#fundy played it at one point or another! maybe also ranboo
a-moth-called-mof · 1 year
Okay so I was going through old drafts and I found this one from MARCH 26TH 2021 AND MAN.
I feel like the Dream SMP is one of those things where you have to have been there to fully experience and enjoy it. I'm not saying people 5 years from now won't be able to watch all the VODs and enjoy/understand the story. I'm just saying I don't think people 5 years from now will fully be able to appreciate and experience what makes the Dream SMP so good. To be put it simply, I think one of the things that makes the Dream SMP so good is the ability to watch the story unfold in real time and find things out at the same time as the characters. Watching VODs is cool and works great if you can't watch certain streams live but watching events or plot point play out live is such a unique, immersive experience
Another thing that makes it more enjoyable for me personally is just how fleshed out all the characters are and how all these different stories and arcs are happening at the same time(although that does make it hard to keep up with sometimes lol). Or how you can watch different/multiple POVs to get a better understanding of a situation or gain information/insight that some other viewers might not know from watching a specific POV. Unfortunately I feel like people in the future will probably stick to watching only Tommy or Techno's or maybe Ranboo's POV, which is a shame because it means they'll probably not fully understanding/miss out on the Pet War, C! Niki's arc, C! Jack Manifold's arc, THE ENTIRETY OF C! FUNDY'S CHARACTER(rip), the slow rise of the Eggpire, C! Eret's redemption arc(also C! Eret as a whole), El Rapids, the Badlands in general, Dreamon Hunters, *insert most canon romantic relationships*, C! Hannah existing, C! Puffy's backstory and so much more.
I mean this is already kind of happening
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emi-writings · 8 months
with all due respect, im not sure I follow your reasoning behind “CC!SBI doesn’t exist”. C!SBI I can understand and agree with, but SBI as a concept extends far beyond just ‘a joke one of them made while tired’?
the core of who is or isn’t “SBI” is pretty solely tied to MCC4, where they promised tommy that if they won he could be added to SBI. This shows, one, that it’s a label they at least use with one another (thus it isn’t just some ‘fandom’ invention with no basis), and two, established who was in SBI— Tommy had to be “formally” added, and since no one else was then the group remains “”exclusive””. Since then they’ve used the term to refer to that group of 4 many times (such as various 4/4 jokes, Techno’s gravity mod video being referred to as a ‘sleepy bois recording’ when being made, etc)
I definitely believe that SBI has multiplie associated CCs, such as Niki, Tubbo, Jack, etc— and I personally don’t care if ppl call them SBI as well! — but others may indeed be more shocked by that because SBI, the 4/4, in terms of the CCs, ….IS a pretty established thing?
I don’t want this message to come across as like. Aggressive or defensive, so I apologize if it has, but I’m just confused as to your own statement because it just seems Factually Incorrect to me— the roles they play may vary, but the people included are pretty clearly defined. Could you maybe clarify more?
So, I watch a lot of Philza streams, including the hardcore streams. And Phil has mentioned, multiple times, that the SBI term is unofficial. Yes, they acknowledge it and are aware of it, but Phil has repeated multiple times that it isn’t official. He’s said so before and after MCC4 (and honestly, do you really think they really would have banned Tommy from "exclusive SBI events" if they had lost?).
The whole SBI thing started out because Phil, Techno and Wilbur all thought that the idea of sending some random picture of a fish on twitter was funny, and Phil decided that maybe the fans should get at least some kind of context, so sent a message he thought was funny. But again, he has stated that it’s not an official term.
And a lot "SBI 4/4" things are made at the expense of fans (the Philza stream where they all kept leaving and joining, the Technoblade Twitch stream with a TommyInnit jumpscare at the end, etc).
It is a fan term. That doesn’t mean that it’s less valid. Especially since they do all care about their fans, so they do acknowledge it as something their fans want.
I feel like I have more to say about this, but I am also very eepy and capitalism is a hellscape. So.
My main point wasn’t even really about SBI, just about how on multiple websites (Tumblr, Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter), things are tagged as SBI and feature other CCs or Cs, but no one has made a fuss about them (like Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy), but I add Niki in the mix and that’s were the line is.
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Dream SMP Recap (April 25/2021) - The Red Banquet
The day has finally come.
All the preparations have been completed. The invitations have been sent out. Everything has been leading up to this moment, and the Eggpire is ready to make their move.
It’s time for the Red Banquet.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- Puffy walks around on the surface. Everything is prepared, the armor is where it should be. She hopes everything will go well.
- Everyone is dressed up for the occasion (except George). Hannah, Niki, Fundy, Eret, George and HBomb are all there.
- Bad says hello to Ponk in the Egg Room. Ponk tells him that no one has arrived yet. Antfrost greets them by the entrance and they go up the stairs to find Niki waiting. 
- Puffy and the other guests soon enter the room as well. Antfrost points them towards a coat room where they can put all their items. Foolish arrives with the Rolexes. They drink some cider, head to the dance floor and play some tunes.
- Bad comes over and greets Puffy. Foolish informs Bad that he peed on the Egg. Sam also has a dumpy and HBomb has two of Fundy’s cocks. 
- Antfrost goes off to speak with Ponk alone and check for some last guests. They watch as George arrives.
Ant: “He looks sort of lost, but that’s okay -- we welcome everybody here.”
Ponk: “Hold up...I don’t know...hmm. Hmm...”
Ant: “I mean, he looks harmless enough.”
Ponk: “We need to get a real good look at him first. Quickly.”
Ponk: “I don’t know what that’s about.”
Ant: “I don’t know. Well, we’ll just keep an eye on him.”
Ponk: “Yeah...”
- They then go speak to HBomb and Niki. H hasn’t stopped dancing
HBomb: “I’m doing my best impersonation of a white dad.”
Ant: “Did you guys notice that the guy over there -- George -- just sort of wandered in? He seems sort of lost.”
Ponk: “I feel like he’s hiding something.”
- From the walls, Ranboo in a shadowy outfit can be seen watching. 
- HBomb is the DJ.
- Bad comes over to say that dinner is ready. Bad tells Puffy that they have shrimp cocktails and they all go to sit at the table. Some people are in jail and weren’t able to attend. Ponk cooked all the food.
- Bad welcomes the guests to give toasts to the meal.
First up is Foolish, who says that he hopes that after today, nobody has to say “turn a new leaf” or “let bygones be bygones” ever again. Everyone has come here in agreement in the hope of something new.
Next is Eret. 
Eret: “As the monarch of the SMP, it’s awesome to be able to maybe see the SMP going back to being reunified again, and seeing all of us not have to worry about fighting each other on different sides. I hope this is a new chapter of the entire community as a whole. Cheers to that.”
Then Ponk steps up. Long ago, an old, wise man told him “People change like the tides in the ocean.” Now he truly knows they do.
Puffy steps forward. Bad and Antfrost, she considers as friends, and the Egg has separated them. She hopes this brings them all together and makes the server more peaceful. 
George was asleep twenty minutes ago. He asks about the soup. Ponk says it’s made from organic, free-range beets.
Finally, Bad says he appreciates everyone coming. This is the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together and let bygones be bygones. To set aside past issues to grow and advance forward, even with the wrongs that have been done. 
- He nods to Antfrost, who breaks a block behind them, revealing a button. Antfrost presses it.
Bad: “I was very, very happy that we were able to gather everybody here together for what is, I’m sure, going to be a banquet that none of us are ever going...to...forget.”
- Lava starts pouring down from the ceiling, walling them in.
Bad: “Yep. Prepare to die.”
- Everyone panics. 
- Puffy tells Bad that she didn’t trust the Eggpire anyway, and planned for this. She removes the cover from the table and looks into the chest -- it’s empty.
- They watch as the Eggpire members all don the diamond armor that Puffy and Sam had prepared. Hannah says she had to do it, had to tell them. For the Egg.
- Sam says that he had another plan, because he didn’t trust the Eggpire. He’s tired of all this fighting, and it’s about time that they blow up the Egg for good this time.
- Sam flicks the TNT lever and the explosives rain down on the Egg. When they explode, though, the Egg turns into crying obsidian instead of getting destroyed, reverting back to normal Egg blocks after a few seconds.
- After Quackity’s attack, Bad and the others took preparations to make sure that the Egg wouldn’t be vulnerable to TNT anymore. Now, it’s time for the executions.
Bad: “You see, the Egg needs something, and it’s gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the Egg to hatch, it needs energy. And it gets that energy by people dying near it. And that’s the role that you guys are gonna fill! We’re gonna kill you, one by one--”
Eret: “You’re a monster.”
Bad: “What’d you say, Eret?”
Eret: “You’re an absolute monster. How could you. We all trusted you, Bad!”
Ponk: “Trust! Okay, Eret. Keep talking. Keep talking about trust.”
Eret: “...That was a long time ago.”
- Bad says that Eret is the perfect person to sacrifice first! He leads Eret to a spot in front of the Egg lined with Netherite blocks.
- Foolish steps forward, saying he’s had enough. The Egg can shield itself against TNT, but can it withstand lightning?
- Nothing happens. Bad laughs.
Bad: “You really thought, Foolish? You thought you could enter the Egg’s domain and beat it in a battle of power? Come on...you’re in the Egg’s territory, Foolish.”
- The Egg is suppressing Foolish. Ant suggests they start with Foolish instead and take Eret’s life later.
- Puffy steps forward. She and Antfrost shout at each other. Puffy says she gave them chance after chance. Antfrost says that Puffy betrayed them first.
Ant: “Foolish, your own son, is about to be slaughtered because of you!”
Puffy: “I’m only one person!”
Foolish: “Puffy, Puffy, it’s okay, it’s not your fault--”
Puffy: “NO! It’s not alright!”
Ant: “Puffy, you could have stopped this if you had stayed with the Eggpire. But this is your fault.”
- Antfrost kills Foolish with a sword.
Cause: Sacrificed by Antfrost to the Egg
- Everyone screams in horror. The Eggpire wonders who to kill next.
- Suddenly, Quackity shouts at them to stop and drops into the room. He tells Bad to calm down. He puts on diamond armor.
- Quackity tells them they’ve just killed a man, asking if this is what they wanted. Bad tells him that he’s doing all this for the Egg, for what the Egg can give them.
Quackity: “I’m telling you, Bad, you’re a pawn to power. You’re nobody, Bad. You’re working for something that, quite frankly, doesn’t even care about you. I mean look at the Egg, look at the Egg! Look at what it means! It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything, Bad. So how about...how about we just stop playing games.”
- As Quackity monologues, he subtly slips Puffy a Netherite axe, potion of strength and a golden apple.
- Bad can’t stop, or else he can’t get what he needs. 
Bad: “Guess what, Quackity. If you wanted to stop us, you should’ve brought more than just yourself. You should’ve brought an army.”
Quackity: “Guess what, Bad? I did! I did. In fact, I brought the next best thing...I brought my biggest enemy!”
- Technoblade logs on and drops into the room, his hoard of dogs following.
- Not only that...Quackity also went looking across the lands for the best mercenary he could find. Purpled drops into the room as well.
Bad: “We HIRED you to take out Puffy, and you join the enemy’s side?!”
Purpled: “Bad, to be frank with you, Quackity just had the better price.”
- Techno explains that he didn’t want to work with Quackity, but the Egg is too great a danger to the server and it’s against everything he stands for.
- Suddenly, Puffy jumps forward with her axe, attacking Ant. The Eggpire is shocked that she has a weapon.
Puffy: “You’ve taken my kindness for weakness, Antfrost!”
Cause: Killed by Puffy with an axe
- A fight breaks out. Bad shouts for the remaining Eggpire members to retreat. They run out. Quackity orders Purpled to go track them down.
- Bad leads the Eggpire out. They can regroup later. For now, they have to run. They have to split up. They can’t get caught, they have to stay safe and go as fast as they can.
- Alone, Bad thinks to himself.
Bad: “This is such a trainwreck. This whole plan...everything was for this moment! And it’s gone! They -- they have the Egg now...they have it. What can I do? I can’t do anything! I need to get out of here. I need resources...”
“Wait, I know where I can go. I know who I can see...but the Egg, the Egg is -- it’s in their possession right now. What can I do? What can I do against it? I can’t do anything, they have it! I needed the Egg, I needed...I needed what it was gonna give. It was gonna help me get what I wanted, but now they have it...they have it...I just...I just wanted what...I just wanted what it could give me.”
