#i got so excited i forgot to detail the bouquet of flowers she's holding
torntruth · 4 months
✨ - for your muse to catch mine shirtless . - for karlach
i. action prompts , accepting , @thcdoomed .
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the tiefling is like a fucking ... she doesn't even quite know what her thought process was. it felt negative. what she is, without the negativity, is a person who misses her partner whenever dronia isn't at least one room over. there's a gifted cigar between her clawed fingers. she's sitting just on the bench outside their room. the new one with a little balcony overlooking the lake. the last light they fixed up. she isn't wearing a shirt. the weather has a crisp feeling to it and she's just enjoying it. since the months the curse has been lifted, this land has been rebuilding itself quickly. taking everything back. she now sees what everybody was devastated about.
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with the cigar dangling between her legs, her free hand traces the little metal bar that held the infernal engine in place. a frown. there's an identical one on her back. she doesn't even quite remember if the tattoos surrounding the machinery came first or the machinery came first. most of avernus, the first time, was a real blur. she has flashes of hacking apart imps and moments of trying to be herself. otherwise, for the most part, she couldn't be herself. she had to be zariel's.
karlach flinches, head turning quickly, the hand with the cigar raising. as if she was absolutely ready to fling that at someone as a weapon. it's the way she instantly smiles, this small flicker to her lips, body relaxing again, returning to it's hunched forward position overlooking the lake. all when she realizes who it was. it's hard to believe that a few seconds she was so eerily unsatisfied with herself. now she isn't quite as much.
" hi, love. you're back early. "
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hold on I still need you
Author's note: This was a request from anon, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to it but here you are. I hope you are also doing okay and have a lovely day. If you ever want to chat, any of you, my DM's are always free. I've also decided not to tag anyone in this fic as it deals with triggering themes and I don't want to tag people if it could potentially trigger them. Oh and if for some crazy reason you want to be even sadder I based the plot also on the song 'hold on' by chord oversheet so uh listen to that if you wanna be in the feels.
Synopsis: Request from anon: Can I request a sui*idal reader? Like they have thudding thoughts, the whole day her head is buzzing. Then they decide to do IT (you can decide how) and Zemo walks in and becomes heartbroken and floooooofff pls
Word count: 2k
Warnings: MENTIONS OF S*ICIDE, if you don't think you'll be okay reading it then please don't, your mental state always comes first, lots of angst followed by slight fluff, overdose
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
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They wouldn’t miss you
You’re just an inconvenience to them
He doesn’t care for you. It’s all a huge prank.
It would be better if you leave
You groan in anger, hitting your head slightly to get those thoughts out of your head, but no matter how much you willed it, they would not leave you alone. Each time you tried to resolve one thought, reflecting on reasons why they do like you, your mind instead found persistent reasons for why they didn’t. Every small thing they have done which seemed off weighted down on your mind. Especially Zemo. Why didn’t he kiss you goodbye this week like he had done other weeks? Your logical side tried to argue that he simply forgot, but your paranoia always got the best of you. There is more. There has to be more. Another reason for him to avoid you. To hate you.
You didn’t want to be one of those girls whose entire life revolved around their boyfriend. You had your independence, your responsibilities, your hobbies. But these days they seemed so bland. They didn’t excite you the way they once did. Things you did for fun now felt like a chore to you. Doing anything these days felt exhausting. You knew it was annoying Zemo by how much time you spent in bed, how you stopped organising dates. But how could you find the will to do anything when you were so exhausted of life? It wasn’t as if you wanted life to end for you; it was just that you needed a break from being alive.
If you thought about it, it was the best option, right? You would finally get your peace. Your friends didn’t have to pretend to care about you anymore. Zemo could move on to date someone he actually loved. He wouldn’t feel like he only dated you out of pity. This was the best outcome. It had to be.
One of the worst things was the last walk. Your footsteps echoed along the pavement as you walked to yours and Zemo’s house. It was almost as if everything was going in slow motion for you. The corners of your eyes were blurred as you just concentrated on the path ahead. The usual outside sounds were faded, muffled to you. Instead, that singular voice inside of you rang out clearly.
‘I’m going to do it,’
Just that, again and again inside your head, unrelenting. It was as if you were still trying to convince yourself to go through with it by repeating it. Your legs felt like stone as you forced yourself to continue to walk to your resting place. Your breath quickened as you approached the door.
Walking in, you were barely coherent. Zemo was still out. He should be gone for the next few hours. That’s plenty of time. You felt a pang of guilt in your heart as you thought about him. How would he react to seeing you? You didn’t want to think about it and thankfully if all goes to plan you would never would.
You manage to find yourself in the bathroom, locking the door behind you. By the window was the medicine cabinet. Stored full of many painkillers for the headaches Zemo often got. Often his past would come back to haunt him. Shakily your hand reaches up to grasp the door handle and open it up, your eyes focusing on all the orange pill bottles that cluttered it. You weren’t focusing as you reached to grab them, your hands instead accidentally knocking them to the floor.
Swearing under your breath, you rush to pick them up, feeling your eyes water up. Finally, you felt you had enough. Swallowing one last time, you open your mouth and down the hatched.
Zemo’s hands clutched the bouquet. The smell of sweet roses floating off them. Roses were typical, but always one of your favourite types of flowers. His hands gently graze against the box held in his trousers pocket. A reminder of the task that had been making him nervous for the last month. To propose. No matter what happened, the time had never felt right. He wanted it to be meaningful, for it to be special. After losing his last family, he wasn’t ready to let someone like you go away.
Still, he worried for you. Your behaviour had changed over the last few months and though he tried to ask you about it, you had always shrugged it off. It was nothing. You were fine. It wasn’t nothing. You weren’t fine, and he hated that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth. That is why he was determined tonight was the night. He’d show you just how much you meant to him, and maybe then you would trust him enough to open up.
“Y/n?” he called out as he walked into the house. He’d taken the afternoon off for this moment, preparing it down to the tiniest detail, and finally, it was all falling into place. Now he had to just find you.
“Y/n?” he called out again
He paused, waiting for a response, but furrowed his eyebrows when none came. That was odd. You were always back by this time.
He started to walk around the house, checking in every room for you. As he found every room empty, his voice rose higher as he became more panicked.
Reaching the final floor, his eyes focused on the closed bedroom door, dread pooling into his stomach. The roses slip from his hand and the petals broke off as they hit the ground. His feet were already rushing to the door, his hands reaching for the handle, but no matter how hard he would push it wouldn’t give away.
“Y/N!” he shouted, hitting his fist against the wooden door in a desperate attempt that you might still be awake. He pushed his shoulder against the door with all his strength. The lock strained, giving crack to a single strain of hope for him.
He pushed his weight against it again, and then again, and finally; it broke. He stumbled, almost falling to the floor as the door burst open. He glanced around and his skin went cold as he saw you laying there surrounded by empty pill bottles. His legs folded as he collapsed beside you, pulling you close to his chest. His ears were ringing and his eyes were blurry as his fingers rested against the pulse in your neck, his head resting against your chest as he prayed for something, some sort of life.
A sob echoed from his throat, whaling coming deep from inside his chest. “Please,” he cried out, “Don’t you leave me. Not you too”
The tears streamed down his cheeks, falling on your pale, clammy skin. “Y/n” he whispered, his fingers still pressed against his pulse.
And then if by a miracle he felt it, hardly there, but he felt it, he’s sure he did. A beat.
He had already gathered your body in his arms and was racing you to the car. Ambulances would take too long. He had to get you to the hospital now. He was driving well over the speed limit but fines could easily be paid, your life couldn’t.
He swerves in and out of other cars, desperately trying to avoid any traffic, almost causing traffic by how carelessly he was driving. He could hear the cars honk at him, the expletives shouted, but none of that phased him. All that mattered was getting you to that hospital and thankfully, it paid off. He was at the hospital in a matter of minutes.
Grabbing you off the seat, he runs into the hospital holding you bridal style, screaming for help. The poor receptionist looked traumatised as she saw your ghostly pale head swinging as Zemo rushed towards the desk.
Quickly nurses had grabbed a hospital bed, and Zemo carefully placed you onto it. As they carted you away, Zemo grasped your hand, determined to follow you. He was instead forced to let go of you. He argued relentlessly to them that he needed to be there; he had to be there with you. Didn’t they know who he was? He got everything he wanted if he so asked but now he was forced into the waiting room along with everyone else. He couldn’t be with you, and it was killing him.
He paced around the room anxiously. People watched his stressed-out self as he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up. Occasionally his hand would flicker down to his pocket where the ring rested and a lump would come to his throat. Every time a nurse came into the waiting room, he would instantly turn to them, hoping that it would be about you. But it wasn’t and so he was left with his thoughts again as he went over in his mind what he had done wrong for you to ever want to do that. It must have been something he did. The way he treated you. Something he said. The blame rested solely on him.
Finally, the nurse came in, looking for him. As soon as she said the words, he was rushing to your room. As he reached it, he burst through the door, his eyes focusing on the bed in front of him.
There you laid peacefully.
But alive.
The next few hours he spent sitting beside you, just staring at your peaceful face, his hand grasping yours. The nurses tried to get him to leave, claiming you would be asleep for a few hours, but he refused. He had to be there when you woke up. He couldn’t imagine leaving you to wake up on your own.
After a few hours, your eyes finally crack open as you awake. As your senses come back to you, you could feel something holding your hand. Moving your head slightly, you saw Zemo beside you.
As soon as you moved your head he perked up and a wave of relief washed over him seeing you awake.
“Y/n, oh thank god,” he whispers, squeezing your hand tightly.
“Zemo? Where am I?” You ask.
“You are at the hospital after you… well,” he trails off, the word getting chocked in his throat as he thought back to what happened.
Your eyes started to swarm with tears as you feel guilt wash over you, knowing what must have happened for you to end up here with Zemo.
“Zemo, I’m so sorry”
“Please don’t apologise, you don’t need to apologise” Zemo instantly says, sorrow deep within his eyes, “But please, tell me what I did wrong. I can’t lose you y/n, so whatever it is, whatever lead you to that tell me”
“Zemo, it isn’t your fault. You’ve been perfect, you always have been. It’s me, it’s all me. It was so stupid of me Zemo, I shouldn’t have put you through something like that”
His grip on your hand tightened as he leaned over to put his hand on the side of your face, making you turn to look at him. “Don’t say that. You are not stupid. Far from it. Now please, tell me the real reason”
You sigh, leaning into his hand. “I didn’t feel worthy of you. Of anyone. I’m tired Zemo, I’m so tired and you deserve someone who can give you their all. And that isn’t me. I don’t feel alright and I’m not sure if I ever will again”
Zemo’s thumb strokes your face in comfort as he looks at you before deciding to get up and get on the bed next to you, pulling you into a hug in the tight space you two had. “I love you y/n, if anything I do not deserve you. I understand how you feel and I know you will feel better in time, with help you will be. I will ensure you get the best help and will be with you every step of the way if you will have me”
He clasped you as you cried into his chest, his whispers of comfort and reassurance settling deep within yourself. You knew things would be hard; you knew you would doubt yourself again; you doubt him. But a part of you knew that with Zemo beside you, helping you, loving you. You could pull through.
A/N: If you made it to here I salute you for getting through the angst. Just remember you are never alone and if you are ever feeling in a bad way don't be afraid to reach out, I love you all 💕
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Vanilla and strawberries| Mazikeen x cottagecore!Reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Summary: Maze and cottagecore!reader have breakfast together
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Sure, Maze had never been to your house before and sure, you were a big softie in your floral mini dressed and puff sleeved blouses but a cottage in the middle of nowhere? You chose to live here? Of all places? It seemed inconvenient to say the least, the closest town being a 30 minute car ride away .
The house in itself was an old, rustic cottage. The brick walls were ornate with white trims for the windows and wallflowers that Maze didn’t know the name of but could already hear you in her head, picking up every individual one between your little fingers and telling her all about them. She smiled at the thought. A little pathway led her to your front door, which looked like something out of a fantasy novel: circular at the top, with a flower crown for decoration. Somewhat unsure, she knocked on your door and soon enough, you answered. Dressed in a light pink summer dress, flowy, but tight in the waist, you were as beautiful as ever, if not more beautiful in the morning light.
“Maze! You came!” you said, wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug
“Of course. What else could I have possibly been doing if not breakfast with my favorite girl?” you giggled. It wasn’t often that your girlfriend allowed herself to be soft and cutesy, so cheesy things like that meant more to you than they would have any other time, coming from anyone else.
“Come on in! I have almost everything set up.”
Your excitement was intoxicating and even though Maze felt out of place a minute ago, in her tight leather pants and black top, she forgot all about it when she saw your smile and heard the joy in your voice. It just reminded her again of why she loved you so much: you were the kindest, most positive person she knew and you helped her change for the better too.
“Take your shoes off please, I’ll bring you a different pair” you said, already searching frantically around the house. By the time Maza finished unzipping both her boots, you came back with a pair of bunny slippers, white and fluffy, looking brand new. A cheeky smile on your face suggested you knew that Maze would never normally wear anything like that but you still tried. To your surprise, she took them from your hands carefully and slipped them on
“How are they?” Maze made a few steps, looking down at them, examining everything from the pearly eyes of the bunnies to the puff ball at the back, imitating a tail
“Cozy?” she said unsure, making you laugh
“Come!” you grabbed her hand and led her down the hall and through the kitchen.
The kitchen was a mess, the counter was full of egg shells and spilled milk.  An opened bag of sugar was sitting way too close to the edge and a gold spoon with pink details was peeking from the top. 
You let go of Maze’s hand, going to grab two mugs from the cabinet, except when you turned around, you catch her playing with the dead rose petals that had fallen from the bouquet you had on the table
“Oh, yes.” you say “Should have cleaned those up a while ago” Maze laugh
“Is this the one I gave you?” she said, pointing at the few roses still alive in your vase
“Yeah. From our last date”
“In that case I can’t believe they survived this long”
“I take good care of them” Maze gave you a sweet smile . She was looking at you with love and compassion and you felt yourself melt under her gaze
“I know you do” Maze wrapped her arm around your waist and brought you closer to her, wrapping you in a  tight hug. Your arms linked around her waist and your head rested on her shoulder. You inhaled her strong perfume, which reminded you of Lux. Of the dark and the people and the booze. It had never been your scene, until you found Maze. Now you felt a certain thrill when you thought about that place
“You know” you said “If we don’t go now the bees might get to our breakfast first” Maze giggled and nodded, allowing you to take her hand and lead the way. You wrapped your fingers around hers and pulled her up the stairs and through your bedroom. 
Your bedroom looked just as Maze imagined it. The peach colored walls were covered in drawings and prints of flowers and artwork. Vines were spread out across the ceiling, little paper butterflies peeking from in between. Almost every corner, desk and chair in the room held a little potted plant. Right in front of her was your little balcony. You had two chairs and a little table there. As she approached, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the endless field that was (partly) your back yard.
“It’s so pretty” she said, without even thinking much about it
“I know” you replied “You should see the sunset”
“I want to”
“You could stay tonight?” you replied nervously, praying to God she will say yes because you could not think of a better way to spend your night
“I will'' Maze replied enthusiastically. You couldn’t help the smile on your face, but you needed to focus back on setting up the table.
For the first time, Maze looked at the table you had prepared for them. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of food. Maze saw eggs and bacon and pancakes and a whole platter of cheeses. You prepared tea and fruits and all kinds of jams. Maze was amazed at how many things you were able to fit on there, but she was excited. She couldn’t remember the last time she ate anything other than take out and knowing you put so much work and effort into this breakfast, just because she was coming over, made Maze want to cry on the spot. She’s never felt this welcome anywhere before!
You two dug into everything. Maze loved hearing the excitement in your voice talking about the process of cooking everything on the table. She loved hearing about your painting and the interesting new book you were reading, by some philosopher with a funny name that you were really interested in. She didn’t exactly care for philosophy, she knew everything she needed to know, about life and death, but hearing you talk and watching all your exaggerated hand gestures was a kind of heaven she was never used to. She loved you. She’d told you that before but everytime felt like the first for her. The same nervous gitter and the anxious pit in her stomach, making her wonder if you were going to say it back. You always did. She watched the wind play with your hair and the bows on your sleeves, and felt the need to jump into your arms and kiss you softly. Feel the heat of your body and taste your coconut chapstick but instead, she scooted her chair closer to yours, just enough to reach out to hold your hand. It was warm and soft and Maze thought that if she wasn’t careful enough she might cut you with one of her rings. 
You asked her about Lux and Lucifer and she told you everything there was to know. About Lucifer and Decker’s new relationship drama and about Linda and her baby and how much Maze wanted to hang out with the little baby more but she was afraid
“Afraid of what?” “That I will hurt him. Or that he might hate me and cry. I’ll scare him and we’ll never grow up to be friends”
“Maze, what are you even talking about?” your giggle was soft and full of good intentions “You are not as horrible with kids as you think you are, ok? Take Trixie for example”
“Trix is much older”
“Still a kid though. And she loves you” Maze couldn’t argue with you on that
“Look” you said, seeing that your girlfriend was still lost in thoughts, “ How about I give you some tips?”
How many of those tips actually stuck to Maze was up to debate but the sound of your voice was engraved in her head and in her heart and if she could listen to it everyday for the rest of her life, she would. She couldn’t help herself from reaching out every once in a while to kiss your lips. You tasted like vanilla and strawberries and your palm was cold against the back of Maze’s neck. When it got windy out, you brought a big knitted blanket from inside, and wrapped it around the both of you. Maze rested her head on your shoulder and tried to take in every little detail about that moment. She’ll need it when she replays this whole scene in her head, once she gets home.
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myonepiece · 3 years
Hello, I was wondering if I could ask for either hcs/ or scenarios on how Smoker, Zoro, and Sanji would ask out there crush please. (Thank you so much for writing it really makes me so happy)
Smoker, Zoro, Sanji asking out their crush
description: how Smoker, Zoro, and Sanji (separate) would ask out their crush
warnings: none
a/n: I got a bit carried away... 
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as “old” as he is, not much of that is experience- if any. he’s always been focused on his career, and I doubt he’s ever been in a relationship (I actually wouldn’t be that surprised if he’s still a virgin)
so that being said, he has no idea how to approach this situation. he’s never felt the exact need to make someone happy, or even more so flatter them. the only people he’s tried to impress are his higher-ups and he doubts you would want 3 wanted pirates thrown at your feet and a love confession 
and he refuses to ask anyone for help
for days, weeks, half of his days are spent trying to think of how to ask you out he might go into town and try to spot anyone asking someone out, he’ll try to find anything about it in books laying around, he’ll rack every part of his mind for something, he even tries to throw Tashigi hints to tell him how she would want to be asked out- so he would have an idea for you 
eventually after weeks of his every thought being consumed by an unfamiliar feeling of lost helplessness, he’s in his office late at night staring at the bouquet of flowers he got in town when he had passed a flower cart, in the moment thinking “well it wouldn’t hurt to buy them, just in case”
he slams his fist on the table and grabs the flowers, which have now lost the wrap they were in because of his constant grab-pace-regret-put down. then he storms out of his office and goes to your house/office/room/station and knocks. as soon as you open the door or turn around and look at him, he shoves the flowers towards you with a feverish blush on his cheeks. 
“here. would you let me take you out tomorrow?”
his heart is p o u n d i n g and the part of his cigars that he bites have practically been ground to ash. when you say yes he grunts in response and seems to freeze for a moment, staring intently down at you- then he quickly leans down and presses a kiss to the top of your head beefore turning on his heel and hurrying “casually” back to his office
he just couldn’t go longer without touching you in the slightest bit, his constant daydreams made him long for your affection so much he at least had to give you a quick peck to tide him over- but in all of his panic and spontaneous confession he forgot to tell you when or where the date would be
cue blushy Smoker
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Zoro is similar to Smoker, except Zoro definitely has no experience at any type of love
he spends a few days staring at you, literally almost every second that’s not spent napping (and dreaming about you) is spent watching your every move. he’s trying to see if there’s anything you like and/or anyone that might be competition
he finds nothing. as much as Zoro hates Sanji, the cook has a way with the ladies- now he is not about to ask Sanji for advice, but he hints at it by making fun of him but throwing in a way for Sanji’s comeback to explain how he get’s women to like him. it doesn’t work, Zoro’s not smart enough to come up with a foolproof insult like that.
but Nami sees what her crewmate is trying to do, and shes noticed how he acts towards you- she knows/knew how he feels about you. so she offers to help- for a price of course- and Zoro actually pays. Nami drags him away in the next town and shoves a bunch of little gifts into his hands: a teddy bear, flowers, a bracelet. to be honest Nami just started throwing in stuff she would like, but Zoro realized this after the bracelet
the pair get back to the ship at early sunset and Nami and Usopp push the swordsman towards where you’re relaxing by the railing. he comes up behind you and glares back at Nami and Usopp. you turn around and Zoro feels his cheeks heat up, he looks away scowling but holds the gifts out for you.
