#i am not going to interact with any 'i hate this ship' posts because damn that is tiring
I seriously can’t wait until people stop caring about Wednesday and it lapses into the people that really did just enjoy the show. I hate all of the ‘discourse’ that’s people hissing at each other like cats. People are allowed to have their takes about a show that you don’t agree with and it doesn’t have to result in you bashing another character/ship.
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azquine · 1 year
Can I get something on the JoanFK tag that ISN'T just complaining? It is ok to be feeling shit that things went badly in the show, but do you have to tag that negativity on the ship? The negativity is all that there is to see whenever I try to interact with the show and it's making me feel horrible.
I've been in far worse fandoms, and they didn't make me feel this bad.
It all feels so puritanical, like you have forgotten what a teen drama parody entails. Did you forget that they were ALL assholes in the first season who backstabbed and did shitty things to eachother for their own selfish gain? You are applying pretty strict rules of morality onto characters who intrinsically must break those rules to allow the narratives of their genre to move.
This was a short kiss, the result of feelings that JFK and Harriet had actively been trying to avoid for the sake of Joan. This could have been resolved by open communication, but that's not how either drama shows OR stupid hormonal teens work. After making this mistake, they did the most responsible and moral thing they could have and confessed it literally within the same episode as soon as Joan would not, you know, DIE as a result.
All things considered, it wasn't a secret relationship, it wasn't sex, it wasn't a long term secret held until it accidentally spills out and ruins everything. It could have been SO much worse, it was none of my worst fears, and I'm honestly relieved a kiss was where it stopped. And I am also really glad they confessed to quickly because I HATE liar revealed plots more than ANYTHING and I probably would have stopped watching. If they were going to do this plotline it was the best case scenario for me.
And do you know what is even better? What should be the bare minimum but is actually pretty rare in dramas from my experience? Neither of them tried to mitigate Joan's reaction, to say she was overreacting or to dance around the issue to make it sound better beyond a truthful 'we felt nothing'. Joan was allowed the space to fully process the information and her emotions, even if through a montage. And damn I wish I saw that more often.
As for those saying JFK would need a redemption for what he has done- does being open and honest about his wrongdoings not do that pretty succinctly? Beyond having not done it at all what else do you want? Pretty puritanical to want him to suffer before he can be forgiven.
And granted, Harriet got plenty of unjustified hate before she had even done anything, but post-kiss most of the discussion and anger I have seen has been directed solely at JFK. Harriet was part of that kiss too, knowingly going against her friend. Why is the romantic relationship deemed worse to betray? Both of them did a stupid thing together, and fixed it together.
And I'm not saying Joan putting all the consequence on Abe is justified, he didn't do shit wrong either, he tried to keep his friend alive in a tricky situation.
All of your feelings are valid, and I do see why the dominant opinion is what it is. Cheating is an awful thing to do and you should not be with someone you do not trust, I cannot refute that.
Yet at the same time, I felt it was important to put forward some differing points that I had been having. This show will not be enjoyable if we hold a position of being negative and moralistic. To some extent there has to be an acceptance that this is a fiction and moral failings are often part of a narrative structure.
(And while many of you have legitimate critiques on the execution of the show, it feels like some of you are taking the 'thing done badly because I don't like it' route)
I really hope nobody takes this as me trying to enforce cheating or to say that JFK and Harriet kissing was ok. It was shitty of them to do in the first place, but they are not morally irredeemable. Teen do stupid bad thing is not new. I'm also not interested in having an argument over this, I get caught up far too easily in that so I won't be answering any replies or asks. It is fine if you disagree, I'm here to propose a counterpoint.
Sorry if this was repetitive or lengthy. It just felt like I had to get it out there despite it being the early hours of the morning.
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Hi there!
Are you proship? Just curious, no hate /gen
On that note, how/ why did you choose that stance and what're your thoughts on those of the opposite spectrum?
Okay, so here's the thing. I am absolutely, undeniably, both feet in the water, proship. I don't give a fuck what people are into when it comes to fiction. I really don't. Because it's fiction. It's fake. I'm not gonna get all bent out of shape because people play with their dolls differently than I do. That's a waste of energy.
Huge age gap? Fuck yeah, dude.
Monster fucking/humanxbeast ships? Fuckin BET.
Toxic relationship where they're both obsessed? 🔥
Cannibal/vamp/killer ship tropes? I'M HOOKED.
One sided/stalking/kidnapping ships? Abso-fuckin-lutely.
Pet play ships? Hell yeah, brother.
Incest ships? Not really my cup of cocoa, but hey, you do you, dude. It's not hurting me any.
Priest fuckers? And demon/priest ships? Can't get enough of that shit.
Self shippers? Hell fuckin yeah, you get that fictional character's attention, baby.
I could literally keep going, but I'm sure you get the point. In my opinion, people can ship whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting or harassing real people. Do I count antis getting triggered over a drawing or fic as hurt? Nah. I'm talking physical/emotional harm or relentless harassment. You know, the shit antis do to US. From what I've seen, proshippers just wanna play with their toys without some anti coming and kicking over their sandcastle because it's not the way THEY would have built it.
As far as people who prefer to stay away from the proships, that's okay. It's okay not to enjoy something. It's okay to see something and be like "Eh. Not for me." But that's it. That's where it should stop.
What I'm not okay with, and I've said it before, is the pointless attacks and the superiority complexes. The people who feel the need to pound their opinions into your head. These certain people who get offended by proship and think the whole world has to stop and filter/censor themselves for their benefit. I'm not gonna cradle someone who feels the need to cry and complain about lines on paper.
You don't like something? I can respect that. Move on. But leave people alone for fuck's sake. You know what I mean? What is the fucking point of going on someone else's post and telling them to hurt or kill themselves? What's the point of seeing someone's work and instead of scrolling past like an adult, they write some huge paragraph as to why we're going to hell and they're better than us in every way? The same goes for proshippers who attack other proshippers. I don't get it. The name calling, the fucking one sided dick measuring contests, the holier than thou mindsets. Over a drawing or a fic? Really? C'mon.
There are ships out there I really just don't like, but damn I can appreciate some good ass art when I see it. I won't seek out a fic on a ship I don't like just so I can leave some shitty comment. I will never be some anti screaming into the void of the fucking internet because someone drew or wrote about a problematic ship. I don't like to argue about this stuff, but I will defend myself and I will defend other people who just wanna play pretend.
