#cisco ramon autistic
unfortunatelyself · 1 year
✨️ My autistic headcanons, part 2: ✨️
Barry Allen
From the flash
I dont even know where to start, so im just gonna through it all. He info dumps, has a very strong sence of justice, running is his happy stim and said by him, when hes running hes the happiest. Hes clumsy, introverted, struggles in social situations. He also grew up in safe households for him and everyone around him are either autistic as well or decent human beings and i love to see an autistic character who, well, is not doing very great in like and mental wellbeing, but it has nothing to do with him being who he is, he never masks, hes never infantilized, he gets recognized by how good and dedicated he is at his job but without saying hes a savant or something and its rare that people comment on his differences being a bad thing or just in general.
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Harry Wells
From the flash
He doesn't have much interest in social situations but when he does, he struggles with them, like making friendships, for example. He has difficulty with others emotions and his own emotions; theres an episode in which he literally just learns how to be emphatic. He has difficulty managing his anger, trowing stuff across the room which could be meltdowns. He sometimes gets nonverbal and Cisco talks for him. He gets hyperfixiated and im pretty sure he stimms but i cant remember any example. Oh and big belly burger is def his safe food.
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Cisco Ramon
From the flash
Like Barry, he's a very emotional and expressive autistic. He gets so happy anytime he finds an answer for something hes been hyperfixiating on, hes clumsy, he struggles in social situations and sometimes worries about him not being good enough. His also very attached to his hair, his powers when he used to be Vibe were kind of linked to sensory stimulation, he has a strong sence of justice and shares SpIn with Harry, which is the reason why they get along so well; they really complement each other.
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Wednesday Addams
From Wednesday
She rarely shows facial expressions, has alextymia, a strong sence of justice, she doesn't accept a simple answer, she wants a reason, has a strict routine, infodumps, doesn't care about social rules, norms, or fitting in, she only wears black and white due to sensory issues, doesn't see any different between her and older people and doesn't like physical touch.
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From Dash & Lily
She doesn't like change, so much, that she never gets far from a literal bubble (well, more like an oval) she marked on a map. Her special interest is clearly Christmas, she signs carols and never forget the lyrics, and she likes to make her own clothes to express herself and although she do feel scared of being judged, she still wear what she wants, her weird but beautifully-her outfit which make her smile with so much joy. She has difficulty in social situations and during her childhood and now as a teenager, its seems like its easier for her to talk with adults rather than people her age.
Probably one of the most relatable quotes from a show I've ever seen was when she gifted her classmates bracelets and everyone threw them to the ground, and this boy mentioned how weird she was and before that, she never really thought about it, she thought she fitted in, she didn't saw herself as weird and after that she lived scared of being called weird and basically started masking.
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strangepuppyfox · 10 months
Autistic Headcanons Pt. 2
Lilith Clawthorne: hyperfocus, poor social skills, often speaks too formally, impulsive, poor understanding of emotional nuance
Amity Blight- hyperfocused on being on top, touch aversion, stereotypically gifted, SI in The Good Witch Azura, blunt and not understanding of social-emotional nuance
Hunter- has lots of niche interests and random facts that he knows a lot about, unable to improvise socially, attachment to his gloves + potential sensory issues
Augustus Porter- SI in the Human Realm/human objects, stereotypical gifted kid, poor understanding of social cues, oversteps boundaries, very observant
Tao Xu- aversion to change, very black/white thinking about pretty much everything in his life, blunt, attachment to his hat, SI in movies, poor motor skills
Tori Spring- diet lemonade = safe/same food, doesn't understand "normal" people, much less herself, gets on with Michael so well because he's like her, lots of niche past interests that she was obsessive over, low social battery and has hardly any friends
Michael Holden- tea = safe/same food, extremely intelligent but this isn't at all reflected by his grades- he doesn't understand the school system and does poorly on exams, SI in speed skating/literature to a lesser extent, has no friends other than Tori
The Flash
Cisco Ramon- wears pretty much the same kind of clothes every day, misses social cues often, SI in movies and in engineering, almost always stimming
Caitlin Snow- wears pretty much the same kind of clothes every day, SI in bio-engineering, extreme aversion to change, blunt/speaks formally, prone to irrational anxiety involving new situations
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gender-luster · 11 months
my favourite duo dynamic is just mentally ill audhd disaster bi and the tired (c)ptsd autistic aspec who got stuck with them
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autisticheadcanons · 10 months
Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow from DC's The Flash are both autistic. I'm only in Season 1, but here is what I've picked up so far.
