#everyone please give my brother money they deserve it
blushingdread · 9 months
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Thank you so much to @bellafragolina for giving 300 Dollars!!!!!!!!! To my brother @smallestapplin who's struggling with an ear infection!!!!
Here is a bunch of art for you!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
And special thanks to @delete-ur-art (#6, #7, #8), @snarky-art (#2, #4, and #5), and @lesbicona (#3) for helping me (#1 and #9) with the evil and dreaded lineart!!
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starkowswife · 6 months
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pairings: Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
summary: what it would be like to date THE Rafe Cameron.
a/n: first ever written work so sorry if it isn’t great! please give me feedback of what i could do better in the future. also sarah and rafe are actually quite close in this.
warnings: NOT PROOFREAD, sorry if there’s errors. a bit of nsfw at the end. mentions of fighting and implied towards death but only for a little bit and not at all descriptive. let me know if there should be any others!
- he would spoil you so much.
- he sees your shein wishlist? he’s buying it all.
- you grab a shirt to look at it when shopping with him? he’s grabbing it in your size and even checking for it in other colours.
- you could even so much as be glancing around a shop and your eyes linger a little too long on one item and he’s getting it for you.
- even when you tell him you feel bad having him spend this much money on you he’ll just laugh and say “my sweet girl deserves everything.”
- he’d drop everything for you if you needed him.
- you call him crying? he could be in the middle of an important deal and he’s leaving to come get you.
- he’d fight, and probably kill, for you.
- if a guys getting a little too close at a party and making you uncomfortable Rafe is there immediately.
- he’d pull the guy away from you and just start laying punches after punches into his face until someone just drags the other guy out of the party so it doesn’t get too out of hands.
- then he’d hug you and leave kisses on your forehead while asking if you wanna leave.
- you’d always be at his house.
- which means you’d see Wheezie a lot and she loves you and is always asking you to do things with her.
- it kind of annoys Rafe because he wants to spend every second with you and Wheezie’s ruining that.
- but he also finds it really sweet.
- you’d also be best friends with Sarah.
- as soon as her brother announced he actually is with someone and not just having flings with anyone and everyone she was so excited.
- Sarah knew you had to be amazing to make her brother settle down.
- and you and her got along instantly.
- he’d actually be very affectionate.
- always having his hands on you in one way or another.
- also because he’s very jealous he’d need everyone to know you’re his and his only.
- but he’d always reassure you, especially when overthinking.
- you’d catch him staring at you and you’d ask why, thinking maybe you have something on your face or you look bad but he’d just say, “can’t i look at my gorgeous girlfriend?”
- someone would make a comment about you two saying they’re surprised someone like you could pull someone like Rafe and he’d be furious.
- he’d deal with them and then immediately pick you up and you guys would be leaving.
- as soon as you two were alone he’d reassure you by saying something like “you’re perfect baby, they’re just jealous they don’t have what we have.”
- as mentioned earlier, he gets very jealous.
- and he gets jealous easily.
- so if he sees a guy checking you out while you’re in public he grabs you and puts his hands on your ass while making out with you so the boy knows your Rafe’s.
- he’d then take you home to remind you you’re his.
- or even just in the car if he really couldn’t wait.
- “you’re mine. you know that right?”
- “say it baby, say you’re only mine.”
- knowing damn well you couldn’t talk when he was thrusting into you like that.
- but you had to try anyway for him.
- he’d be big on hickeys.
- he’d like marking you so everyone knows, you are his, and he’d love when you do the same.
- if you still had your v card he’d make sure to be really nice and gentle the first few times and slowly start getting tougher and introducing you to new things.
- always down for a quickie, it doesn’t matter where you are.
- he’d seriously just love you unconditionally and everyone knows he’s whipped for you.
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gyuranhae · 1 year
Oppa | (dino smut)
Pairing: BadBoy!Dino X Reader Synopsis: You should not even be friends with your brother's best friend. But it felt so good to tease Lee Chan about his need to be called oppa. Genre: smut Word Count: 5.6K Warning: HUGE MASSIVE EXTREME GIGANTIC OPPA KINK FROM DINO'S SIDE. protected sex. masturbation (f). teasing. dirty talk. praise. name calling (whore, slut). oral (f receiving). squirting. petnames (doll, pretty, baby). degradation. some level of possessiveness. pretty romantic smut. jeonghan smokes and dino drinks. Tag: - A/N: I could say that I'm sorry but I'm not I fucking love this one. also i'm a sucker for mullet dino
"C'mon, don't get so mad, oppa" You said, a large grin spread across your face "That grumpy look doesn't fit your handsome face" If looks could kill, you would have been dead long time ago, or maybe now, giving that Lee Chan looked through you as if he wanted to burn a hole in your skull. And he wanted badly. 
"Will you ever call me in the proper way without making it sound like I'm a joke to you?" He clenched his teeth, opening the beer can with rather force and gulping down hard on the burning liquid. 
"Who says you aren't a joke to me?" You smiled, earning a violent cough from Dino as he choked hard on his drink. You were the most impossible, insufferable, annoying, persistent, bratty person Chan had ever met. You were mean to him for no other reason than being funny, and he hated that he couldn't pay back. He always claimed he couldn't because you were his best friend's little sister, that he would never do anything because Jeonghan might kill him. You half wished it was true, and half wished it was because he liked you and tolerated your behavior for the sake of love. He cleaned his mouth on his shirt, breathing heavily as his patience was running out very quickly. 
"Good to know you see someone older as a joke" He sounded serious, and you wanted to die out of laughter "Good to know that respect is the least of your concerns" He tapped the counter, looking back with almost fire in his eyes as his anger boiled his insides with rage. You could see his tense jaw. 
"Oh please, I save respect for those who deserve it" You smirked, knowing you just had hit the sore spot. Earning it. Dino was known for being more than just competitive, for earning his spot on your brother's bike gang. He was known for doing anything to earn what had to earn, whether it would be money, respect or some random girl he found pretty. You weren't jealous, no. You could see the red rising on his skin, his fingers gripping back on his hand as he clenched his jaw even more, sharp eyes almost cutting you with his gaze. 
"Oh… So I don't deserve your respect, Y/N?" His voice dropped an octave, and you could feel your legs pressing against each other. Thank god the counter covered your figure from the waist down "Interesting… It appears like I'm going to have to show you how deserving of your respect I am" 
"Maybe" You shrugged, sounding uninterested on his offer to earn you "I guess you could show off how amazing you are and try to get me impressed so I can finally call you oppa without wanting to laugh" Your smirk was almost as annoying as your brothers, almost as punchable as Jeonghan's devilish smile. To Dino, it was more "Your need for my respect is… what do they call it? Ah! Cute" 
“Cute?!” Before any of you could do anything, the door of the kitchen opened with one motion, well, with one kick as your brother entered the room, cigar in the corner of his mouth and two other dudes behind him. Seungcheol and Joshua, you knew everyone in his gang at that point. Dino adjusted his posture, bowing in a 90º angle towards Jeonghan, making you chuckle lightly “Sir Jeonghan” The politeness that dripped from his voice almost made you laugh out loud, if it wasn’t for the fact that it made Jeonghan laugh out loud. 
“Sir Jeonghan? Do you think I’m like fifty five or something? You can call me hyung, kid” Your brother slapped Chan in the back, making his whole body jolt forward as the younger one gave him an embarrassed smile. Turning his whole body towards you, Jeonghan took the cigarette off of his mouth, putting it out on the little trail on the corner of the counter you were currently in “We’ll be gone for like, some hours. I’m leaving you some money and if you need anything…” Jeonghan slapped Dino’s back again, the clear pain being visible on the boy’s face “Lee Chan won’t hesitate to come right to your service, right Chan?” Your brother’s smile was as sarcastic as it could get. 
“Y-Yeah, I’ll come right away…” He sounded embarrassed, as if he wasn't almost shouting at you like two minutes ago.
“Yeah, that’s all. You know the drill, just doing some races for the money. I’ll be back before four AM. Let’s go guys” Jeonghan gave you a tight hug and handed you the cash, indicating the door to the others as he pulled another cigarette from his pocket, ready to light. You and Dino exchanged looks, his filled with rage, yours filled with excitement. He couldn’t help but mouth “I’ll kill you when I come back” before leaving, making you giggle like a child. 
You were extremely tempted, Dino’s number on your screen looking more delectable than ever. One move and you would cause Chan’s temper to burst out of rage, you knew how much he loved to be on those races, along with your brother’s gang, the feeling of being on a motorbike, speeding up and earning money from doing so. You knew he would never forgive you for taking away the experience of finally feeling like he belonged somewhere, even if the older one’s teased him all the time. You grunted, frustrated that your morals and stupid heart were speaking louder than your head, not letting you call Lee Chan and ruin his night. It was not your fault that you liked his company, even if ninety percent of the time he was annoyed by you.
Throwing your phone to the side, you jumped on the bed, laying spread as you stared at the ceiling, sighing loudly. You just couldn’t get him out of your head. His slicked back mullet, a hair strain that always seemed to fall on his exposed forehead, his strong eyebrows that furrowed everytime he got concentrated on something, his lip piercing that every now and then would get caressed by his tongue as he licked his lips. You were obsessed with the way he dressed too, you swore you never saw someone as stylish as him, his leather jackets and tank tops making your head spin in circles. And how could you forget the way he looked when he was on top of his motorbike? Gloved hands gripping on the handles, the way he took off his helmet, hair always a bit sweaty from the adrenaline of running around. Dino was a walking temptation to you, and it was even harder because he was your older brother’s friend, which meant he was off limits. 
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to miss the way your hand automatically traveled south, diving inside your pajama shorts and panties, fingertips lightly rubbing your sensitive clit, a soft moan escaping your lips as you closed your eyes and thought of the one you loved. Everything about Chan was too good to you, his piercing gaze as his dragon eyes looked you up and down with disapproval, his strong arms that tensed up as he gripped onto something to control himself, his clenched jaw as he bit his tongue and let you make fun of him. He was so handsome, even when angry, and that made you crazy. You let a finger slide inside your folders, imagining it was his long fingers, toying with your pussy and making you moan, your other hand grabbing the pillow underneath your head. 
“C-Chan…” You let out, hips arching away from the bed as you let another finger dip into your heat, your walls clenching from the thought of him being with you, rubbing your cunt and dragging you into a messy kiss. You dreamed of kissing his lips, yearning to know how it would taste, would his piercing make everything taste like iron? Would his plush tongue dive into your mouth, making you feel the taste of his favorite can beer? Would he drag his kiss across your jaw, biting and sucking into your skin as your hips rode his hand, his calloused fingers curling up inside you and brushing up against your sweet spot? Your back arched as you felt the coil underneath your stomach appear quickly, your fingers working inside of you just like they did every night. Your mouth stood hanging open, whines and moans erupting from your throat as your folds gripped around your hand and wet your fingers. 