Something antis need to understand is "DNI" works both ways. Don't like it? Don't interact with it then. Plain and simple.
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fuckmeyer · 8 months
HEY i'm having unhinged carlisle/edward thoughts again and i had to come into your inbox to share them because YOU DID THIS TO ME--
but truly. like. the bond between creator and created. (this may or may not have been inspired by a conversation with su-angelvicioso about yknow. a different ship) the creator recognizes themself in the created, the created knows the creator because they were shaped so fundamentally by them...so any time they're looking at the other person they're seeing themself, but also any time they see themself they're seeing the other...there's no way to define yourself except in the differences and similarities you have to this person who you know more intimately than anyone else in the world, except really your view of them will ALWAYS be distorted by your view of yourself...like!!!!
edward thinks carlisle is perfect because he thinks of himself as a monster. carlisle thinks edward is the best of all of them, the reason to believe vampires have souls, because it's the only way for him NOT to believe he himself is a monster!!! edward hates and fears carlisle for being a standard he can never measure up to, but he loves him because he is that standard, and he keeps forgiving him...but maybe actually the forgiveness just makes him hate carlisle MORE because edward doesn't WANT to be forgiven!!! carlisle thinks of edward as his own redemption, but that means he'll never actually fully see edward and he can't actually forgive him in a meaningful way!!! they're obsessed with each other, but neither one of them can actually express that to the other!!!!!!! holy FUCK they're a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry this is not even a question, my brain is just scrambled eggs about them now apparently)
the creator recognizes themself in the created, the created knows the creator because they were shaped so fundamentally by them. [...] your view of them will ALWAYS be distorted by your view of yourself
and isn't it just so beautiful when we put Carlisle & Edward's canon relationship in this context! i wrote this in another post but:
Carlisle believes Heaven exists because of Edward.
Heaven is not a place for the damned creatures like vampires, but a place for humanity.
which means!!!! Carlisle has chosen to see his own humanity in his son. for all it entails. its light, its shadows, all the shades of gray in between. and, yes!, the scary thing is, this is the only way Carlisle can believe he himself is not a monster - to see his progeny thrive within Carlisle's philosophy.
but the beautiful thing is he accepts Edward. he loves Edward. always. no matter what. & this is what allows him to participate in society, to take the Hippocratic Oath, to live a life of vegetarianism: Carlisle loves humanity in all its forms, BECAUSE OF AND IN SPITE OF EDWARD.
and Edward!!! Edward is the physical manifestation of Carlisle's beliefs. for better or worse. on the surface, Edward is a vegetarian vampire, med school grad, etc., and who wants to believe in the value of human life. (he doesn't always live up to this in day-to-day interactions obvi.)
on a deeper level, he has grappled with questions re: humanity, especially his place within his preconceived idea of Humanity. he considers himself damned, just as Carlisle does. (perhaps, even, the darkest part of Carlisle doubts the existence of his own soul.) he spends the entire series rebelling against the idea of his soul & his worthiness of love while battling his own monstrous nature.
but unlike Carlisle, Edward has actually gone out and tested these ideas. can i still have a soul if i'm a vampire? can i still be human if i kill bad people? can i still be human if i take away life? can i still be human if i do x, think y, say z?
because Carlisle doesn't necessarily have the space to do what Edward did. not just because of his busy schedule as a doctor, but his coping mechanisms, his compartmentalization required to live this vegetarian life, his religion (/religious trauma?), & his position as a coven leader do not afford him the luxury of testing these ideas himself.
at the end of the day, Carlisle can never do what Edward did. if Carlisle is going to 'save' other vampires, he needs to be (at least outwardly) secure in the notion that he has saved himself. even if he isn't.
Edward can go further, dig deeper, and that allows Carlisle to go further, too.
and in that context, god, how beautiful is it that Carlisle just has this unwavering, unconditional acceptance of Edward? that through the darkness and mistakes, there is something worth loving? that through this acceptance, Edward finds his soul in the end?
like, the breakdown of the relationship is:
to Edward, Carlisle is a god.
to Carlisle, Edward is a man, i.e., a disciple of his teachings.
& in that context, how beautiful is it that, baseline, Carlisle & Edward share this deep, spiritual love for each other that will never be broken? FUCK that hits
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pinkkinoko · 1 year
A note I hope you read
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I have passed a little over 500 followers on here, I couldn’t be more grateful for all of you. Every lovely Billy fan out there, every kind mungrove lover who’s jumped into my inbox, who’s added notes on my posts, I could name you all individually, even those who know nothing of stranger things! I could shout out those special people who have influenced me in such a deep and impactful way, but I think you know who you are, trust that the gratitude I have expressed to you is genuine. There are many things I could share to celebrate 500 followers, like make a big art piece, or open up a poll, I could even try my hand at a giveaway, but those don’t feel like things I would do. I am, naturally, a very private person. I like to keep facts about myself to a minimum, I like to separate my online persona from my real life, and sometimes I think I may come across as a bit professional or insincere when I interact online with you all, but know that I only do that because it’s what makes me feel safe, and my affection for you is earnest. So, in celebration of what you have given me, I want to share a small part of myself with you.
Dear Billy, and truly mungrove, fandom,
Do not let someone tell you that you cannot ship something, or that you cannot love a character. Yes, I have indeed made my own posts and remarks about disliking certain dynamics or ships, but to truly hate someone for what they love isn’t in me. I’ve seen how horrible people can be about ships, about characters, and especially in the Billy and stranger things fandom there’s been such an intense amount of vitriol poured out, perhaps that is also why I like to keep my own details private. But whether you relate to Billy’s story, or to Max’s experience, or even if you just think Billy’s really damn attractive, I wish dearly that you know it is never necessary to explain yourself. I’ve been on tumblr for so long now, I have seen how much things change and I wish you know to never let something you love become something you hate because of others. You have all made my experience as a creator so very fulfilling, and I wish only to do the same for you.
A few months ago, I lost my own Billy, perhaps someday I will have the heart to sit at their grave and read my own letter. You never know who is affected by the things you write, the notes you post, or the comments you send. Be kind to those around you, be loving, and if all else feels impossible, simply be respectful. Some people may never understand what it’s like to resent someone so strongly and yet love them so dearly, to see how broken they are and still be cut by their shards. As I’ve said before, you can love characters for any number of mundane reasons, they are fictional; sometimes they are conduits for healing, sometimes objects of desire, sometimes they are simply intriguing.
