#idk fucking joining in on the hunt for the person you hate?
fukushublog · 1 year
and here i am being reminded how much other zoroark fucking suck.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Do you want another Jangosoka concept?
Concept is that Boba finds a… something on Tatooine that looks like Weird Force Shit. He does not know any Jedi or Sith, personally, but he knows three people who do have connections to Jedi:
Han Solo, whom he has on speed dial despite hating each other, and losing most of his contacts with his comm when the Sarlacc ate him
Din Djarin, whose kid goes to school Somewhere With Jedi? Maybe? he's not entirely clear on how much contact Djarin has with Skywalker these days
Bo-Katan Kryze, who has Ahsoka Tano on speed dial
Obviously, he goes through Bo-Katan first, because Ahsoka Tano knows more about general Force things than the latest Skywalker, and has less of a Direct Grudge against Boba himself.
So he makes a call and tries to ignore the Weird Force Thing that he just poked. He waits a few days.
Ahsoka shows up. She holds the thing. It is confusing.
They have a stupid argument built on Uncomfortable History at some point, and Boba being a grump, and he snatches it from her, managing to slice his finger on one of the edges.
A few drops of blood get on the weird force thing, and there is a flash of light, and suddenly there's a half-dead Jango Fett in the room.
Like "He has visible burns on his neck from Mace's lightsaber, but still has his head, as if he was pulled through time from the very moment before of his death."
Which Big Oops
Boba is panicking. Ahsoka is trying not to admit she's freaked out. Jango is. clawing as his throat dude stop that.
Ahsoka's the one that had enough brains to call for a medic and keeps sitting at his side to keep a Very Judgemental Eye on him, but she's. You know. Jedi. So Jango is constantly suspicious of her.
(He thinks Boba is a faulty fast-aging clone, like 99, because that's the only thing that makes sense.) (Also he doesn't acknowledge Ahsoka's "I'm not a Jedi" thing.)
Ahsoka's had thirty years to come to terms with the death of her people but she's also, for obvious reasons, still judgmental as fuck and has a lot of questions.
But also this was necromancy, which is Sith Or Nightsister Bullshit, and she needs to make sure he's not about to get possessed and go hunting for Force Sensitive babies or something insane like that.
(The reason the object drew Jango is because of the totally coincidental identical DNA. Turns out the object is intended to bring back the dead using a body sample of the corpse, but identical blood will do if there's a dead person with the same.)
IDK where exactly it goes from here but it's 44yo Jango, 45yo Boba, and 49 Ahsoka Plus Fennec, who's just hanging around
They need to bring around someone Jango actually knows and will trust, because obviously Boba is a fake and Ahsoka's a liar and this is all some weird Jedi trick.
Options are Maz Kanata (who's definitely old enough to remember him), or Bo-Katan herself, except they try Bo since she's closer and it turns out she was still a toddler when Jango went missing so that's not going to help at all.
Mij or one of the other Cuy'val Dar could theoretically still be alive, and Sabine has parents that might have known him before they joined up with Pre.
Fennec knowing him would be a BIT too easy.
I'm imagining that the call goes as Boba explaining that, well, there's this one guy that he knows, that his dad was close with, but the Sarlacc kind of ate his comm unit and he hasn't had the time or resources to hunt down all his contact numbers and whatnot yet, so he's not sure how to go about actually calling the guy, and so they have to politely ask Bo-Katan if she, as Mand'alor, can find the contact information for one Mij Gilamar. Boba's pretty sure he's still running a clinic on Insert Planet Here, so it shouldn't be too hard to get, it's just kind of impossible from Tatooine.
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gojo-inabox · 1 year
screws loose (kishibe x gn!reader)
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You’ve lasted 4 years in the Devil Hunting business, and that time was long enough for Kishibe and yourself to come to terms with your nonchalant feelings towards eachother.
Word Count: 3957
Warnings: Kishibe (lmfao 💀), smoking, alcohol, describing violence and fighting, slight gore (??), dead body, language slightly, kind of OOC but that’s also kind of the point idk man, kissing, weird but comfortable tension
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Admittedly, you didn’t hate your job. You couldn’t.
For the most part, working as a Devil Hunter wasn’t terrible: Sure, yeah, the whole death at every corner thing was a major blow, but you didn’t mind the pay, or the people you met along the way. Sure they were short lived, but it was fine.
You could deal with it, if they died they died. If you died you died, at that point it didn't matter if you got paid - and hey, if you lived, a hefty penny was sent your way.
You could deal with the idea of death, with the idea of devils lurking every corner, your coworkers being so bittersweet and temporary.
Though, for some particular reason, for every person that died in your vicinity, it only solidified the one constant thing in your life: Kishibe, your partner.
Only Makima knows why you would get partnered with the grizzled alcoholic, but it didn't matter - he was solidified in your life the moment you were paired together at the beginning of your career as a devil hunter.
Kishibe was the one thing that never changed - alcoholic, unashamed, calm, and blunt. Even if every person around you dropped dead, even if you watched every rookie get brutally murdered by some low life devil, even if you yourself played your cards a little too wildly and didn't know if you'd come home that day - it seemed you'd always end the day parting ways with him.
The roughed up blonde wasn’t a bad person per say, he’s generally relaxed and polite, when speaking it’s obvious he has years of experience under his belt. His lack of emotion in his day to day work mildly pissed you off, but you two meant a lot to each other - you just didn’t know it.
Though most days you’d claim he went out of his way to piss you off, and that you swore you hated the man - you were mostly lying to yourself.
"This is a matter that needs to be resolved quite quickly, but also carefully. We cannot risk hitting heads with any private civilians at this time." Despite the pressure at hand, and the severity of the situation, Makimas voice was soft, and careful.
Her hands were clasped tightly on her desk, eyes barely blinked, scanning yourself for any signs of emotion. Even after working for Public Safety for 4 years now, Makima made you incredibly uneasy. The longer you found yourself alive and working here, the more often you'd be in Makimas office, you found yourself memorising her office - the lack of decorations and very subtle touches of herself.
Makima took your silence as understanding, and continued, "(Y/N), I hope you would know where your partner is? He was supposed to join us."
Of course she'd ask that. Technically - no, you didn't know where Kishibe was, but you'd take a guess. It was common for him to leave you to all the office and paperwork stuff, so he could fuck off somewhere with a bottle of booze in hand and show up later. He did it because he knew that you would handle yourself, and that he wouldn't really be reprimanded.
Simply nodding, you stood up and quickly fixed your blazer and wiped your wrinkled pants down, "I could probably guess. Don't worry about it, Makima, I can relay the information."
All she did was smile, nodding and following suit. Walking around her desk and at your side as you both walked towards the door. As she saw you out, she handed you the file, “I expect this to be taken care of before Friday, and next time, make sure Kishibe joins us.”
Nodding, you smiled and walked out, her office door closing behind you. The second you heard the click, your smile dropped, body moving down the hallway, and to the stairs. Slugging down the stairs, flipped through the file, internally cringing at the prospect of explaining the mission to Kishibe.
Once out of the building, you slouched against one of the concrete walls. The sun was almost completely gone, the night sky being illuminated by the light pollution from the city, you breathed in the crisp air. Even at night, the city was still so busy - cars driving by, people in and out of store fronts and restaurants, the noise of traffic filled the air.
It all seemed so simple, yet here you are.
The next day was rough. Getting up later than you would typically wish, it wasn’t really your style to be late, you had 20 minutes until Kishibe would pick you up so you two could deal with the problem Makima was up in arms over. Scrambling around your apartment, you tried your best to get ready in record time.
The front door knob jiggled and eventually opened, Kishibe just letting himself in - normally any other person doing this would warrant you probably killing them, and well this certainly added to the list of things Kishibe did that pissed you off, you let it be, walking right past him into your bedroom to grab your blazer.
“Ready yet?” Kishibe calmly asked, watching you scramble to slide the blazer on, all while scanning the living room for your watch.
“Yeah one sec.” Trailing off to find it, Kishibe shifted into your kitchen, rummaging through your liquor cabinet to fill up his flask . Again, another thing to add to the list, but you certainly couldn’t be bothered.
Finishing up, the pair of you headed out the door and down to his car. Kishibe had the grace to drive you basically everywhere, after 4 years it was basically his love language to say, ‘Hey I don’t hate you’, just as you let him raid your liquor cabinet as he pleases.
As both of you hopped into his car, he leaned over to pop open the glove box, pulling out two brand new cigarette boxes.
Handing you one, you smiled, “Thanks, you didn’t have to.” Kishibe didn’t say anything back. He didn’t mind. Though both of you knew you’d end up sharing a cigarette anyways.
The drive wasn’t too long; you gave Kishibe a brief overview of the situation, explaining the devil and the precautions you’d have to take to not interfere with the private sector's work.
Honestly you doubted he listened, but it was your job, so you explained anyway, “The devil has just recently appeared, he seems rather weak, it’s just he’s awfully clever. Private hunters attempted to kill it two days ago, and they’re going to try again tomorrow, so we better deal with it today.”
“Or else Makima gets pissed.” Kishibe scoffed, flicking his cigarette out of the window. The drive continued in silence.
The two of you stood on the sidewalk of a, almost, dead city street, everything was grey it seemed. Modern architecture sucked. Gazing up at the building the Public Safety Devil Hunters got a report about, it was an older office building.
The pair of you walked in, silence basking yourself and the lobby of the building. Nothing felt wrong - not yet at least - there was no signs of any disturbance in recent years. Dust was everywhere, on every surface and in the air. The wooden floors creaked with every step, you found yourself turning to the back of the receptionist desk, looking at the reminders of the past.
“When I was a kid, my dream job was actually being a receptionist.” You stated, smiling at the loose notepads and office supplies. Kishibe’s brows knitted together in confusion, you continued, “Sitting on your ass all day and writing paperwork for a decent paycheck? It sounded appealing. Then I did it while in college.”
“Didn’t work out?” Kishibe humoured you. He always did, he loved your rambling. Rounding back around the desk, the two of you turned the corner to wander down a main hallway.
The hallway was long, and dark, dust particles visible as they floated in the rays of sunlight peering through the few windows - most of which were boarded up. Despite the status as being abandoned, the halls were decently clean.
You scoffed, scanning the hallway and peering into each door you passed. “It was okay work. Money wasn't bad. I just didn’t find any thrill in doing paperwork.”
“From paperwork to devil hunting. Huh.” Kishibe chuckled, rolling your eyes as you shoved him a little.
Laughing, you continued, “You can’t act like my job now isn’t still 75% paperwork, because someone doesn’t wanna do their job.”
Kishibe let a smirk pull through, he couldn’t help that your laugh was rather contagious. It was a rather mundane and meaningless conversation, but he didn’t mind. It wasn’t often devil hunters got to have a normal conversation.
As Kishibe pondered his comeback to your comment, you both stopped dead in your tracks, feeling a presence weight on both of you. Your hand met your waist, grabbing at your weapon and holding it firmly, Kishibe doing the same.
Peering into the room you had stopped in front of, you were quick to spot a body laying in the centre of the room. It was a woman, from what you knew most likely a private devil hunter, though she was dressed in the same attire as both yourself and Kishibe.
Looking around the room for an enemy, you stepped closer to the woman. Her body was almost completely devoid of all moisture; face was ashy, lips chapped and cracking painfully, eyeballs shrivelled and almost nonexistent. Her hair was crisp, thin, and looked like it was missing in chunks.
