#doors a120
thewild78 · 8 months
All my friends love character ptsd :]
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Man is cryinshgiosd
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weirdkit1k · 1 year
Febuary 16 + 17 2023
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 2 months
I wonder what Curious tastes like-
Hm. Let's see-
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To say the least, she isn't exactly the warmest creature. She's pretty cold. Also her skin is sorta... Non penetrable. She doesn't bleed easy.
Fun fact! Her star only warps time when she's fully awake. When she's half awake, her wings won't warp to it, they simply float near it. It doesn't warp time and not does it project too much heat. It only gives off a soft glow. When asleep, the star goes dim, leaving a dimly glowing ball above her head.
Also yes. I changed my 120 design to make it cuter.
(Can you see the Easter egg I hid in here? It isn't that hard to find.)
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jiiamp · 2 months
[ A120entic ]
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• A gender connected to the entity A-120 from the Rooms subfloor in Roblox Doors in any way the user sees fit
A [-] 120 + ent [ity] + ic
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Made by me (as far as I know)
Please credit if you repost, it is greatly appreciated ^w^
No id, help is welcome
@gamegenders @mogai-transcriber @idescription
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twl-cyan · 8 months
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Day 537
我要早D send,因為聽日放5:45,我又比較忙碌。
I have to be early to send this today before I need to sleep,bc tomorrow I’ll be really busy,especially when I finished Choir.
For @hydrxnessa (he likes it when my version pets him)
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doorscloverau · 3 months
can i pet the A-120 again :3 (same anon who asked last time :3)
Who are you mysterious A-120 petter anon...
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You pet it so much it fell asleep
On A-90 of all entities.
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seerterror · 1 year
curious light headcanons!
-Approx around 5 or 6 years old
-Guiding Light is her mom. Since GL spent a lot of time in the infirmary (She’s the hotel nurse) CL also hung around there often. CL has a bit of basic medical knowledge from her mom
-Both lights are humanlike (the most humanlike out of every other entity) but can retreat into simpler star-like forms when they feel threatened (CL does this often, and GL began doing it more and more when her daughter went missing)
-Rush and CL are good friends, and Rush is kind of like an aunt to her. When not with her mom, CL spent lots of time in the greenhouse and courtyard helping Rush with gardening and groundskeeping. She’s also friendly with Ambush, though not nearly as much.
-Stumbled into the rooms after Screech pulled a prank on her gone wrong and has been there ever since. She was found by A90 who caught radar of something non-human on office surveillance and went to check it out, in which she was already about door 700 and somehow never encountered the others on the way.
-Seeing him for the first time, CL mistook him for Ambush, but she likes him because he reminds her of Rush, and he’s less rough than the other rooms entities. He’s like a father figure to her until he can get her back to her mom.
-CL usually hangs around in the surveillance room so she doesn’t get lost but occasionally visits A120 in the managers office, either when she gets bored or she’s alone in security.
-CL doesn’t like A60 because she’s too rough and loud and that scares her.
-A90 always makes sure to never raise his voice around CL. The only time he ever yells is when he doesn’t know she’s around.
-Being around such loud entities in general compared to what she’s used to for so long has caused some minor hearing damage to her.
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
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Requested by: Littlemissunnoticed
Request: Can I have this one with “you’re angry with me I know it” with Max pls? He’s mad because you tell other people about your pregnancy before him but a happy ending please??xxx
Prompts: A120- “You’re Angry With Me, I know.” & A150- “Several People Knew About My Baby Before I Did?”
A/N: I would like to let everyone know, that I’ve decided to not write in the order the request was received, but instead in the order I get inspiration for it, so I am so sorry for everyone that has to wait longer for their requests.
Warnings: a little bit of angst
Word Count: 1K
【 • Primary Masterlist • Drivers Masterlist • Max Verstappen Masterlist • Fan Fiction Masterlist • 】
【 • Prompt List • Smut Prompt List • Scenario Prompt List • Alternate Universe Prompt List • 】
【 • List Of Characters & Drivers I Write For • Rules & Request • 】
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Max stood in front of the refrigerators in the supermarket about to pick up a milk carton when Tara, one of their friends, walked up to him seeming happy about something.
“Congratulations!” Tara says excitedly, Max looks at her confused not sure what it was about.
“Uh thank you?” Max questions. “About what?” Tara softly laughs thinking he was joking.
“On the pregnancy, of course,” Tara says. “I mean, that’s amazing news.”
“Pregnancy?” Max asks, Tara’s excitement slowly fades away as she realizes that he had no idea.
“Oh... you really don’t know.” Tara trails off, it dawns on her that she could have spoiled a surprise. “Uh, just forget I said anything.” His eyebrows move closer together as his forehead wrinkled in confusion and displeasure.
“Know about what?” Max asks.
“I uh, um have to go,” Tara says, with quick short steps Tara scurried away from him.
“Pregnancy?” Max mumbles to himself, he picks up the carton of milk and almost drops it to the ground. “Wait, what? (Y/n)’s pregnant?” He puts the milk back into the fridge deciding to go straight home to confront his girlfriend about what he had just heard.
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Max arrives home, the smell of the food (Y/n) was preparing for them filled his nose, but right now he was angry, he wanted an explanation.
