#it was hard to find panels for it and i kept finding cute panels for laios
yagi-toshi · 1 year
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finished rereading dungeon meshi
alternate version
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secretgamergirl · 5 months
A Teachable Moment
So I hopped into some freshly minted Discord server, maybe a month ago, and the norms of it still haven't settled into place. It's open to the public and focused on a game, so there's a bit of a mixed crowd, let's say, and prior to the incident I'm setting up the backstory for, there hasn't really been a test of their ability to moderate their damn public spaces.
Also when I say there's a mixed crowd I mean there's both a good number of trans women (because if you are making a deep game for a niche audience, we're gonna make up a shockingly high percentage of that audience every time), and a few right-wing extremists doing their best to "hide their power levels" (because if you create and promote literally any sort of social space, they WILL show up to test for whether local conditions are suitable enough to build a nest). In the early days of things they mostly kept their masks on aside from using the nazi frog as a reaction image to things (which IS something everyone should have a zero tolerance policy towards, but I feel like I need to know someone fairly well before I can explain that one), and their eyes lighting up when they see the server rules include "no politics" (a perfectly fine policy to have but you need to understand that if you post it you WILL have to constantly ban nazis who think you're using "politics" like they do- a euphemism for all the people they want dead).
Anyway, there's a few people on my radar here, but everyone's been civil enough, and it's a pretty relaxed vibe. Pretty quiet. Mostly just icebreaker talk. The most prolific poster is this one guy who saw there was a pet photo channel and just kinda sat down and made a point of posting several images a day to it, of a particularly uncommon sort of cute pet. Naturally this lead some people to ask some follow-up questions about whether these are his and how long he's had them, and this yielded the pretty damn weird in retrospect response that no, he has no pets at all, but would like one of these some day.
Now, this isn't at all the main thrust of this, and I wouldn't like, start keeping vigil for this as a sign of troublemakers, but a thing that undercover bigots do all the time as can be seen here is set up in a community and just kinda spam harmless generic platitudes and such to try and establish themselves as a known chill person. This goes double for anywhere that has a general public/trusted community members split. Never just go by "well he seems pretty chill" for giving people access to more private spaces, they can wait as long as they need, generally, as long as they don't have to improvise a normal person response to a situation where bigotry is in play.
Anyway, getting to the main event, a few days ago in this server, someone posted some cute little comic which... you know let me just find it.
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Clever little subversion there. Got a polite chuckle out of the bulk of those paying attention, but seeing a nice wholesome bit of trans positivity incensed pet-poster guy, who immediately shouts "I've seen another version of that comic!" and posts a variation I am absolutely not going to share where the girl in the last panel is dead.
That is as clear cut of a do not pass go, do not collect $200, ban that piece of garbage permanently without a word and delete the post as soon as you can before anyone has to see that sort of hate directed at them offense in absolutely any community. Even moreso in this case as in the time it took a moderator to notice, this creep was going full mask off and responding to everyone's horrified reactions with grotesque anti-trans propaganda of a particularly hardcore "my other hangouts have openly posted swastikas" variety.
Here, people did delete the profoundly offensive comic, but then, to be blunt, otherwise handled this like a kindergarten teacher seeing a kid grab the blocks another kid was playing with and just nonchalantly explaining some basic manners. First off, nobody goes that hard on hate speech accidentally, and more importantly, showing a lack of willingness to dole out any real consequences for such an open act of hate has an emboldening effect. Sure enough the other sleeper agents present jumped up to try and push things farther, encouraging them to also remove the comic above, ban any mention of trans people, and jump the gun with prepared responses that don't work in context (you call everyone you don't like a nazi! Both sides are wrong! etc.).
I came pretty close to just quitting the server on response to that, but stuck it out a bit to double check if this wasn't just one particularly green mod trying to put the fire out before double checking if that's ban worthy when someone else was awake, or if I needed to explain the code-talk in the following conversation, or hell, if they just need more mods. I'm decidedly overqualified for that sort of thing.
Anyway, moderation policy handled that poorly... and to be clear, I'm not pinning that on any one person, basically everyone who ends up in a position of authority has a gut instinct to moderate as laxly as possible and needs some real training, reading, or tragic experience to learn how vital a firm swift hand is if you don't want people like this to show up and drive everyone else away. Especially not going to put this on the one green volunteer awake at 4 AM or whatever.
Still, the ball was dropped here, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how the rest of the community stepped up to hold their ground. Over the next couple of days, people just started casually dropping every cute trans positive thing they had handy in there, agreeing with each other that it was all nice and sweet. This both reestablished that chat as a relatively safe place to exist with a kind general vibe, and really got under the skin of these mask off nazis who started throwing tantrums. Apparently they just started privately messaging the mods to flag every single wholesome little image or comic as offensive to the point where people higher up the food chain came in, did some more serious reprimanding, and added an explicit policy against transphobia to their TOS... and threatened to ban these people if they pull this crap again.
Now, that increased firmness plus the community in general making it pretty damn clear they don't tolerate hate does seem to have scared the bigots into hiding (the one guy made this pathetic desperate effort to retake power by threatening to stop posting the animal pictures... that he's just pulling out of an image search, it was pretty funny), but... they're still there. The people they were threatening both broadly and as specific individuals still have to be careful not to share anything these scumbags can screencap and weaponize against them, and I'm sure at some time in the future when it's clear there's no mods awake they're going to pipe back up to do as much damage as they can in a blaze of glory if spying on all the queer people doesn't pay out for them, so while it is nice to see how just actively rejecting this sort of ideology can at least temporarily shut this crap down even without people in authority taking real action, I want to reiterate what responsibilities those in authority are neglecting here.
As a moderator of literally any sort of space, your basic duties are to keep things safe and to keep things civil. Those are two separate duties. Don't ever try and merge them together, and don't ever forget that safety must always take priority over civility.
If you see a situation where people are just getting randomly heated and angry over something inconsequential (happens a lot), yes, by all means, try to just deescalate things by stepping through just taking a stern tone, formal warnings, timeouts, 3 strike rules, temporary bans, etc. These are situations where we can hope that people who otherwise get along just let their emotions get out of hand and will hopefully shake hands and make up after having some time to cool off.
If on the other hand you see a situation where someone is threatening/antagonizing/intimidating someone else, especially in a case like this where the reason is transparently that the offender is a bigot who genuinely wishes harm or death on the target, there are no steps to escalate through. You remove the dangerous person from the community immediately, no exceptions, no warnings, no escalating response scale. That nazi posting crap about trans women in nooses, Jews in ovens, black people holding spears, women being raped etc. is not a friend having a rough day. There can be no reconcilliation no matter how much time you give. You just have a predator here to whittle your community down, and a vulnerable person who needs you to reassure them that they are safe in your community. The only option that should be on the table is the permanent zero appeals ban, and you should have no hesitation in deploying it.
Oh and here's the part where I remember that I am going to lose my home by the end of the year if I don't ask people to throw more money at me (this is a link). I hate doing this, but my other options for income went up in flames so completely I don't even know how to start to rebuild.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Fics With the Same Title (5) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four
Appreciation - placingglaciers
Summary: In which Dan is the town’s successful, wealthy, irritable, but lonely, mortician and Phil is his gardener who has to deal with his bad day from work the best way he can.
Appreciation (ao3) - epsilonfive
Summary: "Shut up," Phil says, not looking away from the screen. "I have an actual week of stuff to sort through, and unless you want to take over, I'll just--" Phil stops short as he comes to a point in the footage where his ass is center view.
"Uhhh," Dan begins, wetting his lips as his cheeks heat up a little. "I can explain that, actually,"
Blue - washedoutgay
Summary: based off this song. ‘You were red and you liked me because I was blue.’ Dan is an artist who sees people as colours and Phil needs money.
Blue (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: He needs to leave the table for a bit and calm himself down, this often happens on dates or crowded places. He excuses himself and goes to find the bathroom. He walks into the male toilets and is met with a sight that he hasn't seen before.
Someone bending over in purple lace panties.
Blue (ao3) - killingaesthetic
Summary: Dan hasn't been able to see the color blue for his entire life. Nobody can see the color of their soulmate's eyes until they and their soulmate touch. Dan has been longing to see the sky and the ocean, but he never really expects it to happen. But then he meets a boy who changes his entire world.
Butterflies and Hurricanes - phillestatos
Summary: Phil Lester, also known as AmazingPhil, ends up falling for the cute piano player who likes to play Muse on his recitals, even when he kept telling himself it would never happen. youtuber!Phil/pianoplayer!Dan
Butterflies and Hurricanes (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan Howell is head over heels for the endearingly strange boy with eyes like the ocean.
(Or: a small piece I wrote to get some 2009 Phan feelings out of my system. Read with caution - this is pure fluff.)
Butterflies and Hurricanes (ao3) - Rhensis
Summary: "You’ll never beat me. I’m best at moaning, I’m used to it. After all, I’m such a bad little cockslut, aren’t I? Come on, Phil, fuck me, fuck me so hard I can’t walk home," Dan turns around, just in time for Phil’s lips to be placed against his own, taking him by surprise. He feels someone pull his fingers out of himself, and Phil replaces them with his own, adding a third just to make sure that Dan isn’t hurt.
"I want," Dan starts, interrupting himself with a moan, "to ride you,"
"Oh, fuck,"
Fortune Cookies (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Dan gets a fortune cookie and it's been bugging him all day. But he's NOT superstitious.
fortune cookies (ao3) - oqua
Summary: Dan goes with Phil to celebrate Father's Day with the Lesters, and suddenly all his complicated feelings about his own parents come bubbling to the surface.
Basically 11k words of Dan being angsty and the Lesters being wonderful.
Not so Far Away (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan isn't okay, he hasn't been for a while. He's depressed and self-harming and he just can't be what his family wants him to be. Everything is shit until he sees a weirdly intriguing boy on Youtube. What happens when they finally meet?
Not everything can be perfect, it never will be, but that doesn't mean it can't be okay.
Set to begin around 2009.
Not So Far Away (ao3) - enthuzimuzzy
Summary: Phil decides to go on a walk.
Panic - jilliancares
Summary: Dan has a panic attack at a party but Phil’s there to help.
Panic (ao3) - GuineverePendragon
Summary: While onstage at Vidcon, Dan suffers from a panic attack. Only Phil knows how to calm him down- except, Phil's across the venue doing a whole different panel.
pretty (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: When Dan first sees the photoshoot of Ezra Miller in Playboy he stares for hours (minutes? who knows what time is) before he can even really consciously shape any thoughts around it.
Pretty (ao3) - Emptylester (timelordangel)
Summary: Dan buys himself something pretty to wear, and Phil happens to walk in while he's wearing it.
pretty (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: The boxes sit piled in a jumble in the corner of Dan’s closet for weeks. Phil starts getting notifications for them in the days after Nashville, alerts of purchases off the credit card they don’t use often and then the packages themselves, one by one at the door.
