#james goldberg
mormonbooks · 9 months
The Bollywood Lovers' Club Review
This book absolutely wrecked me (affectionate)
4/5 Stars!!!!!!!
Amrita Sidhu moves away from her home in California, leaving behind a community and extended family where she knows who she is. Her new home in Ohio is cold and lonely but at least she has a couple of classes with Dave Gill, who is sweet and funny and awkward and Mormon. Amrita is Sihk and is not supposed to be dating anybody, certainly not a Mormon kid that her family doesn't even know. Dave is already struggling with how to tell his parents he won't be going to college like they expected, and he's still undecided on a mission. Falling for a girl outside his religion just adds another secret into his life.
This book centers around religion, faith, family expectation, and personal goals. I wish I'd had this kind of book to read growing up. For once I felt like my high school experience was accurately portrayed.
Spoilers under the cut
1. Well written - 5 Stars
Admittedly, you could probably find flaws in the plot if you looked. It's a High School Romance. Some things are cheesy or happen too fast or whatever, but personally I found the story and writing style engaging, realistic, relatable, and anxiety inducing at time.
2. Fun level - 5 Stars!
I love to read, but it's not often a book can hold my undivided attention for 4 hours straight. This book did. Every time I picked it up I felt myself sucked into Dave and Amrita's world. It might not be everyone's cup of tea (it IS a high school realistic fiction novel. No magic or spaceships) but I was entertained the whole way through.
3. Complex faith - 5 Stars
This is my favorite representation of Mormon life that I have EVER seen. It is exactly the kind of book I am looking for in this project. Dave is Mormon. He goes to early morning seminary and helps out in his ward. He loves his faith but he's also not afraid to ask questions about how things pertain to him personally. He grapples with his faith, and with what people have told him to do, before coming to his own conclusions.
Importantly, Amrita's religion is portrayed just as complexly throughout the book. And neither Dave nor Amrita ever consider giving up their faiths or converting or anything. I appreciated that they included Dave's grandfather, who converted to Mormonism from Sihkism, and explored how Dave feels this disconnect when he visits the gurdwara, like it's a place he should belong, but doesn't.
This book treats religion as a mixture of personal beliefs, family tradition, and community belonging, which is how I feel about my religion.
4. Homophobia scale - 2.5
Absolutely no mention of queerness at all. So it just gets the most medium score. There was no preaching but no gay people.
5. Mormon weird - 2
We had Dave explaining his green jello video project at one point, and a portrayal of Mormon wedding reception in the church gym (someone in Dave's ward at the beginning of the book). But overall it was light on the things that make Mormonism unique. Which I think worked for the story it was telling but does get it a low score in this area. It made me feel all the more represented for that I think.
6. Diversity of characters - 4
There are only like, two white girls in the whole story. Everybody else is Punjabi/Indian. Although that's really just one demographic, I am giving it a high score here because of how much it showed of Punjabi culture, and how much respect and honor those traditions were shown by the narrative. It wasn't just a ton of token characters, it was genuinely working to share a kind of story that doesn't always get told.
7. Other problematic stuff - 5
Didn't notice anything more of note.
This is the kind of story I wish I had been able to read in high school. This is the kind of book I could recommend to someone as just, genuinely a good story and also it includes mormons. And Mormons done well! I feel like a lot of Mormon media I've seen focused a lot at making fun of ourselves, and I love that this book doesn't do that at all.
The end was heartbreaking. But I like that it allowed each character their choice, and it gave honor to prioritizing something other than romantic love.
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rixareth · 7 months
As requested, I have examined my fondness for terrible characters, and I have concluded that I like them because they're terrible and I'm not sorry.
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[after James walks in on Sirius & Remus]
Sirius: I've told you this! When a necktie is on the door, the pants are on the floor!
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jazzymarie1006 · 4 months
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Devil being an official Lafayette is incredible!
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marksbear · 2 years
How you met!
WARNINGS: Stalking, fighting, mentions of guns, Scars, implied murder, chains. Shouting, B/n= Best friends name. C/n= Character name, G/n= gang name BUNCH OF RANDOM PEOPLE/CHARACTERS
James Mcavoy: You met James at Oscars you had just won an award for Best Supporting actor, and you just finished your speech. Once you got back to your table you started to cry of happy tears while your co-stars hugged you and praised you for your work. People started to walk over to your table congratulating you for winning. And one of them was James Mcavoy once y'all started to chat y'all hit it off fast. You both were talking to each other like y'all have known each other for years. After hours it felt like even though it was only twenty minutes James gave you his number and walked off to his table.