“O-Oppa… P-Please…” You would never say it out loud, that you liked calling him oppa. That you were into the visual of seeing him getting full of himself as you finally addressed him the way he wanted with proper respect. That the idea of calling him oppa as he dived into your body got you turned on. You would never ever admit to him, nor to yourself, that you loved calling him like that, that you wanted to call him that while he railed you in any position “O-Oppa, I’m so close…” Your head was thrown back, eyes starting to gather tears as your fingers pumped in and out of your pussy. The gushing sounds should make you embarrassed, but they only turned you on even more, just the thought of being this wet because of him making you moan out loud again. Thank god Jeonghan wasn’t home. The coil on your stomach got tighter, your legs closing as a reflex as you chased your high desperately, needing that sweet sweet release. It wasn't long until you felt yourself squirting, ruining your underwear and shorts, your mind going blank as the wave of pleasure cruised through your body and made your legs shake, your chest moving up and down rapidly as you tried to compose yourself. Your fingers lingered a bit too long on your heat, the little shock of overstimulation making your hips halt as you stabilized your mind back to reality, eyes slowly opening to stare at the ceiling again. You wished everything you had just imagined was real. 
“Y/N?” You froze. Your mind was too foggy with the lust you were feeling, that was it, it wasn't Lee Chan’s actual voice calling for you, right?
“Y/N… did you mean to call me?” It was his voice, coming from your phone, that got tossed to the side like one of your clothes. You rushed, fumbling around with your covers and with your messy hand, cleaning on a towel you had for these occasions before grabbing your phone. You were on a voice call with him, and you don’t know how long he had been hearing you. 
“U-Uh, C-Chan! Good that you picked up! I need you to pass to my brother, need to talk to him!” You tried to cover your embarrassment, swallowing thick as you hoped he bought the idea that you called him to talk to Jeonghan. Your hands trembled, the anxiety washing over you as he took a little bit too long to answer you. 
“... Are you sure you want to talk to him?” The emphasis on him made you bite your lip, your heart beating fast. He had noticed your little plan “... I can come back if you need something. Jeonghan is busy” You froze again. Lee Chan was offering to come back? The Lee Chan that always whined and complained when he needed to get you something? “Besides, he told us that I would come back if you needed something, right?” 
“... Right” Your voice was above a whisper, your body had sunk on itself as you sat on the floor of your room, back resting against the foot of your bed. Your body was numb, both from your orgasm and from the talk. 
“Jeonghan-hyung!” You heard him call your brother, his voice sounding a bit more far away “Y/N said she’s not feeling very well, I’ll come back to check on her okay? Don’t know if I’ll be able to come back… I’ll be there in twenty” His voice sounded closer to the phone on the last bit, the call ending shortly after, leaving you holding your own phone while staring blankly at the wall in front of you. You couldn’t tell how much Dino had heard, nor what his reaction was. You hoped you weren’t screwed, the last thing you needed at this moment was the boy you liked becoming distant because he heard you masturbating and moaning his name. 
Those were the slowest and most agonizing twenty minutes of your whole life. You walked from side to side in the living room, checking the wall clock every five seconds as if that was going to make the time stop, wishing that Chan never arrived so you wouldn’t have to face him at all. But at last, you heard the bell of your house ring, a breathy sigh leaving your lips as you turned your body towards the front door, praying for it to not be him, or for him to not look you in the eye. Your hand twisted the door knob, opening just a little bit of it and slightly looking through it, your gaze being met with Dino’s as he looked back at you with an indecipherable look. 
“Hm… Can I come in?” You couldn’t figure out what the tone was, if he was disappointed, worried or just calm. You opened the door whole, turning yourself away from him and walking straight to the kitchen, not wanting to look him in the eye. You sat at the stool from the counter, hearing his steps as his boots stomp their way into the kitchen, a sound of plastic shuffling around caughting your attention. You looked back, seeing as he placed a plastic bag on another counter, checking the content on it and then turning himself at you. You quickly looked back to your front, ears and cheeks burning red from the embarrassment and feeling of being near him after what happened. 
“Ignoring me is not gonna help, y’know” He sounded calm, opposite from you at the moment. You swallowed thick before looking back again, head low as you could barely look him in the eye. He was laid back against one of the counters, elbows holding his torso up. You couldn’t see a trace of grossness or rage on his face, remaining quiet as he looked back at you, up and down “... Did you mean?” 
“W-What?” You wanted to curse at your body as your voice cracked, your hands gripping against the fabric of the pants you had changed to. 
“Did you mean to call me at that moment? Or did your dumbass accidentally call me?” Hearing him curse you felt more natural, a bit of the tension on your body leaving as you relaxed a bit. Hopefully he was still the Dino you knew. 
“Of course I meant to call you! I said that I wanted to speak to Jeonghan” You pouted, crossing your arms as you tried to keep the narrative from earlier on. You wished he would bite it. 
“... So you wanted Jeonghan to hear his little sister moaning one of his friends' names while she touched herself?” Your face dropped. He had heard everything. He even had deducted perfectly what you were doing, not that it was hard to with your moans and whines. He straight his posture up, crossing his arms and walking closer to you. You sunk against yourself again, looking up at him as he stared at you with clouded eyes “I’m not saying I liked it but… I got kinda disappointed when you stopped” 
“H-Huh?” Your voice got caught in your throat, your confused eyes searching on his for some clear answer. What did he mean by that? Did he enjoy hearing you?
“Don’t play dumb, doll” One of his hands gripped your jaw, holding your face still as you watched the light on his eyes shift “You were moaning my name and calling me oppa while fucking yourself. Don’t tell me I heard shit wrong cause we both know what was happening” His voice dropped an octave, your thighs rubbing on each other as a reflex “I kinda wished you kept going, I was really enjoying hearing you desperately calling me like that. Needy and ready to take me” His words made you want to whine, but you held back, still scared of what he would think of it, even if he had just admitted getting hard from listening to you. 
“I…” You could only muther, mind still trying to process all of the new information. His lips smirked, the piercing shining against the light of the kitchen. He let out a big sight, letting go of your face and making you lean a bit into his touch, wishing he had kept his hand there. 
“But I guess I can do nothing, since I’m not deserving of your respect, right?” His smirk grew larger as he noticed your face drop even more, your words from earlier lingering across your mind. Your mouth opened to protest, but no sound came out of it, your head burning to find an answer quick enough “What? Did the cat finally get your tongue?”
“Chan, please…” You didn’t even notice your current state as your voice pleaded for him. Your puppy eyes looked up at him, glazed with a shiny coat of tears that threatened to fall from the corners. Your legs were squished together, heat searching for friction, while your hands gripped tightly on your pants, fingers fumbling with the soft fabric. The view of you in such a vulnerable state, begging for him, made a sharp sting run across Dino’s cock, his turn to swallow hard as his bulge became even more visible through his tight pants. He straight himself, looking you up and down yet again before holding your jaw once more. 
“... You’re gonna be nice and do everything oppa tells you to do?” He arched an eyebrow, watching carefully as the light in your eyes shifted too, your throat swallowing the lump it had formed on the bottom of it. 
“Yes oppa” There was a tremble, a breathiness in your tone that made Chan hiss, fingers gripping tightly your face. He was quick as he grabbed one of your wrists, pulling you up and dragging you out of the kitchen, not before grabbing something inside of the plastic bag and tossing it in his pocket. You couldn’t even process before he threw you inside of your room, somehow managing to close the door as if your brother could come inside at any minute. His aura as he approached you, so intimidating, making you feel small, at the same time so inviting and making you want to beg for him. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your waist was wonderful, his body gluing to yours as his lips searched for yours. 
Making out with him was more than just heaven, it was borderline addicting. His lips felt so soft, with just the right hint of roughness whenever his piercing pressed against your own lips. He tasted like the most amazing mixture of alcohol and snacks, a lingering sensation of beer with a mixture of caramel, and when he moaned against your mouth, gosh, you felt your legs almost give in, being secured in place by his strong embrace. Your fingers tangled with his soft locks, feeling the texture of his slick back hair, pulling ever so slightly whenever he bit into the kiss, a soft whimper coming out of your mouth and just fuelling Dino even more. His tongue overlapped yours as you two got lost into each other's touch, his need for dominance and control making your folds get slicker and your thighs to press against each other, your balance already betraying you and only pushing you further into his arms. 
“You’re so annoying…” He said between the kiss, teeth slightly biting your bottom lip as he pulled away softly, diverging his attention to your jaw, dragging his tongue across the line of your face as you shifted your neck, allowing him more access “Always poking fun of me and making me mad…” He bit and nibbled your skin, leaving a trail of reddish marks as his kisses traveled south, the feel of his warm tongue leaping along your neck making your head spin in circles. Was this really happening? “But gosh, you couldn’t be more beautiful and tempting, could you?” His words made you blush, the crimson tint spreading across your flushed face and ears, a whine leaving your lips at the praise “Just the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met… And so funny too, just so fucking annoying, and only with me” He pulled away, fingers gently pulling your chin so you could met his fiery gaze. A mixture of lust and passion, his vision seemed clouded, filled with you, just like your senses were filled with him “Tell me, Y/N, why do you love to annoy me?”
“Want your attention…” Your head didn't have control over your mouth anymore, your thoughts spilling from your lips without hesitation as if you were under some sort of spell casted by Chan. Your eyes looked up at him, asking for more “I want you for me…” A smirk grew on the corner of his lips, the arm hooking around your waist pulling you even closer, his hand dangerously close to your ass, where you wanted it to be.
“Oh pretty, you already have me all for you” His confession made your heart thump loud in your chest, your hands gently squeezing his shoulders “Wouldn't want anyone else but my sweet little Y/N. Even if Jeonghan chops my dick off” You chuckled lightly. Sure, Jeonghan did said to all of his friends that if they touched you, they were dead, but he would never get in the way of your happiness “I’m all yours, baby” He whispered, pulling you into another intense kiss, his tongue tangling with yours as his body guided you towards your bed, laying you down as he climbed on top of you. Your legs easily spread open to allow him access, his hands caressing you through the fabric of your pants, his fingers gently squeezing your thighs the closer he got to your heat. He broke the kiss momentaneously, searching in your eyes for consent to take them off of you, eyes growing cloudier with lust when you nodded a bit too eager in agreement. His fingers hooked in the waistband, dragging the piece of clothing off slowly from you for the tease, enjoying when he saw the pout grow in your lips at your impatience. You’ve been waiting so long for this, and so was he, but he wasn’t going to give in that easily. He was gonna pay back all those years of teasing you made him go through.  
Your lack of underwear made him curse under his breath, and the wetness adorning your folds made him lick his lips, dragging a thumb across your cunt, making your hips buckle out of sensitivity. He took the wet thumb to his mouth, licking it while keeping eye contact with you, the sinful view of him humming and smirking directly at you making a breathy moan escape your lips, your fingers daring to move towards your pussy and gently touch your sensitive bud. 
