#character crit tw
conduitandconjurer · 2 years
lila threatening klaus didn't make any sense because both her *and* diego followed reggie the next day :/
I know. :(
I'm gonna be candid here, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, so if people feel the need to unfollow or block, I won't take it personally. Here goes: the way Lila intercepts and threatens Klaus is really just one small symptom of a larger trend I see between Diego and Lila as a couple, that makes me very uncomfortable.
Put simply, I love Diego and I love Lila: separately, not as a couple. And I think she needs him much more than he truly needs her, but his sense of loyalty, his sense of duty/obligation, and his resolve not to become his own father, are keeping him with her; that, and the circumstances of the world ending, and Lila being the only person left that Diego has ever had romantic feelings toward. But "we're the only ones left and we've been through trauma together" does not a good relationship make.
Diego needs the space and the patience to learn how to verbalize his emotions. He's deeply traumatized, and he needs a partner who will help him work through his sense of insecurity and his determination to help others while coping with all his own problems silently and alone.
The entirety of the Stan "experiment" is not funny to me; when Lila told Diego in an insensitive and even almost snide way, about Stan's real identity, and he stuttered for the first time since Season 2 (the person who made him stutter last time was REGINALD, so let the implications of THAT sink in), I think my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. I admit to personal bias here: I'm an educator, and I work with kids who have disabilities on the regular, and I can tell you that that moment was indicative of major problems in that relationship. Diego stutters when he feels unsafe, when he feels undermined, when he feels insufficient. Lila is brusque and impulsive; she is insecure and will risk other people's wellbeing, their feelings, to make herself feel more secure--the reason why she hid her real pregnancy from Diego until she could "confirm that he could handle it." As much as Diego hates talking about things, that's what he needs, and Lila doesn't talk, she just acts, and often selfishly. She really is not equipped, because of her own (entirely valid) issues, to take on a romantic partner that way.
I'm not saying that Diego is a saint or that Lila is despicable. Again, I love and enjoy their characters, separately. I'm saying they both need and deserve to heal, but don't have what each other needs. Unfortunately TUA has never prioritized the pursuit of healthy relationships or healthy emotions. The series is too saturated in bitter gallows humor and the articulation of the whimsically, satirically bizarre. But that means Diego and Lila are likely to continue to be a canonical couple, and I genuinely fear that this will prevent either character from experiencing the sort of personal growth that we saw in Klaus, Viktor, and Luther this season (or even Allison and Ben, albeit backwards, in their case).
I think for a lot of Diego and Lila fans, part of what convinces them that she fits in perfectly is that she's the same kind of fucked-up as the Umbrella siblings are, so it's easy to imagine her as "part of the family" (according to Five and Klaus). Ideally, imho, she would become a much better sibling than in-law.
So yeah. I felt as irritated as you did, by that scene. It was controlling. Lila needs to let Diego make his own decisions. If HE wants to tell Klaus to fuck off, fine. They're siblings, and Diego has known Reginald as long as Klaus has, and has the right to make that call, about how much he wants to be exposed to their toxic father figure. That isn't Lila's call to make. Nor does she have the right to threaten one of Diego's loved ones with unending physical and emotional torture.
I know Diego's not great at self-preservation, but no relationship works if one partner calls the shots for the other, without involving them in the decision making process of their own welfare.
And I don't dislike or blame Lila for this. I blame the writers who thought that scene would be funny and that that dark humor overruled any problems of characterization that it might cause. Humor at the expense of characterization is one of my top five pet peeves of fiction, lol. Grrrr.
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yb-cringe · 4 months
😭 for the love of god please take three seconds and think before you post like “god theyre so gay its gross” like you are sounding like a homophobe do you realize this
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nobodymitskigabriel · 5 months
Dean making fun of Sam for being sexually assaulted in red sky at morning makes me so ill. It's so out of left field and pointless to the episode so I tend to just pretend it never happened for my own sanity. But then there's Dean rolling his eyes and sighing over Sam being assaulted by Meg in s1. Then again in s2 making fun of Sam for being possessed by a "girl demon". And like. It would make a lot of sense for Dean to not take woman on man sexual assault very seriously due to toxic masculinity for one but also being chronically sexualized his whole life? Like if a woman sexually assaulted or raped dean (and theres a good chance something like this has happened) no way would he take that at face value. He'd write it over in his head and convince himself he must've wanted it.
