#cadmus writes
cadmusfly · 1 month
A dragon without treasure is a pitiful and dangerous thing.
Dragons are hungry and voracious beasts. The larger ones, bigger than elephants, should be feasting on a herd of cattle a day; yet the civilised ones do not strip the land bare to feed their appetites. This is because they may draw their sustenance not just from meat but also the things they treasure.
The image of a dragon on a pile of gold is a stereotype for a reason, and of course it is easy for anyone to hold valuable metal and grand works of art dear to their hearts. But a dragon’s treasure need not be so grossly material. A forest that one used to gambol in as a hatchling, a town for which one feels fondness, a childish scrawl from a precious godchild, a loyal friend be they human or dragon or animal, a single tree, a polished rock, a beloved rider; anything may be treasured by a dragon as long as the dragon feels that sense of ownership.
This is mine. This is what I love, this is what I protect. Even, perhaps, this is what I hate - but not in a destructive way, no, this potential hatred would be a fond bitterness that would break one’s heart if it was to disappear.
It is greed, but it is not necessarily evil. It is selfishness, but it is not necessarily malevolent. It is gluttony, but not necessarily one of taking. Of course, a dragon may be evil, malevolent and ruinous, but so may a human.
And a dragon may dream so deeply of these treasures that as they sleep - and dragons sleep so long and soundly that they are like the dead, especially after exhaustion or wounding - that they may see through the eyes of their beloved people, that they may haunt the locations and objects as immaterial spirits, that they may know the health and well-being of what they own. They may even, if invited, act in conjunction with their treasure’s will, taking the truest gift of willing control; but this is only with the strongest of bonds or the most synchronous of emotions.
So a dragon with enough of these treasures does not need to eat so much or to sleep so much.
But a dragon without anything to care for is a hungry and voracious beast. It will not live for long; if it is not killed in its desperate attempts to hunt enough meat to fill its aching belly, then it will starve even as it gorges itself on rotting flesh. If it is injured, then it will fall into the convalescent stupor common to its kind, and only through decades or centuries of mindless dreams with no treasure to hasten the process will it regain the strength to return to insensate existence.
Perhaps it could pull itself back from that brink, but how could anybody love such a wretched thing?
How could it bring itself to love anything, after it has been forsaken for so long?
A dragon not treasured is a dangerous and piteous thing.
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half-dead-ham · 1 year
Everyone knows that Cadmus cloned Superman to make Kon-el, right? Old news type thing.
But does anyone know about Galatea? She's Supergirl's clone. Cadmus made different genetically engineered metahuman babies because they wanted a team to stand against the Justice League in case they went rouge, and Galatea is one of their experiments. Didn't know she had one till I was watching the Justice League United show. They weren't a big event, but I'm just thinking about Dani now.
What if Dani finds all these test tube baby metas and Supergirl's clone while adventuring? Just, floating in stasis? Idk if it's an active lab or just a storage facility, but either way she freaks out and breaks them out. Now she's got a gaggle of confused slightly unstable heroes and a clone of Supergirl with a psychic link to her gene donor.
So what does the little clone do when she has a bunch of "failed" experiments with no purpose or direction and is way over her head?
She calls Danny.
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shootingsun · 7 months
Rating my different versions of A (all from different AU's) based on how much I would fear them if they were real:
Eve Aburu Opiyo (She/Her) - 2/10, she's a nice girl, she just wanted to live her best life and got roped into the whole 'Sucessor' thing, she's unlikely to want to kill me
Avery Tannet (She/They) - 7/10, she commits war crimes, I love them so much but they took a leaf out of L's book when it came to practices, my favorite morally ambiguous detective
Aleksei Volkova (They/Them) - 7/10, they do in fact kill people but they only kill predators so I think I'd be OK but I'm adding extra points on for them being a Serial Killer
Aren Cadmus (He/Him) - 4/10, my only boy version of A and he's still somehow nonbinary, I love him but he'd probably push me down a flight of stairs if I pissed him off
Adrien Beausolei (They/She) - 6/10, They haven't killed anyone yet but they have put several people in therapy/the hospital so I would still fear them
Anya Lawliet (She/Her) - 5/10, I mean, she's dead, but she was related to L and kind of scary, I'd have probably been intimidated by her
Alison Kasady (She/He) - 10/10, she's Kira, enough said
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lena-rambles · 6 months
nano update, days 4–6
daily goal ; 800 words
weekly goal ; 4800 words
month goal ; 20,000 words
one rest day per week accounted for
current count ; 5050 words
excerpts under the cut :)
also yes this is a day late bc i forgot to finish and post it, oop. sorry
sat 4 - 536 words
“how has life been since our last luncheon?” priscilla asks quietly, face drawn with acrylic concern. “i imagine you and your mother have been quite occupied with solstice preparations.” i close my eyes for a brief moment, slotting my next words together. “i am still growing accustomed to my role in such events,” i say slowly. “I am still learning to fit in my brother’s shoes.” my voice tightens at that last sentence. cold pride lurks in cadmus’ eyes. “certainly large shoes to fill,” he says, “moreso if you go the distance for your people as he did.” my stomach shifts unpleasantly and i take a shallow breath. “only time reveals such matters,” i say evenly.