“I didn’t really -- I didn’t really want to hurt anybody. I just wanted what it could give me, but...I don’t know. Did I screw up? Am I in the wrong here? I don’t know...I just need to go. I need to get out of here.”
- Bad starts rowing away into the ocean.
- Quackity asks Sam what to do next. The Egg is invincible.
- Purpled lost them in the labyrinth. Sam says he’ll build a prison for the Egg if he has to. He wants to find a way to destroy it, but for now they need to lock it away where it can’t be accessed.
- Quackity makes sure everyone is alright. They then exit the room through the whole in the wall. Quackity tells Techno to come with him and Sam to talk. They leave the others to escape the rest of the way.
- They make it to the surface, relieved. HBomb hands them all soup to remember the event by.
- Puffy goes off on her own down the Prime Path. While she talks to herself, Ranboo walks down the path with potion particles coming off of him.
Puffy: “What did I do? What -- I...My son died! And I killed my best friend! I...I need to find Foolish. I...I don’t even know who I am anymore. The life I swore to protect, I didn’t at all, and then I took one myself! I don’t even...I...I can’t do this anymore. I just...can’t.”
- Eret mourns Foolish after the events of the Banquet. Foolish sacrificed his life for Eret, so at the very least he should be commemorated.
Eret: “I don’t even feel like I knew him that well...which makes things even harder. He’s helped me out with so many things, just from the kindness of his heart. He claimed to know me. He claimed to know a me which I don’t even remember... And he sacrificed himself for me.”
“At the very least, I need to commemorate his sacrifice, I...I should’ve been the one to die, not him.”
- Eret builds a Totem statue in his fortress. 
RIP Foolish I’ll miss you, old friend.
- Eret builds a replica of the Egg in their museum.
- Ranboo logs on in his house. He decides to go around the main area today and fix some stuff. His inventory is quite empty, so he grabs stacks of grass blocks from a chest and heads out.
- He heads over to the main area and remarks that the server is beginning to look okay now that the Blood Vines are gone.
- He notices some posters for the Red Banquet.
Ranboo: “Oh, that was today! ...Cool!”
- He carries on and runs into Sam near the Community House. They exchange some steak. Sam says he’s collecting materials for the bank, as people need it now more than ever. 
- Sam suggests Ranboo invest money and charge cash for his hotel. Ranboo points out that they already have currency in the form of emeralds and diamonds. Sam explains his waiver idea for the bank.
- Also, Sam needs to build a vault. People can come and rent a spot to lock away important items. 
- Ranboo asks if you can lock away people in the vault. Sam says that’s what Pandora’s Vault is for already.
- Sam mentions that they’ll put the Egg in there. Ranboo asks what makes this different from regular storage. Sam says it’s more secure.
- Sam and his associates will be there day and night to actively defend everyone’s belongings. Ranboo asks how many guards Sam has under his command. Sam says quite a few.
- Why now? Sam says there’s no time like right now and quotes Oogway.
- Sam doesn’t plan on charging interest. He just wants to establish a better system of trade on the server.
- Ranboo explains to chat that he can use this system to make infinite money by trading emeralds and diamond armor.
- What if someone is, say, already quite rich on the server? Sam says the trade and the guard of supplies is most important. 
- Ranboo asks how fragile the system would be. What would it take to bring it down?
- Sam says a whole nuke. Ranboo replies that he was thinking systematically. He asks how the Great Depression happened and Sam explains inflation and the circumstances for economic crises. 
- Sam gives Ranboo a “prototype Sam dollar.” (One iron ingot)
- They go to Hannah’s house to steal and then find an anvil in the spider spawner to name the ingot “Smollar.” They go down the tunnel and Sam says that Ranboo shouldn’t go down to the Egg Room. It’s under quarantine.
- He’s planning on moving the Egg and asks if Ranboo heard what happened. Ranboo didn’t. Sam fills him in in the Egg Room. Ranboo is curious about the Egg turning into obsidian and picks up a piece of the Blood Vines, suggesting Sam do some experiments.
- They exit the Egg Room and find some strange llamas. Ranboo shoves a chest in Drip Llama.
- Ranboo, Sam, and Foolish breed a ton of llamas to begin the Industrial Revolution.
- Bad comes over and becomes one with the llamas to cope. Foolish turns into a L’manburg Llama and is promptly slaughtered by Ranboo.
- Ranboo, Bad and Foolish create a gigantic llama train.
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Upcoming Events:
- Quackity’s business opening
- Tommy’s plan
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Dream’s lore video
- The Banquet aftermath
4/19 - Nothing much happens.
4/20 - Nothing much happens.
4/21 - HBomb makes a diamond game, Jack plans to open a pub sidechain for his hotel business
4/22 - Tubbo shows Tommy how to make TNT cannons
4/23 - Puffy, Foolish, Hannah and Sam meet on Cloud Prime to discuss the Banquet, Ranboo’s Enderwalk Saga: “The Lessons”
4/24 - HBomb’s diamond game, George’s anniversary dream, Bad hands out invitations
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lucemferto · 3 years
Hey girl, don’t mind me, I just quickly went and rewrote Dream SMP Season 2.
I’m focusing on the big plot stuff from Season 2, which makes it really easy for me to make it good, because I don’t have to contend with all the hard parts like dialogue and scene pacing and stuff. As an additional challenge to myself, I try to change as little as possible. If I don’t mention stuff (like the Egg-Arc) then that means I’m fine with them the way they are.
I wrote this in an hour, so don't expect it to be good, pls.
Whether you agree or think this is trash, I'd be so interested to hear your thoughts!
Fundy’s early arc with Ghostbur, Eret and Phil is great and should stay the way it is. It sets up the character relationships and potential for conflict that we can explore in the future.
Similarly, I wouldn’t change too much about the conflict during Exile with one exception: Both Tommy and Quackity don’t want to include Technoblade. Instead, they believe that they can take one Dream by themselves – this is important for Techno’s, Tommy’s and Quackity’s personal journey later on. In this rewrite, Quackity also didn’t found El Rapids, but instead recruited George & Sapnap to L’Manburg – because his stated goal is to make L’Manburg the strongest nation on the server, so why would he make a rival nation with a plotline that goes nowhere?
What’s also important is that it’s revealed that Dream has a spy in L’Manburg around here. Maybe Tommy confessed his burning of George’s house during a cabinet meeting and word still got out to Dream. Who knows, but it’s important for later.
Something big that I would change about this Act I is that I would give Techno an actual B-plot. As it stands, Techno’s early plotline was just “Grrr, I’m angry that Tommy would use me like that! Someone killed my cows and robbed me! L’Manburg will know my wrath”
3 weeks later
“Nevermind, I’m a pacifist now and live in the arctic”
Instead, we pick up where S1 left off. Techno is intent on destroying L’Manburg and instituting anarchy. During that time, he comes into conflict with Quackity’s henchmen (Fundy, George, Sapnap, etc.) to establish that L’Manburg could be an actual threat to him.
We also have some conflict with Phil. They’re old war buddies, but Phil’s son built L’Manburg and Phil himself is unofficially Tubbo’s advisor. I think them reconstituting their friendship will take up this early part until Tommy’s exile – it makes for a nice foil to Tommy’s and Tubbo’s friendship falling apart.
Technoblade also tries to recruit people like HBomb and Niki to his cause, but they’re hesitant, because, you know, he sent Withers to destroy their home. Not the best first impression. Techno is hurt, but convinced it’s because of L’Manburg propaganda and they don’t want to work with him, because they don’t see him as useful.
ACT II Part 1
Exile-Arc basically stays exactly the same – with one notable difference. When Technoblade comes to visit Tommy it’s not to mock him – it’s as a final attempt to convince Tommy to join him. It’s a first culmination of Techno’s character journey so far: His previous interactions with the citizenry of L’Manburg has left him shaken, but not shaken enough.
Tommy truly does need “The Blade” right now and he has no reason to further believe L’Manburg’s propaganda. So, by Technoblade’s inner logic, Tommy should accept.
But he doesn’t. Tommy viciously rips into Technoblade and gets very personal (he’s in a bad space, understandably) – Techno can play it off nonchalantly, but either the cinematography or some later moment shows us that he was hurt by this.
Nevertheless, he gives Tommy a compass that points to his HQ, showing us that he cares about Tommy, like he did during their early days in Pogtopia.
This is where we implement some big changes. The story of Technoblade and the Butcher Army becomes the A-plot, while the Exile becomes the B-plot.
It makes perfect sense. The Exile-Arc is a very inward-focused, almost a character study of Tommy and Dream. It doesn’t have a lot of big narrative movement – so the perfect time to execute on that narrative movement in the storyline that has a lot of moving pieces.
So, after Tommy chewed him out, Techno is hurt and meets with Philza. Techno then explains that for him anarchy always was the natural order of things – to fight for a world where only the strongest survive – but pursuing anarchy like that has left him empty. Philza then explains that anarchy should be more about helping people and building an equal community.
We’re all but stating a major thematic conflict of this storyline: Fighting those who wronged you vs. Helping those in need. All this while also exploring the philosophy of anarchy with Techno and Philza serving as symbolic stand-ins for some different thoughts on the matter.
So, while Tommy’s Exile is going on, Techno refines his approach. This goes hand in hand with Quackity using his henchman to turn L’Manburg into a totalitarian police state in order to root out Dream’s traitor (told you it would become important later).
This will be the main conflict here in the first half of Act 2. Quackity and Philza will play shoulder-devil and shoulder-angel respectively for Tubbo and Fundy, pulling them in different directions. Ghostbur also hangs around L’Manburg – a constant reminder for Tubbo of the most sanitized version of President Wilbur and the lofty ideas he stood for.
This is another big thematic conflict for this storyline – externalized in part through Ghostbur’s presence: When do the ends no longer justify the means? It also feeds into the motif of Tubbo and Tommy becoming like Schlatt and Wilbur respectively (even if that’s still mostly superficial).
During this political turmoil, Niki is getting into Quackity’s crosshairs. She opposes his policing and brutal methods. So Quackity really focuses in on her and she has to live with constant surveillance, searches, etc. Niki tries to talk to Tubbo about this, but he says it’s necessary to keep L’Manburg safe. Slowly, Niki grows disillusioned with L’Manburg.
It is during this time that Niki gets into contact with Techno and the two start to form a bond and helping the citizenry hold out hope during this time (I don’t know who would be the citizenry, probably people that don’t have their own storyline going on such as HBomb, Vikkstar, Lazarbeam, etc.)
And we can have a few lorestreams like that, where the conceit is that Techno’s sneaking into L’Manburg to help people and there’s actual tension.
All this culminates in Hog Hunt. Fundy sees Phil, Niki and Techno team-up. He confronts them after Techno left and Phil begs Fundy to not out them – but their divide has grown too deep (and we’ve actually shown that during Fundy’s streams this time).
Quackity has Phil and Niki incarcerated (L’Manburg has a prison now, it’s not as good as Pandora’s Vualt). Tubbo is deeply disturbed that Philza and Niki would betray him by working with the man that took one of his canon lives and finally gives the Butcher Army his presidential approval. Quackity was already prepared and the events of Hog Hunt play out as we know them.
ACT II Part 2
Again, plays out relatively similarly, except for one major difference: Tommy comes to Techno with the explicit purpose of asking for his help. Exile has left him really hardened, probably more so than we have currently.
This would a.) make Tommy a bit more proactive in his partnership with Techno and b.) actually gives some weight to Techno’s later beef with Tommy, because now it’s based on more than just some flimsy phrasing during S1.
Otherwise, this plays out relatively similarly – Techno and Tommy maybe share a few more character moments, just to drive home that Techno cares about Tommy. Also, none of that dumb keeping it a secret whether or not we destroy L’Manburg – that’s some contrived nonsense and I hate it.
Tommy knows that Techno wants to destroy L’Manburg and while he’s conflicted, he ultimately goes along with. Once he gets his discs back, everything will be over after all. The destruction of L’Manburg will have been worth it.
Part of the rising action will be breaking Phil and Niki out of prison instead of the petty bullshit about Techno’s items that he doesn’t need. This is where we have the initial confrontation between Tommy and Tubbo (and Techno doesn’t ruin the moment by being his worst self).
Other plot points include: Techno receives the Wither Skulls over the course of him and Tommy working together by some mysterious benefactor. This is after he and Tommy confronted Dream. He doesn’t tell Tommy who the benefactor is, even though he knows (spoilers: it’s Dream).
