#i haven’t finished the epilogues i know some shit happens between them n like. i’ll accept it happened but i’ll be mega grossed reading it
s-catspade · 24 days
see i’m above the law bc my superior mindset (which realistically i’m sure is not uncommon) is that while davekat are the endgame couple, johndave are the beginning. they’re the foundation of it all.
(there is hella ramble under this cut man. i’m getting emotional about pixelated boys again.)
so as we all know, we start the webcomic with dave already having a crush on john. maybe he doesn’t even know it yet, maybe he does, but ultimately john is dave’s first real life gay crush and dave is john’s too but his takes a while to form. yknow i hear a boat with only ur sister and nicholas cage for three years is a great way to end up pondering the homoerotic undertones of ur closest friendship.
i don’t know if they even actually date, i can see them being just like an unlabelled kinda experimental thing, hidden away in a corner on the meteor somewhere having this vulnerable moment together of soft touches and racing heartbeats and just getting to explore themselves and their feelings in the safety and security of each other, and they don’t really know what they are they’re just them, this is just how it was meant to be with them. it’s awkward and vulnerable and stupid and soft and dorky, but eventually just very natural and normal. still mostly behind closed doors but it’s not like no one can tell there’s something there lmao.
and eventually they decide they just wanna be friends again and there’s some grief and heartbreak but when they come out the other side of that they’re closer than ever. they’re more like moirails in my eyes but they don’t call it that bc be fr both of them would rather die than let karkat win. by this point everyone knows, no one cares ofc they’re in fucking space with grey aliens who has time for homophobia. probably eridan but he actually probably is the only one who doesn’t know. i can’t see him caring enough about them to notice.
then ofc when dave realises his feelings for karkat john is his shoulder to lean on dealing with that, and when john starts thinking about june dave wouldn’t breathe a word of it to anyone until she’s ready.
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imkylotrash · 3 years
You'll Never Need Me Again (You Look Happier Final Part)
Pairing: Trevor Matthews x reader, Hardin Scott x Tessa (current), Hardin Scott x reader (Ex)
Summary: Hardin shows up ready to make amends but is it too late? 
A/N: The final part. I’ve loved writing this, and I hope you enjoy this last part! 
Tagging: @justyouraveragedorkygirl​
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“Hardin?” He looks like shit. He hasn’t sleep at all and his hands are trembling. For a second you wonder if he’s drunk, but his eyes seem focused and clear. Not the usual glazed look when he’s been downing shots. 
“Nice office,” he states looking around. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask feeling like you just entered the lion’s den. He could strike at any point and you’re defenseless. Everything in you is screaming but you stay calm on the outside. 
“I wanted to, no. I needed to see you. And then I found out you were working for Vance now.” 
“So, you just showed up without telling me first?” you ask trying to buy yourself some time to figure out why he’s here. Did he get tired of Tessa already? Perhaps he realised he made a mistake. But if that’s the case, were you prepared to take him back?
“I’m sorry. I guess I’ve messed up a lot of stuff lately.” 
“You think?” You’ve spent so long crying over the boy standing in front of you that you haven’t been able to feel all the anger too. But now you feel it. You feel the humiliation of being cheated on, the anger of his betrayal, the utter defeat of losing him. In some ways, it’s liberating to feel angry instead of heartbroken - though some may argue that it’s the same thing. 
“I know I have. I messed things up with you and I’ll never not be sorry about that, Y/N. You have to believe me.” He’s stepping closer to you with clear desperation in his eyes. He means it but you’re not sure you’re ready to hear it. 
“I moved on, Hardin. I picked myself up after you broke me and I moved on. You can’t just come here and say things like that unless-”
“Unless?” The hope in his voice is evident. 
“Unless you mean it.” You’re angry and hurt, but Hardin was the one person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your live with. And now he’s standing in front of you saying everything you’ve wanted to hear for the last couple of months. Your pride wants you to yell at him and tell him to go, but your heart is not ready for that yet. 
“Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t be here, if I didn’t mean it. I messed up. I got complacent and I forgot how good you and I work.” He’s mere inches away from you and you’ve forgotten how to breathe. He’s all you see and he’s all you feel as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close. 
“Kiss me.” His eyes have gotten ten times darker. So you kiss him and it’s like breaking through the water surface. Like the world had lost all its colour, but now you see them again.
“I missed your lips,” he gasps as if trying to inhale all of you in one breath. You kiss him again having completely forgotten everything else. 
“So this is it, right? You pick me. You’re done with Tessa?” You have to hear it. You have to hear him say that this is the part where he chooses you. 
“I’ll tell her as soon as I get back,” he replies not even realising the reaction his words create in your mind. He hasn’t broken things off with her before coming. He kept her as a backup plan in case you said no. If he truly wanted you, it wouldn’t have mattered if you said yes or no. He should’ve ended things with Tessa before coming here. Suddenly, the colour fades and you’re back to normal. In horror you remember Trevor, who’ll be here any minute now. How could you do this to him?
“I want you to go, Hardin.” It feels good to say. Like a sort of closure you never got. 
“What? Baby, I’ll take care of everything when we get back home. We can go back to how things were before.” The change in your mood hasn’t registered with him yet. 
“I want you to walk out that door and never come back.” You say it slowly, tasting every word as they pass your lips. There’s a liberating feeling in finally being done with Hardin. You needed this last thing before you could truly let him go. You’ve held onto him for far too long and he’s done nothing but pull away. The two of you are not the people you were, when you first got together. 
“Don’t say that. Baby-”
“I’m not your baby anymore, Hardin. I’m not yours anymore. You couldn’t even finish things with Tessa before coming here. You didn’t believe enough in our love to risk being alone rather than being with the wrong person. I need someone who’s sure of me and who’ll never hurt me the way you do repeatedly.” With his perfect timing this is the moment Trevor walks through the door. 
“Ready for lunch?” He looks up to notice Hardin visibly distraught and you tense and uncomfortable. “Is everything okay?” 
“Who is this?” Hardin asks as if Trevor didn’t say anything. 
“This is Trevor. We had plans to go for lunch, so I really need you to leave now.” You don’t want him to cause a scene, but you know Hardin so your hope is pointless. 
“Fucking Trevor! Is he the reason you don’t want me anymore?!” He’s yelling and you’re horrified by what your colleagues out in the hall thinks. 
“Buddy, I think she asked you to leave,” Trevor says calmly putting his hand on Hardin’s arm. It’s the wrong thing to do when dealing with Hardin. 
“Please don’t,” you say noticing his clenched fist. He knows what you’re asking but it’s not in his nature to respond in any other way than violence. 
“Don’t make me call security,” Trevor says sensing what’s about to happen too. The threat of security seems to wake Hardin up. He rips free his arm from Trevor’s grip and turns to me. 
“If I leave now, I’m not coming back, you hear me. If I walk, I’m done with your ass.” 
“Fine.” Four letters, one word, a thousand hidden goodbyes. He walks out the door leaving you and Trevor alone. 
“Friend of yours?” he asks breaking the silence. 
“Ex actually. I’m sorry you got involved in that kind of drama,” you reply hiding your face in your hands. 
“Hey, look at me,” he pleads slowly removing your hands, “let’s talk about it over lunch.” And you do. You tell him all about Hardin and the years you’ve spent with him. In the spirit of complete honesty, you tell him about the kiss in the office and your brief moment of misjudgment. You tell him that there was a time when you thought Hardin was the one you’d spent the rest of your life with but now you don’t feel that way anymore. Everything gets laid out on the table because you’re tired of drama and secrets and if things are ever going to work between you and Trevor, you need to play with open cards from the beginning. 
“That’s a lot to take in,” Trevor says when you’re finally done speaking. 
“I understand if you never want to talk to me again. But I just want you to know that I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you.” 
“Well, there’s much more to tell so you’re not done yet.” He smiles warming your heart. 
“Just promise you won’t be kissing anymore ex boyfriends, yeah?” 
“I promise not to kiss anyone who isn’t you.” 
“Good.” He leans in and kisses you softly. You don’t know why he forgives you or why he gives you a second chance, but you’ll be forever thankful that he does. 
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mermaidsneedwater · 3 years
christmas with you | epilogue
series page
tag list: @yup-indecisive-girl-cece
A Holly Jolly Christmas
“I can’t believe Joey has finally brought someone home for Christmas!” Dorine cheered excitedly, bringing down the plates from the cupboard. “Oh to think, all my babies are going to be married soon…”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all always be home for Christmas though.” Tammy smiled, helping bring the plates to the table.
“How did they meet again?” You asked, coming into the kitchen and heading to the counter. Tossing the salad in the bowl, you listened for the answer to your question.
“College, but they reconnected recently.” Grace informed you.
“How sweet.” You grinned. “I’ve never seen Joey like this, he must really like her.”
“It’s definitely serious.” Grace agreed. “Joey dates around but he never brings anyone home.”
“Okay, we’re ready!” Dorine said. “Just bring the salad to the table when you’re done Y/N.”
Dorine, Tammy and Grace left the kitchen to gather the rest of the family at the dinner table.
“Joey and I laid the table.” You heard Mark announced from the other room. He walked into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and planting a kiss on your cheek. “Hi baby. How are you feeling?”
“I’m good.” You turned around to peck him, before laughing. “But you don’t have to keep asking me how I’m feeling, I’m only 12 weeks.”
“I know but I just want to make sure you’re not over exerting yourself. It’s bad for the baby!”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you handed him the salad bowl that was now tossed. “Okay, okay. Can you take this bowl to the table?”
“Of course.” He smiled, feeling very helpful. Mark took the bowl from your hands and walked away to the table.
You and Mark had agreed not to mention anything to the family until you were past the first trimester. However with Raymond and Grace offering you a drink every other hour it was becoming increasingly more difficult to hide.
Sighing, you closed the kitchen light and walked to the dining table where everyone had gathered. Upon seeing you, Mark jumped out of his seat and pulled your chair for you. Smiling, you heard Raymond tap his knife to his glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Hi everyone.” He started, smiling. “I’d like to make a little toast.”
Everyone slowly quieted down, eager to hear the speech.
“I want to thank god for the food and amazing people gathered tonight. And I want to welcome Abby, the newbie this year.” Raymond smiled. “I can’t tell you how much I love having everyone together for the holidays… so without further ado, let’s eat!”
The family cheered as they began to dig into the spread of food laid out on the table.
“So Abby,” Mark spoke up. “How did my meathead brother convince you to spend Christmas with us?”
Flustered, you watched as Joey’s girlfriend looked at Mark. “Oh- uh I was just in town and he messaged to meet up and the rest is history.”
“Ah, I see.” Mark laughed. “He’s not as smooth as he thinks he is.”
Grace chuckled at her brother’s remark before turning to you. “Want some wine Y/N? I think mom just opened up a Cabernet.”
“Oh no thank you,” you declined politely. “I’m good for now.”
“Don’t give your baby brother a hard time Mark,” Tammy winked. “You’re going to scare Abby off.”
“I’m surprised she hasn’t run off already.” Mark teased.
“You’re so funny Mark.” Joey rolled his eyes. “Speaking of running off... Don’t you remember Christmas three years ago?”
You bit back a laugh as you watched Mark frown. He was rather sensitive about the situation.
“What happened?” Abby asked curiously.
“Oh you don’t know?” Tammy perked up. “It’s a Tuan family folktale.”
“Oh please Tammy.” You laughed. “I’d hardly call it that.”
“It was pretty wild Y/N.” Grace chimed in.
You heard Kylie, Leila and Bailey from the end of the table “It’s really funny!”
“I’d call it straight out of a hallmark Christmas Movie.” Dorine laughed.
“Okay, now I really want to know. What happened three years ago?” Abby turned to Joey.
“Mom had called Mark up asking him about his Christmas plans and who he would be spending the holiday with.” Joey recounted. “At the time Mark was busy, but they cancelled his schedule. It was a fanmeet or something right?”
“A concert.” Mark corrected.
“Anyway, he panicked because he’d lied and said he was seeing someone. So he did what any normal person would do...”
“He admitted that he lied?” Abby suggested.
“Nope! He managed to convince Y/N to fly here and be his fake girlfriend for the holidays.”
“What?!” Abby’s eyes widened. She then turned to you, “is that true?”
“Unfortunately.” You looked at Mark with a small smile.
“So then what happened?” Abby turned back to Joey.
“Well then they actually started to fall for each other… which by the way no one knew. We all just saw them acting like a couple and thought it was for real.”
“Not all of us!” Tammy interjected. “I had a sneaking suspicion that something was up.”
“Yeah right Tammy.” Mark scoffed. “Nobody had any idea, that’s how great we were at acting.”
He held up a hand for you to high five which you did.
“No! Y/N, didn’t I pull you aside and tell you?” Tammy turned to you.
“You didn’t tell me that you thought we were faking it.” You replied. “Just that you thought Mark loved me.”
Mark’s eyes widened. “She did?!”
You nodded with a chuckle.
“Okay anyway can I finish the story?” Joey asked.
“Yes please continue.” Raymond spoke between bites of his food.
“So they were fake dating and then they fell in love for real? Wow…” Abby said.
“You think that’s dramatic? Then Y/N’s ex showed up at our door!” Joey narrated. “A little backtrack to the story, Y/N had only agreed to come with Mark because she’d just broken up with her fiancé.”
“Oh shit! So he showed up?” Abby said, turning to you. “Then what happened?”
“Mark let her go. He let her leave with her fiancé and told us that she had some family emergency.” He continued. “Pretty stupid if you ask me.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the saying, if you love something then you should let it free, because if it really loves you it’ll come back?” Mark asked.
“Yes. And it’s a dumb saying.” Joey replied.
Mark rolled his eyes, letting out a huff. “I just wanted Y/N to be happy and I thought that it meant being with him.”
“Whatever bro.” His younger brother laughed.
“So that was it? Y/N just left?” Abby asked her boyfriend.
“Well… I’m not too sure about the details after that.” Joey admitted.
“I’ll tell you. I dumped the jerk for the second time in the car ride to his hotel. Then I made him drop me off somewhere and I stayed at a dumpy motel until my flight.” You recounted. “I didn’t come back here because I thought your brother didn’t like me and wanted to get rid of me.”
“You thought that?” Mark asked sadly, grabbing your hand.
“What else was I supposed to think?” You laughed. “You walked me straight out of your house and into the car with him.”
“I’m sorry.” He squeezed your hand.
“So then after moping around for a few days, mom and dad asked him what had really happened and Mark had to come clean.” Joey told Abby.
“Oh wow…” Abby trailed off, thinking about the story.
“Yeah, Mark had to chase Y/N at the airport and catch her before she got on the flight back.”
“You chased her at the airport?! That’s so romantic.” Abby sighed.
“Well, it was romantic once the security guards let go of him.” You smiled. “They were really trying to drag him out of there. I was afraid they thought he was a hijacker or something.”
“I had to do whatever it took to get to you before you left.” Mark said. “Anyway it paid off didn’t it? Now we’re married and about to have a baby.”
Your eyes widened as you looked at Mark.
“Y/N IS PREGNANT?!” Dorine yelled across the table.
“Oh shit.” Mark cursed, frantic. “We weren’t really telling anyone yet since it’s so early.”
You watched as Dorine’s eyes welled with tears of happiness.
“It’s okay Mark.” You reassured him, looking around the table and smiling. “But yes, I found out a few weeks ago.”
“Oh my goodness I’m so happy!” Dorine cried. She stood up from her seat and hugged you. “This is the best Christmas present ever!”
“So that’s why you weren’t drinking.” Grace mused. “I was wondering why my wine buddy wasn’t having a glass tonight.”
You laughed at Grace, “I’m sorry, I’m going to be out of commission for the next 7 months.”
Pouting, she raised her wine glass “To Y/N and Mark. Merry Christmas!”
“To Y/N and Mark. Merry Christmas!” The table echoed back.
I hope you guys enjoyed this epilogue! I originally hadn’t planned one but I just thought this was a cute way to catch with the Tuan’s and tie the story up.
