#easier and faster and lets me be more creative... sigh
izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Event Story Translation “Moon Traveler” - Chapter 3
The script gets finished faster than expected, while the troupe discusses possible changes to be made
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Honk shooo…..
(I’d rather leave him alone, but… Sigh… No choice.)
Wake up, snoozer.
Yeah of course you’re dreaming about that. Get up already——.
Honestly, if you’re going to catch sleep outside make sure to have the season in mind.
Welcome back.
I’m home.
…I wasn’t asleep. I was waiting for you.
That’s all fruitless if you’ve already fallen asleep.
You’re gonna play the lead role next, right? Congrats.
What kinda play with it be?
I don’t know since the script isn’t ready yet. All I know is there’s gonna be an astronaut or space motif.
It seems like Tsuzuru heard about my childhood dream of being an astronaut. He made some suggestions.
So your childhood dream was to be an astronaut… guess you had those days too.
… It was a long, long time ago. I can’t even remember what was going on inside my head back then.
That’s why I told him such a subject might not match Spring’s image.
What is it?
…Nothing. August and I will go see your show so good luck.
Yeah, I’ll be cheering you on. It’s a good bargain.
I’d rather you not.
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Looks like the script’s done.
How quick!
The movie Chikage-san recommended me was pretty interesting, I was surprised it fit Spring pretty well, so I managed to get into it.
This time around I made it sort of like a homage.
(Seems like Roberto, an astronomer who dreams of going to the moon, will be the main character.)
(Roberto is caught up in his situation, and as his friends around him watch over him he is sent back to Earth…)
It’s kinda sad, but it’s still a feel-good and heartwarming story.
It’s a fantasy play that’s so Spring-like.
I think it’s lovely and creative!
I like the part with aliens!
Still, there’s some things about it that don’t feel quite right…
We decided on the last part of that one Spring play while rehearsing, so let’s just adjust it bit by bit this time.
There is still plenty of time!
Thanks, guys.
Ahh, there’s just something my mind goes blank on.
I thought of lots of names for the aliens the characters will meet on the moon, but I haven’t thought of one that sticks just yet.
Then how about having Chikage-san name them?
Roberto and the aliens form a friendship based on mutual sympathy, so there might be more of an attachmanet if he came up with the name himself.
The aliens are creatures without much to them, I think giving them a name will make it easier to imagine them while acting.
I get it, let’s go with that!
… Alright, I’ll come up with something then.
Though, I’m not really experienced when it comes to naming things, so don’t get your hopes up.
If you also have any requests for the script, just let me know.
Thanks. I don’t have any complaints so far, I’ll let you know if something comes up.
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musteladraconis · 5 months
alright thats it this is my rant about palworld because i need to just speak about it. if you disagree with anything i say or have an alternative perspective then ill be happy to read them but anyways.
this game makes me so incredibly upset and just. enraged. pure unbridled anger.
just want to clarify some things before i start:
1. im aware of just how dogshit nintendo treats pokemon fans like myself, giving us the worst framerates imaginable, pushing out shitty low quality games so that people stay interested or whatever their motive is and so on and so forth, you've heard it all before i dont need to go over all of it again.
2. im not against using ai for some things. it can even be really beneficial. however when you use ai to steal from other artists and use it to make creative work then its inexcusable and should never be used. no im not talking about animation programs that use ai for tweening or any ai that's used to help make an artists job a tiny bit easier or faster, im talking about generative ai that takes artists work without their knowledge and uses it to make money. so when i say ai in this post i am specifically talking about generative ai.
alright with that said lets get into why i absolutely hate this game.
feel free to correct me if im wrong throughout this post.
ive been looking into the company's background and as many people already know the founder promotes the use of ai and greatly enjoys it. but yknow what i also found out? its that he also hates new and creative ideas! and he promotes using ideas that already exist to make games.
(citing SomeOrdinaryGamers video on palworld)
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oh yeah. yeah that's right. pocket pair is the company that made palworld! lemme show you what else they made
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notice anything? no? alright let's try again.
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how about now.
yeah. yeah this is breath of the wild and hollow knight!
and also. it's one thing to steal from nintendo, it's another to steal from indie game developers and FAKEMON ARTISTS.
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nintendo hasn't sued him yet. i dont know if its because they cant find a 1 to 1 rip off or some other reason like them not needing to worry about him but i hope some of you understand just how bad this is for artists jobs. while yes there would have had to be artists that modeled the models in game there is basically no creativity or originality here. 'but what about the idea of giving pokemon guns' you might say. sure, thats a cool idea i will say. i like the concepts but i despise the methods used to achieve this goal.
many other games that are similar in using monsters like pokemon have successfully made their own unique creatures and people have enjoyed those games.
shin megami tensei has its demons for example! including... including... sigh. the green dick on wheels. yeah you heard me. the green dick on wheels.
BUT wouldn't you rather that than a 1 to 1 ripoff of wooloo?
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you could say that oh wooloos just a regular sheep which yeah i can accept that argument but there are so many more that you can look at where the similarities are just... Bad. the cobalion one for example (just look up cobalion palworld youll see what i mean).
and not just the megami tensei franchise either. mutahar also mentioned other games, like cassette beasts which looks really fun
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and those are good designs! the game itself looks cool and fun to play. digimon also exists!
if nintendo ever does anything to the pokemon franchise that just absolutely ruins it more than anything else they've ever done then ill rethink my opinion about this game, but for now im mostly just upset about artists jobs being taken from them and artists original designs too. while nintendo can be so shitty to pokemon at times, there are artists behind pokemon designs that had their work and original ideas blatantly stolen.
i highly recommend checking this link out to support your favourite pokemons artists directly if theyre on the list.
to finish this rant off, i just want to say that originality is one of the most difficult things to achieve in video games. i get that, im an artist too and being original is extremely difficult because everythings been done at least once. but it doesn't excuse how closely these games are 'borrowing' incredible, iconic and ORIGINAL ideas from others and not just once but repeatedly.
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august-writing · 1 year
Crash course intro - draft
Kinda just imagining a fun scenario to put Edmund and Rhyin through together
Rhyin glanced around at the space craft's arched walls with glowing panels flashing red. A low wail rattled through the floor. The window blurred against the rushing air as a sound like thunder beat against them from all sides. The floor vibrated up into his bones, jarring him like a pebble in an earthquake.
"We're gonna crash." Rhyin braced himself against the railing.
"Ah," Edmund said, "first time?"
"Can you reverse it?"
"If you're cool enough. Like me." A series of sharp clicks followed the wave of his hand as he neatly flipped a row of switches. "Lucky for you you're with me." Lacing his hands together behind his head he swiveled the chair around to face Rhyin, an eyebrow cocked in triumph. 
The craft halted in the air and sent Rhyin forward into the railing. It shuddered a moment, a buzz surging through the panels, and fell back into its flight to the ground. A cheery error message hummed.
"How was that supposed to help?"
Edmund sighed and turned back to the switch board, squinting at the display screen. "I knew I was cheated."
"Do you know how to work this?"
"How else could I get us this high in the air." 
"If we can't fix this we are going to slam into the earth and the weight of this metal box with crush to death." Rhyin's grip tightened as he leaned forward to emphasize his point.
Edmund raised his eyebrows, gaze still fixed in his task. "Take a seat there and pull that break stick down." He gestured to beside him. "Hold it as far down, focus on it."
"You broke that. Remember?"
"Ah, you're more observant than I thought." 
"You're trying to keep me distracted." 
"It would be easier for me to focus—" He pronounced the words in time with his deliberate typing. "—if I didn't have your critique to ignore."
The error message hummed once more
Rhyin frowned and took a seat. "But what are you doing?"
"Supposedly there's an extra set of wings. They should act as a buffer enough to get control." Edmund's tone was nonchalant as he frowned at the screen. "The problem is, the man I bought this from has included a password. Rather creative but a little overkill." 
"Why would he do that?"
"Well I'm not the most popular guy apparently."
Rhyin snorted.
"I know, hard to believe. It took a few years for me to accept it." 
"So this is it then. If you can't give the password we're dead."
Edmund hummed absently. "There are options. Press that green one right there, yeah the biggie." 
Rhyin obliged him, an eyebrow lifted in quiet question. The lighted panels flashed blue in a wave sweeping from each side of the craft, spreading through the backlight of the control boards and meeting at Edmund's display screen. The computer hummed as its face lit up.
"What's that."
"The whole thing is riddled with bugs. And I'm kind of bored with dismantling all the ridiculous stuff he "updated it" with. I'm going to start it over. Let's try the old turn it off and on trick." He gave him a quick grin as he punched something into the keyboard above his head.
"Wait, is that a good idea? Won't that kill us faster?" Visions of the ship crashing into itself, exploring in the air, burning through the clouds, hitting cities and bringing death in its path filled his sight. It would not be a pretty end.
"Oh we won't suffocate instantly. Especially if we put these oxygen masks on." Edmund's free hand searched blindly by the side of his chair. "Eh, they're somewhere around. You'll have to find them." 
Rhyin slipped out of his seat and onto the floor just under the control panels. Compartments lined the lower wall, their doors flesh with each other. He banged his fist against the corner. 
"Don't break anything important looking. I'm thinking about selling this off." 
An extra thud popped the door open enough to let his fingers get a hold and pry the rest of it. Three packets hung in a row along the top above a case with a red cross symbol. Rhyin grabbed it all and crawled out and back into the chair. Edmund spared him a glance and a nod.
"What do I do with these?"
"Open them. Just tear the packaging, I bet it's a disposable type." He gave a snort. "He's so cheap."
Rhyin ripped the plastic outside and the contents dropped into his lap revealing cartoon instructions and a mesh cloth face mask. He gave the package a shake and a chipdrive freed itself from the corner.
"So the good news is that we're coming up to the outpost satellite station on our right." Edmund reached over and picked up the mask. With one hand he slid the chipdrive into the pocket along the side. "Put that on and hand me the other one."
"And we can land in there?" Rhyin handed the package over while hooking the loops over his ears and pulling it up over his nose. He turned to check on Edmund and found him already masked with one arm draped over the back of the chair.
"No, but we can ride their gravity field around and use up our speed." 
The craft jerked to the right, pulling forward to the outpost and sending Rhyin sideways out his chair.
"Ready steady here we go. Now it's shutting off." 
The computer chirped an obnoxious high note and the lights went to a low orange for a moment before plunging them into dark. The background buzz and rattle cut quiet leaving only the roaring wind outside. An eternity of tension stuck in the empty black.
Edmund drummed his fingers on the edge of the control panel, a nervous ticking in the space dropped between death and fire. Blood soaking ashes.
A harsh hum caught like fire in the engine and shook up the floor. Blue lights swept through the system, like a sunrise bringing hope. Lines chased each other across the panels of the wall like arrows pointing to Edmund's display screen. The same obnoxious chirp sounding as the screen lit a blinding white against the dark craft. 
"Please connect to the web to continue your setup," an inhuman voice stuttered.
"Oh come on, seriously." Edmund threw his hands into the air. "Why is this still a feature?"
"Um. What is a web." Rhyin gripped the side of his seat.
Edmund hunched over the screen, brow furrowed as he typed. "Nah it's fine I'll just break into the wifi."
"Hello, I'm starbeetle075," the voice continued. "The United Galaxy welcomes you on the first steps of your exciting adventure."
"Is it giving us a speech?" 
"Would you like to begin your tour of the new craft?"
"No, no, tell it to stop." Anxiety bled into the rise of Rhyin's tone.
"Ehh, tell me later." The rhythm of Edmund's drumming picked up speed and detail.
"Okay then." The voice glitched into that of a cheery woman's. "First we'll run through a safety check."
"No. What? That's not what 'later' means." Edmund leaned forward, teeth gritted as if he was wrangling a wild beast.
A chart flipped on to the display, outlining glowing boxes. "Life support; working. Self gravity; working. Engine one; working. Engine two; working."
The craft launched forward with renewed speed, sending Rhyin's head slamming into the back of his chair. Edmund jerked backwards. He rode the momentum, rolling under the control board.
"I hate this thing." He hit his fist against the upper panel, popping it open and spilling colored cords out into his waiting hands.
"Engine three; working." The craft barreled forward without heed to either passenger.
Rhyin wanted to scream.
"How do we stop it?"
A tsking came from Edmund's general area. "I can't get into it during this protocol."
"Stabilization; working." The most horrid noise Rhyin heard blared from the inhuman voice. "Breaks; nonfunctional." A red box flashed in the display, blinking for help. 
"Edmund? Edmund?!" 
"This craft is not fit for flight. Disengage and depart." The screen blinked dark before glitching into a warped red and blue. Flashing in and out.
Edmund jumped up to his feet, hitting his head on the control board's edge on the way up.
"Well now that that's over maybe it'll help." He hit the side of the display screen, scattering the glitches like leaves across water, and went to work on the buttons.
"Secondary flight running. Wind buffet opening."
The craft lurched, as if yanked and flung to the side. A groan eased against the roaring tempest pressing on the walls. 
"You ready to crash?" Edmund leaned back against his chair, smirking casually at Rhyin.
"Wait what? I thought you were stopping us from crashing!" Rhyin sat taught and braced in his chair. As if every nerve was strung tight and cooled into iron.
"Oh, no. There's no way to avoid it but maybe we won't die in the process."
Rhyin bit down on his lip and locked his eyes forward. "What is your plan?"
"Well we're being pulled on by the outpost's gravity field—which we're getting out of range of, mind you—and if I cut the engines…"
The roaring bit off, spitting a hiss.
"Why did you not turn them off earlier." Rhyin felt static rage buzz across his blood, racing across his taught nerves.
Edmund shrugged. "I was turning on a different setting."
Rhyin redirected his sight to his comrade, piercing at Edmund's wandering gaze.
"But now we're sitting between the grip of two gravities, which will tear us apart. But luckily we're dropping out of the outpost. They're wifi was too slow, I'm not a fan."
"So now we just fall and hope to not die."
"Hm, yeah. It'll be fun, don't worry. We just jump before it explodes."
"It'll be fun."
A shrieking gripped itself to the side of their craft, jostling it in its path. Cloud smoking passed in seconds as the planet surface came into view. And grew in detail by the second, revealing their destination to be a wasteland of sand and dust. As good as any for a graveyard. The sound reached through and sunk into Rhyin's ears, hollowing the world of sound and washing a quiet into its place.
Rhyin sucked his breath in. Holding out his heartbeat, slowing the pounding rhythm out to a calm. A gentle pulse. 
The craft made contact with the ground with a nudge. Lapsing back as if caught in a haze before settling into the sand. White noise slowly claimed the eerie quiet as it sifted into reality. Rhyin let out his breath. He glanced at Edmund who sat stunned. 
The front of the craft just beyond the glass exploded into smoke.
"Oh I guess we didn't avoid the explosion." Rhyin eased off his grip on his chair.
"We didn't crash." 
"What?" He glanced toward Edmund.
"I—" Edmund blinked as if he just woke up. "I don't know what just happened, but we didn't crash. We slowed down."
Smoke curled against the glass and faded out and above in the air.
"Maybe all those stories about someone looking out for people are true. I think we got handed a freak miracle." 
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mrssimply · 1 year
21th Justice
I really loved The Sandman Netflix Show. I never read the comic but it made me want to, I've not acquired it yet but I will. When I say this is a Sandman AU, it's more that I liked Neil Gaiman's idea about concepts being personalized and I wanted to try my hand at it. Also loved the last episode of the show, though I know it's not everyone's favorite, I really felt for poor Calliope. This led to the fic you're gonna read now.
Also, we're back on the "let's torture Kerry bandwagon", please forgive me.
Also taking revenge on Kovachek for being an ass in the game >:] 
Thank you all for your fidelity during this event. I won't lie, it's been really intense and I'll be both sad and relieved when it's done (3 more days!). It's been really intense and the editing process was really done in a rush, I'm sorry for all the remaining mistakes! I might read the works over in a month or two to try and tidy it a bit more.
In the meantime, please enjoy!
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
The divine being appears in the circle of light as expected, and Kovachek’s eyes reflect the triumph he feels. It worked just as expected. 
The god looks around with calm eyes. If his attitude reflects his surprise, he doesn’t appear particularly worried about the situation.
“Ah,” he says. He looks male, even if Kovachek knows he’s liable to change his appearance at will. The Gods have their preferences, but they are fluid in gender and bodies, from what he understood. 
This one is naked, dressed only with threads of gold falling from a large necklace of the same precious metal. The strings loop across his chest and go around his hips, but they’re not hiding much. He’s also one of the most beautiful creatures the struggling artist has ever seen, and he has to fight the urge to fall on his knees when clear blue eyes look his way.
“This is embarrassing,” the divinity observes. 
“I summoned you, Divine Inspiration, and I’ll only free you if you help me.”
The God sighs and walks across the circle, toeing the runes, and feeling their energy. They're strong, they will hold him captive just fine, he concludes with internal dismay.
“We really need to update our policy on summoning, this is outdated,” the creature mumbles, ignoring Kovachek as he finishes his observation of his cage. The artist frowns, this is not how he envisioned the meeting going. He thought there would be more begging to be let out.
“Fine,” Creativity declares, turning back to his captor, “what’s your name?”
“Lilian Kovachek,” the man declares before wincing. Maybe he shouldn’t have given his name to the divinity he’s just captured. He doesn’t intend to keep him here, just long enough to wrench a deal out of him.
“I’m Kerrylis. You can call me Kerry,” the Divine Inspiration replies with a charming smile that makes Kovachek’s heart beats a little faster. Strange, because he’s never reacted to men before. 
“Well, Kerry,” he starts, clearing his throat, “here is what I want: I need you to make me into a rockstar.”
The God, Kerry, looks at him with mischievous eyes.
“Sure, got any talent?”
“Of course.”
“Let’s hear it.”
His smile is sweet, so Lilian doesn’t suspect a thing. He takes his guitar and gets into position, one leg up on a chair, before breathing in to focus. When he starts playing, he finds it easier than other times, and the realization makes something wicked soar inside him: it’s already working.
He stops after maybe ten minutes, only to find the divinity holding his hands over his ears.
“You done?”
Embarrassed and angry, Kovachek nods.
“Yeah, I get why you had to dig up really ancient and outdated blood rituals. You’ll never make it on your own,” the divinity casual throws. “My muses clearly didn’t took an interest in you. You should drop it, I’m sure you have a lot of other qualities.”
“You will make me a rockstar, or you’ll stay here forever!”
“Forever isn’t that long for me,” the God notes, “but sure, if I’m here, I’m not out there inspiring the really talented people, and that would be a loss. So I’ll cooperate.”
“Good,” Kovachek pronounces with dark satisfaction.
“So, let’s start by practicing guitar six hours a day, that should do it.”
“Oh, what? You thought I would just snap my fingers and suddenly you would be famous? For that, you should have called Destiny or the Fates. Me and my muses, we nudge people in the right direction, we relieve art blocks, we inspire, but I can’t do nothing about technique. You need to practice,” the God explains with another disarming smile. He is standing with his arms crossed and hips cocked to the side. It moves the golden strings and gives an even better view of his perfect body. 
Kovachek feels ideas for lyrics grow inside of him, alongside a few other ideas not music related. Cheeks flaming, he turns away and sits on the chair he was propped against.
“That’s bullshit. I can feel you working your magic. You’re filling my head with weird ideas to distract me, but I won’t be fooled.”
He takes the old grimoire lying on the floor.
“I got a few more things to try out in there.”
For the first time, he sees a flash of worry in the creature’s eyes when he takes notice of the book.
“You know my job is only to inspire, I don’t put ideas into your head, I just make them blossom. Whatever you’re thinking about, it’s coming from you.”
“Sure. Now shut up and let me concentrate.”
Kerry is seated in the middle of the circle. It’s been a week, and it’s been as dreadful as he imagined it would be. The last time this happened, it lasted for a month, and the guy became very violent by the end. 
Kovachek is still hesitant for now. Kerry knows the grimoire contains the means of wrenching power out of him, so in theory, the talentless man could force Kerry to give up part of his gift to him. But it’s also said to be really painful for both parties, and highly risked for the receiver, so Kovachek is probably keeping that for last, as always. They love to think they’re good people.
“Hey Ker,” a voice says in the dark and the god wipes around. In his weakened state, he didn’t feel the appearance happening.
“Love,” he breathes and crawls to the edge of the circle. He wishes he could touch him.
The other divinity looks at the circle, then at the grimoire left open by the desk, and his eyes sadden. He’s been subjected to that, too, maybe more often than Kerry even, because his power has been even more ardently coveted. 
They are lovers. Well, everyone is Love’s lover, but he has favorites and Kerry is one of them. Together, they made great things: songs, paintings, sculptures, books… Together, they inspired innovations and a better society. Together, they also inspired madness, in their darkest moods. In their names, wars have been fought, too. 
“You shouldn’t be here," Kerry whispers, "the Mother knows what idea it will put into his head, and you know how fast they act on ideas when I’m near."
Love just shrugs.
“I felt your pain.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? You’re the one suffering.”
“I don’t want you to be pulled into this mess. Please V, go away,” he begs, using the pet name they have together. It makes Love smile and hold up his hands, as if they could touch. The invisible barrier between them is an abomination, and Kerry feels anger rise inside him, reflected in V’s eyes. How dare a flimsy human separate them!
“He won’t hold you long, Adored, not this time,” Love promises. 
It makes Kerry suspicious.
“What did you do? Who did you call?”
V’s smile is wicked, and folly shines in his eyes for a second. Oh, this mortal doesn’t know what will hit him: he’s made Love mad, and he knows no bounds when he’s like this.
“I don’t like to be apart from you.”
Kerry snorts.
“Oh yeah? Want to talk about that time you fell in love with that mortal? What was her name? The warrior chick?”
“Panam,” V replies serenely with a soft smile.
“Well, I sure didn’t see much of you during that time.”
“You know me, it’s in my nature.”
They are all like this: fickle in their attention, changing, evolving, sometimes recluse, sometimes the life of the party. Kerry’s remark is more for the sake of banter than anything else. Panam was a great leader, her tribe thrived under her leadership, and Kerry even granted her a few bright ideas. He’s not jealous, not anymore.
“And right now,” V goes on, “I’m pissed because someone thought they could torture you, posess your gift by force, and take you away from me.” 
His gaze is covetous as his fiery eyes trails over Kerry’s form.
“Warn him. If he doesn’t release you tomorrow, tell him Justice will come.”
Kerry has a complicated relationship with Justice. He’s righteous, uncompromising, and swift in his punishment. You don’t argue with Justice, he can read intents and hearts better than any other, and judges by that, and that only. He doesn’t see the rest, for he’s mostly blind to begging and justifications. He asks for compensation and retribution, sometimes in the form of war, sometimes with blood and violence, often by using karma. 
On one hand, the wars Justice triggered led to many good ideas and artworks being lost because their creators died in the conflict. It infuriates Kerry to no end, which is why he sort of hates Justice for stepping all over his hard work. On the other hand, humans' many fights for justice brought social innovations, and forced humans to act creatively to adapt and survive. It also led to a few great symphonies and hymns, of painted masterpieces, architectural wonders, and other great artistic or scientific productions. Which is why Kerry loves Justice: for the way his influence leads the human heart to be better, and for the ideal he represents.
So Kerry waits until the sun rises and Kovachek gets down. He looks like he’s in a bad mood, which makes the Divine Inspiration grimaces. He knows people are generally less reasonable when they don't get quality sleep, which seems to be the case here.
“Bad dreams?” Kerry guesses. “A guilty conscience would do that to you.”
Kovachek just glares at him and goes through the book again. 
“You’re more stubborn than I imagined. I didn't think what I asked would be so hard for you.”
“It’s not hard, per se, it’s just not how it works.”
“Shut up.”
A minute of silence where Kovachek peruses the book with angry muttering, before Kerry tries his luck.
“I had a visit last night. A warning.”
The mortal raises his head, obviously surprised.
“The circle prevents you from calling for help.”
“I didn’t call. He came on his own. He tends to do that when you whisk away one of his lovers.”
“Doesn’t matter. He has a good heart, though. He told me to tell you that if you don’t release me today, Justice will come.”
Kovachek pales noticeably, before he starts going through the cursed book again.
“You won’t find anything in there, you can’t stop Divine Justice,” Kerry explains, pacing back and forth in the circle. Now that he knows his captivity is coming to an end, he feels restless. “The Great flood, the plagues of Egypt? That’s him. He can’t be stopped, can’t bargain with him, and he’s got no mercy once he’s passed judgment. Wonder what he will decide once he’s weighed your deeds.”
Kovachek, now visibly nervous, comes closer to the circle.
“There must be something, there is always something with your lot.”
“Not with him. He’s the one that ends the tales, he is the moral at the end of every story. Each time one of you mortal fucks with one of us, it ends the same way: you get punished, and who do you think delivers the punishment?”
As Kerry gives his explanation, Kovachek’s face goes through several expressions: confusion, then realization, and fear, before it suddenly switches to calculation. 
“You’re lying, you’re just trying to threaten me into releasing you, but I won’t fall for it. There is only one way for you to be free, and that’s if I decide it.”
Kerry rolls his eyes, but he can’t say he’s surprised. Mortals are surprisingly prideful and self assured for a race that doesn’t live more than a century in the best case.
“Well, don’t come crying when you suffer the Divine Punishment.”
The man laughs, wild around the edges. 
“There is no mention of that in the book. It would have told me. There is everything to know about you in there.”
“Yeah, wonder why there is no chapter on Justice. Its many authors never got to write that part. They were dead before they could,” Kerry declares ominously, turning his back on his captor.
Kovachek rounds the circle to face him again, and his expression is now deformed by mad glee.
“You know what? If what you’re telling me is true, then I better get the most of you now. I was hesitant to use that spell, but…”
Kerry freezes.
“Please don’t,” the God of Creativity implores, but it only makes his jailer laugh. 
“Ah, now you’re begging, that’s right, that’s exactly how I like you.”
“You don’t understand what you’re doing,” Kerry tries to reason with him, knowing it’s hopeless. It never works: when they get like this, they have to see it through. “This will only worsen your case, and it’s really unpleasant for both of us, I can tell you.”
Kovachek shrugs and goes back to the book, pursuing the content of the opened page.
“I need to prepare. You should do that, too. As you said, it’s gonna be very painful.”
Kerry lies curled in the middle of the circle, shivering madly. He feels weak, and he hates it. Feeling mortal is dreadful, he doesn’t know how they bear it. Then again, they don’t know anything else, except when they steal a God’s power, just like Lilian Kovachek did tonight. It’s not just that he feels mortal, it’s that he feels like a mortal who is dying and it’s excruciating. He won’t die, he knows it, he is a concept and concepts can’t die, but still. At the moment, he really hates it.
Footsteps echo in the ether, making Kerry perk up. He can’t raise his head, but he moves it slightly so he can see black leather boots appear out of the void. The new apparition comes closer, and in his wake comes another, and this one doesn’t make a sound. 
The first one crouches in front of Kerry, and blows out the smoke of his cigarette. Back in the 90’, Justice decided to live among humans for a while. He regularly has existential crises, when he sort of disappears to the corners of the universe, or does that kind of thing. That time, not only did he start a revolution that would make the Berlin Wall fall, but he adopted a rocker look and a new name he’s been adamant they call him by. He traded the Sword of Justice for a metal arm and a gun, and his weighing scales for a guitar, arguing justice needed a new face. Kerry thinks it’s his best appearance since the dawn of time, though he has a weak spot for his years as Athena. 
“Hello, Ker,” Justice says.
“Hi Johnny,” The Divine Inspiration whispers back before closing his eyes. The relief he feels overwhelms him for a moment and tears burn behind his eyelids.
“Don’t cry,” Justice says softly, “I’m here now.”
“I know. I just — It hurts.”
“I’ll make them pay,” says another voice, young and full of rage. Revenge. Justice brought his daughter, the one he had with Violence. With her two brothers, Retribution and Retaliation, they form a hellish trio of pain, violence and suffering, and Kerry really doesn’t like them. But at least, he didn’t bring War. Johnny is known to be overdramatic, so Kerry wouldn’t have put it past him. He would have been surprised if Justice had summoned his other daughter, the one he had with Love, whose name is Forgiveness. They have a complicated father/daughter relationship: the father finds his daughter too lenient, the daughter finds her father too swift in his punishments.
But right now, Kerry is glad it’s Revenge here and not her half sister, because in his weakened state, he can’t find it in himself to be kind. 
Johnny rounds the circle slowly, testing its resistance, looking at the runes that compose it.
“That one was a bit more intelligent than the last. It can only be undone by his voice. Get him, Revenge.”
“Yes father,” she replies, not bothering to hide the glee in her voice.
“Always that damn book,” Johnny comments, looking at the wretched thing. 
