#fortune in gemini
ezukll · 1 month
⠀⠀⠀⠀How to Gain Success ⠀⠀𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗢𝗯𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
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𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 ♈︎
The key to succeeding with a Fortune in Aries is to tap into the energy of ambition, courage, and enthusiasm. With Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, it represents the beginning of action and creation. In order to maximize the potential of Fortune in Aries, you should aim to adopt a fearless attitude to challenges and opportunities, with a keen desire to push boundaries and pursue success. Embrace your inner spark of excitement, passion, and energy during your pursuits and you will naturally attract opportunities for success.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝘂𝗿𝘂𝘀 ♉︎
To gain success with Fortune in Taurus, the key is to leverage the energy of stability, patience, and dedication. Taurus is all about creating consistency and longevity in all areas of the self. With the influence of Fortune in Taurus, you will likely have good luck and opportunities in matters involving financial security, material comfort, and practical values. To maximize the potential, it is important to focus on creating foundations of safety and stability instead of aiming for quick success and instant gratification. This can lead to steady, steady growth and opportunities for prosperity and success.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗚𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶 ♊︎
To gain success with Fortune in Gemini, it is important to channel your energy and communicate your ideas and intelligence effectively. Gemini represents the twin and their communication and intelligence can be their best ally. With the influence of Fortune in Gemini, it can help you create success and recognition through your ability to network, express yourself, and communicate your thoughts clearly and powerfully. The dynamic communication energy of Fortune in Gemini can lead to the creation of new opportunities, connections, and ventures, which can lead down new paths to success.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 ♋︎
To gain success with Fortune in Cancer, the key is to tap into the energy of emotional connection and intuition. Cancer is all about nurturing and supporting others, and this energy can be applied to success as well. With the presence of Fortune in Cancer, you are likely to have good luck and opportunities in matters involving empathy, compassion, and the emotional connection to others. To maximize the potential, you should aim to embrace the compassionate and nurturing energy of Cancer to create success through helping and supporting others. In doing so, you may naturally draw new opportunities and success into your life.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗲𝗼 ♌︎
To gain success with Fortune in Leo, the key is to harness the energy of confidence and passion. Leo is all about self-expression and pride, and this energy can be channeled into success as well. With the influence of Fortune in Leo, it can bring opportunities for success and recognition through the expression of self and creative pursuits. To maximize the potential, take advantage of the confidence and pride of the Leo energy to approach ventures with enthusiasm and gusto. By owning whatever it is you do and proudly doing it with passion, success and recognition will naturally come your way.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝗴𝗼 ♍︎
To gain success with Fortune in Virgo, the key is to tap into the energy of discipline, precision, and hard work. Virgo is the meticulous sign of the zodiac, known for its attention to detail and careful focus. Fortune in Virgo brings the strength of intention and discipline together with opportunities and good luck. To maximize the potential of Fortune in Virgo, you should aim to approach your projects with careful precision and a strong work ethic. By harnessing the perfectionist aspect of Virgo, the opportunities for success and recognition will naturally seek you out.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮 ♎︎
To gain success with Fortune in Libra, the key is to tap into the energy of diplomacy and balance. Libra is the sign of harmony and diplomacy, and their approach to life can be highly transformative. Fortune in Libra highlights the dynamic energy of balance and negotiation. There is a strong sense of partnership and mutual creation associated with the sign of Libra, which can bring success in matters involving relationships, interactions, and communication. Approach your endeavors with an emphasis on fairness and balance, and look for opportunities that allow you to work with others.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗶𝗼 ♏︎
