#i love you sun i love you warmth i love you trees blooming and grass growing green
loverscrossmp3 · 1 year
warmest day of the year so far today!! i was made for times like these!!
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
A thousand times over - Lewis Hamilton
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request: Hii! Omg, I just saw a comment on instagram that was so cute it made me think a Lewis fic would be so much cuter. You're my favourite writer for F1 so I know you'd eat this up. So a guy commented that when his wife takes off her wedding rings for baking/gardening/painting/etc and he finds them, he waits til she's done then gives them back to her by proposing to her again. - @happy-golden-hour
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: pure fluff
wordcount: +1K
a/n: The three times Lewis reasks y/n to marry him, and the one time the roles are reversed.
a/n.2: Thank you for the idea bestie, took me a while but I couldn't decide on a single scenario, so there's 3 and a surprise one. Hope you like it ❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The Gardening Proposal
The morning sun made the garden golden, its rays filtering through the leaves and casting long shadows from the pine trees across the lush grass. Even though it wasn’t even 8 am yet, you were already lost in the peaceful new flower bed you had been working on for the past week. The air was crisp and fresh, a bit of fog still lurking deep in the woods that surrounded your country home, adding to the serene atmosphere.
Lewis looked over from the porch at the scene, his ever-attentive eyes lost in thought as he admired you. His fingers played with the golden band of your wedding ring he had found on the kitchen counter just minutes ago. The soft glint of the ring caught his eye, reminding him of the love and commitment you shared.
Before you could even feel his presence, he cleared his throat to catch your attention. Your vision as you turned was him, in only his basketball shorts, kneeled in the grass by the flower bed. In his hand was the band you had left in the kitchen the previous day, placed carefully so it wouldn’t get amidst the dirt.
"Love, would you marry me, again?" Lewis said softly, holding out the ring between his fingers, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. His voice was gentle, carrying a hint of playfulness that always had you melting.
Surprised but delighted by his heartfelt gesture, you accepted the ring, feeling its familiar weight as he slid it back onto your finger. The metal felt cool against your skin, a tangible reminder of the bond you shared. "Thank you," you whispered, your heart swelling with love and gratitude.
Lewis chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at you. "Well, is that a yes?" he began, his voice filled with warmth and humor. His playful tone made you laugh, easing any lingering nerves.
Tears of happiness welled in your eyes as you nodded, your voice filled with emotion. "Yes, a thousand times over" you replied, sealing your promise with a passionate kiss. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air around you, a perfect moment in your blossoming garden.
The Workout Proposal
The early night lights danced around in your bedroom windows as you read your book. You had just finished an intense workout in your home gym, the exhaustion and exhilaration leaving you feeling both drained and sleepy. So, after a shower, you had wrapped yourself in a plush robe, seeking comfort in your bed for a bit before thinking about dinner.
A while later Lewis found you, curled up in bed. A smile tugged at his lips as he admired your relaxed demeanor, his fingers playing with the ring he had found placed at tv console in the gym, now safely tucked in his pocket. Scooting closer to you on the bed, he gently pulled you into his embrace, his warmth enveloping you. His touch was gentle, and with a contented smile, you nestled closer to Lewis, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest. His arms wrapping around you protectively.
In that intimate moment, Lewis gazed into your eyes softly. "I love you," he whispered, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
“I love you” You whispered back as you looked up at him, although not without a questioning look, as to why the sudden confession.
He let out a chuckle and reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the ring, his features full of adoration as he asked you for the thousandth time "Will you marry me, again?" his voice barely above a whisper.
Overwhelmed you took a moment to gather your words, your heart pounding just like it had when he asked for the first time. “Yeah, always”, your voice steady and certain. As he slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing your renewed commitment, your hands reached for the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to yours.
The Candles Proposal
The aroma of a Sunday roast filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of herbs and spices. You were in the kitchen, focused on preparing a delicious meal for Lewis's family. His mother was by your side, offering her expertise and sharing cherished family recipes.
As you started making fresh pasta from scratch, you carefully removed your new wedding ring, placing it in Lewis's hand for safekeeping. He smiled, understanding the gesture, and pocketed the ring, promising to keep it safe.
The meal was a success, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth his family always provided. As you two got back home late at night you headed for the shower, to clean up and decompress.
When you returned to the living room, you were greeted by the soft glow of candlelight. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, and soft music played in the romantic and intimate background that Lewis had created.
In the center of the room, Lewis knelt on one knee, his eyes filled with love and determination. The ring you had entrusted to him earlier glinted in his hand, catching the candlelight. "Since I still don’t believe it’s true… would you marry me?” Lewis asked softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection as he held out the ring to you.
"Yes, Lew" you replied, your voice filled with love and gratitude. "I would be honored to marry you, over and over again." Surprised and touched by him, you felt a wave of emotion wash over you. The love and thoughtfulness he had put into this moment a reminder of the lengths he would go to show the love he felt.
The Surprise
As you entered the newly painted nursery, a smile spread across your face at the sight of the lovingly decorated room. Your heart swelled with anticipation at the thought of welcoming your baby into this home and to finally start your own family.
As you admired each detail, your eyes fell upon the wedding band resting on the dresser. Curiosity piqued, you picked up the ring, a tender smile playing on your lips as you realized Lewis had left it behind, probably had taken if off when he was painting.
Knowing he must be in his study, you made your way there, your heart fluttering with excitement. Entering the room, you found Lewis absorbed in his work, surrounded telemetry and car part’s designs. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your head against his shoulder.
He turned to meet your gaze, a soft smile lighting up his face as he pulled you onto his lap, his hands automatically resting on your 6 months-bump. "You know, I can't physically kneel like you always do" you teased, a playful glint in your eye, "but there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
Lewis chuckled, his arms tightening around you as he waited for you to continue. With a grin, you reached into your pocket, retrieving the wedding band. Holding it up between you, you met Lewis's gaze, your heart overflowing with love and joy.
"Would you marry me?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth and affection. Lewis's eyes shimmered with emotion. Without a moment's hesitation, he nodded, his voice filled with love. "Yes, I’ll marry you, every day if need be"
As you slipped the ring onto his finger, sealing your renewed commitment, you knew that no matter what life had in store, your love would always be the guiding light that led you through every joy and challenge.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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esouliie · 3 months
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(natasha romanoff x fem! reader)
– synopsis | falling in love with your childhood bestfriend might have been one of the best yet scariest things to happen to you. but what happened in the summer of ‘97? what happened to your darling natalia?
– warnings | little fluff & a lot of angst, kind of au (no avengers), child abuse, mentions of: attempted suicide, self harm, body mutilation, burn marks, severe malnourishment (18+)
– notes | this was supposed to be a oneshot but, as usual, i spiralled out of control and now it has two chapters… potentially three? merci, mon alice, for the header @wandasgf ♡
[ word count: 4.4k ] Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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JULY 1992
The sun had begun to set and yet the warmth of the day still lingered. The glow of the street lamps cast an amber hue on the pavement, outlining the familiar houses that lined the quiet street. The air was filled with the scent of summer, a blend of fresh grass and the distant fragrance of blooming flowers. In one of the houses on the street, a family gathered in their backyard for a summer evening barbecue. The smell of sizzling burgers and sweet barbecue sauce wafted through the air, and the faint laughter of children chasing each other echoed, while the adults lounged and swapped stories.
Meanwhile, across the field, two girls were beneath the sprawling branches of a willow tree. A patchwork quilt, covering a section of flattened grass, held a tea set long forgotten as they had rounded the thick trunk, the littlest one already perched on the wooden swing.
“Push me higher, Natty!” You exclaimed, voice full of glee. You were only a small girl with wild hair and a toothy grin, but your spirit was boundless.
Natalia smiled brightly, her own eyes sparkling with joy at her friend's excitement. “You’re already so high you could see the Empire State Building.” She teased, her laughter blending with the sound of chirping crickets amongst the long grass in the distance.
“I know!” The wind whipped against your face, and you couldn’t help but let out a joyous laugh.
Inseparable since Natalia moved in next door, your friendship blossomed under the protective branches of the willow tree across the street, where a swing hung proudly in the breeze. Its gentle leaves whispered secrets that only the two of you could hear, dreams of the future etched upon its bark, as unadulterated laughter rang true with its sway.
She whistled as your head swung back, the carefree spirit of the summer evening enveloping her in its warm embrace. And as she gazed up at the tree’s opening, she found twinkling stars above and the imaginary distant silhouette of the Empire State Building visible on the horizon. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the vastness of the world she had yet to see.
"Whoa, this is amazing." You shouted, feeling your stomach drop with each swoop. "Let’s swing all the way to the moon!"
“Maybe not the moon,” She pushed harder, her hands gripping the thick plank of wood beneath you, “But let’s try for the stars."
You shouted with as much euphemism as your little body could handle as the swing reached its peak. Weightless under its motion, you were suspended between the sky and the ground.
 An angel flung out of space.
 "I can almost touch the stars!"
She smiled. Despite her hands being rubbed red raw from rope burn, she was happy. She was always happy to be with you. While she had her younger sister, Yelena, whom she cared for deeply, it wasn't the same as having you. A friendship of her own creation. She yearned for the summer days when she could run around like a child with you.
“That’s good, that means you’re almost home, little star.” She shouted, her accent slipping out ever so subtly.
Carefully, your hand stretched toward the night sky – a poor attempt to touch the boiling balls of gas above.
You both were happy.
It’s sad what became of you both.
All too soon, reality intruded once more. The distant sound of a heavy door opening cut through the air, a gentle reminder that all good things must come to an end. With a final push, Nat stepped back and held onto the plank, commanding it to a halt. She knew what was coming.
At first, you didn’t notice her disappear around the wide trunk. But the gentle clink of pottery against one another told you enough as you followed in her footsteps.
“Natalia,” You whined, hands on your waist at the sight of the older girl cleaning up. “No, it’s your turn to swing.”
A whistle pierced the air, its familiar shrill sound gaining both of your attention. The sound of home time. “Natalia, come. Time to go.” Her mother’s voice carried just as loud, urging the redhead to leave playtime behind.
She turned to you, her expression softening as she looked down at your smaller frame. With a mixture of reluctance and understanding, she pulled you into a tight embrace, the warmth of her arms wrapped around you, the gentle press of her lips against your forehead lingered for a moment before she released you and ran off into the gathering dusk.
Alone now, you watched as the field fell silent, the only sound being of the insects hidden in the dark. The swing on the other side croaked gently in response to the light breeze and the redhead’s swift departure. For a moment, you considered sitting on it, perhaps pushing yourself back and forth on the points of your feet. Instead, you find yourself standing there: the absence of your best friend ever so palpable, a void that sunk deep into your bones.
Without Natalia by your side, the swing held little allure, and you decided to make your way back home. With your large basket in hand, you reached your own doorstep and paused, casting one last glance towards the girl’s house. The lights were on inside, casting a warm glow against the darkness outside.
You almost missed it, but a glimpse of red hair appeared out the window, followed by a hand waving at you. As soon as you waved back, she was gone. Window shut. Curtains drawn.
You went to bed with a cheesy grin plastered on your face.
You’ll see her again tomorrow.
