#i hope the anime team does a decent job
littlestarxmilkyway · 21 days
What happened to SillyOtakuKitty's Tumblr? I used to love reading her Shoujo Tropes posts. But it looks like her blog was taken over? Like... super random too? Did she just change names? Or is all that content really gone?
What sucks if it's gone, is that just trying to Google "shoujo/shojo tropes" brings up a bunch of "most hated/problematic/(other annoying talking point for clickbait) shoujo tropes" bullshit. There's almost no articles, posts or anything that just list shoujo tropes, no less with picture examples and title references. That's pretty sad.
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uraberika · 3 months
AreOri and nostalgia
I read a hot take the other day on Twitter that said something along the lines of "AreOri isn't worse than all the other series, y'all all just blinded by nostalgia", and after a lot of pondering, I have to agree. I have not seen the later part of Ares, nor Orion but I think the way they utilised nostalgia was what made it kinda flop. Objectively speaking Ares does a decent job at being a soccer anime, but by so heavily bringing in elements that aim to make fans nostalgic and then fails to handle this nostalgia well is what makes the series lag behind all the others in the franchise.
Ares wanted to do too much all at once by making it into an alternate universe with the og cast included. While at first I was very excited about the reappearance of some of my faves, they did a poor job at handling characterisations. The og characters became bland and uninteresting because obviously the plot had to favour the development of the new main characters. This also ruined many Ares characters since it immediately invited the viewers to compare and contrast Asuto's gang with the og guys; and not only Asuto's team had more personality (which made fans who were hoping to see the og characters disappointed) but they seemed to have eerily similar traits to guys in the og series. Asuto, the sunshine boy, Haizaki with his anger issues and sick-loved-one-in-the-hospital problems, Nosaka the genius, emotionless tactician etc. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with using a formula that seemed to work in previous installments, but the development of Ares characters 1) came at the detriment of the og character's development who just seemed to be background actors standing around without any real advancement of their own character or of the general plot and 2) was impossible not to compare and contrast the two groups of characters and find way too many similarities which makes the viewer (i am myself included xd) unable to appreciate the Ares characters as their own.
While this was going on, Ares also tried to use some tropes and themes that were already familiar to the audience. Yet again, a great move if executed correctly. My biggest issue with the execution here is that these tropes never fully made use of the full potential of Ares being in an alternate universe. We learn of Akane pretty early on in the series, Akane and Haizaki basically being the equivalent of Gouenji and Yuuka (or Gouenji and Yuuka with a different sort of relationship). Making a slight change in the trope of having a loved one in the hospital (like Haizaki and Akane being childhood friends) should have been enough, had Ares been a series on its own. The audience would have acknowledged that "haha this is a nod to the og series, how clever". But when Gouenji is right there, having gone through the same thing (especially if we considered how similar Akane is to Yuuka and Haizaki to Gouenji) the opportunity for these to bond (or hate, or whatnot, just to interact in any way) over this fact offers itself on a silver a platter, yet the series does not do anything with it, depriving both Haizaki and Gouenji from a potential character development.
The anime decided to create an alternative universe yet it was hesitant to harness the full potential of its alternative universe-ness. They could have used og characters to help them build the main character's personalities through interaction which they seemed to be doing, but at the same time, the og characters only seemed to be hollowed out shells of themselves, only there for a three minute appearance to draw in fans who started watching only to see this one character.
I think that's why I like Victory Road's premise so much. It seems to handle nostalgia much better than Ares did: the characters seemed to be very distinctly unique so far, no og characters to compare them to and a change in the protagonist's general attitude will also serve the game well, in my opinion. It alludes to previous series just enough for it to make fans want to pick it up while also introducing new, unique characters and a plot that replicates but also goes against the established story arc of Inazuma series. (I am aware that the fact that all the charas of previous series will be playable is also a big drawing force and that is the main reason that ppl are excited about this game haha).
So, in my opinion, the main reason people find AreOri the worst series in the franchise is because it establishes that it is going to rely on nostalgia and then does an abysmal job at making use of this nostalgia of the audience. It relies solely on the fans' dedication to their og characters - putting in og characters in the series as dummies with no real purpose, just so fans can say that their fave is in it - and completely forgets about the potential that fans can grow fond of new characters, can appreciate a storyline that is different from what they are used to.
I have to make it clear that I don't hate Ares, I just think that it was not well executed, due to in part in the way it relies on nostalgia, but I myself had enjoyed some parts of it when I was watching. And at the end of the day, it is a soccer anime which is mainly concerned with fancy hissatsus and high-stake matches and not the intricate details of their characters' personalities. I am also grateful for Ares because it was successful in making me nostalgic and indeed pulled me back to the franchise. Despite all the issues I think it has, a lot of characters turned out decent and I was very invested in the story when it first came out. What I also love about Ares is how it revived the fandom here on tumblr: the sakka fridays of watching the new ep without understanding anything, the long analysis posts, the fanarts and fanfics, I will always be thankful for its community-building.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. xd
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prettyxvenom99 · 2 years
Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy (and Ghosts)
Levi preparing his Thanksgiving dinner. Lots of angst ahead.
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There is no point in buying whole turkeys — they are too big. Besides, they take a lifetime to defrost, and once they do, all Levi wants is to sink himself in the puddle they leave. 
Turkeys aren’t his favorite animal, not by a long mile. They’re too much of a symbol. People only eat them once a year, in a very particular occasion: two bustling days of preparation and one big dinner, everyone around a table hand in hand, gratitude on their lips. 
But to Levi, there is no point in buying whole turkeys — they are too big, and his table too small. Instead, he bought one of those boxes of artificiality they sell at Trader Joe’s: Breaded Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy, which the store at the corner of his street has ceaselessly advertised, and to which he has finally caved.
Upon scrutinizing the packaging, he has come to a conclusion: the best thing about it is that it freezes well. This is, obviously, a dietary requirement for singles with no families — he can’t finish everything by himself, but now he’ll have food for the whole week. Perfect. He can be thankful for that. 
He slices the brown, breaded hunk of fake meat. Careful with the stuffing, he tells himself. He lays the oval pieces on a baking sheet, sprays oil over them, pops them into the oven. Fifteen minutes, the instruction says. Yes, sir! Levi answers. 
He has heard tales of what a great fun Thanksgiving dinner prep could be. This must be what it feels like. It’s just that those people would have others to perform witty dialogues with. Meanwhile, Levi only has the writings at the back of a food package — a decent conversation partner, but he knows it won’t win him any Oscars. 
HEATING INSTRUCTIONS: GRAVY. MICROWAVE (1200 watt): Microwave cook times may vary depending on oven wattage …
“Do I even know my ‘oven wattage’? Come on, nobody knows their oven wattage,” he chides. “Anyway, I’m done spinning around as my life’s tryna burn me. Let’s just use the stove top.”
STOVE TOP: Empty gravy into a sauce pan, over medium heat and stir to simmer. 
“Yes, sir!” Levi murmurs. “Ready when you are, sir!”
As the gravy waits for a simmer, the oven works with a soft hiss and quiet creaking. Levi kneels before it and peeks in with a careful frown between his brows, muttering some earnest encouragement. 
Gotta get ‘em up to … Instructions, what was it again? An internal temperature of 165 degree Fahrenheit — yeah. You can do it, Oven! You little brat, stop complaining. You ain’t even that hot yet. 
(If this all sounds a little crazy, that’s because it is. But he’s trying to have fun, and there’s only so much conversation you can have when you’re alone.)
“You look beautiful,” he breathes out when the roast is done — golden-brown slices of perfection. He bathes them meticulously in the gravy, lays them next to the mashed potatoes and cranberries he’d scooped out from their little plastic containers. 
“There you go,” he says. “All done. Great job, team. Here ends our Special Thanksgiving Operations. Successful, as far as I’m concerned. Thank you, everyone.”
But he knows it isn’t really over yet. No, the hardest part is yet to come. 
He brings his plate to his tiny dining table and sits down. He folds his hands together and takes a deep breath. 
“I am grateful for …”
His voice breaks. No prayer comes. What is there to pray for, when there’s no one left? What is there to be grateful of, when life just takes and takes and takes …
He cuts a small bite, throws it into his mouth. He looks around at his invisible guests, the ghosts around his table. He smiles. “Not bad, huh? We should do this again next year. I hope you’ll still be around, all of you.”
No one corrects him, of course. No one dares tell him the truth. 
To some people, ghosts and imaginations are all they can be thankful for. It’s a lie and an insanity, but what does it matter? People take whatever warmth they can get. Let’s not ruin it for them.
