#if the game won't let me comfort him then i'll do it MYSELF
paarthursass · 8 months
uhm hiii “you don’t need to earn my affection, not now and not ever.” for the prompts?
touch-starved prompts
"You deserve better than this."
Aurel paused, spoon hovering over his bowl as he glanced over at Wyll. "Oh, come now, Gale's cooking isn't that bad. At the very least, he's certainly gotten better now that we have access to the Last Light's kitchens."
"Not the food," Wyll said, fondness flickering in his gaze in spite of the sad tilt to his mouth. "...I fear I've done a poor job of courting you."
"A poor job of — what?"
Aurel set the bowl down as he turned to face Wyll fully. He glanced briefly over at their companions, but he and Wyll had taken their dinner on the outskirts of Last Light's shores, away from the others. They wouldn't be disturbed; unless the others got nosy (which was always a possibility.)
"What in the Nine Hells brought this on?" Aurel asked, turning his gaze back to Wyll.
"The Hells are part of the problem, I fear," Wyll's lips twitched into a small, sardonic smile. "Or Mizora, rather. Her, these blasted tadpoles, Ketheric Thorm and his Cult of the Absolute...were we in Baldur's Gate, I could have done this properly. I'd have invited you to dine with me at the finest restaurants on the shores of the Chionthar, taken you to see the best concerts performed by the Gate's most accomplished orchestra. We could have attended one of Duke Stelmane's balls on each other's arms, and I'd have pulled you to the side to whisper sonnets in your ear."
"Only sonnets?" Aurel quirked an eyebrow, and the impish grin on his lips only grew at how Wyll flushed.
"Had we met at some posh soiree, I'm not entirely sure it would have been the fairy-tale you're envisioning, my dear," Aurel went on, reaching out to gently fix the ties of Wyll's tunic. And if he allowed his fingertips to brush against the exposed collarbone of Wyll's chest, the way Wyll's throat bobbed was certainly worth the liberty.
"I used to be quite the rake, you know. I thought I could drown all my sorrows in wine and dancing and meaningless trysts in the dead of night. Of course I gave all that up long ago, but seeing the strapping Blade of Frontiers in top form on the dance floor may have tempted me towards acting the scoundrel again."
The flush had spread from Wyll's ears down to his neck, but he seemed determined to push past whatever ungentlemanly thoughts Aurel had inspired as he took Aurel's hands in his own.
"That's part of what I mean," he insisted. "After everything you have weathered, after everything you have given...you deserve better. You deserve sonnets, songs, and a man who can bare his soul to you freely."
"Your soul will be free soon enough, if I have anything to say about it," Aurel sniffed and raised his chin an inch. Wyll smiled, and he squeezed Aurel's hands between his own.
"You prove my point yet again. I was already smitten, but seeing you haggle with Mizora for my soul stole my heart again thricefold."
"Flirt. But don't think you can charm your way out of this one, Wyll Ravengard."
Aurel freed his hands, but only so he could cup Wyll's face in them.
"I don't know where that little voice in your head is coming from, but I will not have it sowing such nonsense. In case you didn't notice, I am completely and utterly smitten with you, too. And nothing, not Mizora, not these tadpoles, nor the Absolute itself — whatever it may be — will change that."
Aurel allowed his thumb to gently trace the scar on Wyll's cheek, and as his eyes roamed his handsome face, the stubborn glint to Aurel's eyes softened into affection.
"I would trade every single ball for that dance we shared under the stars. I would turn my ear from the finest orchestras just for the sound of your laugh. And I would discard the finest wines just to sit by your side, eating Gale's mediocre soup."
Finally, a huff of a laugh from Wyll. The corners of his eyes crinkled, his cheeks dimpled as he smiled, and both proved far too tempting for Aurel. He kissed him — at the corners where his eye crinkled, teasingly at the side of his mouth where his cheeks dimpled, and then finally coming to rest at his lips. He held him there for a moment, one hand moving to caress the back of Wyll's neck. And when they parted, it was only for a breath as Aurel rested his forehead against Wyll's.
"You don't need to earn my affection," he murmured. "Not now, not ever. You are more than enough to me; not Ravengard's son, not the Blade of Frontiers, you."
Wyll gave a shaky exhale, but Aurel knew him well enough by now to recognize the gleaming of his eyes meant joy, not grief. Wyll moved, arms wrapping around Aurel and pulling him closer into a tight, warm hug. One that Aurel happily returned, stroking his fingers along Wyll's shoulder blades as he rested their heads together.
"Does this mean you don't want me to continue to court you?" Wyll asked after a moment. Aurel snorted.
"Now, I never said that," he protested as they parted. Wyll's eyes glimmered with amusement. "I only meant that you needn't feel obligated, dear one. You can rest assured that there is no pursuit required; you have quite masterfully caught me already."
"With quarry like you? Only because you allowed me to."
"Oh, let's not get caught up in the details of how you caught me, what matters is that you did. And you do. Have me that is."
Aurel's gaze had softened again, though his lips were still upturned into a playful smile. But he gently stroked his thumb along Wyll's jawline as he searched his gaze.
"Are we better?" he asked quietly. "Or do I need to scold that pesky inner voice some more before it goes away?"
Wyll laughed. "Oh, the doubts will always be there. But never about you. And I think you've done a splendid job of pushing them back, for the moment at least."
"Well, you just let me know if they come crawling back," Aurel sighed. "I'll drive them off again. Or at the very least find a very clever way to distract you."
"I'm sure you will," Wyll laughed, pulling Aurel in to press a kiss to his forehead. "As you always do."
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transmascaraa · 4 months
multiple characters headcannons!
how are they when you tell them you're tired and ask them to carry you?
characters: lyney, wanderer, gaming, neuvillette, wriothesley x gn!reader
author's note: FIRST TIME WRITING MORE CHARACTERS IN ONE WOOHOO 🙌 🎉 anyways i hope you guys like this one<3 i tried to include chars that everyone loves, and chars that i love myself and stuff so yeah i'll try and see if it works out(i'll continue doing these either way)
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⑅ Lyney
-he's the type to look at you surprisingly. you??? asking HIM to carry you? he'd be flustered for a bit, and then try to act confident again.
-like "oh, of course, mon amour! come here!..."
-he's strong enough, but he would STILL be worried. he would overthink so so sooo much.
-what if he drops you? well, he won't. he's just an overthinker.
-and when he'd finally pick you up, bridal style because he's the most comfortable like that, he would start sweating.
-but of course, masking it all with some "confidence". so the two of you ended up in either one of these situations:
-one, it was quiet with him smiling at you half of the time. not being able to talk because he was so happy.
-two, he'd end up talking to you about some nonsense or his magic shows, not wanting it to be too awkward or too quiet for you.
-either way, thank him in the end. he'll be jumping over clouds because he managed to help you in some way.
-just keep praising him, he'll be all over you. he's a complete simp for you like that.
✯ Wanderer
-he's the tsundere. you'd ask him and he'd look at you with such a disgusted look as if you just told him you eat dirt and cement for breakfast. again, with his sassy attitude.
-"ME? to carry YOU? because you're "tired"? yeah. that won't work on me." turning his head away from you, fighting the urge to just surrender.
-but of course, his ego was too big. but not until you started showing clear signs that you were tired. he gave you a few glances, "side-eyes", before stopping and looking at you. looking at you as if he was waiting for something.
-you'd just say "nothing." which would make him even more angry. at that, he just rolled his eyes and said "oh, shut up." before taking you in his arms and continuing to walk with you in silence.
-if you mentioned a single thing about that EVER, you would basically be asking for punishment (whichever type of it lol).
-just say a little "thank you" after you're done and let him quietly mutter that "you're welcome".
-he was glad he got to be close to you like that.
✿ Gaming
-now HE would be VERY happy to help. you'd ask and in a single second he'd be picking you up. he just loves you that much.
-"i'm more than happy to do so, my love~!" smiling brightly at you.
-he couldn't be more happy, he was close to you, he was hold you in his arms, what more could he ask for? especially because you're tired, he would be so nice to you when you got home. he's a real gentleman when it comes to love.
-while he walked like that with you in his arms, the two of you would chit-chat and talk about random things, just making sure you're not bored. or maybe, if you preferred silence, he would stay quiet, whatever makes you happy<3
-after a bit of more walking, he would take care of you at home, letting you rest for a bit, and making your favorite food with your favorite drink.
-he just wanted you happy. to see you smile.
-and then, during dinner time, discussing some more random topics, or just him ranting about his next performance.
๑ Neuvillette
-he would be so sweet. trust me. so sweet and gentle with you. you're tired? he's there to help. you want him to carry you? no problem. you'd ask him and he'd not slowly, smiling fainly at you, even blushing a bit.
-"let me help you." and he'd pick you up.
-finally, after he's got you in his arms, and he continues walking, it's going to be so peaceful. if you want to talk, sure, he will talk. but since you're with him, the silence couldn't be more peaceful.
-listening to the birds chirping in the background, or maybe even the townspeople talking about some things, it was peaceful nonetheless.
-it was very calm. and at some point, he would start humming some melody. compliment him. he'll blush but he'll be extremely thankful, and will definitely hum next time you take a walk around fontaine.
-and when you get home, he'd make you rest and give you some cuddles, hoping that you would "recharge" that way.
◉ Wriothesley
-he wouldn't make much of a reaction, and treat it like it's an everyday thing, but tease you occasionally, of course. as soon as you asked, he just said:
-"okay." and looked at you for a few seconds before taking you in his arms. you'd tell him "thank you" already then and there and he'd just nod and say "mhmm."
-but... for the rest of the walk, he'll be winking at you and giving you teasing smirks.
-oh how you wanted to punch him.
-and after getting home, when he puts you down, you'd say "thank you" and then give him a playful angry look.
-to which he would reply with yet ANOTHER teasing grin. "you're welcome."
-he would tease you A LOT. but still, don't worry, he'll still take good care of you.
-value his teasing. actually, you can hit him if you want to. it won't hurt him that much anyway, he has the muscles.
-but it'll be impossible to be mad at him for too long.
it's pretty good tbh
edit2: bro it's at 1k💀
edit3: i love you guys sm ty all for 1.2k😭
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sanguineterrain · 2 months
Hi Sanne! I'm not sure if requests are open, but if you're up to it I'd like to request red hood x reporter! Maybe reporter reader is getting too close to a case and is starting to become a target and hood takes her protection into his own hands? ((Including lots of midnight rendezvous and rooftop bump ins))
i love this prompt sm! i've been thinking about a reporter reader ever since i read task force z :) thanks for requesting!
jason todd x gn!reporter!reader. tw: reader is attacked (but they're okay), guns, violence, fighting, jason being both a force to be reckoned with and a big softie. 2.5k words
"I don't need protection."
The Red Hood crosses his arms. You cross yours right back.
"Yes, you do," he says.
"No, I don't. I've lived in Gotham my whole life. I can take care of myself."
"Living around and being in the thick of violence are very different. You're already chasing this story; they will come after you."
And what a story it is. The story of the decade, at the very least. A task force of formerly-dead Arkham patients wielded against Gotham by a mysterious benefactor.
It's terrifying. It's dangerous. It's sure to win you your first Pulitzer.
And it all means absolutely nothing if the Red Hood keeps wrapping you in red tape.
Your jaw ticks. "This is my story, Hood. You can't turn it in, so I will. And I won't be scared off by some slimeball."
"Oh, please. You wouldn't even have known about this story if it wasn't for me, smarty."
Smarty. His favorite moniker for you because, according to him, you think you know everything.
Working with the Red Hood has been an unfortunate side effect of chasing your prize-winning story. Not only is he wanted in twenty-six countries (you Googled it) and is a ruthless crime lord (supposedly formerly, but you're doubtful), but worst of all, he's got an attitude to match yours.
He's also built like a tank, which is why you can't just. Outrun him.
"I can't just not publish the story," you say.
"I don't want to stop you from publishing the story. Hence the protection."
"I can't afford a bodyguard."
"Well, it's a good thing I already paid my rent this month."
You scoff. "The Gotham Gazette has a strict 'no armed and dangerous' policy. I'm afraid we all have to leave our gun-toting vigilantes at home."
You open the driver's door of your car, ready to end the conversation here and now. Hood calmly closes the door with his hip and leans.
You glare. "Get off of my car."
"Fact." He holds up a finger. "These kinds of people always strike before the story comes out. They know you're scared and stressed, and they wanna do it before the story gets out. Otherwise, it's obvious who killed who."
"And where did you read this fact? Crime Lord's Digest? We don't even know if they know I'm the reporter who broke into the lab."
"Listen, smarty, I've been in this game a lot longer than you. I know how they operate," he says, finally getting off of your car, only to lean on the hood. Jerk. "It's only a matter of time before whoever's behind this snuffs you out."
"I am not letting a wanted criminal nest in my apartment!"
"That's why I'd be there."
"I was talking about you, Hood."
"I'm not joking. Look, I appreciate your... help." You try not to show your exasperation. "But there's no way I'm inviting you over to my apartment. That'll set off more alarms. If anything happens, I'll call you. Until then, stay away. Deal?"
Hood looks you over.
"Hm. You're awfully comfortable with giving me orders, smarty."
Your adrenaline spikes for a second. But it quickly calms. You've worked with Hood for a month now. Sure, you were petrified the first week, but it quickly dissipated. You've fallen into an odd camaraderie with him.
It's actually kind of nice, having him on your side. No one at the Gazette gives you the time of day. You've become used to having a partner. Not that you'd ever tell him that.
"You take orders so well, I can't help but dole them out," you say, only a little smirky.
"Watch it," Hood rumbles, only half-serious. Probably.
You beam and wrench open your car door, sliding into the seat.
"See?" you say, turning the ignition. "No snipers waiting to take me out. I'll be fine."
He shakes his head and slides off the hood. "Ten bucks says they'll try by the end of the week."
You close your door. "You're on."
As it turns out, Hood doesn't need the end of the week to earn his tenner. Trouble breaks down your door the very same night.
You're on your couch with some well-earned Lebanese takeout when your door is ripped off of your hinges. You shoot up from the couch, chest immediately tight.
Your assailant is masked and isn't that typical, giving masked men everywhere a bad name.
You run to the kitchen, hoping you can grab a knife. But you're grabbed before you can get there. You slip on the carpet and trip further into your assailant's arms.
"Keep still so I won't make a mess," is all he says.
You start screaming. He covers your mouth and you bite his hand. That earns you a thump on your cheek, so hard your vision blurs.
You freeze, expecting the warm drip of blood and the excruciating pain to accompany it. Instead, your assailant falls to the floor, clutching his ribs. You stumble backwards and see Hood at your door, gun still aimed. He stalks over and kicks the assailant in the chest as he does. The assailant groans.
"You okay?"
You're still staring at the man who very nearly killed you a minute ago. Blood roars in your ears. You think you might be close to fainting.
