#anyway that sure was a tangent take a shot every time i typed out the word thagomizer woooo
the-dragon-girl-27 · 26 days
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stupid man and his stupid dinosaur tail
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handsmotif · 3 years
The Queercoding of Pinky and the Brain
This originally was just me infodumping to my friends on discord, but I decided it might be interesting to some people on here, so I polished it up and made it an actual essay lmao
To start, we’re going to break this into 2 sections -- the relationship between the mice, and Pinky’s relationship with gender, because queercoding doesn’t just mean gay!
For a 90′s show, Pinky and the Brain (and its mother show, Animaniacs) was very progressive for its time! But there were still lots of things that they couldn’t slip by censors, and thus, that’s where we have to read between the lines. And that is something I wanted to clarify here before we dive in, the actual meaning of queercoding. It’s NOT the same as queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when the people producing certain media purposefully dangle the possibility of queer representation to lure in audiences (most prominent examples are BBC Sherlock, Riverdale, and Supernatural I GUESS? who knows abt that last one anymore), but never follow through, purely for profit. Queercoding is when media producers WANT to write in queer representation, but can’t, usually because the censors won’t let them. So, they must resort to subtext. (example: the policemen from Gravity Falls) It could also be unintentional, simply assigning certain characteristics associated with the LGBT community to characters. (example: Bugs Bunny, many Disney villains) Either way, it heavily relies on the audience picking up subtext, but whether it’s malicious or not varies, depending on the media. Bugs Bunny is an example of positive accidental queercoding, while a lot of Disney villains are negative examples.
Now, to actually discuss the gay little mice! Pinky and the Brain, whether it be intentional or not (based off comments from Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, and Tom Ruegger, signs strongly point to intentional, but it’s never been explicitly confirmed), is an example of positive queercoding.
There are many moments that I could pick out to discuss here, but we’ll start with some VERY on the nose gay metaphors. 
Remember Romy? If you don’t, that’s their actual biological son! Romy came about due to a cloning accident, where their DNA got combined and spat him out. 
There’s SO many things I could say about Romy. Every appearance he makes has an overarching gay metaphor as the plot. His first appearance in the episode Brinky (yeah it’s literally titled their ship name), it deals with his dads (WHICH I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT, he DOES call them both dad, and they do both call him their son) disapproving of the fact that he wants to leave home and not follow in their footsteps of taking over the world. Brain even goes as far as disowning him whenever he tells him, which is certainly something a lot of queer people can unfortunately relate to. Also seen a lot in this episode is Pinky and Brain arguing even more than a married couple than usual, which pushes Romy away even further. Later, when Romy eventually does leave, and Brain starts to regret chasing him away, he tries desperately to reach out to him, but Romy doesn’t want anything to do with him. They end up tracking him down to an apartment building, where Romy is now living with his human girlfriend. When questioned about their relationship, the girlfriend, named Bunny, goes off on a tangent about how people shouldn’t judge others based on labels or relationships (hello?), and that Brain needs to be more tolerant. Brain apologizes and Romy forgives him. Happy ending.
Romy’s only other appearance is in the comics. Essentially, the plot of this one is that Brain wants to become the president of the local high school’s PTA, but he needs Romy’s help to make it look like he has a normal home life. He also enlists the help of Billie, the obligatory Woman introduced to make sure Brain doesn’t look as gay as he actually is, that he has a crush on. She pretends to be his girlfriend, and Pinky pretends to be Romy’s uncle, while they make up the story that Romy’s actual mother was lost at sea. Because if the organization found out that Brain has a son with a MAN??? THINK of the controversy! Anyway, the plan works, and Brain actually manages to get elected as president. Throughout this though, Pinky gets WEIRDLY jealous that Brain keeps brushing him aside for Billie. To the point where during Brain’s inauguration, Pinky actually dresses up as the wife/mother lost at sea and storms into the room.
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[ID: Comic panels of Pinky, Brain, and Romy on stage at the inauguration ceremony. Pinky busts into room wearing drag, saying, “Yoo hoo! I’m back from years lost at sea to be with my son and ungrateful husband! Narf!” He then hugs Romy, while glaring at Brain. He goes on to say, “I’ll stand by your side, even though you left me behind!” The people in the audience begin to question this, saying, “Oh great fuzzy bangs!”, “What’d she say?!”, “He deserted her to be with that other woman!”, “What kind of monster is he?!”. Brain then rips off Pinky’s wig and says, “This isn’t my wife! This isn’t even a woman! It’s my roommate, Pinky.” Pinky replies, “Well, yes... But Romy really is my son! Poit!” And Brain responds, “N-Nonsense! He’s my son!” More people in the audience angrily speak up, saying, “What’s that?”, “He lives with a guy who likes to dress up in women’s clothing and the both claim to be that kid’s father!”, “Grumble! Mutter!” /END ID]
Needless to say, this doesn’t end well for them. What we can conclude from this is that homophobia exists in the Pinky and the Brain universe, and our characters are directly affected by it.
Moving on, And-There-Was-Only-One-Bed is a pretty common occurrence with these two. Their cage is big, they have plenty of room for two beds, but? They choose to sleep together? Even in some times where this has been inconsistent and they DO have separate beds, they’re always RIGHT next to each other. (what if we put our minecraft beds together ❤😳)
I would like to mention the episode, You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again! This episode is interesting to say the least. Deals with a lot of the meta of the show. Anyway. In this episode, Brain has a nightmare that he’s in a loveless marriage with Billie. You know, the woman he’s supposed to have a crush on. In the end, he wakes up from the nightmare in the same bed as Pinky.
Speaking of female love interests, Pinky is seen having multiple relationships with characters of different species. Any time this is brought up by Brain, Pinky counters with Brain being too intolerant. An honorable mention with this is in Wakko’s Wish, when Pinky is with Pharfignewton, and Brain’s constant pestering about their relationship could be read as jealousy. Pinky needs a mousy date, after all!
Something else I would like to mention is in one episode (I forget what it’s called, I’ll try to look it up later and edit this), Brain is applying for a job. The employer asks Brain if he’s married, and Brain hesitates before saying he “has a roommate,” but that he’s occupied with his own things, which then cuts to a shot of Pinky applying lipstick.
Leading into part two of this essay, Pinky’s relationship with gender! Pinky has always been very gender nonconforming, and loves to wear dresses, do his makeup, and make himself look pretty. For the most part, this is played pretty straight, and not as a gag, like a lot of shows tend to do! It’s just a casual fact about him that he likes to present femininely sometimes.
This does play into their taking over the world plans pretty often, where Pinky wears drag, usually either to sneak into somewhere. Like in one of their earliest appearances on Animaniacs, Noah’s Lark, where they pose as a couple to board Noah’s, and I quote, “love boat.” After boarding, Noah says to himself, “Who am I to judge?” Okay. Yeah. Alright. Anyway.
I actually had less to say on this than I thought I did, but I wanted to make sure to emphasize that Pinky at the very least is coded as being Not Quite Cis, and that he’s played a key part in helping a lot of people watching the show figure out that they’re also Not Quite Cis. 
Wrapping this up because I’m hungry, but I want to throw in some more honorable mentions that I really do not see any type of cishet explanations for:
They literally go on a romantic date at a very fancy restaurant in Brain’s Night Off. This is played extremely casually, and the only remark from anyone that they receive is that they are “much smaller than the usual clients.”
Pinky, on at least one occasion, daydreams about him and Brain being a married couple, and wanting to be a housewife (the original malewife ❤)
There’s an issue in the comics where Pinky has a crush on another male mouse, and when Brain gets annoyed, Pinky reassures him that he thinks Brain is cute and quite the catch too
Brain attempting to kiss Pinky in the reboot??????
Brain actually did conquer the world once in the Halloween special, because Pinky made a deal with the devil for it, and thus Pinky got sent to hell! Brain actually went to hell and gave up the world to bring him back
Brain was extremely close to conquering the world once more in the Christmas special, but after reading what Pinky’s feelings for him were (nothing romantic, just Pinky basically just praising Brain for being so hardworking and an amazing mouse, and lamenting that he never gets anything for it), he gets so emotional that he sabotages himself and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas instead
TLDR; these mice are very queer and need therapy, and are probably the most heavily queercoded characters that I can think of in children’s media.
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kingofthehilltoday · 3 years
King of the hill review s1e1 "Pilot"
(I'm gonna start watching koth and typing these out season by season, depending on my work schedule/metnal healt will depend on how often I put them out, with the occasional single episode ones like this one which I've already typed up so much for. A lot of people seemed to like just the Meer idea of this so im gonna finish this one and post it)
We're introduced to the main characters surrounding a truck with the hood up. The first lines of dialogue they have in the series is their iconique "yep" "yep" "yep" "mhm" followed by a short silence (aside from the alcohol consumption).
Bill is the one to break the silence and demonstrates his understanding of automobile engines.
He is followed by Dale who demonstrates himself as an idiot. "Ford stands for: Fix It Again Tony."
Boomhauer, who without subtitles i wouldn't have been able to understand, also demonstrates he understands automobiles.
Hank who does not have the courtesy of subtitles does not understand what Boomhauer says and brushes him off and instead dribbles on about George Bush in Japan? This establishes his conservativeness/dumbness (if there's that much of a difference between the two.)
Hank grabs more beer and Dale breaks off into asking about a new episode of Seinfeld dating the beginning of the show.
Boomhauer immediately starts squaking about it.
This episode of Koth aired January 12 1997, although it doesn't seem to take place in a winter month. Most likely a spring one. I want to say the episode that Boomhauer is talking about is The Wig Master (April 4, 1996) as it is an episode that features Kramer and Kramer is the subject of Boomhauers tangent.
Boomhauer ends his giggling with "Just a show about nothin." And the theme song begins to play. A good introduction into what King of the Hill is about, and so far a great way to start the show off.
Theme song ends and Hank enters Bobby's room, despite Bobby telling him he wouldn't like it Hank decides to listen to Bobby's music to find: he doesn't like it. Admittedly because it isn't music (which Hank claims to like new generation music) but because instead it's just a fart? Bobby for some reason just listens to farts.... I guess this does establish that the boy ain't right....
Hank leaves Bobby's room telling him to get ready for the game, which Bobby is clearly already dressed for?
Luanne shows she hasn't learned how to lock the bathroom door when Hank busts in to a fully toweled Luanne. He still avoids looking at her the entire time after the initial door opening. Luanne gives slight exposition by explaining her parents are currently fighting, giving her a reason to be in the Hill House.
Hank, Bobby, and Peggy pile into a car and head to the game. Peggy tells Bobby to do his best and Hank insists he should give it 110% instead of 100%. They then keep suggest 1% higher until Peggy says 13 is an unlucky number. The driving scene ends with Hank miffed saying "just give it 112%."
At the game Bobby shows his inability to play baseball and Hank shows how overzealous he is about getting Bobby to play. Bobby gets hit with a ball when he's not paying attention giving set up for future events within the episode.
Hank Hill stops at the Mega Lo Mart for WD-40. Its not that important that I mention the WD-40. I just like the way he says Dubya Dee Fordy.
Two gossips see Hank interact with Buckley (who doesn't seem to recognize Hank, let alone where he even is in the store) along with Bobby who has a black eye following close behind him.
As Hank gets more and more frustrated with Buckley, Bobby begins swinging a cardboard tube around like a baseball bat. The gossips see Hank with his temper and wonder if he gave Bobby the black eye (theyre voiced by Nancy and Peggy without changing the voices even a little bit). Bobby swings the bat a little too close to some cans and knocks them over prompting Hank to scream YOU'RE FIRED (???? who gave Hank the authority???) at Buckley when he tells Hank that he'll have to pay for the damages.
The two gossips' words spread around and eventually get to the erroneously named Arlen County Child Protective Services (I suppose Heimlich County hasn't been established yet). And we're introduced to Anthony Page whos proportions make him look like he's in the wrong cartoon.
We cut back to hank and friends and Dale goes on his rant about Glo-Bal warming. He says we'll grow oranges in Alaska. Hank calls him a giblet head and tells Dale he'll hold him personally responsible if Texas gets any hotter in the summer. His anger is further pushed by a thumping noise.
Which we see is Bobby playing ball in the house while watching TV. He accidentally smacks his mother in the face with it when she pauses to lament about a man on TV who had botched surgery.
Bobby is once again throwing the ball in the house, enter the social worker, and Hank fixing his truck. The sound distracts Dale from pointing the flashlight correctly which then causes Hank to screw up and the hood of his car to fall on him and Dale runs off instead.
"Hank is as gentle as a lamb," says Peggy followed by Hank barging in, grabbing the baseball and throwing it screaming, "STOP BOUNCING THAT BALL!" Note: the ball zoomed past Mr. Page and into the street making a glass shattering noise. What glass he could have shattered at that angle I'm not quite sure of.
After Tony insinuates the bruise on Peggy's head was caused by the same ball they told him hit Bobby in the eye, he asks if Bobby is their only child. Peggy manages to tell this random dude about Hank's narrow urethra and Hank gets loud.
Our Italian alien looking friend tells Hank "Loud is not Allowed." This sets Hank off on a rant about how he works for a living as opposed to writing down nonsense. This is the first mention of Hank's job selling Propane and Propane Accessories.
Hank's face turns visibly red as talks about his tax dollars going to fund... CPS? I understand that twig boy is very much not doing any actual investigation and is completely biased but... come on now Hank? Chuld protective services?? Anyways Hank asks for some B.C. Headache Powder and a glass of water. He then proceeds to yell at Anthony again and threatens him to get out before he gives HIM a black eye. Not the best choice of words there Hank. Also both of these rants are set to the National Anthem for some reason.
Our self proclaimed hero of this story then goes on to interview neighbors about Hank. Starting with Dale who is interrupted by Nancy leaving to get a headache treatment from John Redcorn. "You've been going to that healer for 12 years and you still get headaches every night." Imagine getting dicked down roughly 4380 days in a row.
After Nancy leaves it goes back to our city slicker asking if Hank has ever hit his child which Dale explains that Bobby is his pride and joy because of his Narrow Urethra. Very interesting world where Dale knows Hank has a narrow urethra but not that his own wife is cheating on him. Joseph is introduced and the paper white boy does a double take as he's the spitting image of John Redcorn.
Boomhauer has mistaken the defunct social worker as??? Someone whos there to do something about a barking dog? Once again if not for the subtitles I'd be lost on what he's saying but what the hell is he talking about. Our pencil pusher backs away slowly.
Bobby and Joseph are trying to get pebbles into the exhaust of the truck in the next scene, impressively they make a few shots. Joseph asks to reassure that Hank does not in fact hit him and Bobby confirms that Hank is all Bark and proceeds to mock the propane salesman. Joseph proceeds to try and while he's making fake threats in Hank's voice our Valiant Savior overhears and somehow mistakes his voice to actually be Hank's....
Cut to the actual Hank and he's found Luanne's panties. They're very cute pink ones. Peggy calls Luanne in to Hank's protests and she comes in crying and expositions about her mother attempting to stab her father with a fork then being sent to jail. She says her trailer was tipped over but does not elaborate as to how. Although she does say it will be on a TV show! Kind of wish theyd make an episode out of that alone.
Hank assures Luanne as best he can and lets her know she can stay with them until her mom comes home. Hank offers to let her use power tools to style a wig that was also damaged in the process of the trailer being flipped over. This immediately calms Ms. Platter.
A doorbell is heard and the Hills (minus Luanne) answer the door to find Our Holy King making his return to try to get our Poor Abused Child to come outside and go live with a family in North Arlen (not even gonna try to find somewhere in a different town??) Hank tries to offer him Luanne instead. The social worker makes an effort to try to get Bobby to come with him but Bobby clearly doesn't care or want to go. Hank chases him away and even hits his car, Ladybird making her first appearance running with him and barking at Anthony.
Mr. Page is confronted by his boss about not having found any actual abuse but recommending state custody. He called the entire neighborhood redneck city to a man with a strong country accent, bruh. The boss asks him if he talked to the little league coach, WHICH THE BOSS KNOWS BY NAME (Harvey) and our Los Angeles boy is sweatin fierce.
Cut back to Hank and Peggy with their ears covered they come outside to BOBBY WITH A STOP SIGN HE CUT DOWN USING A DRILL THAT HE'S HITTING WITH A HAMMER??? How did he get a Fucking Stop Sign??? Hank immediately yells at Bobby about this and Bobby calmly states back that Hank can't yell at him or the state will take him away. This frustrates Hank but he does his best not to outburst again after Bobby picks up the stop sign and runs away dragging it behind him.
Once inside the house Bobby answers a call from CPS, they inform him the case has been dropped and our boy from L.A. will be heading back home. He chooses not to tell his parents instead opting to tell them it was a wrong number. After this scene the stop sign is never seen again 😔.
Hank apparently makes bacon and mayo sandwiches. Hold the bacon grease. No wait he adds the bacon grease back. Luanne comes into the kitchen and demonstrates that she knows more about cars than any of the guys as she has fixed his truck's problem: a clogged fuel line.
We cut to Hank outside the garage asking Bobby to plug in a power tool in the garage, Robert (with Joseph in tow) agrees and does so but also grabs the opener and starts opening and closing the door on his father. Hank begins to yell again and Bobby reminds him that it isn't proper adult-child conversation. Hank settles down a bit and through gritted teeth asks Bobby to return it to factory setting of down and walks away. Joseph is very pleased by this.
We then see a montage of similar things happening in succession. Bobby knocking a fence down with a bat, dressing ladybird up and taking pics of her on his mower, and finally spraying Hank with a hose. As he does this the Anthony's ex boss comes over and knocks on the door.
We cut over to Bobby in his bed making sound effects. He is informed by Peggy that the man came over and told them the investigation was off. Bobby says he likes his father better this way he can "make him love me even when I screw up" and Peggy asks if he really thinks that.
Peggy is shown going into the bedroom (not really sure if this is their bedroom... there is a picture of cotton on the wall [pre shin loss] and it doesn't look like their bedroom in future episodes) and she insists Hank vocally tell Bobby that he loves him. Hank explains that he can't do that "you know how I was raised" followed by a flashback of a young Hank and a shinless Cotton telling Hank not to cry about his knee scrape.
Hank heads out to the porch to talk to Bobby who is sitting on lawn furniture. And Hank stumbles over words trying to explain to Bobby that he cares for him. Bobby doesn't understand and Hank makes some weird voice cracking sound. "You.... family." Hank then, after little bit more stumbling, manages to blurt out "ILoveYouNoMatterWhatYouDo." And then offers food.
Bobby asks if he's not a disappointment and Hank assures him that he's proud of him and cares for him. He then play fights with Bobby and the city boy sees it and proclaims he was right but is cut off by another passenger and says "never mind." And the episode fades to black. Cue theme song.
The quoted line at the end of the episode is blank. This episode predates that tradition apparently.
Okay so now for some more of my own thoughts
I joked around a lot but I do see where the social worker is coming from on some level. He believed he was investigating a case of abuse. He just wasn't very smart about it. He really should have talked to the coach immediately after hearing about the baseball incident. Or literally anyone that could have been at the game that day. That's all it would have taken and he would have still have had a job. But it's a good thing he doesn't anymore because his own negligence could have separated a family.
I won't claim they're the most functional family. But if the most Hank does (up until this point, not gonna count that awful smoking ep just yet) is simply yell at Bobby then they're a much better family than I had growing up. Does Hank need to work on his anger issues? From this episode alone I'd say a solid Yes. He was a dick to a store employee which is very much not a cool thing to do. There was some justification in being angry at Bobby, I mean the kid tortured him at the end there, but he should have sought a better release than the one he had.
Overall I'd say this is a really good episode to start the series on, it's entertaining and funny and properly builds up the world.
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (pt 2)
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tw: none, fluffy
wc: 2337
Part one!
Spencer almost ran every red light and stop sign on his drive home. He didn’t even put the radio on. The only music was the sound of his ragged breath and skyrocketing heart beat. It hadn’t sunk in for him yet that you were really, truly, gone. You had only called it quits a few weeks ago, and work was okay. Good even. Hotch was nice enough to split you guys up a lot, sending you with JJ or Derek and Spencer with the newest member, Alex Blake. In the few small interactions you had, the two of you were better than you had been during the last few months of your relationship. It was just like the old days, before everything went sour. He guessed that was just you faking how much pain you were really in, and he was right. He cursed himself for not noticing that either. 
He sat on his couch and opened up the box again to find envelope 1: 
“Okay, Hey Spence. I’ll try not to be so long winded, but bear with me throughout this. I want you to really understand what happened between us. 
These are going to go chronologically, so the story starts before we even started dating. The story starts the day I realized I loved you. November 17, 2010. So please take out: 
1. Welcome Interstate Managers- Fountains of Wayne. 
Please direct your attention to track 3. Stacy’s Mom. This may be my favorite memento from us. It’s so innocent. We were so innocent then, but not anymore.”
He took the disk out and ran his hands over the case. It had never been opened and still had the plastic film on it. He flipped it over and read the track list to find #3, ‘Stacy’s Mom’. He immediately knew where this was going. The memory hit him like a sack of bricks, knocking the air out of him and making it hard to breathe. 
“This also may be one of my favorites because it’s so not you. No one would think that Stacy’s Mom of all songs would be so important to us. But it is, because it was the beginning. 
We had just gotten back from that weird, awful case in LA. The one where the taxi driver had the weird smell thing and would remove skin from the victim’s feet? And Emily was being suspicious? Yeah, we had just gotten back from that one and Derek and I had each given you $50 to finish the paperwork for us. We were joking around and arguing about basketball of all things. I don’t have an eidetic memory but I remember that day so clearly. 
“Is this really the hill you want to die on Derek Morgan?” I said. 
“Yes, Y/N, Michael Jordan will always be the best basketball player of all time,” Derek said back.
“I’m just saying Lebron or Kobe could definitely pass him at some point! Especially now that Lebron’s on the Heat. Him, Wade, and Bosh are going to kill it.” 
“Why do you know so much about basketball Y/N?”