They can’t destroy it. As a general rule, they can’t interact with human things, and can only influence mortals. The book has great self-preservation instincts: it knows how to call to the deepest fears in the human heart, and irrevocably, they save it from its fate, just in case.
Justice goes back to Kerry and kneels as close as he can.
“I shouldn’t have waited. Love shouldn’t have allowed him even a chance. We know their kind; when they are desperate, they get violent.”
“It’s in his nature. He believes they can act charitably. He sees the potential in their heart,” Kerry replies weakly, opening tired eyes to look at Johnny, who scoffs.
“I know their heart and their mind. I know them best, Love is a fool.”
“A fool you love.”
“Who doesn’t?” Johnny replies with a smile and a shrug.
Kerry extends a hand until only the invisible barrier separates them.
“Thanks for coming.”
A ruckus starts upstairs and grows closer, making Johnny turn to the entrance of the room. Soon, Revenge appears, her face deformed by manic triumph: every fiber of her being thrums with anticipation.
“Kneels,” she orders, and doesn’t leave Kovachek any opportunity to disobey, hitting him behind the knees to force him down. The man looks pale and afraid, and loses the last of his colors when he catches sight of the strange rocker in the room.
“Who are you?” He still asks.
“I think you know who I am. You’ve been warned I would come.”
Kovachek glances at Kerry before his gaze goes back to Johnny.
“I thought he was bluffing to free himself!”
“Interesting how when mortals play at being god, they always doom themselves. I think the myths are very clear on that. And yet, and yet…” Johnny chides like he’s feeling benevolent. Kerry knows better, but Kovachek doesn’t.
“I didn’t want to play god, I just wanted… I just needed some inspiration, and he wouldn't give it to me, it's… It’s his fault, I was only — I just needed help.”
“I see, you had a good reason to summon him in a prison, then,” Johnny goes on. Behind the wannabe god, Revenge smiles with all her teeth.
“Yes, I never wanted to harm him, never wanted to take it by force! I wanted to bargain, that’s all, but he was being difficult!”
Johnny walks to the man and paces back and forth in front of him like he’s in deep reflection. The other two divinities know perfectly it’s just for show: his mind is made up. Justice is swift. 
Then, he stops and faces Kovachek.
“When your race evolved enough to develop higher thoughts and we started to appear in your minds, we made a deal with you. There is a code of conduct, rules to follow when a mortal wants to ask the favor of a God. Do you know them?” he asks, using the Voice of Justice.
Kovachek seems to think hard, but despite his newfound power, he appears at a loss to find the correct answer. He shakes his head.
“You pray to us. That is the way. You offer us precious things, and if we find your gift worthy, if we find you worthy, then we bestow upon you a favor. Now tell me, Kovachek: did you pray to him? Did you offer your most prized possession in the thin hope he would look upon you and find you worthy of his exquisite nature?”
During Johnny’s speech, Kerry found the strength to sit up, which allows him to see Kovachek’s face as he hesitates to answer.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Justice’s voice booms through the room, making the walls shake and the floor tremble. The mortal cowers and over him, like a cursed bird of prey, Revenge laughs.
“You broke the rules by trying to make yours what is beyond your understanding. I can feel it already, eating up your mind.”
Kerry looks at his captor, his wide eyes and ashen face, and he can tell the man hasn’t slept: too many ideas and thoughts prevented him from sleeping while the magic now running through his veins tried to find an outlet. Soon, it will turn on him if he doesn’t use it, and the god fears what he would do with it. He won’t get the opportunity, this time.
“Release the power you stole, let it go back to its rightful owner,” Johnny orders, looming over Kovachek.
“I… I don’t know how.”
“Close your eyes,” Kerry answers with a tired voice, kneeling in the circle with difficulty, “my power is an energy coursing through your veins. Feel it, and drive it toward your hands. Form a chalice with your palms, and imagine it pouring out of your fingers into the chalice.”
As he speaks, the divinities watch the man obey, and slowly, light drips out of his fingers and coalesce into a soft looking ball of light. It grows until it’s the size of a basketball, before it travels through the room and toward Kerry.
The god breathes it in and feels the energy fill his veins once more. He sags on the floor again, focusing on leashing the wild power into his body.
“Now, break the seal,” Johnny demands and Kovachek hesitates. He’s weak and trembling, but the relief he feels now that the foreign power has left him makes him too confident. Johnny crouches in front of him and grasps his chin between his fingers, the ones made of steel.
“I don’t think you understand your situation here, buddy,” he says, switching back to his normal voice, using a falsely cajoling tone. “You played and you lost.”
“You can’t undo the seal without me,” Kovachek retorts hotly, seeing what he hopes is a way out.
Johnny’s eyes flicker to Revenge, who suddenly grabs the mortal’s hair to drag him forward. She bashes his face to the ground, right next to the first row of ancient runes that make up Kerry’s prison.
“I’ve been known to be fair,” Johnny goes on with an ironic smile. “If you cooperate, I shall make your punishment less… painful.”
“If I break the seals, do you promise not to hurt me?”
“Are you trying to bargain with the Divine Justice?” Revenge asks, incredulous.
“I won’t release the seals without a few guarantees!”
“That one has balls,” Johnny mutters as he lights a new cigarette.
Revenge shrugs and once again, bashes the man’s head to the ground, until blood starts to spill over the runes. Kovachek tries to protect his face, and move around wildly. With a shriek, Revenge releases him and he falls forward. His hands smudge the runes as he put them under him to soften his landing. Dizzy and with blood dripping in his eyes, he feels more than he sees the seal break.
“That’s cheating,” he garbles.
“You cheated first,” Revenge whispers back, bending over him to say it right in his ear, “an eye for an eye…”
As she holds him down, Johnny steps into the circle and crouches to gather Kerry in his arms. 
“I can stand on my own,” Creativity protests, but his companion just ignores him and straightens with a grunt, holding him tight against himself. Kerry loops his arms around Johnny’s neck and hides his face, he’ll deal with his dignity later, right now, this just feels nice.
“Burn everything,” Johnny tells Revenge as the ether opens to him. The book will probably survive, it always does, but that’s a problem they can’t face just by all three of them, especially with Kerry in that state.
“Please,” Kovachek begs as Revenge grins at him. 
Johnny passes the portal, leaving the man to his fate at the hand of his violent daughter.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Angel Of The Mornin
Inspired by the song Angel Of the morning by Merrilee Rush
A/N: My first try at anything remotely romantic, so bare with me.
Modern AU
Trigger Warning: Depression, Angst and possible death
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x OC (Morgan Solace)
I started studying in the field of medicine in the hopes of obtaining a PhD. I got to know my friend Diana while taking the class a few weeks after I started. The experience was like meeting someone I had met before, even though I barely knew her at the time.
She was there when my mother died from lung cancer or something, she never specified what was killing her at the time. As she didn’t want to worry me at the time. But I still worry about her all the same. It was only me and her for my entire life.
My body felt numb from the shock when I found out she had passed away in her sleep. As I rushed to check on her in the early hours of the morning. I never felt quite the same afterwards and I feel like nothing most of the time without her. My guardian angel died, and I’m now alone in an eerily empty world. Diana moved in with me so she could keep an eye on me, as she liked to remind me.
Art made it easier to express how I felt at the time, even two months after she passed. The first sculpture was inspired by a pirate movie I watched. The second one was Diana as a barmaid. A more recent one depicts her mother as another worldly angel.
The newer ones are inspired by her nightmare fuel, her friend's sleep talking and Diana’s crush on various men. She heard footsteps coming closer to her art room.
“Good morning, Di,” I said to her still half asleep.
“We’ll be late for class if you don’t hurry up,” her friend Diana said to her crossing her arms, “I thought you were mainly a medical student.”
You inspired me this week with your sleep talk. Thank you for that by the way” I replied as I continued with the last bit.
“This has to be your biggest one.”
“No, the first one was bigger than this one.”
Another creation that depicted her friend’s nightmares. A seemingly endless supply of creative ideas or at least sometimes it was. Most of the time it was about her parents.
“Are you still looking forward to lunch today?” I asked her with a slight smirk as I got ready to go to one of the few classes left.
“Yeah, you also said the same thing before you said you wanted to do two different courses at the same time.”
“Oh come on, I had a perfectly logical reason for that one.”
“No, you thought you had a logical reason. In my opinion, I thought you got off on studying. I still believe that half the time.”
“I have nothing to add other than no."
As they finished talking they walked into the classroom. “Well look at that one,” Diana whispered to her.
"Well, that was more ominous than needed.”
“Thomas Shelby, you prickly shit. The place is a shithole, so I wonder what he's doing here."
“Why not, I dunno ask?”
“Pfft, what kind of question would that be?”
“I dunno, a question is a question. Gosh, I dunno what will kill me faster you or my depression.”
“You’re auctioning off your art pieces this evening right?”
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
“Gosh, I hope he’s there.”
As class started, I looked at her still a bit confused and I shrugged it off thinking “Another far away crush for Diana Lee”. As the class continues. There were a few interruptions due to someone in class either having to go outside to take a phone call or even leave early that day.
Lunch came and passed, Diana talked about Thomas throughout and I still had no idea why he would think to show up to an art auction. Let alone mine.
“What made you sell them anyway?” She asked me.
“To make more room? To see if anyone likes my artworks enough to buy them? To have fun afterwards?”
“New rule, no answering with another question.” She laughed a bit.
“Mostly what I said already and I wanted an excuse to look somewhat pretty in a dress.”
“I haven’t even thought of that.”
“I also thought we’d go dress shopping with you"
“Sounds like a plan,”
I sighed relieved. It was better than I thought it would be, and I was more than ready to die right then.
“I’m starting to look forward to it more now.”
As the day passed by, classes for that day ended and now was prime time to pick out a dress for the upcoming event that I had planned. I hadn’t felt this excited since I got my cat for my birthday this year.
“Mr Midnight’s babysitter should be here any moment now.” I said out loud, "Remember to be kind, she’s a cat whisperer at this point.”
“I love your dress, Morgan.”
“Thanks,” I replied blushing and feeling like I was about to explode from this type of positive energy I had inside of me. I felt like a hyperactive kitten running all over the place. As soon as we got ready, we headed off in a taxi, apprehensive about the fact that there might be no one there.
“Thomas is there, your latest crush is there. Like what did you do to summon him or something?” I asked confused.
"I see a lot more people here than I thought. Right Morgan?”
“Damn right there is.”
I walked in there with her, hoping to divert attention from certain people.
Someone asked Diana “How do you know Thomas?” or something while I headed off to see if all the art pieces arrived here safely.
“Oh sorry about that. Almost ran into you. Sorry,” I made sure I apologised to whoever I bumped into. I felt horrible for doing so, I hope I didn’t ruin whatever he was wearing.
“My name is Morgan Solace, by the way.” I cringed on the inside from the way I introduced myself to him.
“Nice to meet you Morgan, my name is Thomas Shelby” He replied with a slight smirk.
“I hope you enjoy tonight’s auction, Thomas. I sincerely hope so. If you have any questions about the artworks coming out. Let me know” I had to get away, I didn’t want to bother him more than I already had.
After I politely excused myself, I headed to look for Diana, but she was nowhere to be found and I think she ditched, for whatever reason.
“Lost something?” Thomas asked.
“More like someone than something. The girl has a thing for one-night stands and romance novels. Sorry for the rambling part at the end there.”
I told him about the art being sold at auction that used to be mine for what felt like hours. But I never really said that I did them, for some reason I didn’t want to sound too smug about it.
“I was wondering if we could go get a coffee sometime,” I asked him. For some reason, I felt like being brave and asking him out.
“Here’s my number,” He replied,
“I’ll put it into my phone, easier than searching for a pen for thirty minutes.” I opened up my contacts to get ready to put his number into it, “I’ll call you tomorrow and I’ll make sure to take you on that date.”
“Have a pleasant night Morgan. See you tomorrow.” He said, waving and walking off with a few other guys. I waited until I was the only one near the exit. Before heading off for the night.
A few hours after getting home, I still couldn’t believe I was talking to someone that good-looking and the fact that he was talking to me blew me away completely. I had his number saved on my phone, I couldn’t wait to tell Diana about what happened. In a few hours, I had an appointment with my therapist, so I couldn't wait to discuss it there as well. I didn’t care about much else for the rest of the night, although the sudden disappearance of my friend disappointed me. But the fact that I asked someone out made up for it in spades.
I picked up my cat and started dancing with him to my mother’s favourite song. Which proceeded nothing but confuse him more than he was five seconds ago. I had the energy to order pizza instead of cooking. I even got more dessert this time and I was preparing to watch a movie before heading to bed.
“Well, Mr Midnight I have done it. I finally asked someone out. I stepped out and just asked him out.” I said to my cat while in the shower. As he sat on the bath mat staring at me.
“I know, I didn’t think he’d be interested in me either. He’s one of the few people I would consider good-looking. I can see why a lot of women have a major crush on that guy.” I was still talking to my cat when Diana finally got home. She stumbled through the front door.
“Morgan, where are you?!” Diana slurred,
“In the bathroom, go drink a glass of water, you small drunkard.”
I walked out of the bathroom thirty minutes later, dressed in Winnie the Pooh pyjamas. As soon as I was about to ask her where she was the entire time, the pizza arrived and I just let her stumble into her room.
I then decided to just tell her what happened when she perked up.
“More pizza for me.” I thought to myself, “Pizza is here my fluffy bundle of darkness.” I said to my cat, after getting the pizza.
“Joys of the internet, pay for pizza before it gets here and you don’t even have to talk to the pizza delivery guy when it gets there.” I thought to myself, as I dug into the pizza.
“I made today a memorable day,” I whispered to my cat with a mouth full of pizza.
Although the thought that someone like Thomas Shelby would be interested in someone like me kept my head so far in the clouds that I wasn’t on earth anymore. It will certainly take time to adjust to the fact that he said he found me attractive. While I think he did all that and more, I even squealed like a teen girl into my pillow as I crawled into bed that night.
As the days rolled by, one after the other and the planned date came closer. Nerves finally started to kick in like crazy. “What if he doesn’t like me?” was one thought buzzing in her head.
“What if he’s doing this because Diana asked him to?"
“What if he doesn’t show up and just-” I freaked out, thinking this could be a practical joke.
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seokkie123 · 5 years
-- showho, rated T, 1.7k words
for the prompt “weightlifting fairy kim bok joo” on twitter! I haven't watched this show, but I googled the plot and then somehow came up with this although it isn't exactly the same. also I really did not think it would be this long asdfgh I didn’t wanna write out full sentences so I did this script type thing, but the next thing i know the damn thing is over 1000 words smh @ myself. anyway I hope you enjoy uwu
Lee Hoseok: champion weightlifter of X University, won multiple awards with his impressive display of strength despite having a somewhat leaner frame, however his personality is a complete 360 from his body— the softest man you’ll ever meet, cries at sad movies, loves his family to death, strangely does not seem to have many friends...
Son Hyunwoo: supposedly captain of X University’s pro level swim team, probably has the same number of trophies as disqualifications... no doubt the best on the team but rarely shows up to practices, has the body of a greek god but his aloof, occasionally rude personality turns people away
Lee Jooheon: Hoseok’s close friend, training to lift weights himself, is the only one that knows Hoseok’s story, and why he doesn’t have many other friends, warm and friendly but don’t piss him off
Yoo Kihyun: Photographer and reporter for X University’s newspaper, has interviewed Hoseok several times, and Hyunwoo only once for 5 minutes, may have a thing going on with Changkyun but don’t tell Hyunwoo
Lee Minhyuk: one of the few rays of sunshine in Hyunwoo’s life, Hyunwoo’s roommate and close friend, also one of the only people Hyunwoo trusts to tell the truth about Changkyun
Chae Hyungwon: kind of a mystery since he’s either asleep, drowning in a hoodie and long hair, or modeling for Kihyun, used to date Jooheon, extremely observant and knows more than the rest think he does
Im Changkyun: Hyunwoo’s adopted younger brother, knows how soft Hyunwoo really is, very sheltered by Hyunwoo after what happened in their past, rarely leaves the house, instead studying on his own and winning scholarships to keep them both from drowning in debt
Scene starts with Hoseok complaining to Jooheon about wanting someone to cuddle, someone to love. They’re studying at the library but Hoseok keeps getting distracted by a couple seated a few rows away so Jooheon proposes an idea.
Jooheon: You know what? Today’s the day. [slams hands on his desk]
Hoseok: Huh?
Jooheon: We’re gonna get you a boyfriend. Or at least kickstart your nonexistent love life. Come on, pack your stuff, you’re not doing work anyway. I know exactly where to go to find guys your type.
Hoseok: [flailing] Wha— wait—
They leave the library, Jooheon briefly pulling Hoseok behind a wall to avoid talking to his ex before heading over to the campus gym.
Hoseok: [pouty] Jooheonie, I work out here all the time, I won’t find anyone—
Jooheon: [puts his hand over Hoseok’s mouth] No. Tell me who you like and I’ll make it happen.
They watch people entering and leaving the gym for a few minutes, then Hoseok finally points to someone talking to the guy at the counter.
Jooheon: [visibly pales] Don’t point at him!! You’re... You’re kidding right?
Hoseok: [innocently confused]
Jooheon: Fuck, you’re not kidding are you.
Hoseok: No? He looks hot.. I mean he’s probably too hot for me but—
Jooheon: No, no hyunggg... that’s Son Hyunwoo, captain of our swim team.
Jooheon goes on to tell a wide-eyed Hoseok about Hyunwoo’s reputation.
Hoseok: Really? Are you sure those aren’t rumors... If he’s the captain then there’s no way he can be that bad..
Jooheon: I’m just telling you what I know but if you still want to go after him then it’s your call.
Hoseok: Hmm... I might. Not because I want to date him but because I want to know more about him.
Hyunwoo is seen leaving the gym, walking their way.
Jooheon: Hyung, don’t do something stupid—
Hoseok: [determined] The first step of my plan is to get him to notice me! So I’m just gonna walk by and pretend to be on my phone and bump into him, wish me luck!
Hoseok walks his way, weaving through a few other people walking by, and ducks his head, pretending to be absorbed in his phone. But he hadn’t taken into account how fast Hyunwoo was walking, and before he can stop, they quite literally collide, and Hoseok is pushed away.
Hyunwoo: [not looking at him] Stay the fuck away from me.
Hoseok: [rubbing his arm, upset and mad] Wha... What the hell?!
Jooheon: [runs up to Hoseok once the coast is clear and Hyunwoo is gone] Hyung!! Are you okay?!
Hoseok: No! He can’t just do that me, he doesn’t even know me!
Jooheon: Aaaah, I knew something bad would come out of this... He’s just like that sometimes, don’t take it personally.
Hoseok: [furious] I have to take it personally! He pushed me and was downright rude to me and im gonna make him apologize! [rushes off in the opposite direction]
Jooheon: [softly] What have I done?
Next scene has Hoseok outside of the swimming pool, waiting to confront Hyunwoo. Most of the other guys are out of the water since practice ended a few minutes ago but Hyunwoo is still swimming laps, much to Hoseok’s annoyance. After 10 minutes he finally gets out and Hoseok rushes in.
Hoseok: [stuttering] Son Hyunwoo!! [starts to fluster while watching his dripping wet body]
Hyunwoo: [glances over] Do I know you?
Hoseok: [almost shaking under Hyunwoo’s gaze] You should. You shoved me and were rude to me for no reason!! I want an apology!
Hyunwoo: [watches Hoseok bored] I think you have the wrong person.
Hoseok: I don’t!! It was two days ago, outside the gym, I was walking by and bumped into me and then told me to get the fuck away from you or something!
Hyunwoo: [blinks] Ah. I remember now.
Hyunwoo: I wasn’t talking to you.
Hoseok: What?! So it wasn’t you who pushed me either?? Just admit you’re a dick and apologize to me.
Hyunwoo: Hey...
Hoseok: [shrinks a little, stepping back] It really hurt my arm you know... and what kind of person just goes around saying...
At that moment a few swimmers walk by between Hyunwoo and Hoseok. Hoseok steps back to give them space, but then slips and falls right into the pool. The other guys maybe let out a few laughs but quickly move on, not bothered to stay. Hyunwoo seems puzzled, but doesn’t do anything until it’s clear Hoseok can’t swim.
Hyunwoo: [sighs] Of course he can’t swim..
Without much grace, Hyunwoo dives back into the pool and easily lifts Hoseok to the surface. Hoseok is coughing, clinging onto Hyunwoo and quite honestly looks miserable. Looking down at him, Hyunwoo feels something strange for a moment.
Hyunwoo: You should really stay away from pools if you can’t swim.
Hoseok: [still coughing, shaken up]
Hyunwoo: Well, I guess now is a good time to tell you I really wasn’t talking to you when I said to leave me alone. I had my earphones in one ear, and I don’t think you saw. And for shoving you... you kind of were in my way. [shrugs, a little awkward] I... I’m sorry I hurt your arm though.
Hoseok: [out of breath, not meeting Hyunwoo’s eyes once he realizes he’s still clinging onto him, and Hyunwoo hasn’t let go either] You... you’re bad at apologizing.
Hyunwoo: Thanks. I don’t do it much, so consider yourself special.
Hoseok: [blushes a tiny bit, unsure of what he meant by that]
Hyunwoo: [finally becomes aware of the fact that they haven’t moved, and treads them over to the steps out of the pool] Here, get up.
Hoseok: [frozen] I... can’t move my legs.
Hyunwoo: [supresses a sigh] Okay then hold onto me. [shifts Hoseok around onto his back, and with some effort, piggybacks him out of the pool]
Hoseok: [wobbles over to a chair and collapses in it] Um.. thanks for saving me. I’m sorry I called you a dick. [his teeth start to chatter]
Hyunwoo: [stares at the sight of a drenched and weak Hoseok for a second before leaving to the locker room]
Hoseok: [confused and upset when he doesn’t come back, gets up to head home while leaving a trail of water behind him, kind of wanting to cry] He... just left me... I guess this is my fault for overreacting again...
Hoseok makes it all the way through the sports facility, attracting stares as he does, and sniffling until he hears someone calling out.
Random guy: [running towards Hoseok] Hey! Hey you!
Hoseok: Me?
Random guy: You know there’s like no way the bus drivers will let you get on while you’re drippin water everywhere right?
Hoseok: [feeling close to tears again] I know. I was gonna walk home.
Random guy: Really? How far of a walk is it?
Hoseok:.... like an hour and a half.
Random guy: [laughs] Okay. Well if you wanna walk then I won’t stop you, but if you’d like towels and dry clothes we do have some—
Hoseok: Yes!! I mean.. yes, please. But where... how...
Random guy: Almost all the guys on the team always keep spare clothes in their lockers. The older guys tend to try and push everyone else into the pool as a prank... senior privileges. [brings Hoseok into the locker room]
Hoseok: [nervously glancing around hoping not to run into Hyunwoo, but at the same time wishing he could talk to him more]
Random guy: Hey, do you have the clothes?
Random guy #2: I need to talk to you. [glances at Hoseok] Dude, you look pathetic. Take these towels and dry yourself off, we’ll be back.
Hoseok: Oh... [watches the guys leave to have a hushed conversation a few lockers down, sighs and drys his hair and body as best as he can]
Once the guys come back, they have some clothes in their arms. They seem a bit nervous for some reason, but Hoseok is too grateful and happily accepts them anyway. He quickly throws the shirt and jeans on, liking that the shirt hangs a bit loosely on him. Hoseok thanks them again as he rushes out of the locker room, needing to get home and recount the happenings of today to Jooheon.
Scene changes to Hoseok getting off the bus at his stop. There seems to be some construction going on, so he takes another route to get to his tiny apartment.
He turns a corner, and almost bumps into someone.
Hoseok: [yelps, and jumps back so they don’t collide before staring up at him in horror]
Hyunwoo: [just looking Hoseok up and down]
Hoseok: Um. I didn’t know you lived around here— I was just— There was construction so— I’ll leave [tries to rush away from the awkward situation]
Hyunwoo: Wait.
Hoseok: [freezes]
Hyunwoo: Why are you wearing my clothes.
Hoseok: [internally having a meltdown] ...why is this my life.
~ to be continued ~
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Marco x Fem Reader: Release Some Stress N/SFW
Hello, lovely spirits!!! I'm actually up pretty late but I've had this in my mind for a few days now 😘 I have been feeling a bit more creative the last few days. So I do have more content ideas!! I hope you enjoy !!!
Tw: Oral Sex, fantasy thoughts, cum filled mouth,trying not to get caught
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“Are you serious right now?” he said in a low tone. Kissing down his torso your tongue slightly grazing the contour of his abs. Marco began to run his fingers through his hair.
 “As a duty of mine, I can help you release some of the stress.” Whispering between the kisses as you lowered yourself down more and more. Your hands push him down onto his chair. Marco had been feeling overwhelmed the last few days when he would get a break, you were busy. He couldn’t stop you while you were working. So, seeing him at his just a few minutes ago he already seemed bothersome when looking at some orders that we incorrect in front of him. “Just relax babe.” Brings you between him and his desk.  You see his bulge forming in his pants. Marco wasn’t going to deny any kind of stress reliever. Placing his hands on the armrest of his chair he watched you unbuckle his pants.
 “It’s easier said than done… ” Marco watching you release his cock  from his encaged chamber. “But I have full faith in you ______.”  Your soft, slender fingers wrapped around his stiff cock, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on the tip making his cock twitch. You watched his cock twitch, as your hand began to stroke him. “Nghhh~~”  bringing his hand up to his mouth trying to not be too loud. His eyes were focused on watching your hands move up and down his cock. Behind you, long thick lashed you looked up at him. Light biting on your bottom lip brings your lips closer to his cock. Just the slightest touch of your sent shock waves through his body.  
“Just the slightest touch of my tongue can make you tense up, just imagine what could happen if I wrap my lip around him” giving it another light lick, feeling it twitch in your hand once more. 
He let out a low moan, “teasing now yoi?” He said. “My love remember all the taunting you are doing right now...Just wait for your turn.”
 “Ohhh is that a threat Commander?” You smiled softly “Well you will have to prove it to me when the time comes.”  this was the final statement you made at the moment before wrapping your lips around his throbbing member. Marcos’s head leaned back letting out a shallow breath. His hands reached the back of your head not applying any pressure. Marco heard the delicious sounds of the little groans coming from your mouth, as you were bobbing your head up and down.
Hearing a knock on the door “Oi Marco can I come in?” Hearing Ace on the other side of the door. 
“Shit…” Marco made a low grunt. “_______ we have to pause it until later…” Marco said quietly. You, on the other hand, were ignoring his request, you wanted to continue sucking on his cock. “Seriously ______.” he said. Hearing the doorknob begin to open he scooted his chair closer to his desk which made you go into the enclosed desk just enough room to move your head still up and down.  Marco composed himself before Ace finally appeared in the room. 
“Sorry to bother but I’ve been looking for ______ for the last 30 mins, she and I were supposed to finish cleaning the deck.” Ace said. 
“Hmm I- I mean she could be anywhere… She could be neglecting her work and doing things that could wait until later yoi.” Marco replied. Knowing you're sucking him off could have waited..you on the other hand decided to make it more interesting. Your saliva coated his entire cock as some of it began to drip to his balls. Removing your lip from around his cock your hand began to stroke a bit faster, Your tongue began to swirl the tip that was very sensitive. This was making Marco’s lower abdomen begin to tie with knots. 
Marco on the other hand let a low sigh out he band to rub his face “ Sooo I’m guessing you don’t know where she went??” Ace asked “I’ve been in my office all day… Can’t you see I’m busy???.” Marco was gritting his teeth as he was responding.  His voice had a hint of annoyance wanting him to leave so he would be able to enjoy this a bit more. The more taunting you were doing to him while Ace was unaware of what going on underneath his desk turned Marco on more. He only knew what was going on underneath the desk. Marco trying to focus but it was becoming harder for him.
Inside Marco’s, he wishes he could just get you off your knee and have you spread out on his desk. His cock ramming inside of you, he could hear you cry out in his mind with pleasure. ‘Just wait….. You just opened a can of worm _______ yoi.’ 
“Geez sorry for interrupting. You need to get laid or something. Your not the nicest person when you haven’t gotten laid in a while.” Ace furrowed his brows a bit. 
Placing his cock in your mouth you began to suck just a bit hard as your hand continued to stroke him, Marco shifted in his seat. His toes began to curl just a bit. “Get out yoi,” Marco ordered Ace to leave the room. 
Ace was mumbling under his breath as he was leaving “If you see her tell her she owes me.” 