I wish to be here for you all for a long time to come, and even if we someday go our separate ways, I wish you’ll take this as a fond memory. Thank you, for coming along with me this far, for in some way showing me that the small dream I saw as a child of doing something with my art was not impossible, and for allowing me to give the Billy in my own life some form of happiness they perhaps could never find.
All my love,
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l0gic1 · 1 year
Bro ppl can ship whatever they want. You're not the fiction police. Relax.
Tumblr media
I don't even know how to respond to this insanely stupid thing that someone took the time to write out.
Let's use our brain cells for a few seconds, shall we?
Now, let's think about why I might be against the ships I'm against. First of all, let's start with my favorite: Heimtreus.
Heimdall and Atreus hate each other. Heimdall verbally abused and bullied Atreus for the majority of the Asgard sequence. Heimdall is, what, thousands of years old? And Atreus is 14. Those are two problematic things right there.
verbal abuse
pedophilia / minor x adult
Now, do you really think it is 'just fiction' when someone decides that an abusive relationship is 'cute' or 'uwu'? Or when they decide that a young teenager and a fully grown adult would be 'so good' together? No, of course not. It takes no thought process to figure out why this is such a big deal to me. Because they're romanticizing abuse and pedophilia, which are not cute things, and, a lot of the time, sexualizing a minor.
Imagine seeing a child being called useless, a moron, incompetent, or just being bullied / verbally abused in general and thinking to ship them with the person abusing them.
Or for Kratreus, which is Kratos x Atreus. Kratos is Atreus's father. Atreus is 14. A minor is being shipped with an adult who is also his damn dad.
I get your perspective, but your view isn't rational. 'Live and let be' is not something that applies to something that is objectively harmful (i.e., romanticizing abuse or pedophilia).
Usually, I'd agree with you; ship discourse is commonly frivolous and infinitesimal. However, when a ship is between an abuser and their victim, or between a father and his 14-year-old son, that is when it becomes problematic and something worth fighting against.
Telling someone to 'relax' instead of actually listening to their arguments indicates that you don't have the maturity or the will to even ask me why I am so against it and want these people to not interact with me. If you had actually critically thought about what I said and thought before you typed out this absent-minded comment, perhaps you would've learned something. Yet here we are. And I don't care if I'm being mean, as you didn't even bother to compute my arguments, you didn't even bring up any of the points in my other post, and if you didn't see that post, you didn't even bother to ask or do a bit of research into why I don't like those people or hate those ships.
Verbal abuse or bullying isn't fucking hot, adorable, or some quirky UWU aesthetic. Pedophilia and incest aren't fucking hot, adorable, or some quirky UWU aesthetic.
Ships aren't just ships anymore when they are between an abuser and their victim or a father and his 14-year-old son.
Something that's abusive, pedophilic, or otherwise problematic shouldn't be shipped. Not hard to understand. I don't even know what mental gymnastics you had to go through to arrive at this conclusion.
It probably wasn't worth it to respond to this but I'm bored and pissed off <3
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sparatus · 3 months
4 & 7 for that one ask game and then 12 so you can rant about grandpa I already know that’s the answer
you know me so well
choose violence🔥
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
genderbending saren to make kryterius m/f like a fucking coward*. tagged me in wip games featuring her sharterius work when i am very openly and vocally an aggressive hater of that ship and also wrote saren horrifically ooc. other annoying crimes. finally rbed a post from me and tagged it as being about "milf saren" and i lost it and blocked goodbye
*note: i enjoy a good gb fic myself, there's a few from ye olde kmeme that i still like, but she ONLY wrote kryterius as gb m/f and didn't ever interact with my stuff for them that was m/m which reeks of bad implications to me. go away straight
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
kaidan. kaidan kaidan kaidan. the ONLY way i managed to save him for myself was retreating from fandom and finding a few sane shenko mutuals (they know who they are). he's a good fun character! i enjoy writing him! he's my friend! but my god shenkos (and frankly ESPECIALLY mshenkos) make me hate him so much.
garrus also started to suffer this fate but tragically there are no sane shakarians only ex-shakarians who migrated to the niche corner (mwah) so instead i had to just ship him in a rarepair nobody likes but me, quite literally i'm making the fucking tag, that's the only thing that's saved him and tbh i still kinda worry im not writing him in character
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i mean really. is there any other character i COULD talk about. look at my entire brand here.
the councilors in general have WAY more character than they're given credit for, especially the original three who have 3 games of dialogue to work with instead of just 1 for the replacement three, and i could honestly do an entire essay for each of them, but let's stick to grandpa for now. putting this under a cut i went insane
this man is the ONLY councilor who's actually DOING HIS FUCKING JOB CORRECTLY. he's the one who's always trying to stick to the law and uphold it, tevos's hand-wringing about diplomacy be damned, especially in the first game. he's a representative of the people and he CARES about the people, every SINGLE time he scolds you in the first game and when he makes his dramatic entrance in udina's office in the third he's specifically concerned with the public at large:
after feros he's concerned that you only intervened because it's a human colony, and wants to be certain you aren't going to just ignore non-humans and will protect the galaxy at large, not just humans
after therum he's reasonably worried that liara is working with her mother and you've just helped a huge threat to the galaxy walk free
after noveria, if you killed the rachni queen he's reasonably concerned about why you just acted without any sort of "yo heads up" call or advice, whereas if you saved her. YEAH NO SHIT HE'S WORRIED ABOUT THAT ACTUALLY did you hear all the reasons the rachni returning should be a much bigger deal than the game treats it of course he's like "that's extremely fucked up why would you do that"
at the start of me3 he is the ONLY one of all 4 councilors to actively, directly state that people are scared and it's their duty as galactic leaders to stay calm and protect their people, indirectly calling out udina for calling him a coward because udina demanding help for earth and ignoring the alien worlds is doing the exact same thing he's complaining about them doing in turn
keep in mind that from his perspective in me1 YOU ARE LITERALLY A POLITICAL POWER PLAY. you literally get the job because udina wants a human spectre and it's convenient to send you after saren, you didn't actually go through the proper process to be vetted and confirmed, for all they know you're every inch as human-centric and unconcerned with aliens as every other alliance twat they've met at this point. and the alliance, via hackett and anderson's attitudes, REGULARLY prove that all they care about is having somebody who can ignore the law! and depending on how you play the game you can in fact confirm that you shouldn't have been given this authority and are just doing shady shit for hackett that he can't do on the level! you can in fact PROVE SPARKY RIGHT! high-renegade shepard actually fucking proves why sparky was right to vote no on you i will die on this hill
he's also the only one to actually fucking help you in the third game right away. literally goes behind the others' backs to do it. they just voted "nah we have to worry about our own people first" and he swooces right around with a solid first step for you to take and a clear understanding that everyone has to work together regardless of udina being a lil bitch. everyone who likes those mods/edits of doing air quotes and "ah yes, reapers"-ing him back to mock him in this scene is my enemy and also a fucking idiot you don't mock the person who is 1) actively trying to help you and 2) YOUR LITERAL BOSS SHUT UPPPPP
speaking of ah yes reapers. he's justified in saying that. i dont care what whiny little princesses your shepards are. he's been dealing with anderson for TWO FUCKING YEARS who has literally not shut the fuck up about it, when inciting galactic panic is the LAST thing they should be doing. of course he's tired. of course he's annoyed this is coming up again. the man has been putting up with this for two fucking years he wants to go back to bed.