Meanwhile, Tommy, Techno, Niki and Phil are secretly rigging New L’Manburg with TNT a la Wilbur, just to really drive that comparison home. Niki is getting really angry; she has suffered enough and she’s really gonna get revenge.
One of her big moments of terrorism before the Green Festival is burning down the L’Mantree (maybe we can include some character conflict Fundy, so we have these two people who were once really close friends now so warped and torn apart by these two sides at war).
Meanwhile, Quackity has figured out that Ranboo was the traitor and is pushing for Tubbo to execute Ranboo for the greater good of L’Manburg. Tubbo is hesitant, but as there’s no moderate voice in the cabinet anymore, he concedes to the idea.
Finally, the Green Festival is here. This part is really … tough to rewrite, because you have to accommodate so many different character arcs, but I’ll try my best.
In a move not unlike during the Red Festival, Ranboo is revealed as the traitor and put in the execution cage (because those parallels). Tubbo feels really bad about it.
This is when Tommy and Techno start their assault and unleash the whithers. L’Manburg is under attack and we have the big fight between Tubbo and Tommy. We get the big shout-out “The discs were worth more than you ever were” and the ensuing epiphany on Tommy part.
Techno’s calling for him to explode the TNT, but he doesn’t do it.
Quackity is calling for Tubbo to execute Ranboo, but Tubbo has an epiphany himself and refuses. Both their personal conflicts are resolved here. Also, we have some nice parallelism between Quackity and Techno as Tubbo’s and Tommy’s respective bad influences.
Techno – understandably this time – feels betrayed and hurt. He and Tommy have their shouting match. Quackity tries to attack Techno, but during their match they accidentally trigger the TNT. Quackity’s hunger for power has created the grave of his ambitions.
(Niki is also pissed at Tommy and Fundy is fully distraught, because L’Manburg was everything he had left from Wilbur).
Dream steps out of the shadows and reveals that he was Techno’s mysterious benefactor. He gets his hands on the second disc and gloats to Tommy. The scene from Doomsday plays out only that Techno shows some stings of remorse for helping Dream accomplish what he wanted. (Quackity flees the ensuing chaos).
Dream tries to goad Tommy with the discs, but Tommy doesn’t bite, because he has resolved his Want vs. Need now. Dream is frustrated, but retreats for now.
In the aftermath of ACT II, I think it’s very important to hammer home that this wasn’t a win for Techno, Niki or Phil. For that to work I think it’s important to make clear that Tommy’s and Techno’s bond was genuine and that they really cared for each other during the Bedrock Bros thing. Neither of them is happy for how this turned.
Niki is plagued by nightmares and sleeps in a prison cell like in the current canon. She stands in symbolic for the emptiness that vengeance brings. Phil is shaken from his talk to Ghostbur and he’s the one who brings up that maybe what they did wasn’t for the best.
Then Techno and Phil have a discussion about the nature of anarchy again, calling back to that earlier conversation at the beginning of Act 2. Techno also feels empty – his vengeance and the destruction he wrought left him no happier.
Meanwhile, Punz and Tommy are actually spending some quality bonding time. Thanks to the medium, they could simulate that pretty well. Punz actually gets attached and when Dream mentions his coup-de-grâce, the cinematography shows that Punz isn’t too happy about it.
Tommy and Tubbo prepare to fight Dream on their own terms. They know, they have to stop him lest he hurts the people they care about (this makes both of them a bit more proactive in the finale). Punz (as per Dream’s orders) tells Tommy where Dream is hiding. Tommy thanks him, oblivious that Punz is a traitor, but Punz feels bad. He has grown attached to Tommy.
During the Final Disc War we actually get two perspectives: One is Tommy’s and Tubbo’s as we know it (only without the constant “Your discs or Tubbo”-stuff) and the other is Punz’s. He has decided to help Tommy even though there’s nothing monetarily in it for him.
First, he goes to Quackity, but Quackity says that Tommy has betrayed him and L’Manburg and that he gets what’s coming to him.
In a last-ditch effort, he goes to Techno. Here’s where we resolve that thematic conflict (Vengeance vs. Charity) for the Techno-Butcher Army storyline: Quackity has chosen to perpetuate the cycle of vengeance (because he will be the villain in S3), but we want some nice character development for Techno.
Niki is against it and stays put, but Techno and Philza ultimately decide to go with Punz and the others to help Tommy.
Finale plays out the same. Stuff’s still awkward between Techno and Tommy/Tubbo; they haven’t resolved all their problems, but it’s a first step. Some good set-up for S3.
And that’s my basic rewrite. It’s long and probably not the best.
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Who is Sam's prison for?
If you're not up to date in DreamSMP lore, Awesamdude, resident Redstone expert, was paid stacks of diamonds by Dream to make an inescapable prison. It is located in the ocean next to Bad and Skeppy's mansion and is VERY large. Supposedly it will be using Elder Guardians to keep a prisoner from mining out due to Mining Fatigue. Even if the prisoner dies of hunger, they will respawn inside. This brings up the question of how
1. they force the prisoner to click a bed inside the prison
2. how they keep the prisoner from breaking the bed.
Regardless of the mechanics of the second one, I think the first is a clue as to who Dream will trap inside the prison. Consider the 3 canon deaths lore. He has used the threat of permanently killing Tommy to get the boy to comply and click on a bed in Logstedshire. So a 'permanent death if you don't comply' is definitely an effective tactic but ONLY for people with one life left.
The main two options are Tommy and Tubbo (or Philza). Or, Dream is planning on knocking another one of his potential opponents, such as Quackity, Fundy or Techno, down to one life in the time it takes to build the actual prison.
Quackity and Fundy aren't big enough threats yet, although Quackity certainly has the potential to be a threat, in this season of the SMP, El Rapids isn't big enough of a threat yet.
Most people would assume Dream's biggest enemies on the server are Tommy and Techno. Techno's role in the grand scheme of things is, as of now, undetermined. However, as Techno is one of the authors of this SMP season, he likely has something up his sleeve. He is currently 'retired' alongside Phil in their Antarctic Empire skins in a snowy biome, but he has made appearances in Tommy's streams to mock the boy for getting exiled (just like Techno predicted with the Theseus analogy.) An alliance between the sleepbois is possibly in the works, but right now, both Tommy and Techno have made it clear there is still a lot of animosity between them. So I don't see Techno, and by extension, Phil becoming much of a problem for Dream (for now.)
Tommy, on the other hand, has been visited by Dream almost every stream while Tommy is exiled; Tommy has been manipulated by him, gaslighted and threatened. Despite making the very real threat of giving Tommy his final death, Dream has stopped Tommy from any, um, self-harming actions. Dream told him "I need you alive." Narratively, that means that Dream has plans for Tommy (they are, after all, each other's main antagonist). But Dream has also said that Tommy will remain on exile for a long time and he told Bad and Sam as they were building the prison that he doesn't intend on using the prison on Tommy (unless he begins to act up was implied.)
Because Bad and Sam (and Eret) are working with Dream, I would assume imprisoning anyone from the Badlands is out of the question. But I think it's interesting how Sam is the primary leader of the building project.
Dream said that Sam is the only one who will totally know the ins and outs of the prison. So that possibly means Sam is the only one who would know how to escape the inescapable prison. The interesting thing about Sam being included in this storyline is his connections. He and Tubbo are very close, and Sam is also friends with Tommy. Its not long of a stretch to assume that Sam's storyline might eventually lead to HIM breaking out whoever Dream imprisons. Tommy, for now, is out of the equation, so who does that leave?
Tubbo. Someone who many people are now considering Dream's puppet. Dream has been laying on the manipulation lately, playing chess with him, complimenting him and trying to increase the wedge between Tubbo and Tommy. You would think Tubbo is safe, so long as he remains pacifistic and continues to make decisions that are to Dream's benefit. But there are things going beyond the scenes that we, the audience, need to consider. The script.
Symbolism and chekov's guns have been sprinkled into the story line for a long time, and it feels as though the roleplayers have upped the ante. It's hard to think about Ghostbur' compasses without crying, but I literally can't stop thinking about what they mean. When it comes to the duo, despite their estrangement, Tommy still considers Tubbo one of the most important things in his life. He placed the "Your Tubbo" compass right beside his discs in his enderchest. Meanwhile, Tubbo held his "Your Tommy" compass in his offhand nearly all stream today. They still care for each other, obviously, but think about one of the reasons Tubbo exiled Tommy in the first place.
He felt like Tommy was choosing the discs over everything else. He felt as though the discs were the only thing Tommy cared about. There has to be a resolution to this. It's been shown by the story that the discs and Tommy's other obligations (L'manberg, his friendships) cannot coexist together for long without it driving a wedge between them.
Tubbo has been streaming more Among Us lobbies and modded Minecraft lately. When he comes onto the server, he nearly has nothing to do. He loves big project and building houses, but as of now, Tubbo has so little materials to even bother making a home and his largest project, the ocean monument, has been placed on the backburner while Sam builds the prison. Its almost....its almost like Tubbo is preparing his audience and for a period of time where he has no reason to be on the SMP. If he's imprisoned, that's not very good content to watch, is it? I also noticed that Dream pointedly did NOT tell Tubbo about the prison today, instead referred to it merely as a 'project.'
My biggest theory is that the prison is for Tubbo. Tubbo is complacent to Dream now, sure, but Tubbo is very, very smart, and- most importantly to Dream - he still has one of Tommy's discs. And Dream wants it.
When talking sweet to Tubbo no longer works, I think the prison will be the next best option. Its possible Dream will frame Tubbo for some crime (foreshadowed by how Quackity and George tried to frame Eret for Karl's murder), or someone will threaten to overthrow Tubbo and Dream will bring him to a 'secure location' to protect him. Tubbo is very nervous about losing his one life, as exhibited by the safe room under the L'mamberg podium, and other comments about his fear of becoming the next Ghostbur. Dream said that he would protect Tubbo if someone tried to overthrow him. The only threats to Tubbo's current presidency is El Rapids. Ranboo is willing to wait until the next election to become president, but Quackity has shown a strong willingness to do terrible things in order to get power. In Quackity's war against Eret and Dream, Dream made many, many references to Tubbo being a better leader, possibly sowing jealousy in Quackity's mind. Sapnap, George and Karl, as apart of El Rapids also have a bone to pick with L'manberg and may also play a part in further separating Quackity from L'manberg and fueling his desire to be the most powerful nation on the server. Absorbing New L'manberg could be the next step.
Dream could pretend to protect Tubbo by bringing him to a 'safe location', the prison, and getting Tubbo to willingly set his spawn inside. Once it comes to light that it's a prison, with Dream his captor, Tubbo will have to make a decision. Give Dream the disc in his enderchest, or stay imprisoned. Freedom, or the disc, a compromise that has been made time and time again on this server.
I think that Tubbo will hold out and allow himself to be imprisoned, while Tommy returns from exile to make a prison break, with the help of Sam. I doubt that will end well, knowing Dream.
I also think at some point, one of the boys will need to bend. Either Tubbo choses to give up his disc to Dream for freedom, or he decides to take the disc with him to his grave. Its basically the Exile decision all over again. Life/freedom, or the discs/war. Selfishness vs. selflessness.
The two boys are learning throughout this current arc to be more like the other. Throughout his Exile, Tommy will learn to be self sufficient and has had to make big sacrifices consistently as Dream blows up the progress he's made. He's learning to chose his own life over property. Meanwhile, Tubbo (although he's only streamed on the SMP once so far this week) has already shown regret for exiling Tommy, and inherently by choosing to launch a war campaign against Techno, he is learning to chose war and bravery over peace and cowardice. He will gain an appreciation for the disks and/or recognize with greater understanding what they mean to Tommy. Maybe he will learn to care deeply for his compass and learns how willing he is to wage war if the compass gets stolen. It's about the symbolism - its what the object means that is worth protecting.
I think Tubbo will die protecting the discs. Or, Tommy will tell Tubbo to give it up. This is a better ending, in which Tommy will learn that the discs represent is his friendships. And, according to Ranboo, they also represent power, according to Ranboo. But on the server, according to Wilbur (when he asks Tubbo to spy for him) people have always represented power.
To Tommy, in this arc, I hope he will learn that keeping the discs is not worth losing his best friend.
