#it's times like these i wish i'd thought of a better fic tag than
finitevariety · 2 years
i want you to know that bold and forth on is in my top 3 fav fics of all time. even unfinished, i’ve read it like six times. ill never get enough of it!!! thank u so much for putting so much time and energy into it. u are my hero
ahhhhh anon this is so kind! It's comments like these that keep me going. The final chapter, btw, is almost done, but the final few scenes are coming slowly mostly due to irl circumstances (work, family death, etc.). It means a lot that there are people who enjoy the fic and also want to see the finished product!
If you want a sneak peek of the first, say, 12k of the final chapter, please do come off anon and lmk haha. If not, here is a snippet of a scene where Tom meets the Roys for the first time:
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pfhwrittes · 13 days
Heeeeyyyyy p. I am an awkward soul with an awkward question, but how does ao3 work? I noticed a lot of writers are speaking of migrating there and doing things that I don’t quite understand LMAO. I tried looking into the website but honestly, it seems so daunting and I am a terrified chicken who would rather recede into the pits of hell than do something “wrong” on that website.
I dunno if you are the right person to request of this, but you are always so kind when answering questions so i figured who else is better than to scream into the void at?
Pls disregard if you aren’t interested in answering/don’t feel like it!
Have a great day/night/evening/tea time 😽
hi anon! don't feel bad for reaching out, one of my favourite things in the world is showing people how to do things (you know that chill coworker who goes "okay, so i do it like this..." when they show you things? that's who i want to be in the world). if my handy guide doesn't make sense to you, please please please feel free to come back and ask clarifying questions and i'll wrack my brain on how best to help you!
i'd be remiss if i didn't point you in the direction of AO3's guide on how to search and browse the archive first of all. it's a bit wordy so if that isn't to your liking i've made a little video below the cut on how to use ao3 on a laptop below the cut:
Warnings for potential flickering, scrolling motions and flashing.
[ID: A 3 minute video with no audio showing a basic guide on how to use AO3. /END ID]
so that's a pretty bare bones way of using ao3 as non-member!
step 1: search for the fandom you want to explore.
step 2: use the drop down menu to tailor your fanwork selection to something you might want to read by using the filters on the right hand side.
tags are the ingredient list of what you can expect to find in a fic, you can also search by using the tags if there's something in particular you've taken a fancy to (or you can use the "exclude" button to avoid seeing it - just like i excluded konig from my selections).
the rating system is used to filter out mature content, if you click on something rated M, E or Not Rated you should get a little warning at the top advising you that the work you're about to view may include adult content and you agree that you wish to see that content.
step 3: check the tags and summary to see what piques your interest (in my case i chose @boolger 's "a love letter to gaz" because i thought it was fitting).
step 4: click on your desired fic or fanwork and enjoy!
step 5: leave a kudos AND a comment (it doesn't have to be lengthy, it can be a little note to say "i loved this! thank you for writing it!) when you're done.
i recommend asking for an invite to join ao3 so you can see all the lovely archive locked fanworks (fanworks that are hidden from non-members) like mine! it doesn't take long to get an invitation and you can still browse the archive as a non-member in the meantime.
anyway, i hope this helped just a little bit for you anon.
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tj-dragonblade · 1 month
YOU ABSOLUTELY MAY, even if it took me longer to respond than intended, oops. But! Mer-Hob is slowly turning into a different fic than originally imagined last year. Which is fine, and good, because what I'd originally imagined just wasn't working. I think I can confidently place him back on the wip list now with a better idea of the shape he'll have moving forward. And for you, thank you for your patience, here is their freshly-drafted first kiss scene:
Dream glances to where Hob sits beside him, tail fin drifting idly in the water near Dream's bare feet. Dream had brought chocolate, again; the delight Hob had displayed the first two times was something he wanted to see again, and again, and again. He wanted to find every way possible to bring joy to Hob, to make that warm smile light up, to bring his laughter bubbling forth.
The chocolate has been finished, though, and Hob sounds…tentative; Dream's brow creases. "Yes?"
"I've got a question for you. Or. Well. Not so much a question, as something I'd like to tell you." He's tilted his head slightly, is toying with the lowest spine of his ear-fin. "It's. It's—I've been trying to tell you, like I would another mer, but I don't think you get it. And why would you, culturally, you've got no way to know if I don't explain it first right? So I thought, maybe I should just. Try it the human way?"
Dream is perplexed, not sure he entirely follows what Hob is trying to say, but then Hob is leaning closer, leaning in, as if he means to—
His lips touch Dream's, and Dream's heart stops as his brain catches up. Hob. Is kissing him—
Except it's not exactly a kiss, has none of the common elements aside from two pairs of lips in contact; Hob is very still, holding that touch for another instant, and then he pulls back.
Dream's heart thuds in his chest, tripping faster; he can feel how wide his eyes are and how his mouth has fallen slightly open, but all he can see is the hopeful uncertainty in the warm depthless brown of Hob's eyes.
"I'm sorry if I didn't do it right. But a kiss is how you say you like someone, right?"
"I. Yes." Dream is drowning in the instant-replay inside his own brain. Hob. Had kissed him. Hob had kissed him. Hob had kissed him—
"Well. I like you. And I think maybe…maybe you might um. Like me too?"
Dream manages a nod. "Mmhm." His heart is racing.
"Well!" Hob looks delighted if still nervous, and his tail flicks up in the water with a splash. "That's good, then! Brilliant! Okay!" He smiles, all warmth and happy energy. "Okay."
"Merfolk do not kiss, then?" Dream is slowly processing, still catching up, still circling helplessly around the bright spot of Hob kissed me, Hob LIKES me.
"Not many, nope. And I've never. But I've seen enough humans and human stuff to get the idea. Did I do it right?"
"Right enough. However." Boldness surges up in Dream, riding the bubbling tide of joy curling higher within his chest. "Can I. May I show you, what observation alone does not perhaps convey?"
"Of course," Hob says, curiosity in the tilt of his eyebrows, and Dream leans in.
It's soft, sweet; he fits his lips gently to Hob's and presses, brushes them together and apart and together again, aching with the fulfillment of this long-held wish. He is kissing. Hob. And Hob is kissing back, tentatively matching the movement of Dream's mouth on his, and Dream is dizzy with it. His hands yearn to hold, to touch; he brings one up and lets his fingertips flutter lightly to rest on Hob's cheek, away from the delicate spread of his ear-fin, away from the curve of his neck where his gills are tightly sealed. And when Hob reaches carefully to touch him in kind, Dream's heart soars.
A long moment passes before he ends the kiss at last; he draws back just enough to see, to watch Hob's eyes blink slowly open.
"Oh," Hob breathes, voice full of softness and wonder, and his beautiful eyes shine warm with the same.
~ Mer-Hob wip tag for the other recent chunk and some older little bits that may just wind up orphaned
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saintnoname2 · 9 days
I thought some more about this during my shift at work (as a cook at a restaurant lol), so here are some ideas for a 911 restaurant au:
The 118 is a restaurant that's part of a restaurant group (meaning the owners also own multiple other restaurants that are all part of the same company). I envision it as either a steakhouse or a seafood restaurant or both. Chef Gerrard was the original Executive Chef when the restaurant first opened. He created a space that was unsafe for POC and LGBT people and left willingly after HR received complaints.
Henrietta was hired on as the morning prep Sous Chef. Despite years of experience, knowledge, and skills, she wasn't taken seriously as a chef and wasn't allowed any input on the menu. She suspected it had something to do with her being a queer black woman, but it took time for her to get the courage to defend herself.
When Bobby took over as Executive Chef, he recognized Henrietta's potential and how she'd been held back and he let her start having input on the menu. She finally felt like she was being treated like a real chef instead of just a prep cook.
Tommy started out as a line cook at The 118. He didn't feel safe being out as gay because of the toxic environment Chef Gerrard fostered. Tommy eventually transferred to one of the other restaurants in the group and began living as his true self.
Howie also started out as a line cook under Chef Gerrard. Like with Henrietta, Chef Bobby also recognized the potential in Howie, and eventually promoted him to Sous Chef. He worked every station as a line cook and now functions mostly as a tournat: not having a set station and instead going wherever he's needed.
Buck, Eddie, and Ravi are line cooks.
Buck's main station is garde manger (appetizers, salads, and desserts). He's been cooking for years and desperately wants to move up and become a Sous Chef, but Bobby knows he isn't ready yet.
Eddie works on saute and grill. He's the best damn line cook Bobby's ever seen, but he's very happy right where he is and has no interest in management.
Ravi works mainly on fry. He's the new guy with no prior restaurant experience, so some of the more undesirable tasks (like helping out in the dish pit if they're short staffed) fall on him.
Maddie is an expeditor, but at a different restaurant. She and Howie know better than to work at the same restaurant.
I haven't quite figured out how Athena fits into this au. Maybe she's in HR, or maybe she's a General Manager at a different restaurant?
Anyway, they end up having a big event at the restaurant, like a buyout for a wedding reception or something, and they need extra hands. Howie remembers what a beast in the kitchen Tommy is and asks if he can come in for the day to help. Tommy ends up becoming friends with Eddie after, Buck develops a crush and asks if it would be possible for him to spend a shift at the restaurant Tommy works at, Tommy asks if he's thinking of transferring, Tommy wishes this was what the restaurant had been like when he worked there, Buck has a bisexual awakening, etc.
Anyway, if anyone wants to use these ideas for a fic, just tag me, cause I'd sure love to read it.
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jinkookspencil · 8 months
the quest | ksj
your boyfriend's friends are a great help on your quest for a new hobby, leaving him feeling... irked?
description/tags: kim seokjin / established relationship / angst + a little fluff (the angst slowly builds until it's basically hurt/comfort) / feat. the rest of bts / jealous boyfriend jin / pov switches from yn to jin / no trigger warnings i'd say pg-13 / request from this anon! i hope you like it, sorry it's taken me so long, i wasn't feeling the best. i don't know if that feeling had an impact on the fic - i felt such an urge to rewrite the whole thing and start from scratch because i read it over so many times! that'll just take much longer so.. i might rewrite this sometime in the future or upload a shorter version since it ended up being my longest work ever???
wc: ~8k words
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Statistics and relationship coaches claim that every introvert needs an extroverted partner. The extrovert to ‘bring the introvert out of their shell and live a little’ and the introvert to show the extrovert the value of rest and healing in solitude.
But no one who believed any of that crap had met you and Seokjin. You and Jin fit together like the pieces of the puzzles you two loved to solve together on the weekends.
The two of you were too alike: introverted souls with charming social skills and a small group of friends who ultimately loved staying at home and indulging in your stress-relieving hobbies in much-needed peace and quiet. Or so it seemed.
Early on in your relationship, Jin had boasted about his gaming skills to no end, so his irregular, prolonged gaming sessions came as no surprise to you, but considering this, what had been so surprising was the number of friends and hobbies he actually had.
Sure, you had your fair share of the same as well, but Jin did so much more than he ever let on: snowboarding, tennis, fishing, golf, and cooking, to name a few, and he carried them out with friends of all ages, from grandfathers in their sixties who he loved cooking with, to careermen in their thirties he played golf with on the weekends. When he finally invited you to see him in action, you quickly found out that it was as attractive and inspiring as it was surprising…
“All this because I sweat when I play tennis?” he said when his breathing finally returned to normal following his high, still lying naked on the living room couch after he invited you to watch him play.
“Yes… just like you’re sweating now,” you murmured, sitting up from your position between his legs and admiring Jin’s glistening, flushed skin as you grazed his chest and traced the muscles he loved to hide. “I don’t think I ever got the whole ‘jock’ thing being attractive, but it was hot… seeing you all sporty. I wish I could be like that... I want to be. I need more hobbies.”
“What do you mean?” Jin says, sitting up. “You love to read. Everywhere I turn, I see books - if there hadn't been a bed in your old apartment, I’d have thought it was a library, and now my - our - apartment is beginning to look like one.”
“I’m in the worst reading slump of my entire life. I need to do something different. More hobbies. More friends. The girls are great, but… seeing you, I feel as though I want… more. I want to be a better version of myself - and for myself. Don’t they say that happens to you when you find the right person?”
Jin’s lips meet yours once more, briefly, before he pulls away and opens his mouth to whisper. “I understand striving for ‘better’ or ‘more’ baby, but I hope you know that you’re enough. You’re always more than enough. Just the way you are. You’re good. You’re great. You’re beautiful. I love you.”
The simple yet significant words, coupled with Jin cupping your face and brushing your hair to the side, were just what you need at that moment to put your mind at ease, and you easily fall asleep in Jin’s arms.
The quest for a hobby was supposed to be simple. Try, and try, and try until you saw what would ‘stick.’
It was clear early on that your boyfriend’s hobbies would never be yours.
Jin begrudgingly demoted you to ‘his sous-chef-for-life’ when you nearly burned the house down three times in your attempts to surprise him with dinner.
His own gaming etiquette got in the way of you ever enjoying a good game with him, for he had no patience with newbies, and you didn’t have the patience to learn all the controls. The only good that attempt did was him buying you a PC and every gaming accessory possible in your favorite colors, even though they mostly went untouched. For his sake, you’d use the Switch controller whenever he insisted on a game of Mario Kart, and you visited your PC every now and then for a slower game. “I’m a GAMER. AND I cook. AND I fish, too,” you tease Jin every time you play Cooking Mama and Animal Crossing for all of 15 minutes.
Fishing, on the other hand, was a scene from your worst nightmare. Being woken up at the crack of dawn to maybe catch a fish after hours of waiting while seasick… was something you swore to Jin you’d never do again. Luckily, he seemed to prefer it as his usual “boy’s time” anyway, even though he never voiced it, and you quickly found out that the exact same could be said for golf - but neither of you minded the occasional role you played from the golf cart, seeing your boyfriend in action and matching in the most bougie athleticwear on the market.
Tennis… was a sight to behold. You had always said that when it came to Jin, attending some of his practice sessions just to bask in the sight and sounds of him on the court, but the same could also be said for you, though in an entirely different context. The racket seemed to reject your very being, flying from your grasp on numerous occasions and putting Jin’s trainer at risk as well as the general public when it went flying over the court’s walls and onto the street. Jin went so far as to dub it ‘the most memorable tennis day of his entire life,’ despite the fact that he had won a small championship.
Until snowboarding season came around, you were left without any new skills or passions shared with your boyfriend. His support and endless words of encouragement meant the world, but iIt had to have been for the better that none of his hobbies were yours - you understood that those were spaces he needed for himself and didn’t want to be the girl whose entire hobby or life was her boyfriend.
Nights and days he spent away were left entirely in your restless hands - try, and try, and try….
“Are you seeing Mina tonight? Nana? Girl’s night?” Jin asks as he puts on his coat.
“They’re still sick,” you pout. “I’ll be waiting here for you, baby.”
“Do you want to come along? Mr. Baek’s kitchen is always open.”
“Didn’t you say you were making some kiwi pie thing today? You know I’m allergic.”
Jin resigns, taking off his coat. “I’ll stay, then.”
You don’t allow him to, handing the thick, fleecy material back to him. “No, baby, I’m fine. Tonight, I’m trying out a new interest: European classical movies. Apparently, French films from the 1960s are very influential and artistic.”
“And boring,” Jin adds. “I watched some at university. You’re better off with Asian cinema.”
“I’ll leave that for whenever you’re free, then,” you say, anticipating the day but quickly putting the thought away. “I’ll be blasting this film so loudly, not even your ‘soundproof’ gaming room would be safe from its jazzy soundtrack.”
Jin smiles before parting his lips, considering the words he was hesitant to speak. “What if… what if I called up Taehyungie and asked him if he’s free to hang out with you?”
You drop your head as you raise your brows. “You’re arranging a play date for your girlfriend? I’m a grown woman, Kim Seokjin. I can entertain myself, much like you can…...” Your voice trails off, thinking of all the failed attempts at entertaining yourself with different hobbies and interests that were anything but interesting.
“It’s just that I know Taehyung would love that! C’mon, you know he would! You seemed to be getting on with him whenever we see the boys, right? Didn’t you both fangirl over Frank Sinatra the last time we hung out?”
“It’s Bing Crosby, honey.”
“There you go - I can’t even tell the difference… but Taehyung can. For what it’s worth, he’s complaining in the group chat non-stop that he’s bored out of his mind. So… why not?”
Steps away from his front door, Jin could hear trumpets echoing from his apartment. Taehyung worked his magic, alright, he thought to himself as he inputted the keycode and swung the door open. Jin expected to see the two of you lounging on the couch, watching the film, or simply having the music play through your vinyl player while you chatted away with a glass of wine. What he did not expect was to see the two of you drunkenly dancing in horrible fashion with intertwined hands and Jimin laughing his head off from the couch.
“OH! Speak of the devil!” Jimin cheers, seemingly sober. “Jin-hyung, save me from these two - please.”
In a second, you rush to Jin, screaming his name as you wrap your arms around his neck and messily kiss him on the lips. “Thank God. I can do as the song says and finally dance with mon cherie. Tae, mon ours, go sit.”