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frankiebirds · 2 days
I've always been a little thrown off by the way the characters (the team and the passengers) react to Reid trying to talk down Ted, and I've never liked that the episode ends with Ted being shot (although I appreciate that he survives).
I'm not saying this to be critical of the characters: the team doesn't have audio, and the passengers (save for Elle and the incapacitated psychologist) don't have the knowledge to see Reid getting through to him, but:
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I don't know. Look at Ted's face. I'm bad at reading expressions, but at the very least, this doesn't seem like the expression of someone unaffected by what's being said to him, or the face of a man who's about to start shooting people. During the conversation, Ted stops aiming the gun at Reid, and yells at Leo to shut up when he tells him to shoot Reid.
I really think that Reid was on his way to talking Ted down, and I wish he'd gotten to do it. I don't think Elle hitting Ted while Reid is talking him down makes a lot of sense*. She's one of the few passengers who can understand that Ted is calming down, and I think she's at the right angle to see his changing expression. I wish Reid had gotten the chance to keep talking, because I do think he was close to ending it without anyone else getting shot.
One other thing I noticed while watching this episode—throughout the episode, Leo has always been onscreen while he speaks, either in the same frame as Ted, or the camera cuts to him while he speaks. However, if you rewatch the scene, notice that whenever Leo speaks during it, not only is he always offscreen, but his voice has an echo to it that wasn't there before. I don't think most of the analysis I post is reflective of the writer's intent, but that seems very intentional to me, symbolizing that Leo is becoming less real to Ted and therefore losing his grip on him.
*this is a criticism of the writing, not the character. yes, elle is impulsive, but the choice to hit ted while he's being talked down and is no longer aiming the gun at anyone seems like a strange and risky choice.
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smash-chu · 10 months
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"You could just call it quits if you'd like"
said a drunk Luna as she forgot that the prince still was very capable of stabbing her unconscious, which he did, whoops! (don't worry she was healed after right away)
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silverfiligree3 · 8 months
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a very weird hamlet comic ft. the lyrics to mitski's first love/late spring I did during senior year of art school
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hatsampixie · 1 year
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Not a fan of how Vivziepop is painting the angels as ‘villains’ in Hazbin Hotel. I mean, I know that angels are known to look scary to mortals in the original biblical mythology, but this is ridiculous. Also edgy af.
Unless they’re fallen angels, they should not have horns, and look more demonic than angelic for that matter.
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girlbosswalkedoutonme · 11 months
Avatar the Last Airbender made such a clear and easy to digest metaphor for antiracism and what it means to be go from being an oppressor to an ally to oppressed people and it still managed to go over so many of yalls heads :/
People always talk abt the one scene in episode The Earth King where Zuko gets sick and white ppl love to joke that "Zuko got sick from doing one nice thing" or whatever. But have you ever tried telling a white person they did smth kinda racist?? Bcuz 9 out of 10 times it has them crying, screaming, throwing up, pulling their hair out and calling you every slur in the book and then some when all you said was that it was kinda insensitive for them to call Black ppl aggressive or compare them to monkeys or smth ://
Like the whole point of Zuko's storyline in Book 2 of ATLA is that he had his entire world view shattered and he has to come to terms with that fact that his people, his nation, his entire sense of identity is directly responsible for a century of imperialism, genocide, and oppression. And no matter how big or small his individual role in causing all of it was, due to his IDENTITY as not just a prince but even just simply as a member of the fire nation he has a direct RESPONSIBILITY to do everything in his power to undo the damage that has done by his people. And I love how ATLA demonstrates how hard this is for him, like how physically, emotionally, and mentally laborious it is for him. Like this is not easy, and it's not meant to be easy. And I feel like this is what trips a lot of white people up bcuz there is a belief in our society that being a "good/nice" person is the same as not being racist and white ppl have such a difficult time reconciling the fact that it really isnt!!!