To gain success with Fortune in Scorpio, the key is to tap into the energy of transformation and intensity. Scorpio is the sign associated with the depths of the psychological self, and its dark and intense energy can be harnessed for success. Fortune in Scorpio represents good luck in matters relating to the unseen, hidden, and the unknown. Approach your endeavors with an mind and a desire to dig deep into the hidden truths and the unknown. Look for opportunities to gain a greater insight and bring hidden potential to life. Use your intense energy and focus to take on difficult challenges and succeed.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗴𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘂�� ♐︎
To gain success with Fortune in Sagittarius, the key is to tap into the energy of optimism and adventure. Sagittarius is the sign of expansion and positivity, and Fortune in Sagittarius highlights the opportunities for growth and progress that can come from maintaining an expansive and optimistic attitude. Approach your endeavors with a sense of open-mindedness and a hunger for knowledge and learning. You will naturally gravitate towards opportunities that offer you the chance to grow and learn, and the possibilities for success and recognition will come to your doorstep. Lean into the spirit of freedom and curiosity, and success will follow.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗻 ♑︎
To gain success with Fortune in Capricorn, the key is to tap into the energy of ambition and responsibility. Capricorn is a very pragmatic and practical sign, and Fortune in Capricorn can provide luck and opportunities where your focus and determination play a key role. Approach your endeavors with a strong responsibility and the understanding that hard work and discipline will lead to success. Take the lead and approach obstacles with confidence and determination, and find a sense of purpose in your journey. Your ambition and drive will naturally lead to success and recognition within your chosen field.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘂𝘀 ♒︎
To gain success with Fortune in Aquarius, the key is to tap into the energy of ingenuity and innovation. Aquarius is the sign of the future and the unconventional, and Fortune in Aquarius can bring opportunities for success in areas that are outside of the box. Approach your endeavors with a fresh and unique approach, aiming to do things differently from the expected. Think outside of the box and bring a sense of ingenuity to your ventures, and you can naturally attract opportunities and possibilities for success. Be open to new ideas and solutions, and embrace change and innovation in your pursuits.
𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲𝘀 ♓︎
To gain success with Fortune in Pisces, the key is to tap into the energy of compassion and empathy. Pisces is the sign of the soul, spirituality, and artistic expression. Fortune in Pisces highlights the potential for success in matters relating to these areas. Approach your endeavors with an open and compassionate heart and seek opportunities where you can give back or help others. By tapping into empathy, compassion, and the soulful quality of Pisces, you can attract opportunities that are rooted in emotional connection and service. Use your gift for intuition to take on different ventures and opportunities, and success will come to you.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 9 months
Harnessing the Energy of the Part of Fortune in Each House 🌟✨
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The Part of Fortune, a celestial point in your birth chart, illuminates areas of well-being and potential abundance. Here's how to tap into its energy in each house:
**1st House - Self-Expression and Identity**: 🌈 Embrace your unique self and lead with authenticity. Cultivate personal growth and confidence for a bright path ahead.
**2nd House - Material Stability and Values**: 💰 Nurture talents and skills to build a secure foundation. Manifest abundance by aligning with your core values.
**3rd House - Communication and Learning**: 📚 Connect, learn, and share knowledge. Engage with your local community and express yourself creatively.
**4th House - Home and Family**: 🏡 Find solace in family bonds and create a nurturing sanctuary. Root yourself in emotional well-being.
**5th House - Creativity and Joy**: 🎨 Embrace your creative spark and experience the joy of self-expression. Let your inner child play freely.
**6th House - Health and Service**: 💪 Prioritize well-being routines and meaningful service. Achieve fulfillment through self-improvement.
**7th House - Partnerships and Relationships**: 👫 Foster balanced connections and harmonious partnerships. Collaborate for mutual growth.
**8th House - Transformation and Intimacy**: 🔮 Dive into emotional depths, catalyzing personal transformation and profound connections.
**9th House - Expansion and Exploration**: ✈️ Seek enlightenment through knowledge, travel, and broadening horizons. Find purpose in life's adventures.
**10th House - Career and Public Image**: 🏢 Aim for professional success and a positive reputation. Lead with authority and impact.
**11th House - Community and Goals**: 🌐 Connect with kindred spirits for shared aspirations. Contribute to collective goals and social causes.
**12th House - Spirituality and Inner Growth**: 🌌 Delve into your subconscious, fostering spiritual growth and intuitive wisdom.
