#go home 2020 you're drunk
cupid-styles · 5 months
new year's stranger
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in which harry and y/n only see each other on new year's and he tries to convince her it's fate.
word count: 5.5k
content warnings: cheating (not on y/n or harry), drinking, drug use
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2020
Y/N hates New Year's. 
If it were up to her, she'd sleep right through it, but Alice would never let her do that. It's why she's at this party to begin with. The owner of the house is a friend of Alice's who Y/N has never met, and isn't expecting to be introduced to tonight. The second they walked in, it was pure chaos, and it set off blaring alarms of anxiety throughout her entire body. She'd lost Alice somewhere around 10:30, but she was grateful that despite having a less than fun time, time still ticked steadily to midnight. 
The sooner 2021 arrives, the sooner she can leave.
Harry, on the other hand, doesn't mind New Year's, but he hates this party.
Gemma forced him out with her and her boyfriend after finding out his planned accompaniment for the evening was a bottle of red wine and his favorite Elton John records. She said she hated to see him having a hard time with the breakup (that made Harry want to throw up on the spot) and demanded that he at least try to have a nice time tonight. 
However, she failed to loop him in on the details of this party, which was apparently a proper rager that had him feeling like he was 17 again, but only in the worst ways. 
He wasn't snooty by any means, but if one more drunk person comes up to him and asks if he's the Harry Styles, Gemma and her boyfriend can try to find an Uber home. 
(He would actually never do that, knowing it would be impossible to locate one that wasn't three times the normal price given the holiday, but he can't help imagining cozying up in his bed, clutching one of his ex-girlfriend's tee-shirts, soaking it with tears, and falling asleep.)
It's why he's taken to sitting outside in this stranger's backyard, enjoying their wooden patio set. He doesn't typically smoke but he's chain smoking cigarettes tonight; he asked to bum one off of some guy inside, and he gave him the entire pack because he's — you guessed it — that lad from One Direction! So now it's sitting prettily next to a half-gone bottle of Cabernet, and Harry really, truly thinks this may be the worst New Year's he's had in a very long time.
He's grateful no one's discovered his little hiding spot yet, but perhaps he's spoken too soon as he takes a draw from the lit cigarette in his right hand. His shoulders tense when he hears the patio door slide open, desperately hoping Gemma found him and wants to go home. 
"Oh, fuck, I'm sorry." The voice says, making Harry crane his neck slightly to see its owner. He can't really tell if he recognizes them, but it's clearly a female figure dressed in a black mini skirt, tights, and an oversized vintage sweater. "I didn't know anyone was out here, sorry."
"'s fine," Harry mutters, stubbing his cigarette out in the grass and toeing it out with his slip-on Vans, "It's all yours."
He goes to stand up, reaching over to grab the neck of the bottle of wine, when he accidentally bumps into the small table and knocks it over. He curses loudly as he watches the deep red hue stain the concrete floor, the puddle growing larger with each passing second.
"That's unfortunate." she points out and he scoffs. If he wasn't in such a piss poor mood, he may have contemplated cleaning it up, but he's decided that he doesn't like the owners of the house, especially because of their tiny little patio table. 
"I think the hosts of this party are dicks, so I wouldn't worry about wiping that up," she says, almost as if she's reading his mind, "Sorry if you're friends with them."
"I'm not." Harry says curtly, leaning down to at least pick up the shattered pieces of glass.
"That's good. They're letting people do blow and ketamine off their dining room table. I think breakfast tomorrow will be interesting."
He snorts as he gathers broken chunks. He thinks that she's left him alone when he doesn't hear her ramble on anymore, but she returns a moment or two later with a garbage bag. She gets down on her knees and nudges the opening in his direction, wordlessly encouraging him to drop the pieces in it.
"Thanks." he mumbles through a sigh. 
"Sure," she nods, "Having a bad night?"
"Yeah. Don't really feel like talking about it, to be honest."
Harry knows better than to discuss personal matters with strangers at parties (he learned that lesson years ago), regardless of how down he's feeling. She shuts up after that and continues helping him clean up the shards, tying off the bag when all that's left is a dark purple mess.
"I'll toss it." he says, stretching his arm out to take the garbage bag. She nods and gives it to him. "Thank you for helping."
He hopes she takes the hint as he ambles through the darkness of this unfamiliar backyard, attempting to locate the garbage bins. Eventually, he finds one (he knew they were shitty people, they don't even have a separate one for recycling!), and breathes a sigh of relief when he turns and sees that she's gone. He was starting to worry that she would ask for a picture or an autograph. 
He sits back in his original seat and pulls his phone from his pants pocket, scrolling through drunken New Year's texts from people he barely knows. Really, he's only looking for two names (Gemma looking for him, or his ex-girlfriend magically deciding she needs to be with him going into the new year), but neither appear. He grumbles and reaches over to grab the pack of cigarettes, jumping in surprise when he realizes the girl is standing there with another bottle of wine. 
He clutches his chest dramatically, "Were you trying to scare me or something?"
"Oh! No, I'm sorry, you just looked busy so I was waiting," she replies, placing the unopened bottle on the table. "Here. Um, is it okay if I sit out here? We don't have to talk. I know you said you don't want to."
His night can't get much worse, so why not split some wine that suspiciously appeared with a stranger that refuses to leave him alone? 
"Sure." he mutters.
As promised, it's silent for awhile. She doesn't say anything but he notices her pick at her tights, then her nails, clearly antsy from the lack of discussion. The steady thumping from the music inside is the only relief. 
He doesn't know if it's been five or 10 or maybe even 15 minutes, but finally, he breaks. He holds in a sigh as he turns his head to look at her. 
"Are you having a bad night, too?"
She shrugs. "Kind of. I just don't really like New Year's."
He nods in understanding, "It is a bit overhyped."
"I lost my friend awhile ago," she adds, biting her lip. "I feel like I'll end up just going home a little after midnight."
"Yeah, my sister and her boyfriend dragged me here but I haven't seen them in hours."
She chuckles humorlessly. "Maybe I'll just try to get a cab now." 
Harry glances at the time on his phone screen. It's 11:04 and he knows it would be stupid to do the thing he's thinking about, but he can't help it — maybe it's the strange connection he's feeling to his fellow sad stranger, or maybe he just really wants to go home and needs a good excuse. The words are leaving his mouth before he even truly contemplates it.
"That's crazy, you'll never be able to get an Uber at this time. If you don't live too far, I can give you a ride."
Y/N is quick to bat him off, easily rejecting his offer. "Thank you, but you don't have to do that. I'm sure you have tons of plans tonight."
A wrinkle forms between Harry's brows. "No, actually. This was it. And if I'm being honest, I'm dying to get out of here, too."
He watches as she contemplates it, gnawing on her bottom lip and wringing her hands in her lap like a child. Finally, he speaks up.
"I'm leaving with or without you, so really, it's your choice."
Her eyes glance over to him and she quickly nods, gathering her purse to her side. "Okay, yeah. I'll take the ride, please."
"Sure," he says with a nod, rising from his seat. "Do you live far from here?"
She gives him her address, surprised to find out that she only lives a few streets over from his own apartment. He sends off a text to Gemma, claiming that he ran into someone and needed to take them home (it wasn't a complete lie, even if he knows he was being pushy about leaving), and they silently walk in the dark, one in front of the other, quiet footsteps sounding against the stone pathway of the backyard. Eventually, they approach his sleek black Range Rover, Harry mumbling out a "this is me" and unlocking the doors so she can get in the passenger's seat. 
"Thank you again for this," she says as he cranks the heat up. He had noticed that her teeth were chattering on the short walk back to his car. 
"'s fine."
Harry doesn't play music or say anything else on the short drive to her place. Exhaustion is hitting hard and he's ready to go home and curl up in a sad ball. When he pulls up to her apartment, she's already clicking her seatbelt off and pulling her keys out of her bag. He wonders if he was being that standoffish, to the point where she's all but jumping out of his moving car.
"Well, happy New Year." she murmurs with a small smile, glimpsing over at his tight expression. He nods curtly, hands gripping the steering wheel.
"Happy New Year." he returns tersely. 
"I hope 2021 is better for you," she says, her tone almost so genuine it makes his heart thump wildly in his chest, but just for a moment. "I'm sorry you had a shitty night."
He swallows harshly, willing away the lump of tears forming in his throat just from a stranger's kindness. 
"Same to you." 
She pauses, as if she wants to say more, but instead pushes the door open and gets out. With one last smile, she waves goodbye to Harry. 
He waits to make sure she gets in safely before driving away.
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2021
"I'm not going out to a karaoke bar on New Year's Eve."
Y/N rolls her eyes at Mike, her boyfriend of six months. She had told him weeks ago that this was the plan for the night — her friends wanted to have a fun time out, and after last year's disaster of an evening, she was more than willing to put some cash in to rent out a room at a karaoke bar in downtown LA. But of course, a mere hour before they were due to all meet up for dinner, Mike was trying to bail. 
"You agreed to this forever ago," Y/N replies with a sigh, lowering her eye shadow brush. She swivels in her seat to face him with a slight pout. "It'll be fun, I promise."
"What's so fun about people singing shitty cover songs all night?" he sneers, crossing his arms over his chest childishly. "I think it would be better if I just went to Reese's place tonight. He's having a party, you should go there instead, too."
"I already put money down and told my friends I was doing this with them, Mike."
He scoffs. "But I'm your boyfriend."
"And they're my friends."
"So you're seriously gonna ditch me, then?" he asks snidely, a pang of guilt firing through Y/N's chest.
"I mean, maybe I can meet up with you later? I can try to come to Reese's after dinner or something."
He rolls his eyes, making him look like an angsty teenager. 
"Whatever. Don't bother, I'll just see you tomorrow or something."
Mike doesn't even send her off with a kiss or wish her a happy New Year before he's out the door. Y/N sighs, resisting the urge to bury her head in her hands and mess up the makeup she's applied to her face. Mike was great at the beginning — she thought she'd really gotten lucky with him, but around two months ago, he started acting like everything she asked him to do was a chore. From date nights to attending family dinners at her parents' place, he always made her feel dumb for requesting his presence. 
She tries to ignore the anxiety brewing in her stomach when she meets her friends for dinner. They all ask where he is, and when she has to say that he would rather go play video games with his friends all night, they're quick to jump on what an awful boyfriend he is. She knows that — she really, truly knows that, and she doesn't know why she hasn't ended things yet.
When they get to the karaoke bar around 10 pm, Y/N's already tired, even if she's attempting to press on and make the most of her night. She giggles as she watches her friends scream the lyrics to songs by Queen and Fleetwood Mac, and she's particularly impressed by Nina's cover of "good 4 u" by Olivia Rodrigo, which she of course dedicates to Y/N.
With a few shots and two mystery cocktails under her belt, Y/N's actually having a good time. She excuses herself 10 minutes before midnight to go to the bathroom, not wanting to miss out on any of the excitement when the clock strikes 12. 
Only, when she's walking down the long hallway, her eyes on the floor as she navigates her slightly drunken steps, she bumps into a figure. A hard figure, wearing a fuzzy cardigan. 
And when she glances up, it's the last person she expects to see.
"Holy shit!" the curly haired brunette exclaims, pupils wide and breath smelling of tequila. It's clear that he's just as messed up as she is, if not a little bit more. "You're that girl from last year!"
She immediately giggles, the warmth of the alcohol in her system dismissing any embarrassment she may have felt otherwise.
"From that shitty house party, right?" she asks, thinking back to 2020. 
"Yes!" he shouts, slamming his palm against his forehead. "You helped me clean up that wine!"