"Hey." Big, gloved hands hold your face. You flinch and hold the owner's wrists. Hood comes into view once more.
"Are you okay?" he asks firmly. "Look at me, look at me, sweet. Breathe. 'S okay. Does anything hurt? Did he—"
Hood cuts himself off as he touches your cheek, where you were hit. He lightly runs a thumb over what is probably a budding bruise.
Hood lets you go and whirls onto your attacker. He hauls him up and presses a gun to his stomach.
"Go ahead, shoot me!" the attacker shouts.
"If I shoot you, it won't be out of mercy. You won't get a quick death. You don't deserve it," Hood snarls, and you suddenly remember all of your good reasons for fearing the Red Hood.
"I ain't telling ya shit!"
"I don't expect you to," Hood says, and fires again.
The man crumples to the ground, but he's clearly still breathing. Still alive. Hood drags him to the door by his collar.
"You go back to your boss. And you tell 'em that they're fucking with the Red Hood now. And, in case I'm not being perfectly fucking clear through all that blood loss—" Hood grabs the man by his hair and wrenches his head back. "If you come for my reporter again, you'll wish I was kind enough to put a bullet in your head."
Hood hauls your attacker outside. You hear a car start a minute later, and it tears down the street.
You look at your guardian angel, spattered in blood.
Not nearly as much blood as I expected, you think manically.
Your body aches and shakes with adrenaline. You can't even get enough control to move to the couch.
"How–how did you get here so fast?" you ask, staring at your now cracked coffee table.
"I've been monitoring your apartment since you got home. One of the traffic cameras picked up a stolen vehicle turning onto your block, so I came here."
You look at Hood. He seems very collected, all things considered.
"You—how did you find my apartment? Have you been stalking me?"
"Please. Lend me a little credit, smarty. I don't need to stalk you to find where you live," he says, holstering his gun.
"Are you insane?!" you burst. "That is such a gross invasion of privacy! What the hell is wrong with you?"
Hood looks at you.
"What's wrong with me is I just saved your life," he says evenly. "And on that note, you owe me ten bucks. Maybe even fifteen, considering it took less than a day for them to do exactly what I said they would."
Your lip wobbles. You don't know what triggers it; maybe it's your scratched up door or torn sofa or the fact that the Red Hood is in your living room right now with blood on his suit.
The tears form quickly. You can't stop them.
You cover your face but a sob claws out of your throat. Soon, you fall into big, heaving cries.
"Whoa, hey." The floorboards creak under Hood's unsure footsteps. "Hey, I didn't mean that. Shit. I was just kidding about the bet part. Aw, don't cry, smarty."
A hand lightly touches your shoulder. You lean in, but don't dare to initiate more contact. So Hood eases you into a side hug, awkwardly patting your other arm. He's extremely warm and solid with muscle, but his chest is soft enough to rest your head on. He unclips his holster so it doesn't dig into your body.
"I was just kidding," Hood says quietly in your ear. He rubs your arm. "'M sorry. Didn't mean to make y'cry."
You sniff and shake your head. "No, it–it's not that, I'm just—God, I'm t-terrified, Hood. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? They're gonna kill me! I'm gonna die before I win my first Pulitzer!"
You try to suck in deep breath but it's not working. Hood leads your unsteady feet to the couch. You sit, fingers gripping his jacket. Hood carefully loosens your grip.
"They're not gonna kill ya, smarty. I won't let 'em. C'mon, let's have a seat. Where's your kitchen?"
You point, lashes still thick with tears. Hood leaves and returns shortly. A glass of water is held to your lips. You drink it, breathing stilted.
"'S okay. Take it easy. Breathe. That's right."
You swallow half of the water, and he sets the glass down on the coffee table. Hood hands you a wad of tissues.
"This is pathetic," you say, wiping your tears. "Can't believe I'm being nursed by the Red Hood."
"I think nursed is a strong word. But it's more than I usually do for my informants. Then again, they don't usually burst into tears."
"Don't make fun of me. I'm fragile."
"I wasn't making fun of you," Hood says, gentler than you've ever heard him. He puts the tissues aside and rests a hand on your shoulder. You turn into it, appreciative of the weight. "You handled this better than most people would. You didn't even pass out. Hell, I've passed out."
You're sure that Hood is leaving out important details behind that anecdote, like fighting off a hundred men or being swallowed by a whale beforehand. You're grateful nonetheless.
You turn to him, fresh tears in your eyes. "They're gonna kill me, Red."
He shakes his head. "No. Listen to me. Nobody is gonna do anything to you, okay? I'm not gonna let 'em hurt you, smarty pie."
"That's an impossible promise," you say. "One of these days, something will happen. You can't be everywhere at once. Especially not while I'm at home."
Hood tilts his head. "Well..."
"Well, what?"
He rubs his throat. An old injury, he'd once told you. The pain flares up sometimes.
"I could call in a favor. Get you into a safehouse."
"You would do that for me?" you ask. You probably shouldn't ask. Shouldn't look a generous vigilante in the mouth. But you can't help it.
"I can't very well publish the story myself, can I?"
You shrug. "I doubt that. You have your ways. Once you have the evidence, you don't need me."
"That's not true," Hood says fiercely. "I do need you."
Your eyes widen. Hood fumbles for a moment.
"That—I mean for the case. Obviously. I don't have any journalistic links besides you. And I wouldn't want the story to fall into the wrong hands."
"Oh." You have a strong urge to wrap your arms around him. Weird. "Well, um, thank you. I appreciate it."
"Don't thank me yet. It'll take me a few days to get the safehouse," he says.
You deflate. "Oh. So I have to stay here until then?"
Hood is quiet for a long time. So long, you briefly revisit your original theory that the Red Hood is actually an AI remotely controlled by a billionaire.
You reach to touch him. He flinches, a tiny movement. You immediately draw back.
Nope. Still a man.
"Sorry," he says, hand slipping from your shoulder. "I was, uh, going over options. No, your place is toast until we find whoever's behind this. But, um, it would be possible for you to—if you want to, 'cause if you don't, y'know, I understand, but I—it would be doable for you to, uh, stay with me. Until I get the safehouse."
"Stay... in your apartment?"
"'S not far from here. And it's a hell of a lot better protected than your place. And, y'know, I'd be there most of the time, so like..." Hood clears his throat. "Uh, yeah. It'd be safe. I promise."
"I wouldn't want to impose," you say, nervously scratching your arm.
"Mm. If you're scared of staying with me, y'can just say so. I won't take it personal."
He does kind of sound like he's taking it personally.
"No, Hood, it's not that. I don't... I'm not afraid of you. That, uh, went away a while back," you say. "I just... I don't want to burden you. After all, it's your space."
He makes a sound that tells you he's rolling his eyes behind his helmet.
"Saving your life is important, smarty. Why you don't think so, I'll never know."
You make a soft, pleased sound. "Got a real bleeding heart there, Red."
He sighs. "Yeah. I'm working on it."
You grin. "Thank you for rescuing me."
"Part of the job. If you don't wanna stay with me, I could..." Hood hesitates. "With your permission... I could get the Bats involved. Ask one of them to house you."
"You mean Batman?"
Hood grunts. "Preferably anyone but him, but yeah, if it comes to that. He'll probably get involved anyway. Fuckin' busybody."
"The Bats would protect me? But they don't know me."
"Don't matter. If I asked them to, they would. If that's something you want."
You think. Is it something you want?
Sure, any reasonable person would prefer Nightwing or Batman to protect them.
"I don't want to stay with them," you say. "I'd rather stay with you."
He jerks like you've told him the sky is falling.
"You do?" he asks.
"Well, yeah. I know you, Red. And I know you'll keep me safe."
"At any cost," he says.
That simultaneously frightens and thrills you.
"Then I'd like to go home with you," you say. "If you'll have me."
"'Course, smarty. Anything to keep you safe. Go pack some stuff. I'll be out here. You're okay?"
"I'm okay." You stand and turn before he can see what he does to you.
Yes, it's an odd thing, being partners with the Red Hood.
You're starting to fear that you can't have it any other way.
(pt 2)
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cloudyzeusy · 7 months
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He's not gay? ||
pairing: katsuki bakugou X top reader
warnings: afab, creampie
"Let's go around in a circle and say your sexuality." Mina exclaimed excitedly.
Everyone went around till the last people were me and Katsuki left. "I'm bi." I said nonchalantly.
We all turned to Katsuki and he huffed. "I'm straight."
"Your straight?" I questioned.
"Tch yeah what about it." He scoffed glaring at me.
"I just don't believe you." The rest of class 1A looked between us confused at what was going on
"Well extra don't care what you think." He said gritting his teeth he stormed away to his dorm i made a mental note to go after him.
I stayed with the others and we played games and watched a movie before we all decided it was time to go. But I didn't go back to my dorm I went too Katsuki's I'm surprised to see his door was opened I went in and I saw him in just shorts and a hoodie lying on his bed.
"(name) what are you doing here." He said surprised and wary of me
"You said you were straight right?" I grinned ignoring his question.
"So you are saying i didn't see you on grindr nor did i see that secret stash of lingerie and skirts you've got." He had no response to that and just fidgeted in his spot.
He watched me carefully as moved closer to him nervous about what i would do next. I sat on his bed and grabbed him putting him on my lap I lifted up his shirt feeling his bare skin underneath
"Wait (name) what are you doing." He said apphrensively trying to stop my wandering hands with his smaller on
"If you don't like this then tell me no and I'll stop right now." He stayed quiet so I took that as the confirmation i needed and tweaked his nipples making him moan out loud in suprise. His ears reddened at the embarrassment at his noise.
"If you are straight you have no problem letting me fuck you right here and after if you are still straight... I'll leave you alone forever." I smirked.
"Fine it won't matter because I'm straight." He said confidently but i knew he wouldnt feel the same tomorrow.
"Bet just a heads up don't be suprised when you can't walk tomorrow."
I then turned him over so he was lying on his back facing me i took off his hoodie and his shorts i could tell he felt humiliated as he was naked and I was fully dressed. I was shocked at what laid underneath his clothes this whole time.
"Kats you have a pussy!."
He flushed red "If you have a problem with that leave ." He said getting up.
I pushed him back down and reaffirmed him "No I was just shocked it doesn't matter to me, now wheres the lube." He pointed to his draw and I got out the lube
I squirted some of my fingers I'm inserted one i let him get used to it before inserting two more and began finger fucking him. I could tell he was starting to get close so I removed them he whined at that. Making me smirk "I thought you said you were straight yet you are acting like a hungry slut." I could tell he was about to say something so I shushed him and unzipped my trousers.
He looked on in shock as he saw what laid beneath. "(name)! theres no way thats going to fit!." He stuttered gaze stuck on my cock.
I slowly jerked myself off while waiting for him to calm down when i saw he was ready i slowly entered myself into him. He cursed from the sudden pain i sheathed myself in and waited till he felt comfortable grinding in making him more wet.
"Y-you can move now." That was all I needed as I began thrusting into him. His wet pussy felt too good and sucked me in as I tried to leave.
"uh ah~ ah" He moaned as I used his body like a ragdoll my cock constantly pushing against his prostate.
"p-please its too much." He tried pushing me away as he tried to run.
I moved his hands away grabbing his waist as a better handle for fucking him. "Imagine your friends could see you now drooling and whining for cock in you."
"no augh~."
"no what? come on slut you too fucked out to talk." He tightened up around me making me groan.
I felt myself getting closer to my release as my thrusts became more sloppier. "Where do you want me to cum huh? You want me to fill you up pl-plug you up so while you walk around UA you are reminded of you belong to?"
"please~ please I need it it feels sho good." He whined pleading me I laughed all along he needed someone dick him down. Then he would act normal.
I obliged with his begs filling him up as he wished he shook as he collapsed cumming all over me. I slowly left him making a wet plap! sound he looked like a fucked out mess and I was proud. I took a picture with my mind burning the image there forever.
I won't ever look at him the same that was for sure. I tidied him up and I was about to leave him there when he whispered "please.. stay."
I groaned I was about to leave but he looked so cute. Whatever I'll leave in the morning.
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cloveswifey · 7 months
Chapter One
Content Warning: Swearing, Jealousy, Toxic Ex-Boyfriend, Threats of Violence, Slytherin!Boys, Dirty Talk, Asshole!Pucey, Alcohol
Series MasterList
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"Pansy..." I complained, as my best friend rummaged through my overflowing closet.
"You're going, y/n! No excuses!" Pansy declared, selecting a dark green dress.
"But my day has been terrible! Snape gave me detention," I moaned, collapsing onto my bed.
"All the more reason for you to go!" she said playfully.
"But Mattheos will be there! I can't be bothered with his nonsense tonight, Pans," I groaned, attempting to find any way out of attending this party.
"Whether you like it or not, Y/n Berkshire, you're going!" Pansy ordered, holding up the dress. "Now, get changed and do your makeup! I'll be back in 20!"
Fuck sake
As soon as Pansy and I stepped into the party, the loud music hit my ears and I scanned the Slytherin common room. Pansy held onto my hand and led us to our group of friends who were lounging on the couch.
“Look who decided to join.” Blaise greeted us with a chuckle and handed me a drink while Pansy settled onto Draco's lap.
I rolled my eyes, “Pansy dragged me here. I didn’t come willingly.”
“Don’t be such a bore!” Enzo urged me, “drink up!”
So I downed my drink and chuckled lightly. I needed more drinks to forget about my terrible day.
"I need another drink!" I exclaimed, pushing off the wall I was leaning on.
Pansy chimed in, "Me too!"
I give a nod and follow her to the drink table. As I start pouring myself a drink, Pansy and I engage in a lively conversation about our plans for the upcoming Christmas break. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around with a wide smile on my face.
However, my smile quickly fades when I come face to face with an annoying individual wearing an unsettling smile - Adrian Pucey, my ex-boyfriend.
"Hello, beautiful," Adrian greets me, his eyes fixed on me.
Instinctively, I take a step back towards Pansy. "What brings you here? You never come to parties," he asks, a frown forming on my face, skeptical of his intentions.
"What's it to you, Pucey?" I reply, not hiding my annoyance.
"Obsessive much," Pansy mutters quietly under her breath.
"Just curious," Adrian responds, nodding slowly. "So?" he prompts, wanting to know more.
I gesture towards the group of boys gathered around the dark green couch in the corner of the common room. Enzo catches my eye as I glance over.
"Just here to have a good time with my friends," I explain, emphasizing my desire to enjoy the company of those around me.
I immediately frown. "No, thank you," I reply with disgust as Pansy and I make our way back to the couch, where Theo is getting ready to take his shot.
"Why are you making that face?" Enzo asks, frowning as we approach.
"Adrian Pucey is still fixated on her," Pansy says, rolling her eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Mattheo clenching his jaw as he swirls his drink in his cup.