You weren’t paying attention to us. You were doing the work we should have been doing. You always were the good one, Spence. When Em or D  or I would go off the rails, you always kept it together. I admire you for that. I had a crush on you at the time. It wasn’t full blown yet, but it was enough to make me flustered and blushing any time I was near you. 
I told Derek that I was a pretty big basketball fan because my brother had drilled it all into me when I was a kid. He scoffed and told me I didn’t seem like the sporty type. 
“Well not everyone can kick down a door in one move like you, but I’m pretty athletic!” I argued. 
“Athletic? C’mon Y/L/N, Hotch keeps you and Reid at the stations for a reason. You’re not a bad shot but your specialty is interrogation.”
I faked offense, being dramatic as usual. But, really I was a little hurt and D could tell. You had finished the paperwork then, and handed both of us files. 
“Do you think I’m athletic?” I asked you. 
You smiled shyly, “I mean, you’re not the most athletic but you’re not bad.”
“See?” Derek said, and I shoved him playfully. 
“I’m not exactly athletic either,” You said, and you did the tongue thing that you don’t even know you do. The one where you poke it out of one side of your mouth. It makes me a little weak in the knees. 
“I was bad at everything at the Academy Y/N.”
“Yeah? Like what?” I asked, “You’re good at everything.” Derek laughed, but I meant it. You are good at everything.
“Marksmanship, physical training, obstacle course, Hogan's Alley, you know, pretty much everything that wasn't technically book related. They ultimately had to make exceptions to allow me into the field.” You admitted, getting a sheepish smile on your face.”
Spencer stopped reading then, and wiped his eyes. He had allowed a few tears to fall as he read. He remembered this day so fondly. You guys have always been friends; the whole team is a family. But you always stuck more around Emily and Derek when you could. You worked with Spencer well, it wasn’t that you didn’t like him. In hindsight, you avoided him because of your crush on him. The thought made a smile creep up on his face. It was a watery smile, but still a smile. At that time in his life he was so insecure and unsure of himself but you always made him feel validated. When he would go on his rambling tangents about weird facts you always smiled and nodded when the others tuned him out. He needed that then, and, honestly, still needs it now. 
All of you, especially Spencer, were still reeling from the loss of JJ to the state department. It was a constant reminder of how quickly everything could fall apart. So, he needed good memories, good days. Days like November 17. A few of his tears smeared the ink and mixed with your dried tear stains. He sighed, how did he get here, only being close to you through mixed tears? He shook the thoughts away and kept reading. 
“This is a long one, sorry Spence, but the backstory is important I think. So anyways, we handed in the paperwork you did for us and we all went down to the parking garage together. Derek got in his car and left, probably to meet some girl of the week. Emily was gone, she was still being weird, which we all learned about later. Rossi? Hotch? Garcia? Who knows where they were. All that mattered was you and me, laughing about how not athletic we are as we made our way to our cars that we parked next to each other every day. I don’t even remember how we started the parking thing, but if I got there and I saw your car I made sure to be next to it. And you did the same. Somehow it made me feel safe. And of course, that day your car wouldn’t start. So I graciously tried to help you jump it, but still nothing. You reeled off the facts of how jumping a car works, but alas that did not get your crappy sedan to start. The two of us trying to fix a car is about as ridiculous as it gets. After our third jump attempt we gave up and I said I’d drive you home and we would get Derek to help us fix it tomorrow. You agreed and got in the passenger seat. There was crap everywhere, there always was. You always hated that. 
“How do you have like eight outfits just in the car?” You asked, tossing a dress into the back seat. 
“I have to always be prepared,” I said back, stifling a laugh. 
“Oh? And what does this prepare you for?” You asked me, holding up a tank that would barely cover my chest. 
I grabbed it from you and blushed. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say. 
“I’m kidding Y/N,” You said and we both laughed. It felt so right. So comfortable. 
You had on a very Spencer Reid outfit that day. Purple dress shirt, dark blue cardigan, purple and blue tie. You’re striking. Derek doesn’t lie when he calls you ‘Pretty boy’.
But anyways, before I fall back in love with you just by descriptions—“
He had to put the paper down then. It hurt. Every word hurt. You’d fallen out of love with him? You said the last rule was he had to remember that you loved him. You did love him, you just weren’t in love with him anymore. There is very big difference. He thought he may throw up again but he took a few deep breaths, the same way you taught him to when he’d get overwhelmed, and kept going. 
“We were sitting there and I started driving and I turned the radio up. You made that face, you always do when I put on top hits. 
“Sorry I don’t have a lot of Beethoven,” I joked at a red light. You looked over at me, and we made eye contact, which caused my breath to catch in my throat. 
“It’s alright,” You cleared your throat, “I know every word to every song I’ve ever heard, so I can follow along.”
“Okay, what’s this one?” I challenged, turning up the radio. 
“Rolling in the Deep, Adele” 
We played that game for a while. You guessing songs and me laughing. You got every single one right. 
“Oh! I need to turn this one up! I love this song!” I said. It was the very beginning of Stacy’s Mom. 
“Sing with me, Genius.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not singing! I-I can’t sing!”
“Too late, it’s starting.”
“As long as you promise to sing with me.”
We had our first pinky promise then. Your pinky was so long and large, mine so tiny. 
“Did your mom get back from her business trip?” I started and you added the “business trip” in the background. 
“Is she there or is she tryna give me the sli-i-i-i-ip? Give me the slip?”
You took over then, I think the line resonated with you, “You know, I'm not the little boy that I used to be. I'm all grown up now baby, can't you see?”
Then we took the chorus and the rest of the song together, jamming out like teenagers. My heart swelled. You singing, so relaxed with me, just made me so happy. You were comfortable with me. And your singing voice is pretty good too Spen, maybe if you hadn’t been groomed for the FBI you would’ve made a good singer. 
“I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom.”
We finished the song together, practically yelling, and when we looked up we both realized I missed the exit for your place. I made a u-turn and dropped you off, vehemently apologizing for messing up. Directions were always your thing, not mine. You smiled and said thank you, and even pulled me in for a hug. When we came out of the hug, we made eye contact. The steamy kind like in movies before the two main characters make out. I almost leaned in to kiss you, but I pulled back and left. You waved to me from the door.  
The whole ride home I was freaking out. My heart was going insane. That’s the day I fell in love with you, Spencer Reid. I was teetering on the edge already, but sitting in my car with you, scream-singing Stacy’s Mom, that’s when I fell into the water. So put the CD in a player, turn it on, and listen to Stacy’s Mom. Every time I hear that song I will think of you, sometimes I even play it on purpose just to remember that day. To remember how complete I felt. Remember the electricity and tension. Remember how that’s the day you fell in love with me too. When the 3 minutes and 18 seconds of the song are done, go to envelope 2.” 
Spencer put the paper down and shakily tore off the plastic. You were right, that was when he told you he fell in love with you, but really he had been in love with you a long time before then. He had fallen for you almost immediately after you joined the unit, but he didn’t say anything. He told you he fell in love with you the same moment you fell in love with him because that would be perfect. And you deserve perfect. 
Spencer remembers a different day as the one when he fell in love with you. It was the first day you were introduced to everyone and Rossi raved about all your skills to the team. You dressed to impress that day, and impress you had. Not just your beauty, but your brain. That’s what he really fell in love with first. But that was almost five years ago. When his hair was too long and shaggy; a homeless poet was what he liked to call himself. 
When the song ended, he started it over. 
“She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so long,” Was another line he yelled extra loud, but you hadn’t written about it. He belted that one out because that was how he felt about you. How he still feels about you. He suddenly felt so claustrophobic, ripping off his tie and opening the top few buttons of his shirt. He paced around the room, the song still playing in the background. ‘How did this happen?’ He asked himself again. He lived it with you and still didn’t know quite how this happened. Knowing the answer was hidden in those pages, he got himself together enough to open up envelope 2.
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I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chapter Six
Ao3,   Masterpost,   C.1   C.2   C.3   C.4   C.5
Relationships: eventual queer-platonic intruality. platonic dukeceit, creativitwins, and dlampr.
Yet again there are no italics. its new years eve sue me. oh also happy 2021 nobody question my priorities thanks <3
Warnings: so much softness, implications of self-isolation, swearing, Lots of Feelings, sympathetic everybody, descriptions of the sides having non-human features.
Word Count: 3,962
Something Remus came to realize was that he, a bit paradoxically, was not used to people being in his space.
It was weird. Not weird in the way that people usually felt when he was the one interrupting- he wasn’t scared by it, or disgusted, or even really annoyed. It was just… surprising, to have somebody else hanging around him, unprompted by anything. 
Remus wasn’t known for having boundaries- or respecting them, for that matter- but he’d at least been attempting to restrain himself just a bit after being accepted by the others. Out of courtesy, if nothing else. 
And apparently he didn’t need to. Not after what happened with Patton, anyway. Now that Patton had deemed the two of them ‘close’- something he was absolutely happy to agree with, for the record- Remus’ world had flipped sort of around. Back to no boundaries, only he wasn’t the one crossing those lines, and nobody was running screaming. Least of all Patton!
Remus ran the thoughts over in his head, feeling like that day was shaping up to be a great example of the change:
He and Patton were sitting side-by-side in the living room, content, with the rest of the sides spread around in different seats and configurations just the same. The unlikely pair were at the fringe of the circle, close enough to be part of things but far enough to zone in and out at will (as both were prone to do). It was nice, amiable.
 But minutes before- forty of them at most- Remus had been up in his own room, happily dissecting some gooish creations and only vaguely aware that there was a meeting that day. His attendance to group meetings varied from week to week- sometimes he was bored and could use an argument, and other times he was having fun on his own and knew that it wouldn’t be all that important if he ditched. He joined more often than he used to, sometimes he was even asked for, but he was optional still. A favored option, suggestions taken now, sure- but still not mandatory. 
He was going to stay upstairs for that one, but Patton had come to get him. Had dragged him down in that sweet, puppy-dog way of convincing that worked so well and, knowing him, was totally unintentional. And even if Remus didn’t care about arguing his way through content production right then, Patton had promised that it was important for him to be there.
That was the word he’d used for Remus. Important.
How the hell could Remus say no to that?
At least the meeting was going by without a hitch, for once. He assumed it was- Remus was honestly paying very little attention- but the lack of anger or tension was practically palpable. These things were usually so spiteful that even Remus, renowned lover of chaos, could almost taste his headache when everybody started shouting and hissing and fighting. It just got sad.
But not that time, apparently.
As Logan went on his third ramble of the evening, smiling widely at a surprising lack of interruption, Remus turned to Patton. He whispered:
“Okay, when are they gonna snap? Did they all finally get lobotomized?”
Patton frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean where’s all the screaming and crying? Specs and Prince Priss haven’t had a single one of their horny yelling matches, what gives?”
Patton smiled in a way that said he was trying very hard not to laugh, rolling his eyes.
  “These meetings have calmed down a bit, I guess,” he shrugged.
Remus glanced around the room with narrowed eyes. While that certainly seemed like the truth, he couldn’t buy it. 
“Yeah, I give it until one of them vaguely insults the others,  and then everybody’s gonna shut down for the next week. That kinda tension doesn’t just go.”
Patton didn’t say anything. Half-gazing at the carpet, he didn’t look like he’d even heard. He was smiling, but it was one of those jumbled up expressions, the type that tried to span a hundred different feelings. He had so many expressions like that, that seemed bottomless and swirling and so intricate on a humanoid face that, in reality, wasn’t built to display something like that. It was uncanny- not like an eerie doll, but like something with unearthly beauty. This face, though, had tones of upset.
“It’s been a while since you’ve been around everybody,” Patton said.
It wasn’t a question and it didn’t need to be. While Remus wasn’t exactly known for keeping to himself, he couldn't be called sociable either. He dropped in to say something, usually random, and then he was gone as soon as he’d visited. Even before the first Patton incident, fuck, it had been weeks since he’d actually stuck around through something.
Since The Acceptance, now that Remus thought of it, he’d been spending more time alone than ever. Not all of  his time- he remembered being surprised at Logan talking to him, willingly, like friends, and after that had even come Virgil and Roman. He saw people, talked to them, yeah. The time spent was friendlier, more welcoming, but it was so much less. 
Well, it was obvious why: they visited him, but- like he’d mentioned, he’d been trying to give them some space.
“Sure, it's been awhile,” Remus admitted, “But I never expected shit to change so much around here, still.”
The haze on Patton’s face thickened like fog on the moors, a soft and sympathetic mist over his eyes that Remus knew was aimed at him (even if it was pointed more to a sort of middle distance). 
“I don’t think I did, either,” Patton’s mouth barely moved, his voice less of a whisper and moreso a fragile breath. “I was hoping for it, but… I’m still trying to get used to stuff being allowed to change, you know?” He picked at a loose thread along the seam of the couch. “I haven’t done this stuff in a while, either.” 
Remus’ head shot up, and he almost forgot that they weren’t the only two in the room. Somehow, he stopped himself from shouting:
“You- it has?”
A tiny smile. Something built up behind Patton’s eyes; a wave, dark and lonely and filling his bright blues with cloudy gray. “I just needed some alone time, after everything changed so much so fast. I still feel, I dunno, weird. I don’t know what’s wrong with me- but…” he swallowed, his head lifting. “I’m really happy for them,” he was staring- so very loving- first at Logan, then Roman, then Virgil and Janus. It was a wonder none of them felt his gaze on them, Remus thought, because he was sure if anyone looked at him that way, he’d burn up like a fae upon iron. “They deserve it so much. I know that not everything is perfect still, but, I’m just so proud of us anyways. I- I think maybe-”
He cut himself off, blinking rapidly. Remus gave the room a quick once over to make sure nobody was looking their way- and nobody was: Virgil was very resolutely trying to get everyone to stay on topic despite Janus and Logan’s continued tangenting, and Roman was scribing furiously on several different pieces of paper- before he inched close enough to curve his arm around Patton. Touching like that had steadily become familiar to both of them, and it didn’t take long for Patton to fall untense against his side. He leaned into him, muttering: “I mean, they’re all doing a lot better than me, that’s for sure. I- I don’t even know what I’m for anymore. Maybe that’s why I’ve been… ditching, really.”
Remus squeezed his shoulder. There were so many things he could’ve said and done, but all of them loud and fervent and definitely not subtle enough to go unnoticed by everyone. So, for the sake of Patton’s privacy, he settled on this:
“That makes two of us, Morey.”
 The meeting that was planned to take two or three hours took the entire day, just as always. Hours and hours were spent in a room filled with excited conversation, of which the subject oscillated wildly between relevant topics and complete nonsense- which Remus and Patton did, eventually, tune back into (and contribute to as well, mainly in the nonsense department). Eventually, even Virgil gave up on trying to keep anything in order. 
But the meeting ended on a good note anyway. Lots of good notes, actually, if the stacks upon stacks of paper they’d scribbled up were any indication. Mess, the sides had come to believe, was usually a measure of their productivity: if crumpled pages were strayed across the room, if forgotten pens and pencils balanced on every surface from coffee table to TV stand, and if- in the process of snacking- they’d accumulated enough dishes to fill the sink for days on end? Shit. Got. Done.
Remus stared over the chaos with unfocused eyes. He felt distantly proud of the stormish state the living room was in. Draped over the back of the sectional, he gnawed idly on a wood pencil, stripping its yellow into beige. The paint fell off in bitter chunks, and the taste made him think of grabbing some non-acrylic dinner before closing the night off. Maybe he’d steal some of whatever saccharine sweet Patton usually made in the late evenings, and then spend the rest of the night with him, anyway. Remus debated what would be the most fun (or if he was tired enough to sleep yet), partially aware as he did so that he’d chewed and swallowed the metal-eraser end of his pencil.
“Ugh,” a drawn out groan broke his thoughts, petulant and whiny. “Do you have any intention of helping us clean up this, the common area?” 
Roman was kneeling beside Janus on the carpet, the pair surrounded by papers and binders and trashbags, the former of which they were sorting into either of the latter two, depending on how useful each page was. Roman had stopped working, however, to stare up at Remus indignantly. Remus glared right back.
“I’ve never had an intention in my life,” he answered.
Janus shrugged, smiling in that I-told-you-so way at Roman. But Roman, ever the nuisance, wasn’t letting it go. 
“Come on! It’s not like you’re even doing anything!”
“I’m doing something,” Remus’ words were wide and wobbly as he stripped another line of paint off the pencil, breaking some splinters off into his teeth.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes,” another chunk of wood, down the hatch. “I’m flaying all these leftover pencils until they’re lead-sticks.”
Roman hopped up from the floor and dropped himself onto the couch, shoving himself into the way so jarringly that it reminded Remus of himself. 
“Well, now you’re going to help us clean.” 
Janus rolled his eyes, not even glancing up. “Roman, just leave it alone, we-”
“We are all parts of this whole now, including him! Remus-” Roman rounded on him again, “If you’re going to come down here and help us make all this mess, with all of your numerous contributions that we have to write down, you’ll help clean it like anybody else. Do you think that I like any of- of-” he gestured, flamboyantly, at the room, “This? Ugh, please, I’m a prince! But, fair is fair, and fair means everybody.” 
And that was the point of the conversation in which Remus would cackle, push Roman backwards off the couch, and proclaim how much it’d go against his very being to clean a mess instead of cause it. He’d tell Roman how funny it was that he thought he could boss him around, because it always had been- that full-of-it Older Brother kind of attitude that had never worked. The Prince had never once managed to get him to do anything, and each attempt only got funnier than the last. 
He didn’t say any of that, though. 
Roman was bitching at him, not to go away this time, but to stay. Stay and help the group, because he was a part of said group. So he was asked to help them, the group that he was a part of, because he was part of it. That group. 
“Okay,” he blurted, “Okay, I’ll- alright.”
Roman blinked at him, a look of disbelief spreading across his face. “You- oh!” he smiled, utterly baffled. “That was- very easy?”
Janus, too, was looking up at Remus with bewilderment, his task of paper-sorting all but forgotten. Remus couldn’t blame either of them, but he still huffed, trying very hard not to be embarrassed by that whole… moment.
He shook it off, rolling off the couch and standing up, jittery. 
“Whatever, just- tell me what to pick up, okay?” 
They seemed not to hear him, the gawking continuing on until he started working unprompted, and longer than that still. Each time he (begrudgingly) shoved something into a trashbag, it earned him another Exchange of Glances from the pair. 
They got over it eventually, though, because there was a fuck-load more to clean than there was room to stare. So they cleaned.
Remus thought it would get old after a minute, and he’d finally gather up the guts to bail on them, but it just… never happened. It felt unnatural to be getting rid of a mess- like an animal having its fur brushed the wrong way, continuously- but by some point the sensation was distant. The rest of him was still busy processing, experiencing, maybe possibly overthinking this kind of recognition he’d never gotten before. It was handed to him now like it was something normal. The three of them worked together, and it was normal. 
Acceptance, as it turned out, wasn’t synonymous with ‘soulless assimilation’. In fact, it was pretty fucking great, getting to watch his brother and best friend find documents from the floor with his ideas on them, then tucking them into a binder marked important, instead of a trashcan marked to burn. It was… surreal. 
But the tidying was over in just an hour and a half- oh wow, never in a million years would Remus have thought an hour and a half of cleaning would be too little for him. He made a note to absolutely destroy something big and important later, to balance the universe out again. 
Roman sank through the floor as soon as they were done, complaining loudly about how very exhausted he was. Remus teased him on his way out, but it was just for the habit- he was way too mushy to think of anything properly mean at the moment. 
Janus watched him go, silent. He sat beside Remus on the couch, and despite his obvious tiredness, he waited a good few minutes before saying anything. 
“Thank you,” he murmured. 
Remus shivered. Janus pulled him up into a hug (one that maybe dragged on for a little too long, but who was counting?), and it spelled out all the pride and care that he’d never been good at verbalizing. With that, he gave Remus a short nod, and then was gone as well. 
Which made everyone else upstairs, probably in their rooms and halfway asleep. Then there was Remus, antsy in the living room, itchy with feelings. 
Everyone but Patton, of course, who could still be heard humming in the kitchen; who never went up until he knew everyone else was in their rooms, true to the protective parent persona. Remus suddenly didn’t think he wanted anything else but to see Patton after what had happened, to talk to him, to… 
He walked to the kitchen.
Patton looked over his shoulder at Remus, up to his elbow in sudsy sink water. A smile fell naturally across his face.
“Hi,” his voice was low, delicate. “You about to head up?”
Remus watched his friend work, trailing into the room slowly.  He grinned, “Are you kidding? I could stay up all night, if I wanted.”
“Do you want to?” Patton asked him.
Remus thought on it for a moment. He shrugged, iunno, leaned against the counter by the sink. Patton turned away again.
It was so quiet. No wind. No footsteps. Not a muffled voice upstairs, even- just the sound of water and ceramic hitting ceramic. Everything was still.
Remus hated it. Silence was fragile, and he crawled with the need to break it. He felt it get tense as it stretched out, and he just wanted to tear the air apart with sound. It felt like nothing mattered anymore, when peace was so easily able to drown it all out. Cold and alone. He hated it.
Sometimes, Remus imagined that if the silence went too long, he’d never be able to make a noise again. There were few things that made him so unhappy, but the quiet… 
“What’s on your mind?” Patton asked.
Remus jolted. Patton was staring, concern gathering in his eyes the longer he did. Remus took a deep breath- he remembered something, something small and unimportant that Janus had told him once. 
When one is so intensely happy, they can fall to agonizing upset even quicker than if they’d been mildly perturbed in the first place, because of the ferocity of the feelings. Something like that. 
“A lot more than I’m willing to throw on your shoulders, Pops.”
Patton pouted. Actually. Fucken. Pouted. The worst part was, his puppy-face was actually working.
“Ugh,” Remus rolled his eyes, “Just- could I- I dunno, have a hug, or some shit?”
If Patton was surprised, he hid it well. God knew, that wasn’t exactly the kind of thing Remus would ask for. He almost never asked to get attention- taking it was much easier, and much more entertaining. Besides, if he’d ever asked before that point… well, he already knew what answer he would’ve gotten. 