i needed something to go down in this conversation, but cadmus saying erin should sacrifice herself?? not what i expected, cadmus. you don't surprise me, but damn.
sun 5 - 1343 words
“i should ask them to play one of sobol’s pieces tonight,” i murmur, eager to move on to a new topic. theodore twirls me away, then pulls me close again. “that’s not why I requested fulgencio.” “i know. you’re sweet as honey on me and expect wasps in return.” he shakes his head. “princess, i trust that you would never sting me in such a way.”
!! my average is 250 words in 20 min, i've been doubling that today, what the hell!!
also i'm just really proud of erin's line so that's why i'm sharing this excerpt. i hope i'm as creative as i think i am lol
mon 6 - 1040
“father wants me to be engaging more, be a proper son like ezekiel was before he went off to school,” cousin hugo says. “lucky for me, papa has convinced him not to push too hard.” i groan. “lucky you. unfortunately, the duties of a crown princess are of higher importance than a noble son, classy as you are.” i say that last part dubiously. “we can’t all be like ezekiel, either,” he continues. “papa doesn’t know what lord and lady evander did, but it worked. he may be a friend, but he sets an impossible standard.” he swirls the champagne in his tall glass, then drinks the last few sips like a commoner would beer. it doesn't surprise me anymore; theodore has heard from his brother a number of stories about cousin hugo’s escapades. “all that aside, cora and i had started to talk about tonight’s dresses.”
another bigger word count again?? ahhh very happy
i hit 5k!! 25% to my goal and a bit early to boot :))
also cousin hugo is. huh. interesting, not what i expected, and probably won't have any speaking past this scene. he lives on the other side of the country, so the only other reasonable time for him to show up is at the coronation, but there's other plot stuff that's more important than him lol. still, he's fun to write
long live the taglist
@memento-morri-writes, @sarandipitywrites (ask to be +/-)
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passimtemere · 8 months
A Dog, A Lion, and a Monkey...
It was a challenging day for Young Bennie. They had grappled with panic attacks all day, tears flowing almost constantly. The young darkling found it all too overwhelming. Alphonse had made sincere efforts to comfort Bennie, but when you're being hunted and tormented by a wretched demon, causing you to question your place in life, very little can offer solace. Alphonse had just left Bennie's bedroom after ensuring the bed was comfortable and making sure they had dinner. He then asked Cadmus to watch over his younger siblings for a while.
"But... Dad, I don't know how to care for them when they're like this," Cadmus whispered, glancing at Bennie, who was currently wrapped up in blankets, clutching a flashlight in a room that was already well lit.
"Cadmus, it will only be a moment. I need to fetch their medicine. Just stay in the room with them; it's all I ask of you," Alphonse replied as he headed down the hall. Cadmus sighed and entered the room, finding a seat at a reasonable distance from his anxious sibling. It felt like a strange kind of déjà vu, as Cadmus remembered being in a similar situation when dealing with his lich father's attempts to take over his body on occasion. However, Mrs. Scatch presented a whole different problem.
"I hate to see you like this, buddy... I can't imagine what kinda He...what you're uh going through," Cadmus corrected himself, avoiding a potentially triggering word. Bennie gave an exhausted look to their older brother, too tired and dehydrated to respond. They had never really gotten along well, mainly because Cadmus had lived on his own at boarding school and now college. When Bennie came into the picture, they didn't even realize they shared the same blood due to carefully maintained deception, all for their safety.
"So... umm... I think you need some water, right? After all, you've been crying all day, which is perfectly valid," Cadmus said, getting up and fetching a glass of water for Bennie. He offered it to them, but Bennie looked at it with disdain.
"...Okay, I'm not gonna force you, but I am going to give you a silly straw," he said, conjuring one for them, but it still resulted in a lack of interest from Bennie.
"Okay, Ben, you have to drink some water. What can I do to make that happen?" Cadmus proposed, willing to make a deal. Bennie looked at Cadmus, pondering for a moment before croaking out a hoarse, one-word answer, "Story." It was a simple request, one that Cadmus was willing to fulfill, but he realized that he didn't know many stories suitable for kids Bennie's age.