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Rumor Has It (7)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Series Masterlist
Carol Danvers Masterlist
A/N: This is the last part of this series, kinda sad about it, I’ll prolly end up writing an epilogue like I did for Pretend later
Most would think losing someone is the worst thing that can happen, in reality, not knowing if you’re going to lose someone is the worst thing. You didn’t know if Carol was going to be okay or not as you paced in front of her hospital room and Maria tried to tell you to calm down. You didn’t know if she would blame you after waking up from the anesthetics.
“Y/n, it’s going to be okay.” Maria comforted, sitting on one of the waiting chairs, a little exasperated from watching you pace, you were a good friend of hers and her best agent, probably her favorite.
“You don’t know that, she already flatlined once.” You murmured, continuing to pace the room.
“Their equipment glitched, you know that.” Maria stated, you did know that, but it still scared the shit out of you when you heard the line go flat for a second.
“Is she okay?” Natasha Romanoff asked as she turned the corner into the hospital, Maria stood up.
It had been a few months since Carol had moved into the compound with the Avengers and the stones had been used to bring everyone back, including Natasha. Vision was the only one missing. You still found it hard to process the reality of the entire Avengers team standing next to you.
“She’s stable.” Maria answered, everyone looked through the window, moving past you to look at her, she looked peaceful from the outside, the doctors had just finished taking the bullet out, it had seemed the bullet was a shrapnel, it had divided itself into 5 different parts, which is why the procedure took long.
“Hi, I’m Steve.” Steve said, holding his hand out for you to shake, you shook it and introduced yourself.
“So you’re y/n.” Natasha said, you raised an eyebrow as all the Avengers turned to face you.
“You know about me?” You asked tentatively, you noted Maria smirking slightly before they replied.
“Maria and Fury haven’t been able to stop talking about you for Christ’s sake.” Tony Stark stated, holy shit Tony Stark knew about you. 
“They even had me set up a room for you after this mission was over,” He said, holding out his metal plated arm for you to shake. “I’m Tony.” 
“A room?” You asked, shaking his hand and looking around in confusion. They all nodded, mouths quirking upwards into a smirk.
“Fury and Maria want you to come live with us.” Steve stated, your eyes widened.
After you got your partner shot, after the entirety of SHIELD except the top dogs hated you, they wanted you to become an Avenger, guilt flooded your system as you looked at Carol, sighing before answering. 
“I don’t, I don’t think I deserve that after this,” You gestured to where Carol was lying down. “A week ago I would’ve been happy to, but I don’t think I should, thank you for the offer.” A frown went on all of their faces.
“Y/n, I saw the surveillance files, what happened wasn’t your fault,” Maria stated, you opened your mouth to argue but she cut you off. “If you hadn’t been there, or if it was any other agent, maybe even an Avenger, Carol wouldn’t be alive.”
“She’s right,” Fury said from behind you, you whirled around to face him, he flicked his eye at Carol’s state and back to you. “You’re the best I’ve got, you deserve this.”
“That’s an order y/n.” Maria stated in a tone which allowed no arguments, she was still smirking at you.
“I’ve never been ordered to join the Avengers before.” You muttered, Nick laughed a little and put his hand on your shoulder before leaving with Maria to deal with the rest of the mission details, you’d promised to file in a mission report eventually.
Some of the Avengers stayed with you, making small talk, Tony suggested to move into your room, you decided to do it later, needing to apologize to Carol before. Eventually they all left and the doctors let you into the room, you sat in the waiting chair, guilt and hope for the future demanding you stay by her side. Your eyes eventually fell shut after a few hours, guilt and exhaustion eventually weighing down on you. 
You woke up gasping, your dreams were filled with the room you’d been in, with Carol bleeding, the men you had shot dying, the groans and the smell of blood filling your senses, you squint your eyes shut and tried to get your breathing under control, willing the sights out of your head. 
“You okay?” Carol asked softly from her bed, you opened your eyes to find her sitting in bed, a book in her hands as she looked at you with worry in her eyes.
“Nightmare.” You answered quickly, offering her a glass of water for her to wave it off.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, putting the glass down and standing up nervously, only to sit back down, your body not quite rested yet. 
“Good actually, I heard about you moving in with us.” Carol said with a smile, the smile fading when she saw your expression of guilt as you didn’t meet her eyes.
 “What’s wrong?” she asked, you looked up at her, trying your best to keep eye contact this time.
“I don’t think I deserve it,” You answered softly. “I got you shot, and everyone keeps saying that if I wasn’t there you would be dead but-” You were pacing in the tiny room now, hands coming up to grasp your hair.
“I would,” Carol said, you looked at her, sincerity filled her eyes. “Y/n, if you weren’t there, I would be dead, the guys you shot would have killed me, there was no way I could’ve fended them all off and called backup.”
“Don’t you dare argue with a patient.” Carol joked, you laughed a little, knowing Carol wouldn’t let you argue more about this, butterflies erupting in Carol’s stomach at the sound. “You know, this wasn’t how I expected this mission to end.” You thought aloud, sitting down in the waiting chair, scooting it closer to Carol.
“What’s the difference between the way you expected and now?” Carol asked, putting her book on the side table next to the glass.
“Well, I didn’t expect to become an Avenger,” You thought aloud, exhaustion making you lose your filter. “And I didn’t expect to move into the same building as crush who had happened to be my partner-” 
Carol’s eyes widened as she smirked, a blush growing across your face as you were about to hurry to leave. 
“Wait!” Carol shouted, but you were already halfway out the doorway. “I have a crush on you too!” She shouted, you stopped and came back in, eyes wide.
“You’re not pulling my leg?” You asked timidly, still standing in the doorway with your head peeking inside.
“You think I can get off the bed to do that?” Carol joked, then realized it was a bad joke. “Sorry, bad joke, you like me anyways, right?” “You’re literally Carol Danvers,” You stated, Carol’s heart bloomed when you didn’t say ‘Captain marvel’ or ‘superhero’, but instead you liked her for the person she was.
“How could I not?” You joked, plopping back down in the chair next to her. “You still like me despite the rumors right?” “Rumor doesn’t always have it.” Carol joked, you laughed, Carol laughed with you even though it hurt, happy because you were.
Both of you talked for another hour, hearts filled with hope for the future. Carol knew she wouldn’t always have time for a relationship, but for you, she was willing to do anything, even erase all the rumors, because after all, you proved that Rumors aren’t always right.
A/N: sorry the last parts are always worse than the middle parts, feedback is still great tho!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @5aftermidnight​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @duvetsandpillows​ , @ohfuckno​ , @justarandomhumanhere​ , @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn​ , @lesbian-x-blackwidow​ , @marvelbbyx​  let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Zerfall - 14/14
Pairing: Bucky x named!Reader (Agent Andromeda) Summary: After Hydra drops virus bombs in 7 major American cities in the height of summer, the team is locked in their emergency bunker for weeks. The virus commonly called the Summer Poison successfully brought the infrastructure to a halt in all big cities. When the virus slowly starts burning itself out SHIELD Agents and Avengers are sent out to bring back order into the cities and the international relationships. Not without hurdles. Warnings for this chapter: 18+, smut, oral female receiving, plain old missionary, flirting, fluff. A/N: Not proofread. Don’t forget that there is still a little Epilogue coming!
Zerfall Masterlist || M a s t e r l i s t
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“While you were busy saving the big cities we finally finished the cure. The vaccine is ready but still needs to go through a test phase.” Bruce smiled proudly and Helen clapped her hands in excitement. “I’m doing better. Still need a couple of days but Wanda has been working so great that we have 75% of Queens occupied again.” Magnolia grinned sleepily. “New York is on a good way up but DTF is a big threat in the distance that will need more work as soon as the other cities are more secure.” You looked at all the people in the call. “Atlanta is almost done. Will probably be back in a week to bring them some stuff from New York.” Tony answered immediately. “We are mostly done but have the whole government situation, so this will take a while.” Nat said sitting at the desk in the oval office. Honestly a sight you could get used to. “LA is done too, thanks to the other agents here. Gonna help out until you come and get me.” Sam grinned his usual grin. “Chicago will be a little more work.” Clint answered a bit stressed out. “Well, at least Pepper was able to get back some balance with Germany, China and Canada. That’ll make it a little easier in the coming months.” You smiled at Mrs. Potts hologram. “Let’s get the electricity back up and a few of Tony’s nice inventions and get the streets of New York clear again and have this state function again.” You clapped before saying your goodbyes. “Victory pizza?” Bucky asked and you nodded exhausted. “I’ll make it, go shower. You look awful.” He grinned at you. “Thank you, you look absolutely horrible too, asshole.” You rolled your eyes and got a chuckled back. The second you came back into the kitchen you attacked him with a washcloth. “Meda!” He yelled out and tried to get you to stop. “James Barnes, you’re dirty and I don’t want that in my food.” You laughed. “I’m dirty?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Shut up and go shower while I make the rest of the pizza, Buckaroo.” You giggled and shushed him away.
“You know...I really appreciate how protective you are with me,” you mumbled between two bites of the pizza. “Really? I just kinda...do it.” He shrugged with a shy smirk. “It’s very sweet, even though you concern me sometimes with how intense you get.” You giggled. “Everything or nothing!” He said pinching your waist. “Alright. Alright! Stop!” You giggled with warm fingers pinching you over and over. “You know, I’ve never protected someone like this. I let Steve run into shit and feel the consequences, hell, I still do that today.” He grinned. “And what does that tell you?” You said scooting closer to his side. “Well, uuh, um.” He scratched his head, figuring out how to form sentences again. “I didn’t make you this nervous when we danced earlier.” You chuckled and put your legs over his lap. “Um, I guess, you’re...wait, no, let me say this the right way.” He went silent for a moment. “You’re the most talented, sassy and beautiful person I know...and I guess I kinda have a tiny crush on you, maybe.” He was fully blushing by now and god was it adorable. “You sure? I always think I’d be a bad person to date.” You looked down. “Don’t know who made you feel that way but I sure as hell love to be around you,” he said crystal clear and pulled you a little closer. “Really?” You looked up into loving, calming eyes. “Really.” His cold fingers were running over your hair. “I’d love to at least give it a try, James.” The corners of your mouth were not sure where to go. “Can I?” He asked caressing your face with one brow up and your mouth finally formed a smile. Warm lips captured yours and a cozy feeling started to surround you together with the security of his arms around you. You climbed fully onto his lap, not interrupting what you were doing one second and deepened the kiss, getting a low groan back. Tongues started to dance with one another while hands grabbed into hair. Not that you didn’t feel his safety before but now you were bathing in it. When there finally was a moment you needed air the two of you went apart with shy smiles. “I guess I should finally tell you this. My real name is…” you got closer to his ear telling him your secret, making him blush and smirk simultaneously. “Fuck, I’m suddenly unable to keep my hands off you.” He winked with a dorky smile shortly after. “I suddenly don’t mind you touching me.” You winked back, a little more serious than him and got blushed cheeks back. “You know exactly what you’re doing.” He whispered in awe but also starting to squint. “And you can’t say that you hate it.” You grinned while drawing circles on his neck. “No, I love it.” He closed his eyes leaning into the touch. “I think we both need a little relaxation after all of this bullshit,” you whispered, now with your lips right by his ear. A grumble was not a clear answer but a good enough one for you to continue. Your lips landed on the opposite side of where you were drawing circles. You didn’t think he’d reveal his weak points that easily, but you guessed it was the female charm. He grabbed into your hips with a, “I think I died back there and went to heaven.” “Glad you can finally admit that it’s where you’d go.” You chuckled before planting another kiss. “You make me forget,” he whispered barely audible before pulling you against himself abruptly. Your lips kissed a soft line up to his ear, “Then make me forget the shit that happened today.” He pushed your head to be able to look you into the eyes with slight concern. “I promised to protect you, would’ve killed them myself if Wanda wouldn’t have been there. Nobody hurts my badass nerd.” He caressed your face. “I know, but I need my mind off those things, so please…” You said almost whiny before rolling your hips against his. A sharp inhale and a groan where audible followed by hot lips landing on yours again, tongues exploring further. With another roll of your hips and another, even deeper growl, a cold hand wandered under the soft fabric of your jumper. A gasp of pleasure made him pause for a second, probably in fear of hurting you, you knew his quirks by now. The jumper was taken off painfully slow before his head dove down to your throat. “Such a beautiful sight,” he whispered against you, hot breath hitting your skin. Your hands went from his neck to grabbing into his damp hair and ended up fumbling with the hem of his t-shirt. “James, please,” you whined out and got a grumble back before he took it off with your eyes on him. An unsure smile was directed at you and your fingers went over his scars, “You’re the strongest person I know.” “Then you haven’t met yourself.” He grinned and grabbed your thighs to pick you up and make the two of you comfortable on the couch behind you. Having him towering over you wasn’t an entirely new experience thanks to the accident injuring Magnolia but with the uniform removed...you were biting your lip while your fingers wandered over his chest towards his sweatpants. You looked back up to his face, seeing a weird mix of awe and lust reflecting back. “Sorry, I just...that bra is…” He tried but his pupils widened and he attacked you with another passionate kiss. “It’s just a normal black bra.” You chuckled panting. “Babe, I’m like 100 years old. I’m not used to...well, I guess a little, but not on you.” He grinned. You rolled your eyes, “Casanova.” “Hell no,” he laughed, “you’re my third. First that I can actually say I’m absolutely crazy for.” “I know, we want to...but tell me more.” you eyed him and then stared back at him. “Well, first was in the war. Didn’t wanna die without knowing what it’s like and the nurse at our camp was rather, uh, you know…” “Attractive.” You grinned up at him and he nodded, “And the second?” “That’s...after I was in Wakanda I learned the new standards are way more relaxed and...well, I wanted to be prepared in case I fall in love with someone, so Sam kinda made it his mission to-” “Sam made it his mission to get you laid!? That’s a true friend.” You laughed. “You?” He smiled down at you. “Manipulative dude in high school that I had my first time with, then a long relationship with another agent who turned out to be Hydra, that’s it. You can probably tell where my trust issues come from.” You huff. “Want me to make you forget that too?” He raised an eyebrow and you bit your lip as an answer. “You could make me forget my own name,” you whispered and triggered a series of fumbling with each others clothes. He was taking his sweet time to explore every inch of you with his hands and lips. “James.” You groaned. “Yeah, darlin’?” He smirked up at you from your belly. “Please.” You whined. “I need more context, babe.” He grinned. “I don’t care what you do, just do it.” Your body was on fire, you needed him. “Of course, don’t wanna make you frustrated.” He chuckled, thinking about his own frustration throughout this entire mission. Cold fingers touched you softly with a deep hum, “Tell me if you don’t li-” “James, I know, please, just…” You whimpered and got a hectic nod back. His head dove down to your sweet spot, inspecting every inch of you there, before feeling you out for your weakest spot. Your hand landed in his hair and guided him, a loud moan signaling him he was in the right place. “Fuck, right there.” You arched your back and he felt you getting more aroused. You tucked on his hair, making him look up, “I know you’re dying.” Now that you said it he felt himself throbbing and let you guide him with your hand in his hair. “Don’t give me that questioning look, you know the answer.” You chuckled while panting heavily. With closed eyes and while biting your lips you felt him enter you and moaned out. The moment you were completely one you opened your eyes again, seeing almost black eyes and primal instincts kicking in completely. “Mine.” He growled possessively and started moving, making you groan. Fingers were intertwined and hips jerking against each other. “Don’t stop!” You called out after a while of sweet rhythms and heard him moan back. “C’mon, darling!” He said grunting, getting faster, feeling you closer. “Make a mess for me, darling.” He panted before getting sloppier, groaning out and feeling you squeeze around him in bliss. “That was amazing.” You panted and got a smile back. “Could do that to you all day,” he mumbled against your lips before capturing them again. “With that foreplay? Anytime.” You grinned before parting ways. “New York is back on track. I have a badass agent as my girlfriend now. Life’s pretty good.” Bucky mumbled on the deck that night, stargazing with you. “Yeah, life’s pretty amazing right now,” you said grabbing his hand. There were only up’s from here.