“Don’t worry princess. I’ll take good care of my little slut” He sounded so endearing, all while adjusting himself between your legs, strong hands holding your thighs open with enough force to leave bruises. You could feel his breath close to your folds, your head getting thrown back when he licked a stripe across, your mouth not holding back sounds as his wet muscle skilfully worked on your heat. He gave open mouthed kisses, capturing your clit between his lips and sucking on it, one of his hands releasing your leg and scooting closer, fingertips teasing your hole with shallow touches. The feeling of the cold piercing dragging along your hot cunt sent a shiver down your spine, your mind starting to get fuzzy as he introduced a finger inside your hole, slowly prepping you while his mouth continued to eat you out like the finest dessert. His eyes kept fixated on your image, soaking in all the information, from the way your breath hitched when he curled his fingers, to how you whined when he flicked his tongue on your swollen bud, to how you were fighting to not close your thighs around his head, legs shaking from the way he dived into you with his mouth. Dino could feel your walls clenching around his finger, smoothly adding another one to the mix and scissoring them, a brief smirk growing on his glistening lips when you moaned his name as he hit yet again that spongy spot that made you see stars. He could tell you were short from cumming, his tongue dragging across your slit, only to plant a wet kiss on your sensitive spot and abruptly stop, fingers leaving you empty. You flushed your eyes open, the red tint that spread across your face and covered chest looking a bit too adorable to Lee Chan.
“W-Why did you stop?” You whined, wanting to close your legs but being stopped by his hands. He spread them open even more, making you sink in embarrassment as you felt exposed to his eyes, your hands trying to fly to your face to hide the shyness. 
“Don’t you dare to hide your face” He sounded so stern, a tone that you definitely weren't used to hearing from him “Want you to cum on my cock. I can make you cum on my tongue another day pretty” You felt yourself contracting around nothing again, a whimper being your only response as he started to take off his own clothes. He was as fit as you dreamed, his toned torso calling out to you, your arm stretching and fingers grazing lightly on his abs, his skin felt soft yet so warm. You fumbled to take off your own top, the cold breeze hitting your skin and making you hiss, the view of your exposed self sending another sting run through the shaft of Dino’s dick, his hands desperate to take off the leather pants and boxers that confined his hard on. His hand immediately flew to his cock, pumping it a few times to spread the pre cum that leaked through his tip. 
He was bigger than you imagined. He had good girth, and his tip was blushed in a pretty shade of red and faded pink, the veins popping out from how hard he was. You could feel your mouth salivating at the view, the thought of having him on your mouth making you sigh. Before completely tossing his pants on the ground, Chan rummaged through one of the pockets, grabbing what he had brought on the plastic bag earlier and finally allowing you to see it, your face covered in red. He ripped the package of the condom with his teeth, his long fingers working fast and rolling the latex across his shaft.
“Really bad timing but…” You could see the concern on his face, his eyes shifting between your exposed groin and your face “Are you a… virgin?” Lee Chan bit his lip, clear anxiety adorning his handsome features. His concern was sweet to you.
“This may make you upset but no” You said with a little embarrassed smile. Sometimes you wish you could turn back time and have your first time with him, but you wouldn’t have the knowledge you have to please him. His face relaxed, a grin slipping through his lips. 
“Not really, could not give two shits about your body count. I’m confident that you’re not gonna want anyone else after this” His confidence gave you butterflies on the stomach, your wet folds pooling liquid. 
“As if I wanted someone else” You rolled your eyes playfully, earning a light chuckle from him. His smile took away all of the angst and evil boy image he had, your heart filling up with content. Dino adjusted himself, his tip teasing your hole and making you wiggle your hips a bit. He held you with one hand, strong grip pinning you down.
“Behave Y/N” His cut-through gaze looked back at you, his hips finally moving and length diving into your heat. You two hissed at the feeling, your walls clamping around his dick like vices, the wetness welcoming him in and making you swallow him whole in a single thrust. He was right, you would never want anything else than the sensation of Chan inside you, his cock filling you up just in the right way and resting perfectly there, as if you were made for him. He supported himself by putting both his elbows on each side of your face, his strong build caging you underneath him and pushing a few more inches inside you, your head thrown back and eyes rolling back to your skull. His lips glued to your neck, leaving wet kisses and even more hickeys across your skin as his hips started to move, slowly coming out and snapping back at full force, your whole body jointing with the movement. 
Your hands grabbed his biceps, nails leaving red stripes and moon-shaped indents on his muscles while his gripped the pillow underneath your head, the tension making his forearms veins pop. Your moans filled his ears and gave goosebumps on his skin, the sensation of being the one making you almost scream in pleasure fuelling him further and making his hips pick up the pace, pistoning in and out of your cunt with force. You could feel your walls gripping him, yearning to milk him dry and to keep him inside till he couldn’t stand, the effervescent sensation running through your pussy and pilling up underneath your stomach, a coil quickly appearing as his thrusts kept typing you over an impossible edge. Dino’s mouth kept glued to your torso, his sloppy pecks and licks spreading across your chest as he spoiled your breast with attention, teeth nibbling at one of your nibbled before taking one of your boobs on his mouth, sucking and licking with no shame. Your hands traveled to his muscular back, the fire feeling of you scratching down bloodshot lines and marks shooting pleasure stings directly to Chan’s dick, balls swelling in the need to cum, his own coil bubbling right above his groin. 
“Such a whore…” His voice sounded raspy, hands massaging your chest as his lips continued to work wonders around you, head fuzzy with the sensation of him on you “My whore, right baby?”
“Y-Yes, oppa” The title made both of you moan, your eyes barely open to see how his aura got fuller of itself, knowing he had managed to make you cockdumb within a few minutes.
“Good girl, all mine…” The cold piercing dragged across your neck, his teeth biting your skin and leaving marks that would last for days. His hips started to get quicker, the sound of skin to skin having your cunt wetter and gripping harder around him, your coil starting to get tighter, just like his. His low grunts and breathy moans became louder, following right along your chants of his name and dragged out whines, your bodies tensing up as your orgasms approached faster than expected and washed over you two like a wave. The white out spread throughout your vision, the shock of such an intense climax making your legs shake and cunt clench impossibly hard, begging for Dino to cum together, which he did. His own body took a screenshot, dick shooting ropes of cum onto the protection as he moaned your name on your ear, his melodic voice gracing your hearing before he let his body relax, gently laying on top of you like a blanket. 
There was a few minutes of silence, just the two of you picking up your breaths, the sudden feel of heaviness and tiresome sinking down and settling on both of you. Your hands caressed his hair, your arms half hugging him while his did the same, caging you in a tight hug. He placed a kiss on your shoulder, lifting himself through his forearms before looking back at you. The image of him sweaty, hair falling into his forehead, blow out pupils and puffy red lips, cheeks tinted with light pink made your walls cramp again, a hiss coming out of his mouth. 
“I just…” He tried to search through words, not knowing how to express his feelings properly without sounding either corny or cringy “There’s no other way of putting it. I love you, Y/N” Your heart thumped yet again loud inside your chest, your fingers caressing his face gently before pushing him in, mouth clashing with his in a heartfelt kiss, your actions saying much more than words could. His smile while kissing made you smile two, the lovey dovey atmosphere being almost dumb. Before Dino could continue further, you two heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the house, your bodies freezing. 
“Y/N-yah! Dino-yah! I’m home! I bought some stuff for us to dine on!” Jeonghan’s voice made you bite your lip, the task of muffling a laugh failing as soon as your gaze crossed with Chan’s, you two giggling like teenagers. He slowly pulled out of you, the feeling of being empty leaving you a bit sad, but also eager to have him once again. Dino threw the used condom on the bin next to your desk, rummaging for his clothes and quickly dressing up so he could go talk to Jeonghan. Before leaving the room, he opened the door, lookin at you up and down with a hungry gaze, lips sliding upwards in a devilish grin. 
“We’ll continue this later, baby. You’re not sleeping tonight”
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becasworldsstuff · 1 year
Can i please request a romantic Simon Basset x OC/reader fic? Simon being completely in love with her since they were young, but since his father told him to go away, they separated. They met again.
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-> Pairings: Simon basset x reader
-> warnings: none
Simon basset and miss l/n had always been friends, thing caused by her bubbly nature that could outshine the sun even in an August day. She was the only one with whom he could talk without stuttering, he felt at ease and nothing could really make him sad if she was near him. Her presence as a reminder that not all in life was sad and angry at him, that not everyone was disappointed in him, on the contrary she never made him feel bad about himself.
When the old duke of Hastings sent his son away due to the problems he was causing to his own mental health, the two were separated, nothing in means of letters or visits between the two for years if not the memories captured together and the burning sensations in the part of their body that the other touched, or the single pink flower dried out inside Skmon's favorite book that she gifted him as a reminder of the beauty hidden behind fragilness. Both the young hearts were left shattered thinking they would never see each other ever again.
But in his drawer were piled up letters written in his best calligraphy and on the best paper money could buy, for his best friend and little piece of heaven, who had been his own safe place in the mess his childhood had been.
It was her who motivated him enough to return to his old house when the man died, and he found her on the steps of his big place, with glimmering eyes and the brightest smile that ever existed. He stopped in front of her with his mouth that had gone dry, she had grown into the most exquisite young lady he had ever seen or imagined to lay eyes on, his eyes widened and his hands were begging for something to grasp onto to not loose balance while she watched him, she took one step forward and his heart skipped a beat. Even if he only realized now he could pinpoint her as the only woman in his life to which he could ever truly love, but he stayed silent, catching up with her like old times, not stuttering like when they were just little kids playing in the garden not caring about duties.
The days passed and the season started, now miss l/n obviously came from a very wealthy family and her kindness and beauty were known upon the society, but this was her first season, and her older brother and father refused to give away such a perfect girl to anyone so, when they catched up with the Duke longing stares they decided to talk to him, a man of honor, well bred, wealthy. Simon never in his life thought that he deserved for his dreams to become reality but he knew he was a duke and her best solution to this world of strange couples, so he was the one to go talk to her father, asking him her hand in marriage and bowing down on one knee with watering eyes as he proclaimed his love to her:
" never had I ever experienced such strong emotions nor strange feelings, my stomach flutters and my troath goes dry as if I was denying myself with water for you, you make my heart stop and the dream of seeing you walk down the aisle to me has been my favorite image for my life. So please accept my undying love for you because I cannot breathe if I'm not near you, neither I can eat or drink or sleep away from you, you are my sun and my moon and every single star in the sky, my whole body was created to match yours and my core only exists to love you and adore you, you make me burn like I was in a fire that cannot die. So please do me the honor and let me make you the duchess of Hastings "
Her response was awaited from the ball room that had just seen him pacing in front of the doors before barging in and stopping the dance that was occurring at the time, she held her breath and nodded slowly while forcing herself to blink as I'd to make herself realize that that moment was true.
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lightlycareless · 2 months
Hii! I just wanted to let you know that I'm a big fan of your work!
I started of with discovering your "First it Hurts" fic on ao3, then being updated to your every post cus I look forward to every fic or hc's you make!
Also, I loved the valentines special post 💗💗 BUT IM SO CURIOUS ABOUT NAOYA'S LETTER AHH, anyways I just wanted to let yknow that I love your fics and the way you write Naoya! I hope you continue writing fics about him since there's a scarcity on Naoya fics HAHAHA, but I dont mean to pressure you! Please take your time, and I'm eagerly waiting for your new fics!