Patton’s smile only widened, until it was positively melting. “Of course you can,” he shut the sink off. “Of course.”
He reached haphazardly for a hand towel, to dry his arms. Remus, riding the high of that enthusiastic permission, absolutely could not wait that long. He latched his arms around Patton’s middle before the side had even finished talking, burying his face between his shoulder blades and hugging tight. 
Patton went still, like he didn’t know what to do. After it became clear that Remus had no intention to move, Patton laughed, dreamy and soft, and shook his hands as dry as he could. He patted Remus’ forearm; bead-bracelets clattered under the Duke’s sleeves. 
“Hey,” Patton said.
“Not that this isn’t lovely,” he laced his fingers with Remus’, squeezed them, “But I’d like it better if I could hug you back, ya know?”
Remus let go, reluctantly. In the true fashion of intrusive thoughts, there was a second he was so convinced Patton would run, now that he was freed. Make an escape from him, an escape from his claws.
He didn’t. He spun right around and pulled Remus against his chest- one arm linked around his torso, the other winding into his tangled hair. Anyone, at a glance, could see that Patton was huge- but up close the difference was dizzying: his wide chest, encircling arms that seemed to be made of nothing but muscle and padding, and that height, all made him so… comforting. Big and strong, a body that disguised power in soft edges and fat. If he squeezed just a little too tight, in fact, Remus wouldn’t be surprised if Patton could make splinters out of his bones. Which Remus definitely, definitely wouldn’t mind, but the knowledge that Patton not only could do that but also wouldn’t ever do that- that was what really did him in. 
And he’d hugged Patton before- months ago, and somehow Patton had seemed so small then, when everything had started- but being hugged? Properly, too, not underwater while one of them was drowning- it was a world of difference. No panic, no breakdowns, just a real, solid hug.
He could just ask for this and then have it. He could smell sugar cookies and candle wax, and feel somebody- a willing body- pressing in. It was weird. He thought that someday, he might get used to it. He wanted a chance to get used to it. 
“Do you wanna talk now?” Patton prompted, forcibly reminding Remus that he had a bloodhound’s nose for emotional distress. 
“I don’t know.”
Patton hummed, his fingers scratching through Remus’ hair. “Today went better than I thought it would.”
“You didn’t have to bring me, if you thought it was gonna be bad.”
“I wasn’t worried because of you! I was worried because of me. Things have been… a lot for me, lately.”
“Oh,” Remus angled his head to the side, looking up at him. “Yeah. I feel ya.”
“But they were all so much more patient, weren’t they,” Patton’s eyes went a little misty, the way they always did when he talked about his family. “Everything’s different now, and I guess that scared me, but I think that now… it’s a good different, you know?” 
“Like us, right?” Remus laughed, “This is the craziest difference, if ya think about it.”
Patton chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest so that Remus felt it more than heard it. 
“I don’t think I would’ve gotten through with today without you, you know that?” 
It was deeply honest. There was a beat. 
“I-” Oh fuck, Remus was choked up, when did that happen? “I wouldn’t have even had a day like today, without you, so. Do with that what you want.” 
Remus buried his face in Patton’s sternum, just to avoid the sad understanding in his eyes. 
He- he wasn’t exactly made for the care he was getting, not the kind of softness in that face. Not when Patton was still patiently untangling his matt of hair while they hovered in the stillness of the dark, empty kitchen, and Remus desperately didn’t want to cry. 
Patton gave him a minute to breathe, at the very least, before:
“They like you, though. Janus loves you.”
“Yeah, okay, but it’s not-”
“I know how you feel,” said Patton, and did. “Like they couldn’t actually care about us, even though it doesn’t make sense for them not to. It’s one of those things that’s easy to forget,” Remus could hear the smile in his voice. “So it’s good we have each other, when we need to get out of our own heads. At least, it’s like that for me, I don’t know if you even-”
“No,” Remus curled his claws in the back of Patton’s shirt, something dark and emotional flooding like tar through his chest. “Nah, you’re right, Morey. This is good for us.” 
Remus shook his head at nothing in particular. He forced his hands unballed, pulled back, and wormed his way out of Patton’s hug after way too long. 
His skin felt like paper from the affection, like he’d been electrocuted, and while that was fun- was amazing- for a while, he didn’t think he could handle much more in one sitting. 
Patton let him go, smiling warmly, leaning back against the counter. His eyes were shiny and wet, but he was content. 
“Thanks,” Remus said.
“What for? The hug?”
“No- I mean, that too, but I was saying ‘thanks, for caring’. For giving enough of a shit about me to try and help.”
Patton smiled, solemnly.
“I told you so,” he breathed, “I promised I would like you when I got to know you, and then I did. I do!” 
Remus felt a grin returning to his face, sliding across his lips more naturally than anything else he’d had to deal with that night.
“Yeah. You aren’t too bad yourself, Pat.”
Chapter Seven
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @donnieluvsthings @intruxiety @thefivecalls  @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @gayformlessblob 
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
HCs for Todoroki, Deku, and Bakugou on their reactions when their (s/o) is ill, but trudges through their ailment to support these guys (despite the boys’ protests not to) in the Sports Festival and passes out in the audience due to the illness and fatigue, resulting in quarantine, please?
Sorry for the wait! God… you can really tell I don’t write for Bakugou enough by how off topic I am. I just have so much to say about this lovable dick that I don’t typically have the opportunity to 
Warnings: Cursing
When you first began to show symptoms of sickness, Deku became a worrying mess and found himself slacking off on training despite the sports festival being so soon
Not that he really needed it, but it’s Deku
Like I said before, he’s a total worrywart. We know this about him! No matter what it is, he is an absolute anxious mess. You’d better not tell him that you came out to watch him anyways!
He knows how much it means to you, and while you got good seats as a result of being in general studies, you could always watch it from home! It was broadcasted nationally, and it’s not like you would miss anything; they did a pretty good job covering all of the details!
We’re gonna go with the scenario where you don’t tell him you came out to support him, because if you did he simply wouldn’t participate until you caved in. Deku is a chaotic force of good and more importantly, incredibly fucking stubborn. I know he’s a sweet boy, but good God he does NOT take no for an answer. Kid doesn’t listen for absolute shit!
In the middle of the festival, he notices a little bit of a commotion in the crowd but shrugs it off; he’s gotta make sure he impresses you, since you’re supposedly watching him on the television!
It’s not until afterwards that he hears about it, being informed that you’ve been put on quarantine as well
Let’s just say he is heartbroken. More than anything, he was looking forward to coming back to the dorms to pay you a visit and relax after a long, tiring day. With the sports festival off of his chest, he can take care of you without being so stressed about it… Except, that’s not the case
Since you’re contagious, you’ve been sent to your own house. That way the sickness doesn’t spread, and you can be properly taken care of
As soon as he gets permission to, he is on his way! ...Only to be greeted at the door by a family member who shoos him away, since you are quarantined after all
Deku would (impatiently) wait it out with you, trying to make it as easy as possible. He’ll run to all of your teachers collecting work, and even try to do some of it for you. He does spend a lot of time studying, after all, so you don’t have much to worry about
He had the next two days off after the tournament to recuperate and rest, which was spent almost entirely on FaceTime with you, showing you his new injuries (we all know it happened, the boy has no rationality), trying to help you with your makeup work by the tutoring the best way he can, and fawning over your tired but loving expression. Actually, mostly just that last part
Delivery man Deku! He’d pick up all of your favorite snacks, candies, and bottled drinks, then deliver them personally to your house. Being shooed away the last time though, he opts to leave them in a woven basket with a poorly tied bow and a note in the bottom, which is just for you
While he would be worried about you, he ultimately believes that it’s your decision on what you do. If you wanna come to the sports festival and watch him he won’t stop you, but he can at least try and persuade you by telling you just how he feels about it
That’s not to say he isn’t disappointed, though. Like Deku, he wouldn’t know that you had passed out until after the festival; either because he’s so focused or even because he’s just too dense. It could even be a combination of both, knowing him
Shouto would be quick to chastise you, almost akin to Bakugou in the way he wastes no time in telling you just how you fucked up. However, he’s still timid and suffers from commitment issues stemming from insecurity and his upbringing. He’s just as quick to apologize, sighing and wishing you get wells from the bottom of his heart
The sports festival is long off of his mind by now; to be honest, he didn’t really care about it in the first place. Whether or not you saw it is beyond him, although he appreciates the thought
He knows better than to try and come see you while you’re quarantined, but he doesn’t really give two shits. If he gets sick that’s his own problem, so he won’t stand for being denied time with you; he’ll at least take precautions and wear a mask, though. 
Besides, you’re in this situation because of him. Even though he stands by his stance on this being your choice, he still feels deep down like it’s his fault
Shouto is sort of the awkward type in this stage of your relationship, so he won’t necessarily go out of his way for you. He’d gather your work for you since he’s still at the school, but if he’s unwelcome in your home due to the sickness he won’t fight it or show up again. 
Still yet though, he misses you and is worried more than he would like to admit. Lots of random calls and texts from him
He would spend all day looking for those cutesy heart edits and sending them to you, or finding shitty memes and teasing you over them, saying it reminded him of you
ONE MORE THING: He’s sappy as shit, and being inexperienced and sort of isolated from society in a way (he didn’t even know what a concert was) he’d try and stick to cheesy romantic ideals. This man would write you a whole ass poem to give to you with some chocolates whenever you returned to the dorms, waiting on your bed
The most assertive in telling you to stay home. He’s hyper aware of your sickness and how it spread, but most importantly aware of how badly it’s going to affect you. Let him catch you coming anyways and he’ll kill you
Because he’s so knowledgeable on the topic, he’s easily the most worried by far. It’s not that he’s scared for your safety so much, but more so your general wellbeing. Katsuki is miserable whenever he’s sick, so the thought of you going through the same thing is almost agonizing for him
He acts like a total mom and you can’t change my mind on this. Also, I don’t agree with fanon Bakugou being arrogant and hateful towards his s/o. This man is putty in your hands, and although he acts annoyed at times he prioritizes making sure that you’re comfortable and know how he truly feels. He’s always had trouble communicating his feelings because of his relationship with his mother (we all love her but I will die on this hill) and as a result of it, is honestly terrified of fucking up and losing you by being too closed off
Anyways though, back to the point: he would be a total mom when you’re sick! Bossing you around, don’t do this, eat this, breathe some of this in, here, have some tea- It’s honestly exhausting having to listen to whatever miracle cure he’s concocted for you next, but you know he at least means well. He really does go above and beyond for his s/o, especially when they’re unwell. The most important part in a relationship to him is being able to lean on each other when you can’t stand up on your own, and by God he’ll carry you for as long as you need him to. Literally and figuratively 
I know I’m going off on a tangent but I just have so much to say about my interpretation of Bakugou: he’s the boyfriend who insists on trying to fix all of your problems instead of just listening to them, and it’s one of the most frustrating things
Katsuki is very intuitive; even though you most likely lied about staying home to get him off your ass, it doesn’t take long for him to know that you’ve come anyways, and HOOOO BOY is he pissed (not that he’d ever take that aggression out on you, though. He’ll save that for the finals)
His head is swirling throughout nearly the entire tournament, and he’s thrown completely off of his game. On a typical day, he’d be trying to show off for you and flexing whenever he can while flawlessly demolishing his opponents, but this time he only makes it into the top ten
He can’t stop stealing glances into the stands, his mind wandering into the empty seat beside you and dying to know whether or not you’re okay, all while absolutely fuming. More than anything, he’s mad at himself. It’s been proven to us time and time again that he tends to blame himself for things, and takes it way too personally, to the point of being self destructive as a result of a sweltering, nasty inferiority complex
Immediately after the tournament, when he’s released and free to head back to the dorms and rest, he sits down in the locker room and calls your cell. Two times, three times, and finally four times with no response. Ok, now his heart rate is shot
By the time he finally comes into contact with you he’s in a cold sweat, brow furrowed in aggravation and concern; a strange mixture. Calm him down, let him know you’re alright, and assure him that you’re perfectly safe and comfortable at home, well taken care if
Once that’s over with, expect a lengthy lecture about the dangers of exposing yourself while you know you’re sick, thoroughly chastising you and expressing just how worried about you he truly is (Seriously guys, if you’re sick even in the slightest STAY HOME)
Like Deku, he would want to spend as much time with you as possible, even if it’s over FaceTime. He tends to be a little paranoid over germs, though, so since it’s not like you live together he won’t pay any visits to your house. Quarantine means business! 
However, though, he will prepare a nice little surprise in your dorm room for when you come back. A carefully decorated array of dried flowers, candies, and small snacks. Katsuki prides himself in all that he does and strives for perfection in every aspect of life; this is no exception. He lives to impress you!
Once you’ve beaten the worst of the sickness, he cracks down on you and will begin to act like he’s a professor on Zoom; man schedules FaceTime meetings between the two of you for him to catch you up on everything that you’ve missed. Let’s not forget, he’s at the head of his class and devotes a large portion of time and dedication into his academic studies
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giyuwu-san · 4 years
burn the stage — part 1 // dabi
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—  A multi-chapter fic complete with your favorite indie and mainstream bops. Watch as you fall in love with the captivating guitarist of a band one drunken, perfect night. (BAND AU)
↱ PAIRING : Dabi x Female!Reader
↱ WARNINGS : Mentions of alcohol, Suggestive themes, Strong language, Dabi being hot
↱ TAGS : @yusemis​ @lordexplosionsextra​ @astrrnmy​​ @basicallyberry​ @j-brielmalfoy​ (I actually remembered my taglist this time wow)
↱ AUTHOR’S NOTE : Thank you sosososo much to @kaikamikazi​ for allowing me to use her likeness for Kai’s character! Happy birthday to my favorite clown <3 everyone please wish her a happy birthday woot woot !!! And also huge huge thanks to @doughnuts-5ever​ and @jojosmilktea​ for helping me proofread/betaread this fic huhu it was a whole ass mess you guys are absolute legends tysm!!
scene one; no song
          "Thousands of years ago, our ancestors looked up at the night sky and saw a field of lights." 
The aged man paced around the room, hands folded behind his back and hair graying by the roots. His side facing the blackboard on the wall, he continued;
          "None of them really knew what they were," he stopped and looked at the vast sea of students perched atop of chairs in the big room. "But, they made a fascinating observation."
You sat listening to your professor, your chin perched on your open palm, and eyes focused on the notebook that sat idly on your connected desks. 
          "They noticed that the patterns were predictable and had clear effects." The man said with some form of self-acknowledged eureka, his left hand coming up to the height of his face, index finger pointing up at the heavily-lit ceiling. "The seasons, the tides, the harvests."
          "Incredible, isn't it?" he resumed.
The man was about to continue on his tangent. But that was until a hand shot up in the air, followed by a voice. 
          "Uhm, professor?" the boy who raised his hand asked. "Aren't we supposed to be learning about chemistry?" 
Your professor looked at him, who now appeared to be slightly frightened by the blank but disrupted gaze of his teacher. 
You turned around to see your friend Kai, her head resting upon her folded arms. Was she seriously trying to sleep through the lesson again?
          “The one opportunity we got to sleep,” she sighed. “You just had to ruin it, brainy.”
          “Is that seriously what you call a sufficient insult?” you asked as you fully tilted your head towards her direction.
          “Wasn’t saying it to insult him.” She said casually as she massaged her head with the hand closest to her, face still partially buried within her entangled arms. “Wasn’t saying it to compliment him either though.”
You scoffed.
          “You’re unbelievable,” and at that, the darker-skinned girl turned to you with horror in her eyes.
          “Oh no,” she said petrified.
          “You’re being a Karen again.” 
You looked at her dumbfounded, sighing.
          “I am not being a Karen,” you started. “I’m just saying—” 
It was already too late, however, as Kai had both her hands covering her ears, blocking out your protests as well as all her other life issues. 
You sighed once more and turned your attention back to your professor, your notebook still open on your desk.
          “Your semester is practically over,” said your professor, standing idly in front of all the students, his left hand reaching up to habitually play with the fabric of his suit tie. 
          “So, let me have some me-time every once in a while," he continued.
‘You never let us have any me-time—’ is what you could feel the hoard of tired students internally screaming around you. 
The aged man cleared his throat and set along to once again resume his lengthy ramble. 
          “Where was I?” he asked himself, his feet already departing from his standstill position in the middle of the room as he started walking about once more. 
          “Ah yes, so it seemed logical that these lights shaped everything else in our lives. But with the scientific method disproving all these theories, why do people still look for meaning in the stars?”
A hand shot up in the air once again, only to be shot back down by a quick hand gesture from the professor.
          “Calm down now, I’m not done yet,” he said. 
          “Many prolific historical figures of our kind, such as the Iikes of William Shakespeare, have used the concept of astrology as a metaphorical expression, more than an actual study. Whether or not he truly believed in it, he still used the idea of astrology to create some of his most well-known epigrams to date,” he continued.
          “With lines such as; ‘These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to us.’ from King Lear, ‘A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.’ from Romeo and Juliet— I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with that one." He faced the students once more. "And my utmost favorite, ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars—’” 
          “But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” 
          “—From Julius Caesar,” the professor smiled. “Well done, Miss L/N.”
Shock settled into your form, having realized that you had said that much louder than you had anticipated. Now with the burning stares of your classmates and uncontrolled laughter coming from a seatmate you used to call your best friend, you let out an exasperated sigh, head falling onto your desk and arms protecting you from the unfiltered judgment of the outside world. 
You sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that day before finally coming out of hiding, your chin once again finding shelter in your welcoming palm. You stared down at your open notebook, observing each line and angle. Stared at the drawings of orbits clashing together with the unwelcome intrusion of jotted scientific equations. A picture of the sun as each planet aligned themselves accordingly within their rotation, along with the lengthy compound formula of 4 Bromo, 3-4 Dichloro, Ethyl Hexanoate, written briskly, and uncared for.
But despite your apparent unhappiness and deep-rooted sorrow, you lifted your head forward and listened to the lesson in front of you.
"You seriously need to loosen up," said Kai, her head faced towards you. "When was the last time you danced to music alone in your bedroom?"
You thought about it for a second.
She sighed.
          "You're so sad," she sighed once more and patted your head. "Poor baby."
She brought her hand down from the crown of your head, arm now resting on your shoulders as she brought you in closer. 
          "I'm gonna get you laid tonight," she said with conviction. You looked at her profile, absolutely bewildered.
          "I'm sorry, what?"
          "That's right," she nodded her head in content. "You're having sex tonight, just leave it to me."
          "Shouldn't we work on having me dance to music alone in my bedroom first?" you countered.
          "Even better," she grinned at you with the type of grin your primary teachers warned you about. You know, those creepy man smiles that you should run away from when faced with in a dark, ominous alley? "I'm taking you to a bar."
You could feel Mrs. Peterson screaming at you to run. 
But nobody really listened to Mrs. Peterson. Sorry.
You sighed once more at your beaming friend and nodded your head slowly.
          "Whatever," you finally said. Attention spanning back to the lecture in front of you as you turned your head. "After the class ends."
Kai smiled and leaned back into her chair, legs crossing and folded arms supporting her head from behind. She looked utterly satisfied.
          "Alright Karen," she said. 
          "My name is not Karen," you grumbled.
          "Then stop being such a Karen and let me have my fun," she closed her eyes and smiled. Totally abandoning the lecture playing out before her. Chemistry was all just a bunch of bullshit anyway. 
scene two; black eyes
Ambient lighting and muffled voices were what greeted you and Kai as you both entered the bar. The light that shone down above you cast an evanescent sheen across the tiny, hidden bar. 
You fumbled in with your red dress and heeled boots, bridging the edge of comfortable and painfully exposed. It’s been years since you've last worn a dress. 
          "Are you sure this isn't some kind of ancient speakeasy?" you asked Kai, uneasy. 
          "A speakeasy for bands and stuff sure," she shrugged. "Sadly, no dancing flapper girls, so sorry to disappoint." 
You nodded and started heading towards the bar. No matter how badly you wanted to keep up the 'holier than thou' attitude, college was rough and unforgiving. 
You ordered your drink and sat down on the stool, Kai following you shortly after as she sat beside you. 
          "I heard there's gonna be a good band playing tonight," she rings up the bartender and orders a drink. 
She takes one look at your drooping face and sighed, her hand coming up to massage your shoulder. 
          "Loosen up," she takes a sip from her drink, "just for tonight, okay?"
You sighed and nodded timidly, copying her as you took a swig of your own drink. 
          "Looks like they're almost up," she taps your shoulder. "Mr. Compress is about to introduce them." 
          "Mister wha—" she shushes you before you could continue, leaving you no other choice but to sigh and watch.
The man with the strange name took center-stage with the microphone in his hand. The crowd seemed to know who he was, for they cheered and started gathering at the front of the stage. 
          "Let's go take a closer look too," Kai stood up and started dragging you with her. "Take your drink with you."
You looked at the already half-empty glass and shrugged, opting to chug it down instead. You finished your drink and walked with Kai towards the pit of people, still confused about what exactly was going on.
The strangely named man started to speak.
          "Ladies and gentlemen," he threw his free hand in the air by his side flamboyantly. "What an incredible pleasure to have you all here tonight. I am delighted to see some familiar faces, and some new ones too." 
He grinned.
          "I'm sure a lot of you are here to relieve some stress, no?" he asked, and the crowd cheered in affirmation. The man chuckled and continued;
          "Well, I best not keep my wonderful patrons waiting then." The crowd cheered louder. "Without further delay, may I present to you, The Villain League!"
The crowd roared as four people took the stage, varied instruments at their disposal, but the one that caught your eye was the one that stood at the center, a guitarist, and a good looking one at that. 
He was mostly dressed in dark clothing, aside from the white t-shirt he wore under his long coat. His features were hidden beneath the shadow cast by the dimmed lights.
And that was when the music started.
Electric guitar blinded your senses and opened your eyes. The exhilarating sound numbed the nerves that coursed through your entire body. Every hair on your body stood on its roots, awakened by the new thrill of music.