“Nami-swaaan, Robin-chwaaan, ______-swaaan!!”
damn it cook. Zoro gritted his teeth and glared as the blond man twirled out onto the deck carrying a platter with three drinks, handing the two off to Nami and Robin before hurrying down to you and Zoro. he handed the drink to you, who looked confused at everything. Sanji noticed the gifts Zoro held and immediately realized what was happening.
“Oi! what do you think your doing to _____swan?!”
Sanji and Zoro glared at each other, suddenly engaged in that face-crushed-against-face staring contest (yknow the one). 
“trying to ask her on a date, cook!” Zoro snarled but then he froze and the color drained from his face as he realized what he said. Sanji continued yelling at him, but Zoro was watching you stiffle a giggle and walk over, taking the gifts from his hands and quickly pecking his cheek.
“I’d love to go on a date with you Zoro-kun”
with that you turned and left a paralyzed scarlet-colored swordsman and a sulking cook. 
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he knows exactly what to do and he’s super excited.
he gets everything together very quickly, he wants every single detail to be perfect. by everything I mean getting the 6 pounds of flowers, the ingredients for your favorite cookies, the 3 teddy bears, the 20 ft. long ribbon. 
so he sets up everything the day he gets the last of his materials, setting up the flowers and using a few to drop petals around the arrangement. he ties ribbons around the bears to make bows, as well as around the legs of the table in the middle of it all. he bakes the cookies and decorates the top with hearts and very detailed frosting art of you.
he tells you to meet him at 6:00 pm (sunset) at the top of the stairs down to the lower deck.
when you come down he’s standing to the side of the deck, right neck to “will you go on a date with me?” spelled out in rose petals, illuminated by a few candles spread out on the deck. beyond that there’s a table with 3 bears displaying bow ties around their necks and holding a paper heart in their paws, and a tray holding your favorite type of cookie in the middle of them.
“ahh _____-swaaan! you look so beautiful tonight!”
he waits by the side for you to come down the stairs, check out the teddy bear display, and weave your way through the roses and candles. he watches you with admiration filled eyes and a content joyous look on his face.
when you reach him he takes your hands in his and looks gazes into your eyes.
“will you let me take you on a date?”
when you say yes he wraps his arms around you and places a kiss on your forehead, his lips lingering slightly. 
“how about tomorrow night at 7, meet me in the crows nest?”
you nod and he pulls away, kissing your hand as he bows- he walks away seemingly fine, once out of sight rushing to the boys room and collapsing against the door, melting down onto the floor in a puddle of squeals, giggles, blushes, and blood.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Hi!! If its okay could i get Mondo, Sakura, Kazuichi, and Kaito with a short S/O (Think 4'11 to 5'0) who's the SHSL Florist? Bonus ponits if you you give me their reaction to their S/O giving them a large bouquet of flowers as a gift? NB pronouns if that's okay!
Mondo Oowada, Sakura Oogami, Kazuichi Souda, and Kaito Momota with Short SHSL Florist S/O
‘Bonus’! How cute is that :D /pos
Also also I use the word bumblebee bc once I thought of it I thought it was really cute. Bc get it?? They are small and also flowers yeah <3
Do I get ten points now? =D
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
He thinks you are like a little bumblebee.
So nice and small! Adorable.
Short jokes all the time.
He definitely thinks flowers are a little lame.
But is definitely impressed by your knowledge of them!
So when you pile together a purple toned bouquet, you’re honestly a little curious on how he would react.
Or if he would even react at all. Does he know to put them in water? Maybe these should be your flowers too.
The roar of the engine is a comfort noise. So when it abruptly stops outside, you can just feel how the butterflies hatch in your stomach.
So you travel to your almost garden in the guest room, picking up the bouquet. It still looks beautiful. That’s good. Admittedly, you do get quite impatient at times.
Ah, the front door! And his welcoming voice telling you he’s home. How nerve-wracking. Your whole plan has a lot of questionable details, but as long as the response isn’t negative then what’s the harm in showing him your love?
“Mondo!” You call out with a bubbly tone before walking down the hallway searching for where he might be.
Your boyfriend, who you are terribly unimpressed with, lays slumped on the couch, tired from the heat. 
Again, you speak, interrupting his decline into sleep. “I made you these!”
He opens one of his eyes. “You got me flowers?”
A bit of heat crosses your cheeks, and you squeeze them harder. “I thought maybe you would like them.”
“Of course I fucking like ‘em,” he says while sitting up. His think fingers brush against yours when he takes them from you. “These are some cute ass flowers.”
Cute ass flowers. How romantic!
Sakura Oogami
She can give you piggy back sides whenever you want and likes to carry you around.
Definitely lets you put flowers in her hair.
Flowers in her hair sounds so cute I am crying.
A part of her actually is jealous of your talent. She wants to know everything about flower patterns, too.
And so she listens every time you explain things.
You pick together the pinkest flowers you can, trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing as you can rather than focusing on intent.
A few white roses find themselves in the batch, too.
The shop around you is cold. The layers of warm clothes aren’t going to help you when you go outside.
But the flowers always need special things that are not convenient for you.
While you contemplate whether or not you can leave clothes here, the bells attached to the door ring out.
A customer! Or maybe Sakura is here to bring you lunch. 
You pop your tiny head towards the main shop, looking left and right. 
She holds a styrofoam box in her hand, holding god knows what meal. 
Horrible for the environment, by the way, how embarrassing.
“Sakura!” You exclaim. And then it surprises you. You got so excited over something as simple as seeing her.
Even in the way your heart pounds at her soft eyes.
“I brought you a meal,” she says. You dip into the back room, and she follows your lead.
But before she comes through the door, you offer her the flowers, almost shoving them into her face. “Flowers!”
“Flowers... What a thoughtful gift, thank you very much.”
She looks nothing more than flattered. Her face usually sports a content look, often a light flush on her face, so seeing her smiling so wide feels special. 
“Oh,” you snap yourself out of your admiring gaze, “and thank you so much for the food!”
Kazuichi Souda
Kazuichi is definitely the sexiest man alive when he’s working on a car. His jumper will be tied around his waist, his hair slicked back.
He never wears his beanie when he’s working. It’s probably the best thing about him.
I just wanted to get that out of my system.
You like to surprise him whenever he’s working. Even though he doesn’t mind the work, you’re sure he’d have a better time being together with you.
The optimism is definitely appreciated.
Especially when it’s easy to scare him. You’re tiny and he gets over concentration. Just sneaking under the car and grabbing his ankle is your favorite.
But for Valentine Day, you didn’t want to be cruel like that. 
So while puffing your cheeks, you hop on downstairs, carrying a bouquet of different shades of yellow flowers. A few pink ones are thrown in for his hair. 
And so you approach him, trying your best to shrink yourself even shorter.
You don’t even know what he’s doing. What do cars need when they get fixed? A new engine? Something about a gas tank? You have no clue.
But whatever it is, it takes a lot of hard work.
And it’s your job to distract him.
You are almost an arms distance away until, and it scares the shit out of you, he immediately turned around screams as loud as he can.
The flowers run too close to slipping from your fingers. God, that was about to be the worst day of your entire life.
Before anger can crack through your demeanor, the sense of humor the both of you have came back. So you started laughing, placing a weary hand to your chest.
You were laughing because you noticed his hands holding a plastic container of sweets. 
“Ah, you nut head!” You call out. “I got you flowers!”
“Why did you get me something? You were supposed to come and scare me!”
Kaito Momota
You hum underneath your breathe while you pick together the best array of flowers you can. Purples and dark colors, just for him.
The moon shines through the school’s window. With the dorms downstairs, every night has became a game of who is going to catch you this time?
Every night you’ve been sneaking up to the garden, trying to raise these flowers just for this occasion.
For the last few months, all you’ve ever wanted was to be with Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!
And now is your time to impress him! The flowers are all ready!
You wrap them together in green tape. The trembling of your hands makes the job quite difficult. And then the white ribbon to top it all off, but you have to take a deep breath while wrapping it.
There’s no backing out of this.
The fight to continue raged on while you walk upstairs, going up the many of them. It gives you time to think.
To think about how much you love him.
Horribly sickening how much you love him. His positive outlook on life motivates you all the time. If you ever feel like giving up, you just remind yourself that Kaito Momota wouldn’t want you to!
The door to the roof is unlocked, as you assumed. No - as you knew. You’ve watched him climb up here every day when he first interrupted your gardening. “I’ll be up on the roof whenever you need me, I tend to go every night.”
You never forgot about it.
Pulling open the door comes with a click. A pang of anxiety rings through you. But why? Should you really be sneaking if your intention is for him to notice you?
He lays on his jacket, arms behind his head and one of his feet crossed over his knee. And he pipes up when he sees you.
“Bumblebee! It took you long enough.”
The flowers in your hands don’t even cross his mind until after he stands up. There’s a nervous blankness as your expression. 
When he steps closer, he can even see the way your pupils dilate. “Are these flowers for me?”
It feels as if your words are trapped inside your mouth. He’s actually in front of you, towering, and flattered. So you shove the flowers against his chest.
Your body feels like it’s in front of a fire.
“I grew them for you. And I tried to make it look like space, you know? With all the dark colors.” You whisper. 
He smirks with satisfaction that only he could portray. To say he is proud is an understatement. You have always been obvious about your interest in him. It was just a matter of when you would gain the confidence to make a move. That’s why he invited you to join him on the roof all those months ago.
Still, he looks a bit smug. But that doesn’t last long, as his face falls to contentment as he turns back around. “Come, come.” He beckons.
You follow him up to his jacket, where he places the flowers down. His eyes are cast upwards, at the sky. You follow his gaze.
How can he gaze up for hours? It’s almost unbelievable. 
You sigh. “Can you explain to me - woah!” 
His arms grip onto your thighs as he lifts you up. The lack of struggle terrifies you, in more than being in the air.
“Kaito, what are you doing?” 
“Look up at space! Tell me what colors you see.”
A small noise escapes your lips. You relax a bit, accepting your position while placing your hands on his shoulders.
What colors? There are a lot. Not exactly the purple you thought it was. Maybe a dark blue, light blue, too. 
You haven’t thought about what color space is.
“Blue.” Is the only word you let yourself say.
He lets you down slowly. “Blue is a good answer. I’d like to think space is every color - Eh? Why are you looking at me like that?”
You blink, once... and maybe a dozen more times. “No reason, I just like you.”
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ad1thi · 4 years
If your still doing fic recs, could u rec any soft stevetony ones?
absolutely!! this got pretty long so ive hidden most of it under a read-more so i don’t annoy people. a couple of authors feature more than once. ive tried to avoid that as much as possible, but if an author features more than once - take that as a sign that they have rly good stuff for soft stevetony
disclaimer: don’t forget to leave kudos and comments for every author!! (a disclaimer i regrettably forgot to add to previous fic rec lists but will be adding from now on)
soda pops: @starklysteve
If anybody asks, Steve would smile and say it was very romantic. Very Tony. Because if he went into any further detail, nobody would quite believe him.
Tony, on the other hand, would laugh and say that Steve’s in love with a man in a can. So, really, it wasn’t outside the natural progression of things.
me voy pa’l pueblo: @firebrands
two times steve walks away, and one time that tony walks with him.
/ or, my very fluffy take on my bingo card prompt "farewells." steve is on vacation when he meets tony.
fill for my stony bingo prompt: farewells; also for bookworminaslump on tumblr who asked for a tourist/knowledgeable local au!
Tumblr Ficlets:  @omg-just-peachy (this is 115 chapters of stevetony being soft!!)
A collection of enough tooth-rotting fluff to last a year, all in one place.
tender offerings: @omg-just-peachy
Five times Steve carried Tony to bed.
the best thing (is that it’s happening to you and me):  @captainstarkreportingforduty
Or, five times the team saw Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in love.
Sweet On You: @miniblackraven
It’s the 1940’s and Tony is working as a Donut Doll for the Red Cross. His job is to go around to various military bases and offer comfort food and conversation to homesick soldiers. He’s come to expect a lot of things in this job, but he doesn’t expect to fall in love with Captain America, the hottest most awkward soldier Tony has ever met.
Bespectacled Avengers Society (Membership of One):  @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah
Tony gets glasses. Glasses get a Tony. Steve loses his mind and walks into walls.
a flower crown for your love: @anthonyed
"There, there," Pepper cooed. "Tony likes flowers?" she said with a shred of doubt in her tone. But when Steve peered up, she's smiling her bright toothy smile. He squinted and she sighed, dropping her hand from his shoulder. "He does." she insisted. "Even more so than me."
if this was a movie: @omg-just-peachy
“One of our seniors is being generous with his time this year—by force of his own actions, but generous none the less—and he’d be happy to help you, I’m sure. Tony Stark? I’ll set something up for later this week. I think between the two of you you’ll be able to pull your average up enough to make it through to playoffs,” Coulson said, with that ever-hopeful lilt in his voice.
Or, Steve needs a calculus tutor, Tony is available, but how is Steve ever supposed to focus when he's been in love with Tony for ... his entire school life?
you take me higher than the rest (everybody else is second best): @firebrands
tumblr fill for adi & anthonydarling, who asked for "'Prank' war, but the kind to see who can make the other blush the most in public" from this prompt list
amore mio:  @brucewaynery
Tony has had it with Steve being dumb and reckless out in the field, he has a family to think about now, Steve promises him that he'll be with him, kingdom come.
(initially based on that one headcanon about Italian Tony yelling and gesticulating at Steve but Peter thinks he's doing some weird dance and tries to copy him, but it got very fluffy very quickly)
Lost My Mind in a Coffee Shop: @betheflame
“Boyo,” Bucky muttered to his best friend. “I swear to God that if you don’t ask that man for his number soon, I will create a Grindr profile for you and you will not like it.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I am here to finish grading, not hit on men.”
“Can you not do both?” Natasha smirked. “Nearly tenured, historical genius, feels like something you should be able to multitask.”
In which Steve is a history professor and Tony's an engineering one and Bucky owns the joint where they have their meet cute.
AU-gust Chapter 7: @iam93percentstardust 
stevetony, childhood friends AU
Right Up The Road: @gottalovev
The day at the senate committee in Washington DC wasn't supposed to end with Tony and Steve transformed into animals by a baby witch. That said, the 350 miles trek back to the compound to get help promises to be quite an adventure too!
(or the adventures of Cat!Tony and Wolf!Steve - and how to readjust when you're back to human!)
i’ll take care of you: @elcorhamletlive
Steve blinks. The sound of loud thunder roars outside, but he doesn’t jolt, too focused on the image in front of him to be startled by the noise.
He has no idea what to say, and he isn’t sure if the shock is because of Tony’s absolutely sodden state – his hair glued to his forehead, his clothes dripping with water, forming a small puddle in front of Steve’s door – or because he wasn’t expecting to see Tony for at least three more days.
“Hi?” he says, a little tentative, before his brain catches up to reality. In his defense, he was getting ready to sleep when Tony knocked. He looks at what Tony is holding – a wet mess that seems to have been a flower bouquet at some point. “What are you doing here?”
The Tally System:  @betheflame
Everyone on the team knew about the tally system.
Whenever Steve would save Tony - whether from a monster or from his own stupidity - he’d say, “tag”. Whenever Tony do the same, he’d say, “your turn”. Thor thought it was adorable, Clint thought it was ridiculous, Bruce refused to register an opinion.
Natasha thought it was something she could work with.
what’s mine is yours: @robertdowneyjjr
5 times Tony stole Steve’s clothes, and 1 time Steve returned the favor.
For a billionaire, Tony Stark really doesn't pay for a lot of what he wears.
I like Shiny Things But I’d Marry You With Paper Rings: @betheflame
Rhodey: I just confirmed with Sam that he’s going to make sure he cooks tonight and that his entire team is briefed. I’m heading over now to strategically arrange a fuck ton of ficus trees to block them from gen pop.
Pepper: They’re not getting engaged in a prison, Jimmy.
Rhodey: Tony Stark and Steve Rogers show up to Circe on a Saturday night in May and you watch every person in that restaurant turn into someone I’d rather arrest than eat with.
In which Tony and Steve get engaged, but they're kind of extra about it, because they are always themselves
the road to the stars: @shell-heads
Tony is seven years old when he sees the ballet for the first time and meets his future pas de deux partner.
His father is invited to sweet-talk politicians into a new weapons deal and explain his latest idea for their program, and his mom goes to catch up with old friends she hasn't seen in years, but Tony goes because his mom had smiled down at him and told him he would love it.
His mom's never wrong.
In which boy genius Tony Stark meets girl wonder Natasha Romanoff at the ballet, and they fit their broken little pieces together to make something beautiful on the dance floor.
Steve? He's just a dumb, awful, chaotic, extremely supportive older brother that really should just shut up and admit he likes Tony a lot more than he pretends, because Natasha only has five people in the world she likes; it only makes sense her two favorites would fall in love with one another.
They always were a little slow, though.
A Second Chance To Take it Slow: @omg-just-peachy
Tony loves his adopted son, Peter, but that doesn't stop him from wishing he had someone to do this whole parenting thing with. After a failed one night stand, Tony's parent-teacher conference with Mr. Rogers comes with quite the surprise.
Wake Up!: @randomstufffromotherblogs
Tony came home from a business trip and is woken up by his husband and their three-year old.
pull me closer to love:  @captainstakreportingforduty (part of a series)
“A Mother’s Day card? For... Tony?” Steve clarifies, and can’t help the smile on his face as six familiar little heads nod in response.
“But... guys, Tony’s not—“ he pauses and takes a breath, any explanation dying in his throat against the excited gleam in everyone’s eyes. “Why do you guys want to do that, hmm?"
compromises:  @robertpattisons (when i looked up OP on tumblr, this is the blog i was directed to - but i sincerely apologise if ive gotten it wrong)
Steve should have expected it, he really should have.
There were regulations that came with dating Tony Stark. Things that were clear and things that they needed to work through.
Things like how Steve always got strawberry ice cream, while Tony got rocky road. Or when Steve needed to get his homework done before he was down to make out - even though Tony always got his way.
Things like that were clear
all that you are is all that i’ll ever need: @natasharxmanov
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers announced their engagement on Good Morning America through Tony Stark’s previous secretary now CEO, Pepper Potts. And over this past weekend, I got the chance to sit down with them both, to visit their home and attend their gala, all to write this article about the most powerful couple in the world.
(Or, the fic in which Tony and Steve get married.)
(i won’t ever) trade my mistakes: @brucewaynery
Toddler Peter, painting a masterpiece with his dad.
aka: a dumb amount of family fluff to help you power through the week
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the blind date • kim namjoon
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PLOT ─ hoseok sets you up on a blind date with his best friend, namjoon, and it all goes up hill from there.
GENRE ─ college!au
WORDS ─ 6.3k
You attention is drawn to the entrance of the cafe as it opens yet again, your eyes searching for a man fitting the description your friend had given you. Although, right now, you weren’t exactly in the best mood. You didn't want to go on this blind date in the first place, but it was a lot better than trying your hand at it yourself on the internet and potentially getting yourself murdered.
You sighed when you looked the guy over, no way was it that scrawny kid with glasses - although Hoseok did say his friend wears glasses from time to time, according to him his best friend was rather large in form. It's ten minutes past when he should have been here, you see as you clicked the power button on your phone. You heard the bell of the cafe chime but you don't bother looking up, busy unlocking your phone and sending Hoseok a message to tell him that his best friend didn't show up.
Before you could press send, however, someone called your name softly, and it was a little contrasting with his deep voice. You lift your head, eyes scanning over the - admittedly very handsome - man and he ticked all of the mental boxes to the description Hoseok gave you on his friend. He was wearing a light blue polo neck and a pair of denim jeans. What was strange was that he had one arm tucked behind his back while his other was stuffed with books.
