I'm no stranger when it comes to paw-to-paw combat, but Marion an' me crew were still out there. They only got their freedom so long as I stayed off ships and kept me snout clean, so to speak. Told him I love a good scrap, but what I really want is fer all these bold artists to stop chasin' me tail!"
As if mentioning it reminded her of it, she lifted her tail and pulled it into her lap, idly fidgeting with it. 
"I thought it a bit strange that he were a painter and a pugilist, but he just went on saying 'a Hemulen should be well versed in all things'. He also said there were art in fighting and fighting in art, and I'm inclined to agree given both the way he fought, and the uh… personal grievances? Of the other artists he challenged. Had no idea there were so much drama among painters." 
She drew the fur in the tuft of her tail straight and to a point before mimicking painting with it. She looked up from it and to you, realizing you were still looking at her. 
"Must've been oh, seven or so fights I watched? Didn't see all of 'em. By the time it were over we'd been all over town and had a drink or two. The way I figure it, he earned that painting. Went back to his studio the next day. Oh, and we had lunch!" She smiled cheerfully.
"Now, you might be asking yerself; 'Miss Puukko, which one of these fine volumes did the pugilist painter hemulen pen fer you?'." She looked on at the books lying in the table and scratched the end of her snout. 
"Well I don't rightly know! I don't recall his name. Do they even put the cover artists name in the book? I don't think I e'er looked! Ah, well." She stacked the books and set them aside on the shelf. 
"Every so often I wonder what folks from back then are up to, if anything." She sunk back into her chair once more. "But only every now and then… think I'm gonna take m'self a nap now…" She yawned deeply and held onto her tail, setting her paws comfortably in her lap. 
You briefly consider reading through each of the books she set aside, but they're too near her to reach without disturbing her. You decide it's best let sleeping moomins lie. 
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Clean version of the art!
47 notes · View notes
Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 6: Solace Under Stars
Having absconded from the ballroom for some peace of mind, Jamil and Azul make their way to RSA's observatory tower and continue to learn more about each other.
Word Count: 3,626
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"Normally we'd have to climb flights of stairs to get there, but there's a faster way." Azul leads Jamil out of the ballroom. "Have you ever heard of magic beanstalks?"
"I've heard of them as the stuff of legends," Jamil replies, keeping his grip on Azul's hand secure. "But I've never seen one before. You guys have a beanstalk?"
Azul nods as they exit through a back door and step into the brightly lit corridor.
"Not everyone knows about it. Rielle and I discovered it in our freshman year with our friends after one Astronomy class. We noticed that some of our upperclassmen always arrived earlier than we did even though we never see them climb the stairs. Our friend Scott suggested that we tail them next time, and we saw them using the beanstalk out in the garden. It's not nearly as tall as the ones in legends, but it'll get us to the balcony just fine. I assume you don't mind heights since you frequent rooftops?" Azul glances at Jamil with a smile.
"Of course I don't," Jamil nods, actually looking quite excited at the prospect. "Do you?"
"Um… yes," Azul chuckles. "Using the beanstalk scares me every time, but I have gotten used to it. Now it's just scary instead of terrifying."
They reach the garden, and Azul leads him to a beanstalk sprouting from the ground.
It's healthy green, sturdy, and rising about 15 feet from the ground.
"Here it is," Azul says, looking around to make sure that no one else is in the garden.
Checking that it's safe to scale it, Jamil eagerly makes the first move, grabbing onto the nearest leaf stalk and ascending upwards, pausing to look back at the merman to wait for him.
He sees Azul climb up a few feet, take out his Magic Pen, and gently tap the beanstalk. "Hold on tight, Jamil."
The beanstalk starts moving gradually, reminding Jamil of one of the moving staircases in NRC. Then it grows faster, feeling stronger and denser under Jamil's touch as it brings them closer to one of the towers.
Jamil relishes on the air whipping past his face, marveling at how high they were getting in such a short amount of time.
"Whoo!" He finds himself hollering despite the fact that they were supposed to sneak around.
The beanstalk slows down and stops in front of a metal railing decorated with gold patterns.
Beyond that, Jamil can see the balcony, an area with a smooth stone floor and space wide enough to accommodate at least one class with enough space to spare.
Jamil gazes around to gawk at the place and its decor. He glances down, grinning and holding out a hand for the other to take. "C'mon, Azul!"
Azul laughs and takes Jamil's hand, pulling himself up.
Jamil helps Azul climb over the railing with him, walking and looking around the dome area of the tower and its star charts, feeling freer now that he's out of sight from everyone else.
"Whoa… You guys definitely spared no cent building this place. It's too bad the telescope's not around. It would've been cool to see the sky and stars."
A twinkle of mischief gleams in Azul's eye, and he glances towards the double doors leading into the tower. Then he looks at Jamil again.
"Well… The equipment is just inside. Fancy hauling a giant telescope on wheels with me on this fine evening?" the corner of his lips is turned up in a smile.
Jamil's eyes crinkle with playfulness. "I thought you'd never ask."
He follows Azul to the double doors and slowly open them up, checking around every now and then to make sure there's no one approaching, feeling like he's back in middle school again with his old friends.
The room is dark, but Jamil can gauge that it's a large room based on the echoes of their footsteps.
"It's here," Azul says and walks off somewhere to the side. He doesn't seem to have trouble seeing in the dark at all.
Jamil hears the rolling of wheels, and a large telescope appears in front of him, in line with the doorway. The entire thing is almost as big as the fountain in the ballroom.
Azul smiles and pats the telescope, not winded at all despite pushing the whole thing by himself up to this point.
"As requested," he says smugly.
Jamil admires the telescope for a bit before he shares a grin with Azul. "You're breaking a lot of rules tonight just for a guy like me."
Something flickers in Azul's expression, too fast for Jamil to put a name to.
"You're not just a guy, Jamil," Azul says vaguely before positioning himself to push the telescope again. "Shall we?"
Jamil wonders if his eyes were playing weird tricks on him. Either way, he couldn't decipher Azul's expression and decided not to dwell on it.
He heads to the other side of the telescope to assist in pushing. "Where are we moving it to?"
"Just outside," Azul says as they move the telescope. "On a clear night like this, we should be able to see stars no matter where on the balcony we place it."
They push the telescope through the doorway and near the railing. Azul straightens up and removes his coat, hanging it on the railing. Then he waves his Magic Pen and the double doors close behind them.
Seeing Azul without his coat reminds Jamil of when he first saw him come out of that fitting room, talking about how the black dress shirt is a tighter fit than he's used to.
Jamil finds himself staring a little too long before forcing his eyes away. "You don't feel chilly at all this high up on a dark night?"
Azul shakes his head. "My hometown is much colder than this. I was actually feeling a little stuffy, perhaps from the climbing and pushing the telescope, so I had removed my coat without thinking," he smiles sheepishly. "I'm sorry, that's not rude, is it…" he frowns uncertainly, trying to recall a lifetime of manners drilled into him.
"Oh. No, it's all right. As long as you're comfortable," he reassures him. "It makes sense why you can't stand much heat, then. What do you do when it's summer and the days get real hot here?"
"I have breathable shirts for such occasions, and a few sleeveless ones. Sometimes I go for a swim," Azul says. "Though I only do that at night when no one's around."
He moves to the back of the telescope and fiddles with the knobs, then he takes a look in the lens. A smile forms on his face upon seeing the sky.
He stands up and looks at Jamil. "Care to try?" he gestures to the telescope.
Gingerly, Jamil moves forward and takes a look through the lens.
Burst of colors rush forth into his senses as galaxies and stars spread out before him. Like an open meadow, he can feel himself floating through the vast reaches of space as he swivels the telescope around.
"Wow…" He breathlessly mutters before taking a step back. "We have Astrology classes too, but we don't have a telescope as fancy as this. It's like you're up there with the stars when you use it."
He withdraws from the view, gazing back at Azul with joy. "Thank you. You didn't have to do all this, but... I'm really glad you did."
Azul leans against the railing. "I'm really glad, too. This is the first time I've seen you this happy, it looks good on you." He keeps his gaze on Jamil, smiling fondly.