Awww thank you so so so much!! I'm so happy you're liking it so far!!!!! 🥺❤️ akajghajkghasgjas as well as my oneshot :>
Also, I'd like to apologize for the delay; I'm slowly working my way through requests, the main fic, and the weird schedule for my job 💀 I greatly appreciate your support and patience 🥺❤️ Also, I'll be writing Naoya fics for like, ever. I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE HIM ANIMATED OMG ALL THE INSPIRATION.... gotta keep this small part of the fandom alive!!!!
Now... to the letter.... I feel like it would've gone something like this:
warnings: naoya is a prick, no surprise. but... he has feelings, just that he doesn't know what to do with them. this is the oneshot anon is referring to.
Happy reading!
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I didn’t think letters were still written in these times, outside of elderly people and the socially inept, but I suppose that for certain occasions they are still necessary.
By the time you get this you’ll probably already have an idea of where I’m going with it, yet I’ll still write it down.
I cannot deny that you came onto my life in the most unexpected way, not necessarily the best either.
I didn’t like your siblings, and I still don’t. I think of them to be nothing but highly annoying, arrogant, especially your sister who seems to parade herself around Gojo and the privilege she had of knowing him.
Your brother is somewhat… calmer in that aspect, he tends to keep to himself, and I respect that. Everyone should be like that, you know?
But I’m not here to talk about them, of course, I’m here to talk about you.
When I heard that you were going to enroll, I wasn’t thrilled, I genuinely thought great, another nuisance was to grace the school grounds—I already had this preconceived idea of you and was more than ready on keeping it… until I finally I saw you.
I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand times already, someone like you must’ve undoubtedly… but you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. Your beauty is so mesmerizing, I couldn’t believe it was real—anyone thinking otherwise is either blind, stupid, or lying. Or maybe all at the same time.
I didn’t accept those feelings at first, tried my hardest to ignore them and go back to disliking you, find a reason to hate you and move on.
But I couldn’t, and when I heard your laughter, saw your smile, or the cute way your eyes twinkled whenever you were excited about something, I knew it was impossible for me to disregard it any further.
My feelings for you had only grown more and more as time passed, and now, I find it physically impossible to contain them, but still hard to express them to you in person.
So, I resorted to this letter, which I hope will be able to accurately convey what I feel for you, if only for a fraction, until then.
What I mean to say is… If you let me, Y/N, I can show you how special you are to me.
I can give you all that you want in the world—it doesn’t matter what, whether it being money, or the stars themselves—I will not spare any expense to give you what you deserve, and I shall assess that every day of my life until my death, starting with the gifts I’ve sent you today, alongside those waiting in your dorm.
I shall call you mine. No other man will be able to lay a hand on you, and I won’t allow any other woman to do the same to me either. My eyes will solely keep to you, and you alone; I expect you to do the same.
And in turn… I don’t ask much, except that you see me the same cheerful, adorable way you see others when happy, the one that has me completely enthralled, unable to keep it off my mind for more than one second, and… accept me into your heart.
If you so decide it appropriate to get to know each other better, you know where to find me. I shall await your response.
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As you can see, Naoya isn’t overtly romantic or good with words (I mean, the slander at the beginning lol) but he tries, as genuinely as possible—his honesty is a virtue to appreciate lol. Also, he was TREMBLING while writing this, if not crying hahaha he really almost died when he wrote you were the prettiest girl in the whole while world.
He’ll become more comfortable with it, of course, he’s a man that can’t hold himself when it comes to talking. But it’s nice to see him all shy for once 😊
Akgjakogja I’m so happy you all liked this little oneshot—I know it was quite the bomb to drop on valentine’s day, but I swear, it’s a happy ending story :>
If there’s more you want to know about that oneshot/au just let me know, I’ll be more than happy to indulge!!
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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not-eli · 7 months
Some peeps asked for Heather character analysis and that's literally what I live for so let's go
pay attention this is long.
Heather is portrayed since the very beginning like the perfect example of the word brat. Her literal first line is, "I'm calling my parents, you can't force me to stay here!"
Even though this could hint that she has a very close relationship with her parents, at the same time in the extra clips for the parents from home we understand that her parents aren't really so caring for her, since they were celebrating at the thought of her leaving.
Even if this can seem controversial, there's a perfect explaination for this kind of behaviour:
As an example, my cousin is a goddamn brat (so glad my family doesn't know about my blog), always whining and asking for my aunt's phone, even cussing in front of his parents, and he's about 5. The thing is, due the desire of not hearing him protest my uncles tried to please him in everything, giving him what he asked so he would stop crying.
i think that Heather's parents kind of did the same: They complied with her every request so as not to hear her complain, not because they cared about her but because they wanted her to keep quiet. Heather of course got used to this and that's literally all she knows. She knew that if she conplained, she would get what she wanted.
We also know that her parents used elettro shock therapy on her in order to "make her nicer" which also hints that they didn't have a goddamn clue of what to do with her.
Furthermore, in tda when she thought she was about to die she wrote her will where she left most of her possessions to her mother. Plus, when Chris offered the team a chance to talk to the person they were closest with, who was the person suggested to Heather? That's right, the mother.
When she "opens up" a little to Harold she asks, "do you think it's good to be hated by everyone?"
I think that her bratty behaviour, maybe even in order to gain a little of attention from her parents, led people to stay away from her and to cope she became even worse, trying to convince herself that it wasn't her, it was them.
In an extra clip (cannot find it) we learn from her younger brother that she was used to be seen as "unattractive" when she was younger, which adds to the whole "no one likes me but who cares" thing.
I have the feeling that she closed herself off for so long to avoid being seen as weak, someone who can't provide for herself. We know that her number one objective is winning and only winning, she wants the money and for what? To start a life of her own, show the world that she's Heather and she's so worth it.
However, we sometimes caugh some moments of weakness: When she broke down while teaming up with Harold, when she looked upset when Lindsay and Beth stayed away from her (who, to remember, were the only friends she made on the show), when she comforted Courtney after the whole cheating thing and lord, even when Sierra the creepy crazy girl got hurt she showed to care for her. Also, did you see how happy she looked when Cody called her "the good guy"? (well not exactly but you get my point) or when she won?
And when she fell for Alejandro, she probably thought that was stupid - why falling for a boy that will just slow you down, break your heart?
Heather is hated by everyone, it's true. But deep inside she's just a girl that never understood how the world really worked. She never got how she had to actually behave in order to be liked. When she and Alejandro had that lovey dovey honeymoon phase she genuinely looked so happy because he was treating her like a literal queen. In my opinion, she finally felt respected and that was enough for her. Until Chris mentioned the money that is.
She deserves to win again :(
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jackalopesao3 · 8 months
😐 Mmm not digging Mephistopheles constantly being targeted by the brothers.
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Idk I just feel bad for Mephisto. When I was a kid I was the friend that was constantly replaced and it stung. This poor fella was raised to be Dia’s bff. Literally that was to be his life’s purpose.
This whole exchange was just kinda weird. Like I get the truth serum wouldn’t affect Dia because he doesn’t lie but I just wish there was a bit more seriousness to it?
Also…why is Mammon pulling that particular prank on Dia and Mephi? That’s pretty cruel.
Edit: Someone brought up to me that maybe Mammon was trying to help Mephistopheles with problems - I’ve seen another post with that theory as well and while I’d love if that were the case, I don’t know that it is. Suddenly going from making fun of him in nearly every encounter to helping him within a few lessons seems odd to me. With the OG timeline I could see this being the case more than NB timeline as everyone’s been well settled in.
Or Mammon just targeted the two richest dudes for blackmail purposes (keep embarrassing secrets safe for money lol) or to get them to tell him their credit card numbers and Lucifer intercepted him before he could enact the second part of his plan.
There’s a lot of Mephisto bullying to be had lately and it’s kinda grossing me out. I get that he’s a rich, noble snob but it still rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Maybe because I was severely bullied for a large part of my childhood. 🤷
I don’t like bullies and when others gang up on one person and the other lesson with the brothers picking on Mephisto and now this is painting them in almost a bad light? I’m seriously not trying to white knight or whatever. He’s not one of my favs but it’s just bugging me.
And like yeah, I get it, he was rude to MC in the OG for a while but like he never ganged up on them with others. He literally just made some rude comments for the most part that doesn’t mean he deserves to be relentlessly bullied and made a constant target. I’d never wish that on anyone.
Anyways end rant. Please someone give this poor dude a hug.
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r3iyo · 7 days
Guys I'm bored and wanna make a pokepasta fnf mod but like no experience and no money to pay people </3 like I can do charting at MOST (and MAYBE concept art and main ideas for what I have in mind but that doesn't really matter bc it's probably temporary motivation)
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Like I made a whole ass server dedicated to tracking my ideas for this shit even though i'm 85% sure it will NOT even come close to being worked on
Also I added the "He needs a more lore accurate song" part to Steven's thing because the songs of him currently do NOT sound as sad as they should be when it comes to Steven's lore and yes I am now gonna ramble about why Steven isn't actually heartless, was this an excuse? yes Okay so like you know how Mike accidentally offed Miki? Has anyone noticed how Steven got support from NO ONE except Mike? Even then all Mike said was "I'm so sorry", that is NOT enough when your brother just lost the Pokemon he spent his ENTIRE journey with and probably saw as his own kid Everyone else can be summed up as "oh just tough it up shit like this happens" Which back in the day, yes that was normal, so Steven had NO ONE besides the one person who caused this despair over something avoidable Oh and before you say "he had Daisy" NO TF HE DID NOT Daisy deserves to be INCINERATED, she did NOT help Steven at all, she did NOT comfort or care for him AT ALL, all she said was "Please don't leave home again" like NO!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HOLD HIM IN YOUR ARMS AND COMFORT HIM!!!!! So what does he turn to in order to feel happy? MISSINGNO! Since Missingno had the ability to bring Miki back, Steven turned to it even though there would obviously be consequences since that was all he had left People seem to think that Steven is heartless when in reality he's most likely just in a really mindset and was led down a really horrible path just to feel happy again since NO ONE else would give him the support he needed
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silverynight · 3 months
The bunny from the Red light District
Part VII
The maid outfit is a success; they all seem to love it not only because they're constantly complimenting him but also because they have started to bring him all kinds of gifts.
Tanjirou appreciates every single one of them, although he thinks they shouldn't spend too much money on him; getting Nezuko and him away from that dangerous neighborhood was more than enough.
But not only they keep doing that, they ask some of the girls who work there as well to tell them everything Tanjirou likes and start bringing it to him as well.
He blushes to the tip of his ears one morning when Kanroji gives him a skirt and stockings because she knows he also likes that type of clothing too.
Tanjirou keeps working though; it relaxes him a lot to do house chores, even if they're constantly insisting he doesn't have to.