"Okay... a story. It'll be short, but if I manage to get you to chuckle, you have to drink. Deal?" Cadmus asked. Bennie nodded curtly, giving Cadmus their full attention.
"Alright... Once upon a time in a jungle, there lived a dog... let's call him Cujo. Cujo was a newcomer to the jungle and was wandering around this new domain. At the same time, a lion saw him from a distance and thought to himself, 'That guy looks edible and like easy prey. I've never seen his kind before.' So, the lion starts rushing toward the dog, menace in his eyes. Cujo notices and begins to panic. As he starts running, he sees a pile of bones next to him and gets an idea. He says loudly, 'Yum! That was some good hearty lion meat!' The lion hears this, stops, and thinks, 'Wow! This guy seems far tougher than he looks. I better leave while I can.' So, he turns back to head deeper into the jungle.
But high in the treetops, a monkey witnessed everything, right? And evidently, he thinks he can benefit from this situation and get something in return. So, the monkey tells the lion what really happened. The lion, furious for being tricked, orders the monkey, 'Get on my back. We're going to get that stupid dog!' They start rushing back to Cujo, and he sees them, realizing what happened. He begins to panic even more but gets another idea and barks, 'Where the hell is that monkey! I told him to bring me another lion an hour ago!'" Cadmus finished the story, hoping to elicit a chuckle from Bennie.
Seeing Bennie crack a smile and take a drink of water, Cadmus grinned in return. "There we go, buddy! A deal's a deal. Now, stay hydrated." He was relieved to see Bennie showing some improvement.
----------------- @fashionablyenigmatic
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taintedsoul-if · 1 year
Whenever I hear this song, 1000 years I am reminded of Cadmus and Atticus's love for the MC. 😔.
And this one "I see red", I'm reminded of that slag Trysten/Trista.
Trysten/Trista again. So glum... This song ..... is all the pent up feelings the OH felt towards Trista/Trysten in the past life and current life. 😔
Haven't decided Nyssa/Nyala's song as yet. Also forgive me for not answering your asks as yet.... I've been a tad bit busy this weekend, but don't you worry I'll answer some of those ask later on this evening when my hands aren't so tied. Hope you all have a blessed/wonderful day!
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baambastic · 1 year
Here’s the prologue for a fic I’m planning for my Young Titans AU.
Lex Luthor was a patient man.
After all, Lex kept an eye on Superman for almost twenty years now, waiting for the moment the Big Blue Boy Scout would decide to crush Lex’s planet under his heel. Lex always played the long odds; no matter how many times the Kryptonian managed to keep up his friendly facade in the face of Lex’s plans, Lex Luthor knew he would eventually be proven right. He knew that one day, humanity would come crawling to him for aid against their new alien tyrant, and Lex Luthor would save them all. It was only a matter of time.
Although, it never hurt to help matters along from time to time.
Such was the purpose of Lex’s current visit to Project Cadmus’s underground genetics research and experimentation facility. Lex strode down the hall, surrounded by the faint buzz of machinery and flanked on either side by Mercy Graves and Dr. Huygens, a squat, fidgety man in his early fifties and the head scientist for Project LGM.
Without turning his head, Lex addressed the head scientist. “Dr. Huygens, what’s the current status of Project LGM?”
Dr. Huygens cleared his throat before answering with a light note of trepidation. “The project is coming along adequately, Mr. Luthor, though we’re still looking into a few minor but persistent issues. The subject is in excellent condition, and it hasn’t exhibited any negative behavior. Unfortunately, the subject still lacks the ability to speak physically or mentally. A few weeks ago, I requested that Dubbilex attempt a telepathic assessment of the subject. Dubbilex reported that the subject’s mind was inaccessible but seemingly undamaged, saying that it was like he was trying to look through a sphere of mirrors, only able to see his reflection.”
Lex suppressed the urge to click his tongue. “Unfortunate. I’d hoped the creature would have telepathic abilities like its kin. But you seem more nervous than usual today, Doctor; have any new issues arisen with the subject?”
Dr. Huygens cleared his throat again. The sound was beginning to grate on Lex’s nerves. “Well⁠—that is⁠—um… yes, Mr. Luthor. The aging accelerant we infused the subject with seems to be growing less effective at an exponential rate. When we began Project LGM, the subject’s body aged the approximate equivalent of ten human months for every month that passed. Our instruments marked the start of the decline five days ago, and since then, the subject’s aging has slowed to metahuman rates. We’ve projected that if the current trend continues, the subject’s aging will likely return to its species-standard rate within the next fifteen or so days. At present, the subject’s physical maturity is approximate to that of an adolescent human.”