Jamil blushes before he glances to the side and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. "Ah, um... Yeah, heh. I guess it's been a while."
He turns back up to the heavens, relishing in its beauty. "What was it like for you? The first time you saw the sky? I've grown up seeing it my whole life, but it must've been a sight to see for a merman."
Azul hums in thought. "Hmm. Daytime was hard to adjust to for a while, the brightness hurt my eyes, and the heat was a little painful at first. Fortunately, I found that wearing glasses made me see better, and I eventually got used to the brightness and heat."
Azul walks over to him. "The night sky, however, is much more similar to the ocean than you might realize. Those stars you see resemble many of the bioluminescent creatures at my hometown, and the darkness is close to how underwater looks like most of the time."
Azul is standing behind him, smiling at the night sky.
"Must be nice swimming through the sea around that time of night, then," Jamil states, walking over to the edge of the balcony and sitting on top of the low railing. "It'll be like you're floating through space already… I'd like to see that someday. Maybe when I start travelling the world, I can visit you in your hometown and see the sights for myself… regardless of the dangers. It'll be okay if I got you as my guide, considering how well-prepared you always are."
Azul leans forward with his arms on the railing. "Are you inviting me to be your tour guide around my hometown? Perhaps we can even go to my mother's restaurant. Although…" his smile falters as he seems to realize something. "I would have to be in my merform."
Jamil glances over to Azul. "Why? What's wrong with your merform?"
Azul looks down. "It's… Well…It's very different from… all of this," he gestures to himself, a circular motion with his finger indicating his clothes and his face.
He begins to fidget with the cuff of his sleeve. "I wouldn't even be able to fit into a suit in that form," he says jokingly, but Jamil heard the nervousness.
He vaguely remembers Floyd mentioning that people had been mean to Azul when they were younger. Had it been over his appearance?
"...Are you worried about how I'll react?" He asks.
Azul doesn't respond for a moment, keeping his gaze down.
"No landdweller has ever seen my merform, Jamil," he says quietly. "And even my fellow merfolk were… not very fond of it."
He straightens his posture and tries to return to a more composed and self-assured tone, a thoughtful frown on his face.
"You don't have to worry about seeing it, though. We still have two years before you plan on visiting, by that time I could have already made a potion that would allow me to keep my human form even underwater." Azul starts rambling, talking faster and quieter. "Of course there are a lot of factors to consider, such as the durability of the shifting potion, the ability of my human form to survive in underwater pressure, I might have to take a separate potion that humans take when they visit my mother's restaurant…"
"Hey," Jamil mutters, trying to take Azul's attention by placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's going to be all right. I may not know what you're gonna look like, but I know it'll still be the Azul I know. So… You don't need to hide it."
Azul relaxes a bit at Jamil's touch, and he turns to him with a small smile. "I appreciate that, Jamil, thank you."
Then after a moment, he adds, "Have… Have you ever seen a cecaelia before? In their true form?"
"... I've seen an octopus before." Jamil admits. "And we have a statue of the Great Sea Witch back at NRC, who's also a cecaelia, so… you'd look like something along those lines, right?"
Azul nods. "I have eight legs, long ones, which make me much taller than my human form, and I… glow. Underwater."
Jamil stares at him, expression unchanged. "Okay, so normal octopus parts and you glow in the dark like those pretty bioluminescent creatures?" His expression grows amused. "If this is your way of trying to dissuade me, then it's not working."
Azul blushes, then chuckles shyly. He clears his throat and looks at Jamil.
"If this is your way of trying to get me to give you a full tour of the Coral Sea, it's working," he smirks playfully.
"Good!" Jamil smiles, holding out a hand for Azul to shake. "It's a deal, then?"
Azul looks down at Jamil's hand, then back at him with a barely suppressed smile. "You know, some people would say that it's dangerous to say those words to Azul Ashengrotto."
"Well... I'm not some people, am I?" Jamil replies. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? I have to keep dealing with you over and over again? Doesn't sound too bad to me."
"Indeed," Azul finally lets himself smile, then takes Jamil's hand, grasping it firmly. "It doesn't sound too bad at all," he says, looking right into Jamil's eyes. "It's a deal."
Jamil chuckles, turning his gaze back into the sea and the sky after they let go of each other's hand. "Thanks for taking me here even when you've got a whole party down there. Things got weird for a moment, but I'm feeling a lot better now."
"I'm glad you are," Azul says fondly. "Thank you for… not leaving. Even when things got weird."
"Technically, I did leave," Jamil teases, nudging Azul with his shoulder. "I just left with you."
Azul grins and nudges Jamil back. "I must say, the dance was not nearly as nerve-wracking as I had feared. And even the climb on the beanstalk wasn't scary. I was too busy watching you be jubilant." 
"Jubilant? What about me being jubilant made it less scary for you?" Jamil asks, confused.
"Well…" Azul thinks about it. "Seeing you that happy made me really happy, too. And I suppose the happiness overcame the fear."
Jamil purses his lips. "That's… kinda embarrassing to hear. You guys from RSA really know how to say those sorts of things without an ounce of hesitation, huh? Is that another subject they teach you here?"
"Ah, I'm sorry, does it make you uncomfortable?" Azul asks sincerely.
Jamil shyly smiles. "Not… uncomfortable. It's just a bit weird, like… how do you guys do it? How do you make your mouths say all that sweet stuff and not feel like you're making yourself too… open? Vulnerable? A lot of us in NRC don't like RSA because we think you guys fake it–there's no way that you can actually be that nice and sweet, or maybe we've just been too distrusting…"
"Oh," Azul seems surprised at that response. He frowns thoughtfully. "Well, personally, even if it does make me feel open and vulnerable, what of it? What's the worst that could happen? The other person makes fun of me? Or they think I'm weak? People could make fun of me anytime either way, middle school has taught me that. I might as well speak my mind, right? And if they do see it as a weakness, then good, they'll be underestimating me," he smirks.
"And as I mentioned earlier about that song by the Moirai, it seems like it would be more troublesome to hide one's feelings," Azul continues. "For example, if I refuse to tell you that seeing you happy makes me happy, what do I gain from it? Nothing. But when I do tell you about it, I like to think that you're glad to hear it. Then what I gain from that is having made a friend happy. Does that make sense?"
"... Huh. I guess it does." Jamil clears his throat. "Then I'll have to warn you that I'm not exactly as expressive most of the time, but... While we're being honest, I just want you to know that I feel the same way. When you're happy, I'm happy. And... I really like hanging out with you and I hope we keep doing it."
As a joke, Jamil starts to shudder. "I think I just felt myself die a little on the inside admitting that."
Azul laughs good-naturedly. "I really like spending time with you, too. We'll definitely keep doing it. Oh, and just so you know, whenever I say 'sweet stuff' to you, I'm never faking it. I always mean every word. And I don't really mind whether or not you're as expressive as I am, Jamil. But…" he playfully nudges Jamil with his shoulder again. "I do really appreciate it whenever you make the effort to be."
"Glad you do," Jamil replies, recovering. "I'll at least try to make the times where I am count."
A flock of birds pass by, and as Jamil quietly admires their flight, one of the birds–a dark crow–slips away unseen and perches on the tower's roof ledge, peering down at both boys with its black beady eyes.
"By the way," Jamil starts. "How's the whole Blot thing been going? Have you been looking out after yourself, even with your overbearing professors?"
Azul falls silent for a moment. "Being made aware of the risks has made it easier to control, and I'm now more cautious about stepping away from situations that might be unnecessarily stressful. But there are still times when I feel that anger… Like when Professor Weselton was speaking to me earlier…" he looks down at his hand, slowly opening and closing it. "I didn't mean to bend that tuning fork, I didn't even realize I had done it…" his voice drops to a whisper, and he keeps his gaze down. "I'm scared, Jamil."
Jamil grows serious in his concern. "What are you scared of?"
The little crow hops closer, bowing down and tilting the side of its head (where ears would normally be on a human's) towards the conversation.
"Losing control," Azul says quietly. "I have read stories about Overblots, and those who fall into it always hurt those around them. What if I do Overblot and end up hurting or even killing my friends?" his voice has risen in volume, but he abruptly stops talking and just shakes his head.