You raised an unimpressed brow, handsomeness did not excuse his tardiness. "Namjoon, I assume?"
He nodded, a sheepish grin slipped onto his face, revealing the most adorable pair of dimples. "Guilty as charged. Y/N, right?"
"Yeah, that's me." You nodded back to him, crossing your arms over your chest. "So, is there any particular reason you're late, or are you one of those who thinks it makes you more attractive?"
"What? No!" His eyes widened and you would have found it amusing or maybe even cute. If he wasn't almost twenty minutes late to your blind date. Speaking of, you are never letting Hoseok talk you into anything ever again.
"It's not like that. I just, I got you these." The hand behind his back came out and there was a small bouquet of lilies and lavenders. You felt something inside of you go very gooey like, because those are your favorite flowers. "And I know it might seem old fashioned but Hoseok mentioned that you like flowers and that these are your favorites, so I went by the flower shop three blocks from here but the queue was longer than I expected and then they had to make the bouquet because they didn't have any in this specific arrangement and I am really, really sorry that I'm late."
You stated at him, opened mouthed and a little in shock at the ramble of words that passed his lips so quickly and nervously.
"Well," You cleared your throat. "As far as excuses go, I have to say, that's the best one I've ever heard." When he still remained standing, looking at you unsurely, you gave a small smile. "This date isn't really going to go anywhere if you don't sit down."
"Yeah, okay, right." He mumbled to himself, holding the flowers out to you. You took it with a grin, and couldn't help but smell them. You don't think you've ever gotten flowers from one of your exes. Not even on Valentine's day. This was a nice, refresh change, especially given your love for flowers. He placed the mountain of five books on the table, hands fiddling with them to have an outlet for his nerves. You couldn't help the smile that spread on your lips.
"What can I get you today?" A waitress asked as she stepped up to you, handing menu's to the both of you.
"Chocolate milkshake for me, thanks." You told her, and you looked at Namjoon.
"I'll have a iced coffee, please." Namjoon smiled at her and you could see the girl swooning a bit. Not that you blamed her, those dimples are killer. Still, this is your date, so you cleared your throat lightly.
"Right," The girl snapped out of it, cheeks reddening a bit at being caught. "Anything to eat?"
"Uh, I'm not really hungry right now." You look at your date. "You want anything?"
"I, um, I'm," He stammered a bit. "Yeah. Actually. Would that be okay? Some people say it's awkward when you eat on a date but the other person isn't, but I've been studying all morning because I was really nervous and I forgot to eat, so it just sort of caught up to me now."
You smiled, not being able to help yourself, his rambles are cute. "Not awkward at all. Knock yourself out."
"Thanks." Namjoon smiled gratefully at you and your stomach flipped, cheeks heating up. He turned back to the waitress and placed his order. Then he turned back to you. "Sorry, I know this isn't exactly an ideal date. I was late and showed up with a bunch of my books."
"Yeah, but you're cute and you had a really good reason for being late, so I don't mind." You smile widened when you saw the tips of his ears turning red. "Plus, you didn't make a comment about my choice of drink, a definite plus for you."
Namjoon frowned, "What's wrong with it?"
"Oh, nothing for me, but so many guys has said to me that it's not healthy and I need to be careful of to many sweet things because I can get fat." You rolled your eyes.
"That's . . . stupid."
"Yeah, tell me about it." You snorted. Not really wanting to delve any further into your other dates in front of this beautiful man, you changed the topic. "So, Hoseok tells me you want to be a Marine Biologist."
"Yeah," Namjoon nodded, his eyes lighting up at the thought. "I mean, I like all kinds of creatures and animals, but I've always loved Marine life."
"That's so cool." You couldn't help but gush, excitement coming easy for you due to your love of the ocean or just anything to do with the outdoors, really. "Do you want to work out on the ocean or in aquarium?"
"Well, I'm not really sure yet. Right now getting my degree is my number one priority." He gave a little chuckle as the waitress comes along with your drinks.
"I hear you, man, I mean, I know most people think that we dance students don't put a lot of work in, but they really don't know shit." You took a sip of your milkshake before you could say something really mean. Like what you think of those judging pricks.
"I get it, I really do. I've known Hoseok since high school, and I know how many hours he puts into getting choreography just right and perfect. You guys have your struggles just like we do."
"Exactly!" You couldn't help but exclaim, feeling like something was lifted from your chest because, finally, someone else gets it. "And you should hear my parents. They do not approve, like, at all. Always telling me how dancing isn't going to be enough for me to live on and I should have gone into law, so I could take over their business and ugh, it's just so frustrating."
"Sorry." He gave you an apologetic look.
"Why?" You gave smile a little smile. "It's not your fault. Anyways, what about your parents?"
"They approve of my choice, supporting me all the way and in anyway they can. But I can tell they sometimes worry that it's to much for me. Maintaining a scholarship is not easy." Namjoon told you, rubbing his neck as he spoke.
"Wow, they must be so proud of you." You stated at him in awe, respect towards him forming inside.
"I'd like to think they are." Namjoon smiled, eyes lighting up when the waitress arrived with his food. He looked at you, "You can have half, if you'd like?"
"No, thanks." You denied, looking at the large burger and fries. "I might steal some of your fries, though."
He pushed his plate closer with a smile. "Feel free."
The rest of the date went by a lot quicker than either of you would have liked. Before you knew it, you two were standing outside the cafe, bill split in two, and ready to go your separate ways.
"I really enjoyed this." You said, smiling up at him, because wow, he is tall. You also wanted to prolong this for a few more seconds.
"Yeah, me too." He was smiling, too, and you hoped it was because he liked this date as much as you did.
You two stood there for a while, just looking at each other, smiles slowly fading, nerves rising between you. Until you both spoke at once.
"Do you maybe want to go out again?"
"Would it be okay to ask for your number?"
You two burst out into laughter, and even when you calmed down, you smiled so hard, your cheeks hurt. "I'd love to go out with you again."
"You can have my number." Namjoon nodded with a happy smile, those dimples were really making you weak. "On one condition." He added.
You raised a brow, "And what's that?"
"You have to give me yours, too."
You laughed, head thrown back as a giddy feeing spread through you. You looked back at him, stomach fluttering. "Deal."
* * *
"So, how was it?"
"Did you get laid?"
You looked at your two friends, head moving from one to the other, who pounced on you the moment you set foot in the dancing studio. You gave them a look of disbelief.
"Okay, first of all, no, Jimin, I didn't get laid. Second of all, isn't Namjoon your roommate and best friend, Hoseok? And third of all, Jesus Christ, you two are nosey."
Hoseok pouted, "Yeah but he wouldn't say anything other than that it went well."
"It did go well." You confirmed, smiling as a warm feeling spread through your chest as you thought of Namjoon. You guys have been texting all weekend and this morning he sent you a heart eyes emoji at the end of his good morning text. That was good, right?
"Come on, I want details. I was the one who set you up, I deserve details." Hoseok whined.
"Nope." You sing-songed with a grin.
Jimin was pouting as he crossed his arms over his chest, "I'm not telling you about any of my dates ever again."
You smirk, "Does that mean you've finally done something about your gigantic crush on Jungkook?"
"No, and I'm not going to until he's eighteen." Jimin repeats for what seems like the hundredth time.
"And then you're going to jump his bones." Hoseok said with a wide smile.
"A whole two years more of celibacy. Well, technically a year and a few months. You know, I'm really starting to respect you for holding out that long." You noted matter of factly, then you smirked. "Poor Jungkook isn't going to know what hit him."
"Why would you even think that?" Jimin whined, cheek going a hilarious shade of red.
"Because one, we've seen him before. And two, we've seen how you look at him." You reminded Jimin. Jungkook has come to see a few times at the studio and you and Hoseok never let him forget it.
Jimin narrowed his eyes at you, "He's like, four years younger than you."
"Three years." You corrected with a concealed smirk, loving how you were getting underneath Jimin's skin. "And age is just a number." Hoseok sniggers next to you.
"Yeah," Jimin grumbled. "I'll remind you of that when they lock you up for going after someone who's still underage."
"Nah, I got someone else in mind." You told Jimin honestly, just now he stresses himself into a stroke because of your teasing.
Hoseok perked up at this, "Is this someone maybe named Namjoon?"
You rolled your eyes, but let out a resigned sigh. These two weren't gonna let up until you told them. "Yes, as matter of fact, the someone is named Namjoon. You happy?"
"Not yet." Hoseok shook his head, curious smile on his face. "What did you do?"
"We both went to the cafe you said, although he was twenty minutes late at first because he brought me flowers and the queue at the flower shop was long, and I ordered a chocolate milkshake and he ordered an iced coffee with a large burger and fries. We talked and figured that if we can have this much fun in a cafe, we might as well do it again. The end." You walked past Jimin and Hoseok, who were both gaping at you. The followed after you, both with excited looks on their faces.
Hoseok was practically jumping with excitement, "Does this mean you're going out again?"
"Yeah, this Saturday." You nodded, heading towards the equipment room, where everything from students' bags to mats and old mirrors were stored.
"Where are you going?" Jimin asked, evidently just as excited as Hoseok about this.
"Dinner and a movie." You said, feeling a lot more excited by something so simple than you normally did.
"That's so cliché. And cute." Jimin grinned.
"Thanks." You grinned, knowing that he didn't mean anything by it.
"You know, I have this big urge to rub both your noses in the fact that this is actually working." Hoseok commented.
"How's that?" You asked, bending your upper body to the floor and stretching your hands to your feet.
"Because neither of you thought the blind date would go anywhere." His voice was a little smug.
"It hasn't gone anywhere yet. This is literally just our second date." You rolled your eyes. "But we have been texting all weekend and he sent me a good morning text."
Jimin gasped, "That's so cute, I want someone to do that for me."
"Don't worry, Jimin, we'll get Namjoon to house train Jungkook." Hoseok quipped just as you switched to the other leg.
Laughter burst out of you before you could stop it, and a glance at Jimin's once again bright red face only made you laugh harder.
* * *
It was deadly silent between you and Namjoon as you walked out of the cinema. Finally you couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry but," You started, laughing a little. "That was one of the worst romantic comedies I have ever seen."
"Oh thank God," He breathed in relief. "I thought it was just me."
"Nope, that was such bullshit. She chose her childhood bully? Okay, I can see the appeal of someone becoming a better person, but really? She'd have been better off with the post boy that gave her advice."
"I know right." Namjoon grinned, moving his hands a little as he spoke. "I'm surprised she didn't need years of therapy after everything he did to her."
You snort, humming in agreement. "Especially that humiliation by dumping ice cream on her head. You know what, I think he needs therapy too. That was such a waste of perfectly good ice cream. What on earth did his mother teach him?"
"I feel worse for the best friends though. You could see that they really liked each other, but never did anything because the two main characters had the whole rivalry thing going on. Which turned out to be some really backwards courting." He said with a light frown.
You nodded, "Yeah it was kind of shitty that they left that opened ended, but I get it. That might just be the most realistic part of the movie."
“A sequel about them might be nice.” Namjoon said and you nodded.
You looked down at his hand, wondering it was to soon to hold it. Then you decided to just go for it. No one ever got anywhere by being scared anyways. So, you took his hand, holding your breath until he moved his hand a little to lace your fingers together. You looked up at him, returning the shy smile he gave you.
Your stomach was feeling fluttery and your heart beat just a fit faster than normal.
"Hey, do you want ice cream? All that ice cream in the movie has given me a craving."
Namjoon nodded, "Sure. I think there's an ice cream shop in the food court."
You two walked to the food court, chattering about this and that, entwined hands swinging lightly between you.
* * *
"So, how do you feel about the aquarium?" Namjoon asked when you two were eating lunch that next Tuesday. It is the first time you two has seen each other since your movie date the previous Saturday.
His smile dimmed a little, "It's okay if you don't like it, I was just asking."
"No, no, it's not that." You were quick to assure him.
"Y/N, it's really okay. I was just asking." Namjoon placed a hand on yours, squeezing to assure you.
"It's not that. Seriously. I just - and you're not allowed to laugh at me, okay? - but I haven't been to an aquarium since I was like a really tiny kid. And I don't really know much except the obvious." You were the one to ramble for once.
"Okay, that's not a problem. I know enough for both of us." Namjoon smiled brightly at you. "So, do you want to go on Saturday? With me?"
"Can we do it on Friday, instead? Jimin has been on my ass because I haven't been out with him and Taehyung in weeks."
"Yeah, sure." Namjoon nodded, still smiling, but looking a little unsure. "So, how did you and Jimin become friends? I think Hobi's mention him before, he dances with you guys, right?"
“Yup.” You nodded, smiling at the memory of meeting Jimin. “We met at the beginning of the year. See, I was put in school by my over enthusiastic parents a year early, so I graduated a year early. Most people in my classes are a year older than me, and when Jimin came in this year, it turned out that we were the same age and we kind of bonded over that. And with Jimin comes Taehyung, they're like a package deal. Just don't ever ask them if they're a thing because I made that mistake once and never again."
"So, are they?" Namjoon frowned. "A thing, I mean."
"Nope, but they are platonic soulmates and there is a whole discussion about it that you are welcome to enter with them as long as I'm not anywhere near." You told him. "And Jimin is in love with this high school junior who is really shy but really cute, and Taehyung has a lot of girlfriends. Not in the more than one at a time kind, more like a new one each time you see him. Anytime someone asks him about it, all he says is that he’s a very passionate person, but he never hurts them, so I mind my own business."
"Sounds nice." He commented.
"It is and they are." You grinned as an idea suddenly hit you. "Do you want to meet them?"
"Yeah, like meet my friends. You can bring Hoseok and your other friends too."
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. It'll be fun." You clapped your hands in excitement.
* * *
"I can not, for the life of me, understand why either of you are so interested in my love life." You deadpanned, shaking your head at Hoseok and Jimin - the three of you laying down on the dance floor, sweaty and breathless.
"Because Namjoon won't tell me anything." Hoseok whined, passing the water bottle to Jimin.
"And I'm tragically single, so I have to live through you." Jimin added before gulping down water.
You sighed, "What do you want to know?"
"I heard that you two ate lunch together yesterday, is it true?" Hoseok asked, wide smile on his face.
You frowned at him, "How do you- you know what? Nevermind, I don't want to know. Yes, it's true. And he asked me out again." By the time you were finished talking, your smile matched Hoseok's.
"Nice," Jimin handed the bottle to Hoseok, who handed it to you. "Where's he taking you?"
"The aquarium." You answered dutifully, gulping down some of the water.
Hoseok tensed next to you, sitting up right, you and Jimin following suit. "Uh, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, don't get me wrong, or anything but Namjoon can get a little overexcited when near anything with marine life."
"I don't understand what you mean." You frowned, a little confused.
"Well, he's a genius. Like, literally. He remembers nearly anything he reads and he reads a lot about marine biology. And he will most likely talk your ears off about anything he sees." Hoseok said, biting his lip. "Most people don't like it, or they find it rude because he talks to much. It's why his last girlfriend broke up with him, she said he talks more about it than her."
"Isn't that's kind of the point of going on dates? To get to know someone and decide from there if you like them and want to know more." You asked, shrugging a little.
"Yeah," Hoseok smiled widely, clearly relieved. "Yeah, it is."
Jimin looked at you with a smirk, "Does this mean you like him already?"
"Oh, piss off." You groaned as Jimin and Hoseok burst out laughing.
* * *
"Are you sure this is okay?" Namjoon asked as the two of you stood in line to buy your tickets to enter the aquarium the next Saturday. He was wearing a loose grey v-neck with a pair of black skinny jeans and more than once had your attention been drawn down to his long legs ever since he showed up in front of your dorm room. He had enveloped you in a tight hug, the moment you opened the door and didn't let go until your phone dinged, signaling your Uber arrived. You liked it very much.
The question made you look at him with a light frown, "Why wouldn't it be?"
"Most people wouldn't really think of an aquarium as a date location." Namjoon said, looking a little put off by that fact.
"You bring all the girl's here then?" You teased, wanting him to relax a little, but all it did was make him tense up even more.
"No. Well, I guess, but not in the way you think. I mean, I did take my last girlfriend out to one but that was just to show her what I'm passionate about. I just," He stumbled over his words, not sure how to phrase it. "It's not something I use to get girls. It usually scares them off, as a matter of fact."
"So, you're trying to scare me off, huh?" You couldn't help your dry tone, mostly teasing but a smidgen of worry climbed into your heart.
His eyes widened, panicking a little. "No, no, that's not what I'm trying to do."
"Really?" You asked, an unexpected surge of hope going through you.
"Yeah, really. Look, I like you. And I just thought that I need you to know this side of me before I can like you even more and you end up getting scared off by it." Namjoon told you and to stared at him, stunned.
Then you smiled and blurted, "I like you too."
"Good, that's really good." He sighed in relief.
"Also, if I didn't want to come, I wouldn't have. Nobody can make me do anything I don't want to." You tell him, smiling when his shoulders finally relaxed.
You two buy your entrance tickets and go inside and just like Hoseok said, Namjoon starts talking your ear off about most of the marine animals you come across, but instead of feeling annoyed or irritated, you just feel an enormous amount of fondness. Which was a little surprising. And every time he turns to look at you, that sparkle in his eyes, your hearts speeds up a little and your stomach flip-flops pleasantly.
"So, why dancing?" Namjoon asked out of the blue, when you guys made your way to the outdoors food court at lunch time.
You looked at him in surprise, this was the first time that he's said something that wasn't marine related. Not that you minded. He has a really soothing voice, very nice to listen too. You took a deep breath, "Ever since I was little, I've loved to dance. I just, I would hear a beat and my body would move with it. I decided pretty young on that I want to spend my whole life doing this. My parents always hoped that I would grow out of it, they never approved because it's not a proper career. We had a big fight when I left last year and I haven't spoken to them ever since. But it's my passion, it's what I love. I have hope though, that one day they'll accept it. They haven't cut me off yet and they are still paying my tuition, so I guess they don't completely hate me."
"That's rough." He said sympathetically as you two walked to a food truck. The conversation between you comes to a halt while you order and wait for your food. When you're seated at a picnic table, across from each other, Namjoon says, "You know, they're your parents, they could never hate you."
"Okay, yeah, maybe not hate." You agreed with a nod. "But they’re definitely disappointed."
"I don't know why though. I can't talk about your dancing, because I've never seen you dance, although Hoseok is always full of praises and awe, but you as a person, I do know. Kind of. And you are one of the best people I've ever met and they should be proud of who they raised."
"Thanks, Namjoon, that's really sweet and I wish it was that simple, but unfortunately it's not." You smile at him, a little sad.
"Why can't it be?" He asked, and you can tell he's a little confused.
"My family, uh, how to phrase this without sounding arrogant?" You give a humorless chuckle, deciding to just say it. "They're rich. Really rich. My parents owns one of the biggest law firms in the country and I am an only child. I was supposed to take the reins over from them, but I've never wanted to do that and if they haven't forgiven me by now, I don't think they're gonna do it anytime soon."
Namjoon's expression falls a little during your explanation, but you don't notice, keeping our eyes down cast on your meal.
"I don't know what to say." He admitted, voice soft and gentle. "I do hope it gets better though."
"Thanks." You look up from your food to smile at him. "Sorry, this isn't exactly second date conversation material."
He raises a brow, "Oh yeah, and what exactly does the dating manual say when is the right time to talk about what?"
You can tell by his tone that he's teasing and it works because a smile breaks through on the corners of your lips. "Fair enough."
After that, you notice that Namjoon has become more subdued. It gets a little better once you're back inside the aquarium and he's telling you all sorts of facts about sharks and stingrays, but some of the shine of the sparkle in his eyes has definitely dimmed. It isn't until he has walked you all the way up to your dorm that you ask him about it. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." Namjoon gives you a smile and you see right through. It terrifies you a little, how much you know of him after just two dates. "I just don't think we should see each other again."
Your stomach drops, so does your entire face. It feels like someone knocked the wind from you.
"Why?" Your voice is surprisingly steady, not showing any of what you are feeling.
"Hoseok must have not told you, but I'm not like you. I don't come from money. My parents works hard to make ends meet and to take care of my siblings. I am here on a scholarship and I have a shitty job at an ice cream parlor. We don't fit, Y/N."