ALSO in the opening scroll in 2 it's in fact strongly implied they DO believe you but are keeping quiet to avoid a panic ("the official story") and then the archives in citadel dlc confirm it with the secret spectres-only edition of sovereign's entry. they're not fucking ignoring you or dismissing the threat they're trying to avoid GALAXY-WIDE PANIC YOU FUCKING MORONS
also he has some BITCHING quotes, these two are my favorites they're burned into my brain:
[in response to udina saying he and the council are scared and trying to save their own asses] "Our people are scared, and we're looking out for them the best we know how."
[if you save the rachni queen on noveria] "I hope you're right, Shepard. Our children's children will pay the price if you're not."
also his facial scarring is badass and implies there's so much more to him than just "consummate politician" like bioware's little bio of him implies, and his "children's children" line strongly implies he actually has children's children which lines up with him being visibly older and more aged than the turians we're usually running into in the games and im sure ill think of more stuff later on but that's my unhinged rant for the day
also if you ship him with shepard i am loading my shotgun
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been reading all the asks with great interest. It's probably the highlight of my Tumblr life. But I'm deleting Tumblr and I'm leaving. Gone.
I was already starting to feel a bit weary and wary on this platform but today I realised that it is, without a doubt, a toxic place for me personally.
I vented on another social media platform a couple of months ago about being harassed and receiving hate for having a m/f ship in my fandom. I make a lot of content for the ship and get hate from all sorts, mostly guys with fragile masculinity issues and the very occasional slash shipper. The harassment doesn't come too often, but often enough to want to vent once in a blue moon. I am a cishet woman if that matters and my vent was basically "Damn, feels like I can't even say I ship X and Y without someone or other getting upset around here and letting me know how much they hate it. Why can't people just keep scrolling when they see something they don't like?"
Today, on Tumblr, I saw someone say that me 'complaining about being harassed' for my m/f ship is entitled because I'm a straight woman. 'How entitled can you be?' were their words. See, I'm not allowed to complain about bad behaviour apparently. The person who replied, and who does not know me or seems to have seen any of my content, agreed saying it was nasty and entitled and that people like me who feel good about hating LGBTQ ships (!!) are just salty for being called out.
I just can't anymore. I really can't. The extrapolation from "I am sick of being hated on for shipping what I ship" to "this nasty person who loves to hate lgbtq people and must be called out" is so astounding to me I'm actually having trouble processing it.
When I dug a little deeper and visited the blogs of the people involved I saw chains and full on campaigns against people in the fandom with many piling on and just...the mob mentality scared me. It really scared me. Ever since I got on Tumblr I feel like I have to tread on eggshells, watch my back, choose my words carefully. And I don't even participate or interact with many others here at all. I just post and dip. I used to be so happy creating all sorts of content but since being on Tumblr (less than a year!) my fandom experience has become stressful and filled with anxiety.
After seeing the hate campaign against the other user on these blogs just now, something clicked, or broke, inside me and I just clicked uninstall on this app on my phone. I just jumped back on my PC to write this last thing. If anyone feels like me...if you feel strung out in your fandom and you're on Tumblr, I strongly suggest taking a break if not outright leaving.
And before other users suggest to just block people and curate your experience, this is beyond blocking and curating. This is a fandom culture issue that isn't going to be solved by blocking a few people. A large number of people here get off on these witch hunts. It's a culture I don't want to be a part of and I don't want to constantly worry if I'm next.
The fandom on Tumblr, despite the mountains of content (most of which is awesome), is not really about fandoming. It seems to be about drama, about the mob, about the high of call outs and brining others down and 'putting them in their place'. It's disgusting. And it does nothing to actually stop the issues they rail against.
Thank you for running such an interesting and thoughtful blog. This will be the thing I miss most but I have to go. For my own mental and emotional well-being. Wishing you the best!
-Ex Tumblr user.
Good for you, nonnie, genuinely.
May more people take a long, hard look at their internet habits and prune whatever is not bringing them joy and health.
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prussiasqueen · 3 months
Hallo! Shalom! Howdy howdy!
The name is Brii or admin Brii~
And I’m a self shipper~
This is a NSFW 🔞 zone! Not SFW.
I go by pronouns she/her/they. I’m 30 years old. MBTI is a INTP/INFP, Ennegram is (4w3 or 2w1 it can‘t decide lül). My zodiac is Gemini sun ♊️ , rising is Leo ♌️ and moon is Taurus ♉️ with mercury being Cancer ♋️ . Mars is ♌️ and Midheaven is ♉️. Chinese zodiac is 🐓 .
I am Biromantic, Demisexual.
I have a deep emotional connection with my f/os and my rl bf who kins to my f/os.
And my f/os are Gilbert (Prussia) from Hetalia, Elizabeta (Hungary) from Hetalia and Ludwig (Germany) from Hetalia~
I am anti antis, so antis do NOT INTERACT. If you cant differentiate between fictional and reality and base your moral compass on fiction, this account ain’t it for you.
There is tons of kink and sex-relate topics that will be brought up in this.
I mostly will be posting my drawings and random gushies about my f/os.
I block if I feel like I don’t vibe with you and don’t like how you are. I also will block immediately over my baby, Prussia~ Gilbert is mine and I don’t like to share with him. I also hate most ships with him, if you come at with weird ships of him or about him, you’re blocked, I’m evil and dominant and won’t take shit from anyone.