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sushigirlali · 4 years
If You Don’t Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part II (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Epilogue 
Summary: Grifter!Rey helps U.S. Senator Leia Organa’s son, Ben Solo, out of a jam when a couple of muggers invade her turf. Afterward, she debates robbing the rich American herself, but can she protect her heart while stealing his?
Pairing: Rey + Ben Solo | Finn + Poe Dameron
Rating: E
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: It was hard sticking to a posting schedule, but I did it! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
If You Don’t Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part II
By: sushigirlali
Kennington, London
Vaulting off the bed, Rey threw on his long shirt and raced to Ben's side. "Please, don't read whatever he's written. It's not what you think."
"Too late," he replied grimly, tossing her the device.
"Ben, I—"
"So, what am I to you exactly? It's hard to tell based on your boyfriend's flurry of messages. A mark? A quick fuck? What?"
Rey tried for a joke. "Well, not a quick fuck."
It didn't land.
"Get out."
"Ben!" she protested. "He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother. Well, foster brother. But that's neither here nor there."
"No, it really isn't."
"Please, let me explain!"
"No," he said shortly. "No, I don't think so." He marched over to the door for the second time in as many days and threw it open. "Get the hell out!"
"Wait, can't we just—"
"No! You're clearly not who I thought you were. I really don't see what else there is to say."
Frustrated by his stubborn refusal to hear her out, Rey vacillated between desperation and anger. Anger won out. "Fine! Fuck you, then!" she shouted, grabbing her things and escaping into the hall. "It's not like I ever—hey!" Rey stopped short as Ben abruptly shut the door in her face. "I was still talking, asshole!"
But he didn't answer.
"Fine! Be that way!" she raged. "Go back to America, you rich prick! It's not like I was going to beg you to stay! And don't think I'll be back! Because I won't! I hate you, Ben Solo!"
"Okay," she muttered, pulling on her boots. "Okay, be that way, you coward." Rey kicked the door for good measure before turning on her heel and heading for the elevators. "Who does he think he is, anyway?" She impatiently smacked the button. "Kicking me out like that...it's not like I was going to do anything. I'd already decided that I wanted…"
Him. She wanted him.
Rey jumped when the metal doors dinged open. "This is it. The moment of truth." She looked back at Ben's flat one last time, but was disappointed when he didn't appear to stop her. "Goodbye, Ben," she whispered, boarding the elevator with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry."
"Where the hell have you been?" Finn demanded the moment she entered their hideaway, taking in her disheveled appearance.
"Enjoying myself!" she snapped, tossing her clothes and bo staff through her open bedroom door before joining him in the living room. "Or at least I was until Ben read your fucking text messages!"
"Ohhh…" Finn had the grace to look chagrined. "Uh, sorry."
"You should be!"
"Hey, you had your fun, didn't you? And besides, you don't want to get mixed up with his sort," he snorted.
"And what do you mean by that?" she huffed.
"Didn't you read my texts?"
"No, Ben did! Or, some of them at least." Rey flopped down on the sofa. "Why?"
"Because," he said, muting the stock car race he'd been watching on the telly, "I heard that those goons you chased off last night are still looking for him."
"What?!" she exclaimed, grabbing him by the shoulders. "What do you mean they're looking for him?"
Finn seemed startled by her reaction. "I mean, they were hired to kidnap him. His mum is important or some shit."
"Of course," she groaned, releasing her friend to pace around the room. "I knew the tall one seemed familiar."
"One of the muggers," she explained impatiently. "It was Phasma."
"Oh, shit."
"Exactly," she concurred. "So, the other one had to be Hux then; he's always attached to Phasma's hip."
"Did he recognize you?"
"Yeah," she waved away the concern in his voice, "but more importantly, the two of them being involved means the First Order is after Ben."
"He's done for then," Finn sighed. "Hope you got a consolation prize, at least."
"Not that it's any of your business, but no, I didn't."
"You gave up the opportunity to shaft some rich American who probably—"
"If you want to preserve our relationship, you won't finish that remark," Rey glared, still pacing.
"Look, I'm sorry, but—"
"Shut up for a second, I'm trying to think."
"About what?" he asked.
"How to save Ben, obviously."
"And what are you going to do about it? Play human shield when the bullets start flying?" he said incredulously.
"Don't be silly," she dismissed.
"Then what?"
"We kidnap him instead," she said simply.
"We—?! Have you lost your mind?!" he exclaimed.
"No, I haven't," she denied. "This is the best way to protect him until he can get out of dodge."
"You do hear yourself, right?" Finn stepped into her path. "How is holding the bloke against his will the best way to protect him?"
"The First Order can't kidnap what they can't find," Rey shrugged, starting to pick up items around the room that could be useful. "We might need duct tape, a pillow case…hmm, what else?"
"Wow, you've really fallen for this guy."
Rey snapped around to face him. "I have not!"
"No? Then why are you doing this? Why help a stranger at all?"
"He's not a stranger! Ben is my—he's—" Rey threw the supplies on the ground. "Look, I don't have to explain myself to you! I just can't let anything happen to him, okay?"
Finn gave her a strange look. "Okay, sis, whatever you say."
"So, you'll help me?"
His expression softened. "Of course, I will. Here." He picked the tape up off the floor and handed it to her.
"Sure," Finn smiled, "we're family."
Looking through the swanky window of the swankiest lunch spot in the swankiest part of London, Rey was feeling out of her depth. Or, at least she had been until she spotted her target. After that, all she felt was anger.
Striding inside and past a bewildered looking maître d', she went right up to the table Ben was sharing with a pretty blonde woman. He looked so good in his black suit and red tie that she wanted to bite something, preferably him.
"Rey!" he said, looking stunned at her sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you," she said evenly, eying the person next to him. "Alone."
Ben frowned. "What else is there to say?"
"A lot," she said matter-of-factly. "Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your date—"
"It's not a date," he denied quickly.
"No?" she had to suppress a smile.
"No," he said more calmly. "I'm in the middle of a business meeting."
"Really?" Rey assessed the wide-eyed woman in her soft pink suit. She looked downright disappointed by her tablemate's dismissal, but Ben's expression seemed honest enough. "Good, then you can reschedule." Hustling around the table, she forced Ben to his feet.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?" he exclaimed, tripping a little on the long white tablecloth.
"Kidnapping you," she deadpanned, taking his hand. "Didn't I tell you before? I'm a bad guy."
Ben's fingers clenched over hers, but still he resisted. "Rey, I've got at least 100 pounds on you!"
"So what," she scoffed. "I've taken down guys even bigger than you."
"Without your weapon?" he asked, eyeing her naked hip.
"I left my staff in the car, but I can now see that was a mistake. So, stop playing around and come with me before I go get it!"
"Listen, my mother is—!"
"I don't care!"
"Well, I do! Your life isn't worth—whatever this is! You can't really be this desperate for money!"
"Sure I can," she said, trying to tow him toward the back door. "Come now, we need to get out of here."
"And go where?" he said incredulously.
"My place. My brother is downstairs with the car."
"You brought a getaway car?!"
"Of course I did!" Rey grunted, throwing all her weight behind moving him along. Unfortunately, Ben was so massive that she made little headway.
"Um, Mr. Solo?" the pretty blonde piped up out of nowhere. "Should I call the police, or...?"
"No!" they shouted at the same time, with Rey adding, "Stay out of it!" for good measure.
"Hey!" Ben glared down at the hellion attached to his arm. "Don't yell at her! It's rude!"
"Me?!" Rey returned. "You yelled at her too!"
"Shut up," he snipped, turning back to his acquaintance. "Kaydel, I—uh—need to reschedule, okay?"
"Um, okay," Kaydel replied with barely contained annoyance. "I'll just—go, then."
"Bye!" Rey said cheerfully, waving her off.
"Really, Rey?"
"What?" she tugged on his hand again. "Come on! Your manners have been preserved, your face has been saved. So, can we go now?"
"Fine, fine," he grumbled, throwing a few bills on the table as she yanked him toward the back exit. "Where are we going, anyway?"
"I already told you, we're going to my place. It's near The Black Prince."
"I thought you didn't live in that neighborhood."
"I lied."
"Big surprise," he sighed.
"Yeah, yeah, you can be mad at me later," she persisted. "It's not safe here."
Ben pulled her to a stop near the restroom. "What do you mean it's not safe? For who? For you?"
"No, not me."
"For me?"
"Dammit, Ben, come on!" Rey growled, getting desperate now that they were so close to the exit.
"Not until you tell me why."
"Fine!" she huffed, throwing up her hands in the air. "Those muggers the other day weren't just there to pick your pocket, Ben. They were sent."
"Sent by whom?"
"The First Order. It's a paramilitary organization with international connections who—"
"I know who they are," Ben said bitterly, taking her hand again. "Let's go in here. We shouldn't talk about this out in the open."
"Finn is right outside! We could just—"
"I don't want to talk to Finn, I want to talk to you. And then we can go. Deal?"
"Ugh, fine!" Rey grudgingly allowed him to lead her into the single bathroom stall, sensing he wouldn't budge until he knew everything.
Locking the door behind them, Ben placed his hands on her shoulders. Even though they had been parted less than a day, it felt good to be touched by him again.
"Alright, now tell me what is going on," he said calmly. "Please," he added politely.
"Finn heard that those two muggers from last night are still looking for you," she informed him.
"Heard from who?"
"I don't know, Finn has a lot of sources around the city."
"And I'm just supposed to take his word on it?" Ben said skeptically.
"No, you're supposed to take mine," she retorted.
"Because you're so trustworthy?" he frowned.
"Look, I didn't rob you, or whatever you think I did or was going to do!" she said defensively. "Did I have a moment where I considered breaking into your safe? Yes, okay? But I didn't! I decided I wanted you more!"
Ben's dark eyes blazed with feeling. "And now? Do you want me still?"
"Yes!" she admitted, as much to him as to herself. "I'm just trying to protect you, idiot! So, I need you to believe—mmph!" Rey's ranting stalled as Ben drew her mouth under his.
"Why?" he said against her lips.
"Because, you're special," she whispered, sliding her hands up his board torso, "and so was what we shared last night."
"I knew it," he said, kissing her again. "I knew you felt it too! When I read those texts I wanted to sink through the floor. I thought I'd misjudged you, that everything I was feeling was just in my imagination." Rey gasped as he backed her into the sink attached to the wall. "I never want to feel that way again."
Rey tugged on the lapels of his suit, gratified to find him hard against her thigh. "I'm sorry," she said softly. Then, roguishly, "Want me to kiss it better?"
"I have another idea," he growled, spinning her around so that she faced the mirror. His hands went this fastening on her jeans, but he hesitated for a moment. "Is this okay? I won't make you do anything you don't—"
"Yes, yes!" she cried pushing back against him.
Not needing to be told twice, he made quick work of her zipper and his, pulling down their pants and underwear just far enough to get the job done.
"Hold onto the sink," he ordered.
Doing as he asked, Rey let him take the lead. "What now?"
"Bend over," he instructed, nudging her feet apart.
"Okay," she said breathlessly, spreading her legs and bending at the waist. Hands braced on the edge of the sink, Rey waited for Ben to mount her. "What now?"
"Do you want this?"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, then," he growled, spreading her with his fingers. "Here I come..."
Rey gasped as he filled her in one stroke, rocking her on her toes with the force of his penetration. "Ben!"
"Shit, was that too hard?!" he asked hurriedly.
"No," she moaned, pushing back against him. "You kicked me out before I could get my fill this morning! Do it again!"
"Whatever you want, sweetheart," he said hotly, wrapping an arm around her middle and pumping into her with long, deep strokes. The other tangled in her hair, pulling her head back onto his shoulder.
"Oh, god!" she whimpered, watching his face in the mirror above the sink. He looked like he'd found heaven and hell all at once.
"Do you like that?" he growled against her cheek, nibbling on her earlobe. He met her eyes in the mirror. "Do you like the way my cock feels inside you?"
"Yes!" she groaned, so turned on by the constricted way he was holding her that she knew she wouldn't last long. "Ben, I'm going to come!"
"Already?" he said in awe. "Damn, I'm sorry for neglecting you this morning, baby."
"You're—making—up—for—it!" she grunted as he continued to thrust away inside her.
"I'm glad to hear—ah!" His whole body snapped forward as her inner muscles started to flutter around him, trapping her between his chest and the sink.
"Don't stop!" she whined. "Ben, please! I'm so close!"
"I'm sorry," he said hoarsely, clearly on the brink himself, "I swear I can usually last longer than this."
"I don't care! We're fucking in a bathroom!" she said with unconscious humor. "Make me come, dammit!" He laughed out loud and the sound eased her temper. "Uh, sorry."
"Hey, I love how vocal you are," he assured her.
Her heart pounded at his sweetness. "You do?"
He started rocking from side to side, bringing a shuddering gasp from her lips. "Oh, yeah." Putting a little space between them so he had room to maneuver, Ben resumed pumping his hips, setting a pace that had her screaming in seconds.
Placing a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound, he followed her release a few moments later with a satisfied groan.
Knock, knock.
"Fuck," Ben swore, freezing inside her. "Just a minute!" he called back.
Carefully pulling out, he grabbed a couple paper towels from the dispenser on the wall and wiped himself off. Still braced on the sink, Rey watched as he adjusted his clothing before running the scratchy paper between her thighs as well.
"Thanks," she half-laughed, half-moaned.
"I can't believe we just did that, I don't know what came over me. It's like I'm—"
"Addicted to sex?" she supplied, turning on the facet to splash some water on her flushed face.
"Addicted to you," he countered, pulling up her jeans and refastening them for her.
"Nicely played," she teased, leaning back against his chest. "Now, let's get you out of here."
"As you wish."
There was no one in the hallway as they left, so Rey could only assume that they had grown tired of waiting. She supposed she should be embarrassed about having sex in a public water closet, but she wasn't. Still, she was glad that they didn't have to endure any judgmental stares on their way to the back alley.
Even though it had taken longer than planned to retrieve Ben, Finn was still waiting for them. Her best friend was loyal to a fault, something she was immensely grateful for.
"Took you long enough," Finn scolded once she shoved Ben into the back of the dark blue mini.
"Sorry," Rey replied without elaborating. "Let's punch it."
"Uh, hi," Ben said awkwardly, looking comically out of place in Finn's tiny car. "Ben Solo," he introduced himself, buckling first Rey's belt and then his own.
"Finn," he brother grinned, eyeing them in the rear view mirror. "So, did you two fuck in the bathroom, or what? Cause your faces are all red and you're sweating."
"Finn!" Rey said indignantly.
"What?" he said innocently.
"Listen, before we go anywhere," Ben said slowly, "thanks for helping us out, but—"
"Fuck off?"
"Well, excuse me for not being thrilled that the man my baby sis met yesterday is exposing her to potentially dangerous, not to mention unsanitary, situations."
"Oh, my god," Rey groaned, covering her face. "Please, stop talking."
"The First Order is no joke," he continued, "so it would save us all a lot of time and heartache if you could just keep it in your pants for a couple hours. Okay?"
"I—okay," Ben grimaced. "I get your point."
"Excellent!" Finn said brightly. "We'll be home in a jiffy and then we can come up with a game plan."
"Can't wait," Ben and Rey said together. They looked at each other, then burst out laughing.
Still watching them from the front seat, Finn smiled too.
"Hey, Finn?" Rey called after several minutes of driving.
"Yeah, I see them," he answered, gripping the steering wheel harder.
"What's wrong?" Ben asked, oblivious.
"A car has been following us for several blocks," Rey informed him. "Stop, don't turn around," she cautioned.
Ben sat up straight, like a child being chastised. "Sorry!"
Finn tried to ease the sudden tension. "Where did you find this pup, Rey?"
"Hey! I'm 35!"
"Are you?" she said interestedly. "I guess we never discussed our ages."