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saylessastrology · 8 months
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Part Of Fortune - Where You’re The Most Lucky 💰😝🍀
In astrology, the Part of Fortune, also known as the Lot of Fortune, holds great significance. It is a highly sensitive point in the birth chart that reveals the area of life where you can find harmony, success, and abundance. Calculated based on the ascendant, the Sun, and the Moon, the Part of Fortune reflects the essence of your being. When you are aligned with your Part of Fortune, you experience a sense of joy and fulfillment. Consider it your personal pot of gold in the natal chart! ⚜️🔑
The Mystical 12th House: Unveiling the Secrets of the Part of Fortune
The twelfth house in astrology is often associated with mystery and spiritual depths. It represents the subconscious mind, hidden talents, and the unseen forces that shape our lives. When the Part of Fortune resides in the twelfth house, it takes on a special significance. This placement suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in exploring your inner world and connecting with the spiritual realm. It is through introspection, meditation, and embracing your intuition that you can unlock the treasures of the Part of Fortune in the 12th house.
In this house, the Part of Fortune invites you to dive deep into your subconscious mind and unravel the secrets that lie within. It is a call to explore your dreams, fantasies, and spiritual practices. By delving into the realms of the unknown, you can tap into your hidden potential and unleash your creativity. The Part of Fortune in the twelfth house invites you to trust in the guidance of your intuition and find solace in the mystical dimensions of life.
The 11th House: Fortune and Luck Through Community and Networking
The eleventh house in astrology is associated with friendships, social networks, and group activities. It represents the communities we belong to and the connections we form with others. When the Part of Fortune resides in the eleventh house, it indicates that your luck and good fortune are closely tied to your ability to network, collaborate, and build strong relationships.
Having the Part of Fortune in the eleventh house suggests that your path to success lies in working together with others towards a common goal. It is through the support and encouragement of your friends and social circle that you can achieve prosperity. This placement highlights the importance of community and the power of collective efforts. Embrace opportunities to join forces with like-minded individuals and tap into the collective wisdom and resources available to you.
Activating the Part of Fortune in the 10th House: Success and Recognition in the Public Eye
The tenth house in astrology is associated with career, public image, and professional achievements. It represents our ambitions, aspirations, and the legacy we leave behind. When the Part of Fortune resides in the tenth house, it signifies
that your path to prosperity and success lies in the public sphere. This placement suggests that you have the potential to achieve great things and gain recognition for your work.
To activate the Part of Fortune in the tenth house, it is crucial to align your career path with your true calling and passion. Find a vocation that allows you to express your unique talents and make a meaningful contribution to society. Embrace leadership opportunities and strive for excellence in your chosen field. By establishing a strong professional reputation and gaining the respect of your peers, you can unlock the full potential of the Part of Fortune in the tenth house.
The Expansive 9th House: Discovering Fortune Through Knowledge and Exploration
The ninth house in astrology is associated with higher education, philosophy, spirituality, and travel. It represents our quest for meaning, truth, and personal growth. When the Part of Fortune resides in the ninth house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in expanding your horizons, both intellectually and spiritually.
Having the Part of Fortune in the ninth house invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Seek out opportunities to deepen your knowledge, whether through formal education, self-study, or travel. Embrace different cultures, belief systems, and perspectives. By broadening your understanding of the world, you can tap into new opportunities and unlock the abundance that awaits you.
Unlocking the Secrets of the 8th House: Prosperity Through Transformation and Intimacy
The eighth house in astrology is often associated with transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional connections. It represents the realms of intimacy, sexuality, and the mysteries of life and death. When the Part of Fortune resides in the eighth house, it holds profound significance. This placement suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in embracing transformation and cultivating deep emotional connections with others.
To unlock the secrets of the Part of Fortune in the eighth house, it is essential to release any fears or attachments that hold you back. Embrace the process of transformation and allow yourself to experience deep emotional intimacy. By sharing resources, knowledge, and experiences with others, you can tap into the unlimited abundance that the eighth house represents. Trust in the power of vulnerability and the profound connections that can be forged through trust and authenticity.
Prosperity and Abundance: Exploring the Part of Fortune in the 7th House
The seventh house in astrology is associated with partnerships, marriage, and significant relationships. It represents the qualities we seek in a partner and the dynamics of our one-on-one connections. When the Part of Fortune resides in the seventh house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in cultivating harmonious and balanced relationships.
Having the Part of Fortune in the seventh house invites you to prioritize your partnerships and collaborations. Seek out mutually beneficial relationships that support your personal growth and professional endeavors. Embrace cooperation, compromise, and open communication. By nurturing healthy and supportive connections, you can tap into the abundance that flows through harmonious relationships.