A pout appears on Taehyung’s face as he plops beside Jimin, but your eyes are still on your boyfriend, attempting to manhandle him into some form of movement. “Oh, my baby,” he laughs, letting your head rest on his shoulder. “Taehyung, I expected you to take care of her.”
“And that’s why I called Jimin,” Tae babbles, forcing a not-so-innocent childlike expression on his face, pointing at their friend. “We-we’re staying over tonight, okay?”
“Seems like a sleepover already,” Jin tuts.
“Humor her, hyung. I was called in halfway through the film and we’ve yet to finish it because they keep repeating the same scene. She’s been saying she wants to dance with you all night like the girl in the movie does,” Jimin says.
“I’ve never seen this film. I don’t know what to do,” Jin says.
“We’ll teach you,” Taehyung says as tries to rewind the film to whatever dance scene you were talking about, in as bad of a state as you were, which Jin thought would help. “Jimin, stand up.”
Jimin does, allowing Taehyung to latch onto him, and thus is immediately suffocated by the weight of his friend. “Copy my lead, hyung.”
The following morning, Jin is as fiery as the breakfast he’s cooking up on his own, ranting to himself in pout while the three of you only watch on due to your shared lack of cooking skills, hungover and bundled up at the kitchen counter.
“Do you think yoga and meditation suit me as hobbies?” you ask the boys after you and Jin had explained how you came up with ‘the movie night to end all movie nights’ as Taehyung had labeled it.
“With your patience?” Jin scoffs, and you’re quick to shoot him a glare - it stung, perhaps more than it should've, so you quickly put the thought away. Nights alone and countless failed hobbies exhausted your patience, but he hadn't seen that... as you hoped. After all, Jin was always supportive and offered not only to stay the night prior, but also indirectly gave you one of the most memorable movie nights of your life with Taehyung. A soft glare was enough.
“That’s exactly what I mean! You need yoga and meditation, but can you do it? Sit still like that?" You open your mouth to argue but fail to do so at the sight of your shaking knees - he was right. "Oh, hey, you know who else can’t sit still?”
“Jungkookie. You seemed to get on with him, too, no? If you’re looking for something active, why don’t you let him teach you boxing?”
“We do pilates together too, twice a week, if that’s more your thing,” Jimin quickly adds, “You’re free to join us any time.”
“Yah, it’s not easy,” Taehyung jumps in, taking a bite of the breakfast that was now in front of him. “If you want to exercise your creative skills, which is a million times more fun, we can do a painting session together. Just for fun, it doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“Exactly! That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Jin says, pointing his hands in thanks towards Taehyung for echoing the words he'd spoken to you restlessly when you gave up origami and journaling. There had to have been some wisdom in the advice, you think, but your patience had been worn thin... how much more could one person try?
"She wants whatever she does to be ‘perfect’ at the very first attempt, but that’s impossible," Jin continues. "The only perfect thing in the world is her, but even she has to start as a beginner. That’s the point of hobbies - they don’t have to be perfect, you just need to enjoy them.”
“You called me perfect,” you blush, kissing Jin’s cheek. The reminder sufficed to get your legs to stop from beneath the kitchen table, now fiddling with the fabric of his hoodie. It was hard to envision being good enough or interesting, but at the very least, one person had seen you as such. Jin and his constant reminders were the only things that kept you from falling off the deep end... he never let you stray too far, even in your thoughts, nudging you towards Jimin when your head started to rest against his shoulder the way it always did when you needed reassurance.
“Pilates does sound interesting…” you mumble.
“Good!” Jimin cheers. “Tomorrow. You, me, Jungkookie.”
“Oh, but first,” you pause, holding Jin’s arm. His eyebrow is already raised, knowing you were about to tease him. “Are you sure it’s alright for me to go work out with your very fit and adorable young friends?”
“I am sure, brat,” Jin says, rolling his eyes before quickly whispering to Jimin, “Make sure Jungkookie keeps his shirt on.”
One pilates session with Jungkook and Jimin quickly turned into two, which turned into three, which turned into boxing sessions with Jungkook alone, regular morning jogs with Jimin, and a newfound love for fitness. Boxing made you feel stronger, and Jungkook’s thoughtful observations and comments were of more help and motivation than your now-shared instructor. And catching the sunrise at dawn really was as beautiful and as ‘worth it’ as the annoying health gurus claim to be, something you and Jimin begrudgingly admitted to.
Jin had been supportive as he always was.... up until the day you almost fainted, scolding Jungkook and Jimin for not being more careful of you and insisting you take a week-long break.
“But honey, I don’t want to stop so abruptly! I’m on a roll and I miss the boys already! And for the record, they are always so considerate. I messed up and did more than I should've, but I'm fine today!” you pout, laying on the couch with a hot compress on your core to relieve your soreness and snacking on a fruit bowl, as Jin instructed and prepared.
“My love, you’re exhausted. I don’t want to hear any more of it for at least five days….” he tuts, carefully placing kinesiology tape on your skin. “I hate seeing you this upset, though. You said you feel as though your brain ‘opened up’ when you began exercising, right? Well, why don’t you try exercising that beautiful brain? Take Taehyung up on his offer and take an art class together.”
So you do. Sandwiched between Taehyung and Jungkook at back-to-back painting sessions, you were inspired by their very different approaches to their shared hobby. Tae had his signature style that seemed to effortlessly flow out of him and onto the canvas every time, whereas Jungkook tried a different approach, concept, tool, or style at every session. Both boys seemed like natural talents, but you found peace and awe in Taehyung’s freedom of expression and especially Jungkook’s itch to learn and try new things so fearlessly time & time again...
It was hard to tell what you would create from session to session, slapping paint on a rough pencil sketch every time, but with every stroke of your paintbrush and conversation with the boys, you could breathe a little better...
“Ya, with all these colors… Is this what Namjoon-hyung calls ‘modern art’?” Jungkook teases, staring at your latest creation. You’re quick to poke him with the paintbrush for teasing you, and he’s quick to reassure you.
“It’s Pollock-y, dear Jungkookie the Artist Who Hates Learning Art History,” Taehyung explains. “It is art.”
to: my love [6:01pm]: hey, how’s the art class going? how are the boys?
to: prince charmjin [6:32pm]: good! we’re basically done!! we’re going out for dinner. jungkookie is hungry and i think I owe him for making him listen to my rant on the injustice women face and how society is built on misogyny
to: my love [6:34pm]: hehehe knowing jk, he was willingly listening, like i did. even he’d agree that you don’t him dinner. i made pasta at home..
to: prince charmjin [6:51pm]: aw :( we’re already at the steakhouse. maybe jk will be in the mood for pasta later too though
to: my love [7:01pm] have fun :)
to: prince charmjin [8:58pm] on my way home, honey. tae’s dropping me off. jungkook wanted to come but he’s asleep right beside me and he’s tae’s next stop.
to: my love [9:02pm]: good, they’re taking care of you just as i asked them to
to: prince charmjin [9:04pm]: they’re the bestest boys. i don’t need them to take care of me though. :3
“They’re my babies, and I love them,” you remark to Jin after showing him your latest creation, a matching one-of-three painted self-made pottery sculpture with the boys.
The younger boys were your safe space, he thought. Good. And… so am I.
“And I’m your biggest baby that you love the most,” Jin smiles, pouting his lips in want of a kiss. When you grant his wish, a feeling washes over him… one that he couldn’t help but identify as temporary. A seconds-lasting painkiller. “I guess you get the younger boys, and I get the older ones. I’m closer to them anyway. You’ve met them all, haven’t you? Namjoon and Yoongi? And Hobi, of course.”
“Hoseok is always here, Seokjin, so of course, but I think I’ve heard of Namjoon and Yoongi more times than I’ve actually seen or met them. Do they have any hobbies I can steal? The boys mentioned something about Namjoon and art?”
“Namjoon is art. In that he's beautiful and unbelievable, but also that he is interested in anything and everything art-related - museums, galleries, exhibitions, and all that crap. And fitness, so… there’s that,” Jin says, instantly regretting his words at the memory of Namjoon working out, grateful for remembering his friend’s most unenjoyable hobby to move on to. “Oh, he actually hikes! He meditates in the mountains like a wise old man afterwards. Hoseok likes dance, of course, but he also loves fashion. Yoongi likes fishing and drinking with me only,” Jin emphasizes, having always been proud and appreciative of the fact that he’d been the only one who was ever able to get Yoongi to join in on another’s hobby. “By himself, Yoongi plays basketball.... he’s studying, he plays tennis, fencing, he reads, produces, he scrapbooks, he gardens, he runs, he gardens, he flies, he soars! He actually might be Superman.”
You roll your eyes, prompting Jin to explain. “Sorry, inside joke with the boys. Yoongi does so much and is so secretive about it all that I wouldn’t be surprised if all of that is true. But he’d say he’s Batman rather than Superman, actually. I’m Superman… right?”
Jin places his hands on his hips, buffing out his chest and glancing at you through his periphery, hoping his extra hours at the tennis court paid off whenever you'd had an art or fitness session with the boys. He had to know if you saw him as such, as some type of Superman… especially after the countless times you’d trained with Jungkook and Jimin. Though he tried to push the thought away, the image bit at him, even now when was messing around. A seed of something he couldn't quite name...
When your hands are on his shoulders, trailing down his chest, he begins to relax. Even more so when you use his fork to finally take a bite of the dinner he’d prepared. Perhaps he’d been too worried.
“Well, we both know I don’t need saving, but I’ll play along, my handsome Superman. This Lois Lane wants to meet and investigate the interests of the rest of your Justice League, baby.”
“Okay,” Jin murmurs. “Who should we start with?”
“Namjoon? Hey, he’d probably be Aquaman, huh? Same nature shit, apparently, and definitely the same body.”
Perhaps he hadn’t been too worried.
to: prince charmjin [9:02am]: i am texting you from the beyond. from the spiritual realm.
to: prince charmjin [9:03am]: come climb up this fucking mountain and bury your girlfriend she’s dead and hates her life and didn’t pack enough water
to: prince charmjin [9:03am]: you’ll know the way, my blood, sweat, and tears left a trail
to: prince charmjin [9:04am]: i gotta admit it’s pretty tho (1 image attached)
Knew it.
Jin was rarely a smug man, but he couldn’t help but indulge in the feeling when he’d woken up to your texts and later when you trudged into the apartment, resigning from a hiking day with Namjoon and swearing you’d never do it again. He guessed you’d hate every second of it but didn’t want to hold you back from your mission and trying something new. His pride is quickly squashed, however, when you follow up the sentence with a declaration that he’d invited you to the opening of an art exhibit the very next day.
“I’m his VIP guest, honey,” you cheer, kissing Jin on the cheek. “And I’m going to the afterparty too so you can have a boy’s night - call your grandpa friends! Oh, it’ll be past their bedtime, won’t it?”
He forces a chuckle. “I hate that that’s true. Plus, I’ve seen way too many people this week, so I’ll game til the early hours of the day - just like I did when I was single.”
Jin hates that the thought had left his lips. It was honest, he had missed his gaming marathons when he never had someone to go to bed to, but it was cruel to mention. He hated the idea that some part of him meant it as such, as a signal, a cry, anything… you never said such words or guilted him when he’d been busy. It was spiteful, it wasn’t like him…. or was it?
“Oh, great! I know you used to love those game-a-thon things. I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t realize you stopped because of me. I hope you know you can do those at any time, okay? I won’t mind.”
Something turned in Jin’s stomach. The seed of what he could only label as worry was now an undeniable pit at his very core.
He should be ecstatic at the fact that you were so accepting of him possibly spending an ungodly amount of hours gaming… but it was too accepting. A smile was on your face, but for the first time in your relationship, Jin couldn’t read what it was - as though a sudden, unknown filter stood between you. Was it temptation? An unthinkable impulse he sensed on your end... Joy, relief, or freedom? Perhaps it was, Jin couldn't tell. It ate at him now, and instead of surrendering, he fought with what he had left.
This… this was the least he could do for you, he told himself, thinking of all the ways he came up short as a boyfriend where others succeeded.
He replayed the image over and over again - the way your eyes light up after every acquired skill or hobby. Your subsequent, beautiful smile seemed like the only thing he could hold on to, keeping aside the anxieties surrounding the reasons behind it. It had to be reminder enough. Seeing you happy made him happy. He knew that…. but he also knew that something dark festered within him. He didn’t like it… he didn’t like it all…
to: y/n [5:30pm] on my way home
to: y/n [5:35pm] just got here… where are you?
to: y/n [6:01pm] are you working out?
to: y/n [6:02pm] hey?
Jin needed to blow off some steam.
Gaming didn’t work. The incompetent online players he was paired with only infuriated him further, and the shot he took only made his heart race faster. He thought to spend some time in the kitchen, but he couldn’t help but overthink, indecisive over whether to cook dinner for the two of you or just for himself. When a thought came to mind - to cook something you’d hate just to spite you for not answering his texts and calls with no prior warning or explanation - he quickly discarded the whole idea. He wasn’t hungry anyway.
A best friend would do, he figured.
When it came to opening up, he could only ever trust his younger friends - the ’grandpas’ as you liked to call them, often gave him outdated advice he never cared for. Plus, they didn’t know him like the boys did - since they now know you as well, Jin figured it was the best-case scenario. Surely, they’d have something to say.
But another hour passes, and still, none of Jin’s messages were seen or answered. The younger boys hadn’t answered when he’d asked if they knew of your whereabouts, and the older ones didn’t answer his calls or texts to talk. His skin began to crawl…
until he remembered the failsafe. Out of everyone, Hobi was the only person who still revealed his live location on a social media app to his friends. It was something Jin in particular scolded him for, knowing it was a safety breach, but now, he was thankful for it.
Of course, he’s still at the damn dance studio.
Is that…?
Chills shiver down Jin’s body the second he hears the music through the studio’s walls. It’s a song he knows too well… and so do you.
Following the music with long and forceful strides that echo through the corridors, Jin bursts open the door to Hoseok’s own practice room. And his stormy intrudance is proven to be justified.
In front of the mirror were you and Hoseok, dancing too close together to a song from Jin’s secret sex playlist, surrounded by the rest of the boys, watching closely and making teasing noises that shook his very core.
Jin’s voice booms throughout the spacious room, overtaking the loud music playing through every speaker. The group scatters, every person with a horrified look on their face…. yours hurt the most.
Rage was unfamiliar to Jin. He didn’t know what to do with it, feeling it then and there. One would normally shout or yell, question and guilt, as he’s seen and studied before… but his lips were frozen in a frown. He wondered if it was common for one to cry out of fury, though no tears streamed down his face… he knew how to hold them back. His senses confused him, distorted, forced to venture into uncharted territory. Jin could hear differing calls of “Hyung” and what must’ve been excuses as someone turned off the music - all muffled and intelligible. Through it all, he could hear only the soft call that left your lips amidst the chaos, “Jin, my love…”
With his eyes still fixated on you and the words that ease his sole, the knot within him came undone.
His throat throbs and everyone knew what it meant, though no one was close enough to see the pools in his eyes.
“Everyone leave,” you command, and the room is empty save for you and Jin within seconds.
The downpour starts. Though his face was frozen cold, Jin’s body allowed him to move, and all he could do was pace the studio and ignore your small steps toward him. When he finally stops, you’re close enough to stand before him, your head no longer hung so low. The guilt on your face was almost enough to make Jin forget his feelings.
“….I’m so sorry, my love,” you say after a moment’s silence. His lips tremble at the words, wanting to refute them… he doesn’t need to say it for you to understand.
His breath is hitched when he sees your hand extend towards his face, which he tilts just as he always would when you did this. He exhales as you do when you cup his face so gently, moving to your touch as his tears are wiped away. But when your hand brushes over his mouth, he can’t bring himself to purse his lips into a kiss as he always would. The dark seed within him still tugged him back from fully diving in.
“Sit for a moment?” you ask, and he nods, feeling his knees giving way as you lead him to the two weirdly placed chairs by the giant mirror wall in Hoseok’s studio. While you sit with your side to the back of the chair to face him better, he slumps against the hardwood backing, staring at the ceiling as his eyes dry up so he can finally face you once again.
“I can’t talk much. I.. what is this? What am I?” he mumbles with a strained voice, pushing the skin at his temples. “Fuck… I’ve tried rehearsing this, and even then, the words just didn't come out. I can't put a name on it, but I don’t like what’s been happening. All of it. No… No, not all of it.” Jin breathes deeply before continuing. “My girlfriend is never around, and not only that, she spends all her time with my best friends… without me. I know you’re on your journey for more self-discovery and that you really like the boys, so I feel like a piece of shit for feeling this way and for saying this, but… fuck, I’m... I'm angry.”
Jin sees you take in his words, brushing away a couple of runaway tears. “I understand. You have every right to be pissed,” you repeat. “I… shit, I’m sorry, Jin. I never meant to exclude you, my love. The boys don’t either… but that doesn't excuse it... It doesn't." You go stone cold, as though you were replaying the time that's passed over and over in your head. "Will you allow me to talk for a little while? Can I… unpack it all on my end?”
How could he not? Jin nods.
“I learned a whole lot on this 'quest’ which started with your support, I may add - and I’m not blaming you here. I’m thanking you, honey… You’ve been incredible.”
