#clarifying serum
the-phrase · 9 days
Elevate your skincare routine with The pHrase Clarifying Serum, featuring Green Tea and Cica to combat acne and fade marks. This guide explores the serum's benefits and provides step-by-step instructions for incorporating it into your daily regimen. Achieve clearer, healthier skin with our powerful, natural formula designed for all skin types.
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9mwellnessclinic · 17 days
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Upgrade your skincare ritual with 9M Clarifying Serum Discover the secret to smoother, more stunning skin in every drop. Achieve your skin goals with 9M
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thephrase · 1 year
Specifically formulated with natural ingredients that help your skin soothe, calm, heal and hydrate. Its unique antimicrobial technology clears clogged pores, reduces excess sebum, reduces acne scars and minimizes enlarged pores.
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reportwire · 1 year
Here's What Derms Wants You to Know About Acne Before You Buy Your Next Serum
If you’re also dealing with acne scars, skin experts want you to know a bit more information on them first. “There’s no magic wand for acne scars, typically we recommend a combination approach to remodeling textural acne scars, says celebrity esthetician Candace Marino. “Scars are the loss of collagen in the skin,. In order to rebuild the skin, we recommend a combination of lasers, peels,…
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plumbrosia · 2 years
I think that everything is a lot and we’re not made to thrive in these conditions
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catforsley · 8 months
Herbivore Botanicals - Aquarius & More ♒
Hi Guys ! More skincare from Lovely Herbivore Botanicals today. AQUARIUS BHA + Blue Tansy Clarity Cleanser   What it is: A BHA gel cleanser that thoroughly cleans pores and gently exfoliates oily and combination skin prone to breakouts. Highlighted Ingredients: – Willow Bark BHA: Is a natural form of salicylic acid that clears clogged pores. – Blue Tansy Oil: Contains azulene, which visibly…
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reviewsandotherstuff · 9 months
End of Summer/Early Fall Skincare Favorites Part 2.
  It is almost the end of summer and the beginning of fall. If you are starting to feel that summertime sadness, you are not alone. Best know that the feeling will pass, and soon, we will be swooning for fall. It is still feeling like summer out there, though. The weather is still warm, and the daylights are still long. So, we might as well enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer, right? As…
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shoperaim · 2 years
Nivea Cellular LUMINOUS630 Anti-manchas
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
A Sweet Boy Like Me
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: when Peter gets hit with a truth serum on a mission, he tells you more then he means to
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GIF by imtoohot-hotbam-blog
“FRIDAY, what’s the status on the jet?” You asked out loud as you ate your cereal. A minor cold had benched you while the rest of the Avengers went on a mission in the Amazon. You’d been by yourself for nearly a week now and were needing some company.
“The jet should be touching down on the landing pad any minute.” FRIDAY answered you.
“Thank you.” You called back. You finished the rest of your breakfast and by the time you put your bowl in the sink with the rest of your dirty dishes, you heard footsteps in the main entrance. You tried to hide your excitement as you went out to greet the team. You saw all the Avengers standing in the middle of the room looking utterly exhausted except for Peter, who had a huge smile on his face.
“Hey guys. How was the mission?”
“Great rack. Truly immaculate rack.” Peter said and gave you a double thumbs up.
“Oh. What?” You smiled awkwardly and looked at Tony for an explanation. The team looked at each other, no one wanting to be the person that told you what happened. You frowned and folded your arms, looking at each of them until they caved.
“Okay, fine. I’ll tell her.” Tony sighed. “Long story short, Peter got drugged.”
“What?” You gasped and looked at Peter again.
“I have a stinky in my brown hole.” He told you.
“He’s got a what in his what?” You asked the team.
“He has to shit. It’s all he’s been talking about for the 4 hour plane ride back here.” Sam groaned and went to take a seat on the couch.
“Oh my god. Ew. Brown hole?” You looked at Peter in disgust.
“Yessir.” Peter smiled and gave you another double thumbs up.
“Why is it brown? And wait, hold on, why is he on drugs?” You asked again.
“He got hit with a tranquilizer. In the neck.” Steve told you.
“See?” Peter smiled proudly and turned his head to the side. On his neck, you could see a massive red bump that looked like it was about to explode.
“JESUS FUCKING-“ You screamed but everyone on the team quickly motioned for you to stop.
“I mean, it doesn’t look that bad.” You quickly lied.
“Thank you. That’s what I said.” Peter laughed and touched his neck bump. It jiggled under his finger and you turned to the side to gag a little.
“My neck grew a boob.” Peter laughed and poked it again. You covered your mouth with your hand and looked to Tony for answers.
“How did he get drugged exactly?” You asked.
“Well long story short-“
“No. Enough with the long story short. I need to know how this happened. Give me the long story long.”
“I’ll give you the long.” Peter said and looked directly at you. You gave him a strange look as he attempted to wink at you. He ended up using both eyes and just gave you a slow blink.
“Oh my God.” You grimaced and looked away from him.