Sometimes, when they all are there at the same time, they don't let Tanjirou work and instead do things for him like: make breakfast, brush his hair or even carry him around the estate like they don't want him to move at all.
"Good," Nezuko mumbles, looking very pleased for some reason. "My brother has worked most of his life to the point of exhaustion so he deserves everything he wants now."
"Nezuko!" Tanjirou squeaks, extremely mortified in Shinazugawa's arms. His face is red and he feels so embarrassed for a moment.
"And you better give it to him."
They're going to kick them out.
"We'll do it gladly!" Rengoku says immediately, to Tanjirou's shock.
"Does this mean you approve of us now?" Kocho asks, looking almost hopeful.
For some reason, this answer makes them very happy and the next thing Tanjirou knows is that he's in Tomioka's arms now as he gently nuzzles his cheek.
Even though he doesn't completely understand, at least he knows they're not going to ask them to leave, so he feels relieved after that.
He also tells them he still wants to help Aoi and the little girls.
The rest of the week he spends time with each of them; there's always at least one in the estate per day, to make sure everyone is safe.
Even though Tanjirou is very happy now, there's a part of him that's constantly afraid of some of Muzan's men finding them after all.
Then, he shakes his head and assures himself that he's not that important for Muzan to look for him so he and Nezuko will probably be fine.
And all thanks to them.
Everyone is a little bit too protective of him; Tanjirou has offered the butterfly girls to keep them company when they go for errands to the small town, but they always refuse. They don't go alone though, some of the people who come to the estate to train or report to the Pillars usually go with them. Tanjirou has noticed that they are carrying weapons with them.
Nezuko is not that excited about being outside yet so when Tanjirou starts telling the hashira he wants to see the town she stays out of it.
They don't agree right away, they try to tell him it's dangerous, even though they're sure no one knows he's there and it seems he's not even looking for him at the moment.
Of course Tanjirou doesn't want to go against their rules because they have been nothing but kind to them so he doesn't mention it again. However, he still wants to go; he's so used to see new people and go outside that the thought of living his life indoors upsets him a little.
But it's okay, he can get over it.
"Keep doing the puppy sad face and they'll fold in less than a day."
"What?" Tanjirou blinks at her in confusion. "I'm not making a puppy face... I'm just–"
"You can't hide it, Tanjirou. You want to go out so bad and it's written all over your face..." Nezuko smiles fondly at him. "It's okay... I also think they're exaggerating a bit... But be careful."
"But Nezuko, I'm not–"
"Fine," Kocho cuts him off, getting closer to the siblings. Nezuko covers her mouth so Kocho can't see her smile, but it's pretty much obvious she's amused "You can go, but one of us will go with you each time."
It seems Nezuko was right after all.
Iguro goes with him and the butterfly girls the first time; Tanjirou is fascinated by all the things people sell in the town. There are people walking around them, busy and in a hurry, glancing from one thing to the next or using the time as an excuse to catch up with their neighbors.
Tanjirou can't stop grinning.
He helps the butterfly girls with the errands while Iguro keeps a close eye on all of them... It reminds him of the security guards and how they kept an eye on the bunny boys and girls at the place he used to work at.
Which is ridiculous, because the people in the town seem friendly and kind. There's nothing Iguro has to worry about.
"Look at that... That's a pretty necklace!" Tanjirou comments to the little girls who giggle at something behind him.
"Here, you can keep it," the girl behind the booth hands it to him immediately.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to buy–"
"It's okay, it's a gift!" She assures him, cheeks turning slightly pink as soon as she says it.
"I can't take it, I mean it's really beautiful but–"
"Please... It's a pretty necklace for a pretty boy."
This time it's Tanjirou's turn to blush, he looks at the necklace with the tiny Sun and he thinks it's just too pretty for him.
He's about to thank her when he looks up, only to see her batting her eyelashes at him. Then, he hears a very loud hiss and thinks Kaburamaru is angry, but realizes that the one hissing is Iguro actually.
"There's no need for you to give him anything. I can pay for it," he narrows his eyes and this time Kaburamaru does hiss at the girl just after Iguro puts a lot of money over the girl's booth.
"Thanks anyway!" Tanjirou smiles at her because he doesn't want her to feel bad about it. He doesn't approve of Iguro's rude tone, but he's glad he gave her money for the necklace.
When they're back at the estate, Rengoku and Uzui are already there and look in confusion as the girls start giggling and looking for Nezuko to tell her what happened while Iguro keeps glaring at the necklace Tanjirou is now wearing.
"What happened?" Rengoku asks, looking a little bit worried.
"A few of us should go with Tanjirou to the town from now on," Iguro says, confusing the other two even more.
"Why?" Uzui says, getting desperate and irritated. "Are the people there dangerous?"
"On the contrary... They're TOO FRIENDLY!"
Tanjirou honestly doesn't see a problem with that, he still doesn't know why Iguro is so upset over a gift.
They give him gifts all the time.
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thewonandonly · 1 year
trigger warning: mention of attempted su!c!de and se|f injury! please read at your own risk. if needed, this chapter can be skipped.
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your keys hit the wooden door of your shared apartment, and you stepped in, kicking off your shoes. seonghwa has royally pissed you off this time. he was extremely rude, and annoying. a know-it-all. a... an exact replica of your father, minus the addictions, or at least you were aware of.
reading through the texts you shared between the both of you after you blocked him, just as he had done to you, you couldn't help but feel even a bit bad about what you said, even if he deserved it.
"i'm late, i know, i'm sorry! my manager wanted me to stay behind to train seonghwa on closing." you sighed, walking into the living room and set your bag down on the kitchen counter, seeing everyone turning to look at you. it made you feel uncomfortable, "what?" you asked softly.
yunho sighed, "come, sit."
you wandered over to the couch beside yunho, and jongho sat up, "look at this." the younger passed you a piece of paper that was printed.
the headline read simply; "district attorney's son admitted into psychiatric ward after suicide attempt." and there was a photo of seonghwa with a group of friends, all their faces blurred aside from seonghwa's. reading further, your heart began to pick up pace in your chest.
"On Monday, January 17, the district attorney of jinju's son, was admitted into a psychiatric hospital ward for self inflicted injuries and suicidal tendencies. District attorney Park has revealed that his son is in good health, and is taking a vacation away from the stressful duties of school and the community." your heart beat in your throat, "Park Seonghwa (17), is a student at Myungshin High School, who was found passed out in a school bathroom, which lead to a severe seizure as soon as he was admitted into the hospital. Park Seonghwa will be housed immediately into Gyeongsang National University Hospital." looking at the date, you realized just how long ago it must feel for him.
"read the next one." jongho pushed.
you grabbed the second page, looking over the top, which yunho highlighted with a marker, "District attorney Park disowns youngest son." You blinked, reading on about the incident; "District attorney Park reveals in a recent interview that he has disowned his youngest son, Park Seonghwa, not very long after his attempted suicide." as your eyes crossed the words, you noticed that it had been two years after seonghwa attemped, "Attorney Park reveals that due to his son's onslaught of depression and flare ups of his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, his family would have to move on from his attempt and continue on with their lives. At this moment, the youngest Park has not made a statement."
"and the next one," yunho grabbed the paper for you, passing you it.
"Disowned son of District Attorney released from psychiatric hospital, readmitted 15 hours after."
The papers your friends passed to you continued to grow, all giving you insight to seonghwa's past; "Park Seonghwa held in jail cell for night for depression drug abuse,"
"Park Seonghwa seen with eldest brother on trip to therapist appointment,"
"Park Seonghwa drops out of high school, no longer taking a step to high education,"
"Park Seonghwa living off drug sponsor’s money,"
"Park Seonghwa attempted again,"
"Park Seonghwa's history with depression,"
"Park Seonghwa's bipolar disorder mania rampage,"
"Park Seonghwa jailed for assault on reporter,"
"Park Seonghwa no longer in contact with family, even eldest brother,"
"Park Seonghwa spotted taking home girls every other night,"
they were all as painful as the last. these people invaded in on his life, expecting something to happen next. and you looked at the very last page; "Park Seonghwa's found family."
it was a fairly light hearted report; sharing a small slideshow of hongjoong, wooyoung and yeosang. yet it seemed like they were still poking fun at seonghwa.
"Park Seonghwa has found himself a new family to take comfort in." the phrase almost made you sick to your stomach, "Now, we wait and see if he drops contact any time soon." rage filled you to the brim.
jongho grabbed the pages, tapping the edges against the coffee table to line them up with one another, "i was on lunch break, and i was curious about them all. hongjoong was clean, but yeosang and wooyoung did have a few disciplinarian actions taken against them for disturbing the peace, but that was a misunderstanding." jongho intertwined his fingers, "yunho was the one who saw the first article about seonghwa. all he had to do was look his name up and it popped up."
you gave yourself credit for being an empath, but these articles made you want to curl into a ball on the floor of the bathroom and cry your eyes out.
anger lingers, not matter how long you sit there and think about it; and that's all seonghwa was. he was angry. he was betrayed. he built those walls to protect himself from the same thing happening.
if you felt only a little bad earlier from what you said, you felt even worse now.
"yn," jongho whispered, "seonghwa isn't just a surly, cantankerous old man; he's a broken inner child."
you nodded, trying to stop your eyes from watering, "you're right."
yunho rubbed your shoulder, which made you want to break down more.
"you know better than anyone what that feels like." jongho looked at you, "my question is what exactly lead him to do what he did."
you sniffed lightly, feeling your sinuses plug ad mucus flooded into your throat, "well, the second attempt was with the anti-depressants that the psychiatrist prescribed. fifty five hundred people overdose on those alone," you started, your voice already sounding congested, "it seems like it might've been the medicine that did it to him. because, you know, medicine makes it go bad to okay in just a few days, so if his inner child was really begging for dopamine, they must've thought a high dose was what he needed."
you looked at the article about his second attempt again, sighing softly, "he took bupropion, which is 300 milligrams to start." you were happy for a moment that your mother might've even taught you a little of something, but it quickly went away after you realized that you, as a child, should not have known this; bringing the first article, you read through it, "bupropion has a history of increasing seizure risk, so let's see..." you read through the article, and found what was needed to be found — in plain text, it read, "the means of this attempt was caused by a high dosage of Ziban, the brand name for bupropion, which also caused a seizure spike for the student."
"He's been prescribed bupropion in the past," you looked between the two articles, "bupropion has a weaker attachment with dopamine, which is probably why he took more than he could take."
connecting the dots in your head was enough for you to get curious as to why, exactly, he was prescribed the same medication twice.
"um, yunho," you turned to the taller man, "search up his father."
yunho pulled out his phone, quickly typing in his father's name.
you sniffled again, rubbing your eyes as you read through the different hyperlinks to articles, slide shows and other medias.
until you saw what might give some explaining to the facts you know.
"District attorney Park ends funding of bupropion production with harsh critique; Medical field is a scam."
you looked at yunho and jongho, "his father funded the production in south korea."
"when did that article come out?" yunho leaned over, scrolling to the top, "that came out almost 7 months after seonghwa's attempt."