Perhaps it was more than the head scientist’s tracheal issues that made Lex want to order Dr. Huygens’s head be smashed into a nearby wall. “Mercy, dear, remind me again how much funding I’ve supplied to Project LGM,” Lex ordered, his tone clipped. He continued before Mercy could speak, “On second thought, belay that reminder, I’m already dealing with two headaches. Dr. Huygens⁠—” the head scientist gulped “—I plan to see Project LGM come to fruition before I die of disappointment. I would hate to discover that the funding I have provided for this endeavor has been squandered. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Perhaps Lex had managed to strike a nerve, because Dr. Huygens’ tone was very nearly waspish. “With all due respect, Mr. Luthor,” the head scientist replied, “this is all still largely unknown territory for our geneticists. Yes, we’ve succeeded with somewhat similar projects in the past, but this time we started with almost no prior data about the subject’s species. Frankly, it’s a miracle that we haven’t had to deal with a repeat of the Match situation. The genetic samples Cadmus retrieved from the Antarctic were thankfully complete enough to negate the need for genetic splicing, but still, Project: LGM has been far more successful than should have been possible.” As Dr. Huygens reached the end of his monologue, the three of them arrived at a door monogrammed with “PROJECT: LGM”.
Mercy stepped forward and opened the door for Lex. As he stepped inside the lab, Lex remarked, “That ‘impossible success’ of yours is the only reason I’m not seriously considering shutting you down right now, Doctor, so I’d suggest you watch your tone from now on.”
Lex walked through the lab, instruments and machinery blinking and whirring around him. The pearl of the operation, however, was a gestation pod lying in the middle of the room. Lex silently observed the creature floating within the pod.
He supposed it looked young for it species. The subject’s skin was a rich, green color, devoid of markings or blemishes. Its corded musculature, packed into its spindly, unnaturally long limbs, gave its skin the appearance of being covered in ridges, and its conoid head gave it a particularly hostile look, even dormant in the pod. The subject’s eyes were closed, but Lex knew that its eyes would be red sclera, with no irises or pupils.
A Green Martian.
Lex turned to Dr. Huygens, who was fiddling with the edge of his coat again. “Doctor.” The man jolted slightly, apparently startled from his thoughts. “You’re aware of my… reputative predisposition towards Kryptonian experiments, correct?” At the doctor’s nod, Lex continued, “Then you’re likely wondering why I decided to start this little project, right?”
Dr. Huygens said nothing.
Lex turned back to the gestation pod and placed his hand on the glass. “See, no matter what I’ve tried in the past, I’ve never managed to keep hold of a Kryptonian of my own, a weapon to deal with the Big Blue Bastard when he goes bad. It took far too long, but I realized that by limiting myself to experimenting with Kryptonian DNA, I had failed to consider the potential merits of DNA from other non-human races.
“At first, I considered using Daxamite DNA, but I discarded that idea due to Daxamites’ pesky weakness to lead and their Kryptonian ancestry. I considered the Amazons and the Bana-Mighdall as well, but tissue analysis determined that their strength was mystical in origin and therefore genetically irreplicable. I even considered that Captain Marvel whelp and his ilk, but that man doesn’t even seem to have genetic material.
“Eventually, I hit on the idea of using Martian DNA. Various reports indicated that the Martian Manhunter is close to Superman’s levels of speed and power, with a diverse array of abilities that more than make up the difference. I noted the Martians’ inherent psychosomatic weakness to fire, but the benefits of having a Martian at my beck and call would far outweigh the thing’s weaknesses. That’s when I enlisted Cadmus and your team. They successfully acquired the Martian genetic material, which brings us to the here and now.” Lex’s fingers traced along the name listed on the biometrics display: ‘Malefic’.
His history lecture finished, Lex turned his gaze to Dr. Huygens once again. “Would you say that the subject is ready for field testing?”
“Well⁠—I mean⁠—not quite, but⁠—it’s,” the head scientist stammered, “We could probably have the subject prepped for deployment in three days, but I’m not sure I’d advise⁠—”
“Shorten that time to thirty-six hours and stop yourself from finishing that sentence, and I’ll double your team’s funding for the next quarter,” Lex cut in.
Dr. Huygens shut his mouth with an audible clop, then nodded. “I’ll make sure it gets done, Mr. Luthor. But, what sort of field test do you have in mind?”
Lex steepled his fingers together. “A test of infiltration, stealth, and combat would provide valuable data.” A sinister smile grew on his face as he added, “And I know exactly who to test it on.”
Lex had seen the news about a new team of superheroes appearing in Morrison, and a familiar red cape had caught his eye. The subject’s potential success or failure would be immaterial; the test itself was the important factor. Lex would be one small step closer to his goal for humanity’s bright future.
After all, Lex Luthor was a patient man.