Littered with bruises, cuts and scratches, she didn’t go down without a fight. Furrowing your brows in confusion, ‘Where is the devil, then?’ Kishibe shared your mental sentiment with his body language, staying almost completely still whilst peering around the room.
After a few moments, you felt that feeling go away. This was definitely the work of a devil, but it seemed unlikely that the devil was still here with you right now. A hand placed itself upon your shoulder, you sighed, turning to face Kishibe and hopelessly continue the survey of the building.
That wasn’t Kishibe.
Almost immediately upon turning around and coming face-to-face with some grotesque devil, you were slammed across the room, back hitting hard against the wall. The devil let out a rather annoyed giggle, trying it’s best to contain its laughter.
That shit hurt, you probably knocked through at least 5 desks, and you scrambled up out of the dent that your body had made into the wall. Kishibe hadn’t even attempted to check on you, immediately making work of fighting the devil - he knew you were fine.
It wasn’t hard for Kishibe and yourself to get into a flow while in battle, once you picked yourself up, you joined in. Kishibe and yourself taking turns at attacking the enemy, confusing it, as it didn’t know who to hit at. You both dodged its attacks, as they were rather repetitive.
You took your own turns at chopping some of the limbs of the devil off. The devil shrieked, frustrated that it was loosing this battle so quickly. It hastily picked up office furniture and flung it around, hoping it hit one of you.
Before you knew it, Kishibe grunted rather loudly, snapping your head you watch him fall down.
Shit. He got hit.
Kishibe dragged himself backwards, trying to get out of line of the devil momentarily. Panicking, you grabbed ahold of the devil and flung yourself on top of it, the devil twisted and turned, trying to throw you off as it’s now stubby limbs attempted to regenerate.
Kishibe grunted out your name, probably trying to get you to get off of the thing, but you didn’t listen, shamelessly taking hits and hitting the devil back. The devil shrieked again, very loudly, as you stabbed it in the eye with a piece of metal.
It fell to the ground as you pierced it, pushing and digging the piece deeper and deeper into the devil. It went limp, and you tumbled off of it. It was dead.
Scrambling to get up, you slugged your body towards Kishibe. He was fine, a deep cut on his arm was the worst of his injuries, the rest were a few cuts, though he would definitely be waking up with a hefty bruise on his back tomorrow, as would you.
“That was stupid of you.” He commented, accepting your hand as you pulled him off the floor. Shrugging, you lead him out of the now destroyed room. A comfortable silence is present among you two as you make your way backwards, back down the hall and eventually out of the building.
God, even after you basically saved his ass, he still irritates you sometimes.
Though sure, Kishibe never failed to piss you off with his attitude and lack of communication, in all honesty, you didn’t hate him. A rather low bar certainly, but it was remarkable. Even after 4 years, and him getting on your nerves like no one before, you didn’t mind his presence. Not just as a partner, but as a person.
Maybe it was you being content with your situation, you found yourself not minding his company. Sure he did a lot that made your head spin, but you thrived off of the little things; When you two would finish a job and get dinner after, or when you’d take turns taking swigs from his flask after a particularly irritating meeting with Makima, or when he’d listen to your ramblings about something that pissed you off at work giving rather blunt comments, taking drags from a cigarette you shared.
The past 4 years together, it wasn’t bad, honestly.
Maybe you could admit you liked Kishibe as a person. For one thing, he was definitely attractive; an older, grizzled man who had some years under his belt. And for another, his personality, albeit somewhat difficult, was rather endearing, especially when you stayed around longer than he expected, and especially when he realised you weren’t going anywhere.
Kishibe liked you too, in his own ass-backwards way - well you assumed.
"Don't make me think I wasted my time training you." The grizzled man said, taking a chug of his silver flask.
The sky was dim, oranges and pinks painting the west sky, a cascading light shifted the darkness and shadows of the buildings and street lights - the sun was setting.
The two of you had made your way to Kishibes car, calling Makima and alerting her to the elimination of the devil. Rummaging through his glove box, you pulled out a bandage to apply to Kishibes mild wound. It would do for now, you knew he wouldn’t go to the doctor until tomorrow morning.
You shrugged, rolling up his sleeve, beginning to wrap his wound, "I think at this point l've proved myself. If anything I’m starting to wonder if whoever trained you failed.”
The blonde chuckled, letting you finish the quick dressing of the cut, pulling away as you finished, screwing the lid of his flask shut tight, shoving it in his coat pocket, “How so?”
“Maybe how you never showed up to our summons to Makima? You didn’t even know why we came here.” You argued, pulling out a cigarette from your coat pocket and lighting it. Kishibe smirked slightly - he was the one who got you to start smoking, you even smoked the same brand as him.
Kishibe sighed, looking around carelessly, he honestly was surprised that you were still so serious about the job. Maybe he had worked here too long, “No, but you did, I can always count on you.”
For a split moment, you caught each other's eyes, you’d maybe even be tricked into believing he meant that. Breaking the contact, you scoffed, wiping blood off of your weapon. Kishibe leaned against his car, plucking the cigarette from your mouth and into his, taking a long drag.
You could feel him staring, wondering what could be going on in that head of his. The cigarette met your mouth again, looking up, the man was merely inches from your face, intently staring at you. “I figured it out.”
Scrunching your face and furrowing your brows, you scoffed again at the blonde, “Oh? Another drunk prophecy?”
Kishibe sighed, pulling back away from you and assuming his position leaning against his car, his eyes stared up at the sky, “You didn’t have any screws loose when I met you. I thought you’d make it a few months tops.”
“That’s awful. Thank you, I guess.” Kishibe chuckled at your response. Shuffling over to him, you assumed a position leaning against the car next to him, your bodies touched as you both stared off into the sky. His warmth was comforting, you didn’t get a lot of that in this business.
“Yeah. But you’ve stuck around. It’s been 4 years and 5 months.” Kishibe kept count, in fact, to the month. You didn’t take him too much as the sentimental type, you figured he was rather nonchalant about whether or not you stayed around - at least that’s how he typically acted. Sure he had his moments of kindness, they weren’t stereotypical, but you figured it just meant he was being civil as a co-worker.
Your silence enabled him to continue, “The devil hunters with a few screws loose stick around the longest, because devils are scared of them. But you? I didn’t really get it, to be honest.”
The sun was completely gone now, pinks and oranges had faded into the night sky. Though for the night sky, it wasn’t very dark, and you couldn’t see many stars - despite it being clear. That was the downside of being in Tokyo.
The air was crisp, and cold, you almost wanted Kishibe to take you in his arms, his warmth was tempting. The temperature always dropped this time of year, you hated it.
Kishibes point still wasn’t being made, it’s not like he had a near death experience, so you were perplexed by the sudden admission of empathy he was expressing. Maybe he just finally let the bowl overfill.
“I’m not crazy enough for you?” His eyes rolled at your comment, but he stayed silent for a moment. The air between the two of you was slightly thick, his every word was out of character and unpredictable.
Kishibe turned to you, grabbed the cigarette from your lips once again, putting them to his and taking a drag, the smoke flowing from his nostrils. “I figured it out though. You have a screw loose.”
Again, he was right up at your face, inches away. His every feature on display for you to see, his eyes were blank despite his words, the scent of alcohol filled your nose.
“Yeah? What is it?” Shakily you breathed out, heart racing at the sudden lack of space between you two. He could see it written on your face, how much this made you nervous, how you wanted this to last - you basked in the feeling and in the moment.
Flicking the cigarette aside, he continued to look down at you - it seemed he was doing the same, taking in your features. “You like me.”
It wouldn’t be far off to say your heart made a terrible halt, you honestly probably had a slight heart attack. “I mean you’re my co-worker, I kind of have to-“
“No. You like me. You find me endearing, like being around me. That’s your screw that’s loose.” Kishibe stated rather bored, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of a reaction, your silence bothered him, “Am I wrong?”
Within a moment of uttering that, he leaned in, grabbing your jaw and pulling you further into him, finding warmth as your lips touched. Your soft lips moved effortlessly against his rather rough ones, his hand wandered from your jaw to the back of your head, the other hand at your waist, pulling your body as close to his as he could.
The warmth of your bodies combined, his rough, large hands kneaded at your waist. Soft moans were pulled from your throat as he pushed into you, your back was harshly pushed against the cold metal of his car.
The kiss was rough, it was hasty, it was sloppy. Despite this, you enjoyed every second of it. It was like you both waited your entire lives for this moment, but now that you had it, you were both utterly unsure if you’d ever have the chance again.
Placing your hands on either wait of his face, you pulled away, gasping slightly for air. His hands are still positioned at your side and the nape of your neck, caging you against the car. Once again, you two found yourselves taking in each other's features.
A part of you was still shaken from the sudden admission from Kishibe, while he didn’t admit he also felt the same, his actions spoke volumes - the other part of you was heavy, you wondered if he did this just cause he’s drunk or still riding off the adrenaline of the fight.
Kishibe could see the look in your eyes, he could practically read your mind. His grip on you loosened slightly as he sighed, nodding to himself. Letting go, he rounded to the driver's side of the car and opened the door, “Let’s get you home.”
You sighed at his statement. Nodding and rounding around to the passengers side, slipping into the seat and shutting the door. The ride was silent, there wasn’t really much tension, the both of you just seemed to be in thought.
Kishibe kissed you. And yes, you kissed him back.
Over 4 years ago you were paired with the veteran devil hunter by seemingly luck. Makima claimed she believed you two would benefit from being around each other. Whatever that meant to her, it was true.
The first year or two was tough. Kishibe was thoroughly under the impression that you would kick rocks eventually, whether you’d quit or die a meaningless death. Too stuck up, too complacent with the rules, he believed your lack of purpose and drive would surely lead you to your death.
For a while, maybe he was right.
But four years later, he stood corrected. Recently, you had reflected a lot on the past four years; You remembered the first time he realised you were sticking around, the first time you made him laugh, your first cigarette, the first time you and him got drunk, you remembered it all.
Fuck. You really did like the guy.
Pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex, Kishibe didn’t say a word. Honestly, you didn’t know what could be going on in that head of his, maybe he regretted kissing you entirely.
But fuck, you didn’t regret kissing him back.
As a devil hunter, any day could be your last. It was one of the many cons of the job. Sometimes you ended a day surprised you even were able to make it back to your bed. So fuck it, “Hey it’s not too late, so you wanna get dinner?”
Kishibe looked at you with a rather unreadable expression, his hands still gripping the steering wheel, “You sure?”
Asking him to continue the night, it meant you were okay with what happened. You could just go inside now and forget today even happened, only speaking of today when telling Makima that the mission went successfully. The two of you would see each other tomorrow and nonchalantly discuss meaningless work things throughout the day - acting, pretending like something didn’t happen between you two.
That sounded miserable.
“Yeah,” You said, smiling at Kishibe, “Maybe you can pull another screw loose for me.”