Disclaimer: This is not a Trader Joe's advertisement.
Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated! Also, happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate that.
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thewanderingmask · 11 months
oh hey is it time to go watch old media until the writer's strike is over
welp here's my list, i highly recommend adding onto it or making your own
Better Off Ted (office comedy about a pretty decent guy who manages the R&D department of your standard big capitalist (evil) company. absurd, sincere, and blessedly not nihilistic.)
Golden Girls (four older women living together. openly touched upon topics like gay people are human beings actually and so are people without houses. and this was in the 80s.)
Murphy Brown (Reporter/news presenter workplace comedy. i like eldin)
WKRP (set in a radio station, this one is a pain to find unedited anywhere because of music licensing nonsense)
Designing Women (i haven't actually watched much of this yet but i heard it's pretty good so i'm listing it here in hopes i'll remember to check it out)
british panel / comedy shows (ok so they're like game shows, except the prizes range from useless to nonexistent, all the contestants are comedians, and nobody really cares that much who wins. ,fair warning though, these are british. so you're just gonna get a certain amount of jokes that are like "yup an old cishet white dude sure did write that")
Would I Lie to You (contestants make ridiculous claims and the opposing team has to guess if it's real or not)
8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown (not "8 out of 10 Cats". not "Countdown". specifically "8 out of 10 cats does countdown". yes this is important)
Taskmaster (five contestants perform a series of increasingly silly tasks to try to score points)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year / Decade (a series of long quiz specials where comedians often fail, intentionally or otherwise, to answer questions)
crime/detective/spy shows (cw copaganda. bc that's the entire genre)
Columbo (did you know it's ALL on the internet archive? for FREE?)
Simon and Simon (private investigators who are also brothers, a bit more on the fun side. pretty good for the 80s, but be warned you're still gonna get some dopey tropes like ableism in certain episodes.)
Rockford Files (ex-convict PI. doesn't like guns, friends with his dad. cynical but can't help helping people most of the time. we love to see it. like the two above, it's older but it holds up)
Brooklyn 99 (much like columbo, everybody already knows this one)
Burn Notice (recent ex-spy stuck in miami tries to get his job back. an unfortunate amount of ogle-y filler shots. I liked the first 4 seasons and low key recommend stopping after it, but everybody's mileage varies.)
and finally, because i know who i a:
Motorcity (what if the only answer to an oppressive conformist society was UNDERGROUND TEENS WITH CARS and it looked AMAZING and it was KILLED AFTER 20 EPISODES BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD)
Storm Hawks (what if the only answer to a returning evil empire was SKY TEENS WITH AIRPLANE MOTORCYCLES, side note this is like the only time i've ever seen stylized 3D animation in a way that just looks? good?? i would love to see more stuff try this kind of direction instead of aiming for anime or realism)
Generator Rex (a teen with TRANSFORMING MUTANT MACHINE POWERS fights alongside a kinda sus organization to try to save others who have transformed into dangerous mutants. i haven't finished this one and im not a fan of the monkey character but dam this show kinda slaps)
Teen Titans (TEEN SUPERHEROES. i have a soft spot for this show. it was my first superhero show as a kid and still mostly holds up as good fun)
Spectacular Spider-Man (spider-man has a lotta cartoons by now but this is up there near the top i feel)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (it's PRETTY it's CUTE it's FUNNY and only has a few episodes i would outright skip. i stopped enjoying it by the last couple seasons but i still think it's worth a watch if you haven't yet)
and Bluey. watch Bluey.
AIGHT THAT'S IT FOR NOW honestly i could add more to this but my memory ain't that good
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legendaryskyscale · 1 year
Alright, time to share the handful of Asura OCs I have
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First we have Bioengineer Ardjin and Magister Luura
These two hooked up for like a year before Ardjin dipped out, leaving Luura to raise their son Zyffre on her own. Fortunately, Luura had a fantastic Priory expedition team who looked after her progeny with her. Plus, Steward Gixx also helped watch Zyffre when Luura went on dangerous expeditions (in my story, Luura is Gixx's daughter)
Ardjin was part of the krewe that had experimented on the Secondborn Sylvari. He got into a disagreement with Vorpp and left the krewe. He was interested in splicing Sylvari, successfully creating a few spliced Sylvari-animal beings. He was also hired by a Miss B to create a spliced Sylvari/Krait. This ended in several failures, but he finally created a successful one that needed to be incubated. This creature he made was taken into the Nightmare Tower, and would later be slain by the Marjory, Kasmeer, and the Commander
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Next is Zyffre and his daughter, Ruixa
Zyffre was born in the Durmand Priory and used to go on safe expeditions with his mother, Luura. Luura took on an expedition to Orr, and this was about the same time Zyffre was old enough to attend one of the Colleges at Rata Sum. He graduated and was supposed to join a krewe at the Thaumanova Reactor; however, his path crossed Kuda and he fell head-over-heels for her. This meeting would land Zyffre an apprenticeship with Kudu at the Crucible of Eternity. Things eventually didn't work out for Zyffre, so he returned to the Priory (went into hiding) and continued his research on Elder Dragon magic.
Ruixa was Zyffre and Kuda's daughter. She had no interest in Elder Dragons and didn't care for her parents' research. Her passion was in birds and she became an ornithologist. She's got a decent relationship with Zyffre since he had absolutely adored her when she was a progeny. Sadly, her mother took her away and Ruixa wouldn't see her father again for several years. She only happen to find Zyffre by chance and the two are building a new bond as father and daughter.
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And here is Raennyn and Aezzil
Raennyn (aka Rae) is Zyffre's half-brother. His father is Ardjin and his mother was an Inquest (haven't made his mom and dunno if i will). Rae grew up with the Inquest, becoming an experiment that enhanced his reflexes and abilities. He became a proficient bounty hunter and assassin. His main job was to hunt down other Inquest members who owe a heavy dept or needed to be taken out. His last contract ended horribly, having lost both his legs in the failure. These days, he doesn't do as much bounty hunting nor assassinations. Instead, he makes his own prosthetics and plays with chemicals (as in getting high af). He and Zyffre get along pretty well.
Aezzil was born and raised in Lion's Arch. He lost his parents during Scarlet Briar's attack on Lion's Arch. He was an orphan who was taken in by survivors. When he was older, he became a broker for the Black Lion Trading Company. On the side, though, he's a smuggler. Aezzil used to smuggle "subjects" to the Inquest, but after an incident where he almost lost his life, he stopped dealing with the Inquest. He has connections to some shady characters and does business with powerful people around Tyria.
So that's nearly all my Asura OCs. The only one I haven't shown is my "dragon corrupted" Kudu clone. But you know, he's an NPC clone and not my OC so he doesn't count lol
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Also, I'm open to OC questions about these rattos~
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magicaltear · 1 year
I was tagged by my dear @ailendolin 💕 Thank you so much!
1.  Are you named after anyone?
Not exactly. My parents picked my name because of its meaning. No one else in my family is named the same way. I actually really like my name!
2. When was the last time you cried?
This past Friday while watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 at the movies.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! I’m still single~
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yep. It’s actually a little bit difficult for me to not use it. I always do it for the sake of delivering a joke though, never with the intention of being mean.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes and their hands. They are the first indicators of whether the person feels open for communication or would rather be left alone.
6. What’s your eye colour?
Brown! Not too light, not too dark. Perfectly in the middle.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, always. I’m chicken for scary movies and they often make it hard for me to fall asleep that night.
8. Any special talents?
I am really good at keeping secrets. I also have a decent sense of direction, so I very rarely get lost. I hope those count LOL
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing and reading. I also like to draw, but I don’t do it as often. Learning about WW1...is that a hobby or a hyper-fixation? Oh, well 😂
11. Have you any pets?
Not any more. I miss my dearly beloved Beagle so much 💖
12. What sports do you play/had played?
I’ve always failed at sports... Does swimming count? I used to go on a few tournaments when I was little... Badminton is fun though~
13. How tall are you?
1.65 meters or 5′5″.
14. Favourite subject in school?
English literature, closely followed by World History.
15. Dream job?
Head of Story for either an animated film or a video game. I’m a Creative Writer who gets rather bored when writing on my own. I would love to work in a team and see our story coming to life in a visual medium.
Tagging: @atypical-snowman @csblogs @kiki-shortsnout @wandereroftherealms @vannral @sanctum-stinker (only if you feel like it, loves!)