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enderspawn · 3 years
op I am pleading for you to talk about c!Schlatt I keep getting interrogated for saying c!Schlatt was the best president and he really didn't do anything super terribly wrong please talk about him
i mean... im sorry anon but idk abt best PRESIDENT. manburg under schlatt.... kind of sucked imo JFKDLSJFKL
1. manburg had massive food shortages, to the point the average citizen (including fundy) had to eat spider eyes to survive.
2. he imposed ludicrious tax of his civillians (namely niki. we dont know if he did that to Every Business like w fundy or if he targeted niki specifically bc of her closeness to the ex-president, but neither is good)
3. exiled those who he saw as political opponents to keep his power
4. straight up ignored his cabinet a lot of the time to make his own decisions (such as destroying the white house, which led to quackity leaving)
5. was widely hated by all the citizens. literally at one point all the ppl left in manburg was schlatt and jack manifold (who was MIA on the server and left to found Manifold Land when he came back)
6. held a public execution, AGAIN without the consent or knowledge of his cabinet (IF I REMEMBER RIGHT. i know big q opposed the execution at minimum, but idk for sure if he knew it was planned at all before the festival)
7. was basically at war his entire presidency thanks to pogtopia's existence
and thats just what i can think of rn! the reasons i like c!schlatt are fully based around him as a character and HIS personal development, not around his policies or actions. especially when compared to the other two presidents, who either won or prevented a war and kept the majority of its citizens happier and healthier than Manburg, he's.... probably the worst president they had tbh
BUT since you gave me an excuse to ramble abt him anyway, i wanna go on abt what i DO like abt him (under a cut bc this post is already kinda long oops) but
tldr; i like schlatt bc of his relationships with others, his flaws and pitiable moments, and how he is a fantastic parallel/foil to the characters around him
I like his complex (and yes, abusive) relationship with quackity, especially after his death and quackity's feelings flipping rapidly between hating him and missing him. but before that they did have a honeymoon-esque period-- at least from quackity's view.
watching their date you get the idea schlatt mightve never really been interested in him and mightve just been using quackity's interest in him for his own advancement! but we dont know.
maybe he did truly love quackity in his own fucked up way in the end, even if he wasnt a good person. maybe he regrets his actions and cruelty. or maybe he doesnt.
in the end they were (like the animatic i linked said) "built from the same dirt", they're both incredibly ambitious and prideful people and parallel each other a LOT (see: q's need for power, his want to execute ranboo paralleling tubbos execution, etc). they're not good for one another, but i love seeing just how they fall apart together (i hope you die, i hope we both die kind of beat)
and.... god his relationship and impact w fundy i could ramble abt all day dude. fundy kept schlatt's sword after his death and calls it an heirloom. we dont know 100% how old fundy was when wilbur was exiled (i mena... he ran for president but current fundy is like 20something and tommy ALSO ran as vp at 16) but we can assume he was a late teen. his own father was gone, but schlatt... seemed to CARE. he showed him affection.
fundy's never truly felt like hes BELONGED anywhere (even the country his father said was all for him, he felt ostracized and made different by his fathers doting babying) and because of that hes always looking for a group to be a part of. hes a people pleaser (its part of why hes so easy for big q to get for las nevadas).
and schlatt GIVES him that feeling of belonging he deserves. hes a spy the entire time, yes, but he becomes conflicted about it as time goes on.
could schlatt just be using fundy and filling his head with empty praise? sure, i couldnt fault you at all for that interpretation, its perfectly valid. BUT, i dont think so. he seemed genuinely shocked to see fundy oppose him on nov 16th. remember, he didnt know fundy was a spy.
in that moment he realizes just HOW alone he is and always has been. and its a tragic moment: the last person he had, the person he himself mightve truly CARED about left him just like everyone else. he was alone, truly and fully. even his allies were only there out of obligation and bc of him paying.
he knows his health has been failing him. he cant even swim due to muscular issues but he refuses see a doctor about it because he refuses to let himself be seen as weak.
hell, one could argue that issue leads to his abraisive and abusive behavoir in relationships: he refuses to let himself be true and genuine to anyone, there always has to be a wall and a proud perfect persona. its part of why hes a great villain both in narrative and to watch as a casual fan: just like c!wilbur, he's playing an act.
hes a foil and a parallel to wilbur. both are men who hide their true selves behind a certain role or persona they feel they have to play while they hide their crumbling health (schlatt's more physical and wilbur's more mental). both experience their rise and fall. but wilbur isnt despised, even if he thinks he is, while schlatt isnt truly loved by anyone, even if he thinks he is.
most of all, their deaths couldnt be more different. wilbur went out with a bang. a large dramatic scene fit for a storybook, with a long monologue and cinematic final blow ALL made to fit how he saw himself in a story and simply filling a required roll. but schlatts death is practically overlooked (especially in comparison to wilburs death and everything else that happened that day).
he built his entire persona about being this massive, larger than life powerful guy but he died small, weak, and frail to his own failing body. its... pitiful, honestly. it doesnt feel fitting, it feels wrong. his life up that point demanded drama, but his death was nothing more than... an accident, almost. unintentional. clumsy. its fucking brilliant.
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ba-m-za · 3 years
I feel like Dream would give really nice hugs, awkward for a sec bc it’s been awhile since he’s had a non violent hug. 9/10
Georgenotfound -
Mf would be so awkward I can’t he’d just kinda stand there like 🧍for so long then might wrap his arms around you. 7/10
Sapnap -
I just know this mf would bear hug you and nuzzle. 9/10
Badboyhalo -
He’d give awesome hugs I just know it. Awkward bc of how tall he is but I feel he’d bend down little to make it comfortable 9.5/10
Tommy -
Awkward as hell again bc he’s tall but makes it work. I know mf would smell your hair and think it smells good but would say “yk you smell like shit”. 7/10
Tubbo -
Tackle hug. you better be prepared 24/7. If you have stuff in your hands and you hear him running just drop your shit. Tackles you to the floor and bear hugs. 10/10
Fundy -
Very awkward, daddy issues kicking in but I feel like once he’s comfortable he’d wrap his tail around you. 7/10
Punz -
Depending on his mood. Honestly if dreams been with him and he’s stressed give the mans his hug. 6/10
Ponk -
Gives okay hugs, definitely quick ones. 5/10
Purpled -
Doesn’t give them lol rip to you, solid rip/10.
Wilbur -
BRO He gives fucking “pick you up and hug you” vibes doesn’t let go until he has to do war things ‘n shit. 8/10
Skeppy -
Honestly Skeppy would give great hugs, probably a joke or two at your height but overall great. 8/10
Eret -
Eret is the definition of “my child is gay and I’m proud” vibes, soft hugs for sure. 9.5/10
Jack manifold -
Big brother hug vibes asf maybe a head pat. 8/10
Niki -
Quackity -
He’s short bro, I feel like his head is at your chest so just smashes his head there. “Hey mami” I feel like once or twice he’s made you bend down so he’s taller in the hug. 7/10
Karl -
Again another big brother vibe. Awkward for a second then is so soft bro Istg. 8/10
Technoblade -
I’m so soft for techno bro mf would be so confused, kinda like dream , hasn’t had a non violent touch in a very long time. But would 100% melt into it, bonus points if you play with his hair. 16/10
Antfrost -
F l u f f y. Squishing a cat. Head pat him and he’d purr. 8/10
Philza -
DAD HUG OMG. If it was a bad day would wrap his wings around you and make you feel so safe bro. Maybe even a dad head pat or kiss.🤔 1000/10
Puffy -
Also fluffy great hugs. 8/10
Ranboo -
SO AWKWARD HES SO MF TALL LIKE HE TOWERS OVER YOU. Might have to have him bend down maybe on his knees for maximum comfort. But would love it. 9/10
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katnip225 · 3 years
So remember that au where the dream smp is a comic book in the manhunt universe. Well more of that. This is what manhunt!Dream thinks of each character. Now I will just be using the real names but in the comic the names are different. Not doing the tales of the smp characters. Might also get some backstory for Manhunt!Dream
Techno - As stated in my prev post, this is Dream's fav character. He has regularly copied ideas from him. He loves all the pets that Techno has. And how no matter what Techno always follows his beliefs. Might also remind him of his childhood rival.
Phil - finds the character very funny. The 3 months thing. Through does have some very good serious moments like Nov 16th and Doomsday. The guy is clearly not perfect but he really has a hard time hating the guy. Only time he did hate Phil was during Doomsday for letting Friend die and hurting Ghostbur.
Wilbur - easily his 2nd fav. The way his fall was done. It was so heartbreaking. Then his revival. To find out about being alone for 13 years was rough. Dream feels for the guy since being on the run is very lonely. The only people he talks to is when the hunters get close enough for banter. He really hopes that Wilbur gets the help that he needs.
Ghostbur (yes counting this as a different character) - loves the guy. so sweet and just wants to help. Through feels very sad because of the memory thing and the blue. Plus the speech that he gave on Doomsday.
Tommy - this kid can't catch a break. He feels so bad for the kid. Tommy is a good kid that overall does not mean harm. The only thing that Dream hates Tommy for is killing the cat. Dream likes animals and while can understand why Tommy did it, still found himself crying over the cat's death. Dream always wanted pets but his life before on the run was rough and now there is no way he will get one
Tubbo - another kid he feels sorry for. Dream feels bad for Tommy but for some reason Tubbo hits harder. Maybe it is because Tubbo reminds him of one of his neighbor's kid. They are pretty similar in personality from what he remembers. He was sad when the neighbors moved. The scene of Tubbo crying hurt so much. He really wanted to jump into the comic and comfort him.
Ranboo - Easily his 3rd fav. The memory book. The ender walking. The weird connection to main bad guy. The begging to be locked up in the prison. Plus love the marriage to Tubbo. Really hopes they can talk to each other. This comic needs one healthy relationship that lasts. Reminds him of this enderman hybrid that helped. Found the kid lost in the woods and badly hurt. So helped get the kid back to help then took it to the village with the nice baker lady. It was a nice village so hopefully the kid is okay.
Michael - yes doing their son. Super cute. The in comic reason for keeping Michael inside is for safety. I like to imagine there is a small mini series of Michael playing pretend or sneaking out to meet the other kids.
Fundy - neutral. Does not like him but does not hate him. Through is curious about the seeing the future thing. Wonders if this is his god's blood in work. (in the comic, Wilbur is confirmed to be a demigod. Only Phil and Techno know about it but it was confirmed)
Yogurt - cute kid. Hangs out with Michael when he sneaks out.
Puffy - a cool pirate and therapist. Kinda wish that she was his mom. He does not have any parents but he feels like Puffy would be a cool mom. She went feral when Foolish was killed.
Niki - reminds him of a baker he meet once while on the run. This was before he was well known so he could risk being seen. She gave him some free cookies and gave him a discount on the bread when she saw that he did not have much money. Super sweet and nice but also not one to be messed with. He saw how that baker handled an attempted robbery. Sad to see her wanting to hurt Tommy but was so happy that she is healing.
Jack: Feels bad for the character since he is put through so much. Even had to crawl out of hell.
Karl - love the guy. The time travel spin off series is super cool. feels bad for the losing memories things.
Quackity - flip flops between feeling bad and hating the guy. Quackity has been through a lot and Las Nevadas is cool. But he is just doing what the main villian did. Please just heal so you can be at peace. Hopefully him and fiancés will get back together
Jschlatt - great villian. hated the guy. Also reminds him of his neighbors. The father. Through was a much better person. Actually wanted to give a better life for his son (Yes in this au, DadSchlatt is a thing and he is a good father)
Purple - felt bad for the ufo being blowen up but does not feel anything towards him.
Punz - He respect the guy. Reminds him of a mercenary person that once was after him. Through stopped after realizing that the pay was not worth all the chase. Needed to be payed more
Ponk - felt bad for losing his arm but otherwise neutral for the character
Skeppy - over all neutral. Nice guy and feels bad for the possession thing.
Eret - liked the guy then hated the guy then went back to liking him. Glad the character was making up for the whole betrayal thing.
XD - does know what to make of this character. Through does not trust the god with George
Drista - a fun character that can cause a lot of chaos. Would want as a sister. Yes he might get attacked by a fork but hey he already has a younger brother.
Kristen - not much is known about her. Only that she is Wilbur's mom (in the comic, Wilbur does say his mom is a fridge but I am going on what Phil said. Which is that Wilbur got confused when Phil pointed to the fridge which had a pic of his mom)
MD - fun guy. So sad to see him die. Was really helping Tommy
Mamacita - another fun character through has not been seen since MD's death.