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absolute-weirdo-inc · 6 months
UltraVerse Lore
-Nightmare is the main character
-Nightmare was found as a child (post-apple incident) and adopted him
-Nightmare is a genuinely good guy
-Dream basically abandoned him for the love of the villagers
-He is the same person as passive but was controlled ages 6-8 by an evil spirit (basically canon nightmare but a kid) so is now viewed as a villain since the spirit took his body on a joyride throughout the multiverse destroying 7 separate universes along the way
-Nightmare has bad trauma bcus of the villagers abuse
-Basically act as one person since they are #codependentasfuck
-Chaos incarnate
-Nightmares precious babys (though NM wont admit it to anyone)
-The fight constantly
-Same lore as canon (No fanon horror ty bbg) ((We stan canon horror))
-Non canon ages (same with everyone else (ages shown further down))
-A bad guy
-Same canon as usual (obviously underverse isnt a thing but the events of Xtale still happened (this is important for his and ink’s relationship))
-Little brother vibes
-Hates annoying NM but it sometimes happens regardless
-Nightmares favourite child nonetheless
-The most idiotic of the bad guys but trys to act like hes a genius
-Sometimes works with NM bug mainly on game night in the castle not on actual Multiverse shit (bcus ill be dambed if the baddies don’t get to kick each others asses in dumb games of charades (Nightmare kicks the most ass in scrabble bcus hes a fucking nerd and dust is surprisingly good at draw and killer guessing in picturnary))
-BBFs with Swap regardless
-Canon error all the way 0 exceptions (unless its for feather boas)
-Makes dolls for an orphanage in the omega timeline and donates the anonymously 😭
-Hates ink because he thinks he thinks hes a freak (no one on one rivalry bcus he prefers to put his time to good use and not use it on “a dumb looking, emo wannabe who sucks at everything and has the brain of a fucking sloth”… his words not mine bbg”
-A bit of an ass
-Truly believes he the hero (has no clue he’s fucking up the multiverse with all the positivity he spreads
-His anthem is literally SUI
-Overworks Swap without realising
-Was convinced by the village that NM is evil
-Drinks wine like everyone’s favourite english teacher who has had it up to here because of their incompetent husband (by incompetent husband i mean ink)
-I Stan him fr
-… underverse except hes dumb and is a dream simp lol
-hes just a combo of canon and fanon ink with a sprinkle of 💅
-Left his home because he found out Alphys never planned on letting him join the royal guard and not only felt betrayed bcus everyone in his universe who matters knew but he also wanted to prove himself (in his words “WHATS BETTER THEN PROTECTING ONE UNDERGROUND” Error-“wH4T?”
“ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!” Error- “…’5uCS M3 wh4t?!”)
-Has met his fanon version… blueberry became jam
-Made some official armour
-Lost a bunch of weight after joining, he went from chubby to too skinny even for a skeleton
-Also has insomnia and nothing will help (not me projecting.. not at all
Ccino (yes Ccino is part of this multiverse)
-Basically the same as usual
-Him and Nightmare are best friends (no toxic shit bcus this ISNT FLUFFYMARE
-Would literally drop everything to have a conversation with one of his cats
-Is close with all the baddies and something joins them for game night (⚠️WARNING⚠️- Dont let this man play Monopoly, he is so cold hearted and will make you go bankrupt IRL, yes he is so good he made Horror cough up 100 gold after Horror landed on two of his maxed out properties in a row (he owns the whole fucking board))
-His brother is still alive and His name is Spresso (IDK where i found this idea for his name but ill hunt it down)
-Spresso is glad Ccino made lots of friends even if they are insane murders
I dont want to add a bunch of ships but like…
-Minor Drink
and maybe more later. Im sorry my pubescent teenage brain wont let me write shit thats not gay as fuck.
Other shit
-There will be other characters like Lust and Reaper (obviously bcus of NMs lore) but i haven’t finished all my lore on their characters
-There is mentioned toxic swadmare bcus i can’t resist the angst
-Like mentioned Nightmare is the main character and since i tend to project he may not act canon (neither will anyone else tbh BUT I WILL TRY)
-this whole thing will be cringe because im a depressed teen who is still doing her GCSEs
-Also the updates will mostly be on my tumblr but i’ll post most of the writing on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52174081
-Please dont hate me :3
[Love you all besties, thanks for your time]
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mommyclaws · 2 years
Any opinions on the starless clan protagonists?
I currently like all of them lol
OHHOHOHO ty for this I've been wanting an excuse to talk about them... :3
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I'm about halfway through Sky and I'll be honest the entire first half was extremely frustrating to get through, but now that I'm a bit further its starting to feel like all the annoying parts were done purposely for character build up. So I won't complain.
Can see Night x Sun from a mile away, but it doesn't bother me too much. Like... with alot of protag romances the only reason you can tell they're about to be a pairing is because they fucking hate eachother 💀 Nightheart and Sunbeam both can be so absolutely petty and they actually feel like people who would get along in a "petty joined forces" way. And they do.
My only gripe right now is that they keep making Nightheart look cool when he's around her, it makes all of his chapters before seem pointless. When he's in Thunderclan, he DOES mess up all of his hunts, he's impulsive, and he gets hurt alot. But when he's with her, he's suddenly a skillful master. I wish he was still a loser in front of her it would be funny.
Idk if I'm just reaching here but I kinda hope asc ends with Nightheart running away as a kittypet. Then he'd truly be the opposite of firestar. He was the first on the catmint patrol to seem eager to eat human food and he had a stray thought of admiration about the kittypet mother he runs into. He just feels alot more relaxed on kittypets and outsiders than most protags are and I hope that goes somewhere.
I REALLLLY like whatever is going on with Sunbeam and Berryheart. What Berryheart is complaining about isn't uncommon with wc background characters but with her and her little group it feels like they're actually planning to DO something about what they think and it's so interesting. Anddd a bit scary really... the way they go behind Tigerheartstar's back... I'm honestly a bit scared for Fringewhisker everytime they send her glares. The things they blame her for are really serious, I'm almost worried they might try to hurt her... but Spireclaw has her back so hopefully she'll be fine.
I think it's nice how much family Frostpaw has in Riverclan that are getting personality and plot relevance. Curlfeather dying in the first book, her uncle Owlnose getting personality, her grandmother Duskfur... she's very suspicious to me and I'm kinda eager to see what's got her acting strange.
But overall I like how much is going in with every clan in this book so far!
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hood-ex · 1 year
Did you read dark crisis? What are your takes on it, did you like it?
I just watched a YouTube video telling the whole story and I haven't seen you comment on it besides the amazing 'the more things change the more they stay the same' post
I honestly just found the whole thing discombobulating with all the talk of darkness and how it would better or worsen the multiverse. Like ooo the darkness is sentient... or not. It's just created from Pariah's own insanity... or something? (Dude, idk, they talked about it back and forth so much that I couldn't remember what the truth was by the end of it.)
Slade's motivation throughout the story (when he wasn't being mindfucked by the darkness) was ehhh. He wanted everything to end so that people wouldn't have to feel pain like he did when his children died or were hurt. Which, idk, is pretty weird to me since he didn't used to like endangering innocent people and would sometimes protect innocents even if no one paid him. (EDIT: I totally forgot about Slade's involvement with the destruction of Bludhaven when writing this ALKDA. Slade's willingness to protect the innocent depends on who's writing him.) It just seemed a bit out there for him is all. An overreaction, if you will.
Hal and Barry had pretty solid interactions throughout the story. They were getting shit done for sure.
Loved Roy and Dinah's reunion hug.
Black Adam was kind of annoying being all Mr. Doom and Gloom. I understand it was meant to juxtapose the whole theme of light/darkness and hope/despair but whatever. It was also weird af that they made him look like The Rock in one panel.
Gar got an eye patch after getting his eye shot out, and I thought it was interesting how his eye looked perfectly fine when he transformed into a tiger but then a scar appeared across his eye when he transformed into some werewolf looking beast.
Jon's solo fight against the dark army (or whatever the fuck they were called idr) was one of my favorite parts. Mostly because it reminded me of Ponyboy getting his shit rocked during the Greaser vs. Socs rumble.
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I like that Clark jumped in to save him from Doomsday at the last second.
Let's see... there were definitely some Titans that could've gotten some more lines in. Some of them didn't really have a major part in the story. They were mostly background fighters.
Dick was not one of those Titans. He had a pretty big role in this story as the "light" in the darkness. Honestly pretty insane that his willpower was so strong that he was able to unpossess himself (he was a candidate to be a Green Lantern at one point though sooo). I thought it was hilarious as fuck when Dick gave his speech to Bruce about his little candle and how he wanted to keep candles lit to bring hope to other people, and then Bruce wordlessly took the candle out of Dick's hand and snapped it with his thumb ASLDKJA, and Dick was all *shocked Pikachu face.*
I mentioned it before but I personally feel a little iffy about how much DC is pushing Dick as the new leader of the future. Mostly because when Bruce previously wanted Dick to become a member of the Justice League, Dick declined. And now Bruce isn't even really giving Dick the option. He's just like, "So anyway the world needs a leader while the JL is on recess annnd that leader is going to be you." Y'know. Despite the fact that being the leader is stressful as fuck and Dick had to step away from two different teams because he was mentally and emotionally worn down from them.
Also, I hate that they didn't keep all the events of this story contained to one book. At one point Damian was like, "Brb," and then later he randomly showed up with some more heroes to join the fight. Like bruh. I'd rather read his little adventure in this story rather than have to hunt down whatever the hell he was doing in some other book.
And the veeery ending with Waller and her idea to get rid of metahumans just made me think of Nightwing: New Order. I'm doubtful that idea is going to feel new or fresh in any capacity, but we shall see.
All in all, the event was kind of just... meh. The art was probably my favorite part. It gave us some good whump shots of Dick and Jon. It also made Dick look more intense and serious which made him feel like his old self. That I appreciated.
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thedumestflower · 11 months
So in my silly remake of hb, I wanted to deepen Millie's character, and vivzepop said she had "strong family connection" or whatever and that gave me an idea for her , striker, and (to a lesser extent) Sally Mae.
Okay, and hear me out on this, what if they had a sibling rivalry? Okay let me explain. If striker , millie were siblings, that could deepen their backstory and give them an interesting dynamic.
So in my re-make, its kinda scuffed and weird but basically , they're humans who did some crime shit and now are bounty hunters/hitmen for important government company people, and stolas is like the fuckn phone operater who gives them directions and shit but blitz is still calling the shots- yeah its kinda fucked. And i know vivzepop said people don't like her because she doesn't have a fucked up backstory, and that's not true , but I'm not really making her trauma free but i'd say her backstory is alot less fucked than moxxies of blitz or loonas. So , in my head, her backstory goes a lil somthin like this:
Millie's family was kinda a bounty hunting gang turned ranch when her parents grew older, and Millie was the youngest kid in the family, with sally may being the middle child, and striker being the oldest. In her life, her siblings had always overshined her. With striker getting the most attention for being the oldest and most skilled, and sally may being praised for her technique, millie felt like she needed to work twice as hard as her siblings to keep up. eventually, her hard work and training paid off , leading to her eventually being an incredibly successful bounty hunter, almost as good as her sibling , striker, who was top of the board, and number one most wanted, though was about to be overthrown. So during a scuffle where striker and millie where hunting down the same criminal , striker took advantage and millie ended up getting thrown in prision for being wanted of,,, crime, and striker getting away scott free (dont ask how idk yet). But one of the prison overseers or whatever recognized millies strength and talent, and offered her to be in the hitman bounty hunter program for big government company, she accepts and was paired up with moxxie, they fall in love, they meet blitz, the rest is history.
and now, you might be wondering , why dosent sally may do shit? well, thats because (at the time of writing) we haven't seen much of her, so i have no fucking clue what to do with her, sorry sally may fans
Anyways, on to the character dynamics. I imagine striker and millie to hate each other, but in a fun way. I imagine in harvest moon festival, millie and striker are trying to one up each other, millie competes with striker in the competition instead of moxxie, and during one of the rest periods where moxxie is patching up millie, he askes her why her and striker seem to hate eatchother but still seem to be close, millie info dumps her backstory, but she says it in kinda a playful or lighthearted tone. Like she dosnt mind it much that striker put her in jail, like its a game to them. Because it is. its basically one big ongoing game of cat and mouse to them. So yeah, they tie for first place, striker almost end games stolas , blitz catches him, millie joins the fight, big gun shooty shooty battle scene, millie is kinda beat up but okay. and at the end of the ep, before the menacing striker scene foreshadowing his return, theres a little scene of millie getting doordashed wendys to her in her house by striker wile shes recovering, moxxie askes why the fuck he would get her wendys after he tried to end gaem her, and she revals, its kinda a tradition in their family, after a big fight happens in the family, you usually do somthing nice for the other person you fought as a show of good sportsmanship, she reflects on how they thought it was dumb as kids, since they usually had to do stuff like clean each others rooms and give eatchother money, but now its just a habbit for after they kick the shit outta eatchother, they usally go to a fast food place and eat together. reminds them that theyre family.