I don’t have many rules on here except for a few:
Do not argue with me about Germany and Prussia’s headcanons with me, if you don’t agree with me. Then just don’t even talk about it this includes that if I place historical significance to them or not, ships and etc.
I don’t really like to share them, but I’m more open to seeing other self shippers paired with them if it’s female/femme other shippers.
Do NOT AND FOREMOST SHOW ME GERITA, AUSPRUSS OR ANY OF THAT. But especially Germany and Italy pairing. If you do, instant block! I’m not even joking. I ask you to respect me and this safe space for me. And if anyone else doesn’t like these pairings, eeeeyyy hit me up and let’s chat homies.
I kindly ask not to interact with minors or those who are under 18. This will be a blog for sex-related themes.
There is kink related and BDSM topics that will be brought up here and also some rather, rough headcanons. If it triggers you and you can’t deal with it. Feel free to block.
If you have a Hetalia f/o that’s someone other than Prussia and Germany, My arms are open for you my dear! Let’s chats and connect!~ I support self shipping in the community!
If you are antisemitic and I find out you are racists against Jews, I will personally cuss you the fuck out and block you. Take that bs somewhere else. I am Ashkenazi Jewish and all Jews lives matter!!!
This is a gay friendly zone, I love all gays of every kind, and my ace/aro dears, I see you~
This has some crossover and multiverse lore and stuff in it , I’m currently working on my own art universe with correlating to Hetalia! If you don’t like crossover/multifandom/multiverse stuff, then kindly block~
DDNE (you’ve been warned… there’s some things here that may or may not upset)
If you’re fatphobic, get the hell off of my blog. I don’t want that garbage here. I’m pro body positivity.
I AM PROUD PRO-ISRAEL and PRO-PALESTINE! Both have a right to EXIST! This is not a red vs. blue game. It’s not a fandom! It is WAR IN REAL LIFE AND I TAKE IT VERY SERIOUS BECAUSE I HAVE FRIENDS IN ISRAEL! If you think Israel should cease to exist or the people there should die, BLOCK AND DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME AT ALL! I will also not support pro-Palestine that encourage h@mas. If you do, you’re off my damn blog and stay the fuck away from it! No damn neonazis! 🪬🧿 Am Yisrael Chai!
(Thank you countries that support us! And everyone who is fighting against global antisemitism and the destruction of the country of Israel! We still stand strong! Fuck H@MAS!)
And of course at anytime if I feel you did something wrong to invade my happiness and my little safe corner over here, you’re getting immediately blocked from here.
Icons for to show my current relationship to said characters:
Love/romantic relationship: 💘
Biggest crush: 😻
Protective/ doesn’t like to share: 🐆
Enemies: ⚔️
Besties, bitches: 💅
Friends: 🫰
One sided crush on their side: ❤️‍🩹
One sided crush on my side: 💜
Would prefer not this character to be shipped with anyone: 🙅🏻‍♀️
Undecided/curious: 🤔
Prussia - 💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍♀️
Germany - 💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍��️
Hungary: 💜🫰💘😻🐆🙅🏻‍♀️
Austria: ❤️‍🩹🫰
Czechia: 💜💅🫰
Poland: 🫰💅
Belarus: 💜🤔
Ukraine: 🫰
Lithuania: 🫰🪻🤔
Estonia: 🤔
Sweden: 🫰
Denmark: 🫰
Netherlands: 🫰😻💜🐆 (sshh…look he’s hot ok?)
Norway: 🤔🪻
Iceland: 🫰🤔
Belgium: 💅🫰🐆 (I’ll protect her with my life)
Spain: 🤔❤️‍🩹
France: 💢🔪⚔️❤️‍🩹 (god this man I fucking hate him…)
Monaco: 🪻🤔
N. Italy (Feliciano): 💢❤️‍🩹🤔
S. Italy (Romano): 💢🔪❤️‍🩹🤔
Turkey: 💢🔪⚔️
Israel: 💅🫰🐆
England: 🫰🪻
America: 💅🫰
Canada: 🤔🪻
Japan: 💜❤️‍🩹🫰💅🐆
China: 🪻🫰🤔
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grimeysociety · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
technically my sideblog @youthereader was tagged by @indulgence-be-thy-name - thanks bb ❤️; and like Em I'll be answering for both accounts
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How many works do you have on ao3? youthereader - 4 grimeysociety - 171
What's your total ao3 wordcount? youthereader - 17,245 grimeysociety - 2,299,669
What fandoms do you write for? MCU - almost exclusively Darcyland, a teeny bit of Stranger Things and RPF (Cillian Murphy characters mostly...I've barely begun though)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I can only answer this from grimey so... The Comeback Kid Among Wolves Damn, I'm In It I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm Heart to Break
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? I always reply to comments unless they're the rare dickish one (I delete those, that's always fun). I reply to everything to thank people for interacting in the first place. I like it when I get a reply from authors, too. I'm very grateful.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think it was one with Shieldshock and hacking, post-Infinity War, so everyone was dusted except for Steve and Darcy. It was kind of Schrödinger's ending because it might have been happy? I left it open (and I won't ever tell the 'real' ending).
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of mine do. I can't help it. Especially since the 'happy ending' tends to be because of sex. I mean...
Do you get hate on fics? A couple times but it was really insignificant and swiftly deleted.
Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? I write it all. Kinktober was kind of my 'thing' for a few years, as in, some followers looked forward to it each October. I rarely don't have some form of smut in a fic. The filth is fun, and so is the intimate erotica type of stuff. The fluff is great, but I have actually written one that had no response whatsoever and I think it went a little too far for my regular readers.
Do you write crossovers? I think some of my Darcy fic count so I'm going to say yes. I've written her with most Chris Evans characters, like Ransom Drysdale to name one. It counts, right?
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes and it's still up lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had a couple translated into Russian but can't recall which, it's been a few years.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I had someone ask me to ghostwrite their fic ending and then when they weren't happy with what I'd written they said 'no thanks' and haven't spoken to me since, does that count?
What’s your all time favorite ship? I will never be able to decide this, sorry. It's been years and I can never pinpoint it. Literally hundreds of thousands of words written over the three particular ships I'm thinking of and there's no way. There's just no way.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? The Americans. It's been nearly 2 years since I updated and I think it's been forgotten about anyway, so that's me off the hook.
What are your writing strengths? I can't answer that. I have no idea.