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ancientgreekheroes · 16 days
Cadmus v3
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violetren · 1 month
I hate when assignments are like "say this as concisely as you possibly can while retaining clear meaning, and make sure to keep all of your sentences as short and snappy" while also looming over your grades with a knife whispering how if you dare to write anything that is 10% under the official word limited for the assignment they will make what happened to Caesar look like a paper cut.
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cadmusfly · 4 months
Only With The Light You Gave Me
In 1813, after increased instability and erratic behaviour, Jean-Andoche Junot was sent to the village of Montbard to be cared for by his elderly father and family. This is not a recounting of what happened there, not exactly.
This is more of an incoherent rumination on the nature of something very much like sunlight.
Relationship: Jean-Andoche Junot/Napoleon Bonaparte
Fandoms: Napoleonic RPF, 19th Century RPF, Historical RPF
Additional Tags: Second Person POV, Past Relationship(s), Descent into Madness, Unrequited Love, Background Het
Words: 1256
Chapters: 1/1
Author’s Notes: Written for an art trade with @apurpledust based on a prompt about Junot at Montbard. I have no idea what happened here, it was fun to write and I hope you like it!
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random-movie-ideas · 8 months
Superman Villain Movie Ideas, Part XXI: Emil Hamilton & Project Cadmus
This one is kind of combining two separate things from the comics, but who were brought together in an excellent way by Justice League Unlimited. Emil Hamilton is a friendly scientist and supporting character in the Superman mythos, acting as Superman's go-to science guy. Several instances of Dr. Hamilton turning against Superman have occurred, but my favorite was the instance in question. Likewise Project Cadmus typically exists as a secret organization of scientists, generally working toward the betterment of humanity by creating superbeings to rival Superman and others. Though Emil was never a member in the comics, in JLU, he helped found them after losing trust in Superman, believing that humanity had to take steps to protect itself from Clark and anyone like him, because the consequences that arise when one of them goes bad are far too great. They are typically the originators of Conner Kent AKA Superboy.
Origin Movie: I would think that for this one, you would have to use the comics version, and generally use them as an evil science organization. I feel like this would entail them creating another character like Metallo or Bizarro, but the general idea still stands.
Sequel Movie: For Emil's turning against Superman to be a part of the story, you'd have to have Cadmus be the villains of a sequel or later film, so that you can set up Emil early on and build their friendship so that it stings all the more when that friendship is shattered.
Finale Movie: Honestly, a finale is the best place for it to have its full effect. Have your series, going up against people like Lex Luthor or Brianiac or what have you, and sprinkle in little hidden details here and there, only for the third film to reveal that Emil has slowly started putting measures in place to put down Superman if he ever went rogue. That would be on the more emotional end of finales.
Supporting Villain: The organization without Emil generally works as the backing behind various scientifically created villains, like Bizarro, Metallo, Parasite, Neutron, Atomic Skull, and so on.
Overall, my ranking of these are:
Finale Movie: Taking the space of an entire series to document the shattering of the friendship between Clark and Emil could be devastating.
Origin Movie: Best way to do the organization without Hamilton at its head.
Supporting Villain: They are a solid benefactor setup.
Sequel Movie: The same as Finale Movie, but it lacks some of that full punch.
What do you think? Who should I cover next? Actually, I think I've put it off long enough. Let's cover the big four who have already been done a ton already.
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toast-com · 1 year
Kiss (3-29-23)
Dessa took Cadmus' hand, entwining their fingers, looking up at him warmly, causing the dragon to blush. Her other arm looped around his waist, pulling Cadmus closer to her. Her lips brushed against his neck, causing his breath to hitch.
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For all your Conner Kent fic writing needs!
He was never created to be SuperBOY. He was just let out of his clone tube early. Chronologically, his development stopped at about age 16. He's a year older than Bart Allen, and two years older than Tim Drake.
The Kid spent his first year as a superhero in Hawaii. He was also mostly a publicity stunt.
He is tiny, compared to Clark. In fact, he's only an inch taller than Tim (but about 25 pounds heavier)
One of his aliases for his secret identity is Carl Grummet (based on the writer and artist for his original comic)
His signature leather jacket has been replaced dozens of times because it gets destroyed in most of his fights.
Kyle Rayner taught him how to draw, and he sculpted the statues of the Young Justice members that stand in their display room.
His powers sometimes get away from him and act out his subconscious desires- they once destroyed every handgun in the city when he was upset, and while getting frustrated trying to give a baby a bottle, it blew up.
He sleeps with a teddy bear.
Fellow DNAlien Dubbilex was his tutor, and Kon considered him his dad. He also considered his agent's daughter Roxy to be his big sister.
He. Is. A. Geek. He is a rabid Wendy The Werewolf Stalker fanboy, quotes Star Trek from memory, and collects rare Magic the Gathering cards.