The lights turned on to the max, and the crowd went wild. Hands flew up in the air, the drinks in the opposite limb gambling on the edge of death.
It was music like you've never heard before. 
          "Holy shit," you said to yourself, the alcohol in your system taking its effect.
The man in the middle started singing, and you gasped as you took in the rest of his features. A good portion of his face and neck were covered in burn marks, as well as the top of his torso, which then spread across his arms. You awed.
How could someone who looked so damaged be so perfect?
Your eyes watched in wonder as your ears listened with delight. You made a mental note to thank Kai for dragging you into one of the best nights of your life. 
So this is what college was supposed to be like.
You smiled, feeling the bricks fall off your shoulders. You stood straighter as your eyes opened wider, and shined even brighter. 
This is so awesome.
You threw your hands in the air and let out a scream with the rest of the crowd. Kai catches sight of this and follows along with your mania, a laugh escaping her lips.
You were enjoying the aura of absolute chaos, but nothing had prepared you the moment your eyes caught his, staring right back at you. His mouth formed a devilish smile that made all the heat rush through your body in mere seconds. 
          "The girl in the red dress," he said into the microphone. Your eyes widened in unalloyed shock as they caught sight of the mischievous glint in his own. "Come out on stage with us."
What the fuck?
The crowd cheered louder and started to look around to find who he was referring to. They soon caught sight of you, who was still calculating the odds of you being the only girl in red. 
The sea of people parted and formed a direct path from you to the stage, and you were honestly shell shocked. 
Kai laughed and cheered you on.
          "Congrats Karen, you've officially been promoted to Moses!" she cheered even louder.
          "What, I—" you sputtered out.
Kai took her left hand and smacked your back, forcing you to stumble forward.
          "Go!" she yelled at you through the howls of the crowd. "Get. Fucking. Laid!"
At that, the crowd burst into an explosion of screams. Whistles and hoots were all that was heard as your shaking legs made its way towards the stage. 
You eventually made it to the edge, and the enigmatic guitarist leaned down to help you. Grasping your hand firmly in his, he hoisted you up easily. 
          "What's your name?" he leaned into your ear as he said it, his steady voice combating all other noises, and winning. 
          "Y/N," you said right back into his ear, a shiver coursing through your body as the current situation was doing its number on your sanity.
          "Nice shoes Y/N," he said cooly, and your head started spinning.
          "Uh, thank you—"
          "Let's have a good time together," he smirked at you, who blushed madly. 
You looked over at the rest of his bandmates. A young girl with a blonde fringe manning the second electric guitar, she looked at you and grinned widely at you. Eyes smiled shut and tongue jutting out, she threw you a peace sign in welcome. 
You looked behind you and saw a strange-looking man playing both the bass and keyboard. You made eye contact with him and he smiled, only for him to completely change his expression and give you the stink-eye, much to your confusion and anxiety. 
Finally, you looked over at the drummer who had dead-looking baby blue hair; he glanced at you and nodded briefly in acknowledgment.
          "Don't mind the last two," the mysterious guitarist chuckled, "they're a lot more decent than they seem."
You nodded and smiled at him.
          "So," he started. "Care to join in on the fun?" 
You took a deep breath.
It was funny how you had started with not even being able to dance alone in your room. And now here you were, dancing along with countless strangers to music you never felt before.  
scene three; ilysb
            "You're new here, right?" the man said. He was sitting across from you with his head resting on his hand. His piercing blue eyes were focused only on you. 
It had been about an hour since you stepped foot inside the hidden bar and thirty minutes since you were standing on stage with the band having the time of your life. 
You looked over to the stage and saw your drunk friend Kai singing 'I Kissed a Girl,' microphone in her hands as she belted her heart out to the cheering crowd. 
You couldn't help but chuckle, before turning your attention back to the enigmatic man staring intently at you.
          "That's not slightly creepy at all," you answered jokingly. 
The man chuckled slyly.
          "I play here almost every night," he retorted coolly. "I would have definitely remembered you if you weren't new." 
You nodded. Smooth.
          "Fuck men!" you turned around to find Kai screaming into the microphone, one hand on the microphone stand and the other on the microphone itself. You sighed at the common occurrence. 
          "Fun friend you got," the man with burn marks said, attention also brought over to your crazed friend.
You sighed and nodded.
          "I'm this close to dropping her," you said with no conviction.
He seemed to have caught on to your tone and answered accordingly.
          "But you never will," he said.
          "Yup," you nodded once more.
You looked over to him again, the alcohol in your body taking full effect.
          "Wanna get out of here?" you asked him.
He looked at you with his eyebrow raised, a small smirk playing on his lips.
          "And abandon your fun friend?" he asked you.
          "Yes," you looked at him straight in the eyes as you said it.
          "Sounds fun," he said, already standing up from his seat.
You followed suit, casting your drunk friend one last look before following the strange man out of the small speakeasy.
The cold night air greeted your body that clung tightly onto the limited warmth of your sweater jacket. You walked idly with the man standing beside you, the streets painted a dark vignette by the evening sky. The night suited him, you thought.
You let out a deep exhale which invaded the darkness with its cold color, the hues fighting until the dull white was engulfed by the overwhelming darkness of nightfall.
You looked up at the stars that were scattered across the sky, their white twinkle enrapturing the night sky with its light and color. Their light so bright that it couldn't be overthrown by the darkness of black. Instead, they were displayed up in the sky, allowed to show off their beauty with no restraints. 
          "Orion's in the sky," you observed quietly. 
The man turned over to look at you.
          "The constellation?" he asked as he too tilted his head up to watch the night sky.
          "Yeah," you nodded, "I can't find the Pleiades, though." 
Absentmindedly, your feet started moving in hopes to catch sight of the constellation. The dark-haired man watched you quizzically.
          "Do you really think moving around will make them appear?" he asked you, who was now trudging farther and farther away. He sighed and started following you.
          "There're so many buildings around," you groaned in your drunken state. "Can't a girl just see her stars when she wants to?" 
He tilted his head in slight amusement and chuckled lowly. 
          "If it's the buildings you're worried about, I know where there's a field," he said. You turned around instantly.
          "Show me this field, good sir." 
          "It's this way," he tilted his head over to the right, feet already walking towards its direction. You followed him, skipping.
You eventually were led towards an open field located on a small hill in the park. Wow, we had a park?
          "Woah," you said in wonder. Your arms flying up from your sides as you spun around the grass, hair dancing in the breeze from your movements.
The man just watched you curiously, a small smile of endearment flickering on his lips.
You let out a big sigh of contempt and threw yourself down onto the grass floor, feeling at peace as the earthly bodies embraced you. The man who led you here followed suit, leaving little to no distance between your two figures as he laid down beside you.
          "Can you see the Pleiades now?" he asked from beside you.
You looked up and examined the heavens, and your eye immediately catches the open star cluster that painted the sky. A gasp escapes your lips as you point up at the constellation you were looking for.
          "There they are!" you squealed slightly, unable to control your excitement in your drunken state.
          "Why'd you want to see them so badly?" he looked at you and asked.
          "If you catch sight of Orion, then you're most likely gonna find the Pleiades too." You started, eyes focused eagerly on the stars. "There's this whole story behind them you know, about Orion and the Seven Sisters.
          "It was said by Greek mythology that Orion fell in love with the sisters, and pined over them for 12 years. He would always chase after them in hopes that they would become his someday. But that was until one day Zeus decided to turn him and the sisters into stars. So Orion could chase them forever for the rest of eternity but never once be able to touch them."
          "Wow," he said from beside you.
          "Yeah," you said from beside him.
          "You said they were the Seven Sisters," he said.
          "Yeah?" you turned your head over to look at him, his eyes seemingly glowing under the star studded sky.
          "But I can only see six at most," he stated.
          "Oh," you turned your head back to the sky. "That's because those are the only ones visible to the naked eye. If you look through a telescope, a dozen more stars are visible."
          "Is there a story behind that, too?" he asked.
          "Yup," you stated and continued. "According to storytellers, Merope— one of the sisters, is hiding her face because she's the only one of the sisters who married a mortal and thus isn't respected for it. 
          "Her husband, Sisyphus isn't represented in the night sky either, cause he was condemned by Zeus to forever roll a stone up a hill in Hades only to watch it roll down again when he almost gets it to the top."
          "That's..." his voice drifted off, "really sad." 
You hummed in affirmation.
          "You really like astronomy, huh?" he stated. "I'm assuming you're into astrology too?"
          "Yeah," you answered.
          "So, you're some type of zodiac girl," he said. "How quirky."
You scoffed.
          "What type of music are you into?" he suddenly changed the subject, surprising you.
          "I don't listen to music that much honestly," you said, surprising him, but not showing it on his face.
          "Okay," he said. "Very quirky."
You laughed at yourself.
          "Are you okay?" he asked you jokingly, maybe the alcohol was finally starting to get to him too. "Childhood trauma? Emotional baggage? Crazy ex-boyfriend?" 
          "Traumatizing college life," you said matter-of-factly. "And also just downright not having the time to listen to music."
          "Spotify's expensive, too," you added.
          "Ever heard of a radio?" he asked.
          "Yes, but I can never concentrate on studying when music is on," you said.
          "Ah," he said in a moment of realization. "It all makes perfect sense now. What's your major?"
          "Organic chemistry," you said.
          "Yeah," he nodded. "Makes sense."
          "Kindly enlighten me then, cause I can't make sense of anything going on in my life," you said.
          "You're a young adult suffering from the expectations and academically-focused constructs of our society," he said.
          "Damn," you started. "You're right." 
You sighed and placed your attention back at the azure before you.
          "The moon's crying," you stated.
          "What?" he asked, confused.
          "The moon feels sad," you answered vaguely.
          "The moon is sad," he stated beside you, eyes now focused onto the heavenly body in question. "The moon's just a broken planet that needs the sun to make it shine."
          "Just because it needs help doesn't mean their shine is any less beautiful," you said back.
A long silence passed between the two of you, he looked at you, whose focus was still set onto the night sky. Whatever had you so enchanted by them, he might never know, but as he watched your features bloom with the ethereal sparkle of night, the twinkle in your eyes matching— no, outshining that of the stars you looked so fondly upon, he just sighed softly.
          "Whatever you say, zodiac girl."
scene four; still with you
You were walking home with him in the cold night air, wind dancing softly around both of your figures as the gentle shrill tickled your senses. 
It was colder than usual, you thought. But maybe that was just from the thrill of not spending your nights like you usually did, alone in your bedroom studying a topic you couldn't care less about. You sighed.
When was the last time you were able to lay down on your bed listening to music?
You were grateful for Kai, who you just realized had been abandoned at the bar she forced you into. You prayed for your survival the following day. You say that, but in the end, you were nonetheless thankful for giving you a college experience other than cramming every day.
You thought about what you would have been doing if you weren't forced into the bar, and laughed at the predictability. 
You finally made it to your front door.
          "Goodnight," the blue-eyed man said to you. 
          "Yeah," you said back. "Thanks for walking me home."
He nodded and watched as you made your way over to your front door.
You stopped.
You didn't know if it was the alcohol in your system, the cold night air, the thrilling atmosphere of spontaneity, or all of the above. But right now, you weren't in the mood to answer any multiple-choice questions.
You wanted to live for once. You wanted to feel anything else other than the dread of an upcoming deadline or relief after a grueling exam. 
For once, you wanted— needed to be free of the expectations and academically-centered constructs of society. Constructs that you never wanted to question until now.
Even if it was only for tonight, you wanted to do the thing you wanted to do. 
Even if it turns into a mistake, you would gladly take it for a few minutes of freedom.
You turned around and ran towards the man whose names you realized you didn't even know. But you were too far gone to be stopped. 
Your hands found the side of his face and pulled your faces close, eyes meeting and lips almost touching. You breathed nervously.
          "Can I kiss you?" you asked suddenly.
Shock and confusion flickered before his eyes but disappeared just as quickly.
          "Sure—" he said, and your lips finally connected.
The kiss lasted for mere seconds until you pulled away, flustered and drunk and confused.
What were you doing?
You turned back around to enter your home and scream at yourself.
How could you just throw yourself at him like that?
But suddenly, his hand grabbed your arm and pulled you back towards him, connecting your lips once more. You could have sworn you melted.
The kiss lasted much longer, lips moving against one another and breaths being mixed together in the cold night outside your apartment building. Your hands in his hair and his arms around your shaking frame.
You pulled away to catch your breath, your air puffing up in the chilly twilight.
You pulled onto the sleeve of his jacket and led him towards your apartment, rushing past the other tenants and employees, you quickly got on the elevator where more kisses were exchanged in a drunken haze.
The elevator doors opened, and the two of you rushed out with you guiding him to your door.
You hurriedly put in your key, hands slightly shaking, the door opens and you hastily go inside.
He comes into your small apartment and closes the door with his foot, the door meeting the frame with a soft thud. He pushes you against the wall and your lips meet once again.
You didn't know how much time had passed with his lips moving against yours and hands roaming across your body, the contact sending both heat and shivers to course through your entire being. 
His lips moved to your jaw, slowly making its journey down to your neck. Your breath hitched. 
Some more time passed with low moans and heavy breathing coming from the both of you, now laying on your twin-sized bed half-naked.
You looked out the window beside your bed and saw the stars and moon staring back at you, illuminating your figures in its magical glow. 
It was like time didn't exist when you were engulfed in his arms, his lips peppering your body in kisses and bite marks causing you to moan softly. You wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling, with the moonlight shining softly on his features.
Your hands found themselves buried in his soft hair, time passing by faster as more clothes were being discarded around you.
          "Y/N..." he said your name softly. His light voice passes by you, sending shivers down your spine. 
Your breath hitched. Having no name to call out to, you whimpered instead. Your bodies intertwined together under the dim light of your apartment, and your heart taking timid steps towards him, tripping and falling deeper and deeper. 
It was colder than usual, the low-pitched hum of the air conditioner you forgot to turn off comforting you from afar. Your body shivered more, not used to the sensations. It felt good, it felt really good, but there was something about it that pained you and made you want to fall apart. 
The unfamiliarity of the pleasure and sweat clouded your mind and made you think back to the times when you were studying instead. This was far different than the dull absence your mind feels when reviewing all your lessons. But even then, thinking back to the simple emotions that came from your textbooks and notes, maybe these simple feelings were special to you too.
The night progressed further, and time was lost once and for all in the midst of your shared pleasure, the night turning darker as the sparkling sky glowed onto your sweaty figures. 
You both reached your climax and breathed heavily, eyes meeting and foreheads touching in what seemed like a hazy afterglow, both your minds fogged and judgments clouded. 
Your hand delicately went up to touch his cheek, his eyes shimmering in the glow of the night sky. He looked at you with the faintest smile. Underneath it was painted the most beautiful purple, his broken and damaged face sending your heart into a fit of shooting stars. 
His body collapsed next to you on the small bed, arms encasing you tightly against his warm body.
You looked over to the window beside your bed. The sun was slowly rising, and the moon began to fade away into the brightening sky. 
You felt your eyes slowly closing, finally giving in to the sleep you denied yourself all night.
Goodbye moon.
And just as the moon left your sky that February sunrise, so did the man who slept next to you that very next day.
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luckyvirgo · 4 years
many reasons; dazai osamu
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In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part...
WORD COUNT: 1.8K words
WARNINGS: mentions of suicide, abuse (not reader's), angst (if you squint), fluffy ending. MILD SPOILERS FOR BUNGO STRAY DOGS SEASON 3
(e/c) - eye color
A/N: sorry if the formatting is a bit wonky!! i'm posting this on mobile because tumblr doesn't work on my stupid, old laptop.
this fic is really super, self-indulgent because dazai is my favorite in bsd and i love when situations like the one in this one shot happen in anime, so i combined the two things and wrote this. this was actually going be a scene in a dazai fic i'm thinking of posting on my wattpad, but i decided to scrap it and write it as a oneshot. i hope you all enjoy reading this!!
Also shoutout to @neonghxst who wanted me to finish this one shot hehe. thanks to her, i got the inspiration to actually write this and finish it.
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"Are you sure we should have left him like that?"
You fiddled with the ends of your coat sleeves. Upon hearing about Atsushi's new case and the end result, you immediately wanted to give the boy a hug and never let him go. He had been through so much these past few weeks and hearing about the death of that abusive headmaster of his old orphanage must have been incredibly painful.
But Dazai had promptly pulled you away, after saying exactly what needed to be said. (He always knew what to say in any kind of situation and that made you feel jealous a lot of times)
"Things like that are meant to be dealt with alone. Atsushi-kun will manage," Dazai answered with a cool tone. "You worry too much, (Y/N)-chan."
He tried to ruffle your hair but you slapped his hand away with a huff.
"I have every right to worry, you know," You crossed your arms, angrily staring at the ground. You and Dazai had already left the port area and now were back in the city, walking next to each other. "He and Kyouka just...I just wanna give them both a hug and adopt them as family."
This time, Dazai successfully managed to ruffle your hair."You are very funny, (Y/N)-chan."
"I'm not being funny! I'll actually adopt them, just you wait and see."
"As amusing as that would be, I'm gonna stop you there."
"Well, it's nighttime now. And we are almost near the river. The moon's pretty bright today. Which means one thing and one thing only."
"What, Dazai?"
"It's the perfect time for a double suicide!" 
Dazai suddenly grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. You felt your face grow warmer as he kept his hands on your waist, meanwhile going on about the benefits of a double suicide.
"D-dazai! Let go!" You physically tried to struggle out of his grip, knowing that your Ability was useless in this situation. "Just let go, dumbass!"
"Nope, not gonna." 
Dazai let go of your waist, but then immediately grabbed your hand. But you managed to pull it away. He stuck his tongue out at you. "You are no fun, (Y/N)-chan."
You glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you no, you bandage squandering idiot?!"
"Ahh!! You sound so much like Kunikida-kun! Why didn't you tell me you were so great at impersonating others?"
"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?" You went to shove his shoulder but he dodged it,  jumping aside with his annoying (endearing) laugh. You tried to hit him again, but he dodged this time too and started running.
"Oi, Dazai! Come back here, you idiot!"
You ran too, trying to catch up to him so that you could, at least, flick his forehead before slapping him. Why was he so annoying, you always wondered. 
'Isn't this why you like him?' Your heart whispered to you.
'Shut up,' You told it.
You kept on running. Even as you did, the sun had almost set, taking its red and orange hues and replacing it with the dark, navy blue of the night sky. The running brought you to the river bank, a spot where both you and Kunikida had to drag Dazai out of. For some reason, he declared this spot and drowning as his top favorite for a double suicide.
It was incredibly annoying, but at the same time, also incredibly saddening and you wished you knew more about why he was like this.
Finally, you caught up with him. 
In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part. 
Both of you stumbled down the river bank, holding onto each other because there was nothing else to grab onto. The slant river bank ended and they were on flat ground again.
But...but, both of you were in a rather compromising position. 
Usually, you were a pretty confident and self-assured person. But when it came to situations like these (or any romantic situations)…well, you were still pretty inexperienced. So inexperienced actually that you hadn't kissed anyone in a long while, almost two years to be exact. Relationships had always seemed like a waste of time to you, but being in such close proximity of the man you currently yearned for was doing wonders for your heart. (In a good way and a bad away)
Dazai's arms were on your shoulders, pinning you to the ground. He loomed over you, his brown eyes staring right into your (e/c) ones. 
You swore you could detect something there before it was hidden behind his mask again. 
No longer were you able to keep the warmth away from your face. You knew you probably resembled a tomato right now. You wanted to get out of this position quickly, but deep down, your mind and your heart both resisted. And you felt like agreeing with them this time. You wouldn't get a chance like this ever again.
So you decided to speak.
And immediately regret it.
"Your eyes are pretty," The combined forces of your heart and mind make you say something stupidly embarrassing and you immediately want to cover your face. But you can't. So you continue.
Even the darkness of night couldn't keep the redness of your cheeks hidden. 
"I mean, they're not just an ugly brown color. They have this amber-like quality to them. And everytime light hits them, they almost shine and it makes them more beautiful than I ever thought. Like seriously, you have really beautiful eyes. Personally, your eyes are your best feature and they're one of the many reasons I fell for you."
(You wanna crush your own stupid heart for that last bit.)
"Oh?" That was all Dazai said, that stupidly endearing smirk on his face. "Many reasons? What are they again?"
"Um, uh," You hesitated, turning your head to the side. This was more embarrassing than any other situation you had ever been in. There was nowhere else to go and while you could have kicked Dazai away with ease, truth be told you really didn't want to do that. How many chances like this would you ever get? "I don't even know when I started liking you. And maybe it's a stupid thing because nothing is ever going to come out of it, but yeah. I have feelings for you, Dazai Osamu. Truth be told, I can sort of understand why you ask women to commit a double suicide with you. You want someone to be by your side, right? You don't want to be lonely when you die. I guess I can understand that, though I wish I could show you the joy in living. But I don't think I'll ever be able to change your mind."
You laughed nervously, looking anywhere but at Dazai's face, where his smirk had been replaced by a more serious look. "I went on a totally different tangent there, didn't I? You can forget that last bit but to sum up everything, I have feelings for you. I don't expect you to return them anyways so...yeah."
Now, you looked at Dazai. His expression was unreadable. You couldn't understand what emotions were written on his face. You didn't even know what he would do next. Would he reciprocate your feelings? Would he reject them? What would he do? You wanted answers and you weren't getting them.
Then again, it was partly your fault also. You suddenly sprung these feelings on him. You shouldn't expect him to answer quickly. 
(Secretly, you also thought that Dazai wasn't the type of person who'd ever truly  love someone. It was just your stupid luck he was the person you fell for.)
Unexpectedly, Dazai suddenly moved off you, giving you the opportunity to finally sit up and contemplate your next moves.
'Should I just run away?' You thought, thinking about the pain of rejection. You'd deal with it. Somehow. 'It's the coward's way out. But what more can I do?'
"If you're thinking of running away, don't," Dazai suddenly said, meeting your eyes with a stare so intense that you swore he could read every single thought in your mind. 
"That was not what I was thinking," You clearly lied, crossing your arms. 