(little dresses and fishnet stockings, 2022)
Santa Baby - philipsenpai-fics
Summary: I wrote a Christmas smut fic! hope you all like it, yay i love Christmas :)
Santa Baby (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: When Phil uncovers a real mess in the couple's Christmas decorations, he comes up with a sexual game to determine which one of them must deal with the mess. Phil challenges Dan to something impossible, but both men have fun trying to outwit and out-sex the other.
Stuck - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan becomes pregnant, and is desperate for a job. He needs money for the baby. Then, he gets a job at Phil’s company. It’s not the ideal job, but Dan’s desperate at this point.
Stuck (ao3) - xDeathMelodiesx
Summary: Dan gets stuck in his binder and Phil helps him get out of it.
stuck (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Phil supposes they're both prone to doing senseless things sometimes.
stuck (ao3) - watergator
Summary: prompt: “that’s starting to get annoying” & “good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion!”
Stuck (ao3) - regionalatbest
Summary: Phil gets his head stuck
Stuck (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Sensory overload gets the best of Dan on the tour bus in the middle of the night.
Stuck (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: The story of Phil being hollered at by 20 women in Brighton.
Stuck On You - howthemoonsuitsthenightsky
Summary: When Dan wakes up one morning with a mark on the back of his head, the reason that he is in love with Phil is revealed. Dan thinks that he cannot cope with the betrayal, but somehow his mind always takes him back to Phil.
stuck on you (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan finds himself in a rather awkward predicament and phil ends up having to helping him
Sunshine (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: a grumpy!dan and sunshine!phil fic in which dan totally doesn’t have a crush on phil. not at all
Sunshine (ao3) - metus_noctis
Summary: In which Phil is a bright ray of sunshine creeping through the windows of Dan's heart.
Sunshine (ao3) - thewakeless
Summary: Summer sex (with consequences)
the man of my dreams (ao3) - mel_m_a_o
Summary: He first dreamed about this man maybe two months ago. The dream wasn’t really something out of the ordinary and Dan didn’t really remember what it was about, but it stuck out to him, because he wasn’t usually someone who remembered his dreams. He often thought he just doesn’t dream at all, but that certainly changed. He keeps dreaming about the same pale, black haired man and his bright eyes that make Dan wake up in a sweat. He starts to see the face everywhere all the time until he actually does.
the man of my dreams (ao3) - animad
Summary: Just over a year ago, he’d started to get Dreams, nearly every night for two weeks. Dreams, discerned from dreams by one common factor, a factor that has dark hair and black rimmed glasses.
Three's Company (ao3) - sherlocks_watson
Summary: With that, Phil surged forward and crashed his lips onto Dan's, coaxing his mouth open. Carefully, Dan maneuvered so his head was now on the pillow and Phil hovered over him, violating his mouth with his tongue.
Set during VidCon 2016
Three's Company (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: 2009 expect Phil is dating Jimmy and wants to date Dan too.
Trapped - placingglaciers
Summary: In which Dan marries his best friend, Phil, and realizes he made the hugest mistake in his life during their wedding night.
Trapped (ao3) - Junebug1312
Summary: Phil's a superhero, Dan's a super villain. Neither play nicely.
Yellow - washedoutgay
Summary: Please stop picking flowers from my garden au/ Dan really likes yellow and his cat really likes Phil
Yellow (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: A new boy moved in next to him, his ex-girlfriend broke up with him, and school was starting back after the holidays. What makes it worse, is that the new boy is kind of cute and Dan’s straight.
yellow (ao3) - awrfdnp
Summary: “You’re my yellow, Phil.”
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
4, 6, 13 (especially 13; love you for the semicolon tattoo Frodo has)
Ooh, great choice >:-D Let’s go!
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(Read the whole comic here!)
4. What part of this piece was the most difficult to draw?
It's exactly what you might expect: Frodo's left arm (the one holding the phone) in the last panel definitely gave me some trouble. I was trying to find a pose that both a) looked natural and b) made Frodo's tattoo visible; you can actually see how many lines I drew and erased in the zoomed-in picture in this reblog.
I also had to try multiple different positions and designs for the tattoo before I found one that I liked. In a few early attempts, the tattoo actually went down the length of his arm! But in the end, I'm glad I kept it contained to the wrist.
6. What is your favorite part of this piece?
Oh man, it's so hard to pick! I love all of the modern designs, and I think most of the drawings turned out really well. (Pippin looks a bit wonky, but that's just because I'm not used to drawing people who are upside down.) In the end, I think my favorite part is just the slew of "Benadryl Cabbagepatch" names. That was a HYSTERICAL day on the Fig Tree Server, and I love seeing everyone's creativity and crazy senses of humor coming together like this! X-D
13. What Easter eggs/small details are hidden in this drawing?
OKAY *cracks knuckles* lemme give you the whole breakdown here.
Usernames and Avatar Icons
Frodo - DownFromTheDoor (referencing Bilbo's poem) - a book (because he's a nerd)
Pippin - tookursnacks (because he's a Took and he likes to eat) - peace sign (dunno, just felt appropriate)
Sam - taterz (obvious) - a potato (also obvious)
Merry - Herbmaster (because he really likes pipeweed) - the Horn of Rohan
Fatty - BigPapa (because he's. he's big) - plus signs (see previous)
Rosie - RoseGardens (cute play on her name) - a rose (same)
Gimli - Rock-n-Roll (dwarves like rocks) - an axe (obvious)
Aragorn - Telcontar (Elvish for "Strider", the dynasty name Aragorn chooses for himself) - crown surrounded by seven stars (part of the sigil of the King of Gondor)
Legolas - TraLaLally (reference to the 1977 Hobbit movie) - bow and arrow (obvious)
Boromir - TEAMGONDOR (in all caps because he is A LotTM) - the Horn of Gondor (obvious)
Tom Bombadil - Tim Bimbadimdim (I thought it would be funny) - a feather (he has one in the brim of his hat)
Goldberry - 💛🫐 (suggested by someone on the server, unfortunately not at all obvious in a black-and-white art style) - a star (seemed appropriate)
Gandalf - Gandalf (obvious) - wizard's hat (also obvious)
Design Choices
All four of the main hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin) have a bracelet with a Single Bead, indicating they are part of the Core Friend Group
Merry wears dog tags and a watch. I imagine he has served in the military in some capacity, or aspires to do so; and the watch is there because he's the kind of detail-oriented person who's very concerned with being on time.
Sam and Rosie have matching bracelets: his is the sun, and hers is the moon. (Someone pointed out that the little thing hanging off her phone also looks like a sun. This is correct, but the bracelets were supposed to be the matching set.)
Rosie is also the only one of the gang to have a decorative phone case and a PopSocket.
Aragorn's mug says "GONDOR U", and the icon on his laptop is the shards of Narsil. It's kinda hard to see, but he also has a ring on his left hand, indicating that he's either engaged or married to Arwen.
Frodo gets the most Easter eggs. He too has a watch, because he's the sort to at least TRY to be on time; he has the tattoo, reading "worth f;ghting for", as aforementioned; and his shirt is a polo from the company Hang Ten, as indicated by the little feet embroidered on the lapel! I chose that one for two reasons: number one, little feet is Very Hobbity, and number two, they're my dad's favorite brand of polo. (He likes the little feet.)
PHONE DETAILS. Merry, Pippin, and Legolas are the only ones to have Extremely Fancy New Phones with three cameras on the back, because they are rich kids who can afford to have that sort of thing. Gimli is also rich, but his phone only has two cameras because he's not an Instagrammer. Sam and Rosie only have two-camera phones because theirs are cheaper older models. Everyone has phone cases except for Legolas. Gimli's phone case is a Particularly Chunky Heavy-Duty OtterBox. Aragorn is the only one with a laptop because he's Old. And, as aforementioned, Rosie is the only one who has a PopSocket.
Initial Conversation
I did actually plan the chat in the first panel very carefully! If you look at the time stamps beside the messages, you can see how the conversation picks up speed. It starts with Frodo declining some kind of an activity that night, saying he's busy with something else. Pippin responds, asking what he's doing. Frodo replies and sends photographic evidence, calling Bilbo "Beebo". Sam thinks this is very funny and repeats "Beebo". Frodo, encouraged by Sam thinking this is funny, doubles down the joke with "Beebo Bongos". Then Merry jumps in with "Blorbo Bagpipes". By this point, messages are coming in within the same minute, and then the rest of the chaos unfolds. X-D
Anyway, thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about this comic! I had a lot of fun drawing it and I'm delighted to share the Deep Lore LOL
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gamesception · 10 months
lets read rgu chapter 12
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I’ve been told that this version of Juri is the originally intended version of the character?  And while I don’t think the person who said that was lying or anything, it’s still kind of hard to believe.  Partially because there seems to be a lot of misinformation going around about this series - a lot of folks online seem to think that the manga - the entire manga - came first and the anime was an adaptation from that, which my initial research says is not the case.  Partially because that bit of research also gave me the impression that Ikuhara wasn’t very forthcoming with anyone during the production regarding the overall direction of the story.  I’m not sure I would buy anyone’s account of what the original vision for Utena’s story was “supposed to be” other than Ikuhara, and possibly not even his.
I could easily see how we could go from anime Juri to this - ie, Ikuhara had an idea for the character that he knew would be controversial so he kept it close to his chest and didn’t tell anyone for as long as possible, leaving Saito with a character design but no character that might as well just be slotted in as a romantic rival for Touga’s affections in a manga story that is at least presenting itself more as an Utena/Touga romance.  On the other hand, if manga juri was genuinely the initial intent by everyone, including Ikuhara, from the very beginning, I have a hard time seeing how the pivot from this to anime Juri happened mid production.
I mean, that would take some kind of miracle.
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Setting aside other versions of her character - hypothetical or realized - manga Juri is a purely physical threat.  She doesn’t have a compelling motivation to relate to, she doesn’t present a significant thematic challenge to Utena’s worldview or princely ambitions.  She’s just someone who is good at sword fighting - a fact that the still image format of the manga can /tell/ us, but can’t convincingly /show/.  The duel panels are very pretty, but don’t really convey a great sense of danger or difficulty than those with Saionji.  And Juri’s supposed unbeatable fencing skill is pretty significantly undermined when just a couple pages into the fight Utena calls down the power of Dios...
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and then Utena just wins. effortlessly.
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Another unfortunate thing I’m just now realizing is that with Juri having the one sided crush on Touga and being a bitter and jealous antagonist over it, there’s not much left for Nanami to do when she’s introduced....
only she’s probably not going to be introduced, is she?  I mean, the dissolving dress party prank thing didn’t happen, we haven’t seen or mentioned her yet, the manga probably doesn’t have time for comedy side episodes...  Anime’s best worst girl just doesn’t appear in this comic at all, does she?
Another of my favorite characters missing entirely from this version of the story.
Anyway, Utena tries to ask Touga if he’s the prince who saved her as a child, but can’t quite bring herself to do it.
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The next day she’s still distracted thinking about it, throwing off her archery game, though we do get a cute moment of Wakaba cheering her on, so that’s nice.
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Afterwords Miki approaches Utena to talk about Juri and Touga.  He feels bad for Juri, and wants to go talk to Touga about it.  sure I guess.