“Back already?” (Y/n)’s soft calming voice asks him as he enters the kitchen, she took out the chicken and rice oven dish. “Uh, Where’s the milk and bread?”
“I uh… that’s not important right now.” Max says, (Y/n)’s eyes showed confusion as her forehead wrinkled.
“What? What do you mean by that?” (Y/n) asks. “We kinda need the milk, I don’t care about the bread, but we’re out of milk.”
“I’ll go get it later,” Max says. “| just- I uh ran into Tara at the store.” He rubs the back of his head indicating that he wasn’t sure how to approach the topic, (Y/n) nods her head as she places the oven dish on the stovetop.
“Oh, how is she doing?” (Y/n) asks, she turns the oven off, this was his chance to bring it up, and he wasn’t going to let it slip through his fingers, he needed an explanation.
“She congratulated me on the pregnancy.” Max states, (Y/n) slowly removes her oven mitts as she realized what was going on, he had found out and not the way she wanted him to find out. “Are you pregnant, (Y/n)?”
“Uh, um.” (Y/n) stutters as she tries to find the right words to say. “I am, but I can explain.”
“When were you planning on telling me? When we were in the delivery room?” Max asks, she could hear the anger in his voice. “Why did I have to hear from our friend?”
“I was going to tell you when you got home.” (Y/n) says. “But you were so tired I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Bother me?” Max asks. “(Y/n), this is big news, you wouldn’t have bothered me with this.” He runs his hand through his hair, frustrated. “How many of our friends know?” (Y/n) looks down at her feet. “(Y/n)?”
“Almost all of them.” (Y/n) mutters.
“Several people knew about my baby before I did?!” Max says loudly, (Y/n) looks up at him, she could see his jaw clenched and his eyes squinting with anger, maybe telling everyone before she had told him wasn’t such a good idea, she thought.
“All right, you’re angry with me, I know, but I was just so excited!”  (Y/n) tries to explain herself. “I couldn’t keep it to myself, and I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”
“It would have been better if you had,” Max says, he was trying his best not to shout or yell. “Do you have any idea how foolish I felt when Tara congratulated me and I had no idea that you were carrying our child?”
“Telling somebody that you’re pregnant isn’t something you can just say over the phone.” (Y/n) says. “I was in the wrong not to tell you, and I’m sorry.” Mex lets out a sigh, he needed to get fresh air and let the anger out before he yelled at her, which was the last thing that he wanted to do.
“I just, I need some air,” Max says, This wasn’t how (Y/n) had imagined he would react to her pregnancy, but maybe she should have tried harder to keep it to herself, but hearing him say that he needed air made her freeze, was he going to leave? Was he that angry? She thought.
“You’re coming back, right?” (Y/n) asks, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide showing fear, fear that he would leave her, Max’s eyes soften seeing her in such a state.
“Of course I am,” Max says. “I just need some air.” (Y/n) slowly nods her head as she wraps her arms herself, Max leaves the apartment, leaving (Y/n) alone with her thoughts.
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48 minutes had passed when Max returned to the apartment with the milk and bread he had gotten on his way back, he makes his way to the kitchen and placed the milk in the fridge and the bread on the table, he looks at the untouched food in the oven dish on top of the stove.
“(Y/n)?” Max alls out, he leaves the kitchen making his way to the bedroom, (Y/n) laid on the bed staring out the window, her back facing the door. “Hey, I’m back.” (Y/n) rolls onto her back to look at him, he makes his way towards the bed. “I’m sorry for the way I reacted.”
“It’s all right.” (Y/n) says. “I shouldn’t have told everyone.” She lets out a sigh. “At least not before telling you.” Max lays down on the bed next to her.
“I’m really happy about this,” Max says. “We’re going to be parents.” (Y/n) turns her head to smile at him. “I’m going to be a dad.” He lays his hand on her stomach. “I can’t believe this.” He smiles to himself. “Did you tell our parents as well?” (Y/n) softly chuckles.
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Max Verstappen Taglist:
@hannahlfleming​ // @nicoleexlml​
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 3
Summary:  He already asked to leave, so he has to stick by his decision.  Later he’d find out, it wasn’t really that hard to leave.  
Pairings: Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical
Word Count: 1,033
Warnings: none that i can think of! lmk if i need to add any!
Notes: this is probably the last update for a little while (at most a week), as i’m in the process of moving!  and i’d like to thank everyone that has liked or commented or reblogged or asked to be on the taglist!! it makes writing feel worth it! (and yes more people can ask to be on the taglist, but please PM or ask!!)
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @aleiimm @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic
     Virgil had asked to leave already, so there's no backing out now... right?  Right.  He made his decision.  In all honesty, he was terrified.  Any moment now Logan would be there to pick him up.  To take him away from everything he’d ever known.  Maybe he was putting to much trust in a stranger.  No, that couldn't be right either.  Logan had a presence to him, it made Virgil feel safe.  Virgil chalked it up to being near someone that wasn’t entirely human.  Or human at all for that matter.