And so in the western energy ep, i imagine it to be just millie and blitz (ill talk abt stoliz later) to be the main dudes in the ep, and striker just snatches stolas while hes taking a smoke break because he hates confrontation , windexes him, ties him to the back of his horse or whatever, stolas calls blitz, millie recognizes striker, blitz knows stolas is in danger because he remembered striker as trying to kill him and stolas, they fuckn speed and they track down striker.Wile theyre tracking him down, striker took stolas to his cabin in the middle of the redwoods, striker tied him with some rope he made himself or whatever and tied him to a tree , and so hes taunting him and stolas taunts him back but stiker laughs repiles giddily, stating somthing along the lines of "I haven't had a fun one like ya' quite' a time now', its gonna be a bummer when i cut ya throat open so ya cant talk anymore" or some shit, striker almost kills him, stella calls him and tells him not to kill the star guy, striker tries to rough him up a little more but uhoh millie and blitz are here, big car crash gun knife forest fight scene, striker gets crushed by big redwood tree and blitz goes to get stolas and also to hopital. But wile hes doing that, millie goes over to striker, kneels down, and hands him 5 dollars and a wendys coupon, when he askes why she repies "heh' did ya forget what good sportsmanship is" or smthing like that, striker askes if she can help them get the fucking tree off of him, millie says " thats a you problem" because she knows striker will find a way out with or without her help. uhh cut to blitz cradling stolas in his arms saying somthing like "please, your all i have left i cant lose anyone else again" and millies just standing there realizing she just gave her boss's possible bf killer 5 dollars and a wendys cupon blabahblah.
One last thing i would like to mention, the striker and millie sibling dynamic would be a contrast to the barbie wire and blitzo dynamic, wile barb fucking hates blitzo for fucking up her life and never wants to see him again, millie is pretty chill with striker putting her in fucking jail, thats because millie values family over everything else in her life, yeah they did something shitty , but hey, that gives her more leverage to do something shitty in return, plus, thats her brother, the guy she grew up with, the guy she beats up/gets beat up by and then gets her wendys after, thats her fucking family.
so yeah thats my silly thing
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Whew! I tap out of your inbox for a week or so and some much is going on! Am I the only one who is not super impressed with Sam’s editing? Love the boy but you micro-manage too hard for someone whose editing reminds me of Shane Dawson circa 2017 a lot of the time.
Re: other collabs. Sam and Colby alone is the best Sam and Colby IMO.
Re: Shane & Ryan. I personally give them a lot, if not most of the credit, for the paranormal boom on Youtube since it wasn’t really a genre that existed before Buzzfeed Unsolved popped off. Not to start “ghost hunting paving the way” discourse but when young or new Sam and Colby fans criticize them (not saying you or anyone in your inbox), it makes me roll my eyes. They arguably helped pave the way for S&C to even see it as a viable, lucrative genre.
I feel the same way about Zak Bagans for the record, where a lot of drama seems to be going down. Love him or hate him, he’s the blueprint for paranormal entertainment.
Re: Colby’s hair. How ya feeling about pink?
Anyways usually I’m a lurker but I wanna join in. Hope you’re doing good, you’re one of my favorites on here. <3
omg not the shane dawson comparison sksksk
idk if he reminds me of that, but the micro-managing definitely does not reflect well on him, that's for sure. slight positive is that snc said on the livestream they had today on xplrclub that they are in the middle of training someone to be their editor. so hopefully it works out and we don't have to go thru this bs every couple months lol
and yes. snc solo is the best. maybe tied with them with nate.
i agree with you for the most part. i think valid criticism of shane and ryan is fine, but obvious there definitely are fans that most likely take it too far. god knows snc aren't the first ghost hunters on the platform. they are just one of the few that have made it big.
that's the thing. the stuff with zak is both crazy and funny. it's crazy bc i think we all kinda secretly knew he was a bit of dick, but the amount that are coming out of the woodwork to be like "yeah, no. you don't know the half of it" is what makes it funny. also it's hysterical bc it's fucking zak bagans. his name and overall persona is humorous which is why this drama is funny.
and i wouldn't mind if colby dyed it pink. that's basically what the red was after a while so i wouldn't be against it :)
and thank you so much ! that's so nice to hear <3
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willowistic22 · 2 years
for the ask game!
☄️ 💬 🎼
(yes, this is your chance to talk about taylor swift /lh)
HEGSHSNSVSB you know me so well finch:)
🎼: A song inspired plot bunny.
Okay so i got a few of these (obviously lol) but i’ll answer just one
Gorgeos (Taylor Swift), Gold Rush (Taylor Swift): so i’ve once mentioned to you that i like to see redfinch going through an enemies to lovers lens and those two songs in particular are kinda sorta enemies to lovers if you squint hard enough:) so Gorgeous is from the perspective of Albert and Gold Rush is from the perspective of Finch. They’re enemies to lovers in the “i love hating you, and hate loving you” genre.
Pretty sure I once wrote a songfic based on Gorgeous but I abandoned it a long time ago hehe:)
💬: A line of dialogue/dialogue exchange you don’t have a place for yet.
Again, i got a lot of ideas so i’ll answer just one
“I’m officially done with dating” Mike announced, more to the room than to himself or to the person he’s supposedly conversing to.
“No, you’re not”
Mike whips his head around, “Ike, I’m being serious”
“So am I” Ike said, every bit not bothering to look up from his phone, “You’re are so not done with dating”
“Ike, I-“
“You like the attention, Mike” Ike continued, now looking at his brother in the eye, “You like to be adorned. You live off of the attention you get from someone. If you didn’t, your wouldn’t settle for all of your bare minimum exes”
Mike blinked once. Then twice. The voice in his throat dissipated to the air as he tried to come up with a clever comeback. But to no avail, he voices out his hurt, “Okay, who the fuck said you were allowed to expose me like that?”
☄️: A plot bunny that’s a departure from your usual type/genre of writing.
I don’t think I’ve ever thought of much that strayed away from my usual genre. But I think I have one that counts as ‘straying away’.
Superpowered newsies in a post apocalyptic world where powered kids are frowned upon due to propoganda from whatever’s left of the government and hunted down. Some people gave in to the propaganda while others caught on real quick it was all fake. The lower manhattan newsies are a gang of powered teens/new adult idrk that took the initiative to protect powered kids in their area. Some still hv families that are still welcoming with the discovery that they’re powered while others were all alone before they joined.
Albert’s older brother, Nathan, is a military officer and is tasked to hunt down the powered kids under the guise that powered kids are a danger to the general public when in reality they wldnt hv existed in the first place if it weren’t for the nukes the countries set off in order to win ww3. He doesn’t know that Albert is powered, and Al wld like to keep it that way. Until one day while Albert is off to do some vigilante shit, idk help relocate some kids bcs their previous place got raided, Nathan was there to hunt Al’s make shift platoon and found out he was hunting down his baby brother this whole time.
Thanks for the asks Finch:)
Send in more asks for the plot bunny ask game!!
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
How about an AU where Jon and Gerry have been dating since Uni and have managed to keep it secret from everyone (including Elias and Gerttrude) by complete accident?
send me an au and i'll give you 5+ headcanons about it! requests closed!
by accident you say? 👀
1. jon and gerry meet somewhere completely ridiculous (yet also completely mundane) where the chance of them running into one another was like.... one in a million. like, maybe jon's class got out early and so he decided to walk a little further from campus to try a new coffee shop that he's never tried before and never will again because he realizes he really hates the drinks and that it's not worth the walk, and gerry is in the area looking into something leitner-related and he looks down at his phone a bit too long and runs smack into jon when he's walking away from the coffee shop with a lukewarm travel cup of hot chocolate because they were out of tea (what kind of coffee shop is out of tea? jon thinks with a scowl).
the hot chocolate spills all over gerry and jon's like 'oh god sorry, do you- do you want me to do something?' and gerry's about to brush past him when he sees the person he was looking for and shit, they're looking this way so without thinking he just... grabs jon and pulls him into the nearest shop. which happens to be selling something weird, idk, little ceramic figurines. and gerry does Not know what to say because like, he can't tell this stranger that he's hiding from maybe-a-fear-avatar! so he's like 'uh. you can make it up to me by.... helping me pick out a figurine? for, er. my mother. yes.'
so they're just walking through this shop, gerry's shirt still wet with hot chocolate, jon Very confused and also Very late for class but somehow nervous to just leave, so they look at figurines together. gerry keeps looking back out the window and nope, maybe-an-avatar is still there, and now they're sitting on the bench and it doesn't look like they're planning on moving anytime soon and gerry really doesn't want to take the chance and gamble that the maybe-avatar won't recognize him or realize what he's looking for. so gerry keeps shooting down every recommendation jon gives him with some progressively-more bullshit reasons--'oh, my mum already has that one' 'that one's too expensive, i can't afford it' 'that's too small' 'i don't like the way that one's looking at me' 'my mom's allergic to dogs, actually'--until jon's finally like 'okay what is going on and can i leave now?'.
and the maybe-avatar is still out there and gerry's certain now that they're watching him and he's suddenly very aware that he's spent a long period of time with this guy whose name he actually didn't quite catch and that it definitely looks like they're working together and ah, fuck, if i let him leave and he gets targeted because of me i'd feel horrible. so gerry sighs and thinks fuck it and is like 'listen i'm gonna level with you. i'm here looking for a book and there is somebody watching me right now and i know how that sounds but it's really not as shady as you think and also really not my fault but it is my fault that you're here too so. yeah. sorry i don't know if it's safe for you to leave.'
and all jon can think to say is 'a book?'.
and gerry's like 'don't worry about that bit, you really wouldn't understand' and jon gets all bristly and says primly, 'well, i'm a lit major and i work at the university library maybe i could help' and gerry can't help but laugh and say, 'really hope there's not a leitner in your uni library, mate'. and then jon gets this wide-eyed expression on his face like he's just seen a ghost and says 'what did you just say?' and before gerry can deflect again jon says, more intensely, but also hesitantly, 'is... is it called a guest for mr. spider?'.
and gerry's like 'um. no, it's not' and jon deflates a bit but now gerry's curious and he's like 'why?' and jon tries to deflect like 'oh clearly i misunderstood' but gerry's not budging and he's like 'no, no--have you read a leitner? gold bookplate, super fucked-up consequences?' and jon just goes pale which is really all the confirmation gerry needs. gerry feels the need to clarify that he hates them too--that he burns them whenever he gets the chance.
weakly, jon says, 'there... there's more than one?'. and then, a bit stronger: 'you- you're looking for another one? here? and you're going to burn it?'
gerry: yes, that's the plan. why--?
jon, without hesitation: i want to help
and maybe gerry is hesitant at first but, well. it seems like jon is already fully in this, so he reluctantly agrees, and they hunt down the leitner together and gerry lets jon burn it and then they're friends (and it really doesn't take long at all for that to transition into partners).