"Well, there wasn't much time in between—"
"Hey! Keep your bedroom tales to yourself," Finn broke in. "Gross." They laughed, as he intended. "Now, here's what we'll—oh, shit!"
Finn swerved as the red hatchback behind them sped up, nearly blocking their way forward on the narrow side road. "Fuck, do you both have your seatbelts on?"
"Yes!" they said, checking just in case.
"Finn, what do we do?" Rey said, turning around just as their pursuers slammed into the right bumper. "Ahh!"
Ben lurched sideways, cracking his head against the window. "Ben!" she screamed, catching him as he half fell onto her lap.
"Is he bleeding?" Finn said tightly, trying to put some distance between the two vehicles.
"No," she replied, tears clogging her throat. She brushed his hair away from his face to find a lump already forming. "Just knocked out."
"Okay, he's okay," Finn said encouragingly. "Now, I need you to do something for me, Rey."
"Hold on!"
Bracing her feet against the back of the passenger seat, Rey wrapped her arms around her lover and bent her head. The next few minutes were dizzying, terrifying, but Finn kept them on the road as he weaved through traffic.
"Fuck! Rey, I'm going to have to make a hard left across a red light," he warned.
Ready for it, she hunched further over Ben, their seat belts and gravity keeping them in place as Finn made the turn in a burst of speed. Rey heard several tires squeal and a hard crash, but their car made it through unscathed.
"Alright," Finn said a few moments later, slowing down, "I think we've lost them."
"Was that them who crashed?"
"Yeah, right into a light pole. I don't think anyone else was hurt."
"Good," she sighed in relief.
"How did they find us?" Finn wondered.
"I think I know." Rey dug through Ben's jacket and found his cell phone.
"Turn it off and take the sim card out," Finn advised.
"I will, but first…" she held the phone up to Ben's face to unlock it, then scrolled through his favorites for two names. Reaching into the black messenger bag resting by her feet, she retrieved her own mobile device and quickly copied over the contacts. "Got them. Okay, powering down now."
"Great, but how are we going to solve the second problem?"
"What's that?"
"Getting the big guy out of the car."
Entering the underground garage that led to their lair fifteen minutes later, Finn parked as close to the lift as possible. "Maybe you should call that handsome Poe bloke now, he sounds pretty capable."
Rey lifted a brow, unbuckling her seatbelt before reaching for Ben's. "I don't think I said anything about his looks when I mentioned him on the way over."
"Well, you have now, so…?"
"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes, "we could use the backup. One of the downsides of working alone, I guess." Rey slowly propped Ben up against the opposite seat, careful not to knock his head. "But after we get him inside, okay? Poe already hates me, so the last thing I need is him seeing his friend like this."
"If we must," Finn ribbed, getting out of the car to bang on the elevator call button. "And I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Did you even actually meet him?"
"Kind of? It was more of an impression, I suppose." Slipping out of the car, she came around to Ben's side and gingerly opened the door. When he didn't immediately fall out, she released a breath. "Ben?" she said softly, touching his face. "Ben, we need to get you inside."
"Mm?" he mumbled, long lashes fluttering.
"You hit your head. Can you stand?"
"I loaf you," he slurred.
"Okay, then." Rey tried to get him to focus, not taking his words to heart. "Ben, it's me, Rey."
"I knowww," he said, slowly coming around. "My woman!"
"Um, Finn, can I get a hand?"
Her brother reached into the backseat, stretching one of Ben's arms around his neck. "Hey, buddy, we need to go now."
"Go? Go where."
"Rey's room."
That seemed to perk Ben up. "Okay, I think I louvre her."
"That's nice," Finn grinned. "Get up and you can lay on Rey's nice comfy bed."
Blinking rapidly as Finn helped him stand, he seemed surprised when Rey appeared under his other arm. "We were just talking about you," he said in a stage whisper. "Your brother said I can marry you."
"Oh, uh, that's nice," she stuttered, flushing as he nuzzled her cheek.
"One thing at a time, Romeo," Finn said, trying not to crack up. "First the lift, then we can talk about love."
With Finn's help, they managed to get Ben into her room without too much drama. Well, besides the minor altercation he had with the rug in the hallway.
"We're chucking this old thing out today," Rey said, bending to roll up the worn carpet. "It's a menace!"
"Just because your fiancé almost tripped—"
"La la la, I'm not listening!" Rey danced away, dropping the offending mat by the door.
"You have to admit it was pretty funny."
"No, I don't," she contradicted. "Honestly, I just hope he doesn't have a concussion."
Finn looked toward Rey's bedroom door in concern. "Does his friend have first aid training?"
"Probably? Those bodyguard types usually do." Rey pulled out her cell. "No use putting this call off any longer," she sighed. Navigating to the first contact she had added from Ben's phone, she dialed up Poe Dameron.
He picked up on the first ring, sounding harried. "Hello? Who is this?"
"Um, hey, it's the woman from last night," she started, cringing at her own intro. "I mean, uh, the one with Ben. Rey. This is Rey."
"Where is he?" Poe said shortly.
"With me, at my place," she said simply. "Listen, something's happened—"
"To Ben? Is he alright?"
Rey was actually kind of impressed by Poe's level of distress. He had seemed much colder last night. "Yeah, he hit his head during a car chase." Finn facepalmed next to her, but she ignored him. "He's conscious, though," she followed up quickly.
"He did what during a what?!" Poe yelled.
"So," she plowed on, "if you want to maybe come over, we can explain the situation to you."
Poe was silent for a few seconds. Then, "Oh, is that all? You kidnap my best friend and—"
"Hey, I did it to protect him!" she huffed. "You weren't there! You don't know what's going on! The First Order is—"
"The First Order?" he repeated seriously.
"I'm on my way."
"I'll text you the address."
"Thanks, Rey."
"No problem, Poe," she replied, cheered by his change of tone. Maybe he didn't hate her after all! "Damn, when did I start caring what other people think of me? What have you done to me, Ben Solo?"
A/N: I just want everybody to be friends, okay?! New chapter next Friday! I can guarantee more smut with a side of angst!
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lokimostly · 5 years
Home from War (Ch.1/8)
James Conrad x Reader Word Count: 2,565 Warnings: so much angst (sorry not sorry) Fic Summary: One year after you lost the love of your life, a last-minute decision changes everything you thought you knew. Now only one question remains: how to make it out alive, and return home from war? 
If you haven’t read the prequel series, go HERE to read Rainy Days! Super important, you don’t want to miss it. 
Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight (Epilogue)
A/N: Tag list is open! Thanks for the overwhelming support for Rainy Days and this new series! I love you all so much and I hope you like this one. Also, since his fic follows the plot of the movie, I apologize in advance for any discrepancies between my writing style and the script itself. I’ve taken most of the dialogue verbatim. I’ll try to make all of the extra characters fit into the story as smoothly as possible (so we can focus on the romance, lol). Enjoy! <3
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Captain James Conrad stood in the middle of the road, uniformed soldiers passing him by. The wind whipped at his clothes, pulling them from him, as he stood frozen and utterly hopeless.
Where had you gone?
His mind raced and his blue eyes darted around, looking for some sign of you, but there was nothing to be found. All he could feel were the heartstrings in his chest splitting, the unbidden tears in his eyes blurring his vision, the overwhelming sense of hopelessness.
He fell to his knees, and looked up to the sky, where the yellow clouds had turned dark and drowned out the sun.
It began to rain.
One Year Later
Rain came down from the night sky in droves as the two scientists, Randa and Brooks, made their away across the busy Saigon street, holding their black umbrellas upright. As usual, they were caught up in argumentative conversation, shouting above the noise.
“Why do we need a tracker? And why SAS?”
“Former SAS,” Randa, the older, bearded man, corrected. “No allegiance to anyone. And he rescued twelve downed pilots from Da Nang in ‘72!”
Brooks’s reply was lost in the commotion of traffic and the onslaught of rain coming down on their umbrellas. As the two of them ducked into the corner establishment, folding up their umbrellas, Brooks sighed noisily and pushed his glasses up.
“Okay, fine. So how much do we tell him?”
“Just enough to get him to say yes,” Randa replied.
The bar was bathed in red and blue neon light. It lit up the silhouettes of everyone inside, revealing the room to be overcrowded and dusty. The air was thick with the smell of perfume and alcohol. Slow music played from some hidden room, giving the entire bar a mellow, diluted atmosphere.
The two men made their way to the bar and stopped short at the sight of the man they were looking for: James Conrad.
The former captain was a shell of his previously clean-cut self. Wearing a blue button-up shirt rolled up to his elbows and unbuttoned at the neck, Conrad’s sharp features were diluted by an unshaven beard, unstyled hair, and a clouded veil over his blue-green eyes. Apart from the hardness of his physique, the rest of him was in obvious disrepair, for reasons Randa and Brooks could only guess.
Conrad shot the eight ball deftly into the center hole and reached for the pile of money on the pool table. As he did so, someone grabbed his wrist and objected, scolding him in Vietnamese.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. Conrad stared at him, deadly and unblinking, before he snapped the pole upwards and hit the man in the face. Intuitively, he jabbed the pole backwards and slammed it into the body of another man with an open switchblade in his hand. The man threw a cue ball– he dodged. He threw another, and this time, he deflected it back into his face, knocking him to the ground.
Randa raised an eyebrow and turned to Brooks, giving him a look that screamed I told you so.
“Now there’s a man worth talking to.”
“...So we need someone like you, with unprecedented experience in navigating uncharted jungle terrain, to lead us on this expedition,” Brooks finished, watching Conrad nervously from across the table. Bathed in neon light, Conrad’s face was cold, calculating, and entirely unreadable.
Randa scoffed lightly. “We’re just scholars and scientists. We need someone with experience. In case things go sideways.” He held up his shot glass and paused, giving it a thoughtful look before his eyes flickered up to the rugged, bearded man sitting across the table.
“Men go to war in search of something, Mr. Conrad,” He pointed out. “If you’d found it, you’d be home by now.”
“Attention all soldiers and base personnel, final troop withdrawal will commence at 0600,” the loudspeakers above your head announced as you walked through the flight bay of the U.S. army’s Da Nang air base– your home for the past eleven months.  
You cupped your hands around your mouth. “Hey, Slivko, do you have my Steinbeck?” You shouted, striding over to where the small group of soldiers were lounging on folding chairs, playing cards on top of ammo crates. You came within earshot of them just as Mills finished a joke, and laughter erupted from the men. You couldn’t help but smile, too– they were a funny group, and unlike your past experiences with previous squads, these soldiers actually felt like family.
Slivko looked up at you, laughing, and muttered “oh, shit,” reaching in his back pocket for the dog-eared paperback. He tossed it to you. “Sorry!” He called apologetically, waving as you walked past.
You grinned and shook your head, taking the book with you as you headed back to your quarters: a small, plain room with a single bunk, your half-packed duffle bag sitting open on the bed.
You sighed, tossing it onto the pile of books and other miscellaneous items, and took a moment to glance out the window. Squads of men ran past in drills. Planes and helicopters moved in and out on the runway like clockwork.
You were going to miss it.
Da Nang was a stark contrast to the jungle camps where you’d spent most of your deployment, but the change was a welcome one. The resources and free time that the air base provided had allowed you to finish up your degree: you were a bona fide Field Nurse now, and finally used to the title.
The rest of your life, however, wasn’t lining up so nicely.
News of your parents’ fatal car crash reached you only days after you lost the man you loved. The two combined were enough heartbreak to send you spiraling. Suddenly, war became the only constant, dependable thing in your life.
You snapped out of your trance and shook your head, inhaling deeply. You still had things to pack.
Your fingers worked nimbly to stack your books in orderly fashion, next to folded civilian clothes. 
When was the last time I’ve worn jeans? You wondered amusedly, setting your other personal effects inside, reaching for the final items.
Your hands wrapped around something small– silver metal, cold and familiar.
“Nurse L/N,” Said a voice behind you.
You whirled around and snapped to, holding your hands at your sides and closing your fist around the item in your hand. “Sir?”
In the doorway stood Colonel Packard– an imposing, stern-faced man who’d seen too much war for his own good. Despite this, he was kind enough to you, and you’d been underneath his command during your time here.
The colonel glanced at your room, taking in the stages of preparation to leave laid out.
“Your orders for home have been processed, I see.”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded.
The Colonel leaned against the doorway and eyed you with scrutiny. “Any plans for when you get back to the world, L/N?”
You blinked. This was the question you’d been avoiding. “No, sir,” you admitted. “I don’t.”
“How do you feel about one last Op?” He asked.
You frowned, not understanding. “Sir?”
“My boys and I have been called in. It’s just a flight escort for some organization called Landsat.” He tapped his fingers on the doorway. “If it’s what you want, go home. But if not …” he trailed off, raised his eyebrows, and pushed himself off the wall. “Let me know. We could always use you.”
You saluted one more time before he left, the sound of his boots fading down the hallway.
You fingered the cold, metal square in your hand, looking down as you opened up your palm and flipping it over to read the letters. R.A.F.
Captain Conrad’s lighter.
A familiar pang in your chest made your eyes teary and you angrily wiped them away. An entire year ago, and you were still crying over it?
Pathetic, you thought miserably. He’s probably been dead for a year.
You inhaled deeply to calm your nerves and turned back to your bed, staring at the half-packed duffle bag lying open on your bed, like an open-ended sentence.
“What do I have to go home to, anyways?” You sighed aloud. You shoved the lighter back in your pocket.
One last Op, you thought, Packard’s words echoing in your mind as you set to packing – but for a different purpose.
The docks of Bangkok were damp from rain and crowded by both cargo and the people carrying it. Your duffle bag was slung over your shoulder as you walked with the troops. Slivko and Mills were less enthusiastic than usual, and you knew from their grumbling that they were upset at being deployed a day away from going home.
Needless to say, you didn’t share the same sentiment. There was nothing for you to miss that you could find at the end of a return journey. Right now, your job was everything you knew, and you weren’t about to leave it for the unknown.
You nodded to Colonel Packard, who was standing at the base of the gangplank, and he gave you a barely-discernible smile. He’d already expressed that he was glad you were coming. 
 It’s nice to be wanted, you thought, heading up the plank and onto the freight carrier Athena.
Stepping onto the ship gave you immediate nostalgia. The smell of seawater and rusted ship metal reminded you of your deployment to Vietnam from the states, and the weeks you spent at sea. You felt like you’d been so much younger then, even though it was a mere few years ago. 
Tossing your duffle bag onto the bunk without a second thought, you brushed your hands over your camo pants and headed down the narrow hallway towards the common rooms of the ship, where debriefing would take place in a few short minutes.
You yawned. The trip to Bangkok had taken a full day and then some– hopefully you wouldn’t fall asleep halfway through.
The room was decently sized and filled with folding chairs, where men in blue, collared shirts sat on one side and soldiers sat on the other. You took your place in the sea of green camo, finding a seat next to Mills.
You yawned again when you sat down and shook your head, trying to blink away the tiredness. He nudged you with his elbow. “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me, L/N. I don’t want your drool on my shoulder.”
You chuckled and nudged him back. “You can’t make me,” you threatened playfully, ignoring his comically hurt expression as the lights dimmed and the projector in the middle of the room whirred.
A dark, curly-haired man named Victor Nieves introduced himself as the chief LandSat field supervisor. The presentation began.
Almost as soon as he started talking, your eyes started to droop, and you felt yourself falling asleep despite your best efforts. You tried bouncing your knee, picking a spot on the floor to focus on, breathing deep through your nose, but nothing stuck. You swallowed and shook your head, looking up stubbornly at the bright projections of maps and geographical summaries. Your eyelids began to close again.
“...we’ll then land and make base camp for ground excursions led by Mr. Conrad–”
You jerked awake so fast that your chair skidded against the floor. The sudden, jarring noise made the LandSat supervisor pause before continuing his speech. He cleared his throat. “As I was saying…”
In another situation you would have been embarrassed, even mortified, but you were too startled even for that. With sudden and desperate urgency your head turned to look around the room, searching every face, anxiety growing in the pit of your stomach.