Exiting his office Marco waited a moment before letting out a low moan. Leaning back in his chair once again he got a view of you under is a desk. Your eyes make contact with his as you continued to suck his dick. Marco’s hands went behind your head once again but this time you could feel his hand wanting you to go deeper. “You just couldn’t get enough of it huh? Maybe the next person will realize not to just come in without permission, or they will see you on your knee sucking off the 1st Commander yoi.” Marco grunted. He imagined another crew member coming in and they would witness Marco getting sucked off by you. Marco cursed underneath his breath. “Just like that~~~~ Shit~~~~ you keep that pace babe your gonna make me cum.” He grunted a bit louder. Marco didn’t seem to care at this point who heard him,  The knot sensation forming in his lower abdomen continued to build up more and more. Feeling his hand push your head down now as he let out a moan, Marco releasing his seed in your mouth, you gripping onto his thighs as the warm liquid filling your mouth trickling down your throat. Marco’s body felt a bit limp and released his hand from the back of your head, trying to control his breathing.
Removing your lips from around his cock you brought your head back up, swallowing the remainder of the cum that was still in your mouth. “Aren’t cha glad I didn’t stop?” smirking looking at the drool and a bit of cum still coating his cock.
“I can’t deny it yoi…. But you seemed to have made a mess I still see some of my cum you didn’t pick up. Why don’t you clean it off like a good girl.”
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Tagging: @undercoverweeeb @fireflykaizoku @kristaline2dmensimp @athena-portgas
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eremiie · 3 years
𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧!;
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❥ 17k words | pure fluff | eren x reader
❥ eren’s birthday is in a couple days and what better way to celebrate it by hosting a party with your friends? only, you can’t help but feel a little stressed out and a litte nervous.
❥ authors note; don’t remind me that this is two days late, i know i know, i needed a break, but i hope you enjoy anyways >:)
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4 days.
"connie, sasha! can you guys stop messing around for three seconds?"
connie and sasha turned around at the same time, your hand impatiently drummed against the counter as you gave them an irritated stare. your patience was growing thin as you wanted the outcome of this event to be perfect.
eren's birthday was a couple days away.
it wasn't always that you wanted to prepare events, as a matter of fact it stressed you out a little too much to do so. but, this was an event you wanted to take charge of— you wanted it to go perfect with the help of some of your closest friends.
you had met eren only the beginning of your first year in college— this year. it was the classic i need a roommate, so do you, so let's be roommates thing. it made things a little easier on you, bills were easier to pay, school was easier to get to, and eren brought more comfort to you.
he made you more social, introduced you to new friends, and became a role in your life.
sasha crossed her legs from her position on the floor, setting her arms on the table, clasping her fingers while she nodded her head hastily. "okay, i swear i'm listening now."
"sorry." connie murmured with a scratch of his head. he leaned forward on the coffee table, a look that said carry on staring at you as you stared at him.
you sighed, guilt creeping up on you for the harshness of your previous sentence. "...i didn't mean to sound aggressive, i'm sorry, i'm just kind of stressed." you rested your head on the palm of your hand as your eyes trailed over the sloppy notes scribbled on a piece of notebook paper armin tore for you.
the top of the paper was practically glaring at you "eren's birthday party!!!" slapped between the margins in led. you skimmed the notes, some of your friends name with a dash pointed to what they would handle in relation to the party. you gave the paper a grim look, as you almost couldn't read your own writing.
it couldn't go too wrong right? you felt as if eren was somewhat of a picky person but deep down you knew he'd love anything that his friends presented to him because of the sentiment and thought behind it. eren wasn't too difficult, so why were you stressing so much? you have a great group of friends beside you that were even willing to go through with this birthday party. what was bothering you?
"_____," armin's hand slid to your back, rubbing up and down in a comforting manner. he jolt you out of your thoughts, your head turning to the side to look at him.
a warm smile was on his face, blue eyes almost relaxing, almost putting you at ease. he removed his hand from your back and grabbed your hand that was in your lap, giving it a light squeeze. "you know, for one of eren's birthdays when he was a kid i made him a dirt cake and we sat outside and pretended to eat it." you couldn't help but giggle at the thought of a small eren and armin sitting in the grass playing with dirt. "he was happy enough to hang out with me and do that— he was also happy when mikasa embroidered him the letter E on a piece of cloth. he hung it on his backpack, i'm sure it's still back at his mom's house."
armin looked up to mikasa for confirmation and she nodded her head from behind him on the couch. she looked up to the ceiling, reminiscing on the small memory with a small smile as she fiddled with her fingers. "i'm sure eren would enjoy this just as much as a dirt cake."
"and a tiny E embroidery." mikasa added with a chuckle.
you let your hand smooth over the back of your neck and nodded. "yeah... yeah, he'll like it." you weren't sure if you were just saying that to reassure yourself or saying that because you meant it. either way, you picked up the mechanical pencil next to your elbow and began writing again.
"hitch," you repeated as you wrote down her name, your the end of your h flying as you lifted the pencil off of the paper.
hitch looked up at you from her phone. "what's up?"
"you know a lot of people." she looked up for a second tapping her chin, as if she was pondering.
"yeah... if i do say so myself, i'm a little popular." she shrugged her shoulders with a smirk and you rolled your eyes at her, the both of you letting out a small laugh.
"can you get the word out to some people you know eren knows?"
"who does eren know?"
"you know... besides us, maybe like..." you let your mind wander. eren wasn't the most social person but neither were you. in the least he was pretty known around campus, given his temper and his personality, not to mention his looks. he definitely got eyed around campus albeit only talking to a few people. you weren't surprised when someone waved hey to him while he was minding his own.
"i'm just messing, i'll figure out something." a light bulb went off in her brain, her eyes lighting up. "oh! i could even make a cute little digital flier to give them all the info— armin what's your address?" she had somewhat of a creative prowess that you were thankful for. always willing to help you with minor inconveniences whether it be your fashion choices, socializing with others, designing things, and much more.
armin began to tell her, his voice fading out as you looked towards sasha who now had her head laid down on the table, like you only moments ago. "sash," her eyes looked up to you and she picked herself up from the glass surface. "can you handle the cake and snack ideas?" you knew sasha would be the best bet for the food, especially considering she was currently taking a culinary arts program.
her eyes widened a bit, another haste nod of her head that made her hickory ponytail bounce with each up and down motion. "yeah, definitely! i have a friend that is really good at baking too, i could ask him for help on the cake."
you pointed the pencil in your hand towards sasha with a smile. "knew i could count on you, please spare enough for the party though."
she rolled her eyes hand reaching out to push your hand back down to the table. "shush, i was only gonna eat a couple bites of whatever we make— don't act like you've never treated yourself while cooking." you shook your head, looking back down to the paper and writing food and cake next to sasha's name hiding the small grin on your face. "caught!" she exclaimed, pointing at you with a snap of her fingers. "red handed!"
"oh, shush." you whipped your head behind you to look at jean who was sitting in between mikasa and hitch. "jean," and then to connie, next to sasha, his eyes low and his face straight— a clear look of boredom. "connie?"
the two boys answered with a small "hm?"
"can the three of us go for decorations like on..." you tapped the pencil in your hand to your chin. if eren's birthday was on the thirtieth, and you would be decorating on the twenty-ninth, you'd wanna get the decorations a little early on— better safe than sorry anyways. "twenty seventh or twenty eight?"
"decorations? this is gonna be fun." connie came more alive at the sound of decorations. with a  snicker, he rubbed his hands together like a classic villain in an old cliché movie.
"you guys are just coming with i'm not leaving y'all in charge of them. you'd fuck eren over."
"yeah? like how you wanna fu—" your hand slapped over connie's mouth faster than you could blink, connie's eyes going wide at the abrupt action and yours at the words that were beginning to spill over his lips. yes, you loved your friends but more often than not you couldn't stand them. sometimes you wondered if eren could've chose a better group of people to introduce you to. (in reality? you wouldn't trade them for the world.)
"no!" your response came out louder than you intended, the lot of your friends laughing. "can you not?" you turned back towards your paper, jotting down decorations beside jean and connie's names, your nose almost touching the white sheet with how close you were to it. the tingle of blood was flooding your cheeks and you took it upon yourself to take your time writing the date as well. "decorations, twenty eight."
"yes ma'am." jean replied clearing his throat with a small smirk on his face, glancing to connie before back to you. you sighed and rubbed your forehead.
"yes ma'am." connie repeated, small stifled chuckles trying to leave his quivering lips. you glared at him, and he tried not to smile, clearly dismissing how you were trying to kill him with a look.
armin spoke up, tapping your shoulder. "once you get the decorations stop by here, me and mikasa can help put them up the day of the party. you can come help too— make sure everything looks nice."
your attention was stolen, once again armin being the one who held it. "okay," decorating was already written next to mikasa and armin's names, but you marked the thirtieth next to it as well. "sasha, let's get the cake on the twenty-ninth so that it's closest to fresh as possible. i can come with right?"
"yeah, of course. i can pick you up that morning if you want me to."
that was perfect, you were practically beaming at the way everything was falling in place— everything felt as if it was falling in place, yes, but still your stomach flipped and your brain couldn't help but flood with the idea that something could go wrong.
you pushed the thoughts to the back of your brain and began to fold the paper in front of you neatly. "hitch, can i come over tomorrow? we can work on the digital fliers and figure out who to invite."
"sure, yeah, that's fine with me."
you pocketed the piece of paper and rose to your feet, pulling out your phone to check the time. you had been at armin and mikasa's place for four hours with your friends, and you had only been planning for a little bit— getting distracted was a hobby at this point. or maybe you were distracting yourself just because of the worry that the planning wouldn't go right.
"i'm gonna go," you stepped around the couch gingerly, avoiding the feet of your friends. "thank you guys."
armin followed your steps, standing up to trail after you. "i'll walk you to the door, the rest of them should be leaving soon too." he turned to the remainder, blonde brow rising over his eye. it wasn't a suggestion, you knew he'd be ushering them out the door soon enough.
"thank you, armin." not only thank you for a measly walk out the door, but a thanks to him helping you, keeping you at somewhat ease for the party. he was always so good to you— from helping you study when you needed it, talking to eren when he was upset with you. armin was always a shoulder to rely on, and you wouldn't have met him if it wasn't for eren. "thank you." you repeated under your breath as he opened the door for you.
the change in temperature as you stepped out the door felt better than it should have, the breeze hugged you tight, and you brought your hand to your chest as you stepped down the steps of armin's apartment.
you had a good set of friends on your shoulder, and a good plan in mind that you knew they'd help you with every step of the way. you breathed out through your nose and closed your eyes before turning back to the blonde, two calm oceans watching you with solicitude. "bye, armin." and another one of his warm smiles was thrown back to you as he waved and closed the door behind you.
when you returned to your apartment eren was asleep on the couch.
you moved as quietly as possible, shutting the door as quiet as you could muster. you slipped off your shoes and tiptoed over to the couch, every creak of the floor board felt like it could be heard no matter how quiet you thought you were being. although, when you peered down at eren's sleeping figure sprawled on the couch his eyes were still shut, he was still taken over by sleep.
even in his sleepy state his brows were still knit together, a small pout on his face as you listened to his slow breathing. his arm was supporting his head, the other one draped across his stomach and his hair wasn't in it's usual ponytail, hair messy and strewn about around his head and you almost wanted to let out a laugh at how cute he looked.
even though a bed probably would've been more comfortable, you didn't want to wake him. he looked pretty calm from where he was rested on the couch, eyes fluttering while they were still shut and lip twitching every now and then.
if you didn't know any better you would've bent down to place a kiss on his forehead, maybe the tip of his nose. or maybe you would've shook him awake and asked him to sleep beside you tonight. but you knew better and both of those options quickly dissolved from your mind before you could truly consider them.
instead, you took your time studying his pretty features until you felt like you studied long enough, almost surprised he didn't wake up, wondering why he felt like he was being watched. you spun on your heel and quietly creeped your way to your room, letting out a unsteady breath once you closed the door.
your back stayed pressed against the door as you looked at your feet. the chirp of an owl was almost too present, and if it wasn't for your thoughts you were sure you could've heard the television from your upstairs neighbor. you shook your head and face planted into your pillow, the bed bouncing up and down with the addition of your weight.
were you really worried about the birthday party? is that what was stressing you out?
the more you thought about it, the more it felt like a stupid party wasn't the sole root of your problems.
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3 days.
you didn't even hear the sound of eren approaching you, too entranced with what was on your computer screen. when the rough pad of his finger tapped your shoulder you almost jumped out of your skin, your own finger moving quickly to switch tabs, your vision a blur and you not sure what you clicked before your head shot to face him. "eren!"
he put his hands up in mock surrender, glancing between you and your computer screen, intrigue in his green eyes. "what were you looking at?" of course that was the first thing he asked, that was just your luck.
you tapped your hands against the sides of your laptop, letting your gaze dart around the living room while eren waited a response that you were whipping up in your head. "a watch i'm gonna buy... for me."
"can i see it?" you almost rolled your eyes at how inconvenient that question was. your hand went to your mousepad, scrolling over to exit out of the tab, before looking back at eren. he narrowed his eyes as he literally watched you close out the tab in front of his face.
"no." your response was awkward— scratch that, the whole moment was awkward. "uh, what's up?" you shut your laptop as eren rounded the couch to come sit next to you. the weight of his body shifted you a bit, and his presence so close to you made you tense up slightly. his arm swinging over the back of the couch didn't help you either.
"didn't see you at all yesterday. when i woke up i checked your room and you were sleep." he checked on you? your heart practically skipped a beat at the simple sentence. you saw him almost everyday and have lived with him for almost a year now— why did he rack your nerves so much?
"yeah... i knocked out when i got home, but you were sleep when i got back anyways."
"where were you for so long?" genuine curiosity was present in his voice. "i was pretty bored here by myself, you know." his head tilted back to rest against the couch, his eyes still looking down at you as he let out an exaggerated breath.
you gave eren an uneven smile and crossed your arms. "with armin," you almost did a double take when eren's smile dropped.
"you left me to go to armin's house?"
"...i didn't think you wanted to come!" your voice came off defensive, and you quickly lowered it the nearer your sentence came to an end.
eren squinted his eyes at you, if looks could talk his would be calling you an idiot. he brought his head off the couch and leaned forward. any closer and he would be able to hear your heart thrumming in your chest. "you didn't think i wanted to come to armin and mikasa's house... you know, my childhood friends?"
when eren repeated your words back to you they did sound pretty dumb. you frowned, not sure if you were frowning at the boy in front of you or the stupidity of your sentence. your words tangled in your throat as they tried to form, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. eren leaned back, and you felt yourself gain control again, your heart quieting. "it was a last minute thing, i had to go to grab some notes from him and we got carried away."
"you and armin don—"
"mikasa! grab some notes from mikasa. calculus... calculus notes."
almost on cue, your phone buzzed from between the couch cushion beside you and your hand fumbled to find it, pulling it up once your phone was in between your fingers. you turned your phone up right, the blue light shining on your face as you read the small segment of the message hitch sent you. your finger swiped and your thumb unlocked your phone as you read the remainder of the text.
march 27th, 2:53pm
⤷ finished studying. you can be on your way!!!
⤷ i'll be omw in like 10
you looked back up to eren, his eyes already rested on your face. when you stood up from the couch, he still watched you as you maneuvered around the small space of the apartment clumsily. "i'm gonna be on my way to hitch's." you told him, grabbing your keys from the kitchen table and slipping on your crocs that were under it.
"you didn't have enough fun with armin yesterday?" when your head turned to look at him, his was giving you a bored stare, head hanging backwards over the couch, the flyaways around his face pointing towards the ground.
you stiffened at his statement, but nevertheless continued to move, your jacket coming over your arms and your phone slipping into the pocket of your sweats. "grabbing notes isn't fun, i won't be at hitch's for long either. you'll probably be home when i get back."
he pushed off the couch, taking long strides towards you with his hands buried in his own pockets. when he was but a few feet away, he stopped, and your eyes washed over his body. black t-shirt clinging to his skin and the band of his boxers playing peek-a-boo from where they sat a little above his sweatpants. when you snapped out of your thoughts and looked up the door was being held open for you, eren trying to suppress his small smile. "nope, probably gonna go hang out with someone."
"you don't know her."
"oh..." you tucked your lip in between your teeth and opened the door wider for yourself. "okay, see you." and when the door shut behind you it somewhat startled you, and the walk to your car felt a little longer than usual.
the drive to campus felt a little longer than usual too.
when you did arrive the walk to her dorm was like expected, you made your way through the hallways, up the steps until you were standing in front of her dorm. your hand rapped her door a few times, a "hold on!" being yelled out to you once you stopped.
typical, the sound of rustling was coming from the other side and you heard her footsteps come closer until the door swung open. "here, here." she huffed out, opening up the door more so you could slip past her and into her room.
right off the bat you knew which side was hers— not that it wasn't your first time, just that she made it painfully obvious.
her clothes were scattered across the floor, and it was almost as if an invisible line was dividing her and her roommates side. a stack of papers and books on top of her desk, light from the lamp behind it struggling to shine through the stack. the other side of the desk looking pristine and neat— if you swiped your finger over top there wouldn't be a trace of dust. posters adorned above her bed as well as a small tapestry. "i see you tried to clean up before i got here."
"something like that," she waved you off, shutting the door behind her and rushing over to her bed to throw a couple pillows down then hopping up on it, patting the space beside her. "you know, i got some of the information down for the flier, i made it look pretty and shit last night i just need you to tell me a few more things."
you slipped off your shoes and hopped onto her bed as well, scooting back and pulling your knees to your chest as she scrolled through her phone.
"look," the device was shoved in your face, making you blink a few times as you waited for the screen to steady, a sage green flier with many small words looking back at you.
your hand wrapped around the phone, and hitch let go to watch your face. "you like?"
"happy birthday eren!" was big and bold dark green lettering, the title for the flier, while an old picture of eren sat to the side that made you let out a snort. beside it was the date and time for the event, as well as armin's address spanning across the middle of the flier from one end of it to the other. your eyes went back to the photo, but before you could get a good look at it hitch abruptly grabbed the phone back. "you don't like it?" a frown was on her face, and she inspected the image on her phone. "different color? is that what it is?"
you pursed your lips and leaned back against her wall. "i didn't say that— and the color is fine..." you stared at your knees as you remembered one of the first times you went into eren's room while he was sick. a tattered dark green cover was draped over his body and when you had pushed him about the condition of the cover— frayed ends and a few small holes here and there, he had told you it was an old gift from his mom and that he liked the color.
"hey," when you looked back up to hitch she wasn't to your side anymore, instead seated criss cross in front of you, hands in her lap and her phone discarded to her side. "what's up?"
you gave her a questioning glance before fiddling with your fingers that were propped up on your knees. there was nothing up with you— could you not do a little thinking? "nothing?"
"girl, please," she looked to her phone, it isolated on top of her sheets the green flier being the centerpiece of the screen. her fingers went to press the power button until the device went black, and your eyes couldn't be on it anymore, forced to give your attention to hitch. "is it about eren? you seemed to really like the picture of him on my phone, even though i stole that from our high school yearbook. he looks off with short hair doesn't he?"
come on— you couldn't possibly get any more predictable than this. "i was just thinking about his favorite color." which wasn't a lie, you were, your thinking just happened to go deeper than just his favorite color.
"you cannot lie to save your life..." hitch threw her head back as she began to laugh at you, her short hair bobbing on her shoulders as her hand came up to cover her mouth while her laughs died down. "favorite color my ass. what is up for real?" hitch knew you liked eren, they practically all did... except for eren himself.
your head fell into the space created between your knees and chest, and you groaned. "i don't even know myself. he just, he just—" a sound of frustration left your mouth, but was muffled by your legs. "i want this to go well for him." you picked your head up, but you weren't satisfied with your answer. by the way hitch looked at you, you could tell she wasn't either.
"keep going, i'm still listening." hitch's head nodded slowly, a reassuring nod— telling you it was okay to keep speaking, her ears were open to hear you out.
"i want this party to go well for him, of course i do; but after today i feel so dumb for putting so much time into it. maybe i'm overthinking it but i told eren i hung out with armin and he told me he was going to hang out with some girl i didn't know, and it just... i guess rubbed me wrong— so now i feel like i'm putting all my time into this for him and it'll kind of just mean nothing, all my time into planning this party that i feel like is stupid. i feel stupid."
it was like a dam broke, your words had flooded out, and you had said more than you wanted to, yet it still wasn't enough. hitch was satisfied— but you? you were not.
she grabbed some of your hair, pulling your head up by it. surprise danced across her features, surprised to see you weren't weeping, albeit your voice sounding shaky when you spoke. "i haven't seen eren pull anybody ever since we were in high school together, i doubt he all of a sudden has a girl or whatever." she gave you a half smile, hands coming up to grab yours, and your legs slid down into a criss cross position as well.
"plus the party isn't stupid and you're not stupid. it's not about how you feel about eren, it's about giving him and us a good time for his birthday. did you forget that it's for his birthday? shit, if you don't wanna plan it, i will— admissions gonna equal a bottle of booze." her chuckle was contagious and your lips couldn't help but upturn as you let one out too.
"listen, whenever i have a crush on someone i just go for it, you know? just tell him. maybe he was just trying to get you jealous or something." she shrugged her shoulders, while she played with your hands that were enveloped in hers.
"we live together, i don't wanna make it weird."
'it'll only be weird if he says no."
"which is a big possibility."
hitch glanced off to the side before letting her eyes settle on you again, her lips shifting as she looked for what to say. "um... but he could say yes too. you won't know if you don't ask. if you're not willing to move forward and take the risk you don't like him that much. if he says no eventually the two of you will go back to normal anyways." you did like him that much, you were just an anxious mess. especially when he was around; which was quite ironic considering you spent most of your time around him.
you let hitch's words sink into your flesh as you stared at her thumb smoothing over the soft skin of your hand. she wasn't totally wrong, you wouldn't know unless you asked, and nothing would really happen until you asked either.
"do what you will with that information." hitch cleared her throat, letting go of your hands and shuffling to sit beside you, grabbing her phone on the way, then turning around to sit her back against the wall as well. a thick silence fell over the two of you, and if it wasn't for how close both of you were it would've been awkward— for you, it was you and your thoughts talking, but for hitch?
"so... who are we inviting again?"
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2 days.
"what do you think of these?" you flipped over the packet of balloons examining the details scribbled on the back, waiting for a response— but to no avail. you didn't receive one.
you turned around, expecting to see a nest of ash brown hair hovering over you as well as doe hazel eyes, but jean and connie were nowhere to be found. a groan of annoyance left your lips and you slipped the packet of balloons into the shopping basket that was hooked around your arm. "i guess these will do."
today felt slow, no progress felt like it was made albeit you running around a family dollar looking for simple birthday decorations, while your friends ran around looking for only God knows what.
you weren't sure if it was because this task was somewhat easy, or maybe because in a couple hours you'd be returning to your shared apartment with eren, continuing to sneak around as if you weren't planning an event. continuing to have to ignore his questions when you'd come in a little later than you usually do, because if you had said you were hanging out with one of your mutual friends he'd look at you funny— ask why you didn't take him with you.
he wasn't wrong, his friends were his friends before they were yours; he is the one who introduced you to them, you all of a sudden devising your own plans with them and seemingly having the time of your lives while he sat back at home of course rubbed him weird.
he didn't question you too much though.
he knew his birthday was coming up— he might be dense but he wasn't completely stupid. although he had no direct hint to you planning anything for him, his friends planning anything for him, the lack of mention of his birthday being soon was almost alarming. he hoped your running around without him had at least a little to do with his birthday.
and for that you thanked him, because besides your little crush on him, the whole mess surrounding his birthday made your stomach churn, having to keep something from him for so long racked your nerves and made it even harder to be around him just in case something accidentally slipped.
you dragged your feet to the isle next to you, peering down it to see the two boys you were looking for, jean and connie. you noticed them before they noticed you, connie's hands grabbing at something and throwing it in the basket in jean's hands. "guys," you said loud enough for them to hear, both of their heads whipping to look to you.
both of them slowly made their way towards you until you met in the middle of the aisle, your arm crossed and your lips pursed. "looking for decorations was fun by myself." your tone was sarcastic, and connie caught on nose scrunching at your comment, his hand coming out to pat your shoulder.
"listen, listen— i was getting eren's birthday present!" he replied, giving you a crooked smile.
your eyes darted between connie, jean and the small basket in his hands, dumbfounded. were you missing something? you didn't see a "birthday present" anywhere. you glanced back up to connie, confusion littered on your face. "where?"
connie's smile dropped, quickly turning into a frown and jean let out a short chuckle, connie glaring at him. he pointed towards the basket, then grabbing it and tilting it towards you. "snacks, and candy and shit. who doesn't like snacks?"
you looked into the basket, and inside was an arrangement of snacks— none that you could remember eren eating, maybe besides the flimsy bag of potato chips and sour gummy worms. "it's the thought that counts." you mumbled mostly to yourself, but both the boys in front of you heard, connie rolling his eyes and letting go of the basket.
it was ironic, because if it was just the thought that counted to you maybe you wouldn't be stressing so much over the party you were in the midst of planning. you wish you could take your own advice, and maybe be like connie and do something simple for eren without beating yourself up too much.
"shut up— we need to get a bag for it." connie mutters, but you knew he wasn't genuinely upset, he could care less what you thought of his present. if it was something he enjoyed it was most likely eren would enjoy it too. at least that's what he told himself.
"we need to get everything else for the party too— you guys left me when i was looking for balloons." your hands flew out from your sides, clearly exasperated with their lack of care for stranding in you in the isle over without a word.
"we didn't leave you, we just went an aisle over to get his gift."
"so you left me?" connie's eyes slide over to jean, who walked past the two of you, clearly trying to leave the store as soon as possible, or maybe dissociate himself from the small ruckus you were creating in the middle of the store.
"technically, no..." he murmured, walking past you as well, and you brought your hand to your forehead before speeding up your pace to catch up to jean, walking beside him instead of behind with connie.
the three of you walked in silence until you reached the decorations aisle, fingers brushing over the arrangement of decor, but you were mainly focused on the miscellaneous decorations, party streamers, tissues, table covers, and much more you couldn't name.
"jean?" he looked down at you, standing next to your figure who was crouched on the floor to be head on with the decorations seated on the small bottom shelf.
"what's up?"
you picked up two packs of table covers, in each of your hands, standing up and examining both packages, the only difference being the colors. "which one?"
jean took the white pack from your hands, turning it over then grabbing the dark green pack from your hands and looking it over as well. "they're both nice to me." he shrugged. he didn't see why the color of the table covers, or any decoration mattered so much. like you he knew eren wasn't too picky, yet you still continued to try to perfect every aspect of this party.
"well, which one do you think eren would like?"
jean furrowed his eyebrows at you, dropping both packages into the basket in your hands opposed to his— although he was helping with the party he wouldn't be paying for anything he didn't need to. "eren wouldn't care, _____."
you sighed, eyes drifting down to the new contents of your basket. "yeah, but—"
"just get both, and decide when we go there, he'll like either."
you fiddled with your hands, nodding your head and walking past jean to the party streamers— you didn't ask for his opinion, reckoning you'd get the same answer, so you slipped both the white streamer paper and dark green into your basket, making your way towards connie who was plucking a small paper bag from the rack.
"i'm gonna put it in this bag." connie said as soon as you had stopped in front of him, shoving the bag in your face, your hands coming up to lower it so you could see it more clearly. it was nice, a small blue bag with "happy birthday" sprawled on the front, in sparkly letters, and you smiled at connie who pulled it away from you.
"that's nice, i should get a bag too for his present shouldn't i?"
"well you're not putting it in a box are you?" you shook your head, it'd be better to put it in a little birthday bag then having to spend time wrapping it, so you stood in connie's place who moved aside to let you take a look at the arrangement of bags.
there were so many, but a pretty white one caught your eye, it was simple, happy birthday written in small text on the front in black, a period ending the short statement. the paper bag had two black ribbon handles that were rough to the touch when you had pulled it off its rack. "this is nice too, right?"
connie looked to the bag in your hand, nodding his head. of course he'd think it's nice, he wasn't like you— it made no difference from the bag in his hand. they were both made out of paper and both could complete the same job. you wished to have that mindset. "yeah, what did you get eren for his birthday?"
your eyes widened slightly, you were somewhat surprised he asked— or maybe surprised that he was the first to ask. you took pride in the gift you had bought him when others asked or when you had explained what it was to mikasa, but when it came to eren you were a little nervous to know if he'd like it or not. "just this custom watch, i thought it would be thoughtful."
jean came up behind connie, connie placing his bag into jean's basket. "yeah, i think he'd like it, i mean— i don't wear watches but i'd wear it once or twice."
you narrowed your eyes, scoffing at connie. "well good thing the watch isn't for you, let's go." connie shrugged his shoulders, and you went to grab paper plates and cups, even party hats just for the gag of it, soon enough making your way to the check out and buying all the supplies. your total was higher than you expected, and you blamed your indecisiveness, yet you would still buy whatever was needed for the party at hand.
the three of you loaded into jean's car, you placing the bags beside you and your phone buzzing. you pulled it out of your pocket to check the notification, a message from eren. you swiped left, having to swipe a couple times because of how fast you attempted to open the message. it was rare he texted you when you were out, especially when he knew you were out.
march 28th, 4:47pm
⤷ [attachment 1 image]
⤷  your package? where do you want me to leave it?
you knew right off the bat what it was, the watch you had just told connie about. when you had last checked the shipping date it wasn't scheduled to come today— it was one day early.
march 28th, 4:48pm
⤷ put it in my room, thanks
⤷ okay
you had dropped your phone into your lap, looking out to the window but it buzzed again, and you scrambled to pick it up once more.
march 28th, 4:53pm
⤷ wya?