     Virgil took a deep breath and shoved the last of his clothes into his suitcase.  It was only a two week trip to Artesk (again, it is thousands of lightyears away, Virgil couldn’t expect much, could he?) a and Logan had already told him he needn’t bring more clothes than necessary, but Virgil did it anyways.  Virgil waited exactly a minute and forty-five seconds before he heard a doorbell ring.  
     When Virgil opened the door the first thing he saw was dark blue and grey.  Virgil blinked before focusing on the other man.  It was definitely Logan, his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, but instead of a dark shirt and blue necktie, Logan was wearing what looked like a tuxedo.  A dark blue button-up and grey overcoat and pants.  The sight made Virgil's mouth go a bit dry.
    “Are you ready to leave?”  Logan asked, and if Virgil was paying any attention at all, he would’ve noticed the hint of smugness behind Logan's words.
     Now, this is something Virgil was definitely not expecting.  A two-hour drive into the middle of nowhere, into a golden wheat field, and nothing else in sight.  Even Logan, a man not intuned with emotions much, could see the cogs in Virgil's head.  Logan only took the bags Virgil had put in the trunk and started walking through the field.  The sun was setting, and all Virgil could do was stare.  Logan's silhouette made his heart stutter in his chest and Virgil swore he could hear singing in the distance, it was only the wind.  Ever so gentle, it flew through Virgil's hair, the same wisp of air flowing between the stalks of wheat and pushing past Logan.  A sort of soft feeling settled in Virgil's bones and before he knew what he was doing he was walking, no, running towards Logan to catch up.  When Virgil showed up in Logan's peripheral vision, Logan turned his head towards him.  With an infinitesimal smile and a tiny nod, they settled into a comfortable quiet.  Virgil even had the courage, at one point, to take one of his bags back from Logan.  
     A twenty-minute walk later and Logan randomly stopped in his tracks.  He held out his open hand (thanks to Virgil), the air wobbled a moment before the empty field had a high-tech spaceship before Virgil's eyes.  A door slides open and Logan walks in.  Virgil can only follow behind.
     What Virgil sees inside the ship is also not what he expected to see.  Dark brown wooden floors and comfortable seating lined with soft, white, fur.  Yellow light showed from the lights on the walls.  Not cold and metal, no bright L.E.D. lights that hurt Virgil's eyes.  Virgil only snapped back into reality when he heard an unfamiliar whoosh sound.  Logan was watching Virgil with an intent yet analyzing gaze.
    “Would you like to see your sleeping quarters?”  Logan asked, his almost mechanical voice prominent again.  Virgil nodded.  
     Virgil watched as Logan walked down a short hallway, hardwood floors matching those of the entrance.  Dark walls and yellow light too.  Logan stopped quite quickly and pressed a small button where a door handle would be.  The door slid open and Virgil was met with a room that looked quite... homely.
    “I hope this is adequate.  Emile wanted me to depart as soon as he picked up on your signal, so we got the small-sized A120.”  Logan explained, setting down Virgil’s bag.  Virgil set down the other one he had too.  
    “I like it... a lot actually,”  Virgil mumbled.   “How do we get there?  Like do you drive this thing or something?”  Virgil asked before he could think about it.  His eyes widened.  “Sorry if that's rude or something I’m- I'm just curious.”
    “Being curious is nothing to be ashamed of.  I’d rather someone be overly curious than boring.”  Logan said before continuing.  “And no, I don’t drive this, necessarily.  I am trained in flight but an A120 has one of the best autopilots in the Milkyway.  I will explain more later but you need rest.  When you wake up, I will show you around more.”  Logan said.  Virgil sent him a small smile as he left.  Virgil heard the whoosh of the door opening and closing once again.  Once gone, Virgil took in what the bed looked like.  He walked over to it and pressed his hand firmly against it.  It sunk in without to much pressure, but not too little.  The sheets felt soft yet silky and even though they were white, they were spotless.  Virgil smiled a bit and went to his bags to get pajamas.  Once dressed and comfortable, Virgil laid down.  And if he couldn’t figure out how to turn off the lights, that didn’t mean he wasn’t getting a good night's rest.  He pulled the blanket above his head and after two minutes, he was asleep.  
     Logan, in perfect and utter clarity, was a mess.  Logan knew what was happening and he knew damn well it was too early to fall for him. That shy attitude and those deep brown eyes made him weak in the knees.  When Logan heard him talk, the deep gravely voice filling his ears, it made his heart pound.  And when Logan saw the blush on Virgil's face when he saw Logan in the tuxedo, it definitely didn’t make Logan feel a small amount of smugness.
     Oh no... I’m in deep, aren’t I?  Logan thought as he reached his room.  It’s only for two weeks.  Figure out who he really is.
     Logan, in perfect and utter clarity, was a stubborn, hotheaded, smartass, Teskian.  Logan is a lot of things, but he is not stupid.
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up8676172-blog · 6 years
Reflective blog post
The aim of this unit was to develop an application portfolio for a Warner Bros role as well as creating a Brand me Poster. The idea of the poster was to create something that promoted me like a CV. In terms of the Warner Bros application I chose to write this based on the creative service marketing games placement role that was available to choose from. For the placement role I was required to write three STAR examples based on teamwork, communication and problem solving. 
Did I feel comfortable or uncomfortable with any aspect of the tasks? Why?