"If he bothers you again, let me know," Enzo says seriously, his elderly brother instincts kicking in. Well, when I say elderly brother instincts, I mean... 5 minutes older.
"He won't, it's fine," you say dismissively.
After almost two hours, the game of truth or dare turns out to be a disaster. I was drunk and Draco seemed to enjoy giving me the most challenging dares.
"That dare was a piece of cake," I argue, while Blaise giggles. "Ron was blushing like crazy. It's either a hit or miss."
"More like a miss," Theo jokes.
"Shut up, Nott," I reply, giving him the finger. He bursts out laughing. "Hey guys, let's take a bathroom break and then continue playing."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Pansy asks, sitting comfortably on Draco's lap.
"No, I'll be back soon. Our dorm is just upstairs," I say.
I swiftly make my way back to my dormitory. I rush to complete my tasks, and just as I am exiting my dorm and descending the stairs towards the common room, I collide with someone.
"Shit I’m so sorry!" I exclaim apologetically, taking a step back to give the other person some space.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise!" The familiar voice greets me.
"What do you want now, Pucey?" I retort, crossing my arms defensively.
"You," he chuckles, causing me to cringe in annoyance.
"You're pathetic, Pucey," I remark, taking another step up the stairs, unfortunately moving further away from the common room.
"Hey! You keep saying my last name as if it's a negative thing, but you were begging for it last year," he chuckles, taking a sip of his drink.
“The only thing I was begging for was for our relationship to end.” I retorted at his unfunny joke.
As I tried to sidestep around him, he blocked my path with his arm, almost clotheslining me in the process.
"Don't pretend like we didn't have a good time, sweetheart," he said, licking his lips and moving closer, his arm slipping around my waist.
"Hey, baby," a deep voice called out from behind me.
Oh no.
"I've been looking for you," Mattheo said, looking into my eyes as if silently urging me to play along, before burying his head in the crook of my neck.
"I was just about to leave until Adrian here decided to bother me once again," I said, attempting to relax in the arms of the boy I despised while trying to get rid of Adrian.
"What do you want with my girlfriend?" Mattheo asked, wrapping a protective arm around my waist.
Adrian looks at you in disbelief and asks, "Girlfriend? You two? No way." He then turns to Mattheo and motions towards you.
You respond, "You were too busy talking about making me your wife that I didn't get to mention it." Mattheo pulls you closer to him.
"Look, she's taken," Mattheo says, in a deep and authoritative voice.
Adrian shakes his head and says, "Hasn't stopped her before," making you frown.
Mattheo threatens Adrian, "Don't make me beat your ass, pucey," as he drops his arm from your waist and cracks his knuckles.
Adrian challenges Mattheo, "I'd like to see you try, pretty boy."
You interrupt the growing tension between them and exclaim, "Well, I wouldn't! Come on, Mattheo, let's go back to our friends."
Mattheo moves closer to the man, firmly planting his feet and assuming a confident posture as he looms over him. "Look here, you disgusting asshole. Keep your distance from her for the rest of the evening, or I’ll fuck up your face, Pucey."
Adrian blinks a few times. "Alright then, jerk." He deliberately brushes past Mattheo, making his way past the two of you and descending the stairs. He defiantly raises his middle finger in the air as he disappears down the stairwell.
“You’re welcome by the way.” Mattheo grumbles in frustration as he trails behind Pucey, making his way back to the party.
What just happened
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rogueddie · 4 months
Now and Forever M | non-sexual d/s | 913 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is letting someone take care of you
Steve has never had any problems with the kids before. It's always been easy for him to keep up with them and, though he'd never admit it, he likes how they tend to keep him on his toes.
He never knows, when they come calling for a ride, if it's a day where they'll try to drag him into their nerd games or if they'll be seperating so much that he has to literally run after them, just to drag them back to the others.
He loves the kids. He knows the kids love him too.
It only makes it harder to say no to them.
"But you have to take us!" Dustin whines. "Nancys got some important college thing that she's doing with Jonathan and Eddie isn't answering his phone!"
"Uh," Steve winces, glancing to the side, where Eddie is lounging on his sofa.
He's already watching Steve and, when their eyes lock, he frowns. He starts to get up
"Sorry kid, but I can't," Steve insists, turning away to focus on the call. "Not today."
"We won't run away! We'll be on our best behavior! We promise- right guys?"
The others agreements are muffled, but loud enough that Steve is sure that Dustin is holding the phone up at them.
"Dustin, I can't. Really, I wish I could, but-"
"Here," Eddie mumbles, gently taking the phone from him. "Go lay back down, ok? I got this."
"You don't have to do that, I can-"
"I know you can," Eddie cuts through him, brushing his fingers across his cheek, smiling softly. "I've got it though. Lay down, drink your tea. Dustin will survive without you for one day."
Steve reluctantly goes back to the sofa, flopping down on it. He snorts at how Eddies soft and sweet tone immediately drops as soon as he starts talking to Dustin.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll call," Eddie finally says, after a lot of back and forth. "Goodbye!"
"They finally listen?"
"Not really, but they won't call again today."
Eddie walks to the end of the sofa, raising an eyebrow at how Steve tilts his head back so he can see him.
"How long has it been since we were last able to just... play?" Eddie asks, gently taking Steves face in both of his hands.
"Oh- you mean like-" Steve perks up, trying to sit up.
Eddie chuckles, gently pushing him back down with a hand on his chest. "Not like that, not today. Or, not exactly."
"It's not that bad," Steve lies. "Really, I'm ok. We can-"
Steve pouts, crossing his arms.
It only makes Eddie laugh at him. "Come on, ease up on the theatrics, that's my job. I just mean... I still want to take care of you, but as a- a friend."
"I can take care of myself."
"I know. But you don't have to do it all by yourself. I want to take care of you."
"Well, it's- I mean, we're... friends," Eddie stutters, flushing. "And friends take care of each other. Robin cares about you, right? That- I care about you too. As friends, or- or, uh..."
"Or?" Steve teases, smirking.
"As something more," Eddie huffs, rolling his eyes despite how much he's blushing. "And, yeah, I know, laugh it up."
"Laugh it up?"
"You know you're easy to love, Steve, come on."
"And... you love me?"
"Well, yeah, of course."
"You can take care of me or... whatever else. As something more."
"Yeah?" Eddie breathes, lightly scratches at his scalp, grinning at the way it makes Steve melt. "Good. How's your pain now? Still sharp?"
"A little, yeah. Tea helped."
"How do you wanna do this? Laying or on your knees?"
Eddie stands, grabbing the blanket Steve keeps under the coffee table. Once he's sat, he puts a pillow on his lap and pats on it encouragingly.
Steve lays on his front, head turned to the side, wiggling until he's comfortable.
He flinches when Eddie throws the blanket over his head and upper back. He rubs Steve's arm for a moment, mumbling quiet reassurances.
"Hands, Stevie," Eddie reminds him, whispering.
He moves his hands so they're behind his back. Eddie takes hold of his wrists in one hand, his grip gentle at first, giving him a reassuring little squeeze before shifting his grip.
He tries to tug his hands free on instinct, though he doesn't try too hard. He doesn't really want to escape and they already know that Eddie wouldn't be able to hold him if he did.
"Shhh, you're ok," Eddie whispers.
It takes less than a moment for him to settle, to relax.
It's always been easy with Eddie, to let himself slip away into that peaceful place where he can finally and truly relax. He's always trusted Eddie to take care of him, even when he's fought him on it.
He thinks, distantly, that it probably should feel different. They've said the quiet part out loud.
But it's the same as it always is. Only that, this time, he doesn't shy away from how loving it feels- to be cared for, to let Eddie care for him.
With his head floating far above his body, it's easy to say the words he was scared to say just a few moments ago.
"I love you too, Eds."
He can only hope that his voice isn't slurring so heavy that Eddie misunderstands him, with how relaxed and spaced out he is.
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nanamistie · 8 months
Can you do any of the Haikyuu boys x Fem!reader, where they get into an argument (with an angst ending please🥹🥹🥹) if you can’t that’s perfectly fine <3
Haikyuu boys getting in an argument with Fem!reader, and never solve the problem.
Warnings: angst, no comfort, swearing, harsh words, cheating, heavy breakups.
You were such a perfect couple, at least, that's what you thought. You were so proud of him, always comforted him after losing, he cared for you, he helped you with school. It was kinda weird that he never showed you publicly, or even mentioned that he has a relationship in interviews, but those didn't matter that much to you. You were in love, right? So then, why did you find him like this?
“Oikawa how could you do this to me?” you asked him desperately trying to hear that it was just a dream. “I’m sorry, I got bored of this relationship’’ he simply replied. Your eyes widened. “Y-You got b-bored?? Oikawa Tooru, how could you? I was there to wipe your tears when you lost, and I still didn't get bored -you paused- i hoped and prayed that one day you’ll win and be happy, and I would’ve wiped those tears again because they would’ve been of joy. And you got b-bored?” you looked at him with tears running down your cheeks. “I don't need to explain myself, it’s not my fault you were dumb and got attached” and with that he simply left you there, crying all by yourself.
He was so full of himself tonight. His team won an official match against Karasuno, but that doesn’t give him an excuse to treat you like this.
“How about we celebrate by eating out?” you asked while he sat on your shared bed. “Nah, I'll go talk to the boys and maybe play a game or two” he said standing up from the bed. “Why don’t you celebrate with me and you celebrate with them? I was there for you in stands of all your matches”
“Y/n, they are my teammates, they are more important than you are. Plus, you are a woman, why don’t you go back in the kitchen and make me something to eat.” your face got all red and flushed, you grabbed your purse and hit him in the head with full force. “Fuck you!” you grabbed your keys and left the apartment.
You slept at your friend's house, actually, you barely slept. You waited for him to call you all night, but he never did.
The last few days had been very tense. You and your boyfriend Kuroo were having a lot of small arguments,about the fact that he got late home almost everyday, he wasn’t giving you enough attention, you couldn’t come to his matches, things like this. But none of the small fights ended like this one in this morning:
“All I’m saying is that you could come home earlier from practice, or at least bother to text me that you’re gonna be late, it’s like you don’t even care that I'm here waiting for you day and night!” you yell at him. “Whatever Y/n, I’m late to practice” you both knew this was a lie. But you heard him mutter under his breath “I wanted a break anyway.”
And with that, he left. He left with no goodbye, no explanation, no excuses. You felt your whole world collapsing on you. You sat with your knees to your chest, crying, hoping he will come back and tell you that he didn’t mean what he just said.
Today he lost another game. And he felt like it was all his fault. So why won't he blame somebody else and maybe let his anger out on that person too?
“Baby, Kou, it’s fine, it’s just a game” you get interrupted by him. “No, it’s not just a game, Y/n, it’s volleyball, everything is important about it! WELL, I MEAN HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHEN YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A HOBBY, YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING! ALL YOU DO IS BOTHER ME AND KEEP DISTRACTING ME FROM THE ONLY THING THAT I REALLY LOVE!!” you pause your breathing. You felt so guilty, you look down, you don’t even dare maintaining eye contact with your “boyfriend”. Tears pick at your eyes, and you cross your arms.
“Yeah, sure, cry, that’s all you can do, since you know what I just said is true.” You felt those words cut so deep, your heart broke in a million pieces.
You never really learned how to cook, but seeing your boyfriend cook everyday made you learn a few things, so you thought you could make something special for him tonight. I mean, what could go wrong? Everything.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU WASTED SO MUCH INGREDIENTS, AND YOU STILL FUCKING BURNED IT, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!” he yelled at you, showing you the mess you made in his kitchen. “I'm really sorry, I just wanted to make something good for you once…”
“Well, apparently you can’t, so why don't you just leave?” You looked up at him, but his gaze scared you- there was no more love in his eyes, not even a little bit. What was wrong with you, were you that hard to love?
“I love listening to you” you confess to him. “You do?” you look at him, reassuring him “Yes baby, of course i do! Even when you talk about how much you hate Oikawa, you know, i had a friend that i hated her the exact same way but-”
“Well if you like listening to me, then why do you make it about yourself?” you froze. Did you just do that? “I-” you looked into his eyes searching for his love and reassuring but where were those? “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to, you know that, right? I’m really sorry, Haji, look at me” you tried grabbing his face but he pushed your hands away. “Just leave me alone already, with your excuses and everything. I’m getting tired of this. We’re done.”
You hated yourself. That small mistake you didn’t even know you made, cost you everything.
Hey!! Of course I can write this! Sorry it took a long time, someone caught a cold and couldn't do it on time. Hope you liked it!
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captainlunaxmen · 29 days
Panic 2.0
Chapter 1
Dodge Mason x fem!reader x Ray Hall
This is a rewriting of my old series on @lunamadhatter99, I decided to rewrite it because the series wasn't completed, and I didn't like it that much anymore.
Let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged in the next chapters.❤️❤️❤️
Chapter summary: graduation day!
Chapter warnings: none.
Tag list.
@stuckinthesmalldoor @once-upon-an-imagine
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Relief is all I feel right now in the auditorium, waiting for Graduation to begin. I patiently sit with the other students waiting for my name yo be called, next to me my closest friends: Natalie, Heather and Bishop. I look behind me, a few rows behind I spot the new guy, Dodge Mason. I gently smile at him and he smiles back, we bonded a lot since he arrived last year, which is something that makes me proud, since he's not known for being the most open person here.
Graduation is the first step out of here, out of Carp, Texas, which all of us call the capital of Nothing.
The second step would be the local summer game: Panic. It's easy to explain Panic: you play and if you win, you're out of here. What's the catch? It's in the name, Panic, the challenges aren't exactly children friendly.
And, funny enough, the game has one simple rule: do not panic.
"Is your aunt coming?" Heather asks me as we walk out of the building. Natalie and Bishop being congratulated by their families.
"Nah... I didn't even get a text, I don't think she will show up." I shrug, "what about your mother?"
Right before she could answer a sweet little voice calls Heather's name.
"They're here." She smiles, almost apologetically to which I respond with a reassuring smile.
"Guess I'll see you tonight." I chuckle.
"You don't have much of a choice." She laughs walking off.
I dare to take a look around for my aunt, but as expected, no one in sight.
"Congratulations, Y/n." I turn around seeing Natalie with his father walking to get their picture taken.
"Thank you, officer!" I wave at him and Natalie and start to walk off too.
I take just a few steps before another voice calls for me.
I turn around once again, watching Jessica, Dodge's mother, walking towards me with Dodge next to her.
"Hi, Jessica." I smile, warmly at her.
"Congratulations, sweetheart." She hugs me tightly once sheclose enough, Dodge sends me and apologetic yet amused smile.
"Thank you." I say pulling away, "so nice to be finally done." I laugh.
"I bet." She smiles brightly, I notice her looking around.
"She won't be here." I casually say, Jessica looks at me, sorry.