You look at him like he's grown a second head, "Who the fuck even cares about that stuff?"
"Your parents do, remember." He says, giving you a pointed look and reminding you of your conversation earlier that day.
"I don't care!" You voice raises a little and you take a breath to calm down. "It's my life and I get to choose and I choose you."
Before he can go on any further, you stand on your tiptoes and pull him down by the neck to kiss him. He doesn't hesitate to kiss back and you melt against him when he wraps his arms around you. He pulls away first, both of you are breathless and you feel like you might float away if it wasn't for his hold on you.
He whispers your name and you just know that you're going to fall in love with him. If you haven't started too already.
* * *
The next day it was the big day. Okay, maybe it's not that big of a deal, but it's been a while since you've introduced someone to your friends and strangely you don't remember ever being this nervous about it.
"It's going to be fine." You mutter to yourself, looking in the mirror one last time before grabbing your jacket and leaving your dorm. You all but skip down the stairs and then quickly make your way to the nearest bar where you, Jimin and Taehyung usually hung out. It wasn't to far the dorms and it wasn't expensive either - the perfect place for broke students to hang out. You smile widely when you see Namjoon waiting for you outside, like the gentleman that he is. He hasn't noticed you yet and you decide to look him over. Maroon button up, tucked into a pair of dark grey form fitting jeans with a pair of sneakers. As you neared him, you let out a wolf whistle.
His head, along with a few others who were loitering outside the bar, turned to you and you watched as a smile lit up his face. You stopped in front of him, grinning, "You look hot."
"Thank you." He ducked his head, smile turning sheepish as his ears burned. You barely resisted the urge to coo at him. "You look very pretty. I mean, beautiful."
"Thank you." You returned the sentiment with a light chuckle. "Come on, let's go inside before Taehyung comes out here." You smiled at him, taking his hand, warmth making your heart beat spread up a bit when he laced your fingers and squeezed your hand.
Inside, you were tackled into a hug. You let go of Namjoon's hand to hug back, laughing at your hyper friend. "Nice to see you, too, Tae."
"I missed you, it's been a while." He said, pulling away from you and stepping right in front of Namjoon. You resisted the urge to facepalm because while they are almost the same height, Namjoon is like twice Taehyung's size. "You hurt her, I hurt you."
"I'll let you." Namjoon said, expression unwavering as he didn't brake Taehyung's stare.
Finally, Taehyung grinned. "In that case, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Taehyung."
Namjoon cracked a smile and relaxed, "I'm Namjoon."
"Oh, I know." Taehyung quipped with a smirk. "I heard all about you from Jimin, who heard all about you from our dearest Y/N here."
"Shut up, Tae." You groaned, cheeks burning, grabbing Namjoon's hand and looking around the bar, sighing in relief as you spotted Jimin and Hoseok, pulling Namjoon along with you.
"So, you talk about me?" Namjoon asked, a slight smirk on his lips.
Ignoring your burning cheeks, you gave him a deadpan look. "I like you. Is it really that much of a surprise to you that I talk to my friends about you?"
"No," He shook his head. "I do it too."
"Then why is Hoseok always complaining that you never tell him anything?" You retorted with a raised eyebrow.
He snorted, "Because I don't tell him. I love him, don't get me wrong, but he knows you and he is terrible at keeping things to himself."
"Y/N! Namjoon!" A familiar voice exclaimed.
"Speak of the angel..." You sing-songed. "Hey Hoseok."
"Hey." He was grinning, like always, and fixed his gaze on Namjoon. "The guys are already here. I mean, my friends is your friends, so I just joined everyone together."
Next to you, Namjoon looked highly amused. "How many drinks have you had already?"
"Not much." He said and that's when you saw it. The flushed cheeks plus the drink in his hands. "I just got a few shots from some of my other friends from other facilities."
"Uh-huh." Namjoon nodded disbelievingly.
You arrive at the table, Jimin standing to give you a hug as Taehyung sat down next to a girl. You smiled at her, "You must be Hye-ji."
She frowned at you, "No, I'm Yeona."
“Oh, I'm sorry.” You grinned apologetically, elbowing Jimin, who was snickering next to you. You lowered your voice to a whisper as you glared at him, "I thought the latest one was Hye-ji."
"It was, they split two days ago because she hates cats." Jimin was still snickering, so you elbowed him again.
"Jesus Christ." You muttered and glared at a smirking Taehyung.
Shaking it off, you looked at the four new faces at the table, who must have been Namjoon's friends. You smiled at them, waving. "Hi, I'm Y/N."
Namjoon took a step forward. "Well, these are my friends, Jin, Yoongi, Jackson, Mark and you already know Hoseok."
"Nice to meet all of you." You said, hoping that they'd like you.
Two hours later, it certainly seemed like your friends getting along perfectly – the alcohol was definitely helping. You and Namjoon were sitting next to each other, holding hands. You were giggling, well on your way to tipsy, as Jimin, who sat on your other side, told the story of how you and Taehyung got stuck in an elevator together a few weeks ago. It was just before you met Namjoon.
"It's wasn't my fault." Taehyung pouted.
"Rightttt." You drawled. "Because it was me who wanted to see what happened when you press every single button at once, even the emergency one."
"What can I say, I'm curious by nature." He smiled and you scoffed.
"I should have taken the stairs with Jimin." You said, leaning against Namjoon as the rest of them laughed.
"Why didn't Jimin take the elevator?" Namjoon asked, his hot breath hitting your ear and neck. A shiver climbed up your spine and you cleared your throat, suddenly feeling hot all over.
"He's afraid of elevators." You answered, turning to Namjoon and noticed how the space between you wasn't much.
"Why?" He asked, wetting his lips with his tongue. You're eyes followed the motion.
"I don't know," You answered distractedly, leaning closer and closer. "He didn't want to talk about it when I asked."
Namjoon's lips were just in your reach, when suddenly icy cold went down your back.
You reared back from Namjoon with a loud yelped, "Jesus, fuck. Park Jimin, I'm going to kill you."
You pulled your shirt away from your back, shaking out the ice cubes he poured down your back. You could hear the laughed from the rest of the table and if it happened to someone else, you might have found it funny too.
Jimin, the idiot, was smirking at you. "I thought you might want to cool off a bit."
"Oh, fuck off." You scowled, grabbing one of the stray ice cubes and launching it at his forehead.
Later that night, Namjoon was walking you back to your dorm, both of you a little tipsy, but not drunk. Your hands were joint and swinging between you as you walked, the cool night air heaven against your warm skin.
"So, that went well, don't you think?" You grinned at him, completely giddy.
"Yeah, very well." He agreed, smile matching yours.
You hummed happily, mind bringing up something you’ve been thinking about earlier that day while you worked on some projects while doing laundry in-between. "Have you ever been ice-skating? I was thinking that we could go for our next date."
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurted suddenly and you stopped in your tracks, turning to him with wide eyes. It took you a second to decide.
"Yes." You nodded, no hesitation in your tone as you leaned forward to do what you've been wanting to do all evening. You kissed him, and he kissed back, long and deep.
"I could get used to that." You murmured when you pulled apart, out of breath, heart thumping wildly in your chest.
"Me too." He said, both of you smiling widely.
You realized that for the first time in a long while, you weren't just happy or content with life, you were euphoric. And it was all thanks to this man in front of you.
“So, ice-skating?” You asked, still holding hands with your new boyfriend. Boyfriend. It made you want to squeal out loud.
“We could try.” Namjoon nodded, grin matching yours.
You two start walking again, sometimes chattering, sometimes silent, but always happy to be around each other. You look up at the night sky.
The stars was gleaming above, you knew, even though you couldn’t see them because of the city lights. Just like you knew your and Namjoon’s relationship could only get better from here.
the end.
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO KAI: Detective Gone Wrong P3
You can find the masterlist to the other parts on my bio/description!
Characters: JonginxYou
You came to know Jongin by accident, but have no clue he’s EXO’s Kai. And when you found out....
You walked away blankly, remaining in a daze until your phone started vibrating in your pocket.
It was your boss who called and anxiously asked if you could cover her shift from the afternoon as she forgot about her wedding anniversary dinner.
You gladly agreed, thinking it might be better to have something to occupy yourself with today. Otherwise you’re just going to be spending the day thinking about you and jongki.
Still sane enough to be in need for breakfast, you went by the convenience store to pick up a sandwich. Standing in front of the fridge, you paused to think
What does jongki want? Does he... like me ?
And he KISSED ME TOO?! That’s definitely something only couples do right?!
How did everything escalate so fast overnight ?!
‘Excuse me, are you getting anything? You’re standing in the way’
You must have stood there for quite a while, looking at the irritated face of the customer. Apologising, you just grabbed whatever sandwich there was on the shelf and left after paying.
Falling deep in thought and replaying what happened last night again, you opened your sandwich packaging and bit down on your sandwich  
EW! Egg Mayo!
You sighed. Feeling a little more miserable with wrong sandwich choice, you continued feeding on your thoughts on the way home.
You dive straight into your bed and hugged your big Coney plush the first thing you got back. You screamed into Coney like a lunatic and kicked the air violently with your legs.
Stupid jongki, who does he think he is. Ah yes, I secretly gave you a kiss, so what. IT WAS JUST A FRIENDLY KISS CAUSE YOU WERE CUTE.
What a flirt!! See y/n you were right. Rich, handsome guys, tsk. Bound to be bad.
You threw coney to the side and your phone came crashing down with it from your side table.
Groaning, you bend over your bed to pick it up, only to see a message from the dear boy you wanted out of your mind right now.
J:I’m heading out for work soon~ have a good day today😙
Is that a kissy face?!
Oh goodness, you were so annoyed.
Kim Jongki, are you playing with me right now?? WE ARE NOT ATTACHED
at least not yet (?)
Tossing the phone aside, you decided to take a shower. Afterall showers always work best for any occasion. You got up and spent a peaceful 20minutes running under hot water, clearing your thoughts. 
Though still feeling bothered, you were definitely more refreshed. Time check , it was about time for you to get changed and pick up lunch on the way to the store.
Dusting on some light make up, bunning up your hair, you changed into your working clothes. In 30 minutes you were out of the house.
On the bus ride to your working area, you were so torn between checking your phone and not to. You wanted to know if jongki texted you again, but you didn’t really want to deal with this situation.
Fiddling with your phone, you almost dropped it when it beeped to announce a message had arrived.
That’s a sign, I should look at it! Since it rang when I’m thinking whether I should
Excitedly you unlocked your phone and checked your notification, only to find that it was just a reminder message from your landlord to pay your rent.
Your heart literally dropped because you actually really wanted to receive a message from him. Just then your phone beeped again and this time it was from jongki!
J: y/n ah what’s for lunch today? I’m having kimchi stew. Texting because I thought about you who might be board having an off day today :p
Sigh, you can’t deny that boy is so cute and lovable. But you still weren’t ready to reply him. You wanted things to be clearer between both of you. While uncertainty in relationships can be the most heart fluttering period, you didn’t like being in that phase.
It wasn’t long before you reached your stop to alight. Not feeling particularly hungry yet, you stopped by street stalls along the way instead.
You arrived at your shop, feeling satisfied with the pajeon you just had. You almost forgot how therapeutic the scent of flowers were until you stepped in. The mixed floral scent of dew and freshness instantly released you from the troubled thoughts bugging you at the back of your head.
‘Unnie! I’m here! How could you forget your wedding anniversary , hahah. Have you bought a gift or something yet?’
‘Ah, y/n ah! My life saviour. No I haven’t bought anything! There’s just too many activities and occasions this month that I forgot about my own. Gosh’ she face palmed herself making you laugh
‘Then you better leave soon to get your gift! I’m here already anyway! I’ll just continue wrapping this bouquet you’re currently working on’
‘I’ll buy u a meal another day, sorry for calling you back on your off day~ oh right I’ve a parcel coming later, just open and let me know what’s inside. I ordered so many I can’t even remember what’s coming anymore.’ Removing her apron, she rushed off after saying googbye. 
Looking at the tasklist, it was going to be a busy day. 5 bouquets to finish and lots of prep for the workshop tomorrow. You immersed yourself in the wrapping right away. 
A few minutes later, your phone lighted up. It was a message from jongki.
J:yaaa, are you ignoring me deliberatelyy? do you want to come over again on sunday? 
You scoffed when you saw the message because your detective mind came to a conclusion that the latter question was just bait to get the answer to his first question. He was tempting you with a chance at his place that was a hit or miss if you don’t reply him. 
You put down the stalks of flowers you were still holding in your hands, you paused to form an appropriate reply. 
my lunch was great, and i cant go over on sunday, im going to my parent’s place 
You typed then deleted it, doesn’t sound about right, you remember telling him yesterday that you got a half day shift on sunday which you really hated.
Trying again,
i got called back at work 
Sounds fine? Should you send it like this? 
Reacting in shock , you pressed the send button by accident at the voice of delivery man
ah shucks! 
You closed your eyes and hit yourself on the head imaginatively. Smiling at the delivery guy, you received the parcels and signed them off. 
One of it came in a tube, while the other was in a box.
What in the world did unnie order that would come in a tube? Wallpapers? Drawings??
The tube really piqued your curiosity, so you decided to check that first. opened it first.
Opening the tube, you pulled out a rolled piece of paper. Unrolling it, you noticed at the top right was a black and white logo that writes EXO Obsession. 
Ohhhh EXO!! Unnie likes exo?
Ever since you watched 100 days my prince, you had a positive inclination towards EXO. Which also reminded you of jongki who seems to like EXO Kai.
You wondered who was going to be in this poster. Not like you would recognise them though, you thought, unless its do kyungsoo ssi. 
A little excited, you pulled the poster open to full length.
Looking at the poster that stared back at you. Your smile faded away. Your jaw dropped.
‘Jongki oppa?’ you muttered under your breath
There was an uncanny resemblance between the man in the poster and jongki. 
 No way, who the hell is this from EXO? 
You turned the poster to the back hoping to find a name of the man in the picture. But there was no information.
Flipping back over, you looked closer at the other small details on the logo, you found this 3 lettered word staring back at you — ‘KAI’.
EXO KAI? Jongki watches his dance videos... or rather, Jongki also can dance ..
There were only two logical possibilities to this , either jongki has a twin or... kai is jongki..
You had to know the answer to this incredulous situation.
Making a grab for your phone, you saw jongki had already replied you , but you weren’t even going to read it
Madly typing away
Y: Oppa, do you have a twin ?
You could feel blood pumping through your veins as you sent it.
How could this be possible ? He mustn’t be exo right?
Although you weren’t interested in boy groups, there’s no one that hasn’t heard of EXO in the whole of korea. And that’s how popular EXO is.
Even though you have never checked them out to find out how they looked like, but you still knew a few names. Names like Baekhyun , chanyeol and.. kai..
Thinking of it now, it seems to all make sense that he could dance, he has abs, he’s rich, works till late, doesn’t reply all the time....
As you waited for his text to come back in, you googled EXO Kai.
Birth name: Kim Jong In
Birthday: 14 Jan 1994
Height: 1.82m
1994 was his birth year, that’s right. Kim Jong in, difference of 1 word. 1.82m, yes, obviously describes him. Google images ? 100% similarity.
If it’s not a twin....
His msg came in
J: uh, no.. that was so random though, why? Saw someone looking like me?
You didn’t want to believe this. The friend you’ve been hanging with and even sleeping at his place.. is kai?
In the past, when you watched those cliche dramas you never understood why people made such a huge fuss when they found out their dating partner has a hidden identity.
Like isn’t it totally exciting and fun! Especially if the person turns out to be some rich CEO. Wow, your rags to riches story would come true over night.
That’s how you thought you would react.
But honestly, all you felt was some sense of betrayal right now.
Y: oppa, I think I just found out what you do...
you sent
Just in a few seconds, he replied
J:really?! What’s your wild Guess this time ?
Your hands were shaking as you prepared to type this. The moment you send this and he confirms it... what are you going to do ?
But still, this has to be done
Y: EXO Kai. Kim Jong In.
Again, he replied instantaneously
J:omg, took you long enough!! How did you find out though??!
Clearly not being able to sense the tension over the phone, he was, as usual, cheery about everything.
Y:so it’s true ? Why did you lie your name to me?
You had no idea why you felt so emotional to the brink of tears about this truth.
J: ah, I’m sorry for lying about that.. I was worried initially if I told you my real name you might make a connection and recognise me at the start.
He double texted as soon as you received that msg, saying
J: y/n, are you ok?
You typed
no I’m not. I don’t even know how I should be feeling now, or what I should be doing about our friendship.
But.. you didn’t send it. You switched your phone to do not disturb and kept it in your bag.
You stared blankly at the poster for a while before putting it back in the tube. You’re still in disbelief. This situation was ridiculous. But it was logical.
In a state of mental breakdown, you couldn’t even wrap your bouquets right. You switched over to prepping for the workshop tomorrow instead. But your mind was so preoccupied with the whole fiasco that you kept missing things out. You just wanted work to end and have the time to yourself.
The entire day went by in a mess, but at least it finally ended. Back at home, you scroll through the multiple texts he sent you
J: hmm, seems like you’re pretty shocked about this right?
J: I wanted to tell you but you said you preferred if I didn’t though..
Then there was also a missed call from him
J: Call me back?
You swiped away all his notifications. There is something you really want to do, but not really ready to. You contemplated
Should I? Search kai up ?
Typing into Google, you searched kai. It was strange, just 24 hours ago you guys were so close, almost like lovers. But right now, you’re searching him up and getting to know him like an unreachable stranger.
You tapped into one of those webpages that told fans his entire life story. From his blood type to who he has ever dated and all that small little things people conclude from what he has said.
Again, you felt a stab in your heart and sour inside. These were things you never knew about , but surely, everyone else but you knew. It was like... jongki wasnt jongki, this him is different, it feels so far and distant from the one you knew...
Pondering on that thought, you let out a bitter laugh. Jongki really wasnt jongki. He was never jongki.
Switching to YouTube , you click on ‘mmmh’ the first result when you searched kai. No matter how you tried to keep an open mind, you didn’t like it. His costume made him strange and the song really wasn’t your type.
Deciding that’s enough for the day, you put your phone aside and tried your best to fall asleep.
Back at work the next day, you decided to get some ‘intel’ from your boss about kai.
‘Unnie, you like EXO Kai?’
‘Ne!!! Wae? Isn’t his visuals to die for???’ She reacted so excitedly upon hearing his name
‘Why don’t I remember you liking EXO though?’
‘I recently just got into them because of my friend who kept playing their songs on repeat in her car’ she laughed as she fixed the flowers
‘Why did you ask though? Since when were you interested in boy groups?’ She continued asking
‘Ah... When I checked the poster yesterday I thought kai was really good looking, so I’m just asking haha. So what’s so nice about kai you bought a poster?’ Finally asking what you really wanted to .
‘Oh gawd, you really wanna know? I could go on a whole day about jongin. Though he is sooooo fierce on stage , killer looks and everything, but he has such a cute personality!! You know when they ........’
And she went on and on about it, even showing you clips of kai on variety shows, interviews, etc. In these the sense of familiarity was back, you felt like this was the Jongki you knew. Oh well, it’s Jongin now, you really got to change it out.
You laughed along with your boss and you understood why he had so many fan girls. Introducing you to some EXO songs, you had to admit you really liked them!
Knowing more about kai now, you went back home that night and sat infront of your laptop, making a search for EXO’s variety shows, music videos and the likes.
You searched up ‘kai cute moments’ and you wanted to sqush him because he was just so cute like how he was normally. At the same time you can’t help but feel a little jealous that you’re sharing these sides of him with other people too.
You watched his dance videos and he was literally a dancing king. Thinking back to when he danced for you, you suddenly realised just how many girls would die to be in your place.
It was already 1am by the time you finished your search. A msg came in just as you were about to crash
J: are you up? I’m going to the convenience store to grab some food. Are you hungry? Want to come along?
Seeing his msg, you felt a little bad about ignoring him for the 2nd day now. How should you reply him now that the situation is a little awkward ?
Nicely, your phone died as you were thinking.
Alright, just a sign I should go to bed, oppa I’ll reply you after I get my phone charged up tmr.
You woke up to an absolutely crisis that you overslept. Considering how you didn’t sleep well for the past 2 nights over jongin, this was bound to come. You quickly washed up and left for work.