"You know, I can tell that you're lying, my Belladonna," Dazai put his hand on your cheek, his slender fingers brushing away the stray strands of hair on your face. "You are not a very good liar."
"D — wh-what?" You froze up completely. Because as much as you would like to deny, even an action like this left you wanting more. His hands were inexplicably warm and strangely soft. You couldn't even think about running away now. Dazai put his other hand behind your back, pulling you close to him. Close enough that your noses were almost touching and you could see the little flecks of amber in his pretty brown eyes. 
"D-do you also h-have feelings f-for me?"
What the hell was wrong with your voice? You wanted to ask your question again, but your words died in your throat. 
Instead, your heart chose to speak. You tilted your head slightly, barely brushing your lips against his. Even this small action sent volts of electricity coursing through your body. But then, your courage fizzled out and you tried to move back. 
Key word; tried. 
Dazai put his hand at the back of your head and pulled you closer, finally,  freaking finally, kissing you. 
You wished you could describe what you were feeling, but you really couldn't. Your mind was completely shut down and all you could really think was, that you were floating. And since it was your one of the few kisses you had in your life, you didn't know what to do. So you kept on pressing your mouth against Dazai's, trying to have more; trying to feel more of him. 
It was strange, it felt so strange. But kissing Dazai felt incredibly…amazing. Yeah, amazing. Just him and you and nothing else. You felt like you could touch the stars now and you didn't want it to end. You wanted to keep on doing this forever, or as long as both of you could. 
But then, Dazai suddenly ended the kiss, pulling back with a lazy grin.
You stared at him, breathing heavily. And then, you let your head fall onto his shoulder, grabbing onto to the front of his cream-colored trench coat. 
"Does that answer your question, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked with a sing-song voice, suddenly hugging you. 
"So you do like me?" Your voice was muffled by his coat, but you knew he heard you clearly. 
His lips were pressed onto your neck, moving with his answer. You understood it immediately. Releasing his coat from your hands, you hugged him back.  
You knew this moment wouldn't last very long, but you would revel in it for now. 
It was going to be the only thing on your mind for a very long time.
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a/n: i hope this was a fun read! with this quarantine, i've been thinking of attempting to write more character x readers because they are good practice for writing a multi-chapter fic. so you might see more bsd, haikyuu and bnha content on here. I might also post about DC so let's see.
My wattpad
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squisherific · 4 years
Rain Drop Chapter 6
A/N: *yells echoingly into the void* Helloooo therrrre… Man has it been a very long time since I made a tumblr post, let alone wrote any fanfiction. To those who are unaware (which is probably everyone), I had begun a story many years ago about Juvia’s past. It was called Rain Drop, and it has 5 previous chapters up on fanfiction.net
I'm so sorry to those who had liked this story. I both can and can't believe it's been 4 years since I last updated it (and 2 years since I’ve written any fanfiction at all). To be perfectly honest, I didn't think I'd ever continue this story. But something struck me the other day. I reread this fic, and the kind reviews from readers, and I just got the itch to continue, because I really, really miss writing, and I especially missed writing about Gray and Juvia. I can't promise I'm going to end up finishing this, but this is a step in the right direction? This chapter is dedicated to everybody who's ever encouraged me to continue this fic, and to anyone still reading. If there are people still interested in this story, I can not thank you enough for your patience. This is for you. <3
Chapter 6 - A Breezy Visit
Gray felt abnormally aware of his right hand as he made his way through Magnolia, and towards the outskirts of the town. He normally didn't pay this much attention to any particular one of his appendages. He just let them do their thing, and trusted all was well. But on this particular day, his right hand was clutching onto the left hand of Juvia Lockser, and his previous faith in his hand's abilities had all but vanished, resulting in his acute awareness of every bead of sweat currently collecting between his and Juvia's linked palms. It didn't help that he felt like every person they passed on the way to their destination was taking note of their clasp-handed position, and grinning amusedly to themselves as the two mages hurried past.
Why did I grab her hand? I didn't need to do that. She could just follow me to Gildarts' house. I could let go, and carry on as if nothing happened. But would she get upset if I took my hand away? She is holding it pretty firmly, so it would probably be pretty awkward if I just stopped holding her hand back.
These were the thoughts that passed through Gray Fullbuster's mind as he decided he would continue to hold Juvia's hand, not because he enjoyed it - definitely not that- but because he wanted to be emotionally supportive towards his friend, who was going through a rough time right now. Yes, that's why he'd continue to allow his sweaty palm to press up against Juvia's soft grip. He was a very good friend, and that's all there was to it.
Juvia's voice interrupted Gray's internal dilemma.
"Do you really think it's possible Gildarts-san will know something about Juvia's parents?"
"It's worth a shot. That old guy loves to reminisce though, so if we're not careful he might go off on a tangent, and we'll be stuck there until nightfall."
"Juvia won't mind, especially if he did have the answers Juvia has been seeking! Juvia would gladly listen as long as it takes!" she said, excited at the possibility that Gildarts could provide a window into her past at last.
Gray seemed a lot less enthused at that prospect of being stuck in Gildarts' place for hours into the night. But, if it meant keeping Juvia out of harm's way, and preventing her from going off on a hunt for a possibly dangerous Jose Porla instead, he would gladly suffer through Gildarts taking a long, and winding trip down memory lane. He just hoped they weren't walking into a dead end, because Gray had no back up plan to distract Juvia from her desired mission. He had promised Master Makarov he'd keep her safe, and even without that promise, it was something he always strived to do anyway. He could not fail.
They'd reached the far edges of the town, and Gray steered them slightly passed an overgrown forested area, before entering a slight clearing with a cobbled path which led to the S-class mage’s humble cabin. They both took note of the tufts of smoke coming out of the stout chimney, signaling someone was definitely home. They smiled at each other, glad to not have traveled there in vain, and headed towards the door.
Gray knocked a few times and waited.
At first there was no answer, but then a sound of what must have been several pots and pans clattering to the floor reverberated through the open window, before the door burst open.
Standing in the doorway, looking happily expectant, was the auburn-haired, and battled-scarred S- class mage of Fairy Tail. However his expression seemed to falter, and twist into one of polite bemusement at his surprise guests' presence.
"Oh! I thought you two were Cana finally accepting her dad's invitation to a home cooked meal," he said, gesturing inside.
Gray and Juvia peered behind him as the mess that could only be classified as Gildarts' kitchen came into view. He had clearly been attempting to cook, the lit fire within his home waiting patiently for the pot, which he had filled with some mysterious gloopy substance, clearly the subject of Gildarts 'home cooked meal.'
"Nope, we haven't seen Cana today," Gray said, as Gildarts looked hopefully around them, as if Cana was about to pop out of a nearby bush at any moment, to finally fulfill her dad's wish for more bonding time. "It's just us here," Gray assured him.
Gildarts, shaking off his disappointment, finally looked back down at them, giving them both a once over, his eyes lingering on their clasped hands. He grinned.
"You two out on a date?" a playful twinkle in his eye as he observed their flustered reactions.
Gray finally did let go of Juvia's hand at this comment. "No," he said, a little too insistently.
Juvia looked crestfallen.
"Now, now, that's no way to treat a lady, Gray!" He chastised him lightly, as he smoothly brushed past Gray to usher Juvia inside. "Come in,, come in! It's Juvia, isn't it? You're good friends with Cana. I'm sure she won't be too upset if I treat you to a meal in her place. Don't be shy, there's plenty to share. Do you like wine, Juvia?"
Juvia was gently directed inside the warm cabin, a look of bewilderment coloring her features, while Gray had the door slammed in his face, leaving him standing alone outside.
That perverted old fart, Gray thought angrily. He lingered there annoyed for at least a couple of minutes, hoping one of the two would remember he was still there, before knocking on the closed door again, this time much more aggressively than when he had first arrived.
Gildarts reappeared. "Can I help you?" he asked, as if this were the first time he had met Gray, and as if Gray hadn't arrived with Juvia only a few minutes ago.
Speaking of Juvia, Gray could now see she was sitting down with a cup of tea in her hand, likely having refused the wine offer from Gildarts.
Gray ignored him, and irritatedly walked passed Gildarts into the house to join Juvia.
"How rude," Gildarts muttered none too silently to himself, as Gray pulled up a chair next to Juvia, sitting down, arms crossed and scowling.
Closing the door behind him, Gildarts sat down to join them. Apparently after he had guided Juvia inside, he had put the pot filled with the mysterious substance onto the fire, and it was now bubbling away behind them.
"So," Gildarts said after a moment. "What can I do for you. Want some love advice? I've got lots of tips," his eyebrows raised suggestively.
"Stop messing around!" Gray spat, his face reddening. "This is serious, old man! Juvia is here to ask you about her parents!"
"Her parents…" Gidarts said, sobering… He gave Juvia a thorough appraisal, and seemed to go into concentrated revelry. "Oh man, were there any blue-haired ladies…."
"NOT YOU," Gray said quickly.
Juvia blushed.
"Juvia is just trying to find information about her parents. She doesn't remember who they were. Gramps clearly seems to have known them, but he won't tell Juvia anything, so we were wondering if maybe you had met them before, and could tell her something about them, " Gray explained.
Gildarts relaxed, leaning back in his chair. "I was going to say, imagine having two daughters who both happened to end up in the same guild I was a part of. What would be the odds, right?" Gildarts laughed, but then got suddenly serious again, as his eyes fell back on Juvia. He studied her, as she looked back self-consciously.
"You know, come to think of it, you do remind me of someone," he said.
"Juvia does?" she asked, a pang of hope in her heart.
"Where are you from originally?"
"Juvia isn't sure. She was left in an orphanage in Hargeon. The most information the people running the orphanage could tell her, was that an old woman had dropped Juvia off there when Juvia was one-years old, but Juvia never did find the identity of the old woman. She doesn't know if she was a relation, or not."
Gildarts seemed to contemplate this information. "Your last name is Lockser?"
Juvia nodded.
"Hmmmm, well I can tell you I don't know anybody with that name. But you do bear a striking resemblance to an old friend of mine."
Gray didn't like the way Gildarts emphasized the word friend. "Who was this friend?"
"A former member of the magic council. She was a gorgeous girl, dark hair, piercing eyes, really feisty," he said, as his eyes glazed over, clearly having traveled back into some kind of indecent memory.
Gray and Juvia were discomfited.
"Oii! We're still here you know," Gray jolted him out of his reverie.
"Relax," he said, catching a look at their expressions. "It wasn't that type of relationship," he assured them, sighing in a good natured, but dejected sort of way. "Not for lack of trying, of course. She was my friend's girl."
"Your friend?"
"Benny. Benjamin 'Fluid' Dackser," he replied, as he grabbed the bottle of wine he had offered Juvia earlier, and took a sip.
"He was a water mage."
Juvia's eyes widened at this information.
"Yeah. So that was his nickname. Ol' Benny Flu Dackser," a sad smile crossed Gildarts' face. "Man, he was such a pain in the ass," he chuckled. "It's pretty pointless crashing apart water, you know? It just comes right back together again."
"He could turn into water? Like Juvia does?!"
"Yup, it was his specialty. Not a good match for me, as he couldn't help to remind me every time we had a friendly fight. And we were both always trying to impress Sylvi. He won her in the end, that bastard. Ah, we were so young then. Not even twenty."
"Sylvi?" Gray asked.
"Sylvia Loten. A talented ice mage."
It was Gray's turn for his eyes to widen. "Ice?"
"Not on quite the same level as your old master Ur, I'm sure, but really talented all the same. I might not have been able to do much against Benny, but she was more than a match for him. It was great watching that cocky, lovestruck fool get beaten down by her. But she must have liked his persistent approach, because they ended up married."
"Benjamin-san and Sylvia-san…" Juvia mused to herself "did they have any children?"
"I lost touch with them both after they went into politics. They never joined a guild either, as far as I know. Like I said, Sylvi was a council member, and so was Benny - youngest council members ever at that point. It all happened while I was out on a major quest. By the time I came back, years had passed, and Benny and Sylvi had…" he trailed off somberly.
"They died?" Juvia concluded, her face stricken.
"How?" Gray asked, almost afraid of the answer as he looked over at Juvia.
"Supposedly drowned," he said flatly.
"Drowned?! No way!"
Juvia agreed emphatically with Gray. "Benjamin-san was a water mage, how could he have drowned?"
"Just because you specialize in a type of magic doesn't mean you are immune to it's dangers," he explained, his mood had darkened considerably, the wine bottle's contents now severely depleted as he went on. "But again, that's just what I heard. Their bodies were found off the coast of Akane beach."
"Was the drowning an accident, or…" Gray trailed off.
"I don't know. But let's put it this way, I doubt they suffered a boating incident, and they couldn't save themselves. Doesn't make sense. Not for those two," Gildarts admitted.
"Terrible," was all Juvia could think to say as the three let a silence fall within the messy cabin, the only sound being the bubbling contents of the copper pot in the fireplace.
Juvia couldn't believe there had been another water mage. She'd never met anyone else who could use water magic other than herself. And she had been able to use it for as long as she could remember. It wasn't something she had studied to learn, which is usually the case for mages. People aren't born knowing magic. But for whatever reason, Juvia could instinctively control water, and as used to be the case, there were things she couldn't control about it as well - that constant rain that plagued her for so long. Water had literally been tied into her emotions - her very being - whether she liked it or not. It was a rare ability. A rare magic.
And yet this Benjamin Dackser was also a water mage. And he died. She couldn't imagine this skilled water mage, someone who could best Gildarts, could be drowned - and his talented ice mage wife as well. How? Why? Juvia had so many questions. The greatest of all being, could these two people have been her parents?
"Gildarts-san?" Juvia began, breaking the silence. "You said I remind you of Sylvia-san?"
"Yeah…" he said, studying her again, "the more I look at you, the more I think you look just like her. Same eyes, same pale skin, you even act a little like her. She was real regal, you know? You are very similar. Except for the hair. Her's was a very dark grey, almost black," he recalled, his voice a little slurred from the wine he had been using to dull the pain of his somber recollections.
"What color was this Benny guy's hair?" Gray asked.
Gildarts simply pointed to Juvia's hair in response.
Juvia's heart skipped a beat.
"You think they were Juvia's parents?" Gray came right out and asked what they were all currently wondering.
The question hung heavy in the air.
Juvia's fists clenched in anxiety.
Gildarts looked from Gray to Juvia, a pained expression on his face. He shook his head. "I never heard anything about them having a kid… but, there's a lot I don't know. I was gone for so long. I would think people who were on the council with them would know a lot more about anything like that. I knew them best when we were all still just a bunch of brats."
"How long were they on the council?"
"Not long. A few years, I think. And that was nearly 30 years ago now."
"Who do we know on the magic council who would talk to us?" Gray pondered. "None of them have ever exactly been the biggest fans of Fairy Tail. Plus, so many of them who might have been on the council with Benjamin and Sylvia are now…." Gray's thoughts wandered to the mass murder at the hands of the Tartarus members.
Another heavy silence fell.
"Yajima-san?" Juvia said tentatively, recalling the tiny man who ran the 8-island restaurant she once waitressed at with some of the other Fairy Tail ladies.
"Oh yeah, Gramp's friend. He's ancient, and he was on the council for ages," Gray recalled hopefully. "We could take a trip out to his restaurant in Hargeon and ask him if he knows anything more about these two."
"Let's do so," Juvia agree immediately, so grateful that Gray had suggested they go to Hargeon. This meant he intended to continue to accompany her on this quest of hers. Her heart was so burdened at the thought of possibly finding out who her parents were, only to be left with more devastating questions about their awful fate, and how she might tie into it. So, Gray's companionship served to lift that weight considerably.
"Thank you so much, Gildarts-san. You've been such a great help. Your information was truly invaluable," she said in earnest, getting up from her chair and heading towards the door. Gray followed closely behind.
"Wait! You sure you guys don't want to stay and eat? The stew is almost ready!" he pointed back towards the now overflowing muck bubbling out of his copper pot.
"That's very kind of you, Gildarts-san," Juvia eyed the stew in trepidation, "but we really have much to do if we are going to be leaving for Hargeon soon. But thank you for your hospitality, and the tea!" she added, leaving the warmly lit cabin behind her. The sun was setting as she stepped out into the clear air.
Gray was about to join her when Gildarts caught a hold of his arm and pulled him back.
"Hey!" Gray said, alarmed as Gildarts leaned close to him, his grip vice-like.
"Listen," Gildarts said, his tone uncharacteristically dire, "if Gramps didn't want to tell Juvia anything about her parents, then he likely had a damn good reason for it, and that reason was probably that he thinks there's danger involved. And if Gramps thinks looking for information on her parents is dangerous, then it probably is. I've only heard conspiracy theories about Benny and Sylvi's deaths, but if even one of them is true, Juvia could be headed into some serious trouble. I feel for her, I do. But if Benny and Sylvi were her parents, then there's nothing left to find."
Gray considered Gildarts words of warning. He looked towards Juvia, who was waiting patiently at the end of the cobbled path for him to join her. He again thought back to that night at the guild, and how hurt she was at never having known her family. "Juvia has a right to know the truth. If I can help her find at least that, then I'm going to do so," Gray said firmly. "And if there's danger, I'll protect her no matter what."
A/N: When rereading the previous chapters of this, I honestly didn't think I could continue the story no matter how much I wanted to. I genuinely didn't remember where I was going with the plot since it had been so long. But, thank goodness I had notes for future chapters saved. ;_; Otherwise this chapter would not exist right now. Anyway, if anyone is still reading, please do let me know with a review. But if everyone has abandoned this story, as I once did, then at least I can say I enjoyed writing this again. ^_^
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
5 for Adam, 4 for Nate, 8 for Felix and 4 for Mason? (Sorry if that's too many haha) ❤️
Hello! Always a joy to see you in my inbox! You are the best! :)
Adam and Natasha-5-  Saying that A has the carnival picture, how do you think your detective will react once they find out they have it?
Answered here!
Nate and Pearl-4- If the option is there in Book 3, will your detective and N participate in (physically)intimate scenes? Why or why not?
Unlike Thea, there is absolutely nothing holding Pearl back from wanting to take their relationship to this step. I wouldn’t say it is something that she has been waiting for in a sense, but if it happens, she will gladly accept. Kind of like Nate, she craves, mostly without even realizing it, that connection with someone. She has spent a long time searching for it, and she ended up losing her sense of self in the process. Pearl is now the detective of Wayhaven, when she was sure she would work is computer science someday, and having to deal with this sudden switch in her plans kind of shook her. She still has not felt like she has found herself, but her place in the Agency now, meeting the team, and meeting Nate, she’s finally starting to feel like she has a place in the world. Not sure why I went on that small tangent, but bottom line, Nate gives her a connection that she never knew she needed, as different as they are, and she wants nothing more to make that connection deeper (that’s not saying you can’t have that connection without intimacy. But it is a way for the two of them to deepen their relationship) Will have to actually read the book to make my true decision, but I’m much more confident on this one then I am for Felix and Thea.
Felix and Thea- 8. If your detective is the type to have pictures in their phone contacts, what kind of picture do they have for F?
Thea is what most would consider an amateur photographer. She has no formal training, but she has done wedding photos/ portraits for Wayhaven, not that there is that many people in the small town to begin with. Thus, pictures are incredibly important to her, and the one that she has for Felix is no exception (I’ve been wanting to commission art of a polaroid selfie between Felix and Thea, I just don’t know who to commission to do it haha) But for that picture, it would probably change over the course of their relationship. At the beginning, she might use a picture that Felix took of himself, his bright grin stretching from  ear to ear, it never failing to send a smile on her face. But deeper relationship, I do think she would use more of a candid shot of him laughing (probably at Adam, let’s be real), and it making Thea almost feel like she’s in the moment with him every single time she looks at it. But, since I can’t save Sanja over Felix, the carnival picture unfortunately does not exist in future books, so the selfie that I mentioned earlier would probably be her lock screen. :)
Mason and Mari-4.-How do you think your detective will react when learning that they calm M’s hypersenses?
Okay, I’m about to go on a whole tangent about this, because I love this concept (that we will probably see in the future!) so much. So, one thing to know about Mari is that she would not consider herself calming to anyone. She doesn’t know how to comfort people (her people skill is extremely low), and she definitely doesn’t know what to say when people ask her for advice. Mari’s one way of dealing with things is just ignoring them until they disappear, and it you aren’t that way, then you are out of luck getting any comfort from her. Keeping people at arm’s length has made her this way, helping her less likely to become hurt in the end. So, if she found out that she was actually was calming to someone, that would be incredibly shocking to her, much less Mason. Mari hates the quiet with  a burning passion, always needing something in the background while she works, absolutely loves the businesses of the city, basically all of the things that Mason hates. But around him, she almost finds a love for the quiet? Quite surprisingly to her. There is something about being there with him, as the two of them watch the stars, no words being spoken between them, but words are not needed anyway for the two that are so close to each other. Mari is shocked at the lack of it, but she’s learning that she is okay with it. But, if it does come out that she calms his hypersenses, I do think her first reaction would wonder why he had not told her, but she would just as quickly push that down. I also know that some detectives would take this information as the only reason why M hangs around them, but I don’t think Mari would ever see it that way? If that was the only reason, in her eyes, the there would no reason why he would talk to her at all, and their deepening connection, a connection that she does fully understand yet, would have never occurred.
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romanasanders · 4 years
Tower of Sleep
1200 words
AO3 link
Somewhere in the middle of the imagination, not far from the border that divided the lands of the Prince and the Duke, stood a high tower. Not that its location was important: after all, the imagination is a metaphysical place where distance is an illusion inside one guy’s head.
But back to the tower. Its resident was not a side, but he did have a direct connection to the Host, unlike other beings of the imagination. Influencing him for about six to eight hours every day, and providing vivid hallucinations during that time of unconsciousness. The name of this figment was Sleep. Though, despite the aforementioned fact that he was not a side, he still had claimed a name next to his title.