Arthur Fleck:You didn't know why you chose to stay in Gotham. I mean like you knew this was a horrible place to live there, but you wanted to stay close to home and your family. One day you took the wrong path to work, and you saw some kids jumping a clown. "Hey!" All the kids turned around and faced you "Back off of the clown unless you want you to handle me I'm not afraid to fight brats like y'all." You stood tall trying to seem more tough. And you reached for your back pocket trying to trick the kids that you have a gun. So the kids saw your arm reach back and they ran away. You made sure they were gone for sure and looked at the beaten up clown on the floor, you walked up to him and crouched down to him checking his pulse to make sure he was alive. Arthur turned around and stared at Y/n handsome features Arthur faced beamed with red ,and started to get embarrassed and flustered. Arthur felt like he met his soulmate, the one. "Hello pal?" y/n waved a hand in Arthur's face "Uhm- Hello thank you for helping me..." Y.n gave him a big smile and said "No problem Uh-" Arthur! My name is Arthur." Y/n reached Arthur's hand and helped him up. "Stay safe Arthur" Y/n lets go of Arthur and walks away back to his way to work .
Peter Parker: You were the nice guy type of jock. You had good grades, didn't really get into trouble unlike your friends and you were great at sports. One day in chemistry class your teacher allowed partners. Usually you always picked your friends but you felt like you wanted to meet someone new. So you looked around for someone that peeked your interest, so you picked Peter parker. At first it was really awkward and after a couple minutes later it had gotten less awkward and y'all even exchanged numbers.
Joe Goldberg: It was love at first sight...well to Joe once you stepped foot in the book store Joe was already thinking about your every feature. He thought you were breathtaking and he started to feel the same feelings he had for beck but even stronger. He didn't think you haven't noticed his starring yet, but you already felt it the moment you entered so you acted dumb looking around for the book your boyfriend asked for. Once you found it and went to the cash register Joe got to see you up close with all your glory. He memorized the way you smell, how your hair looks, the way you dressed Joe thought he was blessed to witness you and all your beauty. After minutes of Joe starring you finally spoke up "Uhm hello" Joe stopped daydreaming and greeted you back "Oh sorry hi." You placed the book on the desk and said "How are you today uh...Joe" you had read his name tag and gave out your hand so he could shake it. Which he gladly took "I'm good...-" "y/n." you had cut him out. "Well nice to meet you Y/n, lovely book you picked out." Joe spoke with a smile, "Thanks it's one of my boyfriends favorite books." Joe dropped the smile quickly and told you the price which you paid for and said your goodbye and left. Joe was heartbroken but it didn't stop him from loving you...
Aaron Hotchner: You were held captive by the unsub aka your father. Your father had killed people who looked like you and wanted to save you for last. He hated you so much, he had dark thoughts about the ways he wanted to kill you like chopping you up to pieces, burning you alive, and shooting you down. He killed others like the way he wanted to do you. The BAU tracked you down to save you after they pieced the puzzle. You were in the basement chained up all bruised, your thin/chubby/athletic body had cuts and blood. The only thing you focused on was the pain in your body not evening noticing the shots and gunshots and the footsteps all over the house. The door had slammed open and you looked up at the bright lights and your sore eyes trying to adjust to it. You heard someone say something but you couldn't make it out ,so you shouted "Over here!" voice sounds dry and in obviously in pain. The tall man jogged to you and started asking questions while taking the chains off of you, you weren't listing you were just hypnotized at his handsome features "Do you know how long you were her-" "Im y/n l/n nice to meet you and thanks for saving me sweetheart." You spoke in a flirty tone with a weak smirk on your face. The man's cheeks had a light pink "Nice to meet you as well y/n" he spoke in a soft tone. You sat up and took his hand and shake it "your name is?" you say in a curious way "Agent Hotch" "Well agent Hotch I think we should get out of here" Hotch nods and picks you up bridal style leaving the basement you were thinking that you wished that you'll be able to him again.    