Sally - in the comic Sally is a shapeshifter through the writer wanted them to be a fish. Their editor refused to allow that. Not really shown much outside flash backs. I go back and forth on how good of a mom she was. So if she was good then Dream liked her. If not then he hates her.
Slimecicle - very confused. not like conflicted. Just confused.
Sam Nook - like him. Only one he trusts Tommy with. If he could becomes friends with Hunter!Sam would totally ask if he can build something like Sam Nook
Sam - really hates the dude. Does not care that the main bad guy asked Sam to build it. Sam has control so everything is Sam's doing. Plus the whole thing with Ponk. Part of him does remind dream of Hunter!Sam but that was earlier in the comic. Hunter!Sam would never hurt his partner (Yes Hunter!Sam is dating Ponk)
Ant - again the character remind him of Hunter!Ant. Through overall neutral. Does feel bad for the whole possession by the egg thing
Sapnap - hopefully gets back with Quackity. The dude really gets the short end of the stick. Also reminds him of Hunter!Sapnap. Through hopefully his relationship goes better then dsmp!Sapnap (yes Quaickity and Karl are his boyfriends)
George - reminds him of Hunter!Geroge. The weird dream comics were funny. feels bad that the character can't tell what is a dream and what is real.
Bad - again remind him of Hunter!Bad. Only reason why Dream does not hate dsmp!Bad is because he is being possessed by the egg. He did not like Foolish being killed. Also finds it sweet that the character was willing to do something for Skeppy. (yes. Bad and Skeppy have the same relationship as canon)
Dream - is a great villian. very evil. Through as stated before. Does not like the prison treatment. Does see himself in the guy but it is like all his more negative traits were turned up to 1000. Through Dream is lonely and does not make attachments, there is one he can't get rid of. Since that attachment is why he is doing all of this
Foolish - can probably tell he really likes Foolish. reminds him of his younger brother. Foolish being killed was the one time he needed to put the comic down and take a break.
that is everyone. There are a few more that I really don't watch so have no idea what Manhunt!Dream's opinion would be.
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thesmpisonfire · 3 years
A Fundy and Tommy meeting, and neither of them knows how to express their feelings without screaming.
Its ends well, don’t worry. I’m after my second clown certificate
Tommy was alone in his tent. Not even Dream was around this time. He kept breaking logs, building "tiki torches" and trying his best to not look at the beach. It had passed 2 days already, and no one appeared, so they certainly didn't care. Ghostbur passed around the beginning of the day, now off to find a horse (Ghostbur remembered that Tommy had a horse, once. It made him happy, so he was after another one), but Tommy couldn't care less. Ghostbur also didn't appeared at his beach party.
Only Dream. Like always.
Maybe it was meant to be like that.
His pity thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crossing the portal, his first thought being "Tubbo!". Tommy quickly brushed it off, Tubbo didn't care enough to visit him. "Ranboo?" Was his second guess, but he didn't hear the usual greetings, so it wasn't the half enderman. Then, it was set on "...Dream", as it should be in the first place. He sighed, quickly taking off his newly made iron armor.
"Hello, Dream.... Let's get this done alrea-"
Tommy turned around, looking to a very confused face that certainly wasn't Dream. Fundy was holding something in an picnic bag, those ones that kept the cold inside, some ashes in his clothes and a lil bit of the jacket more burned.
"I really don't know if I should ask about the 'Dream' thing, or why you put a fucking plank to people get to your portal." He kinda laughed, trying to brush of the uncomfortable mood.
Tommy went silent, holding his armor close and and walking away from Fundy. "If people want to visit me, they need to fucking prove it." Tommy said, bitter as he never was before.
Fundy left the picnic bag at Tommy's tent, watching the kid put his things in a secret chest. "Well, you are only making it easier to die. I fixed it after I crossed" Fundy smiled, proud of himself.
Tommy froze, turning back to the fox. "You did what?" Conflicted feelings were fighting inside of him now. On one side, he was angry that Fundy was messing with his ideas and plans. At the order, he was so happy. If Fundy fixed it, it was because he had the intention to come back more often, and Tommy was so happy with it.
"Fixed the bridge, we don't wanna people falling down in their way here, do we?" Fundy smiled at Tommy as soon as he approached.
Tommy was tempted to smile too, but he was seeing something off. This was Fundy. The scammer. The once traitor. The sly fox.
The voice in his head wasn't even his anymore, sounding too much like a certain masked man, filling him with doubt and fear.
"What the fuck do you want?"
Fundy looked like he just got slapped in the face, not imagining this reaction, specially out of nowhere like that.
"What? What do you mean, Tommy?"
"You must be after something, aren't you?" Tommy's words were filled with anger and resentment, the monsters in his mind talking for him. "What is it? Untouched forest? Mines still unexplored?" He slowly approached Fundy, pointing at his face.
"Tommy, I'm not after any of those things!" Fundy explained himself, now more worried than ever.
Tommy let out a dry laugh, looking around now. "So, it's because you fucking pity me, don't you?" He pointed to himself now, then to the picnic bag. "You even brought up a pity present!"
Fundy was just bringing some primecicles he and Ranboo had just made, but he couldn't spoil any of it. "Tommy, I'm not pitying you." He tried to reason, pitching the bridge of his nose. Patience, Fundy... The kid is messed up. Don't make it worse.
"Yes, you are! You don't care about me! None of you care about me!" Tommy walked away, laughing. “You all doesn’t even bother to visit me anymore!”
Fundy couldn’t be more confused. He was right there, visiting. What the hell was happening to Tommy?
The coder was a smart person, even if people tend to overlook it. Fundy noticed the explosion holes poorly covered up, the dull blue eyes, the beaten up clothes. He just didn’t want to address it in order to not make the atmosphere uncomfortable, but Tommy was really pushing up. Fundy and Tommy never had any boundaries in their fights, being pretty open about their sides, and things were starting to spill, hot and hurtful.
“Tommy, I am right here and...” Fundy got interrupted by Tommy’s outburst, tears forming at the corners of the kid’s eyes.
“YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ME!” Tommy shouted, screaming loudly enough to scare a nearby bird. “NONE OF YOU EVEN MISS ME! YOU ALL LEFT ME ALONE!”
Even if Tommy was the one crying and shouting his feelings out loud, he saw the moment he messed up. Fundy’s ears flattened against his head and his tail went still. Tommy, the once brave and reckless Tommy, took a step back when he saw Fundy clenching his fist.
“Oh, you think people left you?” Fundy’s voice was low, a bittersweet smile now open.
Tommy was hurt in so many ways, indescribable ones, but Fundy wasn’t far behind.
Fundy approached Tommy, looking at the teenager in the eyes.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again, Tommy!” Fundy raised his voice, losing his limit. Neither of them was good with hiding their feelings. “Say again that people are leaving you!”
Tommy opened his mouth to repeat, but nothing was said. Fundy looked as hurt as him, and he was clearly not pitying the teenager, so Tommy was willing to listen
Fundy breathed in, trying to calm himself. “Tommy, you were the one who made that Christmas tree?”
“Those discs you have right now, you got them alone?”
“Did you built the tent alone?”
“No, but...”
“The very first day...” Fundy’s voice broke a little, but he quickly dismissed it. “You were alone here?”
“Ghostbur came with me.”
“Yes, he did.” Fundy sadly smiled, his voice a lot calmer now. “Who helped you with the beach?”
“No.” Fundy cut him short, a hand on his shoulder. “That fucking bastard is the cause you are here. He basically forced your exile to happen. He was not helping, he was watching.” Tommy closed his eyes, his mind spinning.
Dream is a friend. Dream put you here. Dream has been good with you. Dream is a fucking monster. Dream cares about you. Dreams cares about nothing but the discs.
“Tommy... Who was here with you, helping with the beach?” Fundy’s voice was soft, as he hoped that he wasn’t pushing too much.
“Ghostbur, you, and Phil...” Tommy’s voice was so small, so broken.
“Yes, we were.” Fundy waited for Tommy open his eyes, which he did, tears stains in his face.
“Ranboo tries to visit you everyday, and I’m trying to do the same.” Fundy reassured Tommy, looking around. “But... Dream is always here, and we don’t want to mess anything and lose contact with you.”
Tommy blinked, pieces matching together. That was why his friends weren’t there? Because of Dream? That was why Dream was always there?
“Ranboo also told me about a beach party... That I never got the invite...”
“Dream said it was delivered by Ghostbur in your mails!” Tommy shouted again.
“We don't even have mailboxes in L’manberg, Tommy! How we could have received mail?” Fundy snapped back.
Tommy felt like everything was falling apart again, revealing a not so pleasant truth. “He... He could have slipped under the doors... or...”
“Tommy. There were no invites.” Fundy held him by his shoulders again.
They went silent, Tommy’s eyes darting around while his whole reality was shaking. “But... Tubbo hates me, right? He destroyed the compass.” He sounded lost again.
“It was my fault.” Fundy mumbled, not looking at Tommy. “He died and... I should have been faster when picking up his stuff, a creeper ended up exploding it... The compass broke. But Tubbo still have it, even if it doesn’t have the needle anymore.” Tommy felt like crying again.
But Dream said...
Dream was fucking lying.
“I know he doesn’t visit you... He is scared that you hates him.” Fundy confessed. “That’s why he came when you weren’t around.” He played with his jacket, looking at the portal’s direction. “Tubbo misses you, man.”
Tommy angrily cleaned his tears, looking at Fundy. He pushed the fox, not as strong as he was thinking. “Stop lying to me!” He shouted, trying to push Fundy again. He felt Fundy holding his arms, and he didn’t have the strength to fight back. Tommy was still crying, not knowing in who to believe.
Dream was there everyday for him, he have Tommy gear, he was the only person not pitying Tommy- Tommy had so many other friends coming over, he had received things because his friends wanted to help him- Tommy was alone- Tommy was not alone.
“I am not lying, Tommy. I wouldn’t do this.” Fundy freed Tommy’s arms.
“You are always lying...” Tommy mumbled.
“Not about this.” Fundy was serious, Tommy could hear in his voice.
“Then... Dream lied to me.”
The fox just nodded, feeling that talking would interrupt Tommy’s line of thought.
Well, he didn’t expected Tommy to silent walk away, come back with a trident while walking towards the beach, and throw it away with the most angered, betrayed, heartbreaking scream Tommy had ever made.
Fundy approached Tommy, who was sitting on the sand, face hidden in his hands. Fundy hugged him by the side, rubbing his arm a little, and Fundy couldn’t stop the memories back at the L’manberg Independence war. Those cold nights where he, Tommy and Tubbo had to spend up on the walls, watching over for enemies. The two would always end up sleeping on Fundy’s shoulders, one with his jacket and other with his tail around. Wilbur gave up on scolding them for their lack of self care in sleeping on the job after some time, and just started to do the watching himself. Easier times that would never come back .
“I will fight him back.” Tommy said, looking up and sniffling.
Fundy smiled, seeing that small spark in Tommy’s eyes. “We are already planning something at our front” The fox got up, cleaning the sand in his clothes. “I’m not telling you what because its nothing set but... We just need you to be strong for only a little bit more.”
Tommy weakly smiled, still sitting on the sand. “I can try-”
“Nope. Cut of this ‘try’ shit.” Fundy was harsh, but he knew Tommy, the boy still had that fire on him, it just needed to grow. “You, Tommy Innit, Big Man...” He saw Tommy chuckle, and kept going. “The guy who learned ‘The green bastard will die’ in 6 different languages just to piss off the enemy, and also the most brave person that I know...”
Fundy put a dirt block on the ground, stepping on it. “... Will you keep going strong?”
Tommy got up with the help of Fundy’s hand, smiling again for the first time in weeks. “I will be the strongest.”
“YEEEEAH!” Fundy pulled him over the dirt block, changing places and looking up to Tommy, smiling widely when he saw the shine back to his eyes. “Let’s kill that fucking bastard!” Tommy cheered, thinking about his secret room, about his compass, about his friends, his family, his home.
They heard the portal, someone crossing it. They looked at Niki and Ranboo, both of them with a cake on their hands. “I think I just missed something.” Niki smiled, and Tommy had to stop himself to run in her direction. “Sorry for the wait!” Ranboo said, approaching them. “But Niki lives in the woods now, its sooo far away and-”
“It doesn’t matter.” Tommy cut, and he meant it.