Already, Jin starts feeling sick, hearing the words of a definite breakup speech and knowing that he was the furthest thing from incredible. His friends were. All he can do is watch, now looking at his fingers as he bites his own nails on an unsteady hand.
"Most guys would never even suggest to their girlfriend the idea of her hanging out with his friends - alone. I'm so grateful, honey, and not only that, it actually might be one of the sweetest, most attractive things you've ever done..."
H-huh? Jin tugged at his own sweater, thinking of the possible ways you'd get to the end of your speech and the conclusion that stated what he ultimately feared - that the attraction, or worse, the love, wore off with all you were left with.
“But most of all, I'm grateful. I'm different. I probably wasn't around that much for you to see, but... on this quest, it was as though I unlocked parts of myself I didn't know I had. That was a past version of me, the girl who was in an eternal reading slump, and was too scared to do much else but stay in that slumpish cocoon... I love my cocoon and staying in, don't get me wrong, but I just have more things that give me joy. I feel more certain of myself - like more of that confidence you rubbed off on me. It seems trivial, I know, but everything... everything helped."
You were right. Jin hadn't seen any of it - the rewards of your quest. He cursed himself, knowing he could have if he only paid attention, recalling warped memories of your pride and new experiments. He didn't have to take your word for it, seeing some of it now. You were more sure of yourself. Bold. Happier. That one note settled it - if this grand speech were to end the way he had expected, all that mattered was that. That you were happier.
"That's good," he croaks. "I'm proud."
"I'm proud of myself, too," you nod. "I am the slightly more improved version of myself I knew I could be. Maybe I could be even better, I don't know... but through it all, I kept repeating to myself the same phrase, over and over again. 'You’re enough. You’re always more than enough. Just the way you are. You’re good. You’re great. You’re beautiful. I love you.' Those words... that's what kept me going more than anything."
Jin's breath is hitched when he's finally able to look at you so directly, at the woman he loved with his entire being, quoting his own words. He had meant every word then, prior, all throughout, and would for eternity. If those simple words were enough to help, though he was certain they were not enough to capture the depth of his love, he had served his purpose in life.
"I was entirely motivated by self-love and your love for me, Seokjinnie. I fucking love you," you exhale, and Jin does too, coming undone. All he could do was hang his head low as the tears instantly return, and in seconds, you're at his knees, reaching for him. Like he'd foolishly been dreaming of...
"I don't deserve you. I've been so... so..." his low voice trails off.
"My love, let me finish, hmm? It'll help," you whisper, trying to hold onto any piece of him, and Jin lets you, feeling a rush through his very soul at him being called as such by you. He just hoped he wasn't awaiting more cushioning for a devastating blow... even so, it was one he was now reminded to fight for.
"I have to talk about the boys. I obviously enjoy the hobbies I do with the baby boys - you remember when I told you how I love how strong I feel now? How I feel creative for the first time since high school? That holds up, and in truth, the boys are just angels. I developed such a close friendship with Jiminie, Taehyungie, and Jungkookie that I don't think I can let that go. I just adore them…. and so much so that I’ve been trying to set them up with the girls - Nana, Kiki, and Mina.”
A breath escapes Jin, his fingers stroking his chin. It made sense, he thought. Nana and Taehyung in particular would be perfect together…
“I know you’re closer with the older boys, and I haven’t forgotten them. Namjoon is very cool, but… pretty much none of what he likes works for me. Hiking is as bad as fishing, no offense, and art is only fun when we’re mindlessly having fun in the studio. Otherwise…” You scrunch your nose at the thought, shaking your head violently in disapproval - the endearing act that never fails to make him giggle, even now. “The only reason we keep in touch is to talk books, which… you know I’ve always liked,” you explain.
Jin nods. You and Namjoon’s reading speeds always made him feel like a third-grader. You’d sooner finish reading a 700-page book than learn how to make a simple grilled cheese sandwich - Namjoon was the same. In a world where most people were not as such, at least you two clumsy nerds know of each other, he thought.
“Dancing was… always on my list of things to try, believe it or not. You were there when I brought it up to Hoseok,” you recall the interaction you’d had weeks ago, and so does Jin, who had been so taken aback at your suggestion to Hoseok, having assumed you’d want fashion or social media advice from his savvy friend. You’d never danced sober more than simply swaying, even on the most private occasions… there was never any reason for him to know dancing was always a thing you’d wanted to try... but then again, perhaps the 'new you' had been buried too deeply. But it took guts to ask Hoseok - he knew you knew that as well - the sheer courage and confidence that must've settled in only recently….
“But…. I pretty much told him that I didn’t want him to teach me anymore after the first lesson. He’s like… really fucking scary, Jin, holy shit. I know you've mentioned it, but I didn’t think he was capable of being like that! I thought he was going to kill me!” Another giggle escapes him at your shock. If you had simply run the idea by him, he’d have told you that already, he thinks to himself, as he did after your hike with Namjoon, but he chooses to say it out loud this time. “Oh, lesson learned, believe me, honey. I passed it off as me wanting a female instructor, which I do. Because well….I couldn’t tell Hoseok I wanted to learn burlesque dancing now, could I?”
“Bur-burlesque?!” Jin says, leaning forward as if it’d make him hear any better.
“Mhmm….” The faint, smug smile on your face calmed his heart - it’d been a while since he’d seen you as such - but it did nothing to calm his mind. Just the mental image of you…. “And pole dancing too. I keep telling my instructor that I want to surprise my boyfriend, so she helped me come up with some choreography involving… things you like.”
Jin’s excitement fades when he remembers - the song. “Was that what you were showing the boys?! When I walked in….”
��As if. That’d be for your eyes only, honey. When you walked in, we were just teasing Jimin about something stupid. The song just came up on shuffle.”
Jin shakes his head and stands up to pace the room, replaying the scene once again and scolding himself. Once again, it’s as though you can read his thoughts. “It probably looked odd from your angle…”
“Why was everyone there? Wait, was that Yoongi in here too?” It’d taken Jin this long to realize Yoongi had been present as well. Save for the makeshift therapy session Jin had wanted to have earlier in the day, he had been trying to schedule appointments with Yoongi all week - a needed fishing trip and a work meeting, but his friend only ever answered when Jin had been fast asleep. Had Yoongi been here for Hoseok? Jimin?
“My day started with Yoongi,” you sigh.
You?! The one person who knew of his desperate attempts to get to Yoongi?! he thought, so shocked he had to sit down, opting for the space on the floor in front of you instead of the chair.
”No secrets, especially since I’m laying everything out today. It was my first time hanging out with Yoongi, just so you know. I wanted to pick out a good anniversary gift for you since that’s coming up, and we went shopping for all these fancy liquors. Then, he was just meant to drop me off here at the studio, and after my lesson, I found out he just stayed since Hoseokie was already here in the other room with Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. And Namjoon… he was just here, I guess. Actually, I think he’s hiding that he’s dating one of Hoseok’s dancers. The boys seemed to tease him about it?”
“Oh shit, good. He’s always had a crush on her,” Jin smiles to himself. It starts out as happiness for his dear friend, knowing how deeply Namjoon’s affections could run, and when the crush began. It was right at the start of Jin’s own relationship with you. At that time, for the first time in over a decade, Jin finally understood his friend. Namjoon loved love. He got so caught up in the idea and complexities of love, talking endlessly about how it’s the center of the universe, tying everything together. “It is science,” Jin would always rebuff until he couldn’t. Until he understood. He wasn't going to forget any of it again - not even for a second.
And once again, the woman he loved cups his face, searching his watery eyes, and kneeling on the floor in front of him.
"….Did you ever feel this way?"
You consider his words and think over yours. "Angry? A little jealous? ....Lonely? If that's what you've been feeling... Yes, sometimes."
“Then you don’t have to be sorry, my love. I’m sorry I got angry more than anything.  I… didn’t like that. That wasn’t me…. was it?”
“Not the usual you, but it’s the human you. It’s within reason… I never saw you get jealous before, which is a green flag since I know you trust me - as you should! And I trust you! But still, as someone who gets jealous over you often… it weirdly reassured me, I guess? That you still want me.”
“…. Wait, you get this often?!” Jin blinks.
“Honey, I feel jealous whenever anyone follows their urge to say you’re handsome, which is very often. I always wish I could answer with ‘AND HE’S MINE’ and giggle like a little leprechaun who's hoarding a pot of gold all for himself,” you say with a tone so serious it makes Jin erupt in his signature dolphin-noise laugh for the first time that night.
“I’m always yours! And I always want you! Honey… this is a dark feeling. How do you deal with it often…. I… I never want to feel this way ever again,” he exhales, tugging on the fabric of your top before your hand covers his.
“I deal with it because you always remind me that you’re mine and I’m yours, like you did just now. Because you make sure I know you love me. I… I try. I promise I’ll try harder, my love.”
“No, honey, you do more than enough. I know you love me. I do. I was just… blinded, I guess, which I fucking hate. I… I thought I’d be stronger, better than to fall into this stupid mental rut.”
“You’re human. You’re my human,” you smile, hand slowly trailing down Jin’s cheek but lingering your touch over his pursed lips. Jin’s hands find your waist, and your arms immediately wrap themselves over his shoulders. When your racing hearts calm together in sync, and your breathing follows, the world falls into place and both of your meaningless defenses yield. Your bodies and spirits rest against one another, tired, aching, and longing. Jin wanted just this. To keep you close, for all eternity, if he could… if you’d wanted the same. He’s reassured when his attempt to tighten his embrace falls short, realizing how closely you’ve been holding him in turn. It was physically impossible to be any closer, and still, it wasn’t enough. Exhaling against you, with a hand somewhere in your hair at your back and the other holding your head, his senses overwhelm him once again. It’s too much, the love he’d felt at that moment. Dreamlike, even when he notices that his hand had been lying right over your bra strap. And he remembers even more.
“So… burlesque, huh?” Jin smirks.
“What do you think the chairs are here for?” Turning, Jin’s jaw drops when sees the two now-empty chairs. He tries to hide his excitement by covering his face when he sees you, sure it is red already.
“Oh, with a reaction like this, I’m definitely keeping it as a hobby then. I’m good at it too,” you smile, brushing his hair. “It’ll be good and all for you, baby. Painting random shit and fitness has been fun, especially with the younger ones, and burlesque will be for the both of us. But! My quest is not over, and my introverted self is not fulfilled just yet. I still have crocheting, writing, blogging, and photography to try out. I want something that’s entirely mine.”
“I promise that I support you with trust, love… always,” Jin thinks over his words, fidgeting with his fingers.
“And…I’m…..entirely yours,” he says quietly, a smile finally fixed on his face.
“And I’m yours,” you say with a smile, finally pulling Jin into a kiss that he can’t help but melt into. It’s soft, quick pecks and affectionate murmurs until you straddle his lap. Suddenly, it’s as though your entire mature conversation and successful attempt at communication never happened, and you replayed it all then and there. He reaches for you, pulling you down and onto him until you gasp. At that, Jin’s hand at your nape pushes you into his kiss, and you let him. He bites at your lower lip, moaning when you’re quick to do the same back, yet his sounds grow louder when he lets you passionately kiss him all over. In a fight for stability, he grabs onto the nearby chair and breaks away so suddenly.
“The - the damn boys are still here. I think I heard something break in the corridor - it’s either Namjoonie or Jiminie.”
You open your mouth to say something but don’t, looking at Jin instead. “If they’ve been trying to eavesdrop and want the gist of it, how would you like it if I fake moaned your name a bit too loudly so they know I’m yours and only yours?”
“It doesn’t have to be fake, though, does it?” he asks, leaning back on his elbows and lying in wait, positioned in front of the mirror. Seeing a turn in your gaze seconds before you pounce on top of him, Jin is electrified. Your name leaves his lips and his yours, not just as a moan but a promise. A quest of his own. To make you happier and happier for as long as he lived and more. To find a new way to love you every single day. You deserved as many as the universe had to offer.
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silenzahra · 6 days
The content that I'm bringing next ✨
I thought I could give you a hint of the content I'm preparing in order to bring it during this week and next month! I'm taking my time to create it all, so that's why it's not gonna be posted right away, but I hope you'll like to read everything as I share it! 💖
I'll start with some regular posts and then I'll focus on my writing 🥰
-Get to know me. I mentioned a while back that I thought it'd be fine to share a little bit of myself with you so you can get to know me a bit better, and I'm currently working on this one and trying to think of as many things as possible so as to make it, you know... interesting? 😅 I don't really know how to describe it, but in any case, it's in the works!
-A masterpost. Just like the first one, I also mentioned that I'd like to create one at last, as I've posted a few stories and two headcanon posts already, and I want you guys to find them as easily as possible whenever you'd like to. This is gonna take a bit longer, because Tumblr's search tool doesn't work very well 😬 But I'll manage! 💪
-My pending asks. This is a bit embarrassing... I've had some asks waiting for a reply for months now and I'm so sorry that I've kept you waiting for so long 😅 Here's a promise: as soon as I've posted at least one of my pending fics (more about this below), I'll start gradually and slowly answering all the asks that I have left. I wanna give each and every one of you the proper replies you deserve, which is why I warned that I'd take some time, but that's one thing. Taking forever is very different and I'm truly so sorry 😅
-May and June calendars. Don't know if you've seen some of my calendar posts, but I happen to have two Nintendo calendars for this year and I've been showing them since January (here's the February one since I can't find the others lol), but sometimes I simply forget to share the one for the new month and it gets delayed... Shame on me again 😅 I intend to show May this week since it's technically still May, and I'll make sure to not let many days of June pass before I show the ones corresponding to that month 🥰
-Tons of reblogs! I've already started doing this actually, as I've been tagged in a lot of amazing content, and even if I'm slow, I wanna see everything and leave proper feedback when I have the chance 🥰 Thank you again to those of you who tagged me! And for your patience as well 🫂💖💖
And now... let's talk about...
-My Kitsune/Tanooki story. This one is coming soon, and when I say soon, I mean this week! 😁 I would've liked to post it mid May, but life wouldn't let me, but hey, better late than never! 🥰 I'm now in the process of editing and I intend to start translating tomorrow, and that usually doesn't take long, so you can expect this one at the end of the week 👀 Hope you'll like it! 💖
-Anything for him: Chapter 3. As I've mentioned a few times, this last chapter is long overdue and I'm ashamed that I'm taking SO long to finish it as I know very well what's going to happen! 😅 Still, once my Kitsune/Tanooki fic is up, this is the next thing I intend to fully work on, and even though I'm not sure to give a specific date, I would like to post it in June at last. Wish me luck in achieving this! 🤞🤞🤞
-Post-nightmare cuddles fic. Okay, it's been a few months already, but... anyone remember this writing prompt? I happened to receive a couple of suggestions in my inbox, and even though I wrote and posted the first one back in March, I wasn't able to finish the second one as I wasn't in the mood for angst when I first tried. But that's changed! 🤩 I'm CRAVING to write some angst, so this is gonna be the third thing on my writing list, and, again, I'd like to post it in June. I'll let you know if I succeed! 🤞🤞🤞
Also, if you're curious, you can read the other prompt here 👇
-And last but not least... did anyone say...
... an AU? 🤔
Yyyyyyes! That's right! 😁 I've recently started working on my very first AU and I am SO happy 🤩 I'm really SO excited about this one! I don't know yet how long it'll take until I'm ready to start posting it, but this is the thing that I mentioned yesterday that I keep getting new ideas for almost every single day 🤩
I'm not gonna say yet what it's based on, as I want it to be a surprise when I finally start sharing it with you guys, but it contains EVERYTHING that I love and that many of you love as well, so... I believe you'll like this one when it's ready 🤭 Maybe when I work a bit more on it and see a release date coming closer I'll go and tell you what it's about, but for now... I'll just keep working on it and enjoying every single word that I'm writing 😁
I really hope you'll like all of this once I start sharing it! As you see, I'm a big fan of making lists 😂 That's the way I usually organize everything that I have to do every day and such, and I thought that maybe sharing this, I'll have it a bit easier to focus and really bring all of it to this blog, even if I'm slow. Still, just know that I'm truly enjoying the process of creating not only the written fics (and the AU 🤭), but also the posts that I wanna bring soon 🥰
If you read everything, thank you! I know I tend to talk a lot lol, so I really appreciate it! Love you so much! 💖💖💖
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darthfrodophantom · 10 months
Heeeey, Darth!! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💚
Hi Summers! What a great idea! I love this!
Here are the five favorite fics I've written, in no particular order (but maybe a bit of an order):
A Secret Uncovered Summary: When Danny's transformation is caught on tape, Danny has a whole new battle to face, including a press conference, Valerie, and, of course, school. But who is the mysterious ghost who set him up? And how much can he possibly mess up his life? Reason: This has always been my favorite of the pieces I've written. I poured so much love and work into this piece over (many) years. I'm so proud of it. I set out to tell a story of what it would be like if everyone knows (before Everybody Knows AUs became a thing and even before Reality Trip haha) and used it as a vehicle to show so many different reactions. I've had so much fun working on this. (And there may be a cross-post to AO3 very soon!)