"And you drove me home." she laughs.
"Oh my god, this is crazy," he declares, making Y/N laugh even harder, "Sorry, I'm kinda fucked, but this is still exciting."
"Why? We were both having awful nights last year and I could tell you wanted nothing more than to kick me out of your car."
"What are you talking about? You were the nicest person I met at that party," he replies with a slight wrinkle between his brows, "Plus, you were the best part, since you got me out of it."
Y/N snorts. A few people attempt to brush past them in the hallway and they both move to the side, leaning their shoulders against the wall. 
"I'm glad I could be of service," she says with a smirk. "What are you doing here tonight? Are you having a better New Year's?"
"I mean, I'm definitely higher and drunker this year," he cracks and it makes her roll her eyes playfully, "How about you? Feeling good?"
She allows the question to ping pong around in circumference of her brain. She was feeling good, but only because of alcohol, her friends, and the absence of her boyfriend. Taking a beat, she looks up at the green-eyed male before her, her breath catching in her throat when she realizes he's somehow gotten closer, likely because of all the traffic in the hallway. She swallows, her throat suddenly feeling dry.
"I'm feeling good," she finally answers, wringing her hands together in front of her.
"That doesn't really sound like a confident answer." he teases, crossing his arms over his chest. Her eyes flutter down to the tee-shirt he wears underneath the striped cardigan, the word sex scrawled simply across his chest. 
"I had a fight with my boyfriend before I came here," she admits, though she doesn't quite know why, "He knew about these plans for weeks and he just bailed to go play video games with his friends. I'm kind of pissed about it."
He hums and she notices that his jaw clenches slightly when he presses his lips into a line. She's not sure if it's from the drugs or something else, but she quickly glances back up at his eyes.
"Sounds like a dick move." he says decidedly. Y/N shrugs. 
"He's kind of a dick, to be honest."
That makes him bark out a laugh, shaking his head as his lips form into a half-hearted smile. 
"What do you need to turn your night around, then?" he asks, patting his pockets as he looks for something, "I have some more coke on me if you need to get inappropriately high. I'm also not against buying you shots at the bar, but given my inebriated state, I unfortunately can't be your Uber driver tonight."
"Do you always speak like a scholar when you're fucked?" Y/N mocks with a smirk.
"Maybe," he grins, "So what can I get you, New Year's stranger?"
It hits her then that they've never exchanged names. Not officially, at least. Y/N of course knew who he was — his name and face had spent the better part of 2020 being plastered across tabloids, and she recognized him back to his One Direction days — but it felt weird to just assume as much. 
Likewise, Harry wasn't above asking Gemma if she was familiar with the girl he'd met a year ago today. He hoped she may have some connection to her, given the fact that her silly little ramblings stuck around in his brain far longer than he would've anticipated. After Gemma asked around, he learned her name, but never did anything with it, instead opting for a year of distracted hookups and flings.
And even without acknowledging the fact that they each know the other's names, they're somehow more comfortable with being a New Year's stranger. 
"Can I bum a cigarette off you?" Y/N asks, remembering back to last year when he was chain smoking, somewhat pathetically, on the back porch.
"Haven't smoked for a year," he replies cheekily, "But I can ask a friend for one if you want."
She shakes her head. "I just need some air, really. Would you wanna take a breather with me?"
Harry nods and follows her out, eager to speak with her away from the crowded, loud interior of the bar. He can't help but check her out from behind, lips pressing together as he drinks in her thin slip dress, black tights, and platform heels. She looks cute. Similar to last year, just a tad more mature. It fits her, he thinks.
When they get outside, Y/N's ears are ringing, but her warm skin is enthralled by LA's sad excuse for winter weather. She instantly feels less clammy, leaning back against the brick exterior of the building and allowing it to cool her. Harry follows her lead, his mind spinning slightly as he continues to take her in.
"How've you been?" he finally asks, desperate to break the silence. She peeks an eye open and glances at him in her peripheral.
"Fine. Work's busy. Friends are good. Boyfriend's... there," she answers in short sentences, like she's checking things off. "You?"
"Just about the same, minus the boyfriend. Single as can be, actually."
Y/N hums. "Any shitty exes this year?"
"Not any official ones," he says, his nose wrinkling as he mentally runs through the year's rolodex of flings. "Can I ask why you're still with this guy if he's such a dick?"
She lets out a humorless laugh before shrugging her shoulders, a look of disarray twisting her features. 
"Your guess is as good as mine, stranger."
Harry turns to look at her, pressing his side into the cold brick building. "You don't have to torture yourself with him. If you're unhappy, you have every right to stand up for yourself and leave him behind. Life's too short."
"I know," she says, her eyes fluttering shut again, "I know."
"You deserve to be happy."
She smiles, but there's no happiness behind it. 
"You don't know me."
"You think it's a total coincidence we ended up meeting again, exactly one year later to the near hour?" Harry asks, halving the distance between them with a single stride, "This feels like fate."
"This feels like we're both fucked up on New Year's Eve." 
"Sure. But alcohol and drugs didn't get us here."
Y/N sighs. When she opens her eyes, he's right in front of her, so close she can see the lengthy wisps of his eyelashes. She swallows tightly, unsure of her next move or his intention. If she really cared about Mike, she would leave Harry here. If she didn't feel the mutual attraction to the man in front of her, she would go back to her friends. If she didn't wonder if he was onto something with this fate thing, she would forget this whole thing ever happened.
But she doesn't care about Mike, and she's attracted to Harry, and he's making her believe in fate.
"It's almost midnight, stranger," Harry breathes, and Y/N glances behind him to see people beginning the countdown from 10. "What do you wanna do about it?"
She knows what he's implying.
She's not drunk enough to view this as a mistake, but she's sober enough to want it.
"Tell me what you want."
"Kiss me," she exhales, her hands shaking at her sides, "Kiss me, please."
There's cheering and yelling and whooping from everyone around them. Cars are honking their horns, fireworks are going off in the distance, people are screaming happy new year. And with all the stimulation surrounding them, all she can focus on is Harry's lips on hers, wet and sloppy and still somehow so perfect. She kisses him back eagerly, teeth clashing annoyingly, hands exploring hips and backs and sides as they lick into each other's mouths, heavy and hot with lust.
She doesn't know how long they've been at it, clawing at one another on a public sidewalk in downtown LA. But she knows that eventually, someone stops to breathe and she takes it as an opportunity to step back. Harry's eyes flicker open, confusion and sadness radiating through the jade green, and she gives him a sorrowed smile in response.
"See you around, stranger."
She's gone before he can stop her.
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2022
"You're fucking joking, right?"
Maybe if Harry had glanced up from his phone two seconds earlier, he could've turned around and avoided this happening. But he's stupid, and he was too busy flipping through his mom's annual Christmas post on Instagram when he hears her voice, and he knows he's in for it. 
So he's not entirely surprised when the interaction ends as quickly as it began, just with a tequila soda staining his sweater from her angry drink throwing.
If he's being honest, he gets it. After last New Year's Eve, when they so intelligently decided to eat each other's faces in the middle of LA, gossip blogs and tabloids alike blew up. He felt awful — there were pictures of it everywhere and his fans were desperate to find out who she was. It wasn't a shock to him when they found her social media, job, and, worst of all, the fact that she was in a relationship with someone. 
Harry wanted to send flowers, bake her a million apology pies, and grovel on his knees to express how gross he felt about the situation. But instead, he figured it was better for him to stay away. He could only assume that continuing to bother her would make the situation worse, especially considering how cruel the internet could be.
Instead, it just seems like a sad, sick joke that they ended up at the same New Year's Eve dinner party.
When he agreed to come, he was completely unaware that his friend Lea was dating Alice, one of Y/N's oldest friends. They just moved in together a month back and decided to throw a small get together to ring in 2023. 
He wishes someone would've warned him that she would be here.
A year ago, he was in a different place. He was in deep with doing drugs and drinking to cope with stress after a busy year of nonstop work. He knows it wasn't an excuse for what he did, and while it took both of them to form that situation, his world was far more complicated than hers. Had it been any other person, it would've been a one-off hookup on New Year's Eve. 
With a sigh, his heeled boots carry him to Lea and Alice's kitchen, where he's eager to dry off some of the liquid that's sopping through the material of his sweater. Luckily, it's empty, the rest of the party meandering around the dining and living rooms as they wait for dinner to be served. He mentally curses Sarah and Mitch, who were supposed to accompany him tonight, but bailed last minute because their baby was being fussy. 
A shit excuse, if you ask him.
He's forced to rejoin the party when Alice announces it's time to eat. Harry's thankful to be friends with such excellent chefs, who have prepared an array of vegetarian, vegan, and meat dishes for every food restriction imaginable. When he sits down at his place setting, he's admiring the salad in front of him when he feels someone towering over him. 
"Alice, can I change my seat?"
Of fucking course.
He looks up to see her standing there, pinching her own name plate between her fingers with a less-than-satisfied expression painted on her features. His eyes follow her target, the brunette with a shag haircut holding Lea's hand, who sends a glare back her way.
"No. Just sit down, Y/N."
Silently, she does, though her actions seem far more petulant and childish than her lack of response. She doesn't exchange any words or throw any more drinks at Harry as she serves herself, though she also doesn't offer to pass any of the plates he's clearly reaching for, either. With a sigh, he allows her to avoid him, all the way through the toast when she refuses to clink her glass with his. 
The table settles in a baseline chatter, the sounds of multiple conversations filling Harry's ears as he scoops forkfuls of quinoa and asparagus into his mouth. 
"Can you stop chewing so loud?" she hisses at him, just loud enough for only him to hear. 
"Can you stop being so rude?" Harry fires back lowly, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin, "I'm sorry for last year and I apologize for anything that came of it, but it's not fair for you to only blame me."
"My job fired me," she sneers and Harry's eyebrows shoot up, "And what did you get? More album sales?"
"No— no, I didn’t get anything from it, but— I’m so sorry, I had no idea—“
She rolls her eyes, suddenly standing from the table and pushing her chair in. Her heels clack against the wood floor as she steps away from the dining room and in the direction of the outdoor balcony. Immediately, Harry follows her lead, feeling Lea and Alice's eyes on him. 
Her back is to him, the doors shut, but he can tell she's exhaling smoke from the cigarette wedged between her fingers. Carefully, he twists the doorknob open and gently closes it behind him, his stomach gurgling with nerves. 
"I'm very, very sorry that your job fired you. I didn't know. I wish I did more. I thought about you constantly — I wanted to apologize but I didn't, and that's no fault but my own." he pauses to swallow but she doesn't look at him once. "It's not an explanation, but I was really drunk and high. Last year was... messy. And I should've known better, but I didn't."
She hums, as if in contemplation, as she takes another draw from her cigarette.
"You just... you took so much from me without even knowing it. I know it was both of us, but..."
"I know," Harry says, taking a step closer to her. "I can't express to you how awful I feel."
She shrugs. "It's fine, it's in the past. I just wanted… an apology, or closure or something. I didn’t know you wanted to offer that.” she takes a shaky breath. “I got a new job."
He resists the urge to say that's good, because in actuality, it isn't, and he's the reason why it happened to begin with. Instead, he bites his tongue, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers as she turns to face him.
"Are you still not smoking?"
He smiles gently. "Yes. No drugs either, this year. Maybe by the time we run into each other in 2023, I'll be totally sober."
"You don't seem like the type. Feel like every time I see you, you have a glass of wine or tequila in your hand."
He chuckles.
"To be fair, you've only seen me on New Year's Eve."