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Touga’s dorm is a mansion for some reason.  That’s kind of funny.  I’m not sure why they’re coming here if he’s supposed to still be in the clinic?
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They break into Touga’s house using a spare key, and I’m still not sure why, or what they’re doing here.  I mean, I know what Utena’s doing here - she’s snooping around to find out if Touga’s her prince.  Manga Utena is significantly more concerned about that then anime Utena.
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Ok, so Miki’s snooping around because he thinks Touga’s up to something and has been in communication with EotW instead of just receiving letters from them.  At least I get what they’re trying to do, though not why he invited Utena on the spying mission.
Utena finda a picture of Touga and Nanami (forshadowing a future character introduction?  Am I wrong about her being completely absent?), mentions how she always wanted a sibling.  Miki starts to open up about whatever the manga version of his deal is when they hear someone else in the building and rush to hide.
A couple pages are out of order in the scan here, which caused a fair bit of confusion, but basically they rush to hide in a cupboard, but it turns out to be a secret door to Touga’s wizard sanctum.
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And that’s where the chapter ends.
I don’t know.  It’s hard to be super invested in the rose magic wizard mystery when I feel like I mostly know what’s going on already from having watched the anime - even if there’s more detail on that side of things in the manga, where as the interpersonal character stuff - the stuff that stays compelling to me even if I already know it - is largely absent in this rendition.
I wasn’t expecting to like the manga as much as the anime going in, but even so I’m still pretty disappointed.  It’s not incompetently crafted by any means, it still looks good, and some bits even look better than the anime version, but still.
But hey, maybe they’ll do something with the star signs business, and I’ll be able to make some homestuck jokes?
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faghubby · 1 year
Our older neighbor Nick pushed my wife over the your workbench on the garage, her feet could hit even tough the floor you watched in awe as he flipped up her skirt and tore her panties off of her.
Nick was about 50 he wasted no time in burying his massive cock in my wife's pussy. I just watched with awe and guarded the door so no one else would walk in. She just looked over at me not saying a word. Half of her family was just on the other side of the door. Along with my mother and sister.
"You can jerk off while you watch" Gina told me. Embarrassed to let Nick see my much smaller dick I just watched. Nick fucked her like a machine. Gina came twice louder then I would have liked. While I was rock hard watching. Nick finally finished and just smacked her ass and went inside. Gina hopped down she wiped her thigh with her hand and ran it across my face.
"So you can smell him all day" Gina laughed and followed. I followed her. Her sister Fiona smiled at me as I came in. It was just about time and we gathered around to have Thanksgiving dinner. I couldn't stop watching Nick or Gina as they acted as nothing happened. As deserts where being set on the table Fiona whispered in my ear.
"Gina has your dessert in her pie" she giggled in my ear. She purposely didn't serve me pie.
As everyone started to say thier goodbyes I went to find Gina. I found her in our bedroom kissing My co worker Alex. When I walked in she turned and looked at me.
"You don't mind do you sweety" Alex stared at me as well.
"He is only three and half inches" she told him. And went back to kissing Alex.
"People are waiting to say good bye" I told her. She stopped and went with me to say good nights. Almost everyone has left except her sister and her kids.
"Stay and help Fiona clean up." She told me and went back upstairs to Alex.
"Your such a good husband letting her get what you can't give her" Fiona said. "Don had a great cock, but was a lousy husband" she told me speaking about her ex husband. "You're a good husband with no dick" she continued. Then she smiled and came close. "Can I see?" She asked. She didn't wait she unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. I was rock hard my dick throbbing
"It's so cute. I didn't realize it was so thin as well" she said she tugged it with two fingers. Then stopped as she heard the kids coming downstairs. I quickly pulled my pants back up. She went to the bathroom at some point. When she returned she pushed her damp panties into my hand.
"Go put them on" she whispered in my ear. I hesitated till she smacked my ass. And gave me a stern look. I ran off to the bathroom and looked at her panties they where white with a lace panel in front. I pulled off my pants and boxer briefs and slid them on. Then put my pants back on.
"Alex is spending the night" Fiona informed me when I returned. "You can spend the night in the guest room with me" she said rubbing my ass.
I looked up at the ceiling.
"Shh it's ok" Fiona said rubbing my little hardon. I helped her finish cleaning up. The kids had settled into watching a movie. And I had not seen Gina or Alex. Fiona led me to the guest room and pulled my pants down. She rubbed my ass thru the panties.
"I need you to use that tounge of yours" Fiona told me. As she got ready for bed. She laid on the bed naked. She was heavier then her sister and stretch marks from having three kids. I kneeled and buried my head between her thighs.
"OH god" she said almost immediately as I ate her pussy with enthusiasm. "Stop we have to wait till the kids sleep" she told me. I did as she said. She threw on a long Cotton nightgown and went to check on her kids. It was almost an hour before she returned and went back to the same position. She moaned and came in under 5 minutes. I kept going. She loved it.
"No one has ever made me cum like this" she told me. As she came a second time she squirted all over my face. She stood and pulled me to my feet.
"You can keep those panties as a thank you" Fiona told me. She rubbed the front of the panties and I came in them. A huge smile crossed her face.
"They suit you" she told me. She laid next to me in bed. Fiona laid my head on her chest. She placed her nipple in my mouth. She was on her phone as I sucked and nibbled her breast. She aimlessly played with my nipple as well. I grew hard again and pushed against her.
"OH your all wet and sticky, go change your panties sweety" she told me. I got up and opened her suitcase. There wasn't much of a selection I changed into a pair of pink satin panties and went back to bed. Fiona fingers rubbed against my asshole.
"Would it be OK if I " she pushed a finger in as she said it. No lube just her dry finger.
"Your so small I think you would like this" she said as she slowly worked it in and out.
"It hurts" I told her. Bit didn't stop her.
"You need some lube" she informed me. But kept going. As she did we heard lovemaking noise from the master bedroom.
"Do you think Alex is fucking her ass?" Fiona asked pushing a second finger in.
"You should by Gina a strapon cock. To fuck you with" she told me and then removed her fingers. And again picked up her phone.
"Help me pick one" she told me. I sat next to her as we shopped for sex toys. She didn't stop at a strapon. But plugs, nipple clamps, lubes, and dildos where added. Along with a paddle.
"You might like to be spanked" she teased.
Fiona had me confess my entire sexual history. I had only ever been with Gina. With the exception of a hand job from a girl back in high school. Gina had Cuckold me longer then I even realized thinking it started with her boss a year after we got married. Fiona told me it was almost from the first time we meet. And now I could add Fiona to the list. We feel asleep holding each other. I woke to Gina lowering her swollen cum filled pussy to my face.
"Clean it all you cheating slut" she said to me.
"My own sister?" She continued. She continued to berate me and call me names until I made her cum pushing whatever remains of Alex cum where pushed into my mouth. She climbed off.
"Gina, I didn't mean with Fiona. I bought you a present" I told her trying to get forgiveness even though she didn't seem truly angry.
"I heard, but that seems more for you my dear." She smiled.
"I like these" she said adjusting my panties.
"Why don't you take the kids to the park" Gina told me. I got them all ready and on my way out I saw Nick coming over to borrow a cup of sugar. It was hours before Gina called and told me to come home. When I arrived she wasn't home instead I found Fiona in the guest room naked and covered in cum. She didn't care just had me lock the door and lick every part of her body.
"My sister gave you to me, would you like to come home with us? Become my sissy boyfriend? I still fuck my ex but I need someone to hold me after." She told me. How could we explain any of this to anyone I thought. She saw my mind racing.
"Don't worry about anything" she told me. "Say yes and I will make you my sissy bitch. I will let you dress in your true submissive nature. And teach you to except big cocks" she told me she didn't wait for a response she applied lube this time as her fingers probed my ass. As she did I, owned and came all over her tits. She pulled my head down and I licked my own cum from her tits. Her son knocked on the door. She handed me her robe.
"I want all your body hair gone and you wearing what I left for you in the bathroom when I return. She got up dressed quickly and went to see her kids. I found a pink frilly bra and thong set on the sink. I believe it was Gina's I knew what I had chosen as I sank into the tub of rose scented water.
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rosesradio · 6 months
Vandangelo prompt.
"I love you"
"I'll pass"
thanks for the prompt ! likes & reblogs are appreciated, & my inbox is open for drabble prompts :-)
word count: 705
It was late into the night when he said it, one of those nights where you get pulled in two different directions.
On one side, there was conforming this sphere to the control panel. If Leo showed his crew mates in the morning, he imagined they would think it was pretty cool. Or, rather, they’d say it was cool while not really caring.
On the other side, there was the sleep Leo so desperately needed. Sleep deprivation weighed him down so heavily, he could cry—but he always avoided sleep. With sleep came letting his guard down, and dreams about monsters and cities burning to the ground. When he was awake, at least he could somewhat control what haunted him.
The mechanic’s bay, Leo’s little home, was big enough for two cots. Leo had made a room for himself, but he worked in here so often and so late, he ended up moving a cot into the tiny room.
The second cot was for Nico.
When he first joined their amateur crew, Leo offered him his room. Nico didn’t accept—some weird noble reason, he imagined. He started staying in the mechanic’s bay, in Leo’s sacred space, much to Leo’s vexation. He even had the nerve to tell Leo that if he tried anything—such as an innocent ‘hand in a bowl of warm water’ trick—he would melt Leo’s bones into shadows. Leo didn’t even know if he could do that, but he didn’t want to find out.
So the company was nice.
It actually was—once they got past their initial sleepover squabbles, they actually had some nice conversations. Nico would ask Leo what he was working on and even laugh at his jokes. It was a little more difficult to get Nico to open up, but when he did, Leo could really understand him.
Looking at him now, Nico’s head resting against the pillow as his hair splayed out, Leo felt none of the disdain he had when first meeting him. There was just…affection. He really liked him, cared for him…even loved him. He wasn’t even entirely sure in what way—romantic, platonic, whatever; he knew as sure and sound as the air in his lungs that he loved Nico di Angelo.
Leo smiled at the sight of him—the guy needed a haircut when they got out of this. He brushed a stray lock of hair from Nico’s face, his touch lingering for a moment.
“Love you, Nico…”
Leo honestly wasn’t sure how he’d explain himself if confronted on it; he hadn’t even said that type of thing to Piper or Jason, though he loved them, too. Love was a powerful and intimidating feeling, especially to demigods, but it was also the only thing that kept them going.
Nico rustled a bit, swatting fruitlessly in the air as if Leo’s hand had been an annoying bug.
“Mm…I’ll pass…” he managed with a yawn.
Leo felt his face flush, embarrassment and pain filling his chest like concrete. He heard himself laugh, though he knew he didn’t mean it. “You’ll…you’ll pass?”
Nico nodded faintly, clearly still half asleep. “Too many people…too much…stuff going on…I can’t be responsible…for you…”
Leo’s heart thudded off-beat in his chest. “You don’t have to worry about being responsible for me, Nico. I’m covered.”