“What the hell, L/N?” Mills hissed at you, but you weren’t listening.
You only had eyes for Conrad.
You finally found him. Standing against the wall, his arms crossed over his broad chest, listening intently to the LandSat Field Supervisor with no sign that he knew you were there.
You stared at Conrad, mouth agape. You inhaled shakily and took a moment to really look– after all, you hadn’t seen him in a year.
He was leaner. Harder. Even more handsome than you remembered. But when he turned his head as he leaned against the wall, you could see an unfamiliar shadow in his eyes– one that hadn’t been there before. It cast a darkness over his countenance.
You watched his blue-green irises flicker over the projector screen, listening to Nieves talk. He sighed, and his gaze began to wander, and your heart rose in your throat.
He looked at you, and the world froze.
It was like time decided to take a day off. Suddenly you couldn’t remember the last time you’d drawn a breath, and the beat of your own heart was unfamiliar to you. Every atom in your body felt torn apart, every hair raised, your eyes sparkling with tears as you met the gaze of the man you loved– the man you lost.
In the painfully slow tick of time you saw his breath catch in the way that his chest shuddered, how the blood drained from his handsome face.
You wanted him to move to you, to make some sign. Damn the debriefing and the rows of soldiers and scientists between you– for all you cared, you and Conrad were the only two people in the vast expanse of the universe.
But he didn’t.
He looked away.
Time returned to its regular pace and suddenly you came back to your senses, just in time to hear the Field Supervisor finish the debriefing and dismiss you.
Without a word you shot out of your chair and ran back down the corridor that led to your bunk. It was all you could think to do– you shut the door behind you, and fell with your back against the metal as you slid down to sit on the floor.
And you cried.
He looked away, you thought, replaying the momentary interaction over and over in your head. He saw me, and he looked away.
A sudden, dreadful thought occurred to you, and you looked up at the wall. You whispered your fear to the empty room, voice thick with emotion.
“Did he forget about me?”
Conrad watched you bolt as soon as the meeting was dismissed. You were gone almost before anyone else was was out of their seats, lost in the crowd of military uniforms.
He sighed, reaching up and putting his hand on his chest. His heart was pounding out of his shirt.
It was really you, he thought, clenching his jaw. After all this time. All my searching.
As the room gradually emptied, he stood alone with his thoughts, staring at the empty seat where you had been so close.
He felt like someone had punched him in the gut and stolen the breath from his lungs. The urge to follow you was overpowering, but he stilled himself. After all, he didn’t know exactly where you’d gone. And there was another thing to consider– that you’d run from him, like you’d seen a ghost.
Men go to war in search of something, Mr. Conrad, Randa’s words echoed in his mind. Conrad tightened his jaw and sighed, speaking quietly to the empty room.
“If I’d found it, I’d be home by now.”
- - -
A/N: thanks so much for reading! Kicking things off with a bang and a ton of angst. There are two tag lists: people who asked to be tagged, and people who I assumed wanted to be based on their comments. If you’re on the second list and do not want to be tagged, just let me know and I’ll take you off. :) 
Tag List: @tarynkauai, @jessiejunebug, @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi, @fire-in-her-veinz, @daylight-swiftt 
Assumed Tag List: @damalseer, @un-consider-it, @uinen-ulmiel, @kinghiddlestonanddixon
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theskytraveler · 5 years
So, here’s the deal.
I’ve been a terrible internet friend lately to the lovely @dreamwritesimagines​. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pull a Houdini, you know? In my defense, it’s been one of the craziest years of my life, but now I’m BACK! For good! And I know I said that before, but now it’s FOR REAL.
Btw, thanks for always tagging me in your work, it truly means the world.
Anyway, I need to make up to you, so here’s a little surprise 😉 Instead of reading each and every chapter I haven’t read yet and writing my lovely comments on them – spamming your notes with me in the process – I wrote this little thing here.
To you, Dream, here are my long overdue thoughts on your recent incredible work.
To you, my followers and whoever else might be reading this, here are some incredible fic recommendations. You’re welcome.
Since this is partially a fic rec post, I’m gonna write about everything available on your Masterlist, Dream. You know my thoughts on most of these, but ah well. I’m on a roll.
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Series I have already finished: (so you can skip it if you’re curious about the ones I haven’t talked about yet)
First, my all-time favorite series you have ever written, the phenomenal Bad Habit. I guess this started as a one-shot and it became so much more. This series has it ALL! Great characters, smart and funny dialogue, fantastic character development and plot twists that hit you out of nowhere.
Oh, and the Y/N here is basically my spirit animal.
Btw, I reread this series a few days ago, and I wanna know: where is my sequel? Where’s the Christmas themed one-shot? My little Zoe acting as Matt’s sidekick and falling in love with Peter Parker (I still remember this anon headcanon, yes, and I still ship it, yes). Gah, I love this series.
While we’re on the Ben Barnes train, let’s talk about Daddy Issues. It’s a Westworld fic that doesn’t take place in Westworld. And it is GREAT. Logan and Y/N are so cute and the ending was perfect. And I still want a one-shot of a proposal, thanks.
And before we get into the more angsty stuff, we gotta talk about Invisible. It’s the softest series ever. I know it’s on a long hiatus for now, but I still think about Y/N and Steve and the fact that I lowkey ship her with Billy. When you find the inspiration for this series again, I’ll be ready. Also, what the hell happened in Detroit?
Ah, Don’t You Love Me. Don’t I love this series. (Sorry, terrible joke. Don’t you love me?). One of the best character developments ever. Y/N here is so flawed and struggling with so many things. It just makes her so human and real. And her road to recovery was a joy to read. And Steve is Steve. The most perfect puppy of a man. And how could I forget my favorite villain in all your series? Trent is GREAT! I STAN A PERFECT ANTAGONIST!
And, finally, it’s time to talk about Faint of Heart. Another one where the character development we see Y/N go through is astounding. I love Queenie, my favorite Y/N ever. This series had the most perfect ending I could dream of. And not just Queenie, I mean, this series has the most amazing cast of characters, I love all of them! The ones from the show and the new original ones. Queenie, Bree and Eric are my babies. AND I WILL DEFEND THAT SOMBER LITTLE PASSAGE WITH MY LIFE OK? THAT IS MY FAVORITE PART IN THE SERIES, NOBODY TOUCHES THAT!
From this point forward, be aware that there WILL be spoilers for new readers.
Series I started, but you have no idea who I feel about the ending because I never told you and series I haven’t started yet: (again, my bad, sorry).
There is never enough Billy Russo, is there? So, Once a Year. The one I never finished. UNTIL NOW THAT IS! Two dysfunctional people falling in love, ah. Or realizing they’ve been in love all along. Billy and Skittles give me the creeps, but I also couldn’t help but ship them. As I recall, the last chapter I read was Chapter 9 and I had a LOT OF QUESTIONS. Like, what the hell is actually going on kind of questions. AND WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR kind of questions. Here are my final (and edited, because this post was already super long, so I had to do some compromises) thoughts on this series:
Chapter 10: My desire to kill Krista is alive and well, I see. Carter is still a puppy and I see myself in Karen, because I too want to see all the drama up close. Skittles and Billy “broke up” and I am SAD. And also curious as to WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Always questions, never answers;
Chapter 12: THEY ARE SO SOFT, I CAN’T- and now everything has gone to shit. Well, it was good while it lasted. Why can’t they just communicate? Tell him what is going on, Skittles. Why are you marrying Carter? AT LEAST TELL ME! Oh, wait. They’re communicating. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! EXCUSE ME, WHAT THE FUCK? Bring me this Aldrich dude, I’ll kill him;
Chapter 13: This whole “second wedding” thing is cracking me up, I laugh every single time. Aldrich has some nerve showing up in the gallery. And I am reminded yet again of how much Skittles and Billy scare me hahaha it’s great;
Chapter 14: It really is one step forward and two steps back with those two, huh? I love my girl Karen! She ships it and her being confused about the situation is the funniest thing ever. And then she gives the best advice. Gotta love her. And now, back to the Skittles and Billy show… COME ON, MAN! Wait. IS SHE BREAKING UP WITH CARTER? Man, I’m so glad I don’t have to wait to find out, which brings us to…
Chapter 15: Oh, geez. I feel for Carter. Dream, set him up with Rose or something, I’m suddenly so sad. Carter is such a great guy. DAMN IT, BILLY! There are only two chapters of this left, how are you messing things up, man? Oh, wait. MERMAID! Oh, I just remembered that these two CREEP ME OUT. Jesus, Billy. That’s not romantic, man. Skittles and Billy need professional help, my GOD;
Chapter 16: Poor Carter. I’m not really a beach kind of person, but I’m glad Skittles and Billy are happy in a remote location. “BEYONCÉ TAUGHT ME BETTER”, THIS IS THE BEST QUOTE OF THIS SERIES, I’M DEAD! Awn, the gallery is so cute! I love it! OH NO! Rawlings. Of course you needed to give us on last plot twist, why am I surprised? EXCUSE ME, HOW DARE YOU? YOU WRITE AN EPILOGUE OR SOMETHING RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK.
I just...
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Of the new series I haven’t started yet, how could I not begin with Crown of Hearts? After how much I loved Faint of Heart there is a sequel? GIMME! Let’s break this down chapter by chapter (again, I had to edit my comments, because they were just too long):
Chapter 1: OMG I’M SO EXCITED. Ah, Queenie’s childhood was so sad, I’m glad she won’t let the same happen to her children. EITR, THE BEST FALCON, I MISSED YOU! The domesticity between Ivar, Queenie and Ragnar, I can’t. It’s too cute. BJOR AND BREE! I missed them too! And Gala and Hvitty. Where’s Ubbe? And Torvi? Btw, I don’t trust any of these new people;
Chapter 2: “Baby shark”. I’m gonna laugh every time I see that. “BWE” OMG! I LOVE THAT! Oh, yes! Flashbacks! I love those. Ok, I’m warming up to this Osmond guy, but I still don’t know if I trust him. Threats everywhere, they really can’t catch a break, huh? STOP EVERYTHING, ERIC the love of my life IS HERE! I am so ready for more Eric content. Can he fall in love with that dog loving shieldmaiden of the headcanons now, please? WAIT, QUEENIE, DON’T LEAVE! I WANT MORE ERIC CONTENT! NO! ERIC, FOLLOW HER! That was cruel, Dream. Wow, those rumors about Queenie. People sure are creative in defeat (burn people from her home country, burn). QUEENIE IS A LEGEND PEOPLE, YOU TELL THIS RAYDON GUY;
Chapter 3: They are really talking about teaching poisons and swordfight to a baby? Of course they are. Oh, they’re waiting until he’s seven. That’s better. I hate Queenie’s mother. Such a vile woman. Ok, I like Osmond. Can we keep him? Make him fall in love with a Viking girl! Or boy! I see him falling in love with someone rather clumsy. I ship it already. “Who did Ivar kill?” AHAHAH I LOVE THEM. It will happen, guys. But oh well;
Chapter 4: I love them all ganging up to tease Hvitty. Poor guy, but still. It’s so entertaining. DAMN BREE, WAY TO GET ME EXCITED LIKE QUEENIE OVER NOTHING! I want this wedding, damnit! But, sure, go off on a raid instead, I guess. “THE BJOR INFLUENCE” AND “IT’S LIKE A CURSE” I’M SCREAMING AHAHHA. Ok, Bree, you convinced me. Go chase your freedom. Excuse me, but WHO THE FUCK TOOK BABY RAGNAR? I’LL END YOU;
Chapter 5: Bree is a godsend. Bless her heart. Taking care of Queenie during this mess. This entire situation is awful, btw. That was MEAN, Queenie! This fandom has raised you better! OH THEY FOUND HIM, THANK YOU! Queenie scares me sometimes, but I guess this time those guys had it coming;
Chapter 6: Queenie is gonna have to make up to Ivar, sorry I don’t make the rules. HVITTY CALLS GALA “MY HEART”, EXCUSE ME THIS IS TOO SWEET! DAMN, Hvitty. Tell us how you really feel. But, yes, I guess Queenie needed to hear that little comment about Edgard. Bree is so smart, I stan. Why are you being shady right after I decided I like you, Osmond? Please explain yourself.
I’m loving this. I missed this gang so much. The only thing lacking in Crown of Hearts is more Eric content. How dare you show him for like two seconds and then NEVER AGAIN? You’re torturing me here, Dream. But ah, I want to know more about what is going on in Kattegat. I don’t trust a whole bunch of people, but, well, can’t say I’m surprised about that. CAN’T WAIT TO READ MORE!
I literally squealed with glee when I saw that you were writing for Bucky. Untouchable is the one I was the most excited about reading. And the best part? I already have 7 chapters to binge! And I am obviously going to tell you my you guessed it, edited thoughts on them:
Chapter 1: I’m liking this setting! The 1940s, what a twist for most of Bucky fics out there, this is great. And Y/N is already so interesting! AH, HI BUCKY, I LOVE YOU! I love flustered Bucky. This feels like they are star-crossed lovers, separated by their “places” in “society” and I am HERE for it;
Chapter 2: OMG SHE’S IMAGINING BUCKY, YES! I already ship them so hard, I s2g. This Charles guy, I don’t like him. I bet he is a Hydra double agent. Who sent her the flowers? Does Y/N have a stalker? I’m worried. OMG, HI LITTLE TINY STEVE! The alley scene broke my heart, thanks;
Chapter 3: Wait. Bucky and Y/N are sneaking around? What happened? Did I skip a chapter? Did we skip time and I didn’t notice? Like, I’m glad and all, but still. AH, it was a dream. I see. Rude. And on that note, Shirley is rude too. Oh, not now, Charles! Go away! Y/N and Bucky were having a moment. Oh, there’s bad blood between Bucky and Charles, I see. Interesting. “If you knew half of the things he did, you would have nothing to do with him”. Bucky, darling, do you really think Y/N has a choice? Men are so obtuse, my god;
Chapter 4: “And sooner or later he would get mean, all of them did” I AM CRYING! This is terrible. Y/N must have had a very difficult life. And her current situation isn’t really any better. LITTLE TINY STEVE TO THE RESCUE! I stan. Steve also ships it, welcome aboard, buddy. And, Y/N is in denial. I would argue that a broth is never just a broth. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I LIKE YOU THOMAS! He ships it too and he has no idea who is the other half of the ship. Bucky sees the real her, I can’t- “There’s nobody” and I am deceased;
Chapter 5: Daydreaming about Bucky Barnes? I sure can relate. NOPE, Linda! Don’t even think about it! And she thought about it. Argh. But who cares about that when we have Bucky and Y/N being their ADORABLE selves? Bucky, my sweet summer child, you are so fucked. You will be happy eventually, but Hydra, man. Brace yourself for the next 50 years. THE KISS! THIS MOMENT WAS SO SWEET! OMG, I’M DEAD! This was so perfect. So of course Y/N had to run away. Thanks. LINDA I’M GONNA KILL YOU! AND CHARLES IS NEXT! Y/N get OUT of there;
Chapter 6: I need to know. Are the bruises a regular thing with Charles or did she do something that made him angry? I feel like it’s the former. I don’t like it. WHY THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT, Y/N? I hate you, Linda. And you, Charles. OH MY GOD, BUCKY IS THERE! He is the best person ever, so soft. Someone get me a Bucky. Omg, tell him, Y/N! Why don’t you people ever communicate? This is driving me crazy;
Chapter 7: Do NOT ruin this for us, Shirley! Don’t tell a single soul! Or else I’m putting you on my hit list. Y/N and Bucky are going on a date and I am SO excited. Hey, Ruth? Do NOT ruin this for us! Go away. “I want you to trust me first” and my soul has left the earthly realm for I am deceased. Again.