He briefly had a crush on Cassandra Cain and was even her first kiss, but they both realised that what they both wanted was to be friends.
The piercing in his left ear is actually from the Project 13 identity tag that he had in his clone tube.
After Project Cadmus shut down, he was homeless and living in the bathtub at Young Justice HQ. Because he doesn't have a firm grasp on how the world works, when he tried to get an apartment of his own, he tried to pay his rent with a bag of toys and snacks. Eventually he ended up as a superintendent at a slum building.
Before he was adopted by the Kents, he used to visit them from time to time, hoping to get affection from Ma Kent.
The Justice League once strapped his ass to a nuke and blasted him into the multiverse. There, he met dozens of other versions of himself. One of those versions was a Robin who took the role after that world's Tim was killed.
And of course, for your shipping needs:
He can pinpoint Tim's voice out of everyone in Gotham, as well as track him across the globe.
He knows that Tim tried to clone him after he died.
After their first mission together, he thinks that he and Tim are going to end up as Bart's parents.
Tim's 'Robin voice' seems to turn him on.
He has dreams about Bart as a Playboy Bunny version of the White Rabbit.
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spacedace · 1 year
So I have an idea for a dp x dc fic and I'm going to throw it here since i need to get it out of my head and i'm not sure i'll ever actually write it (and as always if anyone finds my rambles interesting any/all of it us up for grabs to run with):
Elle ends up crashing into the DC universe while exploring, but despite all the dimension/multivariate nonsense that always goes down (or maybe because of it) she can't actually get back, and the levels of ectoplasm are a lot lower than most dimensions which weakens her quite a bit.
There's enough for her to survive, and use her powers a little bit, but using them too much makes her get really weak/maybe even causes serious harm depending on how much she uses.
She finds this out when she tries to open a portal home and both fails to open the portal & passes out as a result of trying. Cut to Elle waking up in Cadmus and realizing "ah, fucked up unethical science, I am familiar with this fuckery" and escapes.
In the process of escaping she comes across Kon, who isn't "finished" yet. He's alive and aged up to a teenager, but isn't quite done with his programming/whatever (this idea came to me based entirely off what I've gleaned through fandom so I don't know the canon of Kon's whole time with Cadmus). Elle immediately realizes "Oh clone baby, that's not good" and breaks him out and takes him with her.
Kon in this doesn't know he's a clone of Superman, he doesn't know a lot of things considering how early into the clone info-dumling process he was in when Elle broke him out. He barely knows language and how to read. What he does know for sure though is that Cadmus is Bad and Getting the Fuck Out is Good so he's down to go with Elle
Queue them becoming friends and being on the run together, learning about this world/dimension together and coming to see each other as family. Eventually they end up in Gotham because it's one of the places that naturally has a higher ectopalsm level and because if you're in the right area no one cares if you have no legal ID (in some circles it's a plus).
Kon gets a lot of odd jobs before eventually ending up working at a strip club or burlesque bar or something (my idea is that it's years after escaping so he's in his early 20s at this point and not just a fresh baby clone anymore and he gets into it because he likes it and it's good money) while Elle uses her ghostly knowledge/what powers she can to work as like a psychic or something like that.
Meanwhile Justice League (with alive again Superman) have found out about the escaped Superman clone and, along with Cadmus, are desperately trying to track him down. The info they have is a bit murky, so they think it's actually *two* clones, one that had Martian dnd also thrown in to the mix based off a short clip they managed to find of Elle phasing through walls.
My idea is that it'd all finally come to a head when Constantine pulls Tim (and maybe also Damian) in on a JL Dark case that involves the Lazerus Pit and for reasons ends up having to hire Elle to help. I'm thinking it's a thing that Elle is a pretty respected name in certain magic circles due to her expert knowledge on the Infinite Realms, though she refuses to work for most people who seek her out - even though the money would be good - because usually it's only evil assholes that want to hire her.
She makes a deal with Jon to help (in exchange for something that would let her get a message to Danny letting him know what happened or something like that) and Kon joins in because there's no way he's trusting a dude Elle calls the "drunk soul slut" with his baby sister unattended, he doesn't *care* if she could handle herself it's not happening.
Anyway, Tim/Kon (and maybe some Damian/Elle) shenanigans during a Lazerus Pit/demon hunting road trip where eventually everyone figures out who Kon & Elle are, Elle manages to get a stable portal setup so she can go home and come back whenever she wants (Kon getting adopted by Danny? Kon getting adopted by Danny) and Kon joining Young Justice and having a good relationship with Clark (who had a lot more time to deal with things before meeting Kon and learned about him as a person before learning he was Clark's clone).