Sleep looked out of the highest tower window, and a grin appeared on his face as he saw the Prince, riding on his horse, coming closer, a bag slung over their shoulder. “Don’t you dare!” He shouted back, but his voice lacked any real offence.
“Remy, Remy, let your hair down!” The prince descended from his horse and waved dramatically with his arm. From this distance it was difficult to see, but Remy was sure that they had the usual twinkle in his eyes that came with making any kind of fairytale reference. “Bitch, first come on up here before you make any demands.” Remy responded, retreating back into their room. Prince Roman would be up there in a minute or two.
Remy sat back in front of their work, which looked like a crossbreed between an alchemist’ workplace and a six grade science set. Inside the vials and tubes there were swirly colorful fumes and liquids, all surrounding a grand book that displayed two types of text: seemingly ancient recipes and quickly scribbled notes. Along the walls there were even more labeled flasks filled with colours, some luminescent, some glittering, and some moving as if they had a will of their own.
Soon enough, Roman had made his way up the long stairs and opened the door. Every time the prince was fascinated by the sight of Sleep’s workplace: the place where dreams, quite literally, could come true. Remy himself hung back in his chair, taking a sip of a plastic starbucks cup. “Do you never get confused with your beverage?” Roman asked jokingly, carefully carrying their bag to a table in the middle of the room. “Girl, you have no idea.” Remy shot back with a huge grin as he turned to the table as well. “Last time it was one of yours, luckily..But anyway, show me what you got!”
Roman grinned and opened his bag, revealing the content: the same kind of flasks that were lining the shelves of the workshops.”The best kind of fantasies you can get.” He boasted, carefully laying them out for Sleep. “Performances, saving damsels, flying, outings with friends- Patton helped with that last one- and of course, a big dose of celebrity meetings!” Sleep hummed, resting his sunglasses on their head in favour to inspect the inspiration- because that's what it was, pure inspiration.
Roman let out a small offended sigh due to lack of reaction from the figment. “ I worked on something with Lin Manuel Miranda that you’ll love!” He said, offering them one of the final tubes, with a swirly golden-brown color. “Neat.” Remy commented, putting his sunglasses back. “But you know how I like to make mixtures of good and bad shit, right? Besides, Thomas will be forgetting most of it anyway.” “I know..” Roman quasi-whined, while crossing his arms. “Still, your dreams always manage to strike just the right cord, giving Him ideas that I can really work with!”
The prince let his eyes glace around the workplace again. “Has Remus been here yet?” “Not yet, I expect him tonight.” Remy responded, taking some of Roman’s inspiration and stacking them away. “I was getting low on Monsters, and also on Dumb Ways To Die.” He pretended to ignore the face Roman made in response to that. “Do you really have to include those.. nightmares? You could give Thomas pleasant dreams, saving- nay, being saved by handsome princes and-”
“stOP!” Remy grasped Roman’s sash, pulling him away from the shelves, which were in danger with the Prince’s swooning gestures. “Listen,” Sleep said as soon as they were in the middle of the room again. “I don’t care about all that shit- I just help you guys with cleaning up y’alls creative juices.” “Alright, alright.” Roman said, shrugging. “It was just a suggestion. Just one more thing before I leave though.”
Remy, grabbing his coffee again, took a long sip. “What’s it?” “You know how Thomas’ fans sometimes have influence on the Imagination, and well, us?” “Duh.” Remy rolled his eyes. “They landed me this job.” “It was a rhetorical question!” Roman huffed. “ANYway, another thing they did was establish our birthdays! We celebrated Patton’s yesterday, on the fifteenth.”
Remy raised one of his eyebrows. “ Y’all are not human in the first place, so they just picked a date?” “Well, not really!” Roman said, caught in his tangent. “You see, that date was the first time Thomas featured his ‘Dad’ character in his content! I believe it was a Vine, actually-” Remy nodded. “That’s cool, I guess. Say hi to Pops from me.” The figment turned to one of the tubes behind him, and opened the tap. A strange substance, something between smoke and cotton candy, came out and wrapped itself around Sleep’s skilled fingers. Usually this would be the sign for Roman to leave.
“Will do! But that’s not all what I wanted to say about that.” Remy looked up again, spotting the glint in Roman’s eye now in person. “What? Should I put him in a dream as some kinda.. Birthday Gift? I already told you Girl, I do not take requests.” “No no no no-” The Prince waved away the suggestion. “This is about you! Do you remember when Thomas first featured you in a short video?”
“You don’t have to rub in that I’m much younger than all of you guys.” Remy replied dryly, the half-formed dream mixture swirling in his hands. “It was 2018.” Roman said, ignoring their remark. “January the Sixteenth.” The Prince spread his arms, as if he’d personally arranged the birthday for the other.
“That’s today, isn’t it?”
“You don’t know what day it is?”
“Girl.. Either I work or I go out, you know I don’t have a sleeping schedule.”
Roman nodded at that, his triumphant grin getting smaller. Remy focused his attention back on the Dream, and Roman took his bag from the table. “Well.. I’ll see you next week then, I suppose.” “Yeppers. Goodbye Romeo.” “Oh, and Remy?”
Sleep looked up, over his sunglasses towards the Prince who stood in the door opening. “Happy Birthday.” Remy raised a salute as a Thank You, and Roman disappeared down the stairs. A few moments later, Remy could hear the hooves of their noble steed, slowly getting softer.
“A birthday.” Sleep scoffed, poking a bit at the Dream, not really looking at what he was doing, but relying on his experience. “Can you actually believe that?”
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starrywonn · 5 years
february spring
request: can you do a han jisung bullet point scenario with a fantasy au??? like he's the prince and y/n's his knight or something oof :'>
a/n: i had to rewrite this like four times that's why this took so long anyways this is my first request in a REALLY long time :”))) i hope you enjoy it!! pairing: prince! han jisung/knight! reader genre: fluff scenario type: bulletpoint scenario word count: 1.6k
warnings: cursing (like one time)
sunlight pours into the window of your bedroom, piercing your eyes
you immediately get off your bed to get prepared for the day ahead
you dress in your plainclothes and make your way towards the stone castle that made your residence seem like a dwarf
the thudding of your running feet fills the empty corridor
the armoury was chillingly silent
you hastily put your armour on and place your sword in the sheath
you speed walk to the prince’s room
just on time
the prince had just woken up, his hair an absolute mess, eyes droopy and low
“mornin’ y/n”
“morning. i see you had a good night’s sleep?”
“only the best,” he says airily
you wait patiently outside the bathroom as he gets ready
he comes out of the bathroom with a completely different aura
his hair was now neater, his cream coloured night clothes replaced with a deep blue tunic and trousers
"ok let's go. you're gonna be late"
despite only recently beginning to guard jisung, you had already fallen into a routine
he was about your age which shocked him at first
his guards were always way older than him
it was insane that someone his age was already one of the top fighters in the land
he always pestered you to tell him how you got that good but all you would tell him was “lots of practice”
he’d give you an annoyed look but after a while, he stopped asking
getting back to the task at hand, you quickly think of the lessons he had to go to
out of the large array of classes, he had ruling, sword fighting, horse riding, etiquette and archery today
sometimes, it felt like you were babysitting him more than you were his bodyguard
you had to attend all the boring lectures with him too zzz
finally, it was his last class of the day
ah, archery
what pain it caused jisung
every time you see him shoot, you kind of want to lose it
his face was always scrunched up in a weird way whenever he tried to shoot
give him a sword and he’d best anyone any day but archery was a different story
but at least this one thing deflates his stupid huge ego so he doesn't get his head stuck up in the clouds
“y/nnnnnn can’t you just teach me??? all my teacher does is get me to copy you. you might as well teach me right??”
you? teach him?
“well, technically, i'm not qualified to”
jisung pouts at you
“but if you want me to, i GUESS i can” you say as you roll your eyes
“you can’t take it back!!”
dinner comes around
all jisung does is sit at the table, scarf down delicious food and give you mischievious looks
you glance large mounds of food dished on gold and silver platters
but you can’t eat any of it! too bad
so obviously, your best choice is to go back to staring at the wall
you’re so out of it that when the king calls out your name, you almost jump out of your skin
“yes, your majesty?”
“i asked if you would be alright to teach jisung archery from now on.”
“of course, your majesty! it would be such an honour to be able to do so”
jisung gleams towards your direction and you shoot back an annoyed look
“very well! i will make the necessary arrangements.”
the dinner was finished without much fuss and as you walk jisung back to his bedchambers, he seemed to be almost skipping
was he really that happy to be coached by you?
“good night y/n, see you tomorrow!!”
“good night”
the next thing you know, it's the next day and you and jisung were in front of the archery targets in the fields
jisung was showing you how he usually shot
immediately, you could see his mistakes
“you have to take into account the wind. aiming for the centre doesn’t mean that you will hit it.”
jisung nodded, adjusted his bow and shot again
he finally hit the target
it involved lots of death glares, cursing the gods and jisung almost breaking the bow more than once
but after two weeks, he could hit bullseyes repeatedly
least to say you were proud of him
but also a little suspicious that he failed with his other coaches on purpose
jisung proudly announces his achievement to nearly everyone he meets
the king and queen were over the moon and immediately wanted to reward jisung
“if there’s anyone you should reward, it’s y/n. they’re the one who helped me,” jisung pointed out
“ah, y/n! is there any way we can repay you?”
you froze
you never thought about being repaid at all
you shook your head
“it’s alright, your majesty. i just did my job. in fact, it’s prince jisung who shot those bullseyes so i can’t say i really did much”
the king waves off your excuse, “nonsense! if you ever wish for anything, let us know! we’ll be more than happy to get it for you”
“thank you, your majesty”
as jisung makes his fortnightly visit to the villages, he brings up the spring festival
his horse is in a slow trot
he goes off on a tangent and rambles on and on about everything under the sun
he gestures so much you get dizzy looking
but you can see the sparkle of anticipation and excitement in them as he talks animatedly
it's cute, you think to yourself
wait, hold on, you’re not supposed to think this way about him
you shake your head, willing yourself out of it
“so of course, we’ll be attending as guests-of-honour but i want to experience the festival for real”
“for real?” you quirk your eyebrow
“yea! for real! like going out to the streets and like, getting to eat all the snacks we want kind of real?”
“but what about your parents? wouldn't they want you there with them?”
"who cares what they think! getting to go to the festival is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"and how would manage to avoid everyone?"
your jaw drops as he explains his plan
this boy really has a wild imagination
“wouldn't asking be easier?”
“c’mon y/n!! don’t be such a party pooper!! it’s an adventure!! let’s just try it!!”
you sigh
“fine. one 'adventure' wouldn’t hurt right?”
jisung pumps his fist in the air, gleaming
“but, on one condition. you have to make sure to stick with me the whole time. because if you get lost or injured, it's on me”
jisung eagerly nods
training sessions were spent secretly planning the best route around the festival
jisung gets to play the fair games and you get to steal his snacks
it's a win-win situation here
the day of the spring festival comes within a blink of an eye
you wait behind the balcony doors where the royals are announcing the start of the festival
the resounding cheers are audible through the thick walls of the castle
you follow behind as the royal family walks to the town square
the townspeople rush to invite the king and queen to try their goods
jisung and you exchange a look
it was time
the two of you rush back into the castle
you change back into your plainclothes and stand outside jisung's room
you crack open the door
"hurry up jisung!!!!"
"i'm coming!!!!"
he pulls on the door and you nearly fall with it
"geez, 'sung" you mutter
when you look at him, jisung almost looks like a regular teenager
but there's something still a little off
you reach over and ruffle his hair
"that’s much better. now let's GO"
you grab a hold of his hand and drag him out of the castle
for once, you let yourself go, having fun as a kid your age would
you both stuff yourselves with all sorts of snacks till you're sure that if you take another bite you would probably puke
you and jisung walk out to the quieter parts of town
he grabs your wrist and leads you into the forest
you end up on a small clearing that overlooks the villages
jisung sits near the edge
you follow suit, slightly confused
in a small whisper, he says, “look up”
the stars are bright, dotting the pitch black sky
jisung sighs
"it's beautiful right?"
you hum in silent acknowledgement
"i used to come here when everything was too much," he pauses, "it's harder than people think. being a prince i mean. just so many people trying to take advantage of your position or waiting for you to fail"
"yeah, it's scary" you pick at the grass around you, "but you're getting through it pretty okay right? you’re trying your best and that’s what matters. plus i'm here with you now. i'll fight those assholes if i have to"
he lets out a small chuckle
the two of you sit in silence
everything seemed so small from where you sat, the chatter and noise in the village replaced by the chirping of crickets
"i like you"
his words break the silence softly, passing like the fluttering wind
they hold an air of absent-mindedness but in your mind, they're heavy with meanings and implications
your throat suddenly feels dry
when you look over to him, he's still looking at the night sky above
his eyes seem to hold the universe and the moonlight gives his face an angelic glow
it finally hits you that when he wasn't being an absolute dork, he was actually… handsome
the starlight clouds your judgement for a split second and you lean over, pressing a small kiss onto his cheek
"i like you too"
his hand finds yours and in the february spring, it's you two against the world
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saturatedolan · 5 years
Temptress - Grayson Dolan (Part Two)
Read Temptress Part one here
WARNING: SMUT, age gap
Summary: Grayson and Y/N continue to desire each other from afar. Ever since their first sexual encounter, they just can’t seem to stop thinking about each other. It’s only a matter of time until their temptations completely consume them, leading them to do the greatest act of intimacy.
Word count: 8.4K
A/N: Hi! So here’s Temptress part two. Thank you guys so much for the love I received from part one, it was my frist attempt and i’m still shocked at how much attention it got. Anyway, hope you guys like this one, this is my second time posting it because the first time didn’t work out lol. 
If you haven’t read part one yet, the link is just below the title. 
“Goodbye, Y/N”
The two words walked across her mind as if she actually gave them permission to. To devour her brain into thinking such things. The small tremor of his throat to the tapping of the tongue invaded her head. Perhaps she could just think of something else, something that doesn’t concern the darkness of his eyes, his chocolate waves, his plump mouth and the way he says her name. But she simply couldn’t find room in her mind full of deep carnal desires. The innocence laced in his words were no match for her newly found cravings that consisted of her next door neighbor.
Once she left his house that scorching Tuesday afternoon she couldn’t help but imagine all the things his body could do to hers. She was itching to feel his mouth pressed on her again, to hear his voice whisper into her ear as he delivered a tsunami of pleasure to her core. Her purity had been completely tainted and she couldn’t believe it; how one man had so much power over her. She had him begging on her knees, begging to suck his throbbing cock right after he had just tasted her sweet juices. She was completely infatuated with Grayson, and he was completely under Y/N’s spell.
It had been about a week after her first ever sexual encounter with the god himself. She would often catch herself going off on a tangent and envisioning his sculpted body on top of hers, his long fingers inside the place she desired them the most. She was desperate for his touch again.
Oh, how Grayson wanted her to take all of him! As soon as she left him he knew he did something to her that day; he released a sort of sensuality about her. Of course, he denied Y/N from his cock. He could tell that she was never the type to give into sexual endeavors, but he somehow allowed her to feel liberated. One could only imagine the things that she would do for him and the things he would do for her; to make each other erupt into squirming messes.
Grayson had never really met someone like Y/N. She was the subject of his erotic fantasies. Hell, even the thought of her bright smile or her piercing eyes caused him to get aroused. It’s a shame that Grayson hadn’t touched her since that fateful day, he too was getting impatient. He would touch himself every night at the thought of her, letting the darkness consume his whole body.
“Fuck,” he let out a rough moan into the dimness of his room. His hand slid up and down his throbbing cock, going at a slow pace while picturing Y/N in his room waiting to please him. He used his thumb to swipe his reddened tip and disperse his precum onto the rest of his shaft. Grayson imagined her naked body lightly stepping towards him, her feet almost floating off the wood; her expression was needy, almost as if it was painful. He never had the chance to see her bare breasts but he was sure that they were magnificent. Perfect teardrops that fit rightfully in his hand where they belong.
“Y/N,” he couldn’t help but whisper her name as he began to pick up the pace. He went to glide his large had throughout his long member and imagined her tiny hand instead, touching him for the very first time. How she would feel every ridge and vein that he had for her. It was all for her.
His hair was now sticking to his forehead, perspiration building around his body in the humid summer evening. Moments passed where he would just get lost in the thought of her features, she the epitome of perfect to him. He was so detached from reality, putting his all into this both physically and conceptually. His naked body glistened against the midnight moon, creating a mouth-watering scene for Y/N and anyone who dared to paint the picture in their head.
His movements were fast now, his face contorting into a frown at the thought of her. His sticky, sweaty body heaving, his arm bulging and abs flexing as he released all over himself. All for her. His cum shot up as he kept pumping, almost feeling himself planting his seed all over her untouched channel. He was begging to see how it would trickle out of her as he pulled out, his own cum cascading down her tight little hole and onto the sheets.
He was flustered and out of breath. The thumping in his chest was almost out of control until his head shot up, hearing a high pitch squeal coming from house number three. He held his breath for a moment, so desperately wanting to hear it again.
Images of Y/N surged through his head, making his naked body jump up – still sticky with sweat and cum – to peer through his window, observing the beautiful greenness against the beams of the moon. His eyes scanned the house, noticing a light coming from the top left window, the curtain fluttering against the wind. Every muscle in his body tensed as he heard it again. The achingly delicious sounds of Y/N that he needed to hear so urgently. Her moans must have been loud considering he could hear her sweet little voice from his house.
Blood rushed to his cock as it twitched at the thought of her touching herself to him. He could easily imagine her delicate little fingers rubbing her pink clit until it she shattered into a million pieces.
Y/N was so close to the edge; she could feel the pleasure stream to her core as she imagined taking Grayson – all of him inside her. The warm light of her bedside lamp kept her looking angelic, a sort of glow radiating from her sweaty figure. She kept squirming while her body took her breath away, constantly trying to regulate it as best as she could. But her fun was interrupted once she heard a knock on her door, immediately cursing at herself for being so uncontrollably loud.
“Honey? You alright in there?” The sound of her mother’s voice echoed in her room, hearing the tone of genuine concern in her voice.
“Uh- Yes mother, everything’s fine!” She could’ve sworn that her parents were fast asleep already, but he thanked God that her parents allowed her to have a lock on the door. She couldn’t even imagine what her mother would do if she walked into the sight of her daughter’s exposed pink pussy, touching herself to the thought of the man next door. Y/N kept going though, keeping her fingers on her clit, circling it gently enough so she didn’t have the urge to squeal.
“Okay sweetheart, just don’t stay up too late. Remember, we have church tomorrow morning. Then we’re having the neighbors over for dinner so get some rest.” She spoke calmly, suspecting nothing but innocence going on at the other side of the door.
Y/N started to apply more pressure to her clit, vividly remembering Grayson’s thick fingers against her heat. “Neighbours?” She questioned, eyebrows arching. She would be lying if she said that that thought of getting caught didn’t turn her on.
“Yes, the Dolans. One of their boys stopped by a few days ago and thanked me for the fruit.”
Grayson Dolan. Her mind was feverishly conjuring up images of his perfectly sculpted physique. She couldn’t resist him any longer and she could combust with all the frustration!
“He’s such a lovely boy. He couldn’t stop talking about how delicious the fruits were – said they were utterly delightful,” she let out a light chuckle, “talked about how he enjoyed every last drop of their juices.” Y/N’s mother shook her head at the boy’s words, rather amused at how a boy could talk so highly about fruit.
Y/N could feel her fingers increase the rapid movements, aroused at the audacity of the man. How could he just have inexplicitly exchanged every detail of their intimacy to her own mother like that?
“Anyway, you need to get up early tomorrow, goodnight honey!” And with that, her mother turned away and walked back to her room, closing her door with a small creek.
Y/N was now shaking. The idea of Grayson relaying their filthy details made her whole body sweat, both adrenaline and pleasure coursing through her veins. She increased the speed of her fingers once again, wishing that Grayson were here to amplify her pleasure. The way his bicep would flex as he would rub her pussy, the swiftness of his fingers, how his abs would contract as he leaned over her. She focused on his so soft lips, how they stick to hers, sucking them and fondling them with his tongue. Just the thought of being around him, feeling the radiating attraction between them, made her cover her mouth and shut her eyes hard.
She was cumming, intensely, at the thought of the perfect man next door, resisting the urge to scream his name in hopes that he could hear her desire.
Y/N adjusted her dress, pulling it down slightly to hide the marks that Grayson had left for her. She was in pain. Her heart yearned for Grayson, and so did her pussy. It was a type of yearning that made her want him more each passing minute, yet she knew the longer the wait the better it would feel. She was almost contemplating just going over there and taking his cock, not caring about who saw them. It was a thought to appease a short term satisfaction but, truthfully, she was far too concerned that her parents would find out. An innocent girl lusting over the striking man next door would definitely be the last thing on their mind.
She opened the door, coming face to face with her fantasy. His hazel eyes gleaming as the porch light reflected on them. His face was scruffy, the dark stubble somehow made him look far more handsome – if that was even possible. His bright smile and tilted lips caused her to grin back at him, showing her pearly whites. How could a man like him cause such an eruption of lust and delightfulness in her stomach at the same time?
Grayson slightly chuckled as he watched her stare at him. She looked so beautiful tonight, her little dress covering just over half of her wonderful thighs which he knew belonged to him Her little grin caused his trousers to get tighter and he loved it. Grayson absolutely adored how everything Y/N did, no matter how innocent, would turn him on. Even the vivacity in her eyes made his throat hitch because he knew that he was the one to make her feel like this. It was a sort of trance for him, capturing her eyes almost made him let out a groan. He couldn’t help but think of the way her eyes followed every move of his long tongue on that sizzling summer day. But his little moment with his was disrupted as Y/N’s father came to greet him, a wide welcoming smile of his face.
Their families greeted each other with warm smiles, exchanging hellos and compliments about the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Their eyes were still fixated on each other though. Every now and then Grayson would trail his hard eyes along her figure and his mouth would water. He had never wanted to take anyone so badly. Just the thought of her ripe cherry around his cock sent an electric vibration through his spine down to his cock. This was all he could think about. He was trying hard to keep his eyes off their only child, but it was proving more difficult as time passed.