"Do you need a ride home?" Dodge cuts in, sensing the beginning of embarrassment.
"Oh... no, no, I'm good." I quickly say.
He looks at me unconvinced, then hums.
"We'll give you a ride. C'mon." He motion on and starts to walk without waiting for my answer. Jessica smiles proudly and walk away as well, so I have no other choice but to accept and follow them.
"I think I already know the answer but... Will I see you at tonight's party?" I ask, as I step out of Dodge's car.
"You definitely know the answer." He smile at me and I sigh, nodding defeated.
"You're lucky I'm not like Natalie, or you wouldn't hear the end of it." I say.
"I tried to make him change his mind, but he's stubborn." Jessica chimes in from the driver seat.
"Yeah, it's one of the first things I learned about him." I laugh, "but I can't say he's wrong. I'm not a party person myself."
"You're young, enjoy these years, trust me." She tells us, using a sweet and motherly tone.
"We do enjoy them differently." Dodge replies smugly.
"I agree" I support him and Jessica just rolls her eyes with a smile, "I'll see you tomorrow at work then."
"Of course." He smiles.
"Be careful tonight, sweetheart."
"Drive safe!" I say walking to my house.
Well, my aunt's house, but since she's never here, it might as well be mine.
My phone rings once I change into something more comfortable.
Natalie, of course.
"Yes" I greet with a laugh, "I promised, I know."
"Oh good, you're making my job easier." She cheerfully replies. "I'll get there around 8? Does it work for you?"
"I don't have much of a choice so... yeah." I laugh.
"Wear something cute. We have to celebrate! Wear that cute dress you wore at my birthday party." She suggests at the end.
"Do you want to control what I wear now?" I scoff out a laugh.
"You're just so cute in that! C'mon!" She insists, "I'm making my puppy eyes."
"That doesn't work if I can't see you, you know that, right?"
"But you know what I look like." She sings trying to get me to agree.
"Fine.." I sigh, deeply, letting out a laugh too, "fine, I'll wear that stupid dress."
"Hey! It's not stupid! It's cute!" She scolds me jokingly. "I'll see you tonight, bye!"
"Bye!" I say having up the phone and heading ot my wardrobe to take out the short dress Natalie referred to.
To pass the time I'll clean around for a while, just to keep my mind busy. If I start to think, I'll end up thinking about Panic and I really don't want to think about it right now. I don't want to risk thinking too much and then back down. I'm taking the risk this time and I'm determined to win.
We arrive at the already started party, Natalie parts from us to go greet some friends of hers, while I go find Heather and Bishop.
I spot them near the fire, drinks in hand already so I make my way to them.
"Hey." I say taking a set next to Heather.
"Hey Y/n. You came!" Bishop cheers, surprised.
"Natalie forced her to promise she would be here." Heather explained, simply.
"Exactly. Can't break a promise." I sigh, but glad I spend time with them.
"We're happy you're here." Bishop nod towards me, "you're just in time, we were-"
Ray's loud voice interrupts him mid-sentence.
"Oh god.." I sigh, Heather pats my arm comfortingly.
Ray gets close enough to shove the cup against Bishop.
"Final collection." He, basically, demands.
"School's out, okay? I'm not even playing." Bishop replies, raising both hands up.
"Think of it as an insurance." Ray says bending over to get on Bishop's eye level, "it's gonna be one he'll of a summer."
"C'mon, man, I'm not gonna play." Bishop tries once again, with a nervous laugh.
Suddenly Ray grabs his arm, it looks painful from Bishop's expression.
"We're all playing, one way or another," Ray says, not letting Bishop go.
Heather looks at me, pleading, and I sigh.
"Ray, leave him alone." I warn.
He turn his attention to me, looking me up and down until a smirk appears on his face.
"Well, well, well... did you dolled up for me?" He asks.
"No." I answer.
"Are you sure, baby? You know I love you in that dress..." he says, staring at my legs.
"You say that about everything..." I say annoyed.
"That's because you are my favourite." He winks and gets closer.
"Could you leave us?" I ask.
"Mmh?" He hums, then bends over, the cup rests quietly on the ground, he then puts his hands on both armchair, caging me.
"Listen, I know you have some trouble understanding human language, but this is pretty basic." I say and his smirk only grows.
"You can lie to yourself, but not to me. We both know the truth." He says and I catch him looking down at my lips.
"If it helps you sleep at night." I turn my head to find some support in my friends, but they only loom unsure of what to do.
"I do think of you at night, actually, if that's what you're wondering, but I don't... sleep exactly." He leans closer.
"You're disgusting." I push him away.
"Took you long enough to push me away." He winks again, "see you soon, baby."
And with that Ray finally walks away with his cup.
"Prick." I mutter out, takingn a sip of my drink.
"Hey," Heather calls for us, "a toast. To global amnesia."
I nod, grateful, at her and raise my cup.
"Nah..." Bishop says, "selective. There's a few things I want to remember."
I notice Heather and Bishop looking at each other, something passing through their mind and I would swear There's something going on between these two.
As we toast, Natalie finally joins us.
"Hey, what did I miss?" She asks.
"We were toasting to a future free of Ray." I answer her.
"And who will you angry flirt with?" She teases.
"That guy sucks." Bishop intervenes, to which I nod.
That's how the evening goes, we talk, remembering the good old days, while Bishop and Heather also try to talk me and Natalie out of playing Panic... no success on their part.
"Let's go dance!" Natalie exclaims, to change subject. She grabs Heather's arm and goes to grab mine too, but I manage to avoid it.
"I'll sit this one out." I say, I notice Natalie's stare, "I never promised I would dance."
She scoff and grabs Bishop, who gives me a helpless look and I just shrug waving at him.
I decide to just stay seated and enjoy my beer and my peace.
"Waiting for me?" Ray's infamous voice makes me groan annoyed.
"Obviously not. Now if you don't mind leaving me alone." I say, not looking up at him.
"I do mind. Especially when you play hard to get, you know how much I love it." He replies, sitting down and dragging the seat right next to me.
"I'm not playing anything. I simply don't like you." I tell him and he leans closer to me.
"Yeah... sure." He softly says, looking down at my lips.
"It's not gonna happen again." I warn.
"Let's bet, then."
"Uh?" I can't deny I'm intrigued.
"I know, you like challenges, so let's bet." He says, confidently looking into my eyes.
"Bet what?" I ask, pretending not to be interested, but his smirk only shows me he see right through it.
"If I win Panic, you'll be mine." He says, looking at my lips again, biting his own.
"Yeah, sure." I laugh at that, taking a sip from my beer.
"Too scared?" He teases.
"No." I, too quickly, answer.
"C'mon," he whispers, "you're sure I'm not gonna win, right?"
"What I get if I win, uh?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.
"I'll leave you alone. Even though we both now you don't actually want that." He winks and stands up.
I consider him for a moment before nodding my head, standing too.
"Fine." I say.
He takes my beer and take a sip from it.
"Deal." he holds out his hands waiting for me to shake it.
"Deal." I sigh, taking his hand to shake it.
He hold my hand for a moment before he pulls me to him so he can whisper into my ear.
"Can't wait, baby." He leaves a peck on my ear and I quickly move away from him.
He smirks and starts to walk back, my beer in hand, before nodding his head and fully turning to walk away.
"Shit." I sigh.
I go look for Natalie and tell her I'm about to get going, since I have work tomorrow.
She tries his best to keep me here and celebrate, with Heather and Bishop's help, but I did my part and it's time for me to go and get some rest.
They reluctantly let me go, Natalie offers to take me home, and since it's already too dark I accept.
I can't wait to lay down on my bed, hopefully forgetting about the bet for a while.
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nexerist · 2 months
Heyyyyy, so I got into writing since work hasn't given me time to actually work on my art. It will soon be resolved in a few weeks, then back to posting more often. I am making a comic again and almost done with it so I don't promise projects that won't come.
Enough about me, and let's get to you! This is a thunderstorm comfort I wrote a while back on AO3 and forgot to post it here. My collection is called Nebula Kisses. This one-shot can be seen as platonic or romantic, next one is more on the romance side but still can be platonic if you wish. But so I don't clog your feed, I'll post the next chapter tomorrow or later but within the week!
I also apologize for the weird formatting, this was written on my phone during the time so I don't have the fancy indents or proper grammar check.
Thank you for sticking around with my inconsistencies, I wish I had more time.
So much love,
Breath |Sun/Moon x Scared!Reader|
[Power had gone out, leaving Sun and Moon to look for you in the dark. However, you are absolutely horrified of thunderstorms.]
The daycare was lit up during the town wide blackout. The rumbling generators along with the constant loop of the daycare music, Sunnydrop was busy awaiting got his favorite visitor. Who might that be, well none other than the security guard who is ordered to look out for the lobby, green rooms, and of course, the daycare. Y/N is what they call themselves, which Sunny really liked that when they mentioned it to him, he walked around repeating it like a song.
But they were late, a half hour late. He taps his foot impatiently, he checks the attendance and sees that they did clock in. What were they doing? Did they get lost? It's impossible to miss his big daycare! Surely you didn't forget either, his lovely face was everywhere, that had to remind you to check on him.
A quiet rumble of the storm outside rang through the building. According to the weather, it was going to be a rough and long storm ahead. Heard it was going to last until morning.
Sun, getting impatient, decided to look for them himself. Feeling confident, he takes his long strides to the daycare door, his hand reaching for the door knob. He felt himself pause for just a moment. He hasn't really left daycare, not that he can't leave, but it was risky. Last time he left was to take care of that rulebreaker and set up some banned signs around Kids Cove, but that was the furthest he went in a very long time. Sun was still very angry about it, but it did reopen the daycare after Freddy left. So maybe he should forgive him? Nah, he needs to apologize first.
Sun shakes his head, he was getting off track. He opens the daycare door, mind back on his mission. To find his Starshine. He takes his long strides, making sure to stay near the light and flashing signs. The easy part was now over as he got to the entrance door that faced the slide back into his daycare.
As soon as he opened the door with great confidence, he saw that is was pitch black. Maybe his friend did get lost, with this darkness and no flashlight, it would be nearly impossible to find him! Not taking into consideration of muscle and location memory. He felt Moon stirring from inside.
“Moon, sorry to wake you up from your nap. Our dear friend is missing and I had hope to do it myself! But uh... Looks like I can't do much.” He spoke aloud. Silence rang through his head, awaiting for his alter ego to speak.
Moon was recently having a fit, and not talking. This happened since Eclipse disappeared into the arcade cabinet when he was playing that discount floppy bird game. Moon had tried to get him out by playing the game, but something happened to him too. He became mostly unresponsive, giving out short phrases or sentences.
Sun would hear his alter giggle, which relieved Sun that Moon was at least in a good mood. Sun takes in a false breath of courage and walked into the dark. If he could close his eyes, he would've. The familiar pain in his face shocked through him, making him grab at it. He feels his rays click into his head on at a time, unlocking his chest compartment which his infamous hat was held in. It started from his fingers, the oranges and silver turned to white and blue.
Sun felt himself pull back and release control. He now stood outside and watched Moon take his hat and place it up on his head. Moon crouched down and stretches his legs, then start crawling on the floor towards the wall. Sun, not wanting to be alone, would do his best to follow.
“Little Star has gone missing.” Is what Moon would say before climbing up the wall and opening a vent to crawl through. He started to giggle and cackle, it echoing through the building and alerting that Moon was out early. The glamrocks retreating to their green rooms as to not go to parts and services.
You had entered the building on time, rarely ever late. Today has been storming hard, the rain pattering hard on the glass of the lobby entrance. Things were up and normal, doing your normal tasks. Checked stock, picked up any lost and found items to either throw away or await for the owner to come in the next day to pick it up. As you head into lost and found, that was when you heard it. It started as a small rumble before the sky roared a building shaking thunder, knocking the power out.
You have always been afraid of thunder since you were young. Not that you could explain it to anyone without the fear of being made fun of for a childish fear. It wasn't childish to you, it was real, the sense of dread and fear that paralyzed you proved it. You drop to the floor, staying as close to the ground as you could. If you could just find your flashlight, you had to crawl around a bit to then heard another rumble.
It took your breath away, your hands shaking as you retrieve the flashlight. Trying to find some solace in the light, you put your thumb on the switch and pushed up. Click. Click-click. Nothing. The flashlight, so cheap that it doesn't even last a hour with full charge, was dead and the charging stations were down. You were in the dark, the loud storm rattling the outside shutter doors, making it very loud and overwhelming.
You grab a blanket from the shelf and put it over you and your head. It just felt safer when surrounded by the soft fabric. Peaking through the opening, you hesitantly get on your feet again. You still had a job to do, but it was going to be slower. You would like your paycheck still and you knew how stingy the company was, taking your panic and finding a way to no pay you.
You would manage to get out of lost and found in the dark. On your way out, a little glow in the dark Monty was resting in a stroller. It must've been left behind but picking it up, it still had its tag and security pin. Rather, someone tried to steal it. It did produce light, enough to get around at least. However, these toys don't glow in the dark for too long. Got maybe, a solid twenty minutes? It's been dark for five, so fifteen. You did your best to scamper to the green rooms and peak around.
You arrive and you see the famous glamrocks interacting with each other. Monty with Roxy and Chica, heading back towards their respective rooms. Monty had taken over as temporary lead as they remade a new Freddy. They did have to use the scraped Mr. Hippo glamrock to fill the fourth spot. Your train of thought was cut off as another loud crash of thunder rang through the building. You huddle against a corner and put the blanket over your head again.
“Why... Why now... Why can't you come when it was after work...” You mutter as you croutch down and felt tears prick your eyes. Another crash finally made you crack, you try to hold back your tears but they started to stream down your face. All you felt was dread, paralyzing fear that. You wanted to scream in fear but that would reveal your fear. You try to be fearless, not let anything bother you. When you first met Sun and Moon, they were rather surprised that you approached them. You had a fascination with how they acted and looked. It was endearing, when you took the time to watch them and interact that even under their rough attitude and words, they were lonely.
Another crash, you were shaking and on the ground. Hands over your ears and a quiet sobbing from your blanket shell. You were too scared to notice the vent opening and the giggling of a certain jester. One with the Moon rather than the sun. The jester made his round, single red eye darting around to find something. Then he hears the sobbing, unfamiliar to his sensors. Crawling over, he finds the shaking blanket of which the sobbing came from. When he lifted the blanket that was when he saw you. Your glow in the dark Monty plush was almost out of glow, leaving you in almost pure darkness.
Moon was all you saw now, his eye lit up the small space. He tilts his head in confusion.
“Why is Little Star hiding? No monsters are here, just Moon” He spoke, unsure to react to the crying. You quickly wipe your face and sniffle, putting up your strong front.
“Cause uhh, I was playing a game..?” You made it sound more like a question than an answer. Of course, it was a lie, so Moon leaned closer.