This is one of the reasons why I love the episode Zuko Alone and how important the ending is where even though Zuko actively helped and saved the people of the earth kingdom village they still HATED him and they still were ALLOWED to hate him bcuz his individual action in one moment did not compare to a lifetime of terrorism and oppression at the hands of his ppl!!! Like victims of oppression do not owe you shit even if you are one of the quote unquote "good ones".
Zuko is 17 and has enough personal responsibility to not only make these conclusions but also decide to hold himself accountable and take active measures to undo the harm caused even at this expense of his family, his comfort, and his safety. Yall will be 23 and not even have enough personal responsibility to own up to the fact that you might have some unresolved unconscious racist beliefs and to resist calling black people slurs on the internet bcuz u disagree with them :///
End note: I literally cannot even express how much it annoys me when people call Zukos storyline a "redemption arc". Like nothing tells me you missed the point more than saying what happened to him is "redemption"
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shallowrambles · 1 year
The virgin-whore, purity-corrupted phenomenon as it pertains to Andrea Kormos:
ANDREA: We have everything we need right here. The operation is still perfect. We can ride the high seas, plunder together. We can have the life we always wanted.
BENNY: What I wanted was to leave a burning crater behind. I wanted to put your memory to rest.
ANDREA: But I'm not a memory. Benny, I'm right here.
BENNY: What I loved – it ain't here anymore. It was snuffed out a long time ago by monsters like me... like what you've become.
ANDREA: You think you're better than me now?
BENNY: No. I think we're all damned.
ANDREA snarls and her fangs descend. DEAN stabs her from behind and then cuts off her head. BENNY and DEAN look at each other before BENNY looks down at ANDREA’s body.
I mean, yes; on the one hand, Benny doesn't quite imply that he's better than her, but he does imply that she's worthless, nothing--just a shadow of the idealized woman he put up on the trophy shelf as his "Reason for Being." All for deciding to live the exact life Benny had lived for so long. He doesn't even try to convince her to overcome or to compromise. He just...gives up. It's quite tragic and alarmingly indicative of how Benny views his relationships as a whole, as well as his place within them.
Season 8 is, in a sense, about mirages. It's about trying to desperately convince yourself things that are not real are. (Or that things that are real aren't.) It gives it an odd, dreamy quality. These mirages are somtimes idealized, baggage-less relationships and jobs/roles (friends, family, and otherwise) that COULD be good, if not for them representing idealization/escape/etc. (It's even echoed in Cas's wish to be a hunter solely to avoid the consequences of his genocide. Naomi's brainwashed Cas is an idealized angel without the baggage of chaos.)
Importantly, these mirages never let you down. But real bonds don't stay forever in that liminal limerance of "never letting you down." Strife and perseverance and deciding if they're worth tackling (or not) are precisely what transition bonds of all kinds into the latter phases of committment and stability (or ending). Every study and pop book lands on a similar conclusion.
But what happens here? Before Andrea even lashes out, Benny absolutely demolishes her worthiness, lameting that she's no longer the uncorrupted, unblemished idea of Perfect Woman from his memories. He cruelly says this to her face, rather than actively discussing alternative futures or seeking any kind of meaningful discussion about overcoming vampiric cannibalism. Ultimately, he cannot bear that she became sullied by his father in what amounts to a symbolic chess game of moving the chattel between the two men.
What if this person isn’t really as magnificent as we thought they were? This transition is painful, but it’s not a catastrophe. In fact, our emotional and relational health depend on it. For each of us to move forward in our development, we must face the fact that we’re different people with distinctive needs that will never mesh entirely.
Disillusionment is the dark, wintry season of love. By now power struggles have risen fully to the surface.
It’s a paradox: when we feel good about ourselves, we’re more likely to feel generous toward others.