⤷ in the car, i'll be home soon.
"can you guys take me home first, actually? we can take the stuff to armin's house the day before eren's party." you leaned forward so jean who was driving, could hear you, his head turning slightly as he listened.
"why?" your phone buzzed again, and just like that you forgot about the conversation at hand, diving to pick up your phone, eager to see what eren had sent now.
march 28th, 4:55pm
⤷ your car is here
⤷ oh, you're with who?
⤷ jean and connie
"i just want to go home for now, it'd be easier if we just brought everything over there when we go decorate." and even though jean disagreed, he began the route to your place instead, deciding not push any further.
although your phone didn't alert you that you got another notification, you went to go check anyways, grasping the device in your hand as you went back to you and eren's messages.
read, 4:55pm
you didn't even realize the small frown that was painted on your face, you placing your phone back into the pocket of your jacket, settling down into the seat you were sat on.
"yeah, take me home first."
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1 day.
"how's this?" sasha tilted the bowl of frosting towards you, and you took a glance, the frosting a pretty shade of green, much like the flier hitch showed you two days before.
you nodded your head, "yeah, that color works.", and your friend smiled, spinning on her foot to place down the bowl of frosting beside the one of icing. she seemed more excited then you about the making of the cake. not to say you weren't excited, but it was more accurate to say you were highly strung about how it would turn out— more than you should have been.
"nico, grab the cake, i think it's chilled long enough." she dipped her finger into the bowl of frosting, putting it up to her lips and humming at the taste. "oh, yeah, that's good. eren better like this!" and you hoped he would too.
you tsked, grabbing the bowl and moving it over so niccollo could place the cake on the counter next to it. "what design are you thinking?" he asked, arm draping over sasha's shoulder as the two of them stood in front of you. although they didn't date you couldn't help but find them cute. you wondered if sasha or niccollo were in the same dilemma as you— only it seemed that their feelings were reciprocated opposed to you and eren.
you pondered for a second, recalling what you had thought up a couple nights ago. it was simple, "pipe the edges with one of those swirly tips, with the white icing, and.. write happy birthday in the middle. small letters." the small letters were somewhat of an improvisation, it reminded you of the small letters on the front of the gift bag you had got for eren.
as you spoke, sasha moved to grab the pipe tips and piping bags, as well as a spatula, placing the utensils down onto the surface next to the frosting. "i can see that in my head— it's gonna be so good, it's gonna look so good." she glanced up at niccollo, and he was already looking at her, a small smile on his face. "can i frost?"
"...you can frost with the green, i'll do the white; the piping and the words."
sasha beamed, clearly happy with whatever she could get, and she grabbed the spatula, scooping up some frosting and beginning to spread it across the cake. she smoothed the thick coat over the swirl cake, trying her best to cover the top, and you could already envision what it would look like in your head, and it wasn't bad. sasha wouldn't dare for it to look bad with how ecstatic she was to be making it, and you were sure niccollo wouldn't either.
it was mainly your idea, and niccollo and sasha would bring it to life. you would hope eren would like it as much as how much you liked the image of it in your head. "so what did you guys buy for snacks?"
niccollo made his way over to the sink, washing his hands before flinging them so water droplets flew in the sink. "well we bought the basic stuff, chips for the guac, candy for the bowls, and some drinks, plus beer at your friend hitch's request."
you laughed, hitch wouldn't be the only one enjoying it, the lot of you guys liked to drink. you knew eren would be appreciative at the gesture. "it probably wasn't just hitch who wanted it." you watched the blonde dry his hands, leaning against the sink counter. "so you're gonna make the guac, the guac for the chips?"
he nodded his head. "oh, yeah of course. i just can't make it today, i'll make it at... armin, armin's house?" his response was a question, and you nodded as well, letting him know he was thinking of the right person. "yeah, sash will get the stuff and i'll make it that day so it can be fresh."
"okay, that's good. are you gonna come to the party too?" you didn't know him personally, only having met him through sasha who you didn't know how she met him. she had seemed to have taken a liking to him, and you just followed through. after all like you said, they were cute, you wouldn't be surprised when sasha would break the news to you.
"no, i have work that day... i'll be there beforehand to help sasha and you, and everyone set up, if it helps."
"no, yeah— it'd be a lot of help." you gave him a small smile, sliding over more towards sasha to check on the cake. "so, out of curiosity; how did the two of you meet?"
sasha grinned at the question, grabbing some more frosting with the spatula and slapping it onto the side of the cake. she didn't give niccollo time to answer, mouth opening to do so for him. "culinary class! he's so fucking good at cooking, like how?" she tilted her head back to direct the grin on her face at him, and he gave her one back.
"yeah, sasha's not too bad herself either. how did you and sasha meet?" his words sounded like an understatement and you chuckled.
but you and sasha meeting? it wasn't much of a story to tell. "oh, just through eren at the beginning of last semester."
"eren? the birthday boy?"
"yeah, birthday boy... he introduced me to all of them really, nothing special." you shifted on your feet, hands coming together so you could play with your nails, looking down at your hands.
"tell me about you and birthday boy— how did the two of you meet?" you didn't know someone could ask so many questions, but it wasn't like you didn't ignite the conversation to save from the silence.
sasha's shoulders bounced as she laughed softly, and although you couldn't see her, her still smoothing away at the almost completely green cake, you glared at her.
"he's my roommate. i needed one and he needed one, and you know how that goes."
niccollo raised a brow. he clearly caught onto the way you tried to brush the topic off too fast, but so did sasha despite her being occupied. wasn't he majoring in culinary arts? not psychology— there was no reason for him to read you that fast. "and how does that go, _____?" sasha titters and you could tell she was smiling from the tone of her voice.
"fine." you were blunt, your voice montone apart from the small falter at the end of your sentence. "it's cool, having a roommate, he's nice and fun to have around."
sasha's expression mimicked niccollo's, her arms crossing and her brow going up before she walked over to the sink and began to wash the spatula, the water somewhat saving you from the awkward silence, the same one you had tried to stop earlier. sasha broke it though, and in the worst way she could.
"she likes him."
your hand slapped your forehead, and you let out an exasperated groan, both sasha and niccollo laughing at you, but sasha must've felt somewhat bad, a pout on her face as she came over to pull you into a tight hug. "sorry, but you weren't gonna say it and it's kind of obvious."
"well you didn't have to say it out loud." you didn't hug her back, one hand sliding down your face, and the other hanging at your side.
"well how else would nico know?"
"he doesn't."
nicollo took over sasha's place at the counter, not phased by your reluctance to tell him. he tidied up her small mistakes when she was frosting the cake. "sash, can you fill the piping bags?" sasha pranced over to the piping bags after letting go of you and her hands grabbed them, placing the tip on the bags and then rummaging the drawer for a spare spatula, using it to scoop up some of the the white icing and stuff it into the utensil. "so you like him?"
you sighed. she didn't have to repeat it, but still you nodded your head, and then realizing he couldn't see you. "...yeah."
"she won't tell him though." sasha added, dipping another finger into the icing and sucking it off her finger once more. did she have to reveal everything? "i don't see why, if it was me i'd just tell him, what's the worst that could happen."
your eyes glanced between sasha and niccollo.
that was ironic.
"just tell him, who knows, he could like you back." the conversation sounded too familiar, and you rolled your eyes, why did everyone think this was such an easy feat? niccollo leaned towards the cake, icing squeezing out of the pipe creating an intricate swirl that was being detailed around the circumference of the cake.
you folded your arms against the counter you were leaning against, and let out a huff of breath. "it's not that easy. we're roommates, things will be awkward." and you felt like you were repeating yourself— is this what people called deja vu?
"i think eren might like her back." sasha moved the bowl of white icing onto the other side of niccollo and hopped onto the counter beside him, placing the other bowl in her lap, fingers tapping against the sides.
"why?" you were curious, you didn't think anything hinted that he could like you, especially not with the encounter you had with him when you were leaving for hitch's.
"i don't know," she shrugged. "when you guys first moved in together he would always talk about his," she mimicked his voice, "new roommate."
you blinked, then blinked again, arms unfolding and you picking yourself up from the surface you were leaning against. eren talking about you? you wanted to hear more. "that's it?"
another shrug, and another scoop of frosting. "i mean, he talks about you in general too."
"what does he say?"
sasha squinted at you, shaking her head. "i said in general," and her hands went up into quotations, "me and ______ are going to do this, last night me and ______ did this, shit like that."
your stomach twisted, and your legs felt a little wobbly. you cleared your throat, and you wanted to speak but you were a little bit in... shock? but niccollo spoke instead, "i finished."
sasha made a small noise of joy, hopping off the counter she was seated on and pushing over the bowl of frosting, peeking around niccollo to see the cake.
you padded over, standing next to sasha to see the cake as well; and it was pretty.
swirls danced across the edge of the cake, the white contrasting the soft green that was painted over the it and smoothed over almost perfectly. in simple bold letters, "happy birthday, eren." detailed the center, a small heart added to the end.
"it's nice... i really like it, yeah, this is what it looked like in my head." and you weren't lying, it almost was like a carbon copy of what you envisioned, and you were almost surprised at how well niccollo and sasha pulled it off, not that you should be, you did ask for help of two culinary art students. "thank you, thanks so much."
your face was lit up, and sasha and niccollo gleamed smiles at you, delighted that you were happy. being able to make you happy seemed to be enough for them. "glad you like it," he said, and you pulled out your phone to snap a quick picture, pressing the device to your chest. "i added the heart for you."
your eyes rolled back but you couldn't help but chuckle, another "thank you" leaving your lips and your eyes not leaving the cake, even when he went to put it in the refrigerator. once the cake wasn't in your line of sight anymore, that nervous feeling returned out of nowhere, for no reason, and your hands felt sweaty, phone almost slipping from where it was pressed between your chest and hand.
sasha caught on, grabbing your other hand and letting her fingers fall between yours, hands clasped together, and she was radiating solace, sucking up your worries and dispelling them for you.
"he'll like it."
"you sure?"
"of course! i'm sure."
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happy birthday, eren.
it wasn't a normal occurrence for you to cook eren breakfast— as a matter of fact you couldn't recall ever cooking breakfast for him.
making dinner? yeah! there were plenty of times the two of you twirled around the kitchen, bodies bumping and fits of giggles bouncing around the small space, while you muttered "sorry!" to each other every now and then.
for now, it was just you.
eren hadn't woken up yet, and so to do him a birthday favor you decided to make him a birthday meal.
you flipped the pancakes cooking on the stove, sauntering over to the fridge and pulling out the package of bacon and plopping in onto the top of the counter. you felt like you had been in the kitchen at least every day now, and you couldn't remember the last time you had actually sat down to participate in one of your hobbies, or to relax. you sure were taking this upcoming event seriously, and you were glad your friend were too.
your fingers tapped against the steel of the fridge handle as your eyes skimmed the contents of the refrigerator; you felt like it wasn't enough, there was nothing special to you about some flimsy pancakes and bacon, so you grasped the carton of eggs and closed one of the fridge doors, leaning towards the side to plop them next to the bacon.
when you turned back around to close the other door, there eren stood, you practically jolting out your skin. "jesus!" you all but screamed, your hand flying to your chest and you stumbling backwards at his abrupt appearance. "eren!"
he chuckled, closing the fridge door for you and stepping forward to stand in its place. "g'morning." his voice was still groggy with sleep, and he still looked sleepy— his eyes still swollen from it, hair messily framing his face. his hair tie must've fell out while he tossed and turned.
your hand fell from your chest and dropped down to your side, tugging your shirt lower and fumbling with the fabric while your eyes glanced around the small kitchen. "morning."
"just morning? aren't you forgetting something?" you gave him a crooked smile, and he stepped forward until his hands wrapped around your shoulders, pulling your frame against his until you were engaged in a hug, minus the fact that your arms were still awkwardly against your sides.
your body began heating up and you felt like you lost control of yourself for a minute, hands taking a bit too long to wrap around eren as well. it was nice, he felt warm, and he brang a sense of comfort, so you relaxed against him a little more. heck, you didn't need time to sit down and relax or do a hobby when you had eren. he was enough to give you a break, just being around him was enough.
"happy birthday." your voice was merely above a whisper, but he heard it— a hum that could be heard through his chest, where your head laid.
"thank you," he said audibly, pulling you away, and you wished the hug could last for a little longer, hesitantly pulling back too and letting your hands smooth over the sudden goosebumps on your arms from the air of the room. "your pancake."
you quirked a brow at him, until your eyes followed his finger, the pancake on the stove that had been there longer than it should have, and you scrambled over in realization, eyes going wide as you fumbled for the spatula, slipping it under the pancake and flipping it over to check the underside. it wasn't burnt— the underside was just a little browner than it should have been. your free hand brought the plate next to the stove closer and slipped the pancake off the pan onto the plate.
"what woke you up?" you asked, as your hands went to grab the bacon and an extra bowl, turning down the heat of the stove and moving to strip the bacon from its packet, setting them down on the pan.
"the smell of your cooking." he smiled, arms crossed from where he leaned against the fridge. he slinked over, until he was behind you, peering down as you placed the last strip of bacon on the steel pan. "who's the breakfast for? me?"
you let out a small laugh, cracking two eggs in a bowl and eren followed along as you moved to the counter, then to the spice rack, grabbing two small spice jars and sliding back to your bowl. "yeah, actually. it's your birthday, right?"
"yeah." he moved over to the fridge, grabbing the bag of cheese and throwing it down onto the counter you were working at. "i like cheese in my eggs." you shook your head but your hands still moved to grab the bag, fingers pulling the seal open and your hand dipping into the bag to sprinkle some into eren's eggs. it was his day after all.
you didn't even realize he had moved from behind you until you heard the sizzle of the bacon on the pan, his hand setting down the spatula, and only then did you realize he had flipped them for you— his head turning towards you to watch you make the eggs, you whisking at the mixture. "thank you." you said softly, eyes lingering on his curious expression before turning back to the eggs. "anything you doing for your birthday?"
it was funny, how you asked that as if you and his friends didn't plan out a whole event for him alone.
he shook his head, as you expected and you couldn't help but let a smile creep on your face as you walked over to the stove, checking on the bacon, and eren taking your spot near the eggs. he slowly began whisking at the mixture despite them already being mixed. it was a domestic feeling, one that you felt before yet it still felt fresh, still felt new and it still made you want to live in moments like these forever.
"nah, you wanna do something with me?"
your lip twitches, and you place the bacon next to the stack of pancakes. the oil drifts to the side as you lean the pan and simply stare for a few minutes, before going to the sink and dumping it. you wiped the side of the pan and spread oil onto it before placing the bottle of oil down and reaching your hand out for eren to pass you the eggs.
he does, his fingertips sliding over yours as he passes it along, and you pour it into the pan, then turning to drop the bowl in the sink. "omelette or scrambled? and you wanna go to armin's later today?"
he scoffed, fingers drumming on the now empty counter he was leaning against, like he was in disbelief that you wanted to go there again; and it seemed that way from his next sentence, him practically bringing your thoughts to life. "scrambled, and you wanna go there again, you've been there like twice this week? what's at armin's?"
the spatula flipped in your hand, and you frowned at eren. "nothing, we should just go there for a get together— it's your birthday after all." your gaze shifted to the plate of food. "can you get another plate for me?"
although eren didn't answer, the sound of plates clinking as he reached for another plate, and the closing of a cabinet told you he complied. he placed it beside the other plate, sliding two pancakes onto it, including the almost burnt one. "two pancakes on your plate?"
and you nodded your head, "no bacon." you scraped some of the eggs onto eren's plate and scraped the remainder onto yours— you weren't too hungry, but you wanted to eat with him, so you made yourself a little too. "so can we go?"
eren's eyes followed you to the sink, where you placed the pan down, the steam rising from the water hitting the hot pan much like the steam rising from the eggs. you came back over beside him, hand patting his side lightly to signal him to move over a little so you could open the utensils drawer. his answer was reluctant, but you didn't think it was necessarily because he didn't want to go— you weren't sure what it was. "i guess, what time?"
you grabbed two forks and two spoons, placing them onto each plate and clasping your hands together, in content at not only the two full plates (if you'd consider yours full), but also at the confirmation from eren next to you. "like... seven? i'm gonna leave earlier though... i have some errands to do."
eren raised a brow, but shook you off, as if he just accepted you running around the usual now. he grabbed his plate and you grabbed the syrup before following behind him until both of you were sat at the dining room table. he couldn't help but still question where you were going though. "what errands?"
you repressed yourself from rolling your eyes, sliding the syrup across the glass table until eren's hands were wrapped around it, popping the top open and drizzling the sticky liquid over his pancakes. "i'm just gonna run to the store real quick, we'll meet up at armin's place."
eren once again didn't respond, pushing the syrup back towards you and poking at his pancake.
with a small sigh you slipped your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it, pressing a few buttons until you and armin's messages were open. your fingers danced around the screen until you began typing.
march 29th, 12:34pm
⤷ i might have to come a little later than i wanted to, spend some time with eren
⤷ ok, i'll text them to come earlier!
⤷ tysm, i'll probably come around 5
you placed your phone down on the table face down. you were somewhat surprised by armin's response time, but you were grateful nonetheless. you'd spend a little more time with eren, it wasn't a big of a deal, not even the small feeling of nervousness that came back was a big deal. with how well everything was going you were sure they could deal without your for a few extra hours.
when you looked up, eren's palm was holding his head up, as his other hand cut the pancake in front of him, a small pout on his face. you almost felt bad, if in the back of your head the surprise party didn't linger you probably would have felt bad. you gave a weak smile, and tapped the glass table to catch eren's attention. "eren,"
"happy birthday."
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a few hours.
a few hours until eren's party, a few more hours of planning, few more hours of jittery feelings and sneaking around eren.
maybe a few more hours of questions, questions from eren, questions from your friends, questions for your friends.
"armin, pass me that last streamer."
armin took one of the white streamers from the table next to you, placing tape on the tip and you stepped down from the chair you were standing on to grab it. once you taped it your hand swam through all the streamers that were adorning the wall. they had came down from the ceiling, connected to the wall and then came down like a waterfall, a jade green, light green and white patterned across the wall.
"does it look good?" you asked armin, and his hands went to touch the streamers as well while he nod, surprised at how well you pulled off the design. hitch didn't seem to be the only creative one in the friend group.
"of course, of course, it looks really nice, it's creative too."
as you were about to respond, the pop of a balloon made you and armin flinch, both of your necks snapping towards the sound, connie and sasha both standing their frozen, the remnants of a balloon in connie's hand, sasha holding back her laughs.
stepping down from the chair, you sighed, and armin pat your shoulder. "i'll go help them with the balloons, don't worry." he stepped away, heading towards the living room to do just as he said.
you made your way towards the kitchen, deciding to check on the progress in there, mikasa cutting up tomatoes for the guac that niccollo was preparing, her hands moving flawlessly as she chopped away. "want to help?" she asked, not even looking up to see who walked in.
you had nothing better to do, everyone occupied with one or more aspects of the decrorating, so you said a "yeah," and she dropped the knife, placing another tomato down and grabbing an onion and another knife to begin chopping beside you. "how is it going out there?"
"out there" wasn't too far, you looked over your shoulder and armin, sasha, and connie were arranging the balloons, tying them with ribbon and letting some stray ones float. "they're doing good, i think, thanks for helping with the food."
"no worries." she continued to slice at the onion, but something else was itching her, and she couldn't help but ask. "how did you get eren to not follow you here?"
"'was hard, i hung out with him for a little longer, that's why i was late... and i told him i was running errands." you and eren didn't do much when you were with him, yet you still had fun, even though it was something as simple as chilling on the couch and watch television together. like you thought earlier, eren's presence was enough.
mikasa's head shook, scooping up the onions and placing them in the bowl where niccollo was working, squeezing a lime into the mashed avocado. "didn't take you as a liar," she joked. "what time is he coming?"
you shrugged, eyes glancing to niccollo who was mixing together the guac, then trailing to the grocery bag beside it. "probably around seven like i asked, i don't know. can you grab me some big bowls?"
mikasa went to grab a large clear bowl, placing it down beside you gently. "here," she handed you the bowl, a section in the middle for the guacamole.
"do you think he knows we're planning his surprise party?"
"he might have an idea about it." mikasa replied. "but not a big one, the other day he called armin asking why we didn't invite him over."
your hand stuttered, and you almost cut your finger while slicing the fruit in front of you. "what did armin say?" eren didn't question you further after you told him you had went over to study, so your lie couldn't have clashed with whatever armin told him.
she took the knife from your hand, using it to slide the tomatoes you cut off the cutting board and into the guac. you pulled the bag of tortilla chips out of the grocery bag and opened it up, pouring it into the clear bowl.
"armin didn't say much, he just said you had passed by and that it was nothing special."
you let out a sigh of relief, moving the chips around then pushing the board towards niccollo. "nicollo, put the guac in the middle when you're done." another bag, and another bowl that you poured the contents into. "when i got home from your house few days ago he asked me why i went without him and i told you i grabbed some calculus notes."
"that's close enough." she grabbed the bowl of tortilla chips once niccollo put the guac in the middle. "i'm gonna put these on the table."
"and i'll put the rest of the snacks in the bowls, you can help out there." niccollo told you, pulling the bowls away from you and ushering you out before you could say anything, his hands on your shoulders moving you to the entrance of the kitchen. you didn't question him, just taking your leave and heading towards the living room, wanting to see how the others were doing.
the decorations were coming together, balloons creating an arch around the television set, "happy birthday" letters connecting from one end of the wall to the other, hanging over armin and connie's head, and more balloons connecting together on either side of sasha and jean who were sat sitting on the couch.
it was beautiful, the greens, silvers, and whites all complimenting each other, from the table cover, to the streamers on the dining room wall, it was all a pretty sight to look at and you were filled with bliss, bliss at the fact that it was working out like you had planned, at the fact that your friends and you could put everything together so well.
"guys, you guys did so good!" you sounded cheery, and they caught on small smiles appearing on their faces at the joy on your face, it seemed seeing you happy made them happy too, just like sasha and niccollo. "i really love it!"
"see, i told you she'd like the arch." armin commented, hand pointing to the arch of balloons. "they wanted to just put balloons everywhere, i thought you'd like it if we made it more uniformed." and he was right, you did love it, it was more than you asked for, more than you expected them to do.
"yeah, no, i love this." you had pulled out your phone, preparing to take a picture but stopping for a moment, looking at the time. it was almost seven, and so you decided to text eren instead.
march 30th, 6:43pm
⤷ you can be on your way soon!!!
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"i told him he could be on his way like an hour ago." a red solo cup was in your hand, and you were standing with hitch in the kitchen, her sipping at her own drink. you were getting fidgety, almost an hour had passed and eren wasn't here yet, nor did he respond to the last text you sent him. maybe he forgot?
"maybe he got caught in traffic." hitch shrugged, "i don't think he forgot." it was like she read your mind, but it didn't help to calm you— traffic didn't even sound plausible with how near you and eren's apartment was to armin and mikasa.
"traffic? seriously, we don't live far from here, he would've made it sooner than now."
armin frowned at hitch, "maybe not traffic, but maybe he's still getting ready, you know eren's always a little late places... just relax until he gets here." his hand reached out, palm up. "want me to refill your drink for you?" you knew he was just trying to ease you up, get something in your system and relax you until eren would arrive.
you were about to hand him your drink but then your phone vibrated, the light flashing from beside hitch and she picked it up for you, eyes moving back and forth while your screen illuminated her face, and you tried reaching for it but where she sat on the counter top she could easily pull it out of your reach, and that's exactly what she did, your hand stretching for your phone while she read it from where her arm was above her.
"it's eren, he says he's here."
your eyes practically popped out your head, and you turned to armin, placing your cup in his hand, the liquid threatening to spill over the edge with how fast you shoved the flimsy cup in his grip, almost crushing it. "be right back!" you said loud, speeding past your friends to leave the kitchen and get to front door.
your heart pounded in your chest as you exit the kitchen, butterflies filling your stomach. you spun around the bodies of people (which was more than you expected hitch to invite) rushing to get to the front door, to get to see eren, to get to show him everything you all put together.
you almost stumbled over your own feet, apologizing to whoever you bumped into but not daring to look back, because the door was right there, and another burst of restlessness filled you when your fingers wrapped around the cold metal knob of the front door,  the air that hit you raised goosebumps on your legs when you swung that same door open.
you rushed out the door and down the steps, almost missing one in the process, but it didn't matter because there he was, those same wispy hairs you knew he never tried to tame even on his birthday still framing his face, blue green eyes steadying on your figure running towards him, and plump lips breaking out into a smile that you never knew you'd be so happy to see.
eren, he was here, after you didn't know how long, and you were happy, you were so happy you didn't stop running, crashing into him and causing him to stumble back, but god the small chuckle, the feeling of his smile against the top of your head was so beautiful, so relieving.
"eren," you pant out, your breath fanning his arm, and you pressed yourself against him more, like he'd disappear if you let go. "eren, you're here."
"i'm here." your eyes squeezed shut at his words, at the feeling of his arms wrapping around your shoulders, letting you get as close to him as possible, your legs in between his and your head pressed against his chest like earlier in the kitchen. you never thought you would be so happy to see a person, and even though all the two of you ever did was hug it felt so new and so fresh.
you felt like you had been hugging him for only seconds, but when he began pulling you off you didn't complain because there was much more to show him, so many more things for you to be nervous to show him, but wanted to show him anyways because only god knows how long these things took to make for him.
"what took you so long?"
he scratched the back of his neck, tongue sliding over his lip as he grabbed your hand, the two of you slowly walking back towards the apartment. "i had fell asleep, sorry, i'm here now— i couldn't have missed much?"
"jesus, eren, i thought you forgot!" you cursed his stupidity. seriously? falling asleep moments before his party? he had you worried he was gonna miss it, and he could've.
"no, no, i didn't forget. being home alone is boring you know, so i took a nap." you looked down. you did leave him alone for a couple hours, on his birthday at that, but what he would see in a couple minutes would hopefully make up for it.
his eyes raked over you. "you look nice... and to think it's my birthday." he smiled, and although the moon was out, little light being casted on the two of you he didn't fail to notice your attire and compliment you, your hand squeezing his a little more.
"thank you," and you did the same, letting your eyes look over him, quirking a brow at his appearance; a sweatshirt that was covering the undershirt that was peeking through his collar, and some simple jeans— so much for it being his day. "yeah, you didn't dress up much, it's your birthday eren."
he began to swing your hands back and forth, not seeming to care much for your comment. "i woke up late, i just threw something on."
a silence washed over the two of you as you made your way up the steps, and you almost didn't want to go inside. you wanted to talk to eren a little longer, have it be just you and him a little longer because you knew he wouldn't be at your side for too long once you returned to the house.
"ready to go inside?' you asked as if he genuinely had a choice, but for some reason you still felt a bit sad when he nod his head, pulling you to the door with him.
your hand twisted the knob of the door, and if only you could've watched eren's face once you swung it open. a roar of "happy birthday, eren!" flooded both of your ears and eren quickly became the main attraction. he was the main attraction, it was his day, his birthday.
his mouth dropped open, eyes widening and eyebrows coming up in shock— no in awe, and it was no longer a "small" birthday party that he had in his head, there were lots of people he could recognize, lot of eyes on him, and pretty shades of green dusting the room. you felt his hand squeeze yours in return, and he almost didn't even notice his closest friends crowding around him.
"eren! happy birthday!" hitch pat his shoulder, beckoning for him to bend down a little bit, a party hat in her hand that matched the one on top of her head. his gaze broke from the room around him to his friends in front of him, and he bent down, hitch snapping the hat onto his head, you giggling at him as he adjusted it, a goofy grin on his face. if it was any other day, he probably would've refused to have such a silly hat on his head.
"yeah, happy birthday." armin said smiling happily to finally see eren, and smiling to not see you worrying anymore about his arrival. mikasa stood beside him saying a small "happy birthday" as well, and eren stepped forward to give both her and armin a hug before stepping back beside you again, his hand never leaving yours as he did so.
"do you like it?" the question was urging you to ask it, and eren looked down at you again, your nail pulling at your lip while you waited his response.
"do i like it?" he pulled you into a hug too, squeezing your shoulder. it was obvious to him, of course he liked it— how could he not? "so you planned this?"