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thetavolution · 5 months
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Full name:  Ingrid Ellen Sullenberger Name meaning:  Ingrid: beloved or beautiful; Ellen: sun ray or shining light; Sullenberger: habitation name for people from Sollenberg or Schallenberg Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Wood Elf Age: 128  Orientation: Pansexual Romance: Halsin Class: Druid Subclass: Circle of the Spores Origin: Sage  Theme Song: Why Am I Like This? — Orla Gartland
Personality Ingrid is soft-spoken and timid. She can be shy, but once she feels comfortable, she loves to talk! People are surprised at how at ease she feels with the dead and the spores, but it makes perfect sense when you get to know her. She respects all aspects of nature, including death and decay. Oddly, it’s become a way for her to confront her own fear of death.
She’s a pushover and she lacks assertiveness. Or, at least, that’s who she was before she became a leader of a ragtag team of certified weirdos. She had to get it together and take care of them. Her bravery comes from how terrified she is. If she didn’t have other people to take care of, she’d probably curl up in a corner and cry. When other people are relying on her, she quickly musters up every ounce of courage she has and powers through her terror.
She always comes through in a clutch. Even when scared out her mind, she’ll never abandon anyone. She’ll just go have a panic attack after it’s safe. She has an incredibly kind heart and strong sense of empathy. 
During the entire adventure, she does a good job tricking everyone into thinking she's fearless. In reality, she just doesn't let herself stop to think long enough to cower like she wants to.
Background Ingrid was born near Baldur’s Gate, but she’s not from the city proper. It was a small settlement of elves, half-elves, and halflings. She comes from a polyamorous family so she had several guardians in her life along with her birth parents. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the loving polycule that many other wood elf children experience. 
Her father, Sully, had a few partners and one of them was Anna, a high elf. Normally, this wouldn’t have been a problem, except that Anna didn’t actually agree with the polycule arrangement. She only agreed to it because she didn’t want to lose Sully.
It cause a lot of heartache and jealousy among the adults. Sully’s children were often pitted against each other, Ingrid included. It was a situation that all of the adults seemed to hope would sort itself out. It never did. 
The tension between Greta, Ingrid’s mother, and Anna was particularly high. Anna would take her anger out on Greta’s children and Ingrid, as the most timid child of the bunch, bared the brunt of it. Ingrid left home the moment she came of age to escape the unhealthy situation.
Ingrid found a way to make a living for herself by offering tattooing services. It’s something she practice from a young age and she made a decent living off of it in the city.
She would meet Minty when she first arrived in the city, but she wouldn’t meet Laura until she moved to the city a few years later. Ingrid had settled into a routine in Baldur’s Gate, not entirely sure she was happy with it.
The universe would throw a wrench in the works when she was abducted and given a tadpole.
Note: Her background deviates the most from her home universe just because none of it really works in the BG3 universe. This is who she’d be without any influence from The Bonneville Game. She does do tattoo work in both worlds though.
Likes: Tattoos, tattoo artistry, drawing, scary stories, romance stores, cute outfits and accessories, spiders, sweets, animals, autumn, the beach, forests, and winter
Dislikes: Disrespecting the occult or nature, standing up for herself, baking, sand (it gets everywhere), and bitter foods
Fears: She’s terrified of dying and getting older. It consumes her thoughts often. She fears one day she’ll be old and alone, and left to die a lonely death. Keeping her spore zombies and skeletons close helps her feel better as strange as it may sound. She’s afraid of being “thrown away” by those she loves at any moment.
She's also scared of becoming like her mother, a complete pushover who is too afraid to live her own life.
Quirks:  She struggles to speak up and it’s hard to hear her at times. People misunderstand her a lot due to the fact her voice doesn’t always carry very well. Her eye twitches when she's anxious or hasn't gotten enough rest.
Mental Health:  She has anxiety and depression. She is preoccupied with her fears of death and aging beyond what is reasonable. She’s terrified she has no value for the people around her and could be discarded at any moment. Her depression can make her listless sometimes. If she doesn’t have a job to do or someone to help, she’ll struggle to get up to do anything for herself.
Favorite Foods: Strawberries, Potato Soup, Pasta, Lentil Soup, and Honey Cake
Favorite Drinks: Chili Chai
Favorite Flower: Camellia of the Black Lady
Height:  5’3”/ 160 cm 
Skin: Beige (Blush Tone 5)
Hair:  Dark Blue (Blue 5)
Eyes:  Blue (Blue 1)
Color Scheme:  She loves wearing blues, but she’ll also wear “nature’s colors” a lot, like browns, oranges, and greens. 
Fashion Sense: She straddles two worlds. She loves to be in nature with clothing to match, but she also loves to wear cute outfits made by merchants Baldur’s Gate or Neverwinter.
She’s not as free with nudity as Halsin is, but she wants to be more at ease at it. She can handle other people’s nudity. She’s just self-conscious about her own.
She has a lot of tattoos that are only visible when she wears more revealing clothing.
She has a lot of tattoos that are only visible when she wears more revealing clothing.
Calvin “Sully” Sullenberger Sully is the head of the household and he’s in total denial about the fact it’s not working. He also secretly likes having people fight over him, ignoring the damage it has done to his children. He’s friendly and boisterous, but a bit self-serving. He’s oblivious when it suits his needs most.
Greta Sullenberger She’s Ingrid’s mother. She’s a lot like Ingrid, but even more docile than her daughter. She doesn’t stand up to her husband as often as she should. Ingrid fears she may be too much like her mother.
Anna She’s the high elf that Sully brought into the polycule, but she’s not actually happy with the arrangement. Rather than just leave, she tries to sabotage it to get what she wants. It hasn’t been working and she’s only accomplished making a hostile environment for everyone, especially the children. She’s could be described as a narcissist which is part of why she can’t just walk away like anyone else might.
Varis He’s one of Sully’s other lovers. He never wanted children of his own, but he’s happy to take care of everyone else's children. He’s the “safe space” guardian that the kids adore. He’s genuinely nice and loving. He isn’t on good terms with Anna, but he tries not to be too obvious about it.
Aramil, Caelynn, Delimira  They’re some of Sully’s other lovers. They aren’t as hands on, but they are part of Ingrid’s life. Anna’s casts a shadow over all of them. Caelynn was eventually driven off by Anna’s behavior. Ingrid misses her and has no idea where she is.
Sebastian He’s Anna’s only child. He is the apple of her eye and he hates it. He actually likes his siblings and really wants to just get along with them, but his mother makes it near impossible. He also left home early to avoid dealing with his parents’ drama. He’s off being an adventurer in Faerûn. Ingrid hasn't seen him in years.
Thea, Rinn, and Erdan They’re some of Sully’s other children. They’re younger than Ingrid and Sebastian. They remain at home with their parents.
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gamerwoo · 1 year
What are their majors in Skz Imprinted?