"Being afraid of what you could be capable of… Yeah, I get it. All that power but at what cost?" Jamil mutters. "I admit that maybe there was a time when I might have found that a bit more preferable than a lifetime of feeling trapped… But things are clearly different now. You and the others have got me to see that I never have to feel that way again, and you don't have to, either. You seem like you're careful with your magic and you've got those who actually experienced an Overblot to refer to when you need it. Besides, this is all happening because you were getting smothered by expectations piled up on both you and Rielle, right? Well, I'll be around, and I'm always up to get out there and leave everything else behind for a while. Just like now, with the party."
Azul looks at him for a few moments, then a small smile forms on his face. "Thank you, Jamil. That really means a lot."
Then his expression turns more curious. "Although I admit, I'm still a little unsure about why you chose to hang out with me, of all people. Especially with how apparently you guys had the impression that we were just faking being nice." Azul's voice holds no malice or bitterness, he just sounds genuinely confused.
"At first, I thought that way about you, too," Jamil admits. "But you proved me wrong time and time again. The way you don't let our hostility... my hostility… faze you. You being as honest as you try to be makes me think that it's safe to let my guard down, just a little. You wouldn't mercilessly tease me or use it against me, though I will also say that I don't mind much of the teasing when it comes from you. They don't come with any barbs, hah."
The corner of Azul's lips turns up in a smile, and he seems to relax more. "I'm glad to hear that you feel safe with me. Honestly, that's how I feel about you, too. And hey," his voice becomes more playful. "Look at you being expressive this time."
"Seems to get easier the more I do it," Jamil smirks. "You're a pretty dangerous influence on me, Mister Ashengrotto."
Azul returns the smirk and leans towards Jamil, bringing their faces closer. "Are you complaining, Mister Viper?" he says in a playfully quiet voice.
Jamil seems to freeze up, self-conscious with Azul so near.
"... Not at all," he mutters, and he really hopes that that wasn't a crack in his voice he just heard.
Suddenly, there's a thud nearby that made him jump. He whirls around, worried that they've been caught, only to see that it was a bird in the rafters who'd hopped off and taken flight.
He exhales in relief. "Hey, we should prolly get back before anyone spots us out here. I'm not gonna risk actually getting you in trouble on the night of the Autumn Dance."
Azul looks around and nods. "Right." He stands and wears his coat again, smoothing it out. "Are you sure you're feeling better already?"
Jamil clears his throat and speaks again, relieved to find that his voice has gone back to normal. "Yep. Here, I'll help you push it back."
They move the telescope back inside and go out to the balcony again, closing the doors behind them.
"After you," Azul gestures to the beanstalk.
Jamil is quick to oblige, pausing to look up at Azul and then wordlessly extending a hand as an offer.
Azul takes his hand, and they both descend the beanstalk.
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<- Chapter 5
Chapter 7 ->
13 notes · View notes
reveluving · 2 years
the highlight of his day
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summary: Maintaining academic excellence may be Beckett’s top priority, but he'll always make time for the person who matters most to him.
pairing: beckett harrington x f!mc (written as ‘you’, no name usage) 
warnings: fluff, NSFW due to brief mentions of explicit sexual content, so minors DNI!, post-canon/Junior year
a/n: after my recent post, I thought this was the best way to channel my sadness! this is written in a reader insert-style, so it can be you or your OC as the MC we know! I just want y’all to join this Harrington love fest with me lol and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading another choices fic? check out my m.list!
disclaimer! this is a submission for:
‘CFWC Naughty & Nice’ by @choicesficwriterscreations​ with the prompts (Nice); "My favorite part of the day is seeing your face." & Coffee Shop.
‘Picktober: Choices October Challenge’ by @choicesmonthlychallenge​ using the prompts (Flufftober); Blushing & Promises.
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'"I'll make it up to you." He whispered, his lips hovering over yours. There was so much devotion in his words and while you were flattered by his reassurance, you wanted to take your chance to do the same.' ;
“So, there are mermaids down here?” Much like the rest of the group, one of them was in awe at the fact that one; the chances of seeing merfolks around are low but never zero and two; the view overlooking the crystal-clear lake. The sunlight filtering in and reflecting from the bridge produced a scenic glow, much like the effects of the Golden Hour potion was tasked with just two years ago. 
He held onto that memory so dearly, and it wasn't only because of the extra credit he earned. 
No, it was the company and the moment itself.
Beckett shook his head as soon as he felt his face getting warmer at the thought. Instead, he refocused on the group of freshmen he was chaperoning. The way they marveled at the picturesque scenery and pointed at the striking corals below them had him puffing up with pride. They were also hoping to spot a shimmery fin swimming by. But he had to admit, even after years of being in Penderghast, the view was like no other. It gave passersby a brief sense of calm as they go about their day. 
So far, the tour was going pretty well; from his first-ever warning of the school’s statue and its constant lookout for Atuneless intruders to the school's high-end gallery that could give famous museums worldwide a run for their money. He wanted the tour to be exciting just as it was informative. 
“Yes, though even sightings of them remain rare. Not even the ones who have been here their entire academic years were lucky enough to see them, given the merpeople’s suspicion of mankind’s reputation for exploitation and the like.” Beckett responded with ease. 
“Have you seen a mermaid, Mr Harrington?” He expected the question but definitely not the title he was given, though he tried not to show his surprise over it. He thought about the question for a moment, their curiosity piquing as seconds passed. He fought a smile, recalling the day Pend Pal hung out by the lake when they were blessed with the rare opportunity. 
“I have. Just a glimpse of its tail but a one-of-a-kind experience nonetheless.” He didn’t bother mentioning the time they were lucky enough to visit Lake Tempetua thanks to Zeph and his bucket list. He may love the limelight for his achievements but he’d rather save himself the time. This was about Penderghast, after all, "So, there may be a chance that one of you might see, too. And please, don't call me Mr Harrington. I can assure you that my 20th Birthday is only months away." They all chuckled. 
If it wasn’t for Pend Pals, he would’ve never realized that his dry or witty humour, as some would put it, was what made Beckett… well, Beckett.
“Shall we proceed?” The tour continued with them crossing the bridge, their chatters growing louder when they soon realized they were heading to the stadium. But rather than being in awe of the sport or even the stadium itself, some had other priorities.
“I heard one of their Earth-Att's really really hot.” Beckett couldn't drown out the remark, unfortunately. Not especially when they shrilled in excitement right after. Still, he had seen this coming the second he thought of bringing them to the stadium. 
Tuneless or not, jocks would always be the it-subject to swoon after, it seemed. And by the same clique who didn't understand personal space. His personal space, no less. They stopped trying eventually, seeing how showed zero to no reaction to their attempts or were silenced by his well-known glare, but that didn't mean they'd stopped giving him the eye from time to time. 
At least the stadium truly exceeded the entire group’s expectations, with their oohs and ahhs and Beckett’s new favourite ‘it’s even bigger than the one in Gildegraive!’. He had a hunch that the tour was going to derail from its purpose for a while, and frankly, he didn’t mind because he, too, had his own motives for coming here. With the underclassmen more focused on the arena's interior, Beckett took his chance. Though, it didn't take long for his sharp eyes to find the one person he's been dying to see for months now. 
The Sun-Att. 
His Sun-Att.
In the middle of the arena, there you stood, next to Zeph as he animatedly talked over the players standing before him. Most likely about their progress or even new tactics for future matches. Griffin, too, chipping in whenever necessary or if Zeph had missed something along the way. Beckett knew he had no chance of turning back, seeing how he naturally was able to spot you right away and honestly, he didn’t mind it one bit. 
Beckett and the group were only a few steps away from the team when you, Zeph and Griffin gave your final words and called it a day. Considering how Zeph and Griffin had blocked you from noticing the newcomers, you were about to walk with those who dispersed in the other direction when Zeph pulled you back to his side by your shoulders.
“Look who’s here,” He grinned, “Seems like B-Boy couldn’t wait to see you any longer, and he brought company. Loads of them.”
You blinked, preparing to ask what he had meant when you finally noticed the new set of company. You were really ever able to scan through their faces before beaming at the sight of the tour guide himself. You approached the group with a bounce in your step, with Griffin and Zeph following closely.