"Mm," she nods, stubbing her cigarette out with the heel of her boot, "Isn't that weird? All these years of being my New Year's stranger."
The nickname sets fire to his chest. 12 months later and he forgot that's what they'd started calling one another last year.
"It is weird," he nods, agreeing, "Almost seems like fate."
"Oh, we're not going down that road again," she snorts with a roll of her eyes, and it makes his own eyes crinkle in amusement. "If it was fate, we would've run into each other more. I think we just have mutual friends."
"That might be true. We only live 15 minutes away from one another."
She raises her eyebrows, "Really?"
"Have you moved since 2020?"
She shakes her head.
"Then yes. You live on Maple, I'm on Bleeker."
"That's three blocks over," she says, clearly bemused, "How did we seriously never see each other otherwise?"
Harry shrugs. "I mean, I guess I'm out of the city, like, 9 months of the year."
A silence blankets over them as she presses her elbows against the cool banister on the balcony, looking out to the city. Harry glances at the watch on his wrist. It's a few minutes past 10, just a few hours before the year ends.
"I'm sorry for throwing a drink at you." 
"It's okay. I deserved it."
Silence again. And then: "Would you ever want not be my stranger?"
Y/N tilts her head and looks at him with confused eyes.
"I mean," he pauses in an attempt to get his words together through his slightly buzzed brain, "Would you wanna know me outside of New Year's? Start fresh, maybe."
A gentle smile worms its way onto her face. It gives him a glimmer of hope.
"Remember what you said about fate?"
He nods.
"Find me any other day of the year," she says softly, stretching her arm out to pat his hand lightly, "If you do, it's fate."
. . . 
Harry's having the most chaotic morning ever.
He slept through his alarm (something that rarely ever happens), got to his pilates class late, and completely forgot he has three early afternoon meetings with his record label. From the gym, he rushed over to the grocery store because he recently got home from tour and there's absolutely no food, and he has about 20 more minutes before his stomach starts growling embarrassingly loud. 
He's all but pushing old ladies out of the way with his cart, grabbing boxes of granola bars and bins of fresh fruit with no agenda in mind. Glancing down at his watch, he sees his first meeting begins in a half an hour, which means he'll definitely have to take it in the car over Bluetooth, considering traffic makes it near impossible to get places within a reasonable amount of time.
He's huffy, tired, hungry, and sweaty as he waits in line to check out. He's wearing his sunglasses inside like a douchebag, but he can't be bothered to take them off. He's also trying to be better about not distracting himself with his phone when he's in public places, so he decides to people watch and take stock of those around him: An elderly couple who are struggling to use self check-out, a woman who looks like she may be on one of the housewives shows on TV, and a girl that looks suspiciously similar to his New Year's stranger.
Only, when she turns her head, thanking the cashier with her bag of groceries in her hand as she walks out of the store, it hits him like a massive bag of bricks: It is his New Year's stranger.
Suddenly, nothing else in the world matters — not his cart full of snacks, his meetings, his empty stomach. He's jogging, damn near running to catch up to her, brushing past the morning rush of the supermarket as he tries to grab her attention. It isn't until they're out in the parking lot when he finally does it. Perhaps one of the more embarrassing things he's chosen to do in broad daylight, but he doesn't care, because it's her, and he's not letting her get away this time.
"Hey! Stranger!" he shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth to carry his voice against the parking lot. 
Almost immediately, she turns around, her eyes wide as she looks to see who the greeting came from.
And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but Harry doesn't think he's ever seen someone grin so beautifully when her eyes finally meet his.
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svtminji · 2 months
𐙚 ‧ jeongmi ─── scenarios
╰ anon request: Your recent blog was so sweet!! It kinda shows us their relationship dynamic with each other. Maybe for another blog it could be “fan favorite moments” with them — ⭐️ anon
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I 𝓲. I request ୨୧ jeonghan x oc
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❪ 🏹  going seventeen  ❫ as always, going seventeen provides the viewer a comedic setting of seventeen and their idol personas. in this fic, you'll be able to read the jeongmi moments/cuts caught by carats. this is just a compilation of my favorite gose episodes 🥲 not proof-read 😞
﹙  INSOMNIA-ZERO I ﹚—  with seungcheol still in his hiatus, minji was the first person up and she had no clue what she was getting herself into. although there were a few remarks about her snarky behavior when she gets mad and her constant fights with s.coups, she had a clean slate. most of the members mentioned how she was quite literally their mother since they spent most, if not all, their time training. after her time was over, minji had left the mattress with a heartbeat of 98, which was not bad compared to the rest. minji handed jeonghan the heart monitor and sat herself next to wonwoo. 
as many might notice, the 95 line are quite stuck to the bone and minji was not afraid of spilling some secrets about jeonghan. the female member began talking about the "oppa" situation and jeonghan turned to the side trying to forget it. the members, who had already heard this story, continued it with jeonghan's prior remarks about how she would never have a clue. all of the chatter about the two later transferred to jeonghan's more devious plans towards the members; minji sat there in silence just montioring the members. once jeonghan's time was over, his first instinct was to look at the cause of the chaos: minji. 
"jeonghan-ah, remember. once your time is up, you can't defend yourself~"
[forced to be silent]
he gave her the stink eye and handed joshua the monitor. minji scooted to give him space, which he gladly took. the pair sat in silence for a while until he started to open his mouth about joshua. in the camera shots, you could see the small little heart eyes minji gave jeonghan whenever he spoke and would lean into him. it was the small signals that would drive shippers crazy.. though it would soon end after jeonghan was part of the three members that would go home early, minji being tied with another and turned her attention to joshua c:
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  TTT 2020 ﹚—  this was the "going seventeen" episode that basically comfirmed the dating rumors between these two. minji, jeonghan, hoshi, and woozi were all in the same car on their way to the rented house. while woozi and driver jeonghan were in the front seats, minji and soonyoung were in the back having fun and giggling to each other. this led to frequent checks from jeonghan through the rearview-mirror only to spot minji looking at him and smiling :3. at their stop to get food, the "woozi cam" captured the pair walking together with jeonghan's arm around her. during the cuts of them eating, a slight drunk minji was basically all up on jeonghan. it got so worse the editors had to cut so much of the footage. 
while being on the losing team during foot-volleyball, minji made her way to the alcohol stand where her worst enemy laid, the vodka mix. offering to drink the member's shots, minji knew she wouldn't remember a thing tomorrow. before she started her third shot, jeonghan looked at her questionably and asked if she was okay doing this. 
"are you sure you're going to be okay? i don't want you throwing up on me later tonight."
"relax babe, i'll be fine! i used to go band for band when i was a teenager, it'll be alright~~"
[. . . . “babe”?]
noticing her slipup of the word "babe", jeonghan knew it was too late. the members just stared at her and hoped it wouldn't make it to the final cut (it did). though like the self-proclaimed pro she is, she raised the shot glass to her lips and threw her head back. the bitter aftertaste of whatever was in that container had left her feeling a little silly, which had meant the real fun had started to begin.
joining soonyoung in the fanatic drunks is minji. as stated before, minji becomes up and personal with the people around her when drunk. although she may have a high alcohol tolerance (thanks to her underage drinking), minji's affections become more and more affectionate when drinking way too much. 
during this time, minji and jeonghan were first beginning their relationship and they did not want to be exposing it right away to the cameras; but pair minji + alcohol and you get a mess that is quite hard to clean up. after she had made dinner, she sat between jeonghan and seungcheol. many fans point out the difference in actions done by the two men. jeonghan was basically minji's headrest and seungcheol was just there to balance her out. 
"hannie.. you look so pretty today.. like a cloud.."
"minji-ah, leave that poor man alone.."
"coups.. you look handsome too.."
coups + mizu + han + shua = the poly couple idc argue w the wall
the day after constant drinking and singing, minji was pretty much hung over #she threw up and spent most of her day taking things slow, especially when cleaning up the kitchen… moving into the car was the best thing she could’ve done. with hoshi taking the driver’s role on the way back, the '95 duo were left in the backseats and spent their time resting (cuddling eachother too bruh).
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  AB-LIB GOING COMPANY ﹚—  the first ‘gose’ episode after the news of the couple… so let’s say the members didn’t quite hold back. starting off with the ceo and the employee relationship ..
[before minji enters (on standby with the "foreign department")]
“have you guys heard the rumor?” seungcheol starts while leaning in to talk with the rest of the ‘employees’. some of them shook their head and leaned in to hear.
“supposedly the ceo and mizuki.. are dating.” seungkwan revealed it. “but that’s just a rumor..”
“isn’t that nepotism?”
“hyung.. that’s when your born into the company..”
minji’s reaction, while on standby, was just her eye-rolling at what they were doing. though as soon as minghao, jun, and vernon started walking towards the rest of the ‘employees’, she followed them.
[staff chwe hansol, doi mizuki, wen junhui, xu minghao come to work]
“oh! good morning mizuki!” seungkwan smiled as he spoke as if he wasn’t talking about her a second ago.
“good morning seungkwan, how’s the research going?”
“research about what…?” minji smiled about his inital confusion and began her snarky comment.
“about my relationship with the ce-”
[ceo yoon jeonghan comes to work]
though she was cut off by jeonghan’s entrance, she just closed her mouth and stayed quiet. after embarking in the classic “content is power!” “sleep when you’re dead!” chants, the day went pretty eventful. not much was spoken about the ongoing question at hand but that was until jeonghan stirred the pot.
“let’s see who hasn’t spoken in a while.” jeonghan scanned the room to which he laid eyes on her scribbling down doodles. “ah, mizuki.. why don’t you share what’s on your notepad?”
seungcheol, who was across from her, snickered then later shook due to the ‘coldness’. minji smiled, stood up, and cleared her throat. “well, it says i’ll like to go home.”
[not taking her job seriously.. pure silence]
“great! everyone clap!” jeonghan replied after a few seconds of silence and everyone had followed through.
“what a guy.. only excusing her just because they’re dating..”
“this has to be corruption..”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  THE TRUMAN SHOW OF MR. SVT’S WE LIVE ALONE ﹚—  placed into a small room was seungcheol, minji, jeonghan, wonwoo, and seokmin. they were all commentating and watching the “everyday life” of mr. svt, mingyu. soon enough minji’s turn would begin as the new “mr. svt”.
[a good morning for the new mr. svt]
with an airpod in one ear, she knew it wouldn’t end well, especially with that devil in that room as well. the female made her way towards the kitchen to figure out a small snack. although she had eaten prior to the shoot, she thought of her members first.
“make some beef and noodles, minji-ah” seungcheol’s voice spoke within the airpod. minji, in order to pretend she didn’t hear it, thought about what to make for lunch.
“hmm.. beef and noodles seem good right now. i should start making some before my time is gone.”
[4th wall breaker]
as she began getting the ingredients, she paid no attention to the conversation in her ear. though on the other side, the members were complimenting her cooking skills.
“wah, i know it’s going to taste good. who’s next after her?” mingyu asked the question that was lingering in everyone’s mind.
“s.coups is next so he’ll be eating whatever is left..” jeonghan replied as he sighed.
minji, who didn’t want to disappoint her boyfriend, started to placed more beef into the frying pan. she smiled and spoke out loud: “i’ll make more meat for hannie and the rest.”
[thoughtful girlfriend and member]
“oooh~~” seokmin pushed jeonghan slightly at the words that came from her mouth. “don’t pretend to be coy!”
jeonghan became silent for a while, looking down and smiling.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
﹙  CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST II ﹚—  the episode loaded into with jeonghan in the middle of the set, using his food coupon. minji walked in with the rest of the members and managed to stand behind him. placing her arms around him, she whispered in his ear and to which he nodded. circling in the spaghetti with his utensils, he raised it up to her mouth and the female gladly to the bite.