Hannibal Lecter: It surprised you that you got an invitation to one of Hannibal lecter dinner parties. When you arrived you'd hope it wouldn't be to awkward since you only knew one person really and that was your bf/gf/s/o. You and your s/o walked around exploring the house a little until y'all reached the dinning room. You'd both talked only to each other while when people tried to talk to y'all you both only spoke a few words since you had different interest then most people at the party. Your s/o excused themselves to go to the bathroom and Hannibal lecter excused himself as well after fifteen minuets had passed and you grown suspicious of how long they were gone for, so you left to find your s/o. When you creaked open the bathroom door you didn't see them so you searched the house for them at your last destination you reached the basement door and opened it and peaked it in. You didn't see anything and walked in carefully. You stopped walking heart beating rapidly you looked at the floor that's where your s/o is laid there chest and stomach ripped apart and the heart in their hands like it was trying to give it to you. You felt disgusted hands shaking as well your legs you can smell the strong stench of blood...Then you heard it. The door had locked the you tried to move but your legs and arms stayed still. Some footsteps walked towards you and felt breathing in your neck and hands on your waist and pulled you back making you lay on their body. "Do you like it?" the deep voice spoke. You didn't reply at all and just stared at your s/o lifeless body part of you wanted to scream and fight back but the other part of you just wanted to expect your fate. "I'm Dr lecter and you are?" you didn't reply  straight away but after a while you said in a scared tone "M/n..." "Alright M/n... this will only hurt a little" "Wha-?" SNAP your body dropped to the floor knock out cold... Hannibal Lecter isn't gonna kill you no he was gonna keep you.
Tom Hardy: You were the leading actor and Tom was your love interest. Today was the day for the big kiss. You were more than nervous you never thought you were gonna kiss a top tier actor like him. When in the dressing room on Facetime with your best friend and you were just gushing about Tom hardy and making up embarrassing scenarios that could happen. "Tom Hardy is so so cool and I'm so lame I could never be on his level!" you say whining "What if I slip on air and kiss him by mistake mid dialogue!! That would be so embarrassing." "I should just retire from acting before I humiliate myself..." You sigh heavy "I-" "SHUT UP M/N!!!" Your best friend yelled into the phone "It's gonna be okay just  say your lines wait for him to say his lines and kiss. easy as that m/n." "M/N!" one of your cast members called out of your trailer. "Coming! bye b/n!!" You hung up and walked outside with your cast member mumbling your lines to yourself. You scanned the set it has with the scented candles , roses,  and a bed. You thought your life was over you looked to your left to see a shirtless Tom Hardy with a silk robe loosely on and black sweat pants. You couldn't help to get dirty thoughts and become flustered. Everyone was ready to get the show on the road. You were shirtless and wore sweats that showed your (Athletics,chubby,thin.) body that made people fall in love. The cameras started rolling and you saw Tom  open the door slowly with the robe on but this time without the sweatpants you swallowed hard you felt your face heat up "You like what you see c/n?" Tom spoke in a seductive tone and did a 360 for a better look. You wanted to go off script so bad and straight out make out with him right now. You stood up and walked to him and looked at him and his body with longing eyes "You look so handsome my dear, it's a shame that you'll have to take off this later" pulling on the robe softly. Tom giggled and you placed some kisses on his neck softly going off script a little slowly bringing him to the bed "C/n?" "yes my dear?" "Do you love me?" "Of course I do my love!" "So... you wouldn't mind if I do this?" "Do what-" You were cut off by Tom's soft lips you naturally leaned into the kiss and placed tom onto the bed and got in between his legs  making out with him. "CUT!!" The director yelled and you pulled blushing so hard "Good work everyone! the director said "See ya at 30." everyone left.. You turned around to Tom and you felt someone grab your arms and pull you down onto the bed. Tom leaned in and whispered "Would you like to get dinner ye?" he spoke in a calming tone. "Yes dinner would be great!!" You gave Tom a huge smile and walked away.