“Yeah, about that. When he wasn’t talking about having to poop, he spent the last four hours telling me he wanted to put you in 70 positions for 7 minutes.” Shang Chi told you.
“What? Do you mean 7 positions for 70 minutes?” You laughed and eyed Peter curiously.
“No. 70 positions in 7 minutes.” Peter clarified.
“But that’s like…10 positions every minute. That’s not even possible.” You said to Peter.
“Everything is possible when you’re a sweet boy like me.” Peter smiled and did a little spin.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked the team as you pointed to Peter.
“Friendly reminder that I still have to poop. Just hoping we can circle back to that soon.” Peter announced and moved his hand in a circular motion.
“Go poop. I need to talk to Mr. Stark.” You told him.
“Okay baby.” Peter smiled sweetly at you.
“Don’t call me baby.”
“Okay honey.”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Okay princess butter buns.”
“Oh my God. That one was just…I don’t even know how to describe that one. Just stop talking and go poop.” You sighed and covered your face with your hands.
“Okay!” Peter clapped his hands before running to the bathroom.
“So what happened?” You asked the team once Peter was gone.
“Long story short-“ Tony began.
“Don’t.” You pointed at him.
“Right. Sorry. Basically, the mission was going super well and we were almost done but then Peter decided he needed to fart while we were in this metal kind of room and it smelled horrible so naturally we both start coughing and gagging, meanwhile the sound of the fart is still echoing off the walls of the metal room. They guards caught him and I about to pass out from his truly lethal fart so we started to run away but they shot him in the neck with a tranquilizer dart. Now he’s cracked out and probably leaving skid marks in one of my toilets.” Tony told you. You were stunned to silence as you mentally pictured everything Tony had just described. You looked behind you at the bathroom that Peter was in before looking back at the team.
“I kinda wish I just left it at the short version.” You admitted.
“As do I.” Tony sighed.
“So wait, what was he talking about on the jet? Other than having to shit, at least. He wants to do what with me?”
“Well it’s no secret that the boy wonder has romantical feelings for you. I think whatever was in the tranquilizer dart loosened him up and now he’s saying everything on his mind. No filter.” Tony explained.
“So basically…” You trailed off as you put it together.
“He wants to fuck.” Tony said, unamused. “I had to listen to him tell me he wanted to fuck you for four hours. In row. My only break from that being when he told me he was about to shit his pants.”
“This is my fault. I saw him drinking regular milk this morning and didn’t stop him. He said he’s be fine.” You chewed your bottom lip and looked at the bathroom that Peter was in.
“Clearly he wasn’t. Because whatever came out of his ass back there on that mission smelled like the inside of a mongoose.” Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“That was a really specific animal to say.” You frowned.
“Mongoose are opportunistic feeders. They eat everything from plants to small birds. Therefore, I imagine their insides smell really bad.” Tony shrugged as he explained his choices.
“How do you know so much about mongooses?” You asked him. “I don’t even know what they look like.”
“That’s so true. What the fuck is a mongoose?” Sam asked the team.
“They’re in the weasel family.” Bruce explained.
“So is Bucky.” Sam snorted.
“Can anybody tell me what a mongoose actually is?” You groaned.
“It’s a goose that’s mon.” Shang chi shrugged.
“But what’s mon?” Natasha asked.
“It’s the abbreviation of Monday.” Bucky said and everyone nodded in agreement.
“So mongeese are just regular geese but on Mondays?” You asked and everyone stopped to think about this.
“Wait, is it mongooses or mongeese?” Natasha wondered.
“I thinks it’s mongooses’s.” Sam answered.
“No. That doesn’t sound right.” Steve shook his head. Everyone started to talk over each other as they debated the correct plural use of the word “mongoose” while others debated what kind of animal a mongoose even was.
“Oh my God. Does it fucking matter?” Tony asked loudly, making everyone go silent.
“Jesus Christ. That was the single most infuriating conversation I’ve ever been apart of. It can be mongooses or mongeese. But it doesn’t matter. Because none of you are ever gonna need to use the plural of mongoose in a sentence. So everybody just shut up!” Tony continued. Everyone looked down in shame and Tony let out a little groan.
“You guys drive me to drink.” He said and rubbed his face again.
“I’m done!” Peter called from the bathroom suddenly.
“Congratulations! Do you want someone to come in there and wipe your ass?” Sam shouted back to humor Peter.
“That would be nice!”
“Okay. Bucky will be right there.” Sam shouted again and pushed Bucky towards the bathroom.
“I’m gonna kill your parents.” Bucky wiped around and pointed a small knife at Sam’s throat.
“Damn.” Sam backed up. “Why does every reaction from you have to be so hostile? You did the same thing when I stepped on the back of your shoe the other day.”
“You gave me a flat tire. I had to stop walking and fix my shoe. I hate doing that!” Bucky said through gritted teeth.
“Y’all, who fed Bucky after midnight?” Sam asked in annoyance. “You know he gets crabby when his blood sugar is too high.”