Y/N’s pussy fluttered as their parents rambled on about the fruit again. She was starting to think that Grayson might have told every person in the neighborhood about the delightful flavours of her fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan would insist on its fresh deliciousness, which perfectly described her aching core.
Their muffled words were hard to make out as her attention was completely focused of Grayson, but she could pick out adjectives such as ‘succulent’ and ‘ripe’ during her parent’s intense conversation about the farmer’s market across town. Grayson and Y/N tried hard to make their stares less obvious, but they failed completely. Their parents knew to sit them right next to each other on the dinner table, unable to differentiate between glances of pure lust and friendly infatuation. Their parents suspected nothing but an innocent little friendship blossoming. 
They caught them stealing glances at one another and grinning like a pair of old friends. Although, what they didn’t catch was Grayson’s creeping hand inching towards her dripping pussy right under the neatly decorated table. The fact that Y/N would twitch every so often completely flew over their heads. So they continued on chatting, discussing the very serious topic of popsicle recipes and the merriments of their sweltering summer days.
Grayson used his fingers to caress Y/N’s creamy thighs, edging his way to her drenched pussy that he so wanted to taste again. She let out a few quiet whimpers here and there, his large hand had hadn’t completely made contact on her willing core just yet. He was teasing her slowly, agonizingly trailing his fingertips up and down her thighs until he reached the hem of her underwear.  The thickness of his fingers invaded her soaked underwear as he felt the warmth radiating from the deep inside her.
Her eyes grew wide at his sudden movements. Pulses of electricity laced through her bones as she felt his heavy fingers trace along her lips, collecting her juices. It took her by surprise; how he just plunged his fingers in as if it were a casual thing to do. Her posture grew stiff and thankfully no one noticed apart from Grayson himself. He smirked to himself, knowing that his touch was far too tempting for her.
Peering down at her, he witnessed her eyes meet his and his pulse grew fast. Now it was her turn to notice the effect she had on him. Her wide eyes glimmered as she saw herself in the reflection of his hazel iris’. Grayson kept eye contact as he smoothed his fingers along her pussy to reach her clit, applying slight pressure which made her head slightly spin.
It wasn’t long until Y/N’s mother brought out her sweet-smelling peach pie, reminding Grayson about the sweet flavours of Y/N that still lingered on his tongue. He eyed the dessert as it was laid on the table. The thoughts of her sugary juices enabled him to rub her with more force, quickening his face on her pinkness. Y/N felt a frenzy of emotions flood her system as he increased his pace. It was only a matter of time until she would burst. She was so sensitive, and the fact that he hasn’t touched her for so long added to her frustration. But, unfortunately for her, he suddenly pulled his fingers out, leaving her with a frown on her face.
Grayson stopped on purpose, lifting his fingers up from under the table. The thickness of his fingers were still covered in her wetness as he used them to dip into the whipped cream which sat on top of the dessert. He lifted his fingers to his mouth and tasted the sweetness with her juices lingering with the frothy cream. He sucked until there were no remains left.
Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of his hollowed cheeks with the plumpness of his lips. She was dripping again, her wetness almost leaking out of her underwear and tricking down onto her seat.
“Mmm.” Grayson let out a rough growl at her before picking up his fork and devouring the sweetness placed in front of him, keeping his eyes on her the whole time to make sure she was watching the movements of his mouth.
They were alone now. Grayson’s parents decided to show off their extensive recipe book collection and invited Y/N’s parents over, leaving their children to clean up and ‘get to know each other’ as Mrs. Dolan suggested. Little did they know, they’ve been more intimate with one another than any of their parents supposed.
“Here,” Grayson passed her the last of the utensils and she grabbed them, washing them and rinsing the suds off.
Y/N’s breath hitched as she felt his hands attach themselves to her waist, his head nuzzled up in her neck.
“You always smell so…” He trailed off, thinking of the perfect word to describe her. “Tempting”, he said as he took in another breath of her scent.
“Tempting?” She arched her eyebrow as she continued to lather up the last few utensils. She tried to act unfazed yet he could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest.
“Yeah,” he bit her ear, causing a light moan to escape her lips, “you smelt so sweet,” he placed a kiss just under her ear, “it took me all the strength in my body to resist taking you on the table”. He sucked softly on her skin only to detach them again. “Right in front of your parents.”
This caused her stomach to erupt with hundreds of butterflies. She spun around, dropping the spoons in her hands straight away. Her face was so close to his gorgeous features. They took this moment to observe their eyes, slowly darkening as the seconds passed.
She bought her lips to touch his pink ones, gently exchanging a passionate kiss which lit a fire in both their cores. The slight smacking sounds of their lips made Greyson’s bulge grow. Then she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter her again. It was a slow kiss, emptying out their desires just by one small action.
Y/N was the first to make a move; gliding her delicate hands over his rock hard chest, touching his torso and to his rock hard budge. She palmed him through the thick material of his trousers, surprising herself with how forward she was being. He felt so big in her petite hand and it made her drip.
He let out a groan of pleasure, the innocent girl was no longer there as he detached their lips and stared down at her peering eyes. He swore that he could see swirls in her eyes, almost as if she was hypnotising him. Her lips tilted upwards as she grabbed his neck and crashed their lips together, hunger evident in their mouths.
Grayson entered his tongue into her mouth, tasting the lingering sweetness of the dessert. He used his lips to suck on her tongue slightly, letting out a rough rasp.
The tender hands which held his cock applied more pressure, palming him more roughly and making his labored breaths escape with a groan. She used her fingers to undo his belt and the clanking of the metal buckles cause him to pull away.
“Please, Grayson,” she cut him off quickly, “I want you in my mouth. I want to taste you.”
He stayed silent, stunned at what just came out of his innocent little temptress’ mouth. She was batting her eyelashes, looking as pure as ever. She looked as if she had a heart of gold, the most chaste looking girl with the filthiest mind. It was some sort of sexual awakening for her; ever since that afternoon spent with Grayson all she could think about was how he tasted, how he would feel wrapped around her hot mouth.
“Don’t you want to,” she paused, finding the right words to say, “feel my lips around you?” He could tell that she was new to this but he didn’t mind one bit. It turned him on so much just hearing her voice all needy.  
Their eyes met again and he couldn’t resist his temptress much longer as he became speechless. Grayson groaned as he watched her unbutton his trousers and pull them down, exposing his hard cock strained against his black Calvin Kleins. The wetness in her panties leaked down her thighs at the sight of him. She could tell that he’s been waiting for this. For her to finally touch him where he needed her most.
Grayson grabbed her chin and lifted her lips to meet his one last time before she went down again. The kiss was wet and sloppy, the sounds of smacking and sucking disturbed the still silence in the kitchen.
Y/N didn’t waste any time, using her fingers to hook into the elastic of his boxers and swiftly pull it down. His cock sprang free and it grazed her nose slightly, causing his lips to part at the tiny touch.
She was on her knees now, just staring at him. Her mouth was watering at the sight of his long heavy cock. She was so desperate to lick it but she was so entranced with how it looked. So pink, the tip almost red with drops of precum leaking from it.
“Come on Y/N, I want to feel myself down your tight little throat.” His voice was oozing sexiness. It was so hoarse and low which urged her to grab his thickness, pumping it slowly. She could feel every detail of his cock, from his velvety skin to the ridges of his veins. Her thumb went up to the tip to spread his precum over the tip and she could hear his breaths speeding up. She licked her lips, spitting into her hand, smearing it up and down his cock.
“Where the fuck did you learn that from?” He was surprised; he never thought a girl like her would know what to do.
“Watching... stuff.” A genuine smile caused her lips to tilt and look up at him. He was trying extremely hard to restrain himself and she could feel his desperation emitting from his labored breaths.
Y/N had watched filth for the first time after Grayson made her squirt. She couldn’t help it. She became so frustrated yet she found that she came her hardest purely from the thought of him. This young lady didn’t need the sights of other people fucking to satisfy her. She quickly realised this as she let out a scream of ecstasy one night, simply from the thought of his fingers.
“I never knew my girl was so dirty,” yet he recognised that there was some kind of carnal quality about Y/N. Something that caused his mind to wonder too many times during the day.
He wasn’t expecting it when he felt her wet tongue make contact with his cock. She was tracing it along one of his prominent veins, going from the base making her way to the tip. She could feel it pulsing on the surface of her tongue as she trailed it upwards. She licked the precum off from his slit and kissed it tenderly. He let out an animalistic growl at the feeling of her soft lips on his cock. He almost came on her face when she did that.
Slipping her tongue out of her mouth, she wrapped her lips around his eager looking tip. The taste of his cock made her taste buds tingle and her eyes to widen. He tasted salty yet there was a small undertone of sweetness which lingered on her lips. She used her hand to pump the rest of his length as she began to take more and more of him into her mouth. His cock was still sticky from her spit and she loved how it felt so smoothly against her palm.
She had been dreaming of this; wondering what it would be like for him to fill her desperate little mouth. It was a kind of satisfaction she needed, not exactly for her, but for him. She craved to feel his seed shoot through her throat.
“Y/N,” was all that escaped Grayson’s parted lips as he felt her go deeper, taking almost half of him already.
She was pleased to see him like this. It gave her great pleasure to see this man writhe because of her. She smiled against his cock and he felt her lips tilt and he looked down at the beautiful sight before him. Her eyes were peering up at him, the light reflecting off them and they looked almost glossy, filling with tears of pleasure. Her lips were wrapped tightly around him as if she were used to it and her hands pumped him as if she knew what kind of effect she had on him. She smiled once again at him, increasing the speed of her hand and shoved his length deeper into her.
It was when he felt his tip hit the back of her throat that he knew he was about to cum. He used his hand to grab her face again right before he burst down her throat. He pulled her face up to his and attached their lips together roughly, their teeth clashing. His tongue immediately entered hers and he could taste the saltiness of his cock that remained on her lips. But, she pulled away all too quickly.
“Grayson,” her breath was rapid. “I want to feel,” she was peppering soft kisses right next to his ear lobe. “Your cum,” she bit into his lobe, pulling at it. “Down my throat.” His breath hitched as the words escaped her sweet lips. He was surprised at her enthusiasm today but what just came out of her mouth made his cock jerk.
Y/N was back on her knees in seconds, desperate for the man of her dreams to explode in her mouth. She was pumping his cock so rapidly and her lips were sucking so hard that he let out a vulgar moan. It was low and raspy but it was so loud. And it kept her going, encouraging her to take him deeper and thrust her hand faster.
He tried so hard to let her be, but he had to move his hands to grip her hair, now fucking her needy little mouth. He was careful not to go too deep though, not knowing that was all she wanted. She wanted to take all of him as her moans and shrieks vibrated against his rock hard cock. Grayson loved pulling her hair and he enjoyed every second of his fingers intertwining with her hair and moving her head up and down against his shaft.
Tears began to well up in her eyes as he pushed inside her mouth, getting rougher with each thrust. It was a whole new experience for her but she loved every second of it.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” his breaths were heaving, “Your mouth is so pretty wrapped around my cock like that.”
She moaned at his kind words, the way it rolled off his tongue as if he wasn’t fucking her throat. The vibrations in her mouth were what set the stream of cum to spill inside her. He let out a brash moan as he felt his seed shooting out and into her tightness.
Y/N took it all. She loved the feeling of his cum trickling down her throat. There were strands of hair stuck to his forehead as he glistened in front of her while the sweat from his head dripped to his eyebrow. She only just noticed his red cheeks and his pink lips. He looked so handsome. 
“I can’t wait to cum inside you.” Grayson pulled her closer as his hands gripped her waist. 
“I-” Y/N was cut off by the sound of the front door unlocking, panic now in her eyes. She immediately flung her arms up to her hair, combing the tangled mess while Grayson pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. They were both frantic, fixing each other’s appearance. But within the midst of tidying themselves, Grayson leaned in to give her one last kiss, just a small peck filled with the softness of his lips, before heading towards the front door.
Y/N stood there, still. She watched as his tall body stepped out of the kitchen as she heard her parents greet him at the door only to say goodbye to him. Still dazed, she pat down her dress and wiped her mouth once more, welcoming her parents back with the taste of his cum still remaining on her tongue.
The night was dark yet the brightness of the full moon shone it’s bright blue tint onto the summer foliage. It was the perfect summer night for a cooling swim. 
Y/N had been busy all day long. Driving her parents to the airport and running countless amount of errands made her extremely flustered. She didn’t think of Grayson once all day, and perhaps it was good for her. Her heavenly fantasies with this man were slowly creeping away and she felt somewhat different.
The humid summer evening was relaxing for her. She slipped off her t-shirt and shorts, exposing her in the most revealing bikini that she owned. She’d been dying to wear all summer. She would have already worn it if it wasn’t for parents. The fact that they would judge her or might even suspect something about her recent sexual encounters deferred her from showing off her body until she was completely alone.
She stepped into the pool, the tones of blue reflecting onto her face as she fully submerged her body into the warm water. It was a bright full moon tonight; the fact that it was around ten slipped her mind due to the bright illumination of the moon.
Despite the distractions which halted her fantasies, Y/N would occasionally steal glances at Grayson’s window when she knew his house was empty. Both their houses were empty. 
She could hear the mellow sounds of crickets gently filling the air as she floated along the stillness of the pool. She hadn’t had a night quite like this during the summer. She was busy the whole time and she barely had any time to herself. And now that she was all alone, all she could think about was Grayson. How his muscles flexed and how his lips felt like pillows. She truly was infatuated with him and she was ashamed to admit that she was still aching for his cock.
She let out a sigh as she stepped out of the pool. Her wet body was glistening against the beams of the moon. The droplets of water stuck to her skin and her baiting suit was now clinging to her hardened nipples.
Grayson was surprised to see her out there, all wet and glistening for him. He had just got back from the gym only to see Y/N looking as beautiful as ever. He could basically feel the adrenaline in his veins spike up again at the sight of her perfection. The tip of his cock twitched as he observed her taking a towel and running it over her body. From her shoulders, down to her plump breasts then through her velvety thighs.
The light seeped through his windows and illuminated his tanned skin perfectly. Every crevice of his torso shadowed by the darkness, accentuating the hardness of his skin. 
Y/N got rather aroused at touching herself just then. The idea of having Grayson take her in the pool was something that made her mind wander back to the lust-filled tangents that she had been having. She happened to get so aroused that she turned straight away to head to her bedroom, the place where she would relieve herself of these dirty thoughts. Though, she sighed because she knew that she would never be fully satisfied with just her fingers.
As she turned she noticed that a Grayson’s window lit up light up, a silhouette of the muscular man watching her intensely. It gave her flashbacks to when they eyed each other during her party a couple weeks ago. The first time she that had ever had dirty thoughts for a man. She smirked, knowing how filthy she’s become after a few weeks of desire.
And so, with her filthy mind taking over, she continued to bend down, drying the droplets off her legs, knowing damn well that Grayson’s eyes were still glued to her body. Her mouth curved upwards as she drew her arms back to untie her bikini top, revealing her juicy looking breasts and her hard little nipples. With a wide smile, she stared at him, almost taunting him. She just stood there, all confident and willing like she had no idea how it affected him.
He was not expecting such a bold move to come out from someone so innocent looking like Y/N. Yet he knew her, she was needy and expecting nothing more than his cock inside her. Admittedly, he too was desperate to feel her write around him. No matter how badly Grayson wanted her – completely aware of their age gap – he would always be tempted by her.
And with that, he didn’t hesitate to leave his room, not bothering to put a shirt on, and pace right out of his front door to her porch.
She heard her doorbell go off multiple times, knowing exactly who it was. The dinging of the bell was fast and frantic and she could tell that he was as desperate for her as she was for him.
With a grin, she opened the door to a heaving Grayson, his bare chest was rising up and down at a rapid pace and the bulge was prominent in his grey sweats. She parted her lips to welcome him in but he pushed her inside, closing the door shut and spinning her to slam her petite frame against the door.
“You want the whole neighborhood to see your tits?” Her cheeks began to redden after he scolded her for her recklessness, she was far too excited to put her shirt on. Despite his livid tone he couldn’t help but feel his cock rise higher at the view in front of him.
“Mm, you look delicious.” He murmured against her neck, his warm breath sending tingles down her spine right to her throbbing pussy. His tone softened and so did his face.
A shriek came out of her mouth as he cupped her tender breast into his large hands. He bought his lips to one of her nipples while his hand remained on her other one. The way his tongue moved against her caused tiny little moans to escape her tender lips. He was sucking it hard. Oh, how he loved how perfect she was, her skin was so soft and her tits fit so perfectly in his palm.
“Grayson! I need you inside me, please.” Her begging eyes caused his cock to grow even more, it filled his heart with such a powerful adoration which made his heart to skip a beat.
Their lips crashed together again as he grabbed her thighs and lifted her up, his arms bulging yet she felt as light as a feather. Y/N took this opportunity to rub herself against his hard torso, she could feel every detail and crevice of his abs and it made her legs tingle. She could feel his rough grasp on her thighs getting tighter, her breasts rubbing against his chest causing the buds of nipples to get hard.
She had been fantasizing about this moment ever since she laid eyes on him, and even more since he gave her her first ever orgasm. It was inevitable that these two would find a way to become fully intimate each other after that afternoon. And without raising anyone’s suspicions too.
The shirt that Grayson wore began to get imprints of her wet, needy pussy, her rubbing making him want to devour her. And so, Grayson walked over to the staircase with long strides and carried her upstairs. While he did so she whispered sweet nothings into his ear as she fit her head perfectly in his neck;  “I want you so badly Grayson,” and “you’re all that I’ve been thinking about” slipped from her tongue in breathy moans. She held him tightly, feeling his body pressed up against hers was such a wonderful feeling.
How he knew where her bedroom was slipped her mind, a mystery to her, but he opened her door and the scent engulfed his body entirely. The smell of summer berries and honey filled his senses as he gently set her down on the bed where she had came multiple times at the thought of the man before her.
Her room was dark yet it was dimly lit by the moon. The iridescence reflected off her skin and it made her look almost dreamlike; the glowing little lady that was about to get fucked so hard by a man years older than her.
Y/N was a moaning mess, the loss of his touch caused her to wrap her arms around his neck and attach their lips again in a passionate and heated kiss. The way her fingers traced down his chest to his bulge made his knees go weak.
Grayson took this opportunity to slip his pants down which uncovered his strained cock against his grey boxers. In her eyes, it was somehow bigger than the last time she’d seen it. Perhaps it was how the moonlight played tricks against the shadows, but she knew that he was large.
“Are you sure baby?” His words were barely a whisper, almost afraid that she would be having second thoughts about this. He would never force himself on anyone, no matter how badly he desired them.
“Please, Grayson.” She was so desperate, so eager to feel his cock around her.
At this point, she didn’t even realise that she had been touching herself, gliding her fingers across her clit as he stood there before her. It was a marvelous sight which made him let out a happy sigh. He would love to just gawk at her trying to make herself cum, but he knew that he would be the one to make her cum the hardest.
And with that, he pushed her shoulders down onto the bed, causing her to lay down completely with her beautiful legs spread out for him. He untied the strings of her swimsuit bottoms, exposing her glistening pussy against the glimmer of the moonlight. It looked so shiny, hot and ready for him.
He couldn’t resist delving into her and using his tongue to lick up one long strip of her juices. The one stroke ignited a hot trail that caused her to moan from excitement. Just his tender touch on her pussy caused her mind to race with thoughts of him actually inside her. Her desperate desire caused her fingers to lock themselves in his chocolate tresses and pull his face up to hers, staring deep into the shadows in his eyes.
“I want-”
“Trust me, baby.” He knew that she was eager, but he wanted to prepare her first. He wanted nothing but to hear her screaming from pleasure, but she needed to be ready first.
Swiftly, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and slid his lead down towards her hot pussy again. It was so wet, just how he loved it. He used his fingers to trace along her lips, opening her slightly to thrust his tongue inside her, feeling the slippery folds against his tongue.
Without warning he began to insert his finger into her unpenetrated pussy, immersing himself inside her. The tip of his finger had barely entered her yet she was already squirming, waiting for the feeling of his full length.
“More, Grayson.”
Smirking, he slowly slipped his thick finger in as she moaned his name. The way her pussy gripped his fingers was a whole different sensation that she wanted to feel every day. The new feeling was increased when he started to draw his finger back out then sent it back in, slowly and gently.
“Does that feel good Y/N?”
She let a small “fuck” slip out of her mouth as he increased his speed ever so slightly, going at a passionate pace which drove her insane. He hovered his mouth over her sweetness and she could feel his hot breaths on the spot that she needed him most, adding to the warmth radiating from her. But he suddenly pressed his lips against her core, kissing her clit with a gentle touch before devouring her.
His tongue thrashed and sucked over her neediness. It was like a dream to her, her dazed mind was so overwhelmed with the feelings of pleasure. His arms flexed and the veins were prominent against the shadows as he continued to insert another finger inside, his growing faster.
The humming in his voice caused her legs to shake. She was so ready to erupt on his yet he stopped, crawled up to her face and stared down at her beauty. She was shocked at the sudden loss of contact but just barely seeing his face in the darkness made her smile. She knew that he was staring down at her, admiring her features against the dimness of the room.
“I’m going to fuck you now.” She could hear the smirk on his lips. He bought his face up to her neck to start sucking on her skin, something that he loved to do. “And you’re going to cum so hard for me Y/N.” He was now biting her lightly. “Because you deserve it, baby.”
Their lips met once again. They opened their mouths for each other and explored their tongues for a moment before Grayson pulled away, the hem of his boxers were on his fingers. It sprung up like last time. She recalled every vein and how each of them felt inside her warm mouth and she so wished to feel every detail of him once he was inside of her.
He pumped his length right in front of her. A slow pace which still showcased the thick vein which trailed down from his shoulder to his wrist. He could honestly could have came just by jerking himself off with the sight of the wonderful girl waiting for him that was observing his every move.