“Beckett!” Just having you in front of him had easily become the highlight of his day. No amount of calls, phone or video-wise could ever top being in your presence in itself. No matter how many times he’s glared at his sister for teasing him of missing you whenever he was seen zoning out during their family vacation, they both knew she was right. Hell, even their parents had caught wind of it.
“So, a Sun-Att, I hear?” Beckett choked on his soup, widening his eyes at his mother’s question. His parents were clearly delighted, and he didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Probably both, because they were already joining the teasing train with Katrina from then on. 
Still, he meant what he said about bringing you with him to his travels one day, though he has yet to bring up meeting his family. Not yet, at least. For now, he was going to make up for lost time. None of you had the time to see each other since your return just days ago, with him being appointed by Professor Englund with the new students and you helping your team out with early preparations.
“I see you’ve made some new friends,” You peered over his shoulder, waving back at them as they finally realised who you were. If the way he greeted you with your name in a much softer tone didn’t give it away, then the symbol on your jersey definitely did, “It’s not every day we see the Beckett Harrington coming here willingly, other than to watch us win the championships.”
He playfully rolled his eyes.
“So, to what do we owe the pleasure?” 
“Well, I was just telling the freshmen about Penderghast’s continuous success in the leagues.”
“Yup, five times in a row, and hopefully it doesn’t end there!” Unbeknownst to Griffin, his toothy grin not only had ‘the clique’ squealing amongst themselves, but even the boys were extremely pumped just by the thought of being in the team. You've made room for Zeph to join, or rather, take your place in the conversation. While you love the game with your heart and soul, you knew Griffin and Zeph were better at marketing it. 
Hey, they were the ones who convinced you into joining the team, after all!
Soon, you were shoulder-to-shoulder with Beckett, minus the height difference, speaking to one another without looking away from the associating parties. 
“I meant what I said,” He raised his eyebrows questioningly, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, “Seeing you here. I know we haven’t had the time, even though we’re both in the same building.”
“Hey, none of that.” He stopped you, “I should’ve at least stopped by your room as soon as I got here, but Professor Englund came to me the last minute and I—”
“Beckett,” You placed your hand on his bicep, running it up and down as a way to comfort him, “How about we both take the blame? It’s not even our first day and I’d rather not spend the precious time I have with my boyfriend talking about whose fault it is.”
He chuckled, crunching the turf under his shoes idly.
“Fine, fine. We can save the headache for topics like Shreya’s endless plans with Serene and Sublime.”
“Or Professor Englund’s class, in a nutshell.” You both shared a laugh, forgetting your surroundings momentarily when you caught a new student pointing at something up top to his friend. You looked up in wonder, only to realise that they were so entranced by your familiar. Butterball had been gliding near the roof’s opening, where he basked in the sun since the end of practice rather than returning to the ether. 
Might as well make new friends, right?
“Butterball, come here, boy!” You raised your hand, wiggling your fingers at the lumian in an effort to grab his attention. The majestic serpentine stopped dead in his tracks, perking up when he realized it was you calling his name. His trill was loud enough to echo throughout the arena before diving headfirst towards your group. You’ve briefly forgotten that matured familiars weren’t common around campus, let alone a mega-evolved one like Butterball until the freshmen reacted apprehensively at his actual size and lightning speed. Some gasped while others tried to hide behind one another, though none of them fled, seeing how even Beckett wasn't moving.
As expected, Butterball had targeted Beckett, circling him from the bottom up before stopping right in front of him. Half of them staggered and swayed, unexpecting the gust of wind from his rapid moves.
“Hello to you too.” Beckett chuckled, returning his greeting with a couple of pets on the head. The coos released by your companion had brought the cautious students at ease, approaching him with less skepticism, "Everyone, meet Butterball. Her familiar.” He introduced the creature to them before motioning to you.
Butterball's feathers shook in excitement, nudging his head into the closest set of hands for pets. His cat-like behaviour instantly won their hearts, with some wanting to get a turn at giving him head scratches while the rest returned to Zeph and Griffin, eager to know more about the upcoming tryouts. 
"Do you mind if I borrow you for a sec?" Beckett raised his brows, more so intrigued than suspicious before calling out to them to take five. With their attention elsewhere, you slipped your hand into his, fingers intertwining before dragging him to the side of the bleachers. The spot wasn't far from the students' peripheral vision but enough for some sort of privacy. 
He opened his mouth in hopes of asking if everything was alright when you crashed your lips against his. You heard his breath hitched but he returned the gesture just as quick, only for you to break the kiss before he could even deepen it.
Your forwardness was not expected, as evidenced by his wide eyes. But with this newfound spot, he thought 'fuck it'. Remaining professional may be his top priority but he only had so much self-control. He caught you by surprise when he took a hold of your hands, pulling you in for a longer, much more passionate kiss. Your hands rested on his chest, feeling up the familiar material of his blazer while his very own held onto your hips. The second you felt his tongue prodding your bottom lip, your caresses turned to grips, slightly creasing his lapel in the process.
Upon hearing your little whines, he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. Even with what was happening just a few feet away from you, the feeling of being in his arms after so long was too good to ignore. 
"What time will your practice end?" His eyes remained closed, fearing that he'd lose you just by opening them. 
"Uh… Around five, I think. Why?" 
"I'll make it up to you." He whispered, his lips hovering over yours. There was so much devotion in his words and while you were flattered by his reassurance, you wanted to take your chance to do the same.
"Beckett, my favorite part of the day is seeing your face. The second I saw you here, I immediately forgot how tired I was!" Your hands slipped upwards, wrapping your arms around his neck to be closer to him than you thought possible, "Just having you by my side is already a treat in itself, no matter where we are or what we do."  
That’s what he love about you, amongst other reason, that is. How easy you were able to decipher your feelings into words and how he hopes to do the same for you. He may have his difficulties every once in a while but as a Harrington, you knew he wasn't going to back down from a challenge, and that is what you love about him.
"Then I'll make sure we'll make the most of it," He promised, "I'll stop by your room at six, get dressed by then." 
"Oh, bossy, aren't you?" You teased him, only to gape at his defense.
"And not once have I heard you complain about it," He leaned in, whispering in your ear, "Not especially when we're in bed," It was your turn to look away, knowing he had a smirk on his face when you failed to respond, "So obedient whenever I tell you to take your clothes off, having an absolute beauty lay underneath me." 
"Beckett…" You gulped, always taken aback by this side of him.
"You have my word." The meaningful smile on his face was hard to resist, and just as you savoured the moment, Zeph's voice rang out.
"Hey, lovebirds! Sorry to interrupt but the captain's gonna need his star player ASAP!" You and Beckett looked at each other before sharing a laugh, your face growing hot whereas Beckett was no different, clearing his throat as if it was going to help with the way he blushed.
"After you." Ever the gentleman. You thanked him with a playful curtsy and headed back to the group, your boyfriend tagging along seconds after. The knowing looks on Griffin and Zeph's faces accompanied by the giggles and oohs of the freshmen had you wishing you could use your Super Speed spell and get the heck out of there. 
"Right, I hope you all learned a lot about Thief and had fun with Butterball but we should really continue," Beckett stroked the lumian's cheek, only to call your name, "Do you mind if we visit the Sun-Att Room before we conclude our tour? Just so they know what it looks like on the inside." 
He's definitely not trying to show you off.
"Be my guest! I'll let Atlas and Dean Swan know about it, just in case," You showed him an 'okay' sign before waving with Griffin and Zeph as the group departed, "Welcome to Penderghast, by the way!" 
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"So… Mind telling me where we're going?" It’s been hours since the tour and just ten minutes since Beckett’s arrival at your doorstep. You were just about ready when he knocked on your door, opening it to find Beckett offering you a single Dreamshade flower. 
The number of times this man has made you feel fuzzy should not be healthy at this point. 
"Why spoil the surprise when I can just bring you there?" He turned the knob that led to Penn Square, filling you with anticipation as to what he had in mind. Walking hand in hand, you took in your surroundings; from Aster’s shop to the local bookstore, plus the familiar faces you’ve passed by. As the turn you both took became apparent, you turned to him in excitement. 