“I swear if I spend one more second with you people, I’m gonna do a swan dive off the top of this tower.” Tony interrupted their conversation.
“You should do a flip.” Sam said seriously, making Tony stare at him for a long time.
“Or a backflip.” Bucky added after a beat of silence.
“Is anyone coming to help me?” Peter called from the bathroom before Tony could retaliate.
“Jesus Christ. I’m gonna go check on him.” You groaned and went over to the bathroom. You knocked on the door a few times and Peter opened it up, still wearing his suit.
“Hey pretty lady.” He said slyly and leaned against the doorframe.
“Hey. How’s it going in there?”
“Pretty good. Do you ever look at the shit you just took and think that that’s the biggest size dick you could take? Like, up your butt?” Peter asked you in a genuine manner. You shut your eyes and slowly sat down on the ground in complete silence. Peter watched you curiously as you buried your face in your hands.
“What’s wrong?” Peter wondered. You stayed silent and kept your head down in your hands, refusing to look at him.
“Was it something I said?” Peter asked again.
“Yes. It was. Never say anything that you just said again.”
“Okay.” Peter shrugged and sat down next to you. He looked at you for a minute before taking your face in his hands and pressing your foreheads together. He scrunched his nose while letting out a strained groan as if he was trying to push something out of his body.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to read your mind to see if you like me back.” Peter said and strained himself again.
“I really hope you washed your hands.” You grimaced but let him hold your face for another minute.
“I did. Wanna smell?” Peter didn’t wait for an answer and held his fingers up to your nose.
“Okay. Sea Island Cotten. At least they’re clean.”
“They don’t have to be.” Peter said and slowly winked at you.
“Don’t do that. Why did you wink like that? Don’t ever do that again.”
“Okay.” He said with an ever slower wink.
“Wait, did you put your suit back on after going to the bathroom? Why would you do that?” You asked when he noticed what he was wearing.
“Oh. I don’t know.” Peter shrugged and looked down at his suit. He stood up and pressed the button in the center of his suit, allowing it to slip off and look around his ankles. He stepped out of it and folded it, leaving him in just his boxers. You stared at him with a dropped jaw for a moment, always taken aback when you were reminded what kind of body Peter had under his clothes. Peter noticed you staring at him and looked down at his body.
"What’s wrong? Are you stunned to silence over my sexy body?” Peter asked with genuine concern.
“Honestly, yeah. That’s exactly what’s happening here.” You admitted.
“One time you twisted in your chair to crack your back and your shirt rode up a little and I said your bare right hip and the upper part of your side and I think about that all the time.” Peter told you.
“Another time you were bent over and I didn’t see you and you stood up when I was right behind you and your butt touched my penial area and I had to go lay down.”
“Penial area?” You whispered to yourself.
“Sometimes I think that I’m in love with you.” Peter continued. Your eyes flew open and you couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your face. You quickly wiped the smile off and stood up.
“Okay. Let’s get you to bed, yeah?” You asked and started to bring Peter towards his bedroom.
“Can you lay with me?” Peter whined and buried his head in your neck.
“Yeah. Just for a little while. You need someone to take care of you.” You smiled shyly at his action.
“I do. I also need someone to hold my hand and kiss me and sleep in my bed and hold me and play with my hair-“
“Okay-“ You tried to interrupt.
“-and tell me when my breath smells and send me good mornings texts and tell me they love me and-“
“Okay. I get it. You want a girlfriend.” You finally cut him off.
“I do! You’re so smart. You should be my girlfriend.” Peter insisted as you went into his bedroom together. He took you by both of your hands and led you towards his bed.
“Do you know what you’re saying right now?” You asked through a nervous laugh. You wanted to believe he was beige serious, but you knew it was probably just the drugs talking.
“Of course I do. I’m saying that I have feelings for you and I want you to be my girlfriend.” Peter said as if it were the most simple thing in the world.
“Oh.” You gulped and felt your heart skip a beat. Peter went over to his pajama drawer and pulled on some flurry pink Hello Kitty okays but stayed shirtless.
“I’m also saying that I’m comfortable pining after you and continuing our friendship but if you ever wanted more then I want that too.” Peter told you as he stepped into his pants.
“I feel the same way.” You admitted before you realized what you were saying. You just got so excited that he had perfectly described your feelings that you didn’t think about the consequences.
“You do?” Peter asked hopefully.
“Yeah. I do.”
“Can you tell me that again when I’m not coked out on tranquilizer?” Peter asked as he climbed into his bed. You bent down beside his bed and brushed his hair off his forehead.
“I don’t know. Maybe. If I’m feeling brave.” You said as you continued you play with his hair in the way you knew he liked.
“I hope you feel brave.” Peter sighed happily and rested his head down on his pillow. You stroked his hair until his eyes slowly fluttered shut and his breathing slowed. Once you thought he was asleep, you stood up and went to leave. Peter sat up suddenly and caught your wrist.