"his father must've put him on them." you tapped your fingers against the table, reading over the article, "he was a major funder for the production, so, when he was represcribed them, his father must have done something to get him back on that medication." between the two articles, you could see similarities in the facts; seonghwa had a seizure, he tried to take his life in a lavatory with a locked door, and he used bupropion.
and, he was in a psychiatric ward two in his life time, all within a year of his life. and after that, his father disowned him.
your walls came crashing down as you found out more about this cantankerous man, and as your two friends left for the night, you bundled up the paper, tucking them into your bedside table drawer.
it was almost impossible to sleep, but you laid there, your mind running through the timeline once again.
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PARK SEONGHWA is a stone-cold, cantankerous punk-rock player. He hates everything about the world, and if he had just one chance, he’d do anything to keep the best thing about the world in his arms; you, the complete opposite of everything he’s ever built up to hate.
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 months
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OCs DESERVE BETTER -> Jackson & Daniel "Danny" Prescott (The Walking Dead) Danny FC: Walker Scobell Jackson FC: Daniel Sharman
"My little brother is the ONLY good thing in my life." * "He basically raised me."
Jackson and Danny grew up with parents who could have cared less about their two children, especially after their father up and left when Danny was barely two years old. Jackson primarily raised his younger brother, sometimes being driven to do extreme things to get money - things that eventually catch up and land him in juvie, where he is assigned King County Sheriff Department Officer Peyton Myers as his parole officer. Having had bad experiences with law enforcement, he is expecting her to be like everyone else - only for her to surprise him by caring. Enough that he opens up about why he seems to be in and out of juvie - it's all for the sake of his younger brother. When an ex-boyfriend of their mother's shows up and gets violent, Jackson grabs Danny and runs to Peyton's, knowing with his record he'll be the first suspect if things take a turn of the worst and not trusting the justice system, he goes to the one person he thinks he can trust.
Instead of Peyton, however, the brothers end up at her neighbor Nico Sanchez's house, who is visibly confused and concerned but still invites them in and calls Peyton, who immediately calls dispatch to the Prescott trailer. And Jackson's worst fears are confirmed: the boyfriend got too violent and police immediately think Jackson did it. But with Peyton and - to his surprise - another King County Deputy on his side, the investigation turns to the ex-boyfriend. Knowing that even though he's 18 and the only blood family Danny has left that the court will never give him custody, he begins to put a plan into place where Peyton or even Nico could adopt Danny while he gets his life together.
Knowing he did what he could and that Danny was under temperary guardianship of Peyton, Jackson takes a job in Atlanta that will also pay for room and board... just in time for the dead to rise up. Frantic, he tries to get back to Danny, but finds both the Myers and Sanchez home are empty. Jackson just survives, hoping to one day reunite the Danny... until he gets found and later recruited by a group calling themselves 'the Saviors' and their leader, Negan.
As for Danny, since Peyton wasn't home, he ran to Nico's house, where the man grabbed him and ran, the two protecting and looking out for each other until they found sanctuary in a small community called 'Woodbury' that seems to be a utopia to the hellhole the world has become. Still, he knows Nico doesn't trust the place, though he also knows the man only stays for Danny... and that the man is ready to once again grab Danny and run.
tagging: @endless-oc-creations@stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic , @hiddenqveendom , @arrthurpendragon ,@cas-verse, @eddiemunscns , @far-shores, @oneirataxia-girl, if anyone wants to be added/removed or I accidentally forgot, please let me know!
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Bf Headcanons
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Hello again!
Now its time for our beautiful and pretty boys time for shine✨
Tysm for everyone who liked part 1 and 2 I'm so grateful for that😊
Also check out part 1 and part 2 if u guys haven't yet cause uhm....because i told u so!(╹ڡ╹ )
Anyways lets not stall anymore shall we and get on with it~!( •̀ ω •́ )✧
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me but to hoyoverse and this is just a fictional work so please don't take it seriously.
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(Inazuma Boys)
~Boba Man~ (Kamisato Ayato)
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~Sly Boyfriend~
• Ya know...i would've just titled him as the prince type boyfriend cause i think he's a gentleman but at the same time i see him as....a sly fox who loves...loves to tease you, like he just finds entertainment by your red face and flustered reactions. Truly a fox man he is.
• When you get into a relationship with this man you have got to get used to he's sassy remarks about somethings and i imagine that you also sadly get affected by he's attitude.
• You and ayaka are besties✨ I feel like at first you'd feel like she didn't really like you because she didn't talk to you or get near you. oh how wrong you were...she actually SIMPS for you, she admires you. she actually watches how you train with a sword probably why she loves you. So when ayato is busy you and ayaka either have tea and chat or spar together. She's my ice princess💕 
• Now sometimes ayato does get jealous of he's sister. Of how much you both get to spend time together. There are sometimes where the siblings fight over you lol. He will cling to you for a whole day without letting ayaka near you claiming that she's had you enough.
• Since he's sometimes lazy to do he's paperwork he tells thoma to send you to him at once. Meaning just so he can get kisses and cuddles from you so he can get energy to complete he's work.
• Gets jealous easily. Once he spots someone hitting on you, He's.telling.that.man.off, Since he's sassy he will talk about how the said person shouldn't be hitting on a taken person and how its disrespectful. SLAYYYY😫
• Overprotective but knows you can handle yourself. But sometimes he does send guards to go with you since he knows clans or the fatui will try and use you against him. and he doesn't want you to get hurt.
• When he's free you both go to he's favorite boba store and just drink and chill while chatting🥺
• I feel like sometimes ayato would do these playfights with you. ya know just casual teasing and making the other jealous, when asked by ayaka and thoma why you both do this you both just respond that its an act of love🥰
• Since he has the money....boom. your getting spoiled, like just look and tell him its your's, he thinks you deserve the best(I mean you do queen/king✨)
• He's an annoying but sweet boi. But we/you love him~
Nicknames: My love, sweetheart, dear, darling and honey
Voice line about you: “ *Sigh* Why am i sighing? My dear love is spending time with ayaka again...hmm..thoma! Take care of this for me...I'm just gonna seal my darling back~”
When he talks to you: “Hmmm...sweetheart I'm back~, ah there you are. i missed you...where were you? Oh...you were with traveler? Can you at least give me your attention today? I've been needing more y/n in my life..?”
~Perfect Malewife~ (Thoma)
~Golden Retriever Boyfriend~
• Doesn't he just give that vibe!?
• He's perfect. 
• Cooks and cleans for you, always cooks for you everyday. for breakfast, dinner, snacks. ANYTHING EVEN IF ITS FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE HE WILL COOK IT FOR YOU.
• He always smiles and it honestly will brighten anyone's day with it including yours, If your sad he's bright demeanor suddenly dies down and gets upset himself. 
• Your parents probably love him more then they love you-(jk), likewise if you have any siblings they would instantly love him...he's like a big brother to them. whose strict yet fun. Imagine him playing/messing around with your siblings🥺
• Ayato at one point did get jealous....boba man is jealous of you-
• When your days and work are done you both would be laying in bed and he's just going on about how he's day went. He would also be the type to cuddle you close while kissing your forehead💘
• Taroumaru loves you. you and thoma would take turns in hanging out with the cute boi🥺
• Overall thoma is the boyfriend you instantly wanna marry💖✨
Nicknames: Babe, wifie, milady and my love
Voice line about you: “No no taroumaru this isn't for you haha..this is for y/n..ah! Lady ayaka can you please take this to y/n?‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there wafie! I missed you. Alot of things happened today...wanna hear it?‟
~One and oni!~ (Arataki Itto)
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~Himbo Boyfriend~
• Himbo energy. I'm you guys can already sense it...feel it...
• Takes you bug hunting and then to he's battles for support even if sometimes went he actually loses your the one paying...poor you-
• Shinobu appreciates you alot since your the only ones who are sane and you help her keep the boys from going to jail. She loves you like a big sister💕 The gang also got attached to you since they saw how happy their boss was with you so they started to love you as well. 
• He unintentionally hits you with he's elbows because your shorter then him-. He carries you on he's shoulder tho.
• Swears that he loves you more then miss hina-
• When your sad/upset immediately tells the gang about it and they try to cheer you up by doing these weird stage plays and eventually it gets them to trouble😔
• Even if you know how to fight he doesn't let you lift a finger. part of the reason is because he doesn't want you to get hurt, other part is cause he wants to show off😅 But when he does let you...he falls inlove with you all over agin...cause to him you fighting and kicking asses are hot, sexy and beautiful to him.
• He definitely asks you for mora just to buy you a gift😂
• You bet you have ALOT of nicknames. he likes to think he's creative with them✨
• He loves you alot for accepting him as he is so with pride he always talks about you to people and the gang!(Shinobu tells you about this)
• Himbo boyfriend 100%
Nicknames: Babe, baby, lovebug, hottie, he's one and only, honey etc (alot more but he just thinks of them at radom times)
Voice line about you: “Woww...aren't the just amazing!?‟
When he talks about you: “Heyyy lovebug! What? N-no i don't need anything from you...ok maybe i do...c-can i have like...a little bit of mora? Like just 800 mora please?‟
~Furry General~ (Gorou)
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~Puppy Boyfriend~
• What'd you expect?
• He's territorial but also very shy when it comes to you and gets flustered easily. If he's feeling possessive he marks you with he's scent and in other ways too...and when he's shy he just blushes around you alot.
• Your the only one who has the privileged of touching he's ears and tail and when you guys are alone he lets you run your fingers through he's fluffy tail and soft ears. He thinks its very relaxing and you help him groom he's tail and he LEAVES for it✨
• You know that scene in he's event i think(i forgor) where yae miko was talking about how he probably sleeps while hugging he's tail? Well he used to and now he just hugs you while wrapping he's tail around you. he sleeps as the little spoon he rarely becomes big spoon.
• He always remembers your scent and how you walk so when he instantly hears your footsteps or smells you from a mile away he's tail starts wagging and the soldiers who see it don't tell gorou since they know he would be embarrassed but they find it cute how head over heels is their general to you💖
• Kokomi and yae miko ALWAYS teases you both...sadly
• When you get hurt in battle poor baby blames himself for not being able to protect you...so please hold him and reassure him that your fine...
• Since he's basically a dog. I bet before you guys started dating he would talk about you to the other dogs in inazuma since he had no one to talk to about it. and the dogs would actually help him sometimes but always leading you to him, causing tiny accidents and more. So he actually feels grateful for he's furry friends.
• He honestly gets really upset when you go somewhere that he can't follow(Monstadt, liyue or sumeru)He can't help but miss you alot and when you get back he clings to you for the rest of the day.
• He's very loyal to you and is honestly a very good boy💕
Nicknames: My mate and mine
Voice line about you: “Why do i seem upset? I miss my m-mate alot...wait..NO AHHH YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT-‟
When he talks to you: “Y-your back! Hm? i-i can smell another persons scent on you...thats no good...c-can you come here...my mate?‟
~Sassy Detective~ (Shikanoin Heizou)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
• You thought kaeya was worse? Hah! heizou’s wayy worse....