“Then why cry? Liar, liar I hate liars. Speak truth.” Moon wipes a tear from your cheek. But as you go to answer, the loudest crash of thunder lands. It shook the building again, making the lights flicker and power back off. You yelp and cling onto Moon. You try to get as close as you could, fingers slipping a tad just for you to scramble to get your grip. You breathing escalated and felt the verge of hyperventilation. You weren't expecting anything from Moon, never was the touchy one unlike Sun who couldn't stop having tiny touches and bumps.
But you then felt mechanical arms wrap around you. He sat down and pulled you onto his lap, cradling you close to him. He gently rocks back and fourth, winding his broken chest music box. He was taking nap time protocol with some modifications. His broken music box plays a soft tune, though in some places it wobbled.
“Breathe. Deep breaths. It will be okay..” Moon whispers. You try to follow his instructions, still freaking out. Your shaking breath and hiccups try to find a rhythm. Moon rests his blue hand and rubs gently up and down your back. It was slow. “Breathe in..” He whispers, his hand gliding up slowly, helping you follow. You take a shuttering breath in, slow like his hand. It stops, in which you held your breath. “Breathe out...” His hand runs back down and you sigh out. It was then looped
Moon would then carry you, you holding onto him with your legs around his thin waist, him with a arm under you and one on your back to keep the rhythm going. He adjusted the blanket to keep it over your head.
He arrives back to the door of the daycare, avoiding the light, he hooked his arm around the wall to find the light switch to turn off the lights. He finds it and flicks it off, hearing the buzzing electricity stop. He peeks in to make sure and then walks in. He takes the long way around and gets inside the daycare. He would have the fly hook attach to his back and he glides over to his and Sun's tower.
“... Moon..? Why are we here..?” You asked, hearing the rumble again and wincing at the noise. Moon would hold you close as he goes back to crawling. He crawls through a small hole off to the side and see that it was a small hiding place. There was boxes, drawings, a mattress with a few pillows. There was also an arcade cabinet in the corner with the screen busted.
“Hide away, storm won't follow here.. Safe here..” He crawls onto the mattress and lays you next to him. The rumbles of the storms were dampened, making it barely audible. With the help of Moon's music box as well, he pets your head.
“... Thank you.” You mumble out, only for Moon respond with a fake click of his tongue. He giggled a bit and curled up around you, his legs are under yours, making you rest yours on top of his. You both cuddle up under the blanket, Moon rubbing your back to keep the deep breath rhythm.
A very loud roar of the sky fills the room, and you both tense up and huddle. A few more tears fall and Moon quickly wipes them away. It was the first time you would ever see Moon have a slight shake in his hand. He was afraid too, of thunder and storms. He was able to repress his fear as his tip top priority was to make sure you were okay first. But he felt as if he needed to keep up this false confidence that you could remain calm.
You mimic his movements, running your hand on his back in a soothing motion.
“Breathe...” You both say at the same time. You get as close as you two could and comforted each other. Moon pecks the top of your head. He felt safe with you, and you felt safe with him. For someone as reclusive as Moon, this was a good bonding experience that neither of you would forget.
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makeitmingi · 3 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 24]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word counter: 3.2K
You let out a long sigh as you stepped out of the building. Looking up at the bright sky, you paused for a bit before heading to your car. You drove home, feeling the weariness start to settle in your bones. It was no surprise to see a pair of shoes at your entrance way when you entered your house.
"Hwa? I'm back." You called out, putting your own shoes away. Seonghwa let out an acknowledgement and poked his head out from the bathroom.
"Welcome back." He wrapped his arms around you. You melted into his touch.
"Are you hungry? I made some potato waffles and bacon." He offered. You let out a hum, standing straight to go to your room.
"After I eat, I need a nap before meeting Yunho later." You informed, putting your bag aside and changing into more comfortable home clothes. Seonghwa fixed a plate for you.
"Sure you're good to go out with him?" He asked.
"Yeah, just need to rest for a bit and I'll be fine." You assured, leaning your elbows on the counter and rubbing your temples.
"He doesn't know?"
"No, not yet. He did offer to pick me up but I told him I'll end late or at least after noon, just to give myself some time." You said, looking at the clock that only showed 10:30am. Seonghwa nodded and put the plate on the counter, alongside the cutlery.
"Have you eaten?" You asked, taking a bite of the potato waffle with some bacon. Seonghwa shook his head, making his own plate and sitting beside you.
"You know I will always wait for you." He patted your head before digging into his own food.
"Aren't you going to ask me why I haven't told him yet?" You ask, nibbling on the edge of a strip of the bacon.
"You know I won't ask... Plus, I know you well enough to know the reason without having to ask you." Seonghwa replied with a feigned scoff of offense, drinking his juice.
"Some times you knowing me too well makes you very unfun." You rolled your eyes.
"That's the point." He chuckled.
"I'm going to do the dishes and go to bed." You yawned, bringing your plate to the sink to wash, silently hoping Seonghwa wouldn't offer to wash them.
But like Seonghwa said, he knew you. He purposely didn't offer to do the dishes because he knew you didn't want to be babied or treated like you were fragile. When Seonghwa was done, you did his dishes too and he waited for you at the counter. After you finished all the dishes, you both headed to your room.
"Set an alarm for me, I don't want to oversleep." You murmured, burying your cheek against the pillow.
"Yes, ma'am." Seonghwa set the alarm and placed his phone on the nightstand. You let out a soft sigh as Seonghwa tucked you in under the blanket. He made sure you were comfortable.
"Thanks, Hwa." You said.
"Get some sleep before you become a grump monster with Yunho." Seonghwa teased.
"And there it goes. You know, I was trying to be nice and appreciative but you just had to ruin it." You glared at him before turning away so he faced your back instead.
"Hmph, I'm going to sleep and ignore you." You said like a little kid and drifted off the sleep almost immediately.
"You act all tough but deep down, you're like a baby." Seonghwa said softly, a small smile on his face. When you were kids, you always protected Seonghwa, being the outwardly tougher one of the two. Taking care of you is how he repays you.
"Sweetheart, wake up. You got to get ready." Seonghwa shook you lightly to wake you. Your mumbled something incoherant and slid under the blanket.
"I can still see you." He laughed.
"No... You can't." You drowned out. Grabbing the ends, Seonghwa pulled the covers back.
"You're going to be late. Don't keep Yunho waiting." He patted your butt, coaxing you to get up. Holding your elbows, he gently tugged you into a sitting position, combing your hair back.
"Alright, I'm going." You yawned and stretched your arms over your head before getting out of bed to go shower.
"Be useful and help me decide what you wear to a carnival!" You said and entered the bathroom.
Any other person would have thought you were being rude to Seonghwa but he knew you were just joking. Rolling his eyes, he opened your closet door to put together an outfit for you to wear. He picked some wide legged pants and a light purple button up crop blouse that had a chinese collar.
"Outfit's laid out on the bed!" Seonghwa knocked on the bathroom door.
"Okay, thank you!" You replied. He went to use the other bathroom outside as you stepped out of the shower. You looked at the outfit that he laid out on the bed, happy with it.
"Too girly?" Seonghwa chuckled as he walked back into the room.
"Nope. It looks good." You smiled. You kept your robe on to dry your hair first. Once your hair was dried, you changed into the outfit.
"You sure you good? I'm sure Yunho will be fine if you postpone." Seonghwa leaned against the wall, sipping his tea that he made and watching you put on makeup.
"I'm fine, Hwa. Don't worry." You smiled. Choosing some jewellery, you put them on and checked your reflection.
"Beautiful." Seonghwa cupped your cheeks.
"Stop~" You whined, going to retrieve your bag and shoes. You wore purple air force 1s to match your top. Yunho sent you a text to let you know that he was on the way. Seonghwa gathered his things too, he'll go home when you leave.
"Some coffee will do the trick." You headed to the fridge. Seonghwa watched you with a raised eyebrow while you poured cold brew into your cup and drank it before pouring more.
"Hey, enough." Seonghwa chided. You pouted, like a little kid that was denied candy.
"Fine." You put the container back. When Yunho texted you that he was downstairs, you and Seonghwa put on your shoes.
"Have fun, love. I'll see you tomorrow." Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you, kissing your temple. You wrapped your arms around him, leaning against his chest.
"Thanks, Hwa. I'll see you tomorrow." You said. While you got off the lift on the first floor, Seonghwa got off at the basement to get to his car.
"Hey, Yunho." You smiled.
"Hi, (y/n). You look nice." Yunho smiled back, opening the door for you to enter. You bowed your head as you sat down and put on your seatbelt. Yunho came back to the driver's seat. Opening your bag, you took a small plastic pack out and handed it to him. He blinked in surprised, not expecting a gift from you.
"What is this?" He asked, eyes lighting up in excitement as he studied the pack of treats that you handed him.
"You've been giving me flowers and gifts so I wanted to make something for you as a gift from me. It's peanut butter chocolate chip cookies." You explained.
"I love peanut butter! Thank you." He grinned and suddenly hugged you. You laughed, slowly reaching up to pat his back.
"You're very welcome." You giggled.
"Let's go." Yunho put the cookies in his best seat before beginning the drive to where the carnival was located. You were excited to be spending time with Yunho at a carnival, it seemed romantic.
"Have you been to a carnival before?" You asked, fingers drumming against your thighs.
"Yeah. But the last time I went, I was in high school with Mingi. So it's been a while. What about you?" He asked back.
"I went to some when I was little, my mother liked to go and play the games there, win all the prizes for me. But we stopped going as I got older. I guess it's been a while for me too." You chuckled. You missed going to the carnival with your mother and father.
"Sorry the parking is a little far. I guess they blocked the usual carparks for the booths. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes." Yunho apologised as he pulled up into the parking lot.
"Nothing to apologise for. Besides, it'll be nice to walk along the beach." You smiled. You both got out of the car.
"It's this way... I think..." He said, checking the map on his phone.
"I trust you." You giggled. Yunho's cheeks turned red at your admittance. He cleared his throat and gestured for you to start walking with him.
"The weather is nice and cool, thankfully." You let out a content sigh, feeling the light breeze from the beach shore below.
"Let me know if you're cold." Yunho smiled softly. You nodded, looking away shyly.
While the both of you walked along the path, there was a nice silence in the air. Whatever awkwardness had dissipated, you both just quietly enjoyed being in each other's presence. And somewhere along the way, the both of you mustered the courage to hold the other person's hand.
"Tickets, please." The person at the entry booth asked. Yunho handed the two tickets and the attendant put wristbands around each of your wrists.
"Enjoy the carnival." He bowed. You grabbed a map of the carnival to see what booths there were.
"Shall we go for these rides first?" You asked.
Seeing that you were the one that suggested going on the rides first, Yunho was silently relieved. Somewhere along the way, Hongjoong had asked Yunho if he knew whether you were afraid of heights.
"Are you okay with heights and rollercoasters?" You looked up at him when you noticed the look on his face.
"I'm okay. I was worried that you weren't and realised that I had forgotten to ask you before suggesting coming here." He said.
"Don't worry. Even if I was, there are many other things to do here together." You laughed. Yunho nodded in agreement, reaching out to laced your fingers again before you set out to find the different rides the carnival had to offer.
"I think I felt my heart drop to my stomach." Yunho rubbed his tummy as you got off the swinging viking ship.
"Shall we go to the disco pang pang before moving to the carnival snacks?" You asked.
"Is it safe? I've seen people fall from the lack of seatbelts." Yunho frowned slightly. Also, he was secretly worried the operator would throw you onto the lap of someone else.
"I'm sure it's safe." You patted his arm. As you stood in the line, you watched the other people have their turn.
"Time for matchmaking!" The operator announced excitedly. Yunho watched in horror as girls were thrown around for guys to catch.
"Yunho, are you okay?" When you placed a hand on Yunho's bicep, he turned to you with a tight smile. He wrapped an arm around you to hug you, surprising you.
"I'm fine. I just want to hug you." He said.
"We don't have to if you don't want to." You assured. Yunho shook his head and waited with his arm holding you close to him. When the previous goers stepped off, you and Yunho stepped on, finding an empty space to sit together. Yunho eyed the other guys that filled up the other seats.
"Are you ready to roll?!" The operator yelled. Yunho put an arm over your lap securely, his arm becoming a makeshift seatbelt for you. Thinking he was scared, you draped an arm over his shoulders.
"Hold on tight." Yunho warned. You nodded, pulling yourself until your side was pressed to his.
"Woohoo!" You let out happy laughs as your body was thrown around from the ride. Yunho laughed, seeing how happy you were.
"Matchmaking time!" The operator began to point at different patrons, both boys and girls, asking if they were single or taken before throwing them around.
"Yes! Protect her! Introduce yourselves to each other!" The operator encouraged as he threw a girl into a boy's lap.
"You, girl in the purple blouse! Are you single?" The operator asked you. You were about to open your mouth to reply when Yunho cut you off.
"SHE'S TAKEN BY ME AND ME ONLY! MOVE ON TO SOMEONE ELSE!" Yunho barked, a frown on his face. With his arm over you and your arms around his shoulders, was it not blatantly obvious that you were not single? He was annoyed that the operator still dare ask you.
"Yunho..." Your hand stroked the back of his head. He turned to you, his frown becoming a charming smile. The operator didn't care and just moved on to the other patrons.
"Hold on!" You were all thrown for another round. Yunho loved how you were genuinely enjoying yourself, laughing loudly.
"Be careful." He held your hand to escort you down the steps.
"Did you hear what he said? That's so romantic. I would want a protective boyfriend like that." Yunho heard some girls whispering to each other behind him.
"So, I'm yours?" You raised an eyebrow at him. Yunho's jaw slacked, suddenly flustered.
"I'm just teasing." You giggled.
"I'm hungry, let's go get some food." He mumbled, holding your hand properly and leading you to the food stands. There was very typical carnival food, a lot of fried food and sweet treats.
"You sit here to keep our seat. I'll go get the slushies, what flavour would you like?" He asked as you both put the trays of food down on the table. Turning your head, you squinted your eyes to see what flavours the vendor had. After giving Yunho your order, he trotted off to purchase them.
"Mom! It's time for the spring carnival, shall we go this weekend?" You asked with a big, excited grin, jumping onto the couch where your mother sat, sipping her tea.
"(y/n), your mother is sick. You should know better than to ask her to go to the carnival." Your father scolded.
"Mom...?" You turned to your mother.
"I already said no. Do you want her to collapse and get more sick?" Your father asked with a deep, angry frown. Your bottom lip quivered as tears formed.
"I'm sorry, mom. I don't want you to get more sick." You hugged her, crying softly as guilt consumed you. She stroked your head.
"No, there's nothing for you to be sorry about. I'm the one that should be sorry, angel. I promise we'll go next time, okay?" She said apologetically, continuing to comfort you. You nodded, that was the first spring carnival that you missed.