[special privileges]
“wow.. you give her some but it’s the end of the world if you give us any bite huh?” dino spoke as he looked in disbelief.
“yah, she asked me politely. what type of man am i to deny her?”
minji just smiled and listened to the chaos she created. after the rules were explained once again, christmas in august had already begun (even if it wasn't even august 😞). she had small knowledge of horror games and the female would only play them with friends or family. considering this was a one time thing, minji didn’t mind at all. choosing the room that was the least scary led her to be in the room with seokmin, who immediately embraced her.
[a motherly aura enters]
“minji-noona~~ i’m so glad we’re together.” seokmin says as she sits down beside him.
“i was so scared, i didn’t want to choose a room that was all alone.” minji replies as she looks around the dark and empty room. in-front of them laid the gaming computer and she knew it wasn’t going to be an easy game.
after a while, the door opened once again and this time jeonghan entered. both seokmin and minji sighed in relief.
“a-yo, a-yo” jeonghan said as he broke up the silence within the room.
“i’m relieved you’re here” seokmin spoke as he motioned him to sit down.
[not lonely]
“i’m a spy”
“don’t lie” minji warned, she had enough of his shenanigans already.
“just sit down and be quiet”
[jeonghan joins room 4]
after making jeonghan stay, they all waited for the next member to arrive.
“s.coups?” seokmin question as he saw a figure walk in.
“it’s s.coups? what is this?” jeonghan spoke as him and seokmin grabbed s.coups by the shoulders leading him towards the chairs.
[a full room: three ‘95s, and one ‘98]
“yay~~ it’s coups!! we’ll definitely beat whatever game we’re going to get” minji replied as she got up and hugged him.
“this is why i didn’t want to come.. to where you, seokmin, and jeonghan were” seungcheol finally spoke as he leaned away from the affections.
[sensitive eardrums]
minji pouted in response and got off of him, “you’re no fun at all.”
after the complaints, the group managed to make it throughout the game with barely any problems. although minji had barely touched the mouse and keyboard, she still managed to give in her in-put of where to go. though all that carats could see was her hiding behind jeonghan during the more graphic and intense scenes.
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❪ 🐰 ❫ — an
this was originally supposed to be posted a LONG time ago.
i would add more gose but i haven’t caught up at all since the middle of 2023 and i would like to save some for the enlistment period 🥲
i decided to begin where it would signalize when they started to rlly like each other 🤞
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Could you please do tomorrow headcannons like the ones you’ve done for bill recently. 🙏🙏🙏. Love your writing btw- also if you make it can you tag me..
yesss ofc love and ty for the support <3
Relationship headcannons Tom
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You guys first started dating
Brags about you to anyone who will listen
Once you got to know him you realized how much of a softie he really is
He was very confident at first
Spoils you
Quickies behind stage at tours
You love playing with his dreads
Tugging on his braids during sex
Suprised you with the braids
you love them ofc
Loves going on walks with you
Very affectionate
Super protective
Gets jealous easily
Slightly possessive
Hates when you wear skimpy clothing out
Always accompanies you at parties
Will hurt any guy if he has to
Gets you flowers a lot
Takes you on the humanoid tour
Shouts you out in the crowd and brings you up to the stage
Stares at you while he's playing and flirts with you too
Quickie backstage ofc
Loves seeing you in his shirts when you go to sleep
Always gives you his jackets, hoodies, shirts
SUPER flirty
Teases you in public
Leaves hickeys everywhere for everyone to see
Smacks your ass playfully in public
Cuddles are the best
Loves to go to the club with you
Still very protective
Jealousy issues calming down a little
Shows you off in interviews
Talks about you non stop in podcasts
Brings you to practice
Very loving and caring
Will drop everything just to make sure you're ok
Super close, very healthy relationship
Proposes to you finally
The proposal is beautiful, he takes you out to a fancy dinner and he gets the best spot and proposes to you under the stars
Showers you with gifts all the time
Gets you lunch when you're working hard
Loves to give you massages when you're stressed
Learnt how to cook for you
Talking about wanting a family
Cuddes and movies every second night
Partying like there's no tomorrow
Falling pregnant in late 2014 so the baby came after the wedding
The wedding finally happens
The ceremony is beautiful
He smiles like an idiot when he sees you walking down the aisle, crying softly
Does the garter wedding tradition but tries to take your panties off instead
Dances with you sweetly at first
When you get drunk he grinds on you, dancing so sexually
He smashes his lips into yours when the priest declares you husband and wife
also picks you up and spins you around when after the kiss
Can't stop talking about how sexy you were at the wedding
Makes a wedding night sex tape with you LOL
Buying a house together
Baby finally arrives
A lot of renovating
More talks about having a big family
Tom upgrades the nursery
Best father EVER
Spoils you and the kids
Forces Bill to babysit for a couple nights so you guys can spend time together
Sex is amazing and always has been
Still very protective of you and especially your daughter
Fall pregnant again
Find out you're having twins
tom jumps with joy after he finds out
Tells Bill and they are super happy
Tom buys you fresh flowers every week
When he takes the dogs for walks he'll always pick flowers for you
Loves taking your daughter to the park with you even though you're super pregant
Loves you unconditionally
Takes care of you so much during pregnancy and birth
Holds your hand at the hosptal
Sobs and holds the twins in his arms
Loves you for you
Reminds you everyday how beautiful and precious you are
Spoils the kids with junk food when you aren't there
Thinking of another kid
Very happy relationship and super close
Sex is amazing ofc
Buying you flowers every week ofc
Partying here and there
Loves home dates and spending time with you
Some nights he'll fall asleep on your chest
You love playing with his long hair and beard
Beard tickles you when he kisses you
He's careful not to give you carpet burn when eating you out
Loves washing your hair and making you feel relaxed
Runs baths for you to relax after a hard day
He helps with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
Best present giver
Super affectionate
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tags: @effy-2000 @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @20doozers @charliesgoodboy @tomkaulitzloverr @tomscumdoll @syylss @ge-billsgf @ballhair @miyukafujii
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jeons-catalyst · 4 days
The exact same questions i have had about this moment and like U i made peace with the fact we will never know answers to these questions but one thing for sure is they're that comfortable where one can leave a bite mark on other's neck and they'd rather go around flexing it than simply cover it so no asks any questions. Mind u they both came in the same car, jk saw himself in the mirror while coming to work that mark in his home yet decided to do nothing about the mark lol. And there is no way I'm gonna believe that jm would bite someone this hard to leave a mark that would last atleast 2 days cause there's another clip where jk is wearing those loose pants which look was pretty much viral for army twitter cause everyone was talking about that look, so even on that day he had that faint mark on his neck and that day was a following day on cd after this hickey day. You either have to bite HARD to leave mark for atleast 2+ days or suck the skin. And if you bite hard you're easily gonna break the skin which idt jm would want to do to anyone.
Always wondered how did jk even ended up picking up jm. Were they having funny arguments that made jk go "you wait I'll punish you now" or jm was winning to jk to pick him up or something 😂 ngl if you tell this story to anyone it indeed something two lovers would do. Cause why was your drinking night ended up U picking up jm bridal style? Would bros won't fight like picking eachother up on they shoulders and damp down like siblings do....which "bros" are going around causally picking up eachother bridal style? Everything screams intimacy here...
Who knows what Jikook get up to in private? You know, human beings are creatures of habit and the things we do often in private often show up in public even when we don’t intend for them to. The way Jk always has Jimin in his arms when we see them in content and how comfortable they both look suggests that they do that alot. Do you remember Festa 2020 when Jimin said his specialty is being piggybacked by Jungkook? I’m sure my man has made real estate on Jungkook’s back and arms.
No but seriously, i don’t care if people think it was a bite or not because everything leading up to the moment was intimate as hell, even for BTS members.
I also just remembered Namjoon saying that Jimin gets really romantic when he is drunk so think of how flirty and romantic Jimin already is when he is sober and how handsy he gets with Jungkook infront of our salads and those of dozens of camera crew members and staff and then just imagine the same Jimin, only drunk and alone with Jungkook without cameras🤭
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
To be so lonely
TBSL is a drunk phone call with regret for how a relationship turned out. It has similarities to Say don’t go and Ready for it. Harry said (10:30) it was written in Bath. He said it was one of his favourites and a shame that people shout arrogant SOB at him. I love him so much:
Arrogant son of a bitch
Arrogant SOB is a quote from this Notebook scene. It's a vulnerable, honest line from a hopeless romantic's favourite movie. Why would people scream it at him? Only played at 12 shows.
Harry wrote Fine Line in the first half 2018 and Cherry and Falling mid-year.
In October - January he was in Japan. The last Reputation show was in Tokyo in November. He wrote Little Freak & Ophelia then.
Taylor went back to the UK with Joe, In February she and Joe went to the Spaniards Inn (aka Harry's local) and she released Me!
To be so lonely is a drunk phone call when he is back in England around June 2019. (see also 2018-2020 and Fine line timelines
[Verse 1] Don't blame me for falling I was just a little boy Don’t blame the drunk caller Wasn't ready for it all
The first verse is clear that he's calling taylor:
‘Don't blame him for falling’ has a layered meaning, falling in love in the 1989 TV era (the irony now with vaults), falling off the friendship fine line (also in Daylight) and now falling into depression as in Falling.
He was just a little boy refers to his immaturity in the 1989 TV era, as detailed in Say don't go.
he responds to Taylor’s vengeful open to the Reputation tour and album: "Are you Ready for it.." with a soft gentle 'I wasn't ready at all'. This is layered, he wasn't ready to date an adult, for the fame, to be there for her insecurities in Slut and Say don’t go or to loose that love then or now.
[Pre-Chorus] You can't blame me, darling Not even a little bit, I was away And I’m just an arrogant son of a bitch Who can't admit when he's sorry
He's feeling sorry for himself, reflecting on having been emotionally numb when they dated (I was away). To Howard Stern he said every decision he’d made from 16 to 22 was as part of a group, going to therapy and working through his thoughts at that time.
the arrogant SOB line reminds us he is a gentle soul, he is sorry, he has done the work and can now see the effect he had on her. I love that line and wish people didn’t yell it.
he’s sorry, but as an arrogant sob that’s hard
[Chorus] Don't call me "baby" again, you got your reasons I know that you're tryna be friends, I know you mean it Don't call me "baby" again, it's hard for me to go home Be so lonely
Harry asked his muse to not call him baby, because he’s not with them. They are trying to be friends despite chemistry, they crossed the fine line of friendship and he’s drunk calling lonely that his beloved is not with him.
In Taylor’s later track, illicit affairs she has a similar line “And you wanna scream / Don't call me "kid" / Don't call me "baby" / Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me / You showed me colors / You know I can't see with anyone else”
He closes that it’s hard for him to be so lonely, it seems his beloved is not lonely because they are not single
[Verse 2] I just hope you see me in a little better light Do you think it's easy being of the jealous kind? ’Cause I miss the shape of your lips You’ll win, it's just a trick And this is it, so I’m sorry
He and this person have history, he wants to right. Little Freak “never saw his birthmark” is similar to me, Harry feels like Taylor did not get to see the real him, he was a little boy who wasn’t ready for it all. He regrets how things turned out and how she sees him.