Tortured Truth Summary: Danny's parents discover that the ghost boy is half human. Now that they've captured Danny, will he submit to torture and reveal himself, or is the revelation just the beginning of their problems? Reason: I'm starting with my old ones here! This is actually the first fic I ever shared with anyone, and it's also the first fic I've ever finished. While the torture is tame compared to today's standards, I feel like it has a great emotional payout and I enjoyed taking a micro-examination of the family unit's reactions and using Danny's illness as a way to force everyone to confront his powers.
The Red Vengeance Project Summary: With cameras strapped to their foreheads, Paulina and Star venture into the woods to bait the ghostly urban legend to appear in the hopes that Phantom will come save them. It seemed like a good plan in the light of day, but they get more than they ask for in the dark, claustrophobic, and dangerous woods. Reason: This was one of the first DP fics I'd written in a long time. It'd taken a break and just come back to the phandom to write this and another fic for Ectoberhaunt and I loved it. It brought me back to why I loved writing for this phandom in the first place. I picked this one over my actual first fic since coming back because I enjoyed writing this one more. I loved playing around with the different POV and I felt like it resulted in a really cool effect.
Micro-Unmasking Summary: Great timing prevented Danny’s secret from being revealed to Dash during their shared experience with the Fenton Crammer. But what would happen if his timing had been just a little off and Dash saw more than Danny wanted? Reason: This one's had a special place in my heart for awhile. I started it in 2009 and finally finished it in 2022! It was also just a fun topic that I enjoyed reading. I felt like I got to be a little witty in this one and I just really enjoyed writing it.
Prove That You Deserve the Answer Summary: After an argument with Jazz leaves Maddie feeling insecure about her role as a mother, she wishes she could understand her children better. She soon learns the dangers of making wishes around ghosts when she switches places with Jazz. But when this body swap allows her the opportunity to really talk with Danny, she realizes that maybe she can use this to finally see what's really going on with her son, and maybe find some way to fix their relationship in the process. Reason: I am so proud of this one. I sought out to finish a longer fic and I actually did it! I really pushed myself on this one, and I feel like it really paid off. I feel like the internal thoughts and monologues were so fun to explore and I loved writing from Maddie's POV.
And there are my five! This was a fun dive into my past works and really took some thought as to why they became some of my favorites.
Because this is a great idea, I'm gonna do some tagging! Maybe we can come up with a great list of reading recommendations from it by the end! I'm going to tag: @summerssixecho (you're not escaping your own idea lol), @underforeversgrace, @murphy-kitt, @nickelodeonstudios, and @lexosaurus
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zyrafowe-sny · 10 months
Nimona Ask Game
I like asking questions and I like Nimona, so I thought I'd make an ask game. For best results, write in the tags which Nimona media you've consumed (movie, comic, both) and if you've made any fanwork.
1 - How did you first hear about Nimona?
2 - What did you know about Nimona going in?
3 - What's your sales pitch for getting someone to watch the movie?
4 - Who is your favorite character?
5 - Who is your favorite side character? (not one of the main three)
6 - Which character do you relate to the most?
7 - What was your favorite part of the movie?
8 - Which of Nimona's forms did you like best?
9 - Who/what else would you like to see Nimona shape-shift into?
10 - What was something in the movie that made you laugh?
11 - What was something in the movie that made you emotional?
12 - What's your favorite quote from the movie?
13 - Are there any themes in Nimona that you especially like?
14 - Which pronouns do you use for Nimona?
15 - Do you have any headcanons about Nimona's origin story?
16 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius met?
17 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius started dating?
18 - How much time do you think passed between the assassination and Ballister meeting Nimona?
19 - How much time do you think passed between the cannon scene and the last scene of the movie?
20 - What do you think happened to the Institute?
21 - What do you think Nimona and Ambrosius' dynamic is like after the movie?
22 - Do you have any headcanons that you'd like to share?
23 - Are there any songs that you associate with any of the characters?
24 - Is arm-chopping a love language?
25 - What's your opinion on freestyle jazz?
26 - What's your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
27 - Are you allergic to anything?
28 - What other media do you recommend for people who enjoyed Nimona?
29 - Is there anything else you'd like to share about the movie?
Comic/Graphic Novel
30 - Have you seen the movie, read the comic/graphic novel, or done both?
31 - Did you read the comic first or watch the movie first? What order would you recommend for someone who hasn't done either?
32 - What's your sales pitch for getting someone to read the graphic novel?
33 - Did you see the Nimona comic on Tumblr before it was published as a graphic novel?
34 - What's your favorite part of the comic?
35 - Who is your favorite character in the comic?
36 - Pink hair or purple hair?
37 - Do you think Ballister and Nimona ever reunited?
38 - Do you have any headcanons about the comicverse that you'd like to share?
39 - Any thoughts on comic!Nimona vs. movie!Nimona?
40 - Any thoughts on comic!Ballister vs. movie!Ballister?
41 - Any thoughts on comic!Ambrosius vs. movie!Ambrosius?
42 - What would comic!Ambrosius think of movie!Ballister (and vice versa)?
43 - What would movie!Ambrosius think of comic!Ballister (and vice versa)?
44 - Is there anything about the movie that you liked better than the comic?
45 - Is there anything about the comic that you liked better than the movie?
46 - Is there anything from the comic that you wish was included in the movie?
47 - How would you fit Meredith Blitzmeyer in the movieverse?
48 - Is there anything else you'd like to share about the graphic novel?
49 - Share a link to a Nimona fanfic that you like.
50 - Share a link to Nimona art that you like. (Do NOT repost, especially without credit.)
51 - What are your favorite Nimona fanfic tropes to read and/or write?
52 - Which Nimona AO3 relationship tags are your favorites to read and/or write? (can be platonic or romantic)
53 - What are your favorite Nimona AO3 Additional Tags to read and/or write?
54 - What kinds of Nimona fics would you like to see more of?
55 - What kinds of Nimona art would you like to see more of?
56 - Are there any AUs that you'd like to see/write/make art of?
57 - Have you made any fanworks for Nimona (fanfic, fanart, meta analysis, etc.)? Please self-promote and share your work!
58 - Which character is your favorite to write/make art of?
59 - Is there a character who's especially difficult for you to write/make art of?
60 - Do you have any WIPs or upcoming projects that you'd like to share?
61 - Is there anything else you'd like to share about your Nimona fanwork?
Thanks so much for participating! Please feel free to comment on this post or shoot me an ask if you have any feedback or suggestions.
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altraviolet · 5 months
so im neck deep in reading echo garden - hi, hope ur doing well, holy hell what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? i originally wanted to ask you something like; 'what's your inspiration for your worldbuilding, what ideas did you come up with, pull/build from etc'
..but instead i wanna try and ask you a different question/for advice, if that's okay? (your writing went and gave me a mild crisis, congrats you've reached peak 'make-ppl-feel-things-thru-writing' skillz. :}) how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc,
but i'm just now breaking free of the thought that i have to.. produce something big and unique and grandiose? (for others? it's a weird attention-y 'ey look what i made' thing.) like, honestly, i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly.
I don't know.. how to worldbuild/craft (whatever term) something that feels like mine? I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough. like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
I'm sitting here in a really weird, silly, downright stupid at this point, circular loop and I don't know how to get out of it. I think not understanding what worldbuilding is, or how it works or even how having ideas works, might be why I've screwed myself here? And the internet's weird.. impossible standard for idea-having.
I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. (is maybe the thought that I ought to grow them in the first place one of the reasons I'm having trouble? and it's.. okay to not? that just because they're tiny, or simple, or mundane, doesn't mean they're worth less than 'bigger & better' chunks of ideas/worldbuilding?)
Hi! I'm doing okay, thanks. Vacation could be structured more to my liking, but family & obligation something something.
Anyway. Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying Echo Garden. Especially the worldbuilding, which is one of my favorite things to do. It seems like you're feeling a lot of mixed and heavy things about it. I don't know if I'm any authority to help you with that, but I'll give it a shot. Let's go through what you've sent me, albeit out of order. I'mma put this behind a cut, because it got very long.
>what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? Thank you! I appreciate that. Here I would like to stress that this writing has taken me almost 4 years and hundreds and hundreds of hours, and hundreds of thousands of words to accomplish. If you think it is beautiful, I am happy to hear that! I will be honest: I am very proud of what I've done. But what I'm stressing here is that it was not effortless. It is beautiful, but it has taken a lot of work.
>i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly. No, that's not silly. That's legit. Envy or jealousy are totally normal things to feel in any given situation. If the situations were reversed, I'd feel the same way. When I see people who have things or skills I wish I had, I feel it. This might be a good time to drop a little story about when I first thought about writing TF fic. Please do me a favor and go read this ask, you can skip down to the bold words that say NOTE THE WARNINGS AND TAGS BEFORE READING. Here I talk about how I didn't write for a year because I read a fic so good I knew I could never be that good.
tl;dr and/or moral: it's ok and natural to feel envious. Don't let it stop you from writing, though. If I had let TGWP stop me from writing, you'd never have Echo Garden. That'd be a shame, I think. I'm glad I decided to try writing, even though I knew I couldn't do something as good as what I admired. I did something else.
>how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc, I'll come back to your first question eventually, but I wanna address the latter statements: "We get inspiration from everything around us," yes, this is true. Being a sponge, being observant of the world, will help you build a 'library' of ideas. Artists have a term for this that escapes me at the moment, but the idea is, if an artist draws 1000 trees, and within those, 50 different kinds of trees, they now have an excellent mental tree 'library' to reference when they need to draw a tree. And since it's super easy to find irl references of trees, one might ask, what's the use of the mental library? It gives the artist the basics and a ton of variations on The Concept of a Tree. In a similar way, observing the world, reading stories, listening to music, absorbing creative works, etc will also add to your mental library. You can call on these things when worldbuilding later. Quick example: if you know the ins and outs of a hospital, because you're a nurse, you'll have a fantastic basis for a realistically operating sci fi hospital on another world. Take a concept relating to the hospital, as we know it on Earth, and change it. What if patients can regrow internal organs but not limbs? See what that does to the organization of the hospital. The staff, the pharmacy, the stock, the medical supplies. What changes? Organ donors aren't needed anymore. Would this mean an actual reduction in the species's understanding of how those organs work? An irl nurse won't have to do a ton of research to get the basics which are drawn upon to answer those questions.
This line of questioning took me to something I want to expand upon later, but for now: What kind of cultural issues could arise from this species's healing ability? Is someone who was forced to grow a new liver due to an accident "less than" someone who has their original liver? Hold onto the fact that we just went from hospital -> biology -> culture. "There's no such thing as a truly original idea," I disagree with this statement, though I know it is a very, very popular one. I think it is true that plots and archetypes are commonly used over and over again. I think there are still original ideas out there, though. I pride myself on it, to be honest. Some of the worldbuilding you like so much comes from ideas that I've not seen in either TF canon or fanon. They tend to be smaller details that feed into bigger systems, once you take them to their logical endpoints. More on that later.
>I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough.
All I can say here is that comparison is the thief of joy. If we're talking strictly fanfic, it shouldn't be this stressful on you. People love tropes for a reason. Don't be afraid to use them. Echo Garden itself has a few. "Enemies to lovers" never quite felt like the correct term, but it is recognizable and there are tons of fans of it. Remember the thing about me not writing for a year cuz I thought I wasn't good enough. Don't do that. Comparison is the thief of joy! >like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
Again, I do think there are truly original ideas still out there. You have a unique view of the world. Writing is one way to share it. All your experiences, your education, your hardships and your victories shape who you are. No one else will be looking out the same eyeballs. With practice, you can find ideas. I'll explain how I do it. Maybe that will help you, too. Though you do have, by your own words, little pieces: I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. Little pieces are a good place to start. And if they stay little, that's fine. Having a ton of little pieces layered on top of each other is what contributes richness to your world.
My goal with all the above was to address the emotional aspect of your ask. I haven't gone through everything, but I'd like to get to your core question. I am going to answer it literally, in a way that might not help you, then try to break it down into something that might be helpful.
how do you even 'do' worldbuilding?
I think. All the time. I am one of those people who has a laser focus and is able to make connections between unrelated ideas. I am always, always thinking. It's not really daydreaming. It's thinking about a single idea and then taking it for a ride down a million "what if?" paths. Put it this way: I think watching astronomy lectures is fun and I loathe parties. Fun for me is world building: building literal worlds. Playing with ideas. So how do I 'do' worldbuilding? Mostly in my head. Once I get some ideas that make sense, I write them down so I don't forget them. If I'm lucky, I'm at home at my computer and can type them fast. If I'm not, I'm at work, and I scribble them on pieces of paper. It can be anything, from a huge plot point to a teeny tiny detail.
How do I think? If I'm world building from nothing (as opposed to solving a problem or building on top of previously thought of stuff), I just... think of things that fascinate me. For Transformers, that's their biology and how it links to culture. It's their alienness. The possible geology of their world. I freaking love just thinking about that!
Once you have a fascinating idea, you push it. What does that mean? Do you recall, in the nurse/hospital example above, I noted that, while we started with 'hospital setting,' it moved to how that healing factor could be interpreted in the culture of that species? That was what I mean: taking the idea of 'alien hospital' to 'what does this mean about their biology?' to 'what does this mean about their culture?' And to be honest, this is how I do a lot of world building. Culture comes from biology and geology. This is a personal theory I have, I'm sure anthropologists have a better definition of culture. But that's the one I use for worldbuilding. What is the consequence of your fascinating idea? That is the key for me. That is how I worldbuild.
If I'm worldbuilding on top of previous stuff, it's sometimes a bit harder or easier, depending on how the previous stuff narrows your possibilities. But in that case, I usually try to be as logical as possible. Here's an example for Echo Garden:
canon facts: the Lost Light has a fuel furnace and an engine room and a bridge
me: hmm, okay, the LL has utilities and facilities, kind of like a small town. someone has to tend to those things. I'm sure some mechs have specialized knowledge that makes them a better fit for maintaining/upkeeping certain things than others. We saw Blaster on the bridge acting as a communications officer of sorts. Hmm, he's probably the best bet for keeping comm-related stuff clean and running. Hmm, that fuel furnace... I bet it's really hot in there, lol. I bet it's complicated in there. They probably have to color code the pathways to the different furnaces. I bet most mechs wouldn't like being in there because it's so hot. I wonder who'd get stuck with that chore. Well... Rodimus is fireproof, basically, and Trailbreaker could protect himself with his shield. So they can do that chore.
It feels rambly when I write it out. I suppose it could be. I do this very quickly in my mind, though. I pull from everything I know: canon, fanon, things I know from my own life experiences. This 'pulling' happens all at the same time. So, going back to that 'mental library,' as you can see, that's a powerful thing for me to have for my worldbuilding method.
Okay okay, so how can I make all that into something actionable by you? Good question. I suppose I will answer it with more questions!
Precisely define what it is you want to worldbuild. Is it cultural (language, food, clothing, music, etc)? Is it biological (bodies, adaptations, appearance, etc)? Is it environmental (geology of the world, or the inside of a space ship)? What exactly do you want to accomplish?
Once you have selected your Topic, think about all the things related to that Topic. What are the usual characteristics of Topic? Which of those characteristics can you change to fit your world? Example: food in TF. Food is often energon or engex. Food in real life is a huge part of culture. If your goal is to showcase a character making a special dish, maybe pick an irl dish you like, and see how its preparation would change if it was made out of a pretty, glowy energon-y substance instead of whatever it's made of on Earth.
If you haven't worldbuilt to your satisfaction, try another avenue. What else about Topic can you think of? What are your personal experiences regarding Topic? Maybe go do some research on Topic- you might find a neat little tidbit to incorporate into your writing.
Once you've worldbuilt Topic to your satisfaction, link it to the rest of your world! What does Topic existing do to your environment? To your characters? It's okay if Topic isn't a huge deal. That's totally fine! It's lovely to just have little worldbuilding details hanging around in the background. Remember- layering lots of tiny details really helps make a world feel rich and lived in. In the event that Topic is a big deal, repeat step 2 to discover how it affects your world.
Once Topic is happily integrated into your world, repeat the process! Take breaks, listen to music. Zone out. See if your brain can make some weird connections while you're not even really thinking about it. Be open to something that sounds kinda nuts at first. Maybe there's a way to pull it off! Or maybe not.
Side note: if you think of a really cool idea but it doesn't fit into the story you're writing right now, stick it in a file for later. Mmm, delicious ideas file, ready to be cannibalized for your next story.
So... yeah! That's how I worldbuild. Thinking a LOT and connecting ideas together and then pushing them to logical extremes/conclusions.
If you have any specific questions about anything I've written, feel free to ask. I don't think my method will work for everyone, but hopefully you can put your own spin on it and find a method that works for you.