“Natalia, stop fighting me on this. You look like a popsicle.” You laughed and shoved the girl playfully from where you were sitting against the willow tree.
“It's cool.” She defended, as her hand tugged at her blue-dyed ends.
The years had rolled by, but the memories of that swing under the willow tree lingered on in your heart. As the seasons changed, so did your life. You made new friends, explored different interests, and navigated the tumultuous journey of adolescence. Being older than you, Natalia was already in high school, but she didn’t go to any in the district, as she was home-schooled and sometimes had to leave for a while. She never really told you why.
Even so, your bond deepened and an unspoken connection developed between you both. Under the tree's comforting shade, you discovered a warmth in your heart that went beyond friendship. Those lazy summer afternoons spent laughing, dreaming, and sharing secrets created a bond that you wanted to explore further.
You’d never felt like this before for anyone.
Only Natalia.
Life as a pre-teen was so confusing.
You snorted, “Yeah, okay, you leave for a month and come back with half of your hair a different colour.”
But it wasn't just the hair colour that captivated you. It was the way she carried herself - a wisdom wise beyond her years. She was the same goofy redhead of course - her eyes sparkled with mischief when she laughed at you, her hand held the same warmth in yours as you walked together. But there was something else lurking beneath, a sadness more notable than her usual melancholy. You noticed the slight furrow in her brow, the way her fingers tapped nervously against each other.
Something was weighing on her mind, something significant. So, you asked, “What’s wrong?”
She let out such a soft sigh that you almost missed it.
“I’m leaving.”
Dread washed over you, and a knot formed in your stomach. "Again?"
She had just returned the other day. Your mind raced with questions and uncertainty and the tears already clustered your lash line. You, a child with no need to mask her emotions, no need to hide her soul, unlike Natalia, who always seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, her laughter always accompanied by a subtle sadness, as if she were trying to conceal her true feelings behind a façade of cheerfulness. But today, as she sat you down with a gentle tug, her eyes betraying a mixture of resolve and sorrow, you sensed that she could no longer hide what she'd been keeping inside.
"It's for good this time," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the ground as if unable to meet your eyes. "My parents want to go back to Russia. They don’t like it here.”
Though unspoken, you sensed the weight of what she meant. They don't like you. It stung, a silent acknowledgement of the barriers you've fallen blind to. The odd glances from her mother, the subtle disapproval from her younger sister—all pieces of a puzzle you've tried to ignore.
Her admission hung heavy in the air, the reality of separation sinking in with each passing moment. She drew closer, her delicate fingers brushing away the tears that cascaded down your cheeks. You lifted your gaze to meet hers, noticing the weariness etched into her features, the telltale signs of tears already shed hours before.
“I’ll miss you.” She whispered, forehead flushed against yours, before leaning down to kiss the corner of your lips. An almost kiss. One of many shared underneath the cover of the willow tree.
You tasted saltiness and noticed the fresh tears that had now sprung from her eyes.
“I'll miss you too. Forever.”
The next morning, you stood outside her house, as the sun cast long shadows over their lawn. It was your last full day together so you arrived bright and early, not wanting to waste any time. You reached out to knock on the door, but your hand hovered, hesitant. The house remained still, as if holding its breath, waiting for something that would never come. You glanced around, searching for any sign of life, but the windows stared back at you blankly, revealing nothing but darkness within.
A sinking feeling gnawed at your stomach as you realized they must've left in the night, slipping away like shadows fleeing from the dawn. The same way they joined this neighbourhood.
With a heavy heart, you turned away from the empty house, feeling as if a piece of your soul had been torn away with their departure. The world already seemed colder, lonelier, devoid of her warmth and laughter that once filled it.
In the days that followed, you found yourself drawn to the tree – yours and Natalia’s safe haven. You sat there, surrounded by memories, as the rope swayed in the wind - empty and forlorn. Though still magical, the willow tree could no longer shield you from the loneliness that settled in your heart, as the summer months stretched on endlessly, a blur of empty hours filled with longing and regret.
That night, you slept with a permanent frown, a puddle of tears staining your pillow.
You won’t see her again tomorrow.
APRIL 2001
From afar, she looked different. Almost unrecognisable.
Eighteen years old and she was here: barely an adult yet taller and slimmer, with a cascade of auburn curls framing her face that replaced the short blue hair you remembered. The years had engraved themselves onto her, carving the once-round face into a pointed visage that spoke of both experience and loss.
Just as beautiful as you remembered.
You sat on the swing under the tree with a book in hand, lost in its pages until light danced between the branches and a flicker of movement caught your attention. Glancing up, you froze as you saw her across the street.
Your heart quickened its pace, memories flooding back in a torrent. But this woman was different. She’d changed. She’d grown.
She noticed you too, her gaze locking onto yours for a moment. There's a flicker of recognition, a spark of something in those eyes. For a heartbeat, it feels like time hasn't passed, like you're still the same two little girls taking on the world together. But then, just as quickly as the connection formed, she averted her gaze, choosing instead to continue on her journey. She walked with purpose, footsteps marching in a steady rhythm that both connected and distanced her from you. She couldn’t get caught up with you. She had a job to do.
Realising she was going to walk away, you pushed yourself off the swing, a mix of hope and nerves swirling inside you as you discarded the book somewhere in the grass.
None of that mattered. Natalia was here. She was back.
“Hey, wait!” You shouted, practically running after her. You reached out to grab her wrist, but she jerked away, shoving you back a few steps with surprising force.
Up close, the difference was unquestionable.
The once soft and kind Natalia had evolved into a hardened version of herself, sharpened by strong fists. Her eyes once filled with innocence, now harbour shadows of pain and resilience. She exuded an aura of toughness, and a guarded silence had replaced the laughter that used to be a melody in her voice.
“Natalia? What are you doing here?” You inquired, tentatively closing the gap between you both. You watched as she winced at her name falling from your lips.
And yet, this time, she didn’t evade your touch. Her hand trembled slightly as it met yours, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. In that fleeting silence, you took in the toll life has taken on her. Her arms bear the marks of countless scars, remnants of battles fought in shadows, and bruises of varying hues.
“What happened to your arms?” Your voice is gentle, a soft inquiry borne out of concern.
But, the sudden confrontation had her retreating into herself, defences rising once more like impenetrable walls. You mustn’t know. She could never do that to you. “Let go.” She demanded sharply, her tone cutting through the air like a knife.
Caught off guard, you hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed, but that’s long enough for her to decide to rip her hand out of yours, sharp and abrupt.
“Are you okay?” Your voice was barely a whisper as you watched her practically flee, disappearing around the corner of the street.
 You don’t follow her.
Funny how throughout life, fate seemed to play a game with you, pulling Natalia in and out of your orbit like a cosmic dance.
At twenty-seven, you found yourself entrenched in the fast-paced world of trauma nursing. After the arduous journey through medical school, you packed your bags and set your sights on the East Coast. New York City welcomed you with open arms, its vibrant chaos becoming the backdrop to your new life. From your boss’s office window, the silhouette of the Empire State Building stood tall, a symbol of strength amidst the chaos below.
You thrived in this environment, relishing in the opportunity to connect with and assist people in their most vulnerable moments. The adrenaline rush of the emergency room, the delicate balance between life and death—it fuelled you in ways nothing else could. Not since that summer night. Not since you tried to touch the stars.
Today, however, the hospital was enveloped in an air of secrecy and quiet urgency. Paramedics had rushed in with a new patient a few hours ago, shrouded in mystery as they were rushed straight into surgery. Usually, you're first on-site with incoming patients but you had been busy working your rounds to be able to assist, and there were enough on the trauma team – with the security clearance - to handle such a situation.
Stopping by the bedside of your oldest patient, Mrs. Dinton, you smiled sweetly. “Hey, Mrs Dinton. How are we today?”
"Ah, there you are, dearie," she said, her voice crackling with age. "I was just telling Nurse Molly here about the delightful hospital pudding they serve on Wednesdays. It's simply divine, don't you think?"
You chuckled softly, waving a hello to your colleague. "I'm afraid I'm not much of a fan, Mrs. Dinton. But I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it."
She laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. "Oh, well, means more for me then."
Before you could continue the conversation – could reprimand the elderly woman about how she needs to watch her sugar intake - Dr. Cho appeared at your side, her expression serious. "Excuse me, ladies. But, Nurse Y/N, is needed elsewhere." She says kindly but with a hint of urgency, no room for questioning. You and Dr. Cho were great friends, having graduated med school together and now working at the same hospital.
“What is it, Helen?” You asked, following her footsteps out the ward, navigating the labyrinthine hallways of the hospital.
“I’ve been assigned postoperative care for the Jane Doe and I want you with me...” Your heart dropped at the mention of the mystery woman.
All day, the hushed tones and covert glances exchanged among your colleagues hinted at the gravity of the situation. Their whispers that followed you through the hospital corridors spoke of a failed suicide attempt. While the hospital had sadly seen its share of such cases, this one was different – a Jane Doe, requiring an unusual degree of privacy.
“…while I don’t know any more than you about what happened, I trust you the most to help me with her. So I got you clearance. Go grab us a pair of gloves, I’ll meet you inside.” Helen finished with a nod before entering the private wing.
You donned your own pair of latex and made your way back to the private wing, the click of your shoes echoing down the corridor. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and concern. The weight of the unknown pressed upon you as you approached the room where the troubled soul awaited treatment. Few years being a trauma nurse, you had seen it all… but not a Jane Doe. Never a Jane Doe.
Upon entering, you found Helen already studying the patient's chart. The subdued lighting in the room cast a sombre mood, and the machines hummed softly in the background. The Jane Doe was laid on the hospital bed, head secured in a neck brace and a tube down her throat, a silent testament to the ordeal she had endured.
“Thanks,” Helen whispered, making her way over to retrieve her gloves. "I've gone through everything in the notes. The attempt was pretty severe."
You nodded, taking in the gravity of the situation. The silence was broken only by the soft beeping of the monitors as you both began your work. Each movement was deliberate, and each procedure executed with precision and empathy. You adjusted the IV drip, checked the vital signs, and made sure everything was in order.
Sometime later, Helen had left, her pager going off as her presence was needed with another incoming patient.  The room seemed to hold its breath, but it was only you. The machine to your right, making sure the woman was still breathing.
You read over her notes once more.
“Female, 5’7…” You ramble aimlessly to no one as you find yourself unable to voice the rest.
The laceration on her neck caught your attention. The wound stretched across her delicate skin, a jagged seam where the surgeons' skilled hands had meticulously stitched the deep gash closed. The edges of the cut were puckered slightly, evidence of the trauma dealt with by the knife paramedics found next to her unconscious body. Judging by the shape, it seemed like she plunged rather than sliced, the offending weapon, then, pulled out instead of left inside. She was quite malnourished, her cheeks hollowed out, collarbone visible as the gown drowned her thin figure. She lacked a sufficient amount of muscle. You wondered how someone could go unnoticed without eating for several days. It was as if she had become a ghost, fading away in plain sight.
The woman looked ill - eyes sunken with abnormally pale skin. Drifting down her body, you noticed her legs. A horrified gasp threatened to leave your lips.  Raised red lines covered the expanse of her legs, some scabbed up, some clear burn marks that had turned into blisters. Her arms were just as bad, marred with a history of wounds that ran from her wrists to her shoulders.