What are your writing weaknesses? My pacing is the worst. I repeat myself. I don't think I'm consistent in any way. I get impatient and hardly edit sometimes, which bites me in the ass later. I am bad at a lot of things.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done it and it's fine. It's my average high school level French, but it's passable. Literally I passed high school French.
First fandom you wrote for? Kingdom Hearts
Favorite fic you’ve written? The Comeback Kid because it seems to be everyone else's favourite, too.
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I will tag @sarahbeniel & @aimmyarrowshigh
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calsvoid · 8 months
Fic Writers Tag
i got tagged by @daisyishedwig thanks for that
i invite anyone who would like to do this <3
disclaimer: as i am a pretty inactive writer and have posted/finished a total of zero fics, most of these are going to be simply unanswerable for me and my answers revolve around my wips rather than any completed fics
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
none, but i have three (four? five?) wips right now
2. What’s your AO3 word count?
again none, but i got to 12k+ on the first and scrapped draft of one of my wips
3. What fandoms do you write for?
glee because i have so many brainworms for seblaine , but i do hope that one day i’ll have space in my head to generate other fandom fic ideas
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i absolutely would if i had any, i love interacting with others and would answer as many as i could
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
out of my main wips, my kurt pov fic is probably the saddest just because if you’re a klaine fan, they break up, so rip. but that one is also more of a hopeful ending type of thing. the other answer is this one klaine wedding drabble that i have which is just pure angst for seblaine and they’re just in pain
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my wips are all happy endings, but i like to think my blaine pov one is the happiest just because blaine gets to be in a good place in his life and heading for even bette
8. Do you get hate on fics?
have not written any, would not be surprised if i did just because i like characterizing seblaine as in love and that’s not super in-character
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope, have never been interested in writing smut, so probably not ever gonna be a thing for me
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one youve ever written?
also no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
it’s impossible really
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and also a thing that will probably never happen. i like my specific work process and having to combine with someone else would be really stressful i think. i do love to share ideas though and i suppose i could co-write in that way
14. Favorite ship of all time?
seblaine seblaine seblaine. they’ve been in my mind for almost a year now (though there was a small episode of not being obsessed with them) ever since i discovered them and i just adore them. they’re everything i love about pairings and i love the potential of the glee universe and all the characters and i’ve grown so attached to these two and they’re probably going to be my favorite for a very very long time. like the angst, the fluff, the little nuances i’ve built for them in my head. i’ve trapped myself and i will sit in my cage and have fun because they’re my sweet angels who are so fucked up and in love, i adore them. i’ve always loved ships where one is a second choice because damn if it doesn’t hurt knowing someone doesn’t want you (supposedly) and you’re not a real thing for them (supposedly). and like the fact they had this friendship that just went so wrong so fast. i’ll never get over them i swear
15. Wip you want to finish, but doubt you will?
my sebklaine au of my kurt pov fic probably. i do love it and the concept, but the fact that i’m putting it off until i can get the original finished means it’s probably never gonna come or be just very far into the future
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure honestly? i haven’t really written a lot in the past forever, so i’ve never gotten a lot of feedback on my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i have a lot, but repetitiveness and my sentence structures probably. i have a lot of thoughts and i need to stop shoving them all into one sentence.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i don’t like the idea of using google translate nor do i want to research a bunch about languages, so i just like to put whole sentences in italics and write somewhere that they’ve switched languages. as for small words and phrases, i would probably do a bit of research on that, still use italics, but i’ll also write it out in the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
cinderella and it was for a school assignment
20. Fave fic youve written?
ironically, my favorite is probably my kurt pov fic. i am a sucker for outsider povs and it’s just an idea i haven’t seen explored super deeply and i wanna do that because it would be so fun.
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debatenarutooocs · 1 year
Sadly Anon she didn't, and I wish she did. I can't believe that this trashy Oc creator still bothers to continue to post her stuff after what she did. I can't believe that this chick has the nerve to continue posting after what she did to innocent people. Basically labeling any other Gaara x Oc ship as trash, "except her Prefect Ship" and doesn't even bother trying to get to know the artist behind the Oc before labeling. And its a god damn fucking mystery why the hell people would support this racist Bitch. Its so obvious that the people who support her are people she is buying their support. Which is something I've noticed about the fandom. The only way for you to get popular is to be kissing ass to people.. and as long as you kiss the right ass you will go far. Which totally sucks for those who are real and talent Oc creators.
I pitty those that follow and support her because I guess they support an artist who wants to romanticize Stockholm Syndrome, Physical emotional, psychological abuse, and under age marriage. And someone who completely rewrites the Naruto Canon script. Yes I get it is an fanfic and shit but at the core of it all what makes a character compelling is their story. And she just completely ruined Gaara's story. And makes him less interesting than what Kishimoto made him to be.
If someone said she secretly hates Gaara then I would believe them because her ocs interaction and the fact she is normalizing disturbing things like stockholm syndrome, physical emotional, psychological abuse, and under age marriage. You are right she is so delusional she doesn't accept any of her wrong doings and thinks she is an amazing oc creator/ writer. She sucks and so does her oc. I do think she ruined gaara with her bullshit and funny she thinks her pairing is the best gaaoc, erm no I would gladly choose Jennapark's oc over her oc.
It is true in naruto fandom some people will asslick others regardless if they did horrible things to innocent people and that stuff should be called out. I am not a big fan of cancelling people but in Rin mori's case, she needs to be held accountable.
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coffeekoe · 2 years
I just opened my tumblr to a giant rant about why asheiji is a terrible ship. What is actually wrong with this fandom? I mean this very genuinely and this isn’t about my love of asheiji, it’s about the fact that the people in this fandom literally HATE banana fish?? 
I see so many people ‘in’ the fandom posting rant after rant of anything and everything they hate about the show to the point where they hate,, everything?
It is so unbelievably bizarre to me, truly. Never before have I been in a fandom where the ‘fans??’ critique and criticize EVERYTHING. When I say EVERYTHING, I am not exaggerating though I honestly wish I were.
For the last few months i’ve gone out of my way to not read any paragraphs people write about the show because I don’t want to read about why this show that I love is trash or morally wrong or the ethics are bad or the plot is garbage, the ending is terrible, it shouldn’t have this key element in it ECT ECT.
It like,, depresses me that I go to these hashtags and fandom spaces to share love of this media I adore,, and then find the ‘fans’ bashing it and tearing it to shreds.