Nico nodded again, eyes still closed. “Maybe some other time…okay? I’ll love you tomorrow…”
The bittersweet cage around Leo’s heart seemed to loosen, ready to break. He laughed again, this one more genuine. Nico was, after all, really cute when he was half-asleep. “Okay. I’ll love you tomorrow, too. Goodnight, Nico.”
Nico was silent, and Leo knew he was fully asleep now. Leo’s tired eyes gazed along every character of text across the sphere, then over to Nico. He seemed younger when he slept, and Leo found it hard to believe that he was one of the youngest on the crew due to his shadowy disposition. Leo knew that sleep was a luxury they couldn’t always afford aboard the Argo II, though he hoped no one would barge in and wake either of them anytime soon. With a sigh, Leo put the sphere down and went over to his cot, feeling comfortable to fall asleep for the first time in a while.
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chidoroki · 8 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 139
Chapter 139: "Demon Search, Part 2"
Yo demons can be so rude. Norman's extermination plan is extreme and while I think it should only target the aristocrats and those in charge of any farms instead of drag down innocent lives down as well, these select few randos can bite the dust too simply because they're making fun of one of the kindest demons this series has to offer.
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I know this world runs differently and the demons only see us as food, so this scene is essentially like us watching fish or something on a conveyor belt being tossed out, but it's still a hard scene to witness as these are literal babies.
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His panic over stealing from the farm is actually kinda cute and I love how quickly his intentions changed, even from him switching from saying "it" to "her." He could've very well just had her for dinner, possibly improving the state of his face (since eating other humans haven't really worked in the past so who knows if she would've helped or not), yet he decides to treat her as family instead because of the empathy he feels simply because both their faces are a little messed up.
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Someone please help this precious demon, he's trying his absolute hardest to figure out how to raise a human child and it's adorable! It means everything that he's raising her as his own daughter and not as food like the plantation mothers/sisters are forced to do. I wish he has an official name though aside from us just referring to him as Ayshe's dad because he's just so special and I love him. He's tied with Lucas & Alex as one of the best parents in the series and I'll go as far to say he's my second favorite out of the whole roster. (no need to ask about number one when it's obvious.)
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I don't have any strong opinions on Zazie, like he's okay, I don't necessarily like or dislike him a great amount, but I gotta say that killing this amazing dad ain't gonna reward him with brownie points.
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A moment of relief for me that this scene wasn't animated because I'm sure it would've made me tear up. Poor guy didn't deserve this.
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Of course, by extension, this means that Ayshe didn't need to suffer this unfortunate loss either. This whole event sorta parallels the shelter raid, to the point where Andrew & his men invaded the escapee's home & ended up killing Yuugo & Lucas. Only difference is the children managed to escape their pursuer while Ayshe was basically captured by hers. We learn later on that Norman was already knowledgeable with the demon language at this point, so it's pretty bold of him to bring this traumatized girl back with him to paradise knowing fully well that she's hellbent on ending their lives.
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I'm.. starting to remember why Norman is my least favorite of the fullscore trio and unfortunately it's partly due to all the pain he caused Ayshe to experience. Granted, her father's death was a direct result of Zazie's attacks, but it goes without saying that the kid was acting on Norman's orders. Sorry not sorry but I don't do well with people who make my favorites suffer, just look at all the dislike I have towards the demon god (the effects the reward had on Emma), Andrew (killing bunker dads & the injuries inflicted on Dominic & Chris), the GF demon (taking my queen's life), and Peter (he's a Ratri, there's literally so much I could list here). Norman isn't as bad as the rest of them, but eh, I can't find it in myself to adore him as much as Ray or Emma.
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It's smart of her to remain quiet though. She can't risk acting out, whether it be on her desires or just being rebellious, since she's seen first hand how powerful the Lambda crew is.
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Not really relevant to these panels but it's what made me think of this.. I wish we got to see Ayshe and Emma interact more. Or at all, actually. Ayshe learning that someone like our best girl actually cares this much for demons must have been such a relief to hear. I get that Ayshe kept quiet around the Lambda crew because of the stuff regarding her father, but she couldn't really bond with the other paradise hideout kids either since they all have opposing opinions about demons than she does.
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HELP she is so darn adorable!! I would've been fine if Ayshe remained this cool assassin throughout the whole story because I really do love those cold, silent characters but being able to see her have a little silly side is such a pleasant surprise.
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Just because Ayshe is now an ally doesn't mean that the idea of assassins magically goes away! That's still a concern!
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Favorite panel/moment:
I pretty much adore every moment of the flashbacks between Ayshe and her dad, even the tiny moments we get in this panel are super cute. Norman wondered in ch127 if it was possible to refrain eating your favorite food if it asked you, so let me tell him that this tiny, happy family is living proof of that! Aaahh, they deserved so much better! (ALSO, the lights on the small table behind them are identical to the ones Ray & Mujika used back in ch45, so it's cool that all kinds of demons use those plants the same way.)
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Ayshe has many lovable panels as well, but the tiny one here has a special place in my heart for some reason.
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anneimaginesundertale · 10 months
Meet cute at a mall with Bones!
So I was going to go with a classic Bones running the hot dog stall at the mall, but then I got a different idea. Enjoy!
You were a genius, at least according to your nametag. And your job title. The panel was still out on whether you were an actual genius or just played one at work, but you liked to think you had some brains. Enough brains to wonder, as the skeleton came up to the counter, how exactly he used his Apple device when he didn't have fingerprints. Also enough brains to notice that he was handsome, for a skeleton.
"Hello," you said, customer service face firmly in place, "how can I help you today, sir?"
The skeleton put a bag on the counter. "I need a new phone," he said in a gruff voice. "This one ain't workin' anymore."
You didn't have to be a genius to figure out why. The phone was in pieces. It looked like someone had taken it apart, rather haphazardly, and hadn't been able to put it together again. (That was by design. The company wanted people to buy new phones, not repair old ones.)
"I can certainly help you with that," you said. "Before I do, may I ask how your phone ended up in this state? Just so I can help you find a phone that will meet your needs."
The skeleton huffed a laugh. "I took the damn thing apart," he said, in an 'isn't it obvious?' tone. "I wanted to figure out why it wouldn't stop talking at me. Damn thing kept goin' 'I'm sorry, I don't understand that'." He mimicked what you knew was the Siri voice. His version sounded whiny and nasal. Your customer service smile faltered, threatening to become a real one.
"That was Siri," you explained. "It's a virtual assistant feature on all our devices."
"Can I get a phone without her then? I don't want no virtual ass in there."
You weren't going to crack. You were a professional, and a genius!
"I can turn off the feature for you on your new phone," you said. "Unfortunately, we're not able to remove it. It's a core feature."
"Fine. Long as I don't hafta deal with her."
"Anything else you'd like in a phone?"
"For it to do what I want it to? I just wanna be able to call people."
"It should do that," you said. You looked at the bag of broken phone pieces, searching for something. Ah ha! Yes! "I can even transfer your data from your old phone to your new one, since I see the sim card is still intact."
"What's that mean?"
"It means that you'll have all your old apps and all your contacts on the new phone."
"Oh. Good. Yeah." He looked around for a minute. "Oh," he said, "an' I don't wanna pay a pound of flesh for this thing either. I don't have any flesh."
You couldn't resist. "We don't charge a pound of flesh here, sir," you said, trying hard to keep it together. "Just an arm and a leg."
The skeleton smiled a real smile. He laughed! "Lemme see the merchandise before I start givin' ya body parts," he said.
You laughed too. "Fair enough. Give me just a minute and I'll bring out a couple of models for you to look at."
"Thanks, kid."
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lockboxbooks · 7 months
Crazy Lust 3B: The Thief Gentle has strike again... although this time he didn't stole any objects, but the heart of Timido who was hired to protect the goods
Gentle always had big dreams, none more than being known all throughout Japan, throughout the world. He longed to be as on as many newspapers and websites as possible and would go to any lengths to achieve it. But simple thievery would not push him to the forefront of the world, and it no longer satisfied him.
That was why he had La Brava stake out a facility that was holding rare and precious materials the Hero Organisation Bountiful was developing. His busty shortstack sidekick believed he was going to rob Bountiful, but Gentle had his eyes set on something that would be far more viral Bountiful's chief Hero, the Silent Skater Hero: Figure Lady.
He slipped through the building, silently thanking La Brava for hacking the security systems; allowing him to leap and bound deep into the facility with camera in hand. That was when he saw her, Figure Lady was patrolling the halls; Gentle's smile widened as he watched her curves jiggle against the confines of her white-black leotard, and leapt into action.
Gentle silently landed and rounded the corner and approached the hero with a soft smile on his face as he set the camera down and hit record. He had looked into Figure Lady's history and knew that she was actually Timido Cute, a storied adult film star. "Hello miss Figure Lady; I am Gentle an amazed fan of yours," Gentle bowed as he approached the pinkette, softly undoing his belt and pulled out his fat cock. "Would you take a small break, for a fan? I am sure I can make it worth your while." Gentle softly started to jerk himself hard, his cock almost being a foot in length.
"G-Gentle, what are you doing?" La Brava whimpered into his ear-piece. He knew his sidekick and lover was watching the livestream.
"I am making history by going viral." Gentle softly whispered back. "Once I'm done here, I will show you why I love you." Gentle smiled as he watched Lady Figure's eyes widen at the sight of his cock as he continued to inch closer.
He smiled as Lady Figure turned to shift the cameras in the hallway and closed the gap between them. "O-Okay, but only f-for a little while." She removed her mask and licked her lips as she fell to her knees. "I-I love w-when a fan finds m-me."
Gentle groaned softly as Timido gave into her perverse impulse and started to take his cock into her mouth; sucking and releasing him with loud, wet pops. He loved how she looked as her drool and his thick precum spilled past her lips and stained her costume.
"My dear," Gentle softly groaned out as Timido became more and more wild, trying to force more of him into her mouth. "I'm sure you'll have an easier time with me if you use that quirk of yours, and I'll use mine." Gentle petted Timido as he created two elastic panels, one behind him and one behind Timido.
"Elastic Euphoria!" Gentle boastfully shouted as he slammed forward, easily hilting into Timido's throat, as her mouth became frictionless. Gentle watched her eyes swell with enjoyment and surprise when she hit the elastic barrier and they were thrown backward, Gentle almost leaving her mouth as they hit the second barrier and he slammed back into her throat. This savage oral experience kept going until Timido's makeup was ruined and her leotard was sopping wet and she was sitting in a pool of her own juices.
That was when Gentle pulled himself free and came all over the pinkette's face; covering everything from her hair to her chin in a layer of hot, sticky cum. "My dear, you've been wonderful; here's my card if ever you want to stop by and have fun with a fan of your work. You look so beautiful." Gentle strutted to the camera and brought it closer to Timido. "Say goodbye to all the lovely people watching."
Gentle watched as Timido wiped his jizz off of her face and swallowed enough to be able to breathe properly. "Oh... I... I am Timido Cute; and you just watched me get my throat bred. Bye-bye." Timido waved with both hands as Gentle pulled away and turned the stream off.