Little did you know, you would never go to another carnival again. Your mother just got sicker and it was impossible for her to go with you.
"(y/n)?" Someone calling your name made your memory break. You shook your head to focus again.
"Are you okay?" You met Yunho's eyes of concern. There was a lump in your throat that you struggled to swallow. Not trusting your words, you merely nodded.
"Here." He handed you the strawberry slushie.
"Thanks." You whispered and took a sip. You knew you needed to push aside your feelings and not worry Yunho even further.
"Eat up before the food gets colder." You said to him. Yunho nodded, he was still worried about your sudden change in demeanour but he didn't press the issue. You seemed distraught enough.
After the food was done and you were both full, you and Yunho strolled along all the different game stalls. Unknowingly, you were holding Yunho's hand a lot tighter, not that he minded. He just really wished to know why you were sad or upset. He wanted to make you feel better and cheer you up.
"Young man! Would you like to win this cute plush for your pretty girlfriend?" A stall owner beckoned Yunho over.
"You don't have to." You said.
"Let me prove my sniper skills. All those gaming hours should have some payoffs right?" He laughed. You giggled and nodded, cheering him on as he grabbed the toy rifle.
"Just hit the target down and you win. Easy." The stall owner said, tucking Yunho's money into his pouch.
"I'll win whatever prize you want." Yunho winked.
"Good luck." You shot him a double thumbs up. However, as Yunho aimed and shot out the 3 soft bullets that he had, the target wasn't knocked down.
"Oh, sorry. Young man, maybe next time!" The stall owner said. But Yunho wasn't going to give up. He slammed the money down.
"Again." He stared at the man. But even after going for a second time, the target was still standing and Yunho was defeated. That didn't stop the man. Taking his wallet out, he took out more money and handed it to the man.
"Yunho, it's okay. You know these things are mostly rigged anyway. We can try the other stalls." You said softly.
"No, I'm going to beat it. I'm winning you that toy." He said with determination and frowned, showing just how serious he was. Finally, after a few more tries, Yunho knocked it down.
"I did it!" He hugged you, jumping up and down. You laughed and followed along with his actions.
"Here you go, young man." The stall owner handed Yunho the stuffed golden retriever. He held it out to you with a smile.
"Wait, I want to take a picture of this. Hang on." You leaned back slightly to take a picture of Yunho holding the plush with a proud smile. You giggled at his smile.
"A golden retriever with a golden retriever." You snickered. He had a flat look on his face, thrusting the plush into your arms.
"So what are you naming this one?" He asked, stroking the dog's head as if it were a real animal.
"I'll name it Yuyu!" You looked up at him with sparkling eyes and a big smile. Yunho smiled fondly at you, letting out a laugh of adoration. He was touched that you named both of your new plushes after him. Handing the stall owner his phone, Yunho wrapped an arm around you and posed together with Yuyu in the middle.
"Thank you." You both bowed and went along to the other stalls. You and Yunho took turns paying for the games, focussed more on having fun rather than winning more prizes.
"Shall I win something for you now?" You teased.
"I'd much rather continue to beat you at games." Yunho shook his head with a mocking smile.
"You practically spend all your free time gaming! Of course you will beat me at all these." You glared at him while he just gave you a cheeky expression.
"I'll let you win some, okay?" He wrapped an arm around you as you continued walking.
"Don't patronise me." You rolled your eyes but made no move to get out of his hold. You felt secure and safe with Yunho's arm around you, almost like you could feel how he protected you.
And for some reason, you just never wanted him to ever let you go.
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highonmarvel · 3 months
Hello! It's not 2024 yet,but it will be in one more day so Happy New Year in Advance! May I please request a dark!reader with a soft!dark Bucky? Not a dark or fully dark Bucky but soft dark one like the Bucky you wrote in your recent story called 'Himalayan Salt'. Your dark Bucky really scares me as they are truly dark and cruel,and stay true to the dark fics genre. But for this request,may I request that he won't do any hitting or physical abuse towards the reader? Because I find that I really liked your 'Himalayan Salt' soft!dark!Bucky.
My request is dark!reader is obsessed with Bucky and stalks him,snaps his pictures to keep to herself,steal his stuffs to keep as souveniers,basically everything a yandere would do. But she has no clue that Bucky is also obsessed with her,probably more than she is of him and that he knows everything that she's doing to him when she thought he wasn't looking or didn't notice. He even finds it amusing and think of her as an adorable amateur stalker. She doesn't talk to him and never introduces herself to him (which Bucky wishes she would do) because she thinks someone as handsome as Bucky wouldn't even spare someone like her a glance so she resorts to watching him and fantasizing about him from afar.
Reader got herself in his apartment (that he didn't have proper security or proper locks for on purpose so she can enter easily and his apartment,not hers,because she wouldn't be able to get him back to her place as easily) to hide and wait until he gets back. He has tiny cameras in his apartment that connects to his phone that let him know that Reader is in his apartment and is about to kidnap him. He get home ASAP,acts normal and unaware and purposely stands near to a spot that he knows reader is hiding at and turns his back to her to let her knock him out. She knocked him out and tied him up/restraints him on his bed. He woke up some time later to reader explaining her plan to keep him and reader forces herself on him. Which he pretends not to like at first so he can let her have her moment and let her think she has the upper hand here. But then he started laughing and giggling which confuses and creeps reader out before he broke out of his restraints easily and flipped her over,pinning her on his bed and revealing that he's knew all along and he's far more obsessed with her as he thinks about her everyday,enjoying the little game they play that's she's unaware of and have his way with her in the end. His turn.
I know you said to expect physical abuse or hitting in your fics as they are dark fics but I want to request that Bucky doesn't hit or physically abuse reader in any way in this one,if I can. And vice versa with reader never hitting or physically abuse Bucky except to knock him out as I find her chloroforming an enchanced super soldier unrealistic. Just the non con or dub con committed towards Reader by Bucky in the end. So I guess it's a soft!dark!reader x soft!dark!Bucky request.
Sorry for this long & shitty request and sorry if this isn't really in your lane. I just needed to get this off my chest before I forgot about the idea completely. And I just wanted to try my luck. It's also okay if you don't want to do it,I understand ❤ I'll be treating myself to your other works and upcoming stories in the future. Take care of yourself,hope you're doing well,stay safe and have a blessed New Year ❤❤❤ Thank you for just reading through my terrible request alone and sorry to put you through this lol. Thanks again ❤ Much love! 💞
i’m gonna be honest with you, i wasn’t really into this. the idea sounds cool but i’m not really into dark!reader, though i see where you’re coming from, and i get that my fics are really fucking dark, but someone has to do it. but this was so well thought out and you were so kind at the end i had to do it for ya. and i had fun! it was outside my comfort zone, that’s why it took so long (among other things.) you had a lot here so i apologise if it doesn’t come out as you wanted, but i tried my best, and i did change it just a little bit. here it is:
Amateur Hour
Bucky Barnes: A glimpse generates an obsession, though maybe it’s not as one-sided as you think.
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content warnings here!
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Sort of subdued all your life, you’ve never had the courage to come right out and say you liked someone, and that led you to observation more than conversation, watching people you admire closely, but nothing more, until you see him.
It’s a fairly overcast day, the sun just peaking out enough so as to not make the air cold. You sit peacefully on a park bench, reading a novel without the threat of rain tempting fear of getting your book wet. You hear someone coming down the path, obviously, because this is a public park, and you don’t know why you look up, but you do, and the wind is knocked right out of your chest.
You’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him, brown hair and mysterious steel blue eyes with a perfectly sculpted jawline and just enough stubble so as to make your heart rate pick up. You don’t realise you’re staring after him until he turns and gives you a quick friendly smile, pink lips upturning for a moment before he continues, but enough to make you develop an obsession of sorts.
You’re used to watching people you admire, and that’s as far as it goes, but this… this is different. He has to have been sculpted by God Himself, strong arms and broad shoulders you all but want to be wrapped in. You could never speak to a man like that, but you could never let him escape in the streets and never see him again, you’re already haunted by the image of him having only briefly met his eyes, you know you’ll go insane if you don’t know him, and so a less insane option is to… watch.
Very casually, you shut your book and stand, stretching before strolling in his direction, keeping your footsteps small enough so that you can follow without him getting suspicious as to why you don’t overtake him. You take in the tress around you, nature you usually appreciate, but you can’t really observe any beauty anymore without knowing they will never compare to the man in front of you. It’ll never be enough now.
And you don’t know it, but Bucky smirks to himself as he hears your gentle footsteps behind him.
You turn out as he does, and usually you would be more vigilant to pickpockets and busy people speed walking on the pavements of New York, but there’s nothing in the world that can take your focus off of the back of his head. You’re sure you must have bumped into a few people, but you can’t recall it, mumbling an apology every once in a while until you stop them completely, trying to keep as silent as possible. You follow him for a bit, though you’re not sure how long; every concept you’ve ever known—time and space—are nothing compared to him. You’re desperate for him to look at you again, you almost want to out yourself right then and there and force his lips onto yours, but you know that’s dumb, yet still it takes you a lot more self control that you ever thought you needed to keep your cool.
You reach a block of apartment buildings and slow down slightly—with less people around, you don’t want to look suspicious. When he turns to one, you turn to the one across the street, watching in the reflection of the glass door entrance as he lets himself into a building. So that’s where he lives. You jot down the address in your notes app and take a picture of the place, just in case, ducking behind a car to see if one of the windows will open revealing him. You frown when after a few minutes, there’s no movement, and so you head around the back, where the flat is facing an empty lot rather than a long road. And you see him, standing by his window, the breeze perfectly combing through his hair.
So you’re the quiet type, you note, seeing as he’d rather his place face no one than everyone. You can’t help yourself from taking another picture, and just before he disappears from your sight. Once he’s gone, you press your back against the wall and grip your phone with both hands to take in that beautiful sight forever. You can’t fight it anymore, you have to know him.
Bucky chuckles to himself as he steps back. He knew you were in the park, he came specifically for a walk to see you, but he wasn’t really expecting you to have such an immediate and visceral reaction to the sight of him. Bucky’s no stranger to flirty glances, but he saw that glint in your eyes, and he knows it; it’s the same one he had when he saw you. When he heard you get up behind him, he hoped it was because you were going to introduce yourself (not that he needed your name, but that seemed like an easier way to go about it) but when the sound of your footsteps didn’t speed up or die down, he knew you were following him. Bucky’s obsession with your started when you’d sweetly bought a cake in a cute bakery, and you just screamed innocence to him right off the bat. Now, well, maybe you’re not so innocent in your own eyes, but, if anything, you’re a little naïve to him, and he finds it adorable.
The next day you head back over and sit in your car for a little bit, waiting for him to come out, but you get an opportunity just as good. The mailman comes around with probably some junk mail, and you hop out your car, pretending you were entering your own building. When he opens the door, you stop him.
“I’m just going in, don’t worry, I can take it from you,” you say with a friendly smiles. He thanks you for helping him on his long route as he hands you a few letters and magazines: junk. You wave him goodbye as you step in and the door falls shut behind you.
“Do you live here?” a voice asks, and you startle as you turn to security seated behind a desk.
“No! I’m just volunteering a little on the mail route,” you smile at him, innocently, and raising the pitch of your voice to appear sweeter, “And I’m sorry, I just need a little help getting it into the right boxes.
“Well, I can do it for you,” he offers, but you shake your head.
To avoid suspicion you offer, “Well, there’s five floors, you can do floors one and two and I’ll do three and up.” You counted that the man you’re obsessed with lives on the fourth floor.
He agrees and you get to work putting mail where he tells you each person and their door number.
“James B Barnes?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. You had done a few on his floor and asked a little about each, but most of them were either women or people living together, and you knew he had to live alone, he seems really reserved and to himself, likes the quiet.
“James? I don’t know a James…” you frown as he furrows his brows in thought, but suddenly he snaps his fingers and smiles, “Ah, Barnes! That’s Bucky, 4D, really keeps to himself.”
Bucky. But you have to make sure it’s the right person.
“I see,” you say as you gently place letters in a box on the fourth row marked with the letter D, “You don’t know much about him?”
“Nah, only that he’s really into gloves, never see him without ‘em, even in scorching hot weather.”
The man you saw yesterday was wearing gloves, even though it wasn’t really cold. That has to be him.
It takes a while to fill up the rest as you try to keep friendly conversation going to not appear suspicious. When you’re finally done, he goes back to scribble something down on a piece of paper.
“You know, he says as he finishes it off, “If you’re going to be coming down this way for a while, you should have the building code, make it easier for you,” he hands you the piece of paper with a smile.
“Thank you!” you say, a little too eagerly as you read the code: 8496, “I’m often busy with work so I’m not sure how many days I can be here,” you sulk, “But I’ll try come in every once in a while, count on it.”
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, apartment 4D, you’re getting somewhere.
You’ve started to notice that you’ve been so distracted lately you’ve been misplacing items; a t-shirt you thought was in your cupboard would end up on the floor, a few of your bras seem to have disappeared, and you can’t find random notes you’ve written and placed throughout the house. But it’s fine, once you have him you can deal with all that: none of that is as important as Bucky.
You’ve always been a bit of a loner, but the next two weeks you spend talking to no one, not even responding to work emails as you stalk Bucky. You’ve managed to sneak in a few times (he doesn’t lock his door) and grab some of his stuff—you even wear his t-shirts sometimes, absolutely intoxicated by his scent—snap a few pictures for memories. Following him around, you find that you were right: he is more of a loner; he hardly talks to anyone, he’s got two friends, Sam and Steve, who he sees maybe once a week for drinks, but that’s it.
On a Friday night, you snap: you have to have him.
Bucky is in the middle of taking a sip of beer, watching Sam and Steve laugh at his deadpan joke, when he gets a notification on his phone. It’s a specific sound he has just for the cameras in his house, tells the guys it’s security, and they get it, they think Bucky is a little paranoid from his past, but if anything, his past makes him more comfortable to being exposed to attack, he knows he can take them, and no one with half a brain cell would try a serious-looking well-built man.
He manages to excuse himself for the night, but not without a little protest from Steve and Sam. To get out of explaining himself, he places money on the table for the men to get another round on him, and they cheer as he exits the bar.
Outside in the dark, he opens the app and turns his phone landscape to swipe through the multiple cameras set up in his house to get to the one where you are. Of course you’re in his bedroom; he’s noticed you’ve been stealing some of his clothes, once even a pair of his boxers, and so he moved your stuff to a better hiding spot. From watching you, it didn’t even seem like you noticed your things going missing, that or you didn’t care, but he knew you weren’t as attentive as you thought. Once he literally followed you in his car just to see how far he could go and you didn’t pay it any mind, walking through your neighbourhood as normal—though, granted, you did have your earphones in.