“Please kiss me.” He said in the softest tone you’d ever heard from him. You smiled at the request but shook your head.
“I can’t. You’re high.”
“And you’re hello. Now kiss me.” He smiled and tugged you closer.
“That’s not what I meant.” You chuckled and knelt down beside him again.
“What did you mean?”
“I mean you don’t actually want me to kiss you. You’re just high and confused.” You reminded him.
“Yeah. But I’m high and confused and in need of a kiss from a pretty girl.” He pointed and cupped your chin between his fingers.
“You think I’m pretty?” You asked as a smile tugged at your lips.
“You don’t?” Peter scoffed, making your smile grow. When he saw that he was winning you over, he got the courage to go on. He sat up a little more in his bed and tilted your face towards his.
“I think I could stare at you for 7 minutes and find 70 things I love about your face.” He said softly as he stared at your lips.
“That’s like 10 things every minute.” You replied, eyes on his lips as well.
“Just 10? Then nah, I could find way more.” He insisted.
“Were you just surprised that 70 divided by 7 is 10?” You laughed softly.
“No but every time I remember 8 times 7 is 59 I get a stabbing pain in my side.” Peter replied seriously.
“8 times 7 is 56. Not 59.”
“Gross. That’s way worse.” Peter scrunched his nose. You laughed at him before looking at him skeptically.
“Do you actually like me or are you just on drugs?”
“I can be both on drugs and like you at the same time. The two can coexist.” Peter said simply.
“So how come you never told me before now?”
“Being in love with your best friend is not the easiest thing in the world to talk about.” Peter said a little sadly.
“Yeah. I know the feeling.” You smiled softly. Peter studied your face for a moment before pressing his forehead against yours again.
“You’re my best friend. You’re the number one person I want to talk to about having a crush. But you are my crush. So I kept it inside. Until some guys shot my neck with a tranquilizer dart and all my inside thoughts splooshed out.”
“Well I’m happy they splooshed out. I’m glad I know now.”
“You are?”
“I am. Because I like you too.”
“You do? Even with my fat neck?”
“Even with your fat neck.” You chuckled.
“So kiss me.” He whined.
“I can’t.” You whined back. “Not until you’re sober.”
“Why?” He groaned and flopped back down on his pillow.
“Because want to be sober enough to remember our first kiss, don’t you?”
“Yeah. You’re right. As always.” He sighed and pulled his covers up to his chin. You smiled softly before leaving down to kiss his forehead.
“Maybe tomorrow.” You whispered against his skin.
“Really? Tomorrow you think?” He asked in excitement.
“I said maybe.” You said pointedly. “Only if I’m feeling brave.”
“Okay. Then I hope you feel brave tomorrow.” Peter smiled in satisfaction and snuggled into his covers. You went to leave again but Peter took your hand.
“Stay with me?” He asked in a way that made it impossible to say no. You playfully rolled your eyes but got into the bed. Peter smiled in satisfaction and wrapped your arms around himself so that you were spooning him. You gave into his desire and held him tightly as you made sure to avoid the swollen lump on his neck.
You soon fell asleep and ending up sleeping through the night. When you woke up the next morning, you and Peter were still tangled together. You sat up and stretched, accidentally waking Peter up as well. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, his hair sticking up in every direction. You laughed a little at the sight of his bed head before noticing the swelling on his neck had gone down and all he had was a bruise.
“Hey, your neck is skinny again.” You said and gently touched his neck.
“Thank God.” He sighed.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I was inside a mongoose.” Peter groaned and rubbed his face.
“How does every body know what a fucking mongoose is- you know what? Never mind. I don’t care anymore. And I know the feeling. I feel that way every time I listen to Somebody Else by the 1975.”
“So true. Fuck that, get money.”
“Fuck that, get money.” You nodded in agreement. Peter remembered the conversation you had before he fell asleep and looked at you, wondering if you remembered it too.
“What about you? How do you feel?” Peter asked coyly. You looked into his eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking about.
“Brave? What the hell does that mean?” Peter asked you. Peter watched your face fall and immediately felt bad for the joke.
“I’m totally kidding. I remember. Kiss me.” He laughed and slipped a hand behind your head to pull you into a kiss. You leaned in and kissed Peter back, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his messy bed hair. Peter pulled you into his lap so that he could deepen the kiss. You made out on his bed for a minute until you were interrupted by Tony opening the door.
“Hey guys, did you want -stop screaming it’s just me- did you want pancakes?”
Tony asked. “Because I made way too many again. The entire kitchen is covered in stacks. Literally every surface in the kitchen has a comically large stack of pancakes on it.”
“Ugh. Why do you keep doing that?” You asked him for the millionth time.
“Because it makes me feel like fancy little rich bitch to use an entire cartoon of eggs on a single making of pancakes, okay? Happy now?” Tony snapped back.
“Yes. We’ll be down in a minute.” You mumbled in embarrassment.