Behind all the equipment, her face was almost unrecognisable. Her hair was what stood out the most, the auburn curls matted with blood. A sense of familiarity washed over you, the red striking your curiosity.
You couldn't tear your gaze away as you watched her stir. Unsure if she was waking or simply moving unconsciously, you remained still, not wanting to startle her. But then her face contorted with pain, and her lashes began to flutter open.
The sheets rustled as she tried to turn, her discomfort evident from the way she struggled against the tubes and wires tethering her to the medical machinery. You couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her, lying there in such a vulnerable state. No identity. No family to be there for her.
"Stay still, please.” You whispered softly, stepping closer to her bedside. “You're in the hospital. You’re safe."
Her eyes, clouded with pain and confusion, met yours for a fleeting moment before flickering away. She seemed to be trying to process where she was and what had happened.
“Paramedics found you unconscious and rushed you in.” You explained gently, hoping to offer some semblance of clarity amidst the chaos of her thoughts. “You had a wound to the neck. We’ve managed to close it, so don’t move around too much. Otherwise, you might open the stitches.”
Her gaze drifted back to you, and for a moment there was a flicker of recognition in her eyes. It was fleeting, gone almost as quickly as it had appeared, but it was enough to make your heart skip a beat.
You saw as she went to speak, only to find pain and a heavy weight against her tongue. “Careful. You shouldn’t try to speak yet. We’re not sure how much damage has been done to your vocal cords.”
As if she didn’t hear you, she continued fidgeting, fighting against the intrusion in her mouth, panic overriding.
“Hey, listen to me,” you coaxed, voice soft but firm, your hand reaching out to settle over hers, the glove long forgotten. “I need you to calm down, please. You’re going to be okay. You just need to rest your voice.”
Her eyes darted to you, wide with fear and frustration, and you squeezed her hand gently, offering what little comfort you could.
“It’s going to be alright, just take slow breaths. Focus on that.” You started to breathe deeply, deliberately, hoping she'd follow your lead. Inhale... exhale... in a steady rhythm, like waves lapping against the shore
As you continued to focus on stabilising her breathing, your eyes inadvertently met hers, and in that moment, you were drawn into the depths of those vibrant green orbs. They held a world of pain, swirling like a tempestuous storm beneath the surface. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there's a glimmer of familiarity that tugged at the corners of your memory.
There’s something about her you can’t make sense of.
 Why does she look so familiar? Who is she?
“Do I know you?” You almost asked, but then suddenly, the door to the waiting room clicked open, and Helen strode in, her expression wavering as she noticed the woman awake. “She’s awake already?!” Shock and bewilderment visible on her face.
She advanced, quickly spewing off questions in your direction, as her eyes narrowed in on the woman, assessing her condition with a quick, practised glance.
"She's awake, a little panicked about being in a hospital, but also a bit disoriented," you explained, voice calm despite the urgency of the situation. "Vitals are stable for now.”
With that, you stepped away, dropping her hand you had forgotten you were still holding, as Helen went to introduce herself. Your lunch break was coming up and before you could turn to leave the room, Helen stopped you. "Thank you for staying with her," she said softly, "There was a car accident. Two little girls rushed in for surgery. They needed me."
You nodded in understanding. You couldn’t fault her. Every day seemed to bring a new challenge, a new story, and today was no different. This Jane Doe was no different.
Before you could delve deeper into your thoughts, she interrupted, “Anyways, I’m here now and pager is off,” she drew your attention to the device in her pocket, “Boss’s order...  now go take your lunch break.”
With a small smile, you left the room, the door softly closing behind you. Walking down the hallways, your mind buzzed with curiosity about the woman. Her face – those eyes - nagged at the edges of your memory, like a puzzle waiting to be solved.
Where do I know you from, Jane Doe?
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hsjazebel · 20 days
Y/n and Harry celebrate the arrival of their baby girl with a walk in the park.
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Y/n felt enveloped in the softness of her wool cardigan, which kept her company as she walked with Harry along the park path.
Every step they took together seemed like a harmonious ballet, marked by the sweet and constant rhythm of the nature that surrounded them.
The warmth of the spring sun caressed her skin, inviting her to let herself be carried away by the sensations of the moment.
Little Emma's pram moved silently in front of them, guided by Y/n's loving hand.
Wrapped in a soft and light wool blanket, the little girl slept peacefully, transmitting a sense of peace and tranquility that enveloped the entire scene with an aura of magic. Her regular and peaceful breathing was like a delicate lullaby that accompanied her parents' walk.
They found a secluded corner under the cool shade of a majestic tree, where Harry carefully spread a red and white checked blanket on the green lawn.
The softness of the cozy fabric seemed to invite Y/n and Harry to immerse themselves completely in the present moment, abandoning themselves to the beauty of the nature that surrounded them.
As Harry prepared the sandwiches with care and attention, the inviting scent of their fresh ingredients wafted through the air, enveloping their senses in a warm and welcoming embrace.
The sound of small woodland animals moving around them added a gentle melody to their peaceful walk in the park.
Y/n leaned towards Emma in her pram, gently stroking her face with her fingertips. "Look how beautiful she is, Harry," she whispered, a bright smile painted on her lips. "She is so perfect, as if she were sculpted from heaven itself."
Harry approached Y/n, placing a hand on her shoulder and letting her gaze wander into their little girl's sleeping face. "She is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us," he replied in an emotional voice. “I couldn't have imagined a more precious gift than her.”
Y/n smiled, her eyes bright with joy and gratitude. "We are so lucky to have her, Harry. I can't wait to share all the love we have in our hearts with her."
Harry nodded, squeezing Y/n's hand lightly in his. "And I can't wait to see everything the future has in store for us as a family. I know that together we can face anything."
The sunlight filtered through the branches of the trees, creating plays of light and shadow that danced on the green lawn.
The birds sang happily in the branches, adding a natural symphony to their sweet spring serenade. It was as if nature itself celebrated the beauty and purity of the love that bound Y/n, Harry and little Emma.
Y/n looked at Harry with eyes full of love as he carefully placed the sandwiches on her plate.
His presence next to her gave her a feeling of calm and security, as if together they could face whatever her life had in store for them.
Their bond was so strong that it seemed to defy time and space, enveloping them in an intimate and unbreakable embrace.
As they ate, they whispered about their dreams and hopes for the future.
They imagined the wonderful world they would build for Emma, ​​one of love, respect and understanding. Every word they exchanged was like a fragment of a precious mosaic, which would tell the story of their love forever.
After the picnic, Y/n and Harry decide to take Emma for a ride on the nearby swings.
The park, bathed in the golden light of the sunset, looks like a living painting.
The lush green grass contrasts with the colorful flowers blooming along the path, while the sound of leaves blowing in the breeze creates a soothing melody.
Harry gently pushes the pram as Y/n walks alongside him, the scent of spring flowers surrounding them adding a sweet note to the air.
Their laughter and whispers mix with the birdsong, creating a symphony of love and joy that fills the park.
“Look, little Emma,” Y/n says with a bright smile, pointing to the swinging swings. "One day you will be able to climb on those swings and fly high into the sky. But for now, enjoy the gentle rocking of the pram."
The swings, illuminated by the light of the sunset, seem to swing in sync with the heartbeat of Y/n and Harry.
Every movement is a preview of future adventures, of dreams to be realized and of joys to share together.
Harry joins Y/n's smile, affectionately caressing Emma's little face. "It will be amazing to see the world through your eyes, baby. Every day will be an adventure."
Sitting on a nearby bench, Y/n and Harry embrace each other tenderly, lulled by the tranquility of the park at sunset.
The sky paints shades of pink and gold as the sun slowly hides behind the horizon.
In that moment, they are pervaded by a feeling of peace and happiness, aware that their love, strong and unconditional, will always accompany them along the path of life.
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fyodior · 9 months
self-indulgent fyodor x gn!reader fluff because my heart is still so so broken :( no warnings! wc: 0.7k (divider by cafekitsune)
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“I think that you and I would find each other in every universe.”
“Hmm?” your lover prods, pulling you closer against his chest and tipping your chin up with his finger. His violet eyes glowed in the waning light of the setting sun, slightly obscured by the raven fringe that swept across his forehead. “How do you mean?”
Taking advantage of the early summer weather and your approaching anniversary, you and Fyodor skipped work in favor of dedicating the day to your love. Starting with, of course, sleeping in, followed by a brunch you and him made together, visiting your favorite art museum, and ending the day with a picnic in a sprawling field within a nearby nature preserve.
It was like a movie, the way he hand-fed you strawberries and kissed away the juice that trickled down the corners of your lips with the laugh you could recognize anywhere. Prose and poetry danced off Fyodor’s lips as he read from the tote bag full of books you had lugged with you, reading stories of immortalized love and poems ignited by insurmountable passion as you laid your head in his lap. A few Russian novels had snuck their way into the collection as well, Fyodor gracing you with the heightened level of elegance and finesse in his voice as he spoke in his native tongue.
But now the two of you, pleasantly exhausted from the day, lie on the blanket laid out in the grass, surrounded by sprouts of baby’s breath and daisies in the cozy drowsiness of a summer haze.
You take the opportunity to press the gentlest of kisses against his warm lips, and he smiles softly as he returns the gesture. “I mean that… I don’t think there’s any version of us in any world, in any universe, in any timeline that don’t find each other. That never feel the touch of the other.”
Warmth blooms in Fyodor’s chest and spreads to each of his limbs, painting a rosy red on his cheeks that only you have ever been able to put there. “And why do you say that, my love?”
 “Because… I just know it. Our souls are intertwined. Don’t you feel it?”
It makes sense in your head. The way you perfectly compliment each other. The way you felt like you’d known him your whole life the second you met him. The tilt of his head and the almost mischievous spread of his lips felt like those of an old friend, and you hadn’t even known his name yet. And in that moment, too, you already knew you’d know him forever.
And yet, you weren’t two halves of a whole. You always found that expression to be reductive. To insinuate you were incomplete people without each other was incorrect – you would always be you, and Fyodor would always be Fyodor. But you made each other… better. More complete.
“Your handprint is forever burned on my soul, Fyodor,” you explain.
“I feel it,” he nods, answering your question from earlier as locks of your hair twirl between his fingers. “Like the roots of a thousand-year-old tree curl around each other and cement themselves into the earth, I feel it.” His hands leave your hair in favor of intertwining your fingers together, as if to illustrate his point.
 I fear we are stuck, you and I,” he chuckles, and you giggle along too.
“For better or for worse,” you say. “In every universe.”
“Through heaven and hell, and everything in between, above, or below. I’ll find you, my darling.”
The sun had finally dipped below the horizon now, casting your lover in a faint glow that made him seem ethereal, almost angelic. Your free hand, the one not enveloped in his, came to touch the delicate, porcelain skin of his cheek.
“You promise, Fedya? That you’ll find me?”
“I swear.”
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0v3rcast · 17 days
Tidal Waves (1)
MDNI. 18+ only. Consider yourselves warned.
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[Let's begin.]
(Warnings: canon-typical violence, self-harm (thoughts and actions), Teyvat fucked around and are now finding out. Not remotely close to canon. Bottom of the text has notes, marked by tiny numbers¹.