-Is incredibly intelligent, a stereotypical nerdy gifted kid.
-Obvious special interest in engineering, he's very attached to his creations. ([Barry: When are we going to start calling it my suit?] "I'd be comfortable calling it our suit.")
-He's also very into superheroes, and on the flip side, loves naming the various villains/metahumans the team comes across.
-Struggles with social cues and is noticeably more awkward than other characters when interacting with people
-He wears very similar clothes every day, almost always a graphic T-shirt with a hoodie/second layer
-Stims a lot, normally by spinning in his chair and/or fidgeting with something
-Is also incredibly intelligent and stereotypically nerdy like Cisco
-Again, like Cisco, special interest in her line of work (biology)
-Barry says he can easily tell when she's upset/bothered because she bites her lower lip
-Has been shown on numerous accounts to react very badly to change (struggling to accept that Ronnie is gone and she needs to move on even a year after his death, not wanting to leave Central City because it's where everything she knows is, being unable to process that Wells/Thawne is a bad person because he's been such a mentor to her)
-Has a routine, which she describes to Barry after trying to confront the fact that Cisco said she "doesn't have a life" ("I cook, and I eat, and I read, and I help you"); she doesn't seem to do much outside of work
-She has social issues, but they aren't as noticeable as Cisco's; She can sometimes be blunt or speak too formally, for example, referring to a brain freeze using its scientific term "trigeminal headache"
-Is more prone to (somewhat irrational) anxiety than the rest of the team
-Also wears very similar clothes every day
They're pretty much DCTV's version of Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., both of whom are widely accepted as heavily autistic-coded characters.
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
The ADHD Headcanon Masterpost
ADHD headcanons as provided by my ADHD friend who is superior in knowledge of Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
The Skywalker Twins/ Space Gucci Twins, Luke and Leia (Star Wars)
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Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
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Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
(no image included because I hate the movies)
Alex (Wizards of Waverly Place)
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Megamind* (Megamind)
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Phineas (Phineas and Ferb)
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Max and Dani (Hocus Pocus)
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Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
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Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
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Catra (She-Ra)
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Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribbean)
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Jack Skellington* (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
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Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
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(lmao the Holy Trinity of ADHD Jacks)
Gavroche and Eponine Thenardier (Les Miserables)
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Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
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Clara Oswin Oswald (Doctor Who)
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Po (Kung Fu Panda)
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Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
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Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash)
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Kevin (Home Alone)
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Emmett (The Lego Movie)
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Carmen (Spy Kids)
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Simba (The Lion King)
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Lava Girl (Sharkboy and Lava Girl)
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*these characters fall under the headcanon umbrella of being both ADHD AND autistic.
This will be added to!
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stars-are-just-ghosts · 5 months
Happy New Year, Here's Some Fanfic...
Here's to another successful rotation around the sun! In honor of all of us getting through some pretty awful crap, of experiencing some wild and entertaining moments, and of getting to feel even a few minutes of immeasurable joy this past year, I'm posting my 'anthology' of one-shots and stories for y'all.
I don't have a lot to give you. But I do have old words and fresh ideas. So for all of you who know me, who have stuck with my stories, or simply liked some as you went along, I hope every good thing happens to you this year.
I hope your coffee or tea or energy drink always tastes perfect, and that when you step out your door, you always see a reason to smile. I hope you never have to step on a lego while barefoot, that you always find a spoon when you need one, and that your dog / cat / raccoon / possum / unicorn continues to do things you find indescribably adorable. I hope you know that in this vast universe of loneliness and exhaustion and 'something's not quite right,' you've got me. You've got that guy over there. You've got all of us.
We don't have it all together. No one does. We're all making it up as we go along. But that doesn't mean we have to do it alone.
It's okay to feel small and lost. It's okay to not have a resolution. It's okay that all you did was get up this morning. All these wishes I'm sending out into the ether belong to you, too.
So, as old and worn out as the saying goes, Happy New Year.
This is also a reminder that this rather unpopular tumblr blog is a safe space. For fanfic readers and writers. For artists. For LGBTQ+. For those who see beauty in all this dark around us. For disabled. For autistic. For people who like black coffee. For all of us.
And if you're just finding me now, come on in. Do you like dogs? I have three. Do you like shipping ships? Well, take a seat and tell me all about yours. Do you just want to be quiet for a bit? No problem, I've got extra comfort items just for that occasion. You're family now.