"we all did."
"who's we all?"
you scanned the room, but it was only you, hitch, armin and mikasa standing in front of eren. "well, the four of us and jean, sasha, and connie too. i don't know where they are though, probably the kitchen."
"i love it, i really do, thank you guys so much."
you felt like a weight had been lifted off of you, like you were free from a burden you had placed onto yourself. everyone told you he would love it, and you knew it too. although, the feeling of eren himself telling you was a relief that never felt so good.
"i'm glad, let's go see the others." so eren's hand that was still intertwined with yours had pulled you along, the other three dispersing to do their own thing. small "happy birthdays" were said to eren as he passed people, and he occasionally stopped to greet someone he knew well properly while you stood back waiting patiently for him. hitch did him justice, most if not all the people he did know, even if you didn't, and now would be a great opportunity to get to know some more people but you chose to stay beside him.
when the two of you had entered the small space of the kitchen, sasha was standing with a plate next to connie. "eren, happy birthday!" her voice was muffled by her food, her covering her mouth as she spoke, but you could tell she was elated to see him with the way she perked up at the sight of him.
"yeah, happy birthday dude." connie blew a party horn in eren's face obnoxiously, and eren's face scrunched up, although you knew he didn't mind, as matter of fact probably the complete opposite. he was almost too happy and you could see it in his walk and his face.
"thanks guys, and thank you for planning this all out."
"thank _____ for getting us off our asses and forcing us to plan this shit." connie quipped, and you would've knocked his head straight if you didn't catch the jest to his tone that made you and eren chuckle.
he looked down at you after connie had pinned the party on you again, "so it was you who planned all of this basically. that's why you kept leaving?"
"yeah, i was planning shit out with them— i wasn't trying to leave you or anything." getting that off your chest felt equally as good, and it seemed that eren felt relieved as well, apart from the way his grip finally slipped from your hand.
"good... good, i love this, you did amazing, i appreciate this a lot." no words were enough to explain how much eren really appreciated you, appreciated everything you were doing for him— so all he could do was hope that you knew. "i'm gonna get a drink and look around, okay?"
"i'll be here." but your reply was short lived. instead of staying with connie and sasha you went to find armin for your drink. you needed it to calm the jitters that you were feeling, and you were glad when you caught him chatting with another blonde, who you surprisingly recognized but sadly couldn't recall her name.
"armin, my drink." the red cup still rested between his fingers, and at the sound of your voice he looked up, immediate remorse on his face when he saw yours, then looking down to the cup before passing it your way.
"i'm sorry, i forgot to fill it up." when you looked down into the cup it wasn't full, the liquid from before still swimming in the bottom. it was fine, everyone was occupied, trying to have fun and so you didn't mind, you'd just fill it up on your way to the kitchen, no big deal.
"who's this?" the girl turned to you, eyes bored as she tapped against the cup in her own hand, and armin looked between her and you, perking up. it was a chance to try to socialize, try to make friends, and you tried to take that chance.
"oh! annie, this is _____, she planned this all out, eren's roommate."
"hey!" you gave her a small smile, hand out for her to shake it, and she did, giving your hand a light shake before letting go. she didn't seem too interested in conversation with you, her blue eyes flitting over to armin every once in a while, while her feet kept turned towards him. "i think i've seen you around before, you look familiar."
she looked you over, studying your appearance before coming to the conclusion that she has seen you before. she put her cup to her lips, drinking before responding. "i'm here sometimes— armin's house."
armin next to you let out a nervous laugh, cracking his knuckles while listening to you and annie's conversation. "yeah, you've probably seen her around before, she comes here often."
you shrug, not sure if you had ever seen her at armin's place. although her face was familiar you couldn't really recall who she was, and you blamed your lack of socialization. you'd keep her name in your head, hopefully for future reference. "probably, but nice to meet you anyways."
armin waved, and you waved back before heading back over to the small crowds of people to get to the dining room, a selection of drinks splayed out for anyone to come and grab as they please.
hitch was there, seated on a table chair she pulled out, sliding a soda can towards her to pour in the alcohol that was already in her cup. she only noticed you when you walked over to stand right in front of her, her eyes gazing up at you before averting her attention back to her drink. "couldn't have asked sash to get some better booze?"
your own arms reached over to do just as her, a can of soda in one hand that you poured inside what was already in your cup— it upped the alcohol, and overall tasted funner. "don't think it was sasha who got it." you replied, taking small sips of your drink as if you were taste testing it.
"hm," hitch did the same, taking a swig of her drink before twirling it in the cup, setting it back down on the table in front of her. "i told you he'd come, and that he'd like it. you were stressing for nothing."
"yeah... i guess," you went to grab the chair diagonal from hitch, pulling it out from behind you and plopping yourself down in it. "where is he anyways?"
hitch looked ahead of you as if she was genuinely trying to find eren before looking back to you with a shrug of her shoulders. "not sure, he was over here a couple minutes ago with jean getting a drink." you missed him by a hair, and your shoulder slumped a little lower.
"he was over here?"
"why, you looking for him?"
you sunk down in your seat a bit, your feet tapping together while your fingers pattered against the plastic of your cup. you weren't looking for him per say, you just wanted to be with him, just have another moment with him, see him happy and see him enjoying himself in what you created.
"eren has got you fucked up— you need to, and i cannot stress this enough;" she pointed her cup at you, "just tell him." hitch let out an exaggerated sigh, her scooting down in her seat as well as she drank her drink again.
"hitch, please, i don't think you've understand how many times i have been told that this week, and nobody seems to understand how not easy that is." and you were right, it wasn't easy, there was too many problems that could arise if it backfired. you'd rather pine for eren for the rest of your life if it meant that things would stay natural between the two of you— if what you had going on now stayed.
"or you're just making it harder than it has to be." she had a challenging look in her eyes, placing her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her knuckles, a small smirk on her lips.
you gave a her a questioning glance, not looking too long and shifting in your seat. maybe it was harder than it had to be. maybe it was your nerves telling you otherwise, maybe you were following the pounding of your heart and the butterflies in your stomach.
hitch looked you over, shaking her head with a small giggle before pushing her head from under her and standing up with her beverage. "i'm gonna go tell connie to change whatever the fuck is playing, i'll catch you later." and she walked around you, body disappearing into the bodies of people leaving you by yourself.
but not for long, a hand on your shoulder making you jump, you turning around and seeing eren, towering above you, a slight smile on his face. speak of the devil, it was the man of the hour— just who you wanted to see, and who you were happy to see. "hey."
"hey," you stand up almost too fast, pushing in the chair and standing in front of him. he steps back to give you some space, almost caught off guard with how fast you stood up. "what's up?"
he leans into your ear, making sure you're able to hear him over the sound of the music and the chatter of the people around the two of you. "want to go outside for a little bit? it's kind of too many people, just wanna get some air." the faint smell of alcohol is present on his breath, and it reminds you to grab your cup, nodding your head and taking his hand in yours— where it felt snug and right, just like it did earlier.
the two of you make your way out the house, and the air did feel good, it didn't feel stuffy, it wasn't loud, it was calm and quiet, the breeze of the night only chilling you slightly, but eren next to you made you dead to the breeze.
he walks forward, only a few steps and you follow along, until both of you are leaning against the railing that kept you from falling a couple feet or so, cup dangling off the edge in your hands, and the moon so bright in the sky it only felt a couple feet away.
"i feel like you don't know how much i actually love this." he starts, and when you look at him he's still staring at head, the glint of the moon making his eyes look ethereal, illuminating them in only the best way possible. "how much i appreciate this, this party, everything."
"i know, eren," a grin can't help but form on your face, and you could hear the words come from his mouth again and again. the feeling that his appreciation sent through you gave a sense of pleasure, a satisfaction and it brought a form of closure. "i know."
it's just quiet, it's nobody talking and it's just the two of you. you're allowed to relish in eren being beside you because that's what you wanted from the moment he arrived, you wanted to be with him, and so despite the two of you not talking, he was enough. the sound of his light breathing was enough, the heat radiating off of him was enough, the sight of him was enough.
yet, you break the silence.
"do you wanna see what i have for you?"
he finally looks your way, and his eyebrows are knit, pink lips only slightly parted, and your eyes can't help but flit down to them before coming back up to his eyes. you weren't sure if he missed your quick glance or not, his lips closing. "there's more."
"if i can recall, you get presents on your birthday right?"
this time, you're the one to grab his hand, and his fits in yours like a puzzle, and you're the one to pull him down the steps that you had ran down earlier, him being the one to finally trail behind you.
you walked him to your car, your hand digging in the pocket of your coat that albeit the warmth of the party you had managed to keep on, and you grabbed your keys, your thumb pressing down onto the black button that made the lights in the vehicle flare up. you place your solo cup on the roof of the car and your hand grasps the car doors for the backseat, opening it up and being greeted by leather seats and a small white bag.
you almost couldn't fathom that this small white bag only days ago you cared so much about, that the ribbon that your hands were holding onto mattered so much to you, the small lettering on the front mattered so much to you— and only moments ago eren couldn't express his enthusiasm for the party you planned for him.
all your friends who had repeatedly told you not to stress were right— if eren loved a stupid dirt cake, and a little embroidered letter, he'd love anything you gave him from a small paper bag or a couple of snacks to a watch, to a party.
you moved aside and eren moved forth, making himself comfortable on the seat of your car while you placed the bag in his lap, and he looked so adorable; the party hat that was splashed with color leaning a little too far right, and the cheerful smile on his face as he moved the tissue aside and peeked into the bag closely, before his head shot up and him beaming at you instead.
even though he didn't even see what was in the bag yet, his hand came to his chest dramatically, acting way too surprised for someone who wasn't even sure what you got him yet. "for me?"
you rolled your eyes gesturing to the present. you wanted him to see it so you ushered him on. "yes for you, now hurry up and open it, it's kind of cold out here." the cold was nothing to you today, your coat kept you warm enough.
he wasted no time complying, pulling out the small black box, a pretty suede under his fingers as he pulled off the lid, and his eyes shone as he did, another look of awe gracing his face as he stared at the contents of the box. you were so giddy, seeing the look of surprised wash over his face, that same feeling of satisfaction you received earlier came over you again and you were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you watched eren.
it was a watch, the face of it a black and white photo of him and his mom when he was young, and you were to thank mikasa for finding the photo for you. the band was a matte black and the metal detailing the accessory a pretty gold that matched the key necklace that hung around his neck almost at all times. you hoped that the watch would become like the necklace— something he wore almost at all times.
he looked up at you, and although he was sitting down he pulled you forth by your wrist. the action caught you by surprise, his free hand holding your waist and his head buried into your stomach, and almost by default did your hand go up to play with the free strands of his hair, smoothing over his head, playing with his half assed bun and carding your fingers through his soft locks.
your heart was melting, you could almost cry— and you never knew that seeing the joy and admiration of you on someone else's face would mean so much to you, you never knew that making someone else happy was something that made you happy, especially when it came to someone like eren. it was the same expression that your friends had when they saw how happy you were when you all came together to complete another task for the event, and now you could feel what they felt, except tenfold.
so you let him press his head against you while he examined the watch, you were fine with staring over the roof of your car into the distance of the night, staring at what would've looked like nothing to you if eren wasn't in your arms.
it was all something, the tall trees whereas the green leaves on them was only visible because of the moonlight, the arrangement of cars spanning down the parking lot ahead, little things you wouldn't have thought twice about. little things that somehow eren made you recognize, eren made you hyper aware of how the little things mattered, in the worst sense at first, having you constantly stress over the little things. but now you were somewhat happy you took your time on these little things, because the little things that might seem like nothing to you, could mean the whole world to someone else.
you realize that eren would have been happy with anything that you wanted to give to him, no matter how little or big not because of what it is, but because of who you are and the thought that went into it.
you almost missed the small blabbers of "thank you" that left his mouth, his lips moving against the fabric of your dress, and your coat brushing the tip of his nose. it's only when he stood up and said one more to your face that you realized he had been talking to you the whole time.
the bag wasn't in his lap no more, and neither was the box, the watch now around his wrist, and it suited him perfectly, it complimented him so nicely, although it was a simple watch (which to be fair, it was the exact opposite of simple to him). the only thing still the same was his arm around your waist, and the soft expression on his features.
it wasn't that hard, it couldn't have been that hard— not now, when you finally realize that eren is eren, and he'll be happy with you no matter what, no matter what you give him, no matte what you say to him.
"i like you."
if this was a few hours ago, you would've choked up on your words, your heart would be racing and your hands would be a clammy mess. hours ago you would've refused ever confessing to him, it wouldn't have even crossed your mind once.
hours ago, you didn't know eren as well as you thought you did because you were too busy worrying about the what-ifs, worrying about the little things that he would've loved anyways.
his expression didn't change, and yours didn't either because you were at peace, and your shoulders felt lighter just because he now knew.
"i like you too."
that was all that it took.
that was all it took for both of your hands to cup at his face, and pull him closer while you stood on your tippy toes, foreheads touching, then nose, then lips. all it took for you to feel so loved and complete, all by the feeling of his lips against yours, the synchronization of them moving together made you giddy again, made you happy.
your noses bumped but it was okay, your teeth clinked but it was okay, you both giggled into the kiss, not being able to shake the overwhelming feel of it that somehow still kept you feeling at peace.
he pulled you impossibly close, and he kissed you until he couldn't breathe anymore, taking his time sucking on your lips, savoring every taste of your skin and the way your lips felt. the kiss alone was the cherry to his birthday— scratch that, you were the cherry to his birthday.
and when the two of you finally pulled away for air your head fell forward onto his chest almost immediately, his head resting overtop of yours and keeping you safe in his arms, safe against him. "happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday." you were the one to blabber now, and you weren't sure if it was a distraction for the tears that threatened to spill or not.
he pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head, swaying both of your bodies back and forth gently, swiftly, and kindly. he didn't respond, but he didn't need to respond, his love being thrown back at you just by the way he held you.
you could've stayed in this position forever, you really could've but the sound of armin calling for eren from the top of the steps is what broke the moment for the two of you, and what made matters worse (or better) was hitch standing right behind him, a leer on her face that made you let out a sigh.
"hey! eren!" armin almost doesn't realize that it's you right below eren, but when his gaze darts down to you for a millisecond he has to do a double take that causes him to break out in a smile, turning to hitch for a confirmation which she gives with a nod. "we were looking for you, we have to cut the cake!"
eren looks down at you and reluctantly lets you go, shutting your car door for you and grabbing your cup. "you can go back inside we're coming." he announces, and even then armin and hitch don't move, both leaning against the railing like you and eren earlier, as if something would come next between you and eren— you had to chuckle at this.
when you and eren began walking hand in hand, for the first time you didn't worry about what he'd think of the cake, you didn't worry about if he'd like the color, or the taste, or the shape, or anything for that matter, because you knew eren would appreciate anything you'd throw his way.
he looks down at you, and the calm look on his face almost mirrors yours. "yeah?"
"happy birthday, eren."
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liliesinrequiem · 3 years
A/N: I’m back! With another Kaeya fic. This is technically set during the Windblume Festival with certain changes. I hope you all enjoy <3.
This could also be read as a sequel to: Forfeit (Kaeya x AFAB!Reader). It doesn’t have to be read before this one really since you aren’t really missing much. You can if you want. 
Pairing: Kaeya x Reader
Summary: Kaeya convinces you to write a poem during the Windblume Festival. You refuse to show it to him after hearing his ‘poem’ and avoid him for the rest of the day until you were unable to. 
CW: Mentions of alcohol
“Why don’t you try and write a love poem then?” he asked. A teasing smile on his face. 
“My way with words is incomparable to yours,” you said. He was the most convincing person that you knew. There was a reason that he was so loved. Just from speaking with him for a little while, a person would totally be enraptured by him. A charming man, truly. 
“Didn’t you write that one riddle when I had to arrest those treasure hoarders? The one that could’ve been out of a romantic novel,” he said. 
“I was inspired,” you mumbled. That whole setup had been some of your finest work. The maps and the riddles were something that you had dedicated some time to. Of course, he’d given a lot of guidelines as to how they should be. You’d just done a lot of the creative work. Everything just fell into place so well for him in the end. The dinner you earned was nice as well. 
“Then be inspired again. I’ll show you mine if you write one and show me,” he said. 
A fair trade you supposed as you took a piece of paper. The poem came easier to you than you expected. Maybe your own heart did have some inspiration that you did not desire to admit. 
“That’s what you were writing this entire time?” you asked after his poem was read out loud by Venti. You were tightly holding onto your own poem, wrinkling its prior smoothness. Whatever thoughts you had in mind of sharing your own poem had vanished into thin air. 
“Poetic, no?” he asked. You glared at him. Poetic? Sure. A love poem? No. Beyond that, when did he even have time to learn the language of the Hilichurl? 
“I feel like I have to fail you for this,” said Venti, confused by what he had read.
“Please do,” you said. 
“Did you write a poem, (Y/N)?” asked Paimon, pointing at the piece of paper in your hand. Everyone’s eyes turned to you and you could see how the Captain was smiling. Embarrassment filled your body as you folded it quickly and shook your head. He would not manage to win.
“Nope! This is just a list of things I have to do at the moment. Now, if you’ll excuse me!” You stored the poem in your dress as you left the room and the building. You’d rather be outside and help out there than remain within the same room as Kaeya. 
“Lumine!” you said as you saw her a while later. You’d been helping out Noelle with carrying around some materials that were needed for the festival. But your friend was much faster and stronger than you were so she was probably at the destination. 
“(Y/N)! Captain Kaeya asked us to search for you! He wants to talk to you,” said Paimon. 
“Oh? He couldn’t search for me himself?” you asked. A question that probably sounded meaner than you intended it to. 
“He said he was too busy finishing up some paperwork for Jean,” answered Lumine, “So we came looking for you. 
“You’re too kind. No wonder you’re an Honorary Knight. But I can’t go right now.” You continued, “Tell him that I can speak with him later.” You really did not want to see him. You felt...slightly hurt. You weren’t even sure why you were. Actually, you did know why you were upset. You just didn’t want to admit it. In truth, you had hoped that his poem would actually have meaning. Unrealistically and stupidly, you had hoped that his poem might’ve been a confession. 
But that was the thing about your relationship with him. It was more of something that you were walking in the dark, with no real designation of whether or not you were going in the right direction, and hoping that you end up at the right place. For all you knew, Kaeya was probably waiting for the day that he’d drop you and move onto the next one. Even with that possibility, you continued giving your heart to him. Whether that was stupid or not, you were still not fully sure. Some days it was worth it and others, not so much. 
“We could help you so that you can talk with him. He said it was urgent,” explained Lumine. You didn’t doubt that he had told her that. He probably believed that if you were told that it was urgent, you’d drop everything and run to see what he wanted to see. You usually did but you felt that you had to hold your ground for a while longer. 
“Don’t worry about me, okay? I’ll talk to him when I can. He’ll understand,” you said. You bid them farewell and continued carrying the crate.
You’d managed to avoid him for most of the day. That was until you were called to Angel’s Share and asked to take him home. When you asked why they couldn’t, excuses came flying at you. Sister Rosaria said that she couldn’t as she had business to take care of and Diluc couldn’t either since he had to close up the place. Convenient that they both chose to do that now. 
“Thank you, (Y/N).” You only mumbled a ‘no problem’ in response to Diluc’s gratitude as you pulled Kaeya to lean on your shoulder. The promise of free drinks motivated you to get the job done quickly. 
“(Y/N)-” “Captain, be quiet. I would prefer if you didn’t get sick on me,” you cut him off. The walk back to his apartment was a hassle. It was either that he continued trying to ramble to you or that he was leaning too much on you and you had to take small breaks. You truly were exhausted from those crates earlier.
“Where’s your key?” you asked when the two of you stopped in front of his door. A fruitless question as his mind was somewhere else you would soon realize.
“How come you didn’t come to me when I asked earlier?” he asked. You didn’t answer as you checked both his pockets and fished out the key from the left one. To ask the question again would probably cause him to start talking about something else and you most definitely did not want to talk about anything. 
“(Y/N),” he said.
“What?” Your voice sounded more angry than you meant. You pushed the door open and kicked it to close when the both of you got through. You sat him on his bed and started to look around the cabinets for a glass to fill it with water. 
“Have you been ignoring me?” He sounded hurt. A rare sight to ever behold when he was constantly brushing everything off. Kaeya was rarely a vulnerable person. Years of having built up the walls around him to keep people out led him to being closed off from everyone. The fewest times that he was vulnerable was in the dead of night or when he was drunk. Every single thing that he ever expressed during those times had been stored into your heart. 
“I’ve been busy today,” you answered as you handed him the glass of water. You turned to start looking for some clothes for the night. You doubted that he’d appreciate sleeping in his work outfit.
“That’s never stopped you before,” he countered as he drank the water. No response came from you since you knew him to be right. There was one time where you had to finish up something for Lisa and stopped doing it because he’d bothered you enough to do something for him. The librarian was upset and you only barely learned your lesson.
“Was it because of my poem?” You wondered how he even managed to figure that out. 
“Maybe,” you said, “I just expected a bit more from you.” The poem that you had written for him was still in one of your dress pockets and felt like a stone that weighed on you. You’d poured a bit of your heart into it and the courage to give it to him withered away when Venti read his poem.  
“I wrote an actual one,” he said. You placed some clothes on the nightstand and turned to look at him.
“Is that so?” you asked. You steadied him from falling over after you made your question. Just how much alcohol did he consume? The tab he had must be astronomical. Maybe not as bad as Venti’s or what yours had been at one point, but it had to be huge. Though you were jealous of his ability to remain coherent enough with everything in his system.
“Yes,” he said, “It’s here.” He pulled out a folded sheet of paper from his shirt. “Read it,” he said as he pushed the paper into your hands. 
You shook your head. For all you knew, it could be another joke and you weren’t sure that you could handle it. At least not with him looking at you while you read it. “Let’s get you to bed, Kaeya.” 
“But I want you to read it,” he whined. 
“And I want you to sleep because you’re drunk,” you said. 
After you’d spent some time convincing him to change and to get ready for bed, you sat down at the edge of the bed and opened up the paper. He’d fallen asleep rather quickly and you breathed a sigh of relief as your eyes traveled to the first words on the paper. 
“(Y/N),” began the poem. 
In the early morning, Kaeya woke up with a mild headache. Memories of the day before were hazy as the hangover hit him hard. He looked at his nightstand and saw a glass of water and a small bottle of medicine. 
Beside the nightstand was a small piece of paper. On it, there were three words: To My Captain. 
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joshstambourine · 3 years
A Girl Named Ivy
Warning: None! Unless you dislike fluff
Word Count: 2350
Synopsis: Just a cute lazy day with Jake and his little girl
Thank you so much for this request @anditsmywholeheart , I can’t even begin to explain how much joy it brought me to write. Hopefully you love it--- and that you don’t mind that I named her, I find it a lot easier to write when I have names. 
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart @babydxll
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Jake let out a weak sigh as he could feel small shifts of weight on the bed. The movements were slow, as if trying not to wake him up. It wasn't long before the shifting stopped and there was soft pattering leading away from the bed. Jake couldn't help but peak his eyes open to see what was happening. He could see a tiny figure standing at the window on the far side of the room. The small figure wore a set of blue floral pajamas, with soft brown hair falling over her shoulders, she was on her tippy toes trying to see outside.
"...Ivy... what are you doing?" Jake called in a groggy manner, which immediately caused the little girls head to turn and look at him.
"Mommies gone again…" she tells him lightly, "I wanted to see her before she left." Ivy admits in a sad tone. It was a rather normal thing for Ivy to check and see if (Y/N)'s car was there in the morning, she still hadn't managed to get herself up early enough despite all of her vows to do so.
Jake couldn't help but smile a little, "Come here sweetie." He tells her, lightly lifting his arm and moving the blanket a touch. Ivy was rather quick to scramble her way back to the side of the bed and climb back up so she could cuddle into Jake's chest.
Jake wraps his arm around her tiny figure giving her a small kiss on the top of her head, "Mommy will be back before you know it. She always is." He whispers against her hair, his hand rubbing her back in a loving way.
"But why does she have to go? You don't have to go away everyday." Ivy points out, wiping her little nose with the back of her hand.
Jake smiles a little, "Well, we have to make money so we can pay for all your toys and clothes." He tells her beginning to twirl her hair around his finger. It always surprised Jake just how much Ivy looked like him; she had his soft brown hair that always sat so sweetly on her shoulders, her eyes… they were the same color as (Y/N)'s but their shape was just like his when he was small.
"Well… I don't need any more toys." Ivy tells him, "Do you think if I tell Mommy that,  she'd stay home with me?"
Jake softly laughs pushing her hair away from her face and looking into her eyes. "Maybe… but y'know we can have lots of fun without Mommy here sweetheart." 
Ivy pouts a little, "You always say that…" She utters; she may have all of Jake's features but that pout was pure (Y/N). 
"Annnnd? Don't we have fun?" He asks her. To which Ivy shakes her head. "No?! What do you mean no?!" Jake quickly responds, a small frown appearing on his lips. "Daddy isn't fun?" She again shook her head. "What?!" Jake quickly says again, hands moving to her sides, "Daddy isn't fun?!" He quickly asks, beginning to tickle Ivy’s sides.
She just as swiftly begins to giggle and try to push his hands away, "S-Stop--!" She giggles, Jake complies and instead pulls her into a tight hug for a moment.
"I think you just don't want to admit that Daddy is more fun than Mommy. It's okay you can tell me…!" Jake whispers by her ear, "I won't tell Mommy." He continues.
Ivy seems to think over this idea for a moment or two before lifting her little hand, "Pinky promise?" She whispers back as if (Y/N) was in the room now.
"Pinky promise." Jake tells her, locking one of his calloused pinkies with hers. They were so small, Jake couldn't help but stare at her tiny hand for a moment. Four years had gone by so fast, it felt like he closed his eyes and when he opened them again Ivy had sprouted up and was preparing to go to kindergarten.
Jake could still remember the first time he got to hold her in his arms… it felt...as if everything in his life had purposefully led up to that exact moment. Jake had tried his best to not let on how big of a deal this was to him to other people; of course, (Y/N) knew. 
Just like the moment (Y/N) had told him that she was pregnant… his tough guy façade crumbled, and he became a crying mess. They were happy tears of course… just overwhelmingly happy ones. Jake held the small bundle close to him, "I'm your dad…!" He lightly whispered, to her--- and more importantly to himself. “...I’m your dad.”
Jake immediately bit his lip a little having recalled that very special moment in his life. He refused to cry as he looked down at his little girl who was growing up faster than he ever could have imagined.
"Daddy?" She lightly called him.
"Yes Ivy?" He responds softly, her hands cupping his cheeks.
"You look sad!" She tells him honestly, seeming to have noticed the change in how he looked at her. Jake could never quite grasp just how good kids were at picking up on people's emotions.
Jake shook his head giving her little palms a kiss, "No! I'm not sad, just thinking~" He tells her with a tender smile. "I was thinking about a fun thing we could do today… to surprise Mommy?" He lightly suggests.
"To surprise Mommy?!" Ivy soon beamed, her little cheeks were so cute when she smiled.
Jake nodded, "To surprise Mommy." He hums as she moves to kiss her nose. "What do you think of making cupcakes?"
"Chocolate cupcakes?!" Ivy quickly suggests,
"Is there any other kind?" Jake smiles at her, Ivy quickly sits up and starts to dance a little.
"Come on Daddy!! Let's go make them!" She urges, taking his hand and trying to pull him to sit up. She was clearly excited, pushing her hair out of her face.
Jake chuckles a little as he sits up, "First." He starts, "We have to get you dressed for the day okay?" He tells her.
She was already crawling her way towards the door, "Can I pick my clothes?!" Ivy eagerly asks, next to vibrating with the new found excitement for the day.
"Sure, honey." Jake smiles lightly watching as she happily hops off the side of the bed and begins running down the hall. "No white clothes Ivy. You hear me?!" He yells.
"Okay!" She yells back.
Jake now stood in the bathroom, brushing back Ivy's hair. She was now dressed in a light purple summer dress that ruffled down to a flowy bottom at her knees. On her feet were mismatched socks, one covered in orange flowers, the other ladybugs. And of course as a crowning glory she wore a long pink beaded necklace. "How do you want your hair this morning?" He lightly asks her, looking at her in the mirror.
She taps her chin, "Two buns?" Ivy suggests.
"Two buns eh?" Jake utters, "Not just one big bun?" He asks her, he wasn’t surprised by the choice. Ivy seemed to like her hair in two buns or a fancy braid normally; that being said (Y/N) normally did her hair because she was much better at it. Jake began to divide her hair so he could pull the two sections up the way she wanted.
"Are you going to have a big bun Daddy?" She asks, her gaze showing she was looking up at him in the bathroom mirror.