- Linda Carrol
And now? He doesn't offer an alternative to Andrea. He doesn't offer insight into why that life ultimately never worked out for him. No, it's just a verbal lamentation that this blossom named Andrea has withered in the face of life's tribulations. (It's also insanely hypocritical, as Benny is equally corrupted as she, and he has worked on the high seas, plundering and eating for likely much longer, even if he's "recovered" from the lifestyle now.)
But Andrea isn't allowed to exist in this flawed state. She's not allowed to even hear a verbalized shade of gray or a potential compromise. It's either she stays unsullied or she has to die before she disturbs that holy, past image. When Benny gives up on Andrea, he gives up on his own image, too: "We're all damned," he says. All or nothing. Black or white. Benny's symbolic suicide was magnanimously present from this moment on. Not just because of how Andrea was killed but because of how he dismissed and dehumanized her prior to her aggression. He cannot see a possibility beyond Purgatory. He cannot see potential for true shades of gray in the new Andrea or himself. For him, life becomes a ticking countdown to self-annihilation.
BENNY: My life changed when she entered it, Dean. Everything I had been or done up to that point just... seemed to vanish... into what we had become together
This describes phase one of love, a merging, an innocent unrecognition of the complexity of The Other. It's a very immature love, an image of perfection that clearly Benny still longs for. "You cannot become like me. You exist to inspire me to be better, to meet my needs / nourish me with your blood, and to be the reason for either my rebellion / triumph, or the fridge for my emotional pain."
Once we emerge from the Merge, some of us will be able to reunite with our lover with new maturity and deeper, if perhaps less intense, satisfaction. It depends on our ability to reconcile two distinct needs: to dwell in the delights of the other and to stand firm in our own space. - Linda Carroll
They did not survive that middling doubt, denial, disillusionment phase. (And that's okay! They're both in bad, hopeless places.) What's surprising is Benny didn't even try. This shows an immaturity and complexity Benny never quite gets credit for (he is often The Feisty, Smooth-talkin' Idealized Blood Brother, and the flaws and red flags he does portray are not Seen due to the idealization and his incredibly short tenure.) In terms of narrative...Benny is the peer-addict Dean would hypocritically support compared to Sam's wholly unsupported stint as addict - this happens in so many families! I think of it as analogous to supporting an illness with lip service in church or by doing time and donations to your local soup kitchen, but you don't have sympathy for it within your own home or family. For Dean, this is subconscious. And for Sam, it's a symbolic sore spot: you enable his addiction but you judged mine. Anyway, Benny is so zeroed in on his own fatalism, that he had already decided deep down that they'd both die. They're both damned. It's tragic for them both, but it's especially tragic for Andrea.
“Never marry a man you haven’t already divorced,” she said. - Linda Carroll
Better to be a fond memory than a constant, festering disappointment, eh Andrea? I wish we'd gotten to see Andrea reigning over Purgatory, if I'm honest. I'd have liked to see her grapple with everything.
DEAN: You ever fall off the wagon and feed?
BENNY: Some questions you just don't wanna ask, brother.
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lamphoera · 6 months
why is there fight scene sakuga in frieren... like even as a self-proclaimed frieren hater i have to ask what kind of frieren fan even gives a shit about that. that's not playing to strengths at all
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
Listen, listen... do I want c!Eret to say they still believe in the FCR after all this time? No. Buuuuuut-
I would love that conflict between c!Wilbur and him. Like the stream starts with the two talking and c!Wilbur being all apologetic and then idk c!Eret says something like, “It’s too bad the FCR didn’t work like it should’ve” or something and c!Wilbur just pauses, then snaps.
At first he’s all pissed for c!Tommy and c!Tubbo and c!Fundy, none of who deserved to be murdered. And to sit there and listen to c!Eret still be like “it had to be done” riles him up like nothing else.
BUT THEN- THEN- he’s ranting to c!Eret, demanding she take it back, and during it he goes from, “You killed them!” to “You ruined my life!” and it just goes quiet before c!Wilbur goes on, screaming about how the FCR affected him.
Genuinely I think this arc needs a little bit of conflict. It’s a self-healing arc for c!Wilbur and that’s not gonna happen unless he starts realizing he’s worth defending, that he didn’t deserve that pain and trauma.