Best of luck and happy worldbuilding :)
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musicboxmemories · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @viola-ophelia <3 Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 58 on my primary page, 38 on my trash page, and 5 on my catch-all.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? LOL if you think I'm going to add up the word count of 101 total fics, you're crazy! So instead, I'll just say my longest fic on my primary page is 96,771, my trash page is 34,787, and my catch-all is 11,722, for a total of 143,280. So with that being for just three fics, I shudder to think what my actual word count is for 101 fics lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Lately, TURN: Washington's Spies, though past fandoms have been H.annibal, E.mma 2020, and The M.agicians, to name a few.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I'm just going to stick to my main page for this:
Wake-up Call (From D.usk till D.awn: the Series) (438)
Changing Winds (S.tranger T.hings) (384)
Lost in the Dark (S.tranger Things) (284)
Anyone But You (That 70s Show) (265)
To Thaw and Burst into Bloom (S.tranger Things) (235)
^^The funny thing is, none of these were fandoms I was overly into/participated in much, but they're way more popular than my favored fandoms, which is why none of what I'm TRULY proud of is listed in my top kudos ranking. Ah well.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! In the past, I've always made friends through reviews/reviewing, so I always respond to comments and leave comments on works I've enjoyed. :) I really wish engagement/fic friendships were more encouraged these days.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhh, probably Folie a Deux (H.annibal) or To K.iss, to Consume (Turn). OH, and Let the Weary Rest (Turn), where I killed off Ben lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After 2020, pretty much all of my fics had happy endings. The World is Made Wrong made me happiest though, I'd say.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I'd rather not jinx myself, but I haven't since I was a kiddo! And that hate was deserved tbh, cuz they were just telling me I wrote xyz wrong since I was a child/didn't bother to research.
9. Do you write s.mut? *gestures vaguely at my trash page* Uh. Yeah. lol I don't really have a specific type I write, beyond M/F, if that's what you're asking -- the specific scenarios are typically a case-by-case basis.
10. Do you write crossovers? I used to write quite a few! Nowadays, I save that more for things like RP and edits, though I do still enjoy them. Sometimes, crossovers work better than canon, I said what I said.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have! But I was like 13 at the time, and the person posted it in the same ship/fandom, so Idk what their plan was lol. Fortunately, they deleted it the day I reviewed.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A few times, actually (all for the H.annibal fandom).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sure have! They're all RP-turned-fics though, cuz I've never actually asked someone to write something who wasn't an RPer themselves.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Probably David/Maddie from Moonlighting. They're timeless! <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I suppose my time travel romcom. It's basically me rewriting a book I've already created, but altering it for the Turn universe. Even though it's fun, it's kind of boring repurposing my old work, and most especially when there's so little engagement. I flourish on comments, alas. Other than that, I mostly tend to finish my works!
16. What are your writing strengths? An editor once told me my strengths are my dialogue and humor. She equated the first 20 pages of my book (a recent work) to a Shakespearean comedy, which really tickled me, ngl.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? World-building! I've improved with this by a lot, but I genuinely do think fic writers are conditioned to stop describing settings/appearance thanks to our audiences already KNOWING, and thus, our OG works suffer for it. Mine certainly do!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I wouldn't do it personally, since I doubt it'd translate well, but I encourage others to do it! I'll still read!
19. First fandom you wrote for? C.owboy B.ebop.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Probably The World is Made Wrong, since I've since reworked it and I'm still very proud of how that second run-through turned out (not the one available on AO3 -- that version is in all its heinous first draft glory lol).
Tagging: @retrograderesemblance @pagetreader @ms-march @culper-spymaster and whoever else wants to!
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slytherinwitchthings · 8 months
To Take Care of You
Ominis Gaunt X OC!Female
Tags: none! Just a fic of Ominis' being sick and OC! taking care of him, as one should!
(Constructive criticism and comments are always welcome!)
Part 1 of 3.
"Ominis, are you alright"?
The voice sounds far away but he still recognizes the pitch and cadence. He doesn't understand why she's in his room with him though, or why he is suddenly so cold. He can hear muted footsteps coming closer and a cool hand rests against his forehead, and he shudders, jerking backwards. He almost falls out of his seat - oh, right. He was in History of Magic, not in his bed. Ominis wished he was in his bed. His head hurts so badly and he is outright shivering.
"Oh, Ominis, I'm so sorry. I should have warned you I was about to touch you. You're burning up though, we need to get you to the Hospital Wing. Madam Blainey will have something for your fever". a gentle voice says.
Ominis tries to stand hearing she wants to take him to the hospital wing. "No, no, no hospital wing. I'm fine, just was fast asleep. See? Perfectly fine". He goes to take a step and feels a wave of dizziness wash over him, bringing a hand to his head and the other to the table he'd just been asleep on.
"Ominis, this was our last class of the week. Come on, a fever reducing potion and some Pepper Up and you'll feel better. Please?"
"NO. No." He barks out with a bite. "I cannot go to the Hospital Wing. Just drop it, Del. I'm fine." He raises his wand, sweeping it around and noticing they are the only ones left in the classroom.
Ominis has rarely ever raised his voice to her, only that time right after she found the Undercroft. Apart from that he was always gentle and soft spoken. Wait -
"Ominis.... why can't you go to the Hospital Wing? You're obviously sick". she whispers it to him, her voice hurting.
"I...." he sighs now, shoulders dropping. "If I go, it's reported to the Headmaster who in turn reports it to my family. Being sick in public is an insult to the Gaunt name, according to my father." He sounds so weary and she almost misses his next words, his voice has gone so soft, "I'd rather be sick for a week than face his punishments for disappointing him again".
Tears well up in her eyes taking in the boy in front of her. He is good, and kind, and wonderful but the world cannot get past his last name or his blindness - the two things he cannot control.
Adelia clapped her hands together, "Well then, it looks like we're heading to the Undercroft for the weekend. Sebastian was leaving to go to Feldcroft so he won't be around to annoy you with his babble. Come on, let's go. You can lean on me, no one is around".
"Wh - What?"
"Come now, if the problem is you cannot be seen in the Hospital Wing then you'll just have to let me take care of you. You...will let me take care of you, won't you, Ominis? Please? I just want to help..." she trails off, arm still wrapped around his as they make their way out of the classroom and slowly down the stairs.
He lets her lead them to the Undercroft, dazed and still rather dizzy. Why on earth would she want to care for him while he was sick? Ominis couldn't wrap his head around the idea. Sure, she was one of the only people he allowed to touch him. Sure, she was affectionate. But he thought it was with everyone. Why on Merlin's green earth would she choose to spend an entire weekend in his sickly presence? His own mother didn't care when he was sick as a child.
Not that he was complaining, of course. Ominis has long since had a crush on his dearest female friend but had accepted it would never go anywhere. He relishes in the idea of spending uninterrupted time together, just the two of them. But a voice in the back of his mind whispers to him, saying she is only doing this because she pities him and because Sebastian is gone. They are stepping into the Undercroft when the voice inside him is getting louder, telling him that she would never willingly help him. He wants her affection, not her pity.
Ominis pulls away from her grasp, taking a hand to his head again. "I'm sorry. Thank you for leading me here. You don't have to stay though or t-take care of me. I'm sure you have much better things to do. I'll stay here a bit though, don't worry".
"Ominis Gaunt. I don't care about anything else I should or could supposedly be doing. I DO care about you though. Damn, I'm shaking my finger at you!"
He lets out a soft chuckle at her admission. She spoke with her hands frequently, and had taken to telling him when she was doing something directed at him.
Her voice softens and he hears her get closer to him. His face is cupped between her hands, cradling his head. "Ominis, I want to be here. To take care of you. Do you...do you not want me to"? She says it so quietly, so shyly. Unlike the confident woman he knows her to be. Her palms are still cool and he had to stop himself from flinching again, taking comfort in her soft touch while simultaneously freezing. He closes his eyes before he answers her, his voice as soft as hers,
"No one has ever taken care of me or ever asked before".
Hearing this, Adelia wiggling stands on her tippy toes, still holding on to his head and trying to angle it down some.
"Blast, when did you get so tall? Lower your head for me, please".
Curious, he does so, and he freezes as he feels her soft lips kiss his forehead. He is glad his cheeks are most likely flushed or else he does not know how he would explain away the redness he knows is now present.
"Well, I'm here now. You're never going to be alone again and I'm going to be taking care of you. Come on now, let's see".
He is flustered and tries to make a joke, "Hmm, well being sick hasn't given me sight so you'll have to do the seeing yourself".
Adelia flicks his arm, giving a dramatic sigh and says "Sicker than ever but still a prat, I see. No, I mean, well.... I brought you down here because you're comfortable here but I forgot it's not the most comfortable place. The way I see it", she emphasizes the word see causing him to give her a small smile, before she continues on, "we have two choices. I can transfigure some of the boxes in here into something more comfortable or well, I can take you to my secret place. I've never brought anyone there before but, well, I think you'd like it. Which option would you prefer"?
Ominis is struggling to stand, he is so tired. All he wants to do is lay down, curled up in a heavy blanket and sleep. But he is intrigued by her secret place - he knows she goes somewhere in the castle he has never been able to follow. But he's also afraid he won't be able to follow now, without falling on top of her.
"How far away is this more comfortable place and more importantly, is it warm"? Ominis clenches his jaw, trying to stop his teeth from chattering. He does love the Undercroft, but it is cold and the stone floor isn't his favourite napping spot.
"Just a floo away. Technically, it's on the 7th floor, right outside the astronomy tower. We'll need to floo there - I don't think you can floo directly in with me, not the first time at least".
"Lead the way, please. And then I need to lie down".
Del brings her hands together, an excited giggle escaping, as she rushes to take his arm in hers again, encouraging him subtly to lean on her. Together, they floo to the astronomy tower and then walk to the hallway. She lets go of his arm now, and he hears her pacing - back and forth, back and forth, and then once more before he can hear... something happening? His wand now shows a door where there had only been stone wall before. She grabs his hand, pulling him inside,
"Welcome, Ominis, to the Room of Requirement. Now, let's get you settled".
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the-mad-starker · 1 year
Starker Smut: Be Mine
Inspired by this post from @anonoite 💗💗 The first one I got was kitty!Tony x kitty!Peter. So here I am coming in with kitty starker Valentine's Day 😌
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Can you believe this cute lil thing spawned a 5k fic? I can't 😂 I meant for this to be so much shorter. I wanted to finish it for Valentine's Day but better late than never?
Summary: It's Valentine's Day but Peter knows Tony's keeping a secret from him. His alpha makes sure to correct that mistake.
WC: 5681
(AO3 Link)
Notes: Alpha/Omega, feline omegaverse, Barbed Penis (kind of), Intersex Omegas, Omega Peter Parker, Alpha Tony Stark, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Implied Mpreg, Cat/Human Hybrids, Mating jewelry, Light Angst, Marriage Proposal, Creampie, (some) pain kink, mirror sex, multiple orgasms
Note 2: although I have tagged barbed penis, it's not exactly penis spines cause I didn't wanna... Shred poor Peter 😂 so it's still spines but blunted. So no bleeding 😅
Terminology: toms refer to male cats and queens refer to female cats, but in this situation, tom=alpha, queen=omega
Mating Jewelry inspo cause I doubt I did a great job describing:
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Tony's been secretive lately.
The thought plagues Peter's mind throughout the morning class. His ears, usually perked up and attentive, lie flat against his curly hair and his tail barely twitches.
It's February 14th. Valentine's Day.
The tom wouldn't be so cruel as to break up with Peter on Valentine's Day, would he?
Peter doesn't think Tony would do that to him but it doesn't bring him any comfort. What if Tony wants to give him one last hurrah, wine and dine Peter, then let him down easy the next day?
The feline buries his head in his arms even more because somehow that thought seems even worse than being broken up with on Valentine's Day.
A nudge to his side has Peter peeking out of his makeshift hiding spot. Ned's concerned face greets him.
"It's time to go," Ned tugs him out of his seat but Peter drags his feet even knowing Happy's waiting for him.
"I'd thought you'd be excited to see your alpha," Ned muses, his own ears flopping as they walk.
"He's gonna break up with me, Ned," Peter says as though it's inevitable. His tail curls around his waist as Ned tugs him along.
"What?" His best friend sounds appropriately offended. "No way, dude! You guys are like… perfect together."
"Yeah? What makes you think that?" Peter turns to look at his friend. He's latching onto any bit of hope because he really really likes Tony. Maybe even… loves him...
Ned pauses as though not expecting the question.
"You're both felines?" Ned says as though that simple fact is enough.
Peter groans and bumps against the beta.
"That doesn't mean we're perfect together…" Peter says. He wishes it was that simple. "Maybe he found another queen, a prettier one, with– I dunno, a fluffier tail? …I'm just me, after all. I'm just… Peter. Boring, nerdy Peter."
"Hey, don't talk about my best friend like that," Ned pokes him. "And there's no better omega or uh, queen, than you, Peter."
The way Ned fumbles with the terminology breaks him out of his gloomy thoughts.
"You can just call me an omega, I know the terminology is a bit weird to get used to," Peter tries to smile at Ned. He's grateful that Ned tries so hard. He's such a good friend.
"I'll get used to it," Ned shrugs. "Omega, queen. Alpha, tom. It's the same thing, just… a tiny bit different."
"Well, we call each other omega and alpha too," Peter points out. "So it's fine if you use those terms."
"If I can get used to it in my head, it'll be better," Ned says, determined. "And hey, don't change the subject. Why do you think Tony's planning to break up?"
The omega falls silent gathering his thoughts.
"I dunno, it's just… a feeling. Like he's hiding something from me," Peter says, ears once again hanging flat. "He hasn't been texting or calling as much. And he's been busy a lot…"
Ned takes it all in. He doesn't call Peter crazy or paranoid, which Peter appreciates.
"Peter. He's a genius billionaire that's CEO of his own company," Ned reminds him gently.
"Genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist," Peter feels the need to correct him, his lips quirking up into a half smile.
Ned rolls his eyes but concedes.
"Right. That. That's a lot of stuff to be handling," Ned nudges him.
"Yeah," Peter sighs. "I know… I just… wish I didn't feel like he was hiding something from me."
"So… ask him," Ned suggests. "What's the worst that can happen?"
And just on cue, they arrive at the parking garage where Happy is patiently waiting.
Normally, Peter feels so excited, so giddy, when he sees Happy because that means Tony's waiting for him at the end of the ride. But here, he can't help feeling a tiny bit of trepidation.
He waves Ned goodbye and resolves to get the answer out of his alpha.
What's the worst that can happen, after all? Maybe just a little heartbreak that'll tear Peter's whole world apart.
Yep. Nothing to it.
Tony's plans for Valentine's Day have Peter wanting to melt into a pile of goo.
The plan goes as follows:
Happy taking Peter to get tailor fit for a suit
A romantic brunch in Manhattan, set on one of the rooftops overlooking the city.
Spending the rest of the night with his alpha at the penthouse, just the two of them.
The custom made suit has Peter feeling so pampered and spoiled. He always feels so self-conscious when he's on Tony's arm, more than aware of the difference in their social standing. But like this, clad in form-fitting trousers and a waistcoat that accentuates his slim waist, he looks like a model ready for a photo shoot.
The way Tony's eyes light up in genuine pleasure, his eyes inspecting Peter from head to toe and finding the omega more than perfect… The kit glows with pleasure and feels confident enough to step up to Tony.
Tony's ears and tail are as dark as his hair, all sleek fur. Peter's, on the other hand, is a sable brown but what really catches the eye is the texture. Fluffy and curly, every single move has them bouncing.
When Peter steps up to his side, the tom's tail sways forward and effortlessly catches Peter's.
"You look lovely, kitten," Tony all but purrs, snagging him by the waist and dropping a sweet kiss on his lips.
Peter melts in his arms, his tail twining possessively around Tony's.
"It's the suit," Peter blushes.
"Even if you were wearing a t-shirt and sweats, you'd still look lovely," Tony continues with the charm and maybe Peter would've laughed and called him a sap but today was different.
The insecurity is still in the back of his mind so he eats up the compliment and all but purrs when Tony strokes one of his ears with affection.
"You look good too, alpha," Peter says sincerely.
Tony must hear it often enough but Peter's sweet words have the alpha purring in happiness.
Their luncheon is amazing. No matter how often Tony spoils him, the omega still isn't used to this type of lavish lifestyle. The tastiest of dishes are placed before him, the meat practically melting in his mouth while flavor bursts on his tongue.
The view of the city is breathtaking too. The company makes it all even better but when Peter turns to face the tom, he can't help but feel a pang of sorrow.
What if this doesn't last?
Tony continues to distract him though, talking about mutual projects and his general day. Peter gets the full brunt of Tony's attention and he eagerly soaks it up like a parched flower tasting rain.
When they're tucked away in the car, bellies full and hands entwined, Tony mentions, "You're a bit quiet today, kitten. Anything wrong?"
Peter means to shake his head. He's decided during lunch that he doesn't want to ruin things and doesn't want to disrupt the romantic plan Tony laid out for them. If he has to be in denial, then let him be in denial.
He leans his head against Tony's chest and the alpha's arm winds around him, tucking him close to his chest. Tony's heartbeat thumps against his ear, steady and reassuring.
It all feels so perfect and Peter breathes in the scent of his alpha and home. He can't imagine being with anyone else but Tony.
"Don't break up with me," Peter can't help but murmur softly. He doesn't realize he's said it out loud until the alpha he's leaning on suddenly stiffens.
"What?" Tony sounds so confused and that's when it registers.
Peter sits up, eyes wide. When his tail tries to untangle itself from Tony's, Tony continues to hold on.
"What do you mean, break up?" Tony looks so adorably confused that Peter has to bite down on his lip to stop from repeating his words.