"Well I was thinking about it."
"Can I do it for you??" Ivy quickly asks him, watching as he tied the one side into a messy but sweet bun. It was different from how (Y/N) did her buns but Ivy knew her dad was trying his best.
"It'd be faster for me to do it, honey..." Jake tells her. Ivy did his hair very often and Jake really did love letting her play with it, but he assumed she would want to get straight to baking today.
Ivy bit at her cheek for a second watching him start on her second bun. "I want to do it for you." She reaffirms, "When you do buns they're so messy… I want Daddy to look pretty today." Ivy tells him pointedly.
Jake looks down at her pretending to be offended by that statement. "Hey! I thought I was pretty good at it…!”
Ivy seemed to make a slightly disgusted face as she shook her head, making Jake smile even wider. “Well how would you do it then?” He asks her, handing her the hair brush now that he had finished up her buns. 
Ivy spun around on the stool and pulled him down by his arm, “Turn around!” She tells him, Jake gives her a peck on the cheek before sitting down with his back facing her. Her hands were quickly in his hair, yanking the brush mercilessly through any knots Jake had in his hair. He wouldn’t say anything, not wanting to kill her little creative spark. He just bit his lip and allowed her to tug and pull until finally she seemed happy with the little bun she had made on the top of his head. “Where is the thing Daddy?” Ivy asks him, clearly looking for an elastic or scrunchie.
“On the counter baby.” He replies, suddenly getting a sharp pull on his head. She was reaching for one of her floral scrunchies to put in his hair. Once she found one it took her a few minutes to get it in his hair.
“There!” She hums giving him a small smack on his shoulders.
Jake looked up at her, before getting up and turning to look in the mirror, “Oh wait!” Ivy stopped him pulling him down by his hand once more before opening a drawer and pulling out a white headband of (Y/N)’s and quickly pushing it down on Jake’s head. “There! Now you’re beautiful.” She hums.
Jake finally looked at himself in the mirror, curious to see just how messy his hair was. Ivy had actually done a bang up job for the most part, aside from a few little pieces poking up. “I love it.” He smiles, leaning down to give her little kisses on her cheek, “Thank you Ivy.”
Ivy grinned proudly at her handy work.
After a few more stops during their morning routine, Jake and Ivy were now in the kitchen. Ivy knew the drill: she had to get her stool, she also had to find her apron, and most importantly she had to put some music on for the two of them. Ivy began to dig through the records trying to find her favorite album he had buried away. Finally she pulled free an album and handed it to Jake carefully, knowing very well how delicate records were. “The space ship one!” She cheers, having picked out Boston’s album.
The sight of it made him smile, he knew she only liked it because it had a space ship on it but it still made him happy that she wanted to listen to something like that. “You know what to do.” He lightly tells her, not moving to help her just watching carefully as she placed the record on the turntable and very carefully moved the needle over it, 
“Right there?” She asks him, wanting to make sure she would drop it in the right spot. Jake leaned a little closer and soon nodded,
“Right there. Remember to put it down slowly.” He says. Ivy did so with ease, having done this many many times, within seconds music began to fill the house. “Good job!” Jake hums offering his hand for a high five, Ivy happily hit it and began to the kitchen excitedly.
The rest of the afternoon was full of fun as Ivy worked with Jake to bake some beautiful surprise cupcakes for (Y/N). They were covered in batter and icing by the time they were done, sprinkles all over the counter from all of the decorating they had done. As it drew closer to the evening Ivy had cuddled herself up on the couch and fallen asleep watching a movie, she couldn’t wait for (Y/N) to get home so she could give her the prettiest cupcake she had made.
The front door of the house soon creaked open, keys jingling as (Y/N) called out. “I’m home!” 
“In the kitchen.” Jake responded softly, not really wanting to wake Ivy up yet. 
(Y/N) stepped into the kitchen to find Jake cleaning everything up as well as a plate full of cupcakes on the counter. It immediately brought a smile to (Y/N)’s lips, “You guys clearly had a fun day.”
Jake smiled back at her, “Those are supposed to be a surprise, so you better act surprised when she shows you them.” He points out, as he continued to scrub out one of the bowls.
(Y/N) came up behind Jake to hug him from behind and place a small kiss on his neck, “I will~” She smiles resting her head on his shoulder, “It was a fun day though?”
Jake nodded, turning a little to place a soft kiss on (Y/N)’s lips, “Y’know what?” He whispers,
“What?” (Y/N) asks.
“She says that I’m funner than you.” He grins being very proud of this.
“What?!” (Y/N) laughs, Jake just kept nodding, not saying anything else. “Well we’ve gotta change that.” She continues pulling back from him and beginning towards the hallway, “Is she in the living room?”
“Yeah she’s sleeping.” Jake hums, 
(Y/N) nodded as she started her way down it, “Ivy! Mommies home!” 
Jake could hear her call as he turned back to the dishes, his smile wouldn’t dampen. He still couldn’t believe just how lucky he was… to have this beautiful little family. More importantly, how lucky he was to have his sweet little girl named Ivy.
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were (pt2)
 harry acts like everything is good and dandy but reader sees Heather wearing the sweater
part 1 here
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST WORD COUNT - 1,892
A/N: hehe because it was december 3rd, I just had to get this chapter done to post even if it might be a little late but here ya go 
      My guitar rested on my thigh as i brought my head down to lay on the fret, staring at the blank piece of lined paper in front of me. I sighed, turning my head away and just bathed in the silence of the separate room from the main studio. The weight on my chest might of suggested the frustration out of my creative block, unable to produce words or lyrics for the past weeks. Or that I was progressively losing the will to even pick up an instrument, as strumming the strings took a lot of energy for me to do. 
The oversized hoodie I brought kept me warm, but i knew that wasn't satisfying enough. However the idea of wearing one of his hoodies I've place in a closed box in the corner of my apartment hurt too much and that now I'm back in the studio after weeks of trying to avoid coming here at all costs. After the New Year's party, I've done nothing but wallow up in my apartment alone, trying to come up with songs as quickly as possible just so I could get this project done and over with. That proved to be difficult however, especially with Harry trying to call on a normal basis.
  "Helllooo bubs, why haven't you been showing up at the studio eh?" "You said at the beginning of this project that I could work at home whenever I want. I'm just taking you up on that offer." "Of course, you'd remember me sayin' that. How've you been love, haven't seen you in a while though." "Fine, just been doing my job." "Well yeah, can't write all these lovely songs without your talent, can I? You gonna come in tomorrow then?" 
I hesitated for a second, biting my tongue when I felt my eyes pool up again. "I'll just send a pdf of lyrics to you Harry." "O-oh. Well that would conventionally work... yes but you have to come in tomorrow though." "Why? Just text me what you like and don't like about the verses and I'll fix them." "Bubs you know how I feel about in person collaboration. Plus the deadlines are coming up and it'll be easier and faster to have you in the studio." "Okay." He hesitates this time and I could see his brows furrowed together as well as having a hand on his hip. Most likely wearing lose sweats and the knitted cardigan he's been falling in love with over the months. His hair a bit longer than it was last time I saw him and his pink lips quirked to the side in thought. Maybe the bags under his eyes are gone, has been looking more happier lately. More happier than I could of made him to be over the months. "Are you okay?" "I have to go Harry, I'll see you tomorrow." "Oh see yo-"
      He was the first one to greet me when I arrived, and I wanted nothing more than to burst out sobbing when I see his smile. It took everything not to do so, giving him a tight lip smile and quick side hug before sitting down farthest away from him. For the first hour and a half of discussion, I didn't say much and zoned off a lot, tuning in and out of the conversation Harry leaded about a song he had written recently. I felt his glances on me when I turned away, probably sensing my unwillingness to comment so he was considerate enough to not put me under the spotlight in the discussion. In the middle of it, Harry's phone started ringing and he didn't waste a second to excuse himself to answer it. "Hello? Oh hey darling, you almost here?" I froze when he grows a cheesy smile on his face as he walks further to the other side of the studio before telling us to continue without him. I took a deep breathe, not mentally prepared to be in the same room as her. Has she always been coming to the studio or did I just choose to worse day to finally come in? I try to focus doodling in my little notebook, but it grew harder and harder to focus on anything else but the way he crosses his arms and laughs while on the phone with her. From the corner of my eye, it was definite he's completely captivated just hearing her voice and I could just picture the angelic tone of it. I didn't realize I was tapping my pencil till I hear Sarah calling out my name, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay, haven't seen you in a while." I nodded, putting on a smile. "Yeah sorry, been getting a lot of work opportunities and just a bunch of family stuff that's exhausted me." Sarah gives me a look that resembles one of a mother who knows their child isn't telling the full truth, but she nods and pats my hand. "Completely understandable. But that's exciting, new artists been reaching out to you n' all that?" "Ha surprisingly, considering saying yes to all of them." my smile was growing genuine a little, thinking about how content I was with my career. Being a lyricist and songwriter was a definite risky path to take in terms of stability, but it made me happier knowing I was able to to do. "Oh of course, you can totally do it. Probably wanted to see what all the hype was about when Harry couldn't stop talking about you at every social gathering he's been at." Sarah chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah?" I quickly looked down, feeling my eyes water as the pang in my chest came back. "Mhmm, acts like Thomas and Mitch don't even exist." I laugh lightly at that, fiddling with my fingers as I focused down on my notebook. I found myself in an awkward situation, not knowing how to continue the conversation but knowing I didn't want to try. I love Sarah, but I was close to break down right there if I tried and it was not the place to do so. Not when everyone is trying to meet deadlines and Harry was about to walk in with Heather at any moment. "Hey, I actually have a lot of emails to respond to so I'm gonna be in the other room." I stood up, taking a guitar and my notebook. "Might actually be better for me to focus in." "Sure, we'll let Harry know." I gave her a grateful smile, walking out into the hallway to a different room. I let out another shaky breath, feeling overwhelmed once I was finally alone. But before I could close the door, I hear her. I peak out to see both her and Harry standing at the entrance of the building, huddled close together. "Sorry I forget it gets this cold in LA sometimes." She says, looking up at him while he rubs the sleeves of his sweater that was wrapped perfectly around her. It was a simple orange stripped sweater. A vintage that Harry bought in Vienna and became one of his favorites. It was just a simple polyester sweater, but it became my favorite too. So it was hard to give it back after wearing it that night we kissed, but fuck was it harder to see her wearing it. Now as I sit alone with no sense of motivation to do anything else but wallow in my own pity I thought about a lot of things. I should be angry, be fuming and cursing at Harry for how he's been acting. I should confront him, make him feel as hurt as he made me for choosing her. Or maybe I should hate Heather, despise her for taking the chance I had with him. But deep down I know I couldn't hate Heather. She's such an angel, it wasn't her fault he's still hung up on her. And as much as the image of his arm wrapped around her kills me, I couldn't hate him either for the same reason. She looked prettier in his sweater than I did. "You okay in here bubs?" As if the tears welling up in my eyes and heavy weight on my chest wasn't enough, the sound of knuckles against the door and his voice calling out my name made me almost sob. "Yeah, I'm good. Door's open." I quickly try to compose myself when he enters the room, giving me that warming smile of his. "Just wanted to check up on ya, been quiet since you got here." Harry looks at me with concerning eyes as he places a hand on my shoulder before crossing his arms and leaning against the wall in front of me. Keep your hand on my shoulder, the second it was there all the nerves went away. I wanted to say but instead I fake a smile again, waving it off and shrugging. "Oh no, just have a lot on my plate don't worry." He nods, feeling his eyes on me while I try to avoid his by opening my laptop and skimming through my inbox. "Sarah told me about different singers reaching out to you." He points at my laptop before taking a seat on the chair to the side. I nodded, humming while I typed out quick responses. "Yup, thanks by the way but now I gotta sort out a whole schedule for this year." I took a glance up to see him focused on my song journal on the table in front of us.
“So...you and Heather huh?” The sheepish smile he has tugs my heart strings but I tried to keep from fumbling with my fingers.
“Yeah uhh...” He scratches the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on his hands and looking like a young kid with a crush. “Started talking again and catching up, been working out stuff between us since the party.”
I tilt my head to the side, motioning him to continue. “She’s gorgeous...”
“She’s amazing.”
I finally looked away from him and onto my screen, letting out a little chuckle. 
“So you guys are back together?”
“No no, we’re just sort of figuring things out at the moment.” Though it was an answer I was hoping for, the look in his face was none the less comforting. 
“Well, hope everything goes great. You guys look perfect together.” I managed to say, going back to typing while he only responds with a nod and hum.
There was silence. Does he not feel it too? Uncomfortable silence was never a thing between us but it was prevalent here. "Not gonna leave early are you though?" He says out of no where and I stopped typing for a sec to give my attention to him. "Not going to ditch me for someone else of course." He says it with a laugh, playing it off like an obvious joke... but the way he looked at me. Part of me wanted to scream at how oblivious and selfish that statement sounded coming from him, as if he has no idea the drastic shift our relationship has taken. But I see the vulnerability in his eyes, sensing the subtext in his question that is practically asking me to stay. Stick by his side and help finish this passion project he's dedicated to put out, not only for his fans but for himself. Be with him to figure out what to do next, even if I would be in a different county or continent and working with someone else. Keep in touch throughout because I've become an important person in his life. Even if that person who used to fill that spot came back, he's still here and asking me to stay with him in a similar sense. It wasn't the kind of love I wanted, but never the less, it was still love from Harry. Did the smile I wear at that moment reach my eyes? When I placed my hand on top of his in reassurance, was the hesitance obvious? Maybe he did notice the little signs, but he took my hand in his anyways and placed it against his heart. 
"Of course, 'm always gonna here Harry."
part 3
A/N: guys my heart hurts writing this lol. There’s gonna be one or two more parts of this series, but thank you for reading! feedback is appreciated :)
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years
Immortal Siblings AU | Four, then three, then four again
I mentioned that the bulletpoint post describing how the Guard from the Immortal Siblings AU found Joe had totally run away from me. It has, in fact, become a study on them grieving over Lykon and then finding Yusuf. 
I have, somehow, reached a sort of natural end to the amount of bullshit my mind can add to this list/fic draft. So, if you want to give it a read... grab a snack. It’s long. I’m sorry.
Warnings for Wikipedia levels of historical accuracy - I added links to the relevant pages when quoting historical events, but since I was just trying to work out a timeline (famous last words), the research wasn’t extensive. There’s a lot of hand-waving.
By the end of the 11th Century, I think Andy, Quynh and Nico haven’t been in Europe for a while, not really. They moved south, and then east, after the sack of Rome of 410 CE. Seeing the great cities fall has become hard for them, especially for Nico, who is a nomad at heart but has a soft spot for cities, together with Lykon, the true city boy in the group. He’d seen it happen to Athens, he wasn’t sure he could deal with seeing Rome wilt.
For reasons I cannot fathom, my mind is settled on them having been in India when Lykon dies (possibly sometime around the middle of the 6th century, in the mess that was the crumbling of the Gupta Empire???)
Seeing him die destroys them, and they take a break from any battlefield to grieve their friend and brother. They wander, occasionally helping but almost never raising their weapons, too leery of injuries and of losing each other.
(Quynh, who was the first to notice Lykon’s wounds, has nightmares that make her cry in her sleep. Andromache holds her so tight Nico can feel the tension on her muscles against his back. He and his sister barely sleep, scared of the open spaces of Asia as they’d never been before. Lykon was the youngest of them and he died, what if they stop healing too?)
(If Nico stands guard over his sisters and feels an ache in his chest seeing how they hold onto each other, he’s never going to say it out loud. His Mache deserves the love she shares with Quynh. But sometimes he wishes he had someone to hold him like that, one he can call his heart.)
The first time they go to battle again like in the old days it’s almost the end of the 10th century, and they’re helping Quynh’s lands gain independence from China. They have a reason and a specific side to root for, and it’s the kind of cause Lykon would have approved of. They find purpose again.
They are distantly aware of how things are holding up in the west – they know Constantinople has crowned itself capital of the Roman Empire (what is left of it anyway); they know of the new religion, Islam, and how it was brought further east with the armies conquering Persia. They met the Varangians on the Northern Plains of the Rus’, when Andy insisted on going back to their steppes for a while.
They acquire new swords, repair the old weapons, make improvements on their bows. They travel, and help, and listen. They learn new languages. They heal.
They’ve just spent the winter in Samarkand when they hear merchants newly come from Constantinople talk about the Frankish armies that took Antioch and making their way further into Palestine. 
The words ‘freeing Jerusalem from the infidels’ make Andy sigh in exasperation and twist Nico’s guts. The three of them don’t really understand the point of going to war for a god, but Jerusalem is old, and she’s been coveted by many throughout their long lives. Things like this never end well, they know it intimately.
But they’ve been away for a long time, centuries at this point. Things are very different from when the Romans had the power. They are less eager to throw themselves into the battlefield now, and there’s much they don’t know about the dynamics of Europe and the Levant. Still they’re worried, and decide that they’ll move west to see if something can be done, for the civilians at least.
At first they travel slowly, keeping an ear out for gossip spoken by the caravans coming from the west. Things radically change, however, when they dream of a new immortal (a man, with a curly black beard and shining dark eyes) dying on the walls of Jerusalem and reviving to an unprecedented slaughter – said man is, obviously, absolutely terrified and they feel it.
He’s also woken up surrounded by living enemies, with high risk of being killed or injured multiple times, and of being seen.
They are still too far away to do anything more than hope that the new guy is clever enough to keep himself alive until they can reach him, but now Nico is all for moving west at full speed to get him out.
“What the everloving FUCK is happening over there?!” is the common theme in their thoughts; nothing about this war they’re walking towards is making any sense.
Yusuf al-Kaysani is, in fact, clever enough to keep himself (and a few other civilians to boot) alive and get out of Jerusalem when it becomes clear than no matter how many Franks he kills he can do nothing to stop them alone. (It’s a fucking carnage, and he’s so tired). He walks away from the battle and tries to reach some sort of safety in the desert.
When he’d decided to stay in Jerusalem and fight instead of escaping the siege, Yusuf had considered the possibility of dying. He had not accounted for waking up from a fatal wound with no sign of having been hit in the first place.
And then there are the visions. Or dreams, he’s not sure. They don’t seem to make any sense? Who are those people?! Is his mind so addled by the war that he’s conjuring scary warrior women and a stupidly handsome man, armed to the teeth and camping in the desert?
(fantasizing about handsome men in his sleep isn’t exactly news for him, but there were never women in those. And none of his usual dreams involved weapons. Something is definitely off)
For the following days, Yusuf makes sure to stay away from human settlements while putting as much space as possible between Jerusalem and himself – the last thing he needs is to become a potential target for any invader that may cross his path.
But he’s alone, having nightmares, constantly on edge, and in a body that suddenly doesn’t feel like his own anymore, since he doesn’t even have the scars to prove that the injuries he sustained were real to begin with.
After a couple of weeks, the appearance of the strangers in his dreams starts feeling safe and comforting; they seem to operate like a little family, and God knows how much he misses his own.
(should he try to go back home? Would news of the siege reach his family before he does? Would he be able to go back to his previous life in the state he’s in? Could he keep this secret from them? Would they still love him or think him a monster?)
Despite their impressive warrior appearance, they feel... kind. And gentle. Sometimes, it feels like they’re trying to reassure him, even. Especially when he dreams from the perspective of the man.
The sensation those dreams leave on his skin is like a cape. You’re not alone, it whispers. Wait for us.
Andy, Quynh and Nico have just left Baghdad when the dreams change, and not for the better - Yusuf was passing through a village when a band of marauding Franks started harassing the locals. He moved to defend the villagers, but was overwhelmed and what’s worse, the Franks saw his wounds close too fast. Their reaction was vehement: they called him a demon, incapacitated him and then brought him back to their garrison, with every intention of ‘properly getting rid of him’.
Nico wakes up screaming and Andy has to sit on him so he doesn’t just sprint ahead without actually knowing where the fuck he’s going.
“We can’t just raid every single Frankish encampment in a twenty mile radius around Jerusalem, Nico!” “TRY ME” *Aggressive Sibling Bickering follows* *Quynh doesn’t bat an eye and just rolls out a map of the area she purchased and starts mapping out the fastest routes*
Yusuf is having a Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week at the hands of his captors, who are getting disturbingly creative in their tortures, but whenever they let him fall unconscious he sees the people of his dreams travelling much faster than before, looking Royally Pissed Off, and the surroundings are... starting to look familiar too? 
If he tries to pay more attention to the conversations his torturers are having with each other outside of the tent he’s in and hoping the dreams go both ways, so the maybe-real trio can find him easier, now that’s nobody’s business but his own.
(spoiler: it works)
When they are in sight of Jerusalem, the immortals find a drunk “pilgrim” boasting about his band capturing a ‘pagan demon’ while coming back from their victory at Ascalon, follow him back to his camp, and as soon as it’s feasible they attack.
(Andy will later gripe that Nico didn’t leave her anything to do because he just paved his way through the Franks like he was harvesting wheat.)
seeing the Stupidly Handsome Man of his dreams standing in front of him covered head to toe in blood, with a double-bladed axe in one hand and a sword in the other, staring intensely at him as if to peer directly into his soul is... an experience for Yusuf.
(he may have composed a lot of poems about that first vision of Nico through the centuries. The words ‘avenging angel’ have been used quite profusely, too)
The protective instinct that Nico has felt for the newest immortal since the first dream clutches at his throat when he finally sees him, chained to a pole and so thin his clothes barely cling to his body, but with the softest dark eyes staring back with a glint of recognition when he comes closer.
(he could cry with relief at the knowledge that he’s not scared of him. Nico has seen the faces of the men that were keeping him captive, he knows he looks a lot like they did, and that he paints a gruesome picture.)
“Are you alright?” Nico asks first, in Greek. (He knows, from the dreams, that his captors prayed in Latin. He wants to make sure that the other knows that he’s not like them.)
“You were in my dreams. You came.” Yusuf answers back in the same language, although his sounds much newer than Nico’s.
“Of course. We’re not meant to be alone… and no one deserves to be in a cage”.
Nico uses the axe to break the chains, and by the time he’s done Andy and Quynh have reached them and his sister throws the keys at him to open the shackles.
“Couldn’t take a moment to get them yourself, little eagle? You wanted to show off your skills to the new one?” Quynh teases, just to see Nico blush. Andy stares at her brother and their new companion for a few beats, before finally asking his name.
“Yusuf ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al-Kaysani, known as al-Tayyib” he answers, letting out the first smile in weeks at the raising eyebrows of his saviours. “Just Yusuf is fine.”
“You have a sense of humour, brother. I like you!” Andy snorts, before cutting her palm with the edge of her axe, and showing him her fast healing.
“We are like you, Yusuf. That’s why you dreamt of us, and we of you” Nico adds gently, while Quynh offers her waterskin to Yusuf. They also offer their own names.
“We need to clean up this mess and move away from here” Andy says, while Nico helps Yusuf up. “One of those fuckers was boasting about an undying demon with others in a tavern, the last thing we need is to fight our way out against their whole army because someone else decided to come check if he was saying the truth.”
“It’s been a long time since we were in Kush” Quynh whispers, and Yusuf sees their faces open in a look of affectionate grief he remembers seeing on his Baba’s eyes when he talked about his own mother.
“We can talk about it more when we’re somewhere safer” Andromache suggests, before moving to set up the stage of an ‘accidental’ fire.
As they’re riding away, Yusuf turns slightly to watch the camp burn, leaving no trace of the invaders that hurt him. Jerusalem looms in the distance - lost, and wounded. If he were a little less exhausted, he could  easily work out a metaphor about his own situation.
But then he looks at the three people of his dreams – Quynh, Andromache, Nikolaos – that came for him. Who are the same as him, immortal.
His world has turned upside down, and there are so many questions to ask, and he could sleep for a month straight – but one thing is certain. 
He’s not alone anymore.
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
Written for @kiokodoodles mermaid pirate AU! This one-shot will cover Harp's life from right before she got attacked by the orca mermaid to when she met Alkai.
TW: Blood, gore, injury, assault, being chased
'Don't stray too far from the island'
It was a simple rule, and one that had good reason behind it. There always seemed to be danger lurking around Seal Island, as Harp's home was creatively named. Harp was careful to follow that rule whenever she wanted to break off from her family while they were out searching for food.
But that was before Otaria and Mother had fallen ill. Father had to tend to Mother and Otaria, so that only left her and Hali. Hali was on the other side of the island where there were the most fish. Harp didn't mind. She knew she was quite absent-minded at times, and her sister was faster than her. Harp looked around, sighing. There were hardly any fish due to the currents this time of year.
Harp continued making slow patrols on the southern side of the island, her disappointment and frustration growing as several passes yielded hardly any fish. She only had two fish in her satchel, and it was making her anxious. What if Mother and Otaria didn't eat enough? She didn't want to think about that.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move. She turned her head and her excitement skyrocketed as she saw several fish disappear into the distance. Harp gave chase.
Gosh, why were fish so fast?! She'd only caught two more out of.... at least a hundred. It was frustrating, but at least she HAD a food source for tonight's dinner. She lunged again, snagging a third fish from the group, making it five in total. She bit the fish just below its head, making it stop struggling. She added it to her bag and turned- then paused. Something big was moving in the distance. Perhaps a larger school of fish? She swam closer, curious. Twenty feet later, she stopped swimming forward. There it was, fifty feet away.
It wasn't a school of fish. It was a half human, half..... half....
'Black and white, Harp. Remember that. If you see those colors, you swim away as fast as you can.'
Half orca. Harp gulped. Both of her parents had told her about how dangerous orcas were on their own, but this one was even smarter. It had a human brain.
It was just... floating there. Staring at her. Watching. Was it hungry? Stars she hoped it wasn't hungry. But just in case..... With slow, trembling fingers, she opened her bag and pulled a fish out, tossing it to the side. The orca mermaid didn't react, just kept staring at her with a creepy, too-wide grin. Maybe if she went slow....?
She slowly started to swim backward, but a moment later, the orca mermaid moved. It was FAST. Harp gasped and turned, swimming as fast as she could back to the island, but she knew she wasn't fast enough.
She knew he was getting close. All the fish had vanished. The island was still so far away-
Her back suddenly exploded in pain, and she let out a strangled scream as the water turned red around her.
Stars, it hurt. Her vision was spinning and white at the edges, and every movement sent waves of pain down her spine. She did her best to keep moving, but it hurt so much. She saw something big and dark coming at her from below, and she wasn't fast enough to move out of the way.
Teeth clamped down on her back and tail, piercing the skin easily. She didn't think it could hurt any worse. She was wrong. Her vision went completely white, and she let out a scream she didn't even know she could make. Her hands scrabbled at the orca's head, and she dimly remembered that eyes were generally weak spots for animals. She raised her hand, and with a scream of pain, she slammed her hand into the orca's eye, her nails tearing skin and cartilage. The orca was stunned and in pain, loosening his grip on Harp's tail just a bit.
Harp seized the chance to plant her hands against his snout and shove, his sharp teeth tearing through the skin on her back down to her tail- but she was freed. She didn't waste a moment. She took off toward the island and could sense the orca coming after her, making her panic spike. She had to hide! She had to get away! She remembered the strange hole in the side of the southern part of the island- mostly covered by rocks- that she'd never explored. She could only pray to the stars that the orca wouldn't be able to fit.
Her dark eyes scanned the shore frantically until they locked on a dark hole- indeed, mostly covered by large rocks. She took a deep breath and dove down, squeezing past the rocks and going deeper into the cave. The cave narrowed as she went, which relieved her immensely. He wouldn't be able to fit down here even in his human form.
Harp spared a glance backward and saw a single black, beady, hunger-filled eye staring back at her. A moment later, the opening cleared. Did he think she was stupid? She wasn't falling for that!
The water slowly grew red around her. She whimpered and hugged herself.
'It was a very close call', her Father murmured as he applied a green paste to the cuts on her back. 'You're not allowed out there alone ever again.'
Harp was fine with that. More than fine with that. But she wasn't fine with how achy and sore her body was. The green paste helped a lot, but the cuts still stung and it was still difficult to move. She still saw that spotted pattern and beady black eye whenever she closed her eyes. Mother, Otaria, and Hali were resting- Hali had exhausted herself chasing down food. Harp flinched as a spike of pain shot up her spine, and her father murmured an apology, rubbing the skin next to the cuts. 'Be strong, little one. You are a survivor. Remember that.'
Harp sniffed and nodded, finally allowing tears to gather in her eyes, turning and burying her face in her father's plain white tunic. She didn't want to go hunting ever again.
The journey to their new home was long. It took over a week to get there. Father smiled and told them 'It'll be worth it. I promise.'
She still had nightmares that she'd wake up screaming to, certain that orca had come back to finish her off. She couldn't go back to sleep after that.