Plugging your phone into the portable battery, you phone came back to live. Again, jongin was persistent in his texts. 
J:y/n ah don’t ignore me please
J:Come over on sunday? 
J: I’m waiting for your reply. 
It was 1.30am when he asked you to come over on sunday, but his last message was past 3am. He must have been thinking about what happened with you.. You felt bad for being so absorbed in how you felt and failed to consider his feelings  when it really wasn’t his fault.
All this started out because of your dumb self who wanted to play detective. But then again, if you had found out who he was from the start, would you have gotten this close with him? Possibly not. You replied him without delay
 Y: i’ll come over on sunday
The shop gets really busy on saturdays, packed with workshops, tons of deliveries and online orders. You didn’t have time to check your phone till the end of the day, at which you saw you missed jongin’s call and texts again.
J: omg, you finally replied! is there anything you want to eat on tomorrow? i could get it if you’re coming over from work
J: we are all ok now right? 
Should you call him back? It wasn’t like you were completely okay yet, you couldn’t imagine how it would like seeing him tomorrow. He was surely still that jongki you knew, but he was also kai.
Thinking to leave the rest for tomorrow to think about, you just replied 
Y: there’s nothing i really want, just get whatever you like:)
Back at home, for the 3rd night in a row, you stayed up like a fan girl again, watching all of EXO ladders, their concert videos. You squealed and fangirled over them like a teenage girl. The more you watched, the more you started falling harder for them.
A halfday shift always makes your day go by real fast. You were standing outside jongin��s door. You were suddenly reminded of the times you watched 100 days my prince with him and talked about D.O. who he probably knows 1000x better than you do. And how you asked if he was a kai fan. Oh gawd, you wanted to jump into a hole. Feeling a little nervous and a little awkward and hella embarrassed, you didn’t want to press the door bell.
Finally pressing the door bell, you waited for barely half a minute, which felt like eternity before he opened the door. You could even feel your palms sweating. 
‘Annyeong Y/N! Come in quickly!’
You didn’t reply him immediately, neither did you move an inch yet.  The smile on his face slowly faded and he just looked at you, starting to chew on his lips. 
Seeing his face once again, in real life, your heart skipped a beat. You knew it wasn’t because he was kai, but because he was still jongki, that someone special to you.
You quickly smiled back at him the moment you got out of your thoughts. He let out the breath that he has been holding, making you laugh. 
‘Annyeong, jong..’ you paused there, about to call him jongki 
‘annyeong jongin oppa’ it sounds weird to you, not to be calling him the name you were used to
You guess he must have been feeling a little awkward when you called him by his real name too, he scratched his head and chuckled.
‘I ordered pizza, are you hungry? let’s eat’ he gestured for you to go to the dining area and was ready to walk away
But you felt you had to talk to him first about this, 
‘oppa, can we talk?’ 
He turned around to face you, he nodded slowly
You walked over to him, leaving a comfortable space between the both of you. 
He avoided your eye contact as you started
‘so... EXO Kai huh?’
‘...y/n, i.. you should know i have no intentions to hide anything from you deliberately, i was ready to tell you anytime. but i also thought you would react in a ‘pleasant surprise’ way rather than a ‘nasty shock’ received, so i just let it be’
He looked at you with sincerity in his beautiful eyes which showed how bad he felt. But you honestly just wanted to clear the air and lighten up the mood
‘actually, I just wanted to tell you that... I became an EXOL!’
You exclaimed and laughed. His eyes widened and stared at you like you were out of your mind, before bursting into laughter too.
But his laughter soon turned to sobs, and he rubbed his eyes profusely, which got you stunned
‘I... I thought I messed up our friendship, our relationship. And I really missed you, I didn’t want our us to end like this.....’ he said in between sobs and almost sounded like he was wailing
‘We haven’t even started...! Y/N, you scared me when you didn’t even reply at all! I thought you didn’t want to contact me anymore!’ He give you a light push on your shoulder as he emotionally spilled out all his thoughts
Though you were really confused, it was heart wrenching to see him cry so hard. You quickly put your arms around his waist and have him a hug.
‘Oppa, I’m sorry for the past few days I ignored you. I was just trying to figure how to handle the weight of the truth that you’re EXO Kai. Hahah, I’m so confused at your reaction right now you know.’
Calming down, but still sounding nasal he said
‘I’m going to make you stay here today until I’m convinced that you don’t hate me for being kai.
Oh and that you won’t go MIA on me again if you found out some other kai stuff’
Breaking away from the hug, he grabbed onto your shoulders
‘Y/N I like you, I really like you, so don’t leave my life please’
His impromptu confession got you feeling shy, you didn’t know what to do , but merely nodded in response.
Feeling all bright again he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the house.
You were glad it was as if nothing has changed, except that you probably became the luckiest fangirl alive just like this.
This fic went through so many content changes, I’m so glad I finished writing this! For those that waited for this part, I hope it wasn’t too underwhelming:,) feel like there’s definitely still a lot for me to work on as a new writer.
Also just dropping a note to say this would most probably be my last fic tell after may! Please check out of my other fics in the meantime too:) Hopefully I’ll be back with better writings !
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lixiefe · 4 years
Can’t Touch- k.sm
Chapter Seven: D-Day
Words: 1.6k
Warning: none for now.
(I’ll put another gif because I love Seungmin’s smile. credits to pinterest)
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“Oh my god! My baby, you look amazing!” your mother cooed, teary- eyed and fawning at you with the smile you knew would melt you. 
You looked at the body-length mirror in front of you, noticing the details and the vile effort put into your whole attire. With little flairs of tousled hair cascading down your cheeks, straightened hair swept and pinned into a simple yet elegant chignon, your hair was styled to perfection. Also with a small tiara right where your veil was attached.
You swiped a hand on your inflated gown, coming to the realization that you were- however unnatural it sounded - going to get married. You weren’t really objecting to this wedding as much now, maybe because you had developed a tiny crush on your fiancé, or maybe because everyone just seemed so much happier and bustling with mirth. And you wouldn’t trade that happiness with backing out last minute.
You also smiled at yourself, faint and small. Your mother was supposed to walk you down the aisle, since your father was as good as non-existent and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your mother had been so happy throughout the past month, with no signs of sadness and absolutely no slip of tears, that it hurt you to see her almost at the brink of tears.
But they were happy tears, that- you knew.
“Shall we?” your mother extended her hand, expecting you to take it. Much to your pleasure, your mother was also dressed in a white dress, except it wasn’t as flamboyant as yours. You thought that she looked even prettier than you did, with her smile lighting up her face.
You took her hand and inhaled a big breath, tightly shutting your eyes before opening them again. You felt- strangely nervous, as if the shift in your hectic and tight- schedule life would make you miss it. Nonetheless, no matter how much your heart wanted to calm down, there was no backing out. It was probably the pre-marital fright nerves that struck you.
“Dear, your bouquet!” you mother reminded, pointing at the bunch of plumeria and yellow roses wrapped at the branches with a silk ribbon. You hastily took the flowers in your other hand and entwined your other arm with your mother. It was flattering for you that Seungmin had remembered you choice of flowers.
You proceeded to walk with your mother and soon enough, you were in front of the porch. You looked around to see the people that you knew, including the festivity and cheer around you. You spotted Jisung aggressively waving his hands in criss-cross motions, magnetizing even more attention than what his looks drew.
Seungmin watched you from afar, walking down exactly towards him. For reasons, he felt something he's never felt before; fluttering and pleasant. You looked like a goddess, not even an angel but a very beautiful, stunning goddess. And then you smiled at someone, who he did not see, for his eyes were only on you. He could feel his heartbeat quicken and everything except you seemed to be a blur; a vague existence that he paid no heed to.  And oh lord, he mentally swooned over your overbearing beauty. Unknowingly, one of his hands rested on his chest, feeling the rapid blood circulation of his heart.
When you looked at him, he felt nervousness wash over him. His hands started to get clammy under his white gloves and the tips of his fingers ice cold. He twiddled with his fingers and wondered what this sudden feeling was. What were you doing to him?
Your mother walked you to your soon-to-be husband. Of course, you were a nervous-wreck. And you didn’t even properly take a look at Seungmin yet. You could feel a jittery feeling amidst your stomach; as if a flock of butterflies were flapping endlessly.
You got the wrong sky, please leave. 
And then, you're white-glove clad hand was passed to the scathingly handsome Seungmin that stood in front of you. You felt so diffident that you couldn’t hold eye contact longer than five seconds. It was like a fantastical reunion, cliche. ‘Come on, don’t screw this up,’ you said to yourself; mumbling on your own, inarticulate.
Seungmin had his eyes fixated on you, with the softest look in his eyes. His skin glowed under the sunlight and his vibrant suit complimented his black tie. Seungmin held your covered hand with his- your fingers barely dangling in his feeble grip. He searched for your eyes in an attempt to ease your tensions and heedlessly, it comforted you.
You both said your vows, most of it searched up from the internet and altered just a little bit to match with your situation. You fell into a short dilemma when you heard Seungmin verbatim blurt out most of the things that you mindlessly scripted on a page from the internet. And you began to nibble your lips. At last, you managed to turn that fake script upside down and used your underrated essay skills to make up something right away. It was, in one word, frenetic. One wrong word could ruin it all and you tried you best to make it seem natural.
You felt like you were retaking your college entrance exams.
And then came the moment you were afraid of. You were stressing over how you were going to kiss Seungmin the day before. Even though it made you anxious, you couldn’t deny the little bit of excitement you felt. You anticipated it, yet your brain told you that you couldn’t.
But that moment never came. Your ‘I do’s were the last thing that tied your hands regard of the wedding- literally. He’d released you almost immediately. The priest hadn’t even told you to hug him, the only thing he said was, you quoted ‘I now, pronounce you man and wife’ and that was it.
You felt the exact same feeling of letdown come back from your engagement night- if it could even be called engagement- except, it was stronger and it nipped at your guts. But you forced yourself to feign a carefree attitude and smile.
And you swore, it was so hard.
The dance gathering was now being held, everybody swaying their bodies to the rhythm. You had started dancing with your now-husband but somehow, you managed to twist your ankle and simultaneously scrape the back of your ankle with the harsh lining of you heels. So far, so bad. 
You were sat on a chair, away from the bustling dancing, with your evil heels 10 feet away from your sight. It wasn’t really that boring, including the fact that Seungmin was here as well- that too, right beside you. It was frustrating that he was also beside your demonic heels. The heels that you wanted to throw into oblivion for paralyzing you.
Why you weren’t taken to the hospital despite Mrs. Kim’s insists went like this-
“Oh my god, dear! Are you okay? We need to take you to the hospital!”
“No! I am fine! I’ll just sit a bit.”
“But your ankle,”
“Nothing happened, really! Just my heels. Ahaha...”
Time skipped fast and you were inside Seungmin’s penthouse. How did you get here? Well, if it weren’t for Jisung, you thought you were going to be left behind. Because, Seungmin was not of any help. Jisung tagged along with the both of you, to help you get there with your horrible limp and to aid you with your injured ankle. He, for one, knew you were lying pretty to save yourself the bother of an uncanny bridal-hospital-journey. 
 You thanked him countless times to which he told you that there was no need. At last, he confidently twisted back your warped ankle, astonishing you as the pain of your ankle disappeared with a little soreness. Then, he saluted aptly and headed back. You stared at his receding silhouette in wonder, moving your feet, but there was no pain. Was he some magician?
Jisung surprised you in the most unique ways.
“Y/N,” you heard Seungmin call you from behind. You pivoted your head back, realizing that he had gotten changed into informal clothes. There was a damp towel around his neck and shriveled wet hair decorated his comfortable look. He looked so different than any other time you’d seen him; so much casual and indifferently handsome.
He came approximately 2 meters closer to you. Smiling sheepishly, he says, “How do you stay so long in such a—” he eyes your sitting figure head to toe, smile widening as he pointed towards the bloated gown of your dress, “In such a heavy thing?”
Your emotions drained from your face and you blankly stared at him. Still not over his uselessness and eyes screaming ‘do you really want to say this?’. He seemed to be fazed by your lack of response, initiating a soulless laughter as he finally picked onto your mood. But that too, brought nothing from you. In utter embarrassment, he shut up as his hands fumbled before his mouth.
That was actually cute. But would you let that show? no.
“You can wash up in your room. There is a nameplate in front of your door. My mother made sure there's everything but if you need anything, I’m right in my room.” He spoke, in the same canorous voice that baffled you. And then, he left to his room.
You noticed his voice had such a soothing touch to it. You could listen to him talk all day and still not be tired of it. A voice that could sing melodiously. But, unlucky for you, he wasn’t much of a rambler.
Maybe that’s why he was best friends with Han Jisung.
“Good night.”
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a/n: It gets better... the soulless description will get better.... :’)
and I um forgot to say, I dont really know how christian marriages work. I have done my best to research properly before writing. If there’s any errors, please forgive me!
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goldenfawnwriting · 3 years
Birds of a feather - Hawks Fic Pt 1
Summary: Finch was just a lowly secretary who had years at the agency when she was thrown haphazardly into the position of Hawks’ new personal assistant; This could go two ways and she was worried to find out which path she would take.
Warnings: Mentions of past trauma, bloodshed, workplace romance, SFW
A/N: I’m so excited to be starting this finally! I’ve planned this one out for a while so lets see how it all goes lol
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Finch walked into the office, hurrying to her seat before the daily meeting began, her boss soon slipping into the room and getting everyones attention. She was panting slightly as she tried to calm her heartbeat; as quick as she was it seemed she was behind on everything today. She woke up late, spilled food on herself and had to return home to change, forgot her usual lipstick at home and so she was wearing a much darker one than she wanted, and last but not least, she was slightly late to work because of some asshole in the parking lot who sat and waited for someone to leave a parking spot and held her up behind him. 
She was dazing off when she was suddenly elbowed by her neighboring coworker. Finch stood quickly, blushing as she met eyes with the boss and noticed the owner of the agency looking directly at her. She became self conscious as she realized she missed something important. 
“Finch. From now on you’ll be assigned to Mr. Hawks as his personal assistant. Please move your things over to his office when we’re finished with our daily briefing.”
Finch felt her face flame as she realized she had just been promoted in front of the whole office... and she had missed half of it. As she sat back down her coworker smiled at her and shook her hand, bringing her out of her daze.
“Congrats girlie! So excited for you!”
She smiled back at the girl and thanked her as she waited for the briefing to be over. As soon as the boss and Hawks had exited she began boxing up her personal items from her desk. the amount of adrenaline coursing through her was nearly nauseating. As her heels clicked under her she made her way to Hawks’ office, taking a deep breath outside the door before knocking. 
It took a moment before the Pro Hero finally got to the door and Finch almost wondered how big his office really was before she was greeted with his smile.
“Hey birdie! How’s it goin’?”
He quipped, cocking his head to the side before slinging the door open the rest of the way.
“Come on in! So you’re my new personal assistant huh?”
Finch didn’t get a word in edgewise before his hand was on her back to lead her forward. He pulled away instantly, giving her wide eyes.
He grabbed her shoulders and turned her himself, getting an eyeful of her wings. She became nervous, folding them against her back as much as she possibly could. 
He grabbed the small box of her belongings and set them on her new desk quickly before turning back to her. Finch adjusted her white button down blouse and tan pencil skirt before letting her eyes drift to his. She swallowed hard and her eyes flicked to take in every detail he offered her. He looked as though he was expecting something and she stuttered.
“My n-name is F-finch-”
“Let me see your wings!”
He was like an excited little boy and with every passing moment Finch was becoming more and more nervous. 
“I-I can’t-”
“Oh no don’t worry! This room is plenty big enough, you won't hit anything! I had the decorator and all the fancy guys make sure nothing would be blatantly in the way!”
He circled her and the little squeak that echoed from her throat slipped out before she could slap a hand over her mouth. His chest inflated and he pushed his hair back.
“Mr. H-Hawks, I-”
“Aw cutie, lets check one thing off the list and get rid of the Mr,”
He turned to look out the window before continuing.
“Being my PA isn’t too stressful. My last one had to leave because she had a baby, so they put you in her place. you’ll get used to it quickly don’t worry!”
She took a breath, happy he moved on from her wings. His had always been so intimidating to her. He took a seat at his desk and twirled his chair to her.
“So I heard you’ve been here since you graduated, one of my first workers! We are the same age right?”
“I-I’m 22.”
She confirmed, moving slowly to her desk to start putting things away. As her back faced him she knew he was looking her over and she forced herself to let him.
The day passed slowly before she finally stood, grabbing her bag and turning around for her coat before letting out another surprised squeak as she was met with Hawks, holding it open for her to shrug on. She placed a hand over her racing heart as her face heated again and she met his golden eyes. 
“Thought I’d help you out here sweetheart, it is pretty windy out today.”
He excused himself. She sighed silently and nodded, giving him a small thanks as he helped her slip on her coat, the slits in it allowing the fabric to move around her wings. He made a point to avoid touching them and she made a mental note in her head that his must also be sensitive for him to not fumble around with hers. 
Hawks followed her to the door of the building before he stopped.
“Do you uh- have someone picking you up?”
He cleared his throat before he questioned her, looking away. She could hear his unspoken question and she smirked, nearly giggling at his shameless flirting.
“No. I drive myself.”
She explained. He looked at her again and she noticed his pupils enlarge and retract again. He blushed and pushed his hands into his coat. 
“You don’t fly...?”
It was her turn to blush. She was wrong about his underlying question. Or was she? Maybe he had multiple underlying questions...
“Uh, no.. I don’t use my wings.”
He coughed in surprise and gave her a look, blinking. She looked away and moved the toe of her heel against the tile on the floor. The embarrassment hit her in the gut and her eyes watered slightly. It shouldn’t have been such a sensitive topic as it was but for some reason she just knew he was disappointed. 
“Why not...?”
By this time almost everyone had cleared out of the front lobby. Finch cleared her throat and stretched out her wings. Her right wing stopped short of her left and she bowed her head.
“The right one was broken when I was much younger and healed wrong and now I can’t use it.”
She pushed her fawn brown hair out her face as she looked back up at him to see the pity in his eyes. This is why she never mentioned it to many people. She didn’t want the pity.
“Well, anyway, thanks for today, see you tomorrow Mr. Hawks.”
She rushed, folding her wings in again and moving to leave, turning before he caught her wrist and stopped her gently. She turned back towards him and glanced away.
“H-hey I didn’t mean to upset you, I was just curious is all- I don’t have to bring it back up again if you don’t want...”
He offered. She swallowed her pride and squeaked out a reply.
“No it’s fine, I don’t mind.”
She waved her hand as she spoke and his cheeky smile graced his face again. 
“Oh cool! Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Finch! Great first day!”
He complimented before turning and making his way back to his office. She sniffed and stood for just a couple seconds longer to watch him walk away before she finally made her way to her car to leave.
The next day Finch sighed before she opened the door to the office. She was 20 minutes early, as per usual and she set her things down at her desk as she stared down the vase full of flowers sitting on the dark wood. She slipped off her coat as she spied a note. After she hung the coat from her chair she scooped up the note and her eyes scanned the handwriting. 
‘So glad you’re my new PA, can’t wait to get to know you more~’
She smiled to herself and put the note down on the desk before she took in the bright blue of the bellflowers mixed with the white baby’s breath and pale pink cherry blossoms. The bouquets was perfectly delicate at the same time it was stunning. She smiled wider before she noted the time and made her way down to the offices for the briefings. 
As she took her place by the side of the boss and Hawks she couldn't help but smile and so she kept her head down, jotting notes as the meeting progressed. She glanced over at Hawks and noticed his wings seemed much bigger than she had remembered them to be yesterday. Her eyesight couldn’t have been wrong, her quirk was literally her eyesight. She couldn’t miss a single detail if she tried. Like how much softer his feathers looked today and how his face reddened when he caught her looking at the crimson red of his wings. She averted her gaze slyly, playing it off as just her looking around. 
As the meeting ended she walked behind the boss and Hawks, who conversed avidly about numbers and getting lunch that day. As Hawks declined his offer for lunch he glanced back at Finch to find her scribbling something on her notebook. He turned his attention back to the boss’ rambling before they finally reached his office door and he was left with Finch to make their way back to the office. 
When Hawks finally sat down in his chair he gave Finch a smirk from across the room. 
“So, how did you like the flowers?”