Excitement ripples down Bucky’s spine and he can’t help but smile at the screen as he notices you ducking behind his bed. Really? Behind his bed? Not even in the closet? He bites his lip to prevent himself from laughing, but not in a malicious way, in an adoring way, that you really are committed to this, but not as committed as he is. He’s seen the chloroform, baseball bat and ropes you bought, you’ve been planning it for a little, but nothing could prepare you for him.
He has to stop himself from full on sprinting down the road to get back home. He does to want to show up sweaty and panting, so he tries with all his might to make it casual stroll. He makes sure to slam the front door behind him so you know he’s here, and he sighs loudly as he shrugs off his jacket before tossing it onto the couch. Maybe it’ll spook you too much if he went straight to his bedroom, so he goes to the bathroom first to freshen up a bit, give you time to really think this through, maybe you’ll change your mind. Not that he’ll change his.
His bedroom door is closed, which he finds a little cute because he knows he left it slightly ajar, but you didn’t really take that into consideration. When he enters, he turns to close the door behind him, giving you time to sneak up and hit him over the head with a bat.
He falls, pretends he’s been knocked out, as if a bat could take him out; he’s been punched through walls and barely flinched before getting back up to fight. It takes a lot in him to stop himself from smiling as he feels you lift him from under his armpits and drag him onto the bed. It takes a bit, but once he’s lying down, you puff out a breath and wipe your brows; that was a bit of a workout for you, but for him… how easy it would be to manhandle you.
He hears you shuffling and feels harsh rope chafe against his skin as you wrap a piece around his ankle, not nearly tight enough, and he thinks it’s because you don’t want to hurt him, which is sweet. You’re just so sweet.
Once you’ve ‘secured’ his ankles and wrists, he waits a few moments before he pretends to stir, coming to consciousness. He puts on a confused and scared look as he notices you at the edge of the bed, as if he hasn’t been dreaming about this for the longest time. As soon as your eyes meet his, he can hear the near whisper, swoon-like sigh you give. Bucky has never considered himself too attractive, doesn’t pay much mind when someone is attracted to him, neither gives him an ego boost or knocks him down a notch, but you, the way you’re so affected by his presence has his heart rate picking up.
“You’re just so beautiful,” you breathe, “Bucky.”
Bucky tightens his fists to prevent himself groaning at the sound of his name falling from your lips, and he’s struggling even more now to restrain himself, wanting to fuck you so hard that’s all you can say, just broken sobs of his name as you come over and over, legs trembling around his waist…
“I’m sorry,” you apologise as you stand.
The corner of his lip twitches, and he can tell you’ve noticed, but that scared face he’s putting on for your benefit quickly takes over his expression as you climb over him. He wants to beg you to stop, maybe give you a little more time to feel in control, but it’s been a while now, and he can’t help the chuckle that slips past his smiling lips.
You look up from his crotch to see him full-on laughing now, not necessarily deranged, but laughing like you’ve told him a genuinely funny joke. You sit back on him carefully as you watch this odd behaviour, that really unsettles you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologies, still with a smile on his face as he shakes his head, “It’s just… come on, now. You’re adorable, but what is this, amateur hour?”
You don’t really have time to take in his giggly response to being ostensibly held captive before he easily pulls himself free of the restraints. You gasp and grab hold of his waist as he grabs hold of your hips, easily pinning you underneath him like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Trying to contain his amusement, he drops his head to hide his smile, but can’t hide it away again when he looks back down at you.
“Two weeks?” he breaths over you, his tone not mocking, but near incredulous, “Try two months, sweetheart. I’ve seen your internal conflict, knowing what you were doing is wrong but not being able to stop, huh?”
He raises an eyebrow with his question and you gulp and look down from his eyes to through his legs.
“Where do you think all your shit’s being going? Things don’t just disappear, touches aren’t always just dreams. And listen,” he brings a hand up from your waist to gently tap your cheek, signalling for you to look back at him, and you do, “I’ve enjoyed playing this little game with you, but I’ve been waiting too long for this now to let you have all the fun.”
You gasp as he ducks his head to press a gentle yet possessing kiss to your neck, grasping onto his hair to keep his mouth against your pulse. He smiles against you, and you take a deep breath in as you turn your head to allow him more space, gently tugging him downwards as you listen to his soft kisses and feel the loving stroke of his fingers on your inner thigh. His gentleness soon turns a little more rushed, like he’s desperate; he lets out a choked groan as he grinds his tightening jeans against your thigh, which you return with a moan of your own, pulling his head from your neck which he at first tries to fight, so lost in the taste of your skin, the quickening rise and fall of your chest against his, your sighs of his name, but he reluctantly pulls away, only to be immediately pulled down to your face as you crash your lips against his. He can tell you’re eager by the way you shift your thighs every once in a while, but he knows there’s fear in the trembling fingers that hold him against you.
Once his tongue slides into your mouth, you know it’s over, unable to stop yourself from draping your arm over his neck so he’s as close to you as possible.
“Bucky…” you moan against his mouth, rolling your hips against him.
“Fuck,” he rasps.
You desperately claw at the waistband of his jeans, and he smiles as he pulls away and sits up to take in your flushed cheeks; he’s hardly touched you and you’re already pleading, “Please, please, please.” He’s sure by now the only words you can get out are ‘fuck,’ ‘please,’ or ‘Bucky,’ and he can’t quite decide which is his favourite one… Definitely his name.
“It’s coming, sweetheart,” he says as he undoes his belt, “Hold on.”
It’s no task for him to pull off your pants as you arch your hips, and he really can’t help but smirk to himself as he notices the dark patch on your underwear when he slides it off next.
He props himself up as he slowly pushes into you, grunting at how good you feel. You moan and Bucky rewards the sweet sound by hiking up your thigh to hit you deeper. You cry out as he bottoms inside you, digging your nails into his back and squeezing your eyes shut, cunt tightening around him, too.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as he pulls back and pushes into you again. Your hands move to grasp onto his shoulders, and if you’re pushing him off, he doesn’t notice it, letting out a whimper when he hits your spot again, your fingers grasping onto him for dear life.
He tried to keep slow, but he hurries a little, fucking addicted to feeling you, so lost he’s letting pathetic noises fall from his lips as he pushes into you each time, making sure to give praises of, “Fuck, that’s good, you’re so good, fuck,” between harsh breaths, and you can reply with nothing but whines and moans under him.
When he feels your legs begin to tremble, he pulls the one over his waist further back, hitting you even deeper, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, and this time he feels your nails break into his skin.
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky,” is all you can get out as he hovers over you.
“You gonna come, sweetheart? You can do that, fuck, please, please come for me.”
If the feeling of his cock wasn’t enough to drive you over the edge, his pleads and whines do it; you let out a broken sob of his name as you clench down on him, orgasm ripping through you better than in all your fantasies.
“Fuck, yeah, yeah, that’s good, ‘m gonna come in you now, okay?”
And it doesn’t take long, a few more thrusts and he releases himself inside of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting out a long groan of your name. When his breathing has slowed slightly, he raises himself to look down at you, and he doesn’t think he could deny himself another round, whether you want it or not.
[taglist; @cjand10, @pr30087, fill out this form if you’d like to be added!]
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Oral sex in an alleyway. Degradation. Forced love confession. Alcohol use
a/n: I...I lied 😂 Someone I know is gonna find me and force me to sleep. But anyways, @xxventiswindblumexx stirred my brain to life again after I read their delicious Scara smut earlier. It was chef's kiss amazing. I borrowed a little inspiration from it, so some credit goes to them. I hope you don't mind, dear. There is a really dumb joke in this. 😭 I'm only making fun of myself with it.
You were out drinking at a tavern to celebrate another mission complete ahead of schedule. You were engaged in a playful drinking game with Childe. Scaramouche watched you quietly.
"Ha!" You exclaimed, wiping your mouth and smacking your glass onto the table. "You can admit defeat, Childe. It's fine. I won't laugh at you," you slurred slightly, giggling, "much." You added with a smirk.
Childe threw up his hands in defeat. "Okay, girlie. I know when I have been beat. I know you aren't a lightweight. By the way," he said, handing you a folded piece of paper. "Here is the new safe house codes. They reset today, remember."
"Oh, thanks," you took the piece of paper, and unfolded it to read. It said YMCA. You squinted, "Wait...this isn't enough letters, the code is usually four letters..ohh.."
So maybe you were drunker than you thought.
You crumbled up the piece of paper and put it in your pocket, a flush of embarrassment coating your cheeks. "...Whatever, thanks. I need some air," you grumbled, stumbling a little as you moved around Childe.
"Awwww come on, don't go," Childe.slurred, trying to pull you into his lap, "I didn't laugh at you even though the look on your face was hilarious."
"Stop, Childeeeee. I like someone else, remember?" You danced away from his hands.
Scaramouche narrowed his eyes. What you'd just said, that you liked someone made him curious. Romantically? Who was it?!
You'd followed him around like a puppy for months. The first time he told you fuck off and leave him alone, you only cocked your head, and flashed him that stupid gentle smile and said, "Hush, I know you don't mean that. You've been letting me sit with you for hours now. We've been sitting here in a companionable silence for awhile now and I swear I saw you nodding off. You feel comfortable around me, admit it."
He didn't. For months he treated you with the same contempt he would anyone else. But on the inside, you were starting to make him feel things he didn't think were possible. You made his chest tighten like he had a human heart. Once you started saying those kinds of things to him, he eventually silently accepted it and stopped calling you a pest.
Scaramouche remembered the first time he took a lock of your hair between his fingers. "Pretty.." he murmured in a moment of rare weakness. You'd looked away, blushing, "But..your hair color is much prettier than mine..who even likes blondes anyways...we are kind of dumb sometimes..."
He remembered bringing the lock of hair to brush against his lips, he eyes wide with anger at himself for showing weakness in front of a pest like you. He'd ordered you harshly to leave his sight moments after.
When you left the tavern, Scaramouche got up, and headed towards Childe. "Next time you do that, I'll break all of your fingers," he said, serious with his intent.
"Don't worry, I get it," Childe said, "But you know, if you aren't careful, someone else might get there before you." He sounded no longer inebriated. "You are more obvious than you think. At least to me you are."
Scaramouche glared, offended. He brushed off Childe's comment and followed after you out of the tavern. He found you across the street in an alley, resting your head against the wall, your eyes closed as you breathed in the chilly night air.
"Who is it?" The question spilled from his mouth.
"Huh? Oh, Scara, it's you. My equilibrium is a little off, so I couldn't hear you all that well," you replied, massaging the bridge of your nose.
"I said who is it!?" He snapped, smacking a hand on the wall next to your head. He knew it wouldn't take much for you spill who it was.
"Eek, alright, I'll tell you, just gimme some space would you?" You pushed your hand gently against his chest.
He crossed his arms, waiting and glaring.
"You caught me, Scara," you said, blushing as you traced the toe of your shoe through some dirt. "It's you that I like, okay? You don't have to scream at me about it. I would do anything for you."
Scaramouche regarded you coldly for a long moment, making you fidget nervously. "Okay, I'm gonna go, forget this ever happened." You waved at him as you turned to leave. And there it was, that stupid gentle smile of yours.
"Prove it!" he barked forcefully.
"What?" You had to make sure you'd heard him correctly.
"Did I stutter, slut? I said prove it. Prove that you would anything for me. Get down on your knees and prove it!" he was taking the anger and frustration he felt inside himself out on you. "What are you waiting for? Your mouth practically begs me to ruin your throat with my cock everytime you smile in that stupid way."
You stumbled forward, your body moving without thinking and did as he asked. "You just keep those annoying, pretty eyes on me."
Again, you did as you were told. You pumped your hand on his cock once you took it out of his shorts. He groaned when you swirled your tongue around the tip. Taking hold of your fine hair, the color that bewitched him so suddenly, he curled the ends around his fingers a few times, before gripping it tightly.
He thrust harshly into your mouth, making you gag before you started breathing through your nose. "Archons, you are really proving that you are a slut for me. I think deep down, I always knew," he panted quietly as your throat convulsed around his cock.
You tasted precum in the back of your throat. You mewled, never once breaking the tight suction of your mouth on his cock while you sucked, flattening your tongue against the veins that bulged to the surface.
"Fuck you are good at this," he hissed, moving your head to bob as you greedily sucked. "I should've ordered you on your knees a long time ago." When he felt himself about to fill your throat, he pressed your mouth all the way down on his cock. "Now drool and deep throat me like your depends on it. It's not like you haven't thought about doing this since we first met."
He held your head in place as he cummed. You coughed, drool spilling from your mouth onto his thighs as you swallowed, your fingers pawing against his shorts. He yanked you to your feet. Your eyes were hazy with adoration only for him.
"Get up and wipe your mouth. Let's go, it's cold out here and I'm not finished with you yet."
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a/n: Whew. Goodnight, everyone. I'm sorry if this was too much. Scaramouche really brings out the absolute worst of me.
400 notes · View notes
Request: nsfw chishiya x female reader. A story where the reader tells or thinks about her dirtiest fantasys with chishiya how she wants a wild night with him or how he satisfies her (s*x, c*mming*,being h*rny, everything can be included)
♠️ "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with Chishiya?!" ♠️
A/N: It's really impressive how fast people are when it comes to requests. I mean, no complains, it's just ... wow! 😊
I haven't even posted much and still got contacted by others, giving their wishes, what they would like to read. I actually don't know if it's going to be what you imagined, but I still hope you'll like and enjoy it!
Thanks for your request in that case, my lovely anonymous! That means a lot to me, seriously. 🫶🏻✨
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Characters: Chishiya
POV: fem!reader ; Smut!
Warnings: NSFW, please don't read if you don't feel comfortable with sexual content and when you are under 18 years old!
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"Okay, I swore I'd never talk to anyone about this, but haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with Chishiya?"
Kuina and I are calmly walking through the ruined streets of Borderlands after completing a game, while we knock some dust off our respective bodies. I don't know why I'm suddenly blurting this out. It's probably because I've been thinking about it for far too long and I know that Kuina and Chishiya have been hanging out for far longer than I have.
"I mean, come on- as calm and collected as he always is. Sex with him would definitely be extremely … interesting. There's a saying where I think that would suit him pretty well- oh, my elbow is bleeding…" I pause for a moment to consider the wound as best I can. In the end, however, I just shrug my shoulders and remain unimpressed. It doesn't even hurt ... well, so far. "Anyway, there's a saying that I'm sure it describes him very good in bed."
"Are you really talking to me about how you think Chishiya is in bed?!"
"Why don't you hear me out?!" Kuina looks at me, stunned. It's funny how she faces me with those big eyes and that open mouth. I could just laugh, but I pull myself together because there is something I really need to get off my chest:
"Still waters are deep and dirty. Pretty sure sex with him is just like that!"
"What have I actually gotten myself into here …?" My counterpart grasps his forehead in bewilderment.