i absolutely did not think of any of this until you asked lmao soooooo i hope this checks out w the series lmao
skz imprinted masterlist
chan’s on scholarship for soccer because he’s really good at sports lmao
but he’s majoring in music theory and composition because he needed something to major in
the goal is to become a pro soccer player though
works part-time as a waiter at a restaurant with hyunjin, seokmin, and seokmin’s mate
fun fact: jeongin’s parents own the restaurant
he fuckin loves his job and all of his coworkers
he honestly loves the closing shifts because he can watch yeonjun and kai whack each other with the cloth napkins like they’re fencing each other
would literally laugh if someone asked her if she was going to or went to college
mostly makes money doing uhhh ✨side jobs✨ if ya know what i mean
her sister wants her to get a real job and stop taking up shady jobs and she said she'll consider it
little does ryu know that elsie's trying to figure out how the fuck to make a resume lmao
she'll do anything for ryu tbh
jeongin said he'll line her up a job at his parent's restaurant <3
unfortunately elsie has bad people skills lmfao
was originally going to college to become a translator but switched her major to computer science and programming
mostly because some frat boy she had a thing with said women couldn't do stem stuff
yeah so she mostly switched her major out of spite but she's really into it, actually
plus she'll probably make more money lmao
she works part-time as a teacher's aid, but her parents are also rich and she has a good relationship with them sooooooo
no chan will not let her give him money for a better apartment
majoring in applied mathematics
she's big brained we love that for her
she was originally going to school part-time but now that she's not off werewolf hunting, she's enrolled full-time
but she does have a part-time job at the coffee shop with felix and sam
she also loves the free coffee
you wouldn’t think this kid would show up to class -- he doesn’t half the time -- but he still somehow hasn’t gotten kicked out and has kept his grades up a decent amount
honestly minho’s pretty smart, he just chooses to not use his brain all the time lmfao
he’s going for general studies just to say he went to college because jobs and shit love when people go to college lmao
chan keeps making jokes that he should become a lawyer with how much he likes to argue
seungmin says he should become a food critic with how much he likes to complain
won’t tell fuckin anyone but he was on his school’s competitive dance team in high school and they won a ton of competitions so his dream job is dance instructor <3
no college and no job
she's been through a lot okay give her a break
if she were to go to college though, she'd want to go for some sort of therapy or counseling
probably something for people recovering from abusive relationships
but she doesn't like talking a lot so she knows she couldn't do that
she also wouldn’t mind something with animals
jeongin’s parents said that if she needs, they can give her a job washing dishes so she doesn’t have to interact with anyone
faye and yoona also offered to hook her up at the bakery
he's working on getting his ged since he dropped out of high school
and then he'll worry about college
got a lot of money in ways he'd rather not talk about or let jamie know about
felix tried to get changbin a job with him but the owner said changbin is absolutely not allowed behind the counter
as much as jeongin's parents love him they're kinda wary about giving him a job and having some bad people show up at their restaurant
he's still working on the job thing
honestly he’s been looking into a tattoo apprenticeship because he thinks being a tattoo artist would be pretty fun (and make decent money)
majoring in fashion design
he considered going to college for something art related but ultimately decided fashion might be the way to go (he loves fashion, anyway)
but lately he’s been wondering if he should switch to interior design
art is very therapeutic for him okay
he really wants to get an apprenticeship at some art gallery but for now he's a bartender at jeongin’s parents’ restaurant
he sometimes does other stuff though but he’s usually one of the people behind the bar
he used to bartend at an actual bar with jeonghan’s mate but he kind of fought one of the customers soooooo
we all know she was studying abroad for a semester but now she's there for good
her major was public relations and it still is, but she’s been considering switching to something with fashion
she really likes the fashion in korea
could literally sit with hyunjin and people watch for hours while discussing fashion
she still works part-time at the café with felix and now ryu
wants to move to the states and be a teacher, so she’s currently studying in the education field
her goal is to become an english teacher for children who come from families that have moved from other countries and don’t know english
hence her being tutored in english by sam
also she comes from a lot of money and her parents think it’ll be a flex if their kid knows several languages
that being said, she also doesn’t have a job since her parents pay for pretty much everything
she wants to be more independent but it’s a little difficult with her current situation which slowly seems to be getting worse
majoring in music production
he’s not super loud about his love for music and wanting to become a producer, but he’s very dedicated to his major
works part-time at a grocery store which kinda sucks and is really boring but money is money
really wants to get a job that’s more in his field but that’s kinda hard when everyone already wants you to have experience
that’s okay though because ankita is always super supportive!!
majoring in music theory & composition
like jisung, he’s not very talkative about his love for music, but he’s always the one in charge of the speakers in the café lmao
he obviously works part-time at a café with sam and ryu
desperately wants a spot at the bakery that faye and yoona work at though since that’s more his speed (he almost majored in culinary arts but he didn’t want to do the cooking aspect of it, just the baking)
but he can’t leave his job, he gets to work with his mate!!!
originally, he considered going into criminal justice and becoming a prosecutor
but then when he realized how grueling that would be, he decided to get his general studies out of the way
he likes photography but he doesn’t think he’d make a lot of money from a career in that field
so he’s still figuring his shit out
he did work part-time at a convenience store but he refused to put up with his boss’ shit so he quit
majoring in early childhood education
lowkey has baby fever
but at the same time also views the kids he gets to hang out with as friends rather than literal children lmao
he works at the school’s daycare which thankfully still pays him despite it going toward his credits and whatnot
used to work part-time at his parents’ restaurant but he still goes in to help out when it gets busy
wanted to be a vet but clearly that dream was shattered lmao
so now she’s trying to become a pediatrician because babies are probably second best to animals, right?
it’s also partly to appease the handful of family (not so much her parents but like aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc) that complains that her boyfriend is a wannabe soundcloud rapper or whatever
who needs a doctor as a husband when you can become the doctor
honestly if anybody in the pack gets bad baby fever, it’s her
it’s starting to get to jisung too
currently majoring in early childhood development, but the goal is to major in social work
she wants to be able to help out in the adoption system
but since she’s in a similar field as jeongin, they see each other quite a bit
minseo isn’t officially in the pack but honestly, she probably has baby fever the worst
but she’s dead set on adopting at least one kid <3
works part-time with jeongin at the daycare, and works weekends at a bubble tea shop
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So I just watched the first episode of Trigun and in an attempt (failing) to not endlessly talk about it to everyone i meet I’m dumping thoughts here lol
First off... it wasn’t bad. I will admit a part of me is a little disappointed in this just because if the show does get worse then it hurts more but it also means that it could get better.
I’m not happy with how they decided to speed up the plot. It took what 10+episodes to even mention Knives and they bust him out in the first episode? Imo in the original the fact that he wasn’t mentioned, the fact that he wasn’t a main focus antagonist was nice. It let the viewers get to know the characters outside of the main plot and let you get a feel for them. I also think it helped cement Trigun as a funky space western, Stampede feels like its a show set in space with a little bit of western thrown in. Granted this might change in the future.
I actually didn’t mind the animation as much as I thought I would. Most 3D anime’s that I’ve tried have looked incredibly clunky and weird but Stampede didn’t do bad, it still had its clunky looks but even 2D has those lol
I will say mostly out of spite I don’t think I can or will ever appreciate Roberto de Niro’s character. Milly is an important part of the story and I’m very curious to see how they are going to handle Wolfwoods story without her in it. And! I don’t see why they couldn’t have put her in? Even if they kept then as reporters having both the girls would have been great and wouldn’t really change the story they’ve got going so far.
Speaking of the insurance girls I am personally 70/30 on liking what they did with Meryl’s character. I liked her in the original, she was kinda a bitch and very confident in herself, she would be the one to take charge of situations and had clearly been in some dangerous situations before and I liked that.
In Stampede they toned a lot of her down. She feels younger, is younger and I don’t really like that, and she is written to be naive and most of that feels like it was done so they had someone closer to the audience that things could be explained to so everyone could understand but that was also why I liked the team of Meryl and Milly. Neither of them knew everything so they did need things explained to them from time to time and that felt natural because (spoiler) humans have only been on Gunsmoke for 150ish years? That isn’t a whole lotta time to set things up so everyone has information readily available.
But they did still keep how confident she is in herself and how she doesn’t really beat around the bush with things which I did appreciate.
I also think that they did a decent job on Vash as a character, he has almost the same vibes to me as OG Vash. I.E he’s still kinda a dumbass in the first couple episodes and trying to hide who he is.
I will also say based on the first episode the 3D animation is going to make for some cool fight scenes which I am excited for.
I hope they do go back and explain more about what happened on the Seeds ship and why Knives crashed them because I would LOVE to see that part of the manga’s story line animated. It is one of my favorite parts in the manga.
I think overall I’m not blown away but I will admit that might be slightly because the original and the manga are in my top 5 favorites and that makes me a bit biased. I’m gonna watch at least the second episode and see how they go from there but I cautiously like it and I think it has potential to be really good.
I sincerely hope that one day someone writes a fic where Milly takes the place of Roberto in some way because he is the only thing that I truly dislike about the show so far. I kinda feel like they wanted to introduce a Wolfwood esk character before introducing Wolfwood but either way he kinda sucks rn
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A Spin on Soccer Anime-Initial thoughts on Blue Lock
Hello ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between from all across the multiverse! My name is Rouga and the other day I decided to check out this new anime called Blue Lock on nothing short of a whim. I just felt like watching some anime and saw a video about blue Lock in my feed, I figured I may as well see what it's about. This won't be a review post really as much as it will be just a short little discussion-rumble-type thing. talking about my feelings towards the first episode.