“Oh, thank you actually, I didn’t get to say anything to you before the briefing.”
She replied, smiling again as she blushed. Her hair was pulled up into a delicate french twist today and she wore a pair of highwaisted dress pants that were a light pinkish tan and a tight wrap blouse that Hawks envisioned himself pulling the tied ribbon on. He snapped out of his day dream when she snapped her fingers at him and stole his attention.
“So this paperwork needs your stamp when I’m done, do you want me to give it to you to stamp-”
“Oh no here!”
A singular feather carried the weighty stamp over to Finch and she caught both objects in her hand with awe.
“So this is how your feathers work?”
He grinned and felt a shiver go through him as she pulled it between her soft fingers. He blushed hotly and pulled the feather back to him as she thanked him for the stamp.
“You can’t do that with yours?”
He questioned. She glanced up before speaking as she filled out paper after paper. 
“Uh, no, my wings are more for looks. I mean I used to be able to fly but thats all they do.”
“So that’s why you aren’t in the field huh? Cause your quirk is just having wings?”
She glanced up at him again and took in the curiosity in his eyes and the way he leaned forward, awaiting her reply.
“Well, actually that’s not my quirk.”
He arched a brow at her and she paused a moment to leave him in suspense. 
“So, what is it then?”
He wondered. She smirked at him and giggled as she flicked her eyes over his figure. As much as he was curious his body wouldn’t stop puffing up his wings and making him push out his chest. It was late winter but not quite spring yet, so she knew it wasn’t the season causing his display.
“Well, I actually can see really well. They call it Bird’s Eye View. I can just see super well and process what I’m seeing quicker I suppose.”
He chuckled and sat back in his seat leisurely as Finch’s face heated up. Why was he laughing?
“So give me an example~”
He teased. She puffed her cheeks in annoyance and attitude seeped into her usually delicate voice. 
“Well i can see you’re obviously puffing up your wings and this morning I noticed that you put something on them to look shinier. Are you trying to court me? Or is it someone else in the office? Maybe the secretary at the front lobby? She’s awful cute isn't she?”
She continued,
“And I also noticed your handwriting when I read the note on the flowers this morning. You took your time on it hm? No rushed letters, almost as if you wanted it to look really nice.”
He was silent but blushing hard. 
“And did you notice the camera?”
He bristled and she knew he hadn’t. Her anxiety spiked. She figured he had known everything about this office. 
She looked at him wide eyes and stood, piling the papers up and straightening them out before setting them back down on the desk. 
“Mr. Hawks care to go for lunch?”
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faithylilac · 3 years
The Party Party part 2
“DAX YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THINGS!” Faithy chaises Dax as he ran out of a random shop with a bundle of flowers. What was he going to do with these? I don’t know, keep reading and you’ll find out. I don’t have to tell you everything you lazy—
“Back in my times, you could find flowers everywhere! You mortals just HAD to invent roads and took up all the good flower land!” He yelled in defiance, still running away from the priestess.
Carter and Echo were still in the flower shop with the store owner who was trying to process what was happening. She was quite short with red and purpled hair, along with a giant mushroom hat to top her off. An absolutely adorable creature
“Man, leaving the hottest two people in this party to deal with his tab...” Echo said with a sigh. “Oh could I stab him? He’ll live.” Carter said, almost too excitedly.
“It looked like your mate might kill em first.” The store owner piped in.
carter sadly put the dagger he was holding away, while nodding in unison with Echo.
Faithy slams the door open, dragging an unconscious god by his foot with a bunch of destroyed flowers. “I have killed god, what will you do now?” Faithy announced with a dark look. He was very much alive, evident by his snoring. Apparently the store owner didn’t hear, because she didn’t react.
Faithy walked over to the desk, still dragging the god and slams a bag of gold and the flowers down. “He committed insurance fraud last week, this is his punishment.” She then tenderly smiled at the girl, “can you wrap these with red ribbon? That’s his favorite color.”
The store owner is taken aback. She actually takes a step back and looks at the large bag of coins, then at the flower pile. There seemed to be around 300 gold coins in the bag, though two could have payed for all the flowers the hooligan took.
“You said he committed insurance fraud?” She asked while sliding the bag of gold towards her to behind the desk so they couldn’t change their minds. The conscious members of the party nod in shame. The store owner quickly tied the beaten bouquet together and shoves it at Faithy.
“Yo! If you want to hear the rest of the story, meet us at the tavern tonight! Dax will even buy you a drink!” Faithy suggested.
“OooooOooooh! Dax buying drinks, I’m in I’m in I’m in!!!!” Echo shouted in excitement.
“Not to be the one that’s actually using the brain cell, but did he agree to that?” Carter asked.
Faithy just smiled and shook her head “no.”
“I’ll think about it, but no promises.” The store owner finally replied.
Without warning, Dax jumps to his feet, fully conscious. “I’m buying what?”
“Awesome! What was your name again, I did get to catch it earlier.” The priestess asked, all while ignoring the god. Dax just huffed and sat down on the floor. The store owner peered over her desk and giggled at his behavior. “You lot can call me CJ.”
After some time, the party was looking for the tavern in town. Echo said he was gonna scout it out, but forgot because he got swarmed with people for being hot. He first started wearing mostly black to ward people off, but his great fashion sense contracted that and gained many fans.
Carter ended up finding it, thankfully. He only found it because he was planning on robbing someone that went inside. Much to his dismay, Faithy was behind him and started praising them for finding the place. In other words, he didn’t get to rob the person.
The poor tavern owner had no idea what was in store for him and the amount of damage that will soon take place. It started as a normal evening, Dax had a crowd around him as usual to listen to his stories, Faithy and Carter were trying to tune him out, and Echo Hijacked the stage; though the owner didn’t mind, the whole tavern loved it.
“And in the mouth of the dragon, I threw the bag of carrots that my party members borrowed from a local farmer. The dragon then gagged on the bag, it was made of linen of course— and passed out long enough for us to make a getaway with the golden chest!” He ended yet again another tall tale of how he joined the party. Faithy was slouched over her chair snoring, it was the only thing to free her from the urge to correct him. Carter was just pickpocketing people while the priestess couldn’t stop him
But enough about the party, we’ve seen them in a tavern before; kinda boring if you keep retelling the same thing over and over and over and over— what’s do you mean this is only the second chapter? Anyway, our adorable shopkeeper friend, Cj made her way inside quietly and sat by Faithy who was still asleep.
As soon as CJ sits down, The priestess shoots up from her slumber and tackles her with a hug. “You made it!” She shouted. “Yeah... I’m not normally one to come here, you lot seem to be good fun.” To be honest, CJ didn’t know why she decided to come, they were a bunch of wackos.
But before she blinks again, the whole party is at the table with hot chocolate, all of their eyes on her. “Got you some hot chocolate kiddo.” Dax said, voice mumbled by the mug he was drinking from. She looks at the cup in front of her, filled to brink with marshmallows. That’s suspicious, that’s weird. She ignored her suspicion and the group before her started talking about recent adventures.
“I’m was actually in the running for being high priestess of Gjhar feiiled, but this one loser, Richard sabotaged me and now I’m on the run from the followers of my god!” The woman slumps in her chair, slightly sobbing as she drank her hot coco. “Like the cat god?” Cj asked. “Oh you should have seen it! Carter is terrified of cats!” Dax shouted. Cj just raises her eyebrow, but it didn’t seem like they were going to explain the story. She takes what she thought was the last sip, but as soon as she set down her mug, it started rising to the top again. She took a quick glance, surely she didn’t slip up, no no no! Who noticed, did anyone see what happened?
Dax was pointing his finger at her mug and slowly pulling his finger upward as her cup began to fill. A chocolate fairy? No those probably didn’t exist.... probably. “Um, what’s with the uh— uh that?” She asked, pointing at his finger. He just shrugs.
She looked elsewhere and her eyes landed on the goth one of the group. “Ummmm is your friend ok? He looks like a gargoyle just about now.” Cj asked the party leader. True, he was just sitting there menacingly, knees pulled up to chest and everything. “Listen I look really hot, like super hot. When you’ve managed to this level, you’ll understand sitting like this”
The next morning CJ opened up her shop and heard a lot of commotion outside. She peered out the front door to see a giant gold statue of— DAX? She runs outside to see a few people carving out details they really shouldn’t, not that she thinks they should be working on this statue to begin with. There were also people praying to it, not the weirdest thing people have done in this village, but still. She found Dax and ran up to him, hoping he would have some sense of what was going on.
“Is there a reason they’re building a gold statue of you?” Dax just laughed. “I’m serious, what is this?”
“I kinda just sneezed and one of the elders woke up from a coma or something. But it’s whatever, I don’t really care if people figure out I’m a god.” He replied. Cj’s jaw dropped. He didn’t say what she was thinking, no.... So he wasn’t a chocolate fairy like she originally thought.
“Come with me.” She quickly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into her shop. She locked the door and closed the blinds so no one could peer in.
“What did you just— I. Who goes around Willy Nilly saying they’re a god?” She shouted, not loud enough for anyone outside to hear. He just laughs, “and you aren’t?”
Her eyes blew wide open. “WHAT!”
“Listen kid, I’ve lived for a very long time. I can sense you baby gods from a mile away.”
If you haven’t caught on, this is just a silly thing writing about my friends and I’m going to do my best to keep it no context needed :)
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Insecure butterfly
A/N: this was requested by anon, I’m sorry it took so long and it’s written so bad, but I hope you enjoy none the less! Let me know what you think! I based this on my own experience. If anyone has any requests, please send them to me! 
Summary; Richie and Eddie’s daughter feel fat, and Richie and Eddie do their best to convince her otherwise. 
warnings: bad self image, and curse words 
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The front door closes with a loud bang, as Richie tumbles trough it, a flower bouquet gripped tightly in his left hand. Among the flower bouquet is a combination of Zinnia’s, hibiscus and red saliva's, who granted don’t match, but they are Richie’s favorite flowers, and it’s only really meant to prove to Eddie and Calia that he thinks about them anyway, so they don’t have to.
 He’s overcome with happiness, the sun warming every inch of his skin and making the world seem that much better and more welcoming, the smiles that have returned on everyone’s face at the first sighting of the heat resulting in one on his face too.
Summer has always been his favorite season, as a kid it was because it meant he was duty free, no school to worry about and no homework that he half-assed just to get it done.  Summer was the equivalent to freedom, the losers and him always escaping to a place, mostly to the barrens, where parents couldn’t judge them, and there were no expectations, no rolls that they were forced into.
After the summer where Pennywise nearly killed them all, the season stopped representing joy, and instead depicted the dark, mind-numbing fear Richie had experienced for the very first time at IT’s hands. Then he forgot about IT, but his life dulled down so fully without his friend being there, that life was one long endless year he survived, barely taking notice of what the weather was like.
Re-meeting Eddie again after Mike called, caused summer to claim his rightful place as the number one time of the year once more.
So sue him for being excited that it’s summer break, but spending time with his family in the summer, to go camping or swimming, lit Richie up like a crystal ball, the inner child in him bubbling up to the surface. A list of things they can do holds Richie hostage, and he barely contains the excitement until he enters his home, trying to convey to the outside world that yes, he is a grown man and not a kid on Christmas eve.
He’s walking towards the kitchen, whistling a tune of a song Eddie hates, and Calia claims makes him appear even older then he is, searching around for his husband who by all means should have been home after dropping their daughter off with a friend.
Said husband ambushes him from behind, a hand gripping Richie’s bicep harder than strictly necessary, spooking Richie even when he tries to pretend it didn’t.
He turns around, his mouth halfway to making a joke already, but stopping once he spots the look of absolute dread coming from Eddie. At first he thinks it has something to do with Sonia, because even now that Eddie isn’t in contact with her anymore, devastation would still take a hold of him if something bad were to have occurred with her, but it’s not.
‘Our daughter’, Eddie says with a pinch of hysterics, ‘thinks she’s fat.’ His breathing comes in short gasps, which indicates that he’s about to have another panic attack, and Richie needs to hurry to distract him so he can steer it away.
‘I brought you flowers Eds. They smell all sweet and cute, like you.’ He decides on, shoving the bundle under his nose, attempting to make his smile as unsuspiciously as possible. Eddie takes to flowers and spares them a quick glance, before shoving them up the small table that’s mostly used for decoration, abandoning them for later.
‘I’m serious Rich, where did she even get that idea?’ He starts to pace up and down the room, sauntering in their living room where he resumes his hovering, deep in thought.
With a sigh, Richie follows him and takes a seat in their sofa. Of course what Eddie claims is concerning, but it wouldn’t be the first time that Calia entrusted him with something, and he was oblivious to the context in which it was said. Besides, at least one of them needs to be calm to resolve the situation, and it seemed like that task fell upon his today. ‘Did she say anything to you?’ Richie inquires, fishing for as much details as he can get. His earlier mood is completely obliterated, uneasy sitting in the pit of his stomach, despite his best attempts to stay focused.
‘No’, Eddie replies, sheepishly, as he comes to a stop and looks up at Richie guiltily.
‘Eddie, you can not spy on her.’
‘I did no such thing asshole’, Eddie defends. ‘I overheard her on the phone while she was in the car. There was no way that I didn’t hear anything, and it was not done on purpose.’ His hand chops in the air to accentuated his point, appalled at the accusation Richie made. ‘I’m not my mother.’
Immediately consumed with guilt, Richie scrambles off their couch, seizing Eddie’s hand in his to try and capture his eyes. The hurt that burns through him when Eddie snatches his hand away makes his feel even worse.  ‘That’s not what I was trying to say Eds.’
With an eyebrow lifted, Eddie stares at him, as if daring him to spell out what he did mean then. His hands are fidgeting by his side, and Richie notices it right away, his own hands itching to comfort his husband.
‘I’m sorry okay? You could never be like your mom. A lot of parents check their kids phone Eds, that does not mean they’re your mother. I’m just against reading her texts, it’s her privacy. I should have realized that you respect her privacy as well and I’m sorry, but I will never, ever compare you to your mother okay?’
Eddie grunts, still a bit annoyed at Richie, but he accepts the kiss from him eagerly all the same, the anger draining out of him the second their lips touch. Privileged to be the one to have that effect on Eddie, but also understanding the severity of the situation, Richie struggles to detain a smile.
‘I’m sorry too, I was trying to pick a fight because I have no idea what to do with all this anxiety in me, but that was wrong.’ Eddie accounts for.
Richie shrugs it off, they have more important things to get too anyway, and he should have worded it better in the first place. ‘Well then we’re both sorry Eddie Spaghetti, now sit your cute ass down and tell me what happened.’
Relenting, Eddie trails after Richie, sinking down next to him, while he begins to tell the story from the start. ‘When I dropped her off this morning at Nina’s house, we were running a little late, so she called her to say that we were bound to arrive soon, and the two of them got talking. I don’t know what Nina said, I heard nothing of her side of the conversation, but Calia responded to her saying ‘I know that, but I’m too fat to wear such a thing anyway’, what the hell do we do Rich?’
Something bubbling up under the surface tries to make its way up, insistent and demanding Richie to accept it, to process it regardless of his tries not to.
Helplessness settles in in every pore of his being, prolonging his suffering and making his stomach turn violently. This somehow feels worse than Calia being sick, simply because there’s nothing really to be done.
Richie has spend more than enough of his childhood and adolescence hating the way he looked, and attempting to change all the things he didn’t like, revolted by the reflection that stared back at him, and followed him anywhere he went.
And it’s not something that anyone else can fix for you either. Eddie hadn’t been able to make Richie more confident, not for lack of trying, and everyone telling him that he was beautiful as a child only had an aversion effect. He was being unheard, his insecurities swept from under the rug like they were too much to deal with.
Claiming he was beautiful felt like an escape, an easy way out of conversation that everyone was too awkward to have. He wonders if perhaps it’s something genetic, something he passed on to his daughter.
The mom’s in the Facebook group I’m in said that we should take away all mirrors, is that something we should do?’ Startled by Eddie’s admission, Richie starts guffawing.
‘You’re in a Facebook group with all moms?’ He teases, words light with an blasé tone about them. His mind flashes back to years of not being able to view himself in the mirror, feeling nothing but shame whenever he did catch his own eye.
‘Don’t you fucking start Richie’, Eddie warns, but Richie succeeds in his intent, which was distracting Eddie from the serious issue at hand, and a tiny bit off lightheartedness reared its head, soothing him by the fact that he knew what it was like, and he might be able to help her.
‘Alright, Alright,’ Richie relents, for now, his arm up in a surrendering gesture. ‘Let’s just talk to her, and then we’ll see what she says. But Eds, we’re gonna need to handle this naturally okay? Don’t ambush her.’
‘Obviously not dickwad, if anything, it’s you that has to act normal.’
Without question, it’s Eddie that brings up the topic, not even a second after Calia arrives home. She finishes taking off her shoes, adjusting her grey sweater that she was wearing, as she follows the sound of Richie and Eddie’s bickering, the way she is used to them doing.
With a greeting wave, she crouches down to grab a water bottle in the fridge, uncapping the plastic and taking a big gulp.
‘We need to talk’, is the first thing Eddie declaims since she laid eyes on them. She stops mid swallow, her eyes turning wide and her face paling, full of worry.
‘You’re in trouble young lady’, Richie jokes in his best principal impression, before motioning her over. ‘Your dad is kidding, it’s just a talk, you’re not in trouble.’
‘Jees dad, I have anxiety, don’t do that.’ Calia says, her eyes rolling with vigor. She listens to Richie, her posture relaxing and her shoulders dropping, the worry’s melting away.
‘Great job Eds,’ he murmurs quiet enough that she doesn’t hear them, while still jabbing Eddie ins the side. Already, it appear as thought the conversation is not going to go the way they planned it.
‘So, what’s up?’ She asks, flitting her eyes between her parents, attempting to gauge them. Attempting to come across as nonchalant, Richie stretches out to the back of the sofa, his entire body splayed out sinking down.
It gives away more than he wants, the alarm bells going off in Calia’s head, an eyebrow furrowed in confusion, and the nervousness coming back. The eyebrow is something she has clearly mirrored from Eddie, and at times Richie speculates what she may have gotten from him and comes to the sick and twisted realization that mental issues, might be the answer.
He shakes himself out of his stupor, resigning it to a later time maybe tonight, as he would no doubt overthink everything right before sleep carried him off to sleep.
‘Your pops and I wanted to ask you about something I overheard in the car this morning.’
Becoming evident right away that Calia is appalled at the prospect of her father budding in a private conversation, Richie hurries to alleviate the situation.
‘He didn’t mean to listen in kiddo. It was an accident, but we still need to discuss it, it’s important. ’
Calia huffs, but stay silent none the less, and Richie takes it as his cue to continue.;
‘Your dad said that you said that you were fat’, Richie’s voice cracks at the end of his word, his stupid emotion getting the better of him as his heart breaks. In all his life, Calia was the most magnificent person, Eddie not taking into account, that he had ever encountered, and it was agony to know that she felt so less of herself.
Her face turns red, a blush coating both her cheeks, while she tensely glances around the room, avoiding eye contact. ‘So’, she mumbles, embarrassment creeping up her spine.
‘Why do you feel like that?’ Eddie prods, recalling some off the things he and Richie google searched before Calia get home.
She shrugs her shoulders, and Richie relates to her desire to get out of the situation fast. It’s not easy, to talk about the things that plague us so deeply, especially not with our parents of all people, but he knows that if they don’t talk about this now, they never will.
‘You can tell us, there’s no judgment in this house. Well except judgment on your dad’s cutnes, he’s 1000 percent guilty of that.’ He reaches over to pinch one of Eddie’s cheeks, hissing when his hand gets smacked away.
‘Hey, if you two are going to do, I’ll just go up to my room.’ Set out to escape the living room without her parents taking notice, Calia stands up inconspicuously, shuffling towards the door.
When both of her parents turn to watch her, and Eddie asks her to sit down again, she groans, but still does what is requested of her.
‘Can you tell us? I promise that if you confide in us this one time and we can’t help you or you feel to uncomfortable, then we won’t ever bring it up.
‘I just am okay? Like I’m a lot bigger than most of my friends, my stomach is protruding and I have a double chin. Compared to how you guys looked, and my friends it’s a simple fact that I am fat.’