He misses the shape of her lips, (red lips in style and two ghosts) in a leaked “I just wanna love you” he sang “'Cause I just wanna kiss you / And that's never gonna change / At least I'm honest with you, babe”
He’s jealous she’s with someone else, wishes they were together. He agrees it’s just a trick to get her attention, and he’s sorry.
[Bridge] And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch Who can't admit when he's sorry [Chorus] Don't call me "baby" again, you got your reasons I know that you're tryna be friends, I know you mean it Don't call me "baby" again, it's hard for me to go home Be so lonely To be so lonely x5
:( he’s sad for how it ended, misses her
sees she wants to be friends but he can’t cope if she calls him baby because he wants her. Taylor has a similar sentiment “ Now that we don’t talk “Truth is, I can't pretend it's / Platonic, it's just ended, so”
She’s in a relationship and he wants to be with her.
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useless-catalanfacts · 11 months
So as someone who genuinely loves Barcelona and is passionate about learning and engaging more with Catalán culture, who wants to be respectful when visiting, what do you advise? I was there in March 2020, right when things shut down, and there are a lot of historical sites I missed, and a lot of places in the surrounding areas I didn’t get to visits. I would love to get to go back and learn more. I learned a lot about Barcelona after becoming close with a coworker from there, and from our conversations and my trip genuinely fell in love with the people and culture there.
I grew up in Florida, which had its own tourist culture issues. It can definitely get ugly. I don’t want to assume that the things that would work there would work in Spain. And if the answer is “Don’t come right now,” that’s also perfectly fine!
I don't think it's a problem that you come visit, one person doesn't make a difference. The problem comes from 1) the tourist system, not individuals and 2) when it's about individuals, it's because they don't know how to behave in public and they treat us like we're their servants. You don't sound like the kind of person who will be drunk and shouting in the streets at night or throwing a party at an airbnb so people who have to go work tomorrow can't sleep, or peeing in the street, or taking pictures of the inhabitants going through their days without their consent like they're zoo animals, etc so it's okay.
The only thing I advise is to book a hotel (like, a real hotel as they are registered and the amount of rooms is controlled) and not any illegal tourist flat or airbnb. Also to behave well as you would in your home town but I don't think that needs to be said.
However, if you're looking to engage with Catalan culture, Barcelona is the last place in the country you should be going to lol. You'll see the historical aspects of our culture (architecture, museums, historical sites, etc) but it's more alive literally anywhere else. Barcelona has a lot to offer but it's loosing its personality (as in, it has lots of multinational brands so local businesses have had/are having to close en masse, lots of people come in and don't bother to learn catalan language because they look down on us), so in the public sphere it can seem quite empty of culture especially in summer (except for when it's the Corpus and festes majors), unless you go to some of the neighborhoods outside the touristic centre but I don't necessarily recommend that. In the centre you'll see some businesses are completely sold out to tourism, faking a non-existance culture so tourists who come with their prejudices can have their expectations fullfiled (this includes flamenco dancers, Mexican hats, sangria wherever that came from, souvenirs with bullfighters, and other foreign stuff that I have no idea how it ended getting associated with us).
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vexic929 · 4 months
Top 5 films?
(weirdly this ask was not in my inbox but it was in my notifs at least, tumblr go home you're drunk again)
Barbie (2023)
Birds of Prey (2020)
Joker (2019)
Death Note (2006)
Funny Face (1957)
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dontlikeadam · 2 months
Train Lyrics
I think they may have used the train to indicate the songs were about each other, similar to how she seems to use "blue" in songs that fit him.
The 1975:
I Always Want to Die Sometimes (2018):
Same chords as "The Best of Me" by The Starting Line. The songs Matty would mash together. Similar sounding song to Dashboard. They both love Dashboard. It's Matty and Taylors emo ballad.
"You win, you lose, you sing the blues" - Taylors "blue" connection?
"Your sat here on the train again"
About You
Obviously THE Taylor Song
"I Miss You On The Train"
Paris (2016)
"And I don't suppose you know where this train goes?"
"I started to cheat on my girlfriend again"
"Hyper-politicized sexual trysts, oh I think my boyfriends a nihilist"
"And so she wrote a plan for it, on the back of a fag packet"
"I caught her picking her nose as the crowd cheered for an overdose" - Taylors "crowd chanting More!"
"Keeping a tab on my health" "Well I believe you're clean, but only by seeing your face for myself" Someone keeping an eye on him from a distance.
Tonight I Wish I Was Your Boy - Notes - 2020
"That once again, running away with me"
"Let me stop myself for a minute, see if my hearts still in it"
"They should take this pain and give it a name"
"I think I fucked it royally"
"Give Yourself a New Name. Change Your Voice On the Train"
"She told me, 'some things just take time, how can you be sure if you won't try"
"Have a complain about your fame, tell me it's all a rigged game"
"She said 'I guess I'll take this pain instead of your name"
The Ballad of Me and My Brain (2016) ILIWYS
"I must have left it on the train, or lost in a bar"
"The nice nurse told me, said she felt my pain". In Taylors "Soon You''ll Get Better she states that "You like the nicer nurses"
The main song. The one she mouthed is about Matty.
"When you're young they assume you know nothing" people thinking you know nothing about love, or anything when you are young- as they were
"But I knew you, dancing in your Levi's, drunk under the street light" Matty had a street light in his show.
"Sensual politics" - The 1975's "hyper sexualized political tryst?"
"Stepping on the last train. Marked me like a bloodstain"
"A friend to all is a friend to none" a note about him keeping only a few close friends instead of a lot of friends?
"Chase-two girls, lose the one"
"But I knew you playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends" playing games
"I knew you tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy" Peter Pan and and her song Peter
"I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss"
"The smell of smoke would hang around this long"
"I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standing in my front porch light"
Taylor said this song was supposed to be like "placing a spell on someone" making them fall in love with you.
"The more that you say, the less I know" Accurate.... That fits both her and Matty
"I'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man"
"And there was one prize I'd cheat to win" I think she would always go to him whenever he wanted.
"You know that my train could take me home"
"Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark. Show me the places where the others gave you scars" Still a secret, and obviously still seeing other people.
Champagne Problems- Evermore- 2020
"You booked the night train for a reason"
"dropped your hand while dancing"
Sincerity is Scary "After your show when you let go of my hand"
"This dorm was once a madhouse. I made a joke, 'well it's made for me'."
"She would've made such a lovely bride. Its a shame she's fucked in the head"
The Last Great American Dynasty
Plot is technically about Rebekah and the Rhode Island House.
"Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny"
"The doctor had told him to settle down" Matty and his multiple theatrics on being sick, and more so his addiction/smoking etc.
"Free of women with madness and their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me" Another women with madness and boys with bad habits.
The Archer
"I jump from the train. I ride all alone"
Plot line works.
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bunnieshoneys · 5 months
Hello! It's a me, one of the many essay writers in your comments section here to spam you with a million questions!!!
How far into his G1 rookie season did Getou's dad die? (don't have to answer if this is spoilery btw)
Would you say it was inevitable for STSG to have a falling out, or was them being teammates the main factor in their not breakup-breakup? And if this is spoilery, do I get to attempt to start discourse on it?
Where are you finding all these banger songs for inspo?!?!?!? I haven't been able to find crackers for ages (my Discover weekly was admittedly screwed over by streaming a certain artist for three months but that's a whole other issue imo) and am in desperate need for new stuff ;-;
Do any of the characters have pets outside of Megumi having Toto?
Is Go/jo having engineering student level knowledge just him being a nerdy lil' guy or is it a product of his upbringing?
Sorta relating to the last one, how important is Go/jo's non-Getou related backstory (like parental relationships and stuff) to the narrative/his character? (Well I mean I assume it'd be important in general regarding who he is considering developmental years are always important since, y'know, they DEVELOP who you are and stuff, unless you're doing an amnesia fic which this is not so whatever)
Did kid Tsumiki just... go into Go/jo's house with Megumi when he told them to stay in the guest room (while very drunk/hungover)???
Does Ui Ui exist?
Relating to previous question, is Mei Mei still.. uh... *gestures to recent episodes* ????
How bad has the media been in the past regarding Go/jo and Megumi's relationship?
Did Megumi's mom stop racing after marrying Toji?
Did Yuta only win the 2021 championship, or has he won multiple?
Based off the previous question, which championships has Go/jo won?
Again, faaantastic fic!!! Wow wow wow, this is seriously so much fun lmfao, I don't think I've been this invested in something for a good while, so yeah, good job!!!! Looking forward to the next chapter :p
HI !! answering this on my phone whilst on the move, so i apologise for spellings etc
1. spoilers, although i dont think ive ever explicitly stated the time period his dad dies, correct me if im wrong!
2. aaaah, now this is a good one! id say it was relatively inevitable. they, at some point, would have fought close and hard for championships with each other and that wouldve have caused something to go down. however being teammates compounded this i would also say. so both yes and no, but the nature of teammates in racing means that the fight would have been much more intense than if they were in diff teams. i would, however, also say its pretty inevitable that they became teammates, too: their connections in the sport and their shared childhoods mean that they would likely have been on the same team together at some point: gojo was also DESPERATE to be teammates with getou, and what gojo wants, he gets.
3. i listen to A LOT of music lol. my spotify in 2020 was 130k minutes on lockdown, and this year it was 79k. i listen to over 3k minutes a week on avg according to my apps! so i guess its just a lot of time, and artist radios on spotify
4. ive not thought about that! i think haibara and nanami probably have cats, and yuuji would probably have cats too, but not many of them would have pets i dont think :( youre not allowed to take them on the road, and theyre away from home for so much time its not worth it.
5. product of upbringing, and absorbing info. it comes up a little later, but gojo isnt as smart when it comes to engineering as either shoko or getou (getou defo could have been an engineer, if he wanted). yuki is also very engineering-minded, but obviously the only actual engineer here is shoko, and she’s very, very good at her job.
6. its pretty important. the post-getou years (2014-2021) are pretty important, as is his childhood. but it comes up in past pov, and getou just considers him priveleged lol so it doesnt come up until later. but it does get expanded upon!
7. she looked up his address and basically demanded to know where their dad had gone - she was also angry at gojo in particular since gojo was the one beating toji in the championship - this is vaguely spoilery, but tsumiki didnt know the real reason toji left at the time.
8. probably!
9. uh. tbh i needed filler names more than anything. mei mei isnt squeaky clean in this au, but shes not *gestures* that, either. honestly, shes not a major part of the au and i plan to keep her that way
10. theyve not been great! but we get into that a bit later down the line - the media isnt the kindest to megumi in general tbh.
expanding on media, gojo / megumi are probably the drivers that have the media be harsher to them more than most. haibara is kind to everyone, but megumi’s link to toji and gojo’s general personality mean the media doesnt particularly enjoy them. yuuji, and getou are much more popular and well liked, but in the future i imagine nobara and the press not really getting on either.
mai also should be treated badly by the media considering her overall temperament, but she gets away with much more bc shes a zenin. another element of megumi being treated badly is bc hes a zenin reject as such
11. yes. she stopped racing when she got pregnant, she was G2 at the time but this isnt really expanded upon (at least, unless i write a more in depth itafushi of this au lol)
12. yuuta has only won one championship, 2021. in an early draft that was posted, he also won 2020, but thats no longer canon. theres also an interview snippet somewhere that refers to 2022 being possibly his third championship somewhere that i need to correct, but yuuta only won in 2021. his rookie season was 2020.