“Cool. Try not to swallow each other.” Tony snorted before closing the door. You and Peter sat in awkward silence for a minute before looking at each other. You broke the tension by holding out your hand for him to take. Peter smile and slipped his fingers between yours before kissing the back of your hand.
“What do you say? Do you want to go get some pancakes?” You asked him.
“Does a mongoose have an immunity to snake venom?” Peter asked like it was obvious.
“I have no fucking idea.”
Peter laughed and leaned in to kiss you one last time before getting off the bed.
“Yes, they do. Now come on. Let’s go get some pancakes.”
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
You should do one where reader just wants to spend time alone by themselves(whether it be the afternoon or morning) but hobie and pavitr won’t let them
𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙨
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Cw: reader x lovesick!Hobie Brown x lovesick!Pavitr Prabhakar, overlooking toxic behavior, touching with dubious consent, oblivious reader, anxious attachment (Pavitr), suggestive, aged-up characters, reader's gender neutral but it is kinda fem aligned, reader knows about the multiverse but it's not clarified if they're a spider person, I already warned this but just want to say that just because the toxic behavior here isn't portrayed as negatively as my others fics doesn't mean I condone it.
Notes: while I was writing the first paragraph I was like "damn I should do this too" and started deep cleaning around my house. This triggered an episode and that's the reason I haven't been posting as much, I was cleaning. I'm actually on a break from cleaning /srs
You prepared everything to have some alone time this afternoon, you cooked your favorite meal, did an everything shower with your favorite products, you cleaned up everything yesterday so you didn't have to do anything today, and after putting on comfy pajamas, you sat on the couch with snacks and a face mask to watch a comfort show.
It was halfway through the fourth episode when you heard noise coming from your room, and see your boyfriends appearing into your living room, even though you told them you wanted to be alone today. You try and give them the benefit of the doubt, and imagine maybe the mission today was extra rough and they needed comfort, or they forgot about your petition, Pavitr had university, being spiderman, reporting to the spider society, Hobie was, well, trying to bash the president's head with a guitar plus the spider society stuff, so yeah, they had busy lives.
"Hello there, looking lovely" Hobie chuckled with his hands on his pockets, probably laughing at your face mask, Pavitr came in for a hug, you accepted, "ohh, self care day? Do you have any extra masks, I can buy us snacks? Wait- mumbattan currency doesn't work here, I forgot, anyways, is there any room left for us?" You moved quietly and smiled to let your boyfriends sit beside you.
It's not like you want them to go, but they do take too much space. Talking about the couch, of course... And maybe about your life a little bit, you loved them, but when you started your long distance relationship (between universes) you thought you'd have just a tad more time to yourself.
You can't concentrate in the show quite as well, thinking about what could make them forget about your you-day and still want to come, why did they always forget? They both seem to have pretty good memory, the zone off for a minutes, fortunately for you, it's the fifth time you watch this episode. Your phone rings and before you can grab it, Hobie picks it up, notices is not a call and hands it to you, it's the timer for your face mask, how kind of him to even set off the alarm to you since it's your day off.
You take the sticky sheet off your face and massage the serum into your skin as you start to walk to the living room, wanting to scratch the itch and address the subject you've had in your mind, you decide to soft launch it.
"Did any of you, read the chat yesterday?"
"Yes, I always do, Hobie does too, why?" Pavitr lies on Hobie's chest and mindlessly scroll through his phone while he answers you
"Then maybe you forgot that today I kinda wanted to be alone, you know, me-time? You also forgot last week, and the week before that..."
Hobie spoke "Sorry 'bout that, 'have bad memory, a flaw of mine, we can leave if we're a bother" it saddened you he saw himself as a bother, he just forgot, we all make mistakes
"Oh, I didn't forget, I just don't want to leave you alone" Pavitr responded with normality, he didn't like having Hobie speak for him, he regularly contradicted him in stuff like this. Hobie laughs and pata his shoulder, he laughed like a joke, so then it was probably a joke, even though you three were dating, they had their own things, so this must be one of them.
You sat down, you were on the right arm of the couch, and Hobie was in the left one, Pavitr was between you both, he didn't seem at all displeased.
You laughed at the show a few times, and a couple minutes in, you feel Pav's hair ticking you, he's sniffing around your neck.