They all sat on the table at the beach, never talking about L’manburg once, instead just laughing and enjoying the sunset.
Tommy was going to fight.
And he wasn’t going to be the loser again.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
to be unfortunately fair zayne clingyduo fought and that just ended in both of them getting trauma and never talking about their problems even after both of them showed major suicidal tendencies and even with tommy consistently prompting tubbo to be honest w his feelings </3
i dont think beeduo falling out would even result in them talking i think if they had a big fight theyd both be so avoidant that they genuinely just. dont anymore. theyre back to awkward friends but now they have to work around having a son (and even then, not truly. they never moved in to the mansion, michael lives with tubbo and they cant move him in with ranboo, no point. ranboo can visit, obviously, but its hard knowing now hes just another person to protect michael from in tubbos eyes), the mansion stays unused, ranboo feels too awkward to help with the outpost anymore and tubbo just relies on the stacks of cookies until eventually hes starving and only makes enough to last until he goes back home (after all, he cant ask ranboo for food anymore and he doesnt know who else to ask because they all seem to be rather limited food wise, but hey, at least he can be legit about the cookie thing now. if anyone notices that tubbos voice is flat when he stops asking for money in exchange theyre too afraid to mention it, and if they do they only get false assurances in response)
tubbos so outwardly apathetic towards a lot of things and ranboos known for taking things in the worst way possible, and neither could quite get to a point of being petty, being spiteful, theyd just be. burnt out. ranboo would move on to the prison outbreak maybe, or if that already happened, just helping tommy (except wilbur hates him and so does quackity and he thinks fundys starting to too and hes already hurt over tubbo hating him [from his perspective] that he cant deal with any of it) and in the end just starts retreating on himself, back into the arctic, afraid to talk to anyone because his options are techno, phil, and niki and he loves them sure but theyre destructive and ranboos still scared of what they would do to tubbo if they now knew tubbo hurt him too
theyre dysfunctional together, certainly, but a fight wouldnt help mend anything between them, not a big fight anyways, and if a small fight was enough to make them stay apart temporarily itd be enough to just tear them apart for a long, long time. theyd fall apart and with everyone focused on their own thing, no one else would help them, especially not without tubbo or ranboo reaching out (and we all know they wouldnt, at most theyd make side comments just to wave it off and go "its fine, im fine, im just overreacting, he was right" to anyone that asked). tubbo wouldnt ask for them to talk unless it was to talk about ranboo, and ranboo would want to talk about both of them but tubbos not going to budge on expressing his emotions and ranboo wouldnt push it, and if he did either one or both would get frustrated and theyd be back at square one
i dont think a falling out would help them, theyd just fall apart and eventually it becomes another thing for ranboo to feel guilty about and for tubbo to wave off and go "in the past, im fine, michaels fine, and im sure hes fine as well, in his own little way". really i think itd take gradual growth for both sides. opening up in their own little ways, small questions from both sides that prod at the other until they open up further. and i think thatd work best for tubbo and ranboos rp style anyways, small steps towards growth and mutual confort rather than Big Events that tear them apart or bring them back together (thats more a clingyduo thing, and again, even they dont talk about their problems). quiet growths of mutual respect until eventually tubbos not using "you wont remember" as an excuse for covering up that he just trusts ranboo and feels comfortable enough to share and eventually ranboo shares his train of thought more openly and tubbo gently nudges him into believing in himself more (even if it comes with a few lighthearted jabs)
tubbo and ranboo arent big gestures kind of people, and i think thatd still be the case in terms of their relationship. after all, they just signed the papers, no ceremony or all. it seems like big steps to others maybe, but to them its the most natural thing of all. also i dont think mr and mr "im going to move in with my best friend for 4 months then we're going to stay over again for 3 more months just in a different country and from there honestly we dont know if wed be able to stay apart, it feels so natural that the other is more than just another person to me" would be able to handle their characters being on bad terms. i think if they had to rp a negative event between each other they just wouldnt. like even that experiment scene would be played nowadays like ranboo joking along w tubbo too and them just getting into shenanigans before eventually forgetting that the experiments were going to happen bc theyre having fun mining and making deez nuts jokes or some shit LMAO -🎭🎪
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grimaussiewitch · 2 years
The next mcc teams should be announced soon so I’m placing duos, trios and teams I would love to see one day!
They will be duos that have teamed together because I miss some. Also I’ll be very surprised if any of these become a thing in the future.
Wilbur and False: I don’t know why but I would like to see them team together. I think it was the small interaction in mcc 19 sky battle. I don’t know, I just want to seem them vibe man.
Dream and hbomb: I HIGHLY doubt this will ever happen but I know the mcc sun reddit would go crazy and twitter would be very mad. To make twitter cry more, I would add Sapnap and Niki here too :3
Niki and any hermit: She has teamed with gem and grian before so who’s to say they won’t again? I just think there would be nice fun vibes all around!
Niki, dream and Sapnap: Niki was suppose to okay with Sapnap before he had to drop out and with Dream teaching Niki pvp, I think this could be a fun duo or trio! I could see Niki team with George too but I’m more leaning towards the other two.
Grian and literally any of the sbi: please Scott mcc pride made this a reality, please do it again good sir! If I had to choose one sbi member I would say Phil because birbs but more that grian has teamed with techno and Wilbur before so add another boi in there. (I would also love Tommy but I know that will never happen)
A team with either of these three duos, renchanting, flower husbands and desert duo: Now rechanting and flower husbands as a team has always been there but with scar now playing mcc, we can add desert duo. Regardless of what duo teams with, there is funny lore angst! :D
Tubbo and Tapl: listen I know they teamed last mcc but honestly they are a great duo and I would love to see them again.
Eret and Elaina: I have a good feeling this will happen at some point so I manifesting this duo until my final breath. Throw a good old fundy in there while at it.
Awesamdude, antfrost and BBH: listen, three of the dream hunters together? Yes please! You could also throw another dream team member, Dream himself or punz. Now I’m not sure if he is on the list but Red could be a good fit as well.
Tommy, tubbo and ranboo: I think a lot of people want bench trio together and can you blame them? However, there needs to be a babysitter sooooooooo…
Grian and bench trio: the gods would have to be on my side for this to ever happen. I know this is the worst team idea on the list but my god I would love to watch this train wreck. Scott would never do this to grian sooooooo…
Scott and bench trio: sacrifice! Sacrifice! I feel like Scott, maybe Phil are the only ones who can control the three so bam wham thank you ma’am.
Pearl with literally any of the S tiers: I’m Australian, I want an Aussie to win and that Aussie is pearl! (Plus it’s another hermit win)
Sapnap and cub: now I heard on the sub reddit that cub wants to team with Sapnap and honestly, I would love to see how this goes! :D
Pettzahutt and Phil: I dunno, great vibes here.
Phil and illumina: another one I heard from the sub reddit and with the right team mates, you can make a good balance team with these two!
Scar and literally any of the hermits (mostly grian and cub): scar got trained by cub and cheered cub on when dodgebolt was on so vex corup represent. Grian and scar will most likely happen if both are playing so yes sir. False and Ren would be amazing as well because you get a renfalse duo and scar on one team. For laughs and giggles throw Wilbur in there because of the “I’m having bad times with your mother”. That last one will never happen but hey, who knows what post Apollo strikes?
Tommy and Charlie silmecile: we have seen Charlie with tubbo and Ranboo so if he returns, let him and Tommy be a duo. If not, Wilbur and Charlie. Heck, he could be another bench trio babysitter!
Punz and Dream: I don’t know if the two teamed yet but I know going off stats this duo probably won’t happen for a while yet. However, I think it would be nice.
Sapnap and CPK: can this duo make a return? We almost got it but it’s possible man.
Lizzie and Jimmy: I don’t know if lizzie will make a return or only play non-cannon but seablings anyone?
Scott, Wilbur, Joel and Puffy: this is a very normal, plausible and balanced team :)
The hermit gals (pearl, gem and false): three out of five hermit gals play mcc so I think this could be a very good team! Maybe Niki or Kara can be the fourth player? Maybe Scar too?
Eret and literally any of the hermits: Hi this is me just wanting my favourite streamer to play with a hermit, nothing serious here lol
I can’t think of more specific people so random thoughts now:
I would love to see more dsmp and hermits playing together. We’ve had a few and they have been really good teams! It would be cool to see more but it all depends on who people want to play with. Ya know?
I was thinking of this but have there been teams with four female players? I know there are more male players in mcc but I was just thinking of this. If there has been please do tell, if not, who should be in a team together?
Give the captain every s tier player available or put him in creative mode. Let the curse break and transfer over to the next victim: Ranboo
I think that’s all I can think of at the moment so end of post.
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Dream SMP Recap (May 23/2021) - Turtle Hatching
Foolish wonders whether to take Quackity’s offer and join him in Las Nevadas. 
Later, Bad guides two turtles through the ups and downs of their relationship as they navigate the turbulent and emotional experiences found in life, love, marriage and parenthood. 
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Jack Manifold
- Foolish continues wondering if he should join Quackity. Whether or not Foolish joins, he won’t be done with his summer home. 
- There are good and bad sides to both options. Las Nevadas is both risk and reward, and Foolish is torn
- Knowing Eret, he’d probably tell Foolish not to join
- He also still has the deal he made with Ranboo about the shulker box
- Foolish finishes building the massive pyramid at his summer home
- Tubbo comes on to work on Bee ‘n’ Boo with Ranboo, getting materials
- Tubbo and Ranboo rob Foolish of a few blocks from his floor while he tries to render in the view from the pyramid
- Foolish goes to Snowchester to do some very mild griefing in revenge, breaking a few blocks from the floor and stripping many logs
- Tubbo and Ranboo go back to steal the beacon, but instead Tubbo just steals the same blocks of the floor that Foolish filled in
- Ranboo starts chasing him through the Nether. Foolish returns to the summer home to see that they stole some of his floor again
- Maybe this is why Foolish needs to change his ways a little bit, maybe join Las Nevadas for more balance
- He decides to take a visit. Maybe the Tubbo-Ranboo situation was the final push. Along the way, he finds that the portals have been messed up and deals with them
-  He knows the others like Puffy and Eret wouldn’t approve of him joining Q, so he won’t tell them. Foolish reaches Las Nevadas. He’ll stay here...at least for a little while
- Jack Manifold continues to work on his pub
- Bad adds a llama to his collection
- These llamas are the population of L’Sandburg. Some llamas will be the L’Sandburgian Army, others will join the L’Sandburgian Council. Some will be simple citizens
- He checks on the L’Sandburg nature preserve and thinks there should be more turtles. He burns his weednip and goes to find some seagrass
- Bad plays matchmaker with two turtles named Shelly and Sheldon, two turtles from opposite sides of the island. Sheldon is nervous about Shelly not liking him and Bad gives him a pep talk
- Shelly and Sheldon go on a date! It goes well! Afterwards, Sheldon is nervous about a second date, but Bad gives him advice -- if Sheldon gets so worried about it not working out, he might end up sabotaging his own relationship anyway
- Sheldon agrees, and Bad calls Shelly on the phone to tell her that Sheldon is interested in a second date. Shelly has moved house
- Michael logs on to build a house and Bad searches for nametags
- While Bad was gone, Sheldon gained his confidence and went on ten more dates with Shelly! They even moved in together, and Sheldon wants to propose!
- Bad gives relationship advice to Sheldon, telling him that Shelly probably doesn’t want a big public proposal as such an event might put a lot of unexpected pressure on her 
- Both people in the relationship should have some idea that a proposal might be coming soon so that both people are comfortable knowing that the other person will likely say yes. Sheldon tells Bad that he believes they are at that stage already
- They discuss ideal places to propose in a less public spot. Sheldon assures Bad that they both have a solid idea of what they want their future to be as a family. 
- Bad gives Sheldon a rose bush to propose with and sends Sheldon on his way, unbelievably proud of them both
- Bad asks Sheldon what Shelly said afterwards, and Sheldon says...
Shelly said yes!
And Sheldon wants Bad to wed them together! 
- Bad tells Sheldon that he would be honored to. Sheldon wants a sudden marriage so that they can become officially married and go off to live together
- Bad does the vows. The turtles both say I do
“Then, by the power vested in me through the Dream SMP and that shiny pyramid with all that shiny gold that I might take later...I now pronounce you both: a husband turtle and a wife turtle. Shelly and Sheldon, you may proceed to smooch!”