You didn't consider yourself a wrathful person once upon a time. Sure, you'd get angry. Maybe you'd get loud. Maybe you'd cry. Or was it a blank face that you forced on when the acid of your rage burned away at you?
Whatever the case, that was lifetimes ago. Literally. But before we can discuss you now, we need to discuss you then. Time as a concept is linear for a mortal, and all that.
You died. Sorry to bear such bad news. The specifics of your death are beyond me, the mere chronicler that I am. We can hope, however, that it was not one you felt. That your passing was in your sleep, or in a hospital where they gave you something potent to manage your pain.
When you woke up again, it was with the warmth of a shining sun on your face, the smell of grass and flowers in your nose, and the sound of wind against leaves in your ears.
Opening your eyes revealed green. Brilliant, gorgeous green, for miles. Tall trees reaching up for the sun, soft grass, and various bushes dotted with pops of color in the form of plump yellow, purple, and blue berries.
This place was delightful. Fresh air and a shocking lack of breathing issues that you'd spent so long dealing with? Sign you the fuck up!
But something about this place felt... oddly familiar. You swore you'd seen it somewhere.
The last pair of your favorite clothes that you'd worn still sat comfortably on you, colors vibrant, stitching secure. You were pretty sure that the fabric was no longer stretched from how often you wore these.
You began to walk, picking a direction you felt was promising. A gut instinct you'd never felt so strongly before.
(Behind you, flowers began to bloom around the imprints of your shoes in the grass, only to swiftly fade away as they were sent to other parts of the world by Teyvat itself.)
It was only after a few hours of leisurely exploration² that you finally found a clue.
Before you lie a Windwheel Aster, the biological version of a pinwheel that grows specifically in Mondstadt, a sort of country in the game Genshin Impact, 'led' by the Archon Barbatos, the God of Freedom³.
Maybe someone else would have been horrified by the fact they'd been transported into a video game. You, however, were quite delighted - Genshin Impact was one of your favorite games!
You loved the story, the characters, the writing, the combat! It had become something you were quite enamored with, and the personalities of those who inhabited the world of Teyvat had captured your heart.
You would get to meet those characters. See the sights you'd only witnessed behind a screen with your own eyes. Maybe fight a little bit, using elemental powers of your very own if the heavens deigned you worthy of Allogene status and a Vision. Sample the cuisine. Indulge yourself. Make a name as a great adventurer.
But, before you could do any of that, you had to find your way to Mondstadt (the city). Your clothes were good, of course, but not 'on the road for months at a time without modern amenities' good. They'd wear and tear, unfortunately, and something else would better suit you in this scenario.
Maybe a dashing adventuring outfit. You'd look good in one of those.
Anyhow, you'd made haste to find your way to civilization, unaware that Teyvat herself was subtly rearranging the world to get a several day journey to take around an hour.⁴
This, unfortunately, is where things took a turn from 'decidedly a good time' to 'steep slope to Getting Fucked, population one⁵.'
---TDL WVS---
Mondstadt's imposing walls were quite the sight to behold from a cliff a few miles away. The game had never really prepared you for the sheer scale of another world⁶, but with so much missing from the game, it meant you had more to explore in person.
You hurried down the path towards the familiar locale of Cider Lake, the well-worn dirt road offering minimal difficult areas. You did trip on a rock, though. Banged your knee⁷.
When you made it to the stone bridge, there were no pigeons. No precocious child with missing father problems.
...and no guards at the gate directly. Weird. You looked around, confused by the odd stillness-
Your world exploded into pain as a flaming arrow screamed from somewhere atop the wall and punched into your gut.
This is how you learned that Pyro elemental damage keeps working by still being on fire inside you. Your cooking flesh smelled like bad pork.
You looked up the wall in shock, trying to see who it was - some enemy you'd never seen? A Fatui assassin? An unknown character?
Before you could get a look⁸, you had bigger issues to deal with. Diluc had arrived, eyes nearly glowing with hatred.
The next thing that was glowing was the giant fucking phoenix he swung out of his sword, straight at you. You didn't have time to scream before your world erupted into agony and light, and then blissful darkness.
When you woke up again, you were somewhere else. The smell of the sea in your nose, vaguely wet sand caking on your skin, a light rain overhead slowly rinsing it from your body and hair.
Why did that happen? Diluc... he killed you, you think. You felt that same darkness before you came here to Teyvat.
It must have been some kind of accident. Had you come off as threatening? No, that couldn't be. You were entirely unarmed and in civilian clothes at best.
But... the hatred in his eyes... something was very wrong about that.
As it turned out, it wasn't just Mondstadt that wanted you dead. It was everywhere. Vision bearers would hunt you like prey and butcher you if they could get to you. If they couldn't, they tried to leave the most wounds they could.
If this was some kind of revenge for all the battles you'd put them through, they'd surely have brought that up.
You learn the truth of the matter after sneaking into a village. At the center of it is a statue of you.
By posing as a poor farmer's child who'd grown up far from many other people, the townsfolk gave you a brief lesson on the world's theological system.
You were the creator of the world. The maker of everything, the soul that sparked the elements and used them to create existence.
You had already come to this world about a decade ago, graciously accepting your place as their divine ruler and benevolent creator, and now lived in a luxurious palace where your wants were tended to by trusted individuals that had once battled in your name.
More recently, another you had arrived. You-you. A monster from another world, sent to tear down this reality and usher in an age of destruction and darkness.
Killing you-you was seen as not only as a service to the world at large, but morally just on account of your existence being a mockery of their real creator.⁹
---I A--- A E---
It had been a year since your arrival, and for a while, it seemed as though the hunt for you was winding down. You didn't run into Vision bearers. You barely ran into normal people. It was you, the wild, and the ruins, drifting from place to place out of a very legitimate paranoia that your murderers would find you.
Then, on the first day of your second year in Teyvat¹⁰, all hell broke loose. The hunters were everywhere again, trying their level best to be rid of you. Apparently, you were just that hated.
No matter where you went, no matter the weather, someone was there to beat you to a pulp and then murder you as soon as they saw you.
Some small part of you still held out hope, though. Some characters had never shown up in the hunting parties that came after you¹¹.
Yes, they'd graduated from 'kill you, make it snappy' to 'torment you as best they could stomach before finally putting you down like a sick animal'.
A trembling, bitter sadness took root in you as time passed. A sickness within that dredged up all the hateful voices of these people you once loved. One that urged you to take their advice. To sever yourself from this world and hide away in the dark where you could rest with no hunters.
And just once, you listened, using a dagger from the Traveler's backpack.
It was the best sleep you'd had in two years.
Every time you died, you'd wake up somewhere else. Somewhere far from the place you'd been, often without clothes given that they were vaporized off of you by your last executioner. Could have been kinky, and instead, it was just degrading.
The more you died, the more your flesh changed. Bits and pieces, at first. Your fingernails sharpened until you'd finally developed claws. Teeth developed points that became fangs.
Your senses expanded, allowing you the safety of rest - you'd hear anyone coming before they got to you.
It wasn't just you who changed, though. Teyvat herself began to morph. Leaves near you became covered in a poisonous oil that burned the skin and left blisters. Vines would grasp for necks and squeeze. Rocks beneath the ground filled with Pyro energy, ready to launch themselves from the earth and explode with all the force of a frag grenade right in the face of whatever dumb motherfucker was after you.
Animals all over the planet became stronger. More aggressive. 'Churls of all sizes were becoming a genuine threat - a quartet of Allogenes were truly needed for small camps, let alone larger encampments - and the weather became worse and worse with each death.
There were some bright spots in this world, though. The creatures love you. Always have¹². You got to pet wolves, touch the masks of Lawachurls, dance around the fire with Hilichurls, have birds eat from your hand, pet elemental slimes, inspect sleeping ruin guards, and even ride on the back of a giant rifthound.
It became harder and harder to empathize with the characters you once loved. Understandably so, given their one-sided crusade to eradicate you from existence. It had gone from soulcrushing to quite frankly annoying. You'd long since fallen out of love with people who regularly tortured you.
They always looked at you with such hatred and disgust. Nothing soft for you in those eyes. You despised it. How dare they look at you like you're some monster? You'd never done anything!
You wanted to tear them to pieces. To pay them back for every indignity, for every death, for every scrap of fear. They ruined you. You'd ruin them.
But... what could you do? You had no powers but reviving, as far as you could tell. In a world of magical beings and divine powers, you were simply, damnably human.
One day, you swore. One day, I will show you the consequences of your actions.
It was on your hundredth death that things finally changed. You woke in a bubble beneath the sea, laying on soaking sand, body half-reformed¹³. A pained haze still clung to your flesh, then, as nerves laced into faintly yellowing gore spun from the energy of the environment itself.
Before you laid the form of a massive hydra, its body pierced in thousands of places by stone pillars of varying sizes.
"My maker. It seems we share a bed this night." Osial jokes, voice pained ever so slightly. "To what do I owe your esteemed company? And what has lain you so low?"
You lacked the strength to speak, especially with your vocal chords missing, but all the same, you urged him to somehow understand your plight. Your memories drifted into his mind, where he gently and studiously made sense of them.
"...I am sorry they have done this to you, wǔ miàn shén¹⁴. That another would lead them into such open heresy was unthinkable in my time. But, I suppose I am old now, aren't I?"
Osial sighed, low and soft, like the roll of waves against the shore. "There is little I can do for you in this state, my creator. Had I freedom from this prison, I would offer myself as your sword."
You just felt grateful not to have someone attack you on sight because you're you, and somehow, he understood. Maybe it's some kind of hydra magic. Or godhood.
"You are welcome, though there is no need to thank me when all I show you is common decency. Instead, I thank you for your trust in showing me your vulnerability at this time."
You 'asked' if there's some way to give him power. To make him strong enough to free you both through a pact or bargain of some kind.
He thought on that, his several brains combing through memories of the past, before a small smile crept up the sides of his face. Or at least you felt it a smile. It looked like a malevolent baring of fangs.
"Yes, I do believe I am capable of receiving your blessing in some manner. I simply require your command. Feel free to practice on me."
You brought up your hand and placed it against cold, vaguely slimy scales, making the flesh twitch in instinctive surprise at the sudden warmth.
A half-constructed throat gurgled out ten words. "I command... you... Free... us. Protect me. Make them pay."
Your unfinished body burned from within with golden light as you cried out in pain, channeling your divinity through mere scraps of flesh and bone.
Osial's slitted pupils became ringed in blinding gold as immense power flowed down into his core.
"Rest now, wǔ miàn shén. I will serve even beyond my final breath."
You blacked out.
When you returned to yourself, you were not in the depths of the sea. You were in a cave looking over the ocean instead, the lights of Liyue Harbor merely glowing specks on the horizon.
You found yourself curled up in the arms of a pair of people a man and woman, neither being particularly familiar to you, though you somehow felt safe all the same¹⁵.
And that's all the catching up you need to do. Welcome to the now.
The man is the one who's primarily holding you, his thighs making for your current seating arrangement. Warm, sun-kissed skin painted in countless scars covers a toned physique. He isn't traditionally muscular in the way of a weightlifter, but quite frankly, he's probably more suited to the swimmer's build he currently sports. Lovely shoulders, too, with thin blue scales on his cheeks and running down his neck and back in a thin strip.