"You smell good, like your regular scent but better, did you tried the body wash I gave you?" You nod and smile at his sweet antics "And your skin, you look radiant, jaanu" he kisses you cheek, then makes a face, scrunching up his nose at the taste, you giggle. "It's supposed to be good for my skin, not be tasty" you say in airy laugh, he pouts, "But I wanted to kiss you", "my lips have no serum" he looks like a kid on Christmas morning and puts dives right into your lips, you expect a quick kiss before going back to your binge-watching (that you'd been looking forward to all week) but he crashes his lips into yours with need, you try to pull away two times before patting his shoulder, Hobie sees this, and now manspreading on the coffee table instead of the couch, he grabs Pavitr's hair and lightly pulls, "give 'em a break, sweetheart" he obediently looks at him, dilated pupils and breath hitched, Hobie's hands traveled to Pavitr's cheek and he nuzzled on it like a cat, "We don't want them to pass out, now, do we?" Hobie's tone is firm, but still has that certain rogueness he always speaks with. Even though Pavitr's mouth isn't on you, he's still mostly on top of you, and his hands don't stop wandering in your sides, pinching playfully at the fat, kneading on your waist, you really wishes you could keep watching your show and then read the book you always say you should read, or organize that messy shelf that keeps stressing you out, but hey, is not like you dislike this, right? "You won't-?" Pavitr asks in a whisper, when Hobie takes his fingers off his mouth "I'll watch for now" his smile makes you bite your lip in excitement, it seems to have a similar effect on Pavitr, who grips your waist harder, and slowly goes to grab your hips, "Keep going?" Hobie asks, deep black eyes set on yours, it makes you flustered. He's asking for consent, he's very nice, and Pavitr did have your consent earlier, it's just he was a little... Excited, it's okay, because he's nice.
You have two very nice boyfriends, even though they're forgetful.
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the-phrase · 1 month
Discover the power of our clarifying serum in erasing acne and acne marks, promoting confident, clear skin. Our serum combines Green Tea, Cica, Salicylic Acid, and Niacinamide to combat acne, reduce marks, and maintain hydration. Suitable for daily use, this serum is your partner in achieving a radiant complexion without the harshness, enhancing both skin health and confidence.
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wonnieaura · 13 days
Wanna glow up this summer? Here are some few tips I’ve put down for y’all to help everyone of y’all have the best summer ever. You’re welcome girlies 🥹💗🫶🏻
1. Hydration
- Drink plenty of water.
- Use hydrating serums and moisturizers.
- Apply a hydrating mask weekly.
2. Sun Protection
- Use broad-spectrum SPF 30+ daily.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
- Wear protective clothing and hats.
3. Cleansing
- Double cleanse at night.
- Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser.
- Exfoliate 1-2 times a week.
4. Targeted Treatments
- Use vitamin C serum in the morning.
- Apply retinoids at night (if not too sensitive).
- Incorporate a hyaluronic acid serum.
1. Hydration and Protection
- Use a leave-in conditioner.
- Apply a heat protectant before styling.
- Wear hats or use UV protection sprays.
2. Styling
- Embrace natural textures.
- Avoid excessive heat styling.
- Use lightweight, non-greasy products.
3. Maintenance
- Get regular trims.
- Deep condition weekly.
- Use a clarifying shampoo once a month.
1. Hydration
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Consume water-rich foods (fruits and vegetables).
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.
2. Balanced Diet
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Incorporate lean proteins and whole grains.
- Limit processed foods and sugars.
3. Supplements
- Consider taking a multivitamin.
- Use omega-3 supplements.
- Incorporate probiotics for gut health.
1. Cardio
- Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week.
- Try activities like swimming, running, or cycling.
- Include interval training for variety.
2. Strength Training
- Do strength training exercises 2-3 times a week.
- Focus on all major muscle groups.
- Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups.
3. Flexibility
- Stretch daily or after workouts.
- Consider yoga or Pilates classes.
- Focus on full-body stretches.
Mental Wellbeing
1. Mindfulness
- Practice meditation or deep breathing exercises.
- Keep a journal for reflection.
- Spend time in nature.
2. Stress Management
- Engage in hobbies or activities you enjoy.
- Set aside time for relaxation.
- Connect with friends and family.
3. Sleep
- Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
- Establish a regular sleep schedule.
- Create a calming bedtime routine.
1. Wardrobe Essentials
- Invest in versatile summer pieces (e.g., sundresses, shorts).
- Choose breathable fabrics like cotton and linen.
- Opt for light and bright colors.
2. Accessories
- Use statement sunglasses and hats.
- Incorporate light scarves and jewelry.
- Carry a stylish yet functional bag.
3. Footwear
- Wear comfortable yet stylish sandals.
- Opt for breathable sneakers.
- Ensure proper foot care with pedicures.
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scoonsalicious · 25 days
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5.4 Major*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, explicit sexual content (hand stuff, fingering) Minors GTFO: I don't serve your kind here.
Word Count: 900
Previously On...: Lily knows Bucky's been lying to her, and she's surmised he's on a date. That's got to end.
A/N: Posting a little early today to make up for yesterday being so late!
I've decided to postpone my break by a few days, so I will give you Chapter 6 in its entirety before I take my mini-hiatus. It's only three parts long, so I will start my break on Thursday, 5/16 and resume posting on Thursday, 5/23. It's a better place in the story to leave you, a little bit more dramatic than at the end of this chapter, like I had originally planned, lol. It felt off leaving you all here.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
You flopped your body down onto your bedsheets with a giggle. “Full marks, Sergeant,” you gasped between panting breaths. “Once again.” It was all the two of you could do to get back to your apartment without ripping each other’s clothes off.