"Gentle, you bring her back," He heard La Brava mewl into his ear-piece. "You bring her back so we can both go viral, I-I-I want to eat her cum out of that slutty body." Gentle smiled knowing that his lover and sidekick had been furiously pleasuring herself as she watched him work his magic.
"My dear, I think she'll find us on her own, you just get into position and I'll be with you shortly. A gentleman never disappoints."
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honeybeekao · 2 years
BLUE PERIOD!!!! YEAHH! im so glad you’re watching it because it’s actually so wonderful. when you’re done you should read the manga too. the anime is honestly very good but there’s something about the manga.
also yuka is the love of my life and i think everyone should adore them. i don’t know how far you’ve gotten but they’re suuuch a well written and realistic character (and that’s one the reasons i think everyone should read the manga. we get to see a lot of them in the anime too but you do get to see a bit more of their thought process in the manga). i just. love them so much and they deserve many good things.
im horrible at reading manga but i'd absolutely love to!!!!! just for them 🥺😊
i'm on episode 8 i think? not sure, but i really like yatora i adore characters trying to find themselves because their entire life has been "fit these expectations, gain validation and satisfaction from working hard FOR these expectations"
him walking into the art world is like, perfect for him. because he NEEDS to face the anomalies of the world, get out of that societal expectations mindset, just live for himself. it's so cool to see him do that
I ALSO REALLY LIKE MAKI SHES SO CUTE!!!! i love how carefree she is i'd love to be her friend. yatora going "thank god youre normal" relieved she wasnt stuck up was cute. i think she deserves the world
i love art kids theyre so fun i was never like..in an art environment? i have friends who took art classes though and ive heard nothing but insanity
OH i really like the teachers too!!!
YATORA'S FRIENDS CALLING HIM CUTE FOR CRYING god that first painting scene was really cute, this anime's just cute in general i love it (ive seen some of the manga panels, yotasuke looks so done constantly sdkdjfj)
i kept expecting him to say sasuke's intro</3 i like him, i think
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gettatranslations · 7 months
Thank You Very Much for Everything!Yumigeta Ako (23.09.19)
Good evening🌙
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
I'm sorry for not updating my blog recently…!
As was announced the other day
On the morning of the 15th I had a sore throat and a cough、so I took an antigen test at the hospital and tested positive for Coronavirus。
As a result、I was absent from the 9/16 Harmony Hall Zama performance of Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn 「Neverending Shine Show」。
I felt really frustrated、and I was really guilty towards everyone who was looking forward to it and to all of the members and staff-sans who helped me out with rehearsals。
But now I'm nearly fully recovered!
I'm very sorry、for causing you all so much bother。
You all sent me such warm messages、and I read them all…!
I saw your cheers at Zama for 17ki from home!
Lots of people still waved their penlights in 17ki's colours…泣cries
So for all of your sake I kept looking forward and told myself 「For the time being I'll fully focus on recovering」、so thank you very much for giving me the motivation to do so 😭
I caused so many people bother or made them worry、and I couldn't practice or rehearse as normal、so now I want to go back to working hard!
I'll do my best with a positive attitude。
Well then!
Now we'll be returning to business as usual⬇️
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My outfit for our Autumn Tour goods‼️
This photoshootー Was pretty much straight after we joinedー
So、I still hadn't really spoken to the members much yet but Fukumura-san and Oda-san spent some time talking with me!
And Fukumura-san took this photo for me❤️ She actually took 2 more photos too…
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It's like a three panel manga…笑lol
Fukumura-san kept saying 「Do a pose〜」 but then I got all embarrassed about posing in front of her😂
This outfit is so cute right〜!I like the fluffy cuffs but when you look closely you can see that my earrings are heart shaped which is so cute、and I don't normally wear heart shaped earrings so it felt fresh!
Please be sure to Get、our Autumn Tour goods okay❗️
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I'll talk about something that happened recently…
While I've been infected with Coronavirus my mom has made me lots of foods possibly because she was worried about me or possibly because all I said the whole time is that I was hungry笑lol!
So I tried lots of local dishes♪
First up was seafood🐟
I haven't really eaten much fish in Tokyo、so when I said I wanted to eat some〜
I got given grilled saury that night、and sea bream sashimi the next day 笑lol
They were both delicious😋
And、when I said I wanted to eat fruit
First I got green grapes that night
And she bought purple grapes for me the next day 🍇
I also are apples and pears and persimmons and mushroom stew and roasted sweet potato so I really feel like I've had my fill of autumn✨
And something that surprised me was
「Fig tempura」!
Mama made it for me the other day、and when I first saw it on my plate I was like 「Huh?」 but then when I ate it I was surprised by how it tasted like an unsweet apple!
I bet it would have been good with sugar…
Plus I got to eat hamburg steak for the first time in a while!
Sometimes I cook my own steaks but this was the first time in ages that Mama made one for me!It was delicious!
And I ate ikinari dango!
I love them!The sweet potato filling is delicious❤️‍🔥
I ate way more than that but I'll shut up now🤣
There's still more I want to talk about so I'll do that another day 🌕
I Getted 「Delicious Food」!
Speaking of which I want to ask you all is there anyway to eat saury elegantly…??
I always find bones in the middle〜❗️
Please let me know if you have any tips…!
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Yesterday I was channel surfing and I ended up watching 「Smile PreCure!」 which I really loved in kindergarten!
I loved it so much that I've realised I'll always love it no matter how many years pass〜!Just the opening made me emotional with nostalgia✨
Everyone is there something that you used to love that feels nostalgic now〜!???
Please let me know in the comments!
This was my first blog post in a while!
I'll keep working hard now while keeping an eye on my health!
Everyone please take care of yourselves tooー!!!!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐇🐇🐇
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#65 Milkmaid of the Milky Way
[cover of Milkmaid by The Longest Johns]
Welcome back to another review here on Mummified Games. I'm Tony and today we're going to be taking a look at the amazingly beautiful point and click adventure game, Milkmaid of the Milky Way, a game by Mattis Folkestad.
Milkmaid of the Milky Way is, as I said, a point and click adventure game where you go around picking up random items and solving puzzles about what items work.
The story for most of the first act is as such. In 1920s Norway, Ruth is a lovely Milkmaid who works and tends to her bovine in fields high above a fjord. There she milks the cows, turning the milk into butter and cheese to be sold back in town.
While you are getting the lay of the land you're able to take in these beautiful scenes around where Ruth lives. There's the farm she lives on, it comes with A small house, a barn, and a lemon tree. Outside her home is a path up to the fields, passing a log with a nail in it. A cool gateway where you find a missing bucket. Further up that hill you crest, lays the field where the cows grazed after being milked. A path to the north where you can find a weird panel that must have fallen from the sky or something. Looks like salt. To the east of the field there is a place to tie up a boat, then a memorial at the top of a great hill. Following the lake’s outlet you find a cliff where Ruth has been scared of falling off and dying her whole life.
You go around clicking on anything and everything that triggers your mouse to do a little pulse. And you get a quick little rhyme talking about whatever item it is or how you interact with it.
Oh and that's one of the most charming things about this game. All the dialogue and descriptions of the scenes are in cute little rhymes.
Being able to give a description
With a rhyming diction
Takes a lot of work
My lunch came with pork
Okay so not everyone can make it up on the spot like that.
But the charm and the cute nature of the rhyme scheme was so nice.
The art in this game as you could probably tell is all pixel art. Ruth goes running around and you can see here hair blowing in the wind with single pixels, items that you’re meant to interact with stick out better. Its hard to talk about anything in this game without defaulting to the word Charming.
Charm, charm, charm, charm.
This game is just lovely from the get go. I wanted to just jump in and live in this world where you can be a Milkmaid and live above a fjord working with cowes all day.
So I try to not give away most of the story when I do these reviews trying to keep it to just the story mostly up to the inciting action that causes the hero to move into the unknown. But I feel like to give a good idea as to what to expect from this game. Its important to tell you about the inciting action and what happens to Ruth. And since its on the front page of the game and in the thumbnail on most game pages.
SO! After a night were you rescue Ruths favorite cow from the lake, the next day you see a large ship in the sky. Following the ship you find it in the gracing filed obducting your cows and taking them into the ship.
Only now saying that outloud do I notice the weird trope that is aliens abducting cattle.
But the ship takes Ruth’s cows and starts heading out. After leaping from the clif she was scared to fall from. She lands on the wing of the ship. Uses melted butter to loosen a door on the ship and sneek her way inside. Getting almost immediately apprehended by some of the crew.
The crew are all aliens from another world, the captain of the ship uses her staff to allow Ruth to understand what they’re all saying. And then shown to where her cows are being kept.
That's all I feel like getting into because there are some serious things that start to kick off at this point. Definitely some OH NO moments.
Its a great game that honestly everyone should go play.
But there are some downsides and things that I need to point out.
If you’re playing this game on multiple monitors. You are going to need to be careful. The game is not “full screen” in the truest sense, its more like “Borderless fullscreen” were if you go too far off the edge of the game you will click another window and you’ll have to deal with the computer lagging out for a seconds. Like if you hit alt tab to go to another window awa from your game and then back in.
That was honestly the worst thing I ran into while playing the game since I kept this game on my Right monitor and there came a point where I had to quickly move and do something in the game on th3e left side of the screen i would travel too far and the game soul phase out and come back to the desktop for a second. And then go back into the game. It all really cuts the tension of the game and takes you out of the moment.
There once on the space ship there were a few locations wher I( would try to walk down a ramp or go to a spot and Ruth would walk back and forth rapidly in one spot not knowing how she was going to navigate down to the location I just asked.
A small issue that then is easily fixed by just picking another location for Ruth to move to. That's all.
And that's all the constructive criticism.
And that's saying something. That's all I had a problem with. The point and click adventure stuff all made sense. There was never a moment where I felt like UHG what do I do?
This game is great in almost every way. The only two things I have to complain about is some AI stiff and a 1st world problem of having more than one monitor. I'd certainly count that as a win. 
Running into a few locations where things can be interacted with and the few items you have can be used quickly to solve the “Puzzles” feels so good. 
The music isn't repetitive in areas where you might be stuck for a second.
The art gives you nice things to look at in almost every location.
Everything in this game is great. I'm not going to Fjorget about it any time soon.
What did you all think! I loved this game and it was my first point and click adventure game that i can remember ever playing. Are there things that veterans of Point and Click games noticed that I might not have? For those of you who haven’t played Milkmaid of the Milky Way are there any other great point and click adventure games out there that you think I should Try? Amazon Prime did give me a bunch of the Monkey Island games that I could roll through. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
IN THE MEANTIME! I am worried I'm slowly developing a lactose intolerant gut as I get older and older. I think I'm going to start developing an opinion on lactose free alternatives. Like soy and almond. Cause papa can't live without his Mac and Cheese!.
You all do the Youtube Dance, Like, Sub, Hit the bell, comment your thoughts, share and tell someone you know about these videos, It all helps out a lot.
And as always friends. Keep Digging, and we’ll make it out sometime.
See you in the next one.