Silver-white hair spills down his shoulder into a loose fishtail braid, secured near the last inch or so by a thick golden band studded with tiny square-cut aquamarines and sapphires.
He smells like the ocean, sand, and you think coconut? You know that because your face is pressed against one of his pectorals.
His clothes consist of a nice enough deep blue robe, which has fallen down slightly, lighter blue sash with silver scale designs, and a pair of loose pants in dark brown. His boots are paradoxically shiny for someone literally in a cave next to the fucking ocean, but he wears them well, you think.
The woman beside him, who's currently hugging you around the waist, is cut from the same cloth, you'd imagine.
Tanned skin, much like the one beside her, though her scars aren't as numerous. Most of them are all over her arms, save for a massive slash all the way down from her left eye to the left side of her lips.
Unlike him, however, her scales are more prevalent, both thicker and more numerous, their deep blue coloring her cheeks¹⁶, sloping down the sides and back of her neck to pool all around her collarbones, shoulders, upper back, and taper down her lower back to where they meet the base of her tail.
Yes, she has a tail. The end has fins¹⁷. It's wrapped around your leg, and it adds to the experience, like it's somehow a Hug+.
She's drooling a bit onto his shoulder. It's kind of cute but also a little gross¹⁸.
Her hair is a dark blue with light blue tips on either side of her face, styled rather carelessly. A similar ring to that of the man's rests on her ring finger.
She smells sweet. That's really all you can pick up. You think it's some floral aroma mixed with fruit.
Ah. Appears they're married. Nice of them to share a comfy evening with a total stranger.
Unfortunately for you, that vile bitch named exhaustion is creeping in, tying weights to your eyelids like the whore she is.
You're out again barely a minute later.
Perhaps when you wake, you'll make more sense of your circumstances.
And somewhere in the back of your mind, your hatred continues to tick, tick, tick away. A lit fuse and an ever-increasing pile of explosives.
One day.
¹: I love this function on my keyboard. Thanks, phone.
²: Leisurely is the only way to describe a constant refreshing breeze, gentle sun that didn't make you sweat, perfectly even terrain, and a real fuckin' suspicious lack of dangerous animals for someone literally in some woods right then.
³: Currently moonlighting as a carefree bard who got his ass folded like an omelet over a chess piece.
⁴: She was pretty proud of herself for that, folding leylines onto themselves to 'teleport' you in a way you didn't notice. Her hopes for the people who lived upon her were as high as yours were, then. That was swiftly proven a mistake.
⁵: The single resident of that time was you. Not exactly the best place to live. Rent is astronomical, food sucks, air pollution out the wazoo, and the water always tastes a little like rust, even after filtering. You got worse, though, so no worries.
⁶: MiHoYo couldn't just make such an expansive world and expect everyone to explore it the way it would need to be at that size, given time and budget constraints that any studio would face. Thus, a shortening was in order. Saved a lot of grief, hopefully.
⁷: Don't look at me like that. Everyone trips some time. Besides, this was then.
⁸: It was Amber. Shit happens. She was probably very sorry.
⁹: Cool. That wasn't super fucking depressing to learn, or anything. You totally didn't cry yourself to sleep that night.
¹⁰: On your birthday, specifically. Happy birthday. It's actually an international holiday, but you wouldn't know that back then.
¹¹: Some people just don't fucking show up, as busy as they constantly are in their normal lives. Even if they did want to go, they'd be beat to the punch by someone else who isn't swamped with work. You held out hope that they weren't out to murder you too.
¹²:Animals and monsters have always just known who you were. As if it's in their blood, in their souls. You've never had a bad experience with them on Teyvat. They're always gentle with you, even rabid or malfunctioning.
¹³: To nobody's surprise, being electrocuted, frozen solid, and then hit with a giant bomb is bad for your not being atomized.
¹⁴: 'five-faced god', a reference to the Wǔfāng Shàngdì, the five manifestations of the Supreme God of Heaven. This was the best I could think of for the most opulent-sounding title that Liyue could give you.
¹⁵: Or maybe that's just the touch starvation talking, eh?
¹⁶: cheek scales.
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¹⁷: tail fin anatomy.
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¹⁸: You don't think it should be glowing blue like that, but you don't particularly claim to understand how... fish(?) women work, so maybe that's normal.
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johnpriceslamb · 5 months
can we get Arthur Morgan as like a daddy caregiver? I love your writing sm 🥺💓 thank you!!
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꒰୨୧꒱ never fear, papa-Arthur is here ₊˚⊹♡ !!
BEFORE YOU PROCEED ┊fem ! reader • little ! reader • Arthur Morgan if he was a caregiver/papa • fluff fluff fluff • cowboy papa ?! • reader is mentioned 2 have hair that allows itself to be brushed easily • OOC Arthur -.- • mini head cannons
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Warm, like the sun shining amongst the early frost-spring morning dawn. The snow melts, and reveals a beautiful array of wildflowers which bloom with colour. Loving, as a dutiful teddy bear who gave the toastiest cuddles. And finally.. Cheeky, as a fox would as it titters around a bunny to play around with. The epitome of what Arthur was like, as a daddy.
“Papa.” You tug on his sleeve. You sat on-top of a burberry-fluffed up bedroll, legs spread in a W shape with a small plushie resting on your lap. What was he doing? You weren’t too interested to bother in finding out, other than wanting him back in bed to cuddle.
“…Papa >:(.”
“I hear ya, I hear ya.” He rolls his eyes, lazily plopping beside you on the edge of the roll. Your thoughts vanish easily as he grabs you by the waist and easily places you on his lap. You eagerly wave your legs because of the fact that it did not reach the floors when you sat on daddy’s lap like a tiny kitten whom wants to be groomed with the nails of her owners hand. Cuddle, your face quite literally demanded.
He did not hesitate at all, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist and cradles you.
You looked like you were in a doze, almost sleepy-like because of the way you rested your dainty head on his chest. Perhaps it was because of his warmth
He looks at you with that lazy dog grin again. A soft squeeze from his arms around your waist which pulls you back from your thoughts. And you hear the cacophonous southern drawl which deepens the second he speaks, “What’s my lil’ girl thinkin’ about, hmm?”
“Nuthiiiin’,” you cheekily giggle. You purposefully tinker those long lashes of yours, beady eyes staring up at his.
He looks at you with narrowed eyes. Something was clearly up.
“I don’t believe you for a second.” He lowly mumbles right next to your ear, squishing you playfully. You squeal and giggle.
His hugs were as sweet as marshmallows. You felt safe, he felt safe. Something about those hard, worn muscles coming to trap you into a bear-hug gives you the most happiest butterflies in your tummy. A soft nuzzle to your cheek, the stubble grazes the swells of your temple lightly.
You try to stifle the soft giggles escaping your lips. The large oak tree that loomed and towered over you hid your little figure easily. The bark you leaned upon stenches of fresh petrichor, invigorating. It scratches at your soft skin- but in a good way. The sun kisses at your skin prettily, but the small straw-hat adorned with a light pink ribbon shields the heat rays away from your face.
The faint grunts of spewing numbers out from papa was heard from afar. You hope that he doesn’t find you as easily as he did last round. You were quick, but he was quicker.
The wind sways and flows, allowing yourself to cool down slightly from the sun which shines through peaks of the bunched up leaves from above. It was warm, warm alike of daddy’s hugs. Warm like the way he looks at you. Warm like his hands which come to clamp onto yours heavily to allow the numbing cold fading to warmth.
You cover your lips with your hands as he approaches nearby. You crouch down, trying to peak your head.
That deep, familiar southern drawl hisses- almost like a snake, but with less venom and more teasing in nature. A crunch of leaves, followed with another, and a jingle of spurs. “Where could my little girl be..”
The air stills, just for a moment.
“Found ya.”
You squeal loudly and laugh, and he traps you in his arms again. The hat you wore fell to the grass. You felt weak in his embrace, but you weren’t afraid. How the small wildflowers around you danced around with the two of you happily, you squirm and giggle at the large adrenaline rush which spiked you in the heart as soon as you heard his footsteps.
The grass prickles around your ankles, the same sensation of his stubble which grazes near your cheek.
He snickers at your startled reaction, before cheekily grinning and poking you in the side. “Either I’m real good at this game, or you suck.”
You gasp.
Sometimes, days can get too lazy and things move much slower. You feel yourself sink into the bedroll, even more so as the the clock ticks ever.. so.. slowly. The stuffies around unconsciously squeak at the little girl to get up and start the day, but alas- you never heard.
Papa sits behind you, and you sit in front of him. The same teddy bear from earlier is plopped on your lap, as you yawn loudly from the eager amounts of fun you had a few moments ago. Your legs are tired and jelly-like, and your doe eyes almost succumb to sleep as he busily combs your knotty hair out.
You were too busy trying not to fall asleep to worry about the knots in your hair. You barely even felt the tugs of the brush forcefully breaking the knots into separate hair lines because of how gentle he was.
With just a few more strokes of the pricks from the comb, your hair feels less messier then before. The fluffy bloomers and the gossamer-made top makes it far more harder to succumb to not slumber.
“There we go,” He coos softly. As soon as he puts the brush down, the back of your head falls onto his chest with a snooze. He snickers at your sleepy state. It’s certain that the small game of hide and seek took a toll on your energy.
“Sleepy..” You mumble. Oh so adorably, too cute for his own liking. It was like looking at a pup.
“I know, girl. I know.” He coddles you gently, feeling a tad bit guilty, “c’mon, let’t take a small nap. Don’t want my baby to be all grumpy.”
“Cuddle..” He wants to roll his eyes badly, but resists as you sleepily pull him in. Those same, warm arms come to squish you like a baby mouse in the grip of a bears paw, but with no intention to harm.
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Love, oh love
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, September 2023 edition. Third time IS the charm, I guess.
Prompt: charm, 548 words
Rated: M
CW: some sexual innuendo, excessive use of British English
Notes: Bitches be like "OMG, you can't make Steve use British slang, it ruins the viiibe!!!" - Me: Watch me! 😘
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The first time it happens, they're on the sofa at Harrington Manor - Robin cuddled into Steve’s left side, Eddie not-quite tucked into his right. Some action flick from Family Video is running, not that Eddie is watching. Too preoccupied with how the lights bounce off that handsome face.
Steve gets up, pauses the movie. Robin glares as she slips off his shoulder. 
"Sorry," Steve mumbles. "Need to go to the loo." 
And then he's gone and Eddie … stares. 
"Did he … just say loo?"
Robin catches some popcorn with her mouth.
"Oh yeah, it's something he does. His nanny was British. Just ignore it, he's kind of self-conscious about it." 
Eddie gulps, ears prickling with heat. 
"He's fucking adorable is what he is." 
Robin gags and slaps him, and none of them loses another word about it. 
Eddie tries to ignore it, it's just ... not that easy. 
The closer they get, the more he notices. How Steve will sometimes … slip. 
Tell Eddie to keep his hands off the dough while they're wrapped around each other in the kitchen, it's for the biscuits.
Stir while half asleep in Eddie’s arms, mumbling about popping by the store tomorrow, because they're out of chips. 