"Peter, sweetheart, kitten–" Tony takes his hands and squeezes gently. "Why do you think I'd want to break up with you?"
A minute shiver has Peter's body shuddering. Tony's words ignite hope in his heart. Hopefully, he hasn't ruined everything with his insecurities.
"I thought you got bored of me," Peter confesses, "You kinda… weren't as into our conversations the past week and… I know you're busy so I didn't want to bother you but it made me feel like… yeah…"
Tony's mouth drops open in a Gobsmacked expression and he seizes Peter in a hard hug.
"Silly kit," Tony says and the feeling of his hand sliding through Peter's hair and rubbing against the velvety soft fur of his ear is so soothing, so right.
"Happy," Tony calls out to their driver and Peter jerks, embarrassed that he forgot Happy was an unintentional audience in this. "I think it's time. Change of course, take us to the secret spot."
"Tony…?" Peter asks, unsure.
The alpha kisses his forehead and only holds him tighter.
"Shh, sweetheart, this will explain everything."
And because Peter trusts Tony, loves Tony… the omega closes his eyes and just breathes in the soothing scent of his boyfriend as Happy changes course.
The place Happy takes them to isn't familiar to Peter but that isn't unusual. The stores here scream luxury so it isn't a neighborhood that Peter would have reason to frequent.
The name of the boutique is a simple word, Promises, and when Tony leads him to the entrance, the door is opened by a peacock. Or– Well, Peter assumes it's a peacock man since the employee has a distinctive crest of blue feathers swaying above his hair.
"Mr. Stark," the man doesn't seem surprised to see him or Peter. "This way, please."
They're led inside and it's a spacious area with a few mannequins lined against the walls. The lights in the store are specifically placed to shine on the mannequins and there are strands hung on the bodies where bright sparks of light are reflected back.
Peter wants to get a closer look, attracted by the light, but Tony's hand in his has him tugging the younger man to his side.
A teasing pinch to his ear has Peter flicking it instinctively.
"C'mon, kitten," Tony says, "You'll see for yourself why we're here."
Peter still wants to peek but he's also excited to learn more. They rejoin the employee, following behind a train of brilliant green feathers.
They're shown into a room. A dressing… room? Fitting room? It's the fanciest dressing room Peter's ever been in. Definitely the most spacious.
In the corner, a large section is curtained off from the rest of the room with thick light blue curtains. In the center, there's a small platform that's surrounded by mirrors so that the person standing in the center could see every angle.
There are bouquets of red roses on corner tables. And there's a small white couch against the wall for the comfort of waiting partners.
Suddenly, Peter knows exactly what Tony's been so busy with.
"Tony, this…" Peter trails off, helpless, and even more helpless when Tony leads him to the curtained off area.
The curtains are retracted to reveal a single mannequin, very similar to Peter's size. Peter wouldn't be surprised if it is his exact measurements.
The mannequin is decorated in fine strands of gold. Just like the front of the store, the light here is specifically positioned to showcase the jewelry. And that's what it is… Jewelry. Peter hadn't been able to see clearly when they were brought in, but he realizes now that it could've only been jewelry.
"Tony…" Peter breathes out as he approaches the mannequin. He lifts a hand and hesitates as though touching them would make them disappear.
Tony approaches with him and when Peter hesitates, the alpha calmly presses his hand down on the thin strands that make up the chest piece.
"It's yours," Tony tells him softly. "I've been coming here to check the progress. Make sure everything was perfect, the diamonds, the rubies, the arrangement… It had to be perfect for my future mate."
The courting gift is beautiful. It's made up of delicate gold strands that make up a chest harness. It starts at the neck where a beautiful collar sits. From the collar, two strands of gold gently trail downward and wrap around to the back. Connected from these chains, two more meet in the middle where there are rubies. The first chain would sit right where his collarbone would meet and the next chain would be between his pecs.
From the last chain, three gold strands are attached. The center dangles just short enough to rest above his belly button while the other two are long enough to wrap around his waist.
And separate from the chest piece, two more delicate strands of gold circle around the waist, crossing in an X at the front.
Peter knows it must've cost Tony a fortune, one that the omega probably can't even fathom.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs when he turns to Tony. The tom's tail is flicking nervously and his ears are pushed forward eagerly.
"Peter… I hope you know now how serious I am about you," Tony tells him. When he steps closer and pulls Peter into his arms, he leans down and rubs their noses together.
Peter can't help the soft rumble that comes from his chest. His grip on Tony's arms tightens and he leans into him.
"Kitten… Peter… Peter Parker…" Tony murmurs. "Will you be mine? My mate? My queen?"
Even though Peter expects the question, it still makes his heart jump. He gives a brilliant smile, his fluffy curls bounce when he leans up and kisses his alpha.
"Yes, yes–" Peter says between kisses and smiles and a heart full of joy. "Alpha, my alpha. I want to be yours, wanna be your mate, your queen, only yours…!"
Tony returns the kisses. Peter can feel the press of his alpha fangs against his lips, their kisses are so full of passion.
When Peter pulls away breathless and giddy with happiness, he can't help but look back at the courting gift. An engagement set, he now realizes.
"Wanna try it on?" Tony's voice, low and suggestive, almost makes him jump.
Peter's face blushes pink. A lot of the jewelry is meant to show off Tony's claim on him. The collar, specifically, is the traditional piece and often, it tends to be the only piece necessary for a mating. Tony, of course, is going for a full set.
The jewelry is meant to show off Tony's adoration for him, but it's also a quiet declaration to Peter himself of Tony's love. The collar is meant to be shown off but the other pieces, the ones that Peter can wear under his clothes or hide away, those are just for him.
The chest harness and the pieces that hug his waist are only for him and Tony.
Peter wants to try it on and he wants to show his alpha just how well he knows him and his body.
"Yes," Peter answers, turning and nuzzling Tony's neck. "Will you put it on me?"
"Of course, sweetheart," Tony murmurs with a crinkling of his eyes, "I'm at your service."
It's not the first time Tony has seen him naked. They're way beyond that and are intimate with each other's bodies. Tony has kissed freckles and moles on Peter's back that the omega hadn't even been aware were there.
It's safe to say that Tony knows Peter's body more intimately than even he does himself.
So when Tony starts to remove the expensive suit he bought for Peter, the omega lets him until he's completely bare. He's more than a little hard, more than a little slick, and Tony can smell it on him.
Tony's eyes when they look at him are all dark pupils and full of hunger. But the anticipation makes it all the more worth it and Tony turns away, though he has to adjust himself too.
Peter hums teasingly, rocking on his heels and waiting eagerly.
The first piece that Tony places on him is the collar. It goes around his neck, neither too loose nor too snug. When Tony secures the clasp on the back, he brushes over the gold with reverent fingers when it settles into place.
Then a necklace is put on him. Peter hadn't even realized that it's a separate piece, it matches the set so well. The sparkle of a ruby settles right in the hollow of his throat like it belongs there.
The chest harness is next and it attaches to the collar seamlessly. Peter likes that he can wear them separately or together. When Tony goes to secure the harness, Peter obediently lifts his arms so Tony can reach the back.
Just as he expected, a line of gold dangles from the harness and barely reaches his belly. The ruby is just as red, just as beautiful as the one on his throat.
Tony's hands linger on Peter's hips when he places the last piece but the alpha behaves himself. Peter almost wishes he didn't.
Once that's secure, Tony steps back and lets his eyes linger in appreciation.
"How's it look, alpha?" Peter asks shyly.
The piece had looked stunning on the mannequin and even though he knows this is custom made for him, he wonders if the jewelry is too fine, too delicate, to look right on him.
"Come," Tony beckons him, taking his hand and leading him back to the center of the room.
Peter feels self-conscious walking around naked but Tony has always been a possessive alpha and has always taken Peter's safety into consideration. He knows he can trust the tom to keep his privacy safe if only because Tony would ruin anyone who even glances at him.
The alpha helps Peter up onto the platform. He stands behind the omega as Peter takes in the sight of his body covered in Tony's claim and he looks…
Handsome. Stunning.
The alpha looks at him in the mirror, eyes dark, his tail curled possessively around Peter's waist. Standing in front of the alpha, Peter feels so small and covered in gold, he feels just as delicate.
He feels adored and loved.
Tony's hands roam over his body, feather-light, as he teaches the strands of gold.
"Do you like it?" the tom needlessly asks.
Peter catches Tony's hand as he settles over his belly, large enough that his palm nearly covers the width of him.
"I love it, alpha," Peter says honestly. He turns towards Tony, smiling brightly.
The alpha is satisfied and he nods before smiling mischievously.
"Good, although…" Tony turns and steps away, confusing the poor omega. He takes a step to follow but then waits patiently when Tony goes to the door.
Something is handed off to him from the other side but Tony makes sure that Peter is still safely ensconced inside, hidden away from any curious eyes.
The box he returns with is longer than it is wide, easily the length of his forearm. When he opens it, Peter's brows raise in surprise.
There's another piece in there and it matches the set Peter is wearing.
"Alpha?" He says curiously.
Tony knees in front of him and looks up with sparkling eyes.
"Did you really think this was all I had for you?" Tony teases gently before he leans forward, takes Peter's hand, and kisses his knuckles. "No, kitten mine, what you have on now… is just the start."
He takes the new jewelry out and holds it up for Peter's inspection. It's just one piece and compared to the chest harness, the direction of the gold is going the opposite way. Instead of falling in a V, the chains here go from a point and lead downwards.
Peter isn't sure where it's supposed to go until Tony gently takes a hold of the back of his knee and urges him to lift his foot. When he does, Tony carefully helps him balance so that Peter lightly places his elevated foot on Tony's bent knee.
The new piece of jewelry is secured around his thigh like a garter belt and Peter shivers at the feeling of Tony's hands on him.
"There we go…" Tony murmurs, pleased. His fingers stroke the sensitive skin on his inner thigh.
"Alpha… what did you mean by this being the start…?" Peter has to ask, otherwise, he'd lose himself to the feeling of Tony's hands. Something embarrassing would truly happen then, like Peter whimpering.
Tony continues to stroke his inner thigh with a loving caress and then he leans forward and places a kiss there.
Peter shudders and his entire body feels like it's being lit up from the inside when his alpha's warm breath brushes against his skin.
"My mate, my queen," Tony calls him, "The set you have now is not complete yet. I'll spend the entire first year of our mating adding to this one and when it's complete, I'll do it again and again…"
Peter's breath catches in his throat. It sounds like so much but it's also so very Tony. He can't deny that it makes Peter feel so very… very spoiled.
You don't have to… He wants to say but he knows Tony wouldn't do something unless it was something he wanted. So the only thing Peter can do is run his fingers through Tony's dark hair, rubbing his dark ears and purring contentedly.
"Alpha…" Peter licks his dry lips. Tony being so close, his alpha scent free and unfiltered, is doing such things to Peter.
He knows his alpha is doing it on purpose and Peter is more than willing to follow his lead.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs again when those gentle hands start to press deeper into his skin and Tony's purrs against his inner thigh. His face turns to where the omega is hard, his cocklet aching for attention.
"I'm glad you like my gift," Tony says, purring as he nuzzles the hardening cocklet. "Let me show you how appreciative I am that you're accepting."
He sets Peter's foot down, allowing him to better balance for what he's planning next.
"Shouldn't I be thanking you, alpha…?" Peter gasps out when Tony takes his cocklet into his mouth.
The alpha's mouth is hot and his tongue is soft and wet against Peter's cock. The omega, so sensitive already, grips the tom's hair, trapping strands of it in his fist. He needs it, something to hold onto, as Tony sucks on his cocklet, the small thing fitting so easily in his mouth.
For such a small thing, it's so very sensitive and Tony knows it. He sucks gently, swirling his tongue around the top and tracing the underside of Peter's cock with the tip of his tongue.
"Oh… Oh…" Peter moans, squeezing his eyes shut when Tony's fingers creep up his thighs and start to tease his pussy.
He's wet, dripping with slick. His insides part easily for the alpha's questing fingers but once they're inside, they clamp down, desperate for something bigger.
"Alpha… Tony…" Peter begs, muscles clenching tight as the fingers dig deeper, pumping into him with purpose. "I want…"
Slick wet noises come from between his legs and his ears grow hot with the filthy sound of it. Tony's mouth on him, his devious tongue playing with his cocklet… Tony's fingers fucking his wet pussy…
Tony knows him so well… His alpha…
"M gonna… Alpha, please… I can't…" Peter wants to protest, wants to be fucked before he comes but Tony continues to suck and finger him even when Peter grabs onto his ears and tries to wrench him away.
"Mm…! Ah-alpha…" Peter is helpless as he comes into the alpha's mouth. His tail lashes out, spasming as his insides clamp down on Tony's fingers and he floods the warm mouth he's in.
Wetness gushes from between Tony's fingers and the alpha hums and swallows.
"Alpha…" Peter complains when it gets to be too much. His legs feel like jelly and he melts into the alpha's lap, slick staining Tony's pants but neither care.
He purposely rubs against the alpha's cock, almost desperate despite just having an orgasm.
The orgasm sates him for two seconds because his body takes note and demands more. He hasn't been mated, hasn't gotten fucked and he needs more than a suck and a fuck for his omega body to be satisfied.
So he writhes in the alpha's lap, a desperate needy thing that only wants one thing.
"Let me thank you, alpha," Peter begs him, kissing Tony's lips and tasting his own seed in the alpha's mouth. It only makes his body burn hotter, his insides feeling achingly empty.
"Alright, kitten, I'm not gonna say no to that," Tony says against his lips. And yet, he seems reluctant to part from Peter's mouth, licking and nipping at his lips.
Peter gets handsy and not only does he rub against Tony's erection with his ass, but he also reaches down and fondles what he finds. Tony's cock strains against his pants, large and demanding and so so hard…
Tony hisses at the direct touch and that does it.
"Turn around, kitten," Tony growls against his mouth. "Let me see that pretty pussy."
Peter shudders and obeys immediately, going on his knees and lifting his tail to the side so he's exposed and vulnerable to his mate.
"So perfect…" he hears Tony murmur behind him.
A touch to the base of his tail has him lifting his ass higher and pushing into Tony's touch. When Peter lifts his gaze, he sees their bodies in the mirror and it shocks him.
The jewelry is still glimmering brilliantly in the light but they look even prettier against the flushed pink of his skin. His face is particularly red, even more so when he sees his alpha positioning himself behind him.
Large and intimidating, the alpha is staring intently at the place between Peter's legs. It makes Peter squeeze his thighs together before he forces them to relax.
"Alpha… C'mon, alpha… Take it… take what's yours…" Peter says, tail waving in an almost hypnotizing gesture.
"God, you're such a temptress…" Tony groans before he rushes to pull his cock out.
Peter licks his lips when he sees it reflected in the mirror. Tony's alpha cock, thick and ready. He jerks when he feels the heat of it slap on his ass but a harsh grip on his hip keeps him in position.
"Here you go, kitten… You need it so bad, don't you?" Tony says as he positions the head of his cock at Peter's dripping pussy. The tip teases the omega's hungry hole and he shifts on his knees just to feel the alpha's cockhead nudging in.
"Please, please…" Peter whines when he can't get it inside by himself.
"Shh, I have you, kitten… Gonna give it to you…" Tony doesn't make him wait any longer and pushes inside.
Just the girth of his alpha's cock makes the breath in his lungs rush out when it pushes inside. The length, though, it feels as though Peter's split apart every time. It's only practice and familiarity that has Peter taking the impressive cock in its entirety.
Even then, that first thrust doesn't let Tony sink all the way. It's still enough for Peter to buck against his hold, hips wanting to simultaneously pull away and push back.
Tony groans, loud and clear, and pulls out only to fuck back in. Peter gasps, scrambling for purchase when the tom starts to fuck him hard, trying to inch his entire cock into the tight, wet space of the omega's body.
Peter's eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head as Tony works his cock in.
"Mmph! Mmm alpha…!" Peter cries out, pleasure making his body eager and primed for the rough fucking their kind enjoys.
Tony's cock works him open but he's still so big, so large inside him… Peter's insides are going to ache for days and it's what he wants… That type of pain that has the feline omega arching his back, begging to be mated and bred.
He could never have this with anyone else. It is only ever Tony for him, his tom, his alpha…
The pain of being fucked harshly transmutes into a type of pleasure that has Peter crying out and only begging for more.
"Alpha–" Peter cries out, "Mm, it hurts… hurts…"
Tony's hips never stop working. By now, his cock has sunk all the way in, plowing into Peter's insides over and over again.
"Yeah?" Tony pants, breathless, and then he folds his body over Peter's, covering him completely. His teeth nip at his mating mark and Peter feels like he's going to fall apart. "Hurts good, doesn't it, kitten? This is what you wanted. When you waved that pretty tail at me… Bent over and gave me access to that pretty pussy of yours…"
Another thrust, this time shorter but no less impactful.
"Mm!" Peter moans, his head tilting to give Tony better access to his neck. "Yes, alpha… yes… hurts so good… alpha's cock… splitting me open…"
"Mm…" Tony groans. He sets his teeth against Peter's sweat damp skin, teeth encountering gold and pressing in against skin despite that. "Don't want me to stop, do you, kitten? Want me to go all the way? Let my barbs out and make you pregnant…?"