2. gertrude and elias missing that they're dating is a comedy of errors, including a lot of rather dramatic near misses including, but not limited to:
- jon always leaves a room just before one of them enters
- gerry always talks ambiguously about the person helping him hunt down leitners; elias always assumes he means gertrude, gertrude always assumes he means his mother. this is exploited to a comedic level
- getrude thinks 'going on a date' is code for gerry having a new lead on jurgen leitner and leaving to go chase it down
- when jon joins the institute as a researcher and runs into gerry in the building for the first time, he greets him neutrally in a mutually-agreed display of professionalism while working. gertrude and elias both remark at the fact that 'it's so nice that jon/gerry has a friend'
- gertrude, opening the door to the break room and bustling around inside, looking over at gerry where he's standing in front of the counter, jon sat atop it with his legs bracketing gerry's hips (they have very clearly just been kissing): oh hello gerard. jonathan. talking about leitners again?
jon, a bit embarrassed, slipping into Ultra Professionalism to compensate: i was just discussing with mr. keay the details of case number 0031211 regarding ms. cortena's experience with the talking vase--
gertrude, not at all interested, already knows that it's fake: right, right, carry on then
*after she's gotten her tea and left*
gerry, holding in laughter: 'mr. keay'?
jon, blushing: shut up gerry
3. gerry, casually, not actually aware that getrude doesn't know that he and jon are dating: yeah so then i had to leave my date early to go chase down this leitner and jon was not pleased
gertrude, after a hum of acknowledgement: how unfortunate. i'm not sure how jonathan's opinion on the matter is relevant, however. was he disappointed that you didn't ask him to track down the leitner with you?
gerry, Confused™️: he was.... at the date?
gertrude: at the date? whatever for?
gerry, now staring openly: because i was on a date with him? because we're dating? wait, did you not know that?
gertrude, not willing to admit that she missed that for nearly three years: of course i knew that, gerard. don't be foolish.
gerry, now even more confused: but--
gertrude, without missing a beat: i trust the leitner hunt went well, then?
gerry, after a long pause: um. yes?
gertrude, nodding: good.
4. there's an institute party and everyone's allowed to bring a plus-one
elias, noticing that jon's alone at the party: ah hello, jonathan. no plus one for you today?
jon: no, gerry couldn't make it, unfortunately. family business.
elias, somehow Oblivious, and also very Old Fashioned and way too familiar with his employees: quite. though typically, plus ones are of the romantic capacity. it's nice that you would consider gerard an acceptable substitute though, i suppose
jon, Bi confusion and suddenly unsure if his boss is homophobic: um. it.... it would have been in a romantic capacity?
elias, still Not Getting It: ah, i see. perhaps for the best, then--office parties don't make for pleasant first dates, in my experience
jon, unsure of how much of his personal life he wants to share with elias but not really wanting to pretend like he's not been dating gerry for going on three years now: um. it- it wouldn't be our first date. or- or really a date at all, just an- an event, i really don't think gerry would call this a date
elias, Getting it a little bit: ah. unfortunate, then. congratulations, i suppose, are in order. was it a recent engagement?
jon, ??????, biting the bullet: we've been together for three years, elias
5. jon, handing gerry a wrapped package on their fourth anniversary after they started dating: this is, um. this is for you
gerry, opening it and holding up the little ceramic figure of a dog: jon. is this--?
jon, in a rush: it's from that shop. where we, uh. where we met.
gerry, overcome with such love he really can't stand it, throwing all of his proposal plans out the window and digging the little square velvet box out of his pocket: jon can i ask you a question--
(jon is so surprised he just starts crying. it's only the fifth time gerry's ever seen him cry and he's so worried he said something wrong at first but then jon manages to say yes around his tears and jon wraps his arms around gerry tightly and buries his face in gerry's shoulder and whispers i love you and gerry hugs him tightly in return and says i love you, too, jon. i love you too.)
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elysianslove · 3 years
jujutsu sorcerer!reader; haikyuu boys 
requested by anon(s): haikyuu boys with a crush on a jujutsu sorcerer, and being saved by them
pairings; hinata shōyō x reader, kuroo tetsurō x reader, tsukishima kei x reader, kozume kenma x reader 
genre; fluff
warnings; some mentions of death
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hinata shōyō
to hinata, you probably stand out more than you’d think
idk why but i love love love the concept of hinata having like a completely opposite s/o kagehina. as in, i can see him so well with an alt!s/o or a goth!s/o. i can’t explain it it just works so well in my head
the fact that you were so mysterious and quiet really, and i mean really, peaked his interest. unlike literally any other character, he is nosy, and he wants to know why and how and when and who you are, so he does make effort to talk to you often
you always kinda just smile at him and give him one word replies. it’s not that you don’t like him, it’s more that you’re here for a reason and you don’t want him to get caught up in the middle of it all. you’d hate for something to happen to someone as pure as him
your attitude towards does not throw him off in the least. he’ll just want to get to know you even more
one of his upperclassmen, like tanaka or noya, probably notice and try telling him things about you to kinda back him off of you because they’re scared of you lowkey 
ik i used this scenario before but it fits hinata too; we all know he stays late to practice often, so it isn’t a surprise or it isn’t too odd that he stays yet another day until the sun has long since set. you’d only known he was in the volleyball club in passing, but you didn’t know him well enough to anticipate that he’d be in the gym this late
the most remote place, and the closest too, that you could think of at literally nine pm was the boys’ gymnasium, so you’d led the curse there in hopes of driving it away from other people around it. you hadn’t expected that you’d be leading the curse straight to another target 
hinata was the only one there, too, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to attack him 
one moment, he’s just tossing the ball against the wall and receiving it, the next the gymnasium is being broken into by some creature from above, followed by you and your angry yells
you were really focused on the curse, prepared to battle it and exorcise it, before you finally spot him. he’s frozen, the ball dropped from his hand and rolling away from him. the way he’s staring at you, and the way he keeps eyeing the creature in fear, it clicks something in you, you don’t know what
but you don’t give the curse a chance to even try and attack, immediately charging at it and exorcising it quickly, defeating it right away. it dies away with an agonizing yell and you’re pretty sure this’ll count as trauma for the poor kid before he rushes towards you, grasping your wrists and staring at you like you just hung the moon in the sky
“what the hell was that that was so cool oh my god can you do it again can you teach me how to do it you are so badass —“
like baby breathe omg 
even the way you laughed at him was intimidatingly hot he was a goner !!! 
now that he knows of your nature, it attaches him to your hip. you can’t get rid of him anymore but it’s okay he’s literally sunshine in human form 
as a duo, and as romantic partners, you really are complete opposites, but that’s why you fit so well together you know! 
if you can conjure up something like the divine dogs like megumi, expect him to constantly pester you for them <3
kuroo tetsurō
listen, he knew you were a little odd from the moment you joined nekoma. like there was no doubt about it there was something off about you. he had some type of feeling that you weren’t really here for the education you know? 
but the rational side of him convinced himself he wanted to live in some type of movie so he dropped it
he does try to get to know you, though, yeah, of course he had to fall for that one person that no one knows anything about 
kuroo’s just trynna be the main character lmfao
with kuroo, he actually succeeds in growing closer to you. i mean who can resist him? no one
it starts off simple, he’d invite you to games, sit with you during lunch, before it escalates more into walking you home some days, inviting you over during weekend games, inviting you over at outings with his friends
more often than not, especially when said outings happened during nighttime, you’d decline. he didn’t really think much of it though, he just let you be, you know? 
then, one time, you decide to go for it. 
he invites you out to the movies with some of the vbc boys, and you accept. you figure you being gone for a few hours won’t hurt anyone, and it wasn’t like there aren’t any other jujutsu sorcerers available in tokyo. it’s a big city, you rationalize 
halfway through the movie, something feels off, and as a sorcerer, you know to trust your gut instinct, so you excuse yourself to the bathroom to check the area out. kuroo, having felt like something wasn’t right with you, and being slightly worried himself, goes after you. 
turns out you were right. two people had already died by the time you come to the alleyway behind the theatre, and there’s a curse hovering by their bodies. you’re slower to react because of the initial shock, and when you see kuroo coming out of the same backdoor you’d just left out of, your body entirely freezes
until the curse jumps to attack him, and in a flash, you’re by his side, kicking away at the curse, watching as it smashes roughly against a wall 
kuroo’s immediately asking questions, but you can’t exactly focus on him at the moment. you prioritize eliminating and exorcising the curse first, and when that’s done and dusted, you lead kuroo away from the theatre
he’s very shaken by the whole scene, especially after having seen two corpses 
that night, you lead him to your home, and he stays there. he keeps you up all night, but it’s understandable. throughout it all, you reassure him of his safety constantly, telling him that you’d never let anyone or anything ever hurt him
it’s what brings you two closer together 
because that incident had been his introduction to that specific world, he grows very wary anytime you’re sent out on missions, but you always come back home to him, and that’s what matters <3
tsukishima kei 
please tsukki with a crush is hilarious cause he’s so bad at expressing his feelings 
you’re actually really similar to him in that you’re quiet and that you don’t really appreciate talking and conversing to others. you tend to keep to yourself, and he really respects that, like deep down 
he thought you were just a really timid person until he snaps at you once and you snap back. and then it was like everything that has ever happened to him led to this moment right here because what the fucsjdhwf
the fact that he recognized his feelings for you kinda made him even warier of you. like his scowl is deeper and his bite is harsher, but that’s really only because he does not know how to deal with these emotions. like he has a bad way of expressing them correctly 
you two build this small relationship between you. it’s like a teasing thing, where it’s literally just all bark and no bite. it’s lowkey fun, and you grow to appreciate his presence 
he doesn’t really question it when you miss days of schools, or when you return the days after that all bandaged and bruised. he figures it’s not his business to ask questions like that, and just continues to observe you from afar
anyways! one night he’s walking home, all alone, peacefully, before he sees you dash by him, being chased by??? what the fuck is that???
tsukki just pauses, but he’s not even like scared or worried he’s just confused and a little amused tbh. he stands in place while his eyes follow your movements as you allow the creature to chase at you, before you make a sharp turn and hit it, sending it flying back
except, you hadn’t realized the direction you’d hit it at
the curse goes flying at tsukki, and he’s just staring at it like, “hm,” not moving an inch. he’s trynna give you an aneurysm on god 
you scream at him to move, but you’re already rushing towards him. as soon as you can, you throw your arms around him and topple him to the ground. you land on top of him, but you don’t get to see his flustered face because you’re off of him way too soon, taking care of the issue at hand 
he’s a little surprised at the reason you’re always cut up and bruised, but he can’t say he’s not even a little amazed at just,,, how cool you seem
he’s still on the ground lol and you hit him with “i hope you’re not waiting for me to pick you up.”