It always happens when Steve's guard is down, when he feels safe. Safe with him. The thought makes warmth bloom in Eddie’s chest. 
And then he can't ignore it anymore. 
They're at the quarry, just the two of them. Spread out in the grass, gazing up at the dusk-streaked sky, sun dipping behind the trees.
"Hey," Steve murmurs against Eddie's shoulder, breath tickling his skin. "Can you get my jumper from the boot? It's getting cold." 
Eddie swallows around the beat of his own heart in his throat. "Yeah, sure." 
As he makes to get up, Steve turns his head and presses a sloppy kiss to the edge of his mouth. 
"Thanks, love." 
Eddie freezes. Not only because of the way the word comes out - all soft and long on the v-sound, the vowel more u than o. Also because it's the first time. 
Steve sees his expression - and his face morphs from lazy bliss to horror. 
"Oh shit," He shoots upright, hides his face between hunched knees. "This is so embarrassing." 
"Hey," Eddie is next to him in an instant, disentangles his hands from his hair. "Stevie, what is it?" 
Steve groans, looks up at him, face flushed all the way down to the moles on his neck. 
"I slipped. Didn’t want you to know." 
Eddie can't help it, he snorts a laugh. "Yeah well, you've been doing it for a while." 
Steve's eyes go wide with disbelief. "And you … you don't think it's stupid or-" 
"I think," Eddie grins, and grabs Steve’s face in both hands so that he can kiss the bridge of his nose. "It's completely and utterly charming. In fact, I want you to say it again." 
"... Jumper?" 
"No, baby. The other one." 
Eddie nips at a pink bottom lip and the word rushes out on a breathy moan. 
"L- love?" 
"Exactly." He pushes Steve to the ground, kissing down his jaw and neck. "Now … how about you take off these trousers … and I make you say it some more?"
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plumgyu · 1 month
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A Taste of Heaven - Choi Beomgyu
(Beomgyu/Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings: None
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You awoke to someone saying your name, tugging on the fabric of your shoulder.
“Get up… please…” The voice pleaded, not wanting to be late for your next class yet not wanting to leave you behind.
“Five more minutes…” You muttered, eyes closed shut and face buried in your arms. You felt a soft poke to your arm, the figure repeating your name now with more urgency.
“I swear if I get one more absence because of you I am going to send you to your grave.” The voice had a mixture of annoyance and amusement in its tone.
“Beomgyu, you shouldn’t have waited for me to head to your science…” You whispered, abashed at your actions having repeated themselves again.
“I wanted to.” He said simply, and you knew better than to contest to that. You tried to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his words.
Although when had ignoring your problems ever solved anything for anyone? Whether you told yourself it was true or not, it was an undeniable fact that you were stupidly in love with this man. The thought that he could never love you too was almost too much to bear. Half your grade liked him, so your chances were slim to none. Even knowing this, you wouldn’t stop liking him. No, you couldn’t. Every part of him was far too enticing to resist, and every little touch left you yearning for more. Was this beginning to be a problem…?
You snapped out of your melancholic thoughts, not wanting to make him later than he already was. He walked you to your class, bid you goodbye, and quickly ran off to his own. It was the little things like this that made it impossible to stop liking him.
Sighing, you sat down at your desk, and miraculously, you weren’t late. You cringed as you heard the bell, knowing that there was no world where Beomgyu made it to his class two stories above within a fifteen second time frame. “I’m going to have to pay him back for this…” You told yourself, a twinge of guilt mixing with the fluttering of your heart at having been around the one you loved.
For better or worse, these feelings soon faded as endless lectures on quadratics ensued. Your math teacher, Mr. Jang, not once failed to one-up himself in the sheer boredom his classroom brought. The only interesting thing about this class was the fact that it constantly seemed to get less interesting. Despite your past mistake, the sheer uselessness of this knowledge threatened to put you to sleep in itself.
At last, the class ended, signaling the beginning of lunch. You would get to see Beomgyu. But was that even a good thing anymore? The pain of knowing that he could never love you back brought pain deeper than any cut, but the warmth in your heart his presence brought always pulled you back. Curse him and his comforting voice.
You don’t know how, or why, you chose to do it. But somehow the prospect of being with a person who made you happier than anyone else didn’t seem so pleasant anymore. When you weren’t there, would he just replace you with someone else? He wouldn’t even notice if you were gone, right…?
Soon your eyes welled up in thick tears, running down your face and soaking your skin. You had to leave before someone saw this. Between choked back sobs, you made your way out of the school building, looking for somewhere, anywhere to hide. You settled on a thick tree by the side of the school. The shade soothed you as compared to the blazing sun, the light breeze giving your senses a faint chill. Flowers bloomed in the trees, which leaves swayed so gracefully it was nearly hypnotic. The grass beneath you lay soft and welcoming, but as it soon grew wet from your cries, it served only as a way to dispose of your tears.
It seemed as if nothing would ever be okay again. God, how could you even look at him again after realizing the full extent of your feelings towards him…? You would never be anything more than a friend to him, so why couldn’t you just let it go…? Why couldn’t you let him go…?
As if by command, you heard your name called yet again, but this time with a delicate softness that held fragile emotions behind it.
“Please… don’t cry… it’s going to be okay…” It was none other than the one you both wanted to see more than all else and wished to avoid with your life. It was the voice of Choi Beomgyu. He seemed to be at a loss for words. You hardly had time to be embarrassed at your disheveled state before that sentiment worsened at the realization that he had never seen you cry before. How the hell were you going to get out of this one…?
“I was just- taking some time to relax,” you began, desperately trying to explain yourself, “Nothing to worry about here, see?” You forced a smile, but your eyes were still filled with great anguish.
“No,” he began, calling out your name yet again. If you weren’t careful, you’d get addicted to the sound of that word on his lips. “I know you, and I know you’re not okay. Tell me what’s wrong, please?” The look in his eye was deadly. Not in the sense that it scared you, but due to the fact that he looked so adorable in that moment that it made you want to pour out your heart’s deepest desires to him. And behind the cuteness lay that mysterious emotion you always felt when he was with you. Whether it be in his voice, through his eyes, or by the softness of his touch, there was this strange feeling you could never quite pinpoint through his actions.
“I can’t,” You replied simply, not knowing any other way to word it. “Not to you…” You choked back yet another sob, not wanting to show even more of your vulnerability in front of him.
“Why not?” He questioned, looking slightly hurt by your declaration. His eyebrows furrowed, lips unconsciously forming a slight pout. He looked like a lost puppy. How was it possible for a human to be this cute?
“No- it’s not personal… I just,” You fumbled through your words, “It’s just…”
“What is it? You know you can tell me anything,” He muttered, “I won’t be mad.”
“No, Beomgyu, you don’t understand.” Was it courage? Was it annoyance? Was it the subconscious desire to let out your biggest secret and finally be able to stop these lies? You would never know.
“Beomgyu,” You began, looking him dead in the eye. “I like you.”
His eyes widened in shock. He seemed to have both everything and nothing to say at once. Those few moments were among the most terrifying in your life, his silence being far worse than the prospect of rejection. Eventually, he regained his composure. Maybe he didn’t need words.
“Can I kiss you?” A simple question, asked so casually you could have brushed it off as small talk by the tone of his voice. It was now your turn to be at a loss for words. The most you could manage was a soft whisper.
“Please,” And that was all it took. The next thing you knew, his soft lips were against yours. It was nothing short of euphoric, everything you’ve ever wanted coming down to this very moment. When he pulled away, you found yourself wanting more. A single look into his eyes and you could see that he wanted it too.
He pulled you back, moving you closer and closer into his body, to the point where your chest lay against his. You hummed into his lips, as if asking permission to kiss him deeper, and he eagerly obliged. The feeling of his tongue against yours was almost too much to handle. Suddenly, you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you up into his embrace. A squeak escaped your lips, and you took the opportunity to admire the boy in front of you.
His hair was soft and warm in the afternoon sun, his mouth tinted a light red as by your doing. His eyes were as pretty as ever, shining with deep admiration and long held love. He was beautiful. And he was yours.
You felt his hand brush against your cheek, an expression of longing taking over his features. He bit his lip slightly, as if contemplating whether to speak, before coming to a conclusion.
“I like you too,” he said, now unable to contain the sheepish grin forming on his lips.
He had given you a taste of heaven. Now there was nothing stopping you from taking more.
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Thank you so much for reading! This is my first post so please feel free to share your criticism and feedback ♡
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phoen1xr0se · 3 months
Chapter 39 of Don't Fall Away From Me is up on AO3! (M)
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Art Credit: @wisesnail
Chapter Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves revisiting an old haunt as they prepare to meet their maker. Aziraphale's faith is tested to its limit.
Author's Note: I hope you are enjoying this story. The comments you leave on AO3 mean so very much to me, I treasure every one of them. Without them I'd have given up by now!
Next chapter should be up fairly shortly, but am in hospital Monday and Tuesday which, annoyingly, has impacted everything. I'll still do my best.
Enjoy, and again, please leave a comment on AO3 if you can:
The opening to Chapter 39 is below the cut (no spoilers):
Aziraphale had been on Earth for a very, very long time.
His feet had touched the cool grass of Eden on the day of its creation, felt the sun’s first rays as they caressed him through the leaves of the apple trees, enveloping him with a warmth he hadn’t ever realised had been absent. Aziraphale had seen the plans for this planet and its population, but nothing could have prepared him for the soft, tender fragility of petals on a brightly blooming flower, or the hopeful, sweet song that filled the air from the winged creatures that flew up above. As he had walked through the garden, surveying all that he had been chosen to protect, the heart inside his new corporation had swelled, fit to burst, at all the good it saw.
Yes, Aziraphale had loved Earth, and everything on it, since the beginning of its creation.
He had watched as the world grew, evolved, blossomed – and he, too, had changed with it. The world kept on shifting, and Aziraphale found that the angel he had been designed to be was no longer fit for his new assignment. Humans, in all their unique and messy beauty, craved things he couldn’t understand, thrived not only in the love of God but of one another, in shared moments of laughter, connection and intimacy.
And his heart, the heart that had been filled with all this goodness, all this humanity, had, unbeknownst to him, been shifting, changing, blossoming. Aziraphale found himself longing, wanting. Wondering, in lonely moments, if perhaps there was more.
In almost all of those moments, there had been Crowley.
He’d once thought that the demon materialised during those weak moments as a test, a temptation, a slap on the wrist, stinging with guilt and shame, every time he caught sight of that flame-red hair.
It had taken him centuries to realise that Crowley was none of those things, but, in fact, everything he had been seeking, the hollow, aching thing his heart had been craving for. Not a test, not the apple, not a question, but the answer to the puzzle, the sated feeling after a feast, the fixed point upon which the Earth had kept turning.
It had been the two of them, and the Earth, since the Beginning.
And now it was the two of them, and the Earth, at the End.
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mangocustard16 · 8 months
Romanticized version of you💖💖
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| synopsis: Joshua teaches Y/N that love is about accepting imperfections, not idealizing each other, as they navigate their insecurities and deepen their connection, ultimately finding beauty in their authentic, imperfect love.
| pairing: bf!joshua x gn!reader
| genre: fluff, comfort
| warnings: insecure reader, Shua being the gentleman that he is
| w.c: 700
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The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the tranquil park. Y/N and Joshua were seated on a weathered picnic blanket, surrounded by the rustling leaves of the trees and the soft hum of nature. They had been dating for just shy of two years, their love still in the bloom of youth, as they shared this peaceful afternoon together.