13. gojo won 2012,2013, 2015,2016,2017, and 2018. in 2019 and 2020, the car was Bad, lol
i love u and i love answering these teehee :)
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gothwives · 10 months
open: m based: p.romising y.oung w.oman (2020) and j.ennifer's b.ody (2009) esme is a demon who eats men, and her current hunting technique has been going to a club/bar, pretending to be drunk so some predatory creep will take her home and try to take advantage of her, only for her to then attack them. she's gotten your muse to take her home, but it turns out he's actually just a nice dude who wanted to provide her a safe place to spend the night and isn't trying to sleep with her. who: esme cortez, she/her, 28, exotic dancer/nail tech
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"wait— what? you're sleeping on the couch?" that exaggeratedly slurred speech and impaired demeanor melted away like a switched flipped as esme sat up in the stranger's bed, brows knitted together in confusion. "what the f.uck did you bring me home for, then?"
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lonita · 4 years
B roll - 2020 08 31
30 - If you are recording something for later transcription please do not type near the recording device. That is incredibly disturbing for someone trying to suss out what the speakers are saying. Humans have selective hearing, devices don't.
30 - One of my friends really loathes the current proliferation of the phrase "the new normal". For myself it's "I've done my research" - which usually comes out of the mouths of someone who spent two hours on Google and sounds like they're stamping their feet like a five-year-old.
30 - Any thoughts on which brand of ginger ale exists that actually tastes like it has ginger in it?
30 - I think I'm experiencing the only aspect of Ludditeism I'll ever feel, which is companies who want to force you to use an app when you'd rather use a website. Phone are delightful, I'm sure, when you're not a visually impaired person who'd rather use a big screen.
30 - There appears to be some kind of heritage walk going on over the road at Sandyford Place.
30 - I think the two most gross things I used to eat as a child were ketchup sandwiches and toast with mayo. I was not particularly imaginative when it came to food as a child.
30 - I have this feeling that I have another uteran fibroid. I do not enjoy the prospect of living with that until it bursts. Hope it's just food poisoning.
30 - I'm now working on my … fifth? basket of peaches. I am not ashamed.
30 - I'm binging True Blood again - but the site I'm streaming it off of seems to have got themselves a set with subtitles from, of all things, Grease.
30 - It's very hard to explain to people why 'balancing budgets' is for corporations, households, and accounting class, not governments.
30 - The statue of John A MacDonald was not torn down. It was drunk and fell over on its own. It was a pre-existing condition.
30 - I don't know what it says that I misread "architect" as "antichrist". I mean, I'm legally blind and all, but still. I don't think it's that.
31 - Working at home isn't a privilege bubble. Minimum wage customer service workers do it too.
31 - Sometimes I deeply crave a Little Oly’s chocolate malt.
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doodleoogles · 4 months
He doesn't look too bad, matter of fact, he is kinda cute although not exactly 'my type' but he's definitely a looker for more normal girls. If you know me personally or have been following me for quite awhile, you have an idea how I have a very uncanny taste in men.
I was anxious for something else, waiting for a message that isn't likely going to come. I tried not to focus on checking my phone too much and diverted my attention to the stage where a band is tirelessly playing. He casually sat beside me, "Haven't seen you in awhile, you don't remember me do ya?" I stared blankly, "Powertrip? 2020?" he continued. I know the gig but his nice boy face didn't trigger any recollection. "You were on my shoulders during the moshpit." Holy F---- the things I do when I am drunk, I made a mental face palm, "Oh!?" was all I could say before breaking into a laugh, "Knew it. You don't remember…" I shrugged, "Yeah let's keep it at that."
I can't quite remember if that was the first question he ever asked but I recall we had some interesting conversations about life and the world as we know it now. Jeez, guys and alcohol are an unlikely combination. Either they are straightforwardly asking for sex or try to look intellectual (and fool you to have sex). I didn't take the bait, I only reciprocated some of the interest he showed. I must admit there's a unique way of trying to get my attention, asking questions about goals in life and what can a guy do to impress me. My ego was stoked quite nicely and I almost forgot about that one message I was hoping so bad I'd receive.
"Here's another," he mused, "What is it that will make you want to stay?" I raised an eyebrow (I've told him about finding a job overseas and my incapacity to stick with someone for good - God how drunk was I). "You mean in the country or with a guy?" He lifted both shoulders, holding his beer bottle up to a guy who walked past us, "Both?" I shook my head "My mind's pretty made up and I'm kinda fucked up". He caught my gaze, "that face doesn't look fucked up to me." for a split second I felt a warm rush from some butterflies flapping their wings inside my stomach. He would either me another victim or a brand new fucking disappointment - my intrusive thoughts whispered.
"Not looking for anything right now and I don't think there's anything that will make me want to stay in this god forsaken country." I made sure my voice was firm. "Yeah?" he looked convinced enough, "all good then" he said, still smiling. He opened his bag and took out a bag of pretzel, a big bar of chocolate and a small sticky note still wrapped in plastic, "you know what, take these.." I was puzzled, I mean why would someone bring these stuff on a night out? I wondered if he was supposed to give it to someone else but got stood up. In a way, we're in the same boat tonight.
The night went on until it was about time to leave. I called my friend, waved goodbye to him and we went our separate ways. My friend and I ate some good beef stew to sober up, and I booked a ride home after. Ah everything's better when you're alone, I thought as I lie in bed feeling slightly dizzy. I smiled as I pull the blankets up to my chin and lulled myself to sleep.
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panapanapana · 4 months
Memory lane time. I'm really missing my dead relatives today and well, this is where I journal. So here's my favorite memories of each person. Anyone reading, feel free to chime in with favorite memories of your lost loved ones too.
Great Grandma: You told me that since I was more careful with the crayons than my cousins were that I deserved my own special box of nice ones. I still remember them. Sargent Art crayons, hidden carefully behind a framed picture in your living room. I still miss those crayons. I might go buy myself a box.
Grandpa: I loved how you'd spend quality time with me. We'd watch the cheerleading championships or women's figure skating or synchronized swimming and you could tell Grandma it was "Mandy's idea, really!" It was. I was just as Aggressively Lesbian as my daughter is. You'd get a little drunk and the instant we were alone together you'd tell me stories of your life that nobody else usually got to hear. How the metric system is superior but you can't admit it in America. How you would trade your chocolate rations to kids who could buy beer cheaper than you could during the war. You'd teach me to cuss in German and tell me how to make pipe bombs. I wish I'd had the self knowledge and courage to ask you to teach me to fix things. You'd always tell me I didn't need to know because someday I'd find a nice guy and if I could do more in the workshop than he could it would be bad for him. If I could go back I'd beg you to make me a Home Depot lesbian in your image.
Liz: You were so fucking brilliant. It consistently amazed me how you could just decide to learn something, hyperfocus, and be excellent at it. Thanks for our son. You'd really love the person he's become.
Grandma: You were so unintentionally hilarious in so many ways and I loved that about you. You rarely stepped foot in a church except to clean it for pay or to go to baptisms and funerals but it somehow incensed you that I was an atheist. And then one day we were all sitting in my aunt's bar and you were loudly and happily telling everyone that your workplace had gotten a new Nativity set and you'd convinced them to give you the old one. But was it for your own Christmas decorations? Nope! You'd used them as firewood. In fact, the baby Jesus in his manger was currently keeping happy hour nice and warm. You were so proud of your resourcefulness and didn't notice everyone looking at you in horror until I told you, "Grandma, I'm the atheist here and even I think that's sacrilegious."
Hannelore: You were the first of the litter I got to feel moving. You'd dance every time I ate cold leftover macaroni and cheese. And I'll never forget seeing at the last ultrasound before Doomsday how you and your sister were curled up like a little yin yang taking turns kicking each other in the face. When people mention the world changing forever on March 13, 2020 I think of you and the bad news at the anatomy scan before I think of the lockdown and the pandemic. And I think that's beautiful. You're bigger to me than the entire world, baby girl.
Mom: God, there's just too many things. The big, important stuff I always thought I'd miss the most, like you speaking up to say the things that needed to be said even when saying them was not in your best interest, isn't actually the things I find I miss the most. Because you instilled that in me. It's still here. I find that I miss the little things. My daughter asked this morning for bologna in her peanut butter sandwich while she watched Rainbow Brite and I know you'd have gotten a huge kick out of that because she looks and acts just like I did. But I can't just text you anymore. I miss that wherever you were, whenever we talked, it still always felt like home even though I lived over a thousand miles away from you.
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sexygrass · 9 months
11. Close Enemy.
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genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
Mystic Falls, Virginia, February 2020|
That night the group of nine were partying loud and hard as if their lives depended on it, Jungwoo, Haechan, and Mark were humans back then. and the youngest has almost reached the legal age to drink, almost.
"Can you keep an eye on him? It's his first time drinking and I think he had enough, I'm going to use the bathroom and I don't trust that he won't make a scene in my absence." Mark yelled over the loud music, "That depends, are you just peeing or taking a shit?" Mark raised his hand to slap him but Renjun shielded himself behind Jeno who was busy talking to a random girl. 
"Hey, we're leaving in fifteen, okay?" Jeno looked at his brother nonchalantly before drifting his gaze back at the girl, "Yeah, whatever." 
"Okay haechan, here's your dare," yuta grinned,"Call Subway and ask when the next train is." haechan snorted at him, "Come on, man! I can do better than that!" he whined at him.
"Write something embarrassing on your body with a sharpie!" Jaehyun hollered after Johnny's suggestion, "Ha! That thing I'll do! Jaemin, your purse, hurry!" Jaemin grimaced at him, "It's not a purse! It's a man-bag!" he corrected him, "and here!" he slammed the sharpie on his hand. "Dude, why do you have a Sharpie on your bag?" Renjun asked genuinely confused.
"What to write? what to write?" Haechan tapped his forehead with the head on the pen, "Oh! Oh! I got it!... I need a mirror," they watched him climb the stairs recklessly; three steps in one step.
"he's a dork," Johnny shook his head as he sipped on his drink, "but he's funny," doyoung nodded. "Mark won't like this," jungwoo chuckled and went to pour himself another drink but Jaehyun took the bottle from him, "You had enough for the night, you're already drunk."
"What's going on here?" Taeyong walked to them with an arched brow, "Yeah, what's going on? and why I saw Haechan in the bathroom asking hyunjin to write on his face?" 
"Okay! All done!" all of them turned around inquisitively and excitedly before bursting into fits of laughter, Johnny started slapping and clapping while Renjun and jaemin fished their phones out, snapping as many pictures as they could.
Mark gasped loudly, "bitch! It was you who farted then!—fuck, you literally shat yourself and blamed the smell on me!" they all laughed before they decided to call it a night.
it was raining heavily at the time when everyone got in their cars and left, The dreamies went with Taeyong except haechan who insisted on riding with doyoung. their whole ride back home was full of banters, laughs, and gossip as doyoung found haechan's drunk state amusing to the point where he was distracted and didn't notice the opposite car coming their way.
In reflex, haechan screamed and tried to spin the steering wheel to avoid the car only for them to end up crashing into it. as a reflex, Haechan flew through the laminated glass because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.
the couples who were in the car were already dead when doyoung checked on them. panicked and skittish, he rushed to haechan and laid his head on his lap, "You're fine, bud. You're fine," he kept chanting, nervously. haechan's face was covered in blood and barely breathing as his heartbeats gradually slowed.
biting his wrist, doyoung brought it to his mouth so he'd drink his blood, "I'm not letting you die, not like this. You're going to be fine, I promise." he caressed his face, wiping the blood off gently before snapping his neck; giving him a merciful kill.
the next day, Renjun buried his parents with an empty soul and a tearful and heartbreaking goodbye. unaware of the real reason for their death—the real responsible for the accident. putting him under the wrong belief that it was due to the bad weather that blocked their vision from seeing the stray deer that jumped out of nowhere. or so what the mayor and the sheriff told him.