Believe me, I'd like to stop talking about it myself, but I just can't! And do you know why? Because this man simply drives me crazy. Really, I've wondered what it would be like to sleep with a lot of people at the beach. My thoughts were with Aguni. With Niragi. With some other guys I don't know by name. And no matter what I do, I always end up coming back to Chishiya, who not only creates chaos in my head- but also in my body.
No, not because I have sex with him. That would make things a lot easier, but because I lie in bed at night and start doing it to myself to my thoughts and fantasies with him. I'm lucky that I have a single room and rarely if ever have to share it with anyone else. If that wasn't the case, I would have a huge problem. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the essentials in games of life and death because I'd be there as a horny, dripping waterfall. Just because I wouldn't be able to put my fingers inside my core, making myself feel good and satisfied. Pah, that's absurd, not gonna lie!
"That guy won't let me sleep peacefully either." Kuina immediately turns back to me before letting out a somewhat annoyed sigh and going on her way. But I don't let her shake me off that easily, which is why I follow her- and eventually just keep talking, whether she wants to hear it or not. I just need to talk about that and then I'll never tell anyone about my thoughts again. "Once I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a fucking orgasm in my sleep …"
"Wonderful." The sarcasm and disinterest of the woman next to me is hard to ignore, but somehow it annoys me a little that she has such a reaction.
A reaction that makes you think that dreaming about hot sex with a man you find attractive is the most normal thing in the world.
"In my sleep, Kuina!"
"All right, I got it, Y/N!" Suddenly she stops and just looks at me.
It's hard to tell what's going on inside her right now. The look on her face is somehow telling. Literally. Not just her face. It's also her posture and her tone of voice. On the one hand, she seems tense, but her verbal communication also gives me the feeling of passivity and inattention. In addition to such patterns, she also grins to herself and seems a little amused by my statements.
"Do you want to tell me what exactly you have in mind for him?" Have I piqued her interest after all? "Maybe … that you'll have sex in the pool while you're surrounded by other people who could catch you at any time? Or … are you perhaps more attracted to the idea of him fucking you in front of a mirror, where he makes sure you get a good view of him penetrating you again and again and again, sometime slower, sometime faster, sometime deeper and sometime softer or harder?"
"I wasn't prepared for that …" Honestly, the way she responds to your words leaves you speechless. "
"But if you ask like that-"
"Please tell me you don't-"
"The last time I masturbated myself to sleep, I thought about what it would be like if he fucked me that night in the hotel lobby." Silence. "I mean, everyone's lying in bed doing their own thing. The couch in the lobby is free, the lights are off, and we're having sex with each other…on the soft fabric of the couch." The silence gets louder. "We're standing in front of it. Making out with each other a little bit. Sticking our tongues down each other's throats, our hands roaming… over every part of the body you can reach." Shit, just the thought of it makes me horny again. "Then he kisses down my neck, I sigh and moan pleasurably to myself as he runs over my curves and tries to drive me crazy by biting my sensitive skin here and there and giving me a few lovely hickeys, to show everyone that I correspond solely to HIS territory…" Now the silence during the breaks is just embarrassing, but I still can't help but grin broadly and enthusiastically, already knowing how the story will continue. "And then we'll have a really good time on the sofa, with the risk of getting caught by someone because I can't control my moans while he plays with my clitoris… slides his fingers into me… licking my pussy with his tongue or penetrating me with the tip of his tongue to drive me completely crazy before driving his cock into my pussy and stimulating my most sensitive spot over and over again~." By now Kuina is making a pretty disgusted face, but if she doesn't interrupt me or even run away, my story can't be that bad, can it? "And if no one looks where the moans are coming from, then the next morning everyone will still know who did it so well for me because I will scream his name through the whole hotel. He fills me with his entire length and with his As he climaxes, his thrusts become more and more irregular and deeper because he wants to inject his sperm into me as deeply as possible…" I'm wet.
I notice how my panties are getting wetter and wetter. How I literally start to drip. It's extremely difficult for me to keep my eyes open because I'm just feeling so much sexual desire again. Again just because I'm thinking about Chishiya and what it would be like to feel him inside me. To be filled by him.
"Are you done now ... ?" Kuina asks after we've been silent for a little more than a minute after my last sentence. "Please, be done now!"
A simple "Yup" is the answer to everything before I bring up another "And now I have to find a toilet real quick". Just walking past my companion, who gave me an unexpected "Are ... you going to masturbate?" which I only responded with an approving “Coooorrect!” before she finally freed from me.
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A/N: God, sometimes I was laughing so hard while writing this, I'm so sorry. 😂
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lovethathookhausen730 · 6 months
Synthetic Love
Part 5: Save Me
Summary: Tyler wants to do whatever it takes to protect Y/N from Jack Perry and Anna Jay
Tags: @shawtys-things
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I decided not to show up for Dynamite tonight but I did promised whoever sent me that mysterious message that I would meet up with them in their hotel room as I sat on my bed thinking about the whole situation I let everything sink into my head as i heard my phone buzzing and i read it carefully seeing the same mysterious message
???: I'm at the hotel now come see me room 203
I sighed deeply and begin putting on my comfortable clothes and a hoodie so nobody from the arena would see me as I walked out of my hotel room looking both ways to see if anyone was watching me as I head towards the room number 203 which was the second floor of this luxury hotel as I made my way to second floor and went straight towards 203 and knocked on the door having a gut feeling this was a big mistake of my life yet again....
Tyler's POV
As soon as I heard the knock on the door I immediately got up and went to answer it seeing Y/N as I hugged her before looking at her face which was all red and puffy as I sighed softly "come in" I told her softly as she walked into my hotel room as I closed the door and turn to look at her
"so it was you that sent me the mystery text" she said as I nod in reply and sat on my bed taking off my hoodie and set it beside me and looked up at her as I let her speak before I did
"how did you get my number I never gave it to you" she asked as I sighed deeply and looked at her wanting to be straight up honest with her
"Skye Blue gave me you're number I told her if you were showing up for dynamite and she said no so I asked her for you're number so I can tell you to meet me in my hotel room" I explained as she nods in reply sniffling slightly as she looked down for a moment before sighing softly before begin fumbling with her finger against her hoodie
"why am I here Tyler?" She asked as she looked at me as I inhaled sharply and looked at her seeing the pain in her eyes which caused me to get worried even more
"I want to save you from Jack Perry and Anna Jay Darius told me what happened and I knew right then and there I needed to find you knowing Jack Perry he's fucked up in the head since betraying me at Forbidden Door 2" I explained as I remember that night Jack betrayed me after everything I did for him as I felt her sitting next to me as I sighed deeply looking down
"I'm sorry he did that to you Tyler but you don't have to save me from this I did this to myself and this is my way of saying that I deserve this" she said as I shook my head and looked at her and lightly took my hands into hers as I lightly move my thumbs back and forth on her hands
"you don't understand y/n Jack is going to make your life a living hell like he did with me alongside with Anna Jay and I don't want that to happen to you I don't want you to go through what I had to go through please let me save you from this I promise to protect you from him and anyone that gets to you" I begged as I felt my heart sinking for her I don't want her to go through the things I did when Jack put me through hell
I watched her reaction to see if she'll accept the offer of me saving her as she looked at me and smiles softly "fine I'll accept the offer but if you end up hurting me Tyler... I will never forgive you and I will end up leaving AEW for good" she said as I hugged her lightly stroking her hair as I smiled softly
"you have my word y/n I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" I said as I let her stay in my hotel room for the rest of the night letting the boys know I wouldn't be out tonight as I let her fall asleep on my chest as I watched her sleep peacefully on me I'm glad she's finally giving me a chance to save her from all of this and as for Jack Perry, he's gonna have a hell week from me and I'll make sure he feels all the pain that he put y/n through I will make him pay for his sick and twisted games....
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lunarvir · 10 months
tsukishima kei x chubby!f reader
not a professional writer at all TT, bored writing but I hope you guys like it, kinda ooc bat hehe whatever. Kei here is not that salty sooo🙏 bored writing
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Tsukishima Kei, A new transfer first year in Karasuno High. For the first time that I saw him I felt nothing for him, I never thought that I could fall for a guy like him, he looks nerdy and a bit boring actually absolutely not my type.
As months pass by we got to know each other better, found out that we both like reading comics, playing volleyball, video games, dog, and the majestic taste of strawberry cake. After knowing him for a while I actually thought, maybe this Kei guy wasn't bad after all?
"hey shortie" you sigh as you heard his voice "oh nerd what you doing here?" you replied as you both bump into each other at the coffee shop, "ah, nothing much just getting something to drink, you know schools been though" "is that so? well you won't mind if we go in together? a study date maybe?" "shortie asking me on a date?" then letting out a little giggle "whatever Tsukishima Kei, you could just say no plus! it's not even a date date dramatic ass" you replied while rolling your eyes "geez my apologies your highness, oh well I guess I'll have to accept your offer to have a date I mean a date but not a date date with me" he said while trying not laugh at his own corniness, as you let out sa laugh you both want inside the coffee shop
you both have been sitting and studying together for almost 3 hours, with you actually just wanting to go home and just binge watch netflix series. as you broke the silence asking Kei if he wanted to go to your house and just hang because studying is starting to bore you out, Kei absolutely accepted your offer, considering that your parents were barely home like, everyday and that the two of you were close enough that he always comes to your house to just watch series, to borrow some of your comics and to even play with your dog biscuit.
"damn all of that studying killed me shortie" as he sat his self down to your bed, feeling super comfortable as if it's his own bedroom "ah, yea wanna watch something creepy??" "just look at the mirror then you'll see something creepy and scary" he joked around to annoy me, as i rolled my eyes at him, he finally picked a good horror movie to watch. for me scary movies never really scared me, but for him well I actually never thought that he was a scardy cat.
as we were halfway to the movie we were so close together laying down on my bed, almost like we were cuddling. I didn't thought anything about it until his hands were getting closer and closer to mine, my heart beat rapidly beating as his hands were still getting closer I felt kinda awkward so I asked him "you scared?" "hmm" as he nodded i just went ahead and interlocked my hand into his, then slowly I felt myself slowly sliding down onto his chest feeling his heartbeat beating as fast as mine was. as we finished the movie we were watching, I turned of the tv to scare him teasing him that somebody's beside him other than me, after I teased him I turned the tv back on for the only source of light we had as i complained that it was cold i suggest to turn off the ac but he just offered me a hug, feeling his warmth I never thought we would be this close, never in a million years.
months passed by me and Kei wasn't as close as before, he barely hanged out with me anymore maybe it was because he was getting a lot of fame from playing volleyball and having all of his fan girls around him. I never thought I'd miss his touch, his hands, his laugh, his hair, his voice even his scent. When we were physically close I never had feelings, but when he was slowly drifting away from me I'm starting to miss him and even like him for some reason.
a month has passed by, we were no longer first years. it's summer i know I should spend it going out with my friends but I'm just here in my bedroom remembering all the times we spent, then I finally had the courage to confess my feelings to him, how much I actually liked him.
at first he never took my confession seriously, so i didn't stop giving him unwanted attention. as weeks passed by I guess he got annoyed by me and the finally rejected me properly. him telling me that those touches were just for fun broke me, he never at any intentions nor interest.
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seeingstarks · 8 months
authorized (r.r x. r.r drabble)
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summary : rhea finds herself in the midst of the tribal chief himself, roman. what will happen? pairing : rhea ripley × roman reigns cw : cursing, kissing, innuendos, blowjob, hair pulling, nicknames, sub/dom dynamic a/n : just something small i came up with after watching rhea's promo and as much as i wanna see them feud i can't help but imagine how unstoppable they would be together and how much they'd bicker. x) reblogs are very much appreciated! word count : 716 words tag list : @harmshake
"acknowledge me." the aussie's voice echoed throughout the hallway, a familiar phrase only voiced by the tribal chief himself, few having dared to defy him and failed.
rhea wasn't one to back down from a fight, staring down every single member of the bloodline and spearing them in the process. paul heyman being the only person in her way before her true target, roman reigns.
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phone in hand, he dialed up the samoan's number as rhea shook her head with a tsk falling from her dark lips, "i'll do it myself. don't even know why roman keeps you around anyways. you're a useless manager." she yanked the phone from his hands not even caring if she hurt him in the process, fingers pressing down harshly on the keys.
"i'm gonna' bloody kill him! he doesn't mess with dom dom or anyone else for that matter-" rhea was fuming, pacing around the bloodline's locker room which jd had taken over earlier that night, dom was supposed to have matching attire but somehow roman convinced heyman to do his dirty work.
"you wouldn't dare to lay a single hand on heyman, doll. not when i can have those sharp nails wrapped around my neck or proving to the world that mami isn't always on top."
rhea clearly couldn't see roman on the other side of the phone but with how he spoke was with a smirk, smug in tone.
she decided to play along with his so called game, having nothing better to do for the night and get payback for earlier. little did rhea know he was on a jet to see her right now.
"in your nightmares, ro ro. on top no matter the circumstance, bet you're wantin' people to acknowledge you in order to compensate for somethin' else, hm?" rhea had venom in her tone, taunting the samoan with each word however she became more comfortable, laying back against the sofa as she chatted it up more with him, paul making his own quiet leave.
"wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart? good thing you won't have to wait long-" the handle turned and a tall, dark-toned, raven-haired man opened up the door.
rhea jumped up from the sofa, staring daggers into his brown hues. being a few inches shorter than roman the aussie hoped to still intimidate him but roman flashed that shit-eating grin he always did.
instead of it making her stomach turn like usual, it did something else... made rhea press her legs together which roman was quick to take notice.
"look at mami now.. not so immune to me when the tribal chief is infront of her - be a good girl and let daddy take care of you.."
rhea cackled at the man, laughing so hard to the point her ribs hurt and had to catch her breath, "you, my daddy? i'm a grown ass woman, ro. don't need your pencil dick." she scrunched her nose trying to ignore the growing wetness between her legs.
rhea gnawed upon her lower lip, causing some of the black lipstick to smear as she kept eye contact with roman, a few moments passing before they finally pulled one another into a heated kiss battling each other for dominance.
they eventually reached a wall, in which rhea had roman pinned up against it, he could easily reverse her but relished in the fact of being submissive for the woman.
rhea lowered herself as she tugged on his gym shorts and boxers, his exposed length springing free as drool threatened to escape her dark lips, "tell anyone about this and i'll actually kill you."
her lips parted making an "o" shape as her tongue teased the tip of his cock circling it before making way on more of his length, taking it in as roman leaned his head back letting out groans of pleasure.
"that's it, mami." he hummed and reached down to tug at her raven hair before rhea took him deeper, roman starting to thrust his hips against her throat.
"do you acknowledge me now?" he asked with a smirk.
"i acknowledge youmff-" her words were muffled due to having her mouth wrapped around roman's cock, but she was sure he got the point and him calling her mami was icing on the literal cake.
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