You gazed out at the park, your fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns in the grass. A question had been lingering in your mind, a doubt that had grown too heavy to bear in silence.
"Sometimes I wonder if I actually really love you or I love the romanticized version of you", you admit, your voice soft as a gentle breeze.
Joshua turned his head to look at you, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of vulnerability. "Tell me", he encouraged, his voice carrying a sense of genuine interest.
You hesitate for a moment, then turned your head to meet his gaze, your eyes searching his for understanding. "What?"
"The romanticized version of me in your head", Joshua clarified, his tone gentle. He reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You smiled, touched by his patience and empathy. "Why?"
He leaned in a little closer, your faces just inches apart. "Because, Y/N," he whispered, his voice dripping with playful flirtation, "I'll become it if you want me to."
A playful glint danced in Your eyes as you lean in, your lips almost brushing against his. "This," you tease, your voice a sultry whisper, "This is the romanticized version of you."
Joshua's eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and amusement as he listened to your confession. He closed the remaining distance between your lips, planting a kiss that was both tender and filled with passion. "Y/N," he murmured against her lips, "I understand what you mean. But real love isn't about idealizing each other. It's about accepting each other for who we are, with all our imperfections."
You nodded, your heart feeling lighter as you try to absorb his words. "I do love you, Joshua. It's just that sometimes, I get lost in my own thoughts."
You could feel the weight of insecurity that had been lingering in your heart for some time now. It wasn't that you doubted Joshua's love; it was the nagging feeling that you might not be good enough for him, that you might not deserve the love your lover so freely offered.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a slow, teasing manner. "You don't have to have it all figured out," he whispered, his warm breath mingling with hers. "We can navigate this together."
As the stars above began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Y/N and Joshua's connection deepened with each step they took through the park. Their playful banter and flirtatious glances were just a prelude to the affectionate journey they were about to embark upon.
Joshua squeezed Y/N's hand gently, his touch grounding her as they walked along the meandering path. "You know," he began, his voice filled with warmth, "I love these moments with you, Y/N. It's in these simple, everyday moments that our love truly shines."
You smiled up at him, your heart skipping a beat. "Me too, Josh. It's like we're writing our own love story, one filled with laughter, honesty, and all the imperfections that make it uniquely ours."
They found a quiet spot beneath a tree, its branches forming a natural canopy above them. Y/N and Joshua settled down on the grass, their fingers intertwined as they continued their conversation.
Joshua's gaze never left Y/N's eyes, his affection for her shining through. "You know, Y/N," he began, "I've learned so much about love from being with you. Real love is about growing together, not trying to fit into someone's ideal."
Y/N nodded, your heart swelling with love for him. "I've learned that too, Joshua. Love is about embracing each other's flaws and supporting one another no matter what."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence as the stars continued to illuminate the night sky. The sounds of nature around them served as a soothing backdrop to their love-filled conversation.
Joshua broke the silence, his voice soft and sincere. "Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to say for a while now."
Your curiosity piqued as you turned to him, your eyes filled with anticipation. "What is it, Joshua?"
He took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "I love you, Y/N, not just for the romanticized version of you, but for the incredible person you are, flaws and all."
Tears welled up in your eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and sincerity. "Joshua, I love you too, more than words can express. You've shown me that real love is about acceptance and growth, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."
Their lips met in a tender, lingering kiss under the starry sky, sealing their love with a promise to embrace the beautiful imperfections of their journey together. As they held each other close, they knew that their love story was far from perfect, but it was real, authentic, and uniquely theirs.
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hong jisoo why does it feel like you'll do something like this
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artemis-potnia-theron · 9 months
How I perceive different deities' energies
(based on personal experiences)
Apollon ☀️: Light coming up from somewhere deep in the gut. An ache that almost burns. And it might if I stare too long. Swelling gold. A chorus of music too perfect to be written, words that could shatter my tongue if I tried to speak them.
Brigid 🔥: A lump at the back of my throat. Tears in my eyes while I smile. Joy and grief mixed together under my ribcage. Melodies sung through the ages, and through tears. Warmth at my back and a hand on my cheek. Baked bread. Garden herbs. Clear water from a well. An embrace that could last an age.
Nyx 🌌: The low, echoing hum of something eternal. Something too ancient to comprehend and too overwhelming to be perceived. Endless. Ethereal. Peace and chaos. Quiet and thunderous. Coffee. Red wine. Onyx.
The Morrigan 🐦‍⬛: A chant of words I can't understand, spoken in a language I never knew and never forgot. The cold steel of a blade's edge. Sharp, precise, and unwavering. Her language of secrets and ancient knowledge could swallow you whole if you let it.
Hekate 🗝: Whispers. Shadows against candlelight. A flickering flame that knows how to dance in the wind and never extinguish. The smell of old parchment and herbs. A ripple on the water. As intricate and mesmerizing as a spider's web. Silent and sharp like a viper. A bark and a growl heard from somewhere too far away for me to see.
Aine 🧚🏼‍♀️: Sunlight breaking over the surface of a river. Citrus. Wildflowers. Fresh grass. Wind sweeping over a meadow. Chimes. Fruit trees finally coming into bloom. The juice from an apple trickling down my neck. Laughter. So much laughter.
Aphrodite ❤️: Flower petals. Something sweet and soft like honey that trickles down the back of my throat and seeps into my belly. It spreads all through me like starlight trapped in my veins. Bells. Bliss. A want that could dissolve me. A yearning that would hurt if it didn't taste so lovely. The pain feels like a lifetime away.
Tiamat 🐉: Clusters of stars. Endless reflections of light on the water's surface. The deep song of a whale that echoes through the pulse of the sea. An eye that gazes down from the cosmos.
Caer Ibormeith 🦢: A lullaby that has been with me for longer than I know. A kiss pressed to my forehead. That place between sleeping and awake, between real and not. Cool air at twilight. Dew on the glass before sunrise. Clean fabric. A veil. Flying over the world as it sleeps.
Artemis 🦌: Freedom. Breath-taking, devastating freedom. A stag drinking fresh water from a spring. A doe and her fawn, sleeping as the songbirds chirp at dawn. A rush. An absolute rush like mountain air in my blood. Fireflies in an open field. Bones bleaching in the sun. The thrill of a wolf pack chasing its prey. The moon over the ocean at night. Teeth. Bird calls. Wildflowers. A great bear that walks in the stars. Hymns only beasts can sing. Jasmine and animal fur and the midnight air.
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lizziespoem · 9 months
dalmatians cupid | nanami ͏⸺ one shot
͏⸺Various hilarious faces and figures hid in the angel-white cloud seam, over foaming the blue sky like the gently rushing waves of calm sea and the pink blossoms of the fairytale cherry trees scattered like the glorious dreams of the pedestrians over the freshly mowed meadows as the roofs of the tall buildings shone on the horizon and the wind chases the scent of the blooming wildflowers through the small gaps between the towering trees. Purple and blue plums hung from the branches of the trees, waiting to be picked up, clutched by the thorny bushes of black blackberries and the little hidden currant bushes, it was truly a colorful sea of a thousand colors.
A slight warmth tingled under your chest as you were under the green leaves hiding from the bright sunshine, your legs were folded over each other and on your lap laid one of the oldest books you had ever owned, but you loved with all your heart, while next to the park bench and next to you your beloved Dalmatian had laid down on the grass and enjoyed like the sun rays shone on his black spots, the red leash of your dog was stuck under your thighs.
It was one of your well-deserved days off and you couldn’t imagine anything better than sitting between the fluttering butterflies and the fragrant flowers, while your eyes were fixed on one of your favorite books and your dog beside you peacefully enjoying the peace, there were rarely moments in which you were so calm.
So absorbed in the lines of your book, you did not noticed as your dog pulled her ears back and lifted her head slightly to look around before her gaze landed on another Dalmatian, her tail began to wag frantically and it took her only a second when your dog pulled out the leash under your thigh and started to run towards the other dog.
It was almost after five as the tall blonde man looked at the watch around his wrist, letting a small sigh leaving his mouth as if he didn't wanted to believe that the time ran away from him, when his angelic boy came to him and after an attentive barking the dog his head rubbed against Kentos leg to extract a rough laugh from his throat as he stroked the head of his dog “I know, i know, it's time for a walk”
Kento Nanami could not deny that his time was limited and he probably would never have bought a dog himself, but when he had discovered the little Dalmatian on the street at that one night he did not have the heart to leave him a shelter and took him home with him.
The tall men stretched his upper body before pulling his shirt down, after it had slipped a slight bit higher, his gaze fell to his blazer leaning over the back of his chair, but he shakes his head as he leans over to his desk letting his hand slip through the fur of the white cat, that was sleeping between the stacking papers “try to make not too much of a mess”
Kento could feel the hasty footsteps of his dog by the ruffled pulling on the dark leash, and although the man had a tremendous strength in his body, was it his dog that had pulled him through half the park until his steps became slower and more cautious, when Kento decided to look around and trying to find the reason of the behavior of his dog and then his gaze caught you.
He couldn't deny that even by the look of your back you looked astonishing, the way the sunlight peeked through the dancing leaves letting small rays of sunshine lighting some strands of your hair, the way your back was a little bit bent as you sat on the dark blue bench under the willow tree, he would certainly have noticed more things about you if his dog had pulled the leash out of his hand and started to run towards you.
Helplessly you try to call your dog’s name in the hope that she would turn around, but she didn't and all you had left was to run after her and try to grab the leash, just like Kento, you ran after your dog and tried to reach for the leash, however before you could catch the end of the red leash your dalmatian had already stopped running unlike Kento, who covered the end of the leash with his hand.
“are you okay, madam?” Kento cleared his throat in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head with his free hand, slightly straining his arm as he studied your face, when you politely smiled at him with a nod “yes, thank you. forgive me if…”
Everything you wanted to do was to apologize if your dog irritated his dog, but before you could apologize, you felt like something wrapping around your legs and as your eyes fell down you saw the dark leash of the other dog wrapped around your legs and the legs of the man as the leash pulled them closely together, but before either of you could react, it was already too late and you two are losing your balance falling into the small pond of the park.
The hands of Kento grabbed you by your waist as he tried to lift you above his body so you wouldn't touch the muddy ground of the pond and with a loud splash the two of you landed in the cold water, elicited a little scream out of your throat as you feel the cold water touching you.
“did you hurt yourself, madam?” the blonde man asked as soon as the scream left you mouth looking at you laying over his chest, as your hair was falling into your face and all of your strains were dripping wet, gently his hand stroked the wet strains behind your ear to take a look at your face to see if you were alright “I must apologize about my dog”
Kento would have expected anything that you would shout at him or even insult him for the foolishness of his dog, but to his surprise, the corners of your mouth moved up and a heartfelt laugh crawled out of your stomach, causing a strange warmth to fill the empty space around his heart as his lips couldn't help but smile.