Ok, I’m loving this? I don’t want it to EVER end! Bucky is perfect, Y/N is so interesting and Shirley is also pretty great. I hope she does find true love eventually. But that General guy… I don’t trust him. At all. I’m also pretty sure he’s Hydra and things will get really ugly for both Bucky and Y/N. And given your recent history with Once a Year, I’m not really sure we’ll have a happy ending, so thanks for that. I obviously CAN’T WAIT TO READ MORE!
Now, Burn It Down has nothing to do with FoH and CoH, but it was influenced by The Last Kingdom? I’m sold. (Like I always am when it comes to your writing, as you’re probably aware, but oh well). I obviously read all three chapters and here are my thoughts (edited, as I’m sure you know by now):
Chapter 1: That was a creepy way to start a story. Like, first paragraph and I’m already kinda creeped out, thanks. Hmm, the animal heart bit? We’re not in Kansas anymore, I guess. But I’m intrigued. She doesn’t trust men what a mood, very smart of her. I like her. She’s creepy, but I like her. What happened in Ivar’s tent two nights ago? Ok, I’m intrigued;
Chapter 2: I’m liking Y/N’s and Ivar’s dynamic. It’s fun to see them getting acquainted with each other and figuring out how to deal with this little situation they have going on. Ok, but why is she helping Ivar? Like, yeah, their destinies are entwined or whatever, but he’s so rude. I’d tell him to go to hell, honestly. He’d have to earn my help;
Chapter 3: Well, Hvitty is obviously the brother that will be forgotten. Poor guy, but oh well. At least forgotten doesn’t mean he won’t have a good life. Now, the brother who “shall be the victor” is Ubbe and the “tragedy” one is Ivar, because of course. Also because I don’t accept anything bad happening to my sweet puppy Ubbe.  But like, “victor” of what? This is so vague. This Y/N and Skittles would be good friends.
Ok, I’m intrigued! Not sure how I feel about Y/N yet, but I think she’ll be more like Skittles than Queenie. I’m ready for that! This fic has a different atmosphere than the ones I’m used to see in your writing, but I’m liking it so far. Obviously can’t wait to read more.
So, there you have it! Hope you liked it and I promise I won’t disappear on you again!
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strawberriestyles · 5 years
Part 4: Pentagram
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(BANNER MADE BY MY TALENTED SWEETIE PIE @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy)
Harry X Reader (AU)
In which you’re persuaded to help a young witch named Harry.
Read previous parts here.
Word count: 5.1k+
Author’s note: HEY HI HELLO. There will be one more part and a short epilogue after this. WE’RE NEARING THE END. I’ve had and am still having so much fun with this series. Fantasy is my favorite thing to read, and to be able to blend that with fanfiction has been super cool and experimental. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. PLEASE LIKE, REBLOG, LEAVE FEEDBACK. It’s super helpful to writers and can also aid in motivating them. Xx
“Hello, dove.”
When you glance up from your books, you’re unsurprised to find Harry standing at your table. You’ve been wondering when he would show up. But you start at his use of that pet name. He holds a steaming coffee in one hand and an entire meal in the other, and he doesn’t ask permission before he slips into the booth across from you, setting his refreshments down on the tabletop, laying the plate of food on top of your book.
“Had a lot o’ trouble finding yeh today."
“Why’s that?” you ask as you sift your way through the contents of the sandwich he’s placed before you.
“Dunno. Maybe whatever magic’s in your blood is sparkin’ up. Yeh’re gettin’ hard to trace.”
“You trace me?”
“Not with a spell or anythin’,” he says with a shake of his head. “Jus’ been pretty easy to kind o’ feel out your presence. Air feels weird around yeh.”
“Well, that makes me feel good about myself,” you mumble with a thick sigh. “Why did you buy me a panini? I’m not hungry. And how do you know that you picked something I like?”
“Well, I was guessing based on what I know about yeh, but yeh could have said thank you.” Harry sips his coffee and leans his head against the back of the booth. "Or yeh could at least not act rude about it. Just thought yeh could use a good meal right about now. Wha’s wrong?”
You sigh again and settle your chin into your palm, picking at the sandwich bread with your free fingers.
“I have all these midterms coming up. And they’re not for my major-required classes they’re just general classes that everyone needs to graduate. Which is stupid because why do I need to take a college-level math course as a Latin major? That makes no sense. Any career that I end up—“
“I get it,” Harry says with a soft chuckle. “But it might come in handy. I liked t’skip out on my Latin studies when I was younger, and look where that got me. I need a mortal t’help me perform fuckin’ spells.”
“Well, first of all, I’m not all mortal,” you tell him with a frown.
“Mortal enough,” he mutters, twirling his coffee cup to stir its contents. You ignore him for the time being.
“And second of all, that was rude of you. Are you upset that you need me? Because I can just stop helping you at any time.”
“No, Y/N, no.” Harry smiles that annoyingly amused smile of his. “Not upset that I need yeh t’help me with translations. Just upset that I can’ do ‘em myself. Makes my mum crazy proud o’ me, I’ll tell yeh that much. Eat your food, please.”
Despite your prior statement, you do find your stomach aching for the panini he’s ordered you. It’s nearing eight thirty in the campus library. The other students that have been working throughout the day have already trickled out in search of their own dinners or a Netflix recovery session from all the studying they’ve suffered through. You wish you could join them. The fluorescent lights above you haven’t helped to keep you peppy and motivated.
You cave and take a grateful bite.
“Thank you,” you whisper to him when you’ve finished chewing. “I actually haven’t eaten for about six hours. I’m just stressed out.”
“Well,” he says, leaning forward with a quirk to his lips, clearly smug, “tha's perfectly fine, because I think I have the perfect way to relieve your stress. Yeh ‘bout ready t’be done for the night?”
There are surely mountains of work for you left to do, preparations to make, papers to map out—but with your mouth full, you give him a desperate nod.
“Was that your first time on campus?” you ask.
Your voice quivers with a faint wariness. Nicks, for whatever strange reason, has decided that she doesn’t mind a close proximity to you. At least for today. She’s sitting on the arm of the couch, just a foot or so from your elbow. Granted, she’s not paying you much attention at all, but it’s a start.
“No.” Harry is laying down a large, thick black cloth. It’s stitched with a white design that only becomes clear as he pulls the fabric out flat—a pentagram. Like a satanic blanket. “I took a few classes a couple years ago. Just t’see what you mortals learn in your higher education.”
“Not a mortal,” you remind him. “Speaking of…”
As Harry skims a page full of his notes from the spell in his book, you remember the warning he gave you that first time you ever helped him. It’ll burn the eyes right outta your skull.
“Can I actually look in the book? If I’m not fully mortal, I mean.”
You sigh and Harry begins to lay items out around the edges of the cloth, just outside of the pentagram’s circle. Closed jars and bottles, a bowl of ground up somethings that you’re not sure you want to ask about, something that looks like criss-crossed bones tied together with twine.
“What are we doing?” you ask. “I thought the spell wasn’t going to happen until tomorrow night.”
“’S not,” he says, sprinkling some red powder over the inside of the pentagram. When he stands up he hands you a different sheet of paper with his usual translations and begins to arrange the candles that the two of you made last week at the five points of the pentagram. “This is just a preparation.”
You frown as you lower your eyes to the Latin scribbled out in front of you. They’re odd commands about the arrangement of the items around the pentagram. You glance up at the cloth intermittently to second check Harry’s placements.
“Um,” you mutter after a few minutes, “this says something about a human fingernail.”
“Yeah. Where does it go?”
“Is there any point in me asking you where the human fingernail came from?”
You shake your head as you point toward the pentagram. “It’s supposed to go where those bones are right now. And the bones are supposed to be two places counterclockwise.”
Harry rearranges his items while you scan over the rest of the Latin, right up until the words make you freeze. As he stands back up to survey his work, you toss the page to the other end of the couch.
“’S that it?” Harry asks when he turns around again. He travels back toward his shelves and pulls down the jar of Hellfire that the two of you prepared a few weeks ago, still burning dark and ominous, even with its lack of oxygen. He reaches his hand inside and scoops the flames out, kneeling down to light each of the candles and then returning the remainder of the fire to its glass jar and replacing it on the shelf where he found it. He glances up at you when you still haven’t answered him.
You nod your head, perhaps too vigorously, and he sits down beside you, his ringed fingers splayed out over your thigh.
“Harry, I…”
Your voice trails off as he settles his cheek into your shoulder, his lips prodding at the curve of your jaw. You let your eyes fall closed for only a short moment before throwing yourself onto your feet. At the sudden motion, Nicks hightails it from the room.
“What are you doing?” you demand, pressing your lips together as you stand before him.
“Says we’ve gotta fuck, righ’?” Harry asks. So nonchalant. "I may be shit at Latin, but I do know the word for orgasm.”
“Harry.” You let out a disbelieving, airy laugh and shake your head. "You’re just assuming I’ll have sex with you because some dusty book says so?”
“Well, I was hopin’ yeh’d want to.” He gives you that signature smug look that often makes your blood run with heat and his arms settle over the back of the couch. Then he raises an amused eyebrow. “Wha’? D’yeh want it t’be more romantic? I’ve already got candles lit and everythin’.”
“Those are ritual candles burning at the points of a pentagram, Harry.”
“Good observations.”
Your jaw tightens and you turn toward the door. “I’m leaving.”
“Y/N, stop.”
“No, you can’t just expect—"
“Please.” Harry’s footsteps follow you. He doesn’t touch you as you reach the door, but the tone of his voice makes you stop. You fiddle with the zipper of your jacket slung over your forearm. “I need your help. Can yeh help me?"
Your teeth close around your lower lip as you stare at the front door. Candlelight flickers against the walls, painting Harry’s shadow just beside yours. “How do I know this is what the book actually says and that you’re not just making it up?”
“I guess yeh’ll just have t’trust me,” Harry answers. You hear him lean against the wall. "Would it be so bad if I wasmakin’ it up? That I’d wanna have sex with yeh even if the book didn’ say so?”
Your eyes close. He has a point. Haven’t you been drawn to him from the beginning? Didn’t his kiss from last week leave you reeling for days afterward? What would be the harm, really?
When you turn around you’re still hesitant, but Harry stays where he is, his eyes steady as he watches you.
“You make me a little uneasy,” you whisper.
“‘M sorry.” Harry straightens up just by a little bit and smiles very softly. It’s not an expression that you’ve seen on him before. “Get that a lot, actually.”
“It’s not anything you do, really,” you assure him. “It’s just…”
“Yeah. The witch part.”
You bite at the corner of your mouth to keep your laugh at bay. When he smiles at you again, you close the few steps between you and rise up onto your toes, pressing a kiss to his lips with almost the same amount of confidence that he kissed you with last time.
“Yeh trust me?” Harry mutters when your mouths part for a short moment. You fall back on your heels and he looks at you, all hazy-eyed.
“Depends,” you reply. “Are you gonna slit my throat in the middle of this and make me a sacrifice to the devil?”
Harry chuckles to himself and grasps your hips. His fingers press into your skin and you drop your jacket as he pulls you sharply forward. “Not today, dove.”
You fold. Harry gathers you up in his arms and kisses you hard, hands roaming, lips feverish. You lower your fingers to the hem of his shirt and he lets you go only long enough to peel the layer away from his skin.
The trip back down the hall is a mess of clashing teeth, bruising lips, stumbling over each other’s feet. By the time the two of you reach the couch, you’re in your bra and underwear but Harry is somehow still wearing pants. You fumble with the button and zipper of his jeans as he leans against the arm of the sofa. He distracts you with wet kisses that trail down your jaw, fingertips that pluck at the straps of your bra. His pants pool at his feet and he wastes no time shedding his boxers right along with them.
It’s almost as though Harry can sense your persisting wariness as he kisses at the top of your chest and toys with the clasp of your bra. You see his free hand lift beside you and then lower, palm toward the floor, slowly, in time with the dimming of the candles lit around the living room. You sputter out a laugh that makes his teeth scrape against your sternum. Your bra falls to the floor beside his pants and boxers. He sits back on the couch’s arm, that smirk on his face, unashamed, waiting for you to slip out of your underwear.
“You swear this isn’t some weird sacrificial ceremony or something?” you ask him, thumbs poised in the sides of your panties. “You’re not gonna hurt me?”
“Not unless yeh want me to, dove.”
Harry grasps your wrists and pulls them toward your knees, dragging your underwear down with them. His eyes lick back up your body like flames until he’s focused on your face again, and you swear that for a moment they glow that electric blue. But then he’s standing straight again, hands hot against your bare waist, lips prodding at yours, and he’s walking backward with a confidence that you can feel in every step. He begins lowering himself to the ground, dragging you down on top of him, and it’s only when you break the kiss that you find the two of you are positioned in the center of the pentagram, surrounded by odd relics and candles, their wicks lit with Hellfire but their wax still unmelted.
Harry lays back on the blanket, his head positioned in the center of one of the pentagram’s triangular spokes. You’re perched on his hips, very aware of every bit of bare skin that touches him. His fingers curl around the thickest part of your thighs and he says nothing, only blinks lazily up at you.
You pull your lower lip between your teeth as you shift, reaching between you to wrap your fingers around his hard dick. You guide him to your entrance and all of your nerves diminish when he’s inside of you. His hands tighten on your flesh as you sit back. Slowly. Gently.
You settle your palms over his ribs, fingertips curling into the tattoo of a butterfly painted there. The light in the room flickers as you roll your hips to acquaint yourself with this experience—Harry sprawled out on the floor, his hair mussed from your hands as he draws his tongue in a stripe across his lip. You don’t know if it’s the pentagram or Harry or if it’s only your imagination, but your senses feel heightened. A brush of his thumb over the bend in your hip makes your entire body shiver. Like he knows exactly where to press. But it’s still all so foreign.
“Go ‘head, dove,” he whispers, as though he knows exactly what you’re thinking. He stretches out his neck and gives you that smug look—it’s the familiar in this uncharted territory that you needed. A touchstone. “Fuck me.”
Your fingers curl further until you can feel your nails digging into his skin. Harry only flutters his eyes closed. You lift your hips up, forward, feel his cock dragging against your walls, lower yourself back down. Harry lets out a huff of air. He pushes against your thighs, urging you on. It’s easy to fall into a rhythm once you ground yourself to the feeling of him inside of you, thick enough to make you ache. Your body works for you without the need for thought.
“More,” Harry mutters after a minute. It’s not gentle. It’s demanding. One of his hands drift up your stomach to spread across the area between your breasts. Your belly lurches as the fingers of his other hand grip into your waist with a bruising strength, and you whimper, picking up your pace.
“There yeh go,” he praises. He lifts his head up far enough to watch your hips meeting, to see the way your legs quiver. His hand sneaks back to grab at your ass. There’s no question to his movements, only a dauntless fluidity that makes a thin sheen of sweat collect at your hairline. He kneads your cheek and tips his head back against the pentagram. His own skin is growing slick beneath your hands. “Yeh’ve gotta come, dove. Can’ do that if yeh’re holdin’ back on me, yeah?”
Harry lapses back into silence as you find a beat in this candlelit room, quickened by the pressure of his fingers, by the draw of his unsteady breath, by the urgent pulse of his heart beneath your hands. Your knees are chafing against the cloth laid out under the two of you, but you don’t slow. Sweat trails along your scalp and into the tracks of your hair as you tilt your head back. You close your eyes and find the image of Harry’s face imprinted there, cut into slivers between the glint of regular candlelight and the shadow of Hellfire.
You’re jolted out of your own mind when Harry delivers a harsh smack to your ass. You can feel yourself tensing around his cock, even as he rubs soothingly at the sore area of your bum. You’ve stilled on top of him, your chest heaving, a guttural moan poised at your lips. It’s translated into a gasp as he flips the two of you around, settling your head gently within the pentagram where his was positioned. He’s slipped out of you and you don’t think going without food for a week could leave you feeling this empty.
“Let go for a second,” he whispers when you’ve latched onto his arms where they frame your head. “Wanna try somethin’.”