But he stopped, knowing that he wouldn’t last long if he kept touching himself, and he bent down to caress her sweet slit with his cock in his hand. She was a whimpering mess and he could feel her need just but pressing his cock against her clit. It was throbbing. Yet without hesitation, he lined himself up to her hole, moaning a little at the thought of being so close to being inside her. It was something that he couldn’t comprehend. The way her eyes looked up at him made him let out a growl.
Pushing the tip in, he could hear her shaky breaths and he couldn’t tell if they were from nerves or excitement.
“I want you deep inside me Grayson.” She practically yelled with desperation in her tone.
That was when he started to push in and she moaned at how she could feel the crevices of his veins against her hot cunt. He was only half way and she felt nothing but pleasure, the feeling of his girth and the sight of his contorting face initiated a string of moans which faded into the darkness of the room.
Grayson was reluctant to go all the way in, but the sound of her voice encouraged him, sliding all of him in her wet tightness. He couldn’t believe that he was fucking her, the innocent girl next door.
“Does that feel good baby?”
“Yes- more.” Her words were shaky.
Her eyes were closed, savoring the sweet sensation of his full length inside her. Gently, he pulled out of her aching core and pushed inside again, pacing himself. But the slow, soft thrusts didn’t last long when she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled roughly at him.
He started to thrust faster, the whimpers of her soft voice were slowly being masked by the slapping sound made when their pelvis’ would touch. They were completely overcome with the feelings of pleasure. Her tightness surrounding his cock, feeling every inch of his masculinity aching against her walls. Their warm breaths mingled together as their eyes met in the dim light of the room.
Grayson could see the lust in her dark eyes, but that little sparkle of sincerity caused him to go deeper as she silently screamed in his ear. Sweat began to run down her forehead, the humidity of the summer made her skin deliciously sticky. It felt like their skin was meant to press against each other, feeling the slight tackiness of their bodies.
“You don’t know how badly I want to feel your cum around my cock, Y/N.”
They were face to face again, their eyes roaming each other’s features. He let out a low grown as he saw her eyebrows scrunching as her pleading eyes grew wide once he hit a certain spot. She was so beautiful to him like this. It was just something about her big eyes looking up through her lashes that made his cock twitch inside of her. She looked so needy for his cock.
“You know,” he slowed down to get his words out. “You look so fucking pretty when you’re taking my cock.” Then he took her lips in his again, quickly slipping his tongue inside her warm mouth. “I can’t wait to see your face when you cum for me.”
Y/N’s mouth was open, letting out the loud whimpers as she knew he hit her most delicate spot. It sent tingles from her spine to her feet, causing her toes to curl as she continued to feel her g-spot getting rammed by the beautiful man on top of her.
It was almost as if she was completely about to let go when she let out a loud shriek when he forcefully pulled her to the edge of the bed. He stood up and lifted both her legs up towards her chest and now he was deeper than ever. With every thrust, he could graze her most needy spot which made her eyes roll back every time.
Grayson was slowly becoming less gentle with her, knowing that a dirty girl like her would love the feeling of his balls slapping against her ass.
He heaved all of his length into her at an undeniably fast pace. Her squeals and screams were music to his ears and it encouraged him to pound her harder. She could feel the orgasm building up in her stomach and she was so consumed by the pleasure that a tear slipped out of her eye. Doing this was something that evoked a tremendous amount of emotion, yet the reason she was getting teary-eyed was that of the amount of sweet, sweet pleasure she was receiving.
She felt like it was a rough stroke of electricity. The kind of sensation that she would get just as she would fall from a great height of a roller-coaster. The feeling in her caused a yell to come out of her strained mouth as she gushed on his thick cock.
Grayson felt her legs shake against his thighs and he could see that her back was arched. He could barely see her beautiful face but he could make out her furrowed eyebrows, twitching eyelids, and open mouth. This right there was the most beautiful sight that he’d ever seen.
It was like a feeling of accomplishment for him. How his heart would beat just a tad faster at the thought that he could get his girl to scream like that, to become so overwhelmed that she squirted.
Y/N could feel herself spouting all over him now, pulling his cock out to let it all out. She could imagine seeing his smirking face and how he would be completely back inside her in a matter of moments.
And, just as she thought that he would give her another few seconds to release, he was back inside her. The way her legs shook against him aroused him even more. He just wanted to make her cum again, harder than ever before.
Grayson felt so much pleasure inside her; he wouldn’t complain if he could just stay inside her snug channel forever. Just the thought of him spending ‘forever’ with her made his heart skip a beat.
She was way too overwhelmed by the pleasure and overstimulation, but she loved every second of it. “Fuck, just like that.” He trusted upwards, reaching the untouched depths of her pussy as she screamed at his compliance.
And that was when he felt the sudden rush of pleasure in his stomach, pulsing its way to his hard cock. Spurts of his cum shot up into her, lusciously coating her inside.
His orgasm causes her to do the same. Their cum mingled together inside her; she could feel the stickiness and she loved it. Her walls continued to squeeze him until she had every had drop of his seed inside her.
Oh, how he loved the feeling of his aching cock giving her everything that he had! Then he slipped himself out of her, eyeing the cum that dripped out of her hole, completely satisfied.
“I can’t wait to fill you with my cum every night, Y/N.” He kissed her ever so tenderly. His voice was sweet and innocent which completely contrasted the filthy words that slipped out of his mouth.
They were both breathing heavily, their naked bodies now intertwined. Their sticky figures laid there in the room which was dimly lit by the beams of the moon.
They barely spoke then; only admiring the beautiful sight of each other against the same moonlight that glowed on them when they used to lay in their own beds, touching themselves to the thought of each other.
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E53 (March 5, 2019)
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The DnDBeyond overlay has too much power in this realm.
This week’s guests are Matt Mercer and Sam Riegel.
Announcements: Talks Machina is now a podcast, published with a one-week delay. Starting tomorrow morning, TM will be re-broadcast each Wednesday morning at 9 AM Pacific. The Legend of Vox Machina Animated Special Kickstarter is through the roof at $4.7 million! More stretch goals to be added. Sam: "Every dollar that gets puts into this just goes into more animation, longer programming, more episodes.” (Also, Matt’s Twitter currently links several threads of smaller content creators’ Kickstarters, with special love for the #FundDiverseGames hashtag on Twitter.)
Time for episode 53: Cornered!
Stats: Matt has whispered to individual players 21 times this campaign, in addition to 3 reverse whispers. Sam realizes he’s not sure if he’s gotten a whisper in this campaign. Sam: “Maybe ever! DANI!” Dani: “...what do you think is my job?” Stats comes through: Sam’s gotten 5 whispers in total. Matt: “You should come play sometime.” Nott has used Mage Hand 34 times. Nott has also stolen 123 items so far.
Sam, tragically not that out of context: “What, I defiled the table by finger-banging it?”
Matt talks about the “contract of trust” between players and DMs in collaborating on backstory-centric PCs. It can be a great way to bring a player into the creative process. Matt tries to keep in mind the player’s intent while also considering unique and interesting ways to surprise them with it and have it be part of their character’s heroic journey.
Sam: “Nott is a sexual woman who can recognize a beautiful specimen, be it her species or another, and when that minotaur strutted by, with his... I don’t know, shanks? What does he ha-- what are his-- His gams? Hindquarters?” Matt: “Thirst away, guys. Apparently I know your types.” That reaction was partly Nott and partly Sam.
The “several kobolds in a trenchcoat” character was Matt having fun with breaking tropes with the “monstrous” races. He had the idea of a character who seemed like an ominous hag but had something else going on, then realized there were a lot of kobolds in the area. “What if the kobolds work for her? ...what if the kobolds are her?” Five kobolds, all with names in Matt’s notes.
If something happened to Nott, who would she consider the leader? Caduceus, probably. “Anyone but Fjord.”
The enchantment that Dairon was using was closer to Alter Self, so if she’d been unconscious, it would have faded (an illusion wouldn’t have held up as well to scrutiny for a spy). She wasn’t planning on joining the fight until Beau jumped in.
Gif of the Week: Travis getting scared by the kobolds. Matt: “I genuinely forget how much of a scaredy-cat Travis is.” They make him go first every time at haunted houses.
Nott’s given her impending reunion with Yeza a lot of thought; “it’s something she’s terrified about. There’s definitely a push-pull there.” She wants to rescue him, but she doesn’t want him to see her or have to have that painful conversation, because she’s not sure how he would react.
Matt really enjoyed being able to use Stunning Strike in the fight. He also liked the idea of having a mentor character for Beau that occasionally linked into the story; this happened to be a really good chance for an overlap, even though it was earlier than expected.
Nott still gets the “itch”, especially now that they’re back in a city. Getting the diamond back was just “It’s a shiny diamond! It’s valuable and shiny.” He points out that Nott probably doesn’t know that Jester needs that diamond for a spell, just that it seems important.
Dairon jumping into the fight was a lot of “what the fuck is Beau doing here”, along with worry for Beau getting into a big fight with dangerous people (she didn’t realize that Beau had allies with her). She didn’t have any way to communicate to Beau that Dairon losing consciousness would be so dangerous, so she realized she had to win and sort it out later.
Nott’s opinion on goblins has definitely shifted, especially after meeting Zorth. “I think she’s still anti-goblin, but is learning there is a spectrum of goblins from bad to not-so-bad. No good ones yet.”
Fan Art of the Week: The M9 with flowers everywhere.
Matt hadn’t practiced Madame Musk’s character voice in advance, and... that happened based on his notes. Sam points out that Matt’s been on fire with his NPCs lately. Matt: “Yeah, man, monster city. This is a good place to get weird.”
Sam: “I think, deep down, that Nott thinks she and Fjord aren’t that different, and that bothers her. I think she and Fjord are too similar.”
Search for Grog Spoilers Follow!!!
What’s Matt missed most about DMing for Vox Machina? “I miss how deeply steeped the camaraderie was.” He points out that the Mighty Nein are starting to get into that territory, just as VM did early on. “By the end of the campaign of Vox Machina, they were such a deep-rooted family. There’s something so beautiful about that, warm and comfort food-esque.” Brian points out that this kind of closeness really raises the stakes.
Matt emphatically did not miss the level 20 combat after being out of practice for a year. Fun, but definitely complicated. “Levels 3-15 are my golden levels in D&D.”
Matt comments on Sam and the mug: “Jesus Christ, Sam, what the fuck were you thinking?!” It had been sitting on the set since campaign one ended. Brian points out that they had to move it because it smelled so bad. There were solid pieces in there. 
The Scotch Incident is brought up again. Matt dies a little inside.
Matt still marvels at the Deck of Many Things pull. “We were just stepping into the sunsetting of the campaign, and that motherfucker...” 
“The more I was prepping it, the more I was like, ‘Travis, what the fuck did you do?’”
The Search for Bob is now a thing that’s happening. Matt has a lot that he had to trim from the one-shot for time. Sam: “I’m excited to, along the Search for Bob, trigger something else.”
Brian: “Just one Vox Machina one-shot a month, that’s all we ask.” Matt, strained: “You’re going to kill me.”
Sam missed singing the inspirations so much. “Maybe next campaign I’ll be some other sort of singer or something. The whole night felt like going back home.”
Sam goes on a tangent about what a great singer Matt is. “If he could sing every episode, that would make me happy.”
Matt decided on Percy actually losing his arm weeks before the show. “It’s fun to fuck with them, and because it was already established in a joking matter, I wanted to make them eat their words.”
Sam points out that he’s never seen Matt do anything like that before. “Does not fit in this world. But he’s doing this anyway. He’s just a goofball like us!”
It was always Matt’s plan to take away spell components as a unique challenge, but part of him just wanted a bit of a chance for Travis to play as Grog for a bit once they woke him up.
Sam: “Scanlan’s gotta Scan. Put that on a... t-shirt?” Brian: “Put it on a thong.”
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dominicvail · 5 years
Hey! Random question for you: How do you decide if/how you're gonna crop the gifs you make when putting together a set? I struggle so bad with the aesthetic elements of building a set it ends up discouraging me from finishing them most of the time.
I get the feeling anon, i struggle a lot with certain types of sets Still, which affects what i end up making A Lot. And i’ve only been making gifs for lol, 6 years, yikes? I tend to stick to what i Have learnt these days. But, anyway. 
I mostly think that the aesthetics of what you’re giffing depend heavily on how you should decide to crop it to fit on here.
I don’t know what kind of sets you make? Because I make like, gifs of scenes  very differently to something i make just for the sake of it being pretty.  
I personally have preferences for what dimensions i think look best for certain types of gif sets on tumblr, i do not Usually ( i make exceptions) stray from these, and the dimensions have an effect on your cropping.
Say like, [This] set, the dimensions i used were 268x180 which is my preferred choice for either 6 gif set or an 8 gif set formatted like this and if i don’t use those dimensions, it’s because i had a good reason not to.
Typically, face close ups in sets like this look Far better than like, a shot in the first gif of that set with half of granger’s body in the shot. This isn’t because head shots look better in gifs, it’s because head shots remove a Lot of the background which is what, 9 times out of 10, is what is messing up the aesthetic of a gifset. Also, an aside, try not to have dialogue cover anybody’s face, sometimes with already close up shots it’s impossible to avoid, but if your text is obscuring somebody’s face, you’ve cropped too much off. 
Backgrounds are often messy, busy, and eye drawing. If you’re making edits just for the sake of being pretty, negative space is your best friend, i really can’t emphasis that enough. I think people think it’s what’s In your gif that will make an aesthetic set look pretty, but i personally think it’s in how you use what it Not there. 
'what is not there’ also applies to shadows on negative space backgrounds, you Really need it to look as plain as possible, imo, take this gif for example;
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Without edits, the plain wall behind the height chart was heavily shadowed, i used brightening techniques to remove the harshest shadows and also cropped it so the gif was thinner b/c the shadows were darkest at the far corners of the gif. It’s not a major edit, but the effect it had on the set it was in was Massive. It went from ruining the look of what was a ten gif set to fitting in perfectly and it was such a small, simple thing to edit. 
Also, for examples of how different a seemingly plain background shot can look with and without editing, This;
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(the over exaggerated white was for Aesthetic reasons, i wanted it to look weirdly coloured, the bg was empty anyway) but this same shot looks totally different when i remove the small lines from the elevator he’s in that i left there in the top gif. His malevolence levels shoot through the roof. Just simple things like that can entirely alter the look of something. 
I don’t have an example of this next technique with that specific G shot, But with some scenes like the above it would be possible to crop it in as close as the second gif has been, then increase the canvas size again and just paint on the same bg colour as the bg behind him and you’d have a panoramic gif with an entirely negative space bg without it even looking like you’ve even edited it.
i did that here, kinda:
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I cropped the bottom of the gif off because originally there was a Lot more mountain on it, and added to the canvas at the top of the gif, and just coloured the blank canvas the same colour as the rest of the sky and presto! i have a Ton of more negative space and it took me like a minute. You can use the same technique for width as well as height, this was just the first gif i’d found. 
anyway i went on a tangent, but dimensions;
for 2 gifs in a set, if they’re face close ups i’ll for them side by side and like, rectangle, you can do them square but i just think it looks better if they’re higher than they are wide, i don’t always use the same dimensions for the height of these types of sets, just what i think looks best for the scene.
if it’s more of a view than a close up for 2 gifs, i’ll do one gif on top of the other, Usually if i do it like this it’s specifically to showcase a view, so i probably won’t crop the scene at all for this type, and just resize for tumblr, but if i do it will be to crop out a network logo but i’ll leave the gifs as large as i can do so while taking it off. If possible i will paint over a logo, so if the logo is over a bit of screen that’s just one plain colour it’s easy to obscure, but otherwise its a crop. If i ever leave a logo on, it’s b/c i had no choice because i Hate leaving logos on. 
for sets of 4, like, dialogue scene gifs e.g. this one [here] the traditional square 268x286 is best, tbh. However, for that set there, not sure if this counts as cropping but it is aesthetic, in the show the shots were eric, nell, nell, eric. Because, in that format, doing it that way would have had them looking Away from each other in the bottom two gifs, i switched them around in the set and it looked So much better. When possible, always have people physically speaking to each other  in gifs actively face each other. Sometimes this involves flipping the whole gif which i Try not to do because our brains are trained to look at these people through a backward lens, so when you flip it over we think it looks weird because very few people Actually have perfectly symmetrical faces so like, they look Wrong to us. But looking a little wrong normally looks less weird than having people insets face the totally wrong direction. 
for 10 gifs, displayed 2 by 2, i will not make them as high, 10 gifs of 268x180 is too long, it looks weird, and even shaving 10px off each gif makes it look more aesthetically pleasing. 
for gifs displayed one on top of the other with text over, where you have a lot of them, they look better thin, i usually use somewhere between 230-245px for each gif’s height. Like this one. 
if you’re making Huge gifs like... 540x440px for Aesthetic reasons, that Can work really well but is Exceptionally difficult imo and i really can’t offer any advice or tricks because i am hopeless at it. 
On of my other tricks of the trade is, when i see a scene i think will make great gifs in the caps i’ve taken for something, i will save the caps. Like, that G moment of him looking into the camera, i took caps of the scene for a specific reason, deleted the rest of them when done, but saved those ones away. Scenes with minimal background that Also contain a look into the camera are Rare, exceptionally good looking on edits, and u will never remember where they are in the show if u delete them lol. So if you find shots you love, keep the caps! reuse them! to this day, i’m the one one to ever call myself out over excessive reuse of the same shots over and over. 
Also, zig zags and diagonals are more attractive visually. like, this is from my main but i can’t fine one off this blog atm, but [this] You see how i’ve made this so your eyes flow in a seamless diagonal downwards? You eyes don’t flit back and forth in 3 different directions, it has a flow to it. The first shot on that set isn’t actually like that in the show, her face was on the right side of the screen, i cropped off everything on the left, added to the canvas on the right and used the wall she was standing next to to make it less obvious i cropped it so dramatically to achieve that. You can only really tell if you’re looking for it in that one. But like, if you can crop something so the gifset has a decent flow to it, so your eyes slide over it rather than attempt to look in 6 directions in jerky moments, it helps a lot. I did the same thing with this one, [here] every gif on that is cropped into a different angle as it was on the show. 
This works specially well when you have a lot of gifs in your sets, which is where the zig zag thing comes into it, like, those 2 i linked two didn’t last long enough to zig back, but if i’d done another 2 gifs on there, i’d have put it back so your eyes slid back to the left side again. Can’t find an example rn, it’s Hard to do the more gifs you have, but pull it off and it looks really good. 
however, if you Can make each gif centered perfectly it looks Really cool but it’s really hard to do b/c show content just.. isn’t great sometimes. But it looks so cool. 
tldr: Negative space is Super Important!!! backgrounds can be super eye grabbing and you don’t want that, choose your dimensions well, make sure you make peoples eyes flow across your work rather than dart. 
idk, i hope this made sense, but making things look aesthetically pleasing is Really hard and takes a lot of work, it just looks like it should be easy, it’s not you finding something hard that other people seem to find super easy, it’s not easy, it involves a lot of tricks and editing that you Have to obscure because if it’s too obvious it doesn’t look attractive. A lot of work goes in, if i had my way i’d make mostly aesthetically pleasing edits but it’s too hard and i don’t have that kind of time. I hope this helped in some way? 
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matteblackstars · 4 years
Send ★ for a bunch of random headcanons between our muses!
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He likes ‘em tall. sdjnfskd
With how stoic Zoro can be, Nicholas will try his hardest not to take him at face value, but he’ll have to hype himself up a lot to begin a conversation - though once he starts that, any hesitation he had before will disappear and he’ll talk the mans ear off whether or not he wants it. 
Nicholas will have questions. So many questions especially about any scars. It’s not his kink but he’s curious about the ways people get them and what doctors could have done to help minimize it. It may take him a while to get the courage to ask, knowing for some people that it’s very personal, but his eyes may linger here and there and when he finds out he has more, his little face is going to be so surprised and he won’t be able to hide it. 
Nicholas is, for all intents and purposes, normal. A normal guy trying to finish pre-med with no other nefarious connections…. that he knows of, but I do think he’s the type to completely and accidentally wind up being some underground doctor because he helped one guy on the road so well that his cellphone number is just being flung about for people who don’t want to go to a proper hospital. While he’s not naive, he won’t turn these people away and will reprimand them all for not taking better care of themselves as he pulls bullets out of sides. Zoro would be no different and although he’d never try to dig too deep into the man’s yakuza side (a great restraint that if unleashed, he will ask even MORE questions), he would tell him that he’d always help him out because Friendship. 
Nicholas would 100% latch onto Zoro as a new friend and people would look at him like “Nicholas, sweetie, don’t shout at scary strangers” and he would be like ‘wtf u mean, that’s my new friend’ when they’ve only met once. 
I COULD POTENTIALLY SEE Nicholas asking Zoro for help because these weirdos won’t leave him alone and he’s pretty sure they’re stalking him, but really they’re just thuglettes trying to recruit Nicholas to officially be on the underground payroll but Nicholas is wiggly and fast despite constantly being near death and they haven’t had the chance to corner him and ask. 
Nicholas does not hide the fact that he’s sick, but he will hide how severe his sickness is even in moments where he probably shouldn’t. He shouldn’t drink too much mainly because of his meds, but that doesn’t stop him from getting accidentally sloshed at the bar after a shot and two ciders only to then drunkenly defend that he is not a lightweight and it’s because of x medication reacting with the y in the drink and– and then he goes on a scientific medical tangent about why he is drunk so fast glossing over the part where he admits he’s probably gonna die in a year anyway so what’s it matter. The whole time I can see Zoro just deadpanning like ‘enough for you’. 
Nicholas would be the type with Zoro to try and keep his more… direct? nasty? side under the table. He would want to be respectful of Zoro, but every now and then something nasty might slip out of his mouth and he’d immediately try to laugh it off like “HAHA OKAY ANYWAY” because Zoro is cool and Nicholas doesn’t want Zoro to think poorly of him. I don’t think Zoro would particularly care but he would definitely be surprised at what filth can slip out of his mouth when he tends to be so…. Nicholas. 
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