Eddie has to swallow down his tears at her words, even when he squeezes his eyes closed to stop them that way. Granting him a minute to collect himself, Richie takes the lead. He himself discovers that it’s as hard being a parent as it is being the person who has low self-esteem. He finds himself rendered so useless.
Before he has a chance to even respond, he catches the words that Calia breathes out, like another kick to an already wounded puppy. ‘It’s not like any guy will ever want me either.’
‘Okay, don’t you ever fucking say that. Who the fuck cares if no guy, or girl wants you. They do, I know in the same way that I know you’re beautiful, but I also that right now that means nothing, and you think that I’m your father so I have to say that, so let me make clear to you what is true. You don’t exits to be a wife, that is not why you are born. You’re alive to brave through the world, and to leave the world a little brighter when you leave. If that includes having a boyfriend than okay, if it doesn’t than that’s that. A body isn’t functioning because you need to please someone, it’s such a complicated and crazy thing, but it works.’
While taking a deep breath, he uses his pause to stare at Calia’s eyes, conveying how much he means what he says.
‘Who created that extraordinary painting that won her top of her class, and resulted into it being displayed at in the art museum?’
‘I guess I did’, she concurs, her full and undivided attention on her dads.
‘Yeah, you fucking well did. And who wrote all those enthralling and peculiar poems that put uncle Ben to shame?’
Giggling, Calia point at herself with both her thumbs. ‘This girl.’
‘Yeah that’s right,’ Eddie buds in, finally able to get himself together enough to participate. ‘your body did that all in it’s own, and that had nothing to do with the way you look at all.’
‘I know this sounds like such a lie, but’s not. One day you will find someone that not likes you with your flaws, but because of your them. You’re not perfect, no one is, but you have such a wonderful soul, that everything else is added bonus. The guy that’ll date you in the future will have hit the jack pot, whether you’re skinny, or chubby or fat.’
‘That’s pretty fucking deep Pops.’ Calia messes with him, giving him a gentle push to throw him off balance, and break the serious tension that floats around the room.
‘Wow, you try and be nice to your children once and this is what I get as a think you?’ Richie complains sarcastically, pretending to cry and gain sympathy.
‘And don’t curse in front of our daughter Richie. How dare you?’ Eddie adds, the smirk turning the words from serious, to playful.
‘Thanks dads,’ Calia entrusts, enveloping both of them in her arms. Her insecurities won’t be gone overnight, but at least she knows she has her dads to remind her of the important things in life, and to emphasize how beautiful she is. When the family settles in or a movie night, outside, a butterfly makes it’s way up to the sky.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Part 2
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Summary: It was your first Christmas at the Seaside Manor since you had inherited it. Whilst you were ready for some Christmas spirit, the ghosts haunting it weren’t as willing to celebrate.
Pairing: reader x Day6 (ft. previous OCs)
World: Spiritual Connection (masterlist HERE)
Genre: ghost au / romance / fluff / minor angst
Warnings: none
A/N: Welcome back to the Seaside Manor! I knew we couldn’t just leave the ghosts to celebrate by themselves - which apparently, they aren’t so keen to do anyway! So we had to return and see if we could bring in some festive cheer!
This story is part of a previously written world. It may make some sense, but to understand all the characters, I highly recommend reading all the previous parts and spinoffs in the masterlist first before reading this series! They can be found in the link above.
The Spirit(s) of Christmas will be shared daily at 10am from 2 December NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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So you didn’t quite know how to hold a wedding ceremony for those not in the world of the living, but in the very least, the house was starting to look ready for Christmas. Becky had enlisted Jae quickly into helping with putting up decorations around the manor and between the three of you – four when Sarah was about – you were starting to feel the Christmas spirit.
However, you weren’t without the rest of your less than enthusiastic housemates. Whilst you listened to Jae sing Becky a completely made up Christmas song about their love down the hallway, you found Dowoon sitting in the kitchen, a sigh leaving him as soon as you entered.
“You okay?”
“I am,” he answered unconvincingly and then he chuckled at himself. “Well, maybe not.”
“Is it because you died around this time?” you asked gently, not knowing how to broach the topic with your friends. You couldn’t fathom how you were so clueless until now. You had researched this house and the men who lived in it. Their stories were ones you shared at night with your guests or whenever you were asked about the vintage portraits in the hallway. But you didn’t really go into detail over their demise either. Perhaps that was why it has slipped yours and their minds entirely.
Dowoon looked at you and shook his head. “No, I came to understand my place in this world a long time ago. I’m no longer upset about my passing. I’m just a little, well can I be honest?”
“Of course!”
The tall man scratched the back of his head and chuckled again. You knew he was growing shy and hurried to finish making your peppermint hot cocoa, placing it down in front of him instead. Dowoon glanced up at you. “Y/N, you know I don’t need to drink.”
“Try it.”
“It smells really strong,” he mentioned as he picked up the mug, inhaling the sweet and refreshing fragrance of the chocolate and peppermint together. He took a sip and smiled. “Well, it’s warm.”
“I forgot you can’t taste as well as I can anymore,” you answered with a sigh, sitting down across from him.
Dowoon shook his head quickly. “No, but I’m touched. You made me a drink when you didn’t have to. Thank you.”
“So why are you so down?”
“It’s silly.”
“Try me.”
“I’m jealous. Everyone has someone in this house. Sungjin still pines for Pearl, Jae and Becky are getting married now, and you and Brian…”
You blushed. Whilst it was common knowledge you and Brian had moved from friendship into something more, it wasn’t something you were both openly sharing around the manor yet.
“Even Wonpil has a crush on Sarah and I have no one. No pretty ghost lady is coming for me. Not that I would even know what to do or say to one! I’m pretty shy.”
“I know, but I get it too. You want something that is your own.”
“Mm,” he hummed in agreement, sipping at his drink. He grinned at you. “Can you show me how to make this in the future for when I feel low? I really like it.”
“I would love to.”
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Dowoon’s loneliness played on your mind for the rest of the day. Whilst you prepared for guests to arrive at the manor, and talked with Becky about wedding ideas she had written down in the parlour after lunch, you tried to think of ways to help ease some of his concerns. You didn’t know what kind of present to give him for Christmas, and frankly, with it being three weeks away still, you didn’t want to see him miserable right until the big day. Especially, in case you didn’t get him the right gift.
You were mindlessly preparing dessert in the kitchen when Brian came to find you, his lips brushing over the side of your neck softly. “The custard’s burning.”
“What?” Blinking out of your reverie, you gasped, taking the pot off the stovetop immediately. “Oh no!”
“What’s got your focus so much that I now need to worry about you standing near a hot oven, huh?” he asked after you dumped the pot in the sink, clasping your head in your hands a moment later. Brian’s arms slipped around you, pulling you into one of his comforting embraces. You didn’t even hesitate to lean back into him, letting out a dejected exhale.
“If you were to give someone who is lonely a present, what would it be?”
“Well, I’m not sure. How lonely is this person? Do they like pets? I see our neighbour has a cat. Isn’t there a trend where lonely people adopt cats?”
You nodded softly, thinking of Dowoon with a cat. As much as you knew he would befriend it, he had more energy than a cat did. You instantly saw him with a dog instead, and you perked up immediately at the thought, turning around to kiss Brian briefly. “You’re a genius!”
“Well, as much as I love your praise, are you going to tell me why?” he asked with a chuckle, watching as you prepared a new batch of custard for the dessert.
You shot him a bright smile and then shook your head. “It’s a surprise!”
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“Why did we leave the house? It’s cold!” Dowoon whined and you glanced at your friend and grinned. You were too excited to wait any longer than a day, and as soon as you could leave the manor that morning, you had dragged Dowoon out to the car with you.
“Woon, it’s me who feels the cold more than you do.”
“When it rains, it’s cold. When it’s lower temperatures, it’s cold. When you’re in a fluffy coat like-”
You shot him another grin. “I get it.”
“Where are we going?”
“To cure your loneliness.”
He frowned, looking at the road ahead and then back at you. “I don’t get how you can do that by taking me out of the house. Are you adopting me out to a family in need of a ghost?”
Laughing, you shook your head. “We’re the ones adopting.”
“There’s a place to adopt ghosts?!” he asked in wonderment and you couldn’t stop laughing until you pulled up at the local animal shelter. You had rung first thing that morning to ensure there was at least one dog there. And when you stepped inside the building with Dowoon, the howling in the kennels out back grew quiet.
“Huh, they normally hear someone come in and start making a racket,” the shelter manager mentioned as she led you to the dog enclosure.
Glancing up at Dowoon briefly, you then looked to see the row of animals. When you had researched last night the affect spirits had on animals, it was a little conflicting. Some said they grew wary in their presence, and the first dog you approached was definitely just that. You saw Dowoon’s smile falter with the response and you sighed, gently tugging him along with you. Other websites mentioned that some animals really connected well with the energy around ghosts and would even prefer to spend their time in what seemed like empty rooms that were actually haunted. You had your fingers crossed that one of the dogs here would show that kind of interest.
There were six in total, and the first three all sat quietly in the back of their pens, watching Dowoon warily.
And then there was a bark.
“That’s strange; she’s never been very vocal before.”
“Maybe it’s just my aura,” you teased with a little laugh, looking towards Dowoon who crouched in front of the caramel coloured dog. She was bounding around the gate energetically, her tail wagging faster than Dowoon could pet her. His smile grew until he was laughing just as much as the dog was barking. You knew this was the right match for both of them.
“Looks like she’s chosen to come home with me,” you stated happily.
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Of course, not wanting to impose on anyone staying at the manor with allergies, you had to make sure Custard the dog remained in the staff only part of the house. This didn’t seem to faze Dowoon at all, and if you needed to find him, you knew where to head. He did everything with Custard, and you honestly had never met a more settled dog. She was smitten with her ghostly owner, and whilst she was wary of the living, she would let you pet her for a little bit longer each day.
“Today I taught Custard a new trick, watch!” Dowoon enthused when you entered the back room, Dowoon standing up and then holding out his hands, turning one over. “Roll over!”
The dog did his bidding, exposing her tummy for a well-earned belly rub.
“Play dead!”
“Isn’t that a bit on the nose?” Wonpil wondered, looking up from the bouquet of flowers he was organising. “I mean, we don’t want your dog to actually die.”
Custard was now sprawled on the ground doing her best to be still.
You grinned at Dowoon after shooting Wonpil a bemused look. “She’s so clever!”
“I know I complained to you and it was a big deal for you to get a dog, but thank you! I’ve never received a more thoughtful gift before!”
“Honestly, I don’t mind. I love dogs and even if Custard isn’t the happiest around the living, she’s most certainly found her place in this world with us. I’m just glad to see you smiling again.”
“Easy for some,” Wonpil chimed with a sigh and you turned your attention to the man across the room again. “Getting someone to love you back is hard work.”
“Not again, Wonpil!” Dowoon whined, picking up the candy cane shaped squeaker dog toy for Custard to play with. With the pair disappearing outside to play since it wasn’t too cold out yet, you approached the remaining occupant in the room.
“Are you making Sarah another bouquet?” you wondered and Wonpil smiled sadly.
“I’m practising for Jae and Becky’s wedding. She asked me if I’d make her a bouquet since I like flowers.”
“Wow, that’s an honour,” you mentioned and he nodded, focusing back on the flowers. “Will you give Sarah this when you’re done though?”
You watched his eyes flash with acknowledgement. “She’s staying this week, isn’t she?”
“Actually, she’s here right up until we close for Christmas. Plenty of opportunities for you to try and get her attention, don’t you think?”
Wonpil glanced at you then, his dark stare bright for a mere moment before the light left his eyes. He lowered his head. “She doesn’t know I exist.”
“She could by Christmas,” you encouraged and Wonpil shrugged.
You had so far helped three of the spirits in this house find some festive cheer and it looked like now you would have to think on how to encourage Wonpil to do something about his crush.
Part 3
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hawkinspostbite · 5 years
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Words: 1,815
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.
She was an avid chapstick collector. Her collection was her prized possession, and her dirty little secret. She was known for loving chapstick, she had one situated in a pocket of each of her jackets, on her bedside table, on her vanity, in her locker, and in Billy’s car. Just underneath her bed, in a hollowed-out jewelry box, laid her holy grail. Decorated with stickers all the way back from her childhood to now, She managed to keep the box a secret from all. That was, until the first night Billy slept over.
Her parents were attending a wedding in Indianapolis, and her younger brother had been shipped off to her aunt’s for the weekend, so the house was all hers.
She and Billy were pretty fresh into their relationship, only going together for about five months, but he could already feel a difference in himself. All the other girls he had been with before, whether it be short or long, weren’t her. They were rough around the edges, had very little emotions, and only wanted one thing. She, however, was soft, had more emotions than Billy knew possible, and wanted the world- and everything it had to offer. She stilled his raging heart, calmed his trembling hand, and kissed his frowning lips. He spent less time in detention, stopped picking petty fights, got along with his family, got better grades, and stopped going to as many parties. “Once a party animal, always a party animal.” He’d say. As of late, he much preferred spending time with her than being surrounded by people he hardly knew.
He’d be lying if he said that she wasn’t the greatest thing to happen to him in his short life. His father was a disgrace to the title “father”, his mother was a whore, and he received little to no affection his entire life. In addition to her kindness and carefulness, she was quite the looker. Beautiful at any and every moment, sweet and soft, his favorite piece of art.
Thursday morning she had practically ran into him with excitement. “Hey Bill.” She cooed, drawing his eyes from his locker down to her. He immediately smiled, leaning down to kiss her.
“Morning baby, how’s my favorite girl?”
“Pretty great if I do say so.” She was practically bouncing with excitement. “Aren’t you gonna ask me why I’m so happy?”
He tilted his head, smirking. “Why’re you so happy?”
“Well- since you asked, mom and dad are gonna be out of town this weekend, and they’re sending Sam to my aunt’s and I’m gonna have the house to myself. So, do you wanna sleepover?”
“A sleepover? What’s in the itinerary for this sleepover?” He turned to start searching through his locker for his math term paper. “Mani-pedis, romantic comedies, gossip?”
She scoffed, smacking his arm lightly. “No. I was thinking, movie marathons, maybe breaking into my dad’s mini bar. Oh and probably lots of making out.”
His head whipped to the side. This was a slightly different side to her than he knew. “Sounds like a good time to me. I’m in.”
She was telling the truth, mostly. She forgot to add that she finally wanted her and Billy to “seal the deal”, and what better time than when they were home alone? Listening to his response, she took the final detail and shoved it into the back of her mind. “Yay! It’s a date!” She leaned upwards, kissing his cheek.
A soft blush dusted Billy’s face at the sweet gesture. “I’ll be at your place at eight tomorrow? Sound good.”
With a quick kiss and fist bump*, the two parted ways for the day.
*It was just a cute little thing they did
Friday afternoon, she had left school right after the final bell, having Jonathan drop her off at her house. Her parents had already been gone, and her brother was being picked up from school, so the house was silent upon entry.
For a moment she relished in the quietness, before getting to work. She cleaned and tidied each room. Fluffing the pillows, and removing the cat hair from the couch in the living room, wet-mopping the floor and wiping down the cabinets in the kitchen, perfectly setting the dining room table (as if it was already party ready). She simply closed and locked the basement door, as there was no helping that room. Her parents bed and bath were always locked when they left for an extended time, so she needn’t worry about that. She disinfected and perfected her and her brother’s shared bathroom, and closed and locked her brother’s room- it looked like a tornado had hit it.
Then came her room. She vacuumed the carpet, put on clean linens and sheets, fluffed her pillows, made sure she had the softest blankets in the house, organized her besides table, dresser top, and vanity, and made sure her closet was neat and orderly. When she was finished, nothing was out of place. Her entire house was perfect, save the basement and Sam’s room.
She dug through her closet to find her other secret arsenal, her scented candles. She had collected a plethora of vanilla-rum candles that her aunt made her every year for Christmas. She took the bin out and set it on her bed, digging through it to pull out the box of matches. She lit a candle on the coffee table in the living room, one on the kitchen island, one on her vanity and her bedside table, and one on the bathroom counter.
The clock chimes seven times, and she began to get ready. She took a hot shower, shampooing and conditioning her hair to the fullest extent, shaving, making sure she was in tip-top shape for her late night plans. She dressed in her favorite cute pajamas, slightly blow-dried her hair, moisturized her entire body, and for good measure, slathered on a healthy helping of her bedside watermelon chapstick.
Promptly at eight, Billy arrived, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and a bouquet of baby’s breath in his hand. “Evening Princess, brought you some flowers.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek as she happily took the bouquet.
“Baby’s breath are my favorite.” She breathed in their soft scent.
“I know.” He smiled, placing his bag onto the counter. “You baking a cake or something?” He sniffed the air.
“Nah. Just my favorite candles. Nobody lets me burn them when everybody’s home.” She shrugged, moving to the cupboard to find one of her mom’s canning mason jars. She filled it halfway with water and placed the flowers into it.
“Well I’ll let you burn whatever you want baby. Hey- they look pretty good in that.”
“We don’t own flower vases, nobody gets flowers from anyone.”
The couple stood in silence for a moment, each of them taking in each other.
Billy admired the way the candle light made her face dark, but her eyes were still gorgeous and bright.
She admired how soft he looked in the dim light, and how kind his eyes were.
“I’m gonna go grab a shower quick, if you don’t mind. It was pretty chaotic at mine.” She nodded at him. Neil was away on a work trip, and Max had convinced her mother to let the Party sleepover. Which resulted in literal chaos let loose in Billy’s home. “Why don’t you pick out a movie while I’m up there?”
He kissed her cheek again on the way by.
Two hours later they had watched the entirety of ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’, and she was ready to put her official plan into action. She yawned, snuggling further into Billy’s embrace. “You ready for bed kid?” Billy softly smiled at her.
“Why don’t you head up? I’ll blow out the candles and stuff. Make sure the doors are locked. Meet you up there.”
She sleepily walked up the stairs and to the bathroom. She checked herself in the mirror and quickly brushed her teeth, blowing out the bathroom candle and making her way down the hall to her room.
“Hey babe, I was thinking- what the hell are you doing?!” She stepped into her room to see Billy seated cross-legged on her bed, her empty chapstick box next to him, and a pile of chapsticks between his legs. He was carefully examining the varying flavors.
She rushed forward to grab the box. “Billy, how did you find this? Were you snooping on me?” She was genuinely horrified that somebody had finally uncovered her secret.
He looked over at her, holding a green apple Lip Smacker in his hand. “So this is the reason why you always taste so fruity... and why your lips are so damn soft.”
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t really like the green apple one. But you didn’t answer my question! Why were you snooping?”
He looked down again at the array of chapsticks. “You snoop on me all the time.” He shrugged, grabbing the Dr. Pepper one. “I know you keep a damn chapstick on you at all times but I didn’t think it was this bad.”
She groaned, tossing the box at him. “This is so embarrassing.”
“Baby, if a collection of chapsticks... and lip glosses?”
“For special occasions.” She grumbled.
He chuckled at her. “If a collection of lip products is your biggest secret then you have nothing to worry about.” He uncapped the Root Beer one and swiped it across his lips. “I can see why you like these things so much, they’re pretty neat. And they don’t taste half bad either.”
“I never even got to try the Root Beer yet!” She snatched it from his grip.
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her onto the bed with him. “Then taste.” He pressed his lips to hers, making sure she got a taste of him and the chapstick.
She pulled away, and he raised his eyebrows. “I agree, a very good flavor.”
She had completely forgotten about her prior agenda as Billy came up with the brilliant idea to take a “Chapstick Inventory”, they narrowed it down to their mutual favorites, and whatever flavors they didn’t like, he’d take home for Max.
Lemon, watermelon, honey, cherry, peppermint, Dr. Pepper, grape, lime, banana, raspberry, and chocolate stayed. And green apple, strawberry, passion fruit, piña-colada, orange, kiwi, and bubble gum went to Max.
Billy kept Root Beer for himself.
What was once just her dirty little secret had now become their “thing”.
A quick kiss. Billy would always lick his lips right after. “Mm, what flavor was that?”
The answer was always different. “Banana.”, “Raspberry.”, “Lemon.”, etc.
But their favorite was always Root Beer. For it reminded them of their first “sleepover”, vanilla-rum candles, baby’s breath bouquets, soft velvet comforters, and the warmth of each other’s embrace.