You loose your fingers from his biceps and settle back against the cloth beneath you as Harry reaches to the perimeter of the pentagram’s circle to grab a candle. The Hellfire burns steady and straight, unswayed by any air flow. The wax around the wick looks melted, liquid, but it doesn’t run down the sides. It’s unnerving. Especially when Harry leans back and tips the candle over your chest. Hot wax spills and stings the skin between your breasts. You gasp, pushing Harry’s hand and the candle away, stomach thrashing up against him, but he surrounds you like a cage.
“Hey, relax,” Harry says, settling his hips between yours at last. He leans down to kiss you for the first time since the two of you have entered the pentagram. His lips graze down your neck after leaving your lips, along your collarbone to your shoulder, a peck to the outside of your breast. He lets out an airy chuckle. “Yeh like it, don’ yeh?”
“What?” you mutter, tilting your head forward. The wax has hardened and begun to cool on your chest. He still holds the candle in his hand.
“Nipples are hard,” he observes, raising a brow. “Yeh like it. Hurts for just a second, yeah? A good pain?”
Your response is swallowed back down your throat as Harry tongues your hardened nipple, teeth grazing along your skin. The fingers of your right hand tangle up in his hair, yank at the roots as he sucks your nipple into his mouth. More hot candle wax spills across your skin, this time along your upper belly. You shy away from the quick sting but it only lasts for a moment and you find yourself moaning as the wax dribbles up the side of your body, heats your other breast. The flame of Hellfire still doesn’t sway. It also doesn’t burn up toward the ceiling as a regular flame would. It remains in line with the candle.
Harry sighs at the sound of your moan and hurries to return the candle to its place on the pentagram. He reaches down to stroke his cock once, twice, and then thrusts into you without a warning.
“Jesus,” you gasp out. It feels different when he’s the one moving. He takes no time to find a rhythm, just fucks into you with all of the force of his hips. Your ankles curl around the backs of his knees and the hand not buried in his hair grapples for a hold on his back.
“There’s no Jesus here,” Harry mutters, lowering his face into the crook of your neck. His teeth tease at your pulse. “Yeh feel like a fuckin’ goddess, though—fuck. Tha’s what I wanna feel.”
He moans when your walls clench around him. His thrusts drive deeper, arms trembling on either side of you. One hand lifts to lay across your side, over your ribs, and you can feel the dried wax there heating up, dripping down to pool beneath your back.
“Wanna fuck yeh harder,” Harry groans. “D’yeh want it harder? Can I fuck yeh harder?”
“Please,” you breathe out, “please.”
The air is forced from your lungs as Harry’s hips smack back into yours. Your body is tingling beneath the weight of him, thighs aching at the stretch of his hips between them. The skin behind your ear heats with pain as he sets his teeth into it. And he’s fucking you relentlessly, desperately, so urgently its making your mind grow fuzzy.
“I—” You can’t even finish your words. The pits of your stomach are coiling up like a spring. The fuzz in your mind is making your vision grow dark around the edges as you stare up at the wooden ceiling. All you can do is squeeze at Harry’s back, tighten your hand in his hair.
“Yes, fuck yes,” he grates out. The hand covered in melted wax snaps to the back of your thigh, angling your hips up and yanking you to meet his thrusts as he fights to finish himself off. “‘M gonna come.”
Your throat is thick with words that can’t escape as he fucks you over the edge. One hand falls to the blanket at your side and curls into the fabric. You let out only a strangled moan. Harry grunts as he feels you coming around him. He pulls his face out of your neck and props himself up on his arms, tipping his head back against his own shoulders until he’s jerking into you, swearing into the silence of the house. This time you’re positive that you see that blue glow around his irises before his eyes close. You shake while he empties himself inside of you and all at once the flames around the room are snuffed out.
Harry huffs out a breath of exhaustion and lowers himself back down on top of you, forehead smearing sweat along your shoulder. You can see almost nothing at all while you gasp for breath. Your body still buzzes in the darkness. You can smell the subtle sweetness of smoke from the extinguished candles.
There’s a pressing silence filled with nothing but heavy breathing. Harry’s become almost a dead weight on top of you. You can feel liquid leaking from you, his skin sticky where it meets yours. The knowledge somehow doesn’t worry you.
“Thank you, dove,” Harry whispers right into your ear. His lips plant a wet kiss to the edge of your shoulder, waxy hand thumbing at your hip.
The moon peeks out from behind a thick layer of gray clouds. It seeps through the grimy window above your heads, filters through the wisps of smoke that hang about the room, illuminate the drops of sweat that linger on Harry’s back. You close your eyes for a moment—only a moment—and when you open them there is a face at the edge of the pentagram, just beyond it. An entire body mere inches from your feet. His eyes are wide, still, staring down at the two of you, graying hair frazzled around the lines of his frozen face.
Air is drawn loudly into your lungs but then it traps itself. You can’t scream. You can’t exhale. Your body tenses, fingers pressing into Harry’s spine, his scalp. He feels the shift and lifts his head to look down at you. Blocking your view of the stranger. But you can still see him behind your eyelids as you blink.
“Wha’s wrong?” he asks when he sees the wild look in your eyes. His brows pull together, fingers smoothing up your jaw. “What?���
The face looms up again behind the mess of Harry’s hair, leaning over the two of you, its expression still frozen in place, and the air finally finds a way to escape your chest.
You scream, shoving at Harry’s body, scrambling out from under him. He doubles back for a moment before you reach the edge of the pentagram and he catches at your knee, pulling you back toward him. The cloth is pulled beneath you. Candles topple over and the twined bones are sent scattering across the wooden floor. “Stop—” You swipe at his hand and he catches your wrist too. “Stop, Y/N, stop!”
Your lungs are heaving as you struggle against his grip and spin your head to survey the room. It’s empty. There’s no one else here. Not even a suspicious shadow.
“I thought—” You stop struggling and shake your head. Your fingers are trembling. “There was a man standing right there,” you whisper to him, pointing to the spot just outside the circle. You sound crazy. At least you think you do for just a moment before you remember that Harry is a witch and the two of you just had sex inside of a pentagram, surrounded by candles burning with flames from Hell. You squeeze your eyes shut. You can feel a headache coming on.
“Okay, okay.” Harry shifts onto his knees and wraps his fingers around the back of your neck, nodding. “Okay. He’s gone now though, right?”
“You believe me?”
“Of course I believe yeh. Why wouldn’ I?” Harry leans in to kiss your forehead. It’s so gentle, so sincere. You can feel your pulse beginning to slow when he pulls back and you tip your face into his chest. He slides his hand down your spine and rubs at your lower back, still slick with sweat.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble.
“Don’ be.” He pulls you away from his chest and kisses you with a slowness that you find gratefully comforting. “’S dark in here. How ‘bout we get some candles lit and get yeh cleaned up, yeah?”
You nod and let Harry help you up to your feet. He steps gingerly out of the pentagram and makes his way to the nearest candle, on the wall by the hall to the kitchen. His fingers close over the wick until it sparks to life and illuminates his flushed face. He gives you a soft smile and reaches for his boxers by the side of the couch.
“C’mon, dove,” he says once he has them pulled on, "I’ll make yeh some tea.”
“Yeh okay?” Harry asks as he comes back into the room. He’s carrying a hot mug of tea. You notice the way his hair is still standing up around the sides, where your fingers have left it tousled.
You give him a short nod and continue peeling at the dried black wax encasing your ribs, holding your shirt up with one hand. Harry sets the tea on the floor in front of the couch and then sits down, turning your body away from him. He picks at the wax on the back of your thigh, in the vague shape of his hand.
The room is much brighter around you. Harry has lit every candle in the vicinity that wasn’t meant for rituals and spells. But you still find yourself glancing cautiously into the corners every few minutes. You can still see that jarring face whenever you close your eyes.
“Sorry,” you whisper, turning your attention to Harry when he’s finished ridding your thigh of wax. He shakes his head and helps you finish with the wax coating your side.
“No, yeh’re spooked. ’S okay.”
You chew on your lip. Harry finishes and brushes his thumb over your skin.
“Was that supposed to happen? Did you know that was going to happen?”
“What, the guy?” Harry asks. He allows his hand to fall to his lap as you take a step back from him and shakes his head. “No, I didn’ know that was gonna happen.”
“Well, do you know who it was?” You pull your shirt—Harry’s shirt—back down your abdomen to meet the line of your underwear.
“Think I might.” He says nothing more and you shake your head.
“You’re not gonna tell me? Really?”
“I can’ right now, dove. ‘M sorry.”
“No you’re not.” You let out a dry laugh and rub at your tired eyes. You know he’s not going to give you any more information. You’ve grown used to his secrets and mysteries. It’s really no use pushing. “Do you get spooked?” you ask him instead.
Harry sits back and lets out a soft sigh. “Not really. Not anymore, at least. Used to when I was a li’l bit younger.”
“Right.” You sit down beside Harry, close to his side. You hate to admit it but touching him really is comforting when you’re this shook up. His hand falls to your opposite arm and rubs gently at your skin. “You haven’t really told me about when you were younger. Do you have siblings?”
“Have an older sister.” He gives you a tight smile. "She’s a much better witch than me.”
“You always say things like that but I don’t think you’re bad at any of this.”
“Yeh should tell m’mum that.”
Something topples over onto the floor and you jump, hand finding Harry’s in your panic. When you turn your head, you find Nicks prowling around the edges of the pentagram, pawing at the items the two of you haven’t cleaned up yet. Harry chuckles quietly.
“Drink some tea, dove.”
You shake your head in an effort to clear it as you lean forward to grab the mug off of the ground. It’s warm and sweet-smelling as usual. For the first time since he’s begun brewing the tea for you, you sip it without hesitation. Harry kisses your temple.
“Do you not like your mom, then?” you ask, settling your cheek against his shoulder.
“Like her just fine. I just happen to disappoint her. Sucked at Latin because I thought it was borin’. Fucked up a bunch of spells. Tha’s part of the reason I moved across the fuckin’ Atlantic.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper out. You feel dizzy. Maybe it’s just everything that’s happened in the past few hours.
“’S okay. Pretty close to provin’ I’m not entirely useless. Thank yeh for that.”
Your vision suddenly blurs, so quick and so sudden that you have to close your eyes. The mug falls from your hands, crashing to the floor. Harry catches you as your body slumps forward.
“Shh, shh,” he hushes when you try to speak.
Your limbs all but melt as he lays you back on the couch. All of your senses begin to fade against your will, and you don’t even have enough energy to panic.
“‘M sorry, dove,” he mutters into your ear. “I really am. Hope yeh can forgive me.”
And then you’re pulled into unconsciousness.
Part 5: All Hallows’ Eve
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Best. Job. Ever. 12/13
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 2350 for chapter 12.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: I hope the wait was worth it! XD (I also hope this is coherent. I rewrote this chapter like 3x’s because I had certain plot points I wanted to fit in.) And I know I said the epilogue was coming today as well, but I’m exhausted and want to read through it one more time, so it’ll be tomorrow.
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
Y/N had started packing her things the next morning when her phone rang.
“Hey Laura,” she answered. “What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N,” Laura answered. “I was just on my way to set and wanted to see how you were doing today. Last day in NYC, huh? Doing anything fun?”
“Nah, just starting to get all of my stuff packed so I’m not running around like a crazy person tomorrow. I can’t believe how much extra junk I’ve accumulated over the past 3 weeks.”
Her phone beeped with an incoming call. Tom’s name flashed across the screen.
“Oh, hold on a sec, Laur. Tom is beeping in.”  She flashed over to accept the call. “Hi, Tom, what’s up?”
“Y/N, I was just checking to see if you were in.”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Do you mind if I pop over in a few?”
“No, that’s fine. See you in a bit.”
She flashed back over to Laura. “Hey, sorry about that. Tom’s coming by, can I call you right back?”
“That’s cool. I’ve got some extra time before I have to be on set.”
“Ok. Bye, Laur.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
There was a knock on Y/N’s door as she hung up and Tom’s head popped in. “Y/N? It’s me.”
“Hey, come on in. I’m just packing.” Y/N zipped her suitcase. “So, ready for the party tonight?” she asked.
“Actually, that’s why I’m here,” Tom replied.  “I was thinking maybe we could just head over together? You know, since we’re both going anyway.”
Y/N smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
Tom scratched the back of his neck. “And since today is officially your last day as my assistant, can I take you out for dinner beforehand, um, you know, for old times’ sake?”
Y/N smiled. “I’d love to have dinner with you one last time.”
Tom grinned. “Great! I’ll come ‘round at 5?”
“5 is perfect.”
“Ok, so I’ll see you this afternoon then.”
“See ya.”
Tom gave Y/N a brief hug before letting himself out of the door.
Y/N called Laura back. “Hey, sorry about that.”
“It’s no big deal,” Laura replied.
Suddenly there was another knock on Y/N’s door.
Y/N sighed. “Oh, shoot, hang on one more sec, Laur. I think Tom’s knocking again.” She walked over to the door and opened it. “Did you need something el--” She stopped.
Laura was standing in front of her door, phone pressed to her ear. “Surprise!”
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “LAURA?” She ended the call and pulled her friend into a hug.  “Oh my God, come in! What are you doing here?”
Laura laughed. “We had the weekend off from filming so I don’t have to be back on set until Monday afternoon, and you sounded like you needed your bestie, so… here I am!”
“I can’t believe it, I’m so happy to see you!” Y/N paused. “So wait, when you said that you were on your way to set, you were really on your way here?”
Laura nodded. “I had to make sure you were actually here and not out at a bookstore or on a tour or anything.”
Y/N shook her head. “I still can’t believe you! You’re the absolute best, you know that? You HAVE to come to the wrap party with me tonight, especially since you were on the crew for the filming in Europe. I can’t wait to tell Tom that you’re here--” Her eyes widened. “Oh, shit, I literally just made plans to go to dinner and the party with him. That’s ok, I’ll just let him know that I can’t go--”
Laura shook her head. “Absolutely not. You keep your plans, I’ll be fine.”
“No way,” Y/N replied with conviction. “I’m not ditching you when you came all the way from California just to support me. You know what, I’m sure Tom won’t have a problem with you coming too. Let’s go talk to him, he’s right down the hall.”
She grabbed her room key and opened the door, startled to see Tom standing at her door poised to knock. Harrison was standing next to him.
Y/N glanced from Tom to Harrison and back again. “Harrison! Wow, I didn’t know you were coming back into town,” She gave Harrison a quick hug.
Harrison grinned. “Hello, Y/N.”
Y/N stepped out of the doorway. “Come on in, guys.”
Tom and Harrison stepped into the room, Y/N closing the door behind them.
“Um, so I came to tell you that Haz came into town for the party tonight,” Tom began, “but I see that you have a visitor as well…”
“Oh, yeah,” Y/N replied, flustered. “I’d introduce you but it just dawned on me that you guys probably know Laura already.”
Laura nodded and gave a casual wave. “Hi, guys.”
“Ahh yes, Laura, it’s good to see you again,” Tom shook her hand.
Harrison gave Laura a brief hug. “Laura and I hung out on set during filming in Europe.”
“All the crew kinda bonded,” Laura added.
Y/N turned to Tom. “So about tonight… Since Laura and Harrison are both here how about we all go out to dinner together then head to the party?”
Tom glanced over at Harrison, who shrugged. “Oh, erm, ok then. That’s fine.”
“We’ll see you guys at 5 then?”
As soon as Tom and Harrison left, Laura turned to Y/N. “Ok, what are you wearing tonight?”
Y/N shrugged. “Probably just a top & jeans.”
Laura looked horrified. “Nope, nopity nope nope nope. It’s the wrap party, plus your last night in NYC. We're going shopping to find you something extra hot to wear.”
Y/N and Laura spent the next several hours searching for the perfect outfit, finally deciding on a sleeveless red and black lace dress. Laura looked up from her phone and nodded firmly when Y/N stepped out of the dressing room. “That's it. That's the dress. You'll knock Tom's socks off, and maybe even the rest of his clothes too.” She winked.