For me both aspects of the task I struggled with. The brand me poster was something that I have never previously done before as I have never personally written something that promotes me as person. Finding things that were positive about me was difficult as I personally am not very confident in myself. However I overcame this by using results from my psychometric tests which provided me with relatively reliable information about myself, this helped me become more comfortable with the project. In regards to cover letter as I have not written many before it was also something I’m not comfortable with, I used purple door as a resource to gain a better understanding of the requirements of a good cover letter.  
Did I attend a Peer Mentor Pair Review appointment and if what actions did I take as a result?
To review the content of my placement application I attended a peer mentor pair review appointment. From this I learnt that my STAR examples were very good and that they only needed minor changes to the action stage were needed for it to be more effective. These were therefore implemented before the submission of the application allowing me to improve the potential of a successful application.
What can I change in the future?
In terms of repeating this project I feel that one thing I would change is that I should follow the STAR method more precisely as I feel my application did not apply the model as much as i could. I feel that from this project I have learnt to how to better express myself when it comes to CV and cover letter writing, as well as gain experience in answering questions asked by companies. This project has definitely helped me for future situations. 
What knowledge from theory and research can I apply to this situation?
A study called ‘Using Blogs as Practice Writing About Original Neuroscience Papers Enhances Students' Confidence in their Critical Analysis of Research’ found that “students' attitudes and self-efficacy as well as writing quality improve when they are provided with opportunities for practice and feedback.” (Spix, T,. et al, 2018). Which I agree with as I feel that this project has developed my confidence and abilities in this as well as other projects.   
Spix, T. A., & Brasier, D. J. (2018). Using Blogs as Practice Writing About Original Neuroscience Papers Enhances Students’ Confidence in Their Critical Analysis of Research. Journal Of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education: JUNE: A Publication Of FUN, Faculty For Undergraduate Neuroscience, 16(2), A120–A125. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cmedm&AN=30057493&site=eds-live   
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A120
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Date: 03/11/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A120
Tsula, Paulo, Harkim, and I traveled nearly 5 hours today into the city to find the medical journals and documents to aid Dr. Williams in Jyauacta's surgery to remove the leech.
I asked Paulo, and Harkim to join me for their medical and scientific knowledge, and Tsula for her translations. Between the four of us, we should be able to find the information we need.
It was two and a half hours on the road before we started seeing the smaller suburban areas around the city of Azroria. When we reached the half-hour mark, we could finally see the massive buildings within this city. The trip was approximately 5 hours on the solar switch for the buggie. The biodiesel fuel option, although allows the buggie to go faster, it's a resource we can't waste.
The way the city was laid out reminded me a lot of Earth, with exception of the building architecture. These buildings were beautiful, intricate, sustainable buildings. We learned from our initial conversations with the Nauertians their buildings were all self-sufficient. They had no need for a power grid, gas lines, water lines, sewer lines. Most of the homes and buildings even had gardens and fruit-bearing trees and bushes. Food and water could be accessed by anyone at any time.
The lack of movement was incredibly unsettling. It reminded me of my first expedition out of the shuttle with Moke. That undeniably uncomfortable feeling of being watched, monitored, stalked. You know full well you are prey in a complex environment. I could feel the tension in the buggie. Tsula seemed to be more confident than she had been on that last visit that landed her off duty. I couldn't say the same thing for Paulo and Harkim.
It was easy to tell we were about to enter the city based on the road transitioning into a freeway, and the quarter-mile tunnel up ahead. There were no lights inside the tunnel. It was pitch black inside. I heard Harkim take in a deep breath. I looked in the rearview and noticed Paulo's face go pale. I looked over at Tsula, she was squeezing tight onto the sides of her seat, and holding her breath.
"Everyone, breathe. We brought a few of Jyauacta's weapons. We were fine." I asked everyone to roll up their windows, and secure their doors. I flipped on the buggie lights to bright as we neared the entrance of the tunnel. I decided slowing down was probably a death sentence if anything was lurking in the tunnel.
The tunnel was lined with reflective green glass throughout the walls, much like the farmhouses we've already encountered. There was absolutely a light at the end of the tunnel, we were entering the city.
Something moved and cast a shadow at the exit of the tunnel ahead. It was large, hunched over on all fours. It moved past the tunnel. It was an animal, a large animal at that. I asked Tsula to grab the video recorder so we could get footage for Jane. As we exited the tunnel, we all looked to the left and saw what we can only describe as a bear-sized prairie dog with a long rat tail. That could be a Guinoth, we'll ask Jane when we get back. Tsula took some video of the creature. It didn't seem interested in us at all, thankfully.
Our first goal was to find a University or a Library. We drove to the city center looking for any signage. Tsula was able to notice a sign for the downtown library. We parked the vehicle in front of the large building. It was idyllic sparkling in the sunlight. It appeared to be at least 15 stories high from the outside. As excited as I was to explore the building, I was also terrified of what could be inside.