“it is your fault i’m on the ground to begin with.”
you help him up 
with an eye roll of course 
when he’s standing again before you, he just sighs and lifts a finger to his face, as if to indicate to your face. then he says, “that explains all this then,” referring to the bruises painting your skin 
your relationship doesn’t change much for a while after that, except that knowing glance he gives you every time you walk into class exhausted 
likes to call it monster hunting for some reason 
clearly you’re the only one out of the two of you with any balls because you’re the one that confesses. thanks for saving him the trouble hehe
he’ll never tell you to your face, but he thinks he is incredibly lucky to have someone as badass as you as his s/o
kozume kenma 
kenma probably took note of your exceptional situation for a few, but he didn’t give it much thought initially. like so what if you were super secretive? not like anyone knew much of him himself 
it’s not until kuroo or someone points out like, “they’re quite odd, right?” that he starts to pay attention, but he’s not sure why
maybe he’s trying to convince himself and others that you’re not really odd for being the way that you are. just secretive and mysterious and introverted. like. does that make him odd? 
he starts to notice things like you staying after school for late, late hours, but not because you’re a part of any club, and things like your missing of school, or how your knuckles are always, always bandaged and wrapped, or how you seemed to be at the oddest of locations at the oddest of times
it’s not really like him to be too interested in what you do, so he doesn’t invest all his thoughts and energy into. he does though dwell over it for a lot longer than you’d think 
sometimes, kenma takes a console of his, and heads up his rooftop, because it just feels really safe where nobody and nothing can get to him
he’s proven wrong one night when, in the middle of the game, he hears thumps across the rooftop. he thinks he’s being tricked by the game he’s playing, until he feels something behind him, until the hairs on the nape of his neck stand and a shive runs down his spine because there is something breathing down his neck
and then he hears your all too familiar voice whispering out, “don’t move, please.” 
it’s honestly not like he could 
he sees you from the corner of his eye move in a flash, and suddenly, when the feeling is gone, he finds himself able to move again, and he turns around
it honestly looks like a scene from a movie, what he’s staring at. you battle the curse so well, and kenma is fully and shamelessly enamored by you and the way you moved so swiftly and efficiently, as you dodge and attack, and as you finally exorcise 
like he’s so in awe he has to pinch himself to convince himself he’s not dreaming 
when the curse is taken care of, you just slowly approach him, kneeling by his side and asking in a soft voice if he was okay. he decided then and there that no, you were not odd at all. you just saved his life, so,,,
you urge him to go back inside, to stay safe, and he just nods as you lead the way to his window. and when he slips inside, for some reason, he finds it in himself to ask you to stay too
to stay safe, of course
it takes you by surprise a little, but at the genuineness in his eyes, you accept, and stay up playing games with him
and when you greet him in school the next day with a smile and a wave, kenma returns it, just as brightly <3
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
Idk of this is okay but Can I request how the main DOL LLs react to catching you cheating?
(DoL relationships, cheating, non/dubcon)
Alex gets worried when you don’t join them at noon, relaxing out of the sun and having a few drinks.
So they go looking for you.
And they find you.
Boy, do they find you.
They recognize the pervert who lurks around the farm, cat-calling the two of you.
Never thought they'd see the pervert's ass, though.
They definitely never wanted to see it.
Especially with the reason they're seeing it is because you're fucking the pervert!
Hurt and angry.
They rip the pervert off you and drag you off to the cottage.
Immediately starts questioning you about why you were cheating. They won't kick you out of the cottage but they're not letting you in their bed for a while.
Cold to you while working on the farm. It will take a while for Alex to forgive you.
The only time they drop their cold front towards you is during Remy’s raids. They’re upset with you, but they don’t want you to get hurt.
Before forgiving you they might have sex with you. They’re way rougher and they don’t care about your pleasure at all.
Avery drives past the school, again. They've been doing this for a better part of an hour and you still haven't shown up.
They're on the verge of leaving when they catch sight of you slipping into an alley.
You're not avoiding them, are you?
Avery pulls over and goes into the alley.
That's how Avery finds you screwing someone in an alley. In broad daylight. Where any random person walking past can glance down here and see.
Not even that angry that you're cheating, no, they know that what you have isn’t a normal ‘relationship.’ Avery is angry that you got caught.
If you're going to cheat, don't do it where someone can easily spot you! Avery has a reputation to keep. They'll be damned if they have to explain at their next party why their favorite plus one fucking in an alleyway. Like a common whore.
Dragging you back to their car. You want to fuck in an alleyway? Avery will fuck you in an alleyway. They'll fuck you in their car and they're nowhere near as gentle as they usually are, but this is what you wanted, right? To be treated like a whore?
Becomes more insistent on driving you to and from school in an attempt to have more control over where you are and who you're with.
It's rare for Eden to go to the lake alone. They don't like going there without you, especially when it's early enough in the day for other people to still be there.
Yet, Eden is at the lake, trying to ignore the groups of youths still wearing school uniforms swarming the area.
They wouldn't be here if their hunt hadn't gone so poorly. Eden likes fishing but they hate having to put up with the people.
Hates the shouts and screams as they joke and play. Hates the glances and whispers. Hates seeing the couples pair off and sneak behind a rock for "privacy." As if the sounds of sex are blocked as easily as the sight of the act itself.
Eden is doing their best to ignore it all. They're doing a pretty good job of it, too. Right up until they hear your laughter. Coming out from behind one of those God-forsaken rocks.
Eden doesn't hesitate, pulling you off the person you're with and dragging you back to the cabin.
They're keeping in the cabin for the foreseeable future.
Not letting on that they're hurt but why else have they reverted to the same attitude as when you first met?
Kylar is hanging out in the park, as they always do, hoping to spot you.
It takes a while for Kylar to recognize the lewd sounds coming from a bush a few feet away. They're too caught up in a sketch of you.
It's when they hear you moan that they're brought back to reality.
Devastated and Hysterical
Kylar immediately attacks the other person. This has to be assault, what they're witnessing. There's no way you would cheat on them!
You're going to have to stop Kylar because they will go overboard in 'defending' you.
Will start following you more often and become harder to soothe. They won't leave you, even though, deep down, Kylar knows what they walked in on was consensual.
Ready to abduct you at a moment’s notice. They want to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Plus, if you never do it again, that means what they saw was nonconsensual. Right?
The slightest hint that your eyes might be wondering? That’s it. Kylar is taking you away. You’ll thank them in the end, after Kylar reminds you how much you love them.
They’re so excited to show you the new game they got, Robin forgets to knock on your door.
They regret that when they find that you have company.
Robin freezes, unable to fully process what’s going on.
High Confidence Robin will make their presence known, but they’re not going to stop what's happening. You get to make the call on that.
Do you not want to be in a relationship with them?
Robin would be devastated if you broke up with them, but that's better than cheating.
Questions if they did something to make you cheat.
Not sure if they should break up with you. Like, you’ve hurt Robin but they still love you.
Real hit to their confidence, finding you cheating. They’re going to doubt every compliment you’ve ever paid them.
When Whitney hears the tell-tale sounds of skin slapping skin coming out of an empty classroom, they think nothing of it.
It's when they hear some particularly familiar moans that they decide to investigate.
Besides, it's always fun to torment people.
Whitney never really was the monogamous sort, so they shouldn't be surprised when they find you tangled up with some random bitch.
But they are.
And they’re furious.
They’re not sure what they should do first, kick the teeth in of the person you’re cheating with or make you remember who you belong to.
Whitney will be extra rough with you for a few weeks, shoving you against lockers and pushing you to your knees in the halls with more force and frequency.
Apparently, they haven't made it clear that you're their slut! To you or to the other students. They can fix that.
A collar and/or tattoo are being forced upon you. Soon.
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charkyzombicorn · 3 years
Okay but what if luffy got his devil fruit a bit younger? Like he was 4ish when shanks brought it. Garp gets pissy earlier and decides to tie some balloons to his grandson and let the sky handle him while he makes arrangements with dadan.
But then it's a particularly bad day for luffy, and a strong wind carried him away from his island, he ends up falling right into one of the newer slave trader's ships and well fuck. He tried to fight them off but one of them has a collar with sea stone that the big boss person gives to every ship, even the smaller ones. So now luffy's fucked.
Since he's got a devil fruit, he's taken to the big boss child slave distributor asshole (put that on a business card) and then eventually gets taken to judge, because of course that dickhead would buy superpowered children. Judge gets him purely because rubber boy can take a hell of a walloping and also is stronger than the average four year old.
The vinsmoke brats and Sanji end up being pitted against Luffy and luffy does not win, but he doesnt die either so that's a plus. Sanji hates beating up a four year old, his brothers seem to love being able to punch something as much as they want without them being taken away or dying.
Luffy ends up learning how to fight by force, and eventually he's dubbed Sanji's fighting partner since they're both the weakest, which sucks because if sanji loses he gets locked up and if luffy loses then judge gives the other three brothers sharp objects and free time with luffy
Eventually luffy befriends sanji because of course he does, and loving food as much as he does he becomes the taste tester for sanji's cooking endeavors, and sometimes luffy manages to limp away to talk to sanji when he's in his cell.
When they escape, they escape together, and sanji becomes a bus boy and luffy just carries shit because he cant really do anything else but he could deadlift a ship at 10 so hey
When the attack happens, sanji's trying to save luffy, but zeff has to save him. Sanji sits on that rock almost certain that luffy's dead.
Luffy didn't die tho, because no, and he got saved, idk how, this is a writing prompt u figure it out, and they end up growing up apart for a bit after that. Luffy doesn't find his island again, but he does a bit of bounty hunting to get by and ends up making a name for himself because apparently his 'training' with the vinsmokes was a little more brutal than he thought.
Sanji works hard, he feels he owes a debt to both zeff and luffy, both of which helped him in some of his worse moments, and ends up a bit more edgy than in canon because he thinks his only friend is dead (push him to the edge🎶)
But then luffy gets blamed for something that was only really half his fault and half the random bandit he was fighting's fault, and he ends up with a bounty. It isn't a big one, just about 10000 berri, he kinda destroyed a bit more marine property than is recommended. But then sanji sees the bounty in the paper and he doesnt know if he should be glad his friend is alive or angry that luffy let him think he was dead.
But then luffy comes to the baratie when hes about 15-16, and then he sees sanji again and now he's super fuckin happy because how would luffy know sanji was alive?? They both came to the conclusion of mutual misunderstanding and lack of information after a bit of angst, because its sanji and luffy. But they get over it because they were both on the bottom end of the vinsmoke hellhole and does it really matter when they're reunited?
Zeff let's luffy steal sanji because it's been over a decade but luffy still wants to be the motherfuckin king, okay? And sanji's gonna be the cook for the pirate king and find the all blue because
Sanji becomes luffy's first mate and then start a sailing. Luffy attracts friends like a magnet, they get usopp next, and luffy kills kuro because luffy isn't as not-killerish as he is in canon because tragic backstory and if you leave a kid alone to be a bounty hunter long enough with only their own brain to make the morals, what do you expect will happen? Usopp joins because 'UwU piwate' is his opinion on the matter
They get nami, and sanji's a bit more chill than in canon because growing up with a guy that was also nice along with his sister and mother had a bit of an impact. He's still a bit if a french goth and treats nami better than other people but he isn't being a douche about a lady fighting or making faces quite as stupid.
Zoro joins but Does Not like sanji, which is mutual but luffy likes him so sanji must deal. They make their way toward the grand line, going back to the baratie, or what's left of it.