Present time|
Mark was sitting on the sidewalk with Winter at his side, chatting and laughing at some lame jokes while the rest were skating in another empty pool that's not the Choi's since a certain someone decided it was smart to jump powerfully to see how far the water splash would reach.
"So are you free this evening? I was thinking we should have a date, we haven't been able to spend some...private time together in a while," he suggested with a small grin, flinging his arm around Winter's Frame and bringing her to lay on his chest. she let a content sigh and nodded, "sure, that'd be sweet, Markei." he chuckled and kissed her hair.
Haechan suddenly halted and climbed the pool making Jaemin and Jisung stop too. "hyuck, are you okay?" Mark's question kept unanswered as the tanned vampire started looking at the surroundings with an alarmed mind. Soon Mark heard it too.
"We should leave...NOW!" Haechan yelled at them, testy. "Why? What's happening?" Jisung asked baffled. "you're been weird and shady since yesterday, is there something we need to know? huh?" Chenle narrowed his eyes at the oldest. 
Mark helped his girlfriend stand up before giving the orange head a timid glance. scrunching his nose, jaemin picked up his skateboard with a depleted sigh, "You guys are giving me a headache."
Jaemin walked toward the trees but stopped once he saw twenty men circling them, "Well, well, look who we have here!" a blond-haired man exclaimed, "Three humans, two vampires, and a witch! What a dysfunctional group of friends," he smiled smugly at them. Winter recognized him but kept glancing at him wordlessly behind Mark who stood protectively in front of her with shielding arms.
Chenle and Jaemin looked at each other with knitted brows, "Vampires?... A witch?" They were baffled. Haechan clenched his jaw and his eyes turned dark, his sclera turning red as dark veins protruded under his eyes as his sharp fangs elongated. "Stay back. Mark!" 
Mark soon grabbed Winter and Jaemin while Jisung yelled the spelling word "Pondas!" Soon Oscar's vampires started groaning and falling to their knees, clutching their heads in extreme agony and pain. taking the chance, Haechan tried to grab the stiffened chenle and Jisung and sprint away but the blond vampire stood in his way with bleeding eyes and nose, and a bloody crooked smile.
"Needs you more than that, witch!" he growled at them. Haechan looked around frantically searching for his brother. he felt his heart fall into a pit when he spotted him circled with more than ten vampires. Jaemin was visibly shaking and Winter looked around with trembling eyes as she held Mark's arm for dear life.
"Tell him we got—" Chanyeol kicked his head open before pushing the dismembered body down lightly with his hand, "Sorry, I was late," he sent them a timid glance. Haechan smiled and nodded at him. 
Chanyeol barked at his vampires to get in action and soon the whole pool filled with blood, hearts, and heads of Oscar's vampires. 
clapping his hands, he ambled toward the last remaining of Oscar's sidekicks with a smirk, "Do you know why you're still alive?" he shook his head 'no', Chanyeol snickered and placed a hand on his shoulder, never breaking the eye contact.
"I left you alive to send a message to your boss, tell him the doppelgänger is under our lady's protection. crossing him means crossing her. and that my mate, is a dreadful mistake. tell him he just brought death to his doorstep, now leave," he emphasized with a deep voice before turning on his heel toward Mark but halted once he caught Chenle's infuriated gaze and bright yellow eyes.
"You're a vampire?!" he shouted, unbelievably. Haechan stepped away from him with widened eyes, "Your eyes...it can't be." Chenle's chest was heaving slowly from the rage that was building inside of him as he clutched his bloodied hands due to killing one of the vampires with his bare hands.
"You're a werewolf," Chanyeol stated more than asked, "and you're vampires!—" 
"CHENLE!" They turned to see Kun, Ten, and Xiaojun with blood splattered on them. "Let me guess, you're werewolves too?" Haechan scoffed, testy.
"says the backstabbing vampires!" Ten barked back, "pretending to be our friends and then attacking us!" They looked at them, confused and angered. "We did not!" Mark defended. Chanyeol watched with a grin before shaking his head and motioning for his vampires to leave. you really went there, huh?
Hearing him, Chanyeol halted in his tracks and turned slowly "You are her vampires, aren't you? you and the Elite?" Mark called with his lips curled in disbelief. The black-haired vampire raised an eyebrow at him before appearing in front of him, "We just saved your life and that doesn't seem like a glimmer of Thank you," he scoffed, "What a brat." chanyeol clicked his tongue in disappointment then disappeared along with his men.
wayv pack eyed them with furious eyes before Kun exclaimed, "Even if you were vampires we were fine with you but that ended today," he spoke, enraged. "Tell your friends this won't end well for them. chenle, you coming?" kun called for him, with an arched brow "I...I—"
Sensing his hesitation, Xiaojun flared a long breath, "THEY NEARLY KILLED YANGYANG!" chenle let out a gasp as he eyed his two best friends with wide eyes, "...chenle," jisung cried out. scowling at them, the orange-haired tsked and stomped away with angry steps and disappeared behind the corner.
"The Elites were here. it was a distraction! they attacked us when the rest left to meet with the hybrid. come home immediately." Mark Heard Doyoung talking with Haechan through the phone, "Yeah, we'll be there soon—we also got attacked—no—we're fine— we just discovered something—very important—we're coming, goddamn it!" 
"Do you think she planned this? all of this?" Haechan ushered at the massacre with a clenched jaw, "What's going on! vampires. witches. werewolves?!" Jaemin yelled, skittishly. Mark and haechan sighed a long tired breath before looking at him.
"Now is not the right time, Nana," Mark reassured,"What's important now is your safety. the both of you," he added glancing at his girlfriend.
"When were you planning to tell us?" in disappointment and pain by betrayal, Jaemin asked. "That if you considered doing so."
"We'll talk later, Jaemin, I promise. Now I need you to take her home okay?" he looked at him with pleading eyes. 
Jaemin rubbed his face, irritated, before nodding, "Baby, baby, look at me," he cupped her face and made her look at him, "You're going to be fine, okay," she nodded hesitantly, "I don't care about myself! these men are dangerous! Mark, what if something bad happens to you?"
he looked at her with pursed lips. when he saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes, he hugged her, "I'm going to be fine, baby, don't worry," he kissed her softly before making her look him in the eyes. 
"You're going to forget everything happened here, we skated, we had fun and nothing strange happened. You felt sick and decided to leave and jaemin suggested walking you home, okay?" She nodded obediently and left with Jaemin.
reaching their home, Johnny groaned, frustrated "Not again," he grimaced at the scene. "Can't they barge in more...gently? this sucks!" he threw his hands in the air.
 with the help of Taeyong and Jaehyun, they brought Taeil inside, "Oh, thank god! at least a good thing happened today," Doyoung exclaimed. 
"What happened here?" Taeyong asked," Baekyun, Kyungsoo, and, Sehun happened," he clicked his tongue, "they came here and asked us to invite them in, they claimed that they were here to discuss something important—" he shrugged before continuing "so we invited them in." 
"We were talking about normal deals and whatever before they started asking us these weird questions about a 'secret weapon' that they had claimed we were hiding! when we denied it, they got mad and ....voila, this happened!" 
he ushered at the messy house, open drawers, and broken closets. "Mark got attacked by Oscar's vampires... again, I called, and his on the way." They all sighed and watched jaehyun feeding taeil from a blood bag before drifting their eyes to yuta who stood up with a groan "What happened?"
"Last thing I saw was baekhyun's face before he snapped my neck," he grunted, "They're working for her, she's their sire." taeyong said in a taut voice, "Jeno is alive and he's with her right now,"
"Wait—what?" Mark and haechan exclaimed simultaneously, "he's alive!?"
"So, the Elites are her bitches that she controls. wayv are werewolves. they will try to kill us and they can!— because they believe we sent our vampires to kill them so... given their nature, a classical revenge move is quite predictable." he shrugged, casually before adding "Jeno is alive and whom we buried is some unlucky dude that we don't know! does this sum it up?"
"You forgot about Armageddon," Johnny added, "Oh, yeah. my mistake. and the armageddon that she believes we have, that we don't!" 
"Mark, this your fault," Haechan stated nonchalantly, "If you were to be her boyfriend, non of this shit would've happened."
"Bitch—I—  the fuck is happening in your heads?!" Mark gasped, unable to understand the way his brother's brain works. before the siblings would start to pull each other's hair. Taeyong spoke up.
"Enough," they all quieted down and looked at him, "I must tell you something,"
"Oh, god, he's one of her bitches too, isn't he?" Doyoung exclaimed with fake crying. "Bitch shut the fuck up, will ya? thank you," he rolled his eyes before walking out of the house.
"That's it? that's the end of the story?" Johnny called for him, slightly disappointed "I thought he was going to reveal something important like he really has this secret weapon, though,"
Taeyong walked back with a white box and sat in front of them, When he opened it he pulled a stake from it. "This is what she's talking about, I don't know how she knew we have it but somehow she does." he looked at them sternly, "a stake?"
"...a white Oak Stake?" Johnny exclaimed, astonished. "Where did you get it?"
Taeyong held the stake in his hand revealing it to the rest, "It doesn't matter how I get it. What matters is this is the only weapon on earth that's capable of destroying an original vampire; we can kill Samantha with this!" he exclaimed with a hopeful grin. 
Jaehyun and Jungwoo shared a look before drifting their gaze at Mark, The latter caught their eyes and arched a brow at them, "What?" Everyone eyed him wordlessly until finally, Taeil uttered his firstly since return. "She trusts you, you're the only one able to approach her."
the furrow between his brows deepened, "Are you telling me to—" he gulped, "—kill her?"
Jaehyun sighed and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "Not now the least. Mark, she's dangerous to us—all of us. I know what you two have is mystically special but she's still our enemy."
Mark scoffed and stood up, yanking the older's hand in progress. everyone eyed him with bewilderment, "No! I can't do that! I know she's practically Satan but aren't you a bit selfish?! asking me to kill my fucking soulmate?! that's crazy! and you Taeil, I thought you were better than this! hearing that coming from them is normal but from you?— you among all of us?!"
Mark was burning with rage that his jaw kept clenching unwillingly from rage, "You betrayed her once. You can't ask me to do the same! I'm not you! Obliterating her is a priority, I know, but I will never do it! so don't you try asking me again to do such thing." he turned around and left, slamming the door harshly behind him.
Haechan sighed and leaned his head on the headrest, "He's right." Everyone looked at him, "It's cruel asking that from him." Johnny cleared his throat, "Taeyong, what did she tell you when you went with her alone?" he knitted his brows, curiously.
"She said if I don't hand it to her in the next twenty-four hours she'll kill Jeno and send me his head." Taeyong put his head in his hands with a deep sigh, "She's certain that we have something against her and now... I don't know what to do," they all looked at him sympathetically.
"Well, how about we give her a fake one?" Doyoung suggested, "We can ask Jisung to make us one!" Taeil sneered, "She's not stupid to fall for that! The time I spend with her is enough to make me confident the moment she spots the trick, She'll kill Jeno, Us, and everyone we know just as a lesson to never fool her." Taeil's dull words made everyone drain out.
however, Doyoung was persistent on his idea, "We want it to be convincing enough to get Jeno back. Then, we'll face what comes next!" he voiced his mind with a determined look.
Jaehyun hummed before nodding his head, "We can attack after the full moon right after we deal with wayv pack and hopefully come out of it alive since they'll mostly attack at that time which is in a week."