Their home was quiet. Too quiet. There weren't as many souls there as there should've been. But... That was okay. She still had Hali and Father.
Hali was screaming, something metal embedded in her tail. Father was trying to pull her back, but whatever the metal thing was attached to was way stronger. Well, actually, she knew what the metal thing was attached to. A boat.
Hali and Father disappeared above the surface.
There was nothing left for her here. Her family was gone. The nightmares remained. She knew her mother and father had left a chest of keepsakes back at their old island. She had to find it. It was all she had of their once happy family.
Hunting was still hard. The constant paranoia about orcas lurking around made her so hungry. Hungry enough that she became desperate and snuck onto a passing human ship. She was certain she'd be found and killed. She hugged her coat close, reaching for the crate of vegetables.
There was somebody odd on the ship. They weren't human, Harp knew that much. They looked human, sure- but they smelled like.... something else. She didn't know what it was. They had pretty brown hair and an affinity for shiny things. They looked surprised to see her- like she'd caught them doing something wrong. Were they... not supposed to be holding all that gold?
A shout of anger made her startle, and she ran to the deck and leapt off, changing back into her seal form and swimming away with her precious cargo.
She kept running into that person. Always on different ships. Always looking for gold and jewels.
"I'm not sharing any of my gold with you."
The brown haired person looked irritated. Harp nodded. "I know. I don't.... want... the treasure. I.... wanna be friends."
They stared at her. "Uh....... no."
Harp frowned slightly. "Why?"
"What's.... What's Nunya?"
"Nunya business."
Harp blinked at them. "What's business?"
They stared at her. "...... Oh you're serious??"
"Um.... why wouldn't I be?"
They pinched the bridge of their nose. "Look, lady-"
"My name. It's.... It's Harp. What's your name?"
They turned away from her. "Pat."
Harp frowned again. "Pat..... Anyway, um.... Why are you pretending to be a human?"
They froze. Slowly turned and looked at her. "What."
"I-I mean, you're obviously not a human... So.... why-"
They were suddenly directly in front of her. Harp yelped and stumbled back as they loomed over her. "How."
"H.... How what....?"
"How. Did. You. Know."
Harp gulped. "Um....."
"Don't lie to me."
Harp watched their hand drift to the scabbard at their side. She looked up at them with wide eyes. "I-"
Their hand was on her shoulder, touching her coat-
She jerked away. "Don't touch me!"
They stared at her for a moment before scoffing and turning away. "Get lost. I don't have time for this."
Harp obliged, scampering out of the room, heart pounding in her chest.
Another ship. Someone was tied to the mast- Pat. Their head was bowed, which made her approach easier. She climbed up the side of the ship, changing into her human form and throwing on her damp dress. She saw a dagger laying on a barrel and grabbed it, wasting no time in hacking at the ropes.
Their head shot upright, and they twisted to get a good look at what was happening. They made eye contact with Harp, gaze widening in recognition. "It's.... you... What are you doing here?"
"Saving you."
The ropes fell away, and they turned to stare at her in disbelief. Harp fidgeted in place. "Um...."
There was a shout from the other side of the ship. "OI!! GET BACK HERE!!"
They both turned and saw one of the crew members standing there, looking furious. Harp and Pat looked at each other and bolted for the railing, leaping over and plunging into the water together.
Harp sat up and looked at her friend. "Huh?"
They gave her a small smile. "Alkai. That's my real name. Nice to meet you."
(Alkai belongs to @mochamashi )
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show-choir-gal · 3 years
“Pretty Boy” Oliver Wood Smut
Requested by: savannah117230 on wattpad "Can you do an Oliver Wood smut? They could be best friends since 3rd year but she is a Slytherin so they kept their friendship a secret but in their 5th year their friendship is exposed. You can make up the rest because I'm not that creative lol."
A/N: I really like this idea! I'm going to switch it up a bit but I still really enjoy this! I did a bunch of drinking towards the end of it so if there's anything wrong just lmk lmao.
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, a brief instance of sexual assault, oral (male and female receiving)
Word count: 7,473
Guide: Y/N: Your Name Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Colour
I was the presumed heiress of Slytherin, both my parents were very prominent and well known Death Eaters. I was even sometimes called Slytherins "princess" just waiting for another noble Slytherin to come and sweep me off my feet. Marcus Flint, a boy in my year, was convinced he was my "knight in shining armour" and would try to get with me every chance he got. Typically, it always ended with me saying, "I'm sorry but who are you again?" But it never stopped, he was really persistent. It was kind of sad though, but I had to just deal with it. It was a big shock, to my fellow housemates, when I showed up at Quidditch trails. I walked out onto the pitch and just saw all these mouths agape. I looked at every single boy on that pitch with confusion. "We just weren't expecting to see you here Y/N." Our captain, Duncan Pucey said with almost as much as confusion drawn on his face like the rest of the boys standing there. "You boys seem to forget my father was a keeper his entire time here AND played for years on the Falmouth Falcons. Now, can we please stop gawking at me and start trials already?" I retaliated. It was no surprise when I made the team, but it was a surprise when I was placed as a chaser. I for sure thought I would be keeper just like my father. Duncan pulled me aside the last practice before games officially started, "I want you to know that you're brilliant in any position you play, but I need you as a chaser. There's a boy on the Gryffindor team, his name is Oliver...Wood? I think it's Oliver Wood and he knows Quidditch almost as well as you. I need you to keep the chasers on the best path to keeping us winning." He explained as he patted my back and then sent me off to the locker room. And that's exactly what I did. I was keeping the chasers in check, including Duncan. We made plays that no one dared to mess with and were almost impossible to beat. I wasn't entirely like my father, no no. My mother was the brightest witch of her time and it was clear I was following those footsteps as well. Best of both worlds one would assume. I wasn't some Slytherin who only did enough to pass class, I was going above and beyond each time and I quickly made it to top of my class.
The end of our second year wasn't super eventful, until Oliver and I were paired together for what seemed like the millionth time in Charms. Professor Flitwick rarely ever let us choose our own partners which would typically would be fine with me, but I was just continuously paired with Oliver Wood. Once I saw his usual grades, I immediately knew why. He was doing enough to pass, such a shame because he actually was brilliant. Our last class of charms before final exams came and went, but Professor Flitwick surprised me when he called Oliver and I up to his desk after class. "Is there something wrong Professor?" I questioned, shifting my bag behind my shoulders as I pulled my Y/H/C out from behind the bag. "Not per-say Miss Y/L/N. But I am concerned about Mr. Wood. He seems more concerned about Quidditch than his grades." "But I don't need good grades to get recruited for Quidditch." Oliver butt in, to which I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "But you need good grades to graduate Mr.Wood," Professor Flitwick turned to me, "Miss Y/L/N, could you be his study partner?" Professor Flitwick almost pleaded with me, but I didn't have the heart to turn down one of my favourite professors. I let out a long sigh, "I suppose." I replied as I crossed my arms across my chest and moved my weight onto my right leg and hip. Professor Flitwick beamed with delight, "Brilliant! 20 points to Slytherin. Now you two have a good rest of your day." He said as he started to clean up his classroom, Oliver and I made our way out of the classroom and toward the dining hall. Oliver opened his mouth but I responded quicker, "No, you are not getting any Quidditch secrets. Meet me in the library tonight at 7 or I will find you and drag you there myself." "Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked with a smirk. "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face before I decide to hex you instead." The smirk dropped off his face and we entered the dining hall and went our separate ways as I rolled my eyes, eager to let my friends in on the trauma of Oliver Wood I will endure for the foreseeable future.
Our third year came up a lot faster than expected, but I was still excited. I entered Platform 9 3/4 with my parents, and immediately we were met with stares and whispers. We quickly said our goodbyes, but not before my father handed me a broom. As he handed me the broom, he hugged my mother closer and smiles grew on their faces when they saw the excitement in my eyes. "A Transylvanian Barb! They're brand new! But why?" I asked, confused about the gift, but still excited nonetheless. "Our beautiful girl deserves only the best. Keep breaking records out there darling." My mother said before they pulled me in for one last hug and kiss before I boarded the train. I made my way to the back where the Slytherins were, but I couldn't help but notice all the stares and whispers now directed toward me. Directed solely toward me. I just hurried to the Slytherin car and I saw all my teammates waiting for me. We were all so excited for the new year because a new year meant new Quidditch plays. But a new term also meant that soon enough, you were Olivers study partner. It wasn't the ideal situation, but if it meant that the only person close to your skill was still on the pitch, and I was willing to make sure I had a worthy opponent. Soon enough, Oliver was asking for help in all our classes. I didn't mind, I got to keep him accountable, but it took up a lot more of my time. Eventually, it was nearing the time final game of the year. Gryffindor against Slytherin. Both of our teams were practicing as much as we could. I almost had no time to breathe, but this would all be over soon and everything would be a lot better and easier. I found myself in divination class, seated next to Marcus and Terence at our table. We were learning tessomancy, the divination form that requires you to read tea leaves. This class was meant to focus on soulmates and finding their initials in our leaves. Terence was struggling to figure his out, while Marcus just smirked at me. "It's your initial, looks like you really are my soulmate babe." Marcus said with a smirk. I shot him a disgusted look, "Mine is an 'M' BUT before you say anything it's the initial of the persons last name you git." I looked down at my cup and realised my mistake, my cup was upside down. That 'M', is actually a 'W'. I wasn't going to admit this to them though. "Fuck," I sighed, "Must be Malfoy." I played off how I really felt and what everything really meant. There were plenty of people in this school with last names beginning with 'W', but I didn't want to press it to much longer. I ended up helping the rest of the Slytherins and Trewlaney gave me 15 points for Slytherin. I immediately went to my usual spot in the library and just hoped and prayed to Merlin everything would go back to normal. Oliver arrived moments later and took his usual seat. We had two essays to write so we just created small talk every now and again to fill the air. I finished before Oliver, I did some studying before he finished. I proof read his essay, it was actually really good. "Oliver, this is great! I told you that if you a little more effort in you would be great! You might not need me much longer." I said with a playful chuckle. "I would hate to end these study sessions, working with you is actually quite fun and you help me keep on track. Who knew the princess of Slytherin had it all? Looks, smarts, and excellent quidditch skills." Oliver said with a smirk, which made me blush. "Alright pretty boy, I love my ego being stroked, but both of us have practice tonight. Mine is soon, yours is later. I'll see you tomorrow on the pitch Wood. Can't wait to kick your ass." I said as I sent a wink his way and walked away after all my stuff was packed away. I made my way down to the pitch where I got ready and headed over to Duncan to discuss what plays we need to make and so on. By the end of practice, we had a solid plan in place for the game against Gryffindor. We were all radiating positivity with how well practice went for us. We all changed but as soon as we left the locker room, Gryffindor was making their way onto the pitch. Marcus went right up to them and I followed, not wanting anything serious to happen. Marcus was about to say something but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Marcus if you lay even a finger on them before the game tomorrow I will make sure you don't play and you're a sub next year. Step away from them or I will force you to back away." "Awe you're hot when you're angry. How about this, I don't do anything to these pussy's and when we win we celebrate in my dorm and you sleep with me?" Marcus asked in a condescending tone as we walked away. I stopped and immediately started to pretend to gag at the words that just came out of his mouth, "I would much rather sleep with Wood over there ten times over before I even thought about touching you." I practically yelled. All eyes were on us. "What does Wood have that I don't clearly I'm packing a lot more than him." He said as his right hand moved to touch his member through his pants and his left hand trailed around my waist and  squeezed my right butt cheek. That was all I needed to immediately cock my arm back and land a hard punch directly on his nose, which was now just gushing blood down his body. Marcus stumbled back and scrambled to his feet. Terence started to bring him off the pitch. I took my wand out and pointed it at him. I started to make my way towards him when Duncan and a few other of my teammates held me back with all their strength. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FLINT. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU THE NEXT CHANCE I GET. I SWEAR TO MERLIN. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT EXCUSE FOR A WIZARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Both from the experience and the pain my throat was in. Miles ran to get a professor as Duncan hugged me and apologised to the Gryffindor team. Duncan held onto me as we made our way to meet with Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. I made eye contact with Oliver as I passed by and he looked broken just from witnessing the exchange. Duncan and I met with the Headmaster and our head of house in his office and explained everything that happened. It wasn't a long meeting but it wasn't a short meeting either. Duncan agreed with Snape and Dumbledore that Flint was going to be out for the last game of the year and sub for most of next year. We made our way to dinner and all eyes were on me, but I just ignored it and just put on my RBF and plotted revenge (and how I could possibly tell my parents). It was the day of the biggest game of the year to us. I got to the locker room extra early to clear my mind and go through last minute plays to make sure they were as clean and thought out as possible. Duncan followed not too long after me and I informed him of some errors I found and we worked through them. Once the rest of the team was in the locker room and changed we went over the game plan. After Duncan's speech, we entered the pitch to some cheers but mostly boo's. We were all on the pitch when we got into our positions and went up into the sky. Before we took our actual positions, Oliver sent a wink my way. I just shook my head and shoo'd him away to the posts. The game was going great, we were leading but not by much. We needed that snitch to win. Terence was so close to catching it, Charles wasn't making it too easy though. I paid as little attention as possible toward the seekers fighting for the snitch. Fred and George Weasley were towards the left of me but pretty far behind. I had just caught the quaffle and was heading towards the goals when all of a sudden, I was hit hard in the side and I let go of the quaffle as I flew off my broom from the force of the hit. I hit the corner of the Slytherin stand and just free fell to the ground. I was out cold before I hit the ground. Terence caught the snitch, but people were concerned with my limp body lying on the ground. I woke up later that day in the hospital wing, my team was surrounding me. They told me everything that happened. Fred and George performed a Dopplebeater Defence and the bludger went straight for me. It hit me hard enough to throw me to the corner of the stands like I was a muggle rag doll and I immediately fell hundreds of feet to the ground. I had several broken ribs and many more fractures. But I was more concerned about my broom and if we had won. Duncan chuckled, "We did win, Terence caught the snitch right as you hit the stands. And your broom is fine. I grabbed it before it plummeted to the ground." We were all caught up in conversation when there was a throat clear from behind my team surrounding my bed. "Leave her alone Weasley's, she doesn't need to be hurt anymore." Duncan said, in a voice so firm yet so angry. "We came to apologise." The twins said in unison. I chimed in before Duncan could, "It's fine. You guys can go. I'll be fine." I smiled and hurried them along. "We're so sorry Y/N," Fred started. "We didn't think it would curve and get you." George chimed in. "We promise, once you're better we'll get you all the sweets you want," I cut them off, "Guys it's okay. It's a game of quidditch. I'd be naive if I didn't believe I would never get hurt. I forgave you a long time ago. But I still appreciate the care you two have." I replied with a smile as they handed me a bouquet of wild flowers. They made their way out, I placed the flowers on the bedside table. I looked up and saw Oliver. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he took the seat next to me. "Besides just a blanket of pain, I'm pretty good now that you're here." I said with a smile. There was a thick silence that enveloped both of us, eventually Oliver broke that silence. "Are we friends?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Like, you've really grown on me in our study sessions and I want to be friends with you but.." "I have an image to uphold Wood. But we can, if that's what you want. Just, we must keep the study sessions professional. Secret friendship, for now," I said, I saw the sorrow in his eyes "It's a secret for now. Until I can figure all this out. I promise Ollie." I said as I stuck out my pinky finger, he chuckled and hooked his pinky finger with mine. Oliver came down every day to help me with homework and our usual study sessions. But once everyone left we just chatted like old pals. It was so much easier once I could actually go back to classes and roaming the castle. Every day meshed together; I went to my classes, bickered back and forth with Oliver, had study sessions, and then snuck away to have alone time with Oliver and acted like normal friends behind closed and hidden doors. I hated it, but being the "heiress of Slytherin" I had an image to uphold. Hopefully our 5th or 6th year I can just be open about this, but right now is not the time. Especially because I don't know what they'd do to Oliver. It was more for his protection, and he figured that out the more we hung out and talked. The deeper our friendship grew, the more we learned about each other... and the more I started to feel something more for him. The end of the year came so fast, yet went by so slow. Saying goodbye to everyone hurt when the one person I didn't want to leave I couldn't even say goodbye to. No matter how bad I felt, Oliver and I still wrote to each other practically every day. Each new letter was a countdown to the first of September, a countdown to seeing my best friend. But with each letter also came stronger and stronger feelings I had never felt before. Was this love? Was this what love felt like? What is this feeling?
The first of September has come yet again, welcoming me to my fourth year at Hogwarts, but this time my family and I were accompanied by the Malfoy's. Mum and dad have always wanted me to marry Draco, keep the pureblood line going. I didn't hate Draco, he was very annoying for an 11 year old, but I didn't hate him. Neither of our families believed in arranged marriages, but they definitely mentioned a married between Draco and I often. Draco was definitely infatuated with me. Trying his best to flirt with me and to keep my attention on him. At the train, I hugged my parents goodbye and hugged Narcissa and shook Lucius' hand. Draco and I boarded the train together, "Now, I sit with all of the older years and first years aren't allowed, but after tonight you can always find me when you need me." I said as I sent Draco a smile. Draco took my hand and kissed it and went on his merry way to find someone to befriend. My eyes drifted from Draco to Oliver, who seemingly was watching the whole time. He shot a smile my way, causing me to blush. I walked passed him to the Slytherin cart and he slipped a piece of parchment into my hand. I kept walking and as I entered I sat in my usual seat, but only Terence and Miles were in their seats. I read the note, "I really missed you, more than ever. Meet me on the pitch at 8?" I let out a smile as I slyly slid the note into my right pocket. We continued our conversations of our summer holidays as more of our peers came through and sat down. I announced that I was the quidditch captain now that Duncan has graduated. We all enjoyed our time together once again, after all, it was just another year and another House Cup we were determined to win. It came to the sorting ceremony and I only was anticipating Draco and his sorting. He was sorted into Slytherin faster than I was, but he was proud and made his way over to me and kissed my cheek before sitting right next to me. My teammates just looked over at me, and then Draco, and looked more confused than when a professor calls on them and they're not paying attention. Draco happily chimed in, "I'm going to marry her. Join the Malfoy and Y/L/N pureblood names and have the greatest bond to ever occur in the wizarding world." He had a smile beaming from ear to ear. They all shifted their gazes onto me, questioning if it was real or in his imagination. "I'll explain later, don't worry guys." I said to calm them down, which it only helped slightly. The upperclassmen made their way to their perspective common rooms. I told my teammates how it wasn't fully a thing, arranged at least. It was encouraged but not forced, and to just let Draco believe whatever he wants to believe. They all finally understood and proceeded to start a whole new conversation. It was almost 8 and I decided to sneak away from my friends and down to the pitch. If someone finds me on my way there then I can just say I need to cleat my mind or something like that. I can always get myself out of trouble. As soon as I walked by the Gryffindor locker room, I heard a faint whisper and made my way to see inside. As soon as I cracked the door, an arm reached out and grabbed my forearm and yanked me inside. I practically fell onto whomever just pulled me in. I looked up and saw Olivers infamous smile and pulled him in for a tight hug. The hug seemed to go on forever, but eventually we let go, but not fully, his arms were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck. "Oh how I've missed you." He said with a smirk, but there was definitely something hiding behind it. I was studying his face like it was a written exam. And caught on and he guided me to the benches right behind us. "Obviously I wanted to say hi, but that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about," Oliver started as he sat beside me, "I've been having this thought and this feeling for a while now," I was confused, and the furrowed brows and now titled head made him keep going. "I know you like sleeping around and fucking whenever you can... NOT that it's a bad thing because I like that too. But... B-but I want to know what it's like to like, sleep with one person. And I just hope you've been feeling this sexual tension too, Y/N. Would you like, to like, maybe be friends with benefits?" He asked and he started to blush as he looked away. I knew it was too good to be true, he didn't feel the same way I think I feel about him. But if this was the closest to a relationship I could have with him, I was going to seize the moment. "I'm glad you felt the tension too, I was starting to grow exhausted just hiding it," I said as I inched a little closer to him as I unbuttoned the top buttons of my white blouse, "I was getting tired of hopping from dick to dick. Although the variety was nice, getting railed by the same cock over and over sounds so much better to me." I got even closer to him, I moved his hands to my bare thighs and my hands tugged at his shirt. Oliver crashed his lips into mine, the rough intensity of the kiss threw me off guard but I enjoyed every moment of it. I quickly deepened the kiss, feeling myself grow wetter and wetter as Oliver finished unbuttoning my blouse. I unhooked my black bra and he took off his turtleneck and we threw our articles of clothes onto the ground, just letting them land wherever they pleased. I took one look at his body and my mouth dropped. Toned but not overly defined, a perfect middle ground. Oliver took full advantage of the moment and placed his hands roughly on my bare sides, sending sparks throughout my body, and he pulled my into him and crashed his lips onto my bare neck as he sucked and bit every inch of my neck and collarbone. Oliver was still in a sitting position while I was standing over him, one leg on each side of the bench. As Oliver found my sweet spot, he started to pull my skirt down to my knees and I took it off and threw it wherever it decided to land. He started to leave hickies all over my upper body he kissed his way down to my breasts. He took my left breast into his mouth and sucked and kissed every inch of it. His right and trailed from my side down to my warm and wet pussy. He didn't even hesitate to move my panties out of the way and rubbed the folds of my dripping wet pussy. That feeling all on its own made me whimper and melt into him more than I was. His mouth moved to my right breast and give it the same attention my left breast received earlier. His left hand was free and moved to unbutton his pants and pull out his pulsating cock. As soon as I felt his cock touch my thigh, I positioned myself over his member. "I've waited all summer for this." He said right before he took his cock and rubbed the tip up and down my soaking wet folds. He stopped at my entrance but before he could say anything I lowered myself onto him, feeling his cock fill up all the empty space inside of me. No one has ever filled me so perfectly. I crashed my lips onto his as I rode his cock up and down and making sure he understands what he's getting. "If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be this wet for you... pretty boy." As those words left my mouth, Oliver held me close to him, picked me up and laid me down on the bench. He would alternate his thrusts between fast and slow, seemingly trying to pace himself so he can savour this moment. I felt my core start to contract and tighten and my pussy became more and more sensitive. In between my increasingly shallow breaths, I noticed that I was edging closer and closer to my climax. "Ol-Ol-Oliver," My breaths were becoming more and more shallow, "I-I'm g-g-g-getting cl-lose." Oliver was letting out low grunts of pleasure as he gripped my hips tighter than before, but with the words that seemingly dripped out of my mouth, Oliver thrusted harder and faster than he had previously in our little rendezvous. With each new thrust, a new grunt or groan came out of Olivers mouth, I could feel his cock twitch inside me and I knew he was ready to cum. I reluctantly brought my right hand down to my clit and started to stimulate myself while he thrusted into me. I started to feel myself become undone in Olivers grasp, my head was thrown back and my back arched as I let out a final pleasure filled moan. Oliver watched in awe and pleasure as I came undone on his cock. Once my high finished, I pushed Oliver back and got onto my knees in front of him. I took his hard cock into my hand started to pump before I placed my lips onto the tip of his dick. I pumped his shaft as I played with the tip of his cock with my tongue. I felt his cock twitch in my hand one final time before he let his cum release into my mouth. He was a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, I swallowed his seed as he sat on the bench we were just having our most amazing high on. I started to gather my clothes and get dressed, as I was putting my bra on I said, "That was-" I was cut off my Oliver, "Amazing." "That was amazing," He said as he slapped my ass, "I would love to do this again." He pulled me closer as he still hungrily looked me up and down. We both finished getting dressed but then he grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bench again, "We should probably figure out a game plan for this, like rules for us being friends with benefits." I nodded my head in agreement. "Alright, chime in any time you have something to say," I nodded at his statement and he continued, "Consent is the most important thing of all, we are still friends and I trust that both of us will let the other know if sex isn't in the cards for the night. We are friends above all. Secondly, we should probably stop when one of us gets into a relationship. Lastly, no catching feelings." He finished with a chuckle, but my face sort of flushed but I tried to keep my composure. "Couldn't agree more." I said behind a fake smile as I stuck my hand out for him to shake, and he returned the favour. I snuck out of the Gryffindor locker room and went into my own, grabbing my broom and waiting to see Oliver walk up to the castle. I went onto the pitch and just flew around, trying to sort through my own thoughts. I realised it was close to curfew and so I landed, but my broom back in its spot and headed back up to the castle. My team was waiting up for me, scared that something had happened to me but I assured them I was just at the pitch starting to get a game plan going and clearing my mind. As the boys trickled out of the common room, the only ones left were Terence and I but we had sat in silence for some time and I was just staring into the fire. "Is everything okay Y/N?" He asked, which slightly startled me enough to look him in the eyes. "Of course I am T, I just...have a lot on my mind." I said with a bit of a forced smile. He wasn't quite sure if he was buying it but then he said, "Okay, but I care a lot about you and I want you to know you can always talk to me." He placed his hand on my thigh in reassurance, I placed my hand over his and shot him a smile before standing up and heading to our dorm rooms. Maybe Terence could help take my mind off of Oliver only wanting to fuck me. And that's what started to happen. Several times a week, Oliver and I would meet up and either just have a grand ol' time or just to fuck but during the day, I was growing closer and closer to Terence. But Oliver still definitely had my heart, in more ways than one. Nothing I could do would make me feel differently. Oliver and I were both captains, which made fuck sessions and wagers even better than before. Slytherin won the first game of the year, so Oliver had to eat me out, and honestly he might've loved it more than I did. When Gryffindor won their first game, I gave him a blowjob and really whatever he wanted. The Quidditch house cup was quickly approaching and both of us were starting to have stress sex several times a week. He was my release of this stress and I was his. The day before the last game against Slytherin and Gryffindor, Oliver and I had just finished working on our DADA essays and I was cleaning up when Oliver just looked at me and said "Oh, I have a girlfriend now. So, no more funny business." He said with a smirk and a chuckle as he collected his things and went on his way. My heart sank to my feet as tears welled up in my eyes, but I just wiped whatever there was away and I marched my way down to the pitch to try to take my mind off of everything going on around me. I changed into my uniform and sat down thinking and rethinking plays as my leg bobbed up and down with stress. I had notes scribbled everywhere and I was struggling to keep my head on my shoulders. Terence, Miles, and Adrien walked in expecting them to be the first but were shocked to see me but even more shocked to see the chaos surrounding me. Terence asked the other two boys to give them a moment and he sat next to me and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "What's going on Y/N?" "A guy I thought really liked me doesn't and he has a girlfriend. We were doing a friends with benefits thing but I hoped it would turn into more." I replied and he pulled me closer. "Well clearly he's an absolute git for leaving you for someone else, even if all you two did was fuck. You deserve so much more than whoever that asshole is." "You're right, I deserve so much better than him. I shouldn't have let it go on this long." "I know this is quick, but we have been hanging out a lot more these past few months and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? No pressure, but the hogsmeade dates made me feel a type of way and I hope you feel the same." I smiled and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, "I would love to. Thank you for showing me I deserve better." We both smiled and the team joined us in the locker room as I reworked plays with my newly cleared mind, well, not fully cleared. Practice went really well and I'm very pleased with what we have prepared for tomorrow. We came down from the sky and Gryffindor was awaiting us in the pitch. "Trying to calculate how much you're going to lose Gryffin-snore?" Adrien shot at them, unprovoked but no care in the world. "Save it for the game boys. See you on the pitch tomorrow, Wood." I said in a dark tone as I shoved passed him as Terrence and I interlocked fingers as we walked into the locker room. It was officially game day and the dining hall was buzzing with wagers and thoughts for the day. Terence and I walked into the dining hall hand in hand and I looked over at Oliver who was staring straight at me. I looked away as we made our way to the table where the rest of our team was sitting. We ate a hearty breakfast and headed to the pitch. Once we were in the locker room and all changed we went over the plays we needed and I finished with a speech, "[...] I know I never say this, so believe me I need you all to listen and take this to heart, play dirty. I will be giving commands but I trust you all know how to play dirty since most of you have been playing that way all year against my wishes... Yes Pucey, I'm talking to you. But you all better hope that if you get a foul on purpose, you better hope Merlin finds you before I even start to hunt you down. Go out and kick some Gryffindor ass." We all exited the room and made our way onto the pitch. Terence and I exchanged a quick peck right in front of Oliver right before we all took position on the pitch. Madam Hooch released the balls and I immediately got the Quaffle and headed toward the goal posts. Angelina and Katie from Gryffindor got on both sides of me but before they could successfully perform a Body Blow on me, I picked up speed and drifted in front of the goals as I threw the Quaffle in and scored. "Forty-three seconds and the first goal goes to Slytherin! The goal was made by Y/N Y/L/N and made a new school record for fast goal made in a match!" Lee Jordan announced. The game went on for ages but I was on fire. I was scoring and checking like no tomorrow, to say I was determined was an understatement. I was fighting for that win, I wanted to see Olivers face lose first hand. And almost as quick as the game started, Terence caught the snitch and Slytherin won! I briefly looked over at Oliver who looked heartbroken, but in more ways than one. I was broken from my chance when Terence came up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "And there is it folks, Slytherin's seeker Terence Higgs caught the snitch which landed Slytherin the win of the inter-house Cup! Oh, and by the looks of it he also scored the winning kiss with Slytherin's Captain, Y/N Y/L/N! Y/N won the game with brilliant plays and won Terence's heart!" Lee Jordan said before he said his usual Quidditch game closing announcements. The night was buzzing with drinks and games and cheer in the usually gloomy Slytherin common room. A few weeks passed and Oliver and I were studying for our History of Magic exam when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Oliver, are you okay?" He kept staring, I snapped my fingers a few times in front of his face which seemed to take him out of his trance. "Are you serious?" He asked sternly. "About what?" "Dating Terrence." "Well, yeah. That's why we hang out all the time. He treats me like I matter. Anywho, we shouldn't be discussing this because you are also in a relationship. Now keep studying so you don't fail." I left that night feeling uneasy but acted like everything was normal. The end of the year approached fast, but Terrence and I agreed that we just weren't meant for each other romantically and so we broke it off and remained friends. Finals were coming up and so Oliver and I were cramming like we had for countless exams prior. We were in the library very late each night, and this night was no different but something about the atmosphere was very different. "How are you and Terrence?" Oliver asked. "Oh, we broke up a while ago." I replied, keeping my head on my study guide. Olivers head shot up and he looked at me, "What? Why?" "Well," I started as I looked up, "Since you want to be nosy, we just were better off as friends. Simple really, nothing too extreme or anything. How are you and your girl?" "We actually broke up yesterday." "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" He pondered that question for a bit, before finally saying something that caught me off guard, "Yeah, but I miss our old nights together." He was waiting for my reaction, hell even I was waiting for my reaction. I missed them too but I didn't want to go through all those feelings all over again. "I miss them too Ollie, but I don't want we used to have. If I'm being honest," I looked around to make sure no one was still in the library, "I caught feelings for you and being friends with benefits hurt me and really messed me up emotionally. I can't put myself through that again." Olivers reaction went from shock, to confusion, to relief. I watched the gears in his mind turn every step of the way for him to process the information I just gave him. "Well that's a relief, I caught feelings for you as well." He said with his signature smirk. My brows furrowed, "Then why did you date another girl?" "To try to get you and your body out of my mind, but the Slytherin heiress has her way with men and I never forgot our endeavors and I just kept missing them. I didn't think you felt the same, so I suppressed my own feelings. I'm sorry, I should've said something sooner." There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments, before Oliver spoke up, "Is that why you destroyed us in the inter-house Cup?" I started to blush and nodded my head yes. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face, "I hate to admit it but it was bloody brilliant. You're bloody brilliant...on and off the pitch... Can you be my girlfriend?" I blushed and just smiled at him, "Of course. But it's still a secret." The year finished and Oliver and I had successfully kept our relationship under the radar. I hated it but I had a plan, I think.