Tommy Shelby: You are a leader of your own gang. You own clubs and bars but mostly the clubs bring you more money. Some of your men got into trouble with the Peaky Blinders, so you arranged a meeting with the Shelbys to try to solve this problem. Currently you're waiting in one of the private rooms in the club smoking and just out of space. "Sir the Shelby has arrived" one of your dancers says and leaves the room quietly to get him. Moments later Thomas Shelby comes into the room. You were hooked on his eyes and his body figure. You were barely listening only to some important things. "Do I make myself clear Mr L/n?" you took a minute to get yourself back together "Yeh" and you nod your head yes. "Good well I'll be off" Tommy says and starts to leave and one of the dancers starts to escort him to the exit.  Once he was out of an ear shot one of your favorite dancers says "Were you even listening?"  "Nope."
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blackinperiodfilms · 3 months
Outlaw Posse | Official Trailer
1908. CHIEF (Mario Van Peebles) returns from years of hiding in Mexico to claim stolen gold hidden in the hills of Montana. In his quest, he reunites an ensemble of fresh & familiar faces - together they fight off ANGEL, whose rationale to the gold leaves a trail of deception and dead bodies.
Cast: Mario Van Peebles, Mandela Van Peebles, Whoopi Goldberg, D.C Young Fly, Amber Reign Smith, John Carroll Lynch, Neil McDonough, Jake Manley, Allen Payne, Cam Gigandet, M. Emmet Walsh, with Edward James Olmos, and Cedric the Entertainer.
In THEATERS March 1st
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viennalingers · 5 months
cedric diggor:
nothing yet..
fred wesley:
nothing yet..
george wesley:
nothing yet
slythrin boys:
draco malfoy:
nothing yet..
blasie ( can’t spell his last name):
nothing yet..
theo not:
nothing yet..
tom riddle:
nothing yet..
mattheo riddle:
nothing yet..
you(tv show):
joe Goldberg:
nothing yet..
james potter:
nothing yet.
remus lupin:
regulas black:
nothing yet..
sirius black:
nothing yet..
lily evan’s:
nothing yet..
cameron monaghan:
penn badgely:
nothing yet..
tom blyth:
nothing yet..
andrew garfield:
nothing yet..
adam driver:
nothing yet..
cillian murthy:
nothing yet..
mads mikkelsen:
nothing yet..
jacob elorid:
nothing yet..
request over celebritys
only do fem reader reader has no specific look
request page:
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lulu2992 · 7 months
Last month, I also watched the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 100th Anniversary short film Once Upon A Studio, and I loved it.
It’s not the story I liked most; it was nice and cute, but nothing revolutionary or unexpected. What I loved was seeing and hearing all these familiar characters, especially the 2D-animated ones, again. I’m a fan of hand-drawn animation and really miss it, so I was happy to experience it once more, even if it was only for a few minutes.
I love traditional animation because it’s always felt more magical and “personal” to me. I missed seeing a character on screen and thinking, “I know who drew you”. Here, when Louis (The Princess and The Frog) appeared, I recognized his original supervising animator Eric Goldberg’s work. I also knew that impressive shot of Peter Pan and the Darling siblings flying around the building could only have been animated by James Baxter (his brain works in 3D; I don’t know how he does that but it’s always mind-blowing). And as a fan of Mulan, seeing her not only being animated by Mark Henn, whose style I think is unmistakable and who was her supervising animator in the 1998 movie, but also holding hands and singing with Snow White (the first Disney protagonist) and Asha (the latest Disney protagonist) was quite special and moving.
What’s also great is that you can tell they tried to remain as faithful as possible to each movie’s original visual style, which means characters, for the most part, really look like they’ve just come out of their respective films. Graphically speaking, the numerous protagonists all have their own identity (it clearly was the artists’ goal, and I think they achieved it), but the whole thing still looks surprisingly coherent. The vast majority of the original voice actors are back, which is a very nice touch as well.
I don’t know, I just think the care, skills, and passion of the people who worked on Once Upon A Studio were palpable, and that felt good. Their attention to detail is evident, and as someone who grew up watching hand-drawn animated movies and truly loves the artistry behind them, I appreciate that.
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garadinervi · 1 year
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James Joyce, (1922), Ulysses, «The Gabler Edition», Edited by Hans Walter Gabler, with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior, Afterword by Michael Groden, Vintage Books, New York, NY, 1986. Cover Design: Carin Goldberg
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abs0luteb4stard · 4 months
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luvmoonie · 1 year
men with their natural curly long hair is my favourite type of men
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jazzymarie1006 · 2 months
Can we knowledge the VERY different ways Lunella's three friends has entered her home?