We walked up to the front doors anticipating having to break in, though the doors were fully unlocked. I could feel everyone's apprehension to enter. I went inside first, then Tsula, Harkim, then Paulo. We were to all stay together, generally splitting up and searching was the best strategy for time, it wasn't just time I was worried about. The inside of the library was even more stunning than the exterior. The floor looked like a walk through a stone riverbed, but with soft grey and green carpeting material throughout. The sides of the bookshelves were trees, actual trees, carved out to house the books, disks, and holographic cards. The walls looked like stone, with those beautiful green, blue and yellow circular windows. There were seats that were built into the floor, similar to the sunk-in living rooms of the 1900's houses of earth.
I asked Tsula to look over the directional hologram located by the front desk of the library while the rest of us kept our eyes peeled for movement. Tsula found the reference section, it was on the tenth floor.
I grabbed the paracord in my jacket pocket, I tethered the rope to each member of our party in the order we were traveling. Tsula was leading the way, Harkim, Paulo, then myself at the end to keep an eye on the back and protect Tsula at the front.
We followed Tsula up the grand staircase, covered in what looked like moss carpeting. I reached down to touch the staircase. It felt like a soft living carpet.
As we reached each floor, it felt almost like rising through the canopy of the forest. I was compelled to explore every inch of this place but now was not the time.
We finally reached the 10th floor. No movement, not a sound. Tsula directed us to the reference books. Harkim and Paulo reviewed the titles with Tsula to select what items were most necessary. I removed my paracord tether and began exploring this level to ensure it was clear. This floor was out of the canopy, and all the bookshelves were transparent. The room was a soft blue and had a soft white/grey patterned carpet. It was easy to clear this level with the transparency of the shelving, and the intense sunlight coming through the clear circular windows.
I took a few photographs of this level and decided I wanted to travel to the top floor to take photos of this amazing place. I let the crew know where I was headed. I pulled some chairs from around the level and blocked off the stairway to the lower floors. I wouldn't be long, but I wanted to secure my team the best I could.
I quietly ran up the stairs to the next level. The next three levels were similar to level 10 with the transparent shelving, slightly darker blue-colored walls as I ascended the levels. The 15th story was space. The shelving was intermixed horizontal and vertical. There was a large seating area in the center and an exceptional dome above with a projection of their solar system.
I took detailed photos of each floor and snagged a few books off the shelf for Jelly Bean in the kid's section. I went back down the stairs to level 10, to find the team still hard at work. They had a rather large stack of books. I tossed the books I grabbed for Jelly Bean in my pack. Looking around, I found some fauna and flora books for Jane and Ramesh, a reference book for building these Earthships for Liam, a poetry book for Tsula, a few various technology books for Paulo, a psychology book for Harkim, a cookbook for Moke, a history book for Inessa, and a cultural reference guide for Akeno. Once we completed collecting the medical books, we loaded our packs, moved the chairs from blocking the lower levels, and began heading down the stairs.
We all heard a loud screech outside, nothing like we had heard before. We moved cautiously down the stairs with our weapons drawn. I decided to lead the way this time since I cleared the upper levels.
When we reached the third floor, we looked out the bellied windows to look below at the exit. There was a hoard of NM-Z's surrounding the buggie. They were looking around the vehicle, scanning for us. We continued down the stairs, staying away from windows and doors, remaining as quiet as possible. We made it to the first floor. NM Zombies were surrounding the front of the building.
I lead the group to the back corner of the first floor near the stairs and headed to the front doors. I quietly locked the interior doors. I began grabbing any stairs, stools, tables I could, and barricaded the door.
I instructed the team back up the stairs to the third level where we had the best view of the hoard. There were about 30 of them. I opened my bag, grabbed a small live stream camera, and angled it below so we could keep track of their movement, without being seen.
It was time to come to terms that we weren't headed back tonight. We had a window of 15 minutes to leave to arrive back at the shuttle before dark, and there just wasn't a way that would happen tonight. 30 NM-Z's against the four of us wasn't going to work in our favor. "The plan is to wait them out, we'll keep an eye on the camera to make sure they don't enter the library and hope they lose interest and disperse. For now, we need to clear each floor and look for any additional entrances or exits. No one makes a sound. Keep all reflective or metallic gear hidden. We'll do this together, everyone will stay together."
We headed to the top floor and worked our way down back to the first. We found an exit door to the parking garage on the second floor which was locked. The full glass windows made us very vulnerable. We collected all the posters and furniture and barricaded the glass wall the best we could. We found several locked employee doors on each floor, as well as a singular bathroom on each level. We also found a few vending machines with various Nauertian snacks and beverages. We'll have to figure out how to access that if we run out of our supplies tonight.
After clearing all of the floors, we gathered at the top floor under the planetarium dome in the seating. Tsula sat down and something crumpled below her. She grabbed the item with her hand, it was what looked like a half-eaten bag of chips. This library is immaculate, what was a bag of half-eaten chips doing here?
We radioed the shuttle to let them know of our situation. I was relieved to know that everything was going well for them today. Inessa and Liam confirmed that they did get adequate rest for the upcoming night shift. It's getting closer to the 10th day, where the NM Zombies will be in full force. It's always better to be prepared. Liam was able to secure a few weak spots in the hull and has welded a decorative metal screen over the common room upper windows to ensure there is no access, but we can still have the same sunlight in the space. Sunlight is very important to our mental health. Dr. Williams reported that Jyauacta is still under, and we're not sure of her progress due to not having an insert for the cryo cell built for her body. Moke has been released from the cryo cell and is currently on medical hold in his quarters for three days.