So many people have left this fandom and grown apart from it and I used to never understand why but now i sincerely do and don’t blame a single person for dropping their bf accounts\blogs because shit man i’m close to doing that too. 
I can’t scroll past 5 posts in the tag without seeing people IN this community explaining why it’s terrible or why ships are terrible, the characters, the plot. Everything.
This is the kind of stuff i’d expect to see outside of a fandom, people constantly arguing and yelling about a media that they don’t like yet.. all of this has been within the fandom. Which is where all of my confusion, sadness and anger comes from.
I love tumblr, i really do. It’s such a funny place to create but i think as of right now i’m gonna stop posting my own bf content as I just from the bottom of my heart don’t want to interact with the people in the fandom on here.
That’s not to say I don’t have any really lovely mutuals who share very similar opinions and experiences to me but the bad definitely out-way the good. 
More than any other app, i’ve seen the worst BF takes of my damn life on this site LMAO. And to be honest, i’m done. I’m done reading this bullshit. I’m done reading this slander?? and hated. I’m done reading horrid takes about ptsd, trauma, writing, art etc. 
Seeing a massive post yelling why this ship that i’ve clung onto for support and happiness over the last year is awful was my last straw FR LMAOO.
I’m still making bf content and art and edits etc just not on here. It’s not like my content even ever did that well on here like?? So it’s not that big of a change LOL. If you want to see my banana fish art please follow my art instagram coffeekoe.art :)
EDIT: Just realized that the person who wrote that shit is a very mean\rude person to like everyone in their replies, and is getting fuckin clowned on for good reason HAHA this makes me laugh, banana fish tumblr fandom you have earned back points for this, still not gonna keep posting my stuff to the tag but,,, i applaud thee 
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be-side-my-self · 2 years
Just need to rant a bit, everyone feel free to ignore it, I‘m basically answering the anon from another blog how I actually want to answer them.
Hey, I'm sorry you searched for your OTP and found my blog with some points against your ship.
But congratulation on shitting into my inbox.
You come into my inbox and throw into my face that I like tweets against your ship? Congratulations for being obsessed like that? Would you prefer I retweeted them? I don‘t do that FOR A REASON. Because I don‘t want my followers to see „ship xy sucks and ship yz is so much better!“ but I want to show OP „hey! Here is a twitter for your ship! Maybe follow?“ and if they do, maybe they see next time I write:
Because believe it or not, I don‘t fucking control the fandom. Everyone is a fucking individual. Fuck, I‘m not even the most popular twitter account for my ship!
No matter how many events I organise, how many tweets I retweet, how many facts and pictures I post, I only reach a fracture of the shippers.
But at least I try!
Because dude I‘m in this fandom for more than 15 years, and more than ten with the ship. I've written hundred thousands of words about them. I've written essays and fanfictions and headcanons.
Meanwhile I've seen ships come and go. I have seen fans come and go. I have seen people trying to attack my ship and all they got was getting fucking ripped a new one!
I stayed.
I continued to organise to be there, to interact to write and draw...
And still after all these years I fucking try to be better.
I started with the usual „what?! Why would you ship two guys?! They aren‘t gay!! They hate each other!!“ and now I‘m at „You want ro headcanon my otp as T4T and gay? Sure. Go for it! As long as you have fun who am I to judge?“
I went from „ugh, my NoTP is so fucking annoying and I want to tell everyone who ships it that they are wrong!“ to „ship and let ship.“
And still not once did I come to someones in-box and told them annoying shit.
You say you like the ship? Then go and enjoy it without the „toxic fans“. Because that is possible, smarty!!!
Just look for fanart just look for fanfiction and don't fucking engage. It's that simple!
And if you don't like that than you obviously don't like the ship so just own up to your opinion and say as it is!
AND DON'T COME AT ME WITH OLD NEWS! Jesus christ, you want to fight toe to toe?! Come to my level first, you fucking beginner.
I have better arguments against my ship than any of you little wankers. And you know why? I have reread the fucking source material multiple times! Reread it every single time I had to figure something out!
You hate us fans? WELL NEWSFLASH: Trolls are invading our ranks, your ranks and everyones ranks! Do you know how often I asked someone to stop to be assholes under NoTP posts and then they outright said they aren't even in support of ANY SHIP?!
GO OUT AND LEARN FIRST! You want to argue against a fucking professor with your fist class education?!
Dude you can only wish for my fucking dedication.
And then I hope you never get it because I put too much time into this bullshit. Into lines and colours and pixels. Holy fuck it's not real.
You see something you don't like? Take a fucking breather and move on. Don't try to swim with the sharks you baby.
god damn it.
And then probably the same person comes into my in box again and goes "hey, you think the author though lol those stupid xyz shippers again"
The author does not give a rats ass!!!
And I won't answer your troll attempt I won't let someone call the shippers of the other ship idiots on my blog when I try to keep peace.
Call me "sanctimonious" all you want. I know what and why I am doing it.
God damn fandom kids. Get out! Touch grass! Enjoy the wind and calm the fuck down.
Jesus christ.
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fuckmelifesucks · 2 years
Elain Archeron Defence Post...
The fact that elriel shippers can not search up anything related to Elain and azriel or just anything about Elain on almost any social media platforms without getting shit comments on her, just says what a toxic fandom acotar has.
I was bored and decided to search up elain on Pinterest. There are people literally degrading the character in the comments. The comments of the post related to Elain, mind you.
They call Elain disgusting names and claim that she has no personality or one that is of a wet towel or dry flour. And I'm just like...
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Of course being nice and kind and helpful in nature and being a bit softer than other females is definitely not a personality, right?
Who wants a soft sweet introverted sunshine when we can have masculine weapon weilding badass boss bitch women? (I have nothing against masculine women. Just added it for the sake of the argument)
Being snappy is a personality. Being rude and bitchy is a personality.
But being soft and gentle? Oh no no no no no. Definitely not a personality.
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Mind you these are just a few comments under elain posts.
If they claim to hate her so much then what in heaven's name are they doing on an Elain post?!
You don't like the character or the post? SCROLL PAST!! IGNORE IT!!
Stop spreading hate on a character just because you don't like her cuz she is feminine and isn't your go-to warrior boss bitch.
There are people commenting that she should literally just die. And I'm like...are you fucking listening to your?! You want a character to die because she is soft?! Do you know how many people relate to such characters?! Have you any idea as to how offensive you are being?!
And i had read a comment so abash...like what the actual fuck. It literally had someone say that Elain should get r*ped so she becomes atleast a little interesting.