- Bad says his parting words to them and gives the couple some honeymoon gifts, giving them roses, chicken, and feeding them seagrass. He leaves, telling them to have fun
- Bad sings about true love for a bit, then goes back to find a bit of XP on the beach. He’s confused and goes to find Shelly and Sheldon, discovering that Sheldon has laid eggs and is now staying to guard them!
- Bad helps Sheldon guard the eggs while Shelly is away
- He then goes back to Shelly to find that Shelly went out to buy a carton of milk when she got lost. But when he and Shelly return to the eggs, they find that Sheldon isn’t there, so Bad leaves to go find him. He must have gone to get groceries too!
- Bad gently tries to get Shelly and Sheldon to stop yelling at each other in front of the eggs
- He protects the eggs and then goes looking for the two again, asking a cat in a boat if they had seen Sheldon
- Bad finds Sheldon swimming near the eggs. He tells Sheldon he checked her house but Shelly wasn’t there. He finds Shelly by the pyramid and is shocked to hear that she doesn’t want to see Sheldon anymore
- He returns to Sheldon, telling him he tried his best. Shelly needs her space and they need to take care of the eggs in the meantime 
- A wandering trader nearly destroys the eggs, so Bad murders him. He starts building an enclosure for the eggs
- Bad finds Sheldon and tells him that he’s getting frustrated that he’s taking care of the eggs and Sheldon’s off doing whatever he wants. He tells Sheldon that he’s a jerk and that he’ll keep watching the eggs, sending Sheldon on his way
- Bad leaves the eggs to look for Shelly. He finds Sheldon swimming near Shelly’s house, and is overjoyed to hear that Sheldon is hoping to patch things up with her. But he doesn’t think she’ll have him back
- Bad assures Sheldon that they’ll find her. He reminisces on Sheldon’s bachelor days, finding Shelly and bringing them both back to the egg enclosure. Shelly confesses to Bad that she’s worried Sheldon will still be mad, that she messed up
- Bad tells Shelly that Sheldon wants her back and acts as a mediator between the two. He gets the two to talk calmly with each other. 
- He asks what problems they have with each other. Sheldon is mad about the toothpaste cap. Shelly has a problem with Sheldon’s breath. Bad points to the fact that the two are holding flippers -- there’s obviously a connection here
- There may be differences in the ways they want to raise their kids, but there was a spark there, and the kids would want to grow up with both of them. Bad can see it in the way they look at each other, and nothing they’ve said is anything they can’t work on together
- At the end of the day, this relationship can only work if both of them are willing to put the work in, and it seems like both are willing, then Bad sees no reason why they can’t be together forever
- Shelly and Sheldon agree, and Bad is elated. He builds them a new room together. They’re going to be one happy family
- Now, Shelly and Sheldon are sharing the responsibilities of taking care of the kids. Sheldon tells Bad he’s worried that he won’t be a good parent, but Bad tells him that he can always ask for help from other turtles in the community for advice
- It’s going to be difficult, and Sheldon won’t be the perfect parent, but at the end of the day, he cares about his kids and that’s what matters. Everything will be fine
- Bad waits a long time for the eggs to finally hatch, but they do: 
The children are named Shelby and Snappy!
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Upcoming Events:
- The final Egg lore stream
- Foolish’s date
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
- Sapnap’s possible lore stream
- Awesamdude lore stream
5/17 - Nothing much happens.
5/18 - Foolish makes a deal with Bad to sell L’Sandburg
5/19 - Foolish hires Punz to search for the nuke, DreamXD gives out player heads, the Badlands argue about weednip while planning for war
5/20 - Nothing much happens.
5/21 - Ranboo finds another Stronghold
5/22 - Dream writes Technoblade a letter, Quackity tries to recruit Charlie, Fundy, Purpled and Foolish to Las Nevadas, Ranboo creates a room for his experiments at the Stronghold
5/23 - Foolish thinks about joining Las Nevadas, Bad does matchmaking for turtles
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lucemferto · 3 years
I think that post you reblogged about Ghostbur emphasizes why some people are sick of the current state of angst. Not because the story itself is miserable, but because a lot of it has started to feel like it's more for shock value/evoking an emotional reaction from the audience rather than telling a good story. And both can be done, don't get me wrong. Setting out to tell an emotional story is fine. S2's exile arc was horrible and depressing, but it was the first time we'd had this level of uncomfortable realism in the form of c!Dream's textbook abuse.
I've noticed a lot more ccs coming into the new lore not just with new styles, but playing up the misery. Sure, they had struggles before, but suddenly c!Fundy is plagued by nightmares and can't sleep, and Sam is psychologically tormented by the weights and failures of his job and warden, and Quackity is torturing someone and is emotionally isolated from his former loved ones, Ghostbur is doomed to an eternity of suffering for having done nothing wrong but been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some of these things make sense for the story and are reasonable enough, but it's that it's happening to so many characters in different ways that's started to make the story emotionally exhausting for many.
There was depressing stuff before, but I feel like ever since Tommy and Ranboo especially stepped up their angst game, everyone's been following in making their character psychologically tormented in some kind of isolation. Like for example, Tommy's death. The purpose of it was to push him into killing Dream so Wilbur wouldn't come back, which inadvertently gives Dream exactly what he needs to do so. The thing is, these ideas were already there in Tommy's head.
At the end of the Disc War, Wilbur showed up and showed great disdain at the idea of being revived (must've changed after another few years of torment) and brings up how Schlatt could come back, to which Tommy responds with a groaning "oh no" as if he's made a mistake by putting Dream in prison. While visiting Dream, Tommy never brings up Wilbur or the possibility of resurrection and was ready to never see Dream again, implying he was following Wilbur's (at the time) wish to be left dead. If anything, it would be easier to have Tommy to decide Dream was too dangerous to just be left in the prison, especially if he had no purpose to him (he was about to kill Dream before he mentioned the revive book, if the revive book is useless to him now, well...), and they could still spend that off time with the hotel with Tommy deliberating on whether it's better to leave him be or to kill him. Point being, Tommy's death didn't feel necessary. That amount of angst to push him towards a decision he was already going in the direction towards feels excessive. If it had been the catalyst for the story to jump off, maybe I would've felt differently, but it was nearly two months after that when Tommy actually did something. And now that Wilbur's going to be MIA from the internet for three weeks to a month after his bands EP releases, we'll have to wait further. I'm sure other ccs will do things in his absence, but wilbur's resurrection was kind of the thing everyone seemed to be waiting for, and he's not even going to be around for a while longer.
There's also the whole thing about the afterlife itself being actively awful, which doesn't imply anything good for the story even if all the characters are safe and happy by the end. I wish they went for a more neutral afterlife and made the resurrection process itself the thing that was painful, contrasting the unbiased nature of death with a severe violation of it. But oh well. My only hope is that there's a reason this afterlife is so fucked up.
You could still disagree, but I hope this paints a picture of why so many people feel the angst is excessive and has started to dip more into shock value territory.
Had this ask sitting in my inbox for ages. I really have nothing to add even after all this time, so I just wanted to put it out there for the world to see.
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dazenightmare · 3 years
... what if... what if Tubbo being found was the other way around?
(Yes, another AU. Leave me alone!)
What if instead of SBI finding Tubbo on the side of the road, SBI was his family? Like, him and Tommy are twins (they are the same text, different font), and Philza is his biological father. And Tubbo grew up in L’manburg until he was eight, when he got kidnapped and eventually abandoned on the side of the road, miles and miles away from L’manburg and his family.
This is where Niki and Ranboo find him, and unofficially adopt him into their little family. And Tubbo’s memories are slightly fuzzy, but he knows he has to get back to L’manburg. There’s someone he promised to stand by until death, even if he can’t come up with a name.
Niki and Ranboo, of course, help Tubbo get back to L’manburg, though they may have delayed it a bit when word of war reached them. Finally, when Tubbo is sixteen, they find themselves in L’manburg, a month after the war. They manage to buy a small bakery on the outskirts of the country (it was a country now?), and meet a few of the citizens in that country and the one next door called “Dream SMP”. They even met the king of the SMP, who seemed like a nice fellow.
At some point, Tubbo finds a bench under a tree, overlooking a cliff with a jukebox to the side. He stands by it and watches the sunset, a faraway melody playing in his head as the sky shifts from blue to red, then a darker blue. He stands there staring at the horizon until somebody clears their throat from behind him.
When Tubbo looks, he’s met with a face etched into his memory with no name to go with it, more grown, but still young. He wears a revolutionary outfit that only makes him look taller, and oh lord he’s a head taller at the least. A promise rings through his head
“It’ll always be us until the end, okay? Just me and you against the world, ‘til death tears us apart. Promise!”
“... you make it sound like we’re getting married.”
“Wh- shut up Tommy!”
They stare at each other for a minute before Tommy makes a comment on how small he is, especially compared to the rest of the family, and Tubbo laughs as they hug, memories slowly coming back.
After he reunites with Wilbur too (he’s the president of L’manburg apparently, and Tommy’s vice president. He’s so proud) they all catch up. Tubbo learns that their older brother is traveling the world and improving at PVP, while their father is also traveling the world, but looking for Tubbo. They make sure to send a letter to each of them that he came back
The rest of it plays out the same way it does canon, except when we get to the exile arc, where Tubbo is presented with the decision of either exile Tommy, or fight another war. And Tubbo is conflicted, because their land couldn’t handle another war, but he made a promise. Together forever.
Maybe... maybe there was another way
When the day of the decision comes, everybody is there, watching up close or hidden as he speaks, staring at Dream with Tommy nervously shifting behind him.
“As president of L’manburg, I regretfully exile Tommy Innit...”
He glares at Dream.
“... and Tubbo Underscore from this land.”
Everyone stares at Tubbo in shock, Dream the first to snap out of it.
“Wait, wait a minu—“
“Upon this exile, I hand down the power of leadership to both Fundy and Quackity to share until the next elections, whenever that happens. Tommy Innit and Tubbo Underscore are given twenty-four hours to pack whichever belongings they choose to take, and leave this land and all surrounding areas. If they are found here after these twenty-four hours, they are to be forcibly removed. The Dream SMP will not attack L’manburg, as we have fulfilled our side of the bargain. Because of this, my official last words of my term as president are... suck it green boy.”
They all stare at Tubbo as he flips off Dream with a grin, before turning around and walking towards Tommy’s house, saying he was already packed up and would help Tommy as his twin stumbles after him.
Only hours later when Tubbo and Tommy are walking south of L’manburg does Tommy tell Tubbo he didn’t- shouldn’t have done that. He would’ve survived exile on his own. Tubbo only repeats his promise and jokes about how he was getting sick of the suit.
Also as kind of an afterthought, this would probably present a load of problems later down the line for Dream because Niki and Ranboo only came and stayed for their little brother, so they would probably leave, same with Philza who’s sons have either left or died, Fundy would actually get adopted by Eret, who reclaims the throne and kicks Dream out of the castle for abandoning Fundy at their wedding, Quackity would actually make drugs in the drug van since nobody could stop him, leaving Dream with no real enemy anymore, so he’d probably have to get Tommy and Tubbo unexiled so everyone would come back
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dodo-begone · 3 years
Btw, I’m like 90% sure that I fell asleep while writing so it just stops. Like, there’s no ending/summary/whatever word I’m looking for but can’t think of at the moment and my bird is currently chewing on my phone case oh my god can she please stop—
I believe the concept of yanderes ft. a isekai-d reader has been mentioned by Shepard and her anons, tho it’s been mainly for Origins SMP. So, I come to you with ideas for the Dream SMP because that’s all I’m familiar with HAHAH—
Also, I apologize in advance because this thing is borderline an essay with how long it is. I’m so sorry—
For example *cue dramatic lighting and a cheesy flashback monologue thingie* oh my god I think I’m losing it, I’m so tired
Y/n and their younger sibling, Frisk, had just finished up another press conference regarding Monsters being back on the surface. All seems to be going well until the ground beneath their feet vanishes and they fall unconscious a few moments later. When they awaken, they notice they’re surrounded by humans—wait they aren’t all humans, what the fuck, since when are there hybrids? They knew everyone from the underground—by name, no less—and had never heard of any currently living hybrids. Only of ones from before the war. Besides, Monsters have been on the surface for a month at most, so there is no way for... oh boy, their head is spinning.