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remainloved · 6 years
bestfriend!Ethan #1
[requested by anon]
ethan’s bestfriend and grayson’s girlfriend, both title that she owns, however she’s been feeling like she doesn’t deserve the second title.
Ethan and Y/n have been best friends since the days they were in diapers. Even if Ethan has a twin brother, the connection that he shared with Y/n is still equally strong. Everyone around them rooted them to be together.
Ethan’s parents wish to have a daughter in law like Y/n and likewise. The both families got along really well just like Ethan and Y/n. If people do not know them, they would think that Y/n and Ethan have been married to one another for years.
Grayson is always jealous with how close Ethan is to Y/n compare to him. Grayson would always shy away because he’s afraid that he’s being a bother to both of them. Yet, Ethan and Y/n never made Grayson as an outcast. They would always include Grayson in activities they would do. This made Y/n and Grayson closer. Y/n cares about the both of them more than herself and the twins would always make Y/n as their priority.
However, little did they know, Y/n has her eyes set on the younger twin. Even if Ethan was the first one she met and had a closer relationship with, Grayson has a soft spot on her heart. This made sense because she could never picture herself being involved with Ethan romantically.
When Ethan noticed her best friend would always blush when Grayson is around and Grayson would always notice the small details of Y/n’s that sometimes Ethan forgot. Ethan realized that both of them like each other. Ethan supported this idea and decided to make a plan.
Long story short, Ethan was the cupid and Y/n and Grayson were his target, he succeeded and now both of them are dating. Their dynamics never change, however Grayson and Y/n established a stronger and closer bonds. Both are always open to Ethan with the problems which made Ethan the mediator and solve the problems.
Everything was fine, until these back few days when Grayson was being different. Even if Grayson and Ethan moved to Los Angeles and Y/n stayed back. They were still in contact and their bonds are still strong. However with the hectic schedule of the twins and Y/n’s busy life back home, their bonds are falling apart.
The twins used to come back and visit New Jersey. They always make time for Y/n. However, since they have been hanging out with the “Sister Squad”, Y/n felt neglected..
Y/n has no problem sharing the twins, however she missed the twins dearly. She misses her best friend that would be willing to prank the neighbors. She missed her boyfriend that would try so hard to impress her with his cooking skill.
Today was a horrible day for Y/n. She had a sore throat, she woke up late and missed her class, she fell down the stairs and no one was there to help her, she walked home and a bike splashed her with the water on the streets, she’s home with no food and overall, just a bad day for Y/n.
She was lying on the bed with her cheeks stained with tears and eyes feeling dried. When the phone beside her started vibrating, she sighed and rolled over to pick it up. When she saw the id, she felt her lips twitch. She cleared her throat and answered the phone.
“Hey,” her croaky voice greeted Grayson. Whenever, Grayson heard this kind of tone, he would always sense that something was wrong, however this time he continued and said giddily.
“Hey gorgeous, I’m going on a road trip with E, James and Emma.” She could feel the smile on his face through the phone pressed on her cheeks
“Oh, really?” She sounded surprise while trying so hard not breakdown.
“Yeah,” He said excitedly.
“Well, have fun and stay safe.” She whispered with her heart breaking with every breath that she took.
“You okay, Gorgeous?” He asked worriedly and Y/n just hummed and said her goodbyes.
She was feeling very low and she felt really insecure. For once in her lifetime, she doubted the relationship she had with the twins. Y/n cried the whole night with her hands clutched tightly on her phone and her body curling up inside her blanket. She felt like losing a piece of hers that night.
When the twins visited New Jersey for the first time in three months, they felt very happy. Both of them felt like the burdens on their shoulders were lifted up. They were so excited to visit their family and of course, Y/n.
“Y/n!” Ethan knocked on the flower shop where she was working. Y/n looked up and shocked that it was her best friend here. She ran outside and gave him the tightest hug she could ever give.
“ETHAN!” She shouted and jumped on to his back. Ethan laughed and hold her back tightly. “How have you been? Oh my gosh, you’re growing back your wings.” Y/n exclaimed while grabbing a hold of his hair.
“This is weird, did you miss me so much that you did not ask me about my little brother?” He said while nudging her ribs with his elbow. She nudged him back harder and muttered, “Shut up.”
“Oh god, what happened between you and Gray?” He asked with his hand on his chest while Y/n sat beside him on the porch in front of the flower shop.
“You’re so dramatic.” She rolled her eyes and slapped his chest lightly with her head hung low.
“You’re not answering the question, Y/n.” He said while poking on her cheeks.” He said softly after sensing that the matter was serious.
“Hmm, what happened with you and Emma?” She smirked trying to cover up her eyes that are welling up with tears.
“Quit changing the subject and answer the damn question.” He said seriously after seeing a tear rolled down her face.
“I feel like Gray is different.” She mumbled softly.
“Different?” Ethan asked confused.
“It’s hard to explain, E.” She took a deep breath and Ethan pulled her into a hug. Y/n cried on to his arms and Ethan held her tight. She was shaking and Ethan rubbed her back in a comforting manner.
“Grayson adores and loves you. There’s not a single day when he shut up about you.” He said sincerely and Y/n cried even more.
“Everything will be okay, I’ll talk to him soon.” He said while squeezing her shoulders lightly. “You cannot get rid of us that soon.” He said jokingly and Y/n chuckled.
“Damn it.” She said while continuing the act. The both of them stared at each other and burst out laughing out loud.
When Y/n walked back to her house with her heart feeling lighter, she was happy for once that her best friend was back. She opened her door and saw flower petals trailing across the floor. There was a note beside them.
She smiled as she saw the familiar handwriting of her boyfriend’s. She walked inside and saw Grayson holding up a big stuff teddy bear with a bouquet of flower.
“Grayson?” She called out his name. Grayson smiled and said, “Hello, Gorgeous.” How she missed that nickname rolling out of his tongue. Y/n put down all her things and ran into him. Her arms enclosing his broad shoulders. Grayson was stunned for a moment before he threw the teddy bear and flower on her bed and snaked his arms around her waist.
The tears that was held up rolled down her cheeks and Grayson could her shaking under his hold. She was grasping his shoulders tightly, afraid that he would leave her anytime possible. Grayson returned the gesture and hid his face on the crook of her neck.
“I missed you so much.” He whispered while peppering soft kisses on her shoulders.
They pulled away and Grayson wiped her tears using his thumb, caressing her cheeks lightly. He smiled and nudge her nose with his. He pressed his lips against her cheeks softly and muttered, “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
He pulled away shook his head, “I’m an asshole.”
Y/n pulled his head up and looked at him straight in the eye, “Grayson Bailey Dolan, you’re not an asshole.” Grayson’s lips twitch and he whispered softly, “I was being insensitive and took you for granted and I’m so sorry.” His eyes were red because he was silently crying but Y/n pulled the end of her jacket and wiped them away.
“D-Don’t leave me.” He stammered as his heart was beating faster and he was afraid that the love of his life would ask him to leave her house right now. Little did he know, Y/n couldn’t live without him and likewise.
“I’m not leaving, Gray.” She said while hugging him once more, a sigh of relief escaped through his lips and he hugged Y/n once more.
“It’s not that easy for you and your twin brother to get rid of me.” She said cheekily. Grayson squeezed her hips once more and said, “You’re impossible and I don’t deserve you.”
heyo! thank you so much for reading this! i hope you like this one!
i changed it slightly but hopefully you still like this one anon!
anyways,, requests are open!!
feedbacks are always very much appreciated!!
thank you and have a good day beautiful! xx
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elles-choices · 5 years
Part 4: Say You Won’t Let Go  (TRR AU, Liam x MC)
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Pairing: Liam x MC (Catherine)
Words Count: about 2900
A/N: This story contains reference to violence -- readers discretion advised! The case portrayed in this story is based on a real case - some details were modified. Children, please, look away.
PS: For part 1-3 please look below :)
Summary: Catherine Spencer returns to New York after her fall from grace in Cordonia. She left the love of her life behind and all the dreams she had dared to dream. Now she has to pick up the pieces and move on but her past has a way of finding her.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Choices by Pixel Berry
„When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow
I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go“, Say you won’t let go, James Arthur
Catherine stands on the stage of the University of Cordonia’s auditorium, in front of a crowd of students, visitors and faculty members. She is nervous, not because of the people in front of her but because she is back to his country and it reminds her of everything she has tried to forget.
After a round of applause, she walks up to the microphone and starts her speech:
„The story I came to tell you today is one of the most harrowing stories I have ever encountered in my years as a lawyer. Our client was only 19 years old when war broke out and a religious extremist terror group took over her village. She, a university student just like most of you here, was forced to watch all of the men in her community, including her father and brothers, be marched off to their death — 600 of them being killed in one single day. Her mother was killed together with other older women and disposed in a mass grave. Our client… she was only 19 when she was traded from one terrorist to another, forced to make herself pretty every time before she was raped — sometimes, raped until unconsciousness by a group of men. She was beaten and burned with cigarets.. She was one of 8000 women and children, some of them as young as 11, taken by this group to be sold in a sex slave market, sometimes for as little as $20.
These perpetrators bragged online about killing the men, conquering the women and wiping their religion from this world. Make no mistake, what I am describing you today is genocide — and it is still ongoing. Yet, only a handful of these men have been prosecuted in a court of law for crimes committed against this religious minority. And with every day, evidences are being lost and destroyed and witnesses are being dispersed or disappearing.
States are failing to punish and condemn these crimes whilst girls are having their body sold and used as battlefields. Yes, military actions are being taken but this is only part of the response. You can’t kill an ideology with bombs. But you can expose their crimes, their brutality and corruption through trials — trials that are in line with our values and our standards. The survivors of these crimes are seeking justice and the opportunity to face their abusers in an international court and we cannot deny them that (…)“
After a couple of hours of discussing this case with law professors and answering a few questions from the public, the session comes to an end. Catherine stands in the hallway talking to her colleague and a member of the faculty, when she hears a familiar voice calling her name, „Spencer!“.
She turns around to find Drake, Hana and Maxwell standing a few feet away. She excuses herself and with a big smile on her face she walks up to them, hugging each one of them warmly, „I can’t believe you guys came!“, she says surprised.
„Are you kidding? We couldn’t wait to see you, Katie. And now look at you being a badass lawyer! And this story… ohhhh boy, this is sooo sad…“, he pauses for a few seconds, „But, hey, I am so happy that you are here. Is it too soon to say that we should celebrate your return to Cordonia with a bash!?“, Maxwell looks at the others showing his excitement of seeing his friend after so many years. Everybody laughs but Drake looks at him making an annoyed face.
Hana takes Catherine’s hand and squeezes it, saying: „We tried to call you a few days ago but I guess you changed your number again. Hopefully, you can stay with us for the weekend“.
Catherine smiles, „I got a new number a few months ago. I’m sorry, I guess I forgot to send you the text“, she picks up a business card from her bag and gives it to Hana, „Here you go and my email is in there too, just in case you guys want to get in touch“. She then looks at Maxwell and says: „About this bash thing… sadly, I am flying back in the evening. But we could spend sometime together until I have to leave“, she smiles, looking forward to catching up with them.
Drake clears his throat, „Hmm, Liam was here too, Spencer. He left a few minutes ago to take care of a few things“. When she hears his name she feels her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach. „But he left an invitation for you to join him at the palace. There is a car waiting for you outside…“.
Catherine takes a deep breath, „I don’t know if this is a good idea, Drake… Also, I am not really in the mood to cross Madeleine’s path and to deal with old drama“.
„Madeleine won’t be a problem, I guarantee you. We won’t force you to go, but Spencer, you guys should talk somethings out and you know that“, Drake says it, giving her a serious look. It took her some convincing, but Catherine finally decides to go see Liam at the palace.
After exchanging a few words with her friends, she leaves the building and heads to the car. As she enters it, she sees a bouquet of red roses with a small card lying on the seat next to her. She looks at it and smiles, recognizing Liam’s handwriting:
„Dear Catherine,
I can’t wait to see you… it’s been far too long.
She knows, she shouldn’t feel like this but she has butterflies in her stomach. She looks out of the window nervous, knowing that she is minutes away from seeing him after such a long time. It is incredible that he still makes her feel this way… incredible and scary. He is right, it’s been far too long, but after their last talk, she hoped for a long time that they would never cross paths again.
 4 years ago…
Catherine stands in the doorway and looks at Liam sitting at the table, covering his eyes with his hands.
„So, that’s it? You are going to marry her… did you came here for what? Get my blessing?“, Catherine asks angrily.
„Don’t say that, Katie. It’s not like I have a choice… I am begging you to come with me. I can’t do this without you“, he looks at her, tears streaming down his face.
„I don’t get it, Liam. Why can’t you just call off the wedding? Instead, you want me to hold your hand whilst you are getting married to her?“, she shakes her head and starts crying. 
He stands up and walks over to her but before he can hold her in his arms, she says firmly: „Get out!“, she looks into his eyes „If you are going to marry her, you should leave now… there is nothing to be said anymore!“. He stands there, looking at her for a minute before walking out of the living room. There is so much he would like to tell her now, but she would not listen to him. He opens the front door and looks back to see her one last time. She turns to him and says: „If you go through with this, don’t you dare come back for me!“, he sinks his head and turns away from her, leaving the shards of their love scattered over Catherine’s apartment. Catherine falls to the floor, tears bursting forth like water from a dam and she knows, this is the end.
The black Mercedes stops in front of the palace and Catherine is greeted by Bastien, who asks her to follow him into a path she knows too well. They are heading to the maze and Catherine can’t help feeling some mixed feelings about it. This place brought her so much happiness but it also caused her so much pain. A few feet away from the center of the maze, Bastien asks to take care of the flowers for her, telling her to go ahead.
Catherine walks slowly, feeling as if her heart was going to burst. She takes a few deep breaths before she reaches the center. Looking over, she sees Liam pacing around, as nervous as she is and she smiles — he looks just the same, as if nothing had changed. 
Suddenly their eyes meet. He sees her in her black sleeveless mid dress, her blond hair kept in a ponytail and he feels his heart skipping a beat. To him, she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and having her finally there, in front of him, woke up something in him that he thought was gone. „Catherine…“, he walks up to her with a big smile on his face, „I can’t believe you came…“, he embraces her.
„Hi Liam, it is really nice to see you“, she says a little unsure of how to react. He looks at her again, takes her hand and brings her to under a tree, where there is a blanket with a picnic basket and some cushions on it, „Wow, it feels kind of surreal to be back here with you“, she smiles and they sit on the blanket.
„I know… you look stunning as always, it feels as if time stood still“, he takes her hand and brushes his thumb over her knuckles. He stares at her smiling for a few seconds not believing she is there with him. 
Catherine blushes and looks away for a moment, saying under her breath, „And yet four years have gone by…“, there is a sadness in her voice.
„Four years, two months and 23 days…“, he whispers, kissing her hand and causing Catherine to wonder how he could know this so precisely. After a short moment of silence, he opens the basket, saying: „I took the liberty to choose an American dish for us… I hope you still love Sloppy Joes!?“, she laughs in disbelief that he remembered the time they spent in New York together before he left to the engagement tour — she actually taught him how to make her mother’s recipe. He hands her a plate and napkins. „So, tell me more about your life. You are doing an impressive job and I’m so proud of you!“, he says smiling at her.
„Thank you, but I’m only doing my job and I’m not doing this alone, it is a team work and I am really grateful for being able to be a part of it. As you can imagine, my life has been busy. I am glad I have a few days off coming up, before the craziness starts again…“, she takes a bite and says: „Ohh, this is really good! Compliments to the chef…“, he smiles and offer her something to drink.
„I’m glad you like it, I spent the evening cooking this“, he laughs thinking about how the kitchen looked liked afterwards. 
Catherine looks at him in disbelief, „What? You made these?“, she laughs „I guess I have seen everything now… and for the looks of it, the palace is still standing, so congratulations!“
Liam laughs, „Well, I cook it every now and then. Drake loves it and, well… there are a lot of good memories attached to it.“. She smiles at him and he says: „But apart from work, what have you been up to? Are you… are you seeing someone?“, he looks at her hand, blushing and shaking his head „I am sorry, I used to be good at this kind of conversations, but I haven’t put it into praxis in a while“. 
Catherine giggles, thinking his reaction is adorable, „No, I’m not seeing anyone. I haven’t had a relationship since… since I broke off my engagement a year ago. I just don’t have the time for a relationship right now“, she takes a sip of her drink.
„Ohh, I see…“, he smiles discreetly „I heard about your engagement… I’m sorry it didn’t work out“, he says looking at her.
„Nope, you are not really sorry, are you?“, she laughs „But how did you know? Did Hana tell you?“, Liam’s face falls as he explains:
„When I divorced Madeleine, 15 months ago after we found Tariq and he finally cleared your name, I went to New York. I wanted to talk to you… I couldn’t wait to see you and tell you the news. Bastien found your new address, but he also found out that you had a fiance. I wanted to tell you the news so bad… but when I saw you with him, I just couldn’t… you seemed happy, so happy with him and I felt as if I would be intruding in your life again“, he sighs, staring ahead. „I was happy for you but it killed me inside that I wasn’t the one by your side and it was all my fault. I shouldn’t have married Madeleine… I should have broke it off and dealt with the consequences. I have regretted my choice from the moment I said ‚I do‘ until today“, he takes a deep breath, „And now having you here, I can’t help but imagining what could have been. All I know is that not a day went by that I didn’t miss you, Katie“, he says lowering his face.
Catherine can’t believe he went back to New York to see her. They both have been through so much but she knows how difficult it might have been for him to let her go. She gets closer to him and leans her head on his shoulders „I knew about Tariq, Hana told me everything, but I never knew you got divorced…“. He puts one arm around her waist and she continues, „What happened that day in my apartment in New York really hurt me, Liam. But I know that, in a very twisted way, you were trying to be responsible and to be the best King for your country… you put your duty before your feelings, hurting both of us“, he pulls her closer to him and kisses her hair.
„I really hope you can forgive me one day, Katie. I don’t deserve it… I really don’t but I never stopped loving you…“, he looks at her deep blue eyes „Do you still feel anything for me?“, he takes her hand and kisses it. He is nervous, unsure if he can take the answer.
Catherine looks away for a few seconds, then back at him „I forgave you years ago, Liam. But my life is just chaos right now, I don’t have the time to put the effort into a relationship… if this is what you want to know“, she looks away again, spending some minutes in silence. She stands up, she seems distant as if some old walls have come up again, „Anyway, thank you for the walk down memory lane, but I really should get going. I have a flight to catch in a few hours and I still have a few things to do“. 
Liam stands up as well and locks his arms around her, pulling her against him, „You didn’t answer my question… do you still have feelings for me?“, he rests his forehead against hers.
„Do I really have to say this?”, she sees his baby blue eyes pleading for an answer, “Okay… I… I never stopped loving you either, Liam. But it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t have the time for this. There is no more you and me, this is part of the past now and we have to leave it there“, she puts her hands on his chest, pushing him gently away.
Liam closes his eyes feeling the pain of her words and whispers, „Are you happy? Because I have been miserable… I would do anything for you, anything you want from me just for one chance of a happy life with you, Katie“, he looks deep in her eyes „You say you don’t have time for this, then let me do the work this time, Catherine… let me be the one to put the effort and fight for this, the way you fought for me… please. I am not the Liam that left you alone in that apartment anymore, I want to show you that“.
Catherine shakes her head slightly, „I don’t know if I wanna go there, Liam. I don’t wanna go through a pain like that ever again… I don’t know if I can survive this one more time“, she turns around slowly but he lightly grabs her hand and gently pulls her towards him into a passionate kiss. Her eyes widened as she felt his lips colide with hers but she soon relaxes into his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck and pushing him harder against her. The kiss lasted moments but they found themselves breathless as they parted. She gazed at Liam’s face and he knew she felt it too — the four years have not erased one bit of their love and passion for each other. 
„Spend your time off with me… we can go somewhere only the two of us. And if you still think it won’t work, I’ll accept it… but please, let me try!“, he kisses her forehead.
She cups his face, looking into his eyes, „I promise I will think about it, Liam…“, that was all she could tell him for now. She rises up on her tip toes and gives Liam a peck on the cheek, slowly brushing her hands on his muscular chest. He smiles hopeful and watches her making her way to the car.
(To be continued…)
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The Royal Romance Liam x MC Tag
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