0 notes
andypantsx3 · 2 years
unconventional | 4 | midoriya x reader
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summary: HeroExpo is incredible, and that’s not even counting the really cute hero fanboy you just met. Well, you think he might be cute under that Deku cosplay. It’s hard to tell because it’s really, really good. Like, too good.
length: est ~15,000 words | 5 chapters
tags: romance, pro hero au, misunderstandings, conventions/fandom culture
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut
notes: I meant to give this a real editing pass and then like, didn’t. I hope you still enjoy!
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HeroExpo @heroexpo_official Hey hero fans, ready to meet your faves? Don't forget to line up early for meet and greets! Rooms are capped at 300, so get in while you can!
mrs shouto todoroki @lmmbb5889 replying to @heroexpo_official omg shouto's face when that girl tried to feel his bicep. i s2g i thought it was about to turn into a meet and yeet.
Iida Tenya’s Right Nipple (งʘʘ)ง @in_vineration 📣 ATTENTION 📣 Hot Deku cosplayer is actually Deku confirmed. I saw him buying at least fourteen sheets of All Might stickers in artist alley.
green bean protection squad @bunnnniboi replying to @in_vineration yeah that's definitely him OMW
xinju @greenhopp replying to @in_vineration y'all, actual dynamight is here too and he looks abt three seconds from nuking table A17
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The next morning rushed by in a blur of menial tasks and idle daydreams.
You woke up early and caught the train in the silvery hour just before dawn, arriving at the convention center just as the sun’s rays began to limn the top of the building in gold. A couple plain-clothes officers and sleepy heroes were already lingering around the entrance to the convention center, and you felt distinctly like a secret agent when you flashed your staff pass at them to get inside.
You helped yourself to a coffee in the staffroom, and then set about your volunteering under the direction of the event organizers. You helped check audio equipment for some afternoon panels, scrubbed down some of yesterday’s attendee messes, and assisted a few under-caffeinated artists setting up their tables. As busy as your hands were, your mind was even busier, turning over the events of last night again and again, boring through them with all the singular focus of a laser beam.
You couldn’t believe Izuku was real. You couldn’t believe he’d spent the entire day with you, asked you to dinner, and then at the end of things, not only had he not run screaming from you, but he’d turned around and given you his phone number. You’d checked your phone every ten minutes on the train, certain it had to have been nothing more than a bizarrely realistic daydream on your part. But every time you did, there it was, nestled snugly at the center of your contacts list.
Your brain hummed pleasantly like a hive of satisfied bees.
Over the memory of his sunny smile and sturdy biceps, you unpacked boxes of promotional merch, buzzing back and forth between storage and the dealer’s room like an indecisive bee yourself, stopping only when the first of the con-goers began to trickle into the convention center. Another volunteer staffer came to find you and relieve you from your shift.
You dug out your phone and started texting Izuku as soon as you were freed. It took several minutes to craft an appropriately level-headed message, as you kept typing things out and immediately deleting them, feeling strangely girlish and shy.
Finally, you settled on a cool, hey! i just got off shift. i’d love to meet up if you’re still free?
Your phone buzzed immediately with an incoming call. Your heart shot into your throat at the sight of Izuku’s name flashing across the screen.
“Y/N,” he said when you picked up. That gentle tone sounded just as good over the phone. Your stomach swooped and you frantically scrabbled for the threads of human language lurking somewhere in your brain.
“Izuku, hi!” you said, inanely. Your face heated at how eager you sounded, but Izuku didn’t seem to mind.
“I, um, was thinking of going to Creati’s panel,” he said. His voice was warm in your ear. “I was hoping you might want to come…”
“Yes!” you squeaked, abandoning all pretense of sounding cool and collected. “Yes, that sounds great!”
And it did sound great. Creati was one of the most strategic and creative thinkers in the history of heroics, and her quirk was mega cool. (And if anything would have sounded great coming from Izuku, even dumpster diving, well, that was beside the point.)
You agreed to meet him in Hall B, and hung up, feeling giddy. You were thankful he wasn't already in sight by the time you made it there, as you nearly wiped out again in your haste to get there.
You peered into the teeming crowds of cosplayers, wondering who among them was Izuku. You’d forgotten to ask who he’d be dressed as today, if not Deku again, and every flash of a shapely bicep was setting off your alarms. You carefully eyed several All Mights, presuming that to be Izuku’s likeliest next choice, but none of them seemed much like him, either in their build or their features.
Then again, you didn’t really know what Izuku looked like under the makeup he’d had on yesterday.
Eventually, a mess of inky green curls drew your eye to the far edge of the hall. Your gaze trailed down from there, over a set of broad shoulders, down to a trim waist, the play of muscles along his back somehow very familiar...
The Deku cosplayer leaned in, speaking in low tones to someone in a very convincing Dynamight cosplay. From where you stood, you might have actually mistaken him for the real Dynamight. Those grenade bracers were obnoxiously accurate, at any rate, even scuffed in some places as though they’d seen use. It was a nice touch.
It was hard to tell from a distance, and with his back turned, but it did seem an awful lot like Izuku, in yet another Deku cosplay, speaking to a friend. You approached cautiously.
As you neared, the Dynamight cosplayer made some kind of dismissive noise in Deku’s direction, and waved him off, turning to stalk down the hall with nary a glance back at his friend. He threw up a middle finger as a bright peal of laughter floated after him, light and fizzy and sweet and absolutely recognizable after yesterday.
“Izuku?” you asked.
The Deku cosplayer turned—and sure enough, it was Izuku. Though he was just as perfectly in-character as yesterday, that sunny smile was one you knew you would recognize anywhere.
You slowed your pace, highly aware of the way the sight of him went straight to your knees and made you liable to trip on any rogue strand of rug fiber. He rushed over, a light tinge of pink sweeping over his nose bridge.
“Y/N!” he said, stopping in front of you. The color over his nose spread across his cheeks, creeping under those freckles. “Um, I mean, hi!”
You couldn’t help but grin up at him. “I mean hi to you too.”
He scrubbed a hand through that green hair again, his smile turning wry. “I, um, looked for you this morning but I didn’t see an All Might wandering around…”
You laughed. “I may have been deliberately hard to find when they were looking for volunteers again.”
He laughed, too, and you found yourself grinning helplessly back at him.
You didn’t know how to explain it but it felt like your day had finally clicked into place now that you’d seen him—which was so utterly wild, considering you’d barely known him for more than a day at this point. But he just felt so familiar, somehow. So trustworthy, and safe, and so maddeningly good.
He grinned and politely offered you an arm, something shy in the gesture. It made you feel somewhat shy, too, but you seized the opportunity to latch onto one of those biceps with enthusiasm.
Which immediately turned out to be a mistake. His arm was so solid under your fingers that you felt like you might be getting the vapors, and then you were mostly clinging to him in order to stay upright, rather than for the purposes of enjoyment.
Izuku guided you into the exhibition room, finding a spot near the back for the two of you. It was a Herculean effort to release him, and you rather thought you deserved some kind of award when you finally managed it and sat down.
Creati soon made her appearance, and launched into the panel. It was a testament to how interesting her talk was that you were able to retain any of it at all, most of your mind still fixed on the feeling of Izuku’s arm under your hands. Creati talked through her career as a hero, candid about her failures and her learnings, and her rise as one of the chief strategists in the heroics community.
When she got to the Q&A portion, a hand in front of you drew her gaze your way. As she turned, her expression instantly slipped into something surprised. She seemed to freeze, her full mouth parting and a thin, dark eyebrow went up, almost as if in question. She must have been looking at the guy who'd raised his hand, but it felt like she was looking at something behind him, almost right at you...
Her gaze lingered for what felt like several moments too long, but then she seemed to recover herself. Her lips drew into a smile and she pointed to the guy in front of you who’d had the question. Next to you, Izuku muttered something, and fidgeted in a way that suggested he was embarrassed. The tips of his ears, red against those green waves, seemed to confirm it.
A small wave of suspicion rolled over you. You wondered if maybe he had a thing for Creati, and the intensity of her dark eyes in your direction had been a bit much for him. You couldn’t really blame him, smart and beautiful as she was—but a small, hot spark of something almost jealous flickered to life in your chest.
If only his tastes ran to scrubby little support engineers instead.
You tried to push that thought out of your mind as the panel ended and people began to filter out of the room. You succeeded only by dint of Izuku leaning in towards you, shoving all other thought right out of your brain.
He tapped his notebook, smiling warmly. “She’s amazing. And her new suit is a definite upgrade from the old one.” He gestured to several lines of atrocious handwriting, that presumably would be related to Creati’s costume once deciphered. “Especially the various zippers, so she can adjust as needed.”
You nodded. It was definitely an upgrade compared to all the exposed skin that used to be on open and quite precarious display. To each their own, but you'd always thought there was something rather stupid and dangerous about leaving your bare skin unguarded in a profession like heroics. The thought of improvements launched you right back into support mode.
“I was thinking, what if her quirk was adaptable in the same way Edgeshot’s is?” you asked.
Izuku's green eyes flicked up to yours, alight with the beginnings of curiosity. “Adaptable in the same way?” he asked.
“His costume is made with pieces of his own hair fibers, right? To allow it to change shape in the same way.” you said.
Realization lit Izuku’s gaze. “You mean, what if you made Yaoyorozu’s suit the same way?” he asked, his tone growing excited. His fingers twitched in his gloves, like he was already itching to write the idea down.
You nodded. “Exactly. Someone would have to run tests on her hair fibers to confirm, but assuming it works in a similar manner, her entire suit could be designed to let anything she creates pass through it. Then she wouldn’t even need to stop and fiddle with all those zippers.”
The combination of wonder and approval in Izuku’s gaze made you flush hot all the way down to your toes. “That’s amazing,” he said. “You really are amazing. I...You should meet her, she’d really want to work with you.”
It was like he’d stuffed you into an oven cranked to broil. You scrubbed at your scorching cheeks. “It’s someone else’s support tech, not mine,” you offered awkwardly, suddenly desperate to get his attention off of you. “Plus, I don’t know how I’d get an appointment with her. I’m just a student,” you reminded him.
Those emerald eyes moved over you again, slowly, Izuku’s brow wrinkling as if in thought.
The reminder that you were still in school probably made your idea seem a little less amazing, and a little more childish. His expression definitely read like he was considering something he hadn't before. You didn’t care to find out what that was, so you nudged him instead.
“Anyway,” you said, loudly. “Do you feel like exploring Artists’ Alley and the dealer’s room with me? I unpacked a bunch of the merch this morning and there’s an All Might silver age figurine that I don’t remember them announcing, plus a couple other things I saw that you might like.”
Izuku perked up immediately at the mention of All Might merch. His expression cleared and he leapt to his feet with a speed that even Deku himself would have envied.
“All Might figurine? I, um, yes!” he said, handing you to your feet as well. “I’d really like that!”
You laughed at his exuberance, and led the way to the dealer’s room, immediately beelining for the booth bearing the All Might merchandise. You could feel Izuku practically vibrating behind you with the need to speed ahead, so you kept your pace quick, darting through the crowds of cosplayers with efficiency.