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Starting off I must stress I have no real plan of action when it comes to this. I'm just kinda going with the flow and seeing where it takes me so please do not expect the utmost professional approach because this simply is not the place for that. First, let's address the elephant in the room and that is the fact I don't have high expectations towards Blue Lock simply because the main seiyuu, as well as the director, are new faces in the industry without a lot of experience, nor can I say anything about the original manga because the author of the story, MuneyukiKaneshiro is a complete unknown for me other than the fact he is collaborating with the author of Prison school, to which I have many questions but the most important of those asking letters is definitely the "why? " After being subjected to the series due to losing a bet with a friend, I cannot place much trust in the man behind the original and if that series is the claim to fame. I frankly don't know what to think other than the other manga he made must've been even worse. My absolutely befuddled state aside let's focus on Blue Lock. The story follows Yoichi Isagi, a second-year high schooler with a frankly unhealthy passion for football. who after a loss in the qualifiers for the nationals was selected by some weird dude to be one of the 300 potential ace strikers for the new Japanese team. And if I am being 100% honest, I do not like that guy nor the whole "strikers must be egotistical pricks" mentality which the series pushes on you in the first episode. Mainly because, and I will die on this hill, you do not win a soccer match with one player. and besides, I feel like strikers are rather overrated. I find myself more interested in the midfield personally. Players who have to balance many aspects of the game. defense, offense, playmaking, control, That said. Throw some shade at a high schooler's pride and you can bet your bottom they'll do whatever the heck you want them to if you phrase it the correctly messed up way. which is what happened with the players gathered by our weird dude. Then we get a pretty entertaining even if short-lived game of soccer-tag, which they for reasons unknown played barefoot. That had to have hurt, come on now. But I bring it up due to the rather sudden change in Isagi, one which Jinpachi, the weird dude-coach-guy really liked, which makes me dislike it more, going from his creed of "football is played as an 11-man team" to "I will be the bestest of the soccer guys and I don't need anyone else." That to me felt way too sudden and honestly, it makes me not really want the guy to succeed in his goal. Altho maybe the second episode will give me more to think about and something to change my perspective. Don't get me wrong the premise of Blue Lock is at its core interesting to me however, it needs a good execution, otherwise, it'll become another mediocre series with no solid direction or themes besides "Here's 300 egotistical teens." and while that could be fun for a comedy. According to my best informed of searches, Blue Lock is not a comedy. That being said I'm very open to being pleasantly surprised by this here show even if my hopes are not that high, sans the strange breath steam effect being almost omnipresent the series does look good and the actors, even the freshies are doing a decent job so far and as much as I absolutely dog on Jinpachi his character does have me interested simply because of how much of an absolute bunglenut he is. With that, I will wrap things up for now and I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading. If you've something to add, please do so in the comments and I will do my best to read and respond to them. I have been Rouga and I shall see you all next time.
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midwestmediocre · 4 months
Decent at best.
my first short story.
I’ve always been just kinda good at a lot of things. I used to occasionally dabble with music, including the piano, guitar, drums and the ukulele. I’m not particularly noteworthy. I was barely in my high school yearbook, and that fact does closely mirror my HS experience. When I was around 14, and starting High School, I was a very chubby kid. My family, while loving, had a way of making everything revolve around food. I was “in the danger zone” according to my family’s doctor. So against my wishes, I was made to join the basketball team. I was never a sports fan, and yet here I was joining the team.
While I was technically part of the team, I hardly saw any playtime. The only thing that I had enjoyed and looked forward to on game day, was the fact that we wore our jerseys during the school day. I thought it made me appealing to the girls. It didn’t.
My academics, throughout my time as a student were nothing to write home about. In middle and high school, my grades always sat just above average. That was good enough for my Mom, and she was proud. In middle school , I was constantly being told that I had “potential”. I quickly began to loathe that word. Hearing it struck me as if me as I was then was not good enough, nor will I ever be good enough until I tapped into that potential that I kept hearing so much about. I never seemed to rise above average though. I constantly saw certain groups of people excelling in their chosen high school identity. There were the AP and Honors course kids, who had been applying to colleges ever since freshman year. There were also the athletes who gave “110 percent” like their coach would tell them to do, in hopes of landing a college scholarship. The last notable group that comes to mind are the theater and music kids, who made the performing arts their identity. Fun fact about me: I tried to be a part of all of those groups.
Then and now I lacked passion. It was always such a powerful and mystical word to me, but more so than anything, it remained elusive. Before I had realized, high school was over and I hadn’t applied to any universities or community colleges. I was suddenly an aimless 18 year old. 
My family was always supportive and loving, but they wanted me to at least attend community college.  That idea quickly fell apart when I realized that I could skip class with no consequence. For about a year, I worked a few jobs until one day I realized…. Those people I went to school with were thriving in college or making a career for themselves in the military. A few of them even had connections that had allowed them to get high paying entry level jobs in the city. And here I was, working at the bowling alley or a daycare, or a pizza place. 
I felt that potential I had heard so much about had been thoroughly squandered.
I wanted to make a change, but in my mind, anything I might choose could prove to be useless. I had to do something big. So I did.
I ended up moving to Illonois. I heard that the midwest was more affordable to live in, and that it was also brimming with opportunity for someone like myself. I got settled thanks to the help of some friends that lived in the area, and I was suddenly living in my 400$/month apartment and making a whopping FIFTEEN dollars per hour! I thought I was rich! It was a modest and humble way of life. And little did I know that was all it was ever going to be…….
Sometimes a mediocre life… translates to a mediocre death.
I met her in the summer. 
Upon moving to IL, I quickly set about my number 1 all time goal: Lose my virginity. I was also after romance and a relationship, but I’d be lying if I said that being a 20 year old virgin wasn’t eating away at me. Immediately, I downloaded Tinder, and Bumble, and began swiping feverishly. My bio included some simple trivia about myself. I liked comics, anime, the Marvel movies, Star Wars and video games. I looked at that bio and felt proud. That pride soon turned to confusion, when I was receiving absolutely ZERO matches or even likes. 
I was up REALLY late one night swiping through Tinder as usual, when I happened upon a beautiful picture. She was stunning. She attended the local university, she liked comics, anime, and video games. Her bio seemed at that moment that it was written just for me. A true modern day love story right? I attempted to swipe right, but came to realize instead that I was already out of swipes. Immediately I went to check my bank app to see how much was in my account and I miraculously had 10$ left. 
The premium account with unlimited swipes was 7.99.
I entered my card info and was suddenly a “premium member”. I rolled my eyes at my own desperation. “Jeez, paying for love now? Soon you’ll be paying for…’’ I quickly put that thought out of my head, and saw her profile was still there. I swiped right…..we matched! She messaged me first and we chatted, we soon exchanged numbers and talked on the phone until sunrise.
To me, at that moment I felt as if I was starting the best chapter yet.
Later on, I learned that you could try too hard at love. When you feel that you haven’t done anything noteworthy, and suddenly you have a noteworthy person in your life, you don’t want to lose it. 
So I held tight, too tight in fact. 
It seems like nobody ever really tells you how to balance your affection for another that doesn’t just boil down to being aloof or dismissive. Looking back on it now, I definitely came on too strong. I said “I love you” first, and I even proposed in the 1st 6 months. Looking back on it now I wish Ariana said no. 
She had a lot going for her. But then I came along.
She was working on her undergrad in Journalism, with a focus in communications. She was going to set the News world on fire. Ariana always had a very strained relationship with her father, ever since her mother passed away. He was never violent, just mean and petty. That whole conflict was coming to a head when I entered her life. Naively, I told her she could move in with me, especially since she only had one semester of school left before graduating. So she left home and moved in with me. What a fucking mistake.
Shortly after she graduated, Ariana took a part time job at the Dollar Store to assist with bills, although I insisted I could handle them on my own. The plan was for her to look for a job in her field and eventually we’d both move to NYC. That probably the most non-viable plan we possibly could have came up with. 
Soon weeks of searching turned to months, which turned to years and before we knew it, 10 years had rolled by.
To keep us afloat, I became the breadwinner between the two of us. Ariana never did find that Journalism job. That bred depression and that depression bred despair. I had thoroughly swept her into my life of mediocrity. We were just normal people.
It often seems like when a person leads a boring, unnoteworthy life, they have kids. And I guess the hope is that they become noteworthy, noticeable, or important, thereby extending the chain of mediocrity. Maybe somewhere down the line that does happen, but you might not be around to see it come to fruition. Ariana never wanted kids. Neither did I.
I had completely embraced my midwest averageness, I was a night shift supervisor at a warehouse, and worked part-time as a mover. Ariana continued to work part time at the Dollar Store after all these years, insisting that her Journalism career will pick up.
She just went full time. Shortly after I saw the messages in her phone. They were with a coworker of mine. I remember feeling numb, not even angry, but rather I thought “this was bound to happen sooner or later’’. I was a premature balding, overweight 34 year old with no savings and a crappy car, she was also 34 but her looks never aged past 27, and her figure was what I liked to refer to her as “ fit and curvy”. She realistically could have anybody, and there wasn’t anything of note happening to us. Along the way I stopped being overly romantic and spontaneous. Working 65+ hours a week and never seeing your partner is a good way to lose her.