Sanji gets another thick layer of angst learning that while he was gone, don krieg destroyed the ship trying to steal it, and then they go to find don krieg, postponing grand line for a hot second because luffy wont leave until he gets to personally kick the ass of whoever made his cook so extra angsty, and sanji seconds that.
They find don krieg in Cocoyashi island, after crashing there with his broke ass ship. They fight him, the ruckus brings out arlong before Nami can attempt to lie to save them.
Sanji gets off one angst and gets it replaced with another when he can barely do shit because he was cooking all this time and is no longer as strong as luffy, who was only really working on fighting. Luffy almost dies because he has to fight both those shitheads back to back, but he wins.
Sanji starts getting more aggressive with zoro, and zoro only stays because he saw the fight and respects his captain, but that's a bit of a loose thing, ready to snap with a wrong move. Or maybe zoro leaves because he needed that fight with mihawk to realise this was serious and he was a pirate now, to each their own.
They stay in the east blue a little longer because luffy nearly died and they dont have a doctor, but he's fine. Sanji gets more guilt tho because that's how he is, and starts treating luffy nicer, which leads to luffy instigating a fight between the two of them because luffy wont swallow that shit. It helps things because violence is sometimes the answer
They head to the grand line, up reverse mountain, meet the whale, the whole shebang. Sanji might catch feels by this point because honestly who wouldn't?
Nami gets sick, and luffy doesn't know how to deal with that because back when he was being carted around with a sea stone collar and 30 other starving children, they just shot the ones that got sick. Ptsd time and guess who gets to help because zoro isn't first mate/here? Sanji! Which definitely puts things into perspective because for as long as he'd known him, luffy's tried his hardest to make sanji smile, and keep him company, even though after being bought luffy's only purpose was to be a stepping stone in sanji's development. So sanji finally being smacked across the face with the brunt of bottled up traumatized child luffy, he needs a fuckin smoke.
They find drum island and then same shit as canon, except it hits a bit harder with luffy carrying a dying nami and a heavily injured sanji up sheer rock because that's the only person that luffy had when shit got rough that he's holding between his teeth.
When sanji wakes up he probably notices how injured luffy is and can estimate the ringer he's been through because Sanji had to personally find out how luffy's healing factor worked because he was a good fraction of the reason luffy needed to heal so much.
They acquire a chopper :3
This is getting long and it's pretty much the end of my idea, sorry for the long informal post.
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sakiyo · 4 years
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+ pairings: atsumu miya/reader
+ tags: atsumu bring a messy dude </3, platonic-ish relationship, uni!au
+ warnings: very brief mentions of sex, weed and alcohol, partying
+ word count: a lot probably idk they’re headcanons
+ note: this is gonna be a series but atsumu’s was wayyy too long!! the rest will probably be much shorter [i was too attached to these hcs to shorten them so enjoy]. thank you @kiyoomae for helping me with these mwah ily beaut <3
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© all content from this blog belongs to ushigushi 2020. do not repost, modify, or plagiarize.
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he’s a great person sure
but he’s not the BEST roommate
not even osamu wants to room with him, but honestly he just wants cheap rent [like every other student alive]
so when he sees a ‘roommate wanted’ poster on campus, he basically believes that this a sign from god that he should go to your interview
one thing about atsumu:
he knows that first impressions are one of the most important things in life [mostly because of volleyball and what not]
so naturally he’s going to act the way you want him to !! toxic trait: subtle manipulation i’m telling you
and so when he shows up at your place, hes pretty much perfect. he looks put together and his fit is immaculate okay?
usually, you aren’t one to judge a book by its cover, but when it comes down to roommates….better safe than sorry babe
and the second atsumu mentions his gravitation towards volleyball and sports, you feel like you’ve won the lottery.
a clean and well put roommate who ALSO spends most of their time away from the apartment? what more could you ask for?
and as a quick bonus: HES HOT!! [so you can definitely brag to your friends about the attractive roommate you scored]
you’re quick to say yes, and as soon as you know it he’s added to the contract with your landlord!
atsumu keeps up his facade for another two weeks or so; washing dishes, keeping clean, never being too noisy and giving you your personal space
but when he finally shows his true colours?
you’re not sure if you want to strangle him or rip out your hair strand by strand
whew....he is messy.
atsumu [osamu too] is a momma’s boy, he’s never really had to do dishes or anything like that unless he has to
he never does his dishes. you ALWAYS end up washing them because you prefer a tidy kitchen
dont get me started on the cups
he uses YOUR cups and leaves them littered around the apartment like they’re easter eggs for you to hunt. one time, you found your favourite mug under a couch???
his room is no different either
you prefer to stay away from it, but you had caught a glimpse of it through his partially open bedroom door
....it’s a lot to process.
there are plates on his desk, disposable cups and crushed soda cans on his nightstand, clean laundry in different corners of the room and you swear you see a half full bottle of vodka that had gone missing from your own alcohol cabinet
but for some reason his room still manages to smell like lavender. and you hate that fact.
he NEVER has his house keys on him
he pretty much has you on speed dial because the amount of times this man has forgotten his keys inside the house is WILD
him: hey roomie...it’s me again...
you: atsumu it’s 11 pm and i’m out with friends, i’m not driving back just to open the door for you
him: then what am i going to do??
you: sit there and starve.
so he sits against your apartment door, playing games on his phone and texting his friends
he’s also getting clowned in the gc by suna and osamu PLS ATSUMU GO HOME [oh wait-]
when one of your neighbours pass by or see him sitting there he just gives that rlly awkward white person smile that’s like 😐
so basically he’s sitting there, hungry and bored.
when you come back, he’s almost asleep, a little bit of drool hanging on at the side of his mouth
“wake up, i brought you food.”
atsumu might be an annoying roomie, but you’re not heartless.
he 100% gets hair dye all over the bathroom, and he NEVER washes it out
so you’re not too happy when you have to replace your rug because there was a massive bleach stain on it
he uses your shampoo and conditioner, GENEROUSLY TOO
like atsumu...sir 🤣🤚 that shits like 20 dollars! stop using globs of it at once
istg you could buy a new bottle of shampoo/body wash and it’s already halfway through after a week or so
he promises that he’ll stop, but it just gets worse
NEVER let this man go grocery shopping for you by himself, you’ll get everything BUT what you asked for
okay, he does get you what you asked for, but not really
you ask for wheat bread and he gets white bread. you ask for vanilla ice cream and he gets you chocolate
“i think it’s better than what you originally put down.”
you want a new roommate.
but as time passes by, you deduce that he has some redeeming qualities: like how fun he is when drunk, or how he can keep you entertained for hours about his surprisingly interesting days
you’ve met his friends too! they all love you
but they’re also quite sorry for you for having to put up with atsumu
sometimes, you’ll even join them with them when they’re all hanging in your living room
you never miss the small blush that creeps onto tsumus face whenever his old teammates tell you about the stories he deliberately left out to make himself look cooler [pls give this man love he needs it]
suna: wait i have a video of him getting pummeled in the face with a volleyball-
atsumu: y/n has a test tomorrow!!
you: tomorrow’s saturday-
if you two have roommate rules, he definitely breaks some of them
no parties without you knowing??? like hell he’s following that
atsumu likes to party! he doesn’t mind hosting one or two every now and then
so he picks a day that he knows you’ll be out for the night, most likely studying because you won’t be back home until around 1 am
so the apartment is a mess and it’s partially trashed, there’s a lingering scent of weed and alcohol, someone probably vomited in your sink, and it’s loud.
so loud that you can hear it from the elevator.
you had decided to come home early and surprise atsumu with his favourite takeout, but you’re already met with tipsy and wasted bodies littered along the corridors, and it doesn’t take very long for you to put two and two together and realize it’s atsumu’s doing
long story short, you and atsumu have to go around the apartment to deliver personal apologies to your neighbours [this definitely isn’t your first or last warning]
in terms of hookups?
atsumu doesn’t care too much for sexual relationships, since his priority lies in volleyball and actually graduating, but he’ll have someone over every now and then
usually, it’s meant to be a time when you’re not around, because the walls are thin as fuck
but atsumu doesn’t really care in the heat of the moment
so yeah, you definitely want to neuter him when you hear incoherent moans and a headboard creaking
the morning after, you immediately chase his one night stand out of the apartment and go off on him for a second
after a few months, atsumu doesn’t get on your nerves as much
you could go as far as to call him a friend
during exam and midterm weeks, you both study together and even order takeout— which leads to the two of you passing out in your living room due to pure exhaustion
atsumu sometimes doesn’t get all of his spots because he can only do so much by himself
so after you hear his frustrated groans, you’re willing to help him dye his hair.
and from there it basically becomes a routine
you were also the one who introduced  him to TONER!!
he swears that you changed his life
he also walks around in nothing but his boxers because it’s comfortable but gets flustered and ‘mad’ when you wear nothing but an old t-shirt
forces you to come to him games to cheer loudly for him
this man- he asks you to cheer for him when he does his serve routine and when you do his head gets so big
but he denies it when his teammates tease him about you
half of his clothes have made its way into your closet! but honestly, he does not mind
his cute roommate is wearing his sweats and a hoodie with his name at the back of it, why would he be mad?
you’ve hooked up with him at least twice.
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angelhummel · 3 years
Task for you: Rank the Glee dads, then separately rank the Glee moms
(For Glee dads ik we didn’t meet many, but you could also use characters like Santana & Blaine’s dads since we’ve heard things about them)
Ahh I managed to think of a ton of moms and dads on the show lasfjsdkl there's 19 glee dads and 20 glee moms so buckle up. Hidden under a cut bc obviously its very long
Glee Dads!
Burt. There isn't much competition
Puck. Surprise! He wanted to be a good dad even tho he had no clue what he was doing
Hiram & Leroy. Idk what they did to Rachel but at least they're fun to watch on screen
Will Schuester. Wanted to be a dad so bad for the longest time. Was really cute with Daniel
Dwight Evans. Struggling really badly but tries to keep his family afloat
Al Motta. The whole glee club's sugar daddy fight me on it
Ryder's dad. We get one line about him but he's a single dad doing his best to raise his son <3
Will's dad. Didn't have anything to do but who doesn't love Victor Garber? Oh yeah, Victor Garber was on Glee
Paul Karofsky. Seemed like a chill dude but did raise Karofsky. Wasn't mentioned as hating him after he was outed so ?? points I guess
Michael Chang Sr. Was a dick at first but came around. Growth
Artie's dad. Was apparently available to drive him to sectionals in s1 but disappeared at some point between then and Wonderful. RIP Mr. Abrams
Mercedes's dad. Brings home the bacon but doesn't support Mercedes's dreams </3
Pierce Pierce. Annoying, waste of my time, not funny. Also not even Brittany's real dad despite the fact that they have so much in common
Puck & Jake's dad. A bum and an asshole but at least he mostly left them alone
Rusty Pillsbury. Racist against anyone who isn't ginger
Blaine & Santana's dads or dad maybe they're secretly related ooooh. Grade A assholes in my mind but it is mostly speculation and a couple of actual lines to go off of so idk. They don't actually exist but I don't like them
Rob Adams. Apparently chill with sending his kid to conversion camp? Evil
Russell Fabray. Nasty, evil, sexist, alcoholic, cheated on his wife, threw his pregnant 16 year old daughter out of the house. Electric chair
Christopher Hudson. Fought in the army and posthumously made Finn think he had to join the army. Made Carole have to raise Finn alone. Horrible man all around
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Glee Moms!