• If your a person who gets shy easily heizou will tease you NONSTOP my man has no mercy....he thinks it's funny and cute(Asshole)
• But despite this he brings you with him to solve some cases of course only the minor and safe ones...he wouldn't want he's precious love to get hurt now can he?
• He randomly pins you to a wall and flirts aka tells you cheesy pick-up lines....and their SO CRINGE💀 
• He has no shame even flirting with you in public.
• I'm sure you guys are aware of that pic genshin posted at he's birthday right? WELL I BELIEVE HE WILL TEASE YOU WITH THOSE EXPRESSIONS OF HIS LIKE TAKE THAT INFO HOWEVER YOU WANT. like he'll purposely moan just to see you blush-
• Whenever a person flirts with you, you best believe heizou to be right there by your side flexing how he's a detective and can get the poor person inprisoned.....
• When he's not being an ass he treats you to a nice meal sometimes and buys you flowers with a side of jewelry too✨
• Complements you every single day💖
• When you do something impressive something as solving a case before him he will shower you with praise and affection.
• kisses that come out of nowhere are he's favs. and when you do that to him he'll have a shocked face with a bit of blush but instantly calms he's composure and teases you back but take it to another level. by that i mean grabing your chin, pulls you by the hips and kisses you roughly and hungrily(^///^)
• Even if he's a flirty asshole sometimes you love him~💖
Nicknames: Mine, baby, sweetheart, dear and beautiful
Voice line about you: “Their getting hi on AGAIN? What can't people just understand that their mine? *Sighs* Traveler can you help me teach that person a lesson? You won't get into trouble i assure you~‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there beautiful~ Awe don't shy away from me now...let me see your cute face~‟ (If you think that line is familiar good job)
~Mr.Samurai~ (Kaedehara Kazuha)
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~Gentle Boyfriend~
• He'd be the calm and gentle type who just wants to be with you.
• If your in the crux you and him would be spending your time either chatting with beidou or laying down at the birds nest just looking at the sky.
• Kazuha often writes haiku’s about you...and tells them to you while you both are chilling, he's another one who won't go a day without completing you and at least hugging or kissing you on the cheek or forehead.
• The crew coos at how cute your relationship is and support you too very much💕 Although sometimes beidou will scold you both for slacking off at certain chores. 
• You and kazuha have a room to yourselves since the crew wants to respect your boundaries as a couple and because beidou doesn't wanna see pda-
• Beidou gives kazuha these talks about how to treat you, to not make you cry, respect your boundaries and just giving advice to him(She cares about you both alot such a mother💘)
• He often also cooks for you. and when he tries new recipes your always he's taste tester. He values your opinions alot and appreciates it when your being honest with him.
• He teaches you how to use a sword or how to defend yourself since he knows if people find out about your connection to him they will certainly use you to get him....but even so he still protects you and is very obversing of you guys surroundings. especially when you guys are outside, he doesn't wanna lose you now....
• He treats you like glass sometimes since he's afraid your gonna break and he's gonna lose you.
• He oftens has nightmares of he's friend and about losing you too...eventually when he wakes up from it he holds you tighter and closer to him...
• Whenever you guys dock somewhere he buys you small trinkets at that place as a souvenir.
• He also sings or hums to you whenever you both go to sleep he's voice is honestly the most softest thing ever💖
• He lets you tie he's hair whatever he enjoys feeling your hands in he's hair.
• He actually isn't shy to tell people that he loves you or tell that your his s/o he finds pride that you choose a dead man and he feels like he doesn't deserve your beautiful and kind self.
• He will protect and love you until the end of time...because your the light that made he's life colorful again.
Nicknames: My dove, my love and my muse
Voice line about you: “Isn't y/n just beautiful? What? haha...yes its obvious that i love them very much indeed...‟
When he talks to you: “My dove...would you like to hear the haiku I've written again for you?‟
~Scaramoche~ (Kunikuzushi)
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~Cold Boyfriend~
• Now some people actually wanna know that out of every man in the world...why did you choose him? Why did you choose someone whose heartless and cold? Simple. You love him. Even sometimes scara doubts why you love him when he's basically someone who can't control he's mouth, and he's reminded by you that you fell for whats behind that attitude of his.
• Now when you break all of his walls and when he starts letting you in bit by bit he starts being unintentionally nice to you. it would shock him and he's subordinates, if your hot he'll buy you a popsicles if your cold he'll give you his coat he'll even let you borrow his hat, basically he becomes more cold to everyone but has a soft spot for you and everyone knows it.
• When your in that stage where his walls are broken down in private he'll start showing his kunikuzushi side while in public he'll only hold your hand while shouting at people. He'll also(surprisingly)ask for kisses and cuddles bluntly with a blush of course.
• Ah...another one that buys you whatever you want with that fatui money✨Just ask him nicely and he'll buy it for you.
• When he's away and busy he sends 2 or 3 fatui agents to watch over you at least since he knows that some people will use you against him and for fatui information so he's extremely careful when with you.
• If your smart with your words you can easily stop scara from sealing the gnosis and turning his back from the fatui. and if you do then consider yourself a pat on the back.
• When he makes sure that your deep asleep he whispers to you about how lucky he is to have you and how he loves you very much with kisses on the forehead. He also thanks you for being patient with him since he knows that he isn't exactly the best person to be with but he thanks you regardless. he knows he should be saying those things to you when your awake but he just can't bring himself to do so....so for now its a secrets.
• He has nightmares about ei and he's old friends so please comfort him and hug him...
•He sometimes puts his work aside and goes to you just to cuddle with you.
•Anyone who disrespects you are instantly dead however if your fast enough to stop him he will just pull you aside, leave you at a place and go back to those trash and beat them to a pulp🙂 Same goes for people who hits on you their  instantly gone or barely alive....your his and only his
• One time he noticed that traveler had kept asking about you and he thought that the traveler liked you even if they just wanted to ask you something...
• When you ask for attention he immediately saids your being to needy when his needy himself.
• He might be cold and all but for you his ready to fight the entire universe just for you💕
• To him your the one who gave him a heart. A heart that beats for you, he understands what love is because of you and his grateful for that. Your the only think that keeps him sane...so please...please don't leave him...
Nicknames: Dumbass, mine, my world and my light(The last 2 only in private)
Voice line about you: “What? What about y/n? Stop asking me about them...wait..do you perhaps..like y/n? Don't delay it now?! You've been asking about them since you've seen me! Let me tell you something traveler they belong to me. their mine. got that?‟
When he talks to you: ‟What do you want? I'm busy, kisses and c-cuddle? I-i suppose i have time for that...your so needy“
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Omg this took quite a while...mostly at ayato and scara’s parts but i managed
Now im gonna say it for part 3 its the sumeru guys but....it might come out a bit late since i haven't started sumeru yet because of school which sucks but i know the characters i just kinda dont know how they act so thats the problem but I'll try and explore sumeru when i have the time during the weekend
Tysm for reading this far and i hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm sorry if their are any grammer or spelling mistakes and i advice you guys to read part 1 or 2 whatever you wanna start first its fineo(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Also feel free to ask requests its always open!
Ok..imma stop rambing now and say goodbye lol.
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lesmiserablesabridged · 2 months
The Terrible Thenardiers: Nemesis
Madeleine: I just received word that a new inspector has arrived in town. I shall go to meet him.
Javert: I don't know why I was assigned to this small city, but I sure will try my best.
Fauchelevent: Inspector, that guy is evil! He struts about the city like he owns it! He ruined my business, which must mean he is evil! Please arrest him!
Javert: He is the mayor, meaning he is the government. The government is never wrong, blah blah blah.
Narrator: And you wonder why people dislike you.
Javert: That's beside the point. And who are you, anyway?
Fauchelevent: I am Armand Fauchelevent, the guy who would defy you and your law.
Javert: What was that?
Fauchelevent: Nothing. And now for a random fact that will not become relevant at all: I had a brother called Ultime who died when he was six years old.
Javert: You are giving me a headache. Now go away.
Fauchelevent: All right.
Narrator: So he leaves, for now.
Madeleine: Pleased to meet you, inspector. I hope we'll get along.
Javert: Everyone in this city is happy. I can't stand it. I never had a happy childhood, so why should they?
Enjolras: There are so many things wrong with that statement I can't even begin to list them.
Narrator: Pay no attention to him. Pay attention to me instead.
Young Javert: The trees are barren, the ground is black, the weather is cold, very cold, and I am walking through the fields with only a single coat. I wonder how I never got sick in my life...
Narrator: I am actually more interested how did you survive without stealing when you had no money at all? How did you get lucky to survive when many people didn't?
Javert: I will answer with some cliche like believing in the pie in the sky, but the truth is that a police officer took pity on me and trained me to follow in his footsteps.
Narrator: So why can't you take pity on those less fortunate than yourself?
Javert: Pity is for sissies. Those who are poor deserve it for being born poor!
Narrator: Right, teach him a lesson, boys. Just don't kill him, he is still needed for the story proper.
Prouvaire: Gladly!
Combeferre: You know what this means...
All: Puppy marathon!
Javert: NOOOOOO!
Narrator: And so Javert is dragged off by Les Amis for his punishment.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
“He is 60 years your junior, Kerry!”
“Lou, I said not in front of them.”
Vax stopped by the sudden argument in the living area. He had gotten back from a job, and luckily was clean and not hurt. He didn’t want to give Louise another reason to try and find a thing wrong with him.
He had tried everything to prove he wasn’t using Kerry. Playing with Kim, trying to bond with Ted, paying for dinner every night they had gone out. She was convinced it was an act for her.
“Yes in front of them! They deserve to know-“
“Not in front of them, Louise. That is my fucking line.”
Vax scanned the house, and found the kids sitting upstairs. The Villa was open floor and everyone in the place could hear them. But he couldn’t help but admire Kerry not wanting to fight where they could hear him.
“I like Vax.” A tiny voice from upstairs suddenly said, making the ex couple look up. Kerry rubbed his face.
“Kimmy baby please not now.” Kerry tried, but he could hear her running down the stairs.
“He’s nice! He let me braid his hair and took my advice that pink looks good on him!”
V couldn’t stop his smile, knowing he shouldn’t be listening to this. He wasn’t their family. Louise saw him as a boytoy using Kerry for his money and body. He barely let him buy him a birthday present.
“That’s not the issue, Kim. Go back with your brother-“
“Why don’t you like him? He’s nice! Tell her Teddy!” Kim urges her older brother, who had followed her down.
“…He’s cool, I guess.”
Oh wow. That was a massive fucking compliment coming from Ted.
“Louise, enough. He’s not using me, us. He’s the last person that would ever hurt us.” Kerry said, it was the calmest V had ever heard him in an argument. But the reason was him not wanting to lose his cool in front of his kids.
Maybe he should make himself known.
He walked back, opening and closing the door once again and the voices stopped.
“I’m home!” He called, hearing Kim run to greet him first.
“Vax! Did your friends like your hair?” She asked when he scooped her up. V had made a comment about his friends possibly loving the new look.