Y/N covered up a grin with her hand. “Laura!” she chided.
Laura laughed. “Come on, Y/N. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it.”
Y/N thought back to Tom wearing nothing but a towel and blushed.
Laura arched an eyebrow. “Mmm hmm, that's what I thought. Now, I saw the perfect shoes that will go with that dress. Change back into your clothes and let's go.”
When they got back to the hotel around 4 PM Laura begged off of dinner, claiming jet-lag and exhaustion from shopping, and saying that she needed to take a nap and would just meet everyone at the party.
Y/N had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on her door. She turned to Laura. “How do I look?”
“Amazing, girl. Now have a great dinner and I'll see you later, ok?”
Y/N gave Laura a hug. “Ok, see you at the party.”
She took a deep breath and opened the door.
Tom froze when he saw her. “Y/N, you look… Amazing.”
“Thank you,” Y/N replied bashfully.
She exited the room and shut the door behind her.
“Laura’s not coming?” Tom asked.
Y/N shook her head. “Laura said she was tired so she’ll just meet us at the party.” She looked around. “Wait, where’s Harrison?”
“He said something came up - phone conference or something - so he's going to meet us at the party too.” Tom shrugged casually. “So I guess it's just us, then.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Honestly, I don't mind. I'm glad we'll be able to have dinner together one last time, you know, just the two of us, before we go our separate ways tomorrow.”
“Me too.” Tom offered his arm. “Ready?”
They headed downstairs to where a black SUV was waiting. “Good evening,” the driver said, opening the door for them.
Tom gestured for Y/N to get in first and followed behind her.
“You know, between all the excitement and craziness today I forgot to even ask what you had in mind for dinner,” Y/N said.
Tom smiled at her. “Well, since we had our first official, non-meeting dinner together at Pappardelle, I figured we could go back there for our last as well.”
Aww, that's so sweet, Y/N thought to herself. “I like that idea.”
The car weaved its way through traffic, finally arriving at Pappardelle. Tom held a hand out to help Y/N out of the car, and to her delight, he didn’t let go until they were seated at their table.
Y/N noticed that Tom looked fidgety throughout dinner, but chalked it up to excitement over filming being completed and the wrap party happening.  She also thought Tom looked like he wanted to tell her something, but each time he would open his mouth they would get interrupted by their server delivering something.
Y/N thought they would get a chance to talk on the way to the warehouse, but their Uber driver was especially chatty and they didn’t really talk much in the car. Finally they arrived, Tom taking Y/N’s hand once again as they walked  into the warehouse.  
Y/N was in awe. Tom had told her that Jon would basically turn the warehouse into a nightclub but nothing had prepared her for just how different it would look from when they were filming.
Jon greeted them and told them to enjoy themselves.
They made their way around the warehouse, stopping to talk to various crew members before spotting Zendaya, Jacob, Marisa, and Jon Favreau, who was much more personable in real life than he was as Happy Hogan. Everyone gave Y/N a hug and Marisa, who was definitely the ‘cool aunt’ of the group, said to let her know when Y/N was settled in L.A. so they could have lunch together.
They eventually found Harrison and Laura, who seemed much more refreshed than when Y/N had left her earlier that afternoon.
“Hey guys, how was dinner?” Laura asked.
“Fine, it was fine,” Y/N replied before turning to Harrison. “How did your conference call go?”
“Conference call?” Harrison repeated with a confused expression.
Y/N glanced over at Tom. “Yeah, Tom said you had to skip out on dinner because you had a conference call.”
“Oh, right, my conference call! It went swell, just great. Got loads accomplished. Hated to miss dinner, but you know how it is sometimes.”
Oh, wait, look, there’s Toni,” Laura jumped in quickly. “Harrison, how about we go say hi?”
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” Harrison replied. “We’ll be back in a bit.”
He and Laura rushed off.
“Ok, that was weird,” Y/N said, watching them walk away as the lights dimmed and the DJ that Jon had hired started playing.
Tom tilted his head toward the makeshift dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”
Y/N grinned. “Sure.”
Tom pulled her out onto the dance floor, the memory of them dancing in the nightclub a few weeks earlier coming back to Y/N. After a few songs, the beat slowed down. Y/N took Tom’s offered hand without hesitation, Tom pulling her in close.
Y/N inhaled Tom’s scent, trying to commit it to memory. The realization that filming was well and truly over and that tomorrow would likely be the last time she saw Tom again suddenly hit her. “I’m going to miss you when you go back to London tomorrow,” she confessed, resting her head on Tom’s chest.
Tom cleared his throat. “What if you don’t have to?” he asked.
“What?” Y/N replied in confusion, looking up at him.
“What if I wasn’t going back to London for a while?”
“What do you mean?”
Tom looked around and spotted Harrison and Laura talking to a few of the crew members. “Wait, let’s go somewhere quieter.” He led Y/N to a small hallway off of the main warehouse floor.
“So, what were you saying?” Y/N asked.
Tom fidgeted. “Ok, so no one knows except Haz and my family, but a few months ago I bought a house out in Los Angeles because I’m planning on splitting my time between there and London since so much of my work is filmed in the States.”
“Okay,” Y/N replied.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you at dinner. My flight tomorrow isn’t going back to London, Y/N. It’s going to Los Angeles, where I’ll be for the next several months until I have to start filming The Devil All the Time. We’re going to be in the same city, Y/N, and I’d like to be able to see you.”
“Well then, yeah, of course we can hang out,” Y/N replied.
Tom shook his head and took Y/N's hands in his own. “I don’t mean as just friends,” he murmured. “You are beautiful, kind, funny, and absolutely brilliant. I’m totally mad about you, Y/N, and I’d like to take you on a proper date once we’re back in L.A.”
He caressed Y/N’s face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears. The familiar gesture brought back the memory of their kiss, and along with it all of Y/N's feelings she had been so desperately trying to forget. She blinked back tears and nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”
A relieved grin bloomed on Tom’s face. “Yeah?” he asked.
Tom held her gaze. “By the way, I’m completely sober right now,” he said.
Y/N wrinkled her brow quizzically. “Okay?”
Tom grinned. “Just wanted that to be clear before I did this.” He pulled Y/N into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
Y/N melted into Tom’s embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his hair as Tom deepened the kiss.
Neither one noticed the fist-bump that Harrison and Laura gave each other before they slipped out of the hallway.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
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berjhawn · 7 years
Wicked Love - Part 15 - Little Thing Called Jealousy (End)
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Warnings: Misunderstandings, fights, wrong words. 
Pairings: OUAT X Reader
(A/N) Also there will be a epilogue after this i just haven’t written it yet. 
Part 1 - Leaving Storybrooke
Part 2 - Journey to the Enchanted Forest
Part 3 - Robin Hood and his Merry Men
Part 4 - Jefferson
Part 5 - Memories
Part 6 - Regina to the Rescue
Part 7 - Emotions
Part 8 - Elliott
Part 9 - Mother Gothel
Part 10 - Elliott’s Secret
Part 11 - Trickster
Part 12 - Demons
Part 13 - True Love Lies
Part 14 - Regrets
Reader’s POV
You smile as you place your mug down on the bar in front of you. “I think I’m winning.” You say a playful smirk filling his face.
“Is that what you think Princess,” Killian jokes before he downs the rest of his ale. Since the return of your hatter you used one night a week to go out and spend some time with your now best friend Killian. Of course, what you guys did was always different but it mostly revolved around alcohol. It never turned romantic, which was a good thing considering you were engaged; it was just all buddy, buddy, and jokes.
“Oh that’s what I think Cap.” You say as you wave for the Bartender to bring you another drink.
“I don’t know if you remember but I’m a pirate, I have more Rum in my veins than blood.”
“Oh Cocky, are we?” You joke a smile filling you face. As the bartender places your newly refilled mug down in front of you, you smile and thank them.
“No, just stating the facts.” He replies motioning for a refill.
“Okay, whatever cap.” You say as you take a sip from your mug, the cool liquid burning as it slides down your throat warming the rest of your body.
“So where’s the Hatter tonight?” He asks his eyes moving back to his mug.
“Daddy daughter dance.” You answer making the pirate choke on his drink.
“You’re Serious?” He asks and you nod a smile on your lips.
“Yup,” You giggle as you continue, “You should have seen the look on his face when Grace walked out of her room in the dress she and I picked out. He was borderline in tears. It was so cute.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” He says once again bringing the mug to his lips. After he takes another sip he takes a deep breath and says, “So have you two picked a date yet?”
“Look at you all curious and shit.” You say turning toward him on your barstool. “Not exactly but he’s not the problem,” You pause as your turn back to your mug and gently run your finger around the rim of it.
“Having second thoughts?” Killian asks and you smile softly as you slowly turn to him.
“No, I can’t wait to marry him.”
“Then what’s the problem?” Killian asks sitting up straight.
“I hate planning. My mother wants to give me a traditional big poufy extravagant wedding dress wedding,”
“And you want something simple.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her.”
“Why don’t the two of you just elope?” Killian says making you cock an eyebrow at him. “I mean you can always have the big wedding, later right?”
“Killian,” You lean over and gently placing a kiss on his cheek smile brightly as you say, “You my friend are a genius.” You finish your mug and tossing some money down turn to leave the bar when he catches your arm.
“Hold up lass, I’ll walk you home.” He says as he uses his free hand to finish his mug and drop some money on the bar before he follows you out.
“Aren’t you being a proper gentleman.”
“I’m always a gentleman love.” He says as the two of you pass out the door and into the cool night air. You chuckle as you wrap your arm around his and let him lead you through the town. Storybrooke at night was surprisingly peaceful. The town liked to gossip of course and since you came back with two men fawning over you it was ever the talk of the town. As you walked past a few people your arm wrapped around Killian’s, you could hear their whispers and furrow your brow.
You didn’t care about what anyone thought of your friendship with Killian. He was your best friend. He knew loss like you did and also came from a shitty childhood. The list of things you had in common continued to grow every day. There was a stupid saying that a man and a woman couldn’t be friends without it turning romantic but we were proof they were wrong.
“What time is that dance supposed to be over?” Killian asks making you look down at your watch.
“In an hour or so, it’s surprisingly late for a middle school dance.”
“What time do they usually let out?”
“Around nine or ten, at least that’s when they did when I was younger.”
“I bet you wore something pink and fluffy.” He says and you pull away from him with a cocked eyebrow.
“You obviously don’t know me as well as you claim too.”
“Well you were young and it was a different time.” He jokes his face remaining serious.
“I have not, nor will I ever, wear a pink fluffy dress.” You say as you start to walk off without him.
“Course not, you look better in black.” He says as he catches up to you.
“I guess I take after my mother in that retrospect too.” You say as you tighten your coat around your waist.
The two of you continue to walk to Jefferson’s house talking about random things, joking about random things, pretty much the usual things friends do. When you reach Jefferson’s house you notice the lights are on and you narrow your eyes. “That’s strange.” You look back at your watch to see that only a few minutes had passed making you furrow your brow. “I guess I must have left the lights on.”
“Isn’t that hatter’s car?” He asks motioning to the car under the awning.
“Yeah, I wonder why he’s back so soon. I’ll see you later Killian.” You say placing a kiss on his cheek before you head off into the giant house. Opening the door, you look around as you call out, “Jefferson?”
“Jeff? Grace? Are you home?” You call out. Cocking an eyebrow at the lack of a reply you start to walk through the house until you find Jefferson Standing next to the fire place a glass of some sort of liquid in his hand. “Jefferson, when did you get home?” You ask as you close the distance between the two of you and wrap your arms around his waist hugging his back.
“A few minutes ago.” He answers and you cock your eyebrow at the slight anger in his tone.
“Oh, well you should have texted me. I would have been home sooner. Where’s Grace?”
“Staying the night at a friend’s house.” He says before bringing the liquid to his lips. A strong scent fills your senses and you realize he is drinking whiskey.
“Are you okay?” You ask as you pull your arms away from him and move in front of him.
“Fine,” He says his eyes not meeting you and you narrow yours a him.
“Okay that’s clearly a lie,” you say folding your arms over your chest. His eyes shoot to you and you can tel he’s angry about something. “Why don’t you wanna talk about it? Did something happen at the dance?”
“No, the dance was surprisingly fun.” He answers as he pulls away from the fireplace and moves away from you toward the kitchen.
“Jefferson talk to me.” You say as you follow after him. “What is wrong?”
“Nothing!” he yells out spinning on his heel to face you making you jump slightly in shock.
“Why are you yelling at me?” You ask fear in your voice.
“Why? Why you ask? Maybe because I caught my fiancé kissing another man!”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask confusion lacing your voice as you narrow your eyes.
“I saw you kiss Killian at the bar!” He says as he throws his drink across the room shattering it.
“I kissed him on the cheek. I always do.” You say anger filling your body.
“That’s not what it looked like to me.”
“Well, obviously, you saw wrong.” You retort angrily. “He’s my best friend, I don’t see him like that.”
“Then what did I see? Huh?” He asks angrily and you scoff as you turn rom him and head toward the door. “Where are you going?”
“Home, because obviously, you won’t believe me even if I tell you the truth.”
“Home, yeah right, you’re probably going down to the docks to see your lover.” He says and you freeze in your steps before you turn back to him angry tears threatening to fall.
“Do you really think so little of me?” You ask clenching your fists. Anger and disappointment flood your body and you scoff as you say, “Wow, and to think I was planning on coming back here to tell you that he suggested you and I elope and bypass all this wedding bullshit. Glad I know that won’t be happening anymore.”
“Wait what?” He asks the anger disappearing from his voice and worry filing his eyes. “(Name), what do you mean?”
“I can’t marry someone who doesn’t trust me.” You say your heart clenching. Without so much as another word you turn and walk out the front door.
“(Name), (Name) wait,” He yells as he follows after you. Ignoring him you grip tight to your coat as you start to walk down the street him racing after you.  “Please, STOP!” He yells making you stop in your steps. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I didn’t stutter Hatter.” You say as you continue to look ahead of you.
“You don’t want to marry me?” He asks and you gulp down a breath of air.
“Of course I want to marry you Jefferson, I love you; but if you can’t trust me than, how can I?” You ask as you finally turn toward him. “Killian is my best friend. I haven’t had one of those in a while. He’s someone I can tell everything too, because he has been through some of the same hardships. He’s helping me get over what I did to Gothel and also what my father did. You heal my heart and he heals my mind. Can’t you two just get along?”
“I don’t like that you kiss him.” Jefferson answers plainly making you bite you lip.
“So what you’re saying is that you did all this; picking a fight with me, almost losing me, because you were jealous?” You ask as you cock an eyebrow at him.
“Maybe,” he answers as he avoids your eyes.
“Seriously Hatter! You almost lost me! I was seriously gonna leave and not come back.”
“I realize now that it was stupid. I let my anger get the better of me.”
“No shit. Oh, and by the way, I’m not cleaning up the glass from your temper tantrum.” You say and he lets out a heavy sigh as he remembers what he did.
“I’ll clean it up.”
“Are you done being jealous? Can we start over?” You ask and he nods. You let out a sigh of relief as you walk back over to him and reaching up cup his face in your hands. “Good, because I like the idea of eloping a lot more than I thought I would.”
“You still wanna marry me? Even after this?” he asks and you nod. He reaches up and gently pulls your hands down to hold. “You must be mad.”
“It takes one to love one.” You say as you lean up and place your lips on his. He smiles into your lips before he deepens your kiss making you weak in the knees. After a few minutes he pulls away leaving your breathless. “What was that for?”
“Disinfectant.” He says and you roll your eyes.
“I only kissed his cheek.”
“Doesn’t matter, your lips need to be disinfected.” He says as he kisses you again. This time he reaches down and placing one arm on your back and the other in the crook of your knees he lifts you off the ground and leads you into the house and straight upstairs to the bedroom. As he made love to you, you couldn’t help but think about the future you were about to start and you couldn’t be happier.
There will be an epilogue, i just have to write it. 
@hollycornish @winter-in-wakanda
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