Like I want c!Eret and c!Wilbur to get along sure, but I want c!Wilbur to start believing in his self-worth more, so, I’ll take it.
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amcrimera · 2 years
Godly genetics in Pjo make no sense.
It is known in the books that the gods do not have DNA. This is the reasoning behind why demigods dating each other is not considered gross (since pretty much all the gods are related to each other), unless you date someone from your own cabin.
Since this is the case, why do some of the gods' physical traits get passed down to their demigod children?
We see examples of this usually when a demigod character is introduced with a specific eye colour (and sometimes hair colour).
For example: The Athena cabin being described as being full of blonde haired, grey eyed children; the Apollo cabin having blonde, blue eyed children; Percy Jackson having some of Poseidon's features (sea-green eyes, black hair), etc.
There are also special cases where (this is more something that I noticed and hasn't really been confirmed in canon) the powers/influence a god has influences their children's appearance.
For example: Piper Mclean having eyes that change colours; Hazel Levesque having cinnamon colored hair and gold eyes, etc.
In this essay, I will be discussing how these physical features make no sense. I will also discuss how these features are problematic.
Just note that this post will not be scientific, I'm just ranting.
Godly DNA
As stated above, the gods do not have DNA. The gods also do not have a set physical form. Their true forms are described as “supernovas” that can burn mortals to oblivion. Throughout the books, we see the gods having different physical features and forms (some more drastic than others). It is stated that the gods can look however they want, but also that mortals' perceptions of them also influenced how they looked.
This in mind, it would be impossible for the gods to pass down ANY physical features down to their demigod children.*1
You might ask: If the gods don't have DNA, how do demigods have godly blood?
Well it depends on how you consider godly blood. You can consider godly blood, the blood of immortals, as their essence. This “blood” isn't like mortal blood. It is more so godly essence, the thing that sustains the gods and gives them strength. Something that would strengthen their godly essence is mortal belief and worship. If you take the term “godly blood” this way, as well as the fact that godly blood is not the same as mortal blood, it would be easier to understand how demigods can have godly blood (essence) and not DNA (which the gods do not have).
This godly essence theory would also explain demigod powers, as the gods' essence is what gives them their powers and strength.
Godly influence on demigod appearance
Now I'll talk about the other case: gods not passing down physical features, instead their powers/domain influences their demigod children's appearance.
We see this mostly in Hazel who has cinnamon colored hair (a sort of rustic gold-ish colour) and literal gold eyes. While we've never seen Pluto (her godly father) described this way, we can assume that Hazel's “gold colored features” are the result of Pluto also being a god of all the riches beneath the earth.
Depending on how you take this, one might think that either Pluto influenced how Hazel would look or Pluto's powers affected how Hazel would look. Which… doesn't make the most sense, as not even the gods or their powers can influence how their other godly children look (or what sphere of existence they control). In fact, the only god who could influence how their demigod child looks is Athena who actually thinks up her children. So Hazel only looks like this to look more “interesting.”
Why these descriptions are problematic
To introduce this topic, I'll ask this question: How would you feel (as a poc) if someone told you that the only physical features you have that can be considered interesting, were the physical features you inherited from ONE of your parents (more specifically, the more white-looking parent)? Would you feel angry that you didn't have more white features? Would you feel like your more poc features were ugly and uninteresting? That's what some poc might feel when reading the descriptions of characters like Hazel and Piper.
Let's start with Piper. When we are first introduced to Piper and for the rest of her appearance in hoo, she is described as beautiful. She is described as Native American (Cherokee), so we can assume that she does have more Cherokee features. She also has dark hair and brown skin. This physical description would be satisfactory. However something that gets added is the fact that Piper has very distracting “kaleidoscope eyes”, in other words, her eyes change colours. This physical feature of hers is not natural. While it is true that certain people's eyes might be a certain colour, but because of the lighting it looks like a different colour, that is not the case here. Rick describes Piper having eyes that literally change colour.