Weeks after I saw the messages, I did not even confront her. What could I even say? “How could you?” or “why babe?” I knew full well why. So I resolved not to be a burden on her life, her goals, her dreams, her happiness….anymore. I kept a small revolver in the bed side table, I planned to walk to work instead of drive. I told her I needed fresh air. And she just waved her hand and told me to “be safe”. I nodded and left.
Along my path I stopped to pet my neighbor's porch cat “Marbles” one last time. He rolled around and mewed a bunch. It put a smile on my face. I cut through a portion of the “woods’’ which was little more than 3-4 dozen oak trees with a narrow bike path weaving through it. As of now my shift started 15 minutes ago. I walked along the bike path and came to the bridge portion of it. The time was now 9:45pm and it was dark, save for one flickering orange tinted pathway lamp.
It was here my life was scheduled to end.
As I reached into my pocket and felt the cold steel of the revolver, I closed my eyes to pray one last time. When I opened them, I noticed a figure standing atop the chain link fence that kept joggers and bikers from falling the long height of the bridge into a shallow creek. As I looked closer I realized it was a kid. No older than 16, planning to end it all. “What a waste of potential” I thought…. He looked at me and we locked eyes. The waist height fence began to wobble and the kid slipped. Without thinking I grabbed his wrist. But it was quickly apparent to me that I did not have the strength to pull him up. So I fell with him. Rotating my body so that I would absorb the impact. I remember hearing him screaming for help, and also at me. Not sure why though. I remember seeing my cheap, lightweight revolver, get pushed downstream aided by gravity.
“Well at least Ari will get the life insurance money”. “I guess I did do one thing that had an impact”.
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bgallen · 11 months
Pink grasshoppers, reading children's books, Six Triple Eight, and more...a Friday List
Happy Friday!
I hope that you have had an enjoyable week with hopefully decent weather. I know that in many places this week the weather has been devastating. I have compiled a list for you to enjoy and as always I hope that you find one or two things to enjoy. I have also added some podcasts that I have been enjoying as well as a new to me book that I’ve begun.
 May your weekend be one of rest, activity, joy, and calm – whatever it is that you need in this moment.
 ·       Why adults should read children's books - BBC Culture, “So it's to children's fiction that you turn if you want to feel awe and hunger and longing for justice: to make the old warhorse heart stamp again in its stall.”
 ·       Texas Author Reunites with TikToker Who Made Him Bestseller (people.com), what a neat story!
 ·       The Pink grasshopper - Erythrism (roeselienraimond.com), oh my I have never seen one of these and didn’t know it was possible for them to be pink. It would seem more likely to find one of these in Alice in Wonderland than out and about in real life. Here’s another beautiful one, Anglesey: Rare pink grasshopper spotted in garden - BBC News
 ·       Six Triple Eight: The battalion of black women erased from history - BBC News, how incredible! Such an impressive accomplishment and I am so glad they are finally being recognized as they should have been. Tyler Perry is currently filming a Netflix film about them with Kerry Washington starring as well as producing in it.
 ·       Sounds of Motown (A cappella Medley) - Kings Return - YouTube, I really enjoy Kings Return…harmonizing is impeccable and covering Motown?! Even better.
 ·       DREAMIN' WILD Trailer (2023) Casey Affleck - YouTube, this looks to be a really great film.
 ·       Tiny Octopus Gets So Excited When His Diver Friend Comes To Visit Him | The Dodo - YouTube, oh my goodness – this is the sweetest little mollusc (yes I did have to google that.) I am always fascinated when animals interact with humans that aren’t animals that we keep as pets.
 ·       Elizabeth Cotten - In the Sweet By and By - YouTube, Learned something new today…”cotten picking” was created by Elizabeth. She was left-handed so she played her right-handed guitar upside down, which apparently is not the easiest thing to do.
 ·       Woodland (2020) – Sarah Anne Johnson, I saw Sarah Anne’s art on a house tour on youtube and fell in love with this Woodland series that she has. This is what she has to say about the series, “ I then transformed the photographs with paint, metal leaf, holographic tape, photo-spotting ink, and photoshop to create a more honest image that reflects my personal experience with the landscape.” I once had a friend tell me how she edited her photos so beautifully and she said the same thing as Sarah Anne, she edits the photo to appear in the photo as her own eyes and mind experienced it in person.  
 Podcasts I’ve been binging:
·       Lionsgate Sound | Scamanda, this is an incredible story….that I can’t quite wrap my mind around. I have found that I prefer podcasts that are hosted/created by journalists. Charlie Webster did a great job researching this story along with her team and the original investigative journalist that began the work and then she does an excellent job telling the story.
·       Betrayal on Apple Podcasts, another well done podcast. Heavier material than Scamanda, well it’s a different sort of heavy. Depending on how you handle things, you may want to read up on it before you listen. Both seasons so far have been so well done. The first season is now a documentary on Hulu.
·       Huberman Lab, I just began this one today. In the episode I began listening to today, Dr. Malenka is on it discussing how the brain changes in response to learning and reward and reinforcement. Fascinating and exciting stuff!  
New book:
·       Operation Barbarossa - Jonathan Dimbleby - Oxford University Press (oup.com), the largest military operation of all time – the invasion of Russia by Germany in 1941.  
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all-hail-trudos · 1 year
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I posted 14,742 times in 2022
That's 1,079 more posts than 2021!
65 posts created (0%)
14,677 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 706 of my posts in 2022
#saved for later - 56 posts
#neural cloud - 29 posts
#pnc - 19 posts
#gfl - 19 posts
#girl's frontline - 13 posts
#girls' frontline - 13 posts
#project neural cloud - 9 posts
#pokemon - 8 posts
#saved to research later - 7 posts
#arknights - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#bitcoin is a pseudo-commodity traded as an assumed fungible entity even as most people view it more like an investment than anything else
My Top Posts in 2022:
Second thing I'm loving about Arceus Legends: the move pool has been DECIMATED. Like almost literally decimated, shrunk down to a fraction of what we had in Gen 7, and half of SWSH's already shrunken move sets. Most pokemon learn less than a dozen moves on their own, and type coverage is difficult to get without going to the move tutor.
I know some people will question my sanity for being excited about this, but let me explain. Small move pools completely erase the meta. Each pokemon only having access to like a dozen moves means teams can now be more diverse. Nearly everyone's fav can suddenly become relevant again under conditions like this so long as they have decent stats. (That includes my own beloved eeveelutions). And small things like Buizel/Floatzel having access to Aqua Jet and Crunch vs Psyduck/Golduck learning psychic type moves becomes extremely important.
ALSO, you can swap out pokemon in the same turn now if you do it right, and that is AMAZING. Between these two things, pokemon battles feel more dynamic now than they have since I first started playing, and the experience is an extremely welcome breath of fresh air.
21 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Postmodern liberalism subscribers are so afraid of Catholics who aren't ashamed of themselves that they banned a man who's only fault was being loudly Christian and making a couple shit posts. If anyone sees theironclad make a return with a new blog, let me know. I miss his salty Irish humour
25 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
I don't know if someone's said this already, but Shez looks like someone's early '00s anime oc. Crazy purple scene kid hair. Big doe eyes. Stacked. Dual wields swords, one of which looks like a weird combination of a saber and a katana. She absolutely fits the bill.
40 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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The crossover of two of my favourite games is getting a rerun on April 26th 2022! I'm so happy!
142 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
All the jokes about Battinson on tumblr belie the fact that there is a surprising amount of maturity to The Batman, making it arguably the best batman movie, and I would even say the best superhero movie to date.
Matt Reeves directs a movie that's a character drama masquerading as an action flick. Everyone knows (or should know by now) that Bruce Wayne is an orphan by now. His origin story has been adapted plenty of times by now. But no other work in recent memory has explored the idea of him still being traumatized by that into his adult years. Robert Pattinson does an amazing job playing a genuinely antisocial and clinically depressed superhero who fights crime with the vague hope of making a difference. When he wears the Bat suit, he feels like he has a reason for living. When he takes the suit off and becomes Bruce Wayne again, he might as well be dead. He hates himself, he hates his life, and he has no time for the family business empire that's beginning to crumble around him. As many people have commented, as Batman he is unequivocally badass. Possibly more badass than Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale's interpretation of the same role. But as Bruce Wayne he is a sad, strange little man who needs therapy and a hug. (Like, seriously, guy needs a hug. Selena Kyle touches his cheek and the man melts into it like it's the first friendly touch he's had in years.) But over the course of the movie we see him change. Bruce Wayne slowly becomes more than a daylight/public alter ego and becomes more important to him. He accepts that it's necessary for him to take responsibility and do more than fight crime. And it's this underlying aspect of the plot, the unmitigated despair gradually resolving into purpose and a sense of personal importance that really shapes The Batman and makes it genuinely better than all the takes that came before it.