Bucky laughed and came to lay down alongside you, propping his head up on his vibranium arm. Leaning over, he bent down to kiss you. “I couldn’t have done it without you, doll” he said with a grin, but then his face grew serious. “Seriously. It’s never been like this with other girls.”
You blushed and playfully pushed at his rock hard shoulder. “Come on, Bucky,” you said with a laugh. “You’ve already got me naked and exactly where you want me; you don’t need to sweet talk me.”
Bucky placed a hand on your sweat-slicked hip, gently turning you to your side so you were facing him. “I’m not,” he told you, searching your eyes with the utmost sincerity in his expression. He pushed back a strand of damp hair away from your face. “I’ve been with… well, a fair number of girls over the years.” At the raise of your eyebrow, he held his flesh hand up defensively. “What? I’m 105 years old, doll. I’ve been around the block.” You couldn’t hold back your laugh at that, and he kissed your nose before continuing: 
“Like I said, a fair number of girls. And none of them, not a single one, ever made me feel the way I have when I’m with you.” He cupped your cheek in his hand and you felt your cheeks flame in a blush. “Come on, sugar. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it, too. That this,” he took his hand off your cheek to motion between your two bodies, “isn’t something special.”
“It’s been a little over a day, Bucky,” you chastised him gently with a smile, afraid to admit that you, too, felt this was something unique. “Maybe thirty hours?” Thirty hours in which the two of you had somehow managed to have sex eight times, not that you were counting. You couldn’t believe how quickly he was able to get it up again after he came, but he’d assured you that was his favorite side effect of the serum that had made him a super soldier. It had quickly become your favorite, too.
Bucky’s face fell, and you realized that he wasn’t going to judge you if you told him the truth, because he felt it just the same. “The best thirty hours of my life,” you clarified, tucking your fingers under his chin so you could bring his gaze back up to yours. “And yes, I feel it, too. It’s never been like this before. Not with anyone else.”
“Not even with your ex-husband?” Bucky asked with a playful smirk.
“Especially not with Conner,” you told him with a roll of your eyes. “Took me years to teach that man where my clit was, and even on his best days, he still needed a map.”
“Oh, you mean this, right here?” Bucky deftly slid his hand between your thighs, finding your hub of nerves almost instinctively and began to lightly trace it with his finger, sending an electric tingle through your body. 
“Fuck, yes,” you exhaled, reaching up to grab Bucky’s shoulder for support as he increased the pressure. He moved his metal arm from under his head and slid it behind your shoulders as he pulled you flush with his chest.
“I got you, sweet girl,” he murmured into your hair as he moved his fingers faster against you, occasionally dipping them down to your entrance to collect some of your slick for lubrication. You hitched a leg up over his hip to allow him better access to your core. 
“Jesus, Bucky,” you moaned, feeling yourself building to the crescendo. Taking your hand off his shoulder, you grabbed his wrist, guiding his movements so you could grind your desperate cunt against his hand.
“Do you want my fingers, sugar?” Bucky panted. You looked up at him to find his gaze locked on where his hand had vanished between your thighs, his pupils completely blown from lust. “Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers until you squirt all over me?”
You couldn’t even get out a coherent word, just a pathetic whine that turned into a near scream when Bucky plunged three of his digits into you. The air was full of the frantic sounds of your combined breathing, along with the rapid squelch of his fingers driving in and out of your cunt with a speed you didn’t know was humanly possible. It felt like he was hitting every part of you, even parts you didn’t know existed until now. Every time with Bucky felt that way.
“How you doing, sugar?” Bucky asked as he continued to drive his fingers home. “You okay?”
You nodded and grunted in the affirmative, loving how he always checked in on you. You were so much more than okay. You were transcendent. 
Soon, you felt that intense, unfamiliar build up that only he had been able to pull out of you once before, on the living room floor. The pleasure was so intense, you couldn’t see straight and you were exploding all over again, clinging to Bucky for dear life as you screamed his name. 
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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wntrsnat · 9 months
Was Natasha a kid when she met Bucky?
It’s a widespread misconception outside of winterwidow fandom that Bucky and Natasha have known each other since she was a kid. I’ve seen a handful of people object to their relationship for this reason or (sometimes in a humorous manner) comment on how weird it is. And I'd have to agree with them. Bucky dating Natasha despite having trained her since she was a child would have been utterly inappropriate, if not immoral and disgusting. However, the assumption is not only incorrect but also fundamentally impossible.
Let’s go back to the beginning to clarify why that assumption is fundamentally impossible. Different universes equal different realities, and different realities equal different characters. Sometimes characters' counterparts across multiple realities only differ in details, not the basics. MCU characters have a similar correlation with their What If counterparts but not comics’ ones, which is a grave mistake cinematic fans make. I believe that’s why we have this absurd assumption as well, from someone thinking that 616 Black Widow and Winter Soldier are the same age as their more famous counterparts.