Then there's Hazel which…oof. Hazel, a black girl, is described as having cinnamon hair (which continues the disgusting trope of describing poc features with food) and golden eyes! What black girl, actually, what human naturally has these features!? What impression do you think this might have had on black girls reading this description? I know how I felt. I felt that Hazel was someone who could never exist. I also wished to have some of her unnatural features, particularly her golden eyes, to make myself more interesting.
This is the problem with these descriptions of pocs. By giving poc characters these unnatural features to make them more “interesting”, it gives the impression that their natural or ethnic features are not enough. It also enforces the idea that pocs are not entirely human. This reasoning also encourages the barbaric treatment of pocs, which many still face.
(So just a note to pjo/hoo artists and fic writers: please do not draw/write these poc characters with these very racist descriptions. No, Piper does not have pink eyes, she shouldn't have kaleidoscope eyes (she shouldn't have the feather either, but that is for native americans to explain and not me) and do not describe her hair as chocolatey (are you going to eat her hair or something?)
Also do not draw/write Hazel with light-colored hair or light-colored eyes. Do not describe her hair as cinnamon or her skin as coffee or any other food (again, are you going to eat her or smth?)
This obviously goes for any other poc characters with unnatural features that I may have missed.)
Let demigods look like their mortal parents
There is nothing wrong with demigods looking like their mortal parents.
Piper is still beautiful with darker colored eyes.*2 Piper is still beautiful with her Native features. Hazel is still beautiful with her normal darker hair and darker eyes.
Percy is still Percy even if he looks more like Sally instead of Poseidon.
Normalise demigod characters having their mortal parent's features.
That is all.
1. This includes race. I bring up race, because artists who whitewash certain characters of color, more specifically Piper Mclean (but also Hazel), use the excuse that they are actually part white on their godly side. Which…makes no sense. First of all, the gods are not white, they are not any race in fact. They can choose whether to appear as white, black, hispanic, etc. but they do not have an actual race. Second of all, THE GODS DO NOT HAVE DNA. So poc demigods cannot be part of any race on their godly side.
2. Of course there are natives with lighter colored eyes. However, for many many years, lighter eyes have been seen as the beauty standard (and they still are), because of colonialism. For this reason Piper, a character who is repeatedly described as beautiful, having darker colored eyes is so important. It challenges the idea that darker eyes are “boring” and instead presents them as a beautiful feature that should be celebrated
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rosesradio · 1 year
Harry Potter 🤝 sanders sides
95% of the character development/making the characters more than one-dimensional comes from the fandom itself and not the canon content
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transterrence · 2 years
seraphina gets an unnecessary amount of critiscm; mostly on the basis of her character development and writing, and most of it is unfounded and blatantly untrue.
youre all just looking for a reason to shit on her.
she is developed-- in fact, she's changed a lot since we first saw her and even before that.
she's in no way the same as she was when she went out to boba with john or before that when she beat him up for outsmarting her. she's grown. she's had a tremendous amount of development, mostly in a positive direction.
since she rebelled against her parents, she went to the exact opposite extreme, and from then on she had to learn to find a healthy balance. even from when she first started doing what she wanted to do, she still had the mindset of a high tier. she still thought of the stronger person always being in the right.
she's changed from then. she doesn't think like that anymore.
and yes, she has been vulnerable before. she was vulnerable after she lost her ability, and when the school turned against her, and when illena and co kidnapped her.
her "lack of empathy" isn't exactly a bad thing, either. yes, she seems to struggle with putting herself in others' shoes, but she's still kind and compassionate nonetheless. she was just as equally affected by the joker situation as everything else.
and her motivations continually surrounding john? that's her one: dependant relationship with him, two: her sense of responsibility/guilt to the joker arc, and three: a subconcious behavioral pattern mirroring her devotion to her parents.
their relationship is nice but it's not the healthiest. this is repeatedly shown but not explictly stated because it's also something both john and sera aren't aware of yet. we as the audience are supposed to pick up on it since they're unreliable narrators.
she does have flaws; in her habit of taking on everything for herself, in her pushing people away, in her arrogance.
seraphina's frankly a wonderfully written character and if you've got a bone to pick with her writing, then go find a different webtoon or reread the episodes.