The Practical 6th House: Fortune Through Service and Well-being
The sixth house in astrology is associated with work, health, and daily routines. It represents our attitude towards service, self-improvement, and the practical aspects of life. When the Part of Fortune resides in the sixth house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in taking care of your physical well-being and finding fulfillment through service to others.
To activate the Part of Fortune in the sixth house, prioritize your health and well-being. Establish healthy routines and habits that support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Find joy in helping others and seek out opportunities to contribute your skills and expertise to make a positive impact. By aligning your daily activities with your values and focusing on self-improvement, you can unlock the abundance that the Part of Fortune in the sixth house offers.
The Part of Fortune: A Treasure Trove in the 5th House
The fifth house in astrology is often associated with creativity, self-expression, and joy. It represents our passions, hobbies, and the pursuit of pleasure. When the Part of Fortune resides in the fifth house, it holds great significance. This placement suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in embracing your creative talents and finding joy in self-expression.
To tap into the abundance of the Part of Fortune in the fifth house, prioritize activities that bring you joy and allow you to express your unique creativity. Explore your artistic side, engage in hobbies that ignite your passion, and embrace opportunities for self-expression. By following your heart's desires and infusing your life with joy and playfulness, you
can unlock the treasures of the Part of Fortune in the fifth house.
Unleashing Prosperity: The Part of Fortune in the 4th House
The fourth house in astrology is associated with home, family, and our roots. It represents our sense of security, emotional well-being, and the foundation upon which we build our lives. When the Part of Fortune resides in the fourth house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in creating a nurturing and supportive home environment.
To unleash the prosperity of the Part of Fortune in the fourth house, prioritize your emotional well-being and create a strong foundation for yourself and your loved ones. Cultivate a sense of security and stability in your home life. Embrace your roots and honor your family traditions. By creating a harmonious and nurturing home environment, you can tap into the abundance that the Part of Fortune in the fourth house offers.
The Part of Fortune in the 3rd House: Fortune Through Communication and Learning
The third house in astrology is associated with communication, learning, and the exchange of ideas. It represents our intellectual pursuits, curiosity, and the way we communicate with others. When the Part of Fortune resides in the third house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in harnessing the power of words and knowledge.
To unlock the treasures of the Part of Fortune in the third house, prioritize communication and learning. Embrace opportunities to expand your knowledge, whether through formal education, reading, or engaging in meaningful conversations. Develop your communication skills and seek out platforms to share your ideas with others. By becoming a master of words and leveraging your intellectual prowess, you can unlock the abundance that the Part of Fortune in the third house offers.
The 2nd House: Unveiling the Wealth of the Part of Fortune
The second house in astrology is often associated with money, possessions, and our values. It represents our relationship with material abundance and the resources we have at our disposal. When the Part of Fortune resides in the second house, it holds great significance. This placement suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in aligning your values with your financial goals.
To unlock the wealth of the Part of Fortune in the second house, it is crucial to cultivate a healthy relationship with money and possessions. Define your values and prioritize what truly matters to you. Embrace a mindset of abundance and gratitude for the resources you have. By aligning your financial goals with your core values and making conscious choices about how you use your resources, you can tap into the unlimited wealth that the Part of Fortune in the second house offers.
Embracing the Path to Prosperity: The Part of Fortune in the 1st House
The first house in astrology is associated with the self, our identity, and the way we present ourselves to the world. It represents our physical appearance, personal style, and the way we assert ourselves. When the Part of Fortune resides in the first house, it suggests that your path to prosperity and success lies in embracing and expressing your true self.
To embrace the path to prosperity offered by the Part of Fortune in the first house, prioritize self-discovery and self- expression. Embrace your unique qualities and celebrate your individuality. Cultivate self-confidence and assertiveness. By being true to yourself and expressing your authentic self in all areas of life, you can unlock the abundance that the Part of Fortune in the first house offers.