Fifth year rolled around and started off great. Nothing too exciting happend, except whenever Oliver and I were alone it was more cute and no sex. We mutually agreed to wait. A couple days before the inter-house cup, we snuck into an empty classroom and just talked and chilled together since tomorrow we were both going to be super busy. I was sat atop a desk and Oliver was standing in front of me and holding my hands. Oliver and I leaned in for a kiss when suddenly we heard the door open and a gasp fill the empty room. Both of us spun our head in the direction of the sound, and in the doorway was Lee Jordan. Lee immediately left but that little thing just knocked the wind out of you. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, "Alright. Hopefully he doesn't go around blabbing about what he saw." "And if he does?" My eyes darted around the room in a moment of pondering, "If he does, then we'll have to make it official in front of everyone." "Is that okay for you?" "We deserve to be open about our relationship. I just need a day or two to get all my ducks in a row. You deserve to be in a public relationship." Oliver smiled at that statement and pulled me into a kiss. We both left the room and headed to our prospective common rooms. The next day started off with an early practice. Lee hadn't spilt the beans about what he saw, yet. I was a bit more nervous than ever before but I still led the team like tomorrow was the last day of their lives. We all left practice happily but I was a bit behind, cleaning the room and pondering my thoughts. I walked into the dining hall for dinner and all eyes were on me and whispers immediately started. I just strutted to my usual seat and just dug in. My teammates opened their mouths and I immediately shot back, "If sone of you says ONE THING I will make sure you don't play tomorrow. I finished eating and went straight to my dorm and fell asleep. I wanted nothing more than for things to be normal again. I woke up bright and early and headed to the pitch. I knew Olivers plays so well, so I was busying myself with coming up with new plays and how to implement them. Eventually the rest of my team joined me and we all got ready. I gave one of the best speeches of my career, but before I could step away from being the centre of attention Marcus asked, "Are you and Woods really dating?" I took a deep breath in, "Yes, yes we are. Now go on the pitch because I never want to hear another word about this. Got it?" We all entered the pitch a few minutes before Gryffindor did, one they came out I immediately looked for Oliver. We made our way over to each other and we looked into each others eyes. "I love you, pretty boy." "I love you too, princess." Oliver threw his broom onto the ground and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss as the crowd roared behind us.
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pedros-mustache · 3 years
I got a thot that just won't leave my mind. Taking a bullet for Frankie without having told him that you love him. (Sweet, with a bit of angst). My poor heart.
i’m about to sit down and write more of “golden chances” so let’s see if this can’t get the creative juices flowing. also: y’all comin’ into my house with such angsty thots?! there’s others in my ask! ......i have trained you well. obviously trigger warning for gunshot wounds, blood, and angst. 
the bullet strikes the tender flesh between your shoulder and your chest, and you fall to the ground in a graceless heap.
you’ve been injured before. throughout your time in the service, you’ve gotten plenty roughed up—tumbles in the desert that resulted in sprained ankles, punches to the gut when you turned a corner too fast, concussions after falling from halfway up a steep rockface. you’ve survived the worst of your injuries, though, living to the see the next day with a few extra scars and a few good dinner party stories in your back pocket. 
but this one—
as you feel warm, sticky blood pool between the fingers you press against your wound, you aren’t sure if you’ll make it past this one.
the ground beneath your back is cool, solid beneath your trembling body. you’re sure somewhere below the shock there is pain, but nothing hurts. wave after wave of cold adrenaline shoots through your veins, pumping faster and faster toward the gaping hole just above the crease of your armpit. your legs tremble, jerking against the hard-packed earth, and your teeth shatter, filling your skull with an incessant rattling.
someone drops to their knees beside your head. a pair of warm hands cradle either side of your face. “open your eyes.” a harsh, frantic voice, shouting. “open your eyes!” 
you comply, never one to displease even when standing in the face of mortal peril. 
frankie’s face swims before your bleary vision. you go to laugh, to make some joke about how you remember there being a situation quite like this one two years ago when he got shot in the thigh, but only a breathy huff leaves your mouth. 
“stay with me, baby.” frankie slides one arm beneath your shoulders and gently lifts you from the ground, draping your body over his knees. he presses hard against your wound, his fingers interlaced with yours, your blood coating his skin. “don’t close your eyes,” he says. “let me see those pretty eyes, yeah?” 
you grit your teeth as a flash of pain laces its way around your arm. “am i—” you draw in a breath. “am i gonna—”
“no.” he shakes his head hard, unwilling to let you finish the thought. the well-worn cap hiding his unruly hair comes loose, drops to the ground. “just—just keep talking, okay? we’re gonna get you help. keep talkin’ to me, baby.”
even as the pain settles in, twisting your bones and your muscles with an earth-shattering fire, you manage a weary smile. “like it when you... call me baby, frankie...” 
he huffs through his nose, his stare misty. “you’ve always been my baby.”
your smile widens, eyes fluttering shut at the thought. “mmm, that’s nice.”
“hey!” he shakes you gently, enough to send a burst of pain through your body that forces your eyes open. “eyes on me!” 
“i think... well, if this....” releasing a heavy sigh, you sink into his arms, meet his tender gaze, feel your gut twist. “you should know,” you whisper, tired now. “in case—”
“no in case.” he shakes his head. “no in case.”
ignoring him, you push onwards. “i love you, francisco. okay? i love you. like love love.”  
frankie’s cheek caves in as he bites down hard on the side of his mouth. he slides his blood-soaked hand across the underside of your jaw, his thumb smoothing over your cheek. “you tell me that again when you’re better, okay?”
nodding, you go silent as the medics arrive and transfer you to a stretcher. it’s easier to be quiet, to concentrate on even breathing as the stretcher is loaded onto a whirling helicopter. your body hurts, and you feel lightheaded and thirsty. you want to sleep, but the medics, like frankie, tell you to stay awake.
frankie climbs into the helicopter after you, crouching by your side as a medic inserts a saline iv into your arm. he clutches your hand tight, his grip crushing your bones in the most delightful way. 
even though you’re somewhere between consciousness and delirium, you don’t mistake it when frankie whispers, “love you too.” 
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minyoongiest · 4 years
Sole || MYG (M)
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• pairing: Yoongi x reader
• rating: 18+
• type/genre: smut, fluff, idol!au, established relationship
• word count: 4k
• summary: While Yoongi is recovering from shoulder surgery, things are a little different in your relationship as you help him do things he struggles with while his arm is in a sling, and there are some needs that have to be met in more creative ways.
• contains: explicit sexual content, explicit language, vaginal fingering, showering together, hand job (in shower)
• note: I had another fic in mind for a long time, but I can't just pretend like his shoulder is fine?? idk. I mean, I know he's okay, and I'm so glad he had surgery finally, but I miss him, and I want him to heal and recover and be back with us soon. Anyway, I wrote this because I wish I could help him more, but I can't.
And as always, translations are at the end
|| ao3 ||
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I wake up when the bed moves and groan into my pillow. Rolling onto my side, I look up to see Yoongi turning the lamp off before getting back in bed.
“Where did you go?”
“Bathroom. Did I wake you?”
“Only a little,” I answer around a yawn.
“Mianhage. Did you sleep okay?”
“Mmmm. I miss you.”
“Mwoya?” He laughs softly. “I’m right here.”
“No, you’re right over there,” I mutter. “I miss cuddling.”
He sighs, and I bite my lip. I know it’s not his fault, and I’m not trying to complain. I’m glad he had the surgery to fix his shoulder, and I do want it to heal well so it’s not a problem ever again. I’m not about to guilt him into cuddling with me and risk messing it up. I just also miss things being how they were before. Cuddling and snuggling and holding him, not his shoulder being in pain and him constantly worrying about injuring it. I definitely don’t miss that.
“I know,” he says quietly as he lies down awkwardly beside me, his injured shoulder leaning on an extra pillow.
“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “I’m not helping.”
“You’re very helpful,” he assures me, reaching out with his good arm to push a piece of hair behind my ear. “I miss it too.”
“I have an idea to make it better.”
“What is it?”
“Move up here,” he says before dropping his voice even lower, “and I’ll finger you.”
A flash of heat races down into my panties and up my neck as I gasp.
“You can’t say things like that,” I whine at him. “That’s just mean.”
“You had surgery like two weeks ago,” I remind him, even though neither of us need to hear it. “I know you can’t have sex, and I don’t want you to do anything that’ll hurt or mess up your shoulder anyway, so don’t tease me.”
“Closer to three weeks,” he points out instantly in his stupid sexy morning voice, “and I’m not teasing. I can get you off without moving too much, and my shoulder will be fine.”
I give him a skeptical look, and he holds up his good hand.
“I’m right-handed,” he points out. “And it’s my left one I can’t use. All you have to do is move up here so I can reach, and I can do it.”
I bite my lip because…I’m getting turned on by this idea, and then shake my head because it’s crazy.
“What if you move wrong and it starts hurting?”
“Then I’ll take a pain killer.”
After he finishes getting me off.
He didn’t say that part but I already know it’s implied. Which is very sweet of him to always take care of me, but I don’t want him to ignore his shoulder if it’s hurting.
“Stop overthinking it.” He reaches out and flicks the pad of his thumb across my exposed nipple, making me jerk. “I’ll be fine, and I’ll get to make you feel good which will make me feel good.”
I shift my legs under the sheets.
God, he’s basically begging to finger me, and I’m arguing with him. This is the most ridiculous morning ever. I have to be some kind of nuts.
On the other hand, if this somehow causes him pain, I will never forgive myself for letting him do it.
His fingers trail up my arm, and I shiver.
“Come on, I know you want it,” he coaxes with that stupid grin.
I reach down and grab his wrist, before looking at his very kissable face.
“Are you sure?” I whisper. “It won’t hurt you?”
“Ne,” he nods. “Yeogiwa.”
“Okay.” I shift onto my knees and move up the mattress, stopping when his hand brushes my hip and I hear him murmur, “Stop, stop.”
I take a slow breath and exhale, stopping in the middle to look down at him and say quickly, “If I think for a second you’re uncomfortable or in pain, I’m stopping this.”
His eyebrows rise, and I jump as his hand slides up the inside of my thigh.
I hold my breath as his fingers reach the edge of my panties. My hands fist the pillow under me, and I swallow a whimper. He dips one in, barely, and strokes the outer skin of my lip with one rough, guitar-calloused fingertip.
“Yoongi,” I gasp.
He pulls his hand away and slides it over my hip, tugging at the hem of my panties.
“Ssibal,” he mumbles.
“What?” I look over my shoulder at him.
“I want them off.”
Normally, he could take them off himself, but of course, nothing about right now is normal. Sitting up on my knees, I slide my underwear off my hips and off each leg before putting my hands back in the pillow.
“Good thing you sleep naked,” he rumbles as his fingers tickle across my hip and slip between my legs.
“Except for panties,” I amend, my eyes fluttering shut.
“Still easier than my clothes.”
I look over at his buttoned sleep shirt, or rather, unbuttoned sleep shirt, since he woke me up in the middle of the night to undo the top three buttons because he was too warm. I catch a glimpse of his dark nipple and bite my lip before my mouth falls open and my head drops down to the pillow, leaving my ass in the air as he drives two long fingers deep inside me.
“I thought we talked about this,” I hiss, licking my lips. “You’re supposed to warn me before–”
“I told you I was going to finger you,” he interrupts, very slowly pumping his digits into me. “You’re already wet.”
“Are you surprised?”
He grins and twists his hand, making my hips jerk.
“Do you want me to do all the work?” he asks as his thumb rolls over my clit and my knees spread wider. “Or do you want to ride my hand?”
“You’re so good at it,” I gasp. “Play with me a little more.”
My head pops up. “Unless it’s bothering your–”
His eyes narrow and he rubs my clit harder, making his point.
“Okay,” I choke out. “I won’t mention it again.”
He does as promised, sliding his fingers out to stroke around my lips and up and down my thighs before rubbing my clit lazily.
“Yoongi, more,” I moan, my entire body begging for his touch.
“You close?” He glances over at me, and I nod slightly against my pillow.
He makes a growling sound low in his throat, and I take a short breath before he suddenly fills me with three fingers.
My back bows, and my legs start shaking before he’s even moved.
“Oh my God,” I whimper. “Yoongi.”
He’s quiet as he begins thrusting in again and again, faster and deeper. Curling one arm around my pillow, I shove the other down under my body to grab his wrist between my legs.
“Don’t stop,” I whisper, shifting my head to his pillow so my lips are practically brushing his ear.
“Fuck yourself,” he grunts.
“W-What?” I blink.
He looks over at me and jerks his head. “Ride my fingers. Need you to come.”
Even as he says it, his thumb moves to stroke my clit again sending tiny bursts of heat into my pussy and belly and nipples and—
“Move,” he groans.
My legs are trembling as I slowly lift up higher and start rocking against him as he buries his fingers inside me.
“Oh God.”
I immediately move faster, my walls clenching at him, wetness trailing down my thighs.
“I’m so close,” I whisper in his ear, desperation threading every word.
“Harder,” he bites out, and I grip his wrist tighter as I roll my hips against his hand.
“I can’t,” I whimper.
He rubs my clit again, and I cry out, but my orgasm slips away.
“Yoongi, I’m so close,” I echo pitifully. “Give it to me.”
He looks surprised for a split second and then heat flashes in his eyes. Turning toward me so his lips graze my earlobe, in a very soft, low tone he starts rapping in time with his thrusts. The faster his hand moves, the faster I move, the faster he raps and then—
“Yoongi!” I sob into his ear as I come.
My whole body goes tight and his fingers slow, but don’t quite stop entirely as my pussy spasms around them. I feel it everywhere—blasting through my belly, my legs, my nipples, my spine. I’m holding his wrist so tight I’m afraid I might break it, but I can’t relax my grip. My throat locks up, and tears slip down my cheeks before it finally recedes and I collapse on the bed, panting in Yoongi’s ear.
“Gwaenchanh-a?” he murmurs, sliding his wrist out of my grip and his fingers from between my legs.
“You feel good?”
“Very,” I gasp.
“I’m gonna go shower.”
“Wait.” I shift back down the bed and onto my side so I can face him. “I can undo your shirt. I just…need a second.”
My cheek lands back on the pillow because my arms feel too weak to hold me up. I feel his fingers trail up my spine, and I peek over at him.
“Your shoulder is really okay?”
“Ne,” he mumbles. “I’m fine.”
After I catch my breath, I push up on one arm and reach for the first button on his silk pajamas, which is pulled to the side under his pec. Reaching with my weight-bearing arm, I use both hands to slide the plastic circle through the slit in the fabric. I move to the next one when his hand slides into my hair.
“What? Why?” I look up at his face and frown.
“Kiss me.”
The air stutters in my lungs, and I lean forward a little, the hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer. I kiss him softly at first, barely touching my lips to his. I gasp when his grip in my hair tightens, holding me to him as his tongue slides over mine.
“Yoongi,” I whimper into his mouth.
My hand on his stomach fists the fabric of his shirt while my other hand slides off and lands on the mattress, bracing against the pure heat in his kiss. His hand holds me tighter, and I fight the need to climb on him.
Oh God. His arm.
“Stop,” I gasp, pulling away. “Stop. Let me go.”
“One more,” he murmurs.
He pulls me down again, pressing his lips to mine, and I sigh against his mouth before lifting my head again.
“No.” I reach up and grab his wrist. “You’re making me worry.”
“Okay. Okay.” He relaxes his hand on my neck, his thumb rubbing small circles against my skin. “I like how you kiss.”
“Me too.” I exhale. “But let me just do your buttons so you can shower.”
He nods, and I take a slow breath before I turn back to his pajama top, quickly undoing each button. He’s quiet until I reach the last one, and then he tenses suddenly, a short hiss slipping through his lips.
“Are you okay?” My eyes snap to his. “What happened?”
His face is pinched when I look up at him, but he relaxes it quickly.
“I’m fine,” he says in a low tone. “Don’t worry about it.”
I look back at what I’m doing and then inch the sheets down, instantly biting my lip. He can say he’s fine all he wants, but there’s no hiding that bulge.
“Yoongi,” I whisper, “you’re hard.”
“Ne,” he grunts.
“Is that from…”
“Fingering you? Yeah,” he finishes brusquely. “You made a lot of, uh, noises…in my ear.”
“Right.” I guess that makes sense. “Are you going to take care of yourself in the shower?”
“I can.”
“If you wait, I’ll help you,” I murmur, reaching up to stroke a piece of hair on his forehead.
“I mean, I know you can do it, but it would be nice to make you feel good like you made me feel,” I point out. “And I can use two hands.”
I watch his pupils darken with arousal, and I bite my lip.
“I’m done with your buttons, so why don’t you go get in the shower and I’ll make some coffee and then join you in a little bit?”
He starts to sit up slowly, and I move to exit my side of the bed. I stand and watch him while he removes his sling and shirt, my heart squeezing at the grimace of pain on his face.
“I’m okay,” he says softly when he catches me staring. “Go make coffee.”
“Sorry.” I shake my head as I grab fresh underwear from the dresser and step into them. “I know you’re a grown man and you have a high pain tolerance, but I still wish I could take your pain away.”
“I know.”
His good arm slides around my bare waist, and I gasp at the feel of his skin on my skin.
“I’m okay,” he repeats.
His lips brush my neck, and I turn in his arm to kiss his cheek and then his good shoulder.
“Okay. I’m going to make coffee. For real.” I grab one of his big t-shirts off the floor and slide it on.
“Oh, wait.” I pause and look back. “Do you need me to put the waterproof things on your incisions?”
“I think they’re mostly healed,” he shrugs. “Go on.”
I nod and leave the room, going to the kitchen to start the coffee maker with some of his current favorite blend and also grab the box of cereal off the top of the fridge as well as some bowls and spoons for when we get out of the shower. Sometimes we cook actual food for breakfast, but I can already tell this is a cereal morning.
Once the kitchen is set, I head to the bathroom, stopping to throw his t-shirt back on the floor in the bedroom on my way. Steam is already starting to fill the room when I walk in. The glass door is partly open, so I drop my underwear next to his pajama bottoms on the toilet seat and step inside, closing the door behind me.
His back is to me, so very carefully, I slide my right arm around his hips and press my lips against his spine just below his neck.
“I’m stiff,” he says roughly.
My fingers slide down his lower stomach and curl around his hard shaft.
“I can see that,” I whisper.
“I meant my shoulder.”
“Oh.” I release him and start to step back.
“No.” He grabs my retreating hand and puts it back on his dick as he looks at me over his good shoulder. “It’s okay.”
“Do you want me to do it from behind you? Or do you want to face me?”
“Whichever. I don’t care.”
“Turn around.”
I keep my hand on him as he moves, my fingers memorizing the feel of him. When we’re face-to-face, I reach out and take him in both my hands, sliding my palms over him, trailing my fingers up and down his rigid cock.
“Ssibal,” he hisses.
“Are you ready?” I whisper.
His forehead drops to mine, and I lick my lips as I squeeze him gently in one hand and slowly begin sliding my fist up and down.
“Faster,” he grunts, his arm curling around my shoulder as his fingers slide into my hair.
I jerk him quickly, holding him tighter, steadying myself with one hand on his hip. He growls into my ear, and I feel it in my nipples. Fuck, I’m getting wet again.
“More,” he mumbles.
“Do you want my mouth on you?” I choke out. “It would be faster.”
“No,” he groans. “I’m close.”
“Okay, do you want—oh!”
I gasp as his hips jerk forward, thrusting into my hand. He moves suddenly, forcing me back against the wall, his hand releasing my hair only to land next to my cheek as he braces himself against the tile.
He hisses my name like a swear word, his head dropping to my shoulder as I hold him tighter, his hips moving again and again, fucking my fist.
“I’m close,” he pants in my ear.
“Okay.” I nod, my left hand sliding into his hair.
I jerk him faster and harder, feeling his veins pulsing against my hand as I try to draw out his orgasm. His whole cock is red and angry, and it’s so hot and throbbing and swollen, he should burst any second.
“Ah,” he moans suddenly. “Ahhhh, ung, ah, aishhhit!”
I feel it happening and turn my face into his neck as he explodes, streams of hot fluid hitting my lower stomach and thighs as his cock twitches in my hand. When he’s spent, he straightens before leaning in to kiss me again.
“Saranghae,” he murmurs breathlessly.
“I love you, too, Yoongi.”
He kisses my forehead and leans back, glancing down my body.
“Wash you off first,” he announces, pulling me under the spray.
I grab a washcloth and some soap and quickly clean off the mess he made before rinsing the cloth out thoroughly and turning back to him.
“I’m here. I might as well help you shower,” I point out.
“Start with my hair then.” He tilts his head forward, and I kiss the top of it before grabbing the shampoo.
After the soap is spread through his hair, I use my fingertips to massage his scalp how I know he likes, making sure to keep any from getting in his eyes. When I’m done, I move away so he can rinse while I shampoo my own hair. While the water is washing the suds down my back, I watch as he gently washes his stiff arm and shoulder. I reach up only once to very lightly rub the back of his arm and shoulder blade he can’t reach before he lifts his arm slightly away from his side so I can rub soap over his ribs.
“See,” he says in a low tone. “I told you you were helpful.”
“As long as you think so,” I murmur. “That’s all that matters.”
“Here, you can keep helping if you want,” he announces as he hands the bottle to me so I can wash his right arm and shoulder and back and side and most of the rest of him since he can’t reach any of it or it’s uncomfortable for him to do if he can.
When I’m done, he moves back under the spray while I quickly wash myself and then trade places with to him to quickly rinse before shutting off the water and reaching out the door to the hook for our towels. I dry myself first before towel-drying my hair and then turning to see if Yoongi wants anymore of my help.
“Can you get my back?” He turns away from me as he pats his left arm gingerly, wincing a little with every touch.
Carefully, I move my towel over the larger portion of his bare back and then lower, biting my lip as I spread the fabric over his ass and give it a tiny squeeze.
“Hey,” he says softly, looking over his shoulder.
“What?” I look up with big eyes. “You told me to dry your back.”
“Mmm.” He presses his lips together and shakes his head, turning away.
Standing straight, I slide my right arm around his stomach, taking care not to bump into his left hand. Pressing my cheek to the side of his neck, I confess into his ear. “I like your butt.”
“I noticed.”
“It got rounder than before.”
“Aish,” he mutters. “I ate too well before my surgery.”
“I like it like this.”
“Hajimaaa,” he whines instantly, but I ignore him.
“These too.” I lean forward and kiss his right cheek.
“Wae, wae, wae?” he pulls his neck to the side.
“They’re soft,” I explain instantly.
“They’re chubby.”
“Okay, okay.” He nods. “But I’m going on a diet before I have to get back on stage.”
“That’s fine,” I murmur. “Whatever you need to do is fine. I love you no matter how you look.”
“I love you, too,” he rumbles. “But I’m also getting cold.”
We finish drying off, and throw the towels in the hamper before I slip back into my panties and help him into fresh pajama bottoms.
“Are you going to the studio today?” I ask as he uses my shoulder to balance while he slides one leg in.
“If I do I’ll need to change pants before I go,” he says softly. “But I don’t know. This weather isn’t my favorite for going out in.”
“I made coffee. It just needs ice,” I tell him. “I thought we’d have cereal for breakfast, but if you want me to make American pancakes or something, I can.”
“Diet,” he reminds me immediately.
“One pancake won’t kill you. I can also cut up some fruit or something.”
“Mm. Okay.” He nods.
Then he turns on the blow drier to fix his hair while I pull a comb through mine. When we’re finished in the bathroom, he leads the way down the hall so we can finish getting dressed.
“Whenever you decide what you want to do, let me know,” I speak up as he turns the light on. “Also, if you want anything from the market because I was thinking I could go later and make something for dinner. Or, if you feel like it, you can teach me how to make something new, and I’ll be your hands.”
“I like that.” He grins, and my stomach gets all fluttery. “But for now, I need a shirt.”
“Right. Me too.”
He goes into the closet and picks a button-down for himself before grabbing his grey Fear of God sixth collection t-shirt and bringing it to me.
“You can wear this today.”
“You mean you wish you could wear it today, don’t you?”
“Ah, so soft,” he mourns in a low tone. “Go on. Gwaenchanh-a.”
I slide the shirt on and find a pair of sleep shorts while he sits on the edge of the bed and slowly slides the left sleeve of his shirt over his arm. I wait until he has both his arms in and he looks up at me before I move.
“Do you want to button me?” he asks quietly.
“I can.” I nod. “Unless you want to do it. I don’t want to make you feel like I have to do everything for you.”
“It’s faster when you do it,” he sighs. “Please?”
I close the distance between us and lean down to reach his chest. His right hand slides into my wet hair as my fingers work on the buttons. When I’m done, I lean my cheek against his palm before tuning my head and kissing it.
“Done,” I whisper.
“Can you hand me–”
I pass him the sling from behind him on the bed, and start for the door.
“I’m going to make you an iced coffee,” I tell him, “if you don’t need me anymore.”
“I always need you,” he mumbles, sliding the shoulder strap over his head, “but I can do this part on my own.”
“I love you, Yoongi,” I whisper.
He looks up at me and blinks. “I thought you were going to make coffee and pancakes and fruit? Why are you standing there?”
“Okay, okay, I’m going.” I start for the door and stop to look back one more time. “Still love you.”
“Nado saranghae,” he mutters in a deep tone before looking up at me and waving to the door with his good hand. “Now go make me a pancake or something.”
I roll my eyes as I move close again to kiss his temple lightly before turning toward the kitchen.
“One pancake coming up.”
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Mianhage – sorry
Mwoya? – what?
Ne – yes
Yeogiwa – come here
Ssibal – fuck
Gwaenchanh-a? – okay?
Choayo - good
Aish – an almost-swear
Saranghae – I love you
Hajima – don’t
Wae? – why?
Nado saranghae – I love you, too
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