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beeapocalypse · 2 years
those posts that are like “i love you [thing] i love you [thing] etc etc” and follow a connecting theme w the items are a little cheesy soemtimes but that is the best way to express mine emotuon right now. i love you collector i love you shambler i love you thing from the stars i love you fanatic i love you crocodilian
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^ look at these animals. absolutely incredible design
#body horror tw#i NEED to sprint into the first final dungeon expedition this instant i need to see the shuffling horror. it has been years since i fought--#--it and i want 2 see if there is anything said abt it being a shambler which has the Meat of the ancestral home growing upon--#--it like an infection. like a rogue animal of the void which has been captured and twisted up by the hearts worshippers#i just love love the wandering bosses so much like they are all such a perfect marriage of character design and gameplay. mwah mwah <3#second image of a shambler tentacle. it spawns two of those upon encountering it and throughout the fight and they have a single--#--move called 'clapperclaw' (will admit that i usually just call them clapperclaws rather than shambler tentacles lol) that gives it huge--#--buffs which stack up w each successful hit so they turn into a very godawful problem if u do not deal w them right away. the real menaces-#--of the shambler fight#OHH i mentioned the shuffling horror now i need to talk abt ingame nesdin again. brought him along to my first real attempt at the first--#--final dunegon expedition years ago and ended up having 2 retreat during the boss fight bc my arbalest got killed real early into it and--#--my vestal died of a heart attack (due to a crit? i think) so the only guys i had left were nesdin (was virtuous i think?) and--#--mortemer the leper and it was mortemer who died on the expedition retreat. it was very dramatic and also the moment that solidified--#--nesdin as a real Character in my head. hed been a very solid guy to take on expeditions beforehand but i started spinning him around--#--in my head after that lol#^ i remember very clearly going oh FUCK and retreating the instant nesdin hit deaths door after the vestals death. maybe mortemer was--#--virtuous as well ? i remember having this incredibly impossible belief that they could tough it out together bc nesdin had the virtue--#--that had him occasionally heal himself and mortemer had his own self heal but i think the first deaths door check on him had me--#--freak out and retreat. sat at my desk w my eyes closed for like a minute b4 abandoning the expedition all together begging 4--#--nesdin to be the one to survive lol
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piningpebbles · 1 year
mcyttwt users: use tag filtering
oh also mcyttwt users make sure to take advantage of the blocked/filtered tags feature. this is in your settings, and you can block crit, neg, or any triggers you just don’t want to see on your dashboard, and it’ll filter the post for you. this is completely private and only helps to make your tumblr experience better.
MAKE SURE NOT TO CENSOR THESE WHEN YOU’RE BLOCKING THE TAG. the blocked tag feature will block these tags EXACTLY and not things similar to them (for instance if you block #self h/rm, it won’t block posts tagged with #self harm.)
so, if you really want to make sure you don’t see anything on a particular subject you’ll also want to block all variations of a tag. this can mean if you want to block #self harm, you should block: #self harm, #self harm tw, #tw self harm, #self harm cw, #cw self harm, #// self harm, #self harm //, #tw sh, #cw sh, etc.
i know it’s tedious, but it’s worth it to take a little time and filter out what you need to. and there’s no shame to what you block. crit of a character you like? go ahead. a ship you just don’t want to see? knock yourself out.
oftentimes, if someone didn’t tag something (trigger/content warning wise) that you think should be, you can ask them to tag it and they most likely will (be polite!) but if you go to a blog centered around a certain character, and ask them to tag any mention of that character, they may just decline and that’s okay! just scroll past their content or even block them entirely if you don’t want to interact with them.
i think twitter has different social ideas around blocking, but here you can block anyone for just about anything and no one really gives a shit. block someone for making takes you don’t like, block someone for filling maintags with unrelated content, most times people block others they haven’t even interacted with, and it’s fine.
block what you need to, reblog content you like (especially from artists), change your profile picture from the default ones, write in the tags, DON’T put mcyt posts in the #minecraft of #mineblr tags, and you’ll be just fine.
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