MCU’s Natasha Romanoff was born in 1984, and Bucky – 1917. Thus, an adult-kid dynamic is plausible. If we consider cryostasis, Bucky was still pushing 30 when Natasha was born. The situation, however, is significantly different for their 616 counterparts. Let’s start with Earth 616’s Bucky Barnes, who was born in 1925, making him nearly a decade younger than the cinematic one. But that isn’t what disproves the aforementioned belief. What disproves it is that Earth 616’s Natasha Romanoff was born around 1928, making her 56 years older than her cinematic counterpart and just 3 years younger than 616 Bucky. You will find this information on the following page from Black Widow: Deadly Origin, a 2009–2010 graphic novel (which I will be using as a basis today):
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This alone debunks the adult/child misconception, but I want to go one step further and discuss the timeline of Natasha's time in the Red Room and the early years of the Winter Soldier.
At the young age of 20, Bucky Barnes "died" alongside Captain America in late 1945, in last days of the war. The Russian submarine discovered Bucky's preserved body after the war while hoping to retrieve Captain America’s remains. And with that, the Winter Soldier story began, along with his role as a super soldier trainer at the Red Room for Department X.
Now, one might say, "Ana, if he was 20, Natasha was 17, which is still kind of wrong, no?". My answer is yes; it would’ve been rather inappropriate. "Would’ve been" because there’s a catch: Natasha wasn’t part of the Red Room when he joined.
I know what you’re thinking: What the fuck, wasn’t she...? Didn’t she…? So let me explain that one from the beginning.
Natasha Romanoff, then 10 years old, was brought to the Red Room in 1938 by her father figure, Ivan Petrovich (a terrible piece of shit about whom I'll write a blog), Taras Romanov, and Joseph Stalin himself. After her trainer, Wolverine, killed Taras in 1940, she let Wolverine go, fled into the woods, and was found three months later by Ivan, possibly going back under his care, which can be seen below:
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She returned to the Red Room only at the age of 28, ironically enough, becauseof Ivan, which is depicted on the following page:
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There, we find a collapsed building with a bleeding Ivan and a sobbing Natasha, who have been approached by …. *DRUM ROLL* ….  the Winter Soldier, who has been sent by his superiors. They were both offered the super soldier serum that would save Ivan in exchange for their newfound loyalty, which Natasha accepted despite Ivan's protests.
Here we are, then: Natasha, 28, meets the Winter Soldier, roughly 31, who’ll soon be her lover and her trainer. Two adult people who met when they were both adults. And with that, we conclude our blog, disproving the infamous “she was a kid when they met!” argument.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you have questions or have found a mistake, let me know. I'll be happy to answer and discuss <3
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🌷Summer Skincare Recommendations🌷
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Hey babesss the summer is officially hereeeeee and I am so excited and I need to keep my girliesss skincare in check okay! So I will be listing my skincare favorites below that you can purchase on Amazon. Always consult your dermatologist and do your thorough research on these products to see if they will benefit your skin type. I will be rating everything out of 5 stars⭐️ <3333
♡ ANUA Heartleaf Quercetinol Pore Deep Cleansing Foam
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ANUA Heartleaf Pore Control Cleansing Oil ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Green Plum Refreshing Cleanser Gel
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ROUND LAB 1025 Dokdo Cleanser ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ I'm from Rice Toner Milky Toner for Glowing Skin ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ANUA Heartleaf 77 Soothing Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Essence Water Hydrating Face Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ANUA Heartleaf 77 Toner Pad ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Glow Replenishing Rice Facial Sebum Toner for Oily Combination Acne Skin ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Topicals Faded Brightening and Clearing Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum Propolis and Niacinamide Hydrating Facial ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Asiatica Ampoule Facial Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Youth To The People 15% Vitamin C Face Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Anua Peach 70 Niacinamide Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Bio-Oil Skincare Body Oil, Serum for Scars and Stretchmarks, Face Moisturizer ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream Hydrating Face Moisturizer
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Korean Moisturizer
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Medicube Deep Reviving Peptide Eye Cream ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX Retinol Cream, 0.67 Oz, Anti-aging Eye & Neck Cream with Retinoid ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Serum with Retinal Niacinamide Correction ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ROUND LAB Birch Juice Moisturizing Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ La Roche-Posay Anthelios Light Fluid Facial Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Face Masks 
♡ COSRX Snail Mucin Sheet Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Collagen Lifting Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Facial & Body Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Skincare Tools
♡ BAIMEI Jade Roller & Gua Sha Set Face Roller and Gua Sha Facial Tools
♡ Colorfarm Facial Steamer Nano Ionic: Face Steamer Deep Cleaning Unclogs Pores - Humidifier
♡ Ice Roller for Face, Ice Face Roller & Eye Puffiness Relief
♡ 7 Colors Led Light Therapy Facial Mask, Face Light Therapy Mask for Face
♡ NuFACE MINI+ Microcurrent Facial Device Kit - FDA Cleared Face Sculpting & Skin Tightening Device
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