"Why not attack right after we get Jeno?" Taeyong asked with an interwind hand, "That will be so predictable. Plus, we don't know how many vampires she has in here in Mystic Falls." Taeil looked at him, "The Elite alone is a huge problem, however; attacking at the full moon isn't the worst idea ."
"All we need is a powerful witch to cast a Petrification Spell. This spell is a high-level one which means it requires doppelgänger blood and the casting witch to channel extra power from the celestial events to boost their magic... such as an eclipse, or an aurora Borealis, or a comet—" Jungwoo interjected, "or a full moon." Taeil nodded. 
"But where could we find a strong witch? Jisung is not that practiced and Taemin is on her side, that filthy bastard." Taeyong seethed. "The bennet witch?" Jaehyun suggested. 
Johnny smirked at him and wiggled his brows, "Someone is eager~" Jaehyun grimaced at him. "I don't think she'll agree." Yuta butted in, "She's Elena and Stefan's best friend." they all slouched their shoulders, depleted.
"oh! How about Jimin?"Johnny exclaimed. "Excuse me, what did you say?" Haechan breathed.
"Park Jimin. I heard his great and strong witch. Why not approach him?" Johnny added. "Haechan, do you happen to know him?" the younger smiled warmly at him. "Park Jimin, a Gemini cover witch. cute and sweet with an angelic face."
All of them are aware whenever Haechan uses his calm voice it means he'll blast any moment. "You seem like you have beef with him." Jungwoo joked.
"The man is a sociopath." he said under his breath, "wha—" 
"And besides that, he's locked up in a place no one can reach, so I hate to burst your bubble but he's no help to us."
Everyone eyed him in pure shock, "What?" Taeyong asked, astonished. "Now, since Jisung is the only remaining family member who's aware of where jimin's twin sister is, he's after him too. so, no. if you still seek him I swear when I meet him, I will kill him myself." he completed in a dark tone before standing up. "This plan has a lot of holes. I'm going to search for my brother, see you later."
"We can't risk it, "jungwoo blurted, "the sooner the better."
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designedonchaos · 10 months
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Mars Gaffney - 50, He/Him, Architect & Brotherhood Regional Manager of West Manhattan
Under the Read More are different connection ideas based on Mars’s life. Feel free to message me or comment on the post if any of these strike your fancy and I can reach out to you to plot more. 💙 
💬 Convince Me - Mars is a businessman, a designer, and you have the greatest idea for a potential project. But he really isn't interested, not seeing the merit. But you know if he just worked with you on this and understood, he'd get it. So maybe you've started trying to convince him. Wining and dining, or just shooting him texts and ideas. Is it a recreation center? A potential business? An old building about to be demolished that you think could be revitalized into something so much more rewarding for the community? Whatever it is, you MIGHT need some of Mars's money to help out, which he's even more reluctant to shell out for you.
🚶‍♂️ Accompany Me - There's a lot of firms in this particular high-rise building in Manhattan, and perhaps you work there as well, or drop off goods to someone else within the office building, or even have a friend's office nearby. You happened to be walking out at the same time as a somewhat intimidating architect who nearly walks into traffic- and you grab him and shout at him for not paying attention. What begins is an odd lunch arrangement. It started as you making sure this man doesn't step in front of a bus, but by now you two expect each other. He always looks tired but by now you both have your lunch plans together and you could probably call yourself friends, even if you barely know what his life is like beyond buildings and blueprints.
🥊 Fight Me - You already weren't having a great night when this drunk asshole started stumbling all over the place. Tempers flared and the two of you ended up in an all-out brawl out in the back alley. Eventually you both walked away from it with a few bruises - but come to find out this idiot you fought is some kind of big-name architect? You see him at a fancy party or on the news and you can't believe it. Especially when you bump into him again, when the beer goggles are off and the both of you are sober and definitely trying to forget about coming to blows.
🫂 Console Me - It's 2020, and you're on the subway home. There's a somewhat dour man sitting alone across the way. He seems completely engrossed in a newspaper when he gets a phone call. You're trying not to listen in, but he's clearly gotten some bad news. He ends the call and crumples into tears. You don't know what to do - so you go over to him, maybe a bit awkwardly, and hold him. You find out that his wife has just passed away after her battle with cancer, and you can't imagine how it feels. Seeing how distraught he is, how alone, you give him your phone number. You find out later that this man doesn't show that type of weakness often - and the broken facade you saw is few and far between. Regardless, you two have continued texting each other, and might've even become odd friends?
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broadphilly · 1 year
Over the years, I built certain principles of dating that's helped me avoid my mistakes of the past. For instance, don't swipe right on a profile where his photos are just himself (no friends?). Also, avoid the ones with a bio that's only their instagram handle... please tell every college student this. Of course, as we age we keep self-selecting down to a more narrow group of individuals. This isn't new, but what becomes new over time is the *type* of guy you add to the list. A new genre of gay men that's recently come about since the pandemic was exactly that: the guy that is stuck in summer 2020 of urban outfitters tops and jeans, posting pictures enlarging the length of their legs, and having that one filter that aims to be retro but actually comes across as disturbingly fried. I unknowingly met this type and thus became the catalyst for the creation of this blog. Meet Brian.
I met Brian over tinder a week ago when I first downloaded the app to try and meet new people, though my intentions and motivations are to be discussed another time... Brian was a 21-year-old college student who was more direct than others in going on a date to get to know someone rather then gradually do the cat-and-mouse chase of tinder to following each other on instragram to FaceTime to finally a date if you're lucky. Brian seemed nice, he was one of the more rare individuals you meet on tinder that actually asks you questions about yourself on top of the conversation you're having. We met at Rittenhouse Square Park over wine I brought.
Brian showed up in a white crochet short sleeve short, long brown corduroy pants with black platform converse. He also brought a tote bag that also wanted to come across as diy but the aesthetically-saturated pattern immediately screamed Urban Outfitters to me. Looking nothing into it at the moment, I tried the basic tactics of first dates: how was your day, so where is your family from, do you like your neighborhood? I knew it was going to be a bad date when every answer he gave was "yeaaa..." or "no..." and his eyes would divert to a tree behind me but his eyes clearly not focusing in on anything. So you said you're from Haddonfield... I work around there. Do you like the shops on Haddon Ave? I ask. I hate New Jersey, he says. That sucks, why do you say that? It's boring. Another conversation looked like this: I ask, are you a film buff if you go to an art school? I don't know. I don't know any movies really. I couldn't help but sit with ten seconds of silence, just for him to realize how utterly monotone he was. I thought to myself: is this going to be the first date you actually walk away from mid-date?
We already made plans to go to a bar after the wine finished, which I quickly drowned down in hopes of not finding the shortness anymore annoying as it was to sober me. I offer we go, thinking the night will result in an awkward hug after a couple vodka sodas. I already pulled out cash before heading into Dirty Franks, since my debit card snapped in half and I've yet to order a new one. It's been broken for 5 weeks, but the chip still works. Brian didn't bring any cash... but I was quick to cover our two vodka crans at $12 plus tip. The conversations only picked up here, where I suspected he was more drunk and maybe less nervous. For some reason, I thought that was cute. We both ended up having the same favorite albums: Folklore by Taylor Swift and Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey. Adding Lorde and Clairo to my list, he seemed to be drawn in. I looked into his face more tentatively in the loud bar, his jawline looking sharper. The 1970s pornstache he was going for looked more developed and attractive. I knew then I was going to take him home. We finished our second drinks and he ordered the Uber home, for which I was going to hit myself if I really had to pay for the Uber, too.
At my apartment, Brian somehow found a glass in a cabinet and helped himself to water. I found that rather invasive, but I chalked it up to the inhibition following our Moscow mules. We chatted over tv shows back at the bar, agreeing to finally introduce Sex and the City to him via my laptop in bed. I always offer my guests shorts or sweatpants before getting in bed, offering looser clothes I won't be mad at getting ripped. Brian took a pair of black lululemon shorts, slipping into my covers next to me as I turned on the pilot episode. Quickly the episode ended, and he was quick to turning onto me, wrapping his leg around me to get on top. It was rather intense sex, with his pornstache being rough against my chin and lips. We flipped and turned over each other about three times before he went down on me, being surprisingly slow and wet with it. I did the same in return, putting both my hands around it and just being glad it wasn't as square as the guy before him. The sex became freaky to me, for a first date and all. With him sitting on top, his hands were warm around me before fitting it in. Never really having bottomed (or at least liking it for longer than 2 seconds), I'm also sure to be as gentle and deep as I can inside someone. It didn't take us long, and I tossed a towel to wipe everything off his stomach. Then the sleep came quickly and quietly, we didn't say goodnight.
The next morning, Brian had woken up earlier than me and I heard him get up at least three times for the bathroom before I actually checked my phone. 8:34 AM, I had work at 11. He suggested getting breakfast, and since he lived near where I work, I offered to drive us to a cafe in Haddonfield. On the way there, I tried my best to be cool again by curating music to play on the 30 minute car ride on a rainy, humid day. Andromeda by Weyes Blood, Spring by Angel Olsen, Sometimes by Faye Webster. There was a terrible accident over the Ben Franklin, causing all traffic to merge right, where we needed to take the left exit. I'm hungover. My head and my stomach, not good, he says. I'm sorry, I think some coffee and a sandwich will help, I say. We didn't really talk in the car, which bothered me. Even the questions like did you sleep okay only resulted in a yea... As we approached Haddonfield on Haddon Ave, he said in his very monotone voice: I'm going to throw up.
5 minutes away from the cafe, I thought he was just being dramatic since his face didn't read as urgent as his statement. Are you okay, do you want me to pull over? I chuckle. Yes, like now. I pull into the parking lot of a bank and as I'm putting the car into park he reaches for the handle before I could park and vomits on the side of my car and into the road, the car not even parked into a parking spot. I didn't see it, but it sounded aggravating, and splattered heavy. He stops after I ask if he's okay and needs anything (I had nothing but my laptop and tote bag), and I softly say, let's get you home, we'll worry about the coffee shop another time. As he closes the door, we drive to his address. Not 1 minute into the drive he says I'm not done and I park just on the other side of the parking lot before he expels everything left in him. I need to be motionless for just one minute, he says. I offer to get him water and he says okay in a way that says "Thanks, but no." At this point I wonder where to go from here, if he's even going to make it from to his house or if we're going to have to sit for a half hour while he sleeps it off. He gives a thumbs up to me as he picks his head up from the side off the car, and we drive away from what felt like a crime scene. The cafe will probably always be there, I say in an attempt to lighten the mood. He apologizes, and tries to make it up by asking me if I'm free Saturday. In my head, I could only think: please do not try and make up for this. Let's just be honest and take this as a lesson for the future.
Yours: know your limit if you're going to be driving back after a night of drinking. Mine: don't prolong a date with a guy who's taste you're not exactly of a fan of. It's not that I think the aesthetic is shitty or people who shop at Urban Outfitters are close-sighted, tacky assholes, but I think the fast fashion loving, calculated yet depthless aesthetic Brian put together reflected exactly the type of person who would present themselves as such. I actually work both mornings this weekend, 9-11 AM, I say. It was true, but I suggest maybe next weekend to be nice. As I pull up to his destination, he makes it worse to me by adding sternness to taking the offer: Okay, we'll see each other next Saturday. I would kiss you, but I don't want to be gross. It's okay, I- I would also give you a kiss if I could, I shyly say. He closes the door, and I proceed to the coffee shop we were supposed to go to.
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