Anyway there would be a scene at the end where Kon would be in his superhero suit for the first time and just:
Clark: Did you choose a hero name yet?
Kon: Yeah, I figured I'd go with Supernova.
Clark, feeling touched: Yeah? Any particular reason?
Kon: It's cool, it has 'Super' in the name, and really it just seemed the easiest option, I'm used to responding to Nova, so *shrugs*
Clark: Yeah? Why's that? Nickname?
Kon: I guess kinda? It's my stage name at the strip club I work at
Clark: what
Tim, brain shut down by this revelation: ...do you do private shows?
Clark: w h a t
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randoparody · 2 months
Hello! No drawing today, just general answer. This is my first large publication. =)
Some people like my Superman/Batman Animated Series Kon AU and wish to learn more. Here I will include my ideas.
The beginning of Superboy's life is basic. Cadmus clones a young Superman that they can control and Kon is born in their laboratory.
Kon breaks out before the cloning process is complete, resulting in him being troubled, having poor eyesight and limited vision. He is confused and needs constant guidance.
He is not a pervert, nor is he heavily attracted to women like he was in the original version. I skipped that part to include him in the animated series universe. However, even if he doesn't do that, he's still bad. He uses his powers to steal from people, and citizens confuse him with Superman (a similar case with Sonic Adventure 2). Due to this, Superman's reputation is ruined constantly.
Kon steals items he thinks are pretty (his jacket and glasses were taken from a clothing store). He is only a few months old so his knowledge is limited. He doesn't know stealing is wrong..
Superman eventually learns of this and instead of blaming him, Superman becomes his mentor. Although Kon always somehow messes things up. Superman likes him regardless.
Superboy will also appear on BTAS alongside Robin. I can think of a reason, but I haven't thought of one yet. When they reunite, they clearly don't get along at first. Superboy is too absent-minded and Robin takes everything seriously. It takes a long time for them to become friends. Also, Superboy's limited vision leads him to believe that Robin's blurry silhouette is a girl and that Batman is a giant cat who has somehow learned to speak. Fortunately, Superman is with him and reveals that this is not the case. After all, Superboy thinks it makes sense.
I'd like to turn my idea into a fan-made comic issue, but it's still too early. I'm busy with life. I'll be making more joke drawings over time until I'm free and able to explore the AU better. I also like to apologize for my mistakes in my writing. Again, this is not my language and errors are being made. & Thanks for 2000 follows too! That's a big number and makes me happy knowing people like my joke creations. Thank you ;)!!
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suzukiblu · 1 month
If you feel up for it, for the writing meme prompt, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, with the song You And Me by Lifehouse? If it's not your thing I totally get it though and hope you have a great time and fun writing the things that do catch your fancy!
I think we ALL knew that I was gonna do baby Kon for this, lbr. Also ngl, this came out way more cracky than the prompt would suggest it should've but it is absolutely my favorite thing I’ve written for this meme so far, as the necessity for the following cut should help attest, haha.
Unfortunately, Lex takes one look at Cadmus’s progress report on the newly-crafted Experiment Thirteen and realizes he has paternal instincts. 
Well, that’s inconvenient. And a little disgusting, honestly. Certainly a disappointment. 
He supposes it could be worse. He could be Lionel about this. 
Anyway, that’s how he has a physiological four year-old on his lap when he hears the news about Superman coming back to life and fistfighting an evil cyborg with his own face about it, because of course the man didn’t have the decency to just stay dead. Why would he, after all? 
Lex needs a drink. That would be a bad example for the physiological four year-old, though. 
Then again, Experiment Thirteen should be completely immune to the effects of Earth-based alcohol in about another four to six months of consistent yellow sun exposure, so . . . 
Lex is halfway through his second brandy when Superman shows up on his balcony at super-speed wearing a very pretentiously dramatic black suit and looking both winded and bewildered. And still alive, unfortunately. 
“Don’t you have a murderous cyborg to be ensuring is in custody?” Lex asks dryly, deciding to just not acknowledge the presence of the physiological four year-old who’s moved on to messily but methodically coloring on the floor underneath his desk. Lex didn’t actually give Experiment Thirteen either a coloring book or crayons, mind, but he appreciates the clone’s resourcefulness in breaking into the office supplies. Anyway, it’s useful for developing its hand-eye coordination and fine motor control. 
Superman’s pupils are pin-pricks, barely even there at all. Which is an unusual reaction from him, and Lex notes that fact reflexively but doesn’t particularly care about it. Meant-to-be-dead people do unusual things, especially the alien ones. And it isn’t as if–
“Baby,” Superman blurts, his eyes wide. 
Lex . . . pauses. Takes a slow sip of his brandy. 