After some very...tense...introductions (“Hi, I never saw you guys Underground, nor have I heard of you, no offense. So, uh, which monsters are you guys related to?” “OI, I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT TUBBO IS NOT A MONSTER!”) they come to the realization that y/n is most definitely not from this world, or even this universe. Y/n’s adamant refusal to fight the “real monsters” that roam this land (“I did not spend countless timelines weeks putting my life on the line to befriend every monster, break the barrier that trapped them Underground, and defend them against my own god forsaken race just to turn my back on them.”) was a pretty big sign, after all. That, along with species of monsters that the SMP members have never heard of and how y/n talked about Souls as if they were a tangible thing.
It’s a rocky start before any sort of friendship is formed: y/n, wanting to be cautious, (and also not having Sans there to CHECK for them) decides to ask everyone what their LV is. It’s risky, and they had no way to prove if anyone is (or isn’t) telling the truth, but it was worth a shot. “Our levels?” A small goat hybrid asked, his head slightly tilting to the side. Everyone assumes that y/n is talking about enchantment levels. “I’m at 26! Ranboo, you’re at 30, right?” “I’m at 37 now, actually.” “Well, I’M at 58. Clearly I’m the superior one here. A real big man, a very manly man, aren’t I?” And a few others pipe in. Color drains from y/n’s face and they take a few steps back, hands shaking as their eyes dart between each person in the room and the exit. ‘How many lives have they each taken to make their LOVE so high? Why do they seem so proud of it?’ Yeah... that was an interesting experience.
- even though they have been reassured multiple times that the monsters of this world are nothing like the ones from their home, y/n still refuses to kill a single one, as I had mentioned earlier. They also refuse to kill animals. It takes a couple tries at explaining LV or LOVE—Level Of ViolencE—along with EXP—EXecution Points—but eventually everyone is on the same page
- Y/n is hesitant to bring out their SOUL when asked. First off, though they’re now friends with those from the Underground, they can’t help but be reminded of every spear, knife, bone, petal, gaster blaster, and fireball that has been aimed at them with the intent to kill whenever their SOUL was drawn into an encounter back then. Second of all, showing your SOUL is something you do with those you trust with your life—after all, you’re literally putting your lifeline out on display when you do so. There are so many different ways that the SMP members can see it
- Perhaps a monster appears
- Eggpire or Dream attack
- Someone forces y/n into an encounter because everyone is too curious to just let this opportunity slip by
- When y/n discovers that the people of this land have more than one life, they’re confused. There is no way that all of these people have SOULS of Determination, and there’d definitely be some issues if people kept rewinding time to their last save point. Besides, only one Determination SOUL—the strongest one—should be able to respawn. Then again, they only know what Frisk had explained to them. They were never able to see the save stars that Frisk would interact with in the different sections of the Underground. So they only have so much to go off of.
- Battle for them is completely different. Despite being in a different world, the mechanics from their world still apply. They can FIGHT, ACT, use an ITEM or show MERCY.
- They use Frisk’s tactic and flirt their way out of a fight or two. They never understood why Frisk did it until now... ‘I mean, I...wow. That was actually effective.’ They’re impressed.
- Oh no, maybe that wasn’t the best idea...they might have some yanderes after them bc of it...
- They probably have accidentally called Philza ‘Asgore’ and Tubbo ‘Asriel’ because both hybrids remind her of the two males from her world. Similar personalities AND Tubbo is a goat hybrid. The poor child is going to be so confused
- If Tubbo’s a yandere oh boy it’s going to be so easy for him. Y/n will probably be constantly at his side and telling him stories about the first fallen child and how they were adopted by the royal family, who are goat monsters! And just explaining the history of the underground and how important the goat family is. Talks about Asriel a lot as well. Probably makes him butterscotch cinnamon pie and tries to recreate golden flower tea to share with him as well. Or, they do that and he’s not yandere and it’s just wholesome.
- If we follow the headcanons that some fans have made, perhaps Frisk (and/or y/n) gave up half of their SOUL to give to either (or both) Chara or Asriel so they’d have another chance at life
- Not only does y/n refuse to kill, which leaves them vulnerable, they also only have half a SOUL, which means they’re incredibly weak. Someone needs to protect them, someone needs to keep them safe, someone needs to—
- Y/n is incredibly agile thanks to all the battles they’ve faced Underground. With their SOUL always out in the open during an encounter and the fact that they refuse to harm anyone, it’s required. I’m imagining them moving like a dancer, using jumps and spins to help them avoid any weapons swung at them.
- This is gonna be annoying for any yandere that wishes to lock y/n up. Even if they won’t physically hurt someone, they WILL put up a fight and make it as hard as they possibly can to be dragged into isolation or imprisonment
- When it comes to who goes yandere, I believe what color of SOUL y/n has (their personality, in summary) would play a big role. Here’s a few of my ideas, feel free to move people around or add to it, I’m really tired and can’t think of many characters LOL
- Red (determination): Wilbur, Technoblade
- Orange (bravery): Technoblade, Dream, Tommy
- Yellow (justice): Sam, Technoblade
- Green (kindness): the kids of the server, Fundy, and Ghostbur
- Cyan (patience): Ranboo, Ghostbur, Karl
- Dark blue (integrity): Tubbo, Philza, Sam
- Purple (perseverance): Dream—this man would love to see how long it would take for your perseverance to run out. I wouldn’t be surprised if your perseverance is the only reason he’s interested.
From what I saw of the end of what I wrote, it is DEFINITELY cut short. At least I mentioned every SOUL type lolol.
Also, I found a whole other note that’s a continuation of this concept but for y/n being from another game what the hell was I doing—
Expect that to come in another ask once I eat dinner
Sorry i took so long to answer!! I kept getting distracted!
That stuff is so pog man!!!! Puffy might be called “Toriel” once in a while because mom energy and she sheep,,, close to goat!
Gosh all the flirting will bring in so many yanderes or make ppl like “yo wtf??” And there’s a very small amount that are inbetween.
OKAY BUT WITH THE MONSTER STUFF ON THE DSMP- they’d keep the monsters in their house. They’d give them food and everything. Some def become very friendly and will defend. Haha giant spider go prrrrrr
I’d write more but there is so much amazing stuff I don’t think I could add to some of them anyways!!! Plus my mind is just racing other places rn haha
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dracoria-azucar · 3 years
Since Wilbur and Schlatt’s potential resurrections have started becoming more and more relevant to the DSMP plot, a lot of people have begun pointing out Alivebur’s previous actions and how they related to his relationship with Tommy.
I’ve seen people theorize about Alivebur teaming up with Dream once he’s back or even just Phil and Techno.
I’ve seen people go as far as to believe he may join forces with Jack and Niki. To try and kill Tommy once and for all.
Because Alivebur did some shitty things that could’ve gotten Tommy killed sooner, said some things that made it clear Alivebur resented Tommy in some ways.
But a lot of these actions and statements have some serious depth to them outside of their blatant hostility.
Wilbur legitimately cares about Tommy. 
Their relationship has always been full of playful fighting that borders on getting too real. We know that Alivebur thought of his “fights” with Tommy as mostly positive, because Ghostbur is quick to document it in his memory book! “Bullying Tommy (he’s a child)” is one of the first things he documents, alongside Fundy growing up, alongside Niki and her bakery, alongside sparring with Techno as a child.
While Alivebur and Tommy had an unhealthy relationship in Pogtopia, a lot of the bad things Alivebur was trying to convince Tommy of were things his paranoia had lead him to sincerely believe himself. He wasn’t telling Tommy that no one, not even Tubbo, was on their side in order to alienate Tommy like how Dream was. Alivebur legitimately believed that since everyone (in his mind) had betrayed HIM it just made sense that the same thing would happen again. 
And yes, Alivebur DID work with Dream but they were never FRIENDS. Wilbur always hated Dream he just liked him for his supplies, his power, and his influence. Alivebur needed Dream’s help, Dream benefited from what Wilbur wanted to get done, so they played nice with one another until the job got done. We know Alivebur had no issue with that sort of relationship because he makes it clear to Techno that he felt the same way about THEIR dynamic. “I don’t care if you’re on my side, so long as you’re willing to do chaos with me.”
Wilbur wouldn’t have sat there on the cusp of the afterlife praising Tommy and Tubbo for finally taking Dream down if he thought of Dream as a friend. 
And while Alivebur did or said some things implying he wanted Tommy dead (or that he was annoyed/surprised Tommy hadn’t just keeled over yet) it was probably coming from a place of spite and jealousy. One of the only reasons Alivebur didn’t blow up Manberg the first chance he got was because Tommy and Quackity were in his way. Doing it would’ve meant taking Quackity’s first life and Tommy’s last. So Alivebur spent precious time trying to convince the two of them that they HAD to leave because he was GONNA do it but he didn’t want to hurt anyone, he never wanted to hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.
Then, when Alivebur makes Tommy president of a land he knows he’s about to tear apart it’s to make a POINT. 
Tommy and Alivebur went through, essentially, the same traumas for the entirety of the first season. For Wilbur, it tore him apart inside. His paranoia and greed took complete control. Then he turns to his ONLY constant companion, who’s suffered essentially the same fate, and sees nothing but hope and determination. So Alivebur gets overwhelmed and annoyed. He TRIES to get Tommy to see that everything is hopeless and that they’re too far gone for a happy ending. While Tommy pushes back against that mindset tenfold. Tommy promises Alivebur that everything will turn out okay as long as they keep fighting and that he won’t let Wilbur get left behind.
But for someone who’s already accepted that they’re doomed, seeing someone be so relentlessly positive about their situation is just infuriating. If Tommy and Wilbur went through the same shit but only Wilbur ends up fucked then Wilbur has to acknowledge that HE’S part of the problem. He can’t blame his own actions fully on the circumstances he found himself in because “Tommy turned out fine”.
Some part of Alivebur just needed to snap whatever piece of Tommy was holding everything together, because if Tommy broke it would “prove” to Alivebur that he would’ve ended up rotten anyways. He gets to frame his own demise as inevitable and he gets to cast off any criticism of him not trying hard enough to be GOOD.
So of course when Wilbur “comes back” to speak with them from the cusp, he’s a little bitter about Tommy making it this far. Since Tommy has been through EVEN MORE terrible shit but is still viewed by others as the hero of the story. Even if Tommy definitely has been suffering mentally from his experiences, he tries really hard to keep the effects hidden and allows others to paint him as just some stupid selfish kid. Not many people have any real way of telling that the trauma’s left it’s mark, not even Wilbur.
And of COURSE Wilbur doesn’t want to be brought back! He doesn’t have any more battles to fight with Dream, Schlatt, and L’Manberg all gone. The only thing for him to do if he’s brought back is face the consequences of his actions. He would have to face Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Niki, Techno and Phil. He would have to acknowledge that he did bad things, that he hurt people, and that he’s responsible for the pain he caused.
And if Wilbur REALLY didn’t want to come back, he wouldn’t. He would’ve told Tommy right then and there that he needed to just finish Dream off once and for all, because he wasn’t going to help them any more.
But he didn’t. He just whined, asked if Tommy REALLY kept Dream alive because Tommy wanted him back, and after play fighting like they used to he said he was proud. Then he said “I’ll see you soon.”
It’s incredibly unlikely that a resurrected Wilbur would work with Dream. He has NO reason to do so. 
He might end up with Techno and Phil, but there’s definitely some bad blood there. I personally think that Techno and Phil have a CLEAR history of enabling people with fragile mental states into doing things they shouldn’t or just ignoring their issues until it becomes too much. Phil didn’t know how to help Wilbur or Fundy when they needed it. Techno didn’t know how to help Tommy or Ranboo when they needed it. And to be fair, it’s not really their responsibility to FIX their friends/family but it’s pretty consistently lead to the dynamics crashing and burning.
And I think there’s a good case for Wilbur confronting Jack and Niki at SOME point following his resurrection. I don’t think Niki would take too kindly to the reunion considering everything she’s been through, and I don’t think Jack would be too affected either way. I also don’t expect Wilbur to convince either of them NOT to do anything to Tommy because they don’t have much reason to respect his wishes in the first place. However, even if Niki and Jack DID end up killing Tommy we all know that at this point Dream would just bring him right back. So maybe Wilbur would even enable Niki/Jack letting out their frustrations with Tommy, since it ultimately wouldn’t matter? Who knows
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