Izuku immediately handed over a card the second he got to the booth, snapping up one of the figurines with the enthusiasm of only the most die-hard of fans. He pressed the back of a hand to his mouth, laughing with a little embarrassment when both you and the booth attendant chuckled at his fervor.
“He, um, means a lot to me,” he said, blushing under those freckles again. God, he was so cute.
You grinned. “Glad I could get you the inside scoop, then.”
Izuku smiled back at you, that boyish sliver of sunshine, and your heart instantly sent itself into fits inside your chest. He really was way too handsome to be permitted, even with allowances made for whatever changes his cosplay had wrought. The open sincerity of his every expression made things even worse, made you helpless to do anything but grin back at him.
After that, the two of you floated around the dealer's room, Izuku gawking at everything with the reverence of a true hero fan. He stopped at nearly every booth, and made sure to buy something at every single stall belonging to a UA alumnus, happily packing things away into a bag that was rapidly growing overstuffed.
You gawked openly too, lingering over a pair of fluffy slippers shaped like moon boots at the Uravity booth, a line of insanely nice headphones put out by Earphone Jack’s agency, and some hot-and-cold coffee thermoses that you were certain pro hero Shouto didn't even know he'd licensed. Eventually, you caught sight of a vibrant square of green, and steered Izuku in the direction of the Deku booth, sure he’d be interested in merch to match his costume.
But Izuku’s ears went that same, curious shade of red as you approached, and he made an aborted movement towards his hair, as if he’d meant to ruffle it nervously.
You wondered what that was about.
There was really no hiding that he was a massive Deku fan, not with how he’d dressed as him for two days in a row now. The accuracy of his costume and all of his accessories suggested he'd paid a truly intense level of interest to the hero. Did he really think that you didn't already know, that you would find it embarrassing or surprising?
You determinedly led the way over to the booth, pulling him over to a table full of neatly folded forest green hoodies, nearly the same shade as his hair. “You don’t need to be embarrassed,” you told him, eyeing him as his ears went even more scarlet.
“I think I do,” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes. “Literally you do not. People love Deku for a reason. And this merch is amazing, just look at it.” There was really no shame in the fanboy game, you wanted him to know.
Izuku looked like he wanted to curl up on himself like a prodded grub, but he came over to look over your shoulder. You caught a whiff of something clean and cottony, his fabric softener already a familiar, if dizzying scent to you. Up close, you could feel the warmth of him through his suit, and you directed an irritated oh for god's sake at your knees when they went a little wobbly.
You stood straight, and pointedly focused your attention on unfolding a hoodie modeled after Deku’s suit, gesturing to Izuku to observe.
And honestly the moment you did, you wanted one for yourself.
It was made of a plush material, warm and soft against your fingers. The designer clearly had an eye for detail. The hoodie replicated the exact pattern of his suit, from the black geometric patterns at the ribcage, to the white shoulder straps, buttoned neatly in place. The neck was even fashioned after the steel mouthguard that Deku often wore at his throat.
Not a thread was out of place as far as you could tell, and the agency had clearly not cut corners on the design nor the quality of the materials.
“Wow, wait, this is so good,” you said, almost forgetting Izuku entirely. You slipped your fingers inside, sighing at the warm fleecy lining.
Honestly it was just the sort of thing you’d wear in the arctic environment of the support lab, warm and comfortable—especially on days where you were sure to sleep in the support building, unable to drag yourself farther than the set of beanbags shoved into the corner.
A glance at the price tag, however, suggested it was slightly out of your student budget. After the lunch with Izuku, you needed to watch your funds a little more carefully, especially if you wanted them to take you all the way through lunchtime tomorrow.
You dug out your phone, snapping a picture, and then typed out the details in your notes app.
Izuku watched you curiously. “Are you...sending it to a friend?”
You shook your head, pocketing your phone. “No, saving for when I can save the money up. That thing looks cozy as hell, and any support engineer worth their salt would be very appreciative of the level of detail. I will definitely be coming back for it.”
Something strange flashed over Izuku’s face.
He shifted a thigh, ducking his head shyly as he said, “You, um, could have it if you wanted.”
You squinted at him, the words not really registering at first. That was the point. You did want to have it, so you were gonna save up for it.
“I...what?” you asked.
Izuku reached out, gesturing at the table of hoodies. Your eyes greedily followed the shift of a bicep, your mouth going kind of dry.
“I mean I could...give one to you, if you wanted…” Izuku looked uncertain, like he thought he might be overstepping.
A little thrill went through you.
Was he really...offering to get one for you? After only a little more than a day of acquaintance? Sure, that was more than enough time for you to already be absolutely and completely whipped for him, but in your defense there was a dearth of stupidly cute boys who were also smart enough to talk shop with you. You didn't really know what Izuku's own thoughts were, and far as you could tell, the feeling only ran one way.
But the implication here....that he liked you at least well enough to give something to you...
Was it really what you thought it might be...?
The thought thrilled you even more than the promise of the sweatshirt.
You fought down a furious wave of bashfulness, looking up to catch Izuku’s gaze. Those guileless green eyes stared back, over a blush so deep it might have been medically concerning, if you weren’t certain you were feeling the exact same level of shyness.
“I, um, actually would really like that,” you said, reaching up to flatten your hair self-consciously. “And I can pay you back, too!” you added quickly, lest he think you were taking advantage of him. “When I do save up the money. I have your phone number and everything…”
Izuku shook his head, smiling shyly. Even that tiny little grin was unreasonably pretty. “It’s really no trouble.”
God, you could have exploded from how cute he was.
You nodded, then busied yourself with picking up a hoodie and trying it on for something to keep your attention off of him. You felt certain the both of you might combust if you waffled around each other for much longer. Izuku excused himself to go speak to the booth attendant while you pulled the hoodie on, frantically fanning yourself in hopes of cooling your cheeks.
The hoodie was sinfully soft, and just as cozy as you had anticipated. You ran your fingers appreciatively over the sleeve lining, reveling in the soft slip of the fabric. Okay, so Izuku was maybe feeling something slightly more intimate that acquaintance, if his reaction was anything to go by. It was cool, totally cool...you could be cool...
Izuku was still a little blushy by the time he made it back. You suggested continuing into Artists’ Alley, to give you both something to look at other than each other until you could calm down.
The thought that Izuku had wanted to get you something, a something that matched his own cosplay was...very heartening. And the fact that he’d been so bashful about the whole thing, probably just as shy about it as you had been…
Well, that made your heart leap into little somersaults in your chest.
Artists’ Alley proved a fairly fruitful distraction. Everything was eye-catching, and Izuku immediately set about collecting every single All Might sticker pack in sight. He was effusive in his praise, and the artists seemed to soak up his smile like eager little sponges, exactly the way you might have. He stuffed everything away in his bag, looking like a little kid who’d made out really well on Christmas.
He also lingered longingly over a set of pins featuring Creati, Ingenium, and Froppy, plus a cute little Uravity phone charm. At one booth towards the end of the row, he was startled into a laugh, a happy, pleased little noise that instantly drew your attention. In his hands, a Dynamight sticker pack depicted cartoon versions of Katsuki Bakugou in various piques of tantrum—crossed arms, surly pouts, and crackling explosions dotted the sheet.
“It looks just like him,” Izuku laughed as he purchased the set—his expression just somewhat guilty, you thought.
But he was clearly pleased with it, and his smile was infectious. You smiled up at him, unable to help yourself—and Izuku’s eyes seemed to catch on your mouth. For a horrible second you thought he might have just been staring at something caught in your teeth. But then his eyes trailed slowly downwards, down the lines of your new hoodie, and his ears went that charming shade of scarlet again. He pressed a gloved hand to the back of his mouth, flushed as if he’d caught a fever.
Your heart fluttered.
Okay, not that you had that much experience, but...that had to be a good sign. Right? Guys didn’t just go all blushy around a girl for no reason. Guys didn't just give a girl something and then stare at her in it like they'd never seen another human before. That had to mean...something, right?
You ruminated on this thought as you and Izuku sat down to a super late lunch, as you talked your way through another couple of panels, and sketched out a few more designs in his blue notebook. Your conversation came easily, as it had before, but now it seemed tinged with a layer of intensity that hadn’t been there before. And you didn't think it was just your suspicions lending it that weight either. Izuku's keen green eyes were even more focused than normal, and he appeared fairly unable to detach from the sight of you in the hoodie for too long. He even missed a couple forkfuls of rice, and was all cutely embarrassed about cleaning them up. The more you caught him staring, the stronger your suspicions were, and the stronger your resolve grew.
You had to know what it meant.
By the end of the evening, you resolved to ask him out. Maybe you were misreading signs, but maybe not. If he declined, well, you could always carry on as you had been, talking shop and dissecting panels together. But if he accepted…
Well, you didn’t want to get too far ahead of yourself.
As the evening drew to a close and Izuku walked you to the train again, you rehearsed what you might say to him. But before you got the chance, a gloved hand took yours, and Izuku pulled you to a gentle stop just outside the train stop.
You looked up at him curiously, heartbeat quickening.
Izuku’s features were set in a look of determination, eyebrows drawn slightly together, the edge of his mouth pressed in a thoughtful line.
“I wanted to ask you, um, before you left,” he said, in his gentle tone. “I was thinking about what you said, about being a student, and not being able to meet with any pros. Your designs, and all the ideas you had for Yaoyorozu’s suit, and Iida’s, and mine...they were amazing, like really amazing.”
You flushed with the praise, your fingers shifting in his.
Izuku continued, “Would you, um, bring some of your designs tomorrow? And some of the smaller inventions you mentioned?”
You nodded, wondering where he was going with this. You were always happy to show off your work, especially to someone who could clearly appreciate its finer points. But you and Izuku had already been talking shop, basically the whole weekend…so what did he want with your work now?
Izuku smiled down at you, reassuring and kind. “I don’t know if you were planning on coming tomorrow, but if you wanted to—Yaoyorozu, Iida, Shouto and Ochako will be at my meet and greet tomorrow. I didn’t think people would want to meet just me, so I asked to make it more of a UA thing…”
You stared at him, suddenly unable to process what he was saying. The words made sense separately but they didn’t quite fit together, like he’d misspoken somewhere, used an incorrect particle…
Something prickled at the edge of your thoughts.
“I was thinking you could show them your designs there, if you wanted,” Izuku said. Then he added quickly, “If you’re working, I could also get you a different time with them, though! Maybe a meeting at my agency, if you’re, um, interested. I know I definitely would like to work with you on a new suit design…”
He trailed off, looking a little unsure of himself. Your lack of response seemed to unnerve him a little.
But you were having some difficulties processing exactly what it was he was saying. You felt like an old-timey computer, slowly loading only the most fragile of internet connections. Everything felt so weirdly disconnected. Izuku kept referencing “my meet and greet”, and “my agency,” as though a regular dude had any business having a slot at the convention. He kept saying things like “my suit,” and he spoke of the pros as if he was on familiar terms with them. As though he was familiar with them, as though he was a hero himself…
You froze.