I wanted to be there when Moke was brought out of the cryo cell. I've missed him. I realized that having Moke in that cryo cell in critical condition took a piece of me. We've been through injuries before, but this was by far the worst. I don't know what I would do without him. I don't know if I would even be able to carry on without him. It was at that moment that I remembered what Jyauacta had said. He loves me, he'd follow me to the end of the universe. I realized that I can't help but feel the same about him. It's so complicated, it took Jyauacta's words to reveal these feelings, but I have such complex feelings towards Jyauacta too. (Exclusive private journals of Penn Draugon on Patreon or the website at www.projectnm71.com).
I quietly shut the dual doors to the planetarium and locked them. We all settled into our space for the evening, I passed around meal packs and bottled water. The sun was beginning to set, and I sat monitoring the camera, watching the NMZ's wander about around the buggie. There were significantly fewer, maybe 15 now. We can only hope it dwindles to a manageable amount by morning.
I began reviewing my photographs of each level of the library. That's when I noticed... two eyes and an orb reflecting in the photo of the dark planetarium I took earlier. Someone else is in here.
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emm-to-my-friends · 4 years
Just a wee bio. A 60’ish year old unfit, ugly and ungainly ex-crossdresser. Blonde hair styled by my wife who also took the photo. I now feel that I am more of an admirer than a crossdresser. I am attracted to different CD’s as well as ladies of a certain age. I don’t really like fake breasts on trannies or females also piercings and large amounts of tattoos put me off. What ever floats your boat is fine, but they don’t attract me. Where in the world do I live? North east of London. What turns me on? What hobbies and interests do I have?
Now believe me or not I don’t care but behind my house and a few doors along in the road behind lives a porno queen. I often see her out shopping a local supermarkets. She ain’t no looker that’s for certain. One porno film I saw was made in her back garden (it wasn’t her being in the the film though). And good dog owner knows the sound of their dog and we have currently 6 - and we know that each dog has an individual bark. In that film I can clearly make out one of our dogs. Kim is her name and she’s made so many sites. Kim this and Kim that! Made a film at the Cross Keys pub toilets Horsey Cross on the A120 a few years ago. And lesbian photo shoots on Clacton seafront in the old days. Now anything is game!
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 2 months
A-90 is my first victim
I wanna see what A-90 tastes like >:3
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Blood. It tastes like blood and pixels.
A90 bleeds very, VERY easy. Also this picture was inspired by this meme:
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
Taking a MyTEFL Course: The Complete Guide
For many people, teaching English presents an exciting opportunity to travel, work overseas, and make a difference. Whether you plan to teach online or teach English abroad, having a TEFL certification can give you many more employment opportunities.
In this post, I’ll break down everything you need to know about the popular (and affordable) TEFL company: MyTEFL. 
Why Do You Need a TEFL Certification?
Getting TEFL certified can open the door to abundant teaching online and teaching abroad opportunities.TEFL certification will make you eligible for more jobs in more places. It can also allow you to potentially negotiate a higher pay rate. 
Overall, TEFL certification courses teach you how to be a better English educator. You’ll learn how to manage a classroom, plan lessons, and help your students thrive. These skills will make your life as a teacher much more enjoyable. 
Quite often, in order to get a job teaching English in a foreign country, you’ll need a120-hour TEFL Certification. To get a job as an online English tutor, you’ll need either a teaching degree or a TEFL certification (or both in some cases). 
While this requirement may sound daunting for people new to the teaching world, don’t worry! TEFL courses like the one with MyTEFL make it easy for you to get the required certification quickly and affordably. 
☞ Don’t miss our article: 6 Best Online TEFL Courses For English Teachers
Why Choose MyTEFL?
MyTEFL is known for being a high-quality TEFL program at a lower price point.
With full accreditation, job placement assistance, and a variety of online and in-person courses, it’s no wonder MyTEFL has awesome student reviews across the web. 
Both the in-person and online TEFL courses with My TEFL cover the same important information: 
Teaching foundations and classroom management
How to teach English speaking, listening, writing, and reading to ESL students
How to plan lessons and what activities to use in the classroom
Grammar review and best practices
How to create tests and assessments
At the end of the course, you’ll receive an accredited TEFL certification that will qualify you for teaching jobs around the world!
Online Certification vs. In-Person Certification 
One perk of My TEFL is that they offer both in-person and online TEFL certification opportunities.
If you want to explore a new destination while you get certified and want hands-on training, an in-person course is the way to go. 
If you need a course that is flexible with your schedule and less expensive, the online course is a great option. 
MyTEFL Online Courses
There are several online courses available. You can choose between: 
40-hour Basic Course
60-hour Standard Course
80-hour Advanced Course
120-hour Professional course
If you’re serious about teaching abroad or online, you should sign up for the 120-hour training. Many teaching companies require a minimum of a 120-hour certification, so you might not be eligible for your dream job if you take a shorter class. 
The 120-hour online course is self-paced and features in-depth modules. Online tutor support and feedback on your assignments are included as well.
When you complete the course, you’ll receive an accredited TEFL certificate, a letter of recommendation, and a lifetime of job search guidance.