“Are we going where I think we’re going?” As if the universe heard you, you and Beckett coincidentally reached your destination; Cafe Sirene. The very coffee shop that held both your favorite treats and valuable memories. 
“Not at all,” He held the door open for you, joining you to greet the staff behind the counter. Both of you ordered the usual; a slice of Raspberry Reverie and some hot chocolate before moving over to the window seat. 
“Have you stopped by the shop since we last saw each other?” He asked you before taking a sip of his drink.
“I did once! Atlas and I were craving something sweet and we just bought tons to try at home,” Hearing you talk about your time with your family was always thrilling. The sparkle in your eyes as you recalled them one by one. Stroganoff Sundays with Atlas and your mother, movie nights with foster parents, lazy days with Butterball and Navi. It was the least you deserve, considering the hardships you had gone through since your first year, “But y’know, it doesn’t beat coming here with you.”
He rubbed the back of his neck upon hearing your confession.
“But what about you? Anything interesting happened while you were in France?”
“Well, if you think visiting over five art galleries within two days is interesting, then sure,” He shrugged nonchalantly, only to hide his smile behind the cup, “But, personally, I’d say your beauty is just as mesmerizing as the art I’ve seen there.”
None of you had the time to react when you heard a chorus of squeals and giggles coming from the kitchen. Both of you turned to the source of the sound, only to find a handful of the staff, including the chef, eavesdropping behind the door. Seeing your eyes on them, they retreated, with one of them even let out a small, high-pitched scream. You hid your face, only to peek through your fingers and see Beckett covering his mouth, sharing your embarrassment. He looked anything but annoyed though, and with his free hand, he interlaced his fingers with yours.
“Let’s just eat, shall we?” You nodded, and the shyness you both had slowly disappeared. Your conversation went on smoothly as you fed each other the cake, all while watching the sunset and returning to your dorm with big smiles and high hopes for the future together.
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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rivvenofthelake · 22 days
Misunderstood Mischiefs: Types of Rats (2)
Disclaimer: I am not an essayist, or a formal educator, but I do enjoy teaching people about things I find interesting or important. I try to ensure any knowledge I share with others is true and verified, but sometimes I might make mistakes. Let me know if I do, but please be kind ♡( ◡‿◡ ) Also, unless stated otherwise, I do not own any gifs or images used in this post.
In my quest to research rats, I have found myself looking into the different types that there are.
Turns out, there are 56 types of rats in the world, even more if you count rats that have since gone extinct. I found that I actually was having quite a lot of trouble finding a list of these types. There was one article that listed 60-something rats species (including extinct ones), which I used for reference for a while, but I was finding very little information on specific species when I tried to look deeper into them. I ended up just searching 'Rattus' on Wikipedia, to see if it would lead to articles about species under this genus..and...
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HUZZAH!!!~ So....now for the nitty gritty fun stuff.
Oh, and I should also specify that while there are many critters with names including the word 'rat', a true rat is an animal in the 'Rattus' genus. So, for example, the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys phillipsii) belongs to the Dipodomys genus, and while it is a rodent, it is not a true rat. If you ask me, being a rat should be all about vibes, but for the sake of science we will abide by this definition.
Fantastic Survivors
Part of the reason why there are so many types of rats is that they are really really good at surviving. There are estimated to be as many if not more rats on the planet than humans, though because there are so many of them all over the place it is really hard to get a more precise number. The most commonly known types of rats are the black rat (rattus rattus) and the brown rat (rattus norvegicus).
Fun fact: If you are a rat parent, you likely have a fancy rat. Fancy rats are the type of rat bred to be pets, and are a type of brown rat!
Now, I could go on for a while about each type of rat, but the fact of the matter is that for many of them there isn't a lot of information that I can find online about them, at least not in a short period of time. But I shall endeavor to do my best!
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。✧ 🎀 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒𝓈 🏵𝒻 𝑅𝒶𝓉𝓈 🎀 ✧。
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Black Rat (Rattus rattus) ♥
Aka roof rat or house rat; despite being called the black rat, it can be anywhere from black to light brown in color. This little fella was previously believed to have been the primary culprit in the spread of the Black Death, however this has been seriously called into question in recent years. It is believed that the bacterium (Yersinia Pestis) most likely spread from fleas via humans themselves. Though the rats certainly had some role in the spread, they were far from the main vector. That being said, they can be carriers for other diseases and should be treated cautiously. Black rats are a social type of rat, forming packs that are typically lead by the dominant females of the group.
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2. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) ♥
Another common name for the brown rat is the Norway rat, owing to its scientific name. It is bigger than the black rat, and that is one of the ways you can tell the two apart. I found a really good diagram from the LA Country Natural History Museum website that highlights the differences in a really good way.
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Including the tail, brown rats average 16 inches in total length. They can weigh just over 1 pound.
Despite its name, the brown rat is not from Norway. Like most rats, it originates from Asia (native to northern China). Apparently they don't really know why this happened (the misnomer, not the rats themselves), but it is believed to have been the results of a misinformed scientist.
As I said before, the popular fancy rat is a type of brown rat bred to be pets. There are tons of different varieties of fancy rats. To do them justice I would need to post as many pictures of different types as I could, but to make this easier for the both of us I will just share the link to this National Fancy Rat Society webpage: https://www.nfrs.org/breeding_varieties.html
Fun Fact about Me: My favorite type is the dumbo fancy rat. See example picture, I need not explain:
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Anyway, like black rats, brown rats are omnivorous and opportunistic when it comes to their dietary choices. According to the Smithsonian's article on brown rats, there was a study where one rat's stomach had over 4,000 different items in it. I didn't look super deep into this specific study, but my presumption is that these were small bits of different things....unless this was a really big boi...
Unlike their black rat cousins, brown rats form male-dominated groups, and dominance is determined by size. Also, where black rats are polygynous (males mate with multiple females, females mate with one male), brown rats are polygynandrous (both sexes mate with multiple partners). Brown rats breed incredibly proficiently, which is why they can have such an impact on the environments (natural or man-made) that they live in.
Again taking my info from the Smithsonian:
" Females go into estrus just 18 hours after giving birth and are capable of having seven litters a year. Females experience a six-hour period of estrus, during which they mate with as many as 500 times with multiple competing males."
And of course it really doesn't take long for gestation to complete (a little over three weeks) and litters average 8 pups/kits. A cool fact is that, likely due to the fact that there are probably multiple pregnant or nursing females in a group at any given point, females will provide for the pups of other females as if they were their own. From some of the rat owner social groups I have seen online, this can be observed in fancy rats too!
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3. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Nonsense Rat (Rattus burrus) ♥
Looking for a third type to mention on here, I came across this gem of a rat name. To my extreme and immeasurable dismay, there is very little information online about this species of rat. The nonsense rat can be found in a couple of different places, primarily the Nicobar Islands in India.
From the multiple sites I looked at, I could not really find any pictures or visual references to what this rat looks like, except for one picture of a deceased one. And that was like, the ONLY picture I could find that was listed as a nonsense rat.
Nobody really knows where the name 'nonsense rat' comes from. If you try to look up anything about this rat, the majority of sites are all copy pasted of the same text. That being said, I am not sure where the original text comes from.
The IUCN has this species listed as endangered, but even that has little information. I was able to find some suggestions that this could be due to human expansion and a recent tsunami.
Fun fact about the nonsense rat: It's latin name, Rattus burrus, means "red rat".
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Dinner and A Floor Show
My first actual date with Alto Clef, nothing too fancy. Just lasagna, a movie, and... my big fluffy goofball suddenly forgetting how to cat.
Six in the evening, dinner is in the oven, and I'm pacing the floor in my kitchen. Midway between my stove and my refrigerator, and I realize what I forgot to pick up at the shops: a bottle of wine. Probably not a good idea anyway, I do stupid things drunk. Not terminally stupid, challenge 173 to a staring contest dumb stuff, just... really embarrassing once soberish.
My doorbell chimes, too late to think about that now. Clef is here. I wipe my hands on my lemon print apron, and go answer the door. He's on time, impressive. Plus... he seems to have two bouquets, one of white roses for me, and... catnip for my furry junkie. I greet him with a big hug.