Alright then. 
“Yes, I’ve noticed,” he settles on eventually, raising an eyebrow at him. Experiment Thirteen peers out from under the desk, immediately decides Superman isn’t an interesting presence, and then goes back to coloring all over Lex’s floor. It seems to be drawing either a puppy or a chain of complex genetic sequencing, but judging by the kinds of things it’s been drawing so far, it’s fifty-fifty. Lex has been getting the impression the clone actually likes art, which is a baffling interest to find in his own progeny, but how does that quote go . . . “I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet”? 
Or something like that, anyway. 
“No, I–baby,” Superman stresses, looking bewildered as he floats down a little closer to the open balcony door. 
“. . . yes, I’ve noticed,” Lex repeats, raising his eyebrow again and taking another sip of brandy. Superman looks frazzled, bobbing up a little higher in the air again to get a better view of Experiment Thirteen under the desk. Experiment Thirteen keeps ignoring him in favor of its coloring, displaying no apparent interest in the most powerful uninvited guest in the history of illegal immigration. Lex experiences a moment of overwhelming paternal pride, which is such a bizarre and unanticipated experience that he doesn’t even know what to do with it. 
“Where’d he come from?” Superman asks with a wondering expression. Ugh.
“A cloning lab,” Lex replies dismissively, setting his near-empty glass down on the desk. It’s hardly worth lying about Experiment Thirteen’s origins at this point. He didn’t want to murder everyone in Cadmus to keep the secret. He might need them if there’s an issue with Experiment Thirteen’s genetics later, after all. “We mixed it up a couple weeks ago while you were off wasting everyone’s time being dead."
“You had my baby?” Superman says, tilting in the air and still staring at Experiment Thirteen, as if he's somehow forgotten both how much kryptonite Lex owns and how much kryptonite he keeps specifically in this office. “While I was dead. You had my baby while I was dead.” 
. . . alright then, Lex thinks again, both eyebrows raising this time. 
“I really wouldn’t put it that way, personally,” he says. “Also, I don’t recall saying it was in any way yours.”
“Baby,” Superman repeats inanely, then lands on the floor and ducks down into a crouch to peer under the desk better, his pupils still reduced to barely-there pinpricks. Lex is so mystified he doesn't even activate the security system or the weaponized red sun lamps. Experiment Thirteen frowns at Superman–Lex, again, basks in unanticipated paternal pride–and then turns its back on him and hides all its drawings from him as seriously and carefully as if they were under NDA. 
It's almost adorable, frankly. 
Not that Lex finds things adorable, of course. 
“His heartbeat's so cute,” Superman says, looking absolutely fascinated. Which is surprisingly useful of him to mention, actually, since Lex had previously been vaguely concerned that Experiment Thirteen's odd thrumming heartbeat might be a sign of a heart defect, but apparently it’s just a Kryptonian thing. A . . . “cute” Kryptonian thing, according to Superman. 
Lex is increasingly mystified by this interaction. 
“Can’t say I’ve spent much time listening to it, personally,” he lies, because he has in fact obsessed over that heartbeat’s health and stability since first finding out about its unusualness and has done a truly aggravating amount of research into heart murmurs and conditions and the like. But that’s hardly Superman’s business, now is it. 
“. . . what’s his name?” Superman asks hesitantly. Lex is possibly having an out of body experience. 
“Experiment Thirteen,” he says. Superman immediately looks offended. 
“We need to give him a name, Lex,” he says. Lex, again, has an out of body experience. 
“‘We’?” he repeats incredulously. “I made it, I get to decide what it’s called.” 
“He’s got my DNA!” Superman protests, looking indignant. Lex has absolutely no idea how to process that expression. 
“It has both our DNA, in fact, yours was too irritating to stabilize alone,” Lex informs him dubiously. More accurately it was literally impossible to stabilize alone, but he’s not mentioning that to Superman. “So it has my DNA, and I made it. And also put eight point two billion dollars into its production, as a lowball estimate. Therefore I’m the one who decides what its name is, thank you very much.” 
“Lex,” Superman says disapprovingly. “You can’t call a baby Experiment Thirteen.” 
“It’s physiologically developed enough to complain if it doesn’t like it,” Lex retorts, narrowing his eyes at him. Superman frowns at him. Lex has never had a more ridiculous conversation with the man, including all the times Superman’s tried to appeal to his nonexistent “better nature”. “Well it is.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Superman says, then ducks back down and peers at Experiment Thirteen again, gentling his voice to address it while Lex is still incredulously mouthing “ridiculous”? to himself. “Would you like a real name, kiddo?” 
Experiment Thirteen sticks its tongue out at him. 
Lex is finding parenthood to be a very rewarding experience, actually. 
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