You’ll have three months to complete your online course and six months to access the material. 
MyTEFL In-Person Courses
MyTEFL offers 120-hour in-person courses in Thailand, Argentina, and Spain. Courses last between three and four weeks depending on the location. 
Thailand In-Person Courses: The Thailand courses take place in either Hua Hin or Chiang Mai. The MyTEFL program fee includes airport pick up, three weeks of accommodation walking distance to the TEFL training location, and job placement assistance in Thailand after completing the course. 
The Thailand onsite courses include the following: 
120-hour TEFL course and training
Lesson plan creation and collaboration
Real-world activities and lessons that can be used while teaching
Classroom observations 
Thai cultural studies
Travel excursions like visiting a temple, taking a Muay Thai lesson, and touring a pineapple plantation 
Argentina In-Person Courses: If Argentina is more your style, you can get certified in the vibrant city of Buenos Aires. MyTEFL courses in Argentina last four weeks and your course fee includes airport pick up, accommodation, in-person teaching practice, a resume writing workshop, and job search help in Buenos Aires after completion.
The Argentina onsite courses include the following:
120-hour TEFL course and training
Classroom observations
Chances to practice teaching with real students
Lesson plan creation and collaboration 
Spain In-Person Courses: You can also get TEFL certified in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona TEFL course lasts for four weeks and the fee in-person teaching experience and workshops about your job search and hiring process. 
Accommodation assistance is provided.
The Spain onsite courses include the following:
120-hour TEFL course and training
Create and collaborate on lesson plans and activities
Classroom observations 
Classroom management skills 
MyTEFL Internships
In addition to offering in-person and online TEFL courses, MyTEFL offers a variety of TEFL internships around the world.
Some of these internships are paid and some are volunteer, but all provide you with a chance to get experience before finding a teaching job on your own. 
These internship opportunities can help your application stand out, especially if you’re new to teaching or don’t have a degree.
Thailand Internship 
For the six-month Thailand Internship, you’ll start by taking the 120-hour MyTEFL course online before you head to Thailand.
After completing the course, you’ll travel to Thailand where you’ll complete one week of orientation and receive your job placement. 
Job placements are paid and MyTEFL will be there to help you get everything set up. To qualify for this internship, you must be between the ages of 20 and 50 and hold a passport from a native English speaking country. 
Myanmar Internship
MyTEFL also offers three-month, six-month, and twelve-month paid internships in Myanmar. You’ll take the 120-hour TEFL course before you leave and then head to Myanmar for Orientation and on-site training. 
You can request the length of internship that works for you and all Myanmar placements are paid. To participate in the Myanmar internship, you must be between the ages of 19 and 45. You also must be a native English speaker from an English-speaking country. 
Argentina Internship
In the four-month Argentina Internship program, you’ll start by taking the 120-hour TEFL course at home and then fly to Buenos Aires for orientation. After completing orientation, you’ll be placed with a host family near your teaching assignment. 
Because the Argentina Internship features a homestay element, your meals and accommodations are included. Teachers will also receive a monthly stipend and Spanish lessons.
Applicants for the Argentina internship must be between the ages of 20 and 41 and hold a bachelor’s degree. 
South Africa Internship
This one-month volunteer internship will take you to the fascinating town of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. You’ll complete your 120-hour TEFL training online before departing and once you arrive you’ll work as a volunteer teacher, tutor, or mentor. 
Meals, accommodation, and transportation are all provided to participants so you can focus on gaining experience and making a difference. 
Is There Anything Else MyTEFL Includes?
MyTEFL is more than just a certification course. After you’ve completed your course, you’ll have access to additional features through their program. 
Job Search And Placement Assistance
MyTEFL includes job search guidance. Once you’ve finished your course, MyTEFL can help you find a job and get hired. Even better, this job placement assistance is good for life! 
MyTEFL Job placement assistance includes:
Help with cover letters and CVs when applying for teaching jobs
Vetting employers to make sure students are in a safe and reliable placement
Helping MyTEFL graduates connect with the right employers where they want to go
In reading student reviews of MyTEFL, many people mentioned how effective and fast this job placement assistance was. With its wide range of connections, the MyTEFL team is quick to help graduates find a placement that works for them. 
Recommendation Letter
A letter of recommendation is provided upon completion. When you finish your TEFL course, MyTEFL will provide you with a letter of recommendation and a breakdown of what material you covered in your course. This can be helpful when applying to competitive teaching jobs. 
Charitable Donations
My TEFL makes charitable donations. Every time a student enrolls in an accredited course, MyTEFL makes a donation to an important cause. You can visit the MyTEFL website to read more about the charities that they support. 
Internships Are Available
As I mentioned above, once you’ve completed the MyTEFL course, you can participate in a number of paid and volunteer internship opportunities around the world. This is a great option if you don’t have a degree or don’t have any experience and want to build up your CV.
Right now, MyTEFL offers internships in the following locations
Thailand (six-month paid internship)
Myanmar (six-month paid internship)
Argentina (five-month internship with a stipend and included homestay accommodation)
South Africa (one-month volunteer internship)
Cost of MyTEFL Courses
The price of the online TEFL course is far less than the in-person courses (for obvious reasons), here’s a breakdown.