We got Casey (who probably didn't know much about Lunella before being saved by her) being an surprise visitor, even introducing herself to Lunella's parents...
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We got Lunella actually inviting Mel-Varr/Marvin to her place for dinner. Which is ironically the most normal way a friend has entered her home...
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Then there's Eduardo who just straight up enters through THE WINDOW!!
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I absolutely love these kids!
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The Lion King (1994, Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff)
The Lion King is a 1994 animated film directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The 32nd Disney Classic, it was the fifth film released in the Disney Renaissance. It was produced by Don Hanh, and has a screenplay credited to Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts and Linda Woolverton. The original voices cast includes Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Moira Kelly, Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg and Jim Cummings. The story takes place in a kingdom of lions in Africa, and was influenced by William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. The film tells the story of Simba, a young lion who must take his father Mufasa's place as king, but after his evil uncle Scar kills Mufasa, the prince must stop him from conquering the Pride Lands and avenge his father.
With a total gross of over $968 million worldwide, it is the highest-grossing traditional animated film theatrically in history, the most successful 2D animated film in the United States, and the 39th feature film in the ranking of the highest-grossing films in the history of cinema. The Lion King earned two Oscars for its achievement in music and the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. Its songs, with an original score by Hans Zimmer, were written by composer Elton John and lyricist Tim Rice. The film was dedicated to Disney president Frank Wells, who had died in a helicopter crash on April 3, 1994.
A Broadway adaptation of the film debuted in 1997, winning six Tony Awards, including Best Musical.
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saystime · 1 year
Am the only one who know about the You(Netflix show) theory ?
If you don’t know, basically, the theory is ever since Joe got roofied by Forty everything in the show since then has been fake because he still high. When Forty first drugs him he writes certain time on his arm, but later in the episode, when you see the time again, it changed  showing that everything that’s happened it’s just a figment of Joe’s imagination.
Honestly, I could be super wrong about this, but he was planning on leaving Love so it makes sense for his imagination of her to be her as a villain during season three. Honestly, I feel like I’ve been going crazy because when I first noticed this, I thought they would show it was fake at the end of season two but they never did.
And before you ask yes if this is true, everything that happens during season three is completely fake.
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spookytuesdaypod · 5 months
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happy holidays, spookies! may your christmas eve dinner be exactly as exciting as the masons’
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sunnyunderstars · 2 months
random, barely comprehensible word vomit about in the gloaming
because i'm obsessed and in tons of pain
The entire movie maintains a heavy air, melancholy weighing in the contact the characters’ eyes share, yet make room for levity in Danny’s conversations with his mother.
Danny reflects on his past, yearning for what could’ve been. He’s unsure of whose remissness on the topic of his lover was to blame for what he didn’t have; His own, or his mother’s? 
What if he’d come out sooner? Could he have salvaged their relationship? Would it be just as he imagined? Could he have enraged his family and treated the arguments with a careless levity, just as he imagined? Could they have learned to love and accept each other, to hang each others’ ornaments in their family trees? Could they? Would they?
An analytical young man who, while glib in his words, knows.
She knows she’s messed up. She’s made too many lapses in her life. She wasn’t as inquisitive as she should have been. But it’s too late to worry about that now. She needs to be with her baby in the now. She needs to shut out everything she couldn’t mend, she needs to be with her baby.
Non-confrontational–We don’t need to talk about it right now. We just have to deal with it. This is the way things are.
You can’t change the past, but you may the future.
Anne’s life, from a childhood of being a glass door to her brother who had the favor of their mother that she tried so desperately to earn, feels like it’s culminating to this; Mother’s favor turning into more than just favor. She shields her child and withholds love because of the damage inflicted on her by her mother, as though Danny turned out the way he did because of excessive love from their mother, as though her child may turn out the same way if he comes into contact with him. Unresolved. 
No matter what she does, how many wonderful things she does in her life, no accomplishment could hold a candle to dying. She’d officially lost.
He who cares for his family so deeply but has no way to express it. He who has a bottled ardor for his child but can’t find the means to connect in the same way he sees in his wife; Is it too late? Did he wait too long to realize their relationship could never have been “normal?” Was it enough to bring out the lamb and grow the tomatoes? Was he too late?
Four people separated by more than just miles.
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