436 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elareine · 3 years
If you’re still open to prompts, Tim and ninja please!
Here’s the thing most people don’t get about office politics: It’s a game.
That’s all. You have to play by the rules. The best stakeholder management plan doesn’t help you when you decide that your team leader is too slow in passing on your request for a new work phone and you go straight to the department head. Don’t say, “sure, we can do that,” say, “I’ll speak with the team, evaluate our resources and come with an answer for you tomorrow.” Know everyone’s birthday. Quid pro quo actually works, and sometimes, you gotta move first.
Tim is really, really good at the game. Maybe the best of the Bats since Bruce-as-Brucie’s one rule is to break all of them. Unfortunately, Tim also hates it.
Listen. This is a very important contract. The supplier in question has made leaps in fabric technologies that, combined with Wayne Co.’s high-tech fitting process, could revolutionize medical masks by making them safe and multi-use for the first time. Incidentally, they would also be fucking great against fear gas.
Unfortunately, the head of that company? Total douche. The meeting is a shitshow of gritted teeth and fingers clenching under the table, and that’s before the ninjas attack. Payment for deliverables before a quality assurance check? Does the guy think Tim’s a total beginner? Fuck off, Michel without the a.
Anyway. The ninjas.
Tim somehow endeavors to look clumsy as he takes the first ninja out with his water glass, discreetly shooting the other with a sleeping dart when Michel tracks the first one’s literal downfall with his eyes. There are two more hanging from the ceiling, though, and they are throwing sharp objects at Tim with laughable accuracy.
“You say they are sent by Ra’s al-Ghul? Who is he?” Michel inquires.
“A powerful cult leader, really. If you can believe it.” Tim laughs. It doesn’t come out very convincing.
“And this man sends ninjas into your office for what reason, exactly?”
“We’re related,” Tim says absently, which seems to be the first thing to properly discompose Michel all evening. Has Tim mentioned he’s French?
“Well,” Michel says stiffly, “I do hope my own family likes me better than that.”
Considering Tim has heard rumors his wife is fucking their babysitter, he doesn’t quite think so. Play the game and don’t bring that up, he reminds himself.
“Yes. Uh, maybe we should postpone this discussion?”
“No.” Michel casually shifts to the side, narrowly avoiding a ninja star slicing his shoulder open. Can someone be that lucky? Is Tim in the presence of a supervillain? Is that why Ra’s is suddenly interrupting his meetings? “I am leaving for Europe tonight. If you want this contract, we must finish the negotiations tonight.”
“Of course.” Tim tries to smile. “Just a moment, then. Please help yourself to some more tea.”
No. Ra’s would not care about a supervillain contract. But he would care about a rival.
Michel sniffs. “I would rather have some decent coffee if you have such a thing.”
Luckily, Batman enters the room just in time to stop Tim from showcasing the I-strangle-him-now emotions that currently have him in their grip.
Okay, so. Simple list:
Step one: Wait till the man dressed as an animal in a cape takes care of the ninjas.
Step two: Conclude negotiations with the potential supervillain to advance public healthcare and private vigilantism.
Step three (optional): Find out about said supervillain’s plans and thwart them or something.
Who said a corporate job would be boring?
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How The Obey Me Brothers Would Do in a “The Forest” AU
Fandom: Obey me
Pairings: None
Warnings: Swearing, idiocy, mild gore
The Forest was just released for the new Oculus headset, and Levi could NOT pass up this opportunity. However, it’s just his luck he got his hands on a cursed copy of the game, and ended up sucking the House of Lamentation into the game! Here’s how our favorite boys faired in the universe of “The Forest”
Is pissed.
Bitches about it heavily
Is irritated that he has to find and wrangle a digital son now as well as his siblings. 
Would definitely help everyone else build a little shelter before nightfall, but would be grumbling about how much work he has to do at home and how far behind this would put him. 
Doesn’t let MC lift a finger and is 100% a mother hen the whole time. 
Seems inconvenienced by the whole cannibal thing, until he realizes magic doesn’t exist here and he has to use his melee fighting skills to kill them. Skills that are a little rusty...
Teams up with Beel to be the camp dads and take care of everyone
Super paranoid about the stability of the walls and the house at the beginning
Dies from eating a poisonous berry. He didn’t know he could be affected by poison in this game.
Over all, does his best to keep everyone alive, and feels really bad when someone dies. 
No longer feels bad when he learns that the worst thing that happens is you lose all your stuff and you respawn. 
A solid 7/10 job. Probably dies a few times due to someone else being an idiot, but is a pretty good survivalist when push comes to shove. 
Is also pissed
He was in the middle of counting the grimm from his latest modeling gig when he was sucked into the game.
Bitches and moans with/at Lucifer, but tries to build and maintain a shelter.
Who’s Timmy?
I don’t think crows exist in the game, but seagulls do and they all land on his fingers and he makes friends with them.
Is very upset when one of his brothers kills a bird for food or to simply carry around its head as a trophy. 
Sees cannibals and tries to trade with them with the grimm he has in his pockets.
Dies on sight.
Now when he sees or hears cannibals he screams and cowers behind MC 
When they go away or the screaming stops, he stands up straight and dusts off his jacket “Psh, I wasn’t afraid! I was trying to comfort you from behind! YOU were the one afraid”
After a while in the game, he gets his shit together and honestly kinda kills it. 
This is the avatar of greed, you know he is going to gather and horde so many valuable resources and then guard them with his life. 
“Mammon I’m hurt please stop hissing at me and let me have the medicine bottle”
*hiss* “You can have ONE pill and ONE pill only”
Over all, the definition of “They had us in the first half ngl”
8/10 for managing the group’s food and resource stores so well and only dying a fuck ton of times. 
Feels quite guilty, but is also secretly pumped to immerse himself in the game.
Was extremely skilled at this game IRL and tries to explain how it works to everyone else, but they’re all so pissed and no one’s listening.
“That’s fine, who would want to listen to a yucky otaku like me anyway!” 
Magic doesn’t exist here, but that doesn’t stop Levi from yeeting himself into the ocean and turning into a giant sea monster while his brothers complete the game. 
They don’t want his help? They don’t want to know that the cannibals can’t swim and that they’ll be safer if they build a boat and live in a boathouse on the water? Fine. Then Perish <3
That goes for Timmy too, fuck that kid. 
Doesn’t want MC to suffer tho, so he’ll kill a few sharks and throw them up over the wall with his tail. (I’m assuming that if the game is released for Oculus Rift that they will get their shit together and also make sharks edible)
Is having a grand time taking over the ocean. 
Will sometimes go to shore to visit MC. Everyone is confused as to where he has been and how he is thriving. He just smiles and jumps back in the water.
10/10 strats. Never once dies. Tells everyone what they were doing wrong and how they could have had it easier when they beat the game and are back IRL out of spite.
Is throwing things in their spots while building the shelter, but is still helping
Spawns in with the book he was reading in his hand.
That book is eventually stolen from his grasp in the night and used as kindling for the fire.
Lucifer explains that if he didn’t steal his book they all would have died. 
Satan does not give a fuck
“Use the kid’s stupid fucking drawings you dipshit!”
“I can’t they’re story items!”
Goes on a rampage and kills so many deer, effectively feeding the group for a week.  
Sees the cannibals for the first time and thinks “same” 
Pretty good fighter and pretty resourceful when it comes to making armor and weapons. 
Outfits MC with the all of his prototypes and tells them to go run at a tree
“How do you feel, MC?”
“Like I ran at a tree with a deer skin on my chest”
Very upset at the whole no magic thing, but will work with it.
Over all, 7/10 job. Dies a couple times from cannibals and the other monsters, but makes it to the end.
Oh dear. 
Oh dear this sweet summer child. 
“Why are we looking for this child when he’s so ugly?”
Is distraught and so very upset this is happening to him. Cries variations of “woe is me” for the first five hours of game play
Does not help build a shelter
Does not help gather food and resources
Does not help period. Only whines. 