"Oh!" Peter gasps out, his mind going haywire with it. Tony's cock… Tony's come, Tony's barbs… The one thing that would scare the shit out of other omegas that weren't of their kind but Peter is exactly like Tony.
He was made for this. He would only ever get pregnant from a feline alpha like Tony. His body would only ever recognize an alpha of his kind and his heart would only ever recognize Tony.
"Yes, alpha, my alpha… give it to me…" Peter grows desperate, pushing back against the alpha's thrust, now hungry to be filled. "Make me pregnant… Fill me up… Do it, do it–!"
A hand clamps down on his nape and just like that, Peter's body goes soft and pliant.
"Alpha…" Peter whimpers as Tony takes full control. The hold has him incapable of moving but it's necessary for what's next.
Felines mating… It's rough on the omega and Tony needs to take complete control.
With a few more thrusts, Peter's body sways like that of a rag doll as his alpha takes his pleasure. He's happy to do it, happy to please his alpha.
His mind starts to float, pleasure and pain signals mixing in his head until there's only pleasure.
He knows the moment Tony gets close. The alpha's thrusting becomes rougher, almost jarring. The clapping of his hips against Peter's ass is especially harsh, sounding loud in the fitting room.
"Alpha…" Peter mewls and Tony hauls him onto his knees, replacing his hand with his teeth so that the omega remains pliant for him.
He catches a glimpse of them in the mirror, Peter's flushed body held captive in his alpha's arms. A feral glint gleams in his alpha's eyes and he stares at Peter and meets his gaze in the mirror. Between his spread thighs, the alpha's hard cock is seen in flashes of slick wet flesh, his heavy balls pulled tight and ready to deliver a thick virile load.
Tony's teeth in his flesh only add to the pleasure. Tony's rough calloused hand stroking his dripping cocklet… His thick cock fucking in and out of Peter's pussy…
He fucks another orgasm out of Peter and the omega is gone. The pleasure is even more overwhelming, the heightened pain turned pleasure has him clutching onto his alpha's forearm.
Tony's cock sinks in all the way and in the midst of Peter losing his mind, the barbs on his cock raise up, the blunted tips scraping and rubbing.
Peter screams, he yowls when he feels his alpha's cock grow and rub against his already tight insides. His eyes roll to the back of his head as the alpha's cock jerks inside him, pulses erratically, and fills his aching insides with come. The barbs feel even more prominent with Peter's pussy squeezing down like a vice and the omega moans in oversensitivity. The blunted tips rub him just like he needs and his entire body shudders in recognition, his demanding instincts finally quieting down at the feel of a feline male's cock breeding him.
Tony doesn't release him until he's done and so Peter takes it with soft whimpers and whines. He's being bred and his feline body knows it, his stomach cramping as more and more come is spilled into his overflowing pussy. Even when he feels like there can't possibly be more space, his pussy still shamelessly wants more, clamping down on Tony's cock and milking it for more.
When Tony's finally done with him, he lowers Peter gently onto the floor.
As always, their mating takes a toll on the poor omega and Peter looks at his alpha with hooded eyes, barely able to keep his eyes open. Tony settles between his legs, his tail flickering contentedly behind him. The satisfied smile he gives Peter spells trouble but the omega barely twitches when Tony puts a hand on his knee.
He does, however, whine, when Tony places his knee over his shoulder and lifts his hips.
"Alpha… can't…" Peter whines but he doesn't try to stop the alpha when Tony sets his mouth to his pussy. He only squeezes the alpha's head between his thighs and resolves to the fact that he'll most likely be fucked into unconsciousness tonight.
"Shh," Tony murmurs then laps at his pussy, licking away a mix of come and slick. "Let me clean my mate…"
So Peter just lays back and lets his mate clean up the mess, a purr sounding from his throat and Tony working him up to another release.
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thatsnotmygunflash · 8 months
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Not tagged and not going to tag, just saw it and thought it would be fun. I am going to do my WIPs to give you guys some teasers of what's cooking. If you like any of them let me know and maybe I'll pour some love into them.
1. A Brighter Future
"Why don’t you like them?”
“How could you be so careless Barry? How could you get into bed with a criminal? A murderer? I raised you better than this! No son of mine would ever stoop this low-” Barry shut his eyes tight to try and push away the illusion Sophia was conjuring from his emotions, tears starting to fall from his eyes when Iris’ heartbroken voice joined in with Joe’s disgusted one.
“He’s dead because of you! It should have been you! I lost the man I was going to marry for a future I don’t even want! I wish I’d never met you Barry Allen!”
“Soph-Soph, please stop.”
2. Cause Maybe You're That Thing I Need To Save Me
"Cisco and Lisa-they're engaged now and they were going through a bunch of the Rouge's abandoned safehouse and Cisco-he found an old sweater of yours and he vibed you. He said you were alive but we weren't sure so we uh-went looking. It took a few months but we finally got a lead and I sped here as quickly as I could to see if it was really true and it is! You're alive! The Legends are going to be so exciting to know you survived! Wait, how did you survive?"
"You can't tell anyone I'm alive Barry, you weren't meant to know I was alive. No one is supposed to know."
"But why? Are you retired now or something?"
"I am actually, so having trouble magnets like yourself show up on my doorstep isn't exactly my idea of a good time. You need to leave and tell your friends at STAR Labs that this was a dead end. No one can know I'm alive, and I'm not above killing you to keep it that way."
3. For Better Or For Worse
“Look,” Laurel sighed heavily, lacing her fingers together over the table as she met Len’s cold stare head on. “I don’t know all the details-yet-but your husband is a very resourceful and connected man, whether he realizes it fully or not. He said part of your vows was to get Mick Rory and you out of here. That’s what I’m here to do, if you want the specifics to how exactly we’re going to pull it off I suggest you ask the mastermind behind all of this craziness.”
“If you think it’s so crazy, why help?”
“Because people's lives are at risk and Barry’s not wrong, if anyone can pull something like this off it’s you and him. Quiet the power couple you two are, honestly. Besides, I’ve never met a person who could say no to that boy’s sweet face. Isn’t that why you agreed?”
4. Got A Lot Of Sins, But You're My Favorite
"So," Angie spoke up from behind the register, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand as she smirked wickedly at Len. "When were you going to tell me you had a crush on the Flash?"
"I don't. I just threatened to kill him-he stole my gun!"
"Yes, and he also looked like he wanted to kiss you senseless while you were pointing said gun in his pretty face."
5. I'd Cross Galaxies To Find You
Waking up next to a crying baby and someone sleeply pushing at his bare shoulder had Barry freezing in terror, not wanting to know how he would die next in this world.
“Baby, baby-go get Nora,”
“Our daughter, Nora, you know the one you begged my sister to carry for us, the daughter who won’t sleep through the night because she isn’t being rocked at superspeed because her father spoils her rotten. Ring any bells?”
6. It's The Second Glances That Ties Your Hands
"What are you doing here, Len?"
"Well, let's just say my lady and your lord don't really get on–she's cleaning house now that she's free of the Time Masters. Speedsters mucking up the timeline were at the top of her priority list."
"You're here for me?"
7. Love Me Silently
"So help me-you are not proposing to me right now Barry Allen-so think before those next words come out of your mouth."
"See! You want the big grand gesture and a huge wedding to show me off! You want to marry me! He said you'd say no, he said you weren't the type-"
"He's a worried father, Scarlet, I'm not surprised.” Len muttered as he pulled the younger man into his arms, one hand rubbing soothingly over his back while the other cupped his neck lovingly. “Look, I don't want to be the reason you never talk to your foster father again-"
8. You Need To Allow Me To Help
“Did you hear that, Cisco? That dying whale noise? I think it was the last shred of my dignity being forcibly removed from my body, so if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go drown myself in the boy’s bathrooms—” Barry muttered in panicked embarrassment, rushing off down the hall almost too quickly to see, ignoring his friends calling his name to get him to stop.
“Go after him, you idiot,” Mick huffed, pushing Len forcefully in the direction Barry had disappeared.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Len answered slowly, his jaw set in a tense line and his eyes hardening over with realization.
9. You Got This Heaven In Your Eyes
'Keep up the exceptional work, Barry Allen, Central City is lucky to have you on their side. -L.S.'
"What's it say?" Eddie questioned, trying to peek over Barry's shoulder to get a look at the snow-white card, his eyes widening comically when he caught sight of the message.
"Uh-to keep up the good work," Barry muttered in confusion, his eyes drifting from the elegant handwriting to the memorising bouquet, not knowing what to think.
"You ruined the guy's fifteen year long not guilty streak and he tells you to keep up the good work?"
"This is weird, right?"
10. Side Effects May Include
“It’s complicated, okay! I don’t know how it works. I just know when I’m not here-near you-it's like there's this overwhelming need to run as fast as I can to this-this pull. It never stops, not unless I wake up with you, when I’m near you-it’s like everything freezes.” Barry takes one look at Len’s face and lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Shut up okay, I know you want to make a joke-but it does! It’s like for the first time since I got my powers I can just stand still or sleep since that’s never exactly come easy for me-”
“Do you have a point Barry?”
“The point is for whatever reason my subconscious is latching onto you. Whenever I’m awake I feel this pull like I’m meant to be running somewhere, but I haven’t had the time to really figure out what it means when I’ve been running around stopping bombs and searching for evidence to get my dad out of jail while also trying and failing to stop the man who really killed my mother! I’ve been dealing with a lot lately okay-I barely sleep more than a few hours a week if I even manage that-and every time I do fall asleep I wake up next to you! I’m having these bizarre dreams you keep popping up in and all I want is to sleep for more than an hour at a time!”
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zanarkandfayth · 2 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @ivorydice, thank you <3
I ignored the rules to make up my own lmao. Doing twelve fics I like a lot rather than the last ten, particularly because I'd like a wider time range to see how things have changed. The actual last ten would just be the first two and then all eight of the fics I did for fatherly love week in 2021 :/ Most of which were written in a very stress-filled, sleepless week right before the deadline haha. Going back to some of my earliest ffxv fics will be more interesting; curious to see how they all start because I know I usually try to make the opening line intriguing, but not always.
o1. "Chocobos! Noct, look at the sign, they have chocobos! Can we go see them?" || Ameliorate
o2. Ignis sighs as he puts his foot on the brake, resisting the strong temptation to close his eyes and bow his head against the steering wheel for a moment. || The Monsters Running Wild
o3. Ding! The noise of the first one cuts loudly through the quiet of his room, rousing him from a heavy slumber, but right now he's more asleep than awake, his eyes still closed. It's easy to ignore. || From That First Moment
o4. "Alright. Ready to not get your ass kicked today?" || Where They Should Be
o5. Noct hesitates, staring with dread at the panel of buttons before him. || Where It Matters Less
o6. The thick, metallic smell of blood is still lingering in Noct's nose when he wakes with a gasp, eyes flying open, wide and startled as he looks unseeing around him. || Everything
o7. "Hey, wanna go to the arcade today?" Prompto slings a friendly arm around Noct as he asks the question, a bright grin across his face as he waits hopefully for the answer. || Heavy is the Burden
o8. Insomnia is a mess. || Under Grey Skies
o9. Coming to this party was a mistake. || Six Ways from Sunday
1o. It starts happening the day Insomnia falls. || The Shadows Growing Tall
11. "I feel like my feet are going to fall off," Prompto whines as they all trudge back to the Regalia. || Dark Corners
12. The first time everyone thinks Prompto and Cor meet is when Prompto is sixteen. || What Lies Below
...so the only two I actually wish had better openings are monsters and heavy. which makes sense. monsters I just started writing at random because at that point it was supposed to be a one-shot and also never shared with anyone other than the bestie. so I didn't care where I started it.
heavy I, uh, stole the opening from nano/aftermath fic LOL. because nanofic was only a chapter and some change then, with a horrible idea I hated, and I thought I was never gonna come back to it so I might as well repurpose the few bits of it that were good. now I have a better idea and I'm actually writing it... but I still haven't changed the opening a whole lot. they're just gonna be similar forever. oh well.
but the rest feel like they either did a decent job at being an interesting hook or at least not being super boring or something. though I feel like I maybe had stronger hooks in my earlier fics, hmm. damn you brain fog.
oh, tagging... hhh I usually never tag people for these things because I am awkward and dunno who is okay with being tagged. so low-key no pressure ignore if you want mutual-tagging @quartzguts, @smallest-turtle, @breakfastteatime, @every-lemon, @elidelio, @thisfairytalegonebad, @tumbleloon, aaaaaand... whoever else is a writer that wants to do this.
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juiceinpanties · 2 years
10 Things You Hate About Eddie Munson, pt. 3
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Pairing: Eddie Munson/afab!reader
Rating(s): Chapter: R; Fic: E
Tags: eventual smut, penetrative sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), fingering, subbie!Eddie, masturbation (m and f), fake dating, van sex, secret relationship, antagonistic relationship to friendship to lovers, casual sex, not-so-casual sex, phone sex, drunk reader
Summary: Your best friend, Nancy Wheeler, is absolutely dying to date Steve Harrington, but her parents have the weirdest rule: Nancy can't date until her friends (e.g., you) do. Nancy begs you to date someone, anyone, and eventually you agree. Meanwhile Steve offers to pay Eddie "the freak" Munson to ask you out. What could possibly go wrong??
Notes: This is, quite obviously, a 10 Things I Hate About You au, with a slight twist. Throw in some fake dating, a 90s setting, and here we are. Thanks to @tonybourdain​ for dragging me in and continuing to enable me. The van scene is partly her doing...
Please note the tags. This chapter is rated R and is sort of smut-adjacent. Actual smut will occur in future chapters, promise.
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated and PLEASE reblog! Completely blank blogs that just like will be blocked because I'm gonna assume you're a bot. I've been here a long time.
In case you wanna read on Ao3 instead
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
You aren't looking forward to seeing Eddie because you have no idea what happened at the party Saturday night, except that Nancy said Eddie was the one who brought you home. You hope to anyone who's listening that you didn't make a complete fool of yourself, or (god forbid) make a pass at Eddie.
You find him Monday morning outside leaning against the building, one ankle crossed over the other. He's smoking, but he puts it out as you approach.
"Hey," he says when you get close enough. "Feeling better?"
"Than Saturday? Considering it's mostly a blank I'm gonna say...yes?"
He grins and tugs at a lock of his hair. "Yeah, you were pretty messed up." His expression turns serious. "Steve and I thought maybe the guy giving you the drinks might've slipped you something. Glad you came to find me while you were still sober enough."
You frown down at your boots, then up at him. "I woke up Sunday morning still dressed with a pounding headache and a bottle of Tylenol and glass of water on my nightstand. Was that you?"
"The headache, no. The rest, yeah. I figured you'd have one hell of a hangover."
"Hm," you say. You look away. Back. "Thanks," you finally manage. "That was nice. How'd you get me past my parents?"
"Practice," he says with an insouciant grin.
You roll your eyes, but then reach into your bag for something. "So, um. I...well. I made you this. As a kind of thank you, and because I guess it's what people do? When they're dating? Anyway, whatever, here." You push a tape at him, and he catches it before it can hit the ground.
He reads the track list and his expression goes through a series of changes, each one pissing you off more than the last. "Uh...that's—that's nice, but I can't accept this."
"Hm. Okay. It's not an engagement ring. Why the fuck not?"
"It's got—fuck. It's got Tiffany! And Wilson Phillips! And—and—Pearl Jam!"
"I can read, Grove. I made the fucking thing. Your point?"
"Fuuuck. I was hoping you wouldn't remember that."
"I said mostly a blank," you snap. You wish now you hadn't used the stupid nickname. Clearly he doesn't deserve a nickname. "So do you want the tape or not?"
"I can't—I mean—it was nice of you to—but I—”
"Forget it! I'd hate for you to strain yourself." You snatch the tape back from him and spin on your heel. "Clearly this was a stupid fucking idea. I'll tell Nancy to find someone else."
He watches you go in wide-eyed horror. "Wait!" he cries. "Hang on, wait, don't—awww, come on!" This last in response to you flipping him the bird over your shoulder as you disappear inside the building. "Fuck!" he growls. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! A girl gives you a tape, you take the fucking tape! It doesn't matter if it's Kenny G's greatest hits! Fuuuuuck!!"
The door opens and he peers that way hopefully, but instead of you he sees a very annoyed-looking Steve Harrington. "What the fuck did you do?!" he says. "I just talked to the girl I'm paying you to go out with, and she told me to go fuck myself and take you with me."
"Shiiiiit!" Eddie says. He presses both hands to his face and scrubs. What to do, what to do?! He drops his hands and squares his shoulders before casting Steve a steady, stoic look. "There's nothing else for it, my man. I've gotta sacrifice my dignity on the altar of impressing a girl."
Steve snorts. "Sacrifice your dignity!? Dude, have you seen your hair??"
Eddie ignores him. "Your friend Robin's in band, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
"Gonna need her help." He tugs a lock of hair over his mouth as he paces, thinking. Nancy can get him a copy of your schedule. During band period would be best. He can cut class. His attendance has been decent this year, but it's just one class. And it's important.