Welcome home.
All my love,
QuietDarkness P.S. Do you have one-shots you'd like me to write? A story idea you'd like to collab on? I know I'm notorious for writing for very specific ships and fandoms, but believe me, I would love to write for more. Or I'll keep writing for the ships/fandoms I've already done. Just let me know! I'd love to hear from you. Heck, I'd love to hear from you no matter what.
The Walking Dead (Daryl Dixon/OFC):
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2Harrison 'Harry' Wells):
Work In Progress:
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells) Sequel to 'Borrowed Forgiveness':
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells) One-Shots:
Supernatural - Destiel (Dean Winchester/Castiel) One-Shots:
Stargate: Atlantis - McShep (Rodney McKay/John Sheppard) One-Shots:
Works On Hiatus:
The Walking Dead (Daryl Dixon/OFC):
Stargate: Atlantis - McShep (Rodney McKay/John Sheppard):
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells):
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
2, 6, 7 and 17 for the fanfic ask game!
2.) What is your least favorite trope to write?
Of tropes I've actually written? Probably soulmates. While I enjoy the world building challenge it can present, particularly in finding ways to subvert or interrogate the inherent amatonormativity of the trope... well, I mean, there's still the inherent amatonormativity of the trope. So soulmates is definitely a concept I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with as a result.
6.) The fic you’re least proud of writing?
Probably one of my Eureka fics that I still haven't brought over to Ao3 from FFnet. I enjoyed writing the fics and liked them at the time, but my opinion of the show soured over it's continual bad treatment of it's autistic character. I could probably still get lost in the weeds rambling about how awful his treatment was, but suffice it to say that I was no longer comfortable remaining in the otherwise very pleasant and welcoming Eureka fandom when I felt that way about the show overall. While I'm not ashamed of the fics or anything, I don't really have the pride in them I used to.
Similarly, the few things I've written for the Harry Potter fandom and the ideas I had for further fics that I will likely never write. With how I feel about JKR and how she weaponizes the attention she, and her creations, receives, I can't really take pride in my own fanfics written for that fandom anymore.
7.) Favorite ship to write?
Cisco Ramon/Hartley Rathaway (Hartmon). This one's been my fav for quite a few years now, though I still have a very fond spot for Yuri Lowell/Flynn Scifo (Fluri) from Tales of Vesperia. That was my biggest fav before I started watching The Flash.
17.) Favorite AU to write?
Canon divergence AUs. I love a good 'what if x happened differently' scenario so much. It's fun for fix fics, of course... but it's just fun to speculate on all kinds of stuff too.
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harriscofics · 9 months
The Price of Hypocrisy
The Price of Hypocrisy https://ift.tt/T6MSg8C by RetroactiveCon It’s verging on ten at night. Most of the lights have been turned off in STAR Labs. Cisco, paranoid after so much recent Rogues activity, conducts one final sweep of the floors they use most often – the main floor where the Cortex is, the Speed Lab, and the floor with their labs. Anything in storage at this point, he considers a foregone conclusion – if someone wants it, they’ll take it. But the bleeding-edge stuff in their labs still has a chance, and he won’t let it walk out the door so easily. On the other hand, he thinks upon seeing a light in Harry’s lab, something needs to walk out the door right now. He just has a feeling it’s not going to be easy. Or, in which Cisco, for the first time in his life, delivers a spanking. It goes surprisingly well. He still wouldn't do it again. Words: 1493, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Cisco Ramon, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Additional Tags: Spanking, Role Reversal, Everyone Involved is Autistic via AO3 works tagged 'Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells' https://ift.tt/Vg3nCHz August 30, 2023 at 06:33PM
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cthonicascendant · 10 months
From the System ask game: Autistic systems edition: 10. Are there any characters you headcanon as autistic? (Feel free to infodump about them!)
From the random asks
30 what song is currently stuck in your head?
90 what’s your favorite mythical creature?
Also for song recs if you still want them I’ve been enjoying Zach Callison’s album A Picture Perfect Hollywood Heartbreak. It’s got a couple of rap/rock songs (specifically “Phantom Love” and “War”…some of the others might be also, I don’t remember of the top of my head?) mixed with some more dialogue heavy pieces and sadder songs. For bonus points if you were ever a Steven Universe fan the singer is Steven’s voice actor, plus one piece (one of the dialogue ones) features Connie’s voice actress!