“They did actually, my friend Claire made me a pink drink today to match!” He matched her excitement easily, smiling when he saw his man approaching. He leaned in for a kiss, hearing Kim squeal.
“Grossss!” She squealed when Kerry blew a raspberry into her cheek.
“How’s sushi sound for dinner?” Kerry asked softly, but V could feel the tense energy in his shoulders.
“Sounds perfect.”
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zoobus · 1 year
This is not me talking myself down but I can't really understand a lot of things you say because you have a bigger vocabulary and idk, you seems like write really well and I don't know if I don't understand some things properly bc English isn't my first language or... for some other reason, like a deficit or something... But what I understand though, I tend to agree with you and even when I don't agree I still like to think about it. Well, with all of this unnecessary and unasked information, I'll like to ask what you meant by your post about Nope (2022)? What was your interpretation? Tbh, to this day, I don't think it's a commentary about minorities. The only thing I think it could be seem like that is that thing with their father. Like, black people invented a lot of things and they were the first to do a lot of things, but they didn't get the recognition or the money they deserved most of the time so there's that. Often than that, I just think that the cast is black and there's the other dude who's not white... I don't remember much but I remember commenting with my brother that I thought it was cool that they were just, a diverse cast, with two black protagonists but they were just living their life and something fucked-up (presented itself as an opportunity) happened, that I thought it was cool that Jordan Peele didn't want to make the movie about racism. He does that greatly, but I believe black people want movies in which they are the ones acting/writing/producing/directing to be as diverse and full of possibilities as it always has been for white people, like, they want to have the opportunity to be in every possible story. True to be told, I'm not black... Or technically I am,,, second to some governmental organizations... Well, I'm pardo (kind of like mulatto), mother is black and father is white. I'm just saying this bc in Brazil, if you're pardo, chances are that you live like black people just with some more passability and has it easier than black people (pessoas retintas) but if you have any racial/class consciousness you understand some things that I'm afraid other mixed countries don't understand as well. But we're still racists as fuck so... I just rambled, idk. So what about Nope?
For me, part of the fun of movies and books is reading what other people took got from it. I love reading takes I would never imagine on my own, I love disagreeing with the consensus, and generally I think I’m able to consider, sympathize, and engage with opinions that differ from mine without losing confidence in my own interpretation.
So when I turned to Nope essays and the vast majority of them took it as a reflection of racial politics… I’m not exaggerating when I say I had a minor spiral. Was I stupid? Was I actually stupid? I didn't get any of that. I’m black. I’m privileged as hell, but I am African-American. I loved Get Out. Am I genuinely just a fucking moron who missed the obvious? Picking up media subtext is MY thing. That’s the one thing I’m good at. I had to rewatch Nope to prove I’m not an idiot. I must have been tired that day.
And maybe I am an idiot who missed all the subtext, but I’m more confident this time around saying I agree with you. I think a lot of people (including black people) are misconstruing unchangeable truths (the main characters are black) as social commentary. I think there is some amount of projection, that inclusion is inherently a political statement. Dare I say race is possibly clouding everyone’s perception. Take this popular essay excerpt:
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Now look at this gif of OJ:
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What about this suggests his character would have been at ease and unanxious if the crowd staring at him was black? What about him talking softly with his eyes glued to the floor suggests his discomfort stems from his marginalization as a black man? What did Peele add to his film that indicated OJ as racially-motivated-socially awkward rather than naturally awkward other than the fact that he’s black? It's plausible that racism could have made him like that but does the movie itself give us anything to make that assumption? I don’t think it does. I’ve seen some annoyed posts regarding autistic headcanons because they think these are just normal black man traits and um. No, shrinking violet who prefers animals to humans really aren't. I do know black dudes like OJ. I would not call them the Black Male Experience.
I find this viewpoint super frustrating – to plagiarize Margaret Atwood – White racism, white racism, is every fucking thing run by white racism? Pretending you have a personality of your own, that you can be an adorable, beloved Asian child star, Shy and awkward or boisterous and arrogant, it’s all motivated by white racism.
then the pa guy is confused as to where the “older one” is, clearly giving the message that he doesn’t trust oj to be a competent person. the pa sees him as an untrained boy,
reach. Ignoring the fact that people hate changes and learning your go-to expert died is a pretty significant change – oh yeah, the PA who was letting people walk directly behind a fucking horse just screamed “respectful of his subordinates/contractors if they’re white.”
The whites on the movie set were disrespectful, but imo I didn't see a compelling reason to read it as a commentary on how black men specifically are treated since the type of disrespect shown in that scene doesn’t come up for the rest of the film.
people talk about the horse, but they don’t know anything about the man riding it
None of those people knew anything about the horse. They don’t even mention the horse’s name. Like I get what you mean (jk no I don’t) but the people very much did not know or care about the horse. Here’s the script:
Emerald: Now did you know that the very first assembly of photographs in sequential order to create a motion picture was a two second clip of a Black man on a horse...? Yes it was, yes it was! Now some of y’all know Eadweard Muybridge, the grandfather of motion pictures who took the pictures that made that clip... but does anybody know the name of that Black jockey that rode the horse...? Holst: No Emerald: Nope. The first ever stunt man, animal wrangler and movie star rolled up in one and there’s almost no record of em… That man was a Bahamian jockey that went by the name of Alistair E. Haywood. My great great-grandfather.
I’m not even certain what to make of there being almost no record of him in the greater context of the movie’s themes about viewers feeling they’re entitled to consume/perceive another.
I find the assertion that the Peele made *any* parallels between the way animals are treated and the way poc are treated ungrounded. As I said in my original post, if your takeaway from Jupe’s generic sitcom and movie posters was that he’s EXACTLY as absurd as a chimp in a birthday hat, that the white family adopting an asian kid was commentary on token racism, you are literally just racist. There is nothing in this movie that suggests an insidious reason for his popularity.
The humans watch, the animals are watched until they do something drastic to make it stop. But none of the animals get characterization beyond that and none of the humans act in similar enough ways for me to derive anything from it. I don't recall anyone coercing OJ into unwanted eye contact. The glimpses we see of Jupe's childhood are of a cute kid on a corny sitcom set. The exploitation comes after the random monkey event, when SNL makes a parody skit and the world gradually forgets the gut-wrenching terror of being a little boy hearing your crush's flesh squished.
I am not saying race is irrelevant or that Peele had absolutely no intention of including subtext about black bodies or race exploitation in the film industry, but I am saying that I rewatched Nope specifically for that reading and I don’t find that reading compelling.
Unfortunately, I spent most of this complaining about what other people thought rather than my own. My interpretation was pretty surface-level. I think it was mostly about
respecting nature as it is and not what you imagine it is
somewhat about the nature of perception and how easily it’s distorted/how easy it is to believe you have a full understanding when you’ve only seen about an inch of it, and
something about feeling entitled to perceive things, idk I accept that I probably didn’t pick up on this theme as often as the director wanted me too. I’ll admit that.
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sparkbugs · 7 months
Ep 105 of jrwi liveblog!! My thoughts and reactions under the cut :3
The psa is so real good on you jay
Skip to like 20 mins in cause I forgor to write-
The egg joke was great LMAO. Also BIRD BIRD :D also. They left the tortle to die???? Oopsie I fucking guess??
Underground town :o chip pls just follow bird bird mannnn
I’m still so worried about Early Drey and Finn on the boat oh my goddddddd (THANK GOD THE SHIP IS SAFE WAA)
Bird bird my bestie… they better save everyone on this island man like I get it’s their home but they don’t need to be stuck here anymore
HOLYYY SHITTT 7’2… who is this… artists I kiss u /p you’re so fuckin talented and the art you’ve made is so so pretty
This woman. I want to be her friend.. ZAMIA :D BE MY FRIEND PLS YOURE SO COOL
I love how they’re arguing in front of these people LMAOOO “you lot are crazy, man” yea igneous. They’re a bit insane but it’s ok!!
“We’re the weird kind of pirates that throw our money off the boat and save things” 💀 yea well.
Well they’re gonna go beat up bad pirates that are killing these people and something bars gonna happen cause when does it ever go right!!! Haha. Ha. (Referencing a Spoiler I know that happens but I have no idea When it happens)
Group huddle moment!! Bring all these people on the ship I don’t care :) save them all somehow
Gilly nugget of wisdom. He’s smart I agree with him
There’s a lot :( just. Aaaag
God taking out the corruption on their own is going to be. Terrible.
Yeaaa gillion you. Need to stop dying please <3
GILLION JUST LIKE ME FR brother you cannot save everyone I understand. I get it man but you cannot save everyone you have to look out for yourself
Hallow spell :o time to google what the spell means- aw hell yea protection spot
GOO DRAGON… chip praying? Never thought I’d see the day- oh he. Corrupted nvm
Whomst was taken. They’re gonna get her back
Oh they have a boss that was taken :(
Just noticed puppy behind grizz :o they eepin
Zamia :( SO MANY SAPPHICS IN JRWI I love them all.
“We’re gonna help as best as we can but we also need help getting around here” seems like a reasonable request as they brought Knock back anyways.
Zamia I love you already :( you deserve the world, y’all gonna get out of here don’t worry
RABBIT! RABBIT!!!! And fox… ogghhdjs everyone on this island. They’re my favorites ever.
GIVE AWAY THE PANTS!!! QUEEN YEAHHH MAKE THEM NEW CLOTHES :D give them hope. This is so good I love this sm
Petlen!!! Trinket friend. MAGIC ROCK! Rock. Love rocks… OMG GIVE THEM FOODS FEED THEMSSS
HAJDJDISH switch blade.. AWEJDIS PETLEN :( I love them
ALICE? What how do you say her name. Smithy… “I saw you smithing from across the room” yeah I would’ve said that too tbh
This is we’re Knock gets the “yuh” from too-
Uh ohs. Jay. The map!!!! Huh hahdjgdja map??? What. Uh oh. Wuh oh
Corruptionnnb aaaaaa
LMAOOO “you see something bad? You RUN!”
17 ac finally jeez.. yay armor and upgrades
Spider webs… haha this is gonna go terribly
Ohhhh who fucked up- GRYFFON NOOOOOOO
Everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine the scuttling means nothing everything is fine everything is fineeeee
Queeeeeennn aaaaaaaahshsgaia
AAAAA spider that’s not a friend that’s not a friend uh ohssss ahahahaaa VORTEX WARP HELL YEA SMART MOVE- oh the web. RUNNNNNN A FUCK
This is fine :) I wanna be where the people areeeee I wanna seee wanna see em dancing.
Petrol.. patrol. Same thing…. (Also currently making burger while watching so I’m multitasking this is fun)
Gillion. You what. I mean yea but also haha that’s terrifying haha please be careful
Backstreets back ALRIGHT! Haha uh oh “what you don’t see” uh. Hehe there’s a heart or something.
“Like nuts” … Charlie please.
… haha! Uh oh!!!!! Hahahahdjdhgsja
This episode was great I’m so nervous. For what comes next! Hahaha!!!
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