And i just gaped at the comment in disbelief and horror. How can you saw something like that and not want to hurl yourself off a damn cliff???!!!
And then we have people reducing her to her ability to give baby bats.
*Exhausted sigh*
What happened to all the feminism in the fandom? Sincere question.
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Why? Just...why?
They could easily adopt if they wanted to. Im pretty sure that both won't mind adopting in the least bit. Why wouldn't they want to take in a child looking for a family? Especially when they also want a child?
The whole 'Nesta didn't change elain's uterus so she can't give az baby bats so they aren't endgame' shit is getting on my nerve.
How can you reduce a person's worth, her feelings towards someone who clearly returns them to her ability to give birth?
And the same people ship Gwyn and az because Gwyn has pliant bones and she can give az baby bats. That is also so fucking disgusting! How can you reduce even Gwyn to her ability to give birth to illyrian babies?
Is there any romantic interactions between them that are actually cannon? No.
But why not ship them? Gwyn has pliant bones she can give az baby bats.
I am not a gwynriel shipper but still that's just disgusting! And i feel bad for Gwyn when reading shit like this.
The fandom exhausts me. And i haven't even been a part of it for a long time. I feel bad for all the elriel shippers who had to endure this shit for years.
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Then we have some more comments on elriel
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*another sigh*
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Do you fantasize about your brother or sister of wanting to kiss them and do the *devil's tango* with them?
Aight...that's on you. Im not one to judge.
And the fuck u mean by 'what abt lucien'?
The guy is also clearly uncomfortable with elain. And so is elain with him. Does elain's happiness and comfort not matter. Does her consent not mean anything?
What about Lucien?
Another question...
What about Elain? What about her feelings and emotions?
I have loved Lucien from the beginning of the series but to force elain to have a relationship with him when she isn't even in the least bit comfortable around him and becomes a shell of herself is just gross and disgusting. I hope the fandom will stop criticizing elain so much for literally no reason at all.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Just Say You're Jealous of Jimin and Go.
I wasn't planning on saying anything about the drama on Twitter this morning after the group photo was posted after the press conference. But its honestly ridiculous, so consider this me venting it out here for a moment. BTS dropped an amazing song, had a wonderful press conference, and dropped a group photo where jikook were... jikooking. It was amazing and I'll probably never be over it! And IMMEDIATELY hate started going around under Big Hits account and on the timeline for Jimin and Jikook. Its not even about ships anymore, its about basic respect for a group you say you "stan" and love.
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Not only were weird edits made of Tae or other women idols in place of Jimin, but the amount of defensive "they are brothers" tweets and hate directed towards Jimin was insane. Its just a god damn photo. It's adorable, appreciate it or don't, but keep your toxicity to yourself.
All the comments about Jungkook being forced to pose like this or forced to interact with Jimin are straight bullshit. And I can't believe that is even a thing anyone has to say at this point. I'm fully aware basically all the hate came from TKKs. Which baffles me because there were a ton of adorable Taekook moments recently. Obsess over those? Is it because this singular moment was more intimate and telling than any other moment TK had that showcased their friendship? Take your jealousy and shove it.
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Look! Taekook are cute as hell together! Can you just enjoy them without spewing toxic bullshit just because you see Jimin as some kind of threat to your ship? And no. Jungkook is not being forced into anything. Anyone who says that he is, doesn't actually know their idol AT ALL. Jungkook, Tae and Jin are the kings of "I do whatever I want... I don't listen to the company." Those 3 give off the biggest "wtf are they gonna do, fire me?" vibes. Yet people are still out here thinking they are forced into interactions they don't want or forced to stay away from each other?
Jungkook forced to interact intimately with someone he doesn't want to be with? This is the same man who was told he shouldn't get tattoos because its not okay for an idol, who now has a full sleeve and spent the live today showing them off in short sleeves. This is the same man who dyed his hair himself in the bathroom after the company told him not to. This is the same man who pushes the members off him whenever he needs space. This is the same man who has declined "fanservice" when not in the mood. This is the same man who stared down a bunch of fans and said "I am not your Oppa" even though RM was telling him its fine and to let it go for the fans. He does not do anything he doesn't want to do. This is the man whose slogan is "rather be dead than cool." Who doesn't want to live unless he is living with passion. He is a rebel soul at heart. And he is a grown ass man who can take care of himself. If he is hugging someone, its because he wants to hug them. So step off his ass and let him live. Damn.
And Tae? You think he is going to stay away from someone he supposedly loves just because the company said to? Tae? The same man who got on livestream on his birthday to inform the fans that the company banned him from saying anything about his mixtape... and then proceeded to say "But I don't listen to the company" and giggle his butt off while sending snarky looks to the staff as he played 3 to 5 second clips of his mixtape songs on live stream. The same man who also dyed his hair himself after the company said no. The one who said No, I won't flash my abs anymore, im not comfortable with it and had RM talk to the company to get their choreography changed along with the other members. The one who has no problem telling fans they have no chance with him in WeVerse replies (not very good fanservice there for a typical idol). Tae, who wrote a Christmas love song and wanted to have it be a duet with Jimin and had the company tell him that 2 guys couldn't sing the song and he had to record it with a female Vocalist and release it that way. And Tae responded by refusing to release the song, he wanted it to be Jimin, if he couldn't have Jimin, he wouldn't do the song.
Do either of these men sound like pushovers and doormats like people are making them out to be? Jin has a reputation in the fandom as the rebel. JinHit is a running joke. Everyone is willing to recognize it. But for some reason, that same energy is ignored in Taekook. Their shippers are willingly blind to it. If their shippers had to admit that Taekook had free will, it would dismantle their entire tragic star crossed lovers canon divergent fanfiction as exactly what it is... fiction.
Jimin is NOT the problem here. If Kookie didn't want to be in an embrace with him, he wouldn't be. THEY BOTH chose to pose like this and they all chose to post it. And I, for one, absolutely love it. BTS are all grown men who can make their own choices and don't need their so called fans victimizing them for things that aren't even a problem. Also, Tae and JK are both so endeared by and love Jimin so much, they would be appalled by the things people say about him in relation to their "ship" so everyone should just leave them all alone!
Ship whoever you want, but put respect on all 7 members. If you can't, then keep your mouth closed. Good lord.
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Anyway, Jikook are SO loud lately and nothing you say will change how close they are. Stay Pressed and Stream Butter.
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