Calculate Your Pot of Fortune: https://cafeastrology.com/partoffortune.html
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beyonsatan · 10 months
So what is the part of fortune in astrology you may ask? 💁‍♀️(Check below for more info)
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So you might've heard that the part of fortune in our chart shows us where we experience luck and that it's how we can become rich by embodying the traits of the sign its in, well...not quite, that's taking away the traits of jupiter, so if you wanna know more about that look at your jupiter placement by sign, house and aspects. The part of fortune can NOT tell you how you can become richer and successful in life, in fact the part of fortune and the sign its in shows us the fortunate circumstances we might experience/encounter in our life. Sign, aspect and house placement can all color how this placement plays out. Ps: I don't associate the zodiac signs with things that are objectively good or bad like westerner astrologers do. I won't say "pof is libra and Libra rules venus so that means your circumstances are good and you'll experience venus things 🥰😍😜🤪" or "pof is in capricorn and capricorn is ruled by saturn so that means your circumstances are bad, evil and restricting, you'll experience saturn things😤🥺😫😣" not only is that misleading but it's also too surface level for me to operate. The signs don't just get their meanings from their rulers, they also get their meanings from the way we live our lives, the everyday things we do like taking care of ourselves(taurus), going to work(capricorn), fighting for a cause(aquarius), being in a relationship (libra) ect. EX: Pof in capricorn can ACTUALLY talk about experiencing alot of fortunate circumstances in your career and this can be amplified for you if it sits next to or conjunct planets like venus or jupiter. Saturn conjunct the POF will NOT mean the same thing as having POF in capricorn and the sign its in won't tell you everything because a challenging aspect can dramatically change how it plays out
Here are some challenging POF placements that talk about unfavorable circumstances:
POF in the 6th 8th or 12th house (unless making some favorable aspects to luminaries or benefics)
POF conjunct or in challenging aspect to Mars or Saturn( unless POF ruler is in the 5th or 11th house)
Here are some favorable POF placements that talk about fortunate circumstances:
Part of fortune aspecting venus
Part of fortune aspecting jupiter
Part of fortune in the 5th or 11th house
Planet that rules the Part of fortune in the 5th or 11th house/in aspect to venus or jupiter
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The part of fortune can describe things that might feel fated in our lives, like they were meant to happen in order to either provide us challenges or make our lives easier. I really hate to break everyones facade about the POF but it isn't especially easy or good for everyone but this is just my perspective as a traditional astrologer and what i learned, hope this helps xx
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
⭐️⭐️⭐️I think it’s really interesting how astrology as a topic “divides” people and it’s not a regular conversation topic since astrology is represented by Neptune and Uranus or 12th and 11th house. So it’s like people talk more about astrology online (11th house) or on distant media aka the internet (12th house). Since I lot people in the past told me that they don’t have friends that they can discuss astrology with or that none of their real life friends is interested in it. I see it now how astrology as a whole is really so much more connected with 11th and 12th house.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ People that have a lot of Taurus placements in their natal chart are truly born with innate sense of beauty and aesthetics. Even as kids they would not eat their porridge if the plate was not clean and had smudges of dirt on the edges. They really eat only food that is pleasing to their eye otherwise they lose appetite or might not eat it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think I hacked Juno sign and house and the role that it has in your natal chart. Often people might not fully resonate with that sign as their future spouse, ideal long-term partner. Let’s say you are a Taurus Sun and you have Gemini Juno in the 7th house. And you might not even stand Gemini Suns. But you have to look at the SIGN OVER YOUR 3RD HOUSE. And you see that you have Taurus over your 3rd house. This represent that your partner will actually be a Taurus Sun and not really Gemini Sun.