It's a perfect plan. He'll win you back, plus some, and then maybe you two can discuss that big ol' crush you had on him that "went away." That's a topic worth exploring further—even if it means enduring mindless pop music and Eddie Vedder.
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“You STILL aren’t speaking to him?!” Nancy says a few days later. You’re in the cafeteria having lunch and revisiting your tiff with Eddie.
“He was a jerk!” you say, stabbing your mashed potatoes with your spork.
“He was, but…”
“Nance!” You scowl down at your tray and push it away. “Okay, look. First I made an absolute fool of myself at the party. Got completely wasted and sloppy.”
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“Regardless, it happened. Then he was apparently so NICE, such a GENTLEMAN.” You roll your eyes. “So I made him that stupid tape and he acted like I handed him toxic waste! I spent the whole day on it!”
“Yes, he acted stupid, but—”
“Oh god speak of the annoying devil,” you say. It’s too late to hide: he’s seen you and is heading straight your way.
“Ladies!” he says as he drops down next to you. He gives Nancy a nod and you a smile. “Still craving cheese fries?” he says to you.
You frown. “I’m sorry?”
“Saturday night you were dying for cheese fries, but I thought it was better to take you home instead. Mostly because you passed out in my van.”
You look away, flushing. God how humiliating!
“But I thought if you were still in the mood, we could go today after school.”
Your eyes snap to his face and you scowl. “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear on Monday.”
“Noooo, you did. I just thought you might’ve changed your mind.”
You lean in. “Nope!” you say, carefully popping the p.
“Okay then.” He waves, and a kid from his Hellfire Club runs up. With a guitar.
“You brought this on yourself,” he says and stands. He tosses the strap over his head and strums. The sound fills the cafeteria, and you see another kid by the wall manning an amp.
“Eddie, WHAT are you DOING?!” you hiss.
“This one’s for you, babe!” He launches into a song that you don’t recognize—until he starts singing. “Children behave! That’s what they say…when we’re together!”
“Oh. My. God!”
Nancy grabs you across the table. “Is that—?!”
“Oh my GOD!!” It’s a loud, kinda slowed-down, metal version of I Think We’re Alone Now. Most famously covered by mall princess Tiffany.
"Running just as fast as we can...holding on to one another's hand..." He's really getting into it, grinding on the guitar and singing to her like it's his own personal rock concert. The entire cafeteria is watching, shocked, but the Hellfire kids are into it.
About halfway through the band marches in and starts playing along. The high school marching band. You bury your face in your hands and want to sink into the floor, but when you peek through your fingers at him part of you admits it's kinda cute.
"I think we're alone now! The beating of our hearts is the only sooouuunnd!" As he repeats the chorus he advances closer, and at the last line he drops to his knees and slides across the floor to end up directly at your feet. He unplugs the guitar and stands to take a bow. Most people are yelling and clapping, but a few boos are mixed in. He seems to enjoy those just as much. He flashes a double bird and sticks his tongue out, Gene Simmons style.
"C'mon, princess," he says with a grin. "Let's go get cheese fries."
You have class, but...
With a laugh you grab the hand he's offering. "Yeah, okay. Because that was the stupidest, ballsiest thing I've ever seen."
He grins even bigger, the lines around his eyes and mouth creasing his face. "Stupid and ballsy, the Eddie Munson special."
"Come on," you say as you drag him from the caf and his adoring public. "We'll chat more about your stupid balls over fries."
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You're both sitting in the back of the van, doors open, legs hanging over the edge. You're singing his version of the song and he's got his head buried in his jacket.
"Stopppp!!" he cries. "Please! You're so goddamn mean."
You break off, giggling, and throw his pack of cigarettes at him. "How the hell did you come up with such a ridiculous plan?"
"I don't know. It sounded good at the time! And, look, it worked. You cut class to come have fries with me."
"We don't have fries yet," you say, "and I could cut and run at any time."
"Noted. So you hated it?"
You grin and duck your head, then peek at him. "No, I didn't hate it. It was cute. Stupid, but cute. How'd you learn the song that fast?"
He shrugs. "It wasn't that hard. And, I dunno. I'm a fuck-up, but I'm not bad at music."
"Eddie," you say with a little frown. "Don't talk about yourself like that." You poke his arm. "You're not a fuck-up. You're just..."
You smile and nudge him. "You," you say.
"Right. A squishy, not-scary Muppet monster."
"That's right," you say, your smile widening. "Grover."
"You know, it's kinda growin' on me. The nickname."
"Funny," you say softly. "I was thinking the same about you." You lean in and kiss him softly, easily. It's quick, and you might have gone in for another, but the carhop arrives with your fries.
"Damn," Eddie mutters. "Saved by the cheese."
You giggle and the two of you dig in.
"But," he says after a food-filled silence, "I gotta protest: I might be stupid, but my balls aren't."
"Ohhh. Smart balls, huh?"
"Yup. These babies solve quadratic equations!"
You cover your mouth as you laugh and take a sip of coke. "Maybe you should ask them for help in math."
"Hm. You know, it's funny you should say that." He licks cheese off his fingers and wipes them on his jeans. "You're in AP Chem, right?"
"Cool, that's cool. I'm in chem, too. Not AP, of course. Just regular. But, uh. I gotta pass. I HAVE to. I gotta get out of Hawkins High."
"Third senior year," you remark. "It's maybe time."
"You're tellin' me. Anyway, you think maybe I could get some help? Like, uh. Tutoring?"
You consider a moment around a mouthful of cheesy potato. "Yeah, I could do that. Tomorrow, maybe? Unless you're busy."
"No, nope, I'm free. Tomorrow'd be great. We can go to my place after school. My uncle works doubles on Thursdays, second and third."
"Ouch," you say with a wince.
"Yeah, it's killer." He sighs and drops his napkin into the empty fry tray. "So. I gotta try again."
"Try what again?" you say with a frown.
"The kiss. You didn't see my best stuff, princess." He gets up to toss the trash in a nearby can, then boosts himself back into the van.
"Sound awfully sure of yourself," you say, scooting closer. You tug a little at his jacket and slide your hand under it, against his chest.
"You're gonna like it as much as you loved that song. Swear."
You let out a soft laugh. "Didn't love the song, pretty boy. Sorry."
"You liked it," he says.
"Hmm," you say, doubtfully.
He gently cups your face and rubs his nose against your cheek. "You liked it," he murmurs.
"Eh," you say, still playing it cool even as your pulse kicks up and your cheeks flush.
"You liked it," he says, firmly, and turns his head to capture his mouth with yours.
It's slow and easy and lingering, and when he pulls away you’re both a little breathless.
"I liked it," you whisper.
He grins. "I know you did, princess." He kisses you again, a little harder, and you make a soft noise before your hands come up to bury themselves in his hair.
He sucks your lower lip and nibbles gently. You're so soft and sweet; he can't get enough of kissing you, and it's only been two kisses.
You can't believe a boy can have lips this juicy. They're soft and full and he tastes salty like fries and sweet like root beer.
His tongue slides into your mouth and you meet it with your own. Tug his hair a little to pull his head back so you can nip at his jaw. His throat.
"Baby," he rasps. "Baby girl!"
You whine, just a little, and you both fall back into the van and somehow your leg hooks over his hips and you're grinding against each other as the kisses get hotter and deeper. His hand slides down to rest on your hip and creeps up just under the edge of your shirt. He tickles your side and you giggle.
"Ticklish?" he murmurs. "Good to know."
"Use your powers for good, Munson," you breathe and kiss him again. You press closer and rock. His hips fit between your thighs and you can feel... "Oh." You grin a little. "Hello."
"Shit!" he says. "Shit, babe, I'm sorry!"
You laugh a little. "It's okay," you breathe. "It's fine."
"Are you sure?" He's flushed red and sweating. "I'm really sorry."
"It's not like you can control it." You rock against him a little. "I don’t mind." You bite your lip. You want to see it. Touch it, even. But…
"Maybe—" You clear your throat. "Maybe you should take me home. I have a ton of homework."
"Yeah, sure, that's cool. That's good. I’m really—"
"Don't apologize again." You kiss him. "I promise I'm not mad or anything. Having a nice hard cock pressed against me is flattering, actually."
That seems to take some of the pressure off. "It's not stupid, either."
"Mmmm a penis that can do complex math. Be still my beating vagina."
He cracks up. "Wow," he says. "If I'd known it was that easy!"
"You calling me easy, Munson!?"
"...no..." He squirms a little. "Just, uh. Easily aroused?"
"Mmm." You lean in to bite his ear. "Says the boy with the raging hard-on."
"Come on, princess," he murmurs. His hand slides down over your ass. "You tellin' me you aren't wet right now?" He nuzzles your chin. "Throbbing a little, maybe?"
You don't want to admit it, but you've been at least fluttery since that first, quick kiss. Now your panties are soaked and you can feel your pounding heart in your cunt. You wish something else was pounding in that general vicinity.
"Maybe a little," you say. "A tiny bit."
He chuckles and squeezes your ass before he kisses you again. "Come on, baby doll. Lemme get you home. Or back to school?"
You lean away from him so you can grab his arm to check his watch. "Home," you say. "School's a wash for today."
"You got it." He kisses your nose, your forehead. "You're so pretty," he murmurs. "And soft. And smell amazing."
You brush your fingers over his kiss-swollen lips. "You're pretty. And soft...in some places. Fozzie Bear."
He grins. "Wacka wacka." He reluctantly pulls away and helps you up. "Shit," he mutters. "Head rush."
"Uh huh. Not much blood to the brain, huh?"
"Your fault, princess."
"Oops," you say, unrepentant.
He rolls his eyes and lifts you down from the van. "Brat."
"Touché," he grumbles.
You're laughing as he helps you into the van's passenger seat. Maybe fake dating Eddie Munson won't be so bad after all. He's a good kisser and only pretends to be a jerk most of the time. You can work with that.
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glacierruler · 13 days
Are We Flying Towards The Future Or Crashing Into A Distant Dream
Masterpost | Next Chapter
Creator Chose Not To Warn
Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @duck-in-a-spaceship
I'd love to hear whatever comments or questions you may have about this fic! Feel free to rb and tell me in the tags, reply, go to my inbox, or tell me on ao3!
“Name?” Virgil droned to the lady in front of him with her two kids.
“Vermella Clemington. I suppose you need my sons names as well?”
“That would make finding your package easier, yes.”
“The eldest is named Humphrey Clemington, and the other is named Vincent Clemington.”
“Alright, if you could give me just a few minutes, I will have your belongings.”
Walking to where the luggage was stored, Virgil looked for the last name Clemington. While it wasn’t mandatory to store luggage in alphabetical order, it did make his job easier to manage. Hearing footsteps, Virgil looked to see who it was; grateful that it was just Logan and he didn’t have to try to get rid of a nosy passenger.
“Virgil, I came to offer my assistance if you would be inclined to take it of course.”
“Uh, sure, if you want to. I hope you don’t mind me questioning as to why you’re doing this.”
“That is only logical. It is mainly a curiosity as because of your efficiency in luggage storage and retrieval we are recommended as the best airship in our company.”
“Oh,” Virgil was a bit flustered at that, and also having found the luggage for the Clemington family. Although there seemed to be a massive amount, and he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they were moving somewhere; although he’d never ask due to it not being his business. “I just alphabetize the luggage when I’m down here. Nothing special.”
“Still, it seems that the thought hadn’t occurred to anyone else.” Logan paused, seemingly thinking about what he was about to say before asking his next question. “May I ask how you decide who to give luggage to first?”
“I just choose whoever’s next in line.”
“Very well then, that is the extent of my queries, may I assist you in taking these belongings to their individuals.”
“Yeah, that would be appreciated. Thanks.”
With that, unloading went a lot faster, and Virgil got a small break before he had to deal with the next set of luggage to load.
After hours upon endless hours of Virgil loading and unloading luggage, it was finally time for them to stop transporting for the night. Doing another spot check and getting it as clean as he could for the night crew, he left the airship and took a gasp of air. Not realizing that it wasn’t just Remus waiting up for him, but Logan as well.
“Are you feeling ill Virgil? If so you could have called off of work for—”
“Gah! Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be here. No, I’m not sick, just don’t like flying.”
“But you work for a company that transports people to different destinations through the air?”
“It’s ‘cause he’s a masochist~”
“No, that’s you Ree, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to head to the bus stop before there’s no more transport for the night.”
Logan seemed to have a few more questions, but thought better than to voice them. Before heading out of the building, Virgil and Remus went and checked the goods pile for anything to take home with Logan lagging behind. Since they had done five trips to day they got twenty-five items each. Looking for anything good, Virgil noticed quite a few fabrics laid untouched along with some worn down shoes, along with a few metal scraps that had been deemed useless by everyone else who got to pick their items first.
Heading out of the building, Virgil shivered a bit in the cold, wishing he had brought his jacket. About to head to the bus stop, he was surprised to see Emile and Emmet still there. Probably waiting on Logan.
“We were going to head to Curly Coffee if any of you wanted to join! It’s got the best food imaginable, and since we got off early enough it’s still open for another couple of hours!” Emile’s tone inviting, looking at all of them.
“Oh I don’t know if I have anything good on me to trade…” Virgil started, not wanting to be rude.
“Nonsense! We’ll pay!” Emmet declared, and Remus snickered a bit at Virgil’s indecision of getting free food or a ride home.
“C’mon Virgin, you absolutely have to meet my brother! I want to see you both attempting not to skin each other’s faces off!”
As Virgil turned to look at his gruesome friend, he watched as Remus did the puppy dog eye thing. Except it looked all wrong on his face, and his eyes were a bit buggy, but it did have an effect on Virgil it seemed.
“Fine. But only if I can get a ride home afterwords.”
“That is a reasonable request. I can accompany you to your place of residence in my vehicle if it would be of assistance to your joining us.” Logan offered, his head tilted to the side a bit, which Virgil did find a little cute.
Getting to the coffee place was rather simple, all of them taking their own vehicles. Except for Virgil who sat in Logan’s passenger seat, fists in a tight grip.
While he wasn’t really any better on the bus, what made Virgil even more anxious was that he was in a vehicle with his coworker. Someone who he didn’t know all too well, but if he messed something up work would be awkward and he hated awkward. He could feel Logan’s glances at him, but Virgil was just staring out the window, at the night sky. It was harder to see the stars in the city, but they were still very visible. He knew that this city was lucky in that aspect as most cities were lucky to even see the sky with all the steam around them. As the car slowed to a stop, Virgil saw exactly what Curly Coffee looked like from the outside.
It was painted bright blue with painted red letters. Letters which were written in such a lovely script. It wasn’t anything remarkable, but considering it was open all day and a good chunk through the night, it must have been doing well for itself.
Virgil could not get out of the car fast enough as it stuttered to a stop. He was on the ground, somewhere he could walk. The others seemed to arrive at the same time, and there were a couple extra cars there that probably belonged to the employees.
Grouping up together, all of them went inside, Virgil going in last.
Only, as he went in, he immediately noticed his little brother talking with someone he had never met before. They seemed to be going over homework, neither of them paying attention to him. And an idea popped into his brain, as he walked closer to where Thomas and this stranger were sitting. Making extra sure they weren’t messing around with aether, Virgil quickly ruffled Thomas’s hair and laughed at his brother’s instinctive jump, and only started cackling harder as Thomas glared at him and tried to smooth out his hair that had been messed up.
“Virgil you can’t just do that! And what are you doing here anyways?”
“Hey Thomathy,” Virgil started, having recovered from his laughing fit just to go back to it at the exasperated look his brother was giving him. With a quick glance at the stranger he could see that they were amused too. “I’m just here with some coworkers. I was promised free food. Who is your friend?”
“Oh, this is Janus, he’s a friend of mine!” Looking closer at Janus, Virgil noticed some marring on the side of his face, but elected to say nothing about it, as it was none of his business.
“Pleasure to meet you Virgil.”
“Nice meeting you too kid.” Feeling the eyes of his coworkers, Virgil sighed a bit. “I gotta get back to my coworkers, but I’ll talk to you in a bit Thomathy.”
As Virgil walked towards the group he had entered with, all of them having surprised and confused looks on their faces, he heard Janus repeat the name Virgil had called his brother. Raising an eyebrow at his group, he elected to act like nothing had happened.
“So, which one of you will be trading for my coffee?”
“My brother will!” Remus screeched, as Virgil noticed two people behind the counter. One looking like Remus but much neater, and someone who was a little taller than Virgil.
“Oh no you don’t! If you don’t get free coffee, and you’re my brother, why would I give your friend free coffee?” The one who looked like Remus spoke, meaning he must be Roman; the twin that Remus had been trying to get him to meet ever since they became friends.
“So we don’t sacrifice you to the cult!”
“How have you not been fired.”
“Now boys,” the other one sighed, “no fighting in the coffee shop! To our new guests, hello there, I’m your Happy Pappy Patton, what can I get you! One pound of items unlocks the full menu for a night for each person!”
Remus ended up trading for Virgil’s drink and snacks, as apparently Patton had given him half a pound off for being related to Roman.
The crew settled in a lovely little spot, sitting in comfortable silence until Emmet spoke.
“So, Virgil, you have a brother?”
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