Nancy Abrams. Apparently a single mother since her husband disappeared. Made her whole house wheelchair accessible singlehandedly. Very encouraging and supportive of Artie's dreams
Carole. Amazing woman, another amazing single mother. Is really great on her own but she did raise Finn so :/
Maribel Lopez. Was really nice and encouraging and accepting of Santana. Just wants what's best for her daughter and wants her to be happy
Jake's mom. Another hard working single mom. Raised Jake <3 Also is Aisha Tyler. What else do you have to say??
Millie Rose. Yet another single mother just doing her best. But also I think a lot of her encouragement of Marley was misguided and she ended up doing more harm than good alkjfsdlk even if her heart was in the right place and things were difficult
Emma Pillsbury. Feel like we hardly see her with her kid(s) but she's a good person so she'll be a good mom
Mary Evans. Doesn't understand why Dairy Queen makes Sam wear so much glitter. But seems nice and also works hard
Julia Chang. Seems nice, supports Mike's dreams more than his dad does. Should've stood up to her husband about it tho
Puck's mom. My reasons for putting her so low are purely speculative a la Mr. Lopez & Mr. Anderson. But. Single mom, working hard, etc etc
Will's mom. Alcoholic? Bad. Hooking up with Josh Groban? Great.
Judy Fabray. Also spineless, also an alcoholic. At least ended up kicking her ain't shit husband out of the house so that's good. We can pretend she got better
Whitney Pierce. Also annoying as fuck but at least it's Jennifer Coolidge. Yes Jennifer Coolidge was also on Glee
Pam Anderson. Seems nice but where was she for six years? Don't think she's actually Blaine's mom
Mercedes's mom. Also doesn't support her dreams. Also if that was her in 2009 then she was like "yes this girl is racist and belittles you and your talent but you will make each other better so stay close to her <3" like ma'am
Quinn Fabray. Was going to terribly insane lengths to get her baby back but eventually realized the best thing for her child was if she was not in her life
Rose Pillsbury. Also a ginger supremacist
Sue Sylvester. Seemed to forget she had a child at some point. I don't blame her
Doris Sylvester. Also horribly neglectful of her children. Also I think they revealed she wasn't even actually hunting Nazis??
Betty Adams. Also cool with sending her daughter to conversion therapy apparently so fuck off
Shelby Corcoran. Belongs in jail. Broke the law to manipulate Rachel into coming to see HER, then decided she wanted nothing to do with her. Scoops up Quinn's baby and dips, then comes back 2 years later to dangle Beth in front of Quinn's face and tease her with the possibility of seeing her daughter again
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
Just Little Ventrue Things ~
I finished a Camarilla Ventrue run of VTMB. Mostly, the only thing Ventrue these days know how to do is Dominate, run screaming, eat hot chip, and lie, and [high falsetto voice] here’s a list of other nonsense I discovered:
PC’s name is Christina; she’s a Dominatrix because I’m bi. Her sire was one of her clients, and she’s actually very, very angry about his death. She doesn’t mind being a vampire. She’s Wiccan and part of a coven
In this Camarilla run, I decided I would only do quests given by Camarilla members. My justification was that, while Christina is intelligent and curious about lore, she focuses on tasks that immediately relate to her and her goals. She’s not curious about others; won’t go out of her way to talk to them. She’s not a bleeding heart, like my other PCs, and she believes in the Camarilla’s laws. She just hates LaCroix for killing her sire. Her plan during the game is to curry as much favor within the Cam as possible and cozy up to LaCroix so she can stab him.
Enough backstory
Nonsense time
Smiling Jack laughs at you if you don’t eat a rat in the tutorial. LOL. The Ventrue dialog is like “I could barely choke down the homeless man: please don’t make me eat a rat!”
The blood in the Santa Monica haven’s fridge is now blue blood. Does regular blood make Ventrue sick? I was too scared to experiment.
[spots Mercurio] I am going to steal that ghoul
Rosa: The people you’re looking for are up there. Christina, assuming Rosa is a Cam agent: Okay, thanks, bye
Never spoke to the Thin-Bloods again (sorry Lily baby ;-;)
Everyone except Julius still leaves when the PC reaches Hollywood
If you try to feed on Julius, he WILL kick you in the head and you WILL glitch into the fire, be on fire; run away screaming in Prada
You can skip the whole basement of the Ocean House Hotel if you manage to jump over the hole in the staircase???? Like?? You mean the spookiest fucking level has been optional this whole time I”M
[ghost appears] [Christina smacks it with an axe] None of that.
Club girls speak to Christina and I’m on the FLOOR
Therese “kills” Jeanette, even though I had enough oompa to make that not happen.
Therese joins the Camarilla and says she’s in good position to be the next Prince??? Hello??? Where is our Prince Voerman ending????
Went straight to LaCroix, called him “sir,” and he name-dropped Napoleon.
LaCroix tells Christina to go visit the Anarchs. She blows the Anarchs off (Nines made a growly face, Damsel dialog yowl-exited out after I asked if she wanted to join the Cam; Skelter threatened to murder me twice). When LaCroix told Christina that, while he admired her Cam loyalty, she must listen to her enemies to understand what they wanted, it felt like he was actually being a good sire and mentor.
That’s weird.
When Christina asked for his history, he very carefully explained his lineage, like the important part of Ventrue culture it is.
Overall, I found LaCroix-being-nice-to-me extremely unsettling.
Sir. Stop smiling at me, sir. Stop being impressed I don’t ask for money. STOP MAKING ME UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, SIR.
In contrast, LaCroix sounded genuinely betrayed at the end
Also made it more obvious when he started to lose track of his marbles
Ventrue PC seems juuuuuuust tall enough for her forehead to glitch into the ceiling of literally any confined space
The dirty Elizabeth Dane policeman didn’t psspspspsp at Christina so the whole ship was 15 white-knuckled minutes of making police dance and scuttling about
There is!!! A lot less!!! Talking in this game!!! Than I remember!!! She is only good at talking and ordering people around i am bEGGING
All EXP goes to Dominate and making Christina extremely charismatic and buff.
Ventrue himbo????
Beckett un-himbo-ifies her
She insults Beckett on their first meeting, spitting out “What do you want, wolfie?!” I thought this was appropriate because she died like, 4 times on that warehouse mission and was Extremely Stressed And Under Duress
Beckett’s response of “Oh, you’re too young to have mouthed off to the truly old ones yet.” makes his later snide remark of “the young ones are so temperamental” 900% funnier. Yeah, LaCroix! Beckett thinks I’ve grown and am now more mature than you! XD
Missions involving sex workers hit different when you’re a sex worker.
Christina was incandescent with rage at the Brotherhood
Grout’s mansion mission was a lot of “I have no interest in this nonsense.”
For the first time ever, I didn’t kill anyone during the Museum quest! This is because Christina ran very fast and Dominated every guard as quickly as possible. Every single fucking guard knew she was there, but could do nothing about it, because they were dancing. The door to the sarcophagus locked (it will do this if too many guards are agro), but locked doors are no match for noclip hack.
Entertaining image of a tall woman absolutely blasting into this museum room and Beckett tackling her to the floor like wait! I must snark at you! You are legally obligated to speak with me!
Isaac is still somehow a pretty chill guy to work with if you’re Camarilla.
Christina didn’t visit VV or Ash. Interestingly, Ash didn’t show up at the hunter monastery later. Did he just die in his club? Is he still there, waiting, deciding?
Christina @ Andrei: what the fuck is this shit
“I don’t care. It’s ugly. Clean it up.”
Not as bad as I was expecting
Did take shortcut, run away from fights, ducked out in the middle for a snack, and bring 7 blue blood packs tho
Gary threatened to shred her face with a cheese grater, which I thought was Toreador only dialog?? It must be connected to the Appearance Stat. Which Christina has maxed out.
When Heather became Christina’s ghoul, I was delighted because I thought this meant Christina would always have fresh blood.
If you ask to feed on her too soon after the last time, Heather says she feels light headed and wants to lie down. The dialog exits out
I love you, Heather bb
Perfected the art of nudging NPCs into corners
Mitnick’s quests now feature Enforced Nap Time for all guards
Seriously, Dominate is ridiculously powerful, hooooly shit. I get why people like it. I also like it when people do things I ask them to do.
Christina can’t sneak, but she CAN strongly encourage everyone to choke on their own tongues.
Very high contrast in the beginning of the game: 2 punches would knock her over, but anyone she spoke to would obey immediately and without question
Chinatown goes by ridiculously fast if you can’t sneak and don’t do any sidequests besides Mitnick’s.
For the first time ever, Zhao survived! This is because Christina made him take a nap.
He just told her to leave
You’re welcome, my good dude
IDK if it’s a game glitch, but Christina would vocalize? In battle, she grunts with effort and pain.
Got to the point where I kept expecting Dominate dialog in every interaction and would get disappointed if it didn’t show up. What do you mean I have to actually convince people? That’s lame.
Christina was polite and charming to Ming Xiao, who also conveyed a deeper betrayal than normal at the end. ;-;
I promise to give you a Ventrue boy toy soon, Xiao
Finale arc quests went by VERY FAST because Christina can’t sneak for shit. Just run in, Dominate blazing
You can skip the outside bit of the Hallowbrook Hotel if you find the open door on the top level what the fuuuuuuuuuCK
[“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” plays while Christina wipes out the Sabbat in 10 minutes]
Andrei disappeared mid-fight and didn’t come back until I complained that only I was allowed to run away from boss fights
I’m categorizing “triggering the interaction to save Heather” as something quite difficult to do. The timing has to be just right. I’ve missed it twice now. BUT hacking into the game to save her is easy.
I love you, Heather bb
Final Beckett talk had the vibe of “You’re a very different person than me, but you’re also High Humanity and trying to do good. You don’t deserve to die.”
Damsel threatens to kick the shit out of Christina and is extremely reluctant to tell her where Nines is
“Out of all people, they send you? All right, let’s just talk terms.” - Nines because Christina was short with him one (1) time
You can just?? Walk out of your haven?? Without speaking to Jack at all???
I didn’t do that
But I could have
[”Dust in the Wind” plays while Christina kills entire Camarilla hit squad in 3 minutes]
You can visit Mercurio and Trip on your way out of Santa Monica??
Mercurio makes no comment on the blood hunt. Business as usual with him. This is fine.
Christina: I’m SO going to adopt that ghoul. And perhaps Isaac can be convinced to part with Romero...
(For the first time ever, my PC boinked Romero. Twice, to receive the break up email)
This is definitely a glitch, but Christina brushed up against Caine, and a worried voice said, “Are you all right?” It sounded like the same voice actor, but a higher pitch?
Always nice to think about Caine demonstrating care
Christina asked Caine who he is, and Caine replied that he “gets people where they’re going. [He’s] a driver,”  which is a nice nod (lol) to both his literal job as a driver and as a shepherd/creator/god to Kindred. Caine creates and makes fate.
Caine triple checks with Christina that she’s sure Strauss won’t betray her. Thanks, Vampire Dad. :’D
For some reason, only other Ventrue guarded LaCroix’s tower. I wonder if this is intentional. Like all the other Camarilla Clans backed Strauss and left? So only LaCroix’s Ventrue lackeys remain? Anyway, it created some weird moments where Christina fought her double.
Sheriff laughed in haughty joy that he was to kill Christina. I don’t remember him laughing in other playthroughs.
Christina ruining Caine and Jack’s prank oh noes
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