⭐️⭐️⭐️People with placements that match with your Part of Fortune sign and house bring SO much VALUE in your life. You literally see those people as “they are worth big money”. So if you have Sagittarius POF in the 1st house, you VALUE GREATLY Sagittarius and Aries Sun people. They add so much more value to your life. And you always feel kind of RICH when you are spending time with them. Almost like time spent with them is priceless to you.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I noticed Lilith conjunctions are similar to 8th house overlay synastry. I still don’t fully know why, but it brings so much power struggle. Often you might not want to give in to Sun sign of your Lilith sign. You have Virgo Lilith and you feel this deep attraction/fascination with Virgo Sun, but still something in you doesn’t want to give in to them. Almost like you are aware that you are attracted to them, want to even seduce them, but in the end you are still not sure about them, like you are not completely comfortable with their energy or don’t understand it fully.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I came across so many Scorpio Risings that have some sort of unpleasant, negative experiences with math. Are you guys okay? They are just not good at it or really dislike it. But like usually it’s just math that’s really negative for them.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Also, another Scorpio Rising one. They seem to really mesh well with Sagittarius Sun people. I noticed a lot of them are even married to Sagittarius Sun. Like Justin Bieber, a Scorpio Rising is married to Sagittarius Sun Hailey Baldwin Bieber. Chris Pratt has been married to Anna Faris, a Sagittarius Sun. And now he is married to another Sagittarius Sun Anna Schwarzenegger. And I was really thinking “but why??”.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Can someone explain the fascination between Cancer Sun man and a Sagittarius Sun or Aries Sun woman? Honestly because I don’t know either🤷🏼‍♀️ I noticed so many marriages between Cancer and Aries or Sagittarius Sun too. And it’s not looking good bruv, it’s not looking good. 😂😅 I get that both love to travel and expand the horizons and that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. But I personally think it’s so bad in the long-term, since it results in a lot of conflict, usually coming from Sagittarius, Aries Sun. And when it comes to Aries Sun I’m clueless why would this match so well with Cancer Sun. I guess they are both a forever child? 🤔 Don’t even let me start on Cancer Sun with Leo Sun…
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Libra and Taurus Moons often promote perfumes, beauty products, cosmetics, make up, jewellery or work with a clothing brand. They are always involved with fashion and beauty.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Aries Moons and Aries Mars are the worst at admitting they made a wrong decision in their life, whether this is romantic partnership, job, career, their studies, friends. Because they hate admitting defeat. Even if they lose, they would STILL try to make it seem like that was their choice all along.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You can’t even imagine how your username on here really reveals your Sun sign. I noticed Pisces Suns usually have a ship name, the words dream, mystic, peace in their name or a fictional character’s name. Aries Sun often has fire, lit, rage, run in their name. Cancer Sun has baby, bb, babe, crabs in their username.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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starsworldd · 11 months
Part of fortune and uranus in 1st house in solar return??
uranus conjunct pof in solar return in 1st house: ⭐️
hello! this can indicate a year where you are making changes in the way you perceive the world and how you take action in life. your rebellious/creative attitude could be an asset to you this year because it could allow you to pursue and go after opportunities that you hadn’t before: could also indicate changes to your physical appearance as well! hope this helps <3
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mamamoon92 · 2 years
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
May 21 Gemini Season, double trouble, words have power
May 21 Gemini Sun-Pluto Rx Trine today brings new insights into undercover dealings-money, power, secrets. New communication in revolutionary ways- ChatGPT. Meeting mysterious, sexy people or bots on dating apps. Your words have immense power. Gemini Season is a double trouble. May 21, Sun enters Gemini @ 12:09 am PDT/ 3:09 am EDT/ 7:09 pm GMT Sidney Hall / Public domain Ruled by the fancy…
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hey im here for the coupl moodboard?
Pronouns: She/her
My placements: Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Aires Ascendant, Cancer Venus, Gemini Mars, part of fortune is in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn.
His placements: Aires sun, Aquarius moon, Gemini ascendant, Pisces venus, Pisces Mars, part of fortune is in Aires, and Pluto in Capricorn
Uh... dunno if this applies but please use any colts you see fit.
Thank you!
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Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Aries Ascendant, Cancer Venus, Gemini Mars, Part of Fortune is in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn x Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Gemini ascendant, Pisces Venus, Pisces Mars, Part of Fortune is in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn
Warm, fiery, sweet, wild.
Pictures used
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
Fun fact you really cant make money off of PoF... the dating site i mean
However money doesn’t make the world go round, its respect. And people just happen to respect money. 
Also i may have fibbed and posted the Part of Fortune post before the North Node one. I just think its important to talk about it. 
Fortune also doesn’t mean money. People just make that connection for some reason. 
Money also isn’t the root of all evil. It’s what people do to gain it and how they treat others with it. 