Two and two suddenly added up into a very neat and very horrifying four.
Those emerald eyes roved over you in concern, and two gloved hands came up to take you by the shoulders, very, very gently.
“Are you, um, are you alright?” Izuku asked, ducking his head to peer at your face.
You watched from somewhere outside your body, as his hands moved over you, as if to reassure himself that you were alright.
As pro hero Deku’s hands moved over you, and pro hero Deku peered concernedly at your features.
Pro hero Deku...who you’d apparently been with the entire weekend.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction || They Break The Bed [M?] [Request]
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Stray Kids X GN!Reader
A/N: Mentions of smut but not full smut, hope this is okay @spearb1108
As soon as you heard the snapping sound your hands gripped onto Chan's arms tightly as you tried not to giggle, he froze in place with a look of terror on his face. His eyes were wide as he replayed the sound over and over in his head trying to think of it was a human sound or something else,
"What was that?" He asked worried as he looked at you to make sure it wasn't you that had somehow made a snapping sound with your body, you looked behind him where his hands were and at the headboard that was now cracked. He'd been thrusting into you roughly when he slammed his hand against the headboard,
"I-I think we broke it," You laughed as you stared at the large crack going down your headboard, it was only a thin wooden one you'd made yourself so it was a wonder it had even lasted as long as it did. You hissed as Chan pulled out of you to access the damage that had been made to the bed and he groaned at himself, trying not to laugh from the embarrassment he was feeling.
"Baby it's fine." You laughed as you saw his ears beginning to turn red, you knew how shy he got over things like this but it was bound to happen eventually. You and Chan weren't exactly the softest in bed and if he didn't break from his grip on it, it would have broken from hitting the wall at some point.
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Minho was smug as soon as it happened, as soon as he looked under the bed after your night together and he saw the snapped panels he'd been smug about it. Bragging to the boys about how he'd broken the first in the line of many beds to come while you did your best to avoid their constant teasing and jokes about it.
"You should have heard it, just a massive snap but I kept going," Minho announced proudly as you groaned into the pillow on the sofa. What on earth possessed him to brag about it to all the boys you'd never understand.
"I hate everyone and everything," You mumbled against the fabric as you waited for the teasing to stop but the boys only encouraged him as they asked what exactly had happened to the bed panels.
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Chan flipped when he walked into the living room and saw you and Changbin sprawled out on the sofa together acting as though you didn't have a care in the world. 
"I know I'm going to regret asking this but what happened to the bed?" Chan's face was bright red from embarrassment and Changbin looked as though a ghost had just come out of the walls and stood in front of him. Swallowing the lump in your throat you looked over at Chan and then to Changbin not knowing if you should say something or not.
"Well..." Chan said as he put his hands on his hips, not knowing if he was actually ready for the answer or not. Changbin was smirking to himself, though he would never admit it to you and Chan he was secretly proud of the broken bunk bed that was sitting in his room. 
"The bars are a little bent...I can fix them..." Changbin said as he tried to act as though he wasn't as proud about it was he was, 
"A little?! Changbin the metal bars are touching the floor!" You groaned at the way Chan yelled at Changbin and you hid your face in your boyfriend's neck while he chuckled to himself.
"Fix it or replace it," Chan called out as he walked back towards his own room while you mumbled that you were never going to stay in the same room as Changbin again.
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You whimpered as you threw your head back against the bed trying to keep quiet but you ended up letting out a scream when you felt the mattress beneath you and Hyunjin fall and hit the floor with a thud. Hyunjin's eyes widened as he stared at you, wrapping a blanket around you both as he knew what was going to happen next. The door burst open and the boys were all stood there wondering what had happened. Felix was clutching a cup with some paper while Seungmin had brought the sweeping brush thinking that you'd seen a spider or something.
"G-Get out!" Hyunjin laughed nervously as he saw them all standing there, blushing deeply as they realised what they'd just walked in on but Chan was red in the face as he looked at the bed. The mattress was on the floor meaning that the panels under the bed must have come out from underneath you both,
"Out guys. Let's leave them to fix their mess," Changbin laughed as he looked at Hyunjin who was already laughing nervously as he waited for them all to leave.
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You leant against the doorway listening in to your boyfriend who was bragging to the boys about how he'd broken one of the beds in the dorms. You found it interesting to watch as he kicked his legs up onto the table,
"I was just really going to town, slamming into them and giving them the best time of their life when the bed just broke." You held back a soft laugh as you heard his version of events. Taking this time you walked up behind him and blew into his ear, smirking as he shivered to himself,
"I thought that it broke because someone dropped me onto it when he couldn't hold me up long enough." You laughed at the memory, it was something you could look back on and laugh about now even if it had been painful at the time. Jisung had been trying out a new move and ultimately ended up dropping you on the bed instead of keeping you up in his arms as he was supposed to,
"Babe!" Jisung groaned out as Minho and Felix started laughing loudly at the thought of it.
"Hey! Tell the truth and I won't drop you in your lies," You laughed sitting down on his lap, laying your head on his shoulders as he grumbled about the boys teasing him for it.
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Felix had been the one to feel the bed break and hear it but you hadn't, he waited until you went to go for a shower before he checked it out. Instantly beginning to freak out when he saw how badly broken the slabs were underneath your bed, all of them bent out of shape and a couple were even snapped. Not knowing if you would be mad about it he called Chan to ask for advice,
"It's 3 am...And you're calling me to ask about how to fix a bed?" Chan laughed as he sat in the studio,
"I'm worried...W-What if Y/n is pissed about the fact that I broke their bed?" Chan backtracked him trying to figure out how it had even happened when he stopped himself from questioning it.
"Whatever happened between you and Y/n to break that bed is between you and Y/n...I want nothing to do with it." With that Chan hung up the phone and you came back into the bedroom, wondering why Felix was sitting on the floor with your mattress leaning against the wall. That was when you noticed the bed,
"O-Oh...We did that?" You laughed nervously as you sat down on the floor beside Felix who was blushing and nodding his head.
"You're cute," You whispered as you realised how shy he was about it.
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Being the gentleman he was Seungmin made sure to keep it a secret, ordering you a brand new bed and disposing of the other one before anyone could even find out. You stared at the new one as he finished making it and turned to give you the puppy dog smile you loved so much,
"I ordered it with reinforced panelling so...We can't break it again," A smirk took over his face as he looked at you, Just because he hadn't told the boys didn't mean he wasn't going to be proud of what he had done. He was always making inside jokes about it with you at the most inappropriate times leaving everyone around you confused as you burst into a fit of laughter.
"Let's see how long we can make it last," You smirked back at him as you kissed him roughly, pushing him down against the perfectly made bed.
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Jeongin slammed the laptop shut when he heard the boys all coming into the living room and Jisung laughed as he caught sight of it thinking he'd caught the maknae watching something he shouldn't have been. 
"Don't you have a partner you could be doing that with?" Jisung quipped as he sat down on one side of the Maknae while Changbin took the other, staring at the laptop that was shut and clutched tightly to Jeongin's lap. 
"T-That wasn't what I was doing," He mumbled innocently as he tried to get up from the sofa but Jisung pushed him back against the sofa and smiled. 
"What is it then?" Changbin questioned, sliding the laptop out to have a look but Jeongin did his best not to let him, 
"You don't need to-" He stopped yelling when he saw Jisung and Changbin looking at the internet tabs, 
"A new bed? Why are you hiding that you need a new bed?" Jisung questioned frowning at the screen as they looked through which beds the maknae had been looking through. 
"W-Well me and Y-Y/n we sort of broke theirs when we were..." He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded his head to suggest what he and you had been doing to make the bed break. Jisung's face fell as he stared at him, 
"You did not...That's...That's nearly impossible to do I doubt that you and Y/n went that hard to break a bed." Jeongin smugly stood up from the bed feeling more confident knowing that his friend hadn't broken one and going off to look in his own room.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​
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anderwater · 2 years
What did you learn about him? Please tell us what you’re comfortable sharing! Thanks :) also I hope you had fun
Hi! Thanks, I had a lot of fun - and now a lot of regrets, can’t believe I forgot to record it all. So, mostly from my (sad but fresh) memory and my written notes :
- London : very big city, very expensive (« fuck me, that’s too much », his words). Got an intensive 6 months acting course instead of two years and now have his diploma! He even mentioned his teacher‘s advices a few times.
- Two weeks ago, he got back to Berlin to get back into the business so he could find some work (« because London is so expensive » - which confirms fan’s assumptions : the boy needs to eat). He had an audition last week for a fairy tale ? He also would like to try theater in the future (Hamlet)
- After the MC praised him for having the balls to work as an actor, Michi agreed that it’s hard, that you get rejected all the time «  you think : am i shit? are /they/ shit ? ». His teacher told him that rejection is also part of life and you just need to stand up again until you die.
- Since he grew up in a family theater, he was always passionated about acting. His aunt always tells that story about how he’d put his backpack under his shirt and pretended to be the hunchback of Notre Dame in front of the mirror - he did stood up and showed us how while laughing, cute.
- A genre he hasn’t tried yet but would like to do next is Comedy. He thinks that we all need to laugh a bit and be happy after the Covid times, (« everything is so f-ing boring » « comedy is one of the hardest genre » « making people laugh is hard »)
- He would have loved to see a season about David, to see what happened before he came to the new school, with his family and why he lived with his sister, how he got there : that it’d be a good depiction of finding yourself and accepting yourself which he thinks the whole show is about. It would have been a good opportunity to see a completely different character.
- Plus : when we were talking about having to dig in your own feelings to act, he also mentioned Lukas’ emotional scene in Druck as an example, that he found it touching, that you could see his real feelings, how he used his experience and he did admire how he put himself out there like this.
- He doesn’t have much contact with the cast anymore since they’re all doing their own things but the connection is still there, « it goes beyond ». Even if they see each other once a year, they still have that thing they did together, « It’s beautiful »
- He gets really attached to his characters when he‘s filming. It was especially hard for him when he was very busy back in the days since he had to keep jumping from one location to another, one character to another. Had to find ways to seperate from those roles so he could go home as « himself ». Though, he has kept one piece of clothing for every character he played to remember them.
- Axel (from Skam France) apparently watched Druck S3 and complimented him about it, he couldn’t answer anything to him so now he’s thinking about watching his Skam France season (pls). He asked what were the best seasons of this remake, how we liked it, and one other fan suggested most of the seasons to him while i was hesitating.
- Random : if he was an Avengers, he’d be Iron Man because rich, handsome, sexy, have a nice robot costume and can shoot anyone.
- Oh and what happened to Benni (Nakte Tiere) will stay a secret.
If they ever post the video of his panel, you may find most of what i wrote. The rest come from small parts of the meetings i had with him. Michi was adorable and very open to share. Good chats.
I litterally only attended this convention for his little person, and was part of the few who were fans of Druck (over other remakes), so it was funny to see other Skam fans appreciate his very honest, very friendly, very chill (non-performing) attitude. I hope it did satisfy your curiosity (I should have recorded it, I’m realizing how much bits i’m losing already).
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