Sees cannibals sprinting and jumping towards the shelter and pushes Lucifer in front of him
“Take him! I’m too pretty to die!”
What follows after the first three days is a slow decent into madness. 
Ends up butt ass naked for the majority of the game because the clothes he spawned in with were ripped to shreds and “No animal skin clothing in this world is good enough to adorn my perfect body”
Starts speaking to the animals and becomes friends with all of them like a Disney Princess. 
The animals come to his aid when he lets out a specific shriek that calls them to his side.
Spends his time weaving flower crowns for MC, his brothers, and his animal friends. 
Everyone knows he’s snapped when Beel brings back the dead body of a cannibal and Asmo dips his dirty little finger into an open wound and wipes the blood on his lips. 
“I just love this shade! Don’t you?” 
5/10 job. Dies multiple times from trying to befriend hostile animals, but also has an army of woodland creatures at his disposal by the end of the game.
Bro you know this mans is about to make this game his bitch
Spawns in with a cheeseburger.
Eats the cheeseburger.
“I have a son?”
“Where is my son?”
Honestly the thought of Beel in this game is so sexy like I’m simping so hard rn 
Grab your water skins and buckle up bc it’s about to get thirsty up in here y’all
A shirt? Beel doesn’t know what those are anymore
He crafts one of those shoulder harnesses out of hide and bone and sticks a bone shiv thing on the forearm 
Don’t mess with this demon when his dinner and his family is on the line.
Is not afraid of anything except the death of his loved ones.
Cannibals? Nah, dinner.
Other monsters? Nah, dinner. 
Full shirtless lumberjack mode with Lucifer, and later Mammon, when cutting down trees in the forest. MC is drooling. 
Definitely makes a game out of how many trees they can all chop down before giving up.
Plays knuckle bones with Belphie and MC using real knuckle bones. 
Doesn’t want to share his food with the others but will if they didn’t get anything to eat that day. 
Chef Beel. That’s it that’s the post. 
10/10 job. Only dies once throwing his body over Belphie’s sleeping one to save him. 
Get’s annoyed when he finds out Belphie was fake sleeping
Very sexy. Would watch. 
Nah dude no thanks 
Alexa play “Wake Me Up When September Ends”
Alexa play “Billie Jean”
“And the kid is not my son”
Get’s so fucking pissed when he finds out he can’t sleep without everyone else deciding to sleep too so he just lays down with his eyes closed and hopes for the best.
Doesn’t help with anything unless someone asks him to
Even then he’ll roll his eyes like brat and slowly do it
An actual sloth
No like he clings to MC and Beel like a sleepy sloth 100% of the time
He can’t find any cows and is sad so he settles for the local deer instead. 
Fake sleeps through most of the whole thing, paying monster and cannibals alike absolutely no mind. Beel will take care of it.
Freaks the fuck out when Beel dies on top of him and goes into a rage and kills everything in sight. 
Very sweet reunion when he realizes that they just respawn.
No longer pays death any mind and continues fake sleeping. 
0/10. Virtually useless. 
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wyrmy-fics · 3 years
Okay, Worm. Wormy. What race and class would the Mysmes characters play as in WoW? Feel free to give any other headcanons too. 🤲
hi hello I’m currently working on other requests at the moment but this one seemed fun to do while I take a break from homework!
Anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact I’m a big fan of anything WoW related and have been for years, so let’s go 👀
Reblogs are highly appreciated. :)
RFA on WoW
Includes: All RFA Members + Saeran and Rika
Warnings -> N/A
Type: Headcanons.
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Blood Elf - Paladin.
It was the only race that had options to make it look like him.
Genuinely thought they looked really handsome/pretty while looking through the characterization screen.
He also felt like it would have been fun to try something on the Horde; a little different from the rest of the RFA.
Zen almost chose a warrior for the class but liked the idea of having the ability to heal as a Paladin.
Profession - Jewelcrafting.
A very rare profession in the game by now, but Zen assumed it was fitting for his character.
Prioritizes armor looks over actual stats.
“Where did all of your gold go—?”
“... Transmog...”
Troll - Hunter.
Wanted to join the Horde along with Zen and guide him through it.
Couldn’t decide on a race at first but enjoyed reading up on the Troll story and statistics.
Gets way too attached to his pets and takes time naming every single one of them.
So many pets with the stablemaster. So many.
Accidentally killed a mob while trying to tame it; cried for about an hour. (Zen had to cheer him up until it respawned.)
Focuses on PVP way more than storyline.
Profession - cooking!
His bags are constantly full of food and potions.
Also just thought the campfire option was really nice. :)
Night Elf - Monk.
Mr. Han wanted to be a Night Elf, so she was “kindly demanded” to join him.
She ended up hooked reading the description for monks and gets excited when a new ability pops up.
It reminds her of Judo a bit, even though they’re very different, but she compliments the animation on their stance.
Isn’t one for games most of the time, but starts reading up on the Night Elf storyline while on break.
A little down about the fact she’s on the opposite faction as Zen. (“Don’t you think he would look great in a show about these characters?”)
Profession - Inscription.
Also a very rare profession, but puts unwanted items and recipes to use this way.
It’s also a decently fast profession to complete during the day, so one she can enjoy after work.
It also goes well with Jumins profession.
Night Elf - Mage.
His first option was a Human, actually.
But Zen teased him about it being a very basic choice. (So, why not go with the second basic option?)
It’s canon that Jumin is interested in magic and witchcraft, so a Mage was the next best thing.
Specifically enjoys the talent of Arcane mage, but regularly switches to other elements. (Named the Elemental pet “Elizabeth the 4th.”)
Tries to get in contact with the developers to sell cat related products with in-game references.
Profession - Enchanting.
Doesn’t actually know how to use the profession and gets Assistant Kang to do most of the work.
She also has to trade a lot of materials if he asks. (Please just... use the auction house.)
Tries to somehow use enchanting in real life. Upset it doesn’t work.
Gnome - Warlock.
Ah, yes. The most hated race in the game. That’s why he chose it.
Ends up attached to the little guy and gives him the wildest characterization options.
And, of course, the classic yellow engineering goggles were a necessity.
Ends up finding a rotation with Warlocks easier than anything else and finds out how to cast his spells all at once.
Has been suspended multiple times for that, though.
Profession - Engineering.
Not too much of a surprise but when Seven found out he can make stuff in-game, he was all over it.
Ends up making certain inventions in real life for his personal enjoyment. (And Vanderwoods demise.)
May or may not catch up with Yoosung in PVP to completely annihilate him. Bonus points if it’s in open world too.
Human - Warrior.
Swears he would try another race next time but wanted his first to be a Human.
Also tries to make it look like himself somehow.
Didn’t realize he could have been any other class than a Warrior. It was the default and looked interesting.
Can’t tank very well but overall likes the idea of damage control. Even if it’s just... Pressing buttons.
Explores more than actually questing since the areas are really nice to just sit and enjoy sometimes.
Has taken a few screenshots for artistic references before.
Profession - Archaeology.
Most people with the profession just do it for XP or reputation points,
But this man will sit down and read every. Single. Site. It’s nice to hear him get excited and interested in his findings, however. (Same, Jihyun.)
Undead - Rogue.
Ray thought they looked a little creepy at first, but Saeran overall empathized with their story.
They’re the misunderstood outcasts of the game - why wouldn’t he play them?
The rogue was an interesting choice. The idea of stealthing around and using quick attacks was intriguing.
Doesn’t play too often but somehow levels faster than the rest of the group.
Ray will focus more on exploring, Suit enjoys PVP, and Saeran will actually pay attention to the plot.
Ironically dislikes Sylvanas.
Profession - Herbalism.
At first didn’t like the idea of actually picking the flowers in game before realizing that’s how you learn about them.
Makes a little section in his book specifically for these fictional flowers and their meanings, plus what they’re used for in-game.
Draenei - Priest.
Not only envied their devotion but also their outlook on helping others.
Would eventually switch over to Lightforged Draenei once they’re unlocked, but gets attached to her original character.
I’m trying really hard not to make a “Light” joke or connect anything to the Naaru....
Is the teams healer and does an amazing job at it. Not too fond of actual combat.
Spends a lot of time in the Priest campaign hall doing dailies and class quests.
Profession - Alchemy.
The art of crushing an item down into dust in order to turn it into something else more useful for her character.
Doesn’t use the profession all too much unless absolutely needed, though.
Overall a fun player to work with and everyone’s go-to healer.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoy reading. :)
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