I’m done being an annoying philosophical fibber. Check the post out please, also reblogs, t!ps, and comments help a lot :)  
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temothybrown · 2 years
Male Scorpio in Love
A Scorpio man who is in love tends to get overly attached and cling to his spouse. He believes that a relationship is either with "the one" or it isn't, and he will never settle for anything less than what he knows is best for him. If his lover ignites his heart, there is a greater likelihood that his love will turn to hate than that it would wane or vanish since his feelings are strong and difficult to change once they are there. He would approach you with intensity and frequently brush off the sensitive aspects of your feelings, as if it were expected of him to hide his vulnerability. Scorpio men are incredibly compassionate and intuitive when truly strong emotions are present.
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lorrainetraw · 2 years
21 Manifestations Of Aquarius Man's Love For You
You might want to research a man before committing to him if he is an Aquarius man. You may learn more about an Aquarius man in love from our post. He is wise and charismatic by nature, to begin with. He is frequently seen lost in his thoughts and doesn't hold back while expressing them. He occasionally might astound you with his original and forward-thinking outlook on life. Although it could take them some time to open up to you since they are serious thinkers, Aquarius guys end up being the best friends you could ever hope to have. Read on for the unmistakable indications that an Aquarius man is in love if you want to know what his intentions are.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 9 months
A General Guide to Harnessing the Energy of the Part of Fortune in Each Sign 🌟
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Part One
♈ Aries: The Part of Fortune in Aries suggests that taking initiative, being bold, and embracing new opportunities can lead to financial success. Consider ventures that require leadership, pioneering ideas, and a willingness to take risks. 🚀💰
♉ Taurus: The Part of Fortune in Taurus indicates that cultivating stability, patience, and persistence can bring financial rewards. Invest in areas related to beauty, luxury, real estate, or practical resources to build a steady income stream. 🏡💎
♊ Gemini: The Part of Fortune in Gemini encourages communication and networking as avenues to make money. Explore opportunities in writing, speaking, teaching, or using your adaptability to connect with a diverse range of people. 📚🗣️
♋ Cancer: The Part of Fortune in Cancer suggests focusing on nurturing and caring professions. Real estate, hospitality, and ventures that involve emotional connections can be profitable. Your ability to create a comfortable environment can attract financial success. 🏠🌼
♌ Leo: The Part of Fortune in Leo thrives on creativity, self-expression, and entertainment. Pursue endeavors that allow you to shine, whether in the arts, performance, or leadership roles, to generate income. 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: The Part of Fortune in Virgo emphasizes service, attention to detail, and problem-solving. Utilize your analytical skills in fields like healthcare, technology, or organizational management to create financial opportunities. 📊🔍
Remember that while the Part of Fortune provides insights, it's just one factor in your astrological chart. It's essential to consider your entire birth chart, including other relevant factors like planetary placements, aspects, and transits, when making financial decisions. Consulting with a professional astrologer can offer a more personalized and comprehensive analysis of your financial potential based on your birth chart. 🔮📈
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christianamigue · 2 years
They understand each other's requirements well; Leo needs to continually be cherished and complimented while Scorpio demands respect and to be wanted. They are both fiercely possessive of one another and incredibly loyal. Each partner in this love union is capable of providing for the other while appreciating the other's advantages.
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tulorom · 2 years
Relationship and marriage compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces
Even though they have opposing behavioral qualities, Capricorn and Pisces are incredibly compatible because those traits enable them establish a strong bond. Pisces is sensitive, artistic, and emotional, whereas Capricorn is practical, stable, and grounded. Capricorn is strengthened by Pisces, and Pisces is stabilized by Capricorn. They complement one another in a variety of ways.
However, their initial dedication to the bond will have a big impact on how well their relationship works out. If both parties are on the same page, it can only succeed. Their different ways of thinking can cause some friction and disagreement in the early stages of the partnership between Pisces and Capricorn. Only when they are willing to talk honestly and are willing to make some modifications and concessions for the relationship's sake will these tensions in the relationship start to lessen. We go into great detail on the love, friendship, and sex compatibility between Pisces and Capricorn in this post. Continue to scroll!
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🌧🌧🌧
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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Mentions of s*x
🌧 Scorpio Mercury has a dynamic, relationship with a sibling that can go either way. I’ve seen a lot of times there can be sibling rivalry, competition for best grades, who will have the best degree, even who will have more attention from parents. Even later in life, I often see these people drifting away from their sibling due to past issues that they didn’t work through and holding resentment toward each other. They can be blame, putting guilt on each other and overall pointing fingers at each other. Sometimes this also rings true for Pluto in the 3rd house people.