While I place the roses in a vase, Clef makes himself at home on my sofa. Liam tries making friends in his usual manner, thumping his hopeful friend in the leg with his fabulous tail until they either tell him off or, more likely, give in and pet him. Clef reaches down, Liam plows his head into his open hand.
"Wow, you're clearly friendly, buddy. How about some ear rubs?" Before long, Liam is purring like a jet engine. Achievement Unlocked: Friend? Friend! I sit down next to them. Never figured Clef for a cat person, but Liam is super friendly.
"Hey, dinner is still in the oven. Yes, I made lasagna. But... I might have forgotten about wine, alas."
"Dr. Clef to the rescue, hope you're okay with chianti. It was the only one I could stand, honestly." He hands me a bottle and I laugh. I recognize the label, it's from Dr. Right's private stash. "Had to cover a shift for that, so I hope it's good." We spend a few minutes talking before the timer goes off. At least... that's how it started. Before long though... well... let's just say we seem to both be into each other. Pretty sure if the timer didn't buzz I'd have burned the lasagna.
I break away to get dinner, and Clef follows me. He's checking out my kitchen, just observing. I plate up dinner, pour two glasses of wine. We take our meal into the living room. I turn on the TV.
"What kind of movie are you in the mood for?" I'm flipping though the streaming services.
"It's been a rough week, I need to ridicule the everloving shit out of something horrible. Even worse than the cafeteria soups."
"Not to worry, Sugarbeard. I know just the director. Two words: Uwe Boll."
"Bring it. Let's start with the House of the Dead."
I put the movie on, and Clef just demolishes every decision the characters made, as well as two plates of lasagna. By the end of the movie, we're both a little tipsy. It's at this point Liam decided to be... silly. First, he got a pretty good dose of catnip. Then... he started with the kitty crack crazies. He zipped around the room, climbing the curtains. Then, lept on top of my bookshelf and knocked off a few plushies. He then stole one of the downed plushies, and began dragging around a Blooper by the tentacle. Blooper was then dropped into Clef's lap, followed by the inevitable crash after a half hour of being chaotic nuts. We're both laughing.
"Not gonna lie, Snowbunny. Liam is hilarious stoned." My crazy housemate is now passed out in the plushie pile, a Yoshi on his head askew. His chin is on Bowser's shell, and before long he's snoring.
We settle in to watch another absolute turkey. Not sure if it was the company or the fact that Uwe Boll can't direct for shit, but I don't remember much about what we wound up watching. I do remember the feel of his hands in my hair, his lips on me. I remember the feeling of absolute peace when we fell asleep on the couch together, him slipping under first. How blissful and serene he looked with his head on my chest, the light from the TV leaving highlights in his golden hair. The way he wrapped his arms around me. The man might have a reputation as the devil, but right now in this moment, he's divine. I press a soft kiss to the crown of his head, then I fall asleep.
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
F, U, C, K with your favorite characters to write for!
I see what you did there 😉 Thanks for requesting!
F, U, C, K (ft, azul, kalim, arashi and shu)
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azul ashengrotto
F — Favorite Position
° azul's favorite positions are the ones where he can face you, as it gives him comfort. He loves seeing all the expressions on your face, while you have your way with him
U — Unfair
° i believe azul doesn't really have any reason to tease you, he's more on the good boy side. But being friends with two eels has its effect, so azul can play games with you sometimes. Nothing that would grant him a proper punishment, but just stolen kisses and sensual whispers
C — Cum
° cum in azul, cum on azul, make azul lick your cum. Anything that involves cum makes him weak in his knees. Particularly anything to do with your cum. He begs you to release on his skin as a way of marking him as yours. And if you cum inside him, damn that'll break him
K — Kink
° praise kink - don't be surprised, it's a known fact, given how much bullying azul got in the past, it'll only be fair to praise him just as much
° public sex - in particular, sex in his VIP room in the monstro lounge. You're alone, but at any moment one of the eels could just barge in, while both of you have sex, and the thought makes azul shiver in anticipation
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kalim al-asim
F — Favorite Position
° kalim's favorite position would probably be the missionary, the classic one. He can see your face, you're both so close to each other, and the way his eyes never leave yours is so breathtaking
U — Unfair
° is a tease, yet doesn't realize it. He teases you with pics and words, but not on purpose, he just doesn't see it as teasing. If you tell him he deserved a punishment for teasing you, he'll just look at you with puppy eyes and ask "why?"
C — Cum
° is cool with cum in any way, shape or form. Kalim loves when you cum on his face and tongue, letting him taste it. Loves to jerk off and cum on his stomach, then send you pics of it, showing the contrast in colors
K — Kink
° blindfolding - as much as kalim wants to see your face, it thrills him not being able to. He doesn't know what you're going to do to him, doesn't know where your voice is coming from, and it makes him more sensitive
° puppy play - kalim is the best boy out there, and oftentimes he reminds you of a puppy. He has a pair of white fluffy ears and a tail butt plug that he wears for you sometimes. He will bark if asked, because it feels good being a good boy
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arashi narukami
F — Favorite Position
° here
U — Unfair
° arashi is a big tease, she knows what strings to pull to rile you up. Her eyes are always lingering on your body, her lips are always drastically close to yours, hands touching your body way too much
C — Cum
° here
K — Kink
° praise kink - it's what she loves and deserves. Her breath hitches ever so slightly whenever you compliment her, she just can't get enough of your sweet words. Can she cum just from being praised? Absolutely
° Body worshipping - in addition to praise kink, arashi loves when your hands roam her body, lips kissing every inch. It's a very touchy topic for her, as she can feel insecure about her body a lot, but just the way you look at her always eases her mind
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shu itaru
F — Favorite Position
° any position where you can't see his face, because it. is. red. He doesn't want you to see how embarrassed he is, and how good you make him feel. It's just not the perfect persona he'd like to be associated with
U — Unfair
° not exactly a tease, but rather talks harshly to you and gets punishments because of that. Can be a bit bratty, purposefully talking you off or lecturing you to see if it'll rile you up
C — Cum
° not... A fan of cum. It feels filthy and flawed. He doesn't want to feel sticky and dirty, so he always cleans things up, be it his or your body or the sheets
K — Kink
° costumes - shu loves making clothes for you, especially some fancy costumes you'd see on idols. Shu also loves getting fucked by you, while you wear clothes he made for you. Just shows him how much you liked them
° guided masturbation - tell him what to do, describe where to touch and when to stop. Shu looses all control of the situation, giving you an opportunity to play with him like a doll
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angeflrs · 8 months
Flufftober — Day 02: First Date.
Pairing: Max Goof / Yakko Warner.
Fandoms: Animaniacs, A Goofy Movie (Disney), Ducktales 2017 (Disney).
Word Count: 959.
Versión Español: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50488909/chapters/127630225#workskin
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LouLou: don't forget that tomorrow we will see the new episode of Roman Empire II I know, Lou jsjs Who knows what would happen if I miss it /s I have to go now xoxo LouLou: First, yuck.  LouLou: Second, good luck on your date.
Max looked at his phone one last time, a fond smile though on his muzzle as he quickly put it back in his pocket and looked at his date next to him.
He still felt like he was in a dream, an incredible dream where the funniest and most unique guy had accepted a date with him.
He couldn't help but admire the outfit he had decided to wear today, although the mere fact that he was wearing something other than those smoky topaz pants and lavender polo shirt already made him feel so special that it was hard to keep his tail still. Today, however, he was wearing a mustard-colored Top T-shirt with a Darkwing Duck print with jean pants with a calf-length hem. Overall it was simple, but Max couldn't help but think that he looked so cute.
“You're going to like this place. It’s like a vegan ice cream parlor.” Max said, once he managed to take his eyes off Yakko to see that they were reaching his destination.
“vegan?” Yakko tilted his head with a curious look.
Max stopped when he arrived at the place, a humble place with pastel colors and an eighties style. He steps in front of Yakko, opening the door and holding it for him. That made Yakko's cheeks turn pink as he entered first.