10. Are there any characters you headcanon as autistic?
«all of them. /half joking» «i am actually having a hard time thinking of specific answers lol. eobard thawne and cisco ramon from the flash, for starters. tails from sonic the hedgehog is another. oh, dr doofenshmirtz from phineas and ferb? definitely- actually i'm pretty sure every character in that show is autistic except for major monogram fuck major monogram all my besties hate major monogram.»
5ee my problem i5 mo5t a my faVe5 tend to not be human an like can computer5 haVe auti5m i5 the real que5tion
>.he says all this. .like we don't already know the answer is yes.<
5hut it mir anyvvay5 breq from the imperial radch trilogy i5 auti5tic 5o i5 data from 5tar trek ye5 i knovv he5 an android but he5 got the ti5m tru5t me
30. What song is currently stuck in your head?
«also all of them. /half joking /exhausted» «see, i've got "all the things she said" or whatever it's called by tatu stuck in my thinkparts.»
an iVe got a mix a ramm5tein goin in mine currently vvere on du ha5t
glitch has "soda pop" by britney spears going
>.bit of a pop mashup going on here. .cool for the summer by demi lovato. .chained to the rhythm by katy perry. .upside down by diana ross. .etc.<
«send help.»
90. What's your favorite mythical creature?
«phoenices. flamey birbs. chirp chirp.»
i am apparently not allovved to joke about the reality quotient a horrorterror5 5o vvell go vvith one from human grubhood an 5ay merfolk
>.please no sending us into a dissociative spell, vee.< >.anyways. .angels.<
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[id: a sonic screwdriver.] -glitch
re: music rec
«oh, we always take music recs. i'm probably the most sold on this album so far? glitch is enjoying it too.»
at lea5t vvere all li5tenin to one thing novv but yeah thi5 aint really doin it for me mu5ically
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I feel like I'm legally obligated to send eobard's name for the three things in common/not thing, but I'll also toss in obi-wan
Our beloved horrible yellow disaster :D
3 things in common:
A big part of why I headcanon him as autistic is because of the ways he's relatable, so. The Autism(TM). Especially the superhero special interest, I had that one big time for a good five years there
I would LOVE to spend my evenings watching old movies with Cisco Ramon
As much as I drag him for making time travel-related inside jokes with himself all the time, I spend far too much of my time sniggering to myself about media similarities only I would ever notice, so I am rather throwing stones from my glass house on that one
3 Differences:
Obviously, the murder
Cannot stress enough that I would Never do something like that to Cisco, why would you ever hurt him, he's wonderful
I'm a pretty laid back person, and that man has No Chill Whatsoever
(Answered Obi-Wan in another ask!)
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unfortunatelyself · 2 years
I wonder if the reason the flash is my SpIn and so comforting to me is because like, half of the characters are autistic.
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manishroom · 2 months
cisco ramon autistic
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Francisco Baracus “Cisco” Ramon (Vibe) from The Flash
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achangeinpriorities · 3 years
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Moodboard: Cisco Ramon and red, for Autism Acceptance Month (because he is my stimmy, awkward, hyperfocusing projection character)
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joanthangroff · 4 years
I'm just putting out there that we have literally seen both Cisco and Hartley have sensory overloads so make of that what you will
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
E, H, I and M for the fandom ask game!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
So the funniest, crackiest thing I've written is the Central City Squirrel Revival with the squirrels vs Team Flash. And Team Flash almost lost. One day I will finally write the two to three sequels living in my brain.
Though if I were to specifically stick to this year's writing, I'd have to go with Bringing Joy (Where There Was None). Which is the HR/Reverb fic I wrote for an AU season 3. HR is adorable in that one and Reverb isn't as evil as he insists he is. I'm really gonna have to write more of this grumpy/sunshine duo at some point.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I think tv shows/movies/cartoons/anime. Because it tends to be easier to recheck specific scenes by rewatching the scene to see character actions and spoken lines, though transcripts are often available online to help with the latter too.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not really. Most of the fandoms I've left over the years is because I became disenchanted with the canon material in some way. JKR's bigotry making me unwilling to continue participating in the Harry Potter fandom. The syfy show Eureka's treatment of it's autistic character killing my interest in continuing in that fandom. Stuff like that.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Cisco Ramon. He's really just such a wonderful friend to Barry, Caitlin, and Iris on The Flash and I have a lot of nerdy interests in common with him. So I'm sure we'd have a lot of fun hanging out together.
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