🌧 Mars in the 8th house often loves buying lingerie, new underwear, bras etc.
🌧 Scorpio Mercury is always worried about money even when financial stable. It’s always in the back of their mind.
🌧 If you have Gemini IC, Saturn in the 2nd house or Capricorn Moon you might have not been properly nourished when younger.
🌧 Capricorn Moons are really stingy which is not surprising. They often buy only the basic necessities even when they are older and financially stable.
🌧 My sympathy goes out for Pisces Mars women. They attract people (especially romantic partners, but even friends and co-workers) who treat them as their own personal therapist. 😬
🌧 However, more often I noticed Pisces Venus are the opposite. THEY are the people that vent to their friends and romantic partners and “use” others to just listen to them. I guess they just want someone to truly listen to them and tries to understand their perspective.
🌧 Hear me out, but I came to a semi-conclusion that 8th house overlays might not point to marriage despite 8th house showing married life. So I think that maybe is better if you don’t end up marrying those who put their planets in your 8th house.
🌧 I also believe that people who fall into your 8th house show you your TALENTS. And they are veryy much inspired by you.
🌧 Part of Fortune in Scorpio is a great placement if you want to get money with sex. 😂
🌧 Mercury in the 2nd house always look for discounts. They might only buy clothes or food if it’s on sale.
🌧 Also, often Mercury in the 2nd house buys groceries from MANY different stores. Like they buy milk from that store, they get vegetables at other, bread at another store etc.
🌧 If you have Aries Part of Fortune or POF in the 1st house, you might make money from a self-made business, like a jewellery line or a side hustle.
🌧 Aries Sun Capricorn Moons are savage. Like they really don’t have a hard time saying no.
🌧 Gemini Lilith means that your siblings and close friends, people from your area can very much embody Lilith energy.
🌧 I’m starting to think that if you’re a Scorpio Rising or Scorpio Moon you are automatically interested in astrology. 😅
🌧 Capricorn Moon, Saturn in the 2nd house may eat certain foods even after their expiry date.
🌧 7th house sign and planets show what you have to work on in order to be in a committed partnership. Gemini over the 7th house shows you need to work on your communication, showing up and not procrastinate and stick to mutual plans that you made with someone. Libra over the 7th house shows you need to learn equal give and take. And how not to be “my way or high way” in your approach to relationships.
🌧 Having Pisces in the 8th house might have you distorted vision of your body. Even more so if you also have Mars in the 8th house too or Mars Neptune conjunction in the 8th house. You might also be sexually manipulative. Like the type to think you can make someone commit to you, be in a relationship with you by having sex with them.
🌧 I noticed you might connect well with people that share the same synastry overlays as you have it with your parents. For example: if you are a woman and you have 1st house and 3rd house synastry overlay with your father, you might have really good relationship with a person that you also have 1st and 3rd house overlays in synastry with. If you have 6th house and 7th house overlay with your mother, you could connect well with people that you have 6th and 7th house synastry with.
🌧 A lot of Scorpio Ascendants have Virgo Mars, which makes their duality even stronger. The bubbly behaviour and the opposite self-controlled, reserved polar self.
🌧 Virgo Venus, Venus in the 6th house has hard time having unconditional love towards themselves. They always see themselves as a “work in progress”, so they are never fully content with the current version of themselves.
🌧 Gemini IC and Gemini Moons might have “two mothers”, a mother and a stepmother. Someone in your family could also be a part of LGBTQ+ community.
🌧 It’s interesting for family relations, I noticed a lot of times the signs, planets in your 4th house don’t correspond to Sun sign of your parents when you live with them. Most often I noticed 3RDand 6TH house signs and planets show the SUN sign of your parents. Because these are people you see or talk on a daily basis (3rd and 6th house). For example: you have Jupiter in the 3rd house and your father is Sagittarius Sun and you have Taurus over your 6th house and your mother is a Taurus Sun.
🌧 Capricorn Venus might often demand from their partner a lot of things. But when they do it, they still complain or make feel their partner like their are not enough. This Capricorn behaviour usually stems from them not feeling fully complete in themselves.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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