“They make the ice creams with completely lactose-free milk, the standard is almond milk, but if you are allergic, they have options with soy milk.” he explained, as they both approached the register and the employee who was smiling at them.
Yakko perked up. "That sounds great."
The employee across the bar took this opportunity to speak.
“Good afternoon, what would you like to order? We have a promotion today: Three-ball cup. You can choose the flavor you want from our options and when you finish you can take the cup home.” The boy raised his hand, showing the screens above him with the promotions, he pointed out where the cup with ice cream of different flavors was and in the corner the price.
“Oh, Dot would like to drink grape juice there to look fancy, shall we order that?” Asking, Yakko turned to Max for an answer.
"Sure." Max nodded at Yakko and quickly looked back at the employee. “Two cups please.”
The employee nodded back and then pointed to the other side of the bar where the trays of ice cream flavors are displayed. “Choose your flavors.”
Yakko quickly walked over to look at each flavor, his hand holding his chin while the other rested on his hip. Meanwhile, Max took out his wallet and paid for the ice cream beforehand.
When he joined Yakko, he was still struggling, his bean eyes narrowed in a look of pure, adorable concentration.
Max took a moment to appreciate the view and then looked at the flavors. “For me… Oreo, vanilla and tiramisu.”
The boy who served them began to pour Max's drink when Yakko finally decided. “mint, chocolate and caramel please.”
They received their glasses with a spoon and found an empty table by the front window. They ate the first fifteen minutes in silence, Max fascinated by Yakko's expressions as he took his first bite of each flavor as if it were the most delicious thing in the world.
“so, this is your first date?” 
The sudden question caught Max a little off guard, almost dropping the ice cream off his spoon before putting it in his mouth.
He thought about it while he ate, looking out the window at the people passing by on the street.
“Well, I had a girlfriend in high school, we dated during the summer of our senior year, but when she started college she left the country, a week later we realized that it wasn't worth staying at a distance and we left it as friends.”
Yakko ponders for a moment, before asking another question. “And how was your first date with her?”
“Do you really want to know that?” Max raised an eyebrow.
The other shrugged, “I'm curious, sue me.” taking a spoonful of mint and putting it in your mouth.
Max was quiet for a moment, before smiling sideways without looking at Yakko. “I took her to a special ice cream shop.” He barely finished the sentence, covering his face and trying to dodge the napkins that were thrown at him while he laughed. Once calmed down, he spoke again. “I actually took her to the cinema. I was so nervous that I couldn't remember anything about the movie when it was over, the next day I came back alone just to watch it again."
There was silence at the table after that, although it wasn't awkward or heavy so Max saw no need to worry. He ate more of his ice cream until he had less than half left when Yakko spoke again.
“You don't look nervous now.” His voice was softer, not accusatory, but inquisitive.
Max smiled, looking Yakko in the eyes. “I was nervous when I asked you out because I didn't know if you would say yes, but you make me feel calm, I feel like myself when I am with you.”
Yakko's cheeks flushed red before he lowered his gaze shyly. “I think the opposite happens to me.”
Max tilted his head, a gesture associated with a confused but still cheerful puppy. "in a good way?"
Yakko laughed, his black eyes having a special sparkle in them. "In a good way. You bring out a side in me that I didn't even know and I like it.”
"I like it too. I like everything about you, in fact.”
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Destan-Mixtio family thoughts....
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-Faer wasn't able to speak until he was 5 years old, and they weren't sure he ever would. Nobody ever considered this an issue, given River is also notably mute and its just a Normal Thing in the house. However, a few months after his fifth birthday, Faer managed to say his first word. "sister" while pointing at Nerezza.
-When Cirino gets bored he'll throw those plastic ring toss rings at Vesper or Alee's tails. He usually nails Vesper's tail, slender and slimmer. Alee's is harder because, given his more canidae nature, his tail immediately starts wagging when he sees Cirino. Cute! But not conducive for Cirino's game.
-Marilla didn't want to be an Olympian but was talked into it by Serafim of all people. He used the "don't you want to make your siblings proud?" card and it worked instantly.
-After the birth of Morena, Alee suffered postpartum depression. However, because he didn't want to disappoint Cirino, he hid this fact until his pregnancy with Nerezza became risky due to the stress. He sought out therapy afterwards so as to make sure no further harm came to the baby.
-That being said, that is why there is such a large gap between Nerezza(2071) and Lucian(2203). Alee was afraid of the same thing happening again and instead focused on taking care of the orphanage children.
-Alee cannot speak reaper speak, he's not a reaper. But he can perfectly understand the Fates at all times if they are not /physically/ speaking. This is due to being tuned into a different frequency than others.
-Continuing on that, the Fates rarely if ever need to physically manifest when speaking to Alee due to him being tuned into their channel all the time. But sometimes, usually during large arguments, they will distort the area around him as a physical representation of what he always hears. This differs from their usual manifestations as this is more directly like a force of nature. It is jarring and migraine inducing to anyone that isn't a reaper. But it is the only effective way to get Alee to stop.
-'Fates Radio' is like a crowded event. There are groups everywhere, some small, some large. You move through this room and you can focus on conversations, bits and pieces, but there's always overlap. And you can tune it out but the distant conversations are always somewhat there. And it's specifically like a party where you don't really know anybody, you're rarely included. But sometimes a group drags you in and their voices are overlapping with the background voices and you're trying to focus but you can still hear bits and pieces of the conversations around you.
-There is also the idea that the Fates may be conversing with other people in these background conversations but it's never quite in 'reach' unless it's something large (ie a war would be big, lots would be talking as preparations are made). But ultimately Alee doesn't really Hear most of these conversations in any meaningful way. It's just loud and annoying and overlapping.
-Cirino outright enjoys listening to reaper speak and regularly falls asleep to Heath just talking to him. He's fallen asleep mid listening to Mieran and Lumio having a conversation, it's very cute when he just starts snoring.
-Both Cirino and Alee are excellent dancers due to their upbringings. Alee, however, is much rustier. Cirino is smug because he knows he's a good dancer. You ask Cirino to learn a dance and he's got it down in a few hours.
-Lumio wears a charm bracelet where each charm represents a different family member. They can swap the charms out as they wish, they have a whole fancy box full of them. All of the charms are handmade by Alee, and they get a new charm for any major entrance into the family.
-Kir Royale have a thing called Love Thursdays. It's a day where everyone makes sure they have the time to focus on one particular member of the polycule and make sure they feel loved and cared for. (It changes every thursday)
-Marilla hates being a mercenary but she knows its her or somebody else, and she refuses to let it be anybody else. Unfortunately, she's incredibly good at what she does.
-Marilla also tends to bite off more than she can chew. She's also the Destan-Mixtio child, besides Céfiro, that gets hurt the most. These two things go hand in hand. A hell of her own design.
-Being only Alee's biological child makes Amelia feel odd at times. I've mentioned before she'll overcompensate with spending time with her other parents. She's picked up A LOT of random skills.
-Céfiro's knuckles are permanently dislocated from his time on the streets. When he's doing tattoo work he wears compression gloves under his nitrile gloves.
-Deven legally changed his last name to Agosti-Wolnes when he turned nineteen.
-Similarly to Amelia, being only Cirino's biological child often makes Deven feel a bit odd. They bonded over this fact and are very close. He likes to tease her for showing up the same way he did. "Copying me now, are ya?"
-After Alee's first severe depressive bout where Vesper ended up having to cut a good chunk of his (matted) hair out. Alee will let Fennel, and only Fennel, brush his hair when he's too sad to move to keep the same thing from happening again.
-Céfiro, Fennel, and Alee have similar nightmares. This sometimes ends with the two boys asleep on either of Alee's shoulders on the couch. A safety net.
-Eglantine tried to have Alee assassinated twelve separate times.
-Alee would never say it out loud but he thinks River is a big père's baby. He loves it tho lol
-Sienna, Heath and Alee's daughter, resembles her deceased aunt in both looks and personality. This was incredibly jarring to both of them.
-I don't think Heath ever mentions it to him, but Alee tends to hold them and press his face against them the exact same way Sienna used to. It caught them off guard the first few times, and they always think about it when he does it.