“I must say I’ve outdone myself again for embarrassment” he whispered as he looked at you, letting his hands travel to your chest under your arms to help you up at the muddy pond while he was standing up by himself. The both of you were soaking wet as the water drop ran down on your bodies and soaked water in your clothes dripped on the surface of the pond, as a sweet smile light up on your glossy lips “well I'm glad to share this experience with you”
Again the corners of his mouth lifted and he lifted his shirt a little bit to wring out the fabric, exposing the defined abs that were hidden behind the fabric “I couldn't imagine anyone better to share this with”
“I am Kento Nanami” he charmingly holded his hand in front of you as you take it to shake it gently “y/n y/ln”
Kento was the first to carefully climb out of the pond, then stretch out his hands to you so you could embrace them with yours and climb out easier without even fearing to slip on the muddy ground inside the pond again as your eyes fell onto your both dog, mindlessly laying on the grass while innocently looking at Kento and you.
“I truly apologize for ruining your clothes” he tried to apologize again as he ran his hands through his wet blonde hair, studying the wet fabric hugging and sticking to your body. His thoughts wandered back when his fingers had embraced your waist, he couldn’t help wishing to touch it again and even though he didn't wanted to escape his thoughts, he cleared his throat and asked “Do you want me to take you home?”
Your gaze wanders to your Dalmatian who gently tilted her head when you nodded to accept his offer “That would be really nice”
Maybe it was meant to be, the thought was crawling into the mind of Kento as he walked next to the passing cars looking over his right shoulder listening to you rambling about your beloved book as he couldn't help getting drunk with every word that left your mouth. In his eyes you looked like one of those dreams a painter must have to create a masterpiece, you shone like a sky full of stars yet too mesmerizing to touch, you spoke like an idea a writer would have yet too unique and complex to describe.
As soon as you stopped walking his gaze landed on the building behind you, traveling down at your dogs before looking back into your eyes “Would you go out with me by any chance? I may not have made the best impression, but I’d really like to see you again”
Your cheeks burned as you smiled “Yes, i would like that”
© 2023 LIZZIESPOEM. please do not copy any of my writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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A lovely date
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A lovely date
Fandom Ikemen Prince
Pair Chevalier Michael x Tala Amouzgaar
Part of Mayday Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
Thank you so much  for hosting such an original event I was so happy to have joined in. 🤗😊
This is my gift for the darling @m-mmiy. 
I really do hope you will like this work, but above all I wish is for my portrait of your OC to be faithful enough to the picture you have of her. 🤗😊
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It was a nice day, spring approached fast in Rhodolite in a much more gentle way she was used to.
The birds returned from afar told tales of exotic countries' wonders chirping excitedly waking ever so softly the animals from the hibernation of the winter whose chilly breeze still lingered in the air like the snow still present on the hilltop that was slowly but constantly melting under the tepid rays of a sun getting each day warmer. 
It seemed like a dream to her, familiar and strange at the same time.
The coming of season was nothing new to Tala but the sensations blooming in her heart like a rose surely were.
She shot a glance at him, the source of that feeling walking unfazed by her side.
Chevalier Michael a brutal beast for anyone but her the only man that before her heart captured her mind with his cleverness.
A genius admired and feared alike she would have never got tired of talking to. 
A source of everlasting knowledge whose discussion never failed to thrill her mind. 
In that instant he shot her a glance while his pale lips twitched upward in a light smile rare like the desert rose and like it breathtakingly beautiful. 
A gift for her alone to admire making her heart beat faster at the sight of his sky blue eyes glimmering with happiness. 
"Do you like spring ?"
His voice as cool as ever not revealing any emotion even though she could perceive the slightest hint of curiosity coloring his tone.
"I neither like nor dislike it."
"That's a peculiar answer."
"It's merely a season there is no need for me to favor it more than the others."
A shadow clouded over his features almost as he was genuinely curious to know her better but bad at communicating his desire he retorted to avoid speaking at all.
"I have to admit it's quite nice here."
Sun returned to his gorgeous features dripping over his smile.
"How so ?"
"It's less humid than in other countries I visited." 
They resumed their strolling basking in each other's presence, speaking no words for there was no need to. 
Suddenly something emerged from the bushes to cross their path.
Even with her expression hidden from the brown veil he could perceive her smile reaching to her amber eyes glimmering brighter than the sun as a small duck approached her. 
A jolt of warmth filled his heart at the endearing sight of the girl he came to grow fond of petting the small animal humming in delight as more ducks crowded around her for a chance she didn't deny them to be caressed by her delicate fingers. 
Noiselessly he accommodated himself under a tree far enough to admire her and avoid scaring away the ducks but he had just sat on the grass when a duck approached him only to pick on his leg.
He stared dumbfounded at the creature looking into his eyes with open defiance before walking confidently toward him. 
His bravery was rewarded as he stretched his long fingers to caress his feathered head so tiny in comparison to him and yet brazen enough to have him fascinating hom for reasons oddly resembling her/ that girl that caught his mind and heart.
It was the first time an animal approached him willingly it was strange but not unwelcome. 
The endearing sight sudden and warm like the spring rain her eyes crinkled with affection as his hand that so often were drenched in blood and calloused from holding swords  were now petting such a tiny creature delicately because there was gentleness underneath them.
A fresh breeze whistled among the garden guiding the ducks back in the luscious greenery where they came from.
It was like a dream if not for the tender smile he offered her as they resumed their pleasant date.
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iseos · 9 months
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wc. 584 archive. pairing. kim chaewon x gn!r synopsis. late night walks under cherry blossom trees genre. fluff now playing. vanilla by kai. a/n. repost bc i’m not continuing ‘four seasons’
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LONGER DAYS AND NEWLY BLOOMED FLOWERS are the key signs that spring has rolled around once again. seasonal depression starts to fade as the world becomes lively again and more people being going outside more often to enjoy the warming weather.
the pink cherry blossom trees start to bloom again in the new season, attracting all sorts of people out of their homes to witness their beauty for themselves.
"would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?" y/n wondered aloud. they had seen that chaewon was wearing a white colored sweater with black detailing in the selfie she sent telling y/n that was on her way over.
after hurriedly getting dressed, a knock at the door alerts y/n of chaewon's arrival. opening the door, they were greeted by their girlfriend's bright smile.
  "ready?" she asks to which y/n nodded enthusiastically, so they began their late-night walk.
they eventually reach their desired location, a long sidewalk lined with large blooming cherry blossom trees. due to the late hour, there was no one else out leaving the street empty for the two. street lamps were spotted every so often down the walkway that acted as the only source of lighting, making the scene feel even more romantic.
  "you look really cute in that sweater," chaewon comments, noticing that the black and white sweater y/n wore perfectly compliment her own outfit, "we almost look like a couple."
  y/n scoffs playfully, "almost."
  chills rippled across the two's exposed skin as the late night was now devoid of the sun's warmth. loose cherry blossom petals were sent dancing in the breeze that blew around the couple; one even landing on y/n's hair, which went unnoticed by them.
"you have something in your hair, umm... want me to get it out?" chaewon hesitantly asks, eyeing the small petal atop y/n's head. they nod and stop walking, allowing the girl to reach up and grab it. once the petal was removed, the two remained standing there, gazing into each other's eyes.
"you're the most beautiful person i've ever encountered, can i get your number by chance?" y/n suddenly blurts out with a teasing smirk on their face.
chaewon furrowed her eyebrows at them in confusion so they continued, "what? you implied we were dating earlier, so i'm trying to ask you out!"
she could only laugh and pushed y/n away to hide her blush, and kept walking.
  y/n is sent stumbling to the opposite side of the pavement, away from chaewon where they spot a fully intact cherry blossom laying in the grass.
with the flower in hand, y/n quickly walks up behind chaewon and taps her on the shoulder. before she can say anything, y/n tucks the flower behind her ear with a wide smile.
"god, you always make me blush so damn much." chaewon mutters, holding her hands to her face to cover her, once again, warming cheeks.
"aw, you're the same color as the flower!" y/n teases noticing her sudden resemblance to the cherry blossom.
the blushing girl couldn't say anything to deny so she just quickly starts walking again, her hands still on her face while y/n is left to chase after her in uncontrollable laughter.
the couple continues their walk down the walkway lit by street lamps and the pale moonlight; joyous laughter and falling cherry blossom petals left behind them like a trail of their love.
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“even the air is sweet when i’m with you it’s like time just stopped, it’s like a dream”
© iseos
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falconcoast · 1 year
genshin characters as things i vividly remember |part ii
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a/n: rehash of this post.
warnings: none xo
characters: scaramouche, ayaka, miko, ei, tighnari, kaveh, cyno, baizhu, al-haitham.
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rina sawayama songs (specifically dynasty and hold the girl). cellos. inciting chaos for the thrill of it. clenching and unclenching a fist. loosening a jaw you didn’t know was tightened. traveling somewhere new. arguments that you know you can win. orchid flowers. when a bird passes by you really quickly and rustles at your hair. letting go of old grudges.
december snow. smoothing down a bird’s feathers. when water is almost frozen. pulling your hair into a tight up-do. silver mirrors and jewelry. soft pink lipstick. people-watching. when you walk out of a party to go somewhere quiet. suit-skirt combos. fixing your posture before going on stage. the color of the sky during early winter mornings.
velvet pillows. roses. new books and bending the back of its spine to break it in. honoring traditions. bouquets and letters from suitors. the feeling of someone’s lips against your ear when they whisper to you. middle spring. afternoon classes. when a pet walks up to you and rests in your lap. moonlight shining in someone’s eyes. soft hair. delicately-done nails that make pleasing clicks.
golden thunder. rain so heavy it creates a stream down a road. the phrase “suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret.” absolute, midnight silence. gritted teeth. pure confidence. straightened shoulders. lilacs. softening when seeing your beloved. marble walls. letting a little one braid your hair.
freshly picked flowers. muddy boots. hikes. when an animal hops into your hand naturally. calloused hands. scars from running and tripping or climbing a tree and falling. superblooms. the scent of grass after it rains. pollen season. errand days. bickering with a younger sibling. the chirps of birds in the early morning. cedar trees. scolding someone while patching them up.
college students. meticulously doing your hair. pouting. putting your all into something you love. finishing a project and being happy with the result. daytime. chapstick kisses. hands-on learning. sunshine after the rain. kinetic sand. picnics. brushing your hair to one side. cold tea. daffodil blooms. birch trees.
the cold shouldered friend warming up to you. busted knuckles. standing tall. eyes open wide. scorching heat. running on sand. blistering wind. watching from afar. warmth of the sun on skin. lightning hitting water. the hiss of an insect in the night. ink and parchment. tenderly sweeping someone’s hair out of their eyes.
well-cut lawns. letting your glasses hang low on your nose. humming. pilates. kissing a loved one when they’ve fallen asleep. the sterile scent of a doctor’s office. running water. dried flower leaves for tea. picking herbs at the farmer’s market. feeling of your toes in the grass. soft, west winds.
scoffing at your enemies. the illiad and the oddessy. stationary. ap literature summer reading lists. burning the midnight oil. holding your hand over someone else’s when you’re teaching them how to do something. texas instrument calculators, not casio. study sessions where you get nothing done. the dad friend. looking to someone to only see them look at you already.
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