Online Course
The online courses with MyTEFL range from $139 – $299 USD.
MyTEFL often runs discounts on their website so make sure to check for that before you enroll. Currently, they are running a 30% discount using the code “SAVE30” at checkout! Click here for details.
In-Person Courses
The in-person courses with MyTEFL cost between $1900 – $2200 USD. They require a deposit of $500 – $600 USD to reserve your space.
Here’s the price breakdown for each location:
Thailand: $1900 USD total price (you’ll pay a $498 USD deposit to secure your spot)
Argentina: $1980 USD total price (you’ll pay a $495 USD deposit to secure your spot)
Spain: $2195 USD total price (you’ll pay a $549 USD deposit to secure your spot)
This cost does not include airfare, vaccines, or day to day expenses while you’re onsite. For the Argentina and Thailand courses, this price does include accommodation. Accommodation is not included in the Spain onsite course. 
Pros and Cons of MyTEFL
As with anything, there are both pros and cons to getting certified through MyTEFL.
One of the biggest benefits of the 120-hour online MyTEFL Course is that it doesn’t have a set schedule. This means that you can complete your TEFL course whenever it works for you. 
Many people work on getting TEFL certified while still maintaining a traditional job. MyTEFL makes it easy to move towards certification even with a busy schedule.  
MyTEFL has excellent student reviews across various teaching abroad platforms. Students often mention how this course is a great deal for the price and how the material was easy to follow. 
Because you can access your course materials on many different devices, it’s possible to work on your course from a phone or tablet. This is great for teachers who are often on the move. 
Across the board, MyTEFL is one of the most affordable TEFL courses around. You can get a fully accredited TEFL certification for just under $300, which is pretty hard to beat! 
The biggest downside of MyTEFL is that if you choose to take an online course, you won’t receive any hands-on training. This means you might need to arrange your own hands-on experience independently, which can be challenging. 
If you choose to do an in-person course, you’ll get some practical experience. But at this time, the MyTEFL online courses don’t have a practical teaching component. 
There also isn’t a final project or assessment with this course.
While some might see this as a good thing, the ending of the course can feel abrupt. Adding a final project or exam could give students a chance to demonstrate their new knowledge.
There’s a lack of sample teaching videos throughout the course, and while there are some video elements within the modules, it would be nice to see videos of how full lessons look in a real classroom. 
Finally, another downside is that the course resource library is only available for six months after completing the course.  
Who Can Take This TEFL Course?
Anyone who is a fluent English speaker can take this TEFL course. It’s okay if you’re not a native speaker, but you should be proficient and comfortable communicating fluently in the English language.
Getting TEFL certified can lead to teaching opportunities, even if you don’t have a traditional background in education.
If you have a TEFL certification, there are places where you won’t need a degree or classroom experience to get a job teaching English. 
How To Sign Up For The MyTEFL Course
To sign up for an online TEFL program, click on the “courses” tab in the top menu and select “online courses.” Under each of the course offerings, you’ll see a button where you can sign up. 
You’ll complete your personal information and payment information right on the website. You’ll receive introductory materials and a message from a MyTEFL tutor to help you get started. 
To sign up for an in-person course or internship abroad, contact MyTEFL through the email address provided on their website. They will guide you through the signup process to ensure you chose the right program to suit your needs.
Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up With MyTEFL
Ready To Get TEFL Certified?!
I know signing up for a TEFL course can be daunting. You might be wondering where you’ll find the time to enroll in a course or feel unsure about returning to the classroom.
Thankfully, programs like the courses offered through MyTEFL are flexible, well organized, and fun!
If you know you want to become an English teacher, either abroad or online, go ahead and enroll in your TEFL course as soon as possible.
Sometimes it can take a while to receive your paperwork after completing a course, and you don’t want to end up in a time crunch.
If you decide to teach abroad in countries like China, you might need to get your certificate notarized or authenticated, which takes more time too.
Starting as soon as possible can help make your transition to life as an English teacher as seamless as possible. 
Getting TEFL certified will give you more options as an ESL teacher. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how to run your classroom effectively, how to create meaningful ESL lessons, and how to inspire confidence in your students. 
The post Taking a MyTEFL Course: The Complete Guide appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Taking a MyTEFL Course: The Complete Guide published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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twl-cyan · 1 year
Request of Palettes
You can give palettes that you found and send an ask to me!I’ll do it separately day by day.
Or you can suggest something for me to draw.
I always find palettes on @color-palettes , @fivepointpalettes and @color--pals .
Some things know about me:
I’m a fan of everything!My birthday is 7th March(♓️).I’m also autistic.You can call me 𝙲𝚑𝚕𝚘𝚎/𝙲𝚢𝚊𝚗/𝙰-𝟷𝟸𝟶!
Mostly drawing,listening to music,etc.I’m a Christian✞✞✞
So please be nice here,don’t be rude to others!☻︎
Quote tags:
RF=Rainbow Friends
DR=Doors Hotel
MS=Mansion (custom entities I made and use some of them myself)
GOB=Garten of Banban
Other blog: @ask-the-doors
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doorscloverau · 3 months
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A-120 :3
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