-Alee never intended for Mieran to find out about the reaper poison because he didn't want Mieran to be disappointed in him. He calls himself a sociopathic murderer who "killed somebody who wasn't even involved." and his main fear about Lumio telling Mieran, was how Mieran would look at him afterwards.
-Alee rarely fears disappointing Cirino or Vesper. He knows they won't turn their backs on him. However, due to his history and his own misguided fears, he is regularly afraid of letting any of the reapers down.
-When Alee is sad, Lumio will bring him maple cookies.
-Deven can see a person's death date, but only if they've already died. He can also see their full name, and if they're a reaper, their title. As such he can always spot a sorcerer, if they've died, or reaper.
-Cirino only has one death date, and when asked about it, refuses to talk about it. Alee has dozens of death dates.
-Céfiro doesn't pray at all. On the flipside, Serafim prays every day.
-Faer, Deven, and Amelia all have magic that don't align with their families and are considered evolutions.
-Serafim is scared of snowstorms.
-Faer feels most at home in a storm.
-Marilla regularly isn't sure of who she is and while she jokes about it, it deeply bothers her. She's in therapy for it, but that doesn't always help the ongoing identity crisis. Especially since she needs to be so many people as part of her duty.
-Marilla's shapeshifting magic is on par with a reaper's natural ability.
-Until his greys started growing in, Caiden was a picture perfect copy of Vesper. Still is lol
-Cirino taught Marilla how to use her bow.
-Aster wanted to have fox features. But nyo, he is cat.
-The tip of Aster's bombay tail is white. Like Alee's silver fox colouring.
-Serafim got bullied in school and one day when the bully broke his glasses, Alee nearly went in there himself to beat the child- Instead, Céfiro did it.
-River is regularly bailing Marilla out of trouble to avoid their parents finding out.
-All of their pets are magical with the exception of Katrina. Alee has to semi-regularly use forbidden magic to use his magical lifespan to turn the clock back on her lifespan.
-Life transference is a closely guarded Destan secret, but Alee was the only Destan to perfect it due to his increased energy stores.
-Lux Aestiva is Amelia's favourite holiday.
-Amelia's biological mother, Catherine, is referred to as Aunt(ie) Cathy by the other children and is a regular part of everyone's lives. She's a high school science teacher.
-Serafim goes into social work to be more like his parents.
-Deven's favourite parent is Heath and he makes sure they know it.
-While the kids don't outwardly know this, Vesper and Alee will always choose each other first. Because they need each other to function for anybody else.
-Alee believes in life after death in an nontraditional sense. He believes one's energy may seek each other once it is returned to the universe. He believes Vesper to be his soulmate and will truly refuse to hear otherwise.
-Aster is deathly afraid of fire.
-Helena is allergic to bees.
-Lucian's fox form could be closely likened to a champagne fox, a rare mutation on the red fox. Alee's own coat, silver, is also a mutation from the standard Destan red fox coat. Amelia is a pure cross fox and Marilla is undeniably also a silver fox, as are Sienna and Faer. Interestingly enough, Helena is a normal red fox morph, however their vitiligo is visible in fox form too.
i hope you've enjoyed this post and some of my thoughts ok byeee
taglist: @cerasus--flores
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[SP] Someone keeps knocking on the door of your submarine.
Waking up to the unceasing knocking at his door Tod finally gets up. Mood ruined from being woken up at such an early hour and from the fact that who ever is on the other side of that door is annoying enough to keep knocking after Tod spent a solid 15 minutes purposely ignoring them.
Tod stomped across the room still sleepy yet seeing red. He turned the hatch as he opened the door already mentally noting all the curse words he would use on the persistent pest of a visitor.
Unfortunately before Tod could start his barrage of colourful vocabulary that included yet wasn't limited the things he were going to do to their hands if they even dared touch his door again as well as detailed descriptions and comments on the visitor's entire family tree.
Water BURST through the slim opening in the hatch as it soaked Tod in salty water and submerging his slippers fully underwater along with his carpet and some 'interesting' magazines under his bed.
The hatch closed. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Tod was still covered in saltwater as he tried to meditate. Ah yes... How on Earth could I forget... I'm in a goddamn submarine... I really need to drink coffee before making any decisions in the morning, don't I?
His meditation was interrupted by a flip-flopping at his feet. Looking down he could see a large fish for who the 10-ish centimeters worth of water all around his room where clearly not enough.
Well at least I'm having a fancy dinner today... and judging by the size of this thing the 10 or so following dinners as well.
Tod clicked a button on the side of the wall as water started being drained out and he grabbed a knife to make sure the fish died as quickly and humanely as possible.
Tod was about to go back to sleep now that the fish who was knocking at his door was dealt with. Yet before he had the chance to fully lie down the knocking started again.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Tod was on the verge of breaking something as his eye ticked praying that whoever that pest was would JUST LEAVE ALREADY!
Finally getting up Tod made his way to the hatch as he screamed he pressed the intercom button that was similar to the one he had in his old apartment. It was made for contacting divers and other single submarine pods on solo missions. Now he was going to use it to scare off some fish.
The screen only showed empty ocean yet the microphone clearly conveyed the persistent knocking on the other side. The fish must be out of sight of the camera slightly.
Taking a breath in Tod let out the loudest yell he could muster that wouldn't make his ears hurt "Stop knocking on my god damn hatch already and leave me alone! YOU UNRIPE LIVING, PISSING, SHITTING SUSHI DISH!"
The knocking stopped. Tod let out a a sigh on relief before promptly sucking it back in as he saw his assailant move in towards the camera and microphone.
Oh dear Poseidon what did I do to make you unleash your wrath upon me? Through the intercom Tod could see a young woman with long black flowing hair a bra made of shells and the main course that was a long green scaly fish tail that seemed to glisten as it reflected light off of it in a rainbow pattern. Evidently was a fucking mermaid or rather a siren... this was bad. No diver, fisherman or sailor didn't know who these sly vixens were.
"Oh, why hello there Ms. Mermaid. Anything I can help you with?" His tone unamused as this wasn't Tod's first time interacting with their kind.
"Hello to you too Mr. Sailor, mind if I ask you some questions?" The siren shot Tod a smile that if not for the low quality of the intercom camera would have most likely made Tod's heart skip a beat or two.
See sirens were real scary when you met them whilst swimming or sailing on a ship but they were rather harmless if you were hunkering down inside a submarine.
"Sure go ahead Ms. Mermaid."
"What was all that screaming about?"
"You were bothering me and I really wished you'd leave."
"Aww but why would you want a cutie like me to leave you here all alone~?" That was the problem with sirens who went after him whilst he was in a submarine. They obviously had fuck all better to do than to play games on him and the last thing they were doing was leaving.
"Any other riveting questions that you may have for me Ms. Mermaid?" Though this was annoying it was less annoying than the knocking which was on the verge of making him go insane. Besides he was hoping that if he were to answer all of the siren's questions she would leave him alone.
"Yep, would you like to listen to my song Mr. Sailor?" There it goes. The bitch was blatantly admitting to wanting to control his mind. What. A. Day.
"Sure, go ahead, I'll listen."
"Hmmm, you know I'd really love to buuuuut... My singing sounds way better in person you know?" Of course she'd say that, afterall a siren can only use her powers if you listen to her song 'live'.
"No, I think I'm fine with listening through the door, any other questions?"
"Awwww but c'mon! I promise I sing really, really, really, really, really good!"
"Fine then. If that's how you're gonna be then you've left me no choice!" The siren did a pout as she feigned anger and Tod was sure he would've seen crocodile tears if not for the fact that she was already covered in water.
"I really didn't wanna do this Mr. Sailor. This is all your fault!" Tod continued to stay silent as he idly agonised over what the siren could possible do next to make his stay in the submarine even more painful.
"Here it goes... Ahhh-" the mermaid pretended to take a big breath of air as if she were an opera singer-
"Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Sha-"
The siren's voice was cut short as Tod closed off the intercom. His face redder than a tomato and smoke practically sizzling off of him.
The annoying knocking came back once again curtesy of the far more annoying siren. Yet in comparison to what she had decided to sing the knocking sounded as sweet as a lullaby as Tod went